Massachusetts Documents, 1689–1692

Edited by Robert E. Moody

The Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country Adjacent. April 18, 1689.148

§ I. We have seen more than a decad of Years rolled away, since the English World had the Discovery of an horrid Popish Plot; wherein the bloody Devotoes of Rome had in their Design and Prospect no less than the Extinction of the Protestant Religion: which mighty Work they called the utter subduing of a Pestilent Heresy; wherein (they said) there never were such hopes of Success since the Death of Queen Mary, as now in our days. And we were of all men the most insensible, if we should apprehend a Countrey so remarkable for the true Profession and pure Exercise of the Protestant Religion as New-England is, wholly unconcerned in the Infamous Plot. To crush and break a Countrey so entirely and signally made up of Reformed Churches, and at length to involve it in the miseries of an utter Extirpation, must needs carry even a Supererogation of merit with it among such as were intoxicated with a Bigotry inspired into them by the great Scarlet Whore.

§ II. To get us within the reach of the desolation desired for us, it was no improper thing that we should first have our Charter Vacated, and the hedge which kept us from the wild Beasts of the field, effectually broken down. The accomplishment of this was hastened by the unwearied solicitations, and slanderous accusations of a man, for his Malice and Falshood, well known unto us all. Our Charter was with a most injurious pretence (and scarce that) of Law, condemned before it was possible for us to appear at Westminster in the legal defence of it; and without a fair leave to answer for our selves, concerning the Crimes falsly laid to our charge, we were put under a President and Council, without any liberty for an Assembly, which the other American Plantations have, by a Commission from His Majesty.

§ III. The Commission was as Illegal for the form of it, as the way of obtaining it was Malicious and unreasonable: yet we made no Resistance thereunto as we could easily have done; but chose to give all Mankind a Demonstration of our being a people sufficiently dutiful and loyal to our King: and this with yet more Satisfaction, because we took pains to make our selves believe as much as ever we could of the Whedle then offer’d unto us; That his Majesty’s Desire was no other than the happy encrease and advance of these Provinces by their more immediate Dependance on the Crown of England. And we were convinced of it by the Courses immediately taken to damp and spoyl our Trade; whereof decayes and complaints presently filled all the Country; while in the mean time neither the Honour nor the Treasure of the King was at all advanced by this new Model of our Affairs, but a considerable Charge added unto the Crown.

§ IV. In little more than half a Year we saw this Commission superseded by another yet more Absolute and Arbitrary, with which Sir Edmond Andross arrived as our Governour; who besides his Power, with the Advice and Consent of his Council, to make Laws and raise Taxes as he pleased; had also Authority by himself to Muster and Imploy all Persons residing in the Territory as occasion shall serve; and to transfer such Forces to any English Plantation in America, as occasion shall require. And several Companies of Souldiers were now brought from Europe, to support what was to be imposed upon us, not without repeated Menaces that some hundreds more were intended for us.

§ V. The Government was no sooner in these Hands, but care was taken to load Preferments principally upon such Men as were strangers to and haters of the People: and every ones Observation hath noted, what Qualifications recommended a Man to publick Offices and Employments, only here and there a good Man was used, where others could not easily be had; the Governour himself, with Assertions now and then falling from him, made us jealous that it would be thought for his Majesties Interest, if this People were removed and another succeeded in their room: And his far-fetch’d Instruments that were growing rich among us, would gravely inform us, that it was not for his Majesties Interest that we should thrive. But of all our Oppressors we were chiefly squeezed by a Crew of abject Persons fetched from New York, to be the Tools of the Adversary, standing at our right hand; by these were extraordinary and intollerable Fees extorted from every one upon all occasions, without any Rules but those of their own insatiable Avarice and Beggary; and even the probate of a Will must now cost as many Pounds perhaps as it did Shillings heretofore; nor could a small Volume contain the other Illegalities done by these Horse-leeches in the two or three Years that they have been sucking on us; and what Laws they made it was as impossible for us to know, as dangerous for us to break; but we shall leave the Men of Ipswich and of Plimouth (among others) to tell the story of the kindness which has been shown them upon this account. Doubtless a Land so ruled as once New-England was, has not without many fears and sighs beheld the wicked walking on every side, and the vilest Men exalted.

§ VI. It was now plainly affirmed, both by some in open Council, and by the same in private converse, that the people in New-England were all Slaves, and the only difference between them and Slaves is their not being bought and sold; and it was a maxim delivered in open Court unto us by one of the Council, that we must not think the Priviledges of English men would follow us to the end of the World: Accordingly we have been treated with multiplied contradictions to Magna Charta, the rights of which we laid claim unto. Persons who did but peaceably object against the raising of Taxes without an Assembly, have been for it fined, some twenty, some thirty, and others fifty Pounds. Packt and pickt Juries have been very common things among us, when, under a pretended form of Law, the trouble of some honest and worthy Men has been aimed at: but when some of this Gang have been brought upon the Stage, for the most detestable Enormities that ever the Sun beheld, all Men have with Admiration seen what methods have been taken that they might not be treated according to their Crimes. Without a Verdict, yea, without a Jury sometimes have People been fined most unrighteously; and some not of the meanest Quality have been kept in long and close Imprisonment without any the least Information appearing against them, or an Habeas Corpus allowed unto them. In short, when our Oppressors have been a little out of Mony, ’twas but pretending some Offence to be enquired into, and the most innocent of Men were continually put into no small Expence to answer the Demands of the Officers, who must have money of them, or a Prison for them, tho none could accuse them of any Misdemeanour.

§ VII. To plunge the poor People every where into deeper Incapacities, there was one very comprehensive Abuse given to us; Multitudes of pious and sober Men through the Land, scrupled the Mode of Swearing on the Book, desiring that they might Swear with an uplifted Hand, agreeable to the ancient Custom of the Colony; and though we think we can prove that the Common Law amongst us (as well as in some other places under the English Crown) not only indulges, but even commands and enjoins the Rite of lifting the Hand in Swearing; yet they that had this Doubt, were still put by from serving upon any Juries; and many of them were most unaccountably Fined and Imprisoned. Thus one Grievance is a Trojan Horse, in the Belly of which it is not easy to recount how many insufferable Vexations have been contained.

§ VIII. Because these Things could not make us miserable fast enough, there was a notable Discovery made of we know not what flaw in all our Titles to our Lands; and, tho besides our purchase of them from the Natives; and, besides our actual peaceable unquestioned possession of them for near threescore Years, and besides the Promise of K. Charles II. in his Proclamation sent over to us in the Year 1683, That no Man here shall receive any Prejudice in his Freehold or Estate: We had the Grant of our Lands, under the Seal of the Council of Plimouth: which Grant was Renewed and Confirmed unto us by King Charles I. under the Great Seal of England; and the General Court which consisted of the Patentees and their Associates, had made particular Grants hereof to the several Towns (though ’twas now deny’d by the Governour, that there was any such Thing as a Town) among us; to all which Grants the General Court annexed for the further securing of them, A General Act, published under the Seal of the Colony, in the Year 1684. Yet we were every day told, That no Man was owner of a Foot of Land in all the Colony. Accordingly, Writs of Intrusion began every where to be served on People, that after all their Sweat and their Cost upon their formerly purchased Lands, thought themselves Free-holders of what they had. And the Governor caused the Lands pertaining to these and those particular Men, to be measured out for his Creatures to take possession of; and the Right Owners, for pulling up the Stakes, have passed through Molestations enough to tire all the patience in the World. They are more than a few, that were by Terrors driven to take Patents for their Lands at excessive rates, to save them from the next that might petition for them: and we fear that the forcing of the People at the Eastward hereunto, gave too much Rise to the late unhappy Invasion made by the Indians on them. Blanck Patents were got ready for the rest of us, to be sold, at a Price, that all the Mony and Movables in the Territory could scarce have paid. And several Towns in the Country had their Commons begg’d by Persons (even by some of the Council themselves) who have been privately encouraged thereunto, by those that sought for Occasions to impoverish a Land already Peeled, Meeted out and Trodden down.

§ IX. All the Council were not ingaged in these ill Actions, but those of them which were true Lovers of their Country, were seldom admitted to, and seldomer consulted at the Debates which produced these unrighteous Things: Care was taken to keep them under Disadvantages; and the Governor, with five or six more, did what they would. We bore all these, and many more such Things, without making any attempt for any Relief; only Mr. Mather, purely out of respect unto the Good of his Afflicted Country, undertook a Voyage into England; which when these Men suspected him to be preparing for, they used all manner of Craft and Rage, not only to interrupt his Voyage, but to ruin his Person too. God having through many Difficulties given him to arrive at White-hall, the King, more than once or twice, promised him a certain Magna Charta for a speedy Redress of many things which we were groaning under: and in the mean time said, That our Governor should he written unto, to forbear the Measures that he was upon. However, after this, we were injured in those very Things which were complained of; and besides what Wrong hath been done in our Civil Concerns, we suppose the Ministers and the Churches every where have seen our Sacred Concerns apace going after them: How they have been Discountenanced, has had a room in the reflections of every man, that is not a stranger in our Israel.

§ X. And yet that our Calamity might not be terminated here, we are again Briar’d in the Perplexities of another Indian War; how, or why, is a mystery too deep to us to unfold. And tho’ ’tis judged that our Indian Enemies are not above 100. in number, yet an Army of One thousand English hath been raised for the Conquering of them; which Army of our poor Friends and Brethren now under Popish Commanders (for in the Army as well as in the Council, Papists are in Commission) has been under such a conduct, that not one Indian hath been kill’d, but more English are supposed to have died through sickness and hardship, than we have adversaries there alive; and the whole War hath been so managed, that we cannot but suspect in it, a branch of the Plot to bring us low; which we leave to be further enquir’d into in due time.

§ XI. We did nothing against these Proceedings, but only cry to our God; they have caused the cry of the Poor to come unto him, and he hears the cry of the Afflicted. We have been quiet hitherto, and so still we should have been, had not the Great God at this time laid us under a double engagement to do something for our security: besides, what we have in the strangely unanimous inclination which our Countrymen by extreamest necessities are driven unto. For first, we are informed that the rest of the English America is alarmed with just and great fears, that they may be attaqu’d by the French, who have lately (’tis said) already treated many of the English with worse then Turkish Cruelties; and while we are in equal danger of being surprised by them, it is high time we should be better guarded, than we are like to be while the Government remains in the hands by which it hath been held of late. Moreover, we have understood, (though the Governour has taken all imaginable care to keep us all ignorant thereof) that the Almighty God hath been pleased to prosper the noble undertaking of the Prince of Orange, to preserve the three Kingdoms from the horrible brinks of Popery and Slavery, and to bring to a Condign punishment those worst of men, by whom English Liberties have been destroy’d; in compliance with which Glorious Action we ought surely to follow the Patterns which the Nobility, Gentry and Commonality in several parts of those Kingdoms have set before us, though they therein chiefly proposed to prevent what we already endure.

§ XII. We do therefore seize upon the Persons of those few Ill Men which have been (next to our Sins) the grand Authors of our Miseries; resolving to secure them, for what Justice, Orders from his Highness,’ with the English Parliament shall direct, lest, ere we are aware, we find (what we may fear, being on all sides in danger) our selves to be by them given away to a Forreign Power, before such Orders can reach unto us; for which Orders we now humbly wait. In the mean time firmly believing, that we have endeavoured nothing but what meer Duty to God and our Country calls for at our Hands: We commit our Enterprise unto the Blessing of Him, who hears the cry of the Oppressed, and advise all our Neighbours, for whom we have thus ventured our selves, to joyn with us in Prayers and all just Actions, for the Defence of the Land.

At the Town-House in Boston, April 18. 1689.


Our Selves and many others the Inhabitants of this Town, and the Places adjacent, being surprized with the Peoples sudden taking of Arms; in the first motion whereof we were wholly ignorant, being driven by the present Accident, are necessitated to acquaint your Excellency, that for the quieting and securing of the People inhabiting in this Country from the imminent Dangers they many ways lie open and exposed to, and tendring your own Safety, We judge it necessary you forthwith surrender and deliver up the Government and Fortification to be preserved and disposed according to Order and Direction from the Crown of England, which suddenly is expected may arrive; promising all security from violence to your Self or any of your Gentlemen or Souldiers in Person and Estate: Otherwise we are assured they will endeavour the taking of the Fortification by Storm, if any Opposition be made.

To Sir Edmond Andross Kt.

Waite Winthrop.

Elisha Cook.

Simon Bradstreet.

Isaac Addington.

William Stoughton.

John Nelson.

Samuel Shrimpton.

Adam Winthrop.

Bartholomew Gidney.

Peter Sergeant.

William Brown.

John Foster.

Thomas Danforth.

David Waterhouse.

John Richards.


At the Town House Boston 18th April 1689149


Our Selves as well as many others the Inhabitants of this Town and Places adjacent being Surprised with the Peoples Sudden taking to Arms; In their first motion, whereof we were wholly Ignorant; are driven by the Present Exigence and necessity to Acquaint your Excellency, That for the quieting, and Security of the People inhabiting this Countrey from the imminent dangers they many ways lye open and exposed unto; and for your own Safety, We Judge it necessary, That you forthwith Surrender, and deliver up the Government and Fortifications to be Preserved to be disposed according to Order and direction from the Crown of England which is Suddenly expected may arrive; promising all Security from Violence to your self; or any other of your Gentlemen and Souldiers in Person or Estate Or else we are assured they will endeavor the taking of the Fortifications by Storm, if any Opposition be made.

Letter to Govr. Andros requesting his Surrendering the government and Fortifications

To Sr. Edmund Andros, Knt.

William Stoughton

Isa. Addington

Jno. Nelson

Thos. Dan forth

John Foster

Wait Winthrop

S. Bradstreet

Peter Sergent

Saml. Shrimpton

John Richards

David Waterhouse

Wm. Browne

Elisha Cook

Adam Winthrop

Bartho. Gedney

note: Unless otherwise indicated, the following material edited by Robert Moody has been taken from Volume VI of the Court Records in the Massachusetts Archives. Supplementary material from other sources in the Archives has been printed in italics, together with a footnote indicating its location. We have not included references to specific pages in the manuscript of Volume VI, in the belief that the chronological arrangement of the volume, together with the frequent dates, make it easy to locate material.

Thursday April 18th 1689

Sent by Mr. Nathl. Oliver

and Mr. John Eyre

At the Townhouse in Boston 19th April 1689150


The People of the Countrey being up in Arms for their own Necessary Safety and defence from the imminent dangers they apprehend they lye open unto, and being many hundreds of them drawn down to Boston, having the fort here already delivered up and Put into their Hands, and Capt. Trefry accompanying these with Sr. Edmund Andros his Order and Command to Yourself for delivering up the Castle, with all the Stores and ammunition there, unto the Forces now sent down, with out any Opposition or Resistance as you have regard unto you own or company’s Safety; Upon the Refusal whereof you will necessarily expose yourself amd men to the Force of the people, Promising unto you that upon your Peaceable Submission, there shall no Violence be offered to yourselfes or Company in Person or Estate.

Letter to Ensign John Pipon to give up the Castle, now under his command.

  • Sim. Bradstreet
  • Adam Winthrop
  • John Foster
  • John Richards
  • David Waterhouse
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Elisha Cook
  • William Stoughton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Isa. Addington
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Saml. Shrimpton
  • William Johnson
  • Ja. Russell

To Ensign John Pipon

Commander of the Castle

Boston April 20th 1689

A Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of Peace

Pursuant to the Advice given unto Sr. Edmund Andros Whereupon the Fortifications and Government were Surrendered, and also being constreined by the Military Forces now in Arms.

Council of Safety appointed

It is Agreed that the Gentlemen that were Present and Subscribed that Advice together with such other of the old Magistrates Or such other Gentlemen as they shall Judge Meet to Associate to them, are entrusted with the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace untill there be a farther and more orderly Settlement, And Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. is Chosen to Preside.

  • Simon Bradstreet
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Sam. Shrimpton
  • William Stoughton
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Wm. Browne
  • John Richards
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Bartho. Gedney
  • John Foster
  • as declared
  • Peter Sergeant
  • David Waterhouse
  • Isa. Addington
  • Adam Winthrop
  • J. Nelson

We, whose Names are underwritten being invited by the Gentlemen above named to be added unto them of the Council Do consent to and approve of, what was done by the Said Gentlemen in their Advice given unto Sr. Edmund Andros, and do Accept of the Said Invitation and will give our Assistance therein.

Ja. Russell and others approving the doings of the Council of Safety

  • Ja. Russell
  • John Joyliffe
  • Richd. Sprague
  • John Phillips
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Perm Townsend
  • Nath. Oliver
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Joseph Lynde
  • John Eyre
  • John Hathorne
  • James Parker Senr.
  • Dudley Bradstreet
  • Andrew Belcher
  • May 1st.
  • Nath. Saltonstal
  • John Smith
  • Richd. Dummer
  • Edmund Quincey
  • Robt. Pike
  • Willm. Bond
  • Daniel Peirce

Boston 20th April 1689

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Willm. Brown
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Adam Winthrop
  • John Foster
  • John Richards
  • Willm. Stoughton
  • David Waterhouse
  • Capt. Jno. Phillips
  • Bartho. Gedney, Esqr.
  • Willm. Johnson

Council of Safety convened

Wait Winthrop, Esqr. is nominated and appointed Commander of the Militia. Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President of the Council is appointed to give forth Permitts and dispatches to Shipping, And all Masters of Ships and other Vessels arriving are directed and Ordered to wait upon him at their arrivall.

Wait Winthrop to command the Militia

Simon Bradstreet President of Council

Mr. Thomas Hill is appointed to hold the Office for taking the Entry of Vessels and to give out Clearings for the Ports of Boston and Charlestown, And is allowed to take the Fee of twelve Pence for an Entry, Twelve Pence for a Cleering and twelve Pence for a Bond.

Thos. Hill Collector

Mr. Benjamin Gerrish is appointed to hold the Office for entry and Cleering of Vessels for the Ports of Salem and Marblehead, and to receive the forementioned Fees.

Benjn. Gerrish Collector of Salem and Marblehead

Mr. Isaac Addington is nominated and appointed Clerk of the Council, and to Officiate as such.

Isaac Addington Clerk of the Council

Ordered that a Letter be forthwith dispatched with Order to Collo. Edward Tyng, Major Thos. Savage, Capt. Silvanus Davis, and Capt. Simon Willard now abroad in the Army at the Eastward, forthwith to dismiss Major Brockhurst, Mackgregory and Lockert, Lt. Weems, Capt. Manning, and Ensign Smith from their Present Command in the Army, and send them hither; And to take the Charge and Conduct of all the Forces now in those parts into their own Hands, detaining only so many as they shall judge necessary according to the Circumstance of the place and things there, and to Send Home the Remainder And to act in that whole Affair according to their good Discretion, Rendering Speedy Account to the Council here, of the Present Affairs in those parts. Also Lt. Jordan and Such others as they shall Judge Suspicious and Capt. John Withington and Capt. Jno. Cutler are desired to Convey this Order and to assist in the Execution thereof.

Letter to Colo. Tyng at the Eastward to dismiss Sundry Officers

Ordered that Mr. Francis Foxcroft be released from his present Imprisonment, and be Confined to the House of Thos. Danforth, Esqr. in Cambridge for one weeks time, and that then he be set at Liberty, Unless any thing appear to be Objected against Him, in the meantime.

F. Foxcroft released from Imprisonment but confined to the House.

Boston Monday 22d April 1689

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Adam Winthrop
  • John Nelson
  • John Richards
  • William Stoughton
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Collo. Saml. Shrimpton, Esqr.
  • David Waterhouse
  • John Foster
  • James Russell


I am Ordered to Signify unto you that for the quieting of the People, It is desired and expected that according to your Promise to the Council, you Cause the Sails of the frigatt to be brought on Shore, to be laid up in some Safe Place which Mr. John Foster and Mr. David Waterhouse are desired to take care of And Mr. Ralph Carter is sent with this to see the same Effected.

David Condon Lieut of the Rose Frigate ordered to send her sails ashore.

To Mr. David Condon Lt. of the Rose Friggat

Isa. Addington Clerk

  • More present
  • Bartho. Gedney
  • John Eyre
  • Willm. Browne
  • Penn Townsend
  • John Hathorne
  • John Jolliffe
  • Nath. Oliver
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Cap. Jno. Phillips

Ordered that Mr. Unton Deering151 a Gentleman belonging to the Rose Frigat, and the Said Frigats Pinnace Crew, who were taken up and Imprisoned in the time of the late Commotion (having been before the Council) be discharged from their Imprisonment, and are admitted to pass quietly, to go on board the Said Frigat. It is likewise Ordered that the Pinace and Oars with their Arms and Ammunition be returned unto them.

Ordered that Mr. James Russell, Captn. John Phillips and Mr. John Eyre be and are appointed a Committee to enquire into and examine what is to be objected against the Release of Several Persons now in Prison152 who were taken up in the time of the late Commotion and Carried thither, And to make Report to the Council of what they find therein. Agreed that any Member of the Council whereof the President to be one, being Assembled and nine concurring, shall be a Sufficient Number to Act in all Matters of a Lesser moment, And its Recommended to the President in Matters of Considerable weight not to Act with a Lesser Number than Twenty.

Committee to inquire into the cause of several persons imprisonment

Upon the Motion of Capt. John Fayerweather, Its Ordered that a Small Convenient Room be Erected in the Castle for the Entertainment of the Gentlemen now Prisoners there, And Capt. Fayerweather is desired to employ His Souldiers at the Castle for raising of the breast Work at the Lower Battery with all expedition.

Convenient rooms at the Castle to be fitted up for the Gentlemen prisoners

Ordered That the Garrisons at the Castle be made up of twelve Sufficient able men out of Boston, Twelve from Charlestown, Twelve from Roxbury, and Twelve from Dorchester, to be put under the Command of Capt. John Fayerweather, and Lt. Nathl. Williams and to be releived once in eight dayes out of the Same Towns in like Proportion.

Soldiers at the Castle to be drawn from adjacent towns

It is declared That the Several Constables in the respective Towns are Continued in their Offices, and to Officiate for Keeping of the Peace as formerly.153

Constables to continue in office

Ordered That for the Present Exigence, Every Member of the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace have the Power of a Justice of the Peace for the Conservation of the Same.

Members of the Council of Safety may act as Justices

Boston 23d. April 1689

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present Simon Bradstreet
  • Esqr. President
  • William Stoughton Esqr.
  • John Richards
  • John Foster
  • Collo. Samuel Shrimpton
  • Nath. Oliver
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Eyre
  • David Waterhouse
  • John Hathorne
  • Maj. Wm. Brown
  • Adam Winthrop
  • James Russell
  • John Jolliffe
  • Penn Townsend
  • Willm. Johnson
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Jeremiah Dummer
  • Capt. John Phillips

Council convened

Mr. Sampson Sheaf exhibited an Information against Archd. Hamilton Praying the Continuance of his Confinement.

Hamilton confined

Ordered that Collo. Bartho. Gedney, Mr. Elisha Cooke, Mr. James Russell and Captain John Phillips be and are appointed a Committee to enquire and receive any Information or Testimony which can be given touching any designs and Confederacies that have been or are against the Peace and Safety of the Countrey.

Committee to receive any Information formed against the country

Ordered that Colo. Samuel Shrimpton be continued Commander in Cheif of Boston Regiment, Lt. Col. Nicho. Page is appointed Commander in Cheif of the Suffolk Regiment, Samuel Ruggles, Senr. is appointed Captn. of Roxbury Company, and Timothy Stevens Lieutenant, Colo. Bartho. Gedney is appointed Commander in Cheif of the West Essex Regiment, Major Nathl. Saltonstal is appointed Commander in Cheif of the East Essex Regiment, Major Richard Waldron is appointed Commander in Cheif of New Hampshire Regiment, Major Charles Frost is appointed Commander in Cheif of the West Regiment of the Province of maine, and Collo. Edward Tyng is appointed Commander in Cheif of the East regiment of the Province of Maine, Colo. John Pyncheon is appointed Commander in Cheif of the Regiment of Hampshire, Capt. John Phillips is appointed Commander in Cheif of the Lower Middlesex Regiment, and each of the Said Commanders in Cheif together with Wait Winthrop Esqr. Commander of the Militia are apppointed to make such Regulations of Officers in their Respective Regiments as they shall think necessary. And Capt. Penn Townsend is desired to Advise and assist in the Regulation of Boston Regiment.

Military Officers appointed and Continued

For the preventing the intercourse of Letters unto or from Sr. Edmund Andros or any other of the Gentlemen now under Confinement at the Fort and Castle It’s Ordered that no Person be admitted into the Fort and Castle to deliver any Message or to Carry and Convey any thing to, or from Sr. Edmund Andros or any of the Gentlemen under Confinement there or at the Castle, but with Leave and in the Presence of the Person in Cheif Command at the Fort or Castle for the time being, and that none of Sr. Edmund Andros’s his Servants be admitted to go forth out of the fort, But the Person in Cheif Command at either Place for the time being is Ordered to appoint one or more of the Souldiers to Serve the Said Sr. Edmund Andros or any other of the Gentlemen on any Message as Occasion shall be, And that none of the Souldiers late belonging either to the Fort or Castle be admitted to Lodge in either of Said Places.

Letters to Sr. E. Andros and the Gentlemen to be inspected before delivery

Lt. Edward Wyllys is desired and appointed to be Lieutenant of the Fort and to Reside there Constantly. Nath. Holms is continued Gunner of the Castle.

Lieut. Wyllys to reside at the Fort and have the Command

Ordered that the Stewards for the Publick Affairs give direction and order unto Capt. John Higginson of Salem to demand and receive of Mr. Thos. Offley the two barrels of Gun Powder, and Publick money which he gives an Account of to be in his Hands amounting to Sixteen Pounds odd money to be Secured for the use of the Publick.

Mr. John Nelson is directed to Provide a meet Present to Madackawando and the Indian come along with him.

Thos. Offley, late Collector of Salem, to give up powder and money belonging to the Publick

Ordered that Mr. Edward Randolph be enlarged from the Stone Prison into the Keeper’s House where he is to be disposed into some safe Room there under a Centinal.

E. Randolph enlarged from prison

Ordered that Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. John Eyre, Mr. Adam Winthrop, and Mr. John Foster be and are appointed a Committee to overlook and take an Account of the Publick records and papers now under Seizure to make their Report to the Council.

Committee to examine public Records

Boston 24o: April 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • David Waterhouse
  • Captn. Jno. Phillips
  • Bartho. Gedney
  • John Foster
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Wm. Brown
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • Capt. Richd.
  • John Hathorn
  • Willm. Stoughton Esqr.
  • John Eyre
  • Elisha Cook
  • Colo. Sam. Shrimpton
  • Jeremiah Dummer
  • Willm. Johnston
  • John Jolliffe
  • Adam Winthrop
  • John Russell
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Andrew Belcher
  • Joseph Lynde

Council convened

The Late order referring to Mr. Foxcrofts enlargment is revoked.

Ordered, that Mr. Benjamin Gerrish, who is appointed to hold the Office for Entry and Cleering of Vessels for the Ports of Salem and Marblehead do demand and receive of Mr. Thomas Offley of Salem late Collector there all Bonds and Papers of Publick concernment in his Hands and to Secure the Same, and Capt. John Higginson is desired to Accompany and assist Mr. Gerrish in the Obtaining and Receiving of Said Papers.

Thomas Offley to give up Bonds and Papers belonging to the public to Benjn. Gerrish

A Letter was drawn up to Monsr. Vincent St. Castein to be dispatched by Capt. John Alden.

Ordered that Capt. John Alden Commander of the Sloop Mary be forthwith dispatched with Said Sloop unto the Eastward for the Carrying back of Madackawando with the other Indian lately come in upon safe Conduct, and such other Services as he shall have in Instructions from the President and Council.

Capt. Alden of the Sloop Mary ordered for the Eastward

Ordered, that Mr. Adam Winthrop and Mr John Foster Stewards for the Publick Affairs of the Countrey, forthwith provide one barrell of Pork, One barrel of Beef, four hundred weight of Breed, Six Barrells of Beer, and two Bushels of Pease, for Victualling Sloop Mary.

Provisions ordered for the Sloop Mary

Ordered, that Collo. Bartho. Gedney take care forthwith to dispatch a Suitable Messenger (whom he shall think fitt) unto Penecooke to make a discovery of the Number and State of the Indians in those Parts, Speadily to Return with a Report thereof, and to Prevail with one or two of the Cheif to Come down with Him, and that the said Collo. Gedney take the most Prudent Methods he can think of to Seize and Secure Hope Hood and any Other Indians in hostility against the English.

Messenger to be sent to Penecooke to make discovery of the number of Indians

Boston 25th. April 1689

At a Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Elisha Cook
  • Andrew Belcher
  • Adam Winthrop
  • John Hathorn
  • Capt. Jno. Phillips
  • John Foster
  • John Richards
  • Willm. Johnston
  • David Waterhouse
  • John Jolliffe
  • Bartho. Gedney, Esqr.
  • Joseph Lynde
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Wm. Brown
  • Jeremiah Dummer
  • Capt. Richard Sprague
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • John Eyre
  • John Nelson

Council convened

Ordered that Mr. Adam Winthrop, and Mr. John Foster Stewards for the Publick Affairs make enquiry and endeavour to gain an Information of what Provisions may be necessary for the Supply of the Garisons at the Eastward and to make Report thereof.

Committee on supplies for the Garrison at Eastward

Boston 26th. April 1689

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Jeremiah Dummer
  • William Johnson
  • Colo. Sam Shrimpton
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • John Jolliffe
  • David Waterhouse
  • Andw. Belcher
  • Peter Sargeant
  • William Stoughton Esqr.
  • Perm Townsend
  • Capt. Richd. Sprague
  • John Richards
  • John Nelson
  • John Foster
  • Elisha Cooke

Council Convened

Ordered that the Publick Office and Writings under the Town House late in the Keeping of Thos. Dudley be and are Committed unto the Present care and charge of Isaac Addington and Mr. Peter Sergent, Mr. Nath. Oliver and Mr. John Eyre (apppointed a Committee to inspect the publick writings) are desired to Supervise and Over look the Records and Papers in that Office in what Order they are.

Committee to examine public papers under the Town House

Ordered, that if any of the Souldiers late belonging unto the Fort or Castle be desirous to go abroad into the Countrey to Work, the Clerk of the Council give them passes to go quietly upon the Road, they demeaning themselves peaceably and quietly.

Ordered that the Declaration of the Council for the Continuation of the Constables be printed.

Soldiers allowed to go into the Country to work

Boston 29th. April 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Wait Winthrop Esqr.
  • Capt. John Smith
  • Captn. Richd.
  • Collo. Sam Shrimpton
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • Sprague
  • John Jolliffe
  • Andrew Belcher
  • John Foster
  • Edw. Hutchinson
  • William Stoughton Esqr.
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Joseph Lynde
  • John Richards
  • John Eyre
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Adam Winthrop
  • David Waterhouse
  • Capt. Jno. Phillips
  • James Russel

Signification being given by Mr. John Woodcock that Joseph Dudley, Esqr. was seized at Major Richard Smith’s of Narragansetts by a Considerable Number of men from Providence and other Parts, and brought to his House the Last Night, and Himself undertaking to see him safely convey’d to his own House in Roxbury and to Informe the Council thereof, Upon which the greatest Number of the People Returned Home; Leaving Him under the Charge of the Said Woodcock and that Mr. Dudley is now in Roxbury at his own House. Ordered that Capt. Samuel Ruggles of Roxbury do forthwith set and continue a Sufficient Guard about the House of the Said Joseph Dudley Esqr. so as may be for His being Kept there in Safety and Security to Himself and Family against Violence.

Joseph Dudley Esqr. seized and confined to his own house

Ordered, that a short Letter be drawn up to be sent unto some principal Gentlemen in the other Colony’s to give them an Account of the Proceedings here in the late Motions, with Some of the Prints enclosed.

Circular letters on the state of public matters to be sent to the other Colonies

Boston 30th. April

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Wait Winthrop Esqr.
  • John Eyre
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Capt. Richd. Sprague
  • John Jolliffe
  • Capt. John Smith
  • Capt. John Phillips
  • Willm. Johnson
  • Willm. Stoughton Esqr.
  • David Waterhouse
  • Capt. John Nelson
  • Collo. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • Peter Sergeant
  • John Richards
  • Capt. Penn Townsend

Council convened

Letters were dispatched to Thomas Hinckley and Wm. Bradford Esqrs. at Plymouth, Collo. John Alleyn, and Saml. Wyllys Esqr. at Hartford, with Printed Copy’s of the declaration and Advice given unto Sr. Edmund Andros inclosed.

Upon the motion of Joseph Dudley Esqr. intimating his Indisposition of Body and Standing in Need of a Surgeon to look after his Arm, which is Lame,

Ordered, that the Said Joseph Dudley, Esqr. be removed out of the prison, and be Confined at the House of Mr. John Eyre in Boston under a Guard.

Joseph Dudley Esqr. allowed a Surgeon to attend him

Boston pro. May 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Willm. Stoughton
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Dudley Bradstreet
  • Richd. Dummer
  • Nat. Saltonstal
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Jolliffe
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Capt. Richd. Sprague
  • Jos. Lynde
  • C. Jno. Smith
  • John Eyre
  • Joh. Foster
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Adam Winthrop
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • And. Belcher
  • Cap. Dan. Peirce
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Nat. Oliver
  • John Nelson
  • Majr. Ro. Pike

There being some agitation in Council of the Necessity of Settling some forms of Government, and Several Gentlemen appearing out of the Countrey moveing the Same thing, the farther debate there abouts is deferred untill the Morrow, and Signification was dispatched to some other Gentlemen of the Council at Salem etc. to desire their Company.

Council invited to attend on public business

Boston May 2d. 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace


Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President

Thos. Danforth

Willm. Stoughton

Wait Winthrop

Robert Pike

John Richards

N. Saltonstal

John Jolliffe

Elisha Cooke

Jno. Hathorn

Edm. Hutchinson

Cap. Ri. Sprague

C. Danl. Peirce

Cap. Jno. Smith

Dudley Bradstreet

C. Richd. Dummer

Cap. Jno. Phillips

John Foster

Davd. Waterhouse

Capt. Edm. Quincey

John Eyre

Andrew Belcher

Willm. Bond

Col. Sam. Shrimpton

A. Winthrop

Peter Sergeant

Jer. Dummer

Willm. Johnson

Jos. Lynde

Na. Oliver

James Parker

Agreed, unto a Paper representing the necessity of a farther consultation and Advice of the People for the directing to the exercise of that Power and Authority which is necessary in the Present exigence, Signifying the expedience of the Several Towns of this Colony respectively to meet, and Choose one or more able, discreet Persons (not exceeding Two for one town) to convene at Boston upon Thursday the Ninth instant at two a Clock afternoon (such as then can reach it, the other Towns as soon as they can) fully impowred then and there to consult, advise, Join and give their Assistance with the Council now Sitting.

Inhabitants of the several towns directed to send Deputies to advise on the present occasion

Ordered to be directed to the Captain and Select Men of the Several Town’s, Printed and dispersed.154

Boston to send Four.

Boston to send Four.

Agreed, to a Recommendation to be Printed155 and Sent unto the several Ministers, Churches, and People, within this Colony to Set apart Tuesday next the Seventh of May Instant, to be kept as a day of Fasting and Solemn Prayer unto God for his Gracious Favour, and direction unto his poor people in this Land in the Present difficult Circumstances.

Day of Humiliation and prayer appointed 7th. May

Boston May 3d. 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • James Russell
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Willm. Stoughton
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Jolliffe
  • Jno. Richards
  • Peter Sergeant
  • C. Richd. Sprague
  • Adm. Winthrop
  • John Nelson
  • Nat. Oliver
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • C. Jno. Phillips
  • C. Dudy. Bradstreet
  • John Foster
  • Jer. Dummer
  • John Hathorn
  • John Eyre
  • David Waterhouse

Upon farther Consideration, Ordered that the Signification agreed upon Yesterday to be sent to the Several Towns for sending down their Representatives, Also the Recommendation referring to a Fast, be Stopt from any more of them going out.156

Afterwards the Sending out of the Signification for Representatives was Reinforced, and ordered, that they should go out.

Boston May 4, 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • John Richards
  • Col. Sam. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • John Jolliffe
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Jer. Dummer
  • John Foster
  • C. Jno Phillips
  • Adm. Winthrop
  • John Eyre
  • Nat. Oliver
  • C. Pen Townsend
  • Cap. Richd. Sprague
  • David Waterhouse

Ordered, that Mr. John Nelson and Capt. Timothy Prout do furnish and fitt out the Friend Indians, being thirty in Number (or such of them as are destitute of Arms) with Arms and Ammunition out of the Publick Stores, being now Sending into the Province of Main, under the Conduct of Mr. Noah Wiswell for Security of the Towns of York and Wells, and other places in the Province of Main that lye open to the Mischeif of the Enemy Indians; To be disposed of according to the Order and direction of Major Charles Frost, and other Officers of the Militia in those parts.

Friendly Indians to be furnished with arms and ammunition etc.

Ordered, that Messrs. John Foster, and Adam Winthrop Stewards for the Publick do furnish out the Friend Indians now intended to March in the Province of Main, with Ammunition, and Some Other present Necessaries, and deliver Mr. Noah Wiswall fifty Shillings in Money for the defraying their Expenses on their March.

And do likewise provide for Wiolanset the Penecooke Sachem and the Indians come down with him some meet Small present.

Wiolanset the Penecooke Sachem, Watanum One of His Cheif Captains, and David one of His Indians, came down to the Council, Manifesting their Freindship to the English and promis’t the Continuance thereof, And to Secure any of the Enemy Indians that shall come among them.

Indian Chiefs promise fidelity

Lt. Edward Wyllys appointed Lieutenant of the Fort being taken off from that Service by an Accident befallen him, Mr. William Clutterbuck is desired to Supply his place in that Service until Mr. Wyllys shall be able to attend it, Or until farther Order.

Wm. Clutterbuck to command at the Fort. Lieut. Wyllys removed by being hurt.

Boston May 6th. 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • John Richards
  • Saml. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • John Jolliffe
  • C. Richd. Sprague
  • Elilsha Cooke
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Peter Sergeant
  • Jer. Dummer
  • C. Pen Townsend
  • James Russell
  • Jos. Lynde
  • John Foster
  • Adam Winthrop
  • Dav. Waterhouse
  • John Eyre

Ordered that David Thomas, Richard Cage, Thomas Watkins, Thomas Cokrin, Benjamin Warren, Charles Williams, Edward Hudson, John Usher, John Salmon, James Hendley, and Quinton Dick, Eleven of the Soldiers late in the Fortifications, and belonging to New York, have a Pass granted them to travail quietly to New York; And the Stewards are ordered to advance Three Shillings for each Man to defray their Charges to Rhod Island.

Soldiers permitted to go to New York

Ordered that the Stewards for the Publick Affairs do advance Six Pence a Man, for Present Refreshment to the Souldiers late come from the Eastward, and Provide for the Sick.

Soldiers granted an extra allowance

Boston 7th May 1689

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • John Richards
  • James Russell
  • Wait Winthrop
  • William Johnson
  • C. Richd. Sprague
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Foster
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Wm. Bond
  • Andrew Belcher
  • C. Penn Townsend
  • John Eyre
  • Adm. Winthrop
  • Nat. Oliver
  • Ca. Jno. Phillips
  • Jer. Dumer

Capt. Samuel Legg, informing the Council that he had Lent unto Sr. Edmund Andros two Paterara’s and four Chambers157 (belonging to the Ship Barbadoes Merchant whereof he is Commander) upon the late expedition to the Eastward against the Indians, Promising him if he should be ready to go to Sea before they were returned that he should have two Peterara’s and four Chambers out of the Public Stores instead of his own, and Gunner Bantum also acquainting Wait Winthrop Esqr. of the Truth thereof, Capt. Legg being now ready to Sail. Ordered that Capt Prout do deliver unto Capt. Legg out of the public Stores Two Paterara’s and four Chambers for the use of the Ship; until his own be Returned again.

Capt Legg to have certain guns for others furnished the government on loan.

Boston May 8o 1689

The President and Council met at the Council Chamber, where were present most of those who met Yesterday, and divers Others waiting if any Thing might be Presented by the people.

Boston May 9th 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Colo. Saml Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Ja. Russell
  • John Richards
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Ma. Ro. Pyke
  • John Hathorne
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Jno. Foster
  • John Jolliffe
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Jos. Lynde
  • Andr. Belcher
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • Jno. Eyre
  • Davd. Waterhouse
  • C. Richd. Sprague
  • C. P. Townsend
  • Edm. Quincey
  • C. John Phillips
  • C. Jas. Parker
  • Adm. Winthrop
  • Jerh. Dummer
  • Jno. Nelson
  • Wm. Bond

Council convened

Representatives appeared from the Severall Towns and Villages hereafter Named Vizt.

Representatives from the several towns.

For Salem

For Boston

For Dorchester

C. Jno. Price


Sam. Clapp

Mr. Jona. Corwin

Thos. Oakes

Timothy Tileston

Jas. Taylor

Jno. Clark

Theo. Frarey

For Newbury

For Andover

For Braintry

Ca. Thos. Noyes

Ca. Jno. Osgood

Saml. Tompson

Lt. Sten. Greenleaf Senr.

For Meadfeild

For Wrentham

For Charlestown

Ens. Edw. Adams

Sergt. Jno. Ware

Jno. Call Senr.

John Fowle Senr.

For Sherbon

For Beverly

For Woburn

Edd. West

Lt. Wm. Dodge

Sam. Walker

Lt. Pe. Woodbury

John Peirce

For Dedham

For Bilrica

For Salisbury

Lt. Nat. Stearns

Ca. Ralp. Hill

Henry Trew

Jos. Walker

Jacob Morrel

For Amesbury

For N. Cambridge

For Groton

Saml. Coleby

Ca. Saml. Foot

Ens. John Ward

John Paris

For Bradford

For Lancaster

For Lynn

Sam. Stickney

Ralph Houghton

Oliver Purchis

Mr. Jere. Sheppard

For Glocester

For Mendon

For Marlborough

James Stevens

Josia Chapin

Obadiah Ward Senr.

John Brigham

For Rowley

For Topsfeild

For Reding

John Peirson, Senr.

Lt. Thos. Baker

Ca. Jer. Swayne

Daniel Wicom

For Maiden

For Muddy River

For Stow

John Wilson

Lt. Andr. Gardner

Stephen Hall

Heny. Green

For Concord

For Milton

For Meadford

Simon Davis

Willm. Blake

Peter Tuft

Ebenr. Prout

For Boxford

For Havaril

For Wenham

John Pebody

Peter Airs

Walter Fairfeild

Thos. Patch

For Sudbury

For Roxbury

For Weymouth

Peter King

Lt. Saml. Ruggles

Ca. Wm. Torrey

Nath. Holms

Ens. Epr. Hunt

For Cambridge

For Chelmsford

For Marblehead

Ens. Davd. Fiske

Josia. Richardson

Nath. Norden

Saml. Chamne158

For Watertown

For Ipswitch

Mr. William Bond

Mr. John Wise

Nehemiah Jewett

Boston May 10th. 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Col. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Maj. Ro. Pyke
  • John Richard
  • Elisha Cook
  • Ca. Jno. Smith
  • John Foster
  • Jo. Lynde
  • Davd. Waterhouse
  • Ca. James Parker
  • Ad. Winthrop
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Ca. John Phillips
  • Ca. Pen Townsend
  • Cap. Edm. Quincey
  • John Jolliffe
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Peter Sargeant
  • Ca. Ri. Sprague
  • Wm. Bond
  • John Eyre
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Nathl. Oliver
  • John Hathorn
  • John Nelson

Sixty Six Persons as Representatives of Forty four Towns and Villages in the Massachusetts Colony before named were also present, and presented the following petition

The Declaration of the Representatives that the Governour, Deputy Governour and Assistants chosen in May 1686 Govern.

Boston May 10th 1689

We the Representatives of the Severall Towns of the Massachusetts Colony in New England Do hereby declare in behalf of our Selves, and the Several Towns which we appear for, Vizt. That for the ensuing part of this Year, The Governour, deputy Governour, and Assistants chosen and Sworn in May One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six according to our Charter Rights, and the deputies then sent by the Freemen of the Several Towns to be the Government now Setled in our abovesaid Colony, And that Major Wait Winthrop is Major General of our Forces in New England until the Freemen renew their Choice, And that if the Present Government do desire more Assistants, having enlarged the Freemen, there shall be a Supply immediately made according to Charter for the Remaining part of the Year, upon the Day that the General Court shall appoint; Hoping that all People will rest Satisfied till we have Confirmation from the Crown of England which we daily hope for.

Declaration of the House of Representatives

Voted at the Chamber of the Country Representatives, as attest Clerk of Said Company.

Ebenezer Prout

The Representatives applying themselves particularly to the President, and the former Magistrates; After a Considerable Debate they Returned them an answer in Writing as followeth Vizt.

Boston May 10th. 1689

In Answer to a declaration drawn up and Signed by Ebenezer Prout as Clerk to the Company of Representatives of the Several Towns of the Massachusetts Colony dated at Boston the day, and Year above-named, Declaring that the Governour, Deputy Governour and Assistants chosen and Sworn in May One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six according to Charter Rights and the deputies then sent by the Freemen of the Several Towns, to be the Government now Setled in the Above-said Colony.

Answer to the above Declaration by the members present

There appearing onely Sixty Six Persons as the Representatives of Forty four Towns and Villages within the Said Colony, And the Returns of some of the Said Towns and places being defective, and incertain in a full Representation of the Mind of People thereabouts We think it Necessary that the People of the Said Severall Towns, and Villages do more fully and expresly Signify their Minds in that Matter, And that the Other Towns, and Places, within the Said Colony (having no knowledge of the said Declaration) be Notified to Convene their Representative Inhabitants to Manifest their Minds relating to the Same, And three of the Late Assistants resident in the Colony, being absent159, that there be opportunity to Consult them; and the Whole Number (if together) being but Thirteen, That the People by themselves or Representatives, chuse such and so many as they shall think Convenient to Join with them for the Common Safety and Conservation of the Peace, And the Exercise of Such farther Acts of Authority as shall be Necessary according to any Emergency until there can be a more orderly Settlement of Government.160


John Richards

Isa. Addington

Sim. Bradstreet

Elisha Cooke

Saml. Appleton

Thos. Danforth

Wm Johnson

John Hathorne

John Smith

Major Pyke was present at the agreeing of this Answer, but gone home before Signing.

Agreed That Thursday next the Sixteenth of May Instant to Set apart for a Day of Fasting and Prayer161 throughout this whole Colony.

Day of Humiliation and prayer 16th. May

And Wednesday the Twenty Second of May Instant to be the Day for the Meeting of the Representatives of the Several Towns and Villages of the Colony, at Boston at two a Clock.

The Representatives declared they Continued the Present Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace in the Same Station until Wednesday the Twenty Second of May Instant, At which time they have agreed to Convene at Boston.

Rulers to be continued for the present.

Wait Winthrop Esqr. is Continued Commander in Cheif of the Militia until farther Settlement. And as any Emeregency shall Require are Authorised to Levy Soldiers, Commisionate Officers for the Defense of the Inhabitants, Or what else shall be Necessary for the Maintenance of the Peace within Said time, Unless Orders Arrive from England in the mean time, and then the Countrey to be Consulted in their Representatives before any Administration be by Said Orders.

Boston May 11th. 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • John Richards
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Ca. Jno. Phillips
  • Peter Sargeant
  • John Eyre
  • John Foster
  • Ca. P. Townsend
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Ca. Richd. Sprague
  • John Jolliffe
  • Willm. Johnson
  • Nath. Oliver
  • Adam Winthrop
  • Davd. Waterhouse
  • Col. Saml. Shrimpton
  • John Hathorne
  • Joseph Lynde

Samuel Hutley, John Gilder, John Boyar, and Roger Heedon, under the Command of Capt. Francis Nicholson at New York Upon their Request had a Pass granted them for New York.

Upon advice of Lt. Coll. Edward Tyng, and Major Thos. Savage, It’s Ordered that Major Thomas Savage take Care forth with to Draw off the Souldiers and Stores at Fort Ann, and at the fort Pegipscut, And that a Vessell be provided to bring them Home.

Men and Stores to be removed from Fort Ann.

Ordered that the Stewards for the Public Affairs forthwith provide a Vessell to bring home the Souldiers and Stores from fort Ann, and Pegipscut, And do Likewise dispatch away one barrell of Pork, three bushells of Pease, and three hundred weight of Bread unto the Garison Sagadahock.

Boston May 13th 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Colo. Sam. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • John Jolliffe
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Peter Sargeant
  • Ca. P. Townsend
  • Joseph Lynde
  • Da. Waterhouse
  • Nat. Oliver
  • John Richards
  • John Nelson
  • Andr. Belcher
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Ca. Jno. Phillips
  • Ad. Winthrop
  • John Eyre

Christopher Pennington, and John Edmondson, two Soldiers belonging unto Captn. Nicholson’s Company, Upon their own Motion had a Pass granted them to go to their Commander. Thomas Cockrum, and Benjamin Warren, two Soldiers, upon their desire had a Pass granted them to go to New York. Andrew Lindsey, Gyles Row, and David Grey had a Pass to go into the Countrey to Seek Work, they demeaning themselves, peaceably and Orderly.

Peter Rocklet, John Pipot, and John Obie, three frenchmen, had a Pass granted them to go to Narragansett.

Richard Huntly late a Soldier at the Fort, a Tanner by trade had a Pass granted him upon his own desire to travail into the Countrey to seek Imployment.

Upon the Motion of Edward Taylor of Sheepscott in behalf of himself and Other the Inhabitants there, Ordered that the Stewards of the Public Affairs do deliver unto the Said Taylor Six bushells of Pease, and a Barrel of Molasses for the Present Releif of the Souldiers there, And that Twenty Soldiers be continued there (Such as the Inhabitants can perswade with to Stay) until farther Order; And to be Paid from the Time of this Order takes Place upon them, the Stewards farther to Supply the twenty Soldiers staying with Shoes and Stockins. John Allen, late Soldier in the Fort, a Sawyer by Trade had a Pass given Him, upon his desire, to travail into the Countrey to Seek Imployment.

Stores ordered for the Soldiers at Sheepscott

The Council being Informed of the Present distressed and Unsettled Condition of the Inhabitants, of the Province of Main And having formerly invited Major Charles Frost, and Captn. Francis Hooke to Joyn with this Present Council, Do Recommend the Special Care of that Province unto the beforenamed Gentlemen together with Collo. Edwd. Tyng, Major John Davis, Capt. Joshua Scottow, Mr. Sam. Wheelwright, and Capt. John Wincot162, the whole Number, or the Major Part of them to Consult, Advise, Determine, and Put in Execution, whatsoever they shall Judge necessary in the Present Exigence, or upon any Emergency that May happen tending to the Common Safety, and Preservation of the Peace within that Province. And it is expected, that all Officers, and People, within the Said Province do Attend and Observe the Orders of the Said Gentlemen, or the Major Part of them, and Yeild Obedience thereto; desiring that nothing may be Acted that may Obstruct any treaty of Peace, with the Indians, which Madackawando hath promis’t to Mediate.

Province of Maine recommended to pursue such measures as will appear best for the general good.

Ordered, That Major Thomas Hinchman be Continued Commander in Cheif of the Upper Regiment, within the County of Middlesex as formerly; until farther Settlement, And to gether with Wait Winthrop Esqr. Commander in Cheif of the Militia to make such Regulations of Officers in Said Regiment, as shall be Thought Necessary.

The Council met 14th May 1689

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Col. Sam. Shrimpton
  • Jno. Richards
  • Wait Winthrop
  • John Jolliffe
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Ca. Jno. Phillips
  • Jer. Dummer
  • P. Sargeant
  • Davd. Waterhouse
  • Ad. Winthrop
  • Jos. Lynde
  • Nath. Olilver
  • John Eyre

Boston May 15th. 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Wait Winthrop
  • John Phillips
  • Pe. Sargeant
  • John Jolliffe
  • Jos. Lynde
  • John Foster
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Ad. Winthrop
  • Natl. Oliver
  • John Eyre

George Lynn, a Soldier, late belonging to Capt. Nicholson’s Company, prayed a pass to go to New York which was Granted Him.

Henry Dunwell and George Hall two Soldiers late belonging to Capt. Nicholson’s Company had a Pass granted them to go to New York.

Boston May 17th 1689

At the Councill met and were Present

  • Present Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Col. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Jno. Jolliffe
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • John Phillips
  • John Foster
  • Jno. Eyre
  • Davd. Waterhouse
  • John Nelson
  • Jos. Lynde
  • Nat. Oliver
  • Pe. Sargeant
  • Andr. Belcher
  • Ad. Winthrop

Boston May 20th 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Jas. Russell
  • Col. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Ca. Jno. Phillips
  • Adm. Winthrop
  • Ca. Richd. Sprague
  • Josh. Lynde
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Ca. Pen Townsend
  • Elisha Cook
  • John Jolliffe
  • Petr. Sargeant
  • John Foster
  • John Eyre
  • Jno. Nelson
  • Nat. Oliver

A Letter was Sent by Mr. Heskit163 in Answer to Lt. Weems his letter, and Petition164 from the Inhabitants of Pemaquid, praying his Continuing Commander of the Garison there; Which the Council declared their Approbation of; Recommending the Care of the Garrison; and Stores to him, Signifying that Orders were daily expected from England.

An Address being drawn up to be Presented unto their Majesties, was now read and unanimously agreed to And is as followeth

To the King and Queen’s Most Excellent Majesties

The Humble Address of the President and Council for Safety of the People, and Conservation of the Peace.

Address to the King and Queen

The Late Glorious Enterprise Atcheived by your Royal Highness, through the Blessing of Heaven, attended with such Happy Success for the Releif, and deliverance of the distressed Kingdoms, of England, Scotland and Ireland from the Miseries of Popery, and Slavery, come, and then Comeing in upon them, with a Seeming Irresistable Power, hath not only fill’d the Hearts of all the Good Protestant Subjects of those Three Kingdoms: But also of the Plantations Depending thereupon with unspeakable Joy; And will doubtless Influence all the Protestant Kingdoms and Places of Europe, And Erect an Everlasting Monument of Praise to the Memory of Your Royal Name.

The Gladsome Tidings, whereof hath reach’t these American Plantations to their no Small Rejoicing, which your poor distressed Subjects in this Land hold themselves Obliged to Acknowledge with all hearty thankfulness Firstly To Almighty God the Sovereign Ruler of the World and Nextly unto Your Royall Self, as an Instruement Spirited by him to so Heroick, and Hazard an Undertaking. Your three Several Princely Declarations put forth on that Occasion, Encouraging the English Nation to Cast off the Yoke of a Tyranical and Arbitrary Power, which they were at that Time held under, have Occured to the View and Consideration of the people in this Countrey, being themselves under alike (if not worse) evil and Unhappy Circumstances with their Bretheren. First, By Unrighteously depriving them of their Charter Government, and Priviledges without any hearing or Tryall, and under Utter Impossibility of having Notice of any Writt Served upon them, And then followed with the exercise, of an Illegal and Arbitrary Power over them, which had almost Ruined a late flourishing Countrey; and was become very Greiveous and Intollerable; Besides the growing Miseries, and Daily fears of a Total Subversion by the Enemies at Home, and Invasion by Forreign Force.

The People thereby excited to Imitate so Noble, and Heroick an Example, being Strangely, and Unanimously Spirited to intend their own Safeguard and Defence; Resolved to Seize upon, and Secure Some of the principal Persons Concerned, and most active in the Management of the Illegal, and Arbitrary Government Set over them by Commission; Accordingly upon the Eighteenth day of April last Past, Arose, as one Man, Seiz’d upon Sr. Edmund Andros, and Others of his Evill Instruements, and have Secured them for what Justice Orders from Your Majesty shall direct; exhibiting and Publishing a Declaration setting forth some of the general Grounds and reasons provoking them to Such an Action, which tho’ so unformed, and Entred upon, under such disadvantages, Yet by the Good Providence of God, was so Overrul’d, by the Interposition and prudence of some Gentlemen upon the Place; That the thing was Effected without the Least Blood shed, or Plunder, For which We Desire to pay our Acknowledgements of Praise unto the sovereign Ruler of all Things.

The Declaration165 of the People is herewith Emitted to be humbly presented unto Your Majesty166 the demonstration and proofs of the Several Articles, and Charges, contained in the Said Declaration, with Other Informations not Inferior, will be preparing to be Offered in the Season thereof.

And now Dread Majesties having given this breif Narrative of the present Circumstances of things amongst us Hoping for Your Majesties favourable Interpretation, and Gracious Resentments of the Action of this people, bearing Such Conformity to the Methods, which the English Nation have been driven to take for their Deliverance; We prostrate at Your Majesties Feet; perswading our Selves, that we shall not be forgotten, nor left without our Share in that Universal Restoration of Charters, and English Liberties; Which the whole Nation is at this Day made Happy withall; And for which we most humbly Suplicate; That under the Shadow of Your Imperial Crown We may again be made to flourish in the Enjoyment of our former167 Rights and Priviledges, being the Sole Encouragement unto Our Fathers, and predecessors, at their own Great Cost, and Expence to Settle this Colony to the Enlargement of the English Dominions, and so much for the Glory of that Crown, We heartily congratulate Your Majesties happy Accession to the Crown.

Boston N. England

Praying for the Long and Prosperous Reign of Your Royall Majesties

20th May 1689

Your Majesties most Loyall and Dutyful Subjects


Simon Bradstreet in the Name and behalf of the Council

Boston May 21st. 1689

At the Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Col. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Ca. Richd. Sprague
  • Jos. Lynde
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Pe. Sargeant
  • Jno. Jolliffe
  • John Eyre
  • Jno. Foster
  • Ad. Winthrop
  • Edm. Hutchinson

Council of Safety convened

Captain James Hill, and Mr. Sampson Stoddard, are desired to take turns with Lt. Edwd. Wyllys, to take the Care, and Charge of the Fort, and Guards, Each one, Four and twenty hours.

Liberty is granted to Sr. Edmond Andros to have the Service of Mr. Hudson, his Clerk, to Pass in and out of the Fort upon his particular business, and Others of his Household Servants.

Sr. E. Andros has the liberty of his Clerk to pass to and fro out of the Fort

Richard Cage, David Thomas and Edward Hotson, three Souldiers had Liberty granted them to take Passage for New York in the Sloop Hopewell, Nicholas Delaplaine Master.

Boston May 22d 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Colo. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Wait Winthrop
  • N. Saltonstall
  • John Richards
  • Jno. Hathorne
  • Cap. Jno. Smith
  • Edm. Hutchinson
  • Jas. Russell
  • John Jolliffe
  • Cap. Dan. Peirce
  • Andr. Belcher
  • Jno. Foster
  • Josh. Lynde
  • Jer. Dummer
  • Robt. Pyke
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Ca. Jno. Phillips
  • Pe. Sergeant
  • Cap. Edm. Quincey
  • Cap. Richd. Sprague
  • Ca. Dud. Bradstreet
  • Nat. Oliver
  • Da. Waterhouse168
  • Jno. Nelson

The Representatives of the Several Towns and Villages to the Number of fifty four Places, appeared with the Returns from their Several Towns and Villages, Vizt.

Representatives of the several Towns assembled.

For Salem

For Boston


Capt. John Price

Mr. Thos. Oakes

Saml. Clap

Mr. Jona. Corwin

John Clark

Timo. Tileston

Theo. Frarey

Jas. Taylor



Muddy River

John Call

Ca. Saml. Ruggles

And. Gardner

John Fowle

Na. Holmes




Ens. Thos. Fuller

John Ware

Edwd. Adams




Josia Chapin

Wilm. Blake

Christopher Webb

Joseph Crosby




Cap. Wm. Torrey

Cap. Thos. Andrews

Jos. Wilson

Ens. Eph. Hunt

Heny. Green




Petr. Tuffts

Saml. Walker

Capt. Ralph Hill

John Peirce

Joseph Walker




Cap. Jer. Swayne

Josia Richardson

Stephn. Hall




Simon Davis

John Waldo

Ralph Houghton

Ebenr. Prout


New Cambridge169


Da. Fiske

Ens. Jno. Ward

Mr. Wm. Bond

Saml. Chamne

Benj. Garfeild




Peter King

Obadiah Ward Senr.

Edward West

John Bridgham



North Hampton

Lt. Thos. Wells

Cornet Dowy

John King170



Spring feild

Saml. Partrigg

Aaron Cooke

Henry Chapin




Mr. Jer. Sheppard

Na. Norden

Lt. Wm. Dodge

Lt. Peter Woodbury




Wm. Ellery

Thomas Patch

Waltr. Fairfeild




Mr. John Wise

John Pierson

Capt. Thos. Noyes

Nehe. Jewett

Danie. Wicom

Lt. Steph. Greenleaf




Peter Airs

Cap. Jno. Osgood

Henry Trew

Jacob Morrel




Cap. Sam. Trott

Lt. Thos. Baker

Samue. Stickney

Samuel Colbey


John Pebody

23d May [1689]

Upon persusal of the Returns171 from the Several Towns and Villages, and Divers debates, and Conferences between the President, and Council, and the Representatives of the Tenth of May Instant, for the Settlement of Civil Government, as well this Day as the Day foregoing Vizt. the 22d Instant, and Several Proposals offered to them.

Upon the 24th of the Same May 1689, The following paper was presented unto them, Vizt.

Upon the Occasion of the Revolution of the Late Government under Sr. Edmund Andros; and at the Instance and Repeated desires or demand of Most of the Towns, and Villages, within the Massachusetts Colony, manifested in their Respective Places, and Sent to us by their Representatives. We who are of the Persons chosen, Sworn Governour, Deputy Governour, and Assistants (according to Charter) in the Year One thousand Six hundred Eighty Six, From the Present Necessity, and for Satisfaction of the People do Consent and Accept the Care and Government of the People of this Colony, according to the Rules of the Charter; For the Conservation of the Peace and Safety of the People, and Putting forth such farther Acts of Authority Civil, and Military as shall be Necessary according to any Emergency until by Direction from England there be an Orderly Settlement of Government.

Proceedings of the present Rulers approved of Boston May 24th 1689

Provided such Addition be made of Fit Persons to Assist us as hath been desired; And farther consent that the Respective Town’s send their Representatives for our Assistance so farr as they may be Concerned therein, and as need shall require Expecting that all Encouragement be given by the due, and Ready Obedience of the People, And that what hath been Acted by the Council for the Safety of the People, and Conservation of the Peace respecting the Management of the Publick affairs be allowed, and the Present Stewards be Reimbursed in Convenient Time. 24th Abovesaid


John Richards

Sim. Bradstreet

Elisha Cooke

Tho. Danforth

Wm. Johnson

Na. Saltonstall

John Hathorne

Jas. Russell

Isa. Addington

Pe. Tilton

Jno. Smith

Sam. Appleton

[Robert Pike]172

Voted: This was accepted cheerfully by the Representatives as an Answer to their declaration173 for Settling Civil Government with the Massachusetts Colony in New England as Attest Ebenr. Prout Clerk to the Representatives.

Written on the other Side

Upon the Publication hereof it was declared by the Gentlemen Subscribing that they do not intend an Assumption of Charter Government; nor Would be so Understood. Being Ordered to Read the Within written Declaration; was also Ordered to Publish what is Above written, Which I accordingly did174 at the Same time 24th May 1689

Joseph Webb.

Boston 25th May 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr.
  • Nathl. Saltonstall
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Jas. Russell
  • Jno. Richards
  • Saml. Appleton
  • Pe. Tilton
  • Robert Pyke
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Hathorn
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Isa. Addington
  • John Smith

Simon Bradstreet Esqr. is desired, and Appointed to be President of this Council.

Mr. Isaac Addington is Nominated, and appointed Clerk of the Council, and is Ordered to Officiate as Such.

Upon a Letter Received from the Commander of the Garrison, at Sagadahock Representing their distressed Estate by the Enemy Indians, and Petition from the Inhabitants for Some Assistance, Letters were dispatched to Majr. Thos. Henchman at Chelmsford, Lt. Thos. Swift at Milton, and Mr. James Goockin at Cambridge to procure some of the Friend Indians, to the Number of Thirty if to be procured to be Speedily sent thither.

Boston the 25th May 1689


We being gready Sensible of the Necessity of Joyning every Good Mans Assistance to Your Present, and future Endeavours for the Preservation of the Peace of this Place, in this dangerous Conjuncture; and Relying on the Integrity of Your Verbal, and Printed Promises by Inviolably preserving this People, and Place in Obedience unto the direction We expect from the Crown of England; And good Treatment to the persons of all, and Severally the Gentlemen, as was by us Signified in Our Advice to Sr. Edmund Andros, upon the delivery of the Fort, And to take off all Disatisfactions that may have Risen from any Disputes, or Arguments, We shall Endeavour to Pacify the disatisfied in our Regards, and promote the Publick Tranquility, as far as in us Lyes

Directed to the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

Andr. Belcher

Dav. Waterhouse

Petr. Sergeant

Jer. Dummer

Richd. Sprague

Wait Winthrop

Perm Townsend

John Foster

Sam. Shrimpton

Nath. Oliver

Adm. Winthrop

John Eyre

Jno. Nelson

Boston 27th May 1689 Die Luna

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President.
  • John Richards
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke
  • James Russell
  • Esqr.
  • John Hathorne
  • Esqrs.
  • Robert Pike
  • Isa. Addington

Upon Reading the Petition of Sam. Clavell mate of the ship Dolphin of Bristol, now in this Port; Representing the Sudden Death of Henry Bray late Commandr. of the Said Ship by Drowning upon the 25th of May ulto. Praying direction about the Said Ship, and other Concerns of the Masters

Committee on the petition of Saml. Clavel, Mate of the Ship Dolphin, of Bristol, the Capt. being dead

Ordered that Mr. Richd. Middlecot, and Mr. James Lloyd be and are desired, and Appointed together with the Said Samuel Clavill Mate, to Overlooke, And Examine the Writings, and Papers of the Said Bray, and Inquire into the State of the Ship, and Concerns of the Same, and Other Effects of the Master, taking an Inventory, thereof, and return the Same; And Report to the Council, what they think most Advisable for Securing the Said Concerns, and proceeding of Said Ship, and Imployment, of the Other Effect for the Benefitt, and Advantage of the Owners.

Boston pro. June 1689

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esq. President
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Tho. Danforth
  • John Richards
  • Col. Samll. Shrimpton
  • James Russell
  • Samll. Appleton
  • John Smith
  • John Smith175
  • Capne. Jno. Phillips
  • [Jonathn. Curwin]176

Upon Complaint of Capt. John George, Commander of their Majesties Ship Rose, That the Seamen belonging to the Said Frigatt do frequently come, and Remain on Shore, without Leave in Considerable Numbers Neglecting the Service of the Frigatt

Frigate Rose Officers and Seamen not to come ashore without permission

Ordered that all Persons belong to Said Frigat now on Shore do forthwith repair to their duty on board; Unless they shew Just Cause to the Council, to the Contrary And that no Officer, or Seaman belonging to Said Frigat be hereafter found on Shore, without a Certificate from the Captain, Lieutenant, or Other Cheife Officer, for the time being on board, On pain of Imprisonment. This Order to be Posted up at the Coffee house, and the Ship Tavern, in Boston.

Boston 3d June 1689 Die Lunae

At the Council for Safety of the People, and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Presidt.
  • Majr. Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • John Richards
  • Esqrs.
  • Col. Saml. Shrimpton
  • Esqrs.
  • James Russell
  • Capn. John Phillips

George Turfrey177 convicted of Uttering Mutinous, and Slanderous Words, and Expressions, tending to the Disquiet of the People, and Breach of the Peace Committed to prison.

Boston 5th June 1689 Wednesday

At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. President
  • Mar. Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Colo. Sam. Shrimpton
  • Nath. Saltonstall
  • James Russell
  • Esqrs.
  • John Richards.
  • Esqrs.
  • John Smith
  • Sam. Appleton
  • Cap. Jno. Phillips
  • Jona. Corwin
  • Cap. Jer. Swaine

The Representatives also from the Several Towns, according to the Signification Sent.

Met. Representatives assembled.

For Boston

For Salem

For Roxbury

Dr. Thos. Oakes

Cap. John Price

Mr. John Bolds

Cap. Timo. Prout

Capt. John Higginson

Cap. Sam. Ruggles

Capt. Pen. Townsend

Mr. Adam Winthrop

For Milton

For Braintry

For Dorchester

Mr. Wm. Blake

Chrisphr. Webb

Lt. Saml. Clapp Timo. Tilestone




Cap. Richd. Sprague Mr. Joseph Lynde

Sam. Chamnee Davd. Fiske

Mr. Wm. Bond Simon Stone




Jacob Nash

Cap. Thos. Andrews

Oliver Purchis




Nat. Stearns

Cap. Danl. Epps

Sim. Stacey

Cap. Thos. Noyes

Lt. Step. Greenleaf Senr




Sim. Davis

Ens. Jas. Convers

John Peirson

Eben. Prout

Matt. Johnson


North Hampton


Peter Airs

John King

Nath. Norden




Peter King

Jacob Morrell

Benjamin Fitch




James Stevens

Thos. Patch

Obadiah Ward




John More

Sam. Colbee

Henry Green Jos. Wilson




Peer Tuffi:

Cap. Wm. Rayment

Lt. Thos. Baker


New Cambridge


John Pebody

Ens. John Ward

Josia Richardson

Salem Village



Daniel Andrews

Saml. Fisher

Cornelius Waldo

Muddy river


Andrew Gardner

Samuel Stickney

Mr. Thomas Oakes was Chosen Speaker

Adjourned till Nine in the morning.

Thomas Oakes chosen Speaker

Boston 6 June 1689

At the Council, and Convention of the Representatives

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Presidt.
  • Maj. Wait Winthrop
  • Nath. Saltonstal
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Col. Sam. Shrimpton
  • James Russell
  • Jno. Richards
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Sam. Appleton
  • Jno. Smith
  • Cap. Jno. Phillips
  • Jona. Corwin
  • Jer. Swayne

The Council consented to a Vote of the Representatives that Sr. Edmund Andross be forthwith removed to the Castle and Carefully Kept, and Secured till farther Order by a Sufficient Guard.

Sr. E. Andros to be removed to the Castle

The Council Voted this following bill, and Sent it down to the Representatives for their Consent, Vizt.

Whereas there are Sundry Gentlemen, and Others, that were imployed in the Late Government, under Sr. Edmund Andros that were Seized, by the People in the Time of the Late Revolution upon the 18th Day of April Last past, and have ever Since been under Confinement; Ifs proposed that the Representatives now Convened do draw up Articles of Charges Severally against the Said Gentlemen, Setting forth the Causes of their Confinement, and Reasons for their being so Continued; Or that Some Order be taken for their Release, or Enlargement upon Security.

Proposition for examining sundry persons confined with Sr. E. Andros

An Address to their Majesties, was drawn up Read and agreed to he Sent in the Name of the Governour and Council, and Convention of Representatives of the People of their Majesties Colony of the Massachusets in New England. Vizt.

To the King and Queen’s Most Excellent Majesties

The Humble Address, and Petition of the Governour, and Council, and Convention of Representatives of the People of Your Majesties Colony of the Massachusets in New England

May it Please Your Majesties

We Your Majesties poor, and distressed Subjects of this Colony late under the deep Sense, and Burthen of Sore Greivances, by an Illegal, and Arbitrary Government over us, were not, a little Rejoiced, at the first Intelligence of the Heroick, and Generous, Undertaking of Your Royall Highness being divinely inspired so Magnanimously to Hazzored Your Royal Person, for the Rescue, and Deliverance of the English Nation from the Miseries of Popery, and Abitrary [sic] Government; Which Undertaking through the Wonder Working Providence of Zions Saviour hath been so happily Succeded as to bring in a Generall Restoration of Charters, and English Lyberties, Calling for all Hearty Acknowledgements, of praise, and Thanksgiving unto Almighty God, and Nextly to Your Sacred Majestys, and will Eternize Your Royall Names in the Hearts of all True English Men.

Address to the King and Queen

Your Majesties happy Accession to the Royall Throne was most joyfully Congratulated by Your Subjects in this Colony, and the Proclamation there of here performed upon the Nine and Twenty’th Day of May last past, with all the Decency, and Solemnity, the Place is Capable of Affording, and all Imaginable expressions of Joy.

A Brief Narrative of the Occurances, and Revolution happening among us, Is Set forth in an Address of the President and Council bearing date the Twenty’th May Last; Together with a Declaration of the People forwarded to be humbly presented, unto Your Majesties; Since wch. Revolution, no Orders, arriving from Your Majesties relating to the Governing of this People; haveing waited Several Weeks in Expectation thereof, and finding, an Absolute necessity of Civil Government, The People generally Manifested their desires, and Importunity once, and again That the Governour, Deputy Governr. and Assistants chosen and Sworn in May One thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six, according, to Charter, and Court, as then formed, would assume the Government; Upon Consideration whereof things being so Circumstanced, at that Time; It was by them thought not Safe or Agreable, to Our Charter Constitution to fall into the full Exercise of Charter Government; But the Said Governour, Deputy Governour, and Assistants then Resident in the Colony did Consent to Accept the Care and Government of This People, According to the Rules of the Charter, for the Conservation of the Peace, and Common Safety, and Putting forth further Acts of Authority upon Emergencies, until by Direction from England there should be an Orderly Settlement; Which We hope will Restore to us the full Exercise thereof as formerly, Notwithstanding for Sometime We have been most Unrighteously, and Injuriously deprived of it. That Royal Charter being the Sole Inducement, and Encouragement unto our Fathers, and Predecessors to Come Over into this Wilderness, and here to Plant, and Settle the Same at their own Cost, and Charges, which Through the blessing of God, was a flourishing Plantation Enlarging Your Majesties Dominion to the Glory of the English Crown; though Since the Alteration of that Government greatly Impoverished, and brought Low.

We all in Humility Prostrate at the Feet of Your. Royall Majesties, and Supplicate Your Majesties Grace, in a Favourable Interpretation, and Resentment of the Late Action of this People; And that We also according to Our Undoubted Right may again be fixed, and Settled in a full Confirmation of our Charter Rights, and Priviledges, whereby through the blessing of God, and benigne Influences of Your Sacred Majesties, we hope to be an Happy People

Imploring Heavens blessings, on the Heads and Hearts of Your Royal Majesties, That you may have a Long, and Prosperous Reign on Earth, and be Translated to Eternal Glory

Your Majesties Most Loyall and Dutyfull Subjects

Boston New England

Simon Bradstreet in the Name and behalf of the Council and Convention

June 6th. 1689

To the Honourable Simon Bradstreet Governour, Thos. Danforth Deputy Governour, and Assistants now Sitting

The Declaration of the Representatives of the Several Towns in the Massachusetts Colony

Humbly Sheweth,

That Whereas your Honours in the Answer to the Declaration given into you by the Representatives of the Several Towns, the 24th May 1689 did Consent to Accept the Care, and Government of the People of this Colony, according to the Rules of this Charter, and Putting forth such farther Acts of Authority Civil, and Military, as were Necessary Untill by Direction from England there be an Orderly Settlement of Government, and upon Publication thereof, were pleased to Declare you did not, intend Assumption of Charter Government; We do now humbly pray Considering the present Circumstances of this Colony you would be pleased by Vertue of the Authority devolved on You, by us the Representatives of the Several Towns in this Colony to Accept Government according to our Charter Rules by the Names of Governr. and Council for the Massachusets Colony, and exercise such Authority in the said Colony, as was formally Used by the Laws made by our Charter Government (excepting such as may be Judged repugnant to the Laws of England) until farther Orders from England; and that the Major Genral, and five Assistants lately Chosen take their Respective Oath’s, And pray there may be no Delay in this Matter We cannot proceed in any thing till this foundation be Setled.

Declaration of the Representatives from the several towns

7 June 1689

Voted in the Affirmative attest Eb. Prout Cl.

Accepted by the Governour and Council per Order

Thomas Danforth

Boston the 7th of the 4th. 89 [7 June 1689]

The Representatives give your Honours humble and hearty thanks for your Acceptance and humbly Desire your Honours to take your places as formerly in this house.

Voted in the affirmative

as attest Ebenezer Prout Clerk178

The following Oath was Administred unto the Governour by Thomas Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour before the whole Assembly

Whereas you S. B. are chosen to the Place of Governour over this Jurisdiction of the Massachusets for the Remaining part of this Year, and till a New be Chosen, and Sworn Or until there be a Settlement of Governmnt here from the Crown of England, do Swear Accordingly by the Great and Dreadful Name of the Everliving God, that You will be faithful, and bear True Alegiance to their Majesty’s King William and Queen Mary, and that You will in all Things Concerning Your Place, according to Your best Power and Skill Carry, and Demean Yourself for the Said Time of Your Government, according to the Laws of God, and Advancement of His Gospell, the Laws of this Land, and the Good of the People of this Jurisdiction You shall do Justice, to all Men without Partiality, as much as in You Lyeth, You shall not exceed the Limitations of a Governour in Your Place, So help You God

Form of the oath taken by the Governour and Lieutenant Governour

The Like Oath Mutatis Mutandis by Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. Governour unto Thos. Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour.

The following Oath was Administered by Sim. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour unto Wait Winthrop, Sam. Shrimpton, Nat. Saltonstall, John Richards, James Russell, Saml. Appleton, Robert Pike, William Johnson, John Smith, Jona. Corwin, John Phillips, and Jerme. Swaine, Assistants, Vizt.

Whereas you W. W. are Chosen to the Place of Assistant Over this Jurisdiction of the Massachusets for the Remaining Part of this Year, and Until new be Chosen, and Sworn, Or until their be a Setlement of Government here from the Crown of England; Do Swear Accordingly, by the Great, and Dreadful Name of the Everliving God, that you will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, that you will truely Endeavour according to Your best Skil, to Carry and Demean Your Self in Your Place for the Said Time According to the Laws of God, and this Land for the Advancement of the Gospel and the Good of the People, of this Jurisdiction; You shall dispence Justice equally, and Impartially According to Your best Skill, in all Cases, where in You shall Act by Virtue of Your Place, you shall not Wittingly, and Willingly exceed the Limitations of Place, So Help You, God, in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Form of the Assistants oath

The following Oath was Administered by Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour unto Wait Winthrop Esqr. Chosen Major Generall Vizt.

Major General’s oath

Whereas you W. W. are Chosen to the Office of Sergeant Major General, of all the Military Forces of this Jurisdiction for the Remaining part of this Year, Or Until there be a Settlement of Government here from the Crown of England.

Do Swear accordingly by the Great, and Dreadful Name of the Everliving God, that You will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to their Majesties King William, and Queen Mary, And that by Your best Skill, and Ability You will faithfully discharge the Trust Committed to You, According to the Tenour, or Purport of the Commission to be given You by this Court. So help you, God, in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Upon the Humble Petition of George Turfrey, he is Released from his Confinement.

An Order passed for the Release of Capt. Trefrey, and Ensign Pipon upon open Proclamation, which was forthwith Published.

Cap. Trefrey and Ensign Pipon liberated

Ordered, That Sr. Edmund Andros, be Removed from the Fort in Boston, under the Command of Capt. Edwd. Wyllys and Sent Down to Castle Island Under the Command of Capt. John Fayer Weather

To Capt. Edward Wyllys

Pursuant to the Abovesaid Order you are to Deliver Sr. Edmund Andros unto the Custody of Capt. John Fayerweather, and in so Doing this shall be Your Warrant.

Order for the delivery of Sir Edm. Andros, to Custody of Capt. Fayerweather

In this absence of Mr. Fayerweather You are to Deliver him to his Lt. Nathaniel Williams to be Convey’d by Him to the Castle as above; You are also to License him to take his Necessary Servants, along with Him.

per Order

Thomas Danforth

An Order passed for the Removeing Mr. John West from the Castle to the Prison in Boston and Warrent, was Accordingly Signed by Order of the Governr and Council.

It being agreed that Sr. Edmund Andross be this Day removed to the Castle, and that the Fort be Cleered so as to free the Countrey from farther Charge of a Garrison.

Ordered that Mr. Charles Lidgett be Enlarged from his Restraints, He giveing in Three thousand pound Bond, with Sufficient Sureties to Respond all Complaints that shall be brought in Against Him, and Put on file with the Secretary within Two Months next Coming, and for his Good Abbearance [sic].

7.4th. 89 [7 June 1689]

The Governour and Councill have made choice of John Green to be Marshall Generall for this Colony till other order be taken; desireing the consent of the Representatives hereto.

per order Thos. Danforth


Not consented to per Ebenezer Trout Clerk179

7.4.89 [7 June 1689]

Ordered by the Governour and Councill that Dr. Bullivant be inlarged from his restreynt, Hee giveing 3000 lb bond with surety to respond all complaynts that shall be brought in against him and put on file with the Secretary within two months next comeing, and for his good observance.

Passed in the affirmative Desireing the consent of the Representatives herewith

per order Tho. Danforth

Consented unto As Attest

June 12.1689

Ebenezer Prout Clerk180

June 8th 1689 Present all as Yester Day

Ordered That Capt. Edwd. Wyllys Commander in Cheif at the Fort in Boston take a True Inventory of all the Arms, that he finds left in the Fort, and Remove the Same to the Town House, taking Care, that they be Secured from Loss, and Spoil.

Capt. Timothy Proutt is Ordered to Deliver unto Willm. Banton the perticulars by him Mentioned in a Note on file; which he demands as his Own.

The Stewards, are Ordered to Deliver Provisions to the Value of four pounds to be Sent to Shipsgutt for the Supply of those in the Fort there.

Munday June 10th 1689 Present all as on Saturday last (except Capt. Swayne) and Mr. Hathorne.

It’s Ordered that Speedy care be taken for Suppressing of all Pyrates upon Our Coasts, and that a Committee be forthwith chosen for that End

Mr. Hathorn had the Oath, of an Assistant Administered unto Him.

10:4 89 [10 June 1689]

Voated that there be cure taken for the Setlement of the militia181 in the whole Collony forthwith, and that ther be a Comitty consisting of the members of both houses to Consider and draw up the methods meet for this Settlement.

Past in the affirmative by the Representatives with reference to our Honoured Magistrates consent

Ebenezer Prout, Clerk

consented unto

per order Th. Danforth182

10th: 4.89. [10 June 1689]

We move that all that all are not freemen In the present government183, Either Magistrates or Representatives, may now be made free; In order to our Legal proceeding in those things that may be before us.

past in the affirmative by the Representatives with Refference to our Honoured Magistrates Consent

Ebenezer Prout Clerk184

June 11th 1689

Mr. Isaac Addington is Chosen Secretary. Mr. John Phillips is Chosen Treasurer.

Ordered that fifty Sufficient Careful Men be Setled at the Castle till farther Order upon the Countries Charge.

Mr. Benja. Gerrish is Ordered to Officiate, as Clerk of the Writts, at Salem, until Some other Meet Person be Chosen and Settled in that Place, as the Law Directs.

Mr. Richd. Wilkins is Nominated for Post Master to Receive all Letters, and Deliver the Same out, to Receive one penny for each Single Letter.

A Bill185 Passed the Governour and Council for the Enlargement of Mr. Joseph Dudley, and Sent Down to the Representatives, On Condition that he give Sufficient Security to Respond all Complaints; desiring it may not be farther Delay’d by Reason of his Bodily Weekness.

11.4.89 [11 June 89]

Voated Thatt a Committy bee Chosen out of both houses to Consider what is necessary to bee done about the Eastern Indians.

Attest Ebenezer Trout Clerk

Consented to by the Councell and they have chosen the worshipfull Tho. Danforth Esq. and John Phillips, Esq. to be of this Committee desiring others to be added by the representatives.

per order John Richards

We have chosen Copt. Jno. Price Copt Joseph Lynde and Mr. Chr. Webb to be of this Committie.

attest Ebenezer Prout Clerk186

11.4.89 [11 June 1689]

Proposed with reference to the Eastern parts

1 - That meet persons bee Improved to treat with the Chiefe Sagamores from penycook to pemyquid, and to Lett them Know Thatt the English are resolved noe Longer to bear the the Insolencies and murders Committed by the Indians, and they must bee either friends or Enemies, and give demonstration of their friendship, or Else the Governour amd Councill are resolved to proceed against them as enemies.

2 - Thatt Mounser Casteene bee discoursed in like manner.

3 - In case they propund noe meet tearmes of peace Thatt then forthwith Some fitt person bee desired to undertake the Conduct of such a number of Soldiers as shall bee thought Sufficient to Enterprize the Subueing of them perforce of arms which being determined, Thatt then proclamation bee made for Volunteers part whereof to bee Indians. The conditions to bee: Thatt a full Supply bee made by the publick treasury of amunition and provisions, and for the Scalp of Hope Hood or Like Murderers thirty pounds bee paid and for any other Indian or enemies twenty pounds (abatment being made for their provision and amunition as by the Commissaries bill shall appear and thatt all Squaws and papooses with all other Indian plunder shall bee free to the Soldiers.

4 - Thatt those garrisons thatt shall bee thought necessary to bee upheld wheitherfor defence or maintenance of possession thatt meet Supply bee made them without delay.

The Garrisons are - Fort Royal

  • Rowsick
  • Ship-gutt
  • pemiquid
  • Saccadahock

Wee doe alsoe humbly propound -

Thatt by the authority of this Court an act bee passed Thatt noe person or persons whatsoever presume directly or indirectly during the time of hostility with the Indians, To Supply either Indians, french or others neighboring to them with amunition on paine of death or such other grevious mulct as the authority here shall judge meet to Impose on them.

Wee do alsoe Commend itt to the Consideration of this honoured Court wheither Justice and Equity doe nott Call us to deliver back to Mounser Casteen those goods that were unjustly taken away and still detained from his soe far as is in our power

Tho: Danforth

John Phillips

John Price

Joseph Lynde

Christopher Webb

Past in the affirmative with those Emendations above By the Representatives Desireing the Honoured Magistrates consent herein as attests

Ebenezer Prout Clerk187

11:4; 89 [11 June 1689]

The Magistrates do propose that the rest of the Gentlemen under restreint, Sir Edm. Andross only excepted, be enlarged giving bond with surety as Mr. Lidgett hath done188 or as this court shall order.189

June 11th. 1689

Moved that fifty sufficent Carful men be seuled at the Castle till further order upon the Country’s charge.

Past in the affirmative by the Representatives Desireing the Honoured Majestrates consent per order Ebenezer Prout Clerk

Consented unto by order John Hathorne190

12th June [1689]

Ordered That Mr. John Usher be Called to An Account191 for His Issuing out Warrents in his Own Name; and Raising of Money In an Arbitrary Way, and What Complaints may be farther brott in Against him referring to his Actions, in the Late Government.

Mr. John Usher was Sent for before the Council, and the Abovesaid Order Read unto Him; And it was Declared unto Him, he must farther, attend the Council, which he promised to Do.

It is Ordered, that Mr. Edward Wyllys Officiate, as Clerk of the Writts in Boston, until there be an Orderly Choice, and Setlement of Some Other Person, in that Place as the Law Directs.

Boston 13th June 1689

  • Present
  • Simon Broadstreat Esqr
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr.
  • Jonath. Corwin Esqr.
  • Major Pike Esqr.
  • Nath. Saltinstall Esqr.
  • John Phillips Esqr
  • Jno. Hathorn Esqr.
  • John Richards Esqr.
  • Jer. Swain Esqr.
  • Wm. Johnson Esqr.
  • James Russell Esqr.
  • Sam. Shrimpton Esqr.
  • Isaac Addington Esqr.
  • Elisha Cooke Esqr.
  • Sam. Appleton Esqr.
  • John Smith Esqr.192

13th June [1689]

It is Declared, that all the Town’s in this Jurisdiction, may as they shall See Meet, Respectively make Choice of Constables, Select Men, and Other Town Officers, as they were Won’t to do before the Change of Government in May One Thousand Six hundred, and Eighty Six, According to the Laws of this Colony then in force; And the Persons so Chosen are Hereby Impowered to Act in their Several Places Accordingly.

Mr. Elisha Cooke, and Mr. Isaac Addington, tooke the Assistants Oath.

Mr. Isaac Addington took his Oath, as Secretary as followeth Vizt.

Whereas You I. A. are Chosen Secretary for the Remaining Part of this Year, Or Until there be a Setlement of Government here, by Direction from the Crown of England. You do Swear by the Everliving God; That You will in all Things faithfully demean Yourself in the Said Office That you will truely, and faithfully according to Your Best Skill, and Wisdom frame, all Acts, and Instruements of Public Concernment referring to Your Office, duely Observing such Directions, as Shall from Time, to Time be given Unto You by the Government, here; and fairly Record, and Safely Keep the Same. That you will not disclose their Consultations, where you shall have express Charge of Secrecy, That You will Without Delay, Impart to the Governour or Council, Whatever, Letter, or Information shall Come to Your Hands referring to Your Office and of Public Concernment, That You will not Wittingly or Willingly exceed the Limits of Your Place So help You God in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mr. John Phillips took the Oath of Treasurer.

June 14th [1689]

Present the Governour, Deputy Governour, and all the Assistants (except Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Tilton).

Ordered that Lt. Weem’s193 be forthwith written to at Pemaquid to take care of the Garrison; And that Promise be made him, and his Company of the Kings Pay from this Time forward till farther Order, and that there be a Supply of What Provision, etc. is Necessary for Said Garrison.

Lt. Weems was forthwith Written to of the Import of this Order.

Ordered That one Suitable Vessell be forthwith fitted out to Clear our Coast of Pyrats, which may be after Improved to transport Souldiers, Ammunition, and provisions for the Eastern Expedition, and from thence to Range the Coasts of Arcadia to Secure our fishing Vessels; And the Treasurer is Desired, and Appointed by the Most Effectual Means to See this Order Put in Execution.

For a Present Stating of the Militia194 It’s Declared that all Commission Officers of the Several Company’s, and Regiments within this Colony of the Massachusetts, who were Standing in Commission upon the Twelvth Day of May One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Six, Yet Living, and not Rendred uncapable by Age, Or Other Just Exception against them (to be Judged of by the Government) or Removed from the Town, be and are hereby Continued and Restored to their Respective Places and Command according to the Tenor of their Said Commissions until farther Settlement; And that all Vacancies be forthwith filled up of Meet Persons to be nominated by the House holders, and Soldiers of such Company upwards of twenty Years Old (Servants excepted) to be presented to the Governour, and Council, and Convention, of Representatives (if together) or Otherwise to the Governour and Council for their Allowance, and Confirmation if they See Meet, And if not allowed of, to Nominate Others as aforesaid.

Mr. John Fayerweather is Continued Captain of the Castle, and in Cheif Command of the Garrison, and Soldiery there until farther Order.

And Nathl. Willilams is appointed, and Continued Lieutenant of the Castle, and Garrison, and Soldiery there under the Command of Capt. John Fayerweather until farther Orders.

Wheareas the Warr with the Indians, was begun in the time of the Late Government, under Sr. Edmund Andros. It is agreed that Some Meet Persons be Appointed to Discourse the Indians, that are in hostility against us, and enquire the Reasons, and Grounds, of Such their Hostility; That if Wrong were done them by the English, Reparation may be made, or Satisfaction given; Or if the Indians were the Aggressors in the Warr Consideration may be had Accordingly.

And the Said Persons may likewise treat with the Cheif Indians between Pennicooke, and Pemaquid that have not Engaged against us, and Endeavour that they Continue their Neutrality; and Maintain their Ancient Friendship with us.

This Day a Letter, was received from Sr. Edmund Andros and Read, wherein he Demands, an Immediate Release for himself, and the Persons Concerned in the Government (or under his Charge) now in Custody or Restraint.

It is Ordered that no person, whatsoever during the Time of Hostility with the Indians, presume directly, or Indirectly, to Sell, Barter, Give, or by any Means Supply any Indian or Indians, Or the Neighbouring French, with Arms, Or Ammunition of any Kind whatsoever, without Licence first Obtained from the Governour, and Council; On Pain of being Reputed Enemies to the Crown, and English Nation, And to be proceeded against as Such, with utmost Severity of Law.

Mr. Anthony Checkley is Chosen Attorney General in behalf of their Majesties King William, and Queen Mary.

Agreed that the fifety Men Appointed for the Garrison at the Castle be Substantial Soldiers, taken out of the Several Neighbouring Town’s, and to be in Constant Pay on the Publick Account, Every private Centinal his Wages to be five Shillings Per Weeke, in, or as, Money, and this to Continue till farther Order.

The Governor and Council appointed John Winch Comble195 to be Marshall for the County of Suffolk until farther Orders who was accordingly Sworn.

John Green is appointed Marshall for the County of Middle Sex until father Orders.

Lt. Simon Willard is Appointed Marshall for the County of Essex until farther Order.

June 14: 1689

Whereas there is a Complaynt preferred by the Committee appointed to make enquirey about the sayings of the Lieutenant and other of the company of the Rose Friggate manifesting great Contempt of Authority and find that such as out of respect and obedience to Authority were willing to give Evidence off those Contempts and Scorns against their Majesties Authority are denyed Liberty to come a shore and alsoe some of them that would give Evidence of those things are put In Irons and sore torments one at the least for severall dayes past wett and dry day and night upon the Deck and his Chest broken open and his goods taken out: wherefore it is Desired that the Marshals may be sent on board by warrant to Command and require such persons both transgressors and Evidences in this matter to be brought before the Governour and Council that the Contemptuous may be duly punished and the oppressed delivered.

Voted in the affirmative

As attests Ebenezer Prout Clerk196

June 15th. 1689

Voted by the Representatives

That David Condon Leftenant of the Rose be sent for on Shore forth with to answer such Complaints as may be laid to his Charge before this Convention

As attest Ebenezer Prout Clerk197

June 15th [1689]

Present all as Yesterday except

Majr. Saltonstall, Majr. Pike

and Capt. Swayne

Ordered that the fifteen Pounds in Money, which was Received by Mr. John Higginson of Mr. Thomas Offley Collector at Salem by Order of the Council of Safety, and Conservation of the Peace, for Public use, be delivered to Mr. John Foster, and Mr. Adam Winthrop, who were Stewards for the Publick by Order of the Aforesaid.

Ordered that Proclamation be forthwith made by Beat of Drum. That if any Person have any Just Complaints against Major Mackgregory now in Prison, they bring them into the Secretary by Tuesday Next, at Twelve a Clock, And If Nothing Appear, against him by that Time that then he be Sett at Liberty.

Proclamation was Accordingly Made.

A Bill Past by the Governour, and Council, and Sent down to the Representatives, that the Gentlemen still under Restraint may be Enlarged either Upon Proclamation, or Meet Caution to Respond when Orderly called, Excepting onely Such, as are to be Kept under Restraint untill direction from England, Desiring the Representatives to Name who they be.

Adjourned to Monday the 17th of June Instant at two a Clock afternoon, And then met and being not full Adjourned to Eight in the Morning.

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • John Richards
  • Thos. Danforth
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Col. Sam. Shrimpton
  • John Phillips
  • Isa Addington

Boston Tuesday 18th June 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council and Representatives

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Richards
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Hathorne
  • James Russell
  • Cap. Jno. Smith
  • Jona. Corwin
  • John Phillips

Lt. Anthony Checkley formerly Lieutenant of the North Company of Boston, Under Majr. John Richards in May 1686, appearing declared that he declined the farther holding of the Place.

Majr. Patrick Mackgregory being Sent for, and heard before the whole Convention, upon what was broughtt in against him Since the Proclamation on Saturday Last, the 14th Instant, t’was declared he is released from his Confinement.

An Order past for the Enlargement of Thomas Larkin and Samuel Massey Each of them giving bond of One hundred Pounds with Security Personally to Appear to Answer all Complaints or Informations that shall be brought into the Secretary, within two Months next against each of them, respectively at the Next Court after the End of Said two Months to be holden for their Majesties within the County of Suffolk (that shall have Proper Cognizance of Said Complaints or Informations), and to Abide the Order of Court therein, and not depart Without Licence, And in the Interim to be of Good Behaviour etc.

Ordered that fifty Able Soldiers be provided for the Garrison at the Castle to be taken out of the Several Neighbouring Town’s, and to be in Constant Pay, on the Public Account; Every Private Soldier his Wages to be five Shillings per Week in, or as, Money, Vizt. From Boston Sixteen, Charlestown four, Roxbury four, Dorchester Six, Milton Two, Braintry four, Weymouth Two, Cambridge Two, Cambridge Village One, Watertown three, Woburn Two, Maiden One, Hingham Three; If there be Need the Cheif Officer of each Company is Impowered to Impress, and are to take Effectual Care that they be Sent down to the Castle on thursday Morning next the Twentieth Instant The Provisions for the Soldiers to be at the Countries Charge.

Adjourned to the Morning at Eight a Clock

19th June 1689

Present, The Same as were Yesterday.

Voted there be a Charge drawn up, and Sent after Mr. John Usher.

A Letter was drawn up, and Read, and Voted to be Transcribed and Sent to Sr. Edmund Andros in Answer to his of the fourteenth of June Instant.

Liberty is granted unto the Inhabitants of the Upper farmes of Cambridge, next Concord about five Miles Distant from their own Town, to Nominate, a Lieutenant, and Ensigne according to the direction of the Order of this Convention to be Presented for Allowance, and Confirmation, as in the Said Order.

Capt. Thomas Savage being Nominated Captain of the Military Company in Boston, Late under his Conduct, by the Unanimous Vote of the Company this Day being in Arms, And William Gibson Nominated Lieutenant of the Said Company; Ambros Davis Nominated Ensign of Said Company were allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Places Accordingly.

Boston Officers

Instructions for Captn. Fayerweather Cheif Commander at the Castle

You shall Carefully attend the Place, and Trust Committed unto you at all Times intending a faithfull Discharge thereof.

1 In the Government of the Soldiers under Your Command, Carefully taking heed, that they absent not themselves from their Lodgings, and Duty, and that there be no Prophane, and Sinfull Gaming, Drinking Carousing, or Debauchery in any Kind practised, or Committed by them, but to Your Power, shall Let, and hinder the Same.

2 That the Castle, and Batteries appertaining there, to be Kept in Good and Sufficient Repair, So as may Render them fit for Service, and that there be no Decay thro Neglect of Repaires as there shall be Need.

3 That the Ammunition, and Utensils Appertaining to the Great and Small Artilery be not in any ways Wasted, and Lost, but Carefully preserved from Loss, and Spoile.

4 You shall Carefully Observe the Laws made by the General Court under the Charter Government directing you in the Trust, and Charge, Committed unto You.

5 Such Persons as now are or any time hereafter shall be Committed to Your Custody, you shall Carefully Secure them that they make not escape from You.

6 You shall not Permitt any Confluence of People to Meet together at the Castle, or to Come upon the Island, whereby to Endanger the Security of the Place, or the Safe Keeping of those Committed to Your Custody, the Management, whereof is Left to Your prudence to Order and Limitt.

7 You are not to Permitt any Person, or Persons, whatever, to Come with Armes, or Weapons on Shore upon the Island.

8 You are not to Permitt any Persons to Speak with any of the Prisoners, Unless in Presence of the Cheif Officers; And that no Letters shall Pass to or from the Persons in Custody without the Knowledge of the Captain, or Lieutenant of the Castle.

Mr. Samuel Checkley being Nominated Lieutenant, and John Ballentine Ensign of the Military Company in Boston under the Conduct of Capt. John Wing, are Confirmed in their Respective Places.

Capt. Wings officers

Mr. William Greenough being Nominated by the North Military Company in Boston to be their Captain; John Atwood their Lieutenant, and Timothy Thornton their Ensign, are Accordingly Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Capt. Greenough and other Officers

Thomas Hunt being Nominated Lieutenant of the Military Company in Boston, under the Conduct of Captn. Daniel Turell; and Obadiah Gill to be Ensign of Said Company, are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Capt. Turels Officers

Ordered that the Inhabitants of Meadford together, with the Farmers belonging to Charlestown Inhabiting above Menotomy River, and on the North Side of Mistick River, which belong to the Foot to be a Company, and have Liberty to Nominate their Respective Commission Officers According to the Direction of the Order of this Convention to be presented for Allowance, and Confirmation as in Said Order.

Meadford Company

By the Governour and Council

An Order was made to Capt. Timothy Prout to take Care of what Guns, Arms, Ammunition, etc. belonging to the Countrey, are now Come in from the Eastward, and to that End to Enquire of Lt. Taylor, or the Masters of the Sloops, or any that Can Inform him, and thereof to take an Inventory, and to Secure all for the Publick Use.

20th June 1689

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • John Richards
  • John Hathorne
  • Jona. Corwin
  • James Russell
  • John Smith
  • John Phillips
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Jeremiah Swaine

Joseph Bridgeham Nominated by the Military Company in Boston under the Conduct of Capn. James Hill to be Lieutenant of Said Company, and Samuel Marshall to be Ensigne of Said Company are Accordingly Approved, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Officers to Capt. Hills Company

Andrew Gardner being Nominated by the Inhabitants of Muddy River to be Lieutenant of the Foot Company in Muddy River and John White to be Ensign of Said Company, Accordingly Approved, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Muddy River Officers

Present also Collo. Shrimpton

Ordered that the Great Guns in the Fort in Boston be Removed to the Battery by Mr. Edward Wyllys, and Mr. Sampson Stoddard.

Ordered that fifeteen Pounds be allowed out of the Country Stock, for the Building of a Peer at Castle Island for the Security of Boats.

Jonathan Walcot being Nominated Captain of the Foot Company of Salem Village, Nathaniel Ingersall Lieutenant and Thomas Flint Ensigne of Said Company, are allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices Accordingly.

Salem Village Officers

Ordered that the New Troop in the Upper Regiment of Middlesex be allowed to Nominate their Commission Officers according to the Declaration, of this Convention for Stating of the Militia.

20th June 1689

Voted by the Governour and Councill That the Treasurer be Ordered to deliver Five Pounds in money unto Major Patrick Mackgregory for his present Releife and to defray his Expences home between New York and Albany; he being a Gentleman in distress and rendered capable of doing Service for the Country, haveing Information of his good Inclination thereto.

Isa. Addington Secry

Not Consented to

by the Representatives

Date as above said

Attest Ebenezer Prout Clerk198

June 20, 1689

Voted by the Representatives That Lt. Condon on board the Rose be Ordered to Come on Shore by three of the Clock in the after Noone to answer what Complaints shall be Exhibited against him before the Convention: and if he Refuse to Come when Commanded, to bring him by force.

Attests Ebenezer Prout Clerk

Not Consented to by the Governor

and Councill

Isa. Addington Secry.199

21 June 1689

Present all as Yesterday, and the Deputy Governor.

Samuel Ruggles Senr. Nominated for Captain of the Military Company in Roxbury, Samuel Gore, Lieutenant, and Timothy Stevens Ensign of Said Company, are allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Roxbury Officers

Ordered that three score able Men be forthwith raised to be Sent into the Eastern Parts under the Conduct of Capt. John Withington for the Preservation and Security of those Parts, and the Inhabitants thereof; from the depradations of the Indian Enemy, and Repulsing any Attempts shall be made by them, until farther Order; and Provision be made for the Suppressing of that Enemy. The Treasurer to Supply what shall be Necessary for the fitting them out for that Service, to be Reimbursed as Speedily as may be by the Most Effectual Course that can be taken.

Order for 60 Soldiers to the Eastward

Capt. Withington appearing declined and Ex[c]used this Service.

It is Ordered that Mr. Isaac Bertraine Duttufeau be Commissioner for the Town of New Oxford, And have Authority for Tryall of Small Causes not exceeding forty Shillings; And to Act in all other Matters, as any one Assistant may do, as the Laws of this Colony direct until farther Setlement.

Isaac Vergoos Nominated Ensign of the Military Company in Boston, under the Conduct of Captn. Saml. Sewall is allowed, and Confirmed in the Said Office.

Capt. Sewall’s Ensign

Ralph Hill Nominated Captain of the Troop of the Upper Middlesex Regiment Cheifly gathered in Bilrica, John Lane Cornett and John Stearns Quarter Master of Said Troop, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.200

Bilrica Troop Officers

David Fiske Senr. Nominated Lieutenant of the Soldiers of Cambridge upper Farmes, and Ephraim Winship Ensign to the said Company of Soldiers are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in the Said Respective Offices.

Cambridge Farms

22d June 1689

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • Jona. Corwin
  • John Richards
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Phillips
  • Collo. Sam. Shrimpton
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Jeremiah Swayne

John Groutt nominated Captain of the Military Company in Sudbury; Edward Wright Lieutenant, and Jacob Moores Ensign of Sd. Company are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Sudbury Officers

It is Declared201 that all the Law’s made by the Governour and Company of Said Colony that were in force on the Twelfth day of May One Thousand Six hundred Eighty Six (Except any that are Repugnant to the Law’s of England) are the Law’s of this Colony, and Continue in force untill farther Setlement; To which all Inhabitants and Residents here are to Give due Obedience.

Declaration to enforce the Laws

It is Ordered that the Law tide Imposts, and Imposts on Wine, and Strong Liquors, with the Explanations, made also there unto shall be, and Remain in full force from the Seventeenth Day of this Instant June until the Seventeenth Day of June, which will be in the Year One Thousand Six Hundred, and Ninety, or Untill a Settlement, of Government here, By Direction from the Crown of England.

The Representatives afterwards

resumed, and Withdrew the Bill.

Robert Earle is Appointed Prison Keeper in Boston untill a farther Setlement.

Prison Keeper

Ordered that threescore able Men be forthwith Raised to be Sent into the Eastern Parts for the Preservation and Security of those Parts, and the Inhabitants thereof from the Depradations of the Indian Enemy, and Repulsing any Attempt that shall be made by them; until farther Order, and Provision be made for the Suppressing of that Enemy, the Treasurer to Supply what shall be Necessary for the fitting them out for that Service to be Reimbursed, as Speedily, as may be, by the Most Effectual course that Can be taken. The Choice of a Commander and what is farther Necessary to be done for the Effecting thereof is left with the Governour and Councill.

Order for 60 Soldiers to the Eastward

Lieutenant Collo. Tyng was Nominated by the Governour and Council to be Commander of the Said Company of Men, and Ordered to beat up Drums for Volunteers.

Lt. Col. Tyng

John Richards, James Russell, and Elisha Cooke, Esqrs., are desired and Appointed to be a Committee to Joyn with the Treasurer to agree, with the Persons that Keep Houses, of Publick Entertainment, and Retailers about the Excise or Impost.

June 22nd. 1689

Ordered by the Representatives, that Capt. Timothy Prout be stated Navall Officer, accountting him A meet person for the Exercise of that Trust.

Attests Ebenezer Trout Clerk202

June 22d 1689

Ordered by the Representatives That the persons underwritten according to Declaration given out by the Gentlemen Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston with the Towns adjacent, are not bayable but must of necessary be reserved for Tryal by direction from the Crown of England; and for the rest that are in hold not mentioned we cannot see Reason yet to release them untill such Measures bee taken as may be safe by opening of Courts etc.

Attests Ebenezer Trout Clerk

Joseph Dudley

Sr. Edmund Andros

Edward Randolph

John West

John Palmer

James Graham

George Farewell203

The Convention adjourned from this Day being Saturday untill Tuesday the 25th June instant at one a Clock.

Boston Tuesday 25th June 1689

At the Convention of the Governr. and Council, and Representatives

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governr.
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Phillips
  • Jas. Russell
  • Saml Shrimpton
  • Isa. Addington

Mr. James Russell, and Capt. John Phillips, are Desired, and Appointed to Audit and Settle the Accounts of Wages of the Twenty Soldiers late Come from Sheepscott that were there Continued in the Garrison upon Pay, and what each Soldier hath already Received.

The Convention not being full, Adjourned to Thursday next the 27th. of June instant at Eight a Clock and then Mett.

June 27th. 1689

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Samuel Shrimpton
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Hathorne
  • James Russell
  • John Phillips
  • Jona. Corwin
  • Isa. Addington

Capt. John Capen of Dorchester having desired by Reason of Age, and Inability of Body to be Dismissed from his Command. And Samuel Clapp being Nominated to be Captain of the Foot Company in Dorchester, John Withington Lieutenant, and Timothy Tilestone Ensign of the Said Company are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Dorchester Military Officers

John Pebody nominated Lieutenant of the foot Company in Boxford, and John Perly Ensign of Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Boxford Military forces

This day a Letter Received from Major Henchman of Chelmsford, advising of Information brought to Him by Some Indians, of the Gathering of Indians neer unto Penecooke, with design of Mischief against the English and Particularly against Major Richard Waldern, and Mr. Peter Coffin; Of which Notice204 was forthwith dispatched to them by Mr. Nathaniel Weare of Hampton.

Considering the Present Danger of an Assault by the Indians on the County of Middlesex; It’s Ordered that John Phillips Esqr. be Commander in Cheif of the Lower Regiment in Middlesex; And that Major Thomas Henchman be Commander in Cheif of the Upper Regiment in Middlesex; And So to Continue until an Orderly Nomination of Majors can be Made for the Said Regiment.

Middlesex Chief Military Officers

Josia Richardson Nominated Captain of the Foot Company in Chelmsford; James Hildreth Nominated Lieutenant and John Stevens Nominated Ensigne of Said Company are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Chelmsford Military Officers

Henry Keerly Nominated Captain of the Foot Company in Marlborough, Obadiah Ward Nominated Lieutenant and John Woods Senr., Nominated Ensigne, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Marlborough Military Officers

Nathaniel Stearns Nominated Captain of the Military Company in Dedham, Thomas Fuller Lieutenant and Richard Alike Ensigne of Said Company are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in the Respective Offices.

Dedham Military Comps. Officers

Samuel Green Nominated Captain of the Military Company in Cambridge; Jona. Remington Lieutenant and Aaron Bordman Nominated Ensigne of Said Company are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Cambridge Military Officers

Ordered that the Pay to be allowed unto the Sixty Soldiers Intended for the Eastern Parts against the Indian Enemy be five Shillings per Week in, or as Money to Every Private Centinal, and Victuals, besides forty Shillings per Head, over, and Above the Stated Pay for every fighting Indian that shall be Slain, or taken in that Service to be Paid unto the Party then Engageing.

Stating of Soldiers Wages

Captn. Bozoun Allen Nominated Captain of the Military Foot Company in Boston, late under the Command of Collo. Sam. Shrimpton, Samuel Lynde Nominated Lieutenant and Edmund Browne Nominated Ensigne of Said Company are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Places and Offices.

Capt. Allen’s Officers

Captain John Floyd Nominated Captain of Lyn Troop, John Lewis Nominated Lieutenant of Said Troop. Samuel Johnson Nominated Cornet; and Joseph Collins Nominated Quarter Master of Said Troop; are Accordingly allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Lynn Troop Officers

In Answer to the Petition of Robt. Bartlett, and Others of Marblehead to the Number of about Twenty desiring a Dismission from Lynn Troop, and Liberty for Nomination of Officers for themselves A Dismission is Accordingly granted them, That when they become a Competent Number to make a Troop of them selves they be allowed to Nominate their Officers.

Grant to Marbleheads Troopers

28th June 1689

Prsent all as Yesterday; As also the Deputy Governour; Capt. Jno. Smith, and Capt. Jer. Swayne.

It is Declared diet Thomas Danforth Esqr. President; and Others Named with him in the Commission for Government within the Province of Mayne formerly granted by the Governour, and Company of the Massachusetts Bay; are Continued in the exercise of the Government over that Province, and the Inhabitants thereof until farther Order.

Province Mayne Government

Pursuant to a Return made by Daniel Dane Clerk of the Troop in the Upper Regiment of Middlesex late under the Conduct of Capt. Thomas Henchman, who (according to Said Return) by Reason of Age, distance, and Infirmitys Attending him, refused to Serve in that Office, their Lieutenant being Dead, the Cornet, and Quarter Master desiring Excuse, And Thomas Brown of Sudbury being nominated for Captain of Said Troop, Jona. Prescot; Lieutenant William Hartwell Cornet, and William Browne, Quarter Master of Said Troop, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Concord Troop Officers

Capt. Samuel White nominated Captain for the Troop gathered in the Towns of Weymouth and Hingham; Matthew Cushing Nominated Lieutenant; John Chubbuck Nominated for Cornet, and Stephen

Weymouth Troop Officers

French Nominated for Quarter [Master] of Said Troop; are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Weymouth Military Officers

Ephraim Hunt Nominated Captain for the foot Military Company in Weymouth; Richard Phillips Senr. Nominated Ensign for Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices. John Whitmarsh Senr. presented for Lieutenant, not allowed of.

Thomas Vose, nominated for Captain of the Military Company of Milton, George Sumner Nominated for Lieutenant, and Samuel Badcock Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed to their Respective Offices.

Milton Military Officers

June 28th 1689

Resolved205 by the Representatives

That Mr. Joseph Dudley is not buyable, he having broken a Capitall Law of this Colony in Subverting our Government and Usurping Government over us upon an Illegall and Arbitrary Commission against the fundamental Laws of England, and since as judge under Sr. Edmund not Regarding the King’s Oath.

That Sr. Edmund Andros is not bailable he being guilty of Receiving and Executing illegall Commissions exerting Arbitrary and Despotick power contrary to the Fundamentall Laws of England and the Laws of this Colony.

That Mr. Edward Randolph is not Buyable he having broken a Capitall Law of this Colony in endeavoring and accomplishing the Subversion of our Government and haveing been an evill Counsellour.

That Mr. John Palmer is not Buyable he haveing as a Judge not regarded the Kings Oath, and been an evill Concellour unto Sr. Edmund.

That Mr. John West, James Graham and George Farewell are not buyable having been Agents and Accomplices with Sr. Edmund in his treasonable and unjust Actions.

That Mr. James Sherlock is not Buyable haveing been Guilty of picking and packing of Juries (contrary to law) whereby many of his Majesties good subjects have been layd under great and unjust fines and other molestations, and also extorting unreasonable fees.

Voted in the affirmative

Ebenezer Trout Clerk206

Boston June 29th 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Eliasha Cooke
  • Jona. Curwin
  • John Richards
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Phillips
  • Samuel Shrimpton
  • John Hathorne
  • Jer. Swayne
  • James Russell
  • John Smith

Joseph White Senr. Nominated Captain for the Foot Company of Soldiers in Mendon, Josia Chapin Senr. Nominated Lieutenant; and Samuel Reed Senr. Nominated Ensign for Said Company, are Accordingly Allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Mendon Military Officers

The Governour, and Council do Order, that James Cutler belonging to their Majesties Ship the Rose; Imprisoned on Suspicion of being Concerned in the late fire breaking out in Boston be discharged from Prison, He immediately Repairing on board the Frigatt, and not Coming on Shore again without License from the Governour.

Mr. Nathaniel Wade Nominated Captain for the Military Company of Medford Peter Tuffts, Nominated Lieutenant and Stephen Francis Nominated Ensigne for Said Company are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Medford Military Officers

The Letters, and Papers informing of the Mischief done by the Indians at Cochecha were laid before the whole Convention, and an Answer dispatch’t by the Messenger, that brought them, about Twelve a Clock this Day.

Voted, and agreed that some Meet Person, or Persons be Appointed, and Commissionated to Command a Party of Volunteers to be Raised by Beat of Drum, to be Improved as a flying Army on our Frontier Towns; etc. for the destruction of Our Indian Enemies; And for Compensation for their Service they shall be Paid out of the Public Treasury so much for every Head, or Scalp of our Indian Enemies they shall bring in as the Governour, and Council shall Judge meet, not exceeding Ten Pounds per Head in, or as, Money; Respect being had to the Quality of the Enemy taken, or Destroyed; And whatever Indian Plunder they can take shall be their own.

Encouragement for Volunteers

Adjourned to Monday the first of

July next, at One a Clock.

Boston Monday pro. July 1689

The Convention Mett

  • Prsent
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governr.
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Phillips
  • John Richards
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Isaac Addington
  • James Russell
  • Samuel Shrimpton

Whereas the Convention of the Governr., and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony, are Given to Understand that Sundry of the Inhabitants of Newberry, and Other Towns Adjacent, do Willingly Offer themselves to go forth in Pursuit of the Indian Enemy, having lately Committed Depredations, and Mischeifs, at Cochecha.

For Encouragement to any that shall Voluntary undertake so Good a Service, it’s Agreed that all those who shall Willingly Offer themselves to that Service may expect to Receive Eight Pounds per Head for every fighting Man that shall be by them taken, or Destroy’d to be Paid in, or as, Money out of the Public Treasury; Besides the Indian Plunder to be their own, the Party, or Parties so going forth to be Putt under Sutable Conduct.

Letters from Piscataqua Praying Assistance were laid before the Convention for Consideration.

Ordered that Mr. Edmund Quincey be Sergeant Major of the South Regiment of Suffolk, and so to Continue until an Orderly Nomination, and Confirmation of a Major can be made for Said Regiment.

Mr. Edm. Quincey Major

It is Ordered that forthwith Two hundred, and Forty Men be Impressed to be Put under Meet Conduct in Pursuit of the Enemy.

Order for Raising 240 Men

Boston July 2d. 1689

Present all as Yesterday

An Order past that Mr. John Stanton be Written Unto, Intreating him to Procure One hundred, or more fighting Men of the Mohegins, and Pequots to be improved against our common Indian Enemy, to be under Command of Said Mr. Stanton.

Order to See to Procure the Assistance of friend Indian

An Order Past that Captain Benjamin Church207 of New Bristol be Sent unto, and intreated to use his Endeavour to Procure One Hundred Indians Inhabiting the Colony of New Plymouth, of such as he may think fitt for Service against Our Indian Enemy, to be Under the Command of Said Captn. Church.

Ordered that forthwith Drums be beaten up in Boston and the Towns Adjacent for Volunteers to go forth for the Succour, and Releife of Our Neighbour freinds at Piscataqua distressed by the Indian Enemies. And for their Encouragement they shall have Liberty to Nominate their Officers, and shall Receive out of the Publique Treasury Eight Pounds for every fighting Mans Head, or Scalp, that they shall bring in, and Care shall be taken for their Provision.

And whatever Indian Plunder falls into their Hands shall be their Own.

For the Releife of the Frontier Towns exposed to Many fear’s being in Continual Danger of being Surprised by the Enemy, It’s Ordered by the Governour, and Council and Representatives now Assembled, That the Commanders of the Several Regiments do give Notice to the Captains of the Troops to Meet with them, and Consult how the Troopers may be disposed, and Improved as may best Conduce to the Releife, and Comfort of those that are Endangered, And the Troopers as well, as those more Remote from the Frontier Town’s as those that belong unto them so to be Ordered, as that they may Join together in Scouting upon the Outside of the Frontier Towns in such wise, as that they may Observe the Motions of the Enemies, and give Notice of the Danger to the Town’s or farms adjacent as any may appear, And they are also Impower’d to kill, and Destroy the Enemy as any Oppertunity shall Present.

Order for Succor of the Frontiers

Ordered that three Hundred Men be forthwith Raised; and Detached out of the Several County’s in Proportion following Vizt. Boston Regiment Sixty, Suffolk South Regiment Sixty, Essex Lower Regiment Seventy, Essex Upper Regiment Sixty; Middx. Lower Regiment fifty, to be put under Meet Conduct for the Security, and Safeguard of the out Frontier Town’s, as well as within this Colony, as the Eastern Parts, and for the distressing, and Destruction of the Indian Enemy as they shall have Orders, and Oppertunity, Warrants to be forthwith issued by the Secretary, unto the Majors, or Commanders in Cheif of the Said Several Regiments; Requiring them to grant out their Warrants unto the Captains of the Several Company’s in their Respective Regiments to Detach or Impress a Certain Number of Soldiers out of each Company by an Equal Proportion, well Appointed with Arms, and Ammunition to be at their Place of Rendesvous by Friday next the fifth of July instant, or Sooner, at Newbury or where else the Majority shall be Directed. The Governr. and Council to Nominate, and Commisionate Suitable Commanders for them, and to give Orders, and Instructions for their disposal, and Proceeding.

Order for a Detachment of 300 Men

Understanding Major Appleton was absent, Capt. Daniel Epps, Capt. Thos. Fiske, and Captn. John Price, are Ordered to Act in his Absence.

Whereas there is a Considerable Number of Indians that are now gathering together, who by their Late Murders, and depredations made in Several Places, in the Eastward Parts have declared themselves Publique Enemies to their Majesties and their Subjects here, The Governr., and Council, and Representatives now assembled being very tender of the Lives of those Indians that are in Amity with us Do therefore declare that they expect, and Require that all such Indians as would avoid the Danger of being Pursued, and Prosecuted as Confederates with the Common Enemy, do on Publication hereof, withdraw themselves from all Manner of Resort unto, and Correspondence with the Enemy, And also bring in their Names, and Places of Abode to the Captain or Cheif Officers of the Trainband to them next Adjoining; And Take Advice of them for their Security, And Such as Neglect so to do are hereby to Know, that if themselves or Relations do Suffer with the Common Enemy their Blood will be on their own Heads.

Boston July 3d. 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council, and Representatives

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Phillips
  • John Richards
  • Willm. Johnson
  • Jeremiah Swayne Esqrs.208
  • James Russell
  • John Smith

Thomas Wade Nominated for Captain of Ipswitch Troop John Whipple Senr. Nominated for Lieutenant, John Whipple Junr. Nominated of Cornet, and John Kinsman209 Nominated for Quarter Master of Said Troop, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Ipswich Troop Officers

Paul Thorndike Nominated for Captain of the foot Military Company in Beverly, Exercise Conant Nominated Lieutenantt, and John Knight Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Beverly Military Officers

Mr. James Minott Nominated Captain for the Military Company in Concord, Simon Davis Nominated for Lieutenant, and Humphry Barret Nominated for Ensign of Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Concord Military Offices

Understanding by a Paper210 Presented under the Hand of Captain Laurence Hammond of Charlestown that Looks at himself as free, and Discharged from that Place, and Office, he Hath for so long time born, as Captain of a Military Company in Said Town, and the Company having Proceeded to a Nomination of Officers, Vizt. John Phillips Esqr. for their Captain, John Call Senr. for their Lieutenant, and Samuel Kettle for Ensign of Said Company the Said Persons, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Charlestown Military Officers

Ordered that an Express be Sent to Captain Thomas Prentice now Rallying his Troop at Cambridge, to dispatch Two Party’s out of that Troop of Twenty; Each well Appointed with Arms, and Ammunition; One Party for Dunstable211 the other for Lancaster, for the Releife, and Succour of those Places, and to Scout, about the heads of those Town’s, and other Places adjacent to discover the Enemies Motion, and to take, Surprise, or Destroy them, as they shall have Opportunity.

Releif to Dunstable and Lancaster

Ordered that some Meet Person, or Persons be desired to go up to treat with the Maquas to Renew our former alliance and to oblige them to Send forth a Sufficient Number of their Men to the Eastern Parts to destroy our Indian Enemies for a Consideration to be Paid them for every Indian Enemies head, or Scalp they shall bring to us, And that a Meet Present of fifty, or Sixty Pounds to be Made unto them.212

Agreement for Sending to the Maquas

Moses Bradstreet Nominated for Captain of the foot Company of Rowley213 is Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in the Said Place, and Office.

Rowley Captain.

The Governour and Council Ordered Mr. Treasurer to deliver unto Job, and Peter Piticomb Indians each of them a Trucking Cloth Coat having done Service in bringing Intelligence of the design of the Enemy.

It’s Ordered that the Declaration referring to the Indians in Amity with us be forthwith Published unto them by Capt. Premise, and Mr. Noah Wiswall, who are Ordered to Repair unto their Plantations, at Puncapaug and Natick, and when Called together, Prudently to discourse them Referring to their own Circumstances in this Time of Hostility with their Country Men our Enemies, and to let them Know their own Security is the Intent of the Courts sending unto them; And if they shall Choose to abide in their Several Plantations; for Safeguard of their Corn etc., the Governour, and Council will then at the Publick Charge choose, and Send some Meet Persons to Reside among them under whose Conduct they must Yeild themselves Or if they can Propound any Better Expedient, that will be more Effectual for their Security, the Governor and Council will Consider thereof; Also to Propound to them that the Indians that are Come among the English from Pennycoke, Wamesit etc. may Come, and Sojourn among them during the Present distress.

Adjourned to too morrow morning at Eight a Clock214

3 July 1689

That messingers he forthwith dispatched to plymouth and Connecticut Colonies to desire their advice and assistance in the present Expedition against the Indian Enimies.

Voted by the Representatives in the affirmative.

Attests Ebenezer Trout Clerk

July 2d. 1689

3 July. 1689 Consented to by the Governour and Council

Isa. Addington Secretary215

Boston 4o July 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Councill and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Jon. Curwin
  • James Russell
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Tho. Danforth
  • John Phillips216
  • John Smith
  • Elisha Cooke

Present all as Yesterday (except Capt. Swayne) and Mr. Jonathan Curwin.

It is Declared that all Courts of Judicature as formerly held, within this Colony According to the Direction of the Law tide Courts; made by the Governour and Company be holden, at the Stated Times, and Places as Mentioned in Said Law until farther Setlement.

Opening of Courts

Whereas it was Declared by the Governour and Council and Representatives on the fourteenth of June last Past; That for a Present Setling of the Militia, all Commission Officers of the Several Military Companies, and Regiments within this Colony of the Massachusets, who were Standing in Commission upon the Twelvth Day of May 1686 Yet Liveing, and not Rendred uncapable by Age, or Other Just Exceptions against them (to be Judged of by the Government) or Removed from the Town are thereby Continued, and Restored to their Respective places, and Command, according to the Tenour of their Said Commissions, Until farther Setlement, And that all Vacancies should forthwith be filled up by the Nomination of Meet Persons to be Presented to the Governour, and Council etc. for their Allowance, and Confirmation.

Military Officers Confirmed

It is farther Declared that all such Commission Officers as were so Commissioned, and all such as have been or shall be allowed, and Confirmed as Afore said, are Herby Impowered and Authorized to Execute their Military Power, According to their respective Places, and Trust; And all Persons are Required to Yeild Obedience to them Accordingly on Penalty of being proceeded against as the Law directs in Case any shall Refuse, or fail therein.

Thomas Wells Nominated for Lieutenant of the Military Company in Deerfield, and David Hoytt Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Deerfeild Military Officers

William Rayment Senr. Nominated for Captain of Beverly Troop, William Dodge Junr. Nominated for Lieutenant; John Dodge, Junr. Nominated for Cornet, and Thomas West Nominated for Quarter Master of Said Troop, are Accordingly allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.217

Beverly Troop Officers

The Governr. and Council in Answer to the Motion of Mr. Francis Littlefield for Some Supply, of Ammunition for Wells People; Ordered that Mr. Prout deliver unto him half a Barrell of Powder, and one Hundred weight of Shott, taking his Bond to Restore the Like Quantity again in Some Convenient Time or the Value thereof in Money.

Jacob Nash218 Senr. Nominated to be Lieutenant of the foot Company in Weymouth is Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in the Said Office.

Weymouth Lieutnt.

John Winchcombe was sworn Marshall of the County of Suffolk before the Governour and Council.

Jno. Winchcomb Sworn Marshall

Boston 4 July 1689

Jonas Clarke Master of a Sloope under constant employ and Robt. Gammon master of a Barque on a Fishing Voyage are released by the Governour and Councill from the Impress and ordered that Captn. Greenough provide some other meet persons in their roome and stead.219

Boston July 5o 1689

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour.
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Jona, Curwin
  • John Richards
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Phillips
  • James Russell
  • John Smith
  • Jer. Swayne

John Warren Nominated for Captain of the Foot Company in Watertown, Benjamin Garfield Nominated for Lieutenant and John Morse Nominated for Ensigne, are Accordingly [allowed] and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Watertown Military Officers

It’s Ordered that the fifty men detached out of the Lower Middlesex Regiment be Disposed of by Major John Phillips, as he shall think Meet for the Security of the frontier Towns in that County Vizt. Dunstable, Lancaster, Stow, and Groton, and for the Destruction of the Enemy, as they shall have Opportunity; to be put under the Respective Commanders of Said Places.

John Buttrick Nominated Lieutenant for the Town of Stow to Command for Watching, and Warding, and what else, may be Necessary, until farther Nomination, and Settlement; he is Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed, for that Service.

Stow Officers

Lieutnt. William Johnson, Capt. Jer. Swayne, Capt. Richd. Sprague, Christopher Webb, and Capt. Thomas Noyes are Nominated, and Appointed a Committee forthwith to Order and Dispatch away fifty of the Men detach’t out of Boston Regiment, and the South Suffolk Regiment, unto the Province of Maine, to be disposed of, for the Security of the Town’s, and Places there Vizt. For North Yarmouth fifteen, Falmouth Fifteen, Garrison at Sagahahock Ten, Saco, Ten, to be Under the Commanders of the Aforesaid Places, for the Defence thereof and Destruction of the Enemy as they shall have Opportunity.

John Ware Nominated Lieutenant for the Military Company, in Wrentham, and Eliezer Metcalf Nominated Ensign for Said Company are Accordingly Allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Wrentham Military Officers

Thomas Wilder Nominated for Lieutenant of the Soldiery in Lancaster, and John Moore Nominated Ensigne of Said Company of Soldiers, are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Lancaster Military Officers

Adjournment to too morrow at Eight in the morning.220

Boston July 6th 1689

At the Convention [of the Governour and Council and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony]221

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Governour
  • Thomas Danforth
  • John Smith
  • Jona. Curwin
  • James Russell
  • Samuel Shrimpton
  • John Phillips
  • Elisha Cooke

An Order Past to Mr. Francis Burrough’s to deliver the Arms, and Ammunition brought from the Eastward unto Capt. Timothy Proutt.

Its Declared that the Committees of Militia in the Several Town’s of this Colony, do forthwith Order their Several Foot Companies, and Troops, to be Well fix’t with Arms, and Ammunition according to Law; and that the Said Committees of Militia have Power to Order, and Appoint such Part of their Said Company’s and Troops, as they shall Judge Meet, upon any Emergency or Assault of their Neighbouring Towns to their Assistance, and Releife, and to Appoint Officers, and Leaders, as are Necessary and to Give Orders, and Instructions to Such Leaders and Parly’s as they shall Send forth, as they shall Judge Meet; and such Militia shall forthwith from Time to Time give an Account of their Actions to the Major of the Regiment.

This order to be printed and published.222

Forasmuch as there hath of Late been a more than Ordinary Recourse of Indians to the Towns of Boston and Charlestown to the disquieting of the People, and Danger of Exposing such Indians as are freindly unto us to Mischeif, and Violence besides other Inconveniences that may Attend the Same, For Prevention, whereof, during this Time of Hostility, and Security of all Such Indians, as Pretend not be Concerned or hold Correspondence with the Enemy; It’s Ordered that from and after the Publication hereof all such Indians, do Abide, and Remain in the Several Places to be Assigned unto them, And that none do presume to Come into the Towns, of Boston or Charlestown, or any Other Towns, Unless it be on Some Special Errand or Message without Licence from the Governour or one or More Member of the Council, or Cheif Military Officer in Such Town, And it’s farther Ordered that the Military Officers of Boston, and Charlestown in their Respective Places do from time to time Order a Constant Watch, and Ward to be kept upon the Neck of Land, between Boston, and Roxbury, and Upon the Causeway in Charlestown to Examine all Indians travailing to or From either of the Said Towns, and to Search their Basketts, or Other Carriage for Powder, or Ammunition, and Seize upon all they find; Likewise to Apprehend, and Secure all Indians whom there is ground to Suspect of any Ill Intentions and bring them before the Next Magistrate or Cheif Military Officer to be Examined, And that there be a Convenient Number of Men Set to Ward in each Town of this Colony upon the Sabbath Days, and to Walk the Bounds, in and about their Several Towns in the time of Publick Worship, the Military Officers to See the Same Effected, and Said Warders to Examine all Travailers, and Idle Walkers that absent themselves from the Publick Worship, and to Secure such as give them not a Satisfactory Answer.

Order to Inhibit Indians Resort to Boston or Charlestown during the Warr

Order respecting Friend Indians to be printed and published.223

The Inferiour Officers of the West Military Company in Salem, haveing Presented a Nomination of Superior Officers made by the Said Company Vizt. Mr. Bartho. Gedney for their Captain; Mr. Stephen Sewall for Lieutenant and Mr. Edward Flint for Ensign of Said Company, the Said persons are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices, and Places.

Salem West Officers

Ordered that Speedy Care be taken for the Preservation of Pemaquid and their Majesties People, and Interest there.

Ordered that all Officers Commisionated in the Town of Maiden in May 1686 Stand in Commission Except they see Cause to Lay down or Just Exception be brought in against any.

Ordered that the Military Company in Charlestown late under the command of Captain Laurance Hammond have liberty to make a new nomination of Commission Officers to be presented for Confirmation.224

Ordered that Thomas Larkin be inlarged, Giveing his own Bond of one hundred Pounds for His Good Behaviour, and Appearance at Court to Answer; And in case he goes his Sea Voyage as He propounds, he shall be Licensed so to do; Provided he give Forty Pounds Bond to the Select Men of Boston, that His Wife and Children shall not be Chargeable to the Town of Boston.

A Bill Past for the Enlargment of Joshua Brodbent;225 he giving bond of five hundred Pounds with Sufficient Sureties to Answer all Complaints that shall be brought in against Him, and Entred with the Secretary within two Month’s at the next County Court Holden at Boston after the End of Said Two Month’s, and also for his Good abbearance226 in the Mean time.

6o. July 1689

By the Governor and Councill

Ordered that Quarter master Thomas Swift227 of Milton take the Care and Oversight of the Plantation of Indians at Puncapaug to see that they keep within the Station and limits assigned them for their own Safety. And provide some meet person to Reside among them to call them over by name from time to time to see that they keep together, and Admit none of the Enemy Indians or other strange Indians to Reside among them, but such as shalbe allowed of by the said Quartermaster Swift.228

Tho. Hichborn was released from his Imprisonment.229

A warrant was ordered to be granted for the apprehending of Robert Small Carpenter of the Rose Frigatt to appear before the Governour and Council on Munday next the Eighth of July afternoon to answer a complaint exhibited against him by Capne. John George Commander of said Ship for Imbezelment of their Majesties Stores belonging to said Ship.

A warrant accordingly issued being delivered to Marshall Winchcombe. Complaint being made by John Baxter of Braintry against Wm. Veesy of the same place for his exciting the People to oppose the Authority of the present Government etc.

A warrant was sent to apprehend him and bring him before the Governor and Councill on Munday next the 8th of July.230

Boston, Munday 8o. July 1689

At the Councill

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Samll. Shrimpton
  • James Russell
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke

Wm. Vesey of Braintry being brought before the Councill upon a complaint for his exciting and stirring up the People to disobedience against the Government and their Orders, declaring that there is no Government.

Ordered that the said Wm. Vesey give two hundred pounds bond with sureties for his appearance at the next County Court for Suffolk to be holden in Boston to answer for the said misdemeanor and in the mean time to be of good behaviour and upon his refusal to give bond as aforesaid to be sent to prison.

An order was passed to Capne. Tho. Prentis and Mr. Noah Wiswall to have the Inspection of the Friend Indians at the Plantation at Natick Hassanamesit and Wamesit and to appoint them their Limits and Stations and to Order some meet persons to reside among them to Inspect them.231

Major John Richards Capne Tho. Savage and Capne. Penn Townsend are desired and appointed a Committee to dispatch away the Souldiers too morrow morning new detached or Impressed for their Majesties Service on the Eastern Expedition Twenty to Saco and the Remainder (not exceeding Thirty) to Falmouth and North Yarmouth. And the Treasurer is ordered to provide Vessels and furnish them with provision and Ammunition; the said Souldiers to be put under the sever all Commanders of said places.232

In Answer to the Petition of the Inhabitants of Northfield, Peter Tilton Esqr. Mr. Samel Partrigg and Mr. John King who are by them Voted a Committee233 to Order that for them which in their discretion they shall judge meet and most for the benefit safety and good of the whole are accordingly allowed.234

Boston July 9o 1689

At a Councill

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Isa. Addington
  • Elisha Cooke
  • James Russell
  • Tho. Danforth
  • John Phillips

John Barker nominated for Lieutenant of the Toot Company of Andover and Stephen Johnson is Nominated for Ensigne of said Company are accordingly allowed and confirmed in their respective places and offices.

A Letter was dispatch’t to Capne. Peirce of Newbury to appoint a meet person to conduct the Souldiers detached for their Majesties Service now quartered at Newbury. A Letter was likewise dispach’t to Major Samll. Appelton at Cochecho to dispose the men now with him and the others now sent into the Garrisons and places therefor their security and defence against the Enemy and for the repulsing of them untill farther orders; unless so many can be procured out of the Province to joyne to them to make a Sufficient number to go in pursuit of the Enemy, with the Advice of the Gentln. of the Province.

The Treasurer is Ordered to provide 1500 weight of bread Eight barrells of Porke and twelve bushells of pease for the Supply of the Souldiers and sent to Saca and Casco Bay and furnishing the sloop Mary John Alden Commander.235

Sundry of the Souldiers of Woburn to the number of Fifty or thereabouts makeing their objections236 against Captain John Carter by reason of age and Extraordinary deafness rendred unfit and incapable to continue his place and command of said Company as their Captain and the disatisfaction of the Souldiers thereat.

It’s Ordered that the Lieutenant of said Company forthwith call the Company together to make their nomination of a fit person for their Captain and to nominate Others for Commission Officers or any Vacancy may hapen in said Company and present the same to the Governour and Councill for their allowance and Confirmation.

Lemuel Kollock237

Adjourned to Thursday the 11th of July instant at Two a Clock, and then Mett

Boston 11o. July 1689

At the Convention of the Councill and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony.

  • Present
  • Tho. Danforth, Depy. Governour
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Smith
  • John Phillips
  • Wm. Johnson
  • James Russell
  • Isa. Addington238

July 11th 1689

Prsent the Deputy Governour, Mr. Russell, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Johnson, Capt. Smith, Mr. Phillips, Isa. Addington.

Timothy Cutler Nominated Ensigne for the Military Company in Charlestown under the Command of Capt. Richard Sprague is allowed and Confirmed in the Said Office.

Charlestown Officers

The Lieutenant of the Military Foot Company in Maiden under the Conduct of Capt. John Sprague Standing in Commission in 1686 having Laid Down His Place, And Joseph Wilson Senr. Nominated for Lieutenant of Said Company, And Phineas Sprague Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company, are Accordingtly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Maiden Officers

The New Troop gathered in Marblehead having Nominated Nathaniel Norden for their Captain, Robert Bardet for Lieutenant, Andrew Tucker for Cornet, and Robert Goodwin for Quarter Master of Said Troop, are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Marblehead Troop Officers

A Letter was dispatched from the Council to Major Samuel Appleton at Cocheca if hee see cuse to come home239 to leave the impres’t men under the command of Lieut. Stephen Greenlefe, junr. for Security of those parts and repulsing of the Enemy, who if he accept that charge a commission and orders shalbe sent unto him.

The Council ordered the Treasurer to provide 5 lb. weight of Bread, a Quarter caske of Rhum, some Linnen for Shirts, Stockins and Shoes to be forthwith dispatch’t and sent away to the Garrison at Temaquid.240

An order from the Councill was dispatched to Capne. Fayerweather at the Castle, to make Search of a French Sloop now bound out of this Tort for Armes and Ammunition and if more be found than is necessary for the Vessells use to stop her untill a Satisfactory answer be given to the Councill of the occasion of their exporting such Armes and Ammunition,

Adjourned to too morrow at Eight in the morning.241

Boston July 12o 1689

At the Convention of the Councill and Representatives

  • Present
  • Tho. Danforth Deputy Governor
  • Ja. Russell
  • Jer. Swayne
  • John Smith
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Isa. Addington242

Boston July 12th 1689

Present as Yesterday (except Mr. Phillips) and Captn. Swayne

Return being made by Several of the Officers of the West Military Company in Salem; That Mr. Bartho. Gedney Lately Nominated for Capt. of Said Company, and allowed in Said Office, doth Decline that Service, and the Said Company haveing there upon Proceeded to a New Nomination of Commission Officers, and Presented them for Confirmation Vizt. Stephen Sewall for their Captain; Robert Kitchen for Lieutenant and Edward Flint for Ensigne of Said Company; the Persons are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Salem Military Officers

Capt. Thomas Prentice Commander of the Troop of Horse in the Lower Middlesex Regiment having Presented a Nomination, made by the Company of Commission Officers for Said Troop Vizt. Mr. William Bond for their Lieutenant, John Hammond for Cornett, and John Fowle for Quarter Master of Said Troop, the Said Persons are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.243 Present also the Governour and Maj. Richards.

Cambridge Troop Officers

Oliver Purchase being Nominated for Captain of the Foot Company in Lynn; Thomas Banderaft Senr. Nominated for Lieutenant, and Sergt. John Newhall Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company, are Accordingly Allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Lynn Officers

A Letter was written from the Governour and Councill to Lt. James Weems at Pemaquid. A Copy where of is on file.244

Ordered that Capt. Nicho. Manning245 be Enlarged from his Restraint he giving His Bond of two Hundred Pounds with Sufficient Sureties to Appear at the County Court for Suffolk to be held at Boston, in October Next Coming to Answer all such Complaints as shall be Objected against Him by any Persons in their Majesties Behalf, and Entred with the Secretary, within two Months Next Coming, and to abide the Order of Said Court therein etc. And in the meantime to be of good Behaviour.

Adjourned to too morrow at Eight in the Morning.246

Boston, July 13o 1689

At the Convention of the Governor and Councill and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Isa. Addington
  • John Phillips
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Jer. Swayne247
  • John Smith
  • James Russell

Boston July 13th 1689

Present the Governr, Mr. Danforth, Majr. Richards, Mr. Russell, Mr. Cooke, Capt. Smith, Major Phillips, Capt. Swayne, Isa. Addington.

Edward Morris being Nominated by the Soldiery of New Roxbury248 to be their Lieutenant, and William Bartholomew Senr. for their Ensigne, the Said Persons are Accordingly allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

New Roxbury Officers

Mr. Jacob Eliot being Nominated by the Troopers of Boston and the Town’s Adjacent, within the County of Suffolk for their Captain, Thomas Swift Senr. of Milton for their Lieutenant, John Baxter of Braintry for Cornet, and Thos. Holman of Milton for their Quarter Master, the Said Persons are Accordingly allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Boston Troop Officers

Ordered that the friend Indians lately imployed in Public Service at Wells, be Paid Nine shillings a Man; Eight whereof in Suitable Cloathing, and one shilling a Peice in Money in Recompense of their Said Service; Mr. Treasury with the Assistance and Direction of Mr. Noah Wiswall to Order, and Convey the Said Payment unto them; If any of them have already Received any Part thereof the Same to be abated.

Order to Pay the Indians Employ’d at Wells

Ordered that twenty Men be forthwith dispatched away to Major Henchman to be for the Reliefe of Chelmsford Farms, or such Places as he shall see Cause to Dispose of them; Eight of them to be for the North of Merrimack; the Men to be taken out of those Men, that are or ought to be Imprest, and have not Appeared.

Order for 20 Men to Chelmsford

Ordered by the Governour, and Council, that the twenty Men Ordered to be sent to Major Henchman for the reliefe of Chelmsford be Draw forth out of the Towns Hereafter Named in Proportion following Vizt. Boston Ten, Roxbury Four, Dorchester three, and Charlestown three, out of the Number formerly Ordered to be Detached in the Said Respective Town’s which they have been short in Compleating, to Appear at Boston well Appointed, with Arms, and Ammunition on Monday Next 15th Instant at Eight a Clock in the Morning.

John Legg Nominated for Captain of the foot Military Company in Marblehead; James Dennis Nominated for Lieutenant, and Ambrose Gale, Junr. for Ensigne of Said Company, are Accordingly Allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices and Places.

Marblehead Officers

Ordered that Captain William Rayment Captain of Beverly Troop have Liberty to list so many as may make up Said Troop Sixty Men besides Officers, Provided he list none that shall Rend themselves from any foot Company upon disgust taken or discontent, or Otherwise Uncapable for that Service.

Ordered249 that the Commission Officers of the Military Company in Charlestown under the Command of Capt. Laurance Hammond that were in Commission on the Twelvth of May 1686 be and are hereby Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Ordered that these Indians Vizt. James Speen, and His family, Little James and His Family, Peter Muckamagg and His Family, with the Consent of the Major Part of the Inhabitants of Concord, be continued in Said Town, under the Conduct of Lt. Simon Davis, or in His absence Lt. Deliverance Wheeler.

Ordered that Thursday the 25th of July instant be Kept as a Day of Humiliation with Solemn Prayer unto God for His Gracious Presence with, and Direction to His Poor People of this Country under the Present difficult Circumstances by Reason of the Warr, with the Indians etc. And that a Bill be Drawn up and Printed,250 and Sent forth to the Several Towns for that End; And that all Servile Labour be Inhibited on that Day.

By the Governour and Council.

Upon the Several Motions of Mr. Joseph Dudley, and in Consideration of His Great indisposition of Body; Its Ordered that He shall be forthwith Removed from the Prison and Confined to His own House at Roxbury till farther Order, not to go out of His Said house or Precincts of his Yard, or Backside adjoining at any Time, Except to the Publicque Worship of God, on the Sabbath Day, and that under a Sufficient Guard to Conduct him from his own House to the Said Meeting, and back again, which is to be Ordered, and Appointed by the Captain of the Foot Company in Roxbury, And He the Said Mr. Dudley to give Bond to the Value of Ten thousand pounds with Sufficient Sureties to be, and Remain a True Prisoner according to the Contents, and True Meaning of this Order until he shall be Released by Order of Law, or Otherwise disposed of by Direction from the Government of the Massachusetts Colony.

This Order Past by the Governour, and Magistrates agreable to a Message251 sent in from the Representatives; by Several of their Number consenting to the Ease of Mr. Dudley, So that he Remain under Confinement.

Boston 16o. July 89

To the Honourable the Governor and Council The Petition of John Winslow

Humbly Sheweth.

That whereas your Petitioner was yesterday committed to Prison for a sudden unadvised Speech uttered by him in discourse with some yesterday, that Mr. Dudley would or should be in Prison again before night, your Petitioner haveing no ill intention in what he said or to oppose himselfe against the Government, but the said words were drawn from him in some hast of discourse, and is sorry he hath thereby given offense, and shall not countenance or Encourage any disorder, or tumultuary gathering of the People.

Your Petitioner prays he may be enlarged and set at liberty, and shall alwaies yield his ready Subjection to the Government.

And as in duty bound pray, etc.

John Winslow

16o. July Upon reading this Petition in Council owned By John Winslow he was released from his Imprisonment.

Isa. Addington Secry.252

The Convention of the Representatives adjourned to the fifteenth of August next at Nine in the Morning, Except upon Emergency the Governour and Council see Cause to Call them together before Said Time.

Boston 22d July 1689

By the Governour and Councill

The nomination of the military Officers in Salisbury253 being uncertain and disputable, For Prevention of division among the Souldiery, Its desired that Captain Bradbury, Captain of said Town by Commission on the twelfth day of May 1686 would please to hold his place at present, And he is hereby Ordered to call the Company together to nominate a Lieutenant for Said Company to he presented to the Governour and Councill for Confirmation.

By order Isa. Addington.

This order reassumed and a new vote made the next day.

Isa. Addington, Secry.254

Order for Securing John Cooke’s new Sloop

Boston. July 26. 1689

Upon some information given to the Councill referring to the sloop, whereof John Cook is master, It is ordered that Capt. John Wing with such assistance as he shall need enter and board the said sloop and secure her in the [mill?] creek or otherwise until the Councill may have opportunity to make further inquiry into the matter.

By Order of the Governor and

Councill   Isa. Addington Secry.255

14.6.89 [14 August 1689]

Proposals to be considered by the General Convention

1. That the warr against the Indian Enemey be Vigorously followed.


2. for that end, an Impress be forthwith made of 6 or 800 men.


3. That their rendezvous be in the frontier towns


4. That a Councill of Warr be chosen and impowered to mannage the warr and all officers necessary to that end.


5. That all Warrants for an impress be speedily Executed and obeyed on a severe penalty.

6. That where the militia in the several towns are not setled as the Law directs, the Councill shall nominate meet persons and give them Commission for their Majesties Service.

7. That Henceforth all payments to Soldiers and salleries be made in country pay, and their allowance be proportionable.

8. That a committe be chosen to collect the Country debts, and make return thereof to this session.


9. That the tumultuous disorder of those that opposed the Councills order for the removall of Mr. Dudley under 1000 baile be severely testified against.

10. That where constables are not chosen and sworn in any town as the law directs, the County Court or any 3 of the Magistrates be impowered to appoint and sweare meet persons for their Majesties service in the office.


11. That all house holders and soldiers belonging to the Eastern Parts and are come away from their several plantations an account of their names be by a committee of this court forthwith taken and return made to this court.256

12. That those drawn from the Eastern Parts be injoyned to return againe to their several places. Excepting those plantations that are deserted.

13. That the new sloop in the mill creek be well fitted and a sutable commande provided that may have a care of her and be Alwaies in a readiness for the Countrey Service.

14. That a committee be appoynted forthwith to examine the Countryes stoare of ammunition and powder and shott.

15. That the Treasurer be ordered to purchase such powder and shott as will be necessary to fill up the countryes stoares.257

August 15th 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony, being adjourned to this Day.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Jona. Curwin
  • John Phillips
  • Isaa. Addington

Mr. John Green is Appointed Marshal General of this Colony for Present, and until a farther Setlement.

It’s Ordered that Joseph Thaxter of Boston be Commander of the New Sloop called the Resolution, who is Ordered forthwith to take the Charge of Said Sloop, and Ship Six able Seamen upon her that she may be Speedily fitted up, and Made Ready to Attend their Majesties Service to be Sent forthwith, upon such Expeditions as the Governour and Council shall Order.

Augt. 16. 89

Augt. 16. 89. Present all as Yesterday and Capt. Smith.

Amesbury Officers

Samuel Foot Nominated for Captain of the Foot Company in Aimsbury.

Thomas Sergeant Nominated for Lieutenant, and John Barnard Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company, The Said Persons are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

James Davis Nominated for Captain Foot Company in Glocester, James Stevens Nominated for Lieutenant of Said Company, and Thomas Millet Senr. Nominated for Ensigne of Said Company, the Said Persons, are accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in their respective Offices.

Glocester Officers

Ordered that the Gentlemen of this Colony, and Persons of Estate be Desired to Advance, and Disburse Money, and Other Necessaries in Behalf of the Colony for the Carrying on the Warr against the Indians, and for the Defraying of the Charge thereof, and the Publicque faith is hereby given unto Such as shall disburse on that Account to be Repaid the Same, out of the first Publick Rates or Assessment that shall be made, and Collected.

Engagement for the Loan of Money

August 16th. 1689

Ordered by the Representatives that Meet persons be forth with dispatched to the Maquas and Sinicars to renew our former alliance to return them thanks for their faithfullnesse to us and that there be a suitable present sent to them.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk258

Ordered by the Representatives that there be Impressed Six hundred men horse and foot, and that they be put under meet Conduct, and that there Rendezvous be at the frontier towns as order shall be given them.

August 16th 1689

Ebenezer Prout Clerk259

17. August 1689

At the Convention

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • John Phillips
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Peter Tilton
  • James Russell
  • Jona. Curwin260
  • William Johnson

Peter Tilton Esqr. took the Oath of Assistant.

Ordered that Messrs. Adam Winthrop, John Foster, and John Eyre261 be a Committee for the Warr to Manage the Affaires thereof in the Providing, and furnishing out the Soldiery that shall from time to time be Detached, and Sent Forth for their Majesties Service, with Provisions, Ammunition, and Other Necessaries, and to Assist in Other incident Matters referring thereunto as they shall be directed, and Receive Orders from the Governour and Council; All which to be done on the Account, and at the Charge of the Publick.

Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Eyre desired to be excused from this Service.

The Convention haveing Perused an Order drawn by the President of the Province of Maine262; Impowring Capt. Sylvanus Davis, Capt. Anthony Bracket, Lt. George Ingerson, Lt. Thaddeus Clarke, Elisha Gunnison, and Lt. Elisha Andrews, a Committee for Regulating the Affaires of the Plantation of Falmouth, and for the Ordering and Disposing of People into Garrisons, Scoutings, Watches, and Wardings, and for Regulating the Militia of the Town for their defence, and destruction, of the Enemy do approve thereof; And the Like Order to be made for Other Town’s in that Province of Suitable Persons in their Respective Towns.


The Council Ordered Lt. Elisha Andrews to take under his Conduct, and Charge the Twenty one Soldiers now Quartered at Captn. Wings according to the List of their Names given Him being Part of the Number detached for their Majesties Service for the Strengthning of the Forts, and Garrisons at Casco, and Conduct of the Said Men unto Cascoe, to be Under the Command of the Officers there to be by them disposed of for the Security and Defence of the Said Place.

Adjourned to Monday the 19th of Augt. instant at one o’clock.263

19 August. 89.

At the Convention

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Jona. Curwin
  • Jno. Hathorne
  • James Russell
  • Tho. Danforth
  • John Phillips264
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Pe. Tilton

Present the Governour, Deputy Governour, Mr. Russell, Mr. Tilton, Majr. Richards, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Hathorne, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Curwin.

Information being given that Thomas Hawkins, Thos. Pounds265 and others Confederate with them have Lately Piratically Surprised, and taken Two Vessels, within the Massachusetts Bay, the One a Ketch belonging to Salem, and the Other belonging to Piscataqua, and are Supposed to be Waiting to Commit farther Robberies, It’s Ordered that the Sloop Resolution266; Joseph Thaxter Commander be forthwith fitted with Guns, Artilery Ammunition and Provisions, and that forty able Seamen be Ship’t upon her to be Speedily sent forth for the Security of the Coast, and Vessels passing in and out upon their Lawful Business; the Said Joseph Thaxter to be Commissioned to Cruse, with Said Vessell upon this Coast in Search for the Said Pirates or Others, who upon Examination and Search shall be found to be Upon the Like wicked, and Unlawfull Design, and to Pursue, Surprise, and in Case of Resistance and Opposition, by force of Arms to Subdue, Kill and Destroy them, And such as they take to bring them, and Vessels into Boston to be proceeded against by the Authority according to Law.

Order for setting forth the Sloop Resolution for Guarding

Order about Great Guns, 1689

Ordered by the Governor and Councill that Capt. Sproul deliver unto mr. Thaxter two gunns with carrages and what other things you have of the Countreys needfull for fitting out the Resolution and his receipt shold be dischargd.

Order that Mr. Aiding likewise deliver unto Capt. Thaxter the Guns and Artillery and other Utensills that belongs to the Sloop Mary and take receipt for the same.267

And for Encouragement to those men who shall go forth in Said Vessell upon that expedition; Its Ordered that they be upon usual Monthly Wages, And upon any Casualty befalling any of the Said Men by Loss of Limb or being otherwise Maimed that Meet Allowance, and Provision be made for such. And the Treasurer is Ordered to furnish and Supply all Provisions, and Necessaries for Setting forth of Said vessell.

Ordered that John Pyncheon Esqr. Major Thomas Savage and Capt. Andrew Belcher be desired, and entreated to go up to Albany as Messengers from this Colony to treat [with] the Maqua’s, and Other Nations of the Indians in Confederacy with them (if advised by the Gentlemen upon the Place) to renew our former Friendship with them, against the Common Indian Enemy; according to Instructions that shall be given Them, The Treasurer to Provide and Supply the Said Gentlemen with Money and Other Necessaries for them, and Attendants expences in the Said Service.

Commissrs. to treat with the Maquas etc.

Ordered that Messrs. John Foster, Edward Bromfield, and Joseph Parson be a Committee for the Warr to Manage the Affaires thereof in the Providing, and furnishing out the Soldiery that shall from time to time be detached, and sent forth for their Majesties Service with Provisions Ammunition, and other Necessaries, and to assist in Other Incident Matters Referring thereunto as they shall be directed, and Receive Orders from the Governor and Council, All which to be done on the Accompt, and at the Charge of the Publick.

Commissioners for the Warr

The Governour and Councill gave an Order to Mr. Treasurer to pay five Pounds to Sergt. Elisha Andrews in Part of His Salary for the Countries Service.

The Governor and Councill order Capne. Troutt to deliver halfe a barrell of powder to Mr. Jno. Wiswall now bound to Saco for the use of the Garrison there.268

Maquas 1689

19 August 1689

Ordered that a Committee be forthwith chosen to draw Instructions269 for the Gentlemen that are to go as our Messengers to the Maquas. The Magistrates do nominate Major Jno. Richards, Dr. Cook, and Mr. Isaac Addington to joyne with some of the Representatives.

By order of the Governor and Councill

Tho. Danforth

Chosen by the Representatives to be of the above said Committy Capt. Townsend, Capt. Lines, Capt. Rayment, Mr. Webb, Mr. Bowles.

per order John Higginson270

Augt. 20th. 1689

At the Convention

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet, Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Samll. Shrimpton
  • Elisha Cooke
  • James Russell
  • John Phillips
  • William Johnson
  • Peter Tilton
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Jona. Curwin271
  • John
  • Samll. Appelton
  • Hathorne

Present the Governor, Deputy Governor, Majr. Richards, Mr. Russell, Mr. Tilton, Majr. Appleton, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hathorne, Mr. Shrimpton, Mr. Curwin, Mr. Phillips.

A Commission and Instructions272 were given to Capt. Joseph Thaxter Commander of the Sloop Resolution.

Ordered that the Persons hereunder Named be a Committee to take a List of the Names of the Men Lately Come from the Eastern Parts, and the Places from whence they Came; that are Now Resident in the Towns of this Colony, and to make Return there of unto this Session Vizt. For Boston Messrs. Timothy Thornton, William Robie, Joseph Prout, For Salem, Messrs. Benjamin Marsters, Benjamin Gerrish, For Charlestown, Mr. Thomas Lord, For Marblehead Lt. Robert Bartlet, For Beverly Capt. Paul Thorndike.

Ordered that Capt. Browne of Sudbury; Provide Ten able Troopers well Accoutred with Arms, and Ammunition, and provision to Wait upon the Gentlemen that are to be sent to Albany, to be Ready on Thursday next in the Morning.

Ordered that Six Hundred Men, Horse, and Foot be forthwith Raised, within this Colony, to be Sent forth in their Majesties Service for the Suppressing, and Destruction of the Indian Enemy, out of the Several Regimts. in Proportion following Vizt. Boston Regiment Eighty one; South Regiment of Suffolk One Hundred and One; Middlesex Lower Regiment Eighty, Middlesex Upper Regiment Seventy Two; Essex Upper Regiment Ninety four; Essex Lower Regiment One Hundred, and Eight, Hampshire Regiment Sixty Four; and the Majors of the Several Regiments are Ordered forthwith to Issue out the Warrents to the Committee of Militia of the Respective Towns within their Several Regiments to detach a Proportionable Number of the Men out of each Company, and Troop well Appointed with Armes, and Ammunition to Attend that Service, and to Rendavous, at the Several Towns, and Places following upon Wednesday the 28th of this Instant August Vizt. The Boston Regiment at Boston, of the South Regiment Suffolk at Roxbury, of Middlesex Lower Regiment at Woburn, of the Upper Regiment at Chelmsford, of Essex Lower Regimment at Ipswich, of the Upper Regiment at Haveril; And the Major of each Regiment to Appoint a meet Person at the Respective Rendevous, to take Care of the Soldiers Imprest and Sent thither to appoint them Quarters, to prevent their Stragling until disposed of by Authority, the one fifth Part to be Troopers.

20o August 1689

At the Convention

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • James Russell
  • John Hathorne
  • Peter Tilton
  • Tho. Danforth
  • John Phillips
  • Samuel Appelton
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Samll. Shrimpton273
  • Jona. Curwin

Present The Governour, Deputy Governour, Maj. Richards, Mr. Russell, Mr. Tilton, Majr. Appleton, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Shrimpton, Mr. Hathorn, Mr. Curwin, Major Phillips.

An Order Pas’t to Mr. Treasurer to make such Provision as is Needfull for the Supplies of the Messingers now going to Albany, and for their Accommodation, and expenses in their Travail, and to deliver unto them forty pounds Money, And to Charge his disburse to the Public Account.

Instructions were agreed upon for the Gentlemen Sent up to Albany to treat the Maquas.274

Boston 21st August 1689

Instructions275 for Colonel John Pyncheon, Majr. Thomas Savage; and Captain Andrew Belcher.


You being chosen, and Appointed by the Government of the Massachusetts Colony to undertake a Journey to Albany to Treat with the Maquas, and (if advised by the Gentlemen upon the Place) with the Other Nations of Indians Confederate with them for the Renewal of their Ancient Freindship with the English of this Government.

Instructions to the Commissioners for Albany

You are desired forthwith to proceed in that Journey, and being arrived at Albany present the Governour’s Letter to the Gentlemen there as Directed, and Consult, and Advice with them of the most Proper methods to be taken for Your Coming to the Speech, and Treaty with the Most Principal Persons of the Maquas, and Other Nations of the Indians in Alliance with them (if that be advised) and procure the Assistance of the best, and most able Interpreters.

You may hint to them that you have been Informed they have had the Intelligence of the Revolution of the Government in England, and the Accession of King William and Queen Mary unto the Throne, And Since that of the Alteration of the Government here.

You are to Signify unto them that you come in the Name of the Government here, as Messengers from them, and upon the desire of the Government of Plymouth to Renew our Ancient Freindship between the English, and themselves, which for so long hath been Held Inviolate, And that we had before this Time sent unto them upon that Errand, but that we Understood they were gone out from Home in a descent against the French, and were in expectation by this Time, to have had the Certain Intelligence of the declaration of Warr betwixt France and England, which hath not yet come unto us direct But by the Way of the West Indies have an account of some Engagements betwixt the English joyned with the dutch against the french by Sea to a Considerable Loss on the side of the French and of a Declaration of Warr betwixt those Nations,, the farther Confirmation whereof, which is daily expected, will doubtless encourage their Vigorous Prosecution of their descent upon the french And if the Neutrality in the Plantations, According to the former Treaty276 between the Two Crown’s do not Continue, We may well Account it our Interest to do our Utmost for the extirpation of the french out of these Parts, And the rather for that We look at them to be Aiding and furnishing of our Present Enemies the Onagounges277 or Eastern Indians. And return them thanks for their Commisseration of our Losses, and the Sheding of so much Christian Blood by that Treacherous Enemey.

You are to let them Know that the War made by the Eastern Indians was begun before the Alteration of the Governt., and so farr as we have been Informed the Indians were the first Aggressors therein, And their Insinuation of the English first Sending for, and then Treacherously destroying some of their Principal Men,278 and Intending to Cut off all the Indians in the Country is Notoriosly false, and a Lying Aspersion cast upon the English to Stir up other Indians against them.

You must as Prudently as may be, Insinuate to them that those Eastern Indians hold Correspondence, and Strict Alliance with the french, their Enemies, and will be ready upon any oppertunity and Advantage given to Assist the french against them, And that it would be their Interest, as well as Ours, that Check were given to the farther progress of the Warr by the Eastern Indians, And that they be destroyed.

If you perceive the Maquas, and Other Nations in Alliance with them do take in with what is before Suggested concerning the Eastern Indians, and shall not well Resent their holding Correspondence with their Enemies the French, that then you encourage them in their descent upon the french to make some Excursions upon those Indians; herein treat them with the greatest Caution, and prudence that you can, and so as they may not in the Least Suspect that we have any dependence upon them or Stand in need of their help, But if they will do any Service therein we shall take it as a marke of their Friendship, And as You find them Inclinable you may Engage them for a Certain Summe by the head or Otherwise as you can best agree with them, And of the Methods they Propose to be taken for that End, and Signs to be given, if they happen to Come neir any of our Towns, or Places where our forces may Range, that so no Inconveniency or Mischeif may fall out on either side, which must be Particularly agreed upon Especially for as much as we shall have Occasion for our own Indians to go out, with our forces against the Enemy.

You are to make them a Present in such things as there to be Procured, which you shall be Advised upon, the Place will be most Acceptable to them, the Value of the Summ must be Referred unto Your Prudence, and discretion; which you must take up of Some Gentlemen upon the Place on the Creditt you carry with you, and will be Punctually Paid; Herein be as good husbands for the Public as You can, Considering the Present Low Estate of the Country, and that Considerable Present made to them the Last Year. You are to Engage them that if any of the Murderous Indians Enemy in hostility against the English come in among them they do not Harbour, or Succour them, But Secure, and Deliver them up unto the English as a Mark of their freindship unto the English.

A Letter likewise was written and sent by the hand of the Gentlemen sent up to Albany unto John Alleyn Esq. Secretary at Hartford.279

It is Ordered that Ninety Indians be provided from Puncapaug, Natick, and Other Friend Indians to go forth, with our Army, And to that End that Order be sent to Capt. Prentis, Lt. Swift, and Mr. Wiswall to make Provision accordingly.

Order for Providing 90 Friend Indians to go forth against the Enemy

An Order Passed to Major Thomas Savage, and Capt. Andrew Belcher appointed as Messengers to Albany in the Country’s Service, Impowering them to Impress Horses, Men, or Provisions, as there may be Occasion on the Road, within this Colony And all Constables, and Other Officers are Required to Assist, and forward, them as needfull.

An order passed to the Treasurer to deliver Forty pounds of money to Major Tho. Savage and Captain Andrew Belcher for the accommodation of their Journey to the Mowhawks, and to charge it to the publique Account.280

It’s Ordered that the Court of Assistants to have been holden the first Tuesday of September next be Adjourned unto the Last Tuesday of the Same month of September.

Adjournment of the Court of Assistants

Ordered that Captain Timothy Prout, Capt. James Hill, and Lt. Edd. Wyllis be a Committee to Examine and take Accountt of the Public Stores of Arms, and Ammunition, and make return thereof to this Convention, or the Council.

Committee for Examining Public Stores of Arms

A Bill Passed for the Calling to Account the Seventeen Soldiers that deserted their Trust, and their Majesties Service at the Garison in Saco, and Such as came away disorderly from Cochecha or any other Garrison.

22d. August 1689

At the Convention, etc.

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet, Esq. Governour
  • John Richards
  • John Phillips
  • Samll. Appelton
  • James Russell
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Jer. Swayne281
  • Robt. Pike
  • Pe. Tilton

Ordered that the Troop under the Command of Majr. Jona. Wade do forthwith Compleat their Commission Officers, that it may be Setled for the Service of the Country, And to that End Major Wade the present Captain do without delay call the Troop together and Cause them to Nominate such Officers as are Wanting to be presented to this Convention, or Council for Confirmation, But if the Said Major Wade refuse to Call the Troop together as Abovesaid, then William Green is hereby required to Call the Troop together, and Proceed to Nomination as well of Captain as of Other Commission Officers as are Wanting forthwith to be Presented for Confirmation.

Order to Compleat Majr. Wades Troop with Commission Officers

Augst 22nd 1689

Ordered by the Representatives that twenty five of the Eastern men that are come hither without order deserting their Garrisons or plantations, be sent to wells for the releif of that Town, they finding provision for said soldiers at their own Costs and bearing their Equall proportion in the whole Charge of this present warr with the Indians.

Consented to by the Governour and Councill

Past by the Representatives in the affirmative Desiring the Honoured Governour and Magistrates Consent

Isa. Addington Secretary

Ebenezer Prout Clerk282

23th. Augt. 1689

At the Convention

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Jere. Swayne
  • Samll. Appelton
  • James Russell
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Elisha Cooke283
  • Robert Pike
  • Pe. Tilton

Present all as Yesterday and Mr. Cooke.

Captain John Smith affirming that His Late Lieutenant Jer. Beales did desire to be Released from His Place of Lieutenant the Train’d Band of Hingham did Nominate Thomas Andrews to the Place of Lieutenant under Said Smith and Desire he be Confirmed accordingly, the Other two Commission Officers being already Confirmed by a former Order of the Convention, the Said Thomas Andrews is Confirmed in the Said Place of a Lieutenant to Said Company.

Hingham Lieutenant

It is Ordered that the Committee of Militia in Each Town upon the Receipt of Warrants for Impress of Soldiers shall forthwith meet, and direct the Press Master to press such persons, as they shall Judge meet, (all things considered) for their Majesties Service; And shall give Him or them that are to Impress, their Names in Writing under their Hands.

Upon the Engagement of William Ahanton Life for Life for the fidelity of Simon an Indian in Prison at Boston It’s Ordered that Simon be released to go out a Soldier under the Care of William Ahanton, for their Majesties Service against the Common Indian Enemy.

The Governour and Council Ordered that the Soldiers late come away disorderly from the Garrison at Saco falls be returned back again to Saco for defence of Said Place.

Augst. 23th. 1689.

Captains of Infantry Appointed

The Names of the Severall Persons Chosen to be Captains for the foot men Pressed for the present Expedition—

  • for Suffolke south Regiment, Andrew Gardner
  • for Boston Regiment, Sergt. Nath. Hall of Boston
  • for Middlesex Lower Regiment, Capt. James Convers of Woburn
  • for the Upper Regiment of Middlesex Ensigne Jacob Moore of Sudbury
  • for Esex Lower Regiment, Capt. Simon Willard of Salem
  • for the upper Regiment Capt. Thomas Noyse of Newbery
  • for North hampshire Lt. Jno. King of north Hampton

Past in the affirmative by the

Representatives desireing the

Honoured Governour and

Magestrates Consent

Ebenezer Prout Clerk


24th August 1689.

At the Convention etc.

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Peter Tilton
  • James Russell
  • Jer. Swayne
  • Samll. Appelton
  • Robert Pike
  • Tho. Danforth
  • John Phillips285

Pres. the Governour, Deputy Governour, Maj. Richards, Mr. Russell, Mr. Tilton, Maj. Appleton, Mr. Cook, Majr. Phillips, Cap. Swayne.

Mr. John Foster, Mr. Edwd. Bromfeild, and Mr. Joseph Parson the Committee appointed for the Warr, are desired fothwith to buy up forty Barrels of Good Gun powder, and a proportionable quantity of Shott, and Lead at the best rates they can for the Publique Stores, and their Majesties Service to be Paid for by the Treasurer.

Thomas Danforth Esqr., and Elisha Cooke Esqr. are Chosen, and Appointed Commissioners for this Colony, to meet with the Gentlemen that shall Come from the Other Colony’s to Consult, advise, and Agree with them about the management of the Warr with the Indians, and of other Affairs referring to the Publick. Major General Wait Winthrop was the next by Vote for a Reserve.

Commissioners for the Colony

Capt. Jeremiah Swayne is Chosen, and Appointed Commander in Cheif of the Forces now Ordered to be Raised, and Sent forth against the Indian Enemy.

Commander in Cheif of the forces

Ephraim Hunt of Weymouth, Thomas Barnard of Boston, James Convers Junr. of Woburn, Jacob Moore of Sudbury, Simon Willard of Salem, Thomas Noyes of Newberry, John King of North hampton. The Seven Persons abovenamed are Nominated and Appointed to be Captains of the Companies now Ordered to be Raised to go against the Indian Enemies.

Captains Nominated for the Expedition

Agreed that the Selectmen of the Several Town’s within this Colony be desired to See, what Subscriptions they Can get within their Respective Towns for the Loan of Money, Goods, or Provisions, Such as they have upon the Publick Creditt to Carry on the Affaires of the Warr with the Indians and to Defray other the Present Occasions of the Publick, To be Paid by the Treasurer out of the first Money’s that shall be Collected by a Publick Assessment, And to make a Speedy Return of what they do Herein to the Convention, (if sitting) or to the Governour and Council, And that this be forthwith Printed, and Sent to the Several Towns.286

Order for Loan of Money etc.

Adjourned to Thursday the 29th of Augt. instant, at Two a Clock afternoon

August 24th 1689

The Representatives Considering the necessity of a public Notary for Reference to the Importation of pouder and all other things proper to that office Have Chosen Mr. Joseph Webb of Boston to be the publick notary desiring the Consent of the Honoured magistrates

past in the affirmative by the Representatives287

Augt. 29th. 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council and Representatives of the Colony

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Thos. Danforth
  • James Russell
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Phillips
  • John Richards
  • Samuel Shrimpton
  • Jeremiah Swayne

Voted Edward Crike for Captain of the Company detached out of Boston Regiment against the Enemy.

Ordered that Captn. Prentis, and Mr. Noah Wiswall be desired to gather up the Arms belonging to the Indians belonging to Natik, and parceled [?] out to Several persons in the Country Engageing the Publick Credit for the Several Sums taken up upon them, the Said Indians themselves to go forth in their Majesties Service in the expedition against the Indians, And that they see to have their Arms fixed up that are not fitt for Service.

Order about the Indians Arms

Ordered that the Head Quarters for the forces now detached for their Majesties Service in the present Expedition, against the Common Indian Enemy be as follow Vizt. Casco, Newichewannick, Haveril, and Groton until farther Orders.

Head Quarters

An Order Past to Coporal [sic] Ebenr. White to move with the Troopers detached out of the Two Regimts. of Suffolk to the Rendevous at Groton, which is Appointed One of the Head Quarters, and there to Improve them in Scouting about those Towns adjacent until farther Orders (And the Constables of the Town are hereby Ordered to provide for their Quarters) And they are further, Ordered to Kill and Destroy the Enemy as they may.

Ordered that the Treasurer draw his Notes upon the Gentlemen that have Subscribed to Advance money’s upon Loan for the Carrying on the Charges of the Indian Warr etc. for the paying of the Same; And that the Treasurer Supply the Gentlemen Appointed a Committee for the Warr out of the Said Money’s to make Provisions for the forces.

Commander in Cheif Commission

Commission288 voted for Capt. Swayne Commander in Cheif.

The Convention of the Governour and Council and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony in New England

To Jeremiah Swayne Commander in Cheife

Whereas the Kennebeck, and Eastern Indians, with their Confederates have Openly made Warr, upon their Majesties Subjects in the Province of Main, New Hampshire and of this Colony, barbarously Murdering, and Captivating of Many, Burning their Houses, and Spoyling them of their Estates, and whereas You Jeremiah Swayne are Appointed Commander in Cheif of all the forces now raised, and detached out of the Several Regiments within this Colony for their Majesties Service in an Expedition against the Common Enemy Indians, their Aiders, and Abbetters

These are therefore in their Majesties Names to Authorize and Require you to take into your Care, and Conduct all the said Forces, and diligently to intend, that Service by Leading and Exercising Your Inferiour Officers, and Soldiers Commanding them to Obey you as their Commander in Cheif, and to Fight take Kill, and destroy, the Said Enemys by all the waies, and Means you can as you shall have Oppertunity, And you to Observe, and Obey all such Orders and Directions as from time to time you shall Receive from the Governr. and Council of this Colony; In Testimony whereof the Publick Seal of the Abovesaid Colony is hereunto Affixed. Dated in Boston 29th day of Augt. 1689.

Annoqs. RRs. et Reginae Willielmi et Mariae Angliae etc.

Sealed with the Publick Seal, and

Signed by the Governr. and the Secretary

30th Augt. 1689

At the Convention

  • Present
  • S. Bradstreet, Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • John Phillips
  • John Richards
  • James Russell
  • Samll. Shrimpton
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Tho. Danforth
  • Jer. Swayne289

Prest. the same as yesterday.

Ordered by the Governour, and Council that the Store of Arms, and Ammunition, and Provisions that was Brought from Dartmouth upon the Breaking up the Garrison be delivered by Edward Taylor Lieutt. unto Mr. Timothy Prout Keeper of the Publick Stores.

Ordered that the Treasurer take Order with the Commissioners for the Warr for Providing two thousand pound of Bread four Barrells of Porke, two Barrell Molasses, two barrels Pease, two Barrells Rhum, two barrells Salt, two Barrels of Powder, Six Hundred weight of Shott, and Six Hundred of flints and to Ship the Same on board the Vessell now bound for Casco for the Supply of the Soldiers there and going now.

Supply for Casco

Thomas Bancroft Junr. of Redding was Voted to be Lieutenant to Capt. James Convers of the Company raised out of the Lower Regiment of Middlesex.


Ordered that the Treasurer make Suitable Provision for the Commisioners of the Colony, appointing a meet place for their Entertainment.

Peter Noyes Junr. of Sudbury is Appointed Lieutenant to Jacob Moore Captain of the Company detached out of the Upper Regiment of Middlesex.

Middlesex County Officers

Boston Augt. 31st. 1689

Nathl. Hall is Voted Captain of the Soldiers raised in Boston Regiment for the Present Expedition against the Indian Enemy.


Upon Information that divers of the Soldiers Posted in the Garrisons at Casco Bay are drawn off without Order, The Governour and Council sent an Order to the Captain of the Castle to Examine all Vessells that shall come in from the Eastern Parts, and Stop such as have any Soldiers on board and Send up the Master, etc.

John Davis Senr. of Roxbury is Appointed Lieutenant of the Company of Soldiers under the Command of Capt. Andrew Gardener, raised in the South Regiment of Suffolk for their Majesties Service.


Ordered that Capt. Joseph Thaxter Commander of the Sloop Resolution do forthwith Impress Fourty Able Men for their Majesties Service in Said Sloop.

Ambross Daws is appointed Lieutenant to Captain Nathll. Hall for the Present Expedition against the Indian Enemy.

The Governour and Council do Order the dignity of the Captains of the forces now detached to be sent out in their Majesties Service against the Common Indian Enemy to be as followeth Vizt. Capt. Thos. Noyes the first, Capt. Simn. Willard Second, Captn. Jas. Convers third, Capt. Nathl. Hall the fourth, Capt. Andrew Gardner the fifth, and Capt. Jacob Moore the Sixth.

Ordered that the Soldiers detached out of the Severall Regiments in this Colony be Appointed forthwith to March to the Head Quarters respectively as hereafter named there to Attend farther Orders from the Governour and Council, Or the Commander in Cheif Vizt.

Capt. Nathl. Hall of Boston Regiment


Capt. Simn. Willard Essex Lower Regiment

Capt. Jacob Moore Middlesex Upper Regiment to Groton

Capt. Thos. Noyes Essex Upper Regiment, to Haveril

Capt. Andrew Gardner Suffolk Regiment

Capt. Jas. Convers Middlesex Lower Regiment

The Horse of Middlesex Upper Regiment to Groton

of Suffolk

to Groton

of Essex Upper Regiment

to Havaril

The Horse of Middlesex Lower Regiment

of Essex Lower Regiment

Augst. 31, 1689

Ordered291 that the Souldiers raised out of the South Regiment of Suffolk And the Souldiers raised out of the upper regiment of Middlesex bee posted at Groton, And that the Company drawne out of the Lower Regiment of Middlesex bee posted at Havarill And the Company drawne out of the upper Regiment of Essex bee posted at Newichawannock.

Past in the affirmative by the Representatives Desiring the Honoured Governour and Magistrates Consent

Ebenezer Prout Clerk292

Ordered that the Commander in Cheife be furnished with Ten Pounds in Money by the Treasurer for His Supply in fitting himself for the Present Service.

The Governour and Council dispatch’t an Order to Capt. James Convers to March with His Company to Newichewwannick, for Security of that Place and the Adjacent; and destruction of the Enemy as they may have Opportunity till farther Order.

An Order was dispatch’t to Captain Simon Willard to March with his Company to Casco leaving a party of Twenty of His Men with a Sergent at Wells for the present enforcing, and Strengthning of that Place.

An Order was dispatch’t to Captn. Natha. Hall forthwith to Embark with his Company to Casco; An Order was dispatch’t to Captn. Andrew Gardner to march with His Company to Newichewannick.

Adjourned unto Thursday the fifth of September next at three a Clock After noon.

Boston Thursday the 5th of September 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council etc.

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • Deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Mr. Russell
  • Captn. Smith
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Major Phillips

Ordered by the Governour and Council that Mr. Noah Wiswall do Impress Twenty or thirty Indian Guns, or fuzes for the fitting out of the Natick, Puncapaug, and Other Indians, now designed to go forth in their Majesties Service against the Common Indian Enemy, Keeping a Particular Accompt of the Persons Names from whom he Receives any Such Arms, that so Care may be taken to Return them Safe again to the Severall Owners, Or that Payment be made by the Treasurer; And that the Constables of the Severall Town’s are Ordered to be Assisting to Mr. Wiswall herein.

Sept. 6th

Present all as yesterday and Mr. Hathorne and Mr. Curwin.

The Treasurer having omitted to give forth His Warrants for a Valuation in time Prefixed by Law; It is therefore Ordered that He forth with send forth his Warrents293 to the Constables and Select Men of Every Town, within the Colony; Requiring the Constable to Call together the Inhabitants of the Town to Chuse a Commissioner to Joyne with the Select Men to make a list of all Male Persons in the Same town from Sixteen Year’s Old, and Upwards, and a true Estimation of all personal, and real Estates according to Direction of the Law in that Case made, and Provided. The Commissioners for the Several Town’s in every shire to Assemble at their Shire Town; to Examine, and perfect their Said Lists upon the Second of Wednesday in October next, and Speedily to Transmitt the Same unto the Treasurer under their Hands, or a Major Part of them.

Order for a Valuation to betaken

Ordered that the Soldiers of the Upper farmes of Cambridge next Concord above five Miles distant from their own Town, Shall be under the Command of Lieutenant David Fiske, and Ensign Ephraim Winship, and are Obliged to all Duty as Soldiers from time to time as Occasion shall be.

A 2d Military Company in Cambridge

6 September 1689

Voated by the Representatives that Mr. John Arnold be the Keper of the prison in Boston untill further Settlement and that the Governour and Counsell Doe give him Such orders and Instructions for the discharge of his duty as they Judge meet.

Desireing the Honoured Governour

and Magistrates Consent

Ebenezer Prout Clerk294

Sept. 7th 1689

An Order295 Past to the Commissioners for the Warr to provide a Considerable Quantity of Ammunition provisions and Clothing and Other Necessaries for Supply of the forces gone, and going forth against the Common Indian Enemy.

John Jacob is Appointed by the Governour and Council to be Commissary for the Garrison at the Head Quarters in Newichewanick and Instructions were Voted, and given Him.

Ordered that the Treasurer forthwith Pay off the Wages due to the Men that Served the Sloop Resolution Joseph Thaxter Commander upon their Majesties Service.

It having pleased the God of Heaven to Multiply still the tokens of His Holy and Righteous displeasure against us, not onely by the Whole Series of His Providence towards us in the Summer Past, but also by growing difficulties of a Distressing Indian Warr, In which our Barbarous Indian Enemies (notwithstanding Utmost Endeavours that have been used to Leave them inexcusable in their Continuing hostility) are Yet invading of us, and are now flush’t with Such Success of their Attempts, and Increase of their Numbers as threatens a Spreading of that Unhappy flame into divers Corners, of the Land, Unless the God of Armies graciously Smile upon the Present Expedition against them, Unto all Which uncomfortable Circumstances there is Added as Yet more Ominous, Our own extream Unpreparedness for the Mercies of God, by our Continuance in those provoking Evills, which have drawn Divine Judgements upon us; So that Our only hopes of Deliverance, are in his Sovereign Grace, who when we go on frowardly in the Way of our Own Hearts can see our Ways and Steal us.

Upon Consideration whereof together with the Present Circumstances of the State of Europe; It is Ordered that thursday the Nineteenth day of this Instant September be Observed as a Day of Humiliation296, with fasting, and Prayer thro’out this Colony And that all Servile Labour be therefore every Where forborn And it is Hereby Recommended, unto the Churches, Ministers and People in the Several Towns, and Villages that they Solemnly apply themselves unto the Duty’s of the Day humbly Imploring the blessing of God upon their most Gracious Majesties King William, and Queen Mary with the whole English Israel; And that Gods Presence, and Blessing may also be with and Upon our forces gone, and going forth to Engage against our Pagan Adversaries; And that he would farther grant those many other, both Spiritual, and Temporal Blessings, which tend to our full Establishment

Adjourned to Wednesday the Second of October next at one a Clock unless Necessarily to be Call’d together Sooner.

Boston October 2d 1689

At the Convention of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • John Richards
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Robert Pike 3d297
  • Saml. Appleton
  • John Hathorne
  • Jona. Curwin 3d
  • John Smith 3d
  • John Phillips

Representatives the Same as at the last Sessions. Mr. Thomas Oakes Speaker.

2d October

Captn. Andrew Belcher returned with Letters from Albany and Agreement of the renewall of Friendship with the Maqua’s etc.

3d October

Simon Stacey nominated Lieutenant of the foot Company on the North Side of the River in Ipswitch, and Nehemiah Jewet Nominated for Ensign of Said Company under the Command of Major Samuel Appleton, are Accordingly allowed and Confirmed in their Respective Offices.

Ipswitch Military Officers

Letters were Received from Majr. Church, and Captain Sylvanus Davis from Casco, and Answers sent with Supply for the forces there.

A Letter was Written to the Governour and Council of Connecticut to intreat them to Supply Albany with a Company of One hundred Soldiers; Or so many as they can to Enforce their Majesties Garrison there, against any Attack of the French, and french Indians, According to their desire, the Charge to be Born in a due Proportion by the Colonies, And that Captain Bull be desired to take Command of Said Company


A Letter was likewise Written to the Governour and Council of Plymouth, Importing the Contents of the Letter to Connecticutt, desiring of the Governour and Council of Plymouth by their Letter to Enforce the Same Request to Connecticutt.

Boston 4th October 1689

To the Constables of Charlestown

Whereas Capt. Richard Sprague has Rendered himselfe uncapable of serving their Majesties as A Representative by his Contemptuous Carriage against this Government for which he is Excluded, this house, You are therefor forthwith to signifie to your Town that they have Libberty to Chose an orther meet person to serve in said Place.

Ebenezer Trout Clerk to the Representatives.298

October 4th. 1689

We the Representatives of Severall Townes in the Massachusetts Collony considering the Imminent danger their Majesties subjects in the Collony are in (by Reason of the malicious continuance of those Ill men that are in Custody and of many Ilwillers to the peace of this Collony299 whoe walke at large) doe therefor order that their be a Strict watch kept at the prison in Boston of300 able Soldiers and good men301 to attend their duty day and night as ocation shall Serve, that the prison keeper be ordered and Instructed to discharge his duty towards the prisoners faithfully, that he Suffer no man to Speak with or cary any thing to them which were Formerly put in by the people but in his presents and that he Suffer no armes to be brought to them etc. and that all men that have and doe exprese themselves to be enemies to this present Government be disarmed and that all such as doe disobey this authority be delt with according as the law directs.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk302

Messrs. John Foster, Edward Bromfeild, and Joseph Parsons Commissioners for the Warr, are desired, and Ordered forthwith to provide the Particulars following for the Supply of the forces at Newichewannick to be Speedily Sent up thither Vizt. Four Pieces of Duffals, or Blankets, in want there of of two peices of Red Cotton, Twenty Axes, thirty Hatchets, Sixty pair of Shoes, Sixty pair of Stockins, fifty Coats, breaches, and Drawers, One Hogshead Rhum, Cheese, Shoe nailes, Leather for Indian Shoes.

This by the Governour and Council

Ordered that the Sum of Two Hundred, and Nineteen Pounds in Money payable by Bill of Exchange unto Captain Andrew Belcher directed to the Honble. Simon Bradstreet, and Samuel Shrimpton Esqrs. or Either of them Signed John Pincheon, Thomas Savage, dated Albany 26 Septr. 1689 in part of the Charge of their Journey to Albany, and Treaty with the Maquas etc. be forthwith paid by the Treasurer.

October 7th. 1689

In answer to the petition303 of Mrs. Palmer In reference to Inconveniences attendinge her husband for want of a fire room he being exercised with the gout it is ordered that a small brick chimney be built in that room where he is kept a prisner for his reliefe and the rest.

Past in the affirmative by the Representatives Desiring the Honoured Governour and Magistrates Consent

Ebenezer Prout Clerk304

7th. 8. 89 [7 October 1689]

We desire that Mr. John West may be removed forthwith from the Castle to the Common Goal in Boston their to be kept till further order.

Voted in the affirmative as attest

Consented unto by the Governour Ebenezer Prout Clerk305

and Council

per order T.D.306

8d [October 1689]

Ordered that Collo. John Pyncheon, Mr. William Clark of North hampton, Capt. Aaron Cooke junr. of Hadley, and Capt. Samuel Partrigg of Hatfield, be allowed, and Confirmed Associates, for the County of Hampshire, and Colo. John Pyncheon and Mr. William Clerk are Invested with Magistratical power till farther Settlement.

Whereas Capt. Richard Sprague, Captn. Lawrence Hammond and Lt. John Order Senr. of Charlestown have behaved themselves Contemptuously against the Government of this Colony, It is hereby Ordered, and declared that the Said Richard Sprague, Lawrence Hammond, and John Cutler are dismissed from their Several Military Offices as the Law directs.

Ordered that all military Commission Officers that have been Nominated by the Several Foot Company’s and Troops within this Colony haveing been presented, and Approved of by the Convention, or by the Governour and Council in the Absence of the Representatives, have Commissions granted them for their Respective Offices as the Law directs.

Upon Reading the Petition of Isaac Hill Jona. Sprague, Benjamin Mussey Senr. etc. in behalf of themselves, and Others late belonging to the Three County Troop, manifesting their Unwillingness to Serve Under the Command of Capt. Willm. Green, And upon Hearing of Both Parties; It is Ordered that the Said Petitioners, and Others, who are disatisfied with the Said Captain Return to Serve in the foot Company’s of the Several Towns, and places, whereto they do belong.

9 [October]

Whereas Capt. Richard Sprague, Capt. Lawrence Hammond and Lieutt. John Cutler Senr. of Charlestown are dismist from their Respective Military Offices, in the Company’s there, It is Ordered that Major General Winthrop be Desired Speedily to give Notice to the Two Company’s of Charlestown, and Appoint a Day for their Meeting to Nominate Commission Officers, to make a full Supply in Said Company’s, and Present the Same to the Convention of to the Governour and Council for Approbation as soon as may be, And that the Said Major General be present on the Day Appointed to Endeavour a peaceable procedure and Issue.

A Letter Sent to Majr. Sweyne with Order to Improve the Forces under Him for the discovery, and prosecution of the Enemy, and draw to His Assistance Capt. Noyes and Capt. Moore’s Company’s.

October 9th 1689

[Ordered] by this Convention that the Keeper of the [pri]son in Boston carfuly attend the Laws of this Collony in force in the year 1686 in refference to all persons committed in Capitall Criminall and Civill Cases and that he keep in Safe costody307 all those persons that were Imprisoned by the people about the time of the Revolution Securing them for what Justice shall be ordered from our Soverain Lord and Lady308 which the parlement309 and that the said Keeper doe not Suffer any person or persons to Convey to them any armes or weapons and that he be diligent to Observe and hinder their dispersing any papers or wrightings that may tend to disturbance or any Bringing papers or letters to them without his knowledge or allowance and that he discover anything that may tend to disturbance or sedition.

sent up

EP Clerk310

October 9th. 1689

Bill to call the Marshall to Account

Whereas authority has been Contemned by several Charlestown men, and the Marshall Judged to be negligent in discharge of his office towards them, it is ordered that the above officer do give an account before both houses for said neglect and in case he cannot give a satisfactory account their be another Chosen.311

sent up

October 9th. 1689

The Treasurer Authorized to borrow Money

Ordered by the Representatives for the payment of Capt. Belcher’s bill of Exchange the treasurer be desired to Borrow money upon Interest if it Cannot otherwise be had, the same to be repaid out of the first rate that shall be raised.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk

Consented to by the Governour and Council

Isa. Addington Secr[etar]y312

Palmer Bill to move him [to] the Prison

Upon the Repeated desires and petitions of Mrs. Palmer it is ordered by the Representatives that John Palmer be removed from the Castle to the Comon Goale In Boston,

October 10th 1689

Ebenezer Prout Clerk313

Octr. 10th. [1689]

A Letter was agreed upon to be sent to the Gentlemen of New Hampshire Vizt. Messrs. Richard Martyn, Wm. Vaughan and Richard Waldron, to Desire that some Persons might be sent, as an Agent for their Province to meet the Commissioners of the Colony at Boston the 18th instant to Consult of the Affairs of the Warr etc.

A Letter was Drawn up to be Sent to the Gentlemen of Albany Returning them thanks for their Assistance of the Gentlemen sent up to Treat the Maquas etc. And to Signify unto them the Import of a Letter Sent to the Governour, and Council of Connecticut to Supply them with some Soldiers for the Strengthning of their Garrisons; And Likewise to the Governour and Council of Plymouth to Enforce their Motion to Connecticut.

The Nine Maquas etc. that came down from Albany with Capt. Belcher tooke Leave, and were dismist home.

October 10, 1689

For Easing the burden of the Towne of Boston by Constant watches and guards at the prison, which are necessary to be continued us well by night as day, It is ordered that the Committees of militia of the Severall Townes hereafter named vizt. Dorchester, Roxbury, Watertowne, Cambridge and Charlestowne, doe take care each is in their Turne as they are here mentioned to send seven able souldiers to attend that Service each of those Townes to maintaine said guard one weeke, and to releive them every Twenty foure houres if they See good, and that Muddy River bejoyned to Roxbury in this Service and likewise that Cambridge Village bejoyned to Cambridg.314

sent up

Oct. 11th. 1689

Bill for Mr Graham [m . . .] visit of his daughter

Mr. Eliakim Hutchinson having moved In behalf of Mr. Grayham for liberty to Come to Boston to vissit his sick Daughter his desire is granted by the Representatives provided he be under a sufficient guard from the Castle And to be returned to the Castle again tomorrow being the twelveth instant by the aforesaid Guard.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk315

16th [October 1689]

Messrs. John Foster, Edward Bromfeild, and Joseph Parsons Commissioners for the Warr are desired, and Ordered to furnish William Dennis now going forth as a Guide to the Forces abroad at Casco, with a great Coat, a pair of Breeches, and Stockins, and Shoes upon the Publick Accountt: Also a Waistcoat and Shirt, Cap, and Linnen drawers.

Ordered that Mr. Treasurer do forthwith buy all the Powder that is in Merchants hands here, for the Supply of the Country.

Whereas Captn. Lawrence Hammond by Order of the Convention is dismist from his Military Command and Office in Cherlestown; It is hereby Ordered316 that John Call Ensigne of the Military Company Late under the Conduct of Said Captain Hammond do Appoint, and Order the Said Company to Meet together upon Monday next the fourteenth of October instant to Nominate a Sutable person to be Captain of Said Company and other Commission Officers that may be Wanting and present the Same unto the Governour and Council for their Allowance, and Confirmation.

Whereas Captain Richard Sprague, and Lt. John Cutler Senr. are by Order of the Convention dismist from their Respective Military Offices, and Command, It is hereby Ordered that Sergeant Edward Wilson, or Sergeant Stephen Waters of the Military Company in Charlestown late under the Conduct of Capt. Sprague do appoint, and Order the Said Company to Meet upon Monday next the fourteenth of October instant to Nominate Sutable persons to be Captain and Lieutennant of Said Company, and present the Same unto the Governour, and Council for their Allowance and Confirmation.

Adjourned unto Thursday the 24th of October, instant at three a Clock, And all Towns are to be Sent unto by the Clerke of the Representatives317 to Send in their Representatives to make a full House on Tuesday the 5th of November Next.

Boston Thursday October 24o. 1689


At the Convention of the Governour and Council and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Saml. Shrimpton
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Phillips
  • Isa. Addington

Mr. Thomas Oakes Chosen Speaker

Ordered that the Troopers in the Country’s Service which belong to Suffolk and Middlesex upper Regiment be forthwith drawn off.

Adjourned unto Nine, in the Morning and then Mett, and Adjourned to Tuesday the fifth of November next at three a Clock, the Clerk of the House to give Notice to the Representatives now Absent then to Give their Presence.

Boston 25o. October 1689

By the Governor and Councill

Whereas Capt. Samuel Pease and Company being Commissioned and sent forth for that purpose have recovered out of the hands of Thomas Pouns and his accomplices a Vessell and Goods by them piratically Seised and taken from divers of their Majesties Subjects, The said Vessell and Goods being brought into the Port, and an Inventory thereof taken and apprisement made by indifferent men, These are to give notice to all persons concerned for themselves or in behalf of others forthwth. to appear before the Governor and Councill to set forth their respective claims to the said Vessell or Goods in order to their Agreement with the persons who have been at charge and hazard to recover the said Vessell or Goods be otherwise disposed of

By Order in Council

Isa. Addington, Secry.

This Proclamation was forthwith published by beat of drumm in diverse of the most publicize places in Boston

John Winchcombe, Marsh.318

Boston Novem 5th.1689

At the Convention of the Governour, and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

The Representatives formed their House, chose Mr. Thomas Oakes Speaker, and Adjourned to Eight in the Morning.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • Saml. Appleton
  • Elisha Cooke
  • Esqrs. John Hathorne
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Curwin
  • Isa. Addington





Capt. John Price

Mr. Thomas Oakes

Lt. David Fiske

Capt. P. Townsend

Mr. Saml. Chamnée

Mr. A. Winthrop




Mr. Jos. Lynde

Capt. Sam. Clap

Capt. John Sprague

Timo. Tileston




Mr. Wm. Blake

Mr. John Bolds

Mr. Wm. Bond

Capt. Saml. Ruggles




Mr. Christo. Webb

Cornelius Fisher

Peter King




Lt. James Nash

John Hardin

John Brigham




Capt. Thos. Andrews

Captn. Danl. Epps

John Moore Senr.

Simn. Stacey




Capt. Nath. Norden

Peter Ayres

Peter Tufft Junr.




Cap. Jno. Osgood

Stepn. Greenleaf

Benja. Fitch





Cap. Thos. Fiske

Cap. Aaron Cooke

C. Ralph Hill





John Pierson

Abrahm. Jones

Simn. Davis

Ebenr. Proutt




Capt. Jos. Richardson

Capt. Saml. Partrigg

James Convers Senr.

Ordered that Captn. Jacob Moore with His Company Posted at Groton be forthwith drawn off, and discharged And a Letter was dispatch’t, with Order to Lt. Jona. Remington Commissary at Groton to take a particular Accountt of the Provisions, Ammunition, and Other Stores under his Charge, and deliver them into the Hands of Capt. James Parker to be Secured for the Countries Use taking his receipt for the Same, and himself to Come Home.

Concord foot Company devided

Now. 5th 1689

Ordered by the Representatives That the foot Company of Concord being of the number of on Hundred and thre score men and upwards, be devided into two Company’s and that the East quarter of the town together with that part of the south quarter southward from that Street Commonly Called Scotchford Lane be of one Company and the North quarter of the Town and Remaining part of the South quarter westward of said Scotchford Lane be another Company.

Ebenezer Trout Clerk319

Bill320 for securing the Garisons and out Plantations at Casco and places dependent and the rest of the Soldiers to be discharged

Novr. 6o. 1689

The Commissioners for the Colony’s having recommended it to the Governour and Council, that the Soldiers belonging to the frontier Towns now at any of the Head Quarters together with all the Sick, wounded, and Otherwise Unfitted for Service be forthwith dismist home, As also the Troopers there or elsewhere; And in Case there be not a Prospect of an Opportunity to prosecute the Enemy, that then the Indians that are Upon Service and so many of the English Soldiers as may with Safety to the People of the Remote Plantations be Spared, be as Conveniently, and Privately as may be Returned Home.

It is agreed and Ordered that in Case there be no prospect of Prosecuting the Enemy, Majr. Benja. Church Commander in Cheif of the Forces abroad at Casco, and the parts Adjacent, with the Advice of His Commission Officers and Some of the Principle Persons upon the Place do Place a Sufficient Number of Soldiers at Such Garisons, and out Plantations in those Parts as may Secure the Same, and make out a Party to Offend the Enemy in Case of any Attempt, And Dispose them under Sutable Officers that they may be under good Government, and Order, taking distinct Lists of the Names, and Number of Soldiers Ordered to Remain in each place.

And the Said Commander in Cheif, and Other his Officers and Soldiers as privately as may be forthwith draw off Home, and be discharged, And Meet Supplies, and provision be Sent for the Drawing off them that are to Come Home, and to furnish them that Stay behind.

The Accountt of Lt. Benja. Gallop of Charges, and expences in his Expedition against the Pyrots, amounting to thirty five pounds Nine Shillings, and Nine Pence is allowed of And the Ballance of fifteen Pounds five Shillings and nine pence is Ordered to be Paid Him by the Treasurer as soon as may be.

Lt. Gallops Accountt Past

Messrs. John Foster, Edwd. Bromfeild, and Josh. Parsons, Commissioneres for the Warr, are desired and Ordered forthwith to provide One Hundred Bushels of Indian Corn, one Thousand Weight of Biskett, One Hundred Bushells of Rye, two Barrels of Salt, and such Clothing as they have Ready made, Cotton, course Kearsy, or Broads, Trading Cloth or Blanketts, Linnen for Shirts, and Neckcloths, Buttons, thred, and Silk for Trimming, Stockings, and Shoes, the Whole Clothing to the Value of One Hundred pounds to be sent unto the Commissary at Casco for Supply of the Soldiers in Garrison there, and the places Adjacent Vizt. Black Point etc. two hundred weight of Sheeps Wool.

Supply for Casco

Past by the Governour and Council

The Foot Company in Wenham having Nominated Ensigne William Fiske to be their Lieutenant (instead of Mr. Charles Gott, who upon His desire is Dismist) and John Batchelder Senr., to be their Ensign, the Said Persons are allowed and Confirmed in their respective Offices.


Upon information that there is but little work for a Commisary at Groton the Representatives do agree and order that the Commissary there be discharged from said Imployment321

8th [November 1689]

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Majr. Appleton
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Capt. Smith

The Commissioners of the Colony’s having recommended it to the Governour, and Council that the Soldiers belonging to the Frontier Towns now, at any of the Head Quarters together with all Sick, and Wounded, and Otherwise unfitted for Service be forthwith dismist Home, As also the Troopers there, or elsewhere, And in Case there be not a prospect of an Opportunity to prosecute the Enemy, that then the Indians that are upon Service, and so many of the English Soldiers as may with Safety to the People of the Remote Plantations be Spared, be as Conveniently and privately as may be Returned home. It is agreed and Ordered in Case there be no prospect of Prosecuting the Enemy, that Major Jeremiah Sweyne Commander in Cheif of the Forces at Newichewannick or Salmon Falls with the Advice of his Commission Officers, and Some of the Principle Gentlemen of the Provinces of New Hampshire and Mayne neerest to him, do post a Sufficient Number of Soldiers at such Garrisons, and out Plantations in those parts, as may Secure the Same, and Offend the Enemy in Case of Attempt to be Disposed under Sutable Officers for their Good Government and Order taking distinct List of their Names and Number of Soldiers Ordered to Remain at each place And the Said Commander in Cheif, and Other His Officers and Soldiers as privately as may be forthwith to draw off home, and be discharged.

The Magistrates of the County Court for Essex informing that the Said Court have Appointed Mr. Benja. Gerrish to be Clerk of Said Court; desiring an Order for the Records to be Put into the Hands of Said Mr. Gerrish It is Ordered that Captn. Stephen Sewall late Clerk of Said Court to Deliver all the Books, and Records in His hands unto the Said Benja. Gerrish the present Clerk, that so all persons Concerned may have the Benefitt thereof as they shall Need.

Ordered that the Military Company formerly Under the Command of Captain Richard Sprague in Charlestown be convened together on Monday next; And that it be Signifyed to them that Captain Joseph Lynde is allowed their Captain, And that Mr. Saml. Hayman is Appointed to be their Lieutenant, and Mr. Timothy Phillips to be their Ensign, which if they Yeild Obedience to, Will be well taken; But if they be Unsatisfied therewith they are then by their Vote to Nominate two Other meet persons to be their Lieutenant and Ensigne, and make Speedy return thereof, to the Governour and Council for confirmation if they see meet.


A Bill Past for the Release of Lieut. John Jordon from prison, he giving bond to the Value of One hundred pounds current Money of New England to Answer what may be Alledged against Him at the next County Court to be held at Boston upon Adjournment.

Novber. 8th. 1689

Ordered by the Representatives that the Select men together with the Commission Officers of the respective Townes take an account of the Charges of the souldjers of those several townes of what hath been expended upon them, dureing the time of there service, And what is theire Just due, whereof they are to send an account unto the Treasurar of the Collonie, whoe accordingly is ordered to Issue out warrants to the Constables to make payment to the soldjers of said Townes, and make returne thereof unto the Treasurer.

Ebenezer Trout Clerk322

Nov. 8th. 1689

Representatives as to Inquiry After Publishers of Prints tending to the disturbance of the Peace

Whereas many papers have been lately printed and dispersed tending to the disturbance of the peace and subversion of the government of this their Magesties Collonie King William and Quene Mary It is therfor ordered, that if any person or persons within this Collony be found guilty of any such like Misdemeanors of printing publyshing or Concealing any such like papers or discourses or not timely discover such things to Authority or doe any act or thing that tends to the disturbance of the peace or the subversion of this government they shall be accounted enemies to their Majesties present government and be proceeded against as such with the utmost Severity.

Past in the affirmative by the Representatives

Ebenezer Prout Clerk323

November 9th. [1689]

Present all as Yesterday, and the Deputy Governour (onley Majr. Appleton)

The Representatives do move, and earnestly desire that Your Honour would be pleased to Attend the Adjournment of the Court of Assistants,324 and that the Said Court be held According to Law in all Respects, which we Judge will be very Satisfactory to the Country, and discouragement to ill Affected persons.

Consented by the Governour and Magistrates.

Novr. 8th [1689]

Resolved by the Representatives, Nemine Contradicente, That Six Rates325 (one whereof to be in Money) be Levied forthwith on the Inhabitants of this Colony for Paying of Soldiers, and Other publick Charges that have Arisen since the Revolution by Reason of the Warr, and Securing the Castle, and Prison, And that the Treasurer forthwith issue out his Warrents for Effecting the Same

The Prices of Corn are as followeth Vizt. Wheat at five Shillings and Six pence per Bushell, Barley, and Barley Malt at three Shillings Six pence, Rye at Three Shillings, Indian Corn at Three Shillings, Pease at four Shillings, Those that pay Money on the five rates for pay to have a Third abated.

Consented to by the Governour and Magistrates.

No. 9th. 1689

Order for Northfield

In answer to a motion made to this Courte by the Committee for Northfield a place in the Countie of Hampshire etc. Refferring to the broken state of said place and many of the Inhabitants contrary to their ingagements deserting said place and thereby Exposeing the remayneing Inhabitants to great hazzards and inconveynces by the present Enemy or otherwise etc.

It is therefore resolved by the representatives that the inhabitants who desert said place shall returne within four Months Either in their own persons or provide sufficient men to Beare Armes and doe Service in there roomes according to their ingagements as to continuence for four yeares or otherwise etc. before they have a full title to their Lands; and in neglect of the aforesaid their Lands may be disposed of otherwise by the Comittee.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk326

Ordered by the Representatives That the Treasurer apoint a person or persons to Inquire out all Retailes of drink and publique houses and to se what they will frely give for this year for that liberty and to make Return as soone as may be to the Treasurer and that none but Licensed Person, or all those that have order from the treasurer shall draw and sell after the 10th November but shall be liable to the penalty of the [law].327

Adjourned to the Second Wednesday of December next at two a Clock Afternoon.

[Boston 3 December 1689]

At the Convention of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony, in Boston, Tuesday the third of December 1689 convened by Order of the Governour and Council upon the Arrival of a Ship from London.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Wait Winthrop
  • James Russell
  • Saml. Appleton
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Hathorne
  • John Smith
  • John Phillips
  • Jona. Curwin





Cap. Jno. Price

Mr. Thos. Oakes

Cap. Josh. Lynde

Cap. Jno. Higginson

Cap. Timo. Prout

Cap. Penn Townsend

A. Winthrop




Lt. David Fiske

Capt. Oliver Purchis

Lt. Willm. Bond

Mr. Sam. Chamne

Mr. Timo. Stone




Capt. Nath. Norden

Mr. John Bolds

Peter King

Captn. Sam. Ruggles




Lt. John Dodge

Capt. Sam. Clapp

John Bridgham

Timo. Tileston

Salem Village



Danl. Andrews

Capt. Thos. Fiske

Cap. Danl. Epps

Simon Stacey




Mr. Willm. Blacke

John Moore Senr.

Phineas Sprague




Lt. James Stevens

Mr. Chris. Webb

Peter Tuft Junr.




John Pierson

Lt. Jacob Nash

Ens. Ja. Converse

Matt. Johnson




Capt. Thos. Noyes

Capt. Thos. Andrews

Benj. Fitch

Lt. Stephen GreenLeif





Abrahim Jones

Peter Airs

Cap. Na. Stearns




Capt. Ralph Hill

Jacob Morrel

John Harden




Cap. Josia Richerson

Lt. Thos. Baker

Saml. Fisher




Simon Davis

John Pearly Senr.

Cap. Jno. Osgood

Ebenr. Proutt


Robert Parris

Mr. Thomas Oakes was Chosen Speaker.

His Majesties several gracious Letters were read, and are as Follows

William R.

His Majesties Gracious Letters, Sealed with the Privy Seal

Whereas Sr. Edmond Andross Kt. late Governour of our Dominion of New England has been Seized by some People in Boston, and is detain’d under close Confinement there together with Edward Randolph, John Trefry, and divers others our Subjects, Who have humbly requested us, that they may be either sett at Liberty, or Sent in Safe custody into England to Answer before us, what may be Objected against them, Wee do here by will, and Require that the Said Sir Edmond Andross, Edward Randolph, John Trefry, and Others our Subjects, that have been in like Manner Seized by the Said people of Boston, and shall be at the Receipt of these our Commands Detained there under Confinement, be forthwith sent on board the first Ship bound hither to Answer before us, what may be Objected against them, and that you take Care that they be Civilly us’d in their passage from New England, and Safely Conveyed to our Royall Presence. Given at our Court at Whitehall this thirteenth day of July 1689 in the first Year of Our Reign.


By His Majesties Command

To such as for the Time being take Care for preserving the Peace and Administring the Laws, in Our Colony of Massachusetts Bay in New England in America


William R328

Trusty and Welbeloved We greet you well Whereas Wee are Informed by Several Addresses from our Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, and particularly by the Address coming to us in the name of the Governour, and Council, and Convention of the Representatives of the People of our Said Colony, That you had most Joyfully received the Notice of our Happy Accession to the Throne of these Kingdoms, and Caused the Proclamation thereof to be issued thro’out Our Said Territory

We have therefore thought fitt hereby to Signify Our Royall Aprobation of the Same; and gracious Acceptance of Your readiness in performing, what was Necessary on Your parts for the Conservation of the Peace, and Quiet of Our Said Colony And Whereas You give us to Understand, that you have taken upon You the Present Care of the Government until you should receive Our Orders therein; We do hereby Authorise and Impower you to Continue in our Name your Care in the Administration thereof, and preservation of the Peace, Until We shall have taken such Resolutions, and given such Direction for the more Orderly Setlement of the Said Government as shall most conduce to Our Service, and the Security, and Satisfaction of our Subjects within that Our Colony, And so We bid you farewell Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 12th day of August 1689 In the first

Year of our Reign

By His Majesties Command



To Such as for the time being take Care of Preserving the Peace and Administering the Laws, in Our Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England.

William R

Trusty and Welbeloved, We Greet you well, Whereas we have been made acquainted by Our Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, with the Complaint made to them by Capt. George Commander of our frigat the Rose, that he had not Onely been put under restraint on Shore, but the Said Frigat disabled from our Service by the taking away of the Sails, and Countenancing the Ship Company against the Commander, Whereby he had been hindred from Securing our Subjects in those Seas from Pirates, and other Enemies, infesting the Coasts of New England, and from taking Care that the Acts of Navigation be duely Observed; Notwithstanding the Assurance that had been given you by Severall of the most Considerable Merchts. of our Town of Boston of His Behaving himself towards us according to his Duty, and Trust, We repose in him, We do therefore Will, and Require you to cause the Sailes and other furniture of the Said Frigatt to be restored, and made good unto Him, and the Same to be put into a Condition of being employed by him in the defence of our Subjects against Pirates and Other Enemies, And in Causing the acts of Trade, and Navigation to be duely Observed as much as in him Lyes According to Such Instructions as he hath or may receive from us, Or our Said Commissioners in that behalf, And so We bid you farewell, from our Court at Hampton Court the 15th day of August 1689 In the first Year of our Reign


By His Majesties Command

To such as for the Time before take care for Preserving the Peace and Administring the Laws in Our Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England in America


December 4th [1689]

Present the Governour and all the Magistrates as Yesterday and Major Saltonstal, Major Pike, and Mr. Cooke

Ordered by the Representatives that there be forthwith one Rate, and a half in Money raised by Assessment of the Inhabitants of this Colony, to defray those Charges that are and may arise for the Managing of the Affairs of Said Colony by our Representatives in England, And that the Treasurer Issue forth his Warrents Accordingly consented to by the Governour and Council.

Ordered for one Rate and half in Money

Whereas for the quieting of the people, and preventing of Inconveniences then Suggested to be feared, the Sails belonging to the Rose frigatt were some time Since brought on Shore, and laid up to be Safely Kep’t, In Obedience to his Majesties Command, in his Royall Letter given at his Majesties Court, at Hampton Court the fifteenth day of Augt. Last past, It is Ordered that all the Sails, and any other furniture, and Appurtenances belonging to the Said Frigatt be forthwith restored, and delivered unto the Order of Captn. John George, Commander of Said Frigatt.

Order for Delivering of the Sails etc. of the Rose frigatt

This by the Governour and Council

Bill329 for a briefe for the Releafe of Capne. Pease widow and Family

Whereas Captn. Saml. Peace did Voluntarily expose himself in the Service of their Majesties, and this Country in the Expedition against the Pirates who infested this Coast, and did much damage to their Majesties Subjects here In which Expedition he Lost his Life, and hath left a Widow, and four Orphans in a Poor, and Low Condition, It is Recommended to the Ministers of Several Towns in this Colony to make a Collection in their respective Congregations for the releif of the Said Orphans and Widow; And paying for the care of two of the Company belonging to Said Captain Pease that were wounded in the Said Service. The Money that shall be gathered to be put into the Hands of Major General Wait Winthrop, and Mr. A. Winthrop to be Improved for the Ends aforesaid as they shall Judge Meet.

5th [December 1689]

Captn. Elisha Hutchinson and Captn. Sam. Sewall respectively tooke their Oath’s for Assistants in the Government of this Colony.330

Upon Information that Sundry Persons Suspected to have intentions of Some evil, and Wicked design for the Surprizing and running away with some Vessell or Vessells, are Sculking and hiding upon some of the Islands, or on board some Boats lying in or about the Harbour of Boston or Nantaskett, or Coves therein, The Governour and Council sent an Order to Captain John Fayerweather Commander of the Castle Sufficiently to Man out His barge with some able, and Trusty Men to Visit, and Make Search upon the Said Islands, and in, and about any of the Coves, or Cricks, within this Bay; Or Boats or Small Vessells lying there, and to Apprehend any person, or Persons, who are Justly to be Suspected and Cause them to be brought up to Boston before Authority to be had upon Examination, and Protecded against as shall thereupon Appear According to Law.

6th. December 1689

Representatives Bill about Brantrey Souldiers

To the Honoured Governor and Councill and Representatives sitting in Boston December 3d 1689

Christopher Webb of Braintree Humbly moves for behalf of said Towne that the number of souldiers ordered from said Towne to serve at the Castle Viz foure be abated to two, they finding the Burthen very hard and that two may be ordered to be sent from dedham they having as yet sent none on that service which will oblige your humble Servants.

Christopher Webb per order of Major Edmond Quinsey

Voted by the Representatives and the affirmation as attests

Ebenezer Prout Clerk331

6th December 1689

Representatives Bill about farther Exercise of Government

His Majestie haveing by his gracious letter Signified unto us, his gracious acceptance of what we have done, in taking up the Government, and Confirming the Same in our hands, It is desired by the Representatives, that our honoured Governor and deputy Governour and assistants, would be pleased to come up to a full exercise of Government, according to our charter rules and that the same be published332 and declared for the Satisfaction of the people of this Collonies, and that there be noe delayes of Judiciall proceedings in Courts, which wee hope will remove much discouragement, that Lyes upon the Spirits of many.

Ebenezere Prout Clerk333

Saturday December 7th [1689]

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governr.
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • John Richards
  • Nathl. Saltonstall
  • James Russell
  • Saml. Shrimpton
  • Elisha Cook
  • Wm. Johnson
  • John Hathorn
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Sam. Sewall
  • John Smith
  • Jona. Curwin
  • Jeremh. Swayne
  • Isa. Addington

A bill past for the Keeping of a Day of publick Thanksgiving.334

It Having Pleased the God of Heaven to mitigate His many Frowns upon us in the Summer Past, with a mixture of some Very Signal Favours, and in the midst of wrath so farr to remember Mercy, That Our Harvest, hath not wholly failed, That Our Indian Enemies have had a Check put upon their designs of Blood, and Spoil, That Others have not Seen their desires Accomplished upon us, and that we have such hopes of our God’s Yet Adding more Perfection to our deliverances; Inasmuch also as the great God hath of Late raised up such a defence to the Protestant Religion, and Interest abroad in the World, Especially in the happy Accession of their Majesties, Our Sovereign King William, and Queen Mary to the Throne.

It is therefore Ordered that Thursday the Nineteenth of December Instant be Kept as a day of thanksgiving thro’ out this Colony, and all Servile Labour on Said day is hereby inhibited And the Several Ministers, and Assemblies are Exhorted to Observe the Same, in Celebrating the Just Praises of Almighty God, of whose tender Mercies, it is that we are not Consumed.

Voted, and Unanimously agreed by the Representatives, That Elisha Cooke, Esqr. be desired forthwith to Undertake a Voyage for England to Joine with Sir Henry Ashurst Knt. and Baronett, and Mr. Increase Mather, (if he shall then be Resident in England) to Negotiate, and Transact the Publique Affairs of this Colony there, And that full Power According to Instructions be given to them or either of them to be our Agents for the End aforesaid. Consented to by the Governour, and Assistants.

Agents appointed to be sent to England

Voted that their Majesties Declaration of Warr against the French be forthwith published in Boston.335

Ordered that Thomas Danforth, Wait Winthrop, John Richards, and Elisha Cooke Esqrs., Mr. Thomas Broughton, Capt. Joseph Lynde, and Mr. Christopher Webb, be a Committe to make Inquiry, and receive, in what Informations they can against the Prisoners that are to be sent for England.

Ordered that all Officers under Commission and Soldiers under Impress being imployed by this Government against the Indians Enemy, shall have the like Wages per week and the like pay as the Officers, and Soldiers received in the last Warr with the Indian In the Year’s One thousand Six hundred, and Seventy five, and 1676.

Tuesday December 10 [1689]

Mr. Isaac Addington is added to the Committee that are Appointed for taking information against the Prisoners that are to be sent for England.

10th of December 1689

Representatives bill about the Gentlemen to be sent for England

In obedience to his Majesties Commands, Voted by the Representatives, that Sir Edmond Andros, Mr. Joseph Dudley, Mr. Edward Randolph, Mr. Jno. Palmer, Mr. Jno. West, Mr. James Graham, Mr. James Sherlock and Mr. George Farwell, being now in Custody, be all sent to England by the first ship.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk336

Mr. Eliakim Hutchinson, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. Sampson Sheafe, Mr. John Eyre, and Mr.Thomas Brattle, (all or any three of them) are desired, and appointed a Committee to grant Debentures for wages to the Soldiers that have been lately Imployed in their Majesties Service against the Common Indian Enemy;337 which Committee are to sitt in Boston, at such times as they shall Appoint, giving Publick Notice thereof the Said Committee to receive the Commissaries Accompts, that so what, and of whom any of the Soldiers have taken up any thing may be Notified, Every Soldier to bring a Certificate from His Commander for the time he hath Served, and a Certificate from the Captain out of whose Company he was impressed, that he served with his own Armes, or hath returned the Armes he was furnished with, Or else the whole Value thereof to be defalked out of his Wages, Unless good Cause be shown to the Contrary. It is likewise Ordered that if any Town or particular person have Supplyed any Soldier towards his Wages, they are with all Speed to give in the Accompt thereof, to the Several Commissaries who Served in their respective Head Quarters, that so it may be inserted in the Said Commissaries Accompts, and returned to the Committee abovesaid. All which being considered the Committee are to pass each Soldiers debenture to the Treasurer for payment of what may be due.

[December] 12th. [1689]

Ordered that Capt.Jno. Fairweather forthwith Signify to Sr. Edmund Andros Knt., Joseph Dudley Esqr., John Palmer Esqr., Mr. James Grayham, Mr. John West, Mr. James Sherlock, and Mr. John Farwell; That the Governour and Council have received his Majesties Commands, Requiring that they the abovenamed Sir Edmund Andros, Edward Randolph and others that have been in like manner Seized, and now under Confinement be forthwith sent on board the first Ship bound for England to answer before the Kings Majesty, what may be Objected against them, And hereof to make a true return under His hand, and fail not.338

[December] 13th [1689]

Ordered that Wait Winthrop, Elisa Hutchinson, Saml. Sewall, and Isa. Addington be Appointed, and requested to draw up Letters to be sent to the Secretary of State, to Sr. Henry Ashurst, Mr. Mather, and such others as may be Advisable for our Publique Concerns, to be sent by the first Opportunity.

Ordered that Capt. Gardiner now at Barwick be Licensed to return home, and that the Command of those Soldiers under his Care be Committed unto Major Charles Frost and the Secretary is Ordered Accordingly to Signify the Same to them both, and to Send Major Frost, an Order to take the Government of Said Company.

Ordered that the Clerks of the County Courts respectively do Summon all the Retailers of Wine, Beer, Ale, Cyder, Rhum, etc. to Appear before the County Court to which they belong then and there to Shew their Payments of their dues as the Law directs for their draught since the Revolution of the Government and for the future to give Security to Observe the Law, Titles, Ordinaries, or Otherwise to be Discharged from that imployment, and their dues to the Country for what is Past to be Levyed as the Law directs.

Ordered that the Treasurer do forthwith take Care that there be a Sufficient Stock of Powder, Bulletts, and Ammunition provided, And that the Several Committees of Militia do forthwith take care that their Towns be Provided with Ammunition as the Law directs, And all Persons are hereby Prohibited from Transporting Powder Arms, or Ammunition without License from the Governour and Council on penalty of Forfeiting the Vessell and Cargoe.

Ordered that one third Part of the Soldiers in the Province of Maine be drawn off, and in case there be a Necessity of more to assist them there, that the Persons which are Come into this Colony from the Said Province be impressed, and sent thither to Strengthen the Remaining Town’s in the Said Province forthwith.

14th [December 1689]

Captn. Perm Townsend is requested to take up so much Money as is due to be Paid to Capt. Andrew Belcher for the Expedition upon which he was sent with the other Gentlemen to Albany, And it is hereby Ordered that the Money’s Coming due shall be received from the Ordinaries, and Retailers of Wine, Rhum, Ale, Beer, Cyder etc. shall be paid into Said Captn. Townsend until he be fully reimbursed the Moneys by him Paid as Abovesaid.

Major John Richards, Mr. James Russell, Captn. Elisha Hutchinson, and the Treasurer are Nominated, and impowered a Committee to make Agreement with all Ordinary Keepers and Retailers of Wine, Rhum, Brandy, Beer, Ale, Cyder etc. for their draught as the Law directs, as well for that past Since the eighteenth of April as for the future.

In Answer to the Motion of Mr. John West, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. John Foster, Mr. Adam Winthrop, and Mr. John Eyre (the Committee formerly appointed to overlook and take an Accompt of the Public records, Book’s and Papers seized in the Secretary’s Office upon the Revolution) are desired and Appointed to revise, and examine the Said Book’s, Papers, and Writings and to make a List of any that do belong to Mr. Wests private and particular concerns, and to Seperate the Same, making their report thereof to the Council that they may be returned to Said Mr. West. This Past by the Council.

December 14th. 1689

Bill for Majr. Swayne going to visit the Garrison at Salmon Falls

Majore Jeremiah Swayne is desired and ordered forthwith to undertake a Journie to Cochechoe and Salmon Falls and visit the Garrisons there, and to Indeavor that there be a proportionable number of men provided, of the Inhabitants of those provinces for the Enforcing of those Garrisons and upon doing Thereof to dismiss some of the Souldiers of this Colony.

Past in the affirmative by the Representatives

Ebenezer Prout Clerk339

Die luna [December] 16 [1689]

In Answer to the Petition of David Jamison, It’s Ordered that Said Jamison be released from Prison, paying Prison Fees.

The Accompt340 of John Arnold Prison Keeper amounting to Nine pounds Eight shillings being read was past, and Ordered to be Paid by the Treasurer with as much conveniency as may be.


Voted that the Treasurer forthwith take care to Provide bills of Exchange for one thousand Pounds Sterling Payable to our Agents in England towards the defraying of the Public charges of this Colony that are, and may arise there, Also Agreed that Captain Saml. Hayman of Charlestown, Mr. James Taylor, and Mr. Edward Bromfeild be desired to Assist in Procuring of the Same.

Ordered that the Soldiers that were impressed by Order of Sr. Edmund Andros and Sent forth against the Indian Enemy do reserve their head Money of the Six Rates in their own Hands until farther Order, And that the select men in every town do send an Account to the Treasurer by the Constables what their head Money amounts unto.

Allowance of Head Money upon 6 Rates to the Soldiers improved by Sr. Edmund Andros

Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. John Foster, and Mr. John Eyre, are desired to be of the Committee for Enquiry and receiving what Information341 they can against the Prisoners that are to be sent for England.

Whereas at the instant request, and importunity of this people by their representatives convened at Boston the fifth day of June last past before the date of these Present The Governour, Deputy Governour and Assistants declared their Acceptance of Government according to the Charter Rules by the Name of the Governour and Council of the Massachusetts Colony And to Exercise such Authority, within Said Colony as was formerly used by the Charter Government (Excepting such as be Judged repugnant to the Laws of England) until farther Order from England. It haveing Likewise been declared, That all the Laws made by the Governour and Company of this Colony which were in force on the Twelvth day of May One thousand six Hundred eighty Six, (except as above excepted) should be in force until further Settlement. And whereas his Sacred Majesty in Answer to the Address of the Said Govenrour and Councill, etc. hath by His most gracious Letter of the twelfth of August 1689 In the first Year of their Majesties reign (directed as followeth Vizt. To Such as for the time being take care for Preserving the Peace, and Adminstring the Law’s within our Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England in America) been pleased to Signify that his Majesty is given to Understand that they had taken upon them the present care of the Government and hath thought fitt by His Royall Authority graciously to Authorise, and impower them to Continue in His Name their care in the Administration thereof and preservation of the peace, until his Majesty have taken such resolution and given such Direction for the more Orderly Setlement of Said Government, as shall most conduce to his Majesties Service, and the Security and Satisfaction of His Subjects within this Colony, as by His Majesties said Letter put forth in Print doth Appear. All their Majesties Subjects as well Officers Civil, and Military, and all Inhabitants and Strangers residing within this Colony are therefore hereby required to take notice thereof, and to Yeild Obedience unto the Said Government accordingly as they shall Answer to the Contrary.342

A Declaration of his Majesties pleasure for the Exercise of the present Government

December 16th. 1689

Voted by the Representatives That Volunteirs be Raised by beate of Drum for the Reduceing of the Trench on the Coast of Accada or Els where to the obedience of there Majesties of Great Britain, And that such Commander or Commanders shall be Commissioned by the present Government, our Honoured Majestrates Consenting here unto.

Ebenezer Trout Clerk343

Adjourned to Fryday next the 20th instant at two a Clock then Mett, and After some short time together, Adjourned to Nine in the Morning

[Boston 21 December 1689]

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • John Richards
  • Wait Winthrop
  • James Russell Elisha Cooke
  • Sam. Shrimpton Elisha Hutchinson
  • Sam. Sewall
  • John Phillips

Ordered that the Treasurer do Pay to John Marshall out of the Five Rates Fifteen Pounds for this Year’s Salary.

For the better Safety and Convenience of Ships, and Passengers now bound to Europe, It is agreed, and Ordered that there be a present Stop and Embargo of all Vessells bound to Europe until farther Order, And all Officers imployed for the Clearing and dispatching of Vessells outward bound are hereby required to take Notice thereof.344

December 21st. 1689

Voted by the Representatives, That there be forthwith a small vessell sent for England to cary letters, and the management thereof is left to the Governour, and Councill.

Ebenzer Trout Clerk345

December 21st. 1689

Voted by the Representatives, That Doctor Thomas Oakes be imployed as our agent to joyne with Elisha Cooke Esquire, and others our Agents in England, Desiring the Honoured Governour and Magistrates Consent

Ebenezer Trout Clerk346

Adjourned unto Wednesday the first of January next at one a Clock

Boston pro. January [1] 1689 [90]

At the Convention of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusetts Colony

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr. Depty Governour
  • Sam. Appleton
  • John Richards
  • Elisha Cooke
  • James Russell
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Sam. Sewall
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • John Phillips

Agreed with John Wilkey of Boston to be the Common Executioner at the rate of Twenty Pounds per Annum to be paid him quarterly as formerly.

2d January [1689/90]

were all present Mr. Hathorn

Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Shrimpton and Mr. Swayne

Capt. Jonathan Danforth is Appointed to Joine persons in Marriage in the Said Town of Bilrica.

Ordered that the Soldiers that are posted between Oyster River and Wells be Supplied with Ten Coats, fifteen pair of Drawers, fifteen pair of Stockins, fifteen Pair of Shoes, and one barrl. Rhum The Commissioners for the Warr to provide them, and send them to Sergeant James Thorpe to be distributed amongst the Said Soldiers.

Ordered that William Stoughton, Bartho. Gedney, and William Browne, Esqrs. (with such Other Gentlemen, who were Members of the Late Council in the time of Sr. Edmond Andros’s Government) as they shall think fitt to advise with; be and are hereby desired to draw up such information347 as they can give referring to the Transactions of Said Government that were Oppressive, and Injurious to the People, as well touching the Manner of passing the Acts in Said Council, as the Execution of them, And any other Matters relating to the exercise of Said Government which were greivous, and Illegal, and to Transmitt the Same Speedily to the Council. The Gentlemen above named are requested to perfect what is above desired of them sometime the next Weeke.

3d January 89/90

Petition of Sundrey of Roxbury

30 December 1689

To the honourables Simon Bradstreet, Esqr. Governour and the worshippful Assistants together with the Representatives Assembled in Generall Court at Boston on the first of January in the yeare 1689/90

We whose names are under written humbly Present

That whereas upon Petition to the Generall Court Prof erred (by the Select men of Roxbury in behalfe of the severall Inhabitants thereof for a Tract of Land in the Nipmug Cuntry of the Contents of seven miles square) to the honoured Generall Court October 10th and 17th, The said Generall Court upon the seventh of November 1683 Grant unto the said Inhabitants the said Tract of Land for setting a Village upon; Provided they should setle thirty families upon said Plantation within three yeares and maintain among them an able orthodox Godly Minister, And whereas for their further encouragement the said Generall Court was pleased to make an addition of another yeare within which time your Petitioners humbly present to your honors that the said conditions were through much difficulty performed, although at present through the great overtures that have bin in the Countrey and difficulties therefrom ariseing, the said Village is not at present in all respectes in the same Capassity though with much earnestness laboured for, Your humble Petitioners therefore in behalfe of the Inhabitants of Roxbury, and that we may encourage and make good our promises and Covenants unto the Inhabitants of this said new Plantation, humbly beg your honours contribution to their encouragement by your favorable acceptation of the said Conditions as fulfilled and grant confirmation accordingly whereby they will be animated cheerfully to encounter the difficulties which your honors do well know cannot but attend such a wilderness in severall respects especially in these difficult and dangerous times.

And your humble Petitioners

shall pray

Samuell Ruggles

Joseph Grigs

John Gove

Samuell Gove

Nathan’ all Holmes

The above petition is granted by the Representatives Desireing the Honourable Governour and Majestrates Consent herein

Ebenezer Prout Clerk348

3 [January 1689/90]

Capt. Simon Willard being abroad in the Service, The Council do Order that William Wormwood late Lieutenant to Said Capt. Willard do in His absence Sign Certificates to the Soldiers that were belonging to the Said Capt. Willards Company in the Late Expedition Eastward against the Indians for the Time they were in that Service, Also give in his Accomptt of what each Soldier hath already taken up towards His Wages, unto the Committee for passing Debentures: Said Wormwood for Sometime Supplying the place of Commissary to that party under His command.

A Bill past for Printing the Order appointing the Committee for Debentures.

4th [January 1689/90]

  • Present
  • The Deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Majr. Appleton
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Major Phillips
  • Colo. Shrimpton
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Major Sweyne
  • Mr. Russell
  • Capt. Hutchinson

Ordered that Thirty Shirts, Ten pair of Drawers, Ten pair Shoes, Ten pair of Stockins, and Six Coats more be sent to Sergt. James Thorp for the Supply of the Soldiers that are posted between Oyster River, and Wells, And that the Commissioners for the Warr forthwith provide them.

Ordered That for the Encouragement of Salem, Boston, Marblehead, Beverly, and Hull, to Fortify against a forreign Enemy they shall be allowed the Value of their Proportion to two Single Country Rates as Money, They making it appear that they have disbursed that Value for Great Guns, and Ammunition, to be allowed, and paid them out of the next Rates that shall be raised for paying publick charges.

Encouragement to the Sea Ports to fortify

The Gentlemen of the Committee for Passing of Soldiers Debentures are likewise desired, and Ordered to receive, Examine, and Auditt all Accompts that may be presented unto them, for Quartering, Billeting, or transporting of Soldiers, or Supplies sent unto them from time to time, and other charges accrewing by the Warr with the Indians by Order of the Government Also to grant Debentures to the Soldiers, who have Served in Garrison at the Castle, whose wages is Stated five Shillings per weeke, and the Corporal Six, And to Pass the Same to the Treasurer for payment.

4th. January 1689/90

Bill for volunteers against the French

Voated for the Incoragment of Such Gentlemen and merchants of this Collony as shall undertake to reduce penobscot, St. John, Port Royall, Gut of Canso etc. to their Majesties Government and Servis they shall have the use of the two sloops of warr with their Ordnances and apurtenances for three or four months on free [cost] and all the profitts they can make from our French Enimies [tear] Trade of the places they shall take for the future till their be other orders given from their Majesties and that they have Comision From the Government in their majesties name for the Same provided those that surender peacably shall not be plundred and honorable Termes shall be offred them and that advice of what is done herin be given to their majesties.

past in the affirmative by the Representatives

desiring the Honoured Majestrates consent

Ebenezer Prout Clerk349

Ordered by the Representatives That mr. James Graham be forthwith Removed from the Castle to the prison in order to the settleing his affaires.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk350

7th Die [January 1689/90]

  • Present
  • The Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Russell
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Major Richards
  • Major Appleton
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Collo. Shrimpton
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Majr. Phillips

In Answer to a Motion351 made by Joseph Dudley Esqr. for His Enlargement from His present Confinement, The Representatives do Consent that Said Mr. Dudley have Liberty to go home to His Family in Order to the Setling His Affairs, provided he be under a Sufficient Guard at his own charges (which guard they leave to the Council to Appoint) and be in readiness to Attend his Majesties Command, in Order, to His Transportation for England, when he shall be Ordered thereunto. The Council consent to this Bill, And do impower Capt. Saml. Ruggles to Appoint two Sutable persons, to be a guard as Abovesaid.352

8th [January 1689/90]

William Everton Master of the Barke Larke by His Petition setting forth that by Order of Collo. Shrimpton, he delivered unto William Bantum the Gunner of the Fort for the use of the Countrey, Two paterara’s, and four Chambers, of Iron, used in the Sloop Mary, onely Lent for one Voyage, Praying an Order to Capt. Prout for the delivery of them; Colo. Shrimpton also Certifying the Lent of Said paterara’s etc.

The Council do accordingly Order the delivery of Said paterara’s and Chambers.

Adjourned to the 10th instant at nine in the Morning.

January 10th 1689 [/90]

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr. Depuy. Governr
  • Major Winthrop
  • Major Appleton
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Major Phillips
  • Collo. Shrimpton
  • Mr. Hathorn
  • Capt. Sweyne

Whereas our Sovereign Lord King William hath declared open Warr against the French King, and his Subjects And whereas several Acts of Hostility have been committed by the Subjects of the Said French King upon the Subjects of their Majesties of great Brittain and their Estates both by Sea, and Land, in Europe, and the west Indies, And have already taken divers Ships, and other Vessells belonging to this Countrey, Some upon this Coast, and by them carried into Port Royall in the Eastern Parts and credible Information being given that the French there and Others adjacent are about to Fortify themselves; who have been, and are likely to prove ill Neighbours, prejudicial, and pernicious to their Majesties Subjects, and interest here, in the destruction of their Navigation, and Fishery, and by continuing to Animate, and Supply our Indian Enemies, and will be an Harbour, and Succour to such French Men of Warr, or Privateers that may infest, and annoy this Coast, or design an Attack upon the Countrey; It being thought Advisable that due consideration be had of what is incumbent on us, and Necessary to be done for the Obviating, and preventing of further Mischeifs, and inconveniences that may arise by their Strengthning of themselves in those parts, The Council and Representatives do Desire, and Appoint Collo. Bartho. Gedney, Mr. Benja. Brown, Mr. Charles Redford, Mr. John Nelson, Mr. Nathl. Oliver, Mr. John Foster, and Mr. John Alden Senr. a Committee to Consider of the premises, and to Advise, and propose what they Judge may be meet as well for the Safeguard and defence of the Countrey, and their Majesties Subjects, and interest here, as for Securing the Fishery, and Navigation, And the most Sutable, and proper means, and Methods to be used, and taken to Effect the Same, and Speedily to make report thereof to the Council; The Said Committee are desired to meet at Boston for the End, within mentioned upon Tuesday next the fourteenth instant,

Committee to Consult referring to an Expedition against Port Royal

Adjourned over to the 15th of this instant January 1689 at None in the Morning, and then Met.

[15th. January 1689/90]

  • Present
  • The Deputy Governour
  • Major Richards
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Phillips
  • Major Appleton
  • Capt. Smith
  • Capt. Swayne
  • Mr. Johnson


Ordered that Mr. James Grayham have Liberty to Come up to Boston under a Sufficient Guard at the Appoinment of Capt. John Fayerweather to dispose of His Children and Order his Affairs.

18th [January 1689/90]

  • Present
  • The Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Capt. Smith
  • Majr. Richards
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Russell
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Capt. Swayne
  • Colo. Shrimpton
  • Capt. Sewall


The Committe for the drawing up of Letters to be sent to England are likewise desired, and Ordered, to draw up a Commission and Instructions for our Agents, that shall be improved to Manage and Transact the publique Affairs, and concern’s of this Colony, in England.

15 Jan. 1689/90

Vote for Dr. Oake his goeing to England

The Representatives not having Received an Answer to their former Bill referring to another Agent, and being made more sensible of the Countries desire of the same have therefore again voted the sending of Doctor Thomas Oakes as our Representative or Agent to joyne with the worhipful Elisha Cook and others formerly chosen to manage our Affaires in England.

John Bowles per order

18 Janry. 1689/90

Consented by the Council

Isaac Addington Secretary353

Ordered that Dr. Thomas Oakes go for England as one of the Agents for this Colony.

In Answer to the Council, and Representatives desire of the 10th instant Signified unto us, having discussed the Several particulars recommended to Our considerations relating to an intended Expedition against the French of Nova Scotia of whose ill Neighborhood, and Influence being thro’ly convinced, We have Joined our Assent unto these following heads, which we recommend, and present, to your better Considerations.

Committee’s Report about the French Affairs

1st. That we think it absolutely Necessary to set forth Sufficient Forces for the reduction of Port Royall and places Adjacent.

2ly. That the Forces to be sent cannot be less than five Hundred Men Effective.

3dly. That we think it most convenient the design be Undertaken, and the Charges be defrayed by the Country, the benefit being Universall, and such as immediatly Concerns the Peace, and Safety of this Country, and without which, the charges of, a defensive War, with the Natives (Which this we believe will prevent) will amount unto a far greater Sum, without any probable Success.

4thly. That if the Circumstances of the Country be such as to Render the Enterprize impossible on the Publick Charge, Then you will be pleased to give encouragement and Invitation unto such Private Undertakers, as shall Offer themselves on these following Terms, which we presume to be most Reasonable Vizt.

1st. That you permitt Volunteers to be raised, and Commissions to be issued out for all Necessary Officers.

Proposals for the Reducing of Nova Scotia.

2dly. That you will be pleased to Lend or furnish the two Sloops now in the Countries Service Gratis.

3ly. That the Sole Benefit, and Profits of Said French Country be Appropriated unto the Undertakers, or Company (waiting his Majesties Commands, and Settlement for the future disposal) to Say, the Indian Trade, and what Plunder may be reasonably made, both of Stores of Warr, or Otherwise (Saving the performance of all such Articles as may be Concluded with the Inhabitants upon Surrender, (which we expect) And further, That this Country will make Some Public Act, whereby to Assure unto the Gentlemen that shall Undertake a full, and real reimbursment of what the plunder etc. shall fall short of the Principle Sum, in Case, the French Country be Wrested out of their hands by any Accident before the first disbursment can be or is Discharged.

5thly. That one or both of the Sloops aforesaid be well fitted, and prepared for the Defence of our Fishery along the Coasts of Cape Sables (the Gentlemen concerned in said Fishery having generously Offered the Countenance and Assistance of any Sutable Number of their Vessels for Transportation etc.)

Lastly that your resolves may be expeditious the Season coming on apace, and the Affair cheifly, if not wholly depending (next under God) on Expedition.


Presented and Read to the

Bartho. Gedney


Benja. Brown

Charles Redford

John Nelsson

Nahl. Oliver

John Foster

John Alden

The Convention Adjourned to Monday the 20th of January instant at one a Clock.

20th January 1689 [90]

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth, Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Collo. Shrimpton
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Majr. Phillips

Upon Consideration of the Necessity of forwarding the Concernments of the Publick now to be dispatched for England which must be Constantly attended until that work be finished.

It is Ordered, That the next County Court for Suffolk to be holden in Ordinary course of time appointed by Law upon the Last Tuesday of this Present Month of January, be put off unto the Last Tuesday in February next the Twenty fifth of the Same, and be then holden, and kept And that the Court of Assistants to be holden in Ordinary course of time Appointed by Law, on the first Tuesday in March next be put off unto the third Tuesday of the same March, being the 18th Day, and be then Kept, And that the Appeals from this County Court, unto the next Court of Assistants be good as if the Said Court had been holden, and Kept, at the time Appointed; the Reasons of Appeal being given in so many dayes, as the Law directs before the Keeping of Said Court.

23d Die [January 1689/90]

Ordered that the Treasurer do pay unto Mr. John Hubbard Thirty five Pounds in Country pay as money, in part payment for Ten great Guns bought of Him for Strengthning of the Fortifications on Castle Island.

24th Die [January 1689/90]

  • Present
  • The Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Major Richards
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Capt. Smith
  • Capt. Swayne
  • Mr. Johnson

Agreed that this Convention be henceforth termed a General Court, and be Accounted such in all Respects.

The following Commission to the Agents for this Colony was Voted, and agreed upon.

(Locus Sigilli)

The Governour, and Council, and

Representatives of the Colony of

Massachusetts Bay in New England

convened in General Court at Boston

To all unto whom these Presents shall come greeting etc.354 Know Ye,355 That by the Act of this Court, We have Nominated and Appointed, and by these presents, Do fully impower, and Authorise, our Honorable, and Trusty Freinds, Sr. Henry Ashurst Knight and Baronet, Elisha Cooke, Esqr.. Mr. Increase Mather, and Mr. Thomas Oaks to be Our Agents in England, or so many of them as shall be resident there, to wait on their Majesties for the Negotiation, and Management of the Publick Affairs of this Colony in the Obtaining a full Confirmation of our Ancient Charter rights, and priviledges, And to endeavour the same by all due and Lawful ways and Means; And for what else may concern us there referring to the Persons now to be sent into England in Observance of his Majesties Commands, and our defence, against any that shall misrepresent us, on Accountt of the Late Revolution, Or in any thing transacted by the Persons sustaining the Government since that time, hereby ratifying, and Confirming what our Said Agents Or so many of them as shall be There resident shall Lawfully Act, and do by Virtue of this Power according to such Instructions as they shall receive from the Governour and Council, with the Representative Body of this People In Testimony whereof we have Ordered the Common Seal of the Said Massachusetts Colony to be hereunto affixed, Dated the twenty fourth day of January356 1689 in the first Year of their Majesties Reign.

By Order

Signed Simon Bradstreet Governour

Isaac Addington Secretary

The following Instructions were Voted, and Agreed upon

Instructions for the Agents

he Colony of the Massachusetts

Bay in New England

1st. You are to Waite upon their Majesties and humbly present our Addresses sent with You.

2dly You are to lay before His Majesty the intolerable Inconvenience that this Colony was exposed to by means of the Arbitrariness, and illegality of the Late Commissions, and by reason of the ill Instruments in whose hand principally the Execution of them Lay.

3dly. The Utter Inconsistence that there is between the very being of this plantation, and the pernicious357 Aimes, and practices of the French King.

4thly. The Just, and Amazing Fears, this People were Surprised with, upon the Notice they had of the late King James’s being in France, least Sr. Edmund Andros (whose Governour and Confident he was) should betray them into the Power of the French King, other Circumstances concurring to Strengthning those Fears.

5thly. The Despair this People were brought to, when instead of defending them in their Just rights, and properties, Those in the Late Government sought to turn them out of their Lands, and possessions, upon which under God they had their Dependance for a Necessary Livelyhood.

6ly. The Probability there is, That the present Warr, with the Natives was caused by the injury done to Monsr. Casteen who is in Affinity with them, and Hath great Influence upon them.

7ly. That you Sollicite in Parliament, or else where as may be fitt, the Confirmation of our Ancient Charter, and all its rights, and priviledges Civil and Sacred.

8thly. You are to take care, what Money has been Advanced in London by Mr. Stephen Mason or Others for the use of the Massachusets, be Speedily paid them, with due thanks for the real Service done to this Colony by their Means.

9thly. You are to Solicite, That the Liberty of Coynage may be allowed us. Item to lay before his Majesty the Case of Pemaquid.

10ly. That you lay before his Majesty the great Inconvenience we are under by the ill Neighborhood of the French in Canada, and L’Acadie, and places adjacent and pray his favour and Direction in that Matter.

11thly. If there be Opportunity, You are to Endeavour to Obtain358 such priviledges as may be of farther Benefit to this Colony.

Boston 24th January 1689

Sign’d Simn. Bradstreet Governour

By Order

In the Name of the General Court

Isa. Addington Secretary

To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty

The Humble Address,359 and Petition of the Governour

and Council, and Representatives of the Colony of the

Massachusetts Bay Convened in General Court at Boston

May it Please Your Majestys:

We have been Honoured with the receipts of Your Majesties Several Gracious Letters of the 30th of July, the 12th and fifteenth of August last past, and do with all humble, and hearty thankfulness Acknowledge the goodness of God in the Favour, We have found in Your Majesties Gracious Acceptance, and Answer of our former Addresses, And that Your Majesties has been graciously pleased to Authorize, and empower us to Continue the Administration of the Government over this Your Colony; Which we humbly informed Your Majesty we were in the exercise of according to our Charter Rules. Your Majestys Command relating to the Rose Frigatt were forthwith Observed, and Your Other Commands for the Sending Home Sr. Edmund Andros, and others alike Seized, and under Confinement360 are now attended by this first Opportunity of Shipping, We have also dispatch’d some Gentlemen from hence to wait upon Your Majesties with this our Address have impowered them; together with some others upon the place (already concerned for us) to manage our Affairs, On whose behalf We humbly Supplicate Your Majesties favour. We are Sensible, That there are those, who have been Industrious to inkindle, and foment disturbances among us that they might have plausible pretences to Misrepresent us, which Carriage is the Less Surprizing to us, when we reflect upon many of their Words, and Actions manifesting their disatisfaction to the Alteration of the Government in England. We also crave Leave humbly to Acquaint Your Majesty, That Several ill361 Men combining together have Committed divers felonies and piracy’s and that we might put some stop to their progress in so fatal a Design, We were Necessitated to grant Commissions to Suppress, bring in and Secure them; In which enterprise the Captain Commissioned for that Service was Slain and four of the Pirates, Notwithstanding which, and during the imprisonment of the Remainder, Others were so insolently hardy as to Surprize, and run away, with another Vessell and her Cargo, These daring Mischeifs constrained us for the Necessary preservation of the Peace, after Tryall, and Condemnation to Order the Execution of some of the Instigators and Leaders of those Enemies of Mankind for the deterring others from the like Intolerable practice, Having Confidence that what hath been done in that regard will be no way offensive to Your Majesty. We humbly Supplicate Your Majesties farther Grace and favour362 for the Continuance and Confirmation of our Ancient Charter rights, and priviledges both Civil and Sacred, For the Obtaining of which the Estates, and Lives of Our fathers, and predecessors were expended by which Means our Liberties are become the more dear unto us, Upon Accountt of their own innate worth, and what they have cost us, with no Charge, but advantage to the Crown, From, which Consideration we perswade Our Selves, That Your Majesty out of Your Clemency, and Justice will Effectually Confirm us in the Possession of them, which as are humbly Conceive will be a very honourable pursuance of Your Majesties most Gracious Declaration in Order to Your descent into England.

May Your Majesty have a Long and Prosperous Reign So Pray’s

Boston January 24th 1690

Your Majesties very Loyal and Dutyfull Subjects and humble Suppliants. The Governour and Council, and Representatives of Your Colony of the Massachusets Sign’d Simon Bradstreet Governour

The above written Address was Voted and agreed by the whole Court.

24th January [16]89/90

Voted by the Representatives, that Troopers be forthwith brought into the [torn] of valuation in the several [torn] doe pay head [torn] rates for their horses as others doe from the time of the Revolution excepting one Single cun[try] rate in a yeare, according to the law made in the years 1675, any law usage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding.363

E P Clerk364

[January 29th 1689/90]

To the Queens most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition, and Address of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Colony in Massachusetts Bay in New England Conveened in General Court at Boston

Address to the Queens Majesty

May it Please Your Majesty

The bringing America into Acquaintance with Asia, Africa and Europe, her elder Sisters, was a peculiar happiness reserved for the Noble Isabella Queen, of Castile, And the English Plantations on this long extended Continent between the Seas, do, Some of them owe their Original, and Name to Our more Renowned Queen Elizabeth, But Yet a weightier Crown of Honour is now Offered to Your Sacred Majesty which Your New English Subjects do humbly Supplicate Your Gracious Acceptance of, in becoming a Nursing Mother to the Churches of Christ here; It is not Unknown to Your Majesty, That they who were the first beginners of this Setlement did leave their Livings, and Dearest Friends, and did Venture over the Vast Atlantic Ocean into a remote Wilderness, to find out a place, where they might use their own plainess in Religion, without Disturbance to themselves, or offence to Others, and that they might gain an Opportunity of Endeavouring, That the poor enslaved Americans might be delivered into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God—We therefore humbly beseech Your Majesty to Vouchsafe us Your Royall Help for the Confirming to us, what God hath given us to possess both as to the Good things of Earth, and Heaven; His Majesty has been pleased to express very Gracious Inclinations towards New England, and we have seen an Auspicious beginning of Answerable performances, In consideration whereof, in Conjunction, with Your Majesties Known Piety doth encourage as Humbly to present this our Petition to Your Majesty, That the Life of this Your poor People may be granted them. Your Majesty’s Seasonable releif herein Afforded, will make such deep Impressions on us, that from henceforth, Mary-Land, and New England will become Terms Synonymous, and our Hearts will be thereby tuned to Sing, in English, and American Dialects Behold, We heard of it at Ephratah, We found it in the feilds of the Wood.

May God Bless Your Majesty

January 29th 1689

So Pray’s

Your Majesties very Loyal and Dutyfull Subjects, and Humble Supplicants, the Governour and Council and Representatives

Voted and agreed by the whole Court

of Your Colony of the Massachusets


Simon Bradstreet Governour

30th Die [January 1689/90]

Ordered by the Council, That the four Soldiers still remaining in Garison on the North Side of Merrymack River, at Varnum’s and Coburn’s be forthwith discharged, and drawn off, and Majr. Thomas Henchman is desired to take care to see this Order Effected.

John White Joyner, and Daniel Turil Junr. being Summoned to Appear to Shew Cause (if any there be) why they should not be remanded to Prison; Joseph Smith of Boston Complaining That the Said White, and Turil being imprisoned upon an Execution to Value, of about Ninety Pounds, made their escape from Prison, The Said White and Turil Appeared, and pray’d time to Saturday next, And Accordingly Severally entred into Recognizance of Eighty pounds to Appear on the Said first of February at Nine in the Morning.

31st [January 1689/90]

Ordered, That Mr. Benjamin Rolfe, have Sixteen pounds Paid him by the Treasurer in or as Money, for His Service as a Chaplin to the Forces sent into the province of Maine to Falmouth, from the 14th of July to the 14th of November last past.

Die Luna 3d February 1689 [/90]

The Whole Court met at the Governour’s House

  • Present
  • The Governour Deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Capt. Hutchinson
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Collo. Shrimpton
  • Mr. Cooke
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Russell

Perused the Abstract of the Complaints, and Evidences to be sent into England.

4th February [1689/90]

At the Same place

Present all as Yesterday (except Mr. Russell) and Mr. Johnson

Ordered, That a Copy of his Majesties Letter of the 30th July last past; Willing, and Requiring, That Sr. Edmund Andros Knt., Edward Randolph, John Trefry, and Others in like Manner Seized, and under Confinement, at the receipt thereof be forthwith sent on board the first Ship Bound for England, to Answer before his Majesty what shall be Objected against them, And that care be taken for their Civil Usage, in their passage from New England, and Safe Conveyance to His Majesties Royall presence with the following Precept underwritten the Same, be sent by the Hand of Captn. John Fayerweather unto Gilbert Bant Commander of the Ship Mehetabell now bound for London, Together, with the Gentlemen Named in the Said precept Vizt.

To Gilbert Bant Commander of the Ship Mehetabel

Pursuant to his Majesties Commands in His Gracious Letter of the 30th of July Last Past, Copy whereof is above written, You are Required in their Majesties Names to receive into your charge, and Custody on board the Ship Mehetabell, whereof You are Commander now bound for England, Sr. Edmond Andros Knt. Joseph Dudley Esqr. Mr. Edward Randolph, Mr. John Palmer, Mr. John West, Mr. James Grayham, Mr. James Sherlock, and Mr. George Farwell, and every of them, herewith Delivered unto You by Capt. Jno. Fayerweather and them Safely to Convey According to his Majesties Commands in Said Letter, which You are exactly to Observe in all Respects as you, will Answer the Contrary at Your Perill

Dated and Signed the 5th of February 1689

Signed Simon Bradstreet Governour in the Name of the Generall Court

A Letter was also Written, and Agreed upon to be sent unto the Right Honorable The Earl of Nottingham, One of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council, and Principal Secretary of State, Importing the Sending of Sr. Edmund Andro’s etc. as abovesaid.

5th [February 1689/90]

Present, all as Yesterday, and Mr. Russell, and Majr. Phillips It is Ordered that the Treasurer make payment to Mr. Simeon Stoddard Fifty Pounds, which Doctor Cooke is Obliged on behalf of the publick, and also that he Satisfy, and pay what is Due to him for Entertainment of the Commissioners, and what else upon Accountt do Appear to be Justly Due unto Him.

A Precept was made, and Signed by the Governour, directed to Capt. John Fayerweather requiring him in their Majesties Names to take into his Custody Sr. Edmond Andros Knt. Joseph Dudley Esqr., Mr. Edward Randolph, Mr. John Palmer, Mr. James Grayham, Mr. John West, Mr. James Sherlock, and Mr. George Farwell, and them safely to Convey, and put on board the Ship Mehetabell, Gilbert Bant Commander now bound for London.365

6th [February 1689/90]

Present, all as Yesterday (except Mr. Cooke), and Mr. Hathorn Mr. Curwin Capt. Swayne

It is Ordered, That the Treasurer give unto each of the Indians Messingers late come from Albany, Trucking Cloth Coats of two Yards a peice.

Upon the Motion of Matthew Bridge of Cambridge, Ordered by the Council, That Henry Strecher Servant to Said Bridge now a Soldier in Garrison at Salmon falls be permitted to come Home.

Upon the Petition of Edward Pegge, Ordered That Richd. Wagg Servant to Said Pegge A Souldier in Garrison at Casco be permitted to return home.

It is Ordered That John Phillips Esqr. be Commissionated to be Sergeant Major of the Lower Regiment of Middlesex Major Thomas Hencham be Commissionated to be Sergeant Major of the Upper Regiment of Middlesex That Mr. Edmd. Quincey be Commissionated to be Sergeant Major of the South Regiment of Suffolke, Until there be an Orderly Nomination, And that the Secretary do forthwith prepare Commissions Signed, and Sealed for all Commission Officers of the Several Military Company’s, Troops, within this Colony, ready to be delivered unto the Clerks of the Said Several Company’s, and Troops Or who else shall be Appointed to call for the Same.366

Sergeant Majors

Ordered, That if the Agents for this Colony, in England shall have Occasion for more Moneys than what is now Advanced, and Ordered for their Supplies, That they take up what shall be Necessary for the Service of this Colony, upon the publick Creditt, (not exceeding the Summ of one Thousand pounds) and draw Bills upon the Treasurer for the Same.

For Encouragement of any Competent Number of Gentlemen, That shall Offer themselves to Undertake an Expedition against the French at Port Royal, and places Adjacent, as hath been proposed by the Committee appointed to Consider of that Affair, Reporting the Absolute Necessity of Setting forward the Same for the Security, and defence of this Country and the Navigation, and Fishery thereof against the ill designs, and Attempts of those our ill Neighbours, and others, who may be Animated, and Succoured by them, there being Warr openly declared by the Sovereign Lord King William, against the French King, and his Subjects, and divers acts of hostility having already been Committed by the Subjects of the French King in Surprizing, and taking several of the Fishing Katches and Other Vessells belonging to this Country. It is Agreed and Ordered

Proposals to Encourage an Expedition against the french at Port Royall

1st That Permition be given for the raising of Volunteers for that Expedition, and that Commissions from this Government be granted to all Necessary Officers for that Service.

2dly. That one of the Sloops now in the Country Service be Lent them gratis for two, or three month’s And the Other Sloop for Lesser time as shall be Limited.

3dly. That the Sole Benefit, and profits of the Said French Country, when reduced by Appropriated unto the Undertakers, or Company (waiting his Majesties Commands for the future disposal) That is to Say, the Indian Trade, what plunder may be reasonably made both of Stores of Warr, and Otherwise (Saving the Performance of such Articles as may be concluded with the inhabitants upon Surrender; This Government to have the first tender, and refusal of the great Artillery, if drawn off the Place.

7th February [1689/90]

Complaints being made against the Town’s of Andover, Havaril, Aimsbury,367 Wenham, and Marblehead for witholding the one half of their proportion in a Single Country Rate (or more) compared with the other Town’s of the Like Quantity, and Quality etc. Ordered That the Commissioners, and two of the Select Men of each of Said Town’s be sent for to Answer said Complaint on thursday next the 13th instant, And to bring with them a Copy of their Lists returned by the Said Commissioners unto their Shire Town.

The Court adjourned unto Wednesday the 12th of February instant at Nine a Clock, and Agreed by reason of the Sickness to remove, and meet at Charlestown, Notice to be given unto the Magistrates, and Representatives of the Several Town’s now Absent that so there may be a full Court.

Wednesday February 12th 1689 [/90]

At a General Court Sitting in Charlestown upon Adjournment

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • James Russell
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Saml. Shrimpton
  • William Johnson
  • John Hathorn
  • Saml. Sewall
  • Jona. Curwin
  • John Phillips Jermh. Swayne

Representatives, or Deputies

For Salem



Capt. John Higginson

Capt. Timo. Proutt

Cap. Jo. Lynde

Capt. John Price

Capt. Pen. Townsend

Mr. A. Winthrop




Capt. Norden

Mr. John Bowlds

Cap. Jno. Sprague

Cap. Saml. Ruggles

Phi. Sprague




Lt. John Dodge

Peter Tuftt junr.

Cap. Thos. Fiske




Capt. Danl. Epps

Cap. Saml. Clapp

Sam. Chamne

Lt. Simn. Stacey

Timo. Tileston

Davd. Fiske




John Pierson

Wm. Blake

Lt. Wm. Bond

Simn. Stone




Lt. Thos. Baker

Chris. Webb

James Convers

Matt. Johnson




John Pearly

Lt. Jas. Nash

Benja. Fitch




Capt. Jno. Osgood

Lt. Thos. Andrews

Peter Ayres




Cap. Na. Stearns

Cap. Ralph Hill

James Stevens




Capt. Josia Richinson

Simon Davis

Stephen Greenleaf

Ebenr. Proutt

Cap. Thos. Noyes

Aims bury



Capt. Saml. Foot

Sam. Stickney

Peter King



John Brigham

John Moore Senr.

Mr. John Bowles of Roxbury was chosen Speaker.

Ordered, That the Treasurer do pay unto Lt. Thos. Swift for his charge in Supplying of the Indians, and for his Care, and Charge of them this Summer last past, the Summ of forty five Shillings.

13th [February 1689/90]

Present also Major Richards, Capt. Hutchinson, Capt. Smith.

Upon reading the Petition of Capt. Jacob Eliot of Boston Praying Liberty to Set up a Timber house, and Barn in his Pasture in Boston, at the Entrance of the New Lane leading to Roxbury, beyond his Daughter Davis’s, Liberty is Accordingly granted as Desired.

Voted in the Affirmative, that the Freemen that are or shall be in this Colony Proceed to Election of Governour, Deputy Governour, Assistants, and Other Officers as the Charter and Laws of Said Colony directs.368

14th [February 1689/90]

Agreed that Provisions of Porke, and Beaf, Lent to the Country, be set at the Prices following Vizt. Porke at Seven Farthings per pound as money, and Beife, at three half pence per pound as Money.

Ordered That the Commissioners for the Warr be desired forthwith to Provide the following particulars for Supply of the Soldiers in Garrison at Casco, and the Places Adjacent. That is to Say, One hundred Pair of Shoes, Falls and plains One hundred Shirts, or Linnen, and Threed to make Them, three Peices of Cotton, for Waistcoats, and Drawers, Forty Coats made up or Cloth suitable for the Same; with threed Buttons, and Binding, etc. Sole Leather, Shoe Nailes, and Shoe threed, Five, or Six dozen pair of Good Yarn Stockins, Some Neck cloth Stuffe, three, or four hundred weight of Tobacco, some pipes, One peice of Duffals for Blankets Bread, Peise, Beife and Pork for two months’ Victualling of eighty Men, One barrel of Rhum, One hogshead of Molasses, and other things according to a Bill of particulars, halfe a Bushell of Oat meal, One hundred weight of Sugar.

Supply for Casco etc.

It is Ordered369 by this Court, That the Clause in the Law tide Freemen, referring to Ministers giving Certificate to persons Desiring their Freedom, be and hereby is repealed, And the Sum of Ten shillings is reduced to Four shillings in a Single Country Rate (without heads of persons) Or that the Person to be made free have houses or Lands of the Cleer Yearly Value of Six Pounds Freehold which Value is to be returned to the Court by the Select Men of the Place, or the Major part of them who also are to Certify that such person is not Vicious in Life And the Additional Law tide freemen, made October 15th 1673 is hereby likewise repealed.

Ordered that the Treasurer pay unto Mr. John Emerson370 the Sum of Twelve pounds in or as money for his Service as a Minister to the Army.

This Court taking into their Serious Consideration their many calls of Gods providence upon his People to be much, and Often in Solemn Manner imploring his Favour, And having by Experience found it good to draw Nigh to God, who will be Sought to be the House of Israel, Do therefore recommend to the Earnest Supplications of all that fear God, the Common Interest of the Protestant Religion in the World, which hath so many Potent Adversaries, As also the Accomplishment of such Scripture Prophecies as seem to be near the birth, and must be ushered in with prayer, More Especially the Present State of our own Nation, with their Allies, that the Warr in Ireland may have a good Issue, that all Animosities amongst God[’s] people may be removed, and their Hearts United, That King William, and Queen Mary may have their Throne Established, and be made great Blessings, that Peace, and Truth may Flourish in those Kingdoms under their Happy Conduct, The Condition also of the Land We Live in, which is under many awfull Frowns of God That he will pardon the Sins that have so provoked him, That he will reforme and Heal us, That he will preserve us from the Rage of Our Heathen Enemies, that he will improve, and prosper us in Winning the Natives of the Country to the Saving Knowledge, and Obedience of the only true God, That so there may be one Fold, and one Shepard, That he will guard us against Forreign invasion, take away the prevailing and Mortall Distempers of the fever, and Small pox, That he will provide for us a Setlement of Our Liberties, giving us to that End Favour with our Sovereign, Defeating all enterprizes against us; Preserving and giving good Success to our Agents, Affording direction in the Management of all our Arduous Affairs, That he will Uphold our Churches, bless our Seed time, and Harvest, that there may be no Famine of Bread, Nor of hearing the Words of the Lord.

Now that all Persons in their Several places; Ministers and people may with the more Intensness, and Solemnity apply themselves to so great, and Seasonable a Duty, This Court doth appoint the Sixth of March next to be Observed as a Day of Publick prayer, and Fasting thro’ out this Jurisdiction, Hereby forbidding all Servile Labour thereon.371

15th [February 1689/90]

Considering the Present necessity of the Country for Supply of the Soldiers in actual Service abroad, and other pressing Occasions, This Court seeth meet to Order, And be it therefore Ordered, That all Constables respectively do within One Month from this date cleer up their Accompts, with the Treasurer of the Country for the Money rates committed to them, On penalty of Five pounds for each Constable that shall make default therein.372

Constables Ordered to Clear the Accountts of Rates

Ordered That the Guards at the Castle be Lessened, And that the Captain, the Gunner, and His Mate, One Corporal, and Sixteen private Sentinals be a present guard there until farther Order And that the Major General, Or in his Absence the Major of Boston Regiment take care upon any Emergency, forthwith to Appoint a Sufficient Number of Men to move down to the Castle for the Enforcement thereof.

Ordered, That the Magistrates for the time being, dwelling in Boston be a Committee to inspect the Affairs of the Castle, as to the new Making, or Repairs of the Fortifications there, And what else shall be thought Necessary for the Strengthning, and Securing the Same, the Said Magistrates or the Major Part of them to direct therein.

Committe for the Castle

Captain Simon Willard is impowerd to dismiss such Men Under his Command as are Troublesome to him, and are not for their Majesties Service at Casco.

die Lunae 17th [February 1689/90]

  • Present
  • Thos. Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Col. Shrimpton
  • Capt Sewall
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Capt. Smith
  • Mr. Russell
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Major Phillips

Upon late intelligence received from Casco, That some few dayes since a Small party of the Indian Enemy to the Number of about Ten, came to a Plantation within three miles of Falmouth, and drove away from thence Twenty head of neat Cattle or Upward, and it is Supposed their head Quarters are not far distant, and a fair prospect if Speedily prosecuted of doing Service upon them, It is therefore desired, and Ordered that Thomas Danforth Esqr. President of the Province of Main, do forthwith dispatch his Order to Major Charles Frost to Levy, and detach to the Number of One hundred Men, within that Province, For making up of which Number he may take part of those Soldiers now in their Majesties Service, as well in Hampshire, as in the Province of Main, and to March down to Falmouth to Capt. Simon Willard, and to take Him, and as many of the Soldiers, as can be Spared from that Garrison with Him, and Speedily Prosecute the Enemy, if Possible to their Head Quarters, And Leave the whole Management of the Affair to the prudence of the Said Charles Frost to Appoint Commanders as he shall see meet.

18th [February 1689/90]

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr. Depty. Governr.
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Capt. Smith
  • Collo. Shrimpton
  • Mr. Harthorne
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Hutchinson
  • Major Phillips
  • Capt. Sewall

Upon Consideration of the Frequent Occasions for Concourse of People at the Town of Cambridge, It is Ordered that the Said Town be allowed the priviledge of two publick Inns, and two Retailers out of Doors.

Upon Reading the Several Petitions of William Coward, Peleg Heath, Christopher Knight, and Thomas Storey,373 severally found guilty of Piracy and Felony, at the Last Court of Assistants for this Colony, and Sentenced to be put to Death; humbly praying the Favour of this Court; The Court do remit the Said Sentence of Death, unto each of the Abovenamed Persons, And they paying the Charges of their prosecution and imprisonment their Release from prison is hereby Ordered.

The Magistrates, Assessed, and Ordered each of the Said persons to pay, Twenty Marks in Money to the Treasurer for their Charges of prosecution, and Imprisonment.

Whereas Complaint hath been made, that during the time of the Late Government Several Rates were Committed to Constables part of which being gathered by them is Still Resting in their Hands, and other part remains yet ungathered, by which Means the Publick charge is very unequally born, For Redress whereof It is Ordered by this Court, That all Constables to whom any rate or Rates, were committed since the last of December 1686 to be gathered for the use of any County or Town, within this Colony, who issued not their Accountts for the Same before the 18th of April 1689 do forthwith give an Accountt of their Receipts, and payments of such Rates to the County Treasurer, or Select Men respectively any Obstruction that hath hitherto been Notwithstanding.374 And the County Courts, and Select Men, respectively are hereby Impowered to Order the Collecting all Arrear’s of such rates, as the Law directs.

Order that Constables Perfect their Accountt of all Rates from 86

It is Ordered by this Court, That Capt. Lawrence Hammond deliver to the Order of the County court for Middlesex the records of that County, That is to Say, all Books, and Files by Him formerly received from Mr. Danforth sometime recorder of that County; As also all other Bookes of Record, and riles belonging to Said County in his Custody.

Order for the Delivery of Middlesex Records

John Richards Esqr. earnestly requesting his dismission from the Office of Sergeant Major of the Regiment of Boston, his request is granted, And Capt. Elisha Hutchinson is Appointed to the Office of Sergeant Major of Said Regiment, until an Orderly Nomination is made.

Major Hutchinson appointed Major of Boston Regiment

The Petition of Christopher Goodwin, Junr.

18 [February] 1689/90

Febr. 12th. 1689/90

To the Honoured Generall Court now sitting in Charlestown

The humble petition of Christopher Goodwin, junr. sheweth that your Petitioner having by the Providence of God been forced to spend a great deal upon my honoured father in Law Michael Long deceased, both whilst he was alive and after his Death in baring at my own Cost the Charge of what was Expended on the decent buriall of his body, Also in providing for his Widow my Mother in Law a poor, weak and decrepid aged Woman ever since his death and in paying of debt to Sundry Creditors of my Said Pother in Law, The Estate yet being upwards of thirty pounds in debt. I applyed myselfe to the County Court at Charlestown and none else appearing that would Administer upon said Estate, Administration was granted to myselfe, And notwithstanding finding no way to safely Pay the debts, nor any waies indeed the Estate remaining as it is to pay debts nor to be reimbursed what I have been out, nor to provide for the wodow, I humbly apply myselfe to your Honours that there may be some way directed unto, and some power invested upon me, or some other Just person to make sale of the said Estate, or some part thereof that just and honest debts may be paid, my mother Comfortably provided for, and funeral Expenses repayed The doing of which will be greatly obliging to your humble Petitioner, as also much for the Comfort of the feeble and helpless Widdow, who shall as in duty bound pray your &c.

Christopher Goodwin

The Petition abovesaid is Granted by the Deputies Charlestown 18th 1689/90

Ebenezer Prout, Clerk375

20th [February 1689/90] Present all as above

The following Commission for Major General was agreed upon. Vizt.

To Wait Winthrop Esqr. Major General

Whereas you are chosen, and Sworn to the Office of Major General of all the Military Forces, within their Majesties Colony abovesaid for this Present Year, Or until another be chosen and Sworn in Your place; These are in their Majesties Names to Authorise, and Require you to take into Your Care and Conduct all the Said Forces, and Diligently to intend that Service by Leading, and exercising of Your Inferiour Officers and Soldiers in time of peace, and Warr, Commanding them to Obey you as their Major General; And in Cases of Emergency upon the Assault, or Attack of any Enemy to raise, and Detach all or such part of the Said Forces as shall be needfull for their Majesties Service in the defence of the Country, and to resist, repel, and Subdue the Said Enemy as Occasion shall present; And to that End to issue forth Your Orders to the Sergeant Majors of the respective Regiments or Captains of the particular Companies of Horse, and Foot, or either of them, Having regard to the direction of the Law referring to Your Office, and You are to Observe, and Obey all such Orders as from time to Time You shall receive from the Councill, or General Court of this Colony.

Marshall Generals Commission

The Treasurer is Ordered to Pay unto the Marshall General Twenty Five pounds, the one half in or, as money, as recompence for Service in his place, it being for the Year.

Marshall Generals Allowance

Whereas at the General Court held at Boston, October the 13th 1680, a Law was made, and Published by their Order in the Words following, That is to Say, This Court being informed of the great deficiency generally found among the Troopers, some in one Kind some in others etc. And for the Prevention of future mistakes in the Law tide Publick Charges, wherein Troopers Abatement as to their persons, and Horses being exempted; It is Ordered by this Court, and Authority thereof; That henceforth all Troopers (Excepting onely those who by the first Law Anno 1648 were allowed Five shillings a Man, and the Abatement of their Head, and Horse, which is onely to be understood, as to one Single Countrey Rate) shall pay for their Heads, and Horses to all publick Assessments, as Others do, any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding, Provided that such as Listed themselves upon the Accompt of that Priviledge, hereby abated, as to their Head, and Horses onely, shall have free Liberty to dispose of their Horses, and List in the Foot Company again.

Order about Troopers paying for their heads and horses

It is Ordered by this Court that the Said Law be, and is hereby revived, and in force, as it was at any Time at, and after the publication thereof.

Upon Reading the Petition of Thomas Hawkins376 found guilty of Piracy, at the Last Court of Assistants for this Colony, and Sentenced to be put to Death, humbly Praying the Favour of this Court, The Court do remitt the Said Sentence of Death unto the Said Thomas Hawkins, And he paying the Charges of His prosecution, and Imprisonment his release from prison is hereby Ordered.

The Magistrates Ordered that the Said Thos. Hawkins pay Twenty Marks in Money for the Charges of His prosecution and imprisonment.

It is Ordered That for the Year 1690 the Day of Nomination of Magistrates be Tuesday the two and twentieth of April next, and the Day for the Commissioners of the Several Towns to bring in their Votes to the respective shire Towns be Friday the Twenty fifth day of the Same month of April; And the Day for Openning, and perusing the Votes at Boston as the Law directs, be Tuesday the Sixth day of May next following.

Mr. Joseph Webb is Chosen Notary Publick for this Colony.

Upon Consideration of the Number of Freeholders in the town of Boston, The Court judgeth it meet to grant Liberty unto the Town to Send Four Deputies to the Genral Court.

Boston allowed Four Deputies

Voted that William Warren be remitted the Sentence of Death, which was Justly passed upon Him by the Last Court of Assistants, for Felony, Piracy, and Murder, and paying the Charges of his prosecution, and imprisonment his release from Prison is hereby Ordered. The Magistrates Ordered that the Said William Warren pay to the Treasurer Twenty Marks in Money for Charges of Prosecution and Imprisonment.

Voted that Samuel Watts be remitted the Sentence of Death, which was Justly pass’d upon Him by the Last Court of Assistants, For Felony, Piracy, and Murder, and paying the Charges of his prosecution and Imprisonment his release from Prison is hereby Ordered. The Magistrates Ordered that the Said Samuel Watts pay to the Treasuere Twenty Marks in Money for charges of prosecution and Imprisonment.

Voted, That Daniel Lander be remitted the Sentence of Death, which was Justly passed upon Him by the last Court of Assistants, for Felony, Piracy, and Murder, And paying the Charges of his prosecution, and Imprisonment his release from Prison is hereby Ordered; The Magistrates Ordered that the Said Daniel Lander pay to the Treasurer Twenty Marks in Money for Charges of prosecution and Imprisonment.

Voted that Richard Griffin be remitted the Sentence of Death, which was Justly passed upon Him by the Last Court of Assistants, for Felony, Piracy, and Murder And paying the Charges of his Prosecution, and Imprisonment his release from prison is hereby Ordered. The Magistrates Ordered that the Said Richard Griffin pay to the Treasurer Twenty Marks in Money for Charges of Prosecution and Imprisonment.

Voted that John Stickterdam be remitted the Sentence of Death which was Justly passed upon Him by the Last Court of Assistants, for Felony, Piracy, And Murder And paying the Charges of his Prosecution, and Imprisonment his release from Prison is hereby Ordered. The Magistrates Ordered him to pay, Twenty Marks in Money to the Treasurer for charges of Prosecution and Imprisonment.

Voted, That Eleazer Buck be remitted the Sentence of Death which was Justly pass’d upon Him by the Last Court of Assistants for Felony, Piracy, And Murder, and paying the charges of Prosecution, and Imprisonment, his release from prison is hereby Ordered. The Magistrates Ordered him to pay to the Treasurer Twenty Marks in Money for charges of Prosecution and Imprisonment.

Voted that William Dun be remitted the Sentence of Death which was Justly passed upon Him by the Last Court of Assistants for Felony, Piracy, And Murder, and paying the Charges of Prosecution, and Imprisonment, his release from Prison is hereby Ordered. The Magistrates Ordered him to pay Twenty Marks in Money to the Treasurer for Charges of prosecution and Imprisonment.

Ordered by the Council, that Robert Barrow late Gunner of the Fort at Casco be allowed Seven shillings per week for the time of His Service there.

21st [February 1689/90]

  • Present
  • Thomas Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Mr. Corwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Major Phillips
  • Collo. Shrimpton
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Swayne

Considering the Situation of Aimsbury lying exposed to the Incursion of the Indian Enemy, It is Ordered that the Said Town of Aimsbury be Accounted a Frontier Town,377 And have, and enjoy the Exemptions, and priviledges by Law, granted to Frontier Towns.

Aimsbury made a Frontier

This Court considering how Necessary it is that the Several Train’d Bands in this Colony be so disposed, as that they may be drawn together with all readiness, and expedition, for defense of the principal Sea ports, and repelling Foreign Invasion, Do therefore Order That the Military Companys, and Troops within the County of Essex be divided into three distinct Regiments in this Manner Vizt. The Companies of Salem, Lyn, Marblehead, Beverly, and Manchester, are Henceforward to be an Entire distinct Regiment by themselves; And the Companies of Ipswich, Rowley, Glocester, Wenham, Topsfield, and Boxford are in like Manner made one Regiment, And the Companies of Newberry, Salisbury, Havaril, Andover, Aimsbury, and Bradford are to be one Compleat Regiment, And it is further Ordered that a Suitable person be Speedily Appointed to take Charge of the Said Companies of Salem, Lynn, Marblehead, Beverly and Manchester, as their Sergeant Major.

Essex Militia Divided into 3 Regiments

Forasmuch as Complaint is made of the great inequality of the Last Assessment, It is Ordered that the Select Men, and Commissioners of each Town do again Revise the List then given in, and take Special Care that all Troopers, and their Horses be added, and that the Several Towns in the County of Essex by their Select Men, and Commissioners do again meet, and rectify their Assessments in all Respects, And by their Commissioners, send the Lists of the Heads, and estate of each person to their shire Town upon the Eleventh Day of March next, there to be examined, and Adjusted as the Law appoints And return of the whole to be made to the Treasurer, at or before the fifteenth of the Same March, And that the Treasurer grant forth his Warrents Accordingly.

Order for rectifying the Assessment of Essex

February 21, 1689/90378

Where as severall Townes have been Complained of for being short for their lists and assessins given In in October last, viz. Andover, Haverhill, Wenham, Aimsbury, Marblehead—which Townes have been ordered to appear before this Court and appearing by persons by them [severally?] and having beene heard what they had to say In the case for themselves this Court doth order that the penalty apointed by the law title Publique charges section the third be taken off the severall Commissions and selectmen of the said Townes that are defective as above for every offence

past in the affirmative by the Deputies

Ebenezer Prout Clerk379

Adjourned to Wednesday the 12th of March next at one a Clock to meet in Charlestown.

Wednesday the 12th of March 1689 [/90]

At an Adjournment of the General Court met at Charlestown

  • Present
  • Thos. Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • John Richards
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • James Russell
  • William Johnson
  • Saml. Shrimpton
  • Saml. Sewall
  • John Hathorne
  • Jona. Curwin

The Representatives or Deputy’s the Same, as at the former Session;

Mr. John Bowles Speaker.

13th [March 1689/90]

Ordered that the Sloop Resolution be forthwith fitted up, and dispatched away for England, at the publick charge, with Advice to their Majesties of the Present danger their Majesties Colony’s in these American parts are in of Incursion by the Franch at Canada, now in actual hostility with the Crown of England, And of the want of Armes, and Ammunition to furnish the Country for their defence, And that some Gentlemen or Merchants be desired to take up Money on the Publick Accountt, to Load her at the best rates they can agree. The Treasurer, Mr. John Foster, Mr. Edward Bromfield, and Mr. Joseph Parson, are Appointed a Committee to purchase Oyle, or Logwood to Load her without delay.

Order for Sending the Sloop Resolution to England with Expresses

Complaint being made that the Order pass’d by this Court for the regulation of the Assessments upon the Town’s in Essex hath not been Attended, It is Ordered that the Commissioners of that County whose Names are Subscribed to the return made to this Court be forthwith Summoned to Appear before this Court on Tuesday the 18th instant, and to bring the Lists of the particular Valuation of the Several Towns with them.

By reason of the present emergency’s of the Country, It’s Ordered that the Court of Assistants to have been held on Tuesday the 18th of March instant be Adjourned unto the Second Tuesday of April next, being the eigth of the Same Month, And the Said Court is hereby Accordingly Adjourned unto that Day.

It having been a thing too Sensible and Obvious to escape the Observation of all who are not wholly Strangers in our Israel That this poor Land has Laboured under, a Long Series, of Afflictions, and Calamitys, whereby we have Suffered Successively in our precious, and pleasant things, and have seen the Anger of a Righteous God against us, expressed in Characters, which ought to be as terrible, as they must needs be Visible unto us, It having also both by the Testimonies of those that after the most humble and exact inquiries into the Mind of God; have discovered the same unto us, and by our Own general, and repeated Confessions, become undeniable, That a Corruption of Manners attended with inexcusable degeneracies, and Apostacies found in too many among this People, is the Cause of that Controversy, which the God of our Fathers has for many Years bin Maintaining with us, It being likewise at this Day such a Probation time with all New England, as this Country has never before Seen from the first Foundation of it, And the Judgements of that Holy God, who hath beheld how incorrigable, We have hitherto been under all his Dispensations, now arriving to Such an Extremity, That an Axe is laid to the Roots of the Trees, and we are in eminent danger of perishing, if a Speedy reformation of our Provoking Evils prevent it not. This Court have therefore thought it needful to preeface their other endeavours for the publick Welfare, with a Very Solemn Admonition unto this Whole People, that they every where give demonstrations of a Through [Sic] Repentance, without which We have little reason to hope for any Good Success in our Affairs. Wherefore It is Ordered that the Law’s of this Colony against Vice, and all Sorts of Debauchery, and Profanity (wch. Law’s have too much lost their Edge, by the Late interruption of the Government) be now faithfully, and Vigorously put in Execution; Particularly the Law’s against Blasphemy, Cursing, Profane Swearing, Lying, Unlawful gaming, Sabbath breaking, Idleness, Drunkenness, Uncleaness, and all the enticements, and Nurseries of Such impieties, Together with all other the wholesome Law’s, and Orders agreeble to the Present Circumstances of the Country by the Execution whereof, We approve ourselves a peculiar people Zealous of good Workes.

And as all persons are hereby warned to avoid those Vices, which these Laws are designed for the Prevention, and Chastisement of (the Lovers of, and leaders for such Iniquities being among the principal troublers of their Country) So all Inferiour Officers are enjoyned to perform their Duty in finding, and bringing out Offenders against the Aforesaid Law’s, and withal to give Notice to Such Offenders, that they must expect the Justice of an Exemplary punishment. And that no Attempts towards Reformation may want that Assistance, which all good Men will be Willing to give there unto; ’tis hoped that the Ministers of God will to the Publick reading of this Proclamation, adjoin their own fervent Labours, not only for the rebuking, and Suppressing of those provoking Evils, which are Marked for Common hatred but also to Witness against the more Spiritual Sins, which fall not so much under the Cognizance of Humane Law’s, Namely Such as Unbeleif, Worldliness, Heresy, Pride, Wrath, Strife, Envy, and the Neglect of Communion with God, in both Natural, and Instituted Worship, and the Contempt of the Everlasting Gospel, with a Shameful Want of due Family Instructions which are the roots of bitterness in the midst of us, Moreover after the Example of pious Rulers commended in Sacred Writt the Churches every where are hereby advised to give Utmost Encouragement unto the faithfull and Watchfull Pastors of their Souls, to Seek (where they Lack) a full Setlement, and Enjoyment of such Officers, as the Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for their Edification, to reflect Seriously, and Frequently on their covenants to Sharpen their discipline against those that walk disorderly and immediately to compose their differences, and Contentions (if any such there be) whereby any of them may be distempered and enfeebled, that so they may become terrible as an Army with Banners. Furthermore, it is expected that the Several Towns within this Jurisdiction do Speedily furnish themselves with all fitt Means for the good Education of Youth, and take Special Care to Avoid Factions, and Quarrels in their Other Town Affairs and all Plantations are Strictly forbidden to Continue without the Advantages of having the Word of God constantly preach’d unto them or without a Sincere, and Active Industry to Obtain the presence of the Lord Christ in all His Blessed Ordinances.

And Finally this whole people are hereby Advertised, That if these Essay’s for an Universal Reformation shall be Obstructed (as those in the Days of the Reforming Josiah were) by Mens being Setled on the Lees, and hating to be reformed, they can reasonably Look for no other Issue, than this, That the Jealous God will punish them Yet Seven times more for their Iniquities; But, That if the God of Heaven shall grant unto them, the grace to Remember whence they are fallen, and repent, and do their first Works, it will give a greater Prospect of Prosperity than Can arise from the Best Counsels, and biggest Armies, The Worke of Reformation thus Endeavoured, is now recommended unto the blessing of the Almighty with whom alone it is to Recover, a back Sliding People, Perswading our Selves that the Event thereof would be, Salvation nigh upon us, and Glory dwelling in our Land.

This is to be Printed380 and Published.

March 13o. 1689/90

Bill past for the Summoning of the Commissioners of Essex

Complaynt being made that the order passed by this Court for the regulation of the assessment upon the Towns in Essex have not been attended. It is ordered that the commissioners of the County whose names are subscribed to the return made to this Court be forthwith summoned to appear before this Court, Tuesday [blot] instant bringing the lists of the particular valuations of the Severall Towns with them.

Voted in the affirmative by the deputies

Penn Townsend per order Consented to by the Magistrates

Isa. Addington, Secretary.381

13o. March 1689/90

[Charles Morton to the Governor and Council]

March 11. 1689/90

Honoured Sirs

It becoms me in my place to promote (as I am able) the peace of my Neighbours, and therefore I hope you will pardon the boldness of this address. I understand Mr. John Cutler Jnr. has presented an Humble peticon382 to the Honourable Court for the Remission of his fine and Dropping his Appeale. I am well perswaded that Tis not for Distraction, but Reformation of any person, That you Impose at any tyme Legall penaltyes, And therefore where the End is attayned (or the case wil beare it) Mercy rejoyceth over Judgment. He has professed to me That, As He hath not Joyned with any, to peticon against the present Government or for a change thereof by a Generall Governour or otherwise; Soe he will make it his care to Demean himself for future in such maner, as shall give noe Just occasion of offense, But will quietly attend his own business according to his private station in peace and Love among his Neighbours; And as to the publique, that he will not medle farther than he shall be Regularly called thereunto; And then he shall be Ready to doe his utmost for the publique good. How farr his proceedings already past may Serve to Caution others or prevent future Disturbances in your Management of the Government I must leave to your Honours wisdoms, yet please to permitt me (ut amicus curiae) to Suggest a few things to your Consideration. The man won by Kindness may be worth the Having: He has adventured farr in the Countrey Service, And may agayn when called thereunto. The Tine, being Soe Considerable, may make a great hole in a small Estate, which must mentayne a growing family. And while I speake to Christian magistrates, I may be bold to Intimate my hopes that it will not a little conduce to the Success of my Ministry (to the Glory of Christ) If I may have the honour to be an Effectual Intercessor for my peoples Ease. You may please to communicate these my thoughts according to your prudence. And as I beg pardon for [such?] I must crave the same for my self that I have made thus bold with you.

That the God of heaven will Direct and Bless your affayres and Happily setle this poore Countrey, Is the Dayly Supplication of

Your Honours wellwisher and

Humble Servant

Charles Morton

The Magistrates haveing read and Considered the Contents of this within written In answer thereto, do Consent that the within named John Cutler, Junr. appearing before the Court and making such an acknowledgment383 as may be to the Courts sattisfaction, his fine shall be remitted and appeale dropped.

The Magistrates have passed this in the affirmative and do desire the Consent of the Deputyes here to.

13o. March 1689/90

Isa. Addington Secretary

The Deputies Consent with the Magistrates to the above Petition.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk384

14th [March 1689/90]

Ordered that Mr. Edward Shippen now intending a Journey to Pensilvania be desired to purchase fifty barrels of Gun powder (if there to be had) for the Supply of the Publick Stores of this Colony; And more if to be bought at Reasonable Rates, and to forward the Same to Boston with the first Opportunity.

Marblehead is granted to have Two Publick Houses of Entertainment.

Capt. James Minott is Appointed, and empowered to Joyne persons in Marriage within the Town of Concord.

Major Bartho. Gedney is Appointed Sergeant Major of the South Regiment Essex until a farther Settlement, And the Secretary is Ordered forthwith to Cause his Commission to be Drawn and Sealed.

Forasmuch as their Majesties Colonies in these American parts are Infested by the French now in Actual Hostility against the Crown of England, and in Danger of an Attack by them; It is Ordered That an Expedition against the French at Nova Soctia, and L’accadia be prosecuted at the publick Charge with all Speed.

Order for Setting forth an Expedition to Nova Scotia

It appearing to this Court, That the Law directing for The Making Publick Assessments hath not been attended by Some Towns, which hath Occasioned much disatisfaction, and is gready prejudicial to the Publick Affairs; It is therefore Ordered that for the Present Emergency, and for Carrying on the Necessary Occasions of the Country, the proportion of each Town to a Single Country rate shall be assigned by this Court, And if any Town shall find themselves agrieved thereat, Upon their presenting to the general Court a List of their Heads, and Estates as the Law directs if then it shall Appear they are Over rated, Abatement shall be made accordingly, And the Select Men of each Town respectively are required at or before the Twentieth of April next to make, and perfect their rates according to the Lists of each Man’s Heads, and Estates, and deliver the Same to the Constables to be by them Collected as by Warrent, shall be directed from the Treasurer, on Penalty of Paying, such fine, or fines as the General Court on Hearing the Complaint exhibited against them shall Judge meet to impose.

Order for Setting Each Towns Proportion to a Single Rate

Pursuant to an Order for assigning to each Town their Proportion to a Single rate Major John Richards, James Russell, and Jonathan Curwin Esqr. Ensigne Timothy Tilestone, Lt. Simon Stacey, Mr. Oliver Purchis, Capt. Joseph Lynde, Mr. William Bond, and Mr. Christopher Webb, are Appointed a Committee to Compare the Lists that have of Late Yeares bin returned from the Several Towns, and to Assigne to each Town such a Summ as shall to them Appear to be equal and Just, making report to this Court Wednesday the Nineteenth instant.

Committee for assigning the Towns Proportion

For Management of the Present Concerns of the Publique, referring to the Warr, with the Indians, the Expedition against the French, dispatch for England to their Majesties, Providing Ammunition, and Reimbursing such as have Advanced Money for the Warr, It is Ordered that Ten Single Rates be Levyed, and that the Treasurer forthwith grant his Warrent Accordingly, And such as make Payment in Money to be Abated one third Part, the prices of Corn to be per Bushell as follows Vizt. Wheat five shillings, Rye Four Shillings, Oates, one Shilling and Six Pence, Indian Corn three shillings Six Pence, Pease, Four Shillings, Barley, and Barley Malt Four shillings, And that the Grounds of raising this Money be inserted in the Treasurer’s Warrent.385

Order for Ten Rates

18th [March] 1689/90

March 1689/90

To the Honoured Governour and Councill and Representatives sitting in Charlestown

The humble petition of Agnes Batchelder of Charlestown sheweth That whereas your Petitioners Late Husband Joseph Batchelder after a long languishing sickness dyed Intestate Leaving your Petitioner a poor desolate widow and Mother of several small children unable to help themselves, and his Estate indebted to divers persons his moveable estate of very small Value, his Dwelling house exceedingly out of Repaire, Your Petitioner having likewise received power of Administration upon the said Estate from the Honoured Court of this County of Middlesex is yet rendered incapable of paying the Debts, maintaining herself and children and Repairing the house, without the sale of some part of the small portion of the Land whereof her said Husband died Seized, a Lawful power for which your Petitioner wants, and (as she conceives) is in your honours power to grant.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your Honours will please to appoint meet persons Impowered to inquire into the true state of your Petitioners case so as that she may have sufficient power granted her to make sale of so much of said Land as may produce a supply answerable to the ends and occasions above expressed.

And your Petitioner shall ever pray &c.

This petition is granted by the deputies and Capt.

Wm. Poster, Capt. Samll. Hunting, and Mr. Small.

Ballard are appointed a Committie according to

the Petitioners Reqest.

Charlestown the 18th. 1689/90

Ebenezer Prout Clerk386

15th. [March 1689/90]

This Court being informed That it will be for their Majesties Service, It is therefore Ordered That the Soldiers in Salem now under Command of Capt. John Price, and Capt. Stephen Sewall, be equally Laid into Four Company’s by the Militia of Said Town, and the Train’d Soldiers of Marblehead, are to be equally divided to make two Companies by Major Gedney, and the Militia of Marblehead and Marblehead Troop is hereby dismissed, And the Said Two Companies are to be under the Command of Capt. Jno. Legg and Capt. Nathl. Norden.

Salem, Marblehead Order for Dividing of Salem and Marblehead Train’d Bands

Upon Reading the Petition of Edward Morris, William Bartholemew, Nathl. Johnson, and John Butcher in behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Inhabitants of the Plantation granted to Roxbury, Setting forth that they have fulfilled the Condition of Said Grant, Praying a Confirmation according as it is already taken up Westward of Quinebaug River, as the plat will show, and to allow the Survey thereof, and grant them the priviledge of a Township, with a Name to the Town, and to be rate free five Years, and to Appoint a Committee to Assist in their Town Affairs.

Roxbury Plantation Confirmed, and granted to be a Township by the Name of Woodstock

If the Plantation abovesaid appears to be within our Patent Line, and no particular proprieties already granted therein This Petitions is granted, And the Place named Woodstock387, and Capt. Thomas Thurston, and Lieutenant Barber of Medfield and Lieutenant Josiah Chapin of Mendon are Appointed a Committee to Advice, and Assist in the Ordering, and Settling of their Town Affairs.

Ordered that Mr. Adam Winthrop do Pay for the cure and diet of Daniel Langdon, Eight Pounds, out of the Money collected by Breif for the Widow Pease, and Her Children, and Cure of two Wounded Men.

Order to pay for Dan. Langdon’s Cure

Capt. Nathl. Green, Mr. Richard Middlecott, Mr. Nathl. Oliver, Capt. Andrew Belcher, and Capt. Samuel Legg are desired and Appointed a Committee to consult, and advise what may be Necessary of Shipping, Provisions, Ammunition, and other stores to Accommodate the expedition, against the french at Nova Scotia, and L’Accadia, and make provision accordingly, and report the Same to this Court.

Committee for the Shipping Provisions etc on the Nova Scotia Expedition

Adjourned to Tuesday the 18th March instant 1689 At Nine in the Morning and then Met at Charlestown.

[18 March 1689/90]

Major Bartho. Gedney is chosen, and appointed to be Commander in Cheif388 of the Forces designed for an Expedition against the French.

19th [March 1689/90]

  • Present
  • Thos. Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Coll. Shrimpton
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Major Richards
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Majr. Phillips
  • Mr. Russell
  • Majr. Hutchinson
  • Capt. Swayne
  • Majr. Appleton
  • Capt. Sewall

Their Majesties Subjects in these Northern Plantations of America have of late been invaded by the French, and Indians and many of the, barbarously Murdered, and in great Danger of farther Mischeifs, For the prevention whereof It is by this Court thought Necessary, That Letters be written to the Several Governours of the Neighbouring Colonies desiring them to Appoint Commissioners to meet at Road-island, on the Last Monday in April next, there to advise, and Conclude on suitable Methods in Assisting each other for the Safety of the whole Land, And that the Governour of New York be desired to Signify the Same to Maryland, and parts Adjacent.

Agreement to desire a meeting of Commissioners from the Several Governments to advise of the Affairs of the Warr

An Order past for disposing of the Friend Indians into the Plantations of Natick, and Puncapaug, And Captain Prentis, Lieutn. Swift, and Capt. Noah Wiswall, are impowered to take Effectual care for the Settlement, and Regulation of the Indians.389

Order about the Friend Indians

For the better, and more Speedy Setting forth the Forces designed against the French, the Honourable Governour, Sr. William Phipps Knt., Major General Winthrop, Major John Richards, Major Elisha Hutchinson, Colo.Sam. Shrimpton and Capt. Samuel Sewall, or any three of them are Nominated, and impowered a Committee by the Authority of this Court to grant Orders, and make such impresses as shall be Necessary in Order thereunto, as the Council might do.390

Committee for Setting Forth the Expedition to Nova Scotia

Upon Reading, and perusal of an Act of the Honourable Governour and Council dated the 28th day of February last past, In Anser to a petition of the Principal Gentlemen, and Inhabitants of New Hampshire for protection and Government from this Colony as formerly until there Majesties pleasure shall be Known concerning them, And the Commissionating of Officers to take the Command of the Militia there This Court do hereby manifest their Consent, and Approbation of the Said Act of the Governour and Council in that behalf, And do farther Consent that their Majesties Subjects of Said New Hampshire be fully taken under the protection, and care of this Government upon the Same Conditions in all respects with the Inhabitants of this Colony, And Mr. Willm. Vaughan, Mr. Richard Martin, Mr. Nath. Fryer, Mr. John Gerrish and Mr. Robert Wadloe Senr. Nominated for Justices of the Peace in Said province are Approved of, and Mr. Samuel Penhallow for Treasurer, and Mr. John Pickerin for Recorder, William Vaughan Esqr. to be Major, And the Several other Military Commission Officers presented by the Several Towns in Said Province, and to be Commissionated Accordingly.391

The Province of New Hampshire upon their Petition taken under this Government

Civil and Military Officers presented from New Hampshire

March, 1689

Newhampshire for province officers

Mr. William Vaughan; major

Mr. Samuel Penhalo; treshuer

John Pickerin; Recorder

dover military officers

portsmo. military officers

John Gearish Captain

for the bank

John Tuttell Lefftenant

Walter Nele Captain

William Furbor jun. Ensign

John Pickerin Lefftenant

oster River

Tobyas Langdon Ensign

John Woodman Captain

great Iland

James Davis Lefftenant

Nathaniel Frier Captain

Stephen Jons Ensign

Tho: Cobbat Leftenant


Sidvarth392 Walton Ensign

William Mor393 Captain


Samuel Levet Lefftenant

Samuel Sherborn Captain

Jonathan Thing Ensign

Edward Gove Lefftenant

John Molton Ensign

for Justis of peace in Portso

Mr. William Vaughan

Mr. Richard Martin

Mr. Nathaniel Frier

for Dover

Mr. John Gearish

for Exeter

Mr. Robert Wadloe Seenr.

The above written is a list of the severall offesers names presented from each town in abovesaid province and to be presented to the honorable Governor and Councill of the Massachusatts Colony.

John Pickerin by order

Voted in the affirmative by the Magistrates

Isaac Addington Secretary

Consented to by the Deputies

19 March 1689

Ebenezer Prout clerk394

19o. March 1689/90

In Answer to the petition of John White and Daniell Turrell Junr desiring bayle and opportunity to make there plea as to the Injustass of their Imprisonment at such time and place as this Court shall see meet their petition is granted by the deputies the Honoured Magistrates Consenting.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk

The Magistrates voted a non Consent

Isa. Addington Secretary395

20th [March 1689/90]

The Council past an Order to the Treasurer to advance and pay Ten pounds in or as Money to Capt. Simon Willard.

An Order was sent to John Pyncheon Esqr. to dispose the Indians belonging to Hampshire to such place, or places for their Abode as may prevent their being exposed to danger, and with such Limitations, and directions as may be Least disquieting to the English, The Indians to have warning that they exceed not the Limits appointed them upon their Utter most peril.

Voted and Consented That Capt. Penn Townsend be Commander in Chief against the French in the present Expedition, And that he have a Majors Commission given Him.

An Order Past by the Council to Mr. Nathl. Oliver, Mr. Francis Burroughs, and Capt. Samuel Legg (the Committee appointed to make Inquiry after Ammunition, and Arms, etc.) to dispose and Lodge the Publick Stores of Ammunition in such places, as they shall Judge will be best for the Security thereof.

March 20. 1689/90

Medford Return of Military Officers

Boston 20 February

These may sertify the Honerabell Counsell that the mellytary Company of the town of Medford have made theyr choyse of theare Millytary ofesers According to An order Reseaved from your Honors the Captain Mr. Thomas Thurston the Leftenant Mr. Samewell Barber: The lnsin John Harden. We Crave your pardon for our not making Release[?] sooner praying your Confirmation And Comishions As soon As Conveniance will permit. In the name of the Company And by theare Request.

John partridge Clerk

The Governour and Councill do approve and confirm the respective officers above named and order that they have Commissions provided. Consented to by the Deputies Isa. Addington Secretary Ebenezer Prout Clerk396

March 20. 1689/90

21st [March 1689/90]

The train Soldiers inhabiting the Land belonging to the Town of Boston lying to the eastward of Winnisimet Ferry, Together with Noddles Island, and Hogg island, are hence forth to be a distinct Foot Company, And are hereby Ordered forthwith to Nominate meet persons for their Commission Officers, and present them to this Court for their Allowance and Confirmation. And the three County Troops is hereby dismist.

A Military Company Setled at Winnesimmit

Considering the Situation of the Town of Hull in this time of Warr lying open to invasion by Sea, It’s Ordered that the inhabitants of Said Town be exempted from impresses to public Service, Unless by Special direction of the Council or General Court, until farther Order; The inhabitants of said Town of Hull keeping Suitable watches, and Wards for their own Security; And being never less than Twenty Able Men constantly residing upon the Place, And erecting A Beacon, on Alderton Point for to make a Signal of the Approach of Ships if more than three approach together to give Notice.397

Hulls exemption from Impresses

Liberty is granted to Mr. James Russell to purchase one barrell of powder of Mr. Thomas, and to receive it out of the Powder Seized for the Country’s Service; provided he sell none but for Supply of the Country for Defence against the Enemy, and Keeps Accompt to whom he sells the Same.

For Encouragement of such Gentlemen Soldiers as shall be Listed for the Service of their Majesties in the Present expedition against the French of Nova Scotia, or L’accadia,398 It’s proposed 1st. That they shall be paid as those impressed against the Indian Enemy in all respects; 2dly. If the French shall not Surrender upon the Articles Offered them but shall necessitate our Forces to expose themselves in the Assault, God Succeeding our Arms Then besides their Stated pay, the Just half of all plunder taken from the Enemy shall be Shared among the Officers, and Soldiers (Stores of Warr onely excepted).

Encouragement to Volunteers against the French

3dly. If it so happen (which God forbid) That any of Ours fall in the Attempt, Then what would rightfully have belonged to such Persons if they had Lived, shall be made good to their Widows, and Children, And if none such be, to those who have the next Legal right.

It is Ordered That the County Court to be held at Cambridge the beginning of April next shall be, and is hereby appointed to be Kept the third Tuesday of the same month.

For the Relief and Strengthning of the Frontier Town’s exposed more than others to the fury, and rage of the Enemy the Major General is hereby Ordered, and impowered to give His Warrents to the Majors of the Regiments that they take Effectual Order, that the Militia of the Town’s belonging to their Regiments respectively do send unto Said Frontiers such Number of Foot Soldiers, and Dragoons for their releif, and Strengthning as the Major General shall Judge meet to Order, the Said Soldiers to be sent forth well fitted with Arms and Ammunition, and to be releived at the discretion of the Militia of their respective Town’s, until further Order be taken, in such Manner to be Ordered as shall Appear to be equal, not oppressing any person or place while others are eased.

Order for Strengthning the Frontiers

21 March 1689

Additions to the Commission to prepare the Expedition399

The Honourable Governour is requested to afford his presence and to Joyne with the Gentlemen impowred by this Court to grant orders, and to make Impresses as shall be necessary for the speedy setting forth the forces designed gainst the French. Also Capt. Samuel Sewall is hereby added to said Committee.

Voted in the affirmative by the Magistrates

Isa. Addington Secretary

Consented to by the Deputies

Ebenezer Prout Clerk400

22d [March 1689/90]401

Agreed that as to the Seven Rates, and an half402 emitted by this Court there be Effectual care taken, (and that with in a Year at utmost after the date hereof) that there be a Regulation thereof according to proportion, All Towns in the Colony compared by this Court, and what any have fallen short, It shall be Levied upon them by warrant from the Treasurer within one Year.

Order for regulation of Town’s in Proportion to Rates

Sr. William Phipps Knt., Major General Wait Winthrop, Lt. William Bond, Daniel Andrews, Peter King, and Ebenezer Prout403 admitted to be Free men were Sworn.

Whereas divers Returns are presented unto this Court of Persons to be made free, the time being short before the Nomination; Ordered that all Such persons allowed the priviledge of Freedom by this Court, may have the Freemans Oath Administered unto them by any one Magistrate, and return thereof to be made to the Secretary.

In Answer to the Petition404 of the Select Men of Charlestown and for their encouragement to put themselves into a posture of Defence against a Forreign Enemy, It is Ordered that the great guns taken from them by the late Government be restored to them, And the Said Town are allowed their proportion to Two Single Country rates as money, to be abated them out of the next rates that shall be raised for defraying of publick charges They makeing it Appear that they have disbursed to that Value in great Artillery, and Ammunition for said Town, as to the Militia of Said Town shall seem most Convenient.

Encouragement given to Charlestown to Fortify

If upon Encouragement given, Men do not readily and Voluntary Offer themselves in the present expedition for their Majesties Service against the French at Nova Scotia, and Laccadie the Honourable Gentlemen nominated a Committee for the Speedy Setting forward the Same are impowered to give forth their Orders to impress men for that Service, So many as shall be Necessary not exceeding Five Hundred in the whole.

Power to the Committee for raising Men on the expedition to Nova Scotia

And the Honourable Sr. William Phipps Knt. having Voluntarily Offered Himself to that Service, is desired to take the Chief Command of all the Forces that shall be raised for that Expedition, Shipping, and Seamen employed therein.405

Commander in Chief for the Expedition

And it is Ordered that Suitable Commissions be given forth from this Government unto Sr. William Phipps, To all Captains and other proper Commission Officers, as well as of the Sea as Land Officers, that may be improved in the Aforesaid expedition, And that instructions, and Articles be drawn up and given by the Governour, and Council unto the Commander in Chief, and other Officers for their direction in the aforesaid Expedition.

Ordered that the Reverend Mr. Joshua Moody be requested to be the Minister to the Fleet, and Army for the Eastward Expedition against the French.

Lists of the Names of Sundry persons from the Severall Town’s quallified to be Freemen, were presented, and Allowed of.

March 24. 1689/90

  • Present
  • The Honoured Governour
  • Sr. Willm. Phips
  • Majr. Eli. Hutchinson
  • John Richards
  • Capt. Samll. Sewall
  • Colo. Samll. Shrimpton

At a meeting of the Committee for Setting out the Forces in the expedition against the French in Nova Scotia and Lacady

Agreed That Drums be forthwith beaten up in Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, Brantry, Charlestowne, Cambridge, Watertowne, Woburne, Salem, Ipswich and marblehead for voluntiers for that end.

That the new ship The Six Freinds now lying at Scarletts Wharfe be taken up for this service, and fitted with all Speed.

That the Committee Appointed to Consult and make provision for this affaire be forthwith directed to make all hast in getting all things ready, who are to be impowered to impresse what is needful in case.

Land Captains

Capt. Crisp Mr. Deering

Samll. Gookin Capt. Norden

Sent per the deputy Governour 1 print to Cambridge and another to Watertowne and desired the deputy to write to watertowne to the Captain to Beat up the drum there and the captain at Cambridge therefor volunteir and desired Capt. Sewall to send the prints to Roxbury dorchester and Brantry to direct to the Captaines as above 1 paper for Salem, another for marblehead and for Ipswich, to Consult major Gidney for a Captain at Salem and to acquaint Capt. Nordon of Marblehead that he is chosen for a Captaine and to know his minde.

Capt. John George to be spoken to to assist in the Easterne Expedition.406

Adjourned to Wednesday the Ninth of April 1690, at one a Clock, to meet at Boston; Accordingly met, and Adjourned to Thursday the 17th of the Same month at three a Clock.

The Governour and Council of their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New:England.

To all unto whom these presents shall come Greetings

Whereas a bloody war hath been raised by the Combination of French and Indian Enemies which is still carrying on against the Protestant Religion as well as the Peace of their Majesties Subjects in these parts of America wherein not onely the Calamities and destructions already suffered have been exceeding great, but the Common dangers and distresses are daily spreading and increasing more and more. Upon consideration whereof had, and to the End that nothing may be omitted which may be needfull in this present juncture untill more express powers Instructions and Commands in this matter shalbe received from his Majesty. It hath been concluded by a mutual Correspondence and advice between the severall Colonies and Governments, now more Especially concerned That upon the 24th day of this Instant April there should be a meeting at New York of Commissioners Sufficiently Impowred, and Instructed from the said Colonys and Governments for the more effectual Setlement and well ordering of a ready and advantagious assistance of Each other in the Service of their Majesties against the Common Enemy.

Now know yet that we the said Governour and Council Reposing special confidence in the prudence care and Loialty of our Trustey and well beloved Friends William Stoughton and Samuel Sewall Esqrs.407 Have appointed and do hereby fully Authorise and Impower the said William Stoughton and Samuel Sewall, Esqrs. as Commissioners for this Colony to meet at the time and place before mentioned with the Commissioners of the other Colonys and Governments and with them to treat advise and conclude as to our said Commissioners may be thought fit upon such Suitable Methods as shalbe judged to be most conduceing to the Security preservation and defence of their Majestyes Interest and Subjects in the Severall Governments and for the Repelling and Subdueing of the common Enemy. In Testimony whereof the publique Seale of the above said Colony is hereunto affixed. Dated Boston the Fifteenth day of April Anno Domini 1690. In the Second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland, France and Ireland King and Queen Defender of the Faith.

By order of the Governour and

Council I. A. Secry.

Signed S. Bradstreet, Govt.408

April 17th 1690

At the General Court Sitting in Boston by Adjournment

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Robert Pyke
  • John Richards
  • Sam. Shrimpton
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • William Johnson
  • Jona. Curwin
  • Isa. Addington

Capt. Penn Townsend was chosen Speaker

18th [March 1689/90]

William Johnson409 being Nominated, and Presented to be Captain of the Military Company of Foot in the Town of Woburn, James Convers to be Lieutenant, and Saml. Walker to be Ensign of Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in the said Offices respectively.

Woburn Military Officers

Elisha Hutchinson Nominated, and presented to be Captain of the Military Foot Company in the Town of Boston lately under the Command of Capt. Daniel Turel, Thos. Hunt to be Lieutenant, and Obadiah Gill Ensign of Said Company, are Accordingly allowed, and Confirmed in the Said Offices respectively.

Boston Military Officers under Major Hutchinson

Ordered that the Clause in the Law relating to Military Watches made in the Year 1664 Excusing any Person liable to watch for paying twelve pence in Money be and is hereby Repealed referring to Listed Soldiers.

15th of April 1690

Constables to Impress Seamen

To the Constables of Boston and every of them

You are Required in their Majesties Names forthwith to Impress Thirty or Forty able Seamen for their Majesties Service in the Expedition to Port Royal against the common Enemy French and Indians, and the Seamen so Impressed put on board the ship Six Friends now in their Majesties’ Service under the Command of Sir William Phipps Knt. against the said common Enemy hereof fade not, takeing your directions from the said Sr. William Phipps. Dated in Boston the 15th of April 1690. Annoque R.Rs at Regina Gulielmi et Maria nunc Angliae etc Secundo.

By order of the Governor and Council

Three of these to Boston and one of like tenor for twelve men to Charlestown.410

In answer to the Petition of Eliza King Administratrix to the estate of the Late Ralph King decceased, who moves to be empowered to Sell some of the real Estate for payment of Just Debts, without which she is incapacitated to Comply with the Creditors, Liberty is granted to the Said Elizabeth King (her Son Daniel King joining with her) to Sell so much of the Land of her late Husbands to make payment of Just debts as above, not exceeding Six Hundred pounds in the whole the Magistrates of Salem, Inspecting and approving of what is done therein.

Elizabeth King Empowered to Sell Lands

Instructions411 were drawn up, and agreed upon by the Governour and Council for Sr. William Phipps Knt. Commander in Chiefe of all the Sea, and Land Forces for the Eastern Expedition to Nova Scotia.

Capt. Gregory Sugars is Appointed Captain Lieutenant of the Ship Six Friends, and Commissionated accordingly.

Captain for Ship 6 Friends

Capt. John Alden, Captain of the Sloop Mary had his Commission.

19th [April 1690]

Ordered, That Captain John Fayerweather be allowed for the Year last past until the first of June next for his Service as Captain of the Castle as Money fifty pounds, Also that Lieutenant Nathaniel Williams be allowed Twenty five pounds as money for his Service at the Castle for the time past, Also that the gunner be allowed Thirty pounds per Annum as money, and that the Gunners mate be allowed Eighteen pounds per annum as Money.

Castle Officers Allowance

Adjourned to Wednesday the Fourteenth of May next at one a Clock

May 14th 1690

At the Adjournment of the General Court in Boston

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • John Richards
  • John Hathorne
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Sam. Sewall
  • Sam. Shrimpton
  • Isa. Addington
  • John Phillips

The Same Deputys as at last Sitting, Capt. Penn Townsend Speaker

Liberty is granted unto Major John Richards to erect a Stable of Timber upon his Wharf in Boston.

Pursuant to the Agreement of William Stoughton, and Samuel Sewall Esqrs. Commissioners from this Colony, with the Commissioners, from the other Governments met at New York, the first of May instant, Ordered that One hundred and Sixty Soldiers be detach’d out of the Several Regiments within this Colony in proportion following, That is to Say out of Hampshire Regiment Forty,412 Middlesex Lower Regiment Twenty, Upper Regiment Ten Essex upper Regiment Ten, Middle Regiment Twenty, South Regiment Twenty, South Suffolk Regiment two, and Twenty, Boston Regiment eighteen to be improved for the Strengthning of Albany, and prosecution of the Common Enemy, French, and Indians.

Order for Detachment 160 Men for the Strengthning of Albany and prosecution to the Enemy

16th [May 1690]

Pursuant to an Order of this Court for the Encouragement of Salem, Boston etc. to Fortify, against a Forreign Enemy, that they may be allowed the Value of their proportion to Two Single Country rates, as money (they making it appear that they have disbursed that Value for great guns, and Ammunition) to be allowed, and paid them out of the next rates that shall be raised for paying Publick Charges; The Committee of Militia of Salem having made return that they have disbursed a greater Value on that Occasion.

Salem Allowance towards Fortifications

It’s Ordered that the Treasurer give Order to the Constables of Salem to Pay unto the Comittee of Militia the Value of the Said Towns proportion to two Single Country rates as money, out of the Ten rates now assessed to be Collected.

Ordered that Capt. Fayerweather be allowed Twenty pounds in or as Money for extraordinary charges in expences, and wharfing at the Castle, referring the consideration of his future Salary, to the next General Court.

Allowance of £20 to Capt. Fayerweather

The Court dismist

Boston. 23o. May 1690

At a Council

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • John Richards
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Samuel Shrimpton
  • James Russell
  • Samuel Sewall
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • John Phillips

Ordered that one Hundred and twenty Souldiers be forthwith detached out of the Regiments of Militia hereafter mentioned in proportion following Vizt. Twenty five a piece out of the South and Middle Regiments of Essex, Twenty three out of the Lower Regiment of Middlesex, Twenty two out of Boston Regiment and twenty five out of the South Regiment of Suffolk, the severall Majors of the aforesaid Regiments to order the detaching of their respective proportion of Souldiers abovesaid with all Speed to the releif and Succour of Yarke and Wells.

By order of the Governour and Councill

Isa. Addington, Secretary413

Wednesday the 28th of May 1690

At a General Court414 for their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, holden in Boston

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • John Richards
  • Peter Tilestone
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Rob. Pike
  • Samuel Shrimpton
  • Saml. Sewall
  • John Phillips
  • Isa. Addington

Deputies from the Several Towns vizt.

For Salem

For Charlestown

For Dorchester

Mr. John Ruck

Cap. Joseph Lynde

Cap. Sam. Clapp

Lt. Na. Putman

Mr. Saml. Heyman

For Beverly

For Malden

For Boston

Lt. Wm. Dodge

Ens. Phins. Sprague

Cap. Penn Townsend

Cap. Timo. Prout

Cap. Theo. Frarey

Mr. John Clark

For Wenham

For Cambridge

For Roxbury

Cap. Thos. Fiske

Mr. Saml. Chamnee

Cap. Sam. Ruggles

For Ipswich

For Watertown

For Dedham

Mr. Neh. Jewett

Mr. Wm. Bond

Cap. Nath. Stearns

For Glocester

For Woburn

For Braintry

Lt. James Stevens

Mr. Matt. Johnson

Mr. Saml. Tompson

For Newberry

For Redding

For Weymouth

Lt. Stepn. Greenleif

Ens. Nat. Godden

Cap. Ephm. Hunt

For Andover

For Concord

For Hadley

Cap. Thos. Chandler

Lt. Simn. Davis

Mr. Timo. Nash

For Portsmouth

For Northampton

Cap. Elias Stileman

Mr. Joseph Bridgham

Mr. John Foster

For Hingham

For Rowley

For Boxford

Mr. Jno. Levett

Dea. Jno. Peirson

Lt. Jno. Pebody

Capne Pen Townsend chosen speaker to the house of Deputies for the Present Sessions.

Ebenezer Prout, Chosen Clerk415

Election was made of Governour, Deputy Governour Assistants, and other Publick Officers, as follow Vizt.

Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour and Sworn Thomas Danforth Esqr. Deputy Governour and Sworn



Nathaniel Saltonstall


Samuel Sewall


James Russell


Isaac Addington


Peter Tilton


John Smith


Samuel Appleton


Wait Winthrop


Robt. Pike


Jona. Curwin


Elisha Cooke


John Phillips


Wm. Johnson


Jer. Swayne


John Hathorn


Sr.Wm. Phipps


Elisha Hutchinson


Thos. Oakes


Wait Winthrop Esqr. Major General


John Phillips Esqr. Treasurer


Isaac Addington Secretary


William Stoughton, Esqr., and Sam. Sewall, Esqr.

Commissioners for the Colony

Elisha Hutchinson, and Thomas Danforth Esqrs.

Commissioners in Reserve.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr.
  • Thos. Danforth
  • Peter Tilton
  • Samuel Sewall
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Robert Pike
  • John Phillips
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Hutchinson

Ordered by the Governour, and Council, that Captn. Saml. Ruggles of Roxbury do Provide Quarters for the Men detach’d out of the South Regiment of Suffolk, and such others as shall be Added, and to propound a meet person to be a Lieutenant to Command and conduct those Soldiers to Springfield to Joyne those of Hampshire, and to March together to Albany, to be improved with the other Forces, appointed to Rendevous there to prosecute the Common Enemy.

Whereas the Law Provides that the Commissioners of Boston be allowed by the Court of Assistants, which Court is not neer at hand, And the persons hereundernamed being chosen Commissioners for Said Town for this present Year Vizt. Mr. John Jolliffe, Capt. Theophilus Frarey, Capt. Pen Townsend, Mr. Timo. Thornton, Mr. John Clark, Mr. Edward Wyllys, and Mr. John Foster, the Said persons are allowed of to that Service, The Secretary to grant them a Commission Accordingly.

Boston Commissioners

May 29o 1690

Voted by the Deputies that Mr. Cotton Mather have the thanks of this house Returned for the sermon preached at their Request on the Day of Election and that it be forthwith printed1, Capne. Pen Townsend, Capne. Joseph Lynde, Mr. Jno. Foster is appointed for said End by the house of Deputies.

Ebenezer Prout Clerk417

Adjourned to 8 a Clock in the morning.

May 30o 1690

Ordered that Capne. Jno. Fairweather be allowed four score pound per annum to be paid quarterly by the Country Treasurer in or as mony for his salary as Captaine of the Castle.

Voted in the affirmative by the Deputies.

E. P. Cl.418

Sent up.

Ordered that Major Robert Pike be Commander in Cheif of the Forces that are gone, and going Eastward for the Prosecution of the Common French, and Indian Enemy And Commission, and Instructions419 were given him Accordingly.

Major Pike appointed Commander of the Forces at the Eastward

Sr. William Phipps Knt., and William Johnson Esqr. tooke the Assistants Oath.

Ordered that Messrs. John Foster, Edward Bromfield and Joseph Parsons Commissioners for the Warr, or any of them be and are hereby Empowered to take up, and (if need be with the Assistance of a Constable) to impress on the Country’s Accountt all such Provions, as they shall from time to time, receive Order from the Governour, and Council for the Supply of such Forces as are or shall be sent forth against the Common Enemy. And all Constables are hereby Ordered to be Aiding, and Assisting to the Said Commissioners or either of them in the Execution of this Order upon either Demand thereof.

Commissioners for the Warr Impowered to impress Provisions etc.

The Governour and Council Ordered Messrs. John Foster, Edward Bromfield, and Joseph Parson Commissioners for the Warr, or any of them forthwith to provide Six thousands weight of Bisquets, Twenty four barrel Porke, Thirty Six bushell of Pease, Two hogsheads Rhum, One hogshead of Tobaco, three hogshead of Salt, two Barrels Powder, and Four Hundred weight of Shott, to be Ship’t for Portsmouth to Supply the Forces sent into those parts, to be directed to Major William Vaughan.

Major Thomas Savage, Mr. Peter Sergeant, and Mr. Nathl. Oliver, are desired, and Appointed to Joine with Mr. Nehemiah Jewett, Capt. Joseph Lynde, and Captn. Nathaniel Steam’s, and they together to be a Committee to Consult the Convenience of raising Soldiers by proportion out of each Town, and that they Speedily present to this Court, what method they shall agree upon referring to that Affair to be furnished, and Paid by the Severall Towns they are sent from.

Committee about Levying Soldiers

31st [May 1690]

The Governour, and Council Ordered half a Barrel of Gun Powder out of the Publick Stores for the Supply of Capt. James Convers his Company detached for their Majesties Service.

John Knight of Charlestown is Appointed a Post for the Country’s Service as Occasion may be, and all Inn Keepers and Ferrymen are Ordered to further Said Knight in his Journeying, with Necessary Provision for Himself, and Horse and, with Speedy Transportation, the Accompt whereof under the Hand of Said Knight is to be Accepted, and paid by the Treasurer; And Said Knight is empowered to press Horse, or Horses with furniture, as Often as the Necessity of the publick Affairs shall require it, with persons convenient to Manage them.

John Knight appointed to be post

Ordered that the Major General Issue out his Order unto Captain Thomas Brown420 forthwith to raise the Troop under his Command, and divide into Squadrons suitable to Scoutt for the Preservation of Marlborough, Lancaster, Groton, and Dunstable for one weeks time.

Ordered that the Major General forthwith Order Capt. Ralph Hill forthwith to raise the Troop under his Command421 and divide into Squadrons Suitable to Scoutt for the Preservation of Andover, and Chelmsford for one weeks time.

In Answer to the Petition of the Inhabitants of Bradford It is Ordered that all Inhabitants of Said Town qualifyd according to Court Order do forthwith meet, and Nominate Officers for their foot Company, and Forthwith to make return to the Court or Council for Allowance.

June 2d die Luna [1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour, Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Mr. Corwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Tilton

John Hathorne, and Jona. Curwin Esqrs. took the Assistants Oath.

Committee for Plunder and Stores of Warr

Mr. Richard Middlecot, Mr. Nathl. Oliver, Capt. Andrew Belcher, Capt. Samuel Legg, Capt. Gregory Sugar, and Mr. Henry Dering are desired, and appointed by the Governour and Council a Committee to take care to receive into their Custody, and to Lodge all the plunder422 now taken and brought in from Nova Scotia (in the expedition under the Conduct of Sr. William Phipps Knt.) in such Convenient Store Houses as they shall think meet until Order for the disposal thereof. And that Mr. Nathl. Oliver, and Capt. Saml. Legg receive into their Custody, and Secure all the Stores of Ammunition, and Armes belonging to the Country returned, and brought home from the Said Expedition.

Major Samuel Appleton took the Assistants Oath.

Major John Pyncheon, Lt. William Clarke, Captn. Aaron Cooke Junr., and Capt. Samuel Partridge being Nominated by the Free men of Hampshire to be Associates for holding of Courts, within that County, are Approved, and allowed of to that Service, Major John Pyncheon, and Lt. William Clarke are likewise invested with Magistratical Power, within that County.

Associates for Hampshire

Mr. Richard Buckley is Appointed by the Governour and Council to be Comissary to the Forces posted at Piscataqua and had a Warrant, and Instructions given him for his place.

Daniel Wicom nominated to be Captain, Thomas Pearlie Lieutenant, John Pierson Cornet, and Moses Tyler quarter Master of the Troop, Known by the name of Rowley Troop, are allowed, and Confirmed in their respective Offices.

Rowley Troop Officers

June 2nd [1960]

The House of Deputies mett and Heard and Considered several Letters423 from the Province of [New] Hamshire Connecticut and from several Captains in service and made inquiry in to the stores of powder.424

4th [June 1690]

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour, Sr. William Phipps the deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Mr. Tilton
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Major Phillips
  • Majr. Appleton

Samuel Scarborough of Roxbury appointed by the Governour and Council was Commissionated Lieutenant of the Company detached in Suffolk, and Hampshire intended for the Albany Expedition.

Roger Kelley Commissionated Captain of Isles of Sholes, upon desire of the Inhabitants.

Ordered that there be a detachment of Four Hundred Soldiers well Appointed, with Arms, and Ammunition for their Majesties Service against the Common Enemy out of the Militia of this Colony (those already posted in the eastern Parts, Except Captain Wiswals Company to be esteemed part of the Number) Two Hundred to be improved Cheifly, for the Security of Havaril, Aimsbury, Exeter, Dover, Kittery, Yorke, and Wells Frontier Towns, the other two hundred to be improved cheifly for Security of Bradford, Andover, Dunstable, Chelmsford, Groton, Lancaster, and Marlborough, Four Score of this Two hundred to be Troopers; The whole to be divided into Company’s of fifty to each and to be putt under sutable Commanders with full Commission to prosecute and destroy the Enemy in all parts as Opportunity shall present, Either by Joining two or more Companies together, or in Smaller parties, and to be Constantly kept together, and improved, moving up and down in their respective Stations on the outside of the Towns, whereto they shall be assigned for the defence of such Towns, and to offend the Enemy, the frontier Town’s to send out two or three of their own inhabitants, who are acquainted with the Woods for daily Scouting, Said Troopers to be divided into Four parts, as well as the Foot, and to be Commanded by the chief Officer of the Foot, And that one Captain be Commander of One hundred, And the Lieutenant to Command half the Company under him while Separated.

Order for a detachmt. of 400 Soldiers for defense of the Frontiers

Major Elisha Hutchinson, by Appointment of the Governour and Council went Over to Charlestown, and Administred the Assistants Oath unto Major Nathaniel Saltonstall, who feared to come over to Boston for Danger of the Small Pox.

5th [June 1690]

Ordered by the Governour and Council, that Capt. Stephen Cross, and Capt. Daniel King forthwith disband the Several Companies of Soldiers Listed under their Command in the Late Expedition to Port Royall, And take effectual care to Secure all Armes furnished by the Country, or particular Persons to any of their Soldiers before they pass debentures to them; Also to take Care to Convey the French Prisoners brought home by them to their Majesties Prison in Salem, to be secured there until farther Order.

Committee for Sharing the Port Royal Plunder

6 [June 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour, Deputy Governour
  • Sr. Willm. Phipps
  • Majr. Appleton
  • Cap. Sewall
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Hathorn
  • Mr. Phillips
  • Mr. Tileston
  • Majr. Hutchinson

Ordered by the Governour and Council, That Mr. Richard Middlecot, Mr. Nathl. Oliver, Capt. Andrew Belcher, and Capt. Samuel Legg, be and hereby are desired, and Appointed to Joine with Capt. Gregory Sugars, Mr. Henry Dering, and the Captains of the Several Companies (or so many of them as are to be Obtained) that were improved in the Late Expedition to Port Royal, as a Committee to divide, and share the plunder recovered from the French etc. in that expedition (great, and Small Artillery, and Ammunition excepted) between the Country on one part, and the officers, Soldiers, and Seamen of the other part,425 Or to make Sale of the whole together to the best advantage, and to share the Money as aforesaid, which of the ways may be most to general Satisfaction.

With Respects to the Proposals of Sending Military Forces and Shipping to the Attacking of Canada, Voted that the design be attended, with all expedition, and that the Neighbouring Colonies, and Provinces be forthwith acquainted with our Expectation of their Assistance.

Vote for Attending the designe against Canada

For encouragement to such Gentlemen, Merchants, or Others that shall Voluntarily Subscribe to the Loan of Money for the furnishing, and Setting forth the expedition against the Common Enemy, French, and Indians in Canada River upon the Publick Credit, Besides the repayment of such Money so Advanced; After the Charges of Said Outset, Ship Hire, Officers, Seamen, and Soldiers wages are defrayed, and all Stores of great and Small Artillery, and Ammunition, that shall be taken in Said Expedition, with such Proportion of the plunder, as shall be Assigned to the Officers, Seamen, and Soldiers for their Encouragement, being first sett out, the remaining Part of Plunder to be equally divided betwixt the Country, and the Persons subscribing as Aforesaid.

Proposals for the Loan of Money to the Canada Expedition

Ordered that Capt. John Fayerweather be allowed Four score pounds per Annum to be paid Quarterly by the Country Treasurer in or as Money for his Salary, as Captain of the Castle.

Castle Officers Salary Stated

Ordered that the Gunner of the Castle, be allowed Fourty pounds per Annum to be paid by the Country Treasurer in or as Money for his Salary, as gunner of the Castle.

Ordered that the Gunners Mate of the Castle be allowed Twenty Six pounds per Annum to be paid by the Country Treasurer in or as Money for his Salary.

7th [June 1690]

Upon a Motion of the Select Men of Boston, intimating the inconveniences arising from the too Small Number of Publick houses allowed by Law,

Ordered That if they exceed not fifteen Retailers, and Twenty Five Inn holders they may be allowed, as the County Court shall give License.

For the more Speedy, and Effectual Setting forth the Expedition intended for their Majesties Service against the Common Enemy at Canada

Committee for the Canada Expedition

Sr. William Phipps Knt., Major Elisha Hutchinson, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. Richard Middlecott, Mr. Nathl. Oliver, Mr. John Eyre, Captn. Samuel Legg, are desired, and Appointed a Committee for the Managing, and Carrying on of that designe, And they or any five of them are fully empowered to Order the taking up, and impressing of Suitable Ships, and other Vessels with all furniture, and Stores for the fitting of them for Service, And to agree with, and Imploy such Tradesmen, Seamen, and Others as they shall find needfull thereabout, Also to provide Stores of provisions and other Supplies for the furnishing of Said expedition, And to Improve such person, or persons under them to Act in any of the Premises, as the Said Committee shall Judge Necessary.

10th [June 1690]

Capt. John Smith took the Assistants Oath.

In Answer to the Petition of Beverly Troopers, It is Ordered that if they can make up a Number of Fourty able Troopers in that Town (with the Addition of those of Salem Village now listed with them) every way equipp’d and Furnished According to Law, that they Continue to be a Troop, and have Liberty to Nominate their own Officers, and present them to this Court, or the Council for Approbation at or before the 20th of this present June to be Annexed to Major Gedney’s Regiment Otherwise that Town to be divided into two foot Company’s.

Answer to Beverly Troopers Petition

For the Speedy Executing of the Order of this Court for a detachment of Four hundred Soldiers (eighty whereof to be Troopers) for the Security of the Frontier Town’s the Major General is hereby Ordered forthwith to issue out his Warrants to the Majors of the Several Regiments to detach the Above Number of Soldiers in proportion following Vizt. Boston Regiment Fifty five, Suffolke South Regiment Seventy One, Middlesex Lower Regiment Sixty eight, Upper Regiment Fifty one, Essex North Regiment Forty Six, Middle Regiment fifty one, the South Regiment fifty one, East Hampshire Thirty, Each Major to have Consideration to the Soldiers sent out upon the two Last Orders for Albany, and the Eastweard, as part of Said Number, Suffolk, and Middlesex Soldiers Horse and Foot to be Rendevoused at Concord on the Sixteenth instant the Soldiers from the other Regiments to be rendevoused at Andover on the Said Day, and there to Attend Farther Order.

Ordered that the Major General forthwith issue out his Warrants to the Majors of the Regiments, and they to the Captains of the Troops herein Mentioned for the detaching of Eighty Troopers, which are to Attend the Present Expedition for the Security of the Frontier Towns, able, well Appointed with Arms, and Ammunition Vizt. Out of Capt. Whites Troop Ten, Capt. Eliots Ten, Capt. Prentis fifteen, Capt. Greens Seven, Capt. Browns fourteen, Capt. Hills Ten, Capt. Floyd Eight, Captn. Osgood’s, Six, who are to be hastened to Rendevous at Andover, Forty under the Command of Capt. Chandler and Forty unto Concord, under the Comand of Capt. Davis, the Sixteenth of this instant.

Eighty Troopers to be raised, Ordered from whence to be Drawn

Ordered that Sixty of the Four hundred Soldiers appointed to be raised by Order of this Court be Put under the Command of Capt. Jno. Floyd, and forthwith posted, at Portsmouth Easthampshire for the further enforcement, and Strengthning of that post, and otherwise to be improved against the Common Enemy as they shall be Ordered.

Order for 60 Soldiers to Enforce Portsmouth

11th [June 1690]

For the more Speedy, and Effectual Setting forth the Expedition Intended for their Majesties Service against the Common Enemy French, and Indians at Canada etc. Sr. William Phipps Knt., Major Elisha Hutchinson, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. Benja. Alford, Mr. Nathaniel Oliver, Mr. John Eyre, Capt. Sam. Heyman, Captn. Andrew Belcher, and Captain Samuel Legg, are desired, and Appointed a Committee for the Managing and Carrying on of that Design, And they or any five of them are fully empower’d to Order the fitting of such Ships, and other Vessells, as are or shall be taken up in Said Service, And to agree with, and employ such Tradesmen, Seamen, and Others as shall be Needfull thereabout Also to provide Stores of provisions and other Supplies for the furnishing of said expedition And to Improve such person, or Persons to Act under them in any of the premises, as the Said Committee shall Judge Necessary.

Mr. James Taylor, Mr. Francis Borroughs, and Mr. Simeon Stoddard are Added to the Abovenamed Committee.

12th [June 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour Deputy Governour
  • Sr. William Phipps
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Captn. Sewall
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Captn. Smith
  • Mr. Tileton
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Mr. Curwin

Ordered that Sr. William Phipps Knt. to be general of the Forces that shall be Listed for their Majesties Service in an Expedition intended by Sea against the Common Enemy, French, and Indians, at Canada, etc. And that a Suitable Commission, and Instructions426 be given Him Accordingly.

General and Lieutenant General of the Forces

Ordered that Major John Walley be Lieutenant General of the Forces that shall be Listed for their Majesties Service in an Expedition intended by Sea against the Common Enemy French, and Indians at Canada etc. And that a Suitable Commission, and Instructions be given him Accordingly.

Ordered that Five Suitable Ships427 for Warr, and Other Necessary Shipping, and Vessells, for Victuallers, Attenders, and fire Ships, be forthwith impressed, taken up, and fitted for their Majesties Service in the expedition by Sea, against the Common Enemy, French, and Indians at Canada etc. And the Ship whereof Andrew Dolberry is Master to be one for that Service.

The Governour and Council granted a Warrant to Mr. Joseph Eldredge to take up, and Secure a New Ship now Lying in Merrimack River, whereof Andrew Dolberry is Master with the first Conveniency to be brought about to Boston, in Order to her Speedy fitting up, a Ship of Warr in the Expedition to Canada etc. against the Common Enemy.

June 12. 1690

Voted that forthwith proclamation be made to se what voluntiers will appear to goe under Sr. William phipps Knight, Generall, and Majr. Jno. Walley Lieutenant Generall to serve their Majesties against the French at Cannada, with the terms annexed.

past in the affirmative by the Deputies

Ebenezer Prout Clerk

Consented to by the Magistrates

Isa. Addington, Secretary.428

13th die [June 1690]

Ordered that the Tenth of July next be Kept a Solemn Day of Fasting and prayer to Almighty God, and that a Bill be Accordingly drawn, and printed.

A Fast Appointed

Ordered that Capt. Thomas Chandler be Captain of One of the Companies that are to be imprest for the defence of the Frontier Town’s from Dunstable Eastward so far as Bradford Downward; Which Company is to Consist of Forty Troopers, and Thirty Foot Soldiers.

Ordered that Lt. Simon Davis be Captain of one of the Companies that are imprest for the Defence of the Frontier Town’s from Dunstable Westward so far as Marlborough which Company is to Consist of Forty Troopers and Thirty Foot Soldiers.

14th [June 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • Deputy Governour
  • Mr. Russell
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Mr. Tileton
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Hathorn
  • Captn. Smith

This Court considering how many Men, are Necessarily drawn out of the Several Town’s of this Colony, in this Time of distress, and Danger by reason of the Assaults of the Enemy thereby increasing the burden of watching, warding, and Scouting, It’s therefore Ordered that where any person Commanded to go forth in any expedition shall hire another to Serve in his Room, Such person abiding at Home, shall never the Less be Obliged to Attend all duty civil, and Military in the place he belongs to.

John Burrel junr. is Appointed by the Governour and Council to be Lieutenant of a Foot Company for their Majesties Service against the Common Enemy, French and Indians, under the Command of Capt. John Floyd.

Whereas the French Soldiers lately brought to this Place from Port Royall did Surrender upon Capitulation; That the Same may be duely Kept, Mr. Thomas Broughton, Capt. Joshua Scottow, and Mr. William Coleman are Appointed a Committee to inspect, and regulate that Affair, with whose Approbation, or any two of them, given under their Hands in Writing, Liberty is granted unto Said Soldiers to dispose themselves into such Families, as shall be willing to Entertain them, until there be Opportunity to transport themselves to some of the French Kings Dominions in Europe, for which they shall have Licence, Certificate under the Hands of the Masters of such Vessels as they are to be Transported in, being presented to the Governour And in the meantime demeaning themselves peaceably, Orderly, and Keeping themselves, within the Limits Appointed unto them by the Abovesaid Committee, and without Licence obtained from the Governour as Abovesaid not to depart from the Place to which they are disposed by Order of the Committee as above.

Committee to dispose of the French Prisoners

June 14o 1690

Adjourned from 14o. to the 16o. at two a Clock. June 16, 1690. The deputies mett and sent up.429

Ordered that Mr. Timothy Thornton, Mr. Saml. Lillie, and Mr. John Ballentine be and are Appointed a Committee forthwith to Search, where they Apprehend any powder may be Concealed, whether in Vessels, or Houses, or elsewhere, and to Seize, and Secure what they shall find in private Hands, For their Majesties Service, and to make return thereof to this Court on Wednesday next at Nine of the Clock, and all Constables, and other Officers, are to Aid and Assist them in Effecting the Same.

Committee about Powder

Ordered that the Ship Swan, whereof Captne. Thomas Gilbert is Commander, and the new Ship whereof Capt. Joseph Parsons is Commander, the Ship whereof Capt. Cratie is Commander, with all Stores of Warr belonging to each of them, be forthwith taken up, in order to their being fitted as Ships of Warr for their Majesties Service in the expedition intended for Canada against the Common Enemy, French, and Indians.

Order for taking up Ships of Warr

And Mr. Sampson Stoddard, Mr. Joseph Eldridge, and Mr. Peter Butler, are hereby Ordered, and impowered to take up, and Impress the Said Ships etc. for the Service aforesaid, and all Officers are to be Aiding, and Assisting to them therein.

Ordered that the embargo upon Ships, and Other Vessels be Continued, and Strictly Observed in Boston, and all other Ports, and Harbours, within this Government until the Tenth Day of September next, And that no Ship or other Vessell Sail out of any Harbour or Port aforesaid during Said Time, or Lade any provisions, or Ammunition to export the Same, without Special Licence first had and Obtained from the Governour by Advice of the Council, On pain of Forfeiting all such provisions, or Ammunition so Laden for Exportation contrary to the Intent of this Order, Together with the Ship or Vessell they shall be Laden upon, with all her Tackle and Appurtenances to the use of their Majesties, And the Officers Appointed in the Several Ports to receive entrys and give Cleerings to Vessells, are to take Effectual care for the due Observance of this Order.

Order for Commuting the Embargo to the Tenth of September

By the Governour and Council

18th [June 1690]

Messrs. John Foster, Edward Bromfield, and Joseph Parsons Commissioners for the Warr, are desired, and Ordered forthwith to provide, and send forward unto Portsmouth and Wells the Quantity of Provisions, Clothing, and Other Necessaries herein Mentioned on the Public Account, for the Supply of the Soldiers posted in those parts Vizt. Nine thousand weight of Bisquets, twenty barrels pork, Twenty Bushels, of Pease, One hundred Shirts, Fifty Coats, Waistcoats, and Drawers, Forty Hats, or Capps, One hundred pair of Shoes, One thousand of flints, two barrels Sugar, and two hogsheads of Rhum, Four hundred weight of Tabacco; Such of the Above Particulars as are returned Home from Port Royal, to be improved for this Supply One half to be sent unto Portsmouth, and the Other half to Wells, with an Accompt thereof unto the Commissary in each place, The Commitee who have the Care, and Custody of the Stores from Port royall are also Ordered to Accommodate the above Supply there out, as far as they Can.

Order for Supplies to Portsmouth and Wells

19th [June 1690]

Ordered by the Governour and Council, That the Prison Keeper deliver all the French Soldiers late brought from Port royall unto Thomas Danforth Esqr. or his Order to be removed unto Cambridge in Order to their being disposed of and employed by their own Consent So as they may be Comfortably provided for without charge to the Publick.

Ordered by the Governour and Council, that Sr. Wm. Phipps have Liberty to send one of the French Priests, brought in from Port royall to redeem the English Captives at Penobscot, without Charge which Sr. William is informed the Priest is willing unto, and was his Agreement with him, the other Priest to remain here as a hostage.

Anno 1690

Whereas the Honourable Sr. William Phipps Knt. is Appointed to take the Chief Command and Major John Walley to be Second unto Him in Command of all the Forces that shall be provided for their Majies. Service in an Expedition by Gods Assistance intended for Canada against the Common Enemy, French, and Indians, All Gentlemen Soldiers, and Seamen that shall List themselves for the Said Service, are desired to enter their Names with Such persons herein after Appointed for Muster Masters in the Several Regiments, where such Soldiers, and Seamen dwell or have their Abode, and to be in a readiness to Rendevous at such time, and place as shall be assigned by the Said Muster Masters respectively; the Soldiers to Appear Compleatly Armed.430

Proposal for Volunteers to Canada

And for Encouragement to Persons willingly to Offer themselves to Said Service Ifs Ordered

1st. That the Pay of all Land Officers, and Private Sentinels Shall be in all respects equal to what hath been allowed to those improved against the Indian Enemy.

2dly. That the pay of all Sea Officers, and Seamen shall be after the Same rate Proportionably to what shall be paid unto them lately Improved in the Port Royall Expedition.

3dly. Besides the Stated Pay, One Just half part of all Plunder taken from the Enemy, shall be shared among the Officers, Soldiers, and Seamen, Stores of Warr excepted.

4thly. If it so happens (which God forbid) that any of our’s fall in the Attempt; then what would rightfully have belonged to such person, or persons, if they had Lived, Shall be made good to their Widows, and Children, and if none such be, then to those who have the next Legal right.

5thly. If any Person be so wounded as to loose a Limb, or the use thereof, So as thereby to be disinabled for bodily Labour, farther Consideration shall be had to Such out of the part of Plunder accrewing to the Publick.

Muster Masters for the Several Regiments

  • For Major Saltonstall
  • Henry Short
  • Newberry
  • Major Appletons
  • Nathl. Rust
  • Ipswich
  • Major Gedneys
  • Benj. Gerrish
  • Salem
  • Majr. Henchmans
  • Henry Woodis
  • Concord
  • Majr. Phillips
  • Saml. Phipps
  • Charlestown
  • Sam. Chamne
  • Cambridge
  • Majr. Hutchinsons
  • William Coleman
  • Boston
  • Majr. Quinseys
  • Joseph Dyer
  • Weymouth
  • Sam. Ruggles. Junr.
  • Roxbury

20th [June 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • Deputy Governour
  • Mr. Russell
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Capt. Smith
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Mr. Curwin

Ordered That the new Ship, whereof Thomas Carter is Commander be forthwith taken up, and impressed for their Majesties Service, and Mr. Sampson Stoddard, Mr. Joseph Eldredge, and Mr. Peter Butler, the Committee Appointed for the taking up of Ships, are hereby Ordered, with the Assistance of the Marshall General to impress the Said Ship for the Service Aforesaid, in Order to her being Speedily fitted up a Ship for Warr.

Order for taking up Carter’s Ship

Report being made by the Committee that Capt. Cratis Ship is unfitt for the Service.

John Dodge, Junr. Presented for Captain, William Dodge for Lieutenant, Nath. Hayward for Cornet, and Thomas Rayment for Quarter Master of Beverly Troop, the Said persons are allowed, and Confirmed in their respective Offices.


To the Intent that Seasonable releif may be Yeilded unto Soldiers Sent, or to be sent out for the Security of the Frontiers The Commission Officers of Each Town, or Military Company from whence such Soldiers are, or ought to be Drawn, are hereby impowered as they shall find cause from time to time, to detach other able persons well appointed to Law to Serve in their Stead, to be Listed under the Same Officer, Such Soldiers so to be releived then are; which being performed the Said Officer is to give the others their dissmission, Provided such exchange Occasion no Charge to the Publick.

Order for the releiving of Soldiers posted in the Frontiers

21st die [June 1690]

Peter Noyes Junr. nominated for Ensign of the Military Company in Sudbury is Approved of, and Confirmed in Sd. Office.431

Sudbury Ensign

In Answer to Capt. Osgoods request, with respect to making up of his Troop, It is granted, in case the Captain of the Foot Company see it Beneficial to them to make up said Troop to the Number of Forty out of the foot Company of Persons Sufficient to Attend Said Service, Otherwise the Troopers there, to be Listed into the Foot Company, and that to be divided, the new Company to Nominate their own Officers, and to send down their Names to the Council to be allowed, and Commissionated before the Last Day of this instant.

Order referring to Capt. Osgoods Troop

Voted that forthwith Proclamation be made to See what Volunteers will Appear to go under Sr. William Phipps Knt. General, and Major John Walley Lieutenant General to Serve their Majesties against the French etc., at Canada, with the Terms annexed.

Proclamation made for Volunteers

Ordered that Capt. Joseph Eldredge with the Marshall General forthwith Seize, and Secure the Ten Guns, and Appurtenances, which are now taken out of Capt. Gilberts Ship, and see them delivered aboard the Said Ship, for their Majesties Service in the Present Expedition against Canada.

Order to Secure Guns for Capt. Gilberts Ship

Ordered that the Committee appointed by this Court for managing the Affairs respecting the Canada Expedition be and are hereby impowered to Order the taking up, and impressing such, and so many Vessells, as shall be thought Necessary, for Fire Ships, Victuallers, and Attenders, and such Furniture, and Appurtenances, as shall be Necessary for Setting forth as well the Ships for Warr, as the Other Vessels.

Committees Power for taking up Vessels

Ordered that Major Thomas Savage, Mr. Nathaniel Carey and Mr. Jacob Green Junr. be, and are Appointed Commissioners to Adjust the Account of Wages of the Officers, and Seamen imployed in the Late Expedition to Port Royall, and to pass the Tickets for the Same upon the Treasurer, according to the rate of the Pay Book agreed on by this Court for the time of their Said Service, respect being had to the distinction between able, and Ordinary Seamen after the Customary Manner of the Pay Office in England, The Committee for Debentures, to Pass Debentures for paying off the Land Officers, and Soldiers improved in Said Expedition.

Committee for Passing Tickets to the Seamen

The Court Adjourned from Saturday the 21st unto Thursday the 26th of June instant 1690 at three a Clock and then Mett.

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • James Russell
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Willm. Johnson
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Sam Sewall
  • John Smith
  • John Phillips
  • Isa. Addington

26th [June 1690]

Ordered that Capt. Alden be forthwith sent with the Sloop Mary to Port Royall to bring pilots from thence for the Expedition against Canada, And to touch at Casco in his return home, and take in what Guns are left there.

Jona. Moore Nominated for Lieutenant, Mr. Henry Summersby for Cornet, and James Smith for Quarter Master of Newberry Troop, under the Command of Captain Stephen Greenleaf are Approved, and confirmed to their respective Offices.

Newbury Troop Officers

June 26 90

Ordered that Capt. Cratie his Guns apurtenances and ammunition be forthwith sent for to Boston and in case said Cratie Refuse to delivery them that his ship be brought to Boston.

Past in the affirmative per the Deputies.432

27th [June 1690]

Upon the desire of the Select Men of Woburn the Said Town are allowed to have two Houses for Publick Entertainment.

Woburn allowed two Publick Houses

For as much as their is Order for raising of Ten single Country rates for the Necessary defraying of the Publick Charges Arising within this Government for the Securing of their Majesties Interest, and Subjects against the Invasion of the Common Enemy, French and Indians, and for Carrying on the Affairs of the Warr against the Said Common Enemy, And foreasmuch as their Majesties Subjects of New Hampshire upon their own Desire, and Application made, are taken under the protection of, and annexed unto the Government, until their Majesties Pleasure be Known concerning them It being altogether just, and equal, that they bear a proportion part of the Publick Charge, It’s therefore Ordered that Ten Single rates be raised and Collected within Said Province according to the direction of the Law; The Treasurer to Send his Warrants to the Select Men, and Constables of each Town within Said Province to take a Valuation of Estates, and Assess their Inhabitants accordingly, to be forthwith Collected.

Ordered that there be Warrants sent immediately to the Town of Hamptone to Chuse their Select men, and Constables for Said Town.

Ordered that the Governments of Plymouth, Rhode Island and Connecticut be written unto, to desire there may be a strict Embargo until the Tenth Day of September next.

Ordered if any ship or other vessell do receive and to [take] on board any sorts of goods, Lumber or Provisions before the tenth of September next without a due Entry first made with the officer appointed thereto, Ship and vessell and all such goods Lumber and Provisions so louden contrary to the Intent of this order shall be forfeited One third to the use of their Majesties one third to the Governor and one third to the Informer.

Sent up.433

28th [June 1690]

Upon information given, that a Ketch Laden with Provisions, Sailed out of Charlestown Harbour the last Night without any permit or License from the Government and contrary to the Order of the General Court for Strict holding of the Embargo.

It’s Ordered that the Sloop Mary, Capt. John Alden, Commander, or some other Suitable Vessell be forthwith sent out into the Bay to make search for Said Ketch, or any others that have Eluded the Order for the Embargo, and Sailed without permitt from the Governt., and bring them back again into this port of Boston.

For further Enforcing the Order of this Court already published for the Strict Observance of the Embargo, on all Ships, and other Vessells, within this Government

Order for Enforcement of the Embargo

It’s Ordered that the Embargo on all Shipping, be Continued unto the Tenth Day of December next And that within that time, no Sorts of Goods, Lumber, or Provisions be Laden or Put on board any Ship, or Other Vessells without Special Licence first Obtained from the Governour, and Council, and due Entry thereof made with the Officer Appointed thereto, On pain of Forfeiting such Ship, or Vessell, with all her tackle and Appurtenances, Goods, Lumber, and Provisions laden thereon contrary to the intent of this Order, Or any Vessell Attempting to Sayle out any Port or Harbour within this Government, without permitt from the Government One third part to the use of their Majesties One third to the Governour, and the other third to the informer.

It is Ordered by this Court that Thursday the Tenth of July next be Kept as a Day of Humiliation434, with fasting, and Prayer throughout the Colony, And that all servile Labour be then forborn, And it is hereby recommended unto the Several Ministers, and Assemblies throughout this Jurisdiction, That they Solemnly Attend the Duties of the Day with importunate Supplications to the God of Heaven that of His infinite Mercies he would not fight against us Himself by a Mortal Contagion, That he would defeat our Pagan, and Antichristian Adversaries, succeed our Various Expeditions, give direction in all our Arduous Affairs, prosper our Agents for the full establishment of our Government, that there may be a Good Effect of the Gospel upon the Indians, with all Divine Blessings upon their Majesties, and the Parliament, and the whole English Israel, And the Accomplishment of Such Prophecies as give us hope of Light for the People of God in this Dismall Evening, But above all for the Plentifull Effusions of such Grace upon all Sorts of Men among us as may prepare us for the Mercies that are so Needfull for us.

Adjourned to Thursday, the third of July next, at three a Clock, and then mett.

Thursday July 3d 1690

At an Adjournment of the General Court in Boston

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • James Russell
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Saml. Sewall
  • Isa. Addington
  • John Smith
  • John Phillips

Voted that the Captains that have Accepted of their places for the Present Expedition against Canada have forthwith their Commissions, and Order to beat up Drums for Volunteers.

Ordered that Captain Joseph Parsons be Appointed, and Commissionated to take the Command of the Ship America Merchant, now Imployed in their Majesties Service on the Canada Expedition And that Captain Thomas Carter be Appointed, and Commissionated to take the Command of the Ship John and Thomas, now imployed in their Majesties Service on the Canada Expedition.

4th [July 1690]


All as Yesterday (except Major Hutchinson) and the Deputy Governour, and Sr. William Phipps

Ordered that Captain John Fayerweather Commander of the Castle deliver unto Captain Thomas Carter Commander of the Ship John and Thomas now Improved in their Majesties Service, the Guns set out by the Comittee for the Furnishing of Said Ship, It being represented that they may be removed without disabling the Castle, there being other Guns to be mounted to fill up these Places.

Voted that Captain Thomas Vose of Milton, and Captain Daniel King of Salem be Captains in this present Expedition against Canada.

The following Commission was agreed upon for Sr. William Phipps Vizt.

Sr. William Phipp’s Commission

The Governour, and General Court of their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England

To Sr. William Phipps Generall


Whereas you are Appointed General of all the Forces raised, and to be raised for their Majesties Service in the intended expedition to Canada against the French, the declared Enemies of the Crown of England, who have Likewise appeared to Joine with, Supply, and Assist the Indians in the Making, and Carrying on of a Bloody Warr against their Majesties Subjects of the Colonies, and Plantations of New England and have actually made Horrid, and Barbarous depredations and Destruction of their Lives and Estates

Reposing special Trust, and Confidence in Your Loyalty, Courage, and Conduct These are in their Majesties Names to Commissionate, and Authorise You to take under your Care, and Conduct all the Said Forces, as well the Land as Sea Forces, and Faithfully and Diligently to discharge the Duty of Your places, by Leading, Ordering, and Exercising Your Inferior Officers, and Soldiers in Arms, And to Attack, take, fight, pursue, plunder, Kill, and Destroy the Said Common Enemy, French and Indians by Sea and Land Keeping Your Officers, Soldiers, and Seamen in Good Order Commanding them to Obey You as their General, According to the Rules, and Discipline of Warr, And Yourself to Observe, and Obey all such Orders, and Instructions as You shall receive from the Governour, and Council, or General Court of this Colony for their Majesties Service pursuant to the Trust reposed in You, In Testimony whereof the Publick Seal of the Abovesaid Colony is hereunto Affixed Dated in Boston the Fourth Day of July 1690 In the Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God, King, and Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith.


By order of the General Court   Simon Bradstreet Governour

Isa. Addington Secretary

The like Commission Mutatis Mutandis agreed upon for Major John Walley Lieutenant General

5th [July 1690]


All as Yesterday (except Capt. Smith, and Major Phillips), and Major Hutchinson.

The Town of Roxbury are Allowed one House of Publick entertainment within the Limits of Said Town more than is already allowed them by Law, The Select Men to Approve and present a Suitable person for that Employment unto the County Court, for their Licence.

Voted, That Mr. John Wise, Mr. Jeremiah Sheppard, Mr. John Emmerson, Mr. Nehemiah Walter, and Mr. Nathaniel Overton be desired to Accompany Sr. William Phipps Knt. as Ministers in the Expedition against the French at Canada.

Ordered that William Johnson Esqr. be allowed Nine pounds per Month for his Service as Captain of a Foot Company, and Captain Lieutenant of their Majesties Forces under Sr. William Phipps in the Expedition against Port royall.

Ordered that Mr. Henry Deering be allowed Six pounds per Month for his Service as Commissary General under Sr. William Phipps in the Expedition to Port royall.

Mr. Benjamin Emm’s435 Master of the Ship Six friends is allowed Six pounds in Money for his Trouble, and Expences about the impressing of Seamen for the Port royal Expedition, to be paid by the Treasurer.

Ordered that Mr. Morris, Mr. Thomas Pemberton, Mr. John Barton, Mr. Kennet, and Mr. Hooper be desired to go Chyrugions in the Present Expedition against Canada.

July 5o. 1690

Voted that the Government of Road Island be forthwith sent to, to Raise what seamen and Souldiers they can, for to serve their majesties in the Expedition against Canada.

Sent up

That the hire for all shipps and vessells that are Imployed in the Countryes Service shall be seven shillings per Tun per month, Tunnage to be accounted according to what they measure per the Carpenters Rule deviding by ninety five.

Sent up

Ordered that Captaines wages for Ships about 200 Tuns shall be Seven pounds per Month the Lieutenant or Master three pounds ten shillings per month, the chiefe Mate two pounds five shillings per Month, the second Mate two pounds per Month And that the Captaines wages of ships of a hundred Tuns and upwards unto 200 Tuns shall be six pounds per month the Lieutenant or Master three pounds per month the 2d Mate two pounds per month, the Captains of all ships or vessells from Sixty tuns to 100 tuns their wages to be foure pounds per Month, the chiefe mate fifty shillings per Month, the second Mate 35s per Month Captaines of all vessells from fivety tuns and under their wages per month shall be three pounds, the mate two pounds per month all other officers wages in each ship and vessell shall be proporionable, noe second mate to be allowed in any ship or vessell under sixty Tuns.

July the 5th, 1690 passed in the affirmative per the Deputies

John Clark per order436

Adjourned unto Tuesday the 8th instant 1690 at eight in the Morning, and then Mett.

8th [July 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour Deputy Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Mr. Curwin

Upon Information437 that a Party of the French Enemy are Landed at Cape Cod, and do Annoy that Colony, who have sent to us for help, It is Ordered that Captain Alden, and Mr. Welch, with Forty Men, well Armed in each Vessell be forthwith dispatched thither for their Assistance, And one Vessell more to cruise in the Bay to give Notice to our Ships gone forth.

Voted that Lt. Nathaniel Williams be Lieutenant of the Castle under Capt. John Fayerweather, And that there be Twenty able Men well Armed sent down thither by the Major Generals Order for Strengthning the Garrison there until further Order.

Adjourned to Monday the 14th of July instant 1690 at one a Clock, and then Mett.

14th [July 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Mr. Hathorn
  • Mr. Corwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Major Phillips
  • Major Hutchinson

Upon information that the Coast is infested by some Enemies Ships of War, Privateer, or Pirates, It is Ordered that the ship Six Friends, and Ship Swan now fitted up for Service be forthwith sent about Cape Cod unto the Southward to Cruise for them, and to Endeavour to Surprize them with two other Vessels now taken up for their Majesties Service.

Ordered that the Commissioners of the Colonies be sent unto to Meet at Boston upon Thursday the 31st of July instant to consult of the Publick Affairs.

Voted438, That Road island Government be imediatly sent to, and treated with about their Joining with us in Carrying on the Warr against the Common Enemy And they be informed of our Proceedings, and desired to raise what Forces they can, and get in readiness what Vessels they are able to Joine with our Ships, when they shall Appear on their Coasts; And that a Post be setled for Speedy Intelligence between this Place, and Road island, for a full discovery of the French, or Privateers on those Coasts.

15th [July 1690]

Present   The Governour and all the rest as Yesterday with Sr. William Phipps, and Mr. Johnson.

Whereas by reason of the Public Occasions, and present Emergencies through the distress of the Warr, April County Court for Suffolk hath been Adjourned from time to time, and Appointed to have Met this day, there being a Necessity of Dismissing the Said Court, It is Ordered that all Writts and process served for Said Court be, and hereby are continued unto the next Court of Said County, and be available, and of force, as if served for the Said Court.

John March of Newberry is Appointed to be a Captain of one of the Companys for the Canada Expedition, And He forthwith to take Care to List a Company under him for that Service.


Ordered that where any Heads of Families in any Town are sent forth in the Publick Service against the Common Enemy, the Select Men of such Towns take Care to give present necessary releif to Such Families (not exceeding two439 Shillings per weeke to a Family) upon the Creditt of such persons wages; what shall be so Advanced by the Select Men of any Town, the Account thereof being first adjusted by the Committee for Debentures is to be Deducted out of such Soldiers wages, and the Sum thereof is to be allowed, and made good by the Treasurer unto the Select men out of such Town’s publick Assessment.440

And the Several Commissary’s to the Forces now abroad or that may hereafter be sent forth, are hereby Ordered not to Credit any Soldier, whilst abroad above one half Value of His Wages.

The present distressed condition of the Country by reason of the Common Enemy, and other emergencies requiring daily Supplies from the Public Treasury

It is therefore Ordered that Two Single Country rates and an half be forthwith Levyed in Money, to be raised upon each Town according to the Late Settlement made by the General Court, and brought into the Treasurer at or before the tenth of September next, On penalty of Ten pounds Fine upon each Constable that shall neglect more than Ten days after Said tenth of September to Clear his Accounts, with the Treasurer.

And it is further Ordered that the Select Men of each Town do within Twenty day’s next coming perfect the Lists of their Town’s as the Law directs, for the Ten rates agreed upon by the General Court in March last, and deliver the Same unto the Constables to be gathered, as per warrant from the Treasurer, upon Penalty of Five pounds for each Townsman that shall Neglect his Duty therein.

Ordered, That Captain Jonathan Danforth, now going forth in their Majesties Service in the intended expedition to Canada, Have Liberty to hire some meet Person in Said Town to Serve his Domestic Occasions in his Absence, and that the said person be exempted from impress to any Public Service, other than Attending Duty in the Town during Said expedition.

Ordered that One hundred English Soldiers, with what Number of Friend Indians can be procured be forthwith raised for the Strengthning of the Forces in the Eastern Parts, to enable them to make out a Body against the Common Enemy.

Ebenezer White of Weymouth, is Appointed Lieutenant and Nathaniel Wales of Braintry for Ensign unto Captain Ephraim Hunt Commander of a Company raised for their Majesties Service against the Common Enemy.


15 July 1690

Whereas Marblehead have opposed the Officer Capt. John Alden sent by the Council to fetch the Great guns from their Majesties services to Canada,

Voted that Capt. Leg and Capt. Norden be forthwith sent for, to Answer their suffering the drums being beate, and not suppressing the Insurectim of the people whereby the Officer was Obstructed in their Majesties business in the designed Expedition for Canada.

Past in the affirmative by the deputies

Neh. Jewitt per order441

16th [July 1690]

Lieutnt. James Dennis of Marblehead Appearing upon Summons to Answer what shall be Objected against him on their Majesties behalf for being concerned with Others of Said Town in a Tumultuous riotous Manner obstructing and Opposing Capt. John Alden in the Execution of an Order of the Governour and Councill, Captain Alden testifying that Said Dennis was there and Spake much, Said Dennis owned he was there, but said he Endeavoured to Quiet the People to hear the Order read. Was Committed to Prison.

Ordered that Capt. John Legg, William Wood, Benjamin Gale, Archibald Ferguson Ensign Nathanl. Walton and Jonathan Wood, all of Marblehead (Summoned to Appear at the same time respecting the Premises and failing) be Attached, and brought before the Governour, and Council by a precept directed to the Marshal Generall.

17th die [July 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Mr. Corwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Hathorn
  • Captn. Sewall

Ordered that the Major General forthwith grant out his Warrants to the Majors of the Several Regiments of Militia hereafter mentioned for detaching their respective proportions of Soldiers well Appointed with Arms, and Ammunition for their Majesties Service (as followeth) to make up One hundred Men Ordered for the Strengthning of the Forces Eastward (that is to Say) Middlesex Lower Regiment Seventeen, Upper Regiment Twelve, Boston Regiment Sixteen, Suffolk South regiment Twenty, Essex South Regiment Fifteen, Middle Regiment Fifteen, North Regiment live, to Rendevous upon Tuesday next the Two and Twenty’th of this instant, where each Major shall appoint, who is forthwith to Send away his Number under some Sutable person unto Newberry, and deliver them to Captain Stephen Greenlefe Junr. to be by him conducted, and Sent unto Piscataqua to be disposed of by Major Pike Commander in Cheif for the filling up the Several Companies there under his Command, not to be posted in Garrisons.

An attachment issued by Order of the Court against Captn. John Legg, Archibald Ferguson, Benjamin Gale and some others of Marblehead to Appear before the Governour, and Council in Boston at one a Clock to morrow, to Answer what shall be Objected against them on their Majesties behalf respecting a tumultuous and riotous gathering together of People, and Obstructing, and Opposing Captain John Alden in the Executing of an Order of the Governour and Council.

17 July 1690

Ordered that Mr. Ebenezer Johnson of Oburne [Woburn] and Leut. Barber of Medfeild be Emediatly sent unto, Requested and Impowered for the Rayseing and Conducting of freind Indians, If so Many may be had to the Number of Two hundred for the strengthning of the forces in the Easterne parts to Enable them to make out a body against the Common Enemy, and that such Officers as the Councill shall Commissionate, when their Numbers are knowne shall Attend further order with said Indians.

Voted and past in the Affirmative by the deputies   N. Jewt.442

17 July 1690

Ordered that Daniell Champney of Cambridg be Captain of a number of Souldiers Listed for their Majesties service out of the Troops of Middlesex etc. in the Expedition to Cannada and that he send such persons names to the Councill as may be Commissionated with him to Conduct and manage said Company in said affair.

past in the Affirmative by the deputies   N. Jewt.443

17 July 1690

Ordered that the Majors of the severall Regiments take Care to gaine an Exact List of what voluntiers have Listed themselves for the Expedition to Cannada as well as what the severall Captains Commissionated for that service as the Muster Masters Appoynted in such Regiments and to transmit the same unto the Governour and Councill at or before the 19th of this Instant July that orders may be taken for Compleating the Numbers.

Voted and past in the Affirmative

per the Deputies   Neh. Jewt.

per order444

18th [July 1690]

  • Present
  • The Governour
  • Major Winthrop
  • Mr. Hathorne
  • Mr. Curwin
  • Mr. Russell
  • Major Hutchinson
  • Major Phillips
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Capt. Sewall

Ordered that the Select Men of Boston take Care that the House in the Fort on the Hill be provided for entertainment of Sick, and Wounded Soldiers, and Seamen Also to provide suitable Nursies, provision, and all Necessary’s at the Charge of the Country.

Ordered, that the Country Treasurer do pay, and reimburse what the Said Select Men, shall expend for the relief and Succour of such Sick, and Wounded Persons.

Ordered that the honoured Governour and Council give such Suitable Instructions unto the Honoured Commissioners of this Colony, according to the Capacity, and Necessity of this Colony as they shall Judge most expedient to be concluded of by them, and the Commissioners of the other Colonies upon their Meeting at Boston, which is to be the Thirty first of this instant.

Upon the Petition of Mr. Robert Kitchen of Salem, It’s agreed that he be abated the Sum of Twelve pounds Ten Shillings out of the Price of his Ketch retaken at Port Royall.

18o. July 1690

For prevention of Vessells goeing out and carying away men or Provisions Contrary to the order made for an Embargo May the 28th. 1690

It is ordered that noe vessell depart from any of the ports or harbours within this Collony to any of the places on Coast Eastward or westward hereof until they have been Examined and Searched by Capt. Timothy Prout and Mr. Abraham Gording or their Deputies, which Examination to be certified under their hands upon penalty of forfeiture of such vessell and Goods transgressing this order one third to their Majestyes one third to the Governour and one third to said Prout and Gording.

Past in the Affirmative by the Deputies

Neh. Jewet per order445

Ordered, That the Volunteers, Seamen, and Sol446 by detachment out of the Several Regiments of Militia Vizt. Major Quinsey three hundred and Ninety, Major Phillips three hundred and Eighty Four, Major Hutchinson Three hundred and Twenty, Major Henchman three hundred and eight, Major Saltonstall Two hundred eighty Two, And that the Major General issue out his Warrants forthwith to the Several Majors for that end, that they may be ready to attend the Generals Order; All to Rendevous, Major Quinsey at Roxbury, Major Phillips at Charlestown, Major Henchman at Cambridge, And all Essex Soldiers at Salem, upon the Twenty ninth of this instant, And Troopers in each Regiment to be imprest to Serve as Foot Souldiers, proportionately to the Foot in each Town.

Quota of Soldiers for the Canada Expedition

Majr. Appleton three hundred and eight,

Majr. Gedney three hundred and eight

‘   Adjourned to Thursday the 31st of July instant at two a Clock and then met.

31st [of July] 1690

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • James Russell
  • John Hathorne
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Saml. Sewall
  • Jona. Curwin
  • John Phillips

Ordered that the Revd. Mr. John Hale, Mr. John Wise, Mr. Grindal Rawson, and Mr. John Emmerson Ministers of Gods Word, be desired to Accompany the General, and Forces in the Expedition against Canada to Carry on the Worship of God in that Expedition.

Pro. August [1st 1690]

Present   The Governour and all the rest as Yesterday except Major Phillips.

Major Henchman Having returned the Number of Volunteers for the Canada Expedition, which is farr Short of what was Appointed to be raised in his Regiment, pleading the Inability of many Frontier town’s to Send the Number he hath proportioned each Town, the Said Major is hereby Ordered to send so many Souldiers, well fixed out of his Regiment, as will make up the Volunteers Two hundred Vizt. Out of Concord Twenty five, Sudbury Twenty, Bilrica Eight, Stow Seven, who are to be at Charlestown upon Monday next the fourth instant at Twelve a Clock the other Towns of that Regiment to Send their Volunteers.

Ordered, That Captain Gregory Sugars be Paid the Sum of Seven pounds per Month wages for his Command and service in his Ship Six Friends, on the Port Royall Expedition.

Ordered, That Medfeild be Abated Ten Soldiers, Wrentham eight, Mendon Fifteen of the proportion assigned by Major Quincey to be raised within their several Towns for the Present expedition, the remainder of the Said proportion to Appear at Braintry on Monday the Fourth of August instant at twelve a Clock.

Joseph Jewitt Junr. being Nominated by the Military Company of Rowley to be their ensign447 is Approved of to that Office.

Rowley Officer

Ordered, That Lieutenant Thomas Swift take Speedy care to provide Sixty or more of the Friend Indians well furnished with Armes, and Ammunition to be sent out under a Suitable Commander against the Common Enemy.

There Appearing to be need of some more Soldiers to be sent to the Eastern Parts for enabling them to pursue the Enemy to their Head quarters, It is Ordered that a Letter be forthwith writt to the Governour and Council of Plymouth for their Speedy Assistance, with One hundred Men furnished with Arms, Ammunition, and provisions for Two Months time.

For the better Strengthning of the Eastern Parts, and Enabling them to make out a Moving body against the Enemy; Ifs Ordered that one hundred Soldiers (over and above those lately Ordered there) be forthwith provided by detachment out of the Severall Regiments of Militia of this Colony (the North Regiments of Essex and Middlesex excepted) to be sent up thither, the Major General to give out his Warrents Accordingly.

Capt. Robert Small is Appointed Captain of the Ship Swallow, appointed a fire Ship.

Capt. Andrew Knott is Appointed Captain of the Ship Return, appointed a fire Ship.

Motion being made for Ensigne Daniell Warners Release from the Eastward who was under Capt. Steven Greenlef his family being sick.

Voted and past in the Affirmative by the deputies

Neh. Jewet per order448

Ordered that the French Souldiers brought from port Royall be Imployed in the present Expedition two or three in a ship or vessel as it may be with safety for the benefit of the Country.

past in the Affirmative by the deputies

Neh. Jewet per order449

Boston August 20th. 1690

By the Governour and Council Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England

Upon considering of the Loud Culls, which the God of Heaven has given us, to bee instantly Waiting upon Him in the Duties of the most Solemn Humiliation and Supplication; and of the Particular Obligation that Lies upon us, to follow our Friends Embarqued in the present Expedition, with our ardent prayers for their Success: It is ordered, that Thursday the Twenty Eighth of this Instant August,450 be kept as a Day of PRAYER with FASTING throughout this colony; for which cause, all servile Labor on the said Day is hereby inhibited, and the Several Ministers and Assemblies are Exhorted unto a serious attendance on the Work of the Day with Fervent Prayers that the Forces abroad may be prospered in these most Important Expeditions which they are now gone upon; both on Land and Sea that they may by a victory over our enemies, be made the Instruments of a Lasting Peace to these plantations: that the Divine Direction and Protection may preserve them from all Uncomfortable accidents in their undertaking; and that the Issue of all maybee, and Advance to the Gospel and Kingdome of our Lord Jesus Christ, in these Ends of the Earth;—and with further prayers That the Blessing of the most high may accompany their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary—that the Parliament, and the whole English Nation may have the conduct of God in all their Enterprise on behalf of the Protestant religion; That the Glorious Tidings that are spoken about the whole church of God in these latter Dayes may receive a speedy as well as a perfect, Accomplishment; and That ourselves may see the smiles of God upon all our interests, in His owning our Agents settling our Affairs frustrating the expectations of all that wish unto us and healing our diseases; and so pouring His Holly Spirit upon us as to prepare us for these needful mercies And, that Wee may not by letting fall our hands give Advantage to our Adversaries, the Several Congregations in this Colony, are hereby exhorted That they keep the Wheel of Prayer a continued motion, by repeated and successive Agreements for Days of Prayer with Fasting in their several Vicinities till our God have Spoke peace unto us, and will find his salvation, to be nigh, with glory dwelling in our land.

Isaac Addington


The Court Adjourned unto the Second Wednesday in October next, at one a Clock, Unless the Governour and Council give out Special Order for Meeting sooner.

By the Governour and Council452

WHEREAS some have lately presumed to Print and Disperse a Pamphlet Entituled, Publick Occurrences, both foreign and Domestick: Boston, Thursday, Septemb. 24th, 1690. Without the least Privity or Countenance of Authority.

The Governour and Council having had the perusal of the said Pamphlet, and finding that therein is contained Reflections of a very high nature: As also sundry doubtful and incertain Reports, do hereby manifest and declare their high Resentment and Disallowance of the said Pamphlet, and Order that the same be Suppressed and called in; strickly forbidding any person or persons for the future to Set forth any thing in Print without Licence first obtained from those that shall be appointed by the Government to grant the same.

By Order of the Governour and Council

Isaac Addington, Seer.

Boston, September 29th. 1690.

Oct. 8th 1690

At a Session of the General Court for their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England in Boston

  • Prest.
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • William Johnson
  • James Russell
  • John Harthorn
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Jona. Curwin
  • Samuel Sewall
  • John Phillips
  • Isaac Addingon

Deputies from the Several Towns Vizt.




Mr. John Ruck

Capt. Joseph Lynde

Capt. Saml. Clap.

Mr. Saml. Hayman




Cap. P. Townsend

Cap. Saml. Ruggles

Lt. James Nash

Cap. Theo. Frarey

Cap. Timo. Prout

Mr. John Clark




Capt. Jno. Sprague

Mr. Saml. Thompson

Mr. John Sevitt




Mr. Henry Woodis

Mr. Matt Johnson

Cap. Nat. Stearns




Andr. Eliot

Obadiah Ward

Mr. Sam. Chamnee


Lt. John Pebody

Captain Penn Townsend Speaker

October 8th 1690

At a second Session of the Generall Court, Capt. Pen Townsend was chosen Speaker for the house of deputies, and the house Adjourned till the 10th of this Instant.

John Clark per order

Ordered, That the Treasurer forthwith Supply Captain John Alden with Thirty pounds in Money for the paying off the Seamen, who were lately pressed to Serve in the Sloop Mary on the Eastern Expedition.

Ordered, That Major Saltonstall do dismiss home the Scout of Ten Troopers appointed to be employed between Havaril, and Salisbury etc. by direction of the Said Major for Security of Said Townes in the Time of Harvest.

Ordered, That Major John Pyncheon dismiss all the Soldiers that were sent from hence under the Command of Lt. Scarborough, into the County of Hampshire.

Ordered that Mr. Thomas Brattle be admitted, and Sworn Publick Notary for this Colony, that office Being at present Vacant.453

October 10th [1690]

The Deputies mett. John Clark was chose Clerk for the present session.454

Ordered that fifty of the Soldiers now abroad in the Eastern Parts, be Continued at Wells, under the Conduct of Lt. Elisha Andrews, Thirty at York under some fitt person in quality of a Sergeant to command them And One hundred at Piscataqua, under the Conduct of Capt. James Convers, Major Pike, and the rest of the Commanders and Soldiers under him to be forthwith disbanded; All hire Men to be detained, except such as are disinabled by Wounds or Sickness; Major William Vaughan to take the Chief Command of the whole, And by the Advice of the other Commission Officers with some of the principal Gentlemen of the place to improve them for the discovery and prosecution of the French, and Indian Enemy, and strengthning of those parts, until the beginning of November next, Unless the Council shall see cause to Continue the whole or any part thereof for longer time.

Ordered, that the Embargo upon Shipping, formerly laid by Order of this Court be, and hereby is taken off.

Ordered, That there be forthwith sent Supplies of Clothing and all other Necessaries for the Soldiers that remain at the eastward, to be paid out of the Two rates and a half already granted of money for that End.

Mr. John Jollife, Captain Perm Townsend, Capt. Theopilus Frarey, Mr. John Clark, and Mr. Timothy Thornton, being chosen Commissioners for the Town of Boston were this day Sworn before the Governour and Magistrates.

Ordered, That Mr. James Russell, Major Elisha Hutchinson, Captain Joseph Lynde, Mr. Samuel Chamnéé,455 and Mr. John Clarke be a Committee to Examine the State of the Country with respect to their debts, by the Treasurers Accompts, which may give Light how to grant Summs for defraying of the Same, when they have made report to this Court.

And the Court is Adjourned unto Tuesday the 21st instant as one a Clock afternoon.

Tuesday Octor. 21st 1690

At an Adjournment of the General Court in Boston

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • James Russell
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Robt. Pike
  • William Johnson
  • Sam. Sewall
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • John Phillips
  • Jona. Corwin

Present also, all the deputies, as at the late Session the 8th of this month with an Addition of Several Others Vizt.

  • For Salem
  • For Wenham
  • For Glocester
  • Lt. Nat. Putman
  • Cap. Tho. Fiske
  • Mr. Wm. Sergeant
  • For Ipswich
  • For Andover
  • For Newberry
  • Mr. Na. Rust
  • Mr. Chris. Osgood
  • Mr. Jos. Frye
  • For Redding
  • For Sudbury
  • En. Na. Gooden
  • Mr. Pe. Noyes

Captain Penn Townsend chosen Speaker.

Ordered, that all Soldiers posted in any of the Towns or Garrisons on the South Side of Merrimack River, at the public charge, be forthwith discharged; And that Major Henchman be forthwith written unto to take Effectual care for the Execution of this Order.

Ordered, That all the Garrison Soldiers that were imploy’d in their Majesties Service, Slain and Carried Captive from the Fort at Casco, And the Commissary also being carried away, So that their Accounts cannot be adjusted, And their Wives and Relations being in Want; It’s Ordered that the Committee for Debentures, give out Debentures for one quarter part of Wages, that shall Appear due to them for their Service according to Certificate from their Captains, for present, until there be Opportunity for Setling those Accompts.

Ordered, That the Price of graine in payment of rates for this present Year be as follows Vizt. Wheat at four shillings six pence per bushell, Indian Corn at three Shillings per bushell, Barley, and Barley Malt Four Shillings per Bushell (no Barley to Pass after the first of April) Pease four shillings per bushell, Oates at one shilling and Six pence per bushell, Merchantable Porke seal’d by a Sworn Packer, at three pound per barrell, and Merchantable Beaf Seal’d as Aforesaid thirty Six Shillings pr barrell, These prizes to be for this Colony, except West Hampshire.

Price of Graine Stated

And for Hampshire, that the Prizes be as fellow’s Vizt. Wheat at Four shillings, Pease, Barley, and Barley Malt at three shillings per bushell (no Barley to pass after the first of April) Indian Corn two shillings and Six pence per bushell, Merchantable Porke Sealed by a Sworn Packer, three pounds per barrell, and Merchantable Beaf at Thirty Six shillings per barrell.

4th November. This Order revised, and pass’d again anew with the Advance of Barley, and Barley Malt from three shillings, and Six pence to Four shillings per bushell for the whole Colony, except West Hampshire.

Ordered, that Capt. John Fayerweather do abate two months Salary for his Absence this Summer from the Castle.

Ordered456 that Lt. Nathaniel Williams be forthwith dismist from Attendance at the Castle, And that there be Continued there for this Winter, onely Twenty Men including the Officers.

Ordered, That the Country Treasurer pay the Secretary Fifty pounds towards Satisfaction for his Salary in or as Money.

Ordered that Ichabod Plaisteed be Lieutenant to Captain James Convers.

25th [October 1690]

Ordered, That Lieutt. Nathl. Williams be paid by the Country Treasurer for his Service at the Castle, since the eigth of July last, Fifteen pounds in or as Money, in full for His Service since that time, unto the time that he is dismist.

Ordered, That Samuel Sewall Esqr., Isaac Addington, Capt. Penn Townsend, Capt. Joseph Lynde, and Capt. Samuel Ruggles be a Committee to peruse (in order to the Reprinting of) such Laws, as has been formerly made by this Court, and most expedient in the Vigorous Execution for reforming of Vice, and make return thereof to this Court at their next Sitting.

In Answer to a Petition of Maiden, Woburn, and redding, referring to Mistick Bridge, Ordered, That Captain Frarey, Lt. William Bond, and Lt. David Fiske be, and are Appointed a Committee to take a Survey of Said Bridge, and Consider of what repair it wanteth, As also who are the Town’s that ought to do it, and make report to this Court at their next sitting.

October 25th. 1690.

Toward the Discharging of the Country Debts and defraying publick charges, ordered that the Treasurer Issue forth his warrants for the raising Ten Single Country Rates upon the Inhabitants of this Collony according to the prises of provisions sett, and if any pay money that they have a third abated and all persons that have Credditt with the Country to pay by Discount.

Passed in the affirmative by the Deputyes John Clark Clerk457

Not consented to by the Magistrates

Adjourned unto the fourth of November at Nine in the Morning.

November 4th 1690

The Court mett According to Adjournment

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • James Russell
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • William Johnson
  • John Phillips
  • Samuel Sewall Jona. Corwin

Present the Same Deputies as at the Last Sitting And Capt. Townsend Speaker.

November 4th. 1690

Upon Reading the Petition of the Selectmen of Dunstable in behalfe of said Towne, setting forth that being amiss directed by the old Law intituled charges publick page 23 they had overvalued the Estates of their Inhabitants, beyond their due proportion vizt: one quarter amounting to the sum of twenty one shillings Praying for abatement thereof It’s ordered that the said town doe present to this Court at their next meetting a trew coppie of the valluation of the persons and Estates by which they made their last assessments, that this Court may Judge of what abatement is to be made them.

Past in the affirmative by the Deputies

John Clark Clerk458

November 4th 1690

In answer to the petition of the Selectmen of the town of Dunstable; It’s ordered that all that are proprietors of Lands within the Township aforesaid shall pay their proportion to all publick charges as well non Residents as Residents and in case of failure therein, the major part of the Inhabitants their order are hereby impowered to make sale of any parcel of Land of such Proprietors as shall be sufficient to sattisfy their proportion towards the maintenance of the Ministry and other Town charges according to their Agreement By a vote bearing date the 7th Aprill 90.

Past in the affirmative per the Deputies

John Clark Clerk

Not Consented to by the Magistrates459

November 5th 1690

Ordered that Pole mony for all Rates to be granted from henceforth shall be twelve pence upon the head, upon all Male persons (except such as are exempted by Law) any Law custome or usage to the contrary Notwithstanding.

past in the affirmative per the Deputies

John Clark Clerk460

November [6] 1690

Upon the desire of Captain John Alden to have the use of the Sloop Mary for a Voyage to Nova Scotia,461 proposing to endeavour the Redemption of the English Captives now in the enemies Hands, and to Visit Port royall to inquire into the State of the People there, being Subjected to the Obedience of the Crown of England, and to carry some provisions for their Supply. Liberty is granted him to proceed accordingly at his own Charge, not to carry with him any Ammunition more than for the Necessary use of the Vessell, and to Endeavour his return to Boston again with said Vessell, within one Month, or Six weeks time at farthest.

Sloop Mary

For the encouragement of Elisha Andrews, or any other meet persons that shall be Approved of by the Governr. and Council, And such Volunteers as shall list themselves to go out with them against the Common Enemy French, and Indians, It’s Ordered that they shall be allowed Twelve pounds in or as Money, for every Man of the Enemy they shall Kill or bring in alive, in Lieu of Wages, And to be paid three shillings per week a Man, whilst they are out in the Service.

Scalp Money

Ordered, That all the Officers, and Souldiers in their Majesties Service now abroad at Piscataqua be forthwith dismist, and Drawn Home, only four and twenty to remain behind, such as Captain Convers, and Lieutn. Andrews shall appoint (as many of the hired Men as are fitt for Service, to be of that Number) Twelve to be posted at Wells, And the Other twelve, where Majr. Vaughan, Major Frost, Captain Convers, and Lt. Andrews shall Apprehend they may be most Needed, and to Continue, untill the Governour and Council give Order for their drawing off, Supplies of Provisions, and Clothing to be sent for the Support of them that remain. Wesson and Eaton of Redding, Hutchinson of Charlestown, John Goffe of Cambridge, John Belcher of Boston, John Hadlock of Salem, Ebenr. Batchelor of Wenham, John Smith of Dorchester, and Samuel Shove of Braintry particularly to be dismist home.

Dismission of the Soldiers at Piscataqua

Ordered, That the Garrison Soldiers at Varnums and Coburns upon Merrimack River be forthwith discharged and dismist home, And Major Thomas Henchman is desired, and Appointed to see this Order Executed.

Dismission for Soldiers at Merrimack

Ensigne Richard Ellis of Dedham is Appointed one of the Committee for the Affairs of New Roxbury alias Woodstock, instead of Capt. Thurston, who is disabled by Sickness.

Major John Richards, Mr. James Russell, Major Elisha Hutchinson, and Mr. Treasurer, or any three of them are Appointed a Committee to agree with the Keepers of all public Licensed houses, and Retailers for their draught of this Present Year, Mr. Treasurer to Order the giving of them Notice of the Time to be Appointed for the Commitees meeting to that End.

Committee for Excise

Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Town’s who mett, and brought in their Valuations upon the Second Wednesday of October last, do meet again on the fourth Wednesday of this instant November (being the 26th of the Same) at their respective shire Town’s (except Middlesex who shall meet at Concord) and bring in the Same Lists, which they have already taken, that so the Number of heads, which were then given in, in each Town may be Transmitted to the Treasurer under their hands; And that the Treasurer issue forth his Warrants Accordingly. The Commissioners of Middlesex to Examine and Correct the List of Dunstable Valuation for the last rates and to make them such Abatement as shall appear they have by Mistake of the Law over Valued themselves.

Towards the discharging of the Countries debts, and defraying of Public charges, It’s Ordered, That the Treasurer forthwith issue out his Warrants for the raising Twenty Single Country rates, upon the inhabitants of this Government, according to the prizes of provision sett, And if any Pay Money that they have a third abated, And all persons that have Credit, with the Country to pay by discount, And that the Poll money be reduced to Twelve pence per head in these Twenty rates, on each rate.

Order of Twenty Single rates

Ordered. That Mr. Treasurer Pay unto the use of our public Agents, now upon the Service of the Country in England, Vizt. To the Revd. Mr. Increase Mather One hundred pounds, To Elisha Cooke, Esqr., and Thomas Oakes Esqr. fifty Pounds a piece.

Payment to the Agents

Ordered, That the Town’s of Charlestown, and Meadford do forthwith Sufficiently repair Mistick Bridge, lying within the precincts of those two Town’s, and present the Account of the Charge thereof unto the General Court, that it may be determined how it shall be born.

Major Elisha Hutchinson, Capt. Samuel Sewall, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Capt. Penn Townsend, Capt. Sam Hayman, Mr. James Taylor, Mr. Nathaniel Oliver, Capt. Andrew Belcher, Capt. Saml. Legg, and Mr. John Clarke are desired forthwith to use their Endeavours to procure the Sum of three or Four thousand pounds in Money upon Loan for the present paying off the Seamen, and Soldiers at their return from Canada, and for other Emergencies upon the Publick Credit. And this Court do hereby Engage half the publick rates now agreed to be made and Levyed, and the Countries part of all such plunder as they shall recover from the Enemy at Canada etc. and bring home with them; And all Money’s arising upon impost, as Security to such Gentlemen, who shall Advance Money on that Accompt, until they be fully repaid, And the abovenamed Gentlemen are Appointed a Committee to receive the Countries part of plunder into their hands, and make Sale thereof to the Most Advantage, Rendring an Accountt of the Produce of the Same to the General Court.

Committee to procure a Loan

Ordered, That Major John Richards, Major Gedney, and Major Edmund Quinsey, Mr. William Bond, Capt. Daniel Epps, Captain Samuel Partrigg, Mr. Thomas Oliver, and Nehh. Jewett be a Committee to revise the Law intituled Charges Publick, with the Additions, and to draw up and Present unto the Next General Court, what they shall agree upon to be Considered in Order to Establishment as a Rule to the Just, and equall making of Publick Assessments, Major Richards to Appoint time and place of Meeting.

Committee to revise the Law about Publick Charges

The Accompt of Samuel Green late of Boston Printer deceased amounting to Twenty five pounds 18s, being presented was Ordered to be paid unto his Administators by Mr. Treasurer, in or as Money.

Printers Accompt

December 10th 1690

Adjourned to Wednesday the 10th of December next at Nine a Clock in the Morning

At an Adjournment of the Generall Court

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Nathl. Saltonstall
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Robt. Pike
  • James Russell
  • Wm. Johnson
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • John Phillips
  • Samuel Sewall Jonathan Corwin

Deputies from Severall Town’s Vizt.




Mr. John Ruck

Captn. Jos. Lynde

Capt. Sam. Clapp

Lt. Na. Putnam

Mr. Sam. Hayman




Capt. P. Townsend

Capt. Sam. Ruggles

Mr. Sam. Thompson

Ca. Theo. Frarey

Cap. Tim. Prout




Mr. Peter Noyes

Mr. Willm. Bond

Mr. Sam. Chamnee




Matt. Johnson

Mr. Oba. Ward

John Houghton




Mr. Nat. Rust

En. Nat. Gooden

Andr. Elliott

Lt. Sam. Ingalls




Eze. Jewitt

Lt. John Gold

Chris. Osgood



Lt. John Pebody

John Johnson



Henry True

Joseph Pike




Cap. Thos. Harvey

Mr. Heny. Woodis

Willm. Sergeant


Medad Pomroy

Capt. Penn Townsend was Chosen Speaker.

Samuel Martin presented to be Ensign of the Foot Military Company in Andover under the Command of Capt. Dudley Bradstreet is allowed, and Approved of to the Said Office.

Andover Officer

Cuttin Noyes Presented to be Lieutenant, and John462 Knight Ensigne of the foot Military Company in Newberry, under the command of Capt. Daniel Peirce, are allowed and Approved of to the Said Offices.

Newbury Officer

Daniel Lunt presented to be quarter Master of a Troop in Newberry, under the Command of Capt. Stephen Greenleaf is allowed, and Approved of to the Said Office.

Newbury Officer

Christopher Osgood presented to be Lieutenant, and James Frie to be Quarter Master of the Troop in Andover, under the Command of Capt. John Osgood, are allowed, and Approved of to the Said Offices.

Andover Officer

December 11th 1690. Sergt. Tho. Titcombe alowed to give Certificates for the souldiers that went out under Command of Capt. Stephen greenlef upon the Expedition for Canada.

Joseph Lynde per order463

Ordered, That all the Soldiers that are in the Countries Pay in New Hampshire and the Province of Maine be forthwith drawn off.

A Bill past to the Treasurer to pay Captn. Alden for his own, and Seamens wages, and Accompt of Disbursement for his Voyage to Sagadahock on the Publick Accompt, the Summ of Seventeen pounds one shilling and four Pence.

December 13th 1690. Ordered that the Secretary Send an order from this Court to Mr. Steven Sewall of Salem to deliver the Records of Sallisbury herewith and Aimsbury unto Capt. Thomas bradbury of Sallisbury.

per order Joseph Lynde464

Preserved Clap Presented for Captain, and Timothy Baker for Ensigne of the Military Company in Northampton are allowed and Confirmed in the Said Offices.

Northampton Military Offices

Forasmuch as there have formerly been more houses of Publick Entertainment, and retailers set up in Severall Town’s especially in the Town of Boston than are allowed by Law, And many persons pleading the extream damage it would be unto them to put down without granting them some time to dispose of the Quantities of Drink now upon their Hands, It’s therefore referred unto the respective County Courts to take the Same into consideration, and to grant an Indulgence to such Supernumeraries, For a certain time of three or four Months as they shall see meet for the disposing of the Drinck upon their Hands; They, paying for the Same, as Other Licensed houses do, Also upon the Motion of the Select Men of Hingham, It’s granted That there be a House of Publick Entertainment, allowed at Cohasset on the Road betwixt Hingham and Scituate, to be Kept by such person as the Said Select Men shall Approve, and the County Court Licence.

Ordered, That the County Court of Middlesex take effectual care, that the Order of this Court, made in March last past for Captn. Lawrence Hammond to Deliver up the publick records of the Said County in his Hands, be duly Observed.

Reinforcement of Order about Middlesex records

The following Address was drawn up, and agreed upon to be Sent unto his Majesty To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty

The Humble Address465 of the Governour and Council and the General Court of Your Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England.

Address to the King Majesty

Gracious and Dread Sovereign

It having pleased the Allwise God in the righteous dispensation of His Providence for Some time past to be exercising His poor people Your Majesties Subjects of this and the Neighbouring Colony’s with an Afflictive, distressing and bloody Warr, first begun upon us by the Cruel, and Treacherous Heathen, and since carried on by them, and our evill Neighbours the French, being Combined together for the utter extirpation of the Protestant Religion, and Your Majties. Interest in these American Plantations (they having already Proselyted a great part of the Indians to their religion, and intermixed themselves, with them in Marriages) For the Security, and defence whereof we are willing to part with our All, Yea our very Lives; Though wee are labouring under no Small disadvantages, by reason of the dispersion of our English Settlements, and the base Cowardice of the Indian Enemies who contrary to the Custom of Civilized Nations, decline a fair decision of the Controversy, in an Open pitch’t Battle, But by small party’s Infest our Frontiers, and Remote Dwellings, Sculking about to wait an Opportunity for the Burnings of Houses, and Killing of persons unawares when at their imployment in the Fields, and Necessitate the English to Hunt them like wolves in the Wilderness, where the Trees, and Swamps are as forts to Secure them, having no Certain place of abode, or where to be found, continually moving up, and down, though they have Sometimes been mett withall to their cost, and their numbers considerably thin’d, and not a few of the Principal Actors in this bloody Tragedy been taken off, The French having learn’t to Live and endure hardness like the Indians, came over the lake from Canada the last winter in Several Companies and Joined with them in Assaulting of the English Plantations both in the East, and West, As also from L’accadie the Last Spring, Being thus environed, It was thought advisable, and of absolute Necessity for preventing of their farther Mischeifs, and inroads to meet with, and engage them in their own Country; To which End an Expedition was sett forth to L’Accadie, and by Gods blessing attempted with Success, which encouraged to the Making of another Expedition against our Enemies of Canada, to Attack them with a Sea, and Land Force at one and the Same time which was also attempted, It being the general Opinion of the whole Country, if something of that Kind were Speedily Attended Your Majesties Dominion in New England would be gready hazzarded, and we were in Danger, of Losing our interest in the Maqua’s, and other Nations of Indians in Friendship with us (who earnestly pressed the Same and promised their Assistance) and to have them drawn over to the Side of the French which they are Soliciting with all their Jesuitical policy, The awfull Frown of God upon us in the disappointment ot this Enterprize gives us great Cause of Sorrow, and to be deeply humbled before God, a particular Account of that Affair, We expect will be Laid before Your Majesty by Sir William Phipps who had the Chief conduct thereof by Sea, We cannot but Apprehend that one Principal Cause of the disappointment is to be Attributed to the failing of the Land Forces, and the Indians not so full Appearance, as was expected, the Occasion whereof we are at present Ignorant; Neither would we So look to Second Causes so as to Omitt our taking Notice of the Overuling Providence of God, visibly Appearing in several Concurrent circumstances to the frustrating of the expedition.

Royal Sr. However some may seek to Misrepresent us unto Your Majesty in this undertaking We can make our Appeal unto Him who is the Searcher of Hearts. That we had no other design therein, but the glory of God, the defence of your Majesties Interest, and our own preservation to secure our Selves against the Constant Molestation, and invasions of our Enemies, And may we be humbly bold to represent unto Your Majesty that the increase of that French Territory, Setled with an Antichristian encroaching people, so Joined in with the Indians by means of Popish emisaries cannot consist with the Safety of Your Majesties Interest, or the Peace of your Subjects in these, or any other of Your American Plantations, had it pleased God to have honoured us in being instrumental to have made an Addition to any part of the Same unto Your Majestys Imperial Crown it would have been our Rejoicing.

We heartily bless God for the Success of your Majesties Armes in Ireland, and the Preservation of Your royall Person from so many Imminent Dangers, Praying God to Crown your Majesty with Victory over all Your Enemies.

Dread Majesty We humbly prostrate our selves at Your Royall Feet, humbly Supplicating Your Majesties Gracious Resentment, and Acceptance of our Sincere intentions for your Majesties Service in that, and other of our Undertakings, And favourable Aspect towards us a gracious Settlement, and Confirmation of the Charter Government, As also to Vouchsafe us needfull and early Supplies for the defence of Your Majesties Territory, and the effectual Suppressing and Subduing of your inveterate, and insolent Enemies whereto we shall cheerfully contribute our utmost Assistance Being Ambitious to be Accounted, and Shall Studiously endeavour in all things to Approve ourselves of the Number of

Royal Sr.

Your Majesties dutyfull and Loyall Subjects

Signed Simn. Bradstreet Governour

In the Name of the General Court

Ordered, That Major Robert Pike be allowed for his Service to the Country against the Common Enemy at the Eastward, Eight pounds per month.

An Order past to the Committee appointed to receive into their Custody the Publick Stores returned from Canada to restore all the Guns, and other things whatsoever, which were taken out of any Ship, or Vessell or borrowed of any particular person to furnish out that expedition, unto the proper owners thereof, or their Order they making it so Appear, taking receipts for what they deliver.

Whereas (for the maintaining and defending of their Majesties interest against the hostile invasion of their french and Indian Enemies, who have begun, and are Combined in the Prosecution of a Bloody War upon the english of their Majesties Colonys, and Plantations of New England) this Colony hath Necessarily contracted Sundry considerable Debts, which this Court taking into Consideration, and being desirous to Approve themselves Just, and honest in the discharge of the Same, And that every Person, who hath Credit with the Country for the use of his Estate, disbursements, or Service done for the Public, may in Convenient time receive due, and equal Satisfaction; Withall Considering the Present poverty, and Calamities of the Country And (through Scarcity of Money) the want of an Adequate Measure of Commerce, whereby they are disadvantaged in making present payment as desired, Yet being willing to Settle, and Adjust the Accompts of Said debt, and to make payment thereof, with what Speed they can.

Committee for granting forth Bills of Public Credit

It is Ordered466 by this Court, That Major Elisha Hutchinson, Major John Phillips, Capt. Penn Townsend, Mr. Adam Winthrop, and Mr. Timothy Thornton, or any three of them, be, and are hereby Appointed, and empowered a Committee for the granting forth of Printed Bills467 in such forms as is agreed upon by this Court (none under five shillings, nor exceeding the Sum of five pounds in one Bill) unto all such persons who shall desire the Same to whom the Colony is indebted for such Sum, or Summs of Money as they shall have debentures from the Committee, or Committees that are or shall be Appointed to give out the Same, Every of which Bills according to the Summ therein expressed shall be of equal Value with Money, And the Treasurer, and all Receivers Subordinate to him shall accept, and receive the Same Accordingly in all Public Payments; No More of Said Bills to be printed, or granted forth than for the Sum of Seven thousand pounds, And the Colony is hereby engaged to Satisfy the Value of Said Bills as the Treasury shall be Enabled, And any Person having of Said Bills in his Hands, may Accordingly return the Same to the Treasurer, and shall receive the full Sum thereof in Money, or other Public Stock at the Money price as Stated for that time, And if any of Said Bills be worn in any Persons hands, So as they desire to renew them, returning them to the Committee they shall have new ones of the Same Numbers and Summs given out.

The Forme of the Bill agreed upon






This Indented Bill of Twenty shillings, due from the Massachusetts Colony to the Possessor shall be in Value equal to Money, And shall be Accordingly Accepted by the Treasurer, and Receivers Subordinate to him in all Publick Payments, And for any Stock at any Time in the Treasury, Boston in New England December 10th 1690 By Order of the General Court

{ Committee

December 19th 1690. A bil past for the monthly hier of Ships and their Captains and under officers.

Joseph Lynde per order468

December 19th 1690. Ordered and allowed in answer to the petition of the Town of Newbury the libberty of Nominating three of their freemen of Said Town to be allowed and Commissionated by the County Court to serve as Commissioners to end small Causes to the vallue of five pounds.

passed and allowed as attest

Christopher Osgood per order469

December 20 [1690]g a bil past for Mackeing Sixtene freemen in Aimsbury.

Joseph Lynde per order Deputys470

The Court Adjourned unto 22th December 1690 at nine in the morning

Joseph Lynde per order471

Ordered that Major John Pyncheon be Paid Sixteen Pounds as Money out of the rates of West Hampshire for his Service unto Albany, and his Men, and Expences in Said Journey.

By reason of the Death of Major Samuel Ward, and the rest of his Officers belonging to his Company that were in the Service of their Majesties in the Canada Expedition Ordered that Mr. Nathaniel Rust of Ipswich be Appointed to Supply that Vacancy to grant our Certificates to the Soldiers sent out under the Conduct of Said Major.

Ordered That all Country Pay with one third abated shall pass as Currant Money to pay all Countrey Debts at the Same prizes sett by this Court; Except what hath been borrowed in Money shall be paid in Money.

December 23 1690. Ordered that Blank Commissions be Sent to Springfeild for the officers of that troop when Legally nominated.

Joseph Lynde per order472

December 23d 1690. A bil past for Scouts upon the frontier Townes.

Joseph Lynde per order473

December 23 [1690] Then a bil past for the Indemnifiing Sr. Will, phyp knight for his Several Services against the french and Indian enemies unto the day of the date hereof.

Joseph Lynde per order474

Ordered, That the Treasurer pay unto Capt. Silvanus Davis Thirty Pounds as Money for his Present Relief on Accountt of his Serving their Majesties as Commander of the fort at Casco.475

Ordered That the Treasurer pay to Richard Keates the Sum of Ten Pounds as Money in full of his Accompt for Service done and expences at the Prison.

December 23d 1690. Capt. Rugles BUI past for the 16£. 8s. yd. granted per the Comitte to be made up 21£: 16. by the Treasurer.

Joseph Lynde per order476

For the easy, and more Speedy giving out of Soldiers Debentures, Capt. Samuel Legg, Mr. Francis Burroughs and Mr. Joseph Parsons are hereby desired, and empowered to Joine with the Committee already Appointed to that Service, And any three of the Said Comittee to Act in that Affair.

december 24. 1690. Ordered that all fines Raysed or imposed by any Magistrate, Commissioners or Selectmen on any delinquents by vertue of any law the Trasgression whereoff is propper to their Cognizance shall he Remitted by every person authorathized [sic] to Receive the fine as aforesaid and putt into the Treasury of that Towne where the offense is Committed and Judgment passed to be improved to the benefitt of Said Towne according to the direction of the Select men of each Towne any Law, Custom or usage to the Contrary Notwithstanding.

Christopher Osgood per order477

december 24. 1690. Tor as much as the Law Title Saboth page 132 and the Law Title innkeeper page 81 Referr the breach of those laws to the Cognizance of Select men it is ordered that the Select men of each Town be hereby impowered to impose fines as the law directs on all such delinquents and that the Tithing men in each Towne do Convent all Transgressors of said Laws propper to their inspection before the Selectmen of the Towne where no magistrate or Commissioners are who have herby power to act in Such Cases as any one Magistrate or Commissioner may doe.

Christopher Osgood per order478

December 24. 1690. Then a bil past for the alowance of Boston per the Treasurers account towards their fortifications so far as Two Single Country Rates will goe of their Towne.

Joseph Lynde per order479

december 24. 1690. Ordered that all Souldiers that Came home sick or lame from the expedition to Canada the expenses of their Cure or Maintenance in their sickness or lameness be discharged by the Country.

attest Christopher Osgood per order480

december 24. 1690. Agreed that the Counsell should agree with Capt. Converse in order to his service with six men allowed him at the eastward parts for what may be concerned in with or against the Comon enemy till further order.

past by the deputies in the affirmative Attest

Christopher Osgood per order481

Mr. John Woodbridge, and Capt. Daniel Pierce482 of Newberry and each of them are Impowered to Join persons together in Marriage in that Town, according to the direction of the Laws in that behalf made.

An Order was granted by the Governour and Council to the Committee appointed to receive the Provisions returned from Canada to deliver for the use of the Garrison at the Castle, two barrels pork, and two barrels Pease.

The Court Adjourned unto Wednesday the 18th of March next at Nine of the Morning Unless the Governour see reason Upon Especial Occasion to Call a Court Sooner483

Tuesday the 3d of February 1690 [1]

At a Session of the General Court of their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Convened at Boston by Special Order of the Governour

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governr.
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Saml. Appleton
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Willm. Johnson
  • John Smith
  • Saml. Sewall
  • Jerema. Swayne
  • Jona. Corwin John Phillips

Deputies from Severall Town’s Vizt.

For Salem



Mr. John Ruck Nath. Putnam

Capt. Jos. Lynde Mr. Sam. Hayman

Cap. Sam. Clapp




Cap. P. Townsend Capt. Timo. Prout Capt. Theo. Frarey

Cap. Sam. Ruggles

Cap. Na. Stearns




Mr. John Levit

Lt. James Nash

Mr. Saml. Tompson




Matt. Johnson

Capt. John Sprage

Lt. Peter Tufft




Edwd. Spalden

Ens. Na. Gooden

Mr. Sim. Crosbey



Mr. Henry Woodis

Mr. Saml. Chamnee




Mr. Peter Noyes

Lt. Obadiah Ward

Capt. Dudy. Bradstreet




Lt. John Johnson

Lt. John Gold

Mr. Joseph Pike




En. Eze. Jewett

Mr. Na. Rust

Mr. And. Eliot

Lt. Saml. Ingalls




Mr. Wm. Sergeant

John Pearley

Capt. Tho. Harvey

Capn. Penn Townsend chosen Speaker

4th die [February 1690/1]

A Summons was directed to the Marshal General to warn Capt. Lawrence Hammond to Appear before this Court on the Morrow at four a Clock afternoon to shew cause (if any he have) why he doth Neglect, and refuse to deliver up the records of Middlesex County, pursuant to the Order of the General Court in March last.

February 4th [1690/91]

Then Red before the house an account of divers matters transacted by the Agents of this Collony in England.

Adjourned unto 9 oclock in the morning 5th Instant484

5th [February 1690/1]

Upon the return of Capt. Hammond to the Courts Summons peremptorily denying to Appear, The Court Ordered a Special Warrant to be granted to the Marshall General for the Apprehending of the Body of Capt. Hammond, and to bring him before this Court, to Answer for his Contempt of their Majesties Authority And to require what Assistance he shall find Necessary; And all Officers Civil, and Military, and other their Majesties Subjects to Aid, and Assist him in the execution of this precept, and to Apprehend any person, or persons, that shall seeke to Oppose, and Obstruct him therein, The Court likewise directed the Marshall to enter the House of Said Captain Hammond in Case of his Concealing himself there, and refusing to Surrender his Person.

6th [February 1690/91]

Whereas the Committee appointed for the granting out of Bills of Credit (in the form agreed upon by this Court, at their Session in December last past) for the public Debts, necessarily Contracted by this Colony in the Maintenance and defence of their Majesties Interests against the Hostile Invasions of their French and Indian Enemies, were Limited to a Certain Summ, which is found to be farr short of what is Absolutely Necessary It’s therefore Ordered that the Said Committee do in like manner proceed to the printing and giving forth of Said Bills to all persons desiring the Same who shall produce, and deliver unto them, a debenture or Debentures from the Committee or Committees that are or shall be thereunto Appointed, or shall produce an Order of this Court, or of the Governour and Council for the full Sum expressed in such debentures, or order, every of which Bills of the Sum of Twenty shillings shall be Accepted in all public payments by the Treasurer, and all Constables, or Other receivers Subordinate to the Treasurer, in Lieu of Money at Twenty one shilling’s and so proportionally for all Bills of greater or Lesser Summs (no one Bill to be for a Less Sum than two shillings, nor exceeding the Sum of ten pounds) And the Select Men of each Town may send the Debentures of the Several persons in their Town to the Said Committee by some meet person who shall receive Bills for the Same to be delivered to the Said Select Men and by them given out to the persons to whom they are due, And the Colony hereby stands engaged to Satisfy the Value of Said Bills as the Treasury shall be enabled; And any Person having of Said Bills in his Hands, returning the Same to the Treasurer shall accordingly receive the Just Summ exprest in Said Bills in Money, Or Other Public Stock at the Money Price, as Stated for that time.

Ordered, That the Treasurer do allow to the Town of Boston, their proportion to two Single Country Rates, out of the rates already granted, towards the Charge of their Fortifications, great Guns, and Ammunition, according to an Order formerly made by this Court.

Mr. John Emmerson Junr. of Glocester is Admitted to be a freeman of this Jurisdiction.

In Answer to the Petition of Joane Clap, relict widow of Capt. Roger Clapp late of Boston Deceased, Ordered that what Appears to be Justly due unto Said Captn. Clapp sometime Captain of the Castle, for his Service to this Colony, be paid unto his Executors by the Country Treasurer as soon as may be, And Mr. Russell, and the Treasurer are Appointed to examine and Settle his Accompt.

In Answer to the Petition of Samuel Adam’s of Boston, Praying that a Commission may be granted him to go forth Commander of a Small Vessell against the french Enemy, Ordered that a Commission be granted him for their Majesties, and the Colonies Service against the Said Common Enemy So that Security be given.

This Court being deeply Sensible of the Divine Goodness and Mercy appearing in the preservation of the Royal Person of our Sovereign, King William, and the Signall Victory bestowed by heaven upon his Armes in Ireland, And the remarkable disapppointments at the Same time given to the great Enemies of the Protestants Interest, Being also sensible of the Divine Bounty expressed in the Prevention of many Calamities, and destructions, which have been impending over us; In any Measure of Help, wherewith God has Assisted us against our Enemies; In the recovery of so many sick people among those which have been Arrested with the Epedemical Distempers newly raging in the Midst of us; In the Plentiful Harvest which was last vouchsafed us, And the happy arrival of so many Vessells from England in the depth of this Hard Winter which have brought unto us Necessary, and Seasonable Supplies, Do therefore Appoint Thursday the Twenty Sixth of this instant February to be Celebrated throughout this Colony as a Day of Public, and Solemn Thanksgiving485 unto the Almighty God for these and the Like his undeserved Favours Forbiding all Servile Labour on the Said Day; And Exhorting the Severall Ministers, and Assemblies every where to endeavour such praises may be Offered, as God may be glorified with, And that Conversation there with be Offered, so as to give us farther hopes of seeing the Salvation of God.

A Thanksgiving Appointed

Whereas many Towns are unprovided of a Town Stock of Ammunition according to Law, in this time of public Danger by the French, and Indian Enemy, There being a Considerable Quantity now brought into the Country, whereby both Towns, and particular persons may be Supplyed, It’s Ordered by this Court, That the Select Men of each Town, within this Colony, do provide a full Stock of Ammunition for their Towns as the Law directs, by the first day of April next, and make return thereof unto the Major General, under the penalty expressed in Said Law, tide Military Sect. 15th.

In answer to the petition of John Shakfort ordered to be paid 12 lb for his Transportation there in or as mony.

Joseph Lynde per order

Adjourned unto the 9th instant at one of the clock in the afternoon.

Jo. L.

Adjourned unto the 10th instant at 9 in the morning.

Jo. Lynde per order486

For the discharging of the Public Debts, contracted within this Government for the Maintainance and Defence of their Majesties Interest against the Hostile Invasions of their French, and Indian Enemies, It’s Ordered That the Sum of Eight Thousand pounds be Annually Assessed upon the Estates and persons within this Government by the Space of four Years next ensuing, to be Collected and paid into the Treasury of this Colony, either in Bills of Creditt to be granted forth by Order of this Court, or in Grain, or provisions at the Money price, as it shall be Annually sett by the General Court, and to be paid by the first of may Yearly.

February 10 1690/1

A Bill past for impowering Mr. Steven Mason Merch. for Sale of the Sloop Resolution for the Services of this Colony.

Jo. Lynde per order

February 10, 1690

Ordered that Salem Vilage be freed from any farther charg toward the ministry or meeting house in Salem Town from the date hereof.487

It is Ordered, That Major Bartho. Gedney, Capt. Danl. King, Capt. John Marsh for Essex, Major Nathaniel Wade, Capt. Joseph Lynde, Capt. Ebenr. Proutt for Middlesex, Capt. John King, Capt. Ephraim Hunt, and Capt. Thomas Barnard for Suffolke be, and are hereby impower’d, to make Strict Inquiry in their resepctive County’s after what Plunder may any ways be Concealed by such as Came from Canada in the late Expedition, And also of all Stores, which were brought back at the return of the Soldiers, And make report of what they do herein to the Governour and Council.

Ordered, That the Major General forthwith send his Warrants unto the Majors of the Several regiments of Militia, within this Colony, to make inquiry into the State of their respective Regiments, And to Order each Captain of Foot, and Horse to cause a View of Arms to be made in his Company, and to see that all his Soldiers be provided with Arms, and Ammunition fitt for Service as the Law directs, And to Cause the fine imposed by Law for Defects in that Kind, to be estreated upon Delinquents And to make report of their doings herein unto the Major General by the first of April next, As also that the Several Majors do Order such Watches, and Scoutings in and about the Frontier Towns, as with the Advice of the Committee of Militia in Said Several Towns shall be thought Necessary for their own Security, and Observance of any Motion of the Enemy, so as to Prevent their being Surprised.

Ordered, That Mr. William Bond, Capt. Joseph Lynde, Capt. Theophilus Frarey, and Capt. Sam. Ruggles for the County’s of Suffolck, and Middlesex, Mr. Sam. Gardiner, and Capt. Stephen Sewall for the county’s of Essex, be two distinct Committees to hear the petitions, and Consider the Circumstances of all Such Soldiers, and Seamen sent forth by Order of this Government as have been Wounded, Sick, or Maimed in their Majesties Service, in the present Warr with the French, and Indians, And to make report of their doings therein unto this Court, Or to the Governour and Council, the Said Committees respectively making Known the places, and times of their Meeting for that End.

Capt. John Higginson

Whereas since the Abatement of the Small Pox in Boston, many persons are returned to Town out of the Country, whither they had withdrawn themselves for fear of the Contagion, And whereas Complaint is made that the Bodies of persons dying of the Small Pox at Rumney Marsh are Carried therough the Town to the South burying Place to the Offence and Hazard of many of the Inhabitants who have not had the distemper.

This Court doth therefore Order, That all persons dying at Rumney Marsh, and parts Adjacent of the Small Pox, their bodies shall be Buryed in some Convenient place on that Side of the Water, And none of them shall be brought over to Boston under the Penalty of five pounds in Money to the use of the poor in Boston to be recovered by one or More of the Select Men of the Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Parents, or Masters of the Deceased, any usage to the Contrary.

Ordered, That Thirty shillings be paid in or as Money by the County Treasurer unto Nath. Barnes for paper, Quiles, Wax etc. disburst by him on the Public Accompt, as he was Clerk to Sr. William Phipps in the Canada expedition.

February 11, 1690/1

Watertowns Petition and the Courts Answer

The request of the Select-men of Water-town, unto the honoured General Court now siting in Boston the 3d of February 1690/1, humbly Sheweth; That we being chosen to order the prudensiall affairs of the Town above Said, for the present year, and entering upon Said work, doe find that the Town is greatly afflicted by reason of the backwardness of the Constables who were In Sir Edmund’s time, to gather their Kates then commited to them, either for the defraying the Charge of the Ministry, or other Town depts (insomuch that there lyeth, besides the arrears for the maintenance of the ministry, in their hands two Town rates commited to them, one of 80£ the other of 33£, of all which we can gain no account, Save only 6 or 7 libra paid unto Som of the Towns Creditors; Their great Argument why they will procede no farther in their work being this, that they are discharged from it, by an Act of the Honoured County Court baring date April 15th Anno 1690488. So that notwithstanding we find in our printed Laws (unto which the Kings most excellent Majesty hath referred the present Government to be their rule to act by) In page 31, that every Constable is impowred and Injoyned faithfully to Collect all such rates and acisments as shall be committed to them by the Select-men, provided it be by warrant under their hands, and also An Act of the Generall-Court held at Charlestown in February 1689/90 confirming the abovesaid Law, and Impowering the Select-men to order the collecting of all arrears, as the Law directs; yet we are disabled by reason of the County Courts Act as abovesaid; and for our help herin we have applyed our selves unto the Honoured County Court by way of Petition but find no relief.

Our humble request is therefore unto this Honoured Court, that they would be pleased to take this matter into their serious consideration, and put us into some way whereby we may pay our town Creditours and be Incouraged in our work; otherwise we fear that those that Seek our, and your Countryes, ruin will Insult over us, and the whole Country will greatly Suffer, and all Constables, which are none of the meanest offices, will be discouraged in their work and Incouraged to neglect their duty, not only to the towns in particular, but to the County and Country Treasurers also; The preventing of which and incouraging of your poore Suppliants, will oblige us ever to pray, as in duty we are bound for your Honours prosperity and rest Yours to Serve.

By order of the Select-men

Simon Stone

In answer to this petition this Court Considering the printed Law above cited, and their late order made by this Court do give this [issue?] that all arrears Commited to their former Constables by warrant shall be gathered by them as Law directs any act of any inferior Court to the Contrary Notwithstanding, past in the affirmative

per the deputies

Joseph Lynde per order

Consented unto by the Governour and Assistants

Isa. Addington Secretary489

In Answer to the Petition of Capt. John Higginson of Salem, Setting forth that by Virtue of a former Order for the returning to him, a parcel of Paterara’s, Chambers, Blunderbusses, Iron Potts etc. which were impressed by Order of Sr. Edmund Andros for Public Service, before he Could come to receive them, many of them were disposed of by Order of Authority for public use; praying that what is Left of them may be returned, and that he may be paid for what has been disposed of.

It’s Ordered that what of the within Mentioned Goods were improved by this Government, or remain in their possession either be returned, or be paid for by the Government.

Adjourned unto the Second Tuesday of April next at one a Clock (being the 14th of the Same) Unless the Governour or Council upon any Occasion Shall see cause to Order the Courts convening Sooner.

April 14th 1691

At an Adjournment of the General Court Sitting in Boston

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Willm. Johnson
  • James Russell
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • Sam. Sewall
  • Jona. Corwin
  • John Phillips
  • Jer. Sweyne

Deputies from the Several Towns Vizt.




Mr. John Ruck

Cap. Jos. Lynde

Cap. Pen. Townsend

Na. Putnam

Cap. Sam. Heyman

Cap. Timo. Prout

Capt. Theo. Frarey




Cap. Sam. Ruggles

Cap. Sam. Clap

Lt. Jacob Nash




Sam. Chamnee

Peter Noyes

Ob. Ward




Cap. Jno. Sprague

Matt. Johnson

Na. Gooding



Edwd. Spalden

Henry Woodis

Cap. Dud. Bradstreet




Lt. Jno. Gold

Na. Rust

Andr. Eliott

Sam. Ingalls




Wm. Sergeant

Eze. Jewett

Jos. Pike



Pe. Tufft Junr.

Sim. Crosby

Captn. Penn Townsend Speaker

Thomas Danforth Esqr., William Stoughton Esq., Major Bartho. Gedney, Major Robert Pike, Majr. William Vaughan and Major Charles Frost are desired to Undertake a Journey to Wells as Commissioners490 from this Government, to meet with the Eastern Indian Sachems there, according to Agreement upon the first of May next, relating to the Lenthening out the time of the Truce or concluding a peace, as the Said Commissioners shall think advisable upon their discourse with the Indians, and receiving such Overtures as they shall make And that a Commission and Instructions be Accordingly given them, Any three of the Said Commissioners to Act in this Affair.

Commissioners to Meet the Indians

In Answer to the Petition of Capt. Dudley Bradstreet Administrator and Creditor to the Estate of John Hendick late of Newberry deceased intestate Praying to be empowered to make sale of a Parcell of Wilderness Land lying in Newberry of about Eleven Acres, Commonly called a rate Lott, belonging to the estate of Said Hendick, for payment of his Just Debts Power is Accordingly granted unto the Petitioner for Sale of Said Land, Saving to the Widow her thirds in the Same According to Law.

Hendick’s Land to be Sold

In Answer to the Petition of Mr. John Eyre of Boston for the grant of a Strip of the Prison Land for Valuable consideration, as an Accommodation unto his Dwelling house adjoining Major Elisha Hutchinson, Capt. Samuel Sewall and Captain Penn Townsend, are Appointed to take a view of Said Land, and make report to the Court, whither it may be granted to the Petitioner without prejudice to the Accommodation of the Prison.

Committee to View a Strip of the Prison Land in Boston, Petitioned for by Mr. Eyre

Henry True presented to be Lieutenant of the Military Company in Salisbury under the Command of Capt. William Buswell491 is Approved of for that Office.

Salisbury Military Officers

In Answer to the Motion of the Select Men of Newberry Granted, That the Town of Newberry is allowed one House of Public entertainment, more, than formerly Allowed by Law.

Newbury allowance

Samuel Ingalls presented for Lieutenant, and Robert Kinsman for Quarter Master of Ipswich Troop, under Capt. Thomas Wade, the Said Persons are accepted, and Confirmed in their respective Offices.

Ipswich Troop Officers

Charlstown Allowed one house of Entertainment more than formerly the Law alowed of and if the County Court of Middlesex see Cause Samll. Read May have lisence for that End.

Jo. Lynde per order492

Whereas the Gentlemen of the Committee Appointed for the Granting of Soldiers Debentures, have faithfully, and industriously attended that Service for the Space of Sixteen Months or more last past, to no Small prejudice in their particular Occasions, Yet being Willing to perfect what they have begun of that Work, which Cannot be so well Effected by any Others, have therefore consented further to Attend the Same by the Space of three Months from the date of these presents, for the receiving in and Adjusting the Certificates, and Accompts of all Such who have any Demand for Service done, or disbursements on Public Accountt Also for delivering out of the Debentures they have already finish’d, and such other as they may grant for what is to be brought in to them Of which all persons concerned are to take Notice; and to Attend a Settlement, and issue of their Accounts Accordingly, And whosoever hath any Certificate for Past Service done as a Soldier that shall Neglect to bring in the Same, and take a Debenture within the Space of three Month’s aforesaid, shall be thence after Excluded his Demand for such Service, Unless such persons were out of the Country at the Time of Making this Order, Or can show any Cogent reason to be Allow’d of by the Governour and Council why he could not come in within the time.

Declaration for the issuing of Accountts with the Committee in 3 Months

John Greenland presented for Ensigne of the Military Company in Maiden under Captain John Sprague he is Accepted, and Confirmed in Said Office.

Maiden Ensigne

Henry Summers presented for Cornet, and Henry Green for Quarter Master of the Troop In Middlesex under Captain William Green, are allowed, and Approved of the said Office.

In Answer to the Petition of Barbery493 Brown Widow of Robert Brown of Cambridge, deceased praying to be empowered to make Sale of Land; It is referred unto the County Court of Middlesex to do therein as they shall Judge necessary; upon consideration of the Circumstances of the Petitioner, and the Estate left by her Said late Husband.


In Answer to the Petition of Susanna Oliver relict widow and Administratrix of the Estate of Mr. John Oliver late of Boston Merchant Deceased, Praying to be impowered to Mortgage her present dwelling house in Boston, with the Lands, and Accommodations thereto belonging for Security of such Monies as she shall take up on the Same (not exceeding Sixty pounds) for the Necessary Support of her Self, and Family. The Petitioner is impowered to Mortgage such part of the within mentioned Land, as may be reasonable, and Sufficient Security for Sixty pounds, being so much as is proposed to be taken up for the Ends aforesaid.


April 17, 1691

In answer to the petition of Joseph Carr he is Refered unto the next General Court for a hearing.

Jospeh Lynde per order

Ordered that the petiton of Joseph Win of Woborne be herd at the next General Court when Capt. Joseph Elbridg is ordered to have notice of the said Petition.

Joseph Lynde per order

The petition of the Selectmen of Meadford was entered April 17th 1691.

A Bill to order 60 men to be tacken out of hampshire and Essex to attend the Service of the Committee for treating with the Indian Enemy at Wels promis of vesil, men and victuals to be got in Reddynes by the County of hampshire or at the charg of this Collony.

Joseph Lynde per order494

Ordered, That there be thirty Troopers provided to Accompany the Commissioners to Wells out of Lynn Troops Six Ipswich Troop eight, Rowley Troop eight, Newberry Troop eight, and that Capt. Floyd be desired to Command them.

Whereas this Court have already agreed, That for the Necessary discharge of the Public Debt the Sum of eight thousand pounds be annually assessed upon the estates, and persons within this Government by the Space of four Year’s next ensuing to be Collected and paid into the Treasury of this Colony by the first of May Yearly. The growing Emergencys, and Exigences of the Country dailey arising, and farther likely to rise Necessarily calling for Speedy disbursements, without which no Encouragement will be given to any to Attend Public Service, Nor can there be Suitable provision made for the Safety of the Country against the French, and Indian Enemy; It’s therefore Ordered That there be Twenty four thousand pounds of said Sum raised, and Assessed upon the Estates, and persons within this Government, by the Valuation of the last Year, Or by such Valuation as shall be made by the next general Court, to be Collected, and paid in to the Public Treasury, either in Money, or bills of Credit, Or in grain at Money price, as Stated by this Court (the persons paying grain to pay for the Transportation of it) the Constables of each Town to gather the Said Sums, and pay it into the Select Men; And they to the Treasurer by the first of May One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Two; Excepting such persons as are unable to pay in that time (they being so Judged by the Select Men of the Town) such shall give Bill to the Constables, or Select Men of the Town to pay their proportion by the first of May One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Four, At which time the Constables and Select Men of each Town, shall Clear their Accompts with the Country Treasurer; The Constables and Select Men to deliver to the Treasurer what they shall receive from time to time every Six Months.

Grant as an assessment for £24000

Ordered that Capt. Nathaniel Hall be allowed Three pounds to be paid him in or as Money by the Country Treasurer for his extraordinary charge, and Service in Chirurgery whilst he served as a Captain.

Allowance to Capt. Hall

In Answer to a Petition of Peter Welcome of Boston for Liberty to remove a Small Barn, and sitt it upon his Wharf at the South End of the Town, The Court referrs it to the Select Men, to do therein as they shall Judge meet.

Adjourned unto Tuesday the 19th of May next at Nine in the Morning, Unless the Governour or Council upon Urgent Occasion see reason to Order their Meeting Sooner.

No meeting upon this Adjournment, a new Court being Summoned to Morrow.

Wednesday May 20th 1691

At a General Court for their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay holden in Boston

  • Present
  • Simon Bradstreet Esqr. Governour
  • Wait Winthrop
  • Thomas Danforth
  • Elisha Hutchinson
  • James Russell
  • Saml Sewall
  • Peter Tilton
  • Isa. Addington
  • Sam. Appleton
  • John Smith
  • Robt. Pike
  • John Phillips
  • Willm. Johnson

Deputies from the Several Town’s Vizt.

For Salem



Cap. Jno. Putman

Cap. Jo. Lynde

Capt. P. Townsend

Manh.495 Marston

Mr. Sam. Heyman

Capt. Tim Prout

Capt. Theo. Frarey

Mr. A. Winthrop

For Beverly

For Medford


Andr. Eliott

Peter Tuft Junr.

Cap. Sam. Ruggles

For Lynn



John Burril

Sam. Chamne496

Capt. Sam.Clapp




Wm. Sergent

Matt. Johnson

Lt. Saml. Tompson




Wm. Goodhue Junr

Benja. Fitch

Capt. Eph. Hunt

Nico. Wallis




John Dresser

Jas. Blood

Nath. Beale




Joseph Pike

Capt. Aa. Cook

Thos. Metcalf




Nathl. Brown

Mr. Jo. Hawley

Mr. Jno.Holyoke




Mr. Richard Waldron

Capt. Sam. Partrigg

Capt. John Pickering

Elea. Frarey

Election was made of Governour, Deputy Governour, Assistants, and Other Public Officers for the Year ensuing as follows Vizt.

Simon Bradstreet Esqr. was Chosen Governour, and Sworn. Thos. Danforth, Esqr. was Chosen deputy Governour and Sworn.


  • William Stoughton497 Jur. 30th
  • John Hathorne Jr. 26th
  • Nath. Saltonstall Jur. 29th
  • Sam. Sewall Jur.
  • James Russell Jur.
  • Isa. Addington Jur. 22
  • Peter Tilton Jur.
  • John Smith Jur.
  • Sam. Appleton Jur.
  • Wait Winthrop Jur.
  • Robert Pike Jur.
  • Jona. Corwin Jur. 26th
  • Elisha Cooke
  • John Phillips Jur.
  • Willm. Johnston Jur.
  • Sr. W. Phipps
  • Elisha Hutchinson Jur. 22d.498
  • Thos. Oakes

Wait Winthrop Esqr. was chosen Major General Jurt.

John Phillips Esqr. was chosen Treasurer Jurt.

Isaac Addington was chosen Secretary Jurt.

William Stoughton Thos. Danforth

Elisha Hutchinson Saml. Sewall

Adjourned to eight in the Morning.

May 21st [1691]

Capt. Penn Townsend chosen Speaker of the house of Representatives

  • Present
  • The Governour deputy Governour
  • Majr. Winthrop
  • Majr. Appleton
  • Capt. Sewall
  • Mr. Russell
  • Maj. Pike
  • Capt. Smith
  • Mr. Tilton
  • Capt. Johnson

Upon the report of Major Elisha Hutchinson, Capt. Sam. Sewall, and Capt. Penn Townsend, who (in Answer to the Petition of Mr. John Eyre, of Boston Merchant, preferred at the Sessions of this Court in April last past) were Appointed a Committee to take a Survey of the Land belonging to the Prison in Boston in Order to this Courts consideration of their granting a Strip thereof unto the Said John Eyre, as an Accomodation to his Dwelling House adjoining, the Said Committee setting forth their Opinion That the fence of the Prison Land, as now it stands being carried four foot farther in at the Front, and two foot farther in from the Southwest corner of Said Eyre his House, and from thence to run in a Streight Line so far as the Said Eyre’s Land extends will make a Convenient passage way of Nine foot wide in the Front, and Seven foot Wide at the rear of Said house from the Walls unto the Prison Lands, which strip of Nine foot at the Front, etc. may be granted unto him without prejudice of the Prison Accommodations according as is delineated in a Piatt under their return, The Court do grant the Said Strip of Land unto the Said John Eyre, and his Heirs, for ever; he being at the Charge, and making up a good Sufficient Fence, and have a full confirmation thereof under the Colony’s Seal.

Grant of Land unto John Eyre

William Bartholomew being presented for Lieutenant, and Benjamin Seabin for Ensign of the Military Company of Woodstock, the Said persons are Approved of, and confirmed in their respective Offices.

Woodstock Officers

22d [May 1691]

Upon the Death of John Green499 late Marshall General in the beginning of the last Court of Assistants, Mr. Saml. Gookin being Appointed by said Court to Supply that Vacancy, and Sworn to the faithfull discharge of his Duty in that place the Said Samuel Gookin is hereby Confirmed in Said Office of Marshall General of this Colony.

Sam. Gookin confirmed in the Office of Marshall Generall

Present also Major Hutchinson.

The Freemen of Hampshire having Nominated Colonel John Pynchon, Capt. Aaron Cooke, Capt. Sam. Partridge and Medad Pomrey, as Associates for the County Courts for the Year ensuing, the Said Gentlemen are approved of to that Service Also Collo. Pyncheon is invested with Magestratical power.

Associates for Hampshire

In Answer to the Petition of the Inhabitants of Squabaug alias Brookfield, Colonel John Pyncheon, Mr. Joseph Hawley, Samll. Marshfield, John Hitchcock, and Saml. Ely formerly appointed a Committee for regulating the Setlement of the Plantation of Squabaug alias Brookfield, are continued, and impowered to that Service, taking effectual care so to direct and order the Said Settlement with that compactness and ne’er Scituation of the dwellings, that they may all be drawn into a Line of a Garrison, and made capable of defence against the Indian, and French Enemy.

Committee for Brookfield

May 23 [1691]

A Bill past for prevention of Abstraction in mucking and Collecting such Rates and assessments necessary for defraying the publick charge of the Country, as Attest Joseph Lynde per order.500

23d [May 1691]

Mr. Joseph Hawley of Northampton is Appointed and impowered to Joine persons in Marriage within Said Town.

25th [May 1691]

Forasmuch as Several Soldiers, and Seamen lately imployed in their Majesties Service to Canada, are not yet returned Home, whose Families stand in need of Supplies the most of the Soldiery belonging to the Town of Roxbury and Dorchester, It’s Ordered, That Captain Saml. Ruggles of Roxbury, and Captain Samuel Clapp of Dorchester take present care to procure a List of the Names of the Said Companies respectively, together with an Accompt of what each particular person has already been paid by the Select Men of the Town to which they belong, As also what they have taken up of the Commissaries, and to transmit the Said Lists and Accompts to the Committee for Debentures, who are Ordered to grant Debentures unto such persons, their Wives, or such Other as Legally represent them for four Months Wages A piece, deducting what has been already advanced to either of them in part thereof Unless they have Information of any persons, who dyed in the Said Service before the Expiration of four Months, and to Adjust their debentures for so long time as they Lived.

26th [May 1691]

Present also Mr. Hathorne, and Mr. Corwin.

John Hathorne, and Jonathan Corwin Esqrs. took their Oaths as Assistants.

And John Phillips Esqr. took his Oath as Treasurer.

In Answer to the Petition of James Carr of Salisbury, Complaining of wrong and Injury done him by Capt. John March of Newberry, in Keeping up a ferry upon Merrimack river betwixt Newberry, and Salisbury, in Prejudice of a grant formerly made by the General Court unto Mr. George Carr Father of the Said Petitioner, and his Heirs etc., The petitioner is referred to Seek his remedy by Course of Common Law.

Answer to James Carr’s Complaint

In Answer to the Motion of the Select Men of Roxbury the Privelege of having a retailer of Strong Liquors, and Wine out of Doors, is granted unto the Said Town, to be Kept by some Suitable person, to be presented by the Select Men for the County Courts Approbation.

Ordered That the Bills of Public Creditt already given, and to be given out for Adjusting Country debts shall not exceed the Summ of Forty thousand pounds which is Supposed will amount to the full of what the Country is indebted and will probably be Called in again by the rates already granted, And that Mr. John Foster, Capt. Joseph Lynde, and Capt. Samuel Ruggles be, and are hereby Appointed a Committee to call in and take into safe custody the Plates which the Bills were printed off with, And to examine what Bills are still resting in the Committees Hands not given forth, Also to examine what Sum in the Said Bills are already drawn into the Treasury, and to direct that the Country have Creditt in the Treasurers Books for that Summ, and so to dispose of, and Secure those Bills, as there may be no Danger of their Coming forth again into any private hands.

Limitation of Bills of Public Credit to the Sum of £40000

Captain Samuel Partrigg of Hatfield is impowered to Joine persons in Marriage within said Town.

Mr. Edward Thomas, Mr. Samuel Checkley, and Mr. Saml. Lynde are Appointed a Committee to Audit and Adjust the accompts of Such persons as have been employed to be Commissaries to the Forces sent out against the Indian Enemy, Informing themselves of the Commissioners for the Warr, what Supplies have been at any time made by them unto the Said Commissaries and each of them, and to make their report on the Said Accompts either unto this Court, or to the Governour and Council.

Auditors of the Commissaries Accountts

Ordered that Captain Daniel Epps, and Capt. John Appleton be and are hereby desired and Appointed, a Committee to require an Accompt of Capt. Phillip Nelson of Rowley, of the Arms belonging unto the Soldiers lately employed in their Majesties Service under his Conduct in the Canada Expedition, and to make enquiry into that Matter how the Said Armes are disposed of, And to report the Same to the Governour and Council.

Ordered That the Treasurer Pay Robert Williams eight pounds in Country pay for his last Years Service to the Country.

May 26, 1691

Ordered that Capt. Pen Townsend Capt. Samll Hayman and Mr. Andrew Elliot be a Commity to joine with such persons as our honor Magistrates shall apoint to Examine the Country Treasurers accounts and Macke report their of unto the next Sessions of this court.

Joseph Lynde per order501

27th [May 1691]

Present also Major Saltonstall.

Nathaniel Saltonstall Esqr. took his Oath as an Assistant.

Ordered, That Mr. James Russell, Capt. Sam. Sewall, Capt. Penn Townsend, Capt Andrew Belcher, and Mr. William Hirst, or any three of them be, and are hereby Appointed a Committee to Audit, and Adjust the Treasurers Accompt, and to Make report thereof to the next Sessions of this Court Mr. Russell to Appoint time, and Place of Meeting for that End.

Committee to Audit the Treasurers Accompt

Ordered, That the Prices of grain, and provisions in the payment of all public Assessments be the Same in the County of West Hampshire, or as in the Other County’s of this Colony any former Order to the Contrary Notwithstanding.

Price of Grain in West Hampshire

Whereas the General Court at their Session in April last past for discharging of the Public debts already Contracted, and for Answering of the future necessary charges which may arise in providing for the General Safety, and defence of their Majesties Interests against the Hostile Invasions of their French, and Indian Enemies, did grant the Sum of Twenty Four thousand pounds to be Assessed upon the Estates, and persons, within this Government, either by the Valuation taken the Last Year, or a new Valuation to be made by direction of this Court, the whole to be Collected, and paid by the first Day of May 1692 either in Money, or the Public Bills of Credit formerly emitted by Order of this Court, Or in grain, and provisions at the Money prices as last Stated (without any Charge to the public for Transportation) with such care, and forbearance to be given to persons judged unable to make present payment, as in, and by the Said Grant reference thereunto being had is Expresst Upon further Considerations of the pressing necessary Occasions, It is granted and Ordered by this Court, That the Treasurer do forthwith issue out his Warrants for Making the Said Assessment of Twenty four thousand pounds by the Twentieth of June next, within the Several Towns of this Government, each of the Said Towns their proportionable part thereof According to their last Valuation; Hereby impowering the Select Men of each Town to regulate each particular person’s proportion thereunto as equal as they can, according to the direction of the Law, the Head Money to be set as in the Last twenty rates, And the Sum of Twelve thousand pounds part of the Abovementioned Twenty four thousand pounds to be Collected, and paid into the Treasurer by the first day of September next in either of the Species Abovementioned, respect to be had in the Collection thereof to persons Judged by the Select Men of each Town unable as aforesaid, such persons to have further time allowed them for the Payment of their proportions.

For the putting the Fort on great Island in some posture of Defence to prevent a Surprise by Sudden Invasion, Ordered That the Committee of the Militia of the Province of New Hampshire do take Speedy care for the Necessary reperation of the said fort And that the Powder money, and imposts of that place be drawn out of the Collectors hands by Order of the Said Committee and improved for a Supply of Ammunition, and other Necessaries as formerly, And that the Upper Regiment within that province detach out of the respective Town’s a proportionable Number of Men with Arms, Ammunition and provisions, not exceeding Six, constantly to Attend their Majesties Service in that fort, and to be Assisstant in the repairing thereof, And the Major with the Advice of Committee to exchange or relieve as Often as he shall see cause, And this continue until this Court, or the Governour, and Council shall take further Order.

Order referring to the Fort on Great Island

Lt. Jonathan Remington is Appointed to relieve Capt. James Convers at Wells, and to take the Command there and to conduct the Affair with the Indians.

28th [May 1691]

At the request of the Select Men of the Town of Reding Ordered that Major Jeremiah Swayne be, and hereby is impowered to Joine persons in Marriage in Said Town.

Major Swayne impowered to Marry

Ordered That Salem Town be allowed Twenty pounds out of their last Twenty rates as a Salary for the Gunner of their Fort for this Year, commencing from the date hereof.

Whereas the Late troubles in the eastern parts hath hitherto prevented a Settlement of Courts of Justice in the Province of New Hampshire, Ordered, That the present Justices of Peace within said province, or the Major part of them to hold a Quarterly Court for Trial of Causes, and Punishment of Criminals in such Method, and Manner, and with such power, and Authority, and at such time as the Associate Courts have formerly used to be held in those parts, And this to Continue till Associates be chosen in such time, and Manner as the Law directs, And that the Said Justices have power to Nominate, and Swear, a Marshall for this present Year.

Quarter Sessions in New Hampshire

In Answer to the Petition of Rose Parker relict widow and Sole Executrix of the Last Will of Abraham Parker, late of Chelmsford Deceed praying for power to make sale of Land given her by Her Husbands will, to pay off her Daughters Legacies, and for her own use, and Comfort, The Court do Judge that Her Husbands Will, doth enable her to make Sale of the Lands, she onely paying the Just debts, and Legacies mentioned in Said Will.


29th [May 1691]

Mr. Simon Epps presented to be Lieutenant of the Foot Company in Ipswich, under the Conduct of his Father Captain Daniel Epps, he is Approved of to that Office.

Ordered, That Mr. Treasurer pay unto Mr. John Hathorne, and Mr. Jonathan Corwin the Sum of Ten pounds as Money for their Charges, and expences in a Journey to York, and other eastern parts, by Order of the Governour, and Council in April 1690.

In Answer to the Petition of John Staniford, and Mary Pearce Administrators of the Estate of Sam. Pearce late of Ipswich deceased praying to be impowered to make sale of some part of the Lands for payment of Just debts Owing from the Estate, The Administrators are Ordered to present an Accompt of the debts owing from the Estate, unto the County Court in Essex, And if upon examination they find not the Personal Estate sufficient to Answer the Same, That then the Said Administrators are impowered to sell Land to the Value of what the personal Estate shall fall short of paying the Just Debts according as shall be set forth by a Committee to be Appointed by the Said County Court, for the full discharge thereof, so as may least prejudice the remaining Estate.

Saml. Pearce of Ipswich his Administrators empowered to Sell Land

Josia Chapin presented for Captain, Samuel Read for Lieutenant, and James Lovet for Ensign of the Military Company in Mendon, the Said persons are Approved of and Confirmed in their respective Offices.

Mendon Military Officers

Samuel Johnson presented for Lieutenant of the Foot Company in Boston under the Conduct of Capt. Penn Townsend, said Johnson is Approved of, and Confirmed in Said Office.

Sam. Johnson of Boston Appointed Lieutenant

According to a former Order, allowing head Money for Six rates unto such Soldiers as were imprest, and performed Service for the Country in Sr. Edmund Andros’s time, this Court allow’s the like unto all Soldiers imprest within the County of Hampshire, as aforesaid.

In Answer to the Petition of the Select Men of Meadford referring to the Settlement of Mistic