book iii: 1762–1785
Minutes for 10th mo. 1762 through 1 mo. 1773 follow here, balance will continue in Volume 2.
fig. 7: Apponegansett Friends Monthly Meeting Records, Book III, 1762–1785, opening page. Courtesy of the Dartmouth at Smith’s Neck Monthly Meeting.
[This volume starts with page 13]
10th mo. 1762 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18 |
day of the 10th month 1762, Ponaganset Meeting Called |
Samuel Shove Answer |
James Shearman & Caleb Russell present, for Coakset Joshua Devel [Davol] |
present, Samuel Shove & Rebecah Tucker jr did appear |
for their Answer, and their Answer was that they might |
proceed to take each other in Marriage in some Convenient |
time between this and the next Monthly Meeting observing |
the good order Established amongst us in the performance |
thereof, and Joseph Smith & Paul Russell are appointed to |
see their Marriage Consumated & make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; |
Adam Mott’s Proposel of Marriage |
Adam Mott jur. and Rachel Rider did lay their Intentions |
of Marriage, and were desired to wait till the next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answer, and Joseph Tucker Joseph Smith |
are appointed to Enquire into the young mans Clearness as |
to Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; |
Jacob Chases Case Refer’d |
the Matter concerning Jacob Chase is refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting; |
E. Mosher accepted |
this Meeting doth Conclude to accept of Ebenezar Mosher |
to be one in unity with us and under our Care – – |
Complaints against Archapas Hart a Testimony to be drawn against him |
Whereas Archapas Hart hath declined attending Meetings |
for Religious worship and Discipline, and he hath been Sufficien |
tly dealt with by the Visitors and Monthly Meeting, and he |
Still Continues in the above said disorder, therefore we Can |
do no less than bear a Testimony against him, therefore this |
Meeting doth appoint Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher |
to draw a paper of Denial against him and bring it to |
the next Monthly Meeting; |
Reporting from Quarterly meeting |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
Signify that they attended it, and Conveyed the Epistle and |
Queries as appointed, This Meeting Received an Epistle from the |
Quarterly Meeting which was Read and well accepted; |
Friends to over see yearly meeting |
This Meeting doth appoint Caleb Russell, Wm Sanford, Joseph |
Smith, Danl. Russell, and Barnabas Mosher to have an Inspecti |
=on over the Galleries & Seats at our fall Meeting; and Joshua |
Devel [Davol], Othniel Tripp, Joseph Tripp and Philip Tripp are appointed |
for the Same Service at Coakset Meeting |
1762 |
At a monthly Meeting Held in Dartmouth the 15th |
of the 11th mo, 1762, Ponaganset Meeting Called Paul Rus |
sell and W,m Barker present, for Coakset Philip Tripp and |
Israel Wood present; |
Thomas Russell proposal of marriage |
Thos Russell and Edith Shearman did lay their Intentions |
of Marriage, and were desired to wait till the next monthly |
Meeting for their Answer, and Joseph Smith and Paul Russell |
are appointed to make Inquiry into the young mans Clearness |
as to Marriage and Conversation, and make Report to the |
next monthly Meeting; |
Report of Samuel Shove marriage |
The friends appointed to See Samll Shove and Rebeckah Tucker |
Marriage Consumated, make Report that they attended the |
Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in |
Good Order, – – |
Adam Mott,s answer Refer’d |
Adam Mott and Rachel Rider not appearing for their |
Answer, the matter is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
Case of Jacob Chase refered |
the matter Concerning Jacob Chase is Refered to the next Mon[thly] Meeting; |
There was a paper of Denial brought to this Meeting aga[inst] |
Archapas Hart paper Refered |
Archapas Hart which is Refered to the next monthly Mee[ting] |
The Friends appointed to See that the people behave order[ly] |
yearly meetg overseers report |
in the Galleries and Seats, Signified that they have discharge[d] |
their trust; |
Natll Howland Certificate |
Whereas, Nathll Howland hath Returned his Certificate to |
this Meeting from the Oblong, therefore this Meeting hath |
Signed another for him |
12th Mo 1762 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the [10?] |
day of the 12th month 1762; Ponaganset Meeting Called |
Peleg Smith and Abraham Tucker present, for Coakset non[e] |
Adam Mott Clearness |
present; the Friends Appointed to Enquire into Adam Mo[tt’s] |
Clearness, Make Report that they do not find anything to |
hinder his Proceeding in Marriage |
Thomas Russell’s Clearness |
The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Thos Russell’s |
Clearness, make Report that they do not find any thing to |
hinder his proceeding in Marriage |
Adam Mott’s Answer |
Adam Mott and Rachel Rider, did appear for their |
Answer, and their answer was, that they might proceed |
in Marriage, in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next monthly Meeting, observing the Good Order Esta |
=blished amongst us in the performance thereof, and |
Paul Russell and Joseph Smith are appointed to See their |
to the next monthly Meeting, |
Thos Russell’s Answer |
Thos Russell and Edith Shearman did appear for their |
answer and their answer was that they might prceed |
in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and |
the next monthly Meeting Observing the Good order Esta= |
=blished among us in the performance thereof, and Wm |
Sanford and David Smith are appointed to See their Mar= |
=riage Consumated in Said Order and make Report to the |
next monthly Meeting; |
Ebene2zar Mosher Proposal of marriage |
Ebenezar Mosher and Jane Craw did lay their intentions |
of Marriage, and were desired to wait till the next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answer, and Barnabas Mosher and |
David Shepherd are appointed to make inquiry into the |
young mans Clearness, as to Marriage and Conversation and |
make Report to the next monthly Meeting; |
The matter Concerning Jacob Chase is Refer’d to the next |
Case of Archapus Hart refer’d |
monthly Meeting; |
The matter Concerning Archapus Hart is Refered to the |
next monthly Meeting; |
Thos Smith To request a Certificate |
whereas Thos Smith Jur Requests a few lines by way of |
Certificate to the monthly Meeting at Nantucket, Certify= |
=ing his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation, therefor |
this Meeting doth appoint Wm Sanford and Wm Barker |
to make inquiry into his Clearness and draw a Certificate |
for him if they think proper and bring it to the next monthly Meeting; |
Adjourn |
This Meeting doth Adjourn to the 10th Hour tomorrow in the |
fore noon; |
This Meeting met according to adjournment the 21s of |
the 12th month 1762, the Representatives being Called for |
Ponaganset Abraham Tucker present, for Coakset none pres[ent] |
whereas the Friends appointed at Coakset preparative |
Meeting to attend this Meeting hath neglected to attend as |
appointed, therefore this Meeting doth appoint Philip Trip |
and Christopher Gifford to treat with them to know the |
Reasons why they did not attend and make report to the |
next monthly Meeting; |
D. Devels Request to Come under friends Care |
Whereas David Devel [Davol] Requests to Come under friends Care |
which this Meeting thinks proper to Refer to the next monthl[y] |
Meeting, and Christopher Gifford and Philip Tripp are appoint[ed] |
Meeting; |
Elders appointed |
Peter Devel [Davol] & Philip Tripp are appointed Elders in the |
Church by this Meeting |
Request of Sandwic[h] Monthly Meeting. |
Whereas Sandwich Monthly Meeting Requests of this Meetin[g] |
to Give a List of all the friends living to the Eastward of |
Quitionnet River Set off by the yearly Meeting (and also |
if there be any under transgression before Set off by the above |
Said Meeting [^ that] this Meeting deal with them) which we |
think to be out of our Jurisdiction and therefore Refer to the |
Friends to attend Quar terly meet ings |
Quarterly Meeting for advice in that particular – – |
Joseph Tucker, Abraham Tucker, Humphrey Smith, |
Caleb Russell and Philip Tripp are Appointed Represen |
=tatives to attend our Quarterly Meeting, and they to dr[aw] |
an Epistle to the Same and bring it to the adjournment of the Meeting; |
To Settle with Trea surer |
David Smith and Wm Barker are appointed to mak[e] |
up Accounts with the Treasurer, and make Report to |
the next monthly Meeting; |
D. Smith Treasurer |
David Smith is Appointed Treasurer in the place of the |
former Treasurer |
overseers of the meeting House apointed. |
Seth Shearman and John Potter are Appointed to have the |
Care of the Meeting House, and also to Agree with Somebod[y] |
to keep the House, and make fires when Necessary; |
L. Barkers Certificate |
Lydia Barker wife to David Barker hath brought a |
Certificate to this Meeting from the monthly Meeting of |
Swanzey which was read and Accepted; |
This Meeting is adjourned to the 7th day of next month |
This Meeting being Met according to adjournment the 7th |
day of the First Mo 1763, Ponaganset Called Abraham |
Tucker and Peleg Smith present, for Coakset none present |
Queries Answered |
the Queries have been read, and Answers made by the |
Visitors, and they are ordered to be Sent up by the Representative |
Job Russell Req uest a Certi ficate |
Job Russell Enforms this Meeting that he desires a few lines |
by way of Certificate to the monthly Meeting of Swanzey |
Certifying his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation, |
therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Caleb Russell and David |
Smith to make Enquiry, and draw a Certificate for him if they |
think proper and bring it to the next monthly Meeting; |
Epistle to Quar terly meeting |
This Meeting hath Sent up an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting |
by the Representatives which was Signed in this Meeting |
1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th |
of the first month 1763, Ponaganset Called Paul Russell s present |
for Coakset Joseph Tripp present, the Friends appointed to |
Ebenezer Mosher Clearness |
make Enquiry into Ebenezer Moshers Clearness make |
Report that they do not find anything to hinder his proceed- |
ing in Marriage, |
Eben Mosher answer |
Ebenezer Mosher and Jane Craw did Appear for their |
Answer and their Answer was, that they might proceed |
to take each other in Marriage in Some Convenient times |
between this and the next Monthly Meeting, (Observing the |
and Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher are apointed to |
See their Marriage Consumated in Good order, and make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
[R]eport of Adam Motts marriage |
the friends Appointed to See Adam Mott and Rachel Riders |
Marriage Consumated, make Report, that they attended the |
the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was Acom= |
Report of Thos Russells marriage |
plished in Good order; Likewise the friend, Appointed to see |
Thos Russell and Edith Shearmans Marriage Consumated |
make Report that they Attended the Marriage and Said |
nothing but that it was accomplished orderly – – |
The matter Concerning Jacob Chase Refered to the next |
Case of Ar= =chapas Hart refer’d |
monthly Meeting; |
The matter Concerning Archapas Hart is Refer’d to |
the next monthly Meeting; – – |
Certificate for Thomas Smith |
There was a Certificate Signed in this Meeting for Thos. Smith jr. |
Certifying his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation to the - |
Monthly Meeting of Nantucket; |
Report of Quarterly meeting |
Whereas there was five friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly |
Meeting, they being Called upon at this Meeting, three make |
Report that they attended as Appointed, and the other two |
make Satisfactory Excuses; |
This Meeting Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting |
which was read to Good Satisfaction; |
Quishnet friends to be Set off by List |
The Quarterly Meeting hath Concluded that this Meeting Give |
a List of all the Friends Living at the Eastward Side of |
Quishnet River, and also that this Meeting deal with the |
Transgressers, therefore Abraham Tucker and Caleb Russell |
are appointed to prepare a List of the above sd friends that |
they find to stand Clear, and also to deal with those friends |
that they find under transgression |
Come under friends Care |
Whereas Daniel Cornel Requests to be taken under friends Care |
and also his Children, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint |
Joseph Tucker and Peleg Smith and Daniel Russell to |
discourse with him, and make Report to the next monthly Meetin[g] |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the last fourth day in this Month – – |
mett |
This ^[Meeting][inserted] being met according to Adjournment the 26 |
of the first month 1763; the Representatives being Called |
for Ponaganset Paul Russell and James Shearman |
present, for Coakset Israel Wood present – – |
about frinds not attending |
The friends Appointed to treat with Joseph Tripp and Wm |
Macumber (for not attending the monthly Meeting when |
appointed by the preparitive Meeting) not being both present |
to make report, therefore this Meeting doth appoint Othniel |
Tripp and Philip [ ^Tripp] to talk with them and make report to the |
next monthly Meeting; |
The Case of David Devel referd |
The mtter Concerning David Devel [Davol] is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting, and Othnial Tripp and Philip Tripp are |
appointed to talk with him and make report to the next |
monthly Meeting |
Settling with Treasurer referd |
The Friends that was Appointed to make up accounts with |
the Treasurer not being present therefore the matter is |
Refered to the next monthly Meeting; |
Certificate for Job Russell |
there was a Certificate signed in this Meeting for Job Russell |
to the monthly Meeting of Swanzey Certifying his Clearness |
as to Marriage and Conversation; |
This Meeting Appoints Abraham Tucker, Joseph Tucker, |
David Smith and Job Russell to peruse the monthly Meeting |
To Revise the minutes |
Minutes to see what they think proper to be put on Record |
and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
2,d mo: 1763 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 21 of the 2,d month 1763, Ponaganset Called |
Joseph Smith & Caleb Russell present, for Coakset Peter |
Dewel [Davol] and Philip Tripp present, |
John Diling= hams proposal of marriage |
John Dillingham and Ruth Gifford did lay their Intentions |
of Marriage before this Meeting, and were desired to wait til |
the next monthly Meeting for their Answer |
[R]eport of Eben Mosher’s marriage |
the friend, Appointed to See Ebenezer Mosher and Jean |
Craws Marriage Consumated, make Report that they |
attended the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it |
was Accomplished in Good order; |
Chase |
the matter of Jacob Chases is Refered to the next monthly Meeting |
the matter of Archapas Harts is Referd to the next monthly Meeting; |
List of frinds [sent?] of to Sand= wich not accom [p]lished |
whereas the friends Appointed to prepare a List of the |
friends Living to the Eastward Side of Quitionet River |
that they Shall find Stand Clear, and also to deal |
with those under transgression, have Signified to this |
Meeting that they have not done it, therefore this |
Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Tucker Caleb Russell and |
Joseph Smith for the Same purpose and they to make Report |
to the next monthly Meeting |
Daniel Cornel & Children received |
The friends Appointed to talk with Daniel Cornel make |
a Satisfactary Report to this Meeting, therefore this me[eting] |
doth accept of D. Cornel to be under our Care and also all |
his Children now under age |
The monthly, Meeting of women friends Inform us that the[y] |
S. Wood and E. Slocum Rec’d |
have Received Sinthia wood and Elizabeth Slocum to be |
under their Care and this Meeting doth Concur with the Same |
David Devel Case referd |
The matter Concerning David Devel [Davol] is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting; |
Settled with Treasurer |
the friends Appointed to Make up Accounts with the Treasu[rer] |
make Report that they have done it and there Remai[n] |
in the Stock 12s.1d old tener |
minutes Revised |
The Friends Appointed to Review the monthly [^ meeting] Minutes |
in order for them to Go to Record, make Report that they |
have done According to Appointment; |
This Meeting has Collected £8=10s:10d Old tener and this Meeti[ng] |
Order to pay Jonath Hussey |
orders the Treasurer to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars for |
keeping the Meeting House half a year, and make Report |
to the next monthly Meeting; |
Visitors appointed |
This Meeting Appoints Peter Devel [Davol] and Philip Trip Visi[tors] |
for Coakset the year Ensuing and Caleb Russell for the Same |
Service in Ponaganset |
Elihu Russell proposal of marriage |
Elihu Russell and Elizabeth Slocum did Lay their Intention |
of Marriage before this Meeting and were desired to wait till |
the next monthly Meeting for their Answer and Humphr[ey] |
Smith and Paul Russel are Appointed to make Inquiry |
into the young mans Clearness as to Marriage and Conver |
=sation and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
[3]d mo: 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 25th of the |
3d mo: 1763, Ponaganset meeting Called Joseph Smith & |
Israel Wood present – – |
Jn Dillingham [C]ertificate |
John Dillingham produced a Certificate to this Meeting from |
Sandwich monthly meeting which was read and accepted - |
Jn Dillingham [a]nswer |
John Dillingham and Ruth Gifford did appear for their answer |
and their answer was that they might proceed to take each |
other in Marriage in some Convenient time between this |
and the next monthly meeting observing the Good order |
Established among us, in the performance thereof, and |
Joseph Tucker and Joseph Smith are appointed to see there |
Marriage Consumated in Said order, and make Report thereof |
[E]lihu Russells answer |
to the next monthly Meeting; Elihu Russel, Clearness was Reported as usual |
Elihu Russell and Elizabeth Slocum did likewise appear for |
their answer, and their answer was in like manner with the |
former, and, Humphrey Smith and Paul Russell are appointed |
to see their th Marriage Consumated in like order and make |
Report thereof to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Henry Smith and Sinthia wood did likewise appear for |
their Answer and their Answer was likewise the |
Same with the former. |
Henry Smiths proposal of marriage |
Henry Smith and Sinthia wood did lay their Intention |
of Marriage before this Meeting, and were Defered, to wait |
untill the next monthly Meeting for their Answer. |
and John Russell and W.m Anthony ju: are apointed to [?] |
Inquiry in^[to] the young mans Clearness as to Marriage and |
Conversation and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
J. Chases paper Accept: |
This meeting doth Conclude to accept of Jacob Chases paper |
of Condemnation for Satisfaction for his outgoing Provided he |
Read it or Get Some friend to Read it at the Close of a first |
day meeting for worship and be present |
The matter Concerning Archapas Hart is Refered to the |
next monthly Meeting |
List of friends Sandwich Quarter prepard |
The friends appointed to prepare a list of those friends |
Living at the eastward Side of Quishnet River that they |
Shall find Stand Clear have prepared Sd So List and it hath |
been Signed in this meeting by the Clerk – – |
D. Daval & Children accepted |
This Meeting doth Conclude to Accept of David Davel and his |
Children to be in Unity with us under our Care – – |
Case of Eber Davis referd |
The matter Concerning Eber Davis is Refer’d to next monthly Mee[ting] |
Certificate |
whereas John Gifford Requests a Certificate for himself and fami[ly] |
therefore this meeting Appoints Daniel Russell and Nichols [Nicholas] |
Howland to make Enquiry into his Conversation and Circumst[an-] |
=ces and draw one if they think proper and bring it to the nex[t] |
monthly Meeting |
Friends ap pointed to Quarl meet- ing |
Joseph Tucker, Humphry Smith, Peter Deval, and Philip Tripp |
appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and draw an |
Epistle to the Same and bring it to the adjournment of this |
Queries answerd |
Meeting the Queries was Read and Answered in this Mee[ting] |
adjourn |
This Meeting is adjourned to the first day of next month. |
mett |
This Meeting being met according to Adjournment the first da[y] |
of the 4th mo: 1763, the Representatives being Called William |
Anthony ju: present – – |
Isaac Sanford disorderly marriage |
whereas Isaac Sanford hath Married out of the unity of friend |
and he hath been timely Cautioned, therefore this meeting doth |
Appoint Caleb Russell & Wm Barker to Labour with him and |
make Report to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Chusing Visitors refer’d |
the matter Concerning Chusing Visitors is Refered to the next |
monthly Meeting |
Epistle to Quarterly meeting |
This Meeting hath Signed and Sent an Epistle to the Quart[erly] |
Meeting by the Representatives |
4th mo: 1763. |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of |
the 4th mo:1763, Ponaganset meeting Called Daniel Russell |
and William Barker present, for Coakset James Cornel and |
Joshua Davel present, Henry Smith Clearness was Reported as usual |
Henry Smith answer |
Henry Smith and Sinthia Wood did appear for their Answer |
and their Answer was that they might proceed to take each |
other in Marriage in some Convenient time between this and |
[pages 23 and 24 of text are missing]
[?] month 1763 [?] Allen [a]nd Edith [T]ripp Received |
Debrah Allen to be one in unity with us and under our Care |
which this Meeting Concurs with, They also Inform that they |
have Concluded to accept of Edith Tripp, paper of Condemna- |
=tion for Satisfaction, Provided She Read it or Get some friend |
to Read it at the end of a first day meeting for worship She |
being present, which this meeting likewise Concurs with. |
[C]omplaint against [?] Barker |
Whereas there has been a Complaint brought against |
Joshua Barker by one of the Visitors in three Repsects, First |
in Declining to make friend,[s] Satisfaction Concerning a Scan- |
=dulous Report about he and Catherine Russell a married |
woman in their too frequently keeping Company, and Secondly |
Thirdly, in Neglecting to Comply with a Verdi[c]t brought Against |
him for burning Some Rails belonging to Henry Tucker, Paul |
Russell, and Joseph Smith a Committee to Labour with him |
and make Report to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Nathll Bowdish [R]equest a Certi= ficate |
Nathaniel Bowdish Informs this Meeting that he is About |
to Remove to the nine-parterners,and Requests a few lines |
by way of Certificate for himself and family, therefore |
Joseph Gifford and Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to make |
Enquiry [^into] his Conversation and affairs, and draw one if they |
think proper and bring [^it] to the next monthly Meeting – – |
[T]homas Potter [?]nder dealing |
whereas Thos Potter Son of John Potter hath Gone Contrary |
to Good order in Marrying out of the unyty of friends, and in |
having a Child Soon after Marriage, for which disorders he |
hath been Laboured with and declines to make Satisfaction |
therefore this Meeting doth appoint Wm Sanford and Jonathan |
Hussey to Labour with him and make Report to the next |
monthly Meeting |
5th mo. 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting of friends held at our Meeting H[ouse] |
in Dartmouth on the 16th day of the 5th mo: 1763, Ponaganset |
Meeting Called James Shearman and Peleg Smith present, for |
Coakset Peter Daval [Davol] and John Mosher. |
Abner Shep= =herds clear= =ness |
the friends Appointed to See into Abner Shepherds Clearness Sig[nify] |
that they find nothing to hinder his Intended Marriage. |
Abner Shep= Shepherd Answer |
Abner Shepherd and Hannah Gifford appear’d at this Meeting |
their Answer, and their Answer was that they might proceed to |
take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenient time betwe[en] |
this and the next monthly Meeting, Observing our Good order |
in the Confirmation thereof, and Wm Sanford and David Smith |
are appointed to See their Marriage Consumated and make |
Return to the next monthly Meeting |
Report of Henry Smith marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Henry Smith, and Synthia wood, |
Marriage Consumated, Signify that it was accomplished in Good order |
Archapas Hart’s [?] |
And whereas Archapas Hart hath Given Some Incouragement |
Concerning keeping to meeting, therefore the matter is Suspended |
John Taber disowned |
Whereas, John Taber jur having been Married and of our Good ord[er] |
and [^he] no wise Showing any Desire to make Satisfaction having been |
Laboured with we think Sufficienly, therefore this Meeting doth |
Conclude to Set him aside and do deny him from being in unity |
with us – – |
papers of Denials as ordered, and |
Abigail Macumbers Denial is as followeth – – |
Testimony against Abigail Macumber |
Whereas Abigail Macumber of Dartmouth in the Count[y] |
Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, w[ife] |
of Joseph Macumber & Daughter of Benja Allen and Deborah [?] |
both deceased of Dartmouth afore sd, Being one who hath been in |
Care of us the People Called Quakers but for want of keep[ing?] |
to her Education hath Gone from our Good order and married in [the?] |
Common way of th other people and not only so but since her |
Marriage her Conversation hath not been agreable to our holy |
proffesion, in particular She not living with her husband, and |
friend, [s] having Laboured with her in love in order to bring her |
to a Sense of her outgoing, but nothing appearing to friends |
Satisfaction of any time Repentence, we Can do no less for the |
Clearing of the Blessed truth but to Set her [blot] and do Give |
this forth as a publick denial against her [blot] the said |
Abigail Macumber to be one in unity with [blot] Said people |
Sincerely Desiring She may Come to a Sight and [blot] of her out- |
=going, and find mercy, Given forth at our Monthly Meeting |
held in Dartmouth on the 18th day of the 4th month 1763, and |
Signed in and by order of said meeting by Job Russell Clerk - |
Zilphia Davels Denial is as follows Viz, |
[T]estimony [a]gainst [Zi]lphia Davel |
Whereas Zilphia Davel Daughter of Reuben Davel and Mary |
his wife of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol, in the province |
of the Massecthusett Bay in New-England being one that hath |
been under the Care of friend, the People Called Quakers, yet |
by disregarding the Principle of truth in herself, and Giving way |
to the Information of the evil one hath fallen into the Reproach for |
Sin of fornication, for which She hath been Laboured within |
Love to bring her to a Sense of her evil action but nothing Seeming |
to appear of true Repentence we think it our duty to Set |
her aside and do Publickly deny the Said Zilphia Davel to |
be one in unity with us the above Said people, yet truly |
desiring She may Come to a Sight and Sense of this her Great Evil |
and find mercy; |
Given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
on the 18th day of the 4th mo: 1763 and Signed in and by |
order of S[ai]d meeting by – – |
Job Russell Clerk |
The Case of John Gifford refered |
the matter Concerning John Gifford Certificate is Refered |
the next monthly Meeting – – |
[pa]per accepted |
Friends do Conclude to accept of Eber Davis his paper for Satisfaction. |
Isaac Sanford case referd |
The matter concerning Isaac Sanford is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting – – |
Edith Tripps paper not Read |
Edith Tripps paper not having been read, is Refer’d |
in order that it may be accomplished between this and the |
next monthly Meeting |
Choosing Visitors refered |
The matter Concerning Chusing Visitors is Refered to next |
month[ly] [Mee]ting |
The [blot] [p]aper of Denial brought and Signed in this meeting |
Testimony signed against Lydia Potter |
In [blot] [?]ce [concurence?] with the womens Meeting Against Lydia Potter |
And [blot] Russell is appointed to read it at New-town meeting |
on a first day at the end of the meeting for worship – – |
Case of Joshua Barker referd |
The Matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting, and the Comtte Still Continued that hath alre[ady] |
had the matter in hand – – |
Nathl Bowdish Certificate |
There was a Certificate Signed at this Meeting for Nathaniel |
Bowdish and his wife, they being Going to Settle at the Nine |
Thos Potter disowned |
=parterners The friend appointed to deal with Thomas Potter Signify they hav[e] |
done it, and he Gave them no Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting |
thinks Proper to deny him, and Wm Sanford and Jonathan Hus[sey?] |
are appointed to draw up a paper of denial against him and |
bring it to the next monthly Meeting |
The Transcrib the Book of Discipline |
There was £18:10s old tenner Gathered by this meeting to pay |
for transcribing our Book of Discipline, which is paid – – |
Nic Howlands paper ace= pted |
Nicholas Howland jur hath Given in a paper to this Mee[ting] |
Signifying his Sorrow for his disorderly Marriage, which the |
Meeting accepts – – |
Elihu Rus sell request Certificate |
whereas Elihu Russell and his wife being Removed to the Oblong |
live and desires a few lines from this Meeting to the monthly mee[ting] |
there, and Humphry Smith and Wm Anthony ju: are app[ointed] |
to draw a Cerificate and bring it to the next monthly Meeting |
if they think proper – – |
Complaint against Wm Smith |
There was a Complaint brought to this Meeting that William |
Smith hath been addicted to take too much Spirituous Liqu[or?] |
therefore this Meeting appoints Humphry Smith & Jonathan |
Hussey to talk with him upon that account and bring |
make Return to the next Monthly meeting |
[Danl] Russells to [cu]t Wood on [mee]ting land |
Whereas there is a Considerable due from this Meeting to |
Daniel Russell upon Stephen Wilcox his account therefore |
this meeting doth Give leave that he Cut wood at 15s per |
more until the debt is paid, on the meeting House Lot |
B. Tucker, Request [t]o Come under the [C]are of friends |
Benjn Tucker hath Signified his desire of Coming |
under the Care of Friends, therefore Joseph Gifford and Paul |
Russell are appointed to Enquire Concerning his Conversati[on] |
and talk with him and bring in their account to the next |
monthly Meeting |
6th mo: 1763, |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the |
6th mo: 1763, Ponaganset Meeting Called Peleg Smith and |
Abraham Tucker present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp present |
[Joh]n Ricketson Jr [P]roposal of marriage |
John Ricetson jr: and Patience Tucker did Lay their Intenti- |
=ons of Marriage before this Meeting, and were desired to wait |
til the next monthly Meeting for their answer, and Wm |
Barker and Job Russell are appointed to make Enquiry into |
the young mans Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation |
and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
[Re]port of Abner [She]pherds [m]arriage |
The friends appointed to See Abner Shepherd and Hannah Gifford |
Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended the |
marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in |
Good order |
[Case?] of John [Gi]fford referd |
The matter Concerning Giving John Gifford a Certifica[te] |
is Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting |
Case of Isaac Sanford referd [illegible] |
The matter Concerning Isaac Sanford is Refer’d to the |
next monthly Meeting – – |
[E]dey Tripp [pa]per of [re] pent: [?]e |
Edith Tripps Paper of Condemnation hath been Read |
as Appointed by the last monthly Meeting |
and is as follows – – |
To the monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth |
on the 20th day of the 12th mo: 1762, |
Whereas I by letting my mind out became weak and So Ga[ve] |
way to the temtation of the enemy in the Lust of the flesh so f[ar?] |
as to Commit the Shamefull Sin of fornication which was m[?] |
manifest by ^[my] having a Child Soon after Marriage and also m[arriage] |
out of the unity of friend, all which I do Condemn and am S[orry?] |
for therefore I desire that God may forgive me my Sins |
that friends would pass it by and Suffer me to Remain under |
their Care Christian Care – – |
Edey Tripp – – |
Wm How= land dis= order |
William Howland hath Sent a paper into this Meeting Signif[ying] |
his Sorrow for his disorder in takeing too much Spirituous Liquo[r] |
which matter is Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Visitor |
Abraham Tucker is appointed Visitor for the Ensuing year |
Queries an swered |
The Queries have been Read and Answers have been made by |
Coakset preparitive meeting – – |
Friends to Qur meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are |
Peleg Smith, Caleb Russell Paul Russell and Philipp Tripp |
and they to draw an Epistle to the Same and bring it to the |
adjournment of this Meeting – – |
adjourn |
This Meeting adjourns to the first day in next month – – |
mett |
This Meeting met according to adjournment the first day of th[e] |
7th mo:1763, the Representatives being Called for Aponagans[et] |
and Coakset all present |
L. Potter disownd |
Paul Russell makes Report that Lydia potter, paper of |
Denial hath been Read as order’d |
[Certi]ficate for [Eli]hu Russell Wife |
There was a Certificate Signed at this Meeting for |
Elihu Russell and his wife – – |
[Pape]r of denial [signe?]d against Toms Potter |
There was a paper of Denial brought to this meeting |
and Signed against Thomas Potter, and Jonathan |
Hussey is appointed to Read it at the End of a first day |
Meeting for worship Between this and the next Monthly Meeting – – |
[Case?] of Wm Smith [re]fer’d |
The matter Concerning William Smith is Refer’d to |
the next monthly Meeting and Humphry Smith and |
Jonathan Hussey are Still Continued to Treat furder |
with him – – |
Tucker Rced |
The Friend Appointed to talk with Benjn Tucker |
Make Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction |
and this meeting Concludes him to be under our Care |
for the time to Come – – |
[frie]nds appointed [?] meeting |
Peleg Smith and Humphry Smith Caleb Russell and |
Paul Russell are Appointed to Sign the Epistle to the |
Quarterly Meeting in behalf of this Meeting |
[answ]ers to Queries |
Peleg Smith & Humphry Smith are appointed to Compil[e] |
the answers to the Queries |
[Jona]than Clark [R]equest |
We understand that Jonathan Clark hath Signified |
that he hath a desire to Come under our Care, therefore |
this Meeting Appoints Joseph Gifford and Paul Rus= |
=sell to treat with him and make Report to the |
next monthly Meeting |
7th month 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
18th of the 7th month 1763, Ponaganset Called Caleb |
Russell and Wm Barker present, for Coakset Peter |
John Ricket= =son Clearness |
The friends appointed to Inquire into John Ricetsons Clear- |
ness as to Marriage and Conversation make Report that th[ey] |
don’t find anything to hinder his proceeding in Marriage |
Epistle Received |
Received an Epistle from the yearly meeting held in Lon[don?] |
the 5th month 1762 which was Read to Good Satisfaction |
John Rick= =etsons answer |
John Ricketson and Patience Tucker did appear for th[eir] |
answer and their answer was that they might proceed |
take each other in Marriage in Some Convenient time |
between this and the next monthly Meeting Observing the |
Good order Established among us in the Performance there |
and Abraham Tucker and Wm Barker are appointed |
to see their marriage Consumated in Sd order and make |
Report to the next monthly Meeting |
Case of John Gifford referd |
The matter Concerning Giving John Gifford a Certificate |
Refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
Case of Isaac Sanford referd |
The matter Concerning Isaac Sanford is Referd to the nex[t] |
monthly meeting as is also the matter Concerning Wm H[owland?] |
Report from Quar. meetg |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
make Report that they have attended it and prod[?] |
Eps Receivd |
an Epistle from the Same which was Read & well accept[ed] |
Joshua Barker disowned |
The Comittee appointed to Labour with Joshua Barker M[?] |
Report that he Refused to Comply with their advice, and |
that he Gave them no Satisfaction, therefore this meeting do[?] |
Set him aside, and appoints Wm Sanford and Jonathan |
Hussey to draw a paper of Denial against him and bring it |
to the next monthly Meeting if they think proper |
Tho Potter. paper read |
Thomas Potters paper of denial hath been Read accordin[g] |
to the appointment of last monthly meeting |
And is as followeth |
[Test]imony [ag]ainst Potter |
Whereas Thos Potter Son of John Potter & Margaret his wife |
he the said Thomas Potter having been one under our Care, yet |
through unwatchfulness Gave way to the temtation of the Enemy |
So as to fall into that Shamefull Sin of Fornication, which appears |
by his wife having a Child Soon after Marriage, and he hath |
been Laboured with from time to time for his Misconduct hoping |
he may See his Outgoings and make friends Satisfaction, but he Still |
Remains Obstinate and Refuse to make friends Satisfaction, there- |
=fore for the Clearing of truth we Can do no less than Give this forth, as |
a Publick Testemony against him the Said Thomas Potter Denying |
him from being in membership with us the People Called Quakers |
yet we Sincerely desire that he may Come to a Sense of his Outgoings, and |
through unfeigned Repentence find Mercy, Given forth at our monthly |
Meeting held in Dartmo. the 1t day of the 7 mo: 1763. |
Signed in and by order of Said Meeting by – – |
⎧ Abraham Tucker |
⎨ Peleg Smith |
⎩ Peter Devel [Davol] |
[Ca]se of Jonathan [C]lark referd |
The matter Concerning Jonathan Clark is Refered to the |
next monthly Meeting – – |
Coakset preparative meeting Informs this meeting that |
[Da]vid Kirbys [Kerby] [diso]rderly [m]arriage |
David Kerby hath Married out of the Unity of friends |
and that they have Laboured with him and he Gave them |
no satisfaction therefore the matter is Refered to the |
next monthly Meeting |
[8]th mo: 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 15th of the 8th month 1763 Ponaganset meeting |
Called Peleg Smith and Caleb Russell present Coakset |
meeting Called John Mosher and Philip Tripp presents |
[Rep]ort of John [Ri]cketsons [m]arriage |
The Friends appointed to See John Ricketsons |
Marriage Consumated make Report that they attend[ed] |
the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accom= |
=plished in Good order. |
Received Divers Certification |
This Meeting Received an Epistle from the yearly |
Meeting held at Newport on the 10th of the 8th[?] mo 17[63?] |
which was Read to Good Satisfaction; |
This meeting lik[e]wise Read an Epistle from the yearly |
meeting for Sufferings in London, and one from the yea[rly] |
Meeting held at Philadelphia, and one from the yearly |
Meeting held at flushing, and one from our friends |
John Woolman and Samuel Estburn [Eastburn]1, all of which bei[ng] |
Read in this meeting to Good Satisfaction and as they |
Contain Good advice, and many Good Exhortations the |
Contents are Recommended to friends Observation; |
John Giffords Case referd |
The matter Concerning Giving John Gifford a Certificate |
is refer’d to the next monthly meeting; |
fords Case referd |
The matter Concerning Isaac Sanford is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting; |
Wm How =lands paper accepted |
This Meeting doth accept of Wm Howlands paper of Conde[m]- |
nation for Satisfaction Provided that he Read it or Get |
Some friend to read it at the end of a first day meeting for |
worship and he be present between this and the next mont[hly] |
Meeting; |
Joshua Barkers Case referd |
The matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refered to the ne[xt] |
monthly Meeting |
Case of Jona Clark referd David Kirby Case referd |
The matter Concerning Jonathan Clark is Referrd to the |
next monthly Meeting ~ |
the matter Concerning David Kerby [Kirby] is likewise Referd |
to the next monthly Meeting and John Mosher and |
Othnial Tripp is are appointed to Labour with him, |
and make report to the next monthly Meeting |
This Meeting hath Collected £5=17s:8d old tenor and Davi[d] |
Order to pay Jonathan Hussey |
Smith is ordered to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars fo[r] |
keeping the Meeting House half a year |
Inspection of the poor (to report) |
This Meeting ^appoints Nicholas Howland and Paul Russell ove[r] |
=seers of the poor to have an Inspection into their Circ[um] stan[ces] |
and to make Report once a Quarter ~ |
There hath been ^a Complaint brought against Reuben |
Devil [Davol] by one of the Visitors in Several Respects |
[Com]plaint against [Reuben] Devel |
in not attending meetings, and in his Conduct which |
appears Scandulous [scandalous], therefore this meeting doth |
appoint Christopher Gifford and Velantine [Valentine] Huddlestone |
to Labour with him if they have an opportunity and |
make Report to the next monthly Meeting; |
[Sub]scription for [Step]hen Wilcox |
This Meeting hath Come to a subscribtion for the Relief of |
Stephen Wilcox and family; |
9th 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on |
the 19th of the 9 mo. 1763 Ponaganset meeting Called |
Thomas Smith and James Shearman present, for Coak= |
=set Peleg Huddlestone & Peter Devil [Davol] present |
[Ben]ja Tuckers [pro]posal of [m]arriage |
Benja Tucker and Surviah [Zerviah] Ricketson Declared their |
Intentions of Marriage to this Meeting and were desired |
to wait til next monthly Meeting for their Answer |
and Caleb Russell and Joseph Gifford are Appointed |
to Enquire into the young mans Clearness as to Mar= |
=riage and Conversation and makes Report to the |
[acknow?]legment of Wm Howland |
[W]illiam Howlands paper being Read as ordered, is as follows – viz [To?] |
the monthly meeting of friends to beholden at Dartmo: the 16: 9 month 1763 |
[W]orthy friends, Whereas I have through unwatchfulness some times been Guilty of |
[drin]king too much Spirituous Liquor to the Reproach of truth and Grief of the friends |
[wh]ereof, for which outgoings of mine they have in Love Labourd with me, which |
[d]ealings I do Gratefully acknowledge as a Sure mark of their tender Regard for my |
[go]od, which Causes me the more freely, not only to Confess, but also to Condemn my |
[w]eakness in the above Sd Respect, but as I have a Great Regard for friends and |
[the] Good order Established among them, and a desire to Refrain from the Above |
[?] Evil for the future, So I desire friends to pass by my offence for the time past (and |
[co]ntinue me under their Care) Hoping for the future with Divine Assistance to be |
[m]ore watchful over my Self, that my life & Conversation may be Such as may |
[n]ot bring the like trouble on friends ; William Howland |
Certificate for John Gifford & fam: Signed |
There was a Certificate Signed at this Meeting for |
John Gifford and his Wife and Children to the |
monthly Meeting at Oblong; ~ |
Joshua Barker Case referd |
The matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refer’d to th[e] |
next monthly Meeting as is likewise the matter |
David Kirbys Case referd |
Concerning David Kirby; ~ |
Jona Hussey paid |
David Smith has paid Jonathan Hussey three Dollars |
According to the order of Last monthly Meeting; ~ |
Jonathan Clark accepted |
This Meeting doth Conclude to accept of Jonathan |
Clark to be one under our Care; ~ |
Isaac Sanfords paper accepted |
This Meeting doth likewise accept of Isaac Sanfords |
paper Condemning his outgoings for Satisfaction and |
he to Remain under Our Care |
Friends to attend Quart[er] =ly meeting |
This Meeting doth appoint Humphry Smith, Wm |
Anthony ju: and Philip Tripp to attend the Quarterly |
Meeting and to draw an Epistle to the Same and Compile |
the Answers to the Queries and bring them to the adjou[rn] |
=ment of this Meeting, The Queries have been Read and |
Answered by the preparitive meetings |
adjourn [mett?] |
This Meeting adjourns to the first Sixth day in the next |
month at the tenth Hour in the forenoon ~ |
This Meeting being met according to Adjournmen[t] |
the Representatives being Called but none present |
no report of Ruben Devel Case |
The friends appointed to treat with Reuben Devel [Davol] have |
made no report to this Meeting therefore the matter is |
Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting; |
=lands request |
Joseph Howland Requests to Come ^under friends Care, therefo[re] |
this Meeting doth appoint Wm Sanford and Jonathan |
Hussey to treat with him and make Inquiry into his |
Conversation and make Report to the next monthly |
[Jon]athan Clark [re]quest a [Ce]rtificate |
Meeting; ~ Jonathan Clark Requests a Certificate to the monthly |
Meeting of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness as to Mar- |
=riage and Conversation, therefore this Meeting doth |
appoint Joseph Tucker and Joseph Smith to make Inquiry |
into the Above Said particulars, and to draw a Certificate |
for him if they think proper and bring it to the next |
monthly Meeting; ~ |
[Epi]stle & answers [to?] Queries |
The Friends Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Quarterly |
Meeting and Compile the Answers to the Queries have |
done it and the Epistle was Signed in this Meeting and |
Sent to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives |
10th mo: 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th |
of the tenth month 1763 Ponaganset meeting Called Joseph |
Smith and Wm Sanford present, for Coakset Ichabod Eddy |
and Josua [Joshua] Deval [Davol] present, – – |
[Be]nja Tuckers [c]learness |
The Friends Appointed to Enquire into Benja Tuckers Clear |
=ness make Report that they don’t find anything to hinder |
his proceeding in Marriage; ~ |
[Be]nj Tuckers answer |
Benja Tucker and Surviah [Zerviah] Ricketson did appear for |
their Answer, and their Answer was that they might |
proceed to take each other in Marriage in Some Conveni= |
=ent time Between this and the next monthly Meeting |
Observing the Good order Established Amongst us in the |
performance thereof, and Caleb Russell and Joseph |
Gifford are Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in |
Said order and make Report thereof to the next |
monthly Meeting. ~ |
Joshua Bar =ker case refer’d |
The matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refer’d to the |
next monthly Meeting, by the Request of his brother |
Abraham Barker |
David Kirby Case referd |
The matter Concerning David Kerby [Kirby] is Refer’d to the |
next monthly Meeting ~ |
Report from Quarterly Meeting |
The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meetin[g] |
make Report that they have attended Accordingly |
and have produced an Epistle from the Same which w[as] |
Read in this Meeting and well accepted ~ |
Howland accepted |
The Friends Appointed to Discourse with Joseph |
Howland make a satisfactory Report therefore this |
Meeting doth Accept of him to be one under our Care |
Certificate for Jonathan Clark |
This Meeting signed a Certificate for Jonathan Clark to the |
monthly Meeting of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness as to |
Marriage and Conversation, ~ |
overseers for meeting house lofts |
This Meeting doth Appoint Jonathan Hussey, Wm Antho[ny] |
jr David Smith, Wm Barker, Joseph Smith and Benja |
Howland 2d overseers to have an Inspection over the lofts[?] |
and other seats to see that the people Behave orderly |
overseers for Accoaxet meeting [?] |
at our yearly meeting, And Joshua Daval [Davol] Daniel Wood |
Ichabod Eddy and Benja Tripp are appointed for the |
Same purpose at Coakset Meeting ~ |
Elihu Bowen Request the Second Time |
This Meeting understands that Elihu Bowen Desires to |
Come into Un[i]ty with friends Again therefore this Meeting |
doth Appoint Abraham Tucker and Peleg Smith, |
to discourse with him and make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
[1]1th mo. [17]63 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 21 day |
of the 11th month 1763, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph |
Tucker present for Coakset Joseph Tripp and Israel Wood |
present The friends appointed to See Benja |
[Rep]ort of [Benj?] Tucker [ma]rriage |
Tuckers Marriage Consumated, make Report that they |
attended the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it |
was Accomplished in Good order ~ |
[Jos]hua [Ba]rker [dis]owned |
This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Joshua |
Barker for his outgoings, and Jonathan Hussey is Appointed |
to read it or Get Some friend to read it between this and the |
next monthly Meeting at the end of a frist [first?] day meeting |
for worship |
[Dav]id Kerby [cas]e referd |
The matter Concerning David Kerby [Kirby] is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting ~ |
[Re]port of [ov]erseers of [meet]ting [ho?]use |
The major part of the friends that was Appointed overseers |
at our yearly meeting make Report that they think |
they have discharged their duty in that Respect and they |
hope there is a Service in it ~ |
[?]se of Elihu [Bo]wen referd |
The matter Concerning Elihu Bowen is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting, and the same friends are Still Continued |
in the Same Service – – |
The women friends Inform that they have Received a Re= |
Russells [certific?]ate [r]eceived |
=moval Certificate for Anne Russell which they have accepted |
and She to be under their Care which this Meeting Concurs with |
whereas this Meeting is destitute of a Book to Record the |
[Caleb?] Russell purchase book for [re]cords |
minutes of this meeting in, therefore this meeting doth |
Imploy Caleb Russell to Purchase one and bring it to the |
next monthly Meeting If he Can Conveniently ~ |
[Reu]ben [Deva]ls [Ca]se |
whereas there was a Complaint brought Against Reuben |
Devil [Davol] Some months past and he hath not been Sufficiently |
Laboured with, therefore Christopher Gifford and |
Ichabod Eddy are appointed to Labour with him if |
they have an opportunity and make Report to the next |
monthly Meeting – – |
Meetings Granted in Allens neck |
The friends in Allens neck Requests the liberty to |
hold a meeting there Some part of this winter therefore |
this meeting Grants them the liberty to hold a meeting |
for the three winter months on first days Except the las[t] |
first days preceding each monthly meeting in Each month |
This Meeting hath Collected £4=10s:6d old Tenor – – |
Comtee to revise the minutes |
This meeting doth appoint Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith |
Joseph Tucker, Philip Tripp and Samuel Smith a Com |
=mittee to Inspect into the monthly meeting minutes |
that are put on Record and Correct them where they |
Shall find it Necessary, and also to form a new minute |
Concerning Abig[ail] Kerby |
or an Addition to the former Concerning Abigail Kerby [Kirby] |
There hath been a Complaint brought against Benja |
Complaint against Ben Shearman |
Shearman for his outgoing in Marrying out of the Unity |
of friends, therefore this meeting doth appoint Davi[d] |
Smith and Jonathan Hussey to treat with him and |
make Report to the next monthly Meeting ~ |
12th mo: 1763 |
At a monthly Meeting held at our Meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 19th of the 12th month 176[3] |
Ponaganset meeting Called Peleg Smith and Caleb |
Russell present for Coakset Philip Tripp and James |
Cornel [Cornell] present |
Joshua Barkers paper not Read |
The Reading [of] Joshua Barkers paper hath been Omitte[d] |
last month therefore Isaac Smith is apointed to Be[?] |
[him?] Some Convenient times between this and the next |
monthly meeting ~ |
[Cal]eb Russell [pu]rchased a [boo]k for Records |
Caleb Russell has purchased a Book according to the |
appointment of last monthly meeting and the price |
is two Dollars |
[Cloe] Bowen [R]eceived |
accept of Cloe Bowen to be under their Care which |
which [sic] this meeting Concurs with |
[Reuben] Devil [dis]owned |
whereas Reuben Devil [Davol] hath been one under our Care, and |
he hath Declined attending Meetings for worship and |
Discipline, for which he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d |
with and declines to make Satisfaction, therefore this |
Meeting doth Conclude to Deny him from being under |
our Care |
[David] Kerby [d]isowned |
whereas David Kerby [Kirby] hath Married out of the Unity of |
friends for which he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d with |
and declines to make Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting |
doth Deny him from being under our Care |
[Eli]hu Bowens [c]ase referd |
The matter Concerning Elihu Bowen is Refer’d to the |
next monthly Meeting – – |
[B]enj Shearmans [C]ase referd |
The friends appointed to treat with Benja Shearman |
Signify they have not done it therefore they are Still |
Continued in the Same Service and to make Report to |
the next monthly meeting – – |
[pot?] Ink and [Lo]ck required |
This meeting doth appoint David Smith to purchase a |
Quire of paper and an Ink pot and a Lock to lock the |
drawer to put them in for the use of this Meeting |
This Meeting has Collected £7=5s=6d old tenor, and the |
[O]rder to pay [Jo]na Hussey |
Treasurer is orderd to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars |
for keeping the Meeting House half a year which he |
has accordingly paid |
Comtee to Revise the minuts |
This Meeting doth appoint Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith |
Abraham Tucker Joseph Tucker and Samuel Smith |
a Committee to peruse the monthly Meeting minutes to |
See what part they Shall think proper to be put on |
Record, and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
Coakset meeting House to be Enlargd |
Coakset prepar[a]tive meeting Signify to this Meeting that |
they think it will be Convenient to make Some additi[ons] |
to their little meeting House, and also to build a Chimny |
Therefore this meeting doth appoint Paul Russell Barn[abas?] |
Mosher and Joseph Smith to Consider how big to build |
and also to Compute the Cost as near as they Can and when |
to build at all or not, and to make Report to the next |
monthly Meeting ~ |
Queries answer’d |
The Queries have been read, and answers made by |
both preparative Meetings |
in Quarter =ly mee[t]ing |
Philip Tripp, Humphry Smith and Wm Anthony jun |
are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and |
to Compile the answers to the Queries and draw an Epistl[e] |
to the Same and bring them to the Adjournment |
adjourn |
And this Meeting is Adjourned to the first Sixth day in |
next month – – |
mett |
This Meeting being met according to adjournment |
The Representatives being Called, for Aponaganset meeti[ng] |
Caleb Russell present for Coakset none present – |
answer to Queries & Epistle [procured?] |
The friends appointed to Compile the Answers to the |
Queries and to draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meetin[g] |
have done it according to Appointment, and this |
Meeting hath Signed and Sent the Epistle by the |
Representatives |
[1]st mo: 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
on the 16: of the first month 1764, Ponaganset |
Meeting Called Caleb Russell and Daniel Russell |
present, for Coakset Joshua Devil [Davol] and Israel Wood |
[Fr]ancis Coffins [pr]oposal of [m]arriage |
present, Francis Coffin and Anne Hussey Declared their Intentions |
of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next |
monthly Meeting for their Answer |
Joshua Barkers Paper of Denial hath been read According |
to the Appointment of last monthly Meeting ~ |
And is as followeth (viz) |
[?], Barkers Denial |
Whereas Joshua Barker Son of James Barker Deceased |
and Elizabeth his wife, he the Said Joshua Barker |
having been one under our Care and had his Education |
among friends, yet he through unwatchfullness Gave |
way in three Respects, firstly, in too frequently being |
in Company with Catharine Russell that brought a |
Scandulous Report on the Society, Secondly in declining |
to pay the Constable his Tax, Thirdly, in Refusing to |
Comply with a Verdi[c]t brought Against him for burning |
Some Rails belonging to Henry Tucker, and he hath |
been Labour’d with in love from time to time for his |
misconduct hoping he may make friends Satisfaction |
but he Still Remains Obstinate, therefore for the |
Clearing of truth we can do no less than Give this |
forth as a Publick Testimony Against him the S’d |
Joshua Barker, Denying him to be one in Unity with us |
the people Called Quakers, Yet we do Sincerely desire |
and through unfeined Repentance find Mercy |
Given forth at Our monthly Meeting held in Dart |
=mouth the 21 of the 11 month 1763, And Signed in |
and by order of Said Meeting by Job Russell [Clerk?] |
Elihu Bowen Case referd |
The matter Concerning Elihu Bowen is Refer’d to the |
next monthly Meeting, |
Benj Sher man Jur Paper |
Benja Shearman jur hath Sent a paper to this Meeting |
Condemning his Marrying out of the Unity of friends |
which hath been taken notice of, and do Refer the |
matter to the next monthly Meeting for furder Consider[ation] |
minuts not revised |
The Comittee Appointed to peruse the monthly Meeting |
minutes Signify they have not done it, therefore they |
are Continued in the Same Service and to make Report |
to the next monthly Meeting |
Report on acoakset meeting house |
The Comttee Appointed to Consider about Enlarging |
the meeting House at Coakset and also to Compute the |
Cost, make Report that they think it will be proper |
to build a Side flush with the old part and also to |
Build a Chimny, and they have Computed the Cost as near |
as they Can which is thirty three Dollars, therefore |
this meeting Grants Liberty that Coakset friends Go |
on and Build as Above Said |
Report from Quar =terly meet =ing |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
make Report that two of them attended the other |
Sent a Sufficient Excuse, and they have produced |
an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read in |
this Meeting and well accepted |
M: Wilkerson and R [W]ilbour [d]isown’d |
The women friends Inform that they have Deny’d |
Mary Wilkerson and Ruhamah Wilbour for their |
Marrying out of the Unity of friends which this meeting Concurs |
with, and do deny the Same from under our Care |
[P]. Allen [R]equests [t]o Come under [f]riends Care [w]ith his [C]hildren, |
Prince Allen Requests to Come under friends Care with |
his Children, therefore this Meeting doth appoint Daniel |
Russell and Phillip Allen and Humphry Smith to Confer |
with him and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
The friends at New=Swanzey desire the Liberty to hold a |
[M]eetings [G]ranted at New Swanzey |
Meeting among them as often as friends Shall think proper |
therefore this Meeting doth Grant them the Liberty to |
hold a meeting two days in a month for two months, one |
first day of the month; |
Timothy Shear [m]an Jur [dis order?] |
The Visitors Inform that Timothy Shearman Jur hath |
Set up a Publishment, by which we Conclude he Intends to |
Marry out of the Good order of friends, and he hath been |
Labour’d with and declines to Retracts his Intentions |
therefore Joseph Gifford and Wm Barker are Appointed |
to tell him if he Shall Continue in his proceedings that he |
may Expect to be denied and they to Labour with him |
as they Shall find freedom |
[?] Printing [G]eorge Foxes [Jo]urnal refer’d |
Proposals of Printing George Foxes Journals in London |
by way of Subscription hath been Presented to this Meeting |
which is Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting for |
furder notice2 |
[Ca]leb Russell [is?] paid for the [Bo]ok for records |
This Meeting hath Collected and Paid Caleb Russell |
two Dollars for the Book for Records; ~ |
2d mo: 1764 |
At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th |
of the 2d month 1764, Ponaganset meeting Called Wm Bar[ker?] |
and David Smith present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp and |
Peter Devil [Davol] present; |
Francis Coffins Certificate |
Francis Coffin hath Produced a Certificate from the monthly |
Meeting of Nantucket, Certifying him to be of an Orderly |
life and Conservation and Clear from any Entanglement |
Francis Coffins answer |
Relating marriage which this Meeting accepts |
Francis Coffin and Ann Hussey did appear for their answer |
which was that they might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and th[e] |
next monthly Meeting Observing the Good order Establis[hed] |
among us in the Performance ther[e]of and Caleb Russell an[d] |
David Smith are appointed to see their Marriage Consumat[ed] |
in Said order and make Report to the mext [sic] monthly Meeting |
E. Bowen Rec’d |
This Meeting doth accept of Elihu Bowen to be under our Ca[re] |
Jacob Motts paper accep= =ted |
This Meeting doth accept of Jacob Motts paper Condemning his |
outgoings in taking too much Spirituous Liquor, hoping h[e] |
may Conduct better for time to Come – – |
refer’d |
The matter Concerning Prince Allens Request to Come und[er] |
friends Care with his Children is Refer’d to the next month[ly] |
Meeting, and the Same friends are Still Continued in that |
Service and to make Report to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Timothy Sher =man Jur Case referd |
The matter Concerning Timothy Shearman jur is Refer’d |
to the next monthly Meeting; – – |
The women friends Inform that they have accepted of |
R. Cornel Rec’d |
Rebeccah Cornel [Cornell] to be under their Care which this Meeting |
Concurs with |
meetings Granted in Allens Neck |
This Meeting Grants the friends in Allens neck th[e] |
Liberty to hold a meeting there one month longer as heretofore |
John Potter overseer of the poor |
This Meeting doth appoint John Potter overseer of the poor ([?] |
Nicholas Howland) in lieu of Paul Russell and they to make |
Report once a Quarter – – |
[Ca]se of Benj [She]arman Jur refer’d |
The matter Concerning Benjamin Shearman jur is Referd |
to the Next monthly Meeting; |
[3?] mo 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the |
19th day of the 3d month 1764, Ponaganset meeting Called |
David Smith and William Anthony jur present, for Coakset |
Peter Devil [Davol] and Philip Tripp present |
[Jos]eph Howland [pro]posal of mar[ri]age |
Joseph Howland & Bershebe Shearman and Daniel Smith and |
Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] declared their Intentions of Marriage and |
[D]aniel Smith proposal of [m]arriage |
were desired to wait till the next monthly Meeting for their |
answer, and Benjamin Howland jur and John Potter are |
appointed to make Inquiry into the young mens Clearness |
as to Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the |
next monthly Meeting – – |
[Re]port of Fran [F]rancis Coffins marriage |
The friends appointed to See Francis Coffin and Ann Husseys |
Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended the |
Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished |
in Good order |
[Pr]ince Allen [R]equest referd |
The matter Concerning Prince Allens Request to Come |
under friends Care with his Children is Refer’d to the next |
monthly meeting and the Same friends that were appointed |
to discourse with them two months ago are still Continued in |
the Same Service & to make Report to the next monthly Meeting, |
T. Shear= man dis= own’d |
whereas Timothy Shearman jur hath Married out of the order |
of friends, and he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d with, and |
he Refusing to adhere to friends Cautions and Labour of love |
therefore this Meeting doth deny him the Said Timothy |
Shearman to be one in Unity with us and from under our Care |
Shearman Jur referd |
The matter Concerning Benja Shearman ju: is Refer’d to the |
next monthly Meeting; |
[Jo?]ne Soule Receiv’d |
The women friends Inform that they have Concluded to accept |
of Jone Soule to be under the Care of friends which this Meetin[g] |
Building at coakset meeting house To collect account of Publick friends deceased |
Concurs with; This Meeting appoints Ichabod Eddy and Josep[h] |
Tripp are to Carry on the Rebuilding of Coakset meeting Hou[se] |
This meeting appoints the Elders of Aponaganset and Coakse[t] |
a Committee to Collect an Account of the deaths of Public |
friends that have happened from for Some time past and |
bring them to the Adjournment; |
Complaint against Benj Tripp |
Coakset friends Preparitive meeting Inform that |
Benja Tripp hath Gone Contrary to friends orders in Opposin[g] |
the Constable in Distraining for a Tax and he hath been Labo[ured] |
with by the Visitors and has not made Satisfaction therefore |
this meeting doth appoint Peleg Smith Humphry Smith and |
William Anthony ju: a Committee to Labour furder with h[?] |
and make Report to the next monthly Meeting ~ |
Queries Answer’d |
The Queries have been Read and answers prepar’d from both |
preparitive Meetings and Read in this Meeting, |
Representa =tives |
Joseph Tucker Peleg Smith Philip Tripp Samuel Smith |
and Peter Devil [Davol] are appointed to attend the Quarterly |
Meeting and Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw |
an Epistle to the Same^& bring them to the Adjournment |
Complaint against Benj Devil |
Benjamin Devil [Davol] hath Married out of the order of friends |
and hath also had a Child Soon after Marriage and hat[h] |
been Labour’d with and Declines to make Satisfaction |
Therefore this Meeting doth appoint Christopher Gifford a[nd] |
Ichabod Eddy to labour furder with him and make Report |
to the next monthly Meeting, This Meeting hath Colle[cted] |
order to pay Antipas Hathaway |
£3–11s–8d old tenor and the Treasurer is orderd to pay An[tipas] |
Hathaway 10 Shillings Lawfull money for mending Glass a[t?] |
the meeting House; This Meeting adjourns to the Sixth day |
adjourn |
of next month ~ |
mett |
This Meeting being met according to Adjournment |
the Sixth day of the 4th month 1764 the Representatives |
[ep]istles & [an]swers to |
all present, This meeting hath Signed and Sent an Epistle |
[qu]eries Sent |
to the Quarterly Meeting and also hath Sent the Answers |
to the Queries by the Representatives |
death of Publick Friends |
The Elders brought the Account of the deaths of Publick |
friends to this Meeting |
1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth b/y on the 16th |
of the 4th mo: 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called Caleb Russell |
and William Anthony jur present, for Coakset Peleg Hud= |
=dlestone present, |
[Jo]seph Howland Daniel Smith [C]learness |
The friends appointed to Enquire into Joseph Howlands and |
Danil [Daniel] Smiths Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation |
make Report that they do’nt find anything to hinder |
their Proceeding in Marriage; – – |
[Jos]eph Howlands Daniel Smiths answer |
Joseph Howland and Bershebe Shearman Danil [Daniel] Smith and |
Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] did appear for their Answer and their |
Answer was that they might Proceed to take each other |
in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next monthly Meeting observing the Good order |
used amongst us and John Potter and Benja Howland jur |
are appointed to See Joseph Howlands and Barshebe [Bershebe] Shearmans |
Marriage Consumated in Sd order and make Report to the |
next monthly meeting, and William Anthony jur |
and Samuel Smith are appointed for the Same Service |
at the Marriage of Daniel Smith and Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] and |
they to make Report to the next monthly meeting |
[Pr]ince Allen [&?]Children Received |
This Meeting doth accept of Prince Allen and his Children |
to be under our Care for time to Come |
[Ca]se of Benj Shearman Ju refere’d |
the matter Concerning Benja Shearman jur is Refer’d to |
the next monthly Meeting |
Benj Tripp Case Suspen =ded |
The Comm[i]ttee appointed to Labour with Benja Tripp |
make Report that he ought to Condemn his Opposing the |
officer in the manner he did and he Cannot find freedom to |
Comply with their Judgment at present Therefore the matter |
is Suspended ~ |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting make |
Report that they ^all attended it and have produced an Epistle from |
the Same which was Read in this Meeting and well Accepted |
Benj Deval refer’d |
The matter Concerning Benja Deval [Davol] is Refered to the next mont[hly] |
Meeting and the same friends are Still Continued in the Same Servi[ce] |
and they to draw up a paper of Denial against him if they think |
Necessary and bring it to the next monthly meeting; |
Antp[?] Hath= =away is paid |
The treasurer has paid Antipas Hathaway ten Shillin[gs] |
for mending Glass; |
Wm Sanford & David Smith acompt |
William Sanford and David Smith has Brought in an |
account to this meeting for Repairing the Stable belong[ing to?] |
this Meeting and the lock the drawer and one Quire of Pap[er] |
and one Ink Stand; all £27=16s–6d Old tenor which this |
meeting accepts |
Philip Trafford request for his Children accepted |
Philip Trafford Requests that his Children that he had by |
his first wife be taken under friends Care which this meet[ing] |
Grants and accepts them to be under Our Care for the time to Com[e] |
L. Cornel Rec’d |
The women friends Inform that they have Accepted of Lyd[ia?] |
Cornel [Cornell] to be under their Care which this Meeting Concurs with |
5 mo: 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of [?] |
5th month 1764 Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and |
Samuel Smith present for Coakset Daniel Wood present, |
John Potter and Benjamin Howland ju: make report that h[e] |
Report of Jos[?] Howland marriage |
attended the Marriage of Joseph Howland and Barshebe [Bershebe] Shea[rman] |
and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplished in Good order |
William Anthony jur and Samuel Smith Report that they |
Report of Dan Smiths Marriage |
attended the marriage of Daniel Smith and Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] |
and Saw nothing but it was likewise Accomplished in |
Good Order – – |
[Ca]se of Benj [She]arman Jur [r]eferd |
The matter Concerning Benjamin Shearman jur is Refer’d |
to the next monthly Meeting and Peleg Smith and William |
Anthony jur are Appointed to discourse with him Concerning his |
not attending meetings and make Report to the next |
monthly Meeting, The matter Concerning Benjamin Devil [Davol] is |
Refer’d to the next monthly meeting; – – |
[?] take Sub= [=sc]riptions for [Geo]rg Foxes [Jo]urnals |
Samuel Smith is appointed to take the Subscribtions [subscriptions] for |
George Fox’s Journals and Endeavour to Collect the Money |
and Send it up to the Yearly Meeting; – – |
N. Sisson Rec’d & L. Shear= [=]man denied |
the women friends Inform that they have accepted of Naomy |
Sisson to be Under their Care and that they have denied |
Lydia Shearman from being one under their Care both which |
this Meeting Concurs with; |
Complaint [a]gainst Wilcox |
There hath been a Report brought to this Meeting that Stephen |
Wilcox hath So Conducted in time past that he hath very |
much fallen Short of discharging many of his debts which |
hath been due, which Seems to be of an attendency to bring |
a Reproach on friends therefore Peter Devil [Davol] Philip Tripp |
Peleg Huddlestone Joseph Gifford and Joseph Tucker are |
Appointed a Comittee of Enquiry and to discourse with him |
and make Report to the Adjournment of this Meeting |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this month |
This Meeting being mett according to Adjournment the 30th |
of the 5th month 1764 the Representatives being Called for |
Ponaganset Samuel Smith present, for Coakset none present |
[C]ase of Stephen [W]ilcox referd |
the Committee make Report that Stephen Wilcox desires that |
friends would wait untill the next monthly meeting therefore |
the matter is Refer’d to Sd meeting; – – |
[Co]mplaint [ag]ainst Job Howland |
Lusana Russell has Exhibited a Complaint against Job How= |
=land for Refusing to Leave a Contr^oversy Subs^isting Between them |
to Arbitration, therefore Barnabas Mosher and Luke Hart are |
appointed a Committee of Enquiry and they to advise Job Howland |
to leave it to men if they think Necessary and make |
Report to the next monthly meeting; |
6 mo: 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
18th of the 6th month 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called |
Stephen Wilcox case referd |
Peleg Smith and Joseph Smith present for Coakset for |
Joshua Devil [Davol] present – – |
Stephen Hathway proposal of marriage |
Stephen Hathaway and Abigail Smith did lay their |
Intention of Marriage and were desired to wait till the |
next monthly Meeting for their Answer |
Case of Ben Shearman refered |
The matter Concerning Benjan Shearman jur is Refer’d |
to the next monthly meeting, as is likewise that of Benja |
Case of Ben Devil referd |
Devil [Davol] – – |
Money Collec =ted for 12 Books mo |
Samuel Smith has answered the Appointment of last |
monthly meeting and Collected money Enough for twelve |
of Fox’s Journals – – |
meetings advice to Stephen Wilcox |
It is the advice of this Meeting that if Stephen Wilcox Can’t |
discharge his debts no otherwise he ought to deliver up his |
Estate to his Creditors and Notify them all as Soon as may |
be, and the Same Committee is Still Continued to Notify him |
of the Conclusion of this Meeting and assist him in advice |
and make Report to the next monthly Meeting; – |
Henry Stantons Visit |
Our Esteemed friend Henry Stanton has Visited this |
Meeting with a Certificate from Carterite [Carteret] |
In North Carolina dated the 18th of the 4th mo: 1764 which being Read |
was kindly accepted. |
Friends appointed for Quarter =ly meeting |
Peleg Smith Humphry Smith Philip Tripp are Appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting and draw an Epistle to the |
Same and bring it to the adjournment; – – |
Case of Job How= =land |
The ^friends appointed to Inquire into the Controversey between |
Job Howland and Lusanna Russell make Report that they |
advised them to do it which ^he Refused therefore Joseph |
Smith and Joseph Gifford are appointed to Labour |
furder with him and make Report to the next |
monthly Meeting; |
[words crossed out for last two lines]
[or]der to pay [Jon]athan Hu]sey |
This Meeting has Collected 4£–4s–11d old tenor and the |
Treasurer is order’d to pay Jonathan Hussie [Hussey] three Dollars |
for keeping the Meeting House half a year |
[adj]ourn [m]ett |
This meeting adjourns to the first Sixth day in next month |
This meeting being met according to adjournment the 6 of the 7th |
month 1764 the Representatives being Called for Ponaganset |
Peleg Smith and Joseph Smith present for Coakset none pre==sent |
[ans]wrs [to] the [Que]ries |
The Queries have been Read and answers prepared from both |
preparitive meetings and Peleg Smith Humphry Smith and |
Wm Anthony jur are appointed to Compile the answers to the |
Queries and Deliver them to the Representatives |
This meeting has Signed and ordered to be Sent an Epistle to the |
Quarterly meeting by the Representatives |
[Ru]th [Ed]dy [de]nied |
The women friends Inform that they have Concluded to deny |
Ruth Eddy therefore david Smith is appointed to draw a paper |
of Denial against her and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
7th mo:1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 16th of the |
7th month 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called David Smith and Samll [Samuel] |
Smith present for Coakset Joseph Tripp and Ichabod Eddy present |
Stephen Hathaway certifi= [=ca]te |
Stephen Hathaway produced a Certificate from Sandwich monthly meet= |
=ing Certifying his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation in a |
degree Clear – – |
Stephen Hathaways [an]swer |
Stephen Hathaway and Abigail Smith did appear for their answer |
which was that they might proceed to take each other in marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this and the next monthly Mee= |
=ting Observing the Good order Established Amongst us in the perfor= |
=mance thereof and William Anthony and Daniel Russell are |
appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in S,d order and make |
Report to the next monthly Meeting |
Jemima Hoxie Receivd |
Jemima Hoxie has Produced a Certificate from the monthly meeting |
of Sandwich dated the 29 of the 6th mo: 1764 Informing of her being of |
an orderly life and Conversation and under their Care and that |
She has Settled her outward affairs which this meeting accepts and She |
to be under our Care |
=ker Received |
Mary Tucker hath Produced a Certificate from Sandwich |
monthly Meeting held the 29th of the 6 mo: 1764 which Informs |
her being in a Good degree of an orderly life and Conversation |
which this meeting accepts and She to be under our Care for |
the time to Come – – |
Ben Sher =man case referd |
The matter Concerning Benja Shearman ju: is Refer’d to the |
next monthly meeting |
Jos Taber Ju his paper |
Joseph Taber ju: has produced a paper to this meeting Condem[n]ing |
his falling into the Sin of fornication which this meeting |
appoints Caleb Russell to See that it be Red [read] at the end of a first day |
meeting for worship at Quishnet and he to be present and make |
Report to the next monthly Meeting, and when Said paper be |
Read as afforesaid this meeting Concludes to accept of it for |
Case of Benj Deval referd |
Satisfaction; The matter Concerning Benja Deval [Davol] is |
Refer’d to the next monthly meeting; – – |
The case of Stephen Wilcox |
the Committee appointed to have the Care of Stephen Wilcox’s |
affair make Report that he did not fully Comply with the Conclu: |
=sion of last monthly meeting therefore the Same Committee are |
Still Continued to Repeat the Same advice to him and also to Inform |
him that this Meeting desires him Imediately to Comply with |
the above Said advice and if he do’nt he must Expect to be |
dealt with as an offender |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting being |
Called upon make Report that they did all attend it and have |
produced an Epistle from the Same which was Red to Good Satisfaction |
Epistles received |
This Meeting Received two Epistles from London one written |
the other Printed which was Read to Good Satisfaction, and |
as they Contain many wholsome Exhortations and advices, they |
are Recommended to friends Observation; – – |
This meeting likewise Received an Epistle from the yearly mee= |
=ting at Philadelphia dated the 9th mo: 1763 and one from our |
last yearly meeting held at Newport on Rhode Island |
This ^meeting adjourns to the 25th day of this Instant |
This meeting being Met According to Adjournment the |
Representatives being Called for Ponaganset meeting David |
Smith and Samuel Smith present for Coakset none present |
Testimony [a]gainst Ruth Eddy |
This meeting has Signed a paper of Denial against Ruth Eddy |
for falling into the Sin of fornication which is Evident by her |
having a Child Soon after Marriage and Peleg Huddlestone |
is appointed to Read it or Get Some body to Read it at the end |
and make Report to the next monthly meeting; |
[C]ase of Job How= [=]land |
The Committee appointed last monthly meetyng to Labour with |
Job Howland make Report that he declines to leave the Contro= |
=versey to men therefore Jonathan Hussie [Hussey] Joseph Smith and Wm |
Anthony ju: are appointed a Committee to have them face to face |
and to Labour to Reconcile them and if they Can’t to advise |
them to leave their Controversy to men [word crossed out] if they think pro= |
=per and make Report to the next monthly meeting |
8th mo: 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 8th 1764 |
Ponaganset meeting Called James Shearman and Caleb Russell |
present, for Coakset Peter Devil [Davol] present and the other friend that |
was appointed at Coakset Sent an Excuse which this meeting |
report of Stephen Hathaways marriage |
thinks Sufficient |
the friends appointed to See Stephen Hathaway and Abigail Smiths |
marriage Consumated make Report that they attended the |
Benj Sher man Jur paper accepted |
marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in Good Order |
This ^meeting doth accept of Benja Shearman ju: his paper for Satisfaction |
Condeming his misconduct in marriage and he to be under our Care |
for the time to Come |
Caleb Russell makes Report that Joseph Taber ju:’s paper has |
been Read According to the Appointment of last monthly meeting |
which is as followeth (viz) |
Dartmouth the 22 of the first month 1764 |
J. Taber Repen: |
dear friends; |
Whereas I Joseph Taber jur of Dartmouth have had my Educati= |
=on among Friends in a Sober manner and am also fully persuaded |
and Confirmed in my mind of the Truth of the Doctrines and |
Principles held forth by them; have notwithstanding through |
unwatchfullness and not taking that heed which I ought to have |
done to that Divine Principle of Light and Grace fallen into |
the Sin of Fornication which is Evident by my wive’s having |
a Child Soon after Marriage, also my being married out of |
the Unity of friends, all which I do hereby Condem, and am |
heartily Sorry for, and desire the Lord may forgive me and |
friends pass it by and let me Remain Under their Care |
their Labour of love with me I do Gratefully acknowledge |
and hope it may not prove Labour lost |
from your friend Joseph Taber jur |
Case of Ben Devil referd |
The matter Concerning Benjamin Devil [Davol] is Refered to next |
monthly meeting and Christopher Gifford and Ichabod Eddy are |
appointed to have the Care of the affair and make Report to the |
next monthly meeting; – – |
Peleg Huddlestone makes Report that Ruth Eddys paper of |
Denial hath been Read according to the appointment of last |
R. Eddy disowned |
monthly Meeting; which is as follows, |
Whereas Ruth Eddy Daughter of William Gifford [d?] and |
Patience his wife was Educated in the profession of us the people |
Called Quakers in Dartmouth and did Some times frequent our |
Religious meetings, but for want of faithfull adherence to the |
dictates of that Divine Principal which was Sufficient to have |
preserved her, hath been prevailed on to Give way to the tem= |
=tation of the enemy So far as to be Guilty of the Sin of Fornicatio[n] |
as doth appear by her having a Child Soon after marriage |
and Notwithstanding She hath been duly admonished & advised |
in order to bring her to a Sight of her misconduct, but She |
Still Remaining Obstinate, we do therefore hereby disown |
the Said Ruth Eddy to be of our Society until She Come to |
witness that Godly Sorrow which worketh true Repentance |
which that the Lord may mercifully Grant her is our Sincere |
desire; Signed by order and in behalf of the above S’d people |
in their monthly meeting held in Dartmouth by adjournment |
the 25th of the 7th month 1764 by |
Job Russell Clerk |
Elisabeth Smith Clerk |
for this day – – |
Affair of [Stephen?] Wilcox referd |
The affair Concerning Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next |
monthly meeting; – – |
The Committee appointed to Inspect into the Controversy Subsisting |
between Job Howland and Lusanna Russell make Report that |
it was their advice that he ought to leave to men the Controversey |
which he Refuses to do therefore he is looked upon as an offender and |
John Russell 2d John Potter Wm Barker are appointed to Inform |
him of the Judgment of this meeting, and to Labour with him as |
[V]isitors |
they Shall find freedom and make Report to the next monthly meeting |
It is the Conclusion of this meeting that the Visitors do Still Continue |
[Elijah?] Russel request a [Cer]tificate |
in the Same Service for one month longer · – |
Elijah Russell Desires a Certificate to the monthly meeting of |
Swanzey Signifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage and |
Conversation, therefore Humphry Smith and Benja Howland 2d |
are appointed to Inspect into his Conversation and draw one for him |
Case |
if they think proper and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
The matter Concerning Benja Tripp hath Laid Several months |
and nothing done therefore Peleg Huddlestone and John Mosher |
are appointed to treat with him on that matter and make |
Report to the next monthly meeting; ~ |
9 mo: } 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the 9th |
month 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called Joseph Smith and |
Daniel Russell present, for Coaset Christopher Gifford and |
Benj Devil Case referd |
David Devil [Davol] present; |
The matter Concerning Benja Devil [Davol] is Refer’d to the next monthly |
meeting and Christopher Gifford is Still Continued according to the |
appointment of last monthly meeting ~ |
the matter Concerning Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to next monthly |
Ann Coffin Certificate |
meeting; This Meeting has Signed and Sent a Certificate to the |
monthly meeting of Nantucket ^for Ann Coffin Certifying her being in a |
[Job?] Howland [Case] referd |
Good degree of an orderly life and Conversation and under our Care |
the matter Concerning Job Howland is Refer’d to the next |
[Elij?] Russel [certi]fi= [=cate] |
monthly meeting |
This meeting has Signed a Certificate for Elijah Russell to the |
monthly meeting of Swanzey Certifying his Clearness from any |
Entanglement Respecting Marriage and in a degree of an |
Joseph Mosher request |
orderly Conversation – – |
Joseph Mosher and his wife Requests to Come under friends Car[e] |
therefore Christopher Gifford and David Devil [Davol] are Appointed to |
take an Opportunity of Conference with him on that account |
B. Tripp accepted |
and make Report to the next monthly meeting; |
Benjamin Tripp hath appeared in this meeting and made |
Certificate requested for Giles Russell |
friends Such Satisfaction as they have taken up with |
Daniel Russell Requests a Removal Certificate for his Son |
Giles to the Oblong, therefore Jonathan Hussey and David |
Smith are Appointed to draw one if they think proper and to |
make Enquiry into his life and Conversation and bring it to the |
Queries answered |
next monthly meeting ~ |
The Queries have been Read and Answers prepared by both |
Ponaganset preparative meeting, Joseph Tucker and his Son |
Job Howland Case Sent to Quar meet=ing |
Barziller Tucker are Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Quarterl[y] |
meeting and bring it to the adjournment – – |
The like Case of Job Howland, is to be Sent up to the Quarterly |
adjournd |
meeting for advice – – |
mett |
This meeting Adjourns to the first Sixth day in next month |
Representatives being Called Daniel Russell Joseph Smith |
[R.?]Willis Visit |
and David Devil [Davol] present, |
Our Esteemed friend Robert Willis hath Visited this meeting |
with a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Woodbridge |
in New=Jersey dated the 16th 5 mo: 1764 which was Read and |
Chusing Visitors referd |
well Accepted |
the matter Concerning Chusing Visitors and Overseers is Refer[‘d] |
Friends for Quar- meeting |
to the next monthly meeting |
Joseph Tucker, Abraham Tucker, Philip Tripp are Appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting and present the Epistle and |
make Report to the next monthly meeting |
This meeting hath Signed and Sent an Epistle to the Quarterly |
Collection referd |
Meeting by the Representatives |
the Quarterly Collection is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting |
10th mo } 1764 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 10th |
Month 1764, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and Benja |
=min Howland jur present, for Coakset Ichabod Eddy and Israel |
[Benj Wings proposal of marriage?] |
Wood present, |
Benja Wing and Mary Potter declared their Intentions of Marriage |
and were desired to wait til the monthly meeting for their |
answer and Peleg Huddlestone and Joseph Tripp are appointed |
to make Enquiry into Benja Wing, Clearness as to Marriage and |
Conversation and likewise to see if Mary Potters Estate be Settled |
So that her Children be not hurt by her Said Marriage and make |
[Ca]se of [B]enj Deval [re]ferd |
Report to the next monthly meeting |
The affair of Benja Deval [Davol] is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting |
and Philip Allen and Adam Gifford are appointed to have an |
Inspection over him and his Conduct and make Report to |
[Step?] Wilcox Case refered |
the next monthly Meeting |
[Job?] How- [-]lands [Case?] referd |
Stephen Wilcoxs Case is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting |
The Case of Job Howland is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting |
on the account of Informing him of the Result of the Quarterly |
meeting and Peleg Smith is appointed to Inform him of Said |
Giles Russells certificate |
Result and make Report to the next monthly Meeting; |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Giles |
Russell Certifying him to be in a degree of an orderly Conversation |
a Comtee to advise with[?] in Lawsuits |
and under our Care directed to the monthly meeting of the Oblong |
Humphry Smith Joseph Tucker William Barker are |
appointed a Standing Comittee pursuant to the direction |
of meeting house |
of the late Book of Discipline in page 138 |
Jonathan Hussie [Hussey], David Smith, Samuel Smith, Benjamin |
Howland ju: William Mosher, Israel Wood, Joshua Cornel [Cornell] |
David Devil [Davol] are Apointed to have the oversight of the people |
in the Galleries and other Seats at our next Annual Meeting |
both here & at Coakset and to make Report to the next |
Joseph Moshers Case |
monthly meeting |
The friends Appointed to Confer with Joseph Mosher make |
Report that they have not both Confer’d with him by reas[on?] |
of Indisposion, therefore Ichabod Eddy and David Devil [Davol] |
are Appointed for the Same Service and they to make Re: |
Wm Hath= [=]away request |
=port to the next monthly Meeting; |
William Hathaway Requests to Come under Care of |
friends, therefore Joseph Smith and Luke Hart are |
Appointed a Committee to Confer with him on that account |
and make Report to the next monthly Meeting |
H. Mosher Rec’d |
The [word crossed out] women friends Inform that they have minuted |
Hannah Mosher wife to Wm Mosher under their Care |
which this Meeting Concurs with |
11 mo: 1764 |
At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth on the |
19th day of the 11th month 1764 Ponaganset Meeting |
Called Joseph Smith and William Anthony ju: present |
Benj Wing Clearness |
for Coakset John Mosher and Joseph Tripp present, |
The friends appointed to Inspect into Benjamin Wings Clear |
=ness as to Marriage and Conversation make Report that |
they have made Enquiry and do not find any thing to hinder |
his Proceeding in Marriage and also that the widows Estate |
B. Wings answer |
is Settled according to friends orders; |
Benjamin Wing and Mary Potter appeared for their |
Answer, which was that they might proceed to take each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next monthly meeting, Observing the Good order |
Established amongst us in the performance thereof and |
Peleg Huddlestone and Joseph Tripp are appointed to See |
their Marriage Consumated in Said order and make |
[Benj Devil case?] referd |
Report to the next monthly meeting |
The matter Concerning Benjamin Devil [Davol] is Refer’d to the next |
monthly Meeting; and the Same Committees are Still Continued |
in the Same Service and to Return the paper to him and Inform |
him that there is a deficiency and make Report to the next |
And M. Mosher Rec’d?] |
monthly meeting; |
The women friends Inform that they have minuted Mary Kerby [Kirby] |
and Meribah Mosher under their Care which this Meeting Concurs with |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting |
[J. How: =land denied] |
Whereas, there hath been a Complaint Exhibited against Job |
Howland by Lusanna Russell for Refusing to leave a Contro= |
=versey Subsisting between them to Arbitration, and he hath |
been Sufficiently Laboured with and he appears Obstinate |
and Refuses friends Advice, therefore this Meeting for the |
Clearing of the Blessed truth doth deny the S,d Job Howland |
from being one under our Care |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns till tomorrow at the tenth hour in |
mett |
the fore noon |
This Meeting being met according to Adjournment the 20th 11:mo: 1764 |
the Representives being Called for Ponaganset meeting both |
present for Coakset Joseph Tripp present the other Repre:tive |
[overseers of meetg house report?] |
has made an Excuse for his absence which this meeting accepts |
The friends Appointed to have the oversight of the people in the |
Galleries and other Seats at our Annual Meeting being Called |
upon make Report that they attended Agreeable to |
[J.] Mosher Rec’d |
appointment and that the people behaved in a Good degree |
orderly; The Committee Appointed to Confer with Joseph |
Mosher make Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction |
Therefore this Meeting doth accept and minute him under |
over= seers Chosen |
our Care |
This Meeting appoints Joshua Devel [Davol] and Israel Wood Overseers |
for Coakset, and also appoints William Anthony ju: and Job |
Russell Overseers for Ponaganset, and also appoints Luke |
Visitors |
Hart and Barziller Tucker overseers from Newtown |
This Meeting Appoints Abraham Tucker and Caleb |
Russell Visitors for Ponaganset , and Peter Deuel [Devol] |
Wm Hathway Recd |
and Philip Tripp Visitors for Coakset |
The Comittee Appointed to Confer with Wm Hathaway |
make Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction |
Meetings Granted |
therefore this Meeting Minutes him under our Care |
This Meeting Grants the friends living in Allens neck |
Liberty to hold a Meeting down there at some friends House |
three first days in a month for three winter Months and the |
first Spring Month, Excepting the first days that precede |
Complaint against Isaac Howland |
the monthly Meetings |
Whereas, Isaac Howland ju: hath Married out of the Unity |
Trade, and hath never Condemned them to friends Satisfaction |
Nat Sowle Jr Request |
which is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Nathaniel Soule ju: Requests to Come under friends Care |
Therefore Ichabod Eddy and Israel Wood are Appointed to |
take an Oppertunity of Conference with him, and make |
Jos Mosher request a Certificate |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Joseph Mosher desires a Removal Certificate to Smithfield |
Therefore Isael [Israel] Wood and Philip Tripp are Appointed to make |
Enquiry into his Outward Affairs, and draw one for him |
To draw a Certificate for Mathew Franklin |
if they think proper and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting Appoints Humphry Smith and William |
Anthony jun to draw a Certificate for Matthew Franklin |
and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting; |
12 mo 1764 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the |
12th month 1764, Ponaganset Meeting Called David Smith and |
Wm Anthony ju: present, for Coakset, Philip Tripp and Israel |
[?]the [?] [?] of [MA]rriage |
Wood present, |
William Hathaway and Ruth Barker Declared their Intentions of |
Marriage, and were desired to wait until the next monthly Meet= |
=ing for their Answer and Caleb Russell and Joseph Smith are |
Appointed to Make Enquiry into the young mans Clearness as to |
[B] [Da]vil [di]sowned |
Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to the next Monthly |
meeting; Whereas Benja Davil [Davol] hath fallen into the Sin of |
fornication and he hath been Sufficiently dealt with and Refuses to |
make friends Satisfaction; therefore this Meeting thinks best for the |
Clearing of the Blessed truth to disown him, and do Appoint Isaac |
Smith to draw up a paper of denial Against him and bring it to the |
[report?] of [?] Wings [Mar]riage |
next Monthly Meeting; |
The friends Appointed to See Benja Wing, and Mary Potters Marriage |
Consumated Make Report that they attended the Marriage, and that |
[?] of Step [Wil]cox referd |
it was Consumated in tolerable good order; |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refered to the next monthly Meeting As is |
[?] of Isaac [How]land [?] |
likewise the Matter Concerning Isaac Howland jun – – and the Represen= |
=tatives to the Quarterly Meeting are Appointed to treat with Said howland |
on that account and Inform him that his Accknowledgment is too |
N. Sowle [?] |
short and wherein; |
The friends Appointed to Conferr with Nathaniel Sowle ye 2d Make |
Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting |
[Certi]ficat [?] Mosher |
doth Minute him under friends Care. |
This Meeting has Signed and Sent a Removal Certificate to the Monthly |
[for] Matthew Franklin |
Meeting of Smithfield for Joseph Mosher and family; |
This Meeting has Signed and sent a Certificate for Matthew Franklin to |
[Request] for [M]eeting [?] Swanzy |
Flushing on long Island; |
The friends at New Swanzy Requests Liberty to hold a Meeting there |
on first days till the last of the 4th month 1765 which this Meeting |
Grants Exceptt the holding a Meeting on them first days that |
John How Land’s request |
precedes our Monthly Meeting day, |
John Howland Requests to Come under friends Care, therefore this |
Meeting doth appoint Wm Bowdish and Joseph Gifford to Confer |
John Smith’s request & Certificate |
with him on that Act and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
John Smith the 3d Requests a Certificate to the monthly Meeting |
of Sandwich Respecting his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation |
Therefore Luke hart and Barzillear Tucker are Appointed to Inspect |
into the Above Sd. particulars and draw one for him if they think |
proper, and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting; |
order to pay Jonan Hussey |
This Meeting has Collected £7:17S–2d old tener, and the Treasurer |
is ordered to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars for keeping the |
To Settle with Trea surer |
Meeting House half a year; Wm Sanford and Jonathan Hussey are |
Appointed to make up Accompts with the Treasurer and Make Report |
meeting house Overseers |
to the next monthly Meeting; |
The Treasurer has paid Jonathan Hussey According to order. – – |
Friends for Quart meeting |
The overseers of the Meeting House are Still Continued for one year more |
Humphry Smith, Samuel Smith, Wm Anthony ju. Caleb Russell |
Philip Tripp are Appointed to Attend the Quarterly |
meeting and Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw |
an Epistle to the Same and bring them to the Adjourn= |
J Howland appeals |
=ment of this Meeting. |
Job Howland Requests an Appeal from the Judgment |
adjourn |
of this Meeting to the Quarterly Meeting which is Granted |
mett |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 26 day of this Month |
This Meeting being mett According to Adjournment this |
26 day of the 12th month 1764, the Representation being |
Called for Ponaganset David Smith and Wm Anthony ju. |
D Smith Clerk this day |
present, for Coakset None present; – – |
This Meeting Appoints David Smith Clark of this |
Meeting for this day – – |
Queries answered Epistle Signed |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting have |
drawn an Epistle and Compiled the Answers to the Queries which |
was brought to this Meeting and the Epistle Signed by the |
Clark and ordered to be Sent up by the Representatives; |
At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 21 of the |
first Month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith |
and Caleb Russell Present, for Coakset John Mosher present |
Wm Hathaway’s Clearness |
The friends Appointed to make Enquiry into Wm Hathaway’s |
Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation Make Report |
that they do not find Anything to hinder their proceeding |
in Marriage. |
Wm Hathaways proposal of marriage |
William Hathaway and Ruth Barker did appear for their |
Answer which was that they might Proceed to take Each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next monthly Meeting Observing the Good Order |
Established among us in the performance thereof and Caleb |
Russell and Joseph Smith are appointed to see their Marriage |
Consumated in Sd order and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting. |
Benja Davil disowned |
This Meeting has Signed a paper of denial Against Benja |
Davil [Davol] for the Sin of Fornication but the Reading of it is Referd |
to the next monthly Meeting, and Philip Allen is Appointed |
to Inform him of the Judgment of this Meeting and make |
Report to the next monthly meeting. |
Case of Stephen Wilcox refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting |
Case of Isaac Howland Ju. & John Howland refer’d |
as is likewise the Case Concerning Isaac Howland jun |
And likewise the Case Concerning John Howland is Refered to |
the next Monthly Meeting. |
Certificate for John Smith |
This Meeting has Signed a Certificate for John Smith, Joseph’s |
Son, to the monthly meeting of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness |
as to Marriage and Conversation |
Settled with Treasurer |
The friends Appointed to make up Accompts with the Treasurer |
make Report that they have answer’d their Appointment |
and there is due to this Meeting £4–10S–1d old Tener |
Report from Quarterly Meeting |
The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
Make Report that three of them attended agreeable to |
Appointment and one of the other made an Excuse which the |
Quarterly Meeting took up with and Caleb Russell [4-5 letters crossed out] has |
made an Excuse to this Meeting, and the Said friends have |
produced an Epistle from the Sad [Said] Meeting which was Read in |
this Meeting and Well Accepted |
Obediah Allen’s offence |
Obediah Allen has sent a paper to this Meeting Condeming |
his falling into the Sin of Fornication which Was Read in |
this Meeting and Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting for |
furder Consideration. |
denied |
The Women friends Inform that they have denied Phebe Snell |
for Marrying Contrary to the order of Friends which this Meeting |
Concurs With |
T. Wings |
Whereas Thomas Wing has Married Contrary to the Order |
of friends, and also has Removed Without a Certificate, and |
P. Davel under dealing |
also Philip Davel [Davol] has Removed without a Certificate and |
without friends Advice, Therefore Daniel Russell is Appointed |
to Labour with both of them for the afforesd offences in behalf |
of this Meeting when he Goes to Oblong, and Make Report to |
this Meeting as Soon as he Can. |
2d mo: 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 18th of the |
2d Month 1765 the Representatives for Ponaganset are |
Joseph Smith and Caleb Russell present, for Coakset Philip Tripp |
and Israel Wood present; |
Ezekiel Comstock proposal of marriage |
Ezekiel Comstock and Mary Russell declared their Intentions |
of Marriage at this Meeting and were desired to ^wait till the next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer. |
Report of Wm Hath away mar riage |
The friends Appointed to oversee the Marriage of Wm Hathaway |
and Ruth Barker Report that they both attended the Marriage |
and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplished in Good order |
Benj Davil disowned |
There was a paper of denial Signed Against Benja Davel [Davol]at the last |
Monthly Meeting, and was Presen’d to this Meeting to let him know |
the Conclusion of Sd Meeting, and Report being Made that he |
Still Refuses to Condemn his outgoings, therefore Philip Tripp |
is Appointed to Read it at Coakset Meeting after the Meeting |
of Worship on a first day between this and the next Monthly |
Meeting, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting. |
Case of Stephen Wilcox & Isaac Howland refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox and likewise that of Isaac Howland jun |
are both Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
The Case of John Howland is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
under the Same Care as heretofore |
Obediah Allen’s case continued |
Obediah Allen’s Reference is Still Continued till next Monthly |
Meeting, and Peleg Huddlestone and Job Case are Appointed to discourse |
with the young man, and also with the young Woman that Accused of^ |
him of the Aforesd Crime, and Endeavor to have them face to face |
and see if the young Woman be fully Satisfied and make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting. |
G. Handy Requests to Come among friends |
George Handy Requests to Come Under the Care of friends therefore |
Joseph Smith and Wm Mosher are appointed to [fo] Confer with him |
on that Account and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting. |
under dealing |
Whereas Daniel Smith (Isaac’s Son) hath been of Accused of the Sin of |
Fornication for which offence he hath been discoursed with by the |
overseers and declines to Condemn the Same, therefore this Meeting |
doth Appoint Joseph Tucker and James Shearman to discourse furder |
with him, and Inform him that it is the mind of this Meeting that if he |
do not Condem his offence nor Endeavour to make friends Satisfaction |
That they are Appointed to draw a paper of denial Against him and to bring |
it to the next Monthly Meeting and Make Report to the Said Meeting. – – |
C Slocum under dealing |
Whereas Christopher Slocum hath been Accused of the Sin of Fornica= |
=tion and hath been Laboured with by one of the overseers and the |
visitors and Gave them no Satisfaction, Therefore this Meeting doth |
appoint Daniel Cornel and Samuel Smith to Labour furder with |
him and also Inform him that it is the Mind of this Meeting that |
they Should draw a paper of denial Against him if he don’t Incline |
to Condemn his Offence and make friends Satisfaction and bring it |
to the next Monthly Meeting. |
Order to draw a Certificate for Robert Willis |
Humphry Smith and Wm Anthony jun are Appointed to draw a Certificate |
for our Worthy friend Robert Willis, and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
Peleg Smith, Samuel Smith, Wm Anthony jun, Job Russell, Joseph Tucker |
Order to Revise Minutes |
are Appointed to Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes to see what |
part they Shall think proper to Go on Record, and they also to Inspect |
into the Affair Relating to Abigail Kerby and prepare a Minute |
Affair of Abigail Kirby |
for that purpose if they think proper and Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
3dmo 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 18th day |
of the 3d Month 1765 Ponaganset Meeting Called John Potter |
and Wm Anthony jun present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp and |
Joshua Davel [Davol]present. |
Ezekiel Comstock’s Certificate |
Ezekiel Comstock hath produced a Certificate from the Monthly |
Meeting of Smithfield, Certifying him to be in some good degree of an |
orderly life and Conversation and Clear from Any Intanglement |
Respecting Marriage Among them, which this Meeting Accepts |
Ezekiel Comstock’s Answer |
Ezekiel Comstock and Mary Russell Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in Marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this and the next Monthly |
Meeting Adviseing with the overseers for the purpose – – |
and Peleg Smith and Wm Anthony jun are Appointed to See |
their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Philip Tripp Makes Report that Benja Devels [Davol] Denial hath |
been Read According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting |
and is as follows – – |
B. Davel Denial |
Whereas Benja Davel [Davoll, Devol] Son of Reuben Davel and Mary his wife |
of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the Province of the |
Masachusets Bay in New England, being one Under the Care of friends |
the People Called Quakers, yet for want of keeping to the Spirit of |
Truth hath Given way to the Insinuations of the Evil one So as to |
fall into the Sin of Fornication as is Manifest by his Wives |
having a Child Soon after Marriage, and all Proper Endeavors |
in love having being Used to bring him to a Sense of his outgoings, yet |
no Sign of Repentance Appearing we Can do no less but to Set |
him aside, Denying him the Said Benja Davel [Davol, Devol]to be one Under |
the Care of us the People Called Quakers. Yet Sincerely desiring |
that he May Come to a Sense of his Outgoings and find Mercy |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 21 of the first month 1765 And signed in and by order of |
Said Meeting by – – |
Job Russell Clerk |
Case of Step Wilcox Case [?] Howland and [Ob]ediah Allen refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
and likewise the Matter Concerning Isaac Howland jun is Refer’d to |
the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The Case Concerning Obediah Allen is Refer’d to the next Monthly |
Meeting Under the same Care as heretofore, and they to make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Case of [George] Handy |
The Matter Concerning George Handy is Refer’d to the next Month= |
=ly Meeting – – |
Daniel Smith and Christopher Slocum Refer’d [?] to |
The Case Concerning Daniel Smith is Refer’d to the next Monthly |
Meeting Under the Same Care as heretofore – – |
The Matter Concerning Christopher Slocum is Refer’d to the next Month= |
=ly Meeting – – |
The friends Appointed to Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes Make |
put on Rec ord |
Report that they have Perused said Minutes and left them with Samel |
Smith to be put on Record, and have prepared a minute Respecting |
Abigail Kerby which is Approved by this Meeting, and ordered to be |
Recorded, and is as follows – – |
[Job Howl Crossed out] Whereas, Abigail Kerby was Some years past Under |
A Minute about A. Kerby |
dealing as appears by our Records, but there being no Mention |
made therein that She Made friends Satisfaction, by Reason |
as we Apprehend of the Deficiency of the Record (there being |
the Minutes of Several Monthly Meetings omitted) and it |
appearing now by living Evidence that She did make friends |
Satisfaction by Sending a paper into the Monthly Meeting which |
was Accepted, Therefore this Minute is Made and Recorded |
for a Memorandum thereof – – |
J. Howland apeal [?] |
Job Howland Requests a hearing at the next Quarterly Meeting |
and hath Sent his Reasons of his not Prosecuting his Appeal at the |
last Quarterly Meeting which this Meeting Grants and the Rea= |
=sons to be Sent to the aforesaid Meeting – – |
Queries answer’d |
The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answers prepared by |
both preparative Meetings. |
Friends to attend Quarterly Meeting |
Peleg Smith, Caleb Russell, Humphry Smith, Wm Anthony jun, |
Peter Davil [Davol, Devol] are Appointed to Attend the Quarterly Meeting and |
Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw an Epistles to the Same |
and bring them to the Adjournment. – – |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the first 6th day in next Month, |
ment |
This Meeting being Mett According to Adjournment the 5th day |
of the 4th Month 1765, the Representatives being Called, for Ponaganset [Aponaganset] |
both present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp present – – |
Case of John How= land refer’d |
The Case of John Howland is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
and Wm Sanford and Jonathan Hussie [Hussey] are Appointed to take an |
oppertunity of Conference with him on Account of his desire of |
being taken Under friends Care and Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting – – |
E. Cornel accepted |
The Women friends Inform that they have Accepted of Elizabeth Cornel |
to be under the Care of friends, Which this Meeting Concurs with – – |
and they also Inform that they have So far Accepted Catherine |
Catherine Russell Acceptence |
Russell’s paper Condemning her outgoings in Keeping Company |
with Joshua Barker, with the Provisal that She Read Said Paper |
or Get Some friend to Read it at the End of a Meeting for Worship |
She being present at Ponaganset Meeting House between this |
and the next Monthly Meeting which this Meeting Concurs With, |
Accompts Settled with D. Russell |
This Meeting Appoints Jonathan Hussey, David ^Smith Samuel Smith |
to Settle Accompts with Daniel Russell and Make Report to |
the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Epistle & Answers to Queries |
The friends Appointed to draw an Epistle and Compile the Answers |
to the Queries have Answer’d their Appointment, and the Epistle |
has been Read and Signed in this Meeting by the Clerk and Sent |
with the Answers to the Queries to the Quarterly Meeting by the |
Representatives |
4th mo: 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 4th |
Month 1765 Ponaganset Meeting Called David Smith and Jonathan |
Report of Ezekiel Comstock Marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Ezekiel Comstock and Mary Russells |
Marriage Consumated Make Report that they attended the Mar= |
=riage and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplished in Good order |
Friends Advice to Stephen Wilcox |
Peleg Smith, Peleg Huddlestone and Wm Anthony jun are Appoint= |
=ed a Committee to advise with Stephen Wilcox in behalf of this Mee= |
=ting on the Account of his debts he now Labours Under and they |
to advise him to deliver all this Estate up to his Creditors if he |
Can’t answer them some other way before the next Monthly meeting |
[Case] of [Is]aac How[lan]d [r?] |
The Case of Isaac Howland jun is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
[Ob]ediah [A]llen |
The friends Appointed to discourse with Obediah Allen Make Report |
that they have Answer’d the Appointment and they don’t find things |
Quite Clear, therefore the Matter is Refer’d under their Care and they to |
make Report to this Meeting when they shall have opportunity to |
treat furder with him – – |
[G?] Handy Danil Smith and Christopher Slocum Refer’d |
The Case of George Handy is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting. |
The Case of Daniel Smith is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting by the |
Request of James Shearman – – |
The Case of Christopher Slocum is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meet= |
=ing Under the Care of Humphry Slocum – – |
Report from Quarly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Make Report |
that they all Attended Agreeable to Appointment and have produced |
an Epistle from the same which was Read in this Meeting & well Accepted |
[J.] Howland received among friends |
The friends Appointed to discourse with John Howland Make Report that |
he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting Accepts him |
to be Under friends Care. |
Settled with [?] Russell |
The friends Appointed to Make up Accompts with Daniel Russell |
Make Report that they have Made up Accounts and there Remains |
due ₤4–11s–9d old tener which he ^is to take in Wood – – |
P. Slocum Request |
Peleg Slocum juner Requests to Come Under friends Care and has Given |
in a paper to this Meeting Condeming his former outgoings which is |
Refered to the next Monthly Meeting and Benja Howland and Samel |
Smith are Appointed to discourse with him on that Account, and to |
See if he has Made Satisfaction to the Young Woman that Accused him |
and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Tho Wilcox accepted |
Whereas Thos Wilcox hath Gone Contrary to friends Orders in times |
past in Inlisting into the Kings Service and took up Arms for which |
he hath Given in a paper Condemning his afore said offences which this |
Meeting Accepts for Satisfaction, and he to Remain Under friends Care |
The Women friends Inform that they have Accepted patience Sowle to be |
Received & C. Soule Denied |
under friends Care and also that they have denied Charity Sowle from Un= |
=der friends Care both which this Meeting Concurs with – – |
This Meeting has collected Three Dollars |
5th mo: 1765 |
At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 5th mo: 1765, |
Ponaganset Meeting Called David Smith and Samuel Smith present, |
for Coakset John Mosher and Peleg Huddleston[e] present, |
Case of Step Wilcox refer’d |
The Committee appointed to treat with Stephen Wilcox make |
Report that he desires longer time to try to discharge his Debts |
in some other way; therefore the Matter is Refer’d to the next |
Monthly Meeting – – |
Isaac Howland Ju to be informd |
Whereas Isaac Howland jur hath been in the Practice of the |
Slave trade and lik[e]wise Married out of the Unity of friends and |
he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d with and Neglects to Make |
Satisfaction, therefore Wm Anthony jur is Appointed to Inform |
him that this Meeting hath Come to a Conclusion to deny him |
if he do not Endeavour to Make friends Satisfaction at the |
next monthly Meeting – – |
Case of Geo Handy refer’d |
The Case of George Handy is Refer’d under the same Care as heretofore |
This Meeting hath Signed a paper of denial against Daniel |
Dan Smith disownd |
Smith for the Sin of Fo[r]nication and Wm Anthony jur is ap= |
=pointed to Read^it at the End of a Meeting for Worship Between |
this and the next monthly Meeting and make Report to S,d meeting |
S. Clark Certifica =te |
The women friends Inform that Susanna Clark hath Produced a |
Removal Certificate from Sandwich monthly meeting which |
they accepted, and this meeting Concurs therewith |
Christophr Slocum disown’d |
This Meeting hath signed a Paper of Denial Against Christopher |
Slocum for the Sin of Fornication and Job Russell is Appointed |
to Read it at the End of a first day meeting of worship between |
this and the next monthly meeting and he to make Report |
to Said meeting |
Case of Peleg Slocum refer’d |
The Committee appointed to treat with Peleg Slocum jur |
make Report that he hath made the young woman Satisfac= |
=tion that accused him of the Sin of Fornication, and also that |
he Gave them Good Satisfaction; which is Refered to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
Eben Allen request to come under frien[d]s care |
Ebenezer Allen (James Son) Requests to Come Under friends Care. |
There^=fore Peleg Smith and Samuel Smith are appointed to |
take an Opportunity of Conference with him on that account |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
[Ste]phen Russell Certificate |
Stephen Russell Requests a Removal Certificate to the month |
=ly Meeting of Sandwich therefore Caleb Russell and Wm Sanford |
are appointed to Enquire into his Conversation and draw one for |
him if they think Proper and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
Weston Briggs request a Certificate |
Weston Briggs and his Wife Requests a Removal Certificate to the |
monthly Meeting of Sandwich, Therefore James Shearman and |
Paul Russell are Appointed to Enquire into his Conversation and |
the Circumstance of his outward affairs, and they to joyn with |
the women friends, to draw a Certificate for them if they think |
Proper and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
6th mo: 1765 |
At a monthly meeting met the 17th of the 6th Month 1765 |
Ponaganset Called James Shearman and Paul Russell |
present, forCoakset Benja Tripp and David Davil [Davol] present |
whereas this Meeting happening while the yearly meeting of |
Rhod-Island is in being, therefore this Meeting thinks Proper |
adjourn |
to adjourn and do adjourn to the 24th of this Instant at the Usual |
mett |
hour of the day on other monthly meetings– – |
This Meeting being mett according to adjournment this 24th of |
the 6th month 1765, The Representatives being Called and all |
Case of S. Wilcox refer’d |
present; The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next |
monthly meeting Under the Care of Joseph Tucker, Joseph Gifford |
and Humphry Slocum and they to make Report to the next monthly Meeting - - |
I. Howland Jur gave in a paper |
Isaac Howland jur hath Given in a paper Signifying in Sorrow |
for his outgoings in Using the Slave Trade and in Marrying out of |
the Unity of friends, which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
G. Handy Received |
The Reports brought in Concerning George Handy being to Satisfaction |
Therefore this Meeting Accepts the Said George Handy to be in |
Membership and Under friends Care. |
Wm Anthony jur makes Report that Daniel Smiths paper of denial |
hath been Read According to the Appointment of last Monthly |
Meeting, which paper is as follows – – |
D. Smith’s denial |
Whereas Daniel Smith Son of Isaac Smith and Mary his wife |
hath had his Education among friends the People Called Quakers |
Nevertheless not keeping to that unerring Guide the Spirit of |
Truth, hath fallen into that Scandulous sin of Fornication as - |
he hath been accused, and not Clearing himself, nor writing to |
Condem it to friends Satisfaction, altho’ there hath been Consi= |
=derable pains taken with him in order for his Recovery. |
Therefore for the Clearing of Truth, we can well do no less than |
Give this forth as a Publick Testimony Against him the S,d |
Daniel Smith, denying him^to be one in Unity with us the afores,d |
People and from Under our Care, yet desiring if it be the Will |
of God, that he May Come to a Sight and Sense of his outgoings |
and through Unfeigned Repentence find Mercy – – |
Given forth at our monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 20th day of the 5th mo: 1765, And signed by order and in said |
Meeting by – – |
Job Russell Clerk |
Job Russell makes Report that Christopher Slocum’s paper |
of denial hath been Read according to the appointment of last |
monthly meeting, which paper is as follows (viz) – – |
C. Slocum’s denial |
Whereas Christopher Slocum of Dartmouth in the County |
of Bristol in New England having had his Education, and |
made Profession with us the People Called Quakers, Yet through |
unwatchfulness and a disregard to the Testimony of Truth in |
himself, hath Given Occasion for a Scandulous Report that |
he hath Committed the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, |
and he not Clearing himself of the Crime, but after due |
Inquiry we have Reason to believe it is true, and friends |
having Laboured with him in a Spirit of Love and Meekness in |
order to bring him to a Sight of his Error, but their Care and |
Labour Proving Ineffectual, Therefore for the Clearing of Truth |
and friends from such Enormities, This Meeting is Concerned |
to Give this forth as a Publick Testimony Against him |
disowning him the Said Christopher Slocum from being a member of |
our Community, and from under our Care, Sincerely desiring if it be |
the Will of God that he may yet Come to a true Sight of his Great |
Evil, and thro’ unfeigned Repentance find acceptance with him |
Given forth at our monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth, on the |
20th day of the 5th Month 1765 |
Signed in and by order of said meeting by – Job Russell Clerk |
Case of Pe Slocum referd |
The Case of Peleg Slocum 2d is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting |
E. Allen & wife Re’d |
The Committee appointed to Confer with Ebenezer Allen 2d Make Report |
that he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting accepts |
him into Membership and Under friends Care, and the women friends |
Inform that they have Minuted his wife Under friends Care which |
this Meeting Concurs with; – – |
Case of Wes Briggs referd |
The friends appointed to Inquire into the Circumstance of Weston Briggs |
and draw a Certificate for him, make Report that things is not Quite |
Clear, therefore the Same friends are Continued for the Same Service |
and to make Report to the next monthly meeting |
Whereas Thomas Akin hath Gone Contrary to friends orders in |
denied |
Several Respects, and friends not having an opportunity to labour |
with him until lately and he not Inclining to make Satisfaction, |
Therefore this Meeting denies the said Thomas Akin from Under |
friends Care ~ |
Philip Davil paper |
Philip Davel [Davol] and his wife have sent a Paper to this Meeting from |
Oblong Condeming their Removing without a Certificate the Unity |
of friends, and they desire a Certificate to the monthly meeting |
of Oblong, therefore Isaac Smith and Paul Russell are appointed |
to Enquire into his Conversation and Circumstances in Regard to his |
outward affairs, and they to join the women friends to draw a Certi= |
=ficate for them if they think Proper and bring it to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
Tho Wing paper |
Thomas Wing hath Sent a paper^to this Meeting Condeming his Mar= |
=rying out of the Unity of friends, and desires a Certificate to the |
monthly meeting of Oblong, which this Meeting so far accepts as |
to Appoint Peter Davel [Davol] and Philip Tripp to Inquire into his other |
Conversation and draw a Certificate for him if they think |
proper and bring it to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Queries answerd |
the Queries have been Read in this meeting and Answers prepared |
by Ponaganset Preparitive Meeting – |
Represen= tatives to Quarterly meeting |
Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith, Peter Davel [Davol] and Joshua Davel |
are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and to draw an |
Epistle to the Same and bring it to the Adjournment. |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the first sixth day of next month |
mett |
This Meeting being mett according to Adjournment the 5th day of the |
7th Month 1765, The Representatives being Called Paul Russell, |
Benja Tripp and David Davel [Davol] present – – |
Epistle |
This Meeting has signed an Epistle and Sent it with the Answers |
to the Queries to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives |
Paper to be drawn against P. Wilbor |
The women Friends Inform that they have discharged themselves |
in Labouring with Phebe Wilbour for the Sin of fornication |
and She declines to make friends Satisfaction, therefore this meeting |
doth Appoint Samuel Smith to draw a paper of Denial against |
her and bring it to the next monthly meeting – – |
The Treasurer has paid Jonathan Hussey five Dollars for Keeping |
the Meeting House half a year – – |
J. Hicks Rec’d |
The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Judith Hicks |
Daughter of Thos Hicks under friends Care which this Meeting |
Concurs with |
7th mo: 1765 |
At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th |
Smith and Samuel Smith present, for Coakset Daniel Wood |
and Joseph Tripp present |
Zephaniah Anthony proposal of marri= =age |
Zephaniah Anthony and Waite Allen Declared their Intentions |
of Marriage at this Meeting and were desired to wait till |
the next monthly Meeting for their answer, and Peleg Smith |
and Humphry Smith are Appointed to Inquire into the young mans |
^Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
[Case] of Ste Wilcox & Isaac Howland referd |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Referd to the next monthly Meeting |
This meeting Cannot find freedom to accept of Isaac Howlands paper |
by Reason of his Apparrel and some friends Questioning his Sincerity |
Therefore the Matter is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting – – |
P. Slocum paper accepted |
This Meeting Accepts of Peleg Slocums the 2d paper Provided he will |
Read it or get Some body to read it at the End of a first day meeting for |
worship he being present between this and the next monthly meeting |
and make Report to the next monthly meeting – – |
Certificat for Sibil Sisson |
This Meeting has signed a Removal Certificate to the monthly meeting |
of Oblong for Sibil Sisson – – |
Certifite for Weston Briggs & wife |
This Meeting has signed a Removal Certificate for Weston Briggs & |
his Wife to the monthly meeting of Sandwich – – |
The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for Philip Davel [Davol] & his wife |
Certificate to be given |
have drawn one too short, therefore the same friends are Still |
appointed to draw one fuller and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for Thos Wing make Report |
that they have not drawn one, therefore they are Still Continued |
to draw one and bring it to the next monthly meeting if they think proper – – |
Report from Quar meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting make |
Report that they all attended Except Peleg Smith and he sent |
an Excuse which was accepted and they have Produced an Epistle |
from the S,d meeting which hath been Read in this Meeting and |
well accepted – – |
Epistles Receiv’d |
This Meeting hath Received three Printed Epistles from London |
one written Epistle from flushing on Long Island and one Epistle |
from the yearly meeting of New-port on Rhod-Island all of which |
was Read to Good Satisfaction. |
Denial of Phebe Wilbor |
This Meeting has signed a Paper of Denial against Phebe Wilbor |
for the Sin of Fornication, and Job Russell is appointed to Read |
it at the End of a Meeting for worship on a first day between this & |
the next monthly meeting and make Return of S,d Paper to the |
Minute from Rhod-Island |
Received the following Minute from Rhod-Island Monthly |
Meeting Respecting John Gifford. |
From our Monthly Meeting held at Portsmouth on Rhod- |
Island the 30th of the 4th month 1765. |
This Meeting Gives their Approbation that Dartmouth Monthly |
J. Gifford Rec’d |
Meeting Receive into Unity John Gifford if they think him |
worthy Notwithstanding his place of Abode is within the Varge [verge] |
of this Monthly Meeting, True Coppy of the minute. |
Test . Thos Gould Clerk |
This Meeting Accepts of John Gifford to be in membership |
with friends and under the Care of this Meeting |
8 mo: 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th day |
of the 8th month 1765, Ponaganset Called Wm Anthony jun |
present, for Coakset Philip Tripp and Joshua Davel[Davol] present |
Zep Anthony Clearness |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into Zephaniah Anthony’s |
Clearness Make Report that they do’nt find anything to |
hinder his Proceedings in Marriage. – – |
Zephaniah Anthony Answer |
Zephaniah Anthony and Wait Allen Appeared for their |
Answer which was that they Might proceed to take Each |
other in Marriage in some Convenient time between this & |
the next Monthly Meeting Advising with the Overseers for |
that Purpose – And Peleg Smith and Humphry Smith are |
appointed to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Benj Davil’s proposal of marriage |
Benjamin Davil[Davol] and Patience Sowle Declared their |
Intentions of taking Each other in Marriage. And were |
Desired to wait till next Monthly Meeting for their Answer |
and Benja Tripp and Israel Wood are Appointed to Inquire into |
the Young Man’s Clearness, Respecting Marriage and Conversation |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – The Case of |
Isaac Howland’s Case refer’d |
Isaac Howland ju: is Refered to the next Monthly |
Meeting – – |
Certificate [?]Davil |
The friend Appointed to draw a Certificate for Philip Davil[Davol] and his |
Wife have drawn one which is Signed in this Meeting and Sent to the |
Certificate T. Wing |
oblong. The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for Thos Wing |
have done it, which was Signed and Sent to the Oblong– |
Phebe Wilber[Wilbur]’s paper of Denial hath been Read According to the |
Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, which is as follows |
P. Wilber, denial |
Whereas Phebe Wilber[Wilbur] Daughter of Samuel and Mary |
Chase, and Now Wife to Henry Wilbor[Wilbur], having had her education |
Among friends and Under the Care of this Meeting, but through |
Unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of Truth, hath fallen |
into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, as Appears by her being |
Delivered of a Child soon after Marriage, and this Meeting |
having Labour’d with her in Love in order for her Recovery, but |
She proving Obstinate, and Regardless of the tender Counsel to |
her Given, Therefore for the Clearing of the precious Truth that |
we profess from such Enormities, this Meeting is Concerned to |
Give this forth as a Publick Testimony Against her, disowning |
her the Said Phebe Wilbor[Wilbur] from being a member of our Society |
and from Under the Care of this Meeting, Desiring if it be |
Consistent with Divine pleasure, that She may yet be Convin= |
=ced of the Error of her ways, and by a Sincere Repentance |
find favour with the Lord, Given forth at our Monthly |
Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 19th day of the 7th month 1765. |
And signed in and in behalf of Said Meeting by Job Russell Clerk |
Lilless Beard’s paper Condeming her outgoing hath been |
Read According to the Appointment of the women’s Monthly Meeting |
And is as follows – – |
L. Beard paper |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends in Dartmouth |
Esteemed friends; This May Inform you that Through Unwatchful= |
=ness I have Gave way so far to the Enemy as to go Contrary to the |
Good order of the Church which Appears by My having a Child born so soon |
after Marriage for which I am Sorry, and Condemn My |
out goings, I hope God will forgive me. And desire friends so |
far to pass it by as to let me Remain Under their Care – – |
Given under My hand the 13th of the 7th Month 1765 |
Lillis Beard |
Catherine Russell’s Paper hath been Read According to the |
Appointment of the Monthly Meeting tho’ not so soon as the |
former Minutes Expressed, which this Meeting overlooks |
which said paper is as follows – – |
C. Russell’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends at Dartmouth to be held the |
19th of the 11th Month 1764, Esteemed friends – – |
I heartily Acknowledge My outgoings in Keeping Company |
with Joshua Barker in too free and frequent a Manner, |
to the dishonour of Truth and the Grief of friends, but tho’ my |
offences have been Great, yet through the Goodness of God I have |
been favoured with a Sight and Sense of my outgoings, for which |
will forgive Me My Offences and Receive me Again into favour |
and desire friends would pass by my disorderly walking, and let |
me Remain under their Care, which I value highly, hoping through |
Divine Assistance for the time to Come to be preferred in a State |
of Circumspect Walking, from your friend Catherine Russell |
D. Briggs Request |
David Briggs Requests to come under friends Care therefore this |
Meeting doth Appoint Wm Sanford and Wm Barker to take an |
opportunity of Conference with him on his Request and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Elizabeth |
White wife to Wm White, and also Elizabeth Macumber wife |
to Zebudee Macumber under friends Care which this Meeting |
Concurs with, – – |
J. Wood put Under dealing |
The overseers Inform that there is a bad Report Concerning |
Josiah Wood and William Wilcox their Salting up Beef and |
Exposing it to Sale which was not Merchantable, and they |
have Made Some Inquiry and do not find things Clear, therefore |
this Meeting doth Appoint Daniel Cornel, Seth Shearman, John |
Potter a Comittee to Make furder Inquiry into the particular Circum= |
=stances between them in the Aforementioned Report, and they |
to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
P. Slocum’s Confession |
Peleg Slocums Paper hath been Read According to the Order of last |
Monthly Meeting, and is as followeth (viz) |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth; |
Whereas I Peleg Slocum Son of Holder Slocum (deceased) |
having been Educated Amongst friends, but in My youthful days |
through Unwatchfulness so far gave way to the Enemy as twice |
to fall into the Sin of Fornication, as Appears first by My |
wife’s having a child before Marriage, and Secondly with |
Phebe Hussey, for which I was justly disowned by friends; Now these |
are to Testify to friends and openly declare to all People that I |
do utterly Condemn and am Heartily Sorry for the Above said Crimes, |
with all other my outgoings, and I hope the Almighty will forgive |
mee all my offences, and I desire friends would so far pass them |
by as to Receive me Again Under their Care. |
Given forth under My hand |
this 15 day of the 6th month 1765 |
Peleg Slocum |
9 mo. 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th day of the |
9th month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Caleb Russell and Humphry |
Eddy present, The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Clearness of |
Benja Davels [Davol] Clear make Report that they don’t find anything |
to hinder his proceeding in Marriage – – |
Benjamin Davil’s Answer |
Benja Davel[Davol] and Patience Sowle Appeared for their Answer which |
was that they Might proceed to take each other in Marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this and the next Monthly Meeting |
advising with the overseers for the purpose, And Benja Tripp |
and Israel Wood are Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated |
in Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly meeting; |
[Record] of Z. Anthony Marriage |
The friends Appointed to see Zephaniah Anthony and Wait |
Allen’s Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended |
the Marriage and saw nothing but that it was Accomplished |
Case of S. Wilcox refer’d |
in Good order. |
The case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
I. How: land accepted |
Isaac Howland jun hath sent a paper to this Meeting Some Months |
ago, Signifying his Sorrow for his outgoings in Marrying out |
of the Unity of friends and also his Using the Slave trade |
which this Meeting accepts – – |
David Briggs Received |
The Committee Appointed to Confer with David Briggs on this^ |
his Request to Come Under friends Care Make Report that |
he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting |
doth Minute the Said David Briggs into Membership and |
under friends Care – – |
Josiah Wood & Wm Wilcox Cases refer’d |
The Committee Appointed to Make Inquiry into the Circum= |
=stances of the affair Concerning Josiah Wood and Wm Wilcox |
Make Report that they have not had an opportunity to speak with |
both of them, therefore the Same Com::tee are Still Continued |
in the Same Service, and they to Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; |
Thirty Cords of Wood Sold to pay part of S. Wilcox Debts |
This Meeting hath Sold Thirty Cord of Wood to Doctor Hathaway |
at two Shillings Lawful mony[money] per Cord, to discharge part |
of his Demand, for Doctoring of Stephen Wilcox’s family |
and Thos Hicks ju: is Appointed to see the Wood Measured and |
Make Report to this Meeting as soon as he Can Conveniently |
E. Max: field’s Request |
Edmond Maxfield Requests to Come under friends Care |
therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Tucker and |
Abraham Tucker to Make Inquiry into his Conversation |
and to Confer with him on the Account of his Request and |
make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Answered |
The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answers prepared |
by both preparative Meetings and Read in this Meeting – |
William Anthony ju: and Samuel Smith are Appointed to Compile |
the Answers to the Queries and draw an Epistle to the Quarterly |
Meeting and bring them to the Ajournment [Adjournment]– |
This Meeting hath collected ₤8:4:5 old tener – – |
adjourns |
This Meeting adjourns to the first Sixth day in next Month |
mett |
This Meeting being Met According to Adjournment the 4th day of |
the 10th Month 1765, the Representatives being Called for Ponagan= |
=set Humphry Smith & Caleb Russell present, for Coakset none present |
Wm Anthony ju: and Samuel Smith have drawn the Epistle and |
Answers to Queries and Epistle Sent by Representatives |
Compiled the the Answers to the Queries and the Epistle has been |
signed in this Meeting and Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the |
Representatives with the Answers to the Queries, the Representa= |
=tives are Peter Daval[Davol] Israel Wood & Caleb Russell – – |
Certificate for Rebecca Shove |
This Meeting hath signed a Certificate for Rebecca Shove to the |
Monthly Meeting of Swanzey, and likewise signed one for Mary |
Certificate for Mary Comstock |
Comstock to the Monthly Meeting of Smithfield – – |
John Sisson removed |
John Sisson hath Removed to the Nine partners without friends |
Advice and without a Certificate, therefore Joseph Smith and |
Luke Hart are Appointed to Enquire into his CerCumstances [Circumstances] |
and also Labour with him if they have an opportunity and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
M. Wing removed |
Whereas Mary Wing hath Removed without a Certificate |
Some years ago to Rhod-Island, and She not Standing Clear |
as Appears by our former Minutes. therefore Humphry |
Smith, Samuel Smith, Wm Anthony ju: are Appointed to |
a letter to be sent |
draft a letter to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod-Island as they |
shall think proper and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
10th mo: 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 day |
of the 10th Month 1765 Ponaganset Meeting Called Caleb |
Russell and Joseph Smith present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp |
and Ichabod Eddy present |
Epistle Received |
This Meeting hath Received an Epistle from the yearly |
Meeting held at Philadelphia for Pensilvania and New-jersey |
dated the 9th month 1764 which was Read in this Meeting |
to Good Satisfaction. |
John How land’s pro= =posal of marriage |
John Howland and Hannah Smith Declared their Intentions |
of Marriage at this Meeting and were desired to wait |
till the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer and |
Inquiry into the young man’s Clearness Respecting Marriage |
and Conversation and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to see Benja Davel[Davol] and Patience Sowle |
Marriage Consumated Make Report that they attended |
the Marriage and saw nothing but that it was Accomplished |
in Good order |
S. Wilcox Case Refered |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
Hannah Russell Certificate |
Hannah Russell wife of Elijah Russell hath Produced a |
Removal Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey |
which this Meeting Accepts |
List of Friends |
This Meeting has Signed a list (for the Monthly Meeting |
of Sandwich) of the friends that [live?] the Eastward Side |
of Quishned River that was Under Transgression when |
the former List was Given who has Since Made this |
Meeting Satisfaction. |
The Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Circumstances |
J. Wood & Wm Wilcox Case |
of Josiah Wood and Wm Wilcox’s Salting and Exposing Beef |
to Sale not Merchantable Make Report that they |
they think they are neither of them Clear therefore John |
Potter, Daniel Cornel, Seth Shearman, Thos Hicks ju: Paul |
Russell, David Smith, Samuel Smith are Appointed a Committee |
to hear and Determine Upon the Complaint brought Against |
them and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Edmond Maxfield Case refer’d |
The friends Appointed to Confer with Edmond Maxfield make |
Report that he Gave Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting |
doth Refer the Matter till the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting being Called |
Report from Quaterly Meeting |
Upon Make Report that two of them attended and the other Made |
a Satisfactory Excuse, and they have Produced an Epistle from |
the Same which was Read to Good Satisfaction |
Proposal to Enlarge little Meeting House |
It has been Proposed at this Meeting for friends to Enlarge the |
little Meeting House which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
Jonathan Hussey, John Potter, Caleb Russell, Samuel Smith, |
Berzillia Tucker, Daniel Cornel, David Smith, are Appointed |
to oversee the Yearly Meeting, to prevent any indecency that |
May happen at that time, and also Benja Tripp, David Daval[Davol], |
John Mosher, Daniel Wood are Appointed for the Same Service at |
Coakset Meeting, and they to make Report to the next Monthly |
Meeting |
States paper accepted |
Abigail States[Slade?] has Given in a paper to this Meeting Condem= |
=ning her falling into the Sin of fornication which this Meeting |
accepts Provided She Read it or Get Somebody to Read it at the |
End of a first day Meeting for Worship between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting She being present |
11th mo: 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th day of the |
11th Month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and |
Caleb Russell present, for Coakset David Davel and John Mosher present, |
J. Howland Clearness |
The friends Appointed to Make Enquiry into John Howland’s Clear= |
=ness, Make Report that they Don’t find Any thing to hinder his |
Proceeding in Marriage. |
John Howland’s Answer |
John Howland and Hannah Smith did Appear for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting, Advising with the Overseers for the Purpose |
and Jonathan Hussey and David Smith Joseph Smith are Appointed |
to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Seth Russell proposal of marri= =age |
Seth Russell and [Kaziah?] Walker Declar’d their Intentions of |
Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answer, and Joseph Smith and Luke Hart |
are Appointed to Make Enquiry into the Young Man’s Clear= |
=ness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Case of S. Wilcox refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d Under the Same Care as |
heretofore – – |
Josiah Wood’s, Paper accepted |
The Comittee Appointed to hear and Determine Upon the Complaint |
brought Against Josiah Wood and Wm Wilcox Make Report |
that they have had a Conference With Josiah Wood and they think |
he ought to Condemn his Misconduct in that Affair Publickly |
and the Said Wood hath Accordingly Given in a Paper to this |
Meeting, Condemning his Selling Beef to Wm Wilcox that was |
not Merchantable, which this Meeting Accepts Provided |
he will Read Sd paper or Cause it to be Read at the End of |
a first day Meeting for Worship between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting he being present |
And the Same Comittee are Still Continued to Also Confer |
with Said Wilcox and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
E. Max Field rec’d |
This Meeting Minutes Edmond Maxfield Under friends care. |
Amey Hart hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condemning |
paper’ [?][refer’d] |
her falling into the Sin of Fornication with the Rest of her |
Misconduct in that Case, which this Meeting Refers to the |
next Monthly Meeting, |
Enlarging Meeting House refer’d |
The Proposal for Enlarging the little Meeting House is Refer’d |
to the next Monthly Meeting; |
[?][report] of Overseers Yearly Meeting |
The friends Appointed overseers at the Yearly Meeting to Endea= |
=vour to prevent Any Indecency that may happen at that time |
Make Report that they attended the meeting and that the People |
behaved in a Good degree Orderly, and they think the Practice |
of Appointing Overseers for that Purpose has a Good Attendency |
P. Shearman’s paper |
Philip Shearman hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condem= |
=ning his disorder in falling into a Bodily Strife with Daniel Pabody; |
Meeting Granted in Allen Neck |
The friends down in Allens Neck Requests the Liberty to |
hold a Meeting there for four months from this time on first |
days which is Granted, and Philip Allen and Daniel Cornel |
are Appointed to see that the Meeting be held Agreable to Good |
order and they to Make Report thereof at the Expiration |
of the four Months |
Meeting at New Swanzey granted |
The friends at New Swanzey Request the Liberty to hold a Meeting |
at Some Convenient Place up there for four Months on first days |
which this Meeting Grants and Elihu Bowen and Abraham |
Russell are Appointed to See that the Meeting beheld According |
to Good order and they to Make Report at the End of the four Months |
J. Sisson request a Certificate |
John Sisson Requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting at the |
Nine Partners, therefore Joseph Smith and Luke Hart are Appointed |
to draw a Certificate for him if they think Proper and bring it to |
the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Abigail States’ Paper hath been Read According to the |
Appointment of the last Monthly Meeting, and is as follows; |
A. States Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 21 day of the 10th Month 1765 – |
This May Enform you that by Unwatchfulness I have |
fallen into the Sin of Fornication which I do Condemn and |
hope that God will forgive me, and Desire that friends |
would forgive and pass by my offences and let me Remain |
under their Care as before. |
Abigail States |
12 mo: 1765 |
At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 16th day of the 12th month |
1765, Ponagansett Meeting Called Paul Russell and Caleb Russell |
present, for Coakset Peter Davel[Davol] and Benja Tripp present; |
S.Russell Clearness |
The friends Appointed to Enquire into Seth Russells Clearness |
Proceeding in Marriage – – |
Seth Russell answer |
Seth Russell & Kaziah Walker Appear’d for their Answer |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for |
that Purpose and Joseph Smith and Luke Hart are Ap= |
=pointed to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – |
Report of John How= =land’s Marriage |
Jonathan Hussey and Joseph Smith make Report that |
they attended the Marriage of John Howland and |
Hannah Smith and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplish= |
=ed in good order – – |
Case of Ste= =ven Wilcox refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
Josiah Woods Paper hath been Read According to the |
Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, which Paper |
is as follows(viz) |
Wood’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth on the |
18th day of the 11th month 1765, through Unwatchfulness I |
have Sold Beef to William Wilcox that was not Merchan= |
=table for which I am Sorry and do Condemn, hoping that God |
will forgive me, and I desire that friends would pass it |
by.and let me R – – Josiah Wood |
Case of Wm Wilcox |
The Comtte Appointed to Confer with Wm Wilcox Report that they |
have not had an Opportunity to Speak with him, therefore the |
same Committee are Still Continued in the Same Service and also |
to Labour with him for Inlisting into the Kings Service and taking |
up Arms, and also to Treat With him About his Marrying out of |
the Unity of friends, and they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Case of A. Hart |
The Case of Amey Hart is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting – |
It hath been proposed at this Meeting to Enlarge the little Meeting |
Comtee in Little Meeting House |
House, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Gifford, Wm |
Sanford, Humphry Smith, Prince Allen, Barnabas Mosher, |
a Comittee to Consider the Advantages and disadvantages that |
May Attend the Enlargment, and also Compute the Cost as near |
as they Can, and make Report to the Adjournment – – |
P. Sher= =man paper accepted |
This Meeting doth so far Accept of Philip Shearman’s Paper Condem= |
=ning his disorder as for him to Read it or Cause it to be Read at |
the End of a first day Meeting for Worship between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting and he to be present – – |
Confession |
George Smith ju: hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condem= |
=ning his disorder in Listing[enlisting] on board of a Privateer with all |
the Rest of his Conduct in Supporting of War, Which this Meeting |
Accepts and he to Remain Under friends Care. |
I.How= =lands request |
Isaac Howland ju: Requests A Certificate to the Monthly Meeting |
of Rhode-Island, Therefore Samuel Smith and Wm Anthony ju: |
are Appointed to draw one for him if they think Proper and bring it |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The Queries have been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting |
and Wm Anthony ju: and Humphry Smith are Appointed to |
draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and Compile |
the Answers to the Queries and bring them to the Adjournment |
Coakset friends Re- -quest to to have a Monthly Meeting |
Coakset Meeting Requests to have a Monthly Meeting |
Granted them, which this Meeting so far Concurs with as |
to Refer the Matter to the next Monthly Meeting for Consideration. |
This Meeting hath collected ₤6:15 – – |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the first sixth day in next Month |
mett |
This Meeting being Met According to Adjournment |
this 3rd day of the first month 1766 – – |
The Representatives being Called, for Ponaganset Caleb Russell |
present, for Coakset Benja Tripp present, |
Report on little meeting house |
The friends Appointed to consider the Advantages and disad= |
=vantages of Enlarging the little Meeting House Make |
Report in writing, which is Refer’d to the Monthly Meeting to be |
holden in the fourth Month Next and the Report to be kept |
upon file till then – – |
Answers to Queries Epistle Sent |
The friends Appointed to Compile the Answers to the Queries, |
and draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting have done |
it, and the Epistle was Signed in this Meeting and order’d |
to be Carried up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives |
together with the Answers to the Queries, the friends Appointed |
Represen Tatives |
to attend the Quarterly Meeting are Caleb Russell, Joseph |
Smith, Benja Tripp. |
1st mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20 day |
of the first month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called Caleb Russell |
and Wm Anthony ju: present, for Coakset Philip Tripp present |
Report of Seth Russell Marriage |
The friends Appointed to see Seth Russell and Kaziah Wal= |
=kers Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended |
the Marriage which was Accomplished in Good order – |
S. Wilcox Wm Wilcox case refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to Labour With Wm Wilcox Make Report |
that they Labour’d with him and he desires one Month More to |
Endeavour to Make friends Satisfaction. Therefore the Matter is |
Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting; |
P. Shea: rman [?] |
Philip Shearman’s Paper hath been Read According to the |
Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, And is as follows, |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth, |
the 18th day of the 11th Month 1765, |
These Are to Inform that I some time past through Unwatch= |
=fulness unhappily fell into a Bodily Strife with Daniel |
Pabody, Whereby Blows were Passed between Us, for Which |
I am heartily Sorry and do Condemn, and I hope friends |
will pass by My Offence and let me Remain Under their Care. |
Given forth Under My Hand this 15th day of their 11th mo 1765 |
Philip Shearman |
Certificate for I. How land |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Isaac |
Howland ju: To the Monthly Meeting of Rhod-Island |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 29th Instant |
mett |
This Meeting being Mett According to Adjournment the 29th |
day of the first month 1766. The Representatives being present |
report from Quart meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Make |
Report that they all attended Sd Meeting, and have produced |
an Epistle from the same which was Read and well Accepted |
in this Meeting. |
Coakset request for a mo meeting |
Coakset friends Request to have a Monthly Meeting set off |
to them, is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting; |
B. Potter paper accepted |
Bridget Potter wife to Stephen Potter hath Given in a paper |
to this Meeting Condemning her outgoings in Marrying out of |
the Unity of friends with all the Rest of her outgoings, which |
this Meeting Accepts, and this Meeting hath signed |
Certificate for B.P. |
a Certificate for her to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine Partners |
Case of Obediah Allen |
The Committee Appointed some months ago to Treat with |
Obediah Allen on the Account of his Sincerity in Giving in |
a Paper to the Meeting Condemning his outgoings in falling |
into Fornication, together with the Rest of the Circumstance |
Relating to that Case, make Report that (they not having |
an Opportunity to treat with him till lately) that they do |
not find him Clear in all the Above mentioned Circumstances |
therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Daniel Russell and |
Nicholas Howland to Join with the Aforesaid Committee to |
Against him, and they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
J. Russell Request |
Joseph Russells Requests to Come under friends Care with |
his wife and family which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting. |
2: mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
17 day of the 2nd Month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called |
Caleb Russell and Samuel Smith present, for Coakset |
Joseph Tripp and Israel Wood present, |
Case of S. W. refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to next Monthly Meeting. |
The Committee Appointed to treat with Stephen Wm |
Wm Wilcox disowned |
Wilcox make Report that they have Laboured with |
him for Inlisting into the King’s Service and taking up |
Arms, and also Marrying out of the Unity of friends, and |
Neglecting to attend Meetings for Worship, which disorders |
he Gave them Encouragment of Condemning at this Meeting |
tho’ he still Neglects it, therefore this Meeting finding |
themselves Clear in Labouring with him, and do Conclude |
to deny the Said Wm Wilcox, and do Appoint David Smith |
and Samuel Smith to draw a Paper of denial Against |
him and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting, and Timothy |
Russell is Appointed to Inform him of the Conclusion of this Meeting |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Coakset friends Request to have a month ly meeting |
Coakset friends Still Request to have a Monthly Meeting Set |
off to them, and also desire a Committee to determine where |
to prefix the Boundaries between this and that Meeting |
and all Circumstances Relating thereto, Therefore Hum= |
=phry Smith, Philip Tripp, Samuel Smith, Daniel Wood, |
Joseph Tucker are Appointed a Comittee for that purpose |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
O. Allen case refer’d |
The Committee Appointed to Treat with Obediah Allen |
make Report that they have discoursed with him and |
he Gave them Encouragment that he would write to the next |
Monthly Meeting which is Refer’d to the Said Meeting Under |
their Care. |
J. Russell & Wife request |
Joseph Russells and his wife’s Requests to Come Under friends |
Care is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting; |
S. Howland Removed |
Samuel Howland jun Hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
Said Howland request a certificate |
Condemning his outgoing in Removing without friends Ad= |
=vice, which this Meeting Accepts, and the Sd Howland Re= |
=quests a Removal Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of |
therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Peleg Huddlestone |
and Philip Tripp a Committee to Inquire into his Circumstances, and |
draw a Certificate for him if they think proper and bring it to |
the next Monthly Meeting; |
miniuts to be Revised |
This Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Tucker, Humphry Smith, |
Job Russell, Samuel Smith a Com’ttee to peruse the Monthly |
Meeting; Minutes to see what part they Shall think proper to |
be put on Record, And Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
To Settle with over seers of the poor. |
Jonathan Hussey and William Sanford are Appointed a Committee |
to Make Up Accounts with the Overseers of the Poor and make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting, |
Paul Mo sher’s dis orderly marriage |
Coakset Preparative Meeting Informs that Paul Mosher |
hath Married out of the Unity of friends, and hath been |
dealt with by the Overseers, and declines to Condemn his |
Offence, therefore Benja Tripp and Joseph Tripp are Appoi= |
=nted to Labour furder with him and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting; |
Amey Hart paper acceted |
Amey Hart Hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting, Condemning |
her outgoings, in falling into the Sin of Fornication which this |
Meeting Accepts with the Provisal that She Read it or Cause |
it to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting for worship |
at Newtown between this and the next Monthly Meeting |
She being present, and Return the paper to the Sd Meeting. |
F. Allen & Benj Allen hath alowd Fiddleing & dancing in their houses |
The Overseers Inform this Meeting that Francis Allen |
and Benja Allen hath Allowed of fidling and dancing |
in their Houses for which the Sd Overseers have Laboured |
with them and they decline to Condemn the Offence to |
friends Satisfaction therefore this Meeting doth Appoint |
Joseph Gifford and Berzillia Tucker to Labour furder |
with them, and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting. |
3 mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
the 17th day of the 3d Month 1766, the Representatives |
are for Coakset Philip Tripp and Daniel Wood present, |
for Ponaganset Caleb Russell and Samuel Smith present, |
Davi Briggs Edm Maxfield & Wm Hart’s proposal of marriage |
David Briggs and Rebecca Howland and Edmond Max= |
=field and Rachel Russell, and William Hart jun and Esther |
Slade declared their Intentions of Marriage at this |
Meeting and were desired to wait till the next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answers, and John Potter and Jonathan Hussey |
are Appointed to Make Inquiry into David Briggs’ Clearness Re= |
=specting Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; And Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher are Appoin= |
=ted for the same service with Edmond Maxfield and William Hart ju: |
and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Timothy Russell Reports that he hath Informed Wm Willcox Agre= |
=able to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting and Also |
David Smith and Samuel Smith hath drafted a denial against |
Wm Wilcox denial to be read |
Sd Willcox, and presented it to this Meeting which hath been Red |
and Signed by the Clerk, and the Sd Clerk is order’d to Read Sd |
Denial Publickly, at the Close of a first day Meeting for wor= |
=ship between this and the next Monthly Meeting and Make |
Report to Sd Meeting; |
Case of W refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
R. Tripp, R. Tripp and L. Tripp recei’d |
The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Ruth Tripp, |
Rebecca Tripp, and Lydia Tripp under their Care, which this |
Meeting Concurs with; |
O. Allen’s case refer’d |
Thee Committee Appointed to discourse with Obediah Allen |
Make Report that he hath not [writ?] anything to this Meeting |
agreeable to his talk some time past, therefore his Case is |
Refer’d (on the Request of his Father) unto the next Monthly |
Meeting. |
J. Russell & wife & children request to be Read |
Joseph Russell and his Wife hath Given in a paper to this |
Meeting Condemning their disorder in Marriage, and also |
they desire to Come under friends Care with their Children |
which this Meeting so far Accepts as to Appoint Joseph Tucker |
and Joseph Gifford to Treat with them and their Children |
that have Attained to the years of understanding, and |
make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Wm Brown Certificate |
William Brown hath Produced a Removal Certificate |
from the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket to this Meeting |
which hath been Read and Accepted |
Certificate for Samuel Howland |
This Meeting hath signed a Removal Certificate to the |
Monthly Meeting of Smithfield for Samuel Howland jun |
and his Children – – |
Miniuts not Revised |
The Committee Appointed to peruse the Monthly Meeting |
Minutes, Make Report that they have not perused Sd |
Minutes, therefore they are still continued in the Same |
Service and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting. |
Settled with overseers of |
The Committee Appointed to Adjust Accompts with the overseers |
of the poor Make Report that all accounts are Balanced |
between this Meeting and the Sd overseers – – |
Case of Paul Mosher |
The Committee Appointed to Treat with Paul Mosher Make |
Report that they have not had an opportunity with Sd Mosher |
therefore the Sd Committee are Still Continued in the Same |
Service and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Amie Harts paper read |
Amey Hart’s Paper hath been Read According to the order |
of last Monthly Meeting – – |
Benj Allen’s paper accepted |
Benjamin Allen hath Given in a Paper Condemning his |
Allowing of fidling and dancing in his House at the time |
of Husking, which this Meeting Accepts |
F. Allen’s Case Continued |
The friends Appointed to treat with Francis Allen Report |
that they have not had an opportunity to Speak with him, therefore |
they are Still Continued in the Same Service and to Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
adjourns |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 26 day of this Instant; |
mett |
This Meeting being met According to Adjournment the 26 day of the |
3d Month 1766, the Representatives being Called Caleb Russell, |
Samuel Smith, Philip Tripp and Daniel Wood present; |
The Committee Appointed to fix the Boundaries between this |
and the Monthly Meeting Requested to be sett off at Coakset, Make |
Report that they have agreed Upon the Boundaries and other |
things relating to Coakset being set off as a Monthly Meeting |
which Report is as follows (viz) |
Boundries of Acoakset of month ly meeting |
According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, we |
have Described a line for the boundaries between the Monthly |
Meetings of Ponaganset and Coakset as follows, Beginning at the |
South Eastermost Corner of Benjamin Wing’s Homstead farm, from |
thence to Coakset River as the line of Said Benja Land goes, |
Thence Southerly by Said River to the Sea, Again from Said |
Corner first Mentioned thence Northerly in the line between |
Said Villages until it comes to the Country Road, Thence on |
a Straight line to the nearest part of the Westermost Branch |
of Noquechuck River, thence by said branch of Said River |
Till it comes to Freetown line – – |
Concerning the books |
We have likewise Concluded for Coakset friends to have About |
one third part of the Books belonging to the Monthly Meeting, |
and likewise that they be supplied with A Transcript of the |
Book of Discipline at the Cost of the Whole, And also that |
the Monthly Meetings debts be paid in the same proportion |
friends that are now under Relief are to be Supported when |
they are, and Coakse friends, to Quit their Claim of the Meeting |
House Land, in Ponaganset; dated the 26th of the 3rd mo. 1766. |
Joseph Tucker |
⎧ Philip Tripp |
Humphry Smith |
⎨ Daniel Wood |
⎩ Samuel Smith |
Joseph Roach accepted |
Joseph Roach jun hath Produced a Removal Certificate from |
the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket to this Meeting which hath |
been Read and Accepted |
The Queries have Been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting |
Representatives to Quar Meet= =ing |
Caleb Russell, William Anthony jun, Samuel Smith, Thomas |
Hicks jun are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and |
Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw an Epistle to the |
Same, and bring them to the Adjournment of this Meeting. |
Wm Smith’s disorderly marriage |
The overseers Inform that William Smith the 2d has gone |
Contrary to Good order in Marrying out of the Unity of friends, |
for which he hath been Labour’d with by the Overseers, and |
declines to Make Satisfaction, therefore John Potter |
and William Barker are Appointed to Labour furder |
with him, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting. |
Complaint against Lemuel Smith |
The overseers also Inform that Lemuel Smith hath |
fallen into the Sin of fornication, and hath been La= |
=bour’d with by them and he Neglects to Condemn his out= |
=goings, therefore Paul Russell and Luke Hart are |
appointed to Labour furder with him, and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting; |
adjourn |
This Meeting adjorns to the first Sixth day of next month |
mett |
This Meeting being met According to Adjournment |
the 4th day of the 4th Month 1766, the Representatives |
being Called, Caleb Russell, Samuel Smith and Philip |
[?][Queries] [?][answer’d] Epistle sent |
Tripp present |
The friends Appointed to Compile the Answers to the Queries |
and draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting have fulfilled their |
Appointment and the Epistle has been Signed in this Meeting |
and sent up by the Representatives to the Quarterly Meeting |
with the Answers to the Queries |
This Meeting hath signed and sent a Letter to the Monthly |
Meeting of Oblong, Signifying that this Meeting hath Re= |
=ceived their letter Concerning Daniel Tripp, which is as |
Letter from Oblong concerning Daniel Tripp |
From our Monthly Meeting held at Oblong the 20th of the 2nd Mo. |
1766, To the Monthly Meeting of Friends at Dartmouth, |
Dear Friends, we herby Acquaint you, that whereas Daniel |
Tripp Resides sometime Amongst us, and was for some years |
a Member of our Society, But by Marrying out from Among= |
us, Contrary to the Advice of Friends, for which he was dealt |
with, but Proving Refractory, after some time he was |
Testified Aagainst, Soon after which he was Testified Against^ |
Set up a Seperate Meeting, which he kept for a Conside= |
=rable time, to the Great Dissatisfaction of Friends, And Since |
he has Moved to your parts we Understand he frequents |
friends Meetings, and Publickly Appears as a Minister |
Amongst you, therefore we send you the Above lines to |
let you know the Circumstance he Stood in at the time |
when he Removed from these parts. |
Signed in and on behalf of our Sd Meeting by |
Zebulon Ferriss Clerk |
D. Briggs E.Maxfield & Wm Hart Ju answers |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the 4th |
Month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called John Potter and W,m |
Anthony ju,r present, for Coakset |
Peleg Huddlestone and Joseph Tripp present, |
David Briggs and Rebecca Howland, and Edmond Maxfield |
and Rachel Russell, and William Hart ju: and Esther Slade |
Appeared for their Answers, which was that each Couple Might |
Proceed to take Each other in Marrage [sic] in some Convenient time |
between this and the next Monthly Meeting Advising with the |
Overseers for that Purpose. And John Potter and Jonathan Hussey |
are Appointed to see David Briggs and Rebecca Howlands Marriage |
Consumated in Good order, and make Report to the next Monthly |
Meeting. And Paul Russell and William Mosher are Appoin= |
=ted to see Edmond Maxfield and Rachel Russell’s Marriage |
Consumated in Good order and Make Report to the next Month |
=ly Meeting; And Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher are |
Appointed for the Same ^Service with William Hart ju: and Esther |
Slade and ^to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
William Wilcox’s Paper of Denial hath been Read According |
to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, and is |
as follows; – – |
Whereas William Wilcox Son of W,m Wilcox Deceased and |
Wilcox disowned |
Dorithy his Wife, having been under the Care of this Meeting, |
yet through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony |
of Truth, has So far deviated from our Holy Profession as to |
fall into Several Reproachful things, and disorders, Parti= |
=cularly in Inlisting and Going into the Milatary [military] Service, |
and Marrying out of the order of Friends, likewise in Selling |
Such Beef as was not Merchantable to the Defrauding of |
the Buyer, and also in Neglecting to attend our Religious |
Meetings of Publick Worship, and Friends having Repeated their |
Labour of Love and advice and toward him in order to disco=(ver |
to him the Evil of his ways, but their Labour not obtaining |
it’s desired Effect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting, |
Therefore for the Clearing of the precious Truth and Friends |
from the Reproach thereof, this Meeting Gives this forth as a |
Publick Testimony against him, Disowning him the Said Will,m |
Wilcox from being one of our Community, and from u[n]der the Care |
of this Meeting, Yet desiring his Return from the way of Error |
and that by the door of true Repentance he may find Mercy. |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting of friends held in |
Dartmouth on the 17th day of the 3.d mo: 1766, And Signed |
In and on behalf of S.d Meeting by – – Job Russell Clerk |
O. Allens case referd |
Whereas Obediah Allen hath been in the Practice of Gaming |
and hath been dealt with, and declines to make friends Satis= |
=faction, therefore friends Canst find freedom to Accept of his |
Condemning his falling into the Sin of Fornication, therefore |
the matter is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting under the |
Same Care as heretofore |
M. Smith; Certifi: |
Meriah Smith hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the |
Monthly Meeting of Sandwich to this Meeting which hath |
been Red [sic] and Accepted. |
R. Russell Receivd |
The women friends Inform that they have minuted Rebecca |
Russell wife Daughter of Joseph Russell under their Care |
which this Meeting Concur’s with |
J. Russell & family Recd |
The Com,tee appointed to treat with Joseph Russell his wife and |
Family on their Request to Come under friends care, Make a |
Satisfactory Report, therefore this Meeting Accepts them un= |
=der friends Care |
The friends Appointed to Review the Monthly Meetings Minutes |
to see what part must go on Record, make Report that |
Minutes recorded by S.S. |
they have fulfilled their Appointment and left S.d minutes |
with Samuel Smith to be Recorded – – |
overseers of mee[t]ing Allens Neck |
The friends Appointed overseers in the Meeting held in |
Allen’s Neck, Report that they attended the Meeting |
and saw nothing but that it was Carried on decently and |
in Good order – – |
Report from Qtr meeting |
The^friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they all attended Sd meeting, and have Produced an Epistle |
from the Same which hath been Read and well accepted |
Coakset meeting set off |
And the Quarterly Meeting hath Granted our Request to |
have a monthly Meeting of men and women Friends Sett |
off at Coaksett |
according to the Boundaries prefixt, and |
this meeting Concludes for Coakset friends to hold their Monthly |
Meeting the Seventh day before the third Second day in |
Each month; |
W.m Smith denied |
The friends Appointed to Treat with W.m Smith ye 2d[?] Make |
Report that he Gave them no Satisfaction, therefore |
friends finding themselves Clear in Labouring with him |
do deny the S.d W.m Smith from under friends Care –– |
Lamu Smith case refer’d |
The friends Appointed to Labour with Lemuel Smith Report |
that both have not had an Oppertunity with, him, but the friend |
that had an Oppertunity Reports that he Gave him Good |
Satisfaction, And he hath Sent a Paper to this Meeting Con= |
=demning his offence which is Refer’d under the Care of the |
Afore Said Committee – – |
S. Wilcox his Trans= =gresion |
Whereas Stephen Wilcox having Appeared in this Meeting |
in a very Passionate Manner, Casting heavy Reflections on |
us, Saying that he believed we Should have fewer Testimones |
Amongst us, And that it was Pitty we Shou[l]d have any |
Except it be Some to Reprimand us for our Wickedness, and |
Stamping on the floor in a Passionate Manner, to the Great |
Grief and Sorrow of the Sincere in heart, Therefore this |
Meeting doth Appoint Tho,s Hicks, Peleg Smith, Joseph Gifford |
Barzillia Tucker to Labour with him and Make Report there= |
=of to the next Monthly Meeting; – They are likewise to |
Inform him that we desire him to desist from Appearing in Publick – – |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjorurns to the 7th day of next Month |
mett |
This Meeting being met according to Adjournment ye 7th day of the |
5th mo. 1766, the Representatives being Called, John Potter and |
Peleg Huddlestone present |
Paul Mosher |
Wher[e]as Paul Mosher hath Married out of the Unity of friends |
and hath been dealt with Agreeable to Good order, and he de= |
=clines to Condemn his offence therefore this Meeting finding them= |
=Selves Clear in Labouring with him, do deny the S.d Paul |
Mosher from under the Care of this Meeting |
Case of F. Allen refer’d |
The Case of Francis Allen is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
under the Same Care as heretofore – – |
Proposal for Inlarging the little Meeting House is Refer’d to the |
next Monthly Meeting; |
5 mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th day of the |
5th month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and |
Tho,s Hicks ju.r present, for Coakset Joshua Davil [Davol] |
and Israel Wood present, |
E. Wing Ju proposal of marriage |
Edward Wing ju: of Sandwich and Edith Tucker declared their |
Intentions of Marriage, and were desired to wait till next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer, |
Tho Smith Ju proposal of marriage |
And Tho,s Smith ju: and Rebecca Howland likewise declared |
their Intentions of Marriage & were desired to wait till the |
next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and Luke Hart and |
Wm Mosher are Appointed to Inquire into S.d Smith’s Clearness |
Respecting Marriage and Conversation and to Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Report of D. Briggs marriage |
John Potter and Jonathan Hussey Report, that they attended |
the Marriage of David Briggs and Rebecca Howland |
and that it was Accomplish’d in Good order – – |
Report of E. Maxfield marriage |
Paul Russell and W,m Mosher Report that they attended |
the Marriage of Edmond Maxfield and Rachel Russell |
which (they say) was Accomplished in Good order – – |
Report of Wm Hart Ju marriage |
Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher, likewise Report |
that they attended the Marriage of W.m Hart ju: and |
Esther Slade and that it was Accomplished in Good order |
Meeting concluds to deny O. Allen |
Whereas Obediah Allen Some time past fell into the |
Sin of Fornication, and also Since hath been in the Practice |
of Gaming, for which he hath been dealt with by this |
Meeting and declines to Condem[n] his offences to friends |
Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting being Clear in Labour= |
=ing with him, do Conclude to deny him from under the Care |
of this Meeting, and do Appoint Samuel Smith to draw |
a Paper of denial Against the S,d Obediah Allen, and bring |
it to the next Monthly Meeting. – – |
S. Wilcox Referd |
The friends Appointed to Labour with Stephen Wilcox for |
his Misconduct at the last Monthly Meeting, Report |
that he did not Condem his S,d offence in full therefore |
the matter is Refer’d till next monthly Meeting under |
the same Care as heretofore and they to make Report to |
the next Monthly Meeting – – |
F. Allen Paper |
Francis Allen hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Con= |
demning his Giving way to too much Liberty in Allowing |
of fidling and dancing at the time of his Husking, which |
this Meeting Accepts – – |
Case of little meeting house dropt to Receive accompts of poor |
This Meeting Concludes to drop the Proposal for Enlarging |
the little Meeting House for the present – – |
This Meeting doth Appoint Jonathan Hussey and David Smith |
to Receive in Accounts for doing for the poor of this Meeting |
and also Endeavour to Inform themselves into the Validity |
of Sd Accounts, and also Sd friends, to Join with Philip Tripp |
to Divide the Books that belongs to this Meeting; – – |
To Collect [Ac?]count of [Pu?]blick Friend deceased |
This Meeting doth Appoint Samuel Smith and W.m Anthony |
ju: to Collect the Birth, place of abode, time of publick |
Ministry and death of Elizabeth Gidley, and bring the |
account to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Order to pay Tim Russell |
This Meeting hath Collected £9-7s-6d old tener [tenor] and the Treasure[r] |
hath paid Timothy Russell five Dollars for Keeping the |
Meeting House half a year – – |
To Settle with Treasurer |
And Jonathan Hussey and W.m Sanford are Appointed to Adjust |
accompts [accounts] with the Treasurer and make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
Wm Anthony Jr. to Rece Subscrip tions |
This Meeting doth appoint W,m Anthony jur to Receive the |
Subscriptions that are Subscribed to defray the Charges of this |
Meeting and also to pay out the money as this Meeting Shall |
order |
6 mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting Met the 16th of the 6th Month 1766 |
The Representatives are Abraham Tucker & John Potter present; |
Whereas the yearly Meeting is now in being, therefore this Mee= |
=ting doth adjourn to the 23d Instant |
This Meeting being met According to adjournment the 23d |
of the 6th month 1766 The Representatives being Called both present |
Edw Wing Certificat |
Edward Wing hath Produced a Certificate from the monthly |
Meeting of Sandwich, Certifying his Clearness Respecting |
Marriage and Conversation which hath been Read & Accepted |
answer |
Edward Wing ju: and Edith Tucker Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they might Proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting Advising with the Overseers for that |
purpose, And Abraham Tucker and Joseph Gifford are Appoin= |
=ted to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Tho Smith Ju Answer |
Thomas Smith ju: and Rebecca Howland Appear’d for their |
Answer, which was that they might Proceed to take Each other |
In Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting, Advising with the overseers for that purpose |
and Luke Hart and William Mosher are Appointed to See |
their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Wm Ricket =sons proposal of marriag |
William Ricketson and Elisabeth Smith declared their |
Intentions of taking Each other in Marriage, and were desired |
to wait till the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and |
Caleb Russell and Job Russell are appointed to make Inquiry |
Into W,m Ric[k]etson’s Clearness Respecting Marriage and |
Conversation and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against |
O. Allen disownd |
Obediah Allen for the Sin of Fornication & Gaming, and |
the Clerk of this Meeting is appointed to read it at the Close |
of a first day Meeting for worship between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting and make Report to Said Meeting. |
S. Wilcox’ paper |
Stephen Wilcox hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
Condem[n]ing his Reflecting Speeches, which was Expressed |
in our Monthly Meeting two Months ago, which this Mee= |
=ting doth accept, and Said Wilcox’s former References are |
Still Continued under the Same Regulation as heretofore |
This Meeting hath signed a Paper of Denial against Su= |
=sanna Brightman for the Sin of fornication and the Clerk |
is Appointed to Read Said paper at the Close of a first day |
Meeting for Worship between this and the next Monthly |
Meeting, and make Report to Said Meeting. – – |
John } Griffith Visit |
Our Esteemed friend John Griffith hath Visited this Meeting |
with a Certificate from Chelmsford [Essex Co England] Monthly |
Meeting in Essex dated the 25th of the 2d month 1765 and also from the |
Quarterly Meeting held at Coggoshall in Essex the of the 3.d mo: 1765 |
and also from the Yearly Meeting of Ministers & Elders held in |
London by Adjorunments from the of the Month to the |
3.d of the month 1765 which was Read to Good Satisfaction3 |
T. Ross } Visit |
Our Esteemed friend Tho.s Ross hath Visited this Meeting, and pro= |
=duced a Certificate from the Monthly Meeting held in Write-Town [Wrightstown] |
in Bucks Country Pen[n]sylvania, bearing date the 6th day of the 5th |
month 1766 which hath been Read to Good Satisfaction4 |
Queries Answerd |
The Queries have been Read & Answer’d in this Meeting and |
Peleg Smith & Humphry Smith are Appointed to draw an Epistle |
to the Quarterly Meeting & bring it to the Adjornment |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjorns to the first Sixth day in next month |
mett |
The Meeting being Met according to Adjournment the 4th day |
of the 7th mo: 1766 the Representatives being Called both present |
accompts Receiv’d |
The friends Appointed to Receive accompts [accounts] and Approbate them= |
Report that they have Received them and allowed to the |
£ S d |
amount of – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – |
16 – 6 – 4 |
Coakset Meeting paying one third part of S.d Sum – – – – |
5 8 – 9 |
Remains for this Meeting to pay – – Lawful mony – – – – |
10 17 7 |
Elis: Gidley to go on Record |
The Committee appointed to Collect the Birth & C. of Elisabeth |
Gidley have Answer’d their Appointment, and the Account |
thereof is order’d to be put on Record – – |
[Repre]sentatives Quart meeting |
Humphry Smith, Abraham Tucker, Caleb Russell are Ap= |
=pointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting. This Meeting |
hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and Sent |
it up by the Representatives |
7 mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the |
7th month 1766, The Representatives are Samuel Smith and |
Barzillia Tucker present; |
The friends appointed to Enquire into the Clearness of W.m Ricetson [Ricketson] |
make Report that they have made proper Inquiry, and don’t |
find anything to hinder him from Proceeding in Marr[i]age |
Wm Ricket answer |
William Rictson [Ricketson] and Elisabeth Smith appear’d for their An= |
=swer, which was that they might Proceed to take Each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next monthly meeting, A[d]vising with the Overseers for |
that purpose, and Caleb Russell & Benj,a Howland ju: are |
and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Report of Ed Wing’s marriage |
Abraham Tucker Reports that he attended the Marri[a]ge |
of Edward Wing ju: and Edith Tucker which was Accomplish’d |
in Good order –– |
Luke Hart & W.m Mosher Reports that they attended the |
Report of Tho Smith’s Marriage |
Marriage of Thos Smith ju: and Rebecca Howland which was |
Accomplish’d in Good order – – |
O. Allen disowned |
Obediah Allen’s Paper of Denial hath been Read Accor= |
=ding to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting – – |
And is as follows (viz) – – |
Whereas Obediah Allen, Son of our friends Prince and |
Deborah Allen, having been under the Care of this Meet= |
=ing, yet he has So far Gone astray from our Profession as to |
fall into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, and also |
been found in the Practice of Gaming, And friends having |
Repeated their Labour of Love with him in order for his |
Recovery, but our Labour of Love not obtaining the de= |
=Sired Effect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting, Therefore |
we being desirous that the Truth of our Holy Profession may |
be preserved from the Reproach of ^Such Enormities, do Give |
this forth as a Publick Testimony against him, disowning |
him the Said Obediah Allen from being one of our Society |
and from being in Membership With us, yet we desire if |
it be Consistant with Divine Pleasure, that he May yet |
find a place of Repentence (and by an Unfeigned acknow= |
=ledgement of the Error of his way) Return to th the way |
of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly |
Meeting held in Dartmouth by Adjournment on the 23d |
day of the 6th month 1766 by – – – Job Russell Clerk |
Susanna Brightman’s Paper of Denial hath been read according |
to the appointment of last Monthly Meeting, and is as follow’s |
S. Bright ⎫ man’s ⎬ denial ⎭ |
Whereas Susanna Brightman Daughter of Joshua and Hannah |
Shearman having had her Education among friends and under the Care |
of this Meeting, but through unwatchfulness & disregarding the |
Testimony of Truth hath fallen into the Reproachful Sin of |
Fornication, as appears by her having a Child Soon after Marriage |
and this Meeting having Labour’d with her in Love in order for her |
Recovery, but She proving obstinate, and Regardless of the ten= |
=der Council to her Given, Therefore for the Clearing of the precious |
Truth that we Profess, from Such Enormities, this Meeting is |
Concerned to Give this forth as a Publick Testimony against her |
disowning her the Sd Susanna Brightman from being a Member |
of our Society, and from under the Care of this Meeting, desiring |
if it be Consistant with Divine pleasure, that She may yet be Convin= |
=ced of the Error of her ways, and by a Sincere Repentance, find fa= |
=vour with the Lord – – |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dart= |
=mouth by adjournment on the 23.d day of the month 1766 |
Signed In, by order & in behalf of S.d Meeting by Job Russell Clerk |
Apphia Mott Clerk |
S. Wilcox ⎫ not to ⎬ preach ⎭ |
This Meeting hath Come to a Conclusion that Stephen Wilcox ought |
to desist from Appearing in Publick untill his affairs be better |
Settled in Regard to his debts, and the Sd Stephen Wilcox’s Case is |
Refer’d under the Same Regulation as heretofore to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
Report that they all attended Agreeable to Appointment |
and have Produced an Epistle from the same which hath |
been Read to Good Satisfaction |
⎧ Epistles ⎨ ⎩ |
Received Epistles one from London Printed & one written one |
also one Epistle from Philidelphia, and one from Flushing |
Also we have Received an Epistle from our Yearly Meeting |
of Rhode-Island held the 12th of the 6th month 1766 All which |
have been read in this Meeting to Good Satisfaction, and as |
they Contain a great deal of wholesome advice and Good Ex= |
=hortation, they are Earnestly Recommended to friends Notice |
and Observation, |
Settled With Treasurer |
The friends Appointed two months ago to adjust Accounts with |
the Treasurer Report that they have Settled accounts and |
there Remains in the Stock – – ₤2 – S8 – d1 |
Old tenner – |
Coakset Monthly Meeting has paid their Proportion of the |
Monthly Meeting Debts which is – – ₤5 – S8 – d9 |
Lawful Money |
Care of books to T. Russell |
twenty four Books belongs to this Meeting, and Timothy Rus= |
=sell is appointed to have the Care of Said Books to lend them |
out and take them in once a month. |
This Meeting hath signed a Removal Certificate of |
Deborah Slade (wife to Joseph Slade) and her Children |
to the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey – – – – – |
8 mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18 |
of the 8th month 1766 The Representatives are William |
Mosher and Benjamin Smith ju: present |
Report of Wm. Ricket sons marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Wm Ricketson and Elizabeth |
Smith’s Marriage Consumated Report that they attended |
the Marriage which was Consumated in Good order |
Certificate for Abigail States |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for |
Abigail States (wife of Peter States) to the Monthly |
Meeting of South Kings-town[Perryville, South Kingstown], – – |
Case of S. Wilcox Refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d under the Care of |
Thomas Hicks 2d and he to make report Inform Said |
Wilcox that his Meeting Requests that he Inform friends |
at the next Monthly Meeting what Progress he hath made in |
Regard to paying his debts – – |
Overseers appointed |
Luke Hart, Paul Russell, William Anthony ju: Benja Howland 2d, |
Samuel Smith and Daniel Cornel [Cornell] are Chosen overseers |
Zephaniah Anthony & Wife’s paper |
Zephaniah Anthony and his wife have Given in a Paper to this |
Meeting, Signifying their Sorrow for their falling into the Sin |
of Fornication, which is Refer’d unto the next Monthly Meeting |
under the Care of Peleg Smith & Benjamin Smith ju: and they to |
make Report to next Monthly Meeting; |
Fox’s Journal |
This Meeting Hath received one of George Fox’s Journals and |
7s/6d Sterling overplus Money, which is Lodged with the Treasurer |
9th mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th day of the |
9th month 1766, |
William Anthony ju: and to[?] Samuel Smith are the Representatives |
both presentatives |
To draw Epistle |
This Meeting doth Appoint Humphry Smith and Samuel Smith |
to draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and bring it to the |
Adjournment of this Meeting; |
This Meeting Adjourns to the first Sixth day in next Month |
This Meeting being Met According to Appointment adjornment the 3rd |
of the 10th month 1766. The Representatives being Called both presents; |
S. Wilcox Case refer’d |
The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d under the Care of Daniel |
Russell and Thomas Hix 2d – – |
Z. Anthony Case refer’d |
Peleg Smith and Benja Smith ju: Report that they have Treated |
with Zephaniah Anthony in Regard to his Paper that he Gave in |
last Monthly Meeting, in which they think him to be Sincere, |
Repre sentatives |
Joseph Tucker, Humphry Smith, Caleb Russell are Appointed to |
attend the Quarterly Meeting, and present the Epistle (which was |
Signed in this Meeting) with the Answers to the Queries, and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meetings; – – |
to pay [?] [Coak [?] [set]6-2-6 |
This Meeting orders the Treasurer to pay Coakset Monthly |
Meeting half a Crown Sterling, it being one third part of |
the overplus Money for George Fox’s Journals |
10 mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the |
10th month 1766, The Representatives are Samuel Smith |
and Benja Howland the 2d Presents |
Case of Z. Anthony refer’d |
The Case of Zephaniah Anthony is Refer’d under the Care of |
his Brother Wm Anthony unto the next Monthly Meeting |
Elihu Bow en requests a Certificate |
Elihu Bowen Requests a Removal Certificate for himself |
and Family to the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey. Therefore |
Luke Hart & Paul Russell are appointed to Make proper |
Enquiry into his Circumstances, and draw one for them if |
they think proper & bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all attended Agreeable to Appointment, and |
have produced an Epistle from the Same, which hath been Read |
in this Meeting to Good Satisfaction |
R. Soule |
Rachel Soule hath been Represented under Necessituous |
Circumstances, and Liable to become one of this Meetings |
poor, Therefore Humphry Smith & Jonathan Hussey are Ap= |
=pointed to make Inquiry into her Circumstances & Estate and |
make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Jonan Gifford desires a Certificate |
Jonathan Gifford desires a Certificate to the Monthly Mee= |
=ting of Nantucket, Certifying his Clearness Respecting |
Marriage & Conversation, Therefore Jonathan Hussey and |
David Smith are Appointed to make Inquiry into his aforeSd |
Circumstances, and draw a Certificate for him if they think |
proper, and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Overseers for yearly meeting |
This Meeting doth Appoint John Potter, Daniel Russell |
Timothy Russell Samuel Smith, Thos Hicks 2d Prince Allen |
James Tucker overseers at the yearly Meeting to Endeavour to |
prevent any Indecency that May happen at that time, and |
Make Report of their Service to the next Monthly Meeting |
11th mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the 11th |
Month 1766, The Representatives are Daniel Cornel and Thomas |
Timothy Howland proposal of marri age |
Timothy Howland and Lucey Allen Declared their Intentions of |
taking each other in Marriage, and were desired to wait till |
the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and Daniel Cornel |
and Thomas Hicks 2d are appointed to Make Inquiry into the young |
Man’s Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation, and make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting, |
Z. Anthony Case refer’d |
The Case of Zephaniah Anthony is Refer’d under the Same Care as |
heretofore – – |
Certificate for Elihu Bowen |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Elihu Bowen |
and his family to the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey; |
Case of R. Soule refer’d |
The Case of Rachel Soule is Refered under the Same Regulation |
as heretofore |
Certificate for Jonat. Gifford |
This Meeting Hath Signed a Certificate for Jonathan Gifford to the |
Monthly Meeting of Nantucket, Respecting his Clearness in Regard |
to Marriage & his Conversation – – |
Tim Russell acompt |
This Meeting allows of Timothy Russell’s account for Clearing the |
Burying yard & Repairing the fence & Bars, which is ₤4 13S |
old tener |
David Smith hath paid Coakset Monthly Meeting 2 / 6d Sterling agreeable |
to Appointment |
J. Sisson desires a Certifi cate |
John Sisson Requests a Removal Certificate for himself and Children |
to the Monthly Meeting of Oblong, therefore Paul Russell & Luke |
Hart are Appointed to draw one for him if they shall think Proper |
after due Inquiry into his Circumstances, and make Returns to the |
next Monthly Meeting; |
Report of Overseers of Yearly meeting |
The friends Appointed Overseers at the yearly Meeting, Report |
that they attended Agreeable to Appointment & discover’d |
nothing but what was in a degree orderly, and they think that |
friends Care in that Respect answers a Good Purpose – – |
Meetings granted in Allen’s Neck |
This Meeting Grants the friends Living in Allen’s Neck the |
Liberty to hold a Meeting down there at Some friends House |
for four Months to Come on first days, Excepting the first day |
preceding the Monthly Meeting in Each Month, and Daniel |
Cornel [Cornell] and Prince Allen are Appointed to have the oversight |
of the Meeting, and to Make Report to this Meeting at the |
Expiration of the four Months |
12 Mo: 1766 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th |
of the 12th month 1766, the Representatives are Paul Russell |
and David Smith Present; |
Howland answer |
Timothy Howland and Lucey Allen Appeared for their Answer |
which was, that they Might proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting, Avising with the overseers for that Purpose |
and Daniel Cornel and Thomas Hicksn are Appointed to See |
their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤11 – 7s – 6d old tener, and the |
Tim Russell paid |
Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell the Above Sd Sum |
Humphry Smith and Jonathan Hussey Report that they have |
Rachel Sowle Case |
Inspected into the Circumstances of Rachel Soule and they |
find due to her by Bond and Note ₤12 – 16s – 9d Lawful money |
John Sisson Certificates refer’d |
The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for John Sisson and |
his Children have drawn one for them, but things not ap= |
=pearing Quite Clear, the Signing of it is Refer’d to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
John Williams Certificate Accepted |
John Williams and his wife have Produced a Removal |
Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, which this |
Meeting accepts; |
Stephen Smith hath given a paper which is accepted |
Stephen Smith hath Produced and Given in a Paper to this |
Meeting, Condeming his Marrying out of the Unity of friends |
which this Meeting Accepts; |
Representatives |
Caleb Russell, Joseph Russ Smith, William Barker are Ap= |
=pointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and Make Report |
to the Next Monthly Meeting; |
overseers of Poor accompt |
The overseers of the poor hath Brought an Account for doing |
for the poor to the Amount of ₤3 – 6s – 6d old Tener, which |
this Meeting allows, |
Case of Zep Anthony refer’d |
The Case of Zephaniah Anthony is Refer’d |
Compaint against James Allen |
The Overseers Inform that James Allen hath fallen |
into the Sin of Fornication, for which they have Labour’d |
with him, and he declines to Make Satisfaction, therefore |
this Meeting doth Appoint Caleb Russell & Job Russell |
to Labour with him & make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answer’d |
This Meeting hath signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Mee= |
=ting, and Sent it up with the Answers to the Queries |
by the Representatives. |
first mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of |
the first Month 1767, the Representatives are Samuel |
Daniel Cornel and Thos Hicks 2d Report that they attended |
Tim Howland’s marriage |
the Marriage of Timothy Howland & Lucey Allen, which |
was Consumated in Good order, |
John Sisson’s Case |
The Signing of John Sisson’s Certificate is Refer’d to next Monthly |
Meeting; |
James Allen Case |
The friends Appointed to Labour with James Allen |
Report that he declines to Condem his offence to friends |
Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Joseph |
Gifford and Job Russell to draw a paper of denial Against |
Said Allen and also Inform him of the Conclusion of this |
Meeting and Labour with him as they shall find free= |
=dom, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting, |
Report that neither of them attended by Reason of the |
Severity of the weather; but we Received an Epistle an |
from the Quarterly Meeting which hath been Read and |
well accepted, |
S. Dennis Request |
Shadrach Dennis Requests to be taken under friends |
Care, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Abraham |
Tucker and Peleg Smith to Inquire into the young mans |
Life and Conversation, and also take an opportunity of |
Solid Conference with him and Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; |
E. Russell Recev’d |
The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Elisabeth |
Russell wife of Isaac Russell under friends Care, which this |
Meeting Concurs with; |
Zeph. Anthony & Wife paper accepted |
Zephaniah Anthony and his wife have Given in a Paper to this |
Meeting Signifying their Sorrow for their falling into the |
Sin of fornication, which hath lain on file for Some Months |
and now friends being fully Satisfied, do Accept of Sd Paper |
Provided they Cause it to be read at the Close of a first |
day Meeting for Worship, between this and the next Month= |
=ly Meeting they being present, and also Return Said Paper |
to the next Monthly Meetings – |
Testimony of E. Gidley |
This Meeting hath Given forth a Testimony Concerning |
Our Well Esteemed friend Elizabeth Gidley deceased |
which was Signed in this Meeting by a Number of friends |
2d month 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th of the 2d month 1767 The Representatives are Paul |
James Allen denied |
This Meeting hath Signed a Paper of denial against James |
Allen Son of Francis Allen for Fornication, and the Clerk |
is order’d to read Sd Paper at the Close of a first days Mee= |
=ting for worship, between this and the next Monthly Meeting |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting; |
Shadrich Dennis Case |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Conversation of |
Shadrach Dennis, and to Confer with him on his Request |
to Come under friends Care not being able to Make a Satisfac= |
=tory Report, therefore they are Still Continued in the Same |
Service, and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Certificate for John Sisson |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for John |
Sisson to the Monthly Meeting of Oblong; – – |
Z. Anthony paper read |
Zephaniah Anthony’s and his wife’s Paper hath been read |
According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting |
Z. & W. Anthony’s Confession |
And is as followeth; (viz) |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
Esteemed friends, –– |
These are to Inform that we were Educated and |
Married Amongst friends, But we Acknowledge that we |
have fallen into the Sin of Fornication, as Appears evident |
by the Birth of our Child, the which Sin we do Condemn and |
are Sorrowful for, But we hope the Almighty will forgive |
us, and we desire friends would so far pass it by as to Suffer |
us Still to Remain under your Care |
Given under our Hands the 18th of the 8th |
Month 1766 – – |
Zephaniah Anthony |
Waite Anthony |
Leml Smith paper accep =ted |
Whereas Lemuel Sisson Smith hath Given in a Paper |
to this Meeting Some Months ago, and not accepted by |
Reason of his Absence, Therefore this Meeting being |
Satisfied do accept of Sd Paper, Provided that he Cause |
it to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting for |
worship between this and the next Monthly Meeting |
he being present, and Return Sd Paper to the Clerk – |
Miniuts to be revised |
This Meeting doth Appoint Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith, |
Samuel Smith, William Anthony jur & Job Russell to |
Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes, to See what part |
they Shall think Proper to be put on Record and make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Paper Accept. |
Edith Wing hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condeming |
her falling into the Sin of fornication, which this Meeting doth |
Accept with the Provisal that She Cause Sd Paper to be read |
at the Close of a first day Meeting for worship She being |
present, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
and Return the Paper to the Clerk – – |
To Settle with Treasurer |
William Sanford & Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to ad= |
=just Accounts with the Treasurer & Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Overseers |
This Meeting doth Appoint John Potter, Prince Allen & |
Joseph Gifford overseers of the Poor for one year – – |
A. Hathaway Certificate |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for |
Abigail Hathaway to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich |
3d month 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of |
the 3d Month 1767, the Representatives are Daniel Cornel |
and Samuel Smith Present, |
Tho Akin’s proposal of marriage |
Thomas Akin and Rebecca Russell Declar’d their Inten= |
=tions of Marriage and were desired to wait until the next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and Thomas Hicks jur and |
Samuel Smith are Appointed to Inquire into the young man’s |
Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
James Allen’s Paper of denial hath been Read Accor= |
=ding to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting – – |
and is as followeth – – |
James Allen disowned |
Whereas James Allen Son of Francis Allen & Rebecca |
his Wife deceased, having been Under the Care of this Meeting |
yet he has So far Gone astray from our Profession as to fall into |
the Reproachful Sin of Fornication and Friends having Repeated |
their Labour of Love with him in order for his Recovery, but our |
Labour of Love, not obtaining the desired Effect to the Satis= |
=faction of this Meeting, Therefore we being desirous that the |
Truth of our Holy Profession May be Preferred from the Reproach |
of Such Enormities do Give this forth a Pubclick Testimony |
against him, disowning the Sd James from being one of our |
Society, and from being under our Care, Yet Sincerely desiring |
if it be Consistent with Divine Pleasure that he May yet |
find a place of Repentance, & by an Unfeigned Repentance |
acknowledgement of the Error of his way Return to the |
way of Truth – – |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly |
1767 By |
Job Russell Clerk |
Shadrich Dennis Case |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into the life & Conversation of |
Shadrac Dennis, and also to take an Opportunity of Conference |
on his Request to Come under friends Care not being able to make |
a Satisfactory Report, therefore the Case is Refer’d under |
their Care until the next Monthly Meeting and then to Make |
Report, |
Lemuel Smith’s Paper hath been Read According to the App= |
=ointment of last Monthly Meeting, and is as follows |
Lemvuel Smith’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of Friends to be held in Dartmouth |
on the 21 of ye 4th month 1766 – – |
Loving Friends, whereas I through the Insinuation of the Evil |
one, I have fallen into the Sin of Fornication, for which Evil |
Action I Can Truly Say I am Sincerely Sorry for, and pray that |
God may forgive me and all my others Sins, and that you would |
pass it by So as to let me Remain under you Care for I have a |
Great Value for Friends, So no more at present but I Remain |
your well Wishing Friend |
Lemuel Smith |
Miniutes to be recorded |
The Committee Appointed to peruse the Monthly Meetings |
Minutes Report that they have perused Sd Minutes and left |
them with Samuel Smith to Record – – |
Edith Wing’s paper hath been Read According to the Appoin= |
=tment of last Monthly Meeting and is as follows— |
E. Wing’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be holden at Dartmouth |
the 16th day of the 2 Month 1767 – – |
Well Esteemed friends, these May Inform altho’ I have had my |
Education among friends, yet through unwatchfulness I have |
fallen into the Sin of Fornication, which is S Known by my |
having a Child So Soon after Marriage which Sin I Condemn |
and am very Sorry for and pray God to forgive me and friends pass |
it by So far as to let me Remain under their Care |
Settled with Treasurer |
The friends Appointed to Adjust accompts |
} Edith Wing |
with the Treasurer, Report that there is |
Remaining in the Treasury 7s – 7d old Tener – – |
Ann Gifford [?] to Sandwich |
Anna Gifford Informs this Meeting that She hath a Con= |
=cern on her Mind to Visit Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, which |
this Meeting Concurs with – – |
Antipas Hathway |
Antipas Hathway hath Sent an Accompt for Mending |
our Meeting House windows to the Amount of ₤0 –1s –6 ½ d Lawful |
Money which this Meeting orders the Treasurer to pay, and |
also to pay the overseers of the poor ₤3–6s–6d old Tener |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤7–18s–3d old tener |
Complaint against Thos Wilcox |
The Overseers Inform This Meeting that Thomas Wilcox hath |
Married out of the unity of friends, for which they have Labour’d |
with him and he declines to Make friends Satisfaction therefore |
Job Case and Daniel Russell are Appointed to Labour further |
with him and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Complaint against Holder Slocum |
The Overseers Inform that Holder Slocum hath been in the prac= |
=tice of Gaming for which they have Laboured with him and he |
declines to Make friends Satisfaction therefore Abraham |
Tucker & Joseph Tucker are Appointed to Labour with Sd Slocum |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – |
Answers to Queries & Epistle Sent |
The Queries have have been read and Answer’d in this Meeting |
and this Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting |
which is Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives |
with the Answers to the Queries – – |
Representa= =tives |
Humphry Smith, Samuel Smith and William Mosher are |
Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and they to make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
4th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 20th of the |
4th month 1767 – – |
The Representatives are Thomas Hicks 2d and Samuel Smith present – |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into Thomas Akin’s Clearness |
Report that upon Inquiry they find nothing to hinder his |
proceeding in Marriage – – |
Tho Akin’s answer |
Thomas Akin and Rebecca Russell Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they Might proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that |
purpose, and Humphry Smith and Thomas Hicks are appointed |
to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Tim Russell proposal of marriage |
Timothy Russell and Hanna Briggs declar’d their Inten= |
tion of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Humphry Smith and |
Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to Inspect into Timothy’s Clear= |
=ness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and also they |
are Appointed to See that the widow’s Estate be Settled So that [her] |
Children be not Ronged by her Marriage and make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Conversation of Shadriac |
S. Dennis Accepted |
Dennis Make a Satisfactory Report therefore this meeting |
minutes him under friends Care – – |
The overseers for the poor Report |
The Treasurer Reports that he has paid the overseers of the |
poor According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to treat with Thomas Wilcox not Making |
a Satisfactory Report they are still Continued in the Same |
Service and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting, |
Holder Slocum’s case |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Holder Slocum Report that they |
have not discharged themselves in that Respect, therefore they |
are Still Continued in the Same Service and to make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Reprent. for Qrt. Meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they all attended Except Wm Mosher, and he sent an Excuse which |
was Accepted, and they produced an Epistle from the same which |
hath been Read and well Accepted |
[Report] of Meetings in Allen’s Neck |
The friends Appointed overseers of the Meeting held in Allen’s |
Neck Report that they have attended According to Appoint= |
=ment and Saw nothing but that it was Carried on in Good order |
5th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 18th of the 5th |
month 1767 the Representatives are Caleb Russell & Daniel Russell |
both present; |
Humphry Smith & Jonathan Hussey Make Report that they have made |
Inquiry into Timothy Russell’s Clearness Respecting Marriage and Con= |
=versation, and do not find anything to hinder his proceeding in Mar= |
=riage, and they also Report that the widow’s Estate is Settled |
Acgreeable to Good order |
Tim Russell Answer |
Timothy Russell and Hannah Briggs Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in Marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this and the next Monthly |
Meeting, Advising with the oversers for that purpose, and Humphry |
Smith and Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to See their Marriage |
Consumated in Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly |
Meeting – – |
Report of Tho Akin’s Marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Thomas Atkin’s and Rebecca Russell’s |
Marriage Consumated Make Report that they attended the |
Thomas Wilcox Case |
The friends Appointed to treat with Thomas Wilcox Report that |
they have not had a Convenient Opportunity to discharge themselves |
therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Service until Opportunity |
affords and then to make Report |
P. Sisson denied |
The women friends Inform that they have denied Phebe Sisson |
Daughter of Joseph Barker for Marrying out of the Unity |
of friends which this Meeting Concurs with – – |
Phebe Allen’s paper accepted |
Phebe Allen hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condemning |
her falling into the Sin of Fornication which this Meeting |
Accepts Provided She Cause said paper to be Read publickly |
at the Close of a first day meeting for worship between this & |
the next Monthly Meeting She being present and Make |
Return of Sd paper to Sd Meeting |
Holder Slocum’s Case |
The friends Appointed to treat with Holder Slocum Report |
that he declines to Condemn his offence to Satisfaction therefore |
his Case is Refer’d under the Same Care as heretofore and they |
to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
B. Taber Requested a Certificate |
Benjamin Taber Requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting |
of Nantucket, Certifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage & |
Conversation therefore Joseph Gifford and Joseph Russell are |
Appointed to Make proper Inquiry and to draw one for him |
if they think proper and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
R. Russell’s affair |
Whereas Rose Russell hath Removed out of the verge of Coak= |
=set Monthly Meeting where this Meeting Apprehends She |
belongs, and makes Application for assistance, therefore |
Joseph Tucker & Humphry Smith are Appointed to Inform |
Coakset Meeting that this Meeting desires them to take Care |
of her and Sd Comtee to make Report to the next Monthly |
Meetings |
6th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting met the 15th of the 6th mo: 1767 |
The Representatives are Daniel Russell and John Williams present; – – |
The yearly Meeting being now in being, for which Reason |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 22d Instant, |
At a Monthly Meeting Met and held by Adjournment |
the 22d of the 6th mo: 1767 |
The Representatives being Called and both presen |
Timothy Russell Marriage |
Humphry Smith and Jonathan Hussey Report that they attended |
the Marriage of Timothy Russell and Hannah Briggs which was |
Consumated in Good Order – – |
Phebe Allen’s Paper hath been read According to the Appoint= |
=ment of last Monthly Meeting and is as follows – – |
P. Allen’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth the |
20th day of the 4th month 1767 – – |
dear Friends |
I through unwatchfulness have fallen into the Sin of Fornica= |
=tion which Appears by my having a Child So Soon after Mar= |
=riage, for which I am heartily Sorry and do Condemn, hoping |
that God will forgive me and friends pass it by so far as to let |
me Remain under their Care. Phebe Allen – – |
H. Slocum Case |
The Case of Holder Slocum is Refer’d under the Same Care as heretofore |
B. Taber Certificate |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Benja Taber to the Monthly |
Meeting of Nantucket Certifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage |
and Conversation – – |
Rose Rus= =sell Case |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Coakset Monthly Meeting on |
behalf of Rose Russell Report that they have not had an opportunity |
Conveniently to discharge themselves, therefore they are still |
Continued in the Same Service and to make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; |
A. Hathway is paid |
The Treasurer has paid Antipas Hathaway 11 / 8d old tener |
Queries Answer’d |
The Queries have been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting, |
Represen tatives |
Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith, Joseph Tucker, Samuel Smith |
Caleb Russell are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
and to present the Answers to the Queries with the Epistle to the |
Same, which hath been Signed in this Meetings – – |
This Meeting Collected ₤8 – 7s – 3d old Tenner – – |
Tim. Russell is paid |
The Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell five dollars for |
keeping the Meeting House half a year |
7th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 7th |
month 1767, Called Joseph Smith & Jonathan Hussey present |
Clerk for this day |
William Anthony jur Chosen Clerk for this day, – – |
Hol. Slocum Case |
The Case of Holder Slocum is Refer’d to the next Monthly Mee= |
=ting under the Same Case as heretofore, and he is desired to attend |
Meetings more diligently for the future; – – |
To Treat with Coak= =set Meeting |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Coakset Monthly Meeting |
Report that they have not discharged their Trust by reason of one |
of Sd friends being unwell therefore ‘tis Refer’d Still under [their care] |
Report from Quar: meeting |
the friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all attended but Humphry Smith and he Sent an |
Excuse which was Accepted – – |
Received |
This Meeting Received an Epistle from the yearly Meeting of |
London which was read in this Meeting, and the Good and |
wholsome advice therein Recommended to friends Observation |
also Received an Epistle of the yearly meeting of Rhod Island |
also one from the Quarterly Meeting which were read in this |
Meeting and Kindly accepted; |
8th mov: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the |
8th Month 1767 |
The Representatives are Caleb Russell & Samuel Smith |
both present, – – |
R. Wilbor Received |
The women friends Inform that they have minuted Rachel |
Wilbor [Wilbur] under their Care which this meeting Concurs with, |
Holder Slocum paper accepted |
Holder Slocum hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
Condemning his being in the Practice of Gaming, which this |
Meeting Accepts Provided the Cause Sd paper to be read |
Publickly at the Close of a first day meeting for worship be= |
=tween this and the next monthly meeting he being present |
and Return Sd Paper to the next monthly Meeting – – |
Rose Russell case |
The Comittee Appointed to Treat with Coakset Monthly Mee= |
=ting on the Account of Rose Russell Report that they [have] |
discharged their Trust in that Case, and Coakset Meeting hath |
promised to Give this Meeting an Answer as soon as they |
Can Conveniently |
Eunice Kirby accpt. |
The women friends Inform that they have accepted: of Eunice |
Kirby’s Acknowledgement for Marrying out of the Unity of friends |
which this Meeting Concurs with |
9th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of ye 9th month |
1767 The Representatives are Wm Sanford and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] present |
David Anthony proposal of marriage |
David Anthony and Judith Hicks declared their Intentions of |
Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Monthly Mee= |
=ting for their Answer, and George Smith and Benja Howland |
are Appointed to Inquire into the young Man’s Clearness Respect= |
=ing Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the next Month= |
=ly Meeting Holder Slocum’s Paper hath been read According to |
the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, and here follows |
H. Slocum’s Paper |
To the Monthly Meeting of Friends next to be held in Dartmo |
on the 20th of the 7th mo: 1767 – – |
Esteemed friends, Whereas I through unwatchfulness and by |
Keeping Unnecessary Company have fallen into the bad Prac= |
=tice of Gaming, which I am heartily Sorry for and do Condemn |
hoping God will forgive me, and I desire friends would pass |
it by So far as to let me Remain under their Care, hoping |
I shall walk More Agreeable for the time to come |
Holder Slocum |
Answer from Coakset Concerning Rose Russ [ell]not accepted |
Whereas this Meeting hath Received an Answer from Coakset |
Monthly Meeting Respecting Rose Russell, which this Meeting |
Apprehends is too Short and not to Satisfaction, therefore Joseph |
Gifford William Anthony ju: & Samuel Smith are Appointed to |
Make Sufficient Inquiry to know whether Said Rose Russell |
properly belongs to Coakset Meeting or not, and if upon Inquiry |
they her think her to belong to Coakset, to Inform them that this |
Meeting desires them to Appoint a Committee to Confer with them |
on the Case and Make a final Settlement between the two Meetings |
and if they Cannot Agree to a Settlement, then for the two Comttees |
to Chuse friends to Settle the Case belonging to Some other Monthly Meeting |
Overseers appointed |
This Meeting doth Appoint Daniel Cornel[Cornell], Luke Hart, |
Paul Russell, Benja Howland 2d William Anthony ju: Samuel |
Smith Overseers for the year Ensuing – – |
Conclude to repair the meeting house |
This Meeting hath Come to a Conclusion to Repair our Meeting |
House, therefore George Smith, Daniel Russell, & Timothy |
Russell are Appointed to Consider what they shall think Ne= |
=cessary to be done and also to Imploy Some body to do Said |
business and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Answers to Queries and Epistle sent by Represen= =tatives |
The Queries have been read & Answer’d in this Meeting |
and we have Signed an Epistle and Sent it up to the Quar= |
=terly Meeting by the Representatives who are as follows |
Peleg Smith Abraham Tucker, Nicholas Howland, Benja |
Howland 2d who are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
and present the Epistle with the Answers to the Queries and to |
Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
10th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of the |
10th Month 1767 The Representatives are David Smith |
and Jonathan Hussey present – – |
The friends Appointed to Inspect into the Clearness of David |
Anthony’s Report that they have Made Inquiry and find nothing |
to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
David Anthony answer |
David Anthony and Judith Hicks Appear’d for their Answer |
which was that they Might proceed to take Each other in Mar= |
=riage in Some Convenient time between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that purpose |
and George Smith and Benja Howland are Appointed to |
See their Marriage Consumated in Good Order, and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Shadach Dennis proposal to marriage |
Shadrac Dennis and Abial Hussey declared their Inten= |
=tions of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Wm Sanford and David |
Smith are Appointed to Inquire into the young man’s Clearness |
Respecting Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting |
Repairing Meeting House |
The Comittee Appointed to Repair our Meeting House Report |
that they are on their way to accomplish Sd business therefore |
they are desired to do it as soon as may be and make Report to |
the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Report from Quarly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all attended Agreeable to Appointment and have |
Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been read and |
Kindly Accepted – – |
B. Chase desires a Certificate |
Benja Chase Requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of |
Swanzey Certifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversa= |
=tion therefore Paul Russell Russell and Luke Hart are Ap= |
=pointed to make proper Inquiry and draw a Certificate for him |
if they think Proper and Make Report to the next Monthly |
Meeting |
Rotche’s Certif. |
Whereas Joseph Rotch hath Resided Among us for a Considera= |
=ble time & Agreeable to Good order hath Produced a few lines |
by way of Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket |
Signifying his being a friend in Unity Among them which this |
Meeting Accepts:5 – – |
Overseers for yearly Meeting |
Daniel Russell, Timothy Russell, Jonathan Hussey, Thomas |
Hicks Jur David Smith are Appointed to have the Oversight of |
the Galleries and other Seats to Endeavour to prevent any |
Indecency that may happen at our yearly Meeting, and to |
Make Report to the next Monthly Meetings; – – |
Complaint against Henry Russell |
Henry Russell hath Married out of the Unity of friends and |
hath been Labour’d with by the Overseers, and he declines |
Hussey and Barzillai Tucker are Appointed to Treat far= |
ther with him and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
11th mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th 11th Mon: 1767 |
The Representatives are William Sanford and Jonathan Hussey |
both present – – |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into Shadrac Dennises Clearness |
Report that they have Made Inquiry and find nothing to hinder |
his proceeding in Marriage – |
Sha: Dennis answer |
Shadric Dennis and Abial Hussey Appeared for their |
Answer which was that they Might proceed to take each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers |
for that purpose, and William Sanford and David Smith are |
appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order & |
Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting |
Report of David Anthony’s Marriage |
The friends Appointed to See David Anthony and Judith Hicks |
Marriage Consumated in Good order Report that they attended |
the Marriage, which was Accomplished in Good order – – |
Bill for repairing meeting house |
The friends Appointed to Repair our Meeting House Report that they |
have Repared Sd House Agreeable to Appointment, and have |
brought in their Bill which is two pounds Lawful Money |
Certifiate for B. Chase |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Benja Chase to the |
Monthly Meeting of Swanzey, Certifying his Clearness Respec= |
=ting Marriage and Conversation; |
Wm Hunt & T.Thorn= brough’s Visit |
Our friends William Hunt and Thos Thornbrough have Visited |
this Meeting with their Certificates from the Monthly Meeting |
held at New-garden in Rowan Country North Carolina dated |
the 25th 4th month 1767 which have been Read to Good Satisfac= |
=tion and their Visit Kindly accepted6 |
Henry Russell’s case |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Henry Russell for Mar= |
=rying out of the Unity of friends Report that they Labour’d with |
him, and he Neglects to Make friends Satisfaction for his offence |
Therefore this Meeting being Tender of him do Refer the Matter under |
the Care of Peleg Smith & he to Treat with him as he shall find |
freedom and Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Report of Overseers of Yearly Meeting |
The Committee Appointed to have the oversight of the people that |
they behave orderly at our yearly Meeting Report that they all |
was tolerable orderly – – |
Meeting in Allen’s Neck Granted |
The friends living in Allen’s Neck Request Liberty to hold a Meeting |
there four Months from now on first days Excepting the day preceding |
the Monthly Meeting in Each Month which this Meeting Grants |
and do Appoint Daniel Cornel[Cornell]and Philip Allen and Prince Allen |
to have the oversight of the Same and they to Make Report to |
the Monthly Meeting at the Expiration of Sd 4 Months – – |
This Meeting Adjorns to the 23d Instant at the 11th hour in ye fore noon |
Certificates to be [?] ted for our Esteemed Visiting Friends |
This Meeting being Mett according to Adjournment this 23rd of 11th mo: 1767 |
The Representatives being Called Jonathan Hussey present |
Whereas William Hunt and Thos Hornbrough from Newgarden in North |
Carolina, and Aaron Veal from the Nine partners, have Visited Sever’l |
Meetings in these parts and being About to Return Home, This Meeting |
finds freedom to Give Each of them a Certificate, therefore Abraham Tucker, |
Jonathan Hussey and David Smith are Appointed to draw them and bring them |
adjourn |
to the Adjournment of this Meeting, |
mett |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 25th Instant after the Meeting of Worship |
This Meeting being Mett by Adjournment the 25th of the 11th month 1767 |
the Representatives being Called Jonathan Hussey present |
Complaint against Hum. Smith& Hol. Slocum |
The Overseers Inform this Meeting that Humphry Smith (son of Humphry) |
and Holder Slocum have been Concerned in Horse Racing, and that |
said Slocum has lately been in the practice of Gaming, for which |
the Overseers have Labour’d with them but they decline to make friends |
Satisfaction therefore Jonathan Hussey Thomas Hicks 2d Barzillai Tuc= |
=ker and David Smith are appointed to Treat with them and also to advise them to |
be More frequent in attending Meetings. |
Certificates for Visiting friends |
This Meeting hath Signed Three Certificates, One for Wm Hunt, one |
for Thomas Thornbrough and one for Aaron Veal, (The overseers Inform that |
Complaint against D. Russell |
Daniel Russell hath Suffered too much Liberty in his tavern, which tend to bring |
reproach on Truth, there |
fore Joseph Tucker & Abraham Tucker are appointed to Labour with him, & |
make Report next Monthly Meeting |
12 mo: 1767 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21 of the 12 Month 1767 |
The Representatives are William Anthony jur and Samuel Smith |
both present, |
Shadrch Dennis Marriage |
William Sanford and David Smith Report that they attended the |
Marriage of Shadrach Dennis and Abial Hussey According to |
Appointment which was Consumated in Good order – – |
Case |
Peleg Smith Reports that he Spoke with Henry Russell Concerning his |
disorderly Marriage, and he desires friends to wait a while Longer |
with him, therefore his Case is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
under the Care of Thomas Hicks 2d |
The Case of Hum. Smith Son of Hum. and Holder Slocum |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Humphry Smith (son of Humphry) |
and Holder Slocum, Report that they have Laboured with them |
and that Humphry Smith desires friends friends to wait a while longer |
with him therefore his Case is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting, they also |
Report that Holder Slocum declines to make friends Satisfaction and doth |
not desire friends to wait any Longer on him, therefore this Meeting |
doth Conclude to deny him and do Appoint Daniel Cornel[Cornell], Samel |
Smith and Wm Anthony jur to draw a Paper of Denial Against |
him and to Inform him of the Conclusion of this Meeting and bring Sd |
Paper to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
advise of friends is that Dan. Russell to forbear Selling Spirituous Liquors |
The Friends Appointed to Labour with Daniel Russell for |
allowing too Much Liberty in his Tavern Report that they have |
discharged themselves in that Respect, and it is the Sense and |
Judgment of this Meeting that he throw up Selling Spirituous Liquor – – |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤8 – 10S – 8D old Tener – – |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 28th day of this Instant at the 11th Hour |
in the fore noon |
mett |
This Meeting being met by Adjournment this 28th of ye 12th month |
1767, The Representatives being Called Wm Anthony jur |
and Samuel Smith present |
This Meeting Adjourns to Tomorrow after the Meeting of worship |
This Meeting being Met by Adjournment the 29th of the 12th month 1767 |
The Representatives being Called Wm Anthony jur and Samuel Smith |
Both present – – |
The Queries have been read and Answer’d in this Meeting, and the |
Answers with the Epistle to be sent up by Representa tives |
Answers order’d to be Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Repre= |
=sentatives with the Epistle which hath been read And Signed in this |
Meeting, Caleb Russell, Benja Howland the 2d & Nicolas Howland |
are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤9 – 17s – 6d old Tennor – – |
This Meeting Adjourns to the first fourth day in next Month after |
the Meeting of worship – – |
This Meeting being Met by Adjournment the 6th of the first month 1768 |
The Representatives being Called both present, |
The Overseers of the poor hath brought an Accompt to this Meeting |
pay for Ste. Wilcox |
for doing for Stephen Wilcox which is ₤3 – 10s – 0d Old Tener which this |
David Briggs; which he Saith he hath paid Accordingly – – |
Jon Williams and wife desires a Certificate |
John Williams and his wife Requests a Removal Certificate |
to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, therefore Joseph Tucker and |
Paul Russell are Appointed to make proper Inquiry and Join with |
the womens Committee Appointed for the Same purpose and draw a |
Certificate for them if they think proper and bring it to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
Geo. Smith’s paper accepted |
George Smith ju: hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Signifying |
his falling into the Sin of Fornication and Condemning the Evil [?][there] |
of which this Meeting Accepts, Provided he Cause Sd paper to be |
Read at the Close of a first day Meeting for worship between this |
and the next Monthly Meeting he being present and Make Return |
of Said paper to the next Monthly Meeting |
first mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of the first |
Month 1768 The Representatives are Thos Hicks 2d and Barzillai |
Tucker present – – |
Henry Russell Case |
Thos Hicks 2d Reports that he hath Spoke with Henry Russell and that |
he desired longer time to Endeavour to Make friends Satisfaction |
therefore his Case is Refer’d under the Same Care as heretofore – – |
Case of Hum. Smith |
The Case Concerning Humphry Smith Son of Humphry is Refer’d under the |
Care of Samuel Smith, and he to Make Report as Soon as oppertunity |
will Afford – – |
Hold. Slocum |
This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Holder Slocum |
and Wm Anthony jur is Appointed to Read Sd Paper at the End of a |
first day Meeting for worship between this and the next Monthly Mee= |
=ting, and Return Sd Paper to Sd Meeting – – |
J. Craw’s paper accepted |
John Craw hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condemning his |
Marrying out of the Unity of friends which this Meeting Accepts, |
Report from Quarterly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they all attended According to appointment and have Produced an |
Epistle from the Same which hath been Read & Kindly Accepted, |
John Williams Case |
The friends Appointed to draft a Certificate for John Williams [?] |
Report that all things are not Quite Clear therefore the Same friends |
are Continued for the Same Service and to Make Report to the next Month= |
=ly Meeting – – |
George Smith jur his Paper hath been Read According to order of |
last Monthly Meeting & Return’d to this Meeting, which is as follows |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth |
G. Smith ju: Confession |
Whereas I George Smith jur having been Educated Among friends but |
through unwatchfulness So far Gave way to the Enemy as to fall into the |
Sin of Fornication which Appears by my wife having a Child So Soon |
After Marriage, Now these are to Testefy to all whom it may |
Concern, that I am heartily Sorry for the Above said Evil, and do |
Condemn the Same, with all other My outgoings, hoping God will |
forgive me my offences and Receive me into favour, and I desire |
friends So far to pass them by as to let me Remain under their Care |
Given forth this 10th day of ye 11th month 1767 by your friend |
George Smith jur |
Step. Wilcox Case |
The friends Appointed Some time past to have the Care of Stephen Wilcox’s |
Affairs Respecting his discharging his debts, Make Report that he has |
not discharged them all yet, and this Meeting thinks proper to discharge |
Daniel Russell he being one of the Comtee, and to Appoint Joseph Gifford |
and Paul Russell to join the afore Sd Committee to have the whole over= |
=sight of Stephen Willcox’s aforementioned Circumstances |
2d mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 2d month |
1768. The Representatives are Wm Anthony jur and Samuel Smith |
both present , – – |
Daniel Ricketson proposal of marriage |
Daniel Ricketson and Rebecca Russell declared their In= |
=tentions of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answer, and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] and Thos Hicks 2d |
are Appointed to Inquire into the Young Man’s Clearness Respecting |
Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
H. Russell disown’d |
Whereas Henry Russell hath Married out of the Unity of friends, and |
friends having discharged themselves in Labouring with him, and |
he disregarding their Labour, therefore for the Clearing of Truth this |
Meeting do deny the Said Henry Russell from being under the Care |
of this Meeting |
William Anthony jur Reports that he hath Read Holder Slocum’s |
Paper of denial according to the Appointment of last Monthly |
Meeting and has Returned the same to this Meeting, which is a follows |
H. Slocum’s denial |
Whereas Holder Slocum the Son of Holder Slocum deceased |
and Rebecca his wife, having been under the Care of this Meeting |
Yet through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of |
Truth, has So far Deviated from our Religious Profession as to |
be found in the practice of Gaming, and in Supporting of |
Horseracing, and also in the Neglect of that Indispensable |
duty of attending Religious Meetings of Divine worship, And friends |
having Repeatedly Labour’d with him in Love in order to Shew unto |
him his Errors and Reclaim him from his outgoings, But he Continu= |
=ing Obstinate, and not adhering to our tender advice and Council, |
Therefore for the preservation of the precious Truth and Friends from the |
Reproach thereof this Meeting is Concerned to Give this forth as a Testi= |
=mony Against him, Hereby Publicly disowning him the Sd Holder |
Slocum from being one of our Religious Community and from under the |
Care of this Meeting, Yet Sincerely desiring (if it be Consistant with |
Divine pleasure) that he may yet Return from the Evil of his ways, |
and by Sincere Repentance Return to the way of Truth & Salvation. |
Given forth & Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly Meeting held |
in Dartmouth the 18th day of the first month A.D. 1768 by |
Job Russell Clerk |
John Williams Case |
The friends Appointed to draft a Certificate for John Williams & his wife |
Report that his affairs are not all settled to Satisfaction, therefore the Case |
is Refer’d under the Care of the Sd Committee, and they to make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Chusing Visitors refer’d |
This Meeting hath Made Trial for a Choice of Visitors, and finding the work |
of Great Importance, but no friend finding the weight of that Service laid |
on them at present, therefore the Chusing them is Refer’d to the next Monthly |
Meeting; |
Comtee to Review Miniuet |
Humphry Smith, Benja Howland the 2d Samuel Smith, Caleb Russell |
and Job Russell are Appointed to Review the Monthly Meeting’s Minutes |
to see what part they Shall think proper to go on Record, and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting |
Overseers of poor |
John Potter, Joseph Gifford and Prince Allen are Appointed Overseers |
of the poor for the year Ensuing – – |
Rose Rus sell case |
Joseph Tucker & Humphry Smith are Added to the former Committee |
Appointed to Confer with Coakset Meeting Respecting Rose Russell |
Thomas Rusell[sic] paper |
Thos Willcox hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting, Condemning his |
disorder in Marrying out of the order of friends, which is Refer’d to next |
Monthly Meeting under the Care of Job Case and Jonathan Hussey |
and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Daniel Russell case |
This Meeting being Informed that Daniel Russell hath Proceeded |
Contrary to the Advice and Judgment of this Meeting in Selling of |
Spiritous Liquor, and this Meeting Reconsidering a former Minute |
Respecting Said Russell and do think it is Rather too Extensive in |
that part which debars him from Selling Spiritous Liquor by the |
Large Quantity therefore do Reverse that part of Sd Minute |
Nevertheless this Meeting Continuing of the Same Judgment in Re= |
=spect to his Selling Liquor by the small Quantity and do Appoint |
Prince Allen and Thomas Hicks 2d to Labour with him and |
make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 |
of the 3d Month 1768 – The Representatives are Thos |
Hicks and Barzillai Tucker both present; – – |
The Friends Appointed to Enquire into Daniel Ricketson’s |
Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report |
Daniel Recketson answer |
that they find nothing to hinder their Proceeding in Marriage |
Daniel Ricketson and Rebecca Russell Appeared for their |
Answer which was that they Might Proceed to take Each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next Monthly Meeting and Joseph Gifford and Job |
Russell are Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in |
Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Benj Wing’s proposal of marriage |
Benjamin Wing of Sandwich and Peace Gifford declar’d their |
Intention of Marriage and were desired to wait till the |
next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, The Sd Wing |
having Produced a Certificate Certifying his Clearness Respecting |
Marriage & Conversation which is Accepted and also hath Pro= |
=duced his Parents Consent – – |
Chusing Visitors omitted |
Chusing of Visitors was Refer’d to this Meeting, and no friend |
finding the weight of that Service, laid upon them at [present?][present] |
Therefore this Meeting thinks fit to Omitt any furder Trial |
in that Matter – – |
Miniutes perused |
The friends Appointed to Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes |
Report that they have discharged their Trust in that Respect. |
Case of Coakset friends Respecting Rose Rus= =sell |
The Committee Appointed to Confer with Coakset Monthly Meeting |
Respecting Rose Russell Report that they have had Several Confe= |
=rences on that Account, but Could not Come to an Accomidation |
without Submitting the Case to Friends of another Monthly Meeting |
and have Made Choice of Edward Upton, Philip Chase and |
William Buffinton whose Judgment is as followeth – – |
The Coakset Judgment about Rose Russell |
Coakset the 16th of the 3d Month 1768, |
To the two Committees of the Monthly Meetings of Dartmouth |
We the Subscribers by your Appointment, have heard your |
Allegations and Consider’d them weightily, and upon the whole |
our Judgment is that Ponaganset Meeting be at ye two thirds of |
the Charge that may Acrue by Rose Russell for the future |
and Coakset the one third part for the future |
Edward Upton |
Philip Chase |
William Buffinton |
Thomas Wilcox |
The Friends Appointed to Treat with Thomas Wilcox Report |
that he desires one Month Longer to Endeavour to Make friends |
Satisfaction, Therefore the Case is Refer’d under the Same Care |
as heretofore and they to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting |
Report of meetings in Allen’s Neck |
The Friends Appointed to oversee the Meeting in Allensneck |
Report that they have attended the Meetings According to |
appointment which was orderly and to Satisfaction – – |
The Queries have been Read & Answer’d in this Meeting, and an |
Epistle Signed and Sent to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representa= |
tives who are Caleb Russell, Nicholas Howland and William |
Barker who are to present the Same and to Make Report to |
the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The Case of Daniel Russell |
The Friends Appointed to Labour with Daniel Russell |
Report that they have Labour’d with him and he declines |
to Retract his Proceedings in Selling of Spirituous Liquor |
And this Meeting having been Informed from time to time |
of the undue Liberty that Daniel Russell Suffers in |
his Tavern, which Tends to bring a Reproach on Truth |
and Friends, his House not being in a fit Place to keep |
a Tavern in because of the Great Report of Town‘s people |
Therefore do Appoint, John Potter, Prince Allen and |
Thomas Hicks 2d, to Labour with him for the Above |
Sd disorder and to desist from Keeping Tavern and Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤9 – 9s – 9d Old Tenor, |
Case of John Williams Refer’d |
John Williams and Wife’s Certificate not drafted by the |
Same Reason as heretofore which is Refer’d to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
4th mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
18th of the 4th Month 1768, The Representatives are David |
Smith and Jonathan Hussey both Present – – |
Benj Wings answer |
Benja Wing & Peace Gifford appeared for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the |
next Monthly Meeting advising with the overseers for |
that Purpose, and Joseph Tucker and Joseph Mosher are |
Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
David Allen’s proposal of marriage |
David Allen and Hannah Ricketson declared their Inten= |
=tion of Marriage and were desired to wait until next Month= |
=ly Meeting for their Answer, and Caleb Russell & Job Russell |
are Appointed to Inspect into the young Man’s Clearness Re= |
=specting Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting |
Daniel Ricketson’s marriage |
Joseph Gifford and Job Russell Report that they attended the |
Marriage of Daniel Ricketson and Rebecca Russell which was |
Consumated in Good order – – |
ThosWilcox paper |
Thomas Wilcox hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condem= |
=ning his falling into the Sin of Fornication which is Refer’d to |
Report from Quarterly Meeting |
the next Monthly Meeting under the Same Care as heretofore |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they two of them attended According to Appointment & the other |
Sent a reasonable Excuse which was Exce Accepted, and they have |
Produced an Epistle from Sd Meeting which hath been read and |
Kindly accepted – – |
[?] of friends Dan. Russell |
The appointed^Appointed to Labour with Daniel Russell Report that he |
declines to Make friends Satisfaction, Therefore Joseph Tucker |
Caleb Russell and Daniel Cornell are Appointed to let him know |
the Mind of this Meeting that is if he do not make friends Satis= |
=faction he may Expect to be denied, and they to make Report to |
the next Monthly Monthly Meeting |
Treasurer paid Tim. Russell |
The Treasurer hath paid Timothy Russell the whole of his demand, |
on this Meeting, and also Daniel Russell’s demand, which |
is ₤2 – 2[S?] Lawful Money – – |
J. Williams & wife Certificate |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for John Williams & his |
wife to Sandwich Monthly Meeting; |
5th mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of the |
5th Month 1768, The Representatives are Thomas Hicks & Barzilai |
Tucker both Present; – – |
Caleb Russell & Job Russell Report that they have made Suffi= |
=cient Inquiry into David Allen’s Clearness in Respect to Marriage |
and Conversation & do not find anything to hinder his Proceeding |
in Marriage – – |
David Allen’s proposal of marri= =age |
David Allen & Hannah Ricketson appeared for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next |
Monthly Meeting, advising with the overseers for that purpose |
and Caleb Russell and Job Russell are Appointed to See |
their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting |
Benj Wing’s Marriage |
Marriage of Benja Wing and Peace Gifford which was Consum= |
=ated in Good order – – |
Case of Tho Wilcox refer’d |
The Case of Thos Wilcox is Refered under the Same Care as hereto[heretofore?] |
and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting, |
The case of Daniel Russell refer’d |
The friends Appointed to Enform Daniel Russell of the Sense of |
this Meeting Report that they have discharged their Trust in |
that Respect, and that he declines to desist from keeping of Tavern |
until his year is up that he has taken out Licenses to sell Liquor |
and also Daniel Russell hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
which is nowise to Satisfaction, Therefore his Case is Refer’d at the |
Request of his Brother, John Russell, and he to Inform him how his |
Paper was received, and also to Labour with him as he shold find |
freedom and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting, |
F. Rotch his Certi= =ficate Red |
Francis Rotch, Son of Joseph Rotch hath Removed into the verge |
of this Meeting, and hath Produced a Removal Certificate from |
the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket which hath been read & Accepted |
whereas the Committee Appointed to Give a List of those friends |
living at the Eastward Side of Quishnet River report that |
R. Sowl’s affair |
they have Given in Rachel Sowle to Sandwich Monthly Mee= |
=ting which they decline to accept, therefore this Meeting |
doth Appoint Humphry Smith, Job Russell William Mosher & |
Prince Allen to join with Sd Comtee to Confer with Sandwich |
Monthly Meeting on that account, and also to make a final |
Settlement about the Sd Rachel Sowle in behalf of this Mee= |
=ting & they to make report to the next monthly Meeting |
6 mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th |
of the 6th Month 1768. The Representatives are Caleb |
Russell & David Smith both present |
Barnabas Kirby & Allen’s proposal of marriage |
Barnabas Kirby & Elizabeth Allen declared their Intentions |
of taking each other in Marriage & were desired to wait till ye |
next Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Philip Allen |
and Nicolas Howland are Appointed to Inspect into the young |
Man’s Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation & Make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
David Allen’s Marriage |
Caleb Russell & Job Russell Report that they attended the |
Marriage of David Allen & Hannah Ricketson & that it was |
Consumated in Good order – – |
Case respecting Thos Wilcox |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of Thos Wilcox Respecting |
Receiving his paper that he Gave into this Meeting some months |
past Report that he declines to attend Meetings for Religious |
Worship therefore this Meeting Cannot find freedom to Accept |
his paper, and do Appoint Abraham Tucker to Join the former |
Committee to Labour farther with him for his Several disorders |
and draw a paper of denial against him if he Gives them no |
Satisfaction, and bring it to next Monthly Meeting |
D. Russell accepted |
Daniel Russell hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Condemning |
his former disorder in Indulging too Much Liberty in his Tavern |
which this Meeting accepts, and it is the desire of this Meeting |
that he would desist from keeping a Tavern after the year is Expired |
that he has Engaged for, and it is Recommended that the overseers |
have a particular Inspection over him in his Conduct Respecting |
his Tavern. |
Case with Sandwich respecting Rachel Sowle |
The Committee Appointed to Treat with Sandwich Monthly |
Meeting Respecting Rachel Sowle Report that they have |
had a Conference with Said Meeting and that they have Appointd |
a Comtee to Confer with them, therefore they are Continued in |
in the Same Service and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Visits of Travel ling friends |
Our Esteemed friends Thomas Carleton, Aaron Lancaster7 and |
Joshua Shearman hath Visited this Meeting with their |
Respective Certificates, The first from Chester County in the |
Province of Pensylvania bearing date the 12th of the 5th mo: 1768 |
The Second (viz Aaron Lancaster) from the Purchase in the |
County of westchester in the Province of New York whose Cer= |
=tificate bears date the 5th month 1768 The first third from |
the Nine Partners in dutches County in Sd Province of New- |
-york bearing date the 19th of the 5th Month 1768 – all of |
which were read in this Meeting and their Visits well accepted |
The Queries have been read and Answer’d in this Meeting |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to our next youth’s Meeting after |
the Meeting of worship – – |
mett |
This Meting being met according to Adjournment the |
first of the 7th month 1768 The Representatives being Called |
both Present; – – |
meeting |
Joseph Tucker, Caleb Russell, William Anthony and |
Humphry Smith are Appointed to Attend the Quarterly |
Epistle & answers to Queries sent up |
Meeting and Present the Epistle with the Answers to the |
Queries which have been read & signed in this Meeting |
and they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
To Settle with Treasurer |
William Sanford and Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to |
adjust Accounts with the Treasurer and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
Order to pay Jos Tucker |
This Meeting orders the Treasurer to pay Joseph Tucker |
one dollar that this Meeting borrowed some time past which he has |
done Accordingly; – – |
case of Hump Smith son of Hump. |
Whereas Humphry Smith Son of Humphry Smith hath been |
under dealing sometime past under the Care of Samuel |
Smith, who now Informs this Meeting that the Sd Humphry |
Neglects to Make friends Satisfaction Therefore This Meeting |
doth Appoint Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker to Labour |
farther with him as they may find freedom and make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤6 – 6s – 9d old Tener |
7th mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of |
the 7th Month 1768, The Representatives are Samuel Smith |
and Thomas Hicks 2d both Present. |
The friends Appointed to Inspect into the Clearness of Barnabas |
Kirby Report that they have made Sufficient Enquiry and find |
nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
[Barn]Kirby answer |
Barnabas Kirby & Elizabeth Allen Appear’d for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that |
Purpose, And Nicholas Howland & Philip Allen are Appointed |
to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Wm Tripp proposal of marriage |
William Tripp & Elizabeth Maxfield declared their Intentions |
of Marriage & were desired to wait till the next Monthly Mee= |
=ting forthar Answer – – |
Case of Thomas Wilcox |
The Committee Appointed to Labour with Thomas Wilcox Report |
they have not had a Convenient Oppertunity to Treat with |
him, therefore they are Continued in the Same Service and to |
Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting, |
the Comtee to Treat with Sandwich meeting |
The Comtee Appointed to Treat with Sandwich Monthly Meeting |
Report that they have met with Sandwich Meeting’s Committee |
and Could not Settle the Affair, and have Refered the Matter |
Till next fall, therefore they are Still Continued in the Same |
Service and to Make Report when they have Settled the Affair, |
The Committee Com Appointed to Adjust Accounts with the Treasurer |
Treasury not Settled |
Report they have not done it therefore they are Still Continued |
in Sd Service and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Weston Briggs Certi: |
Weston Briggs and his wife have Returned into these |
parts Again and have Produced a Removal Certificate |
from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich which hath been |
Read and Accepted – – |
James Davis Certifi: |
James Davis hath Produced a Removal Certificate |
from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich which hath been |
Read and Accepted |
Report from Quarterly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
Report that they all attended According to Appointment |
and have brought an Epistle from the same but it is not |
Come to hand therefore they are desired to take Care and |
bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
Humphry Smith 3rd paper |
Humphry Smith the 3d hath Given in a Paper to his Mee= |
=ting Condeming his Runing Horses and Keeping Loose |
Company which is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting |
and he is desired to attend at that time – – |
David Anthony & wife’s paper |
David Anthony and his wife have Given in a paper |
to this Meeting Condemning their falling into the Sin |
of Fornication which is Refered to the next Monthly |
Meeting and Joseph Gifford and Barzillia Tucker are |
appointed to take an oppertunity of discourse with |
him and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting |
T. Almy Request |
Thomas Almy Requests to Come under friends Care |
and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] & Prince Allen are Appointed to Inquire |
into the young Man’s Conversation & take an oppertunity |
of Sollid Conference and Endeavour to understand if his |
Motive be from the bottom of True Conviction and they |
to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Wm Brown request of Certi: |
William Brown Informs this Meeting that he is About to Remove |
to Nantucket and desires a Removal Certificate, Therefore Caleb |
Russell & Job Russell are Appointed to draw one for him if they |
think proper after they have made Sufficient Inquiry into |
his Life & Conversation And bring it to next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤9 – 13s – 7d old Tener |
Treasurer paid Tim. Russell |
The Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell five Dollars for Keeping |
the Meeting House half a year |
8th mo: 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th 8 mo: 1768 |
The Representatives are David Smith and Samuel Smith present |
William Tripp hath Produced a Certificate from Coakset Monthly |
Meeting Certifying his Clearness in Respect to Marriage and |
Conversation which hath been read and accepted |
Wm Tripp answer |
William Tripp & Elizabeth Maxfield Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting advising with the overseers for that |
Purpose, and Luke Hart & Wm Mosher are Appointed to see |
their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting |
Barnab Kirby’s answer marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Barnabas Kirby’s & Elizabeth |
Allen’s Marriage Consumated Report that they attended |
According to Appointment which was Consumated in Good order |
Tho Wilcox case |
The Committee Appointed to Confer with Thos Wilcox Report that |
they have had a Conference with him and they desire to have the |
Matter defered one Month Longer, which is accordingly under |
their Care who are to make Report to next Monthly Meeting |
Settled with Treasurer |
The friends Appointed to Adjust accounts with the Treasurer |
Report that they Settled Accounts with him and there Remain |
₤2 – 2s – 8d old Tener in the Treasury |
Epistles receiv’d |
The Epistle from the last Quarterly Meeting now Came to hand |
and hath been read and Kindly accepted |
Likewise the London Printed Epistle and one from |
Philadelphia, and as they Contain a Great deal of Counsel |
and Good Advice the Contexts are Earnestly Recommended |
to friends Notice and Observation – – |
David Anthony’s Case |
The friends Appointed to Confer with David Anthony An |
make Report that he Gave them Satisfaction but we not |
having any account from the women the matter is Refered |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Thos Almy |
The friends Appointed to Confer with Thomas Almy make a |
Satisfactory Report and the matter is Still Continued under |
Their Care who are to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
removed |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for William |
Brown to the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket |
Humph Smith 3d case |
This Meeting doth Refer the Case of Humphry Smith the 3d |
under the Care of Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker and they |
to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
P. Russell & D. Cornel dismist |
This meeting Excuses Paul Russell from having having the Care of |
Stephen Wilcox’s affair, and also Excuses Paul Russell and |
Daniel Cornel[Cornell] from being overseers. |
Stephen Wilcox’s affair |
Prince Allen, Benja Howland 2d Samuel Smith and Barzillai |
Tucker are added to the former Comittee to have the Care of |
Stephen Wilcox’s affair in Regard to his paying his debts |
and they to make Report to the next monthly meeting |
9th mo 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19 of |
the 9th month 1768, The Representatives are Benja Howland |
2d and Thomas Hicks 2d both present – – |
Caleb Macumber’s proposal of marriage |
Caleb Macumber & Rachel Wilbour declared their Intentions |
of Marriage and were desired to wait Till next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answer |
Luke Hart & William Mosher Report that they attended |
Wm Tripp marriage |
the Marriage of William Tripp & Elizabeth Maxfield which |
was Consumated in Good order |
ThosWilcox paper accepted |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Thos Wilcox Report that |
they think best to accept of his Paper therefore this Meeting |
accepts it accordingly with the Provisal that he Cause Sd paper |
to be read at the Close of a first day meeting of worship between |
this and the next Monthly Meeting he being present and |
Return Sd Paper to the next monthly meeting |
David Anthony & wife’s paper |
This Meeting Likewise accepts of David Anthony & his wife’s |
paper provided they Cause it to be read at the Close of a first |
day Meeting for worship they being present and return Sd |
paper to the next Monthly Meeting |
T. Almy accepted |
The friends Appointed to Confer with Thomas Almy on his Request |
to Come under friends Care, Make a Satisfactory Report, Therefore |
This Meeting doth accept him a Member under friends Care |
Case of Humph. Smith 3 |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of Humphry Smith ye 3d |
Report that they think it not best to Receive his paper and that |
he desires friends to Defer the Matter one Month longer, Therefore |
his Case is Refered C under the Same Care as heretofore and they to |
Make Report to next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Ste. Wilcox affair |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of Stephen Wilcox’s affair in |
Regard to his discharging his debts Report that they are not ready for |
Monthly Meeting under their Care who are then to make Report |
Paul Russell intends a visit |
Paul Russell Informs this Meeting that he hath it on his |
Mind to visit Some Meetings in the Circuit of the Quarterly |
Meeting of Sandwich which this Meeting Approves of – – |
P Russel & Daniel Cornel approvd ministers |
This Meeting hath Recommended Paul Russell and Danil Cornel[Cornell] |
as Ministers in Unity to the Quarterly Meeting of Ministers |
and Elders at Rhode-Island – – |
Overseers chosen |
Luke Hart, Benja Howland 2d William Anthony ju: and |
Samuel Smith are Appointed overseers for the year Ensuing |
Rotches Certificate |
Joseph Rotch hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the |
Monthly Meeting of Nantucket which hath been read and accepted – – |
Answers to Queries sent up |
The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answer’d |
and the Answers Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Repre= |
Represent atives Epistle Sent |
=sentatives who are Paul Russell, Caleb Russel Nicolas Howland |
and Jonathan Hussey. This Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to |
the Quarterly Meeting and Sent it up by the Representatives, |
Nicolas Howland hath brought an Account to this Meeting |
Covering Fox’s Journal &c |
for Covering Fox’s Journal and Mending the Bellow’s to |
to the Amount of four Shilling Lawful Money which this |
Meeting Approves, and the Treasurer has paid it by order of |
the Meeting |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤6 – 0s – 9d old Tener |
10th mo 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of |
the 10th Month 1768 The Representatives are David Smith |
and Benjamin Howland [2d] both present – – |
Caleb Macumber Clearness |
Caleb Macumber hath produced a Certificate from the |
Monthly Meeting of Coakset Certifying his Clearness Respect= |
=ing Marriage & Conversation – – |
C. Mac umber’s answer |
Caleb Macumber and Rachel Wilborr Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next Month= |
=ly Meeting and Philip Allen and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] are Appointed |
to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report |
to the Next Monthly Meeting – – |
Thomas Wilcox’s Paper hath not been read According to the Appoint |
Ment of last Monthly Meeting by Reason of a Mistake, therefore |
he is desired to Cause Sd paper to be read between this & the next Mont= |
=hly Meeting and Return Said Paper to Sd Meeting |
David Anthony and his wife’s paper hath been read and Return’d |
to this Meeting According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting |
And is as followeth |
David & Judith Anthony’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth |
These Comes with Sorrow to Inform that through weakness and the |
Insinuation of the Adversary, we have fallen into the Reproachful |
Sin of Fornication, as Appears by our having a Child So Soon after |
Marriage for which we are heartily and Sincerely Sorry and do Con= |
=demn the Same hoping forgiveness from Almighty God and desire |
to take the Reproach thereof upon ourselves, and [?][Clear] friends |
and the Truth from the same and desire friends so far to pass |
it by as to let us Remain under their Care |
Given forth this 13th of the 7th month 1768 by your friends |
David Anthony |
Judith Anthony |
Case of H. Smith 3 |
The Committee Appointed to have the Care of Humphry Smith ye 3d |
Report that they have not had an oppertunity with him and that |
he desires that friends would wait on him one month[longer] therefore |
the Matter is Refered under the Same Care as heretofore and they |
to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting – – |
S. Wilcox case |
The friends Appointed to Assist Stephen Wilcox Report that the Mat= |
=ter Remains not Settled therefore the Case is Refered under the Same |
Care and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Report from Quar terly Meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they all attended According to Appointment and have produced an |
Epistle from the Same which hath been read & Kindly Accepted |
Susanna Howland Received |
The Women friends Inform that they have Minuted Susanna |
Howland under friends Care, which this Meeting Concurs with |
overseers of yearly meeting |
Joseph Gifford, William Anthony ju: Berzillai Tucker, Prince |
Allen, Timothy Russell, Samuel Smith, Jonathan Hussey & |
John Potter are Appointed to have the oversight of the Gallery |
and other Seats at our yearly Meeting to Endeavour to prevent |
any Indecency that may be liable to happen at that time |
and they to Make Report of their Service at the next Monthly Meeting, |
11 mo: } 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 |
of the 11th mo: 1768, The Representatives are Benja Howland |
the 2d and Samuel Smith both present |
Caleb Macumber marriage |
Daniel Cornel and Philip Allen Report that they |
attended the Marriage of Caleb Macumber and Rachel |
Wilborr [Wilbur] which was Consumated in Good order |
Thomas Wilcox’s paper hath been read According to the |
Dartmouth 18th day 11th [4th?]mo: 1768 |
Wilcox’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends – – |
Whereas Through unwatchfulness have I falled |
Into the Sin of Fornication as Manifestly hath Appeared by |
my wife having a Child Soon after Marriage, for which |
Evil I am Sorry for, hoping for the future to be more Carful, & |
I beg that God will forgive me for the Above Sd Evil and all |
my misconduct, and friends would pass it by, and I Remain |
under their Care, from your friend – Thomas Wilcox |
Hum. Smith^ 3d case |
Whereas Humphry Smith the 3d Some time past hath been in the |
Practice of Horse racing and hath been Laboured with for |
the Same and Neglects to Condemn the Above Sd practice to |
friends Satisfaction and Since hath Kept a Great deal of loose |
Company, and hath fallen into a Bodily Strife with Samel |
Macumber ju: Therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Benja |
Howland the 2d and William Anthony ju: to Labour with him for |
the aforeSd offences as they Shall find freedom and draw a paper |
of denial if he do not Give them Satisfaction, and to Inform him of |
their Appointment from this Meeting and Make Report to ye |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
The friends Appointed to Assist Stephen Wilcox Report as follows |
Wilcox’s } affair |
Agreeable to Appointment we have made Inspection into |
the affairs of Stephen Wilcox in Regard to his debts (which the |
Meeting hath long held in Suspense) and we think he is very Much |
Involved in debt, & in low Circumstances, and Neglects the |
payment of his Just debts as Appears to us by the Complaints |
of his Creditors, Some of whom appear to be long Kept out of their |
Just dues, and he not in a way to discharge them to the Honour |
and Credit of Friends, and the Pro[fession ?]we bear, wherefore we |
having Seriously and weightily Considered the Same it is our |
united Sense and Judgment that he ought to pay & Satisfy his |
Said Creditors or Imediately deliver up his Estate to [them?] |
Notifying them Respectively to Come and take it in proportion |
to their Several dues, which Method we have Repeatedly advised |
him to Proceed in, and which he now promises Imediately to |
Comply with – – Given forth this 21 of the 11th mo: 1768 by |
your friends |
Benja Howland |
Samuel Smith |
Thomas Hicks |
Barzillai Tucker |
Said Stephen Wilcox fulfils his Promise and make Report to |
the Monthly Meeting as soon as the Matter Can be Accomplished |
Report of overseers of yearly Meeting |
The Comittee Appointed to have the oversight of ^the yearly Mee= |
=ting Several of them Report that they attended the Service to |
Satisfaction and that People behaved tolerable orderly, but |
Several of the Committee hath Neglected to Make Report |
therefore Samuel Smith is Appointed to Call on them for |
the reasons of their Neglect & make Report next Monthly Meeting |
Meetings in Allen’s Neck Granted |
The friends living in Allen’s Neck Request the Liberty |
to hold a Meeting down there on each first in the four |
following Months which this Meeting Grants, and do |
Appoint Philip Allen & Daniel Cornel to See the |
Meeting Carried on agreable to Truth and Make Report |
to the Monthly Meeting at the Expiration of Said Time |
Meetings in Smith’s Neck granted |
And the Friends living in Smith’s Neck Request the |
Liberty to hold a Meeting among them on two first days |
in Each Month for the winter Season, which this Meeting |
Grants, and they are to hold it on Every other first |
day as Comes in Course for the winter Season and Benja |
Howland 2d and Samuel Smith are appointed to See |
that the Sd Meeting be held According to Truth and |
they to Make Report to the Monthly Meeting at |
the Expiration of the Afore Sd time – – |
E. Baker Certifi: |
Whereas Our Esteemed friend Ephraim Baker |
hath Visited our Meeting and desired our Certificate |
Therefore, Joseph Tucker and Barzillai Tuker [Tucker] |
are appointed to draw one for him and bring it to |
the next Monthly Meeting – – |
H. Slocum’s Certfi: |
Whereas Humphry Slocum now Resides at Rhode Island |
and desires a few lines to Recommend him to the Monthly |
Meeting there, Therefore Joseph Tucker & Barzillai Tucker are |
Appointed to draw a Certificate for him and bring it to the |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
Rotch’s Certfi: |
Whereas Joseph Rotch desires a Certificate to the Monthly |
Meeting of Rhode Island Certifying his Clearness in Respect |
to Marriage and Conversation, therefore Caleb Russell and |
Job Russell are Appointed to draw one for him if they |
think proper after they have made Sufficient Enquiry |
in his afore Sd Clearness, and bring it to next Monthly Meeting |
Transcri^bed for [?] |
This Meeting Appoints Samuel Smith to Join with Coakset |
friends to Transcribe the the Book of Discipline as reasonably |
as they can & make Report when it is Accomplished |
12: mo: } 1768 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th |
of the 12th month 1768, The Representatives are David Smith |
and Barzillai Tucker both present |
Peleg Slocum’s proposal [of] marriage |
Peleg Slocum Ju: and Susanna Howland declared their |
Intention of Marriage and were desired to wait Till next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Nicolas Howland & |
Prince Allen are Appointed to Enquire into Peleg Slocum’s |
Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Barnabas Wing’s proposal of marriage |
And Barnabas Wing and Jane Merihew declared their Inten= |
=tion of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Month= |
=ly Meeting for their Answer – – |
Humphry Smith 3 Case |
The Friends Appointed to Labour with Humphry^ Smith ye 3 Report that |
they have Laboured with him, and that he desires friends to wait |
on him one month longer which is Granted, and they Still Con= |
=tinued in the Same Service and to Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting – – |
Overseer yearly meeting Report |
Whereas three friends were deficient last Monthly Meeting in |
Making Report of their Service in the oversight of the yearly |
Meeting now make Report that they all attended the Service to |
pretty Good Satisfaction, and they have assigned the Reasons |
of their Neglect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting |
B: Certifi: |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate directed to the Monthly |
Meeting of friends held at the Nine partners in the Province of |
Newyork for our friend Ephraim Baker – – |
H. S: Certifi: |
And this Meeting hath also Signed a Certificate for our friend |
Humphry Smi Slocum to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island |
Certifying his being under the Care of this meeting, and his Conversation |
in a Good degree orderly – – |
R: Certi: |
And this Meeting hath also Signed a Certificate for Joseph Roch |
to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island Certifying his Clearness |
in Respect to Marriage & Conversation – – |
Queries & Epistle |
The Queries have been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting – – |
This Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting |
The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are |
Represen= tatives |
William Anthony ju:, William Mosher, Samuel Smith, |
and Benjamin Howland the [2?]d and they to present the Epistle |
with the Answers to the Queries and to Make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting; |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤10 – 16S – 8d old Tener – – |
Tim Russel |
and the Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell five Dollars |
paid |
for Keeping the Meeting House half a year According to order |
1: mo: } 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting hold in Dartmouth the 16th |
of the first month 1769 The Representatives are Caleb Russell |
and Jonathan Hussey both Present |
Bar Wing Certificat |
Barnabas Wing hath Produced a Certificate from the |
Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, Certifying his Clearness in |
Respect to Marriage and Conversation which hath been Read |
and Accepted – – |
Peleg Slocum^ju & Barna Wing’s answer |
Peleg Slocum ju: and Susanna Howland, and Barnabas |
Wing and Jane Merihew Appeared for their Answers which |
was that Each Couple Might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that |
purpose and Joseph Gifford & Job Russell are Appointed to |
see Peleg Slocum’s and Susanna Howlands Marriage Con= |
=sumated in Good order and make Report to the next Monthly |
Meeting, And Joseph Smith and William Mosher are appointed |
for the Same Service with Barnabas Wing & Jane Merihew |
and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Batho: Taber and Thos Almy proposal of marriage |
Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish and Thomas |
Almy and Deborah Allen Declared their Intentions of |
Marriage and were desired to wait Till next Monthly |
Meeting for their Answers And Daniel Cornel & Prince |
Allen are Appointed to wait till Make Enquiry into |
Thomas Almy’s Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conver= |
=sation and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
H. Smith’s paper |
Humphry Smith the 3d hath Given in a Paper to this |
Meeting Condemning his offences in horse Racing, Gaming |
And in having a Bodily Strife with Samuel Macu^mber |
with all the Rest of his Misconduct which is Continued |
under the Care of William Anthony jur until the next |
Monthly Meeting – – |
Report [from]Quar [M]eeting |
The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
Report that they all attended According to Appointment |
and have Produced an Epistle from the same which hath |
been read & well accepted – – |
[to]be Printed |
Proposals for Printing two Sorts of Primers and a Book |
of Samuel Fuller’s works has been Sent down from the |
Quarterly Meeting8. Therefore this Meeting doth Appoint |
Caleb Russell, Jonathan Hussey Wm Anthony jur Samuel |
Smith, Prince Allen Daniel Cornel, Thos Hicks, William |
Mosher, Peleg Gifford and Benja Russell the 4th to Collect |
Subscriptions for the afore Said Books and Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Certificate for Thos Wilcox- [prop]osed |
The overseers Inform this Meeting that Thomas Willcox hath Re= |
=moved out of the verge of this Meeting without a Certificate |
therefore Humphry Smith Samuel Smith and William Anthony |
jur are Appointed to draw a Certificate for him and bring bring |
it to the next Monthly Meeting |
the Committee Appointed Some time past to Settle the Affair Respec |
Rachel Sowle’s affair |
=ting Rachell Sowle with Sandwich Monthly Meeting Report |
that they have had two Conferences with Sd Meetings Com’ttee |
and that they Could not not settle that affair therefore the |
Matter is Refered to next Monthly Meeting |
2d mo: } 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th |
of the 2d month 1769, The Representatives are Samuel |
Smith and William Anthony jur Both Present, – – |
Bart Taber Certificat |
Bartholomew Taber hath Produced a Certificate from the |
Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, Certifying his Clearness in |
Respect to Marriage and that he is under the Care of that |
Meeting and also Signifying his Parent’s Consent – – |
Tho Almy Clearness |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Clearness of Thomas |
Almy Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report that |
they have Made Inquiry and do not find anything to |
hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
Bart Taber and Thos Almy answer |
Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish and Thomas Almy |
and Deborah Allen Appeared for their Answers which was |
that Each Couple Might Proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that |
Purpose and Thomas Hicks and Prince Allen are Appointed |
to See Thomas Almy and Deborah Allen’s Marriage Consu= |
=mated in Good order and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
and Caleb Russell and Joseph Gifford are Appointed to See |
Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish’s Marriage Consumat[ed] |
in Good order & Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Peleg Slo =cum’s marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Peleg Slocum’s and Lucy Howland |
Marriage Consumated Report that they attended the Marriage |
and that it was Accomplished in Good order – – |
and also the friends Appointed on the Same Account with |
Barnabas Wing and Jane Merihew Make the like Report |
that their Marriage was Consumated in Good order – – |
The friends Appointed to Collect Subscriptions for the |
on Printg Books |
Printing the Primers and Books Report that they ^are in the |
Progress of their Service but have not Accomplished it yet |
Therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Service and |
to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The Matter Concerning Humphry Smith the 3d is Refer’d to the |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
T. Wilcox’s Certificate |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Thomas Wilcox |
to the Monthly Meeting of Coakset – – |
The Matter Concerning Rachel Sowle is Refered to the |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
Minutes to be review’d |
Humphry Smith, Samuel Smith, Benja Howland Job |
Russell are Appointed to Review the Monthly Meeting’s |
Minutes to See what part they may think proper to be |
put on Record and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
[3d] mo: } 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of |
3d month 1769 – The Representatives are Caleb Russell |
and Samuel Smith both Present – – |
James Davis proposal [of] marriag |
James Davis & Patience Russell declared their Intentions of |
Marriage, and were desired to wait Till next Monthly Meeting |
for their Answer, and William Sanford & David Smith are Appointed |
to Enquire into the young Man’s Clearness Respecting Mareriage |
and Conversation & Make Report to ye next Monthly Meeting |
Thos Almy & [Bart]. Taber marriage |
The friends Appointed to See Thos Almy & Deborah Allen’s Marriage |
Consumated in Good order Report that they both attended the Marriage |
which was Consumated in good order, and likewise the friends |
Appointed on the Same Account for Bartholomew Taber & Mercy |
Bowdish make the Like Report that their Marriage was |
Consumated in Good order – |
The friends Appointed to Collect Subscriptions for Fox’s Primers |
tions |
and Fuller’s Books Report as followeth they have taken them in as |
followeth (viz) |
Small |
Fox’s |
Fuller’s |
Primers |
Primers |
Books |
Caleb Russell |
23 |
24 |
21 |
Prince Allen |
22 |
16 |
16 |
Peleg Gifford |
12 |
5 |
3 |
Willm Mosher |
60 |
24 |
26 |
Daniel Cornell |
10 |
5 |
5 |
Benja Russell 4th |
41 |
20 |
8 |
Thomas Hicks |
11 |
3 |
2 |
Samuel Smith |
31 |
[13?] |
6 |
Wm Anthony jur |
15 |
10 |
00 |
Jonathan Hussey |
6 |
6 |
00 |
Whole of Each Sort Subscribed for – –} |
231 |
126 |
87 |
Hum Smith 3 case |
The Matter Concerning Humphry Smith ye 3d is Refer’d to the |
under the Care of Joseph Gifford, Wm Sanford & Barzillai Tucker |
and they are desired to Visit the young man and make Report |
to the adjournment of this Meeting – – |
Dinah Ric= =ketson’s paper Received |
The women friends Inform that Dinah Ricketson hath Given in a |
Paper to their Meeting Some Months past Condemning her falling |
into the Sin of Fornication, which they have Concluded to Accept |
Provided She Cause Sd paper to be Read Publickly at the Close |
of a first day Meeting for worship She being present, and |
Return Said paper to the Next Monthly Meeting which this |
Meeting Concurs with – – |
The affair of Rachel Sowle |
Whereas Rachel Sowle was Set off to Sandwich Monthly |
Meeting Some time past, and the Sd Meeting Refusing to Accept |
her, and this Meeting having Appointed a Committee to hear |
the Reasons of their Refusal and also to Settle the Matter |
Concerning her, and they have Some Months past Made Report that |
they have had Several Conferences with Sandwich Monthly Meeting |
and Could not Settle the matter in Controversey, their Reasons as we |
Apprehend not being Sufficient therefore this Meeting doth Appoint |
a Committee to Settle ^the matter the best way that they may think |
proper in behalf of this Meeting whose Names are Humphry |
Smith, Prince Allen, Thos Hicks, Joseph Gifford, James Tucker |
or Either two of them and they to Make Report to this Meeting |
when they have Made full Trial for a Settlement – – |
of poor accompts |
The overseers of the Poor have brought an Accompt for doing |
for the poor to the amount of ₤6 – 11S – 10d old Tener, and the |
Treasurer has paid the Same by the order of this Meeting – – |
This Meeting hath Collected ₤8 – 4 – 2d old Tener – – |
adjourns |
This Meeting adjourns to the 29th Instant – – |
mett |
This Meeting being mett According to Adjournment ye 29th of |
the 3d Month 1769 – The Representatives being Called |
both Present – – |
Miniuts Review’d |
The Committee Appointed to Review the Meeting’s Minutes |
Report they have Reviewed Sd Minutes and Left them with |
Samuel Smith to be Recorded – – |
[Que]ries [E]pistle |
The Queries have been Read and Answered in this Meeting and |
This Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and |
[Rep]resen= [ta]tives |
Jonathan Hussey, Thos Hicks and Wm Barker are Appointed to |
attend the Quarterly Meeting, and to Present the Epistle with |
the Answers to the Queries & Make Report to the next Monthly |
Meeting – – |
[H.] Smith 3 [pa]per [ac]cepted |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of Humphry Smith ye 3d |
Report that he Gave them Tolerable Good Satisfaction therefore |
This Meeting Concludes to Accept his paper that he Gave in to this |
Meeting Some Months past if he will Cause it to be Read at the |
Close of a first day Meeting of worship he being present between |
This and the next Monthly Meeting and Return Said paper |
to next Monthly Meeting – – |
[Ch]using [El]ders referd |
Chusing of Elders is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting |
Prince Allen, Joseph Gifford, Barzillai Tucker, Thos Hicks 2d |
and Caleb Russell are appointed overseers of the Poor – – |
[Re]port of [M]eeting in Allen Neck |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of the Meetings held in Allen’s |
Neck and in Smith’s Neck Report that they attended the |
Meetings Respectively, which were held to Good Satisfaction |
4th mo: } 1769 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the |
17:th 4th Month 1769 – The Representatives are |
David Smith & Barzillai Tucker both Present – – |
The friends Appointed to Enquire into the Clearness of |
James Davis Clearness |
James Davis in Respect to Marriage & Conversation Report |
that they have Made Inquiry & do not find anything to hinder |
his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
James Davis answer |
James Davis & Patience Russell Appeared for their Answer |
which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next |
Monthly Meeting advising with the overseers for that Purpose |
and Wm Sanford and Joseph Gifford are Appointed to See their |
Marriage Consumated in Good order, and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
Dinah Ric =ketson paper Read |
Dinah Ricketson’s Paper hath been Read & Returned to this |
Meeting According to the Direction of Last Monthly Meeting |
Report of the Judgment about R. Sowle |
The friends Appointed to Settle the Controversey between this and |
Sandwich Monthly Meeting Concerning Rachel Sowle, Report |
that they have Settled the Matter by Referring it to Indifferent |
friends, and their Judgment is that the Said Rachel Sowle |
belongs to this Meeting – – |
Dinah Ricketson’s paper Above mentioned is as followeth |
Dinah Ricketson’s Confession |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held the 21 of the |
11th Month 1768 – – |
Esteemed friends, Whereas I through unwatchfulness |
have fallen into the ^Reproachful Sin of Fornication which plainly |
appears by my having a Child So Soon after Marriage & gone |
Contrary to the Good order of friends all which I am Sorry |
for, hoping God will forgive me, and I desire friends would |
pass it by, So far as to Let me Remain under their Care |
Dinah Ricketson |
Rachel Sowle affair |
Jonathan Hussey & David Smith are Appointed to Make |
Inquiry to find what Estate belongs to the above Sd Rachel |
Sowle and also to Settle accounts with her Creditors, and to |
Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Report from Quar meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all attended According to Appointment, and have |
Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read |
and well Accepted – – |
Humphry Smith the 3d his paper hath been Read Agree= |
=able to the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting – |
and is as follows – – |
H. Smith’s Acknow= ledgement |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth |
These Comes with Sorrow to Acknowledge my outgoings in Horse-Ra= |
=cing, Gaming & falling into a bodily Strife with Samuel |
Macumber ju: all which I do heartily & Sincerely Condemn with |
all other my outgoings, and hoping forgiveness from the Lord, I |
desire friends So far to pass them by as to let me Remain under |
your Care, desiring that I may for the time to Come be preserved from |
the like evil or any others, dated this 15th of ye first mo: 1769 |
Humphry Smith the 3d |
referd |
Chusing of Elders is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting |
[J] Mosher [desire?] [Ce]rtificate |
Joseph Mosher Informs this Meeting that he is about to Remove |
with his family to the Nine partners, and desires a Removal |
Certificate, Therefore Luke Hart & Barzillai Tucker are |
appointed to Make Inquiry into his Life & Conversation, and to |
See that his outward affairs be Settled to Satisfaction, and draft |
a Certificate for himself & family if they think Proper, and |
bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
Complaint against Benj. Smith |
William Wilcox hath Exhibited a Complaint against Benja Smith for Refu= |
sing to pay him an award brought in by Arbitrators Indifferently Chosen |
between them, Therefore Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker are |
appointed to Treat with the Said Benjamin Smith for his Neglect |
and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
5 mo: } 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15: 5th month |
1769 – The Representatives are David Smith & Barzillai |
Tucker both Present – – |
James Davis marriage not accom plished |
The friends appointed to See James Davis and Patience |
Russell’s Marriage Consumated Report that their Sd Mar- |
-riage is not accomplished by Reason the young woman |
has been Sick, therefore they are Still Continued in Sd |
Service and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Rach Sowle Case |
The friends Appointed to Inquire into Rachel Sowle’s affairs |
and to Settle accounts with her Creditors Report that they |
have made Some Progress therein & desire one month longer |
to Accomplish Sd business which is Granted them & they to make |
Report next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for |
Certifi } for J. Mosher |
Joseph Mosher & his family to the Monthly Meeting at the |
Nine- partners in Douches [Dutchess] County in the Province of Newyork |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Benjamin Smith for Ne- |
-glecting to fulfil an award brought in by between him and |
Benj Smith’s Case |
William Wilcox Report that the Sd. Benjamin Informed the[m] |
that the arbitrators were not Chosen between them according |
to Rule, & therefore ye Case was not brought to the Meeting according to |
the Rule of Discipline, therefore this meeting doth add Joseph Giffor[d] |
to the former Committee on that Case, and they Treat with the Sd. |
Benja Smith & to make Inquiry into Every particular Circumstance Relat[ing?] |
to the Controversey & to Labour as they find freedom to Settle the Sd. Controv[ersey] |
and to make Report to ye next Monthly Meeting – – |
refered |
Chusing of Elders is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting |
Obediah Allen request |
Obediah Allen hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
Condemning his former Outgoings, for which he was denied, |
and desiring to be Received Again under friends Care, which |
is Refered to Next Monthly Meeting under the Care of |
Thomas Hicks & Barzillai Tucker, and they to Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting |
6th Month 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th |
of the 6th month 1769, ^The Representatives are Caleb Russell & Jonathan Hussey |
both present – – |
James Davis marriage |
William Sanford & Joseph Gifford Report that they |
attended the Marriage of James Davis & Patience Russell |
which was Consumated in Good order – – |
Rachel Sowle’s Estate |
The friends Appointed to Settle Accompts with Rachel Sowle[‘s] |
Creditors, & to See what Money Remains due to her Report |
that there Remains due to the Sd, Rachell £6 – 5s – 10d ½ Lawful |
Money – – |
Benj Smith affare Settled |
The Committee Appointed to Treat with Benjamin Smith for |
on account of a Complaint Exhibited against him by |
William Wilcox Report, that the Matter is Settled to |
Satisfaction Between the Said Benja Smith & Wm Wilcox |
Removal Certificates for E. Tripp R. Macumbr & M. Taber |
This meeting hath Signed Three Removal Certificates |
one for Elizabeth Tripp & one for Rachal Macumber both |
to the Monthly Meeting of Coakset, and one for |
Mercy Taber to Sandwich Monthly Meeting – – |
The Visits of Foreign Friends |
Our Esteemed friend Rachel Wilson hath Visited us |
with her Certificate from the Monthly Meeting at |
Kendal in Westmorland in old England bearing date |
the 24th of the 6th month 1768, With a Concurrance from the |
Quarterly Meeting held at Kendal for Westmorland the |
8th of the 7th month 1768, Which were Read in this Mee- |
=ting to Good Satisfaction - in Company with whom Came |
our Esteemed friend Sarah Hopkins with her Certificate |
from the Monthly Meeting held at Haddonfield in the |
County of Gloucester the 8th of the first month 1769 |
and her Visit Kindly accepted, And likewise our Esteemd |
friend John Pemberton hath Visited This Meeting with |
his Certificate from the Monthly Meeting held in Phi- |
-ladelphia by Adjournment from the 26th 5 mo to the 30th |
of the Same 1769, which hath been Read & well accepted9 |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for |
Certificate for T. Wilcox |
Thomas Wilcox to the Monthly Meeting of Coakset |
This Meeting hath Collected 19s – 2d Lawful money |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the Last fourth day of this Month |
mett |
This Meeting being Mett by Adjournment the 28th of the |
6th mo: 1769, The Representatives being Called, Caleb |
Russell Present, but Jonathan Hussey not Present by |
Reason he is gone to Nantucket yearly Meeting |
Chusing Elders Refered |
The Matter Concerning Chusing Elders is Refered to the |
Next Monthly Meeting – – |
Obediah Allen Case referd |
The Matter Concerning Obediah Allen is Refered to next |
Monthly Meeting under the Same Care as heretofore and they |
then to make Report – – |
E. Potter accepted |
The women friends have brought a Paper to this Meeting |
from Elisabeth Potter, Condemning her disorerly Marriage |
which they have Accepted, & this Meeting Concurs therewith |
Representatives |
Joseph Tucker, Caleb Russell, & William Barker are |
appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and Present |
the Epistle to the Same which this Meeting hath Signed |
and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Time of Publick fr’ds decease to be Collected |
Humphry Smith & Samuel Smith are appointed to Collec[t] |
an Account of ^the Several Publick friends decease that have |
Lately been Removed, and Put them in order Agreeable |
to the Book of Discipline, and bring them to this Meeting |
as Soon as they Conveniently Can |
[7]th mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th |
of the 7th month 1769, The Representatives are Samuel |
Smith and Benja, Howland 2 both Present |
Obedi Allen paper accep |
Obediah Allen hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
Some time past, and now this Meeting Concludes to Accept of |
it, Provided he Cause Sd paper to be Read Publickly at the |
Close of a first day Meeting for worship he being present [and ?] |
Return Sd paper to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Quar meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all attended According to Appointment and have |
their Epistle returnd back |
Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read |
in which it Appears there is a Mistake, therefore this Meeting |
Concludes to Return Sd Epistle to the Quarterly meeting again – – |
Treasurer paid Tim Russel |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath paid Timothy Russell |
five Dollars for keeping the Meeting house half a year |
Epistles Rece =ved |
This Meeting hath Received the London Epistle for the year |
1768, as likewise a Transcript of our Last yearly Meetings |
Respecting Tenth Query |
Epistle and likewise a Transcript of the Judgment of the |
yearly Meeting Committee Respecting the tenth Query – – |
Peace Shear- -man paper accepted |
Peace Shearman hath Given in a paper to this Meeting which |
Came from the womens Meeting and they Inform this Meeting |
that they have Concluded to accept of the same which this this |
Concurs with Provided She Cause it to be Read Publickly at the |
Close of a first day Meeting of worship & She be present, and Re- |
turn Sd paper to next monthly meeting – – |
[Chu]sing Elders [re]ferd |
The Matter Concerning Chusing of Elders is Refered to |
the next Monthly Meeting |
8th mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the |
8th month 1769 – The Representatives are Caleb Russell and |
Jonathan Hussey both present – – |
Abraham Smith proposal of marriage |
Abraham Smith & Suruiah Ricketson declared their Inten- |
tions of Marriage and were desired to wait till next monthly |
Meeting for their Answer and Caleb Russell & Joseph Gifford |
are Appointed Enquire into the young man’s Clearness |
Respecting marriage and Conversation and make Report |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
O. Allen’s Confession |
Obediah Allen’s paper hath been Read According to the |
appointment of Last Monthly Meeting and is as follows – – |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth – – |
Loving friends |
Whereas I through weakness and the Insinuation of the Adver- |
-Sary have twice fallen into the Sin of Fornication, and |
Likewise in Gaming, for which Evils I Can Truly Say I am |
Sorry for, and do Sincerely Condemn the Same with all other |
my outgoings, hoping forgiveness from Almighty God, I |
desire friends to Receive me Again under their Care, and |
would hereby take the Reproach of my outgoings on myself |
and Clear friends and the Truth from the Same |
By your friend Obadiah Allen |
P. Shearman’s } Confession |
Peace Shearman’s paper hath been Read & Returned to |
this meeting According to the Appointment of Last Monthly |
meeting, and is as followeth – – |
Dartmouth the 12th of the 1 month 1769 |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be holden in |
Dartmouth the 16th Instant – – |
Dear friends, These may Inform that Notwithstanding |
I had my Education Amongst Friends. I have by Giving |
way to the Temtation of the Adversary, been Guilty of |
the Sin of Fornication, as Appears by my having a |
Child So Soon after Marriage, which Sin I do hereby |
Condemn, with all other my offences and am heartily |
Sorry for, hoping that God in his Abundant Mercy |
will forgive me, and I do desire that friends will So far |
pass by my offences as to Suffer me Still to Remain |
under Their Care – –Peace Shearman – – |
Remo: Certifi: for E. W. & J. W |
This Meeting hath Signed two Removel Certificates |
to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich one for Edith Wing |
wife of Edward wing ju: the other for Jane Wing wife |
of Barnabas wing – – |
J. Russel an Elder |
This Meeting doth Appoint Job Russell an Elder in |
addition to our former Elders – – |
Letter from Smithfield respecting Saml How= =land |
Smithfield Monthly Meeting hath writ to this Meeting |
Informing us that Samuel Howland Ju: hath omitted |
to Deliver his Removal Certificate till to them till |
three years after the date, and also they discover a |
Shortness in the Certificate Respecting the Settlement |
of his owtward Affares, Therefore Wm Anthony Jur |
and Samuel Smith are Appointed to write the Said |
Howland in behalf of this Meeting as they Shall think |
Proper, and also to Enquire into his Affairs Above men- |
tioned, and to make Report as Soon as they Conveniently |
Can to this Meeting – – |
Danl Cornel desires a Certificate |
Daniel Cornel Desires a Certificate to the Monthly |
Meeting of Coackset Concerning his Clearness in |
Respect to Marriage & Conversation. Therefore This Meeting doth |
appoint Nicolas Howland and Philip Allen to Enquire |
into the Above Mentioned Respects and draft a Certifi; |
next Monthly Meeting – – |
Wm Sanford Ju paper |
William Sanford ju: hath Given in a paper to this Meeting |
Condemning his disorder in Marrying out of the unity of |
friends, which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting; |
9th mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of the |
9th mo: 1769, The Representatives are Samuel Smith and |
Barzillai Tucker both present – – |
Caleb Russell & Joseph Gifford Report that they have |
made Inquiry into the Clearness of Abraham Smith in |
Respect to Marriage & Conversation and find nothing to |
hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
Abraham Smith answer |
Abraham Smith & Surviah [Zeruiah] Ricketson Appeared for their |
Answer which was that thy might Proceed to take Each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between now |
and next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers |
for that Purpose, and Caleb Russell & John Potter are Ap: |
pointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order, and |
make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
John Tucker proposal of marriage |
John Tucker & Rhoda Wing declared their Intentions of |
Marriage, & were desired to wait till next monthly Mee: |
ting for their Answer, and Luke Hart & Wm Mosher are |
Appointed to Inquire into John Tucker’s Clearness in Re- |
spect to Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting |
Certificate for Dan: Cornel |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Daniel Cornel |
to Coakset Monthly Meeting Certifying his Clearness in |
Respect to Marriage & Conversation – – |
Case of Wm Sanford Ju referd |
The Case of Wm Sanford jur is Refered to next monthly |
Meeting under the Care of Jonathan Hussey & David Smith |
& they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
Rhoda Wings Certificate |
Rhoda Wing hath Produced a Removal Certificate from |
the monthly Meeting of Coakset which hath been read |
in this Meeting and Accepted – – |
Chusing Overseers refered |
It hath been moved at this Meeting for a new Choice |
of Overseers, and the matter Labouring Somewhat hard |
the matter is Refered to next monthly meeting, and |
the Same friends that were in that Service are Continued |
in the Same Service one month Longer – – |
Smithfield about S. Howl’d |
This Meeting hath Signed a few Lines to Smithfield Monthly |
Meeting in Answer to their Request Respecting a |
deficiency in Samuel Howland ju:r Certificate |
Phebe Sisson paper accepted |
The women friends Inform that they have accepted of |
Phebe Sisson’s paper, which this meeting Concurs with |
This meeting hath Collected £12 - 5s - 6d old tener |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the first Sixth day in next month |
mett |
This Meeting being mett by adjournment the 6th day of |
the 10th month 1769 – –The Representatives |
being Called, both Present – – |
Answers to Queries |
The Queries have been read & Answer’d in this Meeting |
and the Answers are order’d to be Sent up to the Quarterly |
Meeting by the Representatives with the Epistle to the |
Same which hath been Signed in this meeting |
Representa =tives |
Joseph Tucker, Nicholas Howland & Wm Sanford are |
Appointed to attend the Quarly Meeting and Present the |
Said Epistle & Answers as aforesaid, and Make Return |
to the next Monthly Meeting |
J Russel Recomendd an Elder |
This meeting hath Signed a few Lines to the Quarterly |
Meeting of Ministers & Elders, Signifying our Appointing |
of Job Russell an Elder |
1847–10 mo 5th Examined by S. R. Gifford |
{ It appears that Job Russell } |
was Clark at this time |
10th mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of |
the 10th month 1769, The Representatives are Jonathan |
Hussey & Wm Anthony jur both Present – – |
The friends Appointed to Enquire into John Tucker’s Clearness |
Respecting Marriage & Conversation Report that they have |
Made Inquiry & find nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage |
John Tucker answer |
John Tucker & Rhoda Wing Appeared for their Answer which |
was that they Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this & the next Monthly |
Meeting, Advising with the overseers for that Purpose, and |
Luke Hart & William Mosher are Appointed to See their Mar- |
-riage Consumated in Good order, and Make Report to the |
next Monthly Meeting |
Wm Taber pro posal of marri age |
William Taber (Son of Joseph Taber) and Martha Hart declared |
their Intentions of Marriage, and were desired to wait until |
the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer – – |
Caleb Russell and John Potter Report that they attended the |
marriage |
Marriage of Abraham Smith & Zeruiah [Surviah] Howland Ricketson |
which was Consumated in Good order – – |
Wm Sanford Ju Case referd |
Jonathan Hussey & David Smith Report that they have had |
no oppertunity to Treat with Wm Sanford jur, therefore |
that Case is Refer’d to next monthly Meeting under the Care |
of the Same friend & they then make Report – – |
Chusing Over= seers referd |
A New Choice of overseers is Refered to next Monthly Mee- |
ting, and the former overseers Still Continued one month Longer |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
Report from Quart meeting |
Report that they all Attended According to Appointment |
& have Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read |
and well Accepted – – |
Epistles from the meeting s of Suffering |
This meeting hath Received two Printed Epistles, one |
from the meeting of Sufferings in London dated in the 3d |
Month 1769, the other from the Meeting of Sufferings |
in Philadelphia dated in the 9th month 1769 |
Certificate for Elisa: Gifford |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate to the |
Monthly Meeting of Coakset for our friend Elisabeth Gifford |
Overseers of yearly meeting |
This Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Gifford, John Potter, Wm |
Barker, Caleb Russell, Barzillai Tucker, Prince Allen, & |
James Tucker to have the oversight of the Lofts and other |
Seats at our yearly meeting to Prevent any disoreder |
at that time, and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
11th mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
20th of the 11th month 1769 The Representatives are |
Caleb Russell & Jonathan Hussey both Present |
Wm Taber Certificate |
William Taber (Son of Joseph Taber) hath Produced a Certi- |
-ficate from the monthly meeting of Sandwich, Certifying |
his being under the Care of friends there, and Clear from |
Any Entanglement Respecting Marriage, and he hath |
also Produced the Consent of his Parents to Proceed in Marriage |
Peter Bar= =neds Certificate |
Peter Barnard hath Produced a Certificate from the Monthly |
Meeting of Nantucket , Certifying his being under the Care |
of that Meeting, and Clear from Any Entanglement in |
Respect to Marriage, and he hath also Produced his |
Parent’s Consent that he may Proceed in Marriage with |
Rebecca Hussey – – |
Peter Bar= =ned proposal of marriage |
Peter Barnard with Rebeccca Hussey, and John Wood |
with Dinah Hussey, and Increase Smith with Elisabeth |
Barker Declared their Intentions of Marriage, and |
Meeting for their Answer, and William Anthony jur and |
Samuel Smith a[re] appointed to Inquire into the Sd Increase |
Smith’s Clearness Respecting Res Marriage and Conversation |
and to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting |
John Tucker marriage |
Luke Hart & Wm Mosher Report that they attended the Mar- |
riage of John Tucker & Rhoda Wing, and that it was Consu- |
mated in Good order – – |
Wm Sanford Jur case referd |
Jonathan Hussey & David Smith Report that they have not |
yet had an opportunity to Speak with Wm Sanford jur by |
Reason of his being Absent, therefore the matter is Refered |
under their Care as heretofore, and they to make Report |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
Certifi for M. Hamond |
This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate to the |
Monthly Meeting at Oblong for our friend Mary Hammond |
This Meeting doth Adjorn to the 29th day of this Instant |
At a Monthly Meeting met by Adjornment in Dartmouth |
the 29th 11mo 1769—the Representatives being Called |
Caleb Russell Present the other not Present: William |
Wm Tabers proposal of marriage |
Taber Son of Joseph Taber and Martha Hart appeared |
for their Answer, which was that they mought Proseed |
to take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenient |
Time between this and the next Monthly Meeting Advising |
with the Overseers that we Shall appoint for that Purpose |
William Mosher and Barzillaj Tucker are appointed to |
See their Marriage Consomated in Good order and make |
Report to the next monthly meeting |
Chsing overseers referd |
A New Choice of Overseers is Refered to the next Monthly |
Meeting |
Report of Overseers of yearly meeting |
The Friends appointed to have the oversight of the Lofts |
and other Seats at the yearly meeting Report that they |
Mostly attended the Said meeting and Saw nothing but |
what was Tolerable orderly – – |
Meetings Granted in Allens Neck |
The Friends Living in Allen’s Neck Request Liberty to |
hold a Meeting for worship in Said neck as heretofore |
which is Granted them Agreeable to their Request, and |
Philip Allen & Daniel Cornel[Cornell] are appointed to have the |
oversight of the Same to See that it be Kept in Good |
order, & to make Report to the monthly Meeting in |
the fourth Month Next – – |
granted in Smiths Neck |
The friends Living in Smith’s Neck do also Request Liberty |
to hold a Meeting of worship in their neck on Each first |
day of the week for the three Ensuing winter Months, Which |
is Granted them, and William Anthony & Samuel Smith |
are Appointed to See that the Same be Kept orderly, and |
to Make Report to the Monthly Meeting in the fourth Month next |
12 mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th |
of the 12th month 1769; The Representatives are Jonathan |
Hussey and William Anthony ju: both Present – – |
John Wood Certificate |
John Wood hath Produced a Certificate from Coakset |
Monthly Meeting, Certifying his Clearness Respecting |
Marriage & that he hath the Consent of his near Relations |
to Proceed in Marriage – – |
Increase Smiths Clearness |
Wm Anthony Jur & Samuel Smith Report that they |
have made Inquiry into Increase Smith’s Clearness, and |
find nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
Peter Barned John Wood and Increase Smith proposals of marriage |
Peter Barnard & Rebecca Hussey, and John Wood & Dinah |
Hussey, and Increase Smith and Elisabeth Barker, all |
Appeared for their Answers, Which Was that Each Couple |
Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some |
Convenient time between this and the Next Monthly Meeting |
Advising with the overseers for that purpose, and Abraham |
Tucker & David Smith are Appointed to See that the Marriages |
of the two first Mentioned Couples are Consumated in Good order |
and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
and Wm Anthony ju: & Samuel Smith are Appointed to See that |
the Marriage of Increase Smith & Elisabeth Barker be Consumated |
in Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Jonathan Hussey & David Smith Report that they have not |
Case of Wm Sanford jur referd |
had an opportunity to Treat with Wm Sanford jur Therefore the |
Matter is Refered under their Care, and they to make Report to the |
Monthly Meeting as Soon as they Conveniently Can – – |
Wm Taber marriage |
Wm Mosher & Barzillai Tucker Report that they attended the |
Marriage of Wm Taber & Martha Hart, and that it was Consu= |
-mated in Good order – – |
Chusing overseers refered |
A new Choice of overseers is Refer’d to next Monthly Meeting |
This meeting hath Collected £7–15s–2d old Tener – – |
Treasurer paid Tim Russell |
The Treasurer hath paid Timothy Russell five Dollars for keep- |
-ing the meeting House half a year by the direction of this Meeting |
adjourn |
This Meeting adjourns to the 27th Instant – – |
At a Monthly Meeting hld by Adjournment the 27th of |
the 12th month 1769 The Representatives being Called both |
Answers to Queries & Epistles Sent up Representatives |
present; The Queries have been read and Answered |
This meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Mee- |
ting, And Caleb Russell & William Mosher are Appointed |
to attend the Quarterly Meeting & Present the Epistle with |
the P. Answers, and to make Report to ye next Monthly Meeting |
To Collect money for Books |
Jonathan Hussey, Wm Anthony jur & Samuel Smith are Ap- |
pointed to Collect the Money for the Books, and to Send it to |
John Dockry as Soon as May be, According to the Request of the |
Last Quarterly Meeting; |
first mo: 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of |
the first Month 1770, The Representatives are Jonathan Hussey |
and Wm Barker both Present – – |
Benj Howland 2nd proposal of marriage |
Benja Howland 2d and Silvester Smith Declared Their |
Intentions of Marriage at this Meeting, and were desired |
to wait till next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and |
John Potter & Thomas Hicks are appointed to Enquire into the |
Said Benja Howland; Clearness in Respect to Marriage & |
Conversation, and make Report to next Monthly Meeting |
Abraham Tucker & David Smith Report that they Attended |
Peter Barnad marriage John Wood & Increase Smith’s marriage |
the Marriages of Peter Barnard & Rebecca Hussey, and John |
Wood & Dinah Hussey which were Consumated in Good order |
and Wm Anthony jur & Samuel Smith Make the Like Report |
Respecting the Marriage of Increase Smith & Elisabeth Barker |
M. Cornell’s Certificate |
Mary Cornell wife of Daniel Cornell has Produced a Removal |
Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Coakset which hath |
been Read and Accepted – – |
C. Brigg accepted |
The women friends Inform that they have accepted of Catherine |
Briggs’s Paper Condemning her Marrying out of unity of friends |
which This Meeting Concurs with – – |
Chusing Over seers Refer’d |
A New Choice of overseers is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
and the following friends are Chosen as a Committee for that |
Service for one Month, /viz/ Daniel Cornell, Jonathan Hussey |
Wm Barker, & Nicolas Howland, and they to Make Report |
to the next Monthly Meeting; – – |
Report from Quar meeting |
Caleb Russell and Wm Mosher Report that they attended the |
Marriage Quarterly Meeting Agreeable to Appointment, and they |
have Produced an Epistle from the Same, which hath been |
read & Kindly Accepted – – |
sury |
The friends Appointed have Adjusted Accompts with the |
Treasurer, and there Remains in the Stock £10-6-2 d old Tener |
money Sent to pay for Books |
and they also Report that they have fulfilled their Appoint- |
ment in Regard to the Books, and that they have Sent all the |
money in the Stock to pay for Sd Books |
Complaint against S. Wilcox |
William Smith hath Exhibited a Complaint against Stephen |
Wilcox for Neglecting to pay him his due, which the overseers |
hath brought to this Meeting with a Scandulous Report Re- |
-Specting the Sd Wilcox’s deceiving of Benja Gifford of Falmouth |
by taking Money of him to Convey to William Smith & Converted |
it to his own use, and also that he Neglects to attend Meetings |
both for Worship & discipline, for all which offences the overseers |
have Labour’d with him, and this Meeting doth Appoint Abraham |
Tucker, Joseph Gifford & Barzillai Tuker[Tucker] to Labour further with |
the Sd Wilcox in order to Convince him of the Above Sd offences & |
to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
David Shepherd request a Certificate |
David Shepherd desires a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of |
Rhod-Island of his Clearness in Respect to Marriage & Conversation |
Therefore Caleb Russell & Job Russell are Appointed to Make Inquiry |
& draw one for him if they think Proper, and bring it to the next |
Monthly Meeting – – |
Complaint against Elihu Mosher |
One of the overseers with another friend have Exhibited a |
Complaint against Elihu Mosher for Marrying out of the unity of |
friends, for which they Labour’d with him, and he declines to make |
Satisfaction, Therefore Joseph Gifford and Barzillai Tucker are ap- |
-pointed to Labour farther with him, and to Make Report to |
the next Monthly Meeting; |
2 mo: 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th |
of the 2d Month 1770, The Representatives are Caleb |
Russell & Jonathan Hussey both Present – – |
The friends Appointed to Enquire into Benja Howlands |
Friends app appointed reprt Benja Howland 2d case not Clear |
Clearness Report that they don’t find him Quite Clear |
and they also Report that the widows Estate is not Settled |
According to Good order, Therefore John Potter & Thos Hicks |
are Still Continued in the Same Service, And they are |
also Appointed with Jonathan Hussey & Benja Slocum to |
See that the widows Estate be Settled According |
to Good order, and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
Choosing overseers refer’d friends appointed to assist them continued |
a New Choice of overseers is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting |
The friends Appointed as overseers Last month Report that they |
have been in a Progress to discharge their Trust, and have |
Continued in the Same Service one month Longer, and to |
make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The meeting conclude to deny Step Wilcox |
The friends appointed to Labour with Stephen Wilcox Report |
that they have discharged their Trust in that Respect, and |
that he Gave them Some Encouriagement to Appear at this |
Meeting, which he hath failed of, and hath not Sent any |
Excuse for his offence, and their Report not being Satisfactory |
and this Meeting being Clear of any further Labour with |
him, have Concluded to deny the Said Stephen Wilcox, and |
do Appoint Joseph Gifford, Daniel Cornell & Samuel Smith |
to draft a paper of Denial Against him, Agreeable to |
his offences, and to bring it to next Monthly Meeting, and they |
to Inform Said Stephen of the Conclusion of this Meeting – – |
Certification for David Shepherd |
This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for David Shepherd |
to the Monthly Meeting of Rhode-Island Certifying his Clear- |
in Respect to Marriage & Conversation – – |
minutes to be reviewed |
Abraham Tucker, Joseph Tucker, Samuel Smith, Job Russell |
and Barzillai Tucker are Appointed to Review the Meeting |
Minutes, to See what part they think Proper to go on Record |
and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
E. Mosher paper |
Elihu Mosher hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Con- |
demning his disorderly Marriage, which is Refer’d under |
the Care of the friends Appointed Last Monthly Meeting to |
Labour with him – – |
E. Gifford paper |
Elihu Gifford hath Given in a paper to this Meeting |
Condemning his disorderly Marriage, which is Refer’d |
under the Care of William Barker |
Wm Anthony Jur [pa]per accepted |
William Anthony jur hath Given in a Paper to this Mee- |
-ting Condemning his falt Against John Russell, which |
this Meeting hath Concluded to Accept, Provided he Cause it |
to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting of worship he being |
Present, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting, and |
then to Return Said Paper – – |
This meeting adjourns to the 28th Instant |
At a Monthly Meeting mett According to adjornment the |
28th of the 2d month 1770, The Representatives being Called |
both Present – – |
Hepzabah Shearman disowned |
The women friends Inform that they have denied Hephzi- |
bah Shearman for Marrying out of the unity of friends |
which this Meeting Concurs with – – |
and Wife gave in a paper |
James Davis and his wife have Given in a paper to this |
this Meeting, Signifying their Sorrow for their falling into |
the Sin of Fornication which is Refer’d under the Care of |
Paul Russell and Daniel Cornell, and they are desired to |
Treat with them Respecting the above Sd offence, and to make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting |
3d mo: 1770 |
At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th 3rd mo |
1770 The Representetives are Thomas Hicks 2nd & Samuel Smith |
Both Present The Friends appointed to inspect into Benjni- |
Benj Howland 2nd Clearness |
Howland the 2nd Clearness Respecting marriage & Conversation Repoart |
that they have made inquiery and dont find any thing |
Benj Howland2 proposal of marriage |
Material to hinder his proceeding in marage Benjm Howland 2nd |
& Selvester Smith appeared for their answer which was that |
they might Proceed to Take Each other in marrage in Some |
Convenant Time between this & the next monthly meeting |
advising with the overseors for that purpose and Thomas |
Hicks & Samuel Smith are appointed to See their marrage |
Consomated in good order & make Report to the next monthly meeting |
Caleb Russell Jur proposal of marriage |
Caleb Russell Jur & Content Gifford declared thire intention |
marrage at this meeting and was Desired to wate untill the |
next monthly meeting for Their answer & William Barker & |
Berzillar Tucker are appointed to Enquire into the yonug mans |
Clearness Respecting marrage & Conversation and make Report to |
Friends added to overseers continued |
to the next monthly meeting, The Friends appointed as overseers |
at the Last monthly meeting Report that they have in a good |
Degree Discharged their Trust Reposed in them and they are still |
Continued in the Same Cervise one month Longer and to make |
Report to the Next monthly meeting and Wilm Mosher & |
Samuel Smith are aded to the [?]afore Sd Committe of oversee[rs] |
Paper of denial of Stphen Wilcox Signed |
The Friends appointed to Draw a paper of denial against Stephe[n] |
Wilcooks[Wilcox] and to inform him of the Conclusion of Last monthly |
Meeting Report that they have Discharged their Trust in the respect |
And that the Sd Stephen gave them Some incoragement of |
Trying to make Friends Satisfaction at this meeting which |
He hath failed off therefore the Clark hath Signed Sd paper by |
order of this meeting and he is appointed to Read Sd paper at |
the Close of a first day meeting for Worship between this & the |
Next monthly meeting & he then to make Report |
Minutes Reviewed |
The Committee appointed to purruse the monthly meetings minutes |
Report that they have done it and have Left them with Saml |
Certificate |
Smith to be Reccorded, This meeting hath Signed a Removel |
Certificate for Peace Wing wife of Benjn Wing to the monthly |
Rebecca Cornal Received |
meeting of Sandwich, The women Friends inform that they have |
Minuted [Cornell] under Friends their Care which this meeting |
Wm Anthony jr paper read |
Conkirs[Concurs] with, Wilm Anthony Junior hath Reported to this meeting |
that his paper hath been Read and returned to the meeting |
According to the apointment of Last monthly meeting Which S[?] |
Jame Davis Case referd |
The Friends apointed to treat with James Davis and his wife |
Report that they have not had an opertunity to discharge their |
Trust therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Servis & to make |
Report to the Next monthly meeting, |
report of meetings in Allen & Smiths Neck |
The Friends apointed to have the Care of the meeting granted to be |
held in Allins[Allens] neck and in Smiths neck Report that they have |
Attended Sd meetings which hath been keept to good Satisfaction |
T. Briggs Request |
Thomas Briggs Requests be taken under Friends Care therefore Seth |
Shearman & Wm Sanford are appointed to inquire into his Life & |
Conversation and make Report to next monthly meeting – – |
The Queries hath been Read and answered in this meeting – – |
Certificate Ann Gifford |
This meeting hath Signed a Certificate for our Friend Anna Gifford |
to the Quarterly meeting of Sandwich Certifing that her Testimony |
& Conversation is accepted among us |
Certificate for Paul Rusel |
This meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Paul Russell to the [care] |
of Sandwich Quarterly meeting Certifiing that his Conversation & |
Testemony is in unity among us – – |
Epistle signd |
This meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting |
Representatives |
to be held next at Rhodisland and Abraham Tucker Joseph |
Tucker Samul Smith Wim Mosher Thomas Hicks 2d are apointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting and to Present the Epistle with |
the answers to the Queries and they to make Report to the next |
Complaint against J. Russell |
Monthly meeting: The overseers hath Exhibitted a Complint |
against John Russel [Russell] for Reporting from time to time that |
Wim Anthony Junir was a false man & a Deceiver and he |
Refuses to Condemn it according to the Judgment of the |
Arbitrators therefore this meeting appoints John Potter Prince |
Allin[Allen] and Joseph Gifford to inspect into the Cause of Sd Russels [Russells] |
Refusing to Comply to Condemn his fault as aforesaid and to |
Labour with him as they may find ocation and to make report |
T. Hick App: Treasurer who is dismiss |
to the Next monthly meeting Thomas, Hicks 2d is appointed |
Treasurer for this meeting in Stead of David Smith which the |
Request This meeting doth appoint Joseph Gifford & Barzer |
Wilcox to have a copy of deial |
Tucker to Serve Stephen Wilcks [Wilcox] with a Coppy of his Denial |
And make Report to the next monthly meeting Samuel Smith & |
Treasurers accompt to be compared |
Benjam Slocom [Slocum] are appointed to Compair the Treasurers accounts |
With the Records & make Report to the next monthly |
Meeting this meeting hath Colected – – £10 S8 3 old tener |
4th mo: 1770 |
At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th |
of the 4th month 1770, The Representatives are William |
Barker & Barzillai Tucker both Present; – – |
Wm Barker & Barzillai Tucker Report that they have |
Answered Their Appointment in Regard to Caleb Russell ju |
and find nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – – |
Caleb Rus= =sell Ju Proposal of marriage |
Caleb Russell jur & Content Gifford appear’d for their Answer |
which was that they minght Proceed to take each other in |
Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next |
Monthly Meeting, Advising with the overseers for that purpose |
and Wm Barker & Barzillai Tucker are Appointed to See the |
Same Consumated in Good order & make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting |
Benj How= =land 2 marriage |
The Friends Appointed to See the Marriage of Benja Howland the 2d |
and Silvester Smith Consumated in good order Report that they |
attended their Said Marriage, and that it was Consumated in Good order |
overseers continued |
The Friends appointed as overseers Report that have discharged |
Their Trust in Some degree, therefore they are Still Continued |
one month Longer in the Same Service, and to make Report to |
the next Monthly Meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Stephen Wilcox’s paper of Denial hath been Read According |
to the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting, and is as followeth |
Testimo =ny Against S. Wilcox |
Whereas Stephen Wilcox of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol |
in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Having |
been Educated under the Care of friends, and has long made |
Profession with us, and in times past bore a Publick Testimony |
which was Acceptable Among us, Yet Nevertheless with Sorrow we |
find that thro’ the Prevailence of the Adversary, and disregarding |
the divine Principal of Life in his own heart, he has So deviated |
from the way of Truth, and the Profession he has made as to |
fall into Several Reproachful Evils & disorders, particularly |
in that he being Intrusted by a Friend of Falmouth to Carry Some |
money to William Smith and Converted the Same to his own use |
whereby he betrayed his Trust, and very Much deceived the S,d |
friend, for the want of which money the Said Wm Smith hath |
Said Stephen is found in the Neglect of that Indispensable duty |
of attending Religious Meetings of Divine Worship and discipline |
And friends having in Great love & tenderness toward him Re- |
-peatedly Visited him & Labour’d with him in order to discover to |
him the Evil of his ways, and Reclaim him from his outgoings |
But our Labour of Love not obtaining the desired Effect to |
the Satisfaction of this Meeting, Therefore for the Clearing of [Truth erased] |
the precious Truth and friends from the Reproach of Such Evils and |
defective Members this Meeting is Concerned to Give this forth as |
a Testimony Against him, and do hereby Publickly disown the |
Said Stephen Wilcox from being a member of our Society, and |
from under the Care of this meeting, Sincerely desiring (if |
it be Consistant with Divine pleasure) that he may yet Return |
from the Evil of his ways, and by an unfeigned Repentance |
and Reformation, be Restored to the way of Truth & Salvation. |
Given forth by our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartm.o |
the 19th of the 3,d month 1770, |
And Signed in & by order of Said Meeting by Job Russell Clerk |
order to give S Wilcox Coppy of denial |
The friends Appointed to Serve Stephen Wilcox with a Coppy of the forego- |
-ing denial, Report that they Gave him only Coppies of the minutes |
of his denial therefore they are Still Requested to Serve him with |
a Coppy of the Above denial, and to make Report to the next |
Monthly Meeting ~ ~ ~ |
The Freinds Appointed to Enquire into Thomas Briggs’s Life and |
Tho Brig request Continued |
Conversation on his Request to Come under friends Care, and to |
Treat with him in that Respect, one of the Said friends Report |
that but one of them has had an oppertunity to Speak with him |
Therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Service, and to make |
Report to the next Monthly Meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all attended According to Appointment, and have Producd |
an Epistle from the Same which hath been read and Kindly accepted |
John Russell case continud |
The Committee Appointed to Treat with John Russell for his |
fault Cognised in the Last Monthly Meeting Report that they |
desire one month longer to discharge their Trust in that Respect |
Therefore they are Continued in the Same Service and to make |
Report next monthly meeting – – |
To compare Treasurers accompts referd |
The Committee Appointed to Compare the Treasurers Accompts |
with the Records Report that they have not had an oppertunity |
to fulfill that Service, Therefore they are Still Continued in Sd |
Book of disci- -pline Transcrib,d for Coak- -set — meeting |
Samuel Smith Reports that he hath Joined with a friend |
of Coakset monthly meeting, and they have Transcribed the |
Book of Discipline According to the Appointment of this |
Meeting Some months past, for which he Charges this meeting |
£7 – 1 – 6 old Tenner which is allowed, and he is Tolerated |
to draw the money out of the Treasury if there be Enough in its |
Stock, and he to make Report next monthly meeting – – |
J Potter & S. Sherman accompt |
John Potter and Seth Shearman hath brought an Accompt to this |
meeting for one Trenching Shoval which Cost – – £2 5 0 |
which this meeting allows |
E. Mosher’s Paper accepted |
Elihu Mosher hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Some months |
past, Condemning his Marrying out of the unity of friends, and |
now a Report hath been made to Tolerable Good Satisfaction |
Therefore his Said paper is accepted – – |
Rebecca Ricketson denial |
This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Rebecca Rickeston [Ricketson] |
for falling into the Sin of Fornication, and the Clerk of this Meeting |
is ordered to read the Same at the Close of a first day meeting for |
worship between this and the next monthly meeting, and then to make |
Report thereof – – |
S. Almy denied |
The women friends Enform that they have denied Sarah Almy for |
Marrying out of the unity of friends which this meeting Concurs with |
B. Russel’s paper |
Barnabas Russell hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Condemning |
his disorder in taking the oath in Common form, which this meeting accepts |
James Davis [&] wife [p]aper [a]cceptd |
James Davis and his wife have Given in a Paper to this Meeting |
Condemning their falling into the Sin of Fornication, which this Meeting |
Concludes to accept Provided they Cause the Same to be Read at the |
Close of a first day meeting for worship they being Present, and Return |
Said paper to the next Monthly meeting, and make Report of its being read |
[Jos] Rotch [jur] requ est a certificate |
Joseph Rotch Ju,r Informs that he Intends to go to London and desires |
a Certificate, therefore Caleb Russell & Samuel Smith are Appointed to |
Enquire into his Conversation and in his Clearness Respecting Marriage |
and to draft a Certificate for him if they find things Clear and to |
bring it to the next monthly meeting – – |
Barnabas Request a Certificate |
Barnabas Russell likewise Informs that he Intends a Voiage [voyage] to |
London and desires a Certificate, and Joseph Gifford & Samuel |
Smith are to make the like Enquiry Concerning him, and to draft a |
Certificate for him if they find him Clear & to bring it to the next |
Monthly Meeting – – |
against Hum Smith son of Humphry |
The overseers have Exhibited a Complaint Against Humphry |
Smith the Son of Humphry for falling into the Sin of Fornication |
and in frequently drinking of Spirituous Liquor to Excess, and in |
frequently using of bad Language, for all of which Evils they have |
Labour’d with him and he declines to Condemn his offences to |
their Satisfaction, Therefore this Meeting do Appoint John Potter & |
Thomas Hicks to Labour with him as they may find freedom, and |
to draft a paper of denial against Him if he do not Give them |
Satisfaction, & Inform him of their Appointment, and make Report |
to the next monthly Meeting – – – – – |
5th mo: 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the |
5th month 1770, The Representatives are Samuel Smith and |
Barzillai Tucker both Present – – |
Wm Barker and Barzillai Tucker Report that they attend,d |
Caleb Russell Ju marriage |
the Marriage of Caleb Russell Ju,r and Content Gifford, and |
that it was Consumated in Tolerable Good order – – |
oversers Continued |
The friends Appointed as overseers Report that they have been |
in a Labour to discharge the Trust Reposed in them, therefore |
gave S Wilcox coppy of denial |
they are Continued in that Service one month Longer as heretofore |
The friends Appointed to Serve Stephen Wilcox with a Coppy of |
his denial, Report that they have fulfilled their Appointment |
Case of Tho Briggs |
The friends Appointed to Treat with Thos Briggs Respecting his |
Request to Come under friends Care Report that things are not |
Clear, and the Said friends desire to be Excused from that Service |
which is Granted, and do Appoint Joseph Tucker, John Potter & |
Job Russell in the Room of the afores,d friends that were Excused |
and they to make Report next monthly meeting – – |
F Elisabeth Kirby disownd |
This meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Elisabeth |
Kirby daughter of Robert Kirby, for falling into the Sin of |
Fornication, and the Clerk of this meeting is ordered to read S,d |
paper at the Close of a first day meeting of worship between |
This & the next Monthly Meeting and then to make Report – – |
C. Macum ber - & wife’s Certifi: |
Caleb Macumber & his wife have Removed within the Compass |
of this meeting, and Each of them have Produced a Removal |
Certificate which have been read and Accepted – – |
Certificates for Jos Rocth Jur and Barnabas Russell |
This Meeting have Signed Certificates for Joseph Roch [Rotch] jur |
and Barnabas Russell to friends in London – – |
Accounts Settled with the former Treasurr |
Benja Slocum and Samuel Smith Report that they have |
Compared the former Treasurers Accounts with the Records of |
This meeting as far as Seems Needful, and find no Error – – |
Recd money for Tra[n]sc Book |
Samuel Smith Reports that he hath Received the mon[e]y out |
of the Treasury for Transcribing the Book of Discipline According |
to the order of Last monthly Meeting – – |
R. Ricket= [=]son’s denial |
Rebecca Ricketsons Paper of Denial hath been Read |
According to the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting |
which paper is as follows – – |
Whereas Rebecca Ricketson Daughter of John Ricketson and |
Phebe his wife, being under friends Care having (Through the Pre- |
-vailence of the Adversary, and the depravity of her own Nature) |
fallen into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, as Appears by her |
being deliver,d of a bastard Child, and friends having Suffi- |
-ciently Labour,d with her for her Recovery, and to Restore her |
to the way of Truth, but friends Labour not Proving Effectuel |
She Appearing obstinate, & no appearance of hearty Sorrow, there- |
-fore for the Clearing of the Truth and friends from the Reproach |
thereof, This meeting Gives this forth as a Publick Testimony Against |
her, hereby disowning her the Said Rebecca Ricketson from being |
one of our Society, and from under the Care of this Meeting, until |
by unfeigned Repentance She Shall Return to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
on the 16 day of the 4th month 1770 – – |
Signed in & on behalf of S.d meeting by |
{ Job Russell Clerk |
Hephzibah Hussey Clerk |
James Davis paper not read |
James Davis hath failed of making the Report of Reading his paper |
and his wife’s According to the Provisal of Last Monthly Meeting |
Therefore Caleb Russell is Appointed to Treat with with him for his |
Neglect, and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – – |
The Committee Appointed on Account of John Russell Report as |
follows, which is Accepted in this Meeting, and is as followeth |
Report on John Russell case |
Agreeable to the Minute from our monthly meeting we have |
heard John Russell’s Reasons why he Refused to Comply with the |
Judgment of the Arbitrators, which Reasons we think not Suf= |
=ficient to Excuse him, Therefore it is our Judgment that John |
Russell Publickly Condemns what the Arbitrators found him |
Guilty of, Agreeable to their Judgment |
Joseph Gifford |
John Potter |
Prince Allen |
John Russell’s paper not accepted |
And the Said John Russell hath Given in a paper to this Meeting which |
this Meeting thinks is too Short, and do not accept of it, Therefore |
Peleg Gifford and Jedidiah Allen are Appointed to Labour with |
the Said Russell to Condemn his fault Agreeable to the Judgment |
of the afore S,d Committee, and to return him his paper and let him |
Know the mind of this Meeting, and to make Report to next |
monthly meeting – – |
Hum: Smith son of Hum case continud |
The Committee Appointed to Labour with Humphry Smith Son of |
Humphry Smith Report that they have not had an oppertunity |
to discharge themselves in that Respect, Therefore they are Still |
Continued in that Service, until next monthly meeting and then to |
Make Report – – – – – |
6 mo:} 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th |
of the 6th month 1770 – – The Representatives are Caleb |
Russell and Jonathan Hussey both Present ~ ~ ~ ~ |
report of overseers |
The Friends Appointed as overseers Report that they have been |
in a Progress to discharge the Trust Reposed in them. |
Jonathan Hussey, Daniel Cornell, Samuel Smith, W,m Barker |
W.m Mosher are Appointed overseers for the year Ensuing ~ ~ |
T. Briggs declines his Request |
The^friends Appointed to Treat with Thomas Briggs on his Request to Come |
under friends Care, Report that he declines his Request at |
Present, things not being Clear – – |
Elisabeth Kirby’s Paper of denial hath been read According to |
the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting, and is as follows – – |
E. Kirby’s Denial |
Whereas Elisabeth Kirby Daughter of Robert Kirby and |
Abigail his wife having had her Education among friends under |
the care of this Meeting, yet thro’ the Infirmety Insinuation of the |
adversary, and the depravity of her own Nature hath So far |
gone astray from her Education and the Profession we bear, as |
to fall into the Reproachfull Sin of Fornication, as Appears by |
her having a Bastard Child. And friends having Sufficiently |
Labour’d with her in Love for her Recovery, but our Labour |
of love not obtaining the desired Effect to the Satisfaction of |
this Meeting. Therefore for the clearing of Truth and friends |
from the Reproach of Such Enormities This meeting Gives this |
this forth as a Testimony against her, hereby Publickly disown- |
-ing the Said Elisabeth Kirby from being one of our Society |
and from under the care of this Meeting, desiring if it be |
agreeable to Divine pleasure that She may yet come to a |
Sense of her outgoings and by unfeigned Repentance Return |
to the way of Truth – – |
Given forth and Signed in & on behalf of our Monthly Meeting |
held in Dartmouth on the 21 of the 5th Month 1770 by |
Job Russell Clerk |
Hephzibah Hussey Clerk |
James Davis paper Read |
James Davis and his wife’s paper hath been read according to |
the direction of the Monthly Meeting held two months ago, |
which paper is as follows – – |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends in Dartmouth |
Beloved friends – – |
J & P Davis’s Paper |
whereas we thro’ unwatchfulness have fallen into the |
Reproachful Sin of Fornication as Appears by our having |
a child So Soon after Marriage, for which we are heartily |
Sorry & do condemn the Same, and hoping forgiveness from |
almighty God we desire friends So far to pass it by as to let |
us Remain under your care, from your friends James Davis |
Patience Davis |
dated this 16th: 4 mo: 1770 – – |
James Davis Neglect |
And Caleb Russell Reports that he hath Treated with the S.d |
Davis for Neglecting to read Said paper by the time first limitted |
for which he hath Render’d a Sufficient Excuse ~ |
Hum Smith Son of Hump denied |
The friends A |