For words without page references, see the Index

    abbreviate, an abstract

    accord, to agree, 24

    act, (1) a thesis publicly maintained by a candidate for a degree, or to show a student’s proficiency; (2) the occasion or ceremony of keeping acts

    ad eundem, to the same degree: admission of a graduate of one college or university to the same degree at another without examination

    allowance, approbation, approval, 444

    alphabet, an index in alphabetical order, 857

    an-end, to the end, lxxiv, cviii, 186

    approbate, to approve expressly or formally; to express approbation of, sanction authoritatively, 825

    Bachelor, junior, a Bachelor of Arts in his first year

    Bachelor, middle, a Bachelor of Arts in his second year1756

    Bachelor, senior, a Bachelor of Arts in his third year

    beaker, a large drinking vessel with a wide mouth, an open cup or goblet

    bever, a small repast between meals

    bound, to mark out the bounds of, 586, 587, 588

    boxing, striking (the cheek, ear, etc.) with the hand

    breviate, a summary

    bursar, a treasurer

    cabin, a small room

    carriage, manner of conducting oneself socially; demeanor; deportment, behavior

    carve for oneself, to help or serve (oneself or others) at one’s own discretion, 497

    charge, pecuniary burden; expense, cost, lxxv, lxxvii n, lxxxiii, cx, 6, 7, 343

    chargeable, costly, expensive, 343

    classes, lists of books (confined to one class or subject) contained in a case or alcove (Latin classis) in a library, 133

    classis, a class

    clerk, a clergyman, 292

    closet, a private repository of valuables or curiosities; a cabinet, 522

    column (of figures), used in connection with the Steward’s quarter-bills, in which was set down in successive columns the amount due from each student for commons and sizings (i. e. board), study rent, tuition, detriments, monitors, cellar rent, punishment, etc. These were added up each quarter, and the totals of the several columns, except the first, were entered as due from the Steward to the College. But the total of the first column, corresponding substantially to what the Steward had paid out for provisions, etc., was subject to special regulation from time to time, depending on current prices and on the charge for board. Often he was allowed to keep the whole amount; sometimes he paid over to the College a certain proportion or a percentage of the balance remaining after deducting a fixed sum for himself; at other times, when prices had risen, he was indemnified by an additional grant from the College

    commence, to take a degree

    commencer, one who commences (takes a degree)

    commonage, the right of pasturing animals on common land

    commoner, one who has a joint right in common lands; one who enjoys a right of common

    commoner, fellow-. See fellow-commoner

    commonplace, a synopsis or abstract

    commonplace, to make a synopsis or abstract

    condescend, to agree to, 394

    congratulate, to express sympathetic joy on the occasion of, 709

    conversation, manner of conducting oneself in the world or society; behavior, mode or course of life

    council, former spelling of counsel, 434

    country, the, meaning the Colony or Province of the Massachusetts Bay

    course, by, by turns, in turn, alternately, 136

    course, in, in the regular, usual, natural, or due order, 35, 138, 139, 395, 402, 601, 626

    cross, across, athwart, transversely, 293

    cue, (1) the sum of half a farthing, formerly denoted in college accounts by the letter q, originally for quadrans; (2) a term formerly current in the universities for a small quantity of bread; also extended by some writers to beer. See also q

    cue cup, apparently a cup holding a cue, or a small quantity

    damnify, to cause injury, loss, or inconvenience to; to injure, damage, 52, 149

    daubing, coating or covering (a wall or building) with a layer of plaster, mortar, clay, or the like

    defalcation, a deduction; a diminution or abatement to which an amount is liable

    defalk, to deduct, subtract, abate a part or sum from an account, payment, etc., 342

    degradation, degrading a student to a place below the one originally assigned

    degrade, to punish a student by putting him in a place below the one originally assigned

    demerit, that which is merited; desert; punishment deserved, 153, 193

    depression, the act of putting down or bringing low, or the fact or condition of being brought low

    detriments, the name of certain small charges made by colleges and societies upon their members

    diet, (1) board; (2) allowance for the expenses of living

    diplomate, to invest with a degree by diploma

    discontinuer, one who discontinues his residence or attendance

    discourse, trans., to speak or converse with, to talk to, 402

    divert, refl., to turn aside; to betake oneself to something different, 446

    Dominus, title designating a Bachelor of Arts before taking his second degree (A.M.). See also Sir

    effect, accomplishment, fulfilment, 398

    ensure, to insure, 559

    equal, equitable, just, impartial, 22, 176

    estrepement. See strip

    evince, to prove by argument or evidence; to establish, 441

    excepted, except, 711

    exhibit, to give an exhibition to a student, 608, 847, 851, 852

    exhibition, (1) used here only in the sense of pecuniary assistance given to a student; but (2) at a later period (about 1761) employed in the sense of a public performance of parts assigned

    exorbitance, misconduct, lawlessness, 398

    Fellow, (1) a Tutor; (2) one of the five members of the Corporation so called in the charter of 1650

    Fellow of the House, applied (1) occasionally to a Fellow of the Corporation; but (2) usually to a Tutor

    fellow-commoner, a privileged class of undergraduates

    fellows, companions, 26, 188

    ferrage, obsolete form of ferriage, 216

    fescue, a straw, rush, twig: hence, a thing of little importance, xlv

    fire study, a study with a fire-place

    flight, the lower part or tail of the clapper of a bell, lxxvi n

    gallery money, money paid by a student to the College for a seat in the gallery of the meeting-house and paid by the College to the Church

    gate, a right to a run or pasture for a cow, horse, etc., on a common field, 407

    gemel, a hinge, 6, 8

    gemew (gemmow), a hinge, 6, 12, 14

    gimmall. See gemel

    girt, a small girder, cxxiii, 757

    goodman, prefixed to names of persons under the rank of gentlemen, especially yeomen or farmers, 17, 18, 286, 834, 851

    gore, a small strip or tract of land lying between larger divisions, lxxxi n, 303

    gratify, to make a present or give a gratuity to; to remunerate; to fee, 445

    graving, the cleaning of a boat’s bottom by scraping or burning, and coating with tar, 786

    groundsill, to lay the foundation or threshold of, lxxv

    hazardful, risky, hazardous, perilous, 52

    holppacte, whole packed, lxxxviii

    house, (1) Harvard College (the institution); (2) a building. See also Fellow of the House; Scholar of the House

    humane, obsolete form of human, 823

    immediate government of the College, the President and Tutors (in 1825 called the Faculty)

    import, to bring about, cause, occasion, 32

    importance, signification, meaning, purport, 528

    impression, the process of printing, 508, 646

    in, to arrive, used with the name of the captain as well as with the name of the vessel he commanded, 467

    inceptor, one who incepts or is about to incept (commence)

    indifferent, impartial, 719

    inform, to give information; to report, 171, 491, 605, 728

    inhumane, obsolete form of inhuman, 173

    jimmew. See gemew

    just, appropriate; suitable, 46, 202, 260

    largely, at length, fully, 579

    letters, printing types

    make over, to remove from one place to another, 385

    mar, to damage so as to render useless, 34, 46, 206

    margent, margin, 245

    mere, absolute, entire, downright, 311

    modillion, a projecting bracket placed in series under the corona of the cornice

    mondillion. See modillion

    motion, to propose or recommend, 10

    Mr., title applied to a graduate after taking his second degree (A.M.)

    mustard-quern, a small hand-mill for grinding mustard

    neat, free from any reductions; clear, net, 534, 785, 786

    next, lying nearest in place or position, xxxiv, xxxiv n, 42, 173

    non-concur, to refuse to concur in or agree to, cxvii, 465, 581, 595, 631

    ob., abbreviation of obolus, formerly used to denote a halfpenny, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14

    painfulness, laboriousness, painstaking, lxxiii

    parts, portions or helpings

    peale. See peel

    peel, a shovel, 61, 230

    place, to assign a student to a certain place in his class

    placing, arranging students according to the social position of their fathers

    pottle pot, a pot containing a pottle (a measure of capacity equal to two quarts), 49, 211

    presently, immediately, 63, 64, 234

    president, obsolete form of precedent, 832

    president, presiding, clxxiii n

    probationer, a candidate for a fellowship, admitted on probation

    proportion, to apportion, 378

    purposedly, purposely, 587

    q, abbreviation of quadrans, the sum of half a farthing, 7, 8, 12, 14, 51. See also cue

    quarter-bills, the statement of what the Steward received quarter by quarter from the students and which he presented for approval to the Corporation

    quern. See mustard-quern

    questionist, an undergraduate in his last term before proceeding to the degree of A.B.

    rack, a bar or set of bars of iron used to support a spit or other cooking utensil, 61, 230

    rank, in a, in a line or file, 825

    remain, the balance or unpaid remainder of a sum of money, 594

    remember, to recall (a thing) to a person, 483

    resentment, grateful appreciation or acknowledgment (of a service, kindness, etc.); a feeling or expression of gratitude, 526

    resolution, the answering of a question; the solving of a doubt or difficulty, 26, 188

    rest, to remain due, 224, 245, 246, 252

    rest, to remain or be left over, 414

    rough, a rough draft, 395

    rusticate, to dismiss for a specified time, as a punishment

    rustication, temporary dismissal; an instance or period of this

    salt, a salt-cellar, 207, 209

    salter, a manufacturer of or dealer in salt, 386

    sash light, a sash or sash-window, 757

    sauce, vegetables

    say, a cloth of fine mixture resembling serge, 11

    Scholar of the House, term applied to one whose duty it was to take account of the College buildings, chambers, studies, fences, etc.

    scoale, obsolete form of scale, 61, 230

    signification, notification in proper legal form, 450

    Sir, title designating a Bachelor of Arts before taking his second degree (A.M.). See also Dominus

    sizar, a student giving a certain amount of service to a College officer in return for remission of expenses

    size, a quantity or portion of bread, beer, etc.; an allowance

    sizing, the action or practice of procuring “sizes” from the buttery or kitchen; a portion or quantity so obtained; a size

    Society, the, Harvard College (the institution)

    sometime, formerly, 465

    Sophister, an undergraduate in his third or fourth year

    Sophister, Junior, an undergraduate in his third year

    Sophister, Senior, an undergraduate in his fourth year

    straight, obsolete form of strait, 309, 310

    strait, scanty or inadequate, 309, 310

    strip, “wasting” of lands, estrepement, 582, 588

    study, a portion of a chamber set off for the use of a student

    suddenly, immediately, 63

    table, a tablet bearing or intended for an inscription or device

    then, obsolete form of than, passim

    thesis, a dissertation to maintain and prove a thesis, delivered by a candidate for a degree

    thorow, through, cv

    throughly, thoroughly, 193

    trammel, a series of rings or links, or other device, to bear a crock at different heights over the fire, the whole being suspended from a transverse bar, built in the chimney, or from a small crane

    trough, a channel, pipe, or trunk for conveying water, 514

    walking, manner of conducting or behaving oneself, 35