February Meeting, 1939

    A STATED Meeting of the Society was held, at the invitation of Mr. Stephen W. Phillips, at the Club of Odd Volumes, No. 77 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, on Thursday, February 23, 1939, at three o’clock in the afternoon, the President, Kenneth Ballard Murdock, in the chair.

    The records of the last Stated Meeting were read and approved.

    The Corresponding Secretary reported the death on December 15, 1938, of William MacDonald, a Corresponding Member.

    The Corresponding Secretary reported the receipt of letters from Mr. William Alexander Jackson, the Hon. Marcus Morton, Mr. William Greene Roelker, and Mr. Austin Warren, accepting Resident Membership in the Society; and from Mr. Fulmer Mood, accepting Corresponding Membership.

    Mr. Samuel E. Morison read a paper entitled “The Log Cabin Myth,” prepared in collaboration with our late associate, Mr. Harold R. Shurtleff.230