My greatest debt is to the late Professor Pauline Maier of MIT; this book exists because she saw the need for it. When Dan Coquillette completed the fifth volume of the Quincy papers, he and I both thought that brought an end to the project. Pauline was convinced we needed a sixth volume, gathering together Quincy’s correspondence and published writings. As chair of the publications committee for the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, she joined with editor John Tyler to invite me to take it on and I agreed most eagerly; hence what you have in hand.

    Pauline offered her own insights on Quincy and generously worked her connections to help me find any Quincy pieces that had eluded my earlier searches. A few did turn up. Heading the list of those who dug out these gems are Christopher Damiani and David Haugaard at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Maurita Baldock and Tammy Kiter at the New-York Historical Society. Ed Fitzgerald at the Quincy Historical Society, Professor James Cameron of Eastern Nazarene College, Nancy Carlisle and Melinda Huff at Historic New England, Jeanne Solensky at the Winterthur Library, and J. L. Bell, whose blog “Boston 1775” is an Internet treasure trove, also assisted along the way. Even though we came up empty-handed, I am also grateful to Tracey Kry at the American Antiquarian Society, Karen DePauw at the Connecticut Historical Society, and Halley Cella at the South Carolina Historical Society, for their answers to my queries.

    My visits to the Massachusetts Historical Society library have gone from annual to semi-annual over the past few years, and I thank Conrad Edick Wright, Peter Drummey, Elaine Grublin, Anne Bentley, and Daniel Hinchen for their patience with me. I could only make those trips because of funding available to me as a Karl G. Maeser Professor of General Education at BYU, and then, after my term in that chair ended, with the resources that came from my being a Mary Lou Fulton Professor within my college at BYU. I was also able to make another trip to London and purchase books, microfilms, and photocopies that otherwise would have been beyond my means.

    Thanks too are owed–and offered here–to my department chair, Don Harreld, Julie Radle, who actually runs the department, and to colleague Paul Kerry, who has never doubted that historical editing is important work. And since I can be certain this is the last Quincy volume that I will be producing for the CSM, I once again thank John Tyler, the tireless editor who started it all and has too often put aside his own work on Thomas Hutchinson to help me and others. John teamed me with Dan Coquillette, a constant source of inspiration; it is an honor to once again share a title page with Dan. I was also fortunate that Jane Ward handled the copy-editing as expertly she did on the first volume. Paul Hoffmann provided the exceptionally fine design for this volume and Kate Mertes the index.

    And, finally, I must include my wife, Carole, in this list. She has always found Josiah Quincy’s dedication to public service inspiring, the relationship between Josiah and Abigail Quincy touching, and the determination of Eliza Susan Quincy impressive. They were remarkable; so is she.