The First Stated Meeting of the Society was held in Mr. Hilton’s office on Wednesday, 18 January, 1893, at three o’clock in the afternoon, the President, Benjamin Apthorp Gould, LL.D., in the chair.

    The record of the Meeting for Organization was read by the Recording Secretary, Mr. Henry Winchester Cunningham, and approved.

    The following-named gentlemen were unanimously elected Resident Members3: —

    • John Forrester Andrew.
    • Francis Cabot Lowell.
    • Edwin Munroe Bacon.
    • Francis Parkman.
    • Francis Vergnies Balch.
    • James Mills Peirce.
    • Martin Brimmer.
    • Henry Parker Quincy.
    • Seth Carlo Chandler.
    • Joshua Montgomery Sears.
    • Abner Cheney Goodell, Jr.
    • Francis Amasa Walker.
    • William Watson Goodwin.
    • William Gordon Weld.
    • George Silsbee Hale.
    • Samuel Wells.
    • Augustus Hemenway.
    • Edward Wheelwright.
    • Samuel Johnson.
    • George Wigglesworth.
    • Waldo Lincoln.
    • Moses Williams.

    The Recording Secretary reported that the Council, by a unanimous vote, recommended to the Society to petition the Commissioner of Corporations for authority to change its name to Society of Plymouth and The Bay.

    After some discussion, as the name was not satisfactory to all, it was unanimously —

    Voted, That this Society hereby requests the Council to call a Special Meeting of the Society, under the law, for the purpose of considering the question of changing its name.

    The Recording Secretary announced the first gift4 to the Society, — a present from G. Arthur Hilton, Esquire. It comprised —

    1. 1. The Commission of General David Cobb as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Bristol, dated 7 June, 1784, and signed by Governor Hancock.
    2. 2. A letter of Robert Treat Paine to Doctor David Cobb, dated at Philadelphia, 17 June, 1775, telling of the appointment of George Washington as General of the American forces.
    3. 3. The original manuscript of the Hon. Francis Baylies’s “Some Remarks on the Life and Character of General David Cobb, delivered at the Taunton Lyceum, July 2, 1830.”

    In his letter accompanying this gift Mr. Hilton announced his intention of presenting to the Society at an early day a copy of the Isaiah Thomas folio Bible published at Worcester in 1791, as he thought it eminently fitting that the first book to be given to this Society should be a copy of the Bible.

    The thanks of the Society were given to Mr. Hilton for his valuable and interesting gift.5