A Continuation of
the Records
of the first Church of Christ
Plymouth; State of
Began, January 1799.
Vol: III.
See Index, facing Page 1st107
[b–c108] [d] Index109 to this Volume of Records, viz
1. Records of the Votes110 & Transactions111 of the Chh Page 1112
2. Of Baptisms113 P. 101114
3. Of Deaths115 in the 1st Chh & Society 140116
4. Church Members admitted117 — in continuation 155118
5. Chh members now living,119 i e, in Jany 1st 1799120 153121
6. Record of Marriages,122 solemnized by C. Robbins— continn123 170 254124
For notice of a set of Desk Bibles, present by Doct. Francis Le Baron — See last page.126
Old127 Covenant renewd p |
53128 |
“ |
78129 |
[1] 1799 Plymo Church Records
Janry 27th Lords day Evening, Notifyd the Chh to meet at the Pastor’s house next Tuesday, at their usual Semi-annual Meeting agreable to the Vote of the Chh — Page in the IId Book of the Records of this Chh,130 on the Subject of Discipline.
At the same time, read a Letter missive, from the 1st Church in Rochester, to this Chh, desiring their Assistance, by their Pastor & Delegates, in the ordination of Mr Oliver Cobb, to the pastoral care over that Chh & people. The Chh Voted to comply, & chose Deacons William Crombie Deacon Ephraim Spooner, & John Cobb, as Delegates, to represent the Chh on that Occasion.
Letter from Rochester.
Jany 29th The Chh met, according to the above notification, and, after opening the meeting with Prayer, discoursed on several Subjects, conformable to the original Design of these Meetings — on discipline. It appearing that several of the members, had, of late, walked unbecoming their christian Character & Profession — & that, in such instances as are known to the world, & become matter of com̄on Report, the131 Chh thought it their Duty to make more particular Inquiry into them— And accordingly, Voted that Deacons Crombie & Spooner be a Committee to go & enquire into the Report of our Sister Bethiah Howard’s Intemperance in the use of Strong Drink, & violent, passionate Speeches & behavior.
The same Com̄ittee to go to our Sister Sarah Morton, (formerly Boies) & know the Grounds of the Reports of her scandalous Intemperance, for some time past — & also concerning her contemptuous treatment of the Chh, in Coming132 to the Sacrament, but a few days after she was seen in a Posture of Drunkeness and had been desired by a Com̄ittee of the Chh not to come untill she had manifested her Repentance & given Satisfaction.
At this Meeting, the Chh also Voted, that Deacon Bishop & Bro Solomon Churchill, be a Committee to go & talk with our Brethren John Carver & Lemuel Bradford, respecting their playing at Cards, in a public place, before several, who were not of the Chh, (& who expressd their surprize at such Conduct in Members of the Church).
Also, the same Com̄ittee, to go & discourse with Bro David Lothrop, who is too commonly reported to intemperate, & has drank strong drink to Excess, evincd by its Effects.
These Com̄ittees to make Report to ye Chh at ye adjournd Meetg Febr 12th inst. To wc time the Meetg was adjournd — Then closed with Prayr — Perfect Unanimity. [2] 1799 Chh Records
Febr 6th This day, agreably to the foremention’d Letter Missive, The Pastor & Delagates of this Chh met, with seven other Neighbouring Pastors & their Delegates, & proceeded, regularly to ordain & seperate Mr Oliver Cobb to the Ministerial Office over the first Chh & Congregation in Rochester. — Revd Messrs Everitt began with Prayer — Andros preachd the Sermon, from Acts 20. 24 “Neither count I my life dear to me” — &c Howland made the ordaining Prayer— Robbins, gave the Charge— LeBaron, the Right hand of fellowship, & Barker made the concluding Prayer. Every thing conducted with the greatest Harmony & Unanimity.
Ordination of Mr Cobb
Notifyd the Chh of this proceeding, the Sabbth after, Febr 10th
Tuesday. Febr 12th The Chh met at the Pastor’s house, agreably to Adjournment — The Committees, each, made Report of their Commission. Viz, That, with Respect to our Sister Bethiah Howard, She denies the Charge of Intemperance, wholly. But acknowledges rash, passionate Language, which she is too much addicted to, confesses her Sin in this regard, & desires to be humbled for it & asks forgiveness of God & her Brethren.
Reports of Com̄ittees respectg sevl persons, accusd of disorderly walking
With respect to Mrs Morton (once Boies,) They discoursd with her also, & Report that she, likewise deny’d ye Charge of Intemperance, & persists in it. As to the charge of casting Contempt on ye Chh, (as mention’d above) it appeard, that it seemd to arise, not from obstinacy, but rather from ignorance of her Duty in that Case.
& Votes of the Chh on the several Cases.
The other Com̄ittee also report, That, with respect to our Brother John Carver, He confessd his Crime, as charg’d against him — was now convincd it was wrong, sinful & dishonouring to God & his Profession — appeard penitent, beg’d forgivness of God & the Chh, & promissd by divine Aid, to walk more Cautiously, & circumspectly for the future, & hoped he should give no Occasion of Grief to his Brethren, or bring any further Reproach on Religion by his Misconduct. [3] 1799 Chh Records
And with respect to our Brother Lemuel Bradford, the Committee report, that having conversed with him, he acknowledged the Fact charged against him — that he did not, at the time of it, reflect so much upon it or think it so great an Evil — that he was drawn in to it — & was ignorant of the explicit Vote of this Chh against playing Cards, (having lived out of town for some years) but, that had he known what he now does, he shod not have complyd — he own’d he did it, thrô the Temptation of Satan, & his own wicked heart, & is sorry.
With respect to the last — viz, the Case of our brother David Lothrop, he appeared exceedingly penitent & humble acknowledged his Sin, & with Tears confessed & desired to be humble before God & Man, for the Wound bro’t hereby on Religion — aksd forgivness of God & his Brethren, & hop’d, thrô divine Assistance, he should hereafter, walk humbly and circumspectly, & give no further occasion of Stumbling, to any.
Whereupon, the Chh, upon further deliberation & Conversation on each Case, Seperately — Came to the following Votes.
Voted — viz, That this Chh is not satisfied with the Report, respecting our Sister Howard, as to her Denial of ye Chh of Intemperance, & her positive declaration of innocency herein, as there have been so many Circumstances, in time past, which give too much reason to believe she is guilty. — And that she be desired to withdraw herself from special Ordinances, untill she shall upon Reflection, give further proof, & more satisfactory Evidence of her Innocence, or entire Reformation.
Voted, That this Chh are also dissatisfied with the Report respecting our Sister Morton — for the same reason as the above, viz her positive Denial of Intemperance, when there has been such evidence of her having been guilty — & therefore that she be desired to withdraw herself from Com̄union, till she give shall, by her fruits, & acknowledgment, give Satisfaction. — That, as to other Charge against her, of Contempt &c. the Church overlook & forgive it, on the ground before mentiond viz Ignorance [4] 1799 Febr Chh Records
Next, With respect to our Brother John Carver, the Chh Voted, that, as he freely acknowledges, & appears to be humble for his Sin, he is forgiven, & restored again to Christian Charity.
Also Voted that for the same reason, this Church forgive & restore to their christian Charity, our brother Leml Bradford.
Also — Voted, (our Brother David Lothrop being present at this meeting, & confirming all that the Com̄ittee reported) That the Chh freely forgive, & recieve him to Christian Charity.
Finally, Voted that the same Com̄ittees who discoursd with these persons, go & inform them of the doings of the Church at this Meeting — & give to each, such solemn, faithful, tender & christian Counsel & Admonition, as their respective Cases appear to call for. The Chh, in all these transactions was perfectly unanimous, & I hope acted in the fear of God, & we pray God to follow all, with his gracious Benediction.
Concluded with Prayer, & adjournd without day.133
At134 a Meeting of the first Church of Christ in Plymouth Duly notifyd assembled and held at the Meeing house on Monday ye 4th day of Novembr Anno. Domini 1799 for the purpose of takeing into Consideration the Matter of Calling . . . . . .135 a Minister to Settle with them After Chooseing a Moderator and Addressing the Throne of Grace in Prayer The Church voted as follows Viz.
1st That they would then come to the Choice of a Minister to be136 ordained among them according to the Generall Useage in this Place 23 Votes for it and 15 against it
2dly They made Choice of Mr James Kendal for their Minister their being twenty three votes for him. Including the Moderatr and fifteen were not for him
3dly made Choice of Ephraim Spooner, Deacn William Crombie and Rossiter Cotton Esqr a Committe to lay these Votes before the Precinct for their Concurrance, and before Mr Kendal for his Consideration & Acceptance
Attest Ephraim Spooner Moderator
The above votes was layd before the Precinct the day abovesd when the Precinct Concurrd with the Church Vizt 253 votes in the affirmative and 15 in the Negative [5]
On the 28th day of November 1799 — being the day appointed by the Lievt Governor & Counsell for the Annual Thanksgiving — Mr James Kendall our Pastor Elect, communicated the following answer to the Call given him by this Church on the 4th day of Novembr instant
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Masschusetts from the painting by Chester Harding
My Christian Fathers, Brethren & Friends of this Church and Society
The result of your proceedings on the 4th instant communicated by your Committe was to me Solomn & interesting. Its consequences are not confined to a day, to a year nor to life, but reach beyond the Grave. It was not my temporal ease & enjoyment merely that were concernd but the Eternal wellfare of my own Soul, & the Souls of a numerous & destitute Flock. This was a subject, therefore, Which Justly claimed, & I trust in God has received, my most Serious attention, & prayerfull deliberation.
In Determining this important question every inferior137 consideration must give place to a Sense of duty. No fears of my own from whatever cause they might arise should influence my decision, contrary to the dictates of reason & conscience. no human remonstrance, however well intended, aught to Make me blind to the path of my duty, or deaf to What I feal to be the call of Gods Providence, — My determination has not been hasty, but calm & dispassionate — It was not formed alone, but in a multitude of Counsellers.” not from any rash [6] Confidence in my own frail Judgment, but after repeated & fervant Supplication at138 the Throne of Divine Grace that Almighty God for the sake of his own Son & his Sons cause in the world would vouch safe to me his Holy Spirit, for Guidance & direction.
Governed by these principles & looking to Heaven for assistance I have been enabled to satisfy my self as to the Path of duty. Whatever Objections therefore may have arison from the Greatness of the Charge, from the consequent burden of Duty that would devolve upon me, from an apprehension of my own insufficiency or from want of perfect satisfaction, cordiality & Union in the Church, which is the greatest of All, Yet after takeing into View the destitute Scituation of the Society, the Consequences Which Might follow from a negative Answer, the hope & prospect of usefullness, arriseing from the Union, harmony and affection of so large a portion of this numerous assembly; while I trace, & Sure I am that I can, the139 overruling hand of Providence in everry Stage of the business, beholding, as it were, the finger of the Almighty pointing out the flock— I cannot but declare in this publick and Solemn manner my Cherfull & Cordial acceptance of the invitation to be your pastor. relying on that Almighty being who has made me Unworthy as I am, the Instrument of Uniting140 you thus far,141 still to prosper my exertions, in his Service, to bless and Guide me142 with his presence even to the end of the world. and I Earnestly intreat you to Join your Prayers with mine for that Strength which is Perfected in weakness that Grace which alone is Sufficient for me
If their be143 any individuals in this Church or Society — who Continue dissatisfied, who have heared with painfull Emotion this declaration of My Acceptance on [7] Account of a Sincere144 & honest145 belief that I am not quallifyd146 for a Minister of the Gospel, I acknowledge before them my own unworthiness. I lament with them, that I am not better Quallified for takeing Upon me the Solemn Charge, but while they realize with me the Greatnest of the Work I am about to Undertake; While they tremble with me Under an Apprehension of my unfitness & insufficiency, they will not withhold their constant & fervent Supplication for the all sufficient grace of Christ that I may be thoroughly furnished for the arduous work — that I may be faithfull to my own soul & the souls of this people & be enabled so to Preach and they to understand that I may save my self and them that hear me
And may God Almighty bless our united & mutual endeavours in the great work of religion, that haveing served him faithfully together in this his Earthly temple we may finally be found accepted of him through the Redeemer, and made Worthey to Joyn with Saints & Angels in keeping an Everlasting thanksgiveing to God & to the Lamb in the Mansions of Glory.
J. Kendall
At a Meeting of the first Church of Christ in Plymouth (being duly notified) Ephraim Spooner was Chosen Moderator. The Throne of Grace was then addressed by Prayer by Deacn William Crombie, — The Church then proceeded & voted to send to the following Churches &c to Ordain Mr James Kendall (the Gentleman Abovenamed) as our Pastor Vizt.
- The Second Church of Christ in Andover
- The first Church in Cambrige
- The Church in Beadford147
- The Revd President Willard &
- The Revd Doter Tappan
- The Church in Sterling
- The Church in Dorchister
- The 3rd Church in Newberry [8]
- The Church in Brattle Street Boston of Which the Revd Doctr Peter Thacher is Pastor
- The Church in Kingston
- The Church in Bridgewater
- The Church in Carver
- The 1st Church in Marshfeild
- The 2nd Church in Plymouth
- The Church in Rochester
- The 1st Church in Middleborô
Then Voted and Chose George Watson Esqr Deacn William Crombie Ephraim Spooner & Rossiter Cotton Esqr a Committe to lay the proceedings of the Church before the Precinct — and to write Letters Missive to the Abovementiond Churches for the purposes Abovesd148
The149 following is a copy of the proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Council convened for the purpose of ordaining the pastor elect:
Plymouth Dec. 31. 1799
At an ecclesiastical council convened at Ply. by virtue of letters missive from the first chh of Christ in sd town, to set apart Mr James Kendall to the work of the gospel ministry in the first Precinct in sd town & as pastor in sd chh. were present the following ministers of Christ and Delegates from the Respective chhs. Viz.
Rev. Jonathan French, pastor of a chh of Christ in Andover: Dea. Daniel Poor, Timothy Ballard, & Jonathan French Jun, Delegates.
Rev. Peter Thacher D.D. Pastor of a chh, of Christ in Boston; Deacons Balch & Hall, Delegates.
Rev. Zephh Willis, Pastor of a chh. of Christ in Kingston; Dea. Eben Washburn, Zeth Drew, & Martin Parris, Delegates.
Rev. John Howland, Pastor of a chh of Christ in Carver; Dea. Thomas Savery, Isaac Lucas, and Nehemiah Cobb, Delegates.
Rev. Wm Shaw, Pastor of a chh of Christ in Marshfield Briggs Thomas, delegate.
Rev. Lemuel Le Baron, Pastor150 of a chh of Christ in Rochester; Dea. Thos. Tobey, & Gideon Barstow delegates. [8a151]
Rev. Joseph Barker, Pastor of a chh of Christ in Middleboro’; Dea. Ichabud Morton, Dea. Abn[er] Bourn, & Joshua Eddy, Delegates.
Rev. David Tappan DD, Professor of Divinity in the University at Cambridge.
Caleb Gannett Esqr. and Levi Hedge, delega[tes] from the first chh. in Cambridge.
Dea. Branch Blackmer & dea. Abner Bartl[ett] delegates from the 2d chh. of Christ in Plymouth.
Chose, Rev. John Howland, Moderator, & Rev. Le[muel] Le Baron scribe. The Council being opened by prayer, to Almighty God for his direction & blessing, proceeded to attend to the papers laid before them by the Committees of the chh & Precinct containing their invitation to Mr James Kendall to settle among them as a minister of Jesus Christ, & Pastor of the chh in the said first Precinct in the town of Plymou[th] and having heard Mr J. Kendall’s answer in which he discovered his willingness to comply with th[e] Invitation; — the Council attended upon the examination of the sd Mr Kendall, & were satisfyed by what they heard of him, with his abilities; and what they heard from several of the council, who were personally & intimately acquainted with Mr152 Kendall, gave them full satisfaction respec[t]ing his moral character.
A remonstrance against ordaining Mr Kendall as pastor of sd chh, was presented to the council by three members of sd chh, who said they represen[t] fifteen male members. The council gave the remonstrance its full weight, & felt a christian affection for the disatisfyed brethren; but were fully of the opinion, that it was their duty, & they proceeded to vote, that being satisfyed with the qualifications of Mr James Kendall for the work of the gospel ministry & with the proceedings of the chh, and Precinct respecting their Call of the sd Mr Kendall, they were ready to comply with [8b153] the request of the sd first Chh, of Christ in Plymouth, expressed in their letters missive.
- Voted, That the Rev. John Howland give the charge.
- Rev. Wm Shaw the right hand of fellowship
- Rev. Peter Thacher make the ordaining Pray[er]
- Rev. David Tappan make the introductory pray[er]
- Rev. Zedekiah Sanger make the concluding prayer.
NB. On the day appointed, viz. Jan. 1st 1800, Mr James Kendall was solemnly ordained to th[e] work of the gospel Ministry and Pastor of the first chh, of Christ in Plymouth.
Lemuel Le Baron, Scribe
The Rev. Jonathan French preached the ordination Sermon,154 from the words recorded in the 16 chap. of St. Matt. 18 verse — “Upon this Rock I will build my chh, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” [8c–8d155] [9] 1800 Church Records Continued
March 2d Lord’s day evening. — Stayed the Chh. after the blessing, & communicated the desire of Elizabeth Finney to give up herself to God in Covenant, & be admitted to the ordinance of Baptism. Being confined with wasting sickness, & supposed to be upon the bed of death, she felt it to be her duty, & had previously manifested her earnest desire, to comply with this command of the Savior. She had already given great satisfaction, as to the state of her mind, her knowledge of the way of Salvation by Jesus Christ, & the sincerity of her motives in receiving the ordinance. After reading her relation & communicating her situation, it was —
Voted, That, considering the circumstances of E. Finney, & the former usage of this Chh, in similar cases,* she be gratifyed in her request; & that the Covenant be propounded, & the ordinance administered to her by the Pastor, at the house of her Mother, the widow, Hannah Holbrook.
* (See Vol. II Chh. Records — Pages 39–73–87156)
The covenant was propounded accordingly, the day following; &, after cordial, solemn assent, the ordinance was administered in presence of two of the Deacons of the Chh. Crombie & Spooner & others. — May this, & similar157 instances, be blessed as means of awakening others to serious reflection while in health, & to a conscientious discharge of then duty in order to a preparation for death. [10] 1800 Continued
March 6. At a lecture preparatory to the Communion, Stayed the Chh. after the blessing, & communicated the request of brother John Bishop to be dismissed from his office, as deacon, in this Chh. Also the request of the brethren, who dissented at the late ordination, to meet the Chh. this evening, at brother dea. Spooner’s for the purpose of mutual conference, in order to remove any supposed existing grievance, that they might join their brethren at the approaching Communion in harmony & love. After reading these requests it was agreed to adjourn to the Place & Time proposed.
Met accordingly in the evening at the house of brother Dea. Spooner. After opening the meeting by prayer, some conversation was introduced respecting the proceeding of the Chh. at the election of the present Pastor. But finding that every thing had been conducted with order & propriety concerning the mode of proceeding, & that no real cause of grievance existed, the dissenting members appeared satisfied, & no vote was passed. Dea. Bishop was prevailed with to withdraw his request. The conference was conducted with meekness & charity; & the christian temper & spirit, that were exhibited through the evening, seemed to fulfill the promise of the Great Head of ye Chh. that “When two or three are met together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
After concluding by prayer the meeting was dissolved, & the Chh. unitedly partook of the Ordinance. [11] Continued
1801 March 1. Lord’s day, after service — Read a letter from the Rev. Mr French of Andover to this Chh. containing the dismission of Sarah Kendall the wife of the present Pastor from her special relation to his Chh & recommending her to the holy fellowship & Communion of the first Chh in Plymouth., as a member158 in full Communion with his Chh, & whose life & conversation had adorned159 her Christian profession. The Chh. then
Voted — That,160 from the above recommendation, she be received into their fellowship & Communion.
July 2d Stayed the chh after Lecture, & informed them that the pastor had received from the Executors of the late Col. Watson’s Will a Tankard, wh he ordered to be given as a Legacy to the first Chh in Plymouth. Upon which the following vote was passed, & order’d to be recorded, & a copy communicated to the Executors.
Whereas our late brother, George Watson Esqr to evince the sincerity of his attachment to the religion of Jesus, & to testify his respect for its institutions & ordinances, ordered, in his last Will, a Silver Tankard to be given as a Legacy to the first chh in Plymouth;
In consideration of their regard for the memory of the deceased, & as an expression of their gratitude for the Gift,
Voted, — That the chh accept this Plate as a memorial of the virtuous Donor, whose benevolent & pious example is worthy to be had in everlasting remembrance.
[12] 1801 Continued
Augt 16th Stayed the Chh. after service & communicated a letter, received from the religious Society in Dresden, requesting their assistance in the ordination of Mr Freeman Parker on the 2d Sept. Voted.— That this Chh. comply161 with their request; and that brother Doct. R. Cotton be the delegate to accompany the minister.
The Pastor accordingly attended, when Mr Freeman Parker was solemnly ordained over the sd religious Society at Dresden. On wh. occasion the Rev. Mr. Fletcher of Kennebunk made the first prayer — Rev. Mr Shaw of Barnstable preached a Sermon, adapted to the occasion — Rev. Mr Winship of Woolwich made the ordaining prayer & gave the Charge — Rev. Mr Bradford of Wiscasset gave the right Hand — & the pastor of this Chh. made the concluding prayer.
Sept. 13th Lord’s day after service, communicated to the chh the following request:
To the Rev. Mr Kendall,
You are hereby requested by a number of the brethren of the 1st Chh of Christ in Plymo to Call a chh meeting in the course of next week on a day you appoint to consult on important matters, that may then be laid before them.
John Bishop
Benjn Warren
David Dimon
Seth Harlow Jun
Jesse Harlow Jun [13162]
Accordingly notifyed the chh of a meeting to be held at my house on thursday, 17th Sept beginning at 3 o clock, P. M.
Sept 17th Met agreeably to the above notification at the time & place appointed. The Meeting was opened by prayer. After wh. the following request was presented by brother Bishop to the Moderator to be communicated.
1st We request, that all the members, male & female, that wish to be dismissed from their relation to the first chh of Ch. in Plymo, to be formed into chh. estate by the name of the 3d chh of Ch. in Plymo — & that any member, male or female, desire hereafter a dismission from either chh. & join the other be dismissed, if recommended to the other, be granted.
2ly We request that an equal proportion of the chh. furniture according to our numbers be granted to the 3d chh, so voted off.
After considerable discussion on the subject respecting the proper mode of proceeding, the meeting was adjournd to thursday, the 24. Sept instant.
Sept 24th The Chh. met agreeable to adjournment at the house of the Pastor; when the petitioners explained their meaning in the clause respecting the dismission of members from one chh to the other hereafter, with a recommendation. They said they had nothing further in view by inserting the above clause, than that the removal of relations from one chh to the other in future be regulated according to the usual practice of this, & other congregational churches in N. England. They also relinquished their pretended claims to the chh. furniture, being convinced, that, as it was given to the first Chh. the present members were not exclusively entitled to it, &, therefore, had no right to the disposal of it. They asked only for the privilege of using it a certain time, till163 it was convenient [14164] for them to furnish their own table.
Agreeable to a vote of the Chh. the names of the petitioners were produced; & were annexed to their petition in the following manner:
We the subscribers being members of the first chh. of Christ in Plymouth request to be dismissed from our relation to the first chh. & established in a church estate amongst ourselves, by the name of the 3d chh. of Christ in Plymouth.
[15] 1801
The above request being read together with the names annexed thereto, it was then
Voted, That the petitioners be dismissed from their special relation to the first Chh. of Christ in Plymouth, in order to be set off into a distinct Chh. by the name of the 3d Chh. of Christ in Ply. agreeable to their request. Which passed in the affirmative unanimously.
The Chh. also voted, that they have the privilege of using the furniture at165 their Communion for two years. — The meeting was closed as usual with prayer & dissolved in harmony.
May the great Head of the Chh. smile upon these transactions, that166 they may contribute to the more rapid advancement of his kingdom among us!167 [16] Continued
Oct. 4. Read a letter missive from the Chh. in Tisbury to the 1st Chh. in Plymouth, requesting their presence & assistance at the ordination of the Rev. Mr Hatch: but in consequence of the sickness in this town did not attend.
Nov. 8th Read a letter from the Chh. of Christ in North Hampton (N. H.) to this Chh. requesting their assistance at the ordination of Mr Jonathan French Jur on the 18th instant.
Voted—that the Chh comply with this request; & that Capt John Paty, represent the chh. Attended accordingly. When Mr French was solemnly ordained over sd Chh & Society. On wh occasion the Rev. Mr Holt of Epping made the introductory prayer, Rev. Mr French of Andover preached the Sermon, Rev. Doct. Tappan, made the ordaining prayer, the Rev. Mr Buckminster gave168 the Charge, Rev. Mr Stearns of Bedford gave the right hand, & the pastor of this Chh made the concluding prayer.
Nov. 29th Read a letter from the Chh in Plympton to this Chh. requesting their assistance at the installation169 of the Rev. John Briggs over sd Chh & Society. Voted to comply with this request, & chose brother Dea. Spooner, & brother Ichabud Morton Jur to Represent the Chh. Attended agreeable to the above request on the 2d of Dec. when the Rev. Mr B. was solemnly inaugurated to the pastoral office of sd Society. On wh occasion, Rev. Mr Barker of Middlebury made the introductory prayer, Rev. Mr Westun of Fairhaven preach the Sermon, from 33d170 of Deut. 8. verse. Rev. Mr Howland of Carver gave the charge, Rev. Mr Willis of Kingston the right hand, & the minister of this Chh. made the concluding prayer. [17] 1802 Continued
Oct. 14th This day, agreeable171 to previous appointment, was religiously observed as a day of special, solemn Fasting, humiliation & prayer — in consequence of a distressing sickness & very great mortality, wch for six weeks has prevailed in this place, chiefly among the children.
Oct. 17th Stayed the Chh; & communicated to them the following letter from the Honble Judge Davis.
Plymouth Oct. 11. 1802
Dear Sir,
I return herewith the first Volume of Church Records, with which you lately favored me for perusal. Accept my acknowledgments for the indulgence. I have read a considerable portion of the Book, & with a great degree of satisfaction. It is a precious morsel of antiquity; & one cannot peruse it without feeling solicitous, that it may be preserved from the possible fatality of accident, or the Slow, but sure, ravages of time. The Ecclesiastical History &c. penned by Secretary Morton, would be a suitable appendege to his New England’s Memorial, which has been long out of print, & would, I am persuaded be very acceptable to the public in a New Edition. The present generation is at that distance from the founders of New England, that it has become interesting to trace the first lines of their History; &, if I am not greatly deceived in respect to the public taste, these plain & venerable originals would be generally & highly acceptable. Feeling a strong desire to have the work accomplished, which I have suggested, it would [18] be gratifying to me to be indulged with the use of these Records for that purpose, & I would cheerfully consent, that the entire profits of the proposed publication should be accounted for to the Precinct to constitute part of a fund for the maintenance of the ministry therein.172
I am, Sir, respectfully
& with great regard
Your obedt Servt
Jno Davis
Rev. James Kendall.
The Chh. gratefully accepted the above proposition, and Voted, That the Pastor be authorized to loan the the 1st Vol. of Chh. Records to the Honble John Davis agreeable to his request for the purpose mentioned in the above communication.
Voted, Also, that the Pastor, Dea. Spooner, & brother Ichabud Morton Jun be a Committee to join a Committee from the precinct to carry the proposed plan into execution.173
1803. March 6. Read a letter from the first Chh. of Christ in Dedham to this Chh, requesting their attendance & assistance at the ordination of Mr Joshua Bates, on the 16th instant. Voted to comply with this request, & that brothers Dea. Spooner & Doct. Thacher be the delegates to represent the Chh. — Attended accordingly at the time & place appointed. When the Rev. Mr Bates was solemnly ordained over said Chh & Society. On wh occasion the Rev. Mr Bradford of Roxbury made the introductory prayer. Rev. Mr Flint of Cohasset preached a sermon. Rev. Mr Mellen made the ordaining prayer. Rev. Mr Prentiss of medfield gave [19] the Charge. Rev. Mr. Chickering gave the right hand & the Rev. Doct Tappan closed with prayer.
1804 March 18. Stayed the chh. after service, & informed them, that the time had expired for wh. the furniture was loaned to the 3d Chh. Authorized the deacons, to notify the said Chh. of the same; & voted to adjourn the meeting to the174 second monday in April.
April 9. Met agreeably to adjournment at the parsonage house. After opening the meeting, the deacons informed the chh, that the 3d chh, had concluded for the future to provide themselves with furniture for the use of the communion table.
The chh. then proceeded to take into consideration the case of Rebecca Stephenson, who several years before had been suspended from special ordinances on account of lascivious & criminal behavior. The chh, after due deliberation, finding that “she was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,”
Voted, That, in consequence of her notoriously abandoned conduct, for the sake of the honor of religion & the purity & safety of the chh, at the expiration of three months if no appearance of reformation should take place,175 she be excommunicated from this chh. Also
Voted, That Dea. Spooner & brother Ichabud Morton Jr communicate this Vote to176 sd Stephenson.
The case of Bethiah Howard, who also had been under suspension for several years, was postponed for further inquiry. This meeting was adjourned to the 2d monday in july.
June 28. Stayed the chh. after Lecture & communicated the request of brother Richard Cooper & wife to be dismissed from the first & recommended to the 3d chh. who were dismissed & recommended accordingly.
July 12 Met agreeable to adjournment. After the meeting was opened took up the case of Rebecca Stephenson but some of the brethren being absent,177 it was agreed to pospone the consideration of it. The case of Bethiah Howard was also posponed, for further evidence, [20] & brother Leml Drew appointed to make the inquiry. Then
Proceeded to the consideration of the request of brother John Kempton to be dismissed from this chh, & recommended to the 3d chh. This request appearing to have been the result of misrepresentation & false178 information on a mind greatly impaired & debilitated by the infirmities of old age, &, therefore,179 not180 an act of his own, the chh. conceived it to be expedient previous to giving him a dismission to choose a committee to wait on him, & inquire into the real grounds of the application. It was then
Voted — That Dea. Crombie & dea. Spooner with our brother Ichabud Morton be this committee. The meeting was then adjourned to181 the 23d of July, at 4 oclock. P.M.
July 15. Stayed the chh, after meeting, & were informed by the above committee, that they had waited on our aged brother, Mr. Kempton, in complyance with the vote of the chh. But finding his mind very182 weak & feeble & incapable of reasoning, still, however, appearing desirous to have his relation removed, they thought proper to use183 no arguments, & to ask him but few questions. He observed, that, althô he had been misinformed respecting some matters relative to the proceedings of the chh, which had given him uneasiness; yet having been corrected, he had nothing now in particular against either the minister or the chh. but thot nevertheless that his happiness would be promoted by having his relation removed — The chh, then, notwithstanding the singularity of the case — notwithstanding his connexion with this chh, for upwards of 60 years — notwithstanding his having voted for the present establishment & uniformly expressed his satisfaction while able to attend on the public services — notwithstanding by reason of the infirmities of old age he has been unable to attend public worship any where for nearly two years, [21] & will never probably be able to attend again; — notwithstanding all this, the chh, judged it expedient to comply with his request; & accordingly, Voted that he be dismissed from his special relation to the first chh, & recommended to the third.
July 23d Met agreeably to a previous adjournment, and, after opening the meeting by prayer, proceeded184 to the consideration of the case of Rebecca Stevenson. On making particular inquiry into her conduct & behavior of late it appeared that there were at least some symtoms of penitence & amendment. The chh, willing to encourage the least appearance of reformation, & thinking that further forbearance185 might be a mean of stimulating her to a change of conduct, Voted that they would still postpone her excommunication until the next semiannual meeting, which will be the first tuesday in August. Brother Leml Drew & Dr Cotton were appointed a committee to give her this information.
As to the case of Bethiah Howard, on inquiry it was found, that her behavior of late was more examplary, & that there was reason at least to hope that her future good conduct would prove that she was intirely reformed.
Oct. 2. Semiannual meeting; — stayed the chh after comun̄ lecture. Took up the subject of R. Stevenson but several of the brethren being absent, Voted to adjourn the meeting to monday the 15th of Oct 3 O’clock at my house.
Oct. 15. Met agreeably to adjournment, but few of the brethren being present, Voted to adjourn again, to monday the 22d instant.
Oct. 22 Met agreeably to adjournment, & after taking into consideration the character & conduct of Rebecca Stephenson, & finding no evidence of her reformation, voted to continue her suspension from special ordinances until the next semiannual meeting. [22] Continued
Read to the chh. the following request.
The subscribers take the liberty to represent to the Rev. Pastor & brethren of the 1st chh. of Christ in Plymouth, that for several years past we have been members of regular standing in the Episcopal chh.; but being providentially situated at a considerable distance from their place of assembling, we are unhappily deprived of the privilege of participating with them in the ordinance of the Ld’s supper. While we unite with your assembly in public worship our minds are deeply affected with grief & concern, that we cannot enjoy with our christian friends the benefits of that sacred ordinance instituted by our common Savior. Acknowledging the same Lord & Master with yourselves, & grounding our faith & hope on the same crusified Redeemer for Salvation we are compelled from a sense of religious duty to express to you our most earnest desire to be admitted to a communion with you in the celebration of the death of our great Redeemer. Your complyance with this our request will afford great comfort & satisfaction to our minds, & we engage to conform to such conditions & to subject ourselves to such rules of discipline as you may deem proper consistently with our connexion with the particular chh. to wh. we belong.
Joanna Winslow
Mary Warren
Plymouth Oct. 12. 1804
After reading a letter of recommendation from the Rev. Mr Wheeler, pastor of the Episcopal chh in Scituate, Voted unanimously that Joanna Winslow & Mary Warren be admitted to occasional communion with this chh. agreeably to their request.
Concluded, as we began, with prayer, & dissolved the meeting. [23]
1804 Dec. 30 — Lord’s Day. Communicated to the Chh. a letter from the Chh. of Christ in Dennis, requesting the attendance & assistance of Pastor & Delegates at the ordination of Mr Caleb Holmes. Voted to comply with the request of the chh in Dennis;186 & that brother Leml Drew, Doct Thacher, & Benja Whiting be delegates to Represent the chh.
Jan. 2. 1805 Attended at Dennis agreeably to the above request, when the Rev. Mr Holmes was solemnly ordained to the work of the ministry in that Place. On wh. occasion the Rev. Mr Burr of Sandwich made the Introductory prayer; Pastor of this Chh. preached a Sermon187 from Phil. 2. 29.; Rev. Mr Whitman of Welfleet made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Mr Shaw of Barnstable gave the charge; Rev Mr Waterman of Barnstable gave the right Hand; Rev. Mr Lincoln of Falmouth made the concluding prayer.
March 24. Stayed the Chh. after Meeting, & communicated the request of Wid. Ruth Luce to be dismissed from this chh, & recommended to the 3d chh. The chh. Voted to comply with her request.
May. 2. After Lecture, semiannual church meeting. Conversed on several subjects relative to the object of this meeting. But without passing any votes dissolved the meeting.
July 28. Stayed the chh. after divine Service, & communicated to them the request of E. Stevens to be dismissed from this church & recommended to the third. But on account of some misunderstanding between her & her brother Dr Thacher Voted, That the Pastor, Dea Crombie & Dr Cotton be a Committee to wait on her, & endeavor effect a reconciliation [24] 1805 Continued
Augt 25. Stayed the chh, after divine service & inform them, that their committee appointed to wait on Sister Stevens had done it, & had effected the object for wh they were appointed. And agreeable to her request,
Voted, That she be dismissed from her special relation to this chh, & recommended to the third.
1807 Jan. 11. Stayed the Chh. & communicated the request of Elizbeth Torrey to remove her relation from this to the 3d Chh. in Plymouth. And
Voted, That she be dismissed from her special relation to this Chh, & recommended to the 3. Chh.
Augt 2. Stayed the chh, & communicated to them an application of Capt Jesse Churchill to have his relation with the chh renewed. Adjourned the consideration of the subject to the 3rd Sept. after communion lecture.
Sept 3rd After divine Service took up the subject of Capt J. Churchill’s application, & chuse a committee of five to confer with him: Viz. Dea. Spooner, Dea. Crombie, Capt. John Paty, Dr Thacher, & brother Ichabud Morton Jun. Adjourned the meeting to the 6th of October.
Sept 27. Read a letter from the chh of Christ in Carver to this Chh, requesting their assistance188 attendance at the ordination of Mr John Shaw on the seventh of October.
Voted to comply with this request, & that brother Benja Whiting be the delegate to represent the chh. [25] 1807
Oct. 7. Agreeably to the preceeding votes, attended in council at Carver, when the Rev. John Shaw was solemnly ordained over sd chh & Society. — On wh occasion the Rev. Mr Strong of Randolph made the introductory prayer: Rev. Mr. Niles of Abbington preach[ed] the Sermon; Rev. Mr Everette of Wareham189 made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Mr. Barker of Middleborough gave the charge; Rev. Mr Judson of Plymouth expressed the fellowship of the chhs; & the pastor of this chh made the concluding prayer.
Oct. 6. Stayed the chh, after quarterly lecture, & heard the report of the committee relative to the request of Capt J. Churchill. But on account of a small number being present, adjourned the consideration of the subject until the first Wednesday in Dec.
Oct. 18 Read a letter missive from the West Chh of Christ in Barnstable to this Chh, requesting their assistance at the ordination of Mr Enoch Pratt on the 28th of Oct.
Voted, To comply with this request; & that brother Dr. Thacher, & brother Dr Rocessiter Cotton, be the delegate to represent the Chh.
Oct. 28. Agreeably to the preceeding vote, attended in council at Mr Bursley’s, Barnstable, when the Rev. Enoch Pratt was solemnly ordained over said Chh & Society. On wh. occasion the Rev. Mr Gurney of Middleborough made the introductory prayer; Rev. Mr Harris of Dorchester preached the sermon; Rev. Dr Sanger of Bridgewater made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Dr Forbes of [26] Raynham delivered the Charge; Rev. Mr Burr of Sandwich expressed the fellowship of the Chhs; & the pastor of this chh. made the concluding prayer.
Dec. 9. 1807 Agreeably to a notification on the Sabbath (the pastor being indisposed the first wednesday) the Chh. met at the house of the pastor; when, after opening the meeting by prayer, the consideration of Capt Jesse Churchill’s application & the report of the Chhs Committee were taken up; — after much conversation on the subject, in wh. the brethren generally were of opinion that there was in some respects190 external reformation in Mr Churchill, & expressed their readiness to receive him whenever he should give evidence of a proper temper of mind; yet,
Voted, Unanimously, that they deem it inconsistent & inexpedient to admit him to christian fellowship in any other way, than those persons are admitted, who have had no previous connection with the Chh. viz, by a relation expressive of humility & penetence for past error & sin as well, as sincere desire for admission to the Chh.
Voted, That our Sister Lucy Holmes, the wife of Rev. Caleb Holmes, be dismissed, agreeably to her request, from her special relation to this Chh. & recommended to the Chh of Christ in Dennis.
Voted, That the pastor & Deacons be a Committee to exchange a Tankard bequeathed by the Wid. Desire Mathews to this Chh, & another piece of old plate belonging to the Chh, for such vessel or vessels as they shall think proper for the use of the Communion table.
Voted, That Dea. Crombie provide a table cloth [27] for the use of the Chh, & at their expense. After prayer, dissolved the meeting.
1811 Jan. 20. Lord’s day— Stayed the Chh. after service, & communicated to the brethren the request of Thomas Witherell to be dismissed from his special relation to this chh, & recommended to the 3d Chh. — As the subject required deliberation, & there not being time to take it up & consider & act upon it, it was Voted, To adjourn the meeting until Wednesday the 23. instant, to meet at the house of the Pastor.
Jan. 23. Meeting of the Chh, agreeable to adjournment. After opening the meeting by prayer, entered upon the consideration of brother Witherell’s request. After a lengthy discussion, conducted with great tenderness & candour, the brethren were of opinion, that the applicant’s past irregularity had been such, as not to justify their giving him a recommendation in the common form. It was therefore Voted unanimously that the following clause, or qualification, be inserted, viz; “And, altho we regret that we are not able to say that his walk has been wholly conformable to his christian profession; Yet such is our hope of his amendment, that he is at this time in full communion & in regular standing with us. As such we commend him to your ch, charity & watchfulness” &c. With this variation from the common form his dismission was Voted unanimously.
Voted, That our brother Ichabud Morton Jur be [28] requested to have an interview with Lemuel Bradford Jur. who it appears was several years since admitted as a member of this chh., &, altho for some time an inhabitant of another part of the State, yet is now a resident in Plymo; but has not come up to the ordinances. The object of the interview is to inquire into the reasons of this neglect of duty.
Voted, That our brother Benja Whiting be requested to converse with our sister Polly Morton, who for some time has not communed with this chh, & learn the reasons of this irregular walk.
Voted. — That there be a semiannual Meeting of this Chh, for the purpose of inquiring into the state of the Chh, &, particularly, learning the necessities, & relieving the wants of those poor members, who are needy & indigent. And that this meeting be on the first tuesday in Jany, & on the first tuesday in July; unless circumstances should be such as to render it necessary to have it on some other day. Closed the meeting by prayer, & dissolved.
June 30. Sabbath Day. After divine Service, stayed the Chh. & communicated to the brethren the proceedings of the Pastor relative to Hannah Burbank; wife Nehemiah who, considering herself in her last sickness & nigh unto death, expressed an earnest desire to own the covenant, to receive the elements, & give up her children in baptism; & who, having given satisfaction to the Pastor & some other members of the chh, of her sincerity & faith, & it being apprehended that her life would not continue until a meeting of the chh, could be called, was gratifyed in her desire. The chh, considering her peculiar circumstances approved of the proceedings & voted [29] to receive her as a member in full communion, she being yet living.
Voted, That semiannual meeting of the chh, be on the second tuesday in July instead of the first, on account of the meeting of the Association.
July 9th Met agreeable to adjournment; & after opening the meeting, received the report of brother Whiting relative to our sister Polly Morton; but the chh not being satisfyed with the reason wh she gave for absenting herself from communion, Voted that Dea. Spooner be added to this committee, & further to converse with her.
Brother Ichabud Morton not being present, no report was received relative to Lemuel Bradford Jur. After conversing on several subjects relative to the interest of religion in the chh, dissolved the meeting.
Augt 4. Stayed the Chh. after divine service, & communicated the request of Martha Clarke, who being dangerously sick, requested to own the Covenant, & be admitted as a member in full communion with this chh. Voted unanimously to comply with her request.
Sept 8. Ld’s day, after divine Service, communicated to the Chh. a letter missive from the President & Corporation of Har. Col. requesting their assistance at the ordination of191 Mr Phinehas Fish192 as a missionary over the Indians on the Marshpee Plantation. Voted to comply with the request, contained in this letter, & chose Dean Spooner, & brother E. S. Goodwin delegates. Accordingly [30] on the 18th Sept met in council at Marshpee, when Mr Fish was solemnly inducted into the pastoral office in that place. On wh. occasion, Rev. Mr Waterman of Barnstable made the introductory prayer, Rev. Doct Kirkland, President of Har. Col. preached a sermon from these words, Thy kingdom come. Rev. Mr Thaxter of Edgarton made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Mr Simpkins of Brewster gave the charge; the pastor of this Chh gave the right hand; Rev. Mr Pratt of Barnstable, west parish, made the concluding prayer.
Jan. 6. 1812. A Semiannual meeting of the Chh. was held agreeably to notice given the preceeding sabbath. Agreeably to the request of some of the members, it was proposed for the consideration of the Chh.193 to omit the administration of the ordinance in the winter, & to have the communion more frequently in the milder seasons. But some of the members preferring the present arrangement, it was concluded to remain in usual practice of the chh.
Brother Ichabud Morton, agreeable to the request of the Chh, reported that he had an interview Lemuel Bradford Jun on the subject of his not coming up to the ordinance; & that his apology was, that he was afraid that he had been too hasty in making a profession, & was unfit to commune at the table. But that soon after this interview, he left the town, to reside in Portland.
Voted to adjourn this meeting to first tuesday in Feb. for the purpose of making choice of a Deacon in the room of Dea. Bishop resigned some years since; now rendered more necessary by the indisposition & confinement of Dea. Crombie. [31]
1812 Feb. 4. The Chh. met agreeable to adjournment at the house of the Pastor. After opening the meeting by prayer to God for his direction & blessing, Voted, unanimously, that they would now proceed to make choice of a Dean to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Dean Bishop. On collecting & counting the Votes, it appeared that brother Leml Drew was chosen almost by a unanimous Vote. There being only one vote for brother Rosserter Cotton, & one for brother Nathl Russell. May a divine blessing accompany this solemn transaction, wh, was conducted with great harmony & unanimity by the chh. The meeting was dissolved & concluded with a prayer.
July 7. A semiannual meeting of the chh. was held, agreeable to notice given the preceeding sabbath. At the request of Lydia Barrow, formerly Ellis, the chh, voted to dismiss her from her special relation to the this chh, & recommend her to the chh of Christ in Middleboro, of wh, Mr Crafts is minister. After conversing on some other subjects relating to the interest of the chh. the meeting was dissolved.
Dec. 20. Stayed the chh, after divine service, & communicated the request of Wm Clarke, who had been propounded on the same day, to be admitted into the Chh, & baptized in his own house, on account of his extreme deafness.
Voted, That his request be complyed with, & that the tuesday following be the day for this service. [32]
1813194 Jan. 5. — Being quarterly Lecture, the Chh, met after service to attend their Stated Semiannual meeting; but, the afternoon being far spent, concluded to adjourn to the following tuesday at half past two o’clock P. M.
Jany 12. Met agreeable to adjournment, & after opening the meeting by prayer, proceeded to the business of the meeting. It appeared that our Sister Polly Clark, formerly Morton, continued to absent herself from the worship & communion of this chh, contrary to her covenant engagement without having satisfyed the Chh for her conduct — therefore,
Voted, That brothers Deacon Spooner & Lemuel Simmonds be a committee to have an interview with her, & to learn the reasons for her continuing to absent herself, & to report to the pastor.
As a contribution for the poor members of the chh, was one object of the meeting, between 23 & 24 dollars in money & other articles were contributed for this purpose.
Closed the meeting by prayer.
March. 7. Lord’s day, after divine Service, communicated at letter from the first Parish & Chh. in Sandwich to this Chh, requesting their attendance & assistance at the ordination of Mr Ezra S. Goodwin on195 the seventeenth instant to the work of the gospel ministry in that place.
Voted. That the Chh, comply with this request; & that brother Nathl Russell be the Delegate, to represent the Chh. [33] 1813
March 20. Reverend Ezra S. Goodwin was ordained over the first Parish & Chh, in Sandwich, on the 17th instant; on wh, occasion the Rev. Mr Gurney made the introductory prayer; the Rev. Wm Shaw preached from 1 Tim. 4.16: the Pastor this Chh, made the consecrating prayer; the Rev. Dr Sanger gave the Charge; the Rev. Mr. Fish expressed the fellowship of the chhs. the Rev. Mr Simpkins made the concluding prayer.
1814 Jan. 3. Notified the Society of the quarterly lecture & of the semi meeting of the chh. immediately after.
Jan. 5. Attended lecture in the School house on account of the severity of the weather. But few of the brethren being present, the chh. meeting was postponed to a future day.
Jan. 30. Lords day. Notified the chh, that there would be a meeting of the brethren on monday following at 3 o’clock at the house of the Pastor.
Jan. 31. Met agreeably to notification. The meeting was opened by. prayer. Communicated to the Chh, a letter from the Honble Judge Davis relative to the N. England’s Memorial; in which he states, that, from various avocations & engagements, he had been unable to complete his intentions [34] of preparing for196 the press & printing a new edition of the Memorial as he had proposed to the chh. some years since, (see page 17197) That Mr A very had lately conversed with him respecting reprinting the Memorial, & that they had concluded the work should be published under his direction. That an extract from the first Vol. of Chh. records should be attached to the N. E.s Memorial as an appendix making over 100 pages. That he had stipulated with Mr. Avery that the First Chh. in Plymouth should have the benefit of the copy right, if they chose to have any participation in this edition; expressing “a wish that the proceeds, whatever they may be, be put to interest — the Income to be applied by the officers of the Chh, for the relief of the poor of the Chh.”
After some conversation on the expediency of accepting this proposal, Voted, — That Dean Spooner, Gen. Goodwin, Capt Russell & Dr Thacher with the Pastor be a Committee to make such an arrangement relative to the copyright with Mr Avery as should be most for the interest of the chh.
Dea. Spooner & brother Simmonds, who had been appointed at a former meeting as a committee to call on our sister Polly Clarke, & inquire into the cause [35] of her absenting herself from the communion & worship of this Chh, & Society, after having been repeatedly reproved for her misconduct in this respect, reported, that they had performed the duty assigned them — that the offender appeared to be convinced of her irregular198 conduct in withdrawing from the communion in the manner she had done, altho’ she tho’t she could worship to more edification elsewhere; & manifested a disposition to make suitable satisfaction to the chh, & said she would take an opportunity & call on the Pastor for this purpose. It appearing that she had not called on the Pastor agreeable to her engagement, therefore, Voted, that the Pastor call upon our Sister Polly Clarke, & inform her that unless she made seasonable & satisfactory199 concessions to the chh, for her disorderly walk, the chh, would be under the necessity of taking some decisive step with respect to her.
Feb. 2. The committee appointed to make an arrangement with Mr Avery relative to the N.E.s Memorial met Mr A. at the house of the Pastor; &, after conversation had with him, agreed to convey to him the copy right of the New Edition of the Memorial with the extract from the Church records on the following conditions, viz. That he should give to the chh. sixty volumes of sd Memorial neatly [36] bound & lettered, for the first edition provided that not more than 2000 copies be printed; and at the rate of 5 pr cnt. For200 all he should publish over 2000 copies of this edition.201
Feb. 8. It is understood that this conveyance of the copy right by the Committee of the Chh, to Mr Avery is limitted exclusively to the first edition of this new & improved N. England’s Memorial. And as security to Mr Avery the Committee in behalf of the Chh, agree that they will not dispose of, so as to cause to be printed, a second edition so long as sd Avery shall have 200 copies remaining unsold.
1815. April 30. Sunday after service, notified the Chh, that there would be a meeting of the brethren on the thursday following, immediately after Com. Lecture.
May 4th Met by appointment at the house of the pastor, & read to the brethren a communication from Jesse Churchill expressive of humility & penitence, & of a desire to be restored to a regular standing in the Chh, & received into christian fellowship & communion. After considering this communication, (wh, may be found among the papers belonging to the chh) & being satisfied from his life & conversation of its sincerity, the Chh,
Voted, unanimously, that agreeably to his request, our brother, Jesse Churchill, be restored202 to a regular standing in the Chh, & received again into our christian fellowship & communion. [37]
1815 June. 25. Stayed the Chh. after divine service, & communicated to the brethren a letter from the Chh. & Society, thro’ their Committee, of the East Parish in Barnstable, requesting their assistance & advice by their pastor & delegate in council, on the 28th instant, on account of a difficulty subsisting between sd chh, & Society, & their pastor, the Rev. Jotham Waterman.
Voted to comply with the request contained in the letter missive, & that our brethren, Gen. Goodwin, be the delegate to represent the Chh.
June 28, 29. The council, mutually chosen, met conformably to letters missive, consisting of Rev. Mr Damon of Truro, Rev. Mr Bentley of Salem, Rev. Mr Briggs of Chatham, Rev. Mr Frothingham of Saugus, Rev. Mr Davis of Wellfleet, &203 The Pastor of this Chh with their delegates. Mr Richardson of Hingham was not present. After investigating the grounds of complaint, the chief of wh, was intemperance on the part of Mr Waterman, & the consequent imprudences & irregularities resulting from this habit, & finding the charges supported by creditable witnesses, the council Voted unanimously to recommend an intire dissolution of the pastoral relation between Mr Waterman & his Chh, & Society; & also that Mr Waterman cease from the exercise of his ministerial functions.
Oct. 30. Communicated to the Chh, a letter missive from the East Chh, & Society in Barnstable requesting their assistance at the ordination of Mr Oliver Hayward, their pastor elect, on the 8th of Nov next Voted to comply with this request, & chose Dr Thacher & W. P. Ripley as delegates. [38]
1815, Nov. 8. Council convened at the East Parish in Barnstable agreeably to letters missive, on which occasion the Rev. Oliver Hayward was solemnly consecrated & ordained as a minister of the gospel over the Chh, & Society in that place. The Introductory prayer was made by the Rev. Mr Davis of Wellfleet; the sermon204 was preached by the pastor of this Chh. from 1. Kings 22.14; Consecrating prayer by Rev. Doct. Allyne of Duxboro’; Charge by Rev. Dr Shaw of Marshfield; Fellowship of the Chhs. was expressed by Rev. Mr Pratt of the West Parish in Barnstable; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Fish of Marshpee.
1816 June 18. Agreeably to notice the preceeding sabbath, the brethren of the Chh, met at the house of the pastor. Opened the meeting by prayer for divine direction & blessing. A proposition was then made to the Chh. to know whether at this time they would come to the choice of a Deacon to supply the place made vacant by the death of Dean Crombie. After deliberation it was voted to postpone to a future205 meeting filling this vacancy in order by inquiry & consultation it may be done with the greatest possible harmony & unanimity.
The subject of brother Benja Whiting’s irregularity & intemperance was then taken up. And it appeared that several brethren of the chh, had repeatedly conversed with him on this painful subject, [39] and had endeavoured to impress on his mind the injury he was doing himself & his family, the wound he was giving to religion, the dishonor he was bringing upon his profession, & the grief he had206 occasioned his brethren. And urged the necessity & importance of a speedy reformation. It appeared also that the pastor had written him to the same effect; but that no evidence had been given of such reformation, but the contrary. It was, therefore,
Voted, that a Committee of two of the brethren be appointed to visit him, & further to remonstrate with him, on the subject of his intemperance, & urge every possible motive to effect his reformation. And that Brother Wm P. Ripley & brother I. Morton be of this committee.
After some further conversation on other subjects relating to the interest of the Chh, Voted to dissolve the Meeting.
1817 Jan. 26. Communicated to the Chh, a letter missive from the Fust Chh, & Society in Marshfield, requesting their assistance by their Pastor & Deligates at the ordination of Mr Martin Parris.
Voted to comply with this request; & that Gen. Goodwin & Capt. N. Russell be the Delegates to represent the Chh.
29. Attended the ordination conformably to the vote of the Chh, when the Rev. M. Parris [40] was solemnly inducted into the Pastoral Office. On wh, occasion the Rev. Mr Thomas of Scituate made the Introductory Prayer; Rev. Mr Willis of Kingston preached the Sermon; the Pastor of this Chh. made the consecrating Prayer; Rev. Dr Allyn of Duxboro’207 delivered the Charge; Rev. Mr Leonard of Marshfield expressed the fellowship of the Chhs. and the Rev. Mr Richmond of Halafax made the concluding Prayer.
1818 Jan. 25. Stayed the chh, after divine service, and communicated208 to them the request of Sarah Bartlett, the wife of Freeman B. to be dismissed from her special relation to this chh, & recommended to the third Chh, in Plymouth. But not feeling satisfied with her reasons for this request, & not entirely with her conduct, in absenting herself from communion, when able to attend worship in another society in town, it was Voted, to postpone the consideration of her request until the first tuesday in209 February, to wh, time the meeting was adjourned.
Feb. 3. Met agreeable to adjournment; after opening the meeting by prayer for divine guidance & direction; the request of S. Bartlett was again deliberated upon; And it was deemed expedient to choose a committee to wait upon her, & ascertain the precise grounds of her request. Accordingly it was voted, That the Pastor, Dean Drew, & brother Wm P. Ripley be of this committee. The meeting was then dissolved, being concluded with prayer. [41]
March 5. — The Chh, met agreeably to notice given the preceeding sabbath. After opening the meeting by prayer, the Committee appointed for the purpose informed the Chh, that they had an interview with Sarah Bartlett; & that there appeared to be a general dissatisfaction in her mind both towards the Pastor & Chh; but that this dissatisfaction in their opinion was occasioned more by the interference of others connected with her own infirmities (being very deaf) than any true & reasonable grounds. But that there appeared to be no hope of doing away these prejudices so as to satisfy her with remaining in connection with this Chh. There being some peculiarities in the case, & it being deemed improper & irregular to give her a dismission & recommendation under existing circumstances — & not having made up their minds with respect to the proper course210 to be taken — it was voted to adjourn the meeting until monday next, March the 9th, with a view in the first place of making choice of a Dean to fill the place made vacant by the death of Dean Crombie.
March 9th The brethren met agreeably to adjournment. After opening the meeting & addressing the throne of grace for divine guidance & direction, it was voted that the Chh at this time make a choice of a Dean to fill the office made vacant by the death of Dean Crombie. On collecting & counting the votes it appeared that brother William P. Ripley was unanimously chosen. May a divine blessing follow this solemn transaction, conducted with so much unanimity and harmony by the brethren. [42]
The case of Mrs Bartlett was then taken up. After due & mature deliberation, it was Voted unanimously as the first proper step to be taken in this case, that she be requested to make a written acknowledgement to the Chh, for her irregular and improper conduct in absenting herself not211 only from public worship, but from the Lord’s table, at a time when she was able to attend public worship at another Society in town equally distant, & before she had applyed for a dismission & recommendation.212
In order to avoid perplexity & embarrassment on any future application of this kind, & to prevent being pressed for a hasty decision by any particular regulation of any other Chh. it was voted to adopt the following as a rule of proceeding. That on application being made for a dismission from this Chh, with a view to join some other Chh, that the Church will grant a dismission only, unless the distance of removal be so great as to render it necessary and proper that a recommendation be added for the purpose of giving information respecting the character of the applicant. [It was understood that this rule was not to apply to the case of Mrs Bartlett.]213
Sally Kendall, the wife of the Pastor of this Chh, being dismissed from the Chh, in Templeton & recommended to our christian fellowship & communion, it was unanimously Voted that she be admitted as a member in regular standing & in full Communion with this Chh. The meeting was then dissolved, being closed with prayer. [43]
March. 15. At a meeting of the Chh, immediately after divine service — informed the brethren that Sarah Bartlett declined acknowledging any irregularity or impropriety of conduct in absenting herself from the Communion as stated at a former meeting, because she did not feel conscious of any; and requested, if the Chh, could not consistently give her a recommendation, that they would grant her a dismission without it. The brethren, tho’ satisfied that her conduct in this respect was irregular & improper, were nevertheless willing to comply with her request as far as they could consistently, choosing rather to dismiss her, than to detain her contrary to her desire. Accordingly it was
Voted, that Sarah Bartlett, the Wife of Freeman Bartlett, at her particular request, be dismissed from her special relation to this Chh. with a view to connect herself with the third Chh. in Ply.
Nov. 29. Stayed the chh, after divine service, & communicated to the brethren a letter from Mary Clark, expressive of her sense of the irregularity & impropriety of her conduct in absenting from their Communion & worship without a regular application for her dismission from the chh. & asking the brethren to forgive her & consider in regular standing, as her conduct in this particular resulted from want of consideration rather than an intention to give offence or violated her covenant. The Chh, Voted, in consideration of this214 acknowledgment [44] to forgive her, & consider in regular standing. This acknowledgment was accompanied by a request to be dismissed from her special relation to this chh, with a view to join the Chh, in Eel River. But the consideration of this request was postponed to a future meeting of the Chh.
Dec. 6.215 Stayed the Chh after service with a view to take up the subject of Mary Clark’s request.
In consideration of the circumstances of Eel River being the place of her expected residence & the convenience of her worshipping with the Society now organized & established there, it was
Voted unanimously that our Sister Mary Clark, now a member in regular standing with us, be dismissed at her particular request from her special relation to this Chh, with a view to join the 4th Chh of Christ in Plymouth.
1821 May 21. At a special meeting of the brethren of the Chh, at the house of the Pastor, communicated a letter from the Honble Judge Davis, suggesting for the consideration of the Chh, the expediency of transferring the Copy right of the New England’s Memorial, of which they had become the rightful owners by a gratuitous proposal of the Judge, to the Pilgrim Society as having peculiar relations to a work of this kind [45] and affording more extensive patronage; intimating, at the same time, that the transfer be made on such terms as to secure to the Chh, the same profit for every future edition, wh, they are now to receive216 for the first edition by the arrangement with Mr Avery. (See page 35217) After being made acquainted with the reasons & motives for vesting the copy right in the Pilgrim Society, & ascertaining the Judge’s wishes respecting it;
Voted, unanimously, that this Chh, relinquish their claim to the copy right of the New England’s Memorial, & transfer the same to the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society; if they choose to accept it on terms similar to those agreed upon between Mr Avery & a committee of the Chh, for the edition now printing & soon to be published.
Voted, also, that brothers, Dr Thacher & N. Russell with the Pastor, the surviving members of the Committee who made the arrangement with Mr Avery, be a Committee for making the necessary arrangements with the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society.
It was likewise Voted that the thanks of the Chh, be presented to the Honble Judge Davis for the interest he has taken in the first Chh, & the liberal donation he has made & provided for the benefit of the poor of the Chh. [46]
1821. Augt.12.218 After divine Service communicated a letter missive from the Chh in Wareham requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr Hemenway on the 29th instant over the Chh, & Society in that place. Voted to comply with their request, & chose Brother Simeon Dyke, delegate.
29. The Council met at the house of Mr219 Everett, agreeable to assignment: But in consequence of the extraordinary & unprecedented proceedings of the Council, relative to Rev. Mr Goodwin of Sandwich & his Chh, in voting that he was not the Pastor of a regular Chh, & of course had no220 right to assist in Council — The Pastor of this Chh, having protested against this proceeding as unjust & oppressive as respected Mr Goodwin, & as a violation of the rights of the Chh, & Society in Wareham, who had invited him, & by their letter missive, given him a right to a seat in council,221 decline officiating as Scribe of the Council, or taking any part in the transactions of the day. The Candidate was, however, ordained.
Sept. 2. Sabbath, after divine service, communicated a letter from the Chh, & Society in the South Parish in Bridgwater, requesting the assistance of this Chh. on the 12th instant at the ordination of Mr Richard M. Hodges their pastor elect.
Voted to comply with this request, & chose brother Dr N. Hayward, delegate. [47]
1821 Sept. 9. Sabbath after divine Service communicated a letter from the religious Society in the East Parish in Bridgewater, requesting the assistance of this Chh, on the 19th inst. at the ordination of Mr Benjamin Fessenden.
Voted, to comply with the request, & chose brother John B. Thomas delegate.
Sept. 12.222 Attended the ordination at South Bridgwater, agreeably to the Vote of the Chh. when the Rev. Mr Hodges was solemnly inducted into the Pastoral office. On wh. occasion the Rev. Mr Sanger of Dover made the introductory prayer; Rev. Mr Lowell of Boston preached the sermon: Rev. Dr Harris of Dorchester made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Dr. Prince of Salem gave the charge; Rev. Mr Briggs of Lexington expressed the Fellowship of the Chhs; & the Rev. Mr Palfrey of Boston made the concluding prayer.
Sept. 19. Attended the ordination at the East of Bridgwater, when the Rev. Mr Fessenden was solemnly inducted into the pastoral office. On wh. occasion Rev. Mr Allen of Pembroke made the introductory prayer; Rev. Mr Ware of Boston preached the Sermon; Rev. Mr Clark of Norton made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Dr Ware, Professor of Divinity at Harvard University, gave the charge; the Pastor of this chh, expressed the Fellowship of the chhs; & the Rev. Mr Barstow of223 Hanson made the concluding prayer.
Nov. 18. Sabbath after divine Service communicated a letter from the Chh in Monument Ponds, requested the assistance of the Pastor & a delegate to assist at the ordination of Mr Bushnell their Pastor elect on the 21st instant. Voted to comply with this request, & that Dea. W. P. Ripley be the Deligate to represent the Chh. [48]
Nov. 21. The Council met agreeable to appointment, on wh, occasion, the Mr Bushnell224 was solemnly consecrated to the work of the ministry in that place. Rev. Mr Torrey of Plymouth made the first prayer, & preached the sermon; the pastor of this Chh, made the consecrating prayer; Rev. Mr Cobb of Rochester225 gave the charge; Rev. Mr Hunn of Sandwich gave the Right Hand; Rev. Mr Holmes of N. Bedford, tho’ not of the Council, was requested to make the concluding prayer.
1822. Jany 11. Received the following Note from Dr. Z. Bartlett inclosing two votes of the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society relative to the transfer of the Copy right of the New England’s Memorial from the first Church to that Society. (See page 44.45226)
Plymouth Janry 11. 1822
To Revd James Kendall — Chairman &c.
The within is a vote of the trustees of the Pilgrim Society. In conformity with which I propose, that your Committee meet us at my house next monday Even’g. at ½ 6 o’clock, or at227 such other time & place as may best suit them —
Respectfully yrs.
Z. Bartlett.
At a meeting of the Trustees held at the house of William Davis Jany 10, 1822. Voted to accept the Copy Right of the N. E. Memorial to be published by John Davis Esqr. on the terms generously proposed by the First Chh, in Plymo agreeable to the communication from the Revd Mr Kendall by his letter 23d of May last in behalf of a Committee of the Church.
Also Voted that Zaccheus Bartlett William Davis Zabdiel Sampson Esqrs be a committee to communicate this vote to Mr Kendall, as Chairman of the Committee of the Church, & to appoint the time to meet them on [49] the subject, & to agree on a mode of transfer of the Copy Right to the Pilgrim Society, & receive the same & deposit it with the Clerk of the Trustees, & he record the same in their228 records.
A copy of record.
W. Davis,
Clerk of the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society.
Jany 14. The committee of the Chh, met at Dr Bartlett’s agreeable to his proposal, & agreed on the mode of transferring the Copy right of N. England’s Memorial, of wh, the following is a copy.
Whereas the first Church in Plymouth have received from the Honble John Davis of Boston a grant of his Copy right of a New & improved edition of Nathaniel Morton’s New England’s Memorial, —
Now, therefore, know all men that we the undersigned, being a Committee of said Church agreeable to a Vote of said Church, on the 21st day of May A.D. 1821. as by their record will appear, to transfer the title of said Church to the Copy right aforesaid to the Pilgrim Society — do, by said authority, and by these presents, transfer, set over, and assign to said Pilgrim Society all the right, title, & interest, of said Church in & to said Copy right, upon the same229 conditions as have been made with Joseph Avery, under a contract, made Feb.3.1814 — and under the same limitations230 and is on the records of said Church.
That is to say, after said Avery shall have fulfilled, & had the231 entire benefit of his contract, that said Pilgrim Society shall have full right & title to publish a new edition, or editions, of said Memorial forever after, on the following conditions; that they the said Pilgrim Society, or the Trustees of232 the [50] same, shall deliver to said first Church233 in Plymouth, or a committee appointed by them, one hundred & ten volumes of said work for every three thousand volumes they may publish — and in the same proportion for a greater or less number, being in full for a consideration for this transfer.
In witness hereof in behalf of said Church, we have here unto set our hands & seals this fourteenth day of January, one thousand & eight hundred & twenty two.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us, — William Davis |
James Kendall |
Zabdiel Sampson. |
James Thacher |
Nathl Russell |
Plymouth Jany 15. 1822. This certifies that the above is a true copy of the transfer from the first Church in Plymouth by their committee of their right to a copy Right therein stated.
William Davis
Secretary of the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society
March 24. Sabbath, after public service — Notified the brethren of the Chh. that there would be meeting of the brethren on tuesday evening following at the house of the Pastor, principally for the purpose of choosing a Dean to fill the vacancy occasioned by the234 the death of Dean Spooner.
March 26.235 Met agreeable to the above notice. The meeting was opened by prayer. [51] The brethren concluded that they would come to the choice of a Deacon this evening. After considerable delay, occasioned by a disaffected brother’s introducing a subject of controversy — relative to the doctrine of the Trinity; the brethren proceeded to bring in their votes for a Deacon. On counting them, it appeared that brother Rosseter Cotton was unanimously chosen to fill that office. And he consented to accept the appointment. An236 application had been made by two or three members to be dismissed from their relation to this Chh, with a view to join the third Chh. in Plymouth. But the evening being spent it was, voted to adjourn the meeting three weeks, to tuesday evening, the 16th of April.
April. 16. Met agreeable to adjournment. After opening the meeting by prayer; the request of the wid. Phebe Cotton & Priscilla Sampson, wife of Capt John Sampson was taken under consideration. And after due237 deliberation it was
Voted, that our Sisters, Phebe Cotton & Priscilla Sampson, members of this Chh, & in regular standing, at then particular request be dismissed from their special relation to us, with a view238 & intention of connecting themselves with the third Chh, of Christ in Plymouth.
The brethren also consented, that our brother Ichabud Morton, who had requested a dismission, should be included in this Vote, provided that he had made a selection of the Chh, with wh, he wished to be connected.
The meeting was then dissolved. [52]
1823 May 4. Stayed the Church after divine Service & communicated a letter from the Pastor & Church of the first congregational Society in New Bedford, requesting the advice239 & assistance of this Church by the Pastor & delegate to unite in Council relative to the dissolution of the connexion between the Rev. Mr Whitaker & the Chh, & Society of wh he is pastor.
Voted to comply with this request on the contingency that the Pastor should not be prevented240 from attending on account of sickness in the parish.
July. 6. Notified the brethren of the Chh, after divine service, of a meeting of the241 Chh, on wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the house of the Pastor.
July. 9. Met accordingly. Stated to the brethren, that the principle object for wh, the meeting was called was to consider the expediency of altering the terms or conditions of becoming members of the Chh, & enjoying Christian privileges; & in order to render them more conformable to the242 requirements of the gospel, more agreeable to Apostolic practice, & more in accordance with the usuage of this ancient Chh, for 175 years. It appeared that in the year 1795 a departure from the ancient usuage of the Chh, was introduced, by adopting a written creed or confession * wh, was thought
[53] to be a condition of admition to christian ordinances not warranted by Ch, or his Apostles, & not promotive of the increase & prosperity of the Chh. That it was243 in fact a departure from the practice of this Chh from the time of our forefathers, & from the first principle244 of protestanism — wh, is a sufficiency of the holy scriptures for all the purposes of faith & practice. Instead, therefore, of continuing to make a publick acknowledgement of this creed a condition of enjoying ch-fellowship & communion in future it was Voted, unanimously, to return to the former practice of this Chh, in this respect, & adopt the Covenant * made use of by the Chh, previous to the year 1795. The following is the original.
To the Church.
You having been acquainted with the desires of this person to beadmitted to full Communion with this Church: — Please to manifest your readiness to receive ——— by the usual sign.
This Chh. having received you to their Communion; you are now to renew your Covenant with God and his people.
Chh. Covenant.
You do (now) in the presence of God, in the presence of his holy Angels, and in the presence of this solemn assembly, this day avouch the Lord Jehovah, the only living and the true God,247 to be your God, and do give up yourself to him alone, acknowledging God the Father to be your Father and Sovereign: And giving yourself unto the Lord [64] Jesus Christ as your only Priest and Sacrifice,248 atonement, as249 your only Prophet and Guide, as your only King and Lawgiver: — and to the Holy Spirit of God as your only Sanctifier and Comforter; — and also giving up yourself to this Church of our Lord Jesus Christ — You do solemnly promise by the help of250 his grace to walk with God and this his Church, in ways of holy Communion, and due subjection to all his holy ordinances, and according to his will, revealed in his holy word.
This you promise.
I do then, in the name of this Chh, promise to you, that, by the help of the same grace, we will walk towards you in brotherly love, and holy watchfulness for our mutual succour and edification in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now the God of all grace who keepeth Covenant & mercy to a thousand generations make us all faithful herein to himself and to one another for his name sake. Amen.
It was also, voted that written relations as they are called, should no longer be required as a term of admition to Christian ordinances; but that it should be optional with the applicant to communicate his request in writing, or verbally through the Pastor.
With respect to Mercy W. Bramhall, who from religious scruples, had withdrawn herself from our Communion for some time, & even from worshipping with us, without applying for any dismission from the Chh, it was
Voted, that whereas Mercy W. Bramhall has with drawn herself from our Communion & fellowship [55] We as a chh. withdraw our special care & watchfulness over her.
This meeting was closed as it was begun with prayer.
Dec. 6. After divine service, communicated to the Chh, a letter from the First Congregational Chh, & Society in New Bedford, requesting the assistance of Pastor & Delegates from this Chh. at the ordination of251 Mr Orville Dewey, on the 17th instant.
Voted, to comply with the request contained in the above letter missive, & chose Dean Cotton & Capt. N. Russell delegates to represent the Chh.
Dec. 17. The council covened agreeably to letters missive when Mr O. Dewey was solemnly consecrated to the Pastoral office over sd Chh, & Society. On this occasion the Introductory prayer was made by Revd Mr Goodwin of Sandwich; the Sermon preached by Revd Mr Tuckerman of Chelsea; the Consecrating prayer was offered by Revd Mr Ripley of Waltham; the Charge was delivered by the Pastor of this Chh; the Right Hand of Fellowship by the Revd Mr May of Brooklyn, in Connecticut: & the concluding prayer by Revd Mr Swift of Nantucket.
1824 Sept. 26. After divine service communicated a letter missive from the East Chh. in Barnstable to this Chh, requesting our Assistance by Pastor & delegates at Ordination of Mr Henry Hersey on the 6th of Oct. Voted. To comply with request & chose Dr J. Thacher and Dea. Wm P. Ripley delegates.
Oct. 6. The council convened agreeably to letters missive when Mr H. Hersey was solemnly consecrated to the Pastoral office over sd Chh, & Society. Introductory Prayer by Rev. Mr Brooks of Hingham; Sermon by Rev. Mr Palfrey of Brattle Street Chh, Boston; [56] Consecrating in prayer by the Pastor of this Chh.; Charge by Rev. Dr Lowell of West Chh. Boston; right Hand by Rev. Mr Gannett of Federal Street Chh, Boston; Address to the Chh, & Society by Rev. Mr Goodwin of Sandwich; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Swift of Nantucket.
1825 Jany 30. Communicated to the chh, a letter missive from the Chh, in Barton Square, Salem, requesting our advice & assistance in council at the Installation252 of Rev. Henry Colman over the religious Society in that place.
Voted to comply with this request, & chose253 brother Nathl Russell as a delegate.
Also notified the brethren of a chh, meeting at the house of the Pastor on tuesday following.
Fev.254 1. The brethren met accordingly. The meeting was opened by prayer. Then took into consideration the request of Nancy Brewster and Lucy Nicolson to be dismissed from their relation to this Chh. The brethren, having respect to the rights of conscience, & disposed to treat with tenderness those whom they considered under the influence of error, prepossession, & prejudice, Voted to comply with their request. After due deliberation, and considering that the applicants for255 some time had voluntarily absented themselves from our christian fellowship & communion, the brethren directed that the following should be the form of the certificate to be delivered to them.
This may certify that—is a publick professor of the christian religion and a member of this Chh, and that so long as256 (she) continued to worship & fellowship with us257 was in regular standing with the Chh; and that at her particular request she is now absolved from her special relation to the first Chh.
The Chh, also Voted, that the ancient Communion [57] furniture belonging to this Chh, the place258 of which has been supplyed259 by the purchase of new furniture,260 be presented to the 4th Chh, for their acceptance & use, and that the Pastor & Dean Ripley communicate this Vote.
The meeting was then closed with prayer.
1826 Jany 8. Lord’s Day, after service communicated a letter missive from the 2d Chh. in Plymouth, requesting the assistance of this Chh. with their Pastor & deligate at the ordination of Mr Joshua Barrett over sd Chh, & Society on the 11th instant.
Voted to comply with their request & chose261 Dean Wm P. Ripley as deligate.
Jan. 11. The council meet at the time & place appointed, when the Pastor elect was solemnly consecrated to the work of the christian ministry, & ordained over the 2d Chh, & Society in Plymouth. On wh, occasion, the Revd Mr Fish of Marshpee made the introductory prayer; Rev. Mr Pratt of Barstable preached the sermon; the Pastor of this Chh, made the Ordaining prayer; the Rev. Mr Dexter of Plymton delivered the Charge; the Rev. Mr Whitmore expressed the Fellowship of the Chhs.; the Rev. Mr Fish addressed the People of the Society; and Rev. Mr Pratt made the concluding Prayer.
June 4. Lord’s day, after service, communicated a letter missive from the first Congregational Chh, & Society in Duxbury,262 inviting the aid of this Chh, by their Pastor & Deligate at the ordination of Mr Benja Kent as Colleague Pastor with Dr Allyn over said Chh & Society on the 7th inst. Voted to comply with their request, & chose Dr N. Hayward as Deligate.
June 7. The council convened at the time & place appointed, when the Pastor elect was solemnly consecrated to the work [58] of the Christian ministry, & ordained over the first Congregational Chh, & Society in Duxbury as Colleague Pastor with Rev. Dr Allyn.
Oct. 8. Sabbath after service, communicated a letter missive from the first Congregational Chh, & Society in East Bridgewater, requesting the aid of this Chh, by their Pastor & Deligate, at the ordination of Mr John D. Williams over said Chh & Soc. on the 18th instant.
Voted. To comply with this request; — And that brother Nathl Russell be the Deligate to represent the Chh.
Oct. 18. Council convened at the time & place appointed, when the Pastor elect was Solemnly consecrated to the work of the christian ministry in that place. The introductory prayer & reading of the Scriptures by Rev. Dr Lowell; Sermon by Rev. Dr Porter; Consecrating prayer by Rev. Dr. Willard; Charge by the Pastor of this Church; Fellowship of the Churches by Rev. Mr Hodges; Address to the people by Rev. Mr Clark; concluding prayer by Rev.263 Dr Reed.
Oct. 22. Sabbath after Service communicated a264 Letter missive from the Church & Society in Hanson, requesting the aid of this Chh, by their Pastor & Delegate on the 25 inst. at the ordination of Mr Freeman P Howland over265 said Chh, & Society.
Voted — To comply with this request;— and that Dean R. Cotton be the Delegate to represent the Chh.
Oct. 25. The Council convened at the time & place appointed the Pastor elect was solemnly consecrated to the work of the ch, minister & ordained over the Chh, & Society in that place. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Eaton of Middleboro’, Sermon by Rev. Sylvester Holmes of N. Bedford; Consecrating prayer by the Pastor of this Chh; Charge by Rev. Mr Willis; Right hand by Rev. Mr Huntington; Address by Rev. Mr Hitchlock; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Thomas of Abbington. [59]
View of Town Square, Plymouth, about 1828
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the drawing by Benjamin Parris Bartlett
1827.266 Dec. 21 Communicated a letter missive from the Chh, and Society in Littleton267 requesting the aid of this Chh, by their Pastor & deligate at the ordination of Mr Wm H. White268 over said Chh, & Society on the 2 Jany next.
Voted — To comply with their request, & chose brother Nathl Russell as deligate.
1828 Jany 2. The Council269 convened at the time & place appointed, and the Pastor elect was solemnly consecrated to the work of the christian ministry, and ordained over the chh, & Society in that town. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Blanchard of Harvard; Sermon by Rev. Dr Thayer of Lancaster; Ordaining prayer by the Pastor of this Chh; Charge by Rev. Dr Lowell of Boston; Right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Stetson of Medford; Address to the people by Rev. Mr Allen of Bolton; Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Robinson of Groton.
1828. June 8. Lord’s day, after service, communicated a letter missive from the 2d Congregational unitarian Society in N. York, requesting the aid of this Chh, by their Pastor and deligate at the Ordination of Mr Wm Parsons Lunt over said Society on the 19th instant. Voted to comply with this request, & brother Joseph Bartlett was appointed deligate.270
The council convened at the time & place appointed when the Pastor elect was solemnly Consecrated to the work of the Christian ministry, and271 ordained over said Chh, & Society.
Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Pierpont of Boston: Sermon by Rev. Mr Greenwood [60] of Boston: Consecrating prayer by the Pastor of this Chh; Charge by Rev. Mr Frothingham of Boston: Right hand & address to the Society by Rev. Mr Ware of N. York: Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Parkman of Boston.
Nov. 16. — Lord’s day, after service, communicated a Letter Missive from the 1st Congregational Chh, & Society in East Bridge water, requesting the assistance of this Chh, by their Pastor and Deligate at the Ordination of Mr Eliphalet P. Crafts over said Chh, & Society on the 19th inst. Voted to comply with this request; and that272 Dea. Wm P. Ripley be the Deligate to represent the chh.
The council convened at the time & place appointed, when the Pastor elect was solemnly consecrated to the work of the christian ministry, and ordained over said chh, and Society. — On which occasion the Introductory prayer and reading of the Scriptures was performed by Rev. Mr Brooks of Hingham; Sermon by Rev. Mr Barrett of Boston, from 2 Cor. 6. 1; Consecrating Prayer by Rev. Dr Porter of Roxbury; Charge by Rev. Mr Clark of Norton; Right hand by Rev. Mr Gouldsbury of North Bridgewater; Address to the people by Rev. Mr Huntoon of Canton; Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Kent of Duxbury.
1829. Jany 4 — Stayed the Chh, after public Service, & communicated a letter missive from the first Congregational Society in Kingston inviting this Chh, with their Pastor & delegate to assist in the Ordination of Mr Jonathan Cole on the 21st instant. Voted to comply with this request & chose brother Nathaniel Russell as a Delegate.
Also: Voted, unanimously to dispense with the [61] customary form of taken273 a vote, when a person is admitted to the Chh, who had stood propounded the usual time & no objections made to their being received into ch, Fellowship and communion.
Jany 21. The Council convened at 9 o’clock A M at the house of Rev. Mr Willis; and, after attending to the proceedings of the Society relative to the Senior Pastor, & also to their invitation given to the Pastor elect & his answer and being satisfied, from the credentials exhibited274 with the character & qualifications of the Candidate, Voted that they were ready, and did proceed to ordination. On which occasion, the Introductory prayer and reading of the Scriptures was performed by Rev. Mr Robinson of Groton; Sermon by Rev. Mr Brazer of Salem, from Rom. 12. 11. “Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” Prayer of Ordination by the Pastor of this Chh; Charge by Rev. Mr Willis, senior Pastor; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Farley of Providence; — Address to the people by the Rev. Mr Gannett of Boston; Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Hodges of Bridgewater.
1830. Feb.275 7. Communicated a Letter missive from the Congregational Chh, & Society in Concord, Mass; inviting this Chh, by their276 Pastor and deligate to assist in the ordination of Mr Hersey Bradford Goodwin on the 17th instant, as colleague Pastor with the Rev. Dr. Ripley. Voted, to comply with this request, and that brother Nathl Russell Jun be the deligate.
Feb. 17. The council convened at the time [62] and place appointed;—and having examined & approved of the proceedings of the Society relative to the invitation given to the Pastor elect, and being satisfied also with the testimonials presented in favour of his character and qualifications for the christian ministry; — the council Voted277 to proceed to ordination. On which occasion the Rev. Mr Francis of Watertown made the Introductory prayer, — Rev. Mr Cole of Kingston, read the Scriptures; — the Pastor of this Church preached the Sermon, from Gal. 1. 11. 12.278 Rev. Mr Ripley of Waltham made the ordaining prayer; Rev. Mr Field of Weston gave the charge; — Rev. Mr Emerson of Boston expressed the Fellowship of the Chhs; — Rev. Mr White of Dedham delivered the Address to the people; Rev. Mr Whitman of Billerica made the concluding prayer.
May 2.279 Communicated a letter missive from the first congregational chh, & society for Sherburne, inviting this chh, by their Pastor and deligate to assist in the ordination of Mr Samuel Clarke, as associate Pastor with the Rev. Mr. Townsend, who from ill health is unable to preach, on the 20th of May instant.
Voted — to comply with this request. Brother Ichabud Morton was appointed deligate.
May. 20. The council convened at the time and place appointed. And having attended to the proceedings of the chh, & Society relative to the invitation given to the pastor elect; [63] and also to the testimonials in favour of his character and qualifications for the christian ministry — Voted, that they were satisfied, & were ready to proceed to ordination. Introductory prayer was offered by Revd Mr Ripley of Waltham; Rev. Mr Thompson of Elliotville, Natick, read selections from the Scriptures; the Pastor of this Chh, preached the sermon, from Acts 3. 26; Rev. Mr Richie280 of Needham made the ordaining prayer; Rev. Dr Pierce of Brookline gave the Charge; Rev. Mr Sanger of Dover expressed the Fellowship of the Churches. Rev. Mr White of Dedham made the concluding prayer.
May 30. Communicated a letter missive from the first Congregational Chh, and Society in Northfield — inviting this Chh, by their Pastor and Delegate to assist in the Ordination of Mr Geo. W. Hosmer as Pastor of sd Ch, & Society on the 9th of June. Voted to comply with the request.
June, 9th The council met at the time and place appointed; and having attended to the proceedings of the Society relative to the invitation given to the Pastor elect — and also to the testimonials in favour of his character & qualifications for the christian ministry — Voted that they were satisfied with the same, & were ready to proceed to ordination. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Cole of Kingston; Reading scriptures by Rev. Mr Whitwell of Walpole, N.H. — Sermon by Rev. Mr Walker of Charlestown; — Consecrating Prayer by the Pastor of this Chh; — Charge by Dr Ripley of Concord; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Goodwin of Concord; — Address to the people by Rev. Mr Ripley of Boston; — Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Ripley of Waltham. [64] Records continued.
1830. Oct. 31. After publick service, communicated a letter missive from the First Congregational Chh. and Society in Medfield, requesting this Chh, by their Pastor and Delegate to meet an Ecclesiastical Council, and assist in the Ordination of Mr James Augustus Kendall, their Pastor elect, on the 10th of November. Voted, to comply with the request, and Dr N. Hayward was appointed Delegate.
Nov. 10. The Council met at the time and place appointed; Dr Ripley was chosen Moderator, and Rev. Mr Storer Scribe. — and having attended to the proceedings of the Chh, and Society relative to the invitation given to the Pastor elect, and also to the testimonials in favour of his character and qualifications for the christian ministry; — Voted, That they were satisfied with the same, and were ready to proceed to Ordination. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Allen of Northborough; — Reading selections from the scriptures by Rev. Mr Hosmer of Northfield; Sermon281 by the Pastor of this Chh, the father of the Candidate Philip. 4.17.; Ordaining prayer by Dr Ripley of Concord; Charge by Rev Mr Clark of Norton; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Wells of Kennebunk, Maine; Address [65] to the people by Rev. Mr Ripley of Boston; Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Clarke of Sherburne.
Nov. 28. Communicated a letter Missive, after publick service, from the First Congregational Chh, and Society in Athol, inviting this Chh, by their Pastor and a Delegate, to join an Ecclesiastical Council, and assist in the Ordination of Mr Josiah Moore, their Pastor elect, on the eight of December. Voted, To accept the invitation: — But on account of the distance and the lateness of the season, though altogether satisfied with the candidate and the proceedings of the Society, the Pastor was excused, at his request, from attending on the occasion.
1831. April. 10. Being the sabbath — the last religious service was performed in the Old Meeting House, by the Pastor: It282 having been decided by a Vote of the Parish, that it was expedient to take it down, and to rebuild. The House had stood 87 years. The text on the occasion was from the prophet Haggai, 2. Chap, and 3d verse: “Who is left among you, that saw this House in her first glory? And how do you see it now?” The Communion was on the same day. The occasion, from the associations and the tender recollections, that it brought to view, was solemn and interesting. — The monday following, the workmen began to take down the House. [66] Records Continued.
June 2d — The foundations of the New Church being completed, and preparation for raising the frame of the Building being made — a prayer was offered up, by the Pastor of the Chh, to Almighty God for his assistance, protection and blessing upon this “good work of our hands.”
Dec. 14. The New Church being completed without the slightest accident to the workmen — It was solemnly Dedicated to the worship and service of Almighty God. The following clergimen took part in the services on this interesting occasion. The Rev. Benja Kent of Duxbury made the Introductory prayer. Rev. Jonathan Cole of Kingston read selections from the Scriptures. Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin of Sandwich offered the prayer of Dedication. The Pastor of the Church preached the Sermon: Text, Ezra, 6. 16. “And the children of Israel, the priests and Levites — kept the Dedication of this House of God with joy.” — Rev. Charles Brooks of Hingham made the concluding prayer. Benediction by the Pastor.
The sale of the pews was in the afternoon of the day of Dedication. They were all sold, except such as were reserved for the aged & free pews, for a sum sufficient to cover the expense of the New Chh, to pay the pew-holders in the Old house, at the apprized value — and leave a balance of about $25,00. [67] 1831
On the 22d of Nov. a remarkable circumstance occurred, worthy of being recorded, as an instance of the interposition of Providence in the preservation of lives and property. During a severe tempest, that passed over this region in the morning the New Church was struck by lightning. One of the pinnacles on the North side of the tower received the fluid — the lightning running down to the belldeck room, crossed in a diagonal direction to the South west, till it came in contact with one of the columns — and then passed down the inside of the column to the ground. The pinnacle was destroyed, and the plastering283 forced from the column — and the granite pillar, upon which it rested, was removed. No other damage284 was sustained by the tower; and the body of the building was not injured at all. Although several persons were within the tower at the time, and two in the bell-deck room — yet no one suffered the slightest injury.
May. 13. After public service, communicated a letter from the first Congregational Unitarian Society in Brattleboro’, Vermont — requesting this Chh, by their Pastor and delegate to assist at the Ordination of Mr Addison285 Brown, their Pastor elect, on the 14. June. Voted, to comply with the above request.
Fourth Meeting-house, Plymouth 1831–1892
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Masschusetts from Dr. James Thacher’s History of the Town of Plymouth, 1832
June 14. The council Met at the time and place appointed. Rev. Abiel Abbot of Peterboro’ was chosen Moderator — [68] Rev. Josiah Moore of Athol was chosen Scribe. Having attended to the proceedings of the Society, relative to the invitation given to their Pastor elect — and also to his286 testimonials & qualifications for the christian ministry,
Voted that they were satisfied with the same, and were ready to proceed to ordination. The following was the order of exercises on the occasion. Introductory prayer by Mr Rogers of Bernardston; Reading of the Scriptures by Mr Crosby of Charlestown, N.H. — Sermon by Mr Hill of Worcester — Consecrating prayer by the Pastor of this Chh — Charge by Mr Abbot of Peterboro’, N.H. — Fellowship of the Churches by Mr Hosmer of Northfield—Address to the Society by Mr Goodwin of Concord, Mass:—Concluding prayer by Harding of New Salem, Mass: —Benediction by Mr Brown.
1832. Jany. Brother Ichabud Morton was chosen Deacon of the Chh.
March. 24. 1833. After publick service, communicated a letter missive from the first congregational Chh, and Society in Taunton, requesting this Chh, by their Pastor and Deligate to assist in the Installation of the reverend Andrew Bigelow, their Pastor elect on the 10th of April next. Voted to comply with the above request Brother Nathl Russell Jun. was appointed deligate.
April 10. The Council met at the time and place appointed. Rev. Dr Richmond of Dorchester was chosen Moderator;—Rev. Mr Hall of Providence Scribe. Having attended to the proceedings of the Society [69] relative to the invitation given to their Pastor elect &c Voted that they were satisfied with the same, and were ready to proceed to Installation.
The following was the order of exercises on the occasion. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Stetson of Medford; reading of the scriptures by Rev. Mr Crafts of E. Bridgewater; Sermon by Rev. Mr Brazer of Salem; Prayer of Installation by the Pastor of this Chh; Charge by Rev. Mr Clark of Norton; Fellowship of the Churches by Rev. Mr Hall of Providence; Address to the Society by Rev. Mr. Pierpont of Boston; Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Farley of Providence; Benediction by Rev. Mr. Bigelow.
April. 21. After public service, communicated a letter missive from the First Congregational Chh, and Society in Sandwich, requesting the assistance of this Chh, by their Pastor & Deligate, at the Installation of Rev. John M. Merrick, their Pastor elect, on the 1st of May next. Voted to comply with the above request.
May. 1st The council convened at the time and place appointed — and was organized by the choice of the Pastor of this Chh. as Moderator, and the rev. Mr Hersey of Barnstable as Scribe. Having attended to the proceedings of the Society relative to their invitation, & the answer of the Pastor elect — and also to the testimonials exhibited in favour of his ministerial character & qualifications Voted, That they were satisfied with the same [70] And were ready to proceed to Installation.
The following was the order of exercises on the Occasion. Introductory prayer & reading selections from the scriptures by Rev. Mr Hersey: — Sermon by Rev. E. S. Gannett, Boston; — prayer of Installation by rev. Mr Swift of Nantucket; Charge by the Moderator; Right hand of fellowship & address to the people by Rev. Mr Sewall of Danverse:— Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Cole of Kingston; — Benediction by the Pastor.
Nov. 3. After public service, communicated a letter missive from the first Congregational Society in Bridgewater, requested the assistance of this Chh, by their Pastor and deligate at the Ordination of Mr Theophilus P. Doggett their pastor elect, on the 13th inst. Voted. To comply with the above request. Dr Hayward was appointed delegate.
Nov. 13. The Council convened at the time and place appointed — and was organized by choosing the rev: Pitt Clark of Norton, Moderator — and Rev. Mr Edes of Canton Scribe. Having attended to the proceedings of the Society relative to their invitation, & the answer of the Pastor elect, and also to the testimonials exhibited relative to his ministerial character & qualifications — Voted, that they were satisfied with the same, & were ready to proceed to ordination.
The following was287 the order of exercises [71] on the occasion. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Hodges — Sermon by Rev. Mr Doggett of Raynham, father of the pastor elect — Consecrating prayer by Rev. Dr Lowell of Boston — Charge by Rev. Mr Parkman of Boston — Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Crafts of E. Bridgewater — Address to the Society by Rev. Mr Bigelow of Taunton — Concluding prayer by the pastor of this Chh. Benediction by the Pastor.
Nov. 24. After public service, communicated a letter missive from the 2d Chh, and Society in Boston requesting the assistance of this Chh, by its Pastor & Deligate, at the Ordination of Mr Chandler Robbins, their Pastor elect, on the 4th of Dec. next. Voted — To concomply with the request — and Brother B. Hedge was chosen Deligate.
Dec. 4. The Council convened at the time and place appointed — and organized by choosing Dr Packard of Chelmsford, Moderator and Rev. Mr Young of Boston Scribe. Being satisfied with the proceedings of the Society relative to their invitation, &288 the answer of the Pastor elect — and also with the testimonials exhibited in favour of his ministerial character & qualifications — Voted. They were ready to proceed to Ordination.
The following was the order of exercises, on the occasion. Introductory prayer & reading the scriptures by Rev. Mr Pierpont of Boston. [72] Sermon by Professor Henry Ware Jun — Consecrating prayer by the Moderator — Charge by the Pastor of this Church — Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Parkman of Boston — Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Putnam of289 Roxbury.
1834. Feb. 8th At a regular meeting of the Church, the case of our brother Benja Whiting, came under consideration. It having appeared, that, by an acknowled habit of intemperance, he had deprived himself of a regular standing in the Church, and it further having appeared, on satisfactory testimony, that he had reformed, & become exemplary in his christian walk — the following Vote was passed by the brethren — & the Pastor was authorized to furnish him with the subjoined Certificate of his regular standing in the Church.
Whereas our brother, Benja Whiting, by an acknowledge habit of intemperance, had deprived himself of a regular standing in the Chh, & of the privelege & enjoyment of christian Communion — And Whereas we have satisfactory290 reason to hope & believe, that he has repented & reformed and that his life & conversation for some time past have been as becometh the gospel of Christ — Therefore, as an expression of our tender regard and christian sympathy for him, and with a desire to strengthen every good purpose of his heart, & to encourage him in his christian course — [73] Voted, unanimously, That this our brother be restored to a regular standing in the Church, and received as a member in christian fellowship and full communion with us.
The following Certificate was authorized by the brethren to be given to brother Whiting.
This may certify that our brother Benja Whiting is a public professor of the christian religion — and, having been recently restored to a regular standing in the Chh, & received as a member in christian fellowship & full communion with us — At his particular request, he is hereby absolved from his special relation to this Chh, & cordially recommended to the charity & fellowship of the 4th Chh, in Plymouth.
By direction & in behalf of the brethren.
J. Kendall, Pastor.
May, 4th Communicated a letter of291 the Congregational Church & Society in Duxbury, requesting the presence & assistance of this Chh, by the Pastor & deligate at the installation of Rev. Josiah Moore on the 14th inst. Voted to comply with the request, & Dea. Wm P. Ripley was appointed the deligate.
The council met at the time & place appointed — and having satisfied themselves of the regularity of the proceedings of the Society [74] Voted, unanimously, that they were ready to proceed to Installation.
The usual services were performed by the following clergimen. Reading the scriptures by Rev. Mr Goodwin of Concord: — First Prayer by Mr Sewall of Scituate: Sermon by Mr Young of Boston: — Prayer of Instalation by the Pastor of this Chh: Charge by Dr Lowell of Boston: Right Hand of Fellowship by Mr Cole of Kingston: Address to the people by Mr Ripley of Waltham: Concluding Prayer by Mr Allen of Pembroke.
Augt 3d Communicated a letter from the First Congregational Society in West Bridgewater, requesting the assistance of this Chh by their Pastor & Deligate at the Ordination of Mr Richard Stone, their pastor elect, on the 20th instant. Voted to comply with then request and Capt. Nathl Russell was appointed deligate.
The council met at the time & place appointed — And being satisfied with the regularity of the proceedings of the Society — and also with the character & qualifications of the candidate, Voted, unanimously, that they were ready to proceed to Ordination. The services were assigned as follows: Reading the Scriptures, by Rev. Mr Allen of Pembroke; Introductory prayer by Rev. Adin Ballou of Mendon; Sermon by Rev. Jason Whitman of Boston; Consecrating prayer by Rev. Mr Clark of Norton: Charge by the Pastor of this Church; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Bigelow of Taunton; Address [75] to the people by Rev. Mr Doggett of Bridgewater; Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Crafts of E. Bridgewater. [76]
1835. May 10. Communicated a letter from the First Congregational Chh. & Society in New Bedford, requesting the assistance of this Chh, by its Pastor & Deligate at the Ordination of Mr Angier,292 their Pastor293 elect, on the 20th instant. Voted, to comply with the above request, & brother Nathl Russell was appointed deligated.
June 20. The Council met at the time & place appointed and the preliminary proceedings, Voted, unanimously, that they were ready to proceed to Ordination. The following was the order of the services. Reading the Scriptures after the Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Edes of Nantucket. Sermon by Rev. O. Dewy. Ordaining prayer by Mr Hall of Providence. Charge, by Rev. Mr Greenwood, Boston. Right Hand of Fellowship, by Rev. Mr Robbins of Boston. Address to the people by Rev. Mr Stetson of Medford. Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Farley of Providence. Benediction, by Mr Angier.
1836. May. 24. Communicated a letter from the First Congregational Chh, & Society in Quincy, requesting the aid of this Chh, by its Pastor & Deligate at the Instalation of Rev. Wm P. Lunt, as Colleague Pastor, with Rev. Mr Whitney, on the 3d of June next. Voted to comply with the above request.
June 3d The Council met at the time & place appointed. The following clergimen performed the public services. Introductory Prayer & Reading the Scriptures by Rev. Mr Whitney of Roxbury. Sermon by Rev. Mr Frothingham of Boston. Consecrating prayer by Rev. Mr Whitney, Senior Pastor. Charge by Rev. Dr Parkman, of Boston. [77] Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Cunningham of Dorchester. Address to the people by Rev. Mr Gannett of Boston. Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Farley of Providence.
Oct. 16. Communicated a letter missive from the 2d Congregational Chh, & Society in Scituate, requested the aid of this Chh, by Pastor & Deligate at the Installation of Rev. Saml J. May as their Pastor on the 26th instant.
Voted — To comply with the above294 request — and brother Nathl Russell Jun was appointed deligate. The Council convened at the time & place appointed. The following Clergimen took part in the public services. Introductory prayer & Reading Scriptures by Rev. Mr Angier of New Bedford. Sermon by Rev. Mr Francis of Watertown. Prayer of Installation by Rev. Mr Moore of Duxbury. Charge by the Pastor of this Church. Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Sewall of East Scituate. Address to the people by Rev. Mr Hall of Dorchester. Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Phipps of Cohassett. [78]
June 15, 1837. The brethren of the Chh, agreeable to notice, met at the house of the Pastor: the meeting was opened by prayer. After conversing upon the interests of the Chh, and the best means of promoting its increase and prosperity295 — it was voted, unanimously, to adopt the following Profession & Declaration as the form & condition, in future, of admission to the Chh, and of partaking of the ordinances of the gospel
Believing the scriptures of the Old and New Testament to contain the word of God, and to be the only and a sufficient rule of faith and practice; — it is my (or our sincere) desire and purpose of heart in professing this belief — in joining the Chh, — and partaking of the Ordinances of the gospel296 — by the aid of his grace — to live by the faith of the Son of God, and thus to walk in all the297 Commandments and Ordinances of298 the Lord blameless.
It is to be optional with the applicant to manifest his or her assent to this profession299 either in public, or to the Pastor in private; — and, by so doing the person is to be recorded & declared to be a member in full Communion with the Chh. This form, being so much in harmony with “the Simplicity that is in Christ” — and so conformable to the primitive practice [79] of the Chh, — it is hoped and believed will tend to remove from the minds of300 sincere and devout persons every reasonable objection against joining the Chh, and availing themselves of the satisfaction and benefit of enjoying the christian Ordinances. May this harmonious proceeding of the brethren301 be followed by the favour and blessing of302 the great Head of the Chh, — and result in the growth & prosperity of our spiritual Zion.
Sept. 17. — Communicated a letter Missive from the Congregational Chh, & Society in East Barnstable, requesting303 the aid of this Chh by Pastor & Deligate at the Ordination of Mr. Geo. W. Woodward as their Minister, on the 27th inst. Voted to comply with the above request & brother Andrew L. Russell was appointed Delegate.
The Council convened at the time & place appointed. The following Clergimen took part in the public services. Introductory prayer & reading the Scriptures by Rev. Mr Stearns of Dennis. Sermon by Dr Francis of Watertown. Prayer of Consecration by the Pastor of this Chh. Charge by Dr Francis. Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Briggs of Fall River. Address to the people by Rev. Mr Merrick of Sandwich. Concluding prayer by Mr Sears — Candidate. [80]
1838. — Jany The following is a record of the proceedings of the First Parish & Church in Plymouth, relative to the Invitation and settlement of Rev. Geo. Ware Briggs as Associate minister with their present Pastor.
At a meeting of the Members of the first Congregational Parish in Plymouth, legally assembled and held at the Meeting house of the said Parish on the thirteenth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven —
Voted — unanimously — to invite the Rev. George W. Briggs of Fall River to become Associate Minister with the Rev. Dr Kendall. Voted — that a Committee of six be appointed to communicate the proceedings of this Meeting to the Rev. Mr Briggs — and ask his acceptance:— and Jno B. Thomas — Bourne Spooner, Isaac L Hedge, Allen Danforth, Jacob H. Loud and Johnson Davie were accordingly chosen. Extract from the record
Attest — John B. Thomas
Clerk 1. Parish — Plymouth.
At a Meeting of the First Chh, in Plymouth Voted — Unanimously — that the Church do approve of the proceedings of the Parish at a meeting held on the thirteenth day of October last, whereby the Rev. George Ware Briggs is invited304 to become Colleague Pastor with the Rev. Dr Kendall.
Attest — James Kendall
Pastor305 & Moderator. [81]
Fall River, Nov. 10th 1837.
To the Fall River Unitarian Society —
Christian Brethren,
I have received an Invitation from the First Parish in Plymouth, to become Associate Pastor with Rev. Dr Kendall, their present Minister. For some time past, and especially within the last two months, I have thought that the circumstances of our Society here were such as to make it my duty soon to ask, that the connexion between us might be dissolved. Indeed, I had determined, before any proposition was made to me to go elsewhere, unless some entire change should take place in the condition and prospects of the society, to make that request very soon. Such being the case, I thought it right to say to the people of Plymouth, when that question was put to me, that there would be no improper interference on their part in giving me a Call to come among them. And I now feel it to be right, and for the best, to ask that306 our connexion may be dissolved, in order that I may accept their Call.
It is with regret that I make this request. I regret to have such a bond broken, as has united us. There has been no discord between us. You gave me a kind and hearty welcome among you, when wholly inexperienced in the duties of my profession. And notwithstanding the many imperfections, as far as I know, the same kind feeling has always [82] continued. From my heart I thank you. And let me assure you, my brethren, that wherever Providence may direct my steps, I shall remember with interest this scene of my early labours, and the many friends I have found here. And my earnest prayer is, that the seed, which I have sown in weakness, may be raised in power — and that however wide apart our paths in life may be, they may bring us all at last, to the unbroken union of the pure in the better world.
Very truly your friend & brother,
George W. Briggs.
Fall River, Nov. 14. 1837.
Dear Sir,
At a meeting of the unitarian Society, on the evening of the 10th inst, a letter from you to the society was read, in which you request that the connection307 now existing between yourself and the society may be dissolved.
The undersigned were directed by a Vote of the society to reply to your communication, and to desire you to name the time when you wish the connection to cease.
We take the liberty to add, that the pain we feel at parting with you, who in an eminent degree have won our respect, esteem, and love, pervades the whole society; and, perhaps, more than ever do we deplore that situation [83] in our circumstances and condition, which determined you to request a dissolution of those bonds, by which we are united. — But it affords us some relief that our parting is not caused by any discord between us, and will tend to your pecuniary benefit and, we trust, happiness.
That such may be the result of the separation, which must soon take place; that a more deserved success may attend your future labours; and that our common Father may ever guard, protect, and bless you, and all dependent on you — is the prayer we all devoutly offer.
Joseph S. Blivin
Joseph Gooding
Benjamin P Sisson
Rev. Mr Briggs’ answer to the Invitation of the First Congregational Chh, & Society in Plymouth.
Fall River Nov. 15th 1837.
To the members of the First Parish in Plymouth: —
Christian Brethren,
I have received your invitation to become Associate Minister with the Rev. Dr. Kendall. This whole movement, my Brethren, seems to me to have been directed by the finger of Providence. I came among you at my last visit apparently by accident, and without the slightest dream of the present result. Your unanimous approbation and desire for me to come among [84] you, under such circumstances, has filled me with gratitude and surprize. I know not why your hearts have been thus turned towards me. Still I think, that Providence directs me to accept your kind invitation. In the hope that this new connection may be blessed, tho’ still with many apprehensions as to my own power of serving you, I do, therefore, accept it.
The little experience, which I have had in the office of a christian Minister, has increased, rather than diminished, my sense of its importance. Each successive year indeed has made me reverence that office more, and pressed more deeply upon my heart a conviction of my incompetency to fill it worthily.
But, my Brethren, I will do what I can. I trust in your readiness to look with kindness and sympathy upon the efforts I may be able to make. You have called me to a place rich in stirring associations — to “holy Ground.” I trust I may obtain guidance and inspiration by walking in the light of the bright example of the sainted dead, who have dwelt there — and of the beloved living, now in your midst. I trust to that Providence wh, gives the needed strength to the seeking spirit, and which permits no earnest effort in the cause of truth and righteousness to be made in vain. [85]
With fervent prayers for your continued prosperity, my Brethren,
I am respectfully and affectionately Yours
Geo. W. Briggs
The Churches invited to compose the Council for the Installation of the Rev. George Ware Briggs as Associate Minister with the Rev. Dr Kendall over the First Congregational Church and Society in Plymouth to be convened on Wednesday the third day of January, 1838 — are
Dr H. Ware Jun |
First |
Medford |
Rev. Mr Stetson |
First |
Dorchester |
Rev. Mr Hall |
Second308 |
Boston |
Rev. Chandler Robbins |
First |
Quincy |
Rev. Mes. Whitney & Lunt |
First |
Hingham |
Rev. Mr Richardson |
Third |
Hingham |
Rev. Mr Brooks |
First |
Cohasset |
Rev. Mr Phipps |
First |
Scituate |
Rev. Mr Sewall |
Second |
Scituate |
Rev. Mr May |
First |
Bridgewater |
Rev. Mr Doggett |
First |
East Bridgewater |
Rev. Mr Devens |
First |
West Bridgewater |
Rev. Mr Stone |
First |
Pembroke |
Rev. Mr Allen |
First in |
Kingston |
Rev. Mr Sweet |
First |
Duxbury |
Rev. Mr Moore |
Second |
Marshfield |
Rev. Mr Leonard |
First |
Sandwich |
Rev. Mr Merrick [86] |
First Church in |
East Barnstable |
Rev. Mr Woodward |
First |
Taunton |
Rev. Mr Bigelow |
First |
New Bedford |
Christian |
Plymouth |
Unitarian |
Fall River |
Beneficent Congregational in Providence |
Rev. Mr Hall |
Westminster Congregational Providence |
Rev. Mr Farley |
Unitarian, Buffalo N.Y. |
Rev. Mr Hosmer |
The above Churches were generously represented by their Pastors and Delegates — and convened and were organized into an Ecclesiastical Council in the Court House, Jany 3d 1838 — by choosing Rev. Morrel Allen, Moderator — and Rev. Chas. Brooks, Scribe. The meeting of the Council was opened by prayer by the Moderator. The record and documents containing the proceedings of the Church and Parish, relative to the invitation given to Rev. Geo. W. Briggs to settle with them as Associate Minister, were then read, together with his answer and acceptance; — and also Mr Briggs’ communication to the Society in Fall River, with which he had been connected — and their reply to the same. — After attending to these proceedings— and finding them to have been in order, and marked with309 entire harmony, unanimity, and christian feeling, by the parties; — the Council Voted — unanimously, that they were satisfied with the same — and were ready to proceed to the Installation of Mr Briggs. [87]
The following arrangement for the exercises in the Meeting House was made and approved by the Council; — and the services were thus assigned & performed; —
Introductory Prayer and Reading the Scriptures by Rev. Wm P. Lunt of Quincy; — Sermon by Rev. Caleb Stetson of Medford; — Prayer of Installation by the Senior Pastor of this Church; — Charge by Rev. Henry Ware Jun D D — of Harvard University; — Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. F. A. Farley of Providence; — Address to the people by Rev. Samuel J. May of Scituate; — Concluding Prayer by Rev. Chandler Robbins of Boston; — and Benediction by the Rev. George W. Briggs, the Junior Pastor of this Chh.
The day of Installation was the thirty eight Anniversary of the Ordination of the Sen. Pastor. The weather was fine — and the day most propitious. The services in the Church, filled to overflowing, were generally appropriate, and of a highly interesting character. May the result of this important connexion, under the guidance and blessing of the great Head of the Church, be as favourable and propitious as the beginning.
Jas. Kendall
Sen. Pastor of the Chh. [88]
1838.310 May. 6. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Congregational Chh, & Society in New Bedford, requesting the presence & aid of this Chh, by its Pastors & Delegates at the Installation of Rev. Ephraim Peabody and Ordination of Mr John H. Morrison on thursday, the 24th inst.
May, 24. The Council met agreeable to Notice; — and, having attended to the preliminary business— Voted — Unanimously — to proceed to the Installation & Ordination of the Pastors elect. The following Gentlemen took part in the public services: — Introductory prayer and reading the scriptures by Rev. Wm P. Lunt of Quincy. Sermon by Rev. O. Dewey of N.Y. Prayer of Consecration by Rev. Dr Parkman of Boston. Charge by Rev. Abiel Abbot of Peterboro’, N.H. — Right Hand of Fellowship to Mr Peabody by Rev. Geo. Putnam of Roxbury — and to Mr Morrison by Rev. Mr Bartol of Boston. Address311 to the people by Rev. Mr Hall of Providence. Concluding prayer by Rev. G. W. Briggs of Plymouth. Benediction by Rev. E. Peabody of N.B.
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from a Photograph taken in 1890
Oct. 21. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Congregational Chh, & Society in Southboro’, requesting the presence & assistance of this Chh, by its Pastors and delegates, at the Ordination of [89] Mr. William H. Lord on the 31st instant. Voted — to comply with this request.
Oct. 31. — Met at the time & place appointed. Having organized the council, and attended to the preliminary business — & expressed their satisfaction with the proceedings of the Society and the character & qualifications of the Pastor elect for the gospel ministry, Voted — Unanimously, that they were ready to proceed to his Ordination.
The following Clergimen took part in the exercises: — Introductory prayer and Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. Mr Barry of Framingham;— Sermon by Rev. A.312 P. Peabody of Portsmouth, N.H; — Ordaining prayer by the Senior Pastor of this Chh; — Charge by Rev. Mr Clarke of Sherburne; — Right-Hand of Fellowship by the Junior Pastor of this Chh; — Address to the people by Rev. Mr Allen of Northboro’;— Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr Morse of Marlboro’. [90]
1841. Feb. 19th The brethren of the Church — Met at the house of the senior Pastor. A letter was read from brother I. Morton, requesting to be excused from officiating any longer as Deacon of the Church. It was Voted to accept his resignation.
It was then proposed to chose a substitute to fill his place in the Office of Deacon of the Chh. After some consultation — it was Voted to postpone the meeting indefinitely — for the purpose of selecting and agreeing on some suitable person among the brethren, who might be willing to accept the office, if chosen.
1842. Jan. 30. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Congregational Society in Pembroke, requesting the presence and assistance of this Chh, by its Pastors and delegate at the Instalation of Rev. Joshua Chandler, on the 9th of Feby. Voted to comply with this request — and chose brother Jacob. H. Loud as Deligate.
Feb. 9th Met at the time and place appointed. the Council was organized by choosing the Senior Pastor of this Chh, Moderator — [91] and Rev. Geo. W. Briggs, Junior Pastor Scribe. Having attended to the preliminary business — and expressed their satisfaction with the proceedings of the Chh, & Society, and also with the qualifications of the Pastor elect for the christian Ministry — the Council Voted — unanimously that they were ready to proceed to his Installation.
The following Clergimen took part in the exercises: — Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr Sweet of Kingston. Reading selections from the Scriptures, by Rev. Geo. Leonard, of N. Marshfield. Sermon by Rev. S. Barrett of Boston. Prayer of Instalation by Rev. Mr Richardson of Hingham. Charge by the Senior Pastor of this Chh. Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Moore of Duxbury. Address to the people by Rev. M. Allen former Pastor. Concluding prayer, by Rev. Geo. W. Briggs. Benediction by Rev. J. Chandler.
Oct. 23. Communicated a letter Missive from the First Congregational Society in Cohasset, requesting the assistance of this Chh, by its Pastors & delegate at the Ordination of Mr Joseph Osgood on the 26th inst. Voted — to comply with this request.
The council met at the time & place [92] appointed, — and was organized to choosing Rev. E. Q. Sewall Moderator &
Having attended to the proceedings of the Chh, & Society, relative to the Invitation of Mr Osgood — & expressed their satisfaction with the same — & also with the qualifications of the Pastor elect for the christian ministry — the Council Voted — Unanimously that they were ready to proceed to Ordination.
The following clergimen took part in the exercises. Introductory prayer and selections from the scriptures by Rev. G. W. Briggs. — Sermon by F. T. Gray. Prayer of Ordination by Rev. Josiah Moore. Charge by the Moderator. Right hand of Fellowship by Rev. Fredk D. Huntingdon. Address to the Society by Rev. C. Robbins. Concluding prayer by Rev. O. Stearns. Benediction by the Pastor.
Oct. 23. — On the evening after the sabbath the brethren met at the house of the Senior Pastor — when a letter from brother Ichabud Morton was read, requesting that his connexion with this Chh, might be dissolved. It was Voted that his request be complyed with. It was also Voted — That the thanks of the members of the Chh be given to br Morton for his acceptable services during his connexion with the Chh — especially, in the Office of Deacon. [93]
1843. Feb. 12. Communicated a Letter Missive from the Congregational Society in South Scituate — requesting the assistance of this Chh. by its Pastors & delegates at the Ordination of Mr William O Mosely on the 15th inst. Voted to comply with this request. The Council met at the time & place appointed; — and was organized by chosing Rev. Morril Allen of Pembroke Moderator. — Having attended to the proceedings of the Chh & Society, relative to the invitation given to Mr Mosely to settle with with them as their Pastor — and also to his qualifications for the christian Ministry — the Council Voted — Unanimously, that they were satisfied with the same, and were ready to proceed to his Ordination.
The usual services were performed by the following clergimen. Introductory Prayer by Rev. Wm P. Tilden of Norton: — Reading selections from the Scriptures by Rev. J. Osgood of Cohasset: — Sermon by Rev. Thos. B. Fox of Newbury Port:— Ordaining Prayer by the Senior Pastor of this Church; — Charge by Rev. E. Q. Sewall of N. Scituate: — Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. R. C. Waterston, Boston: — Address to the people by Saml J. May of Lexington:— Concluding Prayer by Rev. Geo. Leonard of N. Marshfield: Benediction by the Pastor. [94]
1843. April 16. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Congregational Society in Kingston, requesting the assistance of this Chh by its Pastors & deligate at the Ordination of Mr Augustus R. Pope on the 19th inst. Voted to comply with the above request; — and brother Nathl Russell Jun was appointed deligate.
Apr. 19. The Council met at the time & place appointed — as was organized by choosing the Senior Pastor of this Chh. Moderator of the Council — and Rev. Mr Osgood of Cohasset Scribe. Having attended to the proceedings of the Chh, and Society relative to the invitation given to Mr Pope to settle with them as their Pastor; — and also to his qualifications for the christian Ministry — Voted — Unanimously that they were satisfied with the same — and were ready to proceed to his Ordination.
The usual services were assigned as follows:— Introductory Prayer313 By Rev. Geo. W. Briggs of Ply: — Reading selections from the Scriptures by Rev. Josep Osgood of Cohasset: Sermon by Rev. Mr Bartol of Boston: — Consecrating Prayer by the Senior Pastor of this Chh: — Charge by Rev. Wm P. Lunt of Quincy: — [95] Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Wm O. Mosely of South Scituate; — Address to the people by Rev. Chandler Robbins of Boston: — Concluding Prayer by Rev. Josiah Moore of Duxbury. — Benediction by the Pastor.
1844 July 14. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Cong. Chh. & Society in East Bridgewater, requesting the assistance of this Chh. by its Pastors & Deligate at the Instalation of Rev. Nathl Whitman over said Society on 17th inst. Voted to comply with the above request.
July 17. The Council met at the time and place appointed —: and was organized by choosing Rev. M. Allen of Pembroke Moderator, and Rev. Mr Mossely of Scituate Scribe. Having attended to the proceedings of the Society relative to the invitation given to Mr Whitman to settle with them as their Pastor — and also to his qualification for the ch. Ministry; — Voted — That they were satisfied with the same — and were ready to proceed to his instalation.
The following was the arrangement for the public services. Introductory Prayer by Rev. Geo. W. Briggs Jur Pastor of this Chh.— Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. A. R. Pope of Kingston: — Sermon by Rev. Dr Flint of Salem: — Prayer of Instalation314 by the Senior Pastor of this Chh. — Charge315 by Rev. Mr Richardson of Hingham: — Right Hand by Rev. R. Sanger of Dover: Address by Rev. J. Whitman of Portland: Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Sewall of Scituate. [96]
1845. May316 3. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Congregational Chh. & Society in Bridgewater to this Chh, requesting the presence & assistance of the Pastors & a Delegate of this Chh, at the Installation of Rev. Claudius Bradford over sd Chh. & Society on the 7th inst. Voted to comply with the above request.
Met at the time & place appointed.317 The Senior Pastor of this Chh, was chosen Moderator of the Council: — and Rev. Mr Bridgham of Taunton Scribe.
The following was the Order of exercises. Introductory Prayer by the Moderator. Selections from the Scriptures read by the Scribe. Sermon by Rev. Ephraim Peabody of N. Bedford. Prayer of Installation by Rev. Nathl Whitman of East Bridgewater. Charge by Rev. Saml Barret of Boston. Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Josiah Moore of Duxbury. Address to the Society by Rev. William O Moseley of S. Scituate. Concluding Prayer by Rev. Ralph Sanger of Dover. Benediction by the Pastor.
Nov. 15. Communicated a Letter Missive from the First Congregational Chh. & Society in Sterling to this Chh & Society requesting the presence & assistance of their Pastors & delegate at the ordination of Mr Thos. Prentise Allen over sd Chh, & Society on the 18th inst. Voted to comply with the above request.
Met at the time & place appointed. The council was organized by choosing the Senior Pastor of this Chh. Moderator — and Rev. Mr Hale318 of Worcester Scribe. The following was the order of Exercises:— Introductory Prayer by Rev. Mr Winkley of Boston. Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. [97] Rev. H. Withington of Leominster:— Sermon by Rev. Geo. Putnam, D.D. of Roxbury: — Consecrating Prayer by Rev. Calvin Lincoln of Fitchburg: Charge by Rev. Joseph Allen of Northbury: — Right Hand of Fellowship by J. H. Allen of Jamaica Plain: Address to the people by Rev. Alonzo Hill of Worcester. — Concluding prayer by the Senior Pastor of this Chh. Benediction by the newly consecrated Pastor.
1850. July. This summer the Chh. of the First Parish — has been greatly improved by substituting a New Pulpit for the old one — and painting the inside entirely with Fresco paint — giving to the whole a soft and beautiful appearance, Also —
A new and beautiful Communion Table of Marble has been introduced in place of the former one of wood — and presented by Mrs. Priscilla Cotton an aged Lady of over 90 yrs — and more than 46 yrs. a worthy member of the Chh.
1852. Dec. 31. — At the close of the present Year— The connexion between this Chh. and Parish and their Junior Pastor the Rev. Geo. Ware Briggs — at his particular request — was dissolved — after a continuance of 15 Years of great unanimity and satisfaction on the part of the Society — and of unbroken harmony between the Junior and Senior Pastor. — The following is the correspondence between Mr Briggs and the Comittee of the First Parish relative to a dissolution of the connection. [98]
Plymouth, Dec. 22d 1852
To the Parish Committee — of the First Parish in Plymouth: —
Christian Friends —
It is known to you, that the First Congregational Society in Salem invited me in Augt last to become their Minister. At that time I gave a negative answer to their invitation. My refusal, however, was based upon reasons, which do not now exist, in the changes, which have since occurred. And, during the laste week, the Society has unanimously renewed its Original invitation.
For the last six Years the question of remaining in Plymouth has frequently been presented to my Mind. For a great variety of reasons I have found myself constantly tending towards the conclusion, that it would be better for me to enter some other field of labor — and better for the Parish to have some other Minister. In two or three instances, in which the decision for the time depended upon some contingency in the Parish — I have presented the question to you. But I thought last year, that, until the result should become clear to my own319 convictions, I would not again mention the subject to you. It seemed more proper for me — more just to you, — not to raise the question again, until I could communicate my own sincere and deliberate conclusion.
I trust, therefore, that you will understand and excuse the apparent abruptness of my communication to you — when I now resign my connection with the Parish as its Junior Minister. To avoid misconception in one particular — let me say, that my resignation has no connection, in any form — with pecuniary considerations. I have never asked nor wished — [see 100 page]320
[99] Chh. Records continued
1853. March, 4th At an adjourned meeting of the brethren of the Chh. at the house of the Pastor — in consequence of some misunderstanding of the Notice given of the meeting — and few of the brethren present — it was deemed expedient further to adjourn the meeting until the evening of the 13th inst. for the purpose of filling the vacancies in the office of Deacon of the Chh. — occasioned by death or otherwise; Notice to be given of the meeting — with a request for the attendance of all the members of the Chh. — from the pulpit — on the sabbath previous to the Meeting — being the 13th inst.
March 13th Met agreeable to the above Notice at the House of the Pastor; and after opening the Meeting as usual by prayer — proceeded to make arrangements for filling the vacancies in the office of Deacon. The names of the following brethren were proposed by a Committee, appointed for the purpose as suitable persons for this office Viz. Mr Wm S. Russell and Mr. Thomas Russell. These brethren321 were unanimously chosen to fill the vacancy.
Mr Wm S. Russell — Mary H. Russell — and Lydia M. Kendall — were appointed a Committee to make arrangements in connexion with the Parish for laying a foundation for a Parish Library.
[100] that322 the Parish should do more for me. I am most grateful that they have done so much. I never expect to find warmer or truer friends, than I found in Plymouth. The confidence of so many steadfast friends through the experience and agitations of fifteen years — I shall never forget wherever I may be. Perhaps, I may have to rely upon that confidence now — in doing what I do, when the reason for it cannot seem so clear to others as to myself. Still I hope that as we have lived in mutual trust hitherto, we may preserve the same unbroken confidence; and that the simple fact of my going away will not affect or323 change the feeling — which has hitherto known no change.
In regard to the exact time at which my resignation shall take effect — I shall wish for your judgment.324 Had the question been presented a little sooner, I should have proposed the close of this year. As I came here the beginning of the year and as every arrangement in reference to myself begins and closes with the Year this would have seemed a natural and fitting proposition. Now, however, I refer the question of the time to you — only asking leave to make one suggestion. I do not wish to do any thing abruptly; — still, I believe that any protracted period —after a decision has been made — would be a trial of feeling in many respects. It seems to me that our connection had better end in the course of January.
May I beg of you to inform me of the conclusion to which you may325 arrive326 in this respect as soon as it may be practicable — as it will affect my arrangements both here and elsewhere.
And with the earnest hope, and the confidence, that he who shall take up the work, which I am laying down, will be to you, — and do for you, — far more than I have been able to be, or to do, —
believe me always yours in Christian fellowship
Geo. W. Briggs.
[For the answer of the Committee &c — See Page 280.]327
[101] 1799 Account of Baptisms
March |
10 |
Holmes Polly, Eleazar, Esther & Jane Avery — the Children of Eleazar & Elizabeth Holmes |
31st |
Bartlett Jane Holmes Daughter of William & Mercy Bartlett |
April |
14th |
Whiting Elizabeth Doten Daur of Nathan Whiting & Wife |
21st |
Holmes Betsy Lewis & Mary Sherman Children of Lewis & Betsy Holmes both deceasd baptizd on their Grand Mother Phebe Holmes’ Right |
July |
21 |
Bartlett Thomas Son to Thomas & Margaret Bartlett by the Revd Mr Howland of Carver328 |
Jan. |
12th330 |
David Son of Jesse Harlow & Wife |
Anna331 daughter of Sam. Rider Jur. & Anna his Wife |
Feb. |
16th |
John May Son of Thos Witherly Jur. & Wife |
March |
3d |
Elizabeth Finney daughter of ye Wid. Hannah Holbrook at whose house the ordinance was administered (South Pds.332 |
May |
25th |
Eliza daughter of Holmes |
29 |
Thos Jackson Son of Dr Mercy & Wife |
John Winslow Son of Rossiter Cotton & Wife |
Anna daughter of Wm Jackson & Wife |
July |
3d |
Eliza daughter of Ichabud Morton Jur |
Sarah daughter of Ephrm Morton |
July |
6 |
Anthony Sherman Son of Timothy Allen & Betty his Wife |
Augt |
31 |
John Son the Widow Carver |
Nov. |
9th |
Sarah Stevens & Hannah Stevens (twins) children of Freeman |
Bartlett & Wife |
30th |
Josiah Foster Son of Benjn Whiting & Wife |
Dec. |
14 |
Henry Son of John Paty & Wife |
Feb. |
8 |
Meriah daughter of Sylvanus Paty & Wife |
March |
29 |
Sarah daughter of Nathl Harlow |
May |
10 |
Samuel Son of Capt Saml Rider |
William Thomas Son of Capt Thos. Bartlett |
[102] 1801 Record of Baptisms
May |
17th |
Wid. Elizabeth Barnes |
June |
22d |
Isaac Ichabud Morton’s Jun Child |
Elizabeth daughter of Bartlett |
July |
5th |
Anna May daughter of Thos Witherell Jun |
Augt |
9th |
Abigal grover daughter of David Diman |
Sept |
20 |
Anna Clarke daughter of |
Oct |
4 |
Mary Lewis daughter of Wyatt Harring333 |
11 |
Hannah Davis daughter of Isaac Symmes |
Dec. |
6 |
William Russell Son of Majr Wm & Mercy Jackson |
20 |
Samuel Avery Son of Ichabud Holmes Jun |
Jan. |
17 |
Rowland Edwin Son of Dr Rossetter Catton |
Feb. |
21 |
Sarah Palmer daughter of Leml Brown |
May |
2d |
Ichabud & Peabody Sons of Peabody & Lucy Bartlett |
May |
30th |
Sarah daughter of James & Sarah Kenda[ll] |
Sept |
Wm Thomas Son of Thos. Withered Jun |
Nov. |
7 |
Mary daughter of Holmes |
Jan. |
2 |
Betsy daughter of Ichabud Morton334 Jun |
March |
20 |
Eunice335 daughter of Rufus Churchill |
22 |
Mary Taylor daughter of Dr Mercy & Wife |
June |
19 |
Coleman Son of336 Peabody & Lucy Bartlett |
July |
10th |
Lewis Son of Capt Saml Rider |
28th |
Elizabeth |
Consider Howland |
& George |
Oct. |
30th |
Benjamin the Son of Benja Whiting |
Nov. |
13 |
Priscilla Hammat an adult |
[103] Record of Baptisms
Nov. |
13 |
James Augustus Son of James & Sarah Kendall |
Jerusha Barnes337 daughter of Sylvanus Paty |
William Son of Isaac Symmes |
March |
18 |
Margaret James daughter of Thos. & M. J. Bartlett |
May |
20 |
William Cushing Son Dr. R. Cotton |
June338 |
3 |
Eliza Ann daughter of Capt T. Witherell |
Augt |
12 |
Ann daughter of Nathl Goodwin, adult |
19 |
Susan Willard daughter of George Jackson |
Nov. |
11 |
Sarah daughter of Joseph Whiting |
Jan. |
15 |
Edwin son of Ichabud Morton Jun |
March |
3 |
Hannah Poor daughter of James & Sarah Kendall |
Lucy daughter of Peabody & Lucy Bartlett |
Eleazer Stevens Son of Freeman Bartlett |
April |
28 |
Sarah Palmer daughter of Leml Brown339 |
Lucy daughter of Nathl Holmes |
June |
30 |
Mary Dyer |
Martha Cotton |
July |
28 |
Richard Son of Henry & Mary Warren Sarah daughter of Thos Witherell Jun |
Augt |
18 |
Martha Harlow daughter of Benja Whiting |
Sept |
29 |
Lucy Goodwin an adult daughter of Timothy Goodwin |
Dec. |
1 |
Maria daughter of Ichabud Morton Jun |
Feb.340 |
23 |
Nathaniel son of Capt Thos Bartlett |
March |
16 |
Esther Phillips daughter of Joseph & M. Holmes |
April |
20 |
Rufus Son of Rufus Churchill |
[104]341 Record of Baptisms
May |
18342 |
Elizabeth Brewster an adult |
Susanna Leonard an adult |
29 |
Mary the wife of Nathl Holmes |
Elizabeth the wife of Wm Allen |
Deborah the wife Alden Lucas |
Mercy Cobb the daughter of Nathl & Eliz. Holmes343 |
July |
20 |
Anna daughter of Saml & Nancy Rider344 |
Augt |
Catharine Bradish daughter of Lemuel Brown |
Sept. |
29 |
Ellenor daughter of Joseph Whiting |
Nov. |
2 |
Esther |
Eliza |
Caroline |
9 |
Isaac son of Thomas Witherell Jun |
Dec. |
21 |
William |
Rebecca |
Ellenor345 |
Bethiah |
Jany |
11346 |
Elizabeth Thacher347 daughter Freeman Bartlett |
March |
22 |
Susanna Holmes daughter of Capt Wm Allen & Elizth his wife |
April |
5 |
Lydia daughter of James & Sarah Kendall |
12 |
Alden Son of Alden & Deborah Lucas |
May |
3 |
Hannah Rogers daughter of P. & Lucy Bartlett |
Susanna Bradford daughter of H. Tilson |
24 |
Lucy daughter of Jos. Bartlett & Eliz. Bartlet |
June |
14 |
George Son of Henry & Mary Warren |
July |
5 |
Catharine Elizabeth daughter of Daniel & Betsy Elliot |
12 |
Ellis Son of Benja Whiting & Wife |
Augt |
10 |
daughter of Sylvanus Paty, baptz |
Sept. |
20 |
William Cushing Son of Wm & Easter Hammatt348 [105] |
Polly daughter of Ezekiel Morton adult |
Jan. |
24 |
Hannah Parker daughter of George Jackson & Susan his wife |
July |
3 |
Mary Briggs daughter of Lemuel Brown & wife |
Sept. |
4 |
Nathaniel |
Mary Howland |
Andrew Leach |
Elizabeth Thacher, daughter of Freeman Bartlett |
Esther Phillips daughter of Joseph Holmes |
Sept. |
8 |
James Hervey349 Son of Joseph & Polly Whiting |
Oct. |
17 |
Ephraim Bartlett Son of Wm & Susanna Leonard |
Nov. |
13 |
Polly daughter of Samuel & Nancy Rider |
Dec. |
17 |
Elizabeth daughter of Rev. James & Sarah Kendall |
Jany |
1 |
Wm Putnam Ripley an adult |
Simeon Dyke an adult |
Lucy Mayhew Nicholson an adult |
April |
2 |
Ezra Shaw Goodwin an adult |
Caroline |
George |
Thomas |
Lucy |
Mary Anne |
April |
23 |
Abigail Winslow daughter of Hamlin Tilson |
[106] 1809 Record of Baptisms Continued
April |
30 |
Mary Clarke |
Jane Barnes |
Elizabeth M. Turner |
June |
18 |
William Son of Capt. William & Elizabeth Allen |
William Zebina Son of Wm P. Ripley |
25 |
Sarah Roberts |
Robert |
Mary |
Eliza Healy |
Nancy |
Bradford |
Ichabud Holmes |
Hannah Phillips daught. of Majr Hammatt & Esthir his wife |
July |
16 |
William Prince Gibbs Son of Simeon & Mary Dyke |
30 |
Deborah daughter of Alden & Deborah Lucas |
Augt |
6 |
Deborah daughter of Peabody & Lucy Bartlett |
27 |
Priscilla Alden daughter of Thomas & Sarah Jackson |
Sept |
3 |
Mary daughter of Capt Thos. & Margaret James Bartlett |
10 |
Mercy Ann daughter of Capt. Nathl & Martha Russell |
Oct. |
26 |
Ezra Son of Ichabud Morton Jun |
29 |
Edward Son of Henry & Mary Warren |
Dec. |
17 |
Steven350 Parmer Son of Lemuel Brown |
March |
11 |
Ichabud Holmes |
& |
Jane |
April |
22 |
Mary Gibbs daughter of Simeon Dyke |
May |
27 |
Daniel Son of Daniel & Eliza M. Jackson |
June |
7 |
George Ellery Son of George & Susan Jackson [107] |
July |
Catherine Morton adult wife of Wm Morton |
Augt |
5 |
Wid. Hannah Holbrook adult |
Sept |
Betsy Williams daughter of Capt Wm and Betsy Allen |
Oct. |
28 |
John May Son of Thomas Witherell |
April |
14 |
Anna Hamlin daughter of Hamlin Tilson |
June |
26 |
Hannah Torrey |
Pricilla Lovell |
Augt |
4 |
Corban Barnes Son of Alden & Deborah Lucas |
Sarah daughter of Osborn Morton baptized on her dying bed on her own account |
Oct. |
13 |
Francis James Son of Nathniel & Martha Russell |
Oct. |
27 |
William Seargent Son of Joseph & Martha Holmes |
Margerett Dyer daughter of Peggy Holbrook deceased & baptized on the faith of the grandmother Bethia Dyer |
Nov. |
24 |
Mary Elizabeth daughter of Rev. James Kendall & Sally K. |
Jan. |
8 |
Elisha Son of Joseph & Polly Whiting baptized at their house |
March |
Pamey351 Young daughter of Simeon Dyke |
April |
23 |
Samuel Son of Capt Thos. Bartlett |
26 |
Ann Elizabeth daughter of Wm P. Ripley |
June |
22 |
Jerusha Daughter of Peabody Bartlett &352 Lucy his wife |
Oct. |
4 |
Abraham Le Baron Son of William & Ester Hammatt |
[108] 1813 Record of Baptisms continued
Jany |
31 |
William Gurney son of Wm Reed |
Feby |
24 |
Joshua Barker Thomas son of Judge Thomas |
May |
Marie de Verdier daughter of Lothrop & Marie de Verdier Turner Jun |
July |
11 |
Joseph Philemon son of Leml Brown |
Augt |
22 |
Lydia Mason daughter of Rev. J. Kendall |
Sept |
26 |
Lucy daughter of Jeremiah & Bethiah Holbrook |
Oct. |
15 |
Nancy Winslow daughter of Wm P. Ripley |
Nov. |
7 |
John Armstrong Son of. Moses Webster |
Jany |
9 |
Elizabeth353 Morton daughter of Daniel Jackson Jun |
Feb. |
27 |
Anna Hamblin daughter of Hamblin Tilson |
June |
19 |
Deborah daughter of Alden & Deborah Lucas |
July |
10 |
Allen Crocker Son of Capt. Nathl & Lucy Spooner |
Augt |
21 |
Jane Barnes daughter of Capt Wm & Betsy Allen |
Sept. |
4 |
LeBaron Son of Capt Nathl & Martha Russell Joseph Son of Joseph & Martha Holmes |
May |
14 |
Persis daughter of Rev. James Kendall & Sarah Kendall |
Jeremiah Son of wid. Bethiah Holbrook |
Esther Jackson daughter of Wm & Esther Hammatt |
Simeon Son of Simeon Dyke & Mary Dyke [109] |
March |
19 |
Rebecca Lothrop daughter of Capt. Daniel Jackson354 & Betsy his wife |
June |
22 |
Isaac Francis Son of Isaac Le Baron Jun. and Mary Le Baron355 |
Baptized in private on account of sickness from wh, it was expected he would not recover |
June |
23 |
William Son of Capt Wm Allen & Elizabeth his wife |
Augt |
25 |
Rhoda wife of Nathl Wood |
Sept. |
8 |
Caroline Matilda |
Rhoda Ann |
Nathaniel |
Sept. |
15 |
Experience the wife of Beza Hayward Esqr. (in private) |
Oct. |
20 |
Rebecca daughter of Hamlin Tilson |
Nov. |
3 |
Catharine daughter of Rev. James & Sally Kendall |
Nathaniel son of Capt. Nathaniel Jun & Lucy Spooner |
Dec. |
8 |
William son of Rufus & Eunice Churchill |
March |
13 |
Lucy Jackson |
Susan Pratt |
Charlotte Ann |
May |
4 |
Charlotte Warren an adult |
Augt |
3 |
Elizabeth daughter of John & Marcia Torrey |
Sept. |
7 |
Lydia an adult wife of Ezra Burbank |
Pricilla daughter of Ezra & Lydia Burbank |
Oct. |
6 |
Willard Son of Nathl & Rhoda Wood |
Nov. |
7 |
Daniel Lothrop Son of Daniel Jur & Betsy Jackson |
Jan. |
18 |
Ellen Goodwin daughter of Dr & Ann Boutell |
18 |
Lucy Goodwin an adult356 baptized in private on account of sickness |
[110] 1818 Record of Baptisms Continued
April |
26 |
Wid. Nancy Brewster an adult |
Pricilla Sampson an adult wife of John S. |
Phebe Cotton an adult wife of T. J. C. |
Mercy Warren Bramhall an adult |
June |
7 |
Rebecca Bartlett an adult wife of Capt. Joseph B. |
Edward Winslow Watson adult |
George Son of Joseph & Mary Whiting |
June |
14 |
Lucretia Ann daughter of B. M. & Lucretia B. Watson |
Sarah Jackson |
Margaret Minot |
Harriot Witherell |
5 |
John Robinson Son of James & Sally Kendall |
Eliza Ann |
Benja Paris |
Augustus |
Sally Gorham |
Eveline Goodwin |
Samuel Salsbury |
Wilham Hall |
Salsbury |
July |
26 |
John Augustus |
Charles |
James Warren son of Capt. Charles & Charlotte Mercy |
Augt |
2 |
Ann Frances daughter of Wilham & Esther Hammatt |
Oct. |
4 |
Jane |
Mary Bishop |
Emila Henrietta |
Abbe |
Benjamin Howland |
[111] 1818 Continued
Oct. |
7 |
Lucy Cotton |
Lydia |
Charles Thomas |
Oct. |
11 |
Mary Williams daughter of Hamlin Tilson |
Dec. |
13 |
James Thomas son of James & Sarah Bartlett baptized in private on account of sickness |
Dec. |
27 |
Betsey Burges an adult |
Jan. |
12 |
Hannah Stevenson daughter of Col. J. B. Thomas baptized in private the day before her death |
April |
4 |
Elizabeth Ann |
Pelham Winslow |
Charles Latham |
George Partridge |
June358 |
27 |
Martha LeBaron |
John Stevenson |
Priscilla daughter of John & Priscilla Sampson |
Sept. |
19 |
Rebecca daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth Jackson |
Nov. |
21 |
Ellen Lincoln daughter of Wid. Ann Boutelle |
March |
19 |
Charles Allen Son of Deborah & Alden Lucas |
June |
4 |
Sylvanus Taylor Son of James & Sarah Bartlett |
July |
16 |
Benjamin Marston Son of Benja M. Watson & his wife Priscilla |
6 |
Lewis Colburn Son Nathl & Rhoda Wood |
Nov. |
19 |
Mary Ann daughter of Charles & Charlotte Mercy |
April |
1 |
Hamlin Son of Hamlin Tilson |
May |
13 |
Hannah Stevenson daughter of Col. J. B. & Mary Thomas |
June |
25 |
John Burgis an adult |
[112]359 Record of Baptisms Con.
Feb. |
24 |
Jane Elizabeth daughter of Sally & James Bartlett |
May |
12 |
Lucia Jane daughter of Nathl & Martha Russell |
June |
9 |
Jonathan Sturgis Son of Benja & Lucretia Watson |
April |
6 |
Betsey Foster Morton daughter of Dea. Wm P. Ripley Harriet Maria daughter of Nathl & Rhoda Wood |
July |
20 |
Julia Parkhurst daughter of Revd James & Sally Kendall |
Augt |
24 |
George Finney son of Alden & Deborah Lucas |
Dec. |
7 |
Susan Turner daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth Jackson |
Augt |
1 |
Rebecca Morton360 |
Hannah White361 |
Charles Gideon |
William Thomas |
Sarah Elizabeth362 |
Feb. |
26 |
Elizabeth Allen daughter of Alden and Deborah Lucas |
May |
14 |
Rebecca daughter of Simeon Dyke |
May |
14 |
Winslow Warren Son of Capt. Gideon & Rachel White |
July |
2 |
Mary Ann daughter of James B. Jun. & S. Bartlett |
Augt |
20 |
John Rosseter Son of John Winslow Cotton363 |
Sept. |
3d |
Joseph Bartlett adult with his daughter Rebecca |
Sept. |
23 |
Meriah Torrey Jackson |
March |
30 |
Lucy Bagnal wife of Benja B. |
June |
15 |
Joseph Johnson an adult in private on account of sickness |
Augt |
10 |
Ellen Hobart an adult daughter of Barnabas Hedge |
24 |
Susan Louisa |
Betsey |
Thacher John |
Eliza Ann |
Dec. |
7 |
Abigail daughter of Ichabud Morton |
Jany |
4 |
Lydia Churchill an adult aged 84 years |
April |
5 |
Charles Alwin son of364 Wid. Mary D. Graten |
July |
19 |
Elliot365 son of Nathl Russell Jun. & Catharine R. |
Nov. |
8 |
Hannah Witherell an adult aged 84 |
August |
1st |
Lucy Emily |
Betsey Crocker |
Elizabeth |
Sept. |
5 |
Martha LeBaron daughter of Nathl Jun. and Catharine Russell |
Oct. |
31 |
George Ellis Son of Ichabud Morton & wife |
Feb. |
19 |
Jane Sturtevant |
Sarah Sturtevant and |
Rebecca Warren Sturtevant |
March |
31st |
Rebecca Taylor daughter of James & S. Bartlett |
June |
26 |
Nathaniel Son of Ichabud Morton |
Nov. |
Mary Elizabeth |
Henry Ware |
March |
4 |
Ann Maria Weston baptized & admitted to the Chh. |
May |
6 |
Susan Leach Harlow baptized & admitted to the Chh. |
June |
24 |
Elizabeth Barnes baptized & admitted to the Chh. |
Sept. |
22 |
Francis Henry Son of Nathl Russell Jun. |
[114] Record of Baptisms
May |
12 |
Ichabud Son of Ichabud Morton |
Augt |
25 |
Laura Dewey daughter of Andrew L. Russell — the mother of the infant died of fever |
June |
7 |
Ichabud Morton’s Son named Austin |
Augt |
9 |
Anna daughter of Nathl Jun & Catherine Russell |
Emory Wells Sudler Son of Edwin R. Cotton |
Jany |
29 |
Howard Son of Ichabud Morton |
Feb. |
2 |
Isabella Thomas daughter of I. N. Stoddard |
Feb. |
26 |
Susannah Wid. Capt. Lothrop Turner Baptized in private on366 account of sickness |
July |
2d |
Wid Mary Spooner |
Bourne Spooner |
Hannah B. Spooner |
Wid. Hannah Nicholson |
Wid. Hannah Otis Spooner |
Augt |
27 |
Nathaniel Son of Nathaniel Russell Jun. |
Elizabeth daughter of Benja & Lucy Bagnall |
Sept. |
3 |
Wid. Elizabeth Sampson |
Abigail Mercy Sampson |
Nov. |
5 |
Wid. Grace H. Goddard |
Thomas Russell |
Mary Ann Russell |
Rebecca Russell |
Nov. |
26 |
Charles Walter |
John Adams |
Edward Amasa |
Dec. |
30 |
Elizabeth Russell |
Lydia C. Russell |
Mary Russell |
Wm Goodwin Russell |
Thomas Russell |
Francis Jane Russell367 |
Dec. |
31 |
Nathaniel Goodwin |
Susan Turner |
Sarah Turner |
[115] Continued
Jany |
13 |
Thomas Edwin Sudler Son of R. E. Cotton |
Feb. |
18 |
John Thomas Son of I. N. Stoddard |
Augt |
12 |
Sarah Loring |
and |
Hersey Jones |
March |
8th |
Eliza Ann Watson adult |
July |
4th |
Ellen Otis |
and |
Catharine Brindley. |
July |
5th |
William Son of Rev. Geo. W. Briggs Junior Pastor of this Church |
Nov.368 |
1 |
Ephraim Spooner and his Wife Mary E. Spooner adults |
May |
9 |
William Green & Marcia Green adults |
Augt |
22 |
Nathaniel and Eliza Hussey children of Albert & Eliza Ann Goodwin |
May |
22 |
John Fredrick Son of Jacob Shrom (German) |
July |
2 |
Abigail Hollace widow |
Sept. |
3 |
Lewis Bartlett |
Margarett W. wife of Steven P. Brown |
Betsey Rogers Adults |
Jany |
14 |
Geo. Briggs Son of Andrew L. & Hannah W. Russell |
March |
2 |
Nathanl Lanman |
Isaac L. Hedge |
Marcia Churchill |
June |
2d |
Rose Standish daughter of William and Lydia C. Whiting of Roxbury |
[116] 1844 Record of Baptisms
July |
7 |
John Henry |
and |
Ann Catharine. |
Dec. |
22 |
Sarah Elizabeth daughter of Abram Baldwin and wife Germans in Mr B. Spooner’s employment |
Jacob Son of —— McLaughlin & Wife also in Mr Spooner’s employ |
Nov. |
30 |
Barbara daughter of John Swallenberry369 a German in the employ of Mr B. Spooner |
May |
10 |
Hanaman Henry Son of—Mr Lefler a German in Mr B. Spooner’s employment |
Augt |
8 |
Babara daughter of Mr Bonicnkie & Wife Germans in the employ of Mr B. Spooner |
Nov. |
7 |
Fredrick William Son of Henry Myer & Wife Germans in the employ of Mr B. Spooner |
John Frederick Son of John F. Goldsbury & Mary his Wife: — German in the employ of Mr B. Spooner |
Feb. |
4 |
John Russell Son of James T. and Mary Hodge baptized by Rev. G. W. Briggs |
March |
25 |
Isabella Thomas370 daughter of371 Wm. H. and Ann Whitman Mary daughter of I. N. and372 Martha Stoddard Baptized by Mr. Briggs |
May |
13 |
Baptized 4 children at Northtown Germans |
June |
10 |
Josephine Elise Marie daughter of Mr Müller German |
Augt |
6 |
Martha373 Le Baron daughter of Andrew L. & Hannah White Russell Baptized by Mr. Briggs. |
[117] 1849 Continued
Nov. |
11 |
Fredrick Henry and Jacob Henry children374 of a Mr Stevens a German |
Marie daughter of Henry Myer German a child of Mr Smith baptized by Mr Briggs |
Augt |
11 |
Christopher375 Louis Son of Louis Christopher Helm German |
Sept. |
15 |
Eleanor Wyman daughter of Mr Steven and Mrs Rebecca W Collingwood |
Jany |
Christian Adolph Son of John George and Johanna Elizabetha Schuh |
June |
8th |
Martha daughter of I. N. & Martha Stoddard |
Elizabeth Winslow daughter of Wm H and Ann S. Whitman (Baptized by Mr. Briggs) |
Caroline Louise daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Schmidt — Germans |
Nov. |
22 |
John George infant child of Frederick — German at North Town |
Herman Heinrick Son of Mr Schinpolk German |
Apr. |
8 |
Wilhelmina Magdalena child of Mr Reitemeier |
Hermand Henrick |
Catrina Loisa |
May |
2d |
A child of Mr Lyon German |
[118] 1852 Record of Baptisms
June |
13 |
Arthur |
and |
Eliot |
June |
20th |
Dorothea Amalie child of Gettlieb Ballonscheng |
July |
25 |
Dorothea Amalie child of Martin Keinrich |
Oct. |
3d |
Friedrich child of Andrew and Barbara Graf |
Dec. |
12 |
Mary Jane daughter of Steven and Rebecca W. Collingwood |
Dec. |
25 |
Henry Fredrick William Son of Chas. and Emilie Kleinhaus |
Jany |
6 |
Henery Adem Son of Augustus and Elewise S. Milber Germans |
March |
12 |
Kaderine Schmitd daughter of376 of Philip & Elizabeth377 Schmitd. I baptized a daughter of the same parents 2 years ago — by the name of Caroline Louise |
May |
1st |
Pricilla Weston a widow of four-score & four years — Baptized in private on a/c of her infirmity |
Augt |
6th |
John Henry Son of Herman and Mery Nemyer Germans |
July |
31st |
Lucy Cotton |
and |
Louisa Eugenia |
Augt |
10 |
Anna Martha Cattrina daughter of Friedrick and Maria Elizbeth Zahn Germans |
[119] Continued
Augt |
14th |
Anna378 Thomas daughter of I. N. and Martha Stoddard baptized by Rev. G. W. Briggs |
Sept. |
11 |
John Friedrig son of Mr — B[ ]ket Germans |
Anna daughter of Mr Bassert Germans |
Oct. |
2d |
Mari Elizabeth daughter of Otto and Elizbeth Hellmann Germans |
4th |
Catrina Dorothe daughter of Mr Lion German |
25 |
Charles Henry Louis Son of Ernest and Henriette Hoepe Germans |
Robert |
Ann |
Margreat |
and John |
March |
5 |
Phillip Son of Phillip Swarts and Mrs Swarts |
April |
5th |
Adam Heinrick Son of H. Leinhard German |
April |
14 |
Henry William Son of Charles and Emilie Kleinhaus |
May |
13 |
Elizabeth daughter of Mr Müller & Wife379 |
Sept |
17th |
Francis Tiffany Son of Rev. Henry L. Myrick and Lucy C. Myrick |
P.S. This Sabbath closed Mr Myrick’s connexion as associate Pastor—with this380 Parish.
[120] 1854 Record of Baptisms
Sept. |
24 |
David Son of William & Mary Dunn from Scotland |
Ellen Maria daughter of Anthony & Jane Richardson. From England |
Oct. |
Andrew William Son of Wm & Margarett381 Burns from Scotland |
Thomas Anderson Son of David and Marian Brown from Scotland |
John Son of Richard & Agnes Kennedy McLean from Scotland |
Oct. |
8 |
John Jacob Son of Lewis Hoepel and Christine Hoepel Germans |
Jany |
7 |
Mary Anna daughter of Casper H. and Catrina Eliza Myer Germans |
April |
8 |
Henry William Messenger Son of John J. and Louisa Messenger Germans |
June |
17 |
Friedrich Gustane Reitemeier Son of Friedrich and Wilhelmine382 Reitemeier |
July |
1st |
John Hendall Son of John F. & Fanny Potter383 of Wisconsin |
July |
3d |
William Russell and Harold Sons of Wm and Lydia Whiting of Roxbury |
July |
8th |
Joseph Son of Felix Detling and Theresia D. his wife Germans |
July |
29 |
Mary Ann daughter of Judge384 Thomas Russell and Nelly his wife |
Augt |
5th |
Louis Julius Erneste Slater Son of Mr Slater German |
Henry Charles William Hapes Son of Mr Hapes German |
Mary daughter of James T. and Mary S. Hodge |
Augt |
31st |
Charles Horace385 Son of Wm Brown and Wife colored people. The child was dangerously sick and died the next day |
Sept |
13th |
Charles Henry William Son of Carl386 and Mina Kleinhardt387 Germans |
16 |
Geo. Howland Son of I. L. and Martha Stoddard. Baptized by Dr Briggs |
Nov388. |
28 |
Casper Henry Son of Casmer Henry and Maria Klingerhagen Germans |
Dec. |
16 |
Elizabeth Augusta daughter of Mrs Reinhard her husband absent |
Dec. |
25 |
Mary Warren daughter of John and Agnis Gannett of Boston |
March |
9th |
William Thomas Son of Wm H Whitman the mother not living |
April |
20th |
Barbara daughter of Augustus and Elewise S. Milber Germans |
April |
26 |
Phillip Henry Son of Henry Skneider German |
May |
10 |
Maria Louisa daughter of John H. Nemeyer |
[122] Record of Baptisms
Sept. |
14 |
Philip Stadle son of Geo Stadle & wife Caroline daughter of Peter & Mary Smitd Philip Wilhelm son of Martin & Fredercka Keinrich |
Sept. |
21 |
Sarah Elizabeth daughter of William Dane Valentine Hermann son of Wilhelmina Hermann |
Sept. |
28 |
Helen389 daughter of Wm H. Cobb & Mercy R. C. his Wife |
Oct. |
18 |
John L. son of Louis & Christina390 Hebels |
Nov. |
2d |
Peter391 son of Peter Haler & Wife Ann Elizabeth Charle son of Jakel & Elizbeth Haler |
Decbr |
11 |
Christiana |
and |
Robert |
21 |
Fredreck Casper son of Casper H. Heyer |
Jany |
Mary C. Farriss and her daughter |
Elizabeth Farris |
Lydia Weston |
Feb. |
15 |
Robert Alexander son of David Brown |
Margeret Louise & Mary Anna children of Henry & Maria Foght |
Henry William son of Casper & Anna Monez |
March |
22d |
John Matheus Conobert son of Matheus & Katharina Stegmier Germans |
April |
5 |
Friederich Philip August son of Ernst and Henriette Hope |
Heinrich Jacob son of Heinrich and Caroline Bumann Germans |
[123] Continued
Sept. |
27 |
Louisa Adams daughter of Dr Edward and Hannah Spooner |
Feb. |
8th |
Joseph Son of Joseph McNelley |
April |
4 |
Marie Elizabeth daughter of Valentine H. and Wilhelmine Herrmann |
May |
John Friedrich son of Heinrich & Philipine Schneider |
Friedrich son of Peter & A. Liese Muhler |
Louise Caroline daughter of Franc & Barbara Schaefer |
Louise Zahn daughter of Valentine & Erlem Zahn |
Elizebeth Müller daughter of August & Louisea Müller |
July |
20 |
Charles Robert Son of Wm & Mary Dunn |
Janet daughter of Richard & Agnes McLean Germans |
Sept. |
26 |
Albert William Brand Son of Albert E. Heaye German |
Oct. |
2 |
William C. and Henry E Sons of Wm and Barbarace Hemmeale Germans |
Oct. |
10 |
Albert Edwart Son of Charles Heinrich and Barbara Dottlings Germans |
Jan. |
2a |
[124–139394] [140] Record of Deaths continued from V. 2d395
Janr |
12th |
Ichabd Holme’s Junr Child inft |
16 |
Widow Mercy Harlow |
18 |
Thaddeus Faunce Jr |
Febr |
5th |
Willm Burges & Melzar Pierce yg men drownd in the harbr |
6th |
––Rider’s Child |
Do |
Ebenr Nelson Junrs Child |
Caleb Howard suddn at Providce |
John Washburn |
Mar. |
22d |
Willm Jackson’s Child |
April |
10 |
Josiah Morton 84 |
23 |
Silvanus Samson |
24 |
Saml Churchills’ Child396 |
May |
3 |
Experience Morton |
Lucy Croswell |
June |
23 |
Ebenr Robbins |
ye 30 |
The Revd Chandler Robbins D.D.397 |
Edward Lanman |
Caleb Howland drownd398 |
July |
11th |
Mr Baileys Child |
Capt Lewis Holmes W Ind. |
Nathl Morton Agd 91 |
Diman Bartlett’s Wife |
Josiah Finney |
& |
Benj. Barnes |
Willm Goddard at sea |
Mary Cobb Maidn School Mistress |
Silvanus Harlow |
Lydia Dunham399 |
Zephr Holme’s Child400 |
Solomon Davees Child Augst 25401 |
Barnabs Donham Daught Sept 3rd |
Thos Covingtons Child Sept 24th |
Abner Sylvester Sept 26th |
Capt Enoch Randal ye 27th |
Mercy Jackson Octr 13th |
Jeremiah Holmes Junr ye 14th |
Jo: Treeble ye 3rds Child ye 18th |
Jno Rogerss Child a son ye 22nd |
Rufus Churchells Child Novr |
Widdo Eliza Warren Novr 22nd |
Thomas Washburns Child Decr 21st |
Janry |
3 |
Debo Crombie wife of Wm Crombie Junr |
4 |
Irene Thomson Widdo |
19 |
Sarah Curtis Widdo |
26 |
Patience Tinkcom |
10 |
Catherine Thacher Daugt Doctr James Thaehr Ichabod Berces402 Child in Decr Nathaniel Raymonds Son in January403 |
Feb. |
16 |
Youngest Child of Widow Elizabeth Savery404 |
18th |
Widow Lydia Atwood |
27th |
Ezra Burbank Joanna Howland daughter of Consider Howland desceasd |
March |
10 |
Saml Rider Junrs Child |
15th |
Asa Hall’s Child |
17th |
Thomas Torrey aged 75 |
20th |
Thomas Spooner aged 75 |
March |
27 |
Wid Sarah Lanman |
Ap. |
7 |
Elizabeth Finney |
May |
4 |
A Child of Abraham Howland |
May |
8th |
Wm McLathley’s Wife |
May |
23rd |
The Wid. Han. Cotton |
May |
29th |
a child of Lemuel Leach Jun. |
The Wid. Anna Gould June 2d |
Saml Briant June 21st |
Nathl Clark’s Jun. Child Jun 26 |
John Burbank’s Child June 28 |
A Child of Leml Robbins July 5 |
Nathl Thomas’ Child July 12 |
Benjn Warren Jun Do July 21 |
Saml Churchill’s Child July 22d405 |
Bradford Barnes’ Child July 26 |
Ichabud Morton’s Jur. Ch. 27th |
Lemuel Drew406 Do 29th |
John Carver Aug. 8th |
Daniel Churchill’s Child Aug. 17th |
The child of Robert Davie Sept 1 |
The Wid. Jane Robbins Relict407 of the late Dr Robbins aged 60 Sept. 12 |
Thomas Rogers Sept. 22 |
A Child of Lewis Weston Sept 23 |
A child of Zeth Nicholson Sept 24 |
A child of Sylvanus Churchill Sept 28 |
The Wife of Battles Sept. 30 |
Ephraim Bartlett Ebenezer Sampson & — Bartlett lost at sea on the 9th of408 Sept |
Anselm Robbins’ child Oct 5th |
Benj. Warren’s Jun Child Oct 7 |
Andrew Bartletts Child Oct 7409 |
Lord’s day June 30th 1799, died, after a long and distressing illness, The Revd Chandler Robbins D D. The justly & highly esteemed & greatly beloved Pastor of this Church; to the great and inexpressible loss of his bereaved flock, and his other numerous acquaintance. — After having faithfully and indefatigably laboured in this part of the Lords vineyard, nearly forty years, it pleased his Divine Master to release him from his service here, & call him home to receive a gracious reward.
May this awful frown of Providence upon this church be sanctified to their spiritual good, & may the great shepherd of Israel provide for this people a Pastor after his own heart!410
[142] Record of deaths Continued411
Oct. |
14412 |
John Russell |
Oct |
30th |
A Child of Thos Witherell Jun |
31st |
John413 Churchill |
Nov. |
1 |
A child of Wm Crandon |
Nov. |
2d |
A child of Col. Torrey |
Nov. |
4th |
A Child of Capt Lothrop Turner |
7th |
Thos Polen Jun |
9th |
A child of Nathl Bradford |
10th |
A child of Capt Tho’s Bartlett |
14 |
Betsey Bramhall |
18 |
Richard Holmes’ Child |
24th |
A Child of Henry Jackson |
Dec. |
3d |
Col. George Watson in the 83d year of his age |
7 |
Daniel Sears |
12 |
Wid. Mary Godard414 |
Rhody Coffin a black woman |
16 |
Robert Davie |
25 |
Hezekiah Tinkham |
26 |
A Child of Nathan Holmes |
28 |
Saml Marshall |
Seventy one deaths this year (viz. 1800,) in this Society. 12 had past the age of 70 years. 24 other adults of different ages. & 35 children.
Feb. |
19 |
Hannah Harlow daughter of Wd H. Harlow |
March |
13th |
Nat.416 Doten |
22d |
Dr Haywards Infant Child |
24th |
Lemuel Barnes Lydia Goodwin |
April |
16 |
Wid. Sarah Tinkham |
May |
4th |
—— Rider417 |
Solomon Bartlett |
May |
15th |
Natl Ripley’s Wife |
May |
25 |
The Wife of John Kempton |
June418 |
21 |
A child of Dorphin’s a black man |
22 |
A daughter of Eliza. Dunham |
July |
9 |
Widow Sylvester |
a child of Daniel Jackson |
Augt |
5 |
Eleazer Morton’s chld |
13th |
Joanna Holmes |
14th |
Wm Barnes’ Child |
18 & 19 |
two children of Doct. Marcy |
Augt |
30th |
Hannah Stevens |
Sept |
5th |
Jenny Morton |
17 |
A child of Josiah Diman |
18 |
The Wife of Cowit a Porteguese |
Sept |
19th |
Eleazer Morton’s daughter419 |
Charles Jackson’s Child |
Polly Torrey |
25 |
Thos. Bartlett’s child |
26 |
Steven Sampson’s Wife |
28 |
Josiah Morton’s Son |
29th |
George Threshers Child |
31 |
Prince Goodwin a black man’s child |
Oct |
3d |
Wm Burgis Child |
Wm Leonard’s Wife |
5th |
Capt Parsons Child |
Mr420 Bayley’s Child |
Steven Richmonds child |
Capt. Lucas’ wife |
7 |
Job Rider’s Son & |
Wm Leonard’s inf child |
8 |
David Dimans daughter |
Mr Brick’s child |
14 |
Job Brewster’s child |
15 |
Lemuel Brown’s Child |
Barnabas Holmes’ Child |
16 |
Thos. Bartlett’s Wife |
Wm Morton’s Wife |
22 |
Wm Morton’s Child |
24 |
Mrs Code’s Child |
26 |
Ephraim Bartlett421 |
28 |
Wm Morton’s Child |
29 |
Leml Nelson |
Mathew Cushings child |
[143] Continued
Nov |
8th |
Beja Holmes’ child |
9th |
Banabas Churchill’s Wife |
Nathl Holmes |
Abraham Howland |
Nathan Whiting’s Child |
Lemuel Leach’s daugt |
21 |
Wid. Meriah Mendel |
25 |
Bennett Symmons |
Dec |
1 |
Pelham Bradford’s wife |
4 |
Nelly a black woman |
5 |
Nathl Thomas |
21 |
Peabody Bartlett’s Child |
22 |
Benja Bartlett |
31 |
Wid. Bartlett, wife of Joshua Bartlett deceased |
Capt Ansel Rickard died at sea |
total, 67
[144] Record of deaths Continued
Under 5 years of age
Feb. |
14th |
Capt. Joseph Doten’s Child |
April |
13 |
Leml Bradford’s Child |
May |
4th |
Wm Weston’s Child |
July |
14 |
Ephraim Holmes child |
20 |
Simond Richmond’s Child |
28 |
Solomon Ingle’s Child |
Sept. |
6 |
Osborn Morton’s Ch |
7 |
John Atwood’s Child |
11 |
Daniel Goddard’s Child |
Daniel Finney’s Child422 |
15 |
Wm Rogers’ Child |
15 |
Roland Holmes Child |
20 |
Pelham Bradford’s Child |
Lemuel Drew’s Jun Child |
21 |
Capt Eleazer Holmes Child |
Capt Solomon Davie’s Child |
24 |
Capt Joseph Bartletts Child |
Capt Wm Brewsters two children |
Sept |
29th |
Wm Barnes’ Child |
30th |
David Turner’s Child |
Thos Bartlett’s Child |
Oct. |
3d |
Heman Churchill’s child |
Thos. Holmes’ Child |
6 |
Wm Allen’s child |
Lemuel Brown’s Child |
7 |
Capt John Paty’s Child |
Between 5 & 21423
July |
11 |
Henry Otis Son of Barnabas Otis died in Martinico |
Sept |
David Bacon’s Son |
Nov. |
28 |
Olive Holmes |
Under 5 years old
Oct. |
7th |
Lazarus Lucas’ Child |
9 |
Capt Thomas Paty’s Child |
John Dickson’s424 Child |
10 |
Peter Lanman’s Child |
Doct Godard’s Child |
14 |
Majr Wm Jackson’s Child |
Thos’ Witherell’s Child |
15 |
Zephaniah Holmes’s Child |
16 |
John Allen’s Child |
Joshua Bartletts Child |
17 |
Southward Shaw’s Child |
Capt Wm Holmes Child |
Between 21 & 70425
Feb. |
20 |
Widow Elizth Russell |
26 |
Joseph Trask |
19 |
Thos. Leonard drownd at sea |
Jan. |
1 |
George Straffin at Sea by lightening |
29th |
Ichabud Holmes Jun |
April |
18th426 |
Wm Davie appoplex.427 |
May |
13 |
Zeth Luce |
28th |
Abigail Vasset428 |
July |
11 |
David Bates |
Sept |
1 |
Benjamin Churchill Jur |
13 |
Joshua Bartletts wife |
24 |
Mercy Jackson the wife of Majr Wm Jackson |
Doct Goddard died the 3d of July on board the Boston Frigate |
Nov. |
3 |
Capt Ichabud Davee’s Wife |
Nov. |
13 |
Thos. Jackson Wife |
Dec. |
7 |
David Lothrop |
92 the whole number of deaths in the first precinct, 1802 |
under 5 years old
Dec. |
2 |
Samuel Rogers Child |
11 |
Saml Battles Jun Child |
20 |
Leml Bradford Child |
24 |
Capt James Bartlett’s Child |
70 & upwards429
Feb. |
26 |
Nathl Washburn |
28 |
Nathl Dunham |
March |
12 |
Wid. Washburn |
Augt |
31 |
Jeremiah Holmes |
Augt |
28 |
Wid. Mary Drew Wife of James Drew deceased |
Sept. |
20 |
Doct Wm Thomas |
Dec. |
24 |
Under 5 years old
Oct. |
15 |
John Douglas’ Child |
Samuel Rogers Child |
20 |
Ichabud B[ ]432 |
22 |
Wm Barnes Ch’d |
Lewis433 Churchill’s Child |
23 |
Joseph Bradfords Child |
Nathl Holmes’ Child |
24 |
Ichabud Morton Jur Child |
28 |
Widow Kyes’ Child |
31 |
Joseph Holmes Jur Child |
3 |
Eben Nelson’s Child |
15 |
—Chace’s434 Chld |
17 |
Wm Huestin Chd |
28 |
Majr Jackson’s Child |
[145] 1803 Continued
Under 5 years of age
Feb. |
4 |
Michell’s infant child |
March. |
6 |
Col. J. Torrey’s Infant Child |
March |
27 |
John Sylvesters Child |
April |
10th |
John Moroch’s Child |
13th |
John Burgis’s Child |
May |
1st |
Thomas Sears’ Child |
21st |
Ransel Jackson’s Child |
Sylvanus Paly’s Child |
June |
26 |
Capt. Eleazer Holmes’ Child |
July |
22 |
Wid. Polly Holmes Child |
Augt |
1t |
Wm Straffn’s Child |
Augt |
18 |
(Finny Leach’s child) |
Ansell Holmes’ Child |
20th |
Thos Sherman’s Child |
Sept. |
14435 |
Isaac Thomas’ Child |
23 |
Mr. Hollis’ Child |
Oct |
1 |
Thomas Homes’ Child |
6 |
the Wid. Gardner’s Child |
Between 5 & 21436
May |
7th |
Zaeheus Harlow’s Child |
Nov |
13 |
John Stevens437 daughter |
Dec. |
17 |
Zaeheus Harlow’s daughter |
Under 5 years
Nov. |
6th |
Bradford Barnes Child |
Nov. |
17 |
Dr Hayward’s two infants |
Dec. |
29 |
Heman Churchill’s child |
Between 21 & 70438
Jan. |
10 |
Jona Polden’s Wife |
Feb. |
3 |
Mevus’ (a black man) wife |
Feb. |
17 |
Wid. Sarah Churchill |
Saml Ellis drowned at the southward Jan |
Isaac Witherell died in the W. I. Jan. 22d |
Capt Joseph Doten died in439 Gaudaloupe Jan. 24 |
Benja Dunham at the same place |
Wm Weston 3tius in the Island of Martinico |
Dolphin Hubard black man at the same place |
Samuel Churchill died in the W. Indies |
May |
3d |
Dea. Wm Crombie’s Wife |
May |
25th |
Abner Holmes |
July |
8th |
John Roger’s Wife |
10th |
Eben.440 Luce |
H. Gardner died in the W. Indies June 10 |
Sept |
6 |
Wid. Abiah Landman’s daughter |
15 |
Thomas Holmes wife |
26 |
Samuel Barnes |
Oct |
1 |
Polden |
14 |
Wid. Priscilla Hammatt |
70 & upwards441
May |
1st |
Eben. Nelson’s Wife |
3d |
Madam Hammatt |
26 |
Mary Le Baron |
July |
25 |
Ichabud Holmes wife |
Between 21 & 70
Nov. |
1st |
Elkanah Churchill’s wife |
2 |
Hannah Barrett |
14 |
Elisha Dunham |
Dec. |
23 |
Dolphin a blackman |
53 deaths 1803 |
[146] Record of Deaths
Jany |
9th |
Thos Bradford’s Child aged 13 months |
12 |
Capt Wm Brewster aged 33 years |
26 |
George Le Mote aged |
Feb. |
9 |
Capt Wm Crombie aged 41 years |
March |
11442 |
Hannah Bartlett aged 53 years |
April |
3d |
Widow Bathsheba Doten aged 73443 |
19 |
Wid. Polly Homes 23 |
May |
1st |
Benja Homes’ Child aged one year |
6th |
John D. Dunbar’s wife aged |
15 |
Mr Eben. Holmes’ wife Unice Howard (a black girl) |
19 |
Daniel Goddard’s child aged 5 years |
May |
24 |
Wid. Eunice Howard aged |
5 |
Deborah Sherman |
June |
28 |
Calvin Crombie’s daughter aged 7 years |
Sally Tinkam aged |
July |
26 |
John D. Dunbar’s child |
27 |
Wid. Lydia Delano |
Augt |
Capt Lemuel Leach’s child (son) aged 10 years |
Corban Barnes 3d drowned at sea |
24 |
Joseph Wright aged 83 years |
25 |
Atwood Drew’s child aged two years |
Sept |
9 |
Capt. Elkanah Watson aged 72 years |
11 |
Bethiah Howard wife of Eben Howard |
16 |
Wid. Fanny Watson’s son aged 11 years |
27 |
Ezra Burbank’s child aged two years |
Oct. |
5 |
Wid. Sarah Holmes aged 86 years |
10 |
Wid Cobb’s child (burnt) aged 4 years |
12 |
Majr Benja Rider aged 72 |
15 |
A lad by the name of Crowel, a stranger444 shipwreckd with 4 others on Salter’s beach in the gale on the night of the 9th instant |
R. C. Parker & James Holmes drowned at sea on the 7th of Oct |
29445 |
Grace Cobb aged |
Nov. |
14 |
Capt Edward446 Morton aged |
24 |
Capt George Morton’s child |
30 |
John Sylvester’s child |
31 |
John Burges wife aged [147] |
Dec. |
22 |
Capt Eleazer Holmes aged 35 |
Mason &447 Maltiah Howard died in the W. Indies |
Jany |
15 |
Nehemiah Ripley aged 73 |
Jan. |
18 |
Sarah Cobb aged 58 |
21 |
Nehemiah Burbank’s child aged 2 months |
23 |
Capt Jesse Harlow’s wife aged 66 |
26 |
Wid. Elizth Rider aged 84 |
Feb. |
1 |
Capt Andrew Farrel448 an Irishman resident in Boston who with ten others was shipwrecked on Plymouth Beach on449 the night of ye 28th of Jany all of whom excepting the first mate perished in the storm |
Feb. |
10 |
John Doten’s infant child aged 3 weeks |
12 |
Rose’s daughter a black girl aged 8 years |
23 |
Widow Sarah Morton aged |
26 |
John Doten’s wife aged 24 years |
March |
11 |
Wid. Dorothy Bartlett aged |
5 |
Wid. E. Brewster’s child aged 18 months |
6 |
Jabez Doten aged |
9 |
Nehemiah Cobb aged 51 years |
19 |
Mary Dyer aged 25 years |
22 |
Wm Barnes child aged 18 months |
May |
18 |
Polden aged |
June |
4 |
Sylvanus Paty’s child aged 7 years |
5 |
Josiah Finney’s wife aged 37 years & an infant child a week before |
June |
15 |
Thomas Monton’s 4th child aged |
June450 |
5 |
A child of Richard Holmes Jun. aged 1 year |
6 |
Sylvanus Rogers Child aged 18 months |
July |
Richard Austin aged |
16 |
Ephraim Harlow’s Wife aged 35 |
July |
22 |
Grandchild of Willard Sears aged 8 years |
28 |
Capt Wm Weston’s Wife aged 69 years |
Augt |
11451 |
Saml Holmes Child aged one year |
6452 |
Daniel Churchill’s child aged 10 months |
19453 |
Mr Bosworth’s child aged 4 years |
[148] 1805 Continued
Augt |
23 |
Dr R. Cotton’s child aged 16 months |
27 |
Capt. Nathl Holmes aged |
31 |
Saml Bradford’s child aged |
Sept |
6 |
Atwood Drew’s child aged 17 months |
Ansel Holmes child aged 21 months |
Sept |
30 |
Capt Cornish’s Child aged 3 years |
Sept |
26 |
Lydia Holmes aged 37 years |
Oct. |
3454 |
Charles Ripley’s Child aged 20 months |
4 |
Spear’s Child aged 13 months |
8 |
Wm Morton aged |
9 |
Calvin Crombie’s child aged 20 months |
Nov. |
26 |
Joseph Treble aged 75 years |
27 |
Rebecca Dewy aged 60 years |
Dec |
31 |
Isaac Barnes child aged 3 years |
Nov. |
Capt Wm Straffin on his passage to the W. Indies |
Jan. |
19 |
A black woman in455 the arms house belonging to Pembroke |
Jan. |
20 |
Saml Sherman’s Wife in her 83d year |
Feb. |
7 |
Nehemiah456 Savery’s wife & infant |
Eleazer Morton’s Son aged 12 years |
20 |
Rebecca Dunham aged 74 years |
March |
26 |
Zaccheus Harlow’s child aged 5 years |
Edmund Sears’ wife aged |
April |
11 |
Atwood Drew’s child aged 7 months |
May |
17 |
John Churchill’s child aged 11 months |
May |
George Morton’s Child aged 10 weeks |
June |
25 |
Bartlett Le Baron aged 68 |
July |
9 |
Capt Ezra Harlow’s wife aged |
10 |
David Turner’s child aged 5 months |
14 |
William Lewis aged 28 |
25 |
Henry Howard aged 19 years |
26 |
Ellenor Morton aged 20 years [151457] |
Augt |
10 |
Capt Saml Rider’s infant child |
24 |
Wid. Mercy Morton aged above 70 |
30 |
Wid. Fanny Watson aged |
Sept |
14 |
Joseph Howland aged 56 |
Sept |
15 |
America Pearce’s Wife (black woman) aged 84 |
27 |
Mr Jennings’ infant child |
29 |
Hannah Marshall aged more than 20458 years |
31 |
Thomas Goodwin’s Wife aged 62 |
Oct. |
8 |
Capt Finney Leach’s child aged 18 months |
10 |
Lewis Harlow aged |
18 |
Ephraim Morton’s child aged 3 years |
22 |
George Ellis’ daughter aged 13 years |
30 |
Quash a negro man aged more than 70 |
Nov. |
3 |
Nymphas Marston’s daughter aged 7 years |
Nov. |
22 |
John Harlow’s wife aged 20 |
23 |
America’s child aged 26 months |
Dec. |
John Rock’s child aged 18 months |
4 |
Wid. Mary Thomas aged 74 |
Dec. |
10 |
Nathl Holmes child 5 years |
at Sea |
Charles Holmes |
Amaziah Harlow |
—Eddy |
— Lucas |
39 deaths this year
Feb. |
1 |
Capt. Ezra Finney’s wife & infant aged 27 |
March |
3 |
Richard Durfee’s wife aged 76 |
15 |
Isaac Bradford aged 21 |
31 |
Ebenr Cobb’s wife aged 68 |
April |
11 |
Richard Holmes’ Wife aged |
19 |
Capt Wm Bartlett aged 79 years |
May |
3 |
Capt George Morton’s infant child aged 1 week |
Capt Corban Barnes & his grandson Joseph Harlow drowned |
June |
6 |
David Drew aged 55 |
7 |
Capt Thomas Matthews aged 84 years |
10 |
Wid. Tabitha Plasket aged |
11 |
Nathan Churchill’s infant Child |
[152459] 1807 Record of Deaths
June |
Asa Barrow aged |
July |
2 |
Lemuel Brown’s child aged 2 years & 9460 months |
3 |
Meriah Harlow |
22 |
Hauskins461 infant child |
30 |
The Wife & infant of Barnabas Holmes Jun |
David Drew’s infant child |
Augt |
9 |
Capt Wm Sturdevant’s child 5 years |
Freeman Bartlett’s infant child aged 6 months |
Luke Purkins killed instantly by a water wheel |
10 |
Sylvanus Paty’s inf. child |
Benja M. Watson’s child aged 16 months |
18 |
Wid. Bethia Leonard aged 76 |
25 |
John Atwood’s child aged 10462 months |
30 |
Capt Pope’s child aged 7 years |
Sept |
3 |
Wid. Kempton sister of Capt Ripley |
6 |
Capt George Drew’s child 2 years |
8 |
Isaac Banks child aged under 9 months |
10 |
Henry Jackson’s child aged under 2 years |
12 |
Samuel Dickson’s child aged under 2 years |
13 |
Ephraim Morton’s child aged 13 months |
16 |
Wid. Desire Mathews aged 77463 years |
18 |
Daniel Goddard’s child 16 months |
19 |
Wilmoth Southack’s child aged one year |
Thos. Burgis’ wife |
20 |
Leavit Ripley aged 20 years |
Wid. Bryant aged more than 70 years |
23 |
Elizabeth Howland aged 80 years |
29 |
Bradford Barnes’ child aged 18 months |
Oct. |
5 |
Barbary a black woman middle aged |
6 |
Wid. Abigail Holmes aged more than 70 years |
11 |
Joseph Holmes’ child aged 16 months |
9 |
Joseph Drew’s child aged one year |
Nov |
1 |
Joshua Bartlett aged |
Wid. Mercy464 Drew |
Ichabud Morton’s infant child |
John Rock’s infant child aged 9 months |
Dec. 3–26 |
[153] List468 of Church Members now living Jany 1st 1799
Memo See a short account of a glorious Revival of Religion, by the wonderful Outpouring of the Spirit, in ye Years 1792 & 1793. at which period,469 the greater part of the following members were added to this Church. — In Page 83, of ye 2d Volume470
An account of the members of this Church, living, Jany 1 1799
- Revd Chandler Robbins Pastor
- Deacon William Crombie
- Deacon Ephraim Spoonor
- Deacon John Bishop
- Sylvanus Bartlett
- Benjamin Churchill
- Amaziah Churchill
- Josiah Johnson removed but not his Relation
- John Kempton
- Nathaniel Morton
- Thomas Spooner
- George Watson
- William Watson
- Mary Bartlett Lemls Wid.
- Hannah Churchill Jonathns
- Mary Doten Isaac’s
- Phebe Doten
- Patience Churchill Ebenrs
- Experience Harlow Jabez’s
- Abigail Holmes
- Eunice Howard
- Esther Jackson removed but not her Relation
- Elizabeth Kempton
- Priscilla Savery
- Joanna Ward
- Jane Swift
- Joanna White
- Elizabeth Spooner
- Hannah White
- Mary Cobb
- Sarah Cobb
- Elizabeth Howland
- Lydia Mason
The above were admitted before I came to Plymo Exceptg ye last six, who were united to us when the Union of ye 1st & 3d Chhs united Aprl 1 1784
C. Robbins
Continued471 — & ye following were all admitted, since the present pastor’s Settlement here — viz
- Lydia Goodwin
- Phebe Holmes
- Hannah Hedge
- Zerviah Crombie
- Mercy Morton
- Ichabod Morton
- Betty King
- Desire Mathews
- Mary Bacon
- William Sergeant
- Mercy Sever once Russell
- Benja Rider Junr
- Elizabeth Drew
- Ebenezer Cobb
- Priscilla Burbank
- Elizabeth Doten
- David Lothrop
- Thos Lewis removed &c
- Deborah Samson
- Lemuel Drew
- William Curtis removed
- John Cobb
- James Drew
- Joanna Morse once Swift removed to Rochr
- Elizabeth Stephens
- Susanna Swift
- Amaziah Ring472
- Mary Drew
- Mary Faunce
- Saml Ryder
- Hannah Winslow removd
- Mary Churchill
- Samuel Battles
- Hannah Robins Ripley
- William Dunham
- Jane Robbins
- Patience Diman
- Polly White
- Pear Goodwin
- Sarah Jackson. Hall’s wife473
[154474] [155] Record475 of Church members admitted contind
March |
3d |
Elizabeth Finney admitted in her last sickness |
March |
1st |
Sarah Kendall the Wife of the present Pastor of this Chh. removed her special relation from the South Chh in Andover to the first Chh of Christ in Plymouth |
May |
17th |
Wid. Elizabeth Barnes |
Feb. |
7th |
Doct James Thacher |
April |
11th |
Lucy Bartlett wife of Peabody Bartlett |
Sept |
27 |
Wid. Priscilla Hammat made a profession & owned the Covenant in her own house476 considering herself on her death bed as it proved to be |
Nov. |
Priscilla Hammat daugter of the deceased admitted to the Chh. & baptized |
Augt |
12 |
Nathl Goodwin |
Ruth Goodwin |
Ann Goodwin & baptizd |
Eliza Le Baron |
Betsey Hayard Thacher |
The above persons were all admitted to the chh. at the same time |
Oct. |
13 |
Priscilla Watson |
June |
23 |
Martha Holmes |
Lucy Dyer |
Bethiah Dyer |
Sept |
29 |
Lucy Goodwin & admit, to baptism |
April |
13 |
Jonathan Newell |
May |
18 |
Elizabeth Brewster |
Susanna Leonard |
June |
8th |
Lydia Bradford |
June |
29 |
Mary Holmes |
Elizabeth Allen |
Deborah Lucas |
Lemuel Simmons |
Nov. |
2 |
William Le Baron |
Jan. |
25 |
Elizabeth Bartlett |
March |
22 |
Josiah Cotton Esqr removed his relation from Wareham Rachel Cotton |
May |
3 |
Hamlin Tilson removed his relation from the chh. in Plymton478 |
Nov. |
1 |
Lydia Bramhall Polly Morton |
Sept |
4 |
Nathan’l Russell Martha Russell |
Nov. |
6 |
Sarah Jackson (once Le Baron) |
Jany |
1 |
Wm Putnam Ripley |
Simeon Dyke |
Mary Dyke |
Lucy Mayhew Nicholson |
[156] 1809 Continued
April |
2 |
Ezra Shaw Goodwin |
April |
30 |
Mary Clarke wife of John Clarke |
Jane Barnes wife of Bradford Barnes |
Hannah Mercy |
Elizabeth Morton Turner |
July |
22 |
Wid. Hannah Leonard |
Catherine Morton wife of Wm Morton |
Mary Drew |
Augt |
6 |
Wid. Hannah Holbrook & baptized |
June |
26 |
Hannah Burbank admitted in private on account of sickness & received the elements |
4 |
Martha Clark admitted in private on account of sickness Sarah Morton admitted in private on account of sickness & baptized |
May |
17 |
Wid. Mary Mayo dismissed from the Chh. in Orleans & recommended to this chh. |
Oct. |
11 |
William Reed |
Dec. |
22 |
William Clarke aged 73 years admitted at his own house & baptized on account of his deafness |
July |
Charles Dyer |
May |
4th |
Jesse Churchill restored to christian fellowship & communion |
[157] Continued
Augt |
25 |
Rhoda Wood wife of Nathl Wood admitted & baptized |
Sept |
15 |
Experience Hayward wife of Beza Hayward Esqr admitted in private on account of sickness & baptized |
May |
4 |
Charlotte Warren admitted & baptized |
July |
6 |
Hannah J. Goodwin |
Sept479 |
7 |
Lydia Burbank (wife of Ezra) admitted in private on account of ill health & baptized |
Jan. |
18 |
Lucy Goodwin admitted & baptized in private on account of dangerous sickness |
March |
9 |
Sally Kendall dismissed & recommended from the Chh. in Templeton |
April |
26 |
Priscilla Cotton wife of Dr Cotton |
Wid. Nancy Brewster admitted & baptized |
Sarah Bartlett the Wife of James B. Jun |
Priscilla Sampson wife of John S. and baptized |
Phebe Cotton wife of Capt. T.J.C. and baptized |
Mercy Warren Bramhall and baptized |
June |
7 |
Rebecca Bartlett wife of Capt Joseph B. & baptized |
Eunice Watson wife of John Watson |
Sally Jackson wife of Salsbury Jackson |
Lucretia B. Watson wife of Benja M. Watson |
Edward Winslow Watson admitted & baptized |
June |
28 |
Mary Russell widow |
Sept. |
6 |
Sukey Crandon wife of Benja Crandon |
Oct. |
7 |
Lucy Jackson wid of Charles J. admitted in private on account of sickness |
1 |
Sarah Drew |
Dec. |
27 |
Doct Caleb Boutelle |
Betsey Burges and baptized |
[158] Continued
March |
7 |
Col. John B. Thomas &480 Mary H. Thomas his wife |
March |
28 |
Dr Nathan Hayward and Joanna Hayward his wife |
John Burgis and Ruth Burgis his wife |
Nov. |
17 |
Beza Hayward Esqr transferred his relation from the second Church in Bridgwater to this Church |
Feb. |
19 |
Rebecca Davis wid. of William Davis Esq |
Joann Davis wid. of Wm Davis Jun |
Sept |
3d |
Joseph Bartlett with his daughters Rebecca and Eliza Ann Bartlett |
Sept. |
23 |
Meriah Torrey Jackson admitted & baptized |
Dec. |
16 |
Mary Ann Warren |
Sarah Kendall |
Hannah Poor Kendall |
March |
30 |
Lucy Bagnal wife of Benja B. admitted & baptized |
June |
15 |
Joseph Johnson an adult admitted & baptized in private on account of ill health |
Augt |
10 |
Barnabas Hedge |
Eunice Denney Hedge 100 |
Ellen Hobert Hedge and baptized |
Augt |
24 |
Susan Thacher Bartlett |
Oct |
19 |
Elizabeth Ann Hayward |
Nov. |
2 |
Ichabud Morton [159] |
Jany |
4 |
Lydia Churchill and baptized |
Mary Dyer Graton |
Feb. |
1st |
Lucretia Ann Watson |
May |
4 |
Pelham W. Warren |
Jennet Warren counted thus far |
July |
5 |
Caroline Jackson |
Nathl Russell Jun |
Mary H. Russell |
Andrew L. Russell |
Mercy Ann Russell |
John S. Hayward |
Susan Hayward |
Mary Ann F. Stevenson |
Mary E. Kendall |
Nov. |
8481 |
Hannah Witherell admitted & baptized |
Feb. |
19 |
Jane Sturtevant |
Sarah Sturtevant |
Rebecca Warren Sturtevant |
March |
4 |
Ann Maria Weston admitted & baptized |
Lydia Mason Kendall |
May. |
6th |
Susan Leach Harlow admitted & baptized |
June |
24 |
Elizabeth Barnes wife of Joseph B. admitted & baptizd |
July |
5 |
Dr. Thomas Sturtevant of Middleboro’ aged 85482 |
Wid. Susannah Turner admitted in private on a/c of sickness |
July |
2d |
Wid. Mary Spooner |
Bourne Spooner |
Hannah B. Spooner |
wid. Hannah Nicholson |
wid. Hannah Otis Spooner |
[160] 1837 Continued
July |
2d |
Jacob H. Loud |
Elizabeth Loud |
Louisa Cotton |
wid. Margarett Holmes |
Sept. |
3d |
Wid. Elizabeth Sherman |
Wid. Elizabeth Sampson & baptized |
Isaac Nelson Stoddard and wife |
Martha Le Baron Stoddard |
Persis Kendall |
Abigail Mercy Sampson & baptized |
Nov. |
5 |
Wid. Grace H. Goddard & baptized |
Thomas Russell & baptized |
Mary Ann Russell & baptized |
Rebecca Russell & baptized |
31 |
Nathaniel Goodwin |
Susan Turner |
Sarah Turner |
May |
5 |
Nancy Washburn wife of John Washburn |
Dec. |
15 |
William Drew admitted in private on account of sickness |
Eliza Ann Watson admitted in private & baptized |
July |
5 |
Ellen Otis Spooner daughter of wid. Hannah O. Spooner483 |
[161] 1840
Nov |
1 |
Ephraim Spooner & Mary E. Spooner his Wife admitted & baptized |
May |
9 |
William C. and Marcia Green adults admitted and baptized |
March |
6484 |
Betsey Holmes wife of Capt. S.D.H. |
July |
2 |
Capt Thomas Paty |
Mrs Winslow Drew |
Sept. |
3 |
Lewis Bartlett |
Margarett W. wife of Steven P. Brown |
Betsey Rogers |
March |
2 |
Nathaniel C. Lanman & baptized |
Isaac L. Hedge & baptized |
Marcia Churchill & baptized 169 |
Jany |
5 |
Martha C. Churchill wife of Geo. Churchill |
May |
4 |
Nancy B. Rogers & baptized |
Wm S. Russell and Mary W. Russell his wife transferred their relation from487 the Chh. in Purchase St Boston to this Chh. |
Lucia Jane Briggs wife of Rev. Geo. W. Briggs Junior Pastor of this Chh. |
Catharine Kendall |
March |
6 |
Betsey Bagnal Wid. Priscilla Weston |
P. S. [One hundred & eighty admitted since my Ordination]488
[162] A list of members of the First Chh. in Plymouth Jany 1st 1853
Females |
Females489 |
Males |
[163] Record of Chh. Members admitted Jany 11th 1857
Mary Carver Farris and her daughter |
Elizabeth Farris |
Lydia Weston492 |
[170] Record of Marriages. Pr Chr Robbins Contind from 2d Vol.494
Janr |
7th |
Levi Reed of Pembroke & Lucy Doten of Plymo |
20th |
Ephraim Bartlett & Abigail Holmes both of Plymouth |
Febr |
10th |
Daniel Doten & Sarah Edwards both of Plymo |
17 |
Amaziah Churchill Junr & Martha Doten both of Do |
Mar. |
7th |
Oliver Kempton & Sarah Harlow both of Do |
28 |
Jonathan Harvey & Hannah Bates |
Stephen Paine & Sukey Bates Sisters marryd same Eveng standg up together. The 2 men married first, then ye Brides, all of Plimo |
April |
7th |
Thomas Wethrell Junr & Nancy Shaw both of Plimo |
18 |
John Bartlett 3d & Rebecca Ryder both of Plimo |
May |
19 |
Nathl Jackson & Deborah Harlow both of Plymo |
26 |
John Locke Esqr & Hannah Goodwin |
28 |
Nathan Holmes & Ruth Cobb both of Plymo495 |
Record of Marriages by James Kendall496
Jan. |
15tn |
Simond Richmond & Lydia Anderson Simmons both of Plymouth |
Feb. |
11 |
Finney Leach & Mercy Bartlett both of Ply. |
19th |
Rev. Ward Cotton of Boylstone & Rebecca Jackson Ply. |
March |
15 |
Ichabod Shaw Jun. & Esther Holmes of Ply. |
April |
1st |
Samuel Robbins Jun. of Ply. & Pamelia Donham resident in Ply. |
27th |
Thomas Bradford & Polley Holmes both of Ply. |
May |
11th |
Woodworth Jackson & Meriah Morton Torrey of Ply. |
May |
16th |
Zadock Packard of Bridgwater & Rebecca Phillips of Plymouth |
June |
18th |
Nathanl Russell & Martha Le Baron both of Plymouth |
22d |
George Perkins & Experience Brattles of Plymouth |
Aug. |
4th |
Anselm Gibbs of Wareham & Lucy Le Baron497 of Plymouth |
Oct |
22d |
Sylvanus Sampson & Ruth Burges both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
23d |
Haywood Gardner & Mehitable Paine both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
10th |
James Howard & Hannah Churchill both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
27th |
Sylvanus Bisby of Rochester & Lydia Jackson of Plymouth |
James Southwick & the Widow Hannah Churchill both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
3d |
Joseph Bradford & Nancy Barnes both of Ply. |
28 |
Caleb Faunce & Rebecca Brown both of Plymouth |
March |
15 |
Isaac Drake & Elizabeth Morton both of Ply. |
April |
11 |
Beza Hayward Esqr & Mrs Experience Russell The former of Bridgewater the latter of Plymouth |
16 |
Benjamin Pearce of Duxboro’ & Polly Sampson of Plymouth |
27 |
Isaac Bartlett & Fear Cobb both of Ply. |
May |
14 |
Robert Donham Jur & Wid. Sarah Goddard both of Plymouth |
Augt |
6 |
Ansel Bartlett & Polly Lanman both of Plymouth |
Sept. |
Samuel Virgin & Easter Cooper both of Plymouth |
20th |
William Weston ye 3d & Polly Sampson Holmes of Plymouth |
Oct. |
11 |
Wm Holmes 3d & Ruth Morton both of Ply. |
18 |
John Porter Jun of Abington & Ellenir Doten Plymouth |
[172] 1801 Record of Marriages
Oct. |
25 |
Edmund Churchill Jun & Mary Hueston both of Plymouth |
26 |
Elkanah Churchill & Eunice Finney both of Plymouth |
28 |
James Spooner & Margaret Symms both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
8th |
Ansell Holmes & Patty Barnes both of Plymouth |
Peter Holmes & Sally Harlow both of Plymouth |
John Allen of Salem & Mary Nicholson of Plymouth |
Nov. |
29th |
Wm Whitmarsh Fanny Hatheway both of Plymouth |
30th |
Samuel Churchill Jun & Nancy Commington both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
3 |
Caleb Churchill & Lydia Grenold both of Plymouth |
March |
21 |
Atwood Drew & Lydia Rider both of Plymouth |
25 |
John Paty Jun & Assenah Churchill both of Plymouth |
28 |
Samuel Barnes & Lucy Stetson both of Plymouth |
30 |
Doct Nathaniel Lothrop & Lucy Hammit both of Plymouth |
April |
1st |
Thomas Morton 4th & Nancy Paty both of Plymouth |
25 |
Pelham Bradford & Joanna Downs both of Plymouth |
Sept |
19 |
Jacob Tinkam & Rebecca Morton both of Plymouth |
[173] 1802 Con.
Oct. |
31 |
Wait Atwood & Polly Treble498 both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
2 |
Josiah Morton Ply & Abigail Winsor of Duxboro’ |
8 |
Elkanah Bartlett Jun & Sarah Code both of Plymouth |
19 |
Samuel Holmes 3d & Sally Luce both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
10 |
Job Cobb Jur & Nancy Doten both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
30th |
David Drew Jun & Sally Churchill both of Plymouth |
Feb. |
8th |
Joseph Whiting & Polly Morton both of Plmo |
April |
8th |
Heman Cobb & Betsy Whitmarsh both of Plymouth |
May |
11th |
Ephraim Morton & Dorcas Brown both of Plymouth |
June |
27th |
Calvin Dunham of Carver & Hannah Harlow of Plymouth |
July |
17th |
Moses Hoit & Joanna Luce, both of Plymouth |
25 |
Melatiah Howard & Lydia Luce both of Plymouth |
27 |
Doct Benja Shurtleff of Boston & Sally Shaw of Plymouth |
Augt |
21st |
Joseph Davie & Hannah Faunce both of Plymouth |
Oct |
9th |
Samuel Dixon & Polly Churchill both of Plymouth |
16 |
Wm Huestin Jur & Lucy Finney 2d both of Plymouth |
23 |
Ezekial Rider & Polly Holmes both of Plyo |
[174] 1803 Record of Marriages
Nov. |
16 |
Joseph Locke Esqr of Billerica & Lydia Goodwin of Plymouth |
18499 |
Capt. Gideon S. Alden of New Bedford & Priscilla Le Baron of Plymouth |
Dec. |
1st |
Levi Vaughan of Carver & Phebe Donham of Plymouth |
4 |
Barnabas Churchill & Lydia Cole both of Plymouth |
15 |
Amos Whiting & Priscilla Holmes both of Plymouth |
29 |
Hosea Vaughan & Jedidah Harlow of Plymo |
Jan. |
15 |
Thos Spear & Clarissa Harlow both of Plymouth |
16 |
John Holmes of Duxboro’ to Wid. Polly500 Holmes Ply. Monument Pond |
Feb. |
2 |
Ephraim Finney & Phebe Wright both of Plymouth |
12 |
James Treble & Susanna Holmes both of Plymo |
15 |
Thomas Jarvis of Boston & Judith Hedge of Ply. people of colour |
March |
21 |
Jesse Robbins & Betsy Churchill both of Ply. |
April |
12 |
George Simmons & Mercy Bates of Ply. |
June |
14 |
David Ripley Jun of Plimpton & Hannah Wadsworth Cuffe of Plymouth |
28 |
Ichabud Hall & Priscilla Crowit both of Ply, |
Augt |
12 |
Daniel Roberts Elliot of Waynsborough, Georgia, & Betsy Hayward Thacher of Plymouth |
Sept |
16 |
Coomer Weston & Hannah Doten both of Plymouth |
23 |
James Allen of Boston & Priscilla Brown of Plymouth |
29 |
Abiather Smith & Wid. Mehitable Paine of Plymouth |
Oct. |
22 |
Doct Abraham Haskell of Lunenburg to501 Mrs. Experience Cotton of Plymouth [175502] |
4 |
Wm Drew Jun & Sally Holmes both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
6 |
Edmund Freeman of Sandwich & Lucy Churchill of Plymouth |
Nov. |
11 |
Joseph Churchill & Mercy Goodwin both of Plymouth |
15 |
Thomas Williams & Polley McCarter both of Plymouth |
18 |
Lewis Goodwin & Anna Lucas both of Plymouth |
21 |
Alden Lucas & Deborah Barnes both of Plymouth |
22 |
Thomas Burges 3d & Lucy Lanman both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
11 |
Thomas Holmes Jun & Unice Morton both of Plymouth |
13 |
Josiah Morton 3d & Lucy Burges both of Plymouth |
23 |
Ebenezer Howard & Wid. Thankful Lemont both of Plymouth |
30 |
Isaac Loudon & Anna Holmes of Pembroke |
Jan. |
3 |
John Harlow Jun & Betsey Harlow Torrey both of Plymouth |
Feb. |
17 |
George Sylvester & Mary Landman both of Plymouth |
March |
23 |
John Goodwin & Deborough Barnes both of Plymouth |
26 |
Daniel Clark & Martha Bramhall both of Plymouth |
April |
John Burgis Jun & Susanna Sampson both of Plymouth |
March |
28th |
Capt George Drew & Miss Fanny Glover both of Plymouth |
April |
25 |
Mr Thomas Jackson & Miss Sarah Le Baron both of Plymouth [176] 1805 |
May |
5 |
Mr Joshua Bartlett & Miss Elizabeth Goodwin both of Plymouth 100 |
June |
10 |
Mr Wm Nye of Sandwich & Miss Lucy Sylvester of Plymouth |
July |
10 |
Capt Jesse Harlow & Sally Cotton both of Plymouth |
Sept |
8th |
John Gray Jun of Kingston & Sarah Battles of Plymouth |
Nov. |
28 |
Joseph Wright & Lucy Burgis both of Plymo |
Thomas Fish Jun of Pembroke & Cynthia Doten of Plymo |
John Hall & Mary Pigsley both Plymo |
Wm Leonard & Susanna Bartlett both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
16 |
James Curtis of503 Pembroke & Sarah Churchill of Plymouth |
30 |
Alpheus Richmond & Abigail Simmonds both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
26 |
Lyman Adams of Albany N. York & Elizabeth Goddard of Plymouth |
March |
13 |
David Burbank & Polly Bryant both of Plymouth |
16 |
Josiah Donham & Betsy Donham both of Plymouth |
27 |
Chandler Burges & Jane Morton both of Plymouth |
April |
6 |
Ephraim Bradford & Hannah Morton both of Plymouth |
Thomas Savery & Joanna Burbank both of Plymouth |
[177] 1806 Continued
April |
22 |
Josiah Robbins & Experience Morton both of Plymouth |
May |
8th |
William Finney & Patty Harlow both of Plymouth |
July |
2 |
Barnabas Lucas & Lucy Bryant both of Plymouth |
31 |
Joshua Pratt & Ellen Boyse both of Plymouth |
11 |
John Mendal Nichols & Sally Lanman both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
14504 |
Joseph Drew & Desire Goodwin both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
13 |
Solomon Faunce & Ellen Bradford both of Plymouth |
Labin Burt & Hannah Holmes both of Plymouth |
16 |
Charles Howland & Deborah Clark both of Plymouth |
27 |
John Atwood & Hannah Richmond both of Plymouth |
30 |
Freeman Morton & Rebecca Harlow both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
11505 |
Sewell Priest & Mary Pitsly residents in Plymouth |
14 |
John Blaney Bates to Mary Taylor both of Plymouth |
15 |
John Richards506 & Lucy Hoskins both resident in Plymouth |
[178] 1807 Record of Marriages
April |
14 |
Bartlett Holmes Jun & Eliza. Paty both of Plymouth |
16 |
Wm Langford & Betsy Morton both of Plymouth |
19 |
Clift Baley & Nancy Ellis both residents in Plymouth |
May |
10 |
Steven Ellis & Betsey Churchill both of Plymouth |
10 |
Zenas Ripley & Lydia Simmonds both of Plymouth |
24 |
Rev. Caleb Holmes507 of Dennis & Miss Lucy Goodwin of Plymouth |
Bartlett Bradford & Lucy Bradford both of Plymouth |
Wm Churchill & wid. Patty Harlow both of Plymouth |
Elias Cox of Pembroke & wid. Patience Calderwood Plymouth |
May |
26 |
Davis Paine & Charlotte Hatheway both of Plymouth |
28 |
Abner Burgis & Deborah Wright both of Plymouth |
June |
7 |
James Bartlett 3d508 & Sally Witherell both of Plymouth |
July |
12 |
Ebenr Holmes & Susanna Frize both of Plymouth |
Sept. |
18 |
John Battles & Lydia Rickard both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
18 |
Ezekiel Loring Jun of Plimpton & Lydia Sherman of Plymouth |
Seth Paty & Phebe Barnes both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
30 |
Thomas Soul of Duxbury & Sally McCarter of Plymo. [179] 1807 |
Dec. |
2 |
Ivory Harlow & Lucy Barnes both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
3 |
William Treble & Betsy Harlow both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
6 |
Capt. Ichabud Davie & Nancy Bartlett both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
10 |
Benja Weston & Joanna Washburn both of Plymouth |
Dec |
17 |
Wm White & Fanny Gibbs both residents of Plymouth |
Dec. |
24 |
Isaac Cole & Sarah Holmes both of Plymouth |
Jany |
3 |
Calvin Richmond & Sally Jackson both of Plymouth |
March |
27 |
Benja Dillard & Mercy Ellis both of Plymouth |
14 |
William Comstock of Lime Connecticut & Hannah Faunce of Plymouth |
15 |
Wm Adams a foreigner & wid. Sophia Eddy of Plymouth (Mar. by Judge Spooner) |
May |
7 |
Joseph Barnes Jun & Jane Brewster Both of Plymouth |
June |
12 |
Wm Keen Jun & Abigail Barnes both of Plymouth |
July |
20 |
America Perce & Catharine Arms509 people of colour both of Plymouth |
July |
24 |
Capt Ezra Finney & Wid. Betsy Bishop both of Plymouth |
Augt |
6 |
Wm Rogers Jun & Rebecca Lanman of Ply. |
[180] 1808 Record of Marriages
Sept. |
4 |
Joseph Bramhall & Lydia Sherman both of Plymouth |
Sept |
10 |
John Clarke Jun. & Sally Rider both of Plymouth |
Gideon Holbrook & Elizabeth Howland both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
27510 |
Nicholas Smith & Rebecca Sears both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
13 |
Josiah Cotton Esqr & Priscilla Watson both of Plymouth |
Decr |
1 |
Jesse Dunham & Hannah J. Bagnal both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
29 |
Saml Jackson Jun of Mid.511 & Nancy Collings of Plymouth |
Jan. |
29 |
Lemuel Robbins Jur & Hannah Baley512 both of Plymouth |
March |
4 |
David Gray & Rebecca Drew of Plymouth |
March |
21 |
Gideon Perkins & Joanna Drew both of Plymouth |
May |
29 |
Putnam Kimball & Elenor Dunham both of Plymouth |
June |
16 |
Daniel Jackson Jun & Elizabeth M. Turner both of Plymouth |
July |
13 |
John Chandler & Hannah Sturtevant both of Plymouth |
Augt |
12 |
Elisha Pope of Sandwich & Lydia Cotton of Plymouth |
20 |
Caleb Boutell & Ann Goodwin both of Plymouth |
[181] 1809 Continued
Augt |
31 |
Daniel Lewis & Lucy Sampson both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
19 |
Thomas Goodwin Jun & Abigail T. Torrey both of Plymouth |
March |
6 |
Capt. Thomas Atwood & Elizabeth Tufts both of Plymouth |
March |
15 |
Wm Brown & Sally Thomas both of Plymouth |
April |
15 |
Edward Morton & Priscilla Huestin both of Plymouth |
April |
22 |
John Kempton Cobb & Polley Nelson both of Plymouth |
May |
27 |
Lemuel Barnes & Susanna Marshall both of Plymouth |
June |
23 |
Wm Doten Jun & Lydia Donham both of Plymouth |
July |
12 |
Seth Churchell & Sally513 Seabury Simonds both of Plymouth |
6 |
Wm Holmes 3d & Mary Holbrook both of Plymouth |
Sept |
11 |
John Boies Thomas Attorney at law & Mary Howland Le Baron both of Plym. |
Wm Simonds of Boston Attorney at Law & Louisa Hammatt of Plymouth |
Isaac Goodwin Attorney at law of Sterling and Elizabeth Hammatt |
Sept. |
25 |
Capt. Jeremiah Holbrook & Peggy Dyer both of Plymouth |
[182] 1810
Nov. |
18 |
George Bramhall & Sarah Morton both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
29 |
John514 Harlow & Anna Burgis both of Plymouth |
Wm Polden & Eunice Sturdevant both of Plym. |
Dec |
3 |
Marshall Lane & Elizabeth Rogers both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
17 |
Benjamin Thomas of Barnstable & Deborah Bradford of Plymouth |
Jan. |
24 |
Bartlett Faunce & Lydia H. Savery both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
28 |
George Adams & Lucy Nye both of Plymouth |
March |
Hosea Churchill & Eunice Morey both of Plymouth |
April |
15 |
Phiplip Taylor of Pembroke & Nancy Le Baron of Plymouth |
June |
16 |
Robert Hutchinson & Deborah Brewster both of Plymouth 200 |
Augt |
19 |
Saml West Bagnal & Lois Thomas both of Plymouth |
Sept |
1 |
Elijah Sherman & Wid. Cynthia Fish both of Plymouth |
2 |
Eleazer Holmes & Betsey Rogers both of Ply. |
Oct. |
1 |
Samuel Landman & Content Thomas both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
18 |
John Sampson & Priscilla Burbank both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
21 |
Edward Nichols & Polly Rogers both of Plymo |
24 |
Henry Bartlett & Prudence Straffin both of Plymo |
Dec. |
5 |
James Robbins Doten & Betsy Robbins both of Plymouth [183] |
Feb. |
16 |
Barnabas Hedge 3d & Tryphena Covington both of Plymouth |
March |
5 |
Isaac M. Sherman & Hope Doten both of Plymouth |
March |
8th |
William Leonard & Abigail Bartlett both of Plymouth |
May |
31 |
Oliver Wood & Betsey Torrence both of Plymouth |
June |
15 |
William Holmes 3d Bathsheba Doten both of Plymouth |
19 |
Joseph Sturtevant & Mercy Cornish both of Plymouth |
28 |
Samuel Doten Holmes & Betsy Johnson both of Plymouth |
Augt |
7 |
Enoch Randall & Nancy Farmer both of Plymo |
Sept. |
28 |
Joseph Sanger & Hannah Mercy both of Plymo |
Oct. |
18 |
Solomon Davie Jun & Esther Le Baron both of Plymo |
19 |
Winslow Watson & Harriot Lothrop Goodwin both of Plymo |
26 |
Barnabas Holmes Jun & Margaret Rickard both of Plymouth |
29 |
James Read Jun & Sally Hatheway both of Plymo |
Oct.515 |
31 |
John Loring of Plympton & Abigail Thomas of Plymo |
1 |
Capt Jeremiah Holbrook & Bethiah Dyer of Plymo |
15 |
Isaac Howland & Phebe Saunders both of Plymo |
Dec. |
31 |
Joseph Burgis & Sally Richmond both of Ply. |
Feb. |
15 |
George Harlow & Lydia Ellis both of Plymo |
April |
1 |
Abraham Dunham & Patience Clarke both of Plymouth |
[184] 1813
April |
22 |
Ellis Holmes Jun & Lois Holbrook Bartlett both of Plymouth |
May |
9 |
Samuel Sherman 3d & Elenor Covington both of Plymouth |
June |
17 |
Seth Freeman Nye and of Sandwich and Sally Carver of Plymouth |
Augt |
1 |
Joshua Hatheway & Rebecca Foster both of Plymouth |
Sept |
12 |
Henry Howland & Susanna Leach both of Plymouth |
18 |
Elkanah Barnes & Cynthia Davis516 Simmonds both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
6 |
Ezra Maxim of Carver & Polly Reed of Plymo |
15 |
Bourne Spooner & Hannah Bartlett |
Nov. |
8 |
John Torrey Jun & Marcia Otis Warren of Plymo |
Nov. |
21 |
Steven Rogers & Polley Ripley517 both of Plymouth |
John Sherman Jun of Carver & Elener Barnes of Plymouth |
Jan. |
2 |
Joseph Cooper Jun & Siloa Paty both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
11 |
Thomas Russell & Mary Ann Goodwin both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
18 |
Capt Wm Bartlett Jun & Susan Thacher both of Plymouth |
Jan. |
23 |
Henry Swift & Mary Morton both of Plymouth |
[185] 1814
Feb. |
1 |
Clemmont Bates Jun. of Hanover & Irena Sanger Burgess of Plymouth |
Feb. |
24 |
Ephraim Chandler of Kingston & Deborah Rider of Plymouth |
March |
13 |
Wm Robnson518 & Rebecca Austin both of Plymouth |
April |
17 |
John Cunnet & Bathsheba Vollintine both people of colour belonging to Herring Pond |
April |
24 |
David Thrasher & Susanna Swift both of Plymouth |
May |
8 |
Josiah Gibbs of Sandwich & Jane Swift of Plymouth |
May |
23 |
Ellis Barnes & Mary Holmes both of Plymouth |
July |
1 |
Zibeon Packard of Easton & Sally Dyke519 of Plymouth |
July |
13 |
Timothy Allen of Ply. & Thankful Snow of Rochester |
Augt |
4 |
Lazarus Harlow & Lucy Bradford both of Plymouth |
Sept. |
John D. Wilson of Salem & Ann Nicholson of Plymouth |
Nov. |
30 |
Thomas Sherman Jun & Betsy Sears Plymouth both |
Dec. |
7 |
Capt Michael Hodge Jun of N. Port & Mrs Betsy Hayward Elliot of Plymouth |
April |
19 |
(omitted in its place) Capt Jeremiah Rich of Orrington & Jane Sampson Taylor of Plymouth |
[186] 1815 Marriages
April |
2 |
Thomas Sears Jun. and Rebecca Collings both of Plymouth |
April |
25 |
Samuel Chipman & Nancy Churchill both of Plymouth |
May |
7 |
Alvan Sampson & Susan Crandon both of Plymouth |
May |
13 |
John Duglas & Elizabeth Haskins520 both of Plymouth |
June |
18 |
Clemment Jones & May Dyke both of Plymouth. |
Jully |
22 |
Henry Whiting & Grace Holmes both of Plymouth |
Augt |
4 |
Samuel Sampson of Middleboro’ & Abigail Bartlett of Plymouth |
Sept. |
3 |
Truman Cook Holmes & Jennet Allen both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
22 |
Henry McCarty & Nancy Hewston both of Plymouth521 |
Nov. |
12 |
Charles Goodwin & Hannah Harlow both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
31 |
John L. Morton & Lilly R. Torrence both of Plymouth |
March |
18 |
George Wm Virgin & Mary Barnes 2d both of Plymouth |
April |
7 |
America Pierce & Violet Sanders both people of colour & both of Plymouth |
April |
18 |
Levi Muxsom522 & Rubie Hall both of Plymo |
[187] 1816
April |
28 |
Capt Josiah Carver & Abigail Keen both of Plymouth |
May |
23 |
Lieut William L. Gordon of the U. S. Navy and Miss Sophia Cotton of Plymouth |
26 |
John Tribble & Mary Holmes both of Plymouth |
June |
16th |
James Treble & Betsy Holmes, both of Plymouth (Recorded thus far in town Clerkes book) |
July |
28 |
Lewis Churchell & Hannah Cummington both of Plymo |
Sept. |
5 |
Alvin Vaughn & Sarah S. Ripley the former of Carver the latter of Plymouth |
Oct. |
20 |
James G. Gleason & Lucy T. Bartlett both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
27 |
Alexander Ripley & Hannah Shaw Flemmons both of Plymouth |
Doct. Thomas Drew & Lucia Watson both of Plymouth |
Isaac E. Cobb & Elizabeth Bartlett both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
29 |
Joshua Weeks of Gray & Lydia Barrows of Plymouth |
31 |
Capt. John Russell & Deborah Spooner both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
10 |
Stetson Chandler of Plimpton & Eliza Marston of Plymouth |
Dec. |
3 |
Capt John Virgin & Abigail Davie both of Plymouth |
5 |
Steven Thomas & Sukey Bartlett both of Plymo |
[188] Marriages
Jany |
7 |
Caleb Finney & Phebe Leonard both of Plymouth |
Jany |
26 |
George Washburn & Margaret James Keen both of Plymouth |
Feb. |
2 |
Nathaniel C. Lanman & Nancy E. Bagnal both of Plymouth |
May |
14 |
Edward Miller of Quincy & Caroline Nicholson of Plymouth |
30 |
Avery Dean of Plimpton & Lydia Anderson Richmond of Plymouth |
June |
1st |
Jeroboam Swift & Sarah Leach both of Plymouth |
June |
8th |
Bartlett Ellis & Elizabeth Barnes523 both of Plymouth |
June |
20th |
Caleb Ryder & Harriet Holmes both of Plymouth |
July |
30 |
Capt. Charles Marcy & Charlotte Warren both of Plymouth |
Augt |
21 |
Amasa Fuller of Attleborough & Nancy Finney of Plymouth |
28th |
Thomas J. Lobdell of Boston & Hannah Sturtevant524 of Plymouth |
Sept. |
14 |
Daniel Goddard Jun & Mary Finney both of Plymouth |
18 |
Tilden Keen & Joanna Pearson both of Plymo |
Oct. |
29 |
Capt. Lemuel Clark & Miss Lydia B. Finney both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
30 |
Benjamin Robbins & Betsy Thomas both of Plymo |
Samuel Bradford & Lucy Gibbs both of Plymo 200525 |
Dec. |
7 |
Joseph Samson526 & Hannah Burgis both of Ply. |
31 |
Lemuel Rickard & Nancy Bagnall both of Plymo |
[189] Marriages
May |
10 |
Nathan Whiting Jun and Experience Finney both of Plymouth David Dimon Jun and Abigail Bartlett Nelson both of Plymouth |
May |
17 |
Lemuel Simmonds Jun and Priscilla Sherman both of Plymouth |
May |
21 |
Charles Church of Plymton and Abigail Russe[ll] of Plymouth |
June |
7 |
Sylvanus Ripley of Plymton & Sally Sherman of Plymouth |
Augt |
6 |
Nathaniel Holmes 3d & Sarah Fish both of Plymouth |
Sept. |
13 |
William Spooner & Hannah Otis Nicholson both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
4 |
Ichabud Weston Barstow of Pembroke & Sarah Roberts Clarke of Plymouth |
Oct. |
18 |
Abraham Jackson & Harriet Otis Goddard both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
25 |
Joseph Pierce Drew & Ruth Rogers Bartlett both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
9 |
Capt Ezra Harlow & Miss Rebecca Dyke both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
Josiah Robbins & Rebecca Jackson both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
15 |
Ichabud Morton Jun & Patty Weston both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
3 |
Joseph Robbins Jun of Carver & Rebecca Burges of Ply. |
Dec. |
6 |
Amasa Morton & Deborah Morey both of Plymouth (Recorded thus far in the Town Clerk’s book) |
[190] Marriages
Jany |
3 |
Charles Bramhall & Nancy E. Brewster both of Plymouth |
Feb. |
18527 |
Nathan Bacon Robbins & Lucia Rider both of Plymouth |
22 |
Capt. Lemuel Colburn & Mrs Susan More residents in Plymouth |
7 |
Samuel Andrews foreigner & Jerusha Berce of Plymouth |
March |
18 |
Thomas Oldham of Duxboro’ & Betsey Brewster of Plymouth |
April |
25 |
Sylvanus Rogers Jur and Jane Lucas both of Plymouth |
30 |
George Keen & Sarah W. Churchell Plymouth |
May |
16 |
John Sanders & Betsy Sherman both of Plymouth |
July |
19 |
Richard Bagnall & Lydia Sampson both of Plymouth |
Oct. |
4 |
Isaac Barnes Jun & Betsey T. Davie both of Ply. |
10 |
Daniel Foster & Lucy Carver Faunce both of Plymouth |
17 |
Isaac Jackson Lucas & Catherine Howland528 both of Plymouth |
21 |
Peter Holmes 2d & Mary Richmond Flemmons both of Plymouth |
24 |
Joseph S. Reed of Boston & Sally Goodwin of Plymouth |
Nov. |
4 |
Ephraim Whiting & Patience Everson both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
14 |
James Bradford & Eleanor Huston both of Plymouth |
Frederick Augustus Cotton & Betsey Foster both of Plymouth |
[191] 1819
Nov. |
21 |
Thomas Jenkins Lobdell of Boston & Mary Russell of Plymouth |
Samuel Lewis & Mercy Sears both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
2 |
Vinal Burgess & Esher Clarke both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
3 |
Zacheus Kempton Jun & Abigail Cox both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
19 |
Ezra Burbank & Wid. Polly Burbank both of Plymo |
Dec. |
29 |
Judah Perry & Betsey Anderson both of Plymo |
Jany |
9 |
Sylvanus Smith resident in Ply. & Betsey B. Robbins of Ply. |
Feb. |
24 |
Benja Westgate Jun and Abigail Haskins residents in Plymouth |
April |
13 |
Jesse Lucas of Carver and Deborah Bagnall of Plymouth |
20 |
William Swift & Betsey Holmes both of Plymouth |
May |
14 |
William S. Russell & Mary W. Hayward both of Plymouth |
21 |
Steven Lucas & Rebecca Holmes both of Plymouth |
June |
4 |
John Oldham of Sumner & Sarah S. Churchill of Plymouth |
June |
14 |
Melvin Bailey & Maria Paty both of Plymouth |
19 |
Anselm Rickard & Cynthia Lucas both of Plymouth |
Augt |
3 |
Norris529 & Susan Saunders both of Plymouth |
Sept. |
18 |
Charles Brown of Boston & Lucy C. Jackson of Ply. |
Hayward Nichols of N. Bedford & Susan Clarke of Plymouth |
Oct. |
22 |
Oliver Weston & Rebecca Leonard both of Plymo |
23 |
David B. Jackson of Boston & Deborah J. Crombie of Ply. |
29 |
William Bradford & Alice Sylvester both of Ply. |
[192] 1820 Marriages
Nov. |
5 |
Joseph Bagnall and Betsey Rickard both of Plymouth |
James G. Gleason & Asenath D. Paty both of Plymouth |
Nov. |
23 |
Capt. Josiah Cotton & wid Lydia Bisbee both of Ply. |
24 |
Thomas Farmer & Phebe Holmes both of Ply. |
Dec. |
24 |
Joshua Kneeland & Harriot Harlow both of Plymouth |
Dec. |
31 |
Lemuel Reed & Eunice Holmes both of Ply. |
Jany |
14 |
John Taylor and Nancy Southworth both of Plymouth |
Feb. |
5 |
Samuel Maynard of Boston & Frances L. Jackson of Ply. |
Feb. |
11 |
John Clarke & Abigail Thomas Holmes both of Plymouth |
April |
5530 |
Bartlett Ellis & Hannah J. Churchell both of Plymouth |
8 |
Samuel Talbot & Jerusha Davie both of Plymo |
April |
22 |
Thomas Savery Jun & Penelope531 Swift both of Plymouth |
Amos Phillips of Reading & Betsy C. Robbins of Plymouth |
June |
25 |
Isaac L. Hedge & Mary Ann Cotton both of Ply. |
July |
29 |
Thomas Torrey & Lydia Davie both of Plymouth |
Augt |
6th |
Thomas Trebble & Maria P. Alexander both of Plymouth |
18 |
Loranus Tinkham of Sandwich & Mary Rogers of Plymouth |
[193] 1821
Augt |
27 |
Zacheus Barnes & Mary Churchill both of Plymouth |
Sept. |
2 |
Steven Thomas & Sally Everson both of Ply. |
Oct. |
18 |
William Bishop & Sarah T. Bartlett both of Ply. |
Oct. |
22 |
Benjamin Bagnall & Lucy Churchill both of Ply. |
Nov. |
Dec. |
2 |
George Manter & Sally Sampson both of Plymouth |
Capt. Joseph Bartlett & Lucy Dyer both of Ply. |
4 |
Doct. Andrew Mackeey & Hetty Amelia Bradford both of Plymouth |
6 |
William S. Burbank & Abigail S. Perkins both of Plymouth |
13 |
William Straffin & Sophia Bartlett both of Ply. |
Jany |
1 |
Isaac Sampson & Elizabeth Sherman both of Plymouth |
Jany |
6 |
Steven Turner & Sally Pope both of Ply. |
Capt. Richard Pope & Eunice Churchill both of Plymouth |
☞ |
(Recorded in town Clerk’s books thus far) |
Jan. |
22 |
Joseph Holmes 4th & Eliza Bartlett both of Plymouth |
March |
19 |
Thomas Farmer & Ruth Smith both of Plymo |
April |
28 |
Joseph Atkins resident & Sarah Cooper of Plymouth |
Oct. |
7 |
William Simmons of Duxbo. & Bulah Goddard of Ply. |
13 |
George Straffin & Eliza Rogers of Plymo |
Nov. |
3 |
Capt Ellis J. Harlow & Jerusha Paty both of Ply. |
7 |
Ephraim Washburn & Mary Lucas both of Plymo |
17 |
Isaac Torrey of Ply. & Olive Hatch of Duxboro’ |
20 |
Thomas Marsh & Lydia Burbank both of Ply. |
Dec. |
4 |
Jonathan Thrasher & Ruth Lucas both of Ply. |
5 |
Chandler Robbins of Carver & Sarah Burges of Ply. |
15 |
John Carver & Sarah Perkins both of Ply. |
31 |
James Lucas & Cynthia Manter both of Ply. |
See page 254534
[194] Dismissions & Recommendations
July |
12 |
Richard Cooper & wife dismissed & recommended to the 3d chh. in Ply. |
July |
15 |
John Kempton dismissed & Recommended to the 3d chh. |
March |
24 |
Ruth Luce wid. dismissed & recommended to the 3d chh. |
Augt |
25 |
Elizabeth Stevens Dismissed & recommended to the 3d chh. |
Jany |
11 |
Elizabeth Torrey dismissed & recommended to the 3d Chh. in plymo |
Dec. |
9 |
Lucy Holmes the wife of Rev. C. Holmes dismissed from this chh. & recommended to the chh. in Dennis |
Oct. |
29 |
Samuel Rider & wife & Elizabeth Holmes dismissed & recommended to the 3d chh. |
Jan |
23 |
Thomas Witherell dismissed that he might connect himself with the third Chh. |
July |
7 |
Lydia Barrow formerly Ellis was dismissed & recommended to the chh. in Middleboro’ of wh Mr Crafts is pastor |
Sept. |
20 |
Dr. Jona Newell dismissed & recommended to the chh. in Stow |
July |
16 |
William Le Baron dismissed & recommended to the 2d chh in Fairhaven |
Eliza Le Baron dismissed & recommended to the 2d Chh in Rochester |
March |
15 |
Sarah Bartlett wife of Freeman dismissed at her particular request from this Chh. with a view to join the 3d Church in Ply. |
Dec. |
6 |
Mary Clarke the wife of Amasa C. dismissed at her particular request with a view to connect herself with the 4th Chh. in Plymouth [195] |
April |
16 |
Ichabud Morton, Priscilla Sampson, and Phebe Cotton dismissed at their request in order to join the 3d Chh. |
Feb. |
Lucy Nicolson, Nancy Brewster536 dismissed at their request with a view to connect themselves with the 3d Chh. |
Jany |
Freeman Bartlett & Zilpha Bartlett dismissed at their request with an intention to join the 3d Chh. |
Jan. |
20 |
Elizabeth Brewster dismissed to join the 3d Chh. |
Mary Whiting dismissed to join the Chh in Ell River |
May |
10 |
Eunice Churchill dismismissed to join the 3d Chh.537 |
May |
15 |
Sally Jackson dismissed to join the 3d Chh. |
Augt |
Nancy Bartlett dismissed to join the 3d Chh. |
Jane Barnes dismissed to join the Universalist Society |
Lucretia Watson Goodwin wife of Rev. Hersey B. Goodwin dismissed & recommended to the Congregational Chh in Concord Mass. |
Hamlin Tilson dismissed to join the 3a Chh. |
Nov. |
34 |
Betsey Allen dismissed to join the 3d Chh. |
Mary Dyke dismissed [196538] |
[197] Record of Deaths continued539
Jany |
2 |
Saml Battles’ Jun infant child aged 18 months |
14540 |
Wid. Sarah Treble aged 75 years |
17 |
The wife of Josiah Cotton esqr. aged 50 |
23 |
Josiah Dunham’s infant child aged 3 days |
31 |
James Hawskin’s wife aged about 40 years |
Feb. |
15 |
Wid. Jemina Bartlett aged 66 |
March |
1 |
Wid. Abigail Morton aged 84 years |
April |
5 |
Silas Hathaway’s child aged 19 months |
April |
14 |
Ebenezer Sampson aged 92 years |
April |
19 |
Ebenr Howard aged |
May |
8 |
Wm P. Ripley’s wife aged |
May |
27 |
Wid. Sally Robbins aged |
July |
24 |
Isaac Lothrop Esqr. aged 73 |
2 |
James Bartlett’s Jun child aged 8 months |
Augt |
12 |
Dr Hayward’s infant child aged 48 hours |
Augt541 |
25 |
Experience Jackson aged 73 |
Augt |
31 |
David Turners infant child |
Sept |
5 |
Samuel Holmes’ infant child |
Sept |
13 |
Hannah Doten Wid. aged |
Sept |
16 |
David Turner’s child aged two years |
Sept |
19 |
Wm Coye’s wife aged |
Sept |
25 |
Wm Drew’s child aged 3 weeks |
Sept |
26 |
Capt. Lewis Goodwin’s child aged 4 months |
Oct. |
1 |
Susannah Lucas aged 56 |
Nov. |
25 |
George H. Savery’s infant child aged 9 months |
Nov. |
29 |
Joseph Treble Jun his infant child aged 2 years |
Dec. |
15 |
Susanna Leonard wife of Wm Leonard |
[198] Record of Deaths, continued
Dec |
19 |
Rev. James Kendall’s infant child aged 14 days (28) |
Jany |
3 |
Ransom Jackson aged |
James Freeman’s (black man) infant child aged 1 week |
Jan. |
18 |
Thomas Sears’ child aged 3 years |
44 |
Capt Joseph Churchill’s infant child aged 6 weeks |
31 |
Wm Leonard’s child aged 6 months |
Feb. |
4 |
Wm McLathley aged 66 |
Feb. |
13th |
Sarah Kendall wife of Rev. James Kendall aged 32 years |
March |
17 |
Isaac Doten aged 72 years |
March |
21 |
Widow Mary Doten aged 92 years |
March |
27 |
A Child of Wm Davis Jun aged 4 months |
March |
28 |
Capt Richard Bagnall aged 56 |
April |
8 |
Nicholas Perkins’ child aged 3 years |
June |
11 |
Ebenezer Nelson aged Phebe Churchill aged |
July |
Sarah daughter of Lemuel Brown aged 11 years |
10 |
Rebecca Fuller aged 84 years |
July |
24 |
Lucy Bramhall wife of Geo. Bramhall with an infant child |
Augt |
2 |
Isaac Banks’ infant child aged ten months |
4542 |
Wm Rogers’ Jun infant child aged 4 months |
6543 |
Nathl Holmes’ child aged two years |
Augt |
9 |
Capt Geo. Drew’s child aged 10 months |
[199] 1809 Continued
Augt |
13 |
Jonathan Sampson aged 86 years |
20 |
Capt Jesse Harlow aged 69 |
Sept |
4 |
Capt. Lewis Goodwin’s infant child |
Blaney Bates’ infant child |
Capt. Wm Allen’s infant child |
15 |
Bradford Barnes infant child |
16 |
Charles Dexter’s infant child |
22 |
Heman Holmes infant child |
Nov. |
5 |
Alanson Hathaway’s child |
20 |
Susanna McKeel aged more than 70 |
26 |
George Roger’s child aged 9 years |
25 |
Thomas Burgis aged |
Aug. |
Josiah Dunhams Jun child aged 9 months |
Dec. |
10 |
Thomas Witherell aged 68 |
14 |
Ellis Brewster’s child aged 5 years |
16 |
Josiah Dunham Jun child aged 3 years |
30 |
Smith’s child aged 10 months |
At Sea & in the W. Indies |
Capt Simeon Richmond |
Wm Keen |
John Atwood |
Dunham |
Williams 44 |
Jan. |
11 |
Sally Harlow aged 55 |
Jan. |
26 |
Charles Jackson’s child aged 3 years |
John Willis’ child aged 3 years |
Feb. |
9 |
Gideon Holbrook’s child aged two months |
Feb. |
20 |
John D. Dunbar aged |
March |
15 |
Bradford Barnes’ infant child aged 3 days |
March |
21544 |
His other infant being twins |
[200] 1810 Record of Deaths continued
March |
21 |
Lydia daughter of Rev. James Kendall aged three years |
April |
6 |
Infant Child of Ichabud Morton Jun. aged 6 months |
April |
13 |
Elizabeth Torrey wife of Col Torrey aged 47 years |
May |
10 |
Polly Bramhall aged 40545 years Heman Holmes aged |
July |
5 |
Ezekiel Raymond aged more than 50 |
July |
25 |
Alden Lucas’ child aged 1 year |
Augt |
21 |
Timothy Allen’s infant child aged 1 week546 |
Sept. |
11 |
Peabody Bartlett’s child aged 17 months |
Sept. |
21 |
Job Cobb’s child 1½ year old |
23 |
Joanna White aged 95 years |
Jonathan Holmes (from alms house) aged 85 years |
Oct. |
7 |
Ezekiel Raymond’s wife aged more than 70 years |
9 |
John L. Morton’s wife aged about 20 years |
20 |
Barnabas Hedge Jun’s infant child aged 7 months |
Mary the wife of Wm Holmes the 3d aged |
Nov. |
2 |
Nathan Churchill’s infant child aged 7 months |
3 |
Nehah Cushing White aged 30 years |
5 |
Wid. Mary Bartlett aged 90 years |
18 |
Capt. Geo. Drew’s infant child aged 7 months |
Dec. |
1 |
Wm Doten Juns infant child aged 4 months |
Thomas Mayhew died at the Havannah aged 61 |
29 deaths this year
[201] 1811 Continued
Jan. |
16 |
Betsey H. Elliot’s child aged 9 months |
Feb. |
26 |
Lathly Hawskins’ infant child aged 1 week |
March |
1 |
B. M. Watson’s child aged 5 months |
March |
18 |
Samuel Cole aged 79 years |
23 |
John L. Morton’s child aged 9 months |
April |
14 |
Charles Churchill’s daughter aged 10 years |
16 |
Majr Wm Hammatt’s infant child aged 3 months |
21 |
Ichabud Morton aged 82 years |
23 |
Nancy Witherell wife of Thomas W. aged 30 years |
25 |
Thankful Sturtevant daughter of Sylvanus S. aged 17 years |
26 |
James Bartlett Jun’s child aged 2 years |
May |
3 |
Cornelius Cobb’s wife aged 58 years |
May |
31 |
Capt. Ezekiel Morton aged 62 years |
Augt |
Oliver Ames Child aged 16 months |
5 |
Osbourn Morton’s daughter aged 14 years |
7 |
Nehemiah Burbank’s wife aged |
8 |
Martha Clarke aged 28 years |
12 |
Capt Ezra Finney’s Son aged 9 years |
17 |
Beza Hayward Esq.s Son aged 9 years & six months547 |
29 |
Peggy Holbrook wife of Jeremiah Holbrook aged 26 years |
30 |
David Turner’s infant child aged 4 months |
Oct. |
2 |
Capt. Joseph Bartlett’s child aged one year |
25 |
Sylvanus Bramhall’s infant aged a few hours |
27 |
The Wid. Sarah Jackson aged 76 |
[202] 1811 Record of Deaths continued
Oct. |
27 |
Benja Churchill aged 86 years |
Nov. |
4 |
Capt Nathl Carver’s infant child aged 3 months |
7 |
Hannah Churchill daughter of Capt. Jesse C. aged 22 years |
24 |
Sylvanus Rogers’ child aged 2 years & 9 months |
Dec. |
7 |
Wid. Sarah Morton aged more than 90 years |
18 |
Wid. Priscilla Burr aged 66 years |
20 |
Alexander548 Bartlett aged 29 years |
22 |
Thomas Nickerson (drowned) aged 27 years |
Wid. Phillips549 at the alms house aged 84 |
Capt Ephraim Holmes & William Tufts died at sea |
(Total 35, during the year 1811)
Jan |
12 |
The Wife of Lazarus Lucas aged 35 |
14 |
William Whitmarsh aged |
15 |
Wid. Sarah Wright aged 85 years |
April |
22 |
A Child of Daniel Jackson Jun aged 2 years |
24 |
Capt. Thomas Bartlett’s child aged 9550 weeks |
June |
5th |
The widow of Dean Daniel Diman aged 79 William Nye’s child aged 16 months |
26 |
Samuel Holmes child aged 5 months |
30 |
Samuel Bradford aged |
July |
4 |
Lucy Sturtevant aged 17 years |
Hamlin Tilson’s child aged 18 months |
12 |
Nathan Simmonds’ child aged 6 months |
31 |
Samuel Battles aged 78 years |
Augt |
1 |
The Wid. Farmer aged 41 years |
Samuel Morton aged more than 80 years |
Sept. |
19 |
Capt Lothrop Turner’s child aged 5 years |
Bradford Barnes’ infant a few hours old (17 deaths) [203] |
Jan. |
8th |
William Drew’s child aged 7 months |
Feb. |
7th |
Ephraim Morton aged 58 years |
Feb. |
9 |
Abigail Holmes aged 78 years |
Nathl Ellis drowned on his passage to Lisbon |
Doten drowned at the Southward |
March |
1 |
Samuel Dyke aged 30 years |
25 |
Mrs Tinkham’s infant child aged 7 months |
April |
David Drew’s infant child |
April |
18 |
Sarah Bagnall aged 75 years |
May |
14 |
William Doten’s wife aged more than 50 |
26 |
Wid. Ruth Bradford More than 50 |
June |
23 |
Joseph Lee aged 77 (at the alms house) |
24 |
John Douglas’ Wife aged 52 |
July |
27 |
Wid. Abigail Thomas aged 86551 |
Augt |
7 |
Wid. Sarah Barnes aged 87 years |
8 |
Solomon Davie Jun’s wife aged 23 years |
14 |
Wm P. Ripley’s wife aged |
Sept. |
7 |
Ellis Holmes’ child aged two years |
13 |
Ephraim Bradford’s child aged 11 months |
19 |
Capt. Zephaniah Holmes aged about 45 |
21 |
Capt. Wm Rogers’ child aged 18 months |
2 |
William Doten aged 63 |
12 |
Ichabud Berse’s552 child aged 12 months |
14 |
Daniel Goddard’s child aged 3 years |
Nov. |
14 |
Timothy Allen’s wife aged |
Nov. |
23 |
Simeon Dyke’s child aged 2 years |
Dec. |
26 |
Wm Rogers Juns infant aged 6 months |
[204] Record of Deaths Continued
Jany |
5 |
Betsey Witherell aged 37 |
Jan. |
24 |
A Stranger (Spaniard) buried from Mr Mitchell’s |
Jan. |
26 |
Rose a woman of Colour aged about 60 |
Jan. |
29 |
Peg a woman of colour aged 83 |
Feb. |
5 |
Beza Hayward (drowned) aged 22 |
Feb. |
9 |
Nehemiah Burbank age 37 years |
Feb. |
12 |
James Warren Son of Majr H. W. aged 11 years |
Barnabas Hedge aged 74 suddenly |
Feb. |
13 |
Wid. Ruth Morton aged 94 years |
March |
13 |
McGill’s infant child |
16 |
Chandler Burgis’ infant child |
17 |
Josiah Morton’s wife aged above553 40 |
24 |
Richard Holmes 3ds infant child |
April |
15 |
Capt. Levi Lucas aged 46 |
June |
5 |
Capt Jeremiah Holbrooks’s infant child aged 11 months |
10 |
Wid. Hannah Holbrook aged 64 |
Augt |
19 |
Henry Howland’s infant aged 24 hours |
31 |
Daniel Finney554 aged 45 |
Sept |
1 |
William White’s child aged 4 months |
2 |
James Bartlett Jun’s child aged 4 months |
5 |
16 |
Benja Westgate’s wife aged 54 |
23 |
Nathl Carver557 Jun’s wife aged 27 [205] |
Oct. |
3 |
Capt. John Virgin aged 45558 |
9 |
Capt John Paty Jun. aged 33 |
15 |
John Churchill aged 40 |
17 |
Infant child of Lothrop Turner Jun aged 18 months |
18 |
David Burbank aged 43 |
19 |
Madam Mercy Warren aged 86 |
20 |
Sary Luce aged 75 |
4559 |
Priscilla daughter of Barnabas & Eunice Hedge aged 4 years |
26 |
Jonathan Harvey’s daughter aged nine years |
27 |
Nancy Carver daughter of Capt. Nathl Carver aged 14 years |
30 |
Dean William Crombie aged 80 years. “He was a good man” “and an excellent Spirit was in him” |
Deo. |
5 |
Ebenezer Holmes aged 81 years |
Mr Duglas’ son abroad |
Jan. |
2 |
Capt John Lewis’ infant a few days old |
13 |
Capt. Robert Roberts’ Son aged 6 years |
Feb. |
6 |
Elnathan Holmes aged 80560 years |
7 |
Capt. Eliphalet561 Holbrook aged 70 years |
23 |
Samuel Sherman aged 92 years |
26 |
Calvin Crombie aged 42562 years |
March |
6 |
Daniel Nicholson aged 19 years |
Daniel Foster’s wife aged about 50 |
21st |
Capt Thomas Washburn’s child aged 1 year & 18 months |
25 |
Capt Wm Davis’ child aged 8 months |
April |
2 |
Capt James Howard’s infant child aged a fortnight |
11 |
Infant child of Josiah Morton Jun aged 4 weeks |
18 |
Capt Jeremiah Holbrook aged 35 |
24 |
Levi Morton’s Wife aged |
[206] 1815 Record of Deaths continued
April |
27 |
William Watson Esqr. aged 85 years |
May. |
1st |
Capt. Nathl Carver aged 74 brought from the town of Carver |
5 |
The Wid. of Jeremiah Holmes deceased aged 83 |
7 |
Harriot Witherell aged 23563 |
25 |
Margaret Paty aged 74 |
June |
Wm Richmond aged about 25 |
19 |
Robert Dunham’s wife aged 66 |
July |
3d |
Kate (a black woman) wife of America Pierce |
24 |
John Treble’s wife aged 30 |
26 |
James Treble’s wife aged 30 |
Sept. |
1st |
Wid. Susanna Churchill aged 88 |
5 |
Wid. Hannah Hedge aged 72 |
Oct. |
7 |
A child of Joseph Cooper Jun aged one year |
10 |
Capt Atwood Drew’s child aged 9 months |
12 |
Polly Burbank daughter of Ezra B. aged 22 years |
20 |
Benja Harlow aged 35 |
25 |
Infant child of Henry Howland aged 2 weeks |
Edward Nichols died at sea Augt 1815 |
Nov. |
2 |
Benja Drew’s Son (deranged 15 years) aged 36 |
3 |
Wid. Howard aged more than 60 |
4 |
Dean Drew’s wife aged 63 |
Caleb Finney’s wife aged 38 |
5 |
Wid. Mercy Bates aged more than 70 |
12 |
Wid. Hannah Barnes aged 77 |
Desire Drew daughter of Benja aged 38 |
24 |
Isaac Jackson’s wife aged 71 |
Steven Rogers lost at sea |
Dec. |
3 |
Wid. Shurtliff, Ellriver,564 aged 73 |
Dec. |
23 |
Ezra Burbank’s son aged 19 |
Dec. |
27 |
Lydia Goodwin wife of Wm Goodwin aged 52 |
[Whole number 46]565 [207]
Jan. |
4 |
Joseph Treble Jun’s child aged 18 months |
5 |
Daniel Goddard’s child aged six months |
6 |
Moses Webster’s wife aged 27 |
10 |
Lemuel Stevens’ infant child 3 days old |
13 |
Lemuel Robbins Jun’s child aged 18 months |
16 |
Capt. Ezra Finney’s child aged 15 months |
23 |
Rebecca Gray’s child aged 18 months |
Feb. |
.14 |
Wid. Holmes mother of Nathl aged about 80 |
Capt Truman Bartlett’s infant aged 3 weeks |
16 |
Davis Paine’s child aged two years |
March |
5 |
Silas Dunham aged 87 years |
6 |
A child of Cynthia a woman of colour aged 9 months months |
19 |
Capt Daniel Jackson’s infant child aged 1 month |
22 |
Wid. Bethiah Holbrook’s child aged 14 months |
29 |
George Adams’ child aged 18 months |
April |
3d |
Josiah Sturdevant’s child aged 4 months |
7 |
Thomas Spear’s child aged 3 years |
9 |
Thomas Macklathlin’s child aged 8 years |
20 |
Joseph Whiting’s daughter aged 11 years |
23 |
Silas Dunham’s widow aged 84 years |
May. |
1 |
Capt. Southward Shaw’s child aged 3 years566 |
23 |
Thomas Spear’s child aged 7 years |
June |
16 |
Capt Chales Marcy’s wife aged 25 years |
June |
28 |
Isaac Le Baron Jun’s child aged 20 months |
July |
6 |
Michael Hodge Esqr aged 36567 years |
17 |
Sylvanus Bramhall’s child aged one year |
Augt |
2 |
Capt. N. Ellis aged about 50 years |
14568 |
Rebecca Stevenson aged about 50 |
15 |
Saml Alexander’s child aged 20 months |
[208] 1816 Record of Deaths continued
Sept. |
29 |
Benja Holmes’ child aged 16 months |
Oct. |
2 |
Ephraim Bradford’s child aged 22569 months. |
Oct. |
10 |
James Reed Jun’s child aged 20 months |
16 |
John Lanman (from the poor house) aged about 50570 |
17571 |
Nathan Churchell’s child aged 4½years |
18 |
Barnabas Hedge’s infant child aged 3 months |
22 |
a child of Wm Stevens Jun aged 15 months |
Nov. |
10 |
Patience C. Turner daughter of Capt. L. T. aged 15 yrs |
Nov. |
29 |
a child of Joseph Barnes Jun aged 20 months |
Dec. |
7 |
Joseph Mercy’s wife aged 25 years |
10 |
William Coye aged 67 years |
19 |
A child of Barnabas Hedge Jun aged 13 months |
21 |
Dauphin a man of colour aged about 40 years |
26 |
Josiah Cotton Jun’s wife age about 50 years |
Josiah Morton’s Son died in Martinico |
(whole number 44)
Jany |
24 |
Timothy Goodwin aged 70 years |
25 |
Meriah Jackson aged 37 years |
Feb. |
1 |
Wid. M. Morton wife of Ichabud M. deceased aged 80 |
13 |
George Harlow’s child aged 8 months |
17 |
Matilda Fuller aged 18 years |
March |
2d |
Nathl Bartlett aged 50 (from the Alms house) |
3d |
An infant of Saml Holmes Jun572 few hours old |
8 |
Joseph Marcey died in Boston aged 26 years |
12 |
Abigail Morton aged 21 years |
Elkanah Barnes son of Corban died at Carolina aged 17 |
25 |
Benja M. Watson’s child aged 11 months |
27 |
John Otis aged 74 |
30 |
John Treble’s Son aged 9 years |
Winslow Watson aged 30 years died at sea |
April |
10 |
April |
12 |
Ichabud Holmes aged 93 years |
13 |
Josiah Waterman aged 84575 years |
27 |
Ephraim Bradford’s wife aged 33 |
10 |
Sophia Gordon wife of Lieut Wm L. Gordon of the U. S Navy |
Capt. Southwick child aged 3 years |
July |
4 |
Steven Vey (a servant in James Warrens family) aged 21 years |
30 |
Jacob Morton’s child aged 1 year |
Augt |
2 |
Wid. Sally Holmes aged 30 |
10 |
William Churchill aged 21 years |
22 |
William White’s child Son aged 6 years |
27 |
The wife of Benja Bramhall Jun aged 20 years |
28 |
Lydia Jones aged 80 years (from the alms house) |
Sept. |
2 |
James Treble’s child aged 10 months |
5 |
Daniel Gale’s Wife aged 18 years |
William Clark aged 78 |
Capt. Nathl Spooner Jun aged 33 died on his passage from the |
Cape of Good Hope to Calcutta |
24 |
Steven Rogers’ child aged 18 months |
26 |
Capt George Simmonds child aged two years |
Capt Ellis Brewster died on his passage from N. Orleans aged 45 |
Oct. |
2 |
Lemuel Simmonds’ wife aged 70 |
Oct. |
7 |
Sally Harlow daughter of Nathl H. aged 17 years (of the 3d parish) |
11 |
Barnabas Holmes 3d aged 44 (at the alms house) |
17 |
Capt. Atwood Drew’s child aged 18 months |
26 |
A child of Capt Wm Holmes Jun aged 18 months |
Nov. |
2576 |
Capt. Wm Stevens Jun’s infant child aged 5 weeks |
Capt Thomas577 Pope’s child aged 18 months |
Nov. |
9 |
Lydia Tinkham (at the alms house) aged more than 90 years |
14 |
Lewis Morton’s child aged 6 years |
16 |
Leonard578 Snow’s infant aged 1 week |
18 |
Lydia Shaw aged 51 |
Cornelius Jackson aged 32 died at Guadaloupe |
Nov. |
20 |
The Wife of Nathl Clark Jun aged 55 |
Dec. |
18 |
George Savery’s child aged 6 years |
Dec. |
30 |
Capt. Ezra Finney’s child daughter aged 6 years |
31 |
Barnabas Dunham’s wife aged 80579 years from alms house |
46580 belonging to this society
[210] Record of Deaths continued
Jany |
28 |
Lucy Goodwin widow of late Tim. Goodwin aged 70 |
Feby |
2 |
John Treble’s child aged 4 years581 |
Feb. |
Elizabeth Spooner wife of Dean S. aged 81 years |
March |
13 |
Lydia Burbank wife of Ezra B. aged 60 years |
Saml Lanman’s child aged 6 years |
22 |
Dean Ephraim Spooner aged 83 years a man greatly beloved because an excellent spirit was in him |
April |
3 |
Bartlett Bradford’s child aged 15 months |
April |
20 |
Capt. David Cornish’s child aged 4 years |
Freeman Bartlett Jun. died at Calcutta Nov. 1, 1817 |
May |
4 |
Capt. Finney Leach’s child aged 9 weeks |
May |
21 |
Nathl Johnson of Rochester aged 64 years |
Capt. Ansel Hohnes died 19 May at Stonington Con. |
Calvin Cooper died at Martinico |
June |
3 |
Saml Alexander’s child aged 15 months |
July |
4 |
George Harlow’s child aged 7 months |
Augt |
1 |
Capt. Geo. Drew’s child aged 16 months |
Augt |
8 |
Charles Jackson aged 48 years |
18 |
Mary Whiting aged 19 years |
28 |
Samuel Holmes aged 55 years |
Sept. |
3 |
Caleb Rider’s child aged 4 weeks |
11 |
Samuel Rickard Jun aged 23 years drowned in the harbor |
Sept. |
26 |
Joseph Sturtevant’s child aged 4 weeks |
Oct. |
4 |
Charles Churchill Jun. aged 21 years |
Oct. |
15 |
Lucy Jackson wid. of Charles J. aged 51 |
19 |
Capt. Finney Leach’s child aged 2 years |
21 |
Capt. Ewd. Morton’s child aged 5 years |
Nov. |
8 |
Samuel Sherman aged 64 years |
14 |
Wid. Joanna Morton aged 85 years |
23 |
James G. Gleason’s wife aged 19 years |
Nov. |
30 |
George Morton aged 59 years Sexton 15 years |
Dec. |
1 |
Bartlett Ellis’ Wife aged 21 years |
[211] 1818
Dec. |
8 |
Capt David Cornish’s daughter aged 11 years |
16 |
an infant child of James Bartlett’s Jun. age six weeks |
18 |
Samuel Dixon aged 38 years (33) |
Jan. |
2 |
Eben Rose (a man of colour) from the alms house aged 102 |
years & 8 months |
9 |
Barnabas Holmes’ wife aged 62 |
11 |
Capt Seth Paty’s child aged 3 months |
12 |
Alden Lucas’ child aged 2 years |
13 |
Ephraim Everson aged 46 years |
Col. John B. Thomas’ daughter aged 4 years |
Barnabas Hedge Jun aged 27 |
Enock Randall aged 28 |
Feb. |
10 |
Wm Cobb’s child aged two years (Mr Torrey’s society) |
12 |
Wm Nye’s daughter aged six years |
14 |
Ebenzcr Mitchell’s wife aged 50 years |
14 |
John Douglas aged 56 years |
Charles Churchell’s son aged 17 years died at N. Orleans Dec, 22 1818 |
Jabese Burgess aged 23 years died on his passage from Madeira a few days before his arrival |
22 |
Barnabas Dunham Jun aged 45 years |
March |
1 |
Steven Thomas’ wife aged 33 |
March |
8 |
Major General Nathaniel Goodwin aged 70 years |
13 |
Dean Wm P. Ripley’s daughter aged 6 years |
26 |
Sylvia a young woman of color aged about 18582 |
April |
1 |
Henry Caswell aged 30 |
3 |
Phillis a woman of color from the alms house supposed to be 90 years old |
10 |
Thomas Goodwin aged 62 |
19 |
Josiah Cotton Esqr aged 72 |
27 |
Chandler Burges’ infant child aged 5 weeks |
May |
1 |
Capt Ezra Finney’s child aged 2 years |
Alexander Ripley’s infant aged 8 days |
5 |
Torrence aged 64 years |
11 |
Wid. Evertson’s child aged 4 months |
The last week in May |
Richmond daughter of Wid. Richmond |
[212] 1819 Record of deaths continued
July |
6 |
Joseph Sturdevant aged 35 years |
Capt. Thomas J. Cotton aged 34 years Died at the Havannah June 9th |
July |
10 |
George Holmes aged 77 years |
11 |
Plato a negro man aged more than 75 |
28 |
Meriah Babb wid. aged 70 years |
Augt |
23 |
Abigail Holmes aged 60 years |
Augt583 |
30 |
Dr Caleb Boutelle aged 35 |
Sept. |
13 |
The wid584 Sally Holmes’ child aged 15 months |
The infant child of Charles Churchell Jun aged 6 weeks |
Oct. |
1 |
Benja Robbins’ child aged 15 months |
5 |
Sylvanus Holmes’ wife aged 70 years |
21 |
Barnabas Dunam aged 80 years |
Churchell aged 22 died in the hospital Baltamore |
Nov. |
2 |
Ann Jackson (widow of Cornelius deceased) aged 28 |
Charles Spooner died Oct. 12 at N. Orleans aged 20 |
John Bartlett died Oct. 23 at Norfolk aged 26 |
Dec. |
6 |
Mary Bishop Crandon (daughter of Benja) aged 16585 |
Dec. |
15 |
Capt William Sturdevant aged 58 years |
Dec. |
20 |
The wife of Capt John Burgis aged |
23 |
Isaac Le Baron aged 76 years |
24 |
The wife of Benja Wesgate586 aged 27 and her infant a few hours old |
The infant child of Capt John Russell aged 5 days |
(52) [213]
Jany |
5 |
The wife of Thomas Faunce aged 68 years |
6 |
Lazarus Harlow aged 66 years (died at the alms house) |
12 |
Infant child of Bartlett Faunce a few days old (supposed to belong to Mr Torry society) |
14 |
David Drew’s child aged 5 months |
22 |
Steven Rogers child infant aged six weeks |
26 |
The wife of Sylvanus Howes aged 83 years |
Feb. |
1 |
The Wid. Hannah Leonard aged 76 years |
5 |
Sylvanus Howes aged 83 years |
March |
25 |
Sally Crandon daughter of Benja C. aged 20587 |
Capt Seth Paty lost at Sea March 15 aged 33 |
April |
11 |
Lydia Bramhall aged 32 |
12 |
Daniel. Churchill’s child aged 9 months |
Henry Briggs lost on his passage from Havannah in Jany (not an inhabitant) |
Wid. Nichols’ child aged 6 years |
May |
28 |
John Polden aged 28 years |
June |
27 |
Capt Wm Weston in his ninetieth year |
28 |
Wid. Abigail Sylvester aged 89 years |
George Keen died at the Havanna in May aged about 30 |
Capt Wm Brown died at Port au Prince June 17 aged 32588 |
July |
7 |
Capt Thos. Pope age about 50 |
17 |
Wid. Elizbeth Brewster aged 89 years |
Augt |
27 |
The Wife of Jonathan Tufts aged 55 |
Sept. |
20 |
Daughter of the widow of Ansel Holmes aged 5 years |
23 |
Bradford Barnes’ child aged 8 months |
29 |
Capt. Joseph Cooper Jun’s wife aged 27 |
30 |
James Haskins aged 50589 years |
Oct. |
14 |
Wm Stevens’ child, aged two years |
15 |
Sally Cotton daughter of Josiah aged 18 years |
22 |
Capt. Richard Holmes aged 76 years |
26 |
Lydia W. Holmes daughter of Barnabas Holmes Jun. aged 27 |
Nov. |
3 |
Betsey Russell aged 30 years |
7 |
Isaac Banks’ child aged two years |
12 |
Barnabas Holmes aged 76 |
13 |
Priscilla Holmes aged 86 years |
26 |
Bethiah Rogers aged 86 years in Mr Jas. Warren’s family |
Zacheus Kempton’s wife aged 25 years |
Dec. |
4 |
John Goodin’s Son aged 5 years |
6 |
Wid. Fish aged 84 years from the alms house |
8 |
Elisha Lanman’s child aged 10 months |
[214] 1820 Continued
Dec. |
13 |
John B. Chandler’s Child’s aged 7590 months |
Dec. |
15 |
John Goodin’s infant aged a few hours |
22 |
Sylvanus Holmes aged 77 years |
Benjamin Drew aged 85 years |
Capt. Finney Leach’s child aged 5 years |
Dec. |
28 |
The Wife of Lemuel Morton Jun aged 30 |
29 |
John B. Chandler’s child aged 7 years |
30 |
Samuel W. Bagnell’s wife aged 32 years |
(46) |
Jany |
4 |
Abigail Leonard wife of Wm Leonard aged 46 years |
Jany |
10 |
Honble Joshua Thomas Judge of Probate for the county for 29 years aged 70 years |
Jany |
13 |
John B. Chandler’s daughter aged 5 years being his third child that has died within five weeks |
Jany |
17 |
Capt John Paty aged 64 years |
Jany |
19 |
Jonathan Tufts aged 74 years |
Jan. |
14 |
Isaac E. Cobb age 31 died on his passage from Charleston |
Jany |
27 |
Deafear a black woman wife of Cato aged about 75 |
Feb. |
1 |
William Spooner’s infant child aged 2 weeks |
March |
5 |
Capt. Joseph Bartletts wife aged 55 years |
March |
10 |
Bartlett Bradford aged 35 |
April |
3 |
Benjamin Rickard aged 65 years |
April |
10 |
Joseph Drew (suicide) aged 32 |
April |
26 |
The wife of Rickard of Ell River aged 77 |
April |
29 |
Wid. Lydia Mason aged 86 years |
30 |
Wid. Abigail Washburn aged 58591 |
May |
5 |
Eliphalet Bayley aged 62 years |
May |
21 |
Benja Robbins’ child aged 16 months |
22 |
Thomas Holmes aged 49 years |
June |
5 |
Lemuel Brown’s wife aged 50 years |
July |
13592 |
John Dixon aged 45 years |
July |
5 |
John Treble’s Son aged 10 years [215] |
Augt |
3 |
Capt Bartlett Sears aged 45 years |
5 |
James Warren aged 64 years |
17 |
A child of Mrs. Andrews aged 7 months |
25 |
Ichabud Shaw aged 87 years |
28 |
Elizabeth Cobb wid. of late Isaac Cobb aged 24 yrs |
Sept. |
11 |
Job Brewster aged 57 years |
21 |
Capt. Geo. Drew’s son aged 7 years |
22 |
Saml W. Bagnall’s infant child aged 9 months |
26 |
A child of Daniel Goddard Jun aged 16 months |
Oct. |
2 |
Nathanl C. Lanman’s child aged |
21 |
Steven a Dane at Mrs Pope’s aged about 50 |
25 |
Capt Nathl Ripley aged 79593 years |
26 |
Isaac Lucas’s child aged 14 months |
28 |
Wid. Susan Sampson’s child aged 2½ years |
10 |
Wid. Sarah Bradford aged 67 years |
Woodworth Jackson aged 45 years |
Dec. |
5 |
Capt. Steven Churchill’s wife aged 77 |
8 |
Relyance Morton594 from the poor house aged more than 80 years |
21 |
Col. John Torrey aged 67 years |
22 |
James Reed Jun’s child aged 11 months |
Dr William Goodwin died at the Havannah Dec. 15 aged 38 years 43 |
Jany |
2 |
Jonas Sturtevant aged 45 years |
March |
17 |
Charles Maxim’s wife aged 34 years |
19 |
George Raymond’s son aged 16 years |
April |
15595 |
James Bartlett Jun’s Son aged 3 years |
16 |
Widow Farmer from the poor house aged 74 |
25 |
Mary Goddard aged 77 |
May |
7 |
Charles Dyer aged 46 |
May |
30 |
Moses Hoit’s child aged 2 years |
June |
16 |
Job Cobb aged 43 years |
Augt |
4 |
Joseph Avery aged 42 years (in consequence of a fall from his house) |
Mumford drowned in the bay
Oct. |
21 |
Thomas O. Shea a resident aged 27 [216] |
Nov. |
22 |
Joanna Cotton aged 62 years |
25 |
Thomas Goodwin aged 47 years |
Dec. |
7 |
Wid. Rich’s Son aged 5 years |
14 |
Capt Richard Pope’s infant aged 5 days |
16 |
Ellis Barnes daughter aged 4 years |
17 |
George Virgin’s infant a fortnight old |
Capt John Virgin aged 30 years died on his passage from St Ubes 20th of Oct. |
19 |
The Wife of Dea. Wm P. Ripley aged 30 years |
23 |
Wm Rogers Jun. aged 27 years |
Peabody Bartlett Jun died at Martinico Nov. aged 22 |
(Whole number 22)
Jany |
12 |
Thomas Goodwin’s child aged |
20 |
Benja M. Watson’s child aged 9 months |
Feb. |
10 |
David Holmes aged 73 |
18596 |
Eleazer Morton’s wife aged 63 |
March |
3 |
Wid. Sarah Harlow aged 81597 years |
10 |
Capt. Ephraim Finney’s child aged 4 months |
April |
3 |
Wm S. Burbank’s child aged one year |
17 |
Joseph Maxim’s infant aged one week |
Violet a woman of colour aged 72 |
Thomas Goodwin’s child a daughter aged 3 years |
May |
10 |
Capt. Atwood Drew aged 43 years |
15 |
Phebe Rider aged 64 years |
June |
2 |
Steven Faunce’s child aged 2 years & 4 months not of this Parish |
3 |
Eleazer Morton aged 71 years |
4 |
Capt. Geo. Washburn’s wife aged 31 years |
14 |
Clement Bates’ wife aged 30 years |
George Rogers died at sea |
Augt |
4 |
Ezekiel Maxim died in prison belonging to Carver |
Sept. |
3 |
Wid. Ann Boutelle’s daughter aged 6 years |
13 |
Ruth Nelson aged 64 years |
15 |
Capt Josiah Carver’s Son aged 3 years (3d parish) |
Oct. |
3 |
Nathl Carver Jun aged 35 years |
7 |
Anna Thomas aged about 65 years |
Nov. |
8 |
Samuel Sampson aged 35 |
9 |
Samuel Drew aged 74 |
Nov. |
22 |
Priscilla Leonard aged 27 |
Dec. |
21 |
Lemul Barnes aged 35 |
Dec. |
Charles Raymond’s child aged 2 years (24) [217598] |
Jany |
25 |
Wid. Jane Davie aged 76 years |
Feb. |
George Bramhall’s daughter aged 21 years (Ell River) |
John Adams Spooner lost at Sea Nov. 1823 aged 27 |
March |
9 |
John Treble’s child aged 3 years |
17 |
Sylvanus Sturtevant aged 60 years |
March |
28 |
Capt. William Davis aged 41599 |
Mercy Dillard wife of M Dillard aged 47 |
April |
6 |
John Torrey aged 34 (suicide) |
May |
1 |
Col. John B. Thomas’s son aged 5½ years |
4 |
Barnabas Lucas aged 66600 years |
9 |
Wid. Mary Barnes aged 83 years |
Capt. Lothrop Turner Jun. aged 33 died at Havanna |
June |
17 |
John Morton’s child aged 14 months |
26 |
Priscilla Burbank aged 85 years |
July |
1601 |
Hosea Churchill’s child aged 6 months |
July |
12 |
Lazarus Harlow’s wife aged 53 years |
15 |
Robert Dunham aged 80 years |
24 |
Priscilla Shaw, aged 83 |
28 |
31 |
Edward Taylor Cooper’s child aged 6 months |
1 |
A child of the wid. of Nathl Caver604 Jun. aged 13 months |
4605 |
Thomas Morton aged 77 years |
7 |
Steven Churchill aged 82 years |
Nov. |
25 |
Zaccheus Barns’ infant child606 a few hours old |
Dec. |
2 |
Christiana Treble aged 19 years |
Wm Kyes aged 23 died at N. Orleans Nov. 16 (26) |
Jany |
10 |
Lewis Weston’s daughter aged 8 years |
22 |
Lewis Weston aged 45 years |
30 |
Henry Hollis’ child (daughter) aged 3 years |
Feb. |
4 |
John Torrey Jackson son of Woodworth J. deceased aged 10 years |
Feb. |
10 |
Ruth Goodwin aged 80 years |
Feb. |
18 |
W. Keen aged 70 years |
22 |
Geo. Thrasher’s son’s wife on the way to Sandwich |
27 |
Spinks Bagnall aged 58 years |
[218] 1825 Record of Deaths
March |
1 |
Wm Morton’s Wife (of Ell River) aged 65 |
March |
4 |
Benja Clarke’s wife aged 74 |
April |
3d |
John B. Chandler’s child aged 20 months |
15 |
David Drew aged 45 |
May |
24 |
Spence607 Thomas from the alms house aged 42 |
24 |
Dean Lemuel Drew aged 80 years a man whose God was his trust from his youth up |
25 |
Thomas Covington’s wife aged 65 years |
June |
10608 |
Lydia Churchill widow of late Barnabas Churchill aged 65 years |
27 |
Lazarus Harlow aged 68 |
a child of Capt George Simmonds aged 9 months |
July |
12 |
Oliver Weston’s child aged 2½ years |
14 |
Alden Lucas’ child aged 18 months |
17 |
William Goodwin aged 69 years |
Samuel Bartlett died in Feb. at N. Orleans aged 25 years |
Capt. Craton609 & Sylvanus Bramhall Jun lost at sea 29 May |
29 |
David Bradford’s child aged 19 months |
Steven Thomas’ child aged 19 months |
Augt |
1st |
Ichabud Harlow’s child aged 2 years |
2 |
Nathl Holmes aged 78 years |
James Bartlett Jun’s son aged 10 months |
7 |
Elkanah Barnes’ child aged 2 years |
Steven Thomas’ Son aged 3 years |
28 |
Isaac Cole’s Son aged 17 years |
30 |
Child of Wm Barnes 3d aged 18 months |
A Son of James Reed aged 23 died at Guadaloupe July |
Sept. |
13 |
Sylvanus Rogers’ child aged 2 years |
14 |
Capt. Joseph Churchill son aged 5 years |
23 |
2 infants twins of Moses Hoit aged only a few days |
19 |
Wm Polden’s child aged 18 months |
17 |
Capt. Ephraim Hawskins child aged610 18 months [219] 1825 |
Sept. |
24 |
Charles Raymond aged 26611 years |
John612 Gooding’s infant child aged 1 year |
26 |
John Bourbank aged 52613 years |
Oct. |
8614 |
Isaac C. Churchill’s child aged 1 year |
11 |
Wid. Lydia Davie aged 79 years |
Charles Rogers aged 50 years |
Isaac Barnes Jun’s child aged 18 months |
13 |
Wid. Hannah Sherman aged 77 |
18 |
Son of Ellis Holmes Jun aged 3 years |
Richard Holmes aged 59 years |
wid. of Charles Ramonds’ child aged 18 months |
20 |
Wid. Sarah Simmonds aged 73615 |
24 |
Capt Thomas Covington aged 77 |
28 |
Madam Phebe Watson aged 86 |
Nov. |
5 |
James Morton’s son aged 7 years |
6 |
Capt Gideon Holbrook’s child aged 10 months |
11 |
Charles Bramhall’s child aged 18 months |
12 |
Wid. Phebe Paty’s daughter’s aged 15 years |
Mr Wadsworth’s child aged 3 years |
Dec. |
1 |
John Rogers aged 27 years Joseph Holmes aged 50 years |
3 |
Daniel Goddard Jun’s infant a few days old |
5 |
Joseph Barnes Jun’s child aged 4½ years |
6 |
Zeth Thompson’s son aged 6 years |
22 |
Isaac Barnes’ Jun’s infant aged 10 days |
(64) [Whole number in 26 years 1123]616
Jany |
2 |
Wid. Lydia Le Baron aged 67 years |
4 |
Willard Sears aged 78 years |
5 |
Wm Davis Esqr. aged 68 years |
Feb. |
1 |
John Watson (at Clarke’s Island) aged 77 years |
Capt617 John Paty’s widow aged 67 years |
20 |
Capt Nathl Spooner aged 67 years |
March |
1st |
Wid. Sarah Roberts aged 71 years |
19 |
Ebenezer Holmes aged 64 years |
Job Churchill aged 43 years |
April |
16 |
A Mr Hales resident aged 54 years |
Doct. Nathaniel Lothrop’s wife aged 72 |
17 |
Ezra Harlow aged 84 years |
27 |
Seth Washburn aged 88 years |
wid. Mehitable Smith aged 46 |
[220] 1826 Record of Deaths
May |
18 |
John C. Holmes aged 26 years |
19 |
Solomon Inglee aged 67 from the alms house |
June |
9 |
The wid. of Isaac Le Baron aged 87 years |
10 |
Philemon Robbins aged 49 years |
The wife of Benja. Barnes Jun aged 50 |
11 |
a child of Caleb Rider (son) aged 2½ years |
Zoeth Clark aged over 50 years |
17 |
an infant child of Elkanah Barnes aged 6 weeks |
21 |
a Son of the widow of Wm Rogers Jun aged 3½ years |
25 |
Caleb Rider’s wife aged 29 years |
July |
9 |
Libeus Howard (of Boston) aged 26 (suicide) |
11 |
Capt Ellis Harlow aged about 30 |
Augt |
5.9 |
4 men drowned by the upsetting of a boat in the harbor one on the 5 & 3 on the 9th of the month |
Augt |
Caleb Rider’s infant aged 4 months |
Sept. |
19 |
Josiah Drew Son of late Nicholas Drew aged 14 years |
23 |
[wid. Cooper aged 83 years of the 3d chh.]618 |
24 |
Jacob Morton’s child aged 18 months |
Oct. |
2 |
Capt. Saml D. Holmes’ child aged 4 years |
5 |
James Morton’s child aged 10 months |
17 |
Wid Barrett’s child aged 4 years |
Capt. Wm Paty’s child aged 4 years |
19 |
Wid. Mary Russell aged 65 years |
Nov. |
11 |
Capt. Ansel Holmes’ daughter aged 8 years |
15 |
Wid. Sarah Holmes aged 60 |
17 |
Wid. Mary Holmes aged 70 |
21 |
Daniel Goddard Jun’s infant a few hours old |
22 |
Capt Wm Barnes aged over 50 |
23 |
Wid. Jerusha Harlow’s child aged 16 months |
24 |
John Goodwin’ child aged 18 months |
Nov. |
30 |
2 children of Jesse Dunham 1, 2 months, the 3½ years old |
Dec. |
28 |
James Reed’s wife aged more than 60 years |
(whole number of deaths 44.—4 more—strangrs, drowned in the harbor)
Jany |
29 |
Cary H. Morton aged 77 years |
Feb. |
Isaac Churchill’s infant a few hours old |
March |
1 |
Samuel Sherman’s Son aged 13 years |
7 |
Sylvanus Smith’s wife aged 43 years |
April |
6 |
Thomas Spooner aged 53 years |
13 |
Abner S. Taylor’s child aged 7 months |
25 |
Thomas. Sears’ child aged 1 year |
June |
10 |
Betsy M. Jackson aged 26 |
15 |
Capt Wm Rogers’ wife aged619 59 |
19 |
Capt Geo. Simmonds’ Son aged 13 |
July |
7 |
a child from the alms house aged 19 months |
7 |
Samuel Morton aged 69 years |
July |
15 |
Alexander Bliss Esqr. of Boston aged 33 |
Sept. |
3 |
James Morton’s child aged two months |
18 |
Sarah Lanman aged 74 |
19 |
Jacob Morton’s infant child aged a few weeks |
14 |
Sylvanus Bramhall aged 50 years |
Dec. |
28 |
John Goodwin’s child daughter aged 5 years (18) |
Jany |
Drowned in Loud Pond Benja Ellis and Son |
Jany |
Capt Joseph H. Bartlett aged 34 years |
April |
15 |
Rufus Churchill aged 56 years |
March |
3 |
Capt. Gideon C. White died at Havannah |
16 |
Edward Goodwin died at Havannah aged 25 |
May |
3 |
James Lanman aged 73 from the alms house |
June |
3 |
wid. Bathsheba Holmes aged 86 years |
July |
6 |
Henry Warren Esqr aged 64 |
Sept. |
5 |
Joseph Johnson aged 68 |
9620 |
Capt. Wm Bartlett’s child aged 3 years |
Job Brewster aged 33 years died at the straits drowned |
Oct. |
4621 |
Samuel Rickard’s wife aged 63 |
10622 |
Steven Thomas’ child aged 3 years |
19 |
Doct. Nathaniel Lothrop aged 91 years |
Nov. |
22 |
Wid. Sarah Harlow aged 65 (13) 3 not of this society |
[222] Record of deaths
Jany |
10 |
Nancy Holmes daughter of Barnabas H. aged 40 |
11 |
Joseph Treble aged 73 years |
12623 |
James Bartlett Jun’s daughter aged 3 years |
24 |
James Reed Jun. aged 40624 years |
March |
7 |
Josiah Cotton aged 75 years |
March |
21 |
Sally Drew aged 48 years |
22 |
Roland E.625 Cotton’s wife aged 18 years |
April |
19 |
Ichabod Harlow aged 48 years |
May |
1 |
A Mr Allen’s child aged 4 months belonging to Sudbury626 |
May |
2 |
Wid. Joanna Winslow aged 85 years |
25 |
Wid. Mercy Robbins aged 75 |
June |
6 |
Judah Bartlett’s wife aged 30 |
July |
11 |
Samuel Davis Esqr aged 65 |
Capt. Geo. Washburn (at sea) aged 38 |
Hosea Churchill’s child a few months old |
Augt |
18 |
Sylvanus Churchill’s child aged 6 months |
Oct. |
3 |
Joshua Pratt’s wife from the alms house aged 44 |
Nov. |
11 |
William Drew (baptist) aged |
12 |
Stevens Rogers’ child |
22 |
Saml Talbut’s wife aged 31 |
Dec. |
3 |
Abner S. Taylor’s child aged 8 months |
Dec. |
26627 |
Wid. Nancy Harlow aged 79 years |
[20 belonging to the Soc.]628 and 2 others
Feb. |
4 |
Cornelius Cobb aged 82 years |
6 |
Wid. Betsey Bartlett aged 52 years |
March |
16 |
Capt. Nathl Sylvester aged 60 |
March |
30 |
Abner Sylvester’s child aged 8 months |
April |
7 |
Wid. Martha Holmes aged 58 years |
June |
3 |
Esther Holmes aged 20 |
4 |
Beza Hayward Esqr. aged 77 |
11 |
A child of Thomas Goodwin aged under one year (belong to the baptist) |
Alden Lucas’ wife aged 53 |
Capt. Joseph Cooper Jun. aged (died in South America) |
July |
26 |
Jabez Churchill’s wife aged 63 |
Augt |
27 |
John Clark’s child aged 13 months |
Oct. |
10 |
Ruth Crandon aged 37629 years |
Dec. |
11 |
Isaac Jackson aged 87 years [13]630 1 of the bap. Soc. |
[223] Continued
10 |
Wm Z. Ripley’s child aged 14 months (of the Univer. Soc.) |
17 |
A Sea-faring man by the name of H. Cramm died on board a vessel by sickness |
21 |
Wid. Torrence aged 79 years |
24 |
Isaac Cole’s wife aged 40 |
March |
7 |
Col. Blaney Bates aged 46 |
26 |
Widow Standish aged 63 |
31 |
Ezra Burbank aged 68 |
April |
25 |
Barnabas Otis’ wife aged 77631 (in consequence of falling into the fire) |
Sept. |
Benjamin P. Bartlett aged 24 died in N. Y. supposed to have fallen in his sleep from his chamber window |
Sept. |
25 |
A child of Jesse Dunham aged 4 years burnt by her clothes taking fire |
Oct. |
6 |
Capt Chandler Holmes Jun son of Chandler Holmes not of the Parish |
Nov. |
17632 |
William Spooner aged 38 years |
Dec. |
5 |
James Morton aged 43 years633 |
Dec. |
24 |
Pompey African servant of the late General N. Goodwin supposed to be 80 years old |
Dec. |
13 |
Melvin Bailey’s daughter aged 6 years (in consequence of her clothes taking fire) |
[10 whole number belonging to the Society]634
Feb. |
2 |
Roselia Barnes daughter of Joseph Barnes Jun. aged 22 years |
[member of Mr. Warren’s Chh.]635 |
April |
4 |
Capt George Rogers’ child aged 3 years |
7 |
Mary Ann Goodwin aged 26 years |
21 |
Capt. Geo. Rogers’ second & only child aged 13 months |
28 |
Thomas Faunce aged about 92 years |
May |
Wm Hustin’s wife aged about 73 |
June |
23 |
Joanna Burbank aged 88 died at the alms house |
Wm Nickerson’s child aged 3 months (not of this Soc.) |
Augt |
10 |
Mr Whittim’s child aged 5 years (English people) |
Augt |
15 |
Ichabud Barstow’s wife aged 36 years |
Augt |
26 |
George Harlow’s child aged 9 months (not of this Society) |
[224] 1832 Record of Deaths
Sept. |
12 |
Mercy Ann Russell aged 23 years |
Sept. |
12 |
Steven Thomas’ child aged 1 year |
29 |
Clement Bates’ child aged 2 years (Univer. Soc.) |
Nov. |
8 |
Jane Sturtevant aged 38 years |
Dec. |
6 |
Thomas Sears’ child aged 5 years |
Dec. |
26 |
Capt. Zaccheus Barnes aged 33 years |
(Whole number belonging to this Socy 12 — 5 not of this Society)
Jany |
15 |
Wid. Betsey Johnson aged 63 years |
March |
27 |
Lettuce (A colored woman) aged 60 years from the poor house |
March |
Mr Talbut’s infant a few hours old |
March |
29 |
Saml Sherman’s son aged 5 years |
May |
7th |
Isaac Sampson aged 42 years |
13 |
Albert Harlow aged 26 years |
24 |
Wid. Rebecca Russell aged 73 years |
July |
7 |
Sarah Sturtevant aged 34 years |
July |
Henry Harlow aged 52 |
July |
30 |
Benja Pierce aged 58 (not of this Society) |
Augt |
1 |
Nancy Stevens, daughter of Wm Stevens Jun aged 24636 |
Augt |
10 |
Rufus Churchill’s 2d infant child the 2d twin — both dead the last 14 days old637 |
11 |
Ansel H. Harlow’s wife aged 20 years (not of this parish) |
16 |
Elkanah Barnes’ child aged 14 months |
Sept. |
Francis J. Russell aged 22 died in Boston |
Sept. |
18 |
Jesse Dunham aged 54 years |
29 |
George Bartlett aged 80 years |
Nathl C. Lanman’s child aged 15 months |
Oct. |
13 |
Dr. Charles Cotton’s child aged 4 years & six months |
24 |
James Bartlett Jun’s child aged 4 years (not of this Parish) |
Nov. |
21 |
Schylyer Sampson’s child aged 15 months [not of this Soc.]638 |
Dec. |
11 |
Lemuel Simmonds aged 85 years |
Son of wid. Elizabeth Sampson aged years |
Augustus Bartlett son of Capt Joseph Bartlett died at Philadelphia aged 22 |
[Whole number belonging to this Society 20. 5 not of the Soc.]639
[225] Continued
Jany |
1 |
Daughter of Nathl Russell Jun aged 3½ years |
12 |
Daughter of Nathl Lanman aged 5½ years |
16 |
Isaac Banks’ wife aged 50640 |
18 |
Hannah Witherell aged 94 years |
19 |
Capt Saml C. Holmes’ child aged 20 months |
Benja Bagnal’s child a daughter aged 4 years & 8 months |
Feb. |
1 |
Clement Bates’ child aged 8 months (Universalist Soc.) |
4 |
Ephraim Holmes’s child aged (Universalist’s Soc.) |
16 |
Sylvester Davie aged 29 years |
19 |
Ansel Holmes Jun’s child aged 14 months [Universalist]641 |
March |
13 |
Ann Hinckley Nye daughter of Wm N. aged 19 |
July |
3 |
Bethiah Johnson aged 80 years |
July |
9 |
The wife of Benja Bagnall Jun aged 19 years |
July |
17 |
The wife of Peabody Bartlett aged 61 years |
Augt |
30 |
Mr Brailey’s infant child aged 4 months |
Oct. |
2 |
Zephaniah Bradford’s child aged 11 months [not of this Society]642 |
Oct. |
7 |
Lewis Bartlett’s child aged 2 weeks [of the Universalist Soc]643 |
Oct. |
10 |
Wm Nicholson’s child aged 9 months [not of this Soc.]644 |
Oct. |
14 |
Jonathan Kimbal’s child aged 3 years [not of this Society]645 |
Oct. |
15 |
Simeon Dike’s daughter aged 9 years |
Oct. |
17 |
Charles Sever aged 35 |
Oct. |
29 |
Jonathan Kimbal’s daughter aged 5 years [not of this Soc.]646 |
Nov. |
11 |
Joseph Churchill’s child aged 2 years [not of this Soc.]647 |
Dec. |
10 |
Thomas Savery Jun aged 24 years |
Dec. |
21 |
Wm C. Green’s child aged 17 months |
22 |
Wid. Sally Leonard aged 67 years |
24 |
Wm Heustins aged 79 years |
[Whole number belonging to this Socy 17. 9 not of this Society]648
Jany |
21 |
Mary649 Jackson aged 97 years |
March |
2d |
Lemuel Simmond’s Wife aged 42 years |
3d |
Capt. Amasa Bartlett aged 72 years |
4 |
Capt. Joseph Bartlett aged 73 years |
11 |
Henry H. Eddy’s child aged 22 months |
22 |
Lucia R. Somes wife of Thomas S. Boston aged 47 years |
[226] 1835 Record of Deaths
June |
25 |
Rebecca Barnes aged 68650 years |
The wife of Wm B. Cooper aged more than 20651 years |
July |
16 |
James Tribble aged 50 years |
The Wife of Benja Crandon aged 67 years |
Sept. |
6 |
Lucy Turner daughter of David T. aged 19 years |
17 |
Wid. Sally Rogers aged 62 years |
21 |
Daughter of Capt. S. D. Holmes aged 11 years |
Oct. |
31 |
Corban Barnes aged 74 years |
Benja M. Watson aged 64 died at Fairfield Conn. |
Dec. |
5 |
Ann Boutelle aged 16 years |
Dec. |
25 |
Dr. Zaccheus Bartlett aged 70 years |
[Whole number of deaths 17]652
Jany |
9 |
Widow Sarah Holmes’aged 55 years |
Jany |
27 |
Ellis Barnes’ child aged 2 years [Universt Soc]653 |
March |
March |
22 |
Thomas Son of Thomas Hedge aged 6 years |
April |
22 |
Wid. of Wm Barnes aged 59 years Daughter of Joseph Barnes Jun aged 6 years |
June |
1 |
Wife of Maj. Wm Jackson aged 71 |
July |
9 |
Rev. Hersey B. Goodwin of Concord aged 31 years |
17 |
Mercy Bartlett aged 51 years |
31 |
John Raymond’s child aged 6 months [not of this Soc.]656 |
Oct. |
21 |
Wid. Nancy Barnes aged 38 years |
Nov. |
1 |
Nehemiah Savery’s grandchild aged 7 months |
Whole number of deaths in the first Parish 1836–8
Jany |
5 |
Wid. Elizabeth Douglass aged 71 |
Samuel Barrows aged 57 from alms house |
Capt Saml C. Davie aged 40 died at the Island St Thomas Dec. 30 1837 |
Feb. |
8th |
Widow Lydia Churchill aged 90 years |
March |
2657 |
Mercy Russell aged 50 years |
Do |
20 |
Barnabas Holmes aged 82 years |
Do |
12 |
Edwin R. Cotton’s coloured girl aged 17 years |
[227] 1837 continued
March |
22 |
Phineas Wells’ child aged one year [Universalist Society658 |
22 |
Benjamin Bramhall’s child aged one year [universalist Soc.]659 |
April |
25 |
Edwin R. Cotton’s child aged 16 months |
May |
1 |
Jacob H. Loud’s child aged 2 years |
15 |
Wm Polden aged 48 died in the alms house |
May |
16 |
Wid. Susanna Turner aged 70 years |
May |
27 |
Joseph Barnes Jun aged 48 years |
June |
9 |
Widow Bethiah Dyer aged 87 years |
July |
7 |
William H. Bradford’s daughter aged 3 years [Universalist Society]660 |
July |
25 |
Capt. Leml Morton’s infant child 3 weeks old |
July |
26 |
Ichabud Shaw aged 67 years |
Augt |
12 |
Dr. Rosseter Cotton aged 79661 years for 15 years a faithful, efficient, & exemplary Deacon of this Chh. and for more than 40 years a member of the Chh. and County Register |
Sept. |
A coloured man a foreigner buried from Caleb’s house |
17 |
Capt. Barnabas Faunce’s wife aged 70 |
24 |
Saml Talbut’s daughter aged 9 years |
Wm Green’s child aged 3 years |
Oct. |
15 |
Joshua Pratt’s infant child aged 2 weeks |
17 |
Saml Rickard aged 73 years |
Geo. Cooper’s son aged 5 years |
A child from the alms house |
Nov. |
14 |
John Raymond’s infant aged 6 weeks |
24 |
Capt. Nathl Bradford, in the662 90th year of his age |
Dec. |
4 |
Mrs Holmes aged 54 from the Alms House |
[Whole number of deaths 30 — 23 of this Society]663
Jany |
3d |
James Reed aged 88 died in the Alms house |
Jany |
5664 |
Mary widow of Peter Lanman aged 78 years |
10 |
Louisa Maria wife of Roland E. Cotton aged 30 years |
18 |
Lewis Weston son of Wid. L. Weston aged 16 years |
Feb. |
4 |
A child of Mr. ––– Sheldon aged 3 months |
8 |
Seth Drew aged 67 years died at the Alms house |
[228] 1838 Record of deaths
Feb. |
13 |
Josiah Sylvester’s child aged 18 months |
Feb. |
24 |
Maria Turner wid. of Capt Lothrop Turner Jun aged 50 years |
March |
3d |
Polly Thacher sister of Dr Jas. Thacher aged 80 |
March |
5th |
James Spooner aged 61 years |
March |
23 |
Nathl Thomas aged 82 years |
25 |
Henry Hollace aged 46 years died at Taunton & buried in Plymo |
Apr. |
22 |
Samuel Tolbut’s child aged 19 months |
May665 |
16 |
Jacob T. Morton’s wife aged 50 years |
5 |
Mrs P. Holmes wife of David Holmes 2d aged 30 [of the Universalist Society]666 |
6 |
Wid. Lydia Bradford aged 77 years |
a child of the late Mr John Burbank Jun aged 2 years |
June |
14667 |
Wid. Nancy Churchill aged 55 years of the baptist Society |
15 |
Wid. Rebecca668 Bradford aged 85 |
Augt |
15 |
Widow Fanny Seymore aged 69 years of the baptist Society |
19 |
Majr Joseph Thomas in the 84th year of age |
22 |
Dr Charles Field aged 34 years |
28 |
Infant child of Davis aged 2 weeks |
29 |
Wid. Geo. Bartlett aged 82 years |
Sept. |
14 |
Oct. |
7 |
Wid. Edwards aged 86 years |
Nov. |
12 |
Basheba Hollice aged 65 years |
In Sept |
Benja Barnes aged 92 years |
Nov. |
25 |
Wm H. Robbins aged 10½ years Son of the late Dr Chandler Robbins of Boston |
Nov. |
Mary White aged 87 years |
[Whole number in this Soct 27. 4 not of this Socy671
[229] continued
Jany |
3d |
Lucy Ann Jones aged 3 yrs burnt at the Poor house |
Jany |
16 |
Mrs Eliza S. Goodwin wife of Capt. A. Goodwin |
Jany |
28 |
Joseph Barnes aged 76 years |
Feb. |
11672 |
Daughter of Capt. Wm & Maria Churchill aged 8 months |
March |
8 |
Benja Bagnall aged 46 years |
March |
17 |
Ichabud Morton’s child aged one year |
April |
14 |
Thomas B. Sherman’s child aged 8 months |
April |
28 |
Thomas Caswell’s child burnt aged 1½ year |
May |
11 |
Henry Flanders, aged 39 years [not of this Socty]673 |
May |
31 |
Capt. Solomon Davie aged 79 years |
July |
24 |
A daughter of Benja Farris aged 3 years |
Augt |
Steven S. Faunces 3 mos. Ch. Baptist |
Augt |
13 |
a daughter of the wid. of John Burbank Jr. aged 10 years |
Sept. |
7 |
Wid. Sylvanus Sturtevant aged 78674 |
Sept. |
17 |
George Son of wid. James Morton aged 18 yrs |
Oct. |
13 |
Thomas Savery aged 71 |
7 |
David Turner’s wife aged 29 years |
Oct. |
13 |
Isaac S. Holmes 3 mos. Ch. Baptist |
Dec. |
9 |
Wid. Keen aged 73 years |
16 |
Wm Drew aged 60 years |
(Whole no of deaths in this Society 16 — 4 not of this Society)
Jany |
5 |
Wid. Mary D. Graton aged 41 years |
Jan. |
9th |
The wife of Abner Harlow aged 23 yrs |
Feb. |
2 |
Elizabeth Ann Hayward aged 35 years |
March |
1st |
Charles Bramhall aged 44 years |
March |
29 |
Bridgham Russell P.M. aged 47 years |
June |
24 |
Winslow S. Quash (Colored) aged 23 years |
July |
12 |
Barnabas Hedge Esqr. aged 76 years |
Augt. |
4 |
Wid. of Spinks Bagnal aged 68 [baptist Society]675 |
Augt. |
18 |
The wife of Thos. B. Sherman aged 40676 |
Augt |
30 |
Capt. Rufus C. Churchill’s child aged 10 mos |
[230] 1840 Record of deaths
Sept. |
13 |
Adoniram Holmes’ wife aged 30 Yrs |
Only Son of Rev. Geo. W. Briggs aged 5 mos. |
Sept. |
16 |
Wid. Patience Harlow aged 61 Years |
Sept. |
24 |
Ephraim Spooner’s Son aged 3 Yrs. & 9 Months |
Oct. |
23 |
Margarett J. Bartlett wife of Capt. Thos Bartlett aged677 64 |
Oct. |
27 |
Capt. Ezra Harlow aged 68 Years |
Nov. |
Mary Ann P. Stevenson 32 |
Nov. |
10 |
Thomas Jackson aged 87 years |
Dec. |
22 |
Capt. James Bartlett in his 81st year |
(Whole number 19. 5 not of this Society
Jany |
5 |
Miss Hannah White aged 93 years |
Jany |
14 |
Mr Wm Caswell’s wife aged 71 years |
June |
5 |
Caroline Jackson aged 48 years |
30 |
Wife of Saml H. Davie aged 20 Years and their infant of two days old |
July |
26 |
Catharine Wife of Nathl Russell Jun aged 34679 Yrs |
July |
27 |
Wid. Patty Weston aged 79 Yrs |
Sept. |
2 |
Nathan Pierce’s infant child 3 weeks old |
Sept. |
23 |
Corban Barnes’ child aged 2 years Universalist Soc. |
Sept. |
28 |
Wm H. Bradford’s son aged 10 years Universalist Society |
Sept. |
30 |
Benjamin Crandoh aged 78 years |
1st680 |
John Rock from the Alms House aged 75 |
Oct. |
6 |
Two young men who were drowned on Salthouse Beach on the 3d inst during a violent storm in wh many lives were lost on the coast & much property. The funeral of these men was attended from the Town House. The name of one was Newcome from Dennis. The other from Damarascotta, Maine |
Oct. |
31 |
Wid. Lemuel Morton aged over 70 years |
[231] 1841 Continued
Nov. |
16 |
Priscilla Cotton wid. of late Dr Cotton aged 73 years In addition to the above the funeral of two children of was attended by Mr Briggs |
[Whole number of deaths in this Society for 1841 fourteen. Four other funerals were attended by the Pastors, not of this society]681
Feb. |
2d |
Capt. Stevens Turner’s daughter aged 4 Yrs & 9 mos |
Feb.683 |
16 |
Isaac Barnes aged 87 Years [Not of this Socty684 |
Feb.685 |
27 |
Rebecca Bartlett daughter of Capt. Isaac B. aged 22 years & 9 months |
March |
20 |
Wid. Lydia Burbank aged 72 years |
23 |
Zerviah Thomas aged 52 years [of the Ch. Society]686 |
28 |
Wm Spooner’s wife of Boston aged 23 years |
May |
17 |
Susan Thacher687 wife of Dr Jas. Thacher aged 85 years |
June |
25 |
a child of Jacob Shrom aged 7 weeks |
July |
23 |
a child of James Simmonds aged 2 yrs |
Augt |
17 |
a child of Ephm Spooner aged 7 mos |
Augt |
29 |
Nathl Goodwin’s wife aged688 73 Yrs |
Sept. |
10 |
James Hall’s child aged 13 months |
Oct. |
Capt Joseph Cooper’s wife aged 70 Yrs |
Nov. |
6 |
Hersey son of Jacob H. Loud aged 4 years |
Nov. |
10 |
Dean Wm P. Ripley aged 63 He was a good man and an excellent spirit was in him |
Dec. |
11 |
Mary W. Barnes daughter of late Capt. Z. Barnes aged 13 years |
Dec. |
19 |
Sophia Brown aged 21 years |
[13 deaths whole number in the Socy] [4 not of this Socy]689
[232] Record of deaths
Feb. |
23 |
Mercy Holmes widow of Thos. H. aged 62690 |
May. |
4 |
John Rock’s wid. aged 71 from alms house |
May. |
12 |
Marcia W. Davie wife of Capt. Wm Davie aged 33 yrs |
July. |
3d |
William Cashwell aged 70 years |
5 |
Lucy Burgess wid. of Thos. Burgess aged 35 |
July |
22 |
Ruth Harlow aged 28 years |
Augt |
28 |
Betsey Mitchell aged 47 years |
Sept. |
5 |
Wid. Mary Morton aged 88 years |
Sept. |
7 |
Noah Morse’s Wife aged 62 years |
25 |
Robert Bartlett aged 27691 years |
Oct. |
7 |
Elizabeth White aged 23 years |
9 |
Capt. Saml Doten Jun’s infant child aged 2 mos. |
11 |
Charles Graton aged 19½ years |
The following persons also died in the course of the year 1843 — |
Recorded by Mr Briggs |
Mrs Lewis Bartlett aged 39 |
Mrs Mary Straffin aged 72 |
Mary Ellen Morton aged 10 weeks |
Isaac L. Hedge Jun aged 17 |
Geo. A.692 Turner aged 22 months |
[Whole number 18]693
Jany |
10 |
The Wife of Barnabas Otis aged 59 Yrs |
Feb. |
18 |
Lewis Colbun Wood aged 23 Yrs |
March |
25 |
Wid. Mary Spooner aged 81 yrs |
Apr. |
15 |
Mrs Deborah Drew wife of Ebenr aged 79 |
May |
23 |
Dr James Thacher Aged 90 Years |
June |
2d |
Mrs Lucy Nye wife of Wm Nye aged 65 |
June |
16 |
Capt. Wm Rogers aged 77 years |
July |
31 |
Capt. Geo. Drew aged 67 years |
Augt |
4th |
Earl Douglas an elderly man suicide from insanity Infant |
child of Immanuel Thomas aged three months |
[233] 1844 Continued
Augt |
18 |
William Robbins aged 85 years |
Sylvanus Holmes’ child aged 13 mos. |
Sept. |
2d |
Twin children of Caswell694 aged 7 weeks |
Sept. |
7 |
John Hawes’ child aged 9 months |
21 |
Abner H. Harlow’s child aged 15 months |
Francis Paulding’s wife aged |
Oct. |
25695 |
Wid. Tryphenia Hedge aged 52 years |
Oct. |
30 |
Daniel Goddard aged 73 Years |
12 of this Society and 7 not of the 1st Parish |
Jany |
26 |
Henry Eddy’s son aged 3 years |
Feby |
5 |
Mrs Sally Kendall wife of Rev. James Kendall aged 65 Yrs |
9 |
Mrs Sarah widow of John Warland formerly of Cambridge aged 84 years |
13 |
Lemuel Raymond aged 48 years |
March |
7 |
Jennet Townes aged 18 years |
10 |
Thomas Treble’s child aged 3 years |
May |
William Brown aged 66 Yrs |
May |
26 |
Ernest Lord son of Rev. Wm H. and Persia Lord aged 19 months |
June |
21 |
Francis Henry Lord son of Rev. Wm H. and Persia Lord aged 4 yrs & 8 months |
July |
17 |
An infant child of Saml Talbut of a few hours old Son of Jacob Jackson drowned |
Sept. |
Infant child of Benjamin Bagnal |
21 |
Charles Raymond drowned in South Pond aged 17 Yrs Daughter of Jacob Jackson suddenly killed by a frightened horse aged 13 Yrs |
Oct. |
2d |
Ebenezer Spooner aged 67 years |
[15 whole number]696 12 of this Parish
[234] Record of Deaths
Jany |
21 |
Nehemiah Savery aged 78 Yrs |
Jany |
30 |
Sally Jackson widow of Thos. J. aged 68697 |
March |
6698 |
John B. Chandler aged 61 |
Feb. |
2 |
Infant child of Ansel Raymond |
May. |
9 |
Ruth Burgess wife of John Burgess Senior aged about 80 |
Augt |
6 |
Mrs Lucretia A. Briggs wife of Rev. G. W. Briggs aged 34 |
Infant child of Nathan Peirce |
Sept. |
27 |
Charls Brown aged 25 yrs of Kingston |
Oct. |
4 |
Capt. Joshua Standish aged 54 Yrs |
5 |
Mrs Nancy E. Bramhall wife of the late Chas. Bramhall |
29 |
Infant child of Joshua Standish aged 13 months |
Nov. |
1 |
Wid. Esther699 Shaw aged 78 yrs |
Nov. |
26 |
Capt. Thomas Paty aged 73 years |
5 |
Infant of B. M. Watson a few days old |
March |
15 |
Abby R. Cox aged 35 |
22 |
Child of B. H. Holmes aged 6 Mos |
Oct. |
1 |
Child of Lucius Pratt aged 6 Mos |
20 |
Wm C. Green aged 40 |
(Whole number of funerals attended by the Pastors 18. 13 of this Society)
Jany |
13 |
Wid. Nehemiah Savery aged 75 Capt. E. S. Turner’s daughter aged 2 Yrs |
18 |
Capt. Southworth Shaw aged 71 yrs |
19 |
Mrs Harriet M. Davis aged 50 yrs |
22 |
Wid. Benjamin Bagnall in 90th year |
March |
30 |
Barnabas Otis aged 91 Years |
Apr. |
26 |
Capt Sylvanus Churchill in his 81st yr |
May |
Philander Sampson aged 35 yrs |
Augt. |
24 |
Franklin Son of Capt Daniel Jackson |
[235] 1847 Continued
Augt |
6th |
Samuel D. Holmes Jun aged 20 yrs |
8th |
Capt. Thomas Torrey aged 48 Yrs |
Sept. |
6 |
Edwd. Doten’s daughter aged 7 yrs700 |
10 |
Francis Goddard’s Son aged 3 yrs |
12701 |
Edward Doten’s daughter aged 3 yrs |
11 |
Capt. Pope’s child Son aged 18 months |
15 |
Miss Eliza Ann Watson aged 48 Yrs |
23 |
Herbert Rogers aged 12 yrs |
Sept. |
26 |
Capt. Samuel D. Holmes’ wife aged 55 |
Oct. |
2 |
Thomas Spooner’s infant child aged 11 Mos |
Oct. |
6 |
Susan Turner aged 54 yrs |
28 |
Wid. Bethiah Holmes aged 69 yrs |
Nov. |
20 |
Capt. America Brewster aged 75 yrs |
(Whole number of deaths 22 whose funerals were attended by the Pastors of this Chh.
April |
19 |
Mr Seth Thrasher aged 84 yrs from the alms house |
June |
16 |
Nathan Hayward M.D. aged 85 years |
24 |
Desire Harlow aged 26 yrs |
James Danforth’s infant child only a few days old |
July |
29 |
Nathaniel M. Davis Esqr aged 63 yrs |
Augt |
10 |
Isaac Wood’s child aged 18 mos |
18 |
Betsey Davie aged 61 yrs |
23 |
Mrs Sarah T.702 Sampson wife of S.S. aged 53 yrs not of this Socy |
13 |
Johnson Brown’s child aged 8 mos (Son) |
18 |
Wm S. Faunce’s child aged 18½ months of this Ch. Society |
Sept. |
Thomas Davis Esqr aged 57 yrs |
Oct. |
28 |
A Son of Mr F.703 Miers a German aged 17 Yrs |
[236] 1848 Record of Deaths
Nov. |
20 |
The following children of James Bayne704 or Burns an Irish family viz. Ellen — Catherine — Henry — Mary — Rose — all between 10 and three years old — perished in the wreck of the Schooner Welcome Return Capt Hewitt of Halifax wrecked near Rocky Hill — about 4 or 5 miles from this village on monday the 20 of Nov. in a violent Storm. The father & mother of these children with an infant at the breast escaped and also the crew & other passengers705 seven in all |
Jany |
26 |
Mrs Rebecca Bartlett widow of the late Capt Isaac B. aged 61 |
29 |
Dr. Isaac Le Baron aged 72 years |
Feb. |
25 |
Mr William Nye aged 70 years |
Geo. Davie aged 17 yrs |
March |
27 |
Nathl Goodwin Son of Albert aged 16 |
Apr. |
A Son of Albert Leach aged 6 Yrs |
6 |
Francis J. Goddard’s child aged 1 Year & 9 months 11 days |
The Wife of Jas. Barnes aged 41 yrs |
12706 |
Widow Sally Bartlett aged 80 yrs |
July |
22d |
A child of Nathan Peirce aged 2 Yrs Susan Mason |
Oct. |
10 |
Wid. Elizabeth Sherman aged 84 Yrs |
13 |
Wm White Goodwin Son of Nathl G. Jun. aged 10 yrs drowned |
25 |
Mrs Mary Wid. of Capt Joshua Standish aged 53 yrs |
Nov. |
6 |
Mrs Rebecca wife of Mr Barbas H. Holmes aged 36 |
13 |
Mrs Eunice D. Wid. of late Barnabas Hedge Esq aged 77 yrs |
15 |
Wid. Job Brewster aged 84 Yrs |
Dec. |
11 |
Caleb Harding’s mother a colored woman aged 72 Yrs |
[237] 1850 Continued
Jany |
5th |
Four persons were drowned in Billington sea two men Charles707 Raymond Jun and Mr Cook; two boys Barnabas Churchill Jun aged 16 yrs and Charles Bates aged 15 yrs. In attempting to save young Churchill they all708 broke thro’ the ice one after the other and were all drowned but one Frank Leach |
22 |
John F. Goldsbury a German at709 North town |
Feb. |
1 |
Henry Schmidt do aged 3½ months |
Feb. |
3 |
Benjamin Brailey aged 24 Yrs drowned in Boston harbor |
Apr. |
24 |
Emma C. daughter of Richard & Mary T. Green aged 7 weeks |
May |
8 |
Widow Isabella Thomas aged 87 years |
25 |
Mr John Burgess aged 84710 years |
June |
7th |
John Churchill’s infant of a few days old |
Augt |
3d |
Theodore Drew’s Wife aged 30 yrs |
10 |
Alpheus Richmond’s wife aged 52 Yrs |
17 |
Joseph A. Burgess’ Wife aged 33 Yrs |
Sylvanus Holmes aged 45 Yrs |
24 |
Mrs Martha Russell wife of Capt Nathaniel Russell aged 72 yrs |
Sept. |
20 |
Robert Sidney Davis |
Sept. |
25 |
Capt. Wadsworth aged 76 Yrs |
Margaret A. Seymour aged 19 Yrs |
Oct. |
11 |
William Brown’s infant son aged 8 mos |
Oct |
1711 |
Wm Morton aged 89 Yrs |
Oct. |
6 |
Mrs Maria Shaw wid. of Southworth S. aged 71 Yrs |
12 |
Maromia712 Doten 15 Mos |
Dec. |
21 |
Mrs Sarah wid. of Capt. America Brewster aged 76 yrs |
22 |
Mrs Jane Wid. of Nathanl Thomas aged 80 Yrs |
27 |
Clara L. Kimball 11 weeks |
Whole number 26 — 2 not of the Socy |
Jany |
Ebenr Drew aged 78713 Yrs |
24 |
Wid. of Daniel Jackson Senr714 in her 90 first year |
Feb. |
1 |
A child of Otis Payne of Wareham aged 2 yrs |
March |
4 |
17 |
Bradford Barnes aged 74 Yrs |
[238] Record of deaths continued
May |
27 |
William Taylor of Boston & grandson of the late John Watson Esqr of Ply. aged 47 yrs |
June |
26 |
A daughter of Mr Edwin Covington & Wife of Boston aged 2½ Years |
July |
17 |
Thomas Bates dyed in consequence of fall fm a load of hay aged 72 Years |
31 |
George Son of Simon Burgess aged 9 Yrs & 3 mos |
1 |
Capt. William Stevens aged 99 Yrs & 3 Mos. of the baptist Society |
15717 |
Abby Sampson aged 34 Yrs |
23d718 |
Oliver Bagnall’s child aged 4 Mos |
26 |
Mrs. Harriet G. W. Wife of Rev. John H. Avery and daughter of Rev. Benjn Whitmore aged 34 yrs & 7 Mos |
Sept. |
22 |
Theophilus Rickard aged 62 yrs |
23 |
Miss Lavantia Jackson daughter of Jacob J. aged 20 Yrs & 3 mos |
Oct. |
25 |
Betsey P. Doten daughter of Ewd Doten aged 18 yrs & 7 mos |
30719 |
Wid Lewis Weston aged 73 Yrs |
Nov. |
An infant child of Savery deceased from alms house aged 2 mos |
Nov. |
23 |
An720 infant child of721 German parents buried from N. Town & belonging to Boston |
26 |
Capt. Joseph Cooper in his 83d year |
Feb. |
1st |
Capt. Danl Jackson aged 64 yrs & 9 Mo |
Feb. |
4 |
Asa Barrows aged 86 yrs — leaving 11 children 30 grand children and 20 Great Grand children |
22 |
Nathl Bartlett aged 63 Yrs |
Apr. |
8th |
Wid. Mary Bartlett aged 93 years |
15 |
Thomas Spooner’s wife aged 43 Yrs |
May |
9th |
Mary B. daughter of Capt. Nathl Spooner aged 2 Yrs |
May |
17 |
Nancy Hollis aged about 60 yrs |
[239] 1852 Continued
June |
28 |
Wid. Mary Bates aged nearly 84 Yrs |
29 |
Mr. Luther722 Delano aged 71 yrs formerly of Duxbury |
July |
12 |
A daughter of Wid. Eph. Holmes of Duxbury aged 2 yrs |
26 |
Wid. Joyce in her 82d year died in Boston & buried in Plymouth |
Augt |
12 |
Mrs Hannah L. Wid. of Ellis Barnes aged 48 Yrs |
Sept. |
27 |
Widow Bartlett Sears aged 74 years |
Oct. |
28 |
Capt. Nathl Russell aged 83 Yrs & 6 months |
Nov. |
4 |
Infant child 4 days old of Andros & Anna |