book iii: 1762–1785


Minutes for 10th mo. 1762 through 1 mo. 1773 follow here, balance will continue in Volume 2.

fig. 7: Apponegansett Friends Monthly Meeting Records, Book III, 1762–1785, opening page. Courtesy of the Dartmouth at Smith’s Neck Monthly Meeting.

[This volume starts with page 13]

10th mo. 1762

At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18


day of the 10th month 1762, Ponaganset Meeting Called

Samuel Shove


James Shearman & Caleb Russell present, for Coakset Joshua Devel [Davol]

present, Samuel Shove & Rebecah Tucker jr did appear


for their Answer, and their Answer was that they might


proceed to take each other in Marriage in some Convenient


time between this and the next Monthly Meeting observing


the good order Established amongst us in the performance


thereof, and Joseph Smith & Paul Russell are appointed to


see their Marriage Consumated & make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting;

Adam Mott’s

Proposel of


Adam Mott jur. and Rachel Rider did lay their Intentions

of Marriage, and were desired to wait till the next Monthly

Meeting for their Answer, and Joseph Tucker Joseph Smith


are appointed to Enquire into the young mans Clearness as


to Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting;

Jacob Chases

Case Refer’d

the Matter concerning Jacob Chase is refer’d to the next

monthly Meeting;

E. Mosher accepted

this Meeting doth Conclude to accept of Ebenezar Mosher


to be one in unity with us and under our Care – –



Archapas Hart

a Testimony to

be drawn against him

Whereas Archapas Hart hath declined attending Meetings

for Religious worship and Discipline, and he hath been Sufficien

tly dealt with by the Visitors and Monthly Meeting, and he

Still Continues in the above said disorder, therefore we Can

do no less than bear a Testimony against him, therefore this


Meeting doth appoint Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher


to draw a paper of Denial against him and bring it to


the next Monthly Meeting;

Reporting from



The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

Signify that they attended it, and Conveyed the Epistle and

Queries as appointed, This Meeting Received an Epistle from the


Quarterly Meeting which was Read and well accepted;

Friends to

over see yearly


This Meeting doth appoint Caleb Russell, Wm Sanford, Joseph

Smith, Danl. Russell, and Barnabas Mosher to have an Inspecti

=on over the Galleries & Seats at our fall Meeting; and Joshua


Devel [Davol], Othniel Tripp, Joseph Tripp and Philip Tripp are appointed


for the Same Service at Coakset Meeting


11 mo.


At a monthly Meeting Held in Dartmouth the 15th

of the 11th mo, 1762, Ponaganset Meeting Called Paul Rus


sell and W,m Barker present, for Coakset Philip Tripp and


Israel Wood present;

Thomas Russell

proposal of marriage

Thos Russell and Edith Shearman did lay their Intentions

of Marriage, and were desired to wait till the next monthly


Meeting for their Answer, and Joseph Smith and Paul Russell


are appointed to make Inquiry into the young mans Clearness


as to Marriage and Conversation, and make Report to the


next monthly Meeting;

Report of

Samuel Shove


The friends appointed to See Samll Shove and Rebeckah Tucker

Marriage Consumated, make Report that they attended the

Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in


Good Order, – –

Adam Mott,s

answer Refer’d

Adam Mott and Rachel Rider not appearing for their

Answer, the matter is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

Case of Jacob Chase refered

the matter Concerning Jacob Chase is Refered to the next Mon[thly] Meeting;


There was a paper of Denial brought to this Meeting aga[inst]

Archapas Hart

paper Refered

Archapas Hart which is Refered to the next monthly Mee[ting]

The Friends appointed to See that the people behave order[ly]

yearly meetg overseers report

in the Galleries and Seats, Signified that they have discharge[d]


their trust;

Natll Howland


Whereas, Nathll Howland hath Returned his Certificate to

this Meeting from the Oblong, therefore this Meeting hath


Signed another for him


12th Mo


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the [10?]

day of the 12th month 1762; Ponaganset Meeting Called


Peleg Smith and Abraham Tucker present, for Coakset non[e]

Adam Mott Clearness

present; the Friends Appointed to Enquire into Adam Mo[tt’s]


Clearness, Make Report that they do not find anything to


hinder his Proceeding in Marriage

Thomas Russell’s


The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Thos Russell’s

Clearness, make Report that they do not find any thing to


hinder his proceeding in Marriage

Adam Mott’s


Adam Mott and Rachel Rider, did appear for their

Answer, and their answer was, that they might proceed


in Marriage, in Some Convenient time between this and the


next monthly Meeting, observing the Good Order Esta


=blished amongst us in the performance thereof, and


Paul Russell and Joseph Smith are appointed to See their


Marriage Consumated in Said order and make report


to the next monthly Meeting,

Thos Russell’s Answer

Thos Russell and Edith Shearman did appear for their


answer and their answer was that they might prceed


in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and


the next monthly Meeting Observing the Good order Esta=


=blished among us in the performance thereof, and Wm


Sanford and David Smith are appointed to See their Mar=


=riage Consumated in Said Order and make Report to the


next monthly Meeting;



Proposal of marriage

Ebenezar Mosher and Jane Craw did lay their intentions

of Marriage, and were desired to wait till the next Monthly

Meeting for their Answer, and Barnabas Mosher and


David Shepherd are appointed to make inquiry into the


young mans Clearness, as to Marriage and Conversation and


make Report to the next monthly Meeting;


The matter Concerning Jacob Chase is Refer’d to the next

Case of

Archapus Hart


monthly Meeting;

The matter Concerning Archapus Hart is Refered to the

next monthly Meeting;

Thos Smith To

request a


whereas Thos Smith Jur Requests a few lines by way of

Certificate to the monthly Meeting at Nantucket, Certify=

=ing his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation, therefor


this Meeting doth appoint Wm Sanford and Wm Barker


to make inquiry into his Clearness and draw a Certificate


for him if they think proper and bring it to the next monthly Meeting;


This Meeting doth Adjourn to the 10th Hour tomorrow in the


fore noon;


This Meeting met according to adjournment the 21s of


the 12th month 1762, the Representatives being Called for


Ponaganset Abraham Tucker present, for Coakset none pres[ent]


whereas the Friends appointed at Coakset preparative


Meeting to attend this Meeting hath neglected to attend as


appointed, therefore this Meeting doth appoint Philip Trip


and Christopher Gifford to treat with them to know the


Reasons why they did not attend and make report to the


next monthly Meeting;

D. Devels Request

to Come under

friends Care

Whereas David Devel [Davol] Requests to Come under friends Care

which this Meeting thinks proper to Refer to the next monthl[y]

Meeting, and Christopher Gifford and Philip Tripp are appoint[ed]


to treat with him and make Report to the next Monthly





Peter Devel [Davol] & Philip Tripp are appointed Elders in the

Church by this Meeting

Request of Sandwic[h]

Monthly Meeting.

Whereas Sandwich Monthly Meeting Requests of this Meetin[g]

to Give a List of all the friends living to the Eastward of


Quitionnet River Set off by the yearly Meeting (and also


if there be any under transgression before Set off by the above


Said Meeting [^ that] this Meeting deal with them) which we


think to be out of our Jurisdiction and therefore Refer to the

Friends to attend Quar

terly meet


Quarterly Meeting for advice in that particular – –

Joseph Tucker, Abraham Tucker, Humphrey Smith,

Caleb Russell and Philip Tripp are Appointed Represen


=tatives to attend our Quarterly Meeting, and they to dr[aw]


an Epistle to the Same and bring it to the adjournment of the Meeting;

To Settle

with Trea


David Smith and Wm Barker are appointed to mak[e]

up Accounts with the Treasurer, and make Report to

the next monthly Meeting;

D. Smith


David Smith is Appointed Treasurer in the place of the

former Treasurer

overseers of the

meeting House apointed.

Seth Shearman and John Potter are Appointed to have the

Care of the Meeting House, and also to Agree with Somebod[y]


to keep the House, and make fires when Necessary;

L. Barkers Certificate

Lydia Barker wife to David Barker hath brought a


Certificate to this Meeting from the monthly Meeting of


Swanzey which was read and Accepted;


This Meeting is adjourned to the 7th day of next month


This Meeting being Met according to adjournment the 7th


day of the First Mo 1763, Ponaganset Called Abraham


Tucker and Peleg Smith present, for Coakset none present



the Queries have been read, and Answers made by the

Visitors, and they are ordered to be Sent up by the Representative

Job Russell Req

uest a Certi


Job Russell Enforms this Meeting that he desires a few lines

by way of Certificate to the monthly Meeting of Swanzey

Certifying his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation,


therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Caleb Russell and David


Smith to make Enquiry, and draw a Certificate for him if they


think proper and bring it to the next monthly Meeting;

Epistle to Quar

terly meeting

This Meeting hath Sent up an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting

by the Representatives which was Signed in this Meeting


1 month


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th

of the first month 1763, Ponaganset Called Paul Russell s present


for Coakset  Joseph Tripp present, the Friends appointed to

Ebenezer Mosher


make Enquiry into Ebenezer Moshers Clearness make

Report that they do not find anything to hinder his proceed-


ing in Marriage,

Eben Mosher answer

Ebenezer Mosher and Jane Craw did Appear for their


Answer and their Answer was, that they might proceed


to take each other in Marriage in Some Convenient times


between this and the next Monthly Meeting, (Observing the


and Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher are apointed to


See their Marriage Consumated in Good order, and make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting;

[R]eport of

Adam Motts


the friends Appointed to See Adam Mott and Rachel Riders

Marriage Consumated, make Report, that they attended the

the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was Acom=

Report of

Thos Russells marriage

plished in Good order; Likewise the friend, Appointed to see

Thos Russell and Edith Shearmans Marriage Consumated


make Report that they Attended the Marriage and Said


nothing but that it was accomplished orderly – –


The matter Concerning Jacob Chase Refered to the next

Case of Ar=

=chapas Hart


monthly Meeting;

The matter Concerning Archapas Hart is Refer’d to

the next monthly Meeting; – –

Certificate for

Thomas Smith

There was a Certificate Signed in this Meeting for Thos. Smith jr.

Certifying his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation to the -


Monthly Meeting of Nantucket;

Report of

Quarterly meeting

Whereas there was five friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly

Meeting, they being Called upon at this Meeting, three make


Report that they attended as Appointed, and the other two


make Satisfactory Excuses;


This Meeting Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting


which was read to Good Satisfaction;

Quishnet friends to be

Set off by List

The Quarterly Meeting hath Concluded that this Meeting Give

a List of all the Friends Living at the Eastward Side of


Quishnet River, and also that this Meeting deal with the


Transgressers, therefore Abraham Tucker and Caleb Russell


are appointed to prepare a List of the above sd friends that


they find to stand Clear, and also to deal with those friends


that they find under transgression

D. Cornels Request to

Come under

friends Care

Whereas Daniel Cornel Requests to be taken under friends Care

and also his Children, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint

Joseph Tucker and Peleg Smith and Daniel Russell to


discourse with him, and make Report to the next monthly Meetin[g]


This Meeting Adjourns to the last fourth day in this Month – –


This ^[Meeting][inserted] being met according to Adjournment the 26


of the first month 1763; the Representatives being Called


for Ponaganset Paul Russell and James Shearman


present, for Coakset Israel Wood present – –

about frinds

not attending

The friends Appointed to treat with Joseph Tripp and Wm

Macumber (for not attending the monthly Meeting when


appointed by the preparitive Meeting) not being both present


to make report, therefore this Meeting doth appoint Othniel


Tripp and Philip [ ^Tripp] to talk with them and make report to the


next monthly Meeting;

The Case of David Devel referd

The mtter Concerning David Devel [Davol] is Refer’d to the next


monthly Meeting, and Othnial Tripp and Philip Tripp are


appointed to talk with him and make report to the next


monthly Meeting

Settling with

Treasurer referd

The Friends that was Appointed to make up accounts with

the Treasurer not being present therefore the matter is


Refered to the next monthly Meeting;

Certificate for

Job Russell

there was a Certificate signed in this Meeting for Job Russell

to the monthly Meeting of Swanzey Certifying his Clearness


as to Marriage and Conversation;


This Meeting Appoints Abraham Tucker, Joseph Tucker,


David Smith and Job Russell to peruse the monthly Meeting

To Revise the minutes

Minutes to see what they think proper to be put on Record


and make Report to the next monthly Meeting


2,d mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth

the 21 of the 2,d month 1763, Ponaganset Called


Joseph Smith & Caleb Russell present, for Coakset Peter


Dewel [Davol] and Philip Tripp present,

John Diling=

hams proposal of marriage

John Dillingham and Ruth Gifford did lay their Intentions

of Marriage before this Meeting, and were desired to wait til


the next monthly Meeting for their Answer

[R]eport of Eben

Mosher’s marriage

the friend, Appointed to See Ebenezer Mosher and Jean

Craws Marriage Consumated, make Report that they


attended the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it


was Accomplished in Good order;



the matter of Jacob Chases is Refered to the next monthly Meeting

the matter of Archapas Harts is Referd to the next monthly Meeting;

List of frinds

[sent?] of to Sand=

wich not accom


whereas the friends Appointed to prepare a List of the

friends Living to the Eastward Side of Quitionet River

that they Shall find Stand Clear, and also to deal

with those under transgression, have Signified to this


Meeting that they have not done it, therefore this


Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Tucker Caleb Russell and


Joseph Smith for the Same purpose and they to make Report


to the next monthly Meeting

Daniel Cornel

& Children


The friends Appointed to talk with Daniel Cornel make

a Satisfactary Report to this Meeting, therefore this me[eting]

doth accept of D. Cornel to be under our Care and also all


his Children now under age


The monthly, Meeting of women friends Inform us that the[y]

S. Wood and E.

Slocum Rec’d

have Received Sinthia wood and Elizabeth Slocum to be

under their Care and this Meeting doth Concur with the Same

David Devel Case referd

The matter Concerning David Devel [Davol] is Refer’d to the next


monthly Meeting;

Settled with


the friends Appointed to Make up Accounts with the Treasu[rer]

make Report that they have done it and there Remai[n]


in the Stock 12s.1d old tener

minutes Revised

The Friends Appointed to Review the monthly [^ meeting] Minutes


in order for them to Go to Record, make Report that they


have done According to Appointment;


This Meeting has Collected £8=10s:10d Old tener and this Meeti[ng]

Order to pay Jonath Hussey

orders the Treasurer to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars for


keeping the Meeting House half a year, and make Report


to the next monthly Meeting;



This Meeting Appoints Peter Devel [Davol] and Philip Trip Visi[tors]

for Coakset the year Ensuing and Caleb Russell for the Same


Service in Ponaganset

Elihu Russell

proposal of


Elihu Russell and Elizabeth Slocum did Lay their Intention

of Marriage before this Meeting and were desired to wait till

the next monthly Meeting for their Answer and Humphr[ey]


Smith and Paul Russel are Appointed to make Inquiry


into the young mans Clearness as to Marriage and Conver


=sation and make Report to the next monthly Meeting


[3]d mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 25th of the

3d mo: 1763, Ponaganset meeting Called Joseph Smith &


Wm Anthony ju. present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp &


Israel Wood present – –

Jn Dillingham


John Dillingham produced a Certificate to this Meeting from

Sandwich monthly meeting which was read and accepted -

Jn Dillingham


John Dillingham and Ruth Gifford did appear for their answer

and their answer was that they might proceed to take each


other in Marriage in some Convenient time between this


and the next monthly meeting observing the Good order


Established among us, in the performance thereof, and


Joseph Tucker and Joseph Smith are appointed to see there


Marriage Consumated in Said order, and make Report thereof

[E]lihu Russells


to the next monthly Meeting; Elihu Russel, Clearness was Reported as usual

Elihu Russell and Elizabeth Slocum did likewise appear for


their answer, and their answer was in like manner with the


former, and, Humphrey Smith and Paul Russell are appointed


to see their th Marriage Consumated in like order and make


Report thereof to the next monthly Meeting – –


Henry Smith and Sinthia wood did likewise appear for


their Answer and their Answer was likewise the


Same with the former.

Henry Smiths

proposal of


Henry Smith and Sinthia wood did lay their Intention

of Marriage before this Meeting, and were Defered, to wait

untill the next monthly Meeting for their Answer.


and John Russell and W.m Anthony ju: are apointed to [?]


Inquiry in^[to] the young mans Clearness as to Marriage and


Conversation and make Report to the next monthly Meeting

J. Chases paper


This meeting doth Conclude to accept of Jacob Chases paper

of Condemnation for Satisfaction for his outgoing Provided he


Read it or Get Some friend to Read it at the Close of a first


day meeting for worship and be present


The matter Concerning Archapas Hart is Refered to the


next monthly Meeting

List of friends


Quarter prepard

The friends appointed to prepare a list of those friends

Living at the eastward Side of Quishnet River that they

Shall find Stand Clear have prepared Sd So List and it hath


been Signed in this meeting by the Clerk – –

D. Daval &

Children accepted

This Meeting doth Conclude to Accept of David Davel and his

Children to be in Unity with us under our Care – –

Case of Eber

Davis referd

The matter Concerning Eber Davis is Refer’d to next monthly Mee[ting]

John Gifford request a


whereas John Gifford Requests a Certificate for himself and fami[ly]

therefore this meeting Appoints Daniel Russell and Nichols [Nicholas]


Howland to make Enquiry into his Conversation and Circumst[an-]


=ces and draw one if they think proper and bring it to the nex[t]


monthly Meeting

Friends ap

pointed to

Quarl meet-


Joseph Tucker, Humphry Smith, Peter Deval, and Philip Tripp

appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and draw an

Epistle to the Same and bring it to the adjournment of this



Meeting      the Queries was Read and Answered in this Mee[ting]


This Meeting is adjourned to the first day of next month.


This Meeting being met according to Adjournment the first da[y]


of the 4th mo: 1763, the Representatives being Called William


Anthony ju: present – –

Isaac Sanford



whereas Isaac Sanford hath Married out of the unity of friend

and he hath been timely Cautioned, therefore this meeting doth

Appoint Caleb Russell & Wm Barker to Labour with him and


make Report to the next monthly Meeting – –

Chusing Visitors


the matter Concerning Chusing Visitors is Refered to the next

monthly Meeting

Epistle to



This Meeting hath Signed and Sent an Epistle to the Quart[erly]

Meeting by the Representatives

4th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of

the 4th mo:1763, Ponaganset meeting Called Daniel Russell


and William Barker present, for Coakset James Cornel and


Joshua Davel present, Henry Smith Clearness was Reported as usual

Henry Smith


Henry Smith and Sinthia Wood did appear for their Answer

and their Answer was that they might proceed to take each


other in Marriage in some Convenient time between this and

[pages 23 and 24 of text are missing]

[?] month 1763

[?] Allen

[a]nd Edith



Debrah Allen to be one in unity with us and under our Care

which this Meeting Concurs with, They also Inform that they

have Concluded to accept of Edith Tripp, paper of Condemna-

=tion for Satisfaction, Provided She Read it or Get some friend

to Read it at the end of a first day meeting for worship She


being present, which this meeting likewise Concurs with.


against [?]


Whereas there has been a Complaint brought against

Joshua Barker by one of the Visitors in three Repsects, First

in Declining to make friend,[s] Satisfaction Concerning a Scan-


=dulous Report about he and Catherine Russell a married


woman in their too frequently keeping Company, and Secondly


in Declining to pay the Constable his Demand, for a Tax,


Thirdly, in Neglecting to Comply with a Verdi[c]t brought Against


him for burning Some Rails belonging to Henry Tucker, Paul


Russell, and Joseph Smith a Committee to Labour with him


and make Report to the next monthly Meeting – –

Nathll Bowdish [R]equest a Certi=


Nathaniel Bowdish Informs this Meeting that he is About

to Remove to the nine-parterners,and Requests a few lines


by way of Certificate for himself and family, therefore


Joseph Gifford and Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to make


Enquiry [^into] his Conversation and affairs, and draw one if they


think proper and bring [^it] to the next monthly Meeting – –



[?]nder dealing

whereas Thos Potter Son of John Potter hath Gone Contrary

to Good order in Marrying out of the unyty of friends, and in

having a Child Soon after Marriage, for which disorders he


hath been Laboured with and declines to make Satisfaction


therefore this Meeting doth appoint Wm Sanford and Jonathan


Hussey to Labour with him and make Report to the next


monthly Meeting


5th mo.


At a monthly Meeting of friends held at our Meeting H[ouse]

in Dartmouth on the 16th day of the 5th mo: 1763, Ponaganset


Meeting Called James Shearman and Peleg Smith present, for


Coakset Peter Daval [Davol] and John Mosher.

Abner Shep=

=herds clear=


the friends Appointed to See into Abner Shepherds Clearness Sig[nify]

that they find nothing to hinder his Intended Marriage.

Abner Shep=



Abner Shepherd and Hannah Gifford appear’d at this Meeting

their Answer, and their Answer was that they might proceed to

take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenient time betwe[en]


this and the next monthly Meeting, Observing our Good order


in the Confirmation thereof, and Wm Sanford and David Smith


are appointed to See their Marriage Consumated and make


Return to the next monthly Meeting

Report of

Henry Smith


The friends Appointed to See Henry Smith, and Synthia wood,

Marriage Consumated, Signify that it was accomplished in Good order


Hart’s [?]

And whereas Archapas Hart hath Given Some Incouragement

Concerning keeping to meeting, therefore the matter is Suspended




Whereas, John Taber jur having been Married and of our Good ord[er]

and [^he] no wise Showing any Desire to make Satisfaction having been

Laboured with we think Sufficienly, therefore this Meeting doth


Conclude to Set him aside and do deny him from being in unity


with us – –


Isaac Smith Hath Read Abigail Macumbers and Zilphian Davels


papers of Denials as ordered, and


Abigail Macumbers Denial is as followeth – –





Whereas Abigail Macumber of Dartmouth in the Count[y]

Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, w[ife]

of Joseph Macumber & Daughter of Benja Allen and Deborah [?]

both deceased of Dartmouth afore sd, Being one who hath been in


Care of us the People Called Quakers but for want of keep[ing?]


to her Education hath Gone from our Good order and married in [the?]


Common way of th other people and not only so but since her


Marriage her Conversation hath not been agreable to our holy


proffesion, in particular She not living with her husband, and


friend, [s] having Laboured with her in love in order to bring her


to a Sense of her outgoing, but nothing appearing to friends


Satisfaction of any time Repentence, we Can do no less for the


Clearing of the Blessed truth but to Set her [blot] and do Give


this forth as a publick denial against her [blot] the said


Abigail Macumber to be one in unity with [blot] Said people


Sincerely Desiring She may Come to a Sight and [blot] of her out-


=going, and find mercy, Given forth at our Monthly Meeting


held in Dartmouth on the 18th day of the 4th month 1763, and


Signed in and by order of said meeting by Job Russell Clerk -


Zilphia Davels Denial is as follows   Viz,



[Zi]lphia Davel

Whereas Zilphia Davel Daughter of Reuben Davel and Mary

his wife of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol, in the province

of the Massecthusett Bay in New-England being one that hath


been under the Care of friend, the People Called Quakers, yet


by disregarding the Principle of truth in herself, and Giving way


to the Information of the evil one hath fallen into the Reproach for


Sin of fornication, for which She hath been Laboured within


Love to bring her to a Sense of her evil action but nothing Seeming


to appear of true Repentence we think it our duty to Set


her aside and do Publickly deny the Said Zilphia Davel to


be one in unity with us the above Said people, yet truly


desiring She may Come to a Sight and Sense of this her Great Evil


and find mercy;


Given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth


on the 18th day of the 4th mo: 1763 and Signed in and by


order of S[ai]d meeting by – –

Job Russell Clerk

The Case of

John Gifford


the matter Concerning John Gifford Certificate is Refered

the next monthly Meeting – –

[E]ber Davis

[pa]per accepted

Friends do Conclude to accept of Eber Davis his paper for Satisfaction.

Isaac Sanford

case referd

The matter concerning Isaac Sanford is Refer’d to the next

monthly Meeting – –

Edith Tripps

paper not Read

Edith Tripps paper not having been read, is Refer’d

in order that it may be accomplished between this and the


next monthly Meeting


Visitors refered

The matter Concerning Chusing Visitors is Refered to next

month[ly] [Mee]ting


The [blot] [p]aper of Denial brought and Signed in this meeting


signed against

Lydia Potter

In [blot] [?]ce [concurence?] with the womens Meeting Against Lydia Potter

And [blot] Russell is appointed to read it at New-town meeting

on a first day at the end of the meeting for worship – –

Case of Joshua

Barker referd

The Matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refer’d to the next

monthly Meeting, and the Comtte Still Continued that hath alre[ady]


had the matter in hand – –

Nathl Bowdish


There was a Certificate Signed at this Meeting for Nathaniel

Bowdish and his wife, they being Going to Settle at the Nine

Thos Potter


=parterners The friend appointed to deal with Thomas Potter Signify they hav[e]

done it, and he Gave them no Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting


thinks Proper to deny him, and Wm Sanford and Jonathan Hus[sey?]


are appointed to draw up a paper of denial against him and


bring it to the next monthly Meeting

The Transcrib

the Book of


There was £18:10s old tenner Gathered by this meeting to pay

for transcribing our Book of Discipline, which is paid – –

Nic Howlands

paper ace=


Nicholas Howland jur hath Given in a paper to this Mee[ting]

Signifying his Sorrow for his disorderly Marriage, which the

Meeting accepts – –

Elihu Rus

sell request


whereas Elihu Russell and his wife being Removed to the Oblong

live and desires a few lines from this Meeting to the monthly mee[ting]

there, and Humphry Smith and Wm Anthony ju: are app[ointed]


to draw a Cerificate and bring it to the next monthly Meeting


if they think proper – –



Wm Smith

There was a Complaint brought to this Meeting that William

Smith hath been addicted to take too much Spirituous Liqu[or?]

therefore this Meeting appoints Humphry Smith & Jonathan


Hussey to talk with him upon that account and bring


make Return to the next Monthly meeting

[Danl] Russells

to [cu]t Wood on

[mee]ting land

Whereas there is a Considerable due from this Meeting to

Daniel Russell upon Stephen Wilcox his account therefore

this meeting doth Give leave that he Cut wood at 15s per


Cord old tener, Except any body doth appear that will Give


more until the debt is paid, on the meeting House Lot

B. Tucker,


[t]o Come

under the

[C]are of friends

  Benjn Tucker hath Signified his desire of Coming

under the Care of Friends, therefore Joseph Gifford and Paul

Russell are appointed to Enquire Concerning his Conversati[on]

and talk with him and bring in their account to the next

monthly Meeting


6th mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the

6th mo: 1763, Ponaganset Meeting Called Peleg Smith and


Abraham Tucker present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp present


Ricketson Jr

[P]roposal of


John Ricetson jr: and Patience Tucker did Lay their Intenti-

=ons of Marriage before this Meeting, and were desired to wait

til the next monthly Meeting for their answer, and Wm

Barker and Job Russell are appointed to make Enquiry into


the young mans Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation


and make Report to the next monthly Meeting

[Re]port of Abner



The friends appointed to See Abner Shepherd and Hannah Gifford

Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended the

marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in


Good order

[Case?] of John

[Gi]fford referd

The matter Concerning Giving John Gifford a Certifica[te]

is Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting

Case of Isaac

Sanford referd


The matter Concerning Isaac Sanford is Refer’d to the

next monthly Meeting – –

[E]dey Tripp

[pa]per of [re]



Edith Tripps Paper of Condemnation hath been Read

as Appointed by the last monthly Meeting

and is as follows – –

To the monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth


on the 20th day of the 12th mo: 1762,


Whereas I by letting my mind out became weak and So Ga[ve]


way to the temtation of the enemy in the Lust of the flesh so f[ar?]


as to Commit the Shamefull Sin of fornication which was m[?]


manifest by ^[my] having a Child Soon after Marriage and also m[arriage]


out of the unity of friend, all which I do Condemn and am S[orry?]


for therefore I desire that God may forgive me my Sins


that friends would pass it by and Suffer me to Remain under


their Care Christian Care – –

Edey Tripp – –

Wm How=

land dis=


William Howland hath Sent a paper into this Meeting Signif[ying]

his Sorrow for his disorder in takeing too much Spirituous Liquo[r]

which matter is Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting – –

Abrm Tucker


Abraham Tucker is appointed Visitor for the Ensuing year

Queries an


The Queries have been Read and Answers have been made by

Coakset preparitive meeting – –

Friends to

Qur meeting

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are

Peleg Smith, Caleb Russell Paul Russell and Philipp Tripp


and they to draw an Epistle to the Same and bring it to the


adjournment of this Meeting – –


This Meeting adjourns to the first day in next month – –


This Meeting met according to adjournment the first day of th[e]


7th mo:1763, the Representatives being Called for Aponagans[et]


and Coakset all present

L. Potter


Paul Russell makes Report that Lydia potter, paper of

Denial hath been Read as order’d

[Certi]ficate for

[Eli]hu Russell


There was a Certificate Signed at this Meeting for

Elihu Russell and his wife – –

[Pape]r of denial

[signe?]d against

Toms Potter

There was a paper of Denial brought to this meeting

and Signed against Thomas Potter, and Jonathan

Hussey is appointed to Read it at the End of a first day


Meeting for worship Between this and the next Monthly Meeting – –

[Case?] of Wm Smith [re]fer’d

The matter Concerning William Smith is Refer’d to


the next monthly Meeting and Humphry Smith and


Jonathan Hussey are Still Continued to Treat furder


with him – –

Tucker Rced

The Friend Appointed to talk with Benjn Tucker


Make Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction


and this meeting Concludes him to be under our Care


for the time to Come – –


appointed [?]


Peleg Smith and Humphry Smith Caleb Russell and

Paul Russell are Appointed to Sign the Epistle to the

Quarterly Meeting in behalf of this Meeting

[answ]ers to


Peleg Smith & Humphry Smith are appointed to Compil[e]

the answers to the Queries


Clark [R]equest

We understand that Jonathan Clark hath Signified

that he hath a desire to Come under our Care, therefore


this Meeting Appoints Joseph Gifford and Paul Rus=


=sell to treat with him and make Report to the


next monthly Meeting


7th month


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the

18th of the 7th month 1763, Ponaganset Called Caleb


Russell and Wm Barker present, for Coakset Peter


Devol [Davol] present – –

John Ricket=

=son Clearness

The friends appointed to Inquire into John Ricetsons Clear-

ness as to Marriage and Conversation make Report that th[ey]


don’t find anything to hinder his proceeding in Marriage



Received an Epistle from the yearly meeting held in Lon[don?]

the 5th month 1762 which was Read to Good Satisfaction

John Rick=



John Ricketson and Patience Tucker did appear for th[eir]

answer and their answer was that they might proceed

take each other in Marriage in Some Convenient time


between this and the next monthly Meeting Observing the


Good order Established among us in the Performance there


and Abraham Tucker and Wm Barker are appointed


to see their marriage Consumated in Sd order and make


Report to the next monthly Meeting

Case of John



The matter Concerning Giving John Gifford a Certificate

Refered to the next monthly meeting – –

Case of Isaac



The matter Concerning Isaac Sanford is Referd to the nex[t]

monthly meeting as is also the matter Concerning Wm H[owland?]

Report from

Quar. meetg

The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

make Report that they have attended it and prod[?]

Eps Receivd

an Epistle from the Same which was Read & well accept[ed]

Joshua Barker


The Comittee appointed to Labour with Joshua Barker M[?]

Report that he Refused to Comply with their advice, and


that he Gave them no Satisfaction, therefore this meeting do[?]


Set him aside, and appoints Wm Sanford and Jonathan


Hussey to draw a paper of Denial against him and bring it


to the next monthly Meeting if they think proper

Tho Potter.

paper read

Thomas Potters paper of denial hath been Read accordin[g]

to the appointment of last monthly meeting


And is as followeth




Whereas Thos Potter Son of John Potter & Margaret his wife

he the said Thomas Potter having been one under our Care, yet

through unwatchfulness Gave way to the temtation of the Enemy


So as to fall into that Shamefull Sin of Fornication, which appears


by his wife having a Child Soon after Marriage, and he hath


been Laboured with from time to time for his Misconduct hoping


he may See his Outgoings and make friends Satisfaction, but he Still


Remains Obstinate and Refuse to make friends Satisfaction, there-


=fore for the Clearing of truth we Can do no less than Give this forth, as


a Publick Testemony against him the Said Thomas Potter Denying


him from being in membership with us the People Called Quakers


yet we Sincerely desire that he may Come to a Sense of his Outgoings, and


through unfeigned Repentence find Mercy, Given forth at our monthly


Meeting held in Dartmo. the 1t day of the 7 mo: 1763.


Signed in and by order of Said Meeting by – –

Abraham Tucker


Peleg Smith


Peter Devel [Davol]

[Ca]se of


[C]lark referd

The matter Concerning Jonathan Clark is Refered to the

next monthly Meeting – –

Coakset preparative meeting Informs this meeting that

[Da]vid Kirbys




David Kerby hath Married out of the Unity of friends

and that they have Laboured with him and he Gave them

no satisfaction therefore the matter is Refered to the

next monthly Meeting


[8]th mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth

the 15th of the 8th month 1763 Ponaganset meeting


Called Peleg Smith and Caleb Russell present Coakset


meeting Called John Mosher and Philip Tripp presents

[Rep]ort of




The Friends appointed to See John Ricketsons

Marriage Consumated make Report that they attend[ed]

the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accom=

=plished in Good order.




This Meeting Received an Epistle from the yearly

Meeting held at Newport on the 10th of the 8th[?] mo 17[63?]

which was Read to Good Satisfaction;


This meeting lik[e]wise Read an Epistle from the yearly


meeting for Sufferings in London, and one from the yea[rly]


Meeting held at Philadelphia, and one from the yearly


Meeting held at flushing, and one from our friends


John Woolman and Samuel Estburn [Eastburn]1, all of which bei[ng]


Read in this meeting to Good Satisfaction and as they


Contain Good advice, and many Good Exhortations the


Contents are Recommended to friends Observation;

John Giffords

Case referd

The matter Concerning Giving John Gifford a Certificate

is refer’d to the next monthly meeting;

Isaac San=

fords Case referd

The matter Concerning Isaac Sanford is Refer’d to the next

monthly Meeting;

Wm How

=lands paper


This Meeting doth accept of Wm Howlands paper of Conde[m]-

nation for Satisfaction Provided that he Read it or Get

Some friend to read it at the end of a first day meeting for


worship and he be present between this and the next mont[hly]





Case referd

The matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refered to the ne[xt]

monthly Meeting

Case of Jona

Clark referd

David Kirby

Case referd

The matter Concerning Jonathan Clark is Referrd to the

next monthly Meeting ~

the matter Concerning David Kerby [Kirby] is likewise Referd

to the next monthly Meeting and John Mosher and


Othnial Tripp is are appointed to Labour with him,


and make report to the next monthly Meeting


This Meeting hath Collected £5=17s:8d old tenor and Davi[d]

Order to pay



Smith is ordered to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars fo[r]

keeping the Meeting House half a year


of the poor

(to report)

This Meeting ^appoints Nicholas Howland and Paul Russell ove[r]

=seers of the poor to have an Inspection into their Circ[um] stan[ces]

and to make Report once a Quarter ~


There hath been ^a Complaint brought against Reuben


Devil [Davol] by one of the Visitors in Several Respects



[Reuben] Devel

in not attending meetings, and in his Conduct which

appears Scandulous [scandalous], therefore this meeting doth

appoint Christopher Gifford and Velantine [Valentine] Huddlestone


to Labour with him if they have an opportunity and


make Report to the next monthly Meeting;


for [Step]hen


This Meeting hath Come to a subscribtion for the Relief of

Stephen Wilcox and family;

9th 1763

At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on


the 19th of the 9 mo. 1763 Ponaganset meeting Called


Thomas Smith and James Shearman present, for Coak=


=set Peleg Huddlestone & Peter Devil [Davol] present

[Ben]ja Tuckers

[pro]posal of


Benja Tucker and Surviah [Zerviah] Ricketson Declared their

Intentions of Marriage to this Meeting and were desired

to wait til next monthly Meeting for their Answer


and Caleb Russell and Joseph Gifford are Appointed


to Enquire into the young mans Clearness as to Mar=


=riage and Conversation and makes Report to the


next monthly Meeting ~


of Wm Howland

[W]illiam Howlands paper being Read as ordered, is as follows – viz [To?]

the monthly meeting of friends to beholden at Dartmo: the 16: 9 month 1763


[W]orthy friends, Whereas I have through unwatchfulness some times been Guilty of


[drin]king too much Spirituous Liquor to the Reproach of truth and Grief of the friends


[wh]ereof, for which outgoings of mine they have in Love Labourd with me, which


[d]ealings I do Gratefully acknowledge as a Sure mark of their tender Regard for my


[go]od, which Causes me the more freely, not only to Confess, but also to Condemn my


[w]eakness in the above Sd Respect, but as I have a Great Regard for friends and


[the] Good order Established among them, and a desire to Refrain from the Above


[?] Evil for the future, So I desire friends to pass by my offence for the time past (and


[co]ntinue me under their Care) Hoping for the future with Divine Assistance to be


[m]ore watchful over my Self, that my life & Conversation may be Such as may


[n]ot bring the like trouble on friends    ;    William Howland


for John Gifford

& fam: Signed

There was a Certificate Signed at this Meeting for

John Gifford and his Wife and Children to the

monthly Meeting at Oblong; ~

Joshua Barker

Case referd

The matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refer’d to th[e]

next monthly Meeting as is likewise the matter

David Kirbys

Case referd

Concerning David Kirby; ~

Jona Hussey


David Smith has paid Jonathan Hussey three Dollars

According to the order of Last monthly Meeting; ~

Jonathan Clark


This Meeting doth Conclude to accept of Jonathan

Clark to be one under our Care; ~

Isaac Sanfords

paper accepted

This Meeting doth likewise accept of Isaac Sanfords

paper Condemning his outgoings for Satisfaction and


he to Remain under Our Care

Friends to attend


=ly meeting

This Meeting doth appoint Humphry Smith, Wm

Anthony ju: and Philip Tripp to attend the Quarterly

Meeting and to draw an Epistle to the Same and Compile


the Answers to the Queries and bring them to the adjou[rn]


=ment of this Meeting, The Queries have been Read and


Answered by the preparitive meetings



This Meeting adjourns to the first Sixth day in the next

month at the tenth Hour in the forenoon ~


This Meeting being met according to Adjournmen[t]


the Representatives being Called but none present

no report

of Ruben Devel


The friends appointed to treat with Reuben Devel [Davol] have

made no report to this Meeting therefore the matter is

Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting;

Joseph How

=lands request

Joseph Howland Requests to Come ^under friends Care, therefo[re]

this Meeting doth appoint Wm Sanford and Jonathan


Hussey to treat with him and make Inquiry into his


Conversation and make Report to the next monthly

[Jon]athan Clark

[re]quest a


Meeting; ~ Jonathan Clark Requests a Certificate to the monthly

Meeting of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness as to Mar-

=riage and Conversation, therefore this Meeting doth


appoint Joseph Tucker and Joseph Smith to make Inquiry


into the Above Said particulars, and to draw a Certificate


for him if they think proper and bring it to the next


monthly Meeting; ~

[Epi]stle &


[to?] Queries

The Friends Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Quarterly

Meeting and Compile the Answers to the Queries have

done it and the Epistle was Signed in this Meeting and


Sent to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives


10th mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th

of the tenth month 1763 Ponaganset meeting Called Joseph


Smith and Wm Sanford present, for Coakset Ichabod Eddy


and Josua [Joshua] Deval [Davol] present, – –

[Be]nja Tuckers


The Friends Appointed to Enquire into Benja Tuckers Clear

=ness make Report that they don’t find anything to hinder


his proceeding in Marriage; ~

[Be]nj Tuckers


Benja Tucker and Surviah [Zerviah] Ricketson did appear for

their Answer, and their Answer was that they might


proceed to take each other in Marriage in Some Conveni=


=ent time Between this and the next monthly Meeting


Observing the Good order Established Amongst us in the


performance thereof, and Caleb Russell and Joseph


Gifford are Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in


Said order and make Report thereof to the next


monthly Meeting. ~

Joshua Bar

=ker case


The matter Concerning Joshua Barker is Refer’d to the

next monthly Meeting, by the Request of his brother

Abraham Barker

David Kirby

Case referd

The matter Concerning David Kerby [Kirby] is Refer’d to the

next monthly Meeting ~

Report from



The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meetin[g]

make Report that they have attended Accordingly

and have produced an Epistle from the Same which w[as]


Read in this Meeting and well accepted ~




The Friends Appointed to Discourse with Joseph

Howland make a satisfactory Report therefore this

Meeting doth Accept of him to be one under our Care


for Jonathan Clark

This Meeting signed a Certificate for Jonathan Clark to the

monthly Meeting of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness as to


Marriage and Conversation, ~


for meeting

house lofts

This Meeting doth Appoint Jonathan Hussey, Wm Antho[ny]

jr David Smith, Wm Barker, Joseph Smith and Benja

Howland 2d overseers to have an Inspection over the lofts[?]


and other seats to see that the people Behave orderly


for Accoaxet

meeting [?]

at our yearly meeting, And Joshua Daval [Davol] Daniel Wood

Ichabod Eddy and Benja Tripp are appointed for the

Same purpose at Coakset Meeting ~




the Second


This Meeting understands that Elihu Bowen Desires to

Come into Un[i]ty with friends Again therefore this Meeting

doth Appoint Abraham Tucker and Peleg Smith,

to discourse with him and make Report to the next

Monthly Meeting


[1]1th mo.


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 21 day

of the 11th month 1763, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph


Tucker present for Coakset Joseph Tripp and Israel Wood


present        The friends appointed to See Benja

[Rep]ort of

[Benj?] Tucker


Tuckers Marriage Consumated, make Report that they

attended the Marriage and Saw nothing but that it

was Accomplished in Good order ~




This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Joshua

Barker for his outgoings, and Jonathan Hussey is Appointed

to read it or Get Some friend to read it between this and the


next monthly Meeting at the end of a frist [first?] day meeting


for worship

[Dav]id Kerby

[cas]e referd

The matter Concerning David Kerby [Kirby] is Refer’d to the next

monthly Meeting ~

[Re]port of

[ov]erseers of



The major part of the friends that was Appointed overseers

at our yearly meeting make Report that they think

they have discharged their duty in that Respect and they

hope there is a Service in it ~

[?]se of Elihu

[Bo]wen referd

The matter Concerning Elihu Bowen is Refer’d to the next

monthly Meeting, and the same friends are Still Continued


in the Same Service – –


The women friends Inform that they have Received a Re=





=moval Certificate for Anne Russell which they have accepted

and She to be under their Care which this Meeting Concurs with

whereas this Meeting is destitute of a Book to Record the

[Caleb?] Russell

purchase book

for [re]cords

minutes of this meeting in, therefore this meeting doth

Imploy Caleb Russell to Purchase one and bring it to the

next monthly Meeting        If he Can Conveniently ~




whereas there was a Complaint brought Against Reuben

Devil [Davol] Some months past and he hath not been Sufficiently

Laboured with, therefore Christopher Gifford and


Ichabod Eddy are appointed to Labour with him if


they have an opportunity and make Report to the next


monthly Meeting – –


Granted in

Allens neck

The friends in Allens neck Requests the liberty to

hold a meeting there Some part of this winter therefore

this meeting Grants them the liberty to hold a meeting


for the three winter months on first days Except the las[t]


first days preceding each monthly meeting in Each month


This Meeting hath Collected £4=10s:6d old Tenor – –

Comtee to

revise the


This meeting doth appoint Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith

Joseph Tucker, Philip Tripp and Samuel Smith a Com

=mittee to Inspect into the monthly meeting minutes


that are put on Record and Correct them where they


Shall find it Necessary, and also to form a new minute


Abig[ail] Kerby

or an Addition to the former Concerning Abigail Kerby [Kirby]

There hath been a Complaint brought against Benja


against Ben


Shearman for his outgoing in Marrying out of the Unity

of friends, therefore this meeting doth appoint Davi[d]

Smith and Jonathan Hussey to treat with him and


make Report to the next monthly Meeting ~


12th mo:


At a monthly Meeting held at our Meeting

House in Dartmouth the 19th of the 12th month 176[3]


Ponaganset meeting Called Peleg Smith and Caleb


Russell present for Coakset Philip Tripp and James


Cornel [Cornell] present

Joshua Barkers

paper not Read

The Reading [of] Joshua Barkers paper hath been Omitte[d]

last month therefore Isaac Smith is apointed to Be[?]


[him?] Some Convenient times between this and the next


monthly meeting ~

[Cal]eb Russell

[pu]rchased a


for Records

Caleb Russell has purchased a Book according to the

appointment of last monthly meeting and the price

is two Dollars

The women friends Inform that they have Concluded to

[Cloe] Bowen


accept of Cloe Bowen to be under their Care which

which [sic] this meeting Concurs with




whereas Reuben Devil [Davol] hath been one under our Care, and

he hath Declined attending Meetings for worship and

Discipline, for which he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d


with and declines to make Satisfaction, therefore this


Meeting doth Conclude to Deny him from being under


our Care

[David] Kerby


whereas David Kerby [Kirby] hath Married out of the Unity of

friends for which he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d with


and declines to make Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting


doth Deny him from being under our Care

[Eli]hu Bowens

[c]ase referd

The matter Concerning Elihu Bowen is Refer’d to the

next monthly Meeting – –



[C]ase referd

The friends appointed to treat with Benja Shearman

Signify they have not done it therefore they are Still

Continued in the Same Service and to make Report to


the next monthly meeting – –

[pot?] Ink and

[Lo]ck required

This meeting doth appoint David Smith to purchase a

Quire of paper and an Ink pot and a Lock to lock the


drawer to put them in for the use of this Meeting


This Meeting has Collected £7=5s=6d old tenor, and the

[O]rder to pay

[Jo]na Hussey

Treasurer is orderd to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars

for keeping the Meeting House half a year which he


has accordingly paid

Comtee to

Revise the


This Meeting doth appoint Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith

Abraham Tucker Joseph Tucker and Samuel Smith

a Committee to peruse the monthly Meeting minutes to


See what part they Shall think proper to be put on


Record, and make Report to the next monthly Meeting



House to

be Enlargd

Coakset prepar[a]tive meeting Signify to this Meeting that

they think it will be Convenient to make Some additi[ons]

to their little meeting House, and also to build a Chimny

Therefore this meeting doth appoint Paul Russell Barn[abas?]


Mosher and Joseph Smith to Consider how big to build


and also to Compute the Cost as near as they Can and when


to build at all or not, and to make Report to the next


monthly Meeting ~



The Queries have been read, and answers made by

both preparative Meetings


in Quarter

=ly mee[t]ing

Philip Tripp, Humphry Smith and Wm Anthony jun

are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and

to Compile the answers to the Queries and draw an Epistl[e]


to the Same and bring them to the Adjournment


And this Meeting is Adjourned to the first Sixth day in


next month – –


This Meeting being met according to adjournment


The Representatives being Called, for Aponaganset meeti[ng]


Caleb Russell present for Coakset none present –

answer to

Queries &



The friends appointed to Compile the Answers to the

Queries and to draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meetin[g]

have done it according to Appointment, and this

Meeting hath Signed and Sent the Epistle by the




[1]st mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth

on the 16: of the first month 1764, Ponaganset


Meeting Called Caleb Russell and Daniel Russell


present, for Coakset Joshua Devil [Davol] and Israel Wood

[Fr]ancis Coffins

[pr]oposal of


present, Francis Coffin and Anne Hussey Declared their Intentions

of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next

monthly Meeting for their Answer


Joshua Barkers Paper of Denial hath been read According


to the Appointment of last monthly Meeting ~


And is as followeth (viz)

[?], Barkers


Whereas Joshua Barker Son of James Barker Deceased

and Elizabeth his wife, he the Said Joshua Barker


having been one under our Care and had his Education


among friends, yet he through unwatchfullness Gave


way in three Respects, firstly, in too frequently being


in Company with Catharine Russell that brought a


Scandulous Report on the Society, Secondly in declining


to pay the Constable his Tax, Thirdly, in Refusing to


Comply with a Verdi[c]t brought Against him for burning


Some Rails belonging to Henry Tucker, and he hath


been Labour’d with in love from time to time for his


misconduct hoping he may make friends Satisfaction


but he Still Remains Obstinate, therefore for the


Clearing of truth we can do no less than Give this


forth as a Publick Testimony Against him the S’d


Joshua Barker, Denying him to be one in Unity with us


the people Called Quakers, Yet we do Sincerely desire


that he may Come to a Sight and Sense of his Ongoing


and through unfeined Repentance find Mercy


Given forth at Our monthly Meeting held in Dart


=mouth the 21 of the 11 month 1763, And Signed in


and by order of Said Meeting by Job Russell [Clerk?]

Elihu Bowen

Case referd

The matter Concerning Elihu Bowen is Refer’d to the

next monthly Meeting,

Benj Sher

man Jur


Benja Shearman jur hath Sent a paper to this Meeting

Condemning his Marrying out of the Unity of friends

which hath been taken notice of, and do Refer the


matter to the next monthly Meeting for furder Consider[ation]


not revised

The Comittee Appointed to peruse the monthly Meeting

minutes Signify they have not done it, therefore they


are Continued in the Same Service and to make Report


to the next monthly Meeting

Report on




The Comttee Appointed to Consider about Enlarging

the meeting House at Coakset and also to Compute the

Cost, make Report that they think it will be proper

to build a Side flush with the old part and also to


Build a Chimny, and they have Computed the Cost as near


as they Can which is thirty three Dollars, therefore


this meeting Grants Liberty that Coakset friends Go


on and Build as Above Said


from Quar

=terly meet


The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting

make Report that two of them attended the other

Sent a Sufficient Excuse, and they have produced

an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read in


this Meeting and well accepted

M: Wilkerson

and R



The women friends Inform that they have Deny’d

Mary Wilkerson and Ruhamah Wilbour for their

Marrying out of the Unity of friends which this meeting Concurs

with, and do deny the Same from under our Care

[P]. Allen


[t]o Come under

[f]riends Care

[w]ith his


Prince Allen Requests to Come under friends Care with

his Children, therefore this Meeting doth appoint Daniel

Russell and Phillip Allen and Humphry Smith to Confer

with him and make Report to the next monthly Meeting

The friends at New=Swanzey desire the Liberty to hold a


[G]ranted at

New Swanzey

Meeting among them as often as friends Shall think proper

therefore this Meeting doth Grant them the Liberty to

hold a meeting two days in a month for two months, one


on the first first day in the month, the other on the third


first day of the month;

Timothy Shear

[m]an Jur

[dis order?]

The Visitors Inform that Timothy Shearman Jur hath

Set up a Publishment, by which we Conclude he Intends to

Marry out of the Good order of friends, and he hath been


Labour’d with and declines to Retracts his Intentions


therefore Joseph Gifford and Wm Barker are Appointed


to tell him if he Shall Continue in his proceedings that he


may Expect to be denied and they to Labour with him


as they Shall find freedom

[?] Printing

[G]eorge Foxes

[Jo]urnal refer’d

Proposals of Printing George Foxes Journals in London

by way of Subscription hath been Presented to this Meeting

which is Refer’d to the next monthly Meeting for


furder notice2

[Ca]leb Russell

[is?] paid for the

[Bo]ok for records

This Meeting hath Collected and Paid Caleb Russell

two Dollars for the Book for Records; ~

2d mo:


At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th

of the 2d month 1764, Ponaganset meeting Called Wm Bar[ker?]


and David Smith present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp and


Peter Devil [Davol] present;




Francis Coffin hath Produced a Certificate from the monthly

Meeting of Nantucket, Certifying him to be of an Orderly

life and Conservation and Clear from any Entanglement




Relating marriage which this Meeting accepts

Francis Coffin and Ann Hussey did appear for their answer

which was that they might Proceed to take each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and th[e]


next monthly Meeting Observing the Good order Establis[hed]


among us in the Performance ther[e]of and Caleb Russell an[d]


David Smith are appointed to see their Marriage Consumat[ed]


in Said order and make Report to the mext [sic] monthly Meeting

E. Bowen Rec’d

This Meeting doth accept of Elihu Bowen to be under our Ca[re]

Jacob Motts

paper accep=


This Meeting doth accept of Jacob Motts paper Condemning his

outgoings in taking too much Spirituous Liquor, hoping h[e]

may Conduct better for time to Come – –

Prince Allen request


The matter Concerning Prince Allens Request to Come und[er]

friends Care with his Children is Refer’d to the next month[ly]


Meeting, and the Same friends are Still Continued in that


Service and to make Report to the next monthly Meeting – –

Timothy Sher

=man Jur

Case referd

The matter Concerning Timothy Shearman jur is Refer’d

to the next monthly Meeting; – –

The women friends Inform that they have accepted of

R. Cornel


Rebeccah Cornel [Cornell] to be under their Care which this Meeting

Concurs with


Granted in Allens Neck

This Meeting Grants the friends in Allens neck th[e]

Liberty to hold a meeting there one month longer as heretofore

John Potter

overseer of

the poor

This Meeting doth appoint John Potter overseer of the poor ([?]

Nicholas Howland) in lieu of Paul Russell and they to make

Report once a Quarter – –

[Ca]se of Benj [She]arman Jur


The matter Concerning Benjamin Shearman jur is Referd

to the Next monthly Meeting;


[3?] mo


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the

19th day of the 3d month 1764, Ponaganset meeting Called


David Smith and William Anthony jur present, for Coakset


Peter Devil [Davol] and Philip Tripp present

[Jos]eph Howland

[pro]posal of mar[ri]age

Joseph Howland & Bershebe Shearman and Daniel Smith and

Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] declared their Intentions of Marriage and

[D]aniel Smith proposal of


were desired to wait till the next monthly Meeting for their

answer, and Benjamin Howland jur and John Potter are


appointed to make Inquiry into the young mens Clearness


as to Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the


next monthly Meeting – –

[Re]port of Fran

[F]rancis Coffins


The friends appointed to See Francis Coffin and Ann Husseys

Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended the

Marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished


in Good order

[Pr]ince Allen [R]equest referd

The matter Concerning Prince Allens Request to Come


under friends Care with his Children is Refer’d to the next


monthly meeting and the Same friends that were appointed


to discourse with them two months ago are still Continued in


the Same Service & to make Report to the next monthly Meeting,

T. Shear=

man dis=


whereas Timothy Shearman jur hath Married out of the order

of friends, and he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d with, and

he Refusing to adhere to friends Cautions and Labour of love


therefore this Meeting doth deny him the Said Timothy


Shearman to be one in Unity with us and from under our Care

[Ca]se of Benj

Shearman Jur


The matter Concerning Benja Shearman ju: is Refer’d to the

next monthly Meeting;

[Jo?]ne Soule


The women friends Inform that they have Concluded to accept

of Jone Soule to be under the Care of friends which this Meetin[g]


at coakset

meeting house

To collect

account of

Publick friends


Concurs with; This Meeting appoints Ichabod Eddy and Josep[h]

Tripp are to Carry on the Rebuilding of Coakset meeting Hou[se]

This meeting appoints the Elders of Aponaganset and Coakse[t]

a Committee to Collect an Account of the deaths of Public

friends that have happened from for Some time past and

bring them to the Adjournment;



Benj Tripp

Coakset friends Preparitive meeting Inform that

Benja Tripp hath Gone Contrary to friends orders in Opposin[g]

the Constable in Distraining for a Tax and he hath been Labo[ured]


with by the Visitors and has not made Satisfaction therefore


this meeting doth appoint Peleg Smith Humphry Smith and


William Anthony ju: a Committee to Labour furder with h[?]


and make Report to the next monthly Meeting ~



The Queries have been Read and answers prepar’d from both

preparitive Meetings and Read in this Meeting,



Joseph Tucker Peleg Smith Philip Tripp Samuel Smith

and Peter Devil [Davol] are appointed to attend the Quarterly


Meeting and Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw


an Epistle to the Same^& bring them to the Adjournment



Benj Devil

Benjamin Devil [Davol] hath Married out of the order of friends

and hath also had a Child Soon after Marriage and hat[h]

been Labour’d with and Declines to make Satisfaction


Therefore this Meeting doth appoint Christopher Gifford a[nd]


Ichabod Eddy to labour furder with him and make Report


to the next monthly Meeting, This Meeting hath Colle[cted]

order to pay Antipas


£3–11s–8d old tenor and the Treasurer is orderd to pay An[tipas]

Hathaway 10 Shillings Lawfull money for mending Glass a[t?]


the meeting House; This Meeting adjourns to the Sixth day


of next month ~


This Meeting being met according to Adjournment


the Sixth day of the 4th month 1764 the Representatives

[ep]istles &

[an]swers to

all present, This meeting hath Signed and Sent an Epistle

[qu]eries Sent

to the Quarterly Meeting and also hath Sent the Answers


to the Queries by the Representatives

death of



The Elders brought the Account of the deaths of Publick

friends to this Meeting

4th month


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth b/y on the 16th

of the 4th mo: 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called Caleb Russell


and William Anthony jur present, for Coakset Peleg Hud=


=dlestone present,



Daniel Smith [C]learness

The friends appointed to Enquire into Joseph Howlands and

Danil [Daniel] Smiths Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation

make Report that they do’nt find anything to hinder


their Proceeding in Marriage; – –



Daniel Smiths answer

Joseph Howland and Bershebe Shearman Danil [Daniel] Smith and

Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] did appear for their Answer and their

Answer was that they might Proceed to take each other


in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this


and the next monthly Meeting observing the Good order


used amongst us and John Potter and Benja Howland jur


are appointed to See Joseph Howlands and Barshebe [Bershebe] Shearmans


Marriage Consumated in Sd order and make Report to the


next monthly meeting, and William Anthony jur


and Samuel Smith are appointed for the Same Service


at the Marriage of Daniel Smith and Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] and


they to make Report to the next monthly meeting

[Pr]ince Allen



This Meeting doth accept of Prince Allen and his Children

to be under our Care for time to Come

[Ca]se of Benj

Shearman Ju


the matter Concerning Benja Shearman jur is Refer’d to

the next monthly Meeting

Benj Tripp

Case Suspen


The Comm[i]ttee appointed to Labour with Benja Tripp

make Report that he ought to Condemn his Opposing the

officer in the manner he did and he Cannot find freedom to


Comply with their Judgment at present Therefore the matter


is Suspended ~

Report from



The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting make

Report that they ^all attended it and have produced an Epistle from

the Same which was Read in this Meeting and well Accepted

Benj Deval


The matter Concerning Benja Deval [Davol] is Refered to the next mont[hly]

Meeting and the same friends are Still Continued in the Same Servi[ce]


and they to draw up a paper of Denial against him if they think


Necessary and bring it to the next monthly meeting;

Antp[?] Hath=

=away is paid

The treasurer has paid Antipas Hathaway ten Shillin[gs]

for mending Glass;

Wm Sanford

& David

Smith acompt

William Sanford and David Smith has Brought in an

account to this meeting for Repairing the Stable belong[ing to?]

this Meeting and the lock the drawer and one Quire of Pap[er]


and one Ink Stand; all £27=16s–6d Old tenor which this


meeting accepts

Philip Trafford

request for

his Children


Philip Trafford Requests that his Children that he had by

his first wife be taken under friends Care which this meet[ing]

Grants and accepts them to be under Our Care for the time to Com[e]

L. Cornel


The women friends Inform that they have Accepted of Lyd[ia?]

Cornel [Cornell] to be under their Care which this Meeting Concurs with


5 mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of [?]

5th month 1764 Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and


Samuel Smith present for Coakset Daniel Wood present,


John Potter and Benjamin Howland ju: make report that h[e]

Report of

Jos[?] Howland


attended the Marriage of Joseph Howland and Barshebe [Bershebe] Shea[rman]

and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplished in Good order

William Anthony jur and Samuel Smith Report that they

Report of

Dan Smiths


attended the marriage of Daniel Smith and Rebecca Cornel [Cornell]

and Saw nothing but it was likewise Accomplished in

Good Order – –

[Ca]se of Benj

[She]arman Jur


The matter Concerning Benjamin Shearman jur is Refer’d

to the next monthly Meeting and Peleg Smith and William

Anthony jur are Appointed to discourse with him Concerning his


not attending meetings and make Report to the next


monthly Meeting, The matter Concerning Benjamin Devil [Davol] is


Refer’d to the next monthly meeting; – –

[?] take Sub=


for [Geo]rg Foxes


Samuel Smith is appointed to take the Subscribtions [subscriptions] for

George Fox’s Journals and Endeavour to Collect the Money

and Send it up to the Yearly Meeting; – –

N. Sisson

Rec’d &

L. Shear=

[=]man denied

the women friends Inform that they have accepted of Naomy

Sisson to be Under their Care and that they have denied

Lydia Shearman from being one under their Care both which

this Meeting Concurs with;




There hath been a Report brought to this Meeting that Stephen

Wilcox hath So Conducted in time past that he hath very

much fallen Short of discharging many of his debts which


hath been due, which Seems to be of an attendency to bring


a Reproach on friends therefore Peter Devil [Davol] Philip Tripp


Peleg Huddlestone Joseph Gifford and Joseph Tucker are


Appointed a Comittee of Enquiry and to discourse with him


and make Report to the Adjournment of this Meeting


This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this month


This Meeting being mett according to Adjournment the 30th


of the 5th month 1764 the Representatives being Called for


Ponaganset Samuel Smith present, for Coakset none present

[C]ase of Stephen

[W]ilcox referd

the Committee make Report that Stephen Wilcox desires that

friends would wait untill the next monthly meeting therefore


the matter is Refer’d to Sd meeting; – –


[ag]ainst Job


Lusana Russell has Exhibited a Complaint against Job How=

=land for Refusing to Leave a Contr^oversy Subs^isting Between them

to Arbitration, therefore Barnabas Mosher and Luke Hart are


appointed a Committee of Enquiry and they to advise Job Howland


to leave it to men if they think Necessary and make


Report to the next monthly meeting;


6 mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the

18th of the 6th month 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called


Wilcox case referd

Peleg Smith and Joseph Smith present for Coakset for

Joshua Devil [Davol] present – –



proposal of


Stephen Hathaway and Abigail Smith did lay their

Intention of Marriage and were desired to wait till the

next monthly Meeting for their Answer

Case of Ben

Shearman refered

The matter Concerning Benjan Shearman jur is Refer’d

to the next monthly meeting, as is likewise that of Benja

Case of Ben

Devil referd

Devil [Davol] – –

Money Collec

=ted for 12

Books mo

Samuel Smith has answered the Appointment of last

monthly meeting and Collected money Enough for twelve

of Fox’s Journals – –


advice to



It is the advice of this Meeting that if Stephen Wilcox Can’t

discharge his debts no otherwise he ought to deliver up his

Estate to his Creditors and Notify them all as Soon as may

be, and the Same Committee is Still Continued to Notify him


of the Conclusion of this Meeting and assist him in advice


and make Report to the next monthly Meeting; –




Our Esteemed friend Henry Stanton has Visited this

Meeting with a Certificate from Carterite [Carteret]

In North Carolina dated the 18th of the 4th mo: 1764 which being Read


was kindly accepted.



for Quarter

=ly meeting

Peleg Smith Humphry Smith Philip Tripp are Appointed

to attend the Quarterly meeting and draw an Epistle to the

Same and bring it to the adjournment; – –

Case of

Job How=


The ^friends appointed to Inquire into the Controversey between

Job Howland and Lusanna Russell make Report that they

think it Necessary to Leave it to men and that they


advised them to do it which ^he Refused therefore Joseph


Smith and Joseph Gifford are appointed to Labour


furder with him and make Report to the next


monthly Meeting;

[words crossed out for last two lines]

[or]der to pay



This Meeting has Collected 4£–4s–11d old tenor and the

Treasurer is order’d to pay Jonathan Hussie [Hussey] three Dollars

for keeping the Meeting House half a year



This meeting adjourns to the first Sixth day in next month

This meeting being met according to adjournment the 6 of the 7th


month 1764 the Representatives being Called for Ponaganset


Peleg Smith and Joseph Smith present for Coakset none pre==sent


[to] the


The Queries have been Read and answers prepared from both

preparitive meetings and Peleg Smith Humphry Smith and

Wm Anthony jur are appointed to Compile the answers to the


Queries and Deliver them to the Representatives


This meeting has Signed and ordered to be Sent an Epistle to the


Quarterly meeting by the Representatives




The women friends Inform that they have Concluded to deny

Ruth Eddy therefore david Smith is appointed to draw a paper

of Denial against her and bring it to the next monthly meeting


7th mo:1764

At a monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 16th of the


7th month 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called David Smith and Samll [Samuel]


Smith present for Coakset Joseph Tripp and Ichabod Eddy present





Stephen Hathaway produced a Certificate from Sandwich monthly meet=

=ing Certifying his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation in a

degree Clear – –




Stephen Hathaway and Abigail Smith did appear for their answer

which was that they might proceed to take each other in marriage

in Some Convenient time between this and the next monthly Mee=


=ting Observing the Good order Established Amongst us in the perfor=


=mance thereof and William Anthony and Daniel Russell are


appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in S,d order and make


Report to the next monthly Meeting




Jemima Hoxie has Produced a Certificate from the monthly meeting

of Sandwich dated the 29 of the 6th mo: 1764 Informing of her being of

an orderly life and Conversation and under their Care and that


She has Settled her outward affairs which this meeting accepts and She


to be under our Care

Mary Tuc=



Mary Tucker hath Produced a Certificate from Sandwich

monthly Meeting held the 29th of the 6 mo: 1764 which Informs

her being in a Good degree of an orderly life and Conversation


which this meeting accepts and She to be under our Care for


the time to Come – –

Ben Sher

=man case


The matter Concerning Benja Shearman ju: is Refer’d to the

next monthly meeting

Jos Taber Ju

his paper

Joseph Taber ju: has produced a paper to this meeting Condem[n]ing

his falling into the Sin of fornication which this meeting


appoints Caleb Russell to See that it be Red [read] at the end of a first day


meeting for worship at Quishnet and he to be present and make


Report to the next monthly Meeting, and when Said paper be


Read as afforesaid this meeting Concludes to accept of it for

Case of

Benj Deval


Satisfaction;  The matter Concerning Benja Deval [Davol] is

Refer’d to the next monthly meeting; – –

The case

of Stephen


the Committee appointed to have the Care of Stephen Wilcox’s

affair make Report that he did not fully Comply with the Conclu:

=sion of last monthly meeting therefore the Same Committee are


Still Continued to Repeat the Same advice to him and also to Inform


him that this Meeting desires him Imediately to Comply with


the above Said advice and if he do’nt he must Expect to be


dealt with as an offender





The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting being

Called upon make Report that they did all attend it and have

produced an Epistle from the Same which was Red to Good Satisfaction



This Meeting Received two Epistles from London one written

the other Printed which was Read to Good Satisfaction, and


as they Contain many wholsome Exhortations and advices, they


are Recommended to friends Observation; – –


This meeting likewise Received an Epistle from the yearly mee=


=ting at Philadelphia dated the 9th mo: 1763 and one from our


last yearly meeting held at Newport on Rhode Island


This ^meeting adjourns to the 25th day of this Instant


This meeting being Met According to Adjournment the


Representatives being Called for Ponaganset meeting David


Smith and Samuel Smith present for Coakset none present



Ruth Eddy

This meeting has Signed a paper of Denial against Ruth Eddy

for falling into the Sin of fornication which is Evident by her

having a Child Soon after Marriage and Peleg Huddlestone


is appointed to Read it or Get Some body to Read it at the end


of a first day meeting of worship at Coakset meeting house


and make Report to the next monthly meeting;

[C]ase of

Job How=


The Committee appointed last monthly meetyng to Labour with

Job Howland make Report that he declines to leave the Contro=

=versey to men therefore Jonathan Hussie [Hussey] Joseph Smith and Wm


Anthony ju: are appointed a Committee to have them face to face


and to Labour to Reconcile them and if they Can’t to advise


them to leave their Controversy to men [word crossed out] if they think pro=


=per and make Report to the next monthly meeting


8th mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 8th 1764

Ponaganset meeting Called James Shearman and Caleb Russell


present, for Coakset Peter Devil [Davol] present and the other friend that


was appointed at Coakset Sent an Excuse which this meeting

report of




thinks Sufficient

the friends appointed to See Stephen Hathaway and Abigail Smiths

marriage Consumated make Report that they attended the

Benj Sher

man Jur



marriage and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in Good Order

This ^meeting doth accept of Benja Shearman ju: his paper for Satisfaction

Condeming his misconduct in marriage and he to be under our Care

for the time to Come


Caleb Russell makes Report that Joseph Taber ju:’s paper has


been Read According to the Appointment of last monthly meeting


which is as followeth (viz)


Dartmouth the 22 of the first month 1764

J. Taber


dear friends;

Whereas I Joseph Taber jur of Dartmouth have had my Educati=


=on among Friends in a Sober manner and am also fully persuaded


and Confirmed in my mind of the Truth of the Doctrines and


Principles held forth by them; have notwithstanding through


unwatchfullness and not taking that heed which I ought to have


done to that Divine Principle of Light and Grace fallen into


the Sin of Fornication which is Evident by my wive’s having


a Child Soon after Marriage, also my being married out of


the Unity of friends, all which I do hereby Condem, and am


heartily Sorry for, and desire the Lord may forgive me and


friends pass it by and let me Remain Under their Care


their Labour of love with me I do Gratefully acknowledge


and hope it may not prove Labour lost


from your friend Joseph Taber jur

Case of Ben



The matter Concerning Benjamin Devil [Davol] is Refered to next

monthly meeting and Christopher Gifford and Ichabod Eddy are

appointed to have the Care of the affair and make Report to the


next monthly meeting; – –


Peleg Huddlestone makes Report that Ruth Eddys paper of


Denial hath been Read according to the appointment of last

R. Eddy


monthly Meeting;    which is as follows,

Whereas Ruth Eddy Daughter of William Gifford [d?] and


Patience his wife was Educated in the profession of us the people


Called Quakers in Dartmouth and did Some times frequent our


Religious meetings, but for want of faithfull adherence to the


dictates of that Divine Principal which was Sufficient to have


preserved her, hath been prevailed on to Give way to the tem=


=tation of the enemy So far as to be Guilty of the Sin of Fornicatio[n]


as doth appear by her having a Child Soon after marriage


and Notwithstanding She hath been duly admonished & advised


in order to bring her to a Sight of her misconduct, but She


Still Remaining Obstinate, we do therefore hereby disown


the Said Ruth Eddy to be of our Society until She Come to


witness that Godly Sorrow which worketh true Repentance


which that the Lord may mercifully Grant her is our Sincere


desire;   Signed by order and in behalf of the above S’d people


in their monthly meeting held in Dartmouth by adjournment


the 25th of the 7th month 1764 by

Job Russell Clerk


Elisabeth Smith Clerk


for this day – –

Affair of


Wilcox referd

The affair Concerning Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next

monthly meeting; – –

The Committee appointed to Inspect into the Controversy Subsisting


between Job Howland and Lusanna Russell make Report that


it was their advice that he ought to leave to men the Controversey


which he Refuses to do therefore he is looked upon as an offender and


John Russell 2d John Potter Wm Barker are appointed to Inform


him of the Judgment of this meeting, and to Labour with him as


they Shall find freedom and make Report to the next monthly meeting


It is the Conclusion of this meeting that the Visitors do Still Continue

[Elijah?] Russel

request a


in the Same Service for one month longer · –

Elijah Russell Desires a Certificate to the monthly meeting of

Swanzey Signifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage and


Conversation, therefore Humphry Smith and Benja Howland 2d


are appointed to Inspect into his Conversation and draw one for him

[Be]nj Tripps


if they think proper and bring it to the next monthly meeting

The matter Concerning Benja Tripp hath Laid Several months


and nothing done therefore Peleg Huddlestone and John Mosher


are appointed to treat with him on that matter and make


Report to the next monthly meeting; ~


9 mo: }


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the 9th

month 1764 Ponaganset meeting Called Joseph Smith and


Daniel Russell present, for Coaset Christopher Gifford and

Benj Devil

Case referd

David Devil [Davol] present;

The matter Concerning Benja Devil [Davol] is Refer’d to the next monthly


meeting and Christopher Gifford is Still Continued according to the


appointment of last monthly meeting ~


the matter Concerning Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to next monthly

Ann Coffin


meeting; This Meeting has Signed and Sent a Certificate to the

monthly meeting of Nantucket ^for Ann Coffin Certifying her being in a

[Job?] Howland

[Case] referd

Good degree of an orderly life and Conversation and under our Care

the matter Concerning Job Howland is Refer’d to the next

[Elij?] Russel



monthly meeting

This meeting has Signed a Certificate for Elijah Russell to the

monthly meeting of Swanzey Certifying his Clearness from any


Entanglement Respecting Marriage and in a degree of an




orderly Conversation – –

Joseph Mosher and his wife Requests to Come under friends Car[e]

therefore Christopher Gifford and David Devil [Davol] are Appointed to


take an Opportunity of Conference with him on that account

B. Tripp


and make Report to the next monthly meeting;

Benjamin Tripp hath appeared in this meeting and made

Certificate requested

for Giles


friends Such Satisfaction as they have taken up with

Daniel Russell Requests a Removal Certificate for his Son

Giles to the Oblong, therefore Jonathan Hussey and David


Smith are Appointed to draw one if they think proper and to


make Enquiry into his life and Conversation and bring it to the



next monthly meeting ~

The Queries have been Read and Answers prepared by both


Ponaganset preparative meeting, Joseph Tucker and his Son

Job Howland

Case Sent to

Quar meet=ing

Barziller Tucker are Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Quarterl[y]

meeting and bring it to the adjournment – –

The like Case of Job Howland, is to be Sent up to the Quarterly


meeting for advice – –


This meeting Adjourns to the first Sixth day in next month


This meeting being met according to Adjournment the


Representatives being Called Daniel Russell Joseph Smith



and David Devil [Davol] present,

Our Esteemed friend Robert Willis hath Visited this meeting


with a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Woodbridge


in New=Jersey dated the 16th 5 mo: 1764 which was Read and

Chusing Visitors


well Accepted

the matter Concerning Chusing Visitors and Overseers is Refer[‘d]


for Quar-


to the next monthly meeting

Joseph Tucker, Abraham Tucker, Philip Tripp are Appointed

to attend the Quarterly meeting and present the Epistle and


make Report to the next monthly meeting


This meeting hath Signed and Sent an Epistle to the Quarterly



Meeting by the Representatives

the Quarterly Collection is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting


10th mo }


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 10th

Month 1764, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and Benja


=min Howland jur present, for Coakset Ichabod Eddy and Israel

[Benj Wings

proposal of


Wood present,

Benja Wing and Mary Potter declared their Intentions of Marriage

and were desired to wait til the monthly meeting for their


answer and Peleg Huddlestone and Joseph Tripp are appointed


to make Enquiry into Benja Wing, Clearness as to Marriage and


Conversation and likewise to see if Mary Potters Estate be Settled


So that her Children be not hurt by her Said Marriage and make

[Ca]se of

[B]enj Deval


Report to the next monthly meeting

The affair of Benja Deval [Davol] is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting

and Philip Allen and Adam Gifford are appointed to have an


Inspection over him and his Conduct and make Report to

[Step?] Wilcox

Case refered

the next monthly Meeting

[Job?] How-


[Case?] referd

Stephen Wilcoxs Case is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting

The Case of Job Howland is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting

on the account of Informing him of the Result of the Quarterly


meeting and Peleg Smith is appointed to Inform him of Said




Result and make Report to the next monthly Meeting;

This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Giles

Russell Certifying him to be in a degree of an orderly Conversation

a Comtee

to advise

with[?] in


and under our Care directed to the monthly meeting of the Oblong

Humphry Smith Joseph Tucker William Barker are

appointed a Standing Comittee pursuant to the direction


of meeting


of the late Book of Discipline in page 138

Jonathan Hussie [Hussey], David Smith, Samuel Smith, Benjamin

Howland ju: William Mosher, Israel Wood, Joshua Cornel [Cornell]


David Devil [Davol] are Apointed to have the oversight of the people


in the Galleries and other Seats at our next Annual Meeting


both here & at Coakset and to make Report to the next




monthly meeting

The friends Appointed to Confer with Joseph Mosher make

Report that they have not both Confer’d with him by reas[on?]


of Indisposion, therefore Ichabod Eddy and David Devil [Davol]


are Appointed for the Same Service and they to make Re:

Wm Hath=

[=]away request

=port to the next monthly Meeting;

William Hathaway Requests to Come under Care of


friends, therefore Joseph Smith and Luke Hart are


Appointed a Committee to Confer with him on that account


and make Report to the next monthly Meeting

H. Mosher


The [word crossed out] women friends Inform that they have minuted

Hannah Mosher wife to Wm Mosher under their Care


which this Meeting Concurs with


11 mo:


At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth on the

19th day of the 11th month 1764 Ponaganset Meeting


Called Joseph Smith and William Anthony ju: present

Benj Wing Clearness

for Coakset John Mosher and Joseph Tripp present,


The friends appointed to Inspect into Benjamin Wings Clear


=ness as to Marriage and Conversation make Report that


they have made Enquiry and do not find any thing to hinder


his Proceeding in Marriage and also that the widows Estate

B. Wings


is Settled according to friends orders;

Benjamin Wing and Mary Potter appeared for their


Answer, which was that they might proceed to take each


other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this


and the next monthly meeting, Observing the Good order


Established amongst us in the performance thereof and


Peleg Huddlestone and Joseph Tripp are appointed to See


their Marriage Consumated in Said order and make

[Benj Devil

case?] referd

Report to the next monthly meeting

The matter Concerning Benjamin Devil [Davol] is Refer’d to the next


monthly Meeting; and the Same Committees are Still Continued


in the Same Service and to Return the paper to him and Inform


him that there is a deficiency and make Report to the next

[M. Kerby


M. Mosher


monthly meeting;

The women friends Inform that they have minuted Mary Kerby [Kirby]

and Meribah Mosher under their Care which this Meeting Concurs with

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting

[J. How:



Whereas, there hath been a Complaint Exhibited against Job

Howland by Lusanna Russell for Refusing to leave a Contro=

=versey Subsisting between them to Arbitration, and he hath


been Sufficiently Laboured with and he appears Obstinate


and Refuses friends Advice, therefore this Meeting for the


Clearing of the Blessed truth doth deny the S,d Job Howland


from being one under our Care


This Meeting Adjourns till tomorrow at the tenth hour in


the fore noon


This Meeting being met according to Adjournment the 20th 11:mo: 1764


the Representives being Called for Ponaganset meeting both


present for Coakset Joseph Tripp present the other Repre:tive


of meetg



has made an Excuse for his absence which this meeting accepts

The friends Appointed to have the oversight of the people in the

Galleries and other Seats at our Annual Meeting being Called

upon make Report that they attended Agreeable to

[J.] Mosher


appointment and that the people behaved in a Good degree

orderly; The Committee Appointed to Confer with Joseph


Mosher make Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction


Therefore this Meeting doth accept and minute him under




our Care

This Meeting appoints Joshua Devel [Davol] and Israel Wood Overseers

for Coakset, and also appoints William Anthony ju: and Job


Russell Overseers for Ponaganset, and also appoints Luke


Hart and Barziller Tucker overseers from Newtown


This Meeting Appoints Abraham Tucker and Caleb


Russell Visitors for Ponaganset , and Peter Deuel [Devol]




and Philip Tripp Visitors for Coakset

The Comittee Appointed to Confer with Wm Hathaway

make Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction



therefore this Meeting Minutes him under our Care

This Meeting Grants the friends living in Allens neck


Liberty to hold a Meeting down there at some friends House


three first days in a month for three winter Months and the


first Spring Month, Excepting the first days that precede


against Isaac


the monthly Meetings

Whereas, Isaac Howland ju: hath Married out of the Unity

of friends, and hath been in the Practice of the Slave


Trade, and hath never Condemned them to friends Satisfaction

Nat Sowle Jr


which is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting;

Nathaniel Soule ju: Requests to Come under friends Care


Therefore Ichabod Eddy and Israel Wood are Appointed to


take an Oppertunity of Conference with him, and make

Jos Mosher

request a


Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Joseph Mosher desires a Removal Certificate to Smithfield

Therefore Isael [Israel] Wood and Philip Tripp are Appointed to make


Enquiry into his Outward Affairs, and draw one for him

To draw a


for Mathew


if they think proper and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting

This Meeting Appoints Humphry Smith and William

Anthony jun to draw a Certificate for Matthew Franklin

and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting;


12 mo 1764

At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the


12th month 1764, Ponaganset Meeting Called David Smith and


Wm Anthony ju: present, for Coakset, Philip Tripp and Israel



[?] of


Wood present,

William Hathaway and Ruth Barker Declared their Intentions of

Marriage, and were desired to wait until the next monthly Meet=

=ing for their Answer and Caleb Russell and Joseph Smith are


Appointed to Make Enquiry into the young mans Clearness as to




Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to the next Monthly

meeting; Whereas Benja Davil [Davol] hath fallen into the Sin of

fornication and he hath been Sufficiently dealt with and Refuses to


make friends Satisfaction; therefore this Meeting thinks best for the


Clearing of the Blessed truth to disown him, and do Appoint Isaac


Smith to draw up a paper of denial Against him and bring it to the

[report?] of

[?] Wings


next Monthly Meeting;

The friends Appointed to See Benja Wing, and Mary Potters Marriage

Consumated Make Report that they attended the Marriage, and that

[?] of Step



it was Consumated in tolerable good order;

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refered to the next monthly Meeting As is

[?] of Isaac



likewise the Matter Concerning Isaac Howland jun – – and the Represen=

=tatives to the Quarterly Meeting are Appointed to treat with Said howland

on that account and Inform him that his Accknowledgment is too

N. Sowle


short and wherein;

The friends Appointed to Conferr with Nathaniel Sowle ye 2d Make


Report that he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting


[?] Mosher

doth Minute him under friends Care.

This Meeting has Signed and Sent a Removal Certificate to the Monthly


[for] Matthew


Meeting of Smithfield for Joseph Mosher and family;

This Meeting has Signed and sent a Certificate for Matthew Franklin to

[Request] for

[M]eeting [?] Swanzy

Flushing on long Island;

The friends at New Swanzy Requests Liberty to hold a Meeting there


on first days till the last of the 4th month 1765 which this Meeting


Grants Exceptt the holding a Meeting on them first days that

John How



precedes our Monthly Meeting day,

John Howland Requests to Come under friends Care, therefore this

Meeting doth appoint Wm Bowdish and Joseph Gifford to Confer

John Smith’s

request &


with him on that Act and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

John Smith the 3d Requests a Certificate to the monthly Meeting

of Sandwich Respecting his Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation


Therefore Luke hart and Barzillear Tucker are Appointed to Inspect


into the Above Sd. particulars and draw one for him if they think


proper, and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting;

order to pay

Jonan Hussey

This Meeting has Collected £7:17S–2d old tener, and the Treasurer

is ordered to pay Jonathan Hussey three Dollars for keeping the

To Settle

with Trea


Meeting House half a year; Wm Sanford and Jonathan Hussey are

Appointed to make up Accompts with the Treasurer and Make Report

meeting house


to the next monthly Meeting;

The Treasurer has paid Jonathan Hussey According to order. – –


for Quart


The overseers of the Meeting House are Still Continued for one year more

Humphry Smith, Samuel Smith, Wm Anthony ju. Caleb Russell

Philip Tripp are Appointed to Attend the Quarterly


meeting and Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw


an Epistle to the Same and bring them to the Adjourn=

J Howland


=ment of this Meeting.

Job Howland Requests an Appeal from the Judgment


of this Meeting to the Quarterly Meeting which is Granted


This Meeting Adjourns to the 26 day of this Month


This Meeting being mett According to Adjournment this


26 day of the 12th month 1764, the Representation being


Called for Ponaganset David Smith and Wm Anthony ju.

D Smith

Clerk this


present, for Coakset None present; – –

This Meeting Appoints David Smith Clark of this

Meeting for this day – –

Queries answered

Epistle Signed

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting have

drawn an Epistle and Compiled the Answers to the Queries which


was brought to this Meeting and the Epistle Signed by the


Clark and ordered to be Sent up by the Representatives;


1st mo. 1765

At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 21 of the


first Month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith


and Caleb Russell Present, for Coakset John Mosher present

Wm Hathaway’s


The friends Appointed to make Enquiry into Wm Hathaway’s

Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation Make Report


that they do not find Anything to hinder their proceeding


in Marriage.

Wm Hathaways

proposal of


William Hathaway and Ruth Barker did appear for their

Answer which was that they might Proceed to take Each

other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this


and the next monthly Meeting Observing the Good Order


Established among us in the performance thereof and Caleb


Russell and Joseph Smith are appointed to see their Marriage


Consumated in Sd order and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting.

Benja Davil


This Meeting has Signed a paper of denial Against Benja

Davil [Davol] for the Sin of Fornication but the Reading of it is Referd


to the next monthly Meeting, and Philip Allen is Appointed


to Inform him of the Judgment of this Meeting and make


Report to the next monthly meeting.

Case of Stephen

Wilcox refer’d

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting

Case of Isaac

Howland Ju. &

John Howland


as is likewise the Case Concerning Isaac Howland jun

And likewise the Case Concerning John Howland is Refered to

the next Monthly Meeting.

Certificate for

John Smith

This Meeting has Signed a Certificate for John Smith, Joseph’s

Son, to the monthly meeting of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness


as to Marriage and Conversation

Settled with


The friends Appointed to make up Accompts with the Treasurer

make Report that they have answer’d their Appointment


and there is due to this Meeting £4–10S–1d old Tener

Report from



The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

Make Report that three of them attended agreeable to

Appointment and one of the other made an Excuse which the


Quarterly Meeting took up with and Caleb Russell [4-5 letters crossed out] has


made an Excuse to this Meeting, and the Said friends have


produced an Epistle from the Sad [Said] Meeting which was Read in


this Meeting and Well Accepted




Obediah Allen has sent a paper to this Meeting Condeming

his falling into the Sin of Fornication which Was Read in

this Meeting and Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting for


furder Consideration.

P. Snell


The Women friends Inform that they have denied Phebe Snell

for Marrying Contrary to the order of Friends which this Meeting


Concurs With

T. Wings

Whereas Thomas Wing has Married Contrary to the Order


of friends, and also has Removed Without a Certificate, and

P. Davel



also Philip Davel [Davol] has Removed without a Certificate and

without friends Advice, Therefore Daniel Russell is Appointed

to Labour with both of them for the afforesd offences in behalf


of this Meeting when he Goes to Oblong, and Make Report to


this Meeting as Soon as he Can.


2d mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 18th of the

2d Month 1765 the Representatives for Ponaganset are


Joseph Smith and Caleb Russell present, for Coakset Philip Tripp


and Israel Wood present;


Comstock proposal

of marriage

Ezekiel Comstock and Mary Russell declared their Intentions

of Marriage at this Meeting and were desired to ^wait till the next

Monthly Meeting for their Answer.

Report of

Wm Hath

away mar


The friends Appointed to oversee the Marriage of Wm Hathaway

and Ruth Barker Report that they both attended the Marriage

and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplished in Good order

Benj Davil disowned

There was a paper of denial Signed Against Benja Davel [Davol]at the last


Monthly Meeting, and was Presen’d to this Meeting to let him know


the Conclusion of Sd Meeting, and Report being Made that he


Still Refuses to Condemn his outgoings, therefore Philip Tripp


is Appointed to Read it at Coakset Meeting after the Meeting


of Worship on a first day between this and the next Monthly


Meeting, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting.

Case of

Stephen Wilcox

& Isaac Howland


The Case of Stephen Wilcox and likewise that of Isaac Howland jun

are both Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

The Case of John Howland is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

under the Same Care as heretofore


Allen’s case


Obediah Allen’s Reference is Still Continued till next Monthly

Meeting, and Peleg Huddlestone and Job Case are Appointed to discourse

with the young man, and also with the young Woman that Accused of^


him of the Aforesd Crime, and Endeavor to have them face to face


and see if the young Woman be fully Satisfied and make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting.

G. Handy Requests

to Come

among friends

George Handy Requests to Come Under the Care of friends therefore

Joseph Smith and Wm Mosher are appointed to [fo] Confer with him

on that Account and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting.

D. Smith



Whereas Daniel Smith (Isaac’s Son) hath been of Accused of the Sin of

Fornication for which offence he hath been discoursed with by the

overseers and declines to Condemn the Same, therefore this Meeting


doth Appoint Joseph Tucker and James Shearman to discourse furder


with him, and Inform him that it is the mind of this Meeting that if he


do not Condem his offence nor Endeavour to make friends Satisfaction


That they are Appointed to draw a paper of denial Against him and to bring


it to the next Monthly Meeting and Make Report to the Said Meeting. – –

C Slocum



Whereas Christopher Slocum hath been Accused of the Sin of Fornica=

=tion and hath been Laboured with by one of the overseers and the

visitors and Gave them no Satisfaction, Therefore this Meeting doth


appoint Daniel Cornel and Samuel Smith to Labour furder with


him and also Inform him that it is the Mind of this Meeting that


they Should draw a paper of denial Against him if he don’t Incline


to Condemn his Offence and make friends Satisfaction and bring it


to the next Monthly Meeting.

Order to

draw a


for Robert Willis

Humphry Smith and Wm Anthony jun are Appointed to draw a Certificate

for our Worthy friend Robert Willis, and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting

Peleg Smith, Samuel Smith, Wm Anthony jun, Job Russell, Joseph Tucker

Order to



are Appointed to Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes to see what

part they Shall think proper to Go on Record, and they also to Inspect

into the Affair Relating to Abigail Kerby and prepare a Minute

Affair of

Abigail Kirby

for that purpose if they think proper and Make Report to the next

Monthly Meeting




At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 18th day

of the 3d Month 1765 Ponaganset Meeting Called John Potter


and Wm Anthony jun present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp and


Joshua Davel [Davol]present.


Comstock’s Certificate

Ezekiel Comstock hath produced a Certificate from the Monthly

Meeting of Smithfield, Certifying him to be in some good degree of an


orderly life and Conversation and Clear from Any Intanglement


Respecting Marriage Among them, which this Meeting Accepts




Ezekiel Comstock and Mary Russell Appeared for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in Marriage

in Some Convenient time between this and the next Monthly


Meeting Adviseing with the overseers for the purpose – –


and Peleg Smith and Wm Anthony jun are Appointed to See


their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting – –


Philip Tripp Makes Report that Benja Devels [Davol] Denial hath


been Read According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting


and is as follows – –

B. Davel


Whereas Benja Davel [Davoll, Devol] Son of Reuben Davel and Mary his wife

of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the Province of the


Masachusets Bay in New England, being one Under the Care of friends


the People Called Quakers, yet for want of keeping to the Spirit of


Truth hath Given way to the Insinuations of the Evil one So as to


fall into the Sin of Fornication as is Manifest by his Wives


having a Child Soon after Marriage, and all Proper Endeavors


in love having being Used to bring him to a Sense of his outgoings, yet


no Sign of Repentance Appearing we Can do no less but to Set


him aside, Denying him the Said Benja Davel [Davol, Devol]to be one Under


the Care of us the People Called Quakers. Yet Sincerely desiring


that he May Come to a Sense of his Outgoings and find Mercy


Given forth at our Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth


the 21 of the first month 1765 And signed in and by order of


Said Meeting by – –

Job Russell Clerk

Case of

Step Wilcox

Case [?] Howland



Allen refer’d

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

and likewise the Matter Concerning Isaac Howland jun is Refer’d to

the next Monthly Meeting – –

The Case Concerning Obediah Allen is Refer’d to the next Monthly

Meeting Under the same Care as heretofore, and they to make

Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Case of

[George] Handy

The Matter Concerning George Handy is Refer’d to the next Month=

=ly Meeting – –

Daniel Smith





[?] to

The Case Concerning Daniel Smith is Refer’d to the next Monthly

Meeting Under the Same Care as heretofore – –

The Matter Concerning Christopher Slocum is Refer’d to the next Month=

=ly Meeting – –

The friends Appointed to Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes Make

put on Rec


Report that they have Perused said Minutes and left them with Samel

Smith to be put on Record, and have prepared a minute Respecting


Abigail Kerby which is Approved by this Meeting, and ordered to be


Recorded, and is as follows – –


[Job Howl Crossed out] Whereas, Abigail Kerby was Some years past Under

A Minute


A. Kerby

dealing as appears by our Records, but there being no Mention

made therein that She Made friends Satisfaction, by Reason

as we Apprehend of the Deficiency of the Record (there being


the Minutes of Several Monthly Meetings omitted) and it


appearing now by living Evidence that She did make friends


Satisfaction by Sending a paper into the Monthly Meeting which


was Accepted, Therefore this Minute is Made and Recorded


for a Memorandum thereof – –

J. Howland



Job Howland Requests a hearing at the next Quarterly Meeting

and hath Sent his Reasons of his not Prosecuting his Appeal at the

last Quarterly Meeting which this Meeting Grants and the Rea=


=sons to be Sent to the aforesaid Meeting – –



The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answers prepared by

both preparative Meetings.

Friends to




Peleg Smith, Caleb Russell, Humphry Smith, Wm Anthony jun,

Peter Davil [Davol, Devol] are Appointed to Attend the Quarterly Meeting and

Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw an Epistles to the Same

and bring them to the Adjournment. – –


This Meeting Adjourns to the first 6th day in next Month,


This Meeting being Mett According to Adjournment the 5th day


of the 4th Month 1765, the Representatives being Called, for Ponaganset [Aponaganset]


both present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp present – –

Case of

John How=

land refer’d

The Case of John Howland is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

and Wm Sanford and Jonathan Hussie [Hussey] are Appointed to take an

oppertunity of Conference with him on Account of his desire of


being taken Under friends Care and Make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting – –

E. Cornel


The Women friends Inform that they have Accepted of Elizabeth Cornel

to be under the Care of friends, Which this Meeting Concurs with – –


and they also Inform that they have So far Accepted Catherine




Russell’s paper Condemning her outgoings in Keeping Company

with Joshua Barker, with the Provisal that She Read Said Paper

or Get Some friend to Read it at the End of a Meeting for Worship


She being present at Ponaganset Meeting House between this


and the next Monthly Meeting which this Meeting Concurs With,


Settled with D.


This Meeting Appoints Jonathan Hussey, David ^Smith Samuel Smith

to Settle Accompts with Daniel Russell and Make Report to

the next Monthly Meeting – –

Epistle &


to Queries

The friends Appointed to draw an Epistle and Compile the Answers

to the Queries have Answer’d their Appointment, and the Epistle

has been Read and Signed in this Meeting by the Clerk and Sent


with the Answers to the Queries to the Quarterly Meeting by the




4th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 4th

Month 1765 Ponaganset Meeting Called David Smith and Jonathan


Hussey present, for Coakset Peleg Huddlestone present – –

Report of




The friends Appointed to See Ezekiel Comstock and Mary Russells

Marriage Consumated Make Report that they attended the Mar=

=riage and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplished in Good order


Advice to



Peleg Smith, Peleg Huddlestone and Wm Anthony jun are Appoint=

=ed a Committee to advise with Stephen Wilcox in behalf of this Mee=

=ting on the Account of his debts he now Labours Under and they

to advise him to deliver all this Estate up to his Creditors if he


Can’t answer them some other way before the next Monthly meeting

[Case] of [Is]aac

How[lan]d [r?]

The Case of Isaac Howland jun is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting



The friends Appointed to discourse with Obediah Allen Make Report

that they have Answer’d the Appointment and they don’t find things


Quite Clear, therefore the Matter is Refer’d under their Care and they to


make Report to this Meeting when they shall have opportunity to


treat furder with him – –

[G?] Handy

Danil Smith


Christopher Slocum Refer’d

The Case of George Handy is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting.

The Case of Daniel Smith is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting by the

Request of James Shearman – –

The Case of Christopher Slocum is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meet=


=ing Under the Care of Humphry Slocum – –


from Quarly


The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Make Report

that they all Attended Agreeable to Appointment and have produced

an Epistle from the same which was Read in this Meeting & well Accepted

[J.] Howland




The friends Appointed to discourse with John Howland Make Report that

he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting Accepts him

to be Under friends Care.

Settled with

[?] Russell

The friends Appointed to Make up Accompts with Daniel Russell

Make Report that they have Made up Accounts and there Remains


due ₤4–11s–9d old tener which he ^is to take in Wood – –

P. Slocum


Peleg Slocum juner Requests to Come Under friends Care and has Given

in a paper to this Meeting Condeming his former outgoings which is


Refered to the next Monthly Meeting and Benja Howland and Samel


Smith are Appointed to discourse with him on that Account, and to


See if he has Made Satisfaction to the Young Woman that Accused him


and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Tho Wilcox


Whereas Thos Wilcox hath Gone Contrary to friends Orders in times

past in Inlisting into the Kings Service and took up Arms for which


he hath Given in a paper Condemning his afore said offences which this


Meeting Accepts for Satisfaction, and he to Remain Under friends Care


The Women friends Inform that they have Accepted patience Sowle to be

P. Sowle

Received &

C. Soule


under friends Care and also that they have denied Charity Sowle from Un=

=der friends Care both which this Meeting Concurs with – –

This Meeting has collected Three Dollars

5th mo:


At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 5th mo: 1765,

Ponaganset Meeting Called David Smith and Samuel Smith present,


for Coakset John Mosher and Peleg Huddleston[e] present,

Case of Step



The Committee appointed to treat with Stephen Wilcox make

Report that he desires longer time to try to discharge his Debts

in some other way; therefore the Matter is Refer’d to the next


Monthly Meeting – –


Howland Ju

to be informd

Whereas Isaac Howland jur hath been in the Practice of the

Slave trade and lik[e]wise Married out of the Unity of friends and

he hath been Sufficiently Labour’d with and Neglects to Make


Satisfaction, therefore Wm Anthony jur is Appointed to Inform


him that this Meeting hath Come to a Conclusion to deny him


if he do not Endeavour to Make friends Satisfaction at the


next monthly Meeting – –

Case of

Geo Handy


The Case of George Handy is Refer’d under the same Care as heretofore

This Meeting hath Signed a paper of denial against Daniel

Dan Smith


Smith for the Sin of Fo[r]nication and Wm Anthony jur is ap=

=pointed to Read^it at the End of a Meeting for Worship Between


this and the next monthly Meeting and make Report to S,d meeting

S. Clark



The women friends Inform that Susanna Clark hath Produced a

Removal Certificate from Sandwich monthly meeting which

they accepted, and this meeting Concurs therewith




This Meeting hath signed a Paper of Denial Against Christopher

Slocum for the Sin of Fornication and Job Russell is Appointed

to Read it at the End of a first day meeting of worship between


this and the next monthly meeting and he to make Report


to Said meeting

Case of




The Committee appointed to treat with Peleg Slocum jur

make Report that he hath made the young woman Satisfac=

=tion that accused him of the Sin of Fornication, and also that

he Gave them Good Satisfaction; which is Refered to the next


monthly meeting – –

Eben Allen

request to

come under

frien[d]s care

Ebenezer Allen (James Son) Requests to Come Under friends Care.

There^=fore Peleg Smith and Samuel Smith are appointed to

take an Opportunity of Conference with him on that account

and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –





Stephen Russell Requests a Removal Certificate to the month

=ly Meeting of Sandwich therefore Caleb Russell and Wm Sanford

are appointed to Enquire into his Conversation and draw one for

him if they think Proper and bring it to the next monthly meeting



request a


Weston Briggs and his Wife Requests a Removal Certificate to the

monthly Meeting of Sandwich, Therefore James Shearman and

Paul Russell are Appointed to Enquire into his Conversation and

the Circumstance of his outward affairs, and they to joyn with


the women friends, to draw a Certificate for them if they think


Proper and bring it to the next monthly meeting


6th mo:


At a monthly meeting met the 17th of the 6th Month 1765

Ponaganset Called James Shearman and Paul Russell


present, forCoakset Benja Tripp and David Davil [Davol] present


whereas this Meeting happening while the yearly meeting of


Rhod-Island is in being, therefore this Meeting thinks Proper


to adjourn and do adjourn to the 24th of this Instant at the Usual


hour of the day on other monthly meetings– –


This Meeting being mett according to adjournment this 24th of


the 6th month 1765, The Representatives being Called and all

Case of

S. Wilcox


present;    The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next

monthly meeting Under the Care of Joseph Tucker, Joseph Gifford

and Humphry Slocum and they to make Report to the next monthly Meeting - -

I. Howland

Jur gave

in a paper

Isaac Howland jur hath Given in a paper Signifying in Sorrow

for his outgoings in Using the Slave Trade and in Marrying out of

the Unity of friends, which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

G. Handy


The Reports brought in Concerning George Handy being to Satisfaction

Therefore this Meeting Accepts the Said George Handy to be in


Membership and Under friends Care.


Wm Anthony jur makes Report that Daniel Smiths paper of denial


hath been Read According to the Appointment of last Monthly


Meeting, which paper is as follows – –

D. Smith’s


Whereas Daniel Smith Son of Isaac Smith and Mary his wife

hath had his Education among friends the People Called Quakers


Nevertheless not keeping to that unerring Guide the Spirit of


Truth, hath fallen into that Scandulous sin of Fornication as -


he hath been accused, and not Clearing himself, nor writing to


Condem it to friends Satisfaction, altho’ there hath been Consi=


=derable pains taken with him in order for his Recovery.


Therefore for the Clearing of Truth, we can well do no less than


Give this forth as a Publick Testimony Against him the S,d


Daniel Smith, denying him^to be one in Unity with us the afores,d


People and from Under our Care, yet desiring if it be the Will


of God, that he May Come to a Sight and Sense of his outgoings


and through Unfeigned Repentence find Mercy – –


Given forth at our monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth


the 20th day of the 5th mo: 1765, And signed by order and in said


Meeting by – –

Job Russell Clerk


  Job Russell makes Report that Christopher Slocum’s paper


of denial hath been Read according to the appointment of last


monthly meeting,  which paper is as follows (viz) – –

C. Slocum’s


Whereas Christopher Slocum of Dartmouth in the County

of Bristol in New England having had his Education, and


made Profession with us the People Called Quakers, Yet through


unwatchfulness and a disregard to the Testimony of Truth in


himself, hath Given Occasion for a Scandulous Report that


he hath Committed the Reproachful Sin of Fornication,


and he not Clearing himself of the Crime, but after due


Inquiry we have Reason to believe it is true, and friends


having Laboured with him in a Spirit of Love and Meekness in


order to bring him to a Sight of his Error, but their Care and


Labour Proving Ineffectual, Therefore for the Clearing of Truth


and friends from such Enormities, This Meeting is Concerned


to Give this forth as a Publick Testimony Against him


disowning him the Said Christopher Slocum from being a member of


our Community, and from under our Care, Sincerely desiring if it be


the Will of God that he may yet Come to a true Sight of his Great


Evil, and thro’ unfeigned Repentance find acceptance with him


Given forth at our monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth, on the


20th day of the 5th Month 1765


Signed in and by order of said meeting by – Job Russell Clerk

Case of Pe

Slocum referd

The Case of Peleg Slocum 2d is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting

E. Allen

& wife Re’d

The Committee appointed to Confer with Ebenezer Allen 2d Make Report

that he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting accepts


him into Membership and Under friends Care, and the women friends


Inform that they have Minuted his wife Under friends Care which


this Meeting Concurs with; – –

Case of

Wes Briggs


The friends appointed to Inquire into the Circumstance of Weston Briggs

and draw a Certificate for him, make Report that things is not Quite

Clear, therefore the Same friends are Continued for the Same Service


and to make Report to the next monthly meeting


Whereas Thomas Akin hath Gone Contrary to friends orders in

T. Akin


Several Respects, and friends not having an opportunity to labour

with him until lately and he not Inclining to make Satisfaction,


Therefore this Meeting denies the said Thomas Akin from Under


friends Care ~




Philip Davel [Davol] and his wife have sent a Paper to this Meeting from

Oblong Condeming their Removing without a Certificate the Unity

of friends, and they desire a Certificate to the monthly meeting


of Oblong, therefore Isaac Smith and Paul Russell are appointed


to Enquire into his Conversation and Circumstances in Regard to his


outward affairs, and they to join the women friends to draw a Certi=


=ficate for them if they think Proper and bring it to the next


monthly meeting – –

Tho Wing


Thomas Wing hath Sent a paper^to this Meeting Condeming his Mar=

=rying out of the Unity of friends, and desires a Certificate to the


monthly meeting of Oblong, which this Meeting so far accepts as


to Appoint Peter Davel [Davol] and Philip Tripp to Inquire into his other


Conversation and draw a Certificate for him if they think


proper and bring it to the next monthly Meeting – –



the Queries have been Read in this meeting and Answers prepared

by Ponaganset Preparitive Meeting –


tatives to

Quarterly meeting

Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith, Peter Davel [Davol] and Joshua Davel

are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and to draw an

Epistle to the Same and bring it to the Adjournment.


This Meeting Adjourns to the first sixth day of next month


This Meeting being mett according to Adjournment the 5th day of the


7th Month 1765, The Representatives being Called Paul Russell,


Benja Tripp and David Davel [Davol] present – –


This Meeting has signed an Epistle and Sent it with the Answers


to the Queries to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives

Paper to

be drawn


P. Wilbor

The women Friends Inform that they have discharged themselves

in Labouring with Phebe Wilbour for the Sin of fornication

and She declines to make friends Satisfaction, therefore this meeting

doth Appoint Samuel Smith to draw a paper of Denial against


her and bring it to the next monthly meeting – –


The Treasurer has paid Jonathan Hussey five Dollars for Keeping


the Meeting House half a year – –

J. Hicks


The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Judith Hicks

Daughter of Thos Hicks under friends Care which this Meeting


Concurs with


7th mo:


At a monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th

day of the 7th month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph


Smith and Samuel Smith present, for Coakset Daniel Wood


and Joseph Tripp present

Zephaniah Anthony


of marri=


Zephaniah Anthony and Waite Allen Declared their Intentions

of Marriage at this Meeting and were desired to wait till

the next monthly Meeting for their answer, and Peleg Smith

and Humphry Smith are Appointed to Inquire into the young mans


^Clearness as to Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the next


monthly meeting – –

[Case] of Ste

Wilcox &

Isaac Howland


The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Referd to the next monthly Meeting

This meeting Cannot find freedom to accept of Isaac Howlands paper

by Reason of his Apparrel and some friends Questioning his Sincerity

Therefore the Matter is Refer’d to the next monthly meeting – –

P. Slocum



This Meeting Accepts of Peleg Slocums the 2d paper Provided he will

Read it or get Some body to read it at the End of a first day meeting for

worship he being present between this and the next monthly meeting


and make Report to the next monthly meeting – –


for Sibil


This Meeting has signed a Removal Certificate to the monthly meeting

of Oblong for Sibil Sisson – –


for Weston


& wife

This Meeting has signed a Removal Certificate for Weston Briggs &

his Wife to the monthly meeting of Sandwich – –

The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for Philip Davel [Davol] & his wife


to be given

have drawn one too short, therefore the same friends are Still

appointed to draw one fuller and bring it to the next monthly meeting


The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for Thos Wing make Report


that they have not drawn one, therefore they are Still Continued


to draw one and bring it to the next monthly meeting if they think proper – –


from Quar


The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting make

Report that they all attended Except Peleg Smith and he sent

an Excuse which was accepted and they have Produced an Epistle


from the S,d meeting which hath been Read in this Meeting and


well accepted – –



This Meeting hath Received three Printed Epistles from London

one written Epistle from flushing on Long Island and one Epistle


from the yearly meeting of New-port on Rhod-Island all of which


was Read to Good Satisfaction.

Denial of



This Meeting has signed a Paper of Denial against Phebe Wilbor

for the Sin of Fornication, and Job Russell is appointed to Read

it at the End of a Meeting for worship on a first day between this &


the next monthly meeting and make Return of S,d Paper to the


next monthly meeting,

Minute from Rhod-Island

Received the following Minute from Rhod-Island Monthly


Meeting Respecting John Gifford.


From our Monthly Meeting held at Portsmouth on Rhod-


Island the 30th of the 4th month 1765.


This Meeting Gives their Approbation that Dartmouth Monthly

J. Gifford


Meeting Receive into Unity John Gifford if they think him

worthy Notwithstanding his place of Abode is within the Varge [verge]


of this Monthly Meeting, True Coppy of the minute.


Test . Thos Gould Clerk


This Meeting Accepts of John Gifford to be in membership


with friends and under the Care of this Meeting


8 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th day

of the 8th month 1765, Ponaganset Called Wm Anthony jun


present, for Coakset Philip Tripp and Joshua Davel[Davol] present

Zep Anthony


The friends Appointed to Inquire into Zephaniah Anthony’s

Clearness Make Report that they do’nt find anything to


hinder his Proceedings in Marriage. – –




Zephaniah Anthony and Wait Allen Appeared for their

Answer which was that they Might proceed to take Each

other in Marriage in some Convenient time between this &


the next Monthly Meeting Advising with the Overseers for


that Purpose – And Peleg Smith and Humphry Smith are


appointed to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Benj Davil’s proposal of


Benjamin Davil[Davol] and Patience Sowle Declared their

Intentions of taking Each other in Marriage. And were


Desired to wait till next Monthly Meeting for their Answer


and Benja Tripp and Israel Wood are Appointed to Inquire into


the Young Man’s Clearness, Respecting Marriage and Conversation


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – The Case of

Isaac Howland’s

Case refer’d

Isaac Howland ju: is Refered to the next Monthly

Meeting – –



The friend Appointed to draw a Certificate for Philip Davil[Davol] and his

Wife have drawn one which is Signed in this Meeting and Sent to the


T. Wing

oblong. The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for Thos Wing

have done it, which was Signed and Sent to the Oblong


Phebe Wilber[Wilbur]’s paper of Denial hath been Read According to the


Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, which is as follows

P. Wilber, denial

Whereas Phebe Wilber[Wilbur] Daughter of Samuel and Mary


Chase, and Now Wife to Henry Wilbor[Wilbur], having had her education


Among friends and Under the Care of this Meeting, but through


Unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of Truth, hath fallen


into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, as Appears by her being


Delivered of a Child soon after Marriage, and this Meeting


having Labour’d with her in Love in order for her Recovery, but


She proving Obstinate, and Regardless of the tender Counsel to


her Given, Therefore for the Clearing of the precious Truth that


we profess from such Enormities, this Meeting is Concerned to


Give this forth as a Publick Testimony Against her, disowning


her the Said Phebe Wilbor[Wilbur] from being a member of our Society


and from Under the Care of this Meeting, Desiring if it be


Consistent with Divine pleasure, that She may yet be Convin=


=ced of the Error of her ways, and by a Sincere Repentance


find favour with the Lord, Given forth at our Monthly


Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 19th day of the 7th month 1765.


And signed in and in behalf of Said Meeting by Job Russell Clerk


Lilless Beard’s paper Condeming her outgoing hath been


Read According to the Appointment of the women’s Monthly Meeting


And is as follows – –

L. Beard


To the Monthly Meeting of friends in Dartmouth

Esteemed friends; This May Inform you that Through Unwatchful=


=ness I have Gave way so far to the Enemy as to go Contrary to the


Good order of the Church which Appears by My having a Child born so soon


after Marriage for which I am Sorry, and Condemn My


out goings, I hope God will forgive me. And desire friends so


far to pass it by as to let me Remain Under their Care – –


Given under My hand the 13th of the 7th Month 1765


Lillis Beard


Catherine Russell’s Paper hath been Read According to the


Appointment of the Monthly Meeting tho’ not so soon as the


former Minutes Expressed, which this Meeting overlooks


which said paper is as follows – –

C. Russell’s


To the Monthly Meeting of friends at Dartmouth to be held the

19th of the 11th Month 1764, Esteemed friends – –


I heartily Acknowledge My outgoings in Keeping Company


with Joshua Barker in too free and frequent a Manner,


to the dishonour of Truth and the Grief of friends, but tho’ my


offences have been Great, yet through the Goodness of God I have


been favoured with a Sight and Sense of my outgoings, for which


my outgoings I am heartily Sorry and do Condemn, hoping God


will forgive Me My Offences and Receive me Again into favour


and desire friends would pass by my disorderly walking, and let


me Remain under their Care, which I value highly, hoping through


Divine Assistance for the time to Come to be preferred in a State


of Circumspect Walking, from your friend Catherine Russell

D. Briggs


David Briggs Requests to come under friends Care therefore this

Meeting doth Appoint Wm Sanford and Wm Barker to take an


opportunity of Conference with him on his Request and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –


The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Elizabeth


White wife to Wm White, and also Elizabeth Macumber wife


to Zebudee Macumber under friends Care which this Meeting


Concurs with, – –

J. Wood

put Under


The overseers Inform that there is a bad Report Concerning

Josiah Wood and William Wilcox their Salting up Beef and

Exposing it to Sale which was not Merchantable, and they


have Made Some Inquiry and do not find things Clear, therefore


this Meeting doth Appoint Daniel Cornel, Seth Shearman, John


Potter a Comittee to Make furder Inquiry into the particular Circum=


=stances between them in the Aforementioned Report, and they


to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

P. Slocum’s


Peleg Slocums Paper hath been Read According to the Order of last

Monthly Meeting, and is as followeth (viz)


To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth;


Whereas I Peleg Slocum Son of Holder Slocum (deceased)


having been Educated Amongst friends, but in My youthful days


through Unwatchfulness so far gave way to the Enemy as twice


to fall into the Sin of Fornication, as Appears first by My


wife’s having a child before Marriage, and Secondly with


Phebe Hussey, for which I was justly disowned by friends; Now these


are to Testify to friends and openly declare to all People that I


do utterly Condemn and am Heartily Sorry for the Above said Crimes,


with all other my outgoings, and I hope the Almighty will forgive


mee all my offences, and I desire friends would so far pass them


by as to Receive me Again Under their Care.


Given forth under My hand


this 15 day of the 6th month 1765

Peleg Slocum


9 mo. 1765

At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th day of the


9th month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Caleb Russell and Humphry


Smith present, for Coakset David Davel[Davol] and Ichabod


Eddy present, The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Clearness of


Benja Davels [Davol] Clear make Report that they don’t find anything


to hinder his proceeding in Marriage – –




Benja Davel[Davol] and Patience Sowle Appeared for their Answer which

was that they Might proceed to take each other in Marriage

in Some Convenient time between this and the next Monthly Meeting


advising with the overseers for the purpose, And Benja Tripp


and Israel Wood are Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated


in Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly meeting;

[Record] of

Z. Anthony


The friends Appointed to see Zephaniah Anthony and Wait

Allen’s Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended

the Marriage and saw nothing but that it was Accomplished

Case of

S. Wilcox


in Good order.

The case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

I. How:



Isaac Howland jun hath sent a paper to this Meeting Some Months

ago, Signifying his Sorrow for his outgoings in Marrying out

of the Unity of friends and also his Using the Slave trade


which this Meeting accepts – –




The Committee Appointed to Confer with David Briggs on this^

his Request to Come Under friends Care Make Report that

he Gave them Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting


doth Minute the Said David Briggs into Membership and


under friends Care – –


Wood & Wm


Cases refer’d

The Committee Appointed to Make Inquiry into the Circum=

=stances of the affair Concerning Josiah Wood and Wm Wilcox

Make Report that they have not had an opportunity to speak with

both of them, therefore the Same Com::tee are Still Continued


in the Same Service, and they to Make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting;

Thirty Cords of

Wood Sold

to pay part

of S. Wilcox


This Meeting hath Sold Thirty Cord of Wood to Doctor Hathaway

at two Shillings Lawful mony[money] per Cord, to discharge part

of his Demand, for Doctoring of Stephen Wilcox’s family

and Thos Hicks ju: is Appointed to see the Wood Measured and

Make Report to this Meeting as soon as he Can Conveniently

E. Max:



Edmond Maxfield Requests to Come under friends Care

therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Tucker and

Abraham Tucker to Make Inquiry into his Conversation


and to Confer with him on the Account of his Request and


make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –



The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answers prepared

by both preparative Meetings and Read in this Meeting –


William Anthony ju: and Samuel Smith are Appointed to Compile


the Answers to the Queries and draw an Epistle to the Quarterly


Meeting and bring them to the Ajournment [Adjournment]–


This Meeting hath collected ₤8:4:5 old tener – –


This Meeting adjourns to the first Sixth day in next Month


This Meeting being Met According to Adjournment the 4th day of


the 10th Month 1765, the Representatives being Called for Ponagan=


=set Humphry Smith & Caleb Russell present, for Coakset none present


Wm Anthony ju: and Samuel Smith have drawn the Epistle and

Answers to




Sent by


Compiled the the Answers to the Queries and the Epistle has been

signed in this Meeting and Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the

Representatives with the Answers to the Queries, the Representa=

=tives are Peter Daval[Davol] Israel Wood & Caleb Russell – –

Certificate for Rebecca Shove

This Meeting hath signed a Certificate for Rebecca Shove to the


Monthly Meeting of Swanzey, and likewise signed one for Mary

Certificate for

Mary Comstock

Comstock to the Monthly Meeting of Smithfield – –

John Sisson


John Sisson hath Removed to the Nine partners without friends

Advice and without a Certificate, therefore Joseph Smith and


Luke Hart are Appointed to Enquire into his CerCumstances [Circumstances]


and also Labour with him if they have an opportunity and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting

M. Wing


Whereas Mary Wing hath Removed without a Certificate

Some years ago to Rhod-Island, and She not Standing Clear


as Appears by our former Minutes. therefore Humphry


Smith, Samuel Smith, Wm Anthony ju: are Appointed to

a letter

to be sent

draft a letter to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod-Island as they

shall think proper and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting


10th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 day

of the 10th Month 1765 Ponaganset Meeting Called Caleb


Russell and Joseph Smith present, for Coakset Joseph Tripp


and Ichabod Eddy present



This Meeting hath Received an Epistle from the yearly

Meeting held at Philadelphia for Pensilvania and New-jersey


dated the 9th month 1764 which was Read in this Meeting


to Good Satisfaction.

John How

land’s pro=

=posal of


John Howland and Hannah Smith Declared their Intentions

of Marriage at this Meeting and were desired to wait

till the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer and

Jonathan Hussey and Caleb Russell are Appointed to Make


Inquiry into the young man’s Clearness Respecting Marriage


and Conversation and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


The friends Appointed to see Benja Davel[Davol] and Patience Sowle


Marriage Consumated Make Report that they attended


the Marriage and saw nothing but that it was Accomplished


in Good order

S. Wilcox

Case Refered

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

Hannah Russell


Hannah Russell wife of Elijah Russell hath Produced a

Removal Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey


which this Meeting Accepts

List of


This Meeting has Signed a list (for the Monthly Meeting

of Sandwich) of the friends that [live?] the Eastward Side


of Quishned River that was Under Transgression when


the former List was Given who has Since Made this


Meeting Satisfaction.


The Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Circumstances

J. Wood &

Wm Wilcox


of Josiah Wood and Wm Wilcox’s Salting and Exposing Beef

to Sale not Merchantable Make Report that they

they think they are neither of them Clear therefore John


Potter, Daniel Cornel, Seth Shearman, Thos Hicks ju: Paul


Russell, David Smith, Samuel Smith are Appointed a Committee


to hear and Determine Upon the Complaint brought Against


them and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –





The friends Appointed to Confer with Edmond Maxfield make

Report that he Gave Good Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting

doth Refer the Matter till the next Monthly Meeting – –

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting being Called


from Quaterly


Upon Make Report that two of them attended and the other Made

a Satisfactory Excuse, and they have Produced an Epistle from

the Same which was Read to Good Satisfaction


to Enlarge




It has been Proposed at this Meeting for friends to Enlarge the

little Meeting House which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

Jonathan Hussey, John Potter, Caleb Russell, Samuel Smith,

Berzillia Tucker, Daniel Cornel, David Smith, are Appointed

to oversee the Yearly Meeting, to prevent any indecency that


May happen at that time, and also Benja Tripp, David Daval[Davol],


John Mosher, Daniel Wood are Appointed for the Same Service at


Coakset Meeting, and they to make Report to the next Monthly







Abigail States[Slade?] has Given in a paper to this Meeting Condem=

=ning her falling into the Sin of fornication which this Meeting

accepts Provided She Read it or Get Somebody to Read it at the

End of a first day Meeting for Worship between this and the next


Monthly Meeting She being present


11th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th day of the

11th Month 1765, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and


Caleb Russell present, for Coakset David Davel and John Mosher present,

J. Howland


The friends Appointed to Make Enquiry into John Howland’s Clear=

=ness, Make Report that they Don’t find Any thing to hinder his


Proceeding in Marriage.




John Howland and Hannah Smith did Appear for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take Each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the next


Monthly Meeting, Advising with the Overseers for the Purpose


and Jonathan Hussey and David Smith Joseph Smith are Appointed


to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting; – –

Seth Russell proposal

of marri=


Seth Russell and [Kaziah?] Walker Declar’d their Intentions of

Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Monthly

Meeting for their Answer, and Joseph Smith and Luke Hart


are Appointed to Make Enquiry into the Young Man’s Clear=


=ness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Case of

S. Wilcox


The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d Under the Same Care as

heretofore – –





The Comittee Appointed to hear and Determine Upon the Complaint

brought Against Josiah Wood and Wm Wilcox Make Report

that they have had a Conference With Josiah Wood and they think

he ought to Condemn his Misconduct in that Affair Publickly


and the Said Wood hath Accordingly Given in a Paper to this


Meeting, Condemning his Selling Beef to Wm Wilcox that was


not Merchantable, which this Meeting Accepts Provided


he will Read Sd paper or Cause it to be Read at the End of


a first day Meeting for Worship between this and the next


Monthly Meeting he being present


And the Same Comittee are Still Continued to Also Confer


with Said Wilcox and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

E. Max Field


This Meeting Minutes Edmond Maxfield Under friends care.

Amey Hart hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condemning

Amey Hart’s



her falling into the Sin of Fornication with the Rest of her

Misconduct in that Case, which this Meeting Refers to the

next Monthly Meeting,


Meeting House


The Proposal for Enlarging the little Meeting House is Refer’d

to the next Monthly Meeting;

[?][report] of


Yearly Meeting

The friends Appointed overseers at the Yearly Meeting to Endea=

=vour to prevent Any Indecency that may happen at that time

Make Report that they attended the meeting and that the People


behaved in a Good degree Orderly, and they think the Practice


of Appointing Overseers for that Purpose has a Good Attendency

P. Shearmans


Philip Shearman hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condem=

=ning his disorder in falling into a Bodily Strife with Daniel Pabody;



in Allen


The friends down in Allens Neck Requests the Liberty to

hold a Meeting there for four months from this time on first

days which is Granted, and Philip Allen and Daniel Cornel

are Appointed to see that the Meeting be held Agreable to Good


order and they to Make Report thereof at the Expiration


of the four Months

Meeting at




The friends at New Swanzey Request the Liberty to hold a Meeting

at Some Convenient Place up there for four Months on first days

which this Meeting Grants and Elihu Bowen and Abraham

Russell are Appointed to See that the Meeting beheld According


to Good order and they to Make Report at the End of the four Months

J. Sisson

request a


John Sisson Requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting at the

Nine Partners, therefore Joseph Smith and Luke Hart are Appointed

to draw a Certificate for him if they think Proper and bring it to


the next Monthly Meeting – –


Abigail States’ Paper hath been Read According to the


Appointment of the last Monthly Meeting, and is as follows;

A. States


To the Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth

the 21 day of the 10th Month 1765 –


This May Enform you that by Unwatchfulness I have


fallen into the Sin of Fornication which I do Condemn and


hope that God will forgive me, and Desire that friends


would forgive and pass by my offences and let me Remain


under their Care as before.

Abigail States


12 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 16th day of the 12th month

1765, Ponagansett Meeting Called Paul Russell and Caleb Russell


present, for Coakset Peter Davel[Davol] and Benja Tripp present;



The friends Appointed to Enquire into Seth Russells Clearness

make Report that they don’t find Any thing to hinder his


Proceeding in Marriage – –

Seth Russell answer

Seth Russell & Kaziah Walker Appear’d for their Answer


which was that they might proceed to take Each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for


that Purpose and Joseph Smith and Luke Hart are Ap=


=pointed to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting –

Report of

John How=



Jonathan Hussey and Joseph Smith make Report that

they attended the Marriage of John Howland and

Hannah Smith and Saw nothing but that it was Accomplish=

=ed in good order – –

Case of Ste=

=ven Wilcox


The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

Josiah Woods Paper hath been Read According to the

Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, which Paper


is as follows(viz)



To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth on the

18th day of the 11th month 1765, through Unwatchfulness I


have Sold Beef to William Wilcox that was not Merchan=


=table for which I am Sorry and do Condemn, hoping that God


will forgive me, and I desire that friends would pass it


by.and let me R – – Josiah Wood

Case of

Wm Wilcox

The Comtte Appointed to Confer with Wm Wilcox Report that they

have not had an Opportunity to Speak with him, therefore the


same Committee are Still Continued in the Same Service and also


to Labour with him for Inlisting into the Kings Service and taking


up Arms, and also to Treat With him About his Marrying out of


the Unity of friends, and they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;

Case of A. Hart

The Case of Amey Hart is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting –


It hath been proposed at this Meeting to Enlarge the little Meeting


in Little

Meeting House

House, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Gifford, Wm

Sanford, Humphry Smith, Prince Allen, Barnabas Mosher,

a Comittee to Consider the Advantages and disadvantages that


May Attend the Enlargment, and also Compute the Cost as near


as they Can, and make Report to the Adjournment – –

P. Sher=




This Meeting doth so far Accept of Philip Shearman’s Paper Condem=

=ning his disorder as for him to Read it or Cause it to be Read at

the End of a first day Meeting for Worship between this and the

next Monthly Meeting and he to be present – –

G. Smith


George Smith ju: hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condem=

=ning his disorder in Listing[enlisting] on board of a Privateer with all


the Rest of his Conduct in Supporting of War, Which this Meeting


Accepts and he to Remain Under friends Care.




Isaac Howland ju: Requests A Certificate to the Monthly Meeting

of Rhode-Island, Therefore Samuel Smith and Wm Anthony ju:

are Appointed to draw one for him if they think Proper and bring it


to the next Monthly Meeting – –


The Queries have been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting


and Wm Anthony ju: and Humphry Smith are Appointed to


draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and Compile


the Answers to the Queries and bring them to the Adjournment


friends Re-

-quest to

to have

a Monthly Meeting

Coakset Meeting Requests to have a Monthly Meeting

Granted them, which this Meeting so far Concurs with as

to Refer the Matter to the next Monthly Meeting for Consideration.

This Meeting hath collected ₤6:15 – –


This Meeting Adjourns to the first sixth day in next Month


This Meeting being Met According to Adjournment


this 3rd day of the first month 1766 – –


The Representatives being Called, for Ponaganset Caleb Russell


present, for Coakset Benja Tripp present,


on little



The friends Appointed to consider the Advantages and disad=

=vantages of Enlarging the little Meeting House Make

Report in writing, which is Refer’d to the Monthly Meeting to be

holden in the fourth Month Next and the Report to be kept


upon file till then – –


to Queries



The friends Appointed to Compile the Answers to the Queries,

and draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting have done

it, and the Epistle was Signed in this Meeting and order’d

to be Carried up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives


together with the Answers to the Queries, the friends Appointed



to attend the Quarterly Meeting are Caleb Russell, Joseph

Smith, Benja Tripp.


1st mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20 day

of the first month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called Caleb Russell


and Wm Anthony ju: present, for Coakset Philip Tripp present

Report of

Seth Russell


The friends Appointed to see Seth Russell and Kaziah Wal=

=kers Marriage Consumated make Report that they attended

the Marriage which was Accomplished in Good order –

S. Wilcox


Wm Wilcox

case refer’d

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

The friends Appointed to Labour With Wm Wilcox Make Report

that they Labour’d with him and he desires one Month More to

Endeavour to Make friends Satisfaction. Therefore the Matter is


Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting;

P. Shea:



Philip Shearman’s Paper hath been Read According to the

Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, And is as follows,

To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth,


the 18th day of the 11th Month 1765,


These Are to Inform that I some time past through Unwatch=


=fulness unhappily fell into a Bodily Strife with Daniel


Pabody, Whereby Blows were Passed between Us, for Which


I am heartily Sorry and do Condemn, and I hope friends


will pass by My Offence and let me Remain Under their Care.


Given forth Under My Hand this 15th day of their 11th mo 1765


Philip Shearman


for I. How


This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Isaac

Howland ju: To the Monthly Meeting of Rhod-Island


This Meeting Adjourns to the 29th Instant


This Meeting being Mett According to Adjournment the 29th


day of the first month 1766. The Representatives being present





The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Make

Report that they all attended Sd Meeting, and have produced

an Epistle from the same which was Read and well Accepted

in this Meeting.


request for a

mo meeting

Coakset friends Request to have a Monthly Meeting set off

to them, is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting;

B. Potter



Bridget Potter wife to Stephen Potter hath Given in a paper

to this Meeting Condemning her outgoings in Marrying out of

the Unity of friends with all the Rest of her outgoings, which


this Meeting Accepts, and this Meeting hath signed

Certificate for B.P.

a Certificate for her to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine Partners

Case of



The Committee Appointed some months ago to Treat with

Obediah Allen on the Account of his Sincerity in Giving in

a Paper to the Meeting Condemning his outgoings in falling


into Fornication, together with the Rest of the Circumstance


Relating to that Case, make Report that (they not having


an Opportunity to treat with him till lately) that they do


not find him Clear in all the Above mentioned Circumstances


therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Daniel Russell and


Nicholas Howland to Join with the Aforesaid Committee to


treat furder with him for all the offences that May Appear


Against him, and they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

J. Russell


Joseph Russells Requests to Come under friends Care with

his wife and family which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting.


2: mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the

17 day of the 2nd Month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called


Caleb Russell and Samuel Smith present, for Coakset


Joseph Tripp and Israel Wood present,

Case of

S. W. refer’d

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d to next Monthly Meeting.

The Committee Appointed to treat with Stephen Wm

Wm Wilcox disowned

Wilcox make Report that they have Laboured with


him for Inlisting into the King’s Service and taking up


Arms, and also Marrying out of the Unity of friends, and


Neglecting to attend Meetings for Worship, which disorders


he Gave them Encouragment of Condemning at this Meeting


tho’ he still Neglects it, therefore this Meeting finding


themselves Clear in Labouring with him, and do Conclude


to deny the Said Wm Wilcox, and do Appoint David Smith


and Samuel Smith to draw a Paper of denial Against


him and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting, and Timothy


Russell is Appointed to Inform him of the Conclusion of this Meeting


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;

Coakset friends

Request to

have a month

ly meeting

Coakset friends Still Request to have a Monthly Meeting Set

off to them, and also desire a Committee to determine where

to prefix the Boundaries between this and that Meeting

and all Circumstances Relating thereto, Therefore Hum=


=phry Smith, Philip Tripp, Samuel Smith, Daniel Wood,


Joseph Tucker are Appointed a Comittee for that purpose


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

O. Allen

case refer’d

The Committee Appointed to Treat with Obediah Allen

make Report that they have discoursed with him and


he Gave them Encouragment that he would write to the next


Monthly Meeting which is Refer’d to the Said Meeting Under


their Care.

J. Russell &

Wife request

Joseph Russells and his wife’s Requests to Come Under friends

Care is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting;

S. Howland


Samuel Howland jun Hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting

Said Howland

request a


Condemning his outgoing in Removing without friends Ad=

=vice, which this Meeting Accepts, and the Sd Howland Re=

=quests a Removal Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of


Smithfield in Rhod-Island Colony, for himself and Children


therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Peleg Huddlestone


and Philip Tripp a Committee to Inquire into his Circumstances, and


draw a Certificate for him if they think proper and bring it to


the next Monthly Meeting;

miniuts to

be Revised

This Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Tucker, Humphry Smith,

Job Russell, Samuel Smith a Com’ttee to peruse the Monthly


Meeting; Minutes to see what part they Shall think proper to


be put on Record, And Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;

To Settle

with over

seers of the poor.

Jonathan Hussey and William Sanford are Appointed a Committee

to Make Up Accounts with the Overseers of the Poor and make

Report to the next Monthly Meeting,

Paul Mo

sher’s dis



Coakset Preparative Meeting Informs that Paul Mosher

hath Married out of the Unity of friends, and hath been

dealt with by the Overseers, and declines to Condemn his

Offence, therefore Benja Tripp and Joseph Tripp are Appoi=


=nted to Labour furder with him and Make Report to the


next Monthly Meeting;

Amey Hart



Amey Hart Hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting, Condemning

her outgoings, in falling into the Sin of Fornication which this

Meeting Accepts with the Provisal that She Read it or Cause


it to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting for worship


at Newtown between this and the next Monthly Meeting


She being present, and Return the paper to the Sd Meeting.

F. Allen &

Benj Allen

hath alowd Fiddleing

& dancing in

their houses

The Overseers Inform this Meeting that Francis Allen

and Benja Allen hath Allowed of fidling and dancing

in their Houses for which the Sd Overseers have Laboured

with them and they decline to Condemn the Offence to

friends Satisfaction therefore this Meeting doth Appoint


Joseph Gifford and Berzillia Tucker to Labour furder


with them, and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting.


3 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth

the 17th day of the 3d Month 1766, the Representatives


are for Coakset Philip Tripp and Daniel Wood present,


for Ponaganset Caleb Russell and Samuel Smith present,

Davi Briggs

Edm Maxfield

& Wm Hart’s proposal of


David Briggs and Rebecca Howland and Edmond Max=

=field and Rachel Russell, and William Hart jun and Esther

Slade declared their Intentions of Marriage at this

Meeting and were desired to wait till the next Monthly


Meeting for their Answers, and John Potter and Jonathan Hussey


are Appointed to Make Inquiry into David Briggs’ Clearness Re=


=specting Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting; And Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher are Appoin=


=ted for the same service with Edmond Maxfield and William Hart ju:


and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;


Timothy Russell Reports that he hath Informed Wm Willcox Agre=


=able to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting and Also


David Smith and Samuel Smith hath drafted a denial against

Wm Wilcox

denial to

be read

Sd Willcox, and presented it to this Meeting which hath been Red

and Signed by the Clerk, and the Sd Clerk is order’d to Read Sd

Denial Publickly, at the Close of a first day Meeting for wor=


=ship between this and the next Monthly Meeting and Make


Report to Sd Meeting;

Case of

W refer’d

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

R. Tripp,

R. Tripp

and L.



The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Ruth Tripp,

Rebecca Tripp, and Lydia Tripp under their Care, which this

Meeting Concurs with;

O. Allen’s

case refer’d

Thee Committee Appointed to discourse with Obediah Allen

Make Report that he hath not [writ?] anything to this Meeting


agreeable to his talk some time past, therefore his Case is


Refer’d (on the Request of his Father) unto the next Monthly



J. Russell

& wife

& children


to be Read

Joseph Russell and his Wife hath Given in a paper to this

Meeting Condemning their disorder in Marriage, and also

they desire to Come under friends Care with their Children

which this Meeting so far Accepts as to Appoint Joseph Tucker

and Joseph Gifford to Treat with them and their Children


that have Attained to the years of understanding, and


make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;

Wm Brown


William Brown hath Produced a Removal Certificate

from the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket to this Meeting


which hath been Read and Accepted


for Samuel


This Meeting hath signed a Removal Certificate to the

Monthly Meeting of Smithfield for Samuel Howland jun

and his Children – –


not Revised

The Committee Appointed to peruse the Monthly Meeting

Minutes, Make Report that they have not perused Sd


Minutes, therefore they are still continued in the Same


Service and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting.

Settled with

overseers of

the Poor

The Committee Appointed to Adjust Accompts with the overseers

of the poor Make Report that all accounts are Balanced

between this Meeting and the Sd overseers – –

Case of Paul Mosher

The Committee Appointed to Treat with Paul Mosher Make


Report that they have not had an opportunity with Sd Mosher


therefore the Sd Committee are Still Continued in the Same


Service and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting



paper read

Amey Hart’s Paper hath been Read According to the order

of last Monthly Meeting – –

Benj Allen’s

paper accepted

Benjamin Allen hath Given in a Paper Condemning his

Allowing of fidling and dancing in his House at the time


of Husking, which this Meeting Accepts

F. Allen’s



The friends Appointed to treat with Francis Allen Report

that they have not had an opportunity to Speak with him, therefore

they are Still Continued in the Same Service and to Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting;


This Meeting Adjourns to the 26 day of this Instant;


This Meeting being met According to Adjournment the 26 day of the


3d Month 1766, the Representatives being Called Caleb Russell,


Samuel Smith, Philip Tripp and Daniel Wood present;


The Committee Appointed to fix the Boundaries between this


and the Monthly Meeting Requested to be sett off at Coakset, Make


Report that they have agreed Upon the Boundaries and other


things relating to Coakset being set off as a Monthly Meeting


which Report is as follows (viz)


of Acoakset

of month

ly meeting

According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, we

have Described a line for the boundaries between the Monthly

Meetings of Ponaganset and Coakset as follows, Beginning at the

South Eastermost Corner of Benjamin Wing’s Homstead farm, from


thence to Coakset River as the line of Said Benja Land goes,


Thence Southerly by Said River to the Sea, Again from Said


Corner first Mentioned thence Northerly in the line between


Said Villages until it comes to the Country Road, Thence on


a Straight line to the nearest part of the Westermost Branch


of Noquechuck River, thence by said branch of Said River


Till it comes to Freetown line – –


the books

We have likewise Concluded for Coakset friends to have About

one third part of the Books belonging to the Monthly Meeting,


and likewise that they be supplied with A Transcript of the


Book of Discipline at the Cost of the Whole, And also that


the Monthly Meetings debts be paid in the same proportion


that Shall be due when the Meeting is Divided, But the


friends that are now under Relief are to be Supported when


they are, and Coakse friends, to Quit their Claim of the Meeting


House Land, in Ponaganset; dated the 26th of the 3rd mo. 1766.


Joseph Tucker

Philip Tripp


Humphry Smith

Daniel Wood


Samuel Smith

Joseph Roach accepted

Joseph Roach jun hath Produced a Removal Certificate from


the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket to this Meeting which hath


been Read and Accepted


The Queries have Been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting

Representatives to

Quar Meet=


Caleb Russell, William Anthony jun, Samuel Smith, Thomas

Hicks jun are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and

Compile the Answers to the Queries and draw an Epistle to the


Same, and bring them to the Adjournment of this Meeting.

Wm Smiths

disorderly marriage

The overseers Inform that William Smith the 2d has gone

Contrary to Good order in Marrying out of the Unity of friends,


for which he hath been Labour’d with by the Overseers, and


declines to Make Satisfaction, therefore John Potter


and William Barker are Appointed to Labour furder


with him, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting.

Complaint against



The overseers also Inform that Lemuel Smith hath

fallen into the Sin of fornication, and hath been La=

=bour’d with by them and he Neglects to Condemn his out=


=goings, therefore Paul Russell and Luke Hart are


appointed to Labour furder with him, and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting;


This Meeting adjorns to the first Sixth day of next month


This Meeting being met According to Adjournment


the 4th day of the 4th Month 1766, the Representatives


being Called, Caleb Russell, Samuel Smith and Philip



Epistle sent

Tripp present

The friends Appointed to Compile the Answers to the Queries

and draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting have fulfilled their


Appointment and the Epistle has been Signed in this Meeting


and sent up by the Representatives to the Quarterly Meeting


with the Answers to the Queries


This Meeting hath signed and sent a Letter to the Monthly


Meeting of Oblong, Signifying that this Meeting hath Re=


=ceived their letter Concerning Daniel Tripp, which is as




from Oblong


Daniel Tripp

From our Monthly Meeting held at Oblong the 20th of the 2nd Mo.

1766, To the Monthly Meeting of Friends at Dartmouth,

Dear Friends, we herby Acquaint you, that whereas Daniel

Tripp Resides sometime Amongst us, and was for some years


a Member of our Society, But by Marrying out from Among=


us, Contrary to the Advice of Friends, for which he was dealt


with, but Proving Refractory, after some time he was


Testified Aagainst, Soon after which he was Testified Against^


Set up a Seperate Meeting, which he kept for a Conside=


=rable time, to the Great Dissatisfaction of Friends, And Since


he has Moved to your parts we Understand he frequents


friends Meetings, and Publickly Appears as a Minister


Amongst you, therefore we send you the Above lines to


let you know the Circumstance he Stood in at the time


when he Removed from these parts.


Signed in and on behalf of our Sd Meeting by


Zebulon Ferriss Clerk


D. Briggs

E.Maxfield &

Wm Hart Ju


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the 4th

Month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called John Potter and W,m

Anthony ju,r present, for Coakset

Peleg Huddlestone and Joseph Tripp present,


David Briggs and Rebecca Howland, and Edmond Maxfield


and Rachel Russell, and William Hart ju: and Esther Slade


Appeared for their Answers, which was that each Couple Might


Proceed to take Each other in Marrage [sic] in some Convenient time


between this and the next Monthly Meeting Advising with the


Overseers for that Purpose. And John Potter and Jonathan Hussey


are Appointed to see David Briggs and Rebecca Howlands Marriage


Consumated in Good order, and make Report to the next Monthly


Meeting. And Paul Russell and William Mosher are Appoin=


=ted to see Edmond Maxfield and Rachel Russell’s Marriage


Consumated in Good order and Make Report to the next Month


=ly Meeting; And Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher are


Appointed for the Same ^Service with William Hart ju: and Esther


Slade and ^to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


William Wilcox’s Paper of Denial hath been Read According


to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, and is


as follows; – –


Whereas William Wilcox Son of W,m Wilcox Deceased and




Dorithy his Wife, having been under the Care of this Meeting,

yet through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony

of Truth, has So far deviated from our Holy Profession as to


fall into Several Reproachful things, and disorders, Parti=


=cularly in Inlisting and Going into the Milatary [military] Service,


and Marrying out of the order of Friends, likewise in Selling


Such Beef as was not Merchantable to the Defrauding of


the Buyer, and also in Neglecting to attend our Religious


Meetings of Publick Worship, and Friends having Repeated their


Labour of Love and advice and toward him in order to disco=(ver


to him the Evil of his ways, but their Labour not obtaining


it’s desired Effect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting,


Therefore for the Clearing of the precious Truth and Friends


from the Reproach thereof, this Meeting Gives this forth as a


Publick Testimony against him, Disowning him the Said Will,m


Wilcox from being one of our Community, and from u[n]der the Care


of this Meeting, Yet desiring his Return from the way of Error


and that by the door of true Repentance he may find Mercy.


Given forth at our Monthly Meeting of friends held in


Dartmouth on the 17th day of the 3.d mo: 1766, And Signed


In and on behalf of S.d Meeting by – – Job Russell Clerk

O. Allens

case referd

Whereas Obediah Allen hath been in the Practice of Gaming

and hath been dealt with, and declines to make friends Satis=


=faction, therefore friends Canst find freedom to Accept of his


Condemning his falling into the Sin of Fornication, therefore


the matter is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting under the


Same Care as heretofore

M. Smith;


Meriah Smith hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the

Monthly Meeting of Sandwich to this Meeting which hath


been Red [sic] and Accepted.

R. Russell


The women friends Inform that they have minuted Rebecca

Russell wife Daughter of Joseph Russell under their Care


which this Meeting Concur’s with

J. Russell

& family


The Com,tee appointed to treat with Joseph Russell his wife and

Family on their Request to Come under friends care, Make a

Satisfactory Report, therefore this Meeting Accepts them un=


=der friends Care


The friends Appointed to Review the Monthly Meetings Minutes


to see what part must go on Record, make Report that



by S.S.

they have fulfilled their Appointment and left S.d minutes

with Samuel Smith to be Recorded – –

Report of

overseers of


Allens Neck

The friends Appointed overseers in the Meeting held in

Allen’s Neck, Report that they attended the Meeting

and saw nothing but that it was Carried on decently and

in Good order – –

Report from

Qtr meeting

The^friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that

they all attended Sd meeting, and have Produced an Epistle


from the Same which hath been Read and well accepted



set off

And the Quarterly Meeting hath Granted our Request to

have a monthly Meeting of men and women Friends Sett

off at Coaksett


according to the Boundaries prefixt, and


this meeting Concludes for Coakset friends to hold their Monthly


Meeting the Seventh day before the third Second day in


Each month;

W.m Smith


The friends Appointed to Treat with W.m Smith ye 2d[?] Make

Report that he Gave them no Satisfaction, therefore


friends finding themselves Clear in Labouring with him


do deny the S.d W.m Smith from under friends Care ––

Lamu Smith

case refer’d

The friends Appointed to Labour with Lemuel Smith Report

that both have not had an Oppertunity with, him, but the friend


that had an Oppertunity Reports that he Gave him Good


Satisfaction, And he hath Sent a Paper to this Meeting Con=


=demning his offence which is Refer’d under the Care of the


Afore Said Committee – –

S. Wilcox

his Trans=


Whereas Stephen Wilcox having Appeared in this Meeting

in a very Passionate Manner, Casting heavy Reflections on

us, Saying that he believed we Should have fewer Testimones


Amongst us, And that it was Pitty we Shou[l]d have any


Except it be Some to Reprimand us for our Wickedness, and


Stamping on the floor in a Passionate Manner, to the Great


Grief and Sorrow of the Sincere in heart, Therefore this


Meeting doth Appoint Tho,s Hicks, Peleg Smith, Joseph Gifford


Barzillia Tucker to Labour with him and Make Report there=


=of to the next Monthly Meeting; – They are likewise to


Inform him that we desire him to desist from Appearing in Publick – –


This Meeting Adjorurns to the 7th day of next Month


This Meeting being met according to Adjournment ye 7th day of the


5th mo. 1766, the Representatives being Called, John Potter and


Peleg Huddlestone present




Wher[e]as Paul Mosher hath Married out of the Unity of friends

and hath been dealt with Agreeable to Good order, and he de=

=clines to Condemn his offence therefore this Meeting finding them=


=Selves Clear in Labouring with him, do deny the S.d Paul


Mosher from under the Care of this Meeting

Case of

F. Allen


The Case of Francis Allen is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

under the Same Care as heretofore – –

Proposal for Inlarging the little Meeting House is Refer’d to the


next Monthly Meeting;


5 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th day of the

5th month 1766, Ponaganset Meeting Called Joseph Smith and


Tho,s Hicks ju.r present, for Coakset Joshua Davil [Davol]


and Israel Wood present,

E. Wing Ju

proposal of


Edward Wing ju: of Sandwich and Edith Tucker declared their

Intentions of Marriage, and were desired to wait till next

Monthly Meeting for their Answer,

Tho Smith Ju

proposal of


And Tho,s Smith ju: and Rebecca Howland likewise declared

their Intentions of Marriage & were desired to wait till the

next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and Luke Hart and


Wm Mosher are Appointed to Inquire into S.d Smith’s Clearness


Respecting Marriage and Conversation and to Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting; – –

Report of

D. Briggs


John Potter and Jonathan Hussey Report, that they attended

the Marriage of David Briggs and Rebecca Howland

and that it was Accomplish’d in Good order – –

Report of

E. Maxfield


Paul Russell and W,m Mosher Report that they attended

the Marriage of Edmond Maxfield and Rachel Russell

which (they say) was Accomplished in Good order – –

Report of

Wm Hart Ju


Joseph Smith and Barnabas Mosher, likewise Report

that they attended the Marriage of W.m Hart ju: and

Esther Slade and that it was Accomplished in Good order



to deny

O. Allen

Whereas Obediah Allen Some time past fell into the

Sin of Fornication, and also Since hath been in the Practice

of Gaming, for which he hath been dealt with by this

Meeting and declines to Condem[n] his offences to friends


Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting being Clear in Labour=


=ing with him, do Conclude to deny him from under the Care


of this Meeting, and do Appoint Samuel Smith to draw


a Paper of denial Against the S,d Obediah Allen, and bring


it to the next Monthly Meeting. – –

Case of

S. Wilcox


The friends Appointed to Labour with Stephen Wilcox for

his Misconduct at the last Monthly Meeting, Report

that he did not Condem his S,d offence in full therefore


the matter is Refer’d till next monthly Meeting under


the same Care as heretofore and they to make Report to


the next Monthly Meeting – –

F. Allen


Francis Allen hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Con=

demning his Giving way to too much Liberty in Allowing


of fidling and dancing at the time of his Husking, which


this Meeting Accepts – –

Case of little




to Receive


of poor

This Meeting Concludes to drop the Proposal for Enlarging

the little Meeting House for the present – –

This Meeting doth Appoint Jonathan Hussey and David Smith

to Receive in Accounts for doing for the poor of this Meeting

and also Endeavour to Inform themselves into the Validity

of Sd Accounts, and also Sd friends, to Join with Philip Tripp

to Divide the Books that belongs to this Meeting; – –

To Collect

[Ac?]count of




This Meeting doth Appoint Samuel Smith and W.m Anthony

ju: to Collect the Birth, place of abode, time of publick

Ministry and death of Elizabeth Gidley, and bring the

account to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Order to

pay Tim Russell

This Meeting hath Collected £9-7s-6d old tener [tenor] and the Treasure[r]

hath paid Timothy Russell five Dollars for Keeping the


Meeting House half a year – –

To Settle



And Jonathan Hussey and W.m Sanford are Appointed to Adjust

accompts [accounts] with the Treasurer and make Report to the next

Monthly Meeting

Wm Anthony

Jr. to Rece



This Meeting doth appoint W,m Anthony jur to Receive the

Subscriptions that are Subscribed to defray the Charges of this

Meeting and also to pay out the money as this Meeting Shall



6 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting Met the 16th of the 6th Month 1766

The Representatives are Abraham Tucker & John Potter present;


Whereas the yearly Meeting is now in being, therefore this Mee=


=ting doth adjourn to the 23d Instant


This Meeting being met According to adjournment the 23d


of the 6th month 1766 The Representatives being Called both present

Edw Wing


Edward Wing hath Produced a Certificate from the monthly

Meeting of Sandwich, Certifying his Clearness Respecting


Marriage and Conversation which hath been Read & Accepted

Edw Wings


Edward Wing ju: and Edith Tucker Appeared for their Answer

which was that they might Proceed to take Each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting Advising with the Overseers for that


purpose, And Abraham Tucker and Joseph Gifford are Appoin=


=ted to see their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting; – –

Tho Smith Ju


Thomas Smith ju: and Rebecca Howland Appear’d for their

Answer, which was that they might Proceed to take Each other


In Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the next


Monthly Meeting, Advising with the overseers for that purpose


and Luke Hart and William Mosher are Appointed to See


their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting; – –

Wm Ricket



of marriag

William Ricketson and Elisabeth Smith declared their

Intentions of taking Each other in Marriage, and were desired

to wait till the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and

Caleb Russell and Job Russell are appointed to make Inquiry


Into W,m Ric[k]etson’s Clearness Respecting Marriage and


Conversation and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against

O. Allen


Obediah Allen for the Sin of Fornication & Gaming, and

the Clerk of this Meeting is appointed to read it at the Close


of a first day Meeting for worship between this and the next


Monthly Meeting and make Report to Said Meeting.

S. Wilcox’


Stephen Wilcox hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting

Condem[n]ing his Reflecting Speeches, which was Expressed


in our Monthly Meeting two Months ago, which this Mee=


=ting doth accept, and Said Wilcox’s former References are


Still Continued under the Same Regulation as heretofore


This Meeting hath signed a Paper of Denial against Su=


=sanna Brightman for the Sin of fornication and the Clerk


is Appointed to Read Said paper at the Close of a first day


Meeting for Worship between this and the next Monthly


Meeting, and make Report to Said Meeting. – –

John }



Our Esteemed friend John Griffith hath Visited this Meeting

with a Certificate from Chelmsford [Essex Co England] Monthly

Meeting in Essex dated the 25th of the 2d month 1765 and also from the


Quarterly Meeting held at Coggoshall in Essex the of the 3.d mo: 1765


and also from the Yearly Meeting of Ministers & Elders held in


London by Adjorunments from the of the Month to the


3.d of the month 1765 which was Read to Good Satisfaction3

T. Ross }


Our Esteemed friend Tho.s Ross hath Visited this Meeting, and pro=

=duced a Certificate from the Monthly Meeting held in Write-Town [Wrightstown]


in Bucks Country Pen[n]sylvania, bearing date the 6th day of the 5th


month 1766 which hath been Read to Good Satisfaction4



The Queries have been Read & Answer’d in this Meeting and

Peleg Smith & Humphry Smith are Appointed to draw an Epistle


to the Quarterly Meeting & bring it to the Adjornment


This Meeting Adjorns to the first Sixth day in next month


The Meeting being Met according to Adjournment the 4th day


of the 7th mo: 1766 the Representatives being Called both present



The friends Appointed to Receive accompts [accounts] and Approbate them=

Report that they have Received them and allowed to the


£    S    d


amount of – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

16 – 6 – 4


Coakset Meeting paying one third part of S.d Sum – – – –

 5    8 – 9


Remains for this Meeting to pay – – Lawful mony – – – –

10   17   7

Elis: Gidley

to go on


The Committee appointed to Collect the Birth & C. of Elisabeth

Gidley have Answer’d their Appointment, and the Account

thereof is order’d to be put on Record – –




Humphry Smith, Abraham Tucker, Caleb Russell are Ap=

=pointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting. This Meeting

hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and Sent


it up by the Representatives


7 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the

7th month 1766, The Representatives are Samuel Smith and


Barzillia Tucker present;


The friends appointed to Enquire into the Clearness of W.m Ricetson [Ricketson]


make Report that they have made proper Inquiry, and don’t


find anything to hinder him from Proceeding in Marr[i]age

Wm Ricket


William Rictson [Ricketson] and Elisabeth Smith appear’d for their An=

=swer, which was that they might Proceed to take Each


other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this


and the next monthly meeting, A[d]vising with the Overseers for


that purpose, and Caleb Russell & Benj,a Howland ju: are


appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order


and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Report of

Ed Wing’s


Abraham Tucker Reports that he attended the Marri[a]ge

of Edward Wing ju: and Edith Tucker which was Accomplish’d

in Good order ––


Luke Hart & W.m Mosher Reports that they attended the

Report of

Tho Smith’s


Marriage of Thos Smith ju: and Rebecca Howland which was

Accomplish’d in Good order – –

O. Allen


Obediah Allen’s Paper of Denial hath been Read Accor=

=ding to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting – –


And is as follows (viz) – –


Whereas Obediah Allen, Son of our friends Prince and


Deborah Allen, having been under the Care of this Meet=


=ing, yet he has So far Gone astray from our Profession as to


fall into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, and also


been found in the Practice of Gaming, And friends having


Repeated their Labour of Love with him in order for his


Recovery, but our Labour of Love not obtaining the de=


=Sired Effect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting, Therefore


we being desirous that the Truth of our Holy Profession may


be preserved from the Reproach of ^Such Enormities, do Give


this forth as a Publick Testimony against him, disowning


him the Said Obediah Allen from being one of our Society


and from being in Membership With us, yet we desire if


it be Consistant with Divine Pleasure, that he May yet


find a place of Repentence (and by an Unfeigned acknow=


=ledgement of the Error of his way) Return to th the way


of Truth


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly


Meeting held in Dartmouth by Adjournment on the 23d


day of the 6th month 1766 by – – – Job Russell Clerk


Susanna Brightman’s Paper of Denial hath been read according


to the appointment of last Monthly Meeting, and is as follow’s

S. Bright 



Whereas Susanna Brightman Daughter of Joshua and Hannah

Shearman having had her Education among friends and under the Care

of this Meeting, but through unwatchfulness & disregarding the


Testimony of Truth hath fallen into the Reproachful Sin of


Fornication, as appears by her having a Child Soon after Marriage


and this Meeting having Labour’d with her in Love in order for her


Recovery, but She proving obstinate, and Regardless of the ten=


=der Council to her Given, Therefore for the Clearing of the precious


Truth that we Profess, from Such Enormities, this Meeting is


Concerned to Give this forth as a Publick Testimony against her


disowning her the Sd Susanna Brightman from being a Member


of our Society, and from under the Care of this Meeting, desiring


if it be Consistant with Divine pleasure, that She may yet be Convin=


=ced of the Error of her ways, and by a Sincere Repentance, find fa=


=vour with the Lord – –


Given forth at our Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dart=


=mouth by adjournment on the 23.d day of the month 1766


Signed In, by order & in behalf of S.d Meeting by Job Russell Clerk


Apphia Mott Clerk

S. Wilcox

not to


This Meeting hath Come to a Conclusion that Stephen Wilcox ought

to desist from Appearing in Publick untill his affairs be better

Settled in Regard to his debts, and the Sd Stephen Wilcox’s Case is


Refer’d under the Same Regulation as heretofore to the next


Monthly Meeting


The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting


Report that they all attended Agreeable to Appointment


and have Produced an Epistle from the same which hath


been Read to Good Satisfaction




Received Epistles one from London Printed & one written one

also one Epistle from Philidelphia, and one from Flushing

Also we have Received an Epistle from our Yearly Meeting


of Rhode-Island held the 12th of the 6th month 1766 All which


have been read in this Meeting to Good Satisfaction, and as


they Contain a great deal of wholesome advice and Good Ex=


=hortation, they are Earnestly Recommended to friends Notice


and Observation,




The friends Appointed two months ago to adjust Accounts with

the Treasurer Report that they have Settled accounts and

there Remains in the Stock – – ₤2 – S8 – d1


Old tenner –


Coakset Monthly Meeting has paid their Proportion of the


Monthly Meeting Debts which is – – ₤5 – S8 – d9


Lawful Money

Care of

books to

T. Russell

twenty four Books belongs to this Meeting, and Timothy Rus=

=sell is appointed to have the Care of Said Books to lend them

out and take them in once a month.


This Meeting hath signed a Removal Certificate of

Deb Slade Certificate

Deborah Slade (wife to Joseph Slade) and her Children


to the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey – – – – –


8 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18

of the 8th month 1766 The Representatives are William


Mosher and Benjamin Smith ju: present

Report of

Wm. Ricket



The friends Appointed to See Wm Ricketson and Elizabeth

Smith’s Marriage Consumated Report that they attended

the Marriage which was Consumated in Good order


for Abigail


This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for

Abigail States (wife of Peter States) to the Monthly

Meeting of South Kings-town[Perryville, South Kingstown], – –

Case of

S. Wilcox


The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d under the Care of

Thomas Hicks 2d and he to make report Inform Said

Wilcox that his Meeting Requests that he Inform friends


at the next Monthly Meeting what Progress he hath made in


Regard to paying his debts – –



Luke Hart, Paul Russell, William Anthony ju: Benja Howland 2d,

Samuel Smith and Daniel Cornel [Cornell] are Chosen overseers



& Wife’s


Zephaniah Anthony and his wife have Given in a Paper to this

Meeting, Signifying their Sorrow for their falling into the Sin

of Fornication, which is Refer’d unto the next Monthly Meeting

under the Care of Peleg Smith & Benjamin Smith ju: and they to


make Report to next Monthly Meeting;



This Meeting Hath received one of George Fox’s Journals and

7s/6d Sterling overplus Money, which is Lodged with the Treasurer


9th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th day of the

9th month 1766,


William Anthony ju: and to[?] Samuel Smith are the Representatives


both presentatives

To draw


This Meeting doth Appoint Humphry Smith and Samuel Smith

to draw an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and bring it to the


Adjournment of this Meeting;


This Meeting Adjourns to the first Sixth day in next Month


This Meeting being Met According to Appointment adjornment the 3rd


of the 10th month 1766. The Representatives being Called both presents;

S. Wilcox

Case refer’d

The Case of Stephen Wilcox is Refer’d under the Care of Daniel

Russell and Thomas Hix 2d – –

Z. Anthony



Peleg Smith and Benja Smith ju: Report that they have Treated

with Zephaniah Anthony in Regard to his Paper that he Gave in

last Monthly Meeting, in which they think him to be Sincere,


which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting;



Joseph Tucker, Humphry Smith, Caleb Russell are Appointed to

attend the Quarterly Meeting, and present the Epistle (which was


Signed in this Meeting) with the Answers to the Queries, and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meetings; – –

to pay [?]


[?] [set]6-2-6

This Meeting orders the Treasurer to pay Coakset Monthly

Meeting half a Crown Sterling, it being one third part of

the overplus Money for George Fox’s Journals


10 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the

10th month 1766, The Representatives are Samuel Smith


and Benja Howland the 2d Presents

Case of

Z. Anthony


The Case of Zephaniah Anthony is Refer’d under the Care of

his Brother Wm Anthony unto the next Monthly Meeting

Elihu Bow

en requests

a Certificate

Elihu Bowen Requests a Removal Certificate for himself

and Family to the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey. Therefore

Luke Hart & Paul Russell are appointed to Make proper


Enquiry into his Circumstances, and draw one for them if


they think proper & bring it to the next Monthly Meeting

Report from Quarterly


The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report

that they all attended Agreeable to Appointment, and


have produced an Epistle from the Same, which hath been Read


in this Meeting to Good Satisfaction

R. Soule

Rachel Soule hath been Represented under Necessituous


Circumstances, and Liable to become one of this Meetings


poor, Therefore Humphry Smith & Jonathan Hussey are Ap=


=pointed to make Inquiry into her Circumstances & Estate and


make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;

Jonan Gifford

desires a


Jonathan Gifford desires a Certificate to the Monthly Mee=

=ting of Nantucket, Certifying his Clearness Respecting

Marriage & Conversation, Therefore Jonathan Hussey and


David Smith are Appointed to make Inquiry into his aforeSd


Circumstances, and draw a Certificate for him if they think


proper, and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting;


for yearly


This Meeting doth Appoint John Potter, Daniel Russell

Timothy Russell Samuel Smith, Thos Hicks 2d Prince Allen

James Tucker overseers at the yearly Meeting to Endeavour to


prevent any Indecency that May happen at that time, and


Make Report of their Service to the next Monthly Meeting


11th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the 11th

Month 1766, The Representatives are Daniel Cornel and Thomas


Hicks 2d present




of marri


Timothy Howland and Lucey Allen Declared their Intentions of

taking each other in Marriage, and were desired to wait till

the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and Daniel Cornel

and Thomas Hicks 2d are appointed to Make Inquiry into the young

Man’s Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation, and make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting,

Z. Anthony

Case refer’d

The Case of Zephaniah Anthony is Refer’d under the Same Care as

heretofore – –

Certificate for



This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Elihu Bowen

and his family to the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey;

Case of

R. Soule


The Case of Rachel Soule is Refered under the Same Regulation

as heretofore


for Jonat.


This Meeting Hath Signed a Certificate for Jonathan Gifford to the

Monthly Meeting of Nantucket, Respecting his Clearness in Regard

to Marriage & his Conversation – –

Tim Russell


This Meeting allows of Timothy Russell’s account for Clearing the

Burying yard & Repairing the fence & Bars, which is    4  13S


old tener


David Smith hath paid Coakset Monthly Meeting 2 / 6d Sterling agreeable


to Appointment

J. Sisson

desires a



John Sisson Requests a Removal Certificate for himself and Children

to the Monthly Meeting of Oblong, therefore Paul Russell & Luke

Hart are Appointed to draw one for him if they shall think Proper

after due Inquiry into his Circumstances, and make Returns to the


next Monthly Meeting;

Report of


of Yearly


The friends Appointed Overseers at the yearly Meeting, Report

that they attended Agreeable to Appointment & discover’d

nothing but what was in a degree orderly, and they think that

friends Care in that Respect answers a Good Purpose – –



in Allen’s


This Meeting Grants the friends Living in Allen’s Neck the

Liberty to hold a Meeting down there at Some friends House

for four Months to Come on first days, Excepting the first day

preceding the Monthly Meeting in Each Month, and Daniel


Cornel [Cornell] and Prince Allen are Appointed to have the oversight


of the Meeting, and to Make Report to this Meeting at the


Expiration of the four Months


12 Mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th

of the 12th month 1766, the Representatives are Paul Russell


and David Smith Present;




Timothy Howland and Lucey Allen Appeared for their Answer

which was, that they Might proceed to take Each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the next


Monthly Meeting, Avising with the overseers for that Purpose


and Daniel Cornel and Thomas Hicksn are Appointed to See


their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting;


This Meeting hath Collected ₤11 – 7s – 6d old tener, and the

Tim Russell paid

Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell the Above Sd Sum


Humphry Smith and Jonathan Hussey Report that they have


Sowle Case

Inspected into the Circumstances of Rachel Soule and they

find due to her by Bond and Note ₤12 – 16s – 9d Lawful money

John Sisson



The friends Appointed to draw a Certificate for John Sisson and

his Children have drawn one for them, but things not ap=

=pearing Quite Clear, the Signing of it is Refer’d to the next


Monthly Meeting

John Williams



John Williams and his wife have Produced a Removal

Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, which this

Meeting accepts;

Stephen Smith

hath given a

paper which is


Stephen Smith hath Produced and Given in a Paper to this

Meeting, Condeming his Marrying out of the Unity of friends

which this Meeting Accepts;


Caleb Russell, Joseph Russ Smith, William Barker are Ap=


=pointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and Make Report


to the Next Monthly Meeting;

overseers of

Poor accompt

The overseers of the poor hath Brought an Account for doing

for the poor to the Amount of ₤3 – 6s – 6d old Tener, which


this Meeting allows,

Case of Zep

Anthony refer’d

The Case of Zephaniah Anthony is Refer’d

Compaint against

James Allen

The Overseers Inform that James Allen hath fallen

into the Sin of Fornication, for which they have Labour’d


with him, and he declines to Make Satisfaction, therefore


this Meeting doth Appoint Caleb Russell & Job Russell


to Labour with him & make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answer’d


This Meeting hath signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Mee=


=ting, and Sent it up with the Answers to the Queries


by the Representatives.


first mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of

the first Month 1767, the Representatives are Samuel


Smith and William Anthony ju: present;


Daniel Cornel and Thos Hicks 2d Report that they attended

Tim Howland’s


the Marriage of Timothy Howland & Lucey Allen, which

was Consumated in Good order,

John Sisson’s


The Signing of John Sisson’s Certificate is Refer’d to next Monthly


James Allen


The friends Appointed to Labour with James Allen

Report that he declines to Condem his offence to friends


Satisfaction, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Joseph


Gifford and Job Russell to draw a paper of denial Against


Said Allen and also Inform him of the Conclusion of this


Meeting and Labour with him as they shall find free=


=dom, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Report from



The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting,

Report that neither of them attended by Reason of the

Severity of the weather; but we Received an Epistle an


from the Quarterly Meeting which hath been Read and


well accepted,

S. Dennis


Shadrach Dennis Requests to be taken under friends

Care, therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Abraham


Tucker and Peleg Smith to Inquire into the young mans


Life and Conversation, and also take an opportunity of


Solid Conference with him and Make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting;

E. Russell


The women friends Inform that they have Minuted Elisabeth

Russell wife of Isaac Russell under friends Care, which this


Meeting Concurs with;

Zeph. Anthony

& Wife paper


Zephaniah Anthony and his wife have Given in a Paper to this

Meeting Signifying their Sorrow for their falling into the

Sin of fornication, which hath lain on file for Some Months


and now friends being fully Satisfied, do Accept of Sd Paper


Provided they Cause it to be read at the Close of a first


day Meeting for Worship, between this and the next Month=


=ly Meeting they being present, and also Return Said Paper


to the next Monthly Meetings –


of E. Gidley

This Meeting hath Given forth a Testimony Concerning

Our Well Esteemed friend Elizabeth Gidley deceased


which was Signed in this Meeting by a Number of friends


2d month


At a Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth

the 16th of the 2d month 1767 The Representatives are Paul


Russell and William Anthony ju: present,

James Allen


This Meeting hath Signed a Paper of denial against James

Allen Son of Francis Allen for Fornication, and the Clerk


is order’d to read Sd Paper at the Close of a first days Mee=


=ting for worship, between this and the next Monthly Meeting


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting;




The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Conversation of

Shadrach Dennis, and to Confer with him on his Request

to Come under friends Care not being able to Make a Satisfac=


=tory Report, therefore they are Still Continued in the Same


Service, and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


for John


This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for John

Sisson to the Monthly Meeting of Oblong; – –

Z. Anthony

paper read

Zephaniah Anthony’s and his wife’s Paper hath been read

According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting

Z. & W.



And is as followeth; (viz)

To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth

Esteemed friends, ––


These are to Inform that we were Educated and


Married Amongst friends, But we Acknowledge that we


have fallen into the Sin of Fornication, as Appears evident


by the Birth of our Child, the which Sin we do Condemn and


are Sorrowful for, But we hope the Almighty will forgive


us, and we desire friends would so far pass it by as to Suffer


us Still to Remain under your Care


Given under our Hands the 18th of the 8th


Month 1766 – –

Zephaniah Anthony


Waite Anthony

Leml Smith

paper accep =ted

Whereas Lemuel Sisson Smith hath Given in a Paper

to this Meeting Some Months ago, and not accepted by


Reason of his Absence, Therefore this Meeting being


Satisfied do accept of Sd Paper, Provided that he Cause


it to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting for


worship between this and the next Monthly Meeting


he being present, and Return Sd Paper to the Clerk –


to be revised

This Meeting doth Appoint Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith,

Samuel Smith, William Anthony jur & Job Russell to


Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes, to See what part


they Shall think Proper to be put on Record and make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Edith Wing’s

Paper Accept.

Edith Wing hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condeming

her falling into the Sin of fornication, which this Meeting doth


Accept with the Provisal that She Cause Sd Paper to be read


at the Close of a first day Meeting for worship She being


present, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


and Return the Paper to the Clerk – –

To Settle with


William Sanford & Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to ad=

=just Accounts with the Treasurer & Report to the next Monthly Meeting


This Meeting doth Appoint John Potter, Prince Allen &


Joseph Gifford overseers of the Poor for one year – –

A. Hathaway


This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for

Abigail Hathaway to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich


3d month


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of

the 3d Month 1767, the Representatives are Daniel Cornel


and Samuel Smith Present,

Tho Akin’s


of marriage

Thomas Akin and Rebecca Russell Declar’d their Inten=

=tions of Marriage and were desired to wait until the next

Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and Thomas Hicks jur and


Samuel Smith are Appointed to Inquire into the young man’s


Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –


James Allen’s Paper of denial hath been Read Accor=


=ding to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting – –


and is as followeth – –




Whereas James Allen Son of Francis Allen & Rebecca

his Wife deceased, having been Under the Care of this Meeting

yet he has So far Gone astray from our Profession as to fall into


the Reproachful Sin of Fornication and Friends having Repeated


their Labour of Love with him in order for his Recovery, but our


Labour of Love, not obtaining the desired Effect to the Satis=


=faction of this Meeting, Therefore we being desirous that the


Truth of our Holy Profession May be Preferred from the Reproach


of Such Enormities do Give this forth a Pubclick Testimony


against him, disowning the Sd James from being one of our


Society, and from being under our Care, Yet Sincerely desiring


if it be Consistent with Divine Pleasure that he May yet


find a place of Repentance, & by an Unfeigned Repentance


acknowledgement of the Error of his way Return to the


way of Truth – –


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly


Meeting held in Dartmouth on the 16th day of the 2d month


1767 By


Job Russell Clerk




The friends Appointed to Inquire into the life & Conversation of

Shadrac Dennis, and also to take an Opportunity of Conference

on his Request to Come under friends Care not being able to make


a Satisfactory Report, therefore the Case is Refer’d under


their Care until the next Monthly Meeting and then to Make




Lemuel Smith’s Paper hath been Read According to the App=


=ointment of last Monthly Meeting, and is as follows




To the Monthly Meeting of Friends to be held in Dartmouth

on the 21 of ye 4th month 1766 – –

Loving Friends, whereas I through the Insinuation of the Evil


one, I have fallen into the Sin of Fornication, for which Evil


Action I Can Truly Say I am Sincerely Sorry for, and pray that


God may forgive me and all my others Sins, and that you would


pass it by So as to let me Remain under you Care for I have a


Great Value for Friends, So no more at present but I Remain


your well Wishing Friend


Lemuel Smith


to be recorded

The Committee Appointed to peruse the Monthly Meetings

Minutes Report that they have perused Sd Minutes and left


them with Samuel Smith to Record – –


Edith Wing’s paper hath been Read According to the Appoin=


=tment of last Monthly Meeting and is as follows—

E. Wing’s


To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be holden at Dartmouth

the 16th day of the 2 Month 1767 – –


Well Esteemed friends, these May Inform altho’ I have had my


Education among friends, yet through unwatchfulness I have


fallen into the Sin of Fornication, which is S Known by my


having a Child So Soon after Marriage which Sin I Condemn


and am very Sorry for and pray God to forgive me and friends pass


it by So far as to let me Remain under their Care

Settled with


The friends Appointed to Adjust accompts

}       Edith Wing

with the Treasurer, Report that there is


Remaining in the Treasury 7s – 7d old Tener – –

Ann Gifford

[?] to


Anna Gifford Informs this Meeting that She hath a Con=

=cern on her Mind to Visit Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, which

this Meeting Concurs with – –

Order to pay



Antipas Hathway hath Sent an Accompt for Mending

our Meeting House windows to the Amount of ₤0 –1s –6 ½ d Lawful

Money which this Meeting orders the Treasurer to pay, and


also to pay the overseers of the poor ₤3–6s–6d old Tener


This Meeting hath Collected ₤7–18s–3d old tener



Thos Wilcox

The Overseers Inform This Meeting that Thomas Wilcox hath

Married out of the unity of friends, for which they have Labour’d

with him and he declines to Make friends Satisfaction therefore


Job Case and Daniel Russell are Appointed to Labour further


with him and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting





The Overseers Inform that Holder Slocum hath been in the prac=

=tice of Gaming for which they have Laboured with him and he

declines to Make friends Satisfaction therefore Abraham

Tucker & Joseph Tucker are Appointed to Labour with Sd Slocum


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting –

Answers to

Queries &



The Queries have have been read and Answer’d in this Meeting

and this Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting

which is Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representatives

with the Answers to the Queries – –



Humphry Smith, Samuel Smith and William Mosher are

Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and they to make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting


4th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 20th of the

4th month 1767 – –


The Representatives are Thomas Hicks 2d and Samuel Smith present –


The friends Appointed to Inquire into Thomas Akin’s Clearness


Report that upon Inquiry they find nothing to hinder his


proceeding in Marriage – –

Tho Akin’s


Thomas Akin and Rebecca Russell Appeared for their Answer

which was that they Might proceed to take Each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that


purpose, and Humphry Smith and Thomas Hicks are appointed


to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Tim Russell


of marriage

Timothy Russell and Hanna Briggs declar’d their Inten=

tion of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next

Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Humphry Smith and


Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to Inspect into Timothy’s Clear=


=ness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and also they


are Appointed to See that the widow’s Estate be Settled So that [her]


Children be not Ronged by her Marriage and make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting – –


The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Conversation of Shadriac

S. Dennis


Dennis Make a Satisfactory Report therefore this meeting

minutes him under friends Care – –


The overseers for the poor Report


The Treasurer Reports that he has paid the overseers of the


poor According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting


The friends Appointed to treat with Thomas Wilcox not Making


a Satisfactory Report they are still Continued in the Same


Service and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting,




The friends Appointed to Treat with Holder Slocum Report that they

have not discharged themselves in that Respect, therefore they

are Still Continued in the Same Service and to make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting; – –


for Qrt.


The Representatives to the Quarterly Meeting Report that

they all attended Except Wm Mosher, and he sent an Excuse which

was Accepted, and they produced an Epistle from the same which


hath been Read and well Accepted

[Report] of


in Allen’s


The friends Appointed overseers of the Meeting held in Allen’s

Neck Report that they have attended According to Appoint=

=ment and Saw nothing but that it was Carried on in Good order

5th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth the 18th of the 5th

month 1767 the Representatives are Caleb Russell & Daniel Russell


both present;


Humphry Smith & Jonathan Hussey Make Report that they have made


Inquiry into Timothy Russell’s Clearness Respecting Marriage and Con=


=versation, and do not find anything to hinder his proceeding in Mar=


=riage, and they also Report that the widow’s Estate is Settled


Acgreeable to Good order

Tim Russell


Timothy Russell and Hannah Briggs Appeared for their Answer

which was that they might proceed to take Each other in Marriage


in Some Convenient time between this and the next Monthly


Meeting, Advising with the oversers for that purpose, and Humphry


Smith and Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to See their Marriage


Consumated in Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly


Meeting – –

Report of

Tho Akin’s


The friends Appointed to See Thomas Atkin’s and Rebecca Russell’s

Marriage Consumated Make Report that they attended the

Sd Marriage which was Accomplished in Good Order




The friends Appointed to treat with Thomas Wilcox Report that

they have not had a Convenient Opportunity to discharge themselves

therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Service until Opportunity


affords and then to make Report

P. Sisson


The women friends Inform that they have denied Phebe Sisson

Daughter of Joseph Barker for Marrying out of the Unity


of friends which this Meeting Concurs with – –





Phebe Allen hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condemning

her falling into the Sin of Fornication which this Meeting

Accepts Provided She Cause said paper to be Read publickly

at the Close of a first day meeting for worship between this &


the next Monthly Meeting She being present and Make


Return of Sd paper to Sd Meeting




The friends Appointed to treat with Holder Slocum Report

that he declines to Condemn his offence to Satisfaction therefore

his Case is Refer’d under the Same Care as heretofore and they


to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

B. Taber




Benjamin Taber Requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting

of Nantucket, Certifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage &

Conversation therefore Joseph Gifford and Joseph Russell are

Appointed to Make proper Inquiry and to draw one for him


if they think proper and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting

R. Russell’s


Whereas Rose Russell hath Removed out of the verge of Coak=

=set Monthly Meeting where this Meeting Apprehends She


belongs, and makes Application for assistance, therefore


Joseph Tucker & Humphry Smith are Appointed to Inform


Coakset Meeting that this Meeting desires them to take Care


of her and Sd Comtee to make Report to the next Monthly




6th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting met the 15th of the 6th mo: 1767

The Representatives are Daniel Russell and John Williams present; – –


The yearly Meeting being now in being, for which Reason


This Meeting Adjourns to the 22d Instant,


At a Monthly Meeting Met and held by Adjournment


the 22d of the 6th mo: 1767


The Representatives being Called and both presen




Humphry Smith and Jonathan Hussey Report that they attended

the Marriage of Timothy Russell and Hannah Briggs which was

Consumated in Good Order – –


Phebe Allen’s Paper hath been read According to the Appoint=


=ment of last Monthly Meeting and is as follows – –

P. Allen’s


To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth the

20th day of the 4th month 1767 – –


dear Friends


I through unwatchfulness have fallen into the Sin of Fornica=


=tion which Appears by my having a Child So Soon after Mar=


=riage, for which I am heartily Sorry and do Condemn, hoping


that God will forgive me and friends pass it by so far as to let


me Remain under their Care.  Phebe Allen – –

H. Slocum


The Case of Holder Slocum is Refer’d under the Same Care as heretofore

B. Taber


This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Benja Taber to the Monthly

Meeting of Nantucket Certifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage


and Conversation – –

Rose Rus=

=sell Case

The friends Appointed to Treat with Coakset Monthly Meeting on

behalf of Rose Russell Report that they have not had an opportunity


Conveniently to discharge themselves, therefore they are still


Continued in the Same Service and to make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting;

A. Hathway

is paid

The Treasurer has paid Antipas Hathaway 11 / 8d old tener



The Queries have been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting,



Peleg Smith, Humphry Smith, Joseph Tucker, Samuel Smith

Caleb Russell are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting


and to present the Answers to the Queries with the Epistle to the


Same, which hath been Signed in this Meetings – –


This Meeting Collected ₤8 – 7s – 3d old Tenner – –

Tim. Russell

is paid

The Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell five dollars for

keeping the Meeting House half a year


7th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 7th

month 1767, Called Joseph Smith & Jonathan Hussey present

Clerk for this day

William Anthony jur Chosen Clerk for this day, – –

Hol. Slocum


The Case of Holder Slocum is Refer’d to the next Monthly Mee=

=ting under the Same Case as heretofore, and he is desired to attend


Meetings more diligently for the future; – –

To Treat

with Coak=

=set Meeting

The friends Appointed to Treat with Coakset Monthly Meeting

Report that they have not discharged their Trust by reason of one

of Sd friends being unwell therefore ‘tis Refer’d Still under [their care]

Report from

Quar: meeting

the friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report

that they all attended but Humphry Smith and he Sent an


Excuse which was Accepted – –



This Meeting Received an Epistle from the yearly Meeting of

London which was read in this Meeting, and the Good and


wholsome advice therein Recommended to friends Observation


also Received an Epistle of the yearly meeting of Rhod Island


also one from the Quarterly Meeting which were read in this


Meeting and Kindly accepted;


8th mov:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the

8th Month 1767


The Representatives are Caleb Russell & Samuel Smith


both present, – –

R. Wilbor


The women friends Inform that they have minuted Rachel

Wilbor [Wilbur] under their Care which this meeting Concurs with,

Holder Slocum



Holder Slocum hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting

Condemning his being in the Practice of Gaming, which this

Meeting Accepts Provided the Cause Sd paper to be read


Publickly at the Close of a first day meeting for worship be=


=tween this and the next monthly meeting he being present


and Return Sd Paper to the next monthly Meeting – –

Rose Russell


The Comittee Appointed to Treat with Coakset Monthly Mee=

=ting on the Account of Rose Russell Report that they [have]


discharged their Trust in that Case, and Coakset Meeting hath


promised to Give this Meeting an Answer as soon as they


Can Conveniently




The women friends Inform that they have accepted: of Eunice

Kirby’s Acknowledgement for Marrying out of the Unity of friends

which this Meeting Concurs with


9th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of ye 9th month

1767 The Representatives are Wm Sanford and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] present



proposal of


David Anthony and Judith Hicks declared their Intentions of

Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Monthly Mee=

=ting for their Answer, and George Smith and Benja Howland

are Appointed to Inquire into the young Man’s Clearness Respect=


=ing Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the next Month=


=ly Meeting Holder Slocum’s Paper hath been read According to


the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting, and here follows

H. Slocum’s


To the Monthly Meeting of Friends next to be held in Dartmo

on the 20th of the 7th mo: 1767 – –


Esteemed friends, Whereas I through unwatchfulness and by


Keeping Unnecessary Company have fallen into the bad Prac=


=tice of Gaming, which I am heartily Sorry for and do Condemn


hoping God will forgive me, and I desire friends would pass


it by So far as to let me Remain under their Care, hoping


I shall walk More Agreeable for the time to come


Holder Slocum


from Coakset


Rose Russ



Whereas this Meeting hath Received an Answer from Coakset

Monthly Meeting Respecting Rose Russell, which this Meeting

Apprehends is too Short and not to Satisfaction, therefore Joseph

Gifford William Anthony ju: & Samuel Smith are Appointed to

Make Sufficient Inquiry to know whether Said Rose Russell

properly belongs to Coakset Meeting or not, and if upon Inquiry


they her think her to belong to Coakset, to Inform them that this


Meeting desires them to Appoint a Committee to Confer with them


on the Case and Make a final Settlement between the two Meetings


and if they Cannot Agree to a Settlement, then for the two Comttees


to Chuse friends to Settle the Case belonging to Some other Monthly Meeting



This Meeting doth Appoint Daniel Cornel[Cornell], Luke Hart,

Paul Russell, Benja Howland 2d William Anthony ju: Samuel


Smith Overseers for the year Ensuing – –


to repair

the meeting


This Meeting hath Come to a Conclusion to Repair our Meeting

House, therefore George Smith, Daniel Russell, & Timothy

Russell are Appointed to Consider what they shall think Ne=

=cessary to be done and also to Imploy Some body to do Said


business and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


to Queries



sent by



The Queries have been read & Answer’d in this Meeting

and we have Signed an Epistle and Sent it up to the Quar=

=terly Meeting by the Representatives who are as follows

Peleg Smith Abraham Tucker, Nicholas Howland, Benja

Howland 2d who are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

and present the Epistle with the Answers to the Queries and to

Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


10th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of the

10th Month 1767 The Representatives are David Smith


and Jonathan Hussey present – –


The friends Appointed to Inspect into the Clearness of David


Anthony’s Report that they have Made Inquiry and find nothing


to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – –




David Anthony and Judith Hicks Appear’d for their Answer

which was that they Might proceed to take Each other in Mar=

=riage in Some Convenient time between this and the next


Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that purpose


and George Smith and Benja Howland are Appointed to


See their Marriage Consumated in Good Order, and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting




to marriage

Shadrac Dennis and Abial Hussey declared their Inten=

=tions of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next

Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Wm Sanford and David

Smith are Appointed to Inquire into the young man’s Clearness


Respecting Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the


next Monthly Meeting




The Comittee Appointed to Repair our Meeting House Report

that they are on their way to accomplish Sd business therefore

they are desired to do it as soon as may be and make Report to


the next Monthly Meeting; – –

Report from



The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report

that they all attended Agreeable to Appointment and have

Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been read and


Kindly Accepted – –

B. Chase

desires a


Benja Chase Requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of

Swanzey Certifying his Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversa=

=tion therefore Paul Russell Russell and Luke Hart are Ap=


=pointed to make proper Inquiry and draw a Certificate for him


if they think Proper and Make Report to the next Monthly





Whereas Joseph Rotch hath Resided Among us for a Considera=

=ble time & Agreeable to Good order hath Produced a few lines


by way of Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket


Signifying his being a friend in Unity Among them which this


Meeting Accepts:5 – –


for yearly


Daniel Russell, Timothy Russell, Jonathan Hussey, Thomas

Hicks Jur David Smith are Appointed to have the Oversight of

the Galleries and other Seats to Endeavour to prevent any


Indecency that may happen at our yearly Meeting, and to


Make Report to the next Monthly Meetings; – –



Henry Russell

Henry Russell hath Married out of the Unity of friends and

hath been Labour’d with by the Overseers, and he declines

to Condemn his offence to Satisfaction, Therefore Jonathan


Hussey and Barzillai Tucker are Appointed to Treat far=


ther with him and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


11th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th 11th Mon: 1767

The Representatives are William Sanford and Jonathan Hussey


both present – –


The friends Appointed to Inquire into Shadrac Dennises Clearness


Report that they have Made Inquiry and find nothing to hinder


his proceeding in Marriage –

Sha: Dennis


Shadric Dennis and Abial Hussey Appeared for their

Answer which was that they Might proceed to take each


other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this


and the next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers


for that purpose, and William Sanford and David Smith are


appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order &


Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting

Report of




The friends Appointed to See David Anthony and Judith Hicks

Marriage Consumated in Good order Report that they attended

the Marriage, which was Accomplished in Good order – –

Bill for




The friends Appointed to Repair our Meeting House Report that they

have Repared Sd House Agreeable to Appointment, and have

brought in their Bill which is two pounds Lawful Money

Certifiate for

B. Chase

This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Benja Chase to the

Monthly Meeting of Swanzey, Certifying his Clearness Respec=


=ting Marriage and Conversation;


Hunt &




Our friends William Hunt and Thos Thornbrough have Visited

this Meeting with their Certificates from the Monthly Meeting

held at New-garden in Rowan Country North Carolina dated

the 25th 4th month 1767 which have been Read to Good Satisfac=

=tion and their Visit Kindly accepted6




The friends Appointed to Treat with Henry Russell for Mar=

=rying out of the Unity of friends Report that they Labour’d with

him, and he Neglects to Make friends Satisfaction for his offence


Therefore this Meeting being Tender of him do Refer the Matter under


the Care of Peleg Smith & he to Treat with him as he shall find


freedom and Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Report of

Overseers of

Yearly Meeting

The Committee Appointed to have the oversight of the people that

they behave orderly at our yearly Meeting Report that they all

attended According to Appointment and Saw nothing but what


was tolerable orderly – –

Meeting in

Allen’s Neck


The friends living in Allen’s Neck Request Liberty to hold a Meeting

there four Months from now on first days Excepting the day preceding

the Monthly Meeting in Each Month which this Meeting Grants


and do Appoint Daniel Cornel[Cornell]and Philip Allen and Prince Allen


to have the oversight of the Same and they to Make Report to


the Monthly Meeting at the Expiration of Sd 4 Months – –


This Meeting Adjorns to the 23d Instant at the 11th hour in ye fore noon


to be [?]

ted for our




This Meeting being Mett according to Adjournment this 23rd of 11th mo: 1767

The Representatives being Called Jonathan Hussey present

Whereas William Hunt and Thos Hornbrough from Newgarden in North

Carolina, and Aaron Veal from the Nine partners, have Visited Sever’l

Meetings in these parts and being About to Return Home, This Meeting

finds freedom to Give Each of them a Certificate, therefore Abraham Tucker,


Jonathan Hussey and David Smith are Appointed to draw them and bring them


to the Adjournment of this Meeting,


This Meeting Adjourns to the 25th Instant after the Meeting of Worship


This Meeting being Mett by Adjournment the 25th of the 11th month 1767


the Representatives being Called Jonathan Hussey present



Hum. Smith&

Hol. Slocum

The Overseers Inform this Meeting that Humphry Smith (son of Humphry)

and Holder Slocum have been Concerned in Horse Racing, and that

said Slocum has lately been in the practice of Gaming, for which

the Overseers have Labour’d with them but they decline to make friends


Satisfaction therefore Jonathan Hussey Thomas Hicks 2d Barzillai Tuc=


=ker and David Smith are appointed to Treat with them and also to advise them to


be More frequent in attending Meetings.


for Visiting


This Meeting hath Signed Three Certificates, One for Wm Hunt, one

for Thomas Thornbrough and one for Aaron Veal, (The overseers Inform that

Complaint against

D. Russell

Daniel Russell hath Suffered too much Liberty in his tavern, which tend to bring

reproach on Truth, there


fore Joseph Tucker & Abraham Tucker are appointed to Labour with him, &


make Report next Monthly Meeting

12 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21 of the 12 Month 1767


The Representatives are William Anthony jur and Samuel Smith


both present,




William Sanford and David Smith Report that they attended the

Marriage of Shadrach Dennis and Abial Hussey According to

Appointment which was Consumated in Good order – –

Henry Russell


Peleg Smith Reports that he Spoke with Henry Russell Concerning his

disorderly Marriage, and he desires friends to wait a while Longer


with him, therefore his Case is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting


under the Care of Thomas Hicks 2d

The Case of

Hum. Smith

Son of Hum.


Holder Slocum

The friends Appointed to Treat with Humphry Smith (son of Humphry)

and Holder Slocum, Report that they have Laboured with them

and that Humphry Smith desires friends friends to wait a while longer

with him therefore his Case is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting, they also

Report that Holder Slocum declines to make friends Satisfaction and doth


not desire friends to wait any Longer on him, therefore this Meeting


doth Conclude to deny him and do Appoint Daniel Cornel[Cornell], Samel


Smith and Wm Anthony jur to draw a Paper of Denial Against


him and to Inform him of the Conclusion of this Meeting and bring Sd


Paper to the next Monthly Meeting – –

advise of

friends is that

Dan. Russell

to forbear




The Friends Appointed to Labour with Daniel Russell for

allowing too Much Liberty in his Tavern Report that they have

discharged themselves in that Respect, and it is the Sense and

Judgment of this Meeting that he throw up Selling Spirituous Liquor – –

This Meeting hath Collected ₤8 – 10S – 8D old Tener – –


This Meeting Adjourns to the 28th day of this Instant at the 11th Hour


in the fore noon


This Meeting being met by Adjournment this 28th of ye 12th month


1767, The Representatives being Called Wm Anthony jur


and Samuel Smith present


This Meeting Adjourns to Tomorrow after the Meeting of worship


This Meeting being Met by Adjournment the 29th of the 12th month 1767


The Representatives being Called Wm Anthony jur and Samuel Smith


Both present – –


The Queries have been read and Answer’d in this Meeting, and the

Answers with

the Epistle

to be sent

up by



Answers order’d to be Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Repre=

=sentatives with the Epistle which hath been read And Signed in this

Meeting, Caleb Russell, Benja Howland the 2d & Nicolas Howland

are Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and make Report

to the next Monthly Meeting – –

This Meeting hath Collected ₤9 – 17s – 6d old Tennor – –


This Meeting Adjourns to the first fourth day in next Month after


the Meeting of worship – –


This Meeting being Met by Adjournment the 6th of the first month 1768


The Representatives being Called both present,


The Overseers of the poor hath brought an Accompt to this Meeting

a debt to

pay for

Ste. Wilcox

for doing for Stephen Wilcox which is ₤3 – 10s – 0d Old Tener which this

David Briggs; which he Saith he hath paid Accordingly – –

Jon Williams

and wife

desires a


John Williams and his wife Requests a Removal Certificate

to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, therefore Joseph Tucker and

Paul Russell are Appointed to make proper Inquiry and Join with

the womens Committee Appointed for the Same purpose and draw a


Certificate for them if they think proper and bring it to the next


Monthly Meeting

Geo. Smith’s

paper accepted

George Smith ju: hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Signifying

his falling into the Sin of Fornication and Condemning the Evil [?][there]


of which this Meeting Accepts, Provided he Cause Sd paper to be


Read at the Close of a first day Meeting for worship between this


and the next Monthly Meeting he being present and Make Return


of Said paper to the next Monthly Meeting

first mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of the first


Month 1768 The Representatives are Thos Hicks 2d and Barzillai


Tucker present – –

Henry Russell


Thos Hicks 2d Reports that he hath Spoke with Henry Russell and that

he desired longer time to Endeavour to Make friends Satisfaction


therefore his Case is Refer’d under the Same Care as heretofore – –

Case of

Hum. Smith

The Case Concerning Humphry Smith Son of Humphry is Refer’d under the

Care of Samuel Smith, and he to Make Report as Soon as oppertunity


will Afford – –

Hold. Slocum

This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Holder Slocum


and Wm Anthony jur is Appointed to Read Sd Paper at the End of a


first day Meeting for worship between this and the next Monthly Mee=


=ting, and Return Sd Paper to Sd Meeting – –

J. Craw’s

paper accepted

John Craw hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condemning his

Marrying out of the Unity of friends which this Meeting Accepts,

Report from



The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that

they all attended According to appointment and have Produced an

Epistle from the Same which hath been Read & Kindly Accepted,

John Williams


The friends Appointed to draft a Certificate for John Williams [?]

Report that all things are not Quite Clear therefore the Same friends


are Continued for the Same Service and to Make Report to the next Month=


=ly Meeting – –


George Smith jur his Paper hath been Read According to order of


last Monthly Meeting & Return’d to this Meeting, which is as follows


To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth

G. Smith ju:


Whereas I George Smith jur having been Educated Among friends but

through unwatchfulness So far Gave way to the Enemy as to fall into the


Sin of Fornication which Appears by my wife having a Child So Soon


After Marriage, Now these are to Testefy to all whom it may


Concern, that I am heartily Sorry for the Above said Evil, and do


Condemn the Same, with all other My outgoings, hoping God will


forgive me my offences and Receive me into favour, and I desire


friends So far to pass them by as to let me Remain under their Care


Given forth this 10th day of ye 11th month 1767 by your friend


George Smith jur

Step. Wilcox


The friends Appointed Some time past to have the Care of Stephen Wilcox’s

Affairs Respecting his discharging his debts, Make Report that he has


not discharged them all yet, and this Meeting thinks proper to discharge


Daniel Russell he being one of the Comtee, and to Appoint Joseph Gifford


and Paul Russell to join the afore Sd Committee to have the whole over=


=sight of Stephen Willcox’s aforementioned Circumstances


2d mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 2d month

1768. The Representatives are Wm Anthony jur and Samuel Smith


both present , – –



proposal of


Daniel Ricketson and Rebecca Russell declared their In=

=tentions of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Monthly

Meeting for their Answer, and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] and Thos Hicks 2d

are Appointed to Inquire into the Young Man’s Clearness Respecting


Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

H. Russell


Whereas Henry Russell hath Married out of the Unity of friends, and

friends having discharged themselves in Labouring with him, and


he disregarding their Labour, therefore for the Clearing of Truth this


Meeting do deny the Said Henry Russell from being under the Care


of this Meeting


William Anthony jur Reports that he hath Read Holder Slocum’s


Paper of denial according to the Appointment of last Monthly


Meeting and has Returned the same to this Meeting, which is a follows

H. Slocum’s


Whereas Holder Slocum the Son of Holder Slocum deceased

and Rebecca his wife, having been under the Care of this Meeting


Yet through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of


Truth, has So far Deviated from our Religious Profession as to


be found in the practice of Gaming, and in Supporting of


Horseracing, and also in the Neglect of that Indispensable


duty of attending Religious Meetings of Divine worship, And friends


having Repeatedly Labour’d with him in Love in order to Shew unto


him his Errors and Reclaim him from his outgoings, But he Continu=


=ing Obstinate, and not adhering to our tender advice and Council,


Therefore for the preservation of the precious Truth and Friends from the


Reproach thereof this Meeting is Concerned to Give this forth as a Testi=


=mony Against him, Hereby Publicly disowning him the Sd Holder


Slocum from being one of our Religious Community and from under the


Care of this Meeting, Yet Sincerely desiring (if it be Consistant with


Divine pleasure) that he may yet Return from the Evil of his ways,


and by Sincere Repentance Return to the way of Truth & Salvation.


Given forth & Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly Meeting held


in Dartmouth the 18th day of the first month A.D. 1768 by


Job Russell Clerk




The friends Appointed to draft a Certificate for John Williams & his wife

Report that his affairs are not all settled to Satisfaction, therefore the Case

is Refer’d under the Care of the Sd Committee, and they to make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting – –




This Meeting hath Made Trial for a Choice of Visitors, and finding the work

of Great Importance, but no friend finding the weight of that Service laid

on them at present, therefore the Chusing them is Refer’d to the next Monthly



Comtee to



Humphry Smith, Benja Howland the 2d Samuel Smith, Caleb Russell

and Job Russell are Appointed to Review the Monthly Meeting’s Minutes

to see what part they Shall think proper to go on Record, and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting


of poor

John Potter, Joseph Gifford and Prince Allen are Appointed Overseers

of the poor for the year Ensuing – –

Rose Rus

sell case

Joseph Tucker & Humphry Smith are Added to the former Committee

Appointed to Confer with Coakset Meeting Respecting Rose Russell




Thos Willcox hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting, Condemning his

disorder in Marrying out of the order of friends, which is Refer’d to next

Monthly Meeting under the Care of Job Case and Jonathan Hussey


and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –




This Meeting being Informed that Daniel Russell hath Proceeded

Contrary to the Advice and Judgment of this Meeting in Selling of

Spiritous Liquor, and this Meeting Reconsidering a former Minute


Respecting Said Russell and do think it is Rather too Extensive in


that part which debars him from Selling Spiritous Liquor by the


Large Quantity therefore do Reverse that part of Sd Minute


Nevertheless this Meeting Continuing of the Same Judgment in Re=


=spect to his Selling Liquor by the small Quantity and do Appoint


Prince Allen and Thomas Hicks 2d to Labour with him and


make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


3d mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21

of the 3d Month 1768 – The Representatives are Thos


Hicks and Barzillai Tucker both present; – –


The Friends Appointed to Enquire into Daniel Ricketson’s


Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report




that they find nothing to hinder their Proceeding in Marriage

Daniel Ricketson and Rebecca Russell Appeared for their

Answer which was that they Might Proceed to take Each


other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between this


and the next Monthly Meeting and Joseph Gifford and Job


Russell are Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in


Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Benj Wing’s

proposal of marriage

Benjamin Wing of Sandwich and Peace Gifford declar’d their

Intention of Marriage and were desired to wait till the


next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, The Sd Wing


having Produced a Certificate Certifying his Clearness Respecting


Marriage & Conversation which is Accepted and also hath Pro=


=duced his Parents Consent – –




Chusing of Visitors was Refer’d to this Meeting, and no friend

finding the weight of that Service, laid upon them at [present?][present]

Therefore this Meeting thinks fit to Omitt any furder Trial


in that Matter – –



The friends Appointed to Peruse the Monthly Meetings Minutes

Report that they have discharged their Trust in that Respect.

Case of

Coakset friends


Rose Rus=


The Committee Appointed to Confer with Coakset Monthly Meeting

Respecting Rose Russell Report that they have had Several Confe=

=rences on that Account, but Could not Come to an Accomidation

without Submitting the Case to Friends of another Monthly Meeting

and have Made Choice of Edward Upton, Philip Chase and


William Buffinton whose Judgment is as followeth – –

The Coakset



Rose Russell

Coakset the 16th of the 3d Month 1768,

To the two Committees of the Monthly Meetings of Dartmouth

We the Subscribers by your Appointment, have heard your

Allegations and Consider’d them weightily, and upon the whole


our Judgment is that Ponaganset Meeting be at ye two thirds of


the Charge that may Acrue by Rose Russell for the future


and Coakset the one third part for the future


Edward Upton


Philip Chase


William Buffinton

Case of



The Friends Appointed to Treat with Thomas Wilcox Report

that he desires one Month Longer to Endeavour to Make friends

Satisfaction, Therefore the Case is Refer’d under the Same Care


as heretofore and they to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting


of meetings

in Allen’s


The Friends Appointed to oversee the Meeting in Allensneck

Report that they have attended the Meetings According to

appointment which was orderly and to Satisfaction – –

The Queries have been Read & Answer’d in this Meeting, and an


Epistle Signed and Sent to the Quarterly Meeting by the Representa=


tives who are Caleb Russell, Nicholas Howland and William


Barker who are to present the Same and to Make Report to


the next Monthly Meeting – –

The Case

of Daniel


The Friends Appointed to Labour with Daniel Russell

Report that they have Labour’d with him and he declines

to Retract his Proceedings in Selling of Spirituous Liquor


And this Meeting having been Informed from time to time


of the undue Liberty that Daniel Russell Suffers in


his Tavern, which Tends to bring a Reproach on Truth


and Friends, his House not being in a fit Place to keep


a Tavern in because of the Great Report of Town‘s people


Therefore do Appoint, John Potter, Prince Allen and


Thomas Hicks 2d, to Labour with him for the Above


Sd disorder and to desist from Keeping Tavern and Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting


This Meeting hath Collected ₤9 – 9s – 9d Old Tenor,

Case of

John Williams


John Williams and Wife’s Certificate not drafted by the

Same Reason as heretofore which is Refer’d to the next

Monthly Meeting


4th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the

18th of the 4th Month 1768, The Representatives are David


Smith and Jonathan Hussey both Present – –

Benj Wings


Benja Wing & Peace Gifford appeared for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the


next Monthly Meeting advising with the overseers for


that Purpose, and Joseph Tucker and Joseph Mosher are


Appointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

David Allen’s


of marriage

David Allen and Hannah Ricketson declared their Inten=

=tion of Marriage and were desired to wait until next Month=

=ly Meeting for their Answer, and Caleb Russell & Job Russell


are Appointed to Inspect into the young Man’s Clearness Re=


=specting Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the


next Monthly Meeting




Joseph Gifford and Job Russell Report that they attended the

Marriage of Daniel Ricketson and Rebecca Russell which was

Consumated in Good order – –



Thomas Wilcox hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting Condem=

=ning his falling into the Sin of Fornication which is Refer’d to

Report from



the next Monthly Meeting under the Same Care as heretofore

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that

they two of them attended According to Appointment & the other


Sent a reasonable Excuse which was Exce Accepted, and they have


Produced an Epistle from Sd Meeting which hath been read and


Kindly accepted – –

[?] of friends

Dan. Russell

The appointed^Appointed to Labour with Daniel Russell Report that he

declines to Make friends Satisfaction, Therefore Joseph Tucker


Caleb Russell and Daniel Cornell are Appointed to let him know


the Mind of this Meeting that is if he do not make friends Satis=


=faction he may Expect to be denied, and they to make Report to


the next Monthly Monthly Meeting

Treasurer paid

Tim. Russell

The Treasurer hath paid Timothy Russell the whole of his demand,

on this Meeting, and also Daniel Russell’s demand, which


is ₤2 – 2[S?] Lawful Money – –

J. Williams

& wife


This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for John Williams & his

wife to Sandwich Monthly Meeting;

5th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of the

5th Month 1768, The Representatives are Thomas Hicks & Barzilai


Tucker both Present; – –


Caleb Russell & Job Russell Report that they have made Suffi=


=cient Inquiry into David Allen’s Clearness in Respect to Marriage


and Conversation & do not find anything to hinder his Proceeding


in Marriage – –




of marri=


David Allen & Hannah Ricketson appeared for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next

Monthly Meeting, advising with the overseers for that purpose

and Caleb Russell and Job Russell are Appointed to See


their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting


Joseph Tucker & Joseph Mosher Report that they attended the

Benj Wing’s


Marriage of Benja Wing and Peace Gifford which was Consum=

=ated in Good order – –

Case of

Tho Wilcox


The Case of Thos Wilcox is Refered under the Same Care as hereto[heretofore?]

and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting,

The case of




The friends Appointed to Enform Daniel Russell of the Sense of

this Meeting Report that they have discharged their Trust in

that Respect, and that he declines to desist from keeping of Tavern

until his year is up that he has taken out Licenses to sell Liquor


and also Daniel Russell hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting


which is nowise to Satisfaction, Therefore his Case is Refer’d at the


Request of his Brother, John Russell, and he to Inform him how his


Paper was received, and also to Labour with him as he shold find


freedom and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting,

F. Rotch

his Certi=



Francis Rotch, Son of Joseph Rotch hath Removed into the verge

of this Meeting, and hath Produced a Removal Certificate from

the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket which hath been read & Accepted

whereas the Committee Appointed to Give a List of those friends


living at the Eastward Side of Quishnet River report that

R. Sowl’s


they have Given in Rachel Sowle to Sandwich Monthly Mee=

=ting which they decline to accept, therefore this Meeting


doth Appoint Humphry Smith, Job Russell William Mosher &


Prince Allen to join with Sd Comtee to Confer with Sandwich


Monthly Meeting on that account, and also to make a final


Settlement about the Sd Rachel Sowle in behalf of this Mee=


=ting & they to make report to the next monthly Meeting


6 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th

of the 6th Month 1768. The Representatives are Caleb


Russell & David Smith both present

Barnabas Kirby

& Allen’s

proposal of


Barnabas Kirby & Elizabeth Allen declared their Intentions

of taking each other in Marriage & were desired to wait till ye

next Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Philip Allen

and Nicolas Howland are Appointed to Inspect into the young


Man’s Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation & Make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting




Caleb Russell & Job Russell Report that they attended the

Marriage of David Allen & Hannah Ricketson & that it was

Consumated in Good order – –

Case respecting

Thos Wilcox

The friends Appointed to have the Care of Thos Wilcox Respecting

Receiving his paper that he Gave into this Meeting some months


past Report that he declines to attend Meetings for Religious


Worship therefore this Meeting Cannot find freedom to Accept


his paper, and do Appoint Abraham Tucker to Join the former


Committee to Labour farther with him for his Several disorders


and draw a paper of denial against him if he Gives them no


Satisfaction, and bring it to next Monthly Meeting

D. Russell


Daniel Russell hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Condemning

his former disorder in Indulging too Much Liberty in his Tavern


which this Meeting accepts, and it is the desire of this Meeting


that he would desist from keeping a Tavern after the year is Expired


that he has Engaged for, and it is Recommended that the overseers


have a particular Inspection over him in his Conduct Respecting


his Tavern.

Case with





The Committee Appointed to Treat with Sandwich Monthly

Meeting Respecting Rachel Sowle Report that they have

had a Conference with Said Meeting and that they have Appointd

a Comtee to Confer with them, therefore they are Continued in

in the Same Service and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –


of Travel



Our Esteemed friends Thomas Carleton, Aaron Lancaster7 and

Joshua Shearman hath Visited this Meeting with their

Respective Certificates, The first from Chester County in the

Province of Pensylvania bearing date the 12th of the 5th mo: 1768


The Second (viz Aaron Lancaster) from the Purchase in the


County of westchester in the Province of New York whose Cer=


=tificate bears date the 5th month 1768 The first third from


the Nine Partners in dutches County in Sd Province of New-


-york bearing date the 19th of the 5th Month 1768 – all of


which were read in this Meeting and their Visits well accepted


The Queries have been read and Answer’d in this Meeting


This Meeting Adjourns to our next youth’s Meeting after


the Meeting of worship – –


This Meting being met according to Adjournment the


first of the 7th month 1768 The Representatives being Called


both Present; – –

Friends to attend Quar.


Joseph Tucker, Caleb Russell, William Anthony and

Humphry Smith are Appointed to Attend the Quarterly

Epistle &

answers to


sent up

Meeting and Present the Epistle with the Answers to the

Queries which have been read & signed in this Meeting

and they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

To Settle



William Sanford and Jonathan Hussey are Appointed to

adjust Accounts with the Treasurer and Make Report to the

next Monthly Meeting – –

Order to pay

Jos Tucker

This Meeting orders the Treasurer to pay Joseph Tucker

one dollar that this Meeting borrowed some time past which he has


done Accordingly; – –

case of

Hump Smith

son of Hump.

Whereas Humphry Smith Son of Humphry Smith hath been

under dealing sometime past under the Care of Samuel

Smith, who now Informs this Meeting that the Sd Humphry


Neglects to Make friends Satisfaction Therefore This Meeting


doth Appoint Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker to Labour


farther with him as they may find freedom and make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting


This Meeting hath Collected ₤6 – 6s – 9d old Tener

7th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of


the 7th Month 1768, The Representatives are Samuel Smith


and Thomas Hicks 2d both Present.


The friends Appointed to Inspect into the Clearness of Barnabas


Kirby Report that they have made Sufficient Enquiry and find


nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – –



Barnabas Kirby & Elizabeth Allen Appear’d for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that


Purpose, And Nicholas Howland & Philip Allen are Appointed


to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order and make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Wm Tripp


of marriage

William Tripp & Elizabeth Maxfield declared their Intentions

of Marriage & were desired to wait till the next Monthly Mee=

=ting forthar Answer – –

Case of



The Committee Appointed to Labour with Thomas Wilcox Report

they have not had a Convenient Oppertunity to Treat with

him, therefore they are Continued in the Same Service and to


Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting,

[Report] of

the Comtee

to Treat with



The Comtee Appointed to Treat with Sandwich Monthly Meeting

Report that they have met with Sandwich Meeting’s Committee

and Could not Settle the Affair, and have Refered the Matter

Till next fall, therefore they are Still Continued in the Same

Service and to Make Report when they have Settled the Affair,


The Committee Com Appointed to Adjust Accounts with the Treasurer


not Settled

Report they have not done it therefore they are Still Continued

in Sd Service and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Weston Briggs


Weston Briggs and his wife have Returned into these

parts Again and have Produced a Removal Certificate


from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich which hath been


Read and Accepted – –




James Davis hath Produced a Removal Certificate

from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich which hath been

Read and Accepted

Report from



The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

Report that they all attended According to Appointment

and have brought an Epistle from the same but it is not


Come to hand therefore they are desired to take Care and


bring it to the next Monthly Meeting


Smith 3rd


Humphry Smith the 3d hath Given in a Paper to his Mee=

=ting Condeming his Runing Horses and Keeping Loose

Company which is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting


and he is desired to attend at that time – –



& wife’s


David Anthony and his wife have Given in a paper

to this Meeting Condemning their falling into the Sin

of Fornication which is Refered to the next Monthly

Meeting and Joseph Gifford and Barzillia Tucker are


appointed to take an oppertunity of discourse with


him and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting

T. Almy


Thomas Almy Requests to Come under friends Care

and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] & Prince Allen are Appointed to Inquire


into the young Man’s Conversation & take an oppertunity


of Sollid Conference and Endeavour to understand if his


Motive be from the bottom of True Conviction and they


to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting




of Certi:

William Brown Informs this Meeting that he is About to Remove

to Nantucket and desires a Removal Certificate, Therefore Caleb

Russell & Job Russell are Appointed to draw one for him if they

think proper after they have made Sufficient Inquiry into


his Life & Conversation And bring it to next Monthly Meeting


This Meeting hath Collected ₤9 – 13s – 7d old Tener

Treasurer paid

Tim. Russell

The Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell five Dollars for Keeping

the Meeting House half a year


8th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th 8 mo: 1768

The Representatives are David Smith and Samuel Smith present


William Tripp hath Produced a Certificate from Coakset Monthly


Meeting Certifying his Clearness in Respect to Marriage and


Conversation which hath been read and accepted

Wm Tripp


William Tripp & Elizabeth Maxfield Appeared for their Answer

which was that they might Proceed to take each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting advising with the overseers for that


Purpose, and Luke Hart & Wm Mosher are Appointed to see


their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting





The friends Appointed to See Barnabas Kirby’s & Elizabeth

Allen’s Marriage Consumated Report that they attended

According to Appointment which was Consumated in Good order

Tho Wilcox


The Committee Appointed to Confer with Thos Wilcox Report that

they have had a Conference with him and they desire to have the


Matter defered one Month Longer, which is accordingly under


their Care who are to make Report to next Monthly Meeting




The friends Appointed to Adjust accounts with the Treasurer

Report that they Settled Accounts with him and there Remain

₤2 – 2s – 8d old Tener in the Treasury



The Epistle from the last Quarterly Meeting now Came to hand

and hath been read and Kindly accepted


Likewise the London Printed Epistle and one from


Philadelphia, and as they Contain a Great deal of Counsel


and Good Advice the Contexts are Earnestly Recommended


to friends Notice and Observation – –




The friends Appointed to Confer with David Anthony An

make Report that he Gave them Satisfaction but we not

having any account from the women the matter is Refered


to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Thos Almy

The friends Appointed to Confer with Thomas Almy make a


Satisfactory Report and the matter is Still Continued under


Their Care who are to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Wm Brown


This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for William

Brown to the Monthly Meeting of Nantucket


Smith 3d


This Meeting doth Refer the Case of Humphry Smith the 3d

under the Care of Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker and they

to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

P. Russell &

D. Cornel


This meeting Excuses Paul Russell from having having the Care of

Stephen Wilcox’s affair, and also Excuses Paul Russell and

Daniel Cornel[Cornell] from being overseers.




Prince Allen, Benja Howland 2d Samuel Smith and Barzillai

Tucker are added to the former Comittee to have the Care of

Stephen Wilcox’s affair in Regard to his paying his debts


and they to make Report to the next monthly meeting


9th mo


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19 of

the 9th month 1768, The Representatives are Benja Howland


2d and Thomas Hicks 2d both present – –




of marriage

Caleb Macumber & Rachel Wilbour declared their Intentions

of Marriage and were desired to wait Till next Monthly

Meeting for their Answer

Luke Hart & William Mosher Report that they attended

Wm Tripp


the Marriage of William Tripp & Elizabeth Maxfield which

was Consumated in Good order




The friends Appointed to Treat with Thos Wilcox Report that

they think best to accept of his Paper therefore this Meeting

accepts it accordingly with the Provisal that he Cause Sd paper


to be read at the Close of a first day meeting of worship between


this and the next Monthly Meeting he being present and


Return Sd Paper to the next monthly meeting



& wife’s


This Meeting Likewise accepts of David Anthony & his wife’s

paper provided they Cause it to be read at the Close of a first

day Meeting for worship they being present and return Sd

paper to the next Monthly Meeting

T. Almy


The friends Appointed to Confer with Thomas Almy on his Request

to Come under friends Care, Make a Satisfactory Report, Therefore


This Meeting doth accept him a Member under friends Care

Case of


Smith 3

The friends Appointed to have the Care of Humphry Smith ye 3d

Report that they think it not best to Receive his paper and that

he desires friends to Defer the Matter one Month longer, Therefore


his Case is Refered C under the Same Care as heretofore and they to


Make Report to next Monthly Meeting; – –

Ste. Wilcox


The friends Appointed to have the Care of Stephen Wilcox’s affair in

Regard to his discharging his debts Report that they are not ready for


an Answer, Therefore the Matter is Refered to the next


Monthly Meeting under their Care who are then to make Report

Paul Russell

intends a


Paul Russell Informs this Meeting that he hath it on his

Mind to visit Some Meetings in the Circuit of the Quarterly

Meeting of Sandwich which this Meeting Approves of – –

P Russel

& Daniel




This Meeting hath Recommended Paul Russell and Danil Cornel[Cornell]

as Ministers in Unity to the Quarterly Meeting of Ministers

and Elders at Rhode-Island – –

Overseers chosen

Luke Hart, Benja Howland 2d William Anthony ju: and


Samuel Smith are Appointed overseers for the year Ensuing



Joseph Rotch hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the

Monthly Meeting of Nantucket which hath been read and accepted – –

Answers to Queries

sent up

The Queries have been Read in this Meeting and Answer’d

and the Answers Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by the Repre=





=sentatives who are Paul Russell, Caleb Russel Nicolas Howland

and Jonathan Hussey. This Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to

the Quarterly Meeting and Sent it up by the Representatives,

Nicolas Howland hath brought an Account to this Meeting

Covering Fox’s



for Covering Fox’s Journal and Mending the Bellow’s to

to the Amount of four Shilling Lawful Money which this

Meeting Approves, and the Treasurer has paid it by order of


the Meeting


This Meeting hath Collected ₤6 – 0s – 9d old Tener

10th mo


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of


the 10th Month 1768 The Representatives are David Smith


and Benjamin Howland [2d] both present – –




Caleb Macumber hath produced a Certificate from the

Monthly Meeting of Coakset Certifying his Clearness Respect=

=ing Marriage & Conversation – –

C. Mac



Caleb Macumber and Rachel Wilborr Appeared for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take Each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next Month=


=ly Meeting and Philip Allen and Daniel Cornel[Cornell] are Appointed


to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order and Make Report


to the Next Monthly Meeting – –


Thomas Wilcox’s Paper hath not been read According to the Appoint


Ment of last Monthly Meeting by Reason of a Mistake, therefore


he is desired to Cause Sd paper to be read between this & the next Mont=


=hly Meeting and Return Said Paper to Sd Meeting


David Anthony and his wife’s paper hath been read and Return’d


to this Meeting According to the Appointment of last Monthly Meeting


And is as followeth

David & Judith



To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth

These Comes with Sorrow to Inform that through weakness and the

Insinuation of the Adversary, we have fallen into the Reproachful


Sin of Fornication, as Appears by our having a Child So Soon after


Marriage for which we are heartily and Sincerely Sorry and do Con=


=demn the Same hoping forgiveness from Almighty God and desire


to take the Reproach thereof upon ourselves, and [?][Clear] friends


and the Truth from the same and desire friends so far to pass


it by as to let us Remain under their Care


Given forth this 13th of the 7th month 1768 by your friends


David Anthony


Judith Anthony

Case of

H. Smith 3

The Committee Appointed to have the Care of Humphry Smith ye 3d

Report that they have not had an oppertunity with him and that


he desires that friends would wait on him one month[longer] therefore


the Matter is Refered under the Same Care as heretofore and they


to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting – –

S. Wilcox


The friends Appointed to Assist Stephen Wilcox Report that the Mat=

=ter Remains not Settled therefore the Case is Refered under the Same


Care and they to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


from Quar

terly Meeting

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that

they all attended According to Appointment and have produced an

Epistle from the Same which hath been read & Kindly Accepted




The Women friends Inform that they have Minuted Susanna

Howland under friends Care, which this Meeting Concurs with

overseers of



Joseph Gifford, William Anthony ju: Berzillai Tucker, Prince

Allen, Timothy Russell, Samuel Smith, Jonathan Hussey &

John Potter are Appointed to have the oversight of the Gallery


and other Seats at our yearly Meeting to Endeavour to prevent


any Indecency that may be liable to happen at that time


and they to Make Report of their Service at the next Monthly Meeting,


11 mo: }


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21

of the 11th mo: 1768, The Representatives are Benja Howland


the 2d and Samuel Smith both present




Daniel Cornel and Philip Allen Report that they

attended the Marriage of Caleb Macumber and Rachel

Wilborr [Wilbur] which was Consumated in Good order


Thomas Wilcox’s paper hath been read According to the


appointment of last monthly Meeting, and is as follows


Dartmouth 18th day 11th [4th?]mo: 1768



To the Monthly Meeting of friends – –

Whereas Through unwatchfulness have I falled


Into the Sin of Fornication as Manifestly hath Appeared by


my wife having a Child Soon after Marriage, for which


Evil I am Sorry for, hoping for the future to be more Carful, &


I beg that God will forgive me for the Above Sd Evil and all


my misconduct, and friends would pass it by, and I Remain


under their Care, from your friend – Thomas Wilcox

Hum. Smith^ 3d


Whereas Humphry Smith the 3d Some time past hath been in the

Practice of Horse racing and hath been Laboured with for


the Same and Neglects to Condemn the Above Sd practice to


friends Satisfaction and Since hath Kept a Great deal of loose


Company, and hath fallen into a Bodily Strife with Samel


Macumber ju: Therefore this Meeting doth Appoint Benja


Howland the 2d and William Anthony ju: to Labour with him for


the aforeSd offences as they Shall find freedom and draw a paper


of denial if he do not Give them Satisfaction, and to Inform him of


their Appointment from this Meeting and Make Report to ye


next Monthly Meeting – –


The friends Appointed to Assist Stephen Wilcox Report as follows

Wilcox’s }


Agreeable to Appointment we have made Inspection into

the affairs of Stephen Wilcox in Regard to his debts (which the


Meeting hath long held in Suspense) and we think he is very Much


Involved in debt, & in low Circumstances, and Neglects the


payment of his Just debts as Appears to us by the Complaints


of his Creditors, Some of whom appear to be long Kept out of their


Just dues, and he not in a way to discharge them to the Honour


and Credit of Friends, and the Pro[fession ?]we bear, wherefore we


having Seriously and weightily Considered the Same it is our


united Sense and Judgment that he ought to pay & Satisfy his


Said Creditors or Imediately deliver up his Estate to [them?]


Notifying them Respectively to Come and take it in proportion


to their Several dues, which Method we have Repeatedly advised


him to Proceed in, and which he now promises Imediately to


Comply with – – Given forth this 21 of the 11th mo: 1768 by


your friends

Benja Howland


Samuel Smith


Thomas Hicks


Barzillai Tucker


And the afore Sd Comtee are Still Continued to See that the


Said Stephen Wilcox fulfils his Promise and make Report to


the Monthly Meeting as soon as the Matter Can be Accomplished

Report of


of yearly


The Comittee Appointed to have the oversight of ^the yearly Mee=

=ting Several of them Report that they attended the Service to

Satisfaction and that People behaved tolerable orderly, but

Several of the Committee hath Neglected to Make Report


therefore Samuel Smith is Appointed to Call on them for


the reasons of their Neglect & make Report next Monthly Meeting


in Allen’s



The friends living in Allen’s Neck Request the Liberty

to hold a Meeting down there on each first in the four

following Months which this Meeting Grants, and do

Appoint Philip Allen & Daniel Cornel to See the


Meeting Carried on agreable to Truth and Make Report


to the Monthly Meeting at the Expiration of Said Time


in Smith’s



And the Friends living in Smith’s Neck Request the

Liberty to hold a Meeting among them on two first days

in Each Month for the winter Season, which this Meeting

Grants, and they are to hold it on Every other first


day as Comes in Course for the winter Season and Benja


Howland 2d and Samuel Smith are appointed to See


that the Sd Meeting be held According to Truth and


they to Make Report to the Monthly Meeting at


the Expiration of the Afore Sd time – –

E. Baker


Whereas Our Esteemed friend Ephraim Baker

hath Visited our Meeting and desired our Certificate


Therefore, Joseph Tucker and Barzillai Tuker [Tucker]


are appointed to draw one for him and bring it to


the next Monthly Meeting – –

H. Slocum’s


Whereas Humphry Slocum now Resides at Rhode Island

and desires a few lines to Recommend him to the Monthly


Meeting there, Therefore Joseph Tucker & Barzillai Tucker are


Appointed to draw a Certificate for him and bring it to the


next Monthly Meeting – –



Whereas Joseph Rotch desires a Certificate to the Monthly

Meeting of Rhode Island Certifying his Clearness in Respect


to Marriage and Conversation, therefore Caleb Russell and


Job Russell are Appointed to draw one for him if they


think proper after they have made Sufficient Enquiry


in his afore Sd Clearness, and bring it to next Monthly Meeting

B. to be




This Meeting Appoints Samuel Smith to Join with Coakset

friends to Transcribe the the Book of Discipline as reasonably

as they can & make Report when it is Accomplished

12: mo: }


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th

of the 12th month 1768, The Representatives are David Smith


and Barzillai Tucker both present

Peleg Slocum’s


[of] marriage

Peleg Slocum Ju: and Susanna Howland declared their

Intention of Marriage and were desired to wait Till next

Monthly Meeting for their Answer and Nicolas Howland &


Prince Allen are Appointed to Enquire into Peleg Slocum’s


Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting – –



proposal of


And Barnabas Wing and Jane Merihew declared their Inten=

=tion of Marriage and were desired to wait till the next Month=

=ly Meeting for their Answer – –


Smith 3


The Friends Appointed to Labour with Humphry^ Smith ye 3 Report that

they have Laboured with him, and that he desires friends to wait

on him one month longer which is Granted, and they Still Con=


=tinued in the Same Service and to Make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting – –





Whereas three friends were deficient last Monthly Meeting in

Making Report of their Service in the oversight of the yearly

Meeting now make Report that they all attended the Service to

pretty Good Satisfaction, and they have assigned the Reasons


of their Neglect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting



This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate directed to the Monthly

Meeting of friends held at the Nine partners in the Province of


Newyork for our friend Ephraim Baker – –

H. S:


And this Meeting hath also Signed a Certificate for our friend

Humphry Smi Slocum to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island


Certifying his being under the Care of this meeting, and his Conversation


in a Good degree orderly – –



And this Meeting hath also Signed a Certificate for Joseph Roch

to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island Certifying his Clearness


in Respect to Marriage & Conversation – –

Queries &


The Queries have been Read and Answer’d in this Meeting – –

This Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting


The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are



William Anthony ju:, William Mosher, Samuel Smith,

and Benjamin Howland the [2?]d and they to present the Epistle


with the Answers to the Queries and to Make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting;


This Meeting hath Collected ₤10 – 16S – 8d old Tener – –

Tim Russel

and the Treasurer has paid Timothy Russell five Dollars


for Keeping the Meeting House half a year According to order


1: mo: }


At a Monthly Meeting hold in Dartmouth the 16th

of the first month 1769 The Representatives are Caleb Russell


and Jonathan Hussey both Present

Bar Wing


Barnabas Wing hath Produced a Certificate from the

Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, Certifying his Clearness in


Respect to Marriage and Conversation which hath been Read


and Accepted – –

Peleg Slocum^ju

& Barna



Peleg Slocum ju: and Susanna Howland, and Barnabas

Wing and Jane Merihew Appeared for their Answers which

was that Each Couple Might Proceed to take each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that


purpose and Joseph Gifford & Job Russell are Appointed to


see Peleg Slocum’s and Susanna Howlands Marriage Con=


=sumated in Good order and make Report to the next Monthly


Meeting, And Joseph Smith and William Mosher are appointed


for the Same Service with Barnabas Wing & Jane Merihew


and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Batho: Taber


Thos Almy

proposal of


Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish and Thomas

Almy and Deborah Allen Declared their Intentions of

Marriage and were desired to wait Till next Monthly

Meeting for their Answers And Daniel Cornel & Prince

Allen are Appointed to wait till Make Enquiry into


Thomas Almy’s Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conver=


=sation and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

H. Smith’s


Humphry Smith the 3d hath Given in a Paper to this

Meeting Condemning his offences in horse Racing, Gaming


And in having a Bodily Strife with Samuel Macu^mber


with all the Rest of his Misconduct which is Continued


under the Care of William Anthony jur until the next


Monthly Meeting – –




The Friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

Report that they all attended According to Appointment

and have Produced an Epistle from the same which hath


been read & well accepted – –




Proposals for Printing two Sorts of Primers and a Book

of Samuel Fuller’s works has been Sent down from the

Quarterly Meeting8. Therefore this Meeting doth Appoint


Caleb Russell, Jonathan Hussey Wm Anthony jur Samuel


Smith, Prince Allen Daniel Cornel, Thos Hicks, William


Mosher, Peleg Gifford and Benja Russell the 4th to Collect


Subscriptions for the afore Said Books and Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting – –


for Thos



The overseers Inform this Meeting that Thomas Willcox hath Re=

=moved out of the verge of this Meeting without a Certificate

therefore Humphry Smith Samuel Smith and William Anthony

jur are Appointed to draw a Certificate for him and bring bring


it to the next Monthly Meeting


the Committee Appointed Some time past to Settle the Affair Respec




=ting Rachell Sowle with Sandwich Monthly Meeting Report

that they have had two Conferences with Sd Meetings Com’ttee

and that they Could not not settle that affair therefore the


Matter is Refered to next Monthly Meeting


2d mo: }


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th

of the 2d month 1769, The Representatives are Samuel


Smith and William Anthony jur Both Present, – –

Bart Taber


Bartholomew Taber hath Produced a Certificate from the

Monthly Meeting of Sandwich, Certifying his Clearness in


Respect to Marriage and that he is under the Care of that


Meeting and also Signifying his Parent’s Consent – –

Tho Almy


The friends Appointed to Inquire into the Clearness of Thomas

Almy Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report that


they have Made Inquiry and do not find anything to


hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – –

Bart Taber


Thos Almy


Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish and Thomas Almy

and Deborah Allen Appeared for their Answers which was

that Each Couple Might Proceed to take Each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers for that


Purpose and Thomas Hicks and Prince Allen are Appointed


to See Thomas Almy and Deborah Allen’s Marriage Consu=


=mated in Good order and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


and Caleb Russell and Joseph Gifford are Appointed to See


Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish’s Marriage Consumat[ed]


in Good order & Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Peleg Slo



The friends Appointed to See Peleg Slocum’s and Lucy Howland

Marriage Consumated Report that they attended the Marriage

and that it was Accomplished in Good order – –


and also the friends Appointed on the Same Account with


Barnabas Wing and Jane Merihew Make the like Report


that their Marriage was Consumated in Good order – –


The friends Appointed to Collect Subscriptions for the

on Printg


Printing the Primers and Books Report that they ^are in the

Progress of their Service but have not Accomplished it yet


Therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Service and


to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –


The Matter Concerning Humphry Smith the 3d is Refer’d to the


next Monthly Meeting – –

T. Wilcox’s


This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Thomas Wilcox

to the Monthly Meeting of Coakset – –


The Matter Concerning Rachel Sowle is Refered to the


next Monthly Meeting – –


to be


Humphry Smith, Samuel Smith, Benja Howland Job

Russell are Appointed to Review the Monthly Meeting’s

Minutes to See what part they may think proper to be


put on Record and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


[3d] mo: }


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of

3d month 1769 – The Representatives are Caleb Russell


and Samuel Smith both Present – –




[of] marriag

James Davis & Patience Russell declared their Intentions of

Marriage, and were desired to wait Till next Monthly Meeting

for their Answer, and William Sanford & David Smith are Appointed

to Enquire into the young Man’s Clearness Respecting Mareriage


and Conversation & Make Report to ye next Monthly Meeting

Thos Almy


[Bart]. Taber


The friends Appointed to See Thos Almy & Deborah Allen’s Marriage

Consumated in Good order Report that they both attended the Marriage

which was Consumated in good order, and likewise the friends

Appointed on the Same Account for Bartholomew Taber & Mercy


Bowdish make the Like Report that their Marriage was


Consumated in Good order –


The friends Appointed to Collect Subscriptions for Fox’s Primers



and Fuller’s Books Report as followeth they have taken them in as

followeth (viz)










Caleb Russell





Prince Allen





Peleg Gifford





Willm Mosher





Daniel Cornell





Benja Russell 4th





Thomas Hicks





Samuel Smith





Wm Anthony jur





Jonathan Hussey





Whole of Each Sort Subscribed for – –}




Hum Smith 3


The Matter Concerning Humphry Smith ye 3d is Refer’d to the

under the Care of Joseph Gifford, Wm Sanford & Barzillai Tucker


and they are desired to Visit the young man and make Report


to the adjournment of this Meeting – –

Dinah Ric=




The women friends Inform that Dinah Ricketson hath Given in a

Paper to their Meeting Some Months past Condemning her falling

into the Sin of Fornication, which they have Concluded to Accept

Provided She Cause Sd paper to be Read Publickly at the Close


of a first day Meeting for worship She being present, and


Return Said paper to the Next Monthly Meeting which this


Meeting Concurs with – –

The affair

of Rachel


Whereas Rachel Sowle was Set off to Sandwich Monthly

Meeting Some time past, and the Sd Meeting Refusing to Accept

her, and this Meeting having Appointed a Committee to hear


the Reasons of their Refusal and also to Settle the Matter


Concerning her, and they have Some Months past Made Report that


they have had Several Conferences with Sandwich Monthly Meeting


and Could not Settle the matter in Controversey, their Reasons as we


Apprehend not being Sufficient therefore this Meeting doth Appoint


a Committee to Settle ^the matter the best way that they may think


proper in behalf of this Meeting whose Names are Humphry


Smith, Prince Allen, Thos Hicks, Joseph Gifford, James Tucker


or Either two of them and they to Make Report to this Meeting


when they have Made full Trial for a Settlement – –


of poor


The overseers of the Poor have brought an Accompt for doing

for the poor to the amount of ₤6 – 11S – 10d old Tener, and the

Treasurer has paid the Same by the order of this Meeting – –


This Meeting hath Collected ₤8 – 4 – 2d old Tener – –


This Meeting adjourns to the 29th Instant – –


This Meeting being mett According to Adjournment ye 29th of


the 3d Month 1769 – The Representatives being Called


both Present – –



The Committee Appointed to Review the Meeting’s Minutes

Report they have Reviewed Sd Minutes and Left them with


Samuel Smith to be Recorded – –



The Queries have been Read and Answered in this Meeting and

This Meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Meeting and



Jonathan Hussey, Thos Hicks and Wm Barker are Appointed to

attend the Quarterly Meeting, and to Present the Epistle with


the Answers to the Queries & Make Report to the next Monthly


Meeting – –

[H.] Smith 3



The friends Appointed to have the Care of Humphry Smith ye 3d

Report that he Gave them Tolerable Good Satisfaction therefore

This Meeting Concludes to Accept his paper that he Gave in to this


Meeting Some Months past if he will Cause it to be Read at the


Close of a first day Meeting of worship he being present between


This and the next Monthly Meeting and Return Said paper


to next Monthly Meeting – –




Chusing of Elders is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting

Prince Allen, Joseph Gifford, Barzillai Tucker, Thos Hicks 2d

and Caleb Russell are appointed overseers of the Poor – –

[Re]port of

[M]eeting in

Allen Neck

The friends Appointed to have the Care of the Meetings held in Allen’s

Neck and in Smith’s Neck Report that they attended the

Meetings Respectively, which were held to Good Satisfaction


4th mo: }


At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the

17:th 4th Month 1769 – The Representatives are


David Smith & Barzillai Tucker both Present – –


The friends Appointed to Enquire into the Clearness of

James Davis


James Davis in Respect to Marriage & Conversation Report

that they have Made Inquiry & do not find anything to hinder


his Proceeding in Marriage – –

James Davis


James Davis & Patience Russell Appeared for their Answer

which was that they Might Proceed to take each other in


Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next


Monthly Meeting advising with the overseers for that Purpose


and Wm Sanford and Joseph Gifford are Appointed to See their


Marriage Consumated in Good order, and Make Report to the


next Monthly Meeting – –

Dinah Ric

=ketson paper


Dinah Ricketson’s Paper hath been Read & Returned to this

Meeting According to the Direction of Last Monthly Meeting


of the



R. Sowle

The friends Appointed to Settle the Controversey between this and

Sandwich Monthly Meeting Concerning Rachel Sowle, Report

that they have Settled the Matter by Referring it to Indifferent

friends, and their Judgment is that the Said Rachel Sowle

belongs to this Meeting – –


Dinah Ricketson’s paper Above mentioned is as followeth




To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held the 21 of the

11th Month 1768 – –

Esteemed friends, Whereas I through unwatchfulness


have fallen into the ^Reproachful Sin of Fornication which plainly


appears by my having a Child So Soon after Marriage & gone


Contrary to the Good order of friends all which I am Sorry


for, hoping God will forgive me, and I desire friends would


pass it by, So far as to Let me Remain under their Care


Dinah Ricketson

Rachel Sowle


Jonathan Hussey & David Smith are Appointed to Make

Inquiry to find what Estate belongs to the above Sd Rachel


Sowle and also to Settle accounts with her Creditors, and to


Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Report from

Quar meeting

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report

that they all attended According to Appointment, and have


Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read


and well Accepted – –


Humphry Smith the 3d his paper hath been Read Agree=


=able to the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting –


and is as follows – –

H. Smith’s



To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth

These Comes with Sorrow to Acknowledge my outgoings in Horse-Ra=

=cing, Gaming & falling into a bodily Strife with Samuel


Macumber ju: all which I do heartily & Sincerely Condemn with


all other my outgoings, and hoping forgiveness from the Lord, I


desire friends So far to pass them by as to let me Remain under


your Care, desiring that I may for the time to Come be preserved from


the like evil or any others, dated this 15th of ye first mo: 1769


Humphry Smith the 3d

[Chus]ing [Elders]


Chusing of Elders is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting

[J] Mosher



Joseph Mosher Informs this Meeting that he is about to Remove

with his family to the Nine partners, and desires a Removal

Certificate, Therefore Luke Hart & Barzillai Tucker are


appointed to Make Inquiry into his Life & Conversation, and to


See that his outward affairs be Settled to Satisfaction, and draft


a Certificate for himself & family if they think Proper, and


bring it to the next Monthly Meeting



Benj. Smith

William Wilcox hath Exhibited a Complaint against Benja Smith for Refu=

sing to pay him an award brought in by Arbitrators Indifferently Chosen

between them, Therefore Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker are


appointed to Treat with the Said Benjamin Smith for his Neglect


and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


5 mo: }


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15: 5th month

1769 – The Representatives are David Smith & Barzillai


Tucker both Present – –

James Davis


not accom


The friends appointed to See James Davis and Patience

Russell’s Marriage Consumated Report that their Sd Mar-

-riage is not accomplished by Reason the young woman

has been Sick, therefore they are Still Continued in Sd


Service and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Rach Sowle


The friends Appointed to Inquire into Rachel Sowle’s affairs

and to Settle accounts with her Creditors Report that they


have made Some Progress therein & desire one month longer


to Accomplish Sd business which is Granted them & they to make


Report next Monthly Meeting


This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for

Certifi }

for J. Mosher

Joseph Mosher & his family to the Monthly Meeting at the

Nine- partners in Douches [Dutchess] County in the Province of Newyork


The friends Appointed to Treat with Benjamin Smith for Ne-


-glecting to fulfil an award brought in by between him and

Benj Smith’s


William Wilcox Report that the Sd. Benjamin Informed the[m]

that the arbitrators were not Chosen between them according


to Rule, & therefore ye Case was not brought to the Meeting according to


the Rule of Discipline, therefore this meeting doth add Joseph Giffor[d]


to the former Committee on that Case, and they Treat with the Sd.


Benja Smith & to make Inquiry into Every particular Circumstance Relat[ing?]


to the Controversey & to Labour as they find freedom to Settle the Sd. Controv[ersey]


and to make Report to ye next Monthly Meeting – –

Chusing Elder


Chusing of Elders is Refered to the next Monthly Meeting

Obediah Allen


Obediah Allen hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting

Condemning his former Outgoings, for which he was denied,


and desiring to be Received Again under friends Care, which


is Refered to Next Monthly Meeting under the Care of


Thomas Hicks & Barzillai Tucker, and they to Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting





At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th

of the 6th month 1769, ^The Representatives are Caleb Russell & Jonathan Hussey

both present – –

James Davis


William Sanford & Joseph Gifford Report that they

attended the Marriage of James Davis & Patience Russell


which was Consumated in Good order – –




The friends Appointed to Settle Accompts with Rachel Sowle[‘s]

Creditors, & to See what Money Remains due to her Report

that there Remains due to the Sd, Rachell £6 – 5s – 10d ½ Lawful


Money – –

Benj Smith

affare Settled

The Committee Appointed to Treat with Benjamin Smith for

on account of a Complaint Exhibited against him by


William Wilcox Report, that the Matter is Settled to


Satisfaction Between the Said Benja Smith & Wm Wilcox



for E. Tripp

R. Macumbr

& M. Taber

This meeting hath Signed Three Removal Certificates

one for Elizabeth Tripp & one for Rachal Macumber both

to the Monthly Meeting of Coakset, and one for

Mercy Taber to Sandwich Monthly Meeting – –

The Visits

of Foreign


Our Esteemed friend Rachel Wilson hath Visited us

with her Certificate from the Monthly Meeting at

Kendal in Westmorland in old England bearing date


the 24th of the 6th month 1768, With a Concurrance from the


Quarterly Meeting held at Kendal for Westmorland the


8th of the 7th month 1768, Which were Read in this Mee-


=ting to Good Satisfaction - in Company with whom Came


our Esteemed friend Sarah Hopkins with her Certificate


from the Monthly Meeting held at Haddonfield in the


County of Gloucester the 8th of the first month 1769


and her Visit Kindly accepted, And likewise our Esteemd


friend John Pemberton hath Visited This Meeting with


his Certificate from the Monthly Meeting held in Phi-


-ladelphia by Adjournment from the 26th 5 mo to the 30th


of the Same 1769, which hath been Read & well accepted9


This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for


for T. Wilcox

Thomas Wilcox to the Monthly Meeting of Coakset

This Meeting hath Collected 19s – 2d Lawful money


This Meeting Adjourns to the Last fourth day of this Month


This Meeting being Mett by Adjournment the 28th of the


6th mo: 1769, The Representatives being Called, Caleb


Russell Present, but Jonathan Hussey not Present by


Reason he is gone to Nantucket yearly Meeting

Chusing Elders


The Matter Concerning Chusing Elders is Refered to the

Next Monthly Meeting – –

Obediah Allen

Case referd

The Matter Concerning Obediah Allen is Refered to next

Monthly Meeting under the Same Care as heretofore and they


then to make Report – –

E. Potter


The women friends have brought a Paper to this Meeting

from Elisabeth Potter, Condemning her disorerly Marriage


which they have Accepted, & this Meeting Concurs therewith


Joseph Tucker, Caleb Russell, & William Barker are


appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and Present


the Epistle to the Same which this Meeting hath Signed


and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

Time of


fr’ds decease to be


Humphry Smith & Samuel Smith are appointed to Collec[t]

an Account of ^the Several Publick friends decease that have

Lately been Removed, and Put them in order Agreeable

to the Book of Discipline, and bring them to this Meeting


as Soon as they Conveniently Can


[7]th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th

of the 7th month 1769, The Representatives are Samuel


Smith and Benja, Howland 2 both Present

Obedi Allen

paper accep

Obediah Allen hath Given in a Paper to this Meeting

Some time past, and now this Meeting Concludes to Accept of


it, Provided he Cause Sd paper to be Read Publickly at the


Close of a first day Meeting for worship he being present [and ?]


Return Sd paper to the next Monthly Meeting – –

Report from

Quar meeting

The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report

that they all attended According to Appointment and have

their Epistle

returnd back

Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read

in which it Appears there is a Mistake, therefore this Meeting


Concludes to Return Sd Epistle to the Quarterly meeting again – –


paid Tim


The Treasurer Reports that he hath paid Timothy Russell

five Dollars for keeping the Meeting house half a year

Epistles Rece


This Meeting hath Received the London Epistle for the year

1768, as likewise a Transcript of our Last yearly Meetings


Tenth Query

Epistle and likewise a Transcript of the Judgment of the

yearly Meeting Committee Respecting the tenth Query – –

Peace Shear-

-man paper


Peace Shearman hath Given in a paper to this Meeting which

Came from the womens Meeting and they Inform this Meeting

that they have Concluded to accept of the same which this this


Concurs with Provided She Cause it to be Read Publickly at the


Close of a first day Meeting of worship & She be present, and Re-


turn Sd paper to next monthly meeting – –

[Chu]sing Elders


The Matter Concerning Chusing of Elders is Refered to

the next Monthly Meeting


8th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the

8th month 1769 – The Representatives are Caleb Russell and


Jonathan Hussey both present – –

Abraham Smith

proposal of


Abraham Smith & Suruiah Ricketson declared their Inten-

tions of Marriage and were desired to wait till next monthly

Meeting for their Answer and Caleb Russell & Joseph Gifford


are Appointed Enquire into the young man’s Clearness


Respecting marriage and Conversation and make Report


to the next monthly meeting – –

O. Allen’s


Obediah Allen’s paper hath been Read According to the

appointment of Last Monthly Meeting and is as follows – –


To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth – –


Loving friends


Whereas I through weakness and the Insinuation of the Adver-


-Sary have twice fallen into the Sin of Fornication, and


Likewise in Gaming, for which Evils I Can Truly Say I am


Sorry for, and do Sincerely Condemn the Same with all other


my outgoings, hoping forgiveness from Almighty God, I


desire friends to Receive me Again under their Care, and


would hereby take the Reproach of my outgoings on myself


and Clear friends and the Truth from the Same


Given for the this 15th day of the 5th month 1769


By your friend Obadiah Allen

P. Shearman’s }


Peace Shearman’s paper hath been Read & Returned to

this meeting According to the Appointment of Last Monthly


meeting, and is as followeth – –


Dartmouth the 12th of the 1 month 1769


To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be holden in


Dartmouth the 16th Instant – –


Dear friends, These may Inform that Notwithstanding


I had my Education Amongst Friends. I have by Giving


way to the Temtation of the Adversary, been Guilty of


the Sin of Fornication, as Appears by my having a


Child So Soon after Marriage, which Sin I do hereby


Condemn, with all other my offences and am heartily


Sorry for, hoping that God in his Abundant Mercy


will forgive me, and I do desire that friends will So far


pass by my offences as to Suffer me Still to Remain


under Their Care – –Peace Shearman – –



for E. W.

& J. W

This Meeting hath Signed two Removel Certificates

to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich one for Edith Wing

wife of Edward wing ju: the other for Jane Wing wife

of Barnabas wing – –

J. Russel

an Elder

This Meeting doth Appoint Job Russell an Elder in

addition to our former Elders – –

Letter from



Saml How=


Smithfield Monthly Meeting hath writ to this Meeting

Informing us that Samuel Howland Ju: hath omitted

to Deliver his Removal Certificate till to them till

three years after the date, and also they discover a

Shortness in the Certificate Respecting the Settlement


of his owtward Affares, Therefore Wm Anthony Jur


and Samuel Smith are Appointed to write the Said


Howland in behalf of this Meeting as they Shall think


Proper, and also to Enquire into his Affairs Above men-


tioned, and to make Report as Soon as they Conveniently


Can to this Meeting – –

Danl Cornel

desires a


Daniel Cornel Desires a Certificate to the Monthly

Meeting of Coackset Concerning his Clearness in

Respect to Marriage & Conversation. Therefore This Meeting doth


appoint Nicolas Howland and Philip Allen to Enquire


into the Above Mentioned Respects and draft a Certifi;


cate for him if they think proper and Make Report to


next Monthly Meeting – –

Wm Sanford Ju


William Sanford ju: hath Given in a paper to this Meeting

Condemning his disorder in Marrying out of the unity of


friends, which is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting;


9th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of the

9th mo: 1769, The Representatives are Samuel Smith and


Barzillai Tucker both present – –


Caleb Russell & Joseph Gifford Report that they have


made Inquiry into the Clearness of Abraham Smith in


Respect to Marriage & Conversation and find nothing to


hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – –


Smith answer

Abraham Smith & Surviah [Zeruiah] Ricketson Appeared for their

Answer which was that thy might Proceed to take Each


other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between now


and next Monthly Meeting Advising with the overseers


for that Purpose, and Caleb Russell & John Potter are Ap:


pointed to See their Marriage Consumated in Good order, and


make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

John Tucker

proposal of


John Tucker & Rhoda Wing declared their Intentions of

Marriage, & were desired to wait till next monthly Mee:

ting for their Answer, and Luke Hart & Wm Mosher are


Appointed to Inquire into John Tucker’s Clearness in Re-


spect to Marriage & Conversation and Make Report to the


next Monthly Meeting

Certificate for

Dan: Cornel

This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Daniel Cornel

to Coakset Monthly Meeting Certifying his Clearness in


Respect to Marriage & Conversation – –

Case of Wm

Sanford Ju


The Case of Wm Sanford jur is Refered to next monthly

Meeting under the Care of Jonathan Hussey & David Smith

& they to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –




Rhoda Wing hath Produced a Removal Certificate from

the monthly Meeting of Coakset which hath been read

in this Meeting and Accepted – –




It hath been moved at this Meeting for a new Choice

of Overseers, and the matter Labouring Somewhat hard

the matter is Refered to next monthly meeting, and


the Same friends that were in that Service are Continued


in the Same Service one month Longer – –

writ to



S. Howl’d

This Meeting hath Signed a few Lines to Smithfield Monthly

Meeting in Answer to their Request Respecting a

deficiency in Samuel Howland ju:r Certificate

Phebe Sisson



The women friends Inform that they have accepted of

Phebe Sisson’s paper, which this meeting Concurs with

This meeting hath Collected £12 - 5s - 6d old tener


This Meeting Adjourns to the first Sixth day in next month


This Meeting being mett by adjournment the 6th day of


the 10th month 1769 – –The Representatives


being Called, both Present – –


to Queries

The Queries have been read & Answer’d in this Meeting

and the Answers are order’d to be Sent up to the Quarterly


Meeting by the Representatives with the Epistle to the


Same which hath been Signed in this meeting



Joseph Tucker, Nicholas Howland & Wm Sanford are

Appointed to attend the Quarly Meeting and Present the


Said Epistle & Answers as aforesaid, and Make Return


to the next Monthly Meeting

J Russel


an Elder

This meeting hath Signed a few Lines to the Quarterly

Meeting of Ministers & Elders, Signifying our Appointing

of Job Russell an Elder


1847–10 mo 5th Examined by S. R. Gifford

{ It appears that Job Russell }


was Clark at this time


10th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of

the 10th month 1769, The Representatives are Jonathan


Hussey & Wm Anthony jur both Present – –


The friends Appointed to Enquire into John Tucker’s Clearness


Respecting Marriage & Conversation Report that they have


Made Inquiry & find nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage

John Tucker


John Tucker & Rhoda Wing Appeared for their Answer which

was that they Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage


in Some Convenient time between this & the next Monthly


Meeting, Advising with the overseers for that Purpose, and


Luke Hart & William Mosher are Appointed to See their Mar-


-riage Consumated in Good order, and Make Report to the


next Monthly Meeting

Wm Taber pro

posal of marri


William Taber (Son of Joseph Taber) and Martha Hart declared

their Intentions of Marriage, and were desired to wait until

the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer – –


Caleb Russell and John Potter Report that they attended the

Abraham Smith


Marriage of Abraham Smith & Zeruiah [Surviah] Howland Ricketson

which was Consumated in Good order – –

Wm Sanford Ju

Case referd

Jonathan Hussey & David Smith Report that they have had

no oppertunity to Treat with Wm Sanford jur, therefore


that Case is Refer’d to next monthly Meeting under the Care


of the Same friend & they then make Report – –

Chusing Over=

seers referd

A New Choice of overseers is Refered to next Monthly Mee-

ting, and the former overseers Still Continued one month Longer


The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting

Report from

Quart meeting

Report that they all Attended According to Appointment

& have Produced an Epistle from the Same which hath been Read


and well Accepted – –


from the

meeting s

of Suffering

This meeting hath Received two Printed Epistles, one

from the meeting of Sufferings in London dated in the 3d

Month 1769, the other from the Meeting of Sufferings

in Philadelphia dated in the 9th month 1769


for Elisa:


This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate to the

Monthly Meeting of Coakset for our friend Elisabeth Gifford


of yearly meeting

This Meeting doth Appoint Joseph Gifford, John Potter, Wm

Barker, Caleb Russell, Barzillai Tucker, Prince Allen, &


James Tucker to have the oversight of the Lofts and other


Seats at our yearly meeting to Prevent any disoreder


at that time, and to Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


11th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the

20th of the 11th month 1769 The Representatives are


Caleb Russell & Jonathan Hussey both Present

Wm Taber


William Taber (Son of Joseph Taber) hath Produced a Certi-

-ficate from the monthly meeting of Sandwich, Certifying


his being under the Care of friends there, and Clear from


Any Entanglement Respecting Marriage, and he hath


also Produced the Consent of his Parents to Proceed in Marriage

Peter Bar=



Peter Barnard hath Produced a Certificate from the Monthly

Meeting of Nantucket , Certifying his being under the Care

of that Meeting, and Clear from Any Entanglement in


Respect to Marriage, and he hath also Produced his


Parent’s Consent that he may Proceed in Marriage with


Rebecca Hussey – –

Peter Bar=

=ned proposal

of marriage

Peter Barnard with Rebeccca Hussey, and John Wood

with Dinah Hussey, and Increase Smith with Elisabeth

Barker Declared their Intentions of Marriage, and


each Couple were desired to wait until the next Monthly


Meeting for their Answer, and William Anthony jur and


Samuel Smith a[re] appointed to Inquire into the Sd Increase


Smith’s Clearness Respecting Res Marriage and Conversation


and to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting

John Tucker


Luke Hart & Wm Mosher Report that they attended the Mar-

riage of John Tucker & Rhoda Wing, and that it was Consu-


mated in Good order – –

Wm Sanford Jur

case referd

Jonathan Hussey & David Smith Report that they have not

yet had an opportunity to Speak with Wm Sanford jur by


Reason of his being Absent, therefore the matter is Refered


under their Care as heretofore, and they to make Report


to the next monthly meeting – –

Certifi for

M. Hamond

This Meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate to the

Monthly Meeting at Oblong for our friend Mary Hammond


This Meeting doth Adjorn to the 29th day of this Instant


At a Monthly Meeting met by Adjornment in Dartmouth


the 29th 11mo 1769the Representatives being Called


Caleb Russell Present the other not Present: William

Wm Tabers

proposal of


Taber Son of Joseph Taber and Martha Hart appeared

for their Answer, which was that they mought Proseed

to take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenient


Time between this and the next Monthly Meeting Advising


with the Overseers that we Shall appoint for that Purpose


William Mosher and Barzillaj Tucker are appointed to


See their Marriage Consomated in Good order and make


Report to the next monthly meeting

Chsing overseers


A New Choice of Overseers is Refered to the next Monthly


Report of


of yearly meeting

The Friends appointed to have the oversight of the Lofts

and other Seats at the yearly meeting Report that they

Mostly attended the Said meeting and Saw nothing but


what was Tolerable orderly – –



in Allens


The Friends Living in Allen’s Neck Request Liberty to

hold a Meeting for worship in Said neck as heretofore

which is Granted them Agreeable to their Request, and

Philip Allen & Daniel Cornel[Cornell] are appointed to have the


oversight of the Same to See that it be Kept in Good


order, & to make Report to the monthly Meeting in


the fourth Month Next – –



in Smiths


The friends Living in Smith’s Neck do also Request Liberty

to hold a Meeting of worship in their neck on Each first

day of the week for the three Ensuing winter Months, Which

is Granted them, and William Anthony & Samuel Smith


are Appointed to See that the Same be Kept orderly, and


to Make Report to the Monthly Meeting in the fourth Month next


12 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th

of the 12th month 1769; The Representatives are Jonathan


Hussey and William Anthony ju: both Present – –

John Wood


John Wood hath Produced a Certificate from Coakset

Monthly Meeting, Certifying his Clearness Respecting


Marriage & that he hath the Consent of his near Relations


to Proceed in Marriage – –




Wm Anthony Jur & Samuel Smith Report that they

have made Inquiry into Increase Smith’s Clearness, and

find nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – –

Peter Barned

John Wood





of marriage

Peter Barnard & Rebecca Hussey, and John Wood & Dinah

Hussey, and Increase Smith and Elisabeth Barker, all

Appeared for their Answers, Which Was that Each Couple

Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some

Convenient time between this and the Next Monthly Meeting

Advising with the overseers for that purpose, and Abraham

Tucker & David Smith are Appointed to See that the Marriages


of the two first Mentioned Couples are Consumated in Good order


and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –


and Wm Anthony ju: & Samuel Smith are Appointed to See that


the Marriage of Increase Smith & Elisabeth Barker be Consumated


in Good order and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


Jonathan Hussey & David Smith Report that they have not

Case of

Wm Sanford

jur referd

had an opportunity to Treat with Wm Sanford jur Therefore the

Matter is Refered under their Care, and they to make Report to the

Monthly Meeting as Soon as they Conveniently Can – –

Wm Taber


Wm Mosher & Barzillai Tucker Report that they attended the

Marriage of Wm Taber & Martha Hart, and that it was Consu=


-mated in Good order – –




A new Choice of overseers is Refer’d to next Monthly Meeting

This meeting hath Collected £7–15s–2d old Tener – –

Treasurer paid

Tim Russell

The Treasurer hath paid Timothy Russell five Dollars for keep-

-ing the meeting House half a year by the direction of this Meeting


This Meeting adjourns to the 27th Instant – –


At a Monthly Meeting hld by Adjournment the 27th of


the 12th month 1769 The Representatives being Called both


to Queries

& Epistles

Sent up


present; The Queries have been read and Answered

This meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly Mee-

ting, And Caleb Russell & William Mosher are Appointed

to attend the Quarterly Meeting & Present the Epistle with

the P. Answers, and to make Report to ye next Monthly Meeting

To Collect

money for


Jonathan Hussey, Wm Anthony jur & Samuel Smith are Ap-

pointed to Collect the Money for the Books, and to Send it to

John Dockry as Soon as May be, According to the Request of the


Last Quarterly Meeting;


first mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of

the first Month 1770, The Representatives are Jonathan Hussey


and Wm Barker both Present – –

Benj Howland

2nd proposal

of marriage

Benja Howland 2d and Silvester Smith Declared Their

Intentions of Marriage at this Meeting, and were desired

to wait till next Monthly Meeting for their Answer, and


John Potter & Thomas Hicks are appointed to Enquire into the


Said Benja Howland; Clearness in Respect to Marriage &


Conversation, and make Report to next Monthly Meeting


Abraham Tucker & David Smith Report that they Attended

Peter Barnad


John Wood

& Increase



the Marriages of Peter Barnard & Rebecca Hussey, and John

Wood & Dinah Hussey which were Consumated in Good order

and Wm Anthony jur & Samuel Smith Make the Like Report

Respecting the Marriage of Increase Smith & Elisabeth Barker

M. Cornell’s


Mary Cornell wife of Daniel Cornell has Produced a Removal

Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Coakset which hath


been Read and Accepted – –

C. Brigg


The women friends Inform that they have accepted of Catherine

Briggs’s Paper Condemning her Marrying out of unity of friends


which This Meeting Concurs with – –

Chusing Over

seers Refer’d

A New Choice of overseers is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

and the following friends are Chosen as a Committee for that


Service for one Month, /viz/ Daniel Cornell, Jonathan Hussey


Wm Barker, & Nicolas Howland, and they to Make Report


to the next Monthly Meeting; – –

Report from

Quar meeting

Caleb Russell and Wm Mosher Report that they attended the

Marriage Quarterly Meeting Agreeable to Appointment, and they


have Produced an Epistle from the Same, which hath been


read & Kindly Accepted – –

State of Trea


The friends Appointed have Adjusted Accompts with the

Treasurer, and there Remains in the Stock £10-6-2 d old Tener

money Sent

to pay for


and they also Report that they have fulfilled their Appoint-

ment in Regard to the Books, and that they have Sent all the

money in the Stock to pay for Sd Books



S. Wilcox

William Smith hath Exhibited a Complaint against Stephen

Wilcox for Neglecting to pay him his due, which the overseers

hath brought to this Meeting with a Scandulous Report Re-


-Specting the Sd Wilcox’s deceiving of Benja Gifford of Falmouth


by taking Money of him to Convey to William Smith & Converted


it to his own use, and also that he Neglects to attend Meetings


both for Worship & discipline, for all which offences the overseers


have Labour’d with him, and this Meeting doth Appoint Abraham


Tucker, Joseph Gifford & Barzillai Tuker[Tucker] to Labour further with


the Sd Wilcox in order to Convince him of the Above Sd offences &


to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting

David Shepherd

request a


David Shepherd desires a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of

Rhod-Island of his Clearness in Respect to Marriage & Conversation

Therefore Caleb Russell & Job Russell are Appointed to Make Inquiry


& draw one for him if they think Proper, and bring it to the next


Monthly Meeting – –



Elihu Mosher

One of the overseers with another friend have Exhibited a

Complaint against Elihu Mosher for Marrying out of the unity of

friends, for which they Labour’d with him, and he declines to make


Satisfaction, Therefore Joseph Gifford and Barzillai Tucker are ap-


-pointed to Labour farther with him, and to Make Report to


the next Monthly Meeting;


2 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th

of the 2d Month 1770, The Representatives are Caleb


Russell & Jonathan Hussey both Present – –


The friends Appointed to Enquire into Benja Howlands

Friends app 




Howland 2d

case not


Clearness Report that they don’t find him Quite Clear

and they also Report that the widows Estate is not Settled

According to Good order, Therefore John Potter & Thos Hicks

are Still Continued in the Same Service, And they are

also Appointed with Jonathan Hussey & Benja Slocum to

See that the widows Estate be Settled According

to Good order, and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting


overseers refer’d

friends appointed

to assist them


a New Choice of overseers is Refer’d to the next Monthly Meeting

The friends Appointed as overseers Last month Report that they

have been in a Progress to discharge their Trust, and have

found tolarable Good Satisfaction, Therefore they are Still

Continued in the Same Service one month Longer, and to


make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

The meeting


to deny

Step Wilcox

The friends appointed to Labour with Stephen Wilcox Report

that they have discharged their Trust in that Respect, and

that he Gave them Some Encouriagement to Appear at this

Meeting, which he hath failed of, and hath not Sent any


Excuse for his offence, and their Report not being Satisfactory


and this Meeting being Clear of any further Labour with


him, have Concluded to deny the Said Stephen Wilcox, and


do Appoint Joseph Gifford, Daniel Cornell & Samuel Smith


to draft a paper of Denial Against him, Agreeable to


his offences, and to bring it to next Monthly Meeting, and they


to Inform Said Stephen of the Conclusion of this Meeting – –


for David


This Meeting hath Signed a Certificate for David Shepherd

to the Monthly Meeting of Rhode-Island Certifying his Clear-

in Respect to Marriage & Conversation – –


to be


Abraham Tucker, Joseph Tucker, Samuel Smith, Job Russell

and Barzillai Tucker are Appointed to Review the Meeting

Minutes, to See what part they think Proper to go on Record


and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –

E. Mosher


Elihu Mosher hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Con-

demning his disorderly Marriage, which is Refer’d under


the Care of the friends Appointed Last Monthly Meeting to


Labour with him – –

E. Gifford


Elihu Gifford hath Given in a paper to this Meeting

Condemning his disorderly Marriage, which is Refer’d


under the Care of William Barker

Wm Anthony Jur

[pa]per accepted

William Anthony jur hath Given in a Paper to this Mee-

-ting Condemning his falt Against John Russell, which


this Meeting hath Concluded to Accept, Provided he Cause it


to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting of worship he being


Present, and Make Report to the next Monthly Meeting, and


then to Return Said Paper – –


This meeting adjourns to the 28th Instant


At a Monthly Meeting mett According to adjornment the


28th of the 2d month 1770, The Representatives being Called


both Present – –




The women friends Inform that they have denied Hephzi-

bah Shearman for Marrying out of the unity of friends

which this Meeting Concurs with – –

James Davis

and Wife gave

in a paper

James Davis and his wife have Given in a paper to this

this Meeting, Signifying their Sorrow for their falling into

the Sin of Fornication which is Refer’d under the Care of


Paul Russell and Daniel Cornell, and they are desired to


Treat with them Respecting the above Sd offence, and to make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting


3d mo:


At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th 3rd mo

1770 The Representetives are Thomas Hicks 2nd & Samuel Smith


Both Present The Friends appointed to inspect into Benjni-

Benj Howland 2nd


Howland the 2nd Clearness Respecting marriage & Conversation Repoart

that they have made inquiery and dont find any thing

Benj Howland2

proposal of


Material to hinder his proceeding in marage Benjm Howland 2nd

& Selvester Smith appeared for their answer which was that

they might Proceed to Take Each other in marrage in Some


Convenant Time between this & the next monthly meeting


advising with the overseors for that purpose and Thomas


Hicks & Samuel Smith are appointed to See their marrage


Consomated in good order & make Report to the next monthly meeting

Caleb Russell Jur

proposal of


Caleb Russell Jur & Content Gifford declared thire intention

marrage at this meeting and was Desired to wate untill the

next monthly meeting for Their answer & William Barker &


Berzillar Tucker are appointed to Enquire into the yonug mans


Clearness Respecting marrage & Conversation and make Report to


added to



to the next monthly meeting, The Friends appointed as overseers

at the Last monthly meeting Report that they have in a good

Degree Discharged their Trust Reposed in them and they are still

Continued in the Same Cervise one month Longer and to make


Report to the Next monthly meeting and Wilm Mosher &


Samuel Smith are aded to the [?]afore Sd Committe of oversee[rs]

Paper of

denial of




The Friends appointed to Draw a paper of denial against Stephe[n]

Wilcooks[Wilcox] and to inform him of the Conclusion of Last monthly

Meeting Report that they have Discharged their Trust in the respect

And that the Sd Stephen gave them Some incoragement of

Trying to make Friends Satisfaction at this meeting which


He hath failed off therefore the Clark hath Signed Sd paper by


order of this meeting and he is appointed to Read Sd paper at


the Close of a first day meeting for Worship between this & the


Next monthly meeting & he then to make Report



The Committee appointed to purruse the monthly meetings minutes

Report that they have done it and have Left them with Saml

P. Wings


Smith to be Reccorded, This meeting hath Signed a Removel

Certificate for Peace Wing wife of Benjn Wing to the monthly




meeting of Sandwich, The women Friends inform that they have

Minuted [Cornell] under Friends their Care which this meeting

Wm Anthony jr

paper read

Conkirs[Concurs] with, Wilm Anthony Junior hath Reported to this meeting

that his paper hath been Read and returned to the meeting


According to the apointment of Last monthly meeting Which S[?]

Jame Davis

Case referd

The Friends apointed to treat with James Davis and his wife

Report that they have not had an opertunity to discharge their


Trust therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Servis & to make


Report to the Next monthly meeting,

report of


in Allen &

Smiths Neck

The Friends apointed to have the Care of the meeting granted to be

held in Allins[Allens] neck and in Smiths neck Report that they have

Attended Sd meetings which hath been keept to good Satisfaction

T. Briggs


Thomas Briggs Requests be taken under Friends Care therefore Seth

Shearman & Wm Sanford are appointed to inquire into his Life &


Conversation and make Report to next monthly meeting – –


The Queries hath been Read and answered in this meeting – –


Ann Gifford

This meeting hath Signed a Certificate for our Friend Anna Gifford

to the Quarterly meeting of Sandwich Certifing that her Testimony


& Conversation is accepted among us


for Paul


This meeting hath Signed a Certificate for Paul Russell to the [care]

of Sandwich Quarterly meeting Certifiing that his Conversation &

Testemony is in unity among us – –

Epistle signd

This meeting hath Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting


to be held next at Rhodisland and Abraham Tucker Joseph


Tucker Samul Smith Wim Mosher Thomas Hicks 2d are apointed


to attend the Quarterly meeting and to Present the Epistle with


the answers to the Queries and they to make Report to the next



J. Russell

Monthly meeting: The overseers hath Exhibitted a Complint

against John Russel [Russell] for Reporting from time to time that

Wim Anthony Junir was a false man & a Deceiver and he


Refuses to Condemn it according to the Judgment of the


Arbitrators therefore this meeting appoints John Potter Prince


Allin[Allen] and Joseph Gifford to inspect into the Cause of Sd Russels [Russells]


Refusing to Comply to Condemn his fault as aforesaid and to


Labour with him as they may find ocation and to make report

T. Hick App:


who is dismiss

to the Next monthly meeting Thomas, Hicks 2d is appointed

Treasurer for this meeting in Stead of David Smith which the

Request This meeting doth appoint Joseph Gifford & Barzer


Wilcox to have

a copy of deial

Tucker to Serve Stephen Wilcks [Wilcox] with a Coppy of his Denial

And make Report to the next monthly meeting Samuel Smith &


accompt to be


Benjam Slocom [Slocum] are appointed to Compair the Treasurers accounts

With the Records & make Report to the next monthly

Meeting this meeting hath Colected – – £10 S8 3 old tener


4th mo:


At a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th

of the 4th month 1770, The Representatives are William


Barker & Barzillai Tucker both Present; – –


Wm Barker & Barzillai Tucker Report that they have


Answered Their Appointment in Regard to Caleb Russell ju


and find nothing to hinder his Proceeding in Marriage – –

Caleb Rus=

=sell Ju


of marriage

Caleb Russell jur & Content Gifford appear’d for their Answer

which was that they minght Proceed to take each other in

Marriage in Some Convenient time between this & the next

Monthly Meeting, Advising with the overseers for that purpose


and Wm Barker & Barzillai Tucker are Appointed to See the


Same Consumated in Good order & make Report to the next


Monthly Meeting

Benj How=

=land 2


The Friends Appointed to See the Marriage of Benja Howland the 2d

and Silvester Smith Consumated in good order Report that they

attended their Said Marriage, and that it was Consumated in Good order



The Friends appointed as overseers Report that have discharged

Their Trust in Some degree, therefore they are Still Continued


one month Longer in the Same Service, and to make Report to


the next Monthly Meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Stephen Wilcox’s paper of Denial hath been Read According


to the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting, and is as followeth


=ny Against

S. Wilcox

Whereas Stephen Wilcox of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol

in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Having

been Educated under the Care of friends, and has long made


Profession with us, and in times past bore a Publick Testimony


which was Acceptable Among us, Yet Nevertheless with Sorrow we


find that thro’ the Prevailence of the Adversary, and disregarding


the divine Principal of Life in his own heart, he has So deviated


from the way of Truth, and the Profession he has made as to


fall into Several Reproachful Evils & disorders, particularly


in that he being Intrusted by a Friend of Falmouth to Carry Some


money to William Smith and Converted the Same to his own use


whereby he betrayed his Trust, and very Much deceived the S,d


friend, for the want of which money the Said Wm Smith hath


Exhibited his Complaint to this meeting, and likewise the


Said Stephen is found in the Neglect of that Indispensable duty


of attending Religious Meetings of Divine Worship and discipline


And friends having in Great love & tenderness toward him Re-


-peatedly Visited him & Labour’d with him in order to discover to


him the Evil of his ways, and Reclaim him from his outgoings


But our Labour of Love not obtaining the desired Effect to


the Satisfaction of this Meeting, Therefore for the Clearing of [Truth erased]


the precious Truth and friends from the Reproach of Such Evils and


defective Members this Meeting is Concerned to Give this forth as


a Testimony Against him, and do hereby Publickly disown the


Said Stephen Wilcox from being a member of our Society, and


from under the Care of this meeting, Sincerely desiring (if


it be Consistant with Divine pleasure) that he may yet Return


from the Evil of his ways, and by an unfeigned Repentance


and Reformation, be Restored to the way of Truth & Salvation.


Given forth by our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartm.o


the 19th of the 3,d month 1770,


And Signed in & by order of Said Meeting by Job Russell Clerk


to give

S Wilcox

Coppy of


The friends Appointed to Serve Stephen Wilcox with a Coppy of the forego-

-ing denial, Report that they Gave him only Coppies of the minutes

of his denial therefore they are Still Requested to Serve him with

a Coppy of the Above denial, and to make Report to the next

Monthly Meeting ~ ~ ~


The Freinds Appointed to Enquire into Thomas Briggs’s Life and

Tho Brig



Conversation on his Request to Come under friends Care, and to

Treat with him in that Respect, one of the Said friends Report

that but one of them has had an oppertunity to Speak with him


Therefore they are Still Continued in the Same Service, and to make


Report to the next Monthly Meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Report from



The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report

that they all attended According to Appointment, and have Producd

an Epistle from the Same which hath been read and Kindly accepted



case continud

The Committee Appointed to Treat with John Russell for his

fault Cognised in the Last Monthly Meeting Report that they

desire one month longer to discharge their Trust in that Respect


Therefore they are Continued in the Same Service and to make


Report next monthly meeting – –

To compare




The Committee Appointed to Compare the Treasurers Accompts

with the Records Report that they have not had an oppertunity

to fulfill that Service, Therefore they are Still Continued in Sd

Service and to make Report to the next monthly meeting – –


of disci-



for Coak-



Samuel Smith Reports that he hath Joined with a friend

of Coakset monthly meeting, and they have Transcribed the

Book of Discipline According to the Appointment of this

Meeting Some months past, for which he Charges this meeting

£7 – 1 – 6 old Tenner which is allowed, and he is Tolerated

to draw the money out of the Treasury if there be Enough in its

Stock, and he to make Report next monthly meeting – –

J Potter &

S. Sherman


John Potter and Seth Shearman hath brought an Accompt to this

meeting for one Trenching Shoval which Cost – – £2  5  0

which this meeting allows

E. Mosher’s



Elihu Mosher hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Some months

past, Condemning his Marrying out of the unity of friends, and

now a Report hath been made to Tolerable Good Satisfaction


Therefore his Said paper is accepted – –




This Meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Rebecca Rickeston [Ricketson]

for falling into the Sin of Fornication, and the Clerk of this Meeting

is ordered to read the Same at the Close of a first day meeting for


worship between this and the next monthly meeting, and then to make


Report thereof – –

S. Almy


The women friends Enform that they have denied Sarah Almy for

Marrying out of the unity of friends which this meeting Concurs with

B. Russel’s


Barnabas Russell hath Given in a paper to this Meeting Condemning

his disorder in taking the oath in Common form, which this meeting accepts

James Davis

[&] wife



James Davis and his wife have Given in a Paper to this Meeting

Condemning their falling into the Sin of Fornication, which this Meeting

Concludes to accept Provided they Cause the Same to be Read at the

Close of a first day meeting for worship they being Present, and Return


Said paper to the next Monthly meeting, and make Report of its being read

[Jos] Rotch

[jur] requ

est a


Joseph Rotch Ju,r Informs that he Intends to go to London and desires

a Certificate, therefore Caleb Russell & Samuel Smith are Appointed to

Enquire into his Conversation and in his Clearness Respecting Marriage

and to draft a Certificate for him if they find things Clear and to


bring it to the next monthly meeting – –


Request a


Barnabas Russell likewise Informs that he Intends a Voiage [voyage] to

London and desires a Certificate, and Joseph Gifford & Samuel

Smith are to make the like Enquiry Concerning him, and to draft a


Certificate for him if they find him Clear & to bring it to the next


Monthly Meeting – –



Hum Smith

son of


The overseers have Exhibited a Complaint Against Humphry

Smith the Son of Humphry for falling into the Sin of Fornication

and in frequently drinking of Spirituous Liquor to Excess, and in

frequently using of bad Language, for all of which Evils they have

Labour’d with him and he declines to Condemn his offences to


their Satisfaction, Therefore this Meeting do Appoint John Potter &


Thomas Hicks to Labour with him as they may find freedom, and


to draft a paper of denial against Him if he do not Give them


Satisfaction, & Inform him of their Appointment, and make Report


to the next monthly Meeting – – – – –


5th mo:


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21 of the

5th month 1770, The Representatives are Samuel Smith and


Barzillai Tucker both Present – –


Wm Barker and Barzillai Tucker Report that they attend,d


Russell Ju


the Marriage of Caleb Russell Ju,r and Content Gifford, and

that it was Consumated in Tolerable Good order – –



The friends Appointed as overseers Report that they have been

in a Labour to discharge the Trust Reposed in them, therefore

gave S Wilcox

coppy of


they are Continued in that Service one month Longer as heretofore

The friends Appointed to Serve Stephen Wilcox with a Coppy of

his denial, Report that they have fulfilled their Appointment

Case of

Tho Briggs

The friends Appointed to Treat with Thos Briggs Respecting his

Request to Come under friends Care Report that things are not


Clear, and the Said friends desire to be Excused from that Service


which is Granted, and do Appoint Joseph Tucker, John Potter &


Job Russell in the Room of the afores,d friends that were Excused


and they to make Report next monthly meeting – –

F Elisabeth



This meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial Against Elisabeth

Kirby daughter of Robert Kirby, for falling into the Sin of

Fornication, and the Clerk of this meeting is ordered to read S,d


paper at the Close of a first day meeting of worship between


This & the next Monthly Meeting and then to make Report – –

C. Macum

ber - &



Caleb Macumber & his wife have Removed within the Compass

of this meeting, and Each of them have Produced a Removal

Certificate which have been read and Accepted – –


for Jos Rocth Jur

and Barnabas


This Meeting have Signed Certificates for Joseph Roch [Rotch] jur

and Barnabas Russell to friends in London – –

Accounts Settled

with the former


Benja Slocum and Samuel Smith Report that they have

Compared the former Treasurers Accounts with the Records of

This meeting as far as Seems Needful, and find no Error – –

S Smith

Recd money for

Tra[n]sc Book

Samuel Smith Reports that he hath Received the mon[e]y out

of the Treasury for Transcribing the Book of Discipline According

to the order of Last monthly Meeting – –

R. Ricket=



Rebecca Ricketsons Paper of Denial hath been Read

According to the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting

which paper is as follows – –


Whereas Rebecca Ricketson Daughter of John Ricketson and


Phebe his wife, being under friends Care having (Through the Pre-


-vailence of the Adversary, and the depravity of her own Nature)


fallen into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, as Appears by her


being deliver,d of a bastard Child, and friends having Suffi-


-ciently Labour,d with her for her Recovery, and to Restore her


to the way of Truth, but friends Labour not Proving Effectuel


She Appearing obstinate, & no appearance of hearty Sorrow, there-


-fore for the Clearing of the Truth and friends from the Reproach


thereof, This meeting Gives this forth as a Publick Testimony Against


her, hereby disowning her the Said Rebecca Ricketson from being


one of our Society, and from under the Care of this Meeting, until


by unfeigned Repentance She Shall Return to the way of Truth


Given forth at our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth


on the 16 day of the 4th month 1770 – –


Signed in & on behalf of S.d meeting by

{ Job Russell Clerk


Hephzibah Hussey Clerk

James Davis

paper not read

James Davis hath failed of making the Report of Reading his paper

and his wife’s According to the Provisal of Last Monthly Meeting


Therefore Caleb Russell is Appointed to Treat with with him for his


Neglect, and to make Report to the next Monthly Meeting – –


The Committee Appointed on Account of John Russell Report as


follows, which is Accepted in this Meeting, and is as followeth

Report on John

Russell case

Agreeable to the Minute from our monthly meeting we have

heard John Russell’s Reasons why he Refused to Comply with the


Judgment of the Arbitrators, which Reasons we think not Suf=


=ficient to Excuse him, Therefore it is our Judgment that John


Russell Publickly Condemns what the Arbitrators found him


Guilty of, Agreeable to their Judgment

Joseph Gifford


John Potter


Prince Allen

John Russell’s paper not


And the Said John Russell hath Given in a paper to this Meeting which

this Meeting thinks is too Short, and do not accept of it, Therefore


Peleg Gifford and Jedidiah Allen are Appointed to Labour with


the Said Russell to Condemn his fault Agreeable to the Judgment


of the afore S,d Committee, and to return him his paper and let him


Know the mind of this Meeting, and to make Report to next


monthly meeting – –

Hum: Smith

son of Hum

case continud

The Committee Appointed to Labour with Humphry Smith Son of

Humphry Smith Report that they have not had an oppertunity

to discharge themselves in that Respect, Therefore they are Still


Continued in that Service, until next monthly meeting and then to


Make Report – – – – –


6 mo:}


At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th

of the 6th month 1770 – – The Representatives are Caleb


Russell and Jonathan Hussey both Present ~ ~ ~ ~

report of


The Friends Appointed as overseers Report that they have been

in a Progress to discharge the Trust Reposed in them.


Jonathan Hussey, Daniel Cornell, Samuel Smith, W,m Barker


W.m Mosher are Appointed overseers for the year Ensuing ~ ~

T. Briggs


his Request

The^friends Appointed to Treat with Thomas Briggs on his Request to Come

under friends Care, Report that he declines his Request at

Present, things not being Clear – –


Elisabeth Kirby’s Paper of denial hath been read According to


the Appointment of Last Monthly Meeting, and is as follows – –

E. Kirby’s


Whereas Elisabeth Kirby Daughter of Robert Kirby and

Abigail his wife having had her Education among friends under


the care of this Meeting, yet thro’ the Infirmety Insinuation of the


adversary, and the depravity of her own Nature hath So far


gone astray from her Education and the Profession we bear, as


to fall into the Reproachfull Sin of Fornication, as Appears by


her having a Bastard Child. And friends having Sufficiently


Labour’d with her in Love for her Recovery, but our Labour


of love not obtaining the desired Effect to the Satisfaction of


this Meeting. Therefore for the clearing of Truth and friends


from the Reproach of Such Enormities This meeting Gives this


this forth as a Testimony against her, hereby Publickly disown-


-ing the Said Elisabeth Kirby from being one of our Society


and from under the care of this Meeting, desiring if it be


agreeable to Divine pleasure that She may yet come to a


Sense of her outgoings and by unfeigned Repentance Return


to the way of Truth – –


  Given forth and Signed in & on behalf of our Monthly Meeting


held in Dartmouth on the 21 of the 5th Month 1770 by


Job Russell Clerk


Hephzibah Hussey Clerk

James Davis

paper Read

James Davis and his wife’s paper hath been read according to

the direction of the Monthly Meeting held two months ago,


which paper is as follows – –


To the Monthly Meeting of friends in Dartmouth


Beloved friends – –

J & P



whereas we thro’ unwatchfulness have fallen into the

Reproachful Sin of Fornication as Appears by our having

a child So Soon after Marriage, for which we are heartily


Sorry & do condemn the Same, and hoping forgiveness from


almighty God we desire friends So far to pass it by as to let


us Remain under your care, from your friends James Davis


Patience Davis


dated this 16th: 4 mo: 1770 – –

James Davis


And Caleb Russell Reports that he hath Treated with the S.d

Davis for Neglecting to read Said paper by the time first limitted


for which he hath Render’d a Sufficient Excuse ~

Hum Smith

Son of Hump


The friends A