At A County Court held at Boston 28o Ianuary: Anno 1678.


    • Sim: Bradstreet Esqr Dept Govr
    • Edwd Tyng Esqr Asst
    • Ioseph Dudley Esqr Asst

    Grandjury Sworn

    • mr Ri: Collacott
    • Moses Collier
    • Ino Peirpoint
    • Iames Everill
    • Ino Thurston Senr
    • Samll Williams
    • Francis Dowse
    • Timo Dwight
    • Ri: Hall
    • Ino Search
    • Tho: Fuller
    • Nicho Clap
    • Abel Porter Senr
    • Wm Blake Senr
    • Wm Veezy Senr
    • Edwd Wilder
    • Ino Vining

    Iury of Tryals Sworn

    • mr Charles Lidgett
    • Eleazr Kingsberry
    • Ino Gravener
    • Iosiah Hilman
    • Ino Fenno
    • Clemt Maxfeild
    • Iames Allen
    • Iacob Nash
    • Roger Willys
    • Tho: Herring
    • Abiel Lamb
    • Sam: Fisher

    Ino Clarke and Pen Townsend put on in Lemoign’s case in roome of mr Lidgett & Hilman who were exceptd against.

    [Parsons v. Herris]

    Ioseph Parsons Attourny of Humphry Parsons Factor for sundry persons in England plaint. Conta Thomas Herris Defendt in an action of the case for non paymt of Nineteen pounds and ten Shillings in money due by bill under the hand & Seale of the sd Herris bearing date the. 16th Octobr 1678. with all other due damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. Eleven pound five Shillings in money and costs of Court, Allowd Nineteen Shillings.

    Execucion issued. 29o Ianuro 1678.

    [Thayer v. Webb]

    Richd Thayer junr or Nathanael Thayer junr or either of them plaints agt Christopher Webb Defendt The plaints were non Suted by reason of the uncertainty of the process.

    [Buckley v. Herris]

    Richd Buckley plaint. conta Thomas Herris Defendt in an Action of debt of thirty pounds eight Shillings and two pence in money due by bill Obligatory under the hand of the sd Herris bearing date the. 22d of Ianuary. 1677. with all other due damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. thirty pounds eight Shillings two pence in money according to bill, and costs of Court Allowd twenty Six Shillings and six pence.

    Execucion issued. 29o Ianuro 1678.

    [Aspinwall v. Evens]

    Peter Aspinwall of Boston plaint. conta Ino Evens sometime of Boston Defendt in an action of the case concerning a parcel of goods left in the hand of the sd Peter Aspinwall for the benefit of the Children belonging to the said Ino Evens to the value of fourteen pounds and five Shillings wch Estate of goods is in part laid out for the bringing up of the Children and Clothing of them Suitably which the sd Evens hath neglected to pay and for all due damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. the goods Sued for to value of fourteen pound five Shillings and costs of Court Allowed Seventeen Shillings two pence.

    Execucion issued. 5o Febr 1678.

    Purkis agt. Curwin &a

    George Purkis Attourny of Lawrence Baskervyle plaint. conta the goods or Estate late belonging unto Iohn Winder Mercht in the hands of Iohn Palmer who married wth Sarah the Relict & Admx of the Estate of the sd Winder or wheresoever else it may bee found And the goods or Estate late [555] Belonging unto Robert Gibbs Mercht in the hands of Ionathan Curwin who married with Elizabeth the Relict & Admx of the Estate of the sd Gibbs; Also Iames Whetcomb Mercht them or either of them Defendts in an Action of the case for not paying the Summe of £134:10:8. sterling money due by bond under the hands & Seales of the sd Winder, Gibbs and Whetcomb dated. 19o Febr 1663. wherein they stand jointly and severally bound for the Summe aforesd wth all other due damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendts costs of Court.

    [See Purkis v. Winder, session of 29 April, 1679, p. 1002, below.]

    Rose conta Stowell

    Roger Rose plaint. conta Samuel Stowell Defendt According to Attachmt upon bond datd 6th Febr 1671. And the Defendt produeeing his Summons by which hee was warned to Answer for not paying according to bond datd 6o Febr 1678. The plaint. was nonsutd in failure of Summons.

    [See case of same title, above, p. 932.]

    Iackson conta White &a

    Henry Iackson plaint. conta Tho: White, Robert Gardner Samuel Ravenscroft &a or either of them Defendts according to Attachmt for witholding from him the summe of one hundred pounds in money or thereabouts due for his whole Share of the prize Griffin &c. The Attachmt being read and given to the Iury which was the onely paper produced in the case either by plaint. or Defendts The Iury . . . found for the Defendants costs of Court.

    Leverett conta Watts

    Hudson Leverett plaint. conta Iohn Watts or Elinor Watts or either of them Defendts for non paymt of Sixteen pound in money due by bond bearing date. 17th Ianuary 1677. wth due interest and all other due damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. Forfiture of the bond Sixteen pounds in money and costs of Court allowd thirty four Shillings.

    Execucion issued. 13o Febr 1678.

    Homard conta White &a

    Robert Homard plaint. conf Thomas White, Robert Gardner Samuel Ravenscroft etc. Defendts according to Attachmt for witholding from him the Summe of one hundred pounds in money or thereabouts due for his whole Share of the prize Griffin &c. The Attachmt being read and given to the Iury, which was the onely paper produced in the case either by plaint. or Defendts The Iury . . . found for the Defendants costs of Court.   [556]

    Acorman conta Valentine

    Richard Acorman plaint. agt Thomas Valentine Defendt in an action of the case for unjustly and illegally breakeing open a chest of the sd Acormans whereby the plaint. is greatly damnified by the looseing of the plaints Clothes and Booke of Accounts and other writings of great concernmt which was in the sd Chest with all other due damages &c. . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court Allowed twenty Shillings The plaint. Appealed from this Iudgemt unto the next Court of Assistants, and put in Security for prosecutn of his Appeale to effect.

    Heywood conta Mastr

    Anthony Haywood plaint. conta Edward Master Defendt The plaint. withdrew his Action.

    Obinson conta Hill

    William Obinson plaint. conta Thomas Hill Defendt in an action of the case for that the sd Hill hath not put and kep’t in repaire a barke Mill, houseing & fences & other concerns according to lease or covenant under his hand and Seale bearing date. 24o August. 1676. whereby the sd Obinson is greatly damnified this wth all other due damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court, Allowed thirteen Shillings four pence.

    [See Hill v. Obbinson, below, p. 1094, and cf. Gilbert v. Obinson, above, p. 738.]

    Waldron agt. Woolcot

    William Waldron plaint. conta John Woolcot Senr Defendt According to Attachmt The Defendt moved for a nonsute objecting that neither plaint. nor Defendt were livers in this County, hee being a liver in Newberry and the plaint. in a former Attachmt taken out agt the Defendt calling himselfe of Dover. The granted a nonsute and allowed the Defendt costs twenty Shillings and six pence.

    Savage conta Hutchinson

    Ephraim Savage who married with Sarah Relict and Admx of the Estate of Obadiah Walker plaint. conta Elisha Hutchinson who married with Elisabeth Relict and Admx of the Estate of Iohn Freake deced Defendt The plaint. was nonsuted in failure of giving Summons the reading of the Attachmt to the Defendt being before his goods were Attached.

    Dallet conta White &a

    Randall Dalley plaint. conta Thomas White Robert Gardner Samuel Ravenscroft &c. or either of them Defendts according to Attachmt The plaint. withdrew his Action.   [557]

    Allen conta Knight

    Jacob Allen plaint. conta Richard Knight & Hannah his wife as Shee is Executrix to the Estate of her former husband Hope Allen deced Defendt in an action of the case for witholding from and not paying unto the plaint. about Sixty four pounds given him by the last Will of his Father Hope Allen as by the sd Will & the Inventory of the Estate of his sd Father more fully will make appeare to bee the plaints proportion thereof or thereabouts wth damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. That the Defendt pay and deliver him his proportionable part of his Father Hope Allen’s Estate according to Will & costs of Court allowd Forty one Shillings and five pence.

    Salter conta Rose

    Iabez Salter plaint. conta Roger Rose Defendt in an action of the case for damage done to the sd Salters Coales, which Coles were upon his Wharffe secured wth a Fence; which Fence was broken down by the sd Rose his Vessell, to the sd Salters damage in his Coles and wharfe to the value of Four pound in money wth damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. Fifty five Shillings money damage and costs of Court allowd thirty one Shillings and eight pence.

    Barnes conta Harwood

    Nathanael Barnes plaint. conta Henry Harwood Defendt in an action of the case upon defamation for reporting by himselfe and his wife that the plaint. is perjured & forsworn at Charlestown Court with other scurrilous speeches and reports against the plaint. to his great damage with other due damages &c. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. twenty Shillings mony damage and costs of Court allowd thirty nine Shillings two pence.

    Execucion issued. 2d Febro 1678.

    Chock conta Clarke

    Peter Chock plaint. conta William Clarke Defendt for refuseing to deliver or pay to the plaint. Fifty Shillings Starling money of England which the plaint. lent the sd Clarke in Bristoll owned by the sd Clarke here in Boston before severall persons as shalbee made appeare &c. . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court grantd Fourteen Shillings and four pence.

    Execucion issued. 8o Febr 1678.   [558]

    Baker conta Figg

    Thomas Baker Admr to the Estate of his late Son Joseph Baker plaint. conta Mary Figg Widdow Defendt in an Action of the case for refusing to deliver the Summe of twenty pounds or thereabouts in money which Shee hath in her hands belonging to the late Ioseph Baker wth all other due damages &c. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. twenty pounds money damage and costs of Court: The Defendt Appealed from this Iudgemt unto the next Court of Assistants & put in Security for the prosecution of her Appeale to effect.

    [See Records of Court of Assistants, i. 133–34.]

    Harrison conta Cane

    William Harrison plaint. on Appeale from the Iudgemt of the Worppll Edwd Tyng Esqr datd Ianuro 7th 1678. conta Nathanael Cane Defendt The Iudgemt Reasons of Appeale and evidences in the case produced being read and committd to the Iury which are on file, The Iury . . . found for the plaint. Reversion of the former Iudgemt And thirty Seven Shillings one penny money damage and costs of Court allowed twenty Six Shillings eight pence.

    Execution issued. 31o Ianuro 1678.

    Smith conta Bouden

    Captn Iames Smith formerly of Marblehead now resident in Boston plaint. agt Mica Bouden Defendt in an action of the case for not paying the Summe of one hundred pound in money due to the plaint. by the breach of an Indenture or Lease dated the. 13. day of March. 1674 under the hand and Seale of the sd Bowden with all other due damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court: The plaint. Appealed from this Iudgemt unto the next Court of Assistants and put in Security for prosecution of his Appeale to effect.

    [See Records of Court of Assistants, i. 134.]

    Clarke conta Crow

    Hugh Clarke plaint. conta Christopher Crow Defendt The plaint. withdrew his Action.


    William Wilkeson plaint. conta Ioseph Eliott Defendt in an action of the case for not paying unto the plaint. the Summe of ten pound Seventeen Shillings and six pence in money due for house Rent with all other due damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court.

    Scilley conta Thayer

    Thomas Scilley plaint. conta Richard Thayer Defendt in an action of the case for wrongfully imprisoning the sd Scilley under colour of Law by Attaching him upon [559] pretence of damage and detaining him in prison a considerable time which is greatly to his damage both in his name and Estate with all other due damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. Fifteen pounds in money damage and costs of Court allowd twenty five Shillings six pence.

    Execucion issued. 18o Febr 1678.

    Coleman conta Way etc.

    Wm Coleman Attourny to Martha Emery the Attourny of Thomas Emery her husband plaint. conta Richard Way & John Jndicott Defendts in an action of the case for not paying the Summe of two hundred and Ninety two pounds due according to a bond or writing dated. 31o October 1677. under theire hands and Seales with damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaintife forfiture of the bond of two hundred ninety two pounds & costs of Court: The Defendt moved for a chancery & makeing it appeare to the Court that they had paid out the whole Estate according to the condicion of sd bond The Magistrates chancered this forfiture to nothing.

    Baubience conta Ship Griffin

    Sebastian Baubience Chirurgion plaint. conta Ship Griffin whereof Christopher Linch was formerly mar for not proceeding her Voyage according to the plaints Agreemt

    Arnall conta Aires

    Iohn Arnall or his certain Attourny plaint. conta Peter Aiers Defendt in an Action of debt of Eighteen pound in money due by booke with damages, The Attachmt & return being read the plaint. appearing by his Attourny mr Tho: Norman who engaged in Court before joining issue to respond the Defendts costs if hee obtained judgemt After which . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court.

    John Arnall plaint. conta Benjn Allen Defendt The plaint. was nonsuted upon non appearance.

    Taylor conta Hews

    William Taylor mercht Attourny to Wm Stoughton Esqr plaint. conta Joshua Hews Defendt in an action of the case for not paying the Summe of twelve pounds in money or thereabouts due for house Rent as shalbee made appeare wth damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. nine pounds six Shillings eight pence in money & costs of Court. Allowd 18s 4d

    Execucion issued 12o febr 1678.   [560]

    Bozoun Allen plaint. conta Ioseph Smith Defendt The Defendt being dead since the Serving the process the Action fell.

    Kemble conta Arnall

    Mary Kemble Admx to the Estate of Henry Kemble deced plaint. conta Iohn Arnall Defendt in an action of the case for not paying the Summe of ten pounds or thereabouts in money due upon Accot as shalbee made appeare with damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. eleven pounds one Shilling five pence in money damage & costs of Court Allowed thirty two Shillings eight pence.

    Execucion issued pro Febr 1678.

    Timothy Yeales conta Richard Bradley Defendt The plaint. withdrew his Action.

    White &a conta Lemoigne

    Thomas White, Samuel Ravenscroft, Christopher Goffe, Stiles Dradey, Edward Baily, Robert Gardner & severall other Englishmen who belonged unto the Ship Griffin & are concerned in severall prizes taken in the bay of Metansis under the Commissions of Captn Bernard Lemoign & Captn Peter Otto plaints conta Captn Bernard Lemoign a Frenchman Defdt in an action of the case for that the sd Lemoign hath broken covenant with the plaints in not comming with his prizes to Nantasket or Boston and there shareing according to covenant but contrary thereunto in a perfidious & treacherous manner hath divided & shared one of sd prizes at Road Island, and not onely so but hath prosecuted the plaints in Boston at a Court of Admiralty or Court of Assistants and hath obtained a decree against the plaints which is to theire unsupportable loss and damage to the value of at least five thousand pounds wth other due damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaints five thousand pounds damage and costs of Court: The Defendant appealed from this Iudgement unto the next Court of Assistants and put in Security for prosecution of his Appeale to effect.

    [There are more details in Records of the Court of Assistants, i. 129. Eventually the plaintiffs took it out on the person of Lemoign, as appears at the adjourned session of 6 February, 1678/79, p. 994, below.]

    White &a conta Otto

    Thomas White, Samuel Ravenscroft, Christopher Goffe, Stiles Dradey George Mathews and Robt Gardner plaints conta Captn Peter Otto a Frenchman Defendt for that the sd Capt Otto did in a most perfidious treacherous and injurious manner complaine of and prosecute them for Shareing and Selling the money and goods brought in the Ship Griffin and Ship Nassaw &c. . . . The Iury . . . found for the Defendt costs of Court.   [561]

    Greely conta Hall

    Phillip Greely of Salisbury plaint. conta Andrew Hall Defendt for that the sd Hall hath illegally possessed himselfe of a Barque called the Iohn & William of burden about. 30. tons whereof Wm Hacket was late Mar whereof the sd Greely is right & proper owner of one halfe with all her Appurtenances, yet notwithstanding the sd Hall keepeth the plaint. out of the possession of the said halfe of his Barque and disowneth him as an owner &c. whereby hee is damnified to the value of about one hundred pounds in money with other due damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. that the Defendt deliver him one halfe of the Barque Sued for or Seventy pounds in money with costs of Court allowd Forty nine shillings two pence. mr Anthony Checkly Attourny for Greely (who prosecuted the Sute in his behalfe) appearing in the Office. 4o march: 1678. Acknowledged hee was fully Satisfied the abovewritten judgement by mr Nicholas Paige desiring it might bee so entred.

    Ravenscroft conta Homer

    Samuel Ravenscroft plaint. conta Robert Homer Defendt in an action of debt for non payment of twenty pounds in money due for so much lent him, with damages. . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. twenty pounds in money & costs of Court.

    Ravenscroft conta Iackson

    Samuel Ravenscroft plaint. conta Henry Iackson Defendt in an action of debt for non payment of twenty pounds in money due for so much lent him with damages: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. twenty pounds in money & costs of Court.

    Bradstrett conta Gross

    Simon Bradstreet Esqr plaint. conta Clement Gross Defendt in an action of debt of about three pounds & fourteen Shillings in money being the remaindr of a bigger Summe due for a parcel of Malt sold by the sd Simon to the wife of the sd Gross in the yeare. 76. wth damages; . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. three pound twelve Shillings six pence in money and costs of Court.

    Tyng conta Gilbert &a

    Edward Tyng Esqr Treasurer for the County of Suffolke plaint. conta William Gilbert, Ioseph Weeden & William Mumford or either of them Defendts for not paying the Summe of Ten pounds in money for the paymt whereof they are jointly and severally bound as by bond datd 9th xbr 1678. declared forfited by [562] The last County Court in Boston: . . . The Iury . . . found for the plaint. forfiture of the bond ten pounds money and costs of Court Vpon Request of the Defendt Gilbert The Court chancered this Forfiture to five pounds in money & costs of Court Allowed twelve Shillings. Execution issued. 5o March. 1678/9.

    Leverett to Vsher

    Hudson Leverett confes’t Iudgemt against his Estate and person unto Hezekiah Vsher for twenty pounds money to bee paid in one month from this day being: 28o Ianuro 1678.

    Execution issued. 27o Iune. 1679.

    Amey to Clarke

    Iohn Amey junior confes’t judgemt agt his Estate and person for Four pounds seventeen Shillings six pence to bee paid in money unto Susanna Clarke Attourny of her Husband Ionas Clarke junior

    Execution issued. 31o Ianuro 1678.

    Crow to Hubbard

    Christopher Crow confes’t Iudgemt agt his Estate and person unto Iohn Hubbard Mercht for Eighteen pounds in money in full of a bill given the sd Hubbard & left on file.

    Execution issued. 5o Febr 78.

    Norden to Hubbard

    Samuel Norden confes’t judgemt agt his Estate and person unto Iohn Hubbard Mercht for two and twenty pounds Fifteen Shillings six pence to bee paid in money in full of a bill on file.

    Execution issued. 5o Febr 1678.

    Wilkinson to Tapping

    William Wilkinson confes’t judgemt agt his Estate & person unto Mariana Tapping Widdow, Relict & Admx of the Estate of Ioseph Tapping for ten pounds Eighteen Shillings one penny due by bill and Booke.

    Execution issued. 10th Febr 1678.

    Man & Sprage Find 10s apeice

    Iohn Man of Boston and Anthony Sprague of Hingham were fined ten Shillings apeice in money to the County for not attending the Service of the Iury of Tryals according to Summons

    Order for disposition of mrs Lake her Estate

    It’s ordered that the Administraters to the Estate of mrs Lucey Lake bring in an Accot of that Estate to the Clerke of the Court And that they pay in the ballance that is in theire hands unto her mother mrs Lucey Anna Bulkely (mr Edwd Bulkely her Husband giving a receip’t to the Clerke for the same) to remain in her hands untill some other person may make a better claim to it.

    Order to the Treasuror

    Order passed for the County Treasuror to pay unto Thomas Battelle Constable of Dedham Nineteen Shillings money, being the remainder of his bill of charges in prosecuting and apprehending prison breakers.   [563]

    Corbet & George Negro Senta

    Robert Corbet and George a Negro Servants unto Stephen French of Waymouth convictd by theire own confession in Court of committing Fornication with Marea a Negro theire fellow Servt Sentenced to bee whip’t with twenty Stripes apeice and to pay charges of prosecutn & fees of Court.

    Committee abt Smith’s Estate

    It’s ordered that Captn Daniel Fisher and the other two Commissionrs of Dedham bee a Committee for the receiving of the claims to the Estate of Ioseph Smith late deced at Dedham. The Creditors to bring in theire claims to the sd Committee (at the time & place appointed by them) within two months next following, And to pay it out in proportion as it will beare to the Creditors they first Satisfying the funerall charges & other disburstmts made upon sd Smith in his Sickness.

    Chamberlyn his Estate ordered

    It’s ordered that the Estate of William Chamberlyn of Hull deced intestate, amounting by Inventory to Five hundred twenty nine pounds bee thus proportioned (after the payment of debts) unto the Eldest Son One hundred pounds, hee defalkeing thereout the value of the Land his Father gave him before his death, And to the other Eight Children Fifty pounds apeice and so in proportion among the Children as any Estate shall remain or bee comming, to bee paid unto them as they Attain theire respective ages and in the meane time to bee improved by the Administraters for theire education.

    Amory her Guardian

    It’s ordered that Edward Drinker of Boston Potter bee Guardian unto Mary Amory daughter of Simon Amory late of Boston Marrinr deced untill Shee come of age to choose for her Selfe hee giving bond according to law for the faithfull discharge of his trust.

    Wilmot his Guardian

    Phillip Squire of Boston Brewer is allowed to bee Guardian unto Iohn Wilmot Son of Iohn Wilmot sometime of Boston Marrinr deced hee giving Security according to law for the faithfull discharge of that trust.

    Carter to Tyng

    Ralph Carter confes’t Iudgemt agt his Estate & person unto Edward Tyng Esqr for the Summe of Five pounds Fifteen Shillings to bee paid in money.

    Execution issued. 29o March. 1678.

    Hoare Find 40s etc.

    William Hoare complained against by the Clerkes of the market for abuseing of them by reproachfull language & scurrilous wicked expressions &c. contained in theire complaint exhibited to this Court, put himselfe on tryall by a Iury, who having heard the complaint & evidences produced, on consideration thereof the Iury brought in theire Verdict, they found the sd Hoar guilty of the complaint made against him according to law: The Court Sentenced him to pay Forty Shillings in money fine to the County and ten pounds money to the Clerkes of the market or to make an Acknowledgemt to the Courts and theire Satisfaction, to pay charges of prosecution and fees of Court standing committd &c.   [564]

    [Hoare v. Coleman et al.]

    William Hoare plaint. conta William Coleman Wm Gilbert &c. Clerkes of the market Defendts — Verdict: The Iury do not finde the Defendts guilty of the charge laid against them according to law.

    Stanniford conta Briggs

    In the case of Iohn Staniford agt George Briggs contained in his complaint exhibited to this Court for fraudulently obtaining a bill for about £.20 upon the Accot of goods which sd Briggs had before received and given a receipt for; The Court do order that upon Stamfords paying unto Briggs Fourteen Shillings two pence (which hee acknowledgeth to bee oweing to him) his bill is to bee void and each party to beare theire own charge

    Rogers Find 20s

    Gamaliel Rogers complaind agt by the Clerkes of the market of Boston for affronting and abuseing of them in the execution of theire Office: Upon consideratn of what was alleaged & proved agt him The Court Sentencd him to pay twenty Shillings in money fine to the County charge of prosecution and fees of Court standing committd &c.

    Abbott Senta

    Charles Abbot convict by his own confession in Court of Stealing from his mar Robert Walker Eighteen Shillings & five Shillings in money and behaving himselfe stubbornly Sentenced to bee whip’t with ten Stripes, and to pay unto his mar Forty nine Shillings money, which (with what hee hath already received back again) is 3ble damages according to law, and to pay fees of Court standing committd &c.

    Committee for Tay’s Estate

    It being represented to this Court that the Estate left by Iohn Tay late of Boston Taylor deced doth prove insolvant The Court have therefore impoured mr Edw: Raynsford mr Iames Whetcomb and mr Iohn Hayward to bee a Committee for the taking in and Allowing of the claims made by the Creditors to that Estate, the sd Committee to appoint time & place of meeting for that end, and all Creditors are required to bring theire claims in to them by the next Court of this County, unto which Court they are to make theire return that further order may bee taken therein.

    Committee for dividing mr Cottons Farme

    In Answer to the petition of mr Increase Mather: The Court have appointed Deacon Wm Parke, mr Tho: Weld & Iohn White Senior to bee a Committee for to Survay the Farme sometime the Revd mr Iohn Cottons lying at Muddy River & to make report unto the County Court in April next; how it may bee equally divided into four parts, two for the eldest Son of the sd mr Cotton and unto each of his other two Children a Single part according to theire Fathers Will.

    The Court adjourned from Saturday the first unto Thursday the. 6th of February. 1678.   [565]

    February: 6th Anno 1678.

    The Court met by Adjournmt

    White etc. Find 20s

    Thomas White, Samuel Ravenscroft, Stiles Dradey & George Matthews complained of for breach of the peace in Assailing of Captn Lemoign and Assailing and wounding of Peter Dillen: on consideration of what was alleaged and proved in the case, The Court Sentenced them to pay twenty Shillings in money fine to the County, twenty Shillings in money to sd Dillen with the charge of his cure and fees of Court: And order that they deliver unto Captn Lemoigne his Sword, belt and hatt again within 24 houres next comming or pay him ten pounds in money The Sword Belt and hatt were forthwith deliurd in Court.

    [See case of White, etc., v. Lemoigne, above, p. 988.]

    Marshcroft Admonish’t & find ten grotes

    Daniel Marshcroft of Roxbury presentd for travelling to Boston on the Sabbath dayes, and for excessive drinking, which hee owned in Court. Sentenced to bee Admonish’t for his prophanation of the Sabbath, and to pay ten grotes in money fine to the County for excessive drinking & fees of Court, standing committd &c.

    Phillips Find 15s

    Nicholas Phillips presentd for takeing Tobacco in the Streete and for reviling and abuseing of mr Iohn Conney a grandjuryman upon his reproving of him for it; which was testified by sd Conney in Court. Sentenced to pay ten Shillings in money fine to the County for Smokeing in the Street five Shillings in money for reviling of the grandjuryman ten Shillings to sd Conney with charges of prosecution and fees of Court standing committd &c.

    Shilston Find 20s

    Ann Shilston presentd and convicted by her own confession in Court of Curseing: Sentenced to bee whip’t with ten Stripes or to pay twenty Shillings in money fine to the County and fees of Court standing committd &c.

    Swinton Senta

    Thomas Swinton convicted by his own confession in Court of Stealing bedding and cloathing from George Manning valued at Fifty Shillings. Sentenced to bee whip’t with ten Stripes in the house of correction and to pay unto sd Manning five pounds in money being 3ble damages according to law and to pay fees of Court standing committed untill the Sentence bee performed.

    Cutting Senta

    Robert Cutting convictd by his own confession in Court of stealing sundry goods from Thomas Matson valued at three and twenty Shillings and six pence Sentenced to bee whip’t with fifteen Stripes and to pay to Tho: Matson three pounds ten Shillings six pence money being 3ble damages according to law sd Matson defalking thereout the value of what goods hee hath reced again and to pay fees of Court standing committd &a   [566]

    Clois Find £.5: respitd

    Iulian Clois Widdow convicted by her own confession in Court for Selling beare and Cider without licence Sentenced to pay five pound in money to the County according to law.

    Execution respited untill the next Generall Court.

    Phippen his Estate Setled

    It’s ordered that the Estate of Benjamin Phippen late of Boston deced intestat it consisting mostly of a house and land bee thus setled and proportioned Vizt That Elinor his Widdow enjoy the whole Estate for her own and Childrens maintenance untill the youngest Children of sd Phippen come of age, and that then the Estate bee thus proportioned, the thirds to the Widdow during life, and the remaindr equally among the Children excepting to the eldest Son a double portion, Jt appearing by testimony produced before the Court to bee the minde of the deced so to have disposed his Estate.

    Cleare his Estate orderd

    It’s ordered that the Estate of Iohn Cleare Senior late of Boston deced bee thus Setled and proportioned Vizt The Court do declare that by what at pursent appeares unto them by testimony produced, the new house in which Richd Cleare late dwelt doth belong unto Iohn Foy in right of his wife, the onely Childe left by sd Iohn Cleare, And that the remaindr of the Estate (debts being first paid) bee equally proportioned unto the Six grand Children of sd Cleare.

    Lux his Estate ordered

    In Answer to the petition of Iohn Lux, It’s ordered that Sarah Dinsdale wife of William Dinsdale late Widdow of Iohn Lux junior deced intestate, do perfect the Inventory of her sd Husbands Estate, and that then Shee pay out the one halfe of the cleere Estate unto her Father in law Iohn Lux in behalfe of his Children, hee giving Security for the same the other halfe of the Estate is granted unto the sd Sarah Dinsdall and her heires for ever.

    Calman under a penalty

    Alexander Caiman a Quaker being presented to this Court by the Select men of Boston for residing in this Town contrary to the minde of the Select men, and not being admitted into the Colony: The Court ordered him to depart this Colony within one month next following under the penalty of Five pounds in money, and not to return again under the like penalty.

    Francis & Baily Senta

    Susanna Francis and Roger Baily prosecuted by Tho: Wells for stealing severall goods from him to value of Fifty Shillings, Sentenced to pay unto sd Wells Five pounds in money being 3ble damages according to law.

    Execution issued. 13o feb: 78.

    Snow her Estate Setled

    It’s ordered that the Estate of Mehitabel Snow singlewoman deced intestate (after the paymt of debts & her funerall charges) bee equally proportioned between her Brother Samuel Snow and her two Sisters Fisher and Wright.   [567]

    William Chard of Waymouth upon a motion from the Town was restored to his office of Clerke of the Writts.

    Committee abt Cleares Estate

    It being represented to this Court that the Estate of Richd Cleare late of Boston Cordwainer deced doth prove insolvant The Court have appointed Lt Daniel Turill and Lt Richard Way to bee a Committee for the taking in and allowing of the claims of the Creditors to that Estate, and all Creditors are required to enter theire claims with the sd Committee by the next Court of this County, The Committee appointing time and place of meeting for that end, and makeing theire return to the sd Court that so there may bee a proportioning of the Estate.

    Avis to Halgeson

    William Avis personally appearing before the Honord John Leverett Esqr Govr and Edwd Tyng Esqr Assist. 18o Febr 1678. confessed ludgemt agt his Estate and person unto Jngeman Halgeson for Five pound one Shilling money in full of a bill on file with charge.

    attests. Jsa Addington Cler.

    Execution issued. 19o Febr 1678/9.

    Carey to Knott

    Peter Carey of Marblehead Fisherman appearing before Simon Bradstreet Esqr Dept Govr and Edwd Tyng Esqr Assist 20th March: 1678/9. confessed judgemt agt his Estate & person unto Richard Knott of Marblehead for thirty pounds to bee paid in fish at price currant.

    attests. Jsa Addington Cler

    Execution issued. 21o march. 1678/9.

    Endors’t upon Courts order as in p: 536.

    Boston: 3d Ianuary. 1678.

    Then Recd of Edward Tyng Esqr Seventy three pounds money in part and per vertue of the within written Court order.

    Charles Lidgett.

    • Witness James Oliver
      • Nathaniel Peirse.
      • Captn Oliver & Nathaniel Peirse made oath as witnesses of mr Lidgetts Signing the above written.
      • Before the County Court.
      • pro May. 1679. Attests. Jsa Addington Cler
    • Entred at Request of mr Tyng.
      • per Jsa Addington Cler   [568]