Places are in Massachusetts unless otherwise stated


    Names of vessels are grouped under the heading Ships


    Abbot, Rev. Abiel (d. 1859), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 387


    — Zebadiah, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 278


    Abercrombie, Lieut.-Col. James, photostat of letter of, exhibited, 155


    Abraham, New England colonists compared with, as pilgrims, 358


    Absentee proprietors, grievances of settlers against, 259, 260, 263, 264, 265 n, 270


    Adams, Charles Francis (d. 1886), son of President John Quincy, 121


    — Charles Francis (d. 1915), son of Charles Francis (d. 1886), one of committee to report a scheme for renewal of publication of Massachusetts Province Laws, 398–400


    — Isaac, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 278


    — John, President, 313, 315, 317, 334, 335, 347 n; his library, 121, 122; reference to his report on title of Massachusetts to lands claimed by New York, 122; his borrowings from Prince Library, 122; toasts in honor of, 316, 325, 325 n; called the Braintree Lion, 335; called the Duke of Braintree and Old Brimborion, 335 n


    — John Quincy, President, son of President John, 298 n, 334; his responsibility for the exaggerated language applied to the Mayflower Compact, 295 n; gives Forefathers’ Day address, 385, 387


    — Joseph (d. 1768), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 278


    — Matthew, brother of Rev. Hugh (H. C. 1697), perhaps author of Indictment and Tryal of Sir Richard Rum, 239


    — Gov. Samuel, 334


    — Winborn (d. 1736), son of Rev. Hugh (H. C. 1697), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 278


    — Wyborn. See Adams, Winborn


    Adams and Liberty, song by R. T. Paine, Jr., sung at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 1798, 309; early notices of, 310 n


    Adancourt, — 370 n


    Addington, Sec. Isaac, 2, 14 n, 16, 17, 21, 23, 35 n, 46, 54, 59, 89 n, 99, 106, 107, 110, 151; appointed to take an account in writing of the public records, 15 n; appointed Clerk of Council, 1689, 17, 23, 28; chosen and sworn Secretary, 1689, 26, 28; 1690, 27; chosen, 1691, 1692, 28; named Secretary in Province Charter, 97; instructions to, 1691, 97; sworn, 1692, 98; death of, 98, 98 n–99 n; two letters of, to William Blathwayt, communicated to the Society, 205–207; commission of, as Secretary of the Province, not found, 205; temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 278


    Adultery, law concerning, 1642, 117


    Agricola, pseudonym, his Reflections on a late Feast of Shells, 347–348; reply to, by a Federalist, 348


    Ainsworth, Henry (d. c. 1623), 392


    Aitkins, Capt. —, 165


    Aitkinson, Capt. —, 177


    Albany, N. Y., fur-trade of, with Indians, 254; importance of, as a frontier town, 260–261


    Alborough, John. See Albro, John


    Albro, John, Councillor, 32, 35, 36, 36 n


    Alcock, Job, 46; Councillor, 35, 36, 39 n; note concerning his will, 36 n


    Alcott, Job. See Alcock, Job


    Alden, John (d. 1687), 364; not the first to land on Plymouth Rock, 297 n; office holder at Plymouth, 383 n


    Aldis, Nathan, 132


    Alexandria, Va., coffee-house in, 203


    Alien and Sedition Acts, 325 n


    Allen, Benjamin, of London, printer, 116, 118


    — Daniel, 14 n


    — Ethan (d. 1789), 262; letter of, to Indians of Canada, 262 n


    — Hezekiah, son of Timothy, temporary student at Harvard College, 278


    — James, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 278


    — Jeremiah, temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1729, 275, 278


    — Jeremiah (d. c. 1737), son of Thomas (d. c. 1775), temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1738, 276, 278


    — John. See Allyn, John


    Allin, Daniel. See Allen, Daniel


    — Rev. John (d. 1671), 214, 215, 247; with others, founds church in Dedham, 208, 245; ordained as its minister, 209; marriage of, 210


    — John (H. C. 1643), son of Rev. John (d. 1671), baptized, 211


    — Margaret (Morse), wife of Rev. John (d. 1671), 210


    Alline, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 278


    Allison, Col. Thomas, 203


    Allston, Washington, quoted, on H. Sargent’s Landing of the Pilgrims, 336 n


    Allyn, Rev. John (d. 1833), gives Forefathers’ Day discourse, 314, 385, 387


    — John, Secretary of Connecticut, sworn Councillor, 1687, 34; Councillor, 1688–1689, 35, 36; death of, 36 n


    Almanac, W. Peirce’s, printing of, 1639, 131


    American Academy of Arts and Sciences, acknowledgment to, 143–144, 286


    American Antiquarian Society, v


    American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 378


    American Loyalists, 305, 394


    Ames, Elizabeth, sister of Rev. William (d. 1633). See Phillips


    — Fisher (d. 1808), present at Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 334, 335, 336, 340; called the Dedham Watch Dog, 335


    — James Barr, 401


    — Joan (Fletcher), wife of Rev. William (d. 1633), 210, 213, 214; her transfer of her husband’s books to Harvard College Library, 210


    — John, son of Rev. William (d. 1633), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 278


    — Rev. William (d. 1633), 210, 211


    — Rev. William (H. C. 1645), son of Rev. William (d. 1633), 214; his sermon on the Gunpowder Plot, London, 1652, 128; co-pastor, in England, with John Phillips, 215


    Amesbury, frontier town, 252; set off from Salisbury, 264


    Amory, Nathaniel (d. 1842), son of Thomas (H. C. 1741), temporary student at Harvard College, 278


    — Nathaniel Coffin. See Amory, Nathaniel


    Amsterdam, Holland, English Separatists in, and their quarrels, 392


    Analaski, pseudonym, addresses poem to G. R. Minot, 371 n


    Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, grant of land to, 264


    Andover, frontier town, 253, 253 n


    Andrews, Charles McLean, L.H.D., cited, regarding missing Royal Commissions, 150–151; quotations from, 150 n, 151 n; references to his Guide to the Materials for American History and to his list of commissions, etc., 151 n


    Andrews, Richard, 364


    Andros, Gov. Sir Edmund, 6 n, 8 n, 9 n, 11 n, 16 n, 17, 18, 22, 24, 28, 28 n, 29 n, 33, 34, 37 n, 38 n, 42 n, 43 n, 106, 107, 109; commissioned Governor of New England, arrives and is sworn, 1686, 7, 7 n, 8; again commissioned, 1688, 8, 9; overthrown, 1689, 9, 14–16; members of his Council, 1686–1688, 32–34; 1688–1689, 34, 35


    Andros Records, 8 n


    Angier, Oakes (d. 1786), 342 n


    Annan, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 278


    Anne, Queen of England, 53, 54, 55, 56 n, 58, 60, 89, 90, 90 n, 91, 98, 99, 111, 152; proclaimed in Boston, 1702, 52 n–53 n; death of, 55–56, 56 n


    Anti-popery, 270


    Appleton, John (d. 1739), nephew of Samuel (d. 1696), 59


    — John (d. 1699), son of John (d. 1739), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 278


    — Samuel (d. 1696), 21, 23, 46; Councillor, 35, 36


    — Samuel (d. 1725), son of Samuel (d. 1696), 59


    Apthorp, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 278


    Arber, Edward, his definition of the term Pilgrim Fathers, 363–364


    Arnold, Richard (d. 1710), 15 n; Councillor, 32, 35, 36


    Ashe, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Ashurst, Sir Henry, 35 n


    Aspinwall, George, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Association, oath so called, 47 n–48 n


    Atherton, Abel Willard, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    — Jeffrey Amherst (d. 1793), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Atwater, Edward Elias, quoted on Pilgrims’ Harbor, 367 n


    B., a., his account of Forefathers’ Day, 1797, 307–308; suggests that a Pilgrim Society be formed, 1807, 317–318


    Bacchanalian Pilgrims, 339; revels, Forefathers’ Day celebrations in Boston charged with being, 338, 345


    Bacchus, Colony of, 234


    Bacon, Rev. Leonard (d. 1881), quoted, on difference between Pilgrims and Puritans, 379–380


    Bacon-Foster, Corra, 192 n


    Baker, Thomas, 7 n


    Balch, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Baldwin, Isaac (d. 1783), son of Jeduthan (d. 1788), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — Rev. Samuel (d. 1784), compares early settlers of New England with Abraham, as pilgrims, 358; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 387


    Ball, Benjamin, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    — John, son of Moses, 170


    — Moses, Washington lends money to, 170


    Ballard, Will Sam 121


    Balls, at Plymouth, as part of Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 308, 313, 315, 316, 318, 321, 322, 328 n


    Balston, Capt. John, 33 n


    Banister, William Bostwiek (d. 1819), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Bannister. See Banister


    Banvard, Joseph, 374 n; quoted, 374


    Barnard, John (d. 1739), son of Rev. John (H. C. 1709), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    — Levi, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Barratt. See Barrett


    Barrett, Giles Leonard (d. 1809), actor, 310 n, 342 n


    — John (d. 1746), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    — Rev. Samuel (d. 1772), 217


    Bartlett, Zaccheus (d. 1835), gives Forefathers’ Day oration, 1798, 309, 385, 387


    Bass, Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Bassett, Frances. See Washington


    Batchellor, Albert Stillman, error of, noted, 37 n


    Batchelor, Rev. George, quoted, on Rev. E. H. Hall, 405, 406


    Bates, Edward (H. C. 1738), his connection with Harvard College, 272


    Baxter, Jarvis (Gervais, Gervis, Jervas), 43 n; Councillor, 35, 36, 42 n, 43 n


    — Paul, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    Bay Psalm Book, 131


    Bayard, Nicholas, quoted, 10 n; Councillor, 35, 36, 43 n; note concerning his will, 36 n


    Baylies, Walter Cabot, A.B., appointed on Auditing Committee, 249; makes report, 290


    Beach, Rev. Abraham (d. 1828), 350, 350 n


    Beard, Capt. —, 206


    Beauchamp, John, 364


    Beecher, Rev. Lyman (d. 1863), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 387


    Belcher, Andrew (d. 1717), 18, 24, 59, 100, 101


    — Gov. Jonathan, son of Andrew (d. 1717), 63 n, 72 n, 73 n, 74, 75, 76, 93 n, 94 n, 107, 110; commissioned, 1730, 72; arrives and is sworn, 72, 73; reported to have been knighted, 72 n–73 n; his term of office, 74


    Belknap, Rev. Jeremy (d. 1798), toasts in honor of, 311, 313, 315, 315 n, 322, 325, 333, 337, 341; said to have assisted in private celebration of Forefathers’ Day, 323, 341; reference to his American Biography, 341 n; quoted, 373


    Bell, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    Bellingham, Penelope (Pelham), wife of Gov. Richard, death of, 53 n


    — Gov. Richard, 116; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125


    Bellomont, Earl of. See Coote, Richard


    Bemis, Anna. See Richardson


    — Hannah. See Richardson


    Bennet, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    — Spencer. See Phips, Spencer


    Bent, Elijah, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Berkshires, land sales in, 267


    Bernard, John (d. 1828), actor, 342 n; sings at Forefathers’ Day entertainment, 342


    — Gov. Sir Francis, 82 n, 83 n, 95, 107, 108, 110; commissioned, 1760, 1761, 82, 84 n; arrives and is sworn, 82–83; leaves, 1769, 84, 84 n


    — Shute (d. 1768), son of Sir Francis, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — Thomas, master of the North Grammar School, Boston, 220


    Beverley, Robert (d. 1716), 252


    Bigelow, Melville Madison, LL.D., appointed on committee to nominate candidates for office, 123; appointed to editorship of the Massachusetts Province Laws, 401


    — Dr. William Sturgis, 149


    Billerica, frontier town, 253


    Billings, John Shaw, D.C.L., death of, announced, 123, 143, 145


    — Josh. See Shaw, Henry Wheeler


    — William (Y. C. 1765), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Billington, John (d. 1630), 364


    Bills of credit, legislation concerning, 105 n


    Bird, Rev. Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Bishop, Capt. Thomas, 86 n


    — Townsend, 210


    Blagden, Rev. George Washington (d. 1884), gives Forefathers’ Day address, 387


    Blair, Thomas, his Some Short and Easy Rules Teaching The true Pronunciation of the French Language, 1720, 119 n, 216–217; teaches French to Harvard students, 217–218, 231


    — Thomas (d. 1723), 218


    — infrequency of the name in New England before 1800, 218 n


    Blake, Francis, A.M., death of, announced, 143, 144


    Bland, Col. —, guest of Washington, 200, 201


    Blasphemy, law concerning, 1642, 117


    Blathwayt, William (d. 1717), 30, 40 n, 42 n; letters of Isaac Addington to, 205–207


    Blathwayt Papers, 114


    Bloxham, James, Washington’s overseer, 175, 175 n


    Blye, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 279


    Blyth, Stephen Cleveland, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Boardman, Eliza Henderson. See Otis


    Boaz and Jachin, R. T. Paine’s reference to, 337, 338, 339


    Body of Liberties, 116, 118 n; first printed, 116 n


    Bonaparte. See Napoleon I


    Bond, Joseph (d. 1781), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — William (d. 1697), 18


    Borland, James, son of John (d. 1775), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — John (d. 1775), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    — Leonard Vassall (d. 1801), son of John (d. 1775), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Boston, surrender of fortifications of, demanded by Gov. Andros, 14, 16, 17; society in, 1817, 156, 157; procession held in, to celebrate ratification of Federal Constitution, 314 n


    — Columbian and City Museum, 349 n


    — Concert Hall, references to gatherings held in, 311 n, 323, 324, 330, 332, 341; called Faction Hall, 340


    — Court House, illuminated, 83 n


    — Exchange Coffee House, 349 n


    — First Church, vesper service of, commemorating the Thursday Lecture, 215


    — French Club, about 1728, 220–221


    — French Protestant Church, 120


    — Heart and Crown, 234


    — Old South Church, its ownership of the Prince Library, 122


    — Province House, 66


    — Public Library, its custodianship of the Prince Library, 122


    — South Grammar School, 232 n


    Boston News Letter, error in, 102 n


    Boston Pilgrim Society, 313, 313 n


    Boston Theatre, opening of, 342 n


    Bounties, for Indian scalps, 255, 256 n


    Bourne, Ezra (d. 1736), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Boutineau, James, 96


    Bowdoin, Gov. James, 87, 313, 313 n; with J. Adams, prepares report on land claims, 122


    Bowe, Caven, indentured servant of Washington, 178


    Bowen, —, a guest of Washington, 165


    Clarence Winthrop, Ph.D., reads paper on Gov. J. Winthrop, Jr., 160


    — William (Y. C. 1766), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Bowers, Jeremiah (d. 1796), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Bowes, John Hancock, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Bowman, George Ernest, 295 n


    — William, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Boydell, John (d. 1739), 68 n, 70 n


    Brackett, Ebenezer, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Bradford, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 279


    — Alden (d. 1843), gives Forefathers’ Day address, 386, 386 n, 387


    — William (d. 1657), Governor of Plymouth Colony, 325 n, 332, 341 n, 346, 359, 361 n, 370, 392; his chair, 300; toasts in honor of, 313, 324, 325; references to his History, 355 n, 356; quoted, on name Puritans, 377 n; concerned in legislation against Quakers, 383 n


    — William (d. 1704), Deputy-Governor of Plymouth Colony, son of Gov. William (d. 1657), 29 n, 46; Councillor, 32, 35, 36; death of, 36 n


    Bradstreet, Dudley, son of Gov. Simon, 18, 37 n; nominated Councillor, 30; declines to serve, 31, 32, 37, 37 n


    — Dudley Story (H. C. 1792), 285 n


    — Gov. Simon, 3, 3 n, 4 n, 6 n, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 24 n, 37 n, 48 n, 263, 336, 341, 346; chosen Governor, 1686, 4; President of Council, 1689, 17, 23, 28; sworn Governor, 1689, 25–26; chosen and sworn Governor, 1690, 27; 1691, 1692, 28; nominated member of Dudley’s Council, 30; declines to serve, 31, 32, 37, 37 n; Councillor under Province Charter, 35; death of, 37 n


    Braintree, Mendon settled by people from, 264


    Braintree, Duke of, J. Adams so called, 335 n


    Braintree Lion, J. Adams so called, 335


    Braman, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Brattle, Thomas (d. 1683), grant of land to, 264


    — William (d. 1775), 79, 86


    Brazer, Rev. John, 386 n


    Brazier. See Brazer


    Breck, Samuel (d. 1862), delivers Forefathers’ Day address, 351 n


    Brenley. See Brinley


    Brenton, Jahleel (d. 1732), 48


    Brewer, Francis, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — Thomas, manages Pilgrim press at Leyden, 329 n, 384 n


    Brewster, William (d. 1644), 210, 300 n, 332, 337 n, 341 n, 346, 384 n; toasts in honor of, 324, 337, 340


    Bridge, Benjamin, Boston, 223


    — Richard Perkins, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — Robert, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Brigham, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 279


    Clarence Saunders, A.M., 119; exhibits copy of Some Observations upon the French Tongue, 1724, 118


    — Dr. Edwin Howard, 330 n


    — Elijah (d. 1816), 336, 336 n


    — Francis (d. 1796), son of Caleb (d. 1829), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    — John Winslow, son of Winslow, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    Brimmer, Martin, vice-president at Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 334, 336, 340


    Brimsmead, Rev. William (d. 1701), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 279


    Brinley, Francis, 33


    Broadstreet. See Bradstreet


    Brockholes, Anthony, Councillor, 35, 37, 37 n, 42 n, 43 n


    Brockholt. See Brockholes


    Brodbelt, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Bromfield, Edward (d. 1734), 59


    — Elizabeth. See Rogers


    — Henry (d. 1716), son of Edward (d. 1734), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    Brookes, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 279


    Brookfield, frontier town, 253


    Brother, eighteenth-century usage of the word, 120 n


    Brown, Horatio Forbes, 60 n


    — William. See Browne


    Browne, Capt. —, 10 n


    — Arthur, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — Benjamin (d. 1708), brother of William (d. 1716), perhaps a temporary student at Harvard College, 285 n


    — Benjamin, son of Samuel (d. 1731), son of William (d. 1716), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    — Charles Farrar (Artemus Ward), his sound system of spelling, 372 n


    — Felicia Dorothea. See Hemans


    — Harriet, sister of Felicia Dorothea, sets to music Mrs. Hemans’s Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 352 n


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    — Mary (Burnet), wife of William (d. 1763), 221, 221 n, 222 n


    — William (d. 1716), 15 n, 16, 16 n, 31, 32, 33; Councillor, 17, 34, 35, 37; death of, 37 n


    — William (d. 1763), son of Samuel (d. 1731), son of William (d. 1716), 221 n, 222 n


    — William (d. 1802), 96


    Brownists, 329 n, 374, 377 n, 379


    Bryant, James, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Buckley (Buckly, Bulkeley). See Bulkley


    Bucknam, Nathan, son of Rev. Nathan (H. C. 1721), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Bulkley, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    — Peter (d. 1688), 111, 114; Councillor, 30, 32, 35, 37, 37 n; death of, 37 n; chosen agent of the Bay Colony, 1676, 114


    Bullivant, Dr. Benjamin, 14 n, 49


    Bullock, Gov. Alexander Hamilton, 394


    Augustus George, A.M., 149, 292


    Burges, Gov. Elizeus, 53 n, 62, 92, 92 n, 100, 106, 108, 109, 154; notice of, 60 n; quoted, 100 n; commissioned, 1715, 60, 62; letters from, 61, 100 n; rumors of Iris coming, 62, 62 n; resigns, 1716, 62, 63 n


    Burgoyne, Gen. John, 334


    Burnaby, Rev. Andrew, quotation from his Travels, 242, 243 n


    Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 222 n


    — Gilbert, son of Gov. William, 221, 222 n


    — Mary, daughter of Gov. William See Browne


    — Mary (Stanhope), first wife of Gov. William, 221 n–222 n


    — Mary (Vanhorne), second wife of Gov. William, 221 n–222 n


    — Richard, 175


    — Thomas, son of Gov. William, 222 n


    — Gov. William (d. 1729), son of Bishop Gilbert, 107, 108, 109, 220, 222 n; sworn, 1728, 70; death of, 1729, 71, 71 n, 221, 221 n; his family, 221 n–222 n


    —Rev. William (d. 1755), son of Gov. William, 221, 221 n; birth of, 222 n


    Burr, Aaron (d. 1836), 333 n


    Burrill, John (d. 1721), 65, 65 n


    Burrington, Capt. Thomas, 52 n, 53 n


    Butler, Rev. James Davie (d. 1905), quoted, 354 n


    Byfield, Nathaniel (d. 1733), 49, 54, 62, 69 n, 72


    Byles, Rev. Mather (d. 1788), possibly the author of The Indictment and Tryal of Sir Richard Rum, 239; his New England Hymn, 303


    Byrd, William (d. 1704), 252


    Cabot, George (d. 1823), 334, 336; temporary student at Harvard College, 272, 277, 279


    — Henry, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    — Joseph, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 279


    Louis, A.B., death of, announced, 161, 286


    Cadets, First Corps of, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 77, 82 n, 83 n, 86


    Callahan, Capt. John, 86 n


    Calvert, —, of Maryland, a guest at Mount Vernon, 200


    — Eleanor. See Custis; Stuart


    — Leonard (d. 1647), his colony in Maryland, 371


    Cambridge, printing-office established in, 131–132; first record of money voted for support of schools in, 1648, 133; the “faire grammar schools,” 134, 135; first building erected by citizens for a grammar school, 135; contract for, 135–137; purchase of, by town, 1656, 137; rebuilding of, 138; demolition of, and building of new house, 138; occasional grants toward E. Corlet’s salary, 139; synod at, 246


    — First Church, 366 n; accounts of, offered for publication, 249


    Cambridge, Eng., University of, graduates of, in colonial days in Massachusetts, 210, 211


    Cambridge Press. See Day, Stephen


    Campbell, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    — Capt. James, 80 n


    — John, fourth Earl of Loudoun, 80 n


    Canada, conflict of New York and New England with, 254, 261–262, 262 n


    Cannon, Capt. —, a guest of Washington, 202


    Canonicus, an Indian, his challenge to the settlers of Plymouth, 325, 325 n


    Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial Association, laying of corner-stone of monument at Provincetown under auspices of, 293


    Carleton, Sir Dudley, Viscount Dorchester, quoted, 329 n


    Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard, Charles


    Carlyle, Col. John, 164


    Carmarthen, Marquis of. See Osborne, Sir Thomas


    Carr, Sir Robert, with other commissioners, desires map of the Bay Colony to be made, 114–115


    Carter, Col. Charles, 166


    — William, 170


    Cartwright, George, with other commissioners, desires map of the Bay Colony to be made, 114–115


    Carver, John, Governor of Plymouth Colony, 327, 332, 341 n, 342 n, 343 n, 361 n; toasts in honor of, 300, 313, 324, 350


    Cary, Col. Archibald, 166


    Cass, Lewis (d. 1866), delivers Forefathers’ Day address, 351 n; quoted, on the Pilgrims, 374


    Catechisms: Hugh Peters’s Milk for Babes, 126, 127, 128; Westminster Assembly’s Longer and Shorter, 126


    Cavaliers, 129


    Central Village, Westport, monument to be erected in, to Paul Cuffee, 1


    Chamberlain, Henry Vassall, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 279


    — Hon. Joshua Lawrence, LL.D., death of, announced, 161, 288


    Champemoon, Francis (d. 1687), 37 n; nominated Councillor, 30; unable to serve, 31, 32, 37, 37 n


    Champney, Richard, 132


    Chancery Petty Bag, 46 n


    Chandler, John (d. 1743), 67


    — John (d. 1762), son of John (d. 1743), 79, 80


    — Joseph Ripley (d. 1880), 372 n; quoted, 372


    —Samuel (d. 1813), son of John (d. 1800), son of John (d. 1762), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 279


    Channing, Edward, Ph.D., 292


    — William Ellery (d. 1842), his anecdote of Mrs. Hemans, 352 n


    Chapman, Henry Leland, LL.D., death of, announced, 143, 144–145


    Chardon, Peter (d. 1775), 220, 220 n


    — Peter (d. 1767), son of Peter (d. 1775), 220 n


    Charitable Fire Society. See Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society


    Charles I, King of England, 3, 110, 129, 367 n


    Charles II, King of England, 6, 10, 10 n, 11, 11 n, 48, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 111, 114, 115, 366 n


    Charlestown, invites settlers, 247


    Chase, Judge Samuel (d. 1811), reference to impeachment of, 316, 316 n


    Chaucer, Geoffrey, 207 n


    Checkley, John, 70 n


    Cheeshahteaumuck, an Indian, graduates at Harvard College, 274 n


    Cheever, Ezekiel (d. 1708), a founder of New Haven, 247; schoolmaster in Boston, 248


    — Ezekiel (d. 1770), 80


    Chelmsford, frontier town, 253


    Cheney, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 279


    Chester, Rev. John, quoted, 373


    Chichester, —, 188


    Chickatawbut, an Indian, 342 n


    Chiekering, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 279


    Child, Maj. John, his New-England’s Jonas, 116, 116 n


    Childs, Timothy (d. 1821), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Chilton, Mary, not the first to land on Plymouth Rock, 297 n


    Chipman, John (d. 1761), son of Rev. John (H. C. 1738), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Choate, Rufus (d. 1859), quoted, on the Pilgrims, 374


    Chowder, 315 n; toast in honor of, 315


    Christmas celebration, Concord, 1793, 369


    Church, Dr. Benjamin (d. 1776), 328 n


    Churches of the Bay Colony, establishment of, 208


    Clam-Eaters, The modern, satirical poem, 340


    Clap, Roger, 361 n


    — Thomas (d. 1774), 81


    Clark, Atherton, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    — John (d. 1728), 59; a proprietor of Leicester, 266


    Clark’s Island, Plymouth Harbor, landing of Pilgrims on, 297 n, 388 n–399 n


    Clarke, —, 67


    — Nathaniel (d. 1717), 15 n; Councillor, 32, 37


    — Dep.-Sec. Thomas (d. 1760), appointed Clerk of His Majesty’s Council, 104, 104 n


    — Walter (d. 1714), 32, 35; Councillor, 32, 37; death of, 37 n, 38 n


    — William, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Cleaveland, Rev. Nehemiah (d. 1877), 374 n


    Clinton, Lady Arbella, daughter of Thomas. See Johnson


    — Thomas (alias Fiennes), third Earl of Lincoln, 322 n


    Clough, Samuel Chester, 145


    Cobb, Rev. Alvan (d. 1861), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 388, 388 n


    Cobham, Lord. See Temple, Sir Richard


    Codman, James MacMaster (H. C. 1851), 404


    — Rev. John (d. 1847), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 386 n, 388


    Coffin, Peleg, vice-president at Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 330, 334, 336, 340, 341


    Coggeshall, John (d. 1647), President of Rhode Island, 38 n


    — John (d. 1708), son of John (d. 1647), Councillor, 32, 35, 38, 38 n


    Co-habitations, frontier towns so called in Virginia, 252; statute concerning, 252


    Coke, Sir Edward (d. 1634), quoted, 332


    Colchester, Conn., frontier town, 253


    Colden, Cadwallader, Lieut.-Gov. of New York, 155


    Collier, Gershom, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Colman, Samuel (d. 1810), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Colonial Society of Massachusetts, gifts to, 123, 123–124, 145; vote of, concerning memorial to Gov. Hutchinson, 124; vote of thanks to H. H. Edes, 123; to Deacons of the First Church, Cambridge, 249; endowment of, 288


    — Annual Meetings, 143–149, 286–292


    — Auditing Committee, appointed, 123, 249; Report of, 148, 290


    — Corresponding Members, death of, 123, 143, 161, 216, 286


    — Corresponding Secretary, reports new members, 1, 150, 160, 161; election of, 149, 291. See also Park, Charles Edwards


    — Council, Annual Report of, 143–146, 286–289; new members of, 149, 291; minute of, in appreciation of President Lefavour, 292 n


    — Editor of Publications, 288. See also Matthews, Albert


    — Honorary Member, death of, 123, 143


    — Nominating Committee appointed, 123, 249; Report of, 149, 291


    — President, 123, 124, 143, 150, 160, 161, 216, 249; appoints committee on memorial to Gov. Hutchinson, 124; election of, 149, 291; speaks of plan to erect statue of Anne Hutchinson, 161. See also Lefavour, Henry; Turner, Frederick Jackson


    — Publications, 145–146, 150 n, 288, 289


    — Recording Secretary, election of, 149, 291. See also Cunningham, Henry Winchester


    — Registrar, election of, 149, 291. See also Gay, Frederick Lewis


    — Resident Members, elected, 143, 150, 160, 249, 287, 402; death of, 143, 161, 249, 286, 402


    — Stated Meetings, 1, 123, 150, 160, 161, 216, 249, 286, 293


    — Treasurer, Annual Report of, 147–148, 289–290; election of, 149, 291. See also Edes, Henry Herbert


    — Vice-Presidents, election of, 149, 291. See also Davis, Andrew McFarland; Knowlton, Marcus Perrin


    Colvel, Col. Thomas, 171


    Common lands, 268–269


    Conant, Roger, 210, 381


    — Rev. Sylvanus (d. 1777), quoted, 373; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 388, 390 n


    Concord, inhabitants of, forbidden to remove without authority, 250


    — Pilgrim Society, 1793, 369, 369 n, 370, 370 n


    — Social Circle, notice of, 370 n


    Congregationalism in the United States, two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of, 378 n


    — Connecticut, 45; included in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1688, 8; annexed to New England, 1687, 34; settlement of, 246–248; character of early settlers of, 380


    — General Court, action of, in defence of frontier, 253, 255, 260


    Constable, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Constitutional government. See Government, constitutional


    Conway, Moncure Daniel, relates anecdote of Mrs. Hemans, 351 n–352 n


    Cook, C. W., quoted, 354 n


    Cooke, Elisha (d. 1715), 16, 21, 23, 50; Councillor, 17; opposes giving salary to the Royal Governor, 394


    — Elisha (d. 1737), son of Elisha (d. 1715), 67, 93 n


    — John (d. c. 1694), 383 n


    Cooper, Breton, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    — Rev. William (d. 1743), 224


    Coote, Gov. Richard, first Earl of Bellomont, 106, 107, 109; quoted, 38 n, 44 n, 49 n; commissioned, 1697, 49; sworn, 1699, 49–50; leaves for New York, 50; death of, 50, 50 n, 52


    Corbin, Francis, guest of Washington, 195, 196


    Cordis, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    Corlet, Barbara (Cutter), wife of Elijah, 134; family of, 134; date of marriage, 134, 135


    — Elijah (d. 1687), schoolmaster in Cambridge, 131, 133–135, 138, 139, 141, 142; first to receive salary partly from town treasury, 133; sketch of, 134; possibly employed in Harvard College, 134, 142; marriage of, 134; site of his residence, 135; payment of his salary, 137, 139, 140; death of, 140; reference to elegy on, by Rev. N. Walter, 140; date of his coming to New England, 140, 141; grants of land to, 140, 141; his petition for grant of land, 1659, 141


    — Henry, father of Elijah, 134


    Cortlandt, Stephen van. See Van Cortlandt, Stephen


    Corwin. See Curwin


    Cotton, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 280


    — Rev. John (d. 1652), 234, 337 n, 381; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125; toasts in honor of, 337, 340


    — Josiah, son of Rev. Josiah (H. C. 1698), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Courtland. See Van Cortlandt


    Cousin, eighteenth-century usage of the word, 120 n


    Coward, John Herbert, appointed to take an account in writing of the public records, 15 n


    Cowing, David, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Coxhill (Coxshell). See Coggeshall


    Craik, —, wife of Dr. James, 165, 166


    — —, daughter of Dr. James, 165, 166, 201


    — Dr. James (d. 1814), visits of, to Washington family, 164, 165, 166, 169, 170, 172, 177, 188, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198; to servants of Washington, 177, 193, 203


    — Nancy, daughter of Dr. James, 165, 166, 180


    — William, son of Dr. James, 165, 166, 185, 204


    Cram, George Washington, 272 n


    Crawford, Col. John, debts of, to Washington, 166


    Cromwell, Oliver, 130


    Cronenburgh, Duchess of. See Wilson, Sarah


    Crook, Henry, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Crosby, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Cross, Charles Robert, 292


    Crossett, Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    Croswell, Joseph, his play, A New World Planted, 342 n


    Crothers, Rev. Samuel McChord, 292


    Crowne, John (d. c. 1703), playwright, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Cuffee, Paul, a Negro, 1 n; G. F. Tueker gives account of, 1; monument erected to, 1


    Cuming, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Cunningham, Henry Winchester, A.B., elected Recording Secretary of the Society, 149, 291


    Curtis, George William (d. 1892), 374 n


    Curwin, Jonathan (d. 1718), 33, 46, 50; Councillor, 35, 38; death of, 38 n; temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Cushing, John (d. 1778), 80


    Cushman, Robert, 341 n, 342 n, 361; toast in honor of, 300; his sermon, December 19, 1621, not first in New England, 300 n; returns from Plymouth, 364


    Custis, Eleanor (Calvert), widow of John Parke. See Stuart


    — Eleanor (or Nelly) Parke, daughter of John Parke, 180, 180 n


    — Elizabeth (or Betsey) Parke, daughter of John Parke, 194, 194 n, 195


    — George Washington Parke, son of John Parke, 175, 178, 180, 180 n, 193


    — John Parke, 180 n, 194 n


    — Martha (or Patsy) Parke, daughter of John Parke, 194, 194 n, 195


    Cutler, Rev. Manasseh (d. 1823), 243 n


    — Rev. Timothy (d. 1765), 70 n


    Cutt, Richard, 79, 80


    Cutter, — (d. 1640), husband of Elizabeth, 134


    — Barbara, daughter of Elizabeth. See Corlet


    — Charles (d. 1779), son of Dr. Ammi Ruhamah (H. C. 1752), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    — Elizabeth, 134; her will, 135


    — Richard, son of Elizabeth, 134


    — William, son of Elizabeth, 134


    Daingerfield, Henry, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    Dalton, Charles, quoted, 91 n


    Damport. See Davenport


    Dana, Edmund Trowbridge (d. 1858), son of Francis (d. 1811), his connection with Harvard College, 273


    — Elizabeth Ellery, sister of Richard Henry (H. C. 1874), 218 n


    — Francis (d. 1811), son of Richard (d. 1772), 218 n; toast in honor of, 325


    — Richard (d. 1772), 218 n


    — Richard Henry (H. C. 1874), 218 n


    Danbury, Conn., frontier town, 253


    Danby, Earl of. See Osborne, Sir Thomas


    Dandridge, —, 172


    Danforth, Samuel (d. 1777), 79, 86, 87


    — Dep.-Gov. Thomas, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 50, 137; chosen and sworn Dep.-Governor, 1686, 4; 1689, 24–26; 1690, 27; 1691, 1692, 28; his homestead in Cambridge, 213


    Daniell, Samuel. See Donnell, Samuel


    Danielson, Eli, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Dartmouth, Earl of. See Legge, William


    Davenport, Addington (d. 1736), 57, 59, 66, 69 n, 100, 100 n, 101; appointed, with P. Dudley, to keep the seals, 99, 100 n; sworn, 100


    — Rev. John (d. 1670), Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125; arrives in New England, 245; a founder of New Haven, 245–247; quoted, on purchase of land for New Haven Colony, 366


    Davie, William Richardson, 332 n


    Davis, Andrew McFarland, A.M., 1, 144, 211, 376 n; elected Vice-President of the Society, 149, 291; his paper, The Change in the Editorship of the Province Laws, 393–401; one of committee to report a scheme for renewal of publication of these laws, 399–401


    — Judge John (d. 1847), son of Thomas (d. 1785), his ode for Forefathers’ Day, 1794, 306, 306 n–307 n, 308, 330, 331 n–332 n, 335 n; the word Pilgrim introduced in revised version, 307 n, 308 n; delivers address, Forefathers’ Day, 1800, at Plymouth, 312, 385, 388; quotation from, containing word Pilgrims, 312 n; delivers address, Forefathers’ Day, 1813, at Boston, 349, 350 n; quoted, on relation of Massachusetts settlers to Church of England, 376 n; on comparative prosperity of Plymouth and Massachusetts, 382


    — Livingston, 149


    — Samuel (d. 1829), son of Thomas (d. 1785), 331 n; his ode for Forefathers’ Day, 1799, 331, 331 n–332 n, 335 n


    — Silvanus (d. 1703), 45, 46; Councillor, 35, 38, 39 n


    — Tom, servant of Washington, 173


    — Wendell (d. 1830), son of Thomas (d. 1785), gives Forefathers’ Day oration, 1818, 319, 386, 388


    — William (d. 1826), son of Thomas (d. 1785), charter member of the Pilgrim Society, 320 n, 321 n


    — William Thomas (d. 1907), son of William, son of William (d. 1826), 386 n, 388 n; his error in regard to use of the word Pilgrim in J. Davis’s Forefathers’ Day ode, 308 n; quoted, on use of the scallop shell as a Pilgrim emblem, 327 n–328 n


    Davol, Ralph, quoted, on pageants, 313 n, 314 n


    Day, Matthew (d. 1649), son of Stephen (d. 1668), 132


    — Stephen (d. 1668), his issue of the Capital Laws of Massachusetts Bay, 116; manager of first printing-office in New England, 131; his house, 131–132, 135


    Deakins, Col. Francis, 191


    Dean, John Ward (d. 1902), 360 n


    Dearborn, Benjamin (d. 1755), 231, 231 n


    Dedham, settlement of, 208, 245; establishment of church in, 1637, 208; quotations from records of, 209, 214, 215; Rev. J. Phillips called to church of, but declines, 209; called again and accepts, 214; dismissed, 215; Thursday Lecture in church of, 215; invitation of, to Rev. P. Prudden’s company, 245, 246–247; inhabitants of, forbidden to remove without authority, 250


    Dedham Watch Dog, F. Ames so called, 335


    Deerfield, frontier town, 253, 260 n; appeals to General Court, 257–258; aided by Connecticut, 260; land grants and absentee proprietors in, 265


    Delaney, James, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Delft Haven, Holland, commemoration of embarkation of the Pilgrims from, 387 n


    Denison, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Dennie, James, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Denny, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    De Normandie, Rev. James, 149, 292


    Derby, Elias Hasket (d. 1826), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    — Richard (d. 1832), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Devotion, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Dewey, Francis Henshaw, LL.B., 149, 287; elected Resident Member, 143; accepts 150


    Dexter, Franklin Bowditch, Litt.D., 367 n


    — Rev. Henry Martyn (d. 1890), 355 n; cited, on differences between the Pilgrims and the Puritans, 378


    Diamond of the Desert, Salt Lake City so called, 353 n


    Dickinson, John (d. 1808), his Liberty Song, 299 n


    Digges, Miss —, 167


    — George, guest of Washington, 167, 200


    Dillingham, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    — William Henry, quoted, on the Mayflower passengers, 376


    Disswasive, A, from the Folly and Sin of Drunkenness, 240, 240 n


    Dix, Joseph (d. 1821), son of Elijah, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    Dixwell, John (H. C. 1796), 285 n


    Dodge, Ezekiel Goddard (d. 1819), son of Rev. Ezekiel (H. C. 1749), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Dogs, use of, in hunting Indians, 255–256


    Dongan, Thomas, Governor of New York, 10 n, 42 n, 43 n; quoted, 42 n, 43 n


    Donkin, Capt. Robert, 88 n


    Donnell, Samuel (d. 1718), 46; Councillor, 35, 38, 39 n


    Dorchester, Viscount. See Carleton, Sir Dudley


    Dorchester, First Church of, a Separatist body, 392


    Downing, Lady Frances (Howard), wife of Sir George, 130


    — Sir George (H. C. 1642), 11 n, 210; name of, first appears in print, 128; his preaching in England, 1646, 128–129; his connection with H. Peters, 129; with Col. Okey, 129; serves as chaplain of regiment, 129; as Scoutmaster-General to Parliamentary army, 129; his True Relation of the Progress of the Parliaments Forces in Scotland, 129; marriage of, 130; J. Adams’s opinion of, 130; Latin poem in honor of his marriage, by P. Fisher, 130


    Drew, Edward Bangs, A.M., 292


    Drucker, Lucy, 33 n, 35 n, 46 n, 64 n; finds missing Royal Commissions, 151


    Drunkenness, in New England, 240


    Dudley, Gov. Joseph, son of Gov. Thomas, 4, 4 n, 7 n, 8 n, 11 n, 13 n, 14 n, 15 n, 30 n, 37 n, 38, 38 n, 52, 53 n, 56 n, 57, 61, 66, 89 n, 90, 91 n, 92 n, 100, 100 n, 106, 108, 109, 153; sworn President, 1686, 5–6; extent of his jurisdiction, 6 n, 15 n; members of his Council, 1685–1686, 29–32, 32 n; named member of Andros’s Council, 32, 35; commissioned Governor, 1702, 53; arrives in Boston, 53, 54; sworn, 54–55; Vice-Admiral, 53 n, 55; controversy between Council and, 1715, 55–60; superseded, 62, 65; reassumes government, 1715, 99; appoints A. Davenport and P. Dudley to keep the seals, 1715, 99–100; anecdote of his proroguing the General Court, 394


    — Paul (d. 1751), son of Gov. Joseph, 101; appointed, with A. Davenport, to keep the seals, 1715, 99, 100 n; sworn, 100; a proprietor of Leicester, 266


    — Samuel, 263


    — Gov. Thomas, Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125


    — William (d. 1740), son of Gov. Joseph, 67; a proprietor of Leicester, 266


    Dudley Records, 5 n


    Du Gard, William, 129


    Du Gué, Marie Thérèse. See Langloiserie


    Duke of Braintree, J. Adams so called, 335 n


    Dummer, Jeremiah (d. 1718), son of Richard (d. 1689), 18, 24


    — Jeremiah (d. 1739), son of Jeremiah (d. 1718), 92 n, 266; quoted, 63 n, 70 n, 91 n, 93 n, 102 n; a proprietor of Leicester, 266


    — Richard (d. 1689), 18


    — Lt.-Gov. William, son of Jeremiah (d. 1718), 2, 2 n, 65, 66, 67, 68 n, 69 n, 70, 82 n, 88 n, 92 n, 93 n, 107, 108, 109, 110; sworn, 1716, 65, 92; Acting-Governor, 68–69, 71, 72, 93; oaths on accession of George II, 69 n, 93; his first commission as Lieutenant-Governor, 154–155


    Dummer, Fort, 261


    Dunbar, Charles Franklin, 404


    Dunkards, 354 n


    Dunn, —, editor of an edition of Indictment and Tryal of Sir Richard Rum, 236


    Dunstable, frontier town, 253; appeals for scouts, 257; land grants in, 264


    Dunster, Elizabeth, second wife of Rev. Henry, 132


    — Elizabeth (Harris) Glover, first wife of Rev. Henry, 131


    — Rev. Henry, President of Harvard College, 134, 142, 213; his first marriage, 131; his management of the Glover estate and the printing office 131–132; his second marriage, 132 his work for the erection of a grammar school building, 135–138


    Durell, Capt. Thomas, 66, 68 n


    Dustin, Hannah, 256 n


    Dutch, Capt. Samuel, 90 n


    Dwight, Thomas (d. 1819), 336, 336 n


    — Rev. Timothy (d. 1817), 269


    E., Mrs., 158


    Eames, Wilberforce, A.M., his discovery of the second edition of H. Peters’s Milk for Babes, 128


    Early Manuscript Maps of New England, paper on, by J. H. Tuttle, 112 115


    Eaton, Nathaniel, brother of Theophilus (d. 1658), 134; is head of Harvard College, 142, 210


    — Theophilus (d. 1658), a founder of New Haven, 245–247


    Eayers, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Edes, Henry Herbert, A.M., 123, 140, 143, 144; presents portrait of E. Wheelwright, 123; on committee on memorial to Gov. Hutchinson, 124; his reports as Treasurer, 147–148, 289–290; elected Treasurer, 149, 291; reads paper on J. Tileston, 155; his remarks on I. Addington, 205; speaks of the Thursday Lecture in Dedham and Boston, 215


    Edes & Gill, printers, 322


    Edmonds, John Henry, 114 n


    Edwards, Rev. Jonathan (d. 1758), quoted, on parties in Northampton, 268


    — Thomas (d. 1647), his Gangræna, 128


    Egleston, Melville, quoted, 262


    Eldridge, Capt. John, 4 n


    Eleazar, an Indian, temporary student at Harvard College, 274 n, 275, 280


    Eliot, Charles William, 149, 408


    — Rev. John (d. 1690), Apostle to the Indians, 337 n, 362 n, 381; his work among the Indians, 233, 234; toasts in honor of, 337, 340


    — Rev. John (d. 1813), 323; toast in honor of, 322; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 388


    Ellsworth, Oliver (d. 1807), 332 n


    Emerson, Ralph Waldo, quoted, on tolerance in the Plymouth Colony, 383 n


    Emery, Robert, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Emigration to New England, checked by reforms of Long Parliament, 215


    Endicott, Gov. John, 141, 209, 210, 336, 341, 362 n, 365, 381; Overseer of Harvard College, 125; toasts in honor of, 322, 324; quoted, on his ecclesiastical position, 392


    William, A.M., contributes to memorial to Gov. Hutchinson, 124; death of, announced, 286, 287


    England, sovereigns of, 1603–1776, list of, with dates of succession, proclamation in Boston, death, etc., 110–111. See also Great Britain


    — Church of, original adherence to of settlers in Massachusetts, 376, 376 n, 378, 380; attitude toward, of the Pilgrims of Plymouth, 378; persecutions of Pilgrims and Puritans by, 379; attitude of Rev. J. Robinson: on communion with, 392


    Enthusiasm, E. Wigglesworth’s defence of the objection of Harvard College to enthusiasm as exhibited in L Langloiserie, 227–231


    Epes, Samuel (d. 1760), 231, 231 n


    Episcopate, American, establishment of 296


    Equality, doctrine of, in colonial land allotments, 267–269


    Era of good feelings, 296; origin of the phrase, 296 n


    Erving, John (d. 1786), 79, 80, 86, 87


    — John (d. 1816), son of John (d. 1786), 96; temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    — Shirley (d. 1813), son of John (d. 1786), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Essex Hyena, T. Pickering so called, 335


    Estabrook, Samuel (d. 1754), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Eustaphieve, Alexis, Russian Consul at Boston, 158, 158 n


    — Eliza, daughter of Alexis, her proficiency in music, 158


    Evelyn, John (d. 1706), 89 n


    Everett, Rev. Charles Carroll (d. 1900), quoted, on the Pilgrim Fathers, 374–375


    — Edward (d. 1865), 298 n, 404; gives Forefathers’ Day address, 1824, 386, 388; one of several speakers at commemoration of departure of Pilgrims from Delft Haven, 1853, 387 n


    — William (d. 1910), son of Edward (d. 1865), quoted on Pilgrims and Puritans, 381; gives Forefathers’ Day address, 387, 388


    Excellency (Excellence), His, this title first used in Massachusetts in 1686, 7 n Excommunicated princes, status of, 47


    Eyre, John (d. 1700), 16, 18, 24


    — John (d. 1696), son of John (d. 1700), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Faction Hall, 340


    Faculty, first use of the word at Harvard College, 223 n


    Fairfax, Rev. Bryan, son of Sir William, of 190, 203


    — Thomas, son of Rev. Bryan, guest of Washington, 203, 204


    False gods, worship of, law concerning, 1642, 117


    False witness, law concerning, 1642, 118


    Farming in Virginia, as described in diary of Washington, 162–205


    Farmworth, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 280


    Farnham, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 280


    Farrington, Daniel, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Farwell, John Whittemore, 241, 244; his paper on The Indictment and Tryal of Sir Richard Rum, 234–240


    Fast days in Massachusetts, 1689, 19 21


    Fay, Dr. Nahum (d. 1804), 310 n


    Fayerweather, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Feast of gratitude, Forefathers’ Day celebration, 1794, 306. See also Forefathers’ Day


    Feast of shells, Forefathers’ Day dinner so called, Boston, 315, 315 n, 323, 327–329, 329 n, 333, 335, 339, 340, 341 n, 347, 348; same and similar phrases in Ossianic poems, 327 n. See also Forefathers’ Day


    Feast of the Sons of the Pilgrims. See Sons of the Pilgrims, Feast of the


    Federalism, toast in honor of, 333; references to expression of, in Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 334, 338, 339, 340, 345; Federal Catechism, 347 n


    Federalists, 311, 323, 324, 338; criticisms of, 316–317, 333–334, 347; defence of their Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 348


    Felt, Rev. Joseph Barlow, quoted, on the Pilgrims, 374


    Fendall, Philip Richard, 186


    Fenn, Rev. William Wallace, D.D., speaks on the Separatism of Pilgrims and Puritans, 392


    Fenton, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Ferguson, Charles, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Fessenden, Thomas Green, composes song for Forefathers’ Day, 351


    Festival of the Sons of the Pilgrims. See Sons of the Pilgrims, Feast of the


    Fiennes, Thomas. See Clinton, Thomas


    Finch, Daniel, second Earl of Nottingham and sixth Earl of Winchelsea, 152


    — Capt. Jeremiah, 67, 68 n


    Firmin, Giles, makes complaint to Gov. Winthrop, 264


    First comers, Pilgrims of Plymouth so called, 308 n, 363


    Fisher, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    — Payne (d. 1693), his Latin poem in honor of George Downing’s marriage


    Fisheries, toast relating to, 311


    Fisk, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    Fiske, Nathan (d. 1782), son of Rev. Nathan (H. C. 1754), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Fitch, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Fitzgerald, Col. John, 190, 191


    Fitzhugh, Col. William, 166


    Flagg, Isaac, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 280


    — John (d. 1785), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 280


    Fleet, Thomas (d. 1758), printer, 235


    Fleming, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Flint, Ephraim (d. 1722), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    — Rev. James (d. 1855), 336 n; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 388


    Flipson. See Philipse


    Flucker, Sec. Thomas, 88 n, 96, 105 n, 107, 108, 110; commissioned, 1770, 105; sworn, 1771, 105; leaves, 1775, 105, 106 n


    Flynt, Seth (d. 1673), son of Rev. Henry (d. 1668), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 280


    Flypse. See Philipse


    Forbes, Allan, A.B., 145, 148; appointed on Auditing Committee, 123


    — William Trowbridge, 292


    Ford, Worthington Chauncey, A.M., v, 55 n, 56 n, 59 n, 323 n; communicates a Diary of Washington, 161; quoted, on the Plymouth Colony, 382


    Forefathers’ Day, paper by A. Matthews on early celebrations of, 293–391; period covered a momentous one, 296; celebrations at Plymouth, 1769–1820, 295–322; at Boston, 1798–1813, 322–349; at New York, 1805, 350–351; Plymouth celebrations conducted by the Old Colony Club, 1769–1772 or 1773, 296–305; by the town, 1774–1780, 305; no celebrations, 1781–1792, and no accounts found for 1795, 1796, 306; no celebration, 1799, 311–312; error in giving December 22d as date of the day, 297 n; political partizanship displayed in exercises, 311, 316–317; Boston celebrations a high Federal carnival, 323, 328, 333, 334, 338, 340, 347–349; contemporary criticism of the drinking of toasts, 328–329, 338, 339, 340, 345, 346–348; celebration by the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1813, 349; general view of the character and purpose of the celebrations, 360–361; bibliography of the Plymouth discourses, 384–391; chronological list of celebrations, 385–387; alphabetical list of speakers and discourses, 387–391; earlier lists incomplete and inaccurate, 385 n, 386 n


    Forefathers’ Song, 302 n


    Foresters, T. Dwight on, 269


    Foster, —, guest of Washington, 200


    — John (d. 1681), printer, 113


    — John (d. 1711), 16, 24, 45, 46; Councillor, 17, 35, 38; death of, 38 n


    Foster-Hubbard map of New England, 113


    Fownall, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 281


    Fownell, John, 132, 135, 137


    Fox, Gilbert, 342 n; sings Hail Columbia, 309 n–310 n; sings at Forefathers’ Day celebration in Boston, 342


    Foxcroft, Francis (d. 1768), 104, 226


    — Thomas, son of Rev. Thomas (H. C. 1714), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    — family, homestead of, in Cambridge, 213


    Foy, Capt. John, 9 n


    Frame, Richard, 41 n


    France, toast referring to the government of, 316; toasts referring to troubles of the United States with, 324, 325, 332; lines referring to “subjugated France,” 370 n


    Francis, —, wife of William (d. 1834), 310 n


    — Rev. Convers (d. 1863), points out error in date of Forefathers’ Day, 297 n; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 387, 388


    Franklin, Benjamin, 239; story attributed to, 242, 244; quoted, on exchange of prisoners, 365 n


    — James, brother of Benjamin, 239, 244


    Freeman, Maj. —, 166


    — Rev. Frederick, 386 n


    — Rev. James (d. 1835), 349; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 388


    — Jonathan Otis, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    Freeman’s Oath, printing of, 1638 or 1639, 131


    French and Indian Wars, mentioned in letters of I. Addington, 206, 207


    French Club. See under Boston


    French language, early American works on, 118–120, 118 n, 119 n, 216; teaching of, at Harvard College, before 1750, 216–232


    Frontier, First Official, in Massachusetts, paper on, by F. J. Turner, 250–271; significance of, in American history, 250; problem of defence of, 251–262; acts of legislatures of Massachusetts and Connecticut concerning, 252–253; gradual extension of, 261, 271; social, economic and political aspects of, 262–270


    Frontier towns, designated by General Courts of Massachusetts and Connecticut, 252–253


    Frothingham, Frederick, 404


    Frye, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Fulham, Francis, 66


    Fullam. See Fulham


    Fuller, Josiah, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    — Samuel (d. 1633), 392


    — Susanna. See White; Winslow


    Gage, Gov. Thomas, 96, 96 n, 107, 108, 110; commissioned and arrives, 1774, 86, 86 n; sworn, 87; leaves, 1775, 87, 87 n, 88 n, 105; offers reward for discovery of thief of seals, 105 n–106 n


    Gardiner, Henry, quoted, on New England, 367


    — Rev. John Sylvester John, 340, 340 n


    Gardner, Rev. Andrew (H. C. 1712), 231 n


    — Rev. John (H. C. 1715), 231 n


    — Rev. Joseph (H. C. 1732), 231 n


    — Nathaniel (H. C. 1739), teaches French to Harvard students, 231–232; usher at South Grammar School, Boston, 232 n; death of, 232 n


    — Samuel (d. 1683), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    — Samuel (H. C. 1732), 231 n


    Garland, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    Garver, Rev. Austin Samuel, tribute of, to Rev. Edward H. Hall, 404–405


    Gates, Jacob, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    Gatliffe, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Gay, Rev. Ebenezer (Y. C. 1787), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Frederick Lewis, A.B., v, 114 n, 208 n, speaks on Day’s issue of the Capital Laws of Massachusetts Bay, 116; on early Overseers of Harvard College, H. Peters, and the earliest books by Harvard graduates, 124–131; elected Registrar, 149, 291; speaks on early catalogues of Harvard College, 232


    Gedney, Bartholomew (d. 1698), 15 n, 16, 16 n, 46; Councillor, 17, 30, 32, 35, 38; death of, 38 n


    Gee, Rev. Joshua (d. 1748), 224


    — Sir Orlando, 53 n


    Gener. See Jenner


    Genet (Genest), Edmond Charles Edouard, 370 n


    George I, King of England, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60 n, 61, 63, 91, 92, 92 n, 99, 100, 100 n, 101, 101 n, 102, 102 n, 103, 111, 153, 155; proclaimed in Boston, 1714, 56, 56 n; death of, 69 n


    George II, King of England, 60 n, 70, 72, 72 n, 74, 79, 80, 82, 92, 93, 94, 103, 104, 105, 111; proclaimed in Boston, 1727, 69 n; death of, 82 n, 83 n. See also Wales, Prince of


    George III, King of England, 82, 85, 86, 86 n, 95, 96, 105, 111; proclaimed in Boston, 1760, 82 n–83 n; birthday celebration for, 241


    Georgetown College, Philodemic Society of, 372 n


    Gerry, Gov. Elbridge, 326 n


    Gibbs, Major —, guest of Washington, 189, 190


    Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of London, 2


    Gidney. See Gedney


    Gill, Michael, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Gilman, John Taylor, Governor of New Hampshire, 313, 313 n, 315


    — Nathaniel, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Gilpin, Col. George, 169, 183; accompanies Washington to Seneca Falls, 190, 191, 192


    Gleason, Ezra, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Glover, Elizabeth (Harris), wife of Rev. Jose. See Dunster


    — Rev. Jose (d. 1638), embarks for New England, with equipment for a printing establishment, but dies or passage, 131; management of his estate, 131–132


    — Rev. Pelatiah (d. 1692), son of John (d. 1654), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 281


    — Samuel Kinsley, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Go to the Devil and shake yourself, tune used at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 337, 338, 340


    Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft (d. 1797), mention of, in a toast, 316


    Goffe, Edward, 134; his work for the erection of a grammar school building in Cambridge, 135–137


    — William, the regicide, notes on his wanderings, 366 n–367 n


    Goldsborough, —, 191


    Gooch, Sir William, Governor of Virginia, 259 n


    Goodale, —, 272


    Goodell, Abner Cheney, A.M., death of, announced, 286, 287; edits Massachusetts Province Laws, 394–395; difficulties of, with State officials, 395–397; discharged from office, 397–398; prepares statement of his work, 398; invited to resume editorship, but declines, 399–400; submits names of possible editors for consideration, 401


    Goodhue, Josiah, son of Rev. Josiah (H. C. 1755), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    — Stephen (d. 1809), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Goodrick, Rev. Alfred Thomas Scrope, 3 n, 89 n


    Goodricke, Sir Henry (d 1705), 98


    Goodwin, Rev. Ezra Shaw (d. 1833), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 388


    — Rev. Henry Martyn, quoted, on Pilgrims and Puritans, 378


    — John Abbot, 355 n; quoted, on use of term Pilgrims, 360 n; on number of Pilgrims or first comers, 363; asserts that the Pilgrims were not Puritans, 377 n, 380


    — William Watson (d. 1912), 404


    Goodyear, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 281


    — Goold, Gardner, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Gore, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 281


    — Gov. Christopher, vice-president at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 341


    Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, claims of, in New England, 114


    Gouge, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Government, constitutional, beginnings of, in the United States, 295


    Graeuw, Garret de, 219 n


    Grain, Washington’s principles for harvesting, 197, 198


    Grainger, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Grandgent, Charles Hall, A.B., 287; elected Resident Member, 160; accepts, 161


    Granger, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Grant, Sir Alexander, 119 n


    Grasses, Washington’s remarks on, 200–201


    Graves, Thomas (d. 1697), 32


    Gray, Francis Calley (d. 1856), delivers Forefathers’ Day address, 1819, 320, 386, 388; gives toast to Pilgrim Society, 321


    — Harrison (d. 1794), 90, 90 n, 96


    — James, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    — William, of Salem, 159


    Great Awakening, controversy aroused by, 227


    Great Britain, 307; toast in honor of, 337. See also England


    Great Falls, Potomac River, 183, 191, 192


    Greater New England in the West, 271


    Green, Bartholomew (d. 1732), 118


    — Joseph (H. C. 1726), 221, 221 n


    — Dr. Robert Montraville, 149


    — Rev. Samuel (d. 1834), quoted, on the Pilgrims, 368 n, 374; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 388, 388 n–389 n


    — Dr. Samuel Abbott, 404


    — Timothy, printer, 223


    Green Mountains, Vt., lion of the, M. Lyon so called, 311 n


    Greene, John (d. 1708), Councillor, 32, 35, 38, 38 n, 39 n


    Greenhalge, Gov. Frederic Thomas, his action in regard to publication of the Province Laws, 396–397


    Greenleaf, John (d. 1777), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Greenwood, John (d. 1792), his portrait of J. Tileston, 155


    — Thomas Jackson, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Gridley, Jeremiah (d. 1767), 221, 221 n


    Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark, 205; photostat of letter written by J. Abercrombie exhibited on behalf of, 155; letters of I. Addington to William Blathwayt communicated on behalf of, 205


    Griffis, Rev. William Elliot, his definition of Pilgrim Fathers, 364


    Grosvenor, Ebenezer (d. 1788), son of Rev. Ebenezer (Y. C. 1759), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Groton, frontier town, 253; petition of, for remission of taxes or other aid in frontier troubles, 258–259; vote of, concerning non-resident land owners, 264


    Gunnison, Lieut. John Williams, 314 n


    Gunpowder Plot, W. Ames’s sermon on, London, 1652, 128


    Gurdon, Brampton, photograph of portrait of, exhibited, 156


    — Muriel, daughter of Brampton. See Saltonstall


    Hadley, frontier town, 253; fortifications at, 260


    Hagborne, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Hail Columbia, J. Hopkinson’s song, sung at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 1798, 309; early notices of, 309 n–310 n


    Hail, Pilgrim Fathers of our race, S. Davis’s ode beginning, 331, 332 n


    Hale, Rev. Edward, A.B., 392; communicates Memoir of E. H. Hall, 402; text of Memoir, 403–409


    — John Parker (d. 1819), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    Hall, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    — Aaron, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    — Rev. Edward Brooks (d. 1866), 403


    — Rev. Edward Henry, D.D., son of Rev. Edward Brooks, Memoir of, by Rev. E. Hale, communicated, 402; text of Memoir, 403–109; his ancestry, 403; his education, classmates, ministry at Plymouth, chaplaincy in the Civil War, installation at Worcester, 404; tribute to, by Rev. A. S. Garver, 404–405; removes from Worcester to Cambridge, 405; his house a social centre, 405–406; his preaching, 406; extracts from two sermons, 406–407; his travels in Europe and later life, 407–409; lecturer in Harvard Divinity School, 408; his publications, 408; his connection with the Colonial Society, 408–409; his personal appearance and characteristics, 409


    — Harriet (Ware), first wife of Rev. Edward Brooks, 403–404


    — Harriet Ware, daughter of Rev. Edward Brooks, 404


    — Louisa Jane (Park), second wife of Rev. Edward Brooks, 404


    Halley, John, 170


    Hamilton, Alexander, 341; toasts in honor of, 316, 317, 325, 329, 329 n; his treatment of President Adams, 317; adverse criticism of, by A. X., 334; by Agricola, 347


    Hammond, Lawrence (d. 1699), 49, 50


    Hancock, Gov. John, 334, 339 n


    — Nathaniel, 132


    — Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Harlakenden, Elizabeth (Bosville), wife of Roger, 213


    — Roger, 213; Overseer of Harvard College, 124; death of, 125; selectman of Cambridge, 211


    Harris, Samuel. See Harris, Samuel Devens


    — Samuel Devens, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    — Rev. Thaddeus Mason (d. 1842), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 389


    Harrison, Judge Robert Hanson, 183, 183 n


    Hart, Francis Russell, elected Resident Member, 402


    Harvard College, 65; first Board of Overseers of, 124–125; new provision for appointment of Overseers, 125; Overseers from 1642 to 1780, how to find, 125; first Commencement, 125; earliest publications by graduates of, 128, 130; building of Preside nt’s house, 132; purchase of printing-office and its re-establishment in the President’s House, 132; Marblehead considered as a possible location for, 209, 210; beginning of the Library, 210; decision upon location at Cambridge, 211; teaching of French at, before 1750, 216–232; committee appointed to inquire into state of the College and the dissemination of dangerous doctrines by Langloiserie, 224–225; students forbidden to take instruction from Langloiserie, 225–226; controversy with Rev. G. Whitefield, 227–228; early catalogues of, 232; temporary students at, imperfect registration of, 271; list of, 1639–1800, 272–285; degrees, honorary and out of course, 273; Indian students at, 274 n, 285 n; need of catalogue of all students, 274 n; officers of, criticised for taking part in mock feast of the Pilgrims, 339; plays acted by students of, 342 n; reference to cost of buildings, by E. Johnson, 366, 366 n; broadside exhibited containing list of class of 1802, 402


    — Faculty, first use of the word, 223 n; Records of, 223 n


    — Harvard Hall, burning of, 160


    — Library, commissions in, 53 n, 63 n


    — Quinquennial Catalogue, errors in, 285 n


    — Records, publication of, by the Society, 146, 288


    Harvard Memorial Society, 160


    Harvey, Josiah, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Hastings, Walter (d. 1705), 138


    Hatch, Estes, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Hatfield, —, 196


    Hatfield, frontier town, 253; fortifications at, 260


    Hatherley, Timothy, 364


    Hathorne. See Hawthorn


    Haverhill, frontier town, 252; N. Saltonstall quoted, on conditions in, 260; founding of, 264; question of town lands in, 268


    Hawthorn, John (d. 1717), son of William (d. 1681), 18, 21, 23, 46; Councillor, 35, 39; his funeral, 39 n


    —William (d. 1681), 210


    Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer, quoted, 353 n


    Hayman, Samuel, 45, 46; Councillor, 35, 39, 39 n; death of, 39 n


    Haynes, Roger, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Hayward, Beza, charter member of the Pilgrim Society, 320 n, 321 n


    Hazewell, Charles Creighton, 380 n; quoted, on use of the term Pilgrim Fathers, 360


    Heathcote, George, 10 n


    Hedge, Barnabas, charter member of the Pilgrim Society, 320 n, 321 n


    Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne), her poem on the Pilgrims, 351 n 352 n


    Hemmingway, Ebenezer, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Henchman, —, temporary’ student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Henshaw, Samuel, A.M., 292


    Hepworth, Rev. George Hughes, 404


    Herbert, —, guest of Washington, 185, 203


    — Thomas, eighth Earl of Pembroke and fifth Earl of Montgomery, 55


    Herlakenden. See Harlakenden


    Heyleger, Peter, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    Hicks, Joseph (d. 1747), son of Zechariah (d. 1702), 138


    — Zechariah (d. 1752), son of Zechariah (d. 1702), 138


    — Zechariah, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Higginson, Rev. Francis (d. 1630), 336, 337 n, 341, 346, 368, 370; toasts in honor of, 337, 340


    — John (d. 1720), son of Rev. John (d. 1708), son of Rev. Francis (d. 1630), 59


    — Nathaniel, son of Stephen (d. 1828), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    — Stephen (d. 1828), 330 n, 334 n, 340, 346 n; presides at Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 330, 334, 336, 338, 340, 341; alleged author of Writings of Laco, 339 n


    — Thomas Wentworth (d. 1911), grandson of Stephen (d. 1828), 330 n


    Hildreth, Richard, 137


    Hill, —, 189


    — Aaron, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    — Henry Maxwell, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    — Jeremiah (d. 1820), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 281


    — John, 79, 80


    — Thomas, of London, 64 n


    Hiller, Joseph, 99, 100


    Hilliard, Rev. Timothy (d. 1790), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 389


    Hilton, Gustavus Arthur, LL.B., death of, announced, 143, 144


    Hinckes, John, 15 n, 39 n; Councillor, 30, 32, 35, 37 n, 39


    Hinckley, Thomas, Governor of Plymouth Colony, 15 n, 29 n, 48 n; Councillor, 32, 35, 39; death of, 39 n


    Hincks (Hinks). See Hinckes


    Hitchcock, Rev. Gad (d. 1803), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 1774, 305, 385, 389


    Hoar, Daniel (d. 1782), brother of Jonathan (H. C. 1740), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    — George Frisbie (d. 1904), quoted, on Pilgrims and Puritans, 381; gives Forefathers’ Day address, 387, 389


    Hobby, John, son of Sir Charles, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    — William (d. 1756), son of Rev. William (d. 1765), nephew of Sir Charles, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Hodgdon, Moses, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    Hodgson, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    Holden, Edward Singleton, LL.D., death of, announced, 216, 286, 287


    Holley, Rev. Horace (d. 1827), gives Forefathers’ Day address, 318–319, 386, 389


    Holloway, William, land granted to, 112, 113


    Holmes, Rev. Abiel (d. 1837), 349; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 389


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Holt, —, 172


    Holyoke, Rev. Edward, President of Harvard College, 231 n, 272


    — Dr. Edward Augustus, son of Rev. Edward, 231, 231 n


    — Elizur (d. 1711), father of Rev. Edward, 41 n


    — John, son of Rev. Edward, 231, 231 n


    Homans, Capt. John, 72 n


    Homes, Rev. William, of Chilmark, quotation from diary of, 218


    Honeyman, George Goulding, son of James (d. 1778), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 281


    — James (d. 1778), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 281


    Hook, Rev. John (d. 1710), son of Rev. William (d. 1677), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 281


    — Josiah, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 281


    — Walter (d. c. 1671), son of Rev. William (d. 1677), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 281


    Hooke. See Hook


    Hooker, Rev. Thomas (d. 1647), 211


    Hooper, Henry, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Hopkins, Edward, Governor of Connecticut, a founder of New Haven, 245, 247


    — Rev. Mark (d. 1887), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 387, 389


    Hopkinson, Francis (d. 1791), 163 n


    — Joseph (d. 1842), son of Francis, his Hail Columbia, 309, 310 n


    Horse Guards, 87


    Hough, —, butcher, buys animals of Washington, 184


    — John, reference to survey of, 164


    Hovey, Joseph (d. 1766), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Howard, Charles, first Earl of Carlisle, 130


    — Lady Frances, daughter of Sir William. See Downing


    — Horatio P., his purpose to erect monument to Paul Cuffee, 1


    — Jason, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    — Sir William, of Naworth, 130


    Howe, Mask Antony DeWolfe, A.M. elected member of the Council of the Society, 149


    Howland, John (d. 1673), 364, 383 n


    — Thomas Southworth, 297, 297 n; Forefathers’ Day dinners at his inn, 298–299, 301, 304, 305


    Hubbard, Rev. William (d. 1704), 376 n; map of New England in his Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians, 113


    Hudson, Daniel, mason, his contract for building (with others) a schoolhouse in Cambridge, 1647, 135–137


    Huguenot, a nickname, 377 n


    Humfrey, John (d. 1651), 209, 210; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125


    Humphreys, Col. David (d. 1818), guest of Washington, 202, 202 n, 204; quoted, 369


    Humphries, John. See Humfrey, John


    Hunt, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 282


    — Samuel, 278, 282, 285 n. See also Dixwell, John


    — Rev. Timothy Dwight, delivers Forefathers’ Day address, 351 n


    — William Morris, his portrait of E. Wheelwright presented to the Society, 123, 144


    Hunter, —, guest of Washington, 169, 203


    — Rev. Joseph (d. 1861), 379; quoted, on use of the term Pilgrim Fathers, 359; did not distinguish between Pilgrims and Puritans, 379 n


    Huntington, Rev. Daniel (d. 1858), quoted, on settlement of New England, 373–374


    Hussey, George, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    Hutchinson, Anne, plan to erect statue of, 161


    — Edmund. See Hutchinson, Edward (d. 1692)


    — Edward (d. 1692), brother of Elisha (d. 1717), 18


    — Eliakim (d. 1718), 33, 54, 57, 59


    — Elisha (d. 1717), 46, 49, 57, 59; Councillor, 35, 35 n, 39; death of, 39 n


    — Foster (d. 1799), son of Thomas (d. 1739), 96


    — Peter Orlando, 220 n


    — Thomas (d. 1739), son of Elisha (d. 1717), 57, 59; a proprietor of Leicester, 266


    — Gov. Thomas, son of Thomas (d. 1739), 42 n, 79, 80, 82 n, 83 n, 84 n, 88 n, 95, 107, 108, 110, 359; quoted, 6 n, 40 n, 220 n; quoted, on the Pilgrims of Plymouth, 357; Acting-Governor, 81–82, 84, 85, 95; commissioned Governor, 1770, 85; sworn, 1771, 85–86; leaves, 1774, 86 n; sworn Lieut.-Gov., 1758, 94, 94 n; 1761, 95; quoted, on map of the Bay Colony required by Commissioners, 115; vote to place memorial to, in First Church, Boston, 123, 124; his study of Latin and French, 220–221


    Hyde, Laurence, first Earl of Rochester, 13 n


    Illinois nuts, 163 n


    Immigration to New England, decreases under reforms begun by Long Parliament, 215


    Impeachment, power of, 316


    Indentured servants, 178, 266


    Indians, send boys to school at Cambridge, 139; J. Eliot’s work among, 233, 234; danger from, 253, 254; frontier warfare with, 254–259; influence of contact with, 255; students at Harvard College, 274 n, 285 n. See also Canonicus, Cheeshahteaumuck, Chickatawbut, Eleazer, Jacoms, Larnel, Mantoweeze, Massasoit, Netus, Philip, Samoset, Squanto, Uncas


    Inquisitiveness, American, old story illustrating, 242–244


    Jachin and Boaz, R. T. Paine’s reference to, 337, 338, 339


    Jackson, Benjamin, 48; quoted, 49 n


    Jacobins, sympathizers with France so called, 324, 324 n


    Jacobs, James, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    Jacoms, Joel, an Indian, temporary student at Harvard College, 285 n


    James I, King of England, 110


    James II, King of England, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 n, 31 n, 39 n, 43 n, 48 n, 111; proclaimed in Boston and in Plymouth, 1685, 4 n. See also York, Duke of


    Jarvenin, Capt. John, 90 n


    Jarvis, Col. Leonard (d. 1770), 83 n


    Jay, John (d. 1829), toast in honor of, 325


    Jefferson, Thomas, President, 163 n, 315, 315 n, 333 n, 334; toasts in honor of, 315, 350


    Jenifer, —, wife of Dr. Daniel, 178


    — Dr. Daniel, 178, 178 n


    Jenkins, Sir Lionel, 3 n


    Jenks, John (d. 1817), extracts from his Journal read, 159; note of birth and death, 159 n


    Jenner, Capt. Thomas, 4, 4 n


    Jenney, Charles Francis, 292


    Jersey, East, included in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1688, 8


    — West, included in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1688, 8


    Jewett, Joshua, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I., references to early maps in, 111, 114


    Johnson, Alfred, 292


    — Lady Arbella (Clinton), wife of Isaac, toasts in honor of, 322, 341; biographical note on, 322 n


    — Benjamin (d. 1756), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    — Edward (d. 1672), quoted, on condition of Massachusetts Bay Colony (about 1651), especially in regard to means of education, 365–366


    — Rev. Francis (d. 1618), 392


    — George (d. 1605), brother of Rev. Francis, 392


    — Isaac (d. 1630), 322 n


    — Josiah (d. 1784), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    — Rev. Samuel (d. 1772), President of Columbia College, 70 n


    — Dr. Samuel (d. 1784), 130


    — Thomas, Governor of Maryland, 191


    — Thomas Baker, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    — William (d. 1704), 16 n, 18, 21, 23


    Johnston, William (H. C. 1854), 53 n


    Jolliffe. See Joyliffe


    Jonah, the Prophet, 86 n


    Jones, Charles, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    — Elijah, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    — Henry Williams, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    — John, 81


    — John (d. 1796), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    — John Paul, project for him to head a descent on St. Helena, 244


    — Nahum, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    — Timothy, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    — William, Deputy-Governor of Connecticut, 367 n


    — William (H. C. 1793), quoted, on the Social Circle of Concord, 370 n


    Joyliffe, John (d. 1701), 18, 45, 46; Councillor, 35, 40; death of, 40 n


    Judson, Rev. Adoniram (d. 1826), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 389


    Kemble, Stephen, 88 n


    Kendall, Rev. James (d. 1859), 312, 319; ordained at Plymouth, 311; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 386 n, 389


    Kimball, Benjamin (d. 1775), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Kimberley, Eleazer, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    King, William, 364


    King’s Province, 5, 7, 8, 45


    Kinnicutt, Lincoln Newton, appointed on Auditing Committee, 249; makes report, 290


    Kirkland, Rev. John Thornton (d. 1840), delivers discourse, Forefathers’ Day, 315, 385, 389, 389 n


    Kirwin, Peter, 174


    Kittery, Me., frontier town, 252


    Kittredge, George Lyman, LL.D., 243 n, 335 n; offers an appreciation of the services of President Lefavour, 291; remarks of, on the term Puritan, and on laws against witchcraft, 393


    Kneeland, Samuel (d. 1769), 119 n, 217 n


    Knowles, John, 195; wages paid to, by Washington, 171


    Knowlton, Hon. Marcus Perrin, LL.D., elected Vice-President of the Society, 149, 291


    Labor troubles, Rev. E. H. Hall’s remarks on, 407


    Laco, pseudonym, 339 n. See also Higginson, Stephen


    Lacoites, 339


    Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Dumotier, Marquis de, 185


    Lamb, Joshua (d. 1722), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    La Moyeur, Dr. —, guest of Washington, 183, 184, 186, 188, 190


    Lampson, Amos (d. 1757), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Lamson, Rev. Alvan, 298 n, 376; quoted, on use of the term Pilgrims, 362


    — Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Lancaster, Sewall, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    Lancaster, frontier town, 253; appeals for guard, 257; land grants in, 264


    Land grants, how made, 262–269; grants for support of the ministry, schools, and colleges, 267


    Lands, common. See Common lands


    Lane, Gardiner Martin, A.B., death of, announced, 286, 287


    William Coolidge, A.B., reads from Journal of J. Jenks, 159; alludes to Harvard Hall, 160; exhibits broadside containing list of class of 1802, Harvard College, 402


    Langdon, Josiah, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Langloiserie, Charles Gaspard, formerly Piot, 219 n


    — Louis (b. 1697), son of Charles Gaspard, 219 n


    — Louis (b. 1705), son of Charles Gaspard, 219 n


    — Louis (Hector Piot de) (b. 1695), son of Charles Gaspard, teaches French at Harvard and in Boston, 218–231; sketch of, 219–222; forbidden to teach longer in Harvard because of his unsound and dangerous doctrines, 224–226; referred to, in E. Wigglesworth’s letter to G. Whitefield, 229–231


    — Marie Thérèse (Du Gué), wife of Charles Gaspard, 219 n


    Larnel, Benjamin (d. 1714), an Indian, temporary student at Harvard College, 274 n, 275, 282


    Lasinby, Benjamin, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Lathrop, Barnabas (Barnaby). See Lothrop, Barnabas


    — John. See Lothrop, Barnabas


    Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 300


    Lauzun, Armand Louis de Gontaut, Duc de Biron and Duc de, 185


    Laws, Capital, of Massachusetts Bay, 1643, 116–118, 116 n, 118 n


    Lear, Tobias (d. 1816), 169 n; arrival of, at Mt. Vernon as secretary of Washington and preceptor of G. W. P. Custis, 175; birth and education of, 175 n


    Leavitt, Josiah (d. 1734), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    LeBaron, Dr. Lazarus, 300


    Lee, David, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Francis Henry, death of, announced, 143, 144


    — Francis L, 404


    — Joseph (d. 1802), 96


    — Thomas (d. 1866), his connection with Harvard College, 273


    — Thomas Sim, Governor of Maryland, 191


    Leeds, Duke of. See Osborne, Sir Thomas


    Lefavour, Henry, LL.D., 123, 143, 150, 160, 161, 249, 286, 292; elected President of the Society, 149; tributes to, on his retirement from office, 291–292, 292 n


    Legge, William, first Earl of Dartmouth, 91 n, 153; letter from, 90 n–91 n


    Leicester, land grants in, 266


    Le Mercier, Rev. Andrew (d. 1764), 120 n, 220, 220 n; probable author of Some Observations upon the French Tongue, 120; acknowledged works of, and life in Boston, 120


    Leonard, Charles, nephew of George (H. C. 1748), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    Lethred, Capt. —, 68 n


    Leverett, George Vasmer, A.M., 149; appointed on committee to nominate candidates for office, 123; elected member of Council, 291


    — Gov. John, 7 n, 336


    — John, President of Harvard College, grandson of Gov. John, 65, 65 n; appointed on committee for rebuilding Cambridge schoolhouse, 138; dedication to, of a book on the French language, 217


    Levett. See Leavitt


    Lewis, Ezekiel (d. 1755), 224, 224 n, 225


    Ley, Henry, second Earl of Marlborough, 245


    — James, third Earl of Marlborough, 245


    Leyden, Holland, 329 n, 384 n; toast in honor of, 350; English Separatists in, 392; Pilgrim press in, 329 n, 384 n


    Liberty, religious, in Maryland, 371


    Liberty Song, J. Dickinson’s, sung at first Forefathers’ Day celebration, 299 n


    Lichtenberger, Henri, 292


    Lidgett, Charles (d. 1698), 33


    Lidius. See Lydius


    Lincoln, Benjamin (d. 1771), 79, 80


    — Gen. Benjamin (d. 1810), son of Benjamin (d. 1771), 313, 313 n, 335, 340; presides at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 324, 327


    — Earl of. See Clinton, Thomas


    Linds. See Lynde


    Lion of the Green Mountains, M. Lyon so called, 311 n


    Little, Moses (d. 1857), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Littlefield, George Emery, A.B., 140, 144, 145, 208 n; his paper on Elijah Corlet and the “Faire Grammar Schoole” at Cambridge, 131–140


    Livingston, Robert, quoted, 261


    Locke, Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Lollards, 374


    London, Eng., Pope’s Head Alley, 116, 118


    Long Parliament, reforms of, tend to stop emigration, 215


    Longloisserie. See Langloiserie


    Lonsdale, Viscount. See Lowther, Sir John


    Lord, Arthur, A.B., acknowledgments to, 336 n, 385 n, 386 n; speaks on Pilgrims and Puritans, 392


    Loring, Joshua (d. 1781), 96


    Lothrop, Barnabas (d. 1715), 15 n, 46; Councillor, 32, 35, 40


    Thornton Kirkland, A.M., death of, announced, 143, 144


    Loudoun, Lord. See Campbell, John


    Louisiana Purchase, toasts referring to, 316, 340, 341


    Love’s Pilgrimage, a Story, 370 n


    Lovell, John (d. 1778), 221, 221 n


    Lovett, —, 350


    Low, Capt. Edward, 207 n


    Lowell, John (d. 1802), 315 n; toast in honor of, 315


    Lowther, Sir John, Baron Lowther and first Viscount Lonsdale, 98


    Loyalists. See American Loyalists


    Lusamb. See Luscombe


    Luscombe, Humphrey, 33, 37 n


    Luther, Martin, his supposed authorship of Old Hundred, 330


    Luttrell, Narcissus, quoted, 89 n


    Lydius, John Henry, 220, 220 n


    Lyell, Sir Charles, visits Plymouth, 359


    Lyford, Rev. John, 342 n


    Lynde, Benjamin (d. 1745), son of Simon (d. 1687), 59


    — Benjamin (d. 1781), son of Benjamin (d. 1745), 79, 80


    — Joseph (d. 1727), 18, 45, 46, 57, 59; Councillor, 35, 40; death of, 40 n


    — Simon (d. 1687), 14 n, 32, 33; nominated Councillor, 34, 35, 40; death of, 34, 40 n


    Lyon, Matthew (d. 1822), 311, 311 n


    M., A. L. See Le Mercier, Rev. Andrew


    McAdie, Alexander George, 292


    McCalla, Rev. William Latta, quoted, 353 n


    McClary, Andrew, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    McDowell, John, 259 n


    Macgaw, James, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    McIntire, Hon. Charles John, 149, 287; elected a Resident Member, 249


    McMahon, John Van Lear, quoted, on the settlement of Maryland, 371


    Macneile, William Maxwell, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    McPherson, —, 178


    Macpherson, James (d. 1796), his use of feast of shells and similar phrases, 327 n


    McQuire, Rev. —, a guest of Washington, 169


    M’Robert, Patrick, 243


    Magna Charta, 31


    Maillard, Rowland, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Maine, included in Council for New England, 1685, 5; in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1686–1688, 7, 8


    Malbone, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 282


    — Godfrey, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Manning, William, 138


    Mansfield, Conn., frontier town, 253


    Manslaughter, law concerning, 1642, 117


    Mantoweeze, an Indian, 366


    Maps, early manuscript, of New England, paper on, by J. H. Tuttle, 112–115; of Massachusetts and Rhode Island boundary, 115, 121; reference to maps of settlements, 254 n


    Marblehead, considered as a location for Harvard College, 209, 210


    Maria. See Reynolds, Maria


    Marion, Dep.-Sec. Joseph, 63 n, 102 n, 103; sworn, 1716, 101, 101 n


    Marlborough, Earls of. See Ley


    Marlborough, frontier town, 253


    Marsh, Jonathan (d. 1708), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    Marshall, Chief-Justice John, son of Thomas (d. 1802), 202 n, 326 n


    — Thomas (d. 1802), 202, 202 n


    Martin, Christopher, 364


    Mary, Virgin, worship of, oath concerning, 46


    Mary II, Queen of England, 111. See also William and Mary


    Maryland, settlement of, and religious liberty in, 371; celebrations of landing of Pilgrims in, 372, 372 n


    Mascarene, Paul, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Mason, Capt. John (d. 1635), claims of, in New England, 114


    — Robert (d. 1688), grandson of Capt. John (d. 1635), 6 n, 15 n; Councillor, 30, 31, 32, 32 n, 35, 37 n, 39 n, 40; death of, 40 n


    — Stephen, 48 n; named as Councillor, 35, 40; did not serve, 40 n


    — Stevens Thomson (d. 1803), 311, 311 n


    Massachusetts, legislation concerning bills of credit of the neighboring governments, 105, 105 n; boundary controversy of, with Rhode Island, 121; neglect of, as to printing colonial records, 150 n; instructions to Royal Governors of, to be published, 146, 288


    — Bay Company, letter from, quoted, 365


    — Capital Laws, 1642–1643, 116–118, 116 n, 118 n


    — Colony Charter, vacated, 1684, 3, 4, 4 n, 393


    — Colony Records, publication of, 393


    — Committees of Correspondence, 394


    — Convention of the Governor and Council and Representatives, 1689, 24, 26, 27; declared a General Court, 1690, 27. See also General Court


    — Council, members of, 1691, 35; list of all councillors, 1685–1691, 36–44; government devolves upon, 1701, 50–52; times of meeting, 51; controversy with Gov. Dudley, 55–57; assumes government, 1715, 57–59; government devolves upon, for last time, 1757, 78–80


    — Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace, appointed, 16–18, 28; action of, 18, 19, 24; doings of, approved, 17, 21, 22–23, 28


    — Council Records, extant, 8–9, 34


    — Councillors, 1685–1691, list of, 36–44. See also Council


    — Explanatory Charter, 2


    — General Court, 1686, action of, 4–5; Representatives chosen to act for Massachusetts towns, 18–21; meeting of Representatives in Boston, 21–23, 24; name adopted by Convention of Governor and Council, and Representatives, 1690, 27; meetings of, 1690–1692, 27, 28; act of, 1647, providing for establishment of schools, 132–133; declaration of, regarding the Pequot region, 246; committee of, recommends defence of frontier, 250; acts of, concerning frontier towns, 252–253, 255, 256, 261; concerning new settlements, 263; disposal by, of remaining public domain, 267; anecdote of Gov. Dudley’s proroguing of, 394


    — Governors, 1691–1775, 44–87; 109–110


    — House Journal, publication of, 1715, and its influence, 394


    — House of Representatives, opposition of, to salaries for Royal Governor, 394


    — Lieutenant-Governors, 1691–1775, 88–96, 110


    — Province Charter, 2; arrival of, 1692, 28; first Council under, 1691, 35; provisions of, 97


    — Province Laws, commission appointed to prepare, 393; publication of, under editorship of A. C. Goodell, 393–398; cessation of publication, 398; Gov. Wolcott’s efforts for renewal, 398–399; publication resumed under editorship of M. M. Bigelow, 401


    — Royal Commissions, 1681–1775, Notes on, by A. Matthews, 2–111; publication of, by the Society, 2, 145; acts of Parliament and proclamation affecting continuance of, 55–56; chronological list of, 106–107; alphabetical list of, 107–108; four missing, found, 150–151, 205; texts of these four, 151–155


    — Seals, theft of, Gov. Gage’s proclamation concerning, 105 n–106 n


    — Secretaries, 1685–1775, 97–105, 110


    — Sergeant-at-Arms, relations of, with A. C. Goodell, 395, 398


    Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, Boston, notice of anniversary of, 310 n


    Massachusetts Court Manual, lists in, incomplete, 3 n


    Massachusetts Historical Society, commission in library of, 53 n; celebrates Forefathers’ Day, 1813, 349


    Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, v


    Massasoit, an Indian, 315, 332, 342 n; toasts in honor of, 300, 310, 313, 343 n


    Mather, Rev. Cotton, son of Rev. Increase, 211, 240 n, 256, 271, 346, 359; his map of New England, 113; remarks on drunkenness, 240; on common lands, new settlements, etc., 269–270; quoted, on the Pilgrims of Plymouth, 357; on ministers of Salem, 367–368, 370; on the Scythians, 368 n; his inaccurate quotation of Milton, 368 n


    — Cotton, pseudonym, criticises Forefathers’ Day celebration, Boston, 1802, 339


    — Rev. Increase, son of Rev. Richard, 35 n, 40 n, 44; extract from letter of N. Mather to, 113; reference to his publication of a catalogue of Harvard College, 232, 234; temperance sermons by, 239, 240


    — Nathaniel, son of Rev. Richard, quoted, on C. Mather’s map of New England, 113


    — Rev. Richard, 362 n


    Matthews, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 282


    Albert, A.B., v, 144; his Notes on the Massachusetts Royal Commissions, 1681–1775, 2–111; his remarks on A. L. M.’s Some Observations upon the French Tongue, 1724, 119–120; his remarks upon the finding of Massachusetts Royal Commissions hitherto missing, 150–151, 205; his paper on Teaching of French at Harvard College before 1750, 216–232; his remarks on Sir Richard Rum, 241–244; his Tentative Lists of Temporary Students at Harvard College, 1639–1800, 271–285; his paper on the Term Pilgrim Fathers and Early Celebrations of Forefathers’ Day, 293–391


    Maverick, Samuel, with other commissioners, desires map of the Bay Colony to be made, 114–115


    Maxwell, William (d. 1696), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    Mayflower. See under Ships


    Mayflower Compact, 295, 374; first use of the word compact as applied to, 295 n; other terms used to describe, 295 n


    Mead, Col. Richard Kidder, 163, 163 n; guest of Washington, 175, 176


    Mears, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 282


    Megapolensis, Rev. Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 282


    Meline, Col. James Florant, quoted, on use of word pilgrim, 353 n


    Mellen, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Mendon, frontier town, 253; settlement of, and complaint against nonresident proprietors, 264–265


    Mercer, James, 164


    Merrick, Noah (d. 1762), son of Rev. Noah (Y. C. 1731), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Meschianza, Philadelphia, 313 n


    Methuen, Sir Paul, 155


    Michaud, André (d. 1802), visits America, 185; note-books of his travels presented to American Philosophical Society, 185 n; seeds and plants presented by, to Washington, 189, 190


    — François André (d. 1855), son of André (d. 1802), 185 n


    Middlecott, Richard (d. 1704), 45, 46; Councillor, 35, 40


    Milford, Conn., settlement of, 247


    Millions for defence, but not a cent for tribute, origin of the phrase, 326 n


    Mills, James (d. 1742), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Minns, Thomas, on committee on memorial to Gov. Hutchinson, 124; death of, announced, 143, 144


    Minot, George Richards (d. 1802), 315 n; toast in honor of, 315; lines addressed to, 371 n


    — James (d. 1759), 79


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    Mirick, David, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Moccasins, ordered by General Court for use in frontier warfare, 255


    Monroe, James, President, 296


    Montague, Capt. —, 77 n


    Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert, Thomas


    Monticello, the Upas of, T. Jefferson so called, 316


    Moody, Samuel (d. 1789), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    — Thomas, 171


    Moore, Francis, 132


    — Rev. Jonathan (d. 1814), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 389


    — Josiah, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 282


    Morgan, John Pierpont, LL.D., death of, announced, 123, 143, 145


    Morison, Samuel Eliot, Ph.D., 144, 157 n; reads a document found in Paris, 244


    Mormons, ceremonies of, called pageants, 314 n; called pilgrims, 353 n


    Morris, Robert (d. 1806), 203


    Morse, Margaret. See Allin


    Mortimer, Dr. —, a guest of Washington, 184


    Morton, Nathaniel (d. 1685), 359, 300 n, 361; toast in honor of, 300; arrival of, at Plymouth, 300 n; quotes from Bradford’s History, 356; gives verses penned by Bradford, 356 n; dedicates New England’s Memorial to Gov. Prince, 356 n–357 n; keeps Plymouth records, 358


    — Thomas, of Merrymount, 325, 325 n


    Mosely, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Moulton, Jonathan, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    Mount Vernon, Virginia, daily life at, as described in diary of Washington, 162–205


    Moystan, Edward, 203


    Mumford, George, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 282


    Murder, laws concerning, 1642, 117


    Murray, —, guest of Washington, 165, 178


    — Sir James Augustus Henry, 352 n


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 282


    — William Vans, 332 n


    Mutie, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274 n, 275, 282


    Nabobs, holders of absentee land titles in Virginia so called, 265 n


    Napoleon I, 325


    Narragansett Country, 5, 7, 8, 45


    Nashaway. See Lancaster


    Nason, Rev. Elias, 119 n


    Naunton, Sir Robert, 329 n


    Needham, Ezekiel, suspended from communion for drunkenness, 240


    Negroes, in Massachusetts, 266. See also Cuffee, Paul; Howard, Horatio P.


    Nelson, John (d. 1721), 16, 16 n, 24 Councillor, 17


    Nepnap, 140


    Nepnap Hill, 140


    Netus, an Indian, negotiations of E. Corlet with, 139, 140


    Neville, Col. Presley, 191


    Newbury, Walter (d. 1697), Councillor, 32, 35, 40


    Newbury, invites settlers, 245, 247


    New England, used as equivalent to Massachusetts, 70 n, 72 n, 92 n, 116, 117; early manuscript maps of, 112–115; early legislation in, 116–118; first sermon preached in, 300 n


    — Commissioners of the United Colonies of, pay for teaching of Indian boys at Cambridge, 139


    — Council for, 1685–1686, 3; officers of, 5–7, 5 n–7 n; members of, 29, 30; provision for filling vacancies in, 30–32


    — Territory and Dominion of, Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and Secretary of, 1686–1689, 7–13; members of Council, 1686–1688, 32–34; 1688–1689, 34–35


    New England Hymn, by M. Byles, sung at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 303


    New England societies, in various States, and their Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 351 n


    New Englands First Fruits, references to, 124, 128, 134, 135


    New Hampshire, 45; included in Council for New England, 1685, 5; in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1686–1688, 7, 8


    New Haven, settlement of, 245–248, 366


    — Hopkins Grammar School, 247


    New Plymouth. See Plymouth


    New Style. See Old Style


    Newton, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 283


    — Thomas, Jr., 174


    Newtown. See Cambridge


    New York City, Forefathers’ Day celebration in, 1805, 350; toast in honor of first settlers of, 350


    New York State, included in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1688, 8; settlements in, 254


    Nichols, Charles Lemuel, M.D., 145


    Nicholson, Lt.-Gov. Francis, 15 n, 91 n, 106, 108, 109; commissioned Lt.-Governor, 1688, 9; goes to New York, 1688, 9; quoted, 9 n; appointed Councillor, 1687, 9 n, 33, 34 n; 1688, 35, 40; sails for England, 1689, 10, 10 n; notice of, 40 n–41 n; never knighted, 40 n


    — John. See Nicholson, Francis


    Nicknames, of the early nineteenth century, reference to collection of, 335 n


    Nicolls, Col. Richard, with other commissioners, desires map of the Bay Colony to be made, 114–115


    Noble, Capt. — 74


    — John (d. 1909), one of committee to report a scheme for renewal of publication of Massachusetts Province Laws, 399–400


    Non-resident proprietors. See Absentee proprietors


    Norcross, Grenville Howland, quoted, 330 n


    Northampton, frontier town, 253; parties in, 268


    Norton, Rev. John (d. 1663), 337 n; toasts in honor of, 337, 340


    Notman Photographic Company, v


    Nottingham, Earl of. See Finch, Daniel


    Novatians, 377 n


    Nowell, Sec. Increase, 118


    — Paul, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    Noyes, Ebenezer (d. 1767), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    —Joshua (d. 1773), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    —Thomas, 139


    Nuttall, Thomas (d. 1859), his description of the fanatical sect called Pilgrims, early nineteenth century, 354 n


    Oakes, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 283


    — Thomas (d. 1719), chosen Speaker of Representatives, 1689, 24


    Oath Rolls, 46 n


    Oaths taken by New England officials, texts of, 6, 11, 25–26, 45–46, 46 n–48 n, 59


    Odes and poems for Forefathers’ Day, 335 n, 337, 351 n; See also Davis, Judge John; Davis, Samuel; Paine, Robert Treat; Scammell, Alexander; Seymour, Benjamin


    Okey, Col. John, betrayed to death by Sir G. Downing, 129


    Old Brimborion, J. Adams so called, 335 n


    Old Colony Club, Plymouth, formation of, 296–297; votes to celebrate Forefathers’ Day, 297; makes error in New Style date of the day, 297 n; celebrations held by, 298–305, 385, 390 n; approves having a sermon as part of the exercises, 303; end of records of, 305; note on early members of, 342 n


    Old Colony Day. See Forefathers’ Day


    Old Colony Pilgrim Society. See Pilgrim Society, Plymouth


    Old Colony song, 302, 302 n


    Old comers, Pilgrims of Plymouth so called, 363, 364


    Old Hundred, authorship of, 330; sung at Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 330, 332 n


    Old Style and New Style, error in counting difference of, for date of Forefathers’ Day, 297 n–298 n


    Oldham, John, 325, 325 n, 342 n


    Oliver, Lt.-Gov. Andrew, 79, 80, 83, 88 n, 105 n, 107, 108, 110, 231, 231 n; sworn Secretary, 1758, 1761, 95; sworn Lieut.-Gov., 1771, 95; death of, 96, 96 n; appointed Secretary, by the Lieutenant-Governor, 1756, 104, 104 n; sworn, 104–105; commissioned by George II, 1758, 105; by George III, 1761, 105


    — Andrew (H. C. 1749), son of Lt.-Gov. Andrew, 231


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    — Nathaniel (d. 1704), 16, 18, 24


    — Richard, 96 n


    — Lieut.-Gov. Thomas, 96 n, 107, 108, 110; sworn, 1774, 96, 96 n; leaves, 1776, 96


    — Orne, Azor, son of Azor (d. 1796), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — Joshua (d. 1805), son of Azor (d. 1796), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Osborne, Capt. John, 102 n


    — John, Councillor, 79, 80


    — Sir Thomas, first Earl of Danby, Marquis of Carmarthen, and Duke of Leeds, 10, 10 n, 98


    Oscar and Malvina, pantomime, 327 n


    Osgood, Nathan (d. 1841), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Ossianic poems, certain expressions used in the, 327 n. See also Oscar and Malvina


    Otis, Eliza Henderson (Boardman), wife of Harrison Gray (d. 1827), marriage of, 157, 157 n; characterization of, 157


    — George, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    — Harrison Gray (d. 1848), 157, 157 n


    — Harrison Gray (d. 1827), son of Harrison Gray (d. 1848), marriage of, 157, 157 n; comparison of, with his father, 157


    — James (d. 1778), 81, 81 n


    — John (d. 1758), brother of James (d. 1778), 79, 80


    — Joshua, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Oxford English Dictionary, 352 n


    P., H., See Peters, Rev. Hugh


    Paddock, Adino, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Page, Man, guest of Washington, 195, 196


    Pageants, R. Davol quoted on, 313 n; early pageants in America, 313 n–314 n; a pageant forms part of Forefathers’ Day celebration at Plymouth, 1801, 313, 315


    Paige, Nicholas (d. 1717), 32


    Paine, Robert Treat (d. 1814), 326 n, 336, 337 n, 340; proposes toast to Great Britain, 337; criticism of, 338


    —— Robert Treat (d. 1811), son of Robert Treat (d. 1814), his song, Adams and Liberty, 310 n; his ode for Forefathers’ Day, 326, 328, 330, 335 n; changes his name of Thomas, 326 n; first calls the Plymouth settlers Pilgrims, 327–328


    — Thomas (d. 1809), 226, 227, 315 n; reference to his unbelief, 315


    —Thomas (d. 1811). See Paine, Robert Treat


    Palfrey, Rev. John Gorham (d. 1881), 3 n; quoted, 6 n, 11 n, 37 n


    — Peter, 210


    Palmer, John, Councillor, 35, 41, 43 n


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    — Rev. Joseph (H. C. 1747), 276, 283, 285 n


    Papists, conspiracy of, against William III, 47 n


    Paris, Martin, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Park, Rev. Charles Edwards, A.B., on committee on memorial to Gov. Hutchinson, 124; presents annual Report of Council, 143–146, 286–289; elected Corresponding Secretary of the Society, 149, 291


    — Dr. John, 404


    — Louisa Jane, daughter of Dr. John. See Hall


    Parker, Rev. Henry Ainsworth, A.M., exhibits photograph of portrait of B. Gurdon, 156


    — James (d. 1701), 18


    — Rev. Samuel (d. 1804), 340, 340 n


    — Seth, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Parks, Roland, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Parnell, Capt. Francis, 100 n


    Parsons, John (d. 1740), son of Rev. Joseph (H. C. 1697), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    — Joseph (d. 1722), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    Particular plantations, Virginia system of, 252


    Partridge, David (d. 1781), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — Capt. Samuel, 83 n


    Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 372


    Patch, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    Paxton, William, 131


    Peabody, Rev. Francis Greenwood, 405


    — Jacob (d. 1758), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Pecan nuts, called Illinois nuts, 163 n


    Peck, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    Pecker, John (d. 1745), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Pecoit. See Pequot


    Peele, Jonathan, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Peirce, Daniel. See Pierce


    — William, the printing of his almanac, 1639, 131


    Pelham, Elizabeth (Bosville) Harlakenden, wife of Herbert, 213


    — Herbert, 134, 212, 214; marriage of, 213


    Pemaquid, Me., fort built at, in French and Indian War, 207


    Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Thomas


    Penn, William, toast in honor of, 322


    Pennsylvania Pilgrim, Whittier’s, 372


    Penry, John (d. 1593), 384 n


    Pension legislation, Rev. E. H. Hall’s remarks on, 406


    Pepperrell, Sir William (d. 1759), 79


    — Sir William (d. 1816), 96


    Pepys, Samuel, 89 n


    Pequot country, 246


    Pequot War, 246


    Peregrine, the word, derivation and use of, 352–353; significance in use of, for name of child born on the Mayflower, 355, 355 n; applied to ships, 365


    Perkins, Augustus Thorndike, 404


    — Daniel (d. c. 1745), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Peters (Peter), Rev. Hugh, portrait of, exhibited, 124; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125; minister at Salem, 125–126; his education, writings, preaching at London, 126; forced to go to Holland, 126; his catechism, Milk for Babes, 126, 127; two epistles of, quoted, 126–128; second edition of Milk for Babes, 128; his connection with G. Downing, 129; with the plan for locating Harvard College at Marblehead, 210


    Petit, Anne. See Piot


    Philadelphia, procession held at, in 1788, to celebrate American independence and the ratification of the Federal Constitution, 313 n–314 n


    — New Theatre, notice of performances at, 309 n–310 n


    Philadelphus, pseudonym, 323


    Philip, King, Indian, 332; war with, 112, 251, 254, 256


    Philipse, Frederick (d. 1702), Councillor 35, 41, 42 n, 43 n; variations in spelling of his name, 41 n


    Phillips, Elizabeth (Ames), wife of Rev. John, 210, 214, 215


    — Gillam, 70 n


    — Rev. John (d. 1660), arrives in Massachusetts and is called to several churches, 209–210, 212; sketch of, 210–211; his connection with Salem and Rowley, 212, 214; settles in Cambridge, 211–214; removes to Dedham, 214; returns to England, 215; references to, in contemporary writings, 215; member of Westminster Assembly, 215


    — John (d. 1725), 18, 45, 46, 49; Councillor, 18, 35, 41; death of, 41 n


    — Col. John (d. 1768), 83 n


    — Jonathan (d. 1818), son of Lt.-Gov. William (d. 1827), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    — Joseph, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — Lieut.-Gov. Samuel, 315 n; toast in honor of, 315


    — William, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Philodemic Society. See Georgetown College


    Phipps, Sir Constantine, quoted, 53 n


    Phips, Lt.-Gov. Spencer, 74, 75, 76, 88 n, 94 n, 104, 104 n, 107, 108, 110; Acting-Governor, 1749–1753, 76–77, 94; 1756–1757, 78, 78 n, 94; death of, 78, 78 n, 79; sworn Lieut.-Gov., 1732, 93–94; name changed from Bennet, 93 n–94 n


    — Gov. Sir William, 35 n, 46, 46 n, 98, 106, 108, 109, 152, 206; commissioned, 44; arrives, 1692, 28, 44; sworn, 44, 45; his oath, 45–46; complaints against, 47–48; leaves, 48; death of, 48, 48 n; action of, in French and Indian war mentioned in letters of I. Addington, 206, 207


    Pickell, John, 192 n


    Pickering, Timothy (d. 1829), 334, 335, 340; toast in honor of, 325


    Pierce, Daniel (d. 1704), 18


    — Rev. John (d. 1849), quoted, on Forefathers’ Day odes, 332 n


    Pigwacket, Ballad of, 256


    Pike, Robert (d. 1706), 18, 21, 46; Councillor, 35, 41; death of, 41 n


    Pilgrim Association, Plymouth, 386, 386 n


    Pilgrim Fathers, 375, 377, 385 n; paper on the term, by A. Matthews, 293–391; history of the term, 295–351; its first occurrence, 331, 351, 352; its origin, 352–359; propriety of its application, 359–360; its meaning, 360–372; its extended application, 361, 361 n–362 n, 365–372; efforts to restrict it to Plymouth settlers, 362–364; regarded as Puritans by some, 373–376; not so regarded by others, 377–382


    Pilgrim Fathers of phonetics, 372 n


    Pilgrim Jubilee, Providence, R. I., 378 n


    Pilgrim press, Leyden, 329 n, 384 n Pilgrim Puritans, the term, 374, 374 n


    Pilgrim Society, Concord. See under Concord


    Pilgrim Society, Plymouth, votes to celebrate Forefathers’ Day December 21st, 298 n; erratic practice following this vote, 298 n; suggested formation of, 1807, 317–318; conducts Forefathers’ Day celebrations at Plymouth, 320–321, 386, 387, 389, 390; particulars of the founding of, 1819–1820, 320 n–321 n; Sargent’s Landing of the Pilgrims presented to, 336 n


    Pilgrim Trust Company, name objected to by Puritan Trust Company, 384 n


    Pilgrims, 385 n; confusion of the terms Pilgrims and Puritans, 294–295; landings of the Pilgrims at Provincetown and Plymouth, 297 n; tributes to, 305, 306, 312; word Pilgrim not in J. Davis’s ode, 1794, but introduced between 1835 and 1846, 307 n–308 n; used by J. Davis, in oration, 1800, 312, 312 n; first used in print, as applied to settlers of Plymouth, by R. T. Paine, 1798, 327–328, 352; other early examples of its use, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 335, 339, 344, 345; probable earlier colloquial use in Plymouth, 351; derivation and definitions of the word pilgrim, 352; applied to emigrants and cattle, 352 n–354 n; Bible use of, 354–355, 355 n; pedigree of, as applied to Plymouth settlers, traceable to the departure from Leyden, 356–359; propriety of this use, 359–360; extension of term to all early Massachusetts colonists, 361; to living persons participating in Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 361 n; list of references illustrating use of the word as applied to Massachusetts settlers only, or to Massachusetts and Plymouth settlers jointly, 361 n–382 n; efforts to restrict its application to Plymouth settlers, 362–364; illustrations of its more general use, 365–372; distinction between the Pilgrims of Plymouth and the Puritans of Massachusetts, 372–382; list of references to writers who assert that the early Plymouth settlers were Puritans, 375 n; differences less fundamental than sometimes urged, 382–383, 392. See also Puritans


    Pilgrims, a fanatical sect, 354 n


    Pilgrims, The, a play, given in Boston, 1808, 342 n–344 n


    Pilgrims, The, a Dream, 344–345


    Pilgrims, The, in Masquerade, song, 345


    Pilgrims, The, of Hope, an oratorio, 370 n


    Pilgrims’ Harbor, 366–367; supposed use of, by the regicides Whalley and Goffe, 366 n–367 n


    Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth (d. 1825), 326 n


    Piot. See Langloiserie


    — Anne (Petit), wife of Martin, 219 n


    — Charles Gaspard, son of Martin. See Langloiserie


    — Martin, 219 n


    Pipon, Ensign John, ordered to give up the Castle, Boston, 16, 16 n


    Pirates, 207 n


    Plainfield, Conn., frontier town, 253


    Plaisted, Benjamin Brown, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Plymouth, invites settlers, 1637, 245; landing of Pilgrims at, 297 n; Forefathers’ Day celebrations in, 295–322, 360–361; toasts in honor of, 310, 333; scallop-shells associated with the Pilgrims of, 327 n–328 n; Bradford’s History of, 356; old stock in, 364; political status of, as compared with Massachusetts, 382; treatment of witches and Quakers in, 382–383; National Monument at, 387 n, 389; churches of, 386 n, 388 n; bibliography of Forefathers’ Day discourses given in, 384–391. See also Old Colony Club, Pilgrim Association, Pilgrim Society


    — Freedom Hall, Forefathers’ Day dinner given in, 314


    — Old Colony Hall, Forefathers’ Day celebrations held in, 297–299, 301, 304, 314, 315, 316


    — Standish Guards, 319; standard presented to, 321


    Plymouth Colony, included in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1686–1888, 7, 8, 28 n; government of, 1686–1692, 29 n


    — Laws, editions of, 299 n


    Plymouth Ode. See Davis, Judge John


    Plymouth Rock, building of canopy over, 327 n


    Plymouth Rock, pseudonym, quoted, on Forefathers’ Day celebration, Boston, 1802, 338


    Poe, Edgar Allan, 342 n


    — Elizabeth (Arnold), mother of Edgar Allan, 342 n


    Point Shirley, naming of, 1753, 77 n


    Pollock, George, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Pope, Edward, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Pope, the, force of his excommunications of princes, 47


    Pope Night celebrations called pageants, 314 n


    Popish Recusants, 75


    Porpoise fishery in New York, 219, 219 n


    Porter, —, a guest of Washington, 165, 172, 201


    Potomac Company, Washington’s account of attending a meeting of the Directors of, 190–192


    Potomac River, work of the Potomac Company, for improving the navigation of, 191


    Potter, Alfred Claghorn, A.B., 287; elected Resident Member, 143; accepts, 150


    — Benedict Arnold, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Povey, John (d. 1715), 89 n; quoted, 12 n


    — Richard (d. 1705), 89 n


    — Thomas, F.R.S., 89 n


    — Lt.-Gov. Thomas, 55, 88 n, 106, 108, 110, 206; commissioned, 1702, 89; sworn, 89; lack of knowledge about his family, 89 n; commander of Castle William, 90; leaves, 1706, 90, 90 n


    — Thomas, son of John (d. 1715), 89 n


    — William, 89 n


    — family, 89 n


    Powell, —, a guest of Washington, 201


    Powle, Henry (d. 1692), 98


    Pownall, Gov. Thomas, 94, 105 n, 107, 108, 110; commissioned and arrives, 1757, 80, 80 n; sworn, 80–81; leaves, 1760, 81, 82, 82 n; Lieut.-Gov. of New Jersey, 80 n


    Pratt, Benjamin, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Precisians, 374


    Prentice, John (d. c. 1800), son of John (H. C. 1766), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    Prescott, Benjamin (d. 1745), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    President’s March, 310 n, 326, 328


    Presidential Jubilee, 1817, 296 n


    Pretender, Old. See Stuart, James Francis Edward


    Prince, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 283


    — Thomas, Governor of Plymouth Colony, toast in honor of, 313; Morton’s dedication of New England’s Memorial to, 356 n–357 n


    — Rev. Thomas (d. 1758), his library, 121–122


    Prince Library. See Prince, Rev. Thomas


    Prince Society, its edition of “Edward Randolph,” 3 n


    Printing first undertaken in New England, at Cambridge, 131–132


    Prisoners, Franklin quoted, on exchange of, 365 n


    Prizes of war, 207


    Processions, 313 n, 314 n


    Propriety, pseudonym, 328, 329 n


    Prout, Ebenezer, 20, 23, 25


    Providence, R. I., Pilgrim Jubilee in, 378 n


    Providence Plantation, 45


    Provincetown, celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims at, 293; landing of the Pilgrims at, 297 n; Pilgrim monument at, 391 n


    Prudden, Rev. Peter (d. 1656), arrives in New England with band of colonists, 244–246; settles in Connecticut, 247


    Prynne, William, quoted, 126, 126 n


    Public lands. See Common lands; Land grants


    Pullin Point, entertainment for Gov. Shirley at, 77 n; name changed to Point Shirley, 77 n


    Punch Hall, 234, 237


    Purchase, use of the word to mean booty, spoil, etc., 207, 207 n


    Puritan movement, T. Prince’s collection of works on, 122


    Puritan Pilgrims, the term, 373, 373 n–374 n


    Puritan Trust Company, objects to name Pilgrim Trust Company, 384 n


    Puritans, character and influence of, 293; confusion of the terms Puritans and Pilgrims, 294–295; discussion of distinction, 372–382; differences less fundamental than sometimes urged, 382–383, 392; Puritan originally a term of reproach, 377 n; indefiniteness of, in historical use, 393. See also Pilgrims


    Putnam, Alfred Porter, 404


    Charles Pickering, M.D., death of, announced, 249, 286, 287


    — Gideon (d. 1773), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — John (d. 1772), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — William, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    Pyke. See Pike


    Pynchon, —. See Pynchon, John (d. 1742)


    — John (d. 1703), 260; Councillor, 30, 32, 35, 41; death of, 41 n; report of his survey, 112, 113


    — John (d. 1721), son of John (d. 1703), perhaps a temporary student at Harvard College, 285 n


    — John (d. 1742), son of John (d. 1721), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    — John, son of William (H. C. 1743), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — Joseph (d. 1763), son of John (d. 1742), 79, 80


    — Nathan, son of George (d. 1797), son of John (d. 1742), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Quakers, 370 n, 372; named in derision, 377 n; persecuted in Plymouth Colony, 383, 383 n


    Quincy, Edmund (d. 1698), 18


    — Edmund (d. 1738), son of Edmund (d. 1698), 70 n, 93 n


    Quincy, Duke of. See Braintree, Duke of


    Quincy, town of, gives the John Adams Library in trust to the Boston Public Library, 122; Church and Temple Fund, 122


    Quinepiack, 245, 246, 247. See also New Haven


    Quo warranto, against Massachusetts Colony Charter, 1683, 3; against Rhode Island Charter, 1686, 39 n


    Rackemann, Charles Sedgwick, A.M., 148; on auditing committee, 123


    Ramsay, Miss —, 201


    — Col. Dennis, 203


    Rand, Edward Kennard, Ph.D., 149, 287; elected Resident Member, 150; accepts, 160


    — William (d. c. 1758), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    Randall, Ensign —, 321 n


    Randolph, Sec. Edward, 2, 4 n, 9 n, 10 n, 12 n, 30 n, 37 n, 41, 41 n, 106, 108, 109; quoted, 3 n, 9 n, 11 n, 30–31, 32 n, 37 n, 40 n; arrives in Boston, 3, 3 n, 4, 5 n; commissioned Collector, 1678, 10, 10 n; Collector, Surveyor, and Searcher of Customs, 1681, 11; Secretary, 1685, 11, 13; 1688, 12; Councillor, 1685, 11; sworn 1686, 11; makes J. West Dep.-Secretary, 1687, 12–13; his difficulties in obtaining the records of his office, 13 n–16 n; Councillor, 1685–1689, 30, 32, 35


    — John, of Roanoke, 316, 316 n


    Rape, law concerning, 1642, 118


    Rawlins. See Rollins


    Rawson, Sec. Edward, 13 n, 14 n, 15 n, 16 n; chosen Secretary, 4, 4 n; notes to and from, concerning J. Taylor’s map of New England, 112; quoted, on map requested by commissioners, 115


    — Jonathan (d. 1819), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    Read, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    Rebellion, law concerning, 1642, 118


    Recusants, Popish. See Popish Recusants


    Red Sea, toast referring to, 325


    Redemptioners, 178


    Reed, Jonathan, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    — William, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    Reformation, 122


    Regicides, 366 n–367 n; spoken of as Pilgrims, 370


    Relton, Francis Boyer, quoted, 89 n


    Remington, Jonathan (d. 1745), 66


    Revolutionary War, political turmoil preceding, 305


    Reynolds, Maria, wife of James, 329 n


    Reynolds Pamphlet, 329 n


    Rhode Island, 45; included in Territory and Dominion of New England, 1688, 8; boundary controversy of, with Massachusetts, 121


    Rice, Edmund, 139


    Franklin Pierce, 287; elected Resident Member, 160; accepts, 161


    Rich, Jairas, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    Richard, Sir. See Rum, Sir Richard


    Richard Rum, Sir. See Rum, Sir Richard


    Richards, John (d. 1694), 16, 21, 23, 45, 46; Councillor, 17, 35, 41; death of, 41 n


    Richardson, Abijah (d. 1822), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    — Anna (Bemis), first wife of John (d. 1837), 370 n


    — Hannah (Bemis), second wife of John (d. 1837), 370 n


    — John (d. 1837), 369; sketch of, 369 n–370 n


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1796, 278, 283


    Robbins, Rev. Chandler (d. 1799), 309, 359; proposes a sermon as part of Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 302–303; preaches the first one, 1772, 303, 304, 385, 390, 390 n; another, 1793, 306, 385, 390; death of, 311; quoted, on the Pilgrims, 358–359


    — Lieut.-Gov. Edward Hutchinson, 335 n


    — Rev. Thomas (d. 1856), nephew of Rev. Chandler (d. 1799), quoted, on the Puritans, 383 n; discussion of his statement, 383 n–384 n; extracts from Diary of, 386 n, 388 n


    Robinson, Capt. —, 365 n


    Fred Norris, Ph.D., on Nominating Committee, 249


    — Rev. John (d. 1625), 361 n, 363, 376; toast in honor of, 324; position of, on communion with the church of England, 392


    Rochester, Earl of. See Hyde, Laurence


    Roden, Robert F., quoted, on Capital Laws of Massachusetts Bay, 116


    Rodgers, Rev. John (d. 1811), 350, 350 n


    Rogers, Benjamin, son of Rev. John (H. C. 1705), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    — Rev. Daniel (d. 1785), examined in relation to L. Langloiserie’s dissemination of alleged dangerous doctrines at Harvard College, 225, 230 n


    — Daniel Denison (d. 1825), 158 n


    — Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Denison. See Slade


    — Elizabeth (Bromfield), wife of Daniel Denison, 158 n


    — Rev. Ezekiel (d. 1660), 212


    — G., temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    — Rev. Nathaniel (d. 1655), 341


    — Nathaniel, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 283


    See also Rodgers


    Rollins, —, guest of Washington, 183


    Roman Catholic Church, tenets of, oaths concerning, 46, 47 n


    Rooke, Capt. Harry, 88 n


    Roosevelt, Theodore, confuses the Puritans and Pilgrims in his Provincetown address, 293–294, 294 n–295 n; skit on, 294 n


    Ropes, Rev. James Hardy, D.D., offers for publication the accounts of the Deacons of First Church Cambridge, 249


    Rowley, settlement of, 212


    Roxbury, land grant to, 265


    Royall, Isaac (d. 1781), 79


    Ruggles, Capt. John, 69 n


    Rule Britannia, sung at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 346, 348


    Rum, Sir Richard, Indictment and Tryal of, a temperance tract issued in many editions, 1724–1835, 234–239; Sir Richard used to personify rum, 236–239, 241, 241 n


    Rum, origin of the liquor and the word as applied to it, 242


    Rumsey, James (d. 1792), 183, 191, 192


    Russell, Benjamin (d. 1845), printer, 307, 348, 371 n


    — Catherine Elliott, gives recipe for succotash, 299 n


    — Daniel (d. 1763), son of James (d. 1709), 80


    — Daniel, son of Thomas (d. 1796), temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1789, 277, 283


    — James (d. 1709), 16 n, 17, 18, 23, 32, 33, 45, 46, 50; Councillor, 35, 41; death of, 41 n


    — John, of Cambridge, 132


    — John (d. 1795), son of Edward (H. C. 1759), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 283


    — Joseph, vice-president at Forefathers’ Day celebrations, 324, 327, 330, 334, 336


    — William Shaw (d. 1863), 302 n, 335 n, 351 n; his note on J. Davis’s Forefathers’ Day ode, 307 n


    Rust, William (d. 1747), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Ryan, Thomas, indentured servant of Washington, 178, 179


    Sabbath, Saturday evening regarded as part of, 301 n, 345


    Sabine, Rev. James, quoted, on Old Style and New Style dates, 297 n; opinion of, cited, on sermon attributed to R. Cushman, 300 n


    Saffery, Solomon, and Nathaniel Woodward, reference to map of part of New England, by, 113, 115


    St. Helena, project for descent on, 244


    St. Mary’s, Md., settlement of, 371


    Sainted Shades, Forefathers’ Day ode. See Paine, Robert Treat (d. 1811)


    Salem, extracts from records of, regarding land grants, 209–210, 212; suggestion for celebration of settlement of, 322–323; early ministers of, 367–368


    Salem Village, origin of, 212


    Salisbury, frontier town, 253; founding of, 263


    Salt Lake City, Utah, 353 n


    Saltonstall, Muriel (Brampton), wife of Richard (d. 1694), 156


    — Nathaniel (d. 1707), son of Richard (d. 1694), 18, 23, 37 n, 41, 46; nominated Councillor, 30, 32; declines to serve, 31, 37 n; Councillor under Province Charter, 35; death of, 41, 41 n; quoted, on conditions in Haverhill, 260


    — Richard (d. 1694), 156


    Samoset, Indian chief, 342 n, 343 n, 344 n


    Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 32 n


    Sanderson, —, a guest of Washington, 169, 177, 178


    Sandforth, Peter. See Sanford, Peleg


    Sanford, John (d. 1653), President of Rhode Island, 41 n


    — John (d. 1687), son of John (d. 1653), Councillor, 32, 33 n, 35, 41; death of, 37 n, 41 n


    — Peleg, son of John (d. 1653), 33, 33 n


    Sanger, Richard (H. C. 1800), 278, 283, 285 n


    Santen, Lucas, 42 n


    Sargent, Col. Henry, his painting, The Landing of the Pilgrims, 336, 336 n


    — Peter. See Sergeant, Peter


    Saturday, evening of, regarded as part of the Sabbath, 301 n, 345


    Savage, James, quoted, 40 n, 112, 142


    Savoury, Capt. Thomas, 89 n


    Scallop shell, as associated with the Plymouth Pilgrims, 327 n–328 n


    Scammell, Alexander (d. 1781), 301 n, 342 n; his Forefathers’ Day poem, 301


    School system of Massachusetts, foundation of, 132–133


    Scire facias, writ of, 5 n


    Scollay, James, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 283


    Scott, Benjamin, quoted, on use of the term Pilgrim Fathers, 362; asserts that the Pilgrims were not Puritans, 376–378, 382; in error in acquitting the Pilgrim Fathers of persecuting the Quakers, 383 n


    — William (d. 1735), 120 n; A. L. M.’s Some Observations upon the French Tongue dedicated to, 119–120; account of, 119 n


    — William (d. 1729), son of William (d. 1735), 119 n


    Scottow, Joshua, quoted, 367


    Scrooby, Eng., Pilgrim Church at, 384 n


    Scruggs, Thomas, 210


    Scythians, C. Mather’s remark upon, 368 n


    Seabury, Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    — Rev. William Jones, 156


    Sears, Rev. Edmund Hamilton, quoted, on Pilgrims and Puritans, 376; note on his book, Pictures of the Olden Time, 376 n–377 n


    Sedgwick, William Dwight, 404


    Sedition pole, 324


    Selike. See Sellick


    Sellick, John, 10 n


    Seneca Falls, Potomac River, 190, 191


    Senf, Col. William, guest of Washington, 182, 183


    Separatists, as represented by the Pilgrims of Plymouth, 363, 376–379, 383 n; relation of the Massachusetts settlers to, 379, 382, 383 n, 392; difference between the Separatists at Leyden and at Amsterdam, 392


    Sergant, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 283


    Sergeant, Peter (d. 1714), 16, 24, 45, 46, 49, 50; Councillor, 17, 35, 41; death of, 41 n


    Sermon, first, preaohed in New England, 300 n


    Serpents, tawny, Indians so called, 256, 269–270


    Sewall, Rev. Joseph (d. 1769), son of Judge Samuel, 122, 224


    — Judge Samuel, 32, 35, 46, 54, 57, 59, 61 n, 66; quoted, 4 n, 7 n, 9, 9 n, 11 n, 32, 33 n, 36 n, 37 n, 38 n, 39 n, 40 n, 41 n, 42 n, 44, 44 n, 48 n, 50 n, 53 n, 63 n, 89 n, 102 n; Councillor, 35, 42; death of, 42 n; errors made by, 38 n, 42 n, 53 n, 63 n–64 n


    — Samuel (d. 1751), son of Judge Samuel, 266


    — Stephen (d. 1760), 79, 80


    Seward, William Henry (d. 1872), Forefathers’ Day oration of, 298 n, 387, 390, 390 n


    Seymour, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 283


    — Benjamin, his song for Forefathers’ Day, 308, 351 n


    — Rev. Richard, his preaching, first in New England, 300 n


    Shackelford, Richard, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Shattuck, George Otis, 404, 408


    — Moses (d. 1801), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    Shaw, —, professor of music, Boston, 342


    — Darius, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    — Henry Wheeler (Josh Billings), his sound system of spelling, 372 n


    — John Hayward, son of Rev. Oakes (H. C. 1758), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    — William, secretary of Washington, 169, 169 n, 177, 178, 179, 181, 186, 188, 189, 193


    — Rev. William (d. 1816), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 390


    — Shays’s Rebellion, 253


    Sheafe, Henry, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    — Sampson, 33


    Shell, used as soup tureen at Forefathers’ Day dinner, 330; other large shells, 330 n


    Shells of the feast, and similar phrases, 327 n. See also Feast of shells


    Shepard, Rev. Thomas (d. 1649), 215, 362 n; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125; minister of the Cambridge Church, 211; his influence in locating Harvard College at Cambridge, 211; in bringing Rev. J. Phillips to Cambridge, 211, 213


    Ships, 74; Ann (1722), 67, 68 n; Ann (1786), 178; Anne (Ann), 363, 365; date of arrival at Plymouth, 300 n; number of passengers on, 363; Arundel, 50; Blanford, 73; Cæsar, 177; Centurion, 54; Dorothy, 102 n; Fortune, 363, 365; date of arrival at Plymouth, 300 n number of passengers on, 363; Four Sisters, 365; Friendship, 206; Gosport, 53 n; Governor Carver, 309; Handmaid, 363; Hector, 245; John, 131; Kings-Fisher, 7 n; Little James, 363, 365; date of arrival at Plymouth and number of passengers on, 363; Lively, 86 n; Lusitania, 65; Mayflower (1620), 361, 362–363, 364, 365, 372, 373; commemoration of landing from, at Provincetown, 293; chronology of the various landings from, 297 n; number of passengers on, 363; Mayflower (1629), voyage to Massachusetts, 363, 365; Mermaid, 64 n, 77, 77 n, 78 n; Miles Standish, 309; Neptune, 365 n; Nightingale, 80 n, 90 n; Nonsuch, 44; Norwich, 90 n; Patience and Judith, 102; Peregrine, various ships named, 365; Phoenix, 60; Pilgrim, various ships named, 365, 365 n, 366 n; Port Mahon, 77 n; Race Horse, 83 n; Rambler, 365 n; Rippon, 84; Rose, 4 n, 5 n, 11 n, 65; Sea Horse, 66, 67, 68 n; Snake, 365 n; Trial, 174


    Shirley, James, 364


    — Capt. Washington, 77 n


    — Gov. William, 79, 107, 108, 110; commissioned, 1741, 74; sworn, 74–76; leaves, 1749, 76; returns, 1753, 77, 77 n; leaves, 1756, 77, 77 n, 78 n


    — William (d. 1755), son of Gov. William, 64 n


    Short, Capt. Richard (d. 1702), 48


    Shove, Rev. George (d. 1687), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 284


    Shrewsbury, Duke of. See Talbot, Charles


    Shrimpton, Samuel (d. 1698), 15 n, 16, 17, 24, 32, 33; Councillor, 17, 34, 35, 37 n, 42; death of, 42 n


    Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet, 393


    Shute, Barrington, brother of Gov. Samuel, 63 n


    — Gov. Samuel, 53 n, 62 n, 63 n, 93 n, 102 n, 107, 108, 109, 155; commissioned, 1716, 63, 63 n; arrives and is sworn, 63–66; leaves suddenly, 1723, 66–68; letter in New England Courant on his action, 67 n–68 n; false rumors of his return, 69, 69 n–70 n


    Sibley, Rev. John Langdon, 130; quoted, 125; errors of, in Harvard matters, 125, 128; reference to his account of the Catalogues of Harvard University, 232


    Simpson, Gilbert, 166


    Simsbury, Conn., a frontier town, 253, 268


    Sir Richard. See Rum, Sir Richard


    Sir Richard Rum. See Rum, Sir Richard


    Skelton, Rev. Samuel, 368, 370


    Slade, Dr. Daniel Denison (d. 1896), 156 n


    Denison Rogers, A.B., son of Dr. Daniel Denison, communicates letter of J. T. Slade, 156; death of, announced, 286, 287


    — Elizabeth (Rogers), wife of Jacob Tilton Slade, marriage of, 158 n


    — Jacob Tilton (d. 1854), 156 n; letter of, giving an account of Boston society in 1817, 156–159; marriage of, 158 n


    Slavery, action concerning, in the United States, prior to 1820, 296


    Slaves, owned by Washington, 166, 185, 189, 192, 195, 203; in Massachusetts, 266; in Virginia, 337; use of the word avoided in United States Constitution, 337 n


    Sloughter, Henry, Governor of New York, 43 n


    Smith, Capt. —, visitor at Mount Vernon, 184


    — Aaron, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    — Daniel (d. 1692), Councillor, 32, 35, 42; death of, 42


    — J. de Bernière, presents rare broadside to Harvard College Library, 402


    — James, 191


    — Jeremiah (d. 1842), Governor of New Hampshire, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    — John (d. 1612), Separatist, at Amsterdam, 392


    — Capt. John (d. 1631), toast in honor of, 350


    — John (d. 1695), 18, 21, 23


    — Richard (d. c. 1692), 31, 32, 33; Councillor, 34, 35, 42; death of, 42; will proved, 42 n


    — Thomas, lawyer of Washington, 166


    Smoking, 239


    Snow, Paul, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Snow, ship belonging to the Massachusetts Province, 74


    Snowshoes, ordered by General Court, for use in frontier warfare, 255


    Social Circle. See under Concord


    Sodomy, law concerning, 1642, 117


    Some Observations upon the French Tongue, 1724. See Le Mercier, Rev. Andrew


    Somes, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Sons of renowned Sires, ode by J. Davis, 307, 309, 332 n


    Sons of the Pilgrims, feast of the, 306 n, 312, 323, 330, 332, 335, 335 n, 339, 344. See also Forefathers’ Day


    Sophia, wife of Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover, 75


    South Carolina, neglect of, as to printing its colonial records, 150 n


    Southwell, Sir Robert, his map of New England, 114


    Southworth, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Sovereigns of England, 1603–1776, 110–111


    Sparhawk, Nathaniel, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Sparks, Rev. Jared, 404


    Speakman, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    Spear, Thomas (d. 1723), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Spintext, pseudonym, criticises Forefathers’ Day celebration in Boston, 1802, 338–339


    Spooner, Allen Crocker (d. 1853), gives Forefathers’ Day address, 387, 390


    — Zilpha H., reference to her Poems of the Pilgrims, 351 n


    Spragg (Sprag, Spragge), John, Secretary of New York, 12 n, 43 n; Councillor, 35, 42; sketch of, 42 n–43 n


    Sprague, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    — John, Secretary of New York. See Spragg, John


    — John, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    — Peleg (d. 1880), 373 n; gives Forefathers’ Day address, 387, 390


    — Richard (d. 1703), 18, 24


    — Samuel, Secretary of Plymouth Colony, 29 n


    Spraug. See Spragg


    Springfield, fortifications at, 260


    Squanto, an Indian, 342 n, 343 n, 344 n


    Standish, Miles (d. 1656), 327, 332, 341 n, 342 n, 346, 297 n; toasts in honor of, 300, 313, 324


    Standish Guards. See under Plymouth


    Stanhope, Rev. George, Dean of Canterbury, 221 n


    — James, first Earl Stanhope, 154


    — Mary, daughter of Rev. George. See Burnet


    Staniford, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Stanley, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Stansbury, Capt. Howard, quoted, 353 n


    Starr, Ebenezer, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Staughton. See Stoughton


    Stealing of human beings, law concerning, 1642, 118


    Stearns, Samuel, 239


    Steel, Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Stephenson, Hugh, account of Washington with, 166


    Stetson, Rev. Seth (d. 1867), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 390


    Steuart, Capt. George (d. 1741), 241, 241 n


    — Sir John (H. C. 1734), son of Capt. George, 241 n


    Stevens, Joseph, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Stewart, Richardson, an officer of the Potomac Company, 183, 191, 191 n


    Stickney, Jonathan, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Stiles, Rev. Ezra, Preside of Yale College, 370; quoted, on wanderings of the regicides Whalley and Goffe, 366 n–367 n


    Stinson, David, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Stith, Col. Robert, guest of Washington, 173, 174


    Stoddard, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    — Richard, temporary student at, Harvard College, 276, 284


    — Rev. Solomon (d. 1729), urges use of dogs to hunt Indians, 255–256


    Stone, Micah, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    — Nathaniel, 81


    — Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    — William Leete (d. 1844), quoted, 371–372


    Storrs, Rev. Richard Salter (d. 1873), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 390


    Story, Bradstreet, son of Rev. Isaac (d. 1816), 278, 284, 285 n. See also Bradstreet, Dudley Story


    — William, son of Rev. Isaac (d. 1816), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Stoughton, Israel (d. 1644), Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125


    — Lt.-Gov. William, son of Israel (d. 1644), 2, 4 n, 13 n, 15 n, 16, 45, 46, 50, 88 n, 98, 106, 108, 109, 110, 361 n; appointed Deputy-President, 1686, 6, 6 n, 7; Councillor, 17, 30, 32, 35, 43; named for Deputy-Governor, 1691, 35 n; Acting-Governor, 48, 49, 50, 88; oaths, 45–46, 49, 50 n; death of, 50, 50 n, 51, 52; Lieut.-Gov., 1692–1701, 88, 88 n; chosen agent of the Colony, 1676, to go to England, 114; his commission as Lieutenant-Governor, 151–152


    Strangers, anecdote about, 239, 242


    Strong, Gov. Caleb, 313, 315, 315 n


    — Rev. Jonathan (d. 1814), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 391


    Stuart, Dr. David, 164; guest of Washington, 173, 194, 194 n, 195


    — Eleanor (Calvert) Custis, wife of Dr. David, 194, 194 n, 195


    — James Francis Edward, the Old Pretender, 75


    — Richardson. See Stewart


    Studely (Studly), Capt. Robert, 91 n


    Studley, Daniel, 392


    Succotash, 330; recipe for, as made at Plymouth, 299 n; toast in honor of, 315


    Sudbury, inhabitants of, forbidden to remove without authority, 250


    Suffolk County, South Regiment of, 65


    Sullivan, William (d. 1839), gives Forefathers’ day address, 386, 391


    Sumner, Charles (d. 1874), quoted, on the Pilgrims, 376; one of several speakers at commemoration of departure of Pilgrims from Delft Haven, 1853, 387 n, 391


    — Davies, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    — Gov. Increase, 313, 313 n; toasts in honor of, 311, 325; death of, 332 n


    — William Hyslop (d. 1861), son of Gov. Increase, 63 n


    Surveyors in colonial New England, 112–115


    Sweetman, Thomas, 134


    Swift, Lindsay, A.B., speaks on copy of Winslow’s Good Newes from New England, belonging to the Prince Library, 120–122


    Swinburne, Louis, quoted, on the words pilgrim and tenderfoot, 352 n–353 n


    Swineoke, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 274 n, 284


    Symons, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Taft, Caleb (d. 1756), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    — Hon. William Howard, LL.D., 145


    Tailer, Lt.-Gov. William, 2, 56 n, 59, 60, 61, 65, 69 n, 74, 88 n, 90 n–91 n, 93 n, 94, 101, 101 n, 102, 102 n, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110; quoted, 62 n; commissioned, 1711, 2 n, 90, 90 n, 91; sworn, 90, 91; commissioned, 1715, 61, 62, 71–72, 91, 91 n; sworn, 62, 72, 91; question whether he is Acting-Governor, 1715, 61–62, 92; Acting-Governor, 1715–1716, 62, 71–72, 92, 92 n; death of, 92, 92 n; his first and second commissions as Lieutenant-Governor, 151, 152–154


    Talbot, Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, 27


    — Henry Paul, 149


    Talcott, Joseph, Governor of Connecticut, 93 n


    Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, Prince de Bénévent, 326 n; toast referring to, 326


    Tapin. See Tappan


    Tappan, Jacob, 41 n


    Tarbox, Rev. Increase Niles, quoted, on Pilgrims and Puritans, 380, 383 n; criticism of his position, 383 n–384 n


    Tawny serpents, Indians so called, 256, 269–270


    Taxation, troubles concerning, in frontier towns, 253 n, 258, 259, 259 n, 260, 264, 265


    Tayler, —, 189


    Taylor, James, surveyor, his map of New England, 112, 113, 114


    — James (d. 1703), of Reading, 112


    — Col. William. See Tailer, Lt.-Gov. William


    Temperance, early tracts and sermons on, in New England, 234–240. See also Rum, Sir Richard


    Temple, Sir Richard, Viscount Cobham, 93 n


    Tenderfoot, the word, applied to emigrants and cattle, 353 n


    Thacher, Dr. James (d. 1844), points out error in date of Forefathers’ Day, 297 n; quoted, on founding of the Pilgrim Society, 320 n


    — John (d. c. 1747), son of Rev. Peter (H. C. 1706), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    Thayer, Alexander, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    — James Bradley, 401


    — Rev. Joseph Henry, 404


    William Roscoe, A.M., 149, 287; elected Resident Member, 150; accepts, 160


    Theft of human beings, law concerning, 1642, 118


    Thomas, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    — John (d. 1823), 342 n


    — Joshua, charter member of Pilgrim Society, 320 n, 321 n


    Thomason Tracts, 117


    Thompson, Edward Kinnecutt, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Thomson, Elihu, 292


    Thorpe, —, 181


    Throckmorton, —, a guest of Washington, 185


    Thursday Lecture, establishment of, in the Dedham Church, 215; present-day commemoration of, in the First Church, Boston, 215


    Thwaites, Capt. Josiah, 102 n


    — Reuben Gold, 185 n


    Tichenor, Isaac, Governor of Vermont, 315, 315 n


    Tileston, John, portrait of, etc., exhibited, 155, 156


    Tillinghast, Caleb Benjamin (d. 1909), relations of, with A. C. Goodell, 395–396


    — William Hopkins (d. 1913), 218 n, 227; quoted, concerning L. Langloiserie, 226–227


    Tilton, Peter (d. 1696), 23


    Tisdale, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    Toasts, lists of, given at Forefathers’ Day celebrations at Plymouth, 300, 310–311, 313, 315, 316, 322; at Boston, 324–325, 331–333, 337–338, 340, 341; at New York, 350; at Christmas celebration, Concord, 369


    Tobin, John (d. 1804), his Curfew, 343 n


    Toping, Kingdom of, 237


    Toppan, Rev. Amos (d. 1771), allowed to keep a French school at Harvard College, 225 n


    — Robert Noxon, 3 n, 5 n, 8 n, 11 n


    Torrey, Rev. Samuel (d. 1707), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    — Rev. William Turner (d. 1861), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 391


    Tory, term of reproach, 377 n


    Town lands. See Common lands


    Towne, Peter, 138


    — William, 132


    Townsend, Penn (d. 1727), 18, 24, 57, 59, 66


    Trade and navigation, acts for the encouragement and regulation of, oaths taken to observe, 6, 8, 48, 49, 50, 54–55, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 81, 83, 86, 87, 93


    Trafalgar, battle of, allusion to, 346 n


    Transilvanus, Filodexter. See Woodbridge, Benjamin


    Transubstantiation, oath concerning, 46


    Trapier, Benjamin Foissin, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Trask Israel Eliot temporary student at Harvard collage, 278, 284


    — Capt. William, 210


    Treason, law concerning, 1642, 118


    Treat, Robert, Governor of Connecticut, Councillor, 34, 35, 43


    Tripp, George Henry, 292


    Trollet, Michael James, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    Trowbridge, John, S.D., 123, 216; on Nominating Committee, 249; presents list of candidates, 291


    Trumbull, Jonathan (d. 1809), Governor of Connecticut, 313, 313 n, 315


    Tucker, George Fox, Ph.D., his account of Paul Cuffee, 1


    Tudor, William (d. 1819), gives oration before the Charitable Fire Society, 310 n vice-president at Forefathers’ Day celebration, 340, 341


    Turnbull, Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Turner, Capt. —, 314, 315


    — Rev. Charles (d. 1818), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 1773, 304–305, 305 n, 385, 391


    Frederick Jackson, LL.D., 293; his paper on the First Official Frontier of the Massachusetts Bay, 249–270; elected President, 291


    — Dr. Henry Edward, 38 n


    — Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Tuttle, Charles Wesley, quoted, 37 n


    Julius Herbert, 144; photograph of early map in John Carter Brown Library exhibited on behalf of, 111; his paper on Early Manuscript Maps of New England, 112–115, 120; calls attention to manuscript relating to Elijah Corlet and Daniel Weld, 140–142; his paper on the Rev. J. Phillips, 208–215; on P. Prudden’s Company, 244–248


    Tyler, Harry Walter, 292


    Tyng, Edward (d. c. 1701), 6 n; Courcillor, 30, 32, 35, 43


    — Capt. Edward (d. 1755), son of Edward (d. c. 1701), 74


    — Jonathan (d. 1724), Councillor, 30, 31 n, 32, 35, 43; death of, 43 n


    Uncas, Indian chief, 313


    Unitarianism, 386 n; spread of, prior to 1820, 296


    United Fires, the sixteen, 332


    United States, Constitution of, toast in honor of, 325; avoids use of the word slaves, 337 n


    Upas of Monticello, T. Jefferson so called, 316


    Upham, Joshua Nichols (d. 1804), son of James (H. C. 1763), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Usher, John (d. 1726), 13 n, 15 n, 206; Councillor, 30, 31 n, 32, 35, 37 n, 43; death of, 43 n


    Van cortlandt, Stephen (d 1700), quoted, 10 n; Councillor, 35, 38, 42 n, 43 n; death of, 38 n


    Vane, Sir Henry (d. 1662), 381


    Vanhorne, Abraham, 222 n


    — Mary, daughter of Abraham. See Burnet


    Varnum, James Mitchel (d. 1789), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 284


    Vaughan, — (d. 1725), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    — Elliott (d. 1758), son of George (H. C. 1696), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Vernon, Hon. Caroline, 243 n


    — James (d. 1727), 51


    Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin, 336 n


    Viall, Benjamin (d. 1729), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Vila, James, 337, 338, 339, 341 n


    Virginia, experiments of, in defending frontier, 252; petition of frontier settlers in, 259 n; first legislative assembly in, 295; toasts referring to, 337, 339–340


    Wachusett, lines from poem beginning, 370 n


    Waddington, Rev. John (d. 1880), quoted, on Pilgrims and Puritans, 377


    Wadland, —, 10 n


    Wadsworth, Peleg (d. 1829), 299, 299 n


    — Recompense (d. 1679), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Wages, paid by Washington, 171


    Wainwright, John (d. 1708), son of Francis (H. C. 1686), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    — John (d. 1739), nephew of Francis (H. C. 1686), 67


    — Robert Dewar, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    Wakeman, Rev. Samuel (d. 1692), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 284


    Waldo, Samuel, 81


    Waldron, William, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    Wales, Prince of, 56 n, 92 n, 154. See also George II


    Walker, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 284


    — Rev. James (d. 1874), 404


    — Rev. Zechary (d. 1700), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 284


    Wallace, —, a visitor at Mount Vernon, 180, 181, 184


    Walley, John (d. 1714), 46; Councillor, 32, 35, 43; death of, 43 n


    Walter, Arthur Maynard (d. 1807), son of Rev. William (H. C. 1756), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 284


    — Rev. Nehemiah (d. 1750), assists Elijah Corlet in his school, 140; his elegy on Corlet, 140


    Walver, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    Ward, Artemus. See Browne, Charles Farrar


    — Rev. Nathaniel (d. 1652), 264; compiles Body of Liberties, 116


    — Samuel (d. 1800), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 285


    Ware, Harriet, daughter of Rev. Henry (d. 1845). See Hall


    — Rev. Henry (d. 1845), 403–404


    — Capt. John, 206


    — Mary Lee, v


    Thornton Marshall, A.B., death of, announced, 143, 144


    Warfare, methods of, influenced by intercourse with Indians, 251, 252


    Warner, Daniel (d. 1792), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    Warren, Joseph, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    — Richard (d. c. 1696), 364


    — Hon. Winslow, LL.B., 292


    Warwell, Michael Angelo, 342 n


    Washburn, Artemas (d. 1792), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    — Hon. Charles Grenfill, A.B., 145; accepts Resident Membership, 1


    Washington, Augustine, half-brother of George, 162 n


    — Judge Bushrod (d. 1829), son of John Augustine, 189, 189 n


    — Charles, brother of George, 164 n


    — Frances (Bassett), wife of George Augustine, 168, 168 n, 169, 178, 180, 187


    — George, President, 315, 334, 341, 369; Diary of, May-July, 1786, communicated by W. C. Ford, 161; text of Diary, recording chiefly the weather, farming operations, and visitors, at Mount Vernon, 162–205; attends meeting of Directors of the Potomac Company, 190–192; toasts in honor of, 325, 325 n, 333; death of, 331


    — George Augustine, son of Charles, 164, 164 n, 167, 169, 176, 178, 181, 184, 187, 196, 203


    — Hannah, 185


    — John Augustine, brother of George, 167, 168, 189 n


    — Kitty, 185


    — Lawrence, 169, 195, 196


    — Lawrence, Jr., 195, 196


    — Lund, 164, 173, 200, 201


    — Martha (Dandridge) Custis, wife of George, 168, 169


    — Col. William (d. 1810), 162 n; send shrubs and seeds to Washington, 166, 163


    — William Augustine, son of Augustine, 162 n


    Waterbury, Conn., a frontier town, 253


    Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin (d. 1846), 302 n


    — David, 16, 24; Councillor, 17


    Watertown, church of, attended by settlers of Dedham for some months, 208


    Waters-Winthrop map of New England, 115


    Watson, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    — —, 164


    — Benjamin Marston (d. 1835), son of John (d. 1826), 299 n


    — John (d. 1826), 321, 321 n, 342 n; charter member of the Pilgrim Society, 320 n, 321 n


    — John Fanning, 371


    —William, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 285


    Watts, Samuel, 79, 80


    Webb, Rev. John (d. 1750), 224


    — Joseph, 23


    Webster, Daniel (d. 1852), references to his Forefathers’ Day oration, 298 n, 320, 374, 381; wears a shell as a Pilgrim badge, at Forefathers’ Day ball, 328 n; gives Forefathers’ Day oration, 386, 391


    Weed, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    Weld, Daniel, of Roxbury, teacher, his petition for grant of land, 1659, 141; question regarding his identity, 142


    — John, son of Rev. Thomas (d. 1662), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    — (Welde), Rev. Thomas (d. 1662), 215; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125


    Wellington, Isaac (d. 1796), temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    Wells, Edgar Huidekoper, A.B., 145; transferred to roll of Corresponding Members, 143, 288


    —Rev. Thomas. See Weld


    Wells, Me., frontier town, 252; appeals for garrison aid, 257


    Wenborne, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    Wendell, Jacob (d. 1761), 79, 80, 221, 224; dates of baptism and death, 224 n


    Wentworth, Benning, son of Benning (H. C. 1715), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    — Henry (d. 1768), son of Samuel (H. C. 1728), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    West, Dep.-Sec. John (d. 1691), 15 n; sworn, 1687, 12; 1688, 12–13


    — Rev. Samuel (d. 1807), quoted, on the Fathers of New England, 373; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 385, 391


    Westfield, frontier town, 253


    Westminster Assembly’s Catechisms, 126


    Weston, Capt. Coomer, 319


    — Thomas, 364


    Westward movement in American history, 250


    Wetherell, —, Forefathers’ Day dinners at the inn of, 301, 309, 312


    Whaley, Capt. William, 166, 167


    Whalley, Edward, the regicide, notes on his wanderings, 366 n–367 n


    Wharton, Richard (d. 1689), Councillor, 30, 32, 35, 44; death of, 44 n


    Wheeler, Charles, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    — Elnathan, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    Wheelwright, Edward (d. 1900), portrait of, presented to the Society, 123, 144; bequest of, 288


    Whig, term of reproach, 377 n


    Whipple, Charles, 119 n


    — Silvester Gardiner, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    Whitaker, Rev. Jonathan (d. 1835), his connection with Harvard College, 272, 273


    White, John (d. 1721), 63 n, 102 n


    — Joseph, great grandson of Peregrine, his staff, heirloom from Pilgrim times, 373 n


    — Peregrine (d. 1704), son of William (d. 1621), his birth, naming, bringing up, and death, 355, 355 n; remembered by aged woman in 1790, 355 n–356 n


    — Susanna (Fuller), wife of William (d. 1621). See Winslow


    — Thomas, 392


    — William (d. 1621), 355 n


    Whitefield, Rev. George (d. 1770), his controversy with Harvard College, 227–231, 231 n


    Whiting, Nathan (Y. C. 1743), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    — Thurston, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 285


    Whitmore, William Henry, reproduces in facsimile the Body of Liberties, 116 n


    Whitney, Abel (d. 1756), son of Rev. Aaron (H. C. 1737), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    David Rice, A.M., death of, announced, 402


    Whitridge, Dr. Joshua Barker, delivers Forefathers’ Day address, 351 n


    Whittier, John Greenleaf, quoted, on Pilgrims of Plymouth and Quaker pilgrims, 372


    Whittingham, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    Whitwell, Rev. William (d. 1781), temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    Wigglesworth, Rev. Edward (d. 1765), his controversy with Rev. George Whitefield, on behalf of Harvard College, 227, 228–231


    George, A.M., on Nominating Committee, 123, 249


    Wilkes, John (d. 1797), 96 n


    Willard, Abel, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 285


    — Joseph. See Willard, Josiah


    — Sec. Josiah, son of Rev. Samuel (H. C. 1659), 66, 70, 73, 94 n, 104 n, 107, 108, 110, 224; letter from, 64 n; arrives in Boston, 1717, 102, 102 n; sworn, 103; death of, 1756, 103, 103 n–104 n, 104


    — Richard (d. 1697), son of Rev. Samuel (H. C. 1659), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    — Samuel (d. 1848), son of Rev. Joseph (d. 1804), temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1799, 278 285


    William III, King of England, 27, 28, 48 n, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 84, 86, 87, 89, 111, 151, 206; conspiracy, by Papists and others, for assassination of, 47 n; oath of allegiance to, 47 n–48 n; address to, from Council, 51–52; death of, 52 n, 53, 53 n; mourning for, in Boston, 53 n. See also William and Mary


    William and Mary, 21, 24, 24 n, 25, 29 n, 44, 45, 47 n, 48 n, 49, 54, 57, 88, 97, 99 n, 103, 111, 151; proclaimed in Boston, 1689, 24, 24 n. See also Mary II; William III


    Williams, Israel (d. 1788), 81


    — Nathaniel, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    — Roger, 362 n


    — Simeon, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    — Thomas, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    Willoughby, Jonathan, son of Dep.-Gov. Francis, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    — William, sixth Baron Willoughby of Parham, 2


    Wilson, —, 178


    — Daniel (d. 1666), 142


    — Daniel, son of Daniel (d. 1666), 142


    — Daniel (b. 1658), 142


    — Sir Daniel (d. 1892), quoted, on early settlers of Plymouth, 363, 373 n


    — Rev. John (d. 1667), 327, 336, 376 n; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125


    — John (d. 1727), son of Rev. John (d. 1691), son of Rev. John (d. 1667), temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    — Richard, mason, his contract for building (with others) a schoolhouse in Cambridge, 1647, 135–137


    — Sarah, adventuress, sketch of, 243 n


    — William, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    Winchelsea, Earl of. See Finch, Daniel


    Windham, Conn., frontier town, 253


    Winslow, Edward (d. 1655), Governor of Plymouth Colony, 332, 341 n, 342 n, 343 n, 344 n, 346, 355 n, 361 n; interesting copy of his Good Nevves from New England, 120, 122; toasts in honor of, 313, 324


    — Edward (d. 1815), son of Edward (d. 1784), son of Isaac (d. 1738), 298 n, 301 n, 342 n; gives Forefathers’ Day oration, 1770, 301, 385, 391


    — Isaac (d. 1738), son of Gov. Josiah, 57, 59


    — Isaac (d. 1777), 96


    — Gen. John (d. 1774), son of Isaac (d. 1738), 304


    — Josiah (d. 1680), Governor of Plymouth Colony, son of Gov. Edward, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    — Susanna (Fuller) White, wife of Edward, 355 n


    Winsor, Frederick, 404


    — Justin, quoted, concerning Waters-Winthrop map, 115


    Winthrop, —, temporary student at Harvard College, about 1662, 275, 285


    — —, temporary student at Harvard College, about 1668, 275, 285


    — Adam (d. 1700), 16, 24, 45, 46; Councillor, 17, 35, 44; death of, 44 n


    — Fitz John (d. 1707), son of John, Jr., 4 n, 15 n, 89 n; Councillor, 30, 32, 35, 44; death of, 44 n


    — Gov. John (d. 1649), 115, 116, 247, 268, 332, 336, 341, 341 n, 346, 361 n, 381; Overseer of Harvard College, 124, 125; toasts in honor of, 322, 324, 350; quoted, on liberty, 324 n; attitude of, to Church of England, 376 n


    — John, Jr. (d. 1676), Governor of Connecticut, son of Gov. John (d. 1649), 44 n, 341 n, 366; C. W. Bowen reads paper on, 160


    — John (d. 1707). See Winthrop, Fitz John


    — Robert Charles (d. 1894), quoted, on Pilgrims and Puritans, 379; gives Forefathers’ Day address, 387, 391


    — Samuel, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    — Wait (d. 1717), son of John, Jr., 16, 24, 45, 46, 56 n, 59; quoted, 4 n, 7 n, 14 n, 15 n, 36 n, 42 n; Councillor, 17, 30, 32, 35, 44; made Major-General, 1689, 20; death of, 44 n


    Wisner, Rev. Benjamin Blydenburg (d. 1835), preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 386, 386 n, 391


    Wiswall, Rev. Ichabod (d. 1700), temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    Witchcraft, law concerning, in Massachusetts, 1642, 117; in Plymouth, 1636, 382, 382 n; erroneous notion of burning of witches, 294 n, 384 n; witchcraft laws and toleration, 393


    Witches, popular impression that they were burned at Salem, 294


    Withe, Nicholas, mason, his contract for building, with others, a school-house in Cambridge, 1647, 135–137


    Witte, Henning, reference to book of his (1691) containing a notice of Harvard College, 232


    Wolcott, Oliver (d. 1833), toast in honor of, 325, 325 n


    — Gov. Roger, promotes renewal of publication of the Massachusetts Province Laws, 398–400


    Wood, Abraham, 252


    — Sumner, temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 285


    Woodbery, John, 210


    Woodbridge, Rev. Benjamin (H. C. 1642), publishes first book by a Harvard graduate, 1648, 128, 130; its title, 130–131


    — Rev. Timothy (d. 1732), 89 n


    Woods, Fortunatus, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    Woodstock, Conn., frontier town, 253; settlement of, 265–266


    Woodward, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 274, 285


    — Cyrus (d. 1782), son of Rev. Samuel (H. C. 1748), temporary student at Harvard College, 277, 285


    — Nathaniel, and Solomon Saffery, reference to map of part of New England by, 113, 115


    — Sec. Samuel, 61, 103, 107, 108, 110; arrives in Boston, 1715, 61, 100, 100 n; sworn, 91, 100, 100 n; appoints J. Marion Deputy-Secretary, 101, 101 n; leaves, 1716, 102, 102 n


    Worcester, Rev. Samuel Melancthon (d. 1866), 389 n; quoted, on the Pilgrims and the Fathers, 362; preaches Forefathers’ Day sermon, 387, 391


    Wright, Abel (d. 1707), temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1709, 275, 285


    — Abel (d. 1797), temporary student at Harvard College, class of 1799, 278, 285


    Wyborne, John, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    Wyer, Edward, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    Wyeth, —, temporary student at Harvard College, 275, 285


    Wylly, Alexander, temporary student at Harvard College, 278, 285


    X., a., criticises Forefathers’ Day celebration, Boston, 1799, 333–334


    X Y Z Mission, 326 n


    Yankee Doodle, 337


    Yaocomoco, now St. Mary’s, Md., 371


    Yeadon, Richard, makes speech at commemoration of departure of the Pilgrims from Delft Haven, 1853, 387 n, 391


    York, Duke of, 42 n. See also James II


    York, Me., frontier town, 252


    Young, Rev. Alexander (d. 1854), quoted, on use of the terms Pilgrims, forefathers, old comers, 362–363


    — Ebenezer, temporary student at Harvard College, 276, 285


    — John. See Youngs, John


    Youngs, John (d. c. 1698), Councillor, 35, 42 n, 43 n, 44; death of, 44; will proved, 44 n


    Zouche, Sir William, 329 n