THE Annual Meeting of the Society was held at the Algonquin Club, No. 217 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, on Monday, 21 November, 1910, at six o’clock in the afternoon, the President, Henry Lefavour, LL.D., in the chair.
The Records of the last Stated Meeting were read and approved.
The President announced the death, since the last meeting, of James Bourne Ayer, Charles Henry Davis, John Lathrop, and Morton Dexter, Resident Members, and of Melville Weston Fuller, an Honorary Member.
The Corresponding Secretary reported that letters had been received from Mr. John Whittemore Farwell accepting Resident Membership, from Mr. Justin Harvey Smith accepting Corresponding Membership, and from the Hon. Elihu Root accepting Honorary Membership.
On the recommendation of the Council, the name of Mr. Frederick Jackson Turner was transferred from the Corresponding Roll to the Resident Roll, since he has changed his residence from Wisconsin to Massachusetts.
The Hon. John Adams Aiken of Greenfield, the Rev. Dr. George Foot Moore of Cambridge, and Mr. John Woodbury of Boston, were elected Resident Members.
The Annual Report of the Council was presented and read by the Rev. Charles Edwards Park.
Since the last Annual Meeting of the Society there have been held the usual five Stated Meetings, at which a variety of communications have been presented. The attendance has suffered somewhat from the fact that the weather conditions upon these five days have not always been of the sort that members of the Society apparently feel they have a right to expect. The April meeting was held in the Treasure Room of Harvard College Library, by invitation of our associate Mr. William Coolidge Lane, and was of exceptional interest. The other four meetings were held in the building of the American Unitarian Association, whose hospitality has been most generously continued to us, and most gratefully acknowledged.
The Society has suffered heavily during the year through the death of some of its most illustrious members. From our list of Resident Members these honored names have been stricken:
James Barr Ames, Dean of the Harvard Law School, who held the entire respect and fervent affection of his associates and pupils; who by developing the art of legal instruction had elevated the standards of his profession and had helped to place it upon its present exalted plane.
Morris Hicky Morgan, Professor of Classical Philology in Harvard University, author, lexicographer, translator, and editor of classical writings, an eager scholar, a vigorous and candid man.
James Bourne Ayer, physician and public servant, who according to his power served his city in the thankless capacity of Overseer of the Poor, and the Commonwealth as member of the State Board of Insanity, and whose quiet life was rich in friendship, helpfulness, and encouragement to all good things.
Charles Henry Davis, who, though living in retirement and handicapped by ill-health, abated nothing of his lively interest in our Commonwealth, both as to her past history and her present well-being; and who gave largely of his means for the support and furtherance of her public-spirited enterprises.
John Lathrop, Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, a man of Puritan standards and ideals, whose great popularity both professional and personal was based upon honest ability, worth, and probity of character.
Morton Dexter, clergyman and writer, at one time editor of the Congregationalist, whose most valuable service consisted in his researches into the history of the Pilgrim Fathers, in England, Holland, and America.
From among our Honorary Members:
Melville Weston Fuller, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, who for twenty-two years had faithfully and honorably filled the most important office in our National Government; genuinely beloved by his associates, manifesting in his daily speech and actions the simple dignity of real greatness.
And from our Corresponding Members:
George Park Fisher, Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Dean of the Yale Divinity School, perhaps the most prominent representative and champion of our latter-day Congregationalism, a ripe and candid scholar, a gentle and unassuming man.
The new members elected to the Society during the year are as follows. Resident Members —
- Abbott Lawrence Lowell,
- Edward Caldwell Moore,
- Archibald Cary Coolidge,
- Ezra Henry Baker,
- John Whittemore Farwell;
Corresponding Member —
- Justin Harvey Smith;
Honorary Member —
- Elihu Root.
Two new volumes of the Society’s Publications have been distributed among the members. These are: Volume IV, containing “Papers relating to the Land-bank of 1740,” prepared by Andrew McFarland Davis, “Bibliography of the Massachusetts House Journals, 1715–1776,” prepared by Worthington Chauncey Ford, “Bibliography of the Laws of the Massachusetts Bay, 1641–1776,” prepared by Mr. Ford and the Editor; and Volume XI, containing the Society’s Transactions for 1906–1907. In addition to these, Volume XII, containing the Society’s Transactions for 1908–1909, is all electrotyped, and awaits only the final preparation of the index before going to press. This volume will probably be distributed early in the coming year. The Transactions of the current year are in electrotyped form to date, and will constitute a portion of Volume XIII.
Of the two volumes actually issued during the past year, Volume XI was published at the charge of the Edward Wheelwright Fund. The publication of Volume IV was made possible by the generosity of one of our associates.
In this connection the Council takes great pleasure in reporting that through the generosity of Mr. George Vasmer Leverett, the publication of Volume II, which is to be devoted to the Royal Commissions, is assured. This volume will appear as soon as possible.
In addition to these two gifts, the Society is the recipient of substantial gifts of money from Mr. Thomas Minns, Mr. Horace Everett Ware, and Mr. Thomas Willing Balch, a Corresponding Member. And it is with a distinct sense of relief that the Council makes announcement that through the liberality of these six gentlemen, —
- Charles Goddard Weld,
- George Vasmer Leverett,
- George Nixon Black,
- Frederick Lewis Gay,
- Henry Winchester Cunningham,
- Andrew McFarland Davis,
the salary of the Editor has been promised for another period of five years, and his valuable services to the Society are for that length of time assured. At the same time it is a matter of keen regret that the services of our Editor are secured upon nothing firmer than this temporary, hand-to-mouth basis. An Editor’s Salary Fund is perhaps the first need of the Society. Such a fund should be not less than $25,000.
There are of course other needs almost as urgent; and they are growing more and more urgent as the Society gradually increases its field of recognition, and its scope of usefulness. The fact that our fecundity in the matter of publications is seriously curtailed by the utter inadequacy of the present Publication Funds is to be heartily deplored. These funds, consisting now of about $50,000, are just about one-half as large as they should be. And the further fact that we are as yet a homeless body, having not where to lay our head, but dependent upon the indulgence of friends for a place of meeting, for a place for the safe-keeping of our growing library and cabinet, is one which we are bound to contemplate with increasing impatience.
In the conviction that the Society has a profitable service to render, and that its value will increase in a proportion equal, so to speak, to the square of its facilities, your Council begs to remind you again of these our necessities, in the hope that in one way or another, by gift or by bequest, the doors to our true opportunity will one by one be opened unto us, and our Society will be enabled to take the stand and assume the functions that properly belong to it.
The Treasurer, submitted his Annual Report, as follows:
In compliance with the requirements of the By-Laws, the Treasurer submits his Annual Report for the year ending 15 November, 1910.
Balance, 15 November, 1909 |
$918.67 |
Admission Fees |
$50.00 |
Annual Assessments |
600.00 |
Commutation of the Annual Assessment |
100.00 |
Sales of the Society’s Publications |
158.30 |
Sales of the Society’s paper |
7.69 |
Contributions from two friends |
429.25 |
Interest |
2,709.25 |
Editor’s Salary Fund, subscriptions |
1,400.00 |
Publication Fund, gifts from three members |
350.00 |
Mortgage assigned |
500.00 |
Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank, withdrawn |
20.00 |
$6,324.49 |
$7,243.16 |
The University Press, printing |
$2,539.77 |
A. W. Elson & Co., photogravure plates, negatives, and plate printing |
420.13 |
Clerk hire |
70.70 |
Postage, stationery, and supplies |
81.84 |
Boston Storage Warehouse Co |
24.00 |
William H. Hart, auditing |
5.00 |
Phillips’s Back Bay Express, distributing Publications |
67.00 |
Albert Matthews, salary as Editor of Publications |
1,000.00 |
Mary H. Rollins, indexing |
100.00 |
Edna L. Stone, copying De Berdt Letter Book |
30.00 |
Carnegie Institution, subscription for 1909 towards Bibliography of American Historical Writings |
50.00 |
Miscellaneous incidentals |
377.50 |
Mortgages on improved real estate in Boston |
1,400.00 |
Interest in adjustment |
5.93 |
Deposited in Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank |
315.00 |
$6,486.87 |
Balance on deposit in State Street Trust Company, 15 November, 1910 |
756.29 |
$7,243.16 |
The funds of the Society are invested as follows:
$54,100.00 |
in First Mortgages, payable in gold coin, on improved property in Boston, Cambridge, and Brookline. |
300.00 |
deposited in Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank. |
$54,400.00 |
Cash |
$756.29 |
Mortgages |
$54,100.00 |
Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank |
300.00 |
54,400.00 |
$55,156.29 |
Income |
$756.29 |
Editor’s Salary Fund |
$400.00 |
Publication Fund |
5,000.00 |
General Fund |
9,000.00 |
Benjamin Apthorp Gould Memorial Fund |
10,000.00 |
Edward Wheelwright Fund |
10,000.00 |
Robert Charles Billings Fund |
10,000.00 |
Robert Noxon Toppan Fund |
5,000.00 |
Robert Charles Winthrop, Jr., Fund |
3,000.00 |
Andrew McFarland Davis Fund |
2,000.00 |
54,400.00 |
$55,156.29 |
Henry H. Edes,
Boston, 15 November, 1910.
The undersigned, a Committee appointed to examine the accounts of the Treasurer of The Colonial Society of Massachusetts for the year ending 15 November, 1910, have attended to that duty and report that they find them correctly kept and properly vouched; and that proper evidence of the investments and of the balance of cash on hand has been shown to us. This examination is based on the Report of William H. Hart, Auditor.
Harold Murdock,
Ezra H. Baker,
Boston, 18 November, 1910.
The several Reports were accepted and referred to the Committee of Publication.
On behalf of the Committee appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year, Mr. George Lyman Kittredge presented the following list of candidates; and, a ballot having been taken, these gentlemen were unanimously elected:
In the early records of Harvard College there are three entries relating to a bequest from Sir Matthew Holworthy of £1000 — the largest gift received by the College until well into the eighteenth century. The first is as follows:
Octob. 8th 79
A clause in ye will of Sr Matthew Holworthy Item: I give, and bequeath unto ye Colledg, or University, in, or of Cambridg, in New-England, the summe of one thousand pounds, to bee payd, and made over, to the governours, and directors thereof, to bee disposed of, by them, as they shall judg best for ye promoting of learning, and promulgation of ye gospell in those parts, the same to bee payd, within two years, next coming after my decease
hee dyed in October 78 and left Mr Henly and his lady executors.331
The second is this:
At a Corporation Meeting at Cambridge Oct. 8th 1679
2. The Treasurer Mr John Richards was empowred, to take care of the donation of Sr Matthew Holworthy, and to gett it over into the country by exchange or otherwaies, as he shall see meet, as soone as may bee.332
The third follows:
Sundry Donations to the Colledge received by Capt John Richards Trear̄
1681 |
By Sr Matthew Holworthyes legacy |
1234 |
02 |
06333 |
The name Holworthy, though held in honor, was not attached to any building until 1812, when it was given to the new dormitory then erected. At a meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard College held on August 14, 1812, it was —
Voted, That the new College be called Holworthy Hall in honor to the memory of Sir Matthew Holworthy, deceased, one of the earliest and most generous benefactors of the College, and that the President announce the same at the next public Exhibition.334 Accordingly, at the “Annunciation into Holworthy Hall August 18th 1812,” President Kirkland spoke as follows:
In compliance with the vote of the Corporation I take the occasion to congratulate the friends, patrons and members of the College on the erection of a new Hall or College for the habitation of Students and to announce the name, which it has been thought proper it should receive. We have no doubt that you observe with great pleasure another commodious and ornamental Edifice added to our establishment. We acknowledge the goodwill of the Legislature which empowered the Corporation to receive the funds for the expensive design and have been happy in the attention, credit and respectability of the Gentlemen who have undertaken to secure to us the benefit of the legislative grant and enable us to accomplish the object without any encroachment on the stated funds of the Institution.
As the precise meaning of the last sentence is far from obvious, let us break into President Kirkland’s remarks with an explanation. The allusion is to a lottery. If we may judge by a section in “An Act for the suppressing of Lotteries,” passed in 1719, public opinion in Massachusetts was at that time opposed to lotteries. “Whereas,” we read, “there have lately been set up within this province certain mischievous and unlawful games, called lotteries, … Be it enacted … That all such lotteries, and all other lotteries are common and publick nusances.”335 As this Act was “not found sufficient to put an end to that practice,” in 1733 “An Act in addition to an Act entitled ‘An Act for the suppressing of Lotteries’” was passed; and in this it was stated “That this act shall not be construed to extend to any lottery allowed by act of parliament, or law of this province.”336 Apparently the first lottery authorized by the Massachusetts Legislature was in 1745, when “An Act for raising, by a Lottery, the Sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, for the Service of this Province in the present Year” was passed.337 In 1765 “An Act for raising by Lottery the Sum of Three Thousand Two Hundred Pounds, for building another Hall for the Students of Harvard College to dwell in” was passed; but, since it proved insufficient, “An Act to amend and carry [it] into execution” was passed in 1772.338 Neither Act was successful in accomplishing its purpose. But with the proceeds of a lottery authorized in 1794 by “An Act for raising the Sum of Eight Thousand Pounds, for the purpose of erecting a Building for the use of the University at Cambridge,”339 the present Stoughton Hall was built. On March 14, 1806, “An Act for raising the Sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the Use of the University at Cambridge” was passed,340 and it was to this Act that President Kirkland alluded. The advertisements of these lotteries found in the newspapers are often interesting, and sometimes amusing.
The following is taken from a Boston paper of 1772:
IT must afford a very sensible Pleasure to every Well-wisher to Learning in general, and to the Seminary in Cambridge in particular, when any Encouragement is given to hope for it’s Prosperity: And all of this Character will be ready to improve every Opportunity to promote so good a Cause. Such an one is now offered to the Public in the following
Granted by the General Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, for the Purpose of raising £3200 L. Money,341 towards building a New-Hall at Cambridge, for the better Accomodation of the Students.…
Harvard College LOTTERY
consists of 10,000 Tickets at Six Dollars each, of which 3337 are Prizes of the following Value, viz.342 …
The following appeared in a Boston paper in 1795:
SO great is the demand for Tickets in the 2d Class of Harvard College Lottery, that it has become doubtful whether there will be any to dispose of, for several days previous to the 9th of April next, on which day the Lottery is positively to commence drawing. The spirit which animated the first settlers of this country, to promote useful knowledge, has, if possible, encreased with the present generations; and this is the evidence, That there is scarcely a single one in the community, either male or female, who is not more or less interested in the College Lottery.
The lisping babe cries, papa care for me,
Pray buy a TICKET — and in time you’ll see,
The pleasing benefit thy son will find,
In Learning faithfully to serve mankind.343
Early in 1807 the following was printed in a Boston paper:
Revolutions of the Planets compared — The earth requires twenty-four hours to perform a revolution on its axis — To those who are not in the habit of studying Astronomy, the difference between this motion and that of another planet, must be a subject of interesting speculation. The Planet Harvard College Lottery Wheels turns completely on its axis in about sixteen seconds of time. An Interesting Speculation for Adventurers, who wish to be within the orbit of a planet so influential on the affairs of this world. More of these Astronomical Phenomena will be explained at Gilbert & Dean’s Observatory, No 78, State-street.344
In 1812 a long advertisement was published in the Boston papers and was also issued in a broadside.345 It reads in part as follows:
The two following advertisements are also taken from a Boston paper:
To return from this digression on lotteries to the ceremonies that took place on August 18, 1812, President Kirkland concluded his remarks as follows:
The completion of the work within little more than a year from the commencement of preparation, the plan and the execution, the elegant simplicity and pleasing appearance of the building evince our obligations to the Committee of Superintendance; and we mention with great satisfaction the praise due to the builders for the neatness and fidelity of their work, and the activity and perseverance which they have manifested in bringing it so near to a conclusion. We desire to notice the favour of Providence in the exemption of all the persons employed from any unfortunate accident. In selecting a Name, it was thought desirable to associate with the Structure the memory of some distinguished Benefactor, whose name might not have been connected with any part of the University establishment; “Antiquam exquirite matrem.” This designation is eminently applicable to Sir Matthew Holworthy of Great Britain, one of the earliest and most generous patrons of our Society. He died in 1678, leaving a bequest to the general objects of the College exceeding that of any individual from the foundation to the time of Mr. Hollis, larger than that of Mr. Harvard; and a Sum which if given now in proportion to the scale of estimating property would go far towards erecting the present building. We have little information of the History or Character of this Gentleman. We have evidence that he was one of the generous spirits who are interested in human nature and human happiness wherever found. He extended his solicitude to our Society, then obscure and little considered by the world and capable of adding little to the reputation of its benefactors, and contributed a Bounty which did much to rear it to a manly strength.
It is a suitable act of Justice, and expression of Gratitude to commemorate our friend and father’s friend; to endeavour to expiate the neglect which may be thought chargeable upon our predecessors towards the memory of an early supporter, by joining his name to this comely edifice. May Holworthy College contain successive bands of Youths, who shall know how to prize and improve the advantages which the wise and good of distant periods and regions have successively augmented, who shall be examples of the happy influence of goodly discipline, who shall form friendships with each other, cemented by virtue, and make acquisitions in science and literature consecrated by piety and applied under the guidance of the best principles and go forth into the world, the excellency of our strength and the joy of our glory.350
After considerable research, little has been discovered concerning the life and fortunes of Sir Matthew Holworthy. It is ascertained, that he was a merchant of Hackney, in the county of Middlesex, that he was knighted by Charles the Second in 1665, possessed great wealth, was distinguished for charity and piety, and that he died in 1678.351
This meagre information can now be added to, thanks to the kindness of Mr. Frederic Matthew Richard Holworthy — formerly of Bromley, now of Bickley, Kent — a descendant of Sir Matthew, whose success in obtaining material is only equalled by his generosity in placing it at my disposal. The first of the name of whom we have authentic information is John Holworthy of Langdon, Somerset, whose will was dated December 31, 1562, and proved July 24, 1566.352
This John Holworthy left six children — Robert,353 Philip, John, Helen, Christian, and Agnes.
John Holworthy, the second of the name, was of Bridgewater and alderman of Bristol, and was twice married, letters of administration being granted to his second wife, Grace, on February 9, 1602. By his first wife, whose name is unknown, he had two children — Richard and Hellenice; and by his second wife, Grace, four children — Nicholas, Margaret, James, and Elizabeth.
Richard Holworthy, son of the second John, married (1) on August 30, 1607, Mary, daughter of Matthew Haviland, mayor of Bristol in 1607; and (2) Mary, daughter of Thomas Fownes of Plymouth, Devonshire. By his first wife he had Matthew, Richard, John (who married Anne Proby), Mary (who married — Maddock), Prudence (who married James Crofts), Ann (who married James Launce), and a daughter (who married — Cam); and — by his second wife (who died July 31, 1677), Thomas, Joseph, Nathaniel, Samuel, and Sarah.
The above-named Matthew was our Harvard benefactor. His brother Richard married, on February 16, 1652, Mary, daughter of Sir George Strode, and had at least four children — George, Rebecca, John (who matriculated at Trinity College, Oxford, July 19, 1679), and Ann. Sir Matthew’s brother John married in 1635 Anne, daughter of Henry Proby of Bristol, and had two children — John, who on June 19, 1697, married in Westminster Abbey Lady Judith Barkham, daughter of Sir John Halsey, Knight, and widow of Sir William Barkham, Baronet, and Anne, who died unmarried in 1732.
Turning from these dry genealogical details, let us see what information can be culled about some of these persons. Richard Holworthy, the father of Sir Matthew, was a merchant of Bristol. In 1621, while sheriff, he was chosen a member of the Soapmakers’ Company; was mayor from September, 1634, to September, 1635; and was alderman in 1637.354 Under date of June 25, 1623, there is an allusion to him in the State Papers, as follows:
Petition of Rich. Holworthy, of Bristol, merchant, to the Council, for restoration of calf skins and Irish tallow, captured from a ship of his by Capt. Nutt, an English pirate, carried into Dartmouth, and delivered up to Sir John Eliot, Vice Admiral.355
This episode of Captain John Nutt casts a curious side-light on the times. Sir Edward Conway, Secretary of State, wrote on June 12 to the celebrated Sir John Eliot, then Vice-Admiral of Devon, that “Capt. Nutt, a pirate, who much infests the Irish and western coasts, has a retreat at Torbay.” Two days earlier a writer declared that Nutt “has surprised a Colchester ship, laden with sugar and woad to the value of 4,000 l, while treating for his pardon, which he has obtained, and boasts of its large extent, wearing the very clothes of the men whom he has plundered.” On June 16 Eliot wrote that, “despairing to take the pirate Nutt by force,” he had “allured him, by a copy of an old pardon, to submit, and bring into Dartmouth his ship, which is now unrigged, and thus that coast is made open for trade, to the great comfort of the people, who feared Nutt’s interrupting their Newfoundland voyage.” On July 9 Nutt declared:
Has been a pirate for two years. Wishing for a pardon, wrote to Sir John Eliot, offering him 500 l. to obtain him one which should enable him to retain his goods; Sir John consented, but told him, on his saying he had not the money ready, that he must have money or goods, however Nutt might come by them.
On July 24 Eliot said in his examination:
Never saw Nutt till he took him a pardon out of date, and thereby prevailed with him to come in and submit, but had previously corresponded with him about it, and was promised 500 l. for obtaining it; received nothing from Nutt except six packs of calf skins, and laid aside those for the Lord Admiral’s use;356 denies inducing Nutt to continue his piracies, and endeavoured to dissuade him from them.
At this point Sir George Calvert, also a Secretary of State, took a hand in the affair, and on August 11 wrote Conway begging —
that Capt. Nutt may have the benefit of a second pardon granted him by the King, he having fulfilled the conditions by restoring all things taken since May 1st. He detests his former practices. Has no recompense promised by Capt. Nutt for the pardon, but is indebted to him for services in protecting the infant plantation in Newfoundland.
Calvert was successful in the end, and Nutt and his associates obtained a pardon, which was “regranted because the like pardon which passed the Seal in Feb. last did not reach them within the three months specified.”357 This picture of Nutt protecting the infant plantation in Newfoundland, but committing piratical depredations at home, is not without interest.
Of Richard Holworthy’s second wife we get one glimpse, fleeting but worth recording. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Bristol, then the second city in the kingdom, closed its gates to both parties. Late in 1642 Sir Ferdinando Gorges was sent to request the admission of cavalry into Bristol, but was refused. When, shortly after, Colonel Thomas Essex arrived before the walls, the citizens were divided in opinion, and the mayor and council met at the Tolzey for deliberation. “The majority of the house seem to have been, like the mayor, attached to the party of the Parliament. News came in that Essex had passed Thornbury, and the house could arrive at no decision; when, lo! another army, whose only weapons were their tongues and their tears, gathered and marched on the Tolzey.”358 Among the leaders of this band of women was Mrs. Richard Holworthy, and through their contrivance Essex was admitted.
During the next few years Bristol underwent many vicissitudes. Colonel Essex was arrested by Colonel Nathaniel Fiennes, son of that William Fiennes, first Viscount Save and Sele, who was so prominent in the colonization of Rhode Island and Connecticut. In July, 1643, Colonel Fiennes surrendered to Prince Rupert, and in September, 1645, the city was taken by Fairfax and Cromwell. During the occupation of the city by the Royalists, a dispute arose between Prince Rupert and the Marquis of Hertford; and to reconcile the conflicting parties, Charles went to Bristol August 3, 1643, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. The princes found accommodation at Richard Holworthy’s in Small Street.359
There are extant two documents relating to John Holworthy, the brother of Richard, and James Crofts, who married their sister Prudence. These follow:
1643. Statement of James Croft’s case. In 1643 the King, having taken Bristol, Mr. Croft intending to withdraw his estate from thence, shipped in the Tiger, of Amsterdam, six kilderkins of tin and 20 bales of calveskin for Marseilles, which ship was taken by the Parliament’s ships and brought in as prize. Mr. John Holworthy, Croft’s brother-in-law, claimed them in the Admiralty Court, and for that cause they were not condemned as prize, but sold by the collector of prize goods for 303 l. 11 s. 9 d., of which sum he therefore prays restitution.
1645, Dec. 24. Petition of James Crofts, of Bristol, merchant, to the Committee of the Navy and Customs. That petitioner is a man well affected to the King and Parliament, and has borne arms in their service, and when the enemies of this kingdom were in possession of Bristol he relieved the Parliament’s soldiers at that time prisoners there, for which he was fined and plundered, for the truth of which statement he refers to the certificate of the present Governor and others. About March 1644, he having an intention to withdraw his estate from Bristol, that port being in the power of the King’s forces, he caused 6 kilderkins of tin and 20 bales of calves’ skins to be laden aboard the “Tiger” of Amsterdam, to be transported from thence to Marseilles, in France, there to be disposed of by his factor and the proceeds to be remitted to friends in London. Petitioner’s goods were inserted in a bill of lading made in the name of John Holworthy, son of Alderman Holworthy and laden aboard the “Tiger,” which was taken by the “Fellowship,” then in the service of this Committee. That all the goods in the “Tiger” except those in the bill of lading by John Holworthy are condemned in the Court of Admiralty for prize, which latter were restored by order of this Committee to Holworthy, and so petitioner’s goods are not yet condemned nor restored. Prays that his goods may be ordered to be restored to him in consideration of the premises.360
In this petition are enclosed six documents, among them a “Certificate signed by Col. John Birch, Richard Aldworth, and others, testifying their experience of the fidelity and affection of James Crofte, of Bristol, merchant, to the Parliament and its cause,” dated November 18, 1645. It looks very much as if Mr. Crofts had been attempting to ride two horses at the same time — the Parliamentary and the Royalist.
Before taking our leave of Bristol, mention should be made of one more document. In “A True and Perfect Accompt of all such monies as have been Received and Paid for your Mats service and by your appointmt by Jo: Ashburnham since ye 1st of April 1642 to ye 26th of Octobr 1643,”361 occurs this item:
From him [Mr Jones] more of Mr Holworthie being Composition money |
0400 00 00 |
The particular “Mr Holworthie” is not specified, but doubtless it was Richard, who must have died shortly after. In his will, dated October 10, 1643, and proved December 9, 1645, are these items: “To the mayor and commonalty of Bridgewater, Somerset, where I was born, fifty two pounds.… To my son Matthew Holworthie my rich scabbard which I had when I was mayor.”362
Matthew Holworthy, born in 1608, matriculated at Brasenose College, Oxford, October 20, 1626, and took his B.A. degree February 7, 1628–29.363 He was sent by his father into France and became a merchant. In or about 1652 he married Mary, daughter of Robert, Henley. This Robert Henley matriculated at the age of fourteen at Lincoln College, Oxford, on December 13, 1605; was of the Middle Temple in 1616, and bencher in 1645 as son and heir of Andrew Henley of Taunton; was one of the six clerks in chancery, 1618–1632; was chief clerk or master in King’s Bench; was alderman of London; and was buried in the Temple Church, London, on February 29, 1655–56.
The following document is dated December 13, 1655:
Petition of Mathew Holworthy of London, merchant, & Mary his wife v. Robert Henley, the elder, of Middle Temple, Esq., “touching a marriage to be had between your Orator & Oratrix Mary Henley, dau: of sd Robt Henley.” February, 1651, it was agreed as follows: — “that Orator Mathew Holworthy should pay unto the sd Robert Henley the sum of £ 6,666–13s & 4d to be employed & be [ ] in Land And that the sd Robert Henley shall give and pay £ 3,333–6–8 as the marriage portion of your Oratrix Mary with yr Orator the one halfe at the day of Marriage the other halfe in six monthes next after to make up the former sum ten thousand pounds, before mentioned was to be laid out in sound purchase of Land to be setled on your Orator & Oratrix for their lives with the imediate remainder to the heires of your Orator Mathew begotten uppon the body of your Oratrix Mary with the rest imediate remainder to the right heires of your Oratrix Mathew And if the Land soe purchased should exceed foure hundred and fifty pounds per annum then the surplus of the proffittg during the Life of your Oratrix Mary to be paid for the maintenance of such child or children as your said Orator Mathew shall have begotten uppon the body of the sd Mary. But in default of issue to be had between them Then your Orator Mathew was freely to dispose of the surplus of the said land soe purchased to such person and persons and their heires as he shall think fit for what [ ] he pleased. And if your said Orator Mathew Holworthy should depart this life leaving the said Mary without any issue begotten uppon her body that your sd Orator Mathew should over and above the Joynture during her life leave unto the said Mary all household stuff furniture for an house and £1500 in money And it was further agreed that the sd Robert Henley should pay unto your sd Orator Mathew and after the rate of six pounds in the hundred Interest halfe yearly for all the Ten thousand pounds untill the same should be paid out for a purchase of Land in such manner and for such [ ] as aforesaid And your sd Orator Mathew Holworthy was to allow unto the sd Mary for apparrell and other necassaries three score pounds yearly And for the present the sd Robert Henley was to give yr Orator a Judgement to secure performent of the sd agreement on the sd Robert Henley’s part and the sd Robert Henley did farther promise further to secure the same by and at of his fee simple Manner and Lande then [ ] of which agreement was produced into writing by way of Articles between yr Orator Mathew and the sd Robert Henley the 3rd April. 1652.”
Six months intrest due last Oct:
“Said Robert Henley has grown into great years being sixty five years of age, But is grown to great weakness of body, & upon the marriage of his eldest son Andrew Henley,364 gave most of his manners to him, so that he has only a life interest.”
The answer of Robert Henley, dated December 20, 1655, shows that he was a large landowner in Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, London, and elsewhere. Sir Matthew’s first wife died without surviving issue and was buried March 30, 1658, at St. Mary’s, Aldermanbury, London.
In the State Papers there is a single allusion to Sir Matthew under date of June 24, 1653:
Council of State. Day’s Proceedings.… Order on petition of Matthew Holworthy and Benjamin Whitcombe, that licence be granted them to import from Toulon 300 tuns of currants in an English or any other ship.
Accordingly, on June 30, the Council of State issued a warrant to “Generals and captains of ships.”365
The following document is undated:
Petition of Mary Holworthy, widow, executrix of the will of Richard Holworthy, late of Bristol, deceased, he employed and sent his son Mathew Holworthy to Marseiles in Dominion of France. After the death of said Richard Holworthy, large sums of money became due to him, and were collected by said Mathew Holworthy. Mathew Holworthy, John Holworthy, James Lance and his wife and others as yet unknown, did secure same to their own use, and boasted that they would use it to their own benefit, also they have secured a book of accompts of sd, Richard Holworthy.366
In his answer, dated November 22, 1653, Sir Matthew —
Mentions estate of sd. Richard Holworthy worth £12000 or thereabouts, and money paid to his father by Thomas Barnsley, John Fairefax, James Man, Francis Man and Mr. John Aldworth, alderman of Bristol, also mentions bro: John Holworthye at Marseiles, and brother Joseph Holworthy, then living in France.
In 1657 Sir Matthew purchased Sporle and Great Palgrave in Norfolk, having previously owned Little Palgrave. To the same year belongs the following recognizance:
Memorandum that Matthew Holworthy of London, Merchant Robert Henley of Middle Temple, Esq. being personally put before the Lord Protector in the High Court of Chancery, acknowledge that they owe to Sir Wm Paston Bart. £ 6000. This sum to be paid at or upon the “first day of the nativity of St John the Baptist.” The goods chattells lands Tenemta & Hereditamts of said Matthew Holworthy & Robert Henley where ever they shall be found in the Commonwealth of England to be held to the use of sd Sr Wm Paston his exo͞rs &c.
“Witness the sd Lord Protector on the twentyth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred & fifty seven.”
The condition of this Recognizance is that the sd M. H. & R. H. their exo͞rs &c. shall pay sd Sr Wm Paston his exo͞rs &c. £ 3000 “at the Shopp of Nicholas Edeward Scituat at the Starr in Lumbard Streete London aforesaid Goldsmith upon the tenth day of November next ensuing then this Recognizance to be void.”
Above is endorsed: “This Recognizance is made void by virtue of a commission as appeareth by the said Commission Endorsed on the backside hereof the 25th day of January. 1657”
The document which follows is dated February 11, 1661:
Petition of Mathew Holworthy of London Esq. Richard Holworthy of London Mercht. v. Edward Norsworthy Esq. re ship “George” of London “of the burthen of eighty Tunnes or thereabouts.” Mathew Holworthy was owner of 3/8 parts Richard Holworthy 1/8 James Launce and Edward Norsworthy 3/8 Edward Bullock and Edw. Norsworthy bad goods shipped at Bristol by James Croft. Ship lost after reaching Rochell. Edw. Norsworthy and one Richard Wedford of Barnstable Mercht. gave out that the ship was wholly lost, and no profit made, but the Gunnes, Boats and Anchor and some goods were saved which Edw. Norsworthy and Richard Wedford secured to their own use, also other persons unknown to orators but known to Norsworthy and Wedford, and orators pray that the court will make them know, and defendants to this bill, they having kept sums secured from sale of goods saved.
In or about 1664 Sir Matthew married Lucy Jervoice, who is mentioned as his wife in the Visitation of London (in the Heralds’ College) taken by Sir Edward Bysshe in 1664. She was the daughter of Richard Jervoice and died without issue before February, 1668–69. On May 12, 1665, Sir Matthew was knighted at Whitehall. The following document is dated January 11, 1668:
Petition of Sir Matthew Holworthy Kt. and Thomas Household of Ramsay, Hunts, Husbandman v. Henry Williams als Cromwell, the elder late of Ramsey Esq. and Henry Williams als Cromwell son and heir, being seized in fee of the manor of Ramsey. The defendants with their tenants agreed to employ Gabriel Elliott, late of Peterborough, Northans: Gent. “Skilfull in the art of Surveying” to drain part of “fennes” at Ramsey, Michmas 1652. and did contract with sd. Gabriel Elliott to give him the inheritance of a certain piece of Fenny Marsh — 50 acres — call’d Ramsey Kings Delfe, indenture dated 25 August 1655 free of payment of tythes &c. Place now vested in Plaintiffs, agreement lost and defendants take advantage to demand tythes &c. Orators ask that all tythes and tenths should be conveyed to orators Sir Matthew Holworthy and his heirs.
In the Allegations for Marriage Licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury at London, 1543–1869, occurs this entry under date of February 16, 1668–69:
Sir Matthew Holworthy, Kt, of Shacklewell, co. Middx., Widr, & Susanna Henley, Spr, about 28, dau. of Henry Henley, of Leigh, co. Somerset, Esq; who consents; at Winsom, co. Somerset.367
Lysons includes Shacklewell among “the hamlets and principal streets in Hackney;”368 while Winsom is the modern Winsham. In A Collection of the Names of the Merchants Living in and about The City of London, published in 1677, are these entries: “John Halworthy, Swithins-lane near Lombard Street” and “Sir Mat. Halworthy, Hackney, Spanish Walk Exchange.”369 Sir Thomas Gresham’s famous Royal Exchange, begun in 1566, was burned in the great fire of 1666, and a new building was begun in 1667, which in its turn was destroyed by fire in 1838. The two older buildings were divided into “Walks,” the Spanish Walk being at the entrance from Cornhill.370
Sir Matthew died in the fall of 1678 and was buried at St. John, Hackney, on October 23.371 When in London last summer I paid a visit to the church, hoping that there might be some memorials to the Holworthy family; but to my surprise I found only a tower standing, the rest of the church having been pulled down late in the eighteenth century. A picture of “The Parish Church of St John at Hackney,” as it was in 1757, can be seen in Maitland’s History and Survey of London, II. 1365; while a view of the tower as it was in 1809 is given in Hughson’s London, 1809, VI. 329. Lady Holworthy was buried in the same church on May 21, 1690.372 She left no will, but letters of administration were granted to her father on July 9 following:
Dame Susan Holworthy. 9th July, 1690. Commission issued to Henry Henley Esqr grandfather & guardian of Matthew Holworthy a minor, son & only child of Dame Susan Holworthy, late of Hackney, co. Midd., widow, deceased to administer the goods etc of the said deceased during the minority of the said Matthew.
The will of Sir Matthew was dated May 9, 1677, and proved November 25, 1678.373
These documents relating to the Holworthy family may be brought to a close by the following petition, dated April 24, 1679:
Petition of George Holworthy, Rebecca Holworthy, John Holworthy, Ann Holworthy, surviving children of Richard Holworthy of London, Merchant, Deceased, and of Mary his wife, John and Ann, Infants. Guardian the Honble. John Strode Esq. Governor of Dover Castle. Estate of Richard Holworthy over £15,000 he died Nov. 1665. Mary Administratrix of sd. Richard Holworthy. To make sufficient provision for children of sd. Richd. did covenant by indenture 30 May 1666 with Sir Nicholas Strode of Inner Temple Kt. her eldest brother and with Sir Mathew Holworthy then of London Kt. deed, eldest brother of sd. Richard, to divide estate into three equal parts, one third for use of sd. Mary and two thirds to be deposited with Sir Mathew Holworthy, his exors and admons, to be invested by him for use of sd. children and when they become of age of 21 to give them each 1 quarter, or on day of marriage amount of estate £14,801 7.2 besides £1000 in hands of John Col vile of London Esq. and in an indenture dated 13 Feb. 1671 between Mary Holworthy Sir Nicholas Strode and Sir Mathew Holworthy it was agreed she should take £4933.15.8 being ⅓d the remaining ⅔d to Sir Mathew and when the £1000 from John Colvile should be got in ⅓ to sd. Mary and ⅔ds to Sir Mathew to invest for benefit of sd. children The sd. Sir Mathew did during his life time perform this trust. He died October 1678 and his exors Dame Susan Holworthy and Henry Henley Esq. duly proved his will. Orators now ask for their portions to be paid them, or such as are 21. George and Rebecca being of age. Dame Susan Holworthy and Henry Henley refuse to continue the trust, the other trustee, Sir Nicholas Strode, also refused, but desired exors to pay George and Rebecca and also the Infants their shares, they refused to comply.
Answer 5 May 1679.
That defendants are not willing to manage trust but are willing to assist, and for better understanding append a copy from Sir Matthew Holworthy’s account book.
This is chiefly interesting as enabling us to identify two neighbors of Pepys who have hitherto eluded the researches of the commentators. On November 10, 1665, Pepys writes:
In the evening newes is brought to me my wife is come: so I to her, and with her spent the evening, … and she told me, … that another neighbour of our’s, Mr. Hollworthy, a very able man, is also dead by a fall in the country374 from his horse, his foot hanging in the stirrup, and his brains beat out.
Clearly Pepys’s neighbor was Richard Holworthy, the brother of Sir Matthew. Of Richard’s wife we get further glimpses, Pepys being characteristically of different minds about her. On April 1, 1667, he writes:
This evening Mrs. Turner came to my office, and did walk an hour with me in the garden, telling me stories how Sir Edward Spragge hath lately made love to our neighbour, a widow, Mrs. Hollworthy, who is a woman of estate, and wit and spirit, and do contemn him the most, and sent him away with the greatest scorn in the world.
Elsewhere Pepys spoke of Spragge as “a merry man that sang a pleasant song pleasantly,” a description that might not have been relished by a man who rose to be Admiral. Mrs. Holworthy was herself capable of a bit of gossip, for on April 19, 1667, she talked to Mrs. Turner about Sir William Penn’s having left Sir Robert Brookes “the other day to pay for a dinner at a tavern.” Then on November 21st Pepys’s wife tells him “great stories of the gossiping women of the parish — what this, and what that woman was; and, among the rest, how Mrs. Hollworthy is the veriest confident bragging gossip of them all, which I should not have believed; but that Sir R. Brookes, her partner [as sponsor at a christening], was mighty civil to her, and taken with her, and what not.” On January 6, 1668, Pepys gave a feast:
And anon comes in Mrs. Turner, the mother, and brings with her Mrs. Hollworthy, which pleased me mightily.… I took Mrs. Turner and Hollworthy home to my house, and there gave wine and sweetmeats; but I find Mrs. Hollworthy but a mean woman, I think, for understanding, only a little conceited, and proud, and talking, but nothing extraordinary in person, or discourse, or understanding. However, I was mightily pleased with her being there, I having long longed to know her.
Notwithstanding this unfavorable opinion, Pepys acknowledges that on June 1, 1668, he went to call on Mr. Mills simply because he had seen Mrs. Holworthy go in there, and he met her again on June 19, and on January 31, 1669, they smiled upon one another in church. She afterwards married her cousin, Essex Strode, and died in 1676.
Of Sir Matthew Holworthy’s descendants, little can be said here. His only child, Matthew, was baptized at Hackney on March 27, 1674;375 at the age of twenty travelled on the Continent; on September 1, 1697, married Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. James Desborough376 and granddaughter of Samuel Desborough, Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, the latter of whom, it will be remembered, was at New Haven in 1639 and became one of the early settlers of Guilford, Connecticut, in 1641; and died May 18, 1728. Of the four children of Matthew and Elizabeth Holworthy, Matthew died in infancy; Desborough died May 22, 1721; Susanna died June 2, 1721; and Elizabeth, who married Samuel Heathcote on May 3, 1720, died May 6, 1726. Samuel Heathcote and a maid of Matthew Holworthy’s were tried, found guilty, and sentenced for seducing and carrying away Susanna Holworthy. Her son Samuel in 1750, by special act of Parliament, took the name of Holworthy, in accordance with the provisions in the will of his mother’s mother, Elizabeth Holworthy, who died August 19, 1749. Samuel Holworthy married on October 4, 1752, Elizabeth, daughter of Admiral Nicholas Haddock. On March 17, 1756, Samuel Holworthy erected in the parish church of Elsworth, Cambridgeshire, a monumental inscription to the memory of Matthew and Elizabeth Holworthy, “late Lord and Lady of this Manor, whose exemplary Piety, liberal and extensive Charity, Probity, Humanity, and Candor were equalled by few.”
It would be pleasant to know how Sir Matthew Holworthy became interested in the small, far-off college in New England, and what influences led him to bequeath so large a sum, but the facts are beyond recovery. Possibly, however, it was through the means of the Henry Henley who, as appears from the following extract, had been a benefactor to the College nine years before the death of Sir Matthew:
Henry Henly Esqr, of Lime in Dorsetshire gave to the Colledge, Twenty seaven pounds. Whereof the Overseers being informed, they ordered Cap’ John Richards Trear̄, to receive the same, & to returne the Donor a Letter of Thankfullness in the Name of the Overseers.
Boston. June 3. 1669.377
Though this Henry Henley was not Sir Matthew Holworthy’s third father-in-law, yet the two were doubtless related, for the Dorset family of Henley appears to have originally come from Somerset.
In a letter written me in August, 1908, Mr. Frederic Holworthy said that there were in the possession of Mr. Herbert Fleetwood Holworthy and his sisters of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, portraits by Sir Peter Lely of Sir Matthew and Lady Holworthy.378 This interesting information was at once communicated to our associate Mr. William C. Lane, Librarian of Harvard University, with whom originated the idea of buying the portraits, and to whose initiative is due the successful carrying out of the idea. On last Commencement Day President Lowell announced that the portraits had reached this country, the gift of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., of the Class of 1889, and Mr. Edward F. Whitney of the Class of 1871. The Lady Holworthy depicted was the third wife of Sir Matthew. The portraits now adorn the walls of the Fogg Art Museum.
Will of John Holworthy, 1562
In the name of God amen the last daye of December in the yere of or lord a thousande fyve hundreth three score & twooe and in the fyfte yeare of the reigne of or moast gracious sovereigne Ladye Quene Elizabethe John Holworthie of Langdon in the Countie of Somersett gentleman knowinge that all flessh must nedes perisshe and consume to dust from whence it came And that we must departe from this worlde but the houre of death no man knoweth But it is reserved to almightie god or heavenlie father therefore whilest tyme and oportunitie doth serve being of whole mynde and perfitt remembrace praised be the Almightie God for it doo make and ordeine this my psente testamet and last will in manr and forme followinge First I comende my soule to almightie god my maker and redemor and by hym onelie I trust to be saved and my bodye to be buried in place conveinent where it shall seeme good to my executor Item I gyve and bequeth to the Churche of Wells twelue pence Item I give and bequeathe to the poore people of the parishe of Kinges brompton three shillinges fowre pence Item I will and bequeathe that all suche dettes as I doe ow of righte or ells of conscience be well and trulie paide by my excutoure Also by this my last will and testat I will gyve and beaqueathe vnto my daughter Christian the some of fourtie markes of good and lawfull money of Englande to be paide to her at the daye of her mariage or wthin shorte tyme after But yf she be maried in my lief tyme and receyve her pferment of me Then my will and intente ys she take nothing by this my last will and testament All the residue of gooddes and cattells implements and all my houshold stuff whatsoevr and all other whatsoeuer they be or shalbe as plate somes of moneye or any other things of what kynde or qualitie so ever they be after my debtes paide and my funeralls fullie and trulie discharged I fullie and whollie gyve all my gooddes and cattells implements of howshold and all other thinges whatsoevr they are or shalbe vnto Robert Holworthie my sonne whom I make my sole and onelie executor In witnesse whereof to this my presente last will and testament I haue sette my hande and seale the daye and yeare first above written.
Signed and sealed in the presence of James Boyse and William Golde and Roberte Mullens.379
Will of Sir Matthew Holworthy, 1677
In the name of God Amen.
Dn̄us Matheus Holworthy Miles.
I Mathew Holworthy of Hackney in the County of Middlesex Knight being through the mercy of Almighty God in perfect health both of Body and mind and of sound memory and sensible of the instability of this fraile and uncertaine life am willing and desirous to settle my estate and all my worldly concernments before I be taken from hence unto my long home and be noe more seene To which purpose I doe make and Constitute this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Revoaking and Nulling all former Wills.
First and principally I doe humbly Com̄itt my soule into the hands of God my Creator and Redeemer who gave it unto me to be received into his eternall Rest my body I Com̄itt to the earth from whence it came to be decently buryed as to my Executors hereafter named shall seeme meete. And Touching that Temporall Estate wherewith through the Blessing of the Lord I am possessed I doe with his gratious leave and assistance give and dispose of as followeth. Inprimis I doe will order and appoint that my said Executors shall out of the First moneys they shall draw in of my estate pay and discharge all my debts And shall afterwards pay and discharge all my guifts and Legacies bequeathed and given by me in and by this my last will and Testament. Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto my deare wife Susanna Holworthy over and aboue her joynture and other settlements made vnto her and for her vse the sum̄e of Three Hundred pounds and all her jewells and ornaments of her body for ever. And the vse of all my plate and furniture and goods of my house during her naturall life. And after her decease I doe giue the same vnto my sonne Mathew forever. I doe further giue vnto my said deare wife full power by this my last will to sell the Fee of my now dwelling house in Hackney aforesaid with all the Grounds and appurtenances thereto belonging and to retaine vnto herselfe to her proper vse one Third part of the moneys that shall be made thereof The other Two Third parts thereof I doe giue and bequeath vnto my sonne Mathew aforesaid and to his heires for ever. Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto the Colledge or vniversity in or of Cambridge in New England the summe of one Thousand pounds to be paid and made over to the Governors and directors thereof to be disposed of by them as they shall judge best for promoteing of learning and promulgation of the Gospell in those parts. The same to be paid within Two yeares next comeing after my decease.380 Item I doe will and ordaine That there shall be Land bought and purchased to the Import and vallew of Six Hundred pounds as neare as Conveniently may be vnto my Mannor of Sporle in Norfolke I say in the County of Norfolke. And that the yearly Rents and proffitts thereof shall be given and paid vnto such Minister as shalbe fittly qualified for the Ministry and knowne to be of a good life and Conversation and shall every Lords day preach Two sermons in the Church of that parish (vizt) one in the morning and another in the afternoone att the vsuall Howers And shall continue to be soe paid to the succeeding Minister and Ministers who shall preach accordingly But att all times of Intermission and faylure in soe doeing The said Rents and proffitts shalbe receaved by my next heire and heires to their proper vse dureing all the time of such faylure in Preaching. And I doe will and desire that the same be done without delay Item I doe will and ordaine that the sume of Two Thousand pounds shall be giuen and disposed of In and to such Charitable vse and vses as shalbe directed in and by a Schedule hereunto annexed or in or by other writing vnder my hand writing The same to be paid within Two yeares next ensueing my decease. And for default of such Schedule and writing I doe entreate my Executors to dispose thereof in and to such Charitable vse and vses as they shall judge best. Item I doe giue vnto the poore of the Towne of Sporle aforesaid the sum̄e of Twenty pounds And to the poore of the parish of Hackney Twenty pounds To be paid within Six moneths next ensueing after my decease vnto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of those respective parises To be by them paid and distributed to and amonge their said poore. Item I doe will and ordaine that there shall be paid vnto Edmond Channell the sum̄e of nyneteene pounds Thirteene shillings and vnto Sisley Binner Thirty six pounds six pence which severall sum̄es I haue made good to their respective accompts in my new Books of accounts begun the First day of December last past And I doe will that the same be paid vnto them within Six moneths next ensueing after my decease Item I doe give and bequeath vnto John Burrow All the debt he oweth vnto me by his Accot: And all my wearing apparell And all my house goods That are in the keeping of his Brother Robert Burrow I doe alsoe giue vnto Him all those severall sum̄es of moneys oweing vnto me by severall Bonds of his Brother Thomas Burrow paid and furnished vnto him by himselfe without and against my will and order And doe will that the said Bonds be delivered to the said John. Item I doe giue vnto all and every of my servants Five poundes vnto each of them for putting themselves into mourning Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto all and every of my Nephewes and Nieces Tenn pounds, I say Tenn pounds to each of them to dispose of in mourning or otherwise as they shall see good. Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto my sister Mary Madocke eight pounds per Annum to be paid vnto her during her naturall life and noe longer to Commence from the next day after my death Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto my Sister Croft six pounds per Annū to be paid vnto her during her naturall life and noe longer and to com̄ence from the last payment made vnto her of the like allowance, I have given and doe giue her. Item I doe order and will That six pounds shalbe paid every year vnto Mr Thomas Gouge381 to promote his labour in Instructing the Welsh as long as he shall continue in that pious worke Item I doe giue and bequeath the sum̄e of Three Hundred pounds to be paid vnto such Ministers as my Executors shall judge deserving and to need supply not exceeding Tenn pounds vnto any of them singlye And that the same be paid within Two yeares next comeing after my decease at furthest but rather sooner as my moneys shall come in Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto my sonne Matthew All the remaines and remainders of my Estate both Reall and personall to him and his heires for ever he paying to every other Child begotten mee the sum̄e of Three Thousand pounds to each of them as soone as any of them shall have attained vnto the age of Twenty one yeares And shall alsoe pay vnto every and each of them Fourty pounds per Annū dureing the life of my deare wife for their maintenance and breeding up And after her decease shall allow and pay vnto every and each of them one Hundred pounds per Annu for their maintenance and greatninge of their portions And shall continue to be so paid vnto them vntill they shall have attained their respective ages of Twenty one yeares And the receipt of their respectiue portions of Three Thousand pounds hereby given and bequeathed And I doe will and ordaine That my Mannor of Sporle aforesaid doe stand engaged for the payment thereof vntill the full and entire payment shall be made. Item I doe will and ordaine (That if my sonne Matthew shall dye and depart this life Childlesse without issue lawfully begotten) That the same the whole and every part of what given vnto him by this my last will shall be given vnto my next eldest sonne with the same lymittations and engagements and in Inheritance for ever. And in default and failure of issue of and from such eldest sonne or other sonne of mine I giue the same the whole and every part thereof unto my Daughter and daughters lawfully begotten by mee to them and their heires in Inheritance for ever. And vpon faylure of issue from myself in a direct lyne (that is to say) from any Child or Children of myne I doe giue and bequeath vnto my nephew George Holworthy to enjoy during his naturall life all my Mannor of Sporle with Great Palgraue in the County of Norfolke And after his decease vnto his next heire male and to his heires male In inheritance for ever lawfully begotten And in default of such his heire and heires male I doe giue and Bequeath the same vnto his brother John Holworthy to enjoy during his naturall life And after his decease vnto his heire and heires male lawfully begotten In Inheritance for ever And in default of such his heire and heires male I doe giue and bequeath the same vnto my nephew John Holworthy sonn of my Brother John Holworthy to enjoy during his naturall life And after his decease to his heire and heires male lawfully begotten In Inheritance for ever. And in default of such his heire and heires male, vnto my selfe and my heires for ever. And if my said sonne and every other Child of myne shall all depart this life without issue I doe then giue and bequeath All the Remaines and remainders of my Personall Estate vnto the Children that shall be then liueing of my Brother Richard Holworthy deceased, of my brother John Holworthy of my Sister Mary Madocke and of my sister Anne Launce To be paid vnto them respectively in equall parts and portions. The words (vnto my selfe and my heires for ever) were enterlined before the sealing and delivery hereof. And lastly I doe nominate constitute and appoint my Father Henry Henly Esquire and my deare wife Susanna Holworthy to be my lawfull Executers vnto this my last will and Testament And doe leaue and recomend vnto them the Guardianshipp of my sonne and make them his Guardians entreating them to endeavo’ the improuement of my Estate given vnto him vpon good Morgages I say endeavour the soe improuemt thereof or in purchasing of lands as to their Judgments shall seeme best and most secure And cheifly I doe recommend vnto their vndoubted care in seeing him well brought vpp and educated in the nurture and Admonition of the Lord That he may be serviceable to his Glory Further I doe confirme all and every the Giufts bequests and Legacies giuen and bequeathed in and by this my Last Will and Testamt And in Witnes thereof haue herevnto put my hand and seale this Ninth daye of May One Thousand six hundred Seaventy Seaven I say the Ninth day of May 1677 Matthew Holworthy.
Memorandum that the said Matthew Holworthy the same 9th day of May wee say the 9th day 1677 did signe and seale this writing And did declare that the same was and did containe his last will and Testament in the presence of vs wee say this Ninth day of May 1677. George Trenchard John Ball John Burrow.
Proved at London 25th November 1678 by Henry Henly & Lady Susanna Holworthy relict Executors named in the above Will.
[Marginal note]
Decimo septimo die Augusti Anno D͞ni 1704 emt Com̄o Matheo Holworthy Ar̃ filio et Residiario Legatar̃ noiāt in Tes̃to Dn̄i Matthei Holworthy defuncti ad adst̄rand bona jura et cređ dn̄ defuncti juxta tenorem et effectum Testi ipsius def̄ti per se Henricum Henly et Dominam Susannam Holworthy Executorum modo de Mortuis inadst̄rat de bene &c jurat̄.382
After the meeting was dissolved, dinner was served. The guests of the Society were the Rev. Dr. James De Normandie, the Rev. Dr. George Foot Moore, the Rev. Dr. Leverett Wilson Spring, Colonel Frederic Vaughan Abbot, Colonel William Roscoe Livermore, Dr. Harold Clarence Ernst, Dr. Charles Pickering Putnam, Sir Gilbert Carter, and Messrs. Arthur Fairbanks, Edwin Herbert Hall, Arthur Dehon Hill, Edward Percival Merritt, Robert Lincoln O’Brien, Bliss Perry, Frederic Jesup Stimson, Elihu Thomson, John Trowbridge, Winslow Warren, and Arthur Gordon Webster. The President presided.