A date within parentheses, following a name, indicates, if printed in roman type, the Class of a graduate; if printed in italic type, the Class of a temporary student; but if the Class of a temporary student is not known with certainty, the date is followed by a question mark.
The words “Fellow,” “Monitor,” “President,” “Scholar,” “Treasurer,” “Tutor,” etc., followed by dates, mean that the persons were elected to the offices specified in the years given. The word “present” means present at a Corporation or at an Overseers’ meeting. The words “approved” or “not approved” mean that the choice of the Corporation was approved or not approved by the Overseers. The word “Scholar” is an abbreviation of “Scholar of the House.” The word “Fellow,” followed by a date, means that the person was chosen a Fellow of the Corporation in the year given. The word “Tutor,” followed by a date, means that the person was chosen a Tutor in the year given. For the difficulties in distinguishing between a Fellow of the Corporation and a Tutor, see the Introduction, pages cxxxii–cxxxv. The words “receives money” mean that the money came from the College treasury; if it came from “exhibitions,” the name of the fund is given—as, “obtains Fitch gift,” “Pennoyer gift,” “Sprague gift,” etc. But almost immediately after the founding of the Hollis scholarship, the term “Hollis scholar” came to be used, and this has been employed in its proper place, as has also the term “Hopkins scholar.”
Alphabetical lists of the chief College officials—Fellows, Instructors, Librarians, Presidents, Stewards, Treasurers, and Tutore—are given in the Introduction, pages clii–clxi. The names of those chosen to minor offices will be found at the end of each entry in question—as, “Butler, College,” “Carpenter, College,” “Mason, College,” “Monitor,” “Probationer,” “Proctor,” “Servants, College,” etc.
The persons mentioned in the records naturally fall into two divisions: first, those who as graduates, temporary students, officials, benefactors, etc., had some connection with the College; and secondly, those who are merely casually referred to. Every reasonable effort has been made to identify those who come in the first division; but the problem of identification presents many difficulties, for which see the Introduction, pages cxxxv–cxliv. It is possible, indeed probable, that many of those who come in the second division were graduates of the College, and a few such have been identified; but to identify them all would be an impossible task, and no attempt to do so has been made.
Places are in Massachusetts unless otherwise stated
Pages i–clxxx, 1–402, are in Part I (Volume XV)
Pages 403–864 are in Part II (Volume XVI)
Abbot, Abiel (1737), scholar, 1735, 639; 1736, 650; salary, 639, 650
—Rev. Hull (1720), Scholar, 1719, 448; 1722, 475; 1723, 502; salary, 448, 502; obtains Hollis gift, 1721, 460; 1722, 477
Abbreviate of College accounts. See College accounts
Aberdeen University, 306; diplomas granted by, 317–318, 321–322, 327–328; seal, 1742, 322 n; facsimile of, 322
Aborigines. See Indians
Absence, penalty for, from lectures, lxxv, 26, 31, 139, 189, 593, 750; from prayers, lxxv, 26, 31, 189, 492, 593, 809; from studies, 27, 31, 189, 474, 528; from lodgings, 44, 205; from meals, 47; from public worship, 136, 593; from chambers, 138; from disputations, 139; from College, 140; when permitted, 140; laws for unseasonable, 1728, 560, 568
Absent, those, to be noted, 476; those, at Commencement, not to receive degrees, 1726, 539; degrees conferred on persons, though, 540, 553, 561, 573, 583, 584, 593, 594, 601, 615, 625, 626, 636, 649, 663, 678, 680, 696, 708, 724, 725, 726, 738, 746, 751, 761, 762, 763, 803, 820
Academic dress. See Apparel
Academical degrees. See Degree; Degrees
Accounts, 51, 55, 55 n. See under College records
—Book for the College. See under College records
Accounts, College. See College accounts
Ackland,—, 510
Acknowledgment, public, of F. Wainwright, 1685, 78; of N. Welch, 1685, 79. See also Confession
Act, public, lxxxviii, 27, 31, 147, 189, 190; error in regard to, by J. Quincy, xiii n
Acta Eruditorum, to be bought, 1698, 358
Acting Presidents. See Presidents, Acting
Adams, Abraham, father of Rev. Joseph (1742), 725
—Anne, wife of Abraham, 725
—Ebenezer (1747), son of Rev. Joseph (1710), son of Joseph (d 1737), son of Joseph (d 1694), obtains B. Browne gift, 1747, 771
—Rev. Eliphalet (1694), son of Rev. William (1671), 577; receives money, 1691, 831
—George, 301
—Rev. Hugh (1697), son of John (d c 1699), detriments remitted, 1706, 376
—Rev. Jedidiah (1733), son of Capt. Peter, son of Joseph (d 1694), Scholar, 1731, 595; salary, 595; Butler, 1733, 611; 1734, 625; 1735, 637
—Rev. John (1745), son of Matthew (d 1748), brother of Rev. Hugh (1697), obtains Fitch gift, 1745, 750
—Rev. Joseph (1742), son of Abraham, obtains S. Browne gift, 1742, 721; granted A.B. though absent, 725–726, 726
—Joseph (1745), son of Rev. Joseph (1710), Scholar, 1744, 748
—Nathaniel, paid for pump for third President’s House, 1703, cxiii n
—Thomas, gift, 1640, 16, 171
—Rev. William (1071), son of William (d 1659) of Ipswich, obtains Webb gift, 1669, 49, 211; expenses paid, 214
Addington, Sec. Isaac (1662?) xlii n, l, l n, cix, clxvi, 338, 381, 404; named Fellow in charter of 1699, xlix n, lxiv; letter from J. Leverett to, 1699, li n; his class not known with certainty, lxiv n; paid, 250; present, 381, 399, 403, 404, 406, 422, 424
Ad eundem. See under Degrees
Adkinson. See Atkinson
Administration of W. Shirley, 709, 710
Admission, to College, requirements as to, 1642–1646, 24–25, 29, 187; 1734, 134–135
—forms of. See Bachelors of Arts; Fellows; Inceptors; Scholars of the House
Admonition. See under Punishments
Adultery, 384; expulsion for, 349, 726
Adultus, 27, 31, 189
Advance, upon commons. See Commons
—upon parts. See Steward
Advertisements, inserted in Boston newspapers, 551, 562, 572, 581, 591, 600, 636, 647–648, 661, 677–678, 689, 694–695, 696, 697, 707, 722, 734, 746, 751, 761, 772, 783, 801, 818–819, 819
Aire. See Ayer
Alcock, George (1673), son of John (1646), Scholar, 1672, 50, 212
—John (1646), 4 n, 206; glass in study, 1644, 4; study account, 10; bedroom account, 11
Alden, John (d 1687), 20, 272
Alin. See Allin
Allen. See also Allin; Alling
——, paid for boards, 1642, 21
—Rev. James (d 1710), xli n, xlviii n, liii n, liv n, cliv, clv, 413; ordained, 1668, lxxx n; named Fellow in charter of 1692, xli, lxiv, cliv, clv, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxiv; of 1697, xlvii, lxiv; of 1699, xlix n, lxiv; of 1700, liii, lxiv; continued Fellow, 1696, 355; reasons for rejecting charter of 1696, xliii–xlvii; signs petition, 1698, xlviii n; on committee about Stoughton College, 1698, 357; signs Fellows’ address to Gov. Dudley, 1707, 379, 380; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n, cliv n; attendance at Corporation meetings, lv n, lxxx n; present, lv n, lxxx n, cxlix, cl, cli, 76, 232, 236, 237, 255, 339–367, 372–379
—James (1689), son of Rev. James (d 1710), receives money, 1692, 339
—Rev. James (1710), obtains Hutchinson gift, 1708, 383; Sprague gift, 1708, 861
—Capt. John (d c 1673), probably gives to printing press, 20
—Treas. Jeremiah, clxvi
—Rev. Thomas (d 1673), husband of John Harvard’s widow, 17, 172; acquittance given, for J. Harvard’s gift, 1643, 16
Alley, North, 34, 47, 203
Allin. See also Allen; Alling
—Daniel (1675), son of Rev. John (d 1671), Scholar, 1672, 50, 212; 1675, 63, 234; receives money, 1675, 63, 234; Librarian, 1676, clx, 64, 235
—Rev. John (d 1671), Overseer, 1654, xxxiv; gift, 184, 213
—Rev. John (1643), son of Rev. John (d 1671), 4 n; glass in study, 1644, 4; study account, 9
Alling. See also Allen; Allin
—Rev. James (1679), Scholar, 1677, 65, 236; obtains Pennoyer gift, 1679, 66, 75, 238
Allowance for parts. See Steward
Alston, Charles (d 1760), Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 320
Ambrose, Rev. Nehemiah (1653), Fellow, 1654, cliv, 207; Tutor, clviii
Ames, John (1647?), son of Rev. William (d 1633), receives money, 180
—Rev. William (1645), son of Rev. William (d 1633), his study, 1645, 5; receives money, 180
Amory, Thomas Coffin (1841), on site of Indian College, lxxxiv
Amsterdam, Holland, gift from gentlemen of, 175
Analysis, not to be omitted, 140
Analyzing, lvii n
Anatomy and Physic, Professorship of. See Hersey, Ezekiel (1728)
Anderson, Mary (d c. 1693), legacy, 415
—William (d 1752), Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
Andover, 519; N. Ward gives farm near, 22, 176, 209, 283; gifts from, 179, 223
Andrew. See also Andrews
—Rev. Samuel (1675), son of Samuel (d 1701), 251; obtains Webb gift, 1673, 57, 227; 1675, 64, 234; Fellow, 1679, cliv, civ, 66, 238; Tutor, clviii, clix; Proctor, 1681, 241; present, cxlvii, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256; salary, 71, 74–75, 76, 77, 245, 254, 257
—Samuel, 268
—Samuel (1714), son of William (d 1702), son of Samuel (d 1701), obtains Rogers gift, 1710, 392; W. Browne gift, 1711, 397; 1712, 405; 1713, 422
—Thomas, College bricklayer, 1680, 67, 239; 1692, 339
Andrewes. See Andrew
Andrews. See also Andrew
—S., builder of second Harvard College, xc n
Andros, Gov. Sir Edmund (d 1714), xxvi, clxiv, 832; his interest in the College, xxvii, xxvii n; overthrow of, 1689, xxxiv, xxxviii, xl n, cxlvi n, clii n, clxiv n; list of donations to College delivered to, 256
Angier, Ames (1701), son of Rev. Samuel (1673), Scholar, 1698, 361; 1699, 363; 1700, 364; 1701, 366; salary, 361, 363, 364, 366; lives from College, 368
—Edmund (d 1692), 17, 21; gift, 185, 213
—John, xlix n. See Angier, Rev. Samuel (1673)
—Rev. John (1720), son of Rev. Samuel (1673), receives money, 1717, 438; Scholar, 1718, 443; 1719, 448; salary, 443, 448
—Rev. Samuel (1673), son of Edmund (d 1692), xliii n; Fellow, 1676, cliv, clv; Tutor, 1676, clviii, clix; Probationer, 1676, cliv n, 65, 235; named Fellow in charter of 1699, first draught, xlix n, lxiv; of 1700, liii, lxiv, cliv, civ; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n; testifies about B. Shattuck, 1709, 390; present, lxxx n, cxlvii, cli, 364, 365, 368–375, 379, 381, 422, 424, 439
—Samuel (1748), son of Edmund (d 1724), son of Rev. Samuel (1673), obtains Gibbs gift, 1745, 750; Browne gift, 1745, 750; Mills gift, 1745, 750; 1746, 760; Danforth gift, 1745, 750; Fitch gift, 1746, 760
Anglus Americanus, term applied to J. Dummer (1699), 1703, 305
Angur, John, Boston, 251
Annable, John (1744), obtains B. Browne gift, 1744, 744; displaced as Hopkins lecturer because of non-residence, 1748, 781
Anne, Queen of England, lvii n, lviii n, 380, 381, 385, 396
Anne, Princess Royal, daughter of George II, marriage, 630
Anonymous benefactors, 175, 185, 213, 217, 223, 402, 535
Apparatus, 693, 707, 716, 750, 770, 782, 817; burned, 1764, xviii; inventories of, 1779, 1790, in Hollis Book, xxxi; again committed to care of Prof. Greenwood, 1738, 676; taken from him, 681; committee to inspect, 685; committee to report on, belonging to Prof. Greenwood, 1742, 728; instruments for, to be procured in London, 1743, 732; gifts for, 736, 744. See also Philosophical apparatus
—chamber, in second Harvard College, xciv; apparatus and instruments in custody of Prof. Greenwood to be deposited in, 1737, 670, 671; President to take key of, 670, 681; door of, to be forced, if necessary, 671; key of, delivered to President, 681; instruments to be deposited in, 685; Gov. Shirley sees experiments in, 1741, 711
Apparel, 35, 142; student punished for wearing women’s, 1712, 402; penalty for wearing indecent or women’s, 1734, 141
—cloaks, to be worn outside College Yard, 1734, 141
—coats, to be worn outside College Yard, 1734, 141
—gowns, offer to pay for, discussed, 1712, 402; to be worn outside College Yard, 1734, 141
—hats, when not to be worn by scholars, 25, 30, 137, 188; fellow-commoners and Masters of Arts allowed to wear, 135
—uncovered, when scholars are to be, 25, 30, 137, 188
Appendix to College charter, 1657. See under Charters, College
Apple trees, 172
Appleton, Daniel (d 1762), son of John (d 1739), 282, 297, 847; to sell land in Rowley, 1743, 733; to make up his accounts about Rowley lands, 1749, 800, 801–802; 1750, 813–814
—John (d 1739), 429; present, 453
—Margaret (Gibbs), wife of Rev. Nathaniel (1712), 852
—Rev. Nathaniel (1712), son of John (d 1739), lxii n, 320, 478, 509, 526, 527, 528, 573, 583, 656, 695, 740; obtains Rogers gift, 1710, 392; 1711, 397; 1712, 405; 1714, 424; Sprague gift, 1710, 862; Scholar, 1716, 434, 436; salary, 434, 436; Fellow, 1717, cliv, clvi, 436; approved, 439; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxiv; his sermon on J. Leverett to be printed, 1724, 508; his sermon on B. Wadsworth to be printed, 1737, 655; diploma, 1771, 325–326; on committees, 292, 293, 296, 447, 463, 517, 519, 522, 544, 550, 566, 572, 574, 590, 604, 628, 634, 635, 637, 643, 646, 650, 652, 653, 658, 670, 673, 681, 685, 694, 700, 703, 725, 730, 731, 741, 745, 748, 759, 770, 774, 795, 796, 801, 812; present, 440–443, 448, 451, 453–462, 465, 466, 469, 472–487, 489, 500–508, 511–535, 539–555, 558, 559–571, 573–575, 580–586, 590–672, 674–682, 684–691, 695–708, 712–760, 762–765, 770–797, 799–809, 811–821; prays, 545, 548, 563, 567, 571, 575, 585, 595, 600, 603, 617, 626, 636, 639, 649, 655, 667, 682, 687, 696, 717, 731, 740, 750, 760, 776, 784, 793, 806, 817; reports, 577, 634
—Nathaniel (1749), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1712), obtains Gibbs gift, 1746, 759; 1747, 771; 1748, 781; 1749, 798; Scholar, 1747, 777; 1748, 789
Archibald, Francis, gives a skeleton, 1750, 823
Arithmetic, 27, 31, 189
Arms, of W. Stoughton, on Stoughton College, c
—College. See Seal, College
Arnold, Rev. Samuel (d 1683), 20
Arteries, human, given, 1750, 823
Artillery, scholars not to join, without licence, 26, 30, 188
Arts, 616
—synopsis of. See Synopsis
Ashurst, Henry (d 1680), gift, 223, 224
—Sir Henry (d 1711), son of Henry (d 1680), 394; and College charter of 1700, liv n
—Sir William (d 1720), son of Henry (d 1680), 394; letters from, about Boyle gift, 386, 393
Ashworth, Henry, 224. See Ashurst, Henry (d 1680)
Aspinwall, William, 22, 176, 283
Assembly’s Catechism. See Westminster Assembly’s Catechism
Astronomical quadrant, given, 1744, 744
Astronomy, 27, 31, 189
Atherton, Rev. Hope (1665), Scholar, 214
Athletic field. See Play-place
Atkins, Dudley (1781). See Tyng, Dudley Atkins (1781)
—Thomas, 246, 251
Atkinson, Nathaniel (1667), son of Theodore (d 1701), Scholar, 214
—Theodore (d 1701), 263; gives money, 185, 213; gives land in Boston, 285, 413, 419, 431; bounds, 285; never possessed by College, 285
Attendance at Corporation meetings. See Corporation
Attendance money, 607
Atwood, Oliver, and Charlcstown Ferry, 1710, 392
Auburn. See Woburn
Auchmuty, Robert (d 1751), asks for a degree for his son, 1745, 751
—Rev. Samuel (1742), son of Robert (d 1751), 306; granted A.B., 1745, 751; petitions for A.M., 1746, 761; granted A.M., 762; diploma from Oxford, 1766, 323–324
Auction, Stoughton College sold at, 1781, xcix; bought by the College, c
Aulger, John, 246
Austin, Park, offers to lease College land at Narragansett, 1732, 604; 1733, 619; 1735, 637
Avery, William (d 1687), 247, 250
Ayer, Obadiah (1710), Scholar, 1709, 389; salary, 389; obtains Sprague gift, 1708, 861; 1710, 862
Ayres. See Ayer
B., I., a silver beaker marked, 62, 73, 230, 249
Bachelors of Arts, 25, 147, 188, 788; form of presentation of, 3, 35, 177; of admission of, 35, 177; two appointed as help to President, 1643, 17, 175; to have the morning of Commencement, 1667, 48, 197; have specified weeks for borrowing books, 1734, 130–131; to be uncovered before the President in the College Yard, 137; fined for neglect, 139; to dispute once a fortnight, 1692, 340; 1734, 139; to attend private lectures of Divinity Professor, 1734, 139; may be deprived of their chambers, 151–152; first degree denied to, of three years’ standing, 1654, xx, xx n
—Junior, 711; law about, in vacation, 1741, 705; 1749, 809, 811; law about chambers of, 1742, 728–729
—Senior, 565
Bacon, Nathaniel (d 1673), 20
Bad debts. See Debts
—payments, College suffers from, 1654, 191
Badcock, Benjamin, 246, 251, 255, 409
—Robert, 246, 251, 255, 409
Badger, Rev. Stephen (1747), obtains Gibbs gift, 1745, 750; Browne gift, 1745, 750; Mills gift, 1745, 750; 1747, 771; Danforth gift, 1745, 750; S. Browne gift, 1746, 759; Scholar, 1746, 764; granted A.M. though absent, 1750, 820
Bailey. See Bayley
Baked meats, 471
Baker, Rev. Nicholas (d 1678), 20
Baker, College, 32
Balch, Rev. Thomas (1733), Hopkins scholar in Cambridge Grammar School, 1727, 548; obtains Mills gift, 1732, 598
Balfour, James (d 1795), Edinburgh, Scotland, 329
Ball, George (1734), granted A.B. though absent, 1734, 626
Ballantine, John (1694), 283
Ballard, William (1799), called “Sir,” 1801, cxl n
Balusters, top of second Harvard College to be guarded with, 1691, lxxxix, 832
Baptism, immersion in, C. Chauncy not to publish his tenets as to, 1654, 206–207
Barklay. See Berkeley
Barn, of A. Bordman, lxxx n, 266, 302 n. See also under College buildings
Barnard. See also Bernard
—Anna (Woodbury), wife of Rev. John (1700), 859
—John, 54, 216, 245, 255, 409, 411, 416
—Rev. John (1700), will, 858–859
—Deacon John, on committee, 1712, 403; reports, 404; 1714, xcvi
—Rev. John (1709), son of Rev. Thomas (1679), obtains Webb gift, 1705, 375; receives money, 1706, 376; obtains Sprague gift, 1706, 860; 1707, 860, 861; 1708, 861; obtains Hutchinson gift, 1707, 378; Scholar, 1711, 397; salary, 397
—John (1740), son of Rev. John (1709), Scholar, 1738, 683; salary, 683; obtains B. Browne gift, 1739, 687; Hollis scholar, 1739, 692
—Rev. Thomas (1679), son of Francis (d 1698), obtains Webb gift, 1677, 65, 236; Scholar, 1680, 67, 239
—Rev. Thomas (1732), son of Rev. John (1709), makes oration at inauguration of E. Holyoke, 1737, 664; paid for oration, 672
Barns, B. Wadsworth’s goods disposed of in, cxvi n, 542
—College. See under College buildings
Barnstable, 20; student from, 501
Bartering, how allowed, 142
Bass, Rev. Edward (1744), son of Joseph (d 1752), obtains Stoughton gift, 1741, 704; 1742, 721; 1743, 732; 1744, 744; Hopkins scholar, 1748, 788; 1749, 804
Basset, William, 413
Batchelder, Samuel Francis (1893), paper by, cited, cxxv n, cxxvii n
Bates, Edward (1738), case of, cxxxviii n; exempted from dues, 1736, 651; obtains Danforth gift, 1738, 674
Batter, Edmund (d 1685), gift, 222
Battlement, of brick, recommended for second Harvard College, 1712, xc, 404
Baulch. See Balch
Baxter, Joseph (1724), son of Rev. Joseph (1693), receives money, 1723, 484; 1724, 505
—Rev. Richard (d 1691), his portrait burned, 1764, xviii; his works in College Library, lxxxvii
Bay, the. See Massachusetts
Bayberry candles. See Candles
Bayley, Rev. Abner (1736), son of Joshua (d 1760), son of Isaac (d 1740), brother of Rev. James (1669), Scholar, 1734, 626; salary, 626
—Enoch (1742), brother of Rev. Abner (1736), Scholar, 1739, 692; 1740, 698; salary, 692, 698; obtains Fitch gift, 1741, 704
—Isaac (1701), son of Rev. James (1669), his debt to Steward paid by College, 1712, 401
Bayne, Alexander (d 1737), Edinburgh, Scotland, 313
Baynton. See Boynton
Beard,—, leases Shawshin Farm, 1733, 618
Beakers, 62, 73, 230, 249, 651
Beardon. See Birden
Beasts, fat, payments to be made in, 191
Beattie, James (d 1803), Aberdeen, Scotland, 322, 328
Bedding, 35
Beef, price of, 607, 621, 655, 706, 715, 734, 749
Beer, 46, 47, 78, 148, 149, 202, 204, 258, 259, 262; price of, 706, 714, 715, 821; quantity of, allowed, 821
Beers,—, widow, 269
Belcher, Andrew (d 1717), son of Andrew (d 1673), xc; present, 381, 399, 403, 404, 406, 424, 434
—Andrew (1724), son of Gov. Jonathan (1699), 853
—Elizabeth (d 1680), wife of Andrew (d 1673), charge for wine at funeral of A. R. Corlet, 67, 239
—Gov. Jonathan (1699), son of Andrew (d 1717), clxv, 304 n, 622, 658, 690, 700, 702, 824; present, 450, 453; on committee, 451; to receive Treasurer White’s books, 1721, 463; to deliver them to Treasurer Hutchinson, 1722, 464; to call Overseers’ meeting, 587, 612, 664; entertained at College, 1730, 587; on decayed condition of Stoughton College, 1730, xcvii–xcviii; memorial to, 1730, 587–588; 1733, 611–612; 1738, 678–679; receives oration and sermons on B. Wadsworth, 1737, 660; invited to dine on Commencement, 664; address of thanks to, 667–669; thanked for favors, 1741, 710
—Jonathan (1728), son of Gov. Jonathan (1699), granted A.M. though absent, 1731, 593, 594; gives book, 1734, 630
—Rev. Joseph (1690), lxii n; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxiv
Belfry, in second Harvard College, lxxvi; on fire, 1704, xcii
Belknap,—, paid for red cedar posts, 1742, 716
Bell, Thomas (1734), allowance to Steward for bad debt of, 1737, 667
Bellamont. See Bellomont
Bellingham, Gov. Richard (d 1672), clxiv, clxv, clxvi, 21, 38, 54, 198, 219, 220; Overseer, 1637, xxxiii; list of books given by, 156; gift, 185, 213; present, 218
—Samuel (1642), son of Gov. Richard, 4 n; glass in chamber, 1644, 4; his study, 8
Bellomont, Earl of. See Coote, Richard
Bell-ringer, 46, 202; duties, 48, 202; salary, 48, 202. See also Bells, College
Bells, in Cambridge, 1632, lxxv n; taken to Hartford, Ct., 1636, lxxv n; another, 1648, lxxvi n; in Salem, 1638, lxxv n; in Boston, 1641, lxxv n–lxxvi n; in Ipswich, 1647, lxxvi n; in Watertown, 1648, lxxvi n; Dr. A. H. Nichols on difference between ringing and tolling, lxxvi n; ringing of first, in meeting-house, Cambridge, 136; of second bell, 137; in meeting-house, rung for Gov. Shirley, 1741, 711
Bells, College, 48, 205; in first Harvard College, 1643, lxxv–lxxvi; one given by J. Willet, about 1659, lxxvi, 200; this transferred about 1677 to second Harvard College, lxxvi; one exchanged, 1654–1663, lxxvi n, 212; on clock on Massachusetts Hall, 1722, cii, 474, 475; hung, 1725, cii, 523; described by A. Hamilton, 1744, cii; rung for Gov. Shirley, 1741, 711; Willet bell destroyed by fire, 1764, xciii, xciii n; tolling of, 34, 47, 146, 204, 262, 565, 587, 711; when to be rung, 65, 150, 235, 262, 447; damage to, to be made good by students, 193. See also Bell-ringer
Belshar. See Belcher
Bendall, Freegrace (d 1676), Capt. Scarlett’s legacy to children of, 246, 252
Benefactions, mostly appropriated to particular purposes, 509
Benefactions, Book of. See under College records
Benefactors, Librarian to get a roll of, 1712, 401
Benefactors of Harvard College, a volume so called. See under College records
Bennet,—(1659), a fellow-commoner, cxl n; his study rent, 19
—Spencer (1703). See Phips, Spencer (1703)
Berkeley, Rev. George, Bishop of Cloyne, gives books, 1733, ciii, 615–616; thanks sent to, for procuring books, 1748, 796
Bernard. See also Barnard
—Gov. Sir Francis, clxv; names Hollis Hall, 1764, cxxv n
Bernon, Gabriel (d 1736), 352
Berry, Thomas (1712), son of Thomas (1685), Scholar, 1709, 389; 1710, 392; 1711, 397; 1712, 405; salary, 389, 392, 397, 405; obtains Sprague gift, 1710, 862; 1712, 863; 1713, 863; Butler, 1713, 422; made attorney about Rowley lands, 1721, 462; to prosecute claim, 1722, 464; paid, 468; asked for information about land in Rowley, 1726, 540
Betts, John (d 1663), 266; land bought of, 1661, lxxviii n, lxxix n, cvi, cxiii, 247, 256, 265
Betts lot, in College Yard, lxviii n; bought, 1661, lxxviii n, 247, 256, 265; second President’s House on, lxxix n; third President’s House on, lxxix n, cvi, cxiii
Bever, 34; morning, 27, 189; afternoon, 27, 189
Beverly, gifts from, 223
Bible, cited, 25, 29, 187; to be read twice a day, 1642–1646, 25, 29, 187; 1734, 135; Biblia Polyglotta, given by R. Freck, 194, 200; King of Spain’s, 194; English, 382; Hebrew, 382; given by P. Dudley, 1747, 770
—Greek Testament, 614
—New Testament, cxxi, 27, 31, 134, 135, 146, 189, 382, 855
—Old Testament, cxxi, 27, 31, 135, 146, 189
—Scriptures, to be read and expounded at prayers, 1698, 362; to be read at prayers, 1708, 382; Natick Indians read, 576
Bilbao, Spain, proposal to procure College arms in, 1694, 347
Bill,—, 297 n
Billerica, 216, 252, 255, 269, 299, 409, 411, 412, 416, 428; gifts from, 223; College property in, 215, 216, 253, 284, 413, 415, 418, 431, 748; committee to lay out highway through College farm in, 1722, 470, 473; house and barn to be built upon College farm, 1730, 590; committee to let and fence, 1735, 638. See also Shawshin Farm
Billings, Robert, 246
—Roger, 250, 251
Bills, Province, 816
Bills of credit, 295, 431, 572, 583, 769, 852; student expelled for altering, 1709, 384; depression of value of, 443, 446, 454, 461, 474, 504, 513, 525, 543, 547, 555, 566, 574, 628, 633, 639, 645
—of the last emission, 717, 758, 782, 787, 789, 790, 792, 799, 801, 802, 804, 805, 808, 809, 810
Binding, of books, 523, 625, 650
Birden, Rev. John (1647), 6 n; his study, 1644, 6
Bishop, Josiah, 293
Black, Joseph (d 1799), Edinburgh, Scotland, 325, 329
Blackman,—, 275
Blacks. See Negroes
Blair, Rev. Hugh (d 1800), Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325, 329
—John (d 1771), 330
Blake, Samuel (1711), obtains Sprague gift, 1708, 861; Scholar, 1710, 392; salary, 392
—Samuel, surveyor, surveys marsh in Dorchester, 1748, 279; facsimile of his plan, 190–191
Blasphemy, penalty for, 142
Blessing, at meals, 146
Bligh, Thomas, 255, 428
Bliss, Rev. Daniel (Y. C. 1732), admitted A.M., 1738, 678; where to be placed in Catalogue, 678
Blome, Richard (d 1705), cxxxi n
Blood, Robert, heirs of, 297 n
Blowers, Pyam (1721), receives money, 1719, 448; 1721, 454
Blue Hills, 22, 176
Board, to, out of College, not permitted without leave, xix; when permitted, 140–141
Board of Overseers. See Overseers
Boardman. See Bordman
Boards, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 172, 213, 214, 250
Bollan, William (d 1776), College counsellor at law, 606, 619; to prosecute the Merricaneag Neck case, 1734–1735, 623, 635
Bollein. See Bollan
Bolt, 11
Bolting-mill, bought for College, 1711, 397
Bond, students on admission to give, to Steward for College dues, 1694, 347; Treasurer to give, 1713, 420; approved, 1714, 425; J. White’s, accepted, 1715, 426; Steward to give, 1750, 815
Bonds, College, 572; measures to be taken about, 1736, 645
Bones, tables of human, given, 1750, 823
Book for entering the Treasurer’s Accounts. See under College records
—for the College Accounts, etc. See under College records
—of Benefactions. See under College records
—of the College Accounts, etc. See under College records
—referring to Hopkinton affairs quarto. See under College records
Books, 35, 42, 183, 208, 705; printed by M. Johnson to be given to President, 1673, 57, 226; transferred from first to second Harvard College, 1676, lxxv, lxxxvi, cxxvii n; when allowed to be bought or exchanged among undergraduates, 142; freight on a chest of, 212; paid for portage of, 249; boxes for, in case of fire, 673; relating to theology and ethics, ordered by Corporation, 730. See also Library
Books, our. See under College records
Bordman, Aaron (d 1703), son of William (d 1685), I. Mather lodges with, 1701, cx; Steward, 1687, clxi; 1692, 339; 1700, 365; salary for tending clock, 63, 67, 234, 239; paid, 249; Cook, 1692, 339; 1700, 365; to sue for and recover students’ dues, 1693, 341; death, 370; I. Bayley’s debt to, paid by College, 1712, 401; list of debts due, not to be paid by College, 1712, 401; money received from, 1695, 415; his allowance for dinners, 1691, 830; things found by, for Commencement dinner, 830; committee to agree with, about wood lots, 830; letter of attorney to sue for College dues given, 830. See also Steward, College
—Andrew (d 1687), son of William (d 1685), xci, cxviii n, clxi n; Cook, 1685, 78, 258; salary, 80, 259; Steward, 1686, clxi, 827–828
—Andrew (d 1747), son of Andrew (d 1687), xci, clxi n, 304 n, 589, 706, 714, 715; his Account Book returned to the College, xxviii n; leases Bradish lot, 1705, lxxx n, lxxxi n, 266, 373, 418, 430; his barn, lxxx n, 266; on committees, cxiii, 292, 293, 296, 457, 534, 590, 615, 618, 619, 620, 621, 636, 637, 638, 642, 643, 645, 648, 650, 652, 653, 667, 673, 681, 691, 770; Steward, 1703, clxi, 370; Cook, 1703, 370; salary for tending clock, 567; Wadsworth family lodges with, 1726, cxviii; receives oration and sermons on B. Wadsworth, 1737, 660; to provide dinner, 666; allowance for bad debts, 667; throat distemper in family of, 1740, 695; death, 775. See also Steward, College
—Andrew (1719), son of Andrew (d 1747), clxi n; his Account Book returned to the College, xxviii n; Steward, 1747, clxi, 775; his proposals about probate of E. Goffe’s will, 1740, 700–701; to give in an inventory of College utensils, 1747, 778; 1750, 815; to put scholars in commons, 1747–1750, 779, 792, 796–797, 806–807, 813, 814; considered to have relinquished his stewardship, 1750, 814–815; to deliver his account, 815. See also Steward, College
—Andrew (d 1817), son of Andrew (1719), leases Bradish lot, lxxx n, 266, 302, 302 n; his barn, lxxx n, 266, 302 n; his agreement about land, 1770, lxxx n, 266; 1775, lxxxi n, 303; 1779, lxxxi n, 303
—Mary, wife of Aaron (d 1703), her accounts to be made up, 1703, 370; settled, 370–371; petition, 371
—Moses (d 1751), son of Aaron (d 1703), 268, 291, 304 n
—Ruth, daughter of Andrew (d 1687). See Wadsworth
—William (d 1685), 234; paid for dinner at raising of third President’s House, 1681, cix; Steward, clxi; Cook, 1675, 63, 233; allowed for balancing his account as Steward, 214; resigns as Steward, 1667, 218. See also Steward, College
—Zechariah (d 1776), son of Aaron (d 1719), son of Aaron (d 1703), College carpenter, 1746, 755; 1747, 772
Bordman’s Account Book, Steward Andrew (1719). See under College records
Bordman’s Account Book, Steward Andrew (d 1747). See under College records
Bornoun. See Bernon
Bosson, William (1723), confesses, 486; readmitted after expulsion, 1723, 486
Boston, teaching elders of, appointed Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 43, 173; W. Price’s Prospect of, 1743, xciii n; College property in, 24, 54, 176, 198, 199, 209, 214, 215, 216, 263, 264, 270, 286, 388, 410, 413, 418, 419, 431; scholars residing in, 60, 229; Corporation meetings held in, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 77, 238, 242, 257, 343, 352, 357–360, 376, 382, 388, 426, 457, 458, 463, 464, 469, 471, 479, 486–489, 502, 507, 508, 521, 523, 534, 541, 555, 567, 660, 671, 689, 690, 723, 811, 832; Overseers’ meetings held in, 78, 228, 236, 241, 254, 258, 399, 403, 406, 424, 434, 439, 450, 453, 556; gifts from, 179, 222; certain ferry boats to be kept on, side, 444, 468, 518, 563, 585, 601, 644, 689; smallpox rife in, 1722, 467; 1730, 581, 583, 587; ferry-way on, side, to be repaired, 561, 564; Gov. Burnet proclaimed in, 1728, 564; clothing and bread chiefly bought in Charlestown and, 1747, 768; mentioned in will of D. Williams, 840
—Assessors, tax E. Hutchinson for College moneys, 1747, 774; 1748, 793, 794
—Boston Church. See below, First Church
—Bumkin Island, bequeathed by S. Ward, 247, 253, 263; rent, 224, 256, 269, 410, 413, 415, 418, 430, 575, 599, 644, 758, 817; location, 269; disposition of income, 537; to be leased, 695, 745, 758. See also below, Ward’s Island
—Cornhill, 270
—Council Chamber, 394, 530, 658, 667; Overseers’ meetings held in, 399, 403, 400, 424, 434, 450, 453, 556, 582, 661, 737
—First Church, lxxx n, 209, 523; bell in, 1641, lxxvi n; releases B. Wadsworth, 1725, cxv; meetinghouse, 198; disposes of J. Penn’s annuity, 287
—Hancock mansion, College records found in stable of, xxviii n
—Harbor. See Bumkin Island; Ward’s Island
—Looking Glass and Picture Shop, xciii n
—Mason Street, cxxx n
—North Grove Street, cxxx n
—Old South Church, 464, 465, 511, 854; invites L. Hoar to be pastor, 1672, xxxvii; declines to release S. Willard, 1701, lvi n
—Ordinary. See below, Ship Tavern
—Pudding Lane, 270
—Second Church, consents to I. Mather’s residence in Cambridge, 1700, lv n; refuses to release him, 1681, clxxiii n
—Ship Tavern, 24, 209, 286
—South Church. See above, Old South Church
—Third Church. See above, Old South Church
—Ward’s Island, 269, 415, 418, 430. See also above, Bumkin Island
Boston Evening Post, cited, xciii n
Boston News Letter, cited, xix n, xciii n
Bourne, Rev. Joseph (1722), son of Ezra (d 1764), son of Shearjashub, (d 1719), cxliv n; obtains Boyle gift, 1725, 523
—Shearjashub (1743), son of Ezra (d 1764), son of Shearjashub (d 1719), cxliv n; granted A.M. though absent, 1746, 762, 763
—William (1743), son of Sylvanus (d 1763), son of Meletiah, son of Shearjashub (d 1719), granted A.M. though absent, 1746, 762; raising levies for Canada, 762
Bowdoin, Gov. James (1745), 331, 332
Bowers, Rev. John (1649), receives money, 180
Bowing, before elders, etc., 25, 30, 188
Bowman, Edmund (1728), son of Joseph (d 1762), Butler, 1728, 560, 565; 1729, 574; paid for care of College, 1729, 574
—Francis (d 1744), son of Francis (d 1687), 416
—Joseph (d 1762), son of Francis (d 1687), 430
—Samuel (d 1746), son of Francis (d 1687), 266, 416
Boxes, for books in Library, committee to provide, in case of fire, 1738, 673
Boxford, 746
Boxing, undergraduates may be punished by, 145, 153; complaint of F. Hutchinson against N. Prince for, dismissed, 1734, 630
Boydell, John (d 1739), 845, 852, 853
Boyle, Robert (d 1691), gift, 264; terms of, 290; action as to, by Corporation for Indians, 386, 393; by College Corporation, 394; disposal of, discussed, 1710, 394–395; settled, 1712, 400–401; disposition of, 401, 407, 423, 426, 434, 445, 446, 455, 458, 477, 484, 500, 511, 522, 523 525, 529, 540, 544, 558, 560, 561, 570, 590, 594, 598, 599, 609, 645, 651, 713, 754, 755, 756, 818; and T. Hollis, 460
Boylston, Edward, to buy books in England, 1728, 558–559
—Zabdiel (d 1766), 429
Boynton, Joseph, 294, 294 n
Br., Mr., 351, 353. See Brattle, Rev. William (1680)
Brackston, Isaac, executor of R. Thorner’s will, 1690, 833
—Jolin, trustee of R. Thorner’s will, 1734, 833
Bradbury, Rev. Thomas (d 1759), London, Eng., to be written to, 1724, 516
Braddish. See Bradish
Bradfiet, Daniel, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318
Bradford,—(1645?), glass in study, 1644, 4; study account, 12
—William (d 1704), Dept.-Gov. of Plymouth Colony, 20
Bradford, gifts from, 223
Bradforth. See Bradford
Bradish, Ebenezer (d 1785), son of John (d 1741), College glazier, 1741, 709; 1750, 818; to have care of Massachusetts Hall and Holden Chapel, 818
—John (d 1741), son of Joseph (d 1725), son of Robert (d c 1659), 417; College glazier, 1701, 367; salary, 367; paid, 369; allowed to set up small work-house for mending glass, 1733, 621
—Robert (d c 1659), land of, owned by College, 1654, lxxviii n, lxxx n, lxxxi n, 208; location, lxxviii n, lxxx n, lxxxi n, 266; part taken for use of President, 1770, 266
Bradish lot, lxxviii n, lxxx n, lxxxi n, 208, 266, 302, 302 n, 303, 373, 418, 430
Bradley, Hannah Fox, 839, 840. See also Fox, Hannah
Bradstreet, Rev. Benjamin (1725), granted A.M., 1729, 573
—Dudley Story (1792), lus name changed from Bradstreet Story, cxliv
—Nathaniel, 294; sued about land in Rowley, 1736, 651–652
—Samuel (1653), son of Gov. Simon, Fellow, 1656, cliv, 207; Tutor, clviii
—Gov. Simon (d 1697), clxiv, clxvi, 38, 54, 198, 219, 220, 239; records in hand of, clxvi n; present, 76, 232, 236, 237, 255
—Rev. Simon (1693), son of Rev. Simon (1600), son of Gov. Simon, 838; Scholar, 1691, 831; 1692, 339; salary, 339, 831; present, 381, 422; Corporation meets at house of, 1711, 398; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxiv; his letter about Sprague gift, 1726, 538–539; trustee of Sprague gift, 539, 838, 859, 860, 802
—Simon (1700), son of Samuel (1653), Scholar, 1697, 356; 1698, 361; 1699, 363; 1700, 364; salary, 356, 361, 363, 364; removes from College, 366
—Rev. Simon (1728), son of Rev. Simon (1693), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1726, 537; 1727, 548; 1728, 561; 1729, 571; recommends a student for a degree, 1746, 762
Braintree, xci; gifts from, 179, 222
Brandy, forbidden, 143, 148
Brass, 214. See also Utensils, College
Brattle, Thomas (1676), brother of Rev. William (1680), lxxx n, xcv, 271, 342, 343, 393, 420, 431, 405; Treasurer, 1693, xlii, clvi, 342; 1696, 355; 1700, 364; made Treasurer by J. Dudley, 1708, lxi; named Treasurer in charter of 1696, xliii n, lxiv; of 1697, xlvii, lxiv; of 1699, first draught, xlix n, lxiv; account, 1693, 409–411; 1696, 411–413; breviate, 1693–1696, 414–415; inventory, 1712, 416–419; Fellow, 1703, liv n, lvi, cliv, clvi, 370; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n; present, lxxx n, cxlix, cl, cii, 344–346, 348–357, 360–363, 370–372, 373–379, 383, 386–396, 400, 405, 406; salary, 345; Continued Treasurer, 1700, 364; to make up M. Bordman’s accounts, 1703, 370; reports on Boyle gift, 1710, 394; on repairs to second Harvard College, 1713, xci; paid for services, 408; presents papers, 408; agreement with W. Brattle about books of, for Library, 421; gift, applied for by T. Robie, 1720, 449, 456; disposition of gift, 458, 462, 477, 519, 537, 548, 551, 586, 650, 664, 744, 764, 777, 788; death, 1713, xcv n, clvii n, 420, 427; will, 465, 838–839. See also Brattle’s Book; College Book V in Folio; Treasurer, College
—Rev. William (1680), brother of Thomas (1676), xliv, xlvii n, lix n, lxi, lxxx n, 237, 422, 426, 427, 431; Fellow, 1685, cliv, civ; 1703, liv n, lvi, 370; Tutor, 1685, clviii, clix; 1686, xxv, xxxiv, xxxviii, 827; presides at Commencement, 1689–1691, cliii n; made S.T.B., 1692, 340; named Fellow in charter of 1692, xli, lxiv, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxiv; of 1697, xlvii, lxiv; of 1699, xlix n, lxiv; continued Fellow, 1696, 355; 1708, lxi; to make a model for enlargement of the College, 1693, 345; called to Cambridge Church, 1695, 350; reasons for rejecting charter of 1696, xliv–xlvii; ordained, lxiv n; receives vote for President, 1707, lix n; not a clergyman when appointed Fellow, lxiii n; Treasurer, 1713, clvi; term of service as Treasurer, clvii n; his action as executor of T. Brattle’s will allowed, 1713, 420–421; to continue to act as Treasurer, 1713, 421; present, xxxv, xxxviii n, lxxx n, cxlviii, cl, cii, 340–355, 359–363, 370–375, 377–396, 398, 400, 404–406, 420–423, 425, 426, 432, 433, 435, 828–832; salary, 81, 262, 339, 341, 348, 356, 421, 827, 828, 829, 830; on repairs to Stoughton College, 1714, xcvi; agreement with, about T. Brattle’s books for Library, 421; Corporation meeting held in house of, 425; his accounts allowed, 1715, 427; thanked, 427; his inventory of the College estate, 1715, 428–431; death, 1717, 436, 439; disposition of his gift, 445, 448, 454, 462, 475, 477, 502, 519, 537, 548, 561, 571, 580, 591, 597, 607, 623, 636, 657, 675, 686, 693, 704, 720, 733, 745, 750, 758, 771, 781, 798, 816; trustee of Sprague gift, 539, 838, 859, 860, 862; to manage public reading in the Hall, 827; paid for extra service, 830; on committee, 830; will, 839
—William (1722), son of Rev. William (1680), on committee, 642; employed as College attorney in probate of E. Goffe’s will, 1740–1741, 700, 702
Brattle’s Book, Treasurer Thomas. See under College records
Bread, 78, 148, 258, 363; price of, 45–46, 149, 202, 259, 261, 444, 447, 448, 479, 579, 591, 603, 606, 618, 655, 667, 694, 714, 715, 734, 749, 821; chiefly bought in Boston and Charlestown, 1747, 768; two sizes of, to be commons in morning, 1748, 795; 1750, 821
Breck, Rev. Robert (1700), lix n
—Rev. Robert (1730), son of Rev. Robert (1700), recommended to receive Saltonstall gift, 1734, 629
—Samuel (1742), son of Rev. Robert (1700), Hollis scholar, 1739, 692; obtains Fitch gift, 1742, 720
Bremeridge, Eng., 289
Breviate of receipts and payments. See College accounts
Brew house. See under College buildings
Brewer, Daniel (1727), son of Rev. Daniel (1687), receives money, 1724, 505; Hollis scholar, 1724, 514; granted A.M., 1731, 593, 594
Brewer, College, 32
Brewster, Rev. Nathaniel (1642), his study account, 6, 8, 8 n
Bricklayer, College, chosen, 67, 239, 339. See also Andrew, Thomas
Bricklayers, 18
Brickmakers, 18
Bricks, 6, 172; of Indian College, to be removed, 1695, lxxxiii, 352; for sale, 1696, 413; to be sold, 1698, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, 358; used for cellar of Stoughton College, xciv; of Stoughton College, disposal of, 1781, c
Brick ware, 414
Brick work, 347
Bridge, Rev. Christopher (1733), great-grandson of Thomas Danforth (d 1699), obtains Danforth gift, 1730, 580; 1731, 592; 1732, 598; 1733, 608; 1734, 624; 1735, 635; Hopkins scholar, 1735, 640; granted A.M. though absent, 1736, 649
—Rev. Ebenezer. (1736), 155; entries in hand of, 134 n, 155 n; Hopkins scholar, 1738, 683
—Matthew (d 1738), 255, 409, 411
—Rev. Matthew (1741), son of Matthew (d 1761), son of Matthew (d 1738), Scholar, 1739, 692; salary, 692; obtains Mills gift, 1740, 693; Fitch gift, 1741, 704; Butler, 1742, 727; his losing the Punishment Book to be considered, 1744, 718
—Rev. Thomas (d 1715), to be treated with about certain books, 1709, 384; present, 399, 422; made A.M., 1712, 402
Bridge, over Charles River, suggested, 1713, 407; committee about, 420; memorial to General Court about, 1738, 678–679; J. Stanniford’s memorial to General Court about, 1739, 690
Bridges, Francis (d 1642), Clapham, Eng., gift, 54, 172, 175, 209, 215, 216; referrred to, 419
—Robert (d 1656), 38, 198
Bridgetown, Me., 304 n
Bridgewater, 20
Bridgham, Rev. James (1720), receives money, 1724, 505; obtains Rogers gift, 1726, 537
Brigden, Zechariah (1657), Fellow, 1657, cliv; Tutor, clviii
Brinley,—, land in Watcrtown to be let to tenant of, 1746, 755
Brintnall, Thomas, 298 n
Brisbane, Thomas (d 1741), Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
Briscoe, Nathaniel, usher to N. Eaton, cxxxii n
Broadish. See Bradish
Broadstreet. See Bradstreet
Brock, Rev. John (1646), study account, 9, 12; receives money, 180
Broklebeuck, Joseph, 294
Bromfield, Edward (d 1734), 429; present, 381, 399, 403, 404, 406, 424, 434, 439, 450, 453
Brookficld, 297 n
Brooks, Capt. Caleb, his plan of Shawshin Farm, 1744, 269, 299; facsimile, 240–241
Broughton, Rev. Hugh (d 1612), his Chronology given by E. Jackson, 284
Brown, Rev. Cotton (1743), son of Rev. John (1714), son of Iehabod (d 1728), son of Thomas (d 1690), Scholar, 1740, 698; salary, 698; obtains W. Brattle gift, 1741, 704; B. Browne gift, 1743, 733
—Ebenezer, son of Thomas (d 1690), 255, 409, 411
—Henry Young (d 1790), deed of land in Brownfield, Me., procured from, 1779, 304
—Ichabod (d 1728), son of Thomas (d 1690), 255, 409, 411
—James, Glasgow, Scotland, 309
—Rev. John (1741), son of Rev. John (1714), Hollis scholar, 1738, 683; 1739, 692
—Robert (d 1690), paid, 1679, lxxxvii n; salary, 65, 237
—Thomas (d 1690), 245, 252
—Rev. Thomas (1752), son of Rev. John (1714), Scholar, 1749, 804; receives money, 1750, 817
—Ward (1748), son of Rev. John (1714), Scholar, 1746, 764; 1747, 777; obtains B. Browne gift, 1748, 781
—William (d 1768), 416
Browne, Benjamin (1666; d 1708), son of William (d 1688), lix n; disposition of gift, 390, 392, 397, 405, 422, 424, 436, 438, 445, 505, 519, 537, 548, 561, 571, 580, 592, 594, 598, 608, 623, 635, 646, 657, 674, 687, 693, 704, 721, 733, 744, 749, 758, 771, 781, 798, 816; executor of his father’s will, 832; his will, 842–843
—Rev. Edmund (d 1678), on the College, 1638, lxx; arrives in New England, lxx n; gift, 410, 412, 417, 430; to be sued for, 1693, 341, 344; never received, 1712, 417
—John (1753), son of Benjamin (1725), son of John (d 1719), son of William (d 1716), obtains W. Browne gift, 1750, 816
—Joseph (1666), son of William (d 1688), xxxvii n, xxxviii; named Fellow in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxiv; a fellow-commoner, cxxxix n; Fellow, 1671, cliv, clv; Tutor, clviii; salary, 5, 56, 226; present, 13; resigns as Fellow, 1673, 57, 221, 226; legacy, 67, 224, 239, 246, 252; goblet given by, 73
—Samuel (d 1731), son of William (d 1716), 263, 297 n, 501; gives land in Hopkinton, 282; gives plate, 282, 846; will, 282, 846–847; present, 439; gift, 1720, 449, 841, 843; his letter about gift to be entered in College Books. 1721, 454; disposition of gift, 469, 471, 505, 519, 537, 548, 561, 571, 582, 591, 594, 597, 598, 607, 608, 624, 626, 635, 646, 657, 675, 687, 693, 704, 721, 733, 744, 749, 758, 759, 771, 781, 798, 816; committee to view land in Hopkinton given by, 1742, 725; report of committee, 729; lease of land to be sold, 1743, 733
—Samuel (1727), son of Samuel (d 1731), a fellow-commoner, cxxxix n; exempted from going on errands, 1723, 501; gives plate, 501; granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—William (d 1688), gives money, 1672, 222; disposition of gift, 369, 374, 375, 376, 378, 505, 519, 537, 548, 571, 580, 592, 598, 608, 623, 635, 647, 657, 674, 687, 693, 704, 721, 733, 745, 750, 771, 781, 798, 816; charges about legacy, 1694, 414; will, 832
—William (d 1716), son of William (d 1688), disposition of gift, 397, 405, 422, 505, 519, 537, 548, 561, 571, 580, 591, 597, 607, 624, 626, 635, 647, 657, 674, 733, 744, 749, 758, 770–771, 781, 798, 816; executor of his father’s will, 832; his will, 838
—William (1727), son of Samuel (d 1731), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—family, donations of, 469, 471, 501; disposition of, 448, 454, 462, 484
Brownfield, Me., 304 n, 305 n; College lot in, bounds, 304; described, 304 n; plan, 304; facsimile, 290–291; deed, procured from H. Y. Brown, 1779, 304
—Pleasant Mountain, 304 n
—Pleasant Pond, 304 n
Browning, James, 299 n
—William, 299 n
Brush, to be cleared from Narragansett farm, 1731, 595
Buck, Robert. See Breck, Rev. Robert (1700)
Buckingham. Rev. Stephen (1693), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1709), son of Thomas (d 1657), receives money, 1691, 831
—Rev. Thomas (1690), son of Daniel (d 1712), son of Thomas (d 1657), Monitor, 1687, 81, 828
Buckley. See Bulkley
Bucknam, Nathan (1749), son of Rev. Nathan (1721), obtains Fitch gift, 1747, 771
Building, materials for, dear, 1726, 542
Buildings. See College buildings
Bulfinch, Thomas (1746), 306; diploma from Edinburgh, 1757, 320
Bulkley, Rev. Gershom (1655), son of Rev. Peter (d 1659), Fellow, 1658, cliv; Tutor, clviii
—Rev. John (1642), son of Rev. Peter (d 1659), 4 n, 201; Tutor, 1643, clviii; glass in chamber, 1644, 4; study account, 1643, 5–6; appointed as help to President, 1643, cxxxii, 17, 175; receives money, 180; gives part of Fellows’ Orchard, 1645, cxxxiii n, 200–201, 205–206; first M.A., 200
—Rev. John (1699), son of Rev. Gershom (1655), receives money, 1696, 354; Scholar, 1697, 356; 1698, 361; salary, 356, 361
—Rev. Peter (d 1659), list of books given by, 157–158
—Peter (1660), son of Rev. Edward (d 1696), son of Rev. Peter (d 1659), 76, 239, 298 n; present, 76, 255; Fellow, 1663, cliv, 210; Tutor, clviii; present at Council meeting, 1686, xxv, 827
Bull, 216
Bullard, Adam (1742), Scholar, 1740, 698; salary, 698; Hollis scholar, 1741, 704
Bumkin Island, Boston Harbor. See under Boston
Burbeen, Paul (1743), granted A.M. though absent, 1746, 762–763
Burges, Elizeus, commissioned Governor, 1715, but never took office, clxv n
Burgess, Robert, 54, 216, 245, 246, 247, 252, 255, 360, 409, 410, 411, 412
Burgis, William, his Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge in New England, 1726, xciii, c, cii, ciii; advertisements of, 1726, 1743, xciii n
Burgoyne, Gen. John (d 1792), 331
Burley, Andrew (1742), readmitted after expulsion, 1741, 713
Burnet, Alexander, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318, 321
—Gov. William (d 1729), clxv; Corporation waits on, 1728, 564; entertained at College, 565
—Rev. William (1741), son of Gov. William, obtains W. Browne gift, 1741, 704; B. Browne gift, 1741, 704; S. Browne gift, 1741, 704; granted A.B. though absent, 1741, 708
Burr, Samuel (1697), obtains Pennover gift, 1700, 364; 1701, 366
Burrill, John (d 1721), lix n; present, 453
Bursar, xxxvi, 40, 181; use of the word, xxxvi n. See also Treasurer
Bury, Eng., 200
Burying place. See under Cambridge.
Butcher, College, chosen, 339. See also Hill, Abraham (d 1713)
Butler, College, 32, 35, 144, 148, 192, 209, 250, 384, 385, 390, 391, 426, 450, 453; a stranger not to be made, 1659, 10; duties, 33–35, 46–48, 149–151, 201–204, 260–262; salary, 47, 50, 150, 204, 211, 262; to ring the bell, 65, 150, 235, 262, 447; chosen, 63, 65, 67, 74, 77, 81, 233, 235, 239, 253, 258, 339, 356, 366, 388, 422, 427, 432, 435, 438, 442, 447, 453, 461, 475, 511, 525, 540, 555, 560, 565, 574, 584, 595, 601, 611, 625, 637, 648, 665, 666, 682, 690, 695, 715, 727, 746, 754, 758, 783, 828, 829; allowance for cider, 75, 80, 254, 259, 422, 433, 435, 438, 447, 461, 517, 525, 578, 609, 630, 642, 655, 749; for washing trenchers, 78, 258; for candles, 80, 259, 578; for absent commons, 361, 421, 433, 630, 832; price of cider sold by, 421–422, 432–433, 435, 438, 447, 476, 483, 517, 525, 530, 558, 569, 578, 591, 630, 642, 655, 685, 702, 730, 745, 749, 755, 765, 770, 780; to pay for absent commons, 447; his great loss by cider, 520; abated for absent commons, 520, 591, 608–609, 713; paid for drawing list of punishments, 1735, 637; 1738, 680; his gains to be considered, 1744, 746; fee for putting names of Freshmen on the Buttery rolls, 1746, 759; his account allowed, 776; his account to be examined, 819. See also Adams, Rev. Jedidiah (1733); Berry, Thomas (1712); Bowman, Edmund (1728); Bridge, Rev. Matthew (1741); Checkley, Rev. Samuel (1715); Cooke, Rev. Samuel (1735); Cotton, Rev. Nathaniel (1717); Cotton, Rev. Theophilus (1701); Denison, John (1710); Diman, Rev. James (1730); Emerson, Rev. Daniel (1739); Hitchcock, Rev. Gad (1743); Lord, Joseph (1726); Marsh, Perez (1748); Owen, Rev. John (1723); Payson, Rev. Edward (1677); Peabody, Rev. Oliver (1745); Phillips, John (1736); Rogers, Rev. Nathaniel (1687); Rogers, Rev. Nathaniel (1721); Russell, Rev. Noadiah (1681); Saltonstall, Rev. Gurdon (1684); Saltonstall, Nathaniel (1695); Sewall, Mitchel (1718); Symmes, Rev. Thomas (1698); Taylor, John (d 1683); Toppan, Rev. Benjamin (1742); Wadsworth, Rev. Benjamin (1690); Wadsworth, Recompense (1679); Walter, Rev. Nehemiah (1684); Welsteed, Rev. William (1716)
Butler’s Book. See under College records
Butter, payments to be made in, 191
Butterfield, John, 590; rent due from, for land at Menotomy, demanded, 1748, 782; committee to settle rent of lot on Menotomy Plain occupied by, 796
Butternut Brook, Rutland, 299 n
Butternut trees, Rutland, 299 n
Buttery, in first Harvard College, lxxiv, 14, 33, 34, 35, 46, 47, 60, 61, 203, 204, 208, 209, 210, 212, 229; inventory of utensils in, 1674, 62, 230–231; in second Harvard College, xciv, 149, 261, 390, 391, 426, 444, 560, 579, 591, 609, 618, 646, 655, 694; inventory of utensils in, 1683, 73–74, 248–249; Butler’s fee for putting names of Freshmen on the rolls in, 1746, 759
Buttery Book. See under College records
Buttery hatch, 34, 46, 203, 261
Buttery Mulct Book. See under College records
Buying, by scholars, how allowed, 26, 30, 142, 189
By-laws, to be presented to Overseers, 1723, 501
Byfield, Nathaniel (d 1733), lviii n, 429; present, 439
Byles, Rev. Mather (1725), 306; diploma from Aberdeen, 1765, 321; Hollis scholar, 1722, 477; 1724, 504; obtains Hulton gift, 1724, 504–505, 514
—Rev. Mather (1751), son of Rev. Mather (1725), obtains Stoughton gift, 1749, 798; Fitch gift, 1750, 816
Cabins, 9, 12; A. McF. Davis’s remarks on, lxxii n–lxxiii n
Cabot, George (1770), cxxxix n; given an honorary degree, 1779, cxxxviii n
—Rev. Marston (1724), son of George (d c 1717), obtains Browne gift, 1721, 454, 462; 1723, 484; S. Browne gift, 1724, 505; B. Browne gift, 1724, 505; granted A.M., 1729, 573
Caldwell, James (d 1781), 330
Calf, the word, applied to College charter of 1650, lx n
Calking, 6
Callender, Rev. John (1723), Hollis scholar, 1721, 455, 462; 1722, 477; 1724, 501, 504; obtains T. Brattle gift. 1727, 551
Cambel. See Campbell
Cambridge, College ordered to be at, 1637, xxxiii, lxix; name changed from Newetowne, 1638, lxx; teaching elders of, appointed Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 42, 173; controversy over President’s residence in, lv n–lvii n, cx, cxi; site of town grant to College, 1638, lxviii n, lxxvii n, lxxviii n, 265; early bells in, lxxv–lxxvi, lxxv n, lxxvi n; gives lumber for fence to College Yard and for shingling roof of first Harvard College, 1663, lxxv n; for repair of President’s house and fences, 1652, cvi n; of President’s fence, 1666, cvi n; J. Winthrop’s plan of, 1801, mentioned, lxxix n; rate, 1639, 17, 21; gentlemen of learning in, allowed to borrow books, 130, 132, 699, 789; President to reside in, 135, 379, 380; taverns, shops, and houses in, not to be frequented without leave, 141; professors to reside in, 152; guns and pistols forbidden in, 154; College property in, 172, 217, 247, 253, 263, 265–268, 418, 430, 431; gifts from, 179, 222; gives farm at Shawshin (Billerica), 184, 215, 269; students not to live or board in private houses in, without leave, 192; land granted to College by, in Cambridge, 217, 253, 265, 267, 268; in Lexington, 265; grants land to R. Champney, 267; to E. Jackson, 285; S. Danforth’s plan of, 1724, 303, 304; described, 304 n; facsimile, 280–281; Corporation asks Gov. Shute to direct the Overseers’ meeting to be in, 1718, 442; why so named, 481, 557; members of the Corporation resident in, 570, 579, 586, 590, 603, 606, 607, 621, 628, 655, 667, 673, 676, 691, 694, 697, 749, 755, 760, 779, 783, 792, 798; General Court meets in, 1730, 587; justices of, consulted about disorders at Commencement, 614, 648–649, 680; lands in and near, to be sold, 1738, 675, 677; notifications to be set up, 681; committee to sell, 681; throat distemper in, 1740, 695–696, 697; profits of horse and chair hire in, 769; meeting of President and Council for New England in, 1686, 827
—Assessors, J. Monis rated by, 1731, 597
—Braintree Street (now Massachusetts Avenue), lxxviii n, lxxix n, lxxx n
—Burying place, 268; College pays for care of stone wall round, 1735, cxxiii n, 642
—Captain’s Island, 266
—Church. See below, First Church
—Church of Christ. See below, First Church
—Common, 136, 268, 303, 304 n; land on, hired by H. Prentice, 1726, 536; to be walled, 1737, 658, 688; agreement with H. Prentice about, 1739, 687–688; rent paid by H. Prentice for, 1748, 795
—Dunster Street, cxxii
—First Church, 325, 439, 856; bell in, 1648, lxxvi; lot of, acquired by the College, 1833, cvii n; relations between the College and, cxxi–cxxiv; College pays sexton of, 1747, cxxiv, 775; pastor of, allowed to borrow books, 1667, 194; asked to release U. Oakes, 1680, 239; calls W. Brattle, 1695, 350; motion from parish of, about taxing scholars to the minister of, considered, 1750, 819. See also below, Meeting-house
—Fresh Pond, 53, 207, 268, 304 n, 634, 677, 694, 733, 759
—Fresh Pond meadows, land in, to be sold, 265; owned by College, 266. See also Cambridge West Fields
—Garden Street, cxxiii n
—God’s Acre. See above, Burying place
—Grammar School, xxxi, 4, 483; E. Corlct master of, lxxiii; its farm at Townsend, 291; receives Hopkinton rents, 288, 385; to share in Hopkins gift, 1711, 398; Hopkins scholars in, nominated, 1727, 548
—Holyoke Street, lxxviii n, lxxxi n, 266
—Kirkland Street, town grant in 1638 probably north of, lxviii n, lxxviii n
—Massachusetts Avenue (formerly Braintree Street), lxxviii n, lxxx n, cvi n, cxxiii n, 266
—Mt. Auburn Street, cxxii
—Meeting-house, fellow-commoners to sit with their class in, 135; ringing of first bell in, 136; of second bell, 137; disorders in, fined, 137. See also Worship, public
—Meeting-houses of First Church: first (1636–1650), in Dunster Street, cxxi–cxxii; probably referred to in College Laws of 1642–1646, cxxii; second (1650–1706), on Watch House Hill, cxxii; east gallery in, for use of students, 1654, cxxii n, 209; College pays for repairs to, 1691, cxxii, 832; third (1706–1756), on or near site of second, lxxviii n, 265, 593, 594; College contributes towards building, 1703, cxxii, 371; College to build President’s pew in, 1706, cxxiii, 376; students’ seats in, to be built, 376; Commencement exercises held in, 1707, cxxiii; agreement of College about, 1717, cxxiii, 437; gallery in, to be for use of students, 437; B. Wadsworth inaugurated in, 1725, 524, 825; bell in, rung for Gov. Shirley, 1741, 711; agreement of College about repairs to, 1746, cxxiii, 757; College pays sexton of, 1747, cxxiv, 775; fourth (1756–1833), near site of third, College contributes to expense of building, cxxii n; taken down, 1833, cxxii n; fifth (built 1833), on Massachusetts Avenue, College contributes to expense of building, cxxii n; lot of, sold to College, 1833, cxxii n
—North Side Street (now Massachusetts Avenue), lxxx n
—Old Parish. See above, First Church
—Parsonage of First Church (built 1670), occupied by U. Oakes, 1675–1680, cvi; acquired by the College, 1833, cvii n; taken down, 1843, cvii n
—Parsonage lot, cxxxiii n
—Press. See Printing press
—Town Book, 217, 268, 285
—Town Book of Records, 437
—Town Records, 265, 267, 268, 269
—Watch, abused by students, 1659, 44, 205; powers of, 44, 205
—Watch House Hill, cxxii
Cambridge, Eng., University of, copy of Gratulations of, given by J. Belcher (1728), 1734, 630; Gov. Shirley educated at, 710; called the mother of Harvard College, 710
Cambridge College in New England, 39, 843. See also College of Cambridge
Cambridge Farm (Farms), 412, 416, 417, 428, 429
Cambridge Neck, College property in, 208, 253, 266, 418, 430; to be sold, 265; 1715, 427; 1738, 677; committee to view, 1723, 480; committee to settle highway in, 1730, 581; report of committee, 588–589; to be let, 1736, 645; committee to sell, 1742, 722; sold to E. Trowbridge, 723–724
Cambridge Rocks, College property in, 267, 430; bounds, 267; let, 1726, 537; committee to view, 1735, 634
Cambridge Village, 255, 409, 411; College property in, 53; gifts from, 222
Cambridge West Fields, College property in, 266, 430; to be sold, 1715, 427; 1738, 677; committee to survey, 1730, 581; committee to look after land in, 1750, 818. See also Fresh Pond meadows
Campbel,—, 410
Campbell, Colin, Governor of Jamaica, gives transit instrument and pays for repairs of quadrant, 1744, lxxxix n, 744
—Rev. George (d 1796), Aberdeen, Scotland, 322, 328
—John (d 1728), 270
—Rev. Neil (d 1761), Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
—Rev. Othniel (1728), obtains Boyle gift, 1724, 511; 1725, 522, 525; 1726, 544; 1727, 558; 1728, 561; 1729, 570; to be appointed for service among Indians, 571, 574–575, 577, 579; discharged from his obligations, 579–580
Campus, the word, displaces College Yard, except at Harvard, cxxvii n
Canada, 331; J. Wainwright recommended for expedition to, 1711, 396; W. Bourne raising levies for expedition to, 1746, 762. See also Cape Breton; Louisburg
Candidates for admission, must procure College Laws, 134
—for first degree, advertisement about, 1740, 697; amount to be paid by, for degrees, 1742, 720, 722; for Commencement dinner, 720, 722
—for second degree, 148; regulations about, 1727, 550; advertisements about, 1727–1741, 551, 562, 572, 581, 591, 600, 636, 647–648, 677–678, 689, 694–695, 696, 697, 707; when to appear, 1733, 608; orator and respondents among, to be appointed for Commencement, 1737, 661; amount to be paid by, for degrees, 1742, 720, 722; for Commencement dinner, 720, 722
Candles, 35, 47, 151, 204, 262, 830; Butler’s allowance for, 80, 259, 578; to be paid for by undergraduates, 1729, 578; bayberry, to be sent to J. Mico, 1739, 689
Cane. See Keayne
Cane joints, bought, 1695, 415
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 780. See also Canada; Louisburg
Cards, penalty for playing, 142
Carmichael, Gerschom (d 1729), Glasgow, Scotland, 309
Carolina, 820; student from, 713, 714, 724
Carpenter, work of, 9, 12, 17, 172
Carpenter, College, xcviii; chosen, 339, 352, 473, 740, 748, 754, 755, 772, 817. See also Bordman, Zechariah; Hasey, Abraham; Hicks, John; Hicks, Joseph; Hicks, Zechariah (d 1702); Richardson, Moses; Symonds,—
Carriage, laudable, 390; contemptuous, 474
Carrying-place at Merricaneag Neck, Me., 605, 606
Carter,—, 212
Carting, 6, 18
Cartwright, Col. George, on Harvard College, 1665, lxxxii–lxxxiii
Cary, Rev. Henry (1733), granted A.M., 1738, 680
Casco Bay, Me., land on, granted to College, 1683, 277, 278, 413, 419, 431
Casements, 7, 172
Caswell, John, London, Eng., to get Pennoyer gift, 1716, 436
Catalogue, Library. See under Library
Catalogues, College, name of N. Whitaker to be erased from, 1729, 573; where D. Bliss is to be placed in, 1738, 678
—Harvard University, xxxiii n, xxxvi n
—Quinquennial, xxxii n, xl n, cxxxvi, cxxxviii n, cxxxix, cxliv, cxliv n, clii n, cliii n, cliv n, clvi n, clix n, clx n, clxiii; 1880, the first, clxii; 1885, defects in, cxliv n; W. H. Tillinghast appointed editor of, clxii; vote of Overseers in regard to, clxii; 1885–1910, give results of W. H. Tillinghast’s researches, clxii; 1915–1920, omissions in, clxii; list of graduates in, arranged as originally placed, 1642–1772, 82 n; first arranged in chronological order with the class of 1773, 82 n
—Triennial, cxliii n, cxliv, cxliv n, cliv n, clxi n; note on, clxi–clxiii; 1674–1773, printed as broadsides, clxi; 1674–1788, contain only names of those on whom degrees had been conferred by the College, clxi; 1698, printed in C. Mather’s Magnalia, 1702, cliv n; 1703–1712, no copies extant, cxliii n; 1739, 1742, no copies extant, cxliv n; 1776, an octavo, clxi; 1791–1872, features in, clxi–clxii; 1875, the last, clxii; J. L. Sibley’s paper on, mentioned, clxii, 82 n; arrangement in, of those receiving honorary degrees, 82 n; names to be left out of, under certain conditions, 1727, 553; 1733, 82, 99 n; how E. Hartshorn’s name is to be entered in, 1739, 690
Catanach, James, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318
Cattle, 52, 55, 216, 687, 797; lean, regarded as doubtful pay, 32
Caverly, Anthony, Rogers’s Farm bought of, 1738, 297, 672
Cedar posts, red, 716
Ceiling, lxxiii n, lxxxviii, xci, 6, 7; in Hall, to be made clean, 1720, 452
Cellar, 34, 47, 172, 203, 367, 422, 438, 447, 805; of first Harvard College, lxxiv, 208; of Goffe’s College, lxxviii, 208; of Stoughton College, xciv, xcv, c, 360, 363, 364; rent of, xcv, 804–805; of Massachusetts Hall, ci, 452
Cellars, damage to, 705
Chafing dishes, 61, 230
Chainmen, 279, 298
Chair hire, profits of, in Cambridge and Charlestown, 769
Chairs, leather, to be provided for Library, 1695, lxxxvii n, 350
Chalice, Philip, 283
Chalmers, Rev. John, Aberdeen, Scotland, 317, 318, 321
Chamber, over the School, glass in, 1644, 4; the great, in first Harvard College, 12, 14, 15; in Goffe’s College, lxxviii, 19; painted, in Stoughton College, reserved for W. Stoughton’s near relations, 1708, xcv, 383; dinner to be served in, behind H. Flynt’s, 1737, 664. See also Chambers
Chamberlain, William, gift, 54, 216
Chamberlayne, John (d 1723), Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503
Chambers, 48, 148, 197, 204, 241, 343, 456, 471, 553, 642, 649, 686, 802, 805; glass in, 1644, 4; charges of, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; incomes and quarterly rents of, 14, 15; quarterly rents of, 19; when scholars are to remain in their, 138; absence from, fined, 138; rules about, 151–153; damage to, 193, 705; in first Harvard College, 208; in Goffe’s College, lxxviii, 208; in President’s house, 340; assigned to fourth Tutor, 1720, 450; in Massachusetts Hall, 452; of Junior Bachelors, Jaw about, 1742, 728–729. See also Chamber
Chambers’s Cyclopædia, given, 1743, 740
Chamdler. See Chandler
Chamney. See Champney
Champney,—, son of Richard (d 1669), 53
—Rev. Joseph (1721), son of Joseph (d 1730), son of Samuel (d 1695), son of Richard (d 1669), obtains T. Brattle gift, 1726, 537; Scholar, 1726, 540; 1727, 555; 1728, 566; salary, 540, 555, 566, 569; paid for care of College, 1726, 544; 1727, 558; 1728, 566; 1729, 574; Librarian, 1728, clx, 569; 1729, 574; leaves College, 1729, 578
—Richard (d 1669), gift, 53, 217, 253, 263, 268, 431; will, 1669, 267; gives land in Newton, 267; leased to N. Hubbard, 267
Chandler,—, 297 n
—Rev. James (1728), son of Thomas (d 1751), son of William (d 1698), 514; Hollis scholar, 1725, 519, 525; 1726, 535; obtains B. Browne gift, 1725, 519
—Rev. Samuel (1735), son of Josiah (d 1752), son of William (d 1727), son of William (d 1698), Scholar, 1733, 616; salary, 616
Chapel, in second Harvard College, lxxxvii, xciv. See also Holden Chapel
Chaplin, Jeremiah, on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297
Charity bag, 858
Charles River, 267, 533, 678, 679, 717, 731, 747; College lands on south side, 217, 265, 267; contain three commons, 267; Falls on, 267; land on south side, to be sold, 1713, 407, 421; sold, 423; bridge over, suggested, 1713, 407. See also Bridge; Charlestown Ferry; Ferry
Charles River Ferry. See Charlestown Ferry
Charleston, 850. See Charlestown, R. I.
Charlestown, teaching elders of, to be Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 43, 173; gifts from, 179, 185, 213, 222; meeting of Corporation in, 398; small-pox rife in, 1722, 467; 1730, 581, 583; clothing and bread chiefly bought in Boston and, 1747, 768; profits of horse and chair hire in, 769
—First Church, 285, 539
—Gaol, broken open by student, 1729, 572
Charlestown Ferry, xxi, 264, 740; revenue of, granted by General Court, 42, 173, 287, 679, 742, 743; disposal of money from, 49, 75, 210, 254, 339, 341, 349, 351, 356, 421, 423, 433, 827, 829, 830; rent, 213, 216, 247, 253, 256, 287, 410, 413, 418, 431, 432, 444, 467, 518, 585, 601, 782, 784, 805; leased, 366, 432, 444, 467–468, 518, 563, 585, 601, 643, 689, 752, 755, 784; bridge over, suggested, 1713, 407; rights in, insisted on, 407; committee about bridge appointed, 1713, 420; leases not to exceed five years, 1715, 432; regulations about, 1719, 444; 1725, 517–518; causeway at, 1721, 461; rents abated, 1722, 464; 1731, 592; 1741, 703; 1749, 805; 1750, 813, 814; repairs to ways at, 533, 561, 563, 564, 601, 689, 703; committee about, 1741, 703; 1742, 717; committee about raising fare of, 1742, 731; 1746, 760; petition to General Court to raise fare of, 1743, 741, 741–743; 1747, 765–770; a boat to be leased, 1744, 747; Overseers to consider fare of, 1746, 756; number of passengers to be carried in stormy weather, 756; committees of College and General Court to consider regulation of, 1748, 796; frozen over, 1749, 805, 813; General Court orders two more ferry boats, 1750, 818; advertisement about rent of, 818–819; money from, settled on Tutors, 1686, 827. See also Bridge; Ferry
Charlestown, R. I., J. Park’s stipend as preacher to the Indians at, 1748, 850
Charlotte Caroline, wife of George II, 557
Charnock, John, 297 n
—William (1743), readmitted after expulsion, 1741, 713
Charter, Massachusetts Colony. See under Massachusetts
—Massachusetts Province. See under Massachusetts
Charter, royal, for the College, solicited by I. Mather, xxxix; Bellomont advises solicitation for, 1699, xlviii–xlix; 1700, lii; draught of, adopted; lii–liii; J. Dudley on, 1703, lviii n; draughted by J. Leverett, 1723, lxi–lxii; H. Newman on a, lxiii n; to be petitioned for, 1696, 355–356
Charters, College, Corporation and, 1650–1723, xxxvi–lxvii; I. Mather’s efforts to secure, 1688–1692, xxxix; five proposed, 1692–1700, xl; members of Corporation named in, 1650–1723, lxiv–lxvi; table giving dates of those that became effective, 1650–1700, lxvi
—1650, xxxvii, xxxvii n, xxxviii, lv n, lxii, lxvi, cxxxiii, cxxxv, 43, 59, 184, 228, 459, 466, 478, 527, 590, 597, 719, 774, 794; revived, xxxv, xxxviii, lv n, lx, lx n, lxi, cliv n; members of Corporation named in, xxxvi, lxiv–lxv, 42, 181; where printed, xxxvi n; regarded to have fallen with vacating of Colony charter, lx n; termed calf, lx n; its restoration in 1707 due largely to J. Dudley, lx n; College still governed under, lxi; text of, 40–42, 181–183; declared still in force, 1707, 380, 495; representation of Corporation on interpretation of, 1723, 490–498; copy of, to be procured, 1729, 578
—1657, Appendix, 473, 493; purpose of, xxxvi; where printed, xxxvi n
—1672, xxxvii n, lxvi, 494; changes name of Corporation, xxxvi; where printed, xxxvi n; members of Corporation named in, xxxvii, lxiv–lxv; misapprehensions regarding, xxxvii; purpose of, xxxvii–xxxviii; T. Hutchinson on, 1764, xxxviii, xxxviii n
—1692, xxvii, xxxv, xl, xlvi, xlvii n, lii n, lxv n, lxvi, cxlvi n, cxlix, 495; no provision for Overseers or Visitors in, xxxv; adopted, xl, xli n; where printed, xl n; accepted by the College, xl n; members of Corporation named in, xli, lxiv–lxv, 336; disallowed, xlii, xlii n, lii, lviii n; text of, 335–338
—1696, rejected by Corporation, xl, xlii; reasons for rejection, xliii–xlvii; where printed, xliii n; members of Corporation named in, xliii n, lxiv–lxvi; two draughts, causing uncertainty, xliii n
—1697, xxxv, xl, li n, lii n, lxvi, cxlvi n, cl, 495; provision for Visitors, xxxv; members of Corporation named in, xlvii, lxiv–lxvi; some not clergymen, xlvii; steps leading to adoption, xlvii n; where printed, xlvii n; all Fellows under, non-resident, xlvii n; excludes Tutors from Corporation, xlvii n; disallowed, xlviii, xlviii n, lii, lviii n; reasons for disallowance, xlviii n
—1699, li n, lii n, lxv n; where printed, xlix n; provisions of, xlix n; members of Corporation named in first draught, xllx n, lxiv–lxvi; in amended draught, xlix n, lxiv–lxvi; excludes Treasurer from Corporation, xlix n; the two senior Tutors included in amended draught, xlix n, xlv n; vetoed by Bellomont, xl, xlix–1; religious requirements in, l
—1700, xxxv, xl, lxi, lxii, lxv n, lxvi, lxvi n, cxxxiii, cxlvi n, cli, cliv n, 495; provision for Visitors, xxxv; where printed, lii n; members of Corporation named in, liii, lxiv–lxvi; includes the two senior Tutors, liii, lxv n; not a regular act of incorporation, but a draught of a royal charter, liii n; disallowed, liii n, lviii n, lxii; what became of, in England, liii n–liv n, lxiii n; requires residence of members of Corporation in Cambridge, lv n; excludes Treasurer from Corporation, lxi n; H. Newman on, 1725, lxiii n
—1723, draughted by J. Leverett, lxii; provisions of, lxii; where printed, lxii n; members of Corporation named in, lxii n, lxiv–lxvi; probable date of, lxii n–lxiii n; perhaps transmitted to England, lxiii n
Chase, Rev. Josiah (1738), obtains Flynt gift, 1737, 657
Chauncy, Barnabas (1657), son of Rev. Charles (d 1672), given money, 1674, 231
—Rev. Charles (d 1672), xxxvii, lxxxv n, civ n, cliii n, 217, 231; President, 1654, clii, 206; conditions imposed, 206–207; inaugurated, xxi, 207; salary, xxi; requests use of Indian College for English students, 1656–1657, lxxxii; asks for a house, 1654, cvi n; possible reference to Peyntree House by, civ n; occupies Dunster House, 1655–1672, cv, cvi n; present, cxlv, 218; presides at Commencement, 1655–1671, cliii n; entries in hand of, 10 n, 19 n, 36 n, 37 n, 42 n, 43 n, 166 n; receives money, 212; death, lxxxvi, lxxxvi n, 217; buried at College expense, xxi, 217; tomb of, to be rebuilt, 1736, 645–646
—Rev. Charles (1686), son of Rev. Israel (1661), son of Rev. Charles (d 1672), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1684, 75, 76, 254; waiter at Fellows’ table, 1685, 77; made A.M., 1693, 345
—Rev. Charles (1721), son of Charles (d 1711), son of Rev. Isaac (1651), son of Rev. Charles (d 1672), 306, 514; diploma from Edinburgh, 1742, 316–317; Hollis scholar, 1722, 470, 477; 1724, 504; Scholar, 1724, 513; 1725, 525; 1726, 540; salary, 513, 525, 540; Hopkins scholar, 1727, 547; resigns as Scholar, 1727, 548
—Israel (1724), son of Rev. Isaac (1693), son of Rev. Israel (1661), son of Rev. Charles (d 1672), receives money, 1724, 505
—Rev. Nathaniel (1661), son of Rev. Charles (d 1672), Fellow, 1663, cliv, 210; Tutor, clviii
Chaundler. See Chandler
Chauvin, Étienne, his Lexicon Rationale to be bought, 1709, 384
—Rev. John (1738), Scholar, 1737, 665; salary, 665; excused from acting as Scholar, 1738, 672
—Samuel (d 1738), lviii n; Treasurer to take his bond for J. Richards’s legacy, 1696, 354
—Rev. Samuel (1715), son of Samuel (d 1738), Scholar, 1713, 421; 1714, 424; obtains Sprague gift, 1713, 863; salary, 421, 424; Butler, 1715, 432; 1716, 435; 1717, 438; present, 450, 453; paid for services as Clerk of Overseers, 1742, 730
—Rev. Samuel (1743), son of Rev. Samuel (1715), obtains B. Browne gift, 1742, 721; Fitch gift, 1743, 732
Cheesbrough. See Chesebrough
Cheever, Ezekiel (d 1708), 58, 227
—Rev. Israel (1749), obtains Stoughton gift, 1747, 771; 1748, 781; Scholar, 1747, 777; obtains Browne gift, 1749, 798; B. Browne gift, 1749, 798; S. Browne gift, 1749, 798
—Rev. Thomas (1677), son of Ezekiel (d 1708), obtains Webb gift, 1674, 58, 227; Scholar, 1675, 63, 234; Monitor, 1675, 64, 234
Chelmsford, gifts from, 223
Chelsea, Coggan’s marsh, to be let, 1746, 757. See also Rumney Marsh
Cheney, Benjamin (d 1718), 417, 428
Chesebrough, Thomas (1726), granted A.M. though absent, 1729, 573
—William, 275, 276
Chesholme, Thomas (d 1671), Steward, clxi
Chesholme’s Account Book, Steward Thomas. See under College records
Chest, College, in President’s house, 60
Chester, John (1722), granted A.M., 1729, 573
Child, Stephen (1738), obtains Flynt gift, 1738, 674; granted A.M. though absent, 1741, 708
Children, money sent out of England due for, 1644, cv
Chimneys, of Stoughton College, xcvi, xcix; of first Harvard College, 172; of Wadsworth House, 667
Chipman, Rev. John (1711), obtains Sprague gift, 1708, 861; 1710, 862; obtains B. Browne gift, 1710, 392; Scholar, 1714, 424; salary, 424
—Jolin (1738), son of Rev. John (1711), obtains B. Browne gift, 1737, 657; W. Browne gift, 1738, 674
Church,—, lets College land in Watertown, 1746, 759
—Benjamin (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—James, 854
Churches in New England, 853, 854, 856, 864
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, scholars required to read, 1642–1646, 24, 29, 187; 1734, 134
Cider, 150; Butler’s allowance for, 75, 80, 254, 259; kept without leave to be forfeited, 1701, 367; price of, 421–422, 432, 435, 438, 447, 476, 483, 517, 525, 530, 558, 569, 578, 591, 630, 642, 655, 685, 702, 730, 745, 749, 755, 765, 770, 780; allowance to College by Butler for, 422, 433, 435, 438, 447, 461, 517, 525, 578, 609, 630, 642, 655, 749; dearoess of, 476, 702; Butler’s great loss by, 1725, 520; scarcity of, 476
Clap, Noah (1735), obtains W. Browne gift, 1731, 592; Gibbs gift, 1734, 624
—Rev. Supply (1731), obtains Stoughton gift, 1728, 562; 1729, 571; 1730, 580; W. Browne gift, 1730, 580; Mills gift, 1730, 580; Scholar, 1730, 584; salary, 584
—Rev. Thomas (1722), President of Yale College, his Annals or History of Yale College, 1766, mentioned, lxvii n; describes first college building at New Haven, ciii n; present at Commencement, 1744, 747; recommends students for degrees, 747, 752
Clapboards, 17
Clark,—, Hounsley Hill not to be let to, 1723, 482
—Capt.—, 467
—Hannah, 484
—John (1687), to confer with Corporation about bridge over Charles River, 1713, 420; present, 424, 434
—Rev. Peter (1712), obtains B. Browne gift, 1710, 392; Webb gift, 1711, 397; Sprague gift, 1710, 862; 1712, 863
—Peter (1739), son of Rev. Peter (1712), obtains S. Browne gift, 1736, 646; 1738, 675; 1739, 687; W. Browne gift, 1736, 647; 1737, 657; Hollis scholar, 1738, 683
—Thomas, 410, 413; gives to printing press, 20; present, 232
—William (1726), makes oration before Gov. Burnet, 1728, 565
Clarke, Henry (d 1675), gift, 224
—James (d 1751), sexton, paid for taking care of gallery in meeting-house, 1747, cxxiv, 775
Class, 77, 78, 257, 258, 373, 374, 375, 377, 554, 560, 566, 569, 573, 583, 640, 649, 678, 680, 690, 691, 703, 708, 714, 716, 719, 720, 725, 726, 736, 746, 751, 761, 762, 798, 803, 820; President takes a, 1711, 397–398. See also Classes; Classis
Classes, the two Senior, to attend lectures of Hollis Professor of Mathematics, 1733, 616; 1737, 665; 1738, 676; 1742, 717; to pay Hollis Professor of Mathematics, 1733, 616; 1737, 665; 1738, 676, 685; 1739, 686; 1742, 717; 1746, 764; 1748, 781–782. See also Class; Classis
Classical Latin authors. See Latin
Classis, li n, 56, 226, 468, 473, 474, 479, 480, 483. See also Class; Classes
Clay, 6, 172
Cleansing the house, charge for, 18
Cleaver, 61, 230
Clergymen, some members of Corporation not, in charter of 1697, xlvii n; H. Flynt the only Fellow of the Corporation not a, by charter of 1723, lxii n; meaning those ordained, lxiii n
Clerk to the Overseers. See Overseers
Cleveland, Aaron, xci, xci n
Cleverly, Joseph (1733), Scholar, 1730, 584; 1732, 602; salary, 584, 602
Cloaks. See under Apparel
Clock, College, lxxvi n, 48, 205; mentioned, 1660, lxxvi, 193; salary for tending, 63, 67, 234, 239, 523, 789, 804; penalty for damage to, 153, 193; to be bought, 1722, cii, 474, 475; bell to be hung for, to strike on, 1725, cii, 523; on Massachusetts Hall described by A. Hamilton, 1744, cii; shown in W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges, 1726, cii; in Du Simitière’s View of Harvard College, about 1764, ciii n
Clock keeper, J. Holyokc appointed, 1748, 789; 1749, 804
Clothing, chiefly bought in Boston and Charlestown, 1747, 768
Clough, Ebenezer, on committee, 1721, 458
Cloyne, Bishop of. See Berkeley, Rev. George
Coale. See Cole
Coalson, Christopher, gift, 1640, 16, 171
Coats. See under Apparel
Cobbett, Rev. Thomas (d 1685), Overseer, 1654, xxxiv n
Cock. See Cox
Coggan, John (d 1658), gift, 1652, 54, 184, 209, 213, 215, 246, 247, 256, 263, 269, 270, 410, 413, 418, 431; disposition of, 510; terms of, 270, 834
Coggan’s marsh. See Chelsea; Rumney Marsh
Cogswell, Francis (1718), granted A.M., 1730, 584
Coit, John (1712), Scholar, 1712, 405; salary, 405; obtains Sprague gift, 1712, 863
Colbron (Colbran, Colbrun, Colburne), William (d 1662), gift, 185, 200, 213, 214
Cole, Mrs.—, leases part, of College farm at Narragansett, 1731, 595; 1735, 637
—Nicholas, claim of, at Merricaneag Neck, 1732, 605
—Samuel, gift, 185, 213, 216
Coleman. See Colman
College, the word, on the use of, cxxviii–cxxxi; applied to a building, lxx n, lxxviii n, ciii n; at Harvard every building so called except President’s House, 1636–1720, cxxix; used interchangeably with hall, 1720–1781, cxxix–cxxx; official use of, as applied to a single building, disappears in Cambridge, 1781, cxxx, cxxx n; retained in Boston, cxxx, n; still colloquially heard in the phrase “the colleges,” cxxx, cxxx n; erroneous statement regarding disappearance of, cxxxi; had no reference to English system of separate colleges, cxxxi, cxxxi n; confusion caused by application of, to different buildings, cxxxi. See also Colleges
College, in, Fellows must live, xx
—out of, board, not permitted without leave, xix; detriment for those living, xx; no undergraduate to live or board, without leave, 1734, 140–141; no undergraduates to live, until all chambers in the College are occupied, 1735, 642
College accounts, abbreviate of, 1654–1663, 212–214; 1663–1668, 214–215; breviate of, 408; 1693–1696, 414–415
—estate, xx, 355, 408, 531, 533, 775, 794; Feb. 1, 1669, 216–217; June 3, 1669, 53–54; inventory, 1654, 208–210; referred to, lxxii n, lxxiv, 284; 1682, 245–247; 1683, 251–253; 1712, 416–419; 1715, 428–431; sinking of, to be prevented, 1729, 572; 1730, 583
—stock, xxii, lxxi n, cvii, 32, 50, 60, 71, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 229, 245, 355, 408, 427, 532, 769, 829; put in charge of S. Shepard, 1639, lxxi, 173; of H. Dunster, 1640, lxxi, 173; account, 1669, 216; 1683, 249–250; 1693, 255–256, 409–411; 1696, 411–413; inventory, 1715, 427; account of, to be exhibited, 1724, 514
College Books I–VIII. See under College records
College buildings, 1636–1750, 172, 309, 337; damage to, to be repaired at charge of undergraduates, xx; account of, lxvii–cxxvi; researches into history of early, lxvii n–lxix n; tablet marking site of two earliest, lxix n; described, in 1643, lxxii–lxxiii; by E. Johnson, 1651, lxxiii; in inventory, 1654, 208; by G. Cartwright, lxxxii–lxxxiii; by D. Gookin, 1674, lxxxiii; by E. Randolph, 1676, lxxxvii; by E. Rawson, 1677, lxxxvii; by W. Hubbard, about 1679, lxxxviii; by A. Hamilton, 1744, cii–ciii; by W. Douglass, 1749, cxxvi; by F. Goelet, 1750, cxxvi n; new, proposed, 1693, 345; earliest view of, 1726, xciii, xciii n, c, cii, ciii; reissued, 1743, xciii n; chronological list of, cxxvii; list of, by years, cxxvii–cxxviii; of eight buildings erected before 1800, five were dormitories only, one was never a dormitory, and only two (the first and the second Harvard College) were residential halls, cxxix; erroneous statements regarding rooms in, cxxx–cxxxi; to be repaired, 68, 242; damage to, 193; cost of repairs, 1654–1663, 212; gifts toward repairs, 1654, 213; disbursements for, 1663–1668, 214
—Barn, of President, 1654, cv, cxxi n, 208; of Fellows, removed from behind Stoughton College to Brew house, to be repaired, 1722, 477; of Wadsworth House, 1725–1726, lxxvii n, cxvii, cxviii, 265, 533, 541; to be built at Billerica or Shawshin Farm, 1730, 590; on land at Hopkinton, to be sold, 1742–1743, 729, 733; on Rogers’s Farm, to be moved, 1750, 813; at Rowley, 844
—Brew house, 62, 148, 477, 778, 815
—Coach house, of Wadsworth House, cxx n
—College, the, presumably meaning a building or the College precinct, cii, 136, 152, 154, 241, 530, 574, 617, 618, 630, 633
—Dane Hall, lxxxiv, cxxx n
—Dane Law College. See above, Dane Hall
—Dunster’s House. See below, President’s House (second)
—Fellows’ barn. See above, Barn
—Freshman dormitories, opened, 1914, cxxix
—Goffe’s College (1651–1660), lxxviii n, lxxxii n, cxxvii, cxxviii, cxxxi; foundation walls of, uncovered, 1909, lxix n, lxxxii; tablet indicating site of, lxix n; account of, lxxvii–lxxxii; bought of E. Goffe about 1651, lxxviii, lxxx; described in inventory, 1654, lxxvii–lxxviii, 208; probably soon taken down, lxxxi; S. Sewall’s dream about, 1675, lxxxi n; site of, lxxxi, 265; a dormitory only, civ, cxxix, cxxix n; quarterly rents of chambers and studies in, 19
—Goffe’s house, 19. See above, Goffe’s College
—Grays Hall, first Harvard College on or near site of, lxxvi, lxxxiv
—Harvard College (first: 1642–1679), lxvii n, lxxiv, lxxviii n, lxxix n, lxxx n, lxxxi n, lxxxv n, lxxxvi, lxxxvii, lxxxviii, lxxxix n, cxxi, cxxvii, cxxviii, cxxxi, 19, 184, 192, 194, 309; account of, lxvii–lxxvi, cxxvii n; General Court appropriates money for, 1636, lxvii; ordered to be at Newetowne (later Cambridge), 1637, lxix; Overseers appointed to take order for, box; called Harvard College, 1639, lxx; in charge of N. Eaton, 1637, lxx, 172; of S. Shepard, 1639, lxxi, 173; of others, lxxii, lxxii n; of H. Dunster, 1641, lxxii, 173; mentioned by E. Browne, 1638, lxx; described, 1643, lxxii–lxxiii; by E. Johnson, 1651, lxiii; in inventory, 1654, lxxiv, 208; by G. Cartwright, 1665, lxxxiii; by E. Randolph, 1676, lxxxvii; badly constructed, lxxiv, lxxxv n, lxxxvi; bell in turret of, 1643, lxxv–lxxvi, lxxvi n; appeals for enlargement and repair, 1647–1655, lxxiv–lxxv; condition, 1655, lxxv; second bell, given by J. Willet about 1659, lxxvi, xciii, xciii n, 200; Cambridge gives lumber for shingling roof, 1663, lxxv n; books removed from, to second Harvard College, 1676, lxxv, lxxxvi–lxxxvii, cxxvii n; Willet bell transferred from, to second Harvard College, about 1677, lxxvi; commons moved from, to second Harvard College, about 1677, cxxix, cxxix n; partly fallen down, 1677, lxxv, lxxxvii, lxxxviii; rest taken down about 1679, lxxv; site of, lxxvi, lxxvii n–lxxxi n, lxxxiv, 266; land near, let to A. Bordman, lxxx n, lxxxi n, 266, 373, 418, 430; probable dates in building, cxxvii n; a residential hall, cxxix; confused with second Harvard College, cxxxi n; incomes and quarterly rents of studies in, 14–15; money given for, 16, 174, 184–185; N. Eaton’s account, 1639, 172; S. Shepard’s account, 1639–1641, 17–19; quarterly rents of chambers and studies in, 19
—Harvard College (second: 1677–1764), lxviii n, lxxvii n, lxxviii n, lxxix n, lxxxi n, lxxxii n, lxxxv, lxxxv n, lxxxvi, lxxxvi n, lxxxvii, lxxxvii n, lxxxviii n, lxxxix, xc, xci n, xcii n, xciii n, xciv n, cvii, cviii, cxii, cxxi, cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxviii, cxxix n, cxxx n, cxxxi, 136, 140, 144, 152, 154, 198, 212, 220, 265, 268, 302 n, 309, 311, 367, 404, 430, 502, 506, 512, 513, 574, 598, 686, 777, 778, 787, 818, 821, 832; account of, lxxxv–xciv; contributions for, ordered, 1671, lxxxv, lxxxv n, lxxxvi; given, 1672, 222–223; stewards of, appointed, lxxxvi, 220; committee appointed to help stewards, lxxxvi, 221; frame raised, 1674, lxxxvi, cxxvii n; books removed from first Harvard College to, 1676, lxxxvi–lxxxvii, cxxvii n; described by E. Randolph, lxxxvi; by E. Rawson, 1677, lxxxvii; by W. Manning and J. Cooper, lxxxviii; by W. Hubbard, about 1679, lxxxviii; by A. Hamilton, 1744, cii–ciii; by W. Douglass, 1749, cxxvi: by F. Goelet, 1750, cxxvi n; in 1788, xciv; bell transferred from first Harvard College to, about 1677, lxxvi; commons moved from first Harvard College to, about 1677, cxxix, cxxix n; site of, lxxix n, lxxxviii, xciv, 198 n, 212 n, 265; fire in, 1682, xci–xcii; 1704, xcii–xciii; 1748, xciii; 1764, vii, xviii–xix, xix n, xciii, cxx n, cxxix n; top to be guarded with balusters, 1691, lxxxix, 832; to be viewed, 1701, lxxxix, 367; placed in charge of Scholars of the House, 1707, lxxxix, 378; committee appointed to survey roof, 1712, lxxxix–xc, 403; report of committee, xc, 401; survey of, ordered, 1713, xc, 404; report of committee, xc–xci, xcvi; repairs to, 1720, xci, 452; two chambers in, to be fitted for Tutors, 1723, xci, 502; one assigned to N. Prince, xci n, 506; one to J. Monis, 1724, xci n, 512; spouts and gutters to be procured for, 1724, xci, 513; glazing of, 1750, xci, 818; depicted in W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges, 1726, xciii, xciii n; dimensions, xciv; Harvard Hall built on site of, lxxix n, xciv; T. Pickering’s description of, mentioned, xciv n; a residential hall, cxxix; confused with first Harvard College, cxxxi n; penalty for removing lead from, xciii n, 144, 598; rent of studies in, 686, 777–778, 787, 821
—Harvard College or Hall (third, built 1764–1766). See below, Harvard Hall
—Harvard Hall (built 1764–1766), lxxvii n, cxxi, cxxxi, 212 n, 301, 302, 302 n; built on site of second Harvard College, lxxix n, xciv; built at expense of Province, xciv; never a dormitory, xciv, cxxix; plan and views of, by Du Simitière, mentioned, xciv n; commons served in, 1766–1814, cxxix n
—Holden Chapel (built 1744), lxviii n, xciv, xciv n, cxxvii, cxxviii; account of, cxxi–cxxvi; money for, given by Jane Holden and daughters, 1741, cxxv, cxxvi, 715; foundation on laid, 1742, cxxv, cxxvii n; progress, on cxxv–cxxvi; finished, 1744, cxxvi, cxxvii n; stone steps for, built, 1744, cxxvi, 748; Overseers’ pews in, built, 1744, cxxvi, 748; described by W. Douglass, 1749, cxxvi; glazing work, 1750, cxxvi, 818; abandoned as a chapel, 1766, cxxvii n; boards and timbers of Stoughton College to be removed to, 1779, xcviii
—Hollis Hall, lxxxiv, cxxxi; named, 1764, cxxv n; only a dormitory, cxxix; commons temporarily served in, cxxix n
—Holyoke House, lxviii n, cxxx n
—House of office, another, to be built, 1725, 522. See also below, Necessary house; Privy
—Indian College (1655–1698), cxxvii, cxxvii n, cxxviii; account of, lxxxii–lxxxv; a room for Indians ordered to be built, 1653, lxxxii; form altered and ordered to be finished, 1654, lxxxii; perhaps referred to in inventory, 1654, lxxxii, lxxxii n; improved for English students, lxxxii, lxxxiii; described by G. Cartwright, 1665, lxxxiii; by D. Gookin, 1674, lxxxiii; by E. Randolph, 1676, lxxxvii; to be taken down, 1693, lxxxiii, 346; bricks of, to be removed, 1695, lxxxiii, 352; bricks for sale, 1696, 413; bricks sold, 1698, lxxxiii–lxxxiv, 358; taken down, lxxxiii–lxxxiv; had no cellar, lxxxiv; site of, lxviii n, lxxxiv–lxxxv; printing press in, lxxxvii; bricks of, used for cellar of Stoughton College, xciv n; merely a dormitory, cxxix
—Lime-house, to be built, 1733, 621
—Massachusetts College (Massachusetts Hall), xcvii, cii, cxv, cxxx n, 508, 522
—Massachusetts Hall (built 1720), lxviii n, lxx n, lxxvii n, lxxxiii n, lxxxiv, xcvii, c, cii, cvi, cxiii, cxiv, cxiv n, cxv, cxxii n, cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxvii n, cxxviii, cxxx n, cxxxi, 198 n, 301, 302 n, 485, 508, 522; plans of, by J. Leverett and B. Wadsworth, mentioned, lxxxiii n; account of, ci–ciii; built at expense of Province, ci; Overseers’ petition to General Court for, 1717, ci, 309–311, 439; ordered to be built, 1718, 311; Overseers’ petition for a longer building, 311–312; nearly finished, 1720, ci, 450; not to be used at Commencement, ci, 452; partial use of, at Commencement allowed, ci; report on its condition, ci–cii; named, cii; General Court thanked for, 450, 451; chamber in, chosen by S. Sewall, cii; fence to be built on south side of, 1721, cii, 456; clock and bell on, 1722–1725, lxxvi n, cii, cii n, 474; new well and pump for students in, 1725, xcvii, cii, 522; rents of, granted to President, 1725–1726, cxvii, 532–533, 534; depicted in W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges, 1726, ciii; rents of, granted to Tutors, 1737, 672; described by A. Hamilton, 1744, cii; by W. Douglass, 1749, cxxvi; in 1788, ciii; glazing of, 1750, 818; dimensions, ciii, ciii n, 311, 312, 335; oldest college building but one in the country, ciii; first college building to be called a Hall, ciii, cxxix; merely a dormitory, cxxix; site of, 311; studies in, 312; rent of studies, 777–778, 787, 822
—Massachusetts House (Massachusetts Hall), 485
—Massachusetts Medical College (first), in Mason Street, Boston, opened, 1816, cxxx n
—Massachusetts Medical College (second), in North Grove Street, Boston, opened, 1846, cxxx n
—Matthews Hall, lxxxiv, lxxxv
—Necessary house, built, 1730, 582. See also House of office; Privy
—New Building (second Harvard College), lxxxi n, lxxxvi
—New Building (Harvard Hall), 301, 302, 302 n
—New Building (Massachusetts Hall), ci
—New College, the phrase used for several buildings, cxxxi
—New College (first Harvard College), 16
—New College (second Harvard College), lxxxv, lxxxvi, lxxxvii, lxxxvii n, lxxxviii n, cxxxi, 220
—New College (Hollis Hall), cxxxi
—New College (Massachusetts Hall), ci, cii, cxvi n, cxxx n, cxxxi, 439, 450, 451, 452
—New College (Stoughton College), xcv, xcvi, xcvii, cxxxi, 363, 364
—New edifice (second Harvard College), lxxxv n
—Office, house of. See above, House of office
—Old College, the phrase used for several buildings, cxxxi
—Old College (first Harvard College), lxxx n, lxxxi n, lxxxvii, lxxxviii, cxxxi, 19, 208, 373, 430
—Old College (second Harvard College), lxxviii n, lxxxix, xc, xci, xci n, xciii n, cxxxi, 144, 265, 367, 404, 430, 502, 506, 512, 513, 598, 686, 777, 778, 787, 818, 821
—Old House, civ n, 19; perhaps the Peyntree House, civ n
—Outhouses, cxvii, 172, 530, 533, 534, 541, 844; ordered erected for third President’s House, 1681, cix
—Peyntree House. See below, President’s House (first)
—President’s barn. See above, Barn
—President’s House, 45, 201; repaired, xxi, xxii n; students often lived in, xcii n, civ, cx, cxiii n, cxiv n; confusion between, and J. Leverctt’s mansion house, cxiv n; the word college not applied to, cxxix; meetings held at, 48, 201, 395, 398, 402, 448, 459, 460, 462, 863; College plate to be lodged at, 1674, 60, 229; College without a, 1724, 508; address to General Court to obtain J. Leverctt’s mansion house for a, 508–509
—President’s House (first: Peyntree House, 1637–1641), cxxvii; foundation walls of, uncovered, 1910, lxix n, civ; tablet indicating site of, lxix n; account of, civ; owned by W. Peyntree, 1635, civ; probably occupied by N. Eaton and H. Dunster, civ; fate of, unknown, civ n; perhaps the “old house” mentioned about 1656, civ n, 19
—President’s House (second: Dunster’s House, 1645–1680), cxxvii, cxxvii n, 173, 309; site of, lxx n, lxxix n, lxxxi n, cvi, cvi n, cxxvii, cxxviii; account of, civ–cvi; building of, ordered by General Court, 1644, cv; H. Dunster raises money for, cv; his petition about, 1654, cv; mentioned in inventory, 1654, cv, 208; H. Dunster’s removal from, 1655, cv, cv n, 207; probably occupied by C. Chauncy, 1655–1672, cv; by L. Hoar, 1672–1675, cvi; cost of repairs to, 1654–1663, 212; taken down or abandoned, 1680, cvi; hitherto confused with third President’s House, cvi; never removed, cvi; fence repaired, 1652, cvi n; 1666, cvi n; 1670, cvi n; repaired, 1652, cvi n; too decayed to be repaired, 1680, cviii; materials of, to be used for third President’s House, cviii; J. Sewall lived not in, but in third President’s House, 1707, cxiv n; perhaps referred to, 198
—President’s House (third: 1680–1719), xcii n, cxxvii, cxxviii; history of, here given for the first time, lxvii n, cvi; site of, lxx n, lxxix n, lxxxii n, cxiii; account of, cvi–cxiv; hitherto confused with second President’s House, cvi; facts in regard to, obscure, cvii; orders for building, 1680–1681, cvii–cix; outhouses and fencing for, cix; well for, dug, cix; dinner at raising of, cix; occupied by U. Oakes and J. Rogers, cix; used by students, cx; rents from studies and chambers in, to be at President’s disposal, 1692, cx, cxiii n, 340; repairs on, ordered, 1701, cx–cxi; 1708–1710, cxii–cxiii; perhaps occupied by I. Mather, cxi; probably occupied by S. Willard, cxi; not occupied by J. Leverett, cxi, cxiv n; J. Leverett’s repairs on, cxii, cxiii n, cxiv; new pump for, 1703, cxiii n; room in, occupied by J. Sewall, 1707, cxiv n; taken down, 1719, cxiii, cxiii n, cxvi n, 485, 508; J. Leverett’s letter about, 1720, cxiii–cxiv; J. Leverett reimbursed for expenses about, 1723, cxiv, 485; confusion between J. Leverett’s mansion house and, cxiv n; perhaps referred to, 198
—President’s House (fourth: Wadsworth House, built 1726). See below, Wadsworth House
—President’s Houses, 1637–1750, account of, civ–cxx
—President’s Lodgings, probably meaning first President’s House, civ, 172; second President’s House, cviii, 173, 212; third President’s House, cix; either second or third President’s House, 198
—Privy, 302 n; South, to be cleared, 1750, 818; ordure at disposal of President, 818. See also above, House of office; Necessary house
—Stable, of Wadsworth House, cxx n
—Stoughton College (1699–1781), lxviii n, lxxvii n, cii, cxxvii, cxxviii, cxxx, cxxx n, cxxxi, 265, 270, 282, 301, 302 n, 309, 310, 311, 460, 842; built by T. Willis, lxxiv; account of, xciv–c; gift of W. Stoughton, xciv; committee appointed about, 1698, xciv, 357–358; called Stoughton Hall by C. Mather, 1699, cxxix n; cellar in, made, xciv, 360; cellar paid for, 1700, xcv, 363; rent of cellars in, xcv, 364; placed in charge of Scholars of the House, 1707, lxxxix, xcv, 378; painted chamber in, reserved for W. Stoughton’s relations, 1708, xcv, 383; roof of, to be repaired, 1710, xcv, 391; 1712, xcv–xcvi, 404; 1713, xcvi, 408; 1714, xcvi, 423; fire in, 1712, xcvi; repairs to, 1721, xcvi–xcvii, 457, 458–459; decayed condition of, xcvii, 460; T. Robie takes observations from top of, 1722, xcvii; barn behind, removed, 477; new well and pump for students in, 1725, xcvii, cii, 522; depicted in W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges, 1726, c; J. Belcher on condition of, 1730, xcvii–xcviii; described by A. Hamilton, 1744, cii; by W. Douglass, 1749, cxxvi; glazing work of, 1750, xcviii, 818; effect of earthquake on, 1755, xcviii, xcviii n; boards and timbers of, to be removed to Holden Chapel, 1779, xcviii; chimneys of, taken down, 1781, xcix; materials of, sold, xcix; disposed of, c; described, 1788, c; dimensions, c; site, c; stones in cellar of, with W. Stoughton’s arms and inscription, c; the inscription, c; rent of studies in, 686, 777–778, 787, 822; income from, how to be disposed of, 847. See also Stoughton, William (1650)
—Stoughton Hall (Stoughton College, 1699–1781), xcviii, xcix, cxxix n
—Stoughton Hall (built 1805), lxxxiv
—Stoughton House (Stoughton College, 1699–1781), xcvii, cxxx n, 460
—Stoughton’s College (Stoughton College, 1699–1781), xcvi, 270
—University Hall, c
—Wadsworth House (built 1726), lxviii n, lxix n, lxxvii n, lxxviii n, lxxx, lxxxi n, lxxxii, lxxxiv, cvii, cxi, cxxvii, cxxviii, 265, 266, 303; boarders’ chamber in, cxiv n; account of, cxv–cxx; General Court appropriates money to build, 1725, cxvii–cxviii, 530, 533, 534; address of thanks to General Court, 1726, cxviii, 530–532; committee appointed to build, cxviii, 534–535; money for, received, 536; raised, cxviii, cxxvii n; nearly finished, cxviii, 541; memorial to General Court about, asking for more money, cxviii–cxix, 541–542; request denied, cxix, cxix n, 543, 546; advice of Overseers to be asked about, cxix, 543; ordered by Corporation to be finished, cxix, 544; occupied by B. Wadsworth, cxix, cxx, cxxvii n; accounts for, to be drawn out and laid before the General Court, 546; College Treasurer to pay the further cost of, 1727, 546–547, 555; passage in front yard of, to be paved, cxix, 550; top of, to be railed, 1728, cxix, 567; committee to examine charges in building, 1732, cxix, 604; Mrs. Wadsworth desired to remain in, 1737, cxix–cxx, 653; H. Flynt to receive College records in, cxx, 654; these records perhaps later returned to, cxx n; committee to repair, cxx, 667; wood-house at, to be built, 1747, cxx, 770, 778; mentioned by W. Douglass, 1749, cxxvi; J. Quincy on cost of, cxix n; occupants of, cxx; later uses of, cxx; the name, cxx; Eliza S. Quincy on, cxx n–cxxi n; its garden, cxx n, cxxi n; Corporation meetings held in, 553, 558, 559, 575, 613, 665, 666, 681, 687, 723
—Wood-house, College, disbursements for, 1682, 250; committee to report on cost of, for Wadsworth House, 1747, cxx, 770; to be built, cxx, 778
College charters. See Charters, College
College estate. See Estate, College
College exercises. See Exercises, College
College Hall, in one of the three buildings called Harvard College or Harvard Hall, cxli; Fellows must be in, at meal times, xx, 194; called either Hall or College Hall, cxxi
—in first Harvard College (1642–1679), lxxii, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxv, cxxi, cxxii, 14, 25, 28, 33, 34, 35, 46, 47, 48, 58, 188, 190, 191, 202, 203, 204, 208; Overseers’ meeting held in, 1643, 16, 175; glass in, 1644, 4; utensils in, 1674, 62, 231
—in second Harvard College (1677–1764), xxv, lvii n, lxxxvii, xcii, xciv, cxxi, 72, 79, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 242, 247, 261, 262, 340, 362, 381, 382, 389, 398, 399, 406, 425, 441, 446, 453, 469, 471, 486, 539, 550, 553, 554, 565, 578, 587, 593, 614, 640, 641, 642, 646, 652, 653, 666, 669, 701, 708, 711, 712, 726, 795, 827; Commencement exercises held in, 1677, lxxxviii; U. Oakes inaugurated in, 1680, 239; utensils in, 1683, 74, 249; Overseers’ meeting held in, 1714, 422; to be repaired, 1720, xci, 452; to be swept once a day, 452; repairs to, 1749, 796
—in Harvard Hall (built 1764–1766), cxxi
College House. See under College buildings
College of Cambridge, xxv. See also Cambridge College
College of New Jersey. See Princeton University
College of Physicians, London, Eng., 796, 806
College of William and Mary, original building of, designed by Sir C. Wren, ciii n; has oldest college building in this country, ciii n
College officers. See Officers, College
College plate. See Plate, College
College records, xviii, 173, 346, 427, 854, 856, 858; character of early, vii; necessity for printing, viii; early volumes known by title only, xiii, xiv n; six volumes of, numbered by B. Wadsworth, xiv, xiv n; to be kept in College Library, 1736, cxx n, 133; some kept in Wadsworth House, cxx, cxx n; some placed in charge of H. Flynt, 1737, cxx, 654; where to be kept, cxxn, 133; at inauguration of B. Wadsworth, 1725, 825
—Benefactors of Harvard College, a volume compiled by A. Eliot, xviii n. See also below, Donation Book
—Book for entering the Treasurer’s Accounts, to be bought, 1719, 445
—Book for the College Accounts and acknowledging and recording writings, bought, 1694, 414
—Book of Benefactions, 304. See also below, Donation Book
—Book of the College Accounts during the Treasurership of Thomas Brattle, 465. See below, Brattle’s Book
—Book referring to Hopkinton affairs quarto, 549. See below, Hopkins Book
—Book that contained the particular Donations to the Library, burned, 1764, xviii, xix
—Books, our, 854
—Bordman’s Account Book (1703–1747), returned to the College, 1860, xxviii n
—Bordman’s Account Book (1747–1750), returned to the College, 1860, xxviii n
—Brattle’s Book, xciv n, xcv n, cxi n, 265, 267, 271, 289, 838, 851; known as College Book V and as College Book V in Folio, xxvii; delivered to President, 1722, 465. See also below, College Book V
—Buttery Book, 62, 74, 231
—Buttery Mulct Book, 249
—Chesholme’s Account Book, returned to the College, 1860, xxviii n
—College Book, 3 n; certain matters to be entered in, 133, 454, 476, 570, 644, 654, 655
—College Book I, vii, xiii, xvii, xix, lxxi n, clxx n. 14, 14 n, 22, 22 n, 50 n, 51, 51 n, 52, 52 n, 58, 58 n, 60, 64, 64 n, 66, 66 n, 82, 82 n, 176 n, 187, 187 n, 201, 201 n, 224 n, 228 n, 229 n, 276, 277, 277 n, 283, 283 n, 286, 286 n, 287, 287 n, 289, 289 n, 843, 843 n, 844, 844 n; described, xiv–xvii; contents of, xiv; known as Long College Book and Old College Book, xiv; volume numbering by B. Wadsworth, xiv, xiv n; pagination of, xiv–xv; collation of paginations, xv–xvii; College Book II confused with, xvii, xix; text of, 3–168; a leaf pieced out, 13 n; a leaf defective, 19 n. See also below, Long College Book; Old College Book
—College Book II, lxxi n, Lxxvii n, lxxviii n, 59 n, 198, 198 n, 228 n, 265, 265 n, 266, 283, 284, 286, 287; burned, 1764, vii, xiv n, xix; numbered by B. Wadsworth, xiv, xvii; described, xvii–xix; originally known as Old Overseers’ Book, xvii; confused with College Book I, xvii, xviii, xix; entries in Wadsworth’s Index relating to, xvii, xix–xxii; transcripts of, entered in College Books I and III, xix
—College Book III, vii, xiii, xvii, lxxi, lxxi n, Lxxvi n, lxxvii n, lxxviii n, clxx n, clxxiii n, 24, 24 n, 56, 56 n, 172, 172 n, 175, 175 n, 176 n, 179, 179 n, 185, 185 n, 187, 187 n, 189, 189 n, 190, 190 n, 218, 218 n, 225, 225 n, 237, 237 n, 263, 264, 264 n, 265, 265 n, 266, 266 n, 269, 269 n, 270, 270 n, 271, 271 n, 280, 280 n, 281, 281 n, 283, 283 n, 284, 284 n, 286, 286 n, 287, 287 n, 290, 290 n, 291, 291 n, 297, 297 n, 298, 298 n, 299, 299 n, 300, 300 n, 303, 303 n, 837 n, 852, 852 n; described, xxiii; known as Thin Parchment Book of Records, xxiii; pagination of, xxiii; collation of paginations, xxiv; items copied into, by T. Danforth, lxix n, lxxi n, lxxvi n, lxxvii n, lxxix n; by B. Wadsworth, lxix n, lxxviin; by E. Holyoke, lxix n; by S. Langdon, lxix n; uncertainty as to date of Danforth’s entries, lxxi n, lxxii n, lxxvi n, lxxvii n, lxxviii n; text of, 171–332. See also below, Thin Parchment Book of Records
—College Book IV, vii, xiii, xvii, xviii n, xxx n, 132, 132 n, 194, 194 n, 264, 264 n, 265, 265 n, 266, 266 n, 271, 271 n, 277, 277 n, 279, 279 n, 282, 282 n, 286, 286 n, 287, 287 n, 289, 289 n, 290, 290 n, 375 n, 386, 386 n, 393, 393 n, 394, 394 n, 400, 400 n, 454, 454 n, 469, 469 n, 471, 471 n, 476, 476 n, 479, 479 n, 484, 484 n, 509, 509 n, 515, 515 n, 524, 524 n, 536, 538 n, 556, 556 n, 558, 558 n, 579, 579 n, 580, 580 n, 581, 582, 589, 589 n, 590, 590 n, 592, 592 n, 593, 593 n, 594, 594 n, 602, 602 n, 611, 611 n, 614, 614 n, 618, 618 n, 620, 620 n, 621, 621 n, 622, 622 n, 624, 624 n, 628, 628 n, 654, 671, 671 n, 676, 676 n, 681, 681 n, 686, 686 n, 691, 691 n, 693, 693 n, 702, 702 n, 704, 704 n, 705, 705 n, 706, 706 n, 712, 712 n, 716, 716 n, 717, 717 n, 720, 720 n, 722, 722 n, 723, 723 n, 725, 725 n, 727, 727 n, 729, 729 n, 730, 730 n, 741, 741 n, 742, 742 n, 746, 746 n, 751, 751 n, 753, 753 n, 754, 754 n, 756, 756 n, 758, 758 n, 759, 759 n, 761, 761 n, 763–766, 763 n–766 n, 769, 769 n, 776–780, 776 n–780 n, 782, 782 n, 783, 783 n, 785, 785 n, 786, 786 n, 789, 789 n, 791–793, 791 n–793 n, 795, 795 n, 804, 804 n, 807, 807 n, 808, 808 n, 814, 814 n, 815, 815 n, 818, 818 n, 821, 821 n, 823, 836–843, 836 n–843 n, 845, 845 n, 850, 850 n; described, xxiv–xxvii, 335 n; College Book V confused with, xxiv, xxviii; its makeup explained, xxiv–xxvii; bound in Quincy’s time, xxviii; text of, 335–864; watermark, 335 n; H. Flynt to record votes of Corporation in, 1737, 654; a leaf mutilated, 377 n
—College Book V, 265, 265 n, 267 n, 268, 268 n, 271 n, 289 n, 335 n, 832, 832 n, 838, 838 n, 851 n; described, xxvii–xxviii; also called College Book V in Folio, xxvii; also known as Treasurer Brattle’s Book, xxviii
—College Book V in Folio, xxx n, 335; described, xxvii–xxviii; known also as College Book V, xxvii; and as Treasurer Brattle’s Book, xxviii; detained by J. Hancock, xxviii, xxviii n; restored, 1860–1862, xxviii, xxviii n; confused with College Book IV, xxviii; its condition, xxviii n
—College Book V in Quarto, xxix, xxix n–xxx n, 449, 836, 836 n, 838, 838 n, 839, 839 n; identified as Leverett’s Diary, xxix, xxix n–xxx n. See also below, Leverett’s Diary
—College Book VI, 536 n, 581, 581 n. See below, Hollis Book
—College Book VI in Folio, xxx; not known why B. Wadsworth used this designation, xxx n. See also below, Hollis Book
—College Book VI in Quarto, no book so called now extant or identified, xxx n
—College Book VII, xxvii n, lxix n, 301 n, 330, 823, 857, 857 n
—College Book VIII, xcix n, c, n
—College Book of Quarter Bills, 150
—College Books, 82, 133, 212, 264, 285, 286, 287, 289, 386, 463, 464, 476, 608, 620, 624, 644; to be kept in the Library, 1736, 133; H. Flynt to care for, 1737, 654. See also above, College Book
—College Registry, 386, 404, 449, 833
—Corporation Book, 807. See above, College Book IV
—Corporation’s Book, 654. See above, College Book IV
—Corporation Records, vii, xiv
—Donation Book, lxviii n, c n, 174 n, 185; early portion of, compiled by A. Eliot, 1773, xviii, xviii n, lxix n. See also above, Book of Benefactions
—Faculty Records, xcix n, cxxxvii n, 806, 806 n; matriculations recorded in, cxxxvi–cxxxvii, cxxxvi n–cxxxvii n; differing forms of the same name in, cxliii, cxliii n
—Faseiculo, No. 1, 55
—Hollis Book, referred to, 536, 536 n, 581 n, 685, 698, 713, 716, 727, 728, 739, 748, 753, 764, 777, 787, 804, 823; described, xxx–xxxi; also known as College Book VI and as College Book VI in Folio, xxx; procured, 1726, xxx, 536
—Hopkins Book, xxx n, 549, 549 n, 698, 713, 716, 727, 730, 739, 748, 753, 777, 777 n, 779; described, xxxi–xxxii
—Hutchinson’s Book, detained by J. Hancock, xxviii n; restored to the College, 1860–1862, xxviii n
—Leverett’s Diary, xxxvi n, xc n, xci n, xcvi n, xcvii n, ci n, clvii n; described, xxix, xxix n; College Book V in Quarto identified as, xxix, xxix n–xxx n. See also above, College Book V in Quarto
—Library Book, referred to, 53, 59, 133; how books are to be entered in, 133, 195
—Library Keeper’s Book, referred to, 130
—Long College Book, 229, 229 n; numbered College Book I by B. Wadsworth, xiv. See also above, College Book I
—Manuscript Catalogue of the Books in the Library, burned, 1764, xix
—Manuscript Papers, No. 25, referred to, 289; No. 23, 843
—Old College Book, referred to, 224, 224 n; numbered College Book I by B. Wadsworth, xiv. See also above, College Book I
—Old Overseers’ Book, 59, 228, 228 n; College Book II known as, xvii. See also above, College Book II
—Original minutes of Corporation meeting, referred to, 1748, 795; 1750, 819
—Overseers’ Records, vii, xiv, xcix n, clvii n, clviii n
—President Leverett’s Diary. See above, Leverett’s Diary
—President Wadsworth’s Diary. See below, Wadsworth’s Diary
—Punishment Book, loss of, by M. Bridge to be considered, 1744, 748
—Richards’s Book, lxxxvii n, cix, clvii n; detained by J. Hancock, xxviii, xxviii n; returned to the College, 1860–1802, xxviii n; its condition, xxviii n; entries in, cix, cix n
—Steward Bordman’s Account Book (1703–1747). See above, Bordman’s Account Book (1703–1747)
—Steward Bordman’s Account Book (1747–1750). See above, Bordman’s Account Book (1747–1750)
—Steward Chesholme’s Account Book. See above, Chesholme’s Account Book
—Thin Parchment Book of Records, 837; College Book III known as, xxiii. See also College Book III
—Treasurer Brattle’s Book, 267, 289. See above, Brattle’s Book
—Treasurer Brattle’s Book of the College Accounts, 495. See above, Brattle’s Book
—Treasurer Brattle’s College Book V, 265. See above, Brattle’s Book
—Treasurer Brattle’s Folio Book, 271, 289, 838, 851. See above, Brattle’s Book
—Treasurer Hutchinson’s Book. See above, Hutchinson’s Book
—Treasurer Richards’s Book. See above, Richards’s Book
—Treasurer’s Books, 742, 766, 775, 794
—Wadsworth’s Diary, cxv n, cxvi n, cxix n, clviii n, 524 n; described, xxxi
—Wadsworth’s Index, compiled by B. Wadsworth, xiv, xiv n, xvii, xxx n; entries in, relating to College Book II, xix–xxii; described, xix n
College Steward. See Steward, College
College stock. See Stock, College
College Treasurer (Treasurers). See Treasurer (Treasurers), College
College Yard. See Yard, College
Colleges, the, meaning the different College buildings, cxxxi; now obsolete as an official designation, but still in colloquial use, cxxx, cxxx n; 1676, lxxxvii; both, 1713, xc, xcvi; four students to care for, during vacation, 1720, 452; certain persons paid for this service, 1724, 517; the several, 514; Stoughton and Massachusetts, 1725, xcvii, 522; W. Burgis’s Prospect of, 1726, xciii, xciii n, c, cii, ciii; the three, 1733, lxxvii n, 265; 1750, cxxvi n. See also College
Collegiate School at Connecticut. See Yale College
Collier, Rev. Jeremy (d 1726), 384
Collins,—, to lease College land at Rumney Marsh, 1733, 615
—Rev. John (1649), son of Edward (d 1689), Fellow, 1651, cliv; Tutor, clviii; receives money, 180
—Rev. Nathaniel (1697), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1660), son of Edward (d 1689), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1694, 348
Colman, Rev. Benjamin (1692), lxii n, cxxv, 306, 457, 467, 478, 488, 509, 512, 520, 526, 527, 528, 535, 549, 704, 841, 842; Fellow, 1717, cliv, clvi, 436; approved, 439; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, Lxiv; President, 1724, cxv, 517; declines, cxv; prays at inauguration of B. Wadsworth, 1725, 825; desired not to resign as Fellow, 1728, 559, 566; resigns as Fellow, 1728, 569; diploma from Glasgow, 1731, 314; present, 381, 399, 404, 440–443, 446, 448–504, 507–535, 540–546, 548–552, 555; on committees, 439, 451, 457, 463, 465, 477, 485, 500, 504, 510, 512, 518, 523, 530, 543, 546, 547, 558; to write T. Hollis and others, 449, 461, 470, 475, 510, 512, 516, 521, 545; reports, 458, 524; Corporation meetings held in house of, 464, 470, 487, 488, 489, 508, 534, 555, 567; disposes of duplicates of Milton’s poems, 467; to answer N. Sever’s memorial, 470; his sermon on J. Leverett to be printed, 508; prays, 541, 545, 550, 555
—Benjamin (1727), obtains Webb gift, 1726, 537
Colonial Society of Massachusetts, permitted by the Corporation to print these records, xiii
Colony charter. See under Massachusetts
Colt, loss in a, 213
Columns, in the Steward’s accounts, 359, 388, 391, 407, 421, 427, 433, 435, 438, 443, 444, 476, 479, 502, 530
Commandments, punishments for violation of: third, 78; seventh, 349, 384, 726; eighth, 78, 384, 425; ninth, 78
Commence, to, 60, 196, 230, 354, 364
Commencement, 28, 48, 140, 190, 197, 242; disorders at, regulated, xx, xxi; 1642, xxxiii; presiding officers at, 1642–1800, cliii n; no candidates for A.B. degree, 1672, xxxvii; charges for, 1673, 5; linen for, 73, 249; Overseers meet on, 76, 255, 540, 564, 594; rules about, 148, 343, 456, 471; U. Oakcs desired to preside at, 1678, 237; U. Oakes inaugurated on, 1680, 239; amount of wine allowed at, 1681, xx, 196, 241; management of, 1681, xx, 240–241; 1724, 507; 1725, 521, 524; 1737, 661, 662, 663; Proctor appointed for week of, 1681, 241–242; to be held by the Fellows, 1690, xxxv n; those taking degrees to clear their accounts ten days before, 1694, 347; Corporation meets on, 395, 402, 440, 540, 554, 594, 601, 649, 680, 707, 708, 726, 738, 739, 746, 752, 762, 773, 784, 803, 820; B Wadsworth inaugurated on, 1725, 524, 825; those desiring academical degrees must be present at, 1726, 539; disorders at, to be prevented, 1726, 543–544; regulations about, 1727, 549–550, 552–553; advertisements about, 1727–1750, 551, 562, 572, 581, 591, 600, 647, 661, 696, 697, 722, 734, 746, 751, 761, 772, 783, 819; method for keeping order on, 613, 614, 624, 636–637, 648–649, 680; fixing day of, to be considered, 1734, 625; proposal of three gentlemen to give money if, is more private, 1749, 800; voted by Corporation to be more private, 800, 801; not approved, 800, 801; parents besought to retrench expenses at, 802
—day, necessity for establishing exact date of, in each year, cxxxvi; unknown, 1642, 1643, 1645, clxvii n; none, 1644, clxvii n; to be second Wednesday in September, 1682, xx; Corporation wishes first Wednesday in July to be, 1683, xix, 75, 254; Overseers consent, 1684, 254; changed from July to August, 1714, 423; from August to July, 1715, 432; to be made indeterminate, 1727, 549; appointed, 1727, 553; 1728, 563; 1729, 573; 1730, 584; 1731, 593; 1732, 600; 1733, 613; 1734, 625; 1735, 636; 1736, 647, 648; 1737, 660; 1738, 677; 1739, 688, 689; 1740, 694, 696, 697; 1741, 707; 1742, 722; 1743, 734; 1744, 746; 1745, 751; 1746, 761; 1747, 772; 1748, 783; 1749, 802; 1750, 819; changed owing to throat distemper, 1740, 695–696
—days, list of, 1642–1750, clxvii–clxviii
—dinner, 148; where served, cliii n; price of, 147, 486, 509, 521, 539, 551, 562, 720, 722, 761, 772, 802; allowance to Steward for, and arrangement of, 1691, 830; to be omitted, 1715, 426; 1722, 471; 1730, 583; to be lessened or omitted, 1721, 456; to be as usual, 1727, 550
—exercises, where held, cxxiii, cxxvii n, cliii n
—supper, abandoned, 1726, 539
Commencers, xx, lvii n, ci, 148, 240, 241, 343, 471, 486, 509, 521, 539, 551, 553, 562
Commissioners for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians, 290, 394, 401, 477, 483, 500, 780; order the building of Indian College, 1653, lxxxii; consent to its use by English students, 1656–1657, lxxxii; consent to removal of bricks of Indian College, 1695, lxxxiii, 352; Sir W. Ashurst’s orders to, about R. Boyle’s gift, 386, 393; agreement between, and College, about R. Boyle’s gift, 1710, 394; conferred with, as to Natick Indians, 1728, 561; 1729, 572; report on Natick Indians, 575–577; to be consulted about D. Williams’s gift, 1740, 695; about J. Sergeant, 754–755; money received from, on account of D. Williams’s gift, 1748, 791. See also Corporation for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians
Commissioners of the United Colonies, petition to, for repairs on first Harvard College, 1647, lxxiv; 1651, lxxiv; their statement about Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi
Common rights, at Hopkinton, 729
Commoners, at Rowley, 295
Commoners, fellow-. See Fellow-commoners
Commonplace, to (or to make), 25, 147, 188, 193
Commonplaces, neglect of, fined, 193
Commonplacing, neglect of, xx
Commons, on south side of Charles River, granted, 267; in Rowley, 295; at Menotomy, 529; upon Menotomy Plain, 677
Commons, College, 33, 34, 47, 80, 145–146, 149, 150, 203, 204, 260, 261, 359, 388, 391, 407, 421, 427, 433, 434, 435, 438, 443, 444, 445, 479, 502, 603, 655; served in first Harvard College, 1642, lxxii; thence transferred about 1677 to second Harvard College, cxxix, cxxix n; served in Hollis Hall, 1764–1766, cxxix n; in Harvard Hall, 1766–1814, cxxix n; in what to be paid, 191; advance upon, 349, 353; price of, 440, 520, 586, 618, 621, 628, 667, 706, 714, 715, 734, 749, 779, 792, 821; management of, 779, 792; difficult to give scholars content about, 792; perhaps not the cheapest manner of living tc scholars, 792; in morning to be two sizes of bread, 1748, 795; 1750, 821 quantity of, 1750, 821; regarded as too short and bare, 1653, 835. See also Parts
—absent, 47, 48, 150, 204, 258, 262 361, 421, 433; Butler to pay for, 447 630; Butler abated for, 1725, 520; 1730, 591; 1733, 608–609; 1741, 713 Butler to allow for, 832
—in (or into), 47, 77, 145, 146, 192, 203, 257, 260, 591, 713; regulations as to those, 1724, 512; 1725, 519, 525; 1734, 145, 146; 1735, 641; putting scholars, considered, 1747, 778, 779; 1748, 792; scholars to be put, 1747, 779; 1748, 792; 1749, 796–797, 806–807; 1750, 813, 814, 815; H. Flynt excused from being, at supper, 793
—out of, 47, 146, 192, 203, 260, 492; not allowed without leave, xx; H. Flynt allowed to live, 1719, 446; many students have been, 1725, 520; 1732, 608; disorders arising from scholars living, 525; scholars allowed to continue, 1747, 778
Composition, made with distilled liquors, forbidden, 148, 471
Conant, Rev. Sylvanus (1740), Hollis scholar, 1739, 692
Concord, gifts from, 179, 222; ecclesiastical council at, 1743, 740
Concord, N. H. See Pennicook
Condy, Rev. Jeremiah (1726), 543; Hollis scholar, 1722, 477; 1724, 504
Confession, cxli; form of, 36, 197; when required, 142, 143, 652; of W. Bosson, 1723, 486; of E. Gray, 1715, 425; demanded of Prof. I Greenwood, 1737, 669; made, 1738, 675; of J. Halsey, 640–641; of J. Hayward, 1729, 573; not provided for in case of S. Hendley, 1738, 684; of W. Howlett, 1727, 554; of G. Hussey, 1712, 402; of J. Moody, 1715, 425; of S. Morse, 1691, 830–831; of J. Nutting, 1710, 391; of I Parker, 1742, 726; of N. Saltonstall, 1727, 554; of J. Townscnd, 1741, 708–709; of J. Wade, 1694, 349; of R. Waldron, 1711, 398; of J. Webb, 1682, 71–72; of N. Welch, 1685, 79. See also Acknowledgment, public
Congregational, by charter of 1699 every member of Corporation must declare himself Presbyterian or, 1
—Church, Hollisian Professor of Divinity to be member of some Presbyterian or, 853
Connecticut, gifts from, 175, 179
—General Court, confirms College lands, 1674, 277. See also Hartford, Colony of; New Haven, Colony of
Constitution, College, lvi n, 478; N. Prince’s pamphlet on, 1743, mentioned, lxviii n
Contemptuous gestures, to be shunned, 25, 29, 188; carriage, to be punished, 474
Continental currency, 303
Contumacy, 354
Convention, ministers at, 1737, receiveoration and sermons on B. Wadsworth, 660
Convers, Joseph, 298
Conversation, sober, studious, or blameless, 27, 29, 78, 147, 190, 191
Cook,—, father of Robert, 284
—John, 417
—Joseph (d c 1665), declines charge of erecting first Harvard College, lxxii; occupies College land, 1654, 208, 266
—Robert, 263; gives land, 208, 284; granted land by General Court, 1640, 284; never possessed by College, 284
—Samuel, 267
Cook, College, 32, 827; duties, 33–35, 46–48, 148–150, 201–204, 260–262; his book, 45, 201; salary, 47, 204; chosen, 63, 78, 233, 258, 339, 365, 370; allowed for wood-cutting, 75; allowance for parts, 344, 346. See also Bordnian, Aaron; Bordman, Andrew (d 1687); Bordman, Andrew (d 1747); Bordman, William
Cooke, Elisha (1657), xlii n, xlix n, l; named Fellow in charter of 1699, xlix n, lxv
—Elisha (1697), son of Elisha (1657), 275, 439; present, 439; Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503; committee to treat with, about lands on Saco River, 1728, 567; 1729, 575
—Rev. Samuel (1735), son of Samuel (d 1746), son of Aaron (d 1716), not mentioned as Librarian in catalogues, clx n; Butler, 1736, 648; 1737, 665; Librarian, 1737, clx; to care for Librarv, 656; paid for keeping Library, 1738, 683
—Rev. William (1716), son of Westwood (d 1744), son of Aaron (d 1716), Librarian, 1720, clx, 453; salary, 453, 461; Tutor, 1721, lxviii n, 461, 473; to take Freshmen, 461; 1722, 468; not confirmed by Overseers, lxviii n; obtains W. Brattle gift, 1722, 475
Cooks, for Commencement dinner, to be found by Steward, 1691, 830
Coolidge, Joseph (d 1737), 268, 269, 529, 581; B. Wadsworth lodges with, 1726, cxviii; to lease College land at Watertown, 1735, 634; pasture by Fresh Pond leased by, to be looked after, 1740, 694
—Samuel (1724), 630; Scholar, 1726, 540; 1727, 555; 1728, 566; 1729, 574; salary, 540, 555, 566, 574; recommended to receive Saltonstall gift, 1734, 628, 629; Librarian, 1734, clx, 629, 630; to prepare and print continuation of Catalogue, 630
Cooper, John (d 1691), 250, 267; appointed steward of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, 220; reports its condition, 1677, lxxxviii; digs well for third President’s House, 1680, cix; duties in connection with new buildings, 1682, cix
—John (d 1736), son of John (d 1691), 417
—Samuel (d 1718), son of John (d 1691), 268
—Rev. Samuel (1743), son of Rev. William (1712), 326, 331, 332
—Rev. William (1712), named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxv; present, 450; President, 1737, 660; declines, 661
—William (d 1809), son of Rev. William (1712), 859
Coote, Gov. Richard (d 1701), first Earl of Bellomont, clxv, 495; address to be sent to, 1698, 359, 360; advises seeking a royal charter, 1698, xlviii–xlix; 1700, lii; vetoes College charter of 1699, xl, xlix–l; address to, by General Court, 1700, liii n, liv n; his activities regarding the College charter of 1700, liv n
Copper, 62, 213, 230
Corlet, Ammi Ruhamah (1670), son of Elijah (d 1687), term of service, cliv n; obtains Webb gift, 1669, 49, 211; 1671, 50, 211; discontinues, 51, 212; Fellow, 1675, cliv, 64, 234; approved, 1676, 235; Tutor, 1675, clviii; receives money, 1677, lxxxvii n; present, cxlvii, 65, 235, 236; salary, 66, 76, 238; charge for wine at funeral of, 67, 239
—Elijah (d 1687), master of Grammar School, Cambridge, lxxiii; did not teach at Harvard College, lxxiii n; receives money, 180
Corn, 17, 18, 54, 214, 215, 216, 224
—chamber, in first Harvard College, lxxiv, 208
—land, in Cambridge Neck, 208
Corporal punishment. See Punishment
Corporation, of Harvard College, xx, xxxvii, xxxviii n; acknowledgment to, viii; created by charter of 1650, 40, 181; and Overseers sometimes meet at same time, xx, cxlv, clxx–clxxvi; falls into abeyance, 1686, xxxiv, xxxviii; revived, 1689, xxxiv, xl n, cxlvi n; and College charters, 1650–1723, xxxvi–lxvii; members of, named in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxiv–lxv, 40, 181; of 1672, xxxvii, lxiv–lxv; of 1692, xli, lxiv–lxv, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxiv–lxv; of 1697, xlvii, lxiv–lxvi; of xlix n, lxiv–lxvi; of 1700, liii, lxiv–lxvi; of 1723, lxii, lxiv–lxvi; relations between Overseers and, clarified by Appendix to charter, 1657, xxxvi; name of, changed by charter of 1672, xxxvi; controversy with Overseers, xxxviii, clxix n; number of, sometimes fell below seven, xxxviii, cxxxiii; full complement of, restored, 1672, xxxviii n; 1674, 59, 228, 229; changes in membership of, 1692–1696, xli–xlii; members of, continued by W. Stoughton, 1696, xlii, xlii n, xlvi, li n, 355; rejects charter of 1696, xlii; reasons for rejection, xliii–xlvii; changes in membership of, 1697–1698, xlviii; petition of, regarding a Vice President, 1698, xlviii n; by chart er of 1699 every member of, must declare himself Congregational or Presbyterian, l; members of, continued by Gov. Bellomont, 1699, l; J. Leverett on this temporary settlement, li n; misunderstood by J. Quincy, li n; changes in membership of, 1700–1707, liv–lvi; members of, receiving salary, required to live in Cambridge by charter of 1700, lv n; members of, continued by General Court, 1700, lv n; 1702, lvii n; responsibilities of, at resignation of I. Mather, lv n–lix n; elects J. Leverett President, 1707, lviii–lix; number of, on restoration of charter of 1650, reduced by Gov. Dudley from seventeen to seven, 1708, lxi, cliv n; charter members of, 1650–1723, lxiii–lxvi; table giving number of, under each charter that became effective, 1650–1700, lxvi; certain Professors members of, 1724–1792, lxvi n; table giving number of resident Fellows, 1650–1780, lxvii; chooses a fifth Tutor, 1721, lxvii n; rejected by Overseers, 1722, lxvii n; votes it inexpedient to grant degrees ad eundem, 1830, cxxxviii n; attendance at meetings of, 1674–1707, cxlv–cli; first recorded in 1674, cxlv; necessity of ascertaining, so far as possible, cxlv; difficulties connected with ascertaining, cxlv–cxlvi; many men both Overseers and members of, before 1780, cxlvi; makeup of, often in doubt, cxlvi; tables giving attendance at meetings of, 1674–1684, cxlvii; 1690–1691, cxlviii; 1692–1696, cxlix; 1697–1700, cl; 1700–1707, cli; chronological list of meetings of, 1650–1750, clxix–clxxvi; difficulties in compiling this list, clxix n; to have two stated meetings yearly, 1721, 455, 756; asserts right to elect its members, 1722, 466; some Overseers also members of, 496; its enlargement would be welcome to, 1723, 498; its annual meeting in September, 551; removal of Tutors and Fellows should originate with, 718–719; a third annual meeting of, established, 1748, 785; allowance to Steward for dinners for, 1691, 830; addresses, etc., of, to William III, about a royal charter for the College, 1696, 356; to W. Stoughton, of thanks, 1696, 356; to Gov. Bellomont, presumably of welcome, 1698, 359, 360; to Gov. Dudley, recommending J. Leverett as President, 1707, lix, lix n, 379, 380; to Gov. Shute, on case of E. Pierpont, 1718, 442; to the General Court, asking for a hearing, 1722, 478, 479; on the same, 1723, 486–487; to George I, 1723, 480–482; to Lt.-Gov. Dummer and Council, on memorial of N. Sever and W. Welsteed, 1723, 489–500; to the General Court, to obtain J. Leverett’s mansion house, 1724, cxv, 508–509; of thanks, 1726, cxviii, 530–532; for more money for President’s House, 1726, cxviii–cxix, 541–542; to George II, 1727, 556–557; to the General Court, on lands granted to College in Maine, 1730, 587–588; on lands given to College in Rowley, 1733, 611–612, 619–620; of thanks, 1737, 667–669; on a bridge over Charles River and another ferry, 1738, 678–679; to Gov. Shirley, of welcome, 1741, 709–710; to the General Court, on Charles River ferry, 1743, 741–743; 1747, 765–770; to free the College from a Province tax, 1717, 774–775; 1748, 793–794
—for the management of the affairs of the College, 434
—gentlemen of, residing in Cambridge, 590
—members of, 490, 491, 499, 503, 573; chosen, 237, 377, 507, 569; the Corporation saves to itself the right of electing, 1722, 466; to return thanks to benefactors, 510; in town, 673, 691, 760, 798; in Cambridge, 676
—non-resident, easily called together, 492
—resident members of, 572, 607, 649; in Cambridge, 621
—those of, living (or residing) in Cambridge, 570, 579, 765
Corporation for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians, lxxxiii, 39, 256, 288, 394, 780, 839, 840, 843; orders its press to be delivered, 52, 225; pays for types, 57; its action as to R. Boyle’s gift, 386, 393; to be applied to, about D. Williams’s gift, 1740, 695; gives books, 1748, 796. See also Commissioners for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians
Correction, scholars liable to, 27, 31, 189; private, 192; public, 192. See also Punishments
Corwin. See Curwin
Cotton,—(1647?), glass in study, 1644, 4
—Rev. John (d 1652), Overseer, 1637, xxxiii
—Rev. John (1657), son of Rev. John (d 1652), 20
—Rev. John (1678), son of Rev. Seaborn (1651), xli n, 251; Fellow, 1681, cliv, clv, 68, 242; Tutor, clviii, clix; present, cxlvii, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256; Librarian, 1681, clx, 69, 243; his detriments to be remitted, 1682, 70, 244; salary, 71, 74–75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 245, 254, 257, 258, 262; to set up fence, 1686, 80, 262; discharged in full for dues to Library, 1695, 350; money received from, for double books, 1695, 415
—Rev. John (1710), son of Rev. Rowland (1685), obtains Sprague gift, 1707, 860, 861; 1708, 861; 1710, 862; B. Browne gift, 1709, 390; Hulton gift, 1713, 422
—Rev. John (1730), son of Josiah (1698), son of Rev. John (1657), Scholar, 1728, 566; 1729, 574; salary, 566, 574
—John (1749), son of Rev. John (1710), obtains Fitch gift, 1747, 771
—Rev. Nathaniel (1717), son of Rev. Rowland (1685), Butler, 1718, 442; 1719, 447
—Rev. Nathaniel (1750), son of Rev. John (1710), obtains Mills gift, 1748, 781; Scholar, 1748, 789; 1749, 804; obtains Gibbs gift, 1750, 816
—Rev. Rowland (1685), son of Rev. John (1657), 80; Scholar, 1682, 69, 243; 1683, 74, 253; 1684, 77, 257
—Rev. Rowland (1696), son of Rev. Seaborn (1651), letter of, to I. Greenwood to be answered, 1738, 674
—Rowland (1719), son of Rev. Rowland (1685), Scholar, 1718, 443; salary, 443
—Rev. Seaborn (1651), son of Rev. John (d 1652), detriments due from, for his son, remitted, 1682, 70, 244
—Rev. Theophilus (1701), son of Rev. John (1657), Butler, 1701, 306; his detriments remitted, 1704, 372
—Rev. Thomas, London, Eng., gift, 1727, 549; books bought with gift, 558, 558–559; letter about gift, 1726, 841; gift received, 1727, 842; gift for books, 1727, 842
—Rev. Ward (1729), son of Rev. Rowland (1685), obtains M. Saltonstall gift, 1727, 548
Cotton cloth, 184
Coulsou. See Coalson
Country, lxxxv, cix, cxiii, cxv, 4, 17, 21, 46, 56, 172, 209, 225, 341, 347, 385, 410, 413, 419, 470, 481, 509, 517, 531, 553, 557, 558, 679, 742, 768, 835, 836; persons out of the, 583
—pay, cv, cviii, 52, 53, 54, 55, 206, 252, 286
—statute, 202
—taxes, 590
—treasurer, cviii, clxiv n, 54, 172, 215, 216, 252
—treasury, 171, 206
Court, the College Yard so called, 1749, cxxvi
Courts of justice, scholars not to attend, without permit, 27, 190
Coving, for second Harvard College, 1712, xc, 404
Cow, the word, applied to Colony charter, lx n
Cowell, Rev. David (1732), granted A.M. though absent, 1735, 636
Cowper. See Cooper
Cows, 54, 184, 216; milch, 687
Cox, Clement, 429
—Thomas, his bill of exchange accepted, 1726, 536
Craddock, George (d 1771), thanked for services about Hollis gift, 1719, 446
Crane, Ebenezer, 430
Cranmer, Thomas (d 1556), Archbishop of Canterbury, Memoirs of, to be bought, 1709, 384
Crawfurd, Rev. Matthew, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313
Creek, the river or great, at Rumney Marsh, 270, 834; at Rowley, 293
Crispe, Richard, 255, 409
Crocker, Benjamin (1713), son of Josiah (d 1699), son of William (d 1692), obtains B. Browne gift, 1710, 392; Webb gift, 1711, 397; 1712, 405; Sprague gift, 1712, 863; 1713, 863; Scholar, 1716, 436; salary, 436
—David (1716), son of Job (d 1719), son of William (d 1692), obtains Webb gift, 1713, 422; Scholar, 1716, 434; salary, 434
—John (1743), obtains B. Browne gift, 1742, 721; Scholar, 1742, 728 Crosby, Joseph, 255, 409
Cross walls. See Walls
Cue cups, 62, 73, 231, 249
Culleck. See Cullick
Cullen, William (d 1790), Edinburgh, Scotland, 320, 325, 329
Cullick, John (d 1663), father of John (1668), 385, 836
Cullock. See Cullick
Culver, Edward (d 1685), 275, 276
Cuming, John (h 1771), diploma, 1771, 326–327
—Rev. Robert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325, 329
Cumming, Rev. Patrick, Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 320
Cundy. See Condy
Cups, 33, 46, 203. See also Cue cups
Curiosities, in Library, 1744, ciii. See also Rarities
Currency, Old Tenor the present, 1747, 765; sterling the, 1640, 766, 768; depreciated, 767, 769
Cursing, to be fined, 142
Curwin, George (d 1685), gift, 222
—Rev. George (1701), son of Jonathan (1660; d 1718), son of George (d 1685), 374, 375; obtains Webb gift, 1698, 359, 361; 1699, 363; 1700, 365; 1702, 368, 369; 1703, 370; 1704, 371, 373; 1705, 375; 1706, 376; expenses paid, 1707, 378; 1708, 383; 1709, 389; 1710, 392
—George (1735), son of Rev. George (1701), obtains B. Browne gift, 1733, 608; 1734, 623; 1735, 635; S. Browne gift, 1733, 608; 1734, 626; 1735, 635; W. Browne gift, 1734, 626; 1735, 635; granted A.M. though absent, 1738, 678
—Samuel (1735), son of Rev. George (1701), obtains B. Browne gift, 1733, 608; 1734, 623; 1735, 635; S. Browne gift, 1733, 608; 1734, 626; 1735, 635; 1736, 646; W. Browne gift, 1734, 626; 1735, 635; 1736, 647
Cushing, Rev. Caleb (1692), son of John (d 1708), son of Matthew (d 1660), Scholar, 1695, 351; salary, 351; absent, 354
—Rev. Jacob (1748), son of Rev. Job (1714), son of Matthew (d 1715), son of Daniel (d 1700), son of Matthew (d 1660), Scholar, 1746, 764; 1747, 777; obtains B. Browne gift, 1748, 781
—Rev. John (1729), son of Rev. Caleb (1692), obtains B. Browne gift, 1727, 548; 1729, 571; Scholar, 1727, 555; 1728, 566; salary, 555, 566; receives money, 1728, 562
—Matthew (1739), son of Solomon (d 1769), brother of Rev. Job (1714), Hopkins scholar, 1742, 730; Librarian, 1743, cix, 731–732; salary, 732; called to account for absence from Library, 738
—Nathaniel (1728), son of John (d 1738), brother of Rev. Caleb (1692), 543
—Rev. Robert (1741), Scholar, 1739, 692; salary, 692
—Rev. Timothy (1701), Rector of Yale College, claims seat as Overseer, 1727–1728, xxxv–xxxvi; 1730, xxxvi n; detriments remitted, 1705, 375; B. Rolfe paid for writing in the affair of, 1728, 563
Cuts, in Library books. See Library Laws
Cutter, Rev. Ammi Ruhamah (1725), son of William (d 1723), son of Richard (d 1693), Hopkins scholar, 1727, 547; to survey Merricaneag Neek, 1730, 582; paid, 586
—Ephraim, son of Richard (d 1693), 267; College glazier, 1692, 339
Cutts, Thomas, buys College property, 1808, 272 n
D., Mr., 5. See Danforth, Thomas (d 1699)
D., H., 21. See Dunster, Henry (d 1659)
D., J., 56. See Davis, John (1781)
D., T., 218, 236, 842. See Danforth, Thomas (d 1699)
Daggett, Rev. Naphtali (Y. C. 1748), diploma, 1771, 327
Dally, Henry, 385
Dalrymple, David, Aberdeen, Scotland, 321
Damport. See Davenport
Dana, Edmund Trowbridge (1799; d 1859), son of Francis (1762), son of Richard (1718), son of Daniel (d 1749), son of Richard (d 1690), granted A.B. 1879, cxxxix n
—Richard (d 1690), gift, 184, 213
Danfor (Danford). See Danforth
Danforth, Mr., 7. See Danforth, Rev. Samuel (1643)
—Elijah (1703), son of Rev. John (1677), expenses paid by Treasurer, 368, 372, 378; freed from study rent, 1704, 374; named in W. Stoughton’s will as to receive his gift, 847
—Rev. John (1677), son of Rev. Samuel (1643), 847; Scholar, 1675, 63, 234; named Fellow in charter of 1696, xliii n lxv; of 1697, xlvii, lxv, cliv, clv; of 1699, lxix n, lxv; of 1700, liii, lxv; of 1723, lxii n, lxv; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n; present, lxxx n, cl, cl, 356–360, 362, 365, 367, 371–374, 376–379, 381, 404, 453; his son’s expenses paid by Treasurer, 368, 372, 378
—Jonathan (d 1712), son of Nicholas (d 1738); plats Shawshin Farm, 1699, 269
—Nicholas (d 1638), lxxi n
—Rev. Samuel (1643), son of Nicholas (d 1638), xxxviii, 221; Tutor, 1644, clviii; named Fellow in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxv, cliv, 40, 181; of 1672, xxxvii, lxv; Fellow, 1668, cliv, clv; sketch of, xxxvi n; not a clergyman when appointed Fellow, lxiii n; ordained, 1650, lxv n; called reader and Fellow, cxxxii, 180; study let to, 7; receives money, 180; gift, 185, 213; present, 218; death, 1674, 228
—Samuel (1671), son of Thomas (d 1699), Fellow, 1675, cliv, clv, 63, 233, 234; Tutor, clviii; present, cxlvii
—Rev. Samuel (1683), son of Rev. Samuel (1643), Scholar, 1681, 68, 242; 1683, 74, 253; 1684, 77, 257
—Samuel (d 1742), son of Jonathan (d 1712), 589; surveys Shawshin Farm, 1718, 269; his plan of College lot in Cambridge, 1724, 303–304; described, 304 n; facsimile, 280–281
—Samuel (1715), son of Rev. John (1677), 858; obtains W. Stoughton gift, 1713, 421; 1714, 424; Tutor, 1723, 479–480; declines, 482–483; salary, 480; master of Cambridge Grammar School, 483, 548; paid for caring for colleges, 1724, 517; on committee, 642
—Dep.-Gov. Thomas (d 1699), son of Nicholas (d 1638), clxi n, clxv, 5, 45 n, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 62, 78, 156, 171 n, 210, 219, 245, 250, 251, 258, 263; Clerk of Overseers, 1654, xxi, lxxi n; his accounts as Steward examined, 1686, xxv n; his pagination of College Book III, xxiii–xxiv, xxiii n, xxiv n; named Treasurer in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxiv, clvi, 40, 181; items copied by, into College Book III, lxix n, lxxi n, cxxxii, cxxxiii n, clxx n, clxxii n–clxxiii n; uncertainty as to date and interpretation of these entries, lxxi n, lxxvi n–lxxix n; sketch of, lxxi n; entries in hand of, 44 n, 171 n, 176 n, 212 n, 228 n, 254 n; his account, 1654–1663, 212–214; 1669, 53–54; 1683, 249–250; his accounts adjusted, 55, 57, 225, 227; Steward, 1668, clxi, 218; 1675, 63, 233; to look after repairs to College edifices, 1681, 68, 242; J. Richards’s accounts left with, 1682, clvi n, 71, 245; resigns as Treasurer, 1668, 218; present, cxlv, 218, 232, 236, 237; on committee to help stewards of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, 221; College exchanges land with, 1653, 266; lays out College land, 276; his petition to General Court about, 1658, 276; his letter to W. Stoughton about, 1683, 277; his bequest of tenements at Framingham, xcv, 281; terms of gift, xcv, 282, 842; income from, 282; repaid for sum overpaid to the College, 1694, 346; gift received, 1724, xcv n, 515; copy of his will to be obtained, 515; disposition of gift, 580, 592, 598, 608, 624, 635, 647, 657, 674, 687, 693, 704, 721, 733, 745; land exchanged with, to be sold, 1738, 677
Daniel,—, 184, 269
—Sir Richard, gives books, 200
Dason. See Dawson
Dasset, Joseph (1687), waiter at scholars’ table, 1685, 77
Dates, here given in New Style, clii n, clxix n; difficulties presented by, clxix n–clxx n
Daubing, lxxiii n, 6, 10, 12
Davenport, Addington (1689), son of Eleazer (d 1678), lxxxix n, 285, 297 n, 834; made A.M., 1712, 402; present, 422, 424, 434, 450, 453
—Rev. John (d 1670), 385, 836; Overseer, 1637, xxxiii
—Rev. John (1687), son of John (d 1676), son of Rev. John (d 1670), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1684, 75, 76, 254; 1685, 77, 81, 257; 1686, 80, 81, 262
—John (1721), son of Addington (1689), Tutor, 1728, clviii, clix, 564; approved, 564; to take N. Sever’s chamber, 564, 569; resigns as Tutor, 1732, 601
Davie, Humphrey (d 1689), on committee, cvii; present, 76, 255; money received by, from E. White, 1685, 81
—Sir John (1681), son of Humphrey (d 1689), money received by, from E. White, 1686, 81
Davis, Andrew McFarland (1854), xiii, xvii n, lxix n, lxxvi n, lxxxiv, lxxxv; titles of his papers on the early College records, xiii n; of his papers on the early College buildings, lxviii n–lxix n; on College Book II, xix; his pagination of College Book I, xiv–xvii; of College Book III, xxiii–xxiv, xxiii n; on College charter of 1700, liv n; on entries by T. Danforth, lxxix n; by T. W. Harris, lxxix n; on J. Winthrop’s plan of Cambridge, lxxix n; on studies and cabins, lxxii n–lxxiii n; on site of Indian College and first Harvard College, lxxxiv–lxxxv
—John (1781), 56; entries in hand of, 55 n, 56
—Rev. Joseph (1740), obtains Fitch gift, 1738, 675; Browne gift, 1740, 693
—Nathaniel (1724), granted A.M., though absent, 1727, 553
—Silvanus (d 1703), lays out land in Maine for J. Scottow, 278
—William (1745), gives human veins and arteries, 1750, 823
—Zechariah (d 1745), leases Ferry, 1719, 444
Davison, Nicholas (d c 1664), gift, 185, 213
Davy. See Davie
Dawson, William, Edinburgh, Scotland, 317
Day, Matthew (d 1649), bequeaths part of Fellow’s Orchard, 1649, cxxxiii n, 200–201; Steward, clxi
Dean (Deane), Thomas, to be paid for gathering fallen wood on Rogers’s Farm, 1749, 797; to sell hay on conditions, 797; to report about fences, 797; Rogers’s Farm to be let to, 1750, 812
Dearborn, Benjamin (1746), granted A.M., though absent, 1749, 803
Dearness of labor and building materials, 542; of necessaries of life, 682, 800, 801. See also Cider; Flour; Meat; Provisions
Debts, students punished for not paying their College, xx, 32; Steward to gather in College, 1692, 339; bad, 417; allowance to Steward for, 1737, 667
Declaim, J. Emerson ordered to, 58, 227; undergraduates to, 138, 228
Declaiming, neglect of, punished, xx, xxi
Declamations, copies of, to be made, 58, 138, 228; neglect of, fined, 138, 193; not to be omitted, 140
Dedham, gifts from, 179, 222
Degradation. See under Punishments
Degrade, to, cxli, 82 n, 402, 554, 568, 583, 790, 809, 810
Degree, first, denied to those of three years’ standing, 1654, xx, xx n; requirements for, 27, 28, 31, 146–147, 148, 189, 190
—second, requirements for, 27, 28, 31, 147, 148, 189–190, 190; those who stand for, but have not resided at College, to pay detriments, 1694, 347; candidates for, must be present, 1726, 539
Degrees, laws about, 1734, 146–148; power to confer, granted by College charter of 1692, 338; to obtain, College dues must be paid, 347; those desiring, must be present at Commencement, 1726, 539; conferred on persons, though absent, 540, 553, 561, 573, 583, 584, 593, 594, 601, 615, 625, 626, 636, 649, 663, 678, 680, 696, 708, 724, 725, 726, 738, 746, 751, 761, 762, 763, 803, 820; fee for, 720, 722, 734, 758, 801. See also Candidates
—ad eundem, 82 n; Corporation votes it inexpedient to grant, 1830, cxxxvii n
—honorary, first conferred, 1692, 82 n; arrangement of those receiving, in Triennial and Quinquennial Catalogues, 82 n
Delafaye, Charles, lxiii n
Denison, Daniel (d 1682), son of William (d 1654), 220
—George (1658; d 1694), son of William (d 1654), offers a farm in payment of debt, 52, 225; farm accepted, 52, 225; gift, 53, 216; to lay out land, 276
—John (1684), son of Rev. John (d 1671), son of Daniel (d 1682), Scholar, 1683, 74, 253; obtains Pennoyer gift, 1684, 76
—John (1710), son of John (1684), 844; obtains Sprague gift, 1707, 860, 861; 1708, 861; Butler, 1709, 388, 390; Librarian, 1713, clx, 421; Scholar, 1714, 423; salary, 421, 423; absent, 423; made attorney about Rowley lands, 1721, 462; to prosecute claim, 1722, 464; paid, 468
—John (1742), son of John (1710), obtains Flynt gift, 1741, 704; W. Brattle gift, 1742, 720
—Mary (Leverett), wife of John (1710), cxii n, cxvi n
Dennis, Rev. Josiah (1723), 514; Hollis scholar, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; 1724, 504; receives money, 1722, 477; 1724, 505; obtains S. Browne gift, 1724, 505; Scholar, 1724, 513; salary, 513
Depreciation. See Depression
Depression, of value of bills of credit, 443, 446, 454, 461, 474, 504, 513, 525, 543, 547, 555, 566, 574, 628, 633, 639, 645
Deputy-Governors. See Massachusetts
Desks, College, in President’s House, 60
Detriments, 259, 260, 346; for living out of College, xx; to be paid, 60, 192, 230, 347, 389; remitted, 70, 78, 80, 244, 258, 262, 343, 364, 366, 372, 375, 376, 437; rebated, 244; exempted, 282, 842; abated, 345; allowed to Steward, 354, 359; forgiven, 365. See also Half tuition
Devenport. See Davenport
Devotion,—(1703), expelled, 1701, 367
Dial, ring, given, 1743, 736
Dice, penalty for playing, 142
Dick, Robert, Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
—Robert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325
Dickinson, Samuel, on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297
Dickson, John, rent due from, for land at Menotomy, demanded, 1748, 782; committee to settle rent of lot on Menotomy Plain occupied by, 796
Diet, 210, 218, 835
Digby, Sir Kenelm (d 1665), list of books given by, 166–167; gift, 200
Diman, Rev. James (1730), 683; Butler, 1730, 584; 1731, 595; 1732, 601; abated for absent commons, 1733, 608–609; pays for cider, 610; recommended to receive Saltonstall gift, 1734, 628; recommendation withdrawn, 629; recommended again, 629; Hopkins scholar, 629; Librarian, 1735, clx, 634; 1736, 650; salary, 634, 650, 656; to prepare and get printed continuation of Catalogue, 1735, 635; Tutor, 1735, 639; paid for care of College, 1735, 643; paid for preparing Catalogue, 1736, 646; paid what is due of salary, 1737, 656; to deliver up key to Library, 656
Dinner, 607, 614; regulations as to, 27, 31, 189; quantity of parts allowed at, 603. See also Commencement; Corporation; Quarter
Diplomas, 147, 148; specimens of, granted by various universities and colleges, 305–309, 312–332; form of, 1733, 617, 618
Diplomated, C. Chauncy to be, 1693, 345
Directors, of the College, 39
Discipline, College, 34, 47, 203
Discontinuance, from school, 29, 191; from College, 51, 212, 373, 375, 389, 599, 832 Discontinue, to, 57, 60, 151, 599
Discontinuers, 50, 51, 192, 211, 224, 227, 831
Discontinuing, 832
Dismissal. See under Punishments
Disputations, 139, 472, 507, 662, 800
Dispute, 507, 521, 661; scholars to, 139, 340
Disputes, neglect of, fined, 193; at Commencement, 1681, 240, 241
Disputing, neglect of, xx, xxi
Dissenters, 705, 845; in England, ordination among, 856
Dissettlement, in College, Overseers spend day in prayer and humiliation over, 1674, 221. See also Unsettlement
Distemper, throat. See Throat distemper
Distilled spirits, forbidden, 143, 148, 456; liquors, forbidden, 471
District, scholars of the House to do the business that belonged to, of J. Checkley, 1738, 672. See also Wards
Ditch, in President’s orchard, 302 n
Divinity, 138
Divinity lectures, to be better attended, 1729, 572
Divinity Professor, 137, 139, 593. See also Hollis Professor of Divinity
Dixwell, John (1796), his name changed from Samuel Hunt, cxliv
Doddridge, John (d 1659), gift to be recovered, 69, 243, 289–290, 452, 567, 578–579, 592, 605, 622; disposition of gift, 80, 262; gift, 256, 264, 289 n, 411, 413, 419, 473; will, 1659, 289; expense about recovering, 501, 510, 578, 654; effort to recover abandoned, 1737, 654
Dodge, Rev. Ezekiel (1749), obtains Stoughton gift, 1747, 771
Doel, Richard, 293
Dollar, Spanish milled, lxxxi n, 303
Dominus, 4, 206; title applied to graduate on taking his first degree, cxl; soon abandoned, cxl n
Donaldson, Alexander, Aberdeen, Scotland, 322, 328
Donation Book. See under College records
Donations, in charge of N. Eaton, 172; of H. Dunster, 173; received and distributed by H. Dunster, 180; from New England, 256; from England, 256; obstructed, for want of charter, 355; committee appointed to prepare list of, 1719, 447; H. Flynt’s account of, to be entered in College Book, 1722, 476
Dooderidge. See Doddridge
Door, of Wadsworth House, 550; on roof of second Harvard College to be kept closed, 598; of second Harvard College, 711; of the Hall, 712; of Holden Chapel, 748
Door-boards, 11
Door-keeper to Council, paid, 1741, 709
Doors, on roofs, to be kept closed, 514
Dorby, Rev. Jonathan (1747), Hopkins scholar, 1749, 804
Dorchester, teaching elders of, appointed Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 43, 173; College property in, 22, 176, 263, 264, 270–271, 418, 431, 851; gifts from, 179, 222; scholars from, to enjoy Stoughton gift, 271, 851; marsh in, given by W. Stoughton, surveyed, 1748, 279; plan of, 279, 279 n; facsimile of plan, 190–191; plan of, mentioned, 852; disposition of rents from lands in, 421, 448, 455, 462, 477, 514, 537, 548, 562, 598, 608, 623, 635, 646, 656, 687, 693, 704, 771, 781, 798, 817; scholars from, 548, 562, 571, 580, 592, 693, 704, 744, 847; watering-place at, to be sold, 1739, 688; committee to view land in, 1746, 759; report of committee, 764–765; rent of pasture and marsh in, 791; marsh in, sold to N. Minot, 1831, 852 n
Dorr, Joseph (1752), receives money, 1750, 817
Double (or duplicate) books, 72, 195, 248, 358, 415, 728. See also Library
Douglass, Dr. William, on the title Rector, xxvi n; describes College buildings, 1749, cxxvi
Dover, N. H., gifts from, 223
Dowden, Leonard (d 1682), 246
—Mercy, wife of Leonard (d 1682), 250
Downer, Silas (1747), obtains Gibbs gift, 1745, 750; Browne gift, 1745, 750; Mills gift, 1745, 750; Danforth gift, 1745, 750; W. Brattle gift, 1746, 758; Scholar, 1746, 755; granted A.M. though absent, 1750, 820
Downing, Emanuel, arrives in New England, 1638, lxx n
—Sir George (1642), son of Emanuel, 206; Tutor, 1643, cxxxii, clviii, 17, 175; study account, 7, 8, 8 n; receives money, 180; gift, 223
—Lucy (Winthrop), wife of Emanuel, arrives in New England, 1638, lxx n
Drains, plan of, 301, 302; facsimile, 260–261
Dress, academic. See Apparel
Drinking vessels, 149
Drinks, mixed, forbidden, 143, 148
Drought, an extraordinary, 1749, 801, 805, 812
Druce, John (1738), Scholar, 1735, 639; salary, 639
Drummond, Colin, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317
Drunkenness, penalty for, 143
Dudleian Lectures, founded by Paul Dudley (1690), 1751, 855; directions as to, 854–857
Dudley, Gov. Joseph (1665), son of Gov. Thomas, xxv, xxvi, xxvi n, xxvii n, xxxviii n, clvii n, clxiv, clxv, 239, 349, 381; present, 236, 237, 381, 399, 403, 404, 406, 422, 424; his title, 1686, xxvi n, clxiv n; his reference to the mistakes of the government regarding the College, lvii n, lviii n; expresses his interest in the College, lvii n; his recommendation regarding a charter, lviii n; addresses to, recommending J. Leverett as President, lix, lix n, 379; calls a Council, lx; restoration in 1707 of College charter of 1650 due largely to, lx n; letter of I. Mather to, 1708, lx n; installs J. Leverett as President, lxi; reduces number of Corporation from seventeen to seven, lxi, lxi n, cliv n; consulted about repairs on second Harvard College, 1713, xc; instructions to, by General Court, 1683, 278, 605; makes proposal about professorship, 1704, 373; approves settlement of College, 380–381, 495; requests that degrees be given to J. Eliot, 1709, 389; to J. Wainwright, 1711, 395–396; to T. Bridge, 1712, 402; calls Overseers’ meeting, 399; discourses about gowns, 402; election of J. White as Treasurer represented to, 1713, 420; present at Council meeting, 1686, xxv, 827
—Paul, son of Gov. Thomas, 273
—Paul (1690), son of Gov. Joseph (1665), xlvii n, cliv, 297 n; Scholar, 1686, 828; 1691, 831; 1692, 339; attends no meeting of the Corporation, li n, cl; named Fellow in charter of 1696, xliii n, lxv; of 1697, xlvii, lxv, cliv, clv; absent, 339; salary, 339, 828, 831; present, 450, 453; on committee, 451; retained as counsel, 1716, 434; gives Bible, 1747, 770; will, 1751, 854; founds Dudleian Lectures, 855; his directions as to Dudleian Lectures, 854–857
—Gov. Thomas (d 1653), clxiv, clxv, 38, 183, 198; Overseer, 1637, xxxiii
—Thomas (1651), son of Gov. Thomas, Fellow, 1654, cliv, clv; Tutor, clviii
—Thomas (1685), son of Gov. Joseph (1665), Scholar, 1681, 69, 243; 1683, 74, 253; 1684, 77, 257; to file a bill in chancery to obtain E. Browne legacy, 1693, 341
—William (1704), son of Gov. Joseph (1665), 534; dues for Master’s degree remitted, 1707, 379
Dues, College, 553, 573, 584, 600, 613, 649, 662, 663, 678, 680, 696, 708, 726, 738, 747, 751, 752, 761, 762, 763, 773, 784, 820; payment of, xx, xxii; to be demanded of G. Denison, 1670, 52, 225; rules as to, 147, 150; A. Bordman to sue for and recover, 1693, 341; students on admission to give bond to Steward for, 1694, 347; difficult to collect, 456; to be paid by commencers, 1725, 521; of C. Galpine to be recovered, 1726, 537; Steward given letter of attorney to sue for, 1691, 830
Dummer, Jeremiah (1699), son of Jeremiah (d 1718), son of Richard (d 1678), 306; diploma from Utrecht, 1703, 305–306, 307–308; reports on H. Newman’s account, 1717, 438; Library Catalogues sent to, 1723, 503
—Nathaniel (1745), Scholar, 1742, 728
—Tresis. Richard (d 1678), clxvi
—Lt.-Gov. William (d 1761), brother of Jeremiah (1699), cxix, cxxxv, clxv, 534, 826; W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges dedicated to, 1726, xciii n; recommends a worthy support for the President, 1725, cxvii; present, 439, 453; addresses to, 1723, 486–487, 489–500; 1724, 508–509; 1726, 530–532, 541–542; asked to call Overseers’ meetings, 508, 517, 523, 543, 546, 559; installs B. Wadsworth as President, 1725, 825
Dunbar, Rev. Samuel (1723), 514; receives money, 1721, 454, 462; 1722, 477; Hollis scholar, 1723, 501; 1724, 504; not to be paid as Hollis scholar, 510
Dunce, Wadsworth gift not to be given to a, 858
Dunlop, Alexander (d 1747), Glasgow, Scotland, 309, 314, 315, 316
Duns, Joannes Scotus (d c 1308), his portrait burned, 1764, xviii
Dunster, Elizabeth, second wife of Henry (d 1659), married, 1644, civ; surname unknown, civ n; her account paid, 187, 212
—Elizabeth (Harris) Glover, first wife of Henry (d 1659), married to H. Dunster, 1641, civ; sketch of, civ n. See also Glover
—Henry (d 1659), xxxvi, lxxiii n, lxxxi n, civ n, cvi n, 4, 18, 21, 24, 205, 208, 210, 286, 834; President, 1640, lxxi, lxxi n, clii, 173; first marriage, 1641, civ; second marriage, 1644, civ; glass for, 1644, 4; appeals for enlargement and repairs of College buildings, 1647–1655, lxxiv; note to J. Scottow, 1649, 166; named President in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxiv, 40, 181; letter, 1653, lxxi, lxxii; petition to General Court, 1654, cv; resignation, 1654, xxii, 186; removes from President’s House, 1655, cv, cv n, 207; perhaps never ordained, lxiv n; various duties forced upon, lxxii, lxxii n, 173; his account, lxxii n, 186; Peyntree House probably occupied by, civ n; raises funds toward cost of Dunster House, cv; his boarders, cxiii n–cxiv n; teaches at first without assistance, cxxxii; assistants given to, cxxxii; presides at Commencement, 1642–1654, cliii n; certain entries not in hand of, 16 n, 158 n; his lodgings or house, 173, 198, 198 n; receives and distributes donations, 180–181; gives land at Shawshin (Billerica), 184, 215, 269
Dunster’s House. See under College buildings
Duplicate books. See Double books
Durant, Edward (1735), granted A.M., 1748, 784
Du Simitière, Pierre Eugène, his plan and views of Harvard College, about 1704, xciv n, ciii n
Dwight, Flynt (1724), son of Rev. Josiah (1687), receives money, 1724, 505
—Joseph, lix n. See Dwight, Rev. Josiah (1687)
Dyer,—, 297 n
—Eliphalet (Y. C. 1740), granted A.M., 1744, 746, 747
Earthquake, of 1755, its effect on Stoughton College, xcviii, xcviii n
Eastabrooks (Easterbrook). See Estabrook
Eastern country, land in, 567
Eastward, money coming from, 49, 50, 210, 211; R. Wharton’s rights, 1715, 432; committee to inquire about land grants at, 1745, 731
Eaton, Benoni (d 1690), son of Rev. Nathaniel, gift, 246, 250, 252
—Rev. Nathaniel, son of Rev. Richard (d 1616), lxx n, lxxi, lxxvii n; Professor, 1637, xix n, clii, 172; removed by General Court, 1639, xix n, lxx, lxxiii n, civ, 173; called President by B. Wadsworth, xix n, clii n; by other titles, xix n, clii n; placed in charge of College buildings, 1637, lxx, lxx n, lxxi, civ, 172; Peyntree House probably occupied by, civ; his boarders, cxiii n; his ushers, cxxxii, cxxxii n; money paid to, 16, 21, 171; money disbursed by, 17; account, 172. See also Eaton lot
—Samuel (1649), son of Theophilus (d 1658), named Fellow in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxv, clv, clviii, 40, 181; his study, 8; receives money, 180
—Theophilus (d 1658), Governor of New Haven, son of Rev. Richard (d 1616), cxiii n, 385, 836; puts money in hands of N. Eaton, 16, 171; entry in hand of, 16 n; gift, 174
Eaton lot, in College Yard, lxviii n, lxxix n; first Harvard College on, lxxvi, lxxxi n, lxxxiv; acquired about 1640, lxxxviii n; its size, lxxix n. See also Eaton, Rev. Nathaniel
Ecclesiastical Council, at Concord, 1743, 740
Eclipse, of the sun, 1684, 255
Edinburgh University, 306; diplomas granted by, 312–313, 316–317, 320, 323, 324–325, 328–329
Edmonds (Edmunds), Benjamin, to get Pennoyer gift, 1709, 388; 1713, 422
—Joshua, 297 n
Eells, Rev. Nathaniel (1699), granted A.M., 1743, 739
Eiton, Sampson, 8. See Eaton, Samuel (1649)
Elders, 29, 43, 137; six, together with six magistrates, appointed Overseers, 1637, xxxiii; and magistrates elect H. Dunster President, 1640, lxxi, lxxi n, 173; exhorted to manifest their zeal against weiring long hair, 1649, 38, 198; give books, 174; scholars to show due respect to, 25, 30, 137, 188
—teaching, 399, 404, 496, 620; of six certain towns, appointed Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 42, 173; certain Episcopal clergymen claim seats at Board of Overseers as, 1727–1730, xxxv–xxxvi, xxxvi n; in Rowley, 39, 271, 844
Eldred,—, 18
Elections, scholars not to attend, without permit, 27, 190
Eleemosynary revenue of the College, 1672–1673, 5
Eliot. See also Elliott
——, receives money, 17, 212
—Rev. Andrew (1737), son of Andrew (d 1749), lxviii n, 326; compiles early portion of Donation Book I, xviii, xviii n, lxix n; his account of the burning of second Harvard College, 1764, xviii–xix; thanked by Corporation for services, 1773, lxix n; gives inscription on Stoughton College, c; diploma from Edinburgh, 1767, 324–325; Hopkins scholar, 1738, 683
—Rev. Andrew (1762), son of Rev. Andrew (1737), xviii n
—Charles William (1853), son of Samuel Atkins (1817), lxxxiv, clxii
—Ephraim (1780), son of Rev. Andrew (1737), his appeal for a concise history of Harvard University, lxviii n
—Rev. Jacob (1720), Scholar, 1721, 454, 462; 1722, 475; salary, 454, 462
—Rev. Jared (Y. C. 1706), son of Rev. Joseph (1658), degree of A.M. refused to, 1709, 387; granted at request of J. Dudley, 389; conditions imposed, 389
—Rev. John (d 1690), present, 76, 218, 232, 236, 237, 255; on committees, 239, 257
—John (1685), eon of Rev. John (1656), son of Rev. John (d 1690), receives money, 1683, 73, 248; 1684, 75, 254
—Josiah, son of Rev. Andrew (1737), transcribes his father’s account of benefactions into Donation Book, xviii n; his compensation for this service, lxix n
—Samuel (1660), son of Rev. John (d 1690), Fellow, 1663, cliv, clv, 210; Tutor, clviii
—Samuel Atkins (1817), his Sketch of the History of Harvard College, with a Plan of the College Enclosure, published 1848, lxviii n, lxx n; locates early buildings, lxviii n; on site of Indian College, lxviii n, lxxxiv; his error about location of town grant in 1638, lxviii n
Ellery, John (1732), will and bequest, 854
Elliot. See also Eliot
—John, 303
—Rev. John (1750), obtains S. Browne gift, 1750, 816
Ellis, Rev. Jonathan (1737), obtains Stoughton gift, 1737, 656
Ellys (Ellis), Sir Richard (d 1742), College hopes to obtain part of library of, 1741, 705
Ely, Justin (1759), J. B. Felt’s error regarding, cxxxvii n
Emerson, Rev. Daniel (1739), son of Peter (d 1749), son of Joseph (d 1680), son of Thomas (d 1666), Butler, 1739, 690; 1740, 695; ceases to be Butler, 1741, 715
—Rev. John (1675), son of Nathaniel (d 1712), son of Thomas (d 1666), obtains Webb gift, 1671, 50, 211; 1672, 51, 224; 1673, 57, 227; 1675, 64, 234; punished for misdemeanors, 1674, 58, 227
—Rev. Joseph (1743), son of Rev. Joseph (1717), son of Edward (d 1743), son of Joseph (d 1680), son of Thomas (d 1666), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1741, 704; 1742, 720; Browne gift, 1743, 733
—Moses (1737), son of Jonathan (d 1736) of Haverhill, Scholar, 1736, 650; salary, 650
Emery, Rev. Stephen (1730), obtains S. Browne gift, 1727, 548; 1728, 561; 1730, 582
Emission, the last. See Bills
Emmery. See Emery
Emons, Benjamin, 274
Endecott, Gov. John (d 1665), clxiv, clxv, 38, 198; Overseer, 1642, xxxiii
England, money sent from, cv, 21, 175, 198, 223, 224; money sent from, to be disposed of by Treasurer, 1681, 68, 242; disposition of money received from, 75, 254; donations in, 256; annuities in, 288–290, 411; lists of books sent to, 1705, 374; rents in, 411, 413, 419; Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503; Princess Royal of, 1734, 630
—Bank of, 715
—Council of Trade and Plantations, xlviii n, liv n
—Court of Chancery, 288, 290, 398, 485, 531, 547, 579, 701, 833, 836; a bill in, to be filed, 1693, 341
—King’s Council, liii n
—Lord Chancellor, decree of, 741, 804
—Lords Commissioners of Trade, liv n
—Lords of Trade and Plantations, xlii n
—Lords Justices, xlviii
—Privy Council, xl, xlii n, xlviii n, lii
English language, 362, 382; when permitted to be used by scholars, 26, 30, 189
English money, 223
Entertain, scholars not to, in their chambers, persons of ill character, 141
Entry, in second Harvard College, xc; to be swept, 151; floor to be new laid, 1720, 453; men to watch about, at Commencement, 1733, 614
Epes, Daniel (1669), son of Daniel (d 1693), perhaps Scholar, 1669, 49, 211
—Samuel (1669), son of Daniel (d 1693), probably Scholar, 1669, 49, 211
—Samuel (1751), will, 1760, 863
Ephemerides, German, to be bought, 1698, 358
Episcopal clergymen, attempt to obtain seats at Board of Overseers, 1727–1730, xxxv–xxxvi, xxxvi n
Eppes (Epps). See Epes
Errands, Seniors not to send Freshmen on, 1674, 58, 228; J. Webb expelled for sending Freshmen on private, 1682, 70, 244; fellow-commoners excused from going on, 1734, 135; when Freshmen may be sent on, 153; penalty for Seniors sending Freshmen on private, 196; S. Browne exempted from going on, 1723, 501
Erskine, John (d 1768), Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 323
Erving, George (1757), granted A.M., 1762, cxxxviii n
—John (1747), granted A.M. though absent, 1750, 820
Estabrook, Rev. Benjamin (1690), son of Rev. Joseph (1664), Scholar, 1690, 829; salary, 829; denied salary, owing to discontinuance, 1691, 832
—Rev. Samuel (1696), son of Rev. Joseph (1664), Scholar, 1695, 351; 1696, 354; salary, 351, 354
Estate, College. See under College accounts
Ethical books, 730
Ethics, 138; books relating to, ordered by Corporation, 730
Europe, a learned professor from, to reside at Harvard College, 840
Eustus, John, on committee, 403; reports, 404
Evans,—, 445
—Rev. John (d 1730), London, Eng., written to about Williams gift, 1722, 467
Eveleigh, George (1742), petitions to go to Carolina and yet receive degree, 1741, 713; granted on condition that he return, 714; granted A.B. though absent, 1742, 724–725; granted A.M. though absent, 1745, 751
Everett, Gov. Edward (1811), occupies Wadsworth House, cxx
Exchanging, by scholars, how allowed, 26, 30, 142, 189
Exemption, form of, for College servants, 43–44, 183–184
Exercise, place of. See Play-place
Exercises, College, lxxii, 600; neglect of, xx, xxi
Exeter, N. H., gifts from, 223
Exhibitions, lvii n, 397, 424, 445, 448, 454, 462, 477, 484, 501, 504–505, 510, 514, 519, 537, 543, 548, 561–562, 571, 580, 591–592, 594, 597, 603, 604, 607–608, 635, 646, 650, 759, 815, 851; regulated, 1715, 433; of T. Hollis, 459, 526; not to be given to residents in College unless they live in commons, 1725, 519
Expenses, of officers and students in 1747, 768
Expensiveness, of the times, 433, 552
Experiments, philosophical, performed, 711
Expulsion. See under Punishments
Eyles. See Ellys
Faculty, orders of, about Stoughton College, 1779–1781, xcviii–xcix; permits L. Langloiscrie to teach French, 1733–1735, clix n; the word, first used in 1825, 869. See also Immediate government
Faculty Records. See under College records
Fairs, attendance at, 27, 190
Faith, Confession of, 853, 854
Falls, on Charles River, 267
Fare. See Charlestown Ferry
Fathers of the College, members of General Court so called, 1725, 524
Fellow, 76, 194, 466, 473, 496, 724, 819; every Tutor a, down to 1697, but not every Fellow a Tutor, lxiii n; note on the word, cxxxii–cxxxv; used, 1647–1650, cxxxii–cxxxiii; before 1650, used interchangeably with Tutor, cxxxiii; first applied to certain members of the Corporation in College charter of 1650, cxxxiii; designations applied to, cxxxiv, cxxxiv n; chosen, 57, 64, 226, 235, 407; election of, recommended by Overseers, 65; presented, 68; salary, 76, 180, 286, 443, 835; approved, 399, 406
—first, salary, xxii
—fourth, to be chosen, 1719, 447 chosen, 1720, 449; chamber assignee to, 450; salary, 449, 454
—junior, salary, 405, 421, 423, 433 the most, a term used by J. Leverett, 1697, xlv
—middle, salary, 405, 421, 423, 433
—non-resident, distinction between resident Fellow and, lxiii
—non-resident, of the College and member of the Corporation, chosen, 237
—of Harvard College, chosen, 66, 238, 340, 405
—of the College, meaning of the term, cxxxiv; chosen, 56, 63, 64, 68, 69, 207, 233, 234, 235, 242, 243, 399; presented, 57; salary, 76; approved, 234, 235; installed, 237, 399
—of the College and member of the Corporation, chosen, 237
—of the Corporation, term first used in College charter of 1650, cxxxiii; every Tutor a, 1650–1692, cxxxiii; but not every, a Tutor, cxxxiii; after 1692 no Tutor necessarily a, cxxxiii; except in 1700–1708, when the two senior Tutors were Fellows, cxxxiii–cxxxiv; chosen, 65, 397, 401, 407, 434, 464, 466, 473, 486, 525, 719; declines, 340; approved, 403, 406, 435; not approved, 465; ceases, 482, 483
—of the Corporation of Harvard College, presented, 403; approved, 406; Hollis Professor of Divinity to be henceforth, 1723, 503
—of the House, meaning of the term, cxxxiv–cxxxv; admitted, 399; chosen, 401, 434, 445, 472–473; approved, 403, 424, 435, 450, 451; installed, 406; not rechosen, 468; not to hold office for more than three years unless rechosen, 1722, 434
—probationer, chosen, cxxxiv n, 210
—resident, distinction between non-resident Fellow and, lxiii n; Overseen recommend election to the Corporation of a, 1722, 466
—second, salary, xxii, 219, 435, 437 443, 446, 454
—senior, 35, 58, 194, 228, 336, 379 380; duties of, xxi; his study, 14; his sizar’s study, 14; salary, 219, 405, 421, 423, 433, 435, 437, 443, 446, 454
—senior, in the College there resident, duties, 196–197
—senior, of the Corporation of Harvard College, 228
—senior resident, cxx n, 133; to be clerk of Overseers, 1712, 403
—third, salary, xxii, li n, 219, 435, 437, 443, 446, 454, 566
—third, of the College, chosen, 59, 228
—third, of the House, to be chosen, 398; chosen, 407; approved, 424
—to officiate on the place, Overseers recommend election of, 65, 236
Fellow-commoners, lxxxix n, 26 n, 34, 47, 62, 73, 78, 203, 230, 261, 501; a privileged class, cxxxix–cxl; list of, 1653–1733, cxxxix n–cxl n; how called, 26, 31, 135, 189; to pay £100 and double tuition money, 135; privileges, 135
Fellow scholar, 830
Fellows, meaning companions, once used in the College Laws, 1642–1646, 26, 188; translating the Latin sodales, 30
Fellows, cxli n, 19, 24, 27, 33, 34, 40–42, 44, 46–48, 51, 80, 134, 153, 181–183, 190, 192, 194–197, 203, 205, 208, 210, 218, 224, 227, 231, 238, 244, 259, 293, 303, 336–338, 355, 381, 386, 387, 393, 394, 399, 405, 406, 420–425, 438, 441, 445, 456, 460, 466, 469, 471, 485, 489, 496, 507, 517, 526–528, 562, 565, 620, 639, 839, 847, 863, 864; salary, xxi, xxii, 5, 39, 49, 53, 56, 58, 66, 76, 77, 80, 81, 210, 212, 213, 214, 226, 228, 234, 238, 259, 286, 288, 344, 347, 348, 413, 414, 433, 435, 437, 443, 446, 454, 463, 602, 712, 828, 829, 830, 835, 843; must lodge in College, xx; must be in the Hall at meal times, xx; in want of a President, to carry on College affairs, xx; their chambers rent free, xx; preside at Commencement, xxxv n, cliii n; five, named in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxiv–lxvi, 40, 181; five, in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxiv–lxvi; eight, in charter of 1692, xli, lxiv–lxvi, 336; fourteen, in charter of 1696, xliii n, lxiv–lxvi; fourteen, in charter ol 1697, xlvii, lxiv–lxvi; fourteen, ir charter of 1699, xlix n, lxiv–lxvi fifteen, in charter of 1700, liii, lxiv–lxvi; fourteen, in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxiv–lxvi; number of, reduced to five by J. Dudley, 1708, lxi, lxi n, cliv n; receiving salaries to reside at College, lv n; resident and non-resident, lxiii n; those who were also Tutors, lxvi, cxxxiv; chamber, in Goffe’s College, lxxxi n; early use of the word, cxxxii; the word as used in charter of 1650, cxxxiii, cxxxiii n; vacancies filled by the Corporation, cxxxiii; distinguishing designations applied to, cxxxiv, cxxxiv n; the same designation used in different senses, cxxxiv; uncertainty as to persons holding office of, 1650–1690, cxlv; form of admission, 36–37, 177–178; of installation, mentioned, 399; wood to be provided for, 49, 210; installed, 57, 227, 229, 237; chosen, 207; seven continued by W. Stoughton, 1696, 355; approved, 439; their fees to the sweeper, 685, 686
—and members of the Corporation, 490
—in the College, resign, 226
—list of, 1650–1750, cliv–clvi; no complete list can be compiled, clxiii. See also Graves, Thomas (1656); Russell, Daniel (1669); Taylor, Rev. Joseph (1669)
—living in Boston, 380
—non-resident, in charter of 1697, xlviii n; distinction between resident Fellows and, lxiii n
—non-resident, of the Corporation, cxlvi
—non-resident, of the House (meaning members of the Corporation), 384, 385
—now remaining, 228
—of Harvard College, 28, 41, 42, 155, 182, 277, 284, 285, 290, 292, 293, 295, 296, 336, 337, 380, 382–384, 386, 388–391, 393, 394, 396, 398–400, 406, 420, 422, 425, 432–435, 439–443, 446, 455, 459, 460, 465, 475, 477, 478, 480, 482–485, 487, 489, 504, 509, 526, 527, 530, 541, 551, 552, 556, 559, 563, 565, 568–571, 573–575, 578–581, 583–587, 589–591, 593, 594, 596, 597, 599–604, 606–609, 611, 614, 615, 617–624, 626, 627, 629–633, 636–642, 644, 645, 647–652, 659, 667–686, 688, 690–692, 694–703, 705–709, 712, 714–719, 721–727, 730–732, 734–740, 742–747, 749–752, 754–758, 760–763, 765, 770–776, 778–780, 782–784, 786, 787, 790, 792–797, 799–801, 803, 805, 806, 809, 811–814, 816–821, 839, 851, 854, 863
—of Harvard College and members of the Corporation, chosen, 377
—of Harvard College in Cambridge, 379, 380, 386
—of the College, 67, 147, 295, 356, 367, 380, 394, 420, 439, 448, 452, 496, 526, 572, 588, 612, 718, 834; salary, 58, 76, 77, 79, 194, 257, 258; chosen, 59, 79, 207, 210, 229, 258; to reside in the College, 194; approved, 221, 231, 439; government of the College committed to, 1654, 206; 1681, 240; request I. Mather to continue as President, 1695, 351; continued, 1696, 355
—of the College in Cambridge, lxxxiii, 352
—of the College residing in Cambridge, 444, 447
—of the Corporation, 137, 395, 435, 466, 485, 494, 496, 498; chosen, 370, 436, 828; to settle price of parts, 456; residence of, within the House, 491; some have been Overseers, cxlvi, 496
—of the Corporation of Harvard College, chosen, 439
—of the Corporation living in town, 749
—of the Corporation residing at (or in) Cambridge, xci, 408, 435, 438, 443, 452
—of the House (meaning Fellows of the Corporation), 381, 382, 668
—of the House (meaning Tutors), 447, 452, 456; installed, 399, 406; not to hold fellowship with salary more than three years unless rechosen, 1716, 434; one or more to reside at College during vacation, 1720, 452; chosen, 466; controversy between Corporation and Overseers as to, 1722, 468, 472–473
—of the Society, 859
—resident, xc, xcvi, cxlv, 71, 245, 384, 385, 421, 493, 496, 533, 831; distinction between non-resident Fellows and, lxiii n; table giving number of, 1650–1780, lxvii; this table more or less conjectural, lxvii n; same as Tutors, 1650–1692, lxvii n; salary, 71, 245, 339, 341, 347, 349, 351, 354, 356, 364, 368, 369, 830; to draw up proposals for enlargement of the College, 1693, 345
—resident, of the Corporation, 133, 609
—resident at (or in) the College, 346; salary, 74, 254
—resident, in the House, 491
—residing at (or in) Cambridge, 397, 421, 423, 440, 461
—senior, 27, 190
—that are in Cambridge, 391
—that should from time to time belong to and be resident at the said society, 201
—upon the place, 70; salary, 73, 248
Fellows’ barn. See under College buildings
—Orchard. See under Orchard
—table. See under Table
Fellowship, occurrence of the word, cxxxiii n; the position held by a Fellow of the Corporation, 57, 64, 180, 221, 226, 397; by a Fellow of the House (or Tutor), 399, 401, 434, 702
Felt, Rev. Joseph Barlow, error by, cxxxvii n
Fences (or fencing), apparel to be worn outside of, 141; damage to, to be made good, 153, 193, 530, 705; of College Yard, 1639, 172; cost of repairs, 1654–1663, 212; Cambridge gives lumber for, 1663, lxxv n; of President’s Houses or garden or orchard, xxi; 1666, cvi n; 1670, cvi n, 52, 225; 1680–1681, cix; 1726, cxviii, 542; 1743, cxxi, 736; Scholars of the House to take account of, 1667, 48, 204; between the College lands and Mrs. Mitchell to be set up, 1686, 80, 262; on south side of Massachusetts Hall, to be built, 1721, cii, 456; at Cambridge burying place, 1735, cxxiii n, 642; on Bradish lot, 1770, lxxx n, 266; made by A. Hill not to be carried off, 268; on Rogers’s Farm, 300–301, 797; behind Stoughton College, 302 n; of lot at Cambridge Rocks, 634; at Rowley, 550; at Billeriea, 638; of N. Appleton and E. Wigglesworth, 656; on Cambridge Common, 688; at Dorchester, 851; of lot at Menotomy, 694
Feoffees, of the College, 835
Ferguson, Adam (d 1816), Edinburgh, Scotland, 325, 329
Ferry, 5, 17, 18, 392; rent, 215; disposal of money from, 344; another, over Charles River, memorial to General Court about, 1738, 678–679. See also Charlestown Ferry
—boats. See Charlestown Ferry
—men, 444, 464, 592, 601, 673, 689, 703, 752; to meet the Corporation, 1743, 740; 1748, 782; agreement with, 1743, 741; profits of, 1748, 785–786
—ways, to be repaired, 533, 561, 564, 703, 755; to be kept in repair by lessees, 563, 601; committee to view, 1732, 601; agreement about repairs to, 1743, 741; cost of repairs to, in 1746, 767
Fessenden, Benjamin (1746), son of Rev. Benjamin (1718), son of Nicholas (d 1719), obtains Flynt gift, 1745, 750
—Nicholas (d 1719), heirs of, 304 n; paid for lime, 414
—Stephen (1737), son of Nicholas (1701), son of Nicholas (d 1719), granted A.M., 1741, 708
—William (1737), son of William (d 1756), son of Nicholas (d 1719), obtains Gibbs gift, 1737, 656
Field, Robert, 272
—Thomas a. See Ofield, Thomas
Fighting, penalty for, 154
Finch, Judith, wife of Samuel (d 1674), gift, 224
—Samuel (d 1674), 17
Fines. See under Punishments
Fire, studies with, 14, 15, 19; Stoughton College to be protected against, 1714, xcvi; top of Wadsworth House to be railed for security from, 1728, cxix n; committee to provide boxes for books in Library in case of, 1738, 673
Fire studies, 14, 15, 19
Fires, in second Harvard College, 1682, xci–xcii; 1704, xcii–xciii; 1748, xciii; 1764, vii, xviii–xix, xix n, xciii, cxx n, cxxix n; in Stoughton College, 1712, xcvi
First degree. See Degree, first
Fish, Rev. Elisha (1750), obtains Browne gift, 1748, 781; S. Browne gift, 1750, 816
Fisher, Jeremiah (1726), Scholar, 1725, 525; salary, 525
—Joshua (d 1674), gift, 245, 252
Fishing, how allowed, 154
Fisk, John, 280, 301
Fiske, David (d 1711), surveys College land, 267
—Rev. John (1702), son of Rev. Moses (1662), detriments remitted, 1700, 364; 1705, 375; Scholar, 1702, 368
—Rev. Samuel (1708), son of Rev. Moses (1662), Scholar, 1705, 374; 1706, 376; 1707, 378; salary, 374, 376, 378
—Shepard (1721), son of Rev. Moses (1662), receives money, 1717, 438; obtains W. Brattle gift, 1719, 445, 448; 1721, 454
Fitch, Rev. Jabez (1694), 844; Tutor, 1697, lii n, clviii, clix, 357; salary, li n, 358, 360, 361, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370; present, cli, 364, 365, 367, 369; Fellow, as one of the two senior Tutors, by charter of 1699, xlix n, lxv, lxv n; of 1700, liii, lxv, lxv n, clv, clvi; not a clergyman when appointed Fellow, lxiii n; ceases to be Fellow and Tutor, 1703, lxv n; ordained, lxv n; removes to Ipswich, liv, 369
—John (1728), son of Rev. Jabez (1694), 543; obtains W. Browne gift, 1725, 519; 1726, 537; not allowed, 1726, 537; obtains Keayne gift, 1727, 548; 1728, 561
—Thomas (d 1736), 297 n; present, 434, 450; gift, 1737, 654–655; disposition of gift, 675, 687, 693, 704, 720, 732, 744, 749, 750, 758, 759, 760, 771, 781, 798, 816; will, 1736, 852
FitzGerald, James (1723), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1722, 477; 1723, 502; Hollis scholar, 1723, 501; 1724, 504; at Nantucket, 518; paid for caring for College, 1726, 543; obtains T. Brattle gift, 1727, 551
Flesh, quantity of, for a mess pie, 607; price of a part of, 607; price of, abated, 628. See also Meat
Fletcher, Oliver (1735), Scholar, 1733, 616; salary, 616
Flint. See Flynt
Flip, forbidden, 143
Flood,—, his marsh, 270
Flour, dearness of, 579; price of, 655, 667, 714, 715, 734, 749, 821
Flucker, Sec. Thomas, clxvi
Flynt, Ephraim (1662?), son of Thomas (d 1653), disposition of gift, 580, 592, 598, 608, 623, 635, 647, 657, 674, 686, 693, 704, 721, 733, 745, 750, 759, 771, 781, 798, 799, 817; will, 1723, 840–841
—Ephraim (1733), son of John (d 1746), son of John (d 1687), son of Thomas (d 1653), obtains Flynt gift, 1730, 580; 1731, 592; 1732, 598; 1733, 608
—Henry (1693), son of Rev. Josiah (1664), lxxx n, xci, cxiv n, 183, 311, 312, 320, 399, 406, 420, 508, 509, 526, 527, 528, 582, 584, 589, 595, 597, 664, 691, 843; Scholar, 1690, 829; 1691, 831; 1692, 339; 1693, 344; 1694, 348; 1695, 351; Tutor, 1699, li n, lii n, clviii, clix, 363; Fellow, as one of the two senior Tutors, by charter of 1700, liii, lxi, lxi n, lxii n, lxv, lxv n, civ; to make up M. Bordman’s accounts, 1703, 370; continued Fellow by J. Dudley, 1708, lxi, lxi n; clerk to Overseers, 1712, 403; on repairs to Stoughton College, 1714, xcvi; allowed to live out of commons, 1719, 446; signs petition claiming Tutors to be Fellows of the Corporation, 1720, cxxxv; his account of donations to be entered, 476; paid for services, 1723, 485; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxv; presides at Commencement, 1724, cliii n, 507; 1737, cliii n, 662, 663; chamber of, visited by Gov. Burnet, 1728, 565; by Gov. Belcher, 1730, 587; by Gov. Shirley, 1741, 711; paid for expenses incurred, 1731, 595; Corporation meets in chamber of, 1733, 618; Acting President, 1736–1737, cliii; makes oration on B. Wadsworth, 1737, 653; to care for College Books and papers, cxx, cxx n, 654; to record Corporation meetings, 654; oration to be printed, 655; paid for oration, 655; Freshmen committed to, 1742, 716; paid for tuition of Freshmen, 720; excused from being in commons at supper, 1748, 793; will, 1760, 857–858; bequest for Tutors, 857; for poor scholars, 858; burial, cxxv n; not a clergyman, lxii n; entries in hand of, xxxi, cxxxvii n, 171 n, 174 n, 183 n, 350 n, 362 n, 367 n, 379 n, 388 n, 390 n, 506 n, 523 n, 546 n, 547 n, 575 n, 576 n, 653 n, 665 n, 852 n; on committees, 292, 293, 296, 447, 457, 463, 470, 480, 513, 515, 517, 519, 522, 534, 558, 562, 564, 565, 567, 572, 574, 575, 581, 590, 592, 595, 596, 599, 602, 610, 615, 618, 619, 620, 621, 625, 627, 628, 630, 634, 635, 637, 638, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 650, 652, 653, 658, 661, 664, 670, 681, 683, 685, 688, 691, 694, 700, 703, 717, 722, 723, 725, 730, 731, 733, 741, 745, 748, 759, 770, 782, 796, 801; salary, 339, 344, 348, 351, 364, 365, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 383, 389, 392, 398, 405, 435, 456, 474, 479, 709, 829, 831; absent, 354; present, cli, 364–371, 373–396, 398, 400, 403–406, 420–423, 425, 432, 433, 435, 436, 440–448, 451, 453, 455, 459–462, 465–477, 479–486, 489, 500–529, 535, 539, 540, 542–555, 558, 559–563, 565–571, 573–575, 580, 581, 583–586, 589–601, 603–627, 630–672, 674–694, 696, 697, 698–709, 712–719, 723–773, 775–782, 784, 784–806, 809, 812–817, 820; reports, 524, 552, 577, 600, 622, 634; prays, 546, 552, 558, 563, 569, 572, 579, 592, 596, 604, 618, 621, 624, 637, 641, 652, 661, 672, 683, 692, 698, 718, 725, 734, 744, 755, 771, 779, 785, 800, 811, 821
—Rev. Josiah (1664), son of Rev. Henry (d 1668), brother of Thomas (d 1653), Scholar, 214; present, 232, 236; posterity of, to benefit under will of E. Flynt (1662?), 841
—Thomas (d 1653), 38, 198
Fogg, Rev. Jeremiah (1730), Scholar, 1729, 574; salary, 574; obtains B. Browne gift, 1730, 580
Follen, Dr. Charles Theodore Christian, 304 n
Fones, Samuel (d 1751), 272
Forbes, Rev. Eli (1751), entered as Forbush in Faculty Records, cxliii, cxliii n; obtains Fitch gift, 1749, 798; Danforth gift, 1749, 799
—William (d 1745), Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
Forbush, a variant of Forbes, cxliii, cxliii n
Ford,—, 18
Forgery, penalty for, 141
Forms, 7, 151. See also Utensils, College
Forms of admission, confession, diplomas, exemption, installation, presentation. See Bachelors of Arts; Confession; Diplomas; Exemption; Fellows; Fellows of the House; Inceptors; Masters of Arts; Scholars of the House
Fornication, penalty for, 142; students punished for, 384, 486, 539
Forster. See Foster
Foster, Francis Apthorp, paper by, cited, xciii n
—I., 428
—Rev. Isaac (1671), salary, 66, 67, 70, 238, 239; present, cxlvii, 66, 238; Probationer, 1678, 237; Fellow, clv, 237; Tutor, clviii, clix, 237; President remits money to, 237
—John (d 1711), xlii n
—John, 297 n
Founders, of the College, 769
Fowle, James (1731), Scholar, 1730, 584; salary, 584; obtains Mills gift, 1731, 592
—Rev. John (1732), son of John (d c 1726), his expenses not paid, 1733, 609; remitted, 1735, 638
—Mary, widow of John (d c 1726), and her son’s expenses, 1733, 609; remitted, 1735, 638
Fowler,—, 418
Fox, Hannah, 839, 840. See also Bradley, Hannah Fox
—Jabez (1727), son of Rev. John (1698), son of Rev. Jabez (1665), son of Thomas (d 1693), granted A.M., 1731, 593, 594
—Thomas (d 1693), 267
Foxcroft, Daniel, son of Francis (d 1727) 429, 838; action regarding his mortgage to the College, 1745, 752
—Francis (d 1727), occupies College land, 266; land in Cambridge Neck let to, 418; conveys Danforth gift to College, 1724, 515; no further demands to be made on, for Danforth gift, 515
—Francis (1712), son of Francis (d 1727), 266, 274, 580, 841, 846; obtains Sprague gift, 1710, 862; 1712, 863; 1713, 863
—Rev. Thomas (1714), son of Francis (d 1727), 266; Scholar, 1712, 405; 1713, 421; salary, 405, 421; present, 450; obtains Sprague gift, 1712, 863; 1713, 863
Foye, Treas. William, clxvi
Frame, of first Harvard College, 172
Framingham, College property in, xcv, 263, 282, 515, 842; disposition of income from, 580, 592, 598, 608, 623–624, 635, 647, 687, 693, 704, 721, 733, 745, 750, 759, 771, 781, 799, 817
Framlingham. See Framingham
France, 319, 480
Francis, John (d 1728), son of Richard (d 1687), injured in raising second Harvard College, 1674, lxxxvi; grant of land to, 1679, lxxxvi n; paid for brick work, 1694, 347, 414
—Stephen (d 1719), son of Richard (d 1687), 429
Francke, August Hermann, his works given, 1736, 650; to be bound, 650
Frankius, Dr. See Francke, August Hermann
Frankland, Sir Charles Henry (d 1768), gives a ring dial, 1743, 736
Franklin,—, 297 n
—Benjamin (h 1753), 306; diploma, 1753, 319–320
Franklyn. See Franklin
Freake,—, gives to printing press, 21
Freck, Ralph, gives book, 200
Frecks, John, gives books, 200
Freeman, Edmund (1733), Scholar, 1731, 595; 1732, 602; salary, 595, 602
—John, 20
Fremington, Eng., 289, 452
French, Samuel (1748), obtains Fitch gift, 1748, 781
—William, 7 n. See also Trench, William
French, L. Langloiserie permitted to teach, 1735, clix n, 632
French, the, liii n
Freshman, students placed in, year, 1642–1769, cxli n–cxlii n, 82 n; a, exempted from going on errands, 1723, 501
Freshman dormitories. See under College buildings
Freshmen, 71, 155, 370, 382, 449, 461, 462, 468, 472, 514, 560, 571, 632, 640, 646, 650, 653, 657, 691, 703, 720, 759; not to go on errands for Seniors, xx, 158, 228; J. Webb expelled for sending, on errands, 1682, 70, 244; when to be sent on errands, 153; penalty for sending, on private errands, 196; committed to H. Flynt, 1742, 716; to B. Hancock, 719; to attend Hebrew Instructor, 1749, 798; when placed, cxli n–cxlii n, 82 n
Fresh Pond. See under Cambridge
—Pond meadows. See under Cambridge
Frie. See Frye
Friend, John (d c 1656), 17, 18
Frink, Rev. Thomas (1722), returns book to Library, 1738, 672
Frizell, Dorothy (Parnel), wife of John (d 1723), 505. See also Saltonstall
—John (d 1723), 673; gift, 1724, 505
—John (1724), nephew of John (d 1723), granted A.M. though absent, 1727, 553; gift to be recovered, 1738, 673; will, 1731, 852
Front (frontier) gallery. See Gallery
Frost, Charles (d 1724), son of Charles (d 1697), present, 453
—Charles (1730), son of John (d 1733), son of Charles (d 1697), granted A.B. though absent, 1730, 584
—Edmund (d 1672), gift, 185, 213
—Edmund (d 1752), son of Ephraim (d 1718), son of Edmund (d 1672), 581, 588, 589
—Ephraim (d 1718), son of Edmund (d 1672), heirs of, 268, 304 n
—Gideon (d 1803), son of Edmund (d 1752), son of Ephraim (d 1718), College smith, 1747, 772
—Thomas (d 1765), son of Ephraim (d 1718), to fence College lot at Cambridge Rocks, 1735, 634; at Menotomy, 1740, 694
Frothingham, Nathaniel, on committee, 1721, 459
—Samuel, on committee, 1721, 459
Fruit trees, 208
Frye, Peter (1744), Scholar, 1742, 728; 1743, 740
Fryeburg, Me., 304 n; College lot in, described, 305, 305 n; plan, 305; facsimile, 300–301; place of Lovewell’s fight, 305 n
—Lovewell’s Pond, 305, 305 n
Fuel, 32; chiefly bought in towns of Middlesex County, 1747, 769
Fulham (Fullam), Francis, 280
Fuller, Thomas, gift, 222
Furniture, 151
G., E., a silver salt cellar marked, 651. See also Glover, Elizabeth (Harris)
G., I., a silver salt cellar marked, 651. See also Glover, Rev. Jose
Gage, Gov. Thomas, clxv
Gallery, in meeting-houses of First Church, Cambridge, cxxi; for use of students, 1654, cxxii, 209; 1717, cxxiii, 437; College to pay for windows in, 1746, cxxiii, 757; sexton paid for care of, 1747, cxxiv, 775
—money, cxxii n, 259, 260; charge for, cxxii n, 135, 383
—room, cxxii n, 210
Galpine, Calvin, to refund money spent for his son’s education, 1729, 577–578
—Rev. Calvin (1715), son of Calvin, obtains Sprague gift, 1712. 863; Bovle gift, 1712, 401; 1713, 407; 1714, 423; 1715, 426; 1716, 434; his College dues to be recovered, 1726, 537; money spent for education to be refunded, 1729, 578–579
Gambling, Benjamin (1702), to assist in managing Merricaneag affair, 1731, 596
—Benjamin (1734), son of Benjamin (1702), granted A.B. though absent, 1734, 626
Games, penalty for playing at, with money, 142
Gannett, Rev. Caleb (1763), 331, 332; Steward, 1779, clxi
Garden, next the second Harvard College, lxxxviii n; President’s, cvi n; of Wadsworth House, cxviii, cxx n, cxxi n, 542. See also Orchard
Gardner, Henry (1750), son of Rev. John (1715), Scholar, 1748, 789; obtains Fitch gift, 1749, 798
—John, plats J. Coggan’s marsh at Rumney Marsh, 1716, 270
—Rev. John (1715), son of Henry (d 1714), obtains Sprague gift, 1713, 863
—Rev. Joseph (1732), cxiii, cxliii
—Rev. Joshua (1707), son of Joshua of Roxbury, obtains Pennoyer gift, 1704, 373
—Nathaniel (1739), son of Nathaniel, Hollis scholar, 1738, 683; Hopkins scholar, 1740, 693; 1748, 781, 788; 1749, 804
—Samuel (1732), son of John of Salem, placing of, cxlii–cxliii; Hopkins scholar in Cambridge Grammar School, 1727, 548; obtains W. Browne gift, 1729, 571; B. Browne gift, 1730, 580; 1731, 594; his obtaining a scholarship to be considered, 1731, 592
—Samuel (1746), son of Rev. John (1715), Scholar, 1743, 740; 1744, 748; 1745, 753, 759; obtains Fitch gift, 1746, 758, 759; Monitor, 1746, 759
Garret, in Goffe’s College, lxxviii, 19, 208
Gate, of Wadsworth House, cxix, 550
Gate (commonage), 407
Gates, Horatio (h 1779), diploma, 1779, 330–331
Gay, Rev. Ebenezer (1737), son of Lusher (d 1769), son of Nathaniel (d 1712), Hopkins scholar, 1738, 684; 1739, 692; 1741, 701; Hopkins lecturer, 1741, 701
—Frederick Lewis (1878), xxxii n; contributes to cost of these volumes, viii; these volumes issued as a memorial to, viii; acknowledgment to, viii; clears up uncertainties in regard to the original Board of Overseers, appointed 1637, xxxiii
—Josephine (Spencer), wife of Frederick Lewis (1878), contributes to cost of these volumes, viii
—Samuel (1740), son of Rev. Ebenezer (1714), son of Nathaniel (d 1712), obtains Fitch gift, 1738, 675; Hollis scholar, 1738, 683; 1739, 692; obtains B. Browne gift, 1739, 687; Gibbs gift, 1740, 692; granted A.M. though absent, 1743, 738
Gedney, Bartholomew (d 1698), present at Council meeting, 1686, xxv n, 827
Gee, Joshua (d 1723), his memorial about causeway at Ferry, 1721, 461
—Rev. Joshua (1717), son of Joshua (d 1723), Librarian, 1721, clx, 461; 1722, 474; salary, 461, 474; makes Catalogue, 1722, 476; to get 300 copies printed, 476; resigns as Librarian, 476; his agreement with B. Green about Catalogue, 1723, 502; paid for making Catalogue, 503
—Joshua (1744), son of Rev. Joshua (1717), obtains Fitch gift, 1743, 732; 1744, 744
Geneva, Switzerland, ordination at, 856
Geography, 138
Geometry, 27, 31, 189
George I, King of England, 478, 496, 508, 526, 530, 541, 825, 826; address to, 1723, 480–482; mentioned, 556; death, 556
George II, King of England, 292, 555, 572, 587, 659, 824, 857; address to, 1727, 556–557. See also Wales, Prince of
Gerald. See FitzGerald
Gerard, Rev. Alexander (d 1795), Aberdeen, Scotland, 322, 328
Gerish. See Gerrish
German Ephemerides, to be bought, 1698, 358
Gerrish, Robert Eliot (1730), son of Timothy, son of John (d 1714), son of William (d 1687), granted A.B though absent, 1730, 584
—Samuel (d 1741), son of Rev. Joseph (1669), son of William (d 1687), paid for delivering 300 copies of Library Catalogue, 1723, 503; gives books, 504; paid for binding books, 1725, 523
Gestures, contemptuous, to be shunned, 25, 29, 188
Gibbons, Edward (d 1654), 18
Gibbs, Benjamin (d c 1676), gift, 222
—Rev. Henry (1685), lviii, lix n; Scholar, 1686, 828; salary, 828; salary due, as Scholar, to be paid, 1691, 831; arrears due, from Webb gift, to be paid, 831; obtains Webb gift, 1694, 349, 414; named Fellow in charter of 1700, liii, lxv, clv; of 1723, lxii n, lxv; present, lxxx n, cli, 364–375; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n; testifies about B. Shattuck, 1709, 390; disposition of gift, 608, 624, 635, 647, 656, 674, 686, 692, 704, 721, 733, 745, 750, 759, 771, 781, 798, 816; will, 1722, 852; children of, 852
—Henry (1726), son of Rev. Henry (1685), 852; obtains Webb gift, 1722, 477; 1724, 505, 514; 1726, 537; Librarian, 1730, clx, 590; 1731, 595; 1732, 602; 1733, 615; 1734, 625; salary, 595, 602, 615, 625; leaves College, 1734, 629; to call in all books and exhibit written account of Library, 630; delivers Library key, 1735, 629
—Margaret, daughter of Rev. Henry (1685). See Appleton
—Mehetable, daughter of Rev. Henry (1685). See Marston
—Mercy, daughter of Rev. Henry (1685). See Prescott
—Rev. William (1734), obtains B. Browne gift, 1732, 598
Gibson, Samuel (d 1710), 238 n; students not to be entertained by, 237–238
Gidney. See Gedney
Gilbert, William, 252
Giles, Eleazer, 282, 846
Gill, Michael (d 1720), leases Ferry, 1719, 444
—Relief, wife of Michael (d 1720), leases Ferry, 1722, 468
Glasgow University, 306; diplomas granted by, 308–309, 314–316
Glass, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; account of, 1644, 4; mending of, 46, 202, 215, 259, 260, 502; J. Bradish allowed to set up small work-house for mending, 1733, 621; in Meeting-house, 757
Glasses, for apparatus, to be procured in London, 1743, 732
Glazier, College, bills of, 135; chosen, 339, 367, 709, 815, 818; to collect dues for glass-mending, 502. See also Bradish, Ebenezer; Bradish, John; Cutter, Ephraim; Hastings, Samuel (d 1785)
Glazing, of second Harvard College, 1750, 818; of Stoughton College, xcviii, 818; of Massachusetts Hall, 818; of Holden Chapel, cxxvi, 818; business, divided between E. Bradish and S. Hastings, 1750, 818
Gleason, Rev. Charles (1738), Scholar, 1735, 639; salary, 639; Hopkins scholar, 1739, 692
Globes, not to be removed from Library except with great caution, 194; two given by Sir T. Temple, 200
Gloucester, gifts from, 179, 223
Glover,—, gives utensils, 175
—Anna, wife of John (d 1654), 286, 835
—Elizabeth (Harris), second wife of Rev. Jose, a silver salt cellar marked with initials of, 651. See also Dunster
—George, gives money, 175
—Habakkuk (d c 1692), son of John (d 1654), 53, 56, 226, 286, 834
—John (d 1654), 263; copy of will desired, 52, 225; gift, 1653, 53, 217, 224, 247, 253, 256, 286, 410, 413, 415, 418, 430, 835; disposition of gift, 5, 53, 56, 58, 75, 226, 228, 254, 365, 366, 369, 370, 373, 435, 437, 443, 446, 454, 461, 474, 504, 513, 525, 566, 574, 586, 595, 602, 616, 638, 650, 664, 828; will, 1653, 286, 834–835
—Rev. Jose (d 1638), was not offered presidency of the College, lxxiii n; death, civ n; silver salt cellar marked with initials of, 651; gives types, 174
—Nathaniel (d 1657), son of John (d 1654), 286, 835
—Thomas, son of John (d 1654), 286, 834
—mansion, Cambridge, civ
Goat, 18
Goddard, James, 430
God’s Acre. See under Cambridge
Goelet, Capt. Francis, describes College buildings, 1750, cxxvi n
Goffe,—, 18
—Edmund (1690), son of Samuel (d 1706), cxliv, 416; occupies College land, 266; land in Cambridge Neck to be let to, 1736, 645; matters relating to probate of will of, 1740, 700–701, 701–702
—Edmund, alias Trowbridge. See Trowbridge, Edmund (1728)
—Edward (d 1658), 19; Goffe’s College bought of, about 1651, lxxviii, lxxviii n, lxxix n, 208, 265
—Mary, sister of Edmund (1690). See Trowbridge
—Samuel (d 1706), son of Edward (d 1658), 246, 251, 255; executor of E. Browne’s will, 409, 410, 412, 417
Goffe lot, in College Yard, lxviii n, lxxix n, lxxxv; bought about 1651, lxxviii n
Goffe’s College (House). See under College buildings
Gold, Rev. Hezekiah (1719), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1716, 434, 436; 1717, 438; 1719, 445, 448; 1721, 454
Goldthwait, Ezekiel, to take possession of Merricaneag Neck, 1732, 606
—John, on committees, 403, 459; reports, 404
Goodenow, Isaac, 429
Goodhue, William (d 1682), father of Rev. Francis (1699), 246, 251
Goodridge, Thomas (1726), granted A.M. though absent, 1729, 573
Goods, 53, 198, 286
Goodwin, Nathaniel, on committee, 1721, 458
—William (d 1673), 385, 836
Gookin, Daniel (d 1687), 54, 219, 220, 227, 256; describes Indian College, 1674, lxxxiii; on committee, lxxxvi, 221; present, 76, 218, 232, 255
—Rev. Daniel (1669), son of Daniel (d 1687), 60; Probationer, 1673, 56, 226; Fellow, 1673, clv, 57, 221, 226, 227; installed, 57, 221, 227; salary, 58, 66, 76, 228, 238; Tutor, clviii; Librarian, 1674, clx, 59, 229; 1679, clx, 66, 238; to inventory College linen, 1674, 60, 229; paid for removing books, 1676, lxxxvi–lxxxvii; for sweeping, 1679, lxxxvii n; to moderate at Commencement, 1681, 240, 241; present, cxlv, cxlvii, 13, 59, 63, 65, 66, 229, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238
—Rev. Nathaniel (1675), son of Daniel (d 1687), 5; obtains Webb gift, 1673, 57, 226, 227; 1675, 63–64, 234; Fellow, 1690, xxxiv, xxxv n, xxxviii, xli n, clv, 828; approved, 828; named Fellow in charter of 1692, xli, lxv, clv, 336; present, cxlviii, cxlix, 339, 829–832; death, 1692, xli, xli n–xlii n
—Rev. Nathaniel (1703), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1675), Scholar, 1699, 363; 1700, 364; 1701, 366; 1702, 368; 1705, 374; 1706, 376; 1707, 378; 1708, 383; salary, 363, 364, 366, 368, 371, 374, 376, 377, 378, 383; obtains Pennoyer gift, 1701, 366; 1703, 370; obtains Sprague gift, 1706, 860; 1707, 860, 861; 1708, 861; Librarian, 1707, clx, 377; 1708, 383; paid for taking catalogue of books, 1709, 389
—Samuel (d c 1767), son of Samuel (d 1730), son of Daniel (d 1687), to keep order on Commencement, 1733, 614
Gordom. See Gordon, Thomas
Gordon, George, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318, 321
—Thomas, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318, 321
Gore, John (1702), Scholar, 1702, 368; 1705, 374; 1706, 376; 1708, 383; salary, 368, 374, 376, 383; Librarian, 1706, clx, 376; paid for regulating Library, 1706, 377; obtains Sprague gift, 1706, 860; 1707, 860; 1708, 861
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando (d 1647), copy of patent of, and heirs, to be procured, 1732, 604
Gorham, David (1733), granted A.M. though absent, 1736, 649
—John, lviii n
Goss, Rev. Thomas (1737), Scholar, 1735, 639; 1736, 650; salary, 639, 650
Gourdon,—, 17, 17 n
Gove, Jonathan (d 1747), 581
Government, of the College, 137, 554, 827; those in the, allowed to borrow books, 130, 131, 132, 699, 789; penalty for damage to books borrowed, 790–791
—immediate, xcix, 492, 569. See also Faculty
Governor, of Harvard College, 16, 39, 289, 844. See also Head; Master; President; Rector
Governors, of Harvard College, 39, 151, 154, 652; meeting of, 1643, xxxiii n, clxix, 16–17, 175–176; complaints against, how preferred, 145. See also Overseers
—of Massachusetts. See under Massachusetts
Gowdie, Rev. John, Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 320
Gowns. See under Apparel
Graduates, many, remained in residence, cxxxvi n; list of, 1642–1795, xiv, 82–129; names in this list not entered in index to these volumes, xiv n; residing at College or in Cambridge, allowed to borrow books, 130; Catalogue of, 553; discontinuing, to give up studies, 1732, 599
—resident, to attend public lectures of Divinity Professor, 139; to attend Hebrew instructions, 512
Graevius, Joannes Georgius, his works given by J. Lloyd, 1725, 521
Grant,—, 269
—Christopher (d 1685), 4, 250; his account of glass, 1644, 4; gift, 54, 216, 245, 252
Gratulations of the University of Cambridge upon the marriage of the Prince of Orange and the Princess Royal, copy of, given by J. Belcher, 1734, 630
Graves, Thomas (1656), Fellow, 1666, cliv, clv, 210; Tutor, 1666, clviii; present, cxlv, 218; his rent, 19; declines to become Fellow, 1673, 56, 226; gift, 200
—Thomas (1703), son of Thomas (1656), leases Ferry, 1715–1722, 432, 444, 468
—Thomas Russell (1784), his name changed from Thomas Graves Russell, cxliv
Gray, Ebenezer (1716), expelled, 1714, 425; confesses, 425; readmitted, 1715, 425–426
—Treas. Harrison, clxvi
—Joseph, leases Ferry, 1728–1732, 563, 585, 601
Grays Hall. See under College buildings
Grean. See Green
Great Britain. See England
Greaves. See Graves
Greek, cxxi, 138, 166, 362, 382, 516; requirements as to, 1642–1646, 24–25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 187, 189, 190; 1734, 134; readings in, 1725, 525
—Catechism, to be recited, 730
—Testament. See under Bible
—types, given, 1726, 535
Green,—, 18
—Bartholomew (d 1732), son of Samuel (d 1702), his agreement about Library Catalogue, 1723, 502–503
—Henry, gift, 54, 216, 245, 251
—Rev. Jacob (1744), obtains Flynt gift, 1742, 721; 1743, 733; Mills gift, 1743, 733; Fitch gift, 1744, 744
—John (1719), son of Rev. Joseph (1695), son of John (d 1691), receives money, 1716, 434; obtains B. Browne gift, 1716, 436; 1717, 438; 1719, 445
—Rev. Joseph (1720), Scholar, 1719, 448; salary, 448
—Rev. Joseph (1746), son of Rev. Joseph (1720), Scholar, 1743, 740; obtains W. Browne gift, 1746, 758; B. Browne gift, 1746, 758
—Percival (1680), son of John (d 1691), 237; obtains Webb gift, 1678, 66, 237
—Samuel (d 1702), son of Bartholomew (d c 1638), 209
—Samuel (d 1690), son of Samuel (d 1702), 238 n; students cautioned not to frequent house of, 1678, 238
Greenhill,—, gives utensils, 175
—Rev. William (d 1671), Stepney, Eng., gives money, 175
Greenleaf, Rev. Daniel (1699), receives A.M. though absent, 1726, 539, 540
—Enoch, 199, 247, 256, 270, 410, 413, 415
Greenwood, Isaac (1721), 646; Professor, 1728, clvii; term of service, clvii n–clviii n; thought of by T. Hollis for professorship, 1726, 536; his representation as to professorship, 545; to be installed, 1728, 559; given authority, 569; to exhibit catalogue of mathematical instruments and apparatus, 570; salary, 585, 586, 595, 602, 616, 650, 664, 665; obtains T. Brattle gift, 1730, 586; 1736, 650; 1737, 664; to hang key of chamber in Buttery, 1736, 646; on committees, 646, 661; guilty of intemperance, 1737, 669; to exhibit confession, 669; to receive public admonition, 669; committee to inspect apparatus in custody of, 670, 671; removed as Professor, 670–671; letter of R. Cotton to, to be answered, 1738, 674; makes confession, 675; apparatus again committed to care of, 676; salary increased, 676; apparatus taken from, 681; removed as Professor, 682; apparatus belonging to, to be delivered to, 685; petitions for allowance, 685; granted, 1739, 686; allowed mercury, 1740, 693; committee to report on apparatus of, 1742, 728
Gregorie, James, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318
Gregory, John (d 1773), Edinburgh, Scotland, 325, 329
—Lewis, 289; his management of Doddridge gift, 1723–1732, 501, 510, 605
Greinliffe. See Greenleaf
Grenovius. See Gronovius
Gress, John, 273
Grevius. See Graevius
Gronovius, Joannes Fridericus, his works given by J. Lloyd, 1725, 521
Grout (Groute), Joseph, 416, 428
Guard, of Gov. Shirley, entertained, 1741, 711, 712; charge for entertainment of, excessive, 713; paid, but not to be a precedent, 1742, 716
Guardians, 26, 27, 30, 34, 47, 134, 141, 142, 144, 145, 188, 190, 196, 203, 401, 632, 680
Guise. See Guyse
Gunning, how allowed, 154
Guns, forbidden, 154
Gunston, John, 438
—Thomas, Stoke Newington, Eng., gift, 256, 415
Gutters, of second Harvard College, to be repaired, 1713, xc; to be procured, 1724, xci, 513; of the several colleges, to be cleaned, 514
Guyse, Rev. John (d 1761), gives books, 1725, 520; 1737, 666
H., E., 864. See Holyokc, Rev. Edward (1705)
H., L., 5, 13, 20, 50. See Hoar, Rev. Leonard (1650)
H., T. W., 19 n. See Harris, Thaddeus William (1815)
Habit, academic. See Apparel
Hacock, 719. See Hancock, Belcher (1727)
Hadley, 53, 216, 224, 252; gifts from, 223
Hagar,—, allowed to sell hay on Rogers’s Farm, 1739, 687; his rent abated, 1740, 695
Hair, 18; declaration against wearing long, 1649, 37–38, 197–198
Hale, Rev. James (1703), son of Rev. John (1657), Scholar, 1700, 364; 1701, 366; 1702, 368; 1710, 392; 1711, 397; obtains Hutchinson gift, 364; salary, 364, 366, 368, 392, 397
—Samuel (1740), Hollis scholar, 1738, 683; 1739, 692
Haley, Joseph, buys College property, 1808, 272 n
Half tuition, 260; to be remitted, 70, 244; when unpaid, 192; charged on account of small-pox, 1722, 468. See also Detriments; Tuition money
Hall, Richard (1726), granted A.M. though absent, 1729, 373 573
Hall, the word, on the use of, cxxviii–cxxxi; Massachusetts Hall the first College building to be called a, 1720, ciii, cxxix, cxxx n; first Harvard College and second Harvard College each a residential, cxxix; the residential, at Harvard disappears, 1764, cxxix; revived, 1914, cxxix; used interchangeably with college, 1720–1781, cxxix–cxxx; hazarded by C. Mather, 1699, cxxix n; erroneous statement regarding its substitution for college, cxxxi. See also College Hall
Hall, College. See College Hall
Halsey, James (1737), readmitted, 1735, 640–641; reads confession, 641
Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, describes College buildings, 1744, cii–ciii
—Rev. John, Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
—Rev. Robert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 320, 323, 325, 329
—Rev. William, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313
Hammond, David, 294
—Joseph, present, 453
—Lawrence (d 1699), on committee, xxv n
—Thomas, 301
Hampton, N. H., 350; gifts from, 179
Hancock, Belcher (1727), son of Nathaniel (d 1755), son of Nathaniel (d 1719), Hopkins lecturer and scholar, 1741, 701; Librarian, 1741, clx, 706; Tutor, 1742, clviii, clix, 719; 1745, 754; 1748, 786–787; chamber assigned to, 719, 722, 724; Freshmen committed to, 719; salary, 719; committee to survey books and rarities in hands of, 723; on committees, 732, 783
—Rev. Ebenezer (1728), son of Rev. John (1689), obtains Hulton gift, 1726, 537; Hollis scholar, 1726, 543
—Rev. John (1689), son of Nathaniel (d 1719), his detriments abated, 1693, 345; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxv; posterity of, to benefit under will of E. Flynt (1662?), 841
—Rev. John (1719), son of Rev. John (1689), Scholar, 1718, 443; salary, 443, 502, 513, 525; receives money, 1719, 445; Librarian, 1723, clx, 502; 1724, 513; 1725, 525; to take special care about books, 513; paid for making Supplement to Catalogue, 1725, 521–522; obtains T. Brattle gift, 1726, 537
—Gov. John (1754), son of Rev. John (1719), 864; Treasurer, 1773, clvi, clvii; College records detained by, xxviii, xxviii n
—Nathaniel (d 1719), 267
—Thomas (d 1763), son of Rev. John (1689), will, 1764, 863–864; founds Hancock Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages 863
Hancock mansion, Boston, certain College records found in stable of, 1860–1862, xxviii n
Hancock Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages, founded by T. Hancock, 863
Handwriting, entries in, of: E. Bridge, 134 n, 155 n; C. Chauncy, 10 n, 19 n, 36 n, 37 n, 42 n, 43 n, 166 n; T. Danforth, lxix n, lxxi n, lxxvi n, lxxvii n, lxxix n, cxxx, clxx n, clxxii n, clxxiii n, 44 n, 171 n, 176 n, 212 n, 228 n, 254 n; J. Davis, 55 n, 56; H. Dunster, 16 n, 158 n; T. Eaten, 16 n; H. Flynt, xxxi, cxxxvii n, 171 n, 174 n, 183 n, 350 n, 362 n, 367 n, 379 n, 388 n, 390 n, 506 n, 523 n, 546 n, 547 n, 575 n, 576 n, 653 n, 665 n, 852 n; T. W. Harris, lxxvii n, lxxix n, 19 n, 198 n, 212 n; L. Hoar, 5 n, 13 n, 20 n, 50 n, 51 n, 53 n, 55 n, 61 n; E. Holyoke, xix n, xxi n, 100 n, 115 n, 132 n, 206 n, 238 n, 264 n, 269 n, 279, 279 n, 280 n, 297, 297 n, 298 n, 299, 299 n, 300 n, 301, 301 n, 302, 306 n, 316 n, 323 n, 335 n, 389 n, 400 n, 406 n, 407 n, 485 n, 601 n, 665 n, 666 n, 823 n, 833 n, 840 n, 850 n–852 n, 863 n; S. Langdon, lxix n, 118 n, 265 n, 266 n, 269 n, 271 n, 289 n, 302, 303 n, 304, 305, 330 n; J. Leverett, xlvii n, lxii, clxxiii n, 59 n, 65 n, 81 n, 171 n, 172 n, 192 n, 195 n, 199 n, 215 n, 218 n, 222 n, 225 n–229 n, 231 n–237 n, 239 n–241 n, 243 n, 244 n, 254 n–256 n, 262 n, 339 n, 349 n–352 n, 354 n, 355 n, 384 n, 390 n, 391 n, 463 n, 506 n, 827 n, 829 n, 837 n, 848 n, 860 n–863 n; S. Locke, 115 n; I. Mather, 78 n–80 n, 359 n, 367 n; J. Quincy, 14 n, 26 n, 56 n, 58 n, 64 n, 185 n, 187 n; J. Richards, 38 n, 45 n, 51 n, 53 n, 73 n; J. Scottow, 166 n; J. L. Sibley, 19 n, 56 n, 171 n, 185 n, 200 n; R. Taylor, 24 n; unknown, xxiii, 3 n–14 n, 16 n, 17 n, 21 n–25 n, 27 n–29 n, 32 n, 35 n–37 n, 39 n, 40 n, 43 n, 48 n, 49 n, 50 n, 52 n, 61 n, 63 n, 72 n, 74 n, 78 n–80 n, 91 n, 115 n, 156 n–158 n, 167 n, 171 n, 174 n, 176 n, 182 n, 185 n, 207 n, 212 n, 213 n, 217 n, 256 n, 259 n, 272 n, 273 n, 284 n, 292 n, 302 n, 305 n, 307 n–309 n, 311 n, 312 n, 319 n, 323 n–325 n, 335 n, 348 n–352 n, 354 n–357 n, 359 n–362 n, 375 n, 379 n–382 n, 385 n, 524 n, 536 n, 823 n, 828 n, 837 n, 843 n, 858 n–860 n; B. Wadsworth, xiv n, xv, xix n, xxviii, lxix n, lxxvii n, lxxviii n, cxxxvii n, 3 n, 24 n, 82 n, 91 n, 99 n, 100 n, 129 n, 132 n, 140 n, 155 n, 171 n, 187 n, 194 n, 198 n, 201 n, 264 n, 290, 291, 291 n, 297 n, 335 n, 342 n, 343 n, 346 n, 347 n, 349 n, 354 n, 368 n, 372 n, 378 n, 381 n, 384 n–387 n, 389 n–391 n, 393 n–407 n, 420 n, 424 n–426 n, 432 n, 434 n, 435 n, 437 n, 439 n–460 n, 462 n, 463 n, 464 n–480 n, 483 n–487 n, 500 n, 501 n, 504 n–523 n, 546 n–548 n, 575 n–577 n, 653 n, 832 n, 833 n, 836 n, 837 n, 851 n, 852 n; J. Willard, 122 n
Hanover, House of, 480, 481, 556
Hansen, Hendrick Hans (Y. C. 1742), granted A.M., 1745, 752
Harding,—, 17
—Rev. Elisha (1745), Scholar, 1744, 748
Harlakendcn, Roger (d 1638), Overseer, 1637, xxxiii
Harraan, Thomas, 299; surveys College farm in Rutland, 1751, 298; facsimile of his plan, 230–231
Harper, George, 299 n
—William, 299 n
Harpswell, Me. See Merricaneag
Harpswell Neck, Me. See Merricaneag Neck
Harrington, Richard, mason and plasterer, 11, 18
Harris, Elizabeth, sister of Richard. See Dunster; Glover
—Rev. Henry (d 1729), present, 450; gives testimonial about J. Halsey, 1735, 641
—Richard (d 1644), glass in chamber, 1644, 4; chamber account, 7; gift, 207
—Dr. Thaddeus William (1815), entries in hand of, lxxvii n, lxxix n, 19 n, 198 n, 212 n; on entries by T. Danforth, lxxvii n; A. McF. Davis on entries by, lxxix n
—Rev. William (d 1740), London, Eng., thanked for advice of Williams gift, 1722, 465
Hart, Albert Bushnell (1880), paper by, cited, cxxiv n
Hartford, Colony of, 175, 179, 199, 277. See also Connecticut
Hartford, Ct., 175, 214, 215, 274, 567, 575, 591, 845; Hooker company migrated from Cambridge to, 1636, lxxv n; bell in its meeting house, lxxv; gifts from, 179
Hartshorn, Ebenezer (1732), case of, cxxxviii n; asks to be admitted A.B., 1733, 613; denied, unless he takes examination, 613; refuses to be examined, 614; requests to be admitted A.M., 1736, 649; denied, 649; granted A.M. 1737, 662; his place in Catalogue, 1739, 690
Hartwell, Edward, 281
Harvard, Rev. John (d 1638), lxxxvii, cxxix; death, lxx; College named for, 1639, lxx; accounts of his gift to be finished, 1643, 16; his estate, 1644, 21; called patron of the College, 158; list of books given by, 158–166; gives books and estate, 171
Harvard Book, 1875, information in, regarding College buildings, lxviii n
Harvard College, the institution, legislation establishing, 1636–1639, xxxiii, lxvii–lxx, 171; low state of, in 1673, xxxvii–xxxviii; not mentioned by name in Province charter, 1691, xxxix n; accounts and histories of, 1643–1875, lxvii n–lxviii n; confusion between, the institution, and the three separate buildings each called Harvard College, cxxxi; to have a person present in the House of Representatives by College charter of 1723, lxii
Harvard College (first: 1642–1679). See under College buildings
Harvard College (second: 1677–1764). See under College buildings
Harvard College (third: built 1764–1766). See Harvard Hall
Harvard College Records, value of, vii; publication of, made possible by generosity of F. L. Gay and Josephine S. Gay, viii. See also College records
Harvard Hall (built 1764–1766). See under College buildings
Harvard Lyceum, 1811–1812, earliest magazine published by the students, lxviii n
Harvard Medical School, building erected for, in Boston, 1816, cxxx n; second building for, 1846, cxxx n
Harvard Memorial Society, tablet placed by, indicating the site of the two earliest College buildings, lxix n
Harvard Register, historical sketches of Harvard College printed in, 1827–1828, lxviii n
Harwich, student from, 505
Hasey, Abraham, College carpenter, 1743, 740; 1744, 748; 1745, 754; 1747, 772
Hasley, James, 269
Hastings, John, to lease College land at Watertown, 1735, 634; pasture near Fresh Pond leased by, to be looked after, 1740, 694; allowance to, for notifying Overseers’ meeting, 1743, 736; 1747, 779
—Jonathan (1730), son of Jonathan (d 1742), Steward, 1750, clxi, 815
—Samuel, 268
—Samuel (d 1785), son of Jonathan (d 1742), College glazier, 1750, 815, 818; to have care of second Harvard College and Stoughton College, 818
Hatch, 34, 47, 203. See also Buttery hatch; Kitchen hatch
Hatfield, gifts from, 223
Hats. See under Apparel
Haugh. See Hough
Haven, Rev. Elias (1733), obtains B. Browne gift, 1731, 592
Haverhill, gifts from, 179, 223. See also Pentucket
Hawkins, Thomas, 53, 54, 216; his worthless bill, 53; money received from, 54; by a bill, 216, 245, 252
Hawles, Sir John (d 1716), and College charter of 1700, liv n
Hawley, Joseph (1674), obtains Webb gift, 1672, 51, 212, 224
—Rev. Thomas (1709), son of Joseph (1674), Scholar, 1708, 383; salary, 383
Hawthorne, William (d 1681), 221
Hay, 687; on Rogers’s Farm, 795, 797, 812
—ground, 844
Hayward,—, 297 n
—John (d 1672), 263; bequeaths land, 53, 207, 253, 413; will, 1672, 268; land leased to D. Livermore, 1696, 268; bounds of land, 268–269
—Jonathan (1726), debarred his degree, 1726, 539, 573; admitted A.M., 1729, 573
Hayward’s Pasture. See Watertown
Head, of the College, N. Eaton regarded as, clii n; to be resident, 1707, 379. See also Governor; Master; President; Rector
Hearth, 12
Heath, Rev. Peleg (Y. C. 1721), son of William, granted A.M., 1724, 507
—William, a witness, 1718, 441
Hebrew, cxxi, 27, 28, 31, 138, 189, 190, 362, 382, 614, 625, 760; readings in, 1725, 525; Hancock Professorship of, and other Oriental Languages, founded by T. Hancock, 863
—Bible, 475
—Grammar, of Judah Monis, price of, 155, 626, 631, 640; committee to peruse, 1725, 519; 1728, 562; estimate for printing, to be made, 562; specimen of, paid for, 563; agreement about printing, 1734, 625–626; 1735, 155, 631–632; Sophomores to buy, 627, 632, 640; committee to revise, 1734, 628; specimen of, exhibited, 631; disposition of copies, 631–632; Freshmen to buy, 632, 640; report of committee on, 1735, 634; 50 copies given to J. Monis, 640; J. Monis paid for perfecting, 640; four dozen to be stitched, 1749, 798
—instructions, orders about, 1722, 472; 1723, 500–501; 1724, 512; 1734, 627; 1735, 155, 632, 640; 1736, 652–653; 1743, 732; J. Monis’s method about, to be inquired into, 1724, 506; to be better attended, 1729, 572
—Instructor, 138, 139; J. Monis made, 1722, 469; to keep list of pupils, 474; given power to punish delinquents, 474; office to be continued, 1723, 486. See also Monis, Judah
—language, 506
—Lexicon, 472
—points, reading without, 1722, 472; to be procured, 1728, 564
—Psalter, 472; fifty to be procured from England, 1746, 760
—types, given, 1726, 535; to be procured, 1728, 564; J. Monis allowed to use, 1734, 626; to be put in order 1746, 760
Hedman, Philip, 528
Hellyer. See Helyer
Help, scholars stand in need of, 10; two Bachelors appointed as, to President 1643, cxxxii, 17, 175
Helyer, Rev. Jonathan (1738), obtains Danforth gift, 1737, 657; Fitch gift, 1738, 675
Hemenway, Rev. Phineas (1730), obtains W. Browne gift, 1727, 548; S. Browne gift, 1728, 561; 1730, 582
Hemingway (Hemmingway). See Hemenway
Hemp yard, Rowley, 844
Henchman,—(1696), Scholar, 1693, 344; salary, 344; expelled, 1696, 354; dues remitted, 1701, 367
—Daniel (d 1771), son of Hezekiah (d 1694), son of Daniel (d 1685), gives silver, 1742, 716, 853; terms of gift, 1742, 716; disposition of gift, 716, 788, 804, 822; terms of gift, 1747, 853–854
—Nathaniel (1747), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1717), son of Nathaniel, son of Daniel (d 1685), obtains B. Browne gift, 1747, 771
Henderson, Robert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317
Hendley, Samuel (1740), denied readmission after expulsion, 1738, 684; readmitted, 684; granted A.B. though absent, 1740, 696
Henley, Henry, son of Henry (d 1695), 39; gift, 219
—Susanna, daughter of Henry (d 1695). See Holworthy
Henly. See Hendley
Henshaw, Joshua, 270
Hersey, Ezekiel (1728), will, 1770, 859; income of bequest for support of a Professor of Anatomy and Physic, 859
—Sarah, wife of Ezekiel (1728), 859
Hersey Professorship, founded by E. Hersey (1728), 859
Hewett, Joseph, 283 n. See Jewett, Joseph
Heyward. See Hayward
Heywood, Nathan, surveys College land in Lunenburg, 281
—Nathanael, 281 n. See Heywood, Nathan
Hibbert, Rev. Thomas (1748), obtains Fitch gift, 1746, 760; 1748, 781; Mills gift, 1746, 760; Scholar, 1746, 764; 1747, 777
Hibbins (Hibbens, Hibbons), William (d 1654), 16, 16 n, 38, 175, 198; collects funds in England, 1641, lxxii n
Hicks, John (d 1772), son of Zechariah (d 1752), College carpenter, 1722, 473
—Joseph (d 1747), son of Zechariah (d 1702), 581, 589; his account allowed, 1693, 345; College carpenter, 1695, 352
—Zechariah (d 1702), College carpenter, 1692, 339; resigns, 1695, 352; his account allowed, 1693, 345; paid, 1693, 414
—Zechariah (d 1752), son of Zechariah (d 1702), 581, 588, 589; College joiner, 1690, 830; 1692, 339; his account allowed, 1693, 345
—Zechariah (1724), son of Zechariah (d 1752), obtains W. Browne gift, 1724, 505
—Zechariah (1729), son of Joseph (d 1747), 543; obtains B. Browne gift, 1727, 548; receives money, 1728, 562; Scholar, 1728, 566; salary, 566; obtains S. Browne gift, 1729, 571
Higginson, Andrew (1745), son of John (1717), obtains W. Browne gift, 1743, 733; 1744, 744; S. Browne gift, 1743, 733; 1744, 744; 1745, 749; B. Browne gift, 1745, 749
—Rev. John (d 1708), gift, 222
—John (1717), son of John (d 1718), son of John (d 1720), son of Rev. John (d 1708), 297; obtains B. Browne gift, 1713, 422
—Nathaniel (1670), son of Rev. John (d 1708), charge for his Commencement, 1673, 5; obtains Webb gift, 1669, 49, 211; 1671, 50, 211; 1672, 51, 224; expenses paid, 214
Higgon, Edward, 273
—John, 273
Hill, Aaron (d 1792), son of Abraham (d 1754), compensation for taking down Stoughton College, 1781, c
—Abraham (d 1713), son of Abraham (d 1670), leases College land, 1705, 268; not to carry off fences, 268; College butcher, 1692, 339
—Abraham (d 1746), son of Abraham (d 1713), 418, 431, 547; land let to, 1726, 537; wood-lot at Menotomy in occupation of, to be let, 1748, 783
—Abraham (d 1754), son of Jacob (d 1690), son of Abraham (d 1670), College mason, 1722, 473; 1746, 755; 1747, 772
—Rev. Abraham (1737), son of Abraham (d 1754), obtains Browne gift, 1736, 647; Hopkins scholar, 1739, 692
—Edward, 255, 409
—Jacob (d 1768), son of Jacob (d 1690), son of Abraham (d 1670), 417, 430
—Gen. John (d 1735), present, 1711, 396
—Jonathan, 412
—Nathaniel (d 1761), son of Jacob (d 1690), son of Abraham (d 1670), 429
—Ralph, 412
Hillier. See Helyer
Hinckley, Isaac (1740), granted A.M., 1747, 773
—Thomas (d 1705), Governor of Plymouth Colony, 20
Hinges, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Hingham, gifts from, 179, 223; students from, 663
Hinsdell, Rev. Ebenezer (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
Hirst, Samuel (1723), chamber for, in Massachusetts Hall, 1720, cii, cii n
Hitchcock, Rev. Caleb (1743), son of Ebenezer (d 1776), son of Luke (d 1727), Hopkins scholar, 1748, 788
—Rev. Gad (1743), son of Luke (d 1775), son of Luke (d 1727), Butler, 1744, 746; 1745, 754
Hix. See Hicks
Hoar, Jonathan (1740), Hollis scholar, 1738, 683
—Rev. Leonard (1650), cliii n, 20, 50; President, 1672, xxxvii, ciii, 56, 219; inaugurated, 56, 56 n, 219; named President in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxiv; his purpose in obtaining that charter, xxxvii–xxxviii; occupies Dunster’s House, 1672–1675, cvi; his account of eleemosynary revenue, 1673, 5; entries in hand of, 5 n, 13 n, 20 n, 50 n, 51 n, 53 n, 55 n, 61 n; present, cxlvii, 13, 59, 229; his transportation from England paid, 1673, xxii, 221; reimbursed for expenses, 1674, 60, 230; resigns as President, 1675, xxii, cvi, 222, 231
Hobart, a variant of Hubbard, xli n, liii n, cxliii. See also Hubbard
——, gift, 175
—Rev. Gershom (1667), son of Rev. Peter (d 1679), 273
—Rev. Jeremiah (1650), son of Rev. Peter (d 1679), perhaps receives money, 180; perhaps Steward, 180
—Rev. Joshua (1650), son of Rev. Peter (d 1679), perhaps receives money, 180; perhaps Steward, 180
—Rev. Nehemiah (1667), son of Rev. Peter (d 1679), 251; his name often given as Hubbard, xli n, liii n, cxliii; Fellow, 1681, clv, 69, 243; present, xxxv, xxxviii n, lxxx n, cxlvii, cxlviii, cxlix, cl, cli, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 243, 244, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256, 356–358, 360, 364, 367–369, 371–375, 377–381, 383, 389–396, 400, 828, 829; named Fellow in charter of 1692, xli, lxv, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxv; of 1697, xlvii, lxv, clv; of 1699, xlix n, lxv; of 1700, liii, lxv; declines, 1692, xli, lxv n, 340; his appointment as Vice President by the House not, accepted by Governor and Council, 1707, lix n; continued Fellow by J. Dudley, 1708, lxi; death, 1712, 405, 406
—Rev. Nehemiah (1714), son of David (d 1717), son of Rev. Peter (d 1679), Scholar, 1712, 405; 1713, 421; salary, 405, 421
—Rev. Noah (1724), son of David (d 1717), son of Rev. Peter (d 1679), granted A.M., 1729, 573
Hobby, Rev. William (1725), makes oration before Gov. Belcher, 1730, 587
Hobson, Humphrey, 294; on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297
—Jeremiah, 293, 294
Hodges,—, 304 n
Holbrook, John, 246, 251, 255, 409
Holden, Isaac (d 1772), 416, 428; his bond, 1723, 188–489
—Jane, wife of Samuel (d 1740), cxxvi; money for a chapel given by, and her daughters, 1741, cxxv, 715
—Jane, daughter of Samuel (d 1740), cxxv
—Mary, daughter of Samuel (d 1740), cxxv
—Priscilla, daughter of Samuel (d 1740), cxxv
—Samuel (d 1740), cxxiv, cxxiv n, cxxvi; his charities, cxxv; death, cxxv; widow and daughters of, offer to build a chapel, 1741, cxxv, 715
Holden Chapel (built 1744). See under College buildings
Holdin (Holding). See Holden
Holioke. See Holyoke
Hollett, Sir, 180. See Hobart, Rev. Jeremiah (1650); Hobart, Rev. Joshua (1650)
Hollinck. See Holyoke
Hollis, John (d 1735), brother of Thomas (d 1731), gives books, 1724, 516; trustee of R. Thorner’s will, 1710 and 1734, 833
—Nathaniel (d 1738), brother of Thomas (d 1731), 616, 665, 676, 683, 692, 717, 764, 781–782, 787
—Thomas (d 1731), xxx, 458, 461, 470, 475, 482, 501, 504, 512, 514, 556, 586, 616, 626, 627, 638, 639, 650, 664, 665, 676, 682, 692, 698, 713, 717, 727, 739, 744, 747, 753, 763, 764, 777, 781, 787, 788, 803, 804, 822, 823, 840; his portrait burned, 1764, xviii; gift, 1719, 446; 1720, 449, 451, 452, 459; founds Hollis Professorship of Divinity, 1721, 457; replies to letters from, 459; gives books, 466, 467, 516, 522, 530, 535, 617–618, 628; suggests printing Library catalogue, 467; Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503; 1724, 511; 1725, 522; approves E. Wigglesworth as Fellow, 503; wishes performances of Hollis scholars to be sent him, 516; obligation of Corporation as to statutes and orders of, 1725, 526–528; disposition of gift, 529; founds Hollis Professorship of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1726, 535, 537; sends Greek and Hebrew types from friend, 535, 564; S. Willard’s Lectures to be sent to, 536; gives mathematical and philosophical apparatus, 570, 581; executor of R. Thorner’s will, 1690, 833; trustee, 1710, 833; desires that his own will be inquired for after his death, 833. See also Hollis Professor of Divinity; Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; Hollis scholars
—Thomas (d 1735), son of Nathaniel (d 1738), gives books, 1724, 510; his letter about R. Thorner’s will, 1734, 833
Hollis Book. See under College records
Hollis foundation, to be enjoyed only by exemplary scholars, 139. See also Hollis scholars
Hollis Hall. See under College buildings
Hollis money. See Hollis Professor of Mathematics
Hollis Professor of Divinity, 475, 735, 737, 856; committee to consider, 457; reports, 458; orders about, 1721, 459–460; 1722, 476; E. Wigglesworth (1710) chosen, 1721, 460–461; 1722, 463; name of, 1722, 464; henceforth to be Fellow, 1723, 503; quinquennial election of, 512, 521; to see that Hollis scholars send their performances to T. Hollis, 1724, 516; to receive duplicates in Library, 1725, 522; 1742, 728; salary, 526; income of Henchman gift to be given to, 1742, 716, 853–854; income of T. Hutchinson gift to be paid to, 1739, 853; income of Townsend gift to be paid to, 853
Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 735, 737; I. Greenwood thought of by T. Hollis for, 535; proposed alterations in T. Holhs’s rules for, 537–538; rules for, to be sent to T. Hollis, 543; I. Greenwood’s representation about, 545; I. Greenwood to be installed, 1728, 559; performs experiment for Gov. Burnet, 565; given authority, 569, 616, 665, 717; E. Wigglesworth to exhibit list of books in Library belonging to, 570; his lectures to be attended by the two senior classes, 1733, 616; 1737, 665; 1742, 717; allowance from pupils to, 616, 665, 676, 685, 686, 764, 777, 781–782, 783, 787; goodness of General Court to, 668; to receive duplicates in Library, 1742, 728; salary of, increased upon marriage, 1744, 743–744; receives T. Brattle gift, 744, 764, 777, 788, 804, 822; time when classes attend private lectures of, left to members of Corporation in town, 1749. 798
Hollis Professorship of Divinity, founded by T. Hollis (d 1731), 1721, 457
Hollis Professorship of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, founded by T. Hollis (d 1731), 1726, 535
Hollis scholars, chosen, 446, 449, 455, 458, 460, 462, 477, 501, 504, 509–510, 514, 518, 519, 525, 528, 535, 543, 616, 665, 683, 692, 698, 704, 713, 727, 732, 739, 748, 753, 759, 764, 777, 804, 823; list of, in Hollis Book, xxxi; to send their performances to T. Hollis, 1724, 516; to receive duplicate books in Library, 522; salary, 526, 764; undergraduates to attend J. Monis’s Hebrew instructions, 1725, 529. See also Hollis foundation
Hollisian Professor, 559, 569, 616, 665, 671, 682, 683, 685, 716, 853
Holmans. See Homans
Holmes, Rev. John (d 1675), 20
—John, 268
—Joseph, 255, 409, 411, 416, 428, 430
—Dr. Oliver Wendell (1829), uses term “the colleges,” cxxx n
Holt, James (1738), granted A.M. though absent, 1741, 708
—Joseph (1739), Hollis scholar, 1738, 683
Holworthy, Sir Matthew (d 1678), will, 39; J. Richards to obtain bequest of, 67, 238; obtained, 224
—Lady Susanna (Henley), third wife of Sir Matthew, 39
Holyoke, Rev. Edward (1705), son of Elizur (d 1711), xiii, xix n, xxvii n, clix n, 297 n, 724, 854, 857, 863; entries in hand of, xix n, xxi n, 100 n, 115 n, 132 n, 206 n, 238 n, 264 n, 269 n, 279, 279 n, 280 n, 297, 297 n, 298 n, 299, 299 n, 300 n, 301, 301 n, 302, 306 n, 316 n, 323 n, 335 n, 389 n, 400 n, 406 n, 407 n, 485 n, 601 n, 665 n, 666 n, 823 n, 833 n, 840 n, 850 n–852 n, 863 n; his pagination of College Book III, xxiii–xxiv, xxiii n, xxiv n; entries by, in Hollis Book, xxxi; in Hopkins Book, xxxii; in College Book III, lxix n; on dimensions of Stoughton College, c; of Massachusetts Hall, ciii n; his boarders, cxiv n; occupies Wadsworth House, cxx; does not mention building of Holden Chapel, cxxv; his later references to it, cxxv n, cxxvi; describes College property, 297–302; his plan of Rutland, 297; facsimile, 220–221; of College Farm in the West Wing of Rutland, 298; facsimile, 230–231; of Tract of Land lying in Billerica at a Place called Shawshin, 299; facsimile, 240–241; of Rogers’s Farm in Waltham, 301; facsimile, 250–251; of Sink from the Kitchen of Harvard Hall and of the Drains from Stoughton and Massachusetts, c, cxxi n, 301, 302; facsimile, 260–261; documents signed by, 320, 669, 678, 679, 689, 695, 697, 743, 770, 775, 794, 819; Librarian, 1709, clx, 389; 1710, 392; 1711, 396; salary, 389, 392, 396, 401; Tutor, 1712, clviii, clix, 401; approved, 403; installed, 406; on fire in Stoughton College, xcvi; Fellow, 1713, clv, clvi, clix n, 407; on repairs to Stoughton College, 1714, xcvi; removes, 1716, 436; present, 422, 423, 425, 426, 432, 666–821; President, 1737, clii, 661; accepts, 664; declines to manage Commencement, cliii n, 662; inaugurated, xxvii, cliii n, 664, 665, 666; inaugural oration, 665, 823–824; on committees, 666, 667, 670, 673, 674, 681, 683, 685, 691, 694, 700, 703, 705, 715, 716, 717, 722, 723, 725, 730, 731, 733, 741, 744, 745, 748, 756, 759, 770, 774, 780, 782, 795, 796, 812, 818; prays, 667, 670, 672, 673, 675, 680, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 689; treatment of, by General Court, 668; throat distemper in family of, 1740, 695; entries in shorthand by, 724 n, 743 n, 751 n, 761 n, 762 n, 779 n, 780 n, 785 n, 787 n, 817 n; gift, 1743, 734–735
—Dr. Edward Augustus (1746), son of Rev. Edward (1705), records progress in building Holden Chapel, 1742–1744, cxxv–cxxvi
—Elizur (d 1711), 246, 251
—Rev. Elizur (1750), son of Samuel (d 1768), son of Elizur (d 1711), obtains Stoughton gift, 1748, 781; W. Brattle gift, 1750, 816
—John (1751), son of Rev. Edward (1705), to care for clock, 1748, 789; 1749, 804; paid for that service, 789, 804; mentions fire in second Harvard College, 1748, xciii; obtains Stoughton gift, 1749, 798; Fitch gift, 1750, 816; Scholar, 1749, 804
—Margaret, daughter of Rev. Edward (1705). See Mascarene
Holyoke House. See under College buildings
Hombinowit. See under Indians
Home, Francis (d 1813), Edinburgh, Scotland, 329
Homes. See Holmes, Rev. John (d 1675)
Homestead, College, 263; described by B. Wadsworth, 1733, 265–266. See also Cambridge
Honorary degrees. See under Degrees
Hood, Richard, 246, 250, 410, 412
Hooke, Francis (d 1695), 273, 273 n
Hooker, Joanna, daughter of Rev. Thomas (d 1647). See Shepard
—Rev. Samuel (1653), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1647), 19 n; rent, 19; Fellow, 1654, cliv, clv, 207; Tutor, clviii
—Susan, wife of Rev. Thomas (d 1647), 385
—Rev. Thomas (d 1647), 385; his company migrates from Cambridge to Hartford, Ct., 1636, lxxv n; owns Wigglesworth lot, 1635, cxi n; meeting-house built by company of, in 1632, taken over, by First Church, Cambridge, 1636, cxxi–cxxii
Hope, John (d 1786), Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325, 329
Hopkins, Ann (d 1698), wife of Edward (d 1657), 385, 836
—Edward (d 1657), Governor of Connecticut, xxxi, 579; gift, 199, 215, 216, 485, 837; will, 1657, 199, 288, 385, 388, 836–837; gives Hopkinton rents to College and Cambridge Grammar School, 288, 836; H. Newman made agent to obtain gift, 1709, 388; Newman’s charges, 1711, 398; Newman given gratuity for, 1719, 447; trustees of gift, 445, 547; action of trustees, 1727, 547–548
—John, 199. See Hopkins, Edward
—Joseph (d 1739), leases Ferry, 1722–1735, 468, 518, 563, 585, 601, 643; death, 689
Hopkins bachelors. See Hopkins scholars
Hopkins Book. See under College records
Hopkins Classical School, xxxi
Hopkins foundation. See Hopkins scholars
Hopkins scholars, 664; nominated, 1727, 547; reconsidered, 549; chosen, 629, 640, 683, 684, 692, 693, 698, 701, 713, 716, 720, 727, 730, 739, 740, 748, 753, 772, 779, 788, 804, 817; none suitable to be, 741; in Cambridge Grammar School, nominated, 1727, 548
Hopkinton, 817; College property in, 263; rente of, 264; given to College and to Cambridge Grammar School 288, 836; how managed, 288; not yet received, 1726, 531; memorial about, 1727, 547; book referring to, affairs, 549; trustees of, 664; land in, given by S. Browne, 282, 846; committee to view this land, 1742, 725; report of committee, 729; lease of, to be sold, 1743, 733
Hopkinton Bachelors. See Hopkins scholars
Hopkinton foundation. See Hopkins scholars
Hordy, Daniel, 252 n. See also Hovey, Daniel
Horse, President’s, to be kept at College charge, 1692, xxii, 340; to be bought, 1696, xxii, cxi n, 353; charges for, 1693–1701, cxi n, 414
Horse boats, used in Ferry, 1749, 805
Horse hire, profits of, in Cambridge and Charlestown, 769
Horses, 19, 53, 200, 797; not to be taken in Ferry in stormy weather, 1746, 756
Hosely (Hosley),—, leases College property, 269, 431
Hough, Atherton (d 1650), cxiii n
—Rev. Samuel (1642), son of Atherton (d 1650), boards with N. Eaton, cxiii n
Hounsley (Hounslow) Hill. See under Rowley
House, hired by General Court for President Wadsworth, 1725, cxvi, cxvi n, 542
House, the word, often used in the sense of the institution, lxxxix n, cxxx n, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 46, 189, 202, 339, 379, 391, 396, 402, 481, 493, 557, 663, 668, 709, 724, 726, 742, 744, 841, 856, 858; regularly applied to buildings occupied by the President, cxxx n; occasionally applied to other buildings, lxxxix n, cxxx n, 18, 378, 491, 492, 821; to first Harvard College, lxxii; to second Harvard College, xciii n, cxxx n, 378, 598, 686, 821; to Stoughton College, cxxx n, 378, 458, 459, 686, 821; to Massachusetts Hall, cii, cxxx n, 456, 821; later used for certain dormitories, cxxx n. See also Fellow of the House; Scholars of the House
—government of, 355, 380, 402, 492, 554, 569, 731
—officers of, 47, 203
—Steward of, 214. See also under Fellow; Fellows; Scholar; Scholars; Tutor; Tutors
House of office. See under College buildings
Houses, the two (second Harvard College and Stoughton College), proportioned into wards, 1707, 378; study rent advanced in the several (second Harvard College, Stoughton College, and Massachusetts Hall), 1750, 821
Hovey, Daniel, 252. See also Hordy, Daniel
—Rev. Ivory (1735), Scholar, 1733, 616; salary, 616; not granted A.M., 1738, 680
How,—, 297 n
—Isaac, 279
—Israel, 271
—Samuel, 279
Howard, Robert, 272
—Rev. Simeon (1758), presides at Commencement, 1798, cliii n
Howland, Rev. John (1741), obtains Fitch gift, 1741, 704
Howlett, Thomas (d 1667), 283
—William (1727), degraded, 1727, 554; place assigned to, 554
Hubbard (Hubbart), a variant of Hobart, xli n, liii n, cxliii. See also Hobart
——, paid for writing, 1728, 560
—Rev. John (1695), son of John (d 1710), son of Rev. William (1642), obtains Webb gift, 1691, 831; 1693, 341, 346; 1694, 349, 414; 1695, 351
—John, 416; leases College land, 372; lets land in Newton, 418
—Nathaniel (1698), son of John (d 1710), son of Rev. William (1642), obtains Webb gift, 1696, 354; Scholar, 1698, 361; salary, 361, 367
—Nathaniel, leases College land in Newton, 267, 431
—Nathaniel (1732), Hopkins scholar in Cambridge Grammar School, 1727, 548
—Nehemiah, 69, 243, 247, 356, 358, 367, 368, 371, 377, 828, 829. See Hobart, Rev. Nehemiah (1667)
—Richard, paid for services at Overseers’ meetings, 1741, 709
—Thomas (1721), 320, 833; Treasurer, 1752, clvi, clvii
—Rev. William (1642), 349; confused with Nehemiah Hobart, xli n; on second Harvard College, about 1679, lxxxviii; his Generall History of New England practically finished in 1680, lxxxviii n; to manage Commencement, 1684, cliii n, 76, 255; 1688, cliii n
Hudson,—, 286, 834
Hues,—, gives to printing press, 21
Hull, Hannah, daughter of John (d 1683). See Sewall
—Treas. John (d 1683), cix, clxvi; gift, 247
Hull, gifts from, 223
Hulton, Nathaniel (d 1694), Newington Green, Eng., gift, 256, 386, 415; will, 386, 837–838; disposition of gift, 387, 390, 392, 397, 406, 422, 438, 445, 446, 455, 462, 484, 505, 514, 537
Humphrey, Rev. James (1744), obtains Stoughton gift, 1741, 704; 1742, 721; 1743, 732; 1744, 744; Hollis scholar, 1743, 732
—John, Overseer, 1637, xxxiii
Hunt, 477, 477 n. See Hunting, Edward
—Ephraim, 247, 251
—Ephraim (d 1713), on committee, 403
—Isaac, 417
—Samuel (1796). See Dixwell John (1796)
—Thomas, 246, 251
Hunter, Robert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 323, 325, 329
Hunting, Edward (1725), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1693), 477 n; receives money, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; 1724, 505; Scholar, 1724, 513; salary, 513; duties, 513–514
—Nathaniel (1722), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1693), receives money, 1719, 448; 1721, 454, 462; Scholar, 1722, 475; obtains W. Brattle gift, 1725, 519
Hurd, Jacob, leases Ferry, 1719–1725, 444, 468, 518
Hussey, George (1715), admonished and degraded, 1712, 402
—Rev. Joseph, London, Eng., gives books, 1724, 516
Hutcheson, Francis (d 1746), Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
Hutchinson, Rev. Aaron (Y. C. 1747), granted A.M., 1750, 820
—Edward (d 1752), son of Elisha (d 1717), 463, 478, 479, 487, 505, 508, 509, 510, 524, 526, 527, 528, 530, 535, 543, 550, 560, 561, 566, 575, 583, 596, 604, 612, 615, 740, 782, 842; Treasurer, 1721, clvi, 462; approved, 464; named Treasurer in charter of 1723, lxii n lxiv; on committees, 292, 293, 296, 477, 521, 523, 529, 534, 537, 540, 543, 544, 546, 550, 559, 567, 575, 590, 601, 615, 622, 635, 637, 643, 650, 652, 653, 654, 655, 663, 667, 673, 683, 688, 689, 690, 694, 695, 703, 717, 722, 725, 730, 731, 736, 746, 748, 751, 761, 772, 795, 796, 801, 802, 819; present, 463–517, 519, 521–529, 535, 540, 541, 545, 546, 548, 551, 552, 555, 559, 560, 563–567, 569–571, 573–575, 580–590, 593–596, 599–604, 607–611, 615–619, 621–648, 650, 651, 653–664, 666–675, 680, 682–699, 703, 706–712, 715, 716, 718–722, 724, 726–735, 738–744, 746–749, 751, 752, 755, 757, 758, 761, 763, 770, 772–776, 779–792, 797, 806, 809, 813–817, 820, 821; to receive Treasurer White’s books from J. Belcher, 1722, 464; to deliver Treasurer Brattle’s Book to President, 465; committee to examine accounts, 1728, 565; 1729, 574, 583; 1731, 596; 1734, 627; reports, 577; salary, 585, 586; and Merricaneag Neck ease, 1731–1735, 596, 624, 625, 635; report on his accounts, 1734, 628; taxed by Boston assessors for College moneys, 1747, 774; 1748, 793
—Eliakim (d 1718), son of Richard, brother of Edward (d 1675), 285; present, 381, 399, 403, 404, 422, 434, 439; gift, 1698, 359, 419; disposition of gift, 364, 367, 369, 374, 378, 383, 390, 392, 397, 406
—Elisha (d 1717), son of Edward (d 1675), xlii n; present, 406, 424, 434
—Francis (1736), his complaint against N. Prince for boxing dismissed, 1734, 630
—Thomas (d 1739), son of Elisha (d 1717), present, 424, 434, 450, 453; copy of will making gift to be procured, 1746, 755; disposition of gift, 788, 804, 822, 853; will, 1739, 853
—Gov. Thomas (1727), son of Thomas (d 1739), clxv, clxvi, 297 n; brings money from the Holden family, 1741, cxxv; thanked by Corporation, cxxv, 715; on charter of 1672, xxxviii, xxxviii n
Hutchinson’s Book, Treasurer Edward. See under College records
Iacklin. See Jacklin
Identifications, difficulties connected with, cxxxv–cxliv
Ieffars (Ieffords). See Jefferds
Immediate government, of the College. See under Government
Immersion, in baptism, C. Chauncy not to publish his tenets as to, 206–207
Inauguration. See Presidents
Ince, Jonathan (1650), receives money, 180
Inceptors, 28, 190; form of admission, 36, 177
Inch boards, 10, 10 n
Indian College (1655–1698). See under College buildings
Indian language, skill in, important for those wishing to obtain Boyle gift, 400; to be learned, 599; E. Mayhew paid for teaching his son, 1736, 651
—service, difficult circumstances of several ministers employed in, 791
—wars, lxxxvii, 588
Indians, 500, 511; building for, erected, lxxxii; at the College, lxxxiii; wear long hair, 38, 197; education of, 40, 181; one graduates, 85; to have benefit of W. Stoughton’s gift, 271, 851; of Sewall gift, 272, 846; Boyle gift applied to students propagating the gospel among, 290, 386, 400, 401; place of Lovewell’s fight with, 305 n; to enjoy studies rent free, 1695, lxxxiii, 352: O. Peabody and, 446, 455; O. Campbell and. 511, 522, 525, 571, 574–575, 579–580; J. Bourne and, 523; C. Galpine and, 578; N. Mayhew and, 590–591, 599, 651; Williams gift, to promote conversion of, 791, 840; turnspit, to be found for Commencement dinner by Steward, 1691, 830; stipends of preachers to, 1748, 850. See also Charlestown, R. I.; Commissioners for Propagating the Gospel; Corporation for Propagating the Gospel; Indian College; Little Compton, R. I.; Martha’s Vineyard; Mohegan; Nantucket; Narragansett; Natick; Sandwich; Six Nations; Society for New England; Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; Stockbridge
—Hombinowit, 272
—Larnel, Benjamin (1716), obtains Boyle gift, 1713, 407; his funeral expenses paid, 1714, 423
—Moheiggon, 273
—Rogomock, John, 272, 273
Ingalls (Ingolls, Ingols), Nathaniel, 410, 418, 431; lets land in Chelsea, 1746, 757–758
—Robert, 54, 216, 245, 246, 247, 252, 255, 360, 409, 410, 411, 412
Installation. See Fellows; Fellows of the House
Instruction, those in the, of the College, 137, 776; allowed to borrow books, 130, 131, 132, 699, 789
Instructors, 139, 140, 144, 149, 494; list of, 1722–1760, clix; increase of, 1727, 552
Instruments, to be surveyed, 1732, 602: in custody of Prof. Greenwood to be deposited in apparatus chamber, 1737, 670; all, to be deposited in apparatus chamber, 1738, 685; to be procured in London, 1743, 732. See also Apparatus; Apparatus Chamber; Mathematical instruments; Philosophical apparatus
Insults, to College officers, punishment for, 1728, 569–570
Intemperance, Prof. Greenwood guilty of, 1737, 669; removed for, 670–671
Interest, rate of, not to be more than six per cent, 1693, 342; money paid to I. Mather, 1695, 349; rate of, charged Widow Smith, 1698, 359; College moneys let out upon, taxed by Boston assessors, 1747, 774; 1748, 793, 794
Inventory, lxxvii, lxxxii. 66, 149, 209, 237, 284, 378, 408, 427. See also College accounts; Plate, College; Silver, College; Utensils, College
Ipswich, bell in, 1647, lxxvi n; inhabitants of, asked for contributions for second Harvard College, 1677, lxxxvii; gifts from, 179, 222
—Church, 285
Iron monger, 8
Isocrates, scholars required to read, 134
Itinerants, 840
Jacklin, Samuel, 429
Jackson, Edward (d 1681), 263; gives money, 174, 185, 213; will, 284–285; gives book, 284; gives land at Billerica, 284–285
—Rev. Edward (1719), son of Edward (d 1727), son of Edward (d 1681), obtains Newgate gift, 1717, 438; 1719, 445
—John, 255, 409, 411; on committee, 1721, 459
James,—, receives money by order from New Haven, 180
James II, King of England, lx n
Jefferds, Rev. Samuel (1722), obtains Browne gift, 1719, 448; 1721, 454, 462; S. Browne gift, 1722, 469, 471
Jeffries,—, 279, 297 n, 299 n, 597
—David (1732), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1730, 580; 1731, 591; 1732, 597
Jenner,—, sons of, receive money, 180
Jennison, Rev. William (1724), receives money, 1723, 484
Jewett, Rev. David (1736), son of Joseph (d 1747), Scholar, 1734, 626; salary, 626
—Rev. Jedidiah (1726), son of Jonathan (d 1745), son of Joseph (d 1735), son of Maximilian (d 1684), son of Edward (d 1615), 294; Hollis scholar, 1724, 514
—Joseph (d 1661), son of Edward (d 1615), 283; gift, 53, 216, 245, 251
—Joseph (d 1747), son of Joseph (d 1694), son of Joseph (d 1661), on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297
Johnson, Benjamin, his plan of Rogers’s Farm, Waltham, 1750, 300, 300 n, 301; facsimile, 250–251
—Edward (d 1672), lxxix; describes first Harvard College, 1651, lxxiii
—Marmaduke (d 1674), agreement about types, 57, 59, 226, 228. See also Printing press
—William (d 1704), on committee, cvii; present, 76, 255
—Rev. William (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—William Samuel (Y. C. 1744), granted A.M., 1747, 773
Johnston Gate, lxx n, c
Johnstoun, John, Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
Joiner, work of, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
—College, appointed, 75, 254, 339, 830. See also Hicks, Zechariah (d 1752); Palfrey, John
Joints, 9
Jones, John (1690), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1686, 81, 262; 1690, 828
—Samuel, 270, 271, 271 n
—Samuel, 291, 291 n; to survey College lands in Townsend, 1733, 620–621; watering-place at Dorchester to be sold to, 1739, 688
—Rev. Thomas (1741), obtains Stoughton gift, 1739, 687; 1740, 693; 1741, 704
Juitt. See Jewett
Junior, interpretations of Senior and, cxlii–cxliii
—Bachelors. See Bachelors of Arts
—pupils, two Bachelors appointed to read to, 1643, 17, 175
—Sophisters. See Sophisters
Juniors, cxliii n
Jurisdiction, meaning the Colony or Province of the Massachusetts Bay, xxxiv, 38, 41, 42, 173, 182, 183, 198, 774, 794
Justin, Ely. See Ely, Justin (1759)
Kalander. See Callender
Kane. See Keayne
Keane. See Keayne
Keayne, Hester, 250, 251
—Robert (d 1656), gives money, 185, 213; legacy, 198, 214, 215; gives house in Boston, 198–199, 216; rent of house, 253, 256, 410, 415; house sold, 1696, 264–265, 353; disposition of gift, 383, 390, 392, 397, 405, 422, 424, 434, 438, 445, 448, 454, 462, 537, 548, 561; will, 1653, 835–836
Kechomaug, R. I., 275
Keckermannus, Bartholomæus, his portrait burned, 1764, xviii
Keene, See Keayne
Keith, Rev. James (d 1719), 20
Kempster, Daniel (d c 1667), gift, 185, 213
Kendall, Jacob, 429
—Thomas, 417
Kennedy, William, Aberdeen, Scotland, 322
Kent, Rev. Benjamin (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 583
Kettle, James (d 1759), 782; leases Ferry, 1722–1748, 468, 518, 563, 585, 601, 643, 689, 784
—William, part of rent for Ferry remitted, 1750, 813
Key, of the scuttle of second Harvard College, xcii; of chamber used by I. Greenwood and J. Monis to be hung in Buttery, 1736, 646; of apparatus chamber to be taken by President, 1737, 670; 1738, 681; delivered to President, 681
Keyne. See Keayne
Keys, 6, 7, 8; penalty for using false, 143; of door to top of second Harvard College, 598; at inauguration of J. Leverett, 1708, lxi; of B. Wadsworth, 1725, 825. See also under Library
Kidder, Samuel (d 1724), 429
Kilby, Thomas (1723), given A.M. though absent, 1726, 540
King, Thomas, mason, 172
King’s Province. See Narragansett Country
Kingston, R. I., 272, 806; College property in, 604. See also Petaquamscot
Kirkland, Rev. John Thornton (1789), occupied Wadsworth House, cxx
Kitchen, Edward, will, 1766, 858
Kitchen, in first. Harvard College, lxxiv, 15, 19, 33, 34, 46, 47, 60, 61, 203, 208, 210, 229; glass in, 1644, 4; inventory of utensils in, 1674, 61–62, 230; in second Harvard College, xciv, 148, 149, 261, 344, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353, 444, 479, 522, 586, 609, 618, 621, 628, 648, 655, 734, 778, 815; conveniences for warming messes to be built in, 1748, 795: repairs to, 1749, 796; in Goffe’s College, lxxviii, cxxix n, 208; in Harvard Hall, 301; in Wadsworth House, cxx 667
—hatch, 146
Kittery, Me., gifts from, 223
Kittle. See Kettle
Kittredge, George Lyman (1882), acknowledgment to, viii
Knap, John, 429
Kneeland, Samuel (1743), Scholar, 1741, 713; 1742, 728
Knight, eldest son of a, entitled to certain privileges, cxxxix; how called, cxxxix, 26, 31, 189; W. Mildmay the only one at, Harvard, cxl n
Knowles, Admiral Sir Charles (d 1777), invited to dine, 1747, 780
Kythe. See Keith
Labor, dearness of, 1726, 542
Lake, Capt.—, gives to printing press, 21
Lambert, Thomas, 271
—Thomas, 294; on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297; suit of, about land in Rowley, 1736, 651–652, 653, 659, 666, 673; land in Rowley sold to, 1735, 642
—Thomas, Jr., 294
Lambs, 199
Lane, William Coolidge (1881), acknowledgment to, viii; papers by, cited, xx n, lxix n, ci n, cxxxix n, cxl n; on Massachusetts Hall, ci
—Rev. Samuel (1740), items copied into College Book III by, lxix n; additions to Donation Book by, lxix n; on Bradish lot, lxxx n; his plan of this lot mentioned, lxxx n, lxxxi n; occupies Wadsworth House, cxx; his having an exhibition considered, 1736, 650; obtains B. Browne gift, 1737, 657; Fitch gift, 1738, 675; Flynt gift, 1740, 693; Hollis scholar, 1738, 683; 1739, 692; diploma from Aberdeen, 1762, 322; President, 1774, clii; entries in hand of, 118 n, 265 n, 266 n, 269 n, 271 n, 289 n, 302, 303 n, 304, 305, 330 n; describes College property, 302–305; his plan of College Land in the President’s Improvement, lxxx n, lxxxi n, 302; facsimile, 270; of College Lot on the West of Cambridge Common, 304; facsimile, 280; of Brownfield, 304; facsimile, 290–291; of Township of Fryeburg, 305; facsimile, 300–301; documents signed by, 306, 331, 332
Langham, Thomas, a fellow-commoner, clx n, 207; gift, 207
Langloiserie, Louis, Instructor, 1733, clix; not a regular Instructor, but permitted to teach French, 1733–1735, clix n; his doctrines to be inquired into, 1735, 632
Language, 25, 29, 187
Lanthorne, in first Harvard College, glass in, 1644, 4
Larder, 15, 34, 47, 203
Larnel, Benjamin (1716). See under Indians
Lasciviousness, 346
Lash, Nicholas, 273, 273 n
Latham, Rev. Andrew, Bury, Eng., gift, 200
Lathing, 11
Lathrop, Rev. John (Princeton 1763), 331, 332
Laths, 12
Latin, 516; entries in, cxxxii n, 3, 13 n, 23, 29–31, 35–37, 156–166, 166–168, 177–179, 197, 205–206, 305–309, 312–332, 617, 823–824, 826–827, 848–850; how treated, 2, 170, 334; J. Leverett and W. Brattle to make a sermon in, 1692, 340; letter in, to be sent, 516; Gov. Burnet replies in, to oration, 1728, 565; Gov. Belcher replies in, to oration in, 1730, 587; committee to translate College Laws into, 1734, 630; Gov. Shirley makes a speech in, 1741, 711
—language, 138, 382, 614; requirements as to, 1642–1646, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 187, 189, 190; 1734, 134, 136, See also Bible; Psalter; Scriptures
Laundress, College, salary, 1679, 67, 239; 1720, 453
Law, John, Glasgow, Scotland, 309
—Jonathan (1695), Governor of Connecticut, granted A.M., 1729, 573
Lawful money, 303, 722, 731, 734, 776, 777, 778, 783, 815, 837, 854, 855, 857, 858, 859, 863; of England, 386
Lawrence, John, 429, 301
—William (d 1764), 281, 291
—Rev. William (1743), son of William (d 1764), granted A.M. though absent, 1746, 762–763; Hopkins scholar, 1747, 772
Laws, College, xxi, lxxxix n, 60, 144, 151, 229, 355, 569, 612, 613, 614, 647, 648, 649, 652, 660, 705, 706, 720, 722, 730, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 761, 762, 763, 801, 802, 808, 809, 811, 821, 826; not known whether originally written in Latin or English, cxxxii n; use of surnames demanded by, cxxxix, 26, 31, 189; difficulties raised by this law, cxl; adopted: 1642–1646, lxxv n, lxxxix n, cxxii, 24–27, 29–31, 187–190; 1660, 192–193; 1667, 196; 1674, 58, 60; 1681, 196–197; 1686, xxv, xxvi, 848–850; 1734, xiv, cxxii n, 134–155; to continue in force, 1692, 339; those enacted in 1692 to continue in force, 1697, 356; committee appointed about, 1719, 447; draught of, considered, 1733, 619; candidates for admission to procure, 1734, 134; those adopted to be recorded, 624; committee to translate, into Latin. 630; amended, 1735, 641–642; altered, 1736, 652; about chambers of Junior Bachelors, 1742, 728–729; about raising penalties of, 1747, 778. See also Library Laws; Orders, College
Laws, Library. See Library Laws
Layman, J. Quincy not the first, to be President, lxiv n
Lead, on second Harvard College, melted in fire, 1704, xciii; penalty for cutting, xciii n, 144, 598
Leadbetter, Henry (d 1722), 851
—Israel, son of Henry (d 1722), 270
Leading, 172
Leanto, of second President’s House, cv, 208
Leavitt, Josiah (1734), obtains Saltonstall gift, 1733, 608; Gibbs gift, 1733, 608
Lectures, lxxii, lxxv, 139; to be attended diligently, 26, 30, 188; absence from, fined, 26, 31, 136, 139, 189; tardiness at, fined, 136; ill behavior at, fined, 137. See also Hollis Professor of Divinity; Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
Lee, Thomas (1798), granted A.B., 1866, cxxxix n
Leonard, Rev. Nathaniel (1719), Scholar, 1723, 502; salary, 502
Lesslie, Rev. George (1748), obtains Gibbs gift, 1745, 750; Browne gift, 1745, 750; Mills gift, 1745, 750; Danforth gift, 1745, 750; W. Brattle gift, 1747, 771; Fitch gift, 1748, 781
Letters (printing types), 52; gift of, 20, 174, 175; agreement with M. Johnson about, 57, 226
Leusden, Jan (d 1699), Hebrew and Latin Psalters of form of, to be procured from England, 1746, 760
Lev., 351, 353. See Leverett, John (1680)
Lev., J., 345. See Leverett, John (1680)
Leverett, Gov. John (d 1679) clxiv, clxv, 220; present, 218, 232, 236, 237; on committee to help stewards of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, 221
—John (1680), son of Hudson (d 1714), son of Gov. John (d 1679), xiii, xxv, xxix, xli n, xliv, xlvii n, l n, lii, lv n, cxxiii, cliii n, clxxiii n, 237, 393, 399, 406, 435, 442, 478, 500, 516, 517, 845; Probationer, 1685, 78, 258; Tutor, 1685, clviii, clix; 1686, xxv, xxxiv, xxxviii, 827; Fellow, 1685, clv, 79, 258; 1707, lvi, clv, clvi, 377; to manage public reading in the Hall, 1686, 827; presides at Commencement, 1690–1691, cliii; paid for extra service, 1691, 830; named Fellow in charter of 1692, xli, lxv, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxv; of 1697, xlvii, lxv; of 1699, first draught, xlix n, lxv; continued, 1696, 355; made S.T.B., 1692, 340; to make a model for enlargement of the College, 1693, 345; reasons for rejecting charter of 1696, xliii–xlvii; letter to I. Addington on a Corporation meeting, 1699, li n; J. Quincy’s comment on this letter, li n; considers a third Tutor unnecessary, li n, lii n; to make up M. Bordman’s accounts, 1703, 370; to oversee building of President’s pew and students’ seats in Cambridge Meeting-house, 1706, 376; President, 1707, lix, lix n, clii, 379; his vote, lix n; this election not accepted by the House, lix; further action in the matter, lx; addresses from ministers to J. Dudley recommending, lix, lix n; approved by Governor and Council, 380; inaugurated, 1708, lxi, 381; ceases to be Fellow, lxi n; takes a class, 1711, 397–398; on repairs to second Harvard College, 1713, xc–xci; to Stoughton College, 1714, xcvi; presents draught of memorial for Massachusetts Hall, 1717, ci; waits on Gov. Shute, 1720, 450; letter to T. Lindall, cxiii–cxiv; health, 1722, 468, 473; draughts royal charter, 1723, lxii; named in this President for life, lxii. lxii n, lxv; reimbursed for expenses, 485; paid for extraordinary services, 485; death, 1724, xxix n, cxv, 506, 507, 508, 511; funeral charges paid, 506; sermons on, to be printed, 508; oration on, paid for, 511; not a Fellow under charter of 1699, as amended, lii n; his plan of Massachusetts Hall mentioned, lxxxiii n; occupies his own mansion house during his presidency, cxi–cxii; history of this property, cxi n–cxii n; on committees, cxi n, 357, 439, 447, 451, 457, 463, 473, 477, 500, 830; reports, 394, 457, 458; appeals for repairs on third President’s House, cxii; repairs made by, on third President’s House, cxii, cxiii n, cxiv; ambiguity arising from his non-residence in third President’s House, cxiv n; proposal that College acquire his mansion house, cxv; this house rented for B. Wadsworth, cxvi, cxvi n–cxvii n, cxviii; estate of, reimbursed, cxvi n–cxvii n; present, xxxv, xxxviii n, lii n, cxlviii, cxlix, cii, 339–363, 379, 381–398, 400, 402–406, 420–426, 432–504, 828–832; entries in hand of, xxxvi n, xlvii n, lxii, clxxiii n, 59 n, 65 n, 81 n, 171 n, 172 n, 192 n, 195 n, 199 n, 215 n, 218 n, 222 n, 225 n–229 n, 231 n–237 n, 239 n–241 n, 243 n, 244 n, 254 n–256 n, 262 n, 339 n, 349 n–352 n, 354 n, 355 n, 384 n, 390 n, 391 n, 463 n, 506 n, 827 n. 829 n, 837 n, 848 n, 860 n–863 n; salary, 79, 80, 81, 258, 262, 339, 341, 348, 357, 827, 828, 829, 830; exhorts scholars as to behavior in vacation, 470; address to General Court to obtain house of, 508–609; trustee of Sprague gift, 539, 838, 859, 860, 862
—Mary, daughter of John (1680). See Denison
—Sarah, daughter of John (1680). See Wigglesworth
Leverett’s Diary, President John. See under College records
Levert, 358. See Leverett, John (1680)
Levett. See Leavitt
Levrett, 360. See Leverett, John (1680)
Lewis, Daniel (1734), Scholar, 1731, 595; 1732, 602; salary, 595, 602
Lexington, College property in, 430; to be sold, 1716, 436; 1738, 677; sold, 1721, 265, 457; committee to view, 1728, 566; committee to lease, 1734, 621; notifications of sale, to be set up, 681
Liberties, College. See Laws, College; Orders, College
Librarian, College, 510; appointed, 58, 59, 64, 66, 69, 210, 227, 229, 235, 238, 243, 340, 344, 348, 351, 354, 357, 366, 368, 370, 373, 374, 376, 377, 383, 389, 392, 396, 405, 421, 423, 433, 436, 437, 443, 447, 453, 461, 476, 502, 513, 525, 540, 555, 566, 569, 574, 578, 590, 595, 602, 615, 625, 629, 634, 650, 656, 660, 682, 692, 695, 706, 722, 731–732, 781, 789, 804, 829; chosen for one year, 1734, 129; duties, 1667, 194–196; 1707, 378; 1736, 129–133; chosen for two years, 1667, 195; salary, 361, 370, 414, 685, 789; to get a roll of benefactors, 1712, 401; to make catalogue, 1722, 467; absence of, 1724, 504; key belonging to, committed to President, 1736, 650; key of, delivered to S. Cooke, 1737, 656; duties of, about books with cuts, 1748, 790
Librarians, College, list of, 1667–1750, clx
Library, College, 15, 155, 174, 175, 377, 403, 426, 664, 708; mentioned, 1638, lxx; 1643, lxxii; 1651, lxxiii; 1654, lxxiv, 208; 1676, lxxxvii; 1677, lxxxviii; 1744, ciii; 1750, cxxvi n; 1788, xciv; glass in, 1644, 4; book loaned to, by J. Scottow, 1649, 166; value of books in, 1654, 208; only double books to be sold, 1667, 195 books found wanting to be made good by Librarian, 1667, 196; books found wanting to be restored, 1674, 59, 229; transferred from first to second Harvard College, 1676, lxxv, lxxxvi, cxxvii n; charge for sweeping, 1677, lxxxvii n; double books in, to be sold, 1682, 72, 248; J. Cotton’s dues to, discharged in full, 1695, 350; money received from J. Cotton for double books, 1695, 415; money received from sale of double books to be used for buying other books, 1698, 358; lista of books in, sent to England, 1705, 374; books in, to be inventoried, 1707, 378; agreement with W. Brattle about T. Brattle’s books for, 1713, 421; special care to be taken about, 1718, 443; 1724, 513; to be repaired, 1720, xci, 452; receives Milton’s Poetical Works, 1722, 466–467; duplicates in, given to Hollis Professor of Divinity, 1725, 522; 1742, 728; and to Hollis Professor of Mathematics, 1742, 728; paid for binding books in, 1725, 523; committee to buy needful books, 1727, 558; dinner to Gov. Burnet in, 1728, 565; E. Wigglesworth to exhibit list of books in, belonging to Professor of Divinity, 570; dinner to Gov. Belcher in, 1730, 587; committee to survey, 1732, 602; report, 622; to be regulated, 1733, 608; 1734, 622–623; books in, to be bound, 1734, 625; H. Gibbs to call in all books and to exhibit written account of, 630; College records to be kept in, cxx n, 133; committee to view, 630; committee to inspect, 1736, 650; to be cared for by S. Cooke, 1737, 656; book by Selden returned to, 1738, 672; N. Prince paid for transportation of books to, 673; committee to provide boxes for books in, in case of fire, 673; S. Cooke paid for keeping, 1738, 683; hopes to obtain part of library of Sir R. Ellys, 1741, 705; Gov. Shirley received in, 1741, 711; committee to survey, 1742, 723; to examine, 1743, 732; to inquire into state of, 1748, 783; M. Cushing called to account for absence from, 738; committed to O. Peabody, 783; burned, 1764, xviii; one book escaped the fire, 161 n; books given to, ciii, 53, 156, 157, 158, 166, 167, 174, 175, 200, 207, 466, 467, 504, 510, 516, 520, 521, 522, 530, 535, 545, 549, 616, 618, 628, 630, 650, 666, 740, 770, 796, 806, 841, 858; damage to books borrowed from, how punished, 132, 699, 789, 790–791; certain books to be bought for, 358, 384, 730, 732; Corporation and Overseers’ meetings held in, 381, 386, 389, 390, 391, 395, 396, 400, 404, 405, 406, 420, 436, 440, 441, 446, 448, 451, 453, 455, 461, 469, 473, 475, 477, 482, 484, 500, 502, 511, 514, 516, 517, 524, 540, 545, 546, 547, 548, 551, 552, 554, 555, 560, 563, 564, 565, 567, 613, 640, 658, 684, 718. See also Books
—Book that contained the particular Donations to the. See under College records
—Catalogue, J. Whiting paid for making, 1705, 374; N. Gookin paid for making, 1709, 389; T. Hollis and D. Neal suggest printing a, 467; ordered made and printed, 1722, 467; made by J. Gee, 476; 300 copies printed, 476; B. Green’s agreement for printing, 1723, 502–503; S. Gerrish paid for delivering 300 copies, 503; J. Gee pidd for making, 503; distribution of copies, 503, 511; can be bought by Senior Sophisters, 1740, 699
—Catalogue, Continuation of, 200 copies to be printed, 1734, 629; committee to prepare and print, 630; J. Diman to prepare and get printed, 1735, 635; J. Diman paid for preparing, 1736, 646
—Catalogue, Supplement to, 300 copies to be printed, 1725, 521; J. Hancock paid for making, 522; distribution of copies, 521–522
—chairs, leather, to be provided, 1695, lxxxvii n, 350
—chambers, 8
—Keeper. See Librarian, College
—Keeper’s Book. See under College records
—Keepers. See Librarians, College
—keys, rules as to, 1607, 194; 1736, 130, 132–133; committed to President, 1736, 650
—Laws, xxi; 1667, 194–196; 1736, xiv, cxx n, 129–134; 1740, 698–699; committee to inquire whether, are observed, 1748, 783; about damage to books with cuts, 1748, 789, 790, 791–792
—Library Book. See under College records
—Library Keeper’s Book. See under College records
—Manuscript Catalogue of the Books in the. See under College records
—records, how to be kept, 195
—stools, hought, 1679, lxxxvii n
—tables, 712
Lieutenant-Governors. See under Massachusetts
Lime-house. See under College buildings
Lincoln, Benjamin (d 1700), 412
—Isaac (1722), Scholar, 1721, 462; salary, 462
Lindall, Timothy (1695), letter from J. Leverett to, 1720, cxiii–cxiv
—Nathaniel (1728), granted A.M. though absent, 1731, 594
London,—, allowed money, 214
Linen, 60, 67, 145, 212, 214, 229, 239, 453. See also Utensils, College
Liquors, spirituous, forbidden, 143–144; distilled, forbidden, 471
Little Compton, R. I., O. Campbell and Indians of, 579
Littlefield, George Emery (1866), error by, in his early Massachusetts Press, lxxiii n; on E. Corlet, lxxiii n; on J. Glover, lxxiii n; on site of Dunster’s House, cvi, cvi n
Livermore, Daniel, 268, 413, 418, 430
—Matthew (1722), Scholar, 1721, 462; salary, 462
—Samuel (d 1727), 256, 410
Living, growing charge of, 1730, 585
Lloyd, John, London, Eng., attorney to receive money in England, 1718, 441; library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503; gives books, 1725, 521
L. M. See Lawful money
Lobdell, Joseph, leases Bumkin Island, 1732–1750, 599, 644, 817
—Isaac, 256, 410, 413, 418, 430
Locke, Rev. Samuel (1755), 326; occupies Wadsworth House, cxx; President, 1774, clii; entries in hand of, 115 n
Locks, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. See also Spring lock
Lodge, to, out of College, when permitted, 140–141; who allowed to, in chambers, 141
Lodgings, absence from, how punished, 44, 205; erected by W. Stoughton, xcv, 282, 842; those who have, in town difficult to oversee, 310
—President’s. See under College buildings
Logic 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 138, 187, 189, 190, 614
Lombard, Rev. Solomon (1723), made A.M., 1727, 553, 554
London, Eng., letter to ministers in, 1671, lxxxv n; intimations from, for service and better establishment of College, 1724, 504
—Cross Daggers, 833
—Little Minories, 833
—Prerogative Court, 833
—Whitehall, 833
Long College Book. See under College records
Longfellow, Stephen (1742), obtains S. Browne gift, 1742, 721
Longlazeree. See Langloiserie
Lord, Rev. Benjamin (Y. C. 1714), 577
—Joseph (1726), son of Rev. Joseph (1691), receives money, 1722, 477; Hollis scholar, 1723, 501; 1724, 504; Scholar, 1725, 525; salary, 525; Butler, 1726, 540; 1727, 555; leaves the Buttery. 1728, 560
Lord’s day. See Sabbath
Lord’s Supper, celebration of, C. Chauncy not to publish his tenets as to, 206–207
Loring, Rev. Israel (1701), Scholar, 1701, 366; 1702, 368; 1703, 371; 1704, 373; salary, 366, 368, 371, 373
—John (1729), son of Rev. Israel (1701), Hollis scholar, 1726, 543; obtains W. Brattle gift, 1729, 571
—Jonathan (1738), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1735, 636; granted A.M. though absent, 1741, 708
Loudon, John (d 1750), Glasgow, Scotland, 309, 314, 315, 316
Louis XVI, King of France, 332
Louisburg, Nova Scotia, student at, 1746, 763. See also Canada; Cape Breton
Lovell, 305 n. See Lovewell, John
—James (1756), son of John (1728), makes funeral oration on H. Flynt, 1760, cxxv n
—John (1728), Hollis scholar, 1724, 514
Lovell’s Pond. See Lovewell’s Pond
Lovewell, John (d 1725), place of his battle with the Indians, 305 n
Lovewell’s Pond, Me., 305, 305 n
Lowden, James, 255
Lowdoun. See Loudon
Lowell, Rev. John (1721), receives money, 1723, 484; 1724, 505; Scholar, 1723, 502; 1724, 513; salary, 502, 513
Loyd. See Lloyd
Lumsden, Rev. John, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318, 321
Lunenburg, 263, 281; ordered to be laid out, 1719, 280; College property in, 280; bounds, 280–281; plan, 281, 290, 290 n; facsimile of, 200–201; paid for laying out, 1730, 586
—Proprietors’ Book, 281
Lunt, Joseph (1737), obtains Browne gift. 1737, 657
Lusher, Eleazer (d 1672), 221
Lying, 78; penalty for, 142, 143; expulsion for, 346, 367; admonition for, 831
Lynde, Benjamin (1686), son of Simon (d 1687), present, 453
—Joseph (d 1727), son of Thomas (d 1671), xlii n; on committee, cvi; malt in hands of, 246, 250; present, 381, 399, 404
—Simon (d 1687), on committees, xxv n, cvii n
—William (1733), son of Benjamin (1686), obtains W. Browne gift, 1730, 580; 1731, 591; 1732, 597; 1733, 607; S. Browne gift, 1730, 582; 1731, 591; 1732, 597; 1733, 607
Lynn, gifts from, 179, 222; College property in, 256, 410, 413, 415, 418, 431; committee to view salt marsh in, 1740, 694
Lyon, Richard, lives with H. Dunster, cxiii n
Maccarty, Rev. Thaddeus (1739), Hopkins scholar, 1739, 692; 1742, 716; dismissed as Hopkins scholar, 720
McDowell, Rev. Alexander (1751), receives money, 1749, 799; obtains Danforth gift, 1750, 817
Mackarty. See Maccarty
Macky, Charles, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317
McLaeurin, Colin, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313
MacLeod, Roderick, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318, 321
Magistrates, of Massachusetts. See under Massachusetts
—of Plymouth Colony, 1672, 20
Maine, Province of, 263, 272, 273, 274, 277, 586, 587, 588; President of, 277, 278, 587; instructions to J. Dudley and J. Richards about land in, 1683, 278; copy of instructions to be procured, 1732, 605; sale of, to Massachusetts, 604; memorial of the Corporation to the General Court on lands granted to the College in, 1730, 587–588
Malcolm, Rev. Alexander, recommends student for degree, 1745, 751; 1746, 761, 762
Malden, gifts from, 179, 223
Malt, 11, 46, 202, 246, 250, 252, 259; payments to be made in, 191; price of, 715, 821
Man, Hezekiah (1731), paid for care of College, 1735, 643
—John, 250, 252
Manly,—, on repairs to Stoughton College, 1714, xcvi
Manning, Joseph (1730), son of Samuel (d c 1744), son of Samuel (d 1711), son of William (d 1691), receives money, 1728, 562; obtains B. Browne gift, 1729, 571; W. Browne gift, 1730, 580; Mills gift, 580
—Joseph (1751), son of William (d 1778), obtains Fitch gift, 1749, 798; Danforth gift, 799
—Warren Henry, makes Plan of the College Yard, lxix n–lxx n; facsimile of, lxviii
—William (d 1691), paid, 79, 249, 258; appointed steward of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, 220; reports its condition, 1677, lxxxviii; duties in connection with other buildings, cix
—William (d 1778), son of John (d 1719), son of Samuel (d 1711), son of William (d 1691), leases Ferry, 1739–1748, 689, 784; talk with, 785
Mansfield, Samuel (1690), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1690, 829
Mantel-tree, 6
Manuscript Papers. See under College records
Manuscripts, how to be kept, 133, 195
Marblehead, gifts from, 222
March. See Marsh
Marion, Joseph (d 1761), 286
Marischal College. See Aberdeen University
Market people, Ferry often used by, 769
Marlborough, gifts from, 223
Marrett, Amos (d 1739), son of John (d 1695), 581, 588, 589.
—John (d 1695), son of Thomas (d 1664), 267
—Thomas (d 1664), 206
Marriage, not inconsistent with professorship, 1744, 743
Marrion. See Marion
Marritt. See Marrett
Marsh, Rev. Joseph (1705), son of Daniel (d 1725), 518
—Joseph (1728), son of Rev. Joseph (1705), 514; Hollis scholar, 1725, 518; obtains W. Stoughton gift, 1726, 537
—Perez (1748), son of Job (d 1746), son of Daniel (d 1725), Butler, 1748, 783
—Thomas (1731), son of Thomas (d 1726) of Hingham, obtains S. Browne gift, 1729, 571; Scholar, 1729, 574; 1730, 584; salary, 574, 584, 660, 695; Librarian, 1737, clx, 660; 1738, 682, 683; 1739, 692; 1740, 695; Tutor, 1741, clviii, clix, 703; 1744, 745; 1747, 776; Freshmen committed to, 703; ceases to be Librarian, 706; on committees, 723, 783
—John, 413
—Rev. Josiah (1720), dues to Steward remitted, 1721, 454
Marshfield, 20
Marston, Benjamin (1715), obtains B. Browne gift, 1711, 397; 1712, 405; 1713, 422; 1714, 424; Scholar, 1714, 424; salary, 424
—Mehetable (Gibbs), wife of Benjamin (1715), 852
Martha’s Vineyard, E. Mayhew and Indians of, 594, 791, 799, 850; T. West and Indians of, 792, 850
Martyn, Rev. John (1724), granted A.M., 1743, 738
—Richard (1680), 237
Mary, old, College servant, 1659, 10
Mary II, Queen of England. See William and Mary
Mascarene, John (1741), xix n
—Margaret (Holyoke), wife of John (1741), deseribes burning of second Harvard College, 1764, xix n, xciii n
Mason, Barachias (1742), Scholar, 1740, 698; 1741, 713; salary, 698
—John, 252. See Matson, John
Mason, College, appointed, 339, 473, 748, 754, 755, 772. See also Hill, Abraham (d 1754); Wyeth, John (d 1706); Wyeth, John (d 1756)
Mason, work of, 6, 8, 9, 11, 172. See also Harrington, Richard
Massachusetts, bells in, 1636–1648, lxxv–lxxvi, lxxv n, lxxvi n; Harvard Hall built at expense of, xciv; Wadsworth House built partly at expense of, cxix n; pays for glass, 1644, 4; members of Corporation to be inhabitants of, 1650, 40, 181; 1692, 336; gifts from, 175, 179; farm in Rutland, 298 n; called the Bay, 40, 181, 490, 491; sale of Maine to, 604
—Colony charter (1629), 481, 557; vacated, 1684, xxiv, xxv, xxxviii n, lx n; revived, 1689, xxvi, xxxviii, xxxviii n; termed cow, lx n
—Colony Laws, money received by the College for printing, 1642, 21; about the College, quoted, 42–43
—Colony Records, error in, xxiv n
—Constitution, 1780, xxxv
—Council, xliv, xiv, xlvi, xlix n, liii n, liv n, lv n, lvi n, lx, cxiii, cxliii n, 381, 440, 487, 496, 622, 668, 690, 700, 702, 711, 712; made Visitors in certain College charters, xxxv, 495; orders general contribution for second Harvard College, 1671, lxxxv, 220; its action about third President’s House, 1680–1681, cvii–cix; 1708, cxiii; its action about the charter of 1699, l; non-concurs election by House of C. Mather as President, 1703, lviii n; accepts election of J. Leverett as President, 1707, lix, 380; rejects nomination of N. Hobart as Vice President, lix n; revives charter of 1650, lx, cliv n; Corporation appears before, 1723, 488; address of Corporation to, 1723, 489–500; ito action about Wadsworth House, 1725–1726, cxv–cxviii; present at inauguration of B. Wadsworth, 1725, 825; invited to dine on Commencement, 1737, 664; door-keeper to, paid, 1741, 709; Overseers, xxxiv n
—Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace, 1689, xxvi
—Deputy-Governors, list of, 1636–1775, clxv; the title, clxv n; to be Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 42, 173
—Deputy-President, clxv; Overseer, xxxiv n; the title, clxv n
—General Court, xxiv, xxix, xlviii, lv n, lvi n, 17, 22, 43, 59, 183, 208, 228, 271, 277, 364, 379, 380, 404, 406, 420, 437, 444, 459, 469, 471, 479, 489, 490, 491, 498, 544, 546, 582, 586, 587, 717, 736, 746; appropriates money for a college, 1636, xxxiii, lxvii, cv, 21, 42, 173; orders it to be at Newetowne, 1637, xxxiii, lxix; creates Board of Overseers, xxxiii; orders Newetowne to be called Cambridge, 1638, lxx; orders college to be called Harvard College, lxx; removes N. Eaton, 1639, xix n, lxx, lxxiii n, lxxxviii n, civ, 173; grants land to R. Cook, 1640, 284; to N. Ward, 1641–1643, 283; to J. Scottow, 1684, 278; to S. and H. Sewall, 1693, 278; to others, 199, 208, 263, 275–277, 277–278, 284, 413, 419, 431, 605; reorganizes Board of Overseers, 1642, xxxiii, 42, 173; orders house built, for H. Dunster, 1644, cv, cxxvii n; grants charter of 1650, xxxvi, 40, 181; of 1672, xxxvi; of 1692, xl, 335; of 1696, xlii; of 1697, xlvii; of 1699, xlix; of 1700, lii–liii; refuses aid in enlarging College buildings, 1650, lxxiv; advises a voluntary contribution, 1652, lxxiv; H. Dunster’s petition to, 1654, cv; refers to Overseers the motion of C. Chauncy about a house, cvi n; its action on H. Dunster’s resignation, 1654, 186; grants Appendix to charter, 1657, xxxvi, 473; T. Danforth’s petition to, 1658, 276; orders Overseers to manage contributions for second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxv, 220; its instructions to J. Dudley and J. Richards about land in Maine, 1683, 278; grants salary to President, 1685, 79, 258; 1725, 530, 532–533; 1737, 668; settles I. Mather in presidency, 1695, 351; addresses, etc., of Corporation to, 1698, xlviii n; 1722, 478, 479; 1723, 486–487; 1724, cxv, 508–509; 1726, cxviii–cxix, 530–532, 541–542; 1730, 587–588; 1733, 611–612, 619–620; 1737, 666, 667–669; 1738, 678–679; 1743, 741–743; 1747, 765–770, 774–775; 1748, 793–794, 795; its action about a house for the President, 1700–1701, cx–cxi; its controversy with I. Mather, 1700–1701, lv n–lvii n, cx, cxi; addresses from Overseers to, 1717, ci, 309–311, 439; 1718, 311–312; 1721, xcvii; orders Massachusetts Hall to be built, 311; orders Lunenburg and Townsend laid out, 1719, 280; thanked for Massachusetts Hall, 1720, 450, 451; committee of Corporation to address, 1723, 485; its action about Wadsworth House, 1725–1726, cxv–cxviii, cxix n, 530, 533, 534, 536; legislates about Ferry, 1726, 517; appropriates money for heirs of J. Leverett, 1726, xcvi n–xcvii n; grants rents of Massachusetts Hall to President, 532–533, 534; hires house for President, 542; grants lands in Turkey Hills, 1729, 575; meets in Cambridge, 1730, 587; grants memorial, 1734, 622; members of, receive oration and sermons on B. Wadsworth, 1737, 660; invited to dine on Commencement, 1737, 663–664; 1749, 802; 1750, 819; asked and grants leave to sell land in and near Cambridge, 1738, 675, 677, 681; J. Stanniford’s memorial to, 1739, 690; appoints committee to regulate Ferry, 1742, 717; committee to inquire about grants from, 1742, 731; committee to inquire about raising fare of Ferry by, 1742, 731; committee to petition, to raise fare of Ferry, 1746, 760; grants salary to Hollis Professor of Divinity, 788, 803, 804; committee from, to consider regulation of Ferry, 1748, 796; orders two more ferry boats, 1750, 818; grants revenue of Charlestown Ferry, 42, 173, 287, 679, 742, 743, 766; gives Hopkinton rents to College, 288
—Governor, the first Overseer, 709
—Governors, list of, 1636–1775, clxiv–clxv; to be Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 42, 173; named visitors in certain charters, xxxv, xlv, 495
—House, xliv, xlv, xlix n, l, lii, liii n, liv n, lv n, lvii n, lix n, xcvii, cxv, cxliv n, 381, 479, 490, 543, 622; charged with invading the King’s prerogative, lxiii n; its action about third President’s House, 1680, cvii–cviii; 1708–1710, cxii–cxiii, cxiii n; requests I. Mather to reside at College, 1695, 351; elects C. Mather President, 1703, lvii n, lviii n; nominates N. Hobart Vice President, 1707, lix n; rejects election of J. Leverett as President, lix, lx; revives charter of 1650, lx; votes salary to President, 1707, 380–381; 1725, 532–533; appoints committee about bridge over Charles River, 1713, 420; committee of, visits and names Massachusetts Hall, 1720, ci, cii; the College to have a person present in, by College charter of 1723, lxii; appoints committee to examine College treasury, 1725, 524; its action about Wadsworth House, 1725 1726, cxv–cxix, cxix n; memorial entered with clerk of, 1730, 588; invited to dine on Commencement, 1737, 664; 1743, 736; 1744, 746; 1745, 751; 1746, 761; 1747, 772
—Lieutenant-Governors, are Overseers, xxxiv n; list of, 1636–1775, clxv–clxvi; the title, clxv n
—Lower House, lxiii n. See also above, House
—magistrates, 29, 43, 137; meaning of the term, xxxiv n; six, together with six elders, appointed Overseers, 1637, xxxiii; and elders elect H. Dunster President, 1640, lxxi, lxxi n, 173; form of presentation to, 35, 177; all, appointed Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 42, 173; their declaration against wearing long hair, 1649, 37–38, 197–198; give books, lxxiii, 174; scholars to show due respect to, 1734, 137
—officials, list of, 1636–1775, clxiv–clxvi
—Province charter (1691), xxxix n, 481, 557; granted, xxvi, xl; Harvard College not mentioned by name in, xxxix n; confirms all grants to colleges and schools, xxxix, xxxix n, 588, 766, 775; exempts the College estate from tax till the income exceeds five hundred pounds, 766, 775, 794
—Province law, about Old Tenor, 1750, 816
—Seal, 578
—Secretaries, apparently not regarded as Overseers, xxxiv n; list of, 1634–1775, clxvi
—Speaker of the House, 668; Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503, See also Burrill, John; Clark, John (1687); Lindall, Timothy (1695); Oliver, Thomas (d 1715); Quincy, John (1708)
—Superior Court of Judicature, 673, 678, 690; petition to, 1737, 659
—Treasurer, his account with the College, 1644, 21
—Treasurers, apparently not regarded as Overseers, xxxiv n; list of, 1636–1775, clxvi
—Treasury, 17
—Upper House, 668. See also above, Council
Massachusetts College. See under College buildings
Massachusetts Hall (built 1720). See under College buildings
Massachusetts House. See under College buildings
Massachusetts Medical College. See under College buildings
Master, fellow-commoners to be called, 135
—of the College, title applied to the head of the institution, clii n, 27, 31, 39, 189, 289, 844. See also Governor; Head; President; Rector
Masters of Arts, 33, 34, 47, 147, 203, 261, 427; form of presentation, 3, 35, 177; those who commenced, in 1674, to be rebated, 60; have specified weeks for borrowing books, 130–131; allowed to wear hats, 135; may be deprived of their chambers, 151–152; may borrow books, 194; to dispute on theological questions, 340; those who desire to take the degree of, 1693, may have their detriments remitted, 343; meet Gov. Burnet, 1728, 565; not invited to meet Gov. Belcher, 1730, 587; their fees to College sweepers, 631, 685, 686, 817; T. Brattle gift to benefit, 838
Masters of schools, 28, 29, 191, 547
Materials for building, dear, 1726, 542
Mathematical instruments, to be inventoried by Librarian, 1707, 378; I. Greenwood to exhibit catalogue of, 1728, 570; catalogue of, 1730, 581; committee to repair, 1736, 646. See also Apparatus
—observations, T. Robie’s, sent to England, 456, 458, 477
—Professor. See Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
Mathematics, 138, 147, 614, 616, 665, 717, 839. See also Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
Mather, Rev. Cotton (1678), son of Rev. Increase (1656), xliv n, lix n, 306; takes second degree, 1681, clxxiii n; detriments remitted, 1682, 70, 244; Fellow, 1690, xxxiv, xxxv n, xxxviii, xli n, clv, 828; named Fellow in charter of 1692, xli, lxv, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxv; of 1697, xlvii, lxv; of 1699, xlix n, lxv; of 1700, liii, lxv; reasons for rejecting charter of 1696, xliii–xlvii; continued Fellow, 1696, 355; refers to Stoughton College, 1699, cxxix n; gives history of the College in his Magnalia, 1702, lxviii n; on J. Rogers’s long prayers, xcii, cxxi; describes fire of 1682 in second Harvard College, xcii; on religious exercises in the College, cxxi; prints Catalogue of 1698 in his Magnalia, cliv n; abdicates as Fellow, 1703, liv, lv n; elected President by the House, 1703, lvii n, lviii n; non-concurred by the Council, lviii n; receives vote for President, 1707, lix n; diploma from Glasgow, 1710, 308–309; entries in hand of, xliv n; attendance at Corporation meetings, lv n; present, cxlviii, cxlix, cl, cii, 339–353, 355–366, 424, 829–832; on committees, 357, 451
—Rev. Increase (1656), son of Rev. Richard (d 1669), xliv, xliv n, lv n, lix n, cxlviii, clvii n, 221, 222, 239, 240, 247, 251, 343, 352, 386, 411, 414, 419, 438, 447, 505, 832, 837; Fellow, 1674, clv, 59, 229; urged to accept, 1675, 231; to assist Treasurer in securing J. Browne’s legacy, 1679, 67, 239; President, 1681, 68, 242; exact date of this election not known, clxxiii n; declines, clxxiii n; to obtain money due by S. Scarlett’s legacy, 1681, 69, 243; presides at Commencement, 1681, clii n, clxxiii n, 241; 1682, ciii n; detriments due from, for his son, remitted, 1682, 70, 244; to act as President, 1685, clii, 78, 258; declines further responsibility for the College, 1686, xxv; Rector, 1686, xxv, xxvi n, xxxiv, xxxviii, xl, xl n, clii, 827; continued, 1692, xl; to make his usual visitations, 827; called both Rector and President, 1686–1692, xl n; petition, 1688, xli n; made S.T.D., 1692, 340; horse to be bought and kept at College charge, 1692–1701, cxi n, 340, 353, 414; named President in charter of 1692, xli, lxiv, clii, 336; of 1696, xliii n, lxiv; of 1697, xlvii, lxiv; of 1699, xlix n, lxiv; of 1700, liii, lxiv; settled in presidency by General Court, 1692, xl, 351; requested by House to reside at College, 1695, 351; offers to resign, 351; requested by Fellows to continue President, 351; paid money, 1695, 349; 1696, 353; continued President, 1696, 355; reasons for rejecting charter of 1696, xliii–xlvii; on committee about Stoughton College, 1698, 357; letter to W. Stoughton, 1700, cx; 1701, cxi; continued President, 1701, lvi n; letter to J. Dudley, 1708, lx n; controversy with General Court regarding residence in Cambridge, 1700–1701, lv n–lvii n, cx, cxi; committee of General Court to provide residence for, cx; resides with A. Bordman, cx; end of his presidency, 1701, liv, lvii n, cxi; receives votes for President, 1707, lix n; proposal about disposition of N. Hulton’s legacy, 1709, 387; solicits royal charter for College, xxxix, xxxix n; perhaps occupies third President’s House, cxi; only President not residing in Cambridge, cxi n, cxiii n; attends Corporation meetings as Acting President, cliii n; present, cxlvii, cxlviii, cxlix, cl, cli, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 218, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256, 339–365; entries in hand of, 78 n–80 n, 359 n, 367 n; improves Pennoyer money in England, 347
—Nathaniel (1685), son of Rev. Increase (1656), his detriments to be remitted, 1685, 78, 258
—Rev. Richard (d 1669), tenders presidency to C. Chauncy, 1654, 206; present, 218
—Rev. Samuel (1643), son of Rev. Richard (d 1669), Tutor, 1646, clviii; named Fellow in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxv, cliv, clv, 40, 181; not a clergyman when appointed Fellow, lxiii n; receives money, 180
—Samuel (1698), son of Rev. Samuel (1671), son of Timothy (d 1685), son of Rev. Richard (d 1669), Scholar, 1696, 354; salary, 354; 1697, 356
—Rev. Samuel (1723), son of Rev. Cotton (1678), 306; obtains Hollis gift, 1719, 446; 1720, 449; 1721, 455, 462; 1722, 477; Hulton gift, 1721, 455, 462; 1723, 484; diploma from Glasgow, 1731, 315–316; gives works of Francke, 1736, 650
Matriculations, remissness in regard to, cxxxvi; how kept, cxxxvi–cxxxvii, cxxxvi n–cxxxvii n
Matson, John. 247, 252
Matthews, Albert (1882), viii, xxiii, xxix n, xxxii n, ciii n, clvix n; his Introduction, xiii–clxxvi; identifies College Book V in Quarto as Leverett’s Diary, xxix; papers by, cited xxix n, xxxvii n, lxii n, cxxviii n, cxxxv n, cxxxvii n, cxlii n, clviii n clxvii n; on entries by T. Danforth, lxxvii n, lxxix n, 212 n
Matthews Hall. See under College buildings
Maudsley, a variant of Moseley, cxliii, cxliii n. See also Moseley
Mauldon, 179. See Malden
Maxwell, Rev. John, Glasgow, Scotland; 309
Mayhew, Rev. Experience (h 1720), son of Rev. John (d 1689), required to give bond to refund money spent for son’s education, 1731, 590; 1732, 599; obtains Boyle gift, 1731, 594, 1736, 651; Williams gift, 1748, 791 850; 1749, 799; paid on account of son, 1734, 627, 623; bond refunded 1735, 634; taught his son Indian, 651
—Rev. John (d 1689), present, 218
—Rev, Jonathan (1744), son of Rev. Experience (h 1720), 306; Scholar 1741, 713; 1743, 740; obtains Danforth gift, 1742, 721; diploma from Aberdeen, 1749, 317–318
—Joseph (1730), son of Rev. Experience (h 1720), recommended to receive Saltonstall gift, 1734, 629; obtains Gibbs gift, 1739, 686; Flynt gift, 1739, 686; Tutor, 1739, clviii clix, 691; 1742, 728; 1745, 754; 1748 786; Freshmen committed to, 691 Fellow, 1742, clv, clvi, 719; present 720–784, 786–821; prays, 723, 732 741, 754, 765, 778, 787, 799, 808 819; on committees, 723, 728, 732 759, 783, 796, 819
—Nathan (1731), son of Rev. Experience (h 1720), Hopkins scholar in Cambridge Grammar School, 1727 548; obtains Boyle gift, 1731, 590; 1732, 599; and Indian service, 590–591; payment on account of, 627, 628; death, 634; taught Indian by his father, 651
Mayo, Rev. John (d 1676), 221
Mead, David, 249, 252, 255, 301, 409 411, 416, 428
—Dr. Richard (d 1754), London, Eng., gives books, 1726, 545; 1748 796; 1749, 806
Meal-time, 452; Fellows to be in Hall at, xx; H. Flynt to be in Hall at, 1719, 446
Meals, procedure at, 33, 34, 46, 47, 203, 261; bell to be rung for, 48, 65, 146; Fellows to be at, 194
Meat, 18, 214, 215; not above one quarter of dues to be paid in flesh, 196; price of small, 607, 621, 655; dearness of, 706; price of, 714, 821; quantity of, allowed, 821. See also Flesh
Meats, hot, forbidden at Commencement, 1734, 148; roasted, boiled, or baked, forbidden at, Commencement, 1722, 471
Medfield, gifts from, 223
Medical School. See Harvard Medical School
Meeting-house. See under Cambridge
Members of the Corporation. See under Corporation
Menotomy (Menohtomy, Menotomies), 304 n; College property at, 418, 431; to be leased, 1725, 529; 1730, 590; 1733, 610; to be viewed, 1727, 547; report on, 550; to be sold, 1738, 677; committee about fencing lot at, 1740, 694; about land at, 1748, 782; to let wood-lot at. 783
—Plain, common rights upon, to be sold, 1738, 677; committee to settle rent of lot on, 1748, 796
—River, 268
Mentletree. See Mantel-tree
Mercury, allowed to I. Greenwood, 1740, 693
Meriam, Oliver (1749), obtains Stoughton gift, 1747, 771; 1748, 781; Browne gift, 1749, 798; B. Browne gift, 1749, 798; S. Browne gift, 1749, 798; Scholar, 1747, 777
Mericoneag (Merikoneag, Merriconeag). See Merricaneag
Merricaneag (now Harpswell), Me., 263; land in, granted to J. Scottow, 1684, 278; sold to S. Sewall, 1690, 278; granted to S. and H. Sewall, 1693, 278; given by them to College, 1696, 279
—Neck, granted by General Court, 1683, 277, 278, 413, 419, 431, 605; committee about, 1715, 432; S. Moody to secure College right to, 1717, 437; B. Wentworth to be interviewed about, 1728, 567; to be surveyed, 1730, 582; payment for viewing and plat of, 586; memorial to General Court about, 587–588, 590; lawyers to state case of, 1731, 596; copy of grant of, to be procured, 1732, 605; account of settlements at, to be procured, 605; E. Goldthwait to take possession of, 606; E. Trowbridge and case of, 607, 609, 610, 618, 619, 625, 634, 638, 690; W. Bollan and case of, 623, 635; E. Hutchinson and case of, 624, 625, 635; advice of Overseers about, 1735, 633; committee to prosecute, 1737–1738, 653–654, 656, 678; committee to inquire about grants at, 1742, 731
Merrimac River, N. H., 22, 176, 209, 283
Mess, allowance to a, 1709, 388; 1732, 603; 1748, 795; 1750, 821; to be sent warm into Hall, 1748, 795
—pie, quantity of flesh for, 607
Messenger, 274, 846; for warning Overseers’ meetings, salary, 784, 787
Metaphysics, 138
Michil. See Mitchell
Mico, Joseph (d 1718), son of Richard (d 1728), 578, 622; to manage Pennoyer gift, 1729, 570; bayberry candles sent to, 1739, 689; letter about Thorner gift, mentioned, 833
—Richard (d 1728), to manage Pennoyer gift, 1723, 500; death, 570
Middle Tenor. See Tenor
Middlesex County, provisions (except bread) chiefly bought in towns of, 1747, 769
Mighil,—, 294; land in Rowley sold to, 1735, 642
—Nathaniel, on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297
—Samuel (1704), son of Rev. Thomas (1663), Scholar, 1701, 366; 1702, 368; 1703, 371; 1704, 373; salary, 366, 368, 371, 373; obtains Pennoyer gift, 1703, 370
Mildmay, Sir Henry, of Graces, Little Baddow, Eng., cxl n
—Sir Henry (d c 1664), Wanstead, Eng., cxi n
—Sir Thomas, Chelmsford, Eng., cxi n
—Sir Walter (d 1589), founder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Eng., cxl n
—William (1647), son of Sir Henry (d c 1664), cxiii n; the only eldest son of a knight at Harvard, cxl n
Milford, Ct., gifts from, 180
Military band, exercise in, 27, 190
—exercise, attendance at, 27, 190; College officers and servants exempt from, 42, 43, 183, 184, 338. See also Artillery; Trainband
Miller, Rev. Ebenezer (1722), 306; diploma from Oxford, 1747, 318–319
—Richard, on committee, 1721, 459
Mill’s Weir, 268
Mills, Anne (d 1725), disposition of gift, 571, 580, 592, 598, 608, 623, 635, 647, 657, 674, 687, 693, 704, 721, 733, 745, 750, 760, 771, 781, 799; will, 841
—Edward (1685), receives money, 1683, 73, 248; 1684, 75, 254
—James (1743), Scholar, 1741, 713; 1742, 728
—Rev. Jonathan (1723), receives money, 1723, 484
Milton, John (d 1674), his Poetical Works given, 1722, 466; other editions in Library disposed of, 467
Milton, gifts from, 223; scholars from, to enjoy Stoughton gift, 271, 851
Ministers, of Plymouth Colony, 1672, 20
Minot,—, 297 n
—George, 271, 279 n
—James (1675), Monitor, 1672, 50, 212; Scholar, 1675, 63, 234
—Nathaniel, marsh in Dorchester sold to, 1831, 852 n
—Timothy (1747), son of Timothy (1718), son of James (1675), obtains Stoughton gift, 1745, 750; 1746, 759
Minutes, original, of Corporation meeting. See under College records
Miriam. See Meriam
Mirick, John (d 1706), 250, 252
Mitchell, Rev. Jonathan (1647), Tutor, 1646, clviii; his study, 1646, 9; named Fellow in charter of 1650, xxxvi, lxv, cliv, clv, 40, 181; not a clergyman when made Fellow, lxiii n; ordained, 1650, lxv n; buys Wigglesworth lot, 1651, cxi n; receives money, 180; present, 218
—Jonathan (1687), son of Rev. Jonathan (1647), lxiii n, cxi n, cxii n; Scholar, 1684, 77, 257, 828; salary, 828
—Margaret, daughter of Rev. Jonathan (1647). See Sewall
—Margaret (Boradile) Shepard, wife of Rev. Jonathan (1647), cxi n; fence to be set up between her and College’s land, 1686, 80, 262
—Samuel (1681), son of Rev. Jonathan (1647), obtains scholarship, 1678, 66, 237; Scholar, 1680, 67, 239; 1681, 68; 1683, 74, 253; obtains Russell gift, 1682, 70, 244; Probationer, 1684, 77, 257; Fellow, 1685, clv, 79, 258; Tutor, clviii, clix; salary, 80, 81, 262; present, cxlvii
Mixed drinks, forbidden, 143, 456
Model, two Fellows appointed to make a, for improvement and enlargement of the College, 1693, 345
Modillions, for second Harvard College, xc, 404
Mohegan Indians, O. Campbell and, 577
Moheiggon. See under Indians
Money, 489; payments to be made in current, 191, 830; lawful, 303, 386, 722, 731, 734, 776, 777, 778, 783, 815, 837, 854, 855, 857, 858, 859, 863; belonging to the College not to be let for more than six per cent, 1693, 342; New England, 348, 359, 536, 841, 843; price of silver, 1722, 470; 1735, 631; standard of silver, 626, 631, 632; low state of, 1743, 742; silver, bonds, 764, 777; silver, 816. See also Interest
Monis, Judah (d 1764), 500; Instructor, 1722, clix, 469, 472; 1723, 484; 1724, 506; 1725, 520; 1726, 536; 1727, 551; 1728, 562; 1729, 572; 1730, 580; 1731, 591; 1732, 597; 1733, 607; 1734, 623; 1735, 634; 1736, 646; 1737, 655; 1738, 682; 1739, 692; 1740, 695; 1742, 716; 1749, 804; salary, 469, 470, 484, 508, 520–521, 528, 536, 551, 562, 572, 580, 591, 597, 603, 607, 623, 634, 643, 646, 655, 682, 692, 695, 698, 712, 713, 727, 732, 739, 747, 748, 753, 763, 764, 776, 777, 788, 791, 792, 803, 822; his service beneficial, 486; his method to be inquired into, 1724, 506; assigned room in second Harvard College, xci n, 512; given power to punish, 1725, 528; agreement of students of, 528–529; on committee, 564; to defend his privilege of exemption from taxes, 1730, 590; 1731, 597; to hang key of chamber in Buttery, 1736, 646; to instruct Freshmen in the College Hall, 646; his allowance from pupils, 748–749, 753, 764, 777, 787, 791, 799, 822; petition from, 782; number of his pupils, 1748, 791; to take care that scholars give a more general attendance to his instructions, 792; Freshmen to attend, 1749, 798. See also Hebrew Grammar; Hebrew Instructor
Monitor, 260, 759; his account to be allowed by Steward, 46, 202; appointed, 50, 64, 81, 212, 234, 759; allowance, 259; to note the absent and tardy, 476; his bill, 735, 738; salary, 739. See also Buckingham, Rev. Thomas (1690); Cheever, Rev. Thomas (1677); Gardner, Samuel (1746); Minot, James (1675); Phips. Rev. William (1746)
—of the Hall, how chosen, 152; salary, 152
Monro, Alexander (d 1767), Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 320, 323
—Alexander (d 1817), Edinburgh, Scotland, son of Alexander (d 1767), 323, 325, 329
Month, manner of indicating, clxix, clxx
Moody, Rev. John (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—Rev. Joseph (1718), son of Rev. Samuel (1697), 274, 846; Scholar, 1717, 438; salary, 438
—Rev. Joshua (1653), son of William (d 1673), cxliv n, 256, 257; Fellow, 1656, cliv, clv, 207; Tutor, clviii; President, 1684, 77, 256; approved, 256; declines, 257
—Joshua (1716), son of Samuel (1689), expelled, 1714, 425; confesses, 425; readmitted, 1715, 425–426
—Samuel (1689), son of Rev. Joshua (1653), cxliv n; to secure College right to Merricaneag Neck, 1717, 437
—Rev. Samuel (1697), son of Caleb (d 1698), son of William (d 1673), Scholar, 1694, 348; 1695, 351; 1696, 354; 1697, 356; salary, 348, 351, 354, 356
—Samuel (1718), son of Samuel (1689), to survey Merricaneag Neck, 1730, 582
—Samuel (1746), son of Rev. Joseph (1718), obtains Browne gift, 1744, 745; W. Browne gift, 1746, 758; B. Browne gift, 1746, 758
Moor, John, 299 n
—Robert, 38, 288, 843
Moore, Golden (d 1698), 246, 252
More. See Moor
Morrill, Rev. Nathaniel (1723), given A.M. though absent, 1726, 540
Morse, Rev. John (1692), receives money, 1692, 339; admonished for offence, 1691, 830–831
—Rev. John (1751), obtains Fitch gift, 1749, 798; Danforth gift, 1749, 799; 1750, 817
—Parker (1734), Scholar, 1731, 595; 1733, 616; salary, 595, 616
—William, College smith, 1739, 691; 1740, 699; 1745, 754
Mortar, 621
Morthland, Charles (d 1744), Glasgow, Scotland, 309, 314, 315, 316
Morton, Rev. Charles (d 1698), 352; Fellow, 1692, xli, lxv, clv, 340; to make a model for enlargement of the College, 1693, 345; continued Fellow, 1696, 355; named Vice President in charter of 1697, xlvii, lxiv, clii; present, cxlix, cl, 340–350; death, xlviii
Moseley, Rev. Samuel (1729), entered as Maudsley in Faculty Records, cxliii, cxliii n; obtains W. Stoughton gift, 1727, 548
Moss, Rev. Joseph (1699), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1697, 357
Mother, Cambridge University called Harvard College’s, by W. Shirley, 1741, 710
Mother Brook, 22. 170
Mother tongue. See English
Moulson, Lady. See Mowlson, Anne (Radcliffe), Lady
Mountfort, Edmund, paid for viewing and plat of Merricaneag Neck. 1730, 586; paid for serving writ in case of Merricaneag Neck, 1735, 638
Mowlson, Anne (Radcliffe), Lady, gift, 17, 54, 56, 172, 209, 215, 216, 225, 410, 413, 414, 419
Mr., lxxiii; title applied to graduate on taking his second degree, cxl
Muddy River, 252. See also Brookline
Mulct Book, Buttery. See under College records
Mulcts. See under Punishments
Mumford, Thomas (d 1726), 272
Muscles, tables of human, given, 1750, 823
Mustard-quern, 62, 230
Muzzey, John, 429
Myles, Rev. Samuel (1684), claims seat as Overseer, 1727–1728, xxxv–xxxvi
Mystiek, Ct., 275
Mystiek River, Ct., 275, 276
Nails, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Nantucket, 518
—Indians, O. Campbell and, 575, 577
Naponset. See Neponset
Narragansett Country, College property in, 263, 272, 413, 419, 431, 846; committee to view, 1731, 592; to be leased, 595, 604; committee to lease, 1733, 619; 1735, 637; 1739, 691
—Indians, J. Park and, 1748, 850
Nash,—, 18
Nassau Hall. See under Princeton University
Natick Falls, College property near, to be leased, 1703, 371
—Indians, O. Peabody’s ministry among, 1721–1750, 455, 476, 477, 483–484, 485, 500, 515, 529, 540, 558, 560, 571, 572, 598, 609, 645, 713, 791–792, 799, 818, 850; measures for promoting religion among, 561; committee to inquire into state of religion of, 1729, 571, 572; report of committee, 575–577
Natives. See Indians
Neal, Rev. Daniel (h 1720), cxxxi n, 458; committee to report on his History of New England, 1720, 451; made A.M., 453–454; letter from, read. 457; suggests printing Library catalogue, 1722, 467; Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503
Necessaries of life, dearness of, 682, 800, 801; rise in price of, 731, 767, 776
Necessary house. See under College buildings
Negroes, 840
Nelson, Ephraim, on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293, 295, 297
—Paschal (1721), son of John (d 1724), obtains W. Stoughton gift, 1717, 438; 1719, 445, 448; 1721, 455
Neponset River, 22, 176
Nevinson. See Nevison
Nevison, John (d 1695), 246, 251
Newbury, gifts from, 179, 222
New College. See under College buildings
Newdigate. See Newgate
Newell, Benjamin, lets land in Chelsea, 1746, 757
New England, donations in, 256; annuities in, 285–287, 413, 418, 430; money, 348, 359, 536, 841, 843; rents in, 413, 418, 430; lands in, not improved, 413, 419; lands in, 430–431; churches in, 853, 854, 856, 864
—Council for, xxv, xxvi, xxvi n, xxxiv, xxxviii, clxiv n; meeting of, in Boston, 1686, xxv; in Cambridge, xxv, 827–828
—President of Council for, his title, xxvi n. See also Dudley, Joseph (1665)
—Territory and Dominion of, xxvi, clxiv n
New England Weekly Journal, cited, clviii n
New Englands First Fruits, 1643, xxxiii n, cxxi; gives earliest account of the College, lxviii n; deseribes first Harvard College, lxxii–lxxiii; mentions College bell, lxxv; extract, from, lxxv
Newetowne, College ordered to be at, 1637, xxxiii, lxix; name changed to Cambridge, 1638, lxx. See also Cambridge
Newfoundland, 696
Newgate, Ann, wife of John (d 1665), annuity, 54
—John (d 1665), 263; gives annuity, 1650, 54, 184, 208, 215, 217, 246, 247, 252, 253, 256, 285–286, 410, 412, 413, 415, 418, 430, 834; his farm at Rumney Marsh, 184, 217, 246, 247, 252, 286, 834; gives money, 185, 213; disposition of gift, 363, 366, 378, 383, 389, 436, 438, 445, 458, 462, 484, 505, 514; terms of gift, 834
New Hampshire, gifts from, 179; Townsend perhaps within line of, 717
New Haven, Colony of, 39, 66, 75, 76, 81, 238, 289, 348, 843; gifts from, 175, 180. See also Nox, Colony of
New Haven, Ct., 327; gifts from, 180
New Jersey, College of. See Princeton University
New London, Ct., 518, 577, 845
Newman, Rev. Antipas (d 1672), son of Rev. Samuel (d 1663), gift, 54, 216
—Henry (1687), son of Rev. Noah (d 1678), son of Rev. Samuel (d 1663), liv n, 289, 290, 482, 556; Librarian, 1690, clx, 829; 1691, 831; 1692, 340; his proposal to procure College arms in Bilbao, 1694, 347; paid for this, 414, 415; made College agent or attorney, 1709, 388; charges for Hopkins gift, 1711, 398; money given, for services, 388, 445, 447; letter about Thorner gift, 1710, 833; account allowed, 1717, 438–439: Library Catalogue sent to, 1723, 503; letter on charter of 1700, 1725, lxiii n; to be written about Doddridge gift, 1728, 567; to recover Doddridge gift, 1729, 578–579, 592, 605, 622; writes that Doddridge gift cannot be recovered, 1737, 654; discharged of dues, 1741, 704–705; thanked, 705; salary, 829, 831
—Rev. John (1740), 650; obtains S. Browne gift, 1737, 657; Fitch gift, 1738, 675; Saltonstall gift, 1743, 741; Hollis scholar, 1739, 692; Hopkins scholar, 1743, 740; disqualified from being Hopkins scholar, 741
—Rev. Samuel (d 1663), 20
Newmarch, Joseph (1728), 514; obtains Hulton gift, 1726, 537; Scholar, 1726, 540; 1727. 555; salary, 540, 555
Newmarsh. See Newmarch
New Tenor. See Tenor
New Testament. See under Bible
Newton, John (1644?), study account, 9
Newton, College property in, 267, 418, 430, 431; to be let, 372, 520; to be sold, 1738, 677; notification of sale to be set up, 681; committee to lease or sell, 1740, 694; 1741, 702
—Meeting-house, 267
New York City, 359, 360; President Leverett’s journey to, 1709, 384
—Trinity Church, 324
Nichols, Dr. Arthur Howard (1862), paper by, on bells of Harvard College, quoted, lxxvi n; explains difference between ringing and toiling, lxxvi n
Nicholson, Lt.-Gov. Francis, clxv
Nightingale, Samuel (1734), Hopkins scholar, 1735, 640
Niles, Elisha (1739), Scholar, 1737, 665; 1738, 683; salary, 665, 683; obtains Browne gift, 1739, 687
Nobility, scholars of superior, how called, 26, 31, 189
Noises, indecent, students punished for making, 1727, 554; penalty for making, 1728, 568; 1734, 144
Non-residence, J. Annable displaced as Hopkins lecturer because of, 1748, 781
Non-residents, 312
Norden, Nathaniel (d 1728), present, 439
Norfolk, Eng., W. Pennoyer’s farm in, 38, 75, 256, 288, 411, 413, 419, 843
Northampton, gifts from, 223
Northend, Ezekiel, 294, 844
—John, 294; on committee about Rowley lands, 292, 293. 295, 297
Norton, Rev. John (d 1663), 10, 17, 18; Overseer, 1654, xxxiv n; tenders presidency to C. Chauncy, 206
Notomy. See Menotomy
Nowell, Alexander (1664), son of Sec. Increase, due his mother for fellowship, 5, 64, 234; Fellow, 1666, clv, 210; Tutor, clviii, clix; Scholar, 214; present, cxlv, 218; death, 1672, xxxvii
—Sec. Increase (d 1655), clxvi, 16, 17, 18, 38, 198, 226; records in hand of, clxvi n; gift, 185, 213
—Parnell, wife of Sec. Increase, money due, for her son’s fellowship, 5, 64, 234
—Treas. Samuel (1653), son of Sec. Increase, clxvi. 247, 251, 257; term of service as Treasurer, clvi n–clvii n; Fellow, 1656, cliv, clv, 207; Tutor, clviii, clix; Treasurer, 1683, clvi, 72, 248; account, 251–253; present, cxlvii, clvii n, 75, 254
Nox, Colony of, 39, 66, 238, 289, 348, 843. See also New Haven, Colony of
Noyes, Rev. Edmund (1747), son of Thomas, son of Rev. Nicholas (1667), Scholar, 1744, 748; 1745, 753; 1746, 764
—John (1733), obtains B. Browne gift, 1732, 598; granted A.B. though absent, 1733, 615
—Rev. Nicholas (1667), expenses paid, 214; named Fellow in charter of 1699, first draught, xlix n, lxv
Nudigate. See Newgate
Number, increase in, of pupils, 1714, 424; of resident students, 1718, 312; great, of students requires fourth Tutor, 1720, 449; of pupils, smaller, 1744, 748; 1745, 753; of passengers to be carried in Ferry in stormy weather, 1746, 756; of Hebrew Instructor’s pupils, 1748, 791
Nutting, John (1712), son of Jonathan (d 1735), expelled, 1709, 384–386; confesses, 391; readmitted, 1710, 391; obtains Sprague gift, 1710, 802; 1712, 803
—Jonathan (d 1735), College smith, 1692, 339; his account allowed, 1693, 345
OAKES, Thomas (1662), son of Edward (d 1689), 19 n; his rent, 19
—Rev. Urian (1649), son of Edward (d 1689), xxxvii n, 5, 13 n, 63, 66, 166, 238; Tutor, 1650, clviii, clix; Fellow, 1650, cliv, clv; 1672, clv; 1674, clv, 59, 229, 231; resigns as Fellow, 1673, 221, 220; asked to continue, 227; approved, 1675, 231; on committee to help stewards of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, 221; named Fellow in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxv; presides at Commencement, 1672–1679, cliii n; President pro tempore, 1675, 232; President, 1675, clii, clii n, 234; 1680, cvii, clii, 67, 239; asked to continue, 1678, 237; inaugurated, 1680, lxxxviii n–lxxxix n, 239; lives in parsonage, 1675–1680, cvi; asks for a house of his own, 1680, cvii; the house built, 1680–1681, cvii–cix; lives in third President’s house, 1680–1681, cix; present, cxlvii, 13, 63, 65, 66, 68, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 242; attends Corporation meetings as Acting President, cliii n; his rent, 19; receives money, 180; remits money to I. Foster, 237; death, clii, clii n, clix, 240
Oars, annual cost of, for Ferry, 1748, 786
Oburn (Oburne). See Woburn
Odlin, Rev. Woodbridge (1738), obtains Gibbs gift, 1738, 674
Office, house of. See under College buildings
Officers, College, 34, 41, 43, 182, 184, 337; list of, 1637–1750, clii–clxi; W. H. Tillinghast compiles a record of, not recorded in 1674–1880 Triennials and Quinquennials, clxii; basis of list here printed, clxiii; how punished for making secret contracts with scholars, 35; to be paid by Steward, 46
Offices, College, scholars should be appointed to, 1659, 10
Officials, Massachusetts. See under Massachusetts
Ofield, Thomas (d c 1679), 270
Ogilby, John (d 1676), cxxxi n
Ogilvie, William (d 1819), Aberdeen, Scotland, 321
Old College. See under College buildings
Old College Book. See under College records
Oldham, John, 429; given refusal of land, 1713, 421; buys College land in Cambridge, 1714, 265; deed to, executed, 1714, 423
Old House. See under College buildings
Oldmixon, John (d 1742), cxxxi n
Old Overseer’s Book. See under College records
Old Tenor. See Tenor
Old Testament. See under Bible
Oliver, Lt.-Gov. Andrew (1724), son of Darnel (d 1732), son of Peter (d 1670), clxvi; to be asked about Williams gift, 1747, 771; his account of stipends to preachers to Indians, 1748, 850
—Edward Brattle (1739), son of Brattle, son of Nathaniel (d 1704), son of Peter (d 1670), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1738, 675; 1739, 686; Steward to discount note with, 1742, 728
—James (d 1682), son of Thomas (d 1658), gives to printing press, 20; gift, 185, 213
—James (1680), son of Peter (d 1670), 237
—Nathaniel (1733), son of Nathaniel (1701), son of Nathaniel (d 1704), son of Peter (d 1670), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1730, 580; 1731, 591; 1732, 597; 1733, 607
—Peter (d 1670), son of Thomas (d 1658), gift, 185, 213
—Peter (1710), son of Nathaniel (d 1704), son of Peter (d 1670), obtains Newgate gift, 1707, 378; 1708, 383; 1709, 389
—Peter (1737), son of Nathaniel (1701), son of Nathaniel (d 1704), son of Peter (d 1670), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1734, 623; 1735, 636
—Samuel (d 1652), son of Thomas (d 1658), house of, bought by H. Webb, 837
—Thomas (d 1715), son of John (1645), son of Thomas (d 1658), letter of J. Leverett to, 1708, cxii; on committee, cxii
—Thomas (1719), son of Thomas (d 1715), son of John (1645), son of Thomas (d 1658), receives money, 1716, 434; obtains Newgate gift, 1716, 436
—Lt.-Gov. Thomas (1753), clxvi; obtains Stoughton gift, 1750, 817
—William (1739), son of Nathaniel (1701), son of Nathaniel (d 1704), son of Peter (d 1670), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1738, 675; 1739, 686
Orange, Prince of. See William IV
Orations, 507; of T. Barnard, 1737, 664, 672; W. Clark, 1728, 565; H. Flynt, 1737, 653, 655, 660; W. Hobby, 1730, 587; E. Holyoke, 1737, 665, 823–824; J. Lovell, 1760, cxxv n; B. Wadsworth, 1725, 524, 826–827; W. Welsteed, 1724, 511; E. Winslow, 1741, 711, 712
Orator, to be appointed for Commencement, 1737, 661
Oratory, 26, 30, 189
Orchard, on Spencer lot, lxxxviii n; bought of M. Spencer made play-place, 1712, 401
—Fellows’, given in part by J. Bulkley, 1645, cxxxiii n, 200–201, 205–206; in part by M. Day, 1650, cxxxiii n, 200–201, 205–206
—President’s, 302 n; land adjoining, to be bought, 1732, 599, 600; fence around, to be renewed and repaired, 1743, cxxi, 736
Orders, College, adopted: March 28, 1650, 32–35; May 6, 1650, 27–29, 190–191; 1667, 45–48, 201–205; 1686, 259–262. See also Laws, College
Ordinary, the great, Boston. See under Boston
Ordination, validity of, 856
Oriental languages. See Hancock Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages
Original minutes of Corporation meeting. See under College records
Original tongues, 147; languages, 362
Osborn, Capt.—, 536
—John (1735), obtains Saltonstall gift, 1733, 608; Gibbs gift, 1733, 608
Osgood, Rev. John (1733), obtains Saltonstall gift, 1733, 608; Gibbs gift, 1733, 608; granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 649
—William (1721), Scholar, 1721, 454; salary, 454; obtains T. Brattle gift, 1725, 519
Oulton,—, 297 n
Outhouses. See under College buildings
Overseer, Governor of Massachusetts the first, lxxxix n, 709
Overseers, xx, xxxvii, xxxviii, xcv, xcvi, 14, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 48, 50, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 129, 132, 134, 137, 145, 146, 147, 148, 152, 173, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 214, 402; history of Board of, xxxii–xxxvi; errors in regard to, xxxii n–xxxiii n; created, 1637, xxxiii, lxix; names of first, xxxiii, lxxi n; elect H. Dunster President, 1640, lxxi, 173; reorganized, 1642, xxxiii–xxxiv, 42–13, 173–174, 496, 497; first recorded meeting of, 1643, cxlv, 16–17; powers of, defined in charter of 1650, 40–42, 181–183; elect C. Chauncy President, 1654, 206; relations between Corporation and, clarified by Appendix to charter, 1657, xxxvi; cost of entertainment for, 1663–1668, 214; dispose of Portsmouth gift, 1669, lxxxv n, 219; to manage contributions for second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxv; appoint stewards for same, lxxxvi, 220; urge filling up the Corporation, 1674, cxxxiii, 59, 228; fall into abeyance, 1686, xxxiv; revived, 1689, xxxiv, xl n; no provision for, in charters of 1692–1700, xxxv; again meet, when charter of 1650 is revived, 1708, xxxv; petition General Court for a new building (Massachusetts Hall), 1717, ci, 309–311, 439; petition General Court as to length of building, 1718, 311–312; memorial to General Court on Stoughton College, 1721, xcvii; refuse to confirm fifth Tutor, 1722, lxvii n; their action about Wadsworth House, 1726, cxix, 543, 544; certain Episcopal clergymen claim to be, as teaching elders, 1727–1730, xxxv–xxxvi, xxxvi n; presence of, to be procured by Corporation, 1736, 649–650; pews for, in Holden Chapel, to be made at College charge, 1744, cxxvi, 748; their action about Stoughton College, 1781, xcix; their action regarding the Quinquennial Catalogue, 1885, clxii; and Corporation sometimes meet at same time, xx, cxlv, clxx–clxxvi; the word Overseers adopted, xxxiii n; persons eligible as, xxxiv, xxxiv n; infringe on powers granted to Corporation by charter of 1650, xxxviii; Fellows of Corporation have been, cxlvi, 496; chronological list of meetings of, 1643–1750, clxix–clxxvi; difficulties in compiling this list, clxix n–clxx n; controversy with Corporation, clxix n; resident Tutors not, 496
—Clerk to, clxii, 439, 582; chosen, 1654, xxi, lxxi n; senior resident Fellow to be, 1712, 403; salary, 474, 479, 629, 709; S. Checkley paid for services as, 1742, 730
Owen, Rev. John (d 1683), his works in College Library, lxxxvii
—Rev. John (1723), receives money, 1719, 448; 1721, 454, 462; 1722, 477; obtains Hollis gift, 1722, 477; Butler, 1724, 511; 1725, 525
Oxen, 52, 55
Oxenbridge, Rev. John (d 1674), 221
Oxford, Eng., revenues of colleges in, xliii
—University, 306; diplomas granted by, 318–319, 323–324
P., S., a silver tankard marked, 73, 249. See also Parris, Samuel
Pacatoag (Pacatock, Pacatuck, Pacotoque). See Pawcatuck
Pagans, 840
Page. See also Paige
—Solomon (1729), grantee A.M., 1747, 773; refuses it as too costly, 773
Pagination, 3 n, 134 n; of College Book I, xiv; collation of, xv–xvii; of College Rook III, xxiii; collation of, xxiv
Paige, See also Page
—Edward, mentioned as a fellow-commoner, cix n; goblet given by, 73, 249
—Nicholas (d 1717), 246, 251, 412; buys house given by R. Keayne, 1696, 264–265, 353
Paine (Pain). John (d c 1674), son of William (d 1660), gift, lxxviii n, 200, 214, 265
—Robert, 53, 200, 216
—Samuel, 246, 250, 251, 255, 409, 411
—Rev. Thomas (1717), 445; Scholar, 1718, 443; salary, 443
—William (d 1660), gift, lxxvi n–lxxvii n, lxxviii n, lxxix n, 198, 214, 256, 265
—William, leases H. Webb’s house, 1710–1715, 270, 388, 418, 431
Painted chamber. See Chamber; Stoughton College
Palfrey, John (d 1689), paid for stools for Library, 1679, lxxxvii n; College joiner, 1683, 75, 254
—John (d 1759), son of John (d 1689), 429
Palmer, Eliakim (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 583
—Job (1739), Scholar, 1738, 683; salary, 683; obtains Mills gift, 1739, 687
—Rev. Joseph (1747), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1747, 771
Pantry, in first Harvard College, lxxiv, 208
Pantucket. See Pentucket
Paper money, 303
Paradigms. See Greek
Parents, 25, 26, 28, 30, 34, 47, 134, 137, 141, 142, 144, 145, 188, 189, 190, 196, 203, 343, 401, 632, 680, 802
Parish. See also Paris; Parris
——, gift, 174
—Thomas, glass in study, 1644, 4; study account, 6; expense for chimney, 7
—Thomas (1659), son of Thomas, 4 n
Park, Rev. Joseph (1724), his stipend as preacher to the Indians at Charlestown, R. L., 1748, 850
Parker, Benjamin, 297 n
—Rev. Benjamin (1737), Scholar, 1736, 650; salary, 650
—Isaac (1739), makes confession, 1742, 726; granted A. M., 726
—John, 430; rents Shawshin Farm, 208. See also Parkes, John
—Moses, 297 n
—Richard, gift, 54, 175, 216
—Rev. Stephen (1727), 554
—William (1751), obtains Mills gift, 1749, 799; Danforth gift, 1749, 799
Parkes, John, 429. See also Parker, John
Parkinson, John (d 1650), his Herbal given, 1722, 467
Parkman, Elias, 246, 251, 255, 409, 411, 429
—Elias (1737), Hopkins scholar, 1738, 683
—Dr. George (1809), gives land for Medical School, cxxx n
—William, 416
Parnel, Dorothy. See Frizell; Saltonstall
Parris. See also Paris; Parish
—Samuel, gives a silver tankard, 62, 73, 230, 249
Parson. See Parsons
Parsonn, Theodore, 303
Parsons, Rev.—, 297 n
—Rev. David (1705), admitted A.M., 1715, 427
—Rev. David (1729), son of Rev. David (1705), obtains B. Browne gift, 1729, 571; granted A.M., 1733, 613
—Rev. Joseph (1752), son of Rev. Joseph (1720), son of Rev. Joseph (1697), son of Joseph (d 1729), receives money, 1750, 817
—Rev. Moses (1736), Scholar, 1734, 626; 1735, 639; salary, 626, 639
Parsoun. See Parsonn
Partridge, William, present, 453
Part pie, quantity of, 821
Parts, 344, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353, 371, 377, 383; price of, 363, 364, 372, 388, 391, 397, 398, 407, 421, 425, 427, 433, 435, 438, 440, 443, 444, 445–446, 447, 448, 456, 461, 520, 586, 603, 607, 609, 618, 621, 628, 655, 706, 714, 715, 734, 749, 821; quantity of, to a mess, 1732, 603; 1748, 795; 1750, 821
Pascataqua (Pascataway). See Pisquataqua
Passage, in front yard of Wadsworth House, to be paved, 1727, 550
Passengers, number of, to be carried in Ferry in stormy weather, 1746, 756
Pateshall, Richard (1735), Hopkins scholar, 1738, 684; obtains Danforth gift, 1740, 693; W. Brattle gift, 1745, 750; Hopkins lecturer and scholar, 1741, 701
Patron, of the College, J. Harvard called, 158; of the Society, W. Stoughton called, xlvi
Patten, Nathaniel, 267, 416
Patteshall. See Pateshall
Pattin (Patton). See Patten
Paucatoque (Paucatuck, Pauquatucket). See Pawcatuck
Pawcatuck, Narragansett Country, partly in Ct. and partly in R. I., 277; College farm near, 229; College property at, 247, 263, 413, 419, 431; measures taken about, 275–277; General Court to be asked for equivalent for land granted 1657 in, 1717, 437. See also Pequot Country; Southerton
Pawcatuck River, between Ct. and R. I., 275; College farm near, measures in regard to, 60, 229
Pay, doubtful, not to be taken by Steward, 32; H. Webb’s legacy to be paid in special good, 1660, 837
Payments, College suffers from bad, 1654, 191; in what to be made, 191; not above one quarter to be paid in flesh meat, 196
Payne (Payn). See Paine
Payson, Rev. Edward (1677), son of Edward (d c 1697), 294; Butler, 1675, 63, 233; builds fence on College land, 1727, 550
—Rev. Phillips (1724), son of Samuel (d 1721), son of Edward (d c 1697), obtains Stoughton gift, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; 1724, 505
Payton, 294. See Payson, Rev. Edward (1677)
Peabody, Rev. Oliver (1721), obtains Boyle gift, 1719, 446; 1721, 455, 457–458; 1722, 476; 1723, 484, 500; 1725, 529; 1726, 540; 1727, 558; 1728, 560; 1732, 598; 1733, 609; 1736, 645; 1741, 713; 1750, 817–818; his work among Natick Indians, 446, 455, 477, 483–484, 485, 600, 512–513, 515, 529, 540, 558, 560, 571, 572, 576–577, 598, 609, 645, 713, 817–818; on committee, 579; obtains Williams gift, 1748, 792, 850; 1749, 799
—Rev. Oliver (1745), son of Rev. Oliver (1721), obtains Gibbs gift, 1744, 745; Scholar, 1744, 748; Butler, 1746, 758; Library committed to, 1748, 783; Librarian, 1748, clx, 789; 1749, 804; salary, 789, 804; his account as Butler allowed, 789; paid for care of College in vacation, 1749, 805
Peag, loss in, 212; rent paid in, 213
Peeter (Peeters). See Peters
Peggy, paid for keeping I. Mather’s horse, 1701, cxi n
Pegypscot. See Pejepscot
Peik. See Pike
Peirce. See also Pierce
—Benjamin (1801), his History of Harvard University mentioned, xiii; its publication, lxviii n; quoted, xcviii n
—Bridget, 252
Peirpoint (Peirpont, Pierrepoint). See Pierpont
Pejepscot Company, 605
Pelham, Edward (1673). son of Herbert (d 1673), 246, 251, 255, 409, 411; a fellow-commoner, cxxxix n; silver due from, 62, 230; interest money due from, 1686, paid to I. Mather, 1695, 349
—Herbert (d 1673), 16; Treasurer. clvi, clvii, 1643, 16, 156, 175; first entered as Treasurer in 1842 Triennial, elxi n
—Nathaniel (1651), son of Herbert (d 1673), lives in Dunster’s House cxiv n
Pemberton, Rev. Ebenezer (1691), sor of James (d 1696), xlii n, 384, 393, 407, 420, 422, 432; Librarian, 1693 clx, 344; 1694, 348; 1695, 351; 1696 354; salary, 344, 348, 351, 354; Tutor 1697, lii n, clix, 357; salary, li n, 358, 360, 361, 364; not a clergyman when appointed Tutor, lxiii n; Fellow by charter of 1699, xlix n, lxv, lxv n Fellow, 1707, lvi, clv, clvi, 377; continued, 1708, lxi; present, cli, 379 381–383, 386–396, 399, 405, 406, 420, 422–424, 426, 432, 433, 435; Corporation meetings held at house of, 388, 426; reports on Boyle gift, 1710, 394; death, 1717, 436, 439
—Rev. Ebenezer (1721), son of Rev. Ebenezer (1691), receives money 1719, 445; obtains Webb gift, 1719, 448; 1721, 454; Scholar, 1721, 454, 462; 1722, 475; 1723, 502; salary, 454, 462, 502; diploma from College of New Jersey, 1770, 329–330
—James (d 1696), xlii n, 246, 250
—John, 246
Pen. See Penn
Penalties, of the Laws, about raising, 778
Pendleton, Bryan (d c 1681), gift, 214
Pendulum watch, 719
Penelton. See Pendleton
Penn, Catharine, wife of James (d 1671) 224
—James (d 1671), annuity, 224, 256 204, 287, 410, 413; his farm at Pulling Point, 287
Pennicook (now Concord, N. H.), land at, granted to S. Sewall, 279
Pennituan, Joseph (1723), given A.M., though absent, 1726, 540
Pennoyer, Martha, wife of Willian (d 1670), 39, 289, 844
—Robert, 39, 288, 843
—William (d 1670), his portrait burned, 1764, xviii; will, 1670, 38–39, 288–289, 843–844; mentioned, 238; gift, 39, 256, 264, 288, 411, 413, 419; management of, 69, 72, 243, 248, 388, 436, 500, 570, 689; to be paid to W. Brattle’s order, 422, 426; disposition of, 66, 67, 75, 75–76, 77, 80, 81, 238, 239, 254, 257, 262, 344, 347, 348, 357, 364, 366, 368, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 377, 405, 414, 415, 421, 423, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 443, 445, 446, 448, 454, 461, 462, 474, 504, 513, 525, 566, 574, 586, 595, 602, 616, 622, 638, 650, 664, 827, 828, 829
Penoya (Penoyer). See Pennoyer
Pentucket (now Haverhill), N. Ward granted land at, 1643, 283
Pequid. See Pequot Country
Pequot Country, College lands in, 51, 199, 216, 217, 247, 276, 277; given by General Court, 199; to be let, 1670, 224–225; committee to inquire about, 1742, 731. See also Pawcatuck; Southerton
Perkins, Rev. Daniel (1717), Scholar, 1716, 434, 436; 1717, 438; 1719, 448; 1721, 454; salary, 434, 436, 438, 448, 454
—Daniel (1748), son of Rev. Daniel (1717), Scholar, 1745, 753; death, 1746, 755
—Nathaniel (1734), obtains Salton-stall gift, 1734, 624
—Richard (1748), son of Rev. Daniel (1717), obtains Gibbs gift, 1745, 750; Browne gift, 1745, 750; Mills gift, 1745, 750; Danforth gift, 1745, 750; Stoughton gift, 1746, 759; Flynt gift, 1746, 759; S. Browne gift, 1747, 771
Perry, Seth, 255, 409, 411, 416, 428; rent paid by, 54, 199, 245, 247, 252; disposition of this rent, 77, 257
Petaquamscot, College property at, 272; scholar from, to have benefit of Sewalls’ gift, 272, 846. See also Kingston, R. I.
Peters (Peter), Rev. Hugh (d 1660), 17, 21, 175; Overseer, 1637, xxxiii; erection of first Harvard College in charge of, lxxii; sails for England, lxxii, lxxii n; collects funds in England, 1641, lxxii n
Petrified tree, in Library, 1744, ciii
Pew, President’s, in Cambridge meeting-house. College to build, 1706, cxxiii, 376; to repair, 1746, 757
Pews, in Holden Chapel, for Overseers, to be made at College charge, 1744, cxxvi, 748; in meeting-house, 757
Pewter, College, 49, 145, 149, 199, 211, 214, 215, 414, 415. See also Utensils, College
Peyntree, William, owns Peyntree House, 1635, civ
Peyntree House. See under College buildings
Phillips, Bridget, third wife of William (d 1683), 273
—Rev. George (1686), son of Rev. Samuel (1650), receives money, 1683, 73, 248; 1684, 75, 254
—Henry (d 1686), house of, bought by H. Webb, 837
—Treas. John (d 1726), clxvi; present, 381, 399
—John (d 1756), son of John (d 1726), leases Ferry, 1725–1739, 518, 563, 585, 601, 643, 689; allowance to, for loss of boat, 1738, 673
—John (1735), son of Rev. Samuel (1708), obtains W. Browne gift, 1734, 623
—John (1736), son of Rev. George (1686), obtains Gibbs gift, 1734, 624; Danforth gift, 1736, 647; Butler, 1737, 666; 1738, 682
—Rev. Samuel (1650), son of Rev. George (d 1644), receives money, 180; called Steward, 180; death, 1696, 620
—Rev. Samuel (1708), son of Samuel (d 1722), son of Rev. Samuel (1650), obtains Browne gift, 1705, 375; 1706, 376; 1707, 378; Sprague gift, 1706, 860; 1707, 860, 861
—Samuel (1734), son of Rev. Samuel (1708), obtains B. Browne gift, 1732, 598
—William (d 1683), 176, 209, 274; rent, 214, 215, 216; annuity to be paid by, 217, 286–287; his land on Saco River, 272–273
Philosophical apparatus, I. Greenwood to exhibit catalogue of, 1728, 570; catalogue of, 1730, 581. See also Apparatus
Philosophy, experimental, 616, 665, 675, 717; moral, 27, 31, 147, 189, 614; natural, 27, 31, 138, 147, 189, 614, 616, 665, 717
Phipps, Samuel (1671), lii
Phips, David (1741), son of Lt.-Gov. Spencer (1703), granted A.M. though absent, 1744, 746
—Lt.-Gov. Spencer (1703), clxvi; changes name from Bennet, 1716, cxliii, cxliii n–cxliv n; adopted by Sir W. Phips, cxliii n; receives oration and sermons on B. Wadsworth, 1737, 660; present at dinner to Gov. Shirley, 1741, 711; W. Price’s Prospect of the Colleges dedicated to, 1743, xciii n
—Gov. Sir William (d 1695), xxvi, clxiv, 338, 495; appoints I. Mather Rector of Harvard College, 1692, xl; approves College charter of 1692, xli n; leaves Boston, 1694, xlii; Spencer Bennet adopted by, cxliii n
—Rev. William (1746), Scholar, 1744, 748; obtains Fitch gift, 1746, 758, 759; Monitor, 1746, 759; Hollis scholar, 1746, 759; granted A.M., 1750, 820
Physic, 614
Physic, Professor of Anatomy and. See Hersey, Ezekiel (1728)
Physicians, advice of, required for taking tobacco, 28, 190
Physicians, College of, London, Eng., 796, 806
Physics, 28, 190
Pickering, John (1796), son of Timothy (1763), on earthquake of 1755, xcviii
—Timothy (1763), his description of second Harvard College mentioned, xciv n
Pick lock, penalty for using, 143; not allowed, 143
Pickard,—, 293
——, widow, 294
Pie, part, quantity of, 821
Pierce. See also Peirce
—Daniel (1728), granted A.M., 1733, 613
—Icabod, 430
—Thomas (d 1666), gift, 199, 215
Pierpont, Ebenezer (1715), his case against N. Sever, 1718, 441, 442; refused his A.M., 1718, 441; witness to will of P. Dudley, 1751, 857
—John, a witness, 1718, 441
—Rev. Jonathan (1685), lxxx n; named Fellow in charter of 1700, liii, lxv, clv; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n; present, cli, 364–367, 369, 371, 374–379
—Jonathan (1714), son of Rev. Jonathan (1685), obtains Webb gift, 1711, 397; 1712, 405; 1713, 422; Scholar, 1713, 421; salary, 421
Pies, forbidden at Commencement, 1722, 471; 1734, 148; price of small meat for, 607
Pike, John, 273
—Rev. John (1675), Scholar, 1672, 50, 212
Pincheon. See Pynchon
Pine boards, 6, 8
Piscataqua (Piscataway). See Portsmouth, N. H.
Piscataqua River, Me., 219
Pistols, forbidden, 154
Pitcher, Rev. Nathaniel (1703), his detriments remitted, 1700, 365
Pitts, James, 429
Place, in class, students to appear on all college occasions in their, cxli; scholars to sit in their, 34; fellow-commoners to sit in their, 135; assigned to N. Saltonstall and W. Howlett, 1727, 554; restoration to, denied to N. Saltonstall, 1730, 583; S. Hendley to take a, in Sophomore Class, 1738, 684; assigned to E. Hartshorn, 1739, 690; J. Townsend restored to, 1741, 708; S. Waldo’s petition for a higher, denied, 1743, 736; J. Sever’s petition to be restored to, denied, 1749, 806
Placed, students how, 82 n; graduates of other colleges how, 115; student to be, higher, 117
Placing, practice of, in accordance with social position of students’ parents, explained, cxl–cxliii, 82 n; this originated at Harvard, cxli; had no relation to scholarship, cxli–cxlii; time of placing, 1725–1754, cxli n–cxlii n; students placed from 1642 to 1769, 82 n; practice abandoned after 1769, cxli n, 82 n; example of difficulties raised by, cxlii–cxliii
Plaisted, Ichabod (1745), obtains W. Browne gift, 1745, 749
Planks, 5; table, 11
Plasterer, College, chosen, 67, 239. See also Wyeth, John (d 1706)
Plasterers, 18
Plastering, 10
Plate, College, xxii, 60, 207, 209, 229, 230, 248, 282, 354, 501, 846; account of, 1730, 651. See also Silver, College; Utensils, College
Plates, in the kitchen, how those lost are to be charged, 1736, 648; 1743, 734
Platts, James, 293
Play-place, orchard bought of M. Spencer made. 1712. lxxxviii n, 401; enlarged, 1737, lxxxviii n, 656
Playing, at public worship, finid, 137
Playing pasture. See Play-place
Pleasant Mountain, Me., 304 n
Pleasant Pond, Me., 304 n
Plimble. See Plimly
Plimly, Thomas, 246, 251
Plum cake, forbidden at Commencement, 1693, 343; 1721, 456; 1722, 471; 1734, 148
Plummer, Andrew, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317
Plymouth, town of, 20; gift from, 180
Plymouth Colony, magistrates, towns and ministers of, 1672, 20; gifts from, 175, 180
Pollard, Thomas (d 1724), 412, 410, 428
Pond, Rev. Daniel (1745), Scholar, 1743, 740
Pontanus, Rev. Henricus, Utrecht, Holland, 308
Pool, Henry, gift, 174
—Jonathan, 429
Poor scholars, 50, 199, 211, 282, 287, 650, 832, 835, 837, 838, 842, 843, 846–847, 847, 851, 858
Popple, William, and College charter of 1700, liv n
Porch, in first Harvard College, 14; South, in first Harvard College, 34, 46, 203
Pork, 53, 216
Porter, Jabez (1743), obtains Fitch gift, 1741, 704; granted A.M., 1747, 773
—Rev. John (1736), obtains Flynt gift, 1736, 647
Portsmouth, N. H., 322, 596; gift from, xxi, lxxxv n, 219; disposition of, lxxxv n, 58, 64, 219, 228, 234
Positions, 27, 189
Posts, lxxv n, 716
Potter, Robert, 410
Povey, Lt.-Gov. Thomas, clxv
Pownall, Gov. Thomas, clxv
Prat, Benjamin (1737), obtains Browne gift, 1735, 635; granted A.B. though absent, 1737, 662–663; Hopkins scholar, 1738, 683; 1739, 692; Librarian, 1742, clx, 722, 723; salary, 722; ceases to be librarian, 1743, 731, 732; committee to examine state of Library as left by, 732
Pratt, John, gift, 175
Prayer, Corporation and Overseers spend time in, 657, 658
Prayers, 48, 134, 135, 204, 262, 452, 492; morning and evening, how conducted, cxxi, cxxiv; rules concerning, cxxiv n; C. Mather on J. Rogers’s long, xcii, cxxi; absence from, fined, lxxv, 26, 31, 136, 189, 593, 809; candles at, 35, 48, 205; bell to be rung for, 65, 150; to be attended by all, 136; tardiness at, fined, 136, 593, 809; ill behavior at, fined, 137; regulations as to, 1698, 362; 1708, 382; at Corporation meetings, 541, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 552, 553, 555, 558, 560, 561, 563, 564, 567, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 575, 579, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 609, 617, 618, 621, 624, 626, 627, 631, 632, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 641, 644, 648, 649, 652, 654, 655, 661, 665, 667, 670, 672, 673, 675, 676, 680, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 689, 691, 692, 694, 695, 696, 698, 703, 705, 710, 713, 715, 717, 718, 719, 721, 723, 725, 727, 729, 731, 732, 734, 735, 736, 740, 741, 744, 745, 749, 750, 754, 755, 756, 758, 760, 765, 771, 772, 774, 776, 778, 779, 782, 784, 785, 787, 789, 792, 793, 799, 800, 801, 802, 805, 806, 808, 811, 814, 815, 817, 819, 821, 823
Preachers to the Indians. See Indians
Predon. See Prudden
Prelatical injunctions, 282, 842
Prentice, Henry (d 1778), son of Solomon (d 1719), son of Henry (d 1654), 268, 304 n; hires land in Cambridge, 1726, 536; committee to agree with, about wall, 1737, 658; agree with, about wall and rent. 1739. 687–688; goods of N. Prince carried to, 1742, 725; committee to settle rent of land hired by, 1747, 770; his rent paid in full, 1748, 795
—Rev. John (1700), son of Thomas (d 1685), son of Thomas (d 1710) the Trooper, allowed his dues, 1702, 369
—Rev. Joshua (1738), son of Henry (d 1778), Hopkins scholar, 1742, 720
—Mary, College servant, receives money, 1728, 570
—Rev. Nathaniel (1715), son of Henry, son of Henry (d 1654), obtains Webb gift, 1713, 422; Scholar, 1714, 424; salary, 424
—Solomon (d 1758), son of Solomon (d 1719), son of Henry (d 1654), 304 n
—Rev. Solomon (1727), son of Solomon (d 1758), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—Thomas, 275
—Rev. Thomas (1726), son of Thomas (d 1709), son of Solomon (d 1719), son of Henry (d 1654), Hollis scholar, 1723, 501; 1724, 504; Scholar, 1725, 525; salary, 525
Presbyterian, by charter of 1699 every member of Corporation must declare himself Congregational or, l
—Church, Hollisian Professor of Divinity to be member of some Congregational or, 853
Prescott, Rev. Benjamin (1709), son of Jonathan (d 1721), Scholar, 1711, 397; salary, 397
—Benjamin (1736), son of Rev. Benjamin (1709), obtains B. Browne gift, 1736, 646
—Mercy (Gibbs), wife of Rev. Benjamin (1709), 852
Presentation, forms of. See Bachelors of Arts; Masters of Arts
President, the word, used in the sense of presiding officer by C. Mather, 1681, clxxiii n
President and Council for New England. See under New England
President of Harvard College, 4, 19, 24, 20, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 75, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 181, 182, 183, 187, 189, 190, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 201, 203. 205, 211, 218, 227, 228, 229, 266, 343, 346, 347, 354, 367, 378, 384, 432, 856; his house and land rent free, xxii; by charter of 1696 to be resident, xliii n, xlv–xlvi, lv n; chosen: N. Eaton (Professor), 1637, 172; H, Dunster, 1640, 173; C. Chauncy, 1654, 206; L. Hoar, 1672, 56, 219; U. Oakes, 1675, 232, 234; J. Rogers, 1677, 65, 236; U. Oakes, 1680, 67, 239; I. Mather, 1681, 68, 242; S. Torrey, 1682, 69, 243; J. Rogers, 1682, 71, 245; J. Moody, 1684, 77, 256; I. Mather, 1685, 78, 258; I. Mather (Rector), 1686, 827; J. Leverett, 1707, 379; J. Sewall, 1724, 511; B. Colman, 1724, 517; B. Wadsworth, 1725, 523; W. Cooper, 1737, 660; E. Holyoke, 1737, 661; salary, xxi, xxii, lv n, lx, cxii n, cxiv n, cxvi, 5, 79, 214, 258, 379, 380, 381, 414, 485, 530, 532, 549, 668; expenses of, about College matters, to be reimbursed, 1674, 60, 230; allowed key to Library, 132–133; key to College records to be kept by, 134; shall reside in Cambridge, 135; duties, 135; two Bachelors appointed as help to, 1643, 17, 175; to receive ten copies of every book printed by M. Johnson, 57, 226; land in improvement of, 302, 302 n; W. Stoughton to provide a, 1679, 66, 238; to expound Scriptures, 1689, 362; to be resident, 1707, 379; to settle Charlestown Ferry, 1710, 392; rents of Massachusetts Hall granted to, 1725–1726, 532–533, 534; T. Cotton’s gift for, 1726, 841; choosing of, 1737, 657, 658, 659; ordure from South Privy at disposal of, 1750, 818; settlement of, 842. See also Governor; Head; Master; Rector
President pro tempore, 1675, 232
President’s fences. See Fences
—garden. See Garden
—horse. See Horse
—House. See under College buildings
—House (first: Peyntree House, 1637–1641). See under College buildings
—House (second: Dunster’s House, 1645–1680). See under College buildings
—House (third: 1680–1719). See under College buildings
—House (fourth: Wadsworth House, built 1726). See under College buildings
—House lot, lxxx n, 266, 302 n
—orchard. See under Orchard
—pew. See Pew
Presidents, list of, 1637–1804, clii; inaugurated, xxi, xxvii, lxi, lxxxviii n–lxxxix n, cliii n, 56, 56 n, 207, 219, 239, 253, 381, 524, 664, 665, 666, 825–827; sometimes elected by Overseers or appointed by Legislature, clxix n. See also Cooper, Rev. William (1712); Moody, Rev. Jonathan (1653); Sewall Rev. Joseph (1707); Torrey, Rev. Samuel (1656?)
—Acting, list of, 1654–1780, cliii; appointment and duties of, cliii n
Presidentship, xxii, 186, 206, 222, 231, 351, 654, 659, 660, 661
Press, See Printing press
Price, William, sells W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge, 1726, xciii n; reissues this, 1743, xciii n
Price, rise in, of commodities, necessaries, and provisions, 628, 633, 731, 767, 772, 776
Prices. See Beef; Beer; Bread; Cider; Flour; Malt; Meat; Money; Necessaries; Parts; Provisions; Sauce; Wheat
Prince,—(1645?), glass in study, 1644, 4; study account, 14
—Rev. Nathan (1718), son of Samuel (d 1728), 595, 596, 627, 628, 687; his Constitution and Government of Harvard College, 1743, mentioned, lxviii n; Scholar, 1721, 454, 462; salary, 454, 462, 483; Tutor, 1723, clix, 483; assigned room in second Harvard College, 500; Fellow, 1728, clv, clvi, 569; present, 570–574, 581–585, 589–604, 606, 607, 609, 611, 613, 615–622, 624, 627–636, 638–641, 644, 645, 648–678, 680, 682–687, 688–696, 698–709, 714, 715; prays, 584, 591, 603, 618, 627, 639, 655, 661, 670, 676, 689, 695, 715; on committees, 579, 583, 602, 604, 621, 625, 630, 650, 661, 670, 685; reports, 622; complaint of F. Hutchinson against, for boxing, dismissed, 1734. 630; to moderate at Commencement, 1737, 662: disallowed by Overseers, cliii n, 663; paid for expenses incurred, 1731, 595; 1738, 673; Freshmen under tuition of, committed to H. Flynt, 1742, 716; Corporation acquiesces in removal by Overseers of, as Tutor and Fellow, 718–719; chamber of, assigned to B. Hancock, 719, 722; to deliver up College pendulum watch, 719; to be paid his full salary as Tutor, 719; to remove from his chamber, 723, 724; refuses to remove, 724; his chamber forced and goods removed, 725; case of, 730
—Thomas (d 1673), Governor of Plymouth Colony, 20
—Rev. Thomas (1707), son of Samuel (d 1728), xli n, xci n; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxv; present, 450, 453
—Thomas (1740), son of Rev. Thomas (1707), Scholar, 1737, 665; 1738, 683; salary, 665, 683
Princess Royal. See Anne
Princeton University, its history published, 1764, lxvii n; diploma granted by, 329–330
—Nassau Hall, 330; A North-West Prospect of, 1764, lxvii n
Pringle, John, Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 325, 329
Printing house, lxxxii, 208
—press, Cambridge, lxx n, lxxxiii, civ n; in Indian College, lxxxvii; benefactors to, 20–21; delivered, 52, 225; gift to, from J. Glover, 174; from Amsterdam, 175; house for, 1654, 208; value, 209; revenue, 213. See also Johnson, Marmaduke
—room, cxiv n
Privy. See under College buildings
Probation. See under Punishments
Probationer, cxxxiv n, cliv n; chosen, 56, 65, 77, 78, 226, 235, 237, 257, 258. See also Angier, Rev. Samuel (1673); Foster, Rev. Isaac (1671); Gookin, Rev. Daniel (1669); Leverett, John (1680); Mitchell, Samuel (1681)
Probationer Fellow, cxxxiv n; chosen, 210. See also Pynchon, Joseph (1664)
Proctor, 196; senior Fellow to act as, xxi; appointed, 1681, 241; duties, 241–242. See also Andrew, Rev. Samuel (1675)
Professor, title applied to N. Eaton, xix, cliii n, 172; will of D. Williams (d 1716) provides for some learned, from Europe to reside at College, 840
Professors, 130, 139, 140, 144, 145, 149, 150, 153, 154; certain, members of the Corporation, 1724–1792, lxvi, lxvi n; list of, 1722–1779, clvii; to reside in Cambridge, 152; chambers of, 152–153; salaries, 639; absence from public lectures of, punished, 750
Professorship, 475, 682, 853, 864; J. Dudley makes proposal about, 1704, 373. See also Hancock Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages; Hersey Professorship; Hollis Professorship of Divinity; Hollis Professorship of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
Prophets, the, sons of, 310; school of, 379
Prose, Latin, requirements as to, 1642–1646, 24, 29, 187
Prosody, Latin, 134
Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge in New England. See Burgis, William; Price, William
Protestant reformed religion, 864
Protestant succession, 480, 556
Province charter. See under Massachusetts
Provisions, 47, 53, 54, 148, 204, 216, 242, 259, 410, 412, 417, 448, 456, 471, 830; dearness of, 350, 352, 353, 359, 387, 391, 398, 407, 427, 435, 438, 440, 443, 586, 655, 772, 792; scarcity of, 377, 792; certain, forbidden at Commencement, 553; except bread, chiefly bought in towns of Middlesex County, 1747, 769
Prudden, Rev. John (1668), expenses paid, 214
Psalm, 101st, sung, 1741, 712
Public library, 405, 806. See also Library, College
—school, General Court votes money for, 1636, 171; Cambridge grants land for, 1638, 265
—service, 625
—worship. See Worship, public
Pump, College, damage to, 153, 193; for third President’s House, 1703. cxiii n; a new, to be procured for kitchen, 1725, 522; a new well and, in Yard, 1725, xcvii, xcvii n, cii, 522; in Wadsworth House, 1737, cxx, 667
Punch, forbidden, 1734, 143
Punishment, corporal, xxi; allowed, 1667, 196
Punishment bills, Butler paid for making up, 1735, 637; 1738, 680; Steward paid for making up, 1738, 680
Punishments, expulsion and degradation the severest, cxli; by whom inflicted, 154–155; fines for, 259, 260
—admonition, lxxv, 26, 27, 31, 34, 47, 78, 136, 139, 141, 142, 144, 151, 152, 154, 189, 192, 203, 346, 396, 398, 402, 568, 570, 593, 641, 652, 669, 831; by whom imposed, 154
—degradation, 130, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 151, 152, 153, 154, 554, 568, 570, 593, 641, 705, 790; explained, cxli, 82 n; by whom imposed, 154; inflicted on J. Howlett, 1727, 554; G. Hussey, 1712, 402; N. Saltonstall, 1727, 554; J. Sever, 1749, 806; J. Sever’s petition to reverse sentence of, denied, 806
—dismissal, when imposed, 150; imposed on J. Townsend, 1741, 704
—expulsion, cxxxviii n, cxli, 70, 71, 78, 79, 132, 136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 151, 152, 153, 154, 192, 244, 247, 346, 349, 354, 492, 568, 570, 573, 593, 594, 641, 652, 790, 810; by whom imposed, 154; inflicted on W. Bosson, 1723, 486; A. Burley, 1741, 713; W. Charnock, 1741, 713; Devotion, 1701, 387; E. Gray, 1714, 425; Henchman, 1696, 354; S. Hendley, 1738, 684; J. Moody, 1714, 425; J. Nutting, 1708, 384; B. Shattuck, 1708, 384; J. Wade, 1693, 346; J. Webb, 1682, 70, 244; N. Welch, 1685, 78; N. Whitaker, 1729, 752–753
—fines, 34, 46, 47, 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 151, 153, 154, 193, 196, 201, 203, 261, 343, 471, 474, 528, 568, 593, 598, 705, 735, 736, 737, 738, 750, 790, 807, 808, 809, 810; Butler to prepare list of, 144–145, 149; by whom imposed, 154
—mulcts, pecuniary, 131, 139, 145, 641, 790; academical, 570
—probation, J. Wade on, 349; Prof. I. Greenwood placed on, 1757, 609, 071
—rustication, 152, 154, 705; by whom imposed, 154
—suspension, imposed on T. Sergeant, 1674, 59, 229
Pupillage, 787
Puritans, why so called, 480, 556
Purrington,—, claim of, at Merricaneag Neck, 1732, 605
Putnam, Rev. Aaron (1752), son of Rev. Daniel (1717), Scholar, 1749, 804; receives money, 1750, 817
—Rev. Daniel (1717), receives money, 1710, 434; obtains B. Browne gift, 1710, 436
—Ebenezer (1739), son of James (d 1703), obtains W. Browne gift, 1736, 647; Hollis scholar, 1738, 683
—James (1746), son of James (d 1763), his obtaining S. Browne gift considered, 1740, 758
Pyke. See Pike
Pynchon, John (d 1703), cvii; present at Council meeting, 1686, xxv, 827
—John (1696?; d 1742), son of John (1668; d 1721), son of John (d 1703), Steward allowed balance of his account, 1696, 353
—Joseph (1664), son of John (d 1703), Probationer Fellow, 1008, clv, 210; Tutor, clviii, clix
—Joseph (1726), son of John (1696), Librarian, 1729, clx, 578
—William (1743), son of William (d 1741), son of John (1666), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1743, 733
Q., 171. See Quincy, Josiah (1790)
Q., J., 56, 187 n. See Quincy, Josiah (1790)
Quadrant, astronomical, given, 1744, 744
Quadrants, bought, 1738, 673
Quarter bills, xx, 130, 132, 135, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 192, 193, 202, 388, 407, 421, 468, 530, 678, 616, 640, 648, 651, 665, 685, 686, 699, 717, 731, 734, 789
—dinners, allowance to Steward for, 1691, 830
Queen’s College. See Rutgers College
Questionists, 28, 190
Questions, 507, 521, 661, 800; theological, 340
Quincy, Edmund (1699), son of Edmund (d 1698), 416, 428; present, 439, 453; asked to serve the College in England, 1737, 671
—Edmund (1722), son of Edmund (1699), chamber for, in Massachusetts Hall, 1720, cii, cii n
—Eliza Susan, daughter of Josiah (1790), describes Wadsworth House garden, cxx n–cxxi n
—John (1708), son of Daniel (d 1691), son of Edmund (d 1698), 622; Scholar, 1708, 383; salary, 383; obtains Sprague gift, 1707, 860, 861; 1708, 861
—Josiah (1728), son of Edmund (1609), granted A.M. though absent, 1731, 593, 594
—Josiah (1790), son of Josiah (1763), son of Josiah (1728), xiii, xiv, xix, xxiv, xxviii, liii n; certain College Books bound in day of, xiv, xix, xxiv, 171 n; on early records, xvii–xviii; on Donation Book, xviii n; fails to mention changes in charter of 1696, xliii n; on temporary settlement of 1699, l, li n; on attendance of certain members at Corporation meetings, lv n; on the vacating of the Colony charter, lx n; not the first layman to be President, lxiv n; on cost of Wadsworth House, cxix n; occupies Wadsworth House, cxx; surroundings of this house in his day, cxx n–cxxi n; confuses first and second Harvard College, cxxxi n; his History of Harvard University, mentioned, xiii, 171; transcripts printed in, inaccurate, xiii, xiii n, lix n, Ixxi n; misprint in, xviii n; errors in, xxxviii n, xxxix n, xlix n, lix n, lxxi n; publication of, 1840, lxviii n; entries in hand of, 14 n, 26 n, 56, 56 n, 58 n, 64 n, 185 n, 187 n
Quinquennial Catalogues. See under Catalogues, College
Quinquennial election of Hollis Professor of Divinity, 512, 521
Quinsey. See Quincy
Radcliffe, Anne. See Mowlson, Lady
Rails, for fencing the Yard, 1663, lxxv n; for top of Wadsworth House, for security from fire, 1728, cxix, 567
Rain, vessels for measuring, 817
Raising, of second Harvard College, 1674, lxxxvi; dinner for, of third President’s House, cix; of Wadsworth House, 1726, cxviii
Rait, Alexander, Aberdeen, Scotland, 318
Rake, B. Wadsworth gift not to be given to a, 858
Rand, Rev. John (1748), Scholar, 1745, 753; obtains Fitch gift, 1746, 760; Mills gift, 1746, 760; S. Browne gift, 1748, 781; Scholar, 1746, 764
Randal,—, sells W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges, 1726, xciii n
Randolph, Sec. Edward, clxvi; in Boston, 1686, xxv; objects to action of Council in his absence, xxvi n; his interest in the College, xxvii, xxvii n; describes the College buildings, 1676, lxxxvii
Rarities, 132; how to be kept, 133; to be surveyed, 1732, 602; 1742, 723. See also Curiosities
Rateable estate, 590
Rated, J. Monis, by Cambridge assessors, 597
Rates, College freed from, by charter of 1650, 42, 183, 774, 794; of 1692, 338. See also Taxes
Rawlins, Rev. Gershom (1705), Scholar, 1703, 371; 1704, 373; salary, 371, 373, 375; granted A.M., 1744, 746
Rawson, Sec. Edward (d 1693), cviii, clxvi, 42, 79, 213, 276, 277; his appeal for contributions toward second Harvard College, 1677, lxxxvii
—Rev. Grindall (1728), son of Rev. Grindall (1678), son of Sec. Edward, 514; obtains W. Brattle gift, 1725, 519; Rogers gift, 1726, 537; Browne gift, 1727, 548; W. Browne gift, 1728, 561; B. Browne gift, 1728, 561
—Rev. Grindall (1741), son of Pelatiah (d 1769), son of William (d 1726), obtains Fitch gift, 1739, 687; S. Browne gift, 1740, 693; Gibbs gift, 1741, 704; Mills gift, 1741, 704
—William (d 1726), son of Sec. Edward, 417, 428, 430
—William (1703), son of William (d 1726), 417; obtains Glover gift, 1700, 365; 1701, 366; 1702, 369; 1703, 370; 1704, 373
Read, Christopher (d c 1710), 250, 252
—John (1697), employed as College attorney in probate of E. Goffe’s will, 1740–1741, 700, 702
Read, two Bachelors appointed to, to the Junior pupils, 1643, 17. See also Bulkley, Rev. John (1642); Downing, Sir George (1642)
Reader, for President, cxxxii, 180. See also Danforth, Rev. Samuel (1643)
Reading, 429; gifts from, 223
Reading, public, the Tutors to manage the, in the Hall, 1686, xxv, 827
Readmision, after expulsion, not allowed without consent of Corporation, 154; granted to W. Bossom, 486; A. Burley, 713; W. Charnock, 713; E. Gray, 425–426; J. Halsey, 640–641; S. Hendley, 684; J. Moody, 425–426; J. Nutting, 391; B. Shattuck, 387, 390; J. Townsend, 708–709; J. Wade, 349; J. Webb, 72; N. Welch, 79
Recess, 469, 524. See also Vacation
Records, College. See College records
Recreation, place of. See Play-place
Rector, xxxiv, 81, 259, 260, 261, 262; title applied to President, xxv, xl; why used, xxvi n, xl n; becomes extinct, ciii n. See also Governor; Head; Master; Mather, Rev. Increase (1656); President
—and Tutors, xxxiv; records of, xxvi n, 81, 828; chronological list of meetings, 1686–1687, clxxv
Rectorship, xxv, 827
Red cedar posts, 716
Redding. See Reading
Reed, William (d 1718), 429
Reflecting telescope. See Telescope
Register, a book to be procured for keeping a, of T. Hollis’s rides, etc., 1726, 536. See also Hollis Book
Registry of the College. See under College records
Remington, Jonathan (d 1700), 207
—Jonathan (1696), son of Jonathan (d 1700), cxiv n, 701; present, lxxx n, cli, 369–386; Tutor, 1703, clix, 369; Fellow, lvi, civ, clvi; salary, 373, 375, 377, 383, 389, 392, 405; continued Fellow by J. Dudley, 1708, lxi, lxi n; resigns as Fellow, 1711, 397
—Jonathan (1736), son of Jonathan (1696), Hopkins scholar in Cambridge Grammar School, 1727, 548; obtains Gibbs gift, 1735, 635; 1736, 647; Mills gift, 1735, 635; 1736, 647
Rent, of studies in first Harvard College, 14–15; of studies in first Harvard College and Goffe’s College, 19; of studies in second Harvard College and Stoughton College, 686
Rents, College, in New England, 410, 413, 418, 430–431; in England, 411, 413, 419
Residence, in, graduates sometimes remained many years, cxxxvi n
Resident Fellow (Fellows). See under Fellow (Fellows)
—members, of the College, complaints against, 145
—members of the Corporation. See under Corporation
—students, 1714, 424; 1718, 312
—Tutors. See under Tutors
Residential hall. See Hall
Residents, in the College, 490, 628, 629; to be in commons, 1724, 512; in Cambridge, 490
Respondents, 139, 507, 521, 661
Restoration, to College, after expulsion, cxli; granted to J. Townsend, 1741, 708; to place, after degradation, cxli; denied to N. Saltonstall, 1730, 583; to J. Sever, 1749, 806
Revenue, eleemosynary, of the College, 1672–1673, 5
Reverend, the title, applied to men who had preached but had never been ordained, lxiv n
Reynolds, Rev. Peter (1720), obtains T. Brattle gift, 1725, 519
—Peter, to lease College farm at Narragansett, 1735, 637; committee to consider proposals of, 1739, 691
Rhetoric, 28, 138, 190
Rich, the plasterer, 18. See Harrington, Richard
Richard, the mason, 11. See Harrington, Richard
Richards, John (d 1694), xxxviii, xli n, cix, 5, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 75, 76, 77, 80, 156, 210, 211, 226, 249, 250, 254, 255, 262, 408, 409, 411, 415, 417; Treasurer, 1669, clvi, clvii, 218; 1686, clvi, clvii, clvii n; named Treasurer in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxiv; of 1692, xli, lxiv, 336; donations received by, 1669–1683, 223–224; to receive H. Henley’s gift, 1669, 219; to obtain Sir M. Holworthy’s bequest, 1679, 67, 238; J. Browne’s legacy, 1680, 67, 239; S. Scarlett’s legacy, 1681, 69, 243; account, 1682, 245–247; to leave account with T. Danforth while in England, clvi n, 71, 245; instructions to, by General Court, 1683, 278, 605; to receive money due from Pennoyer gift, 72, 248; to be allowed to reassume his place as Treasurer, clvi n, 72, 248; receives College stock, 218–219; present, xxxv, xxxviii n, cxlv, cxlvi, cxlvii, cxlviii, cxlix, clvii n, 13, 59, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 229, 232, 233, 235, 236, 212, 243, 244, 247, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 342, 828–832; entries in hand of, 38 n, 45 n, 51 n, 53 n, 73 n; on committees, xxv n, cvii; resigns as Treasurer, 1693, xlii, 341–342; letter to, from Corporation, 1693, 342–343; legacy, 354, 412
—John, 56, 226. See Richardson, Rev. John (1666)
Richards’s Book, Treasurer John. See under College records
Richardson,—, leases College property, 269
—Mrs.—, lxxxi n
—Isaac (1726), obtains B. Browne gift, 1726, 537; S. Ward gift, 1726, 537
—Rev. John (1666), xxxvii n, xxxviii, lxxxiii n; Fellow, 1671, clv; Tutor, clviii, clix; named Fellow in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxv; resigns as Fellow and Tutor, 1673, lxv n, 57, 221, 226; ordained, 1675, lxv n
—Moses (d 1775), College carpenter, 1750, 817
—Samuel (d 1658), gift, 185, 213
—Stephen (d 1718), son of Samuel (d 1658), 429
Ring dial, given, 1743, 736
Ringing, difference between tolling and, lxxvi n. See also Bells, College
Riot, J. Wainwright concerned in, 1711, 395
Rishworth, Edward, 273
Robbery, penalty for, 142
Robbins, Nathaniel (d 1719), 412
—Rev. Nathaniel (1747), son of Thomas (d 1791), son of Nathaniel (d 1762), son of Nathaniel (d 1719), obtains Danforth gift, 1746, 759
Roberts, Rev. Joseph (1741), obtains Fitch gift, 1740, 693
Robertson, James (d 1795), Edinburgh, Scotland, 320, 323, 325, 329
—Rev. William (d 1793), Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325, 329
Robie, Thomas (1708), 478; receives money, 1705, 374; 1706, 376; obtains Sprague gift, 1707, 860; 1712, 863; Keayne gift, 1711, 397; Librarian, 1712, clx, 405; salary, 405, 423, 456; Scholar, 1712, 405; Tutor, 1713, lxii n, clix, clix n, 407; approved, 1714, 424; paid for supplying J. Rogers’s place as Librarian, 1718, 443; claims seat in Corporation, 1720, cxxxv; applies for T. Brattle gift, 1720, 449, 456; obtains it, 1721, 458; 1722, 477; copies of his mathematical observations sent to England demanded, 449–150, 456; exhibited, 458; takes observation on top of Stoughton College, 1722, xcvii; on committees, 458, 463, 470, 473; Fellow, 1722, clv, clvi, 466, 473; to take Sophomores, 468, 474; present, 473–477, 479; resigns as Tutor, 1723, 479; resigns as Fellow, lxii n, 482, 483
Robins. See Robbins
Robinson, Rev. David (1738), Scholar, 1736, 650; 1737, 665; salary, 650, 665; obtains Mills gift, 1737, 657
—Fred Norris (1891), viii
—James (1725), son of John, obtains Stoughton gift, 1721, 514
—John, 270, 279; lets land in Dorchester, 418, 421, 424, 431, 438, 445, 448, 455, 462, 477, 505, 514, 548, 562, 571, 580, 592, 688, 791, 851
—Samuel (d c 1724), 429
Roby. See Robie
Rocks, 537, See also Cambridge Rocks
Rogers, Daniel (1686), son of John (1649), 838; receives money, 1684, 77, 257; Scholar, 1684, 77, 257; his sons receive exhibitions, 1725, 519
—Rev. Daniel (1725; d 1785), son of Rev. John (1684), cxxxvi, cxxxvi n, clix n; receives money, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; 1724, 505; obtains M Saltonstall gift, 1724, 505, 514; 1729, 578, 845; 1731, 592; 1732, 598; Hopkins scholar, 1727, 547; Tutor, 1732, clix, 601; 1735, 640; 1738, 684; strikes W. Vassall, 1733, 610; suit of L. Vassall against, 610, 611, 612–613, 615; costs of suit discharged, 1738, 674; on committee, 661; resigns as Tutor, 1741, 702, 703
—Rev. Daniel (1725; d 1782), son of Daniel (1686), cxxxvi, cxxxvi n, clix n; receives money, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; 1723, 484; 1724, 505; obtains B. Browne gift, 1725, 519; Scholar, 1727, 517; 1728, 566; 1729, 574; salary, 566, 574
—Rev. Ezekiel (d 1661), 263, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 407, 418, 430, 462, 540; will, 39–40, 271, 844; gives land in Rowley, 40, 207, 264, 271, 612, 620, 622, 651, 672, 675; gives books, 53, 207; land in Rowley and Rogers’s Farm, Waltham, bought, 264, 271, 297; burial, 271; disposition of gift, 383, 390, 392, 397, 405, 424, 537, 612; College to pay for monument over grave of, 1735, 643. See also Rogers’s Farm; Rowley
—George (1723), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1687), receives money, 1721, 454; obtains Keayne gift, 1721, 462
—John (1649), son of Rev. Nathaniel (d 1655) of Ipswich, 251; never ordained, lxiv n; his long prayers, xcii, cxxi; occupies third President’s House, cix; President, 1677, 65, 236; 1682, ciii, cliii n, 71, 245; did not preside at Commencement, 1682, cliii n; present, cxlvii, 74, 75, 253, 254; inaugurated, 1683, cliii n, 253; sick, 1684, 76, 255; death, 1684, 255
—Rev. John (1684), son of John (1649), 845; testifies in favor of J. Wade, 1694, 349; his sons receive exhibitions, 1724, 505, 614; committee to treat with, about land adjoining President’s orchard, 1732, 599; report of committee, 600
—Rev. John (1705), son of Jeremiah of Salem, obtains Browne gift, 1703, 369; 1704, 374, 376; granted A.M., 1744, 746
—Rev. John (1711), son of Rev. John (1684), obtains Sprague gift, 1707, 861; 1708, 861; 1710, 862; 1712, 863; Keayne gift, 1708, 383; 1709, 390; 1710, 392; 1712, 405; 1713, 422; 1714, 424; 1716, 434; 1717, 438; B. Browne gift, 1709, 390; Scholar, 1713, 421; salary, 421, 423, 433, 436, 437; Librarian, 1714, clx, 423; 1715, 433; 1716, 436; 1717, 437; absent, 443
—John (1728), son of Daniel (1686), cxxxvi, 514; obtains B. Browne gift, 725, 519; 1728, 561; Rogers gift, 1726, 537; W. Browne gift, 1728, 561
—John, 330
—Rev. John (1732), son of Rev. John (1705), cxxxvi
—Rev. John (1739), son of Rev. John (1711), obtains Saltonstall gift, 1736, 652
—Mary, wife of Rev. Ezekiel, 271, 844; burial, 271
—Rev. Nathaniel (1687), son of John (1649), receives money, 1684, 77, 257; Scholar, 1684, 77, 257; 1686, 828; Butler, 1687, 81, 828; salary, 828
—Nathaniel (1717), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1687), obtains Rogers gift, 1714, 424; Scholar, 1716, 434, 436; 1717, 438; salary, 434, 436, 438
—Rev. Nathaniel (1721), son of Rev. John (1684), receives money, 1717, 438; obtains Keayne gift, 1719, 445, 448; 1721, 454; Butler, 1721, 461; 1722, 475; Scholar, 1724, 513; salary, 513
—Nathaniel (1738), son of Rev. John (1705), obtains Flynt gift, 1736, 647; Browne gift, 1738, 674; Milla gift, 1738, 674
—Samuel (1725), son of Rev. John (1684), cxxxvi, 858, 859; receives money, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; 1724, 505; obtains Saltonstall gift, 1724, 505, 514
Rogers’s Farm, Waltham, 796; bought by sale of land at Rowley given by Rev. E. Rogers, 264, 297, 672, 675; B. Johnson’s plan, 1750, 300, 300 n, 301; described, 300–301, 301 n; facsimile, 250–251; fencing. 301: Hagar, tenant upon, allowed to sell hay, 1739, 687; committee to view, 1740, 694; 1742, 730; 1750, 812–813; rent of, abated, 695, 812; committee to let, 700, 795; committee to settle rent of, 1748, 782; hay on, 795, 797, 812; tenant upon, paid for gathering fallen wood, 797; allowed to sell hay on conditions, 797; tenant to report about fences, 797; to be let, 1750, 812. See also Rogers, Rev. Ezekiel; Rowley
Rogomock, John. See under Indians
Rolfe, Rev. Benjamin (1684), Scholar, 1685, 80
—Benjamin (d 1738), son of Rev. Benjamin (1684), paid for writing for the College, 1728, 563
—Benjamin (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
Rolls, in the Buttery. See Buttery
Rome, Church of, 855
Roof, on Stoughton College, 391, 404, 424; on second Harvard College, 403, 404; doors on, to be kept closed, 514; on Wadsworth House, to be railed, 567
Rooms, 197; to be swept and kept clean, 34, 47, 203, 261
Rosse, Andrew, Glasgow, Scotland, 309, 314, 315, 316
Rouse, Faithful (d 1664), gift, 200, 215
Routs, 554
Rowe, Nathaniel (1642), lives with N. Eaton, cxiii n
Rowley, 39, 207, 216, 263, 271, 283, 297, 424, 537, 612, 620, 622, 642, 643, 659; gifts from, 179, 222; land in, given by E. Rogers, 40, 207, 271, 418, 430, 844; sold, 264, 271, 297; entered upon by town, 1713, 407; to be leased, 1714, 424; 1728, 560; attorneys for, appointed, 1721, 462; attorneys to prosecute claim, 1722, 464, 468–469; Dr. Berry asked about, 1726, 540; committee to report on, 544–545, 550; E. Payson builds fence on, 550; memorial to General Court to sell, 1733, 611–612, 619–620, 621; memorial granted, 1734, 622; committee to view, 1735, 635, 636; report of committee, 637–638; accepted, 643–644; sold, 642–643; deeds signed, 644; agreement about, 292–297; committee to invest money received from sale of, 1736, 650–651; A. Caverly’s farm at Waltham bought with money received from side of, 1738, 672; money received from sale of, insufficient to buy farm at Waltham, 675; D. Appleton to make up his accounts about sale of, 1749, 800, 801–802; 1750, 813–814. See also Rogers, Rev. Ezekiel; Rogers’s Farm
—Church, 39, 271, 292, 293, 295, 296, 620, 622, 637, 643, 844
—Commoners’ Book of Records, 295
—East End Ox Pasture, 296
—Great Swamp, 296
—Hawk Meadow, 296
—Hounsley (Hounslow) Hill, 294, 464, 482; to be sold, 1743, 733
—Mill Swamp Pasture, 295
—New Ox Pasture, 296
—Ox Pastures, 550
—Sandybridge, 293, 296
—Satchels Meadow, 294, 296
—Selectmen, 638
—Town Clerk, 638
—Warehouse Pasture, 291, 844; sold, 1735, 642, 652; law suit about, 1736, 651–652, 653, 656, 659, 666, 667, 672, 673
—West End Ox Pasture, 296
Rowss. See Rouse
Roxbury, 175, 185, 213, 228, 486, 553, 855, 857; teaching ciders of, to be Overseers, 1642, xxxiv, 43, 173; gifts from, 179, 222; gift from a widow of, 185, 213
—First Church, 856
Royal, Isaac, 270
—William (1730), obtains W. Stoughton gift, 1727, 548
Royal Society, London, its Philosophical Transactions to be procured, 1743, 732
Ruffians, 37, 197
Ruggles,—, a witness, 1718, 441
—Rev. Thomas (1690), Scholar, 1690, 829; salary, 829; allowed part of salary, in spite of partial discontinuance, 1691, 831–832
—Rev. Timothy (1707), Scholar, 1707, 378; salary, 378
Rules, College. See, Laws College
Rum, forbidden, 143, 148
Rumbly Marsh. See Rumney Marsh
Rumney Marsh (now Chelsea), 216; salt marsh in, given by J. Coggan, 54, 184, 209, 269, 834; rent, 213, 215, 216, 253, 270; bounds, 270; platted by J, Gardner, 1716, 270; terms of deed, 270; J. Newgate’s farm at, 184, 217, 246, 247, 252, 286, 834; College property at, to be leased, 1733, 615
—Great Creek, 270, 834
Rushworth. See Rishworth
Russell, Chambers (1731), son of Daniel (d 1763), son of James (d 1709), gives book, 1743, 740
—Charles (1757), son of James (d 1798), son of Daniel (d 1763), son of James (d 1709), diploma from Aberdeen, 1765, 328–329
—Daniel (1669), son of Richard (d 1676), 263; Fellow, 1673, 57, 221, 226; 1675, 14, 64, 235; declines, 1673, 221; gives land at Saco, 272; matters relating to, 272–275; land sold, 1808, 272 n; will, 1678, 274, 839, 845–846; committee to treat about, 1728, 567; 1729, 575; will to be recorded in York County, 1731, 591; so recorded, 846
—Treas. James (d 1709), son of Richard (d 1676), xlii n, clxvi; present, 76, 255, 381; land granted to, in Maine, 278
—James, Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325 329
—John (d 1680), 18; gift, 53, 216. 252
—John, leases Ferry, 1701, 366
—John (1751), son of Rev. Jonathan (Y. C. 1708), son of Rev. Jonathan (1675), son of Rev. John (1645), son of John (d 1680), obtains Flynt gift, 1749, 799; 1750, 817; Scholar, 1749, 804
—Mehitabel, daughter of Daniel (1669). See Woodbridge
—Rev. Noadiah (1681), son of William (d c 1664), location of his chamber, xcii n; entry in his Diary, clxx n; Scholar, 1678, 66, 237; 1681, 68; obtains Pennoyer gift, 1679, 66, 75, 238, 344, 347, 348; Butler, 1679, 67, 239; describes fire in second Harvard College, 1682, xci–xcii
—Treas. Richard (d 1676), clxvi, 221, 274; to give testimony about Lady Mowlson’s gift, 55, 225; his gift, 174, 185, 213, 224, 246, 252, 410, 412, 417, 430; disposition of, 70, 244; present, 218, 232; his land at Saco, 273; gives land to D. Russell, 273–274
—Thomas Graves (1784). See Graves, Thomas Russell (1784)
—William (1735), granted A.M. though absent, 1738, 680
Rust, Rev. Henry (1707), obtains Sprague gift, 1706, 860
—Nathaniel (1738), son of Rev. Henry (1707), obtains Browne gift, 1738, 674; Mills gift, 1738, 674
—William (1748), son of Rev. Henry (1707), Scholar, 1745, 753
Rusticate, to, cxxxviii n, 152
Rustication. See under Punishments
Rutgers College, cxxxix n
Rutherford, John (d 1779), Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317, 320, 323
Rutland, 263, 279; plan, 280, 280 n, 297, 596; described, 297 n–298 n; facsimile, 220–221; S. Sewall’s farm in, 298 n; butternut trees in, 299 n; College farm in, granted, 1718, 279; bounds, 279, 596–597; not improved, 280; plan, 280, 298–299; described, 298, 299 n; facsimile, 230–231; proprietors of, thanked for land given, 1719, 448; copy of giant to be obtained, 1729, 575; committee to lease, 1735, 643
—Butternut Brook, 299 n
—Proprietors’ Records, 279, 596
—Province Farm, 298 n
—Saw Mill Farm, 298 n
—Sumpoag Pond, 297 n, 299 n
Ryal. See Royal
S., J. L., 19 n, 50 n. See Sibley, Rev. John Langdon
Sabbath, 593; observance of, 136; by Natick Indians, 576
Saco, Me., College property in, 263, 273–274
Saco River, Me., 263, 272, 273, 274, 304, 304 n, 591; land upon, committee to treat about, 567, 575
St. Clair, Andrew, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317
—R., Glasgow, Scotland, 309
Salem, gifts from, 179, 222; hell in 1638, lxxv n; students from, 571, 580, 592, 594; no poor scholars from in College, 771, 781; bequests for benefit of poor scholars from, 838, 842–843, 843
Salisbury, 283; gifts from, 179, 223
Salmon Falls, Me., 273, 274
Salter,—, 297 n
Saltonstall, Dorothy (Parnel) Frizell widow of John Frizell (d 1723) and wife of Nathaniel Saltonstall (1695) gift to be recovered, 1738, 673. See also Frizell
—Rev. Gurdon (1685), Governor of Connecticut, son of Nathaniel (1659), 484; Scholar, 1683, 74, 253; Butler 1685, 77, 258; resigns as Butler, 1687 81, 828; gift, 1725, 518; copy of wil desired, 518
—Dr. Henry (1642), son of Sir Richard, cxl n, 4 n; glass in study 1644, 4; in chamber, 4; study account, 11; chandler account, 12
—Mary (Whittingham) Clark, third wife of Rev. Gurdon (1684), gift 1723, 484; 1730, 845; disposition of gift, 505, 514, 548, 578, 592, 598, 608, 624, 628, 629, 652, 741; announces G. Saltonstall gift, 518; will 1730, 845; letter, 1729, 845
—Nathaniel (1659), son of Richard (d 1694), a fellow-commoner, cxxxix n; receives money, 1654–1663, 212; present, 76, 255
—Nathaniel (1695), son of Nathaniel (1659), resigns as Butler, 1697, 356: Librarian, 1697, clx, 357; salary, 357, 365, 366, 368; Tutor, 1700, clix, 365
—Nathaniel (1727), son of Richard (1695), son of Nathaniel (1659), degraded, 1727, 554; place assigned to, 554; asks to be restored to place, 1730, 583; denied, 583; granted A.M. though absent, 583
—Sir Richard (d c 1658), cxl n
—Richard (d 1694), son of Sir Richard, signs protest against long hair, 1649, 38, 198; gift, 185, 212, 214 sends money and goods collected in England, 198; money paid to son of, 212
Samond, John, 298
—Robert, 298
Sanders, Edward, 296
Sanderson, Jonathan, 301
Sandwich Indians, Eldad Tupper and, 1748, 850; Elisha Tupper and, 1748, 850
Sanford, Ezbon, 272
Saratoga, N. Y., Convention of, 331
Sargent. See also Sergeant
—Epes (1712; d 1762), obtains Sprague gift, 1710, 862
Saturday, evening of, to be observed, 136; by Natick Indians, 576
Sauce, allowance of, for a mess, 1709, 388; 1732, 603; 1750, 821; price of, 607, 706, 821; rise in price of, 715
Savil, Elisha (1743), obtains Danforth gift, 1741, 704; 1742, 721
Saw mills, xci
Saybrook, Ct., gifts from, 179
Seacombe. See Seccombe
Scales, Rev. James (1733), obtains B. Browne gift, 1731, 592; 1733, 608; S. Browne gift, 1732, 598; Mills gift, 1733, 608; in poor circumstances, 604
Scarborough, Me., gifts from, 223
Scarlett, John (d 1688), executor of S. Scarlett’s will, 69, 243, 246, 252
—Samuel (d 1675), brother of John (d 1688), annuity, 69, 168, 224, 243, 246, 247, 252, 253, 287, 410, 413, 419; never obtained, 287
Scholars, should be appointed to College offices, 1650, 10
Scholars of the House, 49, 50, 63, 64, 65, 60, 67, 68, 69, 74, 77, 80, 211, 212, 214, 234, 236, 237, 239, 242, 243, 253, 257, 339, 344, 348, 351, 354, 356, 361, 363, 364, 366, 368, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 383, 389, 392, 397, 405, 421, 423, 434, 436, 438, 443, 445, 448, 454, 462, 475, 502, 513, 525, 540, 548, 555, 566, 574, 584, 595, 602, 616, 626, 639, 650, 665, 672, 683, 692, 698, 713, 728, 740, 748, 753, 755, 759, 764, 777, 789, 804, 828, 829–830, 831; form of admission, 37, 178–179; duties, 1667, xxii, lxxxix n, 48, 204; 1707, 378; 1724, 513–514; instructions for, to be drawn up, 1703, 309; to be six in number, 1704, 373; second Harvard College and Stoughton College placed in charge of, 1707, lxxxix, xcv, 378; salaries, 414, 728, 789, 804; to be settled by President and Fellows, 1715, 433; absence of several, 1724, 504; owing to absence in spring, Senior Sophisters not to be, 1742, lxxxix n, 728
Scholarships, xxii, 5, 49, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 209, 224, 234, 237, 242, 244, 250
School, xxxix, lxxiii; glass in, 1644, 4; General Court votes money for, 1636, 171; N. Eaton chosen Professor of, 1637, 172
School, Collegiate, at Connecticut. See Yale College
School of the Prophets, 379
School-house, 19
Schoolmaster, title applied to N. Eaton, clii n
Schools, young scholars from, how admitted, 28–29, 191
Sciences, 616
Scotland, ordination in, 856
Scott, William (d 1735), Edinburgh, Scotland, 313
Scottow, Joshua (d 1698), 279; loans book, 166; entry in band of, 166 n; land in Maine granted to, 278; laid out, 278; sold to S. Sewall, 278
—Thomas (1677), son of Joshua (d 1698), 166
Scriptures. See under Bible Scuttle, of second Harvard College, xciii
Seccombe, Rev. Joseph (1731), obtains Mills gift, 1729, 571; granted A.M. though absent, 1734, 625, 626
Second degree. See Degree, second
Secretaries, of Massachusetts. See under Massachusetts
Sedgw, Mr., 17. See Sedgwick, Robert (d 1656)
Sedgwick, Robert (d 1656), 17, 21; gift, xxii, 24, 176, 209, 215; gives shop in Boston, 264
Seager, Henry, 250, 252
Seal, of Harvard College, 176 n; ordered, 1643, 16, 175–176; facsimiles of, 16, 176; allowed in charter of 1650, 41, 182; of 1692, 337; proposal to procure, in Bilbao, 1694, 347; paid for, 1694, 414; money used for buying cane joints, 1695, 415; displayed at inauguration of J. Leverett, 1708, lxi; of B. Wadsworth, 1725, 825; letter of attorney to be issued under, 1721, 462
Seal, of Marischal, Aberdeen, Scotland, facsimile of, 322
Seats, in Hall, to be kept clean, 452
Segotes, Bahama Islands, 200 n; gift from, 200
Selden, John (d 1654), book by, returned to Library, 1738, 672
Selling, by scholars, how allowed, 26, 30, 142, 189
Seminary, the word applied to Harvard College, 1737, 668
Senior, interpretations of Junior and, cxlii–cxliii
—Bachelor. See under Bachelors of Arts
—Classes, the two. See under Classes
—Fellow. See under Fellow
—Resident Fellows. See under Fellows
—scholar, 146
—Sophisters. See under Sophisters
—students, punished for sending Freshmen on private errands, 196
—Tutor. See under Tutor
Seniors, Freshmen not to be compelled by, xx; members of Senior Class called not, but Senior Sophisters, cxliii n; not to send Freshmen on errands, 1674, 58
Sergeant, Rev. John (Y. C. 1729), petitions for Boyle gift, 1746, 754–755; obtains Boyle gift, 756; Williams gift, 1748, 791–792; 1749, 799; his stipend as preacher to the Indians, 1748, 850
—Peter (d 1714), 223, 224, 246, 251; present, 399, 403, 404, 406
—Thomas (1674), seeks to have suspension removed, 1674, 59; given degree, 60–61, 229, 231
Sergent. See Sargent
Sermon, in Latin, to be made by J. Leverett and W. Brattle, 1692, 340
Sermons, to be repeated, 25, 137, 188; on J. Leverett, to be printed, 508; on B. Wadsworth, to be printed, 655; distribution of copies, 660
Servants, Fellows regard themselves as, to the Province, 532
Servants, College, xliv, xiv, 10, 17, 41, 43, 182, 184, 337, 338; form of exemption for, 43–44, 183–184. See also Bricklayer; Butcher; Carpenter; Joiner; Mary; Mason; Plasterer; Prentice, Mary; Smith
Servitors, 525; College utensils to be delivered to, 33, 34, 46, 202, 261; commons to be delivered to, 34, 47, 203, 261. See also Waiters
Settlement, of the College, 364; by W. Stoughton, 1696, xlii, li n, 355, 356; by W. Stoughton, 1699, xlii, li n; by J. Dudley, 1707, lix–lxi, 379–381; of President, 842
Settling, orders for, the College, 1675, 233
Sever, John (1749), son of Rev. Nicholas (1701), restoration from degradation denied, 1749, 806
—Rev. Nicholas (1701), cxiv n; Scholar, 1709, 389; salary, 389, 566; Tutor, 1716, clix, 434; 1719, 445; 1722, 473; approved, 435, 450–451; E. Pierpont’s case against, 1718, 441, 442; claims seat in the Corporation, 1720–1723, cxxxv; present, 445, 528–553, 555, 558, 559–564, 565–568; his pupils’ money, 456; deemed by Corporation no longer a Tutor unless reelected, 1722, 468, 472; his memorial, 1722, referred to, 470; deemed by Overseers still a Tutor. 473; on committees, 480, 544, 547, 550, 558, 559, 565, 566; memorial of W. Welsteed and, 1723, referred to, 487, 488, 489, 490, 498, 499; to moderate at Commencement, 1724, cliii n, 507; Fellow, 1725, clv, clvi, 525; approved, 525; prays, 547, 552, 560, 564; reports, 550; takes W. Welsteed’s class, 1728, 560; leaves College, 564, 569; Gov. Burnet visits chamber of, 565; resigns as Fellow, 1728, 569; asks to have his son restored from degradation, 1749, 806; denied, 806
Sewall, Hannah (Hull), first wife of Samuel (1671), 278; gives land at Petaquamscot, 272, 846; at Merricaneag, 279
—Jonathan (1748), obtains Fitch gift, 1746, 760; Mills gift, 1746, 760
—Rev. Joseph (1707), son of Samuel (1671), cxiv n, cxxiii, 306, 320, 782; Fellow, 1722, 464; not approved, 465–466; named Fellow in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxv; President, 1724, cxv, 511, 512; declines, cxv; Fellow, 1728, clv, clvi, 569; diploma from Glasgow, 1731, 314–315; his sermon on B. Wadsworth to be printed, 1737, 655; present, 422, 434, 450, 453, 570–575, 580, 581, 584–586, 589–590, 599–604, 607–611, 615–619, 621–645, 648, 650, 651, 653–661, 666–671, 673–676, 678–680, 682–699, 703, 706–712, 715, 716, 718–722, 724, 726–735, 738–744, 746, 747, 749, 751, 752, 755, 757, 758, 761–763, 772–776, 779–792, 797–799, 801–806, 809–811, 813–817, 820, 821; prays, 573, 584, 586, 593, 599, 601, 605, 626, 635, 638, 644, 654, 665, 673, 685, 691, 703, 710, 719, 729, 735, 745, 756, 772, 782, 789, 802, 814, 823; on committees, 574, 575, 590, 596, 612, 627, 630, 654, 655, 661, 663, 667, 717, 736, 746, 751, 761, 772, 795, 802, 819; Corporation meets at house of, Boston, 660, 661, 671, 689, 723
—Margaret (Mitchell), wife of Stephen (d 1725), cxi n, cxii n
—Mitchel (1718), son of Stephen (d 1725), obtains B. Browne gift, 1714, 424; 1716, 436; 1721, 462; 1728, 561; Scholar, 1716, 434, 436; 1717, 438; 1721, 462; 1722, 475; salary, 434, 436, 438, 462, 476; receives money, 1716, 434; Butler, 1720, 453; Librarian, 1722, clx, 476; obtains Browne gift, 1723, 484; W. Browne gift, 1725, 519; 1728, 561
—Samuel (1671), xli n, xlix n, l, lviii n, lxxxii n, cii n, 59, 439, 549, 595, 841, 842; Scholar, 1669, 49, 211; Fellow, 1673, clv, 57, 227; installed, 57, 227; Tutor, clviii, clix; Librarian, 1674, clx, 58, 227; on election of N. Gookin and C. Mather as Fellows, 1690, xxxiv n, xxxv n; on death of N. Gookin, xlii n; on W. Stoughton’s action, 1696, xlii n; on rejection of charter of 1696, xliv n; named Fellow in charter of 1699, xlix n, lxv; on S. Willard, 1707, lviii n–lix n; on J. Leverett’s election as President, 1707, lix n; on reduction of the Corporation from seventeen to seven, 1708, lxi; on J. Leverett’s inauguration, lxi n; his dream about Goffe’s College, 1675, lxxxi n; on second Harvard College, 1674, lxxxvi; 1712, xc n; chooses a chamber in Massachusetts Hall, 1720, cii; on President’s House, cxiv n; on J. Sewall’s taking his first degree, 1707, cxxiii; salary, 58, 228; present, 76, 255, 381, 399, 403, 404, 408, 422, 424, 434, 439, 450; gives land at Petaquamscot, 1696, 263, 413, 419, 431; bounds, 272; terms of gift, 272, 846; plat of, 272; buys land at Merricaneag, 278; granted land, there, 278; gives it to College, 1696, 279; granted land at Pennicook, 279; his farm in Rutland, 298 n; on committee, 451
—Stephen (d 1725), brother of Samuel (1671), cxii n
—Stephen (1721), son of Stephen (d 1725), obtains B. Browne gift, 1717, 438; 1719, 445, 448; obtains Browne gift, 1721, 445; Librarian, 1726, clx, 540; 1727, 555; 1728, 566; salary, 540, 555, 566, 569; paid for care of College, 1726, 544; 1728, 566; Tutor, 1728, clix, 569; to take J. Davenport’s room, 569; resigns as Tutor, 1739, 691
Sexton. See Clarke, James
Sh., Sam., 21. See Shepard, Samuel
Shaddock, William, 255
Shattuck, Rev. Benjamin (1709), son of William (d 1732), expelled, 1708, 384; petitions to be readmitted, 387; readmitted, 1709, 387, 390
—John (d 1709), son of John (d 1679), son of William (d 1672), 411
—William (d 1732), son of William (d 1672), petitions for readmission of B. Shattuck, 387
Shaw, Rev. John (1729), obtains W. Browne gift, 1729, 571
Shawshin, 208, 263; farm at, given by Cambridge, 184, 269; by H. Dunster, 184, 269; rent of, 214; J. Danforth’s plan of, 1699, mentioned, 269; bounds, 269; C. Brooks’s plan of, 1744, 269, 299; facsimile, 240–241; described, 299, 299 n; house and barn to be built at, 1730, 590; committee to view, 1733, 618; committee to settle bounds of, and to lease, 1736, 645, 648; committee to manage, 1738, 683; committee to settle lines of, 1744, 745; committee about, 1744, 748. See also Billerica
Shawshin River, 184, 299 n
Sheaf, Mary, wife of William (d 1718), leases Ferry, 1719, 444
—William (d 1718), 444; leases Ferry, 1715, 432
Sheafe, Samson (1702). 367; obtains Webb gift, 1698, 361; 1699, 363; 1700, 365; 1701, 367; 1702, 368, 369; 1703, 370
—Samson (1735), son of Samson (1702), obtains Webb gift, 1732, 603; 1734, 624; 1735, 635
—William (1723), obtains Newgate gift, 1721, 458; Hollis gift, 1721, 458, 462; 1722, 477
Shearman. See Sherman
Shed, Daniel, gift, 54, 216
Sheep, 52, 55, 199, 216
Shep., S., 21. See Shepard, Samuel
Shepard, Rev. Jeremiah (1669), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1649), lix n, 5, 57, 226; obtains Webb gift, 1669, 49, 211; 1671, 50, 211; 1672, 51, 224; expenses paid, 214
—Joanna (Hooker), second wife of Rev. Thomas (d 1649), cxi n
—Margaret, third wife of Rev. Thomas (d 1649). See Mitchell
—Samuel (d c 1673), half-brother of Rev. Thomas (d 1649), 21; his account, lxxii n, 17–19; put in charge of College building and stock, 1639, lxxi. lxxii, lxxii n, lxxiii n, 173; returns to England, 1645, lxxii, lxxii n
—Rev. Samuel (1658), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1649), Fellow, 1660, cliv, clv; Tutor, clviii, clix
—Rev. Thomas (d 1649), lxxii n; Overseer, 1637, xxxiii, lxx n; on N. Eaton, lxx n; owns Wigglesworth lot, 1636, cxi n
—Rev. Thomas (1653), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1649), xxxvii n, 19 n; Tutor, 1654, clviii, clix; Fellow, 1654, cliv, clv, 207; named Fellow in charter of 1672, xxxvii, lxv; refers to second Harvard College, 1673, lxxxv n; resigns as Fellow, 1673, 221, 226; asked to continue, 227; Fellow, 1674, clv, 59, 229; approved, 1675, 231; present, cxlvi, cxlvii, clxxiii n, 13, 63, 65, 232, 233, 235, 236; his rent, 19; gives goblet, 73; death, 1677, clxxiii n, 65, 236
—Rev. Thomas (1676), son of Rev. Thomas (1653), present, 76, 255
Shephard, James, lix n. See Shepard, Rev. Jeremiah (1669)
Shepherdson, William, 528
Sherburne, henry (1728), granted A.M., 1748, 784
Sherman,—, his land, near Fresh Pond, 53
—Rev. John (d 1685), clvi n, clxi n; on committee to help stewards of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, 221; Fellow, 1678, clv, clvi, 65; approved, 237; present, cxlvii, 68, 74, 218, 232, 237, 242, 253, 254, 256; at Commencement, 1681, 240, 241; death, 1685, xli n, 237
—John (d 1691), cousin of Rev. John (d 1685), clxi n; Steward, 1660, clxi; debt paid, 212
Shingle, board and, roof, 391
Shingles, xci
Shipley, John, 280
Shippen, Dr. William (d 1801), 330 Shirley, Gov. William (d 1771), lxxxix n, clxv, 716; address to, voted, 1741, 709; address to, 709–710; his reply, 710; educated at Cambridge University, 710; calls Cambridge University the mother of Harvard College, 710; dinner to, described, 711–712; petitions to, 1743, 741–743; 1747, 765–770; to call Overseers’ meeting, 756; memorial to, 1747, 774–775; 1748, 793–794; invited to dine, 1747, 780
Shoes, 18
Short, Rev. Matthew (1707), Scholar, 1703, 371; 1704, 373; salary, 371, 373
Shorthand, entries in, by E. Holyoke, 724 n, 743 n, 751 n, 761 n, 762 n, 779 n, 780 n, 785 n, 787 n, 817 n
Shove, Rev. George (1654?; d 1687), 20
Shrimpton, Samuel (d 1698), 49, 211, 410, 412, 413
Shute, Rev. Daniel (1743), Scholar, 1741, 713
—Gov. Samuel (d 1742), xciii n, ci, clxv, 440, 475; present, 439, 450, 453; his remark on case of E. Pierpont, 1718, 441; address of Corporation to, on case of E. Pierpont, 1718, 442; calls Overseers’ meetings, 450, 460; memorial to, 1722, 478; his proviso that three Fellows of the Corporation should not be removed, 1722, 498; Theses dedicated to, 1723, lxiii n; library Catalogue sent to, 503
Sibley, Rev. John langdon (1825), xiv n, xix n. xxviii n; on J. Rogers, lxiv n; on Portsmouth gift, lxxxv n; his error about H. Dunster’s wife, civ n; his paper on Triennials, mentioned, clxii; entries in hand of, 19 n, 56 n, 171 n, 185 n, 200 n; his arrangement in Triennial Catalogue for 1830 of those receiving honorary degrees, 82 n
Sickness, 33, 34, 47, 146, 203, 261
Silver, given by D. Henchman, 1742, 716, 853. See also Utensils, College
—money, 816; and paper money, 303; price of, 1722, 470; 1735, 631; standard of, 626, 631, 632; bonds, 764, 777
Silver, College, inventory, 1654, 209; 1656, 207; 1674, 62, 230; 1683, 73, 248–249; 1736, 651; lodged in President’s House, 1674, 60. See also Plate, College
Simonds. See Symonds
Simpson. See Simson
Simson, Rev. John (d 1740), Glasgow, Scotland, 309
—Robert (d 1768), Glasgow, nephew of Rev. John (d 1740), 314, 315, 316
Singing, among Natick Indians, 576
Sink, plan of, 301, 302; facsimile, 260–261
Sinking, of the College estate, to be prevented, 1729, 572; state of the College revenues, 1747, 766, 767, 768
Sir, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 180, 207, passim; title given to graduate on taking his first degree, cxl; used as late as 1801, cxl n
Six Nations, Indians of the, E. Spencer and the, 1748, 850
Sizar, his study, 14
Size, 363
Size pots, 73
Sizes, two, of bread, to be commons in morning, 1748, 795; 1750, 821
Sizings, 33, 34, 48, 149, 150, 204, 260, 262, 359, 388, 391, 407, 421, 427, 433, 434, 435, 438, 443, 444, 479, 655, 667; in, 260; out of, 260
Skating, how allowed, 154
Skeleton, given, 1750, 823
Skene, Francis, Aberdeen, Scotland, 322
—George, Aberdeen, Scotland. 328
Slate roof, on Stoughton College, to be repaired, 1710, xcv 391; 1712, xcvi, 404; surveyed, 1712, xcv; 1713, xcvi
Slating, of roof of Stoughton College proposed, 1714, xcvi
Sleeping, at public worship, fined, 137
Small-pox, students having, not to return until disinfected, 1721, 463; rife in Boston, 1721, 467; 1730, 581, 583, 585, 587; in Charlestown, 1721, 467; 1730, 581, 583, 585; tuition money abated on account of, 1722, 468; proposal to grant degrees by Corporation without meeting of Overseers on account of, 1730, 581–582, 583; vacation omitted on account of, 584; Ferry rent abated on account of, 1731, 592
Smedley, John, gift, 224
——, widow, rate of interest charged, 359
—Benjamin, 294, 296
—Jeremiah (1781), given an honorary degree, 1807, cxxxix n
—John, 279, 297 n, 299 n
—Rev. Joseph (1695), Scholar, 1693, 344; 1694, 348; salary, 344, 348
—Rev. Josiah (1725), granted A.M. though absent, 1728, 561
—Rev. Thomas (1725), Hollis scholar, 1723, 501; 1724, 504
—William, 255, 409, 411, 416, 428
—William, 330
—Zoheth (1736), Scholar, 1734, 626; salary, 626
Smith, work of, 7, 8, 18, 172
Smith, College. See Bordman, Aaron; Frost, Gideon; Morse, William; Nutting, Jonathan; Thomas
Snell, Nathaniel (1740), Scholar, 1738, 683; 1739, 692; salary, 683, 692
Society, the, meaning Harvard College, the institution, xlv, xlvi, 28, 32, 33, 34, 41, 46, 52, 55, 59, 78, 175, 180, 182, 186, 190, 194, 201, 202, 229, 232, 282, 285, 310, 335, 342, 346, 349, 351, 354, 355, 384, 385, 396, 450, 459, 478, 493, 507, 531, 533, 569, 572, 573, 610, 613, 662, 668, 669, 670, 679, 708, 709, 720, 743, 746, 751, 768, 813, 825, 842, 856, 859, 863; persons out of, 46, 202; government of, 610
Society for New England. See Corporation for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. See Corporation for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians
Socius, cliv n
Son, a, of this College, 535
Sons of the Prophets, xcviii, 310; of the House, lxxxix n, 396, 402; our, 768
Sophisters, cxxii, 25, 28, 188, 190, 191
—Junior, 210, 455, 476, 500, 501, 512, 514, 528, 574, 595, 647, 652, 657, 665; members of Junior Class called not Juniors but, cxliii n; to dispute once or twice a week, 139; fined for neglect, 139; to attend lectures of Hollis Professor of Divinity, 616, 665
—Senior, 130, 132, 140, 373, 374, 376, 377, 476, 500, 512, 537, 539, 554, 558, 560, 571, 574, 580, 590, 604, 623, 652, 656, 657, 665, 699, 713, 714, 715, 736, 807, 808, 810, 811; members of Senior Class called not Seniors but, cxliii n; have specified weeks for borrowing books, 131; to dispute once a week, 139; fined for neglect, 139; may borrow books, 194; to attend lectures of Hollis Professor of Mathematics, 616, 665; owing to their absence in spring, not to be Scholars of the House, 1742, lxxxix n, 728; law for, to reside at College in last quarter, 735, 736–737, 737–738
Sophomores, 77, 78, 155, 237, 257, 258, 370, 391, 436, 468, 474, 483, 500, 501, 512, 514, 525, 548, 571, 574, 595, 627, 632, 640, 651, 653, 657, 665, 684, 732
South Carolina, 561; student from, 751 South Privy. See under College buildings
Southerton (now Stonington), Ct., land near, given to College, 199; measures taken about, 275–277. See also Pawcatuck
Southward, of Martha’s Vineyard, places to the, 850
Southworth, Constant (d 1679), Treasurer of Plymouth Colony, 20
Spain’s, King of, Bible, 194
Spalding, Rev. Sampson (1732), obtains S. Browne gift, 1731, 594; W. Browne gift, 1732, 598
Spanish milled dollar, lxxxi n, 303; dollars, 858
Sparawk (Sparrawk). See Sparhawk
Sparhawk, John (1723), son of Samuel (d 1713), son of Nathaniel (d c 1686), son of Nathaniel (d 1647), Scholar, 1719, 445; salary, 445
—Nathaniel (d 1647), 17, 18
Spaulden. See Spalding
Speaker of the House. See under Massachusetts
Speakman, Thomas (1742), denied A.B., 1742, 720
Spear, Thomas (1724?), receives money, 1723, 484
Spencer, Rev. Elihu (Y. C. 1746), his stipend as preacher among the Indians of the Six Nations, 1748, 850
—Michael, 266, 412; buys land of T. Sweetman, 1677, lxxxvii n, 265; sells it to College, 1697, lxxxvii n, 265–266; mentioned, 430; Treasurer to buy his tenement, 1696, 355; orchard bought of, made play-place, 1712, lxxxviii n, 401; enlarged, 1737, lxxxviii n, 656
—Rebecca (Sweetman), wife of Michael, lxxxvii n
Spencer lot, lxviii n, lxxxviii n; bought by College, 1697, lxxxvii n
Spirits, distilled, forbidden, 143, 148, 456
Spoons, 33, 46, 203; stolen, 354
Spouts, to be procured for second Harvard College, 1724, xci, 513
Sprague. John (1730), obtains Sprague gift, 1729, 571; 1730, 580
—John (1737), obtains Sprague gift, 1735, 635; 1736, 646; 1737, 656
—Richard (d 1668), son of Edward (d 1614), gift, 52, 55, 199, 215; S. Bradstreet’s letter about gift, 1726, 538–539; trustees of gift, 539, 838, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863; disposition of gift, 571, 580, 592, 597, 608, 623, 635, 646, 656, 859–863
—Richard (d 1703), son of Ralph (d 1650), son of Edward (d 1614), will, 1703, 838
Spring, Ephraim (1728), granted A.M., 1732, 601
Spring lock, 9. See also Locks
Springfield, gifts from, 179, 223
Spy Pond, College property near, 217, 253
Squire, Stephen, 412
Sr an abbreviation of Senior when following a name, cxl; of Sir when preceding a name, cxl
Stacey, Ephraim, lets land in Chelsea, 1746, 757–758
Stag, head of, sent to England, 212
Staircase, in first Harvard College, 19; glass in, 1644, 4; in second Harvard College, lxxxviii, xc, xci
Stanniford, John, his memorial to General Court about a bridge over Charles River, 1739, 690
Starr, Rev. Comfort (1647), 4 n, 13 n; not a clergyman when appointed Fellow, lxiii n; ordained in England, lxv n; glass in study, 1644, 4; study account, 13; Tutor, 1649, clviii, clix; named Fellow in charter of 1650, xxxv, lxv, cliv, clv, 40, 181; receives money, 180
Station, in the College, J. Townsend restored to his, 1741, 708. See also Place
Statutes, College. See Laws, College
Stealing, 132, 143; expulsion for, 78, 354, 367
Stearns, Rev. David (1728), Scholar, 1727, 555; salary, 555; obtains W. Browne gift, 1728, 561; B. Browne gift, 561
—John, 412
—Samuel, 301
Stedman, Ebenezer (d 1785), his account for entertaining Governor’s guard too large, 1741, 713; paid, 1742, 716
—John (d 1693), 18; gift, 185, 213
—John (d 1728), sells W. Burgis’s Prospect of the Colledges, 1726, xciii n
Steel, Samuel (1734), petitions to be granted A.M., 1737, 667, 670, 671; denied, 1738, 672
—Thomas (1730), granted A.M., 1734, 626
Steeple, of Meeting-house, Cambridge, 1746, 757
Steeven,—, 18
Stephen, Henry, his Thesaurus loaned, 166
Stephens. See also Stevens
—John, surveys College land in Townsend, 1735, 291
Steps, stone, for Holden Chapel, built 1744, cxxvi, 748
Sterling, See Stirling
Sterling, the currency in 1640, 766, 768
Steuart, Robert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 317
Stevens. See also Stephen; Stephens
——, 297 n
—Rev. Benjamin (1740), son of Rev. Joseph (1703), Hopkins scholar, 1743, 740; 1747, 772; 1748, 788; obtains Saltonstall gift, 741; disqualified from being Hopkins scholar, 741
—Jacob, 297 n
—John (1727), 554; granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 583
—Rev. Joseph (1703), son of Joseph (d 1743) of Andover, term of service, clix n; Scholar, 1710, 392; 1711, 397; salary, 392, 397, 401, 405; obtains Sprague gift, 1710, 862; 1712, 863; Tutor, 1711, clix, 399; approved, 1712, clix n, 399; installed, 399; Fellow, 1712, clvi, 401; approved, 403; ceases as Fellow, 1713, 407; Fellow, 1716, clvi, 434; approved, 435; present, 405, 435, 436, 440, 446, 448, 451, 453–461; on committees, 447, 451; death, 1721, 465, 466
—Rev. Phineas (1734), obtains Sprague gift, 1731, 592; 1732, 597; 1733, 608; 1734, 623
Stevenson, John, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313, 325
Steward, James, improves College land at Rowley, 620
—John, 294
Steward, College, xxii, 34, 35, 47, 48, 49, 50, 134, 145, 147, 180, 191, 192, 193, 196. 210, 211, 214, 215, 230, 291, 346, 347, 366, 453, 454, 479, 502; duties, xxii, 32–33, 45–46, 148–150, 201–202, 259–260; not to take doubtful pay, 32; his book, 45, 201, 209, 210; salary, 46, 202, 260; chosen, 63, 218, 233, 339, 365, 370, 775, 827–828; bills of, 135; mentioned, 180; to gather in College debts, 1692, 339; accounts settled, 1693, 342; to require bond of students on admission, 1694, 347; his advance upon commons, 349, 353; allowed ten cords of wood, 350; not to be charged for wood hitherto taken, 350; his advance upon parts, 350, 352, 353, 377, 387, 391, 392, 395, 397, 398, 407, 421, 425, 427, 433, 435, 438, 440, 441, 443–444, 445, 520, 586, 603, 655; allowed balance of J. Pynchon’s account, 1696, 353; allowed detriments, 354, 359; allowed T. Weld’s dues, 369, 373; paid for bolting mill, 397; repaid for losses, 427, 438; finds it difficult to collect College dues, 456; to give account of charges for utensils, 1722, 479; on committee, 513; salary for keeping clock, 523; his accounts to be examined, 583, 647, 760; paid on account, 604; his accounts to be audited yearly, 647; paid for making up punishment bills, 1738, 680; his accounts to be made up, 1746, 756; not done, 756; to be chosen for six years, 1747, 775; 1750, 815; to give bond, 1750, 815
Stewards, College, list of, 1649–1818, clxi. See also Hobart, Rev. Jeremiah (1650); Hobart, Rev. Joshua (1650); Phillips, Rev. Samuel (1650)
Stewart, John, Aberdeen, Scotland, 322
—Matthew (d 1785), Edinburgh, Scotland, 323, 325
Stiles, Rev. Ezra (h 1754; Y. C. 1746), President of Yale College, 306; on demolition of first college building at New Haven, 1782, ciii n; diploma from Edinburgh, 1765, 322–323
—Nehemiah, 279
Stirk, George (1646), study account, 9; receives money, 180
Stirling, John, Glasgow, Scotland, 309
Stock, College. See under College accounts
—Indians, J. Sergeant and, 756, 791–792, 799, 850
Stoddard,—, gives to printing press, 21
—Rev. Anthony (1697; d 1760), son of Rev. Solomon (1662), clx n
—Anthony (1697; d 1748), son of Simeon (d 1730), Librarian, 1701, clx, 366; term of service, clx n; salary, 366
—Simeon (d 1730), son of Anthony (d 1687), 418, 430; present, 381
—Rev. Solomon (1662), son of Anthony (d 1687), Fellow, 1666, clv, clvi, 210; Tutor, clviii, clix; Librarian, 1667, clx, 210; present, cxlv, 218
Stone, Gregory. 429, 436; buys College land at Lexington, 1721, 265, 457
—Rev. James (1724), recommended as Hollis scholar, 1722, 475; receives money, 1724, 509
—Rev. Nathan (1726), son of Rev. Nathaniel (1690), receives money, 1724, 505
—Robert, leases Ferry, 1736–1745, 644, 689; behind in rent, 1744, 747; ceases to be ferryman, 1745, 752
—Samuel, 417
Stone, 172
—steps, for Holden Chapel, built 1744, cxxvi, 74
—wall, for President’s fence, 1670, cvi n, 225; about burying ground, College pays for care of, 1735, cxxiii n, 642
Stones, of Stoughton College, not to be sold, 1781, xcix, c
Stonington, Ct. See Southerton
Stools, for College Library, 1679, lxxxvii n
Storer,—, 18
—Ebenezer (1747), 331, 332; Treasurer, 1777, clvii
Story, Bradstreet (1792). See Bradstreet, Dudley Story (1792)
—William Wetmore (1838), cxxx n
Stoughton, Israel (d 1644), 21; Overseer, 1637, xxxiii; will, 22, 176; gift, 175, 209; descendants of, to enjoy Stoughton gift, 851
—Thomas (d 1684), brother of Israel (d 1644), descendants of, to enjoy Stoughton gift, 851
—Lt.-Gov. William (1650), son of Israel (d 1644), xxvi n, xxvii n, xlix n, l, lv n, lvi n, xcv, cxxvi, cxxix n, clvii n, clxv, 221, 239, 247, 252, 263, 264, 282, 309, 349, 352, 360, 383, 418, 421, 431, 495, 759, 791; his study, 8; on committee to help stewards of second Harvard College, 1672, lxxxvi, cvii, 221; desired to provide a President, 1679, 66, 238; present, 76, 232, 255; on committee for building third President’s House, 1680, cvii; T. Danforth’s letter to, 1683, 277; present, at Council meeting, 1686, xxv, 827; makes settlement of College, 1696, xlii, xlii n, xlvi, xlvi n, li n, 355; thanked, 356; letter from Corporation to, protesting against charter of 1696, xliv–xlvii; asked to procure royal charter, 1696, 356; offers to build Stoughton College, 1698, xciv, 358; named Fellow in charter of 1699, xlix n, lxvi; his arms on Stoughton College, c; letters of I. Mather to, 1700–1701, cx, cxi; his title of Deputy-President, clxv; gives pasture in Dorchester, 270; bounds, 1718, 270; income, how to be disposed of, 271; gives marsh in Dorchester, 270, 279; bounds, 1735, 271; income, how to be disposed of, 271; surveyed, 1748, 279; facsimile of plan, 190–191; disposition of gift, 421, 424, 438, 445, 448, 455, 462, 477, 505, 514, 537, 548, 562, 571, 580, 592, 598, 608, 623, 635, 646, 656, 687, 693, 704, 721, 732, 744, 750, 759, 771, 781, 798, 817; a clause in his will to be inquired into, 1733, 608; gives bowl, 651; watering-place on land given by, to be sold, 1739, 688; will, 847, 851; terms of gift, 847, 851. See also Stoughton College
Stoughton College (1699–1781). See under College buildings
Stoughton Hall. See under College buildings
Stoughton House. See under College buildings
Stow,—, 10
—Samuel (1645), 4 n, 11 n; glass in study, 1644, 4; in chamber, 4; his study, 1645, 7; study account, 11
Stranger, not to be made Butler, 1659, 10
Stranguish,—, London, Eng., gift, 200
Stratford, Ct., gifts from, 180
Stratton, John, 255
Strong drink, may be taken away, 197
Stuart, George, Edinburgh, Scotland, 317, 320, 323, 325
Studies, in College buildings, xx, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxiv, ci, 48, 65, 132, 145, 148, 204, 210, 237, 241, 282, 343, 354, 456, 631, 648, 734, 842; A. McF. Davis’s remarks on, lxxii n–lxxiii n; marked on two early plans of Massachusetts Hall, lxxiii n; glass in, 1644, 4; accounts of, 5–14; incomes and quarterly rents of, in first Harvard College, 14–15; with fire, 14, 15; quarterly rents of, 19, 46, 202; payment for, in what to be made, 191; rules about, 151–153; damage to, 193; rent of, to be paid for a year, 193; rents of, 213, 215, 259, 260, 282, 842; in first Harvard College, 208; in Goffe’s College, lxxviii, 208; in Massachusetts Hall, 312; in President’s House, 340; Indians to enjoy, rent free, 352; vacant, if graduates discontinue, 1732, 599; rent of, in second Harvard College, 686, 777–778, 787, 821; in Stoughton College, 686, 777–778, 787, 822; in Massachusetts Hall, 777–778, 787, 822
Studies, absence from, how punished, 27, 31, 189
Study, course of, changed from three years to four, about 1653, xx n
Style, New and Old, See Dates
Subscribers, 616
Sudbury, gifts from, 179, 222
Summa, 27, 31, 189
Summer vacation. See Vacation
Sumner, Charles (1830), on Dane Hall, cxxx n
Supper, regulations as to, 27, 31, 189; candles at, 35, See also Commencement supper
Supply, of the pulpits through the land, from the College, 481, 531
Surnames, scholars called by their, only, cxxxix, 26, 189; difficulty in distinguishing between students of the same, cxl; varied spelling of same, cxliii, cxliii n; legal changes of, cxliii–cxliv, cxliii n–cxliv n; form of spelling in Quinquennial not always followed in these volumes, cxliv, cxliv n
Suspended, from degrees, students, 554
Suspension. See under Punishments
Swain, Rev. Joseph (1744), obtains Mills gift, 1742, 721; Fitch gift, 1744, 744
Swamp, the great, Cambridge West Fields, 430; lot in, to be sold, 427
Swan, Gershom (d 1708), son of John (d 1708), 418, 431
—John (d 1708), gift, 54, 216
—John (d 1752), son of Gershom (d 1708), 268, 547, 610; land in occupation of, to be sold, 1738, 677
Swayne, Bonnet, executor of R. Thorner’s will, 1690, 833; dead in 1710, 833
Swearing, to be fined, 142
Sweepers, College, bills of, 135; fees, 1696, 354; 1734, 631; 1738, 685; 1739, 686; 1750, 817; abatement made in bills of, owing to small-pox, 1722, 468
Sweet. See Swett
Sweetman, Rebecca, daughter of Thomas (d 1683). See Spencer
—Samuel (1677), son of Thomas (d 1683), obtains Webb gift, 1675, 64, 234
—Thomas (d 1683), 266; sells land to M. Spencer, 1677, lxxxvii n, 265
Sweetser, Seth (1722), obtains Hollis gift, 1721, 460; 1722, 477
Swetman. See Sweetman
Swett, John Barnard (1771), to have benefit of Barnard gift, 859
Swift, Samuel (1735), Hopkins scholar, 1735, 640
Switser (Switzer). See Sweetser
Sylvester, Joseph (1733), Scholar, 1731, 595; 1732, 602; salary, 595, 602
Symmes, Rev. Thomas (1698), son of Rev. Zechariah (1657), Butler, 1697, 356
—Rev. Timothy (1733), Scholar, 1730, 584; 1732, 602; salary, 584, 602; obtains W. Browne gift, 1732, 598; 1733, 608
—Rev. William (1750), son of William (d 1764), son of William (d 1691), son of Rev. Zechariah (d 1672), obtains Flynt gift, 1748, 781; Browne gift. 1750, 816
—Rev. Zechariah (d 1672), 16
—Rev. Zechariah (1657), son of Rev. Zechariah (d 1672), Fellow, 1657, cliv, clvi; Tutor, clviii, clix
Symonds,—, College carpenter, 17
—Dep.-Gov. Samuel (d 1678), clxv, 54, 219
Synod, Confession of Faith drawn up by a, of Churches in New England, 853, 854
Synopsis, xiii n, 27, 28, 31, 147, 189, 190
T., O., 822. See Tenor, Old
Table cloths, 62, 74, 231, 249, 641, 642; linen, 453; planks, 11
—common, 74
—Fellows’, 62, 74, 231, 249; waiters at, 77; fellow-commoners to sit at, 135
—lower, 74, 249
—Masters’, 146
—scholars’, waiters at, 77
Tables, 6, 7, 12, 151, 565, 712; how to be set, 145–146; to be made clean, 452. See also Utensils, College
Tables, to put names on, 62, 74, 231, 249, 401, 426
Tables of human bones and muscles, given, 1750, 823
Taft, Rev. Moses (1751), receives money, 1750, 817
Tailer. See also Tayler; Taylor
—Gillam (1735), son of Lt.-Gov. William, obtains Stoughton gift, 1732, 598; 1733, 608; 1734, 623; 1735, 635
—Lt.-Gov. William (d 1732), xc n, clxv, 280, 297 n, 439; on repairs to second Harvard College, 1713, xc; present, 404, 406, 424, 434, 439, 453
Tailour. See Taylor
Talamy, Capt. John, Topsham, Eng., 289, 578, 605; to recover Doddridge gift, 1720, 452; paid for disbursements, 1722, 473; his disbursements, 1732, 654
Talcott, Joseph (d 1741), Governor of Connecticut, 577
Tanpits, 286, 834
Tappan. See Toppan
Tardiness, penalty for, at prayers, 136, 593, 808; at lectures, 136, 474, 528, 593; at public worship, 136
Tardy, 492; those, to be noted, 476
Taunton, 20, 247; student from, 511
Tavern, the great, Boston, 286. See under Boston
Taverns, not to be frequented unnecessarily, 141; in Cambridge not to be frequented without leave, 141
Taxes, College freed from, by charter of 1650, xlv, 42, 183, 590, 774, 794; by charter of 1692, 338; J. Monis to defend his privilege as to, 1730, 590; memorial to General Court to free College from, 1747, 774–775; 1748, 793–794. See also Rates
Taxing, motion from parish of First Church, Cambridge, about, scholars to minister of, considered, 1750, 819
Tayler. See Tailer; Taylor
Taylor, Treas. James, clxvi
—John (d 1683), 10, 11, 49, 210; salary as Butler, 50, 211
—John (1699), son of Rev. Joseph (1669), obtains Pennoyer gift, 1697, 357; 1700, 364
—Rev. John (1721), receives money, 1721, 462; 1722, 477; Scholar, 1723, 502; 1724, 513; 1725, 525; 1726, 540; 1727, 555; salary, 502, 513, 525, 540; obtains T. Brattle gift, 1725, 519; 1726, 537; paid for caring for College, 1726, 544
—Rev. Joseph (1669), son of John (d 1683), charges for commencement, 49, 50, 210, 211; Fellow, 1673, 221, 226; declines, 221
—Richard, rents a College shop in Boston, 24, 176, 286; entry in hand of, 24 n
—William, 176. See Taylor, Richard
Taynter, Simon, 412
Teaching, early, at the College, lxxi, lxxiii n
Teaching elders. See Elders
Teal, William, leases Ferry, 1748, 784
Telescope, to be repaired, 1736, 646; reflecting, given by J. Vassall, 1747, 770; by Sir P. Warren, 1750, 813
Temple, Sir Thomas (d 1674), Governor of Acadia, gives globes, 200; gives money, 222
Temporary students, necessity of ascertaining, cxxxvi; sources from which names are obtained, cxxxvi–cxxxvii; five groups of, cxxxvii–cxxxviii; two of these not here regarded as, cxxxviii–cxxxix; cases of, cxxxviii n–cxxxix n; list of, 1639–1800, cited, cxxxvii n. See also Addington, Isaac (1662?); Ames, John (1647?); Barnard, John (1740); Bell, Thomas (1734); Bennet,—(1659); Bradford,—(1645?); Browne, Benjamin (1666); Browne, John (1753); Bucknam, Nathan (1749); Cabot, George (1770); Cotton,—(1647?); * Curwin, Jonathan (1660); Denison, George (1658); Devotion,—(1703); Flynt, Ephraim (1662?); Henchman,—(1696); Hough, Rev. Samuel (1642); Hussey, George (1715); Larnel, Benjamin (1716); Leavitt, Josiah (1724); Mills, James (1743); Newton, John (1644?); Perkins, Daniel (1748); Prince.—(1645?); * Pynchon, John (1666); Pynchon, John (1696?); Rogers, George (1723); Rowe, Nicholas (1642); Rust, William (1748); Sargent, Epes (1712); Shove, Rev. George (1654?); Smith, Jeremiah (1781); Speakman, Thomas (1742); Spear, Thomas (1724?); Steel, Samuel (1734); Thacher, John (1748); Torrey, Rev. Samuel (1656?); Vaughan, Elliott (1731); Viall, Benjamin (1730); Wadsworth, Recompense (1679); Waldron, William (1742); Weld, John (1645?); Winslow, Josiah (1646?); Winthrop, Samuel (1646?); Winthrop, Wait (1662); *Wiswall, Rev. Ichabod (1655). (The three starred names occur only in the index)
Tennent, William (d 1777), 330
Tenor, Middle, 686
—New, 676, 686, 720, 738, 743–744, 748, 753, 764, 769, 773, 777, 783, 784, 785, 786, 791
—Old, cxxiv, 686, 720, 724, 734, 743, 756, 758, 759, 764, 767, 768, 775, 779, 782, 784, 785, 786, 787, 789, 791, 797, 800, 802, 804, 805, 814, 822, 853, 854, 857, 858; the present currency, 1747, 765; at an end, 1750, 816
Testament. See under Bible
Thacher, John (1748), son of Rev. Peter (1706), son of Rev. Peter (1671), obtains Flynt gift, 1747, 771
—Oxenbridge (1698), son of Rev. Peter (1671), his detriments perhaps remitted, 1701, 366
—Rev. Peter (1671), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1678), Scholar, 1672, 50, 212; charge for Commencement, 1673, 5; Fellow, 1674, clv, clvi, 59, 228; Tutor, 1674, clviii, clix; to inventory College linen, 1674, 60, 229; allowed to live in Boston, 60, 229; named Fellow in charter of 1696, xliii, lxvi; of 1697, xlvii, lxvi, clv, clvi; of 1699, first draught, xlix n, lxvi; of 1700, liii, lxvi; ceases to be Fellow, 1708, lxi n; named Vice President in charter of 1723, lxii n, lxiv; present, lxxx n, cxlv, cxlvii, cl, cli, 59, 63, 229, 232, 233, 356–358, 362–372, 374, 375, 377, 379
—Rev. Peter (1696), son of Thomas (d 1686), son of Rev. Thomas (d 1678), his detriments perhaps remitted, 1701, 366; present, 453
—Rev. Peter (1737), son of Rev. Peter (1706), son of Rev. Peter (1671), obtains Flynt gift, 1735, 635; Browne gift, 1735, 635
—Rev. Thomas (d 1678), 221; present, 232, 236, 237
Thair. See Thayer
Thanksgiving, at meals, 34, 47, 146, 204
Thatcher. See Thacher
Thaxter, Samuel (d 1740), 280; present, 453
Thayer, Rev. Ebenezer (1708), Scholar, 1709, 389; salary, 389
Theft, 78; expulsion for, 354
Theological lectures, to be better attended, 1729, 572
Theology, books relating to, ordered by Corporation, 730
Theses, 27, 31, 147, 189, 507, 521, 661, 800; for 1642, mentioned, xxxiii, xxxiii n; for 1723, dedicated to Gov. Shute, lxiii n
Thin Parchment Book of Records. See under College records
Thomas, the smith, 18
Thomas and Frances, ship, lxx n
Thompson. See also Thomson; Tompson
—Joseph, mentioned in will of D. Williams, 839
—Robert, 385, 836
Thomson. See also Thompson; Tompson
—William (1653), receives money, 180
Thorner, Robert (d 1690), legacy, xxxix, xxxix n; will, 1690, 290, 832–833; letter of H Newman about will, 1710, 833; letter of T. Hollis about will, 1734, 833
Thornton, Rev. Thomas (d 1700), 20
Throat distemper, students dismissed on account of, 1740, 695–696; ceases, 697
Thurston, Abijah (1749), obtains Danforth gift, 1747, 771; Browne gift, 1747, 771; Scholar, 1748, 789
Tidd, Joseph (d 1730), 412
Tillinghast, William Hopkins (1877), his entry in College Book V in Folio, xxviii; appointed Editor of Quinquennial, 1885, clxii; compiles a record of College officers not recorded in 1674–1880 Triennials and Quinquennials, clxii; gives this record to the College, clxii
Timber, 172, 250, 606
Ting. See Tyng
Tisdale (Tisdall), James (d 1715), 247
—Nathan (1749), obtains Stoughton gift, 1747, 771; Browne gift, 1749, 798; B. Browne gift, 1749, 798; S. Browne gift, 1749, 798
Tobacco, its use, 28, 190
Tobey, Elisha (1743), son of Cornelius (d 1792), son of Samuel (d 1737), Scholar, 1740, 698; 1741, 713; 1742, 728; salary, 698
—Rev. Samuel (1733), son of Samuel (d 1737), Scholar, 1730, 584; 1732, 602; salary, 584, 602
Todd, John, 294
Tolling, difference between ringing and, lxxvi n. See also Bells, College
Tolman, Daniel, 279
—Jonas, 279
—Thomas, 271
Tolshant Becknam, Essex, Eng., D. Williams’s house at manor of, to be repaired, 1747, 780; conditions of gift, 839–840
Tompson. See also Thompson; Thomson
—Rev. Edward (1684), obtains Webb gift, 1681, 68, 242; his detriments, 1694, 346
—Rev. Samuel (1710), son of Rev. Edward (1684), obtains Hutchinson gift, 1707, 378; Sprague gift, 1707, 860; 1708, 861; 1710, 862
—Rev. William (1718), son of Rev. Edward (1684), receives money, 1716, 436
Toppan, Rev. Benjamin (1742), Butler, 1741, 715; resigns as Butler, 1742, 727
—Rev. Christopher (1691), absent, 339; Scholar, 1690, 828; 1691, 831; salary, 828, 831
—Edmund (1720), son of Rev. Christopher (1691), Scholar, 1719, 448; salary, 448
Topsfield, gifts from, 223
Torrey, Rev. Josiah (1698), perhaps mentioned, 354; Scholar, 1697, 356; salary, 356
—Josiah (1741), obtains Fitch gift, 1739, 687
—Rev. Samuel (1656?; d 1707), son of William (d 1690), his class not known with certainty, lxvi n; term of service, clvi n; President, 1682, 69, 243; present, lxxx n, cl, cli, 356, 358, 360–362, 366, 367, 370–372; money remitted to, 1696, 354; named Fellow in charter of 1696, xliii n, lxvi; of 1697, xlvii, lxvi, clv, clvi; of 1699, xlix n, lxvi; of 1700, liii, lxvi; death, liv–lv, clvi n
—William (d 1690), cviii, 276
Town, in, those dwelling, 136; difficult to have oversight over those dwelling, 310; those boarding, exempt from detriments, 1717, 437
—out of, 492; scholars not to go, without leave, 26, 30, 187; J. Emerson punished for going, 58, 227; when Librarian goes, 130; scholars fined for going, without leave, 140; Senior Sophisters not to go, without leave, 735, 736, 737, 738, 810; undergraduates, except Senior Sophisters, not to go, without leave, 807; penalty for so doing, 807–808, 809–811
Town grant, 1638. See Cambridge
Towne, Peter (d 1705), 267
Towns, of Plymouth Colony, 1672, 20
Townsend, James (d 1738), son of James (1692), son of James, brother of Penn (d 1727), disposition of gift, 788, 804, 822; will, 852–853; income of gift to be paid to Hollis Professor of Divinity, 853
—Rev. Jonathan (1716), petitions for restoration of his son, 1741, 708
—Rev. Jonathan (1741), son of Rev. Jonathan (1716), obtains Danforth gift, 1739, 687; Hollis scholar, 1739, 692; obtains S. Browne gift, 1740, 693; expelled, 1741, 704; his father petitions for restoration of, 708; confesses, 708–709; restored to place, 709; granted A.B., 709
—Nathan (1727), granted A.M. though absent, 1730, 584
—Penn (d 1727), 297 n; present, 381, 399, 403, 404, 406, 422, 424, 434, 439, 450, 453; annuity, 410, 413
Townsend, 263, 281; College property in, ordered to be laid out, 1734, 280; laid out, 1735, 291; bounds, 291; plan, 291, 291 n facsimile of, 210–211; charges about, 1736, 291; to be surveyed, 1733, 620–621; possibly within New Hampshire line, 1742, 717. See also Turkey Hills
—Proprietors’ Records, 291
Townsmen, 33
Trainband, scholars not to join, without permit, 26, 30, 188. See also Military band; Military exercise
Trammel, 61, 230
Transit instrument, given, 1744, 744
Treasurer, College, 38, 40, 47, 51, 52, 57, 58, 60, 63, 64, 67, 72, 73, 181, 193, 195, 199, 211, 217, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 239, 248, 260, 287, 289, 290, 339, 340, 342, 347, 348, 349, 350, 357, 358, 359, 361, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 373, 380, 384, 398, 434; first appointed, 1643, 16, 156, 175; named a member of the Corporation in charter of 1650, xxxvi, 40, 181; of 1672, xxxvii; of 1692, xli, 336; of 1696, xliii n; of 1697, xlvii; of 1699, first draught, xlix n; of 1723, lxii n; left out of Corporation by charter of 1699 as amended, xlix n; of 1700, liii, lxi n; restored to Corporation when charter of 1650 was revived, 1708, lxi, lxi n; pays President’s salary, 5; to call in money due from remoter towns, 225; to rebuild President’s fences, 225; to dispose of money sent from England, 68, 242; to get gifts of W. Pennoyer and J. Doddridge, 69, 243; has plats of land given by R. Champney, 267; of Shawshin, 269; by J. Coggan, 270; by Sewalls, 272; has J. Coggan’s deed, 269; E. Rogers’s deed, 271; S. and H Sewall’s deeds, 272, 279; to sue for E. Browne’s legacy, 344; to sell R. Keayne’s house, 1696, 353; to take S. Checkley’s bond, 1696, 354; to buy M. Spencer’s tenement, 1696, 355; to treat with Burgess and Ingalls, 1698, 360; to lease land near Natick Falls, 1703, 371; to let. land in Newton, 1704, 372; to let land to A. Bordman, 1704, 373; to view Webb’s house, 1706, 376; to care for it, 1707, 378; to oversee building of President’s pew and students’ seats in Cambridge Meeting-house, 1706, 376; to lease property to W. Paine, 1709, 388; to settle Charlestown Ferry, 1710, 392; salary, 414, 433, 474, 526, 682, 692, 698, 712, 713, 727, 732, 739, 747, 748, 753, 763, 764, 776, 777, 788, 803, 822; to give bond, 1713, 420; approved, 1714, 425; to provide Book for entering Treasurer’s Accounts, 1719, 445; to exhibit his accounts at annual meeting of Corporation, 1727, 551; petition from, 1748, 782
Treasurers, College, list of, 1643–1807, clvi–clvii
Treasurers, of Massachusetts. See under Massachusetts
Treasury, College, 17, 32, 50, 52, 175, 194, 211, 225, 231, 339, 340, 344, 350, 356, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 383, 384, 391, 302, 398, 401, 405, 408, 420, 421, 423, 424, 427, 433, 434, 435, 437, 443; General Court appoints committee to examine, 1725, 524; low state of, 800
Treat, Rev. Richard (d 1778), 330
—Rev. Samuel (1669), 20
Tree, petrified, in Library, 1744, ciii
Trench, William, charge for boards, 7. See also French, William
Trenchers, 250; allowance to Butler for washing, 78, 258
Trescott, John, 270, 271 n, 418, 421, 424, 431, 438, 445, 448, 455, 462, 477, 505, 851
—William, 429
Triennial Catalogues. See under Catalogues, College
Trigonomctry, 538
Trott, Lemuel (1730), obtains Stoughton gift, 1727, 548
Troughs, to be cleansed, 514
Trowbridge, Rev. Caleb (1710), son of James (d 1717), receives money, 1710, 391
—Edmund (1728), son of Thomas (d c 1725), sometimes known as Edmund Goffe, cxliv, cxliv n; his management of Merricaneag Neck case, 1732–1739, 607, 609, 610, 618, 619, 625, 634, 638, 690; buys land in Cambridge Neck, 1742, 723–724
—James (d 1717), lviii n, 250, 252
—Mary (Goffe), second wife of Thomas (d c 1725), cxliv
—Thomas (d c 1725), son of James (d 1717), cxliv
True, Rev. Henry (1750), obtains Danforth gift, 1748, 781; Stoughton gift, 1749, 798; B. Browne gift, 1750, 816
Trunks, to be cleansed, 514
Trusedale, William, legacy, 224, 252
Trustees, of Harvard College, 854
Tufts, Cotton (1749), son of Simon (1724), son of Peter (d 1721), obtains Fitch gift, 1747, 771; 1748, 781; W. Brattle gift, 1749, 798
—Rev. Joshua (1736), son of Rev. John (1708), son of Peter (d 1721), granted A.B. though absent, 1736, 649
—Simon (1744), son of Simon (1724), son of Peter (d 1721), obtains W. Brattle gift, 1744, 745
—Thomas (1701), son of Peter (d 1721), 417, 428
Tuition money, xxi, xxii, 259, 260, 357, 363, 374, 376, 377, 383, 389, 392, 398, 405, 421, 423, 433, 435, 437, 443, 446, 449, 454, 456, 461, 474, 504, 513, 525, 566, 574, 586, 595, 602, 616, 638, 639, 650, 664, 781, 827; fellow-commoners to pay double, 135; in what to be paid, 191; difficult to collect, 456; abated on account of small-pox, 1722, 468; raised, 1727, 547, 552, 555, 566; 1734, 628–629; 1735, 633; 1738, 676, 682; 1742, 730–731; price of, 1731, 595; 1732, 602; 1747, 776; 1748, 783; 1750, 821. See also Detriments; Half tuition
Tully. See Cicero
Tupper, Eldad (d 1750), his stipend as preacher to the Indians, 1748, 850
—Rev. Elisha (d 1787), son of Eldad (d 1750), his stipend as preacher to the Indians, 850
Turell, Samuel (1745), obtains Flynt gift, 1744, 745; Mills gift, 1744, 745; Fitch gift, 1745, 750
Turkey Hills, North and South, lands in, granted by General Court, 1729, 575. See also Townsend
Turner,—, expenses at, 212
Turnspit Indians, to be found by Steward, for Commencement dinner, 1691, 830
Turret, in first Harvard College, lxxiv, lxxxviii, 14, 15, 19, 34, 47, 203, 208, 209; bells in, lxxv–lxxvi, 200; falls down about 1677, lxxvi; glass in, 1644, 4
Tutor, 58, 145, 150, 154, 187, 190, 192, 196, 203, 228, 237, 260, 528, 568, 612, 810; the word used, 1642–1650, cxxxii, cxxxii n, cxxxiii; before 1650 the word used interchangeably with Fellow, cxxxiii; every Tutor a Fellow, but not every Fellow a Tutor, 1650–1692, lxiii n, cxxxiii, cxxxiv; after 1692 no, necessarily a member of the Corporation except in the years 1700–1708, cxxxiii; no Tutor a Fellow since 1780, lxvi, cxxxv; P. Thacher permitted to live in Boston, on conditions, 1674, 60; not to hold office more than three years unless rechosen, 1722, 434; N. Sever not deemed a, 408, 472; chosen, 473, 504, 569, 684, 691, 703, 719, 728, 745, 776, 786; resigns, 479, 691; chambers in second Harvard College to be fitted for, 502, 506
—at the College, 601
—fifth, chosen by Corporation, 1721, lxvii n, 461; salary, 461; deemed unnecessary by Overseers, 1722, lxvii n, 474
—first, salary, xxii, 602, 616, 638, 692, 698, 712, 727, 732, 739, 747, 753, 763, 770, 777, 788, 803, 822
—fourth, chosen, 1720, cxxxv, 449, 483, 639, 684, 754, 787; salary, 461, 474, 480, 483, 504, 513, 525, 543, 555, 566, 569, 574, 586, 595, 602, 616, 638, 650, 664, 682, 692, 698, 712, 727, 732, 739, 747, 753, 763, 776, 777, 788, 803, 822
—in Harvard College, chosen, 363
—in the College, chosen, 480, 601; declines, 482
—of Harvard College, chosen, 369
—of the College, chosen, 365, 719, 724
—second, there was a, in 1650–1750, lxvi, lxvii, lxvii n; salary, xii, 461, 474, 503, 513, 525, 543, 555, 566, 574, 585, 595, 602, 616, 638, 650, 664, 682, 692, 698, 712, 727, 732, 739, 747, 753, 703, 776, 777, 788, 803, 822; chosen, 728, 754, 786
—senior, 146; salary, 363, 461, 474 503, 513, 525, 543, 555, 566, 574 585, 595, 650, 664, 682, 692, 698, 712, 727, 739, 747, 753, 763, 776
—senior, resident at said College, 856
—third, there was a, in 1654, 1666–1672, 1673–1676, xxii, lxvi, lxvii lxvii n; first permanently chosen in 1699, li n, 363; regarded as unnecessary by J. Leverett, li n, lii n; chosen 363, 370, 375; to be chosen, 375; salary, xxii, 461, 474, 503, 513, 525 543, 555, 566, 574, 585, 595, 602, 616, 638, 650, 664, 682, 692, 698 712, 727, 732, 739, 747, 753, 763, 776, 777, 788, 803, 822
—to officiate on the place, chosen 237
Tutorage, 192
Tutors, 25–27, 29–31, 33, 35, 46, 47, 58, 81, 130–132, 134–146, 148–154, 259–261, 362, 367, 369, 378, 469, 471, 472, 474, 491–495, 497, 500, 501, 507, 511, 612, 520–522, 525, 528, 529, 553, 554, 565, 568, 569, 573, 593, 594, 598, 599, 610, 624, 630–632, 640, 641, 651, 652, 680, 684, 696, 711, 724, 725, 728, 729, 735, 737, 782, 793, 806–810, 817, 828; to reside at College, lv n, 152 and resident Fellows one and the same, 1650–1692, lxiii n, lxvii n, cxxxiii; table giving number of Tutors, who were also Fellows under charters of 1650–1700, lxvi; table giving number of, 1650–1750, lxvii these numbers somewhat conjectural, lxvii n; table giving number of, who were also resident Fellows, 1650–1780, lxvii; Keayne gift for, or Fellows, 1653, 835; preside at Commencement, 1689–1691, 1724, cliii n, number of, 1685–1699, lii n; govern, ment of the College placed under xxv, xxxiv, xxxviii, cliii, 827; income of Ferry settled upon, 1686, 827; Pennoyer gift settled on, 827; tuition to be paid by pupils to, 827; excluded from Corporation, 1697–1700, by charter of 1697, xlvii n, cxxxiv; except during the years 1697–1700, always one Tutor and sometimes two Tutors were Fellows, 1692–1780, cxxxiv, cxxxv; since 1780 no, have been Fellows, lxvi, cxxxv; not charged for cellars in Stoughton College, 1700, xcv, 364; to draw up instructions for Scholars of the House, 1703, 369; to proportion out the two Houses to the care of the Scholars of the House, 1707, 378; not to hold fellowship with salary for more than three years without re-election, 1716, 434; 1734, 152; their rooms rent free, 480; attempt of certain, to obtain seats in the Corporation, 1720–1723, lxii, cxxxv, 489–500; increase in number of, mooted, 1721, 456; voted, 461; to direct disputations at Commencement, 1725, 521; salaries of, to be paid quarterly, 1732, 603; to instruct in the elements of the arts and sciences, 1733, 616; to reside in the College, 1734, 152; chambers of, 152–153; their fees to College sweepers, 1734, 631, 817; granted rents of Massachusetts Hall, 1738, 672; to appoint suitable persons to reside at the College during vacations, 1741, 705; petition from, 1748, 782; H. Flynt’s bequest for, 1760, 857; salaries, xxii, 81, 357, 360, 361, 363, 370, 372–375, 377, 383, 389, 392, 424, 461, 468, 474, 503–504, 513, 525, 529, 543, 555, 566, 574, 585, 595, 602, 603, 616, 626, 638, 639, 650, 664, 682, 692, 698, 712, 713, 727, 732, 739, 747, 748, 753, 763, 770, 776, 777, 779, 788, 803, 822, 857; designations applied to, cxxxiv n; list of, 1643–1767, clviii–clix; no complete list can be compiled, clxiii
—in Harvard College, chosen, 357
—in the House, 493
—list of, 1643–1750, clviii–clix. See also Cooke, Rev. William (1716); Danforth, Samuel (1715); Diman, Rev. James (1730)
—of the College, 490, 618; salary, 358
—of the House, 442, 684; chosen, 703, 719, 722, 728, 745, 754, 776, 786
—resident, 493, 494, 495, 496, 498
—resident, in the House, 493
—residing in the House, 491–492
—senior, the four, bequest for, 857
—senior, the two, made members of the Corporation by charter of 1699, xlix n, lxv n; of 1700, liii, lxv n, cxxxiii–cxxxiv; to take care of the College, 1700, lv n; 1701, lv n; to moderate at Commencement, 1724, 507
—upon the spot, 493
Tuttle, Jacob (1743), granted A.M. though absent, 1746, 762–763
Tyler, John, thanked for services in England, 1724, 505
—Lyon Gardiner, President of the College of William and Mary, on the first college building in Williamsburg, Va., ciii n
Tyng, Dudley Atkins (1781), his name changed from Dudley Atkins, cxliv
—Edward (d 1681), brother of William (d 1653), 221; money received from, 54; gift, 200, 215, 252; present, 232, 236, 237
—Edward (d c 1701), son of Edward (d 1681), lays out land in Maine for J. Scottow, 278
—John (1691), son of Jonathan (d 1724), son of Edward (d 1681), receives money, 1691, 831
—Treas. Wiliiam (d 1653), brother of Edward (d 1681), clxvi; his account with the College, 1644, 21
Types. See Greek types; Hebrew types; Letters
Uncovered. See under Apparel
Underwood, Joseph, 268
Universities, 338, 343, 480, 556
University, Harvard College called a, 1679, 39; 1781, xcix; I. Mather desires the College to be made a, 1691, xxxix; C. Mather calls the College a, 1702, lxviii n
University Hall. See under College buildings
Unknown benefactors. See Anonymous
Unknown handwriting. See Handwriting
Unsettlement, of the College, lxi. See also Dissettlement
Unson, B., Glasgow, Scotland, 314, 315, 316
Unham, Rev. Caleb (1744), son of Ebenezer, son of Phineas (d 1720), obtains B. Browne gift, 1744, 744
—Rev. Edward (1734), son of James, son of Phineas (d 1720), Scholar, 1731, 595; salary, 595
Upland, 217
Upper House. See under Massachusetts
Urjes, Gerard de, Utrecht, Holland, 307, 308
Usher, Hezekiah (d 1676), gift, 185, 213
—Treas. John (d 1720), Lt.-Gov. of New Hampshire, son of Hezekiah (d 1676), clxvi; his sale of Maine to Massachusetts, 604; present at Council meeting, 1686, xxv, 827
—Rev. John (1719), son of John (d 1726), petitions for a degree for his son, 1746, 761
—Rev. John (1743), son of Rev. John (1719), granted A.M. though absent, 1746, 761
Usher, the word, as used by J. Winthrop, cxxxii, cxxxii n
Utensils, College, 45, 49, 60, 149, 201, 209, 210, 212, 229, 479; repairs, 32; inventory, to be rendered quarterly, 33, 46, 149, 202, 260; to be kept clean, 33, 40, 202, 261; inventory, 1674, 61–62, 230–231; 1683, 73–74, 248–249; given, 175; inventory to be made, 1747, 778; 1750, 815
Utrecht University, 306; diplomas granted by, 305–306, 307–308
Vacancies, in presidency, cliii n
Vacation, 131, 145, 641; payments for caring for colleges during, 1720, 452; 1724, 517; 1726, 544; 1727, 558; 1728, 566; 1729, 574; 1735, 643; 1749, 805; law about those living at College in, to be drafted, 1739, 691; drafted, 1741, 705; approved, 706; ordered on account of throat distemper, 1740, 696; student not to reside at College during, unless allowed, 690, 705
—summer, 810; one or more Tutors to reside at College during, 1720, 452; four students to care for colleges during, 452; Gov. Burnet arrives in, 1728, 564; omitted on account of small-pox, 1730, 584; duration of, 1722, 469, 471; 1734, 140; 1749, 807; to be shortened, 1749, 807
—winter, 730, 809, 810, 813, 814; considered, 1747, 778; to be tried, 1749, 807, 811; duration of, 807; scholars not to tarry at College in, 809
Valnais, Joseph Dupas de (h 1779), diploma, 331–332
Vandeput, Sir Peter (d 1708), 833
Vane, Gov. Sir Henry (d 1662), clxiv
Vassall, John (1732), son of Leonard (d 1737), a fellow-commoner, cxxxix n; gives tankard, 651; gives a reflecting telescope, 1747, 770
—Leonard (d 1737), his suit against Tutor Rogers, 1733, 610, 611, 612–613, 615; costs arising from, discharged, 1738, 674
—William (1733), son of Leonard (d 1737), 611, 612; a fellow-commoner, cxxxix n; struck by Tutor Rogers, 610; gives tankard, 651; granted A.M., 1743, 738; gives tables of human bones and muscles, 1750, 823
Vaughan, Elliott (1731), son of George (1696), allowance to Steward for bad debt of, 1737, 607
—William, buys College property, 1808, 272 n
Veazie, Rev. Samuel (1736), obtains Mills gift, 1734, 623; Stoughton gift, 1736, 646
Veazy, William, 246, 250, 251
Veins, human, given, 1750, 823
Ven,—, mentioned as a fellow-commoner, cxl n; gift, 207
Vendue, materials of Stoughton College sold at, 1781, xcix
Verse, Latin, requirements as to, 1642–1648, 24, 29, 187; 1734, 134
Vessels, for measuring rain, 817
Vessels, College, See Utensils, College
Viall, Benjamin (1730). death, 1729, cxxxvii n
Vice President, of Harvard College, uncertainty as to, in charter of 1696, xliii n; named in charter of 1697, xlvii, lxiv; of 1699, xlix n, lxiv; of 1700, liii, lxiv; of 1723, lxii n, lxiv; Corporation petitions General Court for encouragement for a, 1698, xlviii n; to expound Scriptures, 1698, 362; to draw up instructions for Scholars of the House, 1703, 309; Corporation meets in house of, 1707, 376; appointment by the House of N. Hobart as, not accepted by Governor and Council, 1707, lix n
Vice Presidents, list of, 1697–1707, clii. See also Hobart, Rev. Nehemiah (1667); Thacher, Rev. Peter (1671)
Victualling houses. See Taverns
Vinal, Rev. William (1739), Scholar, 1737, 665; salary, 665; Hollis scholar, 1738, 683; Hopkins scholar, 1739, 692; resigns as Hopkins scholar, 692, 693
Vineyard. See Martha’s Vineyard
Virgil, scholars required to read, 1734, 134
Visit, scholars allowed to, friends, 140; College officers to, chambers of graduates, 152; expense of Vice President’s, paid, 368
Visitation, 28, 190; power of, xxxv, xliv, xlv, xlviii n; I. Mather to make his usual, 1686, 827; by W. Stoughton, 1696, 356
Visitor, 196; senior Fellow to act as, xxi
Visitors, xliv n, xlviii n, 28, 191; no provision for, in charter of 1692, xxxv, xlii n; Governor and Council named, in charters of 1697 and 1700, xxxv, 495
W., B., 480. See Wadsworth, Rev. Benjamin (1690)
W., W., a silver beaker marked, 62, 73, 230, 249. See also Whittingham, William (1660)
Wade, Rev. John (1693), expelled, 1693, 346; confession, 1694, 349; readmitted, 349
Wadsworth,—, receives oration and sermons on B. Wadsworth, 1737, 660
—Rev. Benjamin (1690), son of Samuel (d 1676), xiii, xiv, xvii n, xviii, xxx n, lxii n, lxxxviii n, 96 n, 99 n, 206, 285 n, 289 n, 407, 420, 422, 432, 439, 473, 478, 488, 509, 526, 527, 528,