The Rumney Marsh Church Records


Rumney Marsh Records Book, MS p. [1]. Courtesy Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Rumny-marish Church-book:


The1 Churches sent unto for their Countenance & Assistance by their

Delegates, Elders & Messengers, were the Old North Church at Boston,

the Church of Lynn, the Church of Redding; & ye New-north Church at Boston.

The sermon was preached by Mr Thomas Cheever.

After the Sermon, they proceeded to Gather the Church: the Revr Doctor

Cotton Mather, who was chosen to manage & Moderate the whole affair, having

briefly declared to ye whole Assembly the Occasion of the present Solemnity,

did publickly read the Covenant, by which the persons more immediately Concerned

did Coalesce into a Church-State, for the enjoyment of all Special Ordinances, & for

the performances of all the Duties, which the Lord Christ hath prescribed unto his

Disciples, in such Churches &c, desiring the Brethren to stand up & manifest their

Consent thereunto openly, which they did accordingly.

Here follows an exact copy of the Covenant, with the Brethrens names.

We, whose names are hereunto Subscribed, apprehending our selves called of God

to Combine together in order to the forming of the Church-state among us for [ye]2

observation & enjoyment of all the especiall Ordinances; which we are pers[waded]

to be a Singular Service for our generation; Under a deep sence of our Unwo[rthines]

to be so highly favoured of the Lord, to transact personally with so Glorious a [Being]

and acknowledging our utter inability to keep Covenant with God, unless the Lord

by his Spirit & Grace inable us thereunto; admiring that free & rich grace which

Triumpheth over so great Unworthines, with humble dependance upon him for his grac[e &]

assistance, do make & renew our Covenant with God, & one with another, as follows.

In the first place, we do declare & profess our hearty belief of the Christian relig[ion]

[as] contained in the holy Scriptures, which God hath given unto man, to be the only pe[rfect,]

[s]ufficient, & perpetuall Rule of his faith & life, heartily resolving by the help of div[ine]

grace to conform our lives to the Rules of our holy Religion.

And we do this day give up our selves to that God, whose name alone is Jehovah,

ffather, Son, & Spirit, the only true & living God, & Avouch him this day to be our Go[d,]

chusing & cleaving unto him as our God & ffather, our portion & chief good.

We give up our selves also to our Glorious Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Lord our Righteou[sness,]

adhering unto him as the only Head of his Covenant people, & take him for our Only Redee[mer]

& Saviour, our Prophet, Priest, & King, & for our Captain and Leader to bring us to eternal blessed[ness.]

Likewise we profess our Everlasting & indispensable Obligation to Glorify God in all the

duties of gospel Obedience, as becomes his Covenant people, forever engaging by the help of

[C]hrist to endeavour to keep our selves pure from ^the sins of the times, and to observe & attend

[t]he duties of a Church-state, and of a Society Confederated for Obedience to, and

enjoyment of him in all Gospel Ordinances. At3 the same time we

give our Offspring with our selves up unto the Lord,

humbly adoring the grace that we & our Children may

be looked upon as the Lord’s, promising by his help

to do our utmost in the Methods of a Religious education,

that they may be the Lords. Moreover we do give up our

selves to one another in the Lord, engaging to walk by faith

as a4 Church of Christ in the faith & Order of the Gospel, so far as [the Lord hath or shall reveal]5


unto us, (& particularly as is held out in the Platform sett forth by these Churches unto [which]

for the substance we declare our adherence) promising in brotherly love to watch over one

another, & to avoid all sinfull stumbling blocks, and contentions as much as possible; and to

submit our selves to the Discipline & Government of Christ in this his Church; and to

the Ministerial teaching, guidance, & Oversight of the Elder, or Elders thereof, in

all things agreable to the Rules of Christ in his word, and conscienciously to attend the

Seals & censures, and all the holy Institutions of Christ in Communion with one another,

desiring also to walk with all Regular & due Communion with other Churches.

And all this we do, flying to the blood of the Everlasting Covenant for pardon of [our]

many failings, desiring to depend humbly upon the Grace of God in Christ, to en[able]

us to a faithfull discharge of our Covenant duties both to God & one another: & [where]

we shall fall short, humbly to wait upon his Grace in Christ, for pardon, acceptance,

and healing for this own name sake. Amen.

a true copy

Attest Thomas Cheever.

John Tuttle

William Halsy

John ffloyd senr

Daniel ffloyd

Edward Tuttle senr

Asa } Halsy’s mark

[El]isha Tuttle

Thomas Cheever

[After th]e Covenant was read & the Brethren had manifested their consent thereunto,

[Dr] Mather did declare unto them, that they were now acknowledged by the Delegates of the

Churches, as one of their Sister Churches, & that they were intrusted with the powers a[nd]

priviledges which Christ had given unto his Churches; of which this was one special priviledg[e]

to choose their Own Officers: He therfore desired them, that, as they had formerly chose[n]

Mr Thomas Cheever for their Pastour, if they did continue in the same mind, and also did

desire that the sd Mr Thomas Cheever might now be Ordained & Solemnly sett apart to the

Pastorall Office & charge over them, they would manifest it by lifting up their hands, which they [did.]

Whereupon they proceeded to the Ordination. The Charge was given by Dr Cotton Mather.

The Revd: Mr Jeremiah Shepard: Mr Richard Brown & Mr John Webb did Assist & joyn

in Imposition of hands. The right hand of ffellowship was given in the name of

the Delegates of the Churches, by the Revd: Jeremiah Shepard, both unto the [Revd]

Mr Thomas Cheever as the Pastour of ye Church; & unto the Church as a Sister C[hurch]

After all a psalm was sung: & ye Assembly dismissed

with a blessing by the new Ordained Pastour.

The names of the Members of ye Church at Rumny-marish.


Thomas Cheever. Pastour.

Jacob Halsy.

Elizabeth Cheever, since deceased.

Mary Halsy, wife of Asa Halsy.


John Tuttle senr: ^Deacon since deceased.


Samuel Watts


Elizabeth Watts


Martha Tuttle. since deceased.

Johnn Leath

junr: of Maldon

Lt: John Floyd, since Deceased

Elizabeth Sprague wife of Jonathan Sprague

Rachel Floyd. since Deceased

back to Lynn Church

Abraham Skinner: dismissed to ye Church in Woodstock

Thomas Skinner: of Maldon since deceased

Edward Tuttle senr since6 dismissed.

this woman was not dismissed from Lynn Church

Mary Skinner. since deceased

Joseph Whittemore, since7 deceased8

Abigail Tuttle

Elizabeth Whittemore

Elisha Tuttle senr. since deceased.

Nathan Cheever     the 2d Church in Woburn

William Halsy

Susanna Richardson of Maldon: since dismissed to

Joseph Burdit.     of Maldon

Daniel Floyd

William Sargeant of Maldon; since deceased.

Asa Halsy. since deceased

Thomas Burdit     of Maldon since dismissed

Mary Burdit     to ye South Church in Matoun

Elisha Tuttle.

John Floyd junr.

Richard Whittemore.

Jeremiah Whittemore this couple were afterwards

Samuel Tuttle. since deceased.

Patience Whittemore dismissed to West-town Ch:

Eleanor Leath, wife of John Leath.

Abigail Tuttle

Ruhamah Tuttle, widdow of John Tuttle junr:

Jacob Chamberlane: since deceased.

Ensign Joseph Belcher. since deceased.

Mr Hugh Floyd, since deceased.

Eleanor Floyd.

Hannnah Belcher

since deceased.

Rebeccah Hinckson since deceased

Patience Davis

Sarah Halsy. wife of William Halsy

Ruth Whittemore, ye wife of Joseph Whittemore

Abigail Halsy, wife of Jacob Halsy.

Benjamin Whittemore

Sarah Whittemore.

since deceased     since deceased

Thomas Burdit senr: of Maldon: since deceased

Joseph Whittemore. Thomas Eastis. William Tuttle.

Sarah Halloway, wife of Joseph Halloway.

Mary ffloyd wife of John ffloyd junr: since


Thomas Brintnal, since deceased.

Sarah Leath, wife of ffrances Leath of Woburn.

Moses Hill, of Maldon. since deceased

Joanna Tuttle.

Mehetabel Lamson.

John Chamberlane

Benjamin Floyd. since Deceased.

Mr Edmund Bonman. dismissed to Falmouth; since deceased

Hannah Chamberlane, since deceased.

Susannah Harndel: since deceased.

Joannah Halsey.

Mary ffloyd wife of Daniel Floyd.

Samuel Floyd & Joannah his Wife.     Wife

Nathanael Oliver: Ensign Thomas Prat & Mary his

Hannah Skinner, widdow, of Maldon since


since deceased

David Whittemore & Allis his Wife dismissed to Lichfield

Abigail Halsey daughter of Deacon Jacob Halsey

Mts Abigail Halsey Wife of Elder Halsey. Samuel

Hannah Lewis wife of Isaac Lewis

Maxwell. Abigail Eustace, wife of Thomas Eustace.

Mary Halsey Wife of John Halsey. Mary Parker

Mehetabel Davis.

Wife of John Parker. Sarah Halsey Wife of Samuel Halsey

Abigail Halsey widdow of Abraham Halsy

July 8th: 1739: Hannah Chamberlane. Susannah Cham


At a Church Meeting appointed: Novemb: 9th: Mr John Tuttle was chosen to the Office


of a Deacon; who accepted the same.

At the same meeting, it was agreed that One fflagon, two platters, four cups, one bason

with table cloath & one napkin should be bought for the use of the Church; Mrs Tuttle

wife of Deacon Tuttle was desired to buy the same, Mr William Halsey was desired to

be assisting unto her in that affair: & the Charges to be paid by the Church.

It was also agreed at the same meeting to have the Sacrament of the Lords-supper

upon the last Lords-day in Novemb: instant: and the next time upon the last Lords-day

in ffebruary: and afterwards once in six weeks: untill the cold & short days:

It was also agreed that the Charges of the bread & wine for ye Sacrament should be

paid, by a contribution to be made every Sacrament day: and that each Communicant

should give six pence a time during the first year; the Overplus to be reserved as

a Church-stock in the hands of the Deacon.


Thomas Cheever Pastour.

1715 Novemb: 6th: A child of Asa Halsey, baptized ^named Joseph.

[1]715/16 March: 11: Baptized 2 Children of Elisha Tuttle senr: A son named Jabez: & a Daughter: Hannah.

[1]716. John ffloyd junr: was received to full Communion with the Church: on March: 25t:

April: 1st: A child of John Floyd junr: baptized: named John.

Same day: Samuel Tuttle & Abigail his wife were received to full Communion

April: 29: Ensign Joseph Belcher & Hanna his wife were received to full Communion

Same day, sd Hanna Belcher was baptized.

May: 6t: Sarah Halsy was received to full Communion; wife of William Halsey.

- 13 Three Children of Ensign Joseph Belcher were baptized, their names

were Nathanael. Jame. & Hannah.

- 27 Abigail Halsy, wife of Jacob Halsy was received to full Communion

June 10 A Child of Samuel Tuttle baptized: named Abigail.

Same day A Child of Jacob Halsy baptized: named Abigail.

July 8th: Thomas Burdit senr: of Maldon was received to full Communion; and was

Baptized at the same time.

Novemb: 4th: Mary ffloyd wife of John ffloyd junr: was received to full Communion.

Decemb: 16th: A Child of Asa Halsey baptized named Hannah.

March: 31st: 1717: Moses Hill of Maldon was received to full Communion.

May: 26th: A Child of Nathaniel Richison baptized, named Rachel, by virtue of the

Communion of Churches, ye Mother of the Child being a member of Woburn C[hurch.]9

June: 16: John Chamberlane & Hannah his wife were received to full Communion.



July: 21st: Five Children of John Chamberlane were baptized, their names were

Sarah, Abigail, Elizabeth, Hannah, Mary.

August: 4th: Mary ffloyd wife of Daniel ffloyd received to full Communion.

September: 27th: At a Church-meeting appointed to deal with our brother Edward

Tuttle for disorderly forsaking the ffellowship of the Church, (he having absented

from the Sacrament of the Lords-supper three several times one after the other)

and to know the reason of the same; he gave no other reason but this, he was

dissatisfied because I refused to baptize one of his Grand Children, viz, a

Child of his Son John Tuttle; he was told that could not be allowed for a

sufficient reason, for as much as I had openly & fully declared my judgment

in that matter before we Signed our Church-Covenant; he gave in a

written acknowledgment, in which he owned the irregularity & disorder of his

former absence, expressing his sorrow for the same, & desiring forgivnes both

of God & the Church for his offence, & promising to return to the Commu-

nion of ye Church according to his Covenant duty, &c: Hereupon the

Church declared their satisfaction therein, & so ye matter was lovingly ended.10

Attest.     Thomas Cheever Pastour.

Octob: 20: Hannah Skinner, widdow of Abraham Skinner of Maldon, was

received to full Communion.

Edward Tuttle his confession and acknowledgement, that wherein I have given

any just matter and occasion of Offence to any particular person in this Church

or to the whole Church in generall, either directly or indirectly (for in so doing

I offend & sin against God) I am sorry for it & do repent & I do desire

and ask forgivenes, first of God through the merits of his Son; and then next

of the Church, & so of every particular person in the Church against whom

I have offended.

this is a true copy of the acknowledgment given in to the Church, at

the Church-meeting: Septemb: 27th:

Attest     Thomas Cheever Pastour

March: 16

1717/18: Hannah Lewis wife of Isaac Lewis was received to full Communion.

April 13 -

A Child of Asa Halsy baptized, named Abraham.

May 4th Mehetabel Davis was received to full Communion.

June: 1st:

A Child of Ensign Joseph Belcher baptized, named Jonathan.

June: 22d:

A Child of Isaac Lewis baptized, named Abijah.

June: 29:

Edward Tuttle senr: was dismissed back to ye Church of Lynn upon

his desire, he was always uneasy & therefore ye Church readily voted his

dismission that we might have no farther trouble with him.



July: 6t Abigail Halsey of Maldon, widdow of Abraham Halsey, was received to full

Communion, & was baptized at the same time.

A daughter of sd Abigail Halsey baptized at the same time, named Abigail.

July: 13th:

A son of Moses Hill baptized, named John.


Same day a son of John ffloyd junr: baptized, named John.

August: 10th:

Jacob Halsy was received to full Communion.

—— 24

Mary Halsy, wife of Asa Halsy was received to full Communion.

Octob: 19

Samuel Watts & Elizabeth his wife were received to full Communion.

- 26

A Child of Samuel Tuttle baptized, named Elizabeth.

Same day a Child of Jacob Halsey baptized, named Elizabeth.


Jan: 25:

Elizabeth Sprague wife of Jonathan Sprague junr: of Maldon was received to full Com=


Febr: 1st:

A Child of Samuel Watts baptized, named Richard.

— 22

John Leath was received to full Communion.

March: 1st:

A Child of John Leath baptized, named John.

May: 24th:

Abraham Skinner, Thomas Skinner, & Mary Skinner all of Maldon

were received to full Communion, and were baptized at the same time.


Same day a Child of Jonathan Sprague junr: of Maldon baptized, named Hannah.

When Abraham Skinner abovenamed first offered himself to our

Communion, & before he was publickly propounded, I stayed the Church,

and acquainted them with his desire; and because there had some years

since been a charge brought against the sd Abraham Skinner for stealing

or carrying off a post from the parsonage land in Maldon, the Church did

appoint, severall of Our Bretheren, viz: Lt: John ffloyd, William Halsy,

Daniel Floyd, & Thomas Burdit to enquire into that matter, who accord-

ingly enquired of Deacon John Greenland of Maldon, William Serjeant

and others, and reported unto the Church, That they found the sd Abraham

Skinner had been charged, prosecuted, & condemned by the Court for stealing

or carrying off a post as aforsd, upon the single evidence of one Thomas

Parker of Maldon; & this being directly contrary to the Law of God, 19: deut:

15: 18: Mat: 16: 8: john: 17: the Church judged that the forsd matter was not

sufficient to barr his being received to Communion, nor could they look upon

the sd Abraham Skinner duely convicted of the crime he was charged with.

The Church was the more confirmed in this their judgment, because the sd

Parker had weakned his own Evidence by contradicting it. Which thus appeared

When sd Parker was about joyning to the Church of Maldon, the

aforenamed Abraham Skinner gave in a charge against sd Parker in writing,

a copy of which charge follows.

Maldon December ye 30 day 1713:

To the Reverend Mr David Parsons pastor of ye Church of Christ in Maldon.

I the Subscriber, hearing that it is the desire of Thomas Parker to joyn to

the Church of Maldon, Sir I thought good to acquaint you, that I have known

this Thomas Parker to be guilty of falsifying or lying, which is a breach of the

ninth Commandment, the which I can prove:     Thoma Abraham Skinner.

Here follows a copy of the evidences to prove the charge against Parker,

which being brought to me, I thought good to enter them in Our Church book

that our proceedings in this matter may be clear.


Hannah Skinner & Mary Skinner both of Maldon being of full age do testify &

say, that they did both of them sometime in ye moneth of January in ye year 1710

then hear Thomas Parker of Maldon say, that he being by some persons charged

with the stealing of postes on the parsonage land in Maldon, said he had con

fessed the stealing of one post & no more, but at the same time said, he had taken

or stolen more, but would never confess them to those he had made his former

confession unto: and they farther say that ye sd Thomas Parker did then with

tears confess & say, that Abraham Skinner was now charged complained of for the

stealing the postes that he had stolen or carryed away.

Thomas Skinner & Mary Skinner both of Maldon, of full age do testify & say,

that they did sometime in the moneth of March in the year 1711, then hear

Thomas Parker of Maldon solemnly protest & say, that he could not, nor would not

take any Oath referring to the postes, that were carried or stolen off the

parsonage land in Maldon, that should any wayes be to the dammage of

Abraham Skinner, for said he if I should swear that I did ^ever see Abraham Skinner

carry, or bear of any post, or posts off the parsonage land, I should take a false

oath: but at last did say, he could not tell what he should swear, till he came to the Court. true copy: June 10th: 1710.

Pr Thomas Cheever.

July 5th

Joseph Whittemore & E

Elizabeth his wife were received to full Communion.

sd Joseph Whittemore was baptized at the same time; also a Child of

sd Whittemore baptized at the same time, named Edmund.

Sept: 20th:

ffour Children of Thomas Skinner were baptized, their names were

Thomas, Abraham, John, & Joseph.

Same day a Child of Jonathan Sprague junr: of Maldon baptized, named Jonathan.

- 27th

A Child of Abraham Skinner baptized, named Abraham.

Oct: 4

Nathan Cheever was received to full Communion.

- 11

A Child of Isaac Lewis baptized, named Mary.

- 25

Susanna Richardson of Maldon widdow was received to full Communion.

Novemb: 1st:

A Child of Nathaniel Richardson baptized, named Nathan.

—— 8

A Child of Thomas Skinner named Benjamin, baptized.

Same day a Son of Susanna Richardson baptized, named Biel.

—— 15

A Child of John Chamberlane baptized, named Susanna.


March 13

A Child of John Pratt of Maldon, who married Mehitabel Davis, baptized, named Mary.

April: 3d:

Joseph Burdit of Maldon received to full Communion.

June: 3d

At a Church-meeting appointed to choose a Deacon, one or more: Deacon Tuttle by

reason of his weaknes of body desiring to be released from his office: it was in the

first place carried by a Major Vote to choose two Deacons, first one, and afterwards a

second; According and that there should be a Majority of the Voters to make a choice.

Accordingly, when their Votes were brought in for the first Deacon, our brother Mr John

Chamberlane was chosen by a Majority of the Voters. When the votes were brought

for the second Deacon there was not a Majority of the Voters for any person, till

the third time of Voting & then our brother Mr Samuel Tuttle was chosen by a

Majority of the Voters: as was then thought; but afterwards there appeared some mistake Lt John Floyd & Asa Halsy & Jacob Halsy were

appointed to treat with the beforenamed persons and to make report to the

Church, whither they did accept & would serve in the Office of Deacons, as soon

as conveniently they could.     Attest     Thomas Cheever Pastour

Ipswich: 16 july: 1719: The second Church of Christ in Ipswich, to the Church of Christ


in Rumny-marish sendeth Greeting, & wish that Grace, Mercy, and

Peace may be multiplied unto you from God our heavenly ffather

and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revd & Beloved.

These are to signify to you, that we have a very mournfull Case to lay before you, scil.11

the Deplorable Condition, which our Beloved Sister Church in ye Town of Wenham, is

lapsed into. For that according to our present View the sd Church seems to us, either

Obstinately bent upon a design to subvert the ancient Constitution of these Churches,

or through the prevalency of some temptation are rushing upon their own Confusion,

which God of his infinite mercy prevent. Now Rd & Beloved brethren, under so awfull

a prospect, we hold our selves in duty bound to express, & open their condition to your

selves & other Churches in order to their Relief, if God will succeed us. Therefore

these are to notify you, that upon a Complaint exhibited to this Church, by Mr William

Rogers member of ye sd Church in Wenham, wherein he Complains of great injustice

done him in ye sd Church &c: Whereupon we sent a Delegation of prudent men to

Represent us, with Instructions to make farther enquiry, & Administer a word of advice,

if they judged the Complaint sufficiently evidenced & just. The sd Church in Wenham

has all along, since our first sending to them in this present case, Manifested much

Obstinancy, & put great contempt upon the Proceedings of this Church, & thereby have

plainly trampled ^upon & indignified the Constitution of the Churches, of which we shall give

a fuller account when the Churches sent to shall Convene at the time & place appointed.

Yet Beloved! Our Delegation, notwithstanding all slights put upon them, have with great

patience & stability of mind pursued duty for the good of the Church & Partie, but the

sd Church has been very Obstinate & we are without hopes of their Compliance, but by this

way we are now taking. with them That Rd & Beloved, these presents are in the Name

of Christ, farther to Carry on the Process against the sd Church in Wenham, according

to the Direction given by the Rule for the third way of Communion in these Churches.

Therefore we now more fully acquaint you & other Churches, that ye sd Church is still under

offence, for that having injured their ^brother by their Male-administrations, yet have Obstinately refused

to comply with their duty, under all the steps we have taken & offers made, by our Delegates

for his relief & their healing. The Admonition, which has been drawn up in very Christian

and proper terms sent & left among them for their use & direction, no improvement is made

of it by their Pastor according to its intent, but he rather Meditates, as we judge, in

Combination with some of the brethren how to defeat the whole Process: wherefore we

now call upon your selves & other Neighbour Churches to joyn with us in Seconding of

the Admonition which has been dispenced. We have with submission to Divine providence

appointed to meet you at Wenham upon the 29th day of this instant July, at ten of the

clock before noon: the house for the Elders & Messengers to meet at in the Morning,

upon their first coming into the Town, is the house of Mr Samuel Kimbal. Thus,

Revd: & Beloved! having offered to your Cognisance a case of such great importance,

wherein the Glory of Christ is so peculiarly embarqued, and the Constitution of his

Churches is in such imminent peril, we doubt not, but you will readily come into the

Service, by sending, as we now Pray & desire you, your Elder or Elders & other Messengers

to joyn in Concert with Our selves & other Churches sent unto, for the support of our

Action, reinforcing our Admonition, & carrying on of our Process till it should come to a final

issue. So recommending all that shall be involved, & so great an example, by our most

Ardent Prayer to the Grace & Conduct of our Blessed Lord.

We rest your loving Brethren in the bonds

of ye Gospel. John Wise Pastour

by Order of sd Church of Christ in Ipswich

A true copy: Attest Thomas Cheever

To the Revd Mr Thomas Cheever

Pastour, to be Communicated to the

Church of Christ in Rumny-marish.

Pr Mr Saml: Kimbal.

I received this letter July 18th, and communicated it to the Church the next Lords-day,

and the Church readily Voted to comply with the desire of Ipswich 2d Church, and

chose Lt: John Floyd & Mr William Halsy to accompany me & attend that Service

Attest     Thomas Cheever Pastour.

Here follows a copy of ye Result of the Council of Churches called by the second


Church in Ipswich, to Assist & advise in the case of Mr William Rogers Member of

the Church of Wenham, he having complained of injustice done him by sd Church of

Wenham, unto the 2d Church in Ipswich, & desiring that they would make enquiry in

order to his relief according to the third way of Communion directed in the Platform.

July 29th 1719:

The Delegation of five Churches, viz:

the 2d Church in Ipswich, the Church in

Rumny-marish, the Church of York, & the two Churches in Glocester,

regularly met at Wenham, this twenty ninth day of July 1719, & then & there

having supervised the case of Mr Wiliam Rogers, relating to the Suspension,

he sustains under the Censure of the Church of Christ in Wenham, & finding

that the Admonition dispensed by the second Church of Christ in Ipswich, to

the sd Church in Wenham to be just. Yet considering the great importance of

the matter now before us, & being desirous & willing, that the sd Church in

Wenham might have farther time offered to them, to reconsider what has past,

and the imminent peril they are in of incurring the displeasure of the Churches

in the Association, if they will abide a full process: and considering that they

have obstinately refused to attend on the process commenced against them

hitherto. We have therefore adjourned to the last wednesday in September next

ensuing, & then to meet at the house of Mr Samuel Kimbal, when & where the

sd Church of Wenham shall have oportunity to offer any just reasons, why the sd

Admonition should not be fully executed upon them: and order that they be duly

Notified by the Moderatour of this Delegation viz: the Pastour of the sd

Church in Ipswich: and moreover we also appoint, that the sd Moderatour draw

up in form, after the best manner he can to suit the Occasion, our final Resolve

in the case & have it in readiness for us.

Voted by ye sd Delegation: as attest John Wise moderatour.

Wenham: Sept: 30th: 1719:

We, the Delegation of five Churches, viz: the Second Church in Ipswich which did begin

the Process, the Church of Rumny-marish (the Church of York not appearing the weather

being bad) & the two churches in Glocester, being now met by adjournment in Wenham

abovenamed: After very Solemn & humble addresses unto God for direction in this great

concern devolved upon us by his wise providence, we now proceed.

ffirst, We sent a Notification to the Church of Christ in Wenham on the 15th of this

instant, wherein was set forth, that the Delegation of the sd five Churches, formerly

mett in the Town of Wenham at Mr Samuel Kimbal’s on 29th of July last, to super

vise the case of Mr William Rogers, relating to the Suspension he was under from the

sd Church in Wenham, did then & there find & declare, that the Admonition dispensed

by the sd 2d Church in Ipswich to the sd Church in Wenham, in order to the restora

-tion of the sd Rogers was just, & also the sd Church in Wenham was in the sd Notifi

cation Directed to attend on the Delegation now mett, but the sd Church refusing to

submit to the sd Notification, & still persisting in their Obstinacy, We now in the name

of Christ, & in right of the Churches we represent, proceed to draw up a more formal

and final Result in the case, we therefore declare our judgment & sentence in ye articles following

ffirst, That the Management of the 2d church in Ipswich towards the Church in Wenham is

well & sufficiently founded in the Canon of these Churches, and the process of ye sd Church

is to be justified from what the Platform of our Church discipline says about the third

way of Communion of Churches, & therefore the sd process is agreable to the way of Order,

and tends greatly to the promotion of Union, peace, truth, holiness & mutual edification in

and to the establishment of the Churches, and is a laudable & proper example for us, & all

other Churches in the Consociation to follow, and imitate one towards another in such like case.

Secondly. We therefore condemn the Church in Wenham for slighting & rejecting the Process,

& method taken with them by the sd 2d Church in Ipswich; the sd Church in Wenham has

thereby put high contempt upon the Constitution of these Churches, notwithstanding they did

so solemnly & publickly upon the Pacification, promise for the future to Submit to the third way of


Communion in the Platform, & by their sd contempt have begun such a rupture & breach in

their alliance & gospel order, which, if not check’t & stopt in time, tends to the utter

ruine and subversion of the Noble frame & constitution of these famous, ancient, & flourish

ing Churches. And therefore we farther declare that our judgment is, that the sd Church

in Wenham, they continuing in fellowship with these Churches, & all other Churches in

this grand Association, are bound by the Canon at their utmost peril to Submit to such

a method when taken with them by any Neighbour Sister Church upon such or the like ^sufficient cause.

Thirdly. Thus having abundant reason to justify the 2d Church in Ipswich in their proceeding

& having fully supervised the case of sd Mr William Rogers, we do now in Concert with

the sd Church declare, that ye sd Mr Rogers has not given any just offence to the sd Church

of Wenham, by any groundless or injurious charge against his Pastour, on 31st of january 1716/17

in those words of Opposition for which he was Suspended, in that they were sufficiently

evidenced unto us to be true. Therefore we now more formally & publickly Justify the

sd Admonition dispensed on the 19th of May 1719 by the sd Church in Ipswich to the

Church in Wenham, in favour of sd Mr Rogers as abovesd.

ffourthly. In consideration, that the sd Church in Wenham hath all along manifested great

Obstinacy, & now also after due patience & long waiting for their Compliance, the sd

Church still continue very inflexible & obstinate, therefore in the Name of Christ &

of the several Churches we represent, these presents are to set forth & declare, that

we the sd Delegation having joined our selves, do in concert execute, set on, and second

the sd Admonition, & for that end do now advise, direct, & Admonish the sd our much

pitied & greatly beloved Sister Church in Wenham, that after such a long and unjust de-

lay, they do now release their sd brother William Rogers from the sd suspension, and

restore him to Communion with the sd Church in Wenham, & by all due means & brother-

ly deportment towards him establish him in the perswasion of their brotherly love to him,

and also we still continue to advise the sd Mr Rogers, upon the Churches receiving him

to their fellowship. that he suppress all hard resentments towards his Pastour, & bre-

thren, notwithstanding the unkindnesses & injustice he has met with from them. 12: rom:

1: cor: 13: And for the present relief of sd Mr Rogers, while the sd Church shall deli-

berate, we grant a permit to the sd Rogers for Occasional Communion with any of our

Churches. ffinally thus hoping our sd beloved Sister Church in Wenham will well con-

sider how they have swerved from the rule of Charity & justice in the case of their

sd brother Rogers, & also revise what ruptures they have made in the Order of these

Churches, & also we hope & pray that the Grace of God may be sufficient for them,

and influence their minds under the present awfull crisis they are reduced to, and

dispose & bow their hearts to comply with their duty, in the reasonable & just di-

rections that we have laid before them, & so prevent those other more terrible

parts of the process with remain yet to be fulfilled; but if not, God assisting, we

are resolved to execute the same, & that by pursuing every step to a final issue

according to the direction of our Platform.

Voted. nemine non consentiente

John Wise moderatour.

Wenham Octob: 1st: 1719:

We the Delegates of five Churches, (the Church of York being not here, the weather being

bad) having mett at this time by Adjournment at the house of Mr Samuel Kimbal in Wenham abovesd,

and our Sister Church in Wenham remaining very obstinate, & still continuing to resist the regular

Process carried on against them in the case of Mr William Rogers; having found on the 29th of July

last, & then declared the Admonition dispensed by the 2d Church in Ipswich to the sd Church in

Wenham to be just, from the sence of duty incumbent on us, & faithfulness to Christ, & his Churches, and

a due regard to justice we have seconded, & this day farther administred the sd Admonition to the sd

our Sister Church in Wenham, as does more fully appear in the Instrument of Execution we have publish-

ed against the sd Church, reference thereto being had. And farthermore considering how much the

well being of these Churches doth depend upon the careful conduct, wise & good management of this

important business, which God in his holy & wise providence hath at this juncture devolved on the

Churches we represent, & nextly on our selves, we now in due form make a farther pause, & shall

still wait a convenient space of time for the Submission of the sd Church in Wenham, expecting their


complying with their duty, as set forth in sd Admonition, that has been reinforced, seconded, & published

against them as abovesd. And moreover considering at what distance several of us dwell, & also that

the time of the year is hastning on, that may make it more difficult for travel, we therefore judge

it meet to make some suitable precaution in the business, that is to say, if the sd Church in Wenham

shall fully, & in due time comply with the sd Admonition, then the Delegation of the sd five

Churches is dissolved; but if not, we shall continue in being as a representative body, God helping

of us, & shall proceed with the process, & our next step will be to draw up & publish our forbearing

Communion with the sd Church of Wenham for our sd five churches: & then we shall farther also

do & perform such other acts as are agreable with the canon & government of these Churches, in

order to, & in hope of the repentance & full compliance of the sd Church in Wenham. And for the

future we leave the affair, as it is now stated, to the conduct & management of the Delegates of

the three Nearest Churches in the sd Delegation to draw up in form what may be farther need-

full, & transmit the same to the Delegates of the other Churches concerned for their appro-

bation, & also if there be Occasion for it, to determine on time & place when, & where a

grand Council of Churches shall be Convened, as the Platform doth direct; and also to fix

the number of Churches, & who shall be Cited through the whole Consociation, in order to the

Definitive sentence in this case. And moreover before we dismiss this present Session, we de-

clare, that upon issuing out the Sentence of forbearing Communion with the Church of Wenham

for our sd five Churches, which God prevent, if it be his holy will, by bowing the hearts of our

sd Dear Sister Church to a compliance; but if otherwise, & the sd Sentence be pronounced by us

as above is provided, then we think due care should be taken to grant Occasional Commu-

nion to other innocent Members of the sd Church of Wenham, & especially such as do, & have

born due Testimony against the Corruptness & Obstinacy of the foresd Church of Wenham,

they signifying & setting forth that they have so done, & this provision is made for the ease

of the innocent, until the Grand Convention of Churches shall be made in this case, & then

to proceed to a more full Renunciation of all right of Relation to, & acts of ffellowship, as

the Platform doth more expressly direct to, with the sd Church. ffinally, we the sd Delega=

tion having made the best provision we can in so great a Concern, do now leave it to the

sd three Churches as abovesd to take care in all points for the future, & do what is

meett according to their best discretion in the case relating to the sd Church of Wenham

and the sd Mr Rogers, & to give to the Delegates of the other two Churches an account of

things from time to time for their approbation, before any thing of moment as abovesd

be fully Executed.

Voted nemine non consentiente

John Wise moderatour.

A copy of the result, which the Delegation had unanimously voted & published, was sent by

several of the Members of the Delegation, to the Rd: Mr Gerrish Pastour of the Church

of Wenham, & left with his wife, he not being to be spoke with by them.

The sd Mr Gerrish refused to communicate to his Church the result of the Delegation, &

see whither they were willing in compliance therewith to restore their brother Mr Rogers,

which was justly grievous & dissatisfactory to many of his Church.

On the sixth of January following the sd Mr Gerrish died, the difference in Wenham not made up.

After the death of Mr Gerrish, the Church found their difference not being made up was a

barr to their Obtaining another Minister, & thereupon began to endeavour to put an end

to their long continued difference, & after some meetings & essays at last at a Church

meeting they voted to restore Mr Rogers to their Communion, & to revoke what had past

in the Church formerly against him, & that an account of their doings should be sent

to Rd Mr Wise, moderatour of the Delegation or Council that had met at Wenham,

under the hand of Mr Prescot, whom the Church of Wenham had chose to be Moderatour

of their Church meetings & to keep their Church records till they had a Pastour settled,

and that seeing the end is obtained, which was aimed at by their process, & Mr Rogers restored

that they would now cease all farther steps: &c: After Rd Mr Wise received an account of

the Church in Wenham’s restoring Mr Rogers to their fellowship, he communicated the same

to the Delegates of the 5 Churches who declared their acceptance, & so a period put to

any farther steps: and the Delegation was declared dissolved.

To ye Rd Mr Thomas Cheever


Pastour of the Church of

Christ at Rumny-marish.

January 14th 1719/20

Honoured Revd: & Beloved.

It having pleased the most Glorious Head of the Church, after, as we

hope, our most earnest, humble & Solemn Supplications unto him, on a day of

fasting & prayer for his gracious Guidance & Assistance, in a matter of so

great importance, to Direct us of the New-North-Church in Boston by a very

considerable Majority of Votes, to Invite the Revd Mr Peter Thacher late

of Weymouth, to the Pastoral Office among us, and to Incline him to accept

of our Invitation. We have agreed upon Wednesday the 27th of this present

January (God willing) to fix him in the full Exercise of sd Office among us.

We therefore humbly & earnestly intreat the Presence of your Revd Pastour

with such Messengers, as you shall think proper to send with him, to Concurr

with the Elders & Messengers of Several other Churches in Exercising such

Acts of Communion with us, as the Solemnity of the Ser Occasion may call for.

We earnestly ask your Prayers, that Grace, mercy & peace from God our

Father, & from Our Lord Jesus Christ may be multiplied upon us, & upon

our Offspring, & with our humble beseeching the Throne of Grace, that

the same inestimable blessings may descend on you in a most plentiful


We Subscribe Your in the faith

and fellowship of the Gospel.

John Webb, in the name and at

the desire of the Church.

To the Revd: Mr Thomas Cheever

to be Communicated.

You are desired to meet at the

Pastours house by Nine of the clock

in the Morning.

I communicated this letter to the Church on 17th jan:

who readily complied with the desire of Our Sister Church

and chose Lt: John Floyd, Mr William Halsey, & Mr John

Chamberlane to accompany me and concur with the other

Church or Churches that should attend that service.

True copy. Attest Thomas Cheever Pastour

After our return I acquainted the Brethren, whom I sent for to my house,

and who gave me a meeting all except two or three, with what we had done

as to the installing ye Revd: Mr Peter Thacher in the Pastoral Office at

the New-North Church, together with the reasons of our doings therein, who

declared their approbation of the same.

Attest Thomas Cheever Pastour



June 17th

A Church meeting to choose a Deacon, one or more: What was done the former meeting

June: 3d was dropped because of great uneasiness; it was in the first place Hurried by a

unanimous Vote to choose but one Deacon at present: and when their Votes were

brought in, there was not a Majority the first time for any person: when their

Votes were brought in ye 2d time: our brother Mr John Chamberlane was chosen

by the Majority of Voters

Attest Thomas Cheever Pastour

July: 3d

Mr William Sarjeant a member of Maldon Church, having a dismission from that

Church, unto the Church of Christ at Rummy-marish, was received to full Communion.

August: 7th

Thomas Burdit junr: of Maldon & Mary his wife were received to full Communion.

Oct: 2d

A Child of John Leath baptized, named Samuel.

Oct: 23

ffive Children of Thomas Burdit junr: were baptized, their names were

Thomas, Jacob, Jabez, Joseph, Mary.

Nov: 7th

At a Church meeting to choose another Deacon to be joyned with Deacon John

Chamberlane. When their votes were brought in, our brother Mr William Halsy

was chosen by a Majority of Votes & voters: our brother Chamberlane was not

present, it was therefore proposed & assented to by the Church, that their accepting

the Churches call to sd Office should be manifested by their sitting in the Deacons

seat. And whereas at the last Church meeting ^their was discourse about making some allowance to the

Deacons for their trouble yearly, as also to make allowance to the Churches Delegates

sent to Wenham & to Boston &c. Deacon Tuttle declared openly that he desired

nothing for the time he had served the Church in the Office of Deacon. After

which it was unanimously Voted that no allowance should be made to the Deacons

nor to any others out of the Church-Stock but with the knowledge & consent of

the Church, & that the Deacons should give account of their doings in their

Office unto the Church once in a year, to present any dissatisfactions or mistake.

Attest Thomas Cheever


Nov: 13:

A Child of Abraham Skinner baptized, named William.

Dec: 4th:

A Child of Samuel Watts baptized, named Elizabeth.


A Church meeting, in which the Church Covenant was read, showing that we fixed upon

Congregational principles, according to the Platform sett forth by these Chur-

ches, in which both the power of the Elders, and the liberty of the Brethren

are so sett out, as that no Church act is compleat & perfected without the con-

sent of both: when it was put to Vote, whither the Church did consent to and

were willing to abide by the sd first settlement & Covenant, there was an

unanimous consent manifested by lifting up the hand. Afterward upon debate

with reference to the former Church meeting notwithstanding it appeared that

Mr William Halsy had a Major vote to the Office of a Deacon, because of

the fierce opposition made by three or four of the Brethren; upon the motion

of another Brother, that we might for the present rest contented with but

one Deacon viz: Mr John Chamberlane, till spirits were better composed; to

prevent further Contention & for peace it was Voted that Mr Chamberlane

should serve alone in the Office of a Deacon for the present, and passed with

but little opposition: and the sd Deacon Chamberlane declared his accept-

ance for the present, & agreed to go to receive the Churches Vessels & stock,

if any, of Deacon John Tuttle.

Attest Thomas Cheever Pastour.

A copy of Deacon Chamberlane’s receipt given to Deacon Tuttle.

Received of Deacon John Tuttle, the vessels belonging to the Church at Rumny-marish

being two flagons, six cups, & two platters, with the table-cloth & a bottle; as also the Church

stock, being three pounds, seventeen shillings & six pence in bills & eleven shillings ten pence

half penny in pennys & half pence, amounting being in the whole to 4ll: 9s: 4d 1/2: I say received for the

use of the Church, this 2d day of ffebruary 1720/21

Pr me John Chamberlane

a true copy; Attest Thomas Cheever Pastour.



April: 16:

A Child of John Floyd junr: baptized, named Mary.

July: 9:

A Child of William Halsy’s baptized, named Ebenezer.

Aug: 13

A Child of John Pratt of Maldon who married Mehitabel Davis, baptized named John.

- 27

A Child, of John Whittamore a member of Maldon Church, baptized named John.

Sept: 17

A Child of Ensign Joseph Belcher baptized, named Sarah.

Nov: 12

A Child of Samuel Tuttle baptized, named Abigail.


A Child of Deacon John Chamberlane baptized, named Lydia.


Jan: 28:

A Child of Isaac Lewis baptized, named Nathan.

Feb: 18:

Elisha Tuttle was received to full Communion, being dismissed to this Church from

the first Church in Lynn.

Feb: 20th:

Deacon Chamberlane laid his accounts before Lt: John Floyd. Mr Wm: Halsy, & Mr

Saml: Watts who were appointed by ye Church to assist me in attending that

service according to a former Vote of the Church: Novemb: 7th: 1721: and the Churches

stock in his hands appeared to be five pounds eighteen shillings & eight pence.

Attest Thomas Cheever. pastour.

March: 4th

The Church was staied after meeting to appoint,

a time on the week day to consider of what should then be laid before them,

they appointed the Next Wednesday seven-night, to meet at One of ye Clock in the

afternoon at my house. which will be ye 14th of this instant March.


At the Church Meeting after the Church were acquainted that Deacon Chamberlane’s accounts

were fair & clear and what stock was in his hands, it was voted that the sd Deacon should

buy a book to keep his accounts in for the future, & pay for the Chu book of the Church

records; and that he should gett the Windows in the Galleries of the Meeting house

mended, and provide hooks & staples that are wanting to secure the sd Windows for future.

and also to take care of said Windows as their should be need for the future, and these

things to be paid for out of the Church-stock in his hands: it was likewise Voted that the

land belonging to the Meeting-house should be fenced in with a good board fence, and

to be paid for by the Church; Mr Samuel Watts, Jacob Halsy, & John Leath were chosen a

Committee to take care for the doing of it, as also to make steps at the South-door.

This ^last Vote being afterwards objected against by Several of the Brethren was laid by:

Attest Thomas Cheever pastour.

At the Meeting abovesd, it was proposed to the Consideration of the Church with respect

to the Difference & distance that does still continue between the Church and Severall

of the Inhabitants in this place; Whither some Overtures for peace should not be made

by the Church, unto our aforsd Dissenting Neighbours & Friends; After much debate pro

and con: and after the Objections made by some were answered, and the unhappy effects

of the Want of peace, how mischievous it might prove in after times; as also the great

blessings of Peace, & ye special blessing pronounced by Our Saviour unto peace-makers.

and after Some of the Brethren declared that Some of the Principal of Our

Dissenting Neighbours & ffriends had manifested a desire of peace. The Church

Unanimously Voted to send in the following words their proposal to Our sd dissatisfied

Neighbours, to be Directed to Lt: John Brintnal to be Communicated to the rest

the proposal made follows over leaf:

I Communicated both the letters on the other side to ye Church on Feb: 25t:

who readily Complied with the Desire of the Committee; & also the desire

of Our Sister Church in the East end of Watertown; & chose Dn: John Chamberlane,

Lt: John Floyd: Ensign Joseph Belcher, Mr Wm: Halsey, & Mr Samuel Watts, to

Accompany me, & Assist in Common Council with the other Churches that should

meet for that Service at Watertown at the time appointed. Lt: ffloyd, & Mr Belcher

did not appear; but the other three Brethren gave their attendance, where we mett

with eight Churches, as by ye Records of ye Scribe in my keeping may appear:

Attest Thomas Cheever Pasr: the Result of ye Council follow’s overleaf:12

To ye Revd: Mr Thomas Cheever


Pastour of ye Church of Christ

in Rumney-Marish to be Commu-

nicated to ye Church there.

To our Brethren of ye Church of Christ in Rumny-marish

Revd: & well beloved.

Wheras we of ye Committee of ye Church, and the rest of ye Society belonging to the

Middle-part of Water-town, have unanimously made Choice of the Revd: Mr Robert

Sturgeon, to be our gospel Minister, who has seen good to accept of our Call to

settle in that work.13 These are humbly to request your Presence, & Assistance, by your

Elders & Delegates, in setting him apart for that work, according to the practise

of the Churches in New-England, & desiring your prayers for us, remain

yours in the Fellowship of the Gospel.

Dated at Watertown: this 15th ffebruary: 1721/22

Caleb Church

The time yt we have appointed for our

John Parkhust

Ordination is the first Tuesday but one

Simon Tayntor

being ye 27 day of this instant.

Thomas Straight

Joshua Biglow

The place, where the Elders & Messengers

Edward Harrington

are to come to, is Mr Samuel Pearce’s.

Samuel Pearce

Ebenezer Wellington.


Copia vera.

Attest Thomas Cheever Pasr:

To the Revd: Mr Thomas Cheever, Pastour

of ye Church in Rumney-marish to be

Communicated to the Church.

Watertown. Feb: 23: 1721/2

The Church of Christ in ye East end of Watertown to the

Church of Christ in Rumney-marish Sendeth Greeting:

Revd: & Beloved

We received notice this week, of a Letter sent to you, to Desire your Assistance in the

Ordination of Mr Robert Sturgeon, to a Church in Watertown: what Church is intend-

ed we are at Uncertainties, but suppose they may be Some persons partly of the

Eastern, & partly of the Western precincts in Watertown, who endeavour to impose

upon you: for there is such a party in the Town, who have for some time had Mr

Sturgen preaching among them, & seem to have been Clandestinely carrying on

a Design to embarrass ye Affairs of ye Town, which were lately Established by the

Act of ye General Court. We also desire you to send your Pastour & Messengers to

Assist in a Common Council, with the Pastours & Messengers of other Churches, on

Tuesday next, to hear what may be Offered unto you, by those who first sent to for you

and by Agents for both of the Precincts of ye Town, Reasonably hoping you

will bear due Testimony against all Disorders.

We are your very loving Brethren in the ffellowship of the Gospel.

Henry Gibbs, Pastour

in ye name & with the

consent of the Brethren.

You are desired to meet at eight of

the Clock in the Morning at the

house of the Revd: Mr Gibbs.

Copia vera.

Attest Thomas Cheever. Pastour.

At a Council, of Nine Churches, Assembled at Water-town, at the Desire of the


Eastern Church in sd Town, A part of which Council being also Convened

at the Desire of Such as Attend on the Publick worship of God in the Middle-

Meeting-house in sd Town. On Febr: 27: 1721/2. To advise & determine on what

should be Offered to them, relating to the Ordination of the Revd: Mr

Robert Sturgeon.

After humble Supplication to heaven, and an impartial hearing of what was

offered to us, by all Parties, we advise & Determine as followeth


Whereas there are a Number of Persons in sd Water-Town, who by a private Sub-

scription and Pretended gathering of a Church, have Attempted the Settlement

of the sd Mr Robert Sturgeon as their Gospel Minister, We are of Opinion,

that the Proceedings, of the sd Subscibers relating to Mr Sturgeon’s Settle-

ment, are Contrary to the Designe of the General Court Act, relating to the

Division of Water-town into two Precincts.


We also are of Opinion, that the aforsd Proceedings are not agreable to the

good Order, & practise of the Churches of Christ in New-England, neither are

those, that call themselves a Church, to be Owned as such for the reasons



Wherefore we Determine & Declare, that the Ordination of no Person on

the forementioned or the like foundation Ought to be Proceeded in.


And whereas the Western Precinct have Erected a Meeting-house, which it is

supposed & hoped will in a very little time be fitt for the Publick Worship of

God, and upon hearing of what hath been alledged, We are of Opinion, that

it will be very Conducible to the peace of Water-town, that the Eastern

Precinct do proceed to Erect & finish a Meeting-house on School-house-hill, within

a year at farthest from this time, & accordingly, we earnestly advise them thereun ^to.


Whereas Mr Joshua Warren with Others, in the behalf of the Subscribers for Mr

Sturgeon’s Settlement, have asked the Advice of this Council concerning the

Maintaining of Preaching, in the Middle Meeting-house in Water-town; till One

is provided on School-house hill; the Council judge it Advisable that there be

Preaching at the sd Middle Meeting house, until according to the Order of the

General Court, the Meeting house be fitted for the Worship of God in the

Western Precinct, and farther we cannot see reason to advise.

And we pray the God of Peace to give you peace always by all means.

Thomas Cheever Moderatour

in ye name & with the

Consent of the Council.

Copia vera.

Attest Thomas Cheever.

This Result of the Council I read unto the Church, the Sabbath

after, being 4th March:

Attest Thomas Cheever pastour.



March: 14: The Church of Christ, ^in Rumney-marish to Our Dissatisfied Neighbours & Friends in Rumney-marish

these, Directed, by the Vote of the Church, to Lt: John Brintnal to be Communica-

ted to the rest.

Whereas there hath been, & is still an Openly continued distance & difference

between the Church of Christ in this place, & some of the other Inhabitants, which

we think cannot but be Uncomfortable both to them and Us, as well as displeasing

unto Our Glorious Lord. We have therefore, (upon serious Consideration of our said

differences with the uncomfortable effects, as also from some intimations give us by

Some of our Brethren, that Some of Our sd Neighbours & friends were Desirous of peace,

to let it appear that We are desirous of a good peace with all Our Christian Neigh-

bours & friends,) agreed to make this Overture, unto Our Dissatisfied Neighbours and

ffriends, that they would be pleased to let us know, what are the hinderances unto a

peace on our part, that so we may remove them, if we judge them capable of being

removed, that for the future there may be a better understanding among us, that we

may live & love as Brethren, & the interest of Christs Kingdom may be the better

promoted among us, to the good not only of the present but Succeding Generations.

We would earnestly pray Our dissatisfied Neighbours & friends to let us hear from

them with all Convenient speed.

March: 14: 1721/2 Rumny-marish.

Thomas Cheever Pastour

in ye name of the Brethren.

To Lieutt: John Brintnal

to be Communicated.

April: 29:

The Church was staied and the following letter read unto them:

Watertown. April: 27: 1722.

The two Churches in Watertown, viz: the East & West part thereof, to the Church of Christ

in Rumny-marish, Wish the Multiplication of Grace, mercy & peace from God the Father

through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Reverend & Beloved.

The very difficult Circumstances of our Town in General, & each of these Churches

in it, are such (though the holy & Sovereign Providence of God) that we Eminently stand

in need of Direction & Assistance for giving light & Restoring peace unto us, from the

Neighbour Churches in Communion with us. The Occasion whereof is the Coming of a

Gentleman lately from Ireland into our Town, viz: Mr Robert Sturgeon, who has been ende-

vouring to Constitute a Third Church in the Town, in a very factious & Schismatical

manner. We having used all the more Private Methods to prevent the Growth of these

Disorders: and also called a Reverend Council, who by their Elders & Messengers Con-

demned the Proceedings of said Mr Robert Sturgeon & his Party; yet he & they

bidding defiance to all these Methods have gone on with great Resolution. We have

in this case no better Remedy than to call in farther Council; and we do it the rather,

because this Schisme is like to be a spreading Leprosy through all the Churches in the land

except timely Suppressed. We therefore the Afflicted Brethren in Watertown entreat

your Assistance by your Elders & Messengers on the Next Tuesday to Meet in Council

on this important matter, that by the blessing of God upon this Institution of his,

Our present Disorders may be Redressed, and all such bold Attempts for the future

on the Order of the churches in this Province Discountenanced; whereby also the

Supream Authority of the land in Civil Respects has been Oppugned, as you will

be more particularly enformed, when Present with us. Desiring your instant prayer

on our behalf, We are your very loving Brethren in the Fellowship of ye gospel

Henry Gibbs, Pastour of ye East Church in Watertown.

Jonathan Sanderson Deacon of ye West Church in Watertown



Your presence is desired at Nine

of the Clock of ye aforsd day at

the house of Lt: Coolidge.

The Churches of Christ to be added to those

that have been formerly on Our Spot, are the

Old Church, ye Old North, ye Old South and

Mr Colmans in Boston, & ye Church in Dorchester.

To the Reverend Mr Thomas Cheever

Pastour of the Church in Rumny-marish

to be Communicated to ye Church.

Copia vera. Attest Thomas Cheever Pasr

The Church upon hearing the letter, readily Complied with the Desire of

Our Sister Churches in Watertown, & Voted that Lt: John Floyd, together

with Our Brethren Deacon John Camberlane, Mr William Halsey, & Mr

Samuel Watts, who were of the former Council at Watertown, should

Accompany me, and attend that Service at time & place appointed.

Attest: Thomas Cheever Pastour.

When the time came, Lt John Floyd & Mr Samuel Watts gave their Attendance

with my self at the place appointed, where we mett with the rest of the

Churches who were desired to meet in Council by their Elders & Messengers,

the result of the Council here follows.

May: 1st:

A Council of fourteen Churches, Convened at Watertown, on Tuesday, May: 1st,

1722, upon the desire of the two Churches there, complaining of Disorderly

proceedings among Several people in the Town; After solemn invocation of

the Glorious Lord, and through Examination of the Matters laid before us,

(which the Persons, principally Complained of in the Town, declined to Attend,

when fairly Notified,) have declared, as followeth.


We apprehend the Neighbours, who have Combined, & Subscribed to fform a third

Congregation in the Middle of Watertown, have done what has a tendency to

Defeat the good intentions of Our Nursing Fathers in the Civil Government;

Whose Directions for the Establishment of two Precincts, & Churches in Water-

Town, appears to us evidently Calculated for the general Welfare of the Place,

the interest of Religion, the period of Contention, & the reasonable Ease of

the Inhabitants; and their Attempts that way are therefore to be blamed, and

are such as may not expect Countenance from the people of God: 1: Peter: 2:

13. 15: 1. Cor: 10. 37: 13: Rom: 1. 2: 14: Rom: 19:


It appears, that the small Number of Brethren, who have attempted the Formation of a

new Church in Water-town, were Guilty of much Disorder, and Violated their solemn

Church Covenant, when they Signed their Private Covenant before they either

had, or asked a Dismission from the Church to which they belonged: and ye C

Church have had weighty reason to decline the granting them a dismission

from them, when they afterwards requested it. We hereby declare, that they are

still to be considered as Members of that Church, who may treat them as

Offenders, & liable to their holy Discipline, on this occasion: and they are not

to be Owned as a Distinct Church in Water-town. 10: Heb: 25: 1: Peter: 5. 5: 17: Ezek: 18. 1


It appears that Mr Robert Sturgeon, to qualify himself for purposes which he had

frequently promised not to prosecute, Obtained for himself an Ordination at a

Private house in Boston, from the hands of three Ministers lately arrived from,

and two of them returning to Ireland, and this without the advice, or knowledge

of any of the United Ministers in Boston, or any other Pastours or Churches that

we can learn in the Province; & also without any proper & previous publication of

what was intended: and that afterward in a Private house from the Single hand

of Mr Magregory Minister of Nutfield,14 he received an Enstalment in the Pastoral

Charge of some of the beforesaid Brethren, as a Church in Watertown; whereupon he

has gone on to the Publick actions of a Pastour to a Flock there. These proceed-

ings we judge to be full of irregularities, and carry in them a very undue imp

imputation upon the Churches in this Countrey, & threaten the introduction of

the utmost confusion among us, and are a very ill requital of the brotherly-kindness wherewith

Strangers from North-Brittain, & Ireland have been embraced & honoured among us; and [19]

require a publick testimony to be born against them; and in this testimony a Rebuke

appears to be peculiary due to Mr Magregory, whose Conduct has expressed so much

temority, presumption, and intrusion, as is greatly offensive unto us, nor may he expect

the regards due to a Minister in our Churches, until we have received suitable

satisfaction from him, for the insult he has made upon the good order of our Chur-

ches, particularly his acting in defiance of the late Council of Watertown.

13: acts: 2. 3. 1: tim: 5. 22: 1: Cor: 14: 33. 40:


As we cannot but commend our Brethren in the Western precinct of Watertown for

their proceeding so far as they have done, in Erecting of their New Meeting-house

as also in their Seasonable Remonstrances to Mr Robert Sturgeon, & his party;

adding our advice, that they take all speedy & proper Measures for the Settlement

of all Ordinances among them, to which we pressingly exhort the Neighbours, who

have Subscribed to a Separate intention, to fall in with a due concurrance; so we

encourage our Brethren, in the Eastern Precinct, to do what they have by the late

Council been directed unto, either by obtaining a Removal of the Middle Meeting

house to School-house hill, or building a New one there.


We do with all Solemnity Admonish the Brethren, who have been trying to sett

up a third Church in Watertown, together with the Person, whom they have so unad-

visedly Owned as their Pastour, to repent of & desist from their Disorderly, and

Schismatical proceedings, lest it become yet more Manifest unto all men, that the

Glorious Lord, who walks in the midst of the Golden Candle-sticks, & who hates the

work of them which turn aside, & who is terrible from out of his holy places, is dis-

pleased at the way which they have taken. We particularly declare, that Mr

Robert Sturgeon has no right to the Office of a Pastour among them, and ought no

longer to preach, nor exercise any part of the Ministry in the place where he

now is, and that the people ought not to Countenance it: and that we judge him

unworthy to be employed in any of the Churches, till he has made a publick

satisfaction. To conclude, we exhort Mr Sturgeon and his Adherents, that they

yield a ready & willing Compliance with the Admonition, which we give unto them

in discharge of our duty, to our Glorious Lord, and unto them, and unto all our Chur-

ches: and expect that they will not treat this with the same Contempt which

they have cast upon the advice, & determination of the late Council of Churches

in this place, as they would not expose themselves to a farther & more awfull

Censure upon their Offences.

Finally Brethren be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and

peace shall be with you.

a copy

Cotton Mather Moderatour.

July: 15:

A Child of John Floyd junr: baptized, named Jacob.

- 29th:

Eleanor Leath wife of John Leath was received to full Communion.

Sept: 16:

A Child of Samuel Watts baptized, named Elizabeth.

Octob: 7:

A Child of John Leath baptized, named Elijah.

- -21st

Richard Whittamore was received to full Communion, & baptized at the same time.

Dec: 23d:

Jeremiah Whittemore was received to full Communion, & Patience his wife.


Jan: 20

A Child of Nathan Cheever baptized, named Nathan.

Feb: 19:

Deacon Chamberlane laid his accounts before Mr William Halsy, Mr Saml: Watts & Mr Jacob Halsy

who were appointed by the Church to Assist me in that Service, and the Church-Stock in his

10s: 6: glazier | hands, (beside twenty shillings & six pence laid out by him according to a Vote of

3s: my book | the Church, for mending the Meeting-house Windows & for ye Church-books)15 [was found]16

7s: ye Deacon | to be six pounds, ten shillings & a penny: 6L: 10s: 1d:

Book: 20s: 6d:




Ruhamah Tuttle, (Widow of John Tuttle junr) was received to full Communion.

July: 24th:

A Child of John Pratt of Maldon, (who married Mehetabel Davis) baptized, named Sarah.

August: 10th:

A Child of Jeremiah Whittemore baptized, named Jeremiah.

Octob: 13

A Child of Deacon John Chamberlane’s baptized, named Lois.


A Child of Abraham Skinner baptized, named Isaac.

Dec: 1st:

The following letter was read unto the Church:

To the Revd: Mr Cheever, Pastour

of ye Church of Christ in Rumny-marish.

From the Church of Christ in Reading North-precinct, to the Church of Christ in

Rumny-marish, Grace & Peace be multiplied to you from God ye Father & our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev: & Beloved. Whereas nine of ye Brethren of this Church have apprehended themselves to

be much aggrieved by their Pastour, in being denied ye Priviledges of the Brother-hood; and in

his partiality in ye Administration of the affairs belonging to this Church of Christ: which

matters of grievance are manifested by sundry positive articles, in a writing drawn up &

signed by them, & delivered by them to him their Pastour: and we being apprehensive of our

present uncapacity to put a peacable issue to this Difference among our selves. We, viz:

the Pastour, the Dissatisfied Brethren, with the other part of the Church do earnestly

desire the presence & Assistance of your Revd: Elder, with two of your Messengers, on

Tuesday ye 26t of Novemb, and if Thanksgiving should be in that week, then we shall

expect you, on 3d of Decemb, which is the Tuesday following, to hear & Determine the

matters of Difference among us.

So commending you to the grace & blessing of God in our Lord jesus Christ, & desiring

your earnest prayers to God for us.

We rest, yours in the faith & fellowship of the Gospel.

Reading Novemb ye 1212 1723

Daniel Putnam


in the name & with ye consent

of ye Brethren.

The Churches that are sent to, are ye first ^Church of X in

Marble-head, ye 1st Church in Reading, ye Church in Woburn,

the first Church in Salem, ye Church in Rumny-marish, the 2d

Church in Andover, the Church in Billericah:

afterwards ye Church in Lexington was sent to, in the stead of Woburn Church, ye Revd:

Mr Fox not being well: & ye Church in Salem-village in stead of Reading first Church.

The Church upon hearing the letter, readily Voted to comply with the desire of our

Sister Church in Reading North-precinct, & Ensign Joseph Belcher, & Mr William Halsy

were chosen to Accompany me & attend that Service at the time appointed.

When the time came, Mr William Halsy accompanied me to Reading, (Mr Belcher

had a Son to be buried that very day the Council was to meet) where we mett

with the rest of ye Elders & Messengers of the Churches desired to meet in Council.

The Result of the Council here followeth.

At a Council of seven Churches, held at the North-precinct in Reading, on Decemb: 3d

1723, to hear and Determine the matters of Difference there, between ye Revd: Mr

Daniel Putnam, and Some of his Church, that call themselves aggrieved. The Revd:

Mr Putnam, & the whole Church, before the Opening of the Council, laying them=

selves under Obligation to sit down satisfied by the Judgment of this Council.

Whereas, (after having earnestly sought to God for direction) having publickly heard,

[and]17 privately Considered all, that the Several aggrieved Brethren had to alledge

[against] the Revd: Mr Putnam, with his Answers, the testimonies, and the Votes

[of the Church relat]ing thereto. We do find


That the several Charges ma]de by the aggrieved, against the Revd: Mr Putnam

as to his Administrations, are groundless and unjust.



That the Aggrieved have greatly departed from the Platform, in chapter tenth;18

in their Carriage towards the Revd: Mr Putnam.


That although the Aggrieved Brethren have something Softned their Charges

against their Pastour, by saying that it is their Opinion that such things were

a breach upon their priviledges, and to ask farther light in these matters; Yet

it is plain, that they are too positive in their Opinion, and too sharp in the

expressing thereof, and sometimes use severe expressions & heavy insinuations.

4 That the Revd: Mr Putnam did Use some sharpness, as well as extent of Speech,

which the Aggrieved look upon as grievous; which, though he had great

Provocation, yet had better have been let alone.

5 That Deacon Thomas Taylor ought to humble himself before God, and to the

Pastour, & Church for his Disorder, & Opposition to his Pastour, which he hath

manifestly discovered in a day of temptation; and for the future demean himself

to the Pastour and Church with much humility & circumspection, lest he should

again give Disturbance to the Church of God, and that so doing, the Pastour and

Church receive him into their good Opinion, and Charitable affection.


That the aggrieved Brethren, & especially Capt: Thomas Briant, having unjustly charged

the Revd: Mr Putnam, as they do in their paper, and have done more so in their

publick reports, do therefore Manifest the sence of their evil, in taking up and

spreading such evil reports of an Elder without cause, by humbly asking forgive=

ness of God, & of their injured Pastour; and in their future carriage submit them=

selves peacably & orderly to the Ecclesiastical Administrations of him, who

is sett over them in the Lord.

Finally, We earnestly entreat by the Gentleness and meekness of Christ, that both

Pastour and people make it their sincere endeavour, to forget and forgive all that

hath past as grievous to them; laying aside all heart-burning, & evil surmisings,

and harsh speeches of, and to one another; and carry themselves with all gentleness,

tenderness, meekness, humility, love & charity, preserving the Unity of the Spirit in

the bonds of peace, that the God of love & peace may be ^with them.

A true copy.    Thomas Cheever Moderatour

with the Unanimous consent

of the Council.

I read this Result of the Council publickly, on

the next Sabbath, being 8th December.



A Child of Isaac Lewis baptized, named Joseph.

Feb: 9:

Jacob Chamberlane was received to full Communion.

-- 10

Deacon John Chamberlane laid his Accounts before Ensign Joseph Belcher, & Mr Samuel Watts

who were appointed by the Church, to Assist me in that Service, and the Church-stock in

his hands was found to be, Seven pounds, seven shillings, & eight pence: 7ll: 7s: 8d:


I stayed the Church, and propounded to ye Church, (which I had propounded before to Severall of

the Brethren in private, who very readily consented to the Motion) that upon days of publick

fasting, and also on days of publick thanksgiving for the future we might have a Contribution

for the poor. I mentioned several things to show that acts of Charity and alms are a very

special part of Christianity, & when performed rightly are acceptable unto God. The

Church readily as to ye greater part came in to the proposal, and Voted that what should

be gathered on such. Occasions, should be kept by it self in the Deacons hands, and be

sacred to the forenamed use, & should be disposed of to Objects of Charity when such

Objects should appear; with the knowledge and Consent of the Church: and they agreed


to begin the next Publick fast, which is to be on the twenty sixth day of this instant

March; and that Notice should be given hereof to the Congregation, if any of

them would come in to this good proposal; which was done accordingly the

Sabbath before the ffast.

Attest Thomas Cheever. Pastour.


March: 26t: On this day a Contribution was made for the poor, according to the before na-

med Vote of ye Church, & several of the Congregation came into it, and though

it was a foul day, there were thirty shillings gathered, & four pence.

April: 5t:

Mr Hugh Floyd, & his wife, having their dismission from Maldon Church, to the

Church at Rumny-marish, were received to full Communion.

Same day. A Child of John Floyd baptized, named Mary.

June: 7th:

A Child of Jacob Chamberlane baptized, named Samuel.

July: 12:

A Child of Samuel Tuttle baptized, named Tabitha.

August: 2d:

A Child, of William Thompson, recommended from Ireland, baptized named James.


A Child of Samuel Watts baptized, named Edward.

Octob: 4th:

A Child of John Pratt of Maldon, who married Mehetabel Davis, baptized, named Anne

18: Rebeccah Hinckson was received to full Communion.


5t: Thanksgiving day, stormy day: the Contribution amounted to twenty one some pence shillings & 9


A Child of Thomas Wait junr, (who married Abraham Halsey’s widow) baptized, named Ebenezer.


Febr: 16:

At a Church-meeting Deacon John Chamberlane laid his accounts before the

Church, and the Church Stock in his hands was found to be: 8ll: 17s: 9d.

At the same, John ffloyd as Executor to his ffathers Will, paid a legacy of ten

pounds, given to the Church by his ffather in his last will, into the hands of

Deacon Chamberlane in behalf of the Church; and it was Voted by the Church

that the sd ten pounds should be laid out in a silver cup for the Use of the

Church, with the sd Lt: John ffloyds name upon it, as his gift, & that Deacon John

Chamberlane should get it done as speedily as might be.

At the same Meeting it was agreed that we should have the Sacrament in the

winter, and that from & after the next Sacrament day which will be on the last

Lords day in ffebruary, it shall be observed Once in six weeks throughout the year,

and that it should be proposed the Next Sacrament day for the Concurrence of

Our Maldon Brethren. & This was proposed & consented to upon 28th of ffebruary.

At the same Meeting after some Debate about the matter, it was Unanimously

Voted & agreed, that the Contribution for the Poor upon publick fast days, & thanks

givings should be Continued, & that Notice should be given, the next time when

the Proclamation was read, to the Congregation, that the Church did allow

them to Nominate some meet person to be joyned with Deacon John Chamberlane

to take an account the care & charge of what should be collected at such times.

Attest Thomas Cheever.


A Child of Elisha Tuttle baptized, named Jacob.

April: 1st:

Publick fast, the Contribution amounted to thirty one shillings.

June: 27:

Patience Davis was received to full Communion.

Oct: 28:

Publick thanksgiving, very warm. The Contribution amounted to thirty five shillings.


March: 13:

A Child of Samuel Tuttle baptized, named Samuel.

- 24

Publick ffast, the Contribution amounted to twenty five shillings & threepence.

- 29

Deacon Chamberlane laid his accounts before my self with Several of the

Breth^eren, & the Church stock in his hands was found to be 10ll: 16s: 7d:

April: 10:

A Child of John Leath baptized, named Eleanor.

July: 24:

A Child of Isaac Lewis baptized, named Lydia

Sept: 18:

A Child of Jacob Chamberlane baptized, named Elizabeth.19

Novemb: 10:

Publick Thanksgiving. The Contribution was appointed for Ebenezer Hill of Maldon,

who, having a sore leg for several years, which the Doctours at last judged incurable,


unless his leg was cutt off, [(]which was done the 7th of this moneth) petitioned Our Church



and Congregation for our Charity: there was gathered about five pounds ten shillings.

Nov: 20.

A Child of Thomas Wait junr: baptized, named Mary.

- 27

A Child of John Floyd baptized, named Sarah.

Dec: 25th

Jeremiah Whittemore & Patience his wife, upon their desire were dismissed by a

Vote of the Church, to the Church of Christ in West-town, alias Weston.


March: 19

A Child of Samuel Watts baptized, named Anne.

- 20

At a Church-Meeting after much Debate, it was Voted that that the Contribution for the

Poor upon the next ffast day, which is appointed to be on the 30th of this instant March

shall be for Mrs Marbles Daughter Hannah who has been a considerable time Under the

Doctours hand having a dangerous humour in her Mouth & throat: &c: and that Notice hereof

should be given to the Congregation the Sabbath before, if they had any thing to

Object against the Churches proceeding in this matter.

At this Meeting Deacon Chamberlane laid his Accounts before the Church; and the

Church Stock in his hands was found to be: 11ll: 11s: 5d: And at the same time


The Stock in his hands for the Poor was found to be: seven pounds, one & 4d 7ll: 01s: 4d

March: 30


The Contribution, which according to the forenamed Vote of the Church was appointed

for Hannah Marble, (& of which Notice was given to the Congregation) amounted to: 3ll: 12s: 9d:

three pound &c:

April: 9th:

A Child of Elisha Tuttle baptized, named Elizabeth.

Octob: 15th. The Church was stayed & the following letter read unto them.

Boston. Octob: 10: 1727.

To the Church of Christ, whereof the Reverend Mr Thomas Cheever

is the Pastour.

The old Church in Boston sendeth Greeting in our Lord Jesus.

Reverend, Honoured, & Beloved.

We presume you are not unacquainted that We have sometime since

Chosen, & called our Worthy Brother Mr Charles Chauncey to the

Pastoral Office among us. Now these come to inform you, that we

have appointed Wednesday, the twenty fifth of this instant October

to be the day for his Ordination. At which solemnity we desire your

presence & help, by your Elder & Messengers, to joyn with others in

Council on that important Occasion, agreeable to the known approved

Custom of these Churches. And beseech you in the mean time to assist

us by your fervent prayers, in preparing for so great a transaction,

that we may have the Gracious smiles of Heaven on our proceeding

& experience much of the promised presence of our Ascended Saviour

& Head in the midst of us. The same we wish to you & to all

the Churches. Grace be with you & Peace to the Brethren, with

Faith & Love which is in Christ Jesus. Unto whom be glory in the

Churches World without end. Amen.

The Delegates are desired to meet

at Mr Foxcrofts house by nine a clock

in the morning of sd day.

Thomas Foxcroft Pastour

in the name of the Church

Copia vera. Attest Thomas Cheever.

The Church readily complied with the Desire, & chose Don: John

Chamberlane, Mr Hugh Floyd, Mr William Halsey, & Mr Samuel

Watts, to accompany me, & Assist in that Service, at the time &

place appointed. At which time ye Revd: Mr Charles Chauncey was

Ordained to the Pastoral Office in sd Church. Attest

Thomas Cheever




Nov: 9:

Publick Thanksgiving: The Contribution for the Poor amounted to thirty one shillings & six pence


Ruth Whittemore was received to full Communion.

Dec: 31:

Benjamin Whittemore & Sarah his wife were received to full Communion.


14 Jan:

A Child of Mr Macurdin’s, (who brought a testimony from Ireland) baptized, named Abraham.


Joseph Whittemore, Thomas Eustis, & William Tuttle were received to full Communion.

ffebr: 28th:

At a Church Meeting appointed to Consider how the contributions for the Poor should be

drawn out, as Occasion should require. It was, after some debate, unanimously agreed

to choose three of the Church besides Deacon Chamberlane to be a Committee,

and that Notice should be given to the Congregation, if they think meet to Choose

an equal number to joyn with the Committee, chosen by the Church, and that this

Committee of the Church and Congregation shall have full power to drawn out, and

dispose of what is, or shall be collected, for the Poor, according to their best

judgment and prudence, until the Church shall see cause to alter this Method

when some other or better Method shall appear: (but if the Congregation do not

see cause to Choose a Committee, after some reasonable time of two or three

moneths allowed for the consideration of this proposal) then the Committe of

Church shall have the power of drawing out and disposing of the money aforsd

and give account of their acting in this affair to the Church once in the year:

at the same time Mr Samuel Watts, Mr Jacob Halsey, & Mr Samuel Tuttle were

Chosen to be joyned with Deacon Chamberlane as a Committe for the end aforsd,

and accepted.

At the same time, Deacon Chamberlane laid his accounts before the Church, and

the Church Stock in his hands was found to be twelve pounds & five pence,

out of which twenty shillings was disbursed for mending the Meeting house windows,

so the Church stock in his hands is but eleven pounds & five pence: 11ll: 00s: 5d

and there was found, eight pounds, twelve & four pence in his hands for the Poor: 8: 12: 4

Attest Thomas Cheever Pastor.

March: 10.

A Child of John Leath baptized, named Sarah.

Same day Sarah Holloway, wife of Joseph Holloway ^was received to full Communion.


Publick ffast. The Contribution for the poor amounted to twenty two shillings & some pence.


Three Children of ^named Benjamin Whittemore baptized. Benjamin. Jacob. Sarah.


Two Children of Joseph Holloway baptized same day. Martha. named Mary.

June 16

Thomas Brintnal received to full Communion.

August: 11:

A Child of Capt: Nathaniel Oliver baptized, named James.

Sept: 8:

A Child of Jacob Chamberlane baptized, named Phebe.


A Child of Joseph Whittemore baptized, named Hannah.

Octob 20.

A Child of Samuel Tuttle baptized, named John.

Nov: 7:

Publick thanksgiving. The Contribution for the poor amounted to thirty nine some pence. shillings &


Sarah Leath, wife of ffrancis Leath of Woburn, received to full Communion.

March: 2d


A Child of Samuel Watts baptized, named Rachel.

Same day, a Child of John Grover, (his wife a member of the New-North Church,

in Boston) was baptized, named Edmund.


At a Church meeting, appointed to receive the account of the Committee chosen

to draw out & dispose of the money collected for the Poor. The sd Committee did

give an account of five pounds drawn out & disposed of, viz: three pounds to

the Widow Lamson, & twenty shillings in wood to Widow Marble, & as much to

her daughter the Widow Tuttle. The Church were well satisfied with what

they had done. And chose the same persons, to be a Committee for the same

purpose, for this year ensuing. The Church also Voted, that Notice should be

again given to the Congregation, if they think meet to choose an equal Number

to joyn with the Committee chosen by the Church for the business aforsd, and

that Notice be given the next Lords day for Church & Congregation to meet

at the Meeting house, the Wednesday next after. Attest: Thomas Cheever Pastror.

At the same time, Deacon Chamberlane laid his accounts before the Church,

and the church Stock in his hands was found to be: eleven pounds, seventeen, & 7d:

11: 17: 7:


Joanna Tuttle, daughter of Edward Tuttle junr:, received to full Communion.


A Child of James Brintnal, (his wife a member of Charlstown Church) baptized: James.


A publick ffast: The Contribution for the poor amounted to about twenty nine shillings.




The Chur I Communicated the following letter to the Church:

Woburn May 19. 1729.

To the Church of Christ in Boston, whereof ye Revd: Mr Thomas Cheever is

the Pastour, Grace, mercy & peace be Multiplied. &c

The church & Town of Woburn having made Choice of Mr Edward Jackson to

be our Minister, and over us in all matters of ye Lord; & God having inclined his

heart to accept our Invitation. We earnestly desire our presence, & Assistance by

your Reverend Elder & Messengers, to meet with the Revd: Elders & Messengers of

other Churches, & joyn with them in putting Mr Jackson into the sacred Office of a

Pastour over us, according to the Gospel Directory. And humbly asking your most solemn

& fervent prayers to the God of all Grace on our behalf, for a good issue of all our

Difficulties, & for ye Success & prosperity of ye Gospel among us. We remain Yours in

the faith & fellowship of the Gospel.

By order & consent of the Major part

of the Church & Town of Woburn.

William Lock

George Reed

Samuel Blogget.

The day appointed for Ordination

is Wednesday June 4th next. You are desired

to meet on Tuesday June 3d at the house of

Mr Jonathan Pool Esq in Woburn at One of

the clock afternoon to prepare matters for Ordination.

The Church readily Complied with the desire, & chose Dn Chamberlane, William Halsey,

& Samuel Tuttle, to accompany me & attend that Service. Afterwards Deacon Chamberlane

Came to me & Desired to be excused from the Service;

June: 1st:

I stayed the Church & acquainted them with the desire of Deacon Chamberlane & his

reasons, whereupon the Church chose Mr Hugh ffloyd & Mr Samuel Watts. &c

June 3d I went to Woburn with those four Brethren accompanying of me, where we mett

with the Elders & Messengers of Lexington, Redding, Chelmsford, Billerica, Newtown, and

Brookline Churches. When we were formed into a Council, we advised to the most proba-

ble Methods we could think of for the Accomodating the differences among them, and

laboured with Mr Fox & those that held with him, & also with those who did adhere

to Mr Jackson, & who were those that had called this Council, & were by far the

greater part of both of Church & Town, almost two to one, but our advice had not compli-

ed with: whereupon the Council came Unanimously into this Vote.

We judge it not advisable to proceed forthwith to Ordination under their present Circumstan ces.

The result of a Council of 6 Churches called & Convened at Woburn June 3d 1729

to Consider & advise with respect to the Ordination of Mr Edward Jackson &c

After Solemn & earnest prayer to God, the God of all Wisdom & Grace, for Divine direction

in the very difficult & arduous affairs before us, & upon the most mature thoughts on the

perplexed state of affairs in Woburn, We did Solemnly & Unanimously advise to the most

probably Methods, we could think of, towards an Accomodation of their unhappy difference

which were not mutually complied withall: whereupon we thought it unpracticable to pro-

ceed to Ordination under their present Circumstances. But we with bowels of com-

passion beg of the Contending parties to leave off strife, & contention, & yet pursue

the Methods proposed, or any other that can be thought of, more likely to Compose, &

heal their unhappy differences, that if it be possible they may yet live in love and

peace, that the God of love & peace may yet be & abide with them.

Thomas Cheever Moderatour

in the name & with

Consent of the Council.

Sept: 21:

4 Children of ffrancis & Sarah Leath of Woburn

baptized, their names were, Benjamin, Robert, Ebenezer, Mary.

Octob: 5:

A Child of Benjamin Whittemore baptized, named Esther.

Nov: 2d

A Child of John Floyd baptized, named James

To the Church ^of Christ in Rumny-marish, Greeting.


Rd & Dearly Beloved.

Whereas there is a Number among us, who call themselves aggrieved Brethren, and as they say have pro-

ceded to extraordinary & uncommon means in Deposing, upon a Delinquent Offices, and which

still as they say has involved them in several difficulties, and for their Publick Vindication, &

to hear & advise upon the reasons & Regularity of their Ecclesiastical proceeding, & to direct

to peace & good Order; have by their letters missive Convened 7 Churches upon the case, who

by their Elders & Messengers in form of an Ecclesiastical Council, taking the Case into their

Consideration, have Adjourned to the first Tuesday in September next, at nine of the Clock

in the Morning to meet at the house of Lt Coolidge at Watertown, withall adding, that

the Subscriber be with Convenient speed acquainted with it, with liberty to adde a like

Number of Seven Churches to make up a Council, and also to lay before sd Council what

may be matter of Grievance to him. We beseech you therefore Rd & dearly Beloved to

pitty us under our great calamities. To pray for us, that the God of all Grace would restore

good Order & peace among us; and afford us ye Assistance of your Rd: Elder, or Elders & such

Messenger or Messengers as you shall think fit, to joyn in the abovesd Council at time &

place, with such other Churches, as we have sent to, to make up our Numbers to hear, advise,

& direct in the abovesd case, & in what else may have been amiss in their Conduct; and

shall be Regularly laid before the Council. That the Great Shepherd of ye sheep,

through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant, would make you perfect in every good

work, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, is the hearty prayer of

yours, in the faith & fellowship of the Gospel.

Leicester. August: 4th 1729.

David Parsons. Pastour

with the consent of the Church.

To the Rd Mr Thomas Cheever

Pastour of ye Church of Christ

at Rumny-marish, & to sd Church.

The Churches sent to by Mr Parsons, were Mr Barnards, & Mr Holy Okes, Mr Prescott’s,

Mr Appleton’s, Mr Williams of West-town, & Mr Coaks of Sudbury, & Rumny-marish.20

August: 24th.

I read the letter to the Church, & ye Church consented to send our beloved brethren,

Mr Joseph Belcher. Mr Samuel Watts. Mr William Halsey. Mr Jacob Halsey & Mr Thomas

Brintnal, to accompany me & attend that Service.

Sept: 2d:

The aforsd Brethren appeared, & attended ye Service at Water-town on the first day of ye

Council. Mr Belcher & Mr William Halsy desired to be excused from farther attendance.

Mr Jacob Halsy did not attend the last day of ye Council: But Mr Watts & Mr Brintnal

attended ye whole time. The Council sat at Watertown four days & then adjour-

ned to Boston, to meet upon. Sept: 16.

Sept: 16:

The Council mett at Boston according to Adjournment, & sat four days in Mr Colman’s

Meeting house, and drew up their Result, & then Dissolved.

Mr Watts, & Mr Brintnal attended ye whole time; ye other Brethren but part of the time.

The agrieved Brethren at Leicester, being ye Major part of the Church, had deposed their

Pastour, for Several crimes which they charged him with, under three general heads.

first of Male administration. 2d: Of Delinquency. 3d: Of immorality: and they branched

these heads into Several Articles: 8 under the first: 3 under ye 2d: under ye 3d head they charg

ed him with Slander in 4 articles: and fraudulent dealing: & lying in 4 articles.

they themselves in their letters Missive call their action extraordinary & uncommon, and

well they might; the like was never done in this land before; The Council of Churches

called by the Agrieved Brethren, Were Mr Colman’s, Mr Thachers, & Mr Checklys of Boston,

Reading, Medfield, New-town & Oxford. here follows ye Result of the Council.

At a Council of 14 Churches, called by ye Rd: Mr David Parsons, & the agrieved Bre-

thren at Leicester, Convened at Watertown Sept: 2d: 1729. & after by Adjournment at Boston,

Sept: 16. following: to hear & judge of the Reasons & Regularity of the Proceedings of the

agrieved Brethren: & also what was matter of Grievance to Mr Parsons, & such other things

as should be regularly laid before them. After a long & full hearing of both parties

and repeated Supplications to the throne of Grace. We came unto the following Result.


With respect to the Several Articles of Charges brought in against Mr Parsons.

ffirst as to the head of Male administration.


It doth not appear, there was any Male-administration of Mr Parsons, in appointing

the Sacrament.


That Mr Parsons telling the Agrieved Brethren, that he did not desire their presence, when he


called the rest of the Church to ask, Whither they had best to call a Council upon the

agrieved’s request, was not excluding them from Church priviledges: and that Mr Parsons

calling that part, (the Minor part), of the Church with himself the Church, and taking

their advice, as referred to in the Evidence relating to the calling of the Council, We

cannot judge to be a Male-administration.


As to the 3d article referring to Mr Read’s admission, if dropt by Mr Parsons just

after his receiving the Result of the former Council, and before the Brethrens Vote

of Deposition, as he declares, We think it ought not to have been alledged as an

article against him.


That Mr Parsons was guilty of Male administration, in admission of the Members

referred to in the fourth article. Yet it is the Opinion of the Council, in considera-

tion of their Solemn Covenant with God & them, that the sd Brethren be looked upon,

and accepted by the Church in Leicester, as Members in full Communion.


We judge that the Agrieved Brethrens absence from the publick Worship, the Lords day after

their receiving the Result of the former Council, was very blame worthy; yet Mr

Parsons was also blame worthy, in not referring to another Lords day, the readmission

of those Members.


As to bringing cases of private Offence before the Church &c. We apprehend, that

as to one of these, viz: Lt: Newhals; it having been transacted before the Churches

renewal of Covenant, the Brethren should not have made it a charge upon him.

As to the other case of Mr Thomas Richardson, it having been made a publick

talk, Mr Parsons apprehended it might supersede a private dealing; which though

a mistake & unadvised in him; yet he having issued the Matter; We also apprehend

that the Brethren should not have proceeded farther in it.


As to the seventh article of Charge, viz: Mr Parsons commanding the Deacon out of

his seat &c, though Mr Parsons provocation at time was very great & aggravated, yet

we judge, the Expressions (as in the words of the evidence) were very rash, & carry in

them a power, which does not belong to a Pastour, according to the Constitution of

these Churches.


That it does not appear, that Mr Parsons laid, any Charge against the Brethren,

as alledged in the eighth article: yet supposing Mr Parsons had done, as they say,

We cannot look upon it a Male administration under their Circumstances.

Secondly, as to the head of Delinquency.


That it does not appear, that Mr Parsons was guilty of any Culpable Delinquency

with respect to the first article, considering their Circumstances, but rather gave

a just answer to them, who desired him to lead them in the Choice of a Ruling Elder.


As to the 2d charge. We apprehend the State of the Church was such at that time

that Mr Parsons acted prudently in proposing, & endeavouring to issue the matters

of Difference in another way.


That Mr Parsons does not appear guilty of any culpable Delinquency in the case of Slander.

Thirdly. As to the head of Immoralty: and ffirst. Slander.


That we cannot tax Mr Parsons with Slander, in calling a certain Meeting a Cabal,

considering his explanation of himself, as to his acceptation of the Design of said

Meeting, & the time & Occasion of Using the word, and that he professeth he

designed no reflection upon religious meetings.


That it does not appear Mr Parsons is guilty of Slander, as charged in the 2d article.


It does not appear, Mr Parsons was guilty of Slander, according to ye charge in 3d article.


We judge it a rash & injurious expression of Mr Parsons, to call a number of the Church

a Mob. Secondly as to fraudulent dealing.

It is Unanimously agreed, that there does not appear any fraudulent dealing in Mr Parsons

with respect to the bond or Note from Mr Newhal, or with respect to the Deeds of Quitclaim.

thirdly. As to lying.

It is Unanimously agreed, that it does not appear to this Council, that Mr Parsons was

guilty of lying, in the four several articles charged against him, though we think he

should have been more considerate & cautious in the expressions in his letter to

the Rd Doctour Mather.


After all that hath been heard & debated. It is Unanimously agreed, that the Rd Mr


David Parsons, hath not been guilty of any such Crimes, as render him unworthy of the

Gospel Ministry, or of the Ministry in the Church of Leicester.


That although this Council are very desirous to Assert & Preserve the power of Particu-

lar Churches, to Depose, or Disclaim their Officers according to the Rules of Congrega-

tional Discipline, as laid down in the Platform: Yet we judge the Agrieved ffraternity

in the Church of Leicester were guilty of great irregularity, in proceeding to Depose

the Rd Mr Parsons, as they have done. And in as much as they did it, so soon after the

sitting of a Venerable Council, (which after hearing most of their Charges, and

Differences, were farr from advising to any such thing; and without seeking farther,

and waiting longer for the advice of another Council; as also contrary to the advice

and perswasion of many Worthy persons in a private way. Therefore We judge the Rd

Mr David Parsons is still the Regular Pastour of the Church in Leicester.


With respect to the Articles of Charge & Grievance laid before us by Mr Parsons;

Several of which he withdrew.


ffirst, we judge, (as a former Council did) that the Rd Mr Parsons hath been shamefully

treated, with respect to his Support, for the time past; and do earnestly recommend

it to the Town of Leicester, to pay those Arrearages, that have been so long due, and

to provide for his Support for the future: and do all that becomes Christians, on

their part, to Secure unto Mr Parsons a just & full title to his lands in Leicester.


We cannot but bear Our Testimony against such Unreasonable, & Unjustifiable actions,

as that of Opposing Mr Parsons his going into his Pulpit on the Lords day, & setting

up another in Opposition to him, in such an unseemly way & manners though they

might be led into it from their Misapprehension of things.


We judge it the Duty of the Agrieved Brethren & people of Leicester to Return from

their Private Assembling on the Lords day, to the Publick Worship of God under the

Ministry of the Rd Mr David Parsons.


We judge that Deacon Southgate ought not to Withhold the Churches Vessels from

the Use of the Rd Mr Parsons, and the Church.


Having thus given Our thoughts, upon the several matters laid before us, We do, as

in the fear of God, and tender mercies of Our Lord Jesus Christ, earnestly beseech

Our Beloved Brother in Christ the Rd Mr David Parsons Seriously & with grief to lay

to heart the broken State of his fflock; and to consider how far any rashness in his

words, and hastiness in his actions may have been Offensive to his Brethren, in the

day of darkness, & temptation that has passes over him, and be humbled for them.

And we do earnestly Recommend to him a just Regard to the Tenour of the Platform

of the Church Discipline, in the Allowance of the proper power of the Brotherhood pursuant

to their Church Vote. We do also with the same earnestness Exhort, & perswade the

Beloved Agrieved Brethren of the Church of Leicester, seriously to Consider, how far

they have suffered themselves, in the day of Temptation through some mistaken con-

ception of things, to be led into Uncharitable thoughts of, & rash & unjustifiable car-

riage toward their Pastour: as also how far a too Groundless Spirit of Opposition to their

Pastour, may have hindred the growth of the Church, and the Success of the Gospel

among them, and deeply to afflict & humble themselves therefor.

And now Brethren, We would call upon you all with the greatest meekness & Concern of Soul, to

remember the Solemn Obligations you have brought your selves under before God, and this

Council, to hearken to Our Christian advice, and return to each other, in the love and spirit of

the Gospel, and receive one another in the Lord: and put away from you all bitterness, and

wrath, clamour, & evil speaking, with all malice, as becomes the Disciples of the Meek and

lowly Jesus: to love one another, to put on, as the Elect of God, bowels of mercy, kindness,

humbleness of mind, long-suffering, forbearing One another, & forgiving One another, as

we hope, God for Christs sake hath forgiven you, and above all put on Charity, which

is the bond of perfectness. 13: john. 34. 35: 12: Romans. 9: 1: Corinth: 13 chapter. 5: galat. 19-22:

4: Ephes. 2. 3. 30. 32: 3: Coloss: 12. 13. 14: 3: james. 6: 14 to 18: 1: peter: 4: 8:

a true copy.

Signed in the Presence, and at

the desire of the Council.

Benjamin Colman Moderatour.


ffebruary 22d: Mehitabel Lamson was received to full Communion.


April 2

& some pence.


Publick thanksgiving. The contribution for the Poor amounted to thirty seven shillings


April: 2:

Publick ffast. The Contribution for the Poor, thirty one shillings & 4 pence.




At a Church meeting appointed to receive the Deacon’s accounts &c as also to choose

another Deacon. Ensign Joseph Belcher, Mr Samuel Watts, & Mr Jacob Halsey were

chosen a Committee, to be joyned with the Deacons, for drawing out and disposing of

the money Collected for the poor; and also, to agree with some fit person to look

after the Meeting house.

At the same time, Our brother Mr William Halsey was chosen to the Office of a

Deacon by a Majority of Votes, & Voters; he Objected his unfitness, but it was left to

his serious Consideration, and that he should Manifest his acceptance of the Churches

call to sd Office, by sitting in the Deacons seat. the Churches stock in the Deacons

hands was found a penny short of what it was last year: 11ll: 17s: 7d: Out of which the

Deacons were ordered to buy a case for the Cushion to preserve it from dust.

Aug: 2d

A Child of Joseph Whittemore baptized, named Abigail.


A Child of John Leath baptized, named ffrancis.

Sept 20. A Child of Benjamin Brown of Boston, (his wife a Member of Mr Welsted’s named John Church) baptized,

Nov: 12.

Publick Thanksgiving. The Contribution was appointed for Mrs Lamsons daugh-

ter, under dangerous circumstances by a swelling in her neck the Doctour speaks

very doubtfully of her: there was gathered, about five pounds, eleven shillings, odd pence.


A Child of Jacob Chamberlane’s baptized, named Edmund.



Benjamin Floyd received to full Communion.

ffeb: 21.

A Child of Benjamin Whittemore baptized, named Hezekiah.

March: 14.

A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named Elizabeth.

- 25:

Publick ffast. The Contribution for the poor amounted to twenty nine shillings & some pence


At a Church Meeting to receive the Deacons Accounts: the Churches Stock in the

Deacons hands was found to be seventeen shillings, two pence more than last year.

At the same Meeting upon the fame of abusive carriage of Elisha Tuttle and his

wife to their Mother & Sister, after some Debate, the Deacons were appointed

to go to them & to Desire them to forebear coming to the Sacrament the

Next time: & also to enquire into the matter & see what Evidence there was

to lay before the Church at their next Meeting appointed on the seventh day of

April next. & also to Order sd Tuttle & his Wife to Attend ye Church at that time

At the same Meeting. Mr Saml: Watts, Mr Jacob Halsey, & Mr Samuel Tuttle were

Chosen a Committee to be joined with the Deacons for drawing out, and

disposing the Money Collected for the Poor.

April: 7:

The Church mett according to Appointment, Elisha Tuttle & his Wife were at the

Meeting; the Evidence of their Mother & Sister was distinctly read once & again,

which they solemnly affirmed, as in the presence of God, to be the truth; but sd Elisha

Tuttle & his Wife denied what they were charged with: & their behaviour before the

Church was not such as was expected by the Church, whereupon the Church thought

it best to referr the matter to another time, & that they might have time to Consider

their former carriage to their Mother & Sister.

May. 2:

Three Children of Benjamin Floyd baptized: their names were Benjamin, Mary, & Sarah.


A Child of Thomas Eustis baptized, named Sarah.

July. 2d

At a Church Meeting Elisha Tuttle & his Wife gave satisfaction to ye Church.

Oct: 28:

Publick Thanksgiving. The Contribution for ye Poor amounted to thirty one shillings, & pence some

Jan: 2:


A Child of Samuel Tuttle’s baptized, name Mary.

- 16:

A Child of John Leath baptized, named Jedidiah.

Feb: 6:

A Child of Benjamin Whittemore baptized, named Phebe, & a Child of John Halsey baptized, named Sarah


A Child of Elias Whittemore baptized, named Elias.

March: 26:

A Child of Joseph Whittemore baptized, named Samuel.

April: 6t.

A General ffast, a very storm day; ye Contribution for the Poor, but ten shillings, some pence


Mr Edmund Bowman was received to full Communion

May: 19:

At a Church Meeting to receive the Deacons Accounts. The Churches Stock in the Deacons

hands was found to be: 13ll: 09s: 11d: At the same time an Account was given of what the

Committee had drawn out for the Poor, which the Church approved of, & the Church

Voted the same Committee that were chosen last year to Continue this year.

At the same Meeting Elisha Tuttle, being sent to by the Church, came and being asked

the reason of his withdrawing from the Communion of the Church, after Considerable

debate, he Owned that he had done wrong in his Withdrawing, and that he was Sorry, he

had neglected so long without asking a dismission. Upon which the Church declared

that they would be satisfied, with what he had declared, for the time past; provided

he did return to his duty.

Attest Thomas Cheever


April: 23

A Child of Mr Levinston baptized, named Mary.



June: 4:

Susannah Harndel was received to full Communion & baptized at ye same time.

May: 30: 1732.

To the Church of Christ at Rumny-marish in Boston, Whereof ye Revd: Mr Cheever is the

Pastour, the Second Church of Christ in Boston sendeth Greeting: May Grace, Mercy,

& Peace be multiplied unto you from God our Father, & from Jesus Christ our Lord.

Revd: Hond: & Beloved.

Having by earnest & repeated Prayer with Fasting sought unto the ever blessed, and

allsufficient God, & our Saviour, to repair the great Breach that has been made upon

us, We have chosen our Worthy Brother Mr Samuel Mather, to the Pastoral Office

among us: and his heart having been inclined to accept our Call, We have appointed

that Wednesday the Twenty first day of the Next moneth shall, God willing, be the

Time for his publick & Solemn Separation to that sacred Charge, by Prayer & Imposition

of the hands of the Presbytery as the Gospel directs.

Now therefore we humbly ask the Presence & Assistance of your Revd: Pastour, & such other

Delegates, as you shall think meet to send with him, to joyn in Council with the Revd: Elders

& Messengers of several other Churches, for such acts of Ecclesiastical Communion as the

Occasion of the Day shall require. And we conclude with imploring your ardent and

incessant prayers for us; That we may enjoy the smiles of our Ascended Saviour upon

our Proceedings. & that the God of Peace, who brought again from the Dead our Lord

Je[s]us Christ that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting

Covenant, may multiply the blessings of it upon us, & upon our Children, & make us perfect

in every good work to do his Will, working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight,

through Jesus Christ, to Whom be Glory in all the Churches, World without end. Amen.

Yours in the Faith & Fellowship of ye Gospel.

Joshua Gee Pastour

with ye Consent of ye Church.

The Delegates are desired to meet

at my Dwelling house at Nine of the

Clock in ye Morning of sd day.

June: 11:

I read this letter to the Church, & the Church

consented to send Our beloved Brethren Deacon Chamberlane, Deacon Halsey, Mr Joseph

Belcher, Mr Samuel Watts, Mr Jacob Halsey & Mr Thomas Brintnal to attend that Service.

The Brethren appointed, accompanied me at the time & place appointed being

the twenty first of June, When the Revd: Mr Samuel Mather was Ordained to the

Ministry of the Gospel, & to the Pastoral Office in the 2d Church of Boston.

Sept: 3:

A Son of Mr Samuel Watts baptized, named Bellingham.

Octob: 22:

A Child of Ebenezer Pratt baptized, named Tabitha.

Novemb: 5t:

A Child of Jacob Chamberlane baptized, named Nathanael.

Octob: 26.

Publick Thanksgiving. The Contribution for the Poor amounted to 37s & some pence.


March: 4:

A Child of Benjamin Floyd baptized, named Ebenezer.

A Child of Samuel Pratt baptized at the same time, named Rebeccah.


Hannah Halsey, daughter of Asa Halsey, was received to full Communion.

- 29

A General ffast:

July: 8th

A Child of John Brintnall baptized, named Thomas.

- 29

A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named Sarah.

Sept: 23:

A Child of Thomas Eustis baptized, named Abigail.

Novemb: 4:

Samuel Floyd, & Joannah his Wife were received to full Communion.

- 11:

Two Children of Samuel Floyd baptized, Tabitha, Joannah.


Nathanael Oliver admitted to full Communion.

- 22:

Publick Thanksgiving. The Contribution for the poor amounted to 46s & some odd Pence.

Decemb: 9.

A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Samuel.


Feb: 3.

A Child of James Brintnal baptized, named Samuel.


A Child of Joseph Whitemore baptized, named Mary

March: 1st:

A Church Meeting, to receive the Deacons accounts. The Churches stock in Deacon

Chamberlanes hands was found to be twelve pounds, eleven pence, the which because

of his removal to live at Pullen-point, he desired the Church to receive it, which

hey did, & gave Deacon Chamberlane a receipt by their Pastor: The Church then

ll s d

deposited sd: 12L: 11d in Deacon Wm: Halseys hands, so that the Church’s Stock in sd

12: 0:11

03:17: 0

Deacon Halseys hands, with three pounds & seventeen shillings which he had in

01: 0: 0

his hands before, & twenty shillings given by Deacon Chamberlane, amounts in

the whole to sixteen pounds, seventeen shillings, & eleven pence. There is also

in the hands of Deacon Halsey four pounds, sixteen shillings & five pence of the


money Contributed for the poor.

At the same Meeting Capt: Saml: Watts, Mr Jacob Halsey, & Mr Saml: Tuttle were desi-

red to Continue as a Committee in conjunction with the Deacons for drawing out

and desposing of the money Collected for the Poor. Attest: Thomas Cheever Pastour.

March: 24:

A Child of Elias Whittemore baptized, named Timothy.

April: 4:

A General ffast


A Child of John Leath baptized, named Mary.

The 2d Church at Boston, to the church of Christ

at Rumny-marish, Sendeth Greeting.

Reverend, Honoured & Beloved.

We cannot doubt, but you have been greatly Afflicted to hear of the

Scandalous Differences, & Divisions that have arisen & prevailed for some years

in the first Church of Christ at Salem. But we are now particularly to inform

you, how far we have Proceeded on this Melancholy Occasion, & to ask your Assist-

ance in the farther prosecution of our Duty, hoping that our United Endeavours

may, by the blessing of God, be Instrumental to heal their Divisions, to remove their

Scandal they have given, & to produce the desirable fruit of Peace & Brotherly love.

We received an Epistle from a Considerable Number of the Brethren of that Church

Dated Decr: 20: 1733: representing to us, what Occasion there was for some of Christs

faithful Servants to endeavour, according to the Order & Discipline professed in our

Churches, that the woful effects & Consequences of their Divisions might be

removed and prevented.

Upon this Occasion we had several Meetings, to Commend the Divided Church to the

God of Peace, & to seek his gracious Direction, and Consult about our Own duty. And

apprehending our Selves bound not only to seek & accept help from other Churches,

when we need it, but also Charitably to offer help to other Churches, when we take

notice of troubles, divisions, & scandals at any time permitted to arise, prevail and

continue long among them. We therefore Determined by our Elders & other Delegates

to Visit the first Church in Salem, in order more fully to Understand their case,

& to know what might be our farther Duty relating to it.

We informed them of our Design, in a letter directed to the Revd: Mr Fisk, to be Commu-

nicated to the Church, beseeching them to give Our Messengers an Opertunity to confer

with them at Salem upon the 2d day of February past. But our letter not being Com-

municated to the Church, we could have no Answer from them. However we received

separate letters from the Revd: Mr Fisk, & from a Number of the Brethren in the same

sentiments with him; which, though written with a Design to discourage our Coming

to them, rather Confirmed us in a perswasion, that we were called to Testify our

Communion with the first Church in Salem, according to the Method prescribed in

our Platform of Church discipline, commonly called the third Way of Communion

and agreably to the Advice of a Council of Churches Assembled at Salem in the Sum-

mer past. Our Delegates were accordingly sent to Salem, that they might more parti-

cularly enquire into their Case, & stir up that Church to use the proper means for

healing their sinful & mischievous Divisions. And, though the Revd: Mr Fisk refused

to give them an Oportunity to confer with the Church, yet they found upon enquiry

that the first Church in Salem, during the long Continuance & under all the sad

effects of their Scandalous Divisions, have never met together (though it had been

once & again requested by a Considerable Number of the Brethren) to consult about

their duty, & the Means of Peace, under such awfull frowns of God upon them. Where

upon our Delegates, as directed by us & in our Name, Signed a letter of Brotherly

Admonition to the first Church in Salem, & Waited on the Revd: Mr Fisk, entreating

him to accept & communicate it; but he once and again refused our letter, declaring

he would have nothing to do with a letter that came in the third way of Com-

munion: so that we were denied the Priviledge of Communion with Our Brethren

the first Church in Salem, either by letter or by conference.

When we received from our Delegates an Account of what they had done in our Name

and how they had been treated by the Reverend Mr. Fiske & a Number of his Brethren, who

appear to justify him in his Arbitrary Conduct, We were of Opinion, that nothing far-


ther could reasonably be demanded of us, before we called in the help of other Churches

to joyn with us, in Seconding our Charitable Admonition, as directed in the Platform

of our Church discipline. But being desirous to act with all the gentleness & mo-

deration becoming the Gospel, & to have a Testimony for us, in the Consciences

of all our Brethren, who may hereafter be acquainted with our Proceedings, We

concluded not to take any farther Step, in the third way of Communion, before we

had made another Application to the Revd: Mr Fisk, Accordingly we wrote to

him March 5t, inclosing a copy of our letter of Admonition which he had before

refused, & beseeching him to act as becomes an affectionate & faithful Pastor, and

thereby to take away from us the Necessity of calling the help of other Churches,

which we let him understand know we should think our duty, if we heard nothing

1to prevent it, within a Moneth from the Date of our letter. But we have receivedno answer from him.

This is a Summary account of our past Proceedings, & of the present unhappy

State of things in the first Church of Salem. Religion is still in bleeding, dying

circumstances, by reason of their Divisions; the Church Neglects to use the proper

means for healing of them: and the Pastour, abetted by a considerable number of

the Brethren refuses to let us have Communion with the Church, either by letters

or by conference, and will not receive our Admonition.

We have therefore met together again to consider our Duty, & have determined, as

the reason of the thing, & our Ecclesiastical Constitution directs, to call in other

Churches to joyn in Seconding our Charitable Admonition.

Revd: Honoured & Beloved. As we think the Honour of Christ, the Communion of our

Churches, & the Welfare of Souls are very nearly concerned; We desire the Counsel

and Assistance of other Churches in the Management of this important affair:

And by these Presents, we entreat you to joyn with us, & assist us in the Manage-

ment of it, by sending your Elder & other Delegates, to meet our Delegates, and the

Delegates of some other Churches at Salem, upon Tuesday the twenty third day of

this Moneth at ten of the Clock in the forenoon; where they may have the Case

more particularly laid before them, & will, we doubt not, be convinced of their

Duty to joyn with us in Seconding our Charitable Admonition, which we hope,

by the blessing of God, may serve the Cause of Christ in the first Church in

Salem, and among all our Churches.

Wishing that Grace, Mercy, & Peace from God the Father, & our Lord jesus Christ

may be multiplied unto you. We remain

Rd: Hond: & Beloved

Yours in the faith & fellowship of the Gospel.

Joshua Gee

in the name & at the

desire of the Second

Church of Christ in


Samuel Mather

April: 9th: 1734: This letter was Read read at a Meeting of the Brethren

of the Second Church in Boston, and Voted to be sent to the Church

under the Care of the Revd: Mr Cheever at Rumny-marish to be

Communicated. P.S: It was thought the Charge of Providing for the Delegates

who are sent in the third way of Communion, could not reasonably be expected

from any but the Churches that send them. Our Brethren therefore Voted, that the

necessary charges of Our Delegates should be defrayed out of the Churches stock:

Copia vera: Attest Th: Cheever.

April: 14:

I read this letter to the Church: And they readily complyed with the business, and

Consented to Send our Beloved Brethren. Deacon Chamberlane, Deacon Halsey, Capt

Samuel Watts & Mr Jacob Halsey, with my self to Attend that Service.

Deacon Chamberlane at his desire was excused; the other three attended the Service.



Ap: 28:

A Child of Thomas Campbel baptized, named Mary: his Wife a Member of Maldon Church.

This 28th of April, I acquainted the Church, that we according to their Vote Went to

Salem, the 23d of this instant, Where we mett the Delegates of the Second Church

in Boston, and the Delegates of the third Church in Boston, & the Delegates of the

first Church in Gloucester. After we were formed into a Council, the Delegates of

the Second Church in Boston laid before us the Case of the first Church in Salem,

from a considerable Number of letters, & other Papers, as also their Charitable Admoni-

[-tion] to the sd first Church in Salem, whereby it did plainly appear to us, that there had been

Scandalous Contention in the first Church of Salem of long Continuance, & that

they had Neglected to use proper means for healing their Divisions. Whereupon We

were convinced it was our Duty to joyn with the Second Church in Boston, in Seconding

their Charitable Admonition. Here follow’s a Copy of what was done by the Council.

To the first Church of Christ in Salem.

Revd: Honoured & Beloved.

We the Elders & Messengers of the third Church in Boston, the Church in Rumney-

marish, & the first Church in Glocester being called together at the Invitation of

the Second Church in Boston, & having heard an Account of the State of the first

Church in Salem, as it appears from a considerable number of letters, & other papers

laid before us by the Delegates of the Second Church in Boston, together with the

Charitable Admonition of the sd Church to the first Church in Salem for their Neg-

lect of the Means of Peace, under their Scandalous Contentions; & having used our best

Endeavours, to enquire into the State of the first Church in Salem, that so we might know

Our farther Duty towards sd Church & discharge it. We, the Elders & Messengers aforsd,

being Convinced, that there has been a Scandalous Contention, for a long time in the first

Church in Salem, & that the sd Church has Neglected to use the proper means for healing

their Divisions, as also that the Second Church in Boston had just Reason to give an

Admonition to the first Church in Salem for that their Neglect, & that the sd Second Church

in Boston has given the sd Admonition with Regularity, prudence, & tenderness; and We

the Elders & Messengers of the Churches beforementioned, having used repeated but unsuc-

cessful Application to the Revd: Mr Fisk for a Conference with him & his Church, as

well as proper endeavours to obtain a Conference with a considerable number of the

Brethren of sd Church, & being now fully Sensible of the just Occasion of Uniting

with the Second Church in Boston, in Seconding their Admonition Charitable, both because

the first Church in Salem still continues in Contention, refuses to hearken to the Admonition

given them, & still neglects to Use the means of Peace.

We therefore, together with the Delegates of the Second Church in Boston, now declare unto you

Rd: Hond: & Beloved, that your Conduct is in our judgment very Scandalous, unbecoming your

holy Profession, & just matter of Offence to all the Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ

through the land; and that we think Our selves called, in Obedience to him, & Charity

to your Souls, to bear a Testimony against it, according to the Order & Discipline

professed in our Churches. Dear Brethren, We appeal to you; Whither the Churches

of Our Lord Jesus Christ are not required, to be at peace among themselves, to warn

them that are unruly, to Withdraw themselves from every Brother that walketh dis-

orderly, to Mark them which cause divisions & Offences and avoid them: to maintain

Brotherly love, & to follow after the things, which make for Peace, and things

wherewith one may edify another. And for a Church of Christ in your Circumstan-

ces to behave themselves as you have done, that is not so much as Once to meet

together, to humble your selves before God under his awfull frowns upon you, and to

seek his Direction, & consult about your own duty, when broken to pieces by Contentions

which for years together have dishonoured Christ, obstructed the good effect of the Word

preached, Weakned the interests of Our holy religion in your Church & Town, & been a

grievous hinderance to the Spiritual comfort of edification of many of your Brethren

under the Ordinances of the Gospel. Dear Brethren, let your own Consciences judge & declare


whither this be to adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour, whither this be not to give Satan

the great Adversary of Christ & our Souls, Oportunity & advantage to undermine, & weaken

the interests of pure & undefiled religion among us; & whither this be not just matter of

Offence to Neighbour Christians, who have any hearty Concern for your spiritual wel-

fare, & the flourishing of Christs Kingdom by the power of godliness among you.

Unless the holy Spirit of God hath in a very awful manner withdrawn from you, We are

confident that upon serious consideration & self reflection you will judge & humble your

selves before the Lord.

We the Delegates of the Churches abovementioned, do therefore in the Name of the

Lord jesus Christ solemnly Admonish & exhort you, Our Dear Brethren, to repent of this

sinful Neglect of the Means of Peace, which argues the want of a becoming Concern

& Zeal for the honour of Christ, & the welfare of your own & others Souls. We exhort

you to set apart a Day to humble your selves with Fasting before the Lord, to implore

his pardoning mercy through the blood of the Everlasting covenant, & to seek his

grace, that may enable you for the future to adorn your holy profession. And we advise

& beseech you to Meet together as a Church of Christ, & guarding against every evil

disposition towards one another, prayerfully to Consult about your Duty, & to call in the

help of other Churches as it may be needful, in order to promote Peace with truth

and holiness among you.

Whenever you shall in these Methods return to your Duty, & set your selves in an exemplary

manner, to make use of the proper means for healing your Scandalous Division, & for removing & pre-

venting the Woful effects & consequents of them: We, the Delegates of the Churches beforementioned,

in the Name of the churches whose Delegates We are, do assure you, Brethren, that they will

stand ready with joyful hearts to testify before all the Churches, their having received satisfac-

tion for the Offence you have given, & their readiness to exercise towards you all those Acts

of Communion, which are due to a Church walking in the Faith & Order of the Gospel,

and adorning the profession of Christianity. But in their Name we are likewise to Assure

you, Brethren, that if you shall Obstinately & impenitently persist in such a Neglect of the

means of Peace, which is just matter of Offence to all the Churches of Christ, they will in

Obedience to him, and in love & faithfulness to you, think themselves bound to forbear Com-

munion with you, and to proceed to make use of the help of a Synod, or Council of Neighbour

Churches, walking orderly, if a greater cannot be had, for your Conviction: hoping it will please

the Glorious Head of the Church to succeed the Endeavours of his Faithful Servants for heal-

ing your Divisions, removing the Scandal that has been occasioned by them, & preventing

their Woful Consequences, which we have reason to apprehend.

And now, Dear Brethren, suffer us to apply our selves to you, as the Apostle to the Church of


Corinth: We beseech you by the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing

& that there be no Divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joyned together in the same


mind, & in the same judgment. Finally, Brethren, farewell, be perfect, be of one Mind, live

in peace, & the God of love & Peace shall be with you. Amen.

Signed at Salem: April: 25t: 1734:

Unanimously Voted by the Elders & Delegates

of the Churches here convened, that this Admonition

be presented to the Revd: Mr Fisk Pastor of

the first Church in Salem, to be Communicated:

and that One Pastor & one Delegate of each

of these Churches be a Committe to present it.

Tho: Cushing: jun.

Thomas Cheever. Modr

Samuel Watts

John White

Edward Procter

Joseph Sewall

Dan: Henchman

Thomas Prince

William Halsey.

Joshua Gee

James Pierpoint.

Samuel Mather.

Joseph Allen

Edward Hutchinson

Graften Feveryeare.

Josiah Willard

William Larrabee

Nath: Saltonstall

Jacob Halsey.

James Sayword

Nathanael Coit

Copia vera. Attest Thomas Cheever.

Memorandum. When the Committe went to present

this Admonition. Mr Fisk was gone from home;

the young woman of the house would not receive it; when told that it might be she was

ordered not to receive it. She answered, she would not say she was not: in our Return

we saw Deacon Osgood & would have given him the letter for Mr Fisk, but he also

refused to receive it.

Attest Thomas Cheever.

May: 5t:

Ensign Thomas Pratt, & Mary his Wife were received to full Communion.



At a Church-meeting appointed to deal with our William Tuttle for drunkenness

he Offered an acknowledgement which was read; and after Considerable debate about his

acknowledgment, whither it were sufficient for his being restored to the Communion of

the Church at the Lords table from which he had absented himself for a considerable

time, it was Concluded on the Negative, for these reasons: first, becaus he had con-

tracted a habit of drunkenness by frequent acts; & also because he had often made

great promises of reformation to such of the Brethren as had dealt with him about

his sin, but all were soon forgotten: & also because he did not offer his acknowledge-

ment untill he knew the Church had appointed to deal with him. Upon the whole

the Church concluded he should be Suspended from the Lords table for some

time to see Whither his seeming repentance were attended with fruits meet for

repentance & a reformation: the Sentence of Suspension was formally pronounced.

Attest Thomas Cheever.


A Child of Capt. Samuel Watts baptized, ^named Bellingham.

June: 9. Five Children of Ensign Thomas Pratt baptized; Thomas. Daniel. Benjamin. John. Edward.

At night I acquainted the Church with the result of the Council, upon their Adjourn-

ment to Boston May 28th; who on May 30th Unanimously concluded, that Our Churches ought

to make use of a Synod, or Council of Neighbour Churches Walking Orderly, for the convict-

tion of the first Church in Salem, according to the Direction of our Platform together

with the Several Churches which they agreed 27 Churches sent to. to call in, and read the copy of the

letter to be sent to these Churches. The Church Voted, that their former Delegates

should attend this Service untill the matter were brought to an issue.

Attest. Thomas Cheever.

- 16.

A Child of Benjamin Whittamore baptized, named Rebeccah.

Sept: 8.

David Whittemore & Alles his Wife were received to full Communion.


A Child of Mr Levinston baptized, named John.

- 22

A Child of David Whittemore baptized, named David.

July: 16.

Nineteen of ye 27 Churches, called in by the 4 Churches, met at Salem by their Elders &

other Delegates, on the 16 of July, Who after they had formed themselves, having chosen

ye Rd Mr Nehemiah Walter of Roxbury their Moderatour & Mr John Barnard of Marble-

head Adjutant Moderatour, & made their Rules for their Voting by Churches; sent for

the 4 Churches to lay the Case before them which they did, and answered severall

Objections made against their proceedings. Several Ministers & some other Delegates

Withdrew, because the Councel refused to take Mr ffisks proposals to his agrieved

Brethren into their Consideration & among the rest Mr Barnard withdrew, whereupon

the Councel Chose Rd: Mr Jeremiah Wise of Berwick Adjutant Moderatour in his

stead; there remained 15 Churches, & when the letter of advice was read, it was voted

Unanimously by those 15 Churches, the 4 Churches being joyned made up the Number

of 19 Churches. The Council justifyed ye proceedings of ye 4 Churches; and adjourned to

Octob: 15: When & where the Councel being met at Salem, took Mr ffisks proposals

under their Consideration & made their Remarks upon them which were publickly

read in the Meeting house; & afterwards published their Result also in the Meeting

house: there were 17 Churches when the Result was Voted: then ye Council Dissolved.

Nov: 7:

Publick thanksgiving. the Contribution for the poor above thirty shillings.

Dec: 8:

Just before ye Administration of ye Sacrament, William Tuttle, who was Suspended from the

Lords supper, May: 15: was restored by a Vote of the Church to their love & Communion.

Octob: 15: The Council of Churches came into the following Result:

The Council of Churches here convened, having Examined & maturely Weighed

the case of the first Church in Salem, & having reinforced the Repeated Admonition

to the first Church in Salem, by leaving with them in July last a letter of Advice

for the Conviction of that Offending Church; & having offered other proper

Methods for that end, which have proved ineffectual. The Council now declare

their Apprehension and judgment; that the first Church in Salem has slighted

all the Means that have been used with them, nor has complied with their Duty

as a Church, in any one particular. As therefore the sd Church, notwithstanding

a long Series of Reproofs, Admonitions, Advice, & other means upon the account of

their Open Offences, still remains Obstinate, nor resolved, or even disposed to Reform

the evil of their ways, We the Council aforsd think our selves called to bear

Witness against the Male-administration of that Offending Church, according


the Direction of our Platform of Church-discipline.

Accordingly, In the Name of Our Ld Jesus Christ, We protest, declare, & publish

that this Church is become Obstinate & impenitent in Scandal, & has justly exposed

it self to a Sentence of Non-Communion from Our several Churches. Having

made which Declaration, We farther proceed to declare to all, the Churches of

Our Lord Jesus Christ through this Province, that the first Church in Salem

has justly forfeited the priviledge of Communion with these Churches & deserve to

be deprived of that priviledge. However the Council conformably to the Pattern [of]

Our great Saviour, who has compassion on the ignorant, & on such as are out of the

way, think & make known, that the Churches to which we respectively belong, may

out of Tenderness & Compassion delay to pronounce the Sentence of Non-Communion

for the space of three Moneths after the Date of this Our Declaration.

And if after this patient & tender Delay of this Sentence, it shall not appear to our

respective Churches, that the first Church in Salem have repented & betaken themselves

to the use of proper means of peace & healing, We then advise, that Our Churches, ap-

proving and accepting the judgment of the Council, Declare the Sentence of Non-com-

munion respectively concerning them, and that they withdraw themselves from parti-

cipation with them at the Lords-table, & from such other Acts of holy Communion

as the Communion of Churches doth otherwise allow & require. And we do advise all

the Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ through this Province; out of a religious care

to keep their Own Communion pure, to pronounce the same Sentence of Non-communion

concerning that Obstinate & impenitent Church, & to Withdraw in the same manner from them.

And in as much as there are Several Members of that Offending Church, viz. Benjamin Lynd,

James Lindal, Benj: Marston, Benj: Lynd Junr Esq, Col Thomas Barton, John Bickford, Henry

West, Samuel Ropes, George Daland, Saml: Giles, James Grant, John Archer, Miles Ward junr:

Benjamin Lambert, John Bickford junr: James Odel, Capt: Joseph Hathorn, Samuel Osgood, Capt.

Jonathan Gardner

who do not consent to the Offence of the Church, but in due sort bear their testimony against

it, We advise Our respective Churches, & all the Churches of Christ through the Province,

to receive them to wonted Communion, for we apprehend them to be innocent persons in

that Church, who therefore should not suffer with the Offenders; and farthermore we ad-

vise, that if such innocent persons withdraw from the fellowship of their Own Church and

Offer themselves to the fellowship of another, they may be received into it, as if they

had been orderly dismissed from their own church. In the name & by the Direction

of the Council.

Salem: Octob: 18: 1734:

Jeremiah Wise Moderator.


ffeb: 21:

At a Church Meeting appointed to consider what we had to do farther in the case

of the first Church at Salem: after the reading of some letters, & the proposals made

by Mr ffisk to his aggrieved Brethren, with the remarks of the Council upon them, and

also the Result of the Council; and some debate; the Church Voted their approving and

accepting the judgment of the Council; I then read the following declaration and

the Church Voted it without any contradicting, & that it should be publickly read the

next Lords day, which was done accordingly. Attest. Thomas Cheever.


A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named Daniel.

We the Church of Christ in Rumny-marish, having upon the call & invitation of

the 2d Church in Boston, sent Our Elder & other Delegates, to meet with the Delegates

of the sd 2d Church in Boston, and the Delegates of some Other Churches, at Salem upon

the 23d of April last, when & where they mett with the Elders Delegates of the 3d Church

in Boston, & the first Church in Glocester; and having the state of the first Church

in Salem laid before them by the Delegates of the 2d Church in Boston, together

with the Charitable Admonition of the sd Church given to the first Church in Salem,

for their Neglect of the Means of peace under their Scandalous Contentions; being

fully satisfied that there has been a Scandalous Contention for a long time in the first

Church in Salem, and that sd Church has Neglected to use the proper means for healing

their Divisions; and that the 2d Church in Boston had just reason to give an Admonition

to the first Church in Salem for that their Neglect; and that they had given their

Admonition with Regularity, Prudence, and tenderness, and being fully sensible of the

just Occasion of Uniting with the Delegates of the 2d Church in Boston, in Seconding their Chari-


table Admonition, both because the first Church in Salem still Continues in Contention, refuses

to hearken to the Admonition given them, & still Neglect to Use the means of peace:

Accordingly Our Delegates, with the Delegates of the third Church in Boston, & the first

Church in Glocester Uniting with the Delegates of the 2d Church in Boston, made their Ap-

plication to the Revd: Mr Fisk, that he would allow them a Conference with him & his Church

upon the Melancholy Occasion; and when this was absolutely refused; they joyned in Second-

ing the Admonition of the 2d Church in Boston, as both the reason of the thing, & the Plat-

form of our Church discipline, agreably to the Rules of Gods word directed. And having

^journeyed to meet at Boston on May: 28: that they might know, whither their Admonition had the desired

good effect on the first Church in Salem, it then appeared by letters & testimonies received

from 21 aggrieved Brethren at Salem, that the sd letter of Admonition had been once and

again refused by the Pastor, with repeated declarations that he would neither hear, nor

receive it; so that the first Church in Salem appears to continue Obstinate & impenitent

under Scandalous Divisions, & refuses to hearken to the Charitable Admonition of Neighbour

Churches. Whereupon the Delegates of the 4 abovementioned Churches were Unani-

mously of Opinion, that their Churches ought to proceed to make Use of the help of a Synod,

or Council of Neighbour Churches Walking Orderly, for the Conviction of Our Brethren of

the first Church in Salem. Accordingly by their letter they Called in a great Number of

Churches, to meet at Salem on the 16th of July.

When we received from Our Delegates an account of what they had done in Our name, and

what they had farther concluded upon, We were well satisfied therewith, and Voted that

Our former Delegates should attend this Service, untill it were brought to an issue.

The Major part of the Churches, that were sent to, did met at Salem, on the 16th of July,

by their Elders & other Delegates, & having formed themselves into a Council, by choosing

Rd: Mr Nehemiah Walter of Roxbury their Moderator; they sent for the Delegates of the

four Churches abovenamed to lay before them the Melancholy case of the first Church

in Salem; the Steps they had taken, & what they had to Offer, for the Justification of

their Apprehension, that that Church is Obstinate & impenitent in Scandalous Division

among them: which when they had done, and Answered Several Objections made against

their proceedings; The Council justified the Proceedings of the sd 4 Churches, & desired

the 4 Churches to joyn with this Council, in their farther proceeding, as by their Votes [appear].21

When the 4 Churches were joyned with the Council, the Council reinforced the repeated [Admo-]

nitions given to the first Church in Salem, by leaving with them a letter of Advice for [their]

Conviction, & Adjourned to 15th of October.

The Council met again at Salem according to Adjournment, Octob: 15: and having Exam[ined]

& Maturely Weighed the case of the first Church in Salem, as they say in their Result

and having Offered other proper Methods for their Conviction, which proved ineffectual, the

Council declared their Apprehension & judgment, that the first Church in Salem hath

Slighted all means that have been used with them, nor have complied with their Duty, as

a Church, in any one particular: and farther declared that as the sd Church, Notwithstanding

a long Series of Reproofs, Admonitions, & advice & other Means, upon the account of their

Open Offences, still remains Obstinate, We the Council aforsd think Our Selves called [to]

bear Witness against the Male-administration of that Offending Church according to [the]

Direction of Our Platform of Church discipline Accordingly in the Name of Our Lord Je[sus]

Christ, We protest, Declare, and publish that this Church is become Obstinate & impenitent [and a]

Scandal and hath justly exposed it self to a Sentence of Non-Communion from Our several

Churches. Having made which Declaration; We farther proceed to Declare to all the Chur[ches]

of Our Lord Jesus Christ through this Province; that the first Church in Salem hath ju[stly]

forfeited the Priviledge of Communion with these Churches, & deserve to be deprived of the

priviledge. However the Council, conformably to the pattern of Our great Saviour, who hath

compassion on the ignorant, and on such as are out of the way, think & make known, that the [Chur-]

ches, to which we respectively belong, may out of tenderness & compassion delay to Pro[nounce]

the Sentence of Non-Communion for the space of three Moneths after the Date of this our

declaration: and if after the patient & tender delay of this Sentence, it shall not appear [to]

our respective Churches, that the first Church in Salem have repented & betaken themselves

to the use of proper means of peace and healing, We then advise, that Our Churches

approving and accepting the judgment of the council, do Declare the Sentence of Non commun-


on respectively concerning them, and that they Withdraw themselves from Participation with

them at the Lords table, and from such other acts of holy Communion, as the Communion of

Churches doth otherwise allow and require.

We the Church beforenamed declare, that we approve and accept the judgment of the Council,

and having waited four moneths, to see wither the first Church in Salem have repented,

and betaken themselves to the Use of proper means of peace & healing, but no such thing

appearing, We now Proceed to declare the Sentence of Non Communion concerning them.

Accordingly, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, We do solemnly publish & declare that

we will not hold Communion with the first Church in Salem, neither by participation with

them at the Lords table, nor any other act of holy Communion, as the Communion of Chur-

ches doth otherwise allow and require. And in as much as there are Several Members

of that Offending Church, named in the Result of the Council, who do not consent to

the Offence of the Church, but do in due sort bear Witness against it, We will receive

them to wonted Communion. Voted by the Church ffebr: 21: nemine contradicente

Attest Thomas Cheever.


At the Church Meeting, ffebr: 28: it was Unanimously Voted,

that the Church should Meet upon the last fryday in March in Order to choosing Ruling Elders.

March: 16:

A Child of Ebenezer Kendal baptized, named Asa.

Same day a Child of David Whittemore baptized, named Allie.

March: 28:

The Church mett according to their Appointment, to choose Ruling Elders: When they

brought in their Votes. Capt. Samuel Watts, & Deacon William Halsey were Chosen

by the Majority of Voters.

At the same time Mr Jacob Halsey was Chose to ye Office of a Deacon, by a Major Vote

May: 11:

Abigail Halsey, daughter of Jacob Halsey, was admitted to full Communion.

Same day a Child of Benjamin Floyd baptized, named Abigail.

June: 8:

A Child of Capt: Samuel Watts baptized, named Belcher.


A Church Meeting according to appointment, to consider a letter received from the Church of

Christ in Hopkinton desiring this Church to send their Pastor & other Delegates to meet

with the Delegates of some other Churches to give them advice in a matter of difficulty

referring to a Number of Bretheren of fframingham Church who desire to joyn with the

Church in Hopkinton upon the account of the Congregational Principles: after the

letter was read, the Church referred the matter to farther consideration till next Lords day

then I acquainted the Church, that Joannah Tuttle had been with me to desire to

make her peace with the Church, on account of her sin of Fornication &c, and that I had

[app]ointed22 her to attend the Church on the sixth of July next, Our Sacrament day in order

[the]reunto, the Church approved of my doings herein without any opposition. Then the

[Chur]ch proceeded to the consideration of their choice of Mr Jacob Halsey to the Office

[of] Deacon their last Meeting, because same manifested great uneasiness about that

Vote, desiring the Church to reconsider it; after considerable arguings pro and con;

When it was put to the Vote, Whither the Church did abide by their former Vote, it

passed in the Affirmative by a great Majority of at least two to One: Then the Church

proceeded to make Choice of Deacon Chamberlane, Mr Samuel Tuttle, & Mr Nathanael

Oliver to treat with Capt: Samuel Watts, & Deacon William Halsey about their accept-

ing the Office of Ruling Elders to which they had been Chosen, and report their

answer to the Church as soon as Conveniently might be. After Mr Jacob Halsey de-

clared his unwillingness to serve in the Office of Deacon, but he was desired to take the

matter into farther consideration, and so the Meeting was concluded.

Attest Th: Cheever.

The Church was stayed, & concluded not to comply with the desire of Hopkinton Church.


A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Noah.


Joannah Tuttle, who had fallen into the sin of Fornication, having been with me in Order to

giving satisfaction to the Church attended at this time according to my Direction.


her Confession was read to the church; when the Question was put, Whither they was

satisfied with what she Offered; so as to restore her to their Charity & Communion, the

Church Unanimously declared their acceptance. Attest. Thomas Cheever.


A Child of Thomas Eustace baptized, named Thomas.


A Child of Elias Whittemore baptized, named Rachel.


I stayed the Church, & read the 2d letter from the church of Christ in Hopkington desiring this Church

to send their Elders & other Messengers to meet with the Elders & Messengers of several other Chur-

ches in an Ecclesiastical Council, on the 3d Wednesday in September next, to Consider & advise

them in the case of some Members of Framingham Church who desired to be received into the

Church of Hopkington; the Church consented unanimously with the desire of Hopkington Church;

but it was desired that Our Ruling Elders should be Ordained before that time; accordingly it

was Voted that Our Ruling Elders should be Ordained the fourteenth day of Septemb; & then they

Nominated Mr Nathanael Oliver & Mr Benjamin Floyd to attend that Service with my self & Elder Watts

Sept: 14:

This day, according to the former agreement of the church, Capt. Samuel Watts, & Deacon William [39]

Halsey were Solemnly Ordained to the Office of Ruling Elders in this Church of Christ.


My self with Elder Samuel Watts, Mr Nathanael Oliver, & Mr Benjamin Floyd according to former

appointment, went to Hopkington, where we Mett with ye Elders & Messengers of the Church of Ber-

wick of Boston Old South, & of the Old & New-North Churches, & of Mr Loring at Sudbery; After a

full hearing of all that was offered on both sides, the Council after serious & deliberate consi-

deration of the whole case, Unanimously advised the Church of Hopkington to receive those Members


A Child of Joseph Whittemore baptized, named Nathan.

I acquainted the Church with the issue of the Council at Hopkington. Then I read a letter

from the 2d Church of Christ in Maldon to this Church to entreat such an act of Communion that

they would send Delegates with their Revd: Pastour & Elders, in conjunction with the Churches of the

Old & New-North in Boston, of Charlstown, the first Church in Maldon, the 2d Church in Brantry, the

Churches of Scituate, Pembrook, & Hannover, to Assist in the Ordination of the Revd: Mr Joseph Stimpson

to the Pastoral Office over them; the 24th day of Septemb. The Church complied with their request,

& chose Mr Jacob Halsey, Mr Samuel Tuttle, Mr Samuel Floyd, & Mr Thomas Pratt to attend that Service.

- 24:

This day the Elders & Messengers of the Churches mett in Council at Maldon, and after their

Covenant was read; and the Result of the Council of three Churches by whom they were ^imbodied into a

distinct Church state was read, and after the Consideration & debate upon what was Offered by

the Revd: Mr Emerson & a Committee of his Church in Objection to the Proceedings to Ordination

The Council Voted that they were a Church of Christ & to be acknowledged as such, and that what

had been Objected was not Sufficient to hinder the Proceeding to Ordination; Accordingly they

immediately Went to ye Meeting house: Where ye Revd: Mr Stimpson was Ordained after ye usual way.

Oct: 27:

At a Church Meeting according to appointment for choosing a Deacon. Mr Jacob Halsey

was chosen to ye Office of a Deacon by a great Majority of Voters. At the same time by a

Vote of the Church the Ruling Elders were desired to sit in the Pulpit. Also it was Voted

Unanimously that Mr John Brintnall be desired to sett the psalm, & to sit in the foreseat.


March: 7:

A Child of Benjamin Whittemore baptized, named Abraham.


A Child of John Leath baptized, named Elizabeth. A Child of Steven Kent baptized, named Elizabeth.

April. 11:

A Child of Ensign Thomas Pratt baptized, named Mary.


A Child of Mr John Brintnall baptized, named Thomas.

May. 16.

A Child of John Halsey baptized, named William.

Aug: 1:

A child of Elder Samuel Watts was baptized, named William.


Feb: 20th.

A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Joseph.

March. 6.

A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named Rachel.

June. 19.

Mrs Abigail Halsey, wife of Elder William Halsey, was admitted to full Communion.

July. 31:

A Child of Elder Samuel Watts baptized, named Edward.

Same day a Child of Thomas Eustace baptized, named William.

August: 28:

A Child of Ensign Thomas Pratt baptized, named Joseph.

Sept: 6.

A Child of Elder William Halsey baptized, named Ebenezer.


Jan: 1st:

A Child of John Halsey baptized, named Mary.

Feb. 26:

A Child of Benjamin Whittemore baptized, named Amos.

June. 18:

A Child of Samuel Pratt baptized, named Caleb.


A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Ezra.

August. 6.

A Child of Elder Samuel Watts baptized, named Isaac.

Septemb: 10:

A Child of Benjamin Floyd baptized, named Elizabeth.

- 17:

Samuel Maxwel was admitted to full Communion.

- 24:

I acquainted the Church with a letter from Mr Welsteed’s Church, desiring of their Revd: Pastor

and Elders with other Delegates, to joyn in Counsel with the Elders & Messengers of Severall

other Churches, upon Wednesday 27th of this instant Septemb, ye day appointed for the Ordina-

tion of Mr Ellis Gray: ye Church consented, and Voted to send the two Deacons, viz Deacon

Chamberlane & Deacon Halsey, Mr Nathanael Oliver, Mr John Floyd, & Lt: Nathan Cheever to

attend that Service.


This day the Rd Elders & Messengers of Eleven Churches viz: all in Boston with Roxbury

and Charlstown, mett in Council; & ye Revd: Mr Ellis Gray was Ordained to ye Pastoral Office.

Oct. 12:

A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named Daniel.


April. 22:

A Child of Benjamin Dix, member of a Church in Watertown, baptized, named Mehetabel.

- 29.

Abigail Eustis, wife of Thomas Eustace was admitted to full Communion. And at ye other ca

May: 13:

Mary Halsey, wife of John Halsey, was admitted to full Communion.

- 20.

A Child of Edmond Dix, member of a Church in     ,23 baptized, named Josiah.

June. 17:

Mary Parker Wife of John Parker was admitted to full Communion.

July: 8:

A Child of Thomas Eustace baptized, named Abigail.


Same day Sarah Halsey, Wife of Samuel Halsey was admitted to full Communion.


Same day, Hannah Chamberlane: and Susannah Chamberlane were admitted to full Communion.

July. 22.

A Child of Samuel Halsey baptized, named Martha.


Same day a Child of John Parker baptized, named Ezra.

Novemb: 4:

A child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Rachel.

- 11

A Child of John Halsey baptized, named Hannah.

— 18.

A Child Samuel Halsey baptized, named Abigail.

Decemb: 16.

James Stower was admitted to full Communion, & his Child baptized, named Elizabeth.


May. 4th

A Child of Stephen Dent baptized, named Stephen.

- 28

Anne Taylor was admitted to full Communion.

Octob: 5.

A child of Abel Robison, (member of Mr Sparhawks Church of Salem) baptized, named Mary.

- 12

A Child of Nathan Cheever baptized, named Joshua.


March. 28

Hugh ffloyd was admitted to full Communion.

April: 12

A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Nathanael.

Same day a Child of Hugh Floyd baptized, named William.

July. 5t:

Hannah Chamberlane dismissed at her desire to ye Church in Hopkington.


A Child of Thomas Eustice baptized, named Mary.

August. 9:

A Child of Elder Samuel Watts baptized, named Hannah.

Sept: 13.

A child of John Halsey baptized, named Susanna.

Octob: 4:

A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named Katharine.

Novemb: 8:

Mary Newhal was admitted to full Communion.


A child of Hugh Floyd baptized, named Steven.


Jan: 17.

A Child of Stephen Kent baptized, named Jacob.

Febr: 14:

A Child of Samuel Halsey, baptized, named Phebe.

March: 15.

A Church-Meeting appointed to deal with Mr Elisha Tuttle for his Withdrawing from the

Communion of the Church, which he had done a considerable time, he declared the

reason was, he apprehended that he was Slighted by the Church and they did not show

that Regard to him which they did to the Other Brethren, and he thought severall

of them were prejudiced against him &c: and mentioned some words and actions of

some of the Brethren which he took as evidence therof, these things made him

so uneasy in his Mind that he thought it not fitting to Come and sitt down at

the Lords table with them &c. After considerable debate, and the answers given by

those Brethren to what Mr Tuttle Objected, and declaring they had no perso-

nal Prejudice against him, and should ^be glad he would return to his Duty: Mr Tuttle

Owned that he had done wrong in his Absenting himself so long without endeav-

ouring to remove those Prejudices; and promised that for the future he would at-

tend his Duty in Communion with the Church as long as should be for his edifi-

cation: hereupon the Brethren declared themselves satisfied therewith, and Mr

Tuttle said, he did thankfully accept it. Attest Thomas Cheever Pastor.


Damaris Tuttle, daughter of Mr Edward Tuttle, was admitted to full Communion.

April. 18.

A Child of James Stowers baptized, named James.

- 25

A Child of Abel Robison baptized, named Susanna.

Sept: 19

Mrs Sarah Marble was received to full Communion.

Oct: 17

Benjamin Tuttle was received to full Communion.

Nov: 21

A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named David.


Feb: 6.

A Child of Ambrose Blaney a Member of Lynn Church, baptized, named Mary.

March: 6.

A Child of Edmund Dix baptized, named Joseph.

June 26t:

Susanna Richardson at her desire was dismissed to the 2d Church of Christ in Woburn.

Oct: 30.

A Child of Joseph Halloway baptized, named Joseph.

Decemb: 25.

A child of Mr Hugh Floyd baptized, named Andrew.

January 1st.

Elder Watts Negro woman was received to full Communion and baptized, by the name of Phillis.


- 15

A Child of Thomas Eustis baptized named Chamberlane.

- 29

A Child of John Halsey baptized, named Mary.

Feb: 12.

A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized named Nathan.

- 26

A Child of Samuel Halsey baptized named William.

April: 29

A Child of Steven Kent baptized named Benjamin.

Septb: 16

A Child of Nathanael Oliver junr: baptized named Nathanael.

- 23

A Child of Daniel Watts baptized, named John.


A Child of Samuel Tuttle Member of the 2d Church in Maldon, baptized, named Anne.


Jan. 20. A

Child of Samuel Halsey baptized, named Esther.

Jan. 27: A

Child of James Stowers baptized, named Sarah.



April: 7.

A Child of John Sargeant, (who Married Susannah Chamberlane) baptized named Susannah.


A Child of Edmund Dix baptized named Hannah.

June. 16.

A Child of Joannah Tuttle, by William Lamson, baptized, named William.

Sept: 1.

A Child of Ambros Blaney baptized, named Aaron.


Three Children of Elder Samuel Watts’s Negro Woman Phillis, baptized, Cato, Balindon, & Violet.

To the Revd: Mr Thomas Cheever Pastour of the church of Christ in Chelsea.

to be Communicated: Revd: Honoured & Beloved.

Taking into Consideration the various Rebukes of Divine Providence upon

us of late with respect to Mr Fisk &c. and being willing to Exercise a Godly [watch]

over our Selves, & to confess our faults to our fellow Professours, as it may

appear to us to be our Duty. We would now in this explicit manner freely

acknowledge, that We were greatly Wanting in love to and Concern for those

Once called the Aggrieved Brethren of Our Church, in the time of our Controversy

with them, and did not use the Means proper to Quiet and satisfy them: viz: by

Consenting to Meet, as a Church. And were [far] from paying due Regard to the venerable

Councils that came to Salem in that time, We now believe came out of love, and

with a Sincere Aime to do the best service they could: We also Acknowledge Our

fault in speaking Slightly of Councils, and the Constitution that we now pro-

fess to hold, viz: that called Congregational. We entreat, that all our Sister

Churches & Christian Brethren would forgive Overlook & Pray for us their

Brethren in the faith of the gospel: Tim Pickering & Abijah Eustis: in

the name and at the Desire of the first Church in Salem. particularly those that [were]

in Communion in the time of the late Controversy.

I read this letter to the Church before the Congregation, Octob: 20: 1745: and propounded

to the Church, that if they did accept the acknowledgement therein made by the

sd first Church in Salem, so as to restore them to their Communion and all the

priviledges and acts of Communion, which the Communion of Churches do

allow and require they should Manifest it by the Usual Sign of uplifted hands

which they did: Attest Thomas Cheever Pastour.

Dec: 8:

A Child of Thomas Sarjeant; a Member of Mr Emersons Church of Maldon, baptized, named Tabitha.


A Child of Benjamin Brintnal, a Member of Maldon South Chh. baptized, named Elizabeth.


A Child of Sarah Slack Widow baptized, named Elizabeth.

ffeb: 9.

A Child of Thomas Eustis baptized named Abigail.

Mrs Sarah Slack Admitted to full Communion Decemb: 1t


March: 2d

A Child of Samuel Floyd baptized, named Benjamin.

April 13.

Sarah Whittemore daughter of Mr Benjamin Whittemore received to full Communion.

June. 8.

A Child of John Halsey’s baptized named Lois.

July. 13.

A Child of Steven Kent baptized, named Carissa.

Novemb: 9

A Child of Samuel Tuttle, Member of ye 2d Church in Maldon, baptized, named Joannah.

March: 15:

1746: A Child of Thomas Sergeant baptized, named Thomas.

May 17

A Child of Pelatiah Whittemore, a Member of Maldon South Church baptized, named John.

May 24.

A Child of Edward Dix baptized, named Nathan.

Nov 15 A Child of James Stowers baptized named Abigail.24

Chelsea Sepr. 24. 1747


At a Church meeting duely appointed, at the house of the Revd: Mr Thomas

Cheever Pastor of said Church, and moderator of said meeting.

The Revd: Mr Cheever proposed to the Church his desire that Nathl: Oliver Junr:

might be appointed Scribe to make & keep a record of the Churches proceedings

Which was Voted in the afirmative, neme Contrade.

Then it was proposed that wednesday the 7th of October next be appointed a

day of fasting and prayer to implore the direction of Almighty God in the

choise of a minister as collegue with the Revd: Mr Cheever; which was Voted

in the affirmative.

Voted, Mess: Saml Floyd & Nathl: Oliver Junr: in the name of the Church invite the

Revd: Mess: Appleton, Emerson, Abbot, Hobby, Prentiss and Cleveland to assist in &

at said Solemnity.

Voted - - - Elder Hosey make provision at his house for the Entertainment of said

Gentn: and at the Churches Charge.

Voted - - - Elder Watts, Elder Hosey, & Nathl: Oliver Junr: settle the Church’s acct: with

Deacon Hosey and report thereon at their next meeting.

Voted the same Comee: request the Donation of Mr: Hugh Floyd deceased of his Executr.

and if they receive the same in Cash or plate to give a discharge therefor.

Voted - - - The Revd: Mess: Appleton and Abbot be desired to preach the Sermons

on the intended fast.

Voted - - - This meeting be adjourned to the first monday after the above fast, at

Elder Hosey’s house at 3 o’Clock afternoon to receive the above reports, and transmit

any other businesss that may properly be laid before the Church.

Die Sabbati Sepr: 27.

After divine Service the Revd: Mr Cheever inform’d the Church that the Revd: Gentn:

appointed to attend the fast propos’d could not oficiate on said day but would endeavor

Rumney Marsh Records Book, MS p. [42]. Courtesy Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

it on wednesday the 14th of october: Then the Church Voted to postpone said Solemnity

till said day and adjourn’d and adjourn’d the Church meeting to the monday following.

Die Lunæ Octr. 19.

The Church met by adjournment at the house of Mr. Nathan Cheever, inasmuch as the

Revd: Pastor could not travell so far as Elder Hoseys at whose house the Church was ad:

journed to this day.

The Comittee on the Churches accts. reported that the Church was indebted for Elements

two pounds thirteen Shillings & five pence old tend. and the account for the poor

stood Cr n favour of the Church Eight pounds ten Shills. and four pence, that there

was also in the deacons hands an English Shilling & a new England Six pence.

Said Comittee also reported that they thot proper that the heirs of Mr. Hugh Floyd

deceas’d should themselves purchase a paire of Plate with their fathers Donation, and

present the Same to the Church. Which Reports were severally accepted,

Elder Hosey then presented his acct of Charge on the late fast; which was

allowd. and wc. was £ 9 - - - 2 Old tenr.

It was propos’d to discharge the Same by subscription; accordingly there was

subscribed £ 9 - - - Old tenr. more than discharged Elder Hoseys acct and which Sum

was delivered to Deacon Hosey, and he was desired to Cr the Church therefor.

It was mov’d and seconded that the Church shou’d at this meeting proceed to the

choice of a Collegue, with the Revd. Mr Cheever. The Question being put; It pass’d

in the Negative. Then,

Voted that the towns Comittee be desired to request and agree with the Revd.

Mr. William McClenahan to preach for the term of two months on further


Then the Revd. Moderator, after prayer, adjourn’d this meeting Sine Die.

Die Lunee March 8. 1747.8


At a Church meeting at the meeting house appointed to see if the Church wou’d

proceed to the Choice of a Colleague with the Revd. Mr Cheever, or what the Church

wou’d act with respect to the Supply of the Pulpit under the advanced age and

weakness of their revd. Pastor.

After some debate it was thôt proper to take the advise & opinion of some

Judicious neighbour ministers respecting the ministerial Qualifications of the

Revd. Mr William McClenachan; and that he be desired to supply the Pulpit

for a further term as the town’s Comee. shou’d agree with him.

Accordingly the following Letter was draughted And Mess. Hugh Floyd with

Nathl. Oliver Junr. appointed a Comittee to wait on the Revd. Mr William

McClenachan for his Consent, and then to present the Same to the Gentn.

to whom it was directed. Upon his assent the Comee. proceeded.

Chelsea March 8. 1747.8.

The Church of Christ in Chelsea

to the Revd. Mess. Nathl. Appleton

William Hobby &

After hearing the revd. Mr William

Ellis Gray

McClenachan for the Space of near ten months

and that to very general satisfaction in this

town; Our Church this day met to see what they shou’d do with regard to the Supply

of the Pulpit for the future, or whether they shou’d proceed to the choice of said Gentn.

as Colleague to our Revd. & aged Pastor Mr. Cheever; and after mature Consideration the

Church voted to postpone such matter till after Mr McClenachan had been approved

of by you, in conjunction with any other, one or two other Gentn. he shall appoint

both with regard to his Principles and other abilities for the work of a Gospell Minister.

These therefore in behalf of the Church request you’l do us the favour to attend such

service with all convenient Speed, at such time and place as Mess. Hugh Floyd and Nathl

Oliver Junr.; the Church’s Comittee shall find most agreeable to you and him.

By order of the Church

Nl Oliver Junr. Scribeat

Then this meeting was adjournd Sine Die.

The same Day the abovesaid Comee. waited on the Revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan with

the above transcript and he freely expressing his assent & consent to the Church’s

procedure, nominated the Revd. Mr Wm. Welstead & Andw. LeMarcies, and said he wou’d

wait on such Gentn. at any time and place they should assign.

Accordingly on this day the eleventh instant the above Comee. waited on

the revd. Mr Appleton with the above letter and acquainted Mr Welstead with the Churches

desire shewing him a Coppy thereof, and from the united concurrence of those

Gentn. delivered to the said Comittee it appeared to them an unusual procedure and

declined to undertake in such an afair, at the same time gave it as their advice to the

Church to apply in the same manner to the association of Ministers in the town of

Boston, all which the said Comee. comunicated to the Revd. Mr Cheever, who on the

fourteenth instant march stop’t the Church and appointed wednesday the seventeenth

instant a Church meeting at his own house to take the abovesaid matter more

fully into Consideration.

March 17.

At a meeting of the Brethren of the Church of Christ in Chelsea at the house of

the Revd. Mr Thos: Cheever Pastor & Moderator of said meeting.

Upon Consideration of the Refusal of the Gentn. requested by this Church

to examin The Revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan expecting his ministerial Qualification

Agreed unanimously that the Revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan, if he sees meet wait on


the associated Pastors of the Town of Boston at their next meeting and ofer himself to

Examination respecting his ministerial Qualifications and then Voted this meeting

be adjourn’d till this Church receive an answer from said association.

March 29

The Church met at the house of the Revd. Mr Thos: Cheever, and having received a

Vote from the revd. associated Pastors of the town of Boston, expressive of their disinclination

to comply with the Churches desire that they wou’d give this Church their thots of the

ministerial Qualifications of the Revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan, as such a practice was

unusual and they were unacquainted with said Gentn.

After some debate—Voted to meet on monday the 18th. of april next to see if

the Church wou’d give the Revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan an invitation to settle among us

as Colleague with the revd. Mr Thos: Cheever said meeting to be at ye meeting house at

Nine o’Clock in the forenoon, to which time this meeting stands adjourned.

Voted also the Select men be desired to issue their warrant for a town

meeting at two o’Clock afternoon of said day

April 10. 1748

The Church met at the meeting house by adjournment, and after prayer the Revd.

Moderator viz Mr Cheever proposed that the Church shou’d bring in their written Votes for

a Pastor Colleague with him; By which Votes, it appeared that the revd. Mr William

McClenachan was chosen by a great majority.

Voted the Select men of the town be desired to issue their warrant to call a town’s

meeting as soon as may be, to see if the town wou’d concurr with the Church in their Choice

of the revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan, and which if they did, to choose a Comittee to

join with the ruling Elders in waiting on said Gentn. for his Answer.

May 3

At a Church meeting at the meeting house by appointment, It appearing that

the town by a very great majority, had concur’d with the Church in their Choice of the

revd. Mr Wm. McClenachan, and that he had accepted their call as Pastor elect Colleague

with the revd. Mr Thos: Cheever;

Voted Wednesday the 21st of September next be appointed a day set apart to

inaugurate said Gentn. into said office; and that the following Churches be sent to

to join in Council for said purpose Viz the Churches under the pastoral Care of the

following Gentn. Viz the Revd. Mess. Jno. Webb & Andw. Elliot, Wm. Welstead & Elis Gray, Samuel

Mather and Samuel Cooper, of Boston. The Revd. Mr Nathl. Appleton of Cambridge,

The Revd. Mr Ebenr. Turell of Medford, The revd. Mr Joseph Emerson of Maldon, The Revd.

Mr Nathl. Henchman of Lynn, The revd. Mr William Hobby of Reading, The Revd. Mr

John Davidson of Nutfield, and the revd. Andw. Le Mercier of Boston.

Voted also the following letter be directed to the abovesaid Sevl. Churches and that it

be signed by the Ruling Elders in the name of the Church

To the Revd. &ca

Sr. It having pleased the glorious head of the Church, after, as we

hope, our humble supplications to him, on a day of fasting and prayer for his guidance

in a matter of such importance, to direct us by a very great majority both of Church and

town to invite the revd. Mr William McClenachan, late of Blanford to the Pastoral Ofice

among us; and to incline him to accept said Invitation; We have agreed on wednesday

the twenty eighth day of Sepr. next, God willing to fix him in said ofice among us in

Conjunction with the Revd. Mr Thomas Cheever. We therefore desire you with such delegates

of your Church shall think proper to send, to conurr with other Elders and messengers

of several Churches in Exercising such acts of comunion as the nature of such Solemnity

may require. We Subscribe yours in the faith and order of the Gospell.

Samuel Watts

Ruling Elders

William Hasey

September 12. 1748


To the Church of Christ in Chelsea


As there is a meeting of some of the Church and Town at Nathl. Olivers

Junr. at 3 o’Clock this Eveng in order to receive some advices come to hand respecting The Revd.

Mr. McClenachan; We therefore humbly desire all the brethren of said Church to meet there also

for the End aforesaid; and there pass such Votes as they shall think proper.

We are yours in the faith and fellowship of the Gospell

Saml. Watts

Ruling Elders

Wm. Hasey

Wednesday morng 11. o’Clock.

These may certifie We notified the members of the Church in Chelsea to

meet at time and place above mentioned, except Mr. Nathan Cheever who is out of town.


Jacob Hasey

Members of said Church.

Thomas Pratt

At a Church meeting the day above at

the house of Nathl. Oliver Junr - - -

The above notification and return being read

and finding all the members present excepting Mr. Nathan Cheever and Mr. Hugh Floyd

who was Sick, The hone. Saml. Watts Esqr. as Senior Elder was moderator.

Voted all the papers referring any ways to the person Character of Circumstances of

the revd. William McClenachan should be laid on the table, that authentick Coppies

be taken, and the originals return’d to the possessors of ‘em.

The Moderator demanded of Deacon Jacob Hasey or any others who might be

possesd of any such papers to gratifie the Church in the above Vote.

Deacon Jacob Hasey said ^he had in this possession all the papers above referr’d to

but wou’d not lay ‘em on the table nor sufer any Coppies to be taken of them

which the Church tho’t unreasonable in him: and after some debate

Voted to postpone the intended Installment of the Revd. Mr. William McClenachan

till the second Wednesday of October next.

Voted also that the ruling Elders acquaint the severall Churches sent to in

order to attend such Solemnity with the above Vote.

Then the Moderator adjourn’d this meeting Sine Die.

Wednesday. Octr. 12

The Venerable & Revd. Council sent to by the Church in Chelsea consisting

of Eleven Churches met at Chelsea at the meeting house. In order to install the

Revd. Mr. William McClenachan into the Pastoral Office over said Church as Colleague

with the revd. Mr. Thomas Cheever. The Revd. Mr. Nathl. Appleton was chosen Modr.

of said Council.

Decon Jacob Hasey Mess. Elisha Tuttle, Samuel Floyd, Nathan Cheever and Thomas

Pratt oppos’d the installment of the said Gentn. exhibiting by way of memorial

many sundry allegations against him both with regard to his ministerial qualifi-

cations in point of Learning, & his moral Character of all which The said William

McClenachan acquitted himself before a very large assembly in publick hearing

so far to the satisfaction of said Council that by their result they discharg’d him

of every Charge exhibited, excepting that once they found him guilty of indecent

Passion & uttering unbecoming words: Yet that the Council might not be thot too

sudden in fixing a Pastor where there had arisen such a diference in the Church

and that the above Gentn. who called themselves aggrieved Brethren might have

time to be better reconciled to their said Pastor Elect, said Council advised the Revd.

Mr. William McClenachan to continue his acceptance of the Churches Call and

adjournd the Council to the third tuesday of December next.

Chelsea Novr.27.1748


The Revd. Mr. Cheever stop’t the Chh. & appointed a Chh. meeting to morrow

at 9 o’Clock forenoon at the meeting house to see if the Church wou’d send

their request to the Council met here on the 12th. of Octr. past, in order to install

the Revd. Wm. McClenachan; And to do any other busness that may be thôt proper.


The Chh. met as above appointed, and Voted The Council met here on the

12th. of Octr. past be desired to convene according to their adjournment in order

if they see fit, to install the Revd. Wm. McClenachan as Colleague Pastor with

the Revd. Mr. Thomas Cheever; And that the Elders Watts & Hasey read the

Churche’s request herefor to the Revd. Moderator of said Council.

Voted, The Ruling Elders, the revd. Wm. McClenachan, Mess. Thomas

Pratt and Hugh Floyd take the Chh. Covenant into Consideration, and make

what additions or amendments agreeable to the substantials of the

Platform that they think just and report thereon.

Voted this meeting be adjourn’d to monday next at 9 o’Clock in

the forenoon to receive the report of the above Comittee and to pass thereon

as the Chh. shall think proper.

Voted the select men be desired to convene the town on said Day to

see if they will defrey the necessary Charges of said Council.

Decr. 5

The Church met accordingly and considering but few were present

it was agreed to adjourn the meeting till 4 o’Clock Afternoon at the

dwelling house of the Revd. Mr. McClenachan.

Post Meridien

The Church met agreeable to their adjourment, The honr. Elder Watts

being Moderator;

The Comee. appointed on the Church Covenant reported that

it is their opinion there be no alterations in the Covenant; But that with

respect to that article in the Covenant, wherein, referring to the platform

‘tis declar’d, Unto which for the Substance we declare our adherence

They are of Opinion that Ruling Elders are, agreeable to the Platform,

Essential Oficers in a Congregational Church; and that no teaching Elder be

admitted as Pastor of this Church unless he submit to such oficers in ye Chh.

They are also of Opinion that the negative power does not pertain to

the teaching, or ruling Elders distinct but to a majority of the Eldership.

They are further of Opinion that the infant Seed of Parents owning the

Covenant consented to by this Chh. be subjects of Baptism, altho such

parents have not seen their way clear to join in full Comunion with the

Chh. And that such baptized persons be so far accounted members of

The Church, as to be watched over by the Church, and to be


subject to the discipline of the same.25

Voted To accept this report, and that the substance thereof be added

to the standing Covenant or government of this Church.

To which Mess. Jacob Hasey and Nathan Cheever entered

their dissents; and insisted the same be recorded: To which the Church


Whereas the Town Voted eighty pounds old tenr. to defrey the

Charge of the Council to be convened on the 12th. Instant, and submitted

the same to the Church to lay out for the entertainment of said council.

Voted, Elder Hasey, Capt. Nathl. Oliver, and Mr. Benjamin Tuttle be a

Comittee to make provisions &ca. accordingly.


The Venerable Council met at the house of Capt. Nathl. Oliver

and adjourned to the 20th Instant.


Said Council met according to their adjournment, and after a long

debate Voted to install the Revd. William McClenachan to morrow

in the forenoon being the 21st. When the Revd. Mr. Wm. Hobby began

the Solemnity with prayers; The Revd. Mr. McClenachan preached.

The Revd. Mr. Prescott gave the Charge and the Revd. Mr. Henchman

gave the right hand of fellowship.

Jany: 10

The Church met by agreement at the House of the Revd. Mr.


Mr. Nathan Cheever desired a Dismission from this Church to

the 2d. Church in Maldon And

Voted, That whereas said Mr. Cheever has for several years belonged to this

Church, and enjoyed special ordinances here; but fore some time past has

absented himself from our comunion; and once and again has declared he

can’t be easy without a Dissolution of his membership with us, We, in

point of prudence consent to grant his request; and that he be

accordingly dismist.


Mr. William Oliver own’d the covenant, in order to have a Child baptized.


That the Sacrament of the Lord’s supper shall be celebrated


on the last sabbath of every month in the year; Excepting December

and January, and to be omitted those two Months, by reason of the

Shortness of the Days & severity of the season.


That the Sabbath before the sacrament, the teaching or ruling

Elders shall propose to the Church and Congregation whether there

shall be a Lecture any Day in the week before the Sacrament; and

take their voice therein.


That it shall not be a term of Comunion, That Persons to be

admitted into the Church shall exhibit a written relation, so termed,

as has heretofore been the practice of this Church.


That Divine Service, for the future, upon all fast Days be

performed with singing of Psalms, as upon Lord’s Days.


- - -Elder Hasey and Nathl. Oliver junr. Settle the Church’s accts.

with Deacon Jacob Hasey, who refuses any longer to act in his Ofice

and receive the Utensils belonging to the Church till further Order

Then the Revd. Mr. McClenachan dismiss’d this meeting.

Jany 20

The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church, and read a

letter from the Revd. Mr. Cleaveland, Pastor of the South Church in

Maldon, signifying the desire of Mr. Benjamin Brintnal, to be

dismissed from said Church, and recomending him to this Church

Then he propose’d him to the acceptance of the Church, and


- - - To receive said Mr. Brintnall to this Church’s particular Comunion.

Mr. McClenachan also inform’d the Church that Mr. Jacob Hasey

refused to oficiate as Deacon; and wou’d not deliver the utensills of the

Church to the Comittee before appointed to receive them, but said he

wou’d wait till the Church had another Deacon to receive them.


Elder Hasey be specially impowered to demand and receive

said Utensills, and possess them till the further order of this Church.


- - - That Monday 27th. Instant at 3 o’Clock P:M: there be a Church

meeting at the meeting house.



The Church met as the members agreed. After Prayer

Elder Hasey reported he had with much persuasion received

the utensills of the Comunion Table. He also brôt a letter from

Deacon Hasey, Signed Jacob Hasey, Abigail Hasey his wife,

and Abigail Hasey junr. his Daughter signifying their earnest

Desire this Church wou’d dismiss them from the special comuni

on of this Church, and recomend them to the second Church

in Maldon. Upon which,


Elder Hasey and Nathl. Oliver Junr. wait on said persons

and urge they withdraw their desire, and report next Lord’s

Day after Divine Service.

Elder Hasey reported the Comittee had settled the Church’s

Accounts with Deacon Jacob Hasey, and found him indebted to

the Church on the account of providing for the Comunion

Table Six pounds, eight Shillings and eleven pence Old tenr

and on Account of Collection for the poor eight pounds ten

Shillings and four pence Old tenr, which Sums, together with

an English Shilling, and a new England Six pence amounting to

thirteen Shillings and nine pence Old tenr, he had received,

as also the Church’s account Book. Whereupon


- - -The above report be accepted, and that Elder Hasey

Keep said Sums in his hands, with the said Book till the

further order of the Church.

The Revd. Mr. McClenachan proposed to the Church’s

Consideration whether they would relinquish the use of the

present Version of the Psalms, in Divine Service and for the future

Sing Doctor Watts’s version of the Psalms; after considerable

debate it was agreed this matter shou’d subside for the span of a

month, and in the mean time, the members wou’d examin said

Version; and the Elder’s converse with any of the Congregation

that shou’d be dissatisfied, and indeavour their Satisfaction.

February 2d.


The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church.

Elder Hasey reported that he, with Nl: Oliver junr. had

waited upon Mr. Jacob Hasey, and urged he withdraw his

desire of a Dismission from this Church, but that he insisted

thereon, insisting he cou’d not edifie under the publick

worship. As did his wife and daughter. Upon which,


- - - Mr. Jacob Hasey Mrs. Abigail Hasey, and Abigail

Hasey junr. be dismis’d from this and recomended to the

second Church in Maldon.

Deacon John Chamberlain acquainted the Church

with his desire of resigning his place as a Deacon, being

obliged throh. the infirmities of old age to be often absent from

duty &ca. Upon which,


- - - Deacon Chamberlain have the thanks of this Church

for his past services; and that he be released from his Ofice.


The Church were desired to tarry after divine service

when the Revd. Mr. McClenachan read a letter from the Revd.

Mr. Samuel Cooper signifying the Desires of Capt. Nl. Oliver

and Mr. Daniel Watts, that their particular relation to the

Church of Christ in Brattle Street be transferred to this Church

in which said Persons were heartily recomended to the holy

fellowship of this Church. Whereupon,


- - - Capt. Nathl. Oliver, and Mr. Daniel Watts be admitted to

the Pastoral Care of this Church.

The Revd. Mr. McClenachan inform’d the Church that

there was a necessity of a Church meeting soon and requested it

might be held at his dwelling house Accordingly -


- - - The Church meet at the house of Mr. McClenachan on

Monday the 17th instant at 2 o’Clock afternoon.

E. Die

Mrs. Rachel Floyd was admitted a member in full Comunion.



Mr. Joshua Sale junr. was admitted to full Comunion.


The Church met as appointed at the house of the Revd.

Mr. McClenachan who proposed to the Church the Desire of

Mrs. Lewis that she own the evill and profess her sorrow in

cohabiting with her husband Mr. Nathan Lewis before they

were married.

Mrs. Lewis appeared and made a satisfactory Acknowledgement

Voted to restore Mrs. Lewis to our Charity and the enjoyment of

all Church Priviledges.


That the Church stock for the poor together with

what shall be collected on the next fast day be appropriated to

the use of Mrs. Marble and Mrs. Mary Breeden; That

Capt. Oliver receive the same, and distribute two thirds of

said moneys to Mrs. Marble, and the remainder to said Mrs. Mary


Mr. McClenachan acquainted the Church that he

was obliged to be absent a week or ten days on some busness

to the eastward and desired the Church wou’d indulge his

absence if necessarily detain’d one or two Sabbaths; and in the

mean time requested the Church wou’d think on two suitable

persons to supply the place of Deacons: He then dismised

this meeting with a Blessing.

Anno 1749

March 27 The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church

and requested they wou’d appoint a Church meeting for some

purpose under consideration and to do any other busness that

at such meeting might be necessary. Accordingly,


The Church meet at the meeting house on Wednesday

the 30th instant at 2 o’Clock afternoon for the purposes


E. Die, Mr. Samuel Vial owned the Covenant, for baptism of a Child.

March 30. 1749


The Church met by appointment; After Prayer, The Revd.

Mr. McClenachan propos’d to the Church whether they wou’d

alter the Version of Psalms in comon use & for the future sing

Dr. Watts’s version at Divine service.

Elder Hasey desired the consideration thereof might be

continued a further time. Whereupon,


to postpone that matter for the space of two months, and if

no material objection to the use of said Version shou’d be

ofered in that term, agreed to the use thereof.


To continue the Consideration of the Choice of Deacons

till a further time.


Tis reasonable that those members who attend Church

meetings on secular matters, and yet absent themselves from

special Ordinances shou’d make satisfactory acknowledgment

or their Votes shou’d not be accounted of in this Church.

After a blessing this meeting was dismis’d.

April 16

The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church and read a

Letter from the second Church in Maldon, dismissing and also

recomending Samuel Tuttle and Anna his wife from said

Church to this Church signed Aaron Cleaveland Pastor.


to receive said members into the pastoral Care and fellowship

of this Church.

May 19

Mrs. Sarah Hill was admitted to full Comunion.

June 22

At a Church meeting duely notified last Sabbath, after prayer

Mr. McClenachan acquainted the Church he had received no

objection from any members of the town or Church against the

use of Dr. Watts’s Psalms in publick worship but what he thôt

were obviated, Upon which, Neme. Conte.


This Church will for the future, use said Version at Divine


July 2


The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church and acquainted

them that Mrs. Mary Hasey, having become inhabitant and unstable,

desires a dismission from this Church and that she be recomended

to the Church in that Town,26 Upon which,


That her request be granted.

September 15

The Church met at the meeting house by appointment

to choose two Deacons; After Prayer The Revd. Mr McClenachan

desired the Members to bring their Votes for two Deacons,

And it appeard Messrs David Watts and Benjamin

Brintnal were chosen to that ofice.


Being a Lecture The Revd. Mr. McClenachan in his

Sermon gave a Charge to the Deacons lately chosen, and in the

name of the Church desired they would for the future oficiate

as such oficers, being duely elected.

Novr. 19

The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church and read a

Letter from Mr. John Sale Junr. signifying his conviction of the

evill, and his sorrow for cohabiting with his wife before marriage



to accept the same, as ample satisfaction and that the

said Mr. Sale be restored to his Church priviledges.

Decr. 18

The Church met at the meeting house by appointment.

The Revd. Mr. McClenachan read a Letter from the Revd. Mr. Salton

Pastor of a Church in Mensfield acquainting this Church that

he understood Prince negro Servant of Mr. Jacob Hasey had

ofer’d himself to the comunion of this Church, That the said

Prince had laid himself obnoxious to a Suspension in their Church

by leaving his duty with them and joining with the disorderly

Separates, Whereupon,


not to admit said Prince to the comunion of this Church till

he had given Satisfaction to the said Church in Mensfield.

Decr. 21. 1749


The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church and read an

acknowledgment from Phillis Servant to the honl. Samuel

Watts Esqr. wherein she own’d the Sin, & profes’d her Sorrow in

cohabiting with her husband Before marriage; Upon which,


To accept the same, and restore her to her Church



Capt. John Sale was admitted to full Comunion.

January 12

Mr. John Brintnal was admitted to full Comunion.


The Church met at the house of the Revd. Mr. McClenachan

by appointment; and propos’d to Mr. Samuel Floyd as an

Executor to his father Mr. Hugh Floyd, that it was high time

the donation of said Mr. Hugh Floyd deceas’d of ten pounds

lawfull money shou’d be paid; who inform’d the Church that

he would consult his Brother, the other executor to his father’s

Estate, and procure a peice of Plate agreeable to the intent of

the Donation.

May 17. 1751

Mrs. Sarah Sale was admitted to full Comunion.

July 23

Mrs. Elizebeth Stower was admitted to full Comunion.

Sepr. 3

Mr. John Tuttle Owned the Covenant in order to have

his child Baptized. Mrs. Deborah Brintnal was admitted for

full Comunion.

August 3. 1753

Mrs. Mary Wait was admitted to full Comunion.

Decr. 17. 1754


The Revd. Mr. McClenachan stop’d the Church and appointed

monday the 18th instant a Church meeting to consider a matter of

importance he had to lay before them.


The Church met by appointment. The Revd. Mr. McClenachan

desired the Church would dismiss him from his pastoral relation

to this Church and insisted thereon, Upon which,


Unanimously not to dismiss him.


The above said Mr. McClenachan having disolved his relation

to this Church by leaving them contrary to the above Vote was

received confirmed and partook of the Lords Supper under the

establishment of the Church of England, By the Revd. Dr.

Timothy Cutler.

January 13

The Church met by appointment to see what might be propos’d

to be done respecting a supply of the Pulpit; The honl. Elder Watts

being Moderator. After some debate on the destitute State

of a minister, it was unanimously agreed to leave the

consideration thereof to the Town.

January 12. 1756

The Church met by appointment, to choose a minister

Elder Watts was Moderator.

It appeared that Mr. Aaron Putnam was Chosen by a

Majority of Votes.

March 15

The Church met to consider what was proper to be done

upon the refusall of Mr. Putnam to accept the Church’s and town’s

Choise of him as their Pastor elect, when it was agreed to leave it

to the town to choose a Comee. to wait on Mr. Putnam and urge

his acceptance, notwithstanding his refusal; and proposed a

Subscription be had thrô the town to preferr to him on supposi

tion his refusal might be owing to his not being chosen more


Memm: The town sent their Comee. to Pomfrett to wait on Mr. Putnam

with a general Subscription satisfying a desire he wou’d settle in their

town; who notwithstanding finally refused.

July 3d. 1756


The Church met by appointment to consider their Covenant

and to see what they wou’d do respecting a minister.

And considering few were present, adjourn’d till to morrow after

divine Service.


The Church stop’d according to their adjournment; and having

chosen Capt. Nathl. Oliver Moderator in the absence of Elder Watts,


This Church abide by their original Covenant with the

explications agreed to by this Church, on the 5th. of Decr. 1748.

That therewith the Covenant be fairly transcribed, and subscribed

by all the present members of this Church.


Unanimously, that all past Votes relative to the dismission of

Mr. Nathan Cheever be reconsidered; and that said Mr. Nathan Cheever

be restored to his membership with this Church, provided he will

subscribe the Covenant.

Voted —

Mr. Samuel Floyd be added to the Town’s Comee. for supply

of the Pulpit, and that said Comee. wait on Mr. Norton and acquaint

him ‘tis the Church’s desire he would preach with us a month or six

weeks longer upon probation. Then adjourn’d to next Sabbath.


The Church stop’d agreeable to their adjournment; The Covenant

was read and signed by several members, some others desired a perusal

of it as they said they did not thoroughly understand it, as it now stood

which was unanimously agreed to.

It was moved the Church do something respecting the Choise

of a Minister.

Mr. Floyd and others reported that Mr. Norton said he thôt he had

been preaching some time under the Idea of probation; and

his busness wou’d not permit his tarry in this town any longer.

Which past over without any Vote thereupon.

Voted to leave a further Supply of the Pulpit to the town’s Comittee

And dismist this meeting.

Decr. 27

The Church met at the meeting house in order to chuse

a Minister, The honl. Elder Watts being Moderator, It

appeared Mr. Joseph Jackson was unanimously chosen. Then

Voted, This choice be transmitted to the town for their Concurrence.

Decr. 29


Mr. Joseph Jackson desired the Church wou’d tarry after the

Blessing, which being pronounced, he retired; after which

Deacon Brintnall read a Letter from Mr. Jackson to the Church

and Town, signifying he wou’d not accept the Choise this Church and

town had made of him as their Pastor elect.

July 17. 1757

Elder Watts stop’d the Church and desired they wou’d come into

some measures respecting a settlement of a Minister, especially as he

understood Mr. Phillips Payson was generally liked, in the Town



- - - The Comee. for the supply of the pulpit desire the said

Mr. Payson to preach four Sabbaths from this date on Probation.


Elder Watts stop’d the Church and Congregation and acquainted

them that the Comee. had waited on Mr. Payson who said he cou’d

not tarry to preach any longer upon probation upon which


- - - unanimously to appoint Thursday the 28th instant at

3 o’Clock afternoon a Church meeting to see if they will give

Mr. Phillips Payson an Invitation to settle in the ministry in the



The Church met at the meeting house agreeable to appointmt.

And unanimously declared Viva voce That ‘tis their minds Mr.

Phillips Payson be invited to take the Pastoral Care of this

Church, which being transmitted to the Town, they did on

the same day unanimously concurr with the Church in the

Choise of the said Mr. Payson.

Sepr. 18

Elder Watts stop’d the Church, and desired they wou’d consider what

they thought might be proper to be done consequent upon Mr.

Payson’s answer of acceptance of the Church & town’s choise of him

as the town’s minister which lay before them. Upon which


That the Comee. appointed by the town, to wait on Mr. Payson

to know what time will be agreeable to him to instate him in his

Ofice as Pastor among us, be desired to discharge said Trust, to morrow

and bring his answer before the Town’s meeting.


Also to morrow at 5 o’Clock afternoon there be a Church meeting

at the meeting house to consider and determine such matters, as shall

then properly be Laid before them.

Sepr. 19


The Church met agreeable to their appointment, Elder Watts

being Moderator, and unanimously,


- - - Wednesday the 26th of October next be appointed to Solemnize

the Ordination of Mr. Phillips Payson to the pastoral Ofice over this

Church and Town.


- - - Also That the Revd. Doctor Sewall’s and the Revd. Mr. Eliots Church

of Boston; The Revd. Mr. Appleton’s of Cambridge, Mr. Payson’s of

Walpole, Mr. Rogers’s of Littleton, Mess. Emersons and Willis’s of

Maldon, Mr. Swifts of Acton, and Mr. Robie’s of Lynn be sent

to, to instate Mr. Phillips Payson in the pastoral Ofice over this

Church and Town, to which he has been unanimously Chosen, and

which he has accepted.


- - - Mess. Samuel Floyd, Benjamin Brintnal, & Nathl. Oliver

Junr. be a Com̄ittee to provide Entertainment &ca. for the Venerable

Council, & other Gentn. on the ensuing Ordination Day.


Elder Watts stop’d the Church and proposed to them that Mr.

Payson thôt there was a Clause in the Church Covenant relative to

Ruling Elders which he could not fully assent to, Whereupon,


- - - The Church meet to morrow at 3 o’Clock afternoon, at the house

of Mr. Hough, to consider thereon and that Mr. Payson be desired to

attend the Church at said meeting.


The Church met at time and place, with Mr. Payson, who related

his dificulty on the paragraph in the Church Covenant, wherein it

is suggested that Ruling Elders are of Scripture warrant, which he was

not fully satisfied of; yet declared he wou’d be passive in whatever

the Church thôt proper to act thereupon.

After some debate Mr. Payson was desired to mend a Clause on

that part of the Covenant, relative to Ruling Elders that he cou’d freely

subscribe to; which he did in these words Viz:

At least so far to submit to such Oficers as that they should

exercise what Power the Church ^has should see fit to invest them with.

Which clause the Church readily come into, and thereon


- - - The Covenant be transcribed adding said Clause, and that the

Church meet next Sabbath, after divine Service to receive the same.

Octr. 23rd


The Church stop’d but considering several members were

absent, it was thôt best to continue the consideration of signing

the Covenant to a further time.


The Church met after divine Service and having read the

covenant, all that were present subscribed the same.

Mr. Pason came into the Church meeting, and requested

that all matter of grievance or ofence respecting any members

shou’d subside or be made up before he took upon himself

the pastoral Care of the Church, and then withdrew.

Which matter the church took into Consideration, And


- - - That this Church look upon all such of their numbers

who have or shall subscribe the Church Covenant, having had the

same distinctly read unto them; any matter or cause of grievance

heretofore subsisting among them notwithstanding.

It was moved and seconded that the members wait upon

Mr. Elisha Tuttle with this Vote and endeavour his reconciliation.

Which was readily comply’d with; The Church Covenant

was distinctly read to him; all the members present, being

majority of the Church, united in their desires he would

sign the Church Covenant, and for the future attend his Duty

and Priviledge. Whereupon said Mr. Tuttle subscribed the

Covenant, The article relative to Ruling Elders excepted.


The Church met the Venerable Council sent to in order to

ordain Mr. Phillips Payson, at the house of Nathl. Oliver Junr.

Mr. Payson signed the Church Covenant; He then with the

Church waited upon the Venerable Council.

The Revd. Mr. Daniel Rogers mentioned a dismission of the

particular membership of Mr. Payson with an hearty recom̄endation

of him to this Church; from the Church at Littleton.

The Revd. Mr. Appleton, Modr. of the Council, declared


The Council were satisfied as to the principles and other

ministerial abilities of Mr. Phillips Payson, and were ready to

proceed to his Ordination.

The Church then waited on said Council to the meeting

house to solemnize the same. Where

The Revd. Mr. Rogers began the solemnity with


The Revd. Mr. Payson of Walpole preached a Sermon,

suitable to the occasion.

The Revd. Mr. Appleton gave the Charge.

The Revd. Mr. Emerson gave the right hand of fellowship.

The Revd. Mr. Swift closed the service with prayer.

After which a Psalm being sang, The new ordain’d Pastor


- - - The Revd. Mr. Phillips Payson junr. dismis’d the

assemb;y with the usual blesssgings.

Deo opt: max: Laus et Gloria


1. Preceding this entry, the copy reads: “Octob:19:1715. This day the Church was Gathered at Rumny marish, & Mr Thomas Cheever was Ordained their Pastour.”

2. The end of this and a number of lines following on this page, as well as the beginnings of several lines further down, are affected by MS damage; words in brackets supplied from MS copy, pp. 1-2.

3. The next sentence and a half appears only in the copy; the top of MS p. 2 is damaged at the top.

4. Original MS resumes.

5. The top of MS p. 2 is shorn, and the right side of the page is damaged; bracketed text taken from MS copy, pp. 4-5.

6. This word is written in shorthand.

7. This word is written in shorthand.

8. An illegible shorthand notation follows.

9. MS damage.

10. On Tuttle, see introduction, p. 19.

11. “Scilicet,” Latin for “plainly,” or “namely.”

12. I.e. on MS p. 15.

13. Robert Sturgeon of Ireland, sett. Watertown, 1721-22, at a short-lived independent church, dismissed by ecclesiastical council, then served churches in Connecticut and New York.

14. James McGregore (1677-1729), emigrated from Ireland 1718, removed to Londonderry (Nutfield), N.H., pastor of Presbyterian Church of Derry, 1719-29.

15. Page cut off for next three lines.

16. MS damage at lower right corner of page; bracketed words supplied from MS copy, pp. 34-35.

17. MS damage on lower left-hand corner; words in brackets on this and following lines supplied from MS copy, p. 35.

18. Cambridge Platform, ch. X, “Of the powr of the Church, & its Presbytery.” The council may be referring to sec. 11: “From the premisses, namely, that the ordinary powr of Government belonging only to the elders, powr of priviledg remaineth with the brotherhood, (as powr of judgment in matters of censure, & powr of liberty, in matters of liberty) It followeth, that in an organick Church, & right administration; all church acts, proceed after the manner of a mixt administration, so as no church act can be consummated, or perfected without the consent of both.” Quoted from Williston Walker, The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism (New York, 1893), 220.

19. A later comment beside this name reads, “Now Elizabeth Halsy, & living in the poor house. Her memory is yet good. June 14. 1825.”

20. I.e. Malden (David Parsons), Andover (John Barnard), Marblehead (Edward Holyoke), Peabody (Benjamin Prescott), Cambridge (Nathaniel Appleton), Weston (William Williams), Sudbury (Wayland) (William Cooke), and Rumney Marsh.

21. Damage to the right margin of MS p. 37 obliterates words or parts of words through the remainder of this paragraph and the following one; words are supplied from MS copy, pp. 67-68.

22. The first word in this and the following two lines partially lost due to MS damage; words supplied from MS copy, p. 69.

23. Cheever left a blank space to fill in the name of the church, but never did.

24. This entry is written in very shaky handwriting, and is the last Cheever made; subsequent entries were written by Nathaniel Oliver Jr.

25. On the liberalization of the Rumney Marsh church, see introduction, p. 33.

26. The town is not specified.