Admissions to Church Membership, 1630–1778 Votes of Church and Congregation, 1656–1785 Baptisms, 1630–1847
[i] Memorandum May 1728 I had the Church book new bound; and the blank paper in the old one being very unfit for use, having been damnify’d with water some time formerly, I order’d new and good paper to be put in its room, exactly answering to the number of Pages taken out: and though some of the Leaves were necessarily torn, yet not a single Leaf or Line is left out of the Records.
Thomas Foxcroft
List of the ministers of the first Church in Boston1
Order | |||
A.D. Accessus | Exitus | Æt. | |
1630 |
John Wilson |
1667 |
79 |
1633 |
John Cotton |
1652 |
68 |
1656 |
John Norton |
1663 |
57 |
1668 |
John Davenport |
1670 |
72 |
1668 |
James Allen |
1710 |
78 |
1670 |
John Oxenbridge |
1674 |
66 |
1696 |
Benjamin Wadsworth |
1725 |
56 |
1705 |
Thomas Bridge |
1715 |
58 |
1717 |
Thomas Foxcroft |
1769 |
73 |
1727 |
Charles Chauncy |
1787 |
83 |
1778 |
John Clarke |
1798 |
43 |
1799 |
William Emerson |
1811 |
42 |
Assistant ministers | |||
1684 |
Joshua Moody |
1692 |
65 |
1693 |
John Bailey |
1697 |
54 |
Added2 | |||
1813 |
14 July |
July John Lovejoy Abbot 1814, 17 Oct. |
31 |
1815 |
15 March |
N. L. Frothingham |
The parchment covers enclosing these records having become much “damnify’d” by the wear of a hundred years, the volume was put into a new binding in Russian Leather, with the greatest care that nothing should be omitted or changed in the M.S. by N. L. Frothingham. May, 1828.
[iii]3 |
Years |
Rev. John Wilson was here |
Thomas Bridge |
10 |
in office |
35 |
Thomas Foxcroft |
52 |
John Cotton |
19 |
Charles Chauncy, D.D. |
60 |
John Norton |
7 |
John Clarke, D.D. |
20 |
John Davenport |
2 |
William Emerson |
12 |
James Allen |
42 |
John Lovejoy Abbott |
1 |
John Oxenbridge |
4 |
N. L. Frothingham |
35 |
Benjamin Wadsworth |
29 |
Aug. 30. [1687?] Wee began to visit families and went to mr Derings and mrs Gerish and another under her roofe mr Leverites mr Addingtons.
Sept. 6. Wee visited my house mr Fayreweathers Capt. Townsends mr Davies G. Messengers and mr Leggs and found good Encouragement.
Sept. 13. Wee visited mr Moodeys mr Tuttels mr John Ushers.
Oct. 19. Visited mr Jer. Dummer his family and John Lowells.
Nov. 22, 1687. Lieut Sale James Barnes Michil Wills mr Brown.
Dec. 12. Samuel Bridge.
[vi] [Blank page]
[vii] The Church Covenant
Query; Per Elder Bridgeman6
Whether you be willing to Enter into a holy Covenant with God and his people in this Church;
You promise,7 by the grace and help of Christ, to deny your selffe and all your former pollutions and corruptions where in you have walked; and so to give up your selffe unto the Lord Jesus; Makeing him your onely preast and attonement; your onely prophet and gide; your onely King and Law giver and to walke before him in proffesed Subjection to all his holy ordinances according to the Rule of the gospell in this Church;
And to walke with this Church and the members There of in brotherly Love and unto mutuall Edification; and succor; according to God; Then We promise you; in the name of this Church;8 by the grace and help of Christ; Likewise to walke towards you in brotherly Love and holy watchffullnes to the mutuall buldinge up of one another in the Fellowship of the Lord jesus;
And Even he the good Lord our God that keepeth Covenant and mercy with Thousands of his people make us all herein Faithfull unto him and one unto another for his one name sake;
[viii] [This page pasted over. Three lines can be made out and belong in text of p. ix.]
[ix] Honored Reverend and Beloved
Yours of the 15: Instant 6: mo. came to our Reverend Elders 19: was communicated to us the 20 day. upon the reading whereof our hearts were rejoyced, to find the breathings of your Love in the way of an ordenance from you our sister church: of whome wee have an high esteeme in the Lord and therefore account it incombant upon us in his feare to answer your Love by giving a true Information to you of the matters enquired after by you, yea so to lay them before you that thereby wee may reach your satisfaction in any thing dubious or dissatisfaction to you rendring ourselves in our deed, as by a letter from our Reverend Elders formerly sent to you and consented to by us there in word wee proffessed, having not only lived in the faith, but practice of our dutye (as ocation hath called there unto) as to be ready to render a reason of the hope that is in us, soe also of the actions that pass us, more especially in matters that referr to the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ amongst us and therefore with Petter in 11: Acts doe hereby send you our answer to the matters enquired into by you desiring it maye have issue in silencing claimors and glorifing god. The matters reported ocationing your loving and brotherly inquiery is about letters sent from the church of New Haven to this church. one of them being wholy concealed from the church and another so abreviated that the true mind of the church whence it came en the case referring to the Reverend mr Davenports dismission was never truly represented nor fully knowne to your selves as it ought or to the messingers of the churches that assisted at the late ordination with you much of their minds being included in what was concealed and it is9 further reported that the abstract or abreviate which was but a smale part of the Letter was sugscribed subscribed, sealed and rendred as the whol and intire Letter from New Haven it selfe and so understood by the church of Boston. and the Elders and other messingers at the ordination10 this done by some or all the Elders, we answer for your cleare and destinct understanding of us and what wee write in answer, you may please to understand that at the time of these transactions wee had only one Elder and were then under dificult labor and travile for the obtaing of two teaching Elders whom thro the mercy and favor of good god wee now enioy: as to the matter of fact as11 reported there are som mistaks: that on12 letter was wholy Concealed be pleasd to understand. that the church in Boston sending messingrs and by them a letter to the church at New Haven: in concurrence with one from the Reverend mr Davenport desiring his dismission which letter was drawn up by some deputed by the church to the worke read to them. and consented to by them, upon the messingers returne a letter was sent from New Haven which noe way answred our Letters: but was composed of severall things of which the church and every member thereof was wholy ignorant. and non but the Reverend mr Davenport could speak to wherupon that Elder and thos brethren that drew up that Letter with many more of the brethren to the nombre of about fortye mett and upon reading the letter sent from New Haven did unanimously concurre that it was not any answer to what wee had sent to them, and therefore thought it not convenient to call the church together, yet there was non hindered from having the sight of it nor to tak copys thereof that desired it13 but unanimously desired mr Davenport to returne14 to the church at New Haven an answer to the contents there of which himselfe alone could make, which accordingly he did, concerning which the church at New Haven never maneffested any offence to us taken by them against the church: nor any part of the church nor hath any brother obiected against what was done therein but one and he received satisfaction therein: by what rule they act that doe not only agravate the thing but publish it as such matter of offence without manefesting it to us in a brotherly way, wee leave to your christan’s prudent consideration and judgment: for the 2ond the abreviating a letter as before exprest and as reported it deviats from the matter it selfe and the churches then and now understanding of it, since they have beene acquainted with the whole; for by it wee understood and still doe that in that letter in concurrance with the first letter wee received from the church at New Haven it was a plenary dismission granted to the Reverend mr Davenport: and the church at New Haven so understood it with us then and still doe as hath beene expressed by mr Street teacher of that church since all these things have hapned, only with this addition that the dismission was not so Honorable as mr Davenport deserved: for the parts left out which manefested ther love to mr Davenport and unwillingness to part with him declaring their passivnes in being so bereaved wee understood from them by their first letter though neither in that nor in any other did they ever deny or say that mr Davenport should not come unto us, but that they could not be imediatly active for his remove, but left him to make the conclusion hoping that god would guid him to doe his will, and wee thus understanding the church at New Havens minde closed with our present Reverend pastor; the church at New Haven having referred us to receive their answer by the answer of the Reverend mr Davenport, which having received and hee therupon joyning with us in felloship without obiection our after proceedings were and are to our understandings cleaer the church at New Haven resting in the will of god though they were not soe active as we could have desired as for the Reverend Elders and messingers of the churches sent and present at the ordination: wee do not understand that they had the sight of any Letter or the abreviate whether they had or no. wee conceive it was not of concerne to them, for that the churches proceeding with mr Davenport as to his admission to our fellowship was before the churchs authorative call of him to office and so the dismission had taken its effect some considerable time before the ordination; besids the presence of the Elders and brethren as messingers of the churches—was in right of the communion of churches. to behold the churches orderly and regulerly proceeding according to the rules of christ, and to approve or dissalow by the giving or refusing the right hand of fellowship in testimony of their brotherly concurrance with the church in ther so proceeding: by all which you may perceive that wee neither had nor have any doubt of our right understanding the mind of the church of New Haven and wee hope according to the mind of god: and soe our ground of proceeding being cleare the messingers of the churches could not be misled as wee conceive: for the act of abreviating15 sugscribing, subscribing and sealing the letter abreviated wee were and are innocent, not knowing of it till many months after it was done, and so soone as wee had the knowledge of what was done. (which was not as reported) only [x]16 [xi] the abreviation without alteration or addition, that by leaving out much that might be spared, but no endeavoring to counterfeit or semilate name or hand but barly transcribing wee bare our testimony against as not being of good report in point of church order. and they that were actors therein fell under the conviction thereof judging themselves for the same before the Lord and the church to the full satisfaction of the church: and for our now Reverend pastor mr Davenporte upon his declaring how far he was concerned therein the church by a particuler vote declared themselves fully satisfied; insomuch that wee that Came with heavines (under the sence that there should be such failing in any that are in Communion with us especially in an Elder)17 went away reioycing seing that self judging breathing forth in them: trusting the Lord hath made it a teaching providence: for the way of the Elder presenting what was to the church we remember that his expressions were to the church that he had received mr Davenports dismission which he would read and so read what hee read. which was an abbreviate of what came from New Haven which wee did then look at as the whole which came from the church at New Haven18 though he did not so say: and wee have since examined that read with the whole and find not any addition of word or sentance. but that there is much leaft out: yet wee do not perceive that it alters the true sence to the intent thereof, but to the manner of the granting of what is granted, and wee doe know that wee should have made the same use of it, had the whole bene presented, that wee did of what was though wee doe not approve of such acting of any officer with the church, yet pray you to understand the time of its being acted, a time of trouble with our elder. and that long Continued, the way of its Comming forth to publick Cognizance was by himselfe and the rest of the elders, which wee beleive proceeded from the intergity that was in their minds, as to the intention which may extenuate though not wholy excuse; wee being so perswaded of the intention in their motion and having such cleare and free acknowledgments. from the actors what could wee doe lesse than manefest our acceptance of their acknowledgments uttered by their lips as the procedure of the motions of their harts according to Mat: 18: 21. 22: Thus deare brethren have wee particularly and plainly declared to you the whole Case as wee understand it and our procedure therein, wherein wee have not upon our revisall of the matter to charg our selves, nor doe wee find the Lord charging us with the neglect of our dutye nor of partiallity in our actings in it, though in our best doings wee reatch not our duty, but wee must Crye the Lord spare us concerning this even when wee doe the best: and having thus done wee hope wee shall render our selves to you, as those that prize and account of your love and that in the way of faithfullnes as a high favor; and wee doe truly, desire to render thanks to the Lord and you for the opportunity he hath stirred you up to give unto us; that wee may give you a true understanding of the managing of matters among us, and you may be helpers of us—by your prayers brotherly watchfullness and communication to the glory of God. and the mutuall edification of the churches: that you and wee maye be helpers forward of the free passage of Loves operation and thereby may render our selves to be practicall desipls of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; wee pray you pardon our prolixity the nature of the case, in giving you a particuler account thereof puting us thereupon: thus commending you our dear brethren to the grace of our Lord Jesus. who is able to establish us in the truth. and increase and further our mutuall Love for which wee pray. and are your brethren in the fellowship of the Gospell:19
Answer to a Letter20
From the Church at Dedham
[xii] [Blank page]
[xiii] The 30th of the 8th Moneth 1636 Our brother Mr John Wheele wright was graunted [unto]23 for the preparing for a Church gathering att Mount Woollystone24 upon a petition from some of them that were resydent there |
Theire was a starr appeared on the 9th of the 10th month 1652. darke and yet great for Compasse. with Long blaze dim also to the east. and was quicke in the motion. and every night it was less and less till the 22 of the same month and then it did no more appeare, it being the night before our Reverend Teacher mr John Cotton Died the Greatest starr in the Churches of Christ that we could heare of in the Christian world for opening and unfolding the counssells of Christ to the Churches. and all the Christian world did receive light by his Ministry. |
The 27th of the 9th moneth 1636 Our brethren Mr William Hutchinson and Jacob Elyott were chosen to the Deacons office. |
Vid. page 265. Top.25 |
Church Covenant26
The Member
I do promise, by the grace and help of the Lord Jesus, that I will forsake all my former lusts and corruptions, wherein at any time I have walked; and that I will give up myself to the Lord Jesus; making him my only priest and atonement; my only prophet and guide; my only king and lawgiver; and that I will yield professed subjection to him in this church, and all his ordinances herein, According to the Gospel, and will walk with27 this church in mutual memberly love and succor, according to God.
The Church by an officer
We promise in the name of this church And by the help of the Lord Jesus, we will walk towards you in brotherly love and holy watchfulness to the building up each other in the28 Holy fellowship of Christ.
The God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments, make us faithful herein to himself, and one to Another for his own name’s sake.
Annual29 Meeting to be on 2d. Tuesday July, see p. 154. |
Rev. Mr Davenport, p. 31, 270. 5th day Lecture, p. 40, 99, 98, 15, 122. |
£3. per week (at Mr Colman’s) anno 1711, p. 103. |
Rev. Mr Wadsworth’s Legacy, p. 412. |
An Account of Members etc. taken Jan. 1687, p. 48, continued. |
Elder Penn’s Legacy, p. 414 etc. |
Deacons Nomination Election—Ordination, p. 34, 97. |
Admissions p. 51 etc. and silent vote p. 21, 22, 23 etc. |
Deaths, p. 288. |
Dismissions, p. 112 etc. A Dismission at large, p. 17. |
Rev. Mr Chauncey. |
Member of another Church having been a Communicant with the old Church, how dealt with, when fallen into Scandal, p. 25, 129. |
Excommunications, p. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 52, 146. |
Admonitions of Persons not in full Communion, p. 61. 31 declared none of us. |
Members withdrawing from the Communion of the Church admonishd etc., p. 26, 27, 28, 33, 37. |
The Rev. Mr Wadsworth, p. 54, 55, 114. |
Mr Cotton Wilson and other Messengers sent to assist the Church at Malden, by reason that 4 other Churches were sent by the Governor and Council to deal with the Church upon some offence etc., p. 27. |
Rev. Mr James Allen, p. 30–31. |
Votes referring to Church Discipline, p. 32, 59. 99. 101, 104, 59, 129. |
Resolution and Covenant against Profanation of the Sabbath, p. 53. |
Resolution against any Brother’s going to Law etc., p. 26. |
Vote to send to the Synod 1662, p. 29. |
Dr Owen, p. 29. |
Deacons to take advice of the Ruling Officers in relieving the Poor etc. etc., p. 99, 108. |
Contribution for the College, p. 34. |
Vote about sending to Synod in 1679, p. 39. |
Burning of the Meeting House etc., p. 101. |
Reconciliation of 1st and 3d Churches, p. 42, 43. |
Lecture before the Lord’s Supper, p. 110. |
Vote to address the King, p. 45. |
Offenders restored, p. 146, 147. |
Rev. Mr Norton, p. 263, 267. |
Ordinations, p. 61. |
The Rev. Mr Bridge, p. 99. (105 Death), p. 188. |
Mrs Mills’s Legacy, p. 125, 423. |
Vote for public Reading of Scriptures, p. 127. |
[Thomas]30 Foxcroft, p. 106, 108. Seaters of the Meeting House, p. 99, 104, 190. |
Vote for enlarging of Baptism, p. 129, 137. |
Rev. Mr Oxenbridge, p. 37. |
Children of Non Communicants Baptisd, p. 318. |
Letters and Votes referring to Councils, p. 191 etc. |
Adult Persons baptised, p. 354. |
Ruling Elders (ordination, p. 35), 59. 273, 288 Nomination, p. 34, 35. |
Adult Persons owning the Covenant, p. 355 |
Rev. Mr Wilson, p. 269. |
[xiv] [Blank page]
[xv] The churches children under Church watch, and one such excommunicate for Scandal. An. 1656. [Remainder of page blank]
[xvi] [Blank page]
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in Obedience to His holy will, and Divine Ordinaunce:
Wee whose names are hereunder written, being by His most wise, and good Providence brought together into this part of America in the Bay of Massachusetts, and desirous to unite our selves into one Congregation, or Church, under the Lord Jesus Christ our Head, in such sort as becometh all those whom He hath Redeemed, and Sanctifyed to Himselfe, do hereby solemnly, and religiously (as in His most holy Praesence) Promisse, and bind ourselves, to walke in all our wayes according to the Rule of the Gospell, and in all sincere Conformity to His holy Ordinaunces, and in mutuall love, and respect each to other, so neere as God shall give us grace.31
At Charlestown Aug 27. 1630.32
John Winthrop governor.33 |
‡Parnell Nowell the wife of Increase Nowell. |
Thomas Dudley deputy governor. |
Isaack Johnson dead since.* |
Margery Colborne the wife of Willyam Colborne. |
John Wilson. |
‡Increase Nowell. |
Elizabeth Aspinall the wife of Willyam Aspinall. |
Thomas Sharpe gone since.* |
Simon Brandstreete. |
‡Christian Beecher. |
Willyam Gager dead since.* |
‡Robert Hayle. |
Willyam Colborne. |
‡John Hall. |
Willyam Aspinall. |
Margarett Hoames. |
Robert Harding. |
John Sale. |
Dorothy Dudley the wife of Thomas Dudley. |
Gregory Nash. |
John Waters and |
Anne Bradstreete the wife of Simon Bradstreete. |
Frances his wife dead since* |
[2] |
Henry Kingsbury and |
Edmund Belcher. |
Margarett his wife dead since.* |
James Browne. |
‡Henry Harwood and |
Edward Ransford. |
John Edmundes. |
Henry Gosnall and |
Richard Maurice and his wife. |
Mary his wife. |
‡Edward Converse. |
James Penne and |
Willyam Hudson. |
Katherine his wife. |
John Milles and |
‡Nicholis Stowers. |
Susan his wife. |
John Dillingham dead.* |
Willyam Waterbury and |
‡Ralph Mousall and |
Alice his wife. |
‡Alice his wife. |
Frances the wife of John Ruggle. |
‡Willyam Frothingham and |
Willyam Baulstone and |
‡Anne his wife. |
Elizabeth his wife dead since.* |
Gregory Taylor. |
Phillip Hammond widdow. |
Edward Bendall. |
John Haukins, d.34 |
Sarah Cheesborough dead.* |
Samuell Cole and |
‡Richard Sprage. |
Anne, his wife dead since.* |
Willyam Cheesborough and |
Miles Reading. |
Anne his wife. |
‡Thomas Squire. |
‡Sarah Converse. |
Margarette the wife of Jeffery Ruggle. |
Thomas Matson received by Communion of Churches from a Church in London. |
Henry Bright. |
Edward Deekes. |
Mary Morton. |
John Gage. |
Bithea Joanes gone to Salem.35 |
Thomas Howlett. |
Isabell Brett gone to Salem, d.36 |
Thomas Hutchingson d.37 |
Richard Wright. |
‡George Hutchingson. |
John Cranwell. |
Francis Hesseldon d.38 |
Elizabeth Welden gone to Waterton.* |
Richard Garrett dead since.* |
Margarett Cooke. |
Willyam Coddington. |
John Underhill. |
Anthony Chaulby. |
Sarah Woolrich. |
Willyam Talmige. |
[3] |
Joseph Reading. |
‡Willyam Dady. |
Garrett Haddon. |
Susan Hudson. |
John Bigges. |
Henry and Susan Peas. |
Zacheus Bosworth. |
John Baker and |
Margarett Wright. |
Charity his wife. |
Anne Needham. |
Thomas French. |
Thomas Faireweather. |
John Ruggle. |
‡Raph Sprage and |
Martha Winthrop. |
‡Joan his wife. |
Robert Walker. |
Anne Peeters received from the Church of Salem. |
Thomas Oliver and |
Anne his wife dead.* |
Richard Palsgrave and |
Margarett Gibbons. |
Anne his wife. |
John and Jane Willisse dead since.* |
John Perkins and |
Robert Roys. |
Judith his wife. |
John Clarke. |
‡Ryce Cole. |
John Audley. |
John Eliott.40 |
Amy Chambers. |
Margarett Winthrop. |
Anna Swanson. |
‡Thomas Beecher. |
Alice French. |
Edward Gibbons. |
Elizabeth Wing. |
Richard Brackitt. |
John Sampfort. |
Gyles Firmin Junior. |
Magery Chauner. |
Mary, the wife of Samuel Dudley. |
James and Lydia Pennyman. |
Bridgett Gyver. |
Isaack Perry. |
Anne, the wife of John Eliott. |
Elizabeth Webbe. |
John Winthrop Junior. |
Willyam Peirce. |
* Before 1650.
‡ Dismissed to Charlestown Church in 1632.
From hence followeth the names of those members of our Church, whoe desireinge dismission from the Congregation to enter into a new Church body at Charle Towne did solemnly seeke unto God, with the rest of the Church for direction herein, upon the 11th day of the 8th Moneth 1632 and were accordingly dismissed upon the 14th day of the same, being the Lords day.41
- [4]
- Willyam Frothingham and Anne his wife.
- Ryce Coles and Arrald his wife.
- Henry Harwood and Elizabeth his wife.
- Nicholis Stowers and [Amy]43 his wife.
- George Hutchingson and Margarett his wife.
- Richard Sprage and Mary his wife.
- Edward Convers and Sarah his wife.
- Raph Mousall and Alice his wife.
- Ezechiell Richardson and Susan his wife.
- Willyam Dady.44
- Robert Hayle and Joan his wife.
- John Hall [and Bethiah his wife].45
- Thomas Squires.
- Thomas James and Elizabeth his wife.46
Hereafter followeth the Names of those who were further admitted and added unto the Church.
- Mary Penne.
- John Pemberton.
- John Oliver.
- Barnaby Dorryfall.
- Mary Waters.
- Gyles Firmin senior d.47
- Mary Coddington the wife of Willyam Coddington.
- Anne Newgate the wife of John Newgate.
- Thomas Grubb and Anne his wife.
- Richard Turner.
- Anne Walden.
- Mabell Marport.
Members admitted into Boston Church from the 8th of the 7th moneth 1633.
- John Cotton and Sarah his wife
- on that day.
- Robert Turnor our brother Edward Bendalls man servant.
- Grace Lodge our Pastor John Wilson’s maide servant.
In the 8th Moneth 1633.
- Thomas Leveritt and Anne his wife.
- Richard Fairebancke.
- Willyam Brenton.
- Edward Hutchinson.
- Willyam Cowlishawe and
- Anne his wife and Sarah Morrice the said Annes daughter.
In the 9th Moneth 1633.
- Elizabeth Purton a widdowe.
- Elizabeth Fairebancke the wife of our brother Richard Fairebancke.
- Edmund Quinsey and Judeth his wife.
- Atherton Haulgh48 and Elizabeth his wife.
- Mary Downing kinswoman to our brother John Winthrop Governor.
- Frances Hammond our brother Thomas Leveritts maid servant.
- Elizabeth Woodroffe our brother Edmund Quinseys maid servant.
- Richard Topping and Judeth his wife.
- Edward Baytes and Anthony Harker our brother Thomas Leveritts men servants.
- George Ruggell.
- Willyam Letherland one of Mr Roes menservants was admitted on the 24th of that Moneth.
- [5]
Members further admitted upon the 1st of the 10th Moneth 1633.
- Samuell Wilbore and Anne his wife.
The 8th of the same Moneth.
- Nathaniell Woodward and Anne Essex servants to our brother Willyam Coddington.
The 15th of the same Moneth.
- Elizabeth Ransford the wife of our brother Edward Ransford.
- Helena Underhill the wife of our brother John Underhill.
- Sarah Hutchinson the wife of our brother Edward Hutchinson.
- Robert Scott late servant to our brother John Sampford.
- Gamaliell Wayte servant to our brother Edward Hutchinson.
The 22th of the same Moneth.
- Elizabeth Wybert maid servant to our brother John Winthrop Governor.
- John Button mylner and Grace his wife.
The 29th of the same Moneth.
- Margery Hindes our brother John Underbills maid servant.
- Grace Gridley the wife of our brother Richard Gridley.
- Rebecka Merry the wife of Waters Merry ship carpenter.
- Marie Lukas our sister Anne Newgates maid servant.
The 5th of the 11th Moneth 1633.
- John Gallopp fisherman and Cotton Flacke laborer.
- Willyam Browne and Thomasine his wife servants to our brother John Winthrop Governor.
The 26th of the same Moneth.
- Lettyse Button the wife of Mathew Button.
- Esther Ward our brother Atherton Haulghes maid servant.
The 2d of the 12th or last Moneth 1633.
- Elizabeth Ruggell the wife of our brother George Ruggell.
- Thomas Mekins and Katherine his wife servants to our brother Edmund Quinsey.
- Bridgett Peirce the wife of our brother Willyam Peirce.
The 9th of the same Moneth.
- Joan Wilkes the wife of Willyam Wilkes.
- Willyam Wardall one of our brother Edmund Quinseys servants.
- Waters Merry ship carpenter.
- John Webbe a singleman.
The 9th of the first Moneth 1634.
- Robert Houlton a slater.
- Robert Parker servant to our brother Willyam Aspinall.
The 16th of the same Moneth.
- Stephen Winthrop one of the sonnes of our brother John Winthrop Governor.
The 23th of the same Moneth.
- Willyam Dennyn servant to our brother Willyam Brenton.
The 30th of the same Moneth.
- Elizabeth Newgate daughter in law to our sister Anne Newgate.
- Thomas Mekins the younger servant to our brother Edmund Quinsey.
The 13th of the second Moneth 1634.
- Richard Bulgar bricklayer.
- Anne Nidds maid servant to our brother Willyam Brenton.
The 20th of the same Moneth.
- Mathewe Innes servant to our brother Willyam Coulborne.
- John Coggeshall mercer and Marie his wife and
- Anne Shelley his maid servant were this day received members upon letters of dismission from our sister Church of Rocksburie and upon their owne open confessions and profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- [6]
The 22th of the fourth Moneth 1634.
- Christovell Gallopp the wife of our brother John Gallopp.
- Edmund Browne and Jarrard Bourne servants to our brother Willyam Coulborne.
- Alexander Becke a labourer.
The 13th of the fift Moneth 1634.
- John Handsett servant to our pastor John Wilson.
The 20th of the same Moneth.
- James Everill and Elizabeth his wife.
- Ollyver Mellowes and Elizabeth his wife.
- Martha Blackett maid servant to our teacher John Cotton.
The 27th of the same Moneth.
- Nicholas Willys a mercer.
- Jonathan Negoose a singleman and Grace Negoose his sistar.
- Richard Trewsdale and Margarett Burnes servants to our teacher John Cotton.
- Anne Cogan the wife of John Cogan.
The 3d of the sixt Moneth 1634.
- Richard Bellingham and Elizabeth his wife.
- John Newgate hatter.
- Anne Willys the wife of our brother Nicholis Willys and Willyam Townesend his servant.
- Joan Drake widdowe.
- John Gayle servant to our brother John Button d.49
- Marie Bonner maid servant to our teacher John Cotton.
- Elizabeth Chambers maid servant to our brother Willyam Baulston.
- Edward Hitchen a singleman.
The 10th of the same Moneth.
- Robert Reynoldes shoomaker.
- Edward Hutchinson the younger a singleman.
- Dorcas French maid servant to our brother John Winthropp the Elder.
The 28th of the sixt Moneth 1634.
- Philemon Pormort and Susann his wife.
- Richard Scott a shoomaker.
- Richard Cooke a taylor.
- Richard Wayte taylor.
- Christofer Marshall a singleman.
- Anne Ormesbie widdow.
- Marie Hudd maid servant to our brother John Winthropp the Elder.
The last of the same Moneth.
- Edmund Jacklyn glasyer.
- Thomas Marshall a widdower.
The 7th of the seaventh Moneth 1634.
- Willyam Pell tallowchandlor.
- James Davisse a marrynor.
- Judeth Garnett our brother John Coggeshalls maidservant.
The 21th of the same Moneth.
- Thomasyn Scottoe widow.
The 2d of eight Moneth 1634.
- Richard Magson servant to our brother James Everill.
- Nathaniel Chappell servant to our brother Atherton Haulgh.
- Rebekah Dixon our brother Richard Bellinghams maidservant.
- Judye Smyth our brother Edward Hutchinsons maidservant.
The 5th of the eight Moneth 1634.
- Zacharie Simmes and Sarah his wife.
The 26th of the same Moneth.
- Willyam Hutchinson merchant.
- Beniamin Gillam shipcarpenter.
The 2d of the 9th Moneth 1634.
- Anne Hutchinson the wife of our brother Willyam Hutchinson.
- Allen Willey a husbandman.
- Anne Dorryfall our brother Willyam Coddingtons maidservant.
- Nathaniell Heaton mercer and Elizabeth his wife.
- [7]
The 9th of the same nyneth Moneth 1634.
- Thomas Wardall shoomaker.
- Richard Hutchinson and Francis Hutchinson the sonnes of our brother Willyam Hutchinson.
- Faith Hutchinson one of his daughters.
- Anne Freiston one of his kinswomen.
- Henry Elkin a taylor.
- Alice Willey the wife of our brother Allen Willey.
- Marie Gibson our brother Ollyver Mellowes maidservant.
The 28th of the Tenth Moneth 1634.
- Frances Freiston one of our brother Willyam Hutchinsons kinswomen.
- Bridgett Hutchinson one of his daughters.
- Elizabeth Woolstone our brother Nicholis Willis maidservant.
The 11th of the eleaventh Moneth 1634.
- Theodorus Atkinson servant to our brother John Newgate.
- Hanna Perm our brother James Everills maidservant.
The 22th of the same Moneth.
- Edward Buckley a singleman.
- Hugh Gunnyson servant to our brother Richard Bellingham.
- Dorothie Brenton the wife of our brother Willyam Brenton.
The 5th of the second Moneth 1635.
- Willyam Beamsley labourer.
The 2d of the sixt Moneth 1635.
- Elizabeth Boaneo one of our brother Richard Bellinghams maid servants.
The 9th of the same Moneth.
- Willyam Leveridge of Puscattua.
The 16th of the same Moneth.
- Grace Holbeck one of our brother John Samfords family.
- Susan Pease our brother Henry Pease daughter.
The 6th of the seaventh Moneth 1635.
- Willyam Wilson joyner and Patience his wife.
The 20th of the same Moneth.
- Willyam Salter a shoomaker.
The 25th of the eight Moneth 1635.
- Richard Mather50 and Katherine his wife.
- Danyell Mawd.
The 1st of the nyneth Moneth 1635.
- Henry Vane.
The 8th of the same Moneth.
- Alexander Winchester servant to our brother Henry Vane.
- Willyam Coursar a coblar.
- Rachell Saunders the wife of one Martin Saunders.
- Dennys Taylor widdowe one of our pastor John Wilsons family.
- Alice Brockett the wife of our brother Richard Brockett.
The 15th of the same Moneth.
- Henry Flint a sojournor of our Elder Thomas Ollyvers.
- Edmund Jackson shoomaker.
The 6th of the 10th Moneth 1635.
- Jane Scarlett widdowe the mother of our brother Edward Bendall.
- Marie Martin our brother John Coggeshalls maidservant.
The 13th of the 10th Moneth 1635.
- Willyam Dyer myllinar and Marie his wife.
The 27th of the same Moneth.
- James Fitch taylor and Abigall his wife.
- Richard Tuttell husbandman and Anne his wife.
The 3d of the eleaventh Moneth 1635.
- John Mylam cooper and Christian his wife.
- [8]
Members more admitted upon the same 3d of the same eleaventh Moneth 1635.
- Thomas Savidge taylor.
- John Davisse joyner.
- Anne Gillam the wife of our brother Beniamyn Gillam.
- Judeth Lyvars our brother Robert Hardings maidservant.
The 10th of the same Moneth.
- Willyam Dyneley barber.
- Anne Houlton the wife of our brother Robert Houlton.
The 24th of the same Moneth.
- George Baytes thacker.
- Rachaell Newcombe the wife of one Francis Newcombe.
- Margarett Vernam widdow one of our brother Thomas Leveritts family.
The 20th of the first Moneth 1636.
- Robert Keaine merchant and Anne his wife.
- Elizabeth Wilson the wife of our pastor John Wilson.
The 10th of the 2d Moneth 1636.
- James Johnson a glover.
The 17th of the same Moneth.
- Raph Hudson woollen draper.
- Isaac Grosse husbandman.
The 24th of the same Moneth.
- Pœnelope Darloe one of our brother Robert Keaines maid servants.
The 22th of the 3d Moneth 1636.
- George Hunne a tanner.
- Thomas Hasard shipcarpenter.
The 29th of the same Moneth.
- Robert Hull blacksmith.
- Edward Dennys servant to our brother Willyam Hutchinson.
The 12th of the 4th Moneth 1636.
- John Wheelewright and Marie his wife.
- Susanne Hutchinson widdowe.
- Valentyne Hill mercer.
The 19th of the same 4th Moneth.
- Margaret Sheele one of our Brother Willyam Coddingtons maidservants.
The 17th of the 5th Moneth 1636.
- Thomas Matson formerly received by Comunion of churches, but now as a member upon the confession of his fayth and repentance and professed subiection to the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Covenant of the Gospell.
The 24th of the same 5th Moneth.
- Robert Parker our brother whoe was excommunicate the 6th of the 10th Moneth 1635 for scandalous oppression of his wives children in selling away theire inheritance from them, and other hard usage both of her and them, was this day upon profession of his repentance received againe to the fellowship of the Church.
- Elizabeth the wife of Robert Meares was admitted a member.
The 7th of the 6th Moneth 1636.
- Mathew Chafey ship carpenter.
The 14th of the same 6th Moneth.
- Elizabeth the wife of one Willyam Tuttell.
The 4th of the 7th Moneth 1636.
- Mabell Andrewes a singlewoman.
- Alice Pyce our sister Judith Quinseys maid servant.
The 11th of the 7th Moneth 1636.
- Thomas Wheelar a taylor.
The 6th of the 9th Moneth 1636.
- Anne Burdon the wife of George Burdon shoomaker.
The 11th of the 10th Moneth 1636.
- Francis East a carpenter.
The 8th of the 11th Moneth 1636.
- George Burdon a shoomaker.
- Jane the wife of one John Parker a carpenter.
The 22th of the 1st Moneth 1638.
- Anne the wife of our Brother Willyam Hutchinson having on the 15th of this Moneth beene openly in Publique Congregation51 admonished of sundry Errors held by her52 was on the same 22th day Cast out of the Church for impenitently persisting in a manifest lye then expressed by her in open Congregation.
The 15th of the second Moneth 1638.
- Judith Smith having beene formerly in private admonished of sundry Errors was then for her obstinate persisting therein in the Congregation and for sundry lyes then expressed by her and persisted in Cast out of the Church with ioynt Consent.
- [9]
The 29th Day of the 2d Moneth 1638.
- Anne Walker the wife of one Richard Walker and sometime the wife and widdowe of our brother Robert Houlton having before this day beene often privately Admonished of sundry Scandalls, as of Drunkenish, Intemperate, and uncleane or wantonish behaviour, and likewise of Cruelty towards her Children and also of manifold lyes and still to this day persisting impenitently therein, was therefore now with Joynt Consent of the Congregation Cast out of the Church.
The 11th Day of the 9th Moneth 1638.
- Our brother Richard Turnor having beene openly found drunken by the excessive drinking of strong water was this day Cast out of the Church for the same Offence.
The 30th of the 10th Moneth 1638.
- Henry Sandys a marchant and Sibill his wife.
- Margery Shove widdow.
The 6th of the 11th Moneth 1638.
- Willyam Stickney a husbandman and Elizabeth his wife.
- Margaret Crosse a widdowe.
- Michaell Hopkinson servant to our brother Jacob Elyott and Richard Swanne a husbandman.
- This day Dismissions granted to our Brethren:
- Mr John Wheelewright.
- Richard Morrys.
- Richard Bulgar.
- Philemon Pormort.
- Isaac Grosse.
- Christopher Marshall.
- George Baytes.
- Thomas Wardall and Willyam Wardall unto the Church of Christ at the Falls of Paschataqua if they be rightly gathered and Ordered.53
The 13th of the 11th Moneth 1638.
- Our brother Richard Wayte having purloyned out of buckskyn lether brought unto him, soe much thereof as would make 3 mens gloves to the Scandall of sundry without, as well as of his brethren, and also having beene by some of the brethren dealt withall for it, did often deny and forsweare the same, without harkening to their Convincings according to the Rule, or to the Church to which it was brought, was therefore this day, with Joynt Consent of the Congregation Cast out of the Church.
The 27th Day of the same 11th Moneth.
- Our brother Thomas French was with the Consent of the Congregation Dismissed to the Church of Ipswich.
- Also Thomas Allen a studyent was this day taken in for a member of the Congregation.54
The 3d of the 12th Moneth 1638.
- Mary the wife of Raph Roote.
- Martha Bushnall widdow.
The 6th of the same 12th Moneth.
- Griffyn Bowen and his wife Margarett.
- Henry Webbe a mercer.
- John Smyth a taylor and Katherine the wife of Mr Marmaduke Mathewes.
The 10th of the same 12th Moneth.
- Temperance the wife of one John Sweete a shipcarpenter.
- Katherine the wife of our brother Edward Hutchinson the younger.
- Elizabeth the wife of our brother Robert Scott.
- Dosabell the wife of our brother Henry Webbe and Jane the wife of one John Lugge.
The 24th of the same 12th Moneth.
- James Mattocks a cooper.
The 3d of the 1st Moneth 1639.
- Richard Hollidge a labourer.
- Willyam Ting marchant and Anne the wife of our brother George Hunne.
- This day Dismission granted to these Sisters:
- Susanna Hutchinson widdowe Mary the wife of Mr Wheelewright Lenora the wife of Richard Morrys and to Henry Elkyn our brother and to Mary his wife our sistar
- unto the forenamed Church at the Falls now called Exeter.
- [10]
The 10th Day of the 1st Moneth 1639.
- Anne the wife of our Brother Richard Hollidge.
- Elizabeth the wife of our brother Willyam Tinge and Mrs Deliverance Sheffeilde.
The 24th Day of the same 1st Moneth 1639.
- Mrs Elizabeth Allen.
- Mrs Penelope Pelham.
- Elizabeth Storye.
The 31th of the same 1st Moneth.
- Phœbe Burley and Marie Chappell
- maid servants to our teacher Mr John Cotton.
The 7th Day of the 2d Moneth 1639.
- Jane Nicholls one of our teachers maidservants.
The 14th Day of the same 2d Moneth.
- John Spoure a husbandman and Elizabeth his wife.
- Sarah Tame the wife of one Myles Tarne a lether dresser and Priscilla Dause maidservant to our Elder Mr Thomas Oliver.
The 5th Day of the 3d Moneth 1639.
- Elizabeth Hill widdowe.
The 12th of the same 3d Moneth.
- Sarah Knight widdowe.
- Joan the wife of our brother Willyam Coursar and Elisabeth the wife of one Jacob Legar.
The 19th of the same 3d Moneth.
- Thomas Scottowe and Josua Scottowe the sonnes of our sister Thomasine Scottowe.
- Nathaniell Willyams a laborer.
- Jane Leveritt one of the daughters of our brother Thomas Leveritt.
The 9th Day of the 4th Moneth 1639.
- Beniamin Keayne marchant and Sarah his wife.
- This day our brother Thomas Allen was with one Consent of the Church Dismissed to the Church at Charle Towne upon theire and his desire.55
The 16th of the 4th Moneth 1639.
- Johanna King maidservant to the Governor Mr John Winthrop.
- Arthure Purye a taylor.
- Phœbe Wason widdowe.
The 23th of the same 4th Moneth.
- Elizabeth Hull the wife of our brother Robert Hull.
- Susanna Stanley the wife of one Christofer Stanley taylor.
- Peter Olyvar one of the sonnes of Thomas Olyvar.
The 7th of the 5th Moneth 1639.
- John Hurd a taylor and Marye his wife.
The 14th of the same 5th Moneth.
- John Leveritt the sonne of Thomas Leveritt.
The 21th of the same 5th Moneth.
- Mr Edward Norrys a minister.56
The 4th Day of the 6th Moneth 1639.
- George Curtys servant to our teacher Mr John Cotton.
The 11th Day of the same 6th Moneth.
- John Kenricke a laborer Admitted.
- Our brother Henry Flint dismissed to the gathering of the Church at Mount W[ooliston].
The 18th Day of the same 6th Moneth.
- Richard Hogge a taylor and Joan his wife.
- Mrs Elynor Norrys the wife of our brother Mr Edward Norrys.
- Elizabeth the wife of our brother John Hansett.
The 25th of the same 6th Moneth.
- Mr John Knowles a studyent.57
The 1st of the 7th Moneth 1639.
- Philip the wife of our brother Robert Harding admitted by the name of Philip Hammond widdow was Excommunicated for speaking evill of Authority both in Church and Common weale: For having said in open Court that Mrs. Hutchinson neyther deserved the Censure which was putt upon her in the Church, nor in the Common Weale; It was proved against her in the Church by the witness of our brother Richard Truesdale and our brother Samuell Cole that she had also spoken
- [11] the like words of Defamation both in her shopp and other meetings, whereof not being able to give any account from Scripture, she was finally Cast out of the Church as a slaunderer and revyler both of the Church and Common Weale, after the Example of Miriam Num. 12. 1, to 15th, and according to the Rule of the Apostle 1. Cor. 5. 11. If any brother be a Revyler, with such a one eate not.
The 8th of the 7th Moneth 1639.
- Our sistar Anne Ormesby widdow
- Our sister Jane Wilkes the wife of Willyam Wilkes and
- Our sister Elizabeth Tuttle the wife of [William] Tuttle were Recomended to the Church of New Haven.58
- Our brother Thomas Alcocke and our sistar Margery his wife were Recomended to Deddam.
The 15th Day of the same 7th Moneth.
- Elizabeth Gryme an auncient maid.
- Henry Shrimpton a brasyer.
- Leave granted by the silent Consent of the Church to our brother Mr Edward Norrys to resyde at Salem whether he hath beene often invited and hath there a house hyred for him and his [blank].
The 22th Day of the same 7th Moneth.
- Hannah Leveritt the wife of our brother John Leveritt.
- Sarah Dennys the wife of our brother Edward Dennys.
- Thomas Buttall a glover.
The 28th Day of the same 7th Moneth.
- Anne the wife of the sd Thomas Buttall.
- Anthony Stoddard a lynning dray.
- Willyam Hibbon a gentleman and Anne his wife.
The 29th of the same 7th Moneth.
- Francis Lysle a barber.
The 24th Day of the 9th Moneth 1639.
- Our brother James Mattocke was by the Churches silence licenst to be Recommended to the Church at Mount Woolliston for the Winter season.
The same 24th Day of the 9th Moneth 1639.
- Our brethren Mr Henry Sandys, Willyam Stickney, Richard Swanne, and Michaell Hopkinson by the churches silence were dismissed to the gathering of a Church at Rowley if the Lord so please.
The 26th Day of the same 9th Moneth.
- being a day of Publique fast for our Congregation, our brother Mr Robert Keayne was Admonisht by our pastor in the Name of the Church for selling his wares at excessive Rates, to the Dishonor of Gods Name, the Offence of the Generall Court, and the Publique Scandall of the Cuntry.59
- In like sort was our brother John Pemmerton Admonisht, for his unbrotherly Contention with our brother John Baker, and for his unsavory Revyling speeches given to him, to the Offence of the Church at Newberry to whom they had beene Recommended.
The 15th of the 10th Moneth 1639.
- Katherine Pollard a mayd.
- Also this Day our brother John Webb (otherwise Everett) was Admonisht by our pastor with Consent of the Church, for that a day of Humiliation being called, upon speciall and weighty occasion, He did not onely absent himself that day without iust Cause, but did also take liberty to spend part of the day in feasting and sporting at Quoytes abroad, and that in the Company of such whereof some of them were Scandalous.
The 26th Day of the same 10th Moneth.
- Our brother Mr Edward Norrice and our sister Elenor his wife were Dismissed to the Church of Salem with the Consent of the Church by their silence.
- [12]
The 2d Day of the 11th Moneth 1639.
- Mrs Deliverance Sheffeild now the wife of Mr Hugh Peter60 pastor of the Church of Salem at her desire was Dismissed to the same Church, with the Consent of this Church by their silence.
The 19th of the 11th Moneth 1639.
- Mrs Marye Hudson widdowe Admitted a Member.
The 26th Day of the 11th Moneth 1639.
- Whereas upon the 15th day of the last 10th Moneth our brother John Webb (otherwise Evered) was Admonished for sinfully absenting himself from the Congregation upon a Day of Humiliation, and for taking liberty to sportings and vaine Company on the same Day; and hath now (by the Grace of God) penetentially made open acknowledgment of his sinfulnesse therein, He is become Reconciled to the Church.
The 16th Day of the 12th Moneth 1639.
- Our brethren Mr Willyam Hibbon, Captaine Edward Gibon and Mr John Oliver were Chosen and Deligated by the Church to goe to the Iseland of Aquethnicke61 to inquyre of the state of matters amongst our brethren there, and to require some satisfactory Aunswer about such things as wee heare to be Offensive amongst them.
- Also these our brethren and sistars were Recommended to the Church of Christ at Mount Wollystone viz: Willyam Cheesbrough and Anne his wife.
- James Pennyman and Lydia his wife.
- Thomas Matson and Amye his wife.
- George Ruggle and Elizabeth his wife.
- Alexander Winchester, Richard Wright.
- Rachell the wife of Martin Saunders.
- Rachaell the wife of Francis Newcombe and Thomas Mekins the younger.
The 23th Day of the same 12th Moneth.
- James Mattock cooper by our pastor62 (in the Name of the Lord and with the Consent of the Church, taken by their silence) Cast out of the Church for these Scandalls Committed by him, partly in Ould England and partly in New England.
- In ould England, 1. For that he denyed Coniugall fellowship unto his wife for the space of 2 years together upon pretence of taking Revenge upon himself for his abusing of her before marryage, and also for the avoyding of Charge by Children of her, when as yet he very suspiciously and offesively frequented the Company of one Whittakers wife all that time, and gave her 2s a weeke towards her maintenance, yea so obstinately Continuing therein as that the Magistrate of Bristow Imprisoned him in Newgate pryson there for tenn dayes and her the said Whittakers wife in Bridewell there.
- 2. For that in Ould England after his profession of Religion he was knowne to be sundry times drunken, and so ragingly overtaken therewith at one time, as that he offered uncleane dallyance and filthy Carryage to a Certaine maid in a victualing house openly.
- 3. In New England for that he was openly drunken 2 times.
- Also for that from hence he hath sundry times written to the said Whittakers wife for her Comeing hether, and that having received 4 letters from her, and pretending to show her letters to the Elders, he brought theim but 2 of the sd 4 letters, and (as he said) burnt the other wherein the greatest evills betwixt them was suspected to bee.
- [13]
The 1st Day of the 1st Moneth 1640.
- Samuell Sherman husbandman was Admitted a Member and Francis Clarke one of our pastors Mr John Wilson maid servants.
- Also our brother Mr John Knowles63 was by the Church consented unto this day to be Dismissed to the Church of Watertowne for theire further help according; to their desire unto our Church.
The 5th Day of the sd 1st Moneth.
- Our brother Captaine John Underhill was in Publique Congregacion by our Pastor in the Name of the Lord and of the Church excommunicated for Committing Adultery with the wife of one Joseph Febar a Cooper and also for Attempting the like with one Jane Howmes the wife of Robert Howmes of Cambridge husbandman—As allsoe for Revyling the Governor and other of the Magistrates,—threatning Revenge and Destruction to the Country, and writing slaunderous lies to the State of England for that end; All which he the said Captaine Underhill Confessed, but not in such measure of humiliation, as might satisfye the Church, in the trueth of his Repentance, answerable to his Crymes; his Confessions being mingled with sundry Causelesse self Justifyings, and some falshood as saying he never abused the Scripture to draw on any to sinne, whereas it was proved that he had intised some to folly or lewdnesse upon pretence to knock them off from their owne Righteousnesse, as the afforesd Jane Howmes, to whom he had Confessed that so he knockt off the sd Febars wife from her own Righteousnesse.
The 8th Day of the sd 1st Moneth 1640.
- Mr Thomas Rashley a studyent was Admitted a Member.64
- Also our sistar Temperance Sweete the wife of one John Sweete was by our pastor (in the Name of the Lord and with the Consent of the Church taken by their silence65 Admonisht for having received into house and given entertainment unto disorderly Company and ministring unto them wine and strong waters even unto Drunkennesse and that not without some iniquity both in the measure and pryce thereof.
The 5th Day of the 2d Moneth 1640.
- Whereas our sister Temperance Sweete was upon the 8th Day of the last first Moneth Admonisht for having received to house and given entertainment unto disorderly Company and ministring unto them wine and strong waters even unto Drunkennesse with some iniquity both in the measure and pryce thereof; but hath now by the Grace of God penetentially made open acknowledgment of her sinfullnesse therein She is become Reconciled to the Church.
The 3d Day of the 3d Moneth 1640.
- Whereas our brother Richard Wayte was on the 13th of the 11th Moneth 1638 Cast out of the Church for sundry Scandalls, He is this day upon his pœnitentiall acknowledgment thereof (through the Grace of God) Received againe into the Fellowship of the Church.
- Also our brother Mr Beniamin Keayne and Sarah his wife were granted to be Recomended to the Church of Lynn for a Season.
The 7th Day of the same 3d Moneth being a day of Fasting etc.
- Whereas our brother Mr Robert Keayne was on the 26th day of the 9th Moneth 1639 being likewise a day of Publique Fast Admonished for selling wares at excessive Rates; upon his penetentiall acknowledgment thereof this day and promise of further satisfaction to any that have iust offence against him, He is now become Reconciled to the Church.
- [14]
The 17th Day of the 3d Moneth 1640.
- Our brethren Valentine Hill and Jacob Elyott were by the brethren of Church Chosen and by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery66 Ordeyned to the Office of Deacons.
The 24th Day of the same 3d Moneth.
- Our brother John Hansett and Elizabeth his wife and alsoe our brother Barnabas Dorryfall were Recommended to the Church at the Mount [blank].67
The 31th of the same 3d Moneth.
- Our brother George Bate formerly Dismissed to the Church at Exeter, was upon letters of Dismission from them againe Received into Church fellowship and also
- [Two lines blank.]
The 6th Day of the 4th Moneth 1640.
- Beniamin Warde ship carpenter and Marye his wife.
- Josiah Ferman servant to our brother Mr John Winthroppe.
The 13th Day of the same 4th Moneth.
- Isaac Addington a singleman.
- Willyam Hudson the younger.
- James Oliver one of the sonnes of Mr Thomas Olyver and Jellyan Vyall maid servant to our brother Thomas Grubbe.
The 20th Day of the same 4th Moneth.
- Robert Mascall one of our brother Mr Willyam Piercs family.
- Mary Bigsby widdow.
- Francis Dowse one of our brother Burdons family.
- Bettrise Hall our brother Jacob Elyotts maid servant and Sarah the daughter of our brother Mr John Newgate.
The 4th Day of the 5th Moneth 1640.
- Robert Bradford a taylor.
- Adam Winthrop one of the sonnes of our brother Mr John Winthrop senior.
- Marye the wife of our brother Nathaniell Willyams.
- Willyam Copp a shoomaker and Marye Mathews a maid servant to our Elder Thomas Leveritt.
The 12th Day of the 5th Moneth 1640.
- Our brother Alexander Winchester upon the Desire of the Church of Christ at Mount Woolestone now called Branter68 is Recommended and Dismissed unto theim for their help in the Office of a Deacon.
The 18th Day of the 5th Moneth 1640.
- John Cleemond servant to our brother Jacob Elyott.
- Thomas Clarke a blacksmyth.
- Edward Fletcher a cutler.
- Anne the wife of our brother John Kenricke.
The 19th Day of the same 5th Moneth.
- Whereas our brother John Pemmerton was on the 26th day of the last 9th Moneth being a day of Publique fast was Admonished for his unbrotherly Contention with our brother John Baker upon his pœnitentiall acknowledgment thereof, he is this day become Reconciled to the Church.
- Also our brother Richard Wayte was Excommunicated for his grosse Dissembling before God and the Church in the day of his Readmission after his formal Excommunication; wherein though he was solemnely provoked to make a thorow Confession of such things as he knew had beene offensive to the brethren, and professed that he did noe lesse yet the matters of sinfull practise betweene him and one Lesty Gunton (in manifold inordinate drinkings and other things indiciall to his Master) wherein he was stirred up by three of the brethren to give glory unto God and to disburden his owne Conscience; and though he knew himself guilty, yet he did not at all Confesse but pretended Innocency herein, yea unto the said brethren did utterly deny, that he knew any evill by himself therein—yea after
- [15] upon new occasions of suspition in their hearts (or twoe of them at the least) being demanded if yet he had no light to Condemne himselfe of any sinfull drinkings or practises, or Confederacyes with him he utterly denyed that ever he had beene therein guilty, no never, no never. Neverthelesse when he did perceive such matters were by the providence of God otherwise brought to light, then he acknowledged his guiltinesse in a great measure (though not all at once) both of frequent wine drinkings, & that simetime with forsaking the lecture for it, and though he knew or beleived the said Lester, both in those wine drinkings and otherwise to doe Acts iniuryous to his Masters state, yet did he never, eyther before his said Readmission or since (till upon the afforesaid occasion) eyther acquaint his Master with such wrongs done to him, nor yet deale with Lester at all to bring him to Repentance for it; And not onely denyed any Confederacy or promise of secrecy to have beene betweene them, which yet was Confidently and Constantly affirmed both privately and publiquely by the said Lester but alsoe denyed flatly that ever he had been asked such a question by any of the brethren or that he made any such denyalls unto them, eyther about the time of his Readmission or yet since, whereof they testifyed the Contrary solemnely—neither did he give the Church satisfaction by due signes of true Repentance, neither for his said dissembling before the whole Church (in the day of his professed Repentance) nor yet for such wicked things to the brethren from time to time against his owne knowledge and Conscience, but did rather carry the matter both in private dealings before the Elders and divers brethren very high bravingly and stubbornly, and expressed great hardnesse of heart under the publique dealing of the Church; And being thus cast out, he turned againe and openly professed that his Conscience did not in the lest manner accuse him of not hearing eyther any of the brethren in private or of the Church in publique, to the great greife and astonishment of all the brethren.
The 2d Day of the 6th Moneth 1640.
- Willyam Teffe a taylor and Anne his wife.
- Nathaniel Graygoose a singleman.69
The 9th Day of the same 6th Moneth.
- Ellen Bazill maidservant to our brother Mr Atherton Haulgh.
The 3d Day of the 7th Moneth 1640.
- Whereas our brother Captaine John Underhill on the 5th day of the 1st Moneth 1640 was Cast out of the Church for diverse Scandalls he had fallen into, He is this day upon his publique penitentiall acknowledgment of them all Received againe into the Fellowship of the Church.
The 5th Day of the 7th Moneth 1640.
- Thomas Painter a joyner.
- Mauditt Inglys a laborer.
- Mrs Mary Ting the wife of one Mr Edward Tinge marchant.
- Mr Abraham Pierson a studient.70
The 12th Day of the 7th Moneth 1640.
- Abigail the wife of one John Jackson a carpenter.
- John Westgate a singleman.
- Mr Wentworth Day a singleman.
The 20th Day of the 7th Moneth 1640.
- Mrs Anne Hibbon our sister was by our pastor with the Consent of the Church, In the Name of the Lord Admonisht of her uncharitable Jealousies and Suspicions without sufficient Cause against sundry of the brethren that are joyners and other Neighbors of the same Calling as if they were of a Combination extortionously to sett high rates upon their worke, and for her obstinately persisting therein and impenitently against all the meanes that were taken for her satisfying therein, and also for many other disorderly things that passed from her Carryage therein.
- [16]
The 4th Day of the 8th Moneth 1640.
- Our brother John Pemerton was granted to be Recommendatorily Dismissed to the Church of Newbery.
The 11th of the same 8th Moneth.
- Our brother Mr Abraham Peirson had leave granted by the Church to Joyne in the gathering of a Church at the Long Isleland.
- Our brother Garrett Haddon and our sister Margarett his [wife] were granted to be dismissed to the Church at Coul Chester.71
The 25th Day of the same 8th Moneth.
- Joan the wife of our brother John Button.
The 1st Day of the 9th Moneth 1640.
- Sarah the wife of one Henry Messinger a joyner.
- Tabetha Pyke the Deputy Governor Mr Richard Bellinghams maid.
The 22th Day of the 9th Moneth 1640.
- Our brother Henry Pease and our sister Susan his wife were granted of the Church to be Recommended for this winter time to the Church at Brantree.
- Also our sister Priscilla Dawse lately so Called but now the wife of one John Rogers a member of the Church of Watertowne was granted to be Recommended to the said Church of Watertowne.
The 23th Day of the 11th Moneth 1640.
- Abell Porter a singleman.
- Mary Woodward the wife of our brother Nathaniell Woodward.
- Mr Richard Parker a marchant.
The 24th Day of the same 11th Moneth.
- Anne Parker the wife of our brother Mr Richard Parker.
- Alice Jupe the wife of one [blank].
- Gooddith Copp the wife of our brother Willyam Copp.
The 30th Day of the 11th Moneth 1640.
- Richard Samford a labourer.
- Willyam Francklyn a blacksmyth.
- Willyam Briscoe a taylor.
- John Sweete a shipcarpenter and Mr Edward Tinge marchant.
The 31st Day of the same 11th Moneth.
- Mrs Margaret Fowle the wife of one Mr Thomas Fowle marchant.
The 1st Day of the 12th Moneth 1640.
- Mrs Anne Hibbon our sister was by our pastor, with the Consent of the Church, Excommunicated out of the Church, for her Irregular dealing with our brother John Davisse, in not Admonishing him according to Rule, for what she conceived to be a heynous sinne in him; and also for her Causelesse uncharitable Jelousies and suspicions against him and sundry of the brethren that are joyners, and other Neighbors of the same Calling as if they were of a Combination, extortionously to sett high Rates upon their worke, and that against their Conscience they had over-valued some worke wrought in her husbands house by one John Crabtree a joyner; whereas the brethren did solemnly in the face of the Church take God to witnesse, that they did nothing therein against their Conscience, but according to the light thereof; Neverthelesse she persisted in her obstinate Judgeing and Condemning of them, leaving it to the Lord to bring out the Trueth of it. And likewise for sundry Untruethes openly proved by sundry of the brethren against her whereof, though she was Convinced, yet she made not any humble and penitentiall acknowledgement thereof; Moreover for her causelesse Condemning of the Churches Censure of Admonition upon her to bee uniust, although she was privately admonished thereof by sundry of the brethren and sisters, but still continued Impenitent and obstinate in these thinges, not hearkning to her husband at home; nor to the brethren and sisters in private, noe nor yet to the whole Church in Publique.
The 21th Day of the 12th Moneth 1640.
- Sarah Chafey the wife of our brother Mathew Chafey and Mrs Hannah Smyth the wife of one Mr John Smyth in Ireland were admitted Members.
- [17]
The 14th Day of the 1st Moneth 1641.
- Jacob Legar a husbandman Admitted.
The 21th Day of the same 1st Moneth.
- Mary Harker the wife of our brother Anthony Harker and Mrs Ellen Smythe widdowe.
The 4th Day of the 2d Moneth 1641.
- Evan Thomas a Welch man.
The 18th Day of the 2d Moneth 1641.
- Whereas our brother Richard Wayte on the 19th day of the 5th Moneth 1640, was Excommunicated and Cast out of the Church for grosse Dissembling and sinfull Confederacy and pratises with one Lester Gunton and other Offensive Carryags, He is this day upon his pœnitentiall acknowledgement thereof (by the Grace of God) Received againe into the Fellowship of the Church.
The 2d Day of the 3d Moneth 1641.
- John Vyall a laborer.
- Ruth Knevitt our brother Henry Webbes maid servant.
The 16th Day of the 3d Moneth 1641.
- Mr Christofer Stanley a taylor.
- Henry Dawson a labourer.
The 23th Day of the 3d Moneth 1641.
- Lidya the wife of our brother Joshua Scottoe.
- Judith Buttles the wife of one Leonard Buttles a bricklayer.
The 30th Day of the 3d Moneth 1641.
- Mary Cogan the daughter of Mr John Cogan.
The 6th Day of the 4th Moneth 1641.
- Our brother Thomas Mekins the Elder and our sister Katherine his wife were granted to be Recommended to the Church at Brantree.
The 13th of the 4th Moneth 1641.
- Robert Howen a cutler and Charity White a singlewoman.
The 4th Day of the 5th Moneth 1641.
- Margarett Hill the wife of one John Hill a blacksmyth.
- Cicely Briscoe the wife of our brother Willyam Briscoe.
- Ellen Pell one of our brother Mr Haulghes maid servants.
The 11th Day of the 5th Moneth 1641.
- Mary Vyall the wife of our brother John Vyall.
The 18th Day of the 5th Moneth 1641.
- Our brother Francis Hutchinson was by our pastor (with the Consent of the Church) Excommunicated out of the Church for sundry Errors, but cheifely these; 1. For denying particuler congregated Churches since the Apostacy of Ante Christ. 2ly. That there is or can be any Presbitery without Apostles or Evangelists and 3ly That Christ gave any power to pastors or teachers to Baptize. As also for giveing Revyling speeches against this our Church of Boston—Calling it a Whore, a Strympett, upon this occasion, that by some of the members it was said to be the spouse of Christ.
The 25th Day of the 5th Moneth 1641.
- John Hill a blacksmyth Admitted.
- Mr John Winthrop the younger was granted to have letters of Commendation where he should finde liberty to enioy the Ordinances of Christ in England.
- The like for our brother Mr Willyam Hibbens.
- Mrs Elizabeth Stone lately Called Mrs Elizabeth Allen, but now the wife of Mr Samuell Stone the teacher of the Church of Hartford in Conecticott was granted letters of Recomendation thether.
- The like to Mrs Elizabeth Makepeace lately called Mrs Elizabeth Mellowes but now the wife of Mr Makepeace of Dorchester, unto that Church there.
- [18]
The 8th Day of the 6th Moneth 1641.
- Sarah Judkyn the wife of one Job Judkyn.
The 15th Day of the 6th Moneth 1641.
- Hannah Hawkins the wife of one Thomas Hawkins a baker.
- Martha Hammond maidservant to our brother Mr Edward Hutchinson.
- Our brother Mr Edward Buckley was by the Churches silence72 consented to be dismissed to the Church at Concord upon his and their desire.73
The 22th Day of the 6th Moneth 1641.
- Susana Cooke one of our brother Mr Haulghes maid servants.
- Our brother Captaine John Underhill and our sister Helena his wife were this day granted letters of Recommendation to the Church at Exeter.
The 29th Day of the 6th Moneth 1641.
- Grace Sherman the wife of our brother Samuel Sherman.
The 5th Day of the 7th Moneth 1641.
- Thomas Snow a barber and George Barrell a cooper.
The 12th Day of the 7th Moneth 1641.
- Joan Jay the wife of one Thomas Jay a house carpenter.
The 19th Day of the 7th Moneth 1641.
- Joan Scottoe the wife of our brother Thomas Scottoe and John Search a weaver.
The 26th Day of the 7th Moneth 1641.
- Abraham Hackburne a shoomaker.
The 10th Day of the 8th Moneth 1641.
- Margery Mathewes widdow.
- Whereas our brother James Mattocke on the 23th day of the 12th Moneth 1639, was Cast out of the Church for suspiciously and Offensively frequenting the Company of one Whittakers wife, and for being sundry times drunken and sundry other offensive carryages. He is this day upon his publike pœnitentiall acknowledgment thereof restored againe to the Fellowship of the Church, and for that he hath soe written to such as were offended with him in England for the same Offences.
The 6th Day of the 9th Moneth 1641.
- Rachel Woodward the wife of one Robert Woodward a carpenter.
- Joanna Davisse the wife of our brother James Davisse.
- Helen Codde one of our pastor Mr John Wilsons maid servants.
- John Ingolsby a singleman.
The 21th Day of the 9th Moneth 1641.
- Philip Ryse a taylor.
The 5th Day of the 10th Moneth 1641.
- Our brother John Milles and our sister Susan his wife and also our brother Richard Brackitt and our sister Alice his wife were granted by the Church to have letters of Recommendation to the Church at Braintree.
The 1st Day of the 11th Moneth 1641.
- Richard Taylor a singleman and a taylor.
- Hugh Willyams a singleman and an hatter.
- Mary Coy one of our brother Mr Haulghes maid servants.
The 29th Day of the 11th Moneth 1641.
- Samson Shore a taylor.
- John Guttridge a taylor.
- Katherine Search the wife of our brother John Search.
- Alice Lisle the wife of our brother Francis Lisle.
The 20th Day of the 12th Moneth 1641.
- Anne Leveritt the daughter of our brother Thomas Leveritt.
The 26th Day of the 1st Moneth 1642.
- Thomas Foster the gunner.
- Samuel Grame a peuterer.
- Edward Goodden a laborer.
- Richard Knight a slater.
- John Baker a husbandman.
The 3d Day of the 2d Moneth 1642.
- Johanna Andrewes our brother George Burdons maid servant. and
- Anna Hudson the wife of one James Hudson a laborer.
The 10th Day of the 2d Moneth 1642.
- Robert Willyams a laborer.
- Nicholis Charlett servant to our brother John Mylam.
- [19]
The 17th Day of the 2d Moneth 1642.
- Daniell Briscoe the sonne of our brother Willyam Briscoe.
- Elizabeth Howin the wife of our brother Robert Howin.
The 24th Day of the 2d Moneth 1642.
- Richard Crichley a blacksmyth.
The 8th Day of the 3d Moneth 1642.
- John Cogan the sonne of Mr John Cogan.
- Our brother Richard Brackett was granted by the Church to be Dismissed to the Church at Braintree at their desire of him unto the Office of a Deacon amongst them.
The 15th Day of the 3d Moneth 1642.
- Grace Seaberry the wife of one John Seaberry a planter.
- Elizabeth Low the wife of one John Low a wheelewright.
- Mrs Elizabeth Winthropp the wife of our brother Mr Adam Winthropp.
- Dinah Knight the wife of our brother Richard Knight.
The 19th Day of the 4th Moneth 1642.
- Mr Samuell Poole a marchant.
- Our brother Mr Beniamin Keayne being now a setled inhabitant at Lynne, and well approoving the administration of holy things in the Church there, is granted by the Church to be Dismissed thether according to his desire.
The 17th Day of the 5th Moneth 1642.
- Our sister Hester Ward now wife to Richard Kettle of Charlstowne hath letters of Recomendation graunted unto her to the Church at Charls Towne.
The 7th Day of the 6th Moneth 1642.
- Our sister Anne Hett sometimes called Anne Needham and now the wife of one Thomas Hett of Hinngham was in open Assembly by our pastor with the Consent of the Church by their silence, Excommunicated out of the Church, for open blasphemus speeches of hatred against God, and for sundry scandalous attempts of drowning one of her Children, and likewise for her stubborne unrulinesse with her husband, as also for her Inordinate idle walking in her Calling, and further also for her willfull Contempt of Gods holy Ordinances.
The 18th Day of the 7th Moneth 1642.
- Our sister Francis Clarke now wife of Mr John Rayner teacher of the Church of Plumworth74 hath letters of Recommendation and Dismission granted her unto the Church of Plumworth.
The 18th Day of the 7th Moneth 1642.
- Mr Nehemiah Bourne upon Letters of Dismission from our Sister Church of Dorchester and upon his open declaring of his Condition and profession of his Faith in the Church was Admitted a member with us.
The 25th Day of the 7th Moneth 1642.
- John Compton laborer upon Letters of Dismission from our Sister Church of Rocksbury and upon his open declaring of his Condicon and profession of his Faith in the Publique Assembly.
The 2d Day of the 8th Moneth 1642.
- Hannah Bourne the wife of our brother Nehemiah Bourne upon Letters of Dismission from Dorchester and the declaring of her Condition to the Elders in private was admitted Member.
The 8th Day of the 8th Moneth 1642.
- Mary Rawlings the wife of one Richard Rawlings a plasterer.
- Myles Tarne a letherdresser.
- Willyam Toy a laborer.
- Robert Wing a laborer.
- Mary Fletcher the wife of our brother Edward Fletcher.
- Willyam Blanton a carpenter.
- Mary Freind widdow.
The 9th Day of the 8th Moneth 1642.
- Alice Sharpe one of our brother Mr Willyam Tings maidservants.
- Deborah Thwing the wife of one Beniamin Thwing a joyner.
The 20th Day of the 9th Moneth 1642.
- Our brother Edward Bates was by our pastor in open Assembly with the Consent of the Church by their silence75 Excomunicated out of the Church for sundry scandalous thefts Committed by him and for many lyes and uncleane dallyances with another mans wife.
The 27th Day of the 9th Moneth 1642.
- Anne the wife of our Elder Mr Thomas Oliver upon letters of dismission from Dorchester.
- Mrs Katherine Earing widdow, and Arthur Gill a shipcarpenter and Anne his wife upon letters from the same Church.
- Mary the wife of our brother Edward Bendall and Elizabeth the wife of our brother Alexander Beck sometime called Elizabeth Hinde upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Roxberry.
- Anne the wife of our brother George Bate upon letters of Dismission from Exeter Church all of them having declared their Conditions to the Elders in private were admitted Members with the Churches consent by their silence.76
- [20]
The 25th Day of the 12th Moneth 1642.
- Isack Cullymore an house carpenter.
- Susan the wife of our brother John Compton.
- Jane Harwood the wife of one George Harwood an house carpenter.
- Sarah Nash the wife of one Robert Nash a butcher.
- Mr Nicholis Parker and Anne his wife
- upon letters of Dismission from the Church of Roxbury having declared their Conditions to the Elders in private, were this day admitted Members with the Churches consent by their silence.77
The 18th Day of the 1st Moneth 1643.
- Alice Place the wife of one Peter Place laborer.
- Strong Furnell a shipcarpenter.
- Richard Rawlings a plasterer.
- George Clifford servant to our brother Thomas Buttall.
The 19th Day of the 1st Moneth 1643.
- Margaret Cade the wife of one James Cade.
- Susan Evylith the wife of one Silvester Evylith a baker.
The 25th Day of the 1st Moneth 1643.
- Mr Thomas Foule merchant.
- Anne Barrell the wife of our brother George Barrell.
- Susan Sellice the wife of one David Sellicke.
- Elizabeth Clarke the wife of our brother Thomas Clarke.
The 9th Day of the 2d Moneth 1643.
- John Sinderland parchment maker.
- Robert Mader servant to our brother Willyam Francklyn.
The 22th Day of the 2d Moneth 1643.
- Margaret Cullymore the wife of our brother Isack Cullymore.
- John Arnould plasterer a singleman.
The 23th Day of the 2d Moneth 1643.
- Ellen Partridge the wife of one Nathaniell Partridge taylor.
- Anne Porter the wife of our brother Abell Porter.
The 7th Day of the 3d Moneth 1643.
- Marie Woodhouse the wife of Richard Woodhouse fisherman.
The 21th Day of the 3d Moneth 1643.
- Samuell Oliver the sonne of our Elder Mr Thomas Oliver.
- Nathaniell Partridge a taylor.
The 28th Day of the 3d Moneth 1643.
- Our brother Zacheus Bosworth was in open Assembly by our pastor with the Consent of the Church by their silence openly Cast out of the Church for being excessively drunken by carelesse inordinate drinking of wine even unto bruitishe drunkenesse, and unto grosse open scandalousnesse.
The 4th Day of the 4th Moneth 1643.
- Jeremiah Moore a singleman following husbandry.
The 10th Day of the 4th Moneth 1643.
- Prudence Guttridge the wife of our brother John Guttridge.
- Katherine Dowse the wife of our brother Francis Dowse.
- Beniamin Negoose an husbandman.
- Joan Harvy the wife of Willyam Harvy a tanner.
- Susan Rogers the wife of Simon Rogers a shoomaker.
- Rose Fletcher widdowe.
The 11th Day of the 4th Moneth 1643.
- Mary Burnell the wife of Willyam Burnell.
- Mary Bird the wife of one Simon Bird.
The 18th Day of the 4th Moneth 1643.
- Henry Evans a husbandman.
- Mary Hudson the wife of Francis Hudson a fisherman.
- Joan Greeneslade a singlewoman.
- Milcha Snow the wife of our brother Thomas Snow.
- Alice Stevens the wife of Henry Stevens stone mason.
- Dorothie Knight the wife of Mautlyn Knight laborer.
The 23th Day of the 5th Moneth 1643.
- Whereas our sister Anne Hett on the 7th day of the 6t Moneth 1642 was Cast out of the Church for open blasphemous speeches of hatred against God, and for sundry scandalous Attempts to drown her Children, and likewise for her stubborne unrulinesse with her husband, as allso for her Inordinate idle walking in her Calling, and further allsoe for her willfull contempt of Gods Ordinances, She is this day upon hir publike pœnitentiall acknowledgement thereof restored againe to the Fellowship of the Church.
The 30th Day of the 5th Moneth 1643.
- Abigaill Oliver the daughter of our Elder Mr Thomas Oliver.
The 27th Day of the 6th Moneth 1643.
- Our sister Mrs Katharine Mathewes the wife of Mr Marmaduke Mathewes was by the Churches silence granted to be Dismissed to the Church at Yarmoth.
The 10th Day of the 7th Moneth 1643.
- Our brethren John Gage and Thomas Howlett having now for sundry years Inhabited at Ipswich and desireing letters of Dismission to the Church there have the same granted unto them with the Churches Consent by their silence.
The 1st Day of the 8th Moneth 1643.
- Our sister Ellen Pell late maidservant unto our brother Mr Atherton Haulgh had according to hir desire, with the Churches Consent by their silence letters of Recommendation granted unto her unto the Church at Rowley whether she went in a way of marryage.
- [21]
The 5th Day of the 8th Moneth 1643, being a publique fast day.
- Our brother Zacheus Bosworth was upon his Repentance openly professed for the sinne, for which he was formerly Cast out of the Church now againe Received into the fellowship thereof upon the Consent of the Church thereunto by their silence.
The 2d Day of the 10th Moneth 1643.
- Ellenor Rowe widdow.
- Sarah Colbron the daughter of our Deacon Mr Willyam Colbron.
- Sarah Clark the wife of one Arthur Clarke.
- John Lake a taylor.
- Joan English the wife of our brother Mauditt English and Arthur Clark a dismissed member from the Church of Hampton, taken in with the Consent of the Church by their silence. He having declared his Condition to the Elders in private.
The 17th Day of the 12th Moneth 1643.
- Beniamin Thwing a joyner.
- Robert Turner a shoomaker.
- Thomas Marshall a taylor.
- Elizabeth Harding one of our brother Captaine Edward Gibons maidservants and
- John Harryson a roper and Grace his wife—
- both of them Dismissed members from the Church of Salsbury and Received with the Consent of this Church by their silence and having allso declared their Conditions to the Elders in private.
The 18th Day of the same 12th Moneth.
- Elizabeth Pury the wife of our brother Arthure Pury.
- Joan Anter a maid servant of one Mr Martin Holman of Biddiford in Devonshire England.
The 24th Day of the 12th Moneth 1643.
- Simon Birde of Rumley Marsh laborer.
- Hermon Atwood servant to our brother Buttall.
- Nathaniell Bushopp a curryer.
- Edward Wytheridge a marryner.
- Our brother Gyles Firman was granted with the Consent of the Church by their silence, to have letters of Dismission to the Church at Ipswich where he hath long Inhabited.
- Our brother Mr Richard Bellingham and our sister Penelope his wife, before called Penelope Pellham, with like Consent of the Church had letters of Recomendation granted to the Church at Rowley.
The 3d Day of the 1st Moneth 1644.
- John Wilson the sonne of our pastor Mr John Wilson.
The 10th Day of the 1st Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Grace Negoose now the wife of Barnaby Fawer of Dorchester had by the Churches silence letters of Recommendation to the Church at Dorchester as she Desired.
The 17th Day of the 1st Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Joan Greeneslade now the wife of one James Averitt of Gloster had granted hir by the Churches silence letters of Recomendation to the Church at Gloster.
- Also our brother Mr Daniell Maude had letters of Dismission granted him to the Church at Dover.
The 23th Day of the 1st Moneth 1644.
- Sarah Willyams the wife of our brother Hugh Willyams.
- Sarah Bodman the wife of one John Bodman a shoomaker.
- John Stevenson a cobler.
- Amy Evans the wife of our brother Henry Evans upon letters of Dismission from the Church of Rocksbury and having declared hir spirituall Condition to the Elders.
- Captaine Thomas Hawkins and Mary his wife
- Jeremiah Howchin and Hester his wife
- David Zallecke and George Halsall and Elizabeth his wife
- All of them upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Dorchester and having declared their spirituall estates to the Elders in private.
The 31th Day of the 1st Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Joan Anter had with the Consent of the Church by their silence letters of Recomendation graunted unto hir unto the Church at Rowley.
The 7th Day of the 2d Moneth 1644.
- Thomas Webber a marryner.
- Willyam Webb and Rebeka his wife
- upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Roksbury having declared their spirituall estates to the Elders in private.
- Henry Bridgeham a singleman upon like letters from the Church at Dorchester.
The 14th Day of the 2d Moneth 1644.
- Robert Feild a taylor.
- Mercie Smith the wife of our brother John Smith.
The 20th Day of the 2d Moneth 1644.
- Willy am Parsons a joyner.
- Timothy Prout a ship carpenter.
- Roger Towle servant to our brother Mr Webb.
The 21th Day of the 2d Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Helen Pell now wife to one John Bointon a member of the Church of Rowly at her desire is dismissed thither.
- [22]
The 28th Day of the 2d Moneth 1644.
- Our brother Edward Bates upon his Repentance openly Confessed for the Sinnes for the which he formerly was Cast out of the Church was againe Received into the Fellowship thereof, with their Consent therunto by their silence.
The 12th Day of the 3d Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Susan Evylith had with the Consent of the Church by their silence letters of Recommendation granted unto the Church at Glocester.
The 26th Day of the 3d Moneth 1644.
- Captaine Daniell Gookin.
- Mrs Judith Winthroppe the wife of our brother Mr Stephen Winthropp.
- Johanna Coppe the daughter of our brother Willyam Coppe.
The 2d Day of the 4th Moneth 1644.
- Our brother John Hansett with the Consent of the Church by their silence, had letters of Recommendation granted unto him to the Church at Rocksbury.
- Our sister Alice French the wife of Thomas Howlett of Ipswich and lately Dismissed from us unto the Church of Christ att Ipswich at hir own Desire hath letters of Dismission granted hir unto that Church with the Consent of our Church by their silence.
- Our brother Thomas Marshall the taylor was in open Assembly with the Consent of the Church by their silence, Excommunicate, or Cast out of it by our pastor for many lyes and much unfaithfullnesse in his Dealing.
The 30th Day of the 4th Moneth 1644.
- Our brother Nathaniell Partridge taylor in open Assembly with the Consent of the Church by their silence, was Cast out of the Church by our Elder Oliver for sundry lyes and periuryes.
The 14th Day of the 5th Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Judeth Garnett now the wife of one Robert Shelley a member of the Church of Barnestable hath (according to hir desire) letters of Dismission granted hir unto that Church with the Consent of our Church by their silence.
The 28th Day of the 5th Moneth 1644.
- Willyam Davisse an apothacary.
- Elizabeth Skuddar our brother Gamaliell Waytes maid.
- Nicholas Upsall and Dorathie his wife
- upon letters of Dismission from the Church of Dorchester and having declared their Conditions to the Elders.
- Mary Payton the wife of Bezaliell Payton marryner upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Sandwich and having declared hir Condition to the Elders.
The 20th Day of the 6th Moneth 1644 by Mr Oliver.78
- George Davisse a blacksmith.
- Sarah Parker the wife of one John Parker shoomaker.
- Mary Seborne the wife of one John Seborne taylor.
- Mary Coffyn our brother Mr Fowles maidservant.
The 18th Day of the 6th Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Mary Bonner now the wife of Mr Danyell Mawd teacher of the Church at Dover, at hir desire hath letters of Dismission granted hir unto that Church of Dover.
The 25th Day of the 6th Moneth 1644 by Mr Oliver.
- Nicholis Baxter a marryner.
The 1st Day of the 7th Moneth 1644 by my self.79
- Samuel Bright servant to our brother John Sweete.
- Simon Rogers upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Concord and having declared his spirituall Condition to the Elders at one of their meetings.
The 7th Day of the 7th Moneth 1644 by my self.
- Bezaliel Payton a marryner.
- Johannah Blott a maid servant to our Deacon Mr Valentine Hill.
- Mr Willyam Durand.
- Mrs Mary Gookin our brother Captaine Gookins wife.
The 12th Day of the 8th Moneth 1644 by Mr Oliver.
- Rebekah Windsore the wife of one Robert Windsore a turner.
- Samuell Haulgh the sonne of our brother Mr Atherton Haulgh.
- Mr James Smith a shipmaster and Thomas Grundy a saylor his servant.
The 27th Day of the 8th Moneth 1644 by Mr Oliver.
- Our brother Arthur Clark was in open Assembly by our Elder Mr Oliver with the Consent of the Church by their silence Cast out of it for scandalously stealing many gallons of wine out of a pipe of wine, and corrupting the rest by filling it up with beare and also stealing wine out of other vessells partly selling of it and with part thereof distempering himselfe unto drunkenesse and likewise for extenuating his falshood therein with some lyinge.
The 10th Day of the 9th Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Elizabeth Skuddar with the Consent of the Church by their silence was granted to have letters of Recommendation to the Church at Barstable.
The 17th Day of the 9th Moneth 1644.
- Our sister Bettrice Hall now the wife of one Georg Bullward of Watertowne with the Consent of the Church by their silence, was granted to have letters of Recommendation to the Church att Water Towne.
The 19th Day of the 10th Moneth 1644 being a fast day.
- Our brother Nathaniell Partridge upon his Repentance openly professed for the Sinnes for which he was formerly Cast out of the Church was now againe Received into the fellowship thereof with the Consent of the Church by their silence.
The 28th Day of the 10th Moneth 1644 by Mr Oliver.
- Richard Ponting an husbandman.
- Richard Webbe a shoomaker.
- Robert Blott and Susan his wife
- upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Charle Towne having declared their spirituall Condicion to the Elders in private at their private meeting.
- Richard Lippincott and Abigall his wife
- in like sort upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Dorchester.
- [23]
The 15th Day of the 1st Moneth 1645 by my self.
- Margery Davisse a widdow at our brother Burdens.
- Elizabeth Orrys the wife of one George Orrys a blacksmith.
- Mr Willyam Foster and Susanna his wife.
The 22th Day of the 1st Moneth 1645 by my self.
- Edmond Grosse a Seafaring man and Katherine his wife.
- Lorence Dowse a carpenter.
- Edward Devosion a singleman.
- Alice Lacock the wife of one Lawrence Lacock a shipcarpenter.
- Mary Webb the wife of our brother Richard Webb.
The 30th Day of the 1st Moneth 1645.
- Our sister Judith Quinsey now Called Judith Paine widdow had by the silence of the Church letters of Recommendation granted to the Church at Braintree where shee Inhabiteth.
- Also our sister Alice Sharp now the wife of one Peter Aspinwall of Dorchester had letters of Recommendation granted unto her to the Church at Dorchester.
The 8th Day of the 4th Moneth 1645.
- Our sister Johanna Blott now the wife of one Daniel Lovitt of Braintree, at her desire had letters of Recommendation granted by the silence of the Church unto the Church at Braintree.
The 14th Day of the 4th Moneth 1645 by Mr Oliver.
- Anne Hide the wife of one George Hide ship carpenter.
- Mary Keysar the wife of one Thomas Keysar shipmaster.
- Faith Newell maid servant to our brother Mr Robert Scott.
- John Barrell a cooper.
The 6th Day of the 5th Moneth 1645.
- Our brother Willyam Lytherland (though absent from the Church and not comeing thereunto being sent unto by one of the Elders in word of mouth by our brother Mr Willyam Harding) was with the Consent of the Church by their silence (they being then Assembled together) by the Elder Mr Leveritt in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ Cast out of the Church for the Cryme confessed in his letter to the Church, namely for comitting Adultery with his maidservant, by whom he hath had a base child thereupon.
The 3d Day of the 6th Moneth 1645.
- Our brother Henry Dawson was in open Assembly Cast out of the Church by our Elder Mr Oliver, In the name and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and with the Consent of the Church by their silence, for wanton dallyances with the wife80 of our brother Willyam Hudson the younger, and for scandalous goeing into bedd to hir and lying in bedd with hir.
The 14th Day of the 7th Moneth 1645.
- Our brother Arthur Clarke upon his Repentance openly professed for the Sinnes for which he was Excommunicate out of the Church, was now againe (by Elder Leveritt) Received into the fellowship thereof, with the Consent of the Church by their Silence.
The 4th Day of the 8th Moneth 1645 by my self.
- Alexander Baker a ropemaker and Elizabeth Baker his wife.
- Mr John Checkley merchant.
- Mary Chappell widow.
- Joan Buckminster the wife of Thomas Buckminster.
- Mary Reynolds the wife of our brother Robert Reynoulds.
- Katherine Charlett the wife of our brother Nicholys Charlett.
- Jane Stert widdow late the wife of one Willyam Stertt.
More the same 4th Day of the 8th Moneth 1645.
- Elizabeth Wayte the wife of our brother Richard Wayte upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Newbury with the consent of our Church taken by their silence, she having Related her spirituall Condition to the Elders in their private meeting.
- Florence Chapman widdow likewise in like sort upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Brantree. As also Thomas Buckminster laborer upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Situate.
The 29th Day of the 9th Moneth 1645 by my self.
- Mr Willyam Philpott a salt maker.
- Mary Kibby the wife of one Edward Kibby a sawyer.
- Martha Stanbury the wife of Thomas Stanbury laborer.
- Alice Critchley the wife of our brother Richard Critchley.
- Elizabeth Wilebore the wife of our brother Samuell Wilbore.
The 26th Day of the 10th Moneth 1645.
- Our brother Willyam Francklyn was in open Assembly by our Elder Mr Olyver, with the Consent of the Church by their silence, Cast out of the Church for Rigarous and Cruell Correction to his servants, and for sundry lyes in his being dealt with all about it, both pryvately and publiquely.
The 28th Day of the 10th Moneth 1645.
- Our brother Mr Richard Hutchinson 2nd according to his Desire by letters was Dismissed to the Church of Christ whereof Mr Thomas Goodwyn is pastor81 with the Consent of our Church by their silence.
The 7th Day of the 12th Moneth 1645.
- Our brother George Clifford in the Name of our Lord Jesus, and with the Consent of the Church by their silence, was by our Elder Mr Oliver openly Admonished for presumptuously undertaking unto Mr Woory a Member of the Church of Charl Towne more than he was able to performe, and for dealing unfaithfully and falsly in what he was betrusted with.
The 1st Day of the 1st Moneth 1646.
- Our brother Thomas Marshall the taylor upon his Repentance openly confessed for the Sinnes for which he was Excomunicate out of the Church, was now againe by Elder Leveritt with the Consent of the Church by their silence, againe received into the Fellowship thereof.
The 7th Day of the 1st Moneth 1646.
- Mr Nathaniell Duncan and Elizabeth his wife and Barnabas Fawer.
- upon letters of Dismission from the Church of Dorchester having declared their spiritual Condicon to the Elders in private at their private meeting.
- Willyam Douglesse a cooper and Anne his wife.
- Elizabeth Turner the wife of our brother Robert Turner shoomaker.
- Grace Rickes the wife of Willyam Rickes weaver.
- Jane Thomas the wife of our brother Evan Thomas.
The 8th Day of the 1st Moneth 1646.
- Our sister Joan Anter now the wife of one [John]82 Hesletine a Member of the Church of Rowley with the Consent of the Church by their silence, had letters of Dismission granted her unto the Church at Rowley according to hir desire by letter.
The 4th Day of the 2d Moneth 1646.
- John Collins a shoomaker.
- Peter Place a laborer.
- Christian Wornam the wife of one Willyam Wornam.
- Abigall Mountague the wife of one Richard Mountague and Dorothie Sinderland the wife of our brother John Sinderland also Mrs Susanna Haulgh the wife of our brother Mr Atherton Haulgh upon letters of Dismission from the Church att Wells.
- [24]
The 26th Day of the 2d Moneth 1646.
- Our brother Thomas Marshall the taylor had granted unto him letters of Recommendation to the Church at New-haven.
The 2d Day of the 3d Moneth 1646.
- Mr Isack Waker a marchant.
- Margarett Prout the wife of our brother Timothie Prout.
The 31th Day of the 3d Moneth 1646.
- Bartholmew Cheyver a shoomaker.
- Alexander Adams a shipcarpenter.
- Abigall Shore the wife of our brother Samson Shore.
- Sarah Purchase our brother Olivers daughter in law.
- Margarett Browne our brother Willyams maidservant.
- Agnes Keayne the wife of one Willyam Keayne.
- Elizabeth Smith the wife of one Francis Smith and Samuell Davis upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Water Towne having declared his Condicion to the Elders at their private meeting and being accepted of the Church by their silence.
The 5th Day of the 5th Moneth 1646 by my self.
- Our brother83 Mr Robert Maskall with the Consent of the Church by their silence had letters of Dismission granted him unto the Church of Christ at Dover in England according to his desire thereof.
- Our brother Simon Bird was in the name of our Lord Jesus with the Consent of the Church Excommunicated out of the Church by our Elder Leveritt for filthie uncleane Dallyances with his maid servant.
- Likewise our brother Nicholas Charlett was Excomunicated out of the Church, for breaking open another mans Chest with intent to steale out of it.
- Our brother Anthony Colby according to his Desire had letters of Dismission granted unto him with the Consent of the Church by their silence unto the Church at Salsbury.
- Our brother Willyam Francklyn upon his Repentance openly confessed for the Sinnes for which he was formerly Excomunicated out of the Church was now againe by Elder Leveritt with the Churches consent by their silence Restored into the fellowship thereof.
The 6th Day of the 7th Moneth 1646.
- Our Elders with three of the brethren, namely Mr Willyam Aspinwall, Thomas Marshall and James Everill were sent forth (according to the minde of the greater part of the Church Declared by lifting up their hands) as the Churches Messengers, unto the Assembly of Churches in this Cuntry then held at Cambridge to Consult, Conferre and to Consider of sundry Quæstions and Cases of Conscience touching Christian Religion and the Practise thereof in these Churches.84
The 20th Day of the 7th Moneth 1646.
- Our brother John Baker with the Consent of the Church by their silence, and according to his owne Desire, had letters of Dismission graunted him unto the Church at Gorgiana85 in Agamenticus.
- Our brother George Clifford upon his open professed Repentance to the Churches acceptance by its silence, was discharged of the Admonission for his offenc in Mr Wooryes occasions.
The 4th Day of the 8th Moneth 1646.
- Our brother Willyam Francklyn In the name of the Lord Jesus and with the Consent of the Church by lifting up their hands was by Elder Oliver in open Assembly Cast out of the Church for extortion, deceipt, and lying in and about Iron Worke which he made for one Mr Jacob a Dutchman.
The 18th Day of the 8th Moneth 1646.
- Our brother Henry Dawson upon his open pœnitentiall acknowledgment of his Sinnes for which he was cast out of the Church, was now by our Elder Oliver with the Consent of the Church by their silence Restored againe into the fellowship thereof.
The 22th Day of the 9th Moneth 1646 by Elder Leverit.
- Our sister Mrs Sarah Keayne was in the name of the Lord Jesus, with the Consent of the Church in open Assembly Admonished of hir Irregular prophesying in mixt Assemblies and for Refusing ordinarily to heare in the Churches of Christ.
The 11th Day of the 2d Moneth 1647 by Elder Oliver.
- Hannah Hannifall the wife of John Hannifall.
The 17th Day of the 2d Moneth 1647 by Elder Oliver.
- Willyam Thorne a laborer.
- Thomas Sautell one of our teachers servants.
- Anna Davis the wife of our brother Samuell Davis.
- Alice Topping the wife of our brother Richard Topping.
- Mary Hannes the wife of Marke Hannes a smith.
- Ruth Willyams our Sister Messengers maidservant.
- Mr Simon Eyres upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Water Towne having declared his Condicon to the Elders in private.
The 9th Day of the 3d Moneth 1647 by my self.
- Joan Edwards the wife of Ryce Edwards a joyner.
- Anne Lincoln the wife of Robert Lincoln a laborer.
- Hannah Blanchard the wife of Willyam Blanchard a taylor.
The 15th Day of the 3d Moneth 1647 by my self.
- Willyam Cotton a butcher.
- Eunice Kobards the wife of Thomas Robards a hatter.
- Bridgett Pease the wife of our brother Henry Pease.
- Mr John Hill a merchant.
- Mrs Mary Hill the wife of our Decon Mr Valentine Hill.
- George Muniay a shipcarpenter.
- Mrs Anne Manning the wife of Mr John Manning merchant.
- Mary Dodd the wife of George Dodd a marryner.
- Mrs Margarett Sheafe the wife of Mr Jacob Sheafe a Merchant.
- Sarah Gunnyson the wife of our brother Hugh Gunnyson.
- Willyam Reade and Susannah his wife
- upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Waymoth having declared their Conditions to the Elders in private
- for their spintuall estes.
The 23th Day of the 3d Moneth 1647 by my self.
- Henry Allen a Joyner.
- Susanna Sweete the wife of our brother John Sweete and Mary Sennitt the wife of Waters Sennitt a Fisherman.
- Our brother Mr James Smith in the Name and power of the Lord Jesus and with the Consent of the Church by their silence was in open Assembly by our
- it was in the Cuddy of [blank]86 out of which he untruly said brother Grosse went out
- Elder Leveritt Excommunicated out of the Church for uncomely and uncleane fellowship with Anne Grosse the wife of our brother Isack Grosse and for sundry untruthes in his answers about it.
- [25]
The 11th Day of the 5th Moneth 1647.
- Our brethren James Penn, Thomas Marshall and James Everill were sent Messengers of the Church with letters and Instructions to the Church at Hingham with and by Consent and Agreement of our Church the 27th Day of the 4th Moneth 1647, and went the last Day of the same weeke, and on the Lords Day being this 11th Day of this 5th Moneth Returned this Answer from the Church at Hingham, That they Accepted their Message with thankes unto our Church for their brotherly Care over them and would take time to Consider what Answer to Returne.
The 22th Day of the 6th Moneth 1647 by Elder Oliver.
- Lydia Balstone the wife of one John Balstone a seaman.
- Barbarah Davisse the wife of our brother George Davisse.
- Mary Cogswell our brother Mr Richard Bellinghams maidservant.
- Lydia Turell the wife of one Daniell Turell a Smith.
The 26th Day of the 7th Moneth 1647.
- Our brother John Westgate at the Desire of the Church of Pulham Mary in Norffolk in England and his owne also was dismissed unto them with the Consent of the Church by their silence.
The 24th Day of the 8th Moneth 1647.
- Our Sister Mrs Sarah (sometimes the wife of Mr Beniamin Keayne but who Devorsed from Him) having beene formerly Admonished by the Church of her Irregular prophecying in mixt Assemblies, and Refusing ordinarily to heare in the Churches of Christ, and not Answering the Church therein, but falling into odious, lewd, and scandalous uncleane behaviour with one Nicholas Hart an Excommunicate person of Taunton, was by our pastor, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, with the Consent of the Church by their silence, and with the Power of the Lord Jesus, Excommunicated out of the Church.
The 27th Day of the 9th Moneth 1647 by Elder Leveritt.
- Lydia Oliver die wife of our brother Mr Samuell Oliver.
- Jane Critchley the wife of our brother Richard Critchley.
- Sarah Jempson the wife of James Jempson laborer and Mr Thomas Clark upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Dorchester having declared his spirituall Condicion at the Elders meeting.
The 5th Day of the 10th Moneth 1647.
- Our brother Willyam Halsall and our sister [Sarah]87 his wife had with the Consent of the Church by their silence letters of Recommendation granted unto them to the Church at Lynn being to dwell there for a season.
The 25th Day of the 10th Moneth 1647 by Elder Oliver.
- Mrs Rebekah Clarke the wife of Mr Chrystofer Clarke.
- Hannah Tuttell the daughter of our Deceased brother Richard Tuttell.
- Mrs Mary Fisher widdowe.
- James Pemerton a laborer.
- John Harwood a taylor.
- Mary Richardson the wife of Amos Richardson.
- Mrs Barbarah Stoddar the wife of our brother Mr Anthony Stoddar upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Rocksbury she having Declared hir spirituall Condicion at the Elders meeting.
The 23th Day of the 10th Moneth 1647.
- Our brother Alexander Adams and our sister Mary his wife with the Consent of the Church by their silence had letters of Recommendation granted them unto the Church at Dorchester for a season.
The 12th Day of the 1st Moneth 1648 by our Elder Mr Oliver.
- Mary Barrell the wife of our brother John Barrell.
- Lydia Drewry the wife of one Hugh Drewry a carpenter.
The 26th Day of the 1st Moneth 1648.
- Our sister Suzannah Cooke now the wife of one John Jenkins of Sandwych had (with the Consent of the Church by their silence) letters of Dismission granted hir unto the Church at Sandwych.
The 2d Day of the 2d Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Thomas Marshall Taylor now dwelling at New Haven (with the Consent of the Church by their silence) had letters of Dismission granted Him unto the Church at New Haven.
The 9th Day of the 2d Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Willyam Cheesebrough and our sister Anne his wife now dwelling at Rehoboth according to their Desire (with the Consent of the Church by their silence) had letters of Dismission granted them unto the Church at Rehoboth.
The 30th Day of the 2d Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Simon Bird upon his openly professed Repentance for his uncleane dallyances for which he was excommunicated out of the Church was now by our Elder Oliver in the name of Christ and with the Consent of the Church by their silence Restored unto the Fellowship thereof.
- Willyam Harvy a member of the Church at Tanton being Recommended to us by letters from thence, falling into Scandall by negligence in his Calling of a Tanner to the spoyling and wasting of many hydes Committed unto his trust which he laboured to Cover with many lyes and forgeryes, and not giving satisfaction to the brethren in private, and yet being publiquely convicted thereof before the Church by many witnesses, and his owne Confession, it was finally agreed upon by the Consent of the whole Church (which they voted by silence) that Letters should be sent to the Church at Tanton to informe them thereof, and meanewhile Himself warned to forbeare Communion with us at the Lords Table, untill the Lord might be pleased to help him to give better satisfaction.
The 7th Day of the 3d Moneth 1648 by Elder Leveritt.
- Hannah Bateman the wife of John Bateman a sawier.
- Hannah Bradly the wife of Richard Bradly shoemaker.
The 14th Day of the 3d Moneth 1648.
- Our sister Margery Davisse now the wife of Charles Grist a member of the Church att Braintree had granted unto her Letters of Recommendacion to that Church at Braintree.
The 27th Day of the 6th Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Willham Briscoe and our sister Sisely his wife had letters of Recommendation granted them unto the Church of Christ at Milford.
The 3d Day of the 7th Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Captaine Daniell Gookin and our sister Mrs Mary Gookin his wife were according to their owne Desires, with the Consent of the Church by their silence Dismissed to the Church at Cambridge and to have letters accordingly.
- [26]
The 8th Day of the 8th Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Nathaniel Woodward and our Sister Mary his wife according to their Desires had letters of Recommendacion granted them to the Church at Tanton.
The 15th Day of the 8th Moneth 1648 (by Elder Oliver).
- John Hull the Sonne of our brother Robert Hull.
- Henry Powning upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Dover having declared his Condicion to the Elders in their private meeting, also Abigail Atkinson the wife of our brother Theodore Atkinson upon letters of Dismission from the Church at Ipswich having likewise declared hir Condition.
The 29th Day of the 8th Moneth 1648.
- Our brother Mr John Wilson our pastors Sonne, at the Desire of the Church at Dorchester and of his owne also, was (with the Consent of our Church by their silence) granted unto to be Dismissed to the Fellowship and Ministery of that Church at Dorchester.88
The 19th Day of the 9th Moneth 1648 by Elder Leveritt.
- Mary Wilson the Daughter of our Pastor Mr John Wilson.
- Elizabeth Wilson also his Daughter, whoe was baptised in her infancie into the fellowship of the Church being now well testifyed off for hir good Conversation in Christ, and having given account of hir faith in Christ, as also professing hir laying hold of the Covenant, is admitted into full fellowship of the Church.
The 26th Day of the 9th Moneth 1648 by Elder Leverit.
- Mary Feild the wife of our brother Robert Feild.
- Annis Kerby the wife of one Willyam Kerby laborer.
The 8th Day of the 5th Moneth 1649.
- Our Sister Hannah Tuttell now the wife of one John Pantry of Hartford hath letters of Recommendation granted to the Church there.
The 23th Day of the 7th Moneth 1649.
- Our brother James Mattocke for Drunkenesse and Outrage thereupon on the Lords Day, was in the Name of the Lord, with the Consent of the Church by their silence Cast out of it.
The 27th Day of the 11th Moneth 1649.
- Our brother John Hurd with the Consent of the Church was in the Name of the Lord Cast out for Drunkennesse having had often warning thereof.
The 22th Day of the 12th Moneth 1649.
- Att a Church Meeting agreed upon by the Church to be on this Day for the needfull occasions thereof It was agreed upon by the Church then mett together that none of the members eyther of our owne Church or Recommended or Dismissed to the Church from any other should goe to law one with another without the Consent of our brethren the Maior Gibbon Mr Dunkan, Mr Stoddar James Penne and Thomas Marshall, but they shall answer for it unto the Church as an offence against it.
The 3d Day of the 1st Moneth 1650.
- Our brother Mr Samuel Haulgh was Dismissed to the worke of the Lord in the Ministerie at the Church of Reading according to their and his owne Desire.89
(It seems) Hitherto, in Elder Leverett’s Hand, who died Apr. 3, 1650.90 Vid. page 258.
The 28th Day of the 1st Moneth 1650.91
- Our Brother James Penn was chosen by the Church with a unanimus Consent to be a Messenger to goe and Distribut the Churches Contributions (to the poore Church of Christ that was banished from Bermudos for the Gospells sake to Segoton)92 And he was sent out to sea on the 13th day of the 3d moneth. And on the 17th day of the 4th moneth 1650 we arived at Segotea. where I found the people in wants, who when I had Given the Churches letters and Declared the end of ray coming they thanked god and the churches, and after on months stay with them we retorned backe and arived at Boston the 17th day of the 6th moneth 1650 and soe declared to the church the good hand of God upon us in our voyage which was matter of praise to God.93
Members Admitted the 2d Day of the 1st Moneth 1650.
- Mrs Sarah Wintrop wife to Mr Deane Winthorp.
- Ann Longe wife to Philip Longe.
The 9th Day of the 1st Moneth 1650.
- Willyam Winborne and Elizabeth his wife.
- Sara Harsey, the wife of Willyam Harsey.
- Richard Lippincot a member of the Church of Dorchester being Recommended from thence by letters to us and falling in a withdrawing from Communion with the Church was Admonished the 27th day of the 2d moneth 1651.
- Our Brother Francis Dowss acording to his desire and with the Consent of the church by their silence graunted him letters of Dismission unto the church of Charltone the 25th day of the 3d moneth 1651.
- Our sister Mary the wife of Richard Mountague by her owne Desire, and with the Consent of our church by theire silence Graunted letters of Dismission to the church at Wethersfeild the 25th day of the 3d moneth 1651.
- John Spurre for his insolent bearing witnes against Baptisme and singing and the church covenant as noe ordinances of god was with the Consent of the church admonished the 1st day of the 4th moneth 1651.
- Richard Lippincott for with Drawinge communion from the fellowship of the church, and being demaunded a ground of his so walking he would give none but sayd he wanted a commission to speake, whereuppon for not hearing the church in their convincing arguments, was excomunicate from the fellowship of the church the 6th day of the 5th moneth 1651 in the name of the Lord Jesus and with the consent of the church, being admonished twice before.
The 13th Day of the 5th Moneth 1651.
- Our brother John Spurre was in the publique Congregation with the Consent of the church by silence in the Name of the Lord excomunicated from the fellowship of the church: for his with Drawinge communion from the church at the Lords table and he professed he could hold noe more communion with the church as it stood and also questioned baptisme singing of psalmes and church covenant as being but humaine Inventions and thereby charged the church as supersticious idoliters and our officers as hipocrits and the ordinances of christ as humaine Inventions by the scriptures he brought as in the 17 of Acts 16 and 22 vers., 15 Mat. 7–9 vers., Col. 2:21
- [27] and being asked if he would give his Groundes why he withdrewe from the fellowship of the church (he answered if the church would give a reason of there disorderly admonishing of him before) that instead of givinge satisfaction he made his offence the greater. James Richards and Robert Samford was admitted the 27th day of the 5th moneth 1651.
- Henry Blague and Elizabeth his wife upon letters of Dismission from the church at Braintry there Condition declared to the Elders was accepted the 3d day of the 6th moneth 1651.
- Our Brother Nichlis Upsall being cald before the church to Give a reason why he withheld communion with the church at the lords table would give noe Ground for his actions and therefore with consent of the church by Silence was admonished the 10th day of the 6th moneth 1651.
- Our sister Joan Avery with the Consent of the whole church was dismist unto the church of christ at Pekot94 on the 31st day of the 6th moneth 1651.
- An Burden our sister In the Name of the Lord Jesus and with the consent of the church was excomunicated the 28th day of the 7th moneth 1651, and the cause thereof arose from her withdrawing from the fellowship of the church at the Lords table, and being delt withall by brethren shee would Give no Reason of it, save only shee was Commanded silence from the lord and being Called before the Church: she refused to Come, and sayd she could not ioyne with the church in any thinge. shee being called before the church a 2ond time shee Refused to Come any more to heare the church, and therefore the church reiected her.
- Our sister Jane Harwood wife of George Harwood upon her Request with the Consent of the Church was Dismist unto the church of christ at Pequot95 the 26th day of the 8th moneth 1651.
- Our Brother Nichlis Upsall being Admonished for his with Drawing communion from fellowship with the church and being called before the church to Give a Reason of his actions in denieng all the ordenances of christ in the church Refused to Come and heare the church: was then in the Name of the Lord Jesus with the consent of the church excommonicat from the fellowship of the church the 7th day of the 10th moneth 1651.
- Mr Joseph Rocke, Thomas Emans and Martha His wife was Admitted members the 18th day of the 11th moneth 1651.
- John Moose Admitted a member the 25th day of the 11th moneth 1651.
- Heniry Stevens, Ann Atwood, Lucye Weight and Wm Browne dismissed from Salem relateinge his condition before the Elders was admitted a member with the rest on the 8th day of the 12th moneth 1651.
- Susan Allin wife to George Allin, Marye Stevens wife to Heniry Stevens, John Merion and Sara his wife was admitted members the 15th day of the 12th moneth 1651.
The 4th Moneth 1652 [and] the 1st Moneth 1653.
- Our Teacher Mr John Cotton and Pastor Mr John Wilson, Capt. John Leveret and Deacon Thomas Marshall were chossen messengers by the common consent of the church on the 25th day of the 2d moneth 1652, at the request of the Church of Malden to be Assistant to them in the agitation of such matters as the cause would require by reason that foure other churches were sent by the Governor and Counsell to deale with that Church uppon some offence Conceived they had given.96
- Our Brother Willyam Francklin upon his acknowledgment in the publique face of the Congregation of his sinn whereby he had exersissed covetousness prid and frowardnes: was accepted into the station of a brother againe by the silent consent of the Church the 4th day of the 5th moneth 1652.
- Our Brother John Hurd upon his acknowledgment in the pubique face of the Congregation of his sinn of Drunkennesse was accepted into the fellowship of a brother againe by the silent Consent of the Church the 15th day of the 6th moneth 1652.
- Our brother James Mattocke upon his confession of his sinn of Drunkennes and Declaration of his repentance was by the silent Consent of the Church received into theire fellowship againe, being long excommunicat from them: on the 13th day of the 1st moneth 1653.
- Ezekiell Everill sonne of our brother James Everill of the age of 16 yeares borne and baptized into the fellowship of the Covenant for his choosing evill Company and frequenting a howse of ill report and that at unseasonable times with bad persons was called before the church and admonished the 3d day of the 2d moneth 1653. Vid. p. 28, col. 2d.97
- Our Sister Ann Hett according to her owne desire had letters of Dismission to the church of Mawlden the 6th day of the 2d moneth 1653.
- Judith Hull wife of our brother John Hull Christian Allisson and Mistres Tinker Goody Cowell was admitted members the 19th day of the 4th moneth 1653.
- Our brother Heniry Evines for drunkennes and uncleane adulterous Carages thereupon on the lords day was in the Name of the Lord with the Consent of the Church by theire silence cast out of it the 26th day of the 4th moneth 1653.
- Our Sister Agnes Keeny uppon her owne desire and with the consent of the Church graunted her Letter of dismission unto the Church at Pequot98 the 10th day of the 5th moneth 1653.
- Our brother Nathaniell Woodward and our sister Mary his wife according to theire desires had letters of dismission graunted them to the church at Taunton the 14th day of the 6th moneth 1653.
- Seaborne Cotton upon his declaration of the work of Grace and profession of faith was accepted into full Communion the 24th day of Oct. 1653.
- Our brother John Hurd for his Common and frequent drunkenness was in the Name of the Lord Jesus and with the Consent and power of the Church excommunicate on the 11th day of the 10th moneth 1653.
- John Tinker was Admitted on the 5th day of the 12th moneth 1653.
- Our Brother Edward Bendall was by his owne desire and the consent of the church dismissed to a church in London on the 12th day of the 12th moneth 1653.
- Jacob Eliot, Mrs Jane Mavericke, Hanna Glover the wif of Habbakuck Glover, Tomesenn Scarlet the wife of John Scarlett, Sarah Elis the wife of Robert Ellis, Hanna Batt the Daughter of Mr Christopher Batt was Admitted on the 2d day of the 2d moneth 1654.
- Mr Willyam Alford, Pircis Harrisson and goody Strange was Admitted on the 9th day of the 2d moneth 1654.
- [28]
The 16th Day of the 2d Moneth 1654.
- Martha Harve the wif of Wm Harve, Hugh Druery Admitted the 23d day of the 2d moneth 1654.
- Richard Shearman and Ann Joans the wife of on[e] Joans Admitted the 21st day of the 3d moneth 1654.
- Hanna Anger taken into full Communion the 27th day of the 6th moneth 1654.
- Jarrod Bourne upon rumours of his incontenency departed from the fellowship of the Congregation to road Hand. The church sent letters to advise him to returne to them and cleare himself in stead of Coming to the Church he sent a letter full of proud expressions and Raylinge acusations against civel govermet and others for which he was by ioynt Consent excommunicat from the fellowship of the church on the 13th day of the 3d moneth 1655.
- Our Brother Georg Halsoll for his adultery with his mayd servant was by the ioynt Consent of the church excommunicat on the 20th day of the 3d moneth 1655.
- John Lowell, Ann Lowell, Sara Marshall, Elizabeth Decke admitted members the 5th day of the 6th moneth 1655.
- Our Brother Mathew Chaffe upon his desire with his wife was with the Churches Consent dismissed the 10th day of the 6th moneth 1655. Our Brother Mr Seaborne Cotton upon the desires of the Church of Weathers-feild to Call him to office with his owne desires signified to the church they with on Consent dismissed him to that worke and service the 7th day of the 8th moneth 1655.99
The vote of the Church.100
- Att a church meetting at our pastors howse on the 29th day of the 9th moneth 1655. The Question was put whether ye be free to give to Mr Norton now resideing with you in Boston, in order to the office of a Teacher amongst you, towards the purchase of a howse 200 li., and the vote of the Church was unanimus to give it him.
- Ann Hudson the wif of our brother Willyam Hudson admitted the 16th day of the 3d moneth 1656.
- Mr John Norton with Mistres Mary Norton admitted members on the 6th day of the 5th moneth 1656. Mr Norton and Elder James Penn was chosen messingers by the church to go to Salisbury and haverhill to be of a council to compose their differences upon the advise of our Honord maiestrats on the 14th day of the 6th moneth 1656.101
- Mistres Sarah Leveritt admitted a member the 12th day of the 8th moneth 1656. Our brother Arthur Clarke on the 2d day of the 9th moneth 1656 for being drunke was with the Consent of the Church excommunicate.
- Our brother John Mills and our sister Susan his wife with his sone John Mills was dismissed from our Church to the Church at Braintrey.
- Our brother Robert Parker was dismissed from our church to the church at Cambridge on the 1st day of the 12th moneth 1656.
- The 14th Day of the 12th Moneth 1656.
- Hezekia Usher and Elizabeth his wife, Mistres Mary Savage, Mistres Huldah Davis, Willyam Dawes with Susan his wife, Joseph How, Mistres Ann Locke, Mary Johnson widow Admitted members.
- Our sister Ann Gillam for her withdrawing from the fellowship of the Church and her obstinate refusing to hear the Church was in the Name of the Lord Jesus with the Consent of the brethren by their silence excommunicate, one the 22d day of the 12th moneth 1656.
- The 23d Day of the 1st Moneth 1656/7.
- Mr Norton and Mr Willyam Davis was chosen (by the full Consent of the church) messingers to goe to Harford to be of a council to Compose their diferences the 23d day of the 1st moneth 1656/7.102
- Willyam Dinsdale and Mary Phillips wife of Henry Phillips was admitted members the 22d day of the 1st moneth 1657.
- Our Sister Hogg for her disorderly singing and her idleness and for saying shee is Comanded of Christ so to doe, shee was admonished with the consent of the Church the 1st day of the 4th moneth 1657,
- Whether the relation of Immediate children, of church members be such, as giveth the church a church-power over them, And consequently, whether that it is the dutye of the church to exercise that power regularly upon them, That their knowledge and life may be answerable to the Ingagment of their relation. And whether it be the churches minde, that solemne notice be given to them seasonably.
- Voted by the Church in the Affirmative on the 29th day of the 11th moneth 1656.103
- Ezekiel Everill being of the age of 21 yeares borne and baptized in the fellowship of this church, for his committing the sinn of fornication and his Contempt of the church that would not come to heare them was in the Name of the Lord Jesus and with the Consent of the Church excommunicate one the 28th day of the 4th moneth 1657. (Vid. page 27, Col. 2d).104
- Our sister Hogg for her refusing to labor and saing she is commanded of god soe to doe and for her disturbing the Congregation by her disorderly singing with refusing to hear the counsel of Christ given her in the church was in the Name of the Lord Jesus, with the Consent of the Church excommunicate one the 12th day of the 5th moneth 1657.
- Elder James Penn and Deacon James Johnson was chosen messengers by the vote of the church upon the letters of Tanton church which desired their help in diferences amongst them the 12th day of the 5th moneth 1657.
- Joseph Hogg being of the age of 20 yeares borne and baptized in this church for stealing and dening it afterward Confessed it he was admonished with the Consent of the church the 16th day of the 6th moneth 1657.
- Ann Pope admitted a member the 4th day of the 8th moneth 1657.
- John Clough admitted a member the 1st day of the 9th moneth 1657.
- Robert Portois, Edward Davis, Mistres Elizabeth Rocke Admitted members the 24th day of the 11th moneth 1657. Mistress Mary Duncan admitted a member the 21 st day of the 12th moneth 1657.
- Mr Willyam Paddy and Mr Jacob Sheafle Admitted members one the 4th day of the 2d moneth 1658.
- Henry Philips admitted a member the 11th day of the 2d moneth 1658.
- Constance Mattock Admited into full Communion the 25th day of the 2d moneth 1658.
- Sara Pemmerton Admitted a member the 23d day of the 3d moneth 1658.
- Mr Thomas Brattle Admitted a member the 11th day of the 7th moneth 1658.
- Elishua Waker Admitted into full comunion The 5th day of the 10th moneth 1658.
- Ann Colommor and Lidya Ludkin admitted members The 27th day of the 12th moneth 1658.
- Goody Goosse Admitted a member the 24th day of the 2d moneth 1659.
- Goody Griges Admited a member the 23d day of June 1659.
- Our sister Knight for being drunk was openly rebuked in the Congregation and upon her fre acknowledgment was forgiven on the 7th day of the 6th moneth 1659.
- Mr John Wilson, Mr John Norton, Mr Edward Ting were chosen by the vote of the church: By lifting up their hands the 15th day of the 6th moneth 1659 to be members of a Councel in the behalf of Harford differences to hear it hear in the Bay.105
- Mary the wife of Crispus Brewer admitted a member the 6th day of the 9th moneth 1659.
- Capt. John Cullicke and his wife with his two children in adult John and Elizabeth was admitted members on the 27th day of the 9th moneth 1659. Collonel Wilyam Crowne admitted a member the 20th day of the 3d moneth 1660.
- Elder James Penn and Mr Edward Ting was chosen messingers by the church to go to Taunton for the Compossing of their differences the 8th day of the 5th moneth 1660.
- Thomas Bumsted and Susanna his wife was admitted members one the 30th day of the 10th moneth 1660.
- Our Brother Isaak Waker being detected the 2ond time for drunkennes upon his acknowledgment publickly was satisfaction taken uppon the 6th day of the 11th moneth 1660.
- Ann Wells and Elizabeth Brookin admitted members on the 3d day of the 12th moneth 1660.
- Mistres Ann Glover, Habbakuk Glover, Nathaniel Wales, Susan Wales, John Blacklech admitted members on the 3d day of the 1st moneth 1661.
- Mr Way, John Pease, Mary the wif of James Hudson Admitted members the 17th day of the 1st moneth 1661.
- Mistres Braden, goody Ballndin admitted the 24th day of the 1st moneth 1660.
- Mistres Lowther and Leah the wife of Thomas Baker Admitted members the 14th of the 2d moneth 1661.
- Martha Andrews Admitted the 12th day of the 3d moneth 1661. Sara Scottow admitted a member the 26th day of the 3d moneth 1661106
- Sara Burgess Admitted a member the 9th day of the 4th moneth 1661.
- Our Brother Willyam Leatherland uppon his publick acknowledgment of his sinne of fornication and his other loose wayes, after 16 years liing under the censure of excommunication. The church being satisfied with his confession, by their joynt Consent was accepted againe unto the fellowship of a member the 16th day of the 4th moneth 1661.
- Lidya Burgisse, Mary Lane, Elizabeth Spowell was admitted members the 14th day of the 5th moneth 1661.
- Hester the wife of Willyam Peirce Admitted a member on the 8th day of the 7th moneth 1661.
- Elizabeth Scot and Dorcas Corbin Admitted members on the 23d day of the 1st moneth 1662.
- A sinod being Called by order of the Generall Court to the Churches to send Elders and brethren the Church chose and sent Mr Wilson pastor and Willyam Colborne and James Penn elders and Capt. Thomas Savag and mr Jerimia Howchin brethren: the 12th day of the 1st moneth 1662 (Vid. page 39).107
- Mr Willyam Bartholmew and his wife and Mistres May Admitted members on the 11th day of the 3d moneth 1662.
- Sampson Shore for his Drunkinness being openly Convicted of it in the face of the Congregation was in the Name of the Lord Jesus with the consent of the brethren by their silence excommunicate on the 8th day of the 4th moneth 1662. Beniamin Gibbs, Mistres An Chickly, Mary Wharton Admitted members on the 13th day of the 5th moneth 1662.
- Willyam English and Sara his wife Mary Emins, Grace Price and Sara Gibson accepted members into full Communion this 15th day of the 1st moneth 1662/63.
- Theophilus Frairye and Hanna his wife, Mary the wife of Jacob Eliot, Goody Veerin admitted members the 24th day of the 3d moneth 1663.
- Mistres Ann Savag and goody Lewis admitted members the 31st day of the 3d moneth 1663.
- Henry Evens uppon his publick acknowledgment of his sinne of Drunkinnes after 10 years lying under the censure of excommunication the Church taken satisfaction with his confession and by their joynt Consent was accepted unto his former station in the church the 5th of July 1663.
- Hannah Hull and Prudence Baker Admitted members the 9th day of the 6th moneth 1663.
- Our sister mistres Ann Parker and mis-tres Ann Maning was admonished in the publick Congregation for Concealing the sin of fornication in their negro servant on the 15th day of the 9th moneth 1663.
- At a church meetting upon publick notice on the 11th day of the 10th moneth 1663 it was agreed unto and manefested by the lifting up of hands that whatever charg our brother mr John Harwood should be at in the transporting of Doctor John Owin108 heither to us the Congregation would make payment to him againe.
- Josia Belcher and Raignis his wif Admitted members on the 26th day of the 1st moneth 1664.
- Edward Allen and Martha his wife Admitted members one109 the 3d day of the 2d moneth 1664.
- John Hurd upon his repentance openly professed before the Church for his sine of Drunkennes for which he was formerly excommunicated out of the Church was now againe by Elder Penn with the churches consent by the lifting up of their hands Restored into the fellowship thereof.
- [30]
2d Moneth 1654, 1655.
- Hugh Druery Admitted a member the 23d day of the 2d moneth 1654.
- John Cotton, John Samford Admitted members the 22d day of the 2d moneth 1655.
- Thomas Duer, Mary Dine, Alce Nichols the 29th day of the 2d moneth 1655.110
- Our brother mr John Cotton111 for lacivious uncleane practises with three women and his horrid lying to hide his sinne was in the name of the Lord Jesus, and with the consent of the brethren excommunicate from the fellowship of the church: 1st day of the 3d moneth 1664. Our brother Allexsaunder Adams for lying and his obstinate impenitence in his sinne was in the Name of the Lord Jesus with the Consent of the brethren excommunicate from the fellowship of the church the 8th day of the 3d moneth 1664.
- Beniamin Thurston and Sara Balston Admitted members the 15th day of the 3d moneth 1664.
- Our brother Willyam Cotton for his contemtuous words to the Governor: upon his humble confession of his sinne in the Congregation was forgiven one the 5th day of the 4th moneth 1664. Our brother mr John Cotton upon his penitential acknowledgment openly Confessing his sinnes for which he was formerly cast out of the church was received into their fellowshipp againe one the 12th day of the 4th moneth 1664.
- Mary Tappin, Mary Balston, Grace Travers Admitted members one the 3d day of the 5th moneth 1664.
- John Tappin Admitted a member the 10th day of the 5th moneth 1664.
- Our sister Alice Tinker for whoredom was in the Name of the Lord Jesus with the Consent of the brethren excommunicate from the fellowship of the church the 17th day of the 5th moneth 1664.
- Mr James Allen, Francis Bakon, Willyam Manning, Naomy Lowell was admitted members the 25th day of the 6th moneth 1664.
- Goody How, goody Wheatly, Abigaill Busby admitted members the 4th day of the 7th moneth 1664.
- Mary Matson, mistres Powning, mistres Hicks admitted members the 2d day of October 1664.
- Beleeve Gridle for reviling his father and for Curssed speaking was excommunicate from the fellowship of the church on the 9th day of October 1664. Mr Undewood Admitted a member on the 30th day of October 1664.
- Nathaniel Renolds and Priscilla his wife Admitted members the 19th day of the 1st moneth 1664/5.
- Our Brother John Weeb for his attempt of uncleanes and withdrawing from his wif and his impenitence after all was in the Name of the Lord Jesus and with the consent of the church excommunicate from the fellowship of the church the 21st day of the 3d moneth 1665.
- Edmund Ederdin and his wif, mistres Endecott, mistres Bate Admitted members the 28th day of the 3d moneth 1665. Mr Peacok, John Bracket, Johann Mason, Alce Harper Admitted members the 3d day of the 7th moneth 1665.
- Our brother John Weeb upon his penitentiall acknowledgment openly Confessing his sinne for which he was form-aly cast out of the church, was received into their fellowship againe on the 24th day of the 7th moneth 1665.
- Mr [John]112 Saffin, Joseph Belknap, Joseph Davis, Thomas Matson, Moses Bradford, Goody Miles, Goody Cleve, Goody Robinson Admitted members the 4th day of November 1665.
- Robert Saunderson and his wife, Seth Perry, John Wing, Mistres Marshall, Goody Norden Admitted members the 2d day of the 10th moneth 1665.
- Thomas Fitch and Mary his wif, George Maning, Goody Shaw, Goody Hun, Ann Douse Admitted members the 27th day of the 11th moneth 1665.
- Our brother Allexsaunder Adams upon his penitential acknowledgment in confessing his sinnes for which he was cast out of the the church by excommunication it being to satisfaction of the congregation, was forgiven and received into their fellowship againe on the 1st day of the 2d moneth 1666.
- Samuel Norden, Goodman Willis, Mary Hawkins, Ruth Marshall, Goody Phillips, Goody Harwood, Elizabeth Weeden, Elizabeth Centure, Hanna Matson, Sara Bracket Admitted members the 21st day of the 2d moneth 1666.
- Samuel Baker, Martha Smyth, Mary Neeland Admitted members the 2d day of the 4th moneth 1666.
- James Mackwell, Samuel Mason, mistres Greene, Rebecka Allen, Mary Saulter Admitted members the 9th day of the 7th moneth 1666.
- Mistres Elizabeth Gibbs and Anna Edindin Admitted members the 30th day of the 7th moneth 1666.
- George Bates for unchast Carridges to a yong Girle of 9 or 10 years old being Convicted and himselfe confessing the truth of what was witnessed against him was by the unanimous consent of the brethren in the Name of our Lord Jesus excomunicate from out of the church the 11th day of the 9th moneth 1666.
- John Hurd for his drunkennes upon Conviction by sufficient witnesses was by a unanimous Consent of the brethren in the Name of the Lord Jesus excommunicate from the fellowship of the church the 25th day of the 9th moneth 1666.
- John Roberts, Mary Knight, Goody Sheerod, the wif of Ambrose Dawes, mistres Person Admitted members the 15th day of the 10th moneth 1666.
- Deliverance Wakfeild Admitted a member the 23d day of the 10th moneth 1666.
- [31] Mr Rawson and his wife, Mr Aldin and his wife, Peter Bracket, Wilyam Wardwell, John Peirse, mistres Jollife, Mistres Linne, Sara Frenk, Sara Bucknell, Hanna Keyne, Elizabeth Browne, Mary Stebbin, Mary Wier, Rebecka Wayt Admitted members on the 7th day of the 2d moneth 1667.
- Decon Johnson was dismissed of his office of a Deacon the 13th day of the 2d moneth 1667.
- George Bates upon his penetentiall acknowledgment of his sinn was released of his censure and accepted againe into the fellowship of the church the 5th day of the 3d moneth 1667.
- Collonoll Daniell Seirle Admitteded a member the 18th day of the 3d moneth 1667.
- Mr Thomas Thatcher Amitted a member the 4th day of the 6th moneth 1667. Our brother Wilyam Cotton for his pro-faine scoffing at religion his Liing and railing and obstinance therein was in the name of the Lord Jesus with the consent of the brethren excommunicate from the fellowship of the church on the 15th day of the 7th moneth 1667.
- At a meeting of the Congregation on the 24th of September 1667: after some debate: it was voted whether we should nominate any for election unto office relation yea or no and it was agreed on by the mayority vote to nominate. It was nominated and voted for mr John Davenport of Newhaven to be called to be a teaching officer amongst us and agreed one by the mayority vote.
- It was voted to give mr James Allen a call to be a teaching officer amongst us and agreed on by the maiority vote.
- It was voted to have Letters sent to the church of Newhaven and to mr Davenport and agreed on by the maiority vote.
- It was voted for messingers to send theither mr Ting, Capt. James Oliver and Leift. Cooke and agreed on by the mayority vote.
- It was voted for Collonol Seirle, mr Parker and mr Stoddard should signifye to mr Allen the churches call and agreed on by the mayority vote.
- Our brother Robert Sanford for his sinne of fornication was with the consent of the brethren, in the Name of the Lord Jesus excommunicate from the fellowship of the church on the 19th day of the 11th moneth 1667.
- Mr Freegrace Bendall Admitted a member with free consent of the church the 5th day of the 5th moneth 1668.
- (No Admissions for near a Twelve moneth.)113
- Mr Howard and his wif, Grady James and his wife, John Clow was Admitted members of this church on the 27th day of September 1668.
- Our Brother Robert Sanford upon his penitentiall acknowledgmet openly confessing his sin for which he was excomunicated was now received into their fellowship againe on the 11th day of the 8th moneth 1668.
- Mr John Davenport senior and Mr John Davenport Junior and both their wives was Admitted members into the church on the 1st day of the 9th moneth 1668.
- Our Brother Allexsaunder Adams for his excessive drinking and lying was in the name of our Lord Jesus with the consent of the church excommunicate on the 7th day of the 12th moneth 1668. Edward Ransford and Jacob Eliot was dismissed from the office of Deacons for setting there hands with other brethren to desire their dismission from the church because the church had chosen mr Davenport for their pastor on the 12th day of the 12th moneth 1668. Mary Wharton for her reviling of her husband and stricking of him and other wild and wicked Courses was in the name of our Lord Jesus with the consent of the church excommunicate on the 28th day of the 12th moneth 1668.
- Mary Negosse the Daughter of our brother Beniamin Negosse for Comitting fornication was declared to be non of us and so left till god shall give repentance on the 28th day of the 1st moneth 1669.
- Att a meeting called on the 29th day of the 1st moneth 1669 aboute our dissenting brethren: quest: Whether the church see light from the word of God to dismisse our dissenting brethren that desire it; it was answered in the Negative: unanimously.114
- Willyam Smyth and Mary his wife mistres Atwater and Rebecka Edindin Admitted members with free Consent of the church the 18th day of the 2d moneth 1669.
- Temparance Wills: Admitted a member the 23d day of the 3d moneth 1669.
- At a General meetting of the Church on the 16th day of August 1669 It was voted by the church that our honored magistrats do draw up instructions for Capt. Clarke to New Haven that they might declare their owning of the Letter sent from them to this church to be a true dismission for mr Davenport.
- At a meetting of the church on the 20th day of august 1669 It was voted by the church that Major Generell Levret the elders with Capt. dark mr Stoddard and mr Cooke do draw up a letter in answer to the letter sent from Dedham Church enquiring after the proseding of the church about a letter or letters from the church of New Haven to this church: and to signe it in the name of the church.115
- One the 25th day of the 6th moneth 1669: the church mete to hear the Letter read that was sent to deadham and they did unanimously concurre with it as their owne mind.
- [32] At a church meeting on the 9th day of October: 1669.
- 1. Upon hearing the Letters read from New Haven in answer to a Letter of two of the Elders to them it was voted unanimously that the church doth stand to the former vote and judgment in the case of the Elders about the extracting the sence of the letters dismissive.116
- 2. it was agreed on and voted with a unanimous consent that mr Oxenbridge bee desired to bee Assistant to the present teaching officers in preaching the word of god.
- 3. It was voted that major Generall mr Ting, Elder Penn and Lieftenant Cooke do give this invitation of the church to mr Oxenbridg as their messingers.
- 4. Voted that mr Thatcher and his wife is dismissed to charletowne.
- 5. Voted that the two teaching Elders doe writ an answer to some passages in major Bournn letters which they are not satisfied in.
- David Chapin and Lidea his wife and Hanna the wif of John Cowell was admitted members on the 7th day of the 9th moneth 1669 with the consent of the whole church.
- At a publick church meeting on the 13th day of the 10th moneth 1669 it was agreed on and concluded by a unanimous vote that the Elders should go from hows to howse to visit the familys and see how they are instructed in the grounds of religion.
- Henry Rust and his wif, Adam Nicholls and Hanna Greenleife Admitted members with the Consent of the whol church
- Mr Oxenbridge and his wif, mistres Allen, mistres Noszell Admitted members with the consent of the whole church the 20th day of the 1st moneth 1669/70. John Wiswell Admitted a member with the consent of the whole church the 10th day of the 2d moneth 1670.
- Mr John Oxenbridge was chossen by a unanimous vote of the church to be a pastor to them on the 10th day of the 2d moneth 1670.
- Mr John Wiswell was chossen by a unanimous vote of the church to the office of a Ruling Elder117 the 10th day of the 2d moneth 1670.
- Mistres Sara Leverit and Sara Fuller Admitted members with the consent of the church the 24th day of the 2d moneth 1670.
- Mr Tompson and Samuel Bridge, Mistres Norman and Elizabeth, the wife of Moses Bradford was Admitted members the 1st day of the 3d moneth 1670. Abell Porter Admitted a member by the vote of the church the 8th day of the 3d moneth 1670.
- Willyam Griges, Sarah Turner, Johanna Turner, Elizabeth Button Admitted members by the vot of the Church the 15th day of the 3d moneth 1670.
- Mary Hill and Mathew Fuller Admitted members the 22d day of the 3d moneth 1670.
- Sarah Fairweather and mistres Usher the wife of mr John Usher Admitted members the 29th day of the 3d moneth 1670.
- Edmound Ranger and Epharim Seirle Admitted members the 12th day of the 4th moneth 1670.
- Bartholmue Tippin Admitted a member the 19th day of the 4th moneth 1670. Our brother Richard Gridley for Drunk-ennes and his habituall falling into that sinne was in the name of our Lord Jesus and with the Consent of the church excommunicate the 19th day of the 4th moneth 1670.
- Our brother Richard Wait for Drunkennes and his habitual falling into that sinne was in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the consent of the church excommunicate the 26th day of the 4th moneth 1670.
- Our brother Willyam Parsons falling into the sin of being Drunke and his Confession was not so satisfieng as it ought to be by rule was with the consent of the church Admonisht to be-war of that and other evils for time to come on the 26th day of the 4th moneth 1670.
- Abigail Lovel, the wif of Joseph Lovel, Lidia Willyams Admitted members on the 10th day of the 5th moneth 1670. John Warrin, Mary Belcher and Elizabeth Doncaster Admitted members the 17th day of the 5th moneth 1670.
- [33] Mistres Stevens Admitted a member on the 24th day of the 5th moneth 1670.
- John Gibson and Emm his wife and Rachell Squire Admitted members the 7th day of the 6th moneth 1670.
- John Temple, Willyam Miles, Sara Shelly Admitted members the 14th day of the 6th moneth 1670.
- David Cope and Obedience his wife, Ester Lockstone Admitted members the 21st day of the 6th moneth 1670.
- Elizabeth Munford, Judith Palmiter, Sara Ryall, Phebe Egland, Patience Zoomes, Henry R———118
- Temperance Smyth, Ruth Mumford Admitted members on the 25th day of the 7th moneth 1670.
- Simon Amorye, Mary Blancher, Mary Adams, Lidya Millard Admitted members the 6th day of the 9th moneth 1670. Our Brother Richard Wayt upon his penitentiall acknowledgment of his sinne of drunkennes was restored to Communion with the church by the ioynt vote of the brethren on the 11th day of the 10th moneth 1670.
- Our Brother Isack Waker for Drunkennes was with the Consent of the brethren excommunicate on the 25th day of the 10th moneth 1670.
- Our Brother John Chickley for lying for intemperanc for Raylinge and unright-eousness was excommunicate on the 1st day of the 11th moneth 1670.
- Our Brother Willyam Leatherland for drunkennes was excommunicate on the 8th day of the 11th moneth 1670.
- Richard Gridly our brother on his penitentiall acknowledgment was released from his excommuncation by the vote of the church on the 22d day of the 11th moneth 1670.
- Our brother Willyam Parsons was released from his censure of admonition on his publick acknowledgment of his sinne by the vote of the church on the 12th day of the 12th moneth 1670. John Farnum and Mary Cotte Admitted members on the 19th day of the 12th moneth 1670.
- Mary Starr the wif of Comfort Starr, Mary Fitch, Martha Fitch Admitted members on the 26th day of the 12th moneth 1670.
- Elizabeth Millam and Elizabeth Davye Admitted members the 5th day of the 1st moneth 1671.
- Debora Wayt admitted a member on the 12th day of the 1st moneth 1671.
- Elizabeth Sanford, Elizabeth Warin, Elizabeth Grant Admitted members the 19th day of the 1st moneth 1671.
- Johana Elise Admitted a member the 26th day of the 1st moneth 1671.
- Sara Tucker Admitted a member the 2d day of the 2d moneth 1671.
- An: Travers Admitted a member the 9th day of the 2d moneth 1671.
- Ruth Bosworth
- Admitted members the 16th day of the 2d moneth 1671.
- Mary Gridley
- John Moore, Sara Howard Admitted members the 23d day of the 2d moneth 1671.
- Henry Allen, Elizabeth Foster Admitted members the 30th day of the 2d moneth 1671.
- John Cotte Admitted a member the 7th day of the 3d moneth 1671.
- Lydia Moore, Elizabeth Lawson Admitted members the 14th day of the 3d moneth 1671.
- Upon a Question brought to the Elders concerning one of those sisters whoe have departed from us viz (Sarah Pemmerton) and by them brought to the church, whether the church should deale with her. Now shee having irregularly with-drawne as wee Conceive from us and broken her Covenant with us and theirby manefested her selfe to be none of us, wee declare that we look on ourselves as disingaged of any Covenant duty to her and that shee ceaseth to stand in memberly relation to us.119 Voted by the church the 15th day of the 3d moneth 1671.
- John Cleavsby, Mary Wibourne Admitted members the 21st day of the 3d moneth 1671.
- Robert Willyams, Elizabeth Addington, Sarah Hincle Admitted members the 28th day of the 3d moneth 1671.
- Penn Townsend, Elizabeth Cleavsby Admitted Members the 4th day of the 4th moneth 1671.
- Thomas Overmor, Elizabeth Eldridge Admitted members the 11th day of the 4th moneth 1671.
- Elizabeth Skinner Admitted a member the 18th day of the 4th moneth 1671. James Townesend Admitted a member the 25th day of the 4th moneth 1671.
- John Leveret Deputy Governor, John Oxenbridg, James Allen, James Penn, John Wiswall, Captain Thomas Clarke chosen Messingers by the vote of the church to go to the church of Newberry to hear the differences that be there to be a meanes of healing it god please the 2d day of the 5th moneth 1671.120
- Hannah Hewes Admitted a member the 9th day of the 5th moneth 1671.
- Willyam Smyth, Grace Weeb Admitted members on the 16th day of the 5th moneth 1671.
- [34] our Brother Beniamin Thwing for his drunkennes so often Committed after many warnings was by the vote of the church in the name of the Lord Jesus excommunicate on the 30th day of the 5th moneth 1671.
- Experience Mils Admitted a member the 13th day of the 6th moneth 1671.
- Mary Buttole and Abigaill Everett Admitted members the 27th day of the 6th moneth 1671.
- Timothy Thornton Admitted a member the 17th day of the 7th moneth 1671.121 Elizabeth Clerke Admitted member the 29th day of the 8th moneth 1671.
- The 5th day of the 9th moneth 1671 a Letter sent from Cambridge Church to our church to Desire that the Elders and some messengers might be sent unto them to be present at the ordination of mr Urian Oakes to the office of a Pastor: (was Read) and Captaine Thomas Clerke and mr Timothy Prout were Chosen and sent.
- Hazelelponi Gee Admitted member the 19th day of the 9th moneth 1671 and baptized the same daye.
- Allice Bradford upon a Letter of Dismission from church of Woobourne was Admitted member the 19th day of the 9th moneth 1671.
- This daye was a Church meeting a very fful apperance and by the good hand of god a peaceable Confference and Conclusion of severall thinges in that ffirst for supply of a Deacon Henry Phillips and Wm Allfford were nominated and left to Consideration 2dly for supply of a Ruleinge Elder Leveteinant Thomas Clarke and Deacon Sanders nominated and Left to Consideratio 3 the will and Inventory of Myles Redinge were Read and the dispose of the Legacie that he gave to the Church Left unto the Deacons discretion. Lastly a proposition made by the Deputy for some gratuity to be given unto mr Oxenbridge our Pastor: the Church unanimously and cheerfully voted Fifty Powndes out of the Church stocke to be presented by the Deacons in the name of the church and Desired the Deputy that he would please to signifie soe much unto our Pastor that it was a small token of the Church their Respect Love and thankfullness unto him the 17th day of the 10th moneth 1671.
- Mercy Ivie Admitted member the 24th day of the 10th moneth 1671.
- The 17th day of the 10th moneth 1671 a Letter from Dorchester church was Read containeinge their Desire unto us that our Elders and some messengers might be sent to be present at their Ordination of mr Josiah Flint, Captaine Thomas Clerke and our 2 Deacons Richard Sanders and Henry Allen were Chosen and sent Messengers, mr Flint was to be Pastor.122
- Abigaill Dadson admitted member the 10th day of the 1st moneth 1671/2.
- Deborah Thaire Admitted member the 17th day of the 1st moneth 1671/2.
The 10th Day of the 1st Moneth 1671/2.
- This Daye a publicke Contribution was made in the Congration for the use of the Colledge at Cambridge at the motion of the Counsell and beside the publicke there was a private subscription wherein did many show their desire to have it at Boston by subscribing for Boston 10 Fould 5 Fould 3 Fould and the like123 this Contribution went over all the Country.
- The 15th Day of the 2d Moneth 1672.
- This Daye was a Church meetinge in the Towne house where after prayer of the elders and some other brethren the Confference about Choice of a Deacon and our brother Henry Phillips was chosen at the same tyme the necessity of a Ruellinge Elder being taken into Consideration and after some debate our brother Leuit Thomas Clerke was put to the vote and Chosen to the office of a Rulinge Elder.
The 21st Day of the 2d Moneth 1672.
- The wiffe of Nathaniell Bishope was Admitted member upon a Letter of Dismission from the church of Ipswich under the handes of William Hubbard, Thomas Cobbet, Robert Payne.
The 28th Day of the 2d Moneth 1672.
- Our Brother Thomas Clerke was publeckly voted by the Church beffore the Congregation and chosen a Ruleinge Elder and gave his assent unto it same daye Sarah Holswoorth was admitted member.
The 12th Day of the 3d Moneth 1672.
- Samuell Parris Admitted member of our Church.
The 19th Day of the 3d Moneth 1672.
- Edward Twhinge Admitted a member.
The 26th Day of the 3d Moneth 1672.
- John Sewell admitted member.
The 9th Day of the 4th Moneth 1672.
- Sister Anne Latimor was Dismissed unto the Church of New London or any other Church in gospell order.
The 17th Day of the 5th Moneth 1672.
- A church meetinge to Consider of the proceedinge with our brother Thomas Clerke as to the office of Ruleinge Elder some obstruction appearinge from maior generall Leverett and others:
- [35] upon a Former meetinge upon the 12th day of the 5th moneth 1672: but the issue was when the Church was meet maior Came not the Elder propounded the Case to brother Clerke who gave his answer that he had in obedience unto god submited unto the call of the Church (which: I said he) was informed was generall and full though since some thinge he did perceave yet that he might not be ffound yea and naye he did cast himselffe upon god and the Church: Little more beinge said at that tyme so it Rested: same daye Richard Cooke and Simon Rodgers were Desired to set the psalmes upon Saboth and Lecture Dayes.
The 11th Day of the 6th Moneth 1672.
- Martha Messenger the wiffe of John Messenger was Admitted member and Baptized.
The 18th Day of the 6th Moneth 1672.
- Mistress Elizabeth
- Kingsmill members.
- Martha Waiver admitted
The 1st Day of the 7th Moneth 1672.
- Upon a Letter from Braintree Church to our church that Elders and some messengers might be sent to an ordination it was voted the elders and deacons to goe.
The 22d Day of the 7th Moneth 1672.
- Letters of Dismission were granted unto our sister Hazeleponi Gee unto the Church of Ipswich.
- Our sister [blank] Darby124 was Admitted member of our church.
The 27th Day of the 10th Moneth 1672.
- Mistres Gatliffe, goodwiffe Starkie and Hester Travies were Admitted members.
The 18th Day of the 12th Moneth 1672.
- George Maye, Hannah Dinsdale and betty Poundinge were Admitted.
The 16th Day of the 12th Moneth 1672.
- Our sister Mercy Verin for uncivill Carriage with Samuel Smith and bad Language to her husband was excomunicate.
The 18th Day of the 12th Moneth 1672.
- The business about election of brother Clerke unto the office of a Ruleinge elder was debated and was Conffirmed by vote of the church, and his Acceptance: some weakenesses in some ffew Discovered not with standinge.
The 23d Day of the 12th Moneth 1672.
- John Davis and Josuah Geye Admitted members.
- Same Daye Captaine James Oliver voluntarily acknowledged his Disorderly and uniust chardinge the elders upon the 18th day of the 12th moneth 1672.
The 16th Day of the 1st Moneth 1672/3.
- Mr John Harwood and our sister patience Jones had Letters of Dismission granted by our mr Harwood unto mr Greenills125 church in London mr Mathew Mead beinge pastor and Patience Jones unto Dorchester.
The 20th Day of the 2d Moneth 1673.
- Elizabeth Harrison was Admitted member.
- Same Daye was Martha Faulkener Admitted and baptized also.
The 27th Day of the 2d Moneth 1673.
- Nathaniell Pearse
- were admitted members.
- Mary Manninge
- Rachell Litherland
The 18th Day of the 3d Moneth 1673.
- Mary Starre was Dismissed unto the Church of New London.
The 27th Day of the 4th Moneth 1673.
- The Daye abovsaid was a Church meetinge wherin was the tyme and Churches to be sent unto agreed upon for the ordination of our brother Thomas Clerke to the office of a Ruleinge Elder the day apointed is the next Fourth Daye Eight weekes and the Churches to be sent unto are the north126 Church in Boston, the church in Roxbury, Dorchester and Dedham.
- Same Daye a Letter from the Dissenters was Read and much Debate and the third day seaventh agreed to meet againe and to Consider what answer to Returne: also the disordered bussines of Nathaniell Renolds was disorderly brought into the assembly but Reiected and himselffe voted worthy to be Admonished but through the undeserved patience of the church Respited that he maie prosecute his case orderly.
The 8th Day of the 5th Moneth 1673.
- Was a Church meetinge wherein the Letter ffrom the Dissenters was Debate. The Debate issued at that tyme in a vote that a Letter should be Drawne: 2 vote that the 3 magestrates and the 3 Elders were Desired to drawe it and Comunicate it to the Church at the same tyme was motio[n] that another elder beside brother Clerke might be also thought of to be propounded for Choice and mr Allford and one of the Deacons were then spoke of.
- [36]
The 27th Day of the 5th Moneth 1673.
- The Letter which the Comittee had drawne up accordinge to the church desire: was Reported and Read unto the church and after some debate upon it the third Daye seavennight was agreed upon for further Consideration and then to Consider and proceed if god soe permit for a 3d Ruleinge Elder the manner of ordination I meane preparation of both the Daye apointed.
- Same Daye Deacon Allen wiffe was admited member upon Letters of Dismission from Watertowne church.
- Same Daye a Letter of Dismission beinge for some tyme Delayed being by some of the Elders questioned whether it would passe in the church it beinge not accordinge to our and other churches order was therefore Read but had no expresse answer, the Letter was from Barnstable: signed by mr Walley and the Elders for Robert Orchard wiffe.
The 10th Day of the 6th Moneth 1673.
- This Daye (2 appointments affore beinge prevented for the Consideringe of the Letter to be sent unto the Dissenters the one by weather and the County Court beinge not ended and the other by Reason of the intelligence that new yorke was taken) the Church was stayed to Confferre of it but it was thought not seasonable and the 3 daye seavennight is appointed and the appointment for ordination was defferred, but till when the Lord knowes.
The 31st Day of the 6th Moneth 1673.
- Sarah Orchard was Admitted member upon a Letter of Dismission from Barn-stable.
The 21st Day of the 7th Moneth 1673.
- Beniamin Dyer sonne of Thomas Dyer of Weymoth was Admitted member.
The 2d Day of the 9th Moneth 1673.
- Sarah Morrall
- were Admitted members.
- Hannah Brookes
The 28th Day of the 9th Moneth 1673.
- An uncomfortable buissines betweene the wives of Nathaniell Renolds and Henry Phillips which had a longe tyme beene agitated in the church and out of by Elders and brethren about aprill 1672 it was supposed to be ended by an agreement but after that much Complaint of agreement was broke but not proved after that it was brought before church in the towne house and there they promised Forgivenes and Forgetinge but after that brother Renolds chardged sister Phillips to have scattered papers but the thinge beinge this daye debated the church voted that they did not see it proved that shee did it willffully and soe Left it.
The 18th Day of the 11th Moneth 1673.
- Sarah Wellman was Admitted member.
The 25th Day of the 11th Moneth 1673.
- Mistres Harbocke was Admitted member.
The 19th Day of the 2d Moneth 1674.
- Joseph Farnham was Admitted member.
The 26th Day of the 2d Moneth 1674.
- Goody Wheeler and Johanna Ward were Admitted members.
The 14th Day of the 4th Moneth 1674.
- Our brother Jonathan Negus ffor Drunknes was excomunicated with the Consent of the church Haveinge beene: beffore the church the 7 Daye and Respited unto that tyme.
The 21st Day of the 4th Moneth 1674.
- Our brother William Letherland was Released from Excomunication and Restored unto Comunion.
The 12th Day of the 5th Moneth 1674.
- Our brother John Pease ffor his Drunkennes: it not beinge the ffirst tyme and haveinge had one daye heareinge that is his desire presented to the church: was Excomunicated from the church.
The 8th Day of the 6th Moneth 1674.
- Hannah Butolph was Admitted.
The 16th Day of the 6th Moneth 1674.
- Percy Clerke was Admitted.
The 20th Day of the 7th Moneth 1674.
- Lidia Chapen after much patience and severall Hearinges of the Church Remaineinge obstinate though Clearely Convicted of severall Lyes and Chargeinge Reproachinge the elders and willfully breakeinge her Covenant with the church though dealt with and Advised otherwise was exCommunicate: with Consent of the church and severall papers are in the church Records.127
The 27th Day of the 7th Moneth 1674.
- John Butolph
- Admitted members.
- Bartholomew Tippinge
The 22d Day of the 9th Moneth 1674.
- Our brother James Johnson beinge Complained of for excessive Drinkeinge was Admonished by Consent of the Church.
- [37]
The 29th Day of the 9th Moneth 1674.
- John Twhinge and Sara Winsor were Admitted members.
The 6th Day of the 10th Moneth 1674.
- Upon the Request of Cerraine Frends of Salem intendeinge to gather a Church at Linne 8 instant the Elders and Deacons Capt Hutchinson and Anthony Stoddard were chosen and voted to goe messengers and to give Right Hand of ffellowshipe.
- But upon the appointed Daye it did not succeed.128
- Upon the 23d day of the 10th moneth 1674 our Pastor John Oxenbridge as he was preachinge his Lecture was forced to breake of by Reason of sicknes was carried home in a Cedan: and dyed the 28th instant haveing Lyen 4 dayes and was interred 31st instant with great solemnity.
- Elizabeth Jackson wiffe of John Jackson was Admitted.
The 14th Day of the 12th Moneth 1674.
- Jonathan Bridgham was Admitted member.
The 28th Day of the 12th Moneth 1674.
- Samuell Ward, Ruth Younge and brother Robert Williams wiffe were Admitted members.
The 14th Day of the 1st Moneth 1674/5.
- Elisha Audlin and Abigaill his wiffe were Admitted members.
The 21 st Day of the 1st Moneth 1674/5.
- Joseph Web, Goody Williams were Admitted members.
- Same daye James Johnson Released from his Admonition.
The 2d Day of the 2d Moneth 1675.
- John Ballantine Admitted member. Same daye John Pease Released from his ExComunication.
The 4th Day of the 2d Moneth 1675.
- Anna Search beinge upon inquiry found a Covenant-breaker with the church and haveinge put her selffe into ffellowshipe with the 3d church in boston without dismission or demandinge any thither and also as a disorderly walker and also as a Contemner of the Authority of the Church was so declared and thereby Removed from Comunion of the church upon 16 Rom. 17; 2 Thess. 3, 6; 1 John 2, 19.
The 11th Day of the 2d Moneth 1675.
- Bethia Emmones
- admitted members.
- Martha Mavericke
- Mary Pennyman
The 16th Day of the 3d Moneth 1675.
- Palti Mainsffeild Admitted.
The 26th Day of the 10th Moneth 1675.
- James Johnson sometyme Deacon of the Church was for Lyeing and Concealeinge and Coveringe wickednes in his Dwellinge and ffor disorderly walkinge was with Consent of the Church: Haveinge beene admonished for such Like practice129 Excomunicated.
The 24th Day of the 11th Moneth 1675.
- John Tucker
- admitted members.
- Sarah Heale
- The same daye was sister Englesby upon Letters of Dismission from Roxbury admitted.
The 30th Day of the 11th Moneth 1675.
- Hannah Wakeman admitted.
The 4th Day of the 5th Moneth 1676.
- Mistres Richardson Recomended unto the Church of Stonington.
The 15th Day of the 5th Moneth 1676.
- John Lowell: ffor Drunkennes Idlenes neglect of his ffamily and abussive Carriage was Ex Comunicate with Consent of the whole church.
The 17th Day of the 7th Moneth 1676.
- John Pease haveinge beene: Released from his Excomunication: after: beinge Complaned of was Admonished by the Church.
The 24th Day of the 7th Moneth 1676.
- Hannah Gibson
- Sarah Dever
- Admitted members.
- [38]
The 19th Day of the 11th Moneth 1676.
- Elisha Hutchinson
- Were admitted members.
- Edward Ashley
The 21 st Day of the 11th Moneth 1676.
- Elizabeth Fisher was admitted member.
- William Gibson.
The 25th Day of the 11th Moneth 1676.
- Nathaniell Barnes Admitted.
The 12th Day of the 1st Moneth 1676/7.
- Hannah Ranger Admitted.
The 16th Day of the 1st Moneth 1676/7.
- At a church meetinge it was voted that the Deacons and Mr Anthony Stoddard should take course for the Delivery of a bond in the Deacons hands unto mrs Cooke.
The 18th Day of the 1st Moneth 1676/7.
- Elizabeth Pecke Admitted member and Baptized.
The 25th Day of the 1st Moneth 1677.
- Our brother Henry Tompson accepted into ffellowshipe Haveinge beene under Admonition for Drunknes.
The 22d Day of the 2d Moneth 1677.
- John Pease and Henry Tompson were both Excomunicated for excessive Drinkeinge no man Dissentinge.
- Samuell Winsor.130
The 17th Day of the 4th Moneth 1677.
- The church beinge desired to staye the Church unanimously voted to give mr Nowell a call in order to office and voted the elders and Deacons to declare the same unto him which was done.
The 24th Day of the 4th Moneth 1677.
- Elizabeth How admitted by and upon a Letter of Dismission from Hull.
- Same daye was Elizabeth Pecke Admitted.
The 29th Day of the 5th Moneth 1677.
- John Dyer of Weymoth and Dorcas a nigro from Dorchester
- Admitted members by Letters of Dismission.
- Upon occasion of somethinge more than usuall in the Letters for John Dyer that: was thought that it might not be saffely accepted Consideration being taken the Church Cheerffully vote that notwithstandinge any thinge in the Letters they would accept him accordinge to their old and usuall manner of Receiveinge: and soe he accepted and was soe admitted.
The 26th Day of the 6th Moneth 1677.
- John Merion the younger was Admitted.
The 28th Day of the 8th Moneth 1677.
- Mr Samuell Nowell and Joseph Bridgham
- Admitted members.
The 30th Day of the 10th Moneth 1677.
- Sara Dinsdale Senior Admitted.
The 24th Day of the 12th Moneth 1677.
- Susanna Stanbury was Admitted.
The 10th Day of the 1st Moneth 1677/8.
- Mary Jacklinge Admitted.
- Mary Heale Admitted.
The 12th Day of the 3d Moneth 1678.
- Mercy Verin Released from ExComunication upon a very small vote.
The 19th Day of the 3d Moneth 1678.
- Dorcas Sale Admitted member.
- [39]
The 26th Day of the 3d Moneth 1678.
- John Lowell for Drunknes and ale house huntinge was with very ffull Consent of the church ExComunicated at which tyme he showed a great deale of prid and was Hardly brought to Come from his seat to appeare as is the order of church with such offendors untill the governour speake.
The 23d Day of the 4th Moneth 1678.
- Mistres Elizabeth Cooke was Admitted member.
The 7th Day of the 5th Moneth 1678.
- Sister Toy by Letter of Dismission from Roxbury Admitted.
The 21 st Day of the 5th Moneth 1678.
- John Pease for Drunkennes: through much unadvised agitation stirred in the church after a silent vote was yet by a hand vote Excomunicated and this is third tyme and once he was admonished.
The 25th Day of the 6th Moneth 1678.
- Roger Wills
- were Admitted members.
- Patricke o’hone131
The 9th Day of the 12th Moneth 1678.
- Michaell Willeyes was Admitted member.
The 9th Day of the 1st Moneth 1678/9.
- Hannah Marsh
- were Admitted members.
The 24th Day of June 1679.
- A vote was passed wherein Liberty was granted the Elders in Case of admission of Men,132 to doe it by writing or speaking as the Elders thinke fitt.133
August 5th, 1679.
- Voted by the Church upon an order of (Vid. page 29)134 the Generall Court to send Elders and Messengers to a Synod to meet the 2d 4th day in September. Tho wee doe not see light for the Calling of a Synod att this time, yett there being one called: that what good theare is or may bee motioned may bee Encouraged, and Evill prevented by our Testimony, wee are willing to send our Messengers to it: Tho whatever is theire determined, wee looke upon and judge to bee no further binding to us, than the light of Gods word is thereby cleared to our Consciences.135
- [40]
August 5th, 1679.
- Voted by the Church, upon an order and advice of the Magistrates that all the Elders of this Towne might joyntly carry on the 5th day Lecture.
- In Answer to the motion of the Honored Magistrates about the Lecture; Tho as an injuntion wee Cannot Concurre with it, but doe humbly bare our witnesse against it, as apprehending it tending to the infringement of Church Libertie: yett if the Lord incline the hearts of the other Teaching officers of this Towne to accept of desire of our Officers, to give their assistance with those of this Church, who shall bee desired to Carry on theire fifth day Lecture, wee are willing to accept theire help therein.
- About the 31st of August voted to give mr Sampson Bond of Barmudos at that tyme beinge in Boston and haveinge preached that afternoone I saye voted by the Church to give him a Call upon tryall unto the [office] of a pastor with us and it so ffell out that there was some difference about a fformer vote and that daye it was voted by papers and it was Carried ffor him: aboue 2 fould: neare 3 fould: 31 august 1679.136
- And the daye Affter the vote was by the Elders in the name of the Church presented unto mr Bond at the house of mr Jeremiah Caskin in Boston and mr Bond did by the good hand of god accept it that if the Church did Continue their affections and send him word he will in the springe Come and bringe his ffamily: which the: good Lord give successe unto.
So prayes he who witnesseth the truth abovsaid
John Wiswall
1 September 1679
The 28th Day of the 7th Moneth 1679.
- Edward Davis haveinge Lyen Longe under the Admonition of the Church ffor Drunknes was this day for his neglect to heare and also being Complained of ffor the Like offence of drunknes it beinge proved and by him not denyd by the unanimous Consent of the Church excomunicate.
- [41]
Reverend and Deare Sir137
It was matter of no small Reioiceinge to us to heare of your saffe Arrivall at Bermudas ffor which solemne praise was given to god by this Church as a gracious providence to us as well as yourselffe for some tyme after the heareinge of this good newes we stayd: the Church that we might understand: whether your affections to and Desire of you accordinge to the vote we in writinge did deliver you when here with us did Continue And by soe ffull a vote in the ordinary waye it was maniffested that we sawe noe Cause to trye it in any other waye And we were desired to signifie so much to you which we doe hereby and Lave it before you as the desire of the Church intreateinge you if the Lord other wayes make your waye plaine to you that we maie have the benefitt of your holy Labours amongst us that the god of the spirits of all fBesh maye guide and helpe you to doe that herein that maye be most pleaseing to him and proffitable to his people is the earnest prayer of
yours to Love and serve you
in the Lord
James Allen
John Wiswall
with Consent of the brethren.
Boston No 24th
- This is a true Copy of what was acted in and by the church the 23d day of the 9th moneth 1679 but the Letter aboue Recorded was dated the 24th day of the 9th moneth 1679 and here Recorded the 25th day of the 9th moneth 1679 soe affirmes
John Wiswall
Rulinge Elder.
- Upon the nynth of December 1679 I gave to Brother John More the Letters ffor mr Bond to goe to Bermudas the vessle intendinge that daye to sayle if god permit.
The 18th Day of the 11th Moneth 1679.
- Isaac Addington Admitted.
The 25th Day of the 11th Moneth 1679.
- Lidea Ballentine Admted.
The 24th Day of the 12th Moneth 1679.
- John Faireweather
- Admitted members.
- Elisha Cooke
- Jeremiah Dummer
- Jacob Hurd
The 28th Day of the 12th Moneth 1679.
- Mistres Dummer
- Admitted members.
- Hannah Harison
- Abigaill Cheevers
The 7th Day of the 1st Moneth 1680.
- John Usher Admitted.
- Mistres Keates.
The 11th Day of the 2d Moneth 1680.
- Mary Howard Admitted and Baptized.
- Mary Taye.
- Hezekiah Hinchman.
- Mary Mason.
- Good[y] Longley.
- Samuell [blank].138
- Goody Pease
- martha Emons
- Admitted.
The 25th Day of the 5th Moneth 1680.
- William Letherland Excomunicated for Drunkenes by signe of hand Lifted up.
- July 1680.
- Goody mason
- Admitted.
- mary Emons
- Thomas Cheevers.
- Mary Clerke.
- Admited.
- [42]
The 24th Day of the 11th Moneth 1680.
- James Burges Admitted. Goodman Sale.
The 22d Day of the 3d Moneth 1681.
- Mary Ranger.
- Here Ends Elder Wiswalls Record of Admissions 22 May 1681 To June 7, 1681.139
The Reverend John Wilson (so-called) 1588–1667
Minister of the First Church, 1630–1667 Possibly the portrait of the Reverend John Owen, D.D., 1616–1683, of England
Letter from the First Church in Boston, to the Third—in answer to their Letter in the next Page.140
At a meetinge of the First Church of Christ in Boston, Maye 7 1682.
Honnored worshipffull
Reverend and Beloved In the Lord
Wee Have Receaved your Returne by the worshipfull mr John Hull Esquire and the Reverend mr Samuell Willard to our motion to peace wherein you expresse your Thank full reception and full Concurrence with the Condicion of Accomodation therein mentioned which we Declare to be Acceptable to us And wherein our sinffull inffirmities have been greivous to you or any of you we mutually aske forgivenes of god and you And Desire all offences we judge have been given us maye be forgiven and forgotten Desireinge to fforgive others even as we beleive god for Christ sake hath fforgiven us.
And we ffurther intreat that Both our motion and your Returne and this Conclusion maye be Recorded with you as it shal be with us in memory of a Happy Issue of our unComffortable Distance and the waye of our peace.
Now the god of peace that brought againe from the Dead our Lord Jesus Christ that great sheepheard of the sheepe by the blood of the everlastinge Covenant make you perffect in every good worke to Doe his will workeinge in you that which is most well pleasinge in his sight, soe prayes
Honored Reverend Beloved
your Bretheren in the faith and fellowshipe
of Gospel.
James Allen
John Wiswall
with the ffull and unanimous Consent of the bretheren.
[43] (A Motion to the South Church)141
At a meetinge of the First Church in Boston Aprill 23 1682.
Question: Whether you be willinge, keeping the Rule in its Intirenes and not Revokeinge your Testimony thereto viz. that Rule of Church order which we have proffesed Asent unto, and is published as the Judgment of the Churches of new England platfform of Discipline Chapter 13 throughout: To fforgive and fforget all offences Respectinge our selves that we judge have justly bin taken at our Desentinge Brethern:
supposeinge this passe in the old Church.
Question: Will it not be expedient that it be Loveingly presented to the Disentinge Bretheren and that society by a meet person or persons and that they be Desired to signiffie by writinge their Approbation of that Rule and judgeinge any Deviation ffrom it to be Irregular and if your Returne be Acceptable that it maie be Recorded by both in memory of an Happie issue of that unComffortable and Longe breach and the begineinge of our desired peace which the Lord grant amen.
Voted in the Affirmative Together.
Letter from the 3d Church in Boston, to the First—in Return to the above Motion.142
Worshipfull Reverend and Beloved
As we Cannot but with greeffe acknowledge the great evill that there is in Devisions ffrom the sad Experience which we have had of the Dangerous Inffluence which the Distance betwixt you and us hath had in this Land so wee Desire Hartily to Acknowledge the goodnes of god in moveinge your hearts to Looke Towards a Pasciffication and with Thankffullnes to Accept at your hands the kind tender of Reconciliation, made unto us to the ffurtheringe wherof God fforbid that we should willffully put any Obstruction who Rather Desire to put all the handes we have to the promotinge of it: As beinge sencible of the Truth of what he intimated 2 Sam. 2.26 That if the sword Devour ffor ever it wilbe bitternes in the End.
As ffor the Condicion of Accomodacion which hath been presented to us ffrom yourselves by the Worshipfull Samuell Nowell Esquire and the Reverend mr James Allen we are ffully and ffreely Ready to subscribe it And as we have Publickly and particulerly in the Last sinod Acknowledged the Platfforrme of Church Discipline which was agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches to be ffor the substance of it Orthodox so we doe now in particuler proffese that we doe beleive the 13 chapter of that Booke throughout to be Accordinge to Rule and the mind of god in his word Respectinge that case therein treated of and that any Deviation thereffrom is Irregular and wherein any of our sinffull inffirmities have been greivous to all or any of your Church we aske fforgivenes both of god and of yourselves And desire dayly to praye what we know not Teach thou us And if we have done Amisse we will do so noe more ffor our selves we are Hartily Content That all thinges wherin we judge our selves to have beene Agreived maie be buried in Oblivion.
The god of peace Direct you to a good and Happy Issueinge of this great affaire which you have so Candidly begun and Cover all the ffailinges of his people under the Robe of Christ Righteousnes Granting unto us all the blessinge of the Gospell of peace and to yourselves the Blessednes of Peacemakers.
soe Praye |
To the Reverend mr James Allen Teacher and mr John Wiswall Ruleing Elder of the First gathered church in Boston |
worshipffull Revered and Beloved your Bretheren in the Lord Jesus Christ |
theise |
letters |
Samuell Willard |
To be Comunicated to the Church.143 |
in the name and with the ffree and ffull vote of the Bretheren of the 3 [rd] gathered Church in Boston. |
[44] The 26th Day of the 7th Moneth 1682.
Brethren whether you be willinge haveinge given Mr Sampson Bond An invitation to preach in order to ffurther proceedinge which is Acceptable to us; to give him a Call in order to office in Due tyme provided he put himselffe into a Reguler Capacity amonge us Accordinge to the orthodoxe and Laudable Custome of the Churches here.
Voted Affirmative and generally so Attests
John Wiswall
The 11th Day of the 3d Moneth 1684.
The providence of god Haveinge brought Mr Moody into the Towne under such Circumstances as you know.
Whether you be willinge that in the name of the Church he be Desired Dureinge his abode and Residence here to be Constantly helpffull to out Teacher in preachinge of the word of god amonge us.
the Daye abovsaid presented and Accepted John Wiswall144 |
if yea maniffest by |
your signe |
voted Affirmatively |
James Allen |
John Wiswall |
Att a Meeting of the old church in Boston, March 11, 1684.
Question: Brethren the Providence of God having brought Mr Joshua Moodey unto the Towne, under such Circumstances as you know, whether you bee willing, that in the name of the Church, hee bee desired during his abode and Residence here, to bee Constantly helpfull to our Teacher mr James Allen in preaching the word of God among us.
Voted Affirmatively.
The providence of God having Cast Reverend Mr Joshua Moodey among us by Shutting the doore of Libertie for his ministry in his owne church att Portsmouth,145 Wee doe earnestly desire that hee would Constantly exercise ministry with our Teacher among us, untill hee hath free and open libertie to returne to them againe, which wee expresse as an Explanation of our former vote, and our mind therein.
Voted unanimously as Attests
James Allen
John Wiswall
- [45]
Members Admitted since May 22, 1681.
- The date wee have not to all.
- Sarah Allen wife of James Allen Teacher in 1685.146
- Mr Nathanael Bifeild Admitted member In 1685 Aug.
- Mr Stephen Mason and his wife 1686. Mr Chevers Schoolmaster and his wife 1683.
- Nathaniel Barnes.
- James Barnes wharfinger, 1684.
- Joshua Atwater who also was Cast out.
- In April 1687 same year.
- John Clough In 1685.
- John Squire brickmaker 1685.
- John Clesebee.
- Mr Stephen Mason dismissed May 1687.
- John Combs Admitted and
- Ezekiel Clesby, August 1685.
- Patrick Ohoen.
- John Clough Junior.
- Henry Bartholmew.
- James Barnes, March 1681
- Mr Samuell Newell Admitted upon Letters of Dismission from Charlestowne, 2nd day of the 8th moneth 1677.
- John Temple Admonished 14 May 1687 for Drunkenesse.
- Edward Ashley Admitted In 1682.
- Jan. 22, 1687 Thomas Savage son to our sister Savage Mistress Tings daughter.
November 6, 1687.
- Voted by the unanimous Consent of the brethren that An Addresse Should bee drawne up To bee Sent to his Majestie in their names to Expresse their humble Thankfullnesse for his gracious declaration of Libertie to our Consciences and securing our properties.
James Allen
- Mr Chevers only moved that It might bee knowne what was writt It was Answered there was a libertie for any that desired it to see it at my house which satisfied.
- After which was the vote forementioned.
Since 1681 Admitted.
- Mistres Sarah Allen wife of James Allen Teacher admitted member in 1684 2d month.
- Mistres Coddington In 1685.
- Mistres Gard In 1685.
- Mistres Allin wife of Bosoon Allen, 1686.
- Mary Cabel wife of George Cabel.
- Hannah Bridge wife to Samuel Bridge, March 27, 1687.
- Sister [Liddia]147 Hawkins wife of James Hawkins In May 1687.
- Mistres Usher wife of Hezekiah, 1686. Deborah Man, 1686, wife of G. Man.
- Elizabeth Harrison, 1687.
- Mistres Wayte wife of John Wayte.
- Mistres Christian Pearse wife of Nathan Pearse.
- Mistres Harris wife of mr Harris of brantry.
- Mary Fitch wife of Jeremiah Admitted Sept. 26, 1686.
- Lydia Clough Admitted Jan. 20, 1686.
- Maria Thwing In Oct. 31, 1686.
- Elizabeth Peck.
- Mistres Elizabeth Cooke, 1678.
- Elizabeth Fisher.
- Phalti Mansfield, 1685
- Mistres Pearse wife of Samuel Jackscn Glaser.
- Ruth Younge, G.148 Ruggells.
- Sarah Welman.
- Mistres Pearse wife of Nathan Pearse, 1685.
- Mistres Bartholmew wife of Henry, 1686.
- Abigail Howard, May 1685.
- Goody Fitz Admitted, 1686.
- Mistres Oxenbridg.
Admitted In 1687
- Sarah Ricott, Aug. 28.
- John Tout, Sept. 11.
- Anne Townsend, Sept. 18.
- Mary Woodie, Oct. 30, 1687.
- Sarah Blake, Dec. 11, 1687.
- Martha Davises, Dec. 25, 1687.
- Ruhamah Eldrich, April 29, 1688.
- Mary Landane, ibid.
- Abraham Harrison, June 17, 1688.
[46] and [47], [Blank Pages]
Men Admitted
Women Admitted
Men Admitted
Women Admitted
- [50] An Account of the Church Members that are now alive, which do Belong.161
Men Admitted
- Then unanimously chosen att the Teacher’s house Mr Prout Mr Addington to bee Ruling Elders. And then was Chosen to inspect the placing in Seates in the Meeting house Deacon Allin, Mr FayreWeather, Mr Prout, Capt. Townsend and Mr Deering.
Women Admitted
- [51] To the first gathered Church of Christ, in Boston, January 9th, 1678.172
Men Admitted
- Att a meeting of the Church att my house, January 31th, 1687/8.
- Voted unanimously that there shall be a Constant gathering for the use of the sacrament on Sacrament dayes. And poore.
Women Admitted
* The words dead, dismissed, excommunicated and gone in later hand.
† These numbers seem to indicate a check list of living members at some date subsequent to 1687.
** Later hand.
The Reverend John Davenport 1597–1669/70
Minister of the First Church, 1668–1669/70 Attributed to John Foster
- [52]
- Men Admitted
- John Temple Excommunicated, Nov. 18, 1689.
- Admitted Richard Proctor, Feb. 23, 1689.
- Excommunicated Edward Davis nemine Contradicente, April 20, 1690.
- Moses Bradfrad Excommunicated both for drunkenesse, April 27, 1690.
- Benjamin Negroes freed from Admonition by the handy vote of the Church May 11, 1690 dead.*
- John Tucker Excommunicated no man opposing, June 8, 1690 dead.*
- Edward Twing Excommunicated for drunkenesse ie. nemine Contradicente, June 28, 1690.
- Thomas Messenger Admitted, July 13, 1690.
- .60.
September 24, 1690.
- Att a church meeting at the Teachers house was unanimously Voted That Mr Jeremiah Dummer, Capt. Pen Townsend, Mr Timothy Thornton doe assist the Deacons acquaint themselvs with the Church Treasure and use their prudence for Supplies for the support of the officers where Contribution is wanting for Preachers among them, and particularly for wood for this yeere.
- Voted also Ditto.
- That the Teacher and Major Hutchinson, Mr Isaack Addington and Capt. Pen Townsend doe signifie to the Reverend mr Joshua Moodey their desire further to proceede with him and therefore to know whether hee Consent to it, and bee free for it from any obligation otherwise, or can suggest what they may regularly doe that hee may.
- Sampson Stoddard, Jan. 11, 1690 dead.*
- Samuel Lynds, Feb. 1, 1690.
- Thomas Bligh, Feb. 22, 1690 dead.*
- Samuell Jacklyn, April 26, 1691.
Women Admitted
- Anne Austin, July 29, 1689.
- Mary Ellis, Nov. 18, 1689.
- Jane Lovering, Dec. 30, 1689.
- Mary Hunt, Ibid.
- Mary Scate, in 1681.
- Elizabeth Coldenor, Jan. 27, 1689.
- Susan Hill
- Feb. 25, 1689.
- Hannah Ingram
- Rachell Cogshall
- Sarah Fenny
50 more 200
- Hannah Sale, March 17 1689.
- Elizabeth Peirce, March 24, 1689.
- Elizabeth Berry, March 31, 1690.
- Anne Mattocks, April 21, 1690.
- Mary Dawse, May 5, 1690.
- Mary Dyer, July 14, 1690.
- Margaret Corser, Dec. 8, 1690.
- Elizabeth Burgisse, Dec. 29, 1690.
- Elizabeth Combs
- Feb. 2, 1690.
- Mary Peirce
- Elizabeth Worden, 180, Feb. 23, 1690.
- Rebeckah Leverite, March 16, 1690.
- Hannah Viccars, March 30, 1690.
- Ruth Reynolds Admitted, April 27, 1690.
- Hannah Wheeler Excommunicated for drunkenesse, May 18, 1690.
- Admitted Mariah Atwater (dismissed to Hatfield),183 Aug. 17, 1690.
- Elizabeth Alleyn, Nov. 9, 1690.
- Elizabeth Browne, Nov. 16, 1690.
- Deborah Foord
- Nov. 23, 1690.
- Mercy Mirick
- Hannah Sharpe, Nov. 30, 1690.
- Sampson and Susan
- Jan. 11, 1690/91.
- Susannah Stoddard
- Admitted Abigaile Barber, Jan. 18, 1690.
- Deliverance Legg, Jan. 25, 1690.
- Samuell and Mary Lynds
- Feb. 1, 1690.
- Mary Lynds
- Elizabeth Butler
- Feb. 15, 1690.
- Patience Pecke
- Jane, a Negro
- [53]
- John Davis Dismissed, June 15th, 1691. At a church meeting June 24 voted Mr Sampson Stoddard, Mr Browne, Mr James Barnes to bee added to the disposers of Seates in the Meeting house. Att a Church meeting July 22, 1691. Voted, That Mr Dummer and Capt. Townsend our brethren bee assistant to the Deacons to make demand of foure-score pound due from Mr Wharton to the Church.
- Voted that the Deacons doe sell a peice of Land neer Mr Valentines hee is about to buy of them.
- Voted That our brethren Major Hutchinson, Mr Addington, Mr Ezekiel Chevers, Mr Dummer, Mr Prout, Mr Deering debate and prepare an Answer for the Church to the Enquiry of the Deacons about the way to pay for the Rent of Mr Moodeys House for the time past, and also to acquaint themselvs with the Church stocks in the Deacons hands and what is given and fit to bee setled on our Teaching Officer for his Maintenance to bee without variation unless by Church Consent and that they assist about ordering the poore.
- Voted ten pound a yeer bee allowed to our Teacher for his wood att the least.184
July 26, 1691.
- Voted That each one will Endeavor to prevent pollution of the Lords day by any of their familie and that they will shutt up shops before Sun downe on the Last day of the weeke And keep their Children and servants within doores, God assisting.
August 3d, 1691.
- Voted that our Teacher have an hundred and foure pound a yeer that is fortie shillings a weeke: and ten pound for wood yeerly And more as the church is able.
- Voted the Arrears of the house of Mr Moodey bee payde to this time.
- Admitted Clement Egerton dead,* Feb. 22, 1690.
- Francis Francis
- March 15, 1690.
- Hannah Mireck
- Eliab Valentine, March 22, 1690.
- Lydia Chevers
- March 29, 1691.
- Abigaile Chevers, 200
- Mary Arnold formerly Clough cast out for receiving stoln goods filthinesse in speech and Carriage, Impentet. by unanimous Consent, April 19, 1691.
- Mary Arnold
- April 26, 1691.
- Rose Messenger
- Lydia Mumford
- Sarah Newgate, May 10, 1691.
- Ruth Mumford, daughter of Elder Wiswall dead, 1697;* admitted May 24, 1691.
- Aug. 30, 1691.
- Bathsheba Rice
- Elizabeth Windelyn
- Sept. 27, 1691.
- Mary Savage
- Restored from Excommunication the widow Wheeler.
- Brother Ashley Admonished for Excesse in Drinking and Sabbath profanation abroad. Restored again by vote of the church. Admitted Sept. 29, 1691.
- Ruth Weeden
- Oct. 18, 1691.
- Hannah Gallop
- Tabitha Pecke
- Nov. 18, 1691.
- Elizabeth Pecke
- Voted by the Church att a meeting November 24 at my house that Brother Sampson Stoddard, brother Browne and brother Parsons Doe order persons In seating them in the meeting house.
July 22, 1691.
- Voted upon debate about the poor that they ought as Towne dwellers to have the benefit of that priviledge belonging to the poore of the Towne under Religious Government Is. 45:23.186 And that the Deacons only further supply them with further support as shall bee in generall directed by the Church and Advised by the Ruling officers Ga. 6.10.187
- [54]
- Men Admitted. August 30, 1691.
- Joseph Viccard, Feb. 1691/2.
- Jeremiah Fitz dead,* March 27, 1692.
- Jonathan Williams, May 29, 1692.
- James Allen, Junior, Aug. 14, 1692.
- Isaiah Toye, 45, Aug. 28, 1692.
- In all alive, 95.
- Joseph Prout, April 23, 1693.
- John Draper, July 16, 1693.
July 17, 1693.
- Voted that our Teacher doe invite Mr John Bayley to Assist him in Preaching constantly while among us 3 times in a month or oftner188 if hee please.
- Voted this: Nov. 28, 1693 At a meeting of the church at my house unanimously that our Teacher Invite Mr Wadsworth to assist him constantly once a month, or any other vacancy in Preaching, and any other help hee shall judge needfull. John Glover admitted, Dec. 31, 1693, dead.*
At a church meeting Att the meeting house, Jan. 12, 1693/4.
- Voted that Mr Cooke and Mr Adington bee added to the former 3 for disposing of seates and that they have power to determine of fit places to bee made so.
- Voted that our Two Deacons with our brother Bridge bee Assisting in judging of the Convenience of making a middle door at the North side and shutting up the two Corner doors and about a porch to the Easte doore.
- John Allen, March 11, 1693/4.
- John Eustice, March 25, 1694.
Women Admitted, August 30, 1691.
- Mary Patricke, Dec. 6, 1691 dead.*
- Besson, Dec. 20, 1691.
- Gutride Pease
- April 10, 1692.
- Elizabeth Dyer
- Elizabeth Atkinson, 50
- Mary Pecke
- Sept. 25, 1692.
- Hannah Gouch
- Susannah Gardener
- Oct. 17, 1692.
- Mary Atkinson, 220
- Hannah Wiswall
- Oct. 30, 1692.
- Rebeckah Griffith dead*
- Elizabeth Quelch dead,* Nov. 27, 1692.
- Mary Dummer dead*
- Feb. 26, 1692/3.
- Sarah Manning
- Ruth Cooke, 260, March 19, 1693.
- Mary Pemberton Junior wife to the chirurgeon
- March 26, 1692.
- Mary Green
- Sarah Joice
- April 9, 1693.
- Easter Green
- Mary Frances
- April 16, 1693.
- Martha Twinge
- Mary Ashley
- April 23, 1693.
- Naomi Harman
- Jane Oakes, 90 years old, dead*
- April 30, 1693.
- Patience Short, now Cop
- Joanna Croakam
- May 28, 1693.
- Abigaile Hatherly
- Naomy Collins, August 20, 1693.
- Abigaile Hatherly, Sept. 24, 1693.189
- Margaret Jackson, Nov. 12, 1693.
- Anne Peirce
- Dec. 3, 1693.
- Sarah Tudman
- Susan Farnham, Jan. 26, 1693/4.
- Hannah Henley, Feb. 18, 1694.
- Susanna Thaxter, April 8, 1694.
Men Admitted
- James Gooch and baptised, April 29, 1694.
July 2d, 1694. A Church vote.
- It is agreed to and voted by this Church that Mr Benjamin Wadsworth bee desired to Continue his ministry among us once a month: and att other times when by the providence of god Mr Bayley is hindred in his worke, And our Teacher desires it. Hoping that in time there may bee such a door open for a manifestation of our mutuall closing for further worke and service for Christ in this church.
- John Cary, Aug. 19, 1694.
- Thomas Jackson, Aug. 26, 1694.
- Thomas Hatherly, Sept. 29, 1695.
Voted March 19, 1694/5 at a Church meeting.
- That mr Joseph Bridgham and mr Thomas Jackson bee our Ruling Elders upon their Acceptance.
- That our brother David Copp and John Dyer bee our Deacons they Accepting.
- Voted that wee doe desire Mr Benjamin Wadsworth to Continue his Labors In preaching once a month to us And Att other times as the worke bee needed, and hee bee by our Teacher desired In order to Teaching office Among us.
- Mr Wadsworth his Answer in writing which was Reade to the Church June 23, 1695 in which hee accepted their call according to the vote.
July 7, 1695.
- Voted that mr Cooke, mr Elisha Hutchinson, mr Isaack Addington and Deacon Bridgham bee Messengers with our Teaching officer James Allen to joyne with a Councill of Churches att Wattertowne in Answer to their Letter desiring it for 15 day.190
- Voted Mr Addington, Mr Townsend, Mr Dummer, Mr Bridgham to bee Messengers to Charls-Towne the Councill there on 23d day.191
- Rebeckah Gooch and baptised, April 29, 1694.
- Rhoda Polty, May 13, 1694.
- Martha Langdon, June 10, 1694.
- Mary Cooke
- June 24, 1694.
- Martha Williams
- Hannah Marriner, Oct. 28, 1694.
- Sarah Tucker
- Jan. 27, 1694/5.
- Mary Williams
- Penelope Clarke
- Feb. 10, 1694/5.
- Mary Cabul
- Mary Hatherly, March 10, 1695.
- Sarah Payne, March 24, 1695.
- Elizabeth Clutterbucke by dismission from CharlsTowne, May 26, 1695.
- Mary Browne
- Sept. 1, 1695.
- Sarah Negroes by dismission from Sudbury, 280
- Jane Pembroke, Sept, 29, 1695.
Voted December 18, 1695 at A Church Meeting.
- Whereas Mr Wadsworth in his Late Answer to the Church, hath Expressed his willingnesse (if wee continued our Affection to him) to the service of Christ in this Church: wee doe fully and sincerely declare wee continue in the same mind and affection Towards him as formerly, And doe therefore in order to the fullfilling our desires Request him to Come to the Towne and Live among us; purposing (God willing) to proceed to his full settlement in office Among us without long and unreasonable delay according to the Custome of the Churches Among us. James Allen. Rachel Windsor, Jan. 12, 1695.
May 10, 1696.
- Brother Cop and Brother Mirion accepted the call of the church to bee Deacons.
- [56]
1695 Memorandum.
- Jonathan Waldo, Dec. 15, 1695.
- William Holloway, Junior, March 22, 1695.
May 5, 1696.
- Voted at a church meeting by theire owne desire, That they doe unitedly desire the Continuance of Mr John Bayley in his ministry amongst us. This was Renewed August 4th and The Teacher Mr Cooke, Collonell Hutchinson, Major Townsend to acquaint him with it. hee accepted
And also That the Teacher in theire names Advice Mr Wadsworth to take out his dismission from the Church hee belongs to and joyne with this church.
- Elkanah Penbrooke, May 17, 1696.
- William Welsteed, May 31, 1696.
- Benjamin Wadsworth, Jan. 21, 1696.
August 9, 1696.
- Voted anew a choice of Mr Wadsworth to teaching office And 8th of September to bee the day of ordination 5 Neighbour churches voted to bee sent to, the North and South in Boston, Charlestowne, Dorchester, and Roxbury.
August 30, 1696.
- Voted that after Mr Wadsworth ordination hee shall bee declared a Pastor to this church (This vote was executed Sept. 8, 1696).192
September 6, 1696.
- Brother Cop and [John] Mirion Junior ordained Deacons.
December 24, 1696.
- At a church meeting voted That Major Townsend, Mr Dummer, Mr Lynds bee a Committee to Assist the Deacons In Recovering of the Church estate of mr Mason Bro Persons and Mr Whartons debt And that during the life of the former Incumbent in the house estate of brother Taylor the Rent of the church bee Remitted the Rest Recovered.193
- And division of Land by Deacon Allen. Voted which is further to bee considered
- Voted That Brother Gee shall not bee further offensive by withdrawing Communion while the churche heares and determines his former offence or whether it bee so or no.
- Samuell Marshall
- Dec. 27, 1696.
- William Holloway
- Moses Bradford
- Henry Bridgham
- Rebecka Balston, May 31, 1696.
- Sarah Sherrer, June 21, 1696.
- Sarah Cunningham, June 28, 1696
- Mary Davis, July 19, 1696.
- Sarah Legoree, Aug. 2, 1696.
- Joanna Plumber
- Aug. 30, 1696.
- Elizabeth Endicott
- Experience Wright, Sept. 13, 1696.
- Joanah Prince
- Oct. 25, 1696.
- Elanor Pallow, negro
- (294 Alive 1696.)
- Hannah Davis
- Nov. 8, 1696.
- Hannah Dyer
- Sarah Abraham, Nov. 29, 1696.
- Elizabeth Bill
- Dec. 20, 1696.
- Elizabeth Verry
- Ruth Marshall
- Dec. 27, 1696.
- Elizabeth Harrington
- Elizabeth Bradford
- Lydia Hatherly, Jan. 10, 1696/7.
- Susanna Hayden, Jan. 17, 1696/7.
- Hannah Dyar, Jan. 24, 1696/7.
- Grace Web
- Jan. 31, 1696/7.
- Sarah Web
- Mary Thwing
- Feb. 21, 1696/7.
- Anna Jipson
- Hannah Mylan
- Martha Temple
- Feb. 28, 1696/7.
- Hannah Green
- Mary Gooch
- Sarah Busbie
- March 14, 1696/7.
- Susanna Clow
- Elizabeth Veach
- March 21, 1696/7.
- Sarah Smith
- Elizabeth Lillie
- March 28, 1696/7.
- Sarah Tuckerman
- Rachel Draper
- [57]
- Men Admitted
- Samuel Plummer
- Jan. 10, 1696/7.
- Adam Dinsdall
- John Dyar, Jan. 24, 1696/7.
- Jan. 31, 1696/7.
- John Parker
- Nathaniel Green, senior
- Feb. 14, 1696/7.
- William Jipson, Feb. 21, 1696/7.
- Nathaniel Balston
- Feb. 28, 1696/7.
- Enoch Greenleafe
- David Cop
- Samuel Barret
- Isaac Marrion, March 21, 1696/7.
- Thomas Smith
- dead.194
- William Welsted
- March 28, 1697, the same day.
- John Allen
- John Temple restored to the communion of the Church, upon his publick professing his repentance for his sin of drunkeness, for which he was cast out.
- Thomas Harwood
- April 18, 1697.
- John Ranger
April 25, 1697.
- The Church consented that mr Joshuah Gee and his wife should be dismissed to the north Church of Christ in Boston. accordingly there was given to him and his wife a Letter of dismission signed by the Elders with the consent of the Brethren, nemine contradicente. John Arnold, Aug. 29, 1697. John Temple was excommunicated for drunkenesse, with the concent of the church by their silence, this Sept. 26, 1697.
- Giles Roberts, Oct. 31, 1697.
- Thomas Carter, March 27, 1698.
- William Fisher, May 29, 1698.
- Voted that mr Timothy Thornton should be dismissed to the North Church in Boston, Sept. 25, 1698.
Women Admitted
- Elizabeth Ranger, April 18, 1697.
- Mercy Toy
- April 25, 1697.
- Mary Smith
- Sarah Dinsdale
- June 27, 1697.
- Sarah Duram
- Judith Hubbard
- Sarah Parker, Aug. 29, 1697.
- Mary Worthylake, Sept. 12, 1697.
- Mehitabel Worden, Oct. 31, 1697.
- Mr John Baylie who had preached several years at the old Church, died December 12, 1697, being sabbath day, about 3 of the clock in the afternoon, and was buried the Thursday following.
- Mary Child, an old woman
- Dec. 26, 1697.
- Mary Emmons
- Hannah Gipson was admonished publickly Jan. 16, 1697/8 for begging the charitie of people, for some poor person or persons, as she pretended, yet keeping the most of what she so gathered for her own use, in the management of this affair and discoursing with persons about the same she was also guilty of sundry abominable lies.
- She was again restored Aug. 28, 1698.195
February 27, 1697/8.
- James Maxwell was admonished and suspended from the Lord’s Table, for notorious drunkenesse.
- Deborah Crick
- March 27, 1698.
- Ruhamah Hill
- Lydia Ingram, April 17, 1698.
- James Maxwell was restored to the communion of the Church, April 24, 1698.
- Catharine Welsteed, May 15, 1698.
- Mary Lyon
- June 12, 1698.
- Abigail Gale
- Mary Ellis
- Mary Webster, July 10, 1698.
- Sarah Fairfeild, Oct. 30, 1698.
- The same day mistres Mary Lynde, formerly Richardson, was dismissed from Nuberry Church to us.
- [58]
- The Page for men
October 16, 1698.
- Thomas Hartshorn and Elizabeth his wife (having a Letter commendatory from the Church of Christ in Bilerica) entred into covenant with this Church.
- Andrew Ranken
- Dec. 18, 1698.
- Nathaniel Morton
- Joseph Hubbard, Dec. 25, 1698.
- Samuel Legg admitted and baptized, Jan. 29, 1698/9. James Farris, March 26, 1699.
- Jacob Gale
- Jan. 14, 1699/1700.
- John Wells
- Joseph Royal
- Jan. 28, 1699/1700.
- William James
- Edward Oakes
- Feb. 25, 1699/1700.
- Thomas Barnes
- John Wharton
- March 31, 1700.
- James Williams
- Andrew Vetch
- Natha. Thare, April 28, 1700.
- Elisha Cook
- July 28, 1700.
- Ebenezer Lowl
- John Roberts a Cooper, Aug. 18, 1700.
- Nathaniel Kettle, Sept. 29, 1700.
- Jonathan Loring, a Currier
- Oct. 27, 1700.
- Samuel Morse, a Currier
- John Brown, Nov. 4, 1700.
- John Hughs, Jan. 26, 1700/1.
- Thomas Oakes Son to the Dr,196 April 20, 1701.
- William Longfellow, May 25, 1701.
- Robert Derbe, Jan. 25, 1701/2.
January 25, 1701/1702.
- Thomas Hubbart (having a Letter commendatory from The Church of Christ in Yarmouth; in old England, Entred into Convenant with This church.)
- Zechariah Thare, Feb. 22, 1701/2.
- March 29, 1702.
- Cornelius Thare
- James Peneman Admitted, and Baptized
- April 26, 1702.
Women admitted
- Sarah Stratten, Nov. 27, 1698.
- Elizebeth Palmeter
- Jan. 29, 1698/9.
- Sarah Walker
- Mary Phillips
- Jane Waters a Negro.
- The two last were also baptised at the same time.
- Thankfull Hubbard, dismissed to us from the Church in Sudbury, June 25, 1699.
- Mary Lowden, Jan. 14, 1699/1700.
- Mary Bishop
- Jan. 28, 1699/1700.
- Anna Ibrook
- Sarah Eleot, Feb. 18, 1699/1700.
- Hanna Hannah
- March 3 1, 1700.
- Agnis Skinner
- Margarett Roberts
- Abigail Willis, May 26, 1700.
- Mary the wife of Samuel Marr: 9, 1700.
- Mary Shore
- June 30, 1700.
- Elizabeth Lowel
- Mehitabel Eldridge
- July 28, 1700.
- Elizabeth Burrow
- Margaret Lanyon, Aug. 18, 1700.
- Abigail and Margarett
- Odlin, Nov. 24, 1700.
- Susannah Gray, Jan. 26, 1700/1.
- Lydia Ames
- Feb. 23, 1700/1.
- Dorothy Boson
- Margaret Shapley, May 25, 1701.
- Sarah Foreland
- July 27, 1701.
- Hannah Jipson
- Sarah More
- Abigail Thornton
- Aug. 17, 1701.
- Mary Cuttler
- Sarah Ellis, Nov. 16, 1701.
- Sarah Davis, Nov. 30, 1701.
- Elizabeth Dearing, Feb. 22, 1701/2.
- Constance Olcocke, Feb. 22, 1701/2.
March 15, 1701/2.
- Martha Ockletree formerly colled Martha Cobbet was Excommunicated for Drunckenness with the consent of the church.
- [59]
- Votes of the Church
- Vid. page 99.197
- Question: Whether the Relation of immediate children of church members bee such as giveth the church a church power over them, And consequently whether it is the duty of the Church to Exercise that power regularly upon them that their knowledge and life may bee Answerable to the Engagement of their Relation and whether it bee the churches mind that solemne notice bee given seasonably to them.
Voted on the Affirmative 29th day of 1st moneth 1656.198
Att a meeting of the Church January 31, 1687.
- Voted unanimously that there shall bee a Constant gathering after the use of the Sacrament and other church uses or poore.
Att a Meeting of the Church July 22, 1691.
- p. 99.199
- Voted that forty shilling a weeke bee payde by the Deacons to the Teaching officer200 and ten pounds a yeare money for wood and more as the church is able. Voted that our brethren Mr Jeremiah Dummer And Captain Pen Townsend doe assist the Deacons in Recovering fourescore pounds of money due from Mr Whartons estate201 to the Church.
- Voted that forty shilling a week bee also Towne poor bee not att the church charge but Towne, only as members to have some Additionall Releife according to Gal. 6:10.202
November 24, 1691.
- Att a meeting of the Church voted That our brother Parsons Stoddard and Browne bee the persons shall Exercise the Church power in seating persons in the meeting house till others are chosen. Voted That the Deacons may sell a peice of Land neer Mr Valentines.
- On August 18, 1700 was read to this Church a Letter from the South203 Church in Boston, desiring us to send Messengers to approve and assist in the ordination of mr Ebenezer Pemberton to the office of a Pastor over them, our Deacons and the Magistrates of our communion, were chosen and sent with the Teaching officers, accordingly he was ordained their Pastor.
August 28, 1700.
- Mr Willard gave the Charge, and the President Mr Increase Mather gave the right hand of fellowship.204
February to, 1700/01 Voted.
- Whereas there is a Print lately Come forth dedicated to the Churches of Christ in New England, Intitled Gosple order Revived,205 wherein are harsh Expressions, and unmeet against the present practise of this Church and the professed way of the Congregational Churches therein, wee doe herein declare our utter dislike thereof, Tho wee doe not Condemne those who Conscientiously practise otherwise. And wee desire the Platforme of Church discipline may bee Reprinted, that those who are unacquainted with it may know it, which is the directory of our practise; so far as it agrees with the word of God.
- Voted by a very full Consent.
May 5, 1701.
- Voted that brother Cop and brother John Mirion Junior bee deacons the former accepted then the other on the 10th Instant the Lord’s day.
May 17, 1701.
- Voted that they were satisfied with their Teacher about the managing the affayre of the choice of them nemine Contradicente.
June 7, 1701.
- A renewed choice of brother John Mirion.
August 3, 1701.
- Deacon Bridgham and Deacon Cop chosen Ruling Elders one by 65 the Latter 56 votes.
August 17, 1701.
- Voted by Lifting up the hand and accepted by them.
August 24, 1701.
- Mr Toy chosen by 13 votes.
- [60]
- Men Admitted
- Israeli Walker
- July 26, 1702.
- Samuell Parkera206
- John Rowlstone
- Oct. 25, 1702.
- Nath: Green, Nov. 22, 1702.
- Johnathan Looke
- March 28, 1703.
- Henry Howell
- Thomas Godfrey, July 26, 1703.
- James Butler
- Jan. 24, 1703/4.
- Samuell Maxwell
- Robert Lumbley, Feb. 28, 1703/4.
- Moses Ingram, April 31, 1704.
- Roger Lawson, June 25, 1704.
- John Fisher, Sept. 24, 1704.
- Reuerend Mr
- Jan. 28, 1704.
- Thomas Bridge
- Richard Broocks
- John Pecker
At a meeting of the Church April 17, 1705.
- Brother Thomas Messinger being convicted of the Sin of cursing and swareing maid a humble confeshon of this his wickedness and the Church frely forgave him.
- Ebenezer Emones, Sept. 30, 1705.
- Samuell Winckley, Dec. 30, 1705.
- Peter Thomas, Feb. 24, 1705/6.
- Joseph Mason, April 28, 1706.
- Alexander Dunken
- July 28, 1706.
- William Lee
Women Admitted
- Sarah Townsend, March 29, 1702.
- Sarah Townsend wife of Pen Townsend junior Receved into ffull communion with the Church and Baptised, May 24, 1702.
- w207 Luse Bush negro Receved into full communion with the church and baptised and her child Peter, Sept. 26, 1702.
- b208 Abigail Walter, Oct. 25, 1702.
- c209 Melitiah Hawkins, Nov. 22, 1702.
- a210 Sarah Leveret, Jan. 31, 1702/3.
- w211 Mary Wilson, Feb. 27, 1702/3.
- Mercy Molten, March 28, 1703.
- Sarah Hutchinson, April 25, 1703.
- Mary Pullsifer and baptized
- May 30, 1703.
- Mary Lumbley
- Feb. 28, 1703/4.
- Hannah Malum
- Mary Verde and baptized
- Feb. 28, 1703/4.
- Mary Geffry, April 31, 1704.
- Martha Ockletree formerly Excommunicated for Drunckenness; Restored upon her repentance by vote of the church, April 31, 1704.
- Marah Rogers
- July 30, 1704.
- Sarah212 Corser
- Ann Harue, Sept. 24, 1704.
- [61]
October 8, 1704.
- Mr Thomas Hubbart was Ordained Deacon; our Teacher Allen and our Pastor Wodsworth Layed on there hands; mr Allen ordained him.
June 2, 1706.
- John Ingrain haveing a Letter Commendatory from the Church of Christ in Roxberry Entred into Covinant with this Church, Sept. 29, 1706.
- James Mirecke, Sept. 29, 1706.
- Samuell Belknap, Nov. 25, 1706.
- James Maxwell was admonished publickly ffor Drunckennes, with the consent of the Church, Dec. 29, 1706.
- John Shaw admitted and Baptised, Jan. 26, 1706.
- John Robards junior was admonished for his Disobedience to his father for Drunckennes, Curseing and Swareing, and his Rebeling against the authority of the Constable, Feb. 9, 1706/7.
- John Dorell Dismissed from the Church in Hingham and joyned with this, Feb. 23, 1706/7.
- James Maxwell Restored to the Communion of the Church upon his publicke profesing his Repentance for his sin of Drunckennes for which he was admonished publickly by vote of the Church, March 30, 1707.
Women Admitted
- Mary Dearing, Feb. 25, 1704/5.
- Jane Cooke
- March 25, 1705.
- Elizebeth Loring
- Sarah Winkly
- April 29, 1705.
- Elizebeth Cooke
- Presilla Gardner
- Abigaill Quelch, June 24, 1705.
- Elizebeth Flood and Baptized
- June 24, 1705.
- Judith Hancock, July 29, 1705.
- Lydia Adams, Oct. 29, 1705.
- Elizebeth Willis
- Nov. 26, 1705.
- Ann Dumer
- Elizebeth Godward, Dec. 2, 1705.
- Mary Bason, Dec. 30, 1705.
- Elizebeth Thwing, Jan. 26, 1705/6.
- Abigail Torrey, Feb. 24, 1705/6.
- Mary Miller, May 26, 1706.
- Elizebeth Demorit
- May 26, 1706.
- Negrow; and baptized and her Child Basteen
- Elizebeth Cary
- July 28, 1706.
- Margret Mosman
- Elizebeth Allen
- Mary Casement
- Margret Jeffries
- July 28, 1706.
- Negrow and Baptized
- [62]
- Men Admitted
- Edward Lee Negrow and baptized, July 27, 1707.
- William Hutcheson
- Aug. 31, 1707.
- Edward Gray
- John Hooper and Baptized, Feb. 29, 1707/8.
- John Dolebear, May 30, 1708.
- Samuell Curtis, July 25, 1708.
- Richard Follow Negrow and baptized, Aug. 28, 1708.
- John Legg, Jan. 22, 1709/10.
- Thomas Mosseme
- March 26, 1710.
- Negro Admitted and Baptized
- Robert Williams, April 30, 1710.
- Ezekiel Chevers, July 30, 1710.
- Samuel Goff, Aug. 27, 1710.
- John Orn, Oct. 29, 1710.
- Nathanael Balston, junior, Nov. 26, 1710.
- Ebenezer Rand, Dec. 31, 1710.
- Simon Thomson, Jan. 28, 1710/11.
- John Buttolph, March 25, 1711.
- Joseph Savil
- April 29, 1711.
- John Gibbons
- James Beiphton
- Ebenezer Burgess, May 27, 1711.
Women Admitted
- Grace Butler, Nov. 25, 1706.
- Elizebeth Mansell
- Jan. 26, 1706.
- Marth: Clow
- Dina; a Negrow woman of Dacon Tays; and Baptized
- Jan. 26, 1706.
- Perses Bridge, Feb. 23, 1706/7.
- Mary Rolestone, April 28, 1707.
- Mary Bridgham, June 21, 1707.
- Mary Simmons Negrow Woman and Baptized, June 21, 1707.
- Mary Ingram and Baptised, Aug. 31, 1707.
- Mary Gipson
- Sept. 28, 1707.
- Mercy Lee
- Ruth Ellet admired Dismised from the Church of Topsfeald, Nov. 30, 1707.
- Hannah Elithorp Dismised from the Church of Rowley and admitted into this March 28, 1708.
- John Coffee and jane his wife (Negro’s213) admitted and baptized
- April 24, 1708.
- Mmy Morecoke Elizebeth Duncan
- July 25, 1708.
- Mary Stedman, Aug. 28, 1708.
- Elizebeth Mossimee Negrow and baptized
- Aug. 28, 1708.
- Anne Browne wife of John Brown Deliverance Hughes wife of John Hughes
- March 27, 1709.
- [63]
[Left column blank]
- Women Admitted
- Martha Lackey wife of [blank] Lackey, April 10, 1709.
- Susannah Cheevers, Nov. 27. 1709.
- Elizabeth Pearson
- March 26, 1710.
- Mercy Atkins
- Mary Marion
- Elizabeth Wood
- April 30, 1710.
- Admitted and Baptized
- Sarah Meers
- Deborah Thorne
- May 28, 1710.
- Bethia Shrimpton
- Rebekah Lloyd
- Elizabeth Welland
- June 25, 1710
- Rachel Walldo
- Hannah Goff admitted and Baptized
- Aug. 27, 1710.
- Anne Allen admitted
- Susannah Bull
- Oct. 29, 1710.
- Elizabeth Orn
- Ann Wier
- Dec. 31, 1710.
- Rebekah Basse
- Hannah Newell, Jan. 28, 1710/11.
- Rebekah Williams
- Feb. 25, 1710/11.
- Mary Buttolph
- Elizabeth Deering, junior
- Sarah Barret, junior
- Mary Weymouth
- April 29, 1711.
- Marcy Shaw
- Elizabeth Cox
- Elizabeth Cravath
- Mary Fiske
- Elizabeth Burgess
- May 27, 1711.
- admitted and Baptized
- Joanna Walker
- [64]
- Men admitted
- Ebenezer Fisher, July 29, 1711.
- Benjamin Bird, Aug. 26, 1711.
- Robert Rand, Sept. 30, 1711.
- John Lothrop.
- Samuel Torrey.
- Daniell Bridge.
- Edward Goddard by a Dissmission from the Church at Watertown of which the Revd, Mr Henry Gibbs is Pastor; all these were admitted Feb. 29, 1711/12.
- Joshua Loring by a dissmission from the church att North Cambridge214 of which the Revd. Mr John Hancock is Pastor, July 9, 1712.
- Jeremiah Allen, Nov. 19, 1712.
- John Temple was restored to the Church
- from the Sentence of Excommunication
- Oct. 22, 1712.
- Mark Maylem
- Aug. 30, 1713.
- Samuel Durant
- Edward Marion
- Sept. 27, 1713.
- Michael Willis
- Andrew Cunningham, Junior, Oct. 25, 1713.
- William Downes by a Dissmission from a Church in London, Dec. 6, 1713.
- Thomas Wait, Dec. 27, 1713. Daniel Pecker, Jan. 31, 1713/14.
Women Admitted
- Hannah Walldo.
- Mary Hawkins.
- Susannah Goddard by a dissmission from Watertown. These were admitted Feb. 29, 1711/12.
- Hannah Lowden
- May 7, 1712.
- Ruth Star
- Eunice Brown, June 9, 1712.
- Sarah Mountford, July 30, 1712.
- Hannah wife of Joshua Loring, Aug. 27, 1712.
- Rebekah Balston, Sept. 24, 1712.
- Tabitha Treadaway, Nov. 19, 1712.
- Elizabeth Rand, Jan. 14, 1712/13.
- Sarah Wheeler
- Feb. 11, 1712/13.
- Joannah Spiller she was also Baptized
- Elizabeth Gouldthwait, April 8, 1713.
- On the ffirst day of our meeting at the New Meeting house.
- Mary Stratford admitted and baptized, May 3, 1713.
- Sarah Child, May 31, 1713.
- Lois Basse, July 26, 1713.
- Ann Bill was admitted by a Dismission from the church of Christ att Salisbury, of which Mr C[aleb] Cushing is Pastor, Aug. 2, 1713.
- Anna Hill, Sept. 27, 1713.
- Mary Wright.
- Elizabeth Beighton.
- Abigail Burnham, Oct. 25, 1713.
- Sarah Jones, Jan. 31, 1713/14.
- Mary Mason wife of Joseph Mason.
- Mary Basse by a dissmission from the North Church in Braintree215 Mr [Joseph] Marsh Pastor, March 28, 1714.
- [65]
- Men Admitted
- John Hunt, April 25, 1714.
- Jeofory Bedgood
- Jan. 30, 1714/15.
- Nathl. Gardener
- John Combs
- William Wellsted, junior, Feb. 27, 1714/15.
- Joseph Marion, March 27, 1715.
- John Salter
- April 24, 1715.
- Joshua Winslow
- Thomas Cook
- May 29, 1715.
- Isaac Marion
- Thomas Bradford
Women Admitted
- Martha Legg, April 25, 1714.
- Mary Arnold, May 30, 1714.
- Ann Stevens
- June 27, 1714.
- Sarah Bull
- Hannah Marion
- admd and Baptized, July 25, 1714.
- Huldah Craford
- Sarah Reynolds, Sept. 26, 1714.
- Sarah Loring, Oct. 31, 1714.
- Mary Fairweather
- Nov. 28, 1714.
- Mary May
- Mary Beetle
- Elizabeth Bull, Abigail Cheevers, admitted, January 30, 1714/15.
- Sarah Cary, Experience Willis, admitted and Baptized.
- Bathiah Lindal.
- Sarah Williams.
- Mildred Peck.
- Susannah Landman.
- Elizabeth Clough.
- Abigail Temple.
- Sarah Marshal admitted, and Baptized, Feb. 27, 1714/15.
- Elline Marion.
- Mary Bridge.
- Christian Simson.
- Mary Varnam.
- Rebekah Bridge.
- Abigail Alexander.
- Mary Coombs.
- Mary Brookin admitted and Baptized.
- Mary Marion dissmissed from the church att Wobourn, March 27, 1715.
- Lydia Thayre
- April 24, 1715.
- Mary Balston
- Hephzibah Williams
- Sarah Nash
- May 29, 1715.
- Hannah Bridge
- Hannah Wheeler
- Alice Wheeler
- Priscilla Loring
- June 26, 1715.
- Ruth Allen
- Sarah Clarke
- [66]
- Men Admitted
- Nicholas Buttolph
- July 31, 1715.
- Samuel Bridgham
- Thomas Clarke.
- Nathanl. Reynolds.
- John Daniel.
- George Smith, Aug. 28, 1715.216
- Thomas Salter admitted and baptized
- Sept. 25, 1715.
- Samuel Gibbon
- John Durant
- Thomas Fosdick
- William Fairfield
- Oct. 30, 1715.
- a Mason
- James Landman
- a Barber
- Daniel Pouning
- Dec. 25, 1715.
- Samuell Thorn Junior
- Joseph Pierce
- Joseph Henderson
- Ebenezer Shaw, a smith, admitted and Baptized, Jan. 29, 1715/16.
- Charles Deming
- Feb. 26, 1715/16.
- John Bradford
- David Collson
- March 25, 1716.
- Thomas Downe
- Daniel Creasy
- Thomas Campbell
- April 29, 1716.
- William Chamberlain
- Gershom Frazer, May 27, 1716, since dismiss’d to Newberry217
Women Admitted
- Elizabeth Bellingham.
- Judith Williston.
- Rebekah Hunt.
- Jane Goodwin who was also baptized, July 3, 1715.
- Sarah Loring. Ruth Wells.
- Rebekah Marshall who was also Baptized August 28, 1715.218
- Sarah Hunstable
- Oct. 30, 1715.
- Hannah Cooledge
- Elizabeth Green
- Lydia Vale
- Mary Ferguson
- Elizabeth Craige admitted and Baptized
- Nov. 27, 1715.
- Annoble Henderson
- Hannah Phillips
- Anna Phillips
- Mary Penniman, Dec. 25, 1715.
- Ruth Devin (or Diffin)
- Jan. 29, 1715/16.
- Joanna Bell Mary Cunningham
- Anna Jepson
- Judah Best, who was also baptized
- Joanna Bird
- Feb. 26, 1715/16.
- Mary Green
- Abigail Torrey
- Katharine Mansell
- March 25, 1716.
- Mary Barret
- Constance Row
- Susanna Willson
- April 29, 1716.
- Mary Hallowell
- Martha Hubbard
- Hannah Wadsworth, she was also baptized
- Anne Clark, Lois Walter and Elizabeth Allen, this last was also baptized at the same time, viz. on May 27, 1716.
- [67]
- Men admitted
- Mingo Antee a Negro man admitted and baptized, Aug. 26, 1716.
- Gershom Tenney, Sept. 30, 1716.
- James Cary, Dec. 30, 1716.
- John Wheelwright
- Jan. 27, 1716/7.
- James Gooch, Junior
- Zechariah Buck-master
- Joseph Prince
- Jonathan Jackson, dismissed from the S[outh] church to us
- Henry Maddux
- Feb. 24, 171 6/7.
- Thomas Marshall baptized also
- Philip Reynolds, May 26, 1717.
- Samuell Barret, Junior, July 28, 1717.
- Mr Thomas Foxcroft, having a Letter of Recommendation from the Minister at Cambridge, in which Church he had been sundry years a Member; was admitted a member here, Oct. 27, 1717.
- James Allen
- Dec. 29, 1717.
- Thomas Chamberlane
- James Burril, Feb. 23, 1717/8.
- Matthew Adams
- March 30, 1718.
- William Loring
- Joshua Kent
- William Booker and Josiah Carter, April 27, 1718.
- Joseph Brown, May 25, 1718.
- Samuell Miers, July 27, 1718.
- Samuell Torrey, Aug. 31, 1718.
Women admitted into the church
- Anne Bridges, Bridget Smith, Elizabeth Wild; this last was then baptized with her three children, June 24, 1716.
- Martha Howel
- July 29, 1716.
- Thankfull Hubbard
- Martha Marshal, admitted and baptized; also her Daughter Ruth of 4 or 5 years old was then baptized, Aug. 26, 1716.
- Mary Cook and Elizabeth Belknap the last was also then Baptized, Sept. 30, 1716.
- Christian Bridge, Nov. 25, 1716.
- Joanna Landman
- Jan. 27, 1716/7.
- Mary Wells
- Hannah Wells
- Katharine Bramen
- Feb. 24, 1716/7.
- Elizabeth Fairfield, baptized also
- Mercie Halloway
- Mary Frothingham
- Sarah Pouning, April 28, 1717.
- Ruth Loring, June 30, 1717.
- Margaret Davis, Sept. 29, 1717.
- Elizabeth Slaughter, Oct. 27, 1717.
- Ruth Basse, Nov. 24, 1717.
- Hannah Chamberlane
- Dec. 29, 1717.
- Lydia Coit
- Deliverance Brown
- Sarah Bradford, Jan. 26, 1717/8.
- Katharine Welsteed, Feb. 23, 1717/8.
- Lydia Earle, April 27, 1718.
- Mary Olive
- June 29, 1718.
- Hannah Bendal
- Sarah Marshall
- Aug. 31, 1718.
- Mary Pearse
- Mary Verry
- Lydia Hatherly
- Deborah Torrey
- [68]
- Men Admitted
- John Reynolds, Sept. 28, 1718.
- Ebenezer Storer, Oct. 26, 1718.
- Matthew Pool, Dec. 28, 1718.
- Isaac Fowl, Jan. 25, 1718/9.
- Ebenezer Delver, Feb. 22, 1718/19.
- Thomas Hubbard, Mar. 29, 1719.
- Hemmen Henderson
- April 26, 1719.
- Joseph Webb
- Nathanael Clark
- May 31, 1719.
- Thomas Pike
- Richard Langdon, June 28, 1719.
- William Lee
- Aug. 30, 1719.
- Benjamin Dyer
- Henry Gibbs, Nov. 29, 1719.
- David Cunningham, Jan. 31, 1719/20.
- Samuel Townsend, Feb. 28, 1719/20.
- Elijah Kindrick (or Cantrick), May 29, 1720.
- Benjamin Gerrish, was dismissed from the new North Church219 in Boston and recieved by ours, July 31, 1720.
- Benjamin Boynton, Sept. 25, 1720.
- Philip Bongarden
- Dec. 25, 1720.
- Joseph Simpson
- Elias Dupee, April 30, 1721.
- Joseph Hill, May 28, 1721.
Women admitted
- Margaret Salter, Nov. 30, 1718.
- Ann Sale
- Dec. 28, 1718.
- Sarah Bryant
- Katharine Adams
- Elizabeth Cary
- Feb. 22, 1718/9.
- Hannah Pearse
- Hannah Dyer
- Sarah Hinds, baptized also
- Elizabeth Wilson, March 29, 1719.
- Abigail Green, May 31, 1719.
- Elizabeth Bradford
- June 28, 1719.
- Mary Jemison
- Elizabeth Pain, this also baptized
- Bethiah Bridge, Aug. 30, 1719.
- Sarah Watts, Dec. 27, 1719.
- Joanna Brown
- Jan. 31, 1719/20.
- Elizabeth Chamberlain
- Sarah Cunningham, Feb. 28, 1719/20. Mary Smith and Elizabeth Gerrick, this last baptized also, March 27, 1720.
- Abigail Russel and Jane Crandon, April 24, 1720.
- Mary Valentine
- May 29, 1720.
- Ellanor Pullin
- Mary Cheever
- Elizabeth Pickering
- June 26, 1720.
- Ruth Warden
- Ellen Bridge, July 31, 1720.
- Ann Wardel, dismissed to us from the North Church in Braintree.220
- Hannah Clap that had been cast out for drunkeness, was now restored, Aug. 28, 1720.
- Hannah Fairweather, Sept. 25, 1720.
- Mary Townsend, and baptized, Oct. 30, 1720.
- Elizabeth Waldo, Nov. 27, 1720.
- Elizabeth Simpson, Dec. 25, 1720.
- Elizabeth Bridgham, Jan. 29, 1720/21.
- Sarah Watts, March 26, 1721.
- Elizabeth Savage, May 28, 1721.
- [69]
- Men admitted into the Church
- John Ruggles, June 25, 1721.
- William Torrey, July 30, 1721.
- Samuel Warden, Dec. 31, 1721.
- Nicholas Moorcock, Jan. 28, 1721/2.
- Samuel Marrion, Junior, Feb. 25, 1721/2.
- Joseph Ranger, March 25, 1722.
- At the same time. Benjamin Emmons, by a Dismission from221 the south church in Boston to ours. George Southerland, April 29, 1722.
- Joseph Dyer, Sept. 30, 1722.
- Nathanael Wardel
- Oct. 28, 1722.
- Joshua Blanchard
- John Miller, Jan. 27, 1722/3.
- John Knight, March 31, 1723.
- John Lowel (Batchelour of Arts at College), Sept. 29, 1723.222
- Joseph Kneeland
- Nov. 24, 1723.
- Nathanael Thwing
- Joseph Bradford, Jan. 26, 1723/4.
- James Townsend
- March 29, 1724.
- William Ware
Women admitted
- Tabitha Ruggles, June 25, 1721.
- Mary Loring, July 30, 1721.
- Ester Frothingham, Aug. 27, 1721.
- Martha Thwing, Oct. 29, 1721.
- Ruth Wadsworth, Nov. 26, 1721.
- Sarah Warden
- Dec. 31, 1721.
- Dorothy Farnham, and baptized
- Mary and Elizabeth Jackson
- Jan. 28, 1721/2.
- Mary and Abigail Buttolph
- Mary Green223
- Feb. 25, 1721/2.
- Mary Green, her Daughter
- Ann Gray
- Mary Smith, March 25, 1722.
- Jane Legg
- April 29, 1722.
- Mary Lumley
- Persis Torrey
- May 27, 1722.
- Ann Dorby
- Mary White, received and Baptized, June 24, 1722.
- Elizabeth Cook
- July 29, 1722.
- Ann Saunders
- Mary Belknap, Sept. 30, 1722.
- Mary Pollard and at the same time Elizabeth Fife, dismissed to us from Marblehead, Mr Barnard’s Church, Oct. 28, 1722.
- Sarah Dadey
- Dec. 30, 1722.
- Elizabeth Allen
- Elizabeth Townsend
- Feb. 24, 1722/3.
- Sarah Wheeler
- Lucy Waldo
- March 31, 1723.
- Elizabeth Bass
- Susannah
- Brinno, June 30, 1723.
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Gaud, July 28, 1723.
- Mary Burnham
- Aug. 25, 1723.
- Marffaret Rushton
- Abigail Salter
- Oct. 27, 1723.
- Naomy Reynolds
- Mary Vodin, and baptized, Jan. 26, 1723/4.
- Rachel Dorrel
- Feb. 23, 1723/4.
- Sarah Marshal
- Hannah Lobdil
- Humilis Williams and baptized
- Susannah Jackson
- March 29, 1724.
- Sarah Parsons
- Mary White
- [70]
- Men admitted into the Church
- John Taylor, May 31, 1724.
- Alexander Martyn, June 28, 1724.
- Henry Neal, July 26, 1724.
- Joseph Cook, Aug. 30, 1724.
- Stephen Hunnywell, Dec. 27, 1724.
- James Day
- March 28, 1725.
- John Whitney
- John Battersby, May 30, 1725.
- Samuel Ridgeaway, June 27, 1725.
- John Binning, Dec. 26, 1725.
- Nathaniel Fairfield
- April 24, 1726.
- Sendal Williams
- John Ballard, May 29, 1726.
- Cornelius Waldo, Aug. 28, 1726.
- John Marion, Nov. 27, 1726.
- Samuel Cravath
- April 30, 1727.
- Benjamin Tenney
- Joseph Lowden
- Stephen Patting, June 25, 1727.
- Reverend Charles Chauncey. By Dismission from the224 South Church etc.
- John Plaisted, Oct. 29, 1727.
- Issac Sterns
- Dec. 31, 1727.
- Jeremiah Fitz
Women admitted into the Church
- Mary Loring, May 31, 1724.
- Elizabeth Wolcot, June 8, 1724.
- Rebekah Webber
- Nov. 29, 1724.
- Ruth Osborn
- Miriam Hunniwell, Dec. 27, 1724.
- Lydia Rawlens
- Jan. 31, 1724/5.
- Elizabeth Garish
- Jane Smalledge
- Sarah Johnson
- Mary Davis
- March 28, 1725.
- Mary Lowry
- Hannah Beale, April 25, 1725.
- Martha Hubbard
- May 30, 1725.
- Susannah Whitney
- Zerviah How, June 27, 1725.
- Martha Read, Aug. 29, 1725. Admitted and baptized.
- Sarah Whittim, Oct. 31, 1725. Admitted and baptized.
- Tidy (Negroe), Feb. 27, 1725/6. Admitted and baptized.
- Mary Briscoe
- April 24, 1726.
- Abigail Lord
- Mary Brooking, May 29, 1726.
- Hannah Dix, July 31, 1726.
- Faith Waldo
- Aug. 28, 1726.
- Elisabeth Salter
- Hannah Barnard Prudence Wyar admitted
- Admitted and Baptized
- Jan. 29, 1726/7.
- Elisabeth Blanchard, Feb. 26, 1726/7.
- Sarah Gowen, Admitted and baptized
- June 25, 1727.
- Anne Waldo
- Eunice Barns, July 30, 1727.
- Charity Goldthwait, Sept. 24, 1727.
- Elisabeth Mold, Oct. 29, 1727.
- Lydia Carter
- Nov. 26, 1727.
- Mary Rand
- Abigail Fairfield admitted and baptized
- Dec. 24, 1727.
- Hannah Ranger admitted
- Elisabeth Neal
- Mary Legg
- Sarah Thwing
- Joanna Green
- Jane Lowry
- Mary Brooks
- Dec. 31, 1727.
- Elisabeth Gooch
- Martha Williams
- Mehetabel Sterns
- Elisabeth Murch
- Hannah Barret
- In the time of the Earthquake225
- [71]
- Men admitted into the Church
- Thomas Hartley
- Jan. 28, 1728.
- Nathanael Coit
- William Lackey
- Benjamin Russel
- Feb. 25, 1728.
- Thomas Goldthwait
- Henry Fowle
- John Rogers
- Edward Allen
- March 31, 1728.
- Michael D’Morat, Negro Lad226
- William Paine, May 26, 1728.
- Anthony, an aged Negro Man, Aug. 25, 1728.
- John Hunter, Sept. 29, 1728.
- John Tredwell, March 30, 1729.
- April 27, 1729.
- James Bradford, Sept. 28, 1729.
- Ebenezer Williston
- Feb. 22, 1729/30.
- John Lappington
- Thomas Bell, April 26, 1730.
- Titus Vespatian, a free Negro admitted and baptisd, Aug. 30, 1730.
- Samuel Eliot, Nov. 29, 1730.
- Michael Lowell, Jan. 31, 1730/31.
- Samuel Service
- April 25, 1731.
- Richard Kerby
- Thomas Jenkyns, July 25, 1731.
- John Roulestone, junior, June 24, 1732.
Women admitted
- Elisabeth Jones admitted and baptised, April 28, 1728.
- Mary Brooks, May 26, 1728.
- Mary Knight, June 30, 1728.
- Sarah Green, July 28, 1728.
- Sarah Crocker admitted and baptised, Aug. 25, 1728.
- Dorothy Marion, Jan. 26, 1728/9.
- Elisabeth Rogers admitted and baptised, Feb. 23, 1728/9.
- Sarah Fitz, May 25, 1729.
- Ruth Burbeen
- July 27, 1729.
- Rose, Colonel
- Byfield’s Negro, baptized and admitted
- Hannah Witherell, Aug. 31, 1729.
- Martha Cooke, Oct. 26, 1729.
- Margaret Hall, Nov. 30, 1729.
- Mary Mather, Jan. 25, 1729/30.
- Hannah Lowden
- May 31, 1730.
- Ruth Hall
- Lydia Haslup, Sept. 26, 1731.
- Hannah Coleson, Nov. 28, 1731.
- Hephzibah Bradford, Dec. 26, 1731.
- Ann Currier, Jan. 9, 1731/2.
- Elisabeth Butler, Jan. 30, 1731/2.
- Rebekah Williston, March 26, 1732.
- Mary Coney, May 28, 1732.
- [72]
- Men admitted into the Church
- Thomas Williston, Nov. 24, 1734.
- Josiah Fessenden, May 25, 1735.
- Benjamin Marshal, Oct. 27, 1735.
- Nathanael Thayer, Feb. 29, 1735/6.
- John Waldo (by Dismission etc.), March 28, 1736.
- John Parker, Sept, 26, 1736.
- Benjamin Emmons, junior, Jan. 30, 1736/7.
- Ebenezer Coburn, March 27, 1737.
- Samuel Cooke, May 30, 1737.
- Ebenezer Wilde, July 31, 1737.
- Josiah Winslow (by Dismission from Church in Easton), April 23, 1738.
- John Buttolph, junior, July 9, 1738.
- Honorable Adam Winthrop Esq by Dismission from the North Church in Boston (with his wife)
- Dec. 3, 1738.
- Benjamin Hurd, Oct. 1, 1739.
- Brattle Oliver, by Dismission from the South Church in Boston, March 2, 1739/40.
- Samuel Thorn (an aged Man), March 30, 1740.
- Nathanael Gardner, junior, Feb. 22, 1740/1.
- William Fisher, May 31, 1741.
- John Perkyns, Jan. 31, 1741/2.
Women admitted
- Sarah Green, March 25, 1733.
- Mary Emmons, April 29, 1733.
- Hannah Brown, July 29, 1733.
- Elisabeth Clark, Oct. 28, 1733. An aged Person, being upwards of 90.
- Memorandum on the same day she had a great Grandchild baptised with us, the Daughter of Capt. Edward Tyng, her Grandson.
- Mary Gould, Dec. 30, 1733.
- Hannah Day, Jan. 27, 1733/4.
- Sarah Matthews
- admitted and baptised Dec. 29, 1734.
- Sarah Collings
- Mary Pain
- March 30, 1735.
- Elisabeth Marshal
- Deborah Montgomery, May 25, 1735.
- Rebekah Dunton, June 29, 1735.
- Martha Jewell, Oct. 27, 1735.
- Elisabeth Rand, Nov. 30, 1735.
- Mary Tarbox, Dec. 28, 1735.
- Lydia Thayer, Feb. 29, 1735/6.
- Lydia Stetson admitted and baptised, March 28, 1736.
- Sarah Parrott, Aug. 29, 1736.
- Abigail Wadsworth admitted and baptized
- Jan. 30, 1736/7.
- Mary Morgan
- Sarah Williston
- Feb. 27, 1737
- Abigail Howell
- Hannah Fowle admitted and baptised
- Bethia Scolly, March 27, 1737.
- Elisabeth Morris
- July 31, 1737.
- Susanna Vickery admitted and baptized
- Mary Marion
- Sarah Winslow (by Dismission from Easton), April 23, 1738.
- Sarah Johnson, April 30, 1738.
- Mrs. [Ann]227 Winthrop, at the same time with Col. Winthrop. [Dec. 3, 1738]
- Mary Swetser, Dec. 31, 1738.
- Experience Combes, Jan. 28, 1738/9.
- Anne Harrison, April 29, 1739.
- Rebekah Coburn
- Nov. 25, 1739.
- Admitted
- Mary Browne
- admitted and
- baptized
- Rebekah Browne
- admitted and
- baptised
- Elisabeth Chickering, May 25, 1740.
- Lydia Browne
- Aug. 31, 1740.
- Elisabeth Fairfield
- Joanna Thwing, and Ruth Briggs, Oct. 26, 1740.
- Elisabeth Fisher, April 26, 1741.
- Sarah Fisher, May 31, 1741.
- Elisabeth Mold, junior, May 31, 1741.
- Mary Howell, June 28, 1741.
- Mary Barney, Oct. 25, 1741.
- [73]
- Men admitted into the Church
- Jonathan Cary, Feb. 28, 174.1/2.
- Caesar, Negro—Servant of Mr John Daniel, May 30, 1742.
- Turell Thayer, July 25, 1742.
- Robert Williams, son of Robert Williams, Aug. 29, 1742.
- Daniel Marsh, Sept. 26, 1742.
- Benjamin Gleason, April 10, 1743.
- Richard Woodward, Sept. 30, 1744.
- John Adams (a Preacher),228 Jan. 31, 1747/8.
- Edward Jackson, Aug. 28, 1748.
- Samuel Patridge admitted and baptised, Sept. 25, 1748.
- William-Allen Scott, Oct. 30, 1748.
- John Joy, Dec. 29, 1751.
- Benjamin Austin, and William Blair Townsend, Jan. 26, 1752.
- Jeremy Green, Feb. 29, 1756.
- Daniel Waldoe, April 25, 1756.
- James Thwing, Nov. 27, 1757.
- John Fairfield, Sept. 7, 1760.
- Samuel Draper, Jan. 30, 1763.
- Jacob Williams, Jan. 26, 1766.
- Joseph Cary, March 30, 1766.
- John Philebrown, Jan. 28, 1769.
- Benjamin Gray, Oct. 27, 1771.
- Elisha Eaton, July 26, 1772.
- John Thayer, July 26, 1778.
Women admitted
- Martha Acres, Nov. 29, 1741.
- Elisabeth Allin, Dec. 27, 1741.
- Priscilla Tenney, Feb. 28, 1741/2.
- Mary Cooke, April 25, 1741.
- Sarah Fisher, May 17, 1742.
- Elisabeth Foxcroft
- May 30, 1742.
- Anna Foxcroft
- Elisabeth Dabney, June 27, 1742.
- Abigail Emmet, July 25, 1742.
- Mary Williams, Aug. 29, 1742.
- Jane Gleason, April 10, 1743.
- Elisabeth Gilles, July 31, 1743.
- Freelove Everden, July 30, 1744.
- Sarah Plaisted (junior), Sept. 30, 1744.
- Mary Williams (Daughter of Deacon Jonathan Williams), Jan. 26, 1745/6.
- Martha Foxcroft, June 28, 1747.
- Abigail Webb, March 27, 1748.
- Rebekah Fowle, Dec. 31, 1749.
- Mary Townsend, Jan. 26, 1752.
- Elisabeth Austin, Feb. 23, 1752.
- Mary Burbeen, July 29, 1753.
- Sarah Fillebrown, Dec. 30, 1753.
- Lydia Webb, March 31, 1754.
- Mary Winthrop, April 28, 1754.
- Sarah Williams, Dec. 28, 1755.
- Rebecca Smalledge,
- Jan. 25, 1756.
- Ruth Fisher and Abigail Leverett
- Elisabeth Chauncy
- Feb. 29, 1756.
- Sarah Chauncy
- Deborah Webb
- Catharine Thayer
- Ruth Parrot
- March 28, 1756.
- Sarah Foxcroft
- Elisabeth Hill
- Anne Williams, April 25, 1756.
- Sarah Joye
- May 30, 1756.
- Sarah Thayer
- Rebecca Coburn
- Rebecca Swan, by Dismission from the N[ew] N[orth] Church229 in Boston, June 6, 1 756.
- Mary Allen, Aug. 28, 1756.
- Abigail Foxcroft, April 24, 1757.
- Anna Powel, junior
- May 29. 1757
- Susanna Powel
- Lydia Bourk, Oct. 30, 1757.
- Martha Thwing
- Nov. 27, 1757.
- Jane Carnes
- Hephzibah Carnes
- Catharine Crossbey
- Jan. 29, 1758.
- Martha Allen
- Elisabeth Rickard, March 26, 1758.
- Prudence Cutting
- Nov. 26, 1758.
- Phyllis, a Negro woman
- Dorcas Clough, Feb. 25, 1759.
- Elisabeth Stevenson, May 27, 1759.
- Mary Bradford, Oct. 28, 1759.
- Deborah Harris (widow), May 25, 1760.
- Faith Durant, June 27, 1762.
- Mary Peck and Veronica Vanbiber
- Dec. 29, 1765.
- Ruth Eliot, March 30, 1766.
- [74]
- Men admitted into the Church John Lowell.
- Women admitted into the Church
- Lois Freeman, Dec. 27, 1766.
- Margaret Williams, Jan. 25, 1767.
- Ruth Thayer, Jan. 28, 1769.
- Martha Leverett, Nov. 5, 1769.
- Mary Coleman and Sarah Blanchard
- April 26, 1772.
- Elisabeth Blanchard, her daughter Elisabeth, and Lydia Thayer
- Feb. 28, 1772.
- Anna Lowel, Nov. 28, 1773.
- [Blank] Hinchman widow, April, 1775.
- Mary Montgomery, July 28, 1776.
- Mary Greenleaf
- July 26, 1778.
- Katharine Greenleaf
- Eunice Pain Greenleaf, three sisters
- Mary Rouleston, Aug. 2, 1778
- Dorathy Carnes
- Mary Carnes
[75]–[98] [Twelve blank leaves.]
[99] On April 12, 1719.
Samuell Marshall and Jonathan Williams were ordained Deacons of the first church of Christ in Boston; the two Pastors Wadsworth and Foxcroft Imposed hands on them, each Minister laying one hand on one Deacon, the other hand on the other Deacon. The charge was first given, and then a prayer was made (which finished the ordination) by Mr Wadsworth, the other Pastor T. F. joyning in Imposition of Hands.
Lord’s Day a.m. May 23, 1731.
Ordination of our Brother Zech. Thayer to the choice of a Deacon in the old church etc.
Lord’s Day P.M. November 9, 1735.
Our Brother Thomas Wait ordained a Deacon.
Lord’s Day P.M. November 8, 1741.
Our Brother Cornelius Thayer and our Brother Jonathan Williams were ordained Deacons.
August 18, 1747.
Our Brother Daniel Marsh was chosen into the Deacon’s Office; and took his Seat accordingly on Lord’s day September 13th.
——But to this Day, January 1, 1754, declines being ordained, etc.
[100] Church Votes
July 15, 1702.
Voted by the Church; That the two Ruling Elders; mr Cooke; Col. Hutcheson; Left Col. Townsend and Capt. Dumer with the Two Deacons, be a Committe To inquire into the affaors of the Church; in Reference to a house; that is the Churches that Lately mr Persons Dyed out of; With severall other things and give a Report to the Church.
September 28, 1702.
Pursuant to the Vote of the Church appointing a Committe to inquire into and consider their affaires referring to the house wherein mr William Persons Lived; the Land given them by Richard Tayler; etc; to make a report thereof The Committe have viewed the house and are of opinion that; (all curcumstances Considered) it may be best to sell it if a sutable price can be had for it; They have also viewed the Land given by mr Tayler and adjusted the bounds thereof; and think it will be for the advantage of the Church to sell that also rather then to keep it.
And as to the Land at the Fort Point which was sold to mr Richard Wharton and not payd for they are of opinion that it will be the Churches interest to take that into their possession againe if it may be had upon Resonable Tearmes; Elisha Cooke per order of the committe.
September 29, 1702.
Voted; an approbation of there Report; and that the Deacons be impowered to pursue this Report of the committe and to sell and purchase accordingly.
Voted that the same committee which made this report be Desired to assist the Deacons with their advice in managing the estate of the church; so as they may be most for the Churches advantage.
Voted that this committe be Desired to advise with those ministers which carry on the weekly Lecture in Boston and with their advice indeavor to supply mr Allens monthly turn in the said Lecture.230
[101] Church Votes or Acts vid. page 59.231
November 29, 1656.
Upon The Question—Whether the Relation of immediate children of Church members bee such as giveth the Church a church power over them and Consequently, whether it is the duty of the Church to Exercise that power regularly upon them, that theire knowledge and life may bee Answerable to the Engagements of their relation; And whether it bee the Churches mind, that solemne notice bee given them seasonably.
Voted in the Church affirmatively.232
Ezekiel Everill thereupon was Excommunicated by Consent of the church for fornication the 28th of the 4th moneth 1657.
June the 4th, 1679.
Voted by the Church that Men bee att Liberty to Expresse themselvs by word of mouth or hand writing as the Elders shall judge meet, for their Admission.
page 40233
August 5, 1679.
The church voted their Consent, upon the desire of the Magistrates, that upon the desire of their owne officers the Elders of the North and South Church doe help to Carry on the weekely Lecture on the 5th day.
A vote about Reconciliat with dissenting brethren.234
March 1684.
About mr Moodey for an Assistant.
January 31, 1687/88.
Voted unanimously that there shall bee a gathering on Sacrament dayes for the use of Sacraments and poore.
July 22, 1691.
Voted that Mr Dummer and Captaine Townsend bee Assistant to the Deacons in demanding fourescore pound due from Mr Whartons estate to the Church for a parcell of land sold him on Fort hill.
August 3, 1691.
Voted that our Teacher Have fortie shillings a weeke and ten pounds a yeare for his wood not to bee abated without Church Consent but to have [ ]235 if the Church bee able.
Voted allso att the same time that the Care of the Church poore belong to the Towne and that the Deacons are only to releive them further according to generall direction of the Church and Advice of Ruling Officers (Gal. 6:10, Is. 45:23).
Vid. page 53 and 59.236
November 24, 1691.
Voted that our brother Parsons and Sampson Stoddard and Brother Browne doe Exercise Church power in seating persons in the meeting house.
Att a Church meeting in the Meeting house May 15, 1693.
Voted by the Church that our brethren Mr Elisha Cooke, Major Elisha Hutchinson, Mr Isaack Addington and Captaine Pen Townsend bee appointed and hereby are Impowred to view Mrs Davenports house and to treat with any Authorized to Sell it and Agree and Confirm any bargain they make about it for the purchase of it, and that In Conjunction with our Deacons upon their Agreement to pay for it in the churches name and for their use.
July 22, 1691.
Voted that the poor being poore of the Towne so under their Care, and only as church members to have some addition (Gal. 6:10).
The Revd.237 Mr Thomas Bridge Came to Boston with his Famely March 17, 1703/4.
Mr Joseph Bridgham one of the Ruling Elders of this church died January 5, 1708/9. His death was much lamented.
Mr Thomas Bridge was ordained Pastor of this church, May the 10th, 1705.
Mr Thomas Bridge being desired to accompany the Commissioners in the 2d expedition to Port Royal.
The church mett at the house of the Revd. Mr James Allen. The Revd. Mr Benjamin Wadsworth stated the ffollowing Vote Whether this church doth consent that the Revd. Mr Thomas Bridge shall go to Port Royal as being called thereto by the Government.
Voted in the affirmative, June 26, 1707.
He sailed from Boston July 5th.
Returned to Boston September the 1st 1707.238
[102] Church Votes
Att a Church meeting att the house of the Revd. Mr Benjamin Wadsworth, April 7, 1709.
Question: Whether the church are willing to buy Captain John Balstons house in Water Street for the use of the Ministry att the price of 300li. Voted in the affirmative.
Question: Whether the church are willing that their house and land on the South side of Summer Street, formerly Richard Hollingsheads should be sold by the Deacons, as soon as said Deacons can meet with a suitable price for it?
Voted in the affirmative.
The church being made acquainted that for the preventing of another chapman taking the Bargain of Captain John Balstons house and land out of the hands of the Committee during their treaty about the same; the Sellers standing in present need of their money, some of them being bound to sea; which the Committee had not in their hands; they had prevailed with Jeremiah Dummer Esq to pay down the money, and to take a deed for the purchase in his own name, and to transfer it to the Church upon their repaying him 300li. The purchase consideration in specie, and of the same Quality as he advanced viz. in silver at 8d per ounce, or in Province Bills.
The Church thankfully accepts Mr Dummers kindness in that respect and engage to repay him accordingly upon his legal transferring of the said estate to them; and in the mean time take the risque thereof upon themselves in case of Casualty.
Voted in the affirmative, April 7th, 1709.
Att a Church Meeting att the house of the Revd. Mr Benjamin Wadsworth, January 5th, 1709/10.
On consideration of some Inconveniences attending the situation of the house lately purchased for the Use of the Ministry (at the time not foreseen) which make it unsutable for that occasion.
Voted that the Deacons be desired, and hereby are impowred, to make Sale of the said House, and Land, with the Land since added thereto, by Grant from the Town,239 to the best profit and advantage they can. And to Execute a sufficient Deed or Deeds in due Form of Law, for passing, and conveying the same.
Voted in the affirmative The said January 5, 1709 That the money which shall be produced, and raysed by the sale of the said House and Land be Imployed and laid out for the building a convenient suitable House for the use of the Ministry, To be erected on the Church Land known by the name of Hollingshead’s Lott.
Voted in the affirmative, att the same time. That the vote lately passed for the disposal of Hollingshead’s Lott be rescinded and made null.
Voted in the affirmative, att the same time. [103] That the Committee formerly appointed to provide a House for the use of the ministry, consisting of the Ruling Elders, The Deacons, Messrs Cooke, Hutchinson, Townsend, and Dummer, be Revived, And desired to agree with workmen, and to take the care, and oversight of the new building; and to proceed therein with what speed and dispatch may be; That Mr Addington, and Mr Eliakim Hutchinson be added to the Committee.
Voted in the affirmative att the same time January 5th, 1709.
Whether a person desiring to joyn in Communion with us who cannot profess that he believes Ruling Elders be of Divine Institution, the same shall bar his joyning with us.
Voted in the negative. January 5, 1709/10.
Tuesday October 2, 1711.
The Meeting House where the First Church of Christ in Boston used to worship God, was utterly consumed by fire, which began in a building belonging to Captain Epraim Savage; it was generally said and concluded to be occasioned by one Mary Morse, being in drink.
On Thursday October 4th The Church met att The House in which their Pastor Thomas Bridge lives, and came to the following Resolves.
To keep Tuesday come sev’night as a Day of solemn Fasting, and prayer on the account of the destruction of their meeting house, and their dispersion occasioned by Fire.
That no convenient place could be found for the Church to meet in as a distinct body for the celebrating the Lords supper.
That whereas The Revd. Ebenezer Pemberton, and Benjamin Coleman profferred That the Teaching officers of this Church Thomas Bridge, and Benjamin Wadsworth should preach in their turns, at each of their meeting-houses, the Offer was thankfully accepted.
That Elisha Cook, Isaac Addington, Elisha Hutchinson Esq, James Gootch, and Samuel Bridge should be a committee, to consider of the materials, demensions, and figure of a new meeting House, and make their report to the Church on Fryday come sev’night at the same House.
On Friday the 12th of October 1711 Att the House above mentioned.
It was Voted That the meeting house be built with Brick. This vote was obtained after much debate, and some difficulty, Deacon Tay, and William Griggs having withdrawn without leave before the Vote.
Voted That the Committee appointed the last meeting be continued to consider of the Form, and dementions of the Meeting-house; Advising with such Gentmen as they shall think fit: and to compute the cost thereof as near as they can.
Voted That Captain John Ballantine, Deacon Marion and Captain Wadsworth be a Committee to provide materials, and agree with workmen for building of the meeting house Advising with such persons, as they shall think fit.
Voted That Mr William Wellsted, Mr Jeremiah Allen, Mr Elisha Cook junior, Mr William Hutchinson junior, Mr John Legg, Mr Henry Bridgham, Mr John Marshall, Mr Jonathan Williams, Mr Jonathan Loring, with Mr Joseph Prout be a Committee to obtain subscriptions towards the charge of the Meeting-house.
Voted That Eliakim Hutchinson Esq be desired to be Treasurer to Recieve, and pay out the Collections that shall be made towards the charge of building the Meeting-house.
[104] October 12, 1711.
The following letter Directed, To the Reverend Mr Thomas Bridge, Mr Benjamin Wadsworth, Pastors of the first Church In Boston, was read.
Boston, October 12, 1711.
Reverend Gentlemen
The Church of Christ which I stand related to, having considered the present dispersion of your flock, through the holy hand of God in the late desolation of their Meeting-house, thought it a proper, and necessary expression of their Christian love, and Regards to yourselves, and flock, to pass the Votes, a coppy of which I now send you according to their desire which you may communicate to your Church, if you think proper. The Votes were passed with the greatest unanimity, and readiness. It will be to the last degree pleasing to us to have the advantage of your gifts, and graces in every article desired. The last Vote which invites you to administer the special Ordinances with us in your turn we hope will be agreeable to your Church; for sure we are it is a point of fellowship which is justifiable by the first, and stricktest principles of these churches.
The alwise God has holy ends which he is carrying on by the present dark dispensation your people are under; and if it may but be serviceable to advance the spirit of Unity among these Churches of Christ in this Towne, whereby we shall be better qualifyed for the society of the Assembly of the First born above, wee shall all have reason to bless, and adore the Holy Providence of Heaven.
May our gracious God speedily and peaceably repair your desolations, building up and beautifying your church, with greater measures of his Holy Spirit; may all under your charge be your Crown, and joy in the day of Christ. This Reverend Brethren shall be allwayes the prayer of your affectionate Brother
Ebenezer Pemberton.
Att a meeting of the Church in the South part of Boston, October 7th.
It was Voted That the Reverend Mr Bridge, and Mr Wadsworth, Pastors of the First Church in Boston be desired, during the present dispersion of their flock, to carry on alternately one halfe of the work of preaching in this Congregation.
That the Deacons of this Church make the same weekly allowance to them for this service, that they do to our own Pastor.
That the Reverend Mr Bridge and Mr Wadsworth be desired also to take their turns in the Administration of Baptism and the Lords supper with us.
Ebenezer Pemberton.
The Reverend John Bailey 1644–1697
Assistant, First Church, 1693–1697
(Much altered in the early nineteenth century)
There was likewise read at the same time the following letter Directed To The Reverend Thomas Bridge and Benjamin Wadsworth Pastors of the First Church in Boston. These:
[105] Boston, October 12, 1711.
Reverend Sirs,
I think it meet to acquaint you that having stayed our Church the last evening after the Publick exercises of Worship, there past Unanimously the following Votes:
- 1. That yourselves be desired, under the present awfull Providence, and till it shall please God that your Meeting-house be rebuilt, statedly, and alternately to be, and assist with us, in the carrying on the worship of God among us.
- 2. That out of the Contribution weekly collected, three pounds be paid you every week.
- 3. That you be desired, if it may be, for the time you continue with us, to joyn with me in an equal administration of all Ordinances; in particular Baptism, and the Lords supper.
Sirs These our desires wee accompany with our thankfull acknowledgments of that good spirit of Brotherly affection, wherein you have come among us, and wherewith you have so kindly accepted our bounden Christian Respects. Wee also ask a further interest in your Love, and prayers, and hope it will please God to make your presence, and labours with us from time to time, abundantly serviceable to his own glory, and our spiritual Good.
Reverend Sirs,
Your unworthy Brother in the Ministry of Christ
Benjamin Colman.
Whereupon the First Church of Christ in Boston, October 12th, 1711.
Voted That our Reverend Elders be desired, in the name of this Church, to render thanks to the Reverend Mr Pemberton and Mr Colman and to their Churches for their kind respects to us in their several letters of this Date.
In a Church Meeting, December 14, 1711. Att the house of the Reverend Mr Benjamin Wadsworth.
The Committee appointed to consider of the Dimentions and model for a New Meeting House proposed to be built.
Reported That on due consideration and Advisement thereon, They are of Opinion the house to be Seventy Two feet long, fifty four feet wide from out to out, and thirty four feet High up to the Plate.
Voted That the said report be accepted, leaving a power to the discretion of the Committee on further consideration to alter the Dimensions a foot or two in length width, or heighth, to be less or more as they may see reasonable cause for the same. And the model of the House in all other respects, to be left to the discretion of the Committee upon advisement with Workmen, and others as they shall see cause.
[106] December 14th, 1711.
Voted That the Committee be desired to obtain an Enlargment of the Ground (if it may be) for raising the Meeting House on so that the House may stand in length facing towards the Street.
Voted That Mr Jeremiah Allen be Treasurer (Mr Eliakim Hutchinson formerly chosen declining that service) for the receiving, and paying out of the money that shall be raysed; and Collected for building of the Meeting-House; And that he answer the draughts of the Committee for the worke, or the Major part of them.
Voted That Mr William Welstead, Mr James Gooch and Mr William Hutchinson be of the Committee to make five in number (Mr Wadsworth formerly chosen declining that service) for Providing and agreeing for materials, with workmen; and overseeing of the worke; and they or any Three of them to draw upon the Treasurer for payments.
Voted That Mr Thomas Brattle be desired to give his further assistance in Modelling the Meeting-house, and that he with Mr Elisha Cook, and Mr Elisha Hutchinson be intreated with the Committee for the worke, to observe the workmen in the building, to the end that the work may be faithfully, and substantially done.
Voted That the Committee for procuring materials, be desired to send to England for a Bell for the meeting-house, or otherwise to procure one here, at the Churches risque; The Bell to be of such weight, as said Committee upon advice shall think proper.
Att a Church Meeting, February 29th, 1711/12. The following Proposals were voted Att the School-House.
First Church in Boston Proposed To the Reverend Elders.
That when persons desire Admission into the Church they be examined of their knowledge Of the Nature of a Church
- of the Institution of Ordinances and Officers
- of the Authority and Rule given by Christ to the Elders
- of the duty and Prviledge of the Brotherhood.
This to be summarily communicated to the Church, together with the Relation and Belief of the party desiring Admission.
That no objection be made to the Receiving of any person professing Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance of sin, and having a measure of scriptural knowledge of the Order and Government appointed by Christ in his Church. Although he have not the perswasion which others possibly may profess, about some perticulars that are matter of dispute among learned, Pious, and Holy men.
Att a Meeting of the Church, April 2d, 1713.
Voted That Dr Cook, Collonel Hutchinson, Mr Addington, Mr Eliakim Hutchinson, Collonell Townsend, Deacon Marion, Mr Wellsted, Mr Jeremiah Allen, Mr Gooch be seaters of the New meeting-house now built, and that it be left to their prudence, and discretion, to dispose of seats and Pews as they shall think will be most for the good, and wellfare, of the Church, and Congregation.
Memorandum. The Old meeting house was burned October the 2d, 1711. The new meeting-house was entereed into May 3d, 1713.
[107] March 23, 1713. Church Meeting at the House of The Reverend Mr Bridge.
The Committee appointed to oversee the building of the New Meeting house acquainted the Church, that it had been represented to them there is an arrear yet to be paid towards the charge of building the ministry house in which Mr Bridge lives. As also that the ministry house wherein the Reverend Mr Wadsworth lives is in despare, and wants some necessary reparations, and amendments to make it Tenantable, and comfortable; whereupon they viewed the said house; and taken the advice of Workmen about the same, and made a computation that it will demand One Hundred and seventy pounds to make the necessary reparations and amendments of the said House; and to discharge the arrear for Mr Bridge’s House.
Reporting likewise that they well hoped when the accounts of the charge for the meeting-house are made up there will remain an over-plus of the money contributed to that use.
Voted that the said overplus be applyed to the use aforesaid of the Ministry houses.
Voted that what the Overplus shall fall short the Church will make up what is wanting when it shall appear by the accounts of the charge of the ministry houses how much will be needed.
Voted That the Committe for providing materials for the meeting house be desired and Impowred a Committee to provide materials and oversee the reparations to be made, and done to Mr Wadsworths House.
Voted That Jeremiah Dummer Esq, Mr Henry Deering and Mr John Legg be a Committee to Audit the accounts of Mr Jeremiah Allen Treasurer for the meeting house both of his Receipts and payments, and to report the same.
Memorandum April 5th, 1714. There being a New Meetinghouse built Att the North end of Boston,240 by several of the Inhabitants of that end of the Town: This day was observed as a day of Fasting and prayer, att the entrance into that house when about 13 of the members which belonged to the church under the Pastoral care of Dr Increase, and Dr Cotton Mather, being dismissed from that church were admitted into a church state, when Dr Cotton Mather began with prayer and then preached on Revelations 3: 22d. verse he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches, Mr Bridge concluded the morning exercise with prayer. Mr Wadsworth began the afternoon exercise with prayer, Mr Pemberton preached Ps. 84: 1. How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hosts. Dr Increase Mather, concluded with prayer, sung Ps. 133. and gave the blessing.
At a Church Meeting at Mr Wadsworth’s House, on September 27, 1715, the day after the death of the Reverend Mr Thomas Bridge, a Pastor of the Church.241
Voted We Judge it proper, that the charge of the Reverend Mr Bridge’s Funeral be defrayed by the people who sat under his Ministry.
Voted That the Committee chosen for seating the meeting house, be desired to take the oversight of said Funeral, and order the disbursing of those monies which shall be collected for defraying the charge of it.
Voted That if there be any overplus of money thus collected, it be given for the subsisting of Mrs Bridge’s Family, as the foresaid Committee shall direct.
Voted That besides the usual Salary of our present Minister, the Deacons pay weekly out of the Contribution twenty shillings for the supply of Pulpit.
Voted That the Deacons shall pay out of the weekly Contribution, for the relief of [108] Mrs Bridge and her Family, as the foresaid Committee shall direct, and this till further order from the Church; that the said Committee keep a written account of these directions signed by the Major part of them at the least, and that they make a return of these directions to the Church when demanded.
Voted That Deacon Hubbard be added to the foresaid Committee of seating the Meeting House.
Voted That the foresaid Committee do take an Account of the Deacons from time to time as they shall think fit, of the Churches stock, of what is recieved in Contributions and how the same is disbursed; and that they make report thereof to the church as they shall demand it.
Voted That the present Pastor have yearly twenty pounds out of the Contribution, towards the supplying of himself with Wood.
Memorandum. The Reverend Mr Thomas Bridge a Pastor of the old church in Boston died on September 26, 1715, and was buried in Mr Cotton’s Tomb.242 September 29, 1715.
Memorandum. The Church having voted to defray the charge of the Reverend Mr Bridge’s Funeral, chose to Indeavour it by a publick Contribution on the Lords day; this was notified on October 2, that the Contribution aforesaid would be expected on the next Sabbath, accordingly on the next Sabbath, viz. October 9. The Contribution was as one of the Deacons told me, one hundred and ten pounds five shillings and a penny; the funeral charge came to about 104li.
Memorandum The Committee aforesaid, ordered to Mrs Bridge our Pastor’s Relict, four shillings per Week out of the Contribution Box for the present, till they should give further order.243
February 10, 1716/17.
Voted that mr Thomas Foxcroft be called to preach among us once a Week, as an Assistant to our Present Pastor, that we may have further trial and Experience of his ministerial Qualifications; that if after a suitable time for such trial and Experience, we shall Judge him fit for the ministerial office among us, we may then take proper steps to call him thereto.
Voted at the same time That Coll. Hutchinson, Coll. Townsend, Mr Lynd, Deacon Marrion and Tay be Messengers from the Church, to wait upon mr Foxcroft with the abovesaid vote.
March 6, 1716/7.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Foxcroft be called to settle in the office work of the Gospel Ministry among us.
Voted That fourty shillings a week be paid to the Reverend mr Foxcroft out of the Contribution Box for the present.
Mr Lynd, Mr Cook, Mr William Hutchinson, Deacon Marrion and Tay, were at the same time voted as Messengers of the Church; to wait on mr Foxcroft with the two foresaid votes.
Mr Foxcroft’s Answer was read publickly on Lord’s day March 24, 1716/7, and is as follows, viz.
Cambridge, March 23, 1716/7.
To the old or first church of Christ in Boston.
Reverend, Honored and Beloved
It hath pleased the great Head of the Church (who turneth the hearts of his people as the Rivers of waters, and doth wondrous things which none can search out the reasons of) to Incline you to make choice of so unfit a Person as myself, to settle in the office of a Pastor to this Flock I am deeply sensible, how unworthy I am of the dignitie, how every [109] way unequal to the duties of this holy function, the high calling which is of God, excellent and difficult. As Indeed who is sufficient for these things, of themselves? But our sufficiencie is of God. Humbly therefore depending upon the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, without whom we can do nothing; as having good hope in that sweet and precious promise (Mat. 28:20) Lo, I am with you all way to the end of the world, I do now with all Gratitude and Humilitie accept your call, as the voice of God, and do solemnly promise and resolve (if the Lord permit, and account me worthy, putting me into the Ministry), to make it the Grand Study and Imploy of my life, to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ unto you, according to the Commandement of the everlasting Gospel, for the obedience of faith, for the Perfecting of the Saints, for the edifying the Body of Christ, so long as it shall please God to continue me among you; that ye might know the love, which I have more abundantly to you all. And now under a Just view of the Importance, weight and Difficultie of the awfull work of watching for souls and feeding the Flock of Christ, I beseech you, Brethren that ye strive (together with me) in your prayers to God for me, that those Gifts and graces may be multiplied upon me, in the Diligent exercise whereof, I may approve myself a ready Scribe, well Instructed to the Kingdom of God, and furnished to every good work; that I may come unto you with Joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed; that I may find mercie to be faithfull to the Interests of God’s Glory, and be wise to win souls; that my service may be accepted of the saints, and that I may be unto God a sweet savour in Christ, that so I may give up my Account with Joy to the Chief Shepherd at his Appearing; and the Lord grant unto us all that we may find mercie of the Lord in that day.
I am
Your Affectionate Friend and servant
Thomas Foxcroft.
At a Meeting of the first Church of Christ in the Brick Meeting House, September 16, 1717, Boston.
The Committee for seating the Meeting House, were directed by votes of the Church, September 27, 1715, to manage the Funeral of the Reverend Mr Bridge, and Inspect the Deacons accounts etc. at this meeting they reported to the Church, that the Contribution for defraying the charge of Mr Bridge’s Funeral, was 104li-00s-01d. The funeral charge was, 102li-02s-10d. And the remainder viz. 01li-17s-03d. was paid to Mrs Bridge. They reported also, that having Inspected the Deacons Accounts (the Report bore date September 13, 1717) they found in Stock, 07li-12s-03d and that the Deacons stood obliged to pay for Wood, Reparations etc. above twelve Pounds. It was therefore voted at said Meeting, viz. September 16, 1717, That the Church accept the Report of the Committee, with reference to the management of the Reverend Mr Bridge’s Funeral.
That the church accept the Report of the Committee, so far as refers to the Deacons Accounts.
At the same time it was reported by the Committee that the Deacons by the direction of the Committee, had paid Weekly to Mrs Bridge out of the Contribution Box from September 27, 1715, to this present September 16, 1717, Fourty shillings per Week; and now ’twas further Voted That the Deacons pay out of the weekly Contribution, twenty shillings Per Week to Mrs Bridge, Relict to our late Reverend Pastor [no] untill further order from the church.
Voted also, That the Deacons be Impowered to buy about eight foot of Land, bordering on our Land at the south end of our Meeting House, by and with the Advice of the Committee for seating the Meeting House.
On Lord’s day evening, October 20, 1717.
Voted That Mr Thomas Foxcroft (upon his being speedily admitted a member among us) be ordained among us to the office of the Gospel Ministry, some time in the next ensuing Month of November.
That a publick Contribution be asked (notice being given on a preceding Sabbath) to defray the charge of the ordination.
Mr Thomas Foxcroft, being formerly a member of the church in Cambridge, was admitted a member among us, on October 27, 1717 and then ’twas Voted That mr Thomas Foxcroft be ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry among us, on November 20 next, if God please. And that the four Churches in Boston,244 the Church in Charlstown, Cambridge and Roxberry under mr Walter’s care, be sent to to assist by their Elders and Messengers at the ordination; and that our Pastor Mr Wadsworth give the charge to Mr Foxcroft in ordaining him and that the elderly ministers Impose hands.245
On November 7, 1717.
Died our worthy Deacon Thomas Hubbard; whereupon ’twas voted, November 10, 1717, That Jonathan Williams, Jonathan Loring and Joseph Hubbard be a Committee to Join with Deacon Marrion to manage the contribution for the ordination of Mr Foxcroft, and to afford what assistance is proper about the ordination. The same day the Contribution was made, and was about fifty seven pounds.
November 20, 1717.
Mr Thomas Foxcroft was ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry among us, and declared Pastor of this Church, Dr Cotton Mather began the exercise with prayer, Mr Foxcroft preached from Coll. 1: 28, 29. Mr Colman prayed after sermon. Dr Increase Mather, Dr Cotton Mather, Mr Colman, Mr Sewal were desired with our Pastor Wadsworth to Impose hands; Mr Wadsworth gave the charge, praying both before and after it. Dr Increase Mather gave the right hand of fellowship.
The whole affair was managed peaceably and quietly; I think there was much of God appearing in the matter; and I pray that it may be followed with long and rich blessings.
Mr Foxcroft was not quite one and twenty years old when thus ordained.
December 23, 1717. At a Church-meeting at the Meeting-House.
Voted That the Deacons for the time being, be desired exactly to record in a Book or Books procured at the charge of the church, what they recieve from time to time in their weekly and monthly contributions; and also what they shall recieve at any time as Legacies or donations to the church; and that they shall also as plainly record in said Books, how much and to whom they disburse or pay from time to time; and also how much and to whom of the poor of the church, they shall give as theire is occasion out of the monthly Contribution; that so whenever the Church shall see meet to acquaint themselves with those accounts, the state of their temporal affairs may the more clearly and easily appear unto them.246
[111] At the same time, viz. December 23, 1717.
Mr Jonathan Williams and Mr Samuel Marshal, were chosen Deacons. July 20, 1718.
A Letter from the church of Maldon asked our help in Council; their desire was complied with, Elders and Messengers went; and by the blessing of God on Indeavours, differences there were healed.
A Report from the Deacons etc.247
We the subscribers in our respective Capacities, pursuant to a vote of the Church bearing date, September 16, 1717, and the Award of Messrs Thomas Fitch, Elisha Bennet, Ezekiel Lewis and Giles Dyer, and by and with the Advice and consent of the Committee for seating the Meeting House, have purchased of Thomas Creese of Boston Apothecary, eight feet of land in width, in addition to the passage way on the southerly side of the Meeting House, for and in consideration of the payment of one hundred Pounds whereby the said way is and Contains eighteen feet in width throughout the whole length, as by the said Creeses Deed to the Church appears. And we the subscribers have also by our Deed duely executed, given and granted unto the said Thomas Creese, his Heirs and Assigns forever the Libertie and Priveledge of the said Passageway of eighteen feet in width throughout the whole length, to go, pass, and repass, to, from, and through the same, with the use of the well and Pump standing therein, and Libertie to remove the Pump unlesse the said Creese be allowed for it—Provided allways, that the said passage may be not in any Manner Interrupted or Incumbred in any part thereof by the said Thomas Creese his Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns.
Dated at Boston, the 15th of August 1718.
John Marrion Samuell Marshall Jonathan Williams |
Deacons |
This Return or Report of the Deacons was accepted and approved by a vote of the Church August 18, 1718. And at the same time ’twas voted, that a Publick Contribution on a Lords day (notice being given before) should be asked, for the raising the 100li. abovesaid.
And at the same time also, Elisha Cook Esquire and William Hutchinson Esquire, were chosen seaters, to join with and assist the seaters that be allready.
At a Church Meeting, at the Meeting-House, January 19, 1718/9.
Voted that for the future, the Deacons pay to our Ministers Mr Wadsworth and Mr Foxcroft six pounds ten shillings a week, that is to say, three pounds five shillings a week to each of them.
At a Church Meeting at the Meeting House, January 27, 1718/9.
Voted That the Ministry House in Summer Street belonging to this Church, be quitted by Mrs Bridge by the first of April next, or something sooner if it conveniently may be; and that the Reverend Mr Foxcroft move his Family into said House.
Voted That Mrs Bridge be allowed fifteen pounds this year, towards providing herself an house; and this year to begin at the time when she quits the Ministry house she is now in.
Voted That Mr Foxcroft be allowed twenty pounds a year to provide him with wood.
[112] At a church-meeting, December 14, 1719.
Voted That Coll. Townsend, Mr Cook, and Mr Hutchinson be a Committee to assist the Deacons, in Inquiring into the circumstances of the Lands belonging to this church which lye Eastward on the Island of great Chebeage, and on the Main near Maquoit;248 and that in due time they make report of the same to the church and that in the mean while they take proper methods to prevent strip and wast on said Lands, and consider how they may be be best Improved for the churches benefit.
Voted That this Committee, with the Deacons also consider the circumstances of Mr Taylor’s Gift by Will to this Church, of one pound six shillings Per Annum forever; and make report thereof to the church.
The sacrament of the Lords Supper, being administered on the first Lords day of every month, as in our old church, so in that neighbouring one of which the Reverend Mr Colman and Cooper are Pastors; their Church by a Letter dated January 18, 17191 made a motion to ours, that a Lecture on every Friday in the afternoon before the Sacrament, might be attended in their meeting house by these two churches, and the Lecture sermons be preached by the Ministers of both Churches. This Letter was read with us on the Lords day, February 7, 1719/20, and after a weeks time for consideration, our church by a (silent) vote complied with the motion they made to us. This vote was on February 14, 1719/20.
At a Church Meeting June 14, 1720.
The Committee chosen December 14, 1719, to assist the Deacons to Inquire into the Circumstances of the Lands belonging to this Church, lying at the Eastward, on the Island of great Chebeage, and on the Main near Maquoit; this Committee reported to the Church, their opinion was, that it would be best that some Person or Persons be Impowered by the Church, forthwith to put some Person or Persons on said Lands to Improve them for the Church’s benefit.
Accordingly, voted, That the foresaid Committee with the Deacons, be desired to Impower and Imploy some Person or Persons as soon as conveniently may be, to occupy and Improve said Lands, as abovesaid.
Voted Whereas Richard Taylor late of Boston, by his last will and Testament gave to the first Church in Boston, the summ of twenty six shillings Per Annum, and for securitie for payment thereof, appropriated his Hall and Cellar under it of his dwelling House [113] in Boston; and whereas sometime since, the aforesaid House was consumed in the last great fire, and John Taylor Grandson of the said Richard Taylor the Donor, lately died, leaving a Widow and several small children; and it’s not being likely that the Ground will be put into Improvement, so that the Rent of twenty six shillings can be expected; the Church being sensible of the good Intent of the Donor, and considering the circumstances of the Estate and his Heirs, do freely acquit and discharge them from paying the foresaid Rent, and the Estate from hence forth be wholly freed from that Charge; and that the Deacons be Impowered to execute Deeds of Release for the same.
The Joice and Summers under the general Floor of the Meeting House rotting considerably, and some of the Joice giving way, some Reparation was needfull, accordingly.
At a Church-Meeting, December 26, 1720.
Voted That Mr Cook, Mr Welsteed, Mr Gooch, Captain Green together with the Deacons, take proper methods with all convenient speed, to repair and secure the Floor in the Meeting House, and to do what’s proper to prevent the Galleries further sinking, and to bring it to rights if it may be.
At a Church Meeting, September 25, 1721.
It appearing by the Report of the Committee and Deacons, that about an hundred pounds was needfull to be gathered, towards answering the charge of repairing the Meeting House Floor, the following Question was put viz.
Whether we shall Indeavour to gather an hundred pounds towards defraying the Charge of said Reparation, by making and disposing of Pews, or by Collection?
The Vote was for Pews, and that the Management of the Matter be left to the seaters of the Meeting-House.
Inasmuch as one or two of the Seaters seemed to decline continuing any longer in that service of seating; by a full vote of the church it was desired, that the seaters would continue in that service.
At a Church Meeting in the Meeting House, April 16, 1722.
Voted that Mr Daniel Pecker and Mr William Lee Members of this Church, be according to their desire dismissed in order to Imbody with some other christian Brethren into a church-state, to attend the publick worship of God at the New Brick meeting House in the North end of this Town.249
At a Church meeting in the Meeting House, April 23, 1722.
There was then read to the Church, a vote they had passed. September 16, 1717, viz. That the Deacons pay out of the Weekly Contribution twenty shillings Per week to mrs Bridge relict to our late Reverend Pastor, untill further order from the Church.
And at this meeting of April 23, 1722.
The above vote was discontinued by a vote of the Church. The said Mrs Bridge died May 13, 1722.
[114] Dismissions.
- Sarah Daniels (who was admitted among us by the name of Durram, June 27, 1697) was dismissed to the church of Christ in Sherborn, June 5, 1699.
- Mariah Patrigg (admitted among us by the name of Atwater) dismissed to the Church of Christ in Hatfield, June 16, 1700.
- Rebeccah Fipeny (admitted among us by the name of Prince; now named Clarcke) dismissed to the church of Christ in Milford, October 4, 1701. Margaret Shaw (admitted among us by the name of Lanyon); Dismissed to the Church of Christ in Fairfield, April 25, 1702. Andrew Veatch and his Wife; Dismissed to the Church of Christ in Lebanon, April 18, 1703.
- John Dyer and Hannah his Wife Dismissed to the Church of Christ in plimoth, October 17, 1703.
- Hannah Hanna Dismissed to the Church of Christ in philadelphea; in penselvanah; March 25, 1705.
- Elizabeth Tayler (admitted among us by the name of Daue; now named Taylor) Dismissed to the Church of Christ in Seabrook, May 20, 1705. Mary Slacke Dismissed to the Church of Christ in Rehoboth, August 31, 1706.
- Abigail Lathrop (Admitted among us by the name of Dutson; now Named Lathrop) Dismissed to the Church of Christ in Barnstable, December 15, 1706.
- Martha French admitted by the name of Martha Williams dismissed to the Church at Rehoboth, March 27th, 1709.
- Thomas Hartshorn, and Sarah his wife Dismissed to the Church of Christ att Windham, November 13, 1709.
- Samuel Parker Dismissed to the Church of Christ in Stonington, January 23d, 1709/10.
- John Usher Esquire dismissed to the Church in Medford, March 11, 1712/13. Vid. page 146.250
- [115] Dismissions.
- Elizabeth Paddock dismissed to the Church of Christ in Yarmouth, May the Third, 1713.
- John Roulstone dismissed to the Church at Rehoboth, April 11th, 1714. Simon Thomson dismissed to the Church at Wobourn, January 16, 1714/15.
- Jan. 6, 1716/7
- Dismissed Thomas Salter
- Samuell Bridgham and Mary his Wife
- Thomas Down and Ann his wife
- To Imbody with others into a Church attending (or to attend) God's Worship in the New Meeting House in Summer street, Boston.251
- On the same day, January 6 Thomas Godfrey was dismissed to the New North Church in Boston, whereof Mr Webb is Pastor.
- January 19, 1717/8 Thomas Fosdick was Dismissed to the Church in New-London.
- March 16, 1717/8 Edward Goddard and Susannah his Wife, dismissed to the Church of Christ in Framingham.
- July 20, 1718, Gershom Frazier, dismissed to the church in Newberry whereof the Reverend Mr Hale is Minister.
- Elizabeth Ward (formerly Flood) dismissed to Marlborough, October 19, 1718.
- John Combes dismissed to the Church of Glouster (or Cape-Ann) June 7 1719
- Benjamin Bird and Wife, dismissed to the Church in Dorchester, August 30, 1719.
- Mary Wadsworth (formerly Verde) dismissed to the Church in Duxberry, October 4, 1719.
- Joseph Winslow dismissed to Cape-Ann, November 15, 1719.
- Joseph Mason and Mary his Wife dismissed to that church in Watertown, whereof the Reverend Mr Gibbs is Pastor, January 31, 1719/20. Peter Thomas dismissed to the new North Church in Boston, March 13, 1719/20.
- Daniel Pouning dismissed to the New South Church in Boston, July 31, 1720.
- Mary Coolidge (formerly Smith) dismissed to the Church at Watertown, whereof the Reverend Mr Gibbs is Pastor, January 29, 1720/21. Mr Isaiah Tay (once a Deacon with us) dismissed to that Church in Boston252 whereof the Reverend Mr Colman and Cooper are Pastors, May 14, 1721.
- Benjamin Boynton dismissed to the church in Glouster, August 27, 1721.
- Mrs Sarah Newdigate dismissed to the church at Newport (Rhode Island) whereof Mr Clap is Pastor, October 29, 1721.
- April 16, 1722, Mr Daniel Peckar and Mr William Lee, dismissed in order to embody with others about to gather etc. (New Brick253 etc.).
- January 24, 1722, Mr Ebenezer Storer dismissed to the church in York.
- February 3, 1722/3, Judeth Merry (formerly Best) dismissed to Mr Barnard’s church at Marblehead.
- June 23, Samuel Barret dismissed to the new north church in Boston (with a view to Ruling Elders).254
- September 8, 1723, Jane Crandon dismissed to the church at Plymouth.
- [116] Dismissions.
- Thomas Messenger dismissed to the new north church in Boston, June 28, 1724 (with a view to Ruling Elders).255
- August 23, 1724, Mr Samuel Barret Junior256 dismissed to be ordained Pastor at Hopkinton.
At a Meeting of the old or first Church in Boston, June 16, A. M. 1725, In the Meeting House After solemn Supplications to God, the Church proceeding to the following Votes.
Voted That the Committee, who have a Message to us, from the Honorable and Reverend Overseers of the College, be admitted into the Meetinghouse; and that we will silently hear what they have to say to us; and after They are withdrawn, will proceed to consider their Message. Voted That the Deacons wait on the said Committee to inform them, that the Church is met, and that We are now ready to receive their Message.
The Gentlemen of the Committee came, and delivered their Message which was to signify to this Church, That our Reverend Pastor Mr Wadsworth was chosen President of the College by the Corporation; and that the Overseers having approved the Choice, had appointed them to ask his Acceptance, and to apply to the Church for their Consent to part with Him for the Service he is now chosen to: and then having severally made their Speeches to the Church upon it, They withdrew. Voted That a Committee of the Brethren wait on the Reverend Mr Wadsworth to acquaint him with what has now passed, and to desire his Thoughts upon this great and important Affair.
Voted That Colonel Byfield, with the Deacons forthwith go upon that Message.
The Messengers presently returned and made Report to this purpose, That our Reverend Pastor expresses his great affection to the Church and his Lothness to remove from us; That his being chosen President was a thing far from his seeking or desiring; That no Worldly Considerations could move him to accept of the Call now given him; but that being chosen and called to that Post, and several Attempts already made to resettle the College having miscarry’d, He dare not give a preremtory Negative; and yet could not at present give an Affirmative, but depends, for further Light, upon knowing the mind of the Church.
And then after some discourse and debate upon the affair, and several desiring more Time for Consideration, the Church came to the following Vote, Resolved, that we will adjourn till four o’Clock in the Afternoon.
Post Meridiem,
The Church met according to Adjournment, And after repeated Supplications to Heaven, and some Time spent in a silent Consideration or private Discourse of the Matter, the ensuing Vote was passed unanimously. Voted That we will endeavour, in the fear of God, quietly to submit unto, and be satisfied in what the Majority of the Church shall determine.
Then the following Vote was drawn up, and read publickly once and again, Viz. It having pleased the great Head of the Church, in his sovereign Providence, to incline the Corporation of Harvard College in Cambridge, to make Choice of our Reverend and Dear Pastor Mr Benjamin Wadsworth to be the President of that Society; and the Honorable and Reverend the Overseers of the College having (by a Committee of their Number) apply’d to us for our Consent to part with him for that service:
Resolved (after serious Consideration) That if our Reverend Pastor Mr Wadsworth judges it to be his Duty to accept of the Call given him We will humbly submit, and say, The Will of the Lord be done!
Which Form being approved, the Church proceeded to declare their Minds by written Votes, and upon collecting and Examining the same, it appeared that the said Resolve was passed in the Affirmative by a very great Majority of Voices, there being sixty six Yea’s, and but sixteen Nay’s.
Entred by Thomas Foxcroft.
[117] Dismissions.
- January 16, 1725/6, John Lowell was dismissed, to be ordained Pastor of a Church in Newbury.257
- March 27, 1727, Mary Graham (formerly Ferguson) dismissed to a Church in Marblehead Mr Barnard’s.
- October 10, 1726, John and Sarah Ingram were dismissed to the Church of Christ in Saybrook.
- April 30, 1727, William Chamberlain was dismissed to the Church in Newton.
- March, 1727/8, William Welsteed, dismissed, to be ordained Pastor of a Church in Town.258
- August 11, 1728, Anne Stevens dismissed to the Church in Newbury under Mr Lowel’s Care.
- November 10, 1728, John Taylor, to the Church in Milton, being chosen their Pastor.259
- November 24, 1728, Mary Grover (formerly Brooking) to the Church in York; [no date] Sam. Miers dismissed to Church in Springfield. January 19, 1728/9 Samuel Curtiss dismissed to the East Church in Roxbury.
- May 11, 1730, George Southerland dismissed to the Irish Church in Long Lane Boston.260
- June 9, 1730, Henry Gibbs dismissed to the South Church in Boston. November 2, 1730, John Hunt, Jonathan Loring and Thomas Hubbard dismissed together to the South Church in Boston.
- March 3, 1730/31, Joseph Prince dismissed to the South Church in Boston.
- August 9, 1731, Elias Dupee dismissed to the New brick North in Boston. September 5, 1731, Edward Allen dismissed to Irish Church in Long Lane Boston.
- November 12, 1732, Nath. Fairfield, James Day and John Cravath to the New Society meeting in Harvard-Street,261 Boston who embody’d publickly on a Day of Prayer, November 14.
- November 13, 1733, Elisabeth Dunn to the Church in Newbury, Mr Lowell Pastor.
- June 16, 1734, Susanna Addlington to Church in Brookfield.
- June 25, 1735, Jeremy Fitz to first Church in Ipswich.
- September 12, 1736, John Peckar to 1st Church in Haverhill.
- October 31, 1736, Mercy Lewis (alias Clissbey) to Church in Barnstable,
- Mr Green’s Care.
- December 26, 1736, James Gooch junior, John Darrell, and John Daniel, to the new Society about to embody into a Church in West part of this Town called New Boston.262
- November 14, 1736, Joseph Rainger to the Church in Brookfield, and his wife.
- November 13, 1737, Stephen Patting to a Church in Almsbury263 mr Winget Pastor.
- July 2, 1738, Thomas Savage to a Church in Newbury, Mr Lowell Pastor.
- September 28, 1740, Daniel Cresey dismissed to Church in Methuen Mr Abner Bayley Pastor.
- August 9, 1741, Henry Fowle to Church in Medford.
- January 4, 1741/2, Joseph Pierce and Wife to New North in Boston. November 24, 1751, Elisabeth Slater (now Adams) to the Church in New London under Care of Reverend Mr Eliphalet Adams (her Husband).
- March 16, 1755, Elisabeth Henshaw (alias Bass) to Church in Liecester, Mr Joseph Roberts, Pastor.
Other Instances—vid. page.264
At a Church Meeting in the Meeting House, August 2, 1725, were passed the following Votes (framed by the Deacons) (Memorandum. The Deacons apprehending it proper for them, after Mr Wadsworth’s Instalment in the office of President (notwithstanding his Continuing to preach for a time as usual) to forbear waiting on him with the Salary, till they should have265 Direction from the Church etc; This gave occasion to the first Vote:)
I. Whereas the Deacons did not see Cause, for the three last Sabbaths on which our late Reverend Pastor Mr Wadsworth preached to us, to carry him what had been his weekly Salary; i.e. at the rate of £4 per week266 and whereas they have omitted this Season267 to pay him his usual Wood-money: Therefore ordered, that the Sum of Twelve Pounds be speedily paid him, out of the publick Box, in Consideration of his Preaching; and five pounds more in consideration of his Expence for Wood.
II. Whereas the Reverend Mr Wadsworth, having been by the Providence of our glorious Lord called to be the President of Harvard College, was by a Vote of this Church passed June 16 last (as it pleased God, then to dispose our hearts) upon his Acceptance of the said Call, dismissed to that Service; by which means a double Care and Burden is devolved upon our remaining Pastor; and it being reasonable that he be allowed to procure Help in Preaching.
Therefore Ordered, That the Deacons pay Mr Foxcroft (besides his stated Salary) Thirty Shillings per week out of the public Contribution for the Supply of the Pulpit.
III. That the Ministry house in Treamount-Street (out of which Mr Wadsworth lately removed) being now vacant, our present Pastor hath Leave, and is invited to move his Family into it.
IV. Whereas it is needful that a new Drain be made to the Minister’s house in Summer Street, And some Repairs are needed at the other house; Resolved, That the Deacons take Care in those matters, as their best prudence shall direct.
V. Resolved (when Mr Foxcroft shall remove) That the Deacons have Liberty and are directed to let out the vacant House for the present (not exceeding a Year) to any meet person that may offer.
VI. Whereas upon the late remarkable Providence in the Removal of the Reverend Mr Wadsworth from us, we judge ourselves called to extraordinary Prayer; Therefore Resolved (God willing) that We will speedily keep a Day of Fasting together, to beg of God a sanctify’d Use of so important a Dispensation; and that He would teach us the Way wherein we ought to go, and in his good time provide for us another Pastor according to his own Heart.
Entred by T. Foxcroft.
Memorandum. A Fast was kept accordingly—on August 17. |
Memorandum. My Wadsworth removed his Family to Cambridge on Friday, July268 |
A.M. Mr Wadsworth began with Prayer I preached Mr Sewal concluded with Prayer |
P.M Mr Colman began with Prayer Dr Mather preached and Mr Thacher concluded with Prayer |
[118] At a Church meeting, April 6, 1726. The ensuing Votes were passed.
I. Whereas the Committee appointed some time since to repair the Meeting house, have laid before us their Advice, that the Belfrey is so decayed that its best to make it intirely new; Voted That they are desired to proceed to get the same accomplisht in as prudent a manner as They can; leaving the Management of the Affair to their Discretion.
II. Whereas on the late Public Fast there was a Contribution made for pious Uses, Resolved that the Money then collected remain in the hands of the Deacons, till the Church shall give Direction about the Disposition of the same to the pious Ends for which it was given.
III. Whereas a Number of the Brethren have made a Motion for our having stated Help in Preaching (or that some certain Person or Persons be agreed upon to be constantly assistant to our Pastor in that Work), Resolved that we will take the matter into our serious Consideration, and will (God willing) meet upon it, on the first Monday in July next;—in the mean time leaving it to the Pastor to use his own Discretion in supplying the Pulpit.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
Memorandum. July 3, 1726. The Church, being stayed after publick Service P.M. was consulted with about the Time for the Church Meeting, which they had by a Vote in April last agreed to have on the first Monday in July, being the next day. And finding several public Affairs lying in the way, to hinder the Meeting on that day, and render it inconvenient to have it very speedily afterwards; several Brethren offered their Opinion, That the End of the Meeting proposed would be sufficiently answered, if the two Gentlemen (Candidates) whom the Church they supposed had their Eyes principally upon (one of the Brethren named them Mr Welsteed269 and Mr Chauncey270), might be obtained by the Pastor to preach for a time etc. Upon which Motion, after a little waiting, and no body appearing to oppose, I apply’d myself to the Church in words to this purpose:
“Brethren, you hear the Proposal made, That for the present I should get the two Gentlemen named to preach frequently: Wherefore if none object, I shall make it my Rule in supplying the Pulpit etc.” And by an universal Silence, it was concured to.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Memorandum. August 26. In the Evening came to my house about a Dozen of the Brethren of the Church to make a Motion that Mr Dunbar271 might be asked to preach in his Turn with the other two Gentlemen above-mentioned, etc.
Which Motion was laid before the Church on the Lord’s day Evening September 11 And after some Discourse (several expressing their Opinion of the Reasonableness of gratifying the Desires of those Brethren, and others making no direct or vehement Opposition) I then put the Case to Them in some such words as these, “Then I apprehend it to be your sense, Brethren, that I may ask those three Gentlemen to preach constantly; Yet with a Liberty reserved if I can’t easily or conveniently obtain either of them, then to supply the Pulpit with other Help.” Upon which, no Objection being made, but one and another expressing their Concurrence, the Meeting concluded.
[119] At a Meeting of the old Church in Boston, In the Meeting house October 3, 1726.
After considerable Discourse and Debate, the following Questions were put:
I. Whether it be your Desire that some certain Person or Persons be asked statedly to assist the Pastor in the work of Preaching for a Time? And upon collecting and examining the written Votes it appeared that it was voted in the Affirmative by a considerable Majority.
II. Whether the proceeding to act upon the foregoing Vote be defered till next Wednesday come sevennight at 3 Clock P.M. Which passed in the Affirmative.
And thereupon the Meeting was adjourned to the said Time.
At a Meeting of the Old Church in Boston, by Adjournment. October 12, 1726, In the Meeting house.
A Debate arising, and several Brethren who were not at the former Meeting, now making a Motion, to reconsider the Vote for stated Help, and offering their Reasons why they thought it best to reverse it.
I. The Question was put, Whether you will reverse the Vote, passed at the late Meeting, for stated Help? And it passed in the Negative by one Vote.
II. Then it being found that One present who had delivered his Opinion for the reversing of the said Vote, did not give in his written Vote, which if he had done, would have made a Tye; Therefore upon the Motion of several Brethren, who had been for the said Vote’s standing, but now suggested it was their Opinion, That as things were at present Circumstanced, it was best to null the said Vote.
The foresaid Question was put a second time; and it passed now in the Affirmative. And accordingly they proceeded to vote, in the next place.
III. That the Supplying of the Pulpit for the present be left with the Pastor, to manage according to his Discretion. The Question being put, it went in the Affirmative by a great Majority.
IV. It was voted that the Pastor be allowed annually Thirty five pounds for Wood.
V. It was voted that Ten shillings per week be added to the Pastor’s Salary. (The weekly Salary was then £4 and was established by Church vote some Time before, while Mr Wadsworth was with us; though I can find nothing of it in the Records.)272 Which Votes were passed unanimously: And then the Meeting brake up, with a great Appearance of Unity and Agreement. Blessed be God!
by T. F.
[120] At a Meeting of the First or old Church in Boston In the Meeting house, March 27, 1727.
I. The Brethren being informed that Sarah Russel a Member of this Church having fallen into a scandalous Sin, the breach of the Seventh Commandment, by unlawful Society with Him who is now her Husband, before Marriage, by whom She then had a Child; and being desirous to have her Child baptised, was now willing (notwithstanding the matter had hitherto been covered and kept secret) to bring her penitent Confession to this Church, in order to her being healed and enjoying the Ordinance for her Child.
The Brethren signify’d their Consent that She should come to this Meeting, and exhibit her Confession. Whereupon she was sent for, and her Confession being received, the Brethren unanimously voted the receiving of it, and forgiving of her Offence. And she was accordingly declared to be restored to our Charity and continued in our Communion.
II. Another Case of somewhat the like Nature being proposed of a Woman, belonging to this Church, and fallen into Scandal, who has lived in a distant Town for several years past; Divers of the Brethren signifyed it to be their Opinion, That it was most advisable in such Cases for the offenders to carry their Confessions and make their Submission to the Church in the place where they at present reside, and so be healed without spreading the Report of their Fall any further than real Necessity requires. And the Rest acquiesced in this Declaration.
III. Voted That the Deacons be desired to view the Cellar of the Ministry-House in Summer Street, and inquire into the State of the Drain, and Compute the Charge of a new one, and make Report to the Church.
IV. A Proposal being made that the Moneys collected on the Fast-Day this Time—twelve month, yet resting in the Hands of the Deacons, should be disposed of in buying some valuable Books for the use of the Ministry of this Church for the Time being, and of a large handsome Bible for the use of the publick in the Church when they shall see fit to call for it. It was put to Vote, but the Vote not being clear, it was thought best to refer the matter to our next Meeting. (Some suggesting as the reason of their not concurring, The Impropriety of buying a Bible before the Church had resolved to make use of it.)273
V. Mr Cooke one of the Committee appointed some years ago to assist the Deacons in inquiring into the Circumstances of the Lands, belonging to this Church, lying at the Eastward, read the Votes of the Church, and the Report of the Committee formerly given in, relating to those Lands, and moved that some further Care might be taken, and in particular that the said Lands might be surveyed etc. Which also was referred for Consideration to the next Meeting.
Entered by T. F.
Memorandum. May 28, 1727. Lord’s day Evening. I stayed the Church, and informed them, That several of the Brethren (They were Col. Townsend, Col. Byfield, Mr Cooke, Capt. Green etc.)274 had offered their Desires for a Church meeting: That there had been no Application in form by any Body of them together made to me, as has been usual in such Cases; but only one and another had occasionally expressed their Thoughts and Inclinations: That I could not tell whether they all concurred exactly in one Design; but however that several expressly declared They aimed at the Choice of another Minister, and moved for a Meeting in order to this End, and signify’d an Uneasiness and Dissatisfaction that it was delayed so long.275 That I found upon acquainting some others of the Brethren very lately, with the Motion, it seemed new to them, and a little unexpected at present. That therefore I thought proper to advise the whole Church of it now together. And desiring them to take it into their serious Thoughts, it was left to their Consideration for a week Whether they would have a Meeting, and when, Without expressing my own Opinion or Disposition in the Affair.
by T. F.
June 4. Lord’s Day following.
The Church being stayed again, I reminded them of what had been proposed the last Sabbath, and desired to know their Minds about the Motion made for a Church meeting etc. Then no one making any Objection, I proceeded to put it Vote, Whether they would speedily have a Meeting in order to the Choice of another Minister? And it passed in the Affirmative. In the next place it was voted that the Meeting, to this end, should be (God willing) on the next Monday come sevennight at 9 o’Clock A. M. Then I added a few words to press a very serious Treatment of the Affair; to follow the Things that make for Peace, etc. And desired a full Meeting of the Brethren on so important an occasion.
June 12.
The Church met according to Agreement. The foregoing Votes were read. And I proposed, Whether they would proceed immediately to bring in their Votes for the Choice of a Minister, or whether there were any preparatory Steps necessary to be taken first? Then one or two Preliminaries, that were mentioned (relating to Servants or Apprentices, and Negro’s voting, who belong to the Church etc. being adjusted, and no Objection made against Proceeding now; (though the Brethren were over and over invited to offer their Thoughts, if they had ought to object, They went upon the preparing their Votes for the Choice of a Minister. And the Votes being collected and examined it was found That Mr Charles Chauncey was chosen. Then the choice being declared and published it was agreed, by a Vote, That Deacon Williams and Capt. Langdon should be the Messengers of the Church to wait on Mr Chauncey (now at York) and acquaint him that we had made Choice of him, etc.
Memorandum. One hundred and Ten (regular) Voters were present. 43 were for Mr Welsteed 64 for Mr Chauncey, one blank one for Mr B.276 and another for Mr D[unbar].277
After this Affair was over I mentioned several other Affairs that had been discoursed of at our last Meeting, and refered for further Consideration to the next; and the following Resolves were made upon them. Voted That the Deacons are empowered and desired to joyn with such of the Neighbors as are willing, in laying a Common Sewer from the Ministry house in Summer street down to Bull’s Wharfe. Voted That the Deacons are directed to dispose of the Money collected on the Fast day last year, and apply the same to the pious uses for which it was designed; particularly in distributing Bibles and other Books of Piety among poor People, or in Places prejudiced against the Gospel. Voted That Col. Byfield, Mr Cooke, and Captain Greene be a Committee to consult some proper Measures for the Improvement of this Church’s Lands at the Eastward, and make their Report at our next Meeting.
by T.F.
[122] August 27, 1727. Lord’s day Evening.
Mr Chauncey’s Answer was read before the Congregation. The Church was stayed (after the Blessing) and they Voted that Mr Chauncey should be allowed out of the Contribution Box, for the present Three pounds per Week Salary.
There was also some Discourse relating to the Time of his Ordination, but the Determination left to the next Meeting, which the Affairs of the Church, it was suggested, would call for in a little time.
Mr Chauncey’s Answer to the Call of the Church was as follows.
To the old or first Church in Boston.
Boston, August 26, 1727.
Much Honoured and Beloved,
[Two-thirds of page is blank]
[Blank page]
[124] October 2, 1727. At a Church Meeting, in the Meeting house.
1. Voted That Mr Chauncey be desired to procure a Dismission from the Church to which he at present belongs, in order to his being regularly admitted a Member among us.
2. Voted That Mr Chauncey upon his being admitted a Member of this Church be ordained to the Office of a Pastor to assist in the Work of the Ministry among us.
3. Voted That the day for his Ordination be (God willing) Wednesday the 25th of this Instant October.
4. Voted That the several associated Churches in Boston together with the Church in Cambridge be desired by Letters in the Name of this Church to afford their Presence and Assistance by their Elders and Delegates on that solemn Occasion.
5. Voted That our Pastor Mr Foxcroft is earnestly desired to give the Charge to Mr Chauncey in his Ordination.
6. Upon Mr Foxcroft’s earnestly and resolutely declining a Compliance with our Request and upon a Motion made by several of the Brethren, that in Consideration of our more special Communion with the Church whereof the Reverend Mr Colman is Pastor, He be desired to perform that Part in the Ordination, it was put to Vote, and Resolved in the Affirmative.
7. Voted That the Reverend Dr Mather, Mr Thacher, Mr Sewall and Foxcroft, together with Mr Colman be desired to impose hands in the Ordination.
8. Voted That Mr President Wadsworth our late Reverend Pastor be desired to open the Solemnity with Prayer.
9. Voted That a publick Contribution be asked, and Notice on the next ensuing Sabbath given thereof, to the Congregation, by one of the Deacons, in order to defraying the Expences of the Entertainment on the Ordination-day.
10. Captain Green from the Committee for repairing the Meetinghouse, having laid their Accompts before the Church, and reporting, That the Expences they have been at amount to about 380li: And the Deacons giving us to understand they have in Stock upwards of 200li. And a Proposal being made, That two Pews may be built and disposed of to help defray the Expences of Repairs, Resolved, That the Committee for seating the Meetinghouse be desired and empowered to erect two Pews out of the two back Seats of the Men below.
Memorandum. The Meeting ended with some Discourse about the Lecture-day-Pews, several expressing their Resentments of this Inconvenience and wishes for a Remedy etc.
Entered by T. F.
Memorandum. A Contribution on Lord’s Day [blank] amounting to [blank].
October 25, 1727.
Mr Chauncey was accordingly ordained. Mr Wadsworth being sick and not at the Ordination, Mr Foxcroft began with Prayer. Mr Chauncey preached the Sermon from Matth. 28: 20. Lo! I am with you etc. Mr Thacher prayed after the Sermon. Mr Colman presided as Moderator in taking the Votes, and giving the Charge; praying both before and after. Dr Mather gave the Fellowship of the Churches, etc.
December 11, 1727, A. M. At a Church Meeting in the Meeting house.
1. The Deacons informed the Brethren, that the Gentlemen who have been for some time past a Committee for seating the Meeting house, do now decline any longer to attend that Service: and that this Church Meeting was called at the Deacons Motion for the Brethren to consult what’s proper to be done upon it.
2. Mr Treasurer Allen having now exhibited an Account of Receipts and Payments, and desiring that a Committee might be appointed to audit the same, Voted, that Captain Green and Captain Wadsworth be a Committee to examine Mr Allens Account, and make Report to the Church.
3. The Rules of the Committee for seating the Meetinghouse being read out of Treasurer Allen’s book some Discourse and Debate followed.
Then the Meeting was adjourned to the 2d Tuesday in January next at
2 Clock P. M. and to the same Place.
by T. F.
[125] January 9, 1727/8. Church Meeting by Adjournment.
Captain Green from the Committee appointed to examine Mr Treasurer Allen’s Account—made Report; which was accepted.
Then, the number of Brethren present being but small, and some Affairs of Importance being to come under Consideration, the Motion was made to adjourn; and accordingly this Meeting was again adjourned, to Monday next, being the 15th Instant, at 10 o’Clock A. M.
by T. F.
January 15, 1727/8. The Church met according to Adjournment.
After opening the Meeting by Prayer, I desired the Brethren to excuse me from any further Attendance (Mr Chauncey did not come at all) the Affairs at present lying before them, being all of a temporal nature etc. Accordingly I withdrew, till they had finished their business; then returned and concluded the Meeting with Prayer.
The Transactions of the said Meeting were as follows: Elisha Cooke Esq was chosen Moderator: and the ensuing Votes passed.
1. The Proceedings of the Committee appointed for the Rebuilding of the Meeting-house after the great Fire in October 1711 as well as fixing, settling and appropriating several Pews and ordering other Seats in the house being read over and deliberated upon and after Consultation had thereon, It was put to Vote, Whether the Church would then ratify and confirm what the Committee had from time to time done and passed upon that Affair. And it passed in the Affirmative.
2. And then Messrs Elisha Cooke, Jeremiah Allen, Nathaniel Green, James Gooch, and Jonathan Waldo were by Vote authorized and impowered to order and direct the seating persons in the Meetinghouse. Jeremiah Allen Esq further continued Treasurer for receiving Money for Pews and paying for the Erecting thereof and the Repairs of the Meetinghouse: The aforesaid Moneys to be paid and received by Order of the Committee of Seaters.
3. A Vote, passed at a Church meeting on the 2d day of October last, for building two Pews behind the Seats for Men on the first Floor, was reconsider’d and then declared null and void by Vote. And (further voted) that a Row of Pews on the North End of the long Seats for Women on that floor should be erected as the Seaters should direct and order, and be by them disposed of.
4. And the Committee of Seaters were desired to project Rules that the Pews now or hereafter to be built should be subjected to, and present the same to the Church for their further Order thereon.
Att. Elisha Cooke, Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
Church Meeting, February 26, 1727/8.
1. Mr Cooke from the Committee for projecting Rules etc. (as above) reported, as follows, viz. The Committee propose that the Pews built on the North End of the Womens Seat in the lower floor or such others as hereafter may be built in the Meeting house, shall be used occupy’d and enjoyed as Pews by them to whom they are assigned, and their Legal Representatives; They paying to the Treasurer as the Committee of Seaters shall direct; they also being and continuing of the Auditory, and constant Contributors here: And whensoever by Death or otherwise they are removed and shall not continue to attend the publick Worship in this House, that then the Church shall dispose of the Pews of such absent Persons, as they think meet; Returning the Money paid for such Pews, to whom of right it shall appertain, if desired. Which was read and accepted.
2. Voted and ordered, That Mr Samuel Marshal and Mr Jonathan Williams the present Deacons of this Church, do prosecute in the Law such Person or Persons as may have entered upon that part of the Island called Great Chebeag lying in Casco-bay in the County of York as of Right doth belong to to This Church by virtue of a Purchase-Deed from the Administrator of Richard Wharton late of Boston Esq deceased.278
Entered by T. F.
March 10, 1727/8. Church Stayed, Lord’s day Even.
Voted to have a Collection for the Poor of this Church and Congregation on the Annual Fast and Thanksgiving this Year.
May 20, 1728. Church Meeting.
1. Upon a Motion made by the Deacons, Voted That there be two Persons chosen now to assist them in their Office.
2. Then proceeded to vote for the persons, and upon collecting and examining the written Votes, which were double, or for both the persons together, it appeared That Mr Jonathan Loring was chosen: but no other had a Majority.
3. Then voted again for the other person, and it appeared that Mr Zechariah Thayer was chosen.
4. That the Deacons are directed and empowered to take Possession of the Church’s House in which Dr Dolhonde now lives,279 and to bring a Writt of Ejectment against him at the next Court, if need be, in order to Mr Chauncey’s going into it to dwell.
5. Motions with regard to Mr Chauncey’s Salary and Wood, refered to the next Meeting for Consideration.
Entered by T. F.
July 8, 1728. Church Meeting.
1. Mr Jonathan Loring and Mr Zechariah Thayer being desired to give their Answer to the Call of the Church, declined to give it in the Affirmative at present. So the Matter was left to their further Consideration.
2. Voted That the Deacons pay to Mr Chauncey Four pounds and ten shillings per Week, Salary, out of the publick Contribution-Box.
3. Voted That the Pastors be allowed, each of them Forty pounds per Year for Wood.
Entered by T. F.
August 18, 1728. Lords day Even.
The Deacons elect gave their Answer. Mr Loring finally declined accepting, Mr Thayer declared his Acceptance. A Church meeting appointed to be the 26th Instant etc.
August 26, 1728. Church meeting.
Whereas we are informed. That a certain Person has erected an House on the Island called Great Chebeag about the middle thereof, and a considerable part of the said Island belonging to this Church, Resolved That the Deacons be desired to take some further Care according to their best Discretion for the Securing our just Property therein and for the preventing of Trespasses thereupon;280 as also to take Care for the Security of our Lands on the Main called Macquoit.
As to the Affair of chusing another Deacon, it was suggested that the Meeting being very thin,’ twas best to defer it to another time etc.
Entered by T. F.
[127] January 20, 1728/9. Church meeting.
1. The Brethren were informed That Mrs Anne Mills hath by her last Will and Testament left a considerable Legacy to this Church for the use of the Poor—The Clause of the Will was read.
Further, informed that whereas the Will allows the Executors to pay the said Legacy any time within four Years, the Executors being desirous to be discharged of their Trust, are willing now to pay what is due to this Church if they see Cause to receive it: Two years Interest they have received, and are willing the Church should receive the Interest for the year current and ensuing.
Whereupon, Voted That the Ministers and Deacons are empowered to receive the late Mrs Mills’s Legacy to this Church, in Conjunction with the other Churches concerned,281 and to give the Executors a proper Discharge according to the Tenor of the Will.
2. One of the Deacons informed the Church, That some of the Brethren had moved for the raising of the Ministers Salaries, and especially the doing something for the elder Pastor, who by reason of the Largeness282 of his Family finds the present weekly Allowance not sufficient to answer his necessary Expences.
Upon which Mr Chauncey and I went out, that the Brethren might have the freer Discourse among themselves.
We were soon called in again, and Colonel Byfield reported the sense of the Brethren, which was to this purpose, Viz. That they judged it not convenient to alter the Weekly Salary, but chose to do something rather by way of an occasional Collection, and this for the Use of the Senior Pastor, as apprehending the Circumstances of his Family call for such a special Relief.
Upon hearing this I thanked the Brethren for their kind Willingness to do for my Relief; yet withal told them I would chuse that my Brother Chauncey should divide the intended Contribution with me. Upon which Mr Chauncey stood up and declared himself freely willing, that the Church should act their own Judgment and Inclination in the matter, and that I should receive the Whole, as being sensible that the weekly Allowance is not sufficient for the Support of my Family.
Then some of the Brethren suggesting that the Congregation ought to be consulted in Affairs of Money, there arose a Debate.
After which was passed this Vote, Upon the Motion made by sundry Brethren relating to a Contribution or public Collection for the Use of Mr Foxcroft, Resolved, That the Church will meet (God willing) on the next Monday to consider and determine what is proper to be done in that matter; and that public Notice be given on the next Lord’s day of the intended Meeting, and the Design of it: Also that at the same time it be hinted,’ Tis not doubted the said Motion will be very acceptable to the Congregation.
Then the Meeting was adjourned to next Munday.
Entered by T. F.
January 26, Lord’s day Even.
Deacon Williams gave Notice of the Meeting to be on the Morrow etc. pursuant to the said Vote.
[128] January 27, 1728/9. Church Meeting by Adjournment.
The following Vote was passed. drawn up by Deacon Williams (Pastors absent). Viz. Upon Consideration of the extraordinary Charge the Reverend Mr Foxcroft has sometimes been at by reason of Sickness in his Family, and the weekly Allowance not being sufficient to support his family, which is now become numerous by the Blessing of God; Resolved That there be a Collection for Mr Foxcroft on the Lord’s day after next, which will be the 9th of February and that the Church and Congregation be publickly notify’d of it the next Lord’s day.
Entered by T. F.
Memorandum. Lord’s day February 9, 1728/9. There was a Contribution: and the whole of what the Deacons brought me, together with what sundry persons that were absent, delivered me privately afterwards, amounted to Fourscore and nine Pounds, 17s/9.
T. F.
Lord’s day Even. February 2, 1728/9.
Read a Letter from the South Church in Boston, wherein they inform us of the Design they are upon to build a new Meetinghouse, and desire Liberty to meet on the Lord’s days in our house for publick Worship after our Exercises are over. Left for Consideration a Week. Vid. page 197.283
Lord’s d. Even. February 9.
The said Letter read again, and after some Debate among the Brethren, they voted a Compliance with the Desire thereof; and directed the Pastors to write a Letter in their Name etc. Which was soon done. Accordingly the South-Church began to meet, as aforesaid, in our House, March 9, 1728/9, and continued so doing until April 19, 1730. Then having by a Letter of Thanks taken Leave of us, they went to their own House, and first assembled there on April 26.
Memorandum. On Fast and Thanksgiving Days they suspended their Meeting and scattered; So on our Sacrament-Days in the Morning. They held their own Communion, as usual, at Noon.
May 11, 1730. Church Meeting.
1. The Deacons now laid before the Brethren the State of the Box. Receipts and Payments. In Arrears about £76, for paving etc. For a Month past the Weekly Contribution has fallen short of the Ministers Dues—Deacon Williams observed, that the Deficiency, as he apprehended, is very much in the Pews (This was found afterwards by Experiment to be a Mistake.),284 and proposed that it should be considered what is proper to be done for a Remedy. But nothing said upon it.
2. A Proposal made that some Workmen be consulted and advised with, upon what’s proper and necessary to be done for putting the Meetinghouse in decent and good Repair, Left with the Committee of Seaters.
3. A Proposal made to have four Pews erected out of the Rear-Seats on the lower Floor, two on each side—Voted That it be left with the Seaters to erect and dispose of the same at Discretion.
4. The Custom of Testimonies at Admission of Members, laid aside by an unanimous Vote.
5. Then followed some Discourse and Debate upon Motions and Proposals, which were made and urged by some of the Brethren, respecting sundry other Matters, Viz. 1. Reading of the holy Scriptures in the publick worship. 2. Leaving persons to their christian Liberty in the Affair of making Relations at Admission to full Communion. 3. Enlarging the Subject of Baptism, according to the general practice of the other Churches in New England.285
Whereupon a Resolve was passed, that these Things be referred for Consideration [129] to the next Meeting, then to be further discoursed and debated upon.
The Meeting for the said purpose, it was voted, should be (God willing) on this day sevennight, viz. Munday the 18th current. And further, that Mr James Williams be desired to notify all the Brethren of this Church, in particular, that there may be a general Meeting to consult on heads of such Importance.
Then the Meeting was declared to be adjourned to next Munday at 3 o’Clock P. M.
Munday May 18, 1730. By Adjournment. A very general Meeting.
1. Discoursed on the Matter of Reading the Scriptures; and Passed the following Vote, Viz. That it is the Mind of the Church, that the holy Scriptures be publickly read in larger Portions than has been usual, and more in a Course: and that it is recommended to the Ministers to expound occasionally, but that it be left to their Discretion when to do it.
2. Debates on the Matter of Relations.
3. on the matter of Enlarging Baptism.
Both these Articles left for further Consideration to another Time. Then the Meeting was adjourned to 9th of June, 3 P. M.
June 9, 1730. Church Meeting per Adjournment.
1. The Matter of Relations, long Debates upon it. After which at the Motion of several Brethren, a Vote was drawn up in these Terms, Viz. Whether in Case any particular Persons, appearing in Judgment of Charity visible Saints and offering to joyn with this Church in full Communion, do seriously scruple the practice of making a Relation as usual at Admissions (whether in such Case) it be your Mind that Persons shall be left to their christian Liberty, and admitted without obliging them to comply with the said Custom: Provided always that They do make a publick Confession of their Faith or Belief, and that the Elders do declare their having received Satisfaction, by private Examination, as to their Knowledge and Experience in Religion? The Question was red several times: but no Vote passed upon it; Many urging that it might still remain under Consideration; which being put to Vote, it went in the Affirmative.
2. The Other Article of enlarging Baptism, a little discoursed of: But nothing concluded.
3. Mr Henry Gibbs dismissed to the South Church.
Then the Meeting further adjourned to the first Munday in August next at 3 P. M.
Munday August 3, 1730, at 3 P. M. Church met according to Adjournment.
A thin Meeting—Debates further upon the Proposal about Relations. Nothing concluded—Thought best to suspend the Matter for the present—etc.
[130] At a Meeting of the Church, November 2, 1730.
The Design of the Meeting having a particular reference to the Ministers, they thought proper to go out of the Meetinghouse. Deacon Williams was chosen Moderator etc.
1. Upon a Motion made, in Consideration that £4.10s. per Week to each Minister was not sufficient to maintain their Families, Voted That there shall be a Contribution on the Thanksgiving Day approaching, to be divided equally between the two Ministers, to help supply the Deficiency for time past.
2. Upon laying the State of the Box before the Brethren, and it appearing that the Church is in Arrears for the Ministers Wood, Voted that the Seaters be desired as soon as may be to make the Pews that have been proposed to be erected, and dispose of them: and with part of the Money pay the Deacons what is wanting for the Ministers Wood.
3. Upon a Debate about raising the Ministers Salaries, Voted that Colonel Byfield, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Nathanael Balston, and Mr James Gooch Junior with the Deacons be a Committee to consider of some proper Method for raising the Salary, and make Report at the Adjournment of the Meeting. The Meeting accordingly was adjourned to to Morrow fortnight, that is Tuesday, November 17 at 3 o’Clock P.M.
True Copy Entred by Thomas Foxcroft.
November 12, Thanksg. day.
A Collection amounting to £124. equally divided.
At a Meeting of the Church by Adjournment November 17, 1730, which being on a temporal Affair and relating to themselves, the Ministers withdrew.
1. The Committee above mentioned made Report in Writing, as follows: “Boston, November 9, 1730. Pursuant to the Vote of the Church 2d. Instant November the Committee met the 9th Instant And our Opinion is—That considering the Rise of Provisions etc. of late, our Reverend Pastors Salaries be raisd to £6. per week each for one Year: And that the Congregation be notify’d to meet with the Church in the settling of it. And that the Method of raising the said Money be done by Subscriptions to be paid in proportion every Lord’s day:”
Signed—Nathanael Byfield.
(A Debate arose, and no Vote passed upon it.)
2. Voted That whenever there is Occasion for Money to be raised, the Congregation be notified to meet with the Church in the doing of it.
(This Vote was delivered to me by Deacon Williams.)
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
[131] At a Meeting of the Church (a pretty full one) March 3, 1730/31
I. Mr N. Heaton, a Communicant with us by virtue of the Fellowship of Churches (being a Member of the Church in Charlestown)—having been for some time past debarred from the Ordinance of the Supper (by the Elders) for the scandalous Sin of excessive Drinking, he now exhibited a penitent Confession, and was by a Vote declared to be restored to the Charity of the Church, and re-admitted to Communion in special Ordinances.
II. Captain Joseph Prince, a Brother, was upon his request dismissed to the South Church.
III. Upon a Motion made and urged by Sundry of the Brethren referring to the Enlargement of Baptism, according to the general Practice of these Churches, and agreeable to the Result of the Synod at Boston Anno 1662. Part of the said Result, viz. the fifth Proposition (with what is there said in Defence of it) was read; which runs thus, “Church-Members, who were admitted in Minority, understanding the Doctrine of Faith, and publickly professing their Assent thereto; not scandalous in Life, and solemnly owning the Covenant before the Church, wherein they give up Themselves and their Children to the Lord, and subject themselves to the Government of Christ in the Church, Their Children are to be baptised.” Some Debate was had thereon, and after serious Deliberation, it was put to Vote, Whether the Brethren do approve of and consent to the said 5th Proposition in the Synod’s Result, and accordingly resolve that for the future the Practice of this Church shall be conformable thereto, as apprehending it to be the Mind and Will of Christ revealed in the Scripture? And it passed in the Affirmative by a great Majority.
IV. Upon a Query made by one of the Brethren, Whether such Persons and their Children should not be looked upon as under the Watch of the Church, the following Record, in the Church book (page 28.286) was read; “Whether the Relation of immediate Children of Church-Members be such as giveth the Church a Church-Power over them; and consequently whether it is the Duty of the Church to exercise that Power regularly upon them, that their Knowledge and Life may be answerable to the Engagements of their Relation: and whether it be the Church’s Mind that solemn Notice be given seasonably to them? Voted by the Church in the Affirmative, on the 29th day of the 11th Month 1656.”
Whereupon Some of the Brethren moved that this Vote might be revived and practised on; Accordingly the Question was put, Whether the said Vote doth express the Mind of the Brethren in the Case mentioned, and whether the Practice of this Church shall be conformed to the said Vote for the Time to come? And it passed in the Affirmative.
Entred by Thomas Foxcroft.
At a Meeting of the Church (with one of the Congregation present), May 19, 1731.
I. Upon a Motion made by the Deacons and sundry others of the Community, that the Support and Maintenance of the Reverend Elders might be for the present Year augmented in Consideration of the Dearness and excessive price of the Necessaries of Life etc.
Voted That it is our sincere Desire that their Support should be raised, and in order to effect the same the Deacons are desired to go to the several Members and constant Auditors here, and take of them what they are willing to subscribe in order to effect this good Work. Their several Subscriptions to be paid weekly on the Sabbaths.
(Drawn up by Elisha Cooke Esq)
II. Voted Upon Consideration of the Deficiency of their weekly Salary for time past, that there be on the next Lords day Sevennight a Collection made for their further Supply, to be equally divided between the Pastors. On the intervening Sabbath, publick Notice to be given to the Congregation.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Memorandum. The said Collection amounted to 90£ and some Overplus.287
[132] At a Church Meeting, Monday A.M. August 9, 1731.
The Deacons reported upon the Affair of the Subscription proposed at the last Meeting, importing, That they had met with such Difficulties and Objections among many of the Brethren as discouraged their proceedings etc. A Proposal made and urged by sundry of the Brethren for altering the Manner of Contributing on the Lord’s days, That persons might for the future stay in their respective Seats, and have the Box brought to them. Which was agreed to.
A Motion made in Writing by sundry of the Brethren (but not signed by any) That some of the back Seats in the Men’s Gallery might be made into Pews, for Men and their Families to sit in, as below—Read.
The Committee of Seaters, viz. Elisha Cooke, Esq, Mr Treasurer Allen, Captain Green, and Captain Gooch, made a Resignation of their said power, and moved that others might be chosen etc.
These Matters, viz. Chusing a Committee of Seaters, making new pews, and the Supply of the Box, were refered for Consideration to the next Monday unto which Day the Meeting was adjourned, to meet at 3 Clock P. M.
Entered by T. F.
Monday P. M. August 16, 1731. The Church (with one only of the Congregation) met according to Adjournment.
(They being temporal Prudentials that lay before the Meeting, the Pastors withdrew, and Col. Byfield was chosen Moderator.)
1. The (abovesaid) Motion relating to making Pews was taken under consideration (Several of the Brethren now signing the Writing and presenting the same) and a Compliance therewith voted.
The following Resolve agreeable thereto was passed, viz. That the three hindmost Seats in the Men’s lower Gallery be formed into Pews, to be disposed of at reasonable Prizes, to such of the Church and Congregation as are desirous of and need convenient Seats for themselves and families: and that the same be left to the Seaters, to do it to the best Advantage, having the Consent of those who are now seated in the Seat next the Wall.
2. A Committee of Seaters was chosen. The written votes being collected, it appeared the Majority was for the following Persons, viz. Colonel Byfield, Captain Wadsworth, Mr Jackson, Captain Bedgood, and Mr Cornelius Waldo. And they were accordingly declared to be Seaters of this Church and Congregation from this Time.
3. As to the Supply of the Box, it was only in general agreed to, That one of the Deacons should on some ensuing Lord’s day publickly move the Assembly to mend their hand in the weekly Contribution: and further that at a sutable Time or Times in the Year there should be an extraordinary Collection for the Pastors, to make up Deficiencies, if it be needful.
4. A Memorial of Mr Cornelius Thayer, relating to a Pew etc. read, and referd to the Committee of Seaters, to advise and act upon it according to their best Discretion.
Attest by Nathl. Byfield Moderator.
True Copy Entered by T. F.
Lord’s day P.M. August 22, 1731.
The following Speech was read to the Congregation by Deacon Williams: “I am desired to acquaint this Congregation, that those of this Church and Congregation that met the last Munday at the Church Meeting did manifest a sincere Desire that our Reverend Pastors Salaries might be raised from £4–10 to £6 per Week, which is near a quarter part more than we generally gather on the Lord’s days. It is therefore earnestly desired that the Contributors would take it into their serious Consideration and enlarge their Contributions accordingly, that so we may be enabled to perform this good and necessary Work.
True Copy, Entered by T.F. from the Original Paper delivered in by Deacon Williams.
[133] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, January 24, 1731/2.
Whereas at a Meeting of the Male-Members of this Church on the 19th day of May last the Members by Vote signified their Desire to raise the Support of our Reverend Pastors for Considerations then mentioned, and endeavoured and set a Projection on foot for that purpose, which did not answer the good Ends intended: And whereas the Deacons now inform the Brethren and Congregation that are constant Contributors, that they have in their hands the Sum of Sixty six Pounds, over and above the Sum of four pounds ten shillings heretofore paid them per Week; being collected on the Sabbaths; Voted That the Deacons pay in the same to the Pastors for their more comfortable Support.
Memorandum. The Affair under Consideration relating to the Pastors they withdrew. This Vote was drawn up by Elisha Cooke Esqr |
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft. |
Pursuant to the above Vote £66. was paid to the Pastors etc.
At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, June 12, 1732.
Upon a Motion from Mr Treasurer Allen that he may be excused from any longer serving as Treasurer to this Society, Voted That Colonel Byfield and others the Committee of Seaters be a Committee to audit and examine Mr Allen’s Accounts and make Report at our Meeting next. Upon a Motion made That the Brethren would desire the Deacons to endeavour the obtaining of a Subscription to raise a Sum of Money for a Present to Mr Chauncey, as has been usual upon the Settlement of former Pastors etc. Resolved, That it be refered for Consideration to our next Meeting.
Upon a Motion made, and urged by Sundries, upon a Variety of Considerations, That the Time of beginning the publick Worship on Lord’s Days in the Afternoon be altered from two o’Clock to Three, for 4 or 5 Months in the Spring and Summer; There appeared a general Disposition in the Brethren to concur therewith, in Case the Neighbour-Churches came also into the said Proposal.
Then the Meeting was adjourned to Tuesday sevennight following, at 4 o’Clock P. M.
Entered by T. F.
Memorandum. The Churches in the Southern part of the Town concured in this alteration and it held till.288
June 20, 1732.
The Church and Congregation met according to Adjournment. Colonel Byfield read the Report from the Committee appointed to audit Mr Treasurer Allen’s Accounts etc. Which was accepted.
Voted That Mr Allen upon his Desire is excused from serving any longer in the Capacity of Treasurer to this Society, and that the Thanks of the Brethren are given him for his good Services for so many Years past, And the Committee of Seaters are desired to wait on him with a Copy of this Vote.
Voted That Mr Jonathan Jackson be Treasurer in the Room of Mr Allen, and that he is empowered and desired to receive the Moneys resting in the Hands of the former Treasurer.
[134] Voted, That the Moneys in the hand of the Treasurer and to be drawn out by Order of the Committee of Seaters shall be apply’d as well for Repairs of the Ministry Houses, as of the Meetinghouse. Whereas it has been customary for the Members of this Church and Congregation upon the Settlement of a Pastor to raise a Sum of Money by way of Subscription for a Present to him as a Manifestation of their Respect and to render his worldly Circumstances the more comfortable, Voted That the Deacons are desired to endeavour the obtaining such a Subscription for the Reverend Mr Charles Chauncey for the Ends above-mentioned, and it is recommended as a Thing very desirable to the Church and Congregation that our said Pastor may have the like Token of Love and Regard shown him as other our Pastors before him.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Memorandum. A Subscription was made and amounted to the Sum of £ [blank].
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, January 31, 1732/3.
Upon a Motion made Voted That the Church Records be brought when the Church meets at any time, that they may be lookt into and searched as there may be Occasion.
In Consideration of the Deficiency of the Pastours Weekly Salaries, and upon Information from the Deacons that they have the Sum of £54 remaining in their hands of the Weekly Contribution, Voted That the Deacons pay in the same to the Pastors in equal Shares; which will make up their Salaries 5£ per Week from January 24, 1731/2.
Attestor Charles Chauncy.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Pursuant to the above Vote £54. was paid to the Pastors etc.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, November 13, 1733.
Upon a Motion made, Voted That there shall be a Contribution on the Thanks giving Day approaching, being the 22d. Instant. Upon a Motion made, in Consideration that the Weekly Salary allowed the Pastors is not sufficient to maintain their Families Voted that the said Contribution shall be for the Use of the Pastors, to be equally divided between them.
A Motion being made by the Deacons, That as they have a Residue of the Weekly Contribution in their hands, the same may be ordered to be paid in to the Pastors, in Case the Occasional Collection intended [135] should fall short of supplying the Deficiencies for Time past, in Consideration that several Congregations in this Town have for some Time allowed their Ministers £6 per Week Salary, and that the Brethren of this Church and Congregation have not only once and again manifested a sincere Desire a sincere Desire that our Pastors weekly Salary might be augmented in like Manner, but also endeavourd to raise that Sum, by various Methods, which have not had the desired Success289—the said Motion was refered for Consideration to the Next Meeting.
Elisabeth Dunn—dismissed to a Church in Newbury.
A Motion by the Deacons, relating to the Choice of another Deacon, left with the Church to consider of.
This Meeting adjourned to Wednesday 28th Instant at 3 PM.
Entered by T. F.
The Thanksgiving Day, 1733. The Contribution for the Ministers amounted to £98.
At a Meeting by Adjournment, November 28, 1733.
Upon reading the Motion relating to the Residue in the Deacons hands etc. as above, Debates arose on an Objection made against the Recording of the said Motion (as well as some Exception taken to the Matter of it, viz. the Lines crossed) since it was not by an explicit Vote refered, which is apprehended to be most proper in such Cases.
The Deacons informing, that they have the Sum of Thirty six pounds in their hands, Voted that the same be given to the Pastors in equal Shares.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
Pursuant to the Above Vote £36. paid to the Pastors etc.
At a Church Meeting February 27, 1733/4.
- 1. Voted to proceed now to the Choice of a fourth Person to assist in the Deacons Office.
- 2. Voted to proceed by written Votes, and that the Decision shall be by the Majority of Voters.
- 3. That the Deacons do number and sort the Votes.
- 4. Upon the Collection of the Votes it appeared, that the Majority voted for our Brother Mr Thomas Waite: who was accordingly declared duly elected: and being present, was applyed to by the moderating Pastor, to accept etc.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
[136] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, November 13th, 1734.
The Church and Congregation having been first duly notified thereof. (The Pastors thinking it proper to withdraw on the present Occasion.) The honorable Joseph Wadsworth Esqr was chosen Moderator.
And upon a Motion made by the Deacons, that the Necessaries of Life are greatly enhanced, and that our Reverend Pastors may be made more comfortable and easy in the Support of their Families, etc. It was Voted That a free Contribution be made by this Church and Congregation the next Lord’s day Seven night (God willing) And that the Moneys so raised shall be applyed to and for the Use of our Reverend Pastors for their further Encouragement.
Witness Joseph Wadsworth Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Accordingly a Contribution was made, amounting to about £125.—besides the weekly Salary.
Lord’s day Evening, March 2, 1734/5.
The Brethren of the Church were stayed and received Information of a printed Pamphlet, intituled, A faithful Narrative of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Council convened at Salem in 1734.290 Occasioned by the scandalous Divisions in the first Church in that Town etc. Which Pamphlet was sent, superscribed to the Pastors, to be Communicated, by a Committee of the said Council, appointed to prepare a Narrative of their Proceedings for the Press, and when printed to communicate the same to the several Congregational Churches in the Province.291
The matter was left under Consideration for a Week.
Lord’s day Evening, March 9.
The Brethren of the Church, being stayed after the publick Worship, Voted That they would meet on the next Wednesday sevennight at 2 o’Clock P.M. in the Meetinghouse to have the abovesaid Narrative communicated.
Wednesday March 19, 1734/5, at 2 o’Clock P.M. The Church met in the Meetinghouse.
The Brethren being informed, that Joseph Tarbox, who had been propounded in order to owning the Covenant, was waiting at the Door, expecting to be called in to offer a Confession and humble himself for his Sin in Cohabiting with his Wife (that now is) before Marriage; he accordingly was called in, and his Confession red and accepted.
[137] Then we proceeded upon the Business of the Meeting, the Communicating the Narrative of the late Council at Salem.292 One of the Pastors red out of it one Hour, and the other for another Hour. Then the Weather being very cold, a Motion was made that we should adjourn to Mr Jonathan Williams’s House, which was voted. And the Brethren immediately repairing thither, we finished reading of the Book abovesaid.
Upon which, among other Matters discoursed, and considerable Debate was had on the Propriety of this Church’s accepting and approving the Result of a Council, in which we were not represented by our Delegates, nor so much as invited to be present etc. Then upon the Motion made by sundry it was Voted That the Affair should lie under Consideration: and the Meeting was, by Vote, adjourned to the first Wednesday in May next, being the 7th day of the Month, at 3 o’Clock P.M. in the Meetinghouse.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Lord’s Day Evening, May 4, 1735.
The Brethren of the Church being stayed, A Motion was made to them, to keep a Day of Prayer (with Fasting) to implore the Effusion of the Holy Spirit in order to the Revival of decaying Religion: it being proposed by the Ministers of the Boston Association to carry on in the several Churches the Course of such Days, which was begun the last Summer.
To this Motion the Church readily concured, and voted that Thursday the 22d Instant, should be observed by us as a Day of prayer etc.
At the same Time it was moved That our Brother Wait, who was sometime since chosen to the Office of a Deacon in this Church, and having been proved is found blameless, should be ordained thereto according to Scripture-Rule and the Practice of this Church: Which Motion also was concured, and a Vote passed, That Mr Wait should speedily and publickly on some Lord’s Day be ordained, as aforesaid; but the particular Day left to the Discretion of the Pastors, they giving Notice of the intended Ordination on the Sabbath preceding.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Wednesday May 7, 1735.
The Church met by Adjournment, upon the Salem-Affair: But there being but a very small Appearance of the Brethren by reason of a Town-Meeting this day, it was thought proper to adjourn; and to adjourn for some considerable Time, by reason of the late surprising Turn of Affairs in Salem, the Aggrieved Brethren having claimed to be the Majority and declared themselves to be the First Church in Salem, etc. Therefore it was Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to the last Wednesday in June next, being the 25th Day—at 3 o’Clock P.M.
by T. F.
June 25.
The Church met, and there being but a thin Appearance of the Brethren, they adjourned to the next Sabbath Evening in order to urge and procure a more general attendance. Sabbath Evening, June 29. Church stayed and adjourned to ToMorrow at 10 o’Clock A.M.
June 30. A.M.
The Brethren came together more generally (between 50 and 60 being present) And after a long Debate upon the Objection made at the first Meeting and now renewed, Voted Not to proceed any further in the Consideration of the Salem Affair, by a great Majority. The Question put both Affirmative and Negative.
by T. F.
[138] October 26, 1735.
After Service P.M. the Brethren of the Church and Congregation stayed, and at the Motion of the Deacons (the Pastors being gone out) it was Voted That there should be a publick and special Contribution for the Use of the Pastors on the 9th Day of November (being the Sabbath before the General Thanksgiving) and the same to be publickly propounded on the next Lord’s Day.
Lord’s day, November 9.
A Contribution amounting to £130. Equally divided etc.
At a Meeting of the Church, April 7th, 1736.
Our Brother Cornelius Thayer chosen to the Office of a Deacon. Voted That a Committee be chosen to inquire whether a Cellar may be now made under the Meeting house with Safety and Security. That the said Committee consist of Five in number. That the Honorable Elisha Cooke and Joseph Wadsworth, Esq, Deacon Williams, Mr Blanchard and Mr Fairfield be the Committee for the above purpose. That it be left to the same Committee to consider what may be thought proper to be done with relation to the Lands at the Eastward belonging to this Church. That the Meeting be adjourned to next Wednesday Sevennight at 3 o’Clock P M
Attestator Charles Chauncy Pastor.
At a Meeting of the Church by Adjournment April 14, 1736.
Mr Cooke from the Committee appointed the 7th Instant reported as follows, Viz. “The Committee have consulted with Masons concerning the effecting a Cellar under the Meeting house, and upon viewing and searching the Walls round the House They were of Opinion, that it would in no wise endanger the House. As to improving the Lands lying in Casco Bay, the Committee are of Opinion, that sutable Persons be appointed and impowered to inquire into the Situation of the Lands on the Island and Main, and make themselves acquainted of the Nature of the Soil, the Growth of Timber, and what Sorts; and that the Bounds of the Land on the Main be renewed by a Surveyor, and Monuments refreshed: That they report as soon as conveniently they can before any further Procedure be had in the Affair. By order of the Committee, Elisha Cooke.” The above Report accepted; and Voted That a Committee be appointed to go to Casco Bay to inquire into the State of the Church Lands there etc. as in the Report aforesaid. And Voted that Mr Cooke, Mr Coleson, and Deacon Williams be the Committee. Voted that a Committee be appointed to consider the Affair of a Cellar under the Meeting house, what will be the Charge of making one, what its Dimensions, and how much it might probably let for.
Voted that Mr Cooke, Capt. Wadsworth, Deacon Williams, Mr Blanchard and Mr Fairfield be the Committee.
Attestator Charles Chauncey Pastor.
Entered by T. F.
[139] At a Meeting of the Church Wednesday, August 18, 1736.
1. A Motion was made That the several Vacancies in the Committee of Seaters (two of their Number being dead) be filled up, and also a Treasurer chosen in the Room of Mr Jackson deceased.
2. A Motion, that the Committee of Seaters be chosen annually.
3. It was moved That some Method be thought of to obtain Payment of the late Mr Jonathan Waldo’s Legacy to this Church, which yet remains behind and unpaid.
4. Moved (by one of the Deacons) That the Allowance to the Pastors for Wood be augmented.
5. A Motion for the further Enlarging the Subject of Baptism, by extending the Privilege to adult Persons, offering themselves for it, being duly qualify’d according to the Principle and Practice of the New England Churches in general.
Upon the Whole Voted in Consideration of the small Number of Brethren present, that this Meeting be adjourned to next Friday 3 o’Clock P.M. when the above Motions may be considered; and that Mr Sendal Williams be desired in the mean Time to go about and severally warn the Brethren, that so there may be a more general Attendance on this Occasion.
Friday, August 20, 1736. The Church met by Adjournment.
An Objection being made against Proceeding on the Affairs before us, on Account of the still thin Appearance of the Brethren, the Question was first put, Whether we would proceed etc. And it went in the Affirmative. After some Consideration and Debate on the Motions above-mentioned and refered to this Meeting, the Brethren came into the following Votes: Voted That two Seaters be chosen to fill up the Committee. Accordingly written Votes were brought in and upon counting the same it appeared and was declared, That Mr Joseph Hubbard and Mr John Wheelwright were chosen to be Seaters, by the Majority of Voters. Voted to chuse a Treasurer: And upon collecting and counting the Votes, it was declared that Mr John Wheelwright was chosen to be Treasurer, having all the Votes but one (present 33).293
Ordered That the Books and Papers belonging to this Church, now in the hands of the late Mr Jackson’s Executors, be delivered to the said Mr Wheelwright.
The Motion for an annual Choice of the Committee of Seaters having been backed and urged by several of the Committee, the Question was put, Whether the Committee of Seaters shall for the future be annually chosen anew? And it passed in the Affirmative.
After some Debate on the 3d Motion above-mentioned the Affair was left with the Deacons to manage according to their best Discretion, they being nominated (first) in Mr Waldo’s Will, to receive the Legacy etc. But no Vote was taken upon it.
Voted That for the present Year Fifty Pounds be allowed to each Pastor for Wood.
The Vote of this Church for Enlarging the Subject of Baptism passed March 3, 1730/31, being apprehended defective and not coming fully up to the Intention of the Brethren moving for it, it was now proposed that the following Resolve might be passed as a Supplement thereto, Viz. Whereas we judge it agreeable to the Mind of Christ revealed in the Gospel, that adult Persons “understanding the Doctrine [140] of Faith and publickly professing their Assent thereto, not scandalous in Life, and solemnly entering into the Covenant before the Church, wherein they give up Themselves to God, and subject Themselves to Ecclesiastical Watch and Discipline,” Such offering themselves for Baptism are to be admitted to this Ordinance; And notwithstanding they may not have Light at present immediately to come up to the other Sacrament, yet we don’t see sufficient Cause to deny Baptism to Persons in a Judgment of Charity so qualify’d: Resolved therefore that the Practice of this Church for the future be altered accordingly, and conformed to the general Usage of the other Churches in New England.
The Reverend Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. 1669/70–1736/37 Minister of the First Church, 1696–1725
The Question being put, it passed in the Affirmative by a great Majority.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
Lord’s day Evening, October 10, 1736.
The Church and Congregation stayed after the Publick Exercises, and Voted (upon the Motion of the Deacons) That on Lord’s day the 24th Instant P.M. there shall be a general and free Contribution for the Use of the Pastors, to be equally divided between them etc.
Lord’s day, October 24.
The Contribution amounted to £122.14.10. NB. This being a free and special Contribution, the Deacons brought the Ministers their usual Salary besides.
Lord’s day Evening, May 8, 1737.
The Church stayd after public Service; A Letter from the new Society in the Westerly part of Boston, inviting us to assist in the Ordination of Mr William Hooper to the Pastoral Office among them, was received; and Messengers voted to go with the Elders on that Occasion, were Mr Cooke, the Deacons, and the Committee of Seaters, such of them as belong to the Church—The Ordination is to be the 18th Instant.
At a Meeting of the Church, August 31, 1737.
Pursuant to a Vote passed August 20, 1736 for an Annual Election of the Committee of Seaters, the Brethren went now upon a new Choice of the said Committee, and proceeding as usual by written Votes, the following Persons were chosen by a Majority of the Voters, viz. The Honorable Joseph Wadsworth Esq (not a Communicant),294 Captain Jeffry Bedgood, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Cornelius Waldoe and Mr Nathanael Balston. The Ten Pounds added last year to the Allowance unto each Minister for Wood, Voted to be continued this Year.
Upon a Motion made for supplying the Vacancy in the Deacons Seat by the Decease of our worthy Brother the late Mr Jonathan Williams, Voted that the Church will proceed to chuse some meet Person into the Office of a Deacon in his Room: and that the said Election be on this Day Sevennight.
Whereas a Committee was chosen on April 14, 1736, and impowered to inquire into the Situation of the Lands belonging to this Church, lying in Casco Bay etc. And several of the said Committee being now dead, and the Business not effected, it was moved that a new Committee be chosen for that Purpose: And accordingly the following Brethren were severally nominated and voted to be of the said Committee, viz. Mr David Collson, Captain Jeffry Bedgood, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Joseph Marion, and Mr Henry Howell, who are desired and empowered to inquire into the present State of this Church’s Lands at Casco, both on the Main and the Island, and inform themselves of the Nature of the Soil, the Growth of Timber and the Sorts thereof etc. to renew the Bounds of the Land on the Main by a Surveyor, and to do such other Things relating to the Premises, as they in their best Judgment shall think for the Service of the Church. To report their Doings hereon as soon as may be.
This Meeting adjourned to September 7, Hor. 3 P.M.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
[141] September 7, 1737, At a Meeting of the Church by Adjournment.
The Brethren came to a Vote for the Choice of a Deacon: and upon collecting and examining the written Votes, it appeared that our Brother Mr Jonathan Williams (Son of the late Deacon Williams) was chosen by the Majority of Voters (Having 24 out of 41).295
October 9, 1737. Lord’s Day Evening.
The Brethren of the Church and constant Auditors and Contributors stayed after the publick Exercises, and upon the Motion of the Deacons, Voted That on Lord’s Day the 23d Instant there be (as usual) a general and free Contribution for the use of the Pastors, etc.
October 16th P.M.
Accordingly Notice hereof was given to the Assembly by one of the Deacons (This Day Mr Jonathan Williams took his place in the Deacons Seat etc.).
October 23.
The Contribution, amounted to about £132.
A Meeting of the Church, January 25, 1737/8.
Vote passed. Vid. page 140.296 Paisted on the Back of this Leaf.
[Half page blank]
[142] At a Meeting of the Old Church in Boston, January 25th, 1737.
Whereas it appears upon Examining the State of the Box as to the Support of the Ministry and the Collections that have been frequently made to make good the Deficiency for the Support of our Reverend Pastors conformable to a Vote manifesting the Sincere desire of the Church that they should have the Sum of Six pounds each per Week which Allowance has fallen so far short, That the Sum of Eighty three pounds and fourteen Shillings is now wanting and deficient to make good their Support according to the intent and mind of the Church And Inasmuch as there is now in the Box Sufficient to make good the Said Deficiency to this Day. It is Therefore VOTED That the Said Sum of Eighty three pounds and fourteen shillings be paid (by the Deacons) to our Reverend Pastors in Equal halves part and part alike in full of the Said Deficiency to the day of the date hereof And that the further Sum of Sixteen pounds and Six Shillings be made a present to our said Pastors in like manner as a Token of respect to them from this Church to make the whole Sum to amount to One hundred pounds. That is to Say, Fifty pounds to Each of our Reverend Pastors.
[143] At a Meeting of the Old Church, March 28, 1738.
Upon reading Sarah Johnson’s Confession, Voted that She be restored to the Charity of this Church.
The Report of the Committee chosen to look into the State of the Church’s Land at the Eastward was read; And Voted That the Committee have the Thanks of the Church for their Care about the Premises, and that the Report be accepted.
And in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Report, Voted That Mr Collson, Mr Howel, and Deacon Williams be a Committee to go down to the Eastward, to pursue the Advice given the Church in the Report.
Attestator Charles Chauncy.
The abovesaid Report was, in substance, as follows—“Pursuant to the Desire and Impowerment of the Church we have made strict Inquiry into the Premisses, and find that the Nature of the Soil of the Tract on the Maine is mostly very poor, which Tract with the Contents is fully and particularly described in and by the Plan thereof herewith exhibited.
And by the Best Information we can at present obtain—We find that the Soil on the Island is very good (a small part thereof being Marsh Land) and produces mostly Oak, Birch, Beach, Pine, and Hemlock, and is capable of being brought to Pasture and Plough Land. And after having had divers Meetings several Proposals have been made to us as follows, viz. Mr Samuel Woodward, who has built a Log house on the Tract of Land on the Maine and dwells thereon, has cleared six Acres thereof and proposes to purchase the same after the rate of Eighteen pounds for each hundred Acres. Mr Pearson Representative for Falmouth proposes to take a Lease of the Island for a certain Term under the present Circumstances the Island now is, and to supply the Church with Ten Cord of Wood annually during the Term of such Lease at a proper Landing on the Island, he having Liberty to cut off the Wood on the Island in a regular manner, and to clear the same fit for pasturage. And divers other Persons have severally proposed to give the Consideration of Eleven hundred pounds upon the Church’s conveying their Half of the Island to them, and to pay the same in some reasonable time. And Mr Tobias Oakman has proposed to take a Lease of the Land on the Island for the Term of Ten Years after the Rate of Twenty pounds per annum. And upon the whole We are of Opinion That before any Disposition be made of the Premisses by Lease or Sale, that some proper Persons be appointed to go upon the said Lands, View the same, and renew the Bounds by a Surveyor if they shall judge it needful: That so the true State thereof may be fairly laid before the Church, which the Committee have not as yet had Opportunity to perform, conformable to the Church Vote. All which is submitted to the Church for their Consideration,
by David Collson Jeffry Bedgood Joseph Hubbard Joseph Marion Henry Howell |
Committee. |
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Boston, March 27th, 1738.
[144] April 2, 1738.
The Church being stayed after the Publick Exercises of the Day, the Question was put, Whether Mr Joseph Bradford be left to act according to the Direction of his Conscience in the Affair of his desired Dismission to the Church of which Mr Hooper is Pastor?297 Voted in the Affirmative.
Attestor Charles Chauncy.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
At a Church Meeting, June 27, 1738.
The Committee appointed to go down to Casco Bay, by a Vote of the Church on March 28th Last, made Report in Writing as follows (Omitting the Preamble):
“Pursuant to the Desire of said Church We have been down and surveyed the Great Chebeage, and viewed the same, and find the soil generally good for pasturing and planting: And that which hath been cleared, naturally inclines to English Grass. And likewise there is a small piece of Salt Marsh Land, which is very good. As to the Growth and Sorts of the Timber, they are Beach, Birch, Maple, Hemlock, Spruce, and some Pine. The SW part of the Island is Shrub Spruce, and the Land of little Value. We also viewed, surveyed and renewed the Bounds of the Land on the Main at Macquoit on Puggy Muggy River, and find that the Soil is mostly poor rough Land; but some part is fit for pasture and plough Land, with a good Stream adjoyning fit for a Saw Mill, and a considerable Growth of Timber consisting of Hemlock, Spruce, Beach, Birch and Maple. All which is submitted to the Church for their Consideration, by David Collson, Henry Howel, Jonathan Williams, Committee.” Voted That this Report is accepted, with Thanks to the Committee for their Care and Pains in the Affair.
The said Committee exhibited an Account of their Expences in the Journey, Survey etc. amounting to £62.12.6. Which was read and accepted. Voted That the Sum of Thirty pounds, raised for Six Pews in the back part of the Men’s first Gallery on the South side of this Meeting house, be appropriated towards satisfying the Expence and Charge of the Committee for surveying the Poor’s Land at Great Chebeage; the Church to be reimbursed out of the Poor’s Stock, when the same will admit thereof. Voted Whereas the Deacons have lately received the Sum of £19 from the Treasurer of the Province of New Hampshire in Exchange for so much of the Churchs Stock in torn broken and unserviceable Bills of Credit, That the said Sum so exchanged be applyed towards satisfying the Committee’s Expence as aforesaid, so far as it will reach. Voted That what then remains (viz. £12.12.6)298 to compleat the Sum of £62.12.6 be paid out of the Stock for the Poor, unto the said Committee, in full Discharge of their Account.
A Motion being made, That the Church would consider what Improvement shall be made of our Eastern Lands for the Benefit of the Poor, or whether they had best be sold.
Voted That it be left under Consideration until the next Meeting. A Motion being made That a Committee be appointed to view Mr Chauncey’s House and see what Repairs are necessary and estimate the Expence, Voted That Mr Robert Rand, Mr David Collson, and Mr Edward Gray be a Committee for that purpose, and to report as soon as may be.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
[145] At a Church Meeting, July 18, 1738.
The following Report was exhibited in Writing, Viz. “We the Subscribers being chosen a Committee, by a Vote of this Church, to view the Reverend Mr Chauncey’s House and see what Repairs the same requires etc. We have accordingly complied therewith and make Report as followeth, viz. We find said House and Fences belonging thereto much impaired: and in Order to have the same put in proper and necessary Repairs, We have advised with Workmen, who have calculated the Charge thereof, and say, That the Materials that will be required therefor, with the Labour, will amount to forty and five pounds, and the Painting to Twenty pounds, which together will be sixty and five Pounds. Which is submitted to the Consideration of the Church this 18th day of July 1738. By Robert Rand, David Collson, Edward Gray.”
This Report was read, and accepted with Thanks etc.
Voted That the same Committee, viz. Mr Rand, Mr Collson and Mr Gray be desired and empowered to agree and bargain with Workmen, and see the necessary Repairs effected with all convenient Speed. Voted That on the next Lord’s day publick Notice be given of the Occasion for a Meeting of the Church and Congregation and that a Meeting accordingly be desired in order to consult proper Measures for the raising Money for the abovesaid purpose: The meeting to be on this Day sevennight.
The Motion made at the last Meeting relating to the Improvement or Disposal of the Eastern Lands for the Benefit of the Poor, was now brought under Consideration, and a Debate had about the Expediency of coming to any Determination at this Juncture. Upon the whole, Voted That the further Consideration of this Affair be defered to another Opportunity. Entered by T. Foxcroft. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 25, 1738.
Voted That there shall be a publick and special Contribution to raise the Money necessary to defray the Charges of Repairs at Mr Chauncey’s House; That it be on the Sabbath after next; and that Notice be given to the Assembly on the intervening Sabbath.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
Accordingly there was a Contribution which amounted to about £62.
At a Meeting of the Church, September 19, 1738.
Read, A Letter from the Church in Boston299 under the Pastoral Care of Mr Welsteed, desiring our Presence at the Ordination of Mr Ellis Gray to the Pastoral Office etc. Voted That the Elders, and Delegates be sent accordingly.
Voted That 12 Delegates be sent. Mr Edward Gray, the 4 Deacons, Capt. Bedgood, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Cornelius Waldo, Mr Balston, Mr Howel, Mr Joseph Marion, and Mr Cary were all severally nominated and voted.
A Motion being made for the Ordination of the two Deacons Elect, Voted That it be done speedily and publickly: But that it be left with the Ministers and Deacons to fix the Day, as shall suit them, giving Notice on the preceeding Sabbath of their Intention. Entered by T. Foxcroft.
[146] October 8, 1738. Lord’s day Evening.
The Church and Congregation stayd after publick Service and Voted That there shall be a general Contribution for the Use of the Pastors on the 22d Instant; Notice hereof to be given the Assembly by one of the Deacons on the next Sabbath.
Also at the same time was read to the Church A Letter from the Reverend Mr John Fox and several Brethren of the first Church and Congregation in Woburn, desiring our Help by way of Counsel in Conjunction with the Elders and Delegates of sundry other churches, on some Matters of Difference between Mr Fox etc. and the Reverend Mr Jackson, Pastor of the same Church. The Church Voted to send etc. and Brethren nominated and chosen to be their Messengers on this Occasion were the Deacons, and Mr Nathanael Gardner. The Day for the Council’s Meeting is Wednesday the 11th Instant.
NB. The Council met accordingly on said Day; and without Coming to a Hearing on the Merits of the Cause, adjourned to November 14. By the Blessing of God upon some private Endeavours used with the contending Pastors, they united in an Expedient for an Accommodation of their Differences, expressing a mutual Forgiveness, and promising to live in christian Love for the future etc. which affords a hopeful prospect of a general Reconciliation and Peace in the Church and Congregation.300
Lord’s day, October 22, 1738.
The Contribution (in the whole) amounted to £115.180.
At a Meeting of the Church, January 23, 1738/9.
Voted That the Election of a Committee of seaters be now proceeded to in pursuance of a former Vote of this Church for an annual Choice. And Upon collecting and examining the written Votes, it appeared that the following Persons were chosen, Viz. The Honorable Colonel Winthrop, Captain Bedgood, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Cornelius Waldoe and Mr Nathanael Balston.
On a Motion made, Voted That the Committee now chosen are desired to put a Value upon the several Pews on the Floor and in the Galleries and number them, and make Report to the Church accordingly. Voted That the Lands belonging to this Church and lying at the Eastward be sold. And Voted That the said Committee are desired to advertise the intended Sale, and see what they can get; and that Mr Collson be added to the Committee for this purpose.
The Deacons having informed the Church, that they have Cash in their hands, about 78£, Voted That £50. be allowed out of it towards paying for the Ministers Wood. And Voted That £40. be paid to the Pastors, to make up Deficiencies (i.e. £20. to each).
Entered by T. F. from Mr Chauncey’s Minutes.
[147] [Blank Page] (Vid. page 149.301)
[148] Excommunications etc.
Our sister [Sarah]302 Williams, wife of Joseph Williams at the north end of Boston, withdrew from our communion for some years, and went to the Quakers; the Elders did privately treat with her about this matter, and so did several Brethren, after this, notice of it was given to the Church, they sent Messengers to her, but she refused to return to our communion, or come to the Church when they sent for her, for these things the Church did consent (by their silence) that she should be rejected and cast out, July 16, 1699.
August 1, 1705.
Our Sister Margaret Lanyon; and Sister Hannah Galla ware suspended from the Ordinances by the Church for there Disorderly Walkeing.
May 11, 1707.
Upon the Reading of mrs Margaret Lanyons Confeshtion of her abuseing her neighbour mrs Williams; in speakeing ill of her and spreading ill Reports abought her acknowledging her sin in so doing; she was Restored to communion with the Church by a Vote of the Church.
April 9th, 1712.
Rachel Preson (formerly Draper) having been guilty of Fornication the matter was laid before the Church, and att the same time there was read a Confession of her sin, and a desire of pardon; she was suspended from the Ordinances, as a space allowed to give full proof of the sincerity of her repentance, which the Church consented to by a silent vote.
October 22, 1712.
John Temple having been long under a sentence of Excommunication for the sin of drunkeness; upon his confession of his sin, and time given for the manifesting the truth of his repentance, was with the consent of the Church restored to their communion.
March 11, 1712/13.
John Usher Esq was Dismissed with the consent of the Church, to the Church of Christ att Medford whereof Mr Aaron Porter is Pastor.303
June 14, 1713.
Hannah Clapp was excommunicated for the sin of drunkeness; the matter of fact having been testifyed to her face by divers wittnesses; she refused to appear, the sentence was pronounced in her absence with consent of the Church by a silent Vote. She was restored to communion, August 28, 1720.
February 13, 1714/15.
James Maxwell was excommunicated for the sin of drunkeness, the matter of fact having been testifyed to his face, by silence the church manifesting their consent to the Sentence when it was propounded to them.
April 24, 1715.
James Maxwell on a solemn, and serious Confession read before the church their consent expressed by the lifting up of hands, he was admitted into the Church again, with a solemn warning against the sin of drunkenness.
[149] At a Church Meeting at the Meeting House, Monday December 14, 1719.
Pursuant to a vote of the Church, our Brother Henry Bridgham was solemnly admonished for the scandalous sin of drunkenness, and suspended from the Lord’s Supper.
September 10, 1721.
William Booker a Member of this church, having been guilty of fornication, made humble and open confession of his sin before the Church; and they forgave him, and continued him in their communion. At the same time, Rachel Preson (once Draper) formerly admonished and suspended from special ordinances for being guilty of fornication; was upon a penitent Confession of her Sin, forgiven by the Church and restored to communion.
Sarah Jones a Member of this church, having been guilty of fornication, made a Confession,’ twas publickly read just after the Administration of the Lord’s Supper, January 6, 1722/3 her confession was accepted, she forgiven, and continued in communion.
Sarah Russel, vid. page 118,304 Sarah Johnson, vid. page 141,305 Nathanael Heaten, vid. page 129.306
July 30, 1732.
Anne Clark a Member of this Church, having been some time since privately admonished for the Sin of Drunkenness, and having thereupon absented herself from the Lord’s Table etc. She being now renewed to Repentance, and good Testimonials of her blameless Conversation for some time past being exhibited, her Confession was read this day (being Lord’s day) to the Church (tarrying after the publick Service was over) who readily accepted her Confession, and restored her to Communion in special Ordinances.
November 13, 1733. At a Church Meeting.
A Confession of Elisabeth Dunn a Sister of this Church humbling her self for her Sin, in Breach of the 7th Commandment, by cohabiting with him, who is now her Husband, before Marriage (by whom she had a Child within about 6 Months after it), was read and accepted etc.
June 16, 1734.
The Church being stayed after Evening Service, A Confession of Susanna Addlington a Sister of this Church, in the like Case as last above mentioned was read and accepted etc.
March 19, 1734/5. At a Church Meeting.
A Confession of Joseph Tarbox (who stands propounded for owning the Covenant, in order to the Baptism of his Child) having committed Offence in the like Case as above, was read and accepted.
Memorandum. January 31, 1732/3. A Confession (in a Case of the like Nature with these last mentioned) of Mary Emmons (wife of Nathanael Emmons) a Sister of this Church was brought to the Church at a Church Meeting by Mr Chauncy; and offerd to be read: but (as he informed me) the Brethren declaring themselves satisfy’d without hearing it, it was not red.
But I perceived afterwards several of the Church (not then present) expressed an Uneasiness at the Omission etc.
T. F.
October 18, 1741.
A Confession of Elisabeth Nicholson, a non-communicant, vid. page 153.307
October 27, 1745.
A Confession of Rebekah Hall a Sister of the Church, humbling herself for her late Fall, in breaking the 7th Commandment etc. was read to the Church, and accepted.
[150] [Blank Page]
[151] At a Church Meeting, February 13, 1738/9.
The Committee appointed at the last Meeting made Report as follows, Viz. “The Committee chosen by the Church at their Meeting 23d of January last, in pursuance of the Instructions then given them, report as follows:
1. That agreably to the Church’s Vote they have taken a particular Account of the several Pews both below and above, and have agreed to have them numbered.
2. As to putting a Value on each Pew, the Committee have computed, That if each Pew below (except the two Ministers Pews) should pay four Shillings per Week and the Pews above two Shillings each per Week, it would amount to Thirteen pounds per Week, which with the other Contribution would probably raise sufficient to answer the Weekly Charge: But whether it be best to take this Method, is left to the Church’s Consideration.
3. The Committee have given Notice in the publick Prints, that the Church’s part of the Island great Chebeag in Casco Bay is to be sold; and when Purchasers appear, the Church shall be informed what Price they bid for it. Boston, February 9th, 1738.
Adam Winthrop by Order of the Committee.”
The above-Report being read, and some Debate arising on the 2d Article, Voted That it lie under Consideration.
Colonel Winthrop moving that the Church would state a Price for the Island, Voted That the Committee ask £2500.
Mr Chauncey moving the Brethren for their Consent to the following Proposal viz. That his Wife out of her own Estate will lay out Five hundred Pounds in Repairs and Alterations of the Church’s House in Summer Street Provided that She (in Case of her out-living Mr Chauncey) may be allowed to dwell in or have the Use of the said House for five Years. Voted That the above-proposal is accepted, and the Church do agree and engage that She shall have the Use of the said House accordingly, upon her laying out £500, ut supra.
A Motion being made to supply the Vacancy as to Ruling Elders, it occasioned some Discourse; both the Pastors declaring their Opinion against the Divine Institution of this Officer, but yet at the [152] same time their Resolution to leave the Brethren to act in the Affair according to their own Judgment; without any Opposition from them, and offering to call a Meeting, when the Church sees fit, etc.
The Question being put, Whether the above-Motion shall be taken into further Consideration, and it being doubtful whether there was a Vote for it, the Question was then put Negatively, and it still being not a clear Vote,
Entered by T. F.
March 25, 1739, Lord’s day A. M.
The Brethren of the Church and Congregation were stayed after Exercise, and upon the Motion made, Voted to have a Contribution for the Poor of this Assembly on the approaching Fast, whereof Notice to be given publickly by one of the Deacons in the Afternoon.
Fast Day, March 29.
A Contribution, which amounted to £78. 13.1. NB. It had been more but that some Pews by Accident were overlooked.
At a Meeting of the Church, with several of the Congregation present August 6, 1739.
In Answer to the Brief issued by the General Court, and now read, recommending it to the several Congregational Churches to make a Collection towards defraying the Charge of a Suit between the Reverend Mr Torrey of South Kingston and the Reverend Dr McSparran about Ministerial Lands in South Kingston aforesaid, to be brought before his Majesty in Council;308 Voted That Notice be given to the Church and Congregration usually attending the publick Worship in this Place, that upon Sabbath-day the [blank] Instant they be desired to make an Addition to the usual Contribution; And that what shall be collected on said Day (that which is necessary to answer the Charge of that Week being first deducted) be paid into the hands of the Reverend Dr Colman and the Reverend Mr Thomas Prince for the Use aforesaid. Voted That the Collection be on the next Lord’s day, and that Notice be given thereof to the Assembly in the Forenoon.
Upon the Motion made, Voted That there be a Committee appointed to take into Consideration what is necessary for Repair of the Meeting house, and Mr Cunninghams Account; to make Report at the next Meeting. This was by Vote refered to the Committee annually chosen, together with the Deacons.
Voted That the Land belonging to this Church, on the Main at the Eastward be sold [153] separate from the Island, if a sutable Offer be made. Voted That Captain Bedgood, Mr Cornelius Waldo, Mr Balston, Mr Hubbard and Mr Collson be a Committee to make Sale of the said Land, getting for it as much as they can, and giving only the Church’s Right, without warranting the Land.
Entered by T. F. from Mr Chauncey’s Minutes.
August 12.
The Contribution (after deducting the Weekly Demand) about £44. delivered to Dr Colman.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, September 10, 1739, Colonel Winthrop chosen Moderator.
The Committee exhibited the following Report, viz. “Pursuant to a Vote of the Church and Congregation August 6, 1739. Wherein we were desired to inquire into the Repairs needful for the Meeting House etc. and to make a Report; the Committee have in Conjunction with the Tradesmen who are likely to be employed, taken a View of the several Defects and of the Charge said Repairs will probably require; And report as follows. Carpenters work needful. The three Sylls in the Porch quite rotten, and require new ones, the Posts to be scarfed, the Syll of the inside Door and the Floor defective, and to be mended. The Gutters to be cleared or enlarged; all the Water from the Roof don’t run down the Spouts, but over the Gutters, washes the Mortar away, and pierces into the Wall, so as to make the plaistering in the middle pillars peel off: this wants to be rectified. The Wheel of the Bell wants wedging or fastning. The Cornishes and Trunks of the Porch rotten. This Mr Russel the Carpenter judges will cost £18. The Plumbers and Slaters Work. A small Breach in the Lead near the Balfrey, that lets in the Water, to be closed. The Leaks in several places in the Leads or Roof to be stopt; the corners of the Leads are displaced, and want to be brought into place and fastned. The Slate-Work wants mending. This Mr Thornton reckons will cost £12. To lay the Steps, and other work about the Porch Mr Fairfield judges will cost £5. The Steeple and the Rails and Balisters on the Roof and the Spouts, and the Posts that shall be scarfed in the Porch, need Painting. This at 4/ per yard computed at £37. Boston, September 10, 1739.
Adam Winthrop, by order of the Committee.
The above Report read and accepted. The Repairs voted to be performed; and Voted that the Committee be desired to see the Work done. Voted A Collection to be made, to answer the Charge, in convenient [154] Time, as the Church’s Committee shall advise.
Voted That the Committee be desired and impowered to settle with Mr Edward Jackson and discharge him of the Ballance his Father received. Voted That a Collection for supplying the Deficiences to our Reverend Pastors be upon the 3d Sabbath of October next.
Adam Winthrop Moderator.
Carpenters |
£18. |
Slaters etc. |
12. |
Mason |
5. |
Painter |
37. |
Mr Cunningham Glasiers Batt.309 |
131.11.6 |
Entered by T. F. |
Lord’s day, October 21, 1739.
Pursuant to Vote of the Church and Congregation there was a free Contribution amounting to about £114 divided between the two Pastors.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, Monday March 17, 1739/40, Adam Winthrop Esq chosen Moderator.
Voted That a Collection be made upon the 2d Sabbath of May next in Order to defray the Charge of repairing the Meeting house; and that Notice be given of it the preceeding Sabbath.
Voted That over and above the stated Allowance of Eighty pounds (i.e. 40 to each)310 per Year to furnish Wood to our Reverend Pastors, Twenty pounds be paid by the Deacons for a further Supply of Wood to them.
Attest. Adam Winthrop Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
November 9, 1740, Lord’s day P.M.
Pursuant to a Vote of the Church and Congregation there was a Contribution for the Pastors, amounting to about £140. equally divided. The Deficiency was about £190 for the Year past and this present.
February 7, 1740/1.
At the Motion of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town, a Contribution was made in the several Congregations for the Use of the Poor in the present difficult Season etc. And that in the Old Church amounted to £95 Exclusive of Weekly Salary.
May 1741.
A Brief issued by the Governor with Advice of the Council for a Charitable Contribution to relieve the Sufferers in the late awful Fire311 in Charleston, South Carolina was read to the Church and Congregation: who voted to have a Collection for that purpose on the Sabbath seven-night following. When £40 was gathered exclusive of £ 15. for our weekly Charges.
[155] July 5, 1741. Lord’s Day P.M.
Stayed the Brethren of the Church, and read to them a Letter from the North Church in Boston, signed by Mr Gee in the Name of the Church, asking our Help in an Ecclesiastical Council called upon Occasion of Divisions among them312 etc. We voted to send our Elders and other Delegates. The Brethren nominated and chosen to go, were Colonel Winthrop, Mr Balston, Captain Bedgood, Mr Cornelius Waldo, and Deacon Thayer.
October 18, 1741, P.M.
Stayed the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, about the Annual Collection for the Ministers. Voted it should be next Sabbath seven-night. At this Time also a Confession of Elisabeth Nicholson jr. having fallen into the Sin of Fornication was red, and accepted, She a Non-Communicant, etc.
Memorandum. The Contribution amounted, in the whole, to £ [blank].
June 8, 1742, P.M.
At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, to consider a Motion made by sundry of the Brethren, about allowing the Pastors a better Maintenance; after Prayer the Pastors withdrew, and Colonel Winthrop was chosen Moderator.
Voted That a Committee consisting of Persons both of the Church and Congregation be chosen to consider of some Method for the comfortable support of our Reverend Pastors, and to make Report. Voted that this Committee consist of 15 persons.
Voted that 8 of the Committee be of the Brethren of the Church, and 7 of the Congregation. The Persons chosen to be the said Committee are the following. Of the Church, Adam Winthrop Esq, Mr Joshua Blanchard, Mr Robert Rand, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Joseph Marion, Mr Cornelius Waldoe, Nathanael Balston Esq, Captain Jeffry Bedgood. And of the Congregation, Joseph Wadsworth Esq, Mr Middlecott Cooke, Mr Jer. Allen, John Hunt Esq, Mr Jer. Green, Mr Briant Parrott, Mr Edward Jackson.
Voted That the Committee be desired to make a Report this Day fortnight.
Voted that a Ballance of about Twelve pounds due to Mr Briant Parrott for the Reverend Mr Foxcroft’s Wood [156] be paid by Deacon Thayer. Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to this Day fortnight being the 22d Instant to meet at this place at 3 o’Clock Afternoon.
Adam Winthrop Moderator.
At a Meeting by Adjournment, June 22, 1742.
The following Report was exhibited in Writing, viz. At a Meeting of the Committee (which was chosen the 8th Instant) upon Thursday the 10th of June 1742. it was agreed and voted as follows. The Committee recommend it to the Church and Congregation that each of our Reverend Pastors shall have Eight Pounds per Week Old Tenor or Forty Shillings per Week of the last Emission for one Year next coming, besides their House and Wood: Provided they can raise the Money. The Committee are likewise of Opinion, that the most expedient Way to raise the Sum proposed will be by Subscription—By order of the Committee.
Adam Winthrop.
Which Report was read, and (upon the Vote put) declared accepted. And two Persons were chosen to endeavour to get the Subscription compleated, viz. Mr Nathanael Thayer and Mr Samuel Eliott.
Adam Winthrop Moderator.
Entered by T. Foxcroft Pastor.
At a Meeting of the Church, July 14, 1742.
Voted That the Church will now proceed to the Choice of a Committee of Seaters. Upon sorting and viewing the written Votes it appeared that Adam Winthrop Esq, Nathanael Balston Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Captain Jeffrey Bedgood, and Mr Cornelius Waldoe were chosen.
Voted that the Church will meet annually on the second Tuesday of July to chuse Seaters: and that on the Sabbath before they be warned to meet accordingly, by the Deacons.
Voted That Mr Thwing’s Proposal orally made to the Church be by him committed to Writing, and delivered into the hands of the Committee of Seaters, for them to take into Consideration; and that they make Report to the Church thereupon.
Charles Chauncy Pastor.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
[157] At a Meeting of the Church, August 11, 1742, duly notified.
The Committee’s Report upon Mr Thwing’s Proposal was read, which is as follows: The Committee having viewed the Seats in the Meeting house where Mr Thwing has proposed Six Pews should be built, cannot think it advisable the said Proposal should be comply’d with: But in Case the Church shall incline to have any new Pews built, We judge it may be done with the least Inconvenience by setting two Pews where the two hind Seats are on the Men’s side, and to run across the narrow Alley. Boston, August 2, 1742. Signed Adam Winthrop in behalf of the Committee. And it was Voted that the said Report be accepted.
The Members present, after having debated the Affair, proceeded to pass the following Votes.
- 1. That some Pews be built.
- 2. That two Pews be built.
- 3. That the said two pews be placed so as to extend from the Back of the Men’s second Seat to the Pew occupy’d by Mr Blanchard and Howell, taking in the narrow Alley and two foot and half out of the Men’s five
Attest Adam Winthrop Moderator.
Entered by T. Foxcroft Pastor.
At a Church Meeting, September 21, 1742.
The Church was informed that this Meeting was called upon the Motion of sundry of the Brethren; who desire to know the Mind of the Church, as to the true Intent of a Vote passed by them on November 17, 1730, about “notifying the Congregation to meet with the Church, whenever there’s Occasion for Money to be raised”; and who apprehend it reasonable to extend this Liberty to other Temporal or Civil Affairs of common Concern to the whole Society.
Upon which some Discourse and Debate being had, and the Transactions at several Meetings of the Church and Congregation being read (particularly on August 16, 1731, June 12, 1732, and December 20th, as recorded in page 130, 131, and 132313).
A Motion was made that a Committee be chosen to take the Affair under Consideration: And thereupon the following Votes were passed.
- 1. Voted that a Committee be chosen, for the purpose aforesaid.
- 2. Voted that the Committee consist of Seven Persons.
- 3. Voted that Colonel Winthrop be one of the said Committee; that Mr Joseph Hubbard be another of the said Committee; that Mr Joseph Marion, Mr Blanchard; Mr Collson; Nath. Balston Esq, and Deacon Thayer, be also of the Committee.
- 4. Voted That the Business of the said Committee is to consider in what Cases it may be proper and advisable to notify the Congregation to meet with the Church in transacting of temporal Matters; and that they be desired to make Report at the next Meeting.
- 5. Upon a Motion made, Voted that the Committee are desired not to proceed in the Affair of building the two Pews lately ordered to be erected, till further advice from the Church.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft Pastor.
[158] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, March 16, 1742/3.
Upon a Motion made by the Deacons, Voted That there be a Contribution for the Relief of the Poor on the 24th Instant, being the Day appointed for a General Fast; and that publick Notice be given in the Assembly on the Sabbath foregoing.
Then the Brethren of the Congregation retiring, the following Report of the Church’s Committee was read, viz. “The Committee having taken into Consideration a Vote passed by the Church 17th November 1730, about notifying the Congregation to meet with the Church whenever there’s Occasion for Money to be raised; And likewise a Vote passed the 21st September 1742, wherein it was proposed this Committee should consider and report, In what Cases they judge it may be proper and advisable to notify the Congregation to meet with the Church in transacting Temporal Matters: The Committee do report as follows,
- 1. That by the Congregation they apprehend ought to be understood only such Male Persons as give their constant Attendance on the publick Worship in said Church, and who likewise do by their Weekly Contribution duly assist towards the Support of the Gospel-Ministry in said Church.
- 2. As the Claim of being notified is founded upon what Payments have been made or may be made from time to time, the Committee judge it proper and advisable, That when any Repairs are needed or any Alterations in the Meeting house proposed to be made by taking away Seats for building of Pews or the like, or Repairs of the Ministers Houses. In such Cases Those of the Congregation who did contribute towards the building the Meeting house or their Successors or Proprietors of Pews giving their constant Attendance and Contribution as aforesaid, be on such Occasions notified.
And when Money is otherwise to be raised by Subscription, Collection or the like, Such of the Congregation as constantly attend and contribute, be on such Occasions notified to meet and vote with the Church. Boston, November 1742.
Signed Adam Winthrop by Order of the Committee.
The above-Report was accepted: and ordered to be read to the Congregation on the first Opportunity.
Accordingly it was read in the publick Assembly and declared to be the Rule for notifying of Meetings for the future.
Attestor T. Foxcroft Pastor.
Memorandum. March 24th the Contribution amounted to about £85. Old Tenor.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation upon July 12, 1743.
Voted That those of the Congregation who give their Attendance statedly on Divine Worship with this Church and contribute to the Support of the Ministry, be admitted to vote with the Church Annually in the Choice of a Committee to manage their outward Affairs.
Upon sorting and viewing the Votes for a Committee, it appeared that the following Persons were chosen. Adam Winthrop Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Nathanael Balston Esq, Mr Cornelius Waldo, and Mr Edwar Jackson.
The above a true Copy from Dr Chauncy’s Minutes.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
What follows on the next Page I received from Colonel Winthrop.
[159] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation upon July 12, 1743, Duly notified.
Voted That Eight Pounds per Week of the Old Tenor be paid to each of our Reverend Pastors for one Year next ensuing, for their Support; besides their Houses and Wood. Voted That the most expedient Way to raise the Sum proposed, will be by Subscription. Voted That Mr Nathanael Thayer and Mr Samuel Eliot be desired to take the Subscriptions for one Year ensuing.
Whereas the Deacons have represented, that for thirty three Weeks from 2d November 1741 to the 22d June 1742 our Reverend Pastors received but four pounds ten shillings per Week, which makes a Deficiency of Ninety nine pounds short Six pounds per Week, which they used to have; Voted That for making good the same the Deacons be impowered and desired to pay to each of our Reverend Pastors Fifty pounds old Tenour, in full Satisfaction of all Arrears. (Vid. November 9, 1740)314
Voted That the Deacons be desired to pay to the Sexton for his Service Ten pounds per Quarter old Tenour for one Year next coming.
Signed Adam Winthrop Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
April 8, 1744, A.M.
The Church and Congregation being stayed after the Blessing, Voted (at the Motion of the Deacons) to have a Contribution on the approaching Fast-Day, for the raising Money to answer some necessary Charges, and the same to lie in the Deacons hands till the Church and Congregation shall meet for the disposing of it. Accordingly publick Notice in the Afternoon of the same Day was given to the Assembly.
Attestor by Thomas Foxcroft.
April 15, P.M.
A Contribution, amounting to about £60 (Old Tenor).
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 10, 1744.
Voted That Mr Joseph Hubbard be Moderator.
Voted that Nathanael Balston Esq, Cornelius Waldo Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Edward Jackson, and Mr Edward Gray be the Committee of Seaters.
Voted that we will come into the Consideration of the building some more Pews at this time.
Voted that a Committee be chosen for to tax the Pews in the Meetinghouse.
Voted that the standing Committee together with the Deacons be a Committee for that Purpose, and to Report at the Adjournment of this Meeting.
Voted that five Pews be built on the lower Floor.
Voted that the first and second Seats in the Women’s Seats be made into three Pews, and the two hindmost of the Mens Seats be made into two Pews.
Voted that the Seventy two pounds, Old Tenor, in the hand of Deacon Cornelius Thayer be apply’d for Wood for our Reverend Pastors.
Voted that Mr Blanchard and Mr Benjamin Russel view the Barn and Wall at the Reverend Mr Foxcroft’s and report the Charge of Repairs at the Adjournment.
Voted that the Consideration of the Additional Charges for Wood for our Reverend Pastors be refered to the Adjournment of this Meeting.
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday the 17th of July 1744.
Signed Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Enter’d by Thomas Foxcroft.
[160] At an Adjournment of a Meeting held the 10th of July, 1744, to the 17th of the same Month.
Voted That the Estimate of the Pews returned by the Committee, chosen for that purpose, be accepted.
Voted That each Proprietor be notified what his Pew is set at, and that it was voted that They be desired to put their Name on their Contribution. Voted That the Deacons pay out of the Money in their hands Twenty pounds old Tenor to each of our Reverend Pastors as an Addition to the Allowance for Wood, Anno 1743.
Voted That our Reverend Pastors be allowed Seventy pounds Old Tenor Each for Wood for the Year 1744.
Messrs Blanchard and Russel having made Report, that the Repairing the Reverend Mr Foxcroft’s Barn and Wall would amount to £150.
Voted That the Affair be refered to further Consideration. Voted That the Committee have Power to take in a few Inches more than the two hindmost Seats for two new Pews.
Voted That the building the five new Pews be left to the Committee and that they proceed to do it with all convenient Speed.
Signed Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation Wednesday, October 31, 1744, Mr Joseph Hubbard chosen Moderator.
Voted That the Money arising from the Sale of the new Pews be apply’d (or such a part as is necessary) to pay the Church’s Debts. Voted That the Committee (or Cornelius Waldo Esq, in their behalf) pay the Money that arises from the Sale of the New Pews, into the hands of the Deacons of the Church.
Voted That the new Pew No. 53, be selected for a Ministerial Pew.
Voted That it be left to the Committee to enlarge the Pew No. [blank] one half of which lately belonged to Mr Robert Rand and the other half to Mrs Buttolph, for the Accommodation of two Families, They paying for such Enlargement as the Committee shall judge reasonable.
Signed Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
November 18, 1744.
The Church and Congregation being stayed after Service P.M. Voted That there be a Collection for the Poor on Thanksgiving-Day the 22d Instant.
The said Contribution amounted to about £70, Old Tenor.
[160A]315 An Estimate what each Pew in 1st Church of Christ in Boston ought to give Weekly, towards the Support of the Ministry and other Necessary Charges.
Pews on the lower Floor_______________________________________________Pews in the Gallrey |
No 1. |
Ministerial Pew. |
No |
20. |
7/. |
No 39. |
6/. |
No 1. |
3/. |
No |
16. |
4/. |
2. |
@ |
6/. |
21. |
5/. |
40. |
6/. |
2. |
3/. |
17. |
4/. |
3. |
7/. |
22. |
5/. |
41. |
7/. |
3. |
2/. |
18. |
2/. |
4. |
6/. |
23. |
5/. |
42. |
8/. |
4. |
2/. |
19. |
2/. |
5. |
5/. |
24. |
6/. |
43. |
8/. |
5. |
2/. |
20. |
2/. |
6. |
Ministerial Pew. |
25. |
10/. |
44. |
5/. |
6. |
2/. |
21. |
2/. |
7. |
7/. |
26. |
7/. |
45. |
5/. |
7. |
2/. |
22. |
2/. |
8. |
7/. |
27. |
5/. |
46. |
5/. |
8. |
2/. |
23. |
2/. |
9. |
7/. |
28. |
6/. |
47. |
8/. |
9. |
2/. |
24. |
3/. |
10. |
6/. |
29. |
7/. |
48. |
5/. |
10. |
2/. |
25. |
3/. |
11. |
6/. |
30. |
6/. |
49. |
5/. |
11. |
2/. |
26. |
3/. |
12. |
5/. |
31. |
61. |
50. |
7/. |
12. |
2/. |
27. |
3/. |
13. |
6/. |
32. |
7/. |
51. |
6/. |
13. |
3/. |
28. |
3/. |
14. |
7/. |
33. |
7/. |
52. |
6/. |
14. |
3/. |
29. |
3/. |
15. |
6/. |
34. |
7/. |
53. |
6/. |
15. |
3/. |
30. |
3/. |
16. |
6/. |
35. |
7/. |
54. |
6/. |
£1.15.- |
31. |
3/. |
17. |
6/. |
36. |
6/. |
55. |
7/. |
£2.8.- |
18. |
6/. |
37. |
6/. |
56. |
7/. |
1.15- |
19. |
7/. |
38. |
6/. |
57 |
7/. |
£4.3- |
£6.1.- |
£6. |
5.6- |
6.1- |
£17.7.- |
Sum total of the Pews below of the Pews in the Gallery |
4.3- |
£21.10.- |
Agreable to a Vote of the Church and Congregation abovesaid, at a Meeting held 10th July, 1744, We the Subscribers the Committee make Report, That the Proprietors of each Pew ought to give Weekly towards the Support of the Ministry and other necessary charges according to the above Estimate in Old Tenor.
Nathanael Balston, Chair-Man of Committee.
[161] July 9, 1745. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation.
The season for renewing the Choice of a Committee for the Year etc. being revolved, Written votes were brought in, and upon collecting and examining the same, it appeared that Nathanael Balston Esq, Cornelius Waldo Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Edward Gray, and Mr Edward Jackson were chosen.
The Reverend Thomas Foxcroft, A.M.
Minister of the First Church, 1717–1769
Voted That Twenty Pounds Old Tenor be allowed to each Pastor in Addition to their Allowance for Wood for this Year.
Attest. Charles Chauncy Pastor.
Entered by T. F.
September 4, 1745. At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church.
Voted for the Choice of another Deacon in the place of Mr Cornelius Thayer deceased—And upon collecting and examining the written Votes, it appeared, that our Brother Mr Joshua Blanchard had the Voice of the whole church present (save 2 or 3).
November 5, 1745. At a Meeting of the Church.
Mr Blanchard having refused, the Brethren proceeded to another Choice of a Person to supply the Vacancy in the Deacons Office.
And upon the Votes being brought in and sorted, it appeared, that our Brother Mr John Salter was chosen.
But on November 16, he gave in his Answer also in the Negative.
Lord’s Day, December 1, 1745.
Stayed the Church and Congregation A.M. and they Voted that there should be a Contribution for the Poor on the next Thursday, being Thanksgiving etc.
The said Contribution amounted to [blank].
At a Church Meeting, February 25, 1745/6.
Voted Upon a Motion made by the Deacons, That the Church consents to the selling their Part of the Island at the Eastward, called Great Chebeage, and that the Deacons do consult with the Committee of Seaters in transacting the said Affair.
By a Letter from the Church in Brattle Street Boston under the Pastoral Care of the Reverend Dr Colman, this Church was invited to be present and assisting in the Ordination of Mr Samuel Cooper, son of the late Reverend Mr William Cooper, as his Successor etc. The Church having consented by their Vote (Sab. Evening May 18.) to the Request, Voted to send with the Pastor several Messengers, as Nathanael Balston Esq, Cornelius Waldo Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Edward Gray, Mr Joseph Marion, Captain Jeffry Bedgood, Mr Robert Rand, Captain Andrew Cunningham, with the Deacons.
Lord’s Day, December 21, 1746.
A Letter read (after Evening Service) being from the Church in Woburn under the pastoral Care of the Reverend Messrs Fox and Jackson (though sign’d only by the latter) asking our Help by the way of Ecclesiastical Council on some Differences, relating to Mr Jackson etc.316
But the Pastors objecting the Severity of the Cold, and their Indispositions etc. the Brethren declined sending any Delegates etc.
[162] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 15, 1746.
The Affairs being of a Temporal Nature, the Pastors withdrew. The following Votes in a Writing signed by the Moderator of the Meeting, were delivered to be recorded: Viz.
- 1. Voted that Mr Joseph Hubbard be Moderator.
- 2. Voted that there being so thin a Meeting, it is not proper to proceed on Business, and that the Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday next at three o’ the Clock in the Afternoon: to which Time it stands adjourned.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
At the Adjournment, July 22, 1746.
Voted That Nathanael Balston Esq, Cornelius Waldo Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Edward Gray, and Mr Edward Jackson be a Committee for the Year ensuing.
Voted That the Reverend Pastors shall have Eighty five pounds Old Tenor Each for Wood for the Year ensuing.
Voted That the new Pew, which is unsold, be sold to enable the Deacons to purchase Wood as aforesaid.
Voted That we will come into Subscriptions for the Box, and that we will mark the Money.
Voted That a Committee be chosen to the same Purpose.
Voted That Mr Benjamin Russell, Mr Edward Jackson, and Captain Fisher be the Committee.
Voted That Mr Blanchard and Mr Russell be a Committee to examine Repairs at the Reverend Mr Foxcroft’s.
Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to the last Tuesday in August next, to three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
August 24, 1746. Evening.
The Church and Congregation being stayed, Voted that the Meeting which stands adjourned to Tuesday next, be further adjourned to September 16, in Consideration of the Committees not being ready to make Report etc.
At a Meeting September 16, by Adjournment.
Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to the 30th of this Instant September at 3 Clock P.M.
September 28. Evening.
The Church and Congregation being stayed, Voted that the Meeting be again adjourned for a Month, in Consideration of the Hurries317 of the Town in the present Alarm.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation by Adjournment, October 28, 1746.
Voted that the Reverend Pastors Salary be raised to Ten Pounds Old Tenor per Week for the Year ensuing, that is to say, for one Year from this Time.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Foxcroft’s Barn be repaired, as soon as [163] may be conveniently done, and also the Wall.
Voted that the Standing Committee of the Church and Congregation take Care to have said Barn repaired; the Charge to be defrayed by the Church and Congregation.
Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
January 25, 1746/7.
The Brethren of the Church and Congregation being stay’d after the Publick Worship (Lord’s Day Evening) A Letter was read to them, directed to the Church and Congregation from the Church of Christ in Tiverton (and Congregation) Dated December 8, 1746, and Signed by Joseph Seabury and John Sawyer in the Name and by the Vote of the Church, “To inform us, that through the good Hand of God upon them, they have obtained the Settlement of the Gospel and Gospel-Ordinances among them; That their numbers as yet are but small, and Charge in building a House for God’s Worship great; That Deacon Hall of the Church of Christ in Little Compton, who hath expended much Time and money to promote and forward the Settlement of the Gospel with them, hath in order to a Foundation being laid for the Support of the Gospel among them, lately purchased a Place (for £900 Old Tenor) convenient for a Minister, and were they able to purchase it for the Ministry, would lay a good Foundation for the Support of the Gospel with them. Praying us therefore, and as many as wish well to our small Beginnings, that we would contribute towards enabling them to pay the Purchase” etc. The Contents of the said Letter being taken into serious Consideration, the Brethren Voted to comply with the Desire thereof, so far as that Liberty is given to collect on some ensuing Sabbath for the Use mentioned in the said Letter, the Time being notify’d beforehand; that is to say, The whole collected on the said Sabbath, after deducting the stated Weekly Charges, shall be looked upon as designed to be given to the Church in Tiverton in answer to their Letter.
Memorandum. It was mentioned and urged, that Care be taken, in Case the Land proposed be purchased that it be well secured to the use for which it is intended, beyond the Power of Alienation etc.
February 8, P.M.
Notice having been given of the intended Contribution, on the intervening Sabbath, there was now collected about One hundred and fourteen Pounds for Tiverton exclusive of the stated Weekly Charges, amounting to about £20 more (Old Tenor).318
At a Meeting of the first Church and Congregation at Boston, June 9, 1747.
Voted Nathanael Balston Esq to be Moderator.
Voted That our Reverend Pastors have each of them twenty Cords of Wood for this present Year.
Voted That the Money to pay for the said Wood be raised by a publick Contribution on the Sabbath after next: and that due Notice be given to the Church and Congregation on the next Sabbath.
Nathanael Balston Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
Memorandum. June 21, P.M. a Contribution amounting to about £180. Old Tenor.
At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, July 14, 1747.
Upon the Motion made, Voted That the Style of the (annually chosen) Committee commonly called The Committee of Seaters, be for the future changed to that of The Annual Committee, for the Prudentials of the Church and Congregation—vis. respecting Matters Temporal or Secular.
Then proceeded to the Choice of the said Committee for the Year ensuing—Upon collecting and examining the written Votes, it appeared that Nathanael Balston Esq, Cornelius Waldo Esq, Mr Hubbard, Mr Gray, and Mr Edward Jackson were the Persons chosen to be the said Committee.
[164] At a Meeting of the Church, August 18, 1747, P.M.
Upon a Motion made by the Deacons, that one or two meet Persons might be chosen to assist in their Office, it was agreed the last Sabbath-Evening by the Brethren that they would meet for that Purpose on this Day; and the previous Question being put, Whether they would now chuse more than one, it passed in the Negative. The Brethren then proceeding to bring in their written Votes, it appeared upon examining the same, that Mr Daniel Marsh was chosen, by a great Majority of Voters (23 out of 28). He being present, was urged to accept the Call now given him to the Office of a Deacon, etc.
Lord’s day September 13, he took his Seat etc.
At a Church and Congregation Meeting February 2, 1747/8, Capt.
Jeffry Bedgood Moderator.
Upon a Motion made and seconded, that the Letter read at this meeting from the Reverend Pastors should be recorded, Voted that the same be recorded in the Church Records. The Letter is as follows:
To the Brethren of the first Church of Christ in Boston, with those of the Congregation who statedly attend Divine Worship with you.
Beloved Brethren,
As you are met together to take into Consideration the affair of your Ministers Salaries, it may be thought proper we should declare what we desire and what we expect.
And without multiplying words, we plainly say, It is our Expectation, that you make our Salaries, and mony for wood, as valuable to the purpose of supplying our families with food, Clothing and Fuel as when they were first voted to us; so far as you are able: And this we esteem so evident a piece of justice, that we can’t suppose any among you will object against it.
Accordingly, what we desire is, that you would vote to pay us, so far as you are able the real just value of the Salaries we had when we first settled in a family-state; and that you would pitch upon some method to determine how much of the present mony will be as good as that, and contrive also how to raise it.
And if you should not be able (after you have exerted yourselves according to your ability, which we doubt not you will readily do) [165] to raise as much in Value as we had at first, we shall endeavour to do as well as we can with what you shall be able to raise. We would further say, As the Paper Currency is of such a fluctuating uncertain nature, we don’t see how you can effectually do us justice, unless you reduce what you give us to some certain standard. If this is not done, you will probably have the whole business of this day to transact over again in a little time, or we must unavoidably suffer, as we have done in the years that are past.
We shall only add, It is our hearty prayer, that you may have peace and harmony in your present meeting, and that what you communicate to us of your temporal things may be made up to you in spiritual ones.
We are
Your Servants for Christ’s sake
Thomas Foxcroft.
Charles Chauncy.
Boston, February 2d, 1747/8.
Voted that a Committee be chosen to consider what our Reverend Pastors ought to have allowed them for their weekly support and Maintainance, and likewise to consult on what method will be most expedient to raise the mony, and that they make report of their proceedings at the adjournment of this meeting; and that this Committee consist of Eleven Persons.
Committee chosen: John Wheelwright Esquire, Mr Joshua Blanchard, Nathanael Balston Esquire, Mr Edward Jackson, Mr Jeremiah Allen, Mr Edward Gray, Mr Joseph Russel, Mr Joseph Marion, Mr Robert Rand, Mr William Fairfield, Mr John Knight.
Then the Meeting was adjourned to next Friday come seven-night.
Entred by Dr Chauncy.
[166] Friday the 12th of February, 1747, at 3 Clock P.M.
The Church and Congregation met according to Adjournment, and the Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Affair of our Reverend Pastors Support and Maintenance verbally reported, That they had met several times on the Affair and procured a Subscription, to the Amount of about Thirty Eight pounds (Old Tenor) a Week, and lay the same before the Church and Congregation for their further proceeding thereon.
And upon a Motion made and seconded, whether our Reverend Pastors should have the Sum of Sixteen pounds (Old Tenor) per Week exclusive of their Wood and House-Rent, for the Year ensuing, it passed in the Affirmative.
Jeffry Bedgood, Moderator.
Entred by Thomas Foxcroft.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 25, 1748, Mr Joseph Hubbard chosen Moderator.
And after some Debate, upon the Motion made, Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Monday next at 4 Clock P.M.
August 1.
Met according to Adjournment. And first proceeded to chuse the Annual Committee for Prudentials; the written Votes being collected, it appeared that the Persons chosen were Nathanael Balston Esq, Cornelius Waldoe Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Edward Gray and Mr Edward Jackson.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors shall have Twenty Cords of Wood each, and in case that is not sufficient for the Year ensuing, to have five Cords each more allowed them in the Spring.
Voted that a Collection be made for what Money is deficient for purchasing the Wood aforesaid, on the Sabbath after next.
Signed, Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Entred by T. Foxcroft.
Lord’s day Evening, March 19, 1748/9.
The Brethren of the Church and Congregation were stayed after Divine Service, when the Deacons made the Motion to them to consider whether they would for the Year to come continue to the Pastors the same Salary as they had had for the Year past.
And it being moved by some of the Brethren that the Affair might be concluded on now, One of the Deacons put the Matter to Vote; and it went in the Affirmative, very unanimously.
Vid. the Entry above February 12, 1747.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
[167] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 28, 1749, Nathanael Balston Esq chosen Moderator.
The following Persons chosen a Committee for the ensuing Year, viz. Cornelius Waldo Esq, Nathanael Balston Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Mr Edward Gray, and Mr Edward Jackson.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors have each of them twenty Cords of Wood for the Year ensuing; and if that be not sufficient, five Cords more be allowed each of them.
Voted that the Money to pay for the said Wood be raised by way of Subscription; and its judged necessary that every Person pay eight times as much as they do for their weekly Contribution in order thereto. Voted that the following Brethren be a Committee to go about to get Persons to subscribe, viz. Mr Michael Lowell, Mr William Blair Townsend, Mr Samuel Austin, and Mr Cornelius Thayer.
Voted that ten Pounds old Tenor be an Addition to Mr Thomas Williston’s Salary as Sexton.
Nathanael Balston Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft Pastor.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, March 27, 1750, Mr Joseph Hubbard chosen Moderator.
Voted That the present Salary of Sixteen Pounds Old Tenor, each, be continued to our Reverend Pastors until the 2d Tuesday of July next. And that this Meeting be adjourned to that Day at 3 o’Clock in the Afternoon.
Signed Joseph Hubbard.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 10, 1750, according to Adjournment.
Voted that the Salary of Sixteen pounds Old Tenor per Week to each of our Reverend Pastors be continued to the first Day of April next.
Voted that twenty five Cords of wood be allowed to each of our Reverend Pastors for the Year ensuing, if they stand in Need thereof.
Voted that a Committee be chosen to collect the money for the Wood: And that Captain Joseph Russel, Mr Benjamin Austin, Mr Michael Lowell, and Mr Gershom Tenney be the Committee for that purpose.
Voted that Mr Joseph Hubbard, Nathanael Balston Esq, Mr Edward Jackson, Captain Jeremiah Green and Cornelius Waldo Esq be the Committee for managing the prudential Affairs of the Church and Congregation for the Year ensuing.
Signed Joseph Hubbard Moderator.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
[168] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, November 20, 1750.
The Brethren of the Church and Congregation having been stayed on the last Lord’s Day after Evening Service, at the Motion of the Deacons, they having an Account to lay before them of sundry Charges arisen by Repairs of the Meeting House and Ministry Houses, which required the raising of Money; It was agreed to meet on Tuesday the 20th Instant at 3 o’Clock P.M. for the Consideration thereof. Accordingly They being met now on the said Day, these matters were more particularly laid before them by the Deacons; and after some Deliberation and Discourse had thereon, it appearing there was Occasion to raise about One Hundred and sixty Pounds Old Tenor; it was Voted That there should be a Contribution for that purpose on the Lord’s Day after next, and that on the intervening Sabbath publick Notice be given to the Assembly.
Attest. Thomas Foxcroft Pastor.
Lord’s Day, March 31, 1750/1.
The Brethren of the Church and Congregation being stayed after Divine Service P.M. the Deacons moved for a Meeting to consider the Affair of the Ministers Salaries: But it being suggested by some of the Brethren, that it might as well be done now, and that as the General Court had allowed the passing of the Province-Bills until June next, the salaries might remain as at present until that Time. Accordingly it was Voted that the Salaries to the Ministers continue as they are till next June.
Lord’s Day, June 16, 1751.
The Church and Congregation being stayed after Service P.M. It was Voted that the Ministers Salaries continue as they are until further Order.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, July 23, 1751.
Voted Nathanael Balston Esq Moderator.
Voted that Nathanael Balston Esq, Jeremy Green Esq, Mr Edward Jackson, Mr Jonathan Williams, and Mr Briant Parrot be a Committee for the Year ensuing.
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday next, 30th Instant, 4 Clock P.M. on account of the small Number that appeared.
Nathanael Balston Moderator.
At an Adjournment of the Church and Congregation to this 30th July, Deacon Williams informed that Mr Briant Parrot would not serve as one of the Committee chose the last Meeting—Voted that 3 more persons be added to the usual Number of the Committee—that is 7 persons instead of 5.
Voted that Cornelius Waldo Esq, Mr Joseph Hubbard, and Major Thwing be added to the Committee for the Year ensuing.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors have twenty five Cords of Wood each allowed them this Year, being the same Quantity they had last.
Voted that the same Method be taken to raise the Money this Year as was last for said Wood.
Voted that a Committee of Four be appointed to collect the Money for the Wood.
Voted that Mr Gershom Tenney, Mr William Blair Townsend, Mr Ebenezer Lowell, and Mr John Leverett be the said Committee.
Nathanael Balston Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
[169] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, November 15, 1751.
Voted Nathanael Balston Moderator.
Voted said Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday 19th November, by reason of the small Number present.
Nathanael Balston Moderator.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation November 19, by Adjournment.
The Accounts of Messrs Joseph and Benjamin Russel were laid before the Church and Congregation, And then it was put to Vote, Whether they would allow of said Accounts.
Voted in the Negative.
Nathanael Balston Moderator.
Entered by Thomas Foxcroft.
Memorandum. Some time afterwards there was another Meeting, of the Transactions and Doings whereof I never received any written Account to put on Record; but as I remember, Messrs Russel’s Accounts were then accepted, with some Abatements, and a Contribution voted, to raise the Money for Payment. Accordingly there was soon a Contribution made, amounting to £202.13.2. Old Tenor.
Lord’s day, March [14] 1752.
The Brethren of the Church and Congregation were stayed after the publick Worship was over, and upon a Motion made to them, Voted to have a Collection for the Poor on the approaching Fast-Day, in Consideration of the Smallpox spreading in Town. Accordingly there was such a Contribution on March 26, the Day of the Fast, amounting to about £150. Old Tenor.
Lord’s day, June 28, 1752.
There being a Publick Fast appointed on Account of the Smallpox etc. and it being in the Proclamation recommended to the several Congregations throughout this Province, to make a Gathering for the Poor of the Town of Boston; the Brethren of this Church and Congregation were stayed after Divine Service to know their mind about a Collection, they having so lately made one with the same View, and it was agreed to (by a silent Vote) that the Boxes should be carry’d about, to give every one who saw fit an Opportunity further to express their Charity on this Occasion; and the Moneys collected to be disposed of by the Deacons, as usual. Accordingly there was a Gathering on the said Fast-Day, July 2, amounting to about £75. Old Tenor.
At an annual Meeting of the first Church of Christ in Boston, and of the Congregation, July 14, 1752.
Elected for a Standing Committee for the Year, viz. Nathanael Balston Esq, Edward Jackson, Jeremiah Green Esq, Deacon Waite, Mr John Knight, Mr Samuel Hill, Mr William Blair Townsend.
Elected Deacon Williams in the room of Mr Knight, who declined serving.
Voted That there be Eight more chosen, to be added to the Standing Committee, to consult what Method will be most expedient, for raising the Money that is deficient, towards paying our Reverend Pastors Salaries the Year past: and what Method they would propose for preventing Deficiencies for the future, [170] and also what Method they shall think most convenient for raising the Money that shall be judged necessary for purchasing Wood for our Reverend Pastors for the Year ensuing. Voted That for the foregoing Purposes there be added to the standing Committee viz. the honorable John Wheelwright Esq, Mr Edward Gray, Mr John Knight, Mr Benjamin Austin, Mr Ebenezer Lowel, Mr Bryant Parrot, Captain Joseph Russel, and Mr William Fairfield. Voted That the Meeting be adjourned, till the Sabbath after the next, after the Service is over, in the Afternoon.
Edward Jackson Moderator.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation Lord’s day Evening, July 26, 1752, by Adjournment.
The State of the Box was laid before the said Church and Congregation. It was voted that Deacon Jonathan Williams be Moderator in the room of Mr Edward Jackson, who was absent.
Then the question being put, Whether the Report of the Committee shall be read and considered. Then the Question was put, Whether the said Report shall be accepted, and it passed in the Affirmative.
Then the Meeting was dismissed.
Jonathan Williams Moderator of said Meeting.
The Report above refered to, is as follows:
The Committee chosen at the Anuual Meeting aforesaid, having met 16th July and again by Adjournment the 23d report as follows, viz.
That it is their Opinion, that the most expedient Method for raising the Money, which is deficient towards paying our Reverend Pastors Salaries, is by a Free Contribution.
And that the most likely Way to prevent Deficiencies for the future, is, to direct the Deacons not to offer the Box to any Proprietor or Possessor of a Pew, that refuses or neglects to write his or her Name on their Contribution, but to demand Quarterly of such Proprietors or Possessors the sums they are respectively obliged to pay: and to direct the Committee, if any Proprietor or Possessor of a Pew or Part of any Pew, shall at any Time be deficient in paying more than two Quarters Contribution, to dispose of the said Proprietors Interest in said Pew, as soon as any suitable Person shall appear to take it; and to return the old Proprietor what said Pew shall sell for, deducting only, what shall be due from said Pew. As to Wood, the Committee judge it necessary that twenty five Cord be provided for each of our Reverend Pastors: and that the best Method for raising the Money, will be, for each Proprietor or Possessor of a Pew to put into the Box (at a Time notify’d by the Deacons) Ten shillings, for every shilling they give Weekly towards the Support of the Ministry; marking their Names on their Money.
Edward Jackson Chairman of the Committee.
Entred by T. Foxcroft.
Lord’s day, October 1, 1752.
There was a Collection or free Contribution for the making up of Deficiencies in past Payment of the Ministers Salaries (which amounted to about £110. Old Tenor pursuant to the Report above-recited, and accepted). But the Deacons tell me, that when the Congregation was notify’d of the said Contribution, the paying off Arrears due to Carpenters for Repairs was mentioned, though Nothing was mentioned of this Article in the Brethren’s Votes or the Committee’s Report.
April 19, 1753.
On the Day of a Publick Fast, the Congregation being notify’d after the Morning Service, of a Motion made for a Contribution to be in the Afternoon of the same Day (the Moneys that may be gathered to be in the Deacons hands till the Society shall meet to dispose thereof) there was accordingly a Contribution, amounting to about £60. Old Tenor.
Lord’s day Evening, May 13, 1753.
The Brethren being stayed after the publick Worship it was voted that they would meet the next Wednesday 3 o’Clock P.M. to dispose of the said Money, and to consider such other Affairs as may then be laid before them.
[171] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation May 16, 1753, Mr William Fairfield chosen Moderator.
Voted that the Money in the Deacons hands, collected on the late Fast or otherwise, be appropriated towards paying the Deficiencies of our Reverend Pastors Salaries for the year 1752.
Voted that there be a Committee raised, to go among the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, to see what Sum they can get subscribed weekly towards defreying the Charges of the Church and Congregation for the future.
Voted that the above Committee consist of four persons.
Voted that Mr Nathanael Thwing, Mr Benjamin Russel, Mr Nathanael
Thayer, and Mr Benjamin Austin be the Committee.
Voted that the Persons subscribing be desired by the Committee to mark their Money weekly.
Inasmuch as there was a Vote passed July 26, 1752, to accept the Report of a Committee, in which Report the Deacons were directed not to offer the Box to any Proprietor or Possessor of a Pew that refuses or neglects to write his or her Name on their Contribution, it is now Voted that that Paragraph in the said Report be null and void.
Whereas it is represented to the Church and Congregation, that the Sum of One hunderd and fifty pounds (Old Tenor) is wanting, to pay off the Deficiencies of the Ministers Salaries, and other Charges, Voted that the same be raised by a Contribution.
William Fairfield Moderator.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
At a Meeting of the 1st Church and Congregation July 10, 1753, Edward Jackson being chosen Moderator.
Voted that there be seven persons chosen for a Standing Committee, for the Year. That Nathanael Balton Esq, Captain Jeremiah Green, Mr Samuel Hill, Mr William Blair Townsend, Major Nathanael Thwing, Mr William Fairfield, and Mr Benjamin Austin, be the said Committee. Voted That our Reverend Pastors be each of them supply’d with 25 Cords of Wood for the Year ensuing.
Voted That the Money for purchasing the Wood be raised by a Tax on the Contributors, in proportion to their Weekly Contribution; that the Deacons notify the Church and Congregation what their Proportions are, and desire they would put the same into the Box with their Names thereon, at the Time notify’d by the Deacons.
Voted That Mr Man and Mr Deming be a Committee, to collect what may not be put into the Box.
Voted that the Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, the 17th Current at 3 o’Clock P.M.
Edward Jackson Moderator.
At an Adjournment of a Meeting of the 1st Church and Congregation at Boston, begun July 10, 1753.
Voted That our Reverend Pastors be paid forty two Shillings and 8d. each per Week for the Year ensuing.
Voted That the Committee be desired to examine what Shingling and other Repairs are necessary to be done on our Reverend Pastors Houses, and the Amount, and make Report at the next Meeting of the Church and Congregation.
Edward Jackson Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
[172] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation September 19, 1753, Deacon Williams chosen Moderator.
The Committee exhibited an Account of what they suppose necessary to be laid out in Repairs of our Pastors Houses; Stuff; and Work computed, and the whole Charge amounting to about £350, Old Tenor. It was put to Vote, whether these Repairs should be made, and it passed in the Affirmative.
Voted that the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds Old Tenor be raised for the purpose abovesaid.
Voted that the above Sum be raised by a general Contribution, and that the same be done on the 2d Sabbath in October next.
Jonathan Williams Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Memorandum. The Contribution on the said Day amounted to [blank].
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation April 16, 1754, Deacon Jonathan Williams chosen Moderator.
Voted that a Board Fence be erected, instead of the Stone-Wall, in the Front of the Reverend Mr Foxcroft’s House, which is gone to Decay.
Voted that One Hundred pounds (Old Tenor) be raised in Addition to the former Sum voted for Repairs of our Reverend Pastors Houses.
Voted that Eight for One be proposed to the Church and Congregation on the first Sabbath in May next, in Addition to their common Contribution, for to defray the Charges aforesaid.
Jonathan Williams Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Memorandum. The Contribution amounted to [blank].
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation July 9. 1754, William Fairfield chosen Moderator.
The Committee laid before the said Meeting their Accounts. Then Voted that the Committee for the Year ensuing consist of five Persons.
Then the Meeting was adjourned to Monday the 15th Instant at 10 o’Clock in the Forenoon.
July 15th At a Meeting by Adjournment.
Chose Jeremiah Green Esq, Mr Edward Jackson, William Fairfield, Mr Benjamin Austin, and Mr Samuel Hill Committee for the ensuing Year.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors shall have Sixteen pounds Old Tenor per Week (Salary) during the Year ensuing.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors shall have Twenty five Cords of Wood each, for the Year ensuing.
And Voted the Money for purchasing the same be raised by way of Contribution, and that the Contribution shall be next Lord’s day come Seven-night, the 28th of this Month.
William Fairfield Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Memorandum. The Contribution amounted to about £114; whereof £100 in Cash (Old Tenor) the rest in promissory Notes for Wood; the Deacon in warning the said Contribution having signify’d there was Liberty to contribute by such Notes, etc.
Thanksgiving day, November 28, 1754.
Pursuant to a Vote of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation there was this Day a Contribution—the Money to lie in the Deacons hands till a Meeting of the Brethren to dispose of the same etc.
The Collection amounted to £68 and some shillings, Old Tenor.
[173] At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, January 14, 1755, Mr Jackson chosen Moderator.
Voted That the Moneys collected on the last Thanksgiving Day be put into the Hands of the standing Committee, to be used by them for the paying off the Debts that are already, or that may hereafter become due, from the said Society.
Voted that the Deacons be added to the Standing Committee, to make Inquiry, from whence the Deficiencies in the Weekly Contributions for the support of our Reverend Pastors arise, and to determine on a Method to collect the same, and in Case of Failure, to make Report thereof to the said Society.
Edward Jackson Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Deed of Richard and Ann Hollingshead to the First Church in Boston, December 17, 1680
At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, July 8, 1755, Mr Jackson chosen Moderator.
Voted that the Number of the Standing Committee for the Year current be Seven.
Chosen to be the said Committee Captain Green, Mr Benjamin Austin, Mr Townsend, Mr Knight, Mr Fairfield, Mr Hill, and Jackson.
Chosen to be Treasurer Mr William Blair Townsend.
Voted that each of our Reverend Pastors have Twenty five Cords of Wood allowed them for the current Year. And Voted that the same Method be taken to collect it as was the last Year.
Voted that it be refered to the standing Committee and Deacons, to fix on some Day in the Fall of the Year, to raise by Contribution what we are or shall then be in Arrears to our Reverend Pastors.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors be allowed and paid forty two Shillings and eight pence each of them Weekly, for their Salary, for the Year ensuing.
Attest. Edward Jackson Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Lord’s day, February 15, 1756.
The Church was stayed after the Evening Service. Dr Chauncy moderated the Meeting. He informed them of a Motion made by Sundry of the Brethren, That whereas sundry Persons, desirous of joyning with the Church in full Communion, have a Scruple upon their Minds about making a Relation as usual, such might without doing it be admitted, if judged otherwise qualify’d for Admission. After some Discourse the Question was put, Whether they would comply with the said Motion. And it passed in the Affirmative.
Also it was moved, that the Time of admitting Persons should be altered, conformably to the Practice of other Churches in the Town, and that it be after the Evening-Service is ended. This also was consented to by a Vote.
Attest. T. F.
Memorandum. It’s to be understood that the Method of Admission continue in all Respects as customary, save in that Article of the Relation of Experiences. Accordingly Captain G—319 the first Male admitted since the Alteration, exhibited a Confession of his Faith, etc.
[174] At an annual Meeting of the Brethren of the first Church and Congregation in Boston, July 13, 1756, William Fairfield being chosen Moderator.
Voted that Messrs Edward Jackson, Jeremy Green, Samuel Hill, William Blair Townsend, Benjamin Austin, William Fairfield, Middlecott Cooke be a Committee for the Year ensuing.
Voted that the Deacons, Messrs John Knight, John Salter, Joseph Green, John Gray, and E. Lowell be added to the standing Committee, to consider and make Report to said Church and Congregation, what Method they would take to procure twenty five Cord of Wood for each of our Pastors for the Year ensuing.
It appears by the Deacons Account that we are in Debt |
£223.1.2 |
Old Tenor. |
And by the Committee’s Account |
67.8.2 |
290.9.4 |
Then adjourned till Tuesday the 20th Instant at 4 o’Clock. Then met, and Voted 25 Cord of Wood to each of our Reverend Pastors for the Year ensuing.
Voted that the sum of Forty Shillings Lawfull Money be allowed and paid to each of the Reverend Pastors Weekly for the Year ensuing.
Voted that there be a Collection some time in the ensuing Fall, to make up what we are in Arrears, The Deacons giving Notice some time before the Collection be made.
Attest. William Fairfield Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
NB. The Collection amounted to about £150. Old Tenor and was divided into three Parts, viz. £50 to each Minister, and £50 to Carpenters, etc. (ut memorandum).
T. F.
At an annual Meeting of the Brethren of the first Church and Congregation in Boston, held in the said Church July 19, 1757, Middlecott Cooke chosen Moderator.
Voted that Mr William Fairfield, Mr Samuel Hill, Jeremy Green Esq, be the Committee for the Year ensuing.
Voted that there be allowed the Sum of Forty shillings a Week to each of the Reverend Pastors of this Church for the Year ensuing. Voted that twenty five Cord of Wood be allowed to each of the Reverend Pastors of this Church for their Use the present Year: and that there be a Contribution, for purchasing the same, on the first Lord’s day in August next; of which the Deacons are desired to give notice to the Congregation.
The Deacons presented an Account of Arrears, amounting to |
£8.18.1¾ |
Lawful Money. |
The Committee presented their Account of Repairs, of what is still due and unpaid, amounting to |
9.15.5¾ |
18.13.7½ |
Memorandum. This Ballance is in the Original Account £9.5.11¾ which is equal to £69.14.10. Old Tenor—As the Deacons Ballance is to £66.16.2. Total
Voted that in Order to discharge the Accounts of the Deacons and the Committee there be a Contribution some Time in the Fall of this present Year, at such Time as the Deacons shall think most advisable, they to give Notice of the same accordingly.
Voted that the Committee chosen this Year be appointed [175] and desired to take into Consideration a Motion made for digging a Cellar under this House, and inquire into the Expediency thereof, as well as to the Safety of the Building, as also to the Usefulness of the same; and make Report of what they shall think proper to be done therein at the Adjournment of this Meeting on Friday the 2d day of August next at 3 a Clock in the Afternoon of said Day: And the Meeting is accordingly adjourned to that Time.
Attestor Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Memorandum. By a Miscalculation, there was an Error in Naming the Day assigned in the 3d Vote, respecting the Contribution, it being expressly intended to be on the Lord’s day Sevennight afterward, which was the 31st of July. Accordingly the Deacons previously notify’d it to be on that Day. There was then collected about £225. Old Tenor.
A Like Mistake happned, for the same reason, in naming Friday in the Adjournment etc.
At an Adjournment of the Meeting of the Church and Congregation held on Tuesday, August 2, 1757.
The Deacons having informed the Church and Congregation that according to their Vote of the 19th of July last there was raised by Contribution, in Order to purchase Wood for the Reverend Pastors of this Church, about Two hundred and twenty five pounds in Old Tenor Money and wood, which will be sufficient to procure fifty Cord of good Wood at £4.10.0. a Cord; it is therefore Voted that 25 Cord of Wood be sent to each of our Reverend Pastors, or that One hundred and twelve pounds, Ten Shillings Old Tenor in Cash be paid to each of them, which shall be in full of said fifty Cord of Wood voted as aforesaid.
The Report of the Committee relating to digging the Cellar and making sundry Repairs was read, and is as follows—
“The Committee to whom was refered the Consideration of digging a Cellar under the House, Report that they have attended that Service, and after Inquiry made by several Masons with regard to the Safety of the Building, are of Opinion, that it may be done without any prejudice to the same; the Charge of making the Cellar will be about three hundred pounds, Old Tenor; which Sum may be borrowed upon Interest, and repaid out of the Rent of the Cellar.
Upon Examination, the Committee find, that three of the Summers under the Floor of the House are very rotten, and not sufficient to support the Floor much longer, which has already sunk in many places, and must fall unless soon repaired. They also find a Summer above which supports the Roof, decayed, and in danger of falling, which it is necessary likewise should be repaired. The Charge of these Repairs will be about Two Hundred pounds, old tenor; which Sum may be borrowed as the foregoing, and repaid out of the Rent of the Cellar; or raised in any other Way the Church and Congregation shall think best. All which is submitted by Samuel Hill, Jeremy Green, William Blair Townsend, William Fairfield, Middlecott Cooke, Benj Austin. Boston August 2d 1757.”
Which was accepted. And then Voted that Messrs William Fairfield, Samuel Hill, Jeremy Green, Esq, Benjamin Austin, William Blair Townsend, Middlecott Cooke and Joseph Green Esq, be a Committee to see the Cellar made, and also that the other Repairs [176] as mentioned in the Report be done; and that they be impowered to borrow the Sum of Five hundred pounds old Tenor upon Interest in Order to effect the same, and that the Rents arising from the Cellar be made over to them for their Security, till the principal Money and Interest thereof be repaid. And then the Meeting was dismissed.
Attestor Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
A Contribution made which amounted to about £225. Old Tenor, excl. of Sal.
Lord’s day Evening, November 20, 1757.
Stayed the Brethren of the Church, and communicated to them a Letter from the Pastor (the Reverend Mr John Rogers) and others of the Church and Congregation in Leominster,321 desiring our Presence and Assistance in way of Ecclesiastical Council. The Church voted to comply with their Desire, and the Delegates chosen were Mr Townsend, Mr Fairfield, and Colonel Thwing. Upon their Return, the Result was read etc.
At the Annual Meeting of the Brethren of the first Church and Congregation in Boston, held in their Meeting house on Tuesday July 11, 1758.
NB. Mr Jonathan Williams was chosen Moderator. But he being obliged by Indisposition of Body to leave the Meeting before any Affair was transacted, Daniel Marsh was chosen in his Room.
The Committee presented their Account of the Charge of making a Cellar etc. amounting to £83.10. 11 1/4. and gave Credit for £66.13.4. the Sum voted to be borrowed to pay the same, which falls short £16.17.7 1/4. It was thereupon Voted, that the Committee borrow the said sum of £16.17.7 1/4. on the same Terms the said £66.13.4 was voted to be borrowed.
The Committee presented also another Account for Repairs of the several Buildings belonging to the Church, the Ballance of which was £21.3.5 1/4. Whereupon it was Voted, that there should be a Collection some time in the Fall of the Year to pay the same, and that the Deacons should appoint the Time.
Voted that the Reverend Pastors of the Church be allowed Twenty five Cords of Wood, each, for the Year ensuing. And that the Money for purchasing the same be raised by Contribution, and the Time for it be left to the Deacons.
Voted that the Reverend Pastors of the Church be allowed Forty Shillings a Week, each, the Year ensuing, as their Salary.
Voted that Middlecott Cooke, Jeremy Green, and Joseph Green Esquires, Messrs Samuel Hill, William Fairfield, Benjamin Austin, and William Blair Townsend be the Committee for the Year ensuing. It being suggested, that a Number of the Brethren, who were skilful Singers, sitting together in some convenient place, would greatly tend to rectify our Singing on the Lord’s day, and render that part of Divine Worship more agreeable, it was Voted that the Committee appoint the Persons and Place.
It being signify’d at this Meeting, that a Gentleman has offered, at his own Charge, to new make the Window behind the Pulpit, it was Voted that the Committee give Leave for the same to be done. The Deacons also presented their Account wherein there is due to the Reverend Mr Foxcroft £10.8.8 Old Tenor and to the Reverend Dr Chauncy £13.15.7 Old Tenor for last Year’s Deficiency: and the Ballance in the Deacons hands is £4.5.8 Old Tenor.
Then the Meeting was adjourned to this Day, Fortnight at 3 o’Clock P.M.
Attest. Daniel Marsh.
Entered by T. Foxcroft.
At an Adjournment of the abovesaid Meeting, Tuesday, July 25, P.M.
The Committee laid before the Brethren an Estimate of the Charge of new Glasing the Front Part of the Meeting house. And after a Long Debate thereon, it was Voted that the Gentlemen of the Committee be impowered to new glase the [177] Front part of the Meeting house with Sash-Lights—provided they can procure Subscriptions so as to paint and wholly finish the same without any Charge to the Church and Congregation.
Attestor Daniel Marsh Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
Lord’s day, November 19, P.M. 1758.
Pursuant to a Vote, recorded above, there was a Collection to defray the Expences of Repairs etc. which amounted to about £ 130. Old Tenor.
Lord’s day Evening, June 24, 1759.
Upon a Motion made that the Afternoon Service might begin at 3 o’Clock, and continue so to begin until the Month of October, for divers Considerations mentioned, the Brethren of the Church and Congregation being stayed, they deliberated on the said Proposal, and the Question being put, Whether they would comply, it was Voted in the Affirmative, supposing the other Churches would comply.
Fast-day Evening, June 28.
The Brethren being stayed again, were informed that the South Church had refused to comply with the said Motion made to them, and it was put to them, Whether they would adhere to their former Vote notwithstanding. And after some Debate, the Question being put, it passed in the Affirmative, almost unanimously: very few holding up their Hands in the Negative.
Accordingly on Lord’s day, July 1, the 2d Bell did not ring till within a quarter of an Hour before Three P.M. All the other Congregations in the South part of the Town comply, excepting One.322
At an Annual Meeting of the Brethren of the First Church and Congration in Boston held at their Meetinghouse on Monday, July 9, 1759, Mr Middlecott Cooke chosen Moderator.
Voted that the Sum of Forty Shillings a Week be allowed to each of the Reverend Pastors of this Church for the Year ensuing. Voted that Twenty five Cords of Wood be allowed to each of the Pastors for their Use, and that there be a Contribution for purchasing the Wood at such Time as the Deacons think proper, they giving Notice to the Congregation.
The Committee presented an Account of Arrears for some Years past, and for Disbursements in repairing this House and also at Mr Foxcroft’s House for the Year past, amounting to £
The Deacons presented an Account of Arrears now due, viz to the Reverend Mr Foxcroft of £1.10.10. and to the Reverend Dr Chauncy of £ As also £1. due to Mr Williston, and likewise a Sum of £3.4.7. for the last Year. The whole being £
Voted that there be a Contribution some time this Fall at such Time as the Deacons shall think convenient in Order to discharge the two Accounts, of the Committee and the Deacons, amounting to £29 Lawful Money. And the Money raised at such Contribution to be paid to the several Persons to whom it is due in proposition to their Demands. Voted that Messrs William Fairfield, Samuel Hill, Jeremy Green, Benjamin Austin, William Blair Townsend, Joseph Green, and Middlecott Cooke be the Committee for the Year ensuing. The above Votes were passed at this Meeting.
Attestor Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
Entered by T. F.
[178] At a Meeting of the Brethren of the Church and Congregation, July 7, 1760.
The Committee then chosen were John Wheelwright Esq, Jeremy Green Esq, Benjamin Austin Esq, Middlecott Cooke Esq, Joseph Green Esq, William Blair Townsend Esq, and Samuel Hill.
Voted that our Reverend Pastors be allowed each Twenty five Cord of Wood for this Year.
Also Voted that the Money be raised by Contribution, when the Deacons shall see a proper Time for it.
And Voted our Reverend Pastors Salaries the same as last Year, viz. 40 s/each per Week.
Signed, Samuel Hill Moderator.
Entred by T. F.
Lord’s day, July 27, P.M.
At the Motion of one of the Committee, the Brethren of the Church and Congregation were stayed after Divine Service, and informed that whereas the Committee’s Accounts for the last Year were laid before the late Meeting, but accidentally it was neglected to resolve how the Money should be raised to discharge the Debts owing by those Accounts, it was therefore proposed they would now declare their Mind upon it: And accordingly it was now Voted that the Money needful to discharge the said Debts, should be raised by a Contribution, to be made at some convenient Time.
Attest. T. F.
At an Annual Meeting of the first Church and congregation in the Old Brick Meeting House, July 14, 1761.
The following votes were passed Viz.
Voted that Mr Benjamin Austin be the moderator for said Meeting. Voted that the Committees Account for the last years repairs on our Reverend Pastors Houses ballance whereof is £14./2/4 be allowed. Voted that Jeremiah Green, Samuel Hill, William Blair Townsend, Benjamin Austin, Middlecott Cooke, Joseph Green, and John Gray be the Standing Committee for the year ensuing.
Voted that our Reverend pastors be allowed 40/. a week for the year ensuing.
Voted that our Reverend pastors be allowed Twenty five cord of wood each for the year ensuing.
Voted that a Committee be chosen out of the Church and Congregation consisting of Twenty One persons to consider of some convenient and expeditious method to raise a Sum of money to defrey the necessary Charges of the last year and also to raise a Sum of money for our Reverend Pastors wood etc. for the year ensuing.
Voted that the persons hereafter mentioned be the aforesaid Committee Nathanael Balstone Esquire, Nathanael Thwing, John Knight, John Salter, Joseph Russell, Ebenezer Lowell, Shrimpton Hunt, Thomas Waldo, John Waldo, Joseph Waldo, Daniel Waldo, John Leverett, Thomas Leverett, William Gray, Robert Rand, Bartholomew Rand, John Joy, Tuttle Hubbard, William Powell, Samuel Austin, and John Cunningham.
Voted that the Standing Committee for the present Year and the deacons be aded to the aforesaid committee for the purpose abovementioned.
[179] Voted that deacon Jonathan Williams be desired to inspect doctor Chauncy s drean that is out of repair and to do what he shall think proper to repair the Same.
Voted that the large committee be desired to think of Some method to encourage and revive the Spirit of Singing in this Church.
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the 21st instant at 4 o’Clock P.M. and that Mr Williston should have a list of the large committee and warn said Committee to meet at the adjournment of this Meeting in this place.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[Boston July 21d 1761. At a Meeting of the Committee chosen by the Old Church and Congregation, at their Annual Meeting July 14, 1761, to consider of Sundry Matters for their Benefit the following Votes were passed
1ly Voted That Coll. Nathl Twing, be Chairman of this Committee
2ly Voted That the Mony for the Deficiencys of said Church for the last year, being £296—old Tenor, and the Mony for the Ministers Wood for the present Year amountg £350—old Tenor be added together
3ly Voted That both the abovesaid Sums amounting to £646—old Tenor be raised by Subscription
4ly Voted William Gray and Thomas Leverett be desired by the Chairman of this Committee, to wait on those of the Church and Congregation who are absent, with the Subscription paper, to receive of them, what they think proper to Subscribe for the Deficiencys of the Old Church paid for the last year and toward raising a Sum of mony, for our Reverend Pastors Wood for the Year ensuing
5ly Voted That we apprehend it necessary to encourage and revive the Spirit of Singing in this Church, that a New Version of the Psalms be introduced among us, and that a Number of the best Singers among us be desired to set together in some Convenient Place in the Meeting House, and also that reading the Psalm on the Sabbath Day should be [sung].323
61y Voted. That the above Votes be reported to the Church and Congregation. at the Adjournment of their Meeting, being the Second Day of August, next, between 4 and 5 oClock: P.M.
Nathl Thwing]324
July 21, 1761.
The Church and congregation having met in their Meeting House agreeable to the adjournment July 14th Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to the 2d day of August next between 4 and 5 o’Clock P.M. to meet in this place to receive the report of the large Committee.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
August 2, 1761, at a meeting of the first Church and congregation by adjournment from the 14th ultimo to this day to receive the report of the large Committee then raised.
Voted That the money Subscribed by the Church and congregation to make up the last years deficiencys of the Church etc. with the money for the wood for our Reverend Pastors the ensuing Year be collected by their being notifyed next Lords day to mark the same and put it into the box in the afternoon.
Voted to Accept the Report of the Committee that a new version of the Psalms be introduced into this Church.
Voted that a number of the best Singers among us be desired to sit together in some convenient place in the Meeting House. Voted that reading the Psalms on the Sabbath day should be omitted. Voted that a Committee be raised to conferr and advise with our Reverend Pastors about a Suitable version of the Psalms to be introduced and make report thereof to the Church and congregation at their adjournment. Voted that this Committee consist of five persons and that Messrs Nathanael Gardner, John Gray, William Blair Townsend, Joseph Russell and Jeremiah Green be said Committee.
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to next Lords day the 9th instant after divine Service in the afternoon.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
At a meeting of the first Church after divine Service in the forenoon August 9, 1761.
The Church took into Consideration the desire of a number of the brethren of the Church and congregation to introduce another version of the Psalms etc. amongst us and after maturely considering the same Voted viz.
1st. That the Version commonly called Tate and Brady with such a Supplement of doctor Watts’s Hymns etc. as our Reverend Pastors shall think proper be introduced as Soon as it can conveniently be done. 2nd That after the said Version is introduced the reading of the Psalms etc. be Omitted.
3dly That a number of our best Singers be desired to Sit together in some Convenient place in the meeting House.
4th That whereas some persons among us may not be able to purchase the said New Version that a Subscription be put forward in the Church and congregation to Supply such persons and also the pulpit.
[180] At a Meeting of the Church and congregation held at the Meeting House on Wednesday, September 16, 1761, Mr Middlecot Cooke chosen Moderator.
Voted that Two pews be made on the back Side of the mens long Seats and that Two pews be made on the back side of the womens long Seats as the Committee shall direct and by them to be disposed of.
Voted that the money now in the hands of the Treasurer be applyed towards the repairs of the meeting House and also the Houses belonging to the ministers.
Voted that Mr Thomas Leveret and William Gray be desired to go to the owners of those pews that have not Subscribed towards the weekly contribution and make report at the adjournment of the Meeting.
Voted that the meeting be adjourned to monday next at three o’Clock in the afternoon.
At the adjournment of the meeting held on Monday, September 21, 1761.
Mr Thomas Leveret and Mr William Gray being desired to compleat the Subscription of those persons who possessed the pews on the lower floor now reported That they had been with almost every one and upon casting up the several Sums found it amounted to the Sum of about Three pounds fifteen Shillings lawful Money a week and thereupon it was thought adviseable not to proceed in any other way at present hoping with the other contribution it would be sufficient.
Voted that the Sum of Twenty five Shillings out of the money in the Treasurers hands be advanced and paid to the deacons to make good the deficiency for the ministers Wood.
Voted that eight Psalm Books be procured for the ministers pews and also four for the fore seat, these last to be put into the deacons care and then the meeting; was dismissed.
Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
At an Annual Meeting of Brethren of the First Church and Congregation held by adjournment at the meeting House on Tuesday, July 27, 1762. Mr Middlecott Cooke chosen Moderator.
The Committee presented their Account of disbursements on the Church with the ministers Houses and Several pews lately made amounting to £79:7/1 lawful Money which account was Accepted and ordered that the money now in the hands of the Treasurer be paid to discharge the several Accounts exhibited by them.
The deacons also presented their Account wherein there is a ballance remaining in their hands of £79:10/11 Old Tenor.
Messrs Jeremiah Green, Samuel Hill, Benjamin Austin, William Blair Townsend, Middlecott Cooke, Joseph Green and John Gray are chosen the Committee for the present year.
Voted that forty shillings a week be allowed to each of the Reverend Pastors for the year insuing beginning from the 2d Tuesday of this instant.
[181] Voted That Twenty five cords of wood be allowed to each of the Reverend pastors for their use and the Charge of Carrying in and Sawing the Same be allowed and that there be a Contribution for the Same as Soon as may be the Congregation having notice given them thereof.
Voted that the Subscription for the Support of the ministers for the last year be continued for one year more.
The above votes were passed at this meeting.
Attest. Middlecott Cooke moderator.
At the Annual Meeting of the Brethren of the first Church and Congregation held at the Meeting House on Tuesday, July 12, 1763. Mr Middlecott Cook chosen Moderator.
The Committee chosen: Messrs Jeremiah Green, Benjamin Austin, William Blair Townsend, Joseph Green, John Gray, John Salter, Middlecott Cook.
The Committee presented their Account of disbursements on the Church and Ministers houses and a ballance of the former years Account Amounting to £14.11.3 1/2.
The Deacons presented their Account wherein there is a ballance in their Hands of £25.19.1 Old Tenor.
Voted that Forty shillings a week be allowed to each of our Reverend Pastors of the ensuing year.
Voted that the Sum of One hundred and Seventy Five pounds Old Tenor be allowed to each of our Reverend Pastors which we suppose will purchase Fifty Cords of Wood and pay for the Carting Sawing etc. it being the same quantity as has been formerly allowed them.
Voted that their be Contribution in order to purchase the Wood for the Ministers and also to discharge the Account of the Committee the Wood to be paid for before the other Charges—which may be done as soon as may be—and that the Ministers be desired to notify the Congregation of the Time.
The above Votes passed at this Time.
Attestor Middlecott Cook Moderator.
[182] At the Annual Meeting of the Brethren of the First Church and Congregation Assembled in the Meeting House, July 10, 1764.
Voted Mr William Torrey Moderator.
Voted That our Reverend Pastors shall have the Sum of Forty shillings per Week, each, to be paid them Weekly for the Year ensuing. Voted That each of our Reverend Ministers shall have Twenty five Cord of Wood for the Ensuing year, with the Charges of Carting, Sawing and Piling.
Voted That a Committee of Seven be chosen for the Ensuing Year, viz. Middlecott Cooke Esquire, Jeremiah Green Esquire, Joseph Green Esquire, Benjamin Austin Esquire, William Blair Townsend Esquire, Mr John Gray, Mr John Salter.
Voted That the several Sums following, be paid to the Respective Persons to whom due viz.
To our Reverend Ministers so much due to them |
£5.12.2 3/4 |
To Thomas Williston so much due to him |
1.13.4 |
To the Committe so much due to them |
2.11.3 1/2 |
£9.16.10 1/4 |
And that the above Sum or so much as shall remain unpaid be raised by Contribution on the first Sabbath in September next.
Voted That the Money for our Reverend Pastors wood, togeather with the above Sum be Raised by publick Contribution on the day above mentioned and the Congregation be notified the Sabbath before.
Attestor William Torrey Moderator.
[September 12, 1764. The First Church and Congregation in Boston at their Meeting on this Day, duely warned; Finding there was a great deficiency in their weekly Contribution, as it hath failed of holding out agreeable to a Subscription taken a few years past; and there being a considerable Alteration made by the Death of many Proprietors of Pews, and those who succeded not complying with their Subscriptions. Others thinking their Obligations terminated in one Year and others Circumstances being such, they could not comply with the same, tho of a willing mind. Therefore it was Voted that a New Subscription should be immediately taken, and that Messrs William Gray and Thomas Leverett should be the Committee to take the same, and make Report hereof at the Adjournment of this Meeting, which will be on the 21d Instant at 3 oClock in the Afternoon.
September 21. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation on this Day, agreable to Adjournment. It was voted that this Meeting be further Adjourned to the last Tuesday in October next, at 3 oClock Afternoon, at the meetinghouse to give further Time, for compleating the Subscription List for upholding the publick worship in this Place
October 30th. Agreeable to the above Adjournment the Church and Congregation met and adjourned sine die.
Joseph Green Moderator.]325
At the Annual Meeting of the First Church and Congregation (Regularly warned) at the Old Brick Meeting House, July 9, 1765.
Voted That the Deacons Accounts wherein their appears a Ballance of One pound thirteen shillings and four pence due to pay the Sexton be allowed.
The following Votes were passed.
1st Voted That William Blair Townsend Esquire be Moderator of this Meeting.
2ly Voted That the Deacons Accounts wherein their appears a Ballance of One pound thirteen shillings and four pence due to pay the Sexton be allowed.
3d Voted That the Committee’s Account of Forty pounds, Nineteen [183] Shillings and seven pence be allowed and paid in the following manner, viz. The Sum of Twenty two pounds, Twelve shillings and ten pence to be Raised with the Money for our Ministers Wood this present year; And the remaining Sum of Eighteen pounds, Six shillings and nine pence which has been paid by William Blair Townsend Esquire in behalf of the Old Church, to supply deficiency of sundry Proprietors of Drain through Summer Street, that refuse to pay the Respective sums assessed them, for opening, laying and shutting said Drean; (in which Drean the Old Church is concerned) be repaid said Townsend with lawful Interest thereon from this Day, out of the Rent of the Cellar under the Old Brick Meeting House, after said Townsend as Treasurer has paid of the Several Persons who lent the Money to digg and make said Cellar.
4ly Voted That our Reverend Pastors have the Sum of Forty Shillings per week each, to be paid them, weekly, for the Year ensuing.
5ly Voted That each of our Reverend Pastors have Twenty five Cord of Wood for the ensuing Year, with the Charges of Carting, sawing and piling.
61y Voted That the Collection for our Reverend Pastors Wood and paying of Tradesmens Accounts for the last Year, as mentioned above, be on the first Sabbath in September next and that our Reverend Pastors notify the Church and Congregation accordingly.
7ly Voted That a Committee of Seven be chosen for the ensuing Year, viz. Jeremiah Green Esquire, William Blair Townsend Esquire, Benjamin Austin Esquire, Joseph Green Esquire, Middlecott Cook Esquire, John Gray and John Salter.
The above Votes passed at this Time.
Attest. William Blair Townsend Moderator.
The following Votes should have been recorded before the preceeding Votes. To have been entred in order.
The First Church and Congregation in Boston at their Meeting on September 12, 1764, duly warned.
Finding their was a great deficiency in their weekly Contribution, as it hath failed of holding out agreeable to a Subscription taken a few Years past, and [184] there being a Considerable Alteration made by the Death of many Proprietors of Pews, and those who succeeded not complying with the Subscription. Others thinking their Obligations terminate in one year, and others Circumstances being such, they could not comply with the same, though a willing mind. Therefore it is Voted that a new Subscription should be immediately taken and that Messrs William Gray and Thomas Leverett should be the Committee to take the same and make report hereof at the adjournment of this meeting which will be on the 21st Instant at three oClock in the Afternoon.
September 21, 1764, At a Meeting of the first Church and Congregation.
On this Day, agreable to adjournment it was Voted that this Meeting be further adjourned to the last Tuesday in October next, at 3 oClock Afternoon, at the Meeting House to give further Time, for the compleating of the Subscription List for upholding the publick worship in this Place.
October 30, 1764.
Agreable to the above Adjournment the Church and Congregation met and adjourned, sine die.
Attest. Joseph Green Moderator.
At the Annual Meeting of the First Church and Congregation (regularly warned) at the Old Brick Meeting House, July 8, 1764.
The following Votes were passed.
1st Voted that William Blair Townsend Esquire be Moderator of this Meeting.
2dly Voted that the Deacon’s Account wherein their appears a Ballance of £7.6.8 due to our Reverend Pastors for the last year, be allowed. 3dly Voted that the Committees Account for the last Year, wherein there appears a Ballance £8.16.6¼ due to them be allowed, and also their Account for Cellar.
4thly Voted that our Reverend Pastors have the Sum of Forty shillings per Week each, to be paid them weekly, for the year ensuing.
5thly Voted that each of our Reverend Pastors, have Twenty five Cord Wood for the ensuing Year, with the Charges of Carting Sawing and Piling.
6thly Voted that there be a Collection, for our reverend Pastors Wood, and paying them, their last years Ballance £7.6.8¼ and also the Ballance of the Committee Account for last Year being £8.16.6¼ on the last Sabbath [185] of August, and that our Reverend Pastors be desired to notify the Church and Congregation hereof, the Sabbath preceeding.
7thly Voted that a Committee of Seven be chosen for the ensuing Year. Vis. Jeremiah Green Esquire, William Blair Townsend Esquire, Benjamin Austin Esquire, Joseph Green Esquire, Middlecott Cooke Esquire, Messrs John Gray and John Salter—Committee. The above Votes were passed at this Time.
Attest. William Blair Townsend Moderator.
At the Annual Meeting of the First Church and Congregation held at the Brick meeting house on Tuesday, July 14, 1767. Mr Middlecott Cooke chosen Moderator.
The Committee chosen Viz. Jeremiah Green, William Blair Townsend, Benjamin Austin, Joseph Green, Middlecott Cooke, John Gray and John Salter.
Voted that the Account of the Deacons being presented wherein there is a ballance due to them of Four pounds Seventeen shillings and ten pence as also one pound twelve shillings and nine pence be allowed. Voted that the Account of the Committee which they presented of disbursements on the church and Ministers houses amount to £17.15.11 to ballance be allowed.
Voted That Forty shillings per week be allowed to each of the Pastors for the year ensuing.
Voted that the Committee be desired to See what Repairs are wanting to be made at the Outside of the Meeting house and make their report as Soon as may be that some Method may be come in to effect the same.
Voted that the sum of twenty pounds lawful money be allowed to each of the Reverend Pastors of this Church to purchase twenty five cord of wood for each of them with the charge of Sawing etc. and that there be a contribution in order to raise the money at such time as the Deacons shall think proper.
The above Votes were passed at this Meeting.
Attestor Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
[186] At the Annual Meeting of the Brethren of the first Church and Congregation held at the Meeting house, July 12, 1768. Mr Middlecott Cooke chosen Moderator.
Messrs Jeremiah Green, William Blair Townsend, Benjamin Austin, Joseph Green, Middlecott Cooke, John Gray and Daniel Waldo were Chosen a Committee.
Voted that the Reverend Pastors be allowed the sum of Forty shillings a week each to be paid weekly for the year ensuing.
Voted that the Sum of Forty pounds be allowed for fifty cord of wood for the ministers for the year ensuing each to have twenty five cord.
Voted that the account of the Deacons now presented wherein there is a ballance due to the Ministers the sum of £23.17.8 be allowed.
Voted that the Account of the Committee wherein is the Disbursements on the Ministers houses amounting to the sum of £25.1.4 be allowed.
Voted that the thanks of the Society be given to Mr John Salter for his care while one of the Committee he desiring to be excused serving further.
Voted that the money arising from the Rents of the Cellar under the Meeting house be appropriated towards the Repairs of this House and the Ministers houses only and to be disposed off at the discretion of the standing Committee they laying the Account before the Society at the annual Meeting.
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the Sabbath day being the 24th day of July current in the afternoon at the Meeting house and that the Members of the Church and Congregation be desired to tarry after the blessing is given.
At the adjournment of the Meeting, July 24, 1768.
Voted that the deficiency of money being £.23.7.5 for the ministers Salary and £40 for wood with £.26.4.4¾ the Committes accounts being for tradesmen for three years past amounting to £88.8.9 ¼ be raised by Subscription which was done and that £.63.7.5 be lodged in the Deacons hands in order to discharge their account and for wood and that the remaining sum be delivered to the Treasurer for the use of the Church etc. to pay the tradesmen and repairs.
The Above Voted were passed at the Meeting.
Attestor Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
[187–188] [A leaf cut from the original record.]
[189] At the Annual Meeting of the Brethren of the first Church and Congregation held at the Meeting House, July 11, 1769, Mr Middlecott Cooke chosen Moderator.
Messrs William Blair Townsend, Jeremiah Green, Benjamin Austin, Middlecott Cooke, Joseph Green, John Gray and Samuel Partridge were chosen the Committee.
The Deacons present their Account where there remains in their hands the sum of £3.19.101/2 which was allowed.
The Committee rendred their Account and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of £19.10.111/4 which was allowed. Voted unanimously that the sum of £3.6.8 be allowed and paid weekly to the Reverend Doctor Chauncy he Supplying the Pulpit which is to commence on the first Sabbath in August next being the Sixth day of that month.
Voted that twenty five cord of wood be allowed to the Reverend Doctor Chauncy for the year ensuing.
Voted that the Repairing and letting the house wherein the Reverend Mr Foxcroft lately dwelt be left to the Care of the standing committee.326
Voted that the Contribution of the Several Pews be the same as was agreed to the last year.
The Above Votes were passed at this Meeting.
Attestor Middlecott Cooke Moderator.
[190] An answer to a Vote of the First Church of Christ in Boston per Reverend Mr Thomas Bridge; Dated March 31, 1705.
Dearly Beloued; I have Entertained your former inuitation; and this also with fear and Trembling being sensible of the greatness of the worcke; and my manifold Infermities; But I am not my own; and my Encouragement is; That the grace of Christ is sufficient for me; I have therefore solemnly, freely and intirely resigned up my selfe to his dispose and find satisfaction therein; I bless his glorious name; for the acceptance my Labours have found amongst you and Looking upon it as his worcke that your hearts are inclined to give me this Call; I therefore; Thankfully and willingly accept it.
At a meeting of the first church of Christ in Boston, April 17, 1705.
Voted that the thre Churches in Boston; the Church that mr Increase Mather belongeth unto; the Church that mr Samuell Willord belongeth unto; the Church that mr Coleman belongeth unto; do scend there Elders and messengers; to the ordination of the Reverend mr Thomas bridge, and the Church of Roxbury; and the Church of Dorchester; the Church of Charlstowne, the Church of Milton.
Voted that Thursday the Tenth of May next should be the day for the ordination of the Reverend mr Thomas Bridge; and upon the Question who should give the Charge to mr Bridge and Lay on hands; at his ordination Resolved by Vote; that our Teacher Allen should give the Charge and have Liberty to desire any antient Elders to pray before and after; and that the Reverend mr Increase Mather and mr Samuell Williard bee the persons desired To joyine With our Elders to Lay on hands.
Thursday, May 10, 1705.
The Reverend mr Thomas Bridge was ordaned a Pastor over the first Church of Christ in Boston; Mr James Allen Teacher gave him the charge and Layed on hands and Elder Bridgham and Elder Cope.
[191] Church Votes
At a meeting of the first Church of Christ in Boston, August 25, 1703.
You haveing Called the Reverend mr Thomas Bridge to be a constant setled help in the Work of the ministry among you; and he haveing accepted that Call.
Querie; Whether you do desire him to Remove his family heither as soone as may be; that he may the more Conveniently attend that service; and in order to office among you; when Gods providence shall make way for it.
Voted Affermitively. Voted That the committee lately Chosen to advise and assist the Deacons in managing the Churches stocke; do together with the Deacons take care to supply the Reverend mr Bridge; with what they thinke is Convenient for him to bear his Charges; Which are; or may be; in order to his setlement.
March 20, 1704/5.
Voted Whether, you do call the Reverend Mr Thomas Bridge to the Pastoral office in this Church; to administer all the Ordinances of the Gospel among you.
Voted Affirmatively.
[192] At a Church-Meeting at the Meeting House, May 18, 1725.
Voted that Captain Gooch and Captain Green of the Church; Captain Wadsworth and Captain Deering of the Congregation, be a Committee to assist the Deacons in repairing the Meeting House, and particularly in setting up the weather-cock.
Voted That the Honorable Coll. Townsend, mr Treasurer Allin and Captain Gooch be continued seaters of the Meeting-House; and that there be added to them Captain Green and Mr Jonathan Waldo.
Voted that fifteen shillings per week be added to the Salary of each of the Pastors.
[Three-fourths of page blank]
[193] May 20, 1705.
Voted that mr Cooke, mr Townsend with the Elders and Dacon Meryon go to Sudbury to joyn with the counsell to hear the agrevances of Severall; against mr Shermon, there pastor.327
July 8, 1705.
Voted that mr Cooke; mr Elisha Hutcheson; mr Isaac Adington mr Pen Townsend; With the Elders and Dacon Meryon go to Medford to hear; the Complaint of severall against mr Woodbridge.328
September 25, 1717.
By a Letter from the Church in New Town, our help being asked to assist in an Ecclesiastical Council there, we voted on the preceding Lord’s day, to send Coll. Townsend, Samuel Lynd Esquire and one of the Deacons, as Messengers to accompany our Pastor and assist in said Council; and they all went accordingly on the day appointed. The Council (consisting of five churches) approved the dealings of the Church of Newton towards an offending Brother viz. Ichabod Brown; and advised them further to suspend him, admonish him; and if he did not in convenient time manifest suitable repentance, then to excommunicate him.
September 25, 1717.
By a Letter from the Church in Cambridge, our assistance was asked, to the ordaining of the Reverend mr Nathaniel Appleton329 to the Pastoral office among them; accordingly, the two Deacons and five other Brethren, were chosen to accompany our Pastors in attending the foresaid service; and Mr Appleton was ordained October 9, 1717. Dr Cotton Mather began the Publick exercise by prayer; Dr Increase Mather preached, Mr John Rogers prayed after sermon; then Dr Increase Mather gave the charge, Dr Cotton Mather gave the right hand of fellowship.
September 15, 1718.
By a Letter from the South Church, Boston, our help was asked, to assist at the ordination of Mr Thomas Prince330 to the Pastoral office among them; we chose Messengers accordingly, September 21, 1718.
October 26, 1718.
In Answer to Letters sent us, we chose Messengers, to accompany the Elders; that they might assist at the ordination of Mr Thomas Walter331 at Roxbury on Wenesday following, viz. October 29. And also to assist at the ordination of Mr James Allen332 at Brooklin the following Wenesday, viz. November 5, 1718.
On April 5, 1719.
In Answer to a Letter sent us, we chose Messengers to assist at the ordination of Mr Samuell Checkley,333 at the new South Church in Boston.
July 29, 1719.
In Answer to a Letter from the Church in Wenham, Elders and Messengers went and assisted in Council there, and the Council Justified the process of the Church, against William Rogers an offending Brother there; and condemned the conduct of the Second Church in Ipswich in what they did in that affair, as being irregular and tending to great confusion.
In Answer to a Letter from Newport on Rhode Island Mr Wadsworth Minister and Mr Lynd and Deacon Williams as Messengers, went theither to assist in an Ecclesiastical Council, at the gathering of a Church, and the ordaining the Reverend Mr Nathaniel Clap334 their Pastor November 3, 1720. There were about 13 or 14 members which embodied into a Church. This was the first Instance of so gathering a Church and ordaining a Minister, that ever was in Rhode Island government; pray God there may be many more. Besides those who went from our Church, there were at this ordination Ministers and Messengers from the Churches in Dorchester, Milton, Dedham, Taunton and Little Compton.
In Answer to a Letter from the Reverend Mr David Parsons Minister in Maiden, our Elders, with Coll. Townsend, Mr Cook and Deacon Williams went to assist in Council at Malden, January 30, 1720/21, four churches met by their Messengers; and hearing mr Parsons’s desire to quit his ministry there, because some of his people were disaffected to him, and his salary was not Sufficient for him; the Council advised the people to show due respect to their Minister, and to Increase his salary, and advised Mr Parsons to continue there in the ministry, waiting on God for the removal of his difficulties, making tryal for a while, and if no relief come to call Jointly with the Church further help by way of Council.
Accordingly the same Council met at Malden, February 21, 1720/21 at the desire both of minister and church in Malden, the Church of Woburn being added to the Council; they then found that the people in Malden would not Increase their Minister’s salary, that a very considerable part of the people were greatly prejudiced against him (though they gave no reasons for it) that the church were willing to part with him, because of his difficulties and the Improbabilitie of his serviceableness among the disaffected, he also having a Call to the Ministry at another place;335 on the consideration of these things, the Council thought he might lawfully remove from Malden, and accordingly advised the Church to dismiss him, upon his applying to them for it.336
April 29, 1722.
On reading a Letter Sent Jointly by the two churches of Watertown, asking help by way of Council, refering to difficulties occasioned by Mr Robert Sturgeon337 (a Minister lately come from Ireland) Coll. Townsend, Mr Cook, Mr Welsteed with one of the Deacons; were chosen as Messengers of the Church to accompany the Teaching Elders to assist in Council at Watertown on the said affair on May 1, 1722.
May 13, 1722.
A Letter being read, desiring our Presence and Assistance at the Gathering a Church, and ordaining Mr William Waldron338 to be their Pastor, in the New Brick Meeting House in the North end of Boston, on the 23 current; Coll. Townsend, Mr Cook, Mr Welsteed, with the Deacons, were chosen to accompany the Pastors for the foresaid Service.
When that day arrived, viz. May 23. The Church was gathered consisting of ten men besides mr Waldron, and he was ordained the Pastor over them.
[195] October 18, 1722.
Was kept a particular Fast, or day of prayer and Supplication at the old church (by their own vote and Agreement) for the out pourings of the Spirit of God, especially on the rising Generation. Such a Fast had been kept about three weeks before, at the old North Church in Boston and the like was designed to be observed in other Churches in the Town. The Lord Incline his people to such Supplications from time to time, and be pleased to give a gracious answer to them.
April 21, 1723.
Was read in the Church a Letter from the South Church in Eastham desiring our help by way of Council on the Second Wednesday in May next; The Church did not see meet to send Messengers, one thing alledged was the Letter did not contain sufficient and proper matter for us to send Messengers about; the great distance of the place was also mentioned.
June 23, 1723.
Our Sister Langden having a Grand child (of 5 or 6 years old the mother of it being dead, and the Father for several years in a forreign country taking no care of the child) desired Baptism for it, the child being now wholly under the family care and Education of the Grandmother; the Church after some debate, quietly granted Mrs Langden’s desire that her grand child might be baptised. The deceased Mother of this Grand child was Mrs Langden’s own daughter.
September 8, 1723.
In answer to a Letter from the Church in South Braintree desiring our help by way of Council;339 it was voted that together with the two Pastors one of the Deacons and Mr Wellsteed and Mr Legg, should go from this church to assist in the forementioned service, on the 10nth day of said month.
December 2, 1723.
The old North Church in Boston by a Letter. Desired help from our Church and others to assist at the ordination of Mr Joshua Gee340 to the office of a Pastor among them; accordingly besides the three Deacons, Coll. Townsend, Mr Elisha Cook, William Welsteed, John Legg, Jeremiah Allen were chosen as Delegates to accompany their two Pastors in the said work; and mr Gee was ordained December 18, 1723. Dr Cotton Mather (the then setled Pastor of that Church, who also gave the charge) Messrs Walter, Wadsworth, Colman, Sewal Imposed hands in ordination, and the Reverend Mr Walter gave the right hand of fellowship.
January 24, 1723/4.
In Answer to a Letter from the Church in Charlstown, It was voted that our Ministers, Deacons, Coll. Townsend and Mr Welsteed should goe as Messengers, to assist at the ordination of Mr Hull Abbot341 there to the Pastoral office, on the fifth of February 1723/4. Accordingly he was then ordained, Messieurs Mather, Wadsworth, Thacher, Sewal Imposed hands; Dr Cotton Mather gave the Charge, and Mr Wadsworth the right hand of Fellowship. The Reverend mr Broadstreet342 who had been long a setled Pastor there, though he fully consented to, yet through his own bodily Indisposition, did not lay on hands nor assist in the ordination, only made the Prayer before the Sermon, which was preached by Mr Abbot!.343
April 14, 1724.
By a Letter from the suspended Brethren of South Braintree; our help was asked by way of Council, to meet there. Coll. Townsend, Mr Wellsteed, Mr Legg, mr Allen, with one of the Deacons, were chosen as Delegates to accompany the Pastors theither.
[196] October 18, 1724.
In answer to a Letter from the church of Portsmouth (October 16, 1724) desiring assistance by way of Council (about their calling the Reverend Mr Jabez Fitch344 a Minister at Ipswich to be their Minister) the Church agreed, that Coll. Townsend, Coll. Byfield, Mr Welsteed, mr Jeremiah Allen and the Deacons, as Messengers should accompany their Two Pastors to the Council, to meet on the 27. Instant in Boston at the house of Dr C. Mather.
April 11, 1725.
Was read a Letter from Thomas Briant an aggrieved Brother of the Church in the north Precinct, Reading, asking help by way of Council; to meet there on April 21. The Church complied with the desire in this Letter, and Coll. Townsend, Coll. Byfield, with one or more of the Deacons were chosen to accompany the Elders to said Council; they went accordingly.
April 25, 1725.
Was read a Letter from Mr Robert Sturgeon a Preacher of the Gospel who some years past had made great disturbance at Watertown and was then blamed by a Council therefor; desiring that we would assist by way of Council with other Churches, the 27 currant at the Reverend Dr Mathers in Boston, to hear and consider the confessions he had to offer. This desire was complied with, Coll. Townsend, mr Jeremiah Allen and the three Deacons were chosen to accompany the Elders on this occasion.
The Council met, received Mr Sturgeon’s Confession, voted it satisfactory and took his Promise to cause it to be printed345 etc.
March 24, 1727/8, Lord’s day Evening.
In answer to a Letter from the [New Brick] Church in Boston lately under the pastoral Care of the Reverend Mr Waldron Deceased—asking our Help at the Ordination of Mr William Welsteed346—it was voted that Col. Byfield, Mr Cooke, the Justices and Deacons with the Elders should represent the Church on that Occasion etc. He was ordained the Wednesday following.
March 24, 1728.
Read to the Brethren a Letter from several aggrieved members of the Church and Congregation under the pastoral Care of the reverend Mr Nathanael Clap at Newport requesting our Help in way of an Ecclesiastical Council. The Church voted to send, and that the Senior Pastor and Deacon Williams should go upon this Occasion. Accordingly they went, and on April 3dmet in Council with several other Churches as Medfield, Reading, Situate (Mr Eells pastor) Little Compton, New North (Boston), and the South (in Boston by their Delegate). The Church there was found in very divided and difficult Circumstances. Many Things were laid to the Pastor’s Charge, relating to Male-Administration, Mismanagements, and Neglects in his Ministry: To which he refused to make any Answer: but said, He should lay the Affair before a greater Council.
It was found that the Church and Congregation had lately made Choice of Mr John Adams to settle in the Ministry among them as Collegue with Mr Clap: and though no just Objections were offered against his Preaching or Conversation, Yet it appearing that the Pastor utterly refused to Consent unto Mr Adams’s Settlement with him, and that a great part of the Church and Congregation out of their Reverence and Tenderness to Mr Clap, had withdrawn their Vote etc.
Therefore the Council advised the aggrieved Brethren to a Separation, to get a Dismission if they could, in order thereto, and to embody into a Church state by themselves: then to renew the Call to Mr Adams and proceed quickly to his Ordination etc. This Result was published in the Meeting house, and after a day’s waiting to see how Things would operate, and finding the adverse Party unpersuadable, the Council advised several of their Members to stay and assist the Brethren in embodying, and ordaining Mr Adams. Then adjourned to the Day after the Election at Boston to meet at Mr Prince’s. Pursuant to the said Advice the Rev. Moderator (Mr Baxter) and Mr Brown, Mr Webb and Foxcroft tarry’d at Newport, and on April 11, the Brethren gathered into a new Church and Mr Adams was ordained in the Meetinghouse, without any public Opposition or Disturbance.347
Entered by T. F.
[197] July 11, 1725.
Was Read a Letter from the Church of Christ in Dedham (bearing Date July 10) asking our Assistance in an Ecclesiastical Council, which is to meet there on Wednesday next, to hear and advise upon some matters of Difference among them etc. And now the Question being put whether the Church was willing to give them their Help in such an Act of Communion, it was voted in the Affirmative. And then the Question being put in these Words, If it be your Mind, that your Delegates upon this occasion shall be Col. Townsend, Col. Byfield, Mr Treasurer Allen, and such of the Deacons as have Leasure to attend that Service, together with the Reverend Mr Wadsworth and myself. Please to manifest it by your usual Sign. It passed in the affirmative. But Colonel Townsend desiring to beexcused Captain Green was voted to go etc.
By Thomas Foxcroft.
July 18, 1725.
Reported to the Church that the Council met at Dedham on the day appointed. That it was found That several Brethren had withdrawn from the Communion of the Church upon some Dissatisfaction about the manner of choosing and calling their present Minister, (Mr Dexter) and had cast Reproaches upon the Church and more especially on two Brethren in it, as if they were chargeable with great Miscarriages in that Affair. That the Result of the Council after a public Hearing and mature Consideration348 of the Case was to this purpose, They censured the dissatisfy’d Brethren’s withdraw from the holy Communion as very disorderly and unreasonable and admonished them for the unworthy and unjust Reflexions they had cast on the Church and exhorted them to repent of and confess their Sin and Error in these Things and seek Reconciliation with the Church. Accordingly, after some Discourse with them in private, the dissatisfy’d Brethren signed such a Confession of their Miscarriages, as the Council judged satisfactory. And then (the other two Brethren mentioned, having first in private agreed with these dissatisfy’d Brethren, to be at peace and mutually to bury all differences) the Result of the Council, and the Confession signed by these Brethren, were read in publick. And the Church expressed their Satisfaction, and restored to their Favour and Fellowship the said Brethren, by a Vote unanimous etc.
It is a matter of Rejoycing, that it hath pleased God so far to prosper our Essays for putting an End to the uncomfortable Differences and Contentions that have so prevailed in that place. Let us give God the Glory, who is the God of Peace and pray that he will perfect the good work he has begun and give Peace to his whole Israel.
October 24, 1725.
Was read to the Church a Letter from the 2d Church in Reading (whereof the Reverend Mr Daniel Putnam is the Pastor) requesting our Help by way of Council, in an Affair of Difficulty referring to Six of their Brethren, who having been laid under a Suspension by the said Church, do manifest themselves aggrieved etc.
N.B. The Church voted to send and chose Captain Green, Deacon Williams, Mr Loring, Captain Ballantine and Mr James Allin to be their Delegates etc.
November 7, 1725.
Reported to the Church: that on the day appointed (viz. the 2d Instant) the Council met at Reading North Precinct, and that after a full Hearingand mature Consideration of the Matters of Controversy and Difficultybetween the Church there and the six Brethren suspended, the Councildid advise the Church and those Brethren to make a mutual Submissionand ask each others Charity, which was accordingly comply’d with, andthe 6 Brethren restored. And upon the whole the Papers relating to their Differences were all burnt, etc. etc.349
Entered by T. F.
January, 1725/6.
In answer to a Letter from the 3d Church in Newbury requesting our Presence and Assistance (by our Delegates) at the Ordination of Mr John Lowell350 to be their Pastor, Deacon Williams and Mr Philip Bongarden (Father in law to Mr Lowell) were voted to go in Company with the Elder etc.
August 13, 1727.
In Answer to a Letter from the Church in Sandwich desiring our Help in Council upon Difficulties among them relating to slanderous Reports about their Pastor, Voted that Col. Byfield, Mr Cooke, and the Deacons, with the teaching officer, should represent the Church and joyn with the Council of Churches called upon that Affair, to meet at Dr Mather’s House in Boston etc.
August 15, 1727.
The Council met and again 16 met, and adjourned to October [blank] without Coming to any Result.
October, 1727.
According to Adjournment the Council met again at Dr Mather’s, but Mr Fessenden not being able to attend (by reason of Indisposition) nothing was done, but the Council saw fit to dissolve, winter coming on etc.351
[198] June 16, 1728.
Read to the Brethren a Letter from the Church in Leicester (signed by the Pastor) requesting our Help in a way of Ecclesiastical Council, upon occasion of Contentions and Divisions among them. And it was voted that Mr Jonathan Loring and Mr Zech. Thayer should accompany the Senior Pastor, to the said Council etc.
June 23, 1728.
Reported to the Church, that Mr Loring and T. F. had, pursuant to their Vote on the last Sabbath, proceeded on our Journey to Leicester, where several Churches met in Council on the 19th day; that we found the Church there exceedingly rent with Contentions and in great Confusion. That they spent Wednesday, Thursday; and Friday till Noon in publick Hearing of the Cases in Difference between the several Parties, but had no prospect of finishing the Hearing and coming to a Result that day so as to be able to return home the next day, and some of the Members of the Council being obliged to return then; Therefore the Council adjourned to the 20th of August next, to meet again at Liecester etc. Memorandum: They advised the Church to endeavor the Restoration of Peace, and for that End to keep a day of Prayer with Fasting; and to ask the Assistence of Neighbor-Ministers on that Occasion etc.352
Entred by T. F.
August 26, 1728.
Informed the Brethren (at a Church meeting) That the Council met at Leicester again according to Adjournment and spent some days more in a publick Hearing: but several Members being necessarily absent, they thought it convenient to adjourn, and having had a full hearing of the Case, they adjourned to Sudbury, for the more convenient meeting of the Council etc. The day September 2.
September 7, 1728, Lord’s day.
Informed the Brethren, that the late Council of Churches, which sat upon the Affairs of Liecester Church, had come to a Result, in which both Pastor and Brethren were declared guilty of several Faults and Miscarriages; and after sutable Admonitions, they were exhorted to humble themselves before God, and confess their Faults, praying for one another, that they may be healed, to renew their Covenant with God, and with one another in publick solemn manner, and labour by all Christian Methods to accommodate their Differences, and live in Love and Peace for the future etc.
October 20, 1728.
Read to the Brethren a Letter from the Aggrieved in Liecester, complaining still of their want of Help in their affairs, and desiring our Assistance again in the way of Ecclesiastical Council etc. To which I was directed to make Answer, that this Church judges We have done our Duty already, and that if the Church in Liecester want Light or Peace, it would tend more to serve those Ends (in our Opinion) and look more impartial in the Eye of the World, if they would call a Council intirely new etc.
Entered by T. F.
At the same Time, Read a Letter from some of the Christian Inhabitants of Providence, who go under the Denomination of Presbyterian or Congregational, desiring our Presence and Help in Council (on October 23) at the Gathering of a Church and Ordaining a Pastor, Mr Josiah Cotton353 etc. Voted that Mr Joseph Hubbard and one of the Deacons, accompany the Elders, and represent the Church on this Occasion.
November 10, 1728.
Read a Letter from the Church in Milton, desiring our Help in Councilat the Ordination of their Pastor, Mr John Taylor,354 on the 13th Instant. Voted That Col. Byfield, Justice Green, Captain Gooch, Mr J. Waldo, Mr J. Hunt, and such of the Deacons as have Leisure, together with the Elders, go upon this Occasion.
Entered by T. F.
[199] February 2, 1728/9, Lord’s day Evening.
A Letter from the South Church in Boston desiring Leave to meet on the Lord’s days in our Meeting house after our Exercises are over, upon Occasion of their building a new house etc. Left under Consideration for a Week.
February 9, 1728/9.
Voted a Compliance, and that a Letter be written etc.
June 8, 1729.
A Letter from aggrieved Brethren in Leicester desiring our Help in another Ecclesiastical Council. Read.
June 9, 1729.
Church meeting upon it. Voted a Non Compliance for several Reasons; more especially because the Church apprehend they have already done their Duty in the Case of those Brethren by their Delegates in a former Council
Entered by T. F.
September 26, 1731, Lord’s day Evening.
Read a Letter from the Church in Malden asking our Presence and Assistance at an Ecclesiastical Council upon some Difficulties arisen among them, more particularly relating to some Brethren who have set up a separate Meeting etc.
Voted that Mr Joseph Hubbard and the Deacons should accompany the Elders, and represent the Church on this Occasion.355
October 3, 1731, Lord’s day P.M.
Read before the Congregation the Result of the Council etc.
June 28, 1732, Lord’s day Evening.
Read a Letter from the North Church in Boston requesting our Presence and Assistance in an Ecclesiastical Council called upon Occasion of the Ordination of Mr Samuel Mather356 etc. The Councellours, Justices and Deacons were chosen as Delegates to accompany the Elders etc. who accordingly attended the Ordination on the Wednesday following.
August 20, 1732, Lord’s day Evening.
Read a Letter from the Brethren belonging to the Church in Malden who have set up a new Meeting in the South-part of the Town desiring our Help by way of Ecclesiastical Council etc. But upon an Objection made, that as the said Party had not requested the Pastor and Church, from whom they have separated, to joyn with them in calling the Council, it was feared there would not be a comfortable Issue of the Differences, accomplished by a Council called in such a manner; it was therefore concluded not to send any Delegates etc.
December 17, 1732.
Read a Letter from the Brethren of the new Church meeting in Harvard Street357 Boston, desiring our Presence and Assistance by our Elders and Messengers at the Ordination of Mr Mather Byles358 to the Pastoral Office over them, on the next Wednesday, being the 20th of the Month etc. Messengers appointed were Colonel Byfield, Mr Cooke, Captain Green and the 3 Deacons.
July 4, 1733.
At a Church Meeting, Read a Letter from several aggrieved Brethren of the first Church in Salem desiring our Presence and Assistance at an Ecclesiastical Council upon Occasion of the Differences between their Pastor the Reverend Mr Samuel Fisk, and them etc.359
Voted a Compliance. Messengers chosen were the Deacons, and Messrs Joseph Marion and Nathanael Balston. The Council met at Salem the 17th and sat till 20th. The Pastor refused to submit to a Hearing. However the Case was considered, a Judgment passed in favour of the Aggrieved, and Advice given them to seek Redress of their Difficulties in the 3d Way of Communion of Churches laid down in the Platform.360 In which Result there was a very general Concurrence.
August 5, 1733, Lord’s day Evening.
Stayed the Church and read the Result to them.
May 8, 1737.
Letter from new Church in West Boston etc. vid. page 138.361
July 5, 1741.
Letter from the North Church in Boston, vid. page 153.362
April 8, 1744.
A Letter from the Reverend Mr Nehemiah Walter (at the Desire of the Old Parish in Roxbury, on Occasion of the Loss of their Meeting house by Fire,363 asking a Contribution for their Relief) was read; but by Reason of our own Difficulties and low Circumstances, the Prayer of it not granted.
Lord’s day P.M. May 1, 1747.
Letter from the West Church in Boston, desiring our Presence and Assistance at the Ordination of Mr Jonathan Mayhew. Read, debated on—The Question whether to send—put several Times, both Affirmative and Negative Various Apprehensions about the Vote. The Debate being renewed and the moderating Pastor (T.F.) being extreamly overcome with Fatigue and Bodily Disorder, beged Leave to retire, and asked the other Pastor to moderate etc. The Church broke up and concluded nothing.364
[200] July, 1748.
A Letter from the second Church in Ipswich desiring our Help in Council, read. Voted to send—Delegates chosen were Mr Joseph Hubbard and Deacon Williams. Memorandum. Sometime before, they had wrote to this Church, with others, to come in the third Way of Communion to second an Admonition they had given to the First Church in Ipswich for being concerned in the Ordination of Mr John Cleaveland over a Number of separating Brethren in Chebacco etc. But the said Request not being comply’d with by any of the Churches, or at least none having met on the Affair—the said second Church renewed their Application to the same Churches (being 7 in all) to come in what Way they saw fit to advise them under their Difficulties etc. Upon which 6 of the Churches met, spent some Days at Ipswich (Old Parish) and adjourned to Boston and drew up a Result which was afterwards read to the Church, after Divine Service on a Lord’s Day.
Lord’s day Evening September 11, 1748.
Read a Letter signed by the Honorable Andrew Oliver Esquire In the Name and by Order of the Commissioners appointed by the Honorable Corporation for propagating the Gospel in New England and Parts adjacent, desiring our Presence and Assistance at the Ordination of Mr Elihu Spencer,365 chosen and appointed to go forth on a Mission for Gospellizing the Indians of the Six Nations, so called.
The Church voted to send, and Messengers chosen, were the Deacons, the Honorable John Wheelwright, Mr Joseph Hubbard, Nathanael Balston Esquire, Captain Bedgood, and Cornelius Waldoe Esquire. Two other Churches were also sent to, viz. the South Church and the New North.
Wednesday P.M., September 14, 1748.
The said Ordination was performed at the Meetinghouse of the South Church in Boston. Mr Prince opened the Solemnity with Prayer. By Desire of the Commissioners T.F. preached (from Matth. 28:18, 19, 20.) and Dr Sewall gave the Charge. Mr Webb gave the Right Hand of Fellowship. (Sung Psal.67.)
April 21, 1731. Lord’s day Evening.
Read a Letter from a Church in Kittery, inviting the Old Church to joyn with other Churches in Council on Occasion of the Ordination of their elect Pastor Mr Benjamin Stevens,366 proposed to be on May 1st. The Vote was to send the Pastors, and Mr Balston and Mr Jackson as Delegates.
March 18, 1733. Lord’s day Evening.
A Letter from several Members of the Church in Natick, both Indians and English, desiring our Assistance at an Ecclesiastical Council. Voted a Compliance with their Desire, and the Delegates chosen were Mr Wheelwright, Mr Balston, Mr Fairfield, and Deacon Williams.
Lord’s day Evening, March 25, 1733.
The Result of the Council was read to the Brethren. NB. The Council adjourned to Boston, and voted to have the Ordination of Mr Steven Badger367 carry’d on at Dr Sewall’s Meeting house; the Church at Natick (for Reasons) moving that it might not be at Natick. Accordingly Mr Badger was ordained in Boston on March 27th, The Charge given by Dr Sewall etc. Memorandum. Mr Badger is considered as the Pastor of the Indian Church in Natick, including some English—Not of the Parish.
September 9, 1733. Lord’s day Evening.
Read a Letter from the first Church in Roxbury, inviting us to Council, at the Ordination of Mr Amos Adams,368 chosen to be their Pastor. Consented, and Messengers voted were Messrs Nathanael Balston, Edward Jackson, John Wheelwright, William Blair Townsend, and such of the Deacons as have Leasure to attend the Affair. Memorandum. The Charge was given by Dr Sewal, Mr Prentice of Charlstown preached from Isa. 52:7. Messrs Prince and Appleton prayed, Mr Nehemiah Walter gave the Right Hand.
[Blank] 1734. Lord’s day Evening.
A Letter from the Church meeting in the new Brick (so called) at the North End, Boston, desiring our assistance at the Instalment of the Reverend Mr Ebenezer Pemberton,369 read; and Messengers voted to go on that Occasion etc.
July 28, 1734. Lord’s day Evening.
Read a Letter from the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians, desiring our Assistance at the Ordination of Mr Gideon Hawley,370 a Missionary to a part of the Six Nations (so called). And Messengers voted to go on that Occasion. The said Ordination to be in the South Meeting House, on Wednesday the 31st Instant. Messengers were Mr Knight, Captain Benjamin Russel, Mr Fairfield, Mr Hill, Mr Townsend, Mr Benjamin Austin, and the Deacons.
[201] November, 1737.
Read a Letter from the Reverend Mr John Rogers and others in Leominster desiring Help in way of an Ecclesiastical Council on Difficulties in the Church there. Voted to send, and chose Mr Fairfield, Colonel Thwing and Mr W. B. Townsend, Messengers, Dr Chauncy and the Delegates went. On their Return the Result was read the next Sabbath.371
March 19, 1738.
A Letter from the Church in Newton desiring our Help at the Ordination of Mr Jonas Meriam. Voted to send, and Messengers chosen were Jeremy Green Esq, Deacon Williams and Mr Townsend. Deacon Williams and Mr Townsend and Foxcroft went. The Ordination was on Wednesday the 22d Instant. Mr Storer of Watertown began with Prayer. T.F. preached the Sermon from Tit. 3:8. Mr Appleton of Cambridge prayed and gave the Charge. Then Mr Cook of Cambridge made the concluding Prayer. After which Mr Townsend of Needham gave the Right Hand of Fellowship etc. (No Opposition nor Disturbance, though it was expected from an uneasy Party in the Town).
Mr Appleton was Moderator of the Counsel; after Inquiry into the Regularity of the Church’s proceedings, he called for the Candidate and proposed an Inquiry into his Principles; a Confession in Writing was exhibited, which satisfy’d etc.
February 15, 1761.
Read a Letter from the South Church in Boston, desiring our Presence and Assistance at the Instalment of Reverend Mr Alexander Cumming,372 chosen Collegue Pastor with Rev. Dr Sewall. Voted a Compliance. The Pastors, Deacons, and other Delegates chosen, attended the said Instalment etc.
October 24, 1762.
Read a Letter from the District of Pepperellborough desiring our presence and assistance at the Ordination of the Reverend Mr John Fairfield373 elect Pastor to a Church to be constituted there. Voted a Compliance. Colonel Thwing and Mr Fairfield (father of the Young gentleman) were the delegates chosen, and they attended the said ordination.
May 2, 1762.
After the administration of the Ordinance of the Supper this day, I proposed it to the Church, in consideration of the Reverend Mr Foxcrofts being taken off from his public labors for the present, and in order to prevent inconveniencies in case of my being indisposed, or occasionally from home on the Lord’s day, that any of our ordained ministers, in regular standing, might without offence be desired (agreably to the Platform, and the usage of other Churches of the congregational denomination in this Province) as there was need of it, to administer either of the Sacraments when the Church is assembled for public worship. Voted without difficulty or objection, that this proposal be comply’d with, and that other Pastors, in regular standing, may, as there is need of it, administer the Lord’s supper to this Church, or baptism to their Children.
Charles Chauncy.
[202] At the Annual Meeting of the First Church and Congregation (regularly warned) at the Old Brick Meeting House July 10, 1770, the following Votes were passed. Viz.
1st Voted That William Blair Townsend be Moderator of this Meeting.
2ly Voted That the Deacons Account for the last Year wherein there appears a Ballance £3. 6. 8 due to our Reverend Pastor towards his last Years Wood be allowed.
3ly Voted That the Committee’s Account for the last Year wherein there appears a Ballance £31.15. 8 1/4 due to them, be allowed.
4ly Voted That £3. 6. 8 be allowed and paid our Reverend Pastor, Dr Charles Chauncy weekly, the Year ensuing; he supplying the Pulpit.
5ly Voted That Twenty five Cord Wood be allowed our Reverend Pastor for the Year ensuing.
6ly Voted That the same Contribution be continued by the Society this Year, that was paid last, and that the Money for our Reverend Pastors Wood this Year, be paid out of the Contribution Mony, as it was the last Year.
7ly Voted That that the Standing Committee for the present Year consist of seven belonging to said Society, Viz.
Jeremiah Green Esquire |
Committee. |
William Blair Townsend |
Benjamin Austin Esquire |
Joseph Green Esquire |
Middlecot Cooke Esquire |
John Gray |
Samuel Partridge |
8ly Voted That there be a Collection on the last Lord’s day in October next, to raise Mony to pay the necessary Repairs on our Reverend Pastor’s House the last Year agreeable to the Committees Account which has been allowed.
Attest. William Blair Townsend, Moderator.
[203] At the Annual Meeting of the First Church and Congregation (regularly warned) at the Meeting House July 10, 1771, the following Votes were passed.
1st Voted that Benjamin Austin be Moderator.
2d Voted that the Deacons Account for the last year, wherein there appears a Ballance due to our Reverend Pastor towards his last years wood of £6.9.7. be allowed also a Ballance of 2/3 more.
3d Voted that the Committee’s Account for the last year being £46.5.2 be allowed.
4 Voted that £3:6:8 be allowed and paid weekly to our Reverend Pastor Doctor Charles Chauncy the year ensuing he supplying the Pulpit.
5 Voted that Twenty five Cord Wood be allowed our Reverend Pastor for the year Ensuing.
6 Voted that the same Contribution be Continued by the Society this year that was paid last, and that the money for our Reverend Pastor’s wood this year be paid out of the Contribution, as it was last year.
7 Voted that the Standing Committee for the present year Consist of Seven belonging to said Society, and the following persons were accordingly Chose, Viz.
- Jeremiah Green Esquire
- William Blair Townsend Esquire
- Benjamin Austin
- Joseph Green Esquire
- Mr John Gray
- Captain Samuel Partridge
- Samuel Pemberton Esquire
8 Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to the first Monday Viz. 2d day of September Next, to Consider what Method shall be taken to raise money to discharge the Debts due from the Church and Congregation.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[204] Monday, September 2, 1771
The Church and Congregation met according to Adjournment and further Adjourned to the 8th Instant being Sabbath day after Divine Service P.M.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation by Adjournment Lords day September 8, 1771 after Divine Service P.M.
Voted That those who were present Subscribe the Sum they will pay weekly for our Reverend Pastor’s Salary and Wood for the ensuing year. Accordingly those present Imediately Subscribed and Messrs John Gray and Benjamin Austin was desired to wait on those Bretheren, who were Absent to Compleat the Subscription, and to desire those who were deficient the last year to pay the same to the Deacons. Then the Meeting was Adjourned to Fryday the 13th Instant.
Fryday, September 13, 1771.
The Church and Congregation mett, and Messrs Gray and Austin reported that they had obtained by Subscription £27.8.8 Old Tenor per Week, and that they had not been able to see all the Bretheren but are of Opinion the Weekly Contribution may amount to £30 old Tenor. They also Reported that those who were deficient in their Contributions the last year had many of them paid the same to the Deacons and others promised soon to do it.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
Lord’s day, P.M. 1772.
The Church and Congregation being stayed passed with great unanimity the following votes, 1. That the Church and Congregation under the pastoral care of the Reverend Dr Samuel Cooper be invited when their house for worship shall be pulled down, and while another is building to meet with us if they shall so please; and that their Pastor be desired to carry on the public services alternately with our’s. 2. That the standing Committee of this Church and congregation be desired to make known the above invitation to the committee of the Church and Congregation in Brattle-Street to be communicated by them as they shall judge proper. For the answer to this invitation Vid. next page but one.
[205] At the Annual Meeting of the First Church and Congregation (regularly Warned) at the Meeting house second Tuesday, July 1772, the following Votes were passed, Viz.
1st Voted That Benjamin Austin be Moderator.
2d Voted that £3.6.8 Lawful Money be allowed and paid Weekly to our Reverend Pastor Doctor Charles Chauncy the year ensuing, he Supplying the Pulpit.
3d Voted that Twenty five Cord wood be allowed our Reverend Pastor the year ensuing.
4th Voted that the same Contribution be continued by the Society this year, that was paid last, and that the Money for our Reverend Pastors Wood this year, be paid out of the Contribution as it was the last year.
5th Voted that the standing Committee for the present year consist of Seven belonging to the said Society, and the following persons were accordingly Chosen, Viz.
- Jeremiah Green Esquire
- William Blair Townsend Esquire
- Benjamin Austin
- Joseph Green Esquire
- John Gray Esquire
- Captain Samuel Partridge
- and Samuel Pemberton Esquire
6th Voted that the Treasurers Accounts for £54.17.21/2 Lawful money for Sundry repairs be allowed.
N.B. It being mentioned that it was the desire of some of the Brethren etc; that the afternoon Exercise on Lords day, should begin three quarters after two o’Clock in order to prevent the Society’s being incommoded by the passing of Carriages etc., to continue untill the third Sabbath in September Next it was Voted accordingly and that Doctor Chauncy be desired to acquaint the assembly of it next Lords day.
7th Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the third Tuesday in September next at 3 o’Clock. P.M.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[206] At a Meeting of the Church and congregation under the Pastoral care of the Reverend Dr Cooper, at the Meeting-house in Brattle-street May 4, 1772.
The vote of Dr Chauncy’s society inviting us to meet with them while our house for Public worship shall be taking down, and while another shall be building, and also desiring our Pastor to carry on the public services alternately with their Pastor, being read; and it having been mentioned that the proposal would be agreeable to Dr Cooper, provided it should be to our Society, Voted with great unanimity, that the kind invitation be accepted, and that our standing committee be desired to communicate the same to them with the thanks of this Society, and at the same time to confer with the Committee of that Church and congregation, and settle with them all matters relating to our meeting together. A true copy Attest. Thomas Gray Secretary.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation Monday, September 21, 1772.
Voted Benjamin Austin Moderator.
Voted That the Bells for the Exercise in the Morning of the Lord’s day for Six Months next coming, should be Rung, the first at 9 o’Clock and the second at ten o’Clock.
Voted That the Sum of £46.7.9 Lawful Money due to several Tradesmen be raised by Subscription and that Messrs Richard Salter, Joseph Russell and Benjamin Gray be a Committee to take said Subscription.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[207] At the annual meeting of first Church and Congregation Tuesday, July 13, 1773.
Voted Daniel Marsh Moderator.
The Church and congregation in Brattle Street having by their Committee communicated a Vote of thanks to our Society for our kind entertainment of them while their House for Publick Worship was rebuilding the following brethren were elected to draw up and present Such a Vote as they might think proper in return Viz. Joseph Green, William B. Townsend, and Samuel Pemberton Esquires then the Society proceeded to transact the business of the meeting.
Voted that three pounds six shillings and eight pence be allowed doctor Chauncy weekly for the ensuing year he supplying the Pulpit; also that Twenty five cord of wood be allowed him this year as was the last.
Voted that Captain Partridge, James Thwing and John Joy be a Committee to Collectwhat money is due to the Society from such persons as are deficient in their Contribution for a number of years past.
Voted that the Same contribution be paid weekly by the members of the Society the ensuing year as was paid the Year past.
Voted an Acceptance of the committees Account the Sum due from the Society to Tradesmen being £32:11/91/2 and for money borrowed £35.8/7. Total £68:-/43/4.
Voted that the following brethren be the Standing Committee for Transacting the predential affairs of the Church and Congregation the year ensuing Viz. Joseph Green, William B. Townsend, Samuel Pemberton, Jeremiah Green, John Gray, Benjamin Austin Esquires and Captain Samuel Partridge.
Then the meeting was adjourned to the 27th of this instant to meet at the same place 3 oClock P.M.
Attest. Daniel Marsh Moderator.
Tuesday, July 27, 1773.
The Church and congregation met According to Adjournment and the committee choose to Collect deficiencys in contribution reported that they had waited on the Several persons with their Accounts, and that in Generall they promised payment in whole or in part of what they were deficient.
Voted that the deacons be Joyned with the Standing Committee as a Committee to take an Account of the State of the pews on the floor and in the Gallerys that the Society may know what Steps to take relating to them and to report the next meeting.
The Committee elected to return the Compliment to the Society in Brattle street reported that they had drawn up and presented the following Vote Viz.
[208] At the Annual Meeting of the Church and Congregation under the pastoral care of the Reverend doctor Chauncy on Tuesday, July 13, 1773.
A Message from our worthy brethren of the Society under the pastoral care of the Reverend doctor Cooper being read; Informing us that their New Meeting House in Brattle Street being nearly finished they purposed by divine permission to meet therein the next Lords day Seven-night, And thanking us in the kindest manner for the Accommodation they have had in Our House while their own has been rebuilding.
Voted That Joseph Green, William Blair Townsend and Samuel Pemberton, Esquires be a Committee to wait on that Society and in our name to wish Prosperity to them in their New Building and that the divine Blessing may always Attend them, To assure them that we chearfully embraced the opportunity we had of expressing our good will and brotherly Affection to them by inviting them to our House of worship while their own has been preparing and that their Acceptance of the invitation has given us the greatest pleasure. And if we have Subjected ourselves to any light inconvenience in order to Accommodate them that we think ourselves amply rewarded, if we have done it in any measure to their Satisfaction. The above was approved of by the Society. Then the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday the 4th of August next at 3 oClock P.M.
Attest. Daniel Marsh Moderator.
Wednesday, August 4, 1773 the Society met According to Adjournment.
The committee chose last meeting to make enquiry into the State of the pews reported the Same at the meeting, it was then Voted that the Committee for managing the prudential Affairs of the Society be desired to make Sale of those pews that are to be disposed of as Soon as possible; then the Meeting was Adjourned sine die.
Attest. Daniel Marsh Moderator.
At a meeting of the Church and congregation Tuesday, September 14, 1773
After a full consultation about the most convenient place for Seting up the Stove lately procured for the meeting House, It was voted that it should be placed in that end of the womens long Seats next the middle Ile and that the manner of fixing and Seting of it up be left to Captain Joy, And that if it be needful he have liberty [209] to take part of Doctor Chauncys pew to Accommodate the fixing of it.
Also Voted that Two pews should be made where the Two mens long Seats are behind the fore Seat and that the making of them be left to the Standing Committee
Attest. Daniel Marsh Moderator.
At the Annual Meeting of the Church and Congregation July 12, 1774, being the second Tuesday, the following votes were passed Viz.
Voted That Jeremiah Green, Joseph Green, Benjamin Austin, William Blair Townsend, Samuel Pemberton and John Gray Esquires and Captain Samuel Partridge be the Committee for managing and Transacting the prudential Affairs of the Society for the Year ensuing.
Voted that the Sum of three pounds Six shillings and eight pence be allowed to doctor Chauncy weekly the ensuing year Provided that he Together with Benjamin Austin, William Blair Townsend and Samuel Pemberton Esquires a Committee elected for that purpose procure help for half the Lords day (if need be) out of the Same.
Voted that Twenty five cord of Wood as usuall be allowed doctor Chauncy this year.
Voted the contribution to be paid by the Society as last year weekly.
Voted the approbation of the Committees Account whereon there is due from the Church and congregation the Sum of £69.1/11 Lawful Money.
Attest. Daniel Marsh Moderator.
Sabath Evening, July 14, 1776.
The Church and Congregation was stayed to acquaint them that the Annual Meeting was to be on the next Tuesday at 3 oClock. Voted said Meeting be adjourned to the Second Tuesday in August, Jonathan Williams, Decon.
[210] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation August 13, 1776. Voted Captain Samuel Partridge Moderator.
Voted that Jeremiah Green Esquire, Samuel Pemberton Esquire, John Gray Esquire, Captain Samuel Partridge, Joseph Greenleaf Esquire, John Leverett Esquire, and Mr James Thwing be a Committee for the year ensuing.
Voted that a Committee be chosen to See what each proprietor and all others usually Worshipping in this Society will contribute every Lords day for the support of Reverend Doctor Chauncy for Supplying the Pulpit the Year ensuing.
Voted that all the Leaden weights of the Windows of this Church be delivered to the Commissary of this Collony, upon Condition Iron weights be placed in their stead and the difference paid in Cash.
Voted that the Wood granted Yearly to Doctor Chauncy be posponed to the adjournment of this Meeting.
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday 27th Instant 3 oClock P.M.
Church and Congregation met according to Adjournment 27th Instant 3 oClock and adjourned to September 10th 3 oClock P.M.
September 10, 1776 Church and congregation met according to adjournment.
Voted that all the Monies raised every Lords day (more or less) shall go to Doctor Chauncy for his Salary and for Supplying the Pulpit.
Voted that 25 Cord Wood be allowed the Reverend Doctor Chauncy the year ensuing to be raised by a Contribution, £23.19.01/2.
Voted that Mr Roulstone Sexton of this Church be allowed the sum of Ten pounds per year to Commence from 30th of this present Month September 1776.
William Blair Townsend Esquire being present at the Meeting produced the Committee’s Account with the Church which Accounts was read and accepted it appeared by the Account a Ballance of fourteen shillings was due to Mr Townsend, the Treasurer of this Church which sum he generously gave to the Church—after which The thanks of this Church and Congregation was voted to Mr Townsend for his good services for 21 years. Then the Meeting was Dissolved.
Samuel Partridge.
[211] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation July 8, 1777.
Voted Joseph Webb Moderator.
Voted that Jeremiah Greene Esquire, Samuel Pemberton Esquire, John Gray Esquire, Captain Samuel Partridge, Joseph Greenleaf Esquire, Mr James Thwing and Joseph Webb be the Committee for the Year Ensuing.
Voted that all the Monies raised every Lords-Day (more or less) shall go to Doctor Chauncey for his Salary and for Supplying the Pulpit.
Voted that there be a Contribution as soon as may be for purchasing Wood for the Reverend Doctor Chauncy.
Voted that John Waldo Esquire be Treasurer for the Year Ensuing.
Voted that the Ballance of John Gray Esquire Debt being 4.5.11 3/4, be paid Mr Roulston |
£ |
and paid him by a Contribution the ballance for ¾ year Salary, to 30th June. |
3.4.0 1/4 |
£7 – 10. |
Joseph Webb. |
At the desire of several of the first Church of Christ in Boston, the said Church was stayed January 18, 1778; and the question being put, whether they would take into consideration the choice of a pastor to carry on the work of the ministry, their present Pastor, Doctor Chauncy, being aged and infirm, it was unanimously voted in the affirmative, and the meeting adjourned to the next day when the Church being met again, by a unanimous vote made choice of Mr John Clark to be their Pastor—January 25th those of the congregation who statedly meet for Divine worship with the first Church of Christ in Boston, being called together unanimously concurred with the said Church in their above vote, chusing Mr Clark for their Minister.
Attest. Charles Chauncy Pastor.
June 21, 1778.
Mr Clark’s dismission from the Church of Portsmouth, in Piscataque, was read to the Church, upon which he was by vote admitted a member of it; and July 8th appointed the day for his ordination.
Charles Chauncy Pastor.
[212] At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation Lord’s-day after Divine Service P.M., April 19, 1778.
On a Motion Voted That John Gray, Joseph Greenleaf and John Brown Esquires, be a Committee to wait on Mr John Clarke and Inform him that the Church and congregation have unanimously Voted him seven pounds per Week for the Ensuing year, Also such fire wood as may be sufficient for his Study for the aforesaid time. And should he alter his present Condition to provide him a House and such fire Wood as may be further Necessary: Provided he settles with them in the Pastoral Office. And to request his answer when Convenient.
Voted at same time That the Reverend Doctor Chauncy be paid three pounds Ten shillings per Week for the ensuing year (he having generously Accepted that sum only, with his Wood as usual).
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[213] July 8, 1778.
Mr John Clarke, agreeably to a vote of this Church, was ordained Colleage Pastor with Dr Chauncy, by the laying on of the hands of a a number of the Pastors from other Churches, deputed to this work by the venerable Council convened upon this occasion, at the call of this Church.
Charles Chauncy Pastor.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation July 13, 1778.
Voted John Browne Moderator.
Voted That John Gray Esquire, Captain Samuel Partridge, Mr James Thwing, Mr Joseph Webb, Mr Jacob Williams, John Browne and Mr John Waldo, be a Committee to manage the Business of this Society for the ensuing year.
Voted That Mr Joseph Webb, be the Treasurer of this Society for the ensuing year.
Voted That the Salarys granted 19th day of April last to our Reverend Pastors Doctor Chauncy and Mr John Clark be continued to the next
Annual Meeting of this Church and Congregation, which will be in the Month of July 1779.
Voted That the Surplusage of the Moneys Contributed (if any there be) after paying the Salarys granted to our Reverend Pastors, shall rest in the Hands of the Deacons of this [214] Church, there to remain; till the further orders of this society.
Voted That Twenty Five Cord of Wood be granted for the Use of the Reverend Doctor Chauncy and Six Cord of Wood for the Use of the Reverend Mr Clarke for the ensuing year.
Voted That the Moneys for the purchase of the above granted Wood be raised by Contribution, as soon as may be.
Voted That the Sum of Twenty pounds be granted and paid to Mr George Roollaston, for his Services as Sexton, for the year ensuing.
Voted That it be Referred to the Standing Committee to settle with the late Treasurer Mr John Waldo all his last accounts and receive any Ballances that may be due and to give him a proper discharge or discharges for the same.
Voted That Mr James Thwing pay to the present Treasurer Mr Joseph Webb, all such Moneys as he may have in his Hands belonging, to this Society, the Treasurer giving him proper receits for the same.
[215] Whereas the afternoon services in several of the Worshipping Assemblies in this Town begin at Three oClock which by the Ringing of Bells and passing of Carriages occasions great interruption to the Religious Dutyes of this society; Therefore Voted Unanimously, That the Afternoon Services in this House, from this time to the First Sabbath in October next, commence at Three oClock, and that our Reverend Pastors, be requested to act accordingly.
Voted That Captain Samuel Partridge be desired to wait upon our Reverend Pastors with a Copy of the above vote.
Voted That this Meeting be now dissolvd.
Attest. John Browne Moderator.
[216] To the Church and Congregation of the first Church in Boston. Brethren
The very great advances of the prices of every necessary of life makes the salaries granted to our reverend pastors in July last very inadequate to their support. Therefore the committee with whom you have intrusted the care and direction of your prudentials have thought themselves obliged in duty to their trust to offer the following proposals.
1. That the weekly stipends granted the last July to the Reverend Doctor Chauncy and Mr John Clarke be augmented to double the sum then granted those gentlemen respectively.
2. That the said augmentation commence and take place from the first week in February ensuing and continue untill the anual meeting in July next unless circumstances should render it expedient to alter the same.
3. That for establishing a fund for the payment of the aforesaid grants, there be an equal tax on all the pews on the lower floor, the best pews not to exceed 12/per week, the other in proportion. And that a proportionate assessment be laid upon the pews in the Gallery when improved.
[217] 4. That if any shall be deficient in paying the tax set thereon, for one year, and shall neglect or refuse to pay the same for the space of 3 months after demand made by the deacons, such pew or pews shall be notified for sale by the committee 3 sabbaths successively, and if the arrearages shall remain then unpaid, said pew or pews shall be sold by the Committee to the highest bidder, and the overplus after paying charges to the owner or owners of such pew or pews upon demand made for that purpose, always excepting such conditions to which said pews were subjected.
5. That all arrearages on former taxes or subscriptions for one year last past be demanded by the deacons and in case of neglect or refusal to pay the same, that the Committee proceed as above directed.
6. That the society conform themselves in their contributions to the present proposals untill a proper arrangement of taxation can take place.
7. That the sallary and wages heretofore granted to Mr George Rolstone the Sexton of this church be augmented to 30 Pounds per annum from the 1st January to the annual meeting in July next.
January 31, 1779.
The foregoing proposals were presented by the Committee and voted unanimously and then the meeting was dissolved.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[218] At the annual meeting of the Church and Congregation July 6, 1779.
Voted That Mr Joseph Russel be Moderator. Voted That this Meeting shall be legal to all intents and purposes.
Voted That the following gentlemen be a Committee for the year ensuing to manage the affairs of this society. (Viz) John Gray Esquire, Capt. Samuel Partridge, John Brown Esquire, Joseph Webb, Mr John Lowell, Deacon James Thwing and Deacon Jacob Williams. Voted Mr Joseph Webb Treasurer for the year ensuing.
Voted That this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday next at 3 O’Clock P.M. and that the Reverend Mr Clarke be desired to inform the church and congregation accordingly next Lord’s day.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation by adjournment July 13, 1779, Mr Russel being out of town.
Voted Benjamin Austin Moderator.
Voted That the account rendered by the Deacons of money received into the box from February to July 12 Instant be accepted—All in their hands being 148.2.5. NB. Sundry pews deficient amount to 79.4.9. which the Deacons are desired to collect.
[219] Voted That£30 be allowed and paid weekly to our Reverend pastors (viz) 10 Pounds to the Reverend Doctor Chauncy and £20 to the Reverend Mr Clarke for the six months next ensuing.
Voted That the Committee be desired to make a further tax upon the several pews in order to make up the above sum of £30—and to report the same to the Church and Congregation.
Voted That the Reverend Doctor Chauncy be allowed 25 Cord of Wood for the ensuing year and that it be laid in for him.
Voted That the Reverend Mr Clarke be allowed 8 Cord of Wood for the ensuing year, and that it be laid in for him.
Voted That the money for procuring the above 33 Cord be raised by a free contribution and those persons who occupy pews be desired to mark their money for that purpose.
Voted That George Roolstone be allowed after the rate of £50 per Annum for the next 6 months for his services as sexton.
NB. The same vote which passed the last year respecting the surplusage money after paying the salery’s granted to our Reverend pastors past at this meeting.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[220] July 11, 1780. At the annual meeting of the church and congregation, Samuel Partridge Moderator.
Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Next Lord’s evening.
July 16. Lord’s day, then met.
Voted that the following gentlemen be a Committee for the ensuing year, viz. Hon. Benjamin Austin Esquire, John Gray Esquire, Samuel Partridge, John Brown Esquire, Jos. Webb, Jacob Williams, John Lowel.
Voted Joseph Webb Treasurer for the ensuing year.
Voted that the Committee audit the deacons accounts.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clarke be allowed and paid the sum of 120 Pounds per week for 3 months.
Voted that Reverend Doctor Chauncy be allowed and paid the sum of £60 per Week for 3 months.
Voted that an additional tax of fifty per Cent on the pews be made, and notice given to the proprietors accordingly, together with an accounts of deficiencies.
Voted that Reverend Mr Clarke be supplied with 20 Cords of wood.
[221] Voted that Reverend Doctor Chauncy be supplied with 20 Cords of wood.
Voted that the pews be taxed for the above purpose.
Voted that Mr George Rolestone be allowed and paid £56.5. for the ensuing 3 months.
Voted that this meeting be adjourned to this day fortnight.
[Three-fourths of page blank]
[222] At a meeting of the 1st Church and congregation duely notified November 19, 1780.
Voted The Honorable Benjamin Austin Esquire, Moderator.
Voted That the Salary to be allowed and paid the Reverend Doctor Chauncy be at the rate of Sixty Pounds (money of the Old Emission) for the ensuing 3 months, per week.
Voted That the Salary to be allowed and paid the Reverend Mr Clarke be, for the ensuing 3 months, at the rate of Two Hundred Pounds per Week, Money of the Old Emission.
Voted That in order to raise the money voted our Reverend Pastors the taxes be raised in the proportion of 25 per Cent and that the pews in the Gallery be in the same proportion.
Voted That the standing Committee be desired to apportion the present tax, and duely notify each proprietor and pew-holder thereof, who is earnestly requested punctually and regularly to pay the same.
Voted That for the purpose of making up any deficiency in the contribution that may hereafter arise, a subscription be opened; and it is earnestly recommended to every member of the society, that they subscribe in addition to their weekly tax, what their circumstances can afford, or generosity dictate.
Voted That if any proprietor or pew-holder shall apprehend himself aggrieved by the quantum of his tax or inability to pay the same; he may apply to the standing committee and state his case; and if it shall so appear in either instance, the said committee are hereby authorised to make such abatements as shall to them appear reasonable.
And whereas the Reverend Doctor Chauncy has signified [223] that he will accept of the sum of sixty Pounds per Week, and that he will put the parsonage house in which he now lives, in tenantable repair, provided Madam Mary Chauncy his present wife be assured the possession and improvement of the same (rent free) during her natural life, she keeping the same in like good repair.
Voted That the parsonage house in which the Reverend Doctor Chauncy now lives, together with the out buildings and land belonging thereto—be, and the same is hereby. Leased to and the occupancy and improvement thereof assured (rent free) to Madam Mary Chauncy—during the term of her Natural Life, and no longer—she performing the conditions before mentioned.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation February 26, 1781, Benjamin Austin Esquire Moderator.
Voted that the report of the Committee be accepted, and that there be allowed and paid to the Reverend Mr Clarke Three Hundred Pounds Weekly for the ensuing Three Months.
Voted That 25 Per Cent be added to the last taxation of the pews for the ensuing 3 Months, over and above what they now pay, and that the Committee be desired to apportion the same, and duely Notify each [224] proprietor and pew-holder thereof
Benjaman Austin Moderator.
July 10, 1781. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, Joseph Webb chosen Moderator and Adjourned to Next Lords day Evening, the 15th.
The following Persons were Chosen a Committee for the Year Ensuing Viz.
- Hon. Benjamin Austin Esq
- John Brown Esq
- Captain Samuel Partridge
- Joseph Webb
- Mr John Cunningham
- Deacon Jacob Williams
- Mr John Lowell
- Captain John Hinkley
Voted Joseph Webb be Treasurer the Ensuing Year.
Voted that The Hon. B. Austin Esq and Mr John Lowell be a Committee to Audit the Treasurer and Deacons Accounts.
Voted that Captain Partridge be added to this Committee.
Voted that the Reverend Dr Chauncy be allowed and paid the sum of three hard Dollars or the value thereof per Week.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clark be allowed and paid the sum of Fourteen Dollars per week in specie or the Value thereof.
Voted that the Standing Committee, once a Month or oftner if Necessary, ascertain the rate of exchange.
Voted that the Reverend Dr Chauncy be supply’d with twenty Cords of Wood.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clark be supply’d with twenty Cords wood.
Voted that the Pews be taxed for the above purpose.
Voted That the Standing Committee be desired to Apportion the present tax, and duely notify each proprietor and Pew Holder thereof.
Voted that the Treasurer settle with the widow Roulstone for the Quarters Salary due to her late Husband.
Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved.
Joseph Webb Moderator.
July 9, 1782. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, Joseph Webb chosen Moderator.
Voted that a Committee of three be chosen for the Ensuing year, Honorable Benjamin Austin Esq, Deacon Jacob Williams, Joseph Webb.
Voted that Joseph Webb be Treasurer for the Ensuing Year.
Voted that the Hon. Benjamin Austin Esq, Captain Samuel Partridge and Mr John Lowell be a Committee to Audit the Deacons and Treasurers Accounts.
Voted that the Deacons draw out the Delinquent Accounts and that the sexton go round with the Accounts notifying them to put it in the box next Lords day.
Voted that the Reverend Dr Chauncy be Allowed and paid the sum of Eighteen shillings weekly.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clark be allowed and paid Four pounds four shillings per week.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clark be supply’d with twenty Cords of Wood.
Voted that the Reverend Dr Chauncy be supply’d with twenty Cords of Wood.
Voted that the Pews be taxed for the above purpose.
Voted that the standing Committee be desired to apportion the present Tax and duly notify each proprietor and pew holder thereof.
Dissolved. Joseph Webb Moderator.
[226] Boston, July 8, 1783. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, Joseph Greenleaf Esquire Moderator.
Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to this day Week.
Boston, July 15, 1783.
Joseph Greenleaf Esquire Appeared and by his desire was Excused from Serving Moderator, being engaged on Judicial proceedings. Whereupon
Joseph Webb was Elected Moderator in his Room.
Voted that the Standing Committee Consist of five for the Year Ensuing.
- Captain Samuel Partridge
- Joseph Webb
- Deacon Jacob Williams
- Captain John Newell
- Captain Cornelius Fellows
Joseph Webb chosen Treasurer for the Year Ensuing.
Voted that the Reverend Dr Chauncy be Allowed and paid the sum of eighteen shillings Weekly.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clark be allowed and paid the sum of Four pounds four shillings per week.
Voted That the Reverend Mr Clark be Supply’d with twenty cords of Wood.
Voted That the Reverend Dr Chauncy be Supply’d with Twenty Cords of Wood.
Voted that the Pews be Taxed for the above purpose.
Voted that the standing Committee be desired to Apportion the present Tax and duly Notify each proprietor and pew holder thereof, with their Arrearages of Contribution.
Voted That the sexton be Allowed and paid Fifteen pounds per annum. The Meeting Dissolved Joseph Webb Moderator.
[227] Boston, July 6, 1784. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, Honorable Benjamin Austin Esq Moderator.
Voted the Standing Committee Consist of Six for the Year Ensuing.
- Deacon Jacob Williams
- Deacon James Thwing
- Captain Samuel Partridge
- John Gray Esquire
- Mr Joseph Russell
- Joseph Webb
Joseph Webb chosen Treasurer for the Ensuing Year. Voted that a Committee of Two be Appointed to wait on the delinquent proprietors or Holders of Pews for their deficiency, viz. Deacon Jacob Williams, Mr Joseph Russell and to report at the Adjournment.
Voted that the Standing Committee make enquiry what pews are run out, and make report at the Adjournment.
Voted that a Committee be Appointed to look into the State of the Land, whereon the Reverend Dr Chauncy’s House Stands and to know if they can dispose of part of said Land.
Honorable Benjamin Austin Esq
Captain Samuel Partridge.
Voted that the Standing Committee wait on some Suitable person to make an Estimate of what repairs may be necessary to the Meeting House, and report at the Adjournment.
Voted to Adjourn Untill this day week at 3 o’Clock P M.
Benjamin Austin Moderator.
[228] Boston, July 13, 1784. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation agreeable to the Adjournment.
The Committee appointed to wait on the Delinquent proprietors or holders of Pews, Report that they have waited on them accordingly, and some promised to put it in the last Lords day and others that they will do it soon. Voted that the above Committee wait on those who may still remain delinquent in three weeks from this time.
Voted that the standing Committee wait on Mr George Tyler and inform him that unless he pays off the Contribution due on half the Pew improved by him, by the next Lords day week, the Committee will immediately seat another person in said half, and expect that he desists from Setting or sending any person there.
Voted that the Committee appointed to look into the state of the Land, see further into the Deed or Bequeast of the same and report at the Adjournment.
Voted that the standing Committee still continue to form an Estimate of what Necessary Repairs are wanted to the Church, and make report at the Adjournment.
Voted That the Reverend Mr Clark be Allowed and paid the Sum of Four pounds four shillings per week the Ensuing year.
Voted That the Reverend Dr Chauncy be allowed and paid the sum of Eighteen shillings per Week the Ensuing year.
Voted that the Reverend Mr Clark be supply’d with Twenty Cords of wood.
Voted that the Reverend Dr Chauncy be supply’d with Twenty Cords of wood.
Voted That the Pews be Taxed for the above purposes.
Voted That the standing Committee be desired to Apportion the present Tax and duely Notify each proprietors and pew holders thereof with their Arrearages of Contribution.
[229] Voted that the Committee enquire into the Salary now given to Sextons, on Account of Not tolling as formerly and voted that he have fifteen pounds per Annum.
Voted that a Committee be appointed to Audit the Treasurers Accounts—Honorable Benjamin Austin Esq, John Brown Esq
Voted the meeting be adjourned to this day fortnight 4 o’Clock in P.M.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
Boston, July 27, 1784. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation agreeable to Adjournment, The Moderator not present.
Joseph Greenleaf Esq was Chosen Moderator pro Tempore.
Voted that the Standing Committee Apply to Mr Loring and Mr Clough, Carpenters for an Estimate of the Expence of taking down the Porch, building a portico, Stopping up the South and North Doors, building a pew in each, taking down the Upper Gallerys, the Four side Stairs and building Two pews where the two lower Stairs Stand, fixing the Arches, and the Plan Exhibited by Colonel Dawes for Corniches Erecting Stages etc.
Voted the Standing Committee make a report the next meeting of the State of the Pews to know who are really owners thereof.374
Voted that the Standing Committee be requested to lay before the Society a list of the Pew holders, distinguishing who are proprietors and who are not; also who are in Arrears and who not, at their next Meeting.
Voted that this meeting be adjourned to this day Week 4 o’Clock.
Joseph Greenleaf Moderator pro Tempore.
[230] Boston, August 3, 1784. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation agreeable to Adjournment, Honorable Benjamin Austin Esq Moderator.
On Motion Voted That the standing Committee notify each of the Pew holders, whose pews have been reported to be forfeited to the Society, that they may appear and shew cause if any they have, why the said Pews should not be declared to be Absolutely forfeited and that one month, be allowed to make good their Claim after the Expiration of which time the Society, will proceed to the disposal of said Pews as may then appear to be so forfeited and that the Committee will set for this purpose.
The Moderator being obliged to Attend a Funeral His Honor Lt. Governor Cushing, was chosen pro Tempore.
Voted Nemine Contradicente.375 That the Meeting House to be arched Lathed, plaistered, Whitewashed and painted, that the Upper gallerys be taken down, also the four West Stairs, and that two or more Pews be erected, on the lower floor, where the Stairs stood, Also a Spiral pair Stairs up to the Bell and the Cornishes etc. to be performed agreeable to Colonel Dawes’s plan.
Voted That the Standing Committee be appointed to make an Estimate of the Expence, that will arise from carrying the before mentioned into Execution, and consider of ways and means of raising money for that purpose, and report at the Adjournment.
Voted Unanimously That the Standing Committee Settle with the Reverend Mr Clark and give him Credit in the Book for the Ballance that may appear to be due to him on the second Tuesday in July last, and that he be allowed by the Society Lawfull Interest on said Ballance untill it shall be discharged.
Voted to Adjourn untill this day fortnight 4 oClock P. M.
Thomas Cushing Pro Tempore.
[231] Boston, August 17, 1784. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation agreeable to Adjournment, The Honorable Benjamin Austin Esquire, Moderator.
The Standing Committee reported the Expence of repairing the Meeting House, also of ways and means for raising the Money for the abovesaid purpose.
Voted Unanimously That the Report be Accepted, and that the present proprietors have Liberty to retain the same spot where their former Pew stood as near as may be (if they shall choose it) in the new arangement.
“The Committee appointed to lay before the Society an Estimate of the Expences for Repairing the first Church and to consider of ways and means for carrying the same into Effect have Attended that service and beg leave to make the following report, viz.
Estimate of the Expences for repairing the first Church making new Pews etc.
Masons Work, Stuff Nails etc. for Inside the Meeting |
61.14 |
Carpenters work and Stuff for ditto |
198.15 |
ditto for making 36 New pews @ 75/ |
135. |
ditto for pannelling 30 Wall pews |
18. |
Expence for 3 m̄ Bricks and 400 Water Tables |
16. |
Masons Work for laying ditto and stuff |
20. |
Painters bill inside and out |
30. |
Extra Expence for Spouts, Gutters etc. |
30. |
509.9. |
Contingent Expences. say |
121.4.4 |
630.13.4 |
Ways and means for raising monies for the above |
14 Pews in the Body of the Meeting for Sale @ £18 |
252. |
22 ditto owned by proprietors. @ £6 |
132. |
10 Wall pews for Sale, suppose to Average £9 |
90. |
20 ditto owned by proprietors to pay for repairing etc.—@ 4.10 |
90. |
564. |
The Generous Donation of John Gray Esquire |
66.13.4 |
£630.13.4 |
All which is Submitted per
Jacob Williams Chairman.
[232] The above Report being read it was Unanimously Accepted, and the following Vote passed.
Voted unanimously that the Standing Committee be desired to Carry the above Report into Effect and that they also be desired to wait on proprietors of Pews, as well as those who intend to become purchasers, to ask the favor of Advancing Monies, for the purposes mentioned in the Report. The Meeting was then Dissolved.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
Boston, August 31, 1784, at a Meeting of the Church etc. on Special Occasion, on receiving a Letter from the Church and Congregation in Brattle Street, Honorable Benjamin Austin Esquire, Moderator.
Voted Unanimously that the Thanks of this Society be given to them, for their kind and Brotherly Invitation—and that they will Accept of their Offer, and that the Standing Committee together with Joseph Greenleaf Esq wait upon the Deacons and Committee of that Church to conferr with them, on Accomodating us with seats Accordingly.
Attest. Benjamin Austin Moderator.
At a Meeting of the First Church and Congregation on Lords day March 13, 1785.
After divine service a Moderator was moved for, and John Brown Esquire was duly elected, and the following Votes passed Unanimously.
I That the standing Committee be desired, in the name and in behalf of the society, to prepare a letter of thanks to the Church and Congregation whereof the Reverend Peter Thatcher is pastor, for their brotherly love and affection in receiving and accommodating us in their house of worship while ours was repairing, and that the said letter be presented to their standing Committee to be by them communicated.
II. That his Honour Thomas Cushing Esquire, Joseph Barrel Esq [233] and Mr Joseph Russel be a Committee to wait on the Reverend Dr Chauncy, and the Reverend John Clarke, and, in the name of this societyto request from each a copy of their excellent sermons delivered this daythat they may be printed.
John Browne Moderator.
The Letter to the Church in Brattle Street.
We take this early opportunity to return our sincere thanks for the polite attention shown us while we worshipped at your Church. The inconvenience to which you exposed yourselves for our accommodation will be ever remembered with gratitude; and will confirm those sentiments of affection which we have always entertained. May the blessing of heaven rest upon your society and its pastor. Long may these churches be mutually happy in a Christian intercourse with each other. And having lived in love, and cultivated peace, may the God of love and peace be with us.
Jacob Williams |
Chairman of the Committee. |
Answer. To the Brethren of the First Church and Congregation in Boston.
Dear Brethren
We take the present opportunity (the first that has offered since your departure from us) to acknowledge the receiving of your Committee’s obliging Letter, written in your name and behalf, in consequence of your vote of the 13th March.
We thank you for the affectionate notice taken of our endeavours to accommodate you, during the repairing of your house of worship. You had, and were entitled to the best accommodations in our power to give you, not only as brethren in Christian fellowship, but in [234] return for the goodness and affection with which you received and accommodated us some years ago, while our house of worship was rebuilding; and of which we do, and ever shall, retain a grateful remembrance.
May the best of heaven’s blessings, which you so kindly wish us, and our worthy pastor, descend with large increase on you, and your Reverend Pastors; and also on your and their successors: and be continually amplifying, until those blessings shall be perfected in the complete enjoyment of the supreme Good.
In the name and behalf of the Brattle-street Society; and pursuant to a vote passed at their meeting this day P. M.
Boston, April 3, 1785. James Bowdoin Moderator.
Boston, July 12, 1785. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation, Joseph Barrell Esq Moderator.
Voted that the Standing Committee consist of five,
- Deacon Jacob Williams
- Deacon James Thwing
- Joseph Webb
- Joseph Russell
- Joseph Barrell
Joseph Webb chosen Treasurer for the Year.
Voted That a Committee of three be appointed to Audit the Treasurers Account,
- Mr Nath. Barrett
- Mr Samuel Bradford
- Dr John Joy
Voted That a Committee of Two be appointed to wait on the Delinquent proprietors,
- Deacon Jacob Williams
- Mr Joseph Russell
[235] Voted that the Reverend Mr Clarke be allowed and paid the sum of Four pounds four shillings per week the Ensuing Year.
Voted That the Reverend Dr Chauncy be allowed and paid Eighteen shillings per week.
Voted That the Reverend Mr Clarke be supply’d with Twenty Cords of wood.
Voted That the Reverend Dr Chauncy be supply’d with Twenty Cords of wood.
Voted That Matthew James be allowed Fifteen pounds per annum as Sexton and that his Pew be free from Taxes.
Voted that the Committee Seat the Female Servants of the proprietors in the back Pews.
Voted that at the Adjournment notifications be sent to the proprietors to attend, etc.
Voted to Adjourn to this day fortnight, at 3 oClock P M.
Adjourned accordingly.
Joseph Barrell.
Boston, July 26, 1785. At a Meeting of the Church and Congregation by Adjournment, Joseph Barrell Esq Moderator.
The Committee reported the Settlement of the Treasurers Account voted to accept the same.
Voted That Mrs Katherine Gray be allowed her Account of £25.1.1. for the Curtains etc. for the Pulpit.
Voted That the Committee be authorized to hire one hundred and twenty pounds to pay off the Accounts and if they cannot procure it, to assess the pews, and those who cannot conveniently pay it, they are to allow 6 per Cent Interest untill paid.
Voted That Committee of Four be added to the Standing Committee,
Tuthill Hubbard Esq |
To see what further repairs are Necessary and make an Estimate and make report at the Adjournment |
Joseph Greenleaf Esq |
John Brown Esq |
Robert Treat Payne Esq |
Voted to Adjourn untill Monday next 3 oClock.
Adjourned accordingly.
Joseph Barrell.
Record of Baptisms, 1630–1633
[236] Boston, August 1, 1785. At a Meeting of the first Church etc. per adjournment, Joseph Barrell Esquire Moderator.
The Committee not being prepared to report the Necessary repairs at present it was Voted to Adjourn untill this day week at 3 oClock.
Adjourned Accordingly. Joseph Barrell.
Boston, August 8, 1785. At a Meeting of the first Church etc. per Adjournment, Joseph Barrell Esq Moderator.
The Committee Reported: That a Modillion Cornish and Rustic Corner or Pilasters be fixed in front, and Cornish and Modillions round the Meeting house be done; also that a porch be Erected agreeable to Colonel Dawes’s plan the Bricks in front that are defective to be cut out and others put in, from the old Porch, that the Stairs inside The Church be taken Down and a pew Erected on each side in Lieu thereof, That the front of the House be painted.
Voted that the above report be Accepted and that the Standing Committee proceed as soon as may be to put the same into Execution, upon the best terms.
The Committee of Two appointed to wait on the Delinquent proprietors reported that they had not been able to Accomplish their design, but are desired to do it as soon as may be.
This Meeting Dissolved.
Joseph Barrell.
[Pages 237 and 238 blank]
- [239] Children baptized in Boston Church in the eight Moneth 1630. Joy and Recompence the daughters of our brother John Milles.
- Pittie the Daughter of our brother Willyam Baulstone.
The 21st of the 9th Moneth 1630.
- Increase the sonne of Increase Nowell.
The 3rd of the 4th Moneth 1631.
- Abigayle the daughter of Increase Nowell.
- Samuell the sonne of Raph Sprage. Phebe the daughter of Ezekiell Richardson.
- Lidya the daughter of John Perkins.
- John the sonne of Henry Harwoode.
- John the sonne of our brother John Milles.
The 10th of the same 4th Moneth.
- Marie the Daughter of our brother Richard Gridley.
The 17th of the same 4th Moneth.
- Josiah the sonne and Mary the daughter of our brother Edward Raynsford.
The 26th of the sixth Moneth 1631.
- Willyam the sonne of our brother John Winthrope Governor.
The 23d of the 7th Moneth 1631.
- Mary the daughter of our brother Thomas French.
The 11th Day of the 9th Moneth 1632.
- John the sonne of our brother Willyam Cheesebrough.
- Ruth the daughter of John Foxalls.
The 16th of the 10th Moneth 1632.
- Jakob the sonne of our brother Jakob Elyott.
The 26th of the 1st Moneth 1633.
- James the sonne of our brother James Pennyman.
The 15th of the 2d Moneth 1633.
- Willyam the sonne of Willyam Balstone our Brother.
The 26th of the 4th Moneth 1633.
- John the sonne of our brother John Sampford.
The 6th of the 6th Moneth 1633.
- Hanna the Daughter of our Sister Anne Newgate.
The 8th of the 7th Moneth 1633.
- Seaborne the sonne of our Brother John Cotton.
- John the sonne of our brother Anthony Colby.
The 15th of the 7th Moneth 1633.
- Marye the Daughter of our Brother John Wilson.
The 22th of the 7th Moneth 1633.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Aspinall.
The 27th of the 8th Moneth 1633.
- Jotham the Sonne of our Brother Edward Gibbon.
- Thomas the sonne of our brother Thomas Mattson.
The 8th of the 10th Moneth 1633.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother George Ruggle.
The 15th of the 10th Moneth 1633.
- Tymothie the sonne of our Brother Richard Topping.
The 19th of the 11th Moneth 1633.
- Nathanyell the sonne of our Brother Willyam Hudson.
The 23th of the 12th or last Moneth 1633.
- Marye the Daughter of our Sister Lettyse Button.
[240] The 2d of the 1st Moneth 1634.
- Mary the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Coddington.
- Mary the Daughter of our Brother Thomas French.
- Thomas the sonne of Samuell Dudley and grandchild to our brother John Winthrop Governor. John the sonne of our Brother Richard Palsgrave.
The 20th of the 2d Moneth 1634.
- John the sonne of our Brother Richard Bulgar.
The 11th of the 3d Moneth 1634.
- Sarah the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Browne.
The 1st of the 4th Moneth 1634.
- Sarah the Daughter of our Brother Richard Grydley.
The 29th of the 4th Moneth 1634.
- Sarah the Daughter of our Brother John Winthrop the Elder.
The 27th of the 5th Moneth 1634.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Edward Ransford.
The 31th of the 6th Moneth 1634.
- John the sonne of our Brother Edward Hutchinson the elder.
The 14th of the 7th Moneth 1634.
- Mary the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Balstone.
- Mary the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Pell.
The 21th of the 7th Moneth 1634.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Fairewether.
The 5th of the 8th Moneth 1634.
- James the sonne of our Brother Robert Houlton.
The 23th of the 9th Moneth 1634.
- Elyakim the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Wardall.
The 7th of the 10th Moneth 1634.
- Samuell the Sonne of our Brother Ollyvar Mellowes.
- Jeremiah the sonne of our Brother Waters Merry.
The 28th of the 10th Moneth 1634.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Jakob Elyott.
The 4th of the 11th Moneth 1634.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother Richard Brockett.
The 24th of the 11th Moneth 1634.
- Barnabas the Sonne of our Brother Richard Brenton.
The 22th of the 12th or last Moneth 1634.
- Lydia the Daughter of our Brother James Pennyman.
- Danyell the Sonne of our sister Lettyse the wife of Mathias Button.
The 12th of the 2d Moneth 1635.
- Charity the Daughter of our Brother John Baker.
The 3d of the 3d Moneth 1635.
- Hananeel the Daughter of our Brother John Coggeshall.
- Jabez the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Cheesebrough.
The 21th of the 4th Moneth 1635.
- Samuell the Sonne of our Brother John Sampford.
The 28th of the 4th Moneth 1635.
- John the Sonne of Samuell Dudley and grandchild to our brother John Winthrop the elder.
- John the Sonne of our Brother John Audley.
The 5th of the 5th Moneth 1635.
- Freegrace the Sonne of our Brother Edward Bendall.
The 19th of the 5th Moneth 1635.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother John Newgate.
The 30th of the 6th Moneth 1635.
- Jonathan the Sonne of our Brother John Mylles.
The 13th of the 7th Moneth 1635.
- Shoreborne the Sonne of our Brother Wyllyam Wilson.
The 20th of the 7th Moneth 1635.
- Sariah the Daughter of our Brother and Teacher John Cotton.
- Samuell the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Aspinall.
- Grace the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Beamsley.
[241] The 8th of the 9th Moneth 1635.
- Mary the Daughter of our Brother Thomas Alcocke.
The 20th of the 10th Moneth 1635.
- Samuell the sonne of our Brother Willyam Dyer.
The 3d of the 11th Moneth 1635.
- Edward the sonne of our Brother Edward Gibbon.
- Mary the Daughter of our Brother George Ruggle.
The 10th of the 11th Moneth 1635.
- Constance the Daughter of our Brother Richard Fairebancke.
- Beniamyn the sonne of our Brother John Mylam.
The 17th of the 11th Moneth 1635.
- Lydia the Daughter of our Brother Richard Palsgrave.
- Thomas the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Dyneley.
The 24th of the 11th Moneth 1635.
- Mehetabell the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Balstone.
The 14th of the 12th or last Moneth 1635
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother John Underhill.
The 28th of the 12th or last Moneth 1635.
- Elishuah the Daughter of our Brother Robert Walker.
The 6th of the 1st Moneth 1636.
- Martha the Daughter of our Brother Ollyver Mellowes.
- Lazarus the Sonne of our Brother Philemon Pormort.
The 13th of the 1st Moneth 1636.
- Zuryell the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Hutchinson.
The 24th of the 2d Moneth 1636.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother Richard Grydley.
The 1st of the 3d Moneth 1636.
- Bedaiah the sonne of our Brother Willyam Coddington.
The 15th of the 3d Moneth 1636.
- Ezekyell the sonne of our Brother James Everill.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother James Fitch.
The 12th of the 4th Moneth 1636.
- Elyezar the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Townsend.
The 3d of the 5th Moneth 1636.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother John Winthrop the younger.
The 10th of the same 5th Moneth 1636.
- John the sonne of our Brother Thomas Matson.
The 17th of the same 5th Moneth.
- Elhanan the Sonne of our Brother Richard Cooke.
The 11th of the 7th Moneth 1636.
- Wayte the Daughter of our Brother John Coggeshall.
The 2d of the 8th Moneth 1636.
- Eleazar the Sonne of our Brother Nathaniell Heaton.
The 23th of the 8th Moneth 1636.
- Jonathan the Sonne of our Brother Edward Ransford.
- Zechariah the Sonne of our Brother Beniamyn Gillam.
The 6th of the 9th Moneth 1636.
- Hannah the Daughter of our sistar Anne the wife of John Cogan merchant.
The 18th of the 10th Moneth 1636.
- Rebekah the Daughter of our Brother Waters Merry.
The 15th of the 11th Moneth 1636.
- John the Sonne of our Brother James Pennyman.
The 22th of the same 11th Moneth.
- Thomas the sonne of our Sistar Jane Parker the wife of John Parker.
The 29th of the same 11th Moneth.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother Jacob Elyott.
[242] The 5th of the 1st Moneth 1637.
- Abiah the Daughter of our Brother Thomas Grubbe and it dyed that night.
- Deliverance the Daughter of Robert Potter a member of Rocksbury.
- Marye the Daughter of our Brother Thomas Faireweather.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother Edmund Jackson.
The 12th of the same 1st Moneth.
- Ethlannah the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Aspenall.
The 26th of the same 1st Moneth.
- Edward the Sonne of our Brother Edward Gibbon.
The 2d of the 2d Moneth 1637.
- Jabez the Sonne of our Brother Robert Houlton.
The 9th of the same 2d Moneth.
- Meribah the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Balstone.
The 16th of the same 2d Moneth.
- Joshua the Sonne of our Brother Robert Royce.
The 7th of the 3d Moneth 1637.
- Patience the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Townesend.
The 4th of the 4th Moneth 1637.
- Elisha the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Cheesbrough.
The 25th of the same 4th Moneth.
- Marie the Daughter of our Brother John Wheelewright.
- Meribah the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Wardall.
The 2d of the 5th Moneth 1637.
- Jonothan the Sonne of our Sistar Elizabeth the wife of Willyam Tuttell.
The 30th of the same 5th Moneth.
- Bedaiah the Sonne of our Brother John Coggeshall.
The 3d of the 7th Moneth 1637.
- Ichabod the Sonne of our Brother Edward Hutchinson the elder.
- Martha the Daughter of our Brother Thomas Wardall.
The 3d of the 7th Moneth 1637.
- Moses the Sonne of our Brother Gamalyell Wayte.
The 10th of the same 7th Moneth.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother Thomas Hasard.
The 1st of the 8th Moneth 1637.
- Zacharias the sonne of our Brother Robert Walker.
The 8th of the same 8th Moneth.
- Abigail the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Dyneley.
The 15th of the same 8th Moneth.
- Hannah the daughter of our Sistar Rachaell the wife of Francis Newcombe.
The 5th of the 9th Moneth 1637.
- Elishua the Daughter of our Brother Edward Hutchinson the younger and Elishua the Sonne of our Brother Richard Cooke.
The 12th of the same 9th Moneth.
- Jonathan the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Wheelar.
The 19th of the same 9th Moneth.
- Marie the Daughter of our Brother Alexander Winchester.
The 10th of the 10th Moneth 1637.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Teacher Mr John Cotton.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother Thomas Alcocke.
- Mercie the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Beamesley.
- Eliphal the Daughter of our Brother John Sanford.
- Steven the Sonne of our Sistar Elizabeth the wife of Robert Meares.
The 31st of the same 10th Moneth.
- John the Sonne of our Brother George Ruggle.
The 21st of the 11th Moneth 1637.
- Marie the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Wilson.
The 4th of the 1st Moneth 1638.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother John Awdley.
- Deliverance the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Coursar.
- Sarah the Daughter of our Brother Hugh Gunnyson.
[243] The 25th of the 1st Moneth 1638.
- Peleg the Sonne of our Brother William Salter was baptized.
The 8th of the 2d Moneth 1638.
- Noah the Sone of our Sistar Jane the wife of John Parker.
- Returne the Daughter of our Brother Richard Gridley.
- Marie the Daughter of our Brother Henry Elkyn.
The 15th of the same 2d Moneth.
- Eliakim the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Marshall.
- Anna the Daughter of our Brother Philemon Pormort.
- Nathaniell the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Pell.
The 13th of the 3d Moneth 1638.
- Anna the Daughter of our Brother Christofer Marshall.
The 3d of the 4th Moneth 1638.
- James the Sonne of our Brother John Milles.
The 10th of the same 4th Moneth.
- Ragnis the Daughter of our Brother Edward Ransford.
The 8th of the 5th Moneth 1638.
- Bethia the Daughter of our Brother Richard Palsgrave.
The 29th of the same 5th Moneth.
- John the Sonne of our Brother John Olyver.
The 12th of the 6th Moneth 1638.
- Abiah the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Savage.
The 19th of the same 6th Moneth.
- Nathaniell the Sonne of our Brother Robert Scott.
The 26th of the same 6th Moneth.
- Marye the Daughter of our Brother Olyvar Mellowes.
- Restored the Daughter of our Brother Zachariah Bosworth.
The 2d of the 7th Moneth 1638.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Grubbe.
The 16th of the 7th Moneth 1638.
- Constance the Daughter of our Brother John Mylam.
The 30th of the 7th Moneth 1638.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Mathew Ines baptized.
The 7th of the 8th Moneth 1638.
- Metsathiell the Sonne of our Brother Edward Gibbon.
The 28th of the 8th Moneth 1638.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Edmund Jackson.
The 4th of the 9th Moneth 1638.
- Coneniah the Daughter of our Brother James Everill.
The 6th of the 11th Moneth 1638.
- Deliverance the Daughter of our Brother Henry Sandys.
- Fathergone the Sonne of our gone Brother Willyam Dyneley.
The 13th of the same 11th Moneth.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Richard Swanne.
The 20th of the same 11th Moneth.
- Grace the Daughter of our Brother Gamalyell Wayte.
The 3d of the 12th Moneth 1638.
- Elisha the Sonne of our Brother George Burdon.
The 10th of the same 12th Moneth.
- Esther the Daughter of our Brother Griffyn Bowen.
The 17th of the same 12th Moneth.
- Marye the Daughter of our Sistar Martha Bushnall now widdowe.
The 10th Day of the 1st Moneth 1639.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Tinge.
The 17th Day of the same 1st Moneth.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother Valentyne Hill.
The 24th Day of the same 1st Moneth.
- Nathaniell the Sonne of our Brother Robert Royce.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Sister Jane the wife of John Lugge.
[244] The 7th Day of the 2d Moneth 1639.
- David the Sonne of Elizabeth the wife of Willyam Tuttell.
- Abigail the Daughter of our Brother Jacob Elyott.
The 14th Day of the same 2d Moneth.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Anthony Harker.
The 21th Day of the same 2d Moneth.
- Marye the Daughter of our Brother John Spour and Hannah the Daughter of our Sister Sarah the wife of Myles Tarne.
The 5th Day of the 3d Moneth 1639.
- Joseph the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Mekyns the younger.
The 26th Day of the same 3d Moneth.
- Eliphalet the Sonne of our Sistar Anne Hett the wife of Thomas Hett.
The 2d Day of the 4th Moneth 1639.
- Ruth the Daughter of our Brother Nathaniell Willyams she being of the age of a yeare old or thereabouts.
The 14th Day of the 5th Moneth 1639.
- Lydia the Daughter of our Sistar Anne Cogan wife of Mr John Cogan.
- Returne the Sonne of Elizabeth Wayte a member of the Church of Newberry and wife to Richard Wayte.
The 11th Day of the 6th Moneth 1639.
- Samuell the Sonne of Samuell Dudley and grand childe to our brother, Mr John Winthroppe the elder.
The 18th of the same 6th Moneth.
- John the Sonne of our Brother John Hurde.
The 25th of the same 6th Moneth.
- Joseph the Sonne of our Brother Richard Hogge being about the age of a yeare and half and twoe Monethes.
The 1st of the 7th Moneth 1639.
- Nathaniell the Sonne of our Brother Nathaniell Heaton.
The 29th of the 7th Moneth 1639.
- Joseph the Sonne of our Brother James Pennyman.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Robert Walker.
- Thomas the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Buttall.
The 6th Day of the 8th Moneth 1639.
- Joseph the Sonne of our Brother Francis Lysle being of the age of 1 yeare or about one yeare old.
The 3d Day of the 9th Moneth 1639.
- Rachell the Daughter of our Brother Richard Brockett.
The 10th Day of the 9th Moneth 1639.
- Elisabeth the Daughter of our Brother Edward Hutchinson the younger.
The 24th Day of the same 9th Moneth.
- Reforme the Daughter of our Brother Edward Bendall.
The 8th Day of the 10th Moneth 1639.
- Zacheus the Sonne of our Brother Richard Fairbancke.
- Thomas the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Scottowe.
The 22th of the same 10th Moneth.
- Ephraim the Sonne of our Brother Robert Tumor.
The 5th Day of the 11th Moneth 1639.
- Beniamyn the Sonne of our Brother Francis Lysle.
The 12th Day of the 11th Moneth 1639.
- Anna the Daughter of our Brother Mr Willyam Tinge.
- Anna the Daughter of our Brother Beniamyn Gillam.
The 2d Day of the 12th Moneth 1639.
- Luse the Daughter of our Brother Mr John Winthropp the younger.
- Jonathan the Sonne of our Brother Mr Nicholis Parker Recommended to us by the Church of Roxbury.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Willyam Wilson.
- Hannah the Daughter of our Brother John Kenricke.
- Johannah the Daughter of our Brother Willyam Courser.
The 1st Day of the 1st Moneth 1640.
- John the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Buttall was Baptized.
The 8th Day of the 1st Moneth 1640.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother John Olyvar.
- Phillip the Sonne of our Brother Samuell Sherman borne the 31th of the 10th Moneth 1637.
- Martha the Daughter of our said brother Sherman being borne the 5th of the 7th Moneth 1639.
The 15th Day of the said 1st Moneth.
- Seth the Sonne of our Brother Arthure Purye.
- Samuell the Sonne of our Brother Francis East.
The 22th of the same 1st Moneth.
- John the Sonne of our Teacher Mr John Cotton.
The 12th Day of the 2d Moneth 1640.
- Elkanah the Sonne of our Brother Richard Cooke.
The 19th Day of the same 2d Moneth.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our Brother Hugh Gunnyson.
- Samuell the Sonne of our Brother Edmund Jacklyn.
- Elizabeth the Daughter of our brother Willyam Salter.
The 3d Day of the 3d Moneth 1640.
- Beleive the Sonne of our Brother Richard Gridley Baptized.
The 10th Day of the 3d Moneth 1640.
- Hudson the Sonne of our Brother John Leveritt being eight dayes ould.
- Joseph the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Wheelar.
The 17th Day of the same 3d Moneth.
- Thomas the Sonne of our Brother Thomas Savage.
The 7th Day of the 4th Moneth 1640.
The 5th Day of the 5th Moneth 1640.
- Elisha the Sonne of our Brother John Audlyn.
- Naomi the Daughter of our brother Willyam Copp being about [b