Page references in italics indicate an illustration. “WB” refers to William Bradford. Used alone, “the colony” refers to Plimoth Colony. This index does not include the text of “Some Hebrew words Englished” or the appendix. Readers interested in those sections may search the online version of the volume at
Abbot, George (archbishop of Canterbury), 126n9
Abbott, Sir Maurice, 124n5
Abdas, 537
Abulensis, 491n58
Actes and monuments (Foxe), 89n2, 90n4, 92
Adam and Eve, 15
adultery, 17, 480, 488, 489n49, 492n63, 494
adventurers (investors)
Isaac Allerton’s agreement with, 305–10, 315, 320–27
colonists abandoned by, 291–97
colonists’ debts to, 296
hardships of, 238, 264, 294–95
opposition to the Leiden congregation, 220
vs. planters, 144–45, 147, 162–63
relations with the colonists, 62, 66, 265
Thomas Weston on, 217–21
See also Allerton, Isaac; Dorchester Adventurers; Peirce, John; Sherley, James; Weston, Thomas; Winslow, Edward
Age of Exploration, 58–59
AIM (American Indian Movement), 45
Ainsworth, Henry
in the Ancient Church, 108n4, 136n35
Annotations Upon the Five Books of Moses, 229, 490n54, 553–55, 563, 571–72, 575
The book of Psalms, 554
Alden, John
arrested (in Hocking’s death) and released, 405–7
as a cooper, 544–45
and Hocking, 65
marriage to Priscilla Mullins, 162n11, 544, 546, 548
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38
Alden, Priscilla Mullins, 162n11, 544, 546, 548
Aldworth, Robert, 304n, 350n48
Allerton, Bartholomew, 543, 546
Allerton, Fear Brewster, 201n3, 264n30, 338n64, 349, 381
Allerton, Isaac, 127n15
as agent for the colony, 63, 201n3, 324, 337, 340, 344–45, 348–51, 361
agreement with the adventurers, 305–10, 315, 320–27
and William Brewster, 349, 381
confession by, 384
conflict with the French, 383
corruption/deviousness of, 63–64, 349–50, 354–55, 360–68, 371–83, 389–92, 396–98, 424–25
death of, 201n3
emigration to America, 543
marriage to Fear Brewster, 201n3, 338n64, 349, 381
marriage to Mary Norris, 201, 543, 546
and Thomas Morton, 345–46
on preparations for congregation’s journey to America, 148–49
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
as WB’s assistant, 201
Allerton, John, 190n2, 545, 548
Allexander, John, 60–61
American exceptionalism, xiv
American Indian Movement (AIM), 45
American Revolution, 68–69
Ames, William, 8, 113n15, 116n22, 509–10n13
Anakims, 96
Ancient Church (Ancient Brethren; Amsterdam), 7–8, 98n32, 101n37, 108, 152n25
Andrews, Richard, 372
as an adventurer, 309n6
corruption/deviousness of, 378–79
Sherley’s release of claims on behalf of, 469–74, 498–505
trading patent sought by, 350–51
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38, 340, 424, 437–40, 455–56, 459, 461, 467
Anglo-French War (1627–29), 385n46
Anglo-Spanish War (1584–1604), 123nn1–2
Anna (biblical figure), 12
Annotations Upon the Five Books of Moses (Ainsworth), 229, 490n54, 553–55, 563, 571–72, 575
Antwerp, Treaty of (1609), 116n2, 122n20
Aquidneck Island (Rhode Island), 477, 480, 528
Aquinas, 585
Argall, Sir Samuel, 135, 135n31
Aristotle, 511n16
Arminians, 100n34, 113–14, 115
Arminius, Jacobus, 101n37, 109n6, 113–14n15
Arnold, Benedict, 528, 530n10, 537
Articles of Confederation, 514–20, 531
arms trading by, 367
corruption of, 63, 351n53, 353–54, 360
fur trading by, 344n30
imprisonment of, 367
in Penobscot, 352–53
reputation as profane, 344n30, 352
trading patent sought by, 350–51
Assize courts, 104n6
Augustine, 585
The auncient ecclesiasticall histories (Eusebius), 94n19
Austerfield Church (Nottinghamshire, England), 21
Austin, Jane Goodwin, 20n36
Avenarius, Johann, 555
Awashawe, 535–36
Babworth (Nottinghamshire, England), 5–6, 18–19n30, 99n31, 99n33
Bangs, Jeremy D., 73, 115n, 176n3, 181n6, 553–55
baptism, 90n6, 99n32, 108n4, 132–33, 260, 399n8, 474–75n14, 510n14
Barnstable (Massachusetts), 465, 471
Base, Edward (or Bass), 308n2, 325n10
Bawtry (Nottinghamshire, England), 5, 18–19n30, 99n33
Beauchamp, John, 372
as an adventurer, 217n10, 219, 308n2, 309n6
as an agent for the colony, 323–24
as an Ancient Church member, 217n10
corruption/deviousness of, 378–79
as a justice of the peace, 308n2
Sherley’s release of claims on behalf of, 469–74, 498–505
trading patent sought by, 350–51
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38, 325n10, 340, 424, 437–40, 455–56, 459, 461
Bellingham, Richard, 60, 428–29, 478–80
bestiality, 17, 61, 480–82, 486, 489, 496–97
Beza, Theodore de, 132n21, 487n31, 487–88n35
Bible Commonwealths, 14
Billington, Ellen, 544
Billington, John (the elder)
emigration to America, 544
Lyford on, 278–79
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
murder by and execution of, 57, 205n16, 368–69, 547
subscribes to the agreement with the adventurers, 321n38
Billington, John (the younger), 205, 544
bishops, 98n29
Blackwell, Francis, 135–39, 141
Block Island (Rhode Island), 287n4, 442, 445n3, 446
Boaz (biblical figure), 202n5
Bodin, Jean: The Sixe Bookes of a Common-weale, 235–36n19
The Book of Common Prayer, 260n21, 273n62, 336n58
The book of Psalms (Ainsworth), 554
Boston, settlement of, 369n38
Bradford, Alice Carpenter (WB’s second wife), 22, 89n2, 172n6, 546
Bradford, Dorothy May (WB’s first wife), 19–20, 189n, 543, 546
Bradford, John (WB’s grandson), 68, 69n22
Bradford, John (WB’s son), 20, 22, 543
Bradford, Robert (WB’s uncle), 18
Bradford, Samuel (WB’s great-grandson), 68, 69n22
Bradford, William
baptism of, 21
William Brewster’s friendship with, 18–19
as a Cambridge Assembly representative, 22
caught in a Native American deer trap, 183n15
commissioned to settle land disputes, 463–66
death of, 22
education of/reading by, 18
emigration to America, 20, 543
emigration to the Netherlands, 107n1
and the Hocking murder, 414n26
land divisions laid out by, 311n12
lay sermons by, 13
marriage to Alice Carpenter, 22, 172n6, 546
marriage to Dorothy May, 19–20, 189n, 543, 546
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
preparations for congregation’s journey to America, 143n10, 148–49
religious interests of, early, 18–19
religious views of, 58–59, 64–65
returns to England, xiii
role in congregation’s settlement in America, 19–20
in scouting parties upon arrival in America, 181n5, 185n20
on the Scrooby congregation’s organization, 6
on the Scrooby congregation’s persecution, 7
Separatist fellowship joined by, xiii
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
on sins, 480
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 320–21
as a weaver, 19
writing skills of, 51–52
colonial objectives of, 40–41
— hebrew studies
biblical quotations, 558, 570, 586–88
commentaries and sources used for, 552, 553–59, 568–72
copying errors, 576–78
exercises, 593
lemmas vs. glosses, 552, 559–66, 582, 589
lists, composition of, 553, 576–78
lists, organization of, 578–82
lists, purposes of, 582–86
motivation for, xv–xvi, 22, 583–85
nature of Hebrew and WB’s knowledge of it, 551–52, 567, 588–90
non-biblical words and phrases, 551–53, 572–73
orthographic errors, 573–76
overview of, 551–53
silluq symbol, 552, 557, 566–68, 589
transliteration of Hebrew, 558–59, 590–93
“Discourses,” 8
“Letter of William Bradford and Isaac Allerton,” 243n43, 243n45, 247nn56–57, 248n60, 253–54n87, 255n1
“Registur,” 24
“Some Observations of God’s Merciful Dealing with us in this Wilderness,” 24
See also “Dialogues”; Letter Book; Of Plimoth Plantation
Bradford, William (WB’s father), 18
Bradford, William (WB’s son), 68
Bradforthe, William (WB’s grandfather), 18
Bragdon, Kathleen, 195n17
Brereton, Sir William, 119n12
Brewer, Thomas, 136–37n37, 146–47, 203n10, 509n13
Brewster, Jonathan, 208n32, 264n30, 321n38, 431–32
Brewster, Love, 61, 496n85, 545, 555
Brewster, Patience, 264n30
Brewster, William (the elder), 507n6
Brewster, William (the younger)
on the Ancient Brethren, 8
background of, 507
character/personality of, 510–11
clothing of, 17
Clyfton’s influence on, 97n26
education of, 100n35
as Elder of Scrooby congregation, 8–9, 13, 100, 109, 260n22, 510n14
emigration to America, 100n35, 543
emigration to the Netherlands, 107–8
English taught by, 509
Latin spoken by, 509
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
negotiations with the Virginia Company of London, 125n6, 128n16, 129–32
at Peterhouse College, 5
Pilgrim Press established by, 100n35, 136–37n37, 509–10n13
religious work of, 508
reported for repeating sermons in the church without authority and for gadding, 5
sermons of, 12, 422n8, 510n14, 511
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
sick colonists cared for by, 191
subscribes to the agreement with the adventurers, 321n38
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38
upbringing in Scrooby, 5
WB’s friendship with, 18–19
Brewster, Wrestle, 545
A brieff discours off the troubles (Whittingham), 92n14
Bright, Francis, 355n68
Britteridge, Richard, 190n2, 544, 548
Brooke, Robert Greville, second Baron, 404n6, 405, 408n17, 434n51
Brooks, Lisa, xv
Browne, Robert, 158n3
Brownists, 101n37, 158n3, 292–93, 295, 423n
Buckingham, George Villiers, first Duke of, 385n46
Bullinger, Heinrich, 487n32
Bunyan, John, 10–11
Burnett, Stephen G., 555
Busheag, 523–24n8
Buxtorf, Johann, 553–54, 556–57, 566, 571n48
Caesar, Julius, 117n6
Calderwood, David
De Regimine Ecclesiae Scoticanae Brevis Relatio, 136–37n37, 510n13
Perth Assembly, 136n37, 510n13
Calvin, John, 15–16, 92n15, 93, 132n21, 158, 487n31
Institutio Christianae Religionis, 487n30
Calvinism, 3, 94n20, 113–14n15, 158n, 289n11
See also puritans
Cambridge Assembly (Massachusetts), 22, 475n15
Cambridge Platform, 475n15
Cambridge Synod (1637), 475n15
Canons (1604), 90n6
Capawack (Martha’s Vineyard), 197n28, 198, 206, 224
Cape Ann (Massachusetts), 243n45, 259, 267, 268n45, 269, 291–92
Carleton, Dudley, 136–37n37
Cartwright, Thomas, 507n6, 510n13
Carver, Catherine White Leggatt, 165n15
background of, 125n6, 127–28n15
baptism of, 127n15
as deacon of Scrooby congregation, 109n7, 125n6
death of, 20, 66, 125n6, 201, 211, 545
emigration to America, 543
as governor of Plimoth Colony, 20, 125n6, 190, 195n17
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
negotiations with the Virginia Company of London, 125n6, 127–29
preparations for congregation’s journey to America, 142–43, 149–50, 155
John Robinson’s letters to, 145–47, 163, 165
in scouting party upon arrival in America, 185n20
and Staresmore, 138–39
Carver, Katherine, 201, 543, 545
catchpole officers, 103
Catholics, controlling the flight of, 102n2
Cato the Younger, 117
cattle, 42, 67, 243n45, 256, 297–98, 309n5, 392–93, 459, 468
Cecil, Sir Robert, 126n8
ceremonies, religious
unlawful, 97
See also sacraments
Chadderton, Lawrence, 509–10n13
Charity (ship), 256n10, 257, 291–92
Charles I, king of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Commission for Regulating Plantations established by, 408n17 (see also Commission for Regulating Plantations)
Massachusetts Bay Company charter granted by, 343–44
on New England, 388–89
role in the English Puritan Revolution, 94–95n21
Charles River, 462
Charlestown (Boston, Mass.), 369–70, 462
Chauncy, Charles
background of, 474n14
as a Hebraist, 556
as pastor of Plimoth, 474–75
as pastor of Scituate, 476
as president of Harvard College, 476n17
on sexual penetration vs. friction, 60
on sins generally, 486–96
on sodomy, 484, 486–87, 489, 491, 494
education of, 260–61
voting by, 255n1
Chilton, James, 190n2, 544, 548
Chinnough, 527
The Christian Synagogue (Weemes), 555
Chronological History of New England (Prince), 24, 68, 78n
Chrysostom, John, 166n21
church and state, separation of, 115n
church covenant
Scrooby congregation’s formation as, 6, 10, 99nn30–31
swearing to, 11
Church of England
vs. the Ancient Church, 108n4
on baptism, 475
conformity demanded by, 6
exiles’ dispute about, 93n16
ordination process in, 359n83
vs. other reformed churches, 98
Scrooby congregation’s objections to, 17
unscriptural ceremonies of, 93–94
Church of Ireland, 269n50
Church of Scotland, 94–95n21
cicadas, 402
Civil Rights Movement, 45
Clark, Richard, 190n2
Cleaver, Robert: Exposition of the Ten Commandments, 136n37, 510n13
Clenardus, 556
Clyfton, Richard, 5–6, 8, 18, 19n30, 23, 97n26, 99, 108n4, 109n7
Cobbesacontee, 403–4
Coddington, William, 370n43, 428, 478n
Coke, Sir Edward, 138n41
Coke, Sir John, 346n37, 388, 467n15
The Collected Verse of William Bradford (Runyan, ed.), 23n39, 585
Collicott, Sergeant, 537
Collier, William, 294–98, 340n10, 352n56, 377, 396, 414n26, 469–70, 472–73, 520
Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 71
colonization of the New World
failed colonies, 121n18
justifications for, 119n13
papal pronouncement asserting sovereignty over colonized lands, 119–20n13
by Portugal, 119n13
by the Virginia Company of London, 123n2, 124–25
See also individual colonies
Columbus, Christopher, 119n13
Commission for Regulating Plantations, 408n17, 409–12, 419–21
Committee on Foreign Plantations (Warwick Commission), 537n3, 539nn8–9
common stock, 62, 142, 145, 275n68
Conant, Roger, 259n17, 268–69, 291n18, 292n21, 335n51
congregationalism, xiv, 6–7, 11, 13–14, 23–24, 66, 359
Connecticut River, settlements along, 399, 430–35, 440n17
Consistory Court, 97n27
Constitution, Iroquois influence on, 40
Cooke, Bridget, 10
Cooke, Francis, 311n12, 544, 547
Coppin, Robert, 148n, 185n21, 187
Corbitant, 36, 38–39, 205–6, 214
Cotton, John, 13, 24, 103n5, 414n26, 435n57
Gods promise to his plantation, 370n44
Council for New England, 57, 318n
establishment of, 142n6
Robert Gorges granted a governorship by, 248–50
Kennebec River patent granted by, 327n18, 403–4
Peirce Patent granted by, 162n9, 238–39
Miles Standish’s mission to, 291n19, 292n22, 300–301
violation of authority of, 220n25
Covenant of Works, 15
Crackston (Crackstone), John, 127n15, 190n2, 543, 546
Cradock (Craddock), Matthew, 350n50, 391n7
The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism (Walker), 13–14
crime, 262
Cromwell, Oliver, 203n10, 263n26, 308n2
Cromwell, Thomas, 537–38
Cross, Daniel, 456–57
The Cry of a Stone (Coachman [Cushman]), 125n6
Cudbers, Cudbert, 321n38
Cushenoc (now Augusta, Maine), 327n20
arrival/departure on the Fortune, 208
background of, 125n6
on the clergy, 7
conditions/provisions for congregation’s journey to America, 142–43, 148–57, 160–62
The Cry of a Stone, 125n6
The Danger of Self-Love, 12
death and burial site of, 66, 301n59, 303–4
on human frailty, 7
letter to Edward Southworth, 172–75
on Martin, 172–74
negotiations with the Virginia Company of London, 125n6, 127–29, 134–35
on new arrivals to the colony, 242
preaching by, 422n8
A sermon preached at Plimmoth, 125n6
A Sermon Preached at Plimoth in New-England, 125n6, 210n38
on ship repairs/building, 172–75, 259
on who may preach, 12
on Edward Winslow, 258–59
Cushnock (Augusta, Maine), 404n5
Damariscove Island (Maine), 216n8
The Danger of Self-Love (Cushman), 12
The Danger of Tolerating Levellers in a Civill State. See Hypocrisie Unmasked
d’Anghiera, Peter Martyr, 236–37
d’Aunay de Charnise, Charles de Menon, 425–26, 527
David, King (biblical figure), 96
Davis, Jenkin, 479n
Davis, John, 528
Davison, Sir William, 5, 17, 100n35, 124–25n5, 507, 508n10
Day of Mourning, 47
Deacon, John, 5
Dean, Stephen, 321n38
Deane, Charles, 60, 69, 98n29, 479n
death penalty. See sins, capital crimes
Deborah (biblical figure), 12
Dedham Conference, 11
A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode of Dort (J. Robinson), 115n
defense measures, 40, 213, 227–28, 524–25
See also United Colonies of New England
Delano, Philip, 208n32
de la Warr, Thomas West, third Baron, 240n35
democracy and evangelicalism, xiv
de Rasieres, Isaak, 316–17, 327, 328n23, 328n26
De Regimine Ecclesiae Scoticanae Brevis Relatio (Calderwood), 136–37n37, 510n13
Dermer, Thomas, 34, 193–94nn13–14, 196–99
A Description of New England (J. Smith), 25, 25–26, 33, 178n15, 194n14, 197n24
Devil. See Satan
devil worship, 40
Devonshire, William Cavendish, first Earl of, 124n5
Dexter, Henry Martyn, 554
“Dialogues” (WB), xv, 22, 49, 71, 73–75
alterations to/survival of, 23n38
on Clyfton, 97n26
on Plimoth’s religious tradition, 23
revisions to, 74–75
on John Robinson, 100n34
writing of, 71
2nd, 23
on bishops, 98n29
on congregationalism, 23
Hebrew phrases/verses in, 551–52, 573, 585, 588
on heresies, 23
inks used in, 74
writing of, 71
The differences of the churches of the seperation (Smyth), 108n4
“Discourses” (WB), 8
Dod, John: Exposition of the Ten Commandments, 136n37, 510n13
Dominican friars, 194n14
Dorchester Adventurers, 267–68n45, 292n21, 332n40
Dorchester plantation (Boston), 431–33
Doten, Edward, 190n2
Doty, Edward, 185n20, 321n38, 544, 548
Dudley, Samuel, 387n49
Dudley, Thomas, 346n37, 370, 407–9, 414, 428
Articles of Confederation signed by, 520
as governor of Massachusetts, 442n23, 445n5
on the Pequots, 441–42
on the Standing Council, 446n8
Dummer, Richard, 428
Durie, John, 116n22
Dutch protestants, 584–85
Dutch Reformed Church, 275n66
Duxbury (Massachusetts), 66, 393, 465, 476
Eastham (Cape Cod). See Nauset
East India Company, 125n5
Eaton, Francis, 190n2, 321, 544, 548
Eaton, Theophilus, 520, 526–37
education of children, 260–61
Edward I, king of England, 102n2
Edward III, king of England, 102n2
Edward VI, king of England and Ireland, 3, 93n16, 98
Een idee van Plymouth Plantation (Willaerts), 420
El Dorado, 123n1
Elizabeth I, queen of England and Ireland, 3, 5, 93, 508n10
emigration by sea, licenses for, 102–3n2
Endecott, John, 355n68, 356–57
Block Island assaulted by, 42n25, 445n3, 452n28
commissioned to settle land disputes, 463–64
on the Standing Council, 446n8
Christianity’s arrival in, 89n2
map of Pilgrims’ journeys in, 79
English, Thomas, 190n2, 545, 548
English Civil Wars, 12–13, 59–60, 387n50, 468n19, 514n26
English Merchant Adventurers, 507n6
English Reformation, xiv, 3, 62
English Reformed Church (Netherlands), 9n10, 11, 355n68
English reform movement, 10
Great Dying, 30–31, 33, 188n38, 193n10
plague, 291n19, 300–301, 436–37
Episcopal Church of England, 23
Episcopius, Simon, 109n6, 113–14n15
Essex, Walter Devereux, first Earl of, 453n34
ethnic cleansing, 31–32
eucharist, 112n
Eusebius, 90n7
The auncient ecclesiasticall histories, 94n19
evangelicalism and democracy, xiv
Ewangsos, 535
Billington (the elder), 57, 205n16, 368–69, 547
Mary, Queen of Scots, 5, 100n35, 507, 508n10
in Plimoth Colony, first, 205n16, 368, 547
Exposition of the Ten Commandments (Dod and Cleaver), 136n37, 510n13
Fairfield, Daniel, 479n
A faithfull and plaine exposition (Perkins), 94n20
the Fall, 15
familism, 478
Fance, John, 321n38
fasting, 135n33, 137, 140n2, 158
Fells, Mr., 314
Fenwick, George, 520, 526, 533–37
Ferrar, John and Nicholas, 150n19
Ferrar, Sir Nicholas, 150n19
for bass, 361–62, 364, 366, 380
in Maine coastal waters, 226n50 (see also Monhegan Island)
Native fishing grounds, 42
rights of, 142n6
ships for, 256–57, 261–62, 267–68n45, 291–92
Fitcher, Lieutenant, 330–31
Fletcher, Moses, 190n2, 544, 548
Fletcher, Thomas, 294–98
Fogg, Ralph, 376n14
Forbes, John, 11
Ford, Worthington C., 77–78
fornication, 17
Fort Caroline (Florida), 124n3
Fort Good Hope (near Hartford), 400–401, 436n1
Fort Orange (now Albany, N.Y.), 328
Fort qui à été sur le Breestraat (Luycken), 115
Fortune (ship), 208–12, 216–17, 220
founding fathers, 40
Fowle, Thomas, 539n8
Foxe, John: Actes and monuments, 89n2, 90n4, 92
foxes, 262
Franklin, Benjamin, 40
Frederick, king of Bohemia, 112n
Frederik Hendrik, 303n3
Free Grace Controversy, 445n3, 475n15, 478n
Freeman, Edmund, 502–3
the French
Isaac Allerton’s conflict with, 383
conflicts with the colonists, 383–85, 425–30
vs. Massachusetts government, 527
and the Scots, 385n44
trading with, 65, 329, 447, 527n
French Confession of Faith (1559), 132n21
French Protestant (Huguenot) churches, 292–93
French Reformed Church, 132, 208n32
Friendship (ship), 367–68, 371–75, 378–79, 390, 392
Fuller, Edward, 190n2, 544, 548
Fuller, Samuel, 19
background of, 177n11
as deacon of Scrooby congregation, 109n7, 177n11
death of, 402
emigration to America, 543, 546
influence on Bay churches, 64–65
lay sermons by, 13
on Lyford, 280
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
as a physician, 177n11, 356, 402
on preparations for congregation’s journey to America, 148–49
subscribes to the agreement with the adventurers, 321n38
visit to Salem, 13
Furnival’s Inn (London), 330n34
“further light,” 8, 158n3, 480
fur trade, 207n24, 217n11, 248n60, 262n, 268n45, 292n21, 299, 309n6, 353n60
gadding (traveling to neighboring churches to hear sermons), 5
Gallop, John, 454
Gardiner, Sir Christopher, 57, 385–88
Gardiner, Lion, 434n51
Gardiner, Richard, 190n2, 544, 548
Gardiner, Stephen, 385–86n47
Gates, Sir Thomas, 203n13
General History of New England (Hubbard), 68, 292n21
A Generall Historie of the Netherlands (Grimeston), 97–98n28
Geneva Bible, 74
Geree, Stephen, 10
Gibbons, Major, 531
Gibbs, John, 322n3
Gilbert, Humphrey, 453
Girling, Richard, 426–27
Glover, Joseph, 435n56
commandments of, 15
humankind’s covenant with, 15
providence of, 511–13
puritans’ beliefs about, 14–16
Godbertson, Godbert, 275n66
Gods promise to his plantation (Cotton), 370n44
Goffe, Thomas, 322n3
The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius (Guevara), 111n10
Goldman, Shalom, 588
Gomarus, Franz, 109n6
Goodman, John, 190n2, 544, 548
Good nevves from New-England (Edward Winslow), 203n10, 215–16n4, 227n55, 233n8
Goodyear, Hugh, 355n68, 443n27
Goodyear, Steven, 533–37
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 57, 388
Council for New England controlled by, 403n3
on Epenow, 197n28
governorship of New England sought by, 408n17, 421
Massachusetts charter opposed by, 387n50
petitions for charters/patents to establish colonies, 142n6, 162n9
relations with Natives, 34
Sherley on, 327
and the Warwick Patent, 343
and Thomas Weston, 250
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 178n14
Gott, Gift Palmer, 359n85
Gouge, William, 17
grammar/grammarians, 509n12
Grammatica Anglicana (Greaves), 509n12
Grand Remonstrance (1641), 95n21
Great Dying (epidemic introduced by explorers), 30–31, 33, 188n38, 193n10
Great Hope (ship), 426n21
Greaves, Paul: Grammatica Anglicana, 509n12
Greene, John, 458nn11–12
Greene, William, 220–22
Green Harbor (later Marshfield, Mass.), 393–94
Greenwood, John, 8, 23, 101n37, 507n6
Greville, Sir Fulke, 133n24
Grimeston, Edward: A Generall Historie of the Netherlands, 97–98n28
Grotius, Hugo, 120n13
Grove, Mary, 386n
Guevara, Antonio de: Libro aureo de Marco Aurelius Emperador, 111n10
Guiana, 123
Gunpowder Plot, 102n2
Hackett, William, 496n84
Hakluyt, Richard, 228n58
Hampton Court Conference, 6
Harlow, Edward, 197n28
An Harmony of the Confessions of the Faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches, 293
Harrison, Robert, 510n13
Hartford, 289n10, 435n54, 440n17, 452n29, 524, 535
Harvard College, 584
Hatch, Lydia, 61
Hatherly, Timothy, 321n38, 340, 350–52, 361–68, 372–74, 379, 391–92, 461
Hathorne, William, 526
Haynes, John, 428, 442n23, 445n5
Hazell, John, 555
Heal, Giles, 177n11
curiosity with, 584–85
nouns and verbs in, 559–65
right-to-left reading of, 579
See also Bradford, William— hebrew studies
Henry V (Shakespeare), 453n34
Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 197n28
Henry VIII, king of England, 3
Het vertrek van de Pilgrim Fathers vanuit Delfshaven (Willaerts), 160
Hewes, Mr., 292n21
Hibbens, William, 499–500
Hicks, Robert, 321n38
Higginson, Francis, 13–14, 41, 355–56n68, 358–59
Hilton, Edward, 404n6
Hingham (Massachusetts), 65, 461–64
Historia Ecclesiastica (Socrates of Constantinople), 90n7
History of Massachusetts Bay (T. Hutchinson), 68
A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America (Wilberforce), 69
Hobart, Edmund, 291n18
Hobomock, 35, 56, 205–6, 214–16, 232n6
Hocking, John, 65, 404–7, 408n17, 413–14
Holbeck, William, 544
Holland, Robert, 294–98
Holmes, William, 449n17
Hooker, Thomas, 24, 289n10, 435n54
Hopkins, Damaris, 544
Hopkins, Edward, 520, 526, 533–37
Hopkins, Elizabeth, 544
Hopkins, Oceanus, 544
Hopkins, Stephen
emigration to America, 203n13, 544
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2, 203n11
Ousamequin visited by, 203
relations with the Wampanoag, 37
in scouting parties upon arrival in America, 181n5, 185n20
subscribes to the agreement with the adventurers, 321n38
as a tanner and merchant, 203n13
tried for mutiny, 203n13
Hough, Atherton, 428
Howland, Elizabeth Tilley, 544–45, 547
Howland, Henry, 177n6
Howland, John
emigration to America, 176–77, 543
Hocking murder, role in, 404–5, 406n
land divisions laid out by, 311n12
marriage to Elizabeth, 545
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
in scouting party upon arrival in America, 185n20
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
subscribes to the agreement with the adventurers, 321n38
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38, 404n7
Hubbard, William: General History of New England, 68, 292n21
Huddleston, John, 226–27
Hudson, John, 479n
Huguenots (Walloons), 109n6, 113n14, 124n3, 125n6
Huldah (biblical figure), 12
human body, conceptions of, 58–59
humankind’s covenant with God, 15
Humfrey (Humfry, Humfries), John, 428, 350n50, 434n51, 479n4
Hunt, Thomas, 33, 194n14, 196, 205n16
hurricanes, 430
Hus, Jan, 112n
Hussites, 112n
Hutchinson, Anne, 10, 445n3, 478n3
Hutchinson, Thomas: History of Massachusetts Bay, 68
Hyde, Sir Nicholas, 346n37
Hypocrisie Unmasked (Edward Winslow), 113n14, 119n12, 126n8, 141n4, 158–59nn3–4, 159–60n7, 275n66, 478n, 540n10, 541
Iawashoe, 536
indentured servants, 59, 330, 456n1, 498
Institutio Christianae Religionis (Calvin), 487n30
Inter Caestera, 119–20n13
Iroquois democracy, 40
Ishmael (biblical figure), 270
Jackson, Thomas, 456–57, 537n2
James, Frank Wamsutta, xi, 45–47
James, Thomas, 457–58
James I, king of England and Ireland, 423n
charter given to Council for New England, 249n65
church structure under, 6, 98n29
on De Regimine Ecclesiae Scoticanae, 136–37n37
and Naunton, 126n8
publications suppressed by, 510n13
Jamestown (Virginia), 123n2, 143n8
Jebusites, 96
Jeffrey, Thomas, 452
Jenness, Abraham, 253n86, 304–5n7
Jezebel (biblical figure), 12
Johnson, Francis, 98n32, 101n37, 108n4, 121n18, 136–37, 510n13
Johnson, George, 108n4
Johnson, Isaac, 350n50, 369–70
Johnson, Robert, 135n28
Jones, Christopher, 154, 170n2
Jones, Thomas, 228
Joshua (biblical figure), 96nn23–24
Josias, 537
Junius, Francis, 487n31, 489n41
Keene, John, 61
Kennebec River trading patent, 315, 327–28, 338, 343, 383, 403–4, 407, 414n26
Kersley, William, 61
King James Bible, 74
King Philip’s War (1675–76), 44–45, 57, 530n8
Kirtchuk, Pablo, 588
Krol, Sebastiaen Jansen, 316n25, 415n34
dispute between Scituate and Hingham over, 65, 461–65
division in Plimoth Colony, 235, 266, 309n5, 310–11, 461
grants of, 41, 462 (see also Peirce Patent; Warwick Patent)
rights to, 41
Langmore, John, 543
Las Casas, Bartholomé de, 119–20n13
Latin, 509n12
La Tour, Charles de, 383n39, 425n17, 527
Laud, William (archbishop of Canterbury), 12–13, 66, 289n10, 339n3, 408n17, 410–11, 421–22, 467n15, 539n8
Laurence, David, 52
enforcement of, 58
English way of life favored by, 41–43
re: livestock, 42
Mayflower Compact, xiv, 20, 58, 190, 203n11, 255n4
lay preaching. See prophesying
Leicester, Robert Sidney, first Earl of, 507n7
Leiden (Netherlands), 108–9, 110
Leiden University, 109n6, 113–14
Lester (Leister), Edward, 190n2, 544, 548
Letter Book (WB), 22
on the adventurers, 291n19, 294–98
on Dutch traders, 316n26, 318–19nn
on the Leiden people’s arrival in America, 339n7
on ownership of the colony, 309n5
on the undertakers of agreements, 321n38
“Letter of William Bradford and Isaac Allerton” (WB), 243n43, 243n45, 247nn56–57, 248n60, 253–54n87, 255n1
Levett, Christopher, 194n13, 248
liberty of conscience, 423n
Libro aureo de Marco Aurelius Emperador (Guevara), 111n10
Lily, William, 509n12
Lincoln, Theophilus Clinton, fourth Earl of, 139n45
Little James (ship), 253–54n87, 256n10, 286n, 299–300
Lives (Plutarch), 117n6
cattle, 42, 67, 243n45, 256, 297–98, 309n5, 392–93, 459, 468
free-roaming, Natives impacted by, 42, 530n8
goats, 243n45, 309n5, 459, 468
pigs, 42
sold to new arrivals, price of, 470n4
Lollard martyrs, 90n4
London, plague in, 291n19, 300–301, 436–37
London Bridge fire, 396
Long Parliament, 95n21, 468n19, 470n4
Lord’s Supper, 5, 260, 474n14, 510n14
Louis XIII, king of France, 425n17
Lupher, David A., 117n6, 332n38, 556, 589
Luther, Martin, 486n28
Lutherans, 158n3
Luycken, Jan: Fort qui à été sur le Breestraat, 115
Lyford, John
behavior on arrival in Plimoth, 269–70
on John Billington, 278–79
confessions of wrongdoing by, 280, 283, 290
as a conspirator, 52, 57, 271–78, 282–85, 287
controversy surrounding, 9, 259n18, 268n47, 337
conviction and censure of, 279–81, 283–84, 287
Cushman on, 259n18
death of, 291
in Ireland, 289–90
joins the Plimoth congregation, 270, 273
justification of his conspiracy, 280–83
in Nantasket, 291
in Virginia, 291
wife’s and friends’ accusations against, 288–90
Magnalia (C. Mather), 68, 588–89
Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), 490n54
Manamoyick (now Harwich, Mass.), 198
Manomet (now Bourne, Mass.), 205, 315, 328n26
Manomet River, 327n22
Manonscusset (or Scusset), 327n22
Marcus Aurelius, 111–12
Margesson, Edmond, 190n2, 544, 548
Marian exiles and martyrs, 91n12, 93n16
Marlborough, James Ley, third Earl of, 454n43
by civil ceremony, 19, 202, 422n11, 423n
by a clergyman, 202n5
sexuality within and outside, 16–17 (see also adultery)
Marshfield (formerly Green Harbor, Massachusetts), 393n15, 465, 476
Martin, Christopher, 162
Cushman on, 172–74
emigration to America, 543
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
preparations for the journey to America, 155–56
Martínez, Pierre, 555–56, 571n48, 584
Mary, Queen of Scots
vs. Elizabeth, 508n10
execution of, 5, 100n35, 507, 508n10
Mary Tudor, queen of England and Ireland, 3, 91n11, 93, 385–86n47
Mason, John, 388, 421, 449n19, 451–52, 531
Massachusetts Bay Colony
anniversaries of founding of towns in, xiii
boundary with Plimoth Colony, 65, 461–65
petition for restructuring, 538–39
vs. Plimoth Colony, 64–66
trade with the French, 65
Massachusetts Bay Company (formerly New England Company), 332n40, 340n8, 344n27, 344n29
Massachusetts Court of Assistants, 346n36
Massachusetts General Court, 445–46, 447n11, 478, 539n8
Massachusetts Historical Society, 69
Massachusett tribe, 39, 214, 221n29, 263n26
Massasoit. See Ousamequin
Masterson, Richard, 138n41, 402
Mather, Cotton, 18, 107n1, 475n15
Mather, Increase: A relation of the troubles, 68
Matianuck (“Windsor Indians”), 399n10
Maunsel, Richard, 125n6
Maverick, Samuel, 539n8
Mayflower (1620)
300th anniversary of arrival of, 46
350th anniversary of arrival of, 45–46
arrival at Patuxet, 30
departure for the New World, 9
pilgrimage of passengers on, 43
WB’s list of passengers on, 22, 54, 59n11, 67
Mayflower (1630), 340n8
Mayflower Compact, xiv, 20, 58, 190, 203n11, 255n4
Mayflower II (Plymouth Harbor), 44
Mayhew, Thomas, 391n7
maypole (Merrymount, Mass.), 59, 83, 331–32
Melanchthon, Philip, 487n29
Menéndez de Aviles, Pedro, 124n3
Metacom (also known as Metacomet and King Philip), 44–45, 57, 530n8
Michell, Experience, 321n38
Miller, Perry: Orthodoxy in Massachusetts, 14
mills, 267
Minter, Desire, 127–28n15, 543, 545
Miriam (biblical figure), 12
Misquamsqueece (now Seekonk, Mass.), 456n3
Mohawks, 451, 454, 527–28, 530
Mohegans, 57, 224, 455, 533–34
See also Uncas
Monhegan Island (Maine), 193, 253, 304, 305n10, 350n48
Monhegans, 520
Mononotto, 453–54
Montano, Benito Ariae, 557, 571
More, Ellen, 543
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 20n36, 189n, 371n47, 479n, 486n28
Morrell, William, 253n85
Morton, George, 146
Morton, Nathaniel (WB’s nephew)
“Dialogues” transcribed by, 23n38
on mortality among the colonists, 547n3
New Englands memoriall, 68, 207n25
on Partridge, 475n15
on the Sabbath, 119n12
Morton, Thomas, 146n14
arms/gunpowder sold to Natives by, 59, 332–34
capture of, charges against, and imprisonment of, 335–36, 345–46
complaints against Plimoth and Massachusetts, 419n2, 421
emigration to America, 330
and the indentured servants, 330–31
on Lyford, 291n18
Massachusetts charter opposed by, 387n50
maypole revels organized by, 331–32
murder accusation against, 346
New English Canaan, 32, 40, 269n50, 272–73nn61–62, 279n76, 331n38, 336n58, 347, 387n50
slave revolt organized by, 59
vs. Miles Standish, 59, 335–36
mosquitoes, 262
Mourt’s Relation (Edward Winslow), 162n9, 163n13, 164, 181n5, 182n12, 184n18, 195–96n19, 208n31
Mullins, William, 162, 190n2, 544, 546, 547n3, 548
Münster, Sebastian, 557
Murton, John, 6
Musculus, Wolfgang, 487n33
Nadere Reformatie (Further Reformation), 116n22
nakedness, 490
Nanapeshamet, 195n16
conspiracy against the English, 455, 513
vs. Niantics, 533–36
vs. the Pequots, 440–41, 448–49 (see also Pequot War)
relations with the colonists, 212–14, 224, 228
treaty imposed on, 57
treaty with the United Colonies of New England, 533–37
wampum used by, 329
Nash, Thomas, 148n
National Day of Mourning, 47
Native Americans
arms/gunpowder used by, 59, 329, 332–34, 430
Articles of Confederation on, 518
on Block Island, 287n4, 442, 445n3, 446
British views of, 27–29
colonists’ first encounter with, 181–87, 199
colonists killed by, 523–24
colonists’ tools taken by, 32, 193–94
colonists’ treaties with, 35–36, 56–57, 195, 207n25
conspiracy against the English, 230–33, 263n26, 513, 534
conversion to Christianity, 39, 42–43
enslavement of, 33, 46, 56–57, 194n14, 453n33
Christopher Gardiner captured by, 386
Great Dying of (epidemic introduced by explorers), 30–31, 33, 188n38, 193n10
habitations of
Iroquois, 40
kidnapping of, 46, 193n12, 194n14, 197, 205n16, 221n29
land appropriated from, 40–41, 43–44
land purchased from, 433–34nn50–51
land rights/titles of, 41, 43–44, 120n13
map of tribes of New England, 79
Mohawks, 451, 454, 527–28, 530
Mohegans, 57, 224, 455, 533–34 (see also Uncas)
Native vs. non-Native historians on, xv
Powhatans, 453n34
remembrance of, 46–47
rights of, 45
smallpox among, 418–19
spirituality/lifestyle of, 28–29, 39–40
stereotypes/negative assumptions about, 40, 55–56, 120–21
trade among tribes, 193n13
trade with colonists, 25, 193n13, 214–15, 228–30, 248n60, 306, 399–400, 447n11
trade with the Dutch, 248n60
trade with the French, 248n60
views of nature
violence by, reports of, 121, 199
Wabanaki, 193n13
wampum used by, 328–29 (see also wampum)
WB’s criticism of, 24
Thomas Weston’s abuses of, 249n68
See also Narragansetts; Uncas; Wampanoag
natural rights, 41
Naunton, Sir Robert, 126n8, 423n
Nauset (now Eastham, Cape Cod), 30, 33, 67, 198, 465, 522, 523n4
Nelson, Eric, 584–85
Nequamkick rapids, 403–4
map of Pilgrims’ journeys in, 79
relations with Spain, 9
Sabbath observance in, 119n12
Scrooby congregation’s reasons for leaving, 9, 116–19
See also Leiden
Nevv essayes (J. Robinson), 166n21
New England
challenges to standing order of, 539n8
English explorers in, 55
governance of (see Articles of Confederation; Commission for Regulating Plantations)
King Charles on, 388–89
New England Company. See Massachusetts Bay Company
New England Historic Genealogical Society, 71
New England Primer, 15
New Englands memoriall (N. Morton), 68, 207n25
New England’s Salamander (Edward Winslow), 203n10, 540n10
See also congregationalism
New English Canaan (T. Morton), 32, 40, 269n50, 272–73nn61–62, 279n76, 331n38, 336n58, 347, 387n50
New France, 425n17
New Haven, 524
New Netherland Colony, 328n24, 353n60
Newtown (later Cambridge, Mass.), 289n10, 434–35, 440n17
Nicuesa, Diego de, 237n24
Norton, John, 435
Norton, Walter, 416–17
Novatians, 94n19
Nowell, Increase, 428
Oath of Supremacy (1559), 132n22
Of Plimoth Plantation (WB)
on America as uninhabited, 119–20
audience for, 54–55
first publication of, xiv
as national literature, xiv
overview of, xiii–xv
on the Pequot War, 444
on sexual sins, 17
sources for, 52–53
viewed as quasi-religious, xiv
WB’s abandonment of the work, 54
writing of, xiv–xv
—manuscript, 50
dating landmarks in, 73
Deane’s editorship of, 60, 69, 98n29, 479n
editions of, 70
Ford’s editorship of, 77–78
history of, 68–70
inks/orthographic shifts/handwritings in, 71–74, 75n, 91n9
marginalia in, 77–78
revisions to, 53–54, 74–75, 78, 371n47
size/length/pagination of, 70
transcribed version, 70–71, 73–75
in WB’s book collection, 22
writing style in, 75
dissolution of Plimoth Colony, 66–68
enforcing conformity, 57–62
finances of the colony, 62–64
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 64–66
Native Americans, 27–29, 55–57 (see also Native Americans; Wampanoag)
sexual violence and deviancy, 60–62
Oldham, John
confession of, 286
conflict with the Natives, 442
conviction and censure of, 279–80, 286
influence of, 270–71
land patent obtained by, 375–76n13
murder of, 287, 442, 452n28, 454n41
reconciliation with the colony, 336n56
oral contracts with a round of drinks, 455n51
Orthodoxy in Massachusetts (Miller), 14
Ousamequin (also known as Massasoit), 415n31
appearance of, 195n16
conversion to Christianity resisted by, 39–40
death of, 36
illness of, 232
as massasoit (leader), 27–28, 194–95n16
relations with the colonists, 30, 35–37, 39, 56, 202–3, 208n31, 232, 263n26
and Squanto, 39, 194n14, 195n17, 214n1, 215
statue of, 45–46
United Colonies of New England on, 534
WB’s meeting with, 29
Pagnini, Sante, 555, 557, 571, 579n62
Palmer, William, 321n38
Pamet River, 181n4
Pampiamett, 527
Paragon (ship), 238
Pareus, David, 493n67
Parker, James, 40
Parker, Robert, 8
particulars (independent planters or entrepreneurs)
vs. communal ownership and labor, 67, 217n11, 261
defined, 62
disappointment/discontent of, 247, 256
as subject to the colony’s government, 241, 247–48
trade with Natives, 248
Virginia Company grants patents to, 124n4, 162n9
Partridge, Ralph, 60, 475–76, 484, 485–86, 555–56
Passaconaway, 534
patents for land. See land, grants of; Peirce Patent; Warwick Patent
Patrick, Daniel, 451–52
Patuxet (now Plymouth, Mass.), 25–47
appropriated by the Pilgrims, xiii–xiv, 30–31 (see also Pilgrims; Plimoth Colony)
colonists’ arrival at, 188–89
epidemic in, 30–31, 33, 188n38, 193n10
geography of, 25
soil of, 197–98
Wampanoag in, 25–26
Paul, Saint (biblical figure), 12
Peirce, John, 162n9, 221, 225, 238–40
Peirce, Mr., 254, 343–44, 360–61, 398, 440
Peirce, William, 240–41, 267, 271, 277, 286, 288, 351, 371, 392, 394–96, 453
Peirce Patent, 162n9, 209n36, 217n14, 225, 238, 239n30, 467n13
Pelham, Herbert, 533–37
Pemaquid (now Bristol, Maine), 329n31
Pemberton, John, 271
Penobscot (Maine), 351nn52–53, 366, 371, 383–85, 406n, 426, 429
Penowanyanquis, 457–58
Penry, John, 507n6
Pequots, 329, 399–401, 417n44, 417n47, 440–42, 448–49
Pequot War (1637), 444
colonists captured in, 453–54
and colonists’ distrust of Natives, 56, 446
end of, 454–55
English tactics during, 453n34
interpreters used in, 452
Massachusetts seeks aid from Plimoth in, 443, 445–47
Narragansetts’ role in, 448–51, 453n34
Pequot survivors enslaved, 56–57, 453–54
Pequot survivors protected by Uncas, 520
writings on, 449n18
Percy, George, 121
A faithfull and plaine exposition, 94n20
Perth Assembly (Calderwood), 136n37, 510n13
Peters, Paula, xv
See also Patuxet
Philip II, king of Spain, 124n3
Pickering, Edward, 140n46, 145–47, 216–17, 219, 221–22, 308n2
Pickering, Mary Stubbs, 146n13
Pilgrim Press, 100n35, 136–37n37, 146n15, 509–10n13
clothing of, 17
colony established by (see Plimoth Colony)
map of journeys of, 79
persecution of, xiv
as political and religious refugees, xiv
relations with the Natives (see under Wampanoag)
religion of (see Scrooby congregation)
and the separatist movement, xiv (see also Separatists)
use of term, 3n
Piscator, Johannes, 488n38, 554
plague, 291n19, 300–301, 436–37
Plimoth Colony
400th anniversary of founding of, xiii
boundaries and authority of, 343–44
boundary with Massachusetts, 65, 461–65
customs/taxes paid by, 344–45
death/disease in, 191–93, 200–201
debts of, 62–63
de Rasieres on, 328n23
dissolution of, 66–68
factions within, 62
finances of, 201n3
first execution in, 205n16, 368, 547
the first landing on Cape Cod, 51–52
first marriage in, 202
first winter of, 20, 29–30, 32, 66, 191, 200
fishing and hunting at, 207–8, 237–38
food shortages in, 58, 217–20, 223, 227–28, 246
fort built by, 227–28
governance of, 255n4
housefires in, 251
illness among new arrivals to, 356
investors in (see adventurers)
land division in, 235, 266, 309n5, 310–11, 461
Leiden people’s arrival in, 338–43, 402n20
vs. Massachusetts Bay Colony, 64–66
mortality among the colonists, 547n3, 548
Native visitors to, 32–33
new arrivals to, 208–12, 225–26, 242–46
objections lodged against, 260–62
ownership of, 309n5
planting/harvests at, 201, 207, 208n31, 228, 234–35, 245–46, 266, 304
privateers’ arrival in, 537–38
relations with Natives (see under Wampanoag)
religion in (see Scrooby congregation—in plimoth)
relocation considered by, 433n50
spread of, 392–93
subsumed into Massachusetts, 66
Plimoth General Court, 449n17, 466n13, 520
Pliny the Elder, 266–67
Plutarch: Lives, 117n6
Plymouth (Massachusetts), 44–45
Plymouth Adventurers, 144n
Plymouth Harbor, 44
Plymouth Rock, 44–45
Pocanocket (Mount Hope peninsula, R.I.), 198
Pocanockets (Pawkannawkuts), 197
Pocock, Joseph, 308n2
poetry writing, 24
Polyander, Johannes, 109n6, 113–14n15
Pory, John, 228–29
Powhatans, 453n34
Pratt, Phineas, 199n38, 226n47, 232n7, 321n38
for the ill in Charlestown, 369–70
Lord’s Prayer, 236n22
by ministers, 12
by Natives, 29
women leading their family in, 11
See also The Book of Common Prayer
“Praying Indians,” 42–43
predestination, 115n
Prence, Thomas, 449n17
emigration to America, 208n32
as governor of Plimoth, 407n14, 408, 435n55, 456
library of, 555
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
and the treaty with the Narragansetts, 533–37
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6
Presbyterian, 11, 13, 23, 308n2, 539n8
Preston, Edward, 61
Priest, Digory, 190n2, 544, 548
Prince, Thomas
Chronological History of New England, 24, 68, 78n
New England Library of, 68, 69n22
revisions to Of Plimoth Plantation by, 53–54, 74, 78
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 321n38
privateering, 537nn2–3
property, private vs. common, 235–36
See also particulars
prophesying, 8–9, 12–13, 19, 108n4, 210n38, 422n8
Protestant Church in Ireland, 289n11
protestant Reformation, xiv
Providence (Rhode Island), 457n10, 478n
Prower, Solomon, 543
Pumham, 534
Pummunish, 527
Purchas, Samuel, 198n33
Puritan Revolution, 94–95n21, 445n3
anti-Catholic stance of, 3
biblical reading/discussion as central to, 14
clothing of, 17
conventicles held by, 5–6
on God as a triune deity, 15–16 (see also Jesus Christ)
on God as unknowable, 14
on God’s attributes, 15
on good behavior, 16
on grace, 16
on the human body, 58–59
in Ireland, 289n11
jailed in Boston (England), 103–4
persecution of, 90–93, 94n19, 100–101, 275n66, 339n3
on predestination, 16
reforms sought by, 6
return of some to England, 470n4
on salvation, 16
sermon notes discussed among, 5
on sexuality within and outside marriage, 16–17 (see also adultery)
on sin and damnation, 15–16
stereotypes of, 17
See also Calvinism; Scrooby congregation
Pym, John, 434n51
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 123n1
Ramus, Peter (Pierre de la Ramée), 509n12
Rasdall, Mr., 330–31
Ratcliffe, Philip, 387n50
Raynor (Rayner), John, 60, 443 and n29, 474–75 and n12, 481–83, 485
Razilly, Claude de, 425n17
Read, David, 64n
Reformed churches, 98, 132, 208n32, 275n66, 293–94
See also English Reformed Church
“Registur” (WB), 24
Rehoboam (biblical figure), 174n9
A relation of the troubles (I. Mather), 68
religion of the Pilgrims. See puritans; Scrooby congregation
Reynolds, Captain, 154n32, 170
Reynolds, John, 136n37, 224, 509n13
Rich, Sir Nathaniel, 406n, 434n51
Ridgedale, John, 190n2
Rigdale, John and Alice, 544, 548
Riggs, Edwards, 452
Ring, Mary, 174n10
Ring, William, 174n10
Roanoke (Lost) colony, 121n18
Roberts, Thomas, 60–61
Robinson, Bridget White, 165n15
Robinson, Isaac, 341n14
Robinson, John (1576–1625), 117n6
on the adventurers, 264–65
on the Ancient Brethren, 8
Arminians opposed by, 114n18
on the common good, 168
controversial books by, 510n13
death and burial site of, 9, 66, 302–3
in debates, 114–15
A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode of Dort, 115n
emigration to the Netherlands, 100n34, 107–8, 108–9n5
on evil and sin, 16
on God as unknowable, 14
letters to John Carver, 145–47, 163, 165
on Natives, killing of, 263–64
and negotiations with the Virginia Company of London, 128n16, 129–32
Nevv essayes, 166n21
on parish churches, 8
as pastor of Scrooby congregation, 6–8, 109 (see also Scrooby congregation)
on peace vs. taking offense, 166–68
preaching by, 114
on preparations for congregation’s journey to America, 145–47
on prophesying, 422n8
sermon before departure from Leiden, 158n3
on Miles Standish, 181n6, 233n8, 263
Theses posted by, 114
on Edward Winslow, 7
on women’s role in the church, 11–12
on the word of God, 293n30
Robinson, John (1606–?), 116n22
Rogers, Mr. (minister), 337
Roman Catholicism, 23
Royal Exchange (London), 308
Runyan, Michael G., 23n39, 585
Ruth (biblical figure), 202n5
Sabbath meetings/services, 12, 101, 119n12, 474n14
See also Lord’s Supper
communion, 281n
eucharist, 112n
French reformed churches on, 132
who could administer, 10, 260n22, 265–66
See also baptism; Lord’s Supper
Salé (French Morocco), 300
Salem congregation (Massachusetts), 13–14, 357–59, 369–70
Salters Company (England), 268n47
salt making, 243n45, 258–59, 268–69
Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 434n51
salt trade, 354–55
salvation, 281n
Sanders, John, 230
Sandwich (Massachusetts), 465
Sandys, Archbishop Edwin (1519–88), 124n5
Sandys, Sir Edwin (1561–1629), 124–25n5, 127–31, 133–35, 150n19
San Sebastian (Spain), 299n52
Sargent, Mark L., 78n
Satan, 89–91, 166–67, 477, 495n79
Satucket (now Brewster, Mass.), 198
Saybrook Company, 434n51
Saye and Sele, William Fiennes, first Viscount, 404n6, 405, 406n, 408n17, 414, 434n51
Schickard, Wilhelm, 555–56
Scituate (Massachusetts), 461–65, 503
Scotland, 468n19
Scrooby (Nottinghamshire, England), 5
Scrooby Church (Nottinghamshire, England), 4
Scrooby congregation
vs. Church of England, 17
dismissal from, 522n1
elders of, 109n8
formation via church covenant, 6, 10, 99nn30–31
founding of, 113n14
growth of, 111
on laity vs. clergy, 6–7
leadership of, 6–9
the Netherlands, emigration to, 102–3n2, 104–6
the Netherlands, reasons for leaving, 9, 116–19
the Netherlands, settlement in, 7–9, 101n37, 107–16, 110
organization of, 6
origins and history of, 3, 18–19 (see also English Reformation)
persecution of, 7
poverty of, 107
on prophesying, 8–9, 422n8 (see also prophesying)
and reformed churches, 275n66
skilled laborers/artisans among, 113n13
—in plimoth
assessment/admission of members, 10
funds gathered for members in need, 13
influence on other churches, 13–14, 64–65
Nauset pillaged by, 30
relocation considered by, 522–23
services and meetinghouse of, 10, 12–13
women’s role in, 10
See also Plimoth Colony
—journey to America
and adventurers (investors) vs. planters, 144–45, 147, 162–63
arrival at Patuxet, 188–89 (see also Patuxet)
arrival in Cape Cod, 178–80
arrival in Southampton, 160–66
dealings with merchants for provisions, 141–57, 160–61, 173
deciding where to go, 123–24
deciding who goes and who stays, 140–41
departure from Leiden, 157–60, 160
departure from Southampton, 169
Dutch relocation offers, 141
along the English coast, 170
fears and determination, 116–22
habitation sought upon arrival, 181–89
hardships/fears at sea, 175–78, 512
iron screw, myth of, 176n3
length of, 181n2
negotiations for a separate colony, 124–32, 134–35
ship repairs, 170–72
scurvy, 356
Seal of Plymouth Colony, 337n63
Seekonk (Massachusetts), 65, 456n3, 465, 531
self-fashioning, 58–59
Seneca the Younger, 178–79n17, 266
colony founded in the New World (see Scrooby congregation—in plimoth)
martyrs of, 23
in the Netherlands, xiii, 101n37
on parish churches, 8
persecution of, xiii
Sequassen, 417n47
sermon gadding, 10, 112n, 132, 260, 272, 273n62, 281n, 510n14
A Sermon Preached at Plimoth in New-England (Cushman), 125n6, 210n38
Shakespeare, William
Henry V, 453n34
Henry VIII, 197n28
Shaonan, 534
Shawomet (now Warwick, R.I.), 478n, 534n22, 539n9
Sherley, James
as an adventurer and merchant, 63, 242n40, 257–58, 294–98, 308, 309n6
as an agent for the colony, 63, 323–24, 362–63, 377, 380–82, 384
on the agreement with the adventurers, 322–26
and Isaac Allerton, 373–76, 378n19, 390–91, 396–98
background of, 308n2
corruption/deviousness of, 63–64, 349–52, 371–73, 378–80, 391, 424
on Ferdinando Gorges, 327
heifer sent to colonists by, 297n42
illness of, 297n42, 298n45, 303, 323
on the Leiden people’s arrival in America, 339–41
on the plague, 436–37
release of claims against the partners, 469–74, 498–505
trading patent sought by, 350–51, 355, 363, 380–82
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38, 325, 455–56, 458–59, 461, 466–69
on the Warwick Patent, 343–45
ship repairs/building, 172–75, 259, 285, 306
Short Parliament, 95n21, 468n19
Sibsey, John, 314
Simon, Paul, xi
adultery, 17, 480, 488, 489n49, 492n63, 494
bestiality, 17, 61, 480–82, 486, 489, 496–97
capital crimes, 481–83, 485–86, 487n31, 488–90, 494–95
Chauncy on, 486–96
confessions of, 479n, 482–83, 485–86, 494–95, 497
and damnation, 15–16
drunkenness, 476
heresy, 478–79
incontinency (unrestrained lust), 476
number of witnesses needed for conviction for, 483, 485–86, 495–96
pedophilia, 493
punishments for, 476, 480–82, 485, 492–93
and sexual penetration vs. friction, 60, 481, 486
simple vs. compound, 494
slander, 482
sodomy, 61, 476–77, 479n, 481–82, 497 (see also under Chauncy, Charles)
sources on, 486–88
uncleanness, 476, 478, 482, 485, 490, 494
The Sixe Bookes of a Common-weale (Bodin), 235–36n19
Skelton, Samuel, 13–14, 355n68, 358–59
Smith, Francis, 528
Smith, John, 278
A Description of New England, 25–26, 26, 33, 178n15, 194n14, 197n24
on Epenow, 197n28
on the epidemic among Natives, 31
map of New England by, 26, 462
Patuxet named Plymouth by, 25
on the Plymouth Adventurers, 144n
relations with Natives, 25, 33
Smith, Ralph, 9, 13, 355–56, 414n26, 442–43
Smith, Sir Thomas, 134n27, 135
Smyth, John, 6, 23, 99nn31–32, 101n37
The differences of the churches of the seperation, 108n4
Socanoket, 534
Socrates of Constantinople (Socrates Scholasticus), 90–91
Historia Ecclesiastica, 90n7
“Some Observations of God’s Merciful Dealing with us in this Wilderness” (WB), 24
Somers, Sir George, 203n13
Somers Island Company, 125n5
Soule, George, 190n2, 543, 546
Southworth, Constant, 172n6
Southworth, Edward, 172–75
Sowams (now Warren, R.I.), 35, 196n20
Spak, Matthew, 79–80
Sparrow (ship), 222–23
Sparrowhawk arrivals, 312–15
Spencer, George, 496n84
Squanto (Tisquantum)
as a convert to Christianity, 39
and Corbitant, 205
death of, 230
and Dermer, 193–94nn13–14
English spoken by, 32, 38, 194
friendship with the English, 32–36, 38, 194–97
and Hobomock, 35, 39, 56, 205–6, 214, 215–16n4
as interpreter and guide, 33–35, 196, 203, 207, 230
kidnapping/enslavement of, 33, 196
and the Narragansett, 213n42
and Ousamequin, 39, 194n14, 195n17, 214n1, 215
relations with the Wampanoag, 37–39
return to Patuxet, 34–35, 194n14, 195n17
role in Wampanoag–English treaty, 35–36
scheming by, 38–39, 56, 214–15n4
teaches colonists to plant corn, 201
Standing Council (Massachusetts), 446n8
Standish, Miles, 278, 305, 426
accompanies colonists to trade with Natives, 230
John Alden’s release from prison sought by, 406–8
attacks Natives, 233n8, 263n26
emigration to America, 543
marriage to Rose [?], 543, 546
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
as a member of the congregation, 181n6
as military leader of the colony, 181n6
mission to the Council of New England, 291n19, 292n22, 300–301
and the Natives’ conspiracy against the English, 232, 263n26
return to Plimoth Colony, 302
in scouting party upon arrival in America, 185n20
at Seekonk, 531
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
sick colonists cared for by, 191
Stone sought by, 416n38
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 320–21
in the wars in the Low Countries, 181n6
Star Chamber, 483n19
Staresmore, Sabine, 129n17, 134n25, 135n33, 136n36, 138–39
The vnlavvfulnes of reading in prayer, 125n6
State Library of Massachusetts, 71
Stellwagen Bank (Massachusetts Bay), 299n54
St. Germain, treaty of (1632), 425n17
Stinnings, Richard, 456–57
Story, Elias, 543
Stoughton, Israel, 453, 463–64
Stratton, John, 376n14
Studley, Daniel, 108n4
Symonson, Moses, 275n66
Tabor (Czech Republic), 112n
Tassaquanawit, 535
Tatobem, 417n44
Taunton (Massachusetts), 197n25, 465
Teelinck, William, 8, 116n22, 144n4
Thanksgiving Day, 38, 45–47, 208n31, 246, 388
Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 122n20, 326n13
Thomas, Mr., 340n10
Thompso[n], Edward, 544
Thomson, David, 253, 304–5, 404n6
Thornton, John T., 69
Tilley, Edward, 181n5, 185n20, 190n2, 544, 547
Tilley, John, 185n20, 190n2, 544–45, 547
Tinker, Thomas, 190n2, 544, 548
Tisquantum. See Squanto
of arms/munition, 329
colonists’ share in, 310
Dutch interference with, 401–2
Dutch traders, 305n11, 308n2, 316–19, 327–29, 417–18
Dutch traders, vs. the Pequots, 417n44, 440–41 (see also Pequot War)
of fish, 258n14, 267–68n45, 299
with the French, 65, 329, 447, 527n
illegal, 305n11
on the Kennebec River, 327 (see also Kennebec River trading patent)
at Monhegan, 304
with Natives (see under Native Americans)
and poaching on others’ territory, 404–5
See also fishing trade; fur trade
Trasie, Stephen, 321n38
Trask, William, 452
true church, government of, 89–90
A True Relation of the late Battell fought in New England (Vincent), 449n18
Trumball, William, 388–89
Turner, John, 153–54, 190n2, 544, 548
Twisck, Pieter, 8
Tyndale, William, 10
typhoons, 430
Uncas, 57, 455, 520–21, 525–30, 532–36
Uncaway (now Fairfield, Conn.), 523–24
Underhill, John, 387n49, 449nn18–19
undertakers of agreements. See under Andrews, Richard; Beauchamp, John; Sherley, James
United Colonies of New England, 523–37
creation/purpose of, 57, 65–66, 523n7
on Narragansett tribute for Pequots held by, 535
Narragansett–Uncas dispute, role in, 525–35
on Natives’ killing of colonists, and war averted, 523–25
soldiers dispatched to Seekonk by, 531–32
treaty with the Narragansetts and the Niantics, 533–37
war powers of, 531–32
Ursinus, Zacharias, 488n37
Vane, Sir Henry (the younger), 442n23, 445, 454
Van Hout, Jan, 108–9n5
Van Meteren, Emmanuel, 98n28
Van Tweenhuijsen Company, 141n4
van Twiller, Wouter, 401n14, 415n34
Vassall, William, 539n8, 540n10
Vermigli, Peter Martyr, 488–90
Vincent, Philip, 453n34
A True Relation of the late Battell fought in New England, 449n18
Vines, Richard, 375–76n13
Viret, Peter, 132n21
Virginia, 143n8, 197–98, 227n51, 228
Virginia Company of London
colonization of the New World by, 123n2, 124–25
merchants vs. small adventurers in, 134n27
negotiations with the Scrooby congregation, 124–32, 134–35
on particulars, 162n9
Virginia Company of Plymouth, 123n2, 142n6
Visscher, Claess Jansz, 115
Vitoria, Francisco de, 119–20n13
Vlissingen (Netherlands), 507n8
The vnlavvfulnes of reading in prayer (Staresmore), 125n6
voting rights, 255n1
Wabanaki, 193n13
Walker, Williston: The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism, 13–14
Walloon church (Leiden), 113n14, 125n6
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 507n6
Wampanoag, 195n16, 195n18, 206n19
abilities attributed to witchcraft and devil worship, 40
colonists’ relations with, 31–32, 36–37, 56
colonists’ treaty with, 35–36, 56, 195
colonized, 42–43
contemporary, 45–47
conversion to Christianity, 39–40, 42–43
dwellings of, 29
English laws impacting, 42
governance/leadership of, 27–29, 40 (see also Ousamequin)
Great Dying of (epidemic introduced by explorers), 30–31, 33, 188n38, 193n10, 195n16, 203–4
insurrection against the colonists, 42
kidnapping/enslavement of, 33, 46
land appropriated from, 40–41, 43–44
vs. Narragansetts, 195n16, 204n
in Patuxet, 25–26
Pocanocket (Pawkannawkut) tribe, 197
property ownership by, 42
spirituality/lifestyle of, 29, 39–40
wampum, 320, 328–29, 353, 441, 457, 533, 535
Wamsutta, 45
warfare, European tactics in, 453n34
Warham, John, 431n37
Warren, Richard, 185n20, 544, 547
Warwick, Robert Rich, second Earl of, 343, 403n3, 537nn2–3
Warwick Commission (Committee on Foreign Plantations), 537n3, 539nn8–9
Warwick Patent, 343–45, 434n51, 466n13
water, drinking, 121n15, 182, 261
Waughwanuio, 536
Weemes, John: The Christian Synagogue, 555
Weetowish, 527
Wequashcook, 535
Wessagusset (near Weymouth, Mass.), 59, 199n38, 226n49, 248n61
Weston, Richard, first Baron (later first Earl) of Portland, 344n29
Weston, Thomas
on adventurers, 217–21
arrival in Plimoth, 233–34
conditions/provisions for the colonists’ journey, 141–50, 153, 155, 161, 173, 209–12
death of, 253
distrust/treachery of, 211, 222–26, 234
Edward Pickering on, 221–22
Whately, William, 116n22
White, Peregrine, 202n4, 544, 547
White, Roger, 302–3
White, William, 190n2, 202n4, 544, 547
White Angel (ship), 299, 362, 364–68, 371–75, 379–80, 389–92, 394–95, 419, 424–25
Whittingham, William: A brieff discours off the troubles, 92n14
Wiggin, Thomas, 346n37
Wilberforce, Samuel: A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, 69
Wilkinson, Edward, 436
Willaerts, Adam
Een idee van Plymouth Plantation, 420
Het vertrek van de Pilgrim Fathers vanuit Delfshaven, 160
Willet, Andrew, 490n53, 553–54, 560, 563–66, 568–71, 575–78, 581–82
Willett, John, 23n39
Willett, Thomas, 353n60, 425–26, 525n
William, Prince of Orange (also known as William the Silent), 109n6, 303n3
Williams, Roger
background of, 398n
vs. Gorton, 478n
joins the Plimoth congregation, 398–99
on Native Americans, 24, 28, 43
prophesying by, 13
Providence established by, 457n10
radical religious views of, 398–99n8
relations with the Natives, 457–58, 528
Williams, Thomas, 190n2, 544, 548
Wilson, John, 13, 341n14, 370, 414n26, 454
Windsor (Connecticut), 401n16, 417nn46–47
wine, 258
Winship, Michael P., 14
Winslow, Edward, 57, 140n2, 368
as agent for Massachusetts, 539–40
as agent to the investors, 246–47, 375–76
on Isaac Allerton, 361, 372, 378n19
Articles of Confederation approved by, 520
background of, 203n10
commissioned to settle land disputes, 463–64
complaints against, 421–22, 422–23n13
on the congregation’s departure from Leiden, 158–59nn3–4, 159–60n7
Cushman on, 258–59
on the Dutch, 401n16
on Dutch relocation offers, 141n4
education of, 203n10
emigration to America, 203n10, 543
as governor of the colony, 203n10, 436, 522
on the Hocking murder, 414–15
land divisions laid out by, 311n12
on the Leiden congregation’s departure, 119n12
on the Leiden congregation’s founding, 113n14
marriage to Elizabeth Barker, 127n15, 202n4, 543
marriage to Susannah [?] White, 202n4, 546–47
Mayflower Compact signed by, 190n2
on the Narragansett–Uncas dispute, 526
on Natives, 24, 182–83n12, 183n15, 183n18
on Naunton, 126n8
on negotiations with the Virginia Company of London, 125–26n7
and Ousamequin, 195n16, 203, 232
Pequot War, role in, 445n4
petition to the Commission for Regulating Plantations, 419–21
and the Pilgrim Press, 136n37, 203n10, 509n13
portrait of, 204
on preparations for congregation’s journey to America, 148–49
as a printer, 203n10
on reformed churches, 275n66
relations with the Wampanoag, 36–37
on Robinson’s teachings, 7
in scouting parties upon arrival in America, 181n5, 185n20
Sherley’s release of claims against, 469–74, 498–505
on Squanto, 38, 213n42, 215–16n4
on the treaty with the Wampanoag, 195–96n19
as undertaker of the agreement with the adventurers, 309n6, 321n38, 466–67
on the White Angel, 380
Good nevves from New-England, 203n10, 215–16n4, 227n55, 233n8
Hypocrisie Unmasked, 113n14, 119n12, 126n8, 141n4, 158–59nn3–4, 159–60n7, 275n66, 478n, 540n10, 541
Mourt’s Relation, 162n9, 163n13, 164, 181n5, 182n12, 184n18, 195–96n19, 208n31
New England’s Salamander, 203n10, 540n10
Winslow, Elizabeth Barker, 127n15, 202n4, 543
Winslow, Gilbert, 190n2, 544, 548
Winslow, Josiah, 384, 439n12, 471–72
Winslow, Susannah White, 202n4, 544, 546–47
on Isaac Allerton’s conflict with the French, 383n39
Articles of Confederation signed by, 520
on Billington’s execution, 368
“Christian Charity” sermon by, 210n38
on the Commission for Regulating Plantations, 420n3, 427n24
congregationalist views of, 24
on French conflicts with colonists, 385n46, 425n17, 427n24
on Christopher Gardiner, 387
as governor of Massachusetts, 332n40, 445
on the Hocking murder, 406n, 408n17, 413–14
on the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 65
on Misquamsqueece, 456n3
on Thomas Morton, 346n36
and Naunton, 126n8
on the Pequot War, 445–48, 451–54
and the petition for restructuring the colony, 538–39
on prophesying, 13
on sins, 479n
on the Standing Council, 446n8
and the treaty with the Narragansetts, 533–37
on Edward Winslow, 415n31
Winthrop, John, Jr., 428n26, 434n51, 452n29
Wipetock, 535
witchcraft, 40
Wollaston, Captain, 59, 329–30
Wollaston, Richard (pirate), 329n29
Wolstenholme, Sir John, 131–33, 135
wolves, 262
Wood, William, 261n24
worship, forms of
coventicles, 5
Sabbath meetings/services, 12, 101, 119n12
Wright, William, 321n38
Wroth, Sir Thomas, 124n5
Wycliffe, John, 90n4
Yarmouth (Massachusetts), 465
Yeardley, Sir George, 135nn31–32
Zanchi, Girolamo, 488n36
Ziszka, Jan, 112n