book i: 1699–1727

fig. 2: The opening page of the records of the Apponegansett Friends Monthly Meeting Records, 1699. Courtesy of the Dartmouth at Smith’s Neck Monthly Meeting.


At a monthly meeting of friends


At a mens meeting in the Town of Dartmouth held


Day of the 11 month1 1698/9 at the House of John Lapham


we underwritten Peleg Slocum Jacob Mott Abraham


Tucker and John Tucker the day and year above written


undertakes to build a meeting House for the people of


God in scorn Called Quakers 35 foot long 30 foot wide


and 14 foot studs; To worship and serve the true and


Living God in according as they are persuaded in Continu[?]


they ought to Do and for no other use Intent or


Purpos but as aforesd and when one or more of us


decease then imediately the survivers chose others in our


room together with the consent of the assembly of the


said people so to be and Remain to us and then for Ever


as aforesd and when sd Houle Which sd House shall be


Compleatly finished at or before the 10 day of the 8 month


next insuing the date herof in witness here to we ~~


Subscribe our names with our own hands.


And furthe we of the said society of people towards


the building of sd house of our free will Contribute


as followeth


John Tucker – – – – –



Peleg Slocum – – – – –



John Lapham – – – – –



Nathanael Howland –



Abraham Tucker – – –



Increas Allen – – – – –



Ebenezer Allen – – – –



Eleazer Slocum – – – –



Jacob Mott – – – – – –



Benjamin Howland – –



Richard Evens – – – –



Judah Smith – – – – –



At A Monthly Meeting of friends at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 26th of the 4m 1699


It was A good that there should be A further Contri-


bution towards the defraying the Charge of boulding the


Meeting house: and there was subscribd – – – 12£–18s–00d


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 24th of the 5m 1699.


John Hodly and Mary Slocumb did lay there intention


of mariag before this meeting and the meeting Chose-


John Layspham & Jacob Mott to make inquiry about their – –


Clearnes Concerning mariage and bring in their answers


to the next monthly meeting


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of – –


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 24th of the 6m 1699


and this meeting Called upon John Lapham & Jacob Mott


for to give in their answer Concerning John Hodly and


Mary Slocumb their Clearness Concerning Mariage


their answer is that they find nothing that may hinder


their proseding: and John Hodly & Mary Slocumb also


Came this second time still signifiing their intention of


and desired their answer & this meeting finding nothin


that may hinder their intention: they had their answer


that they might prosed to take oath other in the mariag


according to the good order of truth:


and Valintine Hudolstun [Hudleston] & Nathaniel Howlan[d] ar Chosd


to atend the quarterly meeting at Rhodeisland.


An acount of the quarterly meetings at Rhodeisland


is the first third day of the first month and the first


third day of the 4m and the first third day of the 7m


and the first third day of the 10m


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of Peleg


Slocumb in Dartmouth the 18th of the 7m 1699


there was inquiri made if there was any business &


there was propounded something Concerning suffer-


-ing for not training and it was agreed that they shoud


try for som thing from under the Clarks hand & bring the


return to the next monthly meeting2


[blank space]


At A Monthly Meeting of friends^holdon at the house of the


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 13th of the 9m 1699


it is agreed that our fourth day meeting next before our


monthly meeting is to be Cept [kept] at Cockest [Acoaxet]3 one day at Stephen


Willcocks next at Jeams [James] Tripps and so by turn Continuing


this insuwing number


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holden at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 11th of the 10m 1699


there was inquiri made whether there was any busi-


nes & no busines appeared


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 8th of the 11m 1699


and there was Contributed sixteen shiling & eightpence


whereof fiften shiling was paid fo a book for the uuse


of the meeting for the recording births mariages and


deaths of friends


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 5th of the 12m 1699


John Lapham junor & Mary Russel did lay their intention


of mariage before this meeting – –


and Nathaniel Howland and Abraham Tucker ar Chos


to Enquire in to their Clearness Concerning marriage


and bring in their answer to the next monthly meeting



At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 4th of the 1m 1700


and this meeting Called upon Nathaniel Howland and


Abraham Tucker for to give in their answer Concerning


John Lapham junr & Mary Russel their Clearness Concerning


mariag their answer is that they find nothing that may


hinder their prosedings and John Lapham junor & Mary Russel


also came this second time still signifiing their intention


in mariag and desire their answer and this meeting


finding nothing that may hinder intention they had their


answer that they might proseed to take each other in


mariage according to the good order of truth


and Stephen Willcock & John Tucker are Chose to atend


the quarterly meeting


At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 1th of the 2m 1700


it is agreed that the fourth day meeting at Coakset


Shall continue there tell [till?] the meeting see Cause to


removed[?] it


At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house of –


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 29th of the 2m 1700


it is further agreed that their [there] be a further contribution


towards the finis[h]ing of our meeting house: – –

£  s  d


and there was subscribed – – – – –



At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 27th of the 3th month 1700)


there was Chose Vollintin [Valentine] Huddlston & John Lapham to


attend the quarterly meeting and Jacob Mott &


John Tucker to attend the yearly meeting


At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 24th of the [illegible] 4m 1700)


there was inquiry mad[e] whether there was any busines


to this meeting and the answer was none – – – – –


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 22th of the 1700)


and no busines apeared – – – – –


At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 19th of the 6mo 1700)


and no busines did appear – – – – –


At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 16th of the 7mo 1700)


and no busines did appear – – – – –


At A monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 14th of the 8mo 1700)


and no busines did appear – – – – –


(1700) At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 11th of the 9mo 1700) the [ma


rryings?] of Hugh Copothit from from flushin [Flushing4] was Red [read?]


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 9th of the 10mo 1700)


inquiri was made if there was any busines and the answer


was none


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 6th of the 11mo 1700)


Abraham Booth and Abigail Howland did lay their intention


of Mariage before this meeting and they were desired


to wait tell [till] the next monthly meeting for their answer and


Peleg Slocumb & Stephen Wilcock was Chose to inspect into


their Clearness & bring in their answer to the next – –


monthly meeting


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 3th of the 12mo 1700)


Abraham Booth & Abigail Howland appeared the second


time &^ desired their answer and things being clear their


answer was that they might take each other when they


see time Conveniant in the good order of truth – – – – –



At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb the 3th of the 1m 1701)


and no business did appear – – – – –


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 31th of the 1mo 1701)


it is agreed that our meeting begin at the Eleventh


hower [hour]


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 28th of the 2mo 1701)


and no business did appear – – – – –


At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 26th of the 3mo 1701)


and Nathaniel Howland & John Tucker was Chose to


attend the quarterly meeting and Peleg Slocumb


& Jacob Mott was Chose ^to attend the yearly meeting – –




At A monthly meeting holdon at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 23th of the 4mo 1701)


and no busines did appear – – – – –


At A monthly meeting holden at the house of Peleg


Slocumb in Dartmouth the 21th of the 5mo 1701)


and no business appeared – – – – –


At A monthly meeting holden at the house of Peleg


Slocumb in Dartmouth the 18th of the 6mo 1701)


and Jacob Mott & Stephen Wilcock was Chose to attend


the quarterly meeting next – – – – –


At A monthly meeting of friend holden at the hous of – –


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 15th of the 7mo 1701)


this meeting has given out two sertificates one to Peleg


Slocumb and one to Stephen Wilcock – – – – –


At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 13th of the 8mo 1701)


and no business appeared – – – – –


At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 10th of the 9mo 1701)


and no busines appeared – – – – –


At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house of


Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 8th of the 10mo 1701)


and no business appeared


At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house


of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 5th of the 11mo 1701)


and no business appeared


At a monthely meeting of friends held at Peleg Slocoms


house in Dartmouth the 2nd of the 12th month 1701)


Wee have received three papers in answer to ~


george keaths great Sheet5 and two other books frinds


in philadelphia at a monthely meeting of friends held at the


the 2nd of the first month (Hous of Peleg Slocum in Dartmouth



Jacob mott and Peleg Slocum are chose to atend the


quarterly meetin



At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of


Peleg Slocom in Dartmouth the 30th of the first month 1702


and inquiry being made and no business appeared – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at the hous of Peleg Slocum


In Dartmouth the 7th[?] of the 2mo 1702


Inquirey being made if their was [illegible] bussiness to this meeting


And the answer was no business


A[t] a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg


Slocum in Dartmouth the 28th of the 3mo 1702


where as their is a concarne [concern] about friends serving in office


as Jureymen and other officeses whereas at present wee can


not be admitted to Sarve [serve] with out Swaring it is therefor agreed


by this meeting that friends should make their Redress to the


Jenerale [General] Court at boston for releife6 – –


And Benjamin howland and Stephen Willcock are


chosen to atend the next qu’ly meeting and Jacob Mott and


John Tucker are chose to attend the yearly meeting. – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg


Slocum in Dartmouth the 22nd of the 4mo 1702


Nathanel howland and John Tucker was chose for to goe


to deliver our petition to the govenor at boston – –


And Isaac newson[?] and Timothey Davise[?] appeared for ~~


Sepecan [Sippican?]7 meeting – –


And william wood and Elizer Smith are Chose to make in=


quirey into James tripp his clearness concarning marriadg and


to bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting at freinds held at the home of peleg


Slocum in Dartmouth the 20th of the 5mo 1702


and the mee[t]ing reckned with Thomas brigs jnr[?] for keep-


ing the meeting house and paid him for the same – –


And the making up the accounts with the meeting is referd


to the next monthely meeing – – – – –


At a monthely meeing of friends held at the house of Peleg


Slocum in Dartmouth the 17th of the 6mo 1702. – –


Jacob Mott and Peleg Slocum was chose for to atend the


quarterly meeting next


At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg Slocum


in Dartmouth the 14th of the 7mo 1702 – –


Nathanel howland and John Tucker are Chosen to


goe to the Asembley for to spake to our pertition – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at the house of Peleg Slocum


in Dartmouth the 12th of the 8mo 1702


the yearly meeting Epistle from our freinds in london [illegible]


rend[?] to the comfort of friends – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg


Slocom in Dartmouth the 9th of the 9th mo. 1702 – –


Ralph Chapman and Deliverance Slocum layed


their Intention of marrige be fore this meeting and


they was desired to wait til the next meeting for this answer


And william Soul and Benjamin howland was chose


to see into their clearnes and to bring in theys[?] answer to


the next monthley meeting – –


And Benjamin howland and John Tucker was chosen to


atend the quarterly meeting next – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at the house of peleg


Slocum in dartmouth the 7th:10mo 1702


Ralph Chapman and Deliverance Slocum appeared the


Second time for their answer and things being clear their answer


was that they might take Each other when they see con-


veniant in the order of truth – –


And this meeting refers the mat[t]er concarning the bu[i]lding


a mee[t]ing hous of Providance to the next monthely meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friend held at the house of Peleg


Slocum in Dartmouth the 4th of the 11th mth 1702 – –


Jacob mott and Eliazar Slocum are Chosen to agree with


Rhoad Island meeting About bu[i]lding a meeting house at


Providance – –


And Deliveranc Smith William Soul Eliezar Smith and


And Abraham Tucker are chose to agree with a carpendor


to bu[i]ld an addition to the meeting house – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at the house of Peleg Slocum


in Dartmouth the first day of the 12th mth 1702/3 – –


Nathanel Chase and Abigal Shearman did lay thir Intention


of marrig before the mee[t]ing and they wer desired to wait


for thir answer untel the next monthly meeting – –


And Nathanel howland and Eliazer Slocum was Chosen


to Inspect into their clearness and bring in their answer to


the next monthely meeting – – – – –



At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of


Peleg Slocum in Dartmouth the first day of the 1[?] mo 1703


Peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are


chosen to atend the quarterly meeting next – –


And Nathanel howland and Elizear Slocum brought in


their answer consarning nathanel Chace and Abigal


Shearman that they find nothing that may hinder their In


tentions of marrig and the aforesd Nathanel Chase and


Abigal Shearman appeared the second time desiring an answer


and things being Clear the answer of the monthly was that they


might proceed to tak[e?] Each other in the order of truth


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at the house of Peleg


Slocum in Dartmouth 29th[?] of the first moth 1703 – –


and inquirey being made no business appeared – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg Slocum


in Dartmouth the 26th[?] of the second month 1703


and thir [there] was no business – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friend held at the hous of Peleg Slocum


in Dartmouth the 24th of the 3rd mth 1703 – –


and our monthely meeting is ordered to be ceept[?] [kept?] at our


meeting hous – –


And Jacob mott nathanal howland and John Tucker are


chosen to Atend the quarterly meeting and year-ly meet


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting hous


in Dartmouth the 21st of the 4th mth 1703 – –


Joseph Russell jnr[?] and marey Tucker layd their Intent-


ions of marrig befor this meeting – –


and they wer desiered to tarey [tarry?] for their answer tel the


next monthely meeting.


Eliezar Slocum and Nathanel howland are? chosen to Inspect


Into their Clearness and bring in their answer to the next


monthely meeting – –


nine shillings and four-penc rceived for books and 10 books=




At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 19th of the 5th mth 1703 – –


Joseph Russell jnr[?] and Marey Tucker came the second


time for their answer as to their former Intintion of marrig


and things being clear they had their answer that they


might prosed to take Each other in the good order of truth.


And Jacob Mott John tucker and Benjamin howland


are chose to Inspect into the lives and conversations of such


as profes truth – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 16th of the 6th mth 1703


Stephen Willcock and nathanel howland are chosen to


Attend the quarterly meeting next


And Eliezar Slocum and Eliezar Smith are chose to attend the


yearly meeting at Salam [Salem] next.


And the business cosarning Ebenezer Allin [w]ho not being her[e] is Refered


to the next monthely meeting and John Lapham william


wood are Chose to Inspect into the [illegible] and Conversation


of freinds for this folowing month


[4 line illegible insertion]


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the 11th of the 8th mth 1703 – –


John Lapham and Deliverance Smith are Chosen to Enspect=


into the report consarning Ebenezar Allins beating and abus=


ing of an Indian and bring in their answer to the next monthey meeting.


and John Tucker and nathanel howland are chose to spake


with Thomas Brigs about his being ofended with Some for report


ing that he keept a rude house and to bring in their answer


to the next monthely meeting and they are allso apoynt=


ed to Enspect Into the lives and conversations of friends


for this folowing month – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the 8th of the 9th mth 1703.


William Bourn and hannah Shearman did lay their In=


tention of marrag be for this meeting and they wer desired to


wait untel the next monthley meeting for their answer – –


Benjamin howland and Nathanel howland are chosen to


Inspect into their clearness and bring in their answer


to the next monthely meeting.


Peleg Slocom and Increes allin are chosen to Inspect in


to the lives and conversations of friends for the folowing


month – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the 5th of the 10th mth 1703 – –


and the friends that was chosen to wit John Lapham


and Deliverance Smith to Inspect in to the deferance be


tween Ebenezer allin and an Indian called Jeremiah


was called to give in their answer and their answer is


that they find that Ebenezer allin did beat and abuse the


Sd Indian as the report was.


and after freinds had long laboured In Love and much ten=


derness to show him the sd allin his rashness and Eror


he did at last condem it and say that he was sorey for it – –


Peleg Slocum and Abraham Tucker are Chosen to attend


the quartorly meeting.


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the third day of the 11th mth 1703 – –


William Wood Deliverance Smith and John Tucker


are Chosen to Inspect into the lives and conversations


of friends for this folowing month.


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the one and thirtyeth day of the 11th[?] mth 1703 – –


and their was no business appeared – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the twenty third of the twelveth month 1703 – –


Peleg Slocum nathaneel howland and Increas allien are to


attend the next quartorly meeting – –


and Eliezer Slocum Benjamin howland and John Tucker


are chosen to furder Inspect into the business betwixt Josiah=


merehow and John fish and bring in their answer to the next


monthely meeting. – –


William Wood nathaneel howland and Eliezar Slocom are


chosen to Inspect into the lives and conversations of freinds for


this month Insuing8 – –


And the business consarning Thomas gachel is refered to the next


monthly meeting that if aney freind have aney thing upon his


mind to labour furder with him thay may have time to clear


themselves and truth[?] of him. – – – – –



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the 27th of the first month 1704 – –


this meeting hath made up their accounts with Eleiezer=


Smith for his work about the meeting house and have


payed him – –


And John Russell and Rebeckah Ricketson did lay their


Intention of marrige before this meeting, and they was desired to


tarey untel the next monthely meeting for their answer – –


nathaneel howland and william Soul are chosen for to In=


spect into their Clearness and bring in their answer to the


next monthely meeting – –


and to Inquier into henrey tucker his clearness consarning


marrig and bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – –


and Stephen willcock Deliverance Smith and Benjamin


howland are chosen for to go to John fish and his wife to lab=


our furder with them to shew them their shortness In speak=


ing rash words to Josiah merehow – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our mee[t]ing house in Dartmouth


the 24th of ye second month 1704 – –


John Russell and Rebeaca Reketson came for their answer and


things being clear the meetings answer was that they – –


might prosceed according to their Intentions and take each other


In the order of truth


and John Tucker and Benjamin howland are chosen to draw


up something consarning thomas gatchel his disorderly walk


ing – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house


in Dartmout[h] the 22 [illegible] of third month 1704 – –


Jonathan Devel [Davol] william Soul John Lapham Jnr william wood


and Judah Smith and Robert gifford are chosen to hear and


and determin the deferance between nathaneel howland and


John Peckham – –


and Jacob Mott Increase allin and Stephen Willcock are chosen to


hear and determin the deferance between Eliezar Smith and Nathan-


eel howland – –


And Peleg Slocumb and John Tucker chosen to atend the quartorly


meeting next – –


and nathaneel howland and John Tucker are chosen to atend


the yearl[y] meeting at Rhoad Island


And Peleg Slocum Incres Allin Benjanin howlan John Tucker


James tripp and william wood are chosen to Inspect into the lives


and Conversations of freinds for the half year Insuing, – –


And Jacob mott Increase Allin and Stephen Willcock have Ended the


deferance between Eliezar Smith and nathanieel howland – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the 19th of ye 4th mth 1704 – –


Eliashib Smith and dinah Allin of Sandwich did lay their In=


tention of marrige befor the meetin


And Benjamin allin and deborah Russell did lay their Inten


tion of marrige before the meeting. and they wer all desired to


stay untel the next monthely meeting for their answer – –


and William Soul and John Lapham Jnr [?]are chosen to Inspect Into their Clearness


and bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – –


John lapham william Soul Deliverance Smith [illegible] Jacob


mott Eliezar Slocom and william wood ar chosen to hear


the deferance between Ebenezer allien and Nathaneel howland


And to End the Same – –


and the six freinds above named have heard determined and


Ended the above said deferance between Ebenezer allin and


and nathaneel howland – – – – –


At a monthley meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth the 17th of the 5th mth. 1704 – –


and the six friends that was chosen last third month


to hear and determined the deferance between nathaneel


howland and John Peckham and their answer is that


they have heard determined and Ended sd deferance – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of frds held at our meeting hous


in Dartmouth the twenty first day of the 6th mth 1704


Peleg Slocum and John Tucker are chosen to atend


Salam [Salem] yearly meeting – –


and Stephen willcock and Benjamin howland are


chosen to attend the quarterly meeting next at rhoad Island


And Eliashib Smith and Dinah Allin [Allen] and Benjamin Allin [Allen]and deborah


Russell came to this meeting and desired answer to their former In


tentions signefieing they wer still of the same mind – –


and friends finding things clear the answers to them all was


that they might proseed to take each other in marrig according


to the good order of truth – –


and that when young people first lay their Intintion of marrig


befor the monthely meeting that they have their parents consent first – –


and John tucker and Eliezar Slocom are chosen to agree with


a friend to keep the meeting house this insuing year – –


And Eliezer Slocom and nathaneel howland ar chosen to


furder labour with John Summers to Shew him his Errour


ahere faloweth a coppey of the abovesaid dinah allins [Allen] sertifecate


from our freinds at Sandwich – –


Whereas Dinah Aallin [Allen] desired of this meeting a cirtificate of her


clearness from any man concerning marriage these are to


signifie to aney men and womans meeting where these


may come that Dinah Allien [Allen] aforesaid is as fare as wee can


understand clear from aney[?] Ingagement in marriege


to aney man.


this from our men and womens meetings at william Allins


In sandwich this 5 day of 6 mth 1704

Marey Wing


William Allin [Allen]

John Goodsped

Bathsheba Allin


Robert Harpar

Priseila Allin

Lydia Dillingham


Zacriah Jenkens

Mary Gifford

Rest Perry


John Wing

Mary Hoxly

Debroah Wing


James Mills

Abiah Jenkins

Dorethy Butler


Daniel Allin

Marey bowerman

Sarah Cilla


At a monthely meeting of frds held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the 18th of ye 7th month 1704 – –


Eliezer Smith and Benjamin Howland are chosen to – –


attend the yearly meeting at Situate– –


William Soul Nathaneel Howland Stephen Willcock


And and John tucker are chosen to writ answer to


the lettar that was sent from old England to this


meeting Consarning John Summors. – –


And John Lapham John Richmand Deliverance Smith


Stephen Willcock and Peleg Slocum are chosen to


speke with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] concarning his desorder[?]=


ly Speches at the town house – –


Peleg Slocum and John tucker ar chosen to labour furder


with John fish and his wife for to condem their spekinig [speaking?]


to Josiah merehow [Merihew] as they Did concarning a bill – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 20th day of the 9th mth 1704 – –


the defferance about John fish is rfered to the nex meeting


whereas their is a defferance between Ebenezer Allin [Allen]


and Nathaneel Howland. the meeting mak[e]s Choice


of Jonahan Devel [Davol] William Wood John lapham Jur


Judah Smith Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and Eliezer Slocom [Slocum]


to End all defferances between them lands Excepted and bring


In thir answer to the next monthly meeting – –


and the meeting Desired our freinds Richard Eastes [Estes] and his


brother Mathew Estes to Spake with Danil Zacharies to


know the charge which he hath ben at about the prison=


ers – –


and Eliezer Slocom and Nathaneel Howland are Chosen


to attend the quartorly meeting next – –


Benjamin Howland and William Wood are Chosen to


End the defferance between Christepher Gifford and


Richard kerby and between Christepher Gifford and


his wife and John kerby and bring in their answer


to the next monthely meeting


At a monthely meeting held at our meeting hous In dartmouth


the 18th of the 10th mth 1704 – –


the buseness about John fish and his wife is refered to


the next monthely meeting – –


and the Judgment concarning Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and


Nathaneel Howland is Referend [Referred?] to the next month=


ly meeting – –


friends at Cokset have desired to have the first day meeting


for this wentor [winter] amongst themselves Except the first day


befor[e] the monthely meeting and it is granted and their weekly


mee[t]ing to be on the fift[h] day of the week


At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In dartmouth


the 15th of the 11th mth 1704


This meeting haveing received a letter from Richard and


Mathew Estes Consarning what Daniel Zacharies[?] hath ben


out about the priseners [prisoners] and he hath keept no account so


this meeting desiers [desires] the priseners to draw up an acount


and bring it into the next monthely meeting9 – –


and James burril [Burrel] and mehetable Russell widow did lay


their Intentions of marriag[e] befor[e] the meeting – –


and they were desired to wait tel the next monthely meeting


for their answer – –


and peleg Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to I[n]spect


into their Clearness and bring in their account to the next monthely meeting – –


and this meeting doth take up with what John fish and


wife hath given. In condeming what they said to Josiah


Merehow about a bill and that it be pased by and no more


said about it – –


and Eliezer Slocom and John lapham the younger are Chose


to Inspect Into John Smiths Clearness in order that he ~~


may have a Sertfecate [Certificate] both of his life and Conversation


and allso of his Clearness Consarning marriage – – – – –


at a monthely meeting o freinds held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 19th of the 12th mth 1704 – –


James Burril and Mehetable Russell widow came


befor this meeting for answer to their Intentions and[?]


befor the last monthely meeting signefieing they were


Stil of the Same mind. – –


And friends finding things clear they had ther an=


swer that they might proceed and take Each other in


the Order of Truth.


and allso care hath ben taken for her former husbands chi-


Child and the Estate Secured for him – –


And petter [Peter] Easton of newport on Rhoad Island and Content


Slocum of Dartmouth did lay their Intintions of marriage


before the meeting and they was desired to stay until


the next monthely meeting for an answer – –


William Soul [Soule, Sowle] and John Lapham Jur are Chosen to


Inspect into their Clearness. And bring In their answer


to the next monthely meeting – –


and peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are Chisen

fig. 3: The first meeting house for Apponegansett was built in 1699. The existing structure dates from 1791.

© Copyright Jean Schnell


to Atend the quartorly meeting next. and Elizer [Elezer?] Smith


and peleg Slocum ar chosen to atend the yearly meet


ing at Sandwich. – – – – –




Coppey of John Smiths Cirteficate – –


these are to satesfy all freinds where these may com[e]


that our friend John Smith haveing a desir[e] for some


time to goe to Sea. and now haveing a sutabl [suitable?] opertunety


for an Employ with our friend Mathew Eastes [Estes] – –


the Sd John Smith Did lay his design befor our last ~~


monthely meeting. that he might have the meetings


Conscent and freinds haveing Considred of it and Seeing noth


nothing that may Justly hender him he haveing Such


an opertunety for an Imploy for a livelyhood – –


and wee can give this furder testmony cocarning [concerning] him: that he hath


ben a man of a sober life and Conversation amongst us


and hath walked as becometh the truth. – –


and allso that he is Clear from all women Conserning – –




[middle third of page is blank]



At our meeting house I At a monthely meeting held at


our meeting house In Dartmouth the 19th of the first mth 1705 – –


Petter [Peter] Easton and Content Slocum apeared the Second


time before this meeting to receive answer to their pro=


posials laid before the last monthly meeting – –


an Inquirey being made Into their Clearness and nothing


appearing to hender their Intentions the meeting givs


them an answer that they might prosceed to take


Each other In the order of truth – –


and Increas Allin [Increase Allen] william wood and James burril [Burrel]


are Chosen to inquire[?] into the lives and Conversations o friends for this


Insuing month


and her[e] faloweth the coppey of petter Estons [Peter Eastons] Certificate from the


monthely meeting at Rhoad Island – –


whereas peater [Peter] Easton of newport on Rhoad Island Son of ~~


weston and Rebecah Clark of Said newport hath as wee un=


derstand by the Approbation of his Sd parents desired a Certificate


of us to say the monthely meeting of Disapline he being in ~~


persuance of marriage as wee understand with Content the


daughter of peleg Slocom [Slocum] and marey [Mary?] his wife of Dartmouth


these are therfore to Certifie all whom it may concern


that wee haveing made Enquirey according to truth and find


nothing to the contrary but that he is clear of Entanglement with


aney women so fare as wee know Except said Content. and


as for his Conversation for time past hath been sober according


to truth and Semes [seems] well Inclind and freequents freinds meet=


ings both of worship and of Disapline and wee have ~


nothing to object against his Enclination according to


his proposial and wee desir his welfare and Remaine


your friend in the truth.


Signed by order and apoyntment of our monthely mens


meeting at newport on Rhoad Island the 27th of the


twelvth month 174/5 [sic] – –


Danil Gould

Tho Cornell

Thomas hicks


Jacob Mott

John Borden

Samuell Hicks


Walter Clark

William Barker

John Hedley


John Allin [Allen]

William Anthony

William freeborne


John Easton seenor

Preserved fish

Samuell Easton


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 16th of the Second month 1705 – –


James Burril Increes Allin [Increase Allen] William Wood are Chosen


to Inspect into the lives and Conversations of them that


prophes [profess?] truth


At a monthely meeting of frinds held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the twenty first day of the thurd month 1705 – –


James Burriel Increes Allin and William Wood are


Chosen to mak[e] Inquirey Into the lives and Conversations


of them that prophes truth


And whereas their is a Complaint by Christepher Giford [Christopher Gifford] to this


meeting Consarning William Macumbers Ronging [wronging] him.


Where upon the meeting made shoyce [choice] of John Tucker


peleg Slocum and Deliverance Smith to hear and In=


spect Into the truth of the above said Comeplaint and give


In their Answer to the next monthely meeting – –


And the six friends that was Chosen to End the deferance be=


tween Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and nathaneel Howland have given


In their determination that Ebenezar Allin is to blame Con=


carning Sd Deferance and Nathaneel Howland was to blame


for not rateing himself for money that he had at youce [use] – –


And peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John Tucker


are Chosen to attend the next yea[r]ly meeting – –


and Ebenezer Allin not being Satesfied with the Judgment


of the meeing meeting doth apele [appeal] to the quartorly meeting


for a furder hearing which is granted – –


and that all the papers that Ebenezer allin [Allen] hath given


In Concarning Said deferance are to be delivered to John =


Tucker for him to Deliver to the quortorly meeting as their


may be ocasion – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting haus In


Dartmouth the 18th of the 4th mth 1705


the three freinds was Called upon that was Chosen to In=


spect Into the Conversations of them that prophese [profess?]


truth and their answer is they find nothing but that


things are weel – –


and the Same are Conteneued [Continued] for this Ensuing month


And peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock and John =


Tucker are Chosen to make Sarch [search?] whuther: – –


Christpher gifford hath hade gospel order and dew [due?] ad=


monition given him; and if they find that he hade


then they are to Draw up his Condemnation against


the next monthely meeting – –


and peleg Slocum Deliverance Smith John Tucker


John Lapham William Soul [Soule] and Eliezar Slocom [Slocum]


are Chosen to hear and [Determine?] the Deferance be ~~


tween William Macumber[?] [crease in ms.] and Chrstepher Gifford


and give in their answer [to?] the next monthely meeting – –


And peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are Chosen


to goe to Sepecan to know the Re[a]son whey they have not


atended the montheley meeting and give in their answer


to the next monthely meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the 16th of the 5th mth 1705 – –


the three frinds that was Chosen the last monthely meeting


[to?] Inspect into the lives and conversations of friends – –


was Called upon and their answer was that they find nothing


but that things are preaty weell – –


And the same three freinds are Continiued for this Insuing month


and peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock James Burriel [Burrel] and


John Tucker are Chosen to Enquire In to Jacob Motts Clear=


ness In order that he may have a Certificate drawn against


the next monthely meeting – –


And the two friends that was Chosen the last monthely to


go to Sepecan are Stil Continued to preform the Sam[e] Sarvice


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the [?]th day of the 6 mth 1705 – –


Edward perrey [Perry] of Sandwich and Eliphel Smith the dau


daughter of Eliezar Smith of Dartmouth did lay their In=


tenti[o]ns of marriage befor this meeting and friends desired


them to wait untel the next monthely meeting for their


answer – –


and Eliezer Slocum are Chose to Inquier In to their Clear


ness and bring In their answer to the next monthely meeting – –


and William Wood Eliezer Slocum and John Tucker


are Chosen to Enspect Into the lives and Conversations


of friends for this Insuing month


and abraham Tucker and benjamin Howland are


Chosen to atend the quorterly meeting ––


Eliezar Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to at-


tend the yearly meeting […ouse?; illegible] – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmout[h] the Seventeenth day of Seventh month 1705 – –


Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John tucker are Chose to know


the Reason why Some of our freinds at rochester have


desarted our meeting of disepline and give In their answer


to the next monthely meeting – –


and Edward perrey [Perry] and Eliphel Smith appeared the


Second time In order to receive answer to their proposials


laid before the last monthely meeting Signefing they was


Stel of the Same mind.


and Inquirey being made according to the order of truth


and nothing appearing to hender their Intentions they


had their answer from this meeting that they might


proceed according to their Intentions and take Each other


In the order of truth


And William Wood Eliezar Slocum and John Tucker


are Chosen to In Spect into the Lives and Conversations


o[f] friends for this Ensuing month – –


Stephen Willcock Eliezar Slocum and J nn  – –


John Tucker are Chosen to atend Situate [Scituate] meeting – –


hear faloweth the coppy of Edward perreys Sertinecate[?] [Certificate]


concarning his clearness in ma—age [marriage]


to our freinds and Brethren at Dartmouth wee


Send greeting


Where as our friend Edward perrey [Perry] appeared at our


last monthely meeting and Did desir[e] of us a Cirtifi=


cate of his Clearness in marrige in ordor their unto ~~


freinds apoynted two friends to Inquire into his Clear=


ness and haveing made Inquiery and do:not find


nothing but that he is Clear from aney Intanglment


withth [sic] aney women heere.


their for these are to Signifye that wee have unity with


him and Desir his welfare. and Remain your freinds


and bretheren In the unchangable truth.


Sandwich the Seventh of the 7th month 1705


William Allin [Allen]

Richard landars

Abiah[?] Jenkins


ludwick Hoxie

[illegible] Wing

lydia Dillingham


Danil Allin

[illegible] perry

[illegible] holway


John Dilingham

Willi[am?] Wing

Rest[?] perrey [Perry]


Stephen harper

[illegible] allin

Dorethey butlar[?]


thomas Bowerman

Mary hoxie

Experance Bowerman


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 11th of the 8th mth 1705 – –


Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are Still


Continued to Spake with Sepecan friends according


to the apoyntment of the last monthely meeting – –


and a paper allso was Read in this meeting Concarning


Bu[i]lding of a meeting house at Salam. Wherein they desir[e]


Som asisstance from our monthely meeting where up=


on this meeting toock it in to their Considration In


order to return freinds an Answer as Soon as


conveniatly freinds Can. – –


And it is proposed that friends Should have a ~~


Colection Every monthely meeting for to defray


the nesesarey Charges that may arise amongst freinds


and peleg Slocum Stephen Willco[c]k [Wilcox] and Benjamin


Howland are Chosen and added to John Tucker to


peruse the monthely meeting minits and what


they Shall think Convienient to order them to be


Cometted to Record – –


John tucker William Wood and Eliazer Slocum


are Chosen to Inspect into the lives and conversa=


tions of fr[ien]ds


At a monthely meeting of friends held our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 19th of the 9th mth 1705


and whereas it was proposed the last monthely ~~


meeting that freinds Should have a monthely Colect=


ion and this meeting Considring the proposials


and finding it Conveniant and nesescerey do agree


that their Should be a Colection Everey Monthely ~~


meeting – –


and their is Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ – 13S – 00d


And it is agreed by this meeting that Stephen ~~


Willcock Abraham Tucker William Soul [Soule] John =


Lapham Jur and John Tucker are Chosen to geat [get?]


a deed of our meeting house and land of peleg ~~


Slocum a gainst the next monthely meeting – –


and Benjamin Howland is Chosen to keep the


Colection of frinds and to Disburst it as this meeting


may see Cause – –


and it is agreed that freinds on the other side Coxset river


should have their meeting as they had it the last ~


winter – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth the 17th of ye 10th mth 1705


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ – 11S – 08d


and the friends that was Chosen to Inspect in to the lives


and Conversations of them that profess truth was Called


upon to give an account how they find thing and ~~


their answer is that they find things prety weell – –


And this meeting hath an account of a deferance ~~


between John Sumers [Summers] and Jonathan Devel [Davol] and that


the Sd Summers refuseth to End it according to the good


ordor of truth – –


where upon the meeting Chose James Burril [Burrel] and Eliezar


Slocum to advise John Summers to Submett to the ordor


of truth and put an End to Sd Deferanc against the next monthely


meeting – –


Increas Allin [Increase Allen] Eliezar Slocum and John tucker are ~~


Chosen to Enspect in to the lives and C[on]versations of


freinds for the month Insuing – – – – –


At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth the one and twenty day of the 11th mth 175/6 [sic] –


the three freinds were called over that was chosen the last


monthely meeting to Inspect into the lives and Con=


versations of friends and their answer is thy find –


things not well ––


And John Lapham James Burrill are chosen and


added to the former two friends to labour to put things


In order against the next monthely meeting – –


and the former three friends are stil Contenued to In=


spect in to the lives and Conversations of them ~~


prophes truth for this Insuing month – –


and John Wing and Nathaneel Howland are Chosen


to procur a coppey of Christepher Giffords Condemnation


from the mon[thely meeting?] at Sandwich if their be aney to


be had – and their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0–13 –07 –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 18th of the 12th mth 1705


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ –10S –05d


peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are apoynted to


See what friends are freely willing to Contribut toward


the bu[i]lding of a meeting house at Salam [Salem] – –


Increas Allin [Allen] Elizar Slocom [Slocum] and John tucker are ~~


Chosen to Inspect into the lives and Conversations of freinds


for the month Insuing – –


Increas Allin [Allen] and Deliverance Smith are Chosen to


attend the yearly meeting at Sandwich – –


and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and Nathaneel Howland are


Chosen to attend the quorterly meeting next – –


John tucker and Benjamin howland are Chosen to


Speak with Hannah Jeney [Jenny, Jenne] concarning her ofering


her Self in prayer out of the unity of the meeting – – – – –



At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house the first mth In Dartmouth the 18th of the first mth 1706


thir was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£–06S–06d

it’s agree

d that

their sho

uld be

a preparit



and it is agreed that friends Should have a preparetive

meeting one [on?] the forth day of the week faling out next

befor the monthely meeting after the time of worsh=

ip : is over to Consider of the afairs amongst friends

and see what may be conveniant to be recomended to

the monthely meeing that so the monthely meeting

may not be Incumbred with a multitud of un


unnesesearey buseness – –


and to chuse two or three waighty freinds to present


the nesescearey buseness to the monthey mee[ti?]ng as


may be given them in charg by the preparitive ~~~


meeting – –


And James Burril and Eliezar Slocum are chosen – –


to Inquir in to the Complaint of Christepher gifford ~~


and see if things be out of order to Labour to have them


amended and bring in their answer to the next monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 15th of the Second mont[h] 1706


ther their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£–09S –00d


the two friends that was Chose to atend Sandwich


yearly meeting was Called upon and they give us to


under stand that the Sd yearly meeting desir[e]s this meet=


ing to makeup one Subscription to wards the bu[i]lding a


meeting house at Salam [Salem] ten[?] pounds – –


and it is concluded that freinds Should Considr of it untel


the next monthely meeting – –



and the meeting agrees to lend William Macumber Jur twelve


in money out of the monthely meeting Stock and he is to repay


it again on or befor the third Second day in the Eight month


next – –


Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] Eliezar Slocum Deliverance Smith ~


and John Tucker are Chosen to Speak with Ebenezer =


Aallin [Allen] Consarning his goeing to Law with a brother before


unblievers and Bring in his Answer to the next


monthely meeting – –


Eliezar Slocum and William Soul [Soule] are Chose to Spake


with William Chase Concarning his delivering things by


way of testemony In our publick asembley of Worship


on the first day of the week Contarary to Sound doctrin[e]


and In Case he will not Condemn it then to make it known


to the mee[t]ing where he doth belong – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 20th of the third month 1706


and their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-09s-09d


and it is concluded to make our Subscription towards


the bu[i]lding of Salam meeting house teen [sic] pounds – –


and the four friends that was Chosen the last monthely


meeting to Spake with Ebeneze[r] Allin [Allen] brought in his


answer that he doth Justify himself In going to law


with Nathaneel Howland for he said that he had gon[e]


as fare with him as the law of God did require it he


did understand is it      what that is


and for as much as the above said Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and


and Nathaneel Howland was under dealings of the


last yearly meeting at Rhoad Island this meeting


doth refer him to the next yearly meeting at Rohad Island


for the proof of his aforesaid answer – –


And John lapham and John Tucker are Chosen to Spake


with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] Concerning his having his


Daughter in marriage to one of the World Conterary to


the good order of truth and bring in their answer the next


monthely meeting – –


and Eliezer Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to


Spake with Eliezar Smith Concerning his refraining


of our meeting – –


Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are Chosen


to atend the next quarterly and yearly meeting at


Rhoad Island – –


And the maner of Estableshing of our meeting house


and Land is refere’d to the quartorly meeting next –


and the matter concarning William Chaces [Chase] delivering


of Doctren wich is unsound is allso refered to the – –


abovesaid gu quartorly meeting – –


and it’s agreed that the meeting that was kept on the


other side Coxset river for the winter Seson on the


first day of the weeck Should be at the meeting ~~


house for the Summer


At our monthely meeting of friends held at our meet=


ing house In Dartmouth the 24th of the 4th mth 1706 – –


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£–08s–06d


and Stephen Willcock Benjamin Howland and


Eliezar Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to ~~


Spak with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] Concarning his going


to Law with nathaneel Howland and bring in


their answer to the next monthely meeting – –


and John Lapham and John Tucker brought in ~


their answer that Ebenezer allin [Allen] will not make ~~


Satisfaction for his giveing and marreing his daugh


tor to one out of the unity of friends – –


And Eliezar Slocom [Slocum] and John Tucker brought in ~


their answer that they have laboured with Eliezer


Smith according to order and he has Condemed his


[illegible] and for [illegible] [crease in ms.] Carfull [careful] – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 15th of the 5th mth 1706 –––––


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ –10s –09d


and the friends that was Chosen the last monthely


mee[t]ing to Spake with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] Consarning his


going to law Contrary to truth brought in their ~~


answer that he will not be recla[i]med but doth


willfuly presest [persist?] to his on [own?] hurt and to the great ~~


truble of the Church In Justefyeing him Self In his


Desorderly prosceedings


where fore friends haveing largely laboured with


him and finding themselves Clear are Constrained


to Caus[e] his Condemnation to be drawn up and Signed


by this meeting for the Clearing of truth and freinds


of his Desorderly Walking – –


And Elizar Slocum and John tucker are Chosen


to read to Ebenezer allin [Allen] his Condemnation and if he


will Condemn his out goeings to the Satesfaction of


friends then the Condemnation given by this meeting


is not to be read in publick – –


but if he refuseth then the Judgment to be openly


Read the next first day Come week[s?] in the latter


End of our publick meeting of worship – –


and peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are


Chosen to go to Rochester to know the re[a]son why ~


they have not Atended the monthely meeting and


bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – –


and this meeting mak[e]s Choyce of peleg Slocum ~


Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] Icreas Allin [Increase Allen] and John Tucker


to See into the lives and Conversations of freinds


for the quortor of a year I[n]suing – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 19th of the 6 mth 1706 and Colected 2£ –04s –0d


Eliezar Slocom and John Tucker give In their answer


that they have Read the Judgment of the last monthe-


ly meeting to Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and he refusing to make


Satesfactin the aforsade Judgment [words illegible due to tear] publick


according to order of the last monthely meeting as faloweth


Where as Ebenezer Allin [Allen] of Dartmouth In the County of bristol


new England haveing for maney years frequented the ~~~


mee[t]ing of us the people [illegible] Called quakers and


Semed to Joyne in Sosietay [Society] with us but for want of keeping


In true Subjection to that princeple he made profesion of: to


with the Sp[i]rit of truth In his own heart which Sperit


will lead all them that are obediant to it out of Everey thing


that is Contrary to the nature of it and Inconsistant with


it he hath given way to his own Inclinations and hath


gon[e] to law before unbelivers with one that is In Socyaty [Society]


with us and not withstanding; all the faithfull labour


of love and Earnest Endevours of us his freinds as a ~~~


Sociaty of people to perswade him to the Contrary he ~~


hath willfully presested [persisted?] to the griefe of us his friends and


Scandall of that holey prenciple he made profecion of


for which Cause wee find ourselves Concarned to testefye


to the world that wee do utterly desown all such actions


and all who are found In them and perticalerly the person


above named and as it is our Christian Duty to pray ~~


for all people wee do hartely Desir[e] allmighty God to


open his understanding, if it be his will, to give him


to Se[e] his out going that he may find a place of trew


repentance: before the time of his visetation be over – –


given forth by our monthely meeting In dartmouth the


fifteenth day of the fift[h] month 1706


Signed In behalf of Sd meeting by


John Tucker

William Soul [Soule]

William Wood


peleg Slocumb [Slocum]

John lapham Jur

James Burrel


Benjamin Howland

Judah Smith

Abraham tucker


Eliezar Slocumb

William Macumber

nicholas howland


Stephen Willcock

Henrey Howland

Samuell Mott


and Peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland was Called


upon to know whether thy had Spoken with Rochest[e]r


freinds according to apoyntment and they Sigenify that


had laboured with them and they did own themselves


to Short and Slack In their duty In that they did not ~~


atend the monthely meeting as they ought to have


don[e] and for time to com[e] they Said they hoped to be mor[e]


Carfull [carefull] – –


And Eliezar Slocum is Chosen to go with thomas macumber


to know the truth of what the Sd macumber did say and


do[?] In the takeing his Ingagement before the Justice and


return the answer to the next monthly meeting – –


and where as Robert gifford and Mathew Wing Did Set


their hands to a paper to forwarn the Seclect [Select] men


from making aney rates upon their Estaats [Estates] Except they


they was qualefieed [qualified] as the Law derects and the


sience [sense?] of the meeting is that what they have don[e] is


Contrary to truth


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 16th of the 7th mth 1706


and their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ –10s –04d


And it is agreed that their Should be a Contributation to help


Isaac Vinson of Rochester his house being Accedantually [Accidently]


burned and to Bring it In to John Tuckers by the next


fift[h] day com weeck– –


and John Tucker and John Lapham Jur is Chosen


to Carrey the Same to the Sad Vinson – –


peleg Slocum and James Burril [Burrel] is Chosen to attend the


Quarterly meeting next – –


John Tucker Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] Benjamin Howland


and James Burril are Chosen to goe to thomas macom=


ber to see if he will give the mee[t]ing Satesfaction for


his Spakeing or acting things not agreeable to truth


and give in their answer to the next monthely ~~~


meeting– –


and the meeting adjourns untel the next fourth day Com


Week – –


And it is agreed that wee should have a colection to help to


defray the charg[e] that our freinds have ben at In old England


to get that Law Repeal[e]d that was made In Conetecut


Coleney [Connecticut Colony] against friends10 – –


and John tucker is Chose to geet [get] the deed of our meeting house


and Land Recorded In the County Records and the meeting


to pay the Charge – –


And it is agreed that their Should be a peace [piece] of Land of Six


Roods [Rods] Square fenced In with Stone wall for a buring [burying]


ground – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the one and twanteth day of the 8th mth 1706


and their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00–10s–01d


and It is agreed that their should be a furder Colection to wards the


Releife of our freind at Rochester who hath lost his hous[e] by


fire as is mentioned In the last monthely meeting minit and to


bring it in to John tuckers by the next monthely mee[t]ing – –


and where as It was agreed at the last monthely meeting that


their Should be a Colection to help to defray the Charge of


Repealing of a Law made against friends in Conetecut


Coleney and This meeting doth allso agree that benjamin ~~~


Howland Should pay five pounds out of the meetings Stock


toward the defraying of the afordsd Charge – –


and William Chase hath given this meeting Satesfaction


Concarning the Doctrin[e] that was Delivered by him amongst


us at our meeting house some time sence which was un=


sound, and his confesion to be reed amongst us in a publick


meeting the next first Day by John tucker or some other freind– –


and the meeting adjourns tel the next forth day Com week


John tucker and Stephen Willcock hath given In their answer


that that they have laboured with thomas macumber accord=


ing to the order of the last montely meeting and he gives


no satesfaction – –


and friends are yet Concarned to labour furder with him


And so the mattar is refered to the next monthely meeting


And John tucker and Stephen Willcock are Chosen to Spake


with Mathew Wing and Robert Gifford to Shew them


their Shortnes[s] In set[t]ing their hands to a paper to for warne


the Select men from rateing their Estat[e]s Except they was


quolefied as the Law derects which is Contrary to the ~~


princeples of truth


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 18th day of the 9th mth 1706 – –


And their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£–08s–11d


and Received of William Macumber Junr three Shilings


of the twelve Shillings in money lent him the last


Second month and peleg Slocum is to pay the rest – –


And Benjamin Howland hath Sent five pounds in money


to Boston according to the order of the last monthely meeting


and it is agreed that Cokset freinds should have their first days


meeting on the other Side the river for this wintor all Except


the first day befor Each monthely meeting


and their weekley meeting is oredred [ordered?] to be at the


meeting house the fourth day befor the monthely


and this meeting hath ben much Consarned about thomas


Macombers denying his holding up his hand when he


gave Evidance In the Cace between Josaph [Joseph] hix and him


Self and the friends that was appoynted to deal with


him give in this answer that the Sd macomber doth Juste=


fy him Self against five Evidences given in wrighting a=


gainst him11 – –


And John tucker peleg Slocum[d?] Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and


Eliazer Slocum are Chosen to draw up the aboveSd


thomas macombers Condemnation and Read it to him


be for the next monthely meeting – –


and John Tucker and Stephen Willcock give In their


answer Concerning mathew Wing and Robart gifford


that they Condemn their signing the afor mentioned paper


at a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In Dartmouth


the 16th day of the 10th mth 1706 – – their was Colected – –£00 –11s–09d


and this meeting after abundance of Labour In love


and much tenderness to wards Thomas macumber to


Shew him his out goings but he Refusing [?] to hear


the meeting is furder Conscarned to Cause a paper of


Condemnation to be Drawn up against him for the ~~


Clearing of truth and freinds and to declare to the world


that he is non [not?] of us and have Chose peleg Slocum


and Eliezer Slocum to Reed it to him be for it be ~~


read in publick against him and give in their answer


to the next monthely meeting – –


And William Soul [Soule] and peleg Slocum are Chosen


to atend the Quarterly meeting next – –


and this meeting doth advise that all friends bring


their Children and Sarvents as of ten as well they


Can:to meeting on the week days and to monthely meetings as


well as first days meetings and to keep to the


hour appoynted – –


and John tucker and william Soul are Chosen to


make up the acoumts [accounts] with Benjamin Howland Con


sarning the monthely meeting Colection and bring


In their acoumts to the nex[t] monthely meeting – –


and so the meeting adjourns untell the first fourth


day in the 11th mth next – –


the meeting being mett according to adjournment


the first day of the Eleventh month – 1706/7 – – – – –


At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In Dartmouth


the 20th of the 11th month 1706/7 and their was Colected – £00–15s–06d


and peleg Slocum and William Soul mak[e]s their return


from the Quartorly meeting that the quartorly meeting


according to our Request: have granted us at youths ~~


meeting to be keept the first Sixt[h] day In the Second fift[h]


Eight[h] and Eleventh months which will fal[l] out the ~~


Sixt[h] day next be for Each Qurly meeting at Rhoad Island – –


John Tucker and William Soul are called upon


Consarning their makeing up the accomts with ~~~


Benjamin Howland Concarning our colection and it


not being done Its refered to the next monthely meeting


and where as their is a deferanc presented to the meeting


Concarning Jonathan Devel [Davol] and John Summors [Summers] – –


the meeting mak[e]s Choyse of Deliverance Smith Nathanell


Howland Eliezer Slocum and John tucker to hear and


determin[e] Sd Deferance and give their answer to the next


monthely meeting – –


and Stephen Willcock and William Wood are Chosen to


Spake with James Tripp Consarning his being over ~~


taken In drink and Bring their Answer to the next month=


ly meeting – –


James Buril [Burrel] Eliezer Slocum and Benjamin Howland


are Chosen to labour with peleg Slocum that he may


Joyn with friends and Sign a deed In the method that


thomas Stoary hath Sent to us and bring In their


Answer to the next monthely meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 17th of the 12th mth 176/7 [sic] – –


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00 –10s –05d


Increas[e] Allin [Allen] and Eliezar Slocum are Chosen overseers


of the monthely meetings of Busieness that if aney should


present them selves at Sd meetings that are not members


of them then to Inquire of them their buseness and if they


cannot give a Satesfactory answer: then to Desir[e] them In love


to With Draw


William Wood and Stephen Willcock gives In their – ~


Answer that they have Spoken with Jeames [James] Tripp ~


and he is willing to condemn his being overtaken In


drink to the Satesfaction of freinds – –


and the above sd two frie[nds?] william wood and Stephen


willcock ar[e] Continued to goe with Jeams [James] Tripp to see that he doth


Condemn it where it was don[e] – –


and Benjamin Howland Eliezar Slocum and Samuell Mott


are Chosen to Spake with Eliezar Smith Consarning his report=


ing of things out of the monthely meeting the which is Incon=


sistant with truth: and Consarning his out runings upon


other acounts and bring In their answer to the next monthly


meeting – – – – –



At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting hous[e] In


Dartmouth the 17th of the first month 1707 – –


and their is Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00 –09s–10d


And the Buseness Consarning James tripp is Referred


to the next monthly meeting – –


william Soul [Soule] and John tucker hath made up the accounts


with Benjamin Howland Concarning the monthely meet=


ings Colection and have belanced the accounts and their


Remains In Stock with what hath ben Colected at this


meeting forty two Shillings – –


And Samuell Mott and Benjamin howland are Chosen to


to Shew Eliezer Smith his Shortness In accusing Elizar =


Slocum and William Wood for gooing Contrary to the


monthely meetings ordor In goeing together to Seconet [Sakonnet]


when Eliezer Slocom was Chosen to goe with Thomas ~~


macomber thether [thither?] and make their Return to the next


monthly meeting – –


and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John Tucker are chosen to


Attend the next Quartorly meeting – –


And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Judah Smith


twenty Shellings out of the meeting Stock to wards his keeping of the meeting




and this meeting doth order the four freinds that was Chose


to vewe [view?] the monthely meeting minits that they make


Choyse of a man to Record the meeting buseness and the


meeting to pay him for his sarvice – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting


In Dartmouth the 21st of the Second month 1707 –––


their was Colecte[d] –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00 – 11s – 00d


and where as Stephen Willcock and William Wood were


Chosen the last twelveth[?] month to goe with James tripp


to see that he did condemn his being overtake In drink In


the place where it was don[e] and their answer is that he


has Condemed it to the satesfaction of friends – –


And Benjamin Howland and Samuell Mott brought In


their Answer that they have laboured with Eliezer Smith


to Shew him his misstak [mistake] Concarning william Wood


and Eliezar Slocom According to order of the last monthly


meeting – –


and their answer is that he refuseth to hear – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 19th of the thurd month 1707 – –


and thier was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00 –09s –05d


and John Tucker Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin =


Howland are Chosen to furder Labour with Eliezar =


Smith to come to be Reconsiled to the meeting – –


and bring In their answer to the next monthely ~~~


meeting – –


and Benjamin Howland is ordred to let John Lapham Jur


have twelve Shillings out of the Colection to pay


the doctor for what he did for Debroah [Deborah?]: Landars in


the time of her Seckness – –


and it is ordered that the first day meeting at acoxset ]


Is to be at our meeting house for the Summer – –


And Eliezer Slocum and John tucker are Chosen


to Spake with Rochester friends to know the ~~


Re[a]son to know the why they have not attended the


monthely meeting of late – –


and Bring In their Answer to the next monthely


meeting – –


and where as the yearley meeting at Rhoad Island


hapneth to be on the Same day that our next month=


ly meeting Should be on their for [therefore] the Sd meeting Is


adjourned until the fourth Second day In the 4 month




At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the 23th of the 4th mth 1707 Colected -£0 -09s -01d


peleg Slocumb [Slocum] and William Sloule [Soule] are Chosen


to attend the Quarterly meeting at Rhoad Island


And it’s agreed that rochestor friends have a preparitive


meeting after their meeting of worship on the first


day of the week befor[e] the monthly meeting – –


And the freinds that was Chose for to labour with


Eliezer Smith ware Called up on and their answer


Is that he refuseth to give the meeting setesfaction for


his desorderly proseedings against the monthly meeting =


and John tucker is Chosen to Drawup Eliezer Smith


his Condemnation In order that it may be reed to him


before it be reed in publeck and William Soule Eliezer


Slocum and Samuell Mott are Chosen to Reed the Sade


Condemnation to the sd Eliezer Smith and bring In their


Answer to the next monthely meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the one and twenteth Day of the


fift month 1707 – this was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ – 08s – 01d


And the friends that was Chosen the last monthely


meeting to Reed Eliezer Smith his Condemnation


to him was Called upon and their answer is that Eliezer


Smith is willing to Condemn his reporting of things


out of the monthly meeting as faloweth – –


friends I have well Considied the matter of that which I


could out of the meeting to John Aken and I do hastily


repent for the Same and desir forgiveness both of god and


and his people that wee may come In to love and unity


as we have for: Eliezar Smith – –


And furder Eliezar Smith hath given Satesfaction to


the monthely meeting ^conserning his wronging the meeting by wri


wrighting the which he doth Condemn as faloweth


where In I have given aney ocasion by wrighting


to the meeting to greive aney sensear hearted friend or


freinds for which I am hartely sorrey and desir for=


giveness: Eliezar Smith


And Stephen Willcock Benjamin Howland and


John Lapham Jur are chosen to spake with Thomas


Macomber Concarning his abuseing Ruth Smith


with words and to End sd ^deferance it they can and bring In


their Answer to the next montheley meeting – –


and the friends that was chosen to Inspect into the con=


versation of friends was called upon and their answer


is that Merebah Slocumb the Daughter of Eliezar


Slocumb is about to marrey to one contrarey to her.


parince [parents’] consent and the advice of friends – –


where upon the meeting made choice of James [Burr]


Burril and Judah Smith: to Spake with Meribah


Slocumb consarning her disorderly proceedings and [to]


Bring In their Answer to the next monthly meeting


and the bounding out the buring ground is referd to the


next monthely meetig – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 18th day of the 6th mth 1707 –


and their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 06s – 08d


And Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb did lay their [sd?]


Intention of marrige before the meeting –


and they was Desired to Stay untel the next monthely


meeting for their Answer – –


John Tucker and William Soule are apoynted to Enspect


Into their Clearness and bring In their Answer to the next


monthely meeting – –


and the friends that was chosen to Spake with Thomas -


Macumber concarning his abusing Ruth Smith with


words was called upon and their Answer was that


Thomas Macumber does condemn those words which he


Spoak to Ruth Smith – –


and the friends that was Chosen to Spake with Merebah


Slocumb concarning her disoderly proseeding towards [sd]


marrige Contrary to the order of friends: being Called up =


on: give In their answer that they had ben with her and


have laboured with her according to the good order of [sd]


truth In love and much tenderness and have recieved


no Satesfactory answer from her – –


and for as much as the sd Merebah hath preceeded [cross out]


no further at the present the matter is refered untel further


ocasion – –


and John Tucker and William Soul are Chose to bound


out the bureing yard bay the next monthly meeting –


and Judah Smith is paid for his keeping the meeting hous


and John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are chose to agree


with a friend to keep the meeting house for the Insuing


year – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting hous


In Dartmouth the 15th Day of the 7th mth 1707 –


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 08s – 05d


And the two friends that was Chose to Enspect Into


the Clearness of Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb


Concarning marriage. being Called upon and they give


their answer that they find thing are not clear – –


And so the matter is refered to the next monthely meeting


that thing s may be cleared to the Satesfaction of friends – –


And Judah Smith hath taken the meeting house to keep


to the Insuing year and the year begun the last monthly


meeting and If it prove to harde for him then John =


Tucker and Eliezar Slocumb are to be helpfull to him in that




And Isaac Barker desirs that this meeting would be help


full to him to Clear that mattar that hinders his proceed=


ing In marrige – –


and In order their unto the meeting made Choice of [sd?]


William Soule Nathanell Howland John Lapham Jur


and Benjamin Howland to asist him and bring In


their answer to the next monthly meeting – –


And John Tucker Peleg Slocumb and Stephen Willcock


are Chosen to Attend the Quarterly meeting at Rohad=


Island next – –


And the matter concarning chusing of two friends for


to Spake to people to come orderly In to meeting as so


soon as Convenianbly they can after they come to the [sd?]


meeting house and not to stand talking and Spending


away their time with out doors as the maner of some


hath ben to their own hurt and to the truble of freinds


Is rfered to the next monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 21th day of the 8th mth 1707


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 10s – 00d


And the four friends that was Chose the last


monthly meeting for to be helpfull to Isaac Barker


Concarning what did hender him from haveing his


Answer relating to marrige at the last monthly [sd?]


meeting give In their Answer that the matter y[?]


Ended and truth Cleared – –


And Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb came be=


for this meeting desiering an answer to their former


Intentions of marrige Signifieing they was Still of


the Same mind – –


and things being clear they had their answer that


they might take Each other in the order of truth – –


William Soule and Benjamin Howland are Chose


to See Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb Solomnize


their marrige in the good order of truth – –


And John Lapham and John tucker are Chose to Spake to


friends and people that frequent our meetings that they


Come In to meeting and not to hold discorses without In the


time of meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 17th day of the 9th mth 1707 –


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 12s –00d


Benjamin Howland and William Soul was called up=


on to give In their answer whether Isaac Barker and [unknown symbol?]


Elizebeth Slocumb hath Solominized their marrige In


the order of truth – –


And they answer that thay se their marrige acomplished


according to order – –


And it is agreed that friends at Cokset shall have their


meeting on the first days amongst themselves all Except


the first day before the monthly meeting – –


and then they are ordered to com to the meeting here[?]


And it is agreed that freinds should have a Subscription


of four pounds which was proportioned on our meeting


by the qw-t meeting towards the acomplishing the charge


of friends meeting house In Boston: and if the subscrip=


tion doth not amount to the above sd four pounds then


the sume is to be made up out of the monthly meeting


Stock – –


and their is subscribed this day –  –  –  –  –  –  – 02£ – 16s – 00d


peleg Slocumb Stephen Willcock and John tucker


are Chosen to goe to Rochester to be helpfull to friends


their and to Instruct them In the order of truth by reeding[?]


the orders their of unto them or otherwise as need may require – – .


And John Tucker is Chose to see the money colected


for boston meeting house transported to Sandwich


Quarterly meeting – – – – –


at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 15th day of the 10th mth 1707 – –


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 07s – 00d


peleg Slocumb Stephen Willcock and John tucker was


Calle upon to give in their account whether they had ben


At Rochester according to Apoyntment of the last month


ly meeting and they answer that they have be their: and they


find things not well their amongst friends for which [~?]


ocasion the meeting doth stil continue the Same three [~?]


friends and aded unto them Benjamin Howland Eliezar


Slocumb and Increase Allin to furder labour with them


to shew them their shortness In not attending the month-


ly meeting and not obsarving the order therof – –


And John thicker and Judah Smith ar appoynted to


Drawout the queries and minits of the yearly meeting


that are sutable to be reed amongst the youth – –


And the meeting is adjourned untel the next fourth


day com two weeks – – – – –


the meeting being meet according to adjournment -


the 31th day of the 10th mth 1707 –


And the money Colected the last monthly meeting


was accoring to order Delivered to Sandwich Qurt


meeting In order to be sent to Edward Shippey


and the friends that was Chose to goe to rochester


report that they hav ben their and friends their have


given some Satesfaction and Signefie that they shall


Indevor to be mor deligent to attend the monthely ~


meetings for the time to come12– –


Some deferanc presented to this meeting between John


tucker and thomas macumber


Nathaneel Howland and Eliezer Slocumb are chose


to hear sd Deferance and labour to reconsile the matar


if they can. and make report to the next monthly


meeting how they find things – –


John tucker and peleg Slocumb are chosen to


attend the Qu-t meeting next – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 19th day of the 11th moh 1707


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£– 08s – 10d


And the friends that was chosen the last monthely


meeting to see to make up the Deferance between


John tucker and thomas Macumber and they report


that sd macumber is to blame and refuseth to make


Satesfaction: and It is agreed by this meeting that tho=


Macumber shall pay the twelve Shillings demanddc


And make Satesfaction for his Contrediction about It – –


and the Same freinds are continued and John Lapham


is added unto them to tel him the meetings Judgment – –


and this meeting doth thinks it best to further labour with


hannah Jeney concarning her appearing In publick asembelys


In prayer and her Disorederly singing and preaching out of the unoty


of friends – –


John tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are Chosen to labour


with her and make their return to the next monthely


meeting – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 16th of the 12th mth 1707 – –


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 09s – 06d


the two freinds that was chosen the last monthely


meeting to Spake to hannah Jeney give In their answer


that they have ben with her and She Desirs time of con=


sidration untel the monthly meeting befor the Qurly


meeting next wihch is granted – –


And this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to make up


what the wemen have colected twenty shillings which


is 4 shillings and 6 pence and pay Judah Smith for his keeping


the charge of the meeing house half a year – –


And this meeting agrees to the Quarterly meeting minits


to Chuse Visetors to goe with the over seers to viset the


famelyes of friends once In the quartor – –


Increas Allin John tucker peleg Slocumb and william


wood are chosen over seers and Stephen Willcock and


Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen visetors for Dartmouth


meeting and Savery Cleffton for Rochester meeting



At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 15th of the first month 1708


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 08s – 11d


Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and benjamin


Howland Appeared: Rochester meeting called and not


Appeared – –


And the friends that was Chosen to furder labour ~~


with thomas macumber gives In their acount that


he refuseth to make aney Satesfaction and the meeting


being Clear as to furder Dealings with sd Macumber


do Appoynt Eliezar Slocumb and Nathaneel Howland


to draw up his Condemnation – –


and the friends that was to Spake with hannah Jeney


hath ben with her and she refars her self to the ~~


Qurt meeting of ministors – –


And the meeting adviseth that freinds go forwards and


finesh their subscription to wards the fencing In the burring


ground by the latter End of the forth month next – –


And It is all so advised that all freinds bring In the berths


and Deaths of their Children as Soon as Conveniantly they


can: to be recorded – –


And the meeting is adjourned unte the first six day In


the next month – –


And the meeting being meet according to adjournment


Elizer Slocumb and Nathaneel Howland gives In their


acount that they have drawnup thomas macumbers ~~


Condemnation according to order which was perused and


signed by this meeting – –


And William Wood and William Soule are Chosen ~~


to Reed it to him and if he stil refuseth to make Sates


faction then to reed his Condemnatisn In publick


the next first day befor the monthly meeting after


the time of worship is over – –


John tucker and peleg Slocumb are Chosen to attend


the Qurt meeting next – – – – –


At amonthely meeting of friends held at our meeing


house In Dartmouth the 19th day of the Second mth 1708


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00 – 12 – 02


Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and Benjamin


Howland appeared Rochestor Called John Summers appeared – –


Thomas Macumbers Condemnation was Reed as faloweth – –


Where as Thomas Macumber of Dartmouth In the


County of Bristol In New England – –


haveing for some years freequented the meetings of us


the people In Scorn Called Quakers: and Semed to Joyne


In Sosiaty with us. but for want of keeping In true sub


Jection to that princaple he made profesion of to wit


the sperit of truth In his own heart wich sperit will


Lead all them that are obediant to it out of Everey thing


that is Contrarey to the nature of It and Inconsestant with


It. he hath given way to this covetious mind and hath


Denied to pay his Debt: but hath denyed that it is dew though


It is proved dew by soficant Evedance: and allso the sd ~~


thomas macumber hath ben found contradicting him=


self for to Excuse himself at one time saying they could


not make up the acomts and another time said that


he had money of his owne implyeing that he had no


need to be In Dedebted but for four shillings and six pence:


And notwithstanding at that time It is proved that he


was asked if he had aney money and he Answered no


which he hath allso denyed and the sd thomas macumber


at another time said the accounts was but nin shillings


Between them. but for want of keepeing In Subje=


ction to that Devine principle of truth In his owne


heart and not harkening to the Counsell and advice of


his freinds who laboured with him to Reclame him from


those Evils he was found In; But in a willfull stredron ~


temper he slited their advice allthoug given him In – –


done from time to time there for is theis given forth to


clear the blesed truth and us the people of god called


Qakers of all such Disorderly Walkers -&- wee are constrained


And doe give this as a testimony against him the sd tho=


macumber and he is Denyed by us untel he repent


And Amend which wee Earnestly Desier for his souls


sak given forth by our monthly meeing held by ~~


Adjournment In Dartmouth within the County above sd


the second day of the second month 1708 – –


signed In behalf of said meeing by


Eliezar Slocumb

peleg Slocumb


Benjamin Howland

James Burriell


Stephen Willcock

Nathanel Howland


John Lapham

William Wood


John Tucker

John Lapham Jur


William Soule

Eliezar Smith


Judah Smith


And peleg Slocumb and John tucker gives In their


Account that they have attended the Qar meeting ac=


cording to order – –


Some Deferance between peleg Slocumb and Eliezar


Slocumb and Some persons were appoynted to hear and


the Said Deferance which they did. but peleg refuseth


to stand to their Determination or to refer him self furder


where upon Increas Allin and Abraham tucker


was: Chosen to labour further with him and tel him


that he must Either Stand to the Judgement allredey


given or refer himself to the monthly meeting – –


and bring in their answer to the nex monthely ~


meeting – –


and the Qu-t meeting made choise of peleg Slocumb


and John tucker to Attend the yearly meeting


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our


meeing house In Dartmouth the 17th day of the 3rd mth 1708


Their was Collected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £ – 10[?] – 02


Dartmouth Weekley meting Called Judah Smith


And Benjamin Howland appeared Rochester Called


Isaac Vinson appeared – –


Abraham Tucker and Eliezar Slocumb Increas Allin [Allen] brought


In their Answer to this meeting wich is that peleg


Slocum and his brother Eliezar is agreed as to that


part depending between them: but for as much pelege as


and Eliezar and William Soule did Invest one ~


arbetratory power: In John tucker and Some others


to hear and Determin Sd Deferance wich depended


and they the Sd John tucker and others. having ~


Agred:: but pelege refusing to Stand to their awarde


Did unadvisedly proceed In bringing Sd Deferance to


the town meeting over the heads of the arbetraters


and with out the Consent of this meeting the which


Is Estemed Disorder: and Peleg not willing to be con=


vinced of the disorderlyness their of: nor willing


to come under the Judgment of the meeting for


the same: but like to Intertain hard thoughts, of the ~~


meeting. thinking they do Asume aperogative beyond


what (y) nesesery, therfor this meeting and peleg


doth agree to Chnge the falowings friends to hear the


whol matter: and If they see cause to make aney ~


alteration In the former arbetration by John tucker


and partners: they may: but if not then that It shall


stand as agreed by them the sd arbetrators: and allso


that the falowing persons: doe determin what Satesfact=


ion: peleg ought to give to this meeing for his disord=


erly proseedings over the head of the meeting: and


that If William Soule and Eliezar Slocumb has con


sented that Peleg Should proseed as he has don then


that they shall allso give Satesfactio to ye meeting for


their so doing: but and if Sd persons here after none


noted think that the meeing or [those?] other frds


have Inqured ye sd persons Peleg then Regulate and


determin In that allso:


the persons nominated to determin betwext the ~


above sd persons: are


Joseph Wanton: William Barker: and Thomas Cornwell


Willm Anthony and Abraham Anthoney Juner or


aney two of the later three: or the major part of them


to meet with Peleg Slocumb and the arbetrators:


at the house of Pelege Slocumb next six day In the morning


and this meeting doth agree that the first day ~~~


meeting at Coxset shall be at the meeting house for


this Summer as formerly – –


Stephen Willcock: Benjamin Howland: John


Tucker: William Soule: and Judah Smith or aney


one of the last two are Chosen to peruse the mon=


thly meetings minits In order that what is ~~


neseserey may be recorded – –


Stephen Willcock and William Wood are appoynted


to procure two hands to mana goe with friends


to Nantucket to mannege the boat: and the month


ly meeting to pay them for their service – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the twenty first day of the 4 mth 1708


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 07s – 00d [?]


Stephen Willcock and William Wood are called up


one to give In their account concarning the twoo: men


men that they procured to goe with friends: to ~


Nantucket: and their answer was that they have had


no account foram the meen as yet: so they are desiared


to do It against the next monthly meeting – –


And Benjamin Howland and Abraham tucker are


Chose to Spake with Peleg Slocumb to know whether


he will give the meeting another deed of the meeting


hous Land: after another form: and Abraham Chase


is desired to asest them: and bring In their answer


to the next monthelly meeting:


And this meeting Agrees that the fourth days meeting


that happeneth In the week: that the youths meeting


is In: is omited: that the youths meeting maye be


the more fully attended – –


And the friends that was appoynted: the last monthly


meeting: to hear and Determin the Deferance: betwen


Peleg Slocumb and his brother Eliezar and William


Soule: and allso to hear and Determin the Deferance


Btween sd Pelege and the meeting: give In their ~


Answer to this meeting which is as foloweth – –


persuant to the Agreement of last monthly meeting: held


at Dartmouth the 7th of the 3mo 1708 – –


Wee: Joseph Wanton thomas Cornell William Barker


and Abraham Anthoney Juner Being asested by Patrck


Henderson: Did apear at Peleg Slocumbs house: where wee


meet with Peleg Slocumb Eliezar Slocumb and William Soule:


Who did first authoriz: the following Arbetrators (viz)


John tucker Benjamin Howland William Wood and


Judah Smith wohm allso wee have hade present: with


us: and after large conferance with them ye sd Peleg and


Eliezer Slocumb and William Soule and: John tucker and


the rest of the Arbetrators: they and Everey of them


mutaly agreeing and Declaring befor us that they and


Everey of them shall and will stand to: and In Everey


parte preform fullfill and keep: wat shall by us be agreed


upon in Every Respect as Shall be here after: declared


under our hands: – –


And for as much as on Principall parte of the difference – ~


depending is betwext Peleg Slocumb and his Brother Elazer


Slocumb both of the town of Darmouth and County of


Bristol In New England: It is mutualy Agreed betwext ~~


them that they and Everey of them ye sd Peleg and Eliezar


Slocumb: Shall and will from time to time: them their


heirs Exceutors administorators and asigns: preform full=


fill and keep: all and Every part: of the agreement: ~


which by us the Sd Joseph Wanton and partners shall be


hear after Declared under our hands: and if they the sd ~


Peleg and Eliezar: or Either of them their heirs or asigns:


shall at aney time after the declaration of our agreement


made and done betwext them and on be half of them their


heirs and asigns: they or aney of them desenting from or


refusing: to stand to what shall be Determined: and Declared


betwext them: then such and Every of them see Desenting


to forfitt the Sume of one hundred pounds: to be paid to


the Determination heare after declared Respecting


this mattar, to all which the sd Peleg and Elizar doth


Agree: for them selves their heirs: and asigns: to Stand


to Establesh for Ever: Except they or their asigns: mut=


ualy agree to have and hould other wife, and as ~~


further confermation their of has her unto Interchang:


ably yet their hands and seals this 21 day 3mo 1708


witneses present


Stephen Willcock

Peleg Slocumb•


Issac Barker

Elizar Eh25. Slocumb •




And for as much as William Soule of the town of ~


Dartmouth and the Cunty of Bristol In New England Is


one principely concarned In the mater depending to


be Determined by us the Sd Joseph Wanton and partners


It is therfor Agreed that the Sd Willm Soule his heirs ~


Exceutors and administorators and asigns Shall be bound


under the penelty of one hundred pounds: to stand: to


fullfill and keep: the agreements award and Determi=


nation    him onehis part wich shall be herafter


Declared under our hands: and the Sd Sume of one


hundred pounds: to be payed by him his heirs or asigns


to Such persons: Legaly serving for the Same: for – –


Just Dameges done to them through the nonprefor=


mance of him the Sd Willm Soule: his heirs Executors


or asigns to which the Sd Wllm Soule: doth Covenant


and Agree: and as a further Confarmation hereof


has here unto Set his hand and Seal this 21 first


day of the third month 1708 – –


witneses presents


William Soule •


Stephen Willcock


Isaac Barker


to all people to whome these presents ^may come know


ye that where as there has ben some differance ocasion[-]


ed through unadvised management: depending for


some time betwixt Peleg Slocumb Elizar Slocumb and


William Soule where upon they did make choice of


to be heard and determined their in [therein] by John Tucker,


Benjamin Howland Judah Smith and William


Wood: and accordingly they the sd John Tucker and


partners heard and awarded: but Peleg to forwardly


desenting from their agreement: for some slender ~


Reasons not necessary not here to mention: and ~


the sd mater being Reported to the monthly meeting:


and being under their consideration: did at last month=


ly meeting held at Dartmouth ye 17th 3 month 1708 – –


Apoynt that wee the sd Joseph Wanton and partners


should over hale the sd mater here and determin the


sd differance: – –


And now by virtue of the power invested in us not


only by the monthly meeting but allso: by theece [these]


Persons Emeadietly concarned: Wee doe awarde and


determin for them their heirs and adminest– –


rators and assigns that their shall be a drift way: ~


with gatts [gates] suficent throug Elizer Slocumbs Land.


Accordind as it was laid out by the town: In bredth


About: Eight Rods: leading down to the End of the ~


Beach and so to the landing place: and to contenew [continue]


for the uss [use] of ^such who has or may at aney [any] time here=


after have ocation [occasion] to ride leade ^cart or drive aney or all=


sorts of creturs [creatures] such as aney people shall have ocas=


ion ride lead cart or drive as aforsd [aforesaid] – –


And that there be an open high way from the sd ~


Eliezar Slocumbs land through Pelege Slocumbs ~


Land and thence to the Souls land and from thence


to Ebenezer Allins [Allen] land until it comes to Josiah Allins [Allen]


land and then betwixt Josiah Allins [Allen] land and the sd


Souls land and sea until it enters the comon [common] or undivided


land: and that the sd high way shall all along be alowed [allowed]


at least two Rods in width    provided that where it joyns


upon the sd Allins [Allen] land: the sd two Rode [sic] in width: shall


be taken out of the sd Souls land: and allso what part


of sd high way leads throug Peleg Slocumbs land: shall


be suficently fenced and so maintained: by them their heirs


and assigns for Ever-: that is to say one Equale half there


of to be fenced and maintained by Peleg and his heirs and


assigns: and the other half by Eliezar and his heirs and


assigns – –


It is allso agreed that their shall be a drift way thro


ugh the sd Souls land and with gatts [gates]: and as wide as


may be ajudged nesesery by the town or select men ~


for all sorts of gathers to pass and repass: whether


rideing leadind cart and or driving &c – –


and for as much as formerly their was a comon


high way laid out throug Peleg Slocumbs land ~


where his now dwelling house stands which can’t


be altered but by the town agreement, if now the town


see cause to disannul: and shut or cause to be shut up:


and noe more ocopyd as such the sd high way lead-


ing by his house then and under that consideration


their shall be a drift way leading through his land


lying on the other side of or from his house: in the


place where he shewed John Tucker of and some ~


others: with gatts [gates] and of a conveniant breth: beseting[?]


to ride leade cart or drive aney or all sorts of cattle or – –


creturs: passing and repassing as they may have ocasion


and it is furder agreed that if at aney time hereafter


the town should se [see] cause to Re Establish and cause to


be opened and occopyed the sd high way or if aney person


or persons should at any time here after [illegible] the


opning and occopying of sd high way by law sute [suit]


or other wise then and under that consideration


Shall be lawfull for the Sd Peleg Slocumb Slocumb


to shut up: and occopy the Sd drift way as he his heirs


or asigns Shall see Cause – –


Thus wee though good to awarde and determin


accordind to the best of our understanding given


under our hands: In Peleg Slocumbs house


the 21 day of the 3mo 1708 – –


before It is absolutely delivered by us

Joseph Wanton


Wee doe further agrre that the

thomas Cornell


drift way leading through the

William Barker


Souls land shall not Exceed

Abraham Anthoney Jur


In width above four Rods


and allso that the drift


way leading throug Pelege


Slocumbs home lot shall


not Exceed four Rods In width


wee do allso agree that all these proceedings by us In


these affairs should be Carfully Recorded In the


monthely meeting Book: and yet notwith=


standing that these same being ye oregenall: Shall


be carfully pined and preserved In the Sd monthley


meeting Book


Pursuant to the minut of last monthely meeting


Espeacly that part depending betweext Peleg Slocumb


and friends: wee do think that Pelegs proceedings: under


Several Considerations has been not so orderly and becom=


=ing as it ought to be: and In perticular his Refusing to


Stand to the awarde of John tucker and partners In the


mater depending beetwext him his brother and William


Soule: and allso: In his absenting from the monthely meet=


=ing when he knew that the Sd mater would be – –


Agetated In the meeting: and allso his unadvised way


of presenting sd mater to the town meeting: all which


we. doe disaprove and plaC Judgment upon: and under ar


Consideration: of these things wee have delt with Pelege:


And he Segnefys to us that he is Sorey for Such mis=


steps: and wee considring that throw the thickness


of his hearing: he did not so rightly aprehend nor un=


derstand the mater In Its proceedings: the which


the which might have laid him under several


Disadvanteges: there fore wee desier and think It most


Expediant under Several Considrating Espeacely seeing


that he has: Come to an acknowledgment to us:


therfor It is our Sence and Judgment that from


hence forth the Church be noe further trobled with


Sd mater: but that Pelege and freinds doe live In love


And Unity as be cometh Bretheren – –


given under our hand

Joseph Wanton


this 21: of the third month 1708

Thomas Cornell


William Barker


Abraham Anthony Jur


And the meeting Is adjourned untel the next fourth


day Come two weeks – – – – –


the meeting being meet according to adjournment


the 7th day of the 5th month 1708


Stephen Willcock and Benjamin Howland was


Appoynted for to atend the Quarterly meeting at


Rhoad Island next


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our 1708


meeting house In Dartmouth the 15th of the: 5th mo


And their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ – 09s – 03d


And this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay


out of our Stock to Thomas Hathaway Eight Shillings


for the hier of horses for friends – –


And six shillings to Daniel Wood for goeing to Nantucket


with friends – –


And Stephen Willcock Samuell Mott and Benjamin


Howland are appoynted to give William Ricketson and


Merebah Slocumb their answer Consarning their


laying their Intentions of marriage befor the monthely meeting


and make their return to the next monthly meeting – –


And the freinds that was Chosen the last monthely


meeting: for to Speak with Peleg Slocumb for to know


whether he would give another deed of the meeting


house Land after another method and they Report


that Sd Slocumb is not willing – –


Where upon the meeting made choyce of Benjamin =


Howland Eliezer Slocumb William Wood Judah =


Smith and Samell Mott for trustees to have a deed made


to them from the former trustees In the method that


Thomas Story Sent to us for the better securing the


Sd land – –


and Benjamin Howland is Chosen to get a deed Drawn


by the next monthly meeting – –


And freinds are desired to finesh the fenceing the


bureing ground by the next monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 16th of the 6th moth 1708 – –


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ – 12s – 03d


And the three freinds that was Chosen the last


monthly meeting for to give William Ricketson


And Meribah Slocumb the Reason why they


could not be prmetted to lay their Intention of


marriage: before the laast monthely meeting: and


they make report: to this meeting: that the sd ~


William Ricketson and Merebah Slocumb: are


willing to take up with the good order of the meet=


ing: and to come through the same– –


And the Eight Shillings which Benjamin Howland


was ordered to pay to Thomas Hathaway the


last monthly meeting was paid according to order – –


And allso the six Shillings was: paid to Daniel Wood:


as ordered – –


And George Thomas of portsmouth on Rhoad Island


And Martha Tucker of Dartmouth laid their Inten=


tions marriage before this meeting – –


allso Samuell Howland of freetown and marcy


Merehew of Dartmouth did laye their Intention


of marriage befor this meeting – –


And William Ricketson and Marebah Slocumb


both of Dartmouth did likewise lay their Intention


of marriage be fore Sd meeting – –


Stephen Willcock and Benjamin Howland are


Chosen to Inspect and Inquire Into: all: their Clear=


ness Consarning marriage: and to bring In their ~


Answer to the next: monthely meeting – –


And It is agreed and ordered by this monthly meeting


that all freinds that have or hereafter may have ~~


ocasion to lay their Intentions of marrige before the


monthly meeting that they or some freind on their behalf


Shall Aquaint the preparitive meeing their with


before they present It to the monthly meeting – –


And John Tucker and Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen


to agree with a friend for to keep the meeting ~~


house for the Insuing year – –


and to see that the friend that keept the meeting


house the last year be paid for his sarvice – –


And Benjamin Howland hath goten a deed drawn


according to order and It is aproved of by this meeting – –


And ordered to be signed and Acknowleged and ~~


And Recorded –


And John Tucker is appoynted to get the same Accomplished – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 20th day of the 7th moth 1708


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £0 – s06 – 11d


and John Sumers apered for rochester meeting –


And the two friends are Called upon namely ~~


Stephen Willcock and Benjamin Howland to


give In their answer how they find things consarning


the Clearness of the six friends that Did lay their


Intentions of marriage before the last monthly meeting: – –


and they report that they have made req Inquierey


And they find nothing that my Justely hinder


their Intentions – –


and the six friends: to wit: Samuell Howland and ~


Marcy Merehow: and William Recketson and ~


Merebah Slocumb: and George Thomas and Martha


Tucker all appeared the Second time desiring an ~~


Answer they all signefying that they still Intended marriag


and nothing appearing to hinder their Intentions they


all had ther answers that they might proceed to


take Each other In the good order of truth – –


and Benjamin Howland and John Lapham are chosen


to See Samuell Howland and Marcy Merehow ~~Solomnize


their marriage In the order of truth: and John Tucker:


and William Wood are Chosen to See George Thomas and


Martha Tucker: acomplish their mariage In the good:


order of truth – –


and Increas Allin [Allen] and William Soule are Chosen to


See William Recketson and Merebah Slocumb


Solomnize their marriage In the order of truth – –


and Stephen Willcock and Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen


to attend the Quartorly meeting at Rhoad Island next – –


And this monthely meeting refers the buseness Consarning


the Rate which is required of this town by the Jenerel


Court or: Assembley at boston: part of which rate is


soposed to be for the: mantainance: of ahierling ~~


priest: to the Quartorly at Rhoad Island next – –


for their Advice – –


and John Tucker: is appoynted to goe to Boston to


to carrey a petition on the behalf of friends to the


Governor and Counsel to desier them to omet the make


-ing and gathering: that part of sd rate: wich is soposed


for a priest: the which part friends canot be active In


Either makeing or paying the Same It being contrarey


to that princaple of truth which wee mak ~~


profesion of – –


here faloweth the coppeys of Samuell Howland of free


Town In the County of Bristol and George Thomas


of Portsmouth on Rhoad Island their Setificates Con=


Sarning marriage – –


to our freinds and Brethren In Dartmouth or Else where ~~


whom It may Consarn: where as Samuell Howland of free


Town being withIn ye Sircuit of our monthly meeting: haveing


a desire to marrey amongst friends: sometime past did Request


or desier A Sitificate of our sd meeting of his Clearness relateing


Marriage: of which weehave thus Considred and have


proceeded according to the good order of truth: and find


nothing to obiect or hender: his sd proceedings their in: wee


kept [?] your freinds and Brothers in: of this our monthly meeting


held at new port on Rhoad Island this 7th of the 7th moth 1708


Signed In the behalf of sd meeting:


by John bourden [Borden]: Thomas Rodman: Frances Brayton


Joseph Wanton: William Anthony: Richard Borden:


William – Barker: Samuell hicks: Samuell thurston:


Joseph Anthony Jur: Samuell Easton: Thomas hicks:


John hewlet Thomas Cornell Jur – –


the coppey of George Thomas: his Certificate here




from our monthly meeting held at Newport on Rhoad=


Island the 7th of the 7th moth 1708 – –


to our friends and Brethren at Dartmouth is the


Salutation of our love to you all: In the unity: and ~~


felloship: of the Spirit: of truth – –


these are to sertifi you that our friend Georg Thomas


Did desier: of our last monthly meeting A Certificate of his


life and Conversation and Clearness Rlating marriage which


Sd meeting according to the good order of truth Established A


Amongst us: did appoynt two friends: to Inquier In to:


And they make Report unto: this meeting: that they have


Inquired and find nothing; but that he hath ben: of: a


good conversation: and is In unity with us and is allso


Clear from aney person Relating: Marrige: Excepting


Martha Tucker: so far as wee know: whose groth and


prosperety wee: sencearly Desier may be continued to the


End: In the blessed truth:


Signed by order and on behalf of this meeting: by


Jacob Mott:  John Borden:  Jacob Mott Junr:


Thomas Rodman:  Gilse Slocum:  gidian freebourn:


Joseph Wanton:  William Anthony:  William Barker


Frances Brayton:  John Coggeshall:  Thomas Cornell Ju


John Hewlet:  John Stanton Jur:  Richard Bourder


Samuell Hicks:  Thomas Hicks:  Ephraim Hicks:


Samuell Thurston  Josep Anthoney Ju:  Samuell Easton


and the meeting is adjourned untell the fourth day be for the


Quartorly meeting next –


the meeting being meet; according to Adjournment


the 6th day of the 8th moth 1708 – –


the visitors: Brings In their accounts of their visits


to this meeting: that they find freinds Caind[?] and do


take their: labour of love In visiting them Caincoly[?]


the monthly meeting that Should have ben held the


In the 8th month is held by adjournment the first day


of the 9th moth 1708 – –


And their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00 – 11s – 03d


And the friends that was Chosen the last monthly


meeting: to see the marriages Solomnized In the


good Order of truth: – –


was Called upon: and they answered that they did:


see the marriages Acomplished In the good Order


of truth – –


And John Tucker hath ben at boston with a petition


to the governor and Counsel: as apoynted:


but he could not get an Answer as yet: whether: the


will Omet the Sixty pounds that is soposed for the


ministers rate: or not13 – –


and John tucker signifies to this meeting that


he is not willing to receive aney money for his


Service: In going to boston to the governor and Counsel


on the be half of freinds and others – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 15th day of the 9th moth 1708 -


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – £00 – 09s – 10d


Dartmouth meeting called: Benjamin Howland


and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester meeting Called and not appeared – –


and the two friends that was appoynted at the


last preparitive meeting: for to Inquier of Jonathan


Ricketson: Consarning: his laying the Intention of


his marriage: before this meeting – –


And they haveing Spoken with him doe make report


to this meeting: that h sayeth that he doth not Intend


to lay his Intention of marriage be for the monthly


meeting: but saith the he thinks it no sin to be


married other wise – –


and John Tucker John Lapham Jur: and Judah Smith


are Appoynted to furder labour with him: his short=


ness: and bring In their answer to the next monthly meeting – –


And the friends: on the other sid Coxeset: river desier that


they may have: their meeting for the winter seson as formerly – –


which is granted – –


and the bureing ground being fenced In: their remains


dew to John Lapham Jur: six Shillings: and Benjamin


Howland is ordered to pay him out of the monthely


meeting Stock – – – – –


At a monthly meeting: of friend held at our meeing:


house: In Dartmouth: the 20th day of the 10th moth 1708 -


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 01s- 01d


Dartmouth meeting Called William Soule and


Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester meeting Called and none apeared – –


and the friends that was appoynted the last monthly


meeting to furder labour: with Jonathan Ricketson ~~


to shew him his: Shortness: In not being willing to ~~


lay the Intentions of his marriege: be fore the meeting:


they make report to this meeting that his answer is that


he sees no harme In marriing acording to the Costome


of the world: – –


and Saith that at present he doth not In tend to be


married In the order of friends – –


And John Lapham Jur and William Wood are Chose to atend the quarter=


ly meeting at Rhoad Island next – –


and Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Judah Smith


ten Shillings out of the Stock for his keeping the meeting


house one quarter of a year14 – –


and Benjamin Howland is allso ordered to pay John Tucker


nine Shillings and six pence for his Desburstements about


the recording the deeds of the meeting house land – –


and our friend Deliverance Smith being one of the Select


men or asesors of the town: was seized by Samuell


Gallop – Sheirif of Bristol [Bristol County, Mass.]: by an order of the Jeneral


Court at Boston: and Comeeted prisoner to the County


Goal at Bristol:


Becaus he could not for Conscians Sake assese the


Sume of Sixty pounds Enaxed to the Queens taxe ~~


which Sume was soposed as afore mentioned and now


It is Evident: to be for the mantanince of a hierling ~~




and friends haveing unity with him in his ~~


Suffererings – –


doe appoynt Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith


to procur a hand to manneg the Sd Deliveranc Smiths


buseness whilst he is a prisonar on the account of


truth and friends – –


and Ingage him his wages: and the monthly meeting


to reImbrerst the same:


and the meeting is adjourned untel the Seventh


day of the Eleventh month next – – – – –


And the meeting being mett according to adjourn=


ment the 7th of the 11th moth 1708


the visetors Being Called [?] gives In their ~~


accounts to this meeting of their viseting of freinds


familyes and they make reporte that they find things


prety well In Some familes but In other some things


are not will – –


John Tucker and Judah Smith are appoynted to draw


an Epestle to the quarterly meeting at Rhoad Island


giveing an account of the affairs of truth amongst us – – – – –


At a monthely meeting of friends held at our


meeting house In Dartmouth the 17th of the 11th moth 1708/9


their was Collected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ – 09s – 08d


Dartmouth meeting Called William Soul and Eliezar


Slocumb appeared – –


Rochester meeting Called and not Appeared ~~


and Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith make


report to this meeting that according to order of ~


last monthly meeting they have hired James


Russell to look after Deliverance : Smiths busness – –


for one month – –


And this meeting agrees to lend as much money out


of the Stock: as will pay the sd Russell: for his months


work: and orders Benjamin Howland to let him


have It – –


And Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith are Still


Continued for to See that Deliverance Smith dont want


a hand to look after his buseness he being Stel a prisoner


on truths account


And John Tucker is appoynted by this meeting to go to


Boston: to the Jeneral Court: to See if he Cane geet aney releaf for our friends


who now remain prisoners with the sd Deliverance


Smith in the Country Goal at Bristol – –


and the meeting is to helpe him to money to bare his Expences – –


And Stephen Willcock and Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen


to visit friends at Rochester: to See how things are amongst


them and make their return to the next monthly meeting – –


Nathanell Howland and William Soule: are : Chosen


to viset the prisoners: and see what they want and take


Care that their wants may be Suplyed – –


William Wood Eliezar Slocumb and Henery Howland


are Chose to go to robart gifford and labour with him to


shew him his Desorder In refusing to pay his proportion


of the Queens tax: and that freinds cannot stand by him In


so Doeing


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


In Dartmouth the 2i first day of the 12th moth 1708/9


and their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00£ 11s – 01d


And wher as It was Recomended: to this meeting


that Some freinds or friendly people at: aCushanack [Acushnet]15


Desiers that their may be: a meeting of worship appoyn


ted amongst them once In a month – –


and after some debate upon the mater freinds did


unanemosly agree: that their Request might be


Answered thinking it might be for the honour of


god and for the promortion of truth amongst them:


and so recomends It to the Quarterly meeting


for their : Concurance and Asestance their In – –


And William Soul and Judah Smith ar Appoynted


to Draw up a Certificate for our Antiant friend


Hugh Coperthit: of flushing: Consarning his ~~


Sarvice and labour of love amongst us – –


allso aComfertable Epestle was red here from our


Antiant freinds and bretheren from their yearly


meeting held at london last thurd month – –


And an Epestle allso from the Quarterly meeting


was Read amongst us and Caindly Excepte [kindly accepted] – –


And by reson that the last monthely meeting


minits: Could not be hade; where In was ~~


Several refers to this meeting the Clarke not being


at home – –


their fore the meeting Adjourns until the ~~


Second: fourth day in the first month next – – – – –


this meeting Being meet accourding to adjourne=


ment the 9th day of the first month 1709 – –


and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay


James Russell for his second months works out


of the meeting Stock


And John Tucker gives this meeting an acount


thaat he hath ben at boston as ordered and the ~~


Jeneral Court hath granted an order to the Sherif of


of Bristol: to Relleise the prisoners they paying him


the fees: wich they Could not do:


therefore they are still continued prisoners – –


Stephen Willcock and Eliezer Slocumb according to


Appoyntment: have ben at Rochester and they give


an account that freinds their are not so well as they


Could wish: but hope that things may be better – –


And the friends appoynted: to Spake with Robart Gifford


gives In their answer that he hath given Satesfaction


and hath paid his rate – –


and the prisoners: to wit Deliverance Smith: and


Thomas Taber Junr are Released and Come home


but the manner of their Commetment and their


Release shall be more largely Declared here ~~


after under the hand of one of them – – – – –



At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meet=


ing house In Dartmouth the 21st day of the 1st moth 1709


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – £ 0- 08s – 06d


Dartmouth meeting: Called Benjamin Howland and


Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester meeting Called and not Appeared – –


and Benjamin Howland gives this meeting an


account that he hath pay’d James Russell for one


months work twenty Eight Shillings – –


as ordered by the last monthly meeting


and Judah Smith: hath made up the accounts


with Benjamin Howland as ordered: and


their remains In the Stock –  –  –  –  –  –  – 02£ – 04s – 09d


And Charles Dyer the Sone of Charls Dyer of Newport


on Rhoad Island and Marcy lapham daughter of


John lapham of Dartmouth – –


Did lay ther Intention of marriage: before this meeting


and they were Desiered they to tarrey until the next


monthly meeting for their Answer – –


And John Tucker and William Wood are Apoynted to see


In to their Cleanness relating marrige and Bring In their – –


Answer to the next monthly meeting – –


And William Wood Desiers the aprebation of the meeting


for to put out one of his Children an apprentice to nicholas


Howland and this meeting both agree and Consent to


the Same – –


and the Sufering: of William Wood for not training


was Read and aproved and ordered: to be recommended ~


to the quarterly meeting


And this meeting Is Adjourned untel the 6th day of the


Second month – – – – –


the meeting being meet according to Adjournment the


Sixt day of the Second month 1709 – –


and this meeting hath recived an account of Deliverance


Smith Consarning his late Imprisonment and the meeting


Recomends: the Same to the quarterly meeting – –


John Tucker and Benjamin Howland : are Chosen: to


Atend the quaterly meeting next at Rhoad Island


this meeting hat received an account of the visetors


as faloweth – –


these are to Satesfie the monthly meeting that wee


have visited the most of friends famielys here but


by reason of my not being weell: wee have nt not ~~


preformed a Jeneral Visit but so far as wee have


ben wee find things preti well: Except Some that


are not so rightly Consarned as they ought to be


and those need a great deal of labour to bring them


to obsarve the orders of friends – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 18th day of the second moth 1709 – –


Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and John


Tucker appeared


Rochester: meeting called John Sumers Appeared – –


And the buseness consarning Charls Dyer and


Marcy lapham is refered to the next monthly meeting – –


Allso a meeting of worship is Established at Cushanet [Acushnet]


by the quarterly meeting as requested


and is to be keept the last first day In Every month


And the Quarterly meeting of ministers: haveing – –


laboured with Hannah Jenney: and advised her to


be Silent: In meetings of worshp:


but shee: not takeing up with their advice: they


Reffer: here to our monthly meeting: to Deele with


her as they may see meet: In the wisdom of god – –


And Benjamin Howland and John Tucker are


Chosen: to Spake with the Sd Hannah Jeney: to


let here know: that freinds have no : unity with


here preaching praying and singing: In publick


meetings: and if Shee will stil go on conterarye to


the advice of freinds: then freinds will be constrained


for to give forth: a publick testimony against here


proceeding In that Case – –


and thomas taber Jur: being a friendly man and a


late prisoner with our friend Deliverance Smith – –


and he behaveing him selfe as becometh the truth


which he sufered for In the time of his Imprison=


- ment and freinds haveing unity with him: In


his Suferings – –


do think It their Christian duty to Contrebut some=


thing to wards the suport of his fameley In


the time of his late Imprisonment – –


And the Epestle from the quar meeting was read


to our comfort and Satesfaction – –


and here followeth a coppey of Deliverance Smiths letter


which he sent: to the monthly meeting giveing


an acount of the manner of his Imprisonmente


and sufferings – – – – –


[Two blank pages]


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the sixteenth of the third month – – 1709


their was Collected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ – 09s – 03d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called: Judah Smith and


Benjmin Howland appeared; Rochester meeting


Called and not appeared – –


And the buseness consarning Charls Dyer and Marcy =


Lapham is refered to the next monthely meeting – –


and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to let:


Thomas Cornell have ten Shillings out of the meeting


Stock: to help to Defray :the Charge of friends pasege


to nantucket


And the first day at aCokset: is Concluded to be at the


meeting house for this summer – –


And this meeting understands by John Summers :and


TIM Timothey Davice [Davis]: that friends at Rochester are


neglegent : In not atending their preparitive meeting


According to order – –


where for: Stephen Willcock: and Benjamin Howland


are Appoynted to viset them: and stir them up:


to Deligancy: In their meetings: and to obsarve the


good orders of truth established amongst friends – –


and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to


pay: Judah Smith Eight Shillings out of the Stock


for his Recording the minits of the monthly meetin


At amonthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the twenteth of the fourt: month 1709


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£ - 12s - 04d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and


William Soule appeared: &


Rochester weekly meeting called and : not appeared


and the Bussnes consarning Charls Dyer and marcy


Lapham is refered to the next monthly meeting – –


John Tucker and Benjamin Howland are Chosen to


attend the Quarterly meeting next – –


the visitors being called upon: they give In the folowing


account friends wee have preformed a Jeneral visit in the


famelies of friends: through out the weekly meetings In Dartmouth


and wee find that our labour of [love?] was [?] sarvice to


some: and things Jeneraly are prety well amongst friends – –


Eliezer Slocum, Increas Allin – –


And Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith are chosen


to wright an Epestle to the Quarterly meeting giveing


an acount of the afairs of truth amongst us – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 18th day of the fift month 1709 -


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0l-09s-04d


Dartmouth meeting called William Soule and Judah


Smith apeared RoChester meeting called Saverey


Cleffton [Clifton] Appeared – –


and It is desired by this meeting that all freinds who


have ben Imprest this yea[r] that they bring In their ~


acounts how they have stood : In truths testemony against


waring and fighteing and also how they came to be


Released from the sd Impress – to the next monthly


meeting – –


Benjamin Howland and John Lapham Jur are


Chosen visitors and aded to the two that was formerly


appoynted – –


and Henrey Howland : is agreed: with to make up the


gape Into the burieing ground : and to be paid out of


the monthly meeting Stock – –


and It is ordered that Benjamin Howland shoudshould


pay to John Lapham twenty shillings out of our


stock: for his keeping the meeing house


and tis recomended to theis meeting by rochester freinds


that they may have the meeting that is keept at John


Summers : removed to John Wings: and allso a weekly


meeting setled amongst them – –


and this meeting refers It to the next monthely


meeting : for a full result In the matter – –


and mathew Wi[n]g gives this meeting an account of


his being Imprest as foloweth


to the monthly meeting In Dartmouth: friends these


are to sartifie the meeting: that I have ben Imprest and


hired a man to goe In my roome : but upon Consideration


I was condemned In my self for so doing and I am sorey


for the same and I hope I shall doe so no more – –


mathew Winge


At a monthely meeting of friend held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the fifteenth of the 6th : mth 1709


there was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0l-06s-08d


Dartmouth meeting called William Soule and Judah


Smith appeared: rochester meeting called and not Apeared – –


and It is ordered that Benjamin Howland should pay five


Shillings to his brother Henrey for makeing the gate


and posts for the buring yard – –


Charls Dyer and Mary Lapham appeared the second


time: Sigenefying still their Intention of marrige and


nothing appearing to hinder their Intention he haveing


a SerifiCate from the monthly meeing whereunto he


did belong : a Coppey of which here foloweth – –


from our monthly mens meeting of freinds held at new


port on Rhoad Island ye 14th day of the 4th month 1709


to our friends at Dartmouth: is the Saleutaton of our Dear


love In the truth: and where as Charls Dyre son of ~


Charles Dyer : of newport : Deceased desired a certificate of us


he being as wee understand In persuance of marriage ~


with marey the Daughter of John Lapham and marey


his wife of Dartmouth :


these are theirfore : to certifie whom it may concarn that


we have made: Inquiery : Concarning him and do finde


nothing but that he is clear of intanglement as to mariag


so for as we know with any here amongst us : and


and as to his convesation of late has seemed to be sober: and


well Inclind: and frequents friends meetings and


wee have nothing against :his proceeding in marriag


so Desiring his prosperety: and growth in the truth


we conclud: signed by order and In be half of:


our monthly meeting by _____


thomas Cornell Clark of ye meeting


they had their answer : that they might take : each


other In Conveniant tim In the Desente order


of truth – –


and William Wood and John Tucker are appoynted


to sea that the marriage is Solemnized In the good -


order of truth _____


and the bussenes concarning the setelement of a weekley


meeting at rochester is refered to the next monthely meeting


and Nathanell Howland and William Soule was called up =


on: to give In their accounts of what they have Desburted to =


wards the Suport of the late prisoners on the meetings


account and they say they have desbursted nothing on the


meetings account – –


John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are called upon to give


In their account: Concarning this Care about the meeting


house the last year – –


and their Answer is: that their is dew to them ten ~


shillings: and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland


to paye it to them out of our Stock – –


and John Tucker and Eliezer Slocum are still continued


for to take care of the meeting house for the Insuing


year – –


and Itis ordered that Benjamin Howland should


pay Judah Smith :twelve shillings for recording


the monthly meetings minits: out of the monthly


meeting Stock – –


and this meeting hath subscribed teen pounds to:


to wards the building of friends meeting in Boston


and this meeting hath received an account form our


freinds In wrighting: which was Imprest this year


which was read to the satesfaction: of the meeting


and ordered to be recorded: as foloweth – – – – –


to the monthely meeting of freinds In Dartmouth


holden the fiftenth day of the sixt month 1709 – –


Dear friends and bretheren: thinking It our Christan duty


and acording to the good order of truth: to give you this


folowing: account


friends: on the 9th day of the third month last in this


present year: we whose nanes [names] are under wretten


three of us being at the town house In Dartmouth ~


were Impresed by John Akin leuthenat of the train


band; In to the Queens Service to goe to Canadya [Canada]16 !


and he required us to appear the next day at the hous


of Josiah Allin [Allen] to receive furder order: and acordingly we


went to Sd allins and when wee came our furder order ~


was to be Exercised In a warlike postour.


and we told Sd Akin that we could not In conciance


act In aney warlike postur: nor use carnal weapons to ~


destroy mens lives: who said He took notice of our answer


and told us wee might go home untel furder order


which we Did and remained at or about home untel the 18th


day of the month: and then being ordered to appear be fore Colenel


Byfield wee went with William Soule: (who was Impres


by the above sd Akin: the 11th of the Same month to goe to


Caniday In her majestys service) and ordered to appear


at the town house In Bristol [Bristol, Mass., now R.I.]: on the 18th day of the sd 3th mth


so wee went to Joseph Wantons where: we meet with


our friend William Wood who was going with his son Will=


iam Wood to Bristol: for Robart Brownel came the 11th day of


the third month 1709: and Imprest his son to go to Canady


In the Queens service:


after wards: Nathanell Soule warned him to appear at


the the town house In Bristol on the 18th day of the


sd third month: then we considred the matter and ~


thought It might be best: for William Wood to leave


his Son their and goe and Spake In his sons bhalf


which he did: then wee went to Bristol together


and Appeared befor Colonol Byfield: who asked: us


some questions: to which wee answered that wee


Could nout for Consiance Sake act In a War lick ~


posture to Destroy mens lives: for In So doing we shoud


ofend god and In cur his Displeasur: and when William


Wood Juner was called his father spoke In his behalf


then Colenol Byfield : asked him if his sone was


a Quaker too: he said it is against his mind to goe to


ware and he would not kill a man for the world


then one that sat by: said Byfield said take him:


then he [sat?] down William’s name In his Book


then he put us all: under the Comand of Capt ~


Joseph Brown: and charged us to march with him


to Rocksburie [Roxbury, Massachusetts.] by the 25th of sad [said] month: which charge wee


could not obay: but after ward he being more modrate


Desiered us to goe down not In aney warlike posture but


to take our own time: So as to meet Capt. Brown at the ~


Governors at roxburey the Sd 25th of the month which


we finding freedom to doe accordingly went thether and


laid our cause before the governeur Joseph Dudly who was


verey kind to:us and gave us our liberty to go home with out


Demanding aney money of us: or wee paying him aney In


which liberty through the goodness of god wee still remain


your friends


   John Tucker:  William Wood


William Soule:  John Lapham Jr


Deliverance Smith


an other paper from nathaneell Howland to friends -


-ing of the people


called Quakers In Dartmouth: that on the 9th day of the


third month 1709


I was Imprest by John Akin Into the queens sarvice


an allso warned me to appear at Josiah Allins on the


next day to receive furder order: which I did then


he said his order was to Exersise me In a warlike postour


with others that was Imprest: untel he had furder order then


I tould him it was against my consiance in to aCt In


SuCh a way to go out to war to destroy mens lives or


words to that purpos: which he said he took notiCe of


and Said I might go home untel furder order: then


after ward I was warned to go with sd akin to the


town house In Bristoll [Bristol, Mass., now R.I.] the 18th day of the sd third


month: and accordingly: I went with him tel we


came to brother Daniell at the ferrey: then the said ~


Akin called mee aside and released mee from the


Impres with out my paying aney fine or promesing


aney – –


Nathanell Howland


At a monthly meeting of : friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth the 19th day of the 7th mth 1709 – –


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0l-10s-09d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called: Judah Smith


and John Lapham Junr appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting: called and not appeared


William Wood and John Tucker hath brought In


their answer: to this meeting: that Charls Dyer


and Marcy Lapham Did Solemnise their marrige


In the good order of truth – –


And the busenes: Concarning the Settleing of a weekly


meeting amongst friends: at Rochester is referd


to the next monthly meeting: by reson their is


no representitive from their meeting – –


and In as much as their is no : friends from the


preparative meeting at Rochester: this meeting


Doth appoynt Benjamin Howland and Eliezar


Slocum : to visit them: and stur them up In


their Duty deligently to attend the monthly meeting – –


and John Tucker : and William Wood are chosen


to attend the quarterly meeting next – –


and Stephen Willcock : and William Wood gives


this meeting: to understand: that they have spoken


with Thomas Wait: ConCarning his Comeing


amongst freinds: to take a wife: and he Saith he


is willing to Submet to the good order of truth – –


and John tucker is appoynted : to give thomas


Wait a few lines: to freinds at nantucket Signi-


fying that he is In good unity with friends: here


of this meeting – –


and the minits of the last yearly meeting was read


at this meeting and Caindly [kindly] approved of by the meeting


and the meeting is adjourned untel the 12th day of the


Eight month next


the monthly meeting being meet according to Adjournment


the 12th day of the 8th moth 1709 – –


the visitors give in their account to this meeting


that they find: things prety well Jeneraly amongst


freinds Except Some perticular familys things are


no well: but friends are in hopse that In time they


may come to be better – –


and John Tucker and Judah Smith are chosen to


wright an :Epestle: to the Quarterly meeting: next


giveing an account of the afairs of truth amongst


us – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 17th day of the 8th moth 1709 – –


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0l-09s-5d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and


John Lapham Junr appeared – –


Rochester meeting called and not appeared – –


James Russell :and Rebecah Howland Did lay their


Intention of marrige before this meeting: and they


wer Desired to wait untel the next monthly meet-


ing for an answer – –


and Benjamin Howland and John Lapham are


chosen: to Inquier In to their Clearness: and bring


In their answer to the next monthly meeting: how


they find things – –


And Eliezar Slocum reports: to this meeting that


he hath ben at Rochester according to apoyntment


and hath spoken with friends their: and they signify


that they condemn their Slackness and hope for time


to come they shall be more Deligent In attending the


weekly monthly meeting – –


and John tucker and William Wood make report to


to this meeting that they have attended the quarterly


meeting: according to appoyntment: and John tucker


and Judah Smith: have written an Epestle to the


Quarterly meeting as ordered – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 21 first of the 9th mth 1709 – –


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0l-04s-11d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester meeting called and not appeared – –


and the two friends that was chosen the last ~


monthly meeting to Inspect into the clearness of


James Russell and Rebecah Howland concarning


marriage: was called upon: and their answers is that:


they have made Inquirey and find nothing that


may hinder their Intention of marriage – –


James Russell and Rebecah Howland Apeared the ~


Second time: before the meeting: Desiering an answer


to their proposals of marriage laid before the last monthly =


meeting: Signifying that they both Still Intended marriage


and friends finding things Clear they had their answer


that they might proceede: to take Each other In marriage


In the good order of truth – –


and Benjamin Howland : and John Lapham Jur is


Appoynted to see the marriage acomplished In the decent


order of truth – –


and the teen pounds: Subscribed to wards the building of


the meeting house at boston: was colected at this meet-


ing: and Delivered to Thomas Cornell In order to


be sent to boston for the Use above sd – –


and where as Elizabeth the Daughter of hisekiah – –


Smith and of marcy his wife: hath walked Desorderly


In marring with one of the world: Contrary to the


good order of truth Estableshed amongst us: and


the advice of friends: and friends being clear of


her this meeting maks choyce of John tucker and Increas


Allin to Draw up a paper of condemnation concarning her


and bring It into the next monthly meeting – –


and where as Its proposed to this meeting by the visitors whether


Robart Gifford is accounted a friend In unity or not – –


and it is the sience [sense] of the meeting that robart Gifford bing [being]


a friends Child: is under the Care and Custety of this meet-


ing and ought to be viseted as a friend – –


and it is agreed that friends at Coxset should have ther meet-


ing: on the first Day of the weeke: on the other side the river


for this winter as formerly – –


allso we recived an Epestle from the last quarterly


meeting at rhoad Island: which was read and kindly


Excepte [accepted]: where by we underStand: that the monthly


meeting at Rhoad Island is altered and is to be held on


the last third Day in Everey month – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting house In Dartmouth the 19th of the 10th: mth 1709


their was colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0l-13s-06d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith


and John Lapham Appeared – –


Rochester weekly called and Joseph Wing Appeared – –


And Benjamin Howland and John Lapham w


was Called upon: to know whether they Did See


James Russell and Rebeca Howland Consemat


their marriage In the order of truth – –


And their answer is: that they were at the marriag


and they know not: but that things was Carried


on prety well – –


And John green of Warwick and Marcy Allen the


Daughter of Increas Allien of Dartmouth Did lay their


Intentians of marr be for this meeting and they


was Desiered to wait for an Answer until the next monthly


meeting – –


And where as John Tucker and Increas Allin was


Appoynted by the last Monthly meeting: to Draw up


a paper of Condemnation Concarning Elizebeth Tripp


and their being nothing done: this meeting doth still


continoue them to do It against the next monthly


meeting – –


And John Tucker an william wood is appoynted


to attend the Quarterly meeting at Rhoad Island


next – –


And the visitors of this meeting hath given In ther


their Accounts of their visiting of friends and they


signefy that things are prety w well In some


fameleys: but In other some things are not ~


well but wee hope that In time things may be


better – –


And Benjamin Howland and John Lapham


Is Appoynted: to se In to the Clearness of John: green


and Marcy Allin concarning marriage and bring


In their Answer to the next monthly meeting – –


And Nathaneel Howland hath requested: the liberty


of this meeting: to set up a Stable on the meeting


house land: which is granted – –


And Judah Smith is apoynted to make up the monthely


meetings Accounts with Benjamin Howland and


make Returne to the next monthly meeting – –


And this meeting Is adjourned untel the next


the next forth Day come week which will be the


28th day of this Instant – –


and the meeting being meet according to Adjurn=


ment the 28th of the 10th month 1710 – –


And where as some agetations hath be concarning


Samuell Mott his seling of his habetation and


removeing to newport on Rhoad Island to live


and It is the sience [sense] of this meeting: that It will not


be for his Advanteg In aney wise: so canot give


our consent their to at the present – –


and John tucker and Judah Smith is Appoynted


to Draw up an Epestle to the next quartorly meet=


ing giveing an account of the afairs of truth amongst


us – –


And Rochester preparetive meeting hath requested


of the monthly meeting: that they may have a


weekly meeting^ for worship Established amongst them and


to be keept on the fift Day of the week at John wings


and allso that they may have their preparetive meet=


ing on the fift day of the week before the monthly


meeting after the meeting of worship is Ended – –


and that they have a monthly meeting of worship on


the first day at John Wings once In four weeks: all which is


grante[d] and alowed by this meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 16th Day of the 11th month 1709


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-10s-06d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Benjamin =


Howland and Eliezar Slocum appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting called and not all


Appeared – –


John Green and Marey Allin [Allen] apeared before


this meeting Desiering an Answer to their ~


proposials of marriage layed before the last month


ly meeting saying they was still of the same mind


the said John green [Greene] haveing his mothers concent In that


matter and allso a Certificate from the monthly meeting


where unto he did belong: the coppey of which are


here Insarted – –


from our monthly meeting for buseness at Estgreenwich [East Greenwich]


the 19th day of the 10th month 1709 In the coloney of


Rhoad Island to ye monthly meeting of bisness of friends


at Dartmouth Greetingst – –


whereas our friend John Greene haveing Desiered a Sertifycate


from our monthly meeting these may therefore In~


form you that he has made a profestione [profession] of the bles[s]ed


Truth with us for some Considrable time and that


his life and conversatin has ben Answerable theire


unto he being In good unity with us hear [here] being


of some service amongst us And furder wee do signyfi


that concerning marreag we have taken care at our


monthly meeting And do find nothing to the cn


contrary but that he is clear from all here as conc[e]rn=


ing marriage – –


Signed by order and In behalf of our sd meeting




Benjamin Barton :

Robert Wesgate

Abner Spencer


Samuel Perrey :

Samuell Aldrich


Zacriah Jenkens :

Thomas Arnold


Thomas Rodman Jur:        


here foloweth a coppey of his mothers consent – –


In the Coloney of Rhoad Island


Potawomet [Potowomut] in Warwick [RI] the 11th of the 11th month 1709


to the monthly meeting of friends at Dartmouth


these are to Inform you yt [that] as to ye proceedings of my son


John Green Concerning marrieg hee has my free consent


consent their unto


from your wellwishing friend: Elizebeth Green


And the said Marey: Allin [Mary Allen] allso haveing her perance [parents]


Consent: the meeting give them their Answer – that


they might take Each other In the good order of truth


And Benjamin Howland and John Lapham is appoyn-


ted to se[e] them Consumate their marriage In the good


order of truth – –


And Jabush Barker and Rebecah Russell did lay


their Intentions of marriage be for this meeting – –


and they was desiered to wait untel the next monthly


meeting for an answer – –


nathaneel Howland and James Burriell [Burrel] are Chosen


to Inspect Into their Clearness concarning marriage


and make return to the next monthly meeting – –


And where as John Tucker and Eliezar Slocum


Increas Allin [Increase Allen] was continued the last monthly meet=


ing to draw up a paper of condemnation concarning


Elizebet [Elizabeth] Tripp and It not being fully acomplished


to the Satesfaction of friends:


they are still continued: and Benjamin Howland


and Elizear [Eliezer] Slocum are Appoynted and added to


them for the full Acomplishing the same – –


and the meeting adjourns untel the 25 fift of this


Instant – – – – –


the meeting being met according ^to adjournment the 25 fift of the 11th moth 1709


the four friends appoynted to Draw up the condemna


tion concarning Elizebeth tripp her cond have don


It and presented It to this meeting: and the meeting


the meeting seeth cause to refer It to the next month


ly meeting: befor it goes forth In publick – –


and Judah Smith is called upon to give an account ~


whethe he hath mad[e] up the monthly meetings accom[p]ts


with Benjamin Howland and It is not don so hee


Is contenued stell to do it and make return to the next


monthly meeting – –


And John tucker is Appoynted to give Rochester friends


an account In wrighting that their request as to Setle=


ing their: meetings was granted the last


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 20th day of the 12th month 1709 – –


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – £l[?]-08s-08d


Dartmouth weekly ^meeting called Judah Smith and John=


Lapham Appeared – –


Rochester weekly called Savory Clefton [Clifton]


Appeared – –


and the two freinds that was apoynted the last month


ly meeting ^do give In their answer: that John Green and


Marey Allin [Mary Allen] did acomplish their marriage In the order


of the meeting – –


And the matter concarning Jabush Barker and


Rebecah Russell is refered to the nex[t] monthly ~


meeting – –


and the accounts not as yet being made up with


Benjamin Howland concarning the collection:


Ju[d]ah Smith is still Continued to do It and make


return to the next monthly meeting – –


And John tucker hath given Rochester^ freinds an account


of the setling of their meetings as appoynted – –


and this meeting makes choice of William Wood


Eliezer Slocum John Lapham and William Soule


to peruse what Elizebeth tripp sent In to the monthly


meeting Concarning her Joyning In marrige out of the


good order established amongst us – –


and give In thir Judgment whether that be sefesiant [sufficient]


to clear truth which shee sent In to the monthly meeting


or whether the monthly ought to give forth a


publick testimony against her – –


Dartmouth weekly meeting meeting called no buseness


rochester weekly meeting called and John wing son of


John Wing of Rochester appeared at this meeting


Desiaring a certifycate of his Clearness as to marriage


And Saverey Clifton and Timothey Davice [Davis] are


Chose to Inquier Into his Clearness as to marrege


and bring In their Answer to the next monthly


meeting – –


and was received the Epistle from the last Quartorly


meeting the which was read at this meeting and


was caindly [kindly] Excepted [accepted] – –


the freinds above Chosen to Consider and advise with


some women friends about the matter Relating ~


Elizebeth tripp: Do give their advice that a paper


of Condemnation go forth publickly against her


which this meeting doth think well of – –


And do order John Tucker to Read publickly the said


Condemnation on a first day after meeting or se[e]


It done by the next monthly meeting and make


return their of – – – – –



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 27th day of the first: mth 1710 – –


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-09s-02d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting called John wing jur apeared – –


Judah Smith hath made up the monthly meetings


Accounts with Benjamin Howland as appoynted


And their remains In the Stock –  –  –  –  –  –  – 02£-14s-09d


And Jabush Barker and Rebecah Russell came


the second time for their Answer as to takeing Each other


In marriage and things appearing Clear they had their


Answer that they might take Each other In the good order


of truth – –


and nathaneel Howland and James Burill [Burrel] are Chosen


to see them Solomnize their marriage In the good order


Established In the good ord Amongst us – –


and Joseph Chace sone of William Chace of Swansey and


Abigall [Abigail] tucker of Dartmouth did lay their Intentions


of their marriag before this meeting and they was


Desired to wait untel the next monthly meeting for


an Answer – –


and John tucker and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] are Chosen to


make Inquierey In to ther clearness and bring In their


clear answer to the next monthly meeting – –


and this meeting apoynts Benjamin Howland to


pay Judah Smith what is dew [due] to him for recording


the monthly meeting minits – –


and make return to the next monthly meeting


what is done17 – –


and John tucker makes report to this meeting that


he hath Read Elizebeth Tripps condemnation as


Apoynted the last monthly monthly meeting – –


which is as foloweth; whare as friends ware Informed


that Elizebeth Smith the daughter of Hizekiah [Hezekiah] Smith


and of Marey his wife that Shee did Intend to marrey


out of the order of friends their for freinds did labour


with her to show her: her Shortness their In but Shee


Did not take their advice but was married contrarey


to the good order of friends


their for we who are Called Quakers: Can do no les but


to Clear our salves [ourselves] and the bles[s]ed truth that we make


profesion of but to signify to the world that we have no


unity with such marriages nor with the said Elizebeth


In her so marr[y]ing: out of the good order of truth


Estableshed amongst friends.


Signed by order and In behalf of our monthly men


and womens meeting held at Dartmouth the 20th day


of the twelfth: month 1709 or 10: by


Ruth Tucker

: Marey Smith

: Savrey Cleffton [Savory Clifton]


Rachel Allin [Allen]

: Marey Lapham Jur

: Stephen Willcock [Wilcox]


Hannah Soule

: hope merehow

: Judah Smith


Hannah tucker

: John tucker

: william wood


marey Slocum

: John Lapham Jur

: Henrey tucker


Sarah gifford

: Increas Allin [Increase Allen]

: Josiah merehow [Merihew]


Dorcase [Dorcas] Earl – –


and Judah Smith and John tucker is appoynted to


Draw up an Epestle to the quartorly meeting next – –


And John tucker: William: wood and Elizar [Eliezer] Slocum


Is Chosen to attend the quartorly meeting next – –


and William Soule desiers the Aprabation of the meeting


to put his sone an aprantice [apprentice] to Nicholas Howland


John Russell which the meet[ing] hath unity with


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meet=


ing house In Dartmouth the 15th of the 2 mth 1710 – –


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


and william Soule appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called Isaac Benson Appeared – –


and their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-12s-09d


and Inquirey being made whether Jabush Barker


And Rebecah Russell had Solomnized their


marriage In the good order of truth and the answer


was that they had acomplished It according


to order – –


And the buseness Concarning Joseph Chase and


Abigal Tucker things not being Clear


relating their Intention of marriage they are refered


to the next monthly meeting for their answer – –


and Benjamin Howland is still Continued to pay Judah


Smith for Recording the monthly meeting and he Is:


Desiered to do It against the next monthly meeting – –


and the freinds that was appoynted to draw up an Epestle


to the Quartorly meeting have done It according to order


and the freinds that was Chosen to Attend the quartorly


meeting: make report that they have attended yt [that]


meeting According to appoyntment – – – – –


At a monthly mans meeting of friends held ate our meeting


house In Dartmouth the 15th day of the 3th: mo 1710 – –


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-10s-03d


Dartmouth weekly meet called Judah Smith and:


william Soule: appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called John Summers apeared


and the buseness Concarning Joseph Chase and Abigal=


Tucker is refered to the next monthly meeting: because


the sd Joseph Chase hath not a Certifycate from the


monthly meeting to which he doth belong – –


and Benjamin Howland hath paid Judah Smith


for Recordding the monthly meeting minits:


twelve Shillings: as ordered the last monthly meeting ~


and Thomas Smith at pensalvenia [Pennsylvania] the sone of ~


Eliezar Smith of Dartmouth Desiered of this monthly meeting


A Certifycate of his Clearness as to marriage: In order


their unto this meeting appoynted Deliverance Smith


and William Wood: to Inquire In to his Clearness


and If they find things Clear then they are appoynted


to Draw up a Certifycate for him and make their return


to the next monthly meeting – –


and the quartorly meeting Epestle Was read at this


meeting and Excepted and alowed and the meeting


agrees to com to a Subscription: for to defray part of the


Charge of Kingstown meeting: house as Requested by the


last Quartorly meeting: and the Sume: requested


Is four pounds – –


and it is agreed that the first day meeting on the


other side Coxet river should: be at the meeting ~


house for this Summer according to former agree


agreement – –


william wood John lapham James Bourrell [Burrel] and


Increase Allien [Allen] are appoynted to go with some ~


women friends: to conseder whether their ought


to be a paper of publick Condemnation to be given


forth against Abigal Howland the daughter of


Benjamin Houland [Howland] for marr[y]ing out of the order


of truth – –


and the freinds above Chosen have Considred the


mater concarning the above named abigal howland


and give In their Judgment that their ought to be


a paper of condemnation drawn up and given forth


against her – –


and the Same freinds are appoynted to draw


It up against the next monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at the


meeting house In Dartmouth the 19th of the 4th moth 1710


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-10s-03d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called: Judah Smith and


william Soule Appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting called: Elisha wing appeared


And Joseph: Chasce [Chase] and Abigal Tucker came to this


meeting: and Desiered an Answer to their former proposials


of marriage layd before the monthly meeting signifyeing


they still Intended marriage – –


And nothi[n]g Apearing to hender their Intentions and the


Said Joseph Chasce [Chase] haveing a Certifycate from the monthly


to which he doth belong:


they had their answer that they might take Each other In the


good order or truth – –


and John tucker and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] are Chosen to see


their marriage acomplished In the good order of truth – –


A Certifycate was: given forth by this meeting: to Thomas


Smith at pensalvenia of his Clearness Concarning marg marriage – –


and John tucker is appoynted to signe the above said


Certifycate In the behalfe of the said monthly meeting ~


and Ruth Smith Desiered a Certifycate of this monthly


meeting Signifying that Shee had a Concarne [concern] upon


her mind to visit her Children In pencelvenia]: and


freinds haveing unity with her Concarne apoynted


Judah Smith and John tucker to Draw a Certifycate


for her and Signe It in behalf of the meeting – –


william wood John tucker and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] are


Chosen to atend the Quartorly meeting next – –


and Benjamin Howland is ordered to let John tucker


have twenty Shillings for keeping the meeting house – –


and the friends thet was Chosen the last monthly =


meeting to Draw up a paper of Condemnation: against


Abigal Howland have done It: and it was Read and ~


Aproved by this meeting – –


And John tucker is appoynted to reed the Same publick=


ly on the first day at the braking up of the meeting


of worship          Some time befor the next monthly meeting – –


of which these folowing is a Coppey – –


this is given forth to clear our Holy profession by us


the people Called Quakers – –


Where as Jonathan Ricketson and Abigaile Howland


being born of believing parance [parents] and they being Likely


to marrey Contrarey to the good Order of truth Estableshed


amongst us: wee haveing advised them to the Contrarey


but they taking no advice from us haveing acomplished


It Contrarey to our Order for which we disowne them


to be of our Society and Communion Signed by order


of our monthly meeting at Dartmouth ye 19th day of the 9th mo 1710




Hannah tucker

pheby [Phebe] tucker

John tucker


Hanah [Hannah] Soule

hope merehow [Merihew]

Stephen willcock [Wilcox]


Ruth tucker

marey [Mary] Smith

Judah Smith


marey [Mary] Slocum

Increase Allin [Allen]

Henrey [Henry] tucker


Rachel Allin [Allen]

James Burrill [Burrel]

Josiah Merehow [Merihew]


Ruhamah Smith

william wood

Abraham tucker


marey [Mary] Lapham

John Lapham

Eliezar [Eliezer] Slocum


and the meeting is adjourned until the first


sixt day of the fift month next – – – – –


the meeting being meet According to Adjournment


the 7th day of the fift month 1710 – –


and the Visetors brought In their account to this


meeting of their visiting freinds famelyes belonging


to the monthly meetings and they make Report


that they have preformed a Jeneral visit: and find


things In the Jeneral amongst freinds prety well


but In some famelyes not well but hope that things


In time may come to be better – –


And Stephen willcock [Wilcox] william wood and John


tucker is appoynted to Draw up and [sic] Epestle to the


quartorly meeting next: giveing an account how


things are amongst us – –


And It is refered for the advice: and Judgment of the


Quartorly meeting – –


whether If a friend shall give his Child In marriage


to one of the world after that freinds have laboured


with him and advised him to the Contrary and he


Shall presest [persist] to the accomplishing the Same then


whether a paper of Condemnation under his own hand


may be taken up with for Satesfaction or whether ~


a paper of Condemnation ought not to go forth against


him from the monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the 17th of the 5th month –  –  –  –  – 1710 – –


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-09s-09d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Benjamin Howland


and Judah Smith Appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting called and not apeared – –


and the freinds that was appoynted to see Joseph Chace [Chase]


And Abigal tuckers marriage acompleshed acording to


order make report that It is not yet acomplished and


the Same freinds are Still Continued to see It and bring


In their answer to the next monthly meeting – –


and the friends that was appoynted to Draw a Certifycate


for ruth Smith have don It as ordered – –


forruth and John tucker mak[e]s report to this meeting that he


hath Read Jonathan Riketsons [Ricketsons] and Abigal Howlands


Condemnation according to appoyntment of last month


ly meeting – –


and John tucker and william wood have attended


the quartorly meeting as appoynted – –


and Benjamin Howland is Called upon to know whether


he hath paid John tucker as appoynted the last ~


meeting and It is not don so he is Still Continued to


do It and make returne to the next monthly meeting


and the friends that was apoynted to wright an


Epestle to the quartorly meeting make Report that


they have done It – –


and this meeting received a letter from Walter


Newberey [Newberry]: with Eighty two Books of our freind


patrick Henderson which he wret [wrote] In answer


to a Scandlas [scandalous] book of: Cotton Mathers18 – –


the Books Coms to –  –  –  –  –  –  – 02£-15s-00d


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting


house In dartmouth the 21: first day of the 6th mo 1710 – –


the Colection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-12s-00d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called James Burrill [Burrel] and


Eliezar Slocum appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting called Elisha Wing apeared


And Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John tucker give In


their acount to this meeting that they did See


Joseph Chace [Chase] and Abigal Tucker Acomplish their


marriage In the order of truth – –


and Benjamin Howland hath paid John tucker


according to apoyntment – –


and the Books which was recived the last month=


ly meeting of Wallter Nubery [Walter Newberry]: are paid for and


John tucker is apoynted to see the money transported


to the sd Wallter Nubery – –


John tucker and Eliezar Slocum are apoynted


to procur a friend to keep the meeting house for


the Insuing year – –


and where as friends being senceble that John fish


was about to Joyne his daughter In marriage ~


with one of the world Cantrary to the good order


Establshed amongst us: freinds went to him and


advised him to the Contrary labouring much with


him to Shew him the Eill [evil] Consequence that


might folow – –


but not with standing freinds Care and advice


he hath presested [persisted] to the acomplishing the same – –


where aupon the meeting made Choyce of Benjamin


Howland and Eliezar Slocum to Draw up a paper of


Condemnation for the Clearing of truth and freinds


of the said John fish: his desorderly walking – –


and make their return to the next mmonthly meeting – –


And Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin Howland


are Chosen to Speake with Hezekiah Smith: con=


Carning his Disorderly Carrege In the monthly


meeting when the meeting was wrightly Con=


Carned about his daughters marreing out of the order


of truth – –


and John tucker did Signefy to this meeting that he


had a concarn rested upon his mind for some time


to travel to the westward to viset freinds In those


parts and freinds haveing unity with his Con=


carne did make Choyce of Judah Smith and


John Lapham to wright a Certifycate for him and sign


It In the be half of said meeting19 – –


and Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin Howland make report


that they have Spoken with Hezekiah Smith and he


hath Condemned his disorderly Carrege to the satesfactin


of the meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting hous[e]


In Dartmouth the 8th day of the seventh month 1710 – –


their was Colected for the use of freinds –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-05s-6d


Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and William Soul [Soule]


Appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared – –


and John Tucker is still Continued to Bring a recept for


the money which he had to pay for patricks books – –


Eliezer Slocum maks Return to this meeting that John -


lapham is to keep the mee[t]ing house as usall – –


and Eliezer Slocum and Benjamin Howland have drawn


up a Condemnatision [sic] against John fish: for giveing his


Daughter In marrige to one of the world – –


and It is as foloweth – –


whereas John fish of Dartmouth In the County of Bristol


In new England: hath gon from the principle of truth which


he hath made pr[o]fesion of and Joyning him selfe with the sp[i]rit


of Eror: and hath given his daughter In marrige to one of the


world: notwithstanding friends advised him to the Contrarey labouring


with him In time to Shew him the [full?] Consequence that might


follow yet he hath willfully proceeded to the accomplishing


the same Contrarey to the advice of freinds: and the good order ~


Established amongs[t] us – –


therefore fri[e]nds are Concarned to testify in publick that they have


no unity with the sd John fish:


but do deny him to be In younion and Communion with us – –


given forth form [from] our monthly meeting the 8th day of the 7th mth 1710


Signed In behalf of sd meeting by – –


Increas Allin [Increase Allen]

Eliezar Smith

Abraham tucker


Hizekiah [Hezekiah] Smith

John lapham

Charles Dyer


Stephen Willcock [Wilcox]

James burrill [Burrel]

Josiah Merehew [Merihew]


nathaneel howland

Eliezer Slocum

Benjamin Howland


Judah Smith

william wood – –


and Deliverance Smith is appoynted to read It on a


first day after meeting at our meeting house and make return to


the next monthly meeting – –


John Lapham and Judah Smith make report that they have


Drawn up John Tuckers sertifycate as apoynted – –


Eliezar Slocum John Lapham and Judah Smith was appoynted


to attend the quortorly meeting next – –


the freinds that was formerly appoynted to v[i]ew the month


ly meeting minits – –


was Called upon and they give In their answer that they have


Don It and ordered them to be Recorded – –


this meeting doth appoynt Timothey Davis to assist Savrey Cleffton [Savory Clifton]


In the Service of visiting – –


William Soul [Soule] is appoynted to procur a pot to make fire[?] In and


Cols [coals?] to burn In it – –


Judah Smith Eliezar Slocum and John Lapham was appoyn=


ted to draw up an account to send to the quortorly meeting – –


this meeting is adjourned untell our youths meeting which will


be the sixt day of the Eight month next – – – – –


the meeting being meet according to adjournment the sixt


of the Eight month 1710 – –


the visitors give this meeting an account that they have not


made so Jeneral a viset as they ought to have done: yet by what


hath ben don we understand that things are prety well


amongst friends – –


william Soul is appoynted to wright to freinds at Rochester


to stur [stir?] them up in deliqancy[?] and let them kne know that the month


ly meeting takes notic[e] of their neglect – – – – –


at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the 16th day of the Eight month 1710 – –


their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-06s-06d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william wood and Benjamin


Howland apeared


Rochester weekly meeting Called and not appeared – –


the freind that was appoynted to read the paper Concarning John


fish makes report to this meeting that he hath don It according


to order – –


and the freinds appoynte to atend the quortorly meeting make report


that they have atended the said meeting as ordered – –


the friends Appoynted to draw an account to the quortorly meeting


have don It as ordered by the last monthly meeting – –


william Soul [Soule] maks report to this meeting that he hath provided a


pot and coals according to order – –


and william Soul hath written to freinds at rochester as ordered


and whereas the quortorly meeting of ministers[?] have returned


Nathanel Howland to this monthly meeting to deal with him as In the


wisdom of truth they may think fit – –


Consarning his appearing In publick mee[t]ings of worship In prayer


and testamony to the burden of friends – –


this meeting refers It to the Cos? weighty Considration of freinds untell


the next monthly meeting – –


Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin Howland is appoynted to Spake with


the said nathanel and let him know the mind of the quortorly meeting – –


and make return to the next monthy meeing – –


and the Epestle from the quortorly meeting In the fift month was re[a]d


and Excepted at this meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In Dartmouth


the twenteth of the 9th month – – 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-10s-05d


Dartmouth weekly mee[t]ing Called Benjamin Howland and Wi


william Soul appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called timothey Davise [Timothy Davis] appeared – –


this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay: william Soul Seventeen


Shillings and three pence for the pot and a Coals which he provided


for the Service of the meeting – –


and the matter Consarning Nathanel Howlands baring a publick


testimony amongst freinds is refered to the Consideration of the


next monthly meeting – –


and the freinds on the other side of Coxet river desiers that they


may have their meetings upon the first day of the week as formerly


which is granted – –


Joseph wing sone of John wing of Rochester desiered a Certificate


from this meeting Consarning his Clearness as to marrige – –


william Soul and Savrey Clefton [Clifton] was Chosen to Inspect In to ther


Clearness and bring In their answer to the next monthly meeting – –


and the Epestle from the last quortorly meeting was read and Excepted – – – – –


at a monthly meeting held at our meeting house In Dartmouth the


the 18 the 18th day of the 10th month 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-10s-10d


Dartmouth weekly meeting mee Called Judah Smith and william


Wood appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called John Summers Jr[?] appeared – –


the matter of deferance [difference] with Nathanel Howland Consarning his


Apearing In publick testimony amongst freinds In their publick meetings – –


Is refered to the next quortorly meeting for business – – and Benjamin: Howland


hath paid william Soul [Soule] according to appoyntment of the last


monthly meeting – –


the freinds that was appoynted the last monthly meeting to In


spect Into the Clearness of Joseph wing with respect to marrig – –


and give their answer that they have made Inquirey and find no=


thing that may hender his proseding In marrig – –


and the visitors of Dartmouth weekly meeting is Called upon to give


their account how things are In freinds famileys: and they give


this meeting an account that Thomas waight [Wait] is about to take a


wife out of the order of freinds – –


John Tucker and Judah Smith is appoynted to Spake with him


Consarning that matter and bring their answer to the next monthly meeting


Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay mathew Allin [Allen] twelve Shillings


for the Use of his mare to the Eastward – –


the Visitors give their account that they have preformed a general visit


so far as they well can and their visits was kindly Excepted


but they find things not so weelle [well?] as they Could wish – –


Judah Smith and william Soul is appoynted to draw up an


Account to the quortorly meeting next – –


william Soul Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith is


appoynted to attend the quortorly meeting next – – – – –


In at a monthly meeting of freinds held at our me[e]ting house In


Dartmouth the 15th day of the 11th month 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-11s-08d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william wood


appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting called not apeared – –


Judah Smith and John tucker gives this account that they have


Spoken with thomas weight [Wait] as appoynted the last monthly


meeting Consarning his going to take a wife out of the good ~


order of truth and hath laboured muuch with him in love to Shew him


the Il [ill] Concequance that might follow: but he did not Seeme to


take up with their advice – –


their for the matter is refered untel furder ocasion – –


william Soul and Judah Smith have drawn up an account to


the quortorly meeting [blot] william Soul Benjamin Howland and Judah


Smith make: report that they have atended the quortorly meeting as ordered


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In Dartmouth


the 19th day of the 12th month 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-07s-10d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william Soul and william wood appeared


Rochester weekly meeting called and none appeared – –


this meeting is Informed thomas weight [Wait] hath accomplished his marrige


out of the good order Established amongst us: where upon this meeting is


Consarned to give out a publick testimony against his proseding – –


and orders John tucker to Read the same on a first day before the


next monthly meeting: which is as foloweth – –


whereas thomas wait of Dartmouth In the County of Bristol In the


province of the Masechusets Bay Ind new England did for some time past


Com to our monthly meeting and Did Desiar to be In unity with freinds


and to be married amongst freinds In the good order Estabelished amongst


us. where upon freinds Couceld [counseled?] him under the[blot] Care and admonition


of the Church: but he declining from that which he Semed to have a


desier after: and went about to take a wife out of the good order of freinds


whereupon friends laboured with him to perswade him to the Contrary


and to Show him the Ill consequence that might follow – –


but he refused to take the advice of freinds: and went on to the acomplish


ing; the Same Contrarey to the good order Estableshed amongst us – –


theirfore this meeting is Consarned to give forth a publick testimony ~


against the abovesaid thomas Wait and do disowne him to be one In


Sosiety withe us – –


given forth at our monthly meeting the 19th day of the 12th month 1710


Signed In behalf of Said meeting by


John Tucker

william wood

Stephen Willlcock [Wilcox]


Eliezar Slocum

John Lapham

nathanel Howland


Judah Smith

Benjamin Howland

nicholas Howland


Increas Allin [Allen]

James Burrill [Burrel]

Henrey Tucker


william Soul [Soule]

Abraham Tucker

william wood Junr



at a monthly meeting of freinds helde at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the 26th day of the first month 1711 – – their was Colected 0£-08s-0d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william Soule and Benjamin Howland


app[e]ared – – Rochester weekly meeting Called non appeared – –


John tucker gives this meeting an [a]ccount that he hath Read


thomas waits Condemnation as appoynted – –


william wood and John Lapham is appoynted to attend the quor=


torly meeting next – –


Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland is appoynted to draw up an


account to the quortorly meeting – – the visitors Called to give an acount


how they find things In freinds famelys as to the afairs of truth – –


and their answer is that they find things prety well amongst freinds


Judah Smith is appoynted to make up the monthly meetings account


with Benjamin Howland and bring the account to the next ~


monthly meeting – – – – –


at a monthly meeting: of friends held at our meeting house In Dartmouth the 6th of


the second month 1711 – – their was Colected for the use of friends 0£-09s-08d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william Soul [Soule] appeared


Rochester weekly meeting Called and none appeared – –


william wood and John Lapham has attended the quortorly meeting


Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland hath drawn up an account to


the quortorly meeting as appoynted – –


Judah Smith has made up the monthly meetings account with


Benjamin Howland and their remains In the Stock 05£-02s-05d


and this meeting agrees that the orders Estabeleshed amongst freinds


Shall be Read at our monthly meeting once a quortor or oftenor – –


this meeting maks Choyce of John tucker Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and


Elizer [Eliezer] Slocum to go to visit rochestor preparitive meeting and


to know the re[a]son why they have neglected to attend the monthly


Meeting: and bring In their answer to the next monthly meeting – –


the Epestle from the last quortorly meeting was Read and weell


Excepted – – Benjamin Howland and william wood is appoynted


to asist the women freinds In makeing Inquirey Consarning abigal allins [Abigail Allens]


allowing or incoreging [encouraging] the Creuel [cruel] and unmercyfull Beating or whi[p]ping


of her negro mansarvant – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held In Dartmouth the twenty first day


of the third month 1711 – – their was Colected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0£-09s-03d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william wood


Appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting Called Elisha wing appeared – –


It is agreed that the first day meetings at Coxset shall be for this


Somer [summer]: the first first day in Every month – –


Some Deferance [difference] presented to this meeting between Charls [Charles] Dyer


and John Lapham and Nicholas Lapham – –


Abraham tucker Judah Smith william Soul[e] Benjamin Howland


and william wood were Chosen: to hear and determan the Said


Deference – –


Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John tucker maks report that they have


visited Rochester weekly meeting as appoynted: and they find things


not well amongst them: and that was the reson [reason] that they have – –


neglacted the monthly meeting – –


the deferance consarning Charls [Charles] Dyer and John and Nicholas


lapham is refered to the next monthly meeting for an: answer – –


Judah Smith Benjamin Howland and John tucker is appoynted


to draw up Abigal Allins [Abigail Allens] Condemnation – –


rochestor meeting gives an account that things are not so well a


mongst them as they should be: yet they think it best to labour


furdor [further] to get them amended – –


and the meeting adjourns untill the nex fourth day com week


the meeting being meet accordinging to the adjournment the 30th of the 3 moth 1711 – –


hath given forth a paper of Abigal Allins Condemnation and


orders John tucker to read It or Cause It to be Read In publick on: a


first day before the next monthyly meeting – – as foloweth – –


where as Abigall Allin [Abigail Allen] the wife of Ebenezar Allen of the


towne of Dartmouth In the County of Bristol In new England


having for many years freequented the meetings of us the


people Called Quakers and was Joyned In Sosieaty with us


But fore want of keeping In treue Salection[?] to that prenciple


Shee made profesion of: to wit the Spirit of truth In her own


heart which Sperit will lead all them [who?] obedient unto It


out of Everey thing that is Contrary against[?] the[?] natur of It and is In


Consist[e]nt with[?]; Shee hath ben given over to hardness of


heart to Such a degree that she hath ben not only consenting


but Incoraging the Creuell and unmercyfull whip[p]ing or


beating of her negro mansarvant he being strip[p]ed naked and


hanged up by the hands In his masters house and thir [beat..]


beating or whiping of him so unmercyfully that it is to be feard


that it was in some measur[e] the oc[c]asion of his death that


followed Soon after: [the?] [which?] wee do account is not only


unChrist[i]an but unheuman [inhuman] for which Cause we find our


selves Consarned to testefy to the world that wee do ut[e]rly ~


desowne all Such actions and all who are found In them


and perticurly the person above named – –


and as it is our Christ[i]an duty to pray for all people wee do


hartyly Desire allmighty god to open her Spirit understanding


if it be his will to give her to See her outgoings that Shee


may find a place of true repentance before the time of her viset=


tatsion [visitation?] be over – –


given by our men and womens monthly meeting held by


adjournment the 30th day of the third month 1711 – –


Signed In behaff of Said meeting by


Ruhamah Smith

Judah[?] Howland

Judah Smith


Sarah [J?] allin [Akin?]

[…an?] Earle

Increase Allin


marey lapham

marey Smith

Eliezar Smith


Rachell Allin [Allen]

Ruth Smith

william wood


Hannah tucker

Ruth tucker

Deliverance Smith


Hannah Soul [Soule]

John tucker

Eliezar Slocum


Benjamin howland

william Soul

Stephen Willcock


At a monthly meeting of feinds [friends] held at our meeting In Dartmouth


the Eighteenth of the fourth month 1711 – – their was colected – – £0 –06s–02d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william Soul appeared


Rochester weekly meeting Called and not appeared – –


the paper of Abigall Allins [Abigail Allens] Condemnation was Read according


to order –– the Deferance [Difference] between John Lapham nicholas lap


ham and Charl[e]s Dyer is Ended – –


William Soul Abraham tucker and william wood are Chosen


to attend the Quortorly meeting next – –


william wood is appoynded [appointed] to get a lock for the meeting house


door and to be paid out of the Stock – –


and the meeting : adjourns untel the first Sixt[h] day in the fift month


the meeting being meet according to adjournment the Sixt[h] day


of the fift[h] month 1711 – –


Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay william wood Eighte[e]n pence


for the lock for the meeting house door – –


the visitors gives this meeting an account that they have not


visited the familyes of freinds this last Quortor – –


Judah Smith and John tucker are appoynted to draw up an


account to the Quortorly meeting next – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In – –


Dartmouth the 17th day of the fift[h] month 1711 – – their was Colected – £0 –09s –3d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Eli[e]zar Slocum and william Soul


appeared – – Rochester weeckly meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared – –


William wood and William Soul giv[e]s an acount that they


have attended the quortorly meeting as ordered – –


Judah Smith and John tucker have drawn up an acount to the


Quortorly meeting as appoynted – –


their hath ben three yearly meeting Epestles read In this meeting


for to stur up freinds to faithfullness In keeping up truths ~~~~


testimony : against wars and larning [learning] to ware [war] or paying for aney suck


such thing – –


thise meeting doth advise the visitors that they be deligant [diligent] in


visiting the famileys of freinds and advise them that they be


Carefull to bare a faithfull testimony against wars and larning [learning]


of war and against paying of money for aney Such thing – –


and the matter Consarning John mendol [Mendall] is refered to the next


monthly meeting – –


the Quortorly meeting Epestle was Read and was caindly [kindly] Excepted


and do agree with their proposials Consarning Sending to England


for some of George Fox his primers for Children to larne to


read In: and the money to be taken out of our Colection and Sent


to the Quortorly meeting20 – – – – –


at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In


Dartmouth the 20th of the 6th month 1711 – – their was Colected – – £0-05s-08d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and – –


william wood appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting


Called timothey Davis appeared – –


the mattar Conserning John Mendol is refered to the next


monthly meeting – –


the freinds chosen by the last preparitive meeting of Dartmouth


to go to Increas[e] Allins [Allens] daughtor Susana to know whether the


report be true of her being with Child – –


the freinds appoynted make report they have ben with her


and shee acknowledges that shee is with Child and tak[e]s all


the blame and shame to her self an Clears her parents – –


this meeting finding an nesesety to Draw up a Condemnation


against her for it wich which being Read and signed here


is ordered to be read publickly on a first day at this meeting


house by william soul and make return to the next -


monthly meeting:


which condemnation is as foloweth – –


to all people to whom this may come for the clearing of the




where as Susanah allin [Allen] daughter of Increas Allin [Allen] of Dartmouth


not with standing she was educated amongst freinds yet


not herkning [harkening] to ye Spirit of God in her one [own?] heart nor


advice of her parents and friends but giving way to ye


enemy and her one [own?] lusts: is with Child as her selfe




these may signifie we have no unity therewith:


but Do utterly abhor & testify against all such


ungodly actions & the Spirit that Leads there unto


& disown her for ye same but desire ye Lord may


Give her a Sence of ye Evil of her doings &


hearty Sorrow & repentance & forgiveness for ye




from our monthly men and womens meeting


held at Dartmouth ye 20th of the 6th month 1711


Stephen Wilcock

Hannah Tucker


Peleg Slocumb

Sarah Allen


Benjamin Howland

Ruhema Smith


Joseph Russell

Hassadiah Russell


John Russell

Rachel Allen


William Wood ju

Mary Slocumb


Adam Mott

Hannah Cadman


Increas[e] Allen

Susanna Wilcock [Wilcox]


Nathaniell Howland

Mary Smith


William Wood

Eliezabeth Russell


Eliezer Slocumb

Ruth Tucker


Judah Smith

Mary Lapham


William Soule

Mary Layton


Josiah Merehew

Hope Merehew [Merihew]


Abram Tucker

Sarah Landers


John Lapham

Phebe Tucker


And John Tucker & Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] is appoin


ted to procure a friend to keep the meeting house


for ye ensuing year – –


and this meeting Desires all friends yt [that] was empres [impressed]


sed this present year may bring in a true account


to the next monthly meeting how they have born up


Truths testimony in yt Case – –


This meeting being informed that some friends


or their children or boath have given money to


Encourage people to go to war or to excuse them


selves or children from being empressed to go to war


— The visiters are Desired to make diligent


Enquiry therein and deal wth all such & make Re


port thereof to our next monthly Meeting – – – – –


at a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting House in Dartmouth ye 17th of the 7th


Month 1711 – –


There was ^collected for ye use of friends £00 – 4s= 10d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith &


William Wood appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting


Called none appeared – –


& Susanna Allen her Condemnation was read


one a first Day as Ordered – –


Judah Smith & Josiah Merehew [Merihew] hath given


in their accounts Concerning their being empres


sed to ye sattisfaction of this Meeting – –


& some other friends yt were empressed not


being here – therefore it is refered until ye next


Monthly meeting for them to Give in their accounts – –


Judah Smith Stephen Willcock [Wilcox]


& John Tucker – – is appointed to Draw up


something to Clear ye truth from ye skandal yt may


be Cast upon it by reason of some friends Children


Running together & wres[t]ling on a furst Day – –


And this meeting is adjourned until ye first 6 day


of ye 8th month – – – – –


This meeting being meet according to Adjournment


ye 4th of ye 8th MO – – 1711 – –


The 3 friends yt was Chose to Draw up a Testimo


ny against friends Childrens going together &


wres[t]ling on first Dayes is not yet Done but it is


Desired yt it may be done against the next


Monthly meeting in order yt it may be Signed – –


& ye visiters being Called upon to give in their accounts


of their visiting of friends famlyes & how they


find things amongst ym [them] & they report yt they find ym


Loving took their vissits kindly & whare they


saw anything out of order they speak to it & it


was also well taken & promised to endeaver yt it


may be amended & some things not well but


Hope Care will be taken about it – –


William Wood & Joh[n] Tucker is appointed to


attend ye quarterly Meeting next – –


Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to


Draw up an account Shewing ye quarterly


meeting how things are amongst us – –


William Wood is appointed to Take ye Care of ye


50 Shillings yt was agreed on at ye last quarterly


Meeting for us to send for Books & deliver it


to ye quarterly Meeting – –


John Tucker & Deliverance Smith are


appointed to Speak wth Daniel Shepherd


& to give him to understand ye order of friends


& what he must expect if he Come in unity


wth us & be a member of this meeting – – – – –


Att a monthly meeting of friends held at


our meeting house in Dartmouth ye 14th of ye


8th month 1711 – – There was Collected £00 = 06s = 09d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood


& Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Not appeared – –


& ye friends yt was Chose ye Last Monthly meeting


to Draw up a Judgment against friends Children


& servants going to wres[t]ling is Done & is


as followeth – –


And John Tucker is appointed to read the


same on a furst day at the end of ye meeting


of worship – –


Whereas Wee have been Informed yt several


friends Children with other have been together


on a first Day of ye Week a wrestling wch hath


brought Trouble and reproach upon us & ye


Truth wch we profess – –


& now for ye Clearing of our Inocency [innocence]; we Declare


Against all Lewedness & vanity in such especially


as are under our Care whom we do not allow to


Run together on ye first Dayes of ye Week


nor any other times to be found in wrestling


& what evils else of ye Like Tendancy to draw


out ye Mind Contrary to Godlyness and further


for ye Preventing of ye above vanityes & evils we


Caution advise & warn all parents of Children


Masters & Mistresses of famlyes yt are in So


ciety with us ye People Called Quakers first to


use Their Authority in wisdom & Truth wth their


Children & servants & if they can not Reclaim


ym then we as a Society of Church being sesonably made


acquainted there with Shall by Gods assistance


use our utmost endeavers to Reclaim them


Which if we cannot Do then shall not only testify


against such practises but also against ye Person


or pearsons so offending and declare publickly yt they


are not of us – –


Signed by order – & in behalf of our Monthly


meeting held at our meeting House the 15th


of the 8th month 1711


by John Tucker


Nathaniell Howland

Thomas Taber jun


William Wood

John Lapham


Increas[e] Allen

Josiah Merrehew [Merihew]


Peleg Slocumb [Slocum]

Stephen Willcock [Wilcox]


Benjamin Howland

Judah Smith


Eliezer Slocumb

Jabez Barker


James Burrill [Burrel]

Charles Dyre [Dyer]


William Soule

Nicholas Lapham


John Tucker and Judah Smith hath given ye quarter


ly meeting an account how things are amongst us


as appointed – –


John Tucker & William Wood Report that they


have attended ye quarterly meeting as appointed – –


and William Wood hath delivered ye money to the


Quarterly meeting as appointed- ye Matter Concerning


Daniell Shepherd is refered to the next monthly meeting


at a Monthly Meeting of friends held at


our Meeting ho[u]se in Dartmouth ye 19th Day of ye


9th Mo 1711 – – There was Collected £00 – – 09s = 06d


Dartmouth weekly Meeting Called William


Wood appeared – – Rochester Weekly


meeting Called Not appeared – –


Nicolas Lapham hath given in his account how


he Came clear of his being empressed [impressed] to this


meetings Content & John Tucker Juner also


hath given in his account to Content


And is as followeth


I being Empressed this Last Summor 1711 in an


expeditian to go to Canada to war wch I refused


for Concience sake for I beleive yt I ought not


To take up ye Carnal sword against any peo Nation


or people & some time after I was had to James


Sissons before Colenal [Colonel] Church & there was


an Order writ & read to mee wherein I was


Commanded to go to Rocksbury [Roxbury] & Commit my selfe


to Colenall [Colonel] William Dudley wch I Could not find


freedom To do neighther: & after that I was


Warned go to the Castle Island Lying near


To Boston to take up armes wch I refused also


and one [on?] ye 16th Day of ye 6th Month Leightenant [Lieutenant]


John Akin came to my house wth severall with


him & for aid & Sd akin Took Mee by force


& Dragged mee out of my House & then


Commanded his aid [aide] to assist him wch they Did &


Took mee and set mee on Horce Back [horseback] & held


Mee on & Carried mee to Timothy Maxfields


& then committed mee to the Custidy of John


Briggs Insign [Ensign] who carried mee ye next Day


To Bridg[e]water & ye next Day to the Castle wch was


the Last Day of ye week being near night I was had


Before ye Captain of ye Castle & he asked mee


Whither I would take up armes I told him


That I should not take up ye Carnal weapon


John Commanded the officer to take Care of mee


til Second Day and then I was brought before


ye Captain of ye Castle again the 2d Day morning & he


asked Me whither I would work there I told him


no for wch I was put into a Close place Called ye


Hole or Dungeon & there to be kept without


Victuals or Drink but was Let out again the same


Day near sun set & there was still kept at ye Castle


& often urged to work but could not although told


that If I would work yt [that] I Should be released in a little


time but If not I might be put aboard some man


of war but I Could not med[d]le w & at ye end of 4


Weeks & 2 dayes I was released & brought of [off?] & set


at Liberty without paying or giving any Money


Nicholas Lapham


Here follows a Coppy of John Tucker Juners paper which


he gave in also at ye said monthly meeting – –


I being empressed [impressed] ye Last sum[m]er in an expeditian to


Canada to War but I was Counted to [too] young by Colenal [Colonel]


Church & so not put upon that expeditian


but afterwards one [on?] a first Day of ye Week after


Meeting Leightenant [Lieutenant] Akin having an order from


Colenal [Colonel] Benjamin Church to Carry ye men that said


Akin had empressed to go to the castle Whereupon said


John Akin Commanded mee to go but I refused to go


with him then he Commanded Thomas Briggs &


Jonathan Talman [Tallman] to Lay hold on me but they Did


not but Let me alone till the sixt[h] day following


wch was ye 16th Day of ye 6th month 1711 · · ·


& then John Briggs & Thomas Cornil [Cornell] son of


Stephen Cornil came to my father[s] House in the


Morning & took me by force & set me on


Horce back & carried mee to Bridg[e]water that


day & ye next Day to ye Castle [Castle Island] which was ye Last


Day of the Week being near night I was Had


before the Captain of ye Castle & he asked mee


Whither I would take up armes & I told him


No so he Commanded the officer to take Care


of mee till Second Day & then I was brought


before ye Captain of ye Castle again the Second Day


Morning & he asked Mee Whither I would


Work there I Told him I would Consider of it


& he said I must not stand there to Consider


of it but must go to work or go into ye Hole


& consider of it there & I went to work


about halfe an Hour & then & I went up to him


and told him that I Could work no More there


and he Said I Should go into ye hole and there


Lye while I would work but ye officers Came to


Mee the next Day & asked mee Whither I would


Work & I said no and they said yt I must


Go into the hole but they Did not put mee in


but threat[e]ned to put mee in or Carry mee


aboard some Man of war but I Could not


Med[d]le & at the end of 4 weeks & 2 Dayes


I was Released & brought off & set at Liber


ty without giving of any money – –


John Tucker juner


John Tucker & Judah Smith are appointed


to Speak with Daniell Shepherd juner


& give in their accou[n]t to ye next monthly




This meeting orders yt Benjamin Howland


Should pay Joshua Easton 8 Shillings & 7d


for ye Mending a glass at ye Meeting House


& the friends that was to see that thee


Meeting House seats were finnished are


Desired to speak with the Carpenter & see


Whither he will finnish ym [them] in any reasonable


Time & make return to ye next Monthly


Meeting – –


And Coxet friends Desires that they may


have their first Dayes meeting for the winter


Season as us[u]al which is granted – – – – –


A[t] a Monthly Meeting of friends held at


our Meeting house in Dartmouth the


17th Day of the 10th Month 1711


There was Collected 9 Shillings & seaven [seven] pence


Dartmouth Weekly Meeting Called


William Wood appeared – Rochester Weekly


Meeting Called none appeared – –


John Tucker & Judah Smith [Is?] still


Continued to speak with Daniell Shepherd


– – Benjamin Howland hath paid 8 Shillings


& seaven pence as ordered ye Last Monthly


Meeting – –


ye friends yt was to Speak with ye Carpenter


Reports that he will finnish ye seates


this Winter – –


Eliezer Slocumb A paper being presen


ted to this meeting from Abigall [Abigail] Allen


Wherein Shee signifies that Shee Desires to


Come into unity with friends & ye sence of


this meeting is that shee should wait


till friends have a sence that shee is fitt


to be excepted [accepted] – –


and Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] and William Soule


are appointed to give Her the mind of ye


meeting – – Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] &


John Tucker are appointed to attend


the quarte[r]ly meeting next – –


& ye visiters are called to give in ye account


how they find things among friends


And thire account is as followeth


that they have not but that things are pretty


well among friends but they have not


been out to visit friends famlyes this Last


quarter – –


John Tucker & Abram [Abraham?] Tucker are appoin


ted to Draw an accoount to ye Quarterly


Meeting – –


att a monthly meeting Of friends held at


our Meeting ho[u]se in Dartmouth ye 29th Day of


the 11th Month 1711 – –


There was Collected 9 Shilling & 2d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called


William Wood Judah Smith appeared


Rochester Weekly meeting Called not


appeared — John Tucker hath Spoken with


Daniell Shepherd Juner as appointed


& he Desires to sit in the monthly meeting


of business Wch is granted He observing ye


order there established – –


Abigall Allen hath had ye mind of ye Last


Monthly meeting & Shee saith that Shee


is Willing to give what sattisfaction thee


Meeting Desireth & it is ye mind of this


meeting that Shee Condemn those things


in perticuler for Which Shee was Denied


in writing to be exposed as far as friends


Thinke fitt and then wait till by her good fruits


Shee Manifests to ye Meeting that She has


Really Come in by amendment of Life – –


Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] & John Tucker is to let her


have a coppy of this Minnit – –


William Wood is ad[d]ed to the other two friends to


Have the over sig[h]t of our monthly meetings


for business that none sitt in them but Such as


are allowed – –


the epistle from the Last quarterly meeting


was read and kindly accepted – – – – –


Att a monthly meeting of friends held att


our Meeting House in Dartmouth


the 18th Day of ye 12th month 1711/12 – –


there was Collected 4s- Dartmouth Weekly


Meeting Called Judah Smith John Lapham


appeared — Rochester Weekly Meeting Called


None appeared – –


Eliezer Slocumb & William Wood gives this


meeting John Tucker Eliezer Slocumb


hath Spoken with Abigall [Abigail] Allen & given her


the mind of ye Meeting and With a Coppy of


yE Minnit as appointed – –


a Small book of James Burrills [Burrels] Late of


Dartmouth deceased was presented to This


Meeting for ye Approbation of ye Meeting for


the printing ye same21 – –


William Soule & Benjamin Howland


& John Tucker & Deliverance Smith are


appointed to peruse the same & make return


to the next Monthly meeting – –


Abram Tucker and John Tucker are appointed to let


Rochester Preparitive Meeting know that ye


Monthly Meeting hath had no ne no account


from them this severall Monthly meetings


& to write to ye visiters there that they perform


A generall vissitt against ye next preparitive Meeting – – – – –



Att a monthly meetin[g] of friends held at our


meeting house in Dartmouth the 17th Day of the


first month 1712 – –


Collected & received for Book[s?] £00[?] =15[s?] = 00d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


& William Wood appeared Rochester Weekly


Meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared – –


& ye friends that were chosen to peruse the


Book that was presented to ye Last monthly meet


ing in writing reports that they find nothing


but that it may be printed And this Meeting


Recommends ye Sd Book to the quarterly Meet


ing for their perusal and Concurance therein – –


Abram Tucker & John Tucker make report that they


have Writ to Rochester proparetive Meet


ing and to ye visiters as appointed ye buisieness [business]


of Dartmouth meeting Called ye


The friends that was appointed to see the


addition of ye meeting house aCompleated Saith


that it is done e and their is Due to ym [them] four


teen pence & this meeting orders Benjamin


Howland to pay it out of the Stock – –


A paper was signed at this meeting concerning


Deborah Smiths proceeding in marriage Contrary


to the order of friends and is as followeth – – – – –


[bottom quarter of page is blank as well as top half of the next]


John Tucker is appointed to read ye same on a


first Day at ye Latter end of the meeting before


the next monthly meeting – –


From Rochester no buisieness – –


The visitter Called to give in the account of their


visiting Rochester gives an account yt [that] things


are pretty well and encouraging – –


Dartmouth vissiters gives their account that


things in the generall are pretty well some perticu


lers not so well as we desire – –


And this meeting is adjourned till the 4th day of the


2d— month next – –


This meeting being meet according to adjournment


The 4th Day of the 2d month – 1712 – –


Benjamin Howland Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] & William


Wood are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting – –


Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to Draw


up an account to the Quarterly meeting next


Shewing how things are amongst us – –


Deliverance Smith is appointed to make


up the monthly meeting account with Benjamin


Howland and make return to the next Monthly


Meeting – – – – –


At a Monthly mee[t]ing held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the 21fst of the second month 1712 – – their was Colected – £0-11s-0d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and (and one and four pen[ce?] for Book[?])


William Wood ap[p]eared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called and non[e] appeared – –


Judah Smith and John tucker have drawn up the account


to the quortorly meeting as appoynted – –


Benjamin Howland William Wood and Eliezar Slocumb


have attended the quortorly meeting as appoynted – –


John tucker reports that he hath Read Deborah Smiths ~


that is now Debroah Allins [Allens] Condemnation as appoynted – –


Deliveranc[e] Smith is s[t]ill Continued to make up [to?] The monthly =


meetings account witht Benjamin Howland – –


the buseness of Dartmouth weekly meeting Called – –


Abraham tucker and John tucker are appoynted to


take [care?] that the widow Sarah Allins [Allens] sone [son] doth not


Sell the Inheretance that shee is to have her liveing out of


with out good provision for her lively hood ~~


During her life – –


this meeting agrees to bu[i]ld a stabel [stable] twenty foot


one way and teen [ten?] foot the other way for the Use of


traveling friends and Abraham tucker and John =


tucker are appoynted to get the work don[e] and ~~


finished by the last of the seventh month 1712


and they have liberty to Joyn a stable to It for their


own Use – – Joseph Russell Jur is to get a pasege [passage] for


John Oxley to go to nantucket and the meeting is to


pay the charge – –


the quortorly mee[t]ing Epistle was read and kindly Excepted


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmou[t]h the 19th day of the third month 1712 – –


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william wood and ~~


Judah Smith appeared – –


rochester weekly meeting Called Savery Clefton [Savory Clifton?] appeared ––


their was Col[l]ected for the Use of friends –  –  –  –  –  – £0–05s–03d


Deliverance Smith hath made up the meetings accounts


with Benjamin Howland as apoynted and their remains


In the stock –  –  –  –  –  –  – £07–08s–03d


John tucker and Abraham tucker according to the order of the


Last monthly meeting makes Report that they have taken sefisiant


Care for a Sutable mantainence for the widow Sarah Aallin [Allen]


Josep[h] Russell Jur makes report that the meeting has no thing


to pay for John Oxleys paseg [passage] to nantucket – –


the friends one [on?] the other side Coxset river desir[e]s that they ~~


may have a meeting amongst them two first days In a month


which is granted for this summer – –


and the meeting Is ordered to be at James tripps the first ––


first day In Everey month and at William Woods [the?] second


first day In Eerey [every] month – –


Rochester meeting Called no buseness


our next monthly meeting is adjourned untel the fo[u]rth


second day In the fo[u]rth month next – –


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 23th [sic] day of the 4th month 1712 – –


their was Col[l]ected for the use of freinds –  –  –  –  – £0–09s-00d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william


Wood appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called not appeared – –


John tucker hath provided a passeg for freinds to goe to


Nantucket as appoynted by the last preparitive meeting ––


John tucker and william Wood are appoynted to attend


the Quorterly meeting next – –


Judah Smith and John tucker are Appoynted to Draw


up an ac[c]ount to the Quortorly meeting Shewing ~~


how the testemony of truth Is keept up amongst us – –


John tucker Judah Smith John Russell Stephen willcock [Wilcox]


and Abraham tucker are appoynted to have the over


sight of freinds Buring [Burying] ground and to see that It be keept


Clear of brush and that freinds burey In order and that none


be bur[i]ed their but freinds and Such as freinds Al[l]ow off [of] – –


the visitors give their Account that they have not visited


the familyes of friends sence the last Quortorly meeting


but they Signify that for the time to Come they will be


more Deligant [diligent] – – – – –


At a Monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth the twenty first day of the fift[h] month – – 1712


their was Col[l]ected for the Use of friends –  –  –  –  – £0– 05s-07d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and ~~


William Wood Ap[p]eared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called and not Ap[p]eared – –


and freinds had a paseig [passage] to nantucket and back again


with Jonathan Hathaway and he wanted not take ~~


aney thing for their passeg – –


william wood and John tucker have attended the quortorly


meeting as appoynted – –


Judah Smith and John tucker have drawn up an account


to the Quortorly meeting as Appoynted– –


this meeting being Informed that Benjamin Russell hath


taken an oath to serve In the place of a Constable – –


Contrarey to the Com[m]and of Christ: for which he signe=


fyes he is sorey [sorry] — and the Judgment of the meeting is


that he should Condemn It be fore the Justice where he


toock It


Deliverance Smith and Eliezar Slocumb [Slocum] are appoynt


ed to see It don[e] and make return to the next – –


monthly meeting


At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In – –


Dartmouth the 18th day of the 6th month 1712


their was Col[l]ected for the Use of freinds –  –  –  –  – £0-05s-05d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william Wood and ~~


Judah Smit[h] Appeared – –


Rochestor weekly meeting Called nicholas Davis appeared – –


Eliezer Slocumb and Deliverance Smith hath spoken with


Benjamine Russell as appoynted – –


and he sayes that he Cannot Condemn his taking the oath


of a Constable be fore the Justece not yet – –


some Deferance presented to this meeting be tween hizekiah [Hezekiah]


Smith and his brother Deliverance Smith – –


this meeting makes Choyse of thomas taber Junr Elizer ~~


Slocumb william Soul[e] nicholas Howland and Henrey =


tucker to hear and determin[e] said Deferance and make


return to the next monthly meeting – –


the quartorly meeting Epestle was read amongst us and


was well Excepted– – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 15th day of the seventh month 1712– –


their was Col[l]ected for the use of friends –  –  –  –  –  – £0–05s–06d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and w William


Soul[e] Appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called not Appeared – –


The friends that were Chose to hear & Ditermin the


Differance betwixt Hezekiah Smith and Deliverance


Smith hath given their Award: and it is ordered to


be Delivered to the parties Concerned – –


The visiters gives this meeting an Account that


they have visited ye famlyes of friends and in


Some famlyes things pretty well and there


visits kindly accepted and in some others not well


but [?]their visits rejected – –[blot]–


and Sarah Allen hath ye Consent of this meeting


to remove with her son into the Narraganset


Countrey and hath given her a sertificate in order


thereto – and its left to the visiters to Labour


with John Howland concerning his going to


Marry Contrary to the order of truth – –


John Lapham & William Wood and John Tucker


are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting next – –


Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to


draw up an account to the quarterly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing house in Dartmouth the 20th of th 8th month


1712 — there was Collected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00-02=10


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Elisha Wing


appeared — John Tucker William Wood and


John Lapham have attended the quarterly meeting


as appointed John Tucker and Judah Smith hath


Drawn up an account to the quarterly Meeting


Charles Dyre Desires a sertefycate from


this meeting which is refered to the next


Monthly meeting – –


The account from Rochester peroparetive


Meeting is that Things are pretty well amongst


friends — Abram Tucker and John Tucker is


Still Continued to get the stable finnished


by the next monthly meeting


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting House in Dartmouth the 17th of ye


9th month 1712 — there was Collected – 00=05-10


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


William Wood appared – –


Rochester weekly meeting called and none appeared – –


and freinds have had some conferance consarning giev=


ing Charls Dyer a sertifycate and nothing apearing against him


the meeting appoynts Judah Smith and John Tucker


to Draw one against the next monthly meeting – –


Abraham Tucker and John Tucker are stil continued


to get the stable finished – –


and friends one the other side of aCoxset river are


alowed to have their meetings their as formerly – –


John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are appoynted to


agree with afreind to keep the meeting house the Insu-


=ing year – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at Dartmouth


the 15th day of the 10th month 1712 – –


their was Colected for the Use of friends –  –  –  – 0lb-10s-01d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Judah Smith Apeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called John Summers


Appeared — and the friends appoynted have drawn


up a sertifycate for Charles Dyer whih is alowed and


an signed by this meeting – –


and Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Judah


Smith twenty shillings for keeping the meeting house


John Lapham Judah Smith and William Wood are


Appoynted: to Draw up a paper of Condemnation


against John Howland: for his marring contrarey


to the ordor of: truth – –


the visitors gives an account that they have viseted


several freinds fameleys and they find things prety


well — William Wood and Sephen Willcock are appoynted to attend the


quortorly meeting next – –


and Rochester meeting desires the monthly meeting to


Aseste them In the setlement of and securety of thire


meeting house land — and Thomas Taber and John Tucker


are Appoynted to aseste them – –


Judah Smith and John Tucker are appoynted to draw


up an account to the quortorly meeting – –


this meeting is adjourned til the next fourth day


come week – – – – –


the meeting being meet according: to adjournment the


twenty forth of the 10th month 1712 – –


the visitors give their acount that they have visited


some famelyes of freinds and they find things out of


Ordor amongst Some of freinds children and of Some


of them they have hope but of other Some they have


but lettel or no hope – –


Stephen Willcock Deliverance Smit and Judah=


Smith are appoynted to labour with them to bring


them to a sight and sence of their out goings and make


return of their doings to the next monthly meeting


and this meeting rfers John Howlands Condemnation


Drawn up at the monthly meeting held the 15th =


of the 10th month 1712 to the quortorly meeting


for their advice whether a publick testimoney ought


to go forth against the said Howland or not – –


Some friends of this meeting being desatesfyed think


ing It ought not to go forth against him – –


and Thomas Taber Jur proposed to this meeting that they


may have an other meeting of worship their once


In a month – which is refered to the next monthly


meetings Considratinon – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our Meeting


House in Dartmouth the 15th Day of ye 11th month 1712/13


there was Collected for the use of friends 00-08=01


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and


William Wood appeared — Rochester Weekly meeting


Called Elisha Wing appeared – –


and Benjamin Howland hath paid Judah Smith


twenty Shillings as appointed – –


Deliverance Smith and Stephe Wilcock and


Judah Smith hath Spoken With the young men as


appinted by the Last monthly meeting and the young


men Do not Justefy them selves in their being at


John Akinses at an unseasonable time and they


Hope they shall Do so no more -– –


and this meeting Doth according to the Request of


friends at Cushnot grant that they shall have


another meeting of Worship there which is to be


those who first Day in every month except it be when


it falls out to be that first Day next before the


monthly meeting of business – –


William Wood and Stephen Willcock hath attended


the quarterly meeting as appinted – –


the Epistle from the quarterly meeting was read


amongst us & was kindly accepted and ye epistle from


The yearly meeting in London was read amongst us


and was kindly accepted – –


John Tucker is appointed to get the yearly meeting


Minnits Coppied out for Rochester meeting – –


William Soule is appinted to Read John Howland


his Condemnation one a first Day of the week before


the next Monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held h at our meet


ing house in Dartmouth the 16th of the 12th month


1712/13 There was Collecte for the use of friends 00-10=01


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


and William Wood appeared — Rochester Weekly


Meeting Called Nicolas Davis appeared – –


John Howlands Condemnation was read as appinted


and is as followeth – –


From our monthly meeting held at Dartmouth


The 15th of ye 10th month 1712 — This is given forth


for the Clearing of Truth and friends – –


Whereas John Howland the Son of Nathaniell


Howland hath been a man of a vain Conversation


and not as becomes ye Truth and friends have Laboured


With him from time to time to bring him to


a sight of those vanities which Doth not become our


holy profession but he not herkning to friends nor to


The teachings of ye Grace of God which would teach him


and all mee to Live soberly in this present world


and he refused to take the Counsel and advice given


him by friends but took him a wife out of the order


of truth established amongst friends all wch [which] hath


been greatly to ye trouble and greif of faithful


friends therefore this Meeting Doth deny him to be


one of us – :


Signed in behalf of said meeting by


John Tucker

William Wood juner

Josiah Merehew


Stephen Willcock

Judah Smith

Nicolas Lapham


William Wood

Eliezer Slocumb

Jabez Barker


Abram Tucker

Peleg Slocumb

Henry Tucker


John Lapham

Increas Allen



John Tuker is still continued to get a yearly meeting


minnits Drawn out for Rochester meeting – –


William Soule Deliverance Smith and Eliezer Slocumb


are Still Continued for to Speak further with


Benjamin Russell to know what he Can Do for ye clear


ing of ye Testimony of truth Concerning his taking


The place of a Constable and that he attend the next


monthly meeting



At a Monthly Meeting of friends held at our


Meeting house in Dartmouth the 16th of ye 1st month


1713 there was collected for ye use of friends 00-06=01


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester Weekly Meeting Called not appeared – –


John Tucker hath Drawn out the yearly meeting


minnits for Rochester as appointed – –


and the Matter Concerning Benjamin Russell


is Refered to ye adjournment – –


Whereas it was recommended to this meeting yt [that]


there is a report spread abroad yt our friend


Valentine Huddelstone did take an oath in ye


Case of his giving evidence at Bristol Cort Last part


Benjamin Howland John Tucker and Deliverance


Smith are appointed to assist Valentine Huddelstone


Concerning the said report and to Draw up something


that May Clear truth and friends – –


Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay John Tucker


for Drawing out the abovesd minnits – –


and upon the request of ye vissiters the Meeting


adjournes until the first sixth day of ye 2d month


This Meeting being meet according to adjournment


The 3d Day of the 2d month 1713 – –


our visiters gives this meeting their account that


they have visited most of ye famlyes of friends &


there visits was kindly accepted and things pretty


Well as far as they saw & where things had been out


or order wee have Laboured in Love to bring them


to a sight of it – –


Something Done to wards Valentine Huddlestone


his giving in his evidence Contrary to ye order of friends


— and this meeting refers to ye quarterly meeting


Whither it may be agreeable wth [with] ye testimony of truth


for a friend to hold up his hand when he is Called


to give evidence to ye truth of what he knows


In any Case Before Atherity or otherwis – –


Benjamin Howland William Wood and John Tucker


are appointed to attend ye quarterly meeting next


— Judah Smith and John Tucker are appointed to


Draw out an account to ye quarterly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting house in Dartmouth the 20th day of ye


2d month: 1713 — there was Collected 00-04=00


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith &


William Wood appeared – Rochester weekly


Meeting called none apeared – –


That matter Concerning Benjamin Russells


Giving his paper of his Condemning of his taking his -


place of a Constable by an oath is refered – –


and it is advised by this meeting yt every friend


that is master of a famly Doth Take Care of


his famly yt [that] they be not concerned in writing


of lie bills and to Labour to find out them yt [that]


has been Concerned in such Papers – –


and yt [that] friends take care to bring their Children


to meeting on first days or keep them at home


Benjamin Howland hath paid 00-04=00 for Drawing out


ye yearly meeting minnits for Rochester meeting – –


Valentine Huddlestones paper was read and it is ye


judgment of this meeting yt [that] he read it at ye next


Quarter Sessions or cause it to be read if there


be not a bar and take a friend or two wth [with] him – –


ye friends yt was appointed to Draw an account


to ye quarterly meeting have done it – –


William Wood hath attended ye quarterly meeting – –


William Wood and Judah Smith and John Tucker are


appointed to Dispose of the [primendars?] & return


ye money into ye Stock the Little ones 5sx ye great ones


at 11sx — The quarterly meeting Epistle was read


and kindly accepted – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing house in Dartmouth the 18th Day of ye 3d month


1713 ther was Collected for the use of friends 00-08=00


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith & William


Wood appeared


Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared – –


Nathaniell Chace having the honey taken out of a hive


of bees by wch Cause ye said hive of bees was Left


Some time in ye Last winter and suspecting


some friends children to have a hand in taking


of sd honey therefore William Wood John Lapham


and Judah Smith & Jabez Barker and Henry Tucker


are appointed to make enquiry and search into


the truth as far as they can and make return


of their Doings to ye next monthly meeting – –


Deliverance Smith is appointed to makeup


The monthly meetings accounts with Benjamin


Howland and make return to ye next monthly


Meeting and whereas Elezer Slocumb Desires


To be suspended from being a visiter it is re


fered to ye next monthly Meeting for a further Consideration – –


And ye meeting at Coxset is to be two first


Days there in a month for this Summer & to be


the 2 first first Dayes in every month – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at


our meeting house in Dartmouth the 22d Day


of the 4th month 1713 – –


there was Collected for ye use of friends 00-09=00


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


and William Wood appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called none


appeared       Deliverance Smith hath


made up the account of ye Collection of the


monthly meeting and there is remaining in th


Stock ten pounds eight shillings and two pence


— the fine friends that was appointed to make


Search into ye truth of Nathaniell Chace his


suspecting some of friends Children having


a hand in taking of ye honey out from his


bees they make return to this meeting that


they cannot as yet find out the truth of yt [that] matter


Wherefore Thomas Taber juner and Josiah Merehew


is added to ym to make further Inquiry into


The truth of yt matter and make return of their Doings


to the next monthly meeting


Stepehn Willcock & John Tucker are appointed to attend


the quarterly meeting next — the visiters gives this


meeting an account that they have not visited


the famlyes of friends this Last quarter – –


Judah Smith and John Tucker are appointed to Draw


up an account to the quarterly meeting next – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting house in Dartmouth the 20th Day of the


5th month 1713 there was Collected –  –  –  –  – 00-03=07


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and


William Wood appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called and none appeared


The friends that was Chose to make enquiery into


the matter Concerning Nathaniell Chace his loosing


hi honey out of a hive Do bring in the following


account – –


Friends according to the Desire of ye Last monthly


meeting we have endeavered to speak wth [with] George Howland


the Son of Nathaniell Howland and the witnesses


face to face but was prevented speaking with him


by his father who said his Son was under him and he


withheld him from us saying he would take the


Matter into his own hands and examin


his Son and the witnesses him selfe for the


Meeting had taken wrong steeps and had Concerned


Them Selves with business that Did not belongue


to them –  –  –  –  –  –  –


William Wood

Judah Smith


Thomas Taber jun.

Josiah Merehew


John Lapham

Jabez Barker


And whereas Nathaniel Howland did charge the


Meeting with Taking wrong steeps in ye matter


Said Howland has acknowledged his Shortness to


the Sattisfaction of the meeting – –


And whereas George Howland Son of sd


Nathaniel Howland was a pearson suspected


for taking ye honey Nathaniell Howland and


Nathaniel Chace do give an account to this


meeting that the matter is made up between


them and Sattisfaction is made – –


and the persons chose to attend ye quarterly meet


ing Do give an account that they were not


There and there were no account sent – –


and this meeting advises that friends restrain


their Children and searvants from going into Com


panies on first Dayes before or after Meeting


but go home in good order – –


And whereas several reports are brought to


this meeting of friends Children geting together


in companies on first Dayes and being Disorderly


William Wood Stephen Willcock and John Tucker


were appointed to inquire into ye truth thereof


and make report to the next monthly meeting – –


The Last quarterly meeting Epistle was Read and


kindly accepted – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting house in Dartmouth the 17th Day of


the 6th month 1713 there was Collected 00-05=08


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and William Soule appeared


Rochester weekly meetin Called Elisha Wing appeared


Whereas William Wood Stephen Willcock and John Tucker


have not made inquiry concerning some of friends


Children being out of order some time past on first


Dayes they are still continued to make inquiry in to


that matter – – It is concluded by this meeting


to answer the request of ye quarterly meeting to


raise fower pounds and ten shillings in money to


wards the building of Dover Meeting House and ye


Subscribers to bring in their money to the next month


ly meeting – – no business from Rochester


But friends in Love and unity – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting house in Dartmouth the 21st Day of ye 7th month


1713 there was Collected for the use of friends 00-03=05


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called John Lapham and


Judah Smith appeared – – Rochester Weekly meet


ing Called none Savery Clifton appeared – –


it is the Conclution of this meeting that whereas


Valentine Huddlestone hath neglected the proforming


the meetings order Concerning his Confering his fault – –


at Bristol that unless he Doth lack some faithful


friend wth [with] him and Do it before next monthly meet


ing that Judgment must go forth against him – –


Stephen Willcock and William Wood do give an account


to this meeting that they have enquired into ye Report


Concerning friends Children being Disorderly on ye first Dayes


of ye week and the young men do partly Denie the


things they were Charged wth and in Some respects


Confess their faults – –


This meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay 02l-07s=6d


out of the Stock unto William Wood for to Carry to


the quarterly meeting for Dover meeting house


William Wood and Thomas Taber Juner are Chose


to attend the quarterly meeting and Judah Smith


and John Lapham are appointed to Draw up an


account to ye quarterly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting house in Dartmouth ye 19th of y 8th month 1713


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called and none appear


ed — the matter concerning Valentine Huddlestone


Is refered to ye next monthly meeting


William Wood and Increas Allen are appointed


to go to Valentine Huddlestone and his wife


and Inquire into the truth of ye report concer


ning her burning her husbands paper which ye


Monthly meeting ordered to be read at Bristol Cort


William Wood and Thomas Taber juner have attended


the quarterly meeting and Judah Smith and John


Lapham have Drawn up an account to the


quarterly meeting – –


and we receive ye Epistle from ye Last quarterly


Meeting wch was read and kindly accepted – –


and it is Concluded yt [that] friends on ye other side of


Coxet river should hould their first Dayes meet


ings for ye winter season as formerly – –


The matter Concerning stiring up the visiters or


making a new Choice is referd to ye next monthly meet


ing – the Collection was –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00-08-00


at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth the 16th day of the 9th month 1713


there was Collected for the use of friends –  –  –  – 00lb-19s=07d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and


William Wood appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeing Called none appeared – –


The matter Concerning Valentine Huddlestone is


refered to ye next monthly meeting and Increas


Allen and Eliezer Slocumb are ordered to Speak wth [with]


him and let him know that this meeting desires him


to be at ye next monthly meeting in order to give


friends better Sattisfaction concerning his progress in


the matter at Bristol – –


and also to let his wife know that friends are troubled


at her standing to Justefy her burning the paper and


Desire her to consider of ye matter that so shee may


give better sattisfaction – –


and the matter Concerning the visiters being consid


ered it is Concluded that they go on wth [with] the work of


WiVisiting and John Tucker is aded to ym [them]


John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb ar Continued to


take care of ye meeting house as formerly – – – – –


at a Monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting house in Dartmouth the 21st of ye 10th month 1713


there was Collected –  –  –  –  –  –  – 00lb-09s=11d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called none appeared


Eliezer Slocumb gives an account to this meeting


that he has spoke wth Valentine Huddleston and his


wife as ordered by the Last monthly meeting and he


signifies that the season was such that he could not


well attend ye meeting therefore ye matter concerning


him is refered to ye next monthly meeting – –


Eliezer Slocumb and William Wood are appointed


to attend ye Quarterly Meeting next – –


The visitters gives an account yt they have visited


most of the famlyes of friends and that in some


famlyes they find things pretty well and in some


famlyes some things not very well: where they


give some admonition which they think was well


Taken – – John Tucker and Judah Smith are


appointed to Draw up an account to ye Quarterly


Meeting – – Edward Wing & Desire Smith


Did lay their Intentions of marrage with each other


Before this meeting and they were desired to wait


for their answer til the next monthly meeting – –


Benjamin Howland and Henry Tucker are appointed


to See in to their Clearness and bring in their


answer to ye next monthly meeting – –


Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay twenty shillings


to John Tucker for keeping ye meeting house – – – – –


Att a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


House in Dartmouth the 18th of the 11th mo 1713


There was Collected for ye use of friends 00lb-07s=03d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called Stephen Wing appeared


Edward Wing and Desire Smith did appear at this


Meeting for their answer as to marrage and they


had their answer that they might take each other


in the order of truth Some time between this and the


next monthly meeting – –


John Tucker and William Wood are appointed to see


the marrage accomplished in ye Good order of truth – –


The matter Concerning Valentine and his Wife is


refered to ye next monthly meeting – –


John Tucker hath Drawn an account to the Quarterly


meeting as appointed – –


William Wood and Eliezer Slocumb have atten


ded ye quarterly meeting – –


Abigall Allens Paper of acknowledgment the publish


ing of it is refered to the Consideration of ye next


monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth the 15th of ye 12th month 1713


There was Collected for ye use of friends 00lbs=10s=03d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood appear


ed — Rochester Weekly meeting Called Elisha Wing


appeared — John Tucker and William Wood gives an


account that Edward Wing and Desire Smith Did


take each other in the order of truth – –


The matter Concerning Valentine Huddlestones


Wife is refered to ye next meeting – –


Those that were to build the stable have finished


their work and Do give the account of their Charge


to be seaven pounds nineteen shillings – –


And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay sd 07lbs=19s=00d


to John Tucker out of ye Collection – –


And that matter Concerning Abigall Allen


is refered to the next monthly meeting for a


further Consideration – –


The Quarterly meeting Epistle was read at this


Meeting and is ordered to be read Publickly on


a first Day at the Breaking up of the meeting


of worship



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting house in Dartmouth the 15th of the


first month 1714 – –


There was Collected for the use of friends 00l=06s=11d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William


Wood and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Nicolas Davis


appeared – – Abigall Allens paper of her own


acknowledgment is received by this meeting


and is as followeth

leave a


To — The monthly meeting to be held in Dartmouth the 18th day

of the 3d month 1713 = Whereas I have seen incouraging


and Consenting to the beating of my Negro Servant beyond


what I now think was convenient for wch I have been condemned


selfe: and am much troubled for the same and Do acknowledg


I was off my wach at that time and so hav hardness of heart got


in which and if I had kept to the Spirit of truth I had not


Incouraged and consented to as abovesd ; so for the clearing of truth


and the testimony thereof I give in these Lines Desiring that ye


Lord and his people might pass it by and that I might come into


unity wth his people again – –


Abigall Allen


John Tucker Is ordered to read it or order it to be read


on a first Day before the next monthly meeting


and she to come into unity with friends again by her


good Conversation – –


Benjamin Howland hath paid John Tucker 07l=19s=00d


as appointed by the Last monthly meeting – –


and this meeting hath an account from the propa


retive meeting that Henry Howland hath taken a


wife out of the order of truth and this meeting is


Concerned to give a publick Testimony against him


and is as followeth – –


Whereas Henry Howland of Dartmouth in the


County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachu


sets Bay in New England: having for seaveral years


been esteamed a member of our monthly meeting


of Dartmouth aforesd and been accounted one in


unity wth [with] us yet hath of Late Contrary to the advice


of friends and the Good orders established among ym [them] pro


ceeded to take a wife for wch reason this monthly meet


ing is Concerned to give forth this as a testimony against


his so Proceeding and to Disown him for being one


In unity wth us


Given forth at our monthly meeting is Sd Dartmouth


The 15th Day of the 1 month 1714 Signed in behalf of


sd Meeting by


Peleg Slocumb

   Benjamin Howland

   Josiah Merehew


Increas Allen

   Thomas Taber juner

   John Tucker


William Wood

   Nicolas Davis

   Jabez Barker


Eliezer Slocumb

   John Lapham

   William Wood jun


Nathaniel Howland

   Judah Smith

   Nicolas Lapham


John Tucker is appointed to read the same or Cause it to


be read — William Wood and John Tucker are appoin


ted to attend ye quarterly meeting next – –


Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to Draw


up an account to the Quarterly meeting – –


And the vissitters at Rochester gives an account


that they have visited ye famlyes of friends there


an things ore as well as Can be well expected among


Them — and this meeting is adjourned until the


fourth Day next before ye Quarterly meeting – – – – –


The meeting being meet according to adjournment


the 7th Day of the 2d month 1714 – –

Leave a


The visiters are Called to give an account of their

visiting and their answer is as followeth


[The bottom half of the page is blank]


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


House in Dartmouth the 19th Day of the 2d month 1714


There was Collected for ye use of friends 00lb-06sh=08d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood and


Judah Smith appeared — Rochester Weekly meet


ing Called none appeared — and the matter


Concerning Vallentine Huddlestone is Refered to


to the next monthly meeting – –


John Tucker hath read Abigall Allen her own


Condemnation as appointed – –


And Henry Howlands Condemnation was read – –


William Wood and John Tucker hath attended ye


Quarterly meeting and Judah Smith and John Tucker


hath Drawn an account to ye quarterly meeting – –


Christopher Giffords charge against Richard Kirby


being enquired into and wee Cannot find but that


the matter is already ended by men of their own chusing – –


the quarterly and yearly meetings Epistles were


read and kindly accepted – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing House in Dartmouth the 17th of the 3rd mo: 1714


There was Collected for ye use of friend — 00lb=03sh=8d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared


Benjamin Howland Judah Smith and John Tucker


are appointed to speak wth Valentine Huddlestone


Concerning his neglecting answerining the advice


of friends in Condemning his takin his oath in


Bristol Court and make return of their


Doings to ye next monthly meeting – –


and the meeting of worship on ye first Day


at Coaksit is ordered to Be keept there Constantly


accept the first Day next Before ye monthly meet


ing — Thomas Taber juner is appointed to


be helpful to peruse ye monthly meeting minnits


and fitt ym for to be recorded –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting house in Dartmouth the 21st Day of


the 4th month 1714 – There was Collected


for the use of friends 00lb-09s=07d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William


Wood and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Timothy Davis


and Benjamin Boarman appeared – –


And Valentine Huddlestone hath Condemned


his so Longue Neglecting His Condemning his


Taking an Oath at Bristol Court


Joseph Russell and John Tucker is ap


pointed To be helpful To traviling friends


for a Passage to Nantucket


And the Visiters being Called upon to


Give an account of their visiting of friends


famlyes — They Signefy to this meeting that


they have not made aney progress in that work


this Last Quarter – –


Judah Smith Timothy Davis and John Tucker


are appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting


next — Judah Smith and John Tucker are to Draw


up an account to the Quarterly meeting shewing


how the affairs of truth is amongst us – –


Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay to John Tucker


out of the Stock 00l=12s=04d for keeping the meeting house


Att a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing House in Dartmouth the 19th day of ye 5th month 1714


There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-04s=00d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared


Judah Smith and John Tucker hath Drawn up an


account to the quarterly meeting and they


have attended ye Quarterly meeting as appointed


And Benjamin Howland hath paid to John Tucker


twelve shillings and 4 pence as ordered by the Last


meeting — Whereas this meeting hath been Infor


med that William Soule juner and Gilles Slocumb


and Daniel Shepherd juner hath been Disorderly


in their voyage to the yearly meeting at Nantucket


this meeting Doth appoint Eliashib Smith and


Joseph Russell juner wth ye Visiters to inspect


into the sd report how they find things to the next month


ly meeting — And the Epistle from the Last


Quarterly meeting was read and Kindly accepted – –


Judah Smith is appointed to make up the monthly


meeting account with Benjamin Howland and bring in


the account to the next monthly meeting – –


and it is agreed that the money sent for by the quarterly


Meeting shall be raised for four shilling Land


for the use of Boston meeting house – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at


our meeting house in Dartmouth the 10th Day


of the 6th month 1714 – –


There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-05s=07d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


and William Wood appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Joseph Wing


appeared and the friends that was appointed


to make inquiery concerning ye Disorder of


William Soule Juner and Giles Slocumb and


Daniel Shepherd Juner and they find that the


report Concerning Daniel Shepherd is falie but


for ye other two things are not clear as yet and


the friends that was before appointed are still


Continued to further Inspect into the truth of


sd report and make return to the next monthly meeting – –


and Judah Smith hath made up the monthly meet


ings account wth Benjamin Howland and their


remains in the Stock three pounds thirteen shil


lings and three pence – –


And this meeting hath made a Subscription in part


of pay for the Land that Walter Newberry bought


of William Mumford at Boston for the use


of friends meeting house – –


and this meeting Desires the visiters to visit the


famlyes of friends by the next monthly meeting


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing house in Dartmouth the 20th of the 7th month 1714


There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-05s-01d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


appeared — Rochester Weekly meeting Called none appeared – –


And the Matter Concernin William Soule juner


and Giles Slocumb is refered to the next monthly


meeting — John Tucker and William Wood are appoin


ted to attend the next quarterly meeting John Tucker


and Judah Smith are appointed to Draw up an


account to the quarterly meeting – –


John Tucker is appointed to receive the Collecton


agread upon at the Last monthly meeting and to


Carry the money to ye Quarterly meeting – –


the visiters gives an account that they have visit


ed the most of the famlyes of friends and for the


most part they find things pretty well — and where


we found things not well Wee Did advise that it


should be amended —


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting House in Dartmouth the 18th Day of the


8 month 1714 — There was Collected 00l-03s=08d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and John Lapham appeared – –


Rochester Weekly Meeting Called and none appeared


and the matter Concerning William Soule juner


and Giles Slocumb is Refered to the next month


ly meeting — William Wood and John Tucker


have attended the Quarterly meeting – –


and John Tucker hath Carried the money to the


Quarterly meeting as appointed


John Tucker and Judah Smith have Drawn up an


Account to the quarterly meeting as appointed


Eliezer Slocumb and John Tucker are ordered


to take Care of the meeting house for the ensuing year


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing house in Dartmouth the 15th of the 9th month 1714


there was Collected for the use of friends 00l-06s=05d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called none appeared


Rochester weekly meeting Called Nicolas Davis


appeared – –


And the matter Concerning William Soule and Giles


Slocumb is refered to the next monthly meeting – –


A paper presented to this meeting from the pre


paritive meeting at Rochester signifying that


Benjamin Hilliard and Hannah Davis have


proceeded in marrage Contrary to the order of truth


John Tucker and Stephen Willcock are appointed


to Speak with them if they Can with conveniency


and to shew them the evil of their proceeding – –


and to See how the young womans parents have


Kept them selves clear in that matter – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing House in Dartmouth the 20th of the 10 mo 1714


there was Collected for the use of friends 00l-02s=03d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood &


Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called Stephen Wing ap


peared — William Wood Judah Smith and


William Baker are appointed to Speak wth William


Soule juner and Giles Slocumb and let them


know that if they will not give the monthly meeting


Sattisfaction for their outgoings then the Testimo


ny of truth will go against them – –


Stephen Willcock and John Tucker hath Spoken with


Benjamin Hilliard and Hannah Davis Concerning


their marrying Contrary to the Good order of truth


and Did tell them the Disadvantage of it but they seem


ed to incline to their own way – –


and we also Spoke wth Timoth Davis and his Wife and


by what they said to us they were pretty clear con


cerning that matter – –


and Elisha Wing is appointed to read Benjamin Hilliard


and Hannah Hilliard their Condemnation on a first


Day at the end of the meeting – –


Which is as followeth — Whereas Benjamin


Hilliard and Hannah Davis now Hannah Hilliard


the Daughter of Timothy Davis and Sarah his wife


of Rochester Boath of ym being under ye Care of friends


have proceeded in marriage Contrary to ye advise of


friends and ye Good order Established amongst us


the Society of people Called Quakers for wch [which] their so


Doing we Do disown ym and their practis and wee De


sire ye Lord may give ym a sight of their out goings


and a heart of repentance – –


Given forth by our monthly men and womens meet


ings in Dartmouth the 20th of ye 10th month 1714


Peleg Slocumb

Benjamin Howland

Ruth Tucker


Nathaniel Howland

Josiah Merehew [Merihew]

Phebe Tucker


John Tucker

Judah Smith

Mary Lapham


William Soule

Stephen Wing

Mary Smith


Jabes Barker

Joanna Mott

Elezabeth Russell


John Lapham

Mary Slocumb

Hannah Soule


William Wood

Hannah Tucker


Stephen Willcock

Rachel Allen


And whereas Hannah Born now Hannah Akin hath


proseeded in marrage to one of the world Contrary


to the good order Established among friends thi meet


ing is Concerned to give forth a condemnation against


her wch is as followeth – –


Whereas Hannah Born now Akin of ye town


of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in ye


Province of ye Massachusets Bay in New England


The said Hannah Akin hath been in time past


one in society wth us the people Called Quakers


and Did Marry a man in unity wth frnds and also


married him ye good order established amongst


us: But for want of keeping to Truth and to ye


Good order thereof according to her former proceedings


in Taking of her former Husband but now hath Left us


& her practis whilst amongst us and Let out her mind


to a man not in Society wth us and married him


Contrary to the Good order of friends although advi


sed By friends to ye contrary


Therefore this meeting is Concerned to give


forth a Publick testimony against the above


said Hannah Akin and Do Disown her to be


one in Society wth us.


Given forth by our monthly men & womens


Meeting held at our meeting House in Dartmouth


the 20th of ye 10th month 1714


John Tucker

Jabes Barker

Rachel Allen


Joseph Russell

Abraham Tucker

Ruth Tucker


Benjamin Howland

Nathaniel Howland

Mehetabell Wing


William Wood

John Russell

Eliezabeth Russell


William Soule

Nicolas Lapham

Mary Lapham


John Lapham

Joanna Mott

Phebe Tucker


Stephen Willcock

Mary Slocumb

Mary Smith


Stephen Wing

Hannah Tucker

Hannah Soule


Josiah Merehew [Merihew]


Stephen Willcock John Lapham and John Barker are


Appoynted to atend the quarterly meeting next – –


Judah Smith and John Tucker are appoynted to draw


up an account to the Quarterly meeting next – –


And the visiters gives an account that they have not vis=


etted freinds the last quortor — But hope that they shall give


a Jeneril visit by the next quortorly meeting – –


and William Soul [Soule]is appoynted to read Hannah Akin her


Condemnation before the next monthly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting o friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth the 24th of the Eleventh month – – 1714


their was Colected for the use of friends – 0lb-04s-00d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called William Wood and


Judah Smith appeared


Rochester weekly meeting called Elisha Wing appeared


those freinds appoynted the last monthly meeting to Spake with


William Soule jur and Gils Slocumb: have spoke with


them — and they have Each of them sent In a paper


to this meeting where In they acknowlidg that they have


ben disorderly In their Conversation and desiar to be for


given and say they hope to be more carefull for time to


Come: but friends being doubtfull of their sencerety do


at present: refer the matter for forther tryall to See


whether their futer conversation will be answerable


to their pretence – –


John Lapham and Jabez Bark [Barker] did attend the Quar


torly meeting as they were appoynted – –


and John Tucker and Judas Smith have draw up


and sent an account to the quortorly meeting – –


and William Soul [Soule] did read Hannah Akin her condem=


-nation as appoynted – –


and Elisha Wing did read Benjamin Hilyerds and Hannh


Hilyerds Condemnation as apoynted – –


and where as Marcy Smith is married contrarey to the order


of truth and this meeting agrees that condemnation shall


go against her and Thomas Taber and John Tucker are


Appoynted to draw her Condemnation against the next


monthly meeting – –


and Benjamin Howland has paid John Tucker twelve


shillings for keeping the meeing house – – – –


At a monthly meeing held at our meeting in Dartmouth the


the twenty first day of the twelvth month – – 1714


their was colected for the use of friends – 06lb-05s-07d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and


William Wood appeared – –


Rochester weekly called Savery Clefton [Clifton] appeared – –


Nicolas Davis and Marey Summer did lay their intent


-ions of marrige before this meeting


and they was desired to wait for their answer until


the next monthly meeting – –


and they was desired to wait for their answer until


the next monthly meeting – –


and Saverey Clefton and John Tucker ar Chosen to See Into their


Clearness and bring in their answer to the next monthly meeting


Thomas Tucker Jur and John Tucker hath drawn up


Hizekiah Smiths daughter Marcy her Condemnation


and It is signed by this meeting – and is as followeth – –


Whereas Mary the Daughter of Hezekiah


Smith and Mary his wife of Dartmouth


in the Countey of Bristol in New England


Having been one and under ye Care of our


Meeting yet hath of Late Contrary to the


Good order Established among friends and without


the knowledg of her father proceeded in marrage


to the reproach of the truth professed amongst us


and to the greif of the sober minded we are


Therefore concerned to give our Testimony against


the said Disorderly and unbecoming action and Do


Disown the said Mary now the Wife of Thomas


Trafford to be one of us the people Called Quakers


Desireing that she may Come to a sight of her


outgoing and return if it be the Will of the Lord


given forth by our Monthly Meeting of men and women


Held at our Meeting House in Dartmouth the 21


Day of the 12 month 1714


Peleg Slocumb

Thomas Hathaway


John Tucker

Joanna Mott


Abram Tucker

Mary Slocumb


John Summers

Rachel Allen


Increas Allen

Hannah Tucker


Eliezer Slocumb

Hephziba Hathaway


Stephen Willcock

Mary Lapham


Savery Clefton [Clifton]

Eliezabeth Summers


Nicholas Davis

Susanna Willcock


Benjamin Howland

Mary Lapham


Henry Tucker

Phebe Tucker


William Soule

Mary Russell


William Wood

Mary Smith


John Lapham

Mary Laton


William Wood



Joseph Russell

Juner Tabitha Wait


Judah Smith

Abigal Chace


Jabes Barker

Ruth Tucker


Thomas Taber jun



And William Soule is appinted to read the


Same on a first Day at the end of a meeting


before the next monthly meeting – –


Benjamin Howland and John Tucker are ap


pointed to Speak with Nathaniel Smith


Concerning his telling the Justis that his


Sister Mary had her fathers Consent to be


Married to Thomas Trafford and that they


was Lawfully Published and bring in their


answer to the next monthly meeting – –


The Quarterly meeting Epistle Was read at


this meeting and was kindly accepted – –


and it is Desired that friends may tak it


into their Consideration how or what method


friends that Travil into forreign parts how


they may return that the meeting to whom


They belongue may be senceable that they have


beheaved them selves according to truth – –


and it is advised that the visiters go forward


in their visiting of friends famlyes and


give their account to the next monthly


meeting how they find things – –


and Whereas there has been some Difrance


of Late amongst some for blonging to this


meeting about the Laying out of The Ceder


Swamps and it has been so mannaged that


as is thought by this Meeting so as to bring


A reproach upon frds [friends] and a Dishonour


to ye Truth Professed amongst us it is


Therefore Concluded to Chuse some friends


to enquire into that Matter and Where they


Find that any have been of from their wach to


endever to bring them to a sence of it so that if


it be possible to bring friends into love & unity


and to give an account to ye next monthly meet


ing how they find things relating to ye matter & where


any Cannot be brought in the judgment of those friends


to a sight of their faults they are to Let ym [them] know


that this meeting Desires ym to be at the next


monthly meeting in order to Sattisfie the meeting


& Benjamin Howland Stephen Willcock and William


Soule are Chose on that account


And the next monthly meeting is adjourned


to the 4th Second Day of the Next Month


Att a Monthly Meeting of friends



Held at our meeting House in Dartmouth


The 28 Day of the first month 1715


there was Collected for the use of friends 00lb-00sh=00d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting called William Wood


and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared


Nicolas Davis and Mary Summers Came for


their answer as to taking each other in marrage


and nothing appearing to Hinder their said in


tentions they had their answer that they may


Take each other in the Good order established


amongst frds – –


And Benjamin Borman and Hannah Wing


did Lay their intentions of marrage before this


Meeting and they were Desired to wait for their


answer till the next monthly meeting – –


Savery Clifton and John Lapham are appointed


to inspect into their clearness and bring in their


answer to the next monthly meeting – –


Savery Clifton and John Tucker are Chosen to


see Nicolas Davis and Mary Summers solemnize


their Marrage in the Good order of truth – –


And Mary Trafford her Condemnation was read – –


Benjamin Howland and William Soule according


to appointment brought in an account in rela


tion to the Difrance about ye Ceder Swamps wch is


ordered to be recorded & is as followeth – –


To the monthly meeting of Friends held in Dart


mouth the 28th of the first month 1715


We whose names are under writen have enquired


Into that Diforance amongst friends Concerning the


Ceder Swamps and they have in General man


her acknowledged to each other their shortness in


So Doing to our Great Sattisfaction and mutal


Cumfort and they have forgiven each other and are


come into Love and unity again and so wee pray


The Lord to keep them and us in that Spirit to


the end of our Dayes – –


Benjamin Howland


William Soule


Eliezer Slocumb William Wood and John


Tucker are chosen to attend the Quarterly meet


ing next – – John Tucker and Judah Smith are


appointed to Draw up an account to the Quarterly


Meeting – and this meeting is adjourned til the next


fourth Day come Week


The meeting being met according to adjournment


the first Day of the 2d month 1715 – –


Benjamin Howland and John Tucker makes report to


this meeting that they have spoke with Nathaniel Smith


concerning his going before the Justis and ther signefying


that his sister Mary Smith had had her Parents


consent to marry wth Tho. Trafford wch was no such


thing & he hath condemned the same and said he is


sorry for so doing and Hopes he shall do so no more – –


And this meeting hath sent 17 Shillings and three pence


for 14 Books sent by the Quarterly meeting


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth the 18th Day of the 2d mo 1715


There was Collected for the use of friends 00lb-04s=00d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called John Lapham


and Judah Smith appeared


Rochester weekly meeting Called Nicolas Davis ap


peared — Savery Clifton and John Lapham makes


report to this meeting that they find nothing but that


Benjamin Boarman and Hannah Wing may pro


ceed in marrage & they appeared this meeting


for their answer & they had there answer that


they might proceed to take each other in mar


rage in the order of truth – –


Thomas Taber Juner and Joseph Wing are ap


pointed to see their marrage accomplished


According to order — John Tucker and Judah


Smith hath Drawn up an account to the Quar


terly meeting and John Tucker and William Wood


Hath attended ye Quarterly meeting – –


And John Tucker has Carried the money for to


pay for the books as appointed – –


And this meeting received the Epistle from


The Last Quarterly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


Meeting house in Dartmouth the 16th Day of


the 5th month 1715 – –


There was Collected for the use of frds 00l-05s=00d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Judah Smith appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared


The friends Chose to see the marrages Solemni


sed in the good order of truth at Rochester have


Been at Said Marrages and makes report


That they were accomplished according to order


and at this meeting there was a Subscribtion


made towards the building of Salem meeting


House and friends are Desired to bring in their


Money to the next monthly meeting – –


It is advised that friends be Careful of their


Children that go abroad to yearly Meetings


that they bring no Dishonour to the Truth


Professed by us – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing house in Dartmouth the 20th day of ye 4th month 1715


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood and


Judah Smith appeared


Rochester Weekly meeting Called Joseph Wing appeared


And the Subscribtion that was made the Last monthly


Meeting for Salem Meeting House is brought in to


This meeting in order to be sent to the Quarterly


Meeting next and the Sum is –  –  –  –  –  – 07l=03s=00d


Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are appointed to


attend the Quarterly meeting next and carry ye money


Gathered for Salem meeting House – –


The visiters are Called to give in their accounts


of their visiting of friends famlyes and they signefy


to this meeting that they have not been out


upon that servis since the Last Quarter – –


And this meeting advies the visiters for time


to come to be more Dilegent in their Service


of visiting that so the monthly meeting may have


a better account how things are amongst us once


a Quarter — This meeting orders Benjamin


Howland to Let Judah Smith have 25 shillings out


of the stock for keeping the meeting House – –


Thomas Taber jun,r and Jo,n Tucker are appointed


to Draw up an account to the Quarterly


meeting Benjamin Howland and Deliverance


Smith are appointed to git the Meeting House


Land laid out – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting in Dartmouth the 18th Day of ye 5th mo 1715


There Was Collected for the use of friends 0l-05s=8d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Deliverance Smith appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called none appeared


Benjamin Howland hath paid Judah Smith


twenty five shillings as appointed – –


John Tucker hath Carried the Money to the


Quarterly meeting as ordered – –


Tho, Taber Juner and John Tucker did Draw an


account to the Quarterly meeting as they


were appointed – –


And Deliverance Smith and Jon Russell are


ordered to procure a quantity of Land and


Git it Laid out for the benefit of the fire Wood – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at


our meeting House in Dartmouth the 15th day


of the 6th month 1715 – –


There was Collected for the use of frnds [friends] 00lb-05sh=00d


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood


and Jon Lapham appeared – –


Rochester Weekly meeting Called not appeared


The yearly meeting Epistle from the ministers


Was read in this meeting and also the Epistle from


the Quarterly meeting and boath Well accepted – –


Deliverance Smith Was appointed to make up


The monthly meeting accompts With Benjamin




At a monthly meeting of friends held at


our meeting House in Dartmouth the 19th d of


the 7th month 1715


There Was Collected for the use of friends 00lb-05sh=06d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood and


Judah Smith appered — Rochester weekly meeting


Called Nathan Summers appeared – –


Deliverance Smith has made up the monthly meet


ing account wth [with] Benjamin Howland as appointed – –


the Last monthly meeting and there remains in


the stock foure pounds seaven shillings an three pence


This meeting makes Choice of William Wood to be


a visiter — A repoart is made to this meeting


Concerning the Disorderly Walking of William Soule


juner and Peleg Slocumb juner and Eliezer Slocumb juner


Deliverance Smith Judah Smith and Henry Tucker


are appointed to inspect into the truth of said report


and make return how they find things to the next


monthly meeting — Stephen Wilcock and William


Wood are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting


next — William Wood brings in an account of


one hundred and seaventeen pounds of Chees taken


from him for his sons not training by William


Bowdish Clark of the Western millitary Company


in Dartmouth under Nathaniel Soule Leightenant


the chees is esteemed worth forty four shillings


for three pounds Demanded – –


The meeting is adjourned to the 12th Day of ye next month


The meeting being meet according to adjournment


the 12th Day of the 8th month 1715 – –


the visiters gives this meeting an account that


They have visited the most of the famlyes of


friends but not all and they find that some


friends Chilldren are much out of order and


some famlyes pretty well – –


John Tucker and Abram Tucker are Chose to


Draw an account to the Quarterly meeting – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friend held at our meet


ing hose in Dartmouth the 17th Day of the 8th m 1715


There was Collected for the use of friends 00l=5s=0d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith


appeared — Rochester Weekly meeting Called not appered


James Barker and Eliezabeth Tucker did Lay their


intention of marrage with each other before this


meeting and they was Desired to wait until the


next monthly meeting for their answer – –


John Lapham Josiah Merehew [Merihew] are appointed


to make Equiry into their Clearnese and make


Return to the next monthly meeting – –


Deliverance Smith Judah Smith and Henry


Tucker they are Still Continued to enquire whi


ther the report be true concerning the three


young men or not – –


Stephen Willcock and William Wood Did attend


the Quarterly meeting as they were appointed


Abram Tucker and Jon Tucker did send an


account to the Quarterly meeting – –


Deliverance Smith and Benjamin Howland are


appointed to git some addition of seats made


In the Galleryes of the meeting House if they


Can against the yearly meeting22 – –


and the monthly meeting to pay the Charge


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing House in Dartmouth the 21st Day of ye 9th month 1715


Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood and


John Lapham appeared — Rochester weekly meeting


Called Nicolas Davis appeared – –


James Barker and Eliezabeth Tucker came for their


answer their answer was that they might proceed


to take each other in marrage in the order


of truth — John Tucker and William Wood


are appointed to see that they accomplish their


Marrage according to order and make the return


to the next monthly meeting – –


A paper presented to this meeting by Robert Tripp


signefying that William Bowdish took from him


a steer worth 50 shillings for neglecting to train


nine Dayes which is allowed to be presented to the


Quarterly meeting – –


A report to this meeting concerning some friends


being somewhat out of order and Deliverance Smith


Benjamin Howland and John Lapham and Thomas Taber


are appointed to inspect into the truth of the sd report


A paper presented to this meeting from Rochester signefy


ing that Patience Clefton [Clifton] hath hath had a child


with out a husband — John Tucker Tho, Taber are


appointed to Draw her condemnation – – – – –


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet


ing House in Dartmouth the 19th day of the 10th mo - 1715


There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-04s=00d


Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood and


Judah Smith appeared — Rochester weekly meeting Called


None appeared — William Wood and John Tucker


Gives an account that James Barker and Eliezabeth


Tucker Did take each other in marrage in the


Order of truth — The friends that was chose


The Last meeting to inspect into the truth of


The report that was reported of Eliezer Smiths


Not beheving him selfe according to our profession


is refered to the next monthly meeting – –


Thomas Taber Juner and John tucker hath Drawn


up Patience Clefton her Condemnation as ordered


And it was signed at this meeting and Elisha Wing


is ordered to read it at Rochester on a first Day


at the end of the meeting of Worship – –


It is agreed at this meeting that there shall be


a meeting House built on the other side of Cokset


river 28 foot wide and 34 foot longue and 16 or 17


foot studd — and there is nothing Done as to


visiting the Last Quarter – –


John Tucker William Wood and Stephen Willcock


are chose to attend the Quarterly meeting next


John Tucker and Abram Tucker are chose to


Draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting


John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are appointed


to procure the friend to keep the meeting


House the ensuing year – –


And the next monthly meeting is adjourned


until the fourth second Day in the next month


11 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth the 23 Day of the 11th month 17 15/16 — collected 10£-[?]


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith


appeared: The friends that were appointed to attend the quarter


=ly meeting have attended according to order


Abraham Tucker and John Tucker have drawn up the account


to the Quarterly meeting as appointed


And the Epistle from the from the Quarterly meeting in ye 8th month and the


Epistle from the Last Quarterly meeting was boath of them read and


kindly accepted. And Patience Clifton her condemnation was Read as


ordered and is as followeth – –


Whereas Patience Clifton the Daughter of Savorie Clifton and


Dorothy his wife of Rochester in the county of Plymouth in New England


having been educated among friends and under the Care of our meeting


hath by giving way to the evil one fallen into the unclean sin of


fornication (being of Late delivered of a bastard child) to the dishonour


of God the reproach of ^the truth and grief of all those amongst us who sincerely


Desire ye prosperety of Zion: We are therefore concerned to give forth


this as a publick testimony against that wicked and detestable action


and do Deny the said Patience Clifton to be one of us the people of God


called Quakers Desiring that if it be the will of God Shee may through


unfeigned Repentance obtain pardon for this her great wickedness and all


other her outgoings – –


Given by our men and womens monthly meeting of friends held at our


meeting house in Dartmouth the 19th of ye 10th month 1715 :


John Tucker

Hezekiah Smith


Abraham Tucker

Henry Tucker

Ruth Tucker


Eleazer Slocum

Thomas Hathaway

Rachel Allen


William Wood

Joseph Taber

Hannah Tucker


Stephen Willcock

Josiah Merihoo

Elisabeth Russell


John Lapham

Wm Wood jun

Mary Lawton


Joseph Russell

Jabez Barker

Mary Smith


Deliverance Smith

Eliashib Smith

Mary Lapham


James Tripp

John Russell


Judah Smith

Nicolas Lapham


and James Tripp is Imployed by this meeting to build a meeting house


for the use of friends on the west side of Coakset River tharty foot long


twenty eight foot wide and 16 or 17 foot studd


and the monthly meeting to defray the charge and it is concluded that


the house abovesd should be finished by the 15th day of the 8th month next


And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Jabez Barker for bords


that was used about the meeting house 1£-03s=0d out of the stock-


The friends that was chose to inspext into the disorder of some


friends bring in their account as followeth– –


Dartmouth the 20th of the 11th month 1715/16


We being chosen by the monthly meeting in the 9th month 1715


to enquire concerning Eleazer Smith and Thomas Smith their un


=seamly words and behavier at Seth Ropes & we do find that


Thos Smith in his words and actions was too light and ary for one


professing truth which he readily owned but as to their being in drink


we dont find they were and we do advize him for time to come that he


be careful that he do not ^speak nor act so as to bring a reproach upon the Truth


and the professor of it and we do advize that Hezekiah Smith and


John Lapham and all friends to be careful in Reporting anything of


friends, and not to strain things beyond what they are but to


Consider which will be most for the honour of the Truth


Whither to speak or to keep silent

Deliverance Smith


  Benjamin Howland


The business of Rochester meeting called

fig. 4: Although the first Westport (Acoaxet) Meeting House was finished in 1716, the present structure dates from 1813.

© Copyright Jean Schnell


and an account was brought to this meeting of several friends that


are deceased at Rochester of late In order to be recorded


12 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the 20th Day of the 12th month 1715/16 –


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Deliverance Smith appeared


Rochester meeting called none appeared


This ^meeting hath concluded to come to a subscription to pay for the building of


the meeting house at Acoxet. and Benjamin Howland hath paid


Jabez Barker 1£-03s-00d as appointed at the Last meeting – –


And this meeting has appointed Stephen Willcocks and Tho. Taber jun


to purchase a piece of Land to set the meeting house upon on the


west side of accoxet River – –


And this meeting advises the visiters to dillegence in their service


So that there may be a full account given to the next monthly meeting


At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the 19th day of the 1st month 1715/16—


There was collected for the


And Abraham Tucker and John Tucker are appointed to Receive the


Collection for accoxet meeting house and to pay it out as there may be


need and for as much as it difficult to git small mony it is agreed


to have our collection once a Quarter: and to collect for the


Quarter past next monthly meeting



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the 19th day of the 1st month 1715/16

1 mo=

There was collected for the use of friends 13 shillings – –


Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith appeard


Rochester meeting called and none appeard


The visiters were called upon to Give in their accounts which they


did and is as followeth — That they have visited the most of friends


famlyes under their care and their visits for the most part were


kindly accepted and in some friends famlies they find things pretty


well and in some others not so well as they could Desire


where they gave such advice as they thought suitable to their condition


Eleazer Slocum and Thomas Taber jun are appointed to attend


the Quarterly meeting next


and John Tucker & Thos Taber jun are appointed to Draw up an account


to the Quarterly meeting how things are among friends relating


to Truth – –


And it being proposed by some friends to this meeting whither it


be agreable to truth to purchase slaves and keep them term of


Life wch is refered to ye considration of the Quarterly meeting


Benjamin Howland and Deliverance Smith brought in their account


of their charge in their building of the new gallery wch is 01£-18s=04d


which Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay out of ye stock


he is also ordered to pay Judah Smith 13s out of the stock toward


keeping the meeting house which sum ye said Benjamin Howland


forthwith paid



At a monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the


16 day of ye 2d month 1716


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Willim Wood appeared


Rochester meeting called & none appeared:


And Eleazer Slocum and Thomas Taber Jun hath (attend the quar


=terly meeting as appointed) Drawn up an account to the


Quarterly meeting as appointed


And the Widow Mary Divel desired the advise of this meeting


concerning the putting her son an aprentis to Robert Tripp to Learn


the trade of a tanner which this meeting doth agree too


And the Quarterly meeting Epistle was read and kindly accepted


The business of the preparitive meeting is that friends be careful


to make their wills for the settlement of their Estates in time


3 mo=

At a monthly meeting the 21st day of the 3.d month 1716


Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and William Soule appeared


Rochester weekly meeting called none appeared


The business of Dartmouth meeting called and there is no business


presented from the preparitive meeting


4 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the 18th day of


the 4th month 1716 there was collected for the use of friends 1£-0s=0d


Dartmouth weekly meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith


appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared


The business of Dartmouth meeting called and the business of Rochester


And whereas there is occation of the choise of some friends to be


chose to take a deed of some land to set Coakset meeting house upon


the meeting makes choice of Stephen Willcocks William Wood


Henry Tucker and Tho.s Taber Jun and Joseph Taber to be the person to


take sd deed


and Eleazer Slocum and William Wood are appointed to attend the


Quarterly meeting next: and John Tucker and Tho.s Taber Jun are


appointed to draw up an account to the quarterly meeting


5 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth the 16th day of ye 5th month 1716


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and William Wood appeared


Rochester meeting called Nicholas Davis appeared


and the two friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting hath attended as appointed.


And John Tucker makes report to this meeting that there was


an account Drawn up and sent to the Quarterly meeting – –


The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and the business of


Rochester meeting called : from Dartmouth meeting no business


a paper presented to this meeting signefying that John


Sumers hath gone about to take a woman of ye world to wife


Contrary to the good Established among friends and Stephen


Willcock Thomas Taber jurn and John Tucker are appointed to speak with


sd Sumers to know whither he will condem his outgoing and clear


Truth or not and make return of their doings to ye next monthly


meeting and the Quarterly meeting epistle was Read at


this meeting and kindly accepted – –


6 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth ye 20th day of ye 6th month 1716 –


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith appeared


Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared


And Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith is appointed to see the


young cupple declare their intentions of mariage before the month


=ly meetings in order: Eleazer Slocum Jun and Deborah Smith the


daughter of Delverance Smith boath of Dartmouth did lay their


intentions of marriage and they were desired to wait till ye next


monthly meeting for their answer and Benjamin Howland and


Judah Smith are appointed to inquire into the clearness wth


respect to marriage and make Return to the next monthly meet


=ing: and those appointed to speak with John Sumers do bring in


an account that they have been with him and he justifies his


actions wherefore this meeting Concludes that he still Remains under dealing


7 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth ye 17 day of the 7th month 1716 – –


There was collected for ye use of friends –  –  –  – 00£:-13s:-00d


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith appear


=ed: Rochester meeting Called and none appeared


The two friends that was chosen the Last monthly meeting to


inspect into the two young friends clearness as to mariage make


Report that they find nothing but that Eleazer Slocum Jun and


Deborah Smith might proceed and Eleazer Slocum Junr and Deborah


Smith came for their answer concer concerning their taking


each other in marriage and they had their answer that they


might take each other in ye Good order of truth and Benjamin


Howland and Judah Smith is appointed to see ye mariage solem


Solemnized in ye good order ^of truth and make return to ye next


monthly meeting. The business of Dartmouth meeting called


James Tucker desires a sertificate from this meeting and


Jabez Barker and Josiah Merihoo is appointed to make enquiry


into his clearness Concerning mariage and conversation and


make report how they find things to ye next monthly meeting


and provide a sertificate accordingly and this meeting


orders Benjam^in Howland to pay Judah Smith 25 Shillings


out of the monthly meeting Stock for keeping the meeting house


And this meeting is adjourned till ye first sixt day of the week in


the 8th month next


This meeting being met according to adjournment this 5th day


of ye 8th month 1716 the visiters gives this meeting an account


that they have visited pretty Generally the famlies of friends


belonging to this meeting and in a general way they find


things pretty well as far as they said


And Abraham Tucker & John Tucker is appointed to draw an account


(Shewing how things are amongst us Relating to truths affairs)


To ye Quarterly next: and Increase Allen and


Abraham Tucker is appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting next


8 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at out meeing house


in Dartmouth the 15th day of ye 8th month 1716


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith appeared


Rochester meeting called & none appeared : the business of


Dartmouth meeting called and Benjamin Howland and


Judah Smith do make report to this meeting that ye marriage


between Eleazer Slocum jun and Deborah Smith hath been solem


=nized in the good order of truth: and Abraham Tucker and


John Tucker hath signified yt they Did draw up an account to


ye quarterly meeting as ordered.


And Increase Allen hath attended ye Quarterly meeting as


ordered: And James Tucker has a certificate signed rela


ting to his clearness wth respect to marriage


9 mo=

At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth ye 19th day of ye 9th month 1716:


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith


appeared : Rochester meeting called: The minnits of ye


yearly meeting Recommended to the Quarterly meeting and


So to ye monthly meeting was read by request of ye prepa


=ritive meeting Last and ye Quarterly meeting minnits was


Read and kindly accepted


Rochester no business


10 mo=

At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


by friends, the 17th day of ye 10th month 1716 Dartmouth meeting called


William Wood and Judah Smith appeared:


Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared


The business of Dartmouth meeting called and John Tucker and


Eleazer Slocum are chosen to take care of Dartmouth meeting house


For the ensuing year and ye visiters were called upon to give an account


of their visiting friends fam^ilies and they give no account of any


thing done in that service ye Last Quarter.


The business of Rochester called and they give an account that


John Summers hath taken a wife contrary to ye good order esta


=blished amongst friends and this meeting Doth conclude that Judg


=ment must go forth against him for that and also for his other


disorders wherein he hath gone out of the good order of truth


And John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr are appointed to Drw up a


paper of condemnation in order to be signed at ye next monthly


meeting. And Stephen Wing is chosen to be a visiter for Rochester


weekly meeting


The matter relating to purchasing slaves Recommend to ye


Quarterly meeting being agetated in ye meeting it is concluded by


the most of ye meeting that it would be most agreable to our holy


profession to forbear for time to come to be any wayes concerned in


purchasing any slaves


And Eleazer Slocum William Wood & Thos Taber junr are appointed


to attend ye Quarterly meeting and John Tucker & Thomas Taber junr


are appointed to draw up an acount to ye Quarterly meeting


how ye affaires of Truth are amongst us.


11 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth ye 21st day of ye 11th month 17 16/17


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith appear


=ed Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared


The business of Dartmouth meeing called this meeting hath signed


a condemnation against John Summers his proseeding in mariage


Contrary to ye good order of truth as established among friends


And Thomas Taber junr is or ordered to read it in Rochester meeing


of worship on a first day of ye week or cause it to be read:


This meeting has conculuded to make a subscribtion to pay


3£ Due for ye Land where on Coakset meeting house stands


And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay 12£ 6d out of ye meet


=ing stock to John Tucker for keeping ye meeting house


The business of Rochester meeting called and they give an account


that Benjamin Clifton and Sarah Davis have published their


intentions of marriage contrary to ye good order of friends and


John Tucker and Stephen Willcocks are desired to go and Labour


with ym to shew them ye danger of their proceedings


12: mo

At a monthly meeting of friend held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth ye 18th day of ye 12th month 17 16/17:


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Eleazer Slocum


appeared: Rochester meeting called none appeared:


And Thomas Taber Junr has signifyed that he has Read


John Summers his condemnation as ordered and is as




Whereas John Summers of Rochester in the county of


Plymouth in New England hath for some years made profession


of ye Blessed truth as it is held and professed amongst us the people


Called Quakers and having been by the ordering providence of


God deprived of his wife by her decease hath shown a hafty desire


to obtain another Contrary to ye Good order and chast comendable


custom among friends in so much that in a few months he did


proceed so far wth one not of our proffession to bublished according


to the custom of ye contry which action though he proceeded no


furtherein therein yet did stand to justifie obstinately Refusing


and trampling upon the advice of friends that throgh ye Godly care


of ye monthly meeting were sent to advise him concerning that


matter and now of Late hath farther appeared in slight and contempt


of ye good order established amongst ^us friends


Therefore we are concerned to give this forth as a testimony


against his out goings denying him to be one in unity with us the


people ^of god called ^of god Qukers desiring if it be the will of God he may come


to a sence of his out going and through unfeigned repentance


Return and find mercy


Given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


House in Dartmouth ye 21st day of ye 11th month 17 16/17


Stephen Willcock

John Tucker


John Lapham

Peleg Slocum


Tho- Taber junr

Valentine Huddlestone


Benjamin Howland

Abraham Tucker


Judah Smith

Nathaniel Howland


Thomas Hathaway

Eleazer Slocum


Josiah Merihoo

William Wood


William Soule

Deliverance Smith


And Benjamin Howland hath paid 12 shillings and 6 pence as ordered


at the last monthly meeting: and Stephen Willcock and John


Tucker hath beea at at Rochester as desired the last monthly


meeting but Benjamin Clifton and Sarah Davis had accomplished


their mariage before they came there and they could not conve


=niently speak wth them: so that matter is refered to ye next


monthly meeting


The business of Dartmouth meeting called


Whereas John Kees sent in a paper to this meeting concerning


his not proceeding in marriage with Rachel Allen which this


meeting for something therein mentioned doth not approve of


nor accept for sattisfaction: And John Tucker and Thos Taber jur


is appointed to signify ye reason thereof in behalfe of ye meeting




At a monthly of friends held at our meeting house in –

Dartmouth the: 18:th day of ye— 1st month: 1717:


There was collected for ye use of friends —— 0£–12s—06d


Dartmouth meeting called Eleazer Slocum and Judah Smiths


appeared: Rochester meeting called and none appeared


And ye business concer^ning Benjamin Clifton and Sarah


Davis is Refered to ye next monthly meeting


The business of Dartmouth meeing called and this meeting is


ajourned till ye first sixt Day in ye 2d month next


This meeting being met according to ajournment:


this 5th day of ye 2d month: 1717:


the visitters being called upon to give in their account


Concerning their visiting friends famelies and their


account is as followeth yt they have visited the fami


=lies of friends belonging to this meeting in a pretty general


way and they dont find but things are pretty well for the


most part and they think their visits for the most part


well accepted


And William Wood and Eleazer Slocum is appointed to


attend ye Quarterly meeting next: and Abraham Tucker


and John Tucker is appointed to draw up an account to ye


Qurterly meeting next.


And this meeting is ajourned till ye 10 of the 2d month 1717


This meeting being met accord to ajournment


this 10th day of ye 2d month 1717:


Some suffering allowed at this meeting of Peleg Slocum


And Abraham Tucker and John Tucker at Chilmark



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth ye 15th day of the 2d month 1717


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Eleazer Slocum


appeared: Rochester — meeting called none appeared


The business Concerning Benjamin Cliffton and Sarah


Davis is Refered to the ye next monthly meeting.


And William Wood and Eleazer Slocum


And John Tucker and Abraham have drawn up an


account and sent it to ye quarterly meeting as appoint-


=ted And William Wood and Eleazer Slocum hath


attended the Quarterly meeting as appointed


This meeting hath received and epistel from ye quarter


=ly meeting Dated ye 11th of the 11th month: 1716


and from ye Quarterly meeting ye 12:th of ye 2:d month 1717


and they was boath read and kindly accepted


The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and Deliverance


Smith hath brought the returne of the survey of


ye Land whereon friends meet ing house stands in


Ponaganset vilage and is ordered to be recorded in ye packigers


Records and friends to pay for ye Recording



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in


Dartmouth the: 20th day of ye 3d month : 1717:


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Josiah Smith appeared


Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared


and Eleazer Slocum and and Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith


is appointed to speak wth Timothy Davis and his wife to know whither


they have kept ymselves clear in their testimony in the marriage


of their daughter Sarah Davis with Benjamin Clifton contrary to


the good order established amongst friends and also to speak wth ye abovesd


Benjamin Clifton and Sarah to know how it hath been that they


have proceeded in marriage Contrary to ye good order of friends


and the friends to make return to ye next monthly meeting how


they find things:


And this meeting makes choice of Griffin Owen and Peleg Slocum


and Eleazer Slocum to Draw up some account to Walter Newbury


concerning a Late act for ye maintainance of ministers and Desire


him to take ye sd act along with him to old England and delier it to


John Whiteing or some other friends yt he shall think suitable:


And our freinds Griffin Owen and John Saltkite[?] was at this meeting


and their service was kindly accepted and they shewed ther


certificates and they was well approved.23


4 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth the 24th day of ye 4th month 1717:


There was collected for the use of friends –  –  –  – 01£=05s=01d


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Deliverance Smith


appeared: Rochester meeting called. and none appeared


Edward Wing and Sarah Tucker did signify to this meeting their


intentions of taking each other in marriage if ye Lord permitt


and Josiah Merihoo and Henry Tucker is appointed to see into


their clearness and bring in the^ir answer how the find things to


the next monthly meeting.


And whereas Eleazer Slocum Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith


have not been wth Timothy Davis and his wife and Benjamin


Clifton and his wife according to ye order of the Last monthly


meeting they are continued to Do sd business and to bring in their


account to ye next monthly meeting:


The visiters being called upon say that little has been done in


visiting y:e Last Quarter:


John Tucker and Tho- Taber junr are appointed to draw up an account


to y:e Quarterly meeting John Tucker and Stephen Willcocks and


Eleazer Slocum are appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting


and the (meeting have the) meeting have made up the accompts


with Benjamin Howland and there remains in ye stock: 1£=02s=11d


and this dayes collection which is aforesd –  –  –  – 1 = 03 = 0


And Benjamin Howland is to pay 22 Shillings to Wm Wood


for mony that he paid toward ye Land whereon Coakset meeing


house stand; which he forth with paid:


And Benjamin Howland is also ordered to pay 21 Shillings out of


the Stock to Eleazer Slocum for keeping ye meeting house


5 mo=

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth the 15th day of ye 5th month 1717:


Dartmouth meeting called Eleazer Slocum and Judah Smith


appeared: Rochester meeting caled Elisha Wing appeared


Edward Wing and, Sarah Tucker ap Came before this meeting


for their answer and desired the meetings answer with respect


to their intentions of mariage which they laid before the Last


monthly meeting and the meeting answers that theyings being


Clear they may proceed in the good order of truth between this


and the next monthly meeting


And Benjamin Howland and Eleazer Slocum and John Tucker


are appointed to see it accomplished:


And Eleazer Slocum Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith have


been with Timothy Davis and Benjamin Clifton as appointed and


have discoursed them concerning the sd Cliftons taking his wife


out of ye order of truth as it is established amongst friends and


said Benjamin Clifton justefies him selfe in his taking his Wife


and this meeting makes chore of Tho: Taber junr and John Tucker


to draw up their condemnation against next monthly meeting


and John Tucker hath drawn up an account to the Quarterly


meeting                  as appointed                 


And Stephen Wilcocks and John Tucker hath attended ye Quarterly


meeting as appointed and Benjamin Howland has paid 21£: out of


the meetings stock to Eleazer Slocum for keeping the meeting


house as ordered. The friends of Rochester preparetive meeting


deisre the assitance of this meeting toward the orderly setling


the Land whereon their meeting house stands and the house also and


the^ir burying ground place: and the meeting advises that they have as


soon as may be the sd house and lands made over to some perticular


friends in the usual method among friends in such cases and the per


=sons nominated by the meeting are Savory Clifton Stephen Wing


Nicolas Davis Thos Hathaway: and Joseph Taber and John Tucker and


Tho- Taber Junr are ordered to be helpful to them in accomplishing the


work:    and the Epistle from London yearly meeting and our last


quarterly meeting were read and kindly accepted and the matter


in the Quarterly meeting epistle concerning slaves is refered to


the next monthly meeting:


And this meeting Doth agree to come to further subscrption to


=wards ye defraying the charge of Coakset meeting house


and whereas James Howland is about to take a wife out of


the good order of truth to ye trouble of friends, the meeting appoints


Benjamin Howland and Eleazer Slocum to Let him know ye mind of


the meeting and to advise him in the matter:



At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


In Dartmouth ye 19th day of ye 6 month 1717


Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith


appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared


nothing being done concerning Rochester meeting house and Land


about it it is refered to next monthly meeting and John Tucker


and Benjamin Howland do give account that Edward Wing and


Sarah Tucker have taken each other in marriage according to


ye Good order of truth: The business relating to James Howlands


taking a wife out of ye order as friends is refered to the next


monthly meeting and ye matter relating to Slaves refered from


ye quarterly meeting to ye Consideration of this meeting being


spoken to it is refered to ye next monthly meeting


And Stephen Wilcocks Deliverance Smith Benjamin Howland


Abraham Tucker and Thos Taber Junr are ordered to draw up


something relating to that matter for the meeting to sign if


they approve of it and the condemnation of Benjamin Clifton


and his wife is signed and Elisha Wing is appointed to read it at


the conclution of their meeting of worship on a first Day-


And the friends of Coakset vilage having Desired to have a meeting


of worship every first day it is allowed that they may for time to


come have a meeting according to their desire and John Summers


of Rochester having signifyed to this meeting his desire to come in


=to unity again wth friends and hath sent a paper to this meeting


to signify ye same the meeting hath appointed John Tucker an


Elisha Wing to speak with him in order to know his sincerity


and make report to ye next monthly meeting – –


And some friends sufferings being sent from Rochester are read


and approved to be sent to ye Quarterly meeting


7 mo:

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth ye 16:th day of ye 7th month 1717


Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Benjamin Howland


appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared


Eleazer Slocum and Thos Taber Junr are chose to draw up a


condemnation against James Howlands Disorderly walking


proceeding in marriage and present it to ye next monthly meeting


to be signed: and Elisha Wing has Read Benjamin Clifton and his


Wives condemnation: which is a followeth -


Whereas Benjamin Clifton the son of Savory Clifton of


Rochester in the county of Plymouth in New England and


Sarah Davis daughter of Timothy Davis of sd Rochester being


boath friends children yet have proceeded in mariage to each other


contrary to ye good order established among friends on that account


and contrary to their parents consent especially ye parents of


the said Benjamin Clifton – –


Therefore we are concerned to give forth this as a publick


testimony against their disorderly proceedings denying ^them to be of


us the people called Quakers desiring that if it be the will of God


they may come to a sense of their out goings and find money


Given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


House in Dartmouth the 19th day of ye 6th month 1717


Increase Allen

Henry Tucker

Mary Lapham


Peleg Slocum

Nicolas Lapham

Hannah Tucker


John Tucker

Nathaniel Howland

Rachel Allen


Joseph Russell

Benjamin Howland

Mary Laton


Stephen Willcock

Judah Smith

Mehetabel Burrel


Elisha Wing

Joseph Russell: Junr

Mary Lapham Junr


William Wood

Ruth Tucker

Phebe Tucker


John Lapham

Mary Slocum

Mary Russell


Deliverance Smith

Hephzibah Hathaway

Mary Smith


And John Tucker and Elisha Wing not having spoke wth John Sum


=mers as ordered the Last monthly meeting it is refered to the next


monthly meeting the friends appointed to draw up something


Relating to Slaves to send to ye Quarterly meeting have done it


and it being read the meeting doth approve of it and appoint


John Tucker and Thomas Taber Junr to Sign it in behalfe of ye meeting


and Thomas Taber Junr and Stephen Willcock is appointed to attend ye ^ordered to give the


Quarterly meeting an account how the affairs of truth are


amongst us and it is proposed to offer to ye quarterly meeting whither


it may not be well for friends not to sue any at Law or suffer them


selves to be sued without the advice of ye monthly meeting they belong to


it it can be or otherwise the advice of some substantial friends24


The collection is refered to ye next monthly meeting – – – – –


8 mo

At a monthly meeting ^of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the 21st day of ye 8th month 1717


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood appeared


Rochester meeting called none appeared


Daniel Goddard of Marshfield and Mary Tripp the daughter


of James Tripp have laid their intentions of mariage before this


meeting and they are desired to wait till ye next monthly meet


for their answering


And William Wood and Stephen Willcock are ordered to inquire


into their clearness with respect to mariage and give an


account to ye next monthly meeting:


Elisha Wing and John Tucker is still continued to speak with


John Summers: And Thomas Taber junr hath attended ye Quar


=terly meeting as appointed and Thos Taber junr and John Tucker


hath signed a paper relating to slaves as appointed:


And John Tucker and Thomas Taber Junr hath drawn up an


account to ye Quarterly meeting as appointed:


And James Howlands condemnation is refered to ye next month


=ly meeting and the same persons wth Benjamin Howland are


ordered to draw it up against sd meeting The Quarterly


meeting Epistle was read and kindly accepted


9th mo:

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth ye 18th day of ye 9th month 1717.


Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith


appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared


There was Collected for ye use of friend – – 1£-04s=04d


The friends that were appointed ye last monthly meeting to


inquire into Daniel Goddards and Mary Tripps Clearness as to


marriage do make report that they find nothing but that they


may proceed and said Goddard has brought a certificate from


the monthly meeting of friends at Pembrook25 wch signifies


their allowance of his proceeding and his clearness as to


marriage he also brought a few lines from his father and


mother wch signifies their consent to his present proceedings


And ye said Daniel Goddard and Mary Tripp presented them selves


before this meeting desiring friends answer as to their intentions


Laid before ye last monthly meeting and they were answered that


nothing appearing to hinder they might proceed in the order


of truth and William Wood and John Tucker are appointed to see


it accomplished accordingly.


And Isaac Howland ye Son of Benjamin Howland and


Hannah Allen ye daughter of Ebenezer Allen did lay their in


=tentions of mariage before this meeting and they are desired


To wait till ye next monthly meeting for their answer and


Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith are appointed to inquire


into their clearness with respect to mariage and give account


to ye next monthly meeting


And John Tucker and Elisha Wing are still continued to speak


wth John Summers: and James Howlands condemnation is drawn


up approved and signed and John Tucker is ordered to read it or


cause it to be read between this and next monthly – –


The business of Dartmouth preparitive meeting called


Rochester preparitive meeting business called no business


presented: and there being a paper presented to this meeting


from John Summers and it being read Nathaniel Howland


and Deliverance Smith and Thos Taber Junr are appointed to


write an answer to it and send it to him as soon as may be


10: mo:

At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in Dartmouth


the 16th day of ye 10th month 1717:


There was collected for ye use of friends 16 shillings


Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith appeared: Rochester


meeting Called and none appeared – –


And Isaac Howland and Hannah Allen having laid their intenti


=ons of marriage before ye Last monthly meeting did now present


them selves desiring ye meetings answer and the meeting not


having so good an account of ye young womans having: having having


her parents consent as ought to be do answer them that they may


proceed in ye good order of truth between this and ye next monthly meet


=ing provided that they then bring an account of her parents consent


James Howlands Condemnation has been read according to ye order of


the Last monthly meeting and is as followeth________________________


Whereas James Howland the son of Nathaniel Howland and Rose


his wife of Dartmouth in the county of Bristol in ye province of ye


Massachusets Bay in New England hath from his childhood been


Educated amongst friends his father and mother being both of ye


people called quakers yet hath in slight of friends and the good


advice and counsel by them given him and in contept of the good


Order established among friends proceeded to take a wife in the common


way of other people we are therefore concerned to give this forth a pub


=lick testimony against said Disorderly action and do deny the said James


Howland to be one of us ye people called qukers truly desiring that he


may return and find mercy wth God and tenderly all friends Children


to beware of giving way to the inducements of Satan Least they be


led forth to scorn friends and ye testimony of ye Blessed Truth as it


has been delivered through great tribulations even to the sealing of it


with the blood of many faithful witnesses surely wo will be the portion


of these that can Slightly trample upon thereon and by whome the testimo


=ny of the Blessed truth may fall in the Street in any perticuler unless


by true and unfeigned repentance they return to God which that


every disorderly and disobedient one may do is our sincere desire


given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting


house in Dartmouth ye: 18th day of ye: 9th month 1717:


John Tucker

Benjamin Howland

Thos Smith


Abraham Tucker

Josiah Merihoo

Wm Soule


Peleg Slocum

Elisha Wing

Thos Taber Junr


Stephen Willcock

Thomas Hathaway

Henry Tucker


William Wood

Joseph Russell

Jabez Barker


And Deliverance Smith and Josiah Smith are appointed to see


the abovesaid cupple that Isaac Howland and Hannah Allen


accomplish their marriage in the good order of truth


And John Tucker and Stephen Willcock are appointed to attend the


Quarterly meeting next the visiters of Dartmouth meeting being


Called upon they give no account: and John Tucker and Eleazer


Slocum are ^appointed to take care of the meeting house for ye year following


And John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are appointed to draw upon


account to ye Quarterly meeting


and whereas Daniel mosher makes a complaint to this meeting


that Nathaniel Howland has wronged him This meeting makes


Choice of Deliverance Smith Jabez Barker and Wm Soule to


heare the matter and make up the differance if they can and


if they cannot to make report to the next monthly meeting


The friends appointed to see Daniel Goddard and Mary Tripp


solemnize their mariage in the Good order of truth


say that it was so accomplished as far as they said – – – – –




At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth

the 20th day of ye: 11th month: 177/18: Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith


and William Wood appeared: Rochester meeting called none appeared


Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith being called upon to give an


account how Isaac Howland and Hannah Allens marriage was carri


=ed on and they say in Good order as far as they know:


And John Tucker hath attended ye Quarterly meeting as appointed


Thomas Taber Jun and John Tucker did Draw up an account to ye Quarter


=ly meeting as appointed: the men that were chosen to make


inspection into ye Differance between Daniel Mosher and Nathaniel


Howland makes report to this meeting that ye sd Mosher refuses


to Lave the whole differance to them Therefore they thought not


best to meddl therewith: The business of Dartmouth preparitive


meeting called but no business presented the Epistle from ye Quar


=terly meeting was read and kindly accepted


12 mo:

At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house


in Dartmouth ye 17th day of th 12 month 1717/18: Dartmouth meeting


Called Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith appeared:


Rochester meeting Called and Nicolas Davis appeared


Daniel Shepherd junr and Mary Shearman ye Daughter of