Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

    “A,” Boston Gazette articles by, 281, 283n2, 298, 299n4, 311n4

    ab mensa et toro, 106, 107n7

    Acadia (modern New Brunswick)

    conquest of, 249, 302–3, 308

    contested borders of, 304

    separation from Massachusetts, 241n4, 249n2, 302–4, 308

    Active (ship), 375, 484, 486, 487, 491

    Adams, John

    J. Bowdoin and, 54, 55n2

    as “Candidus,” on significance of committee of correspondence, 199n1

    on death of A. Oliver, 472n5

    feudal tenure argument of, regarding parliamentary authority, 169, 172

    jealousy of TH, 170

    A. Nickerson defended in piracy trial by, 111n1

    on P. Oliver being warned not to attend Superior Court, 490n3

    opinion of TH, 5–6

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 5, 143, 160, 169, 170, 172n3, 175

    portrait by Charles Wilson Peale (c. 1791–1794), 170

    on W. Story, 165n4

    W. Story, knowledge of circumstances of, 54, 55n11

    veto of election to General Court (May 1773), 208n3

    Whately letters controversy and, 170, 279, 285n1, 366, 480, 481n1

    Adams, Samuel

    Boston, General Court returning to meeting in, 2

    Boston Committee of Correspondence, formation of, 103n1

    Boston Gazette articles by “A” attributed by TH to, 298, 299n4, 311n4

    Boston resolutions objecting to TH’s characterization of town and, 193n2

    J. Bowdoin and, 54, 55n2

    crown salaries, objections to, 1, 95, 151n15, 435

    Dartmouth’s arrest order for, 477

    dismissal of petition to remove TH and, 492n3

    impeachment efforts against chief justice Peter Oliver, 16

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 5, 143, 160, 175, 262

    relationship between Great Britain and colonies, TH on views regarding, 297–98, 299n3

    removal of governor, intentions regarding, 236, 239n1

    as representative for Boston, 378n6

    Stamp Act riots, commemoration of (14 Aug.), 273n2, 277

    Tea Act/tea ships and, 352, 363, 364n2, 377, 398, 408

    Votes and Proceedings (1772), contribution to, 115n1, 117

    Whately letters controversy and, 7, 8, 9, 170, 216, 217, 218n2, 225, 232, 236, 239n1, 240, 241nn2, 5, 254n2, 280, 300, 319, 320nn3–4, 366, 372, 480, 481n1

    Admiralty. See Gambier, James; Montagu, John; Royal Navy; Sandwich, Lord; specific persons in or seeking admiralty offices

    admiralty courts

    elimination of Massachusetts provincial vice-admiralty court, consideration of, 255, 256n3

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    power to commit prisoner to Massachusetts jail, 108–9

    special court of admiralty in piracy trial, 111n1

    African Americans. See Black Americans; slaves and slavery

    alimony, execution for, in divorce case, 106

    American Board of Customs Commissioners. See also specific commissioners by name

    Castle William, Tea Act disturbances and move to, 389, 390n1, 403

    inspector general of customs, dispute with, 373n3

    new members of, 51

    proposal to tax salaries of, 48n2, 133–34, 135n8

    R. Reeve as secretary to, 64, 93, 94

    American Indians. See Native Americans

    Amherst, Sir Jeffery, 84, 93

    Anabaptist laws in Ashfield, 141, 142n6

    anal fistula suffered by TH Jr., 81

    Andrews, John, 118n1

    Antigua, estates of T. Oliver damaged by hurricane in, 109

    Appleton, Nathaniel

    Considerations on the Slave Trade (1767), 115n1

    Votes and Proceedings (Boston Committee of Correspondence, 1772), contribution to, 115n1

    Apthorp, John T., and Hannah Greenleaf, 61, 62n6

    Arethusa (ship), 296, 422

    Armstrong, Capt. Thomas, 42

    Armstrong, William, 306, 307n1

    Artillery Sermon of Eli Forbes, 288n1

    Ashburton, John Dunning, 1st Baron, 14, 329, 429, 430n2

    Ashfield, Baptist community in, 141, 142n6

    Ashley, John, Sr.

    arrest of Belcher and associates for counterfeiting, 157n1, 191n1

    friendship appreciated by TH, 338

    letter to (11 Nov. 1773), 338

    Atkinson, John, 80

    attorney general for Massachusetts. See also Sewall, Jonathan

    crown salaries for attorney and solicitor general, 495

    A. Savage, kidnapping of, 31–32

    plan for Sewall to combine posts of solicitor general and, 86, 88n6

    Auchmuty, Robert (vice-admiralty court judge)

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 70, 116, 125n1

    Whately letters controversy and, 7–8, 225

    Austin, Samuel, 378n6

    Bailyn, Bernard, 5

    Baldwin, Jeduthan, 288, 289n9

    Baldwin, Lucy, later Forbes, 289n9

    Baptists, 141, 142n6, 267

    Barber, Nathaniel, 387n3

    Barnstable, Superior Court meetings in, 489, 490n4, 497

    Barrett, John, 511, 513n9

    Barrington, Lord, 332, 333n2

    Beauchamp, John, 303, 305n7

    Beaver (ship), 62, 63n3, 68

    Beckford, William, 468n4

    Belcher, Gil, arrested as counterfeiter, 156, 157nn1–2, 173n1, 183n2, 191n1, 199n1, 214n2

    Bernard, Sir Francis (immediate former governor of Massachusetts)

    Boston Port Act, arrival of news of, 493–94

    Boston Tea Party, 405

    W. Brattle vetoed as councilor by, 475n2

    William Browne and, 451

    Castle William, conditions at, 74–75, 79, 87, 112–13

    Charter, threats to remove, 38n2

    collusion with former Salem customs collector, accused of, 78n1

    crown salaries for superior court judges, 83, 102, 278n2

    Nathan Cushing appointed justice of peace by, 490n5

    Dalyrmple considered as possible successor to, 42n2

    death of A. Oliver, 448

    discussion of letters of, in Privy Council hearing on petition to remove TH and A. Oliver, 429

    dismissal of petition to remove TH, 493

    eastern Maine, on separation from Massachusetts of, 240

    eastern Maine, unrestricted settlement in, 274

    exchange of offices between Sewall and Robinson, 86, 88n4, 92–93

    failure to write, TH on, 160, 224

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 135n5

    Hillsborough’s resignation, 74, 83, 86–87

    WSH mentioned by, 87

    impeachment attempts against P. Oliver, 448

    letters to

    23 Aug. 1772, 54–55

    25 Aug. 1772, 55–57

    7 Oct. 1772, 81

    21 Oct. 1772, 84

    22–28? Oct. 1772, 86–88

    10 Nov. 1772, 102–3

    30 Nov. 1772, 112–13

    23 Feb. 1773, 160

    25 Feb. 1773, 166–67

    10 March 1773, 175–76

    29 June 1773, 224–27

    31 July 1773, 240–41

    6 Sept. 1773, 274–75

    17 Sept. 1773, 284–85

    16 Oct. 1773, 300

    1 Jan. 1774, 405

    9 March 1774, 448–49

    2 May 1774, 493–94

    Nether Winchenden, Buckinghamshire (country house), 175, 176n1, 227n7

    news obtained by TH from, 510

    on nonimportation agreements, 512n4

    T. Oliver, recommended as inferior judge of vice-admiralty by, 104, 108

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 160, 175–76, 274

    J. Phillips’s appointment as Fort Major of Castle William, 87, 112

    publication of letters leading to remand of, 222, 236, 237n1, 253, 254n5, 267n3

    rebuking TH for reluctance to appoint crown-appointed Council, 238n4

    removal sought by opponents, 217, 221, 225, 512, 513n11

    separate agent for House, refusal of grant for, 38n10

    solicitor of customs and attorney general, plan for Sewall to combine posts of, 86, 88n6

    W. Story and, 56n12, 164, 165–66, 165n3

    stroke, recovery from, 50, 53, 54n2

    succeeded by TH, 3

    John Temple and, 9, 79n1

    J. Turner sending letter to, via TH, 78, 81, 84

    Whately letters controversy, 223, 224–25, 227, 240–41, 274, 284–85, 300

    Bernard, John (son of F. Bernard)

    as customs collector at Salem, 79n2, 81

    financial and business troubles of, 81, 86, 88nn2–3, 275n3, 494n4

    permission to come to England, 136, 137n7

    traveling to Kennebec, 494

    J. Turner and, 78, 79n2, 81

    biblical references, 100, 101n8, 287, 288n5, 320n8, 445

    bilious colic/disorder, 149, 150n5, 440

    Black, David, 418, 419n2

    Black Americans. See also slaves and slavery

    Gaspée, witness to destruction of, 63, 64n3, 133

    population of Massachusetts, 505

    Tea Act consignees, efforts to force resignation of, 344

    Board of Trade

    New York/Massachusetts border dispute and, 2, 43, 44, 141, 157n3

    Ohio River Valley, objections to new colony in, 74, 75

    Whately letters controversy and, 14

    Body of the Trade, on tea ships, 12, 350, 352n1, 363, 367n1, 368, 371n5, 378n1, 381

    Bollan, William

    package for S. Danforth from, 50

    separate agents for House and Council, TH refusing grants for, 31, 229, 267n3, 298, 464n5

    Whately letters controversy and, 267n3

    Bolton, Massachusetts, First Church of, 268n1

    Boston. See also specific locations within Boston, e.g., Castle William

    British troops, hostility to, 400

    closure of port following Boston Tea Party, 16–17, 456–57

    departure of TH from, 493–99

    General Court returning to meeting in, 2, 27, 47

    identified by TH as source of disorders in Massachusetts, 361, 363–64, 376

    opposition to crown salaries for judges in, 15, 87, 90, 95–115

    proposals by TH to change legal status of, 176–77

    Quebec post passing through New York and Philadelphia before reaching, 328–29

    religious intolerance, TH on history of, 58, 108

    tea consignees nervous about appearing in, 425, 433, 434nn2–3, 460

    William (tea ship), disposal/sale of rescued tea from shipwreck of, 412, 415

    Boston Committee of Correspondence

    S. Adams as “Candidus” on significance of, 199n1

    aspersions cast by TH on members of, 102, 107–8

    challenging right of Parliament to legislate for colonies, 4–5

    constitutionality of meeting after recess of General Court, 15, 234–35

    formation of, in response to crown salaries issue, 4, 95, 102, 103n1, 435

    implications for colonial relationship with British authorities, 200

    plan to engage colonies in network of opposition as intent of, 218n6

    royal order disallowing sitting of committees during recess, 15

    S. Swift serving on, 414n1

    on Tea Act/tea ships, 368

    towns joining statement of, on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 4, 123, 125, 126n2, 131, 132, 138, 140, 146, 148n1, 153, 154–55, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 168, 171, 435

    Votes and Proceedings (1772), 4, 115, 117, 126n2, 131, 153, 171, 193n2, 197, 348n2

    Boston Evening Post

    closing speech of TH to General Court, article refuting items in, 194n2

    on Gaspée Commission, 127n1

    resolutions by towns opposing crown salaries for judges printed in, 126n2

    W. Story, printing F. Bernard’s letter of recommendation for, 165n3

    Boston Gazette

    “A,” articles by, 281, 283n2, 298, 299n4, 311n4

    Council proceedings on Boston Tea Party published in, 411n4, 426n1

    on crown salaries for superior court judges, 84n2

    duel between W. Whately and J. Temple reported in, 488n2

    on Gaspée Commission, 139n1

    on grand jury statement to court (31 Aug. 1773), 273n3

    “Junius Americanus” letter, 320n1

    “Letter to the King” printed in, 77n1

    “E. Ludlow” letter and “A Friend to the Community” article, J. Fenton’s dispute with TH about, 178–83, 189–90

    resolutions by towns opposing crown salaries for judges printed in, 126n2

    Shelburne letter to F. Bernard printed in, 237n1

    on Tea Act and tea ships, 326, 329n1, 331n1, 352n2, 368n2, 390n2

    on Virginia Resolves, 199n1

    Whately letters, publication of, 232, 245n1

    Whately/Temple duel and Franklin’s acknowledgment of role in transmittal of letters published in, 430n1

    Boston Harbor. See also Boston Port Act

    blocked to stop tea ships leaving, 368, 375, 379, 386, 399, 409

    closure of port following Boston Tea Party, 16–17, 456–57

    Boston Massacre (1770), 42n2, 396n2, 416

    Boston Port Act

    closure of port of Boston to merchant shipping by, 17, 457n3

    Dartmouth’s letter to TH regarding, 456–57

    passage of, 16, 493, 494n1

    publication of, in Boston, 17, 493, 495

    Boston Tea Party, 12–13, 381–92

    advance rumors regarding, 377

    American Board of Customs Commissioners taking refuge in Castle William after, 389, 390n1

    closure of port of Boston until reimbursement of East India Company for, 16–17, 456–57

    Council’s response to, 382, 387, 388, 393–410, 426n1, 461, 492n1

    disguise used by perpetrators of, 12, 382, 387

    effects of, 13, 14, 271, 383

    England, reception of news in, 421n2, 460, 461, 471, 494n1

    George III’s denunciation of, 456–57, 494n1

    grand jurors of Boston involved in, 440

    number of chests of tea destroyed in, 405, 407

    opening speech of TH to General Court, not mentioned in, 424, 426n1

    reward offered for names of perpetrators, 382, 394

    value of tea lost in, 392

    witnesses departing for England after

    interrogatories composed by TH for, 417

    letters regarding, 416–23

    memorandum of TH on (24 Dec. 1773), 394, 395n3, 396

    Boston town meeting

    Boston Committee of Correspondence, formation of, 4, 95, 103n1

    crown salaries for superior court judges, inquiries regarding, 4, 95, 137n3

    crown salary of governor, objections to, 47, 48n2

    objections of TH to involvement in colony-wide and imperial issues, 6–7, 184

    resolutions objecting to TH’s characterization of town, 6, 184, 192, 193, 193n2, 414n1

    tea consignees, efforts to force resignation of, 11, 326, 330–31, 341–49, 358–59

    tea ships, TH on lack of jurisdiction to hold meetings on, 361–62

    Boston Weekly News-Letter, “Philalethes” publishing in, 288n4, 289n8

    Bowdoin, Elizabeth, later Pitts (sister of James), 322n2

    Bowdoin, Elizabeth, later Temple (daughter of James), 322n2

    Bowdoin, James

    Boston resolutions objecting to TH’s characterization of town, 193

    Boston Tea Party, Council’s response to, 393

    complaints of TH against, 34, 37, 38n7

    Council asserting right to copy and print minutes, 395n4, 404, 407

    domination of Council by, 439, 443n4

    favors shown to J. Temple as son-in-law of, 37, 38n7, 56n3

    as moderate and potential ally of TH, 299n2

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 5, 143, 145, 153, 160, 172, 175

    as possible successor to TH as governor, 276

    on successor to A. Oliver, 55, 56n1

    on tea ships, 362n1, 390n2

    Whately letters controversy and, 9, 240, 241n2, 254n2, 276, 279, 289, 366, 372

    Bowers, Jerathmiel, 208n3

    Bowler, Metcalf, 262, 263, 264n2

    Boyle, John (printer), 268n1, 289n7

    Brattle, William, 7, 475n2

    Breda, Treaty of, 239, 303, 304, 306

    Bridgewater, on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 123

    Bridham, Mr., 224

    Briggs, Aaron, 64n3, 134n4

    Bristol (ship), 112

    British troops

    Boston’s hostility to, 400

    captain general, rank of, 85

    commissions list requested from I. Williams, 239

    Dartmouth on use of, 420, 461

    exchange of garrison troops at Castle William, 42

    New York citizens habituated to presence of, 400

    tea ships and, 375

    West Indies, departure of 14th Regiment for, 42

    Whately letters controversy and, 227n3, 228, 229n3, 242

    Brookline Committee of Correspondence on Tea Act/tea ships, 368, 375

    Brown, John (perpetrator of destruction of Gaspée), 64n3

    Brown, Mr. (in border dispute between New York and Massachusetts), 130

    Browne, William, 451, 452n1, 468n1, 474, 475n4, 498n1

    Burch, Mrs. (wife), and daughter, 427, 452

    Burch, William

    Clarkes dining with, in Roxbury, 433, 434n3

    lieutenant governorship, proposed for, 451–52, 467, 474

    A. Oliver speaking with admiral at, 82

    traveling to England, 403, 404n4, 427, 451–52

    Burke, Edmund, 333n2

    Calef, Capt., 108, 335

    Calef, Dr. John, 128, 491

    Callehan, Capt., 499


    on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 4, 126n2, 153

    Council meeting with TH on Boston Tea Party in, 394

    Tea Act/tea ships, committee of correspondence on, 368, 375

    Camden, Lord, 145, 511, 512nn6–7

    Canada. See also Acadia; Nova Scotia; Quebec

    cession of, TH on consequences stemming from, 377

    consultations on disposition of affairs in, 80

    Fort Pownall and, 94

    Quebec Act (1774), 80n2

    “Candidus” (Samuel Adams), 199n1

    canere surdis, 133, 135n9, 400

    Caribbean. See West Indies

    Caribs on St. Vincent, rebellion of, 42n1

    Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester (governor of Canada), 80, 292, 293, 294n3

    Castine (Maine), 303, 305n4

    Castle William

    American Board of Customs Commissioners taking refuge in, 389, 390n1, 403

    barracks, need to rebuild, 112

    departure from Boston, TH residing at prior to, 17, 347, 493, 497

    exchange of garrison troops at, 42

    governor’s control of, 76n4, 83, 85, 112–13

    J. Phillips appointed Fort Major of, 48, 75, 79, 83, 85, 87, 112, 127

    powder and arms, House inquiries concerning supply of, 462, 464n4

    questions of Lord Dartmouth/answers of TH about, 506

    royal control, transfer to (1770), 76n4

    salvaged cargo of tea ship running aground brought to, 13

    shortage of funding and staff for, 75–76, 80, 87, 112

    tea consignees taking refuge in, 12, 350, 352, 354, 359, 363, 366, 367, 369, 379, 386, 398, 408, 434nn2–3, 460, 469

    tea ships, order to prevent departure of, 375

    William (tea ship), disposal/sale of rescued tea from shipwreck of, 412, 415

    Catholics and Catholicism, 57, 77n1, 177n3, 197–98

    Champion & Dickinson (mercantile firm), 465, 466n1

    Chappaquiddick, Martha’s Vineyard, Wampanoags’ claim to, 258, 259n1

    Charleston, South Carolina, landing of tea in, 407n2, 421, 422n3


    adapting Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 4, 153

    Tea Act/tea ships, committee of correspondence on, 375


    constitution of government, questions and answers about, 503

    multiple sessions of legislature in, TH’s objections to, 35, 37, 38n8

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 5

    threats to remove, 35, 36, 38n2, 38n5

    Chatham, Lord (William Pitt the Elder)

    on Dissenters’ bill, 52n5

    factions in British politics and, 510, 511, 512nn2–3, 6

    on parliamentary authority, 145, 172

    as possible successor to Hillsborough as secretary of state, 46

    Chaunc[e]y, Charles, 268n1, 355, 472n6, 480, 481n1, 513n9

    Cheever, Ezekiel, 387n3

    Chevy Chase (phrase), 237, 238n3

    Christmas, 448

    Church, Benjamin

    tea consignees, efforts to force resignation of, 387n3

    Votes and Proceedings (1772), contribution to, 115n1

    Church of England, 267

    circular letters

    on birth of prince, 203

    questions for colonial governors from Lord Dartmouth, 10, 281, 283n1, 292

    questions for colonial governors from Lord Dartmouth, answers of TH to, 500–514

    Clarke, Isaac Winslow (son of Richard), 366n2, 367, 368n1, 433, 434n3, 448, 449n1, 460, 469

    Clarke, Jonathan (Jack; son of Richard)

    Castle William, with other tea consignees in, 366

    dining in Roxbury with W. Burch, 433, 434n3

    letters sent via, 29, 30n1, 444, 469, 478, 480n1

    letters to

    19 Feb. 1774, 444

    30 March 1774, 469

    power of attorney given by Richard Clarke to two sons, 367, 368n1

    return from England with details of Tea Act, 11, 341, 345, 346n2, 358, 360n2, 385

    sailing for England after Boston Tea Party and rescue of William’s cargo, 422, 423n1, 442, 443n10

    securing tea from shipwrecked William, 388, 389, 389n2, 390n5, 411, 413n3

    Clarke, Mary, later Oliver (sister of Richard), 444n2

    Clarke, Richard

    Castle William, with other tea consignees in, 366, 448, 449n1, 460, 469

    John Singleton Copley as son-in-law of, 352n2, 353

    in Copley’s portrait of Copley family (c. 1777), 353

    dining in Roxbury with W. Burch, 433, 434n3

    dining with TH in Milton, 469

    power of attorney given to two sons, 367, 368n1

    Richard Clarke & Sons as tea consignee, 330, 330n2, 341, 352, 354, 355, 369, 384–86, 399n1

    tea consignees at warehouse of, efforts to force resignation of, 11, 326, 327–28, 341, 344–45, 358, 384–85, 387n3, 397, 399n1

    Clarke, Susanna, later Copley (daughter of Richard), 353

    clergy, dismissals of, in New England, 267, 268n1

    climate. See weather/climate

    Cockle, James, 79n1

    Cockpit, Whitehall (London), 14

    Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts), 477

    coffee houses, 471

    Colden, Cadwalader (lieutenant governor of New York), 487n3

    commerce. See trade and commerce

    Committee on Plantations, 322n7

    committees of correspondence. See also Boston Committee of Correspondence

    expectations of TH regarding spread of, 199

    George III’s disapprobation of, 323, 412, 413n2, 424, 426n1

    illegality of, TH on, 379

    implications for colonial relationship with British authorities, 200

    invitation of all continental assemblies to form, 164, 218n6, 265

    in New York, 264n2

    post office in America by act of Parliament, opposition to establishment of, 463

    resolutions of Boston town meeting against TH circulated to, 184

    Tea Act, opposition to, 327, 329n1, 354, 368–80, 389, 400, 403

    towns in Massachusetts invited to form, 4, 123, 125, 126n2, 162, 200

    unconstitutionality of meeting in recess of assemblies, TH on, 4, 15, 234–35, 424, 462–63

    Virginia Resolves on, 10, 197–205, 262, 264n1

    Company of Cadets (Massachusetts militia), 355n4, 472n5

    Congregationalists, 58, 267, 268n1

    congress. See Continental Congress


    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 263

    views on parliamentary power in, 211


    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, arguments against, 4, 5, 143

    for separation/joining of colonies, 240

    constitution. See Charter

    constitutional issues

    committees of correspondence meeting during recess of assemblies, 4, 15, 234–35, 424, 462–63

    parliamentary authority (See parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies)

    Continental Congress

    fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 10, 262–68, 281–82, 313–16, 443n1, 458, 462

    Stamp Act Congress (1765), 10, 219, 220n4, 264n3

    Conway, Henry Seymour, 85

    Cooper, Dr. Samuel, 289, 290n2, 297, 299n2, 366, 472n6, 480, 481n1, 513n9

    Cooper, William, 378n6

    Copley, John Singleton

    as mediator for tea consignees, 352n2, 353, 360

    portrait of the Copley Family (c. 1777), 353

    portrait of Thomas Gage (c. 1768), 436

    portrait of Peter Oliver (c. 1758), 436

    portrait of Duncan Stewart (1767), 86

    as son-in-law of Richard Clarke, 352n2, 353

    Copley, Susanna Clarke (wife of John Singleton), 353

    Coram, Thomas, 304, 305n10, 317n1

    corporations, Massachusetts law designating towns as, 162, 171

    Coulson, Capt. Thomas, 444


    beliefs of TH about cooperation of, 27, 29n2

    on Boston Tea Party, 382, 387, 388, 393–410, 426n1, 461, 492n1

    J. Bowdoin’s domination of, TH on, 439, 443n4

    crown-appointed, TH rebuked by F. Bernard for reluctance to appoint, 238n4

    crown salary of governor, refusal to respond to House’s message on, 31, 67

    divorce and remarriage proceedings, as court in, 106, 269, 270, 323

    House of Lords, analogy with, 15

    impeachment efforts against chief justice Peter Oliver, 15–16, 443n3, 447–57, 492

    inability to meet without presence of governor, TH asserting, 439n5

    lieutenant governor, candidates for, 474, 475n2

    minutes, asserting right to copies and printing of, 394–95, 404, 407

    obligation/lack of obligation of governor to call for sitting of, 447

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 5, 142, 143–51, 143n2, 152, 153, 169–77

    seditious material, on publication of, 76–77, 87

    separate agents for House and Council, TH refusing grants for, 31, 33, 38, 39n10, 40–41, 48n2, 147, 148n2, 229, 298, 464n5

    tea ships, refusal to act regarding, 11–13, 341–49, 350, 352, 359, 361, 362n1, 367, 369, 376, 380, 385–86, 390n2, 397, 401

    veto power of governor over, when acting as court, 106, 110, 147, 269, 270, 323, 412, 413n1, 503, 509n9

    wills and administrations, court cases involving, 323


    as capital crime in New York but not Massachusetts, 183n3

    Massachusetts counterfeiters arrested, tried, and executed in New York, 7, 129–30, 156–57, 173n1, 183, 191n1, 198–99n1, 247

    craft guilds (livery companies) of London, 97, 161

    criminal justice. See justice system

    Crosse, John, death in North Carolina of, 279, 280n1

    crown salaries

    for attorney and solicitor general, 495

    failure of TH to appreciate colonial objections to, 1–2, 95

    funding of, 48n2

    General Court’s failure to provide for salaries and imposition of, 1, 95

    grand jury’s refusal of, 272, 273n3, 277

    Hillsborough’s letter confirming approval of, 48–49, 102

    crown salaries for superior court judges

    “A,” Boston Gazette article by, 283n2

    arrangement of, 1, 3–4, 6, 15, 47–48, 48n4, 53, 58, 64, 65, 69, 75

    Boston Committee of Correspondence, formation of, 4, 95, 102, 103n1, 435

    colonial opposition to, 15, 87, 90, 95–115, 435–46

    concession proposed by ministry on, 206, 215

    date of commencement of judges’ salaries, 102, 148, 158, 282, 283n3

    General Court’s offer of salaries, 15, 102, 158, 206, 215, 462, 464n5

    House demanding judges’ rejection of, 435, 437–38

    House’s petition to king protesting, 2, 6, 184, 185, 187n1, 206, 215

    impeachment attempt against P. Oliver over, 15–16, 436, 439n3, 447–57, 461–62, 463n3, 464, 492

    lack of official instruction regarding, TH complaining of, 102, 251

    P. Oliver’s acceptance of, 15, 435–46

    P. Oliver’s prediction regarding, 150, 151n14

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 4, 115, 158, 171, 185, 435

    public reaction in England to controversy over, TH’s efforts to manage, 34n1

    refusal to serve on jury due to, 272, 273n3, 277

    rejection/acceptance by judges, 15, 151n14, 159n2, 435–46, 462

    royal commissions, need for, 277, 278n2

    secrecy about/rumors of, 6, 65, 84, 87, 95, 137n3

    as supplements to General Court salaries, 52, 53n4

    Tea Act opposition distracting TH from, 418

    towns joining Boston’s opposition to, 4, 123–24, 126n2, 435

    crown salary for governor

    Boston town meeting on TH’s acceptance of, 47, 48n2

    concession proposed by ministry on, 206, 215

    General Court’s denunciation of TH’s acceptance of, 2, 27–42, 67

    House’s message to Council on, 31, 89–90

    “E. Ludlow” letter about, 178–83

    New York, border dispute with, and, 142n5

    remonstrance sent to king regarding, 2, 6, 27, 59, 206, 215

    “The Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country in the Hour of Death” (1774), TH caricatured as, 406

    Cumberland, Duke of, 85n2

    currente calamo, 321, 322n6

    Cushing, John, 489, 490n5

    Cushing, Nathan, 489, 490n5

    Cushing, Thomas (Speaker of the House)

    on committees of correspondence, 200

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 263

    crown salaries of superior court judges, petition to king protesting, 185

    B. Franklin and, 165n4, 200, 201n1, 241, 242n4, 278n2, 290n2, 324, 336n3

    on intent of Boston Committee of Correspondence, 218n6

    A. Lee’s letter to, 470

    letter of recommendation for W. Story to B. Franklin, 165n4

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, debate over, 162, 163–64, 165n1, 200, 253–54, 255n7

    private letters read in House, as means of radical discussion, 439, 443n2

    relationship between Great Britain and colonies, TH on views regarding, 297

    as representative for Boston, 378n6

    Tea Act/tea ships and, 364n2

    Whately letters controversy and, 187n4, 216, 227n6, 336n3, 367n1, 480, 481n1

    Cushing, William, 443n7, 490n5, 498n1

    customs duties

    avoidance of, proposed measures against, 58–59

    removal of Custom House from Boston, 456–57

    rules about declaration, unloading, and payment of duties on cargo, 12, 350, 355n2, 379, 398

    on tea, 58–59, 71, 201n1, 328

    customs officers. See also American Board of Customs Commissioners

    appointment of J. Temple as surveyor general of customs, 38n7, 56n3, 62

    dismissal of J. Temple as surveyor general of customs, 14, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    solicitor of customs, plan for Sewall to combine posts of attorney general and, 86, 88n6

    Dalrymple, Capt. William

    departure with 11th Regiment from Castle William, 42, 112

    effective cooperation with TH, 42n2

    letter to (16 Sept. 1773), 279–80

    as possible successor to Bernard, 42n2

    Whately letters controversy, 279–80

    Danforth, Samuel, 50, 51n3, 200, 201n2

    Danforth, Thomas, 200, 201n2, 215, 216n3

    Dartmouth (tea ship), 12, 350, 354, 362n1, 368n2, 369, 371nn8–9, 375, 386, 396, 398

    Dartmouth, Lord (William Legge, 2nd Earl)

    “A,” Boston Gazette articles by, 281, 283n2

    arrest order for J. Hancock and S. Adams, 477

    Boston Tea Party, 271, 381–83, 387n1, 390–91, 394–95, 417, 456–57

    British troops, on use of, 420, 461

    Catholic priest, Penobscots’ request for, 197–98

    circular letter of 2 Feb. 1773 on birth of prince, 203

    circular letter of questions for colonial governors, 10, 281, 283n1, 292

    circular letter of questions for colonial governors, answers of TH to, 281, 283n1, 292

    J. Clarke delivering letters between TH and, 469, 478, 480n1

    on closure of port of Boston, 456–57

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 315–16, 462

    Council asserting right to copy and print minutes, 394–95

    crown salaries for superior court judges and, 6, 96–97, 158, 185, 282, 357, 437–42, 462

    crown salary of governor, on General Court’s petition regarding, 67

    de Berdt estate, settlement of, 147, 148n2, 204, 205n6

    dismissal of petition to remove TH over Whately letters, 432, 455, 473, 482–92

    East India Company directors’ letter on Boston Tea Party forwarded to, 387n1, 432

    eastern Maine, claim of Massachusetts on, 246, 295n3, 301–11, 316–17

    eastern Maine, report on, 68, 90, 105–6

    employment sought for WSH via, 258–59, 260, 365, 366, 465–66

    England, TH permission to travel to, 212, 222, 226, 246, 257, 323, 342, 356, 363, 440–41, 446

    estimate of rateable male polls sent to, 292–93

    Eli Forbes letter forwarded to, 284, 311

    Fort Pownall, report on, 93–94

    B. Franklin and, 200, 206, 215, 216n1, 255, 271, 278, 289, 290n3

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 71, 117, 124–25, 128, 139, 142, 144

    General Court, reconvening and prorogation of, 424, 461–62, 485

    Hillsborough succeeded by, 3, 68n1, 74, 75, 79, 82, 85, 86–87, 89, 100, 189

    Hinsdale, titles to land in, 68, 90, 141

    impeachment attempts against P. Oliver, 449–50, 461–62, 463n3

    “Junius Americanus” letter addressed to, 320n2

    letters from

    2 Sept. 1772, 67–69

    4 Sept. 1772, 71

    9 Dec. 1772, 118–21

    6 Jan. 1773, 136–37

    3 Feb. 1773, 146–48

    3 March 1773, 168

    10 April 1773, 195–96

    2 June 1773, 208–10

    perhaps mid-June 1773, 215–16

    4 Aug. 1773 (1), 247–48

    4 Aug. 1773 (2), 248–49

    17 Aug. 1773, 257

    28 Oct. 1773, 323

    1 Dec. 1773, 356

    early Dec. 1773, 357

    8 Jan. 1774, 419–21

    5 Feb. 1774, 432

    9 March 1774 (1), 455

    9 March 1774 (2), 456–57

    9 April 1774 (1), 478

    9 April 1774 (2), 478–80

    letters to

    23 Oct. 1772 (1), 89

    23 Oct. 1772 (2), 89–91

    27 Oct. 1772, 93–94

    30 Oct. 1772, 96

    3 Nov. 1772, 96–97

    13 Nov. 1772, 105–7

    26 Nov. 1772, 110–11

    22 Dec. 1772, 124–25

    30 Dec. 1772, 128–29

    7 Jan. 1773, 138–39

    22 Jan. 1773, 142–43

    1 Feb. 1773, 144–45

    22 Feb. 1773, 157–60

    9 March 1773, 174–75

    20 March 1773, 185–87

    17 April 1773, 197–99

    25 April 1773, 203–5

    1 June 1773, 206–8

    early June 1773 (not sent), 210–12

    12 June 1773, 213–14

    26 June 1773, 221–22

    2 July 1773, 227–29

    10 July 1773, 234–35

    7 Aug. 1773, 250–51

    2 Sept. 1773 (not sent), 270

    6 Sept. 1773 (not sent), 272–73

    16 Sept. 1773, 281–83

    1 Oct. 1773, 292–94

    8 Oct. 1773, 294–95

    9 Oct. 1773, 297–99

    no date (not sent), 302–5

    16 Oct. 1773 (1), 306–7

    16 Oct. 1773 (2), 308–10

    16 Oct. 1773 (3), 311

    19 Oct. 1773, 315–16

    26 Oct. 1773, 316–17

    4 Nov. 1773, 327–30

    6 Nov. 1773, 330–31

    15 Nov. 1773, 342–43

    2 Dec. 1773 (1), 358–60

    2 Dec. 1773 (2), 361–62

    10 Dec. 1773, 374

    14 Dec. 1773, 375–78

    15 Dec. 1773, 379–80

    17 Dec. 1773, 381–82

    18 Dec. 1773, 383

    20 Dec. 1773, 388–89

    21 Dec. 1773, 390–91

    24 Dec. 1773, 394–95

    4 Jan. 1774, 412–13

    6 Jan. 1774, 417

    18 Jan. 1774, 424–26

    14 Feb. 1774, 437–39

    17 Feb. 1774, 439–43

    3 March 1774, 446

    9 March 1774, 449–50

    9 March 1774 (1), 449–50

    9 March 1774 (2), 451–52

    21 March 1774, 461–64

    29 March 1774, 467–68

    30 March 1774, 470

    4 April 1774, 474–75

    25 April 1774, 485

    17 May 1774, 499

    lieutenant governor, deliberations of TH on replacement for, 451–52, 467–68, 474

    as Lord Privy Seal (from 1775), 271

    Maine borders with Nova Scotia, 10

    J. Malcolm, tarring and feathering of, 424–26

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    New York, settlement of border dispute with, 186–87, 207, 213–14, 247, 256, 294, 394

    Nickerson murder on the high seas, charges in, 203, 209, 250

    A. Oliver, informed of death of, 446, 451

    opinion of TH on, as replacement for Hillsborough, 74, 86–87, 89, 100, 121

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, debate over, 6, 90–91, 118–20, 125, 136, 137n4, 138, 142, 144, 146–47, 157–58, 168, 169, 174, 185–86, 195–96, 250, 251n1, 255

    piracy trial, payment for charges in, 110–11

    portrait by Nathaniel Hone (1777), 271

    powder and arms, House inquiries about, 462

    praise for TH at replacement by Gage, 476, 478–79, 496, 499

    private letter on state of province from TH to, 297–99

    Province House, repairs to, 89, 158, 282

    public opinion on, as secretary of state, 189

    rebuking TH for initiating constitutional debate with General Court, 6, 38n6, 168n1, 195–96, 203–4, 205n5, 206–16, 250, 251n1, 255, 269, 271, 278n2

    relationship with TH, 195

    removal of TH, petition for, 16, 221, 227, 432, 455, 473, 482–92

    resignation as secretary of state (1775), 271

    separate agents for House and Council, 147, 229, 298

    state of province, private comments from TH on, 297–99, 441–42, 499

    on taxation of salaries for royal officials, 147, 204

    tea trade/Tea Act/tea ships, 13, 94, 327–31, 342, 358–62, 374–80, 412–13, 418, 419–21, 432, 450, 456–57, 461

    temporary replacement of TH by Gage, 16–17, 476–81

    veto power of governor over Council, when acting as court, 412, 413n1

    Virginia Resolves, 197, 264n1

    Wampanoags’ claim to Chappaquiddick, Martha’s Vineyard, 258, 259n1

    Whately letters controversy, 221–22, 227–29, 231, 246–51, 257, 281, 289, 294, 311, 320n2, 324, 335, 356, 420, 473

    Davis, Benjamin, 346n1, 387n1

    de Berdt, Dennys, death and estate of, 147, 148n2, 204, 205n6, 229, 512, 513n11

    de Mon[t]s, Pierre Dugua, 308, 310n1

    decens et rectum, 238

    Declaratory Act, 4

    Delphi, oracle at, 149, 150–51nn8–9

    Dennie, William, 387n3, 398

    deputy postmaster general for colonies

    Franklin’s dismissal as, 14, 428, 432, 464n6, 483n1, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    interest of TH in post of, 212, 226

    Dexter, Samuel, 194n2, 390n2

    disease. See health and illness

    Dissenters, 50, 51n5, 60n1

    distilling technology, 200

    divorce and remarriage proceedings, 106, 269, 270, 272, 323, 412, 413n1, 509n9

    Dockyards etc. Protection Act (1772), 135n6

    Dolphin (ship), 363, 365, 366, 367, 369, 388, 396

    Dominion of New England, 240, 241n3

    Dorchester, Sir Guy Carleton, 1st Baron (governor of Canada), 80, 292, 293, 294n3

    Dorchester Committee of Correspondence on Tea Act/tea ships, 368, 375

    Draper, J. and Richard (printers), 286, 289n7, 305n7, 389

    drinking problem of J. Otis Jr., 102

    duces, 514

    Duchess of Gordon (ship), 427

    Dudingston, Lt. William

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 62, 133

    lawsuits over customs seizures by, 66n3, 139n1

    Dudley, Joseph (former governor of Massachusetts), 474, 475n6

    duel between William Whately and John Temple, 13, 428, 429, 430n1, 471, 472n2, 482, 487–88

    Duguid, Capt., 132

    Dummer, Jeremiah, 309–10, 310n2

    Dunbar, Col. David, 303, 305n7, 305n10, 317n1

    Dunning, John, 1st Baron Ashburton, 14, 329, 429, 430n2

    Dutch. See Holland

    East India Company

    boycott of, 408, 409n2

    closure of port of Boston over Boston Tea Party, 16–17, 456–57

    consignees of, 10, 11, 326–33, 460

    disposal of tea, uncertainty about, 460

    funds of TH in warrants of, 486

    lack of popular pity for, 383

    letters to directors of

    19 Dec. 1773, 384–87, 432

    19 March 1774, 460

    Tea Act and government efforts to assist, 10, 202n1, 209, 210n1, 341, 384–86 (See also Tea Act)

    tea duty, rumors regarding payment of, 328

    Eastern Country (east of Penobscot River). See Maine

    Eaton, Joshua, 288, 289n7, 312, 313n2

    Edes & Gill (printers), 115n1, 176n2, 179, 180nn1–2, 189, 232, 364n3

    Effingham, Col. Thomas Howard, Earl of, 31, 43

    Eleanor (tea ship), 355n3, 368n2

    Eliot, Andrew, 471, 472n6

    Erving, Anne, 86

    Erving, John, Jr., 55, 56n1, 56n7

    Erving, John, Sr., 85, 475n2

    ex abundanti cautela, 317

    Fair Account, Maseres as possible author of, 411n1

    Falkland Islands, Spanish seizure of, 3

    Falmouth (now Portland, Maine), 31–32, 424–25, 426n2

    Faneuil, Benjamin, Jr., 330, 330n2, 366n2, 369, 384, 386, 448, 449n1, 460

    Faneuil, Peter, 330n2

    Faneuil Hall, meeting about tea ships in, 368

    felix quem facient aliena pericula camtusu, 513, 514n1

    felones de se, 445

    Fenton, John

    dispute with TH, 178–83, 189–90

    letter to (11 March 1773), 180

    letters from

    11 March 1773, 179

    12 March 1773, 181

    14 March 1773, 181–82

    J. Temple, as brother-in-law of, 178

    feudal tenure argument against parliamentary authority, 169, 172

    Finlay, Hugh, 328, 330n5

    First Church, Bolton, Massachusetts, 268n1

    Fitch, Samuel, 117, 118n2

    Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton, 261, 430n2, 511, 512n6

    Fleet, John and Thomas (printers), 193, 268n5, 389

    floor cloth requested by TH, 466

    Flucker, Thomas

    as candidate for lieutenant governor, 55, 56n6, 467, 468n3, 474, 475n5

    as candidate for New England Company commissioners, 511

    Maine, landholdings in, 54n8, 87, 88n9

    Maine, report to Dartmouth on, 90

    mentioned in TH correspondence with Bernard, 54

    Folger, Mr., 325

    Forbes, Eli

    Artillery Sermon of, 288n1

    Dartmouth, Forbes letter of forwarded to, 284, 311

    letter from (26 Sept. 1773), 286–89

    letter to (16 Oct. 1773), 312–13

    request that TH burn his letters, 288, 311

    Some Short Account of the Life and Character of the Reverend Joshua Eaton of Spencer (1773), 288, 289n7, 311, 312n2

    Whately letters controversy and, 286–89, 311–12

    Forbes, Lucy Baldwin, 289n9

    Fort Pentagoet, Maine, 303, 305n4

    Fort Pownall, Maine, disrepair of, 93–94

    Fortune (ship), 450n4


    Acadia and Nova Scotia, British conquest of, 249, 302–3, 306, 308, 309

    rumors of war with, 377

    Seven Years’ War, 297, 299n1

    Fran[c]klin, Michael (lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia), 62n3, 93

    Franklin, Benjamin

    censure from House, defending against, 242, 243n3

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 313, 315, 315n1, 443n1

    T. Cushing and, 165n4, 200, 201n1, 241, 242n4, 278n2, 290n2, 324, 336n3

    Dartmouth and, 200, 206, 215, 216n1, 255, 271, 278, 289, 290n3

    deputy postmaster general for colonies, dismissal as, 14, 428, 432, 464n6, 483n1, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    Michael Francklin mistaken for, 62

    Grand Ohio Company, as investor in, 47n3

    history of Pennsylvania attributed by TH to, 242, 243n3

    insurrection and disturbance, warning against, 200, 201n1

    A. Lee acting as House agent in absence of, 470

    letter to House obtained by TH, 313, 315, 315n1

    loss of deputy postmaster general job, 14

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, debate over, 255n7

    petition of General Council to remove TH and Andrew Oliver, hearing on, 14, 16, 421n2, 428, 432

    petition of House to king protesting crown salaries for judges and, 184, 185, 187n1, 206

    portrait by David Martin (1767), 291

    private letters read in House, as means of radical discussion, 439, 443nn1–2

    private mail service, proposal for, 464n6

    Privy Council’s rough treatment of, 14, 16

    publication of notice that he alone transmitted Whately letters to Boston, 428, 429, 430n1, 481n2

    rebuke of TH by Dartmouth communicated to, 278n2

    relationship with TH, 484

    remonstrance on crown salaries delivered to king by, 2, 6, 27, 53, 59

    separate agent of House, salary grant and, 31, 33, 38, 39n10, 40–41, 229, 298, 464n5, 484

    W. Story, letter of recommendation from T. Cushing for, 165n4

    tea duty, hoping for repeal of, 201n1

    tea ships, relations involved in controversy over, 364n1

    Whately letters controversy and, 7–9, 13–14, 187n4, 216, 227n6, 242, 243n4, 254n3, 280n5, 290nn1–3, 320n5, 324, 336n3, 349n1, 366, 372, 428, 429, 430n1, 472n2, 480, 481nn1–2

    W. Whately’s chancery suit against, 13, 472n2

    Frazier, Nathan, 396

    French language, use of, 49, 179, 285, 471

    “A Friend to the Community” article, 178–83, 189–90

    Frone, Mr., 480

    Gage, Thomas

    arrival to relieve TH, 493

    William Browne as superior court judge under, 452n1, 468n1

    Castle William, shortage of funding and staff for, 75–76, 80

    Dartmouth’s order to arrest J. Hancock and S. Adams, 477

    dismissal of petition to remove TH, 429, 482, 484

    in England, 275, 276n1

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 79, 127

    Hillsborough, resignation of, 75, 79, 83, 85

    letters from

    5 Oct. 1772, 79–80

    21 Oct. 1772, 85

    2 Feb. 1774, 429

    letters to

    24 Sept. 1772, 75–76

    12 Oct. 1772, 83–84

    28 Dec. 1772, 127–28

    7 March 1773, 171–72

    7 Sept. 1773, 275–76

    24 April 1774, 484

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 171–72

    J. Phillips’s appointment as Fort Major of Castle William, 75, 79, 83, 84, 112, 127

    portrait by John Singleton Copley (c. 1768), 477

    Salem, raid for contraband weapons in (1775), 113n2

    on Tea Act, tea ships, and Boston Tea Party, 430

    temporarily replacing TH as governor, 16–17, 476–81, 496

    Whately letters controversy, 275–76, 429, 484

    Gambier, James

    introducing TH’s son to, 61

    letter to unknown addressee of 27 Oct. 1773 possibly intended for, 321n8

    letters to

    29 Aug. 1772, 61–63

    19 Feb. 1773, 153–54

    2 Aug. 1773, 242–43

    2 Jan. 1774, 407

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 153–54

    on J. Phillips’s appointment as Fort Major of Castle William, 75

    on successor to A. Oliver, 55

    Tea Act, tea ships, and Boston Tea Party, 407

    Whately letters controversy, 242–43

    Gambier, Jenny (goddaughter of TH), 154

    Gambier, Mrs. (wife), and Gambier children, 62, 154

    Gaspée (ship)

    Dockyards etc. Protection Act (1772), 135n6

    expenses of commissioners investigating, 489, 490n10

    Henry VIII (king of England), applicability of treason statute of, 116, 133, 135n5

    responses to destruction of, 3, 57–73, 79

    Rhode Island authorities’ handling of, 116, 117, 127, 132–33, 134n3, 135nn5, 7

    royal commission of inquiry on, 3, 71, 116–30, 132–33, 135n5, 142, 143n1, 144, 490nn9–10

    General Court. See also Council; House of Representatives; parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies

    beliefs of TH about cooperation of, 27, 29n2

    border dispute with New York and, 142n5, 223

    Boston, return to meeting in, 2, 27, 47

    Boston Committee of Correspondence, defending constitutionality of, 15

    closing messages of TH to, 144, 194n2

    crown salaries for superior court judges and, 15, 102, 158, 206, 215, 462, 464n5

    disenfranchisement of towns acting beyond their jurisdiction, TH proposing, 377

    dismissal of petition to remove TH over Whately letters, 428–34, 455, 482–92, 493

    eastern Maine, settlements in, 27, 28, 30, 54n10, 69n6, 87, 128

    governor’s crown salary, denunciation of, 2, 27–42, 53, 67

    impeachment efforts against chief justice Peter Oliver, 15–16, 447–57, 461, 463n3, 492

    January-March session (1773), 5, 131, 169, 174, 182

    January-March session (1774), 15–16, 282, 424, 426n1, 435, 437, 438n1, 447, 449, 461–62, 471

    May elections (1773), 207, 208nn2–3, 282

    May elections (1774), 494

    May-July session (1772), 2

    May-July session (1773), 8, 199, 206, 227

    May-July session (1774), 485

    multiple sessions, objections to, 35, 37, 38n8

    new printing of laws vetoed by TH, 185

    opening messages of TH to, 5, 131–43, 424, 426n1, 437, 438n1

    Province House, refusal to grant funds for repair of, 30, 32n3, 35, 41, 67, 68n4, 89, 158–59, 160n5, 282

    remonstrance on crown salaries sent to king by, 2, 6, 27, 52, 58, 206, 215

    removal of TH and A. Oliver, petition for, 14–15, 16, 221, 222n1, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232–45, 255–56, 428–34

    royal instructions of 1771, resistance to, 30, 32n2

    royal order disallowing sitting of committees during recess, 15

    salaries of government officials, failures to provide for, 1, 95

    salaries offered to superior court judges by, 15, 102, 158, 206

    separate agents for House and Council, TH refusing grants for, 31, 33, 38, 39n10, 40–41, 48n2, 147, 148n2, 229, 298, 464n5, 484

    Superior Court, vote to postpone meeting of, 438, 439n4

    veto of elected members by TH, 207, 208n3

    Whately letters controversy and, 7–8

    George I (king of England), 61n5

    George III (king of England)

    on Boston Tea Party, 456–57, 494n1

    circular letter of Lord Dartmouth on birth of prince, 203

    committees of correspondence, disapprobation of, 323, 412, 413n2, 424, 426n1

    conduct of TH, approbation of, 478, 479

    England, TH seeking/receiving permission to travel to, 342, 370

    General Court’s petition to, for removal of TH and A. Oliver, 8, 14–15, 16, 221, 222n1, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232–45, 255–56

    House’s petition to king protesting crown salaries for superior court judges, 2, 6, 184, 185, 187n1, 206, 215

    Massachusetts Spy, letter to the king printed by, 76–77, 87, 164, 165n2

    New York, settlement of border dispute with, 247

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, approbation of TH’s handling of debate on, 136, 186, 187n5

    remonstrance on crown salaries sent by General Court to, 2, 6, 27, 52, 58, 206, 215

    Whately letters controversy, TH hoping for disapprobation of, 244, 253, 356

    Goddard, William, 464n7

    Goldthwait, Thomas

    J. Bernard and, 86, 88n3, 274, 275n1, 494n4

    on conditions in Maine, 87, 105, 106, 107n1

    Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 106, 107n5

    Goss, Thomas, 268n1, 391n2

    Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of, 261, 430n2, 511, 512n6

    grand juries

    Boston Tea Party, grand jurors of Boston involved in, 440

    Worcester, refusal of grand jurors to serve at, 498

    Grand Ohio Company, 47n3, 74

    Gray, Harrison, 208n2, 252n2, 259n2

    Great Controversy. See parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies

    Green, Joseph, 346n1, 387n3

    Green, Mr. (friend of TH), 410

    Greenleaf, Joseph, 102, 103n3, 115n1

    Greenleaf, Stephen, 352n3

    Greenough, John, 411, 412, 413n3

    Grenville, George, 7, 216, 510, 512n1, 512n3

    Griffin’s Wharf

    Boston Tea Party at, 12, 381, 399, 405

    tea ships tied up at, 12, 350, 368

    Griswold, Matthew, 513n9

    Guernsey, Lord, 50, 51n2

    Guilford, 2nd Earl of. See North, Lord

    Gustav III (king of Sweden), 85n1


    arrival of troops from, 42, 233

    elimination of vice-admiralty court in, TH on, 102–3

    forwarding of letters for, 460, 464

    residence during winter season, undesirability of, 93

    salary of governor of, 296

    Hall, Hugh, 465, 466n1

    Hall, Capt. James

    delivering letter from Dartmouth to TH, 478

    tea ship Dartmouth and, 12, 350, 352, 355n1, 369, 370, 371n8, 375, 396, 398, 417

    Hallowell, Robert, letter to TH from Richard Harrison and (4 Jan. 1774), 415

    Hancock, John

    Boston, General Court returning to meeting in, 2

    as commander of Company of Cadets, 355n4, 472n5

    Dartmouth’s arrest order for, 477

    at funeral of A. Oliver, 472n5

    New York, border dispute with, 7

    as representative for Boston, 378n6

    as selectman of Boston, 378n6

    Stamp Act riots, commemoration of (14 Aug.), 273n2, 277

    Tea Act/tea ships and, 352, 355n4, 363–64, 398

    William Turner Sr. and, 418, 419n3

    Whately letters controversy and, 8, 234n2, 254n3, 280n4, 300, 319, 320n3

    Hanover, Duchy of, 59, 60n5

    Harrison, Joseph, 51n4

    Harrison, Richard Acklom

    as collector of customs, 51n4

    letter to TH from Robert Hallowell and (4 Jan. 1774), 415

    letters delivered by, 53

    oath of allegiance and supremacy administered to, 50

    Harvard College, commencement at, 179

    Hatch, Nathaniel, 327, 330n4

    Hawley, Gideon, 402

    Hawley, Maj. Joseph

    New York, border dispute with, 7

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 5, 143, 160, 175

    resolutions denouncing TH’s acceptance of crown salary drafted by, 2, 27

    Whately letters controversy and, 254n2, 280n2

    Hayley (ship), 396

    health and illness

    anal fistula suffered by TH Jr., 82

    Apthorps, death at sea of, 62, 63n6

    bad cold suffered by WSH, 73

    bilious colic/disorder, 149, 150n5, 440

    fever, death of T. Whately from, 50

    horse, P. Oliver’s fall from, 513, 514n2

    infundibulum, 149, 150n2

    ipecac to induce vomiting, 81

    W. Logan, sickness of, 449

    lung disorder of J. Dunning, 430n2

    measles, TH’s grandchildren suffering from, 123

    mental instability of J. Otis Jr., 102

    A. Oliver, death of, 16, 435, 444, 448, 452, 453, 459, 464, 471, 483, 487

    A. Oliver, poor health of, 55, 189, 433, 440–41, 444, 445

    Mary Sanford Oliver, illness and death of, 189

    P. Oliver on illness suffered by TH, 149–51

    smallpox, 130, 440, 443n7, 467

    Margaret Spooner, illness and death of, 81, 189

    stroke, recovery of F. Bernard from, 50, 53, 54n2

    E. Trowbridge’s illness and infirmity limiting attendance at Superior Court, 440, 443n7

    hemp, 167, 306, 309

    Henderson, James, 418, 419n3

    Henderson, Joseph, 387n3

    Henry VIII (king of England)

    murder and piracy on high seas, statute allowing for transportation to England for trial on, 203, 205n4, 209

    treason statute of, 116, 133, 135n5

    Hewes [Hughes], George Robert Twelves, 423, 425, 426n3

    hic labor hic opus, 188

    Hillsborough, Lord

    American trees/shrubs, offer of TH to supply, 92

    on Castle William, 113

    Charter, threats to remove, 38n2

    crown salaries, for attorney and solicitor general, 495

    crown salaries, for superior court judges, 48–49, 65, 69, 102, 278n2, 495

    crown salaries, objections of General Court to, 30, 31, 47

    Dartmouth as successor to, 3, 68n1, 74, 75, 79, 82, 85, 86–87, 89, 100, 189

    divorce cases, on court proceedings of governor and council in, 106, 107n6, 270n1

    eastern Maine, inspection of timber in, 28

    eastern Maine, unauthorized settlement in, 30

    exchange of troops of Castle Garrison, 42

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 69–70, 135n5

    Hinsdale, titles to land in, 2, 30–31, 43–46, 141n2

    in Ireland, 34, 36, 53

    letter from (7 Aug. 1772), 47–48

    letters to

    2 July 1772, 28–29

    15 July 1772, 30–33

    28 July 1772, 42

    31 July 1772, 43–46

    30 Aug. 1772, 65

    4 Sept. 1772, 69–71

    1 Oct. 1772, 76–77

    23 Oct. 1772, 92

    2 July 1773, 230

    17 Sept. 1773, 285

    Capt. Linzee recommended to, 69–70

    New Hampshire, proposal to annex to Massachusetts, 54

    newspapers publishing seditious material sent to, 76–77

    Ohio River Valley, opposition to new colony in, 3, 46, 47n3, 74

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, debate over, 195, 226

    as patron of TH, 3, 61, 74, 92, 121, 283n2

    Province House, disrepair of, 30

    reduction in number of superior court judges, proposal for, 69

    resignation as secretary of state, 3, 46, 74–94, 100

    on separate agents for House and Council, 148n2

    son of TH introduced by Gambier to, 61

    W. Story and, 57n12, 164, 165n3

    Whately letters controversy and, 229n3, 230, 285


    border dispute with New York and titles to land in, 2, 30–31, 43–57, 68, 90, 141, 392

    Tryon, grants made by, 31, 43, 44, 68, 69n5

    History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (TH, 1778), 1, 8, 249n1, 307n1, 310n2

    HMS vessels. See specific names of ships, e.g., Gaspée


    New York, Dutch possession of, 316–17

    tea imported from, 58–59, 72–73, 94, 167, 328, 408, 441

    Hone, Nathaniel, portrait of Lord Dartmouth by (1777), 271

    Hood, Mrs. (wife), and son, 332, 459

    Hood, Commodore Samuel

    Catherington, Hampshire, home at, 459

    discussion of letters of, in Privy Council hearing on petition to remove TH and A. Oliver, 429

    England, arrival in, 332

    Gambier and, 242

    letter from (after 6 Nov. 1773), 332–33

    letters to

    2 Sept. 1772, 66

    12 March 1774, 459

    trial charge paid by, 110

    Hood, Rev. Samuel (father), 332, 333n3

    Hope (ship), 469

    Hopkins, Stephen

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 3, 134n3

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    The Rights of the Colonies Examined (1765), 118n1

    Horace, Epistles, 239n3, 341n3

    horse, P. Oliver’s fall from, 513, 514n2

    Horsmanden, Daniel, 127, 128n2, 234n1

    Housatonic? (Mokockhonnock) nation and border dispute with New York, 247

    House of Commons

    Lord Barrington verbally attacked by Edmund Burke in, 332, 333n2

    factionalism in, 510

    House of Representatives, analogy with, 15

    House of Lords

    Council, analogy with, 15

    Dissenters’ bill before, 51n5

    factionalism in, 510

    House of Representatives. See also parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies

    beliefs of TH about cooperation of, 27, 29n2

    crown salaries, demanding judges’ rejection of, 435, 437–38

    crown salaries of superior court for judges, petition to king protesting, 2, 6, 184, 185, 187n1, 206, 215

    crown salaries for superior court judges, voting on grant of, 464n5

    crown salary of governor, message to Council on, 31, 89–90

    House of Commons, analogy with, 15

    impeachment efforts against chief justice Peter Oliver, 15–16, 443n3, 444, 447–57, 461, 463n3, 492

    A. Lee as agent of, in absence of Franklin, 470

    P. Oliver on, as source of TH’s ill health, 149, 150n5

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 5, 142, 143–51, 143n2, 152, 169–78, 269, 270

    powder and arms, inquiries concerning supply of, 462, 464n4

    private letters read in session of, as means of radical discussion in, 439, 443nn1–2

    separate agents for House and Council, TH refusing grants for, 31, 33, 38, 39n10, 40–41, 48n2, 147, 148n2, 229, 298, 464n5, 484

    Howard, Henry, 12th Earl of Suffolk, 510, 512n1

    Howard, Col. Thomas, Earl of Effingham, 31, 43

    Hubbard, Thomas, 208n2

    Hughes [Hewes], George Robert Twelves, 423, 425, 426n3

    Hunt, Jonathan, and Hinsdale, 49, 50n4

    hurricane, Antigua estates of T. Oliver damaged by, 109

    Hutchinson, Elisha (son, EH in this text)

    concerns of TH about future of, 486

    departure from Boston for England with TH, 17, 434n1

    England, possibility of accompanying father to, 423, 433

    letters to

    30 Nov. 1773, 352

    27 Jan. 1774, 423

    6 Feb. 1774, 433–34

    marriage of, 29, 30n1, 98, 390n3

    in Middleborough with Peter Oliver, 423n1, 434n2, 448, 460, 489, 490n1

    Plymouth in-laws of, 390n3

    as tea trade consignee, 327, 330, 330n2, 344, 345, 352, 358, 369, 384–86, 434n2, 452, 460, 466, 489, 490n1

    visiting father-in-law George Watson, 490n1

    Hutchinson, Foster (brother)

    crown salary controversy and fears for safety of family, 440, 443n6

    as executor to Hugh Hall, 465

    as probate judge, 167n3

    salary as associate justice, 4, 41

    serving as superior court justice, 498n1

    Hutchinson, John Hely, 61n6

    Hutchinson, Margaret (Peggy; daughter)

    departure from Boston with TH, 17

    greetings sent to wife and daughter of William Tryon by, 421, 422n2

    greetings sent to wife and daughters of William Smith by, 224

    intent of TH to travel to England with, 452

    living with TH, 30n1

    measles suffered by grandchildren of TH and, 123

    mentioned by TH, 98

    writing to WSH, 29

    Hutchinson, Margaret Sanford (wife), 98n2

    Hutchinson, Mary (Polly) Watson (wife of EH), 29, 30n1, 490n1

    Hutchinson, Sarah, later Oliver (Sally; daughter of TH, wife of Peter Oliver Jr.), 123, 124n1, 449n1

    Hutchinson, Sarah Oliver (Sally; daughter of Andrew Oliver, wife of TH Jr.), 123, 124n1, 454n2

    Hutchinson, Thomas (TH in this text), 1–17

    John Adams and, 5–6, 170

    America, fondness for, 320

    Boston Tea Party, 12–13, 381–92 (See also Boston Tea Party)

    Boston town meeting, disagreements with, 6–7

    calendar of correspondence (July 1772–May 1774), 515–73

    at Castle William prior to departure from Boston, 17, 347, 493, 497

    children, desire to provide equally for, 202, 433

    chronology (July 1772–June 1774), 19–24

    circular letter from Lord Dartmouth with queries for colonial governors, answers to, 500–514

    commission as governor, 511, 512n5

    concerns about future of tea-consignee sons, 486

    concerns about WSH, 10, 29, 98, 126, 201, 202, 260–61, 292, 296, 452–53 (See also Hutchinson, William Sanford)

    Continental Congress, fears regarding new establishment of, 10, 262–68, 281–82, 313–16, 443n1, 458

    crown salaries, failure to appreciate objections to, 1–2, 95 (See also crown salaries)

    Dartmouth, relationship with, 195

    on Dartmouth as replacement for Hillsborough, 74, 86–87, 89, 100, 121

    departure from Boston for England, 16–17, 493–99

    dietary overindulgence of, P. Oliver on, 149–51

    dismissal of petition to remove, over Whately letters, 428–34, 455, 482–92, 493

    eastern Maine, issues with, 10 (See also Maine)

    employment and finances post-governorship, concerns about, 220, 223, 225–26, 231, 290

    England, possible travel to, 11, 16–17, 175, 212, 222, 226, 246, 257, 323, 324, 341, 356, 363, 365, 367, 370, 392, 416, 422–23, 427, 433, 435, 440–41, 444, 445, 446, 448, 452, 458, 459, 464, 469, 476–81, 483, 484, 486, 491

    exercise and amusements, on lack of time for, 153

    farewell addresses to, 17

    J. Fenton, dispute with, 178–83, 189–90

    floor cloth requested by, 466

    funds available to, 486

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 3 (See also Gaspée)

    handwriting of, 135n10, 241n5, 241n7, 399n4, 409n5, 509n11

    Hillsborough as patron of, 3, 61, 74, 92, 121, 283n2

    Hillsborough’s resignation as secretary of state, 3, 46, 74–94

    Hinsdale, on titles to land in, 2, 30–31, 43–57 (See also Hinsdale)

    History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (1778), 1, 8, 249n1, 307n1, 310n2

    illness of, P. Oliver on, 149–51

    impeachment of chief justice, efforts to block, 15–16, 443n3, 447–57, 461–62, 463n3, 464

    on independence of colonies, 1, 5, 10, 60, 122, 131, 265, 320

    lieutenant governorship, deliberations regarding, 16, 55–56, 451–52, 458, 467–68, 474, 480

    Milton, country house in, 12, 290, 330

    multiple sessions of legislature, objections to, 35, 37, 38n8

    New York, settlement of border dispute with, 7 (See also New York, border dispute with)

    New York governorship, interest in, 486

    Original Papers (1769), 511, 513n8

    on parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 4–6, 131 (See also parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies)

    personal code used by, 362n3

    portrait of by Edward Truman (1741), iv

    privacy of letters, efforts to ensure, 186, 187n4, 217, 348–49, 417

    probate judge, previous employment as, 166, 167n3

    public opinion, efforts to influence, 34n1, 73

    rebuked by Lord Dartmouth, 6, 38n6, 168n1, 195–96, 203–4, 205n5, 206–16, 250, 251n1, 255, 269, 271, 278n2

    on religious toleration, 58, 108

    removal of, General Court petition for, 14–15, 16, 221, 222n1, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232–45, 255–56

    removal of, Whately letters controversy designed to bring about, 217–18, 223, 236, 239

    resignation considered by, 6, 211–12, 220, 223, 225–26, 234

    seasickness, proneness to, 427

    separate agents for House and Council, refusing grants for, 31, 33, 38, 39n10, 40–41, 48n2, 147, 148n2, 229, 298, 464n5, 484

    Stamp Act riots, looting of TH’s house in, 303, 305n5, 421, 422n1

    state of province, private comments to Dartmouth on, 297–99, 441–42

    superior court judges, efforts to augment salaries of, 3–4, 41, 53, 102, 103, 252

    Tea Act, popular opposition to, 10–13 (See also Tea Act)

    tea trade, involvement of sons and, in, 72, 167, 202, 327, 330n2, 344, 345, 384

    temporary replacement by Gage, 16–17, 476–81

    Whately letters controversy, 7–10 (See also Whately letters controversy)

    as “The Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country in the Hour of Death” (1774), 406

    Hutchinson, Thomas, Jr. (Tommy, son; TH Jr. in this text)

    anal fistula suffered by, 82

    Castle William, taking refuge with other tea consignees in, 366

    concerns of TH about future of, 486

    England, trip to, 433, 434n1

    judicial appointment of, 259

    marriage and children, 124n1

    measles suffered by children of, 123

    New England Company, TH seeking treasurer position for son at, 453–54, 471

    A. Oliver, as executor for, 453, 454n2, 488n4

    staying with TH in Milton, 448, 460, 489, 490n2

    as tea trade consignee, 327, 330, 330n2, 344, 345, 358, 369, 384–86, 452, 460, 466, 471, 489, 490n2

    Hutchinson, Thomas, III (grandson), 124n1

    Hutchinson, William Sanford (Billy, son; WSH in this text)

    bad cold suffered by, 73

    F. Bernard mentioning, 87

    concerns of TH regarding, 10, 29, 98, 126, 201, 202, 260–61, 292, 296, 452–53

    Edinburgh, studying in, 29, 30n2, 82, 98, 202n2, 258, 260, 434n1

    employment sought for/by, 254, 258–61, 265, 296, 365, 370, 465–66, 491, 492

    expenses of/need to provide for, 201, 202, 230, 258, 292, 365, 370, 433, 491

    failure to write, chided by TH for, 98, 126, 189, 201, 260, 296, 365, 491

    handwriting of, TH’s complaint about, 261

    letters to

    4 July 1772, 29–30

    3 Nov. 1772, 98

    22 Dec. 1772, 126

    23 March 1773, 189

    20 April 1773, 201–2

    21 Aug. 1773, 260–61

    8 Oct. 1773, 296

    7 Dec. 1773, 365–66

    9 March 1774, 452–53

    30 April 1774, 491

    P. Livius and, 46, 114n1

    London, TH on prolonged stay in, 201, 202, 261, 296, 365, 370, 434n1, 452–53, 465–66

    merchant, lack of disposition as, 258, 260, 365

    A. Oliver mentioning, 51

    W. Palmer and, 73

    as possible private secretary to TH, 296, 365

    travel plans of, 201, 202, 261, 296, 365, 370, 452–53

    Whately letters controversy and, 295

    idis rebus nunquam per bella peribus, 149, 151n9

    illness. See health and illness

    illustris senipes, 513, 514n1

    independence of colonies

    S. Adams’s purported views on, 262

    Gage on talk in London about, 430

    TH on, 1, 5, 10, 60, 122, 131, 265, 320, 441–42

    A. Lee letter as evidence of confederacy regarding, 470

    P. Oliver on, 150, 151n15

    private letter on state of province from TH to Dartmouth regarding, 297–99

    Indians. See Native Americans

    infundibulum, 149, 150n2

    Ingersol, David, Jr., 130, 157n1, 191n1

    inops consilii, 219, 220n2

    inter nos, 347, 348n3

    intercolonial congress. See Continental Congress

    Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts), 477

    ipecac taken to induce vomiting, 82


    American colonies compared, 254

    British troops sent to America from, 233

    Hillsborough in, 34, 36, 53

    supreme legislative authority in, 60

    “Irish,” derogatory use of, 193, 194n1

    iron ore, 394, 505

    Iroquois, TH providing information to W. Robertson on, 402

    Jackson, Richard

    death of A. Oliver, 453

    eastern Maine, lands in, 220

    employment sought for WSH via, 254, 261, 296

    letter to unknown addressee of 27 Oct. 1773 possibly addressed to, 321n8

    letters to

    8 Dec. 1772, 115

    23 Feb. 1773, 161

    21 June 1773, 219–20

    12 Aug. 1773, 252–55

    2 Jan. 1774, 408–9

    9 March 1774, 453–54

    New England Company, TH seeking treasurer position for son at, 453–54

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 161, 188n1, 219–20, 252, 253–54

    Tea Act, tea ships, and Boston Tea Party, 408–9

    Votes and Proceedings (1772) sent to, 4, 115

    Whately letters controversy, 251–52

    Jacobson, Capt., 51, 72

    Jamaica, Spanish cession of, 316

    Jarvis, Capt., 33, 167

    Jeffries, David, 387n2

    Johnson, Mr., 93

    Johnson, Sir William, 47n3, 402n2

    Johnson, William Samuel, 262, 263, 264, 264n3

    Johonnot, Gabriel, 387n3

    “Junius Americanus,” letters from, 55, 56n9, 57n12, 319, 320n2

    jure/jus post limini, 249, 303, 306, 308, 316

    jury, refusal to serve on, due to crown salaries of superior court for judges, 272, 273n3, 277

    justice system. See also admiralty court; counterfeiting; Superior Court; superior court judges

    Boston Tea Party, grand jurors of Boston involved in, 440

    Council acting as court, veto power of governor over, 106, 110, 147, 269, 270, 323, 412, 413n1, 503, 509n9

    crimes committed against laws of New York outside boundaries of state, right to try, 191, 192n2, 207, 213, 247

    divorce and remarriage proceedings, 106, 269, 270, 272, 323

    fees of lawyers and sheriffs in actions at law, combinations against payment of, 441

    Gaspée (ship), royal commission of inquiry on, 116–30

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    Nickerson case (piracy/murder on the high seas), 110–11, 123, 124n2, 147, 148n3, 203, 209, 250, 251n2

    payment of charges, conflict over, 110

    probate judge for Essex, W. Story seeking job as, 164, 166

    wills and administrations, court cases involving, 323, 412, 413n1

    Worcester, refusal of grand jurors to serve at, 498

    Keeler, Capt. Robert, 118n1

    Kilcup, Dudson, 33, 34n2

    King William’s War, 304n4

    Kingfisher (ship), 375, 460, 464

    King’s Chapel, 58, 73

    Kirkland, Samuel, 402n2

    Labaree, Benjamin, 348n1

    Lane, Mr./Lane, Son & Frazier, 86, 88n2, 103, 365

    Latin, use of, 53, 70, 82, 102, 106, 133, 135, 140n6, 149, 188, 219, 238, 239, 249, 254, 299, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 316, 317, 320, 321, 340, 347, 357, 400, 445, 513, 514. See also specific Latin terms and phrases

    Laurie (ship), 124

    Lechmere, Richard, 86, 88n2

    Lee, Arthur, 56n9, 470

    Legge, William, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth. See Dartmouth, Lord

    Leonard, Daniel, 123, 124n5

    Leslie, Col. Alexander

    Castle William, command of garrison at, 112, 113n2

    lieutenant governorship proposed to, 451

    Salem, raid for contraband weapons in (1775), 113n2

    tea consignees received at Castle William by, 359, 370

    tea ships, order to prevent departure of, 375, 386, 399

    Letters Sent to Great Britain (printed version of Whately letters, 1773), 8–9, 225, 232–45, 252–53, 279–80, 284, 288n3, 322n5

    Leveret, Thomas, 303, 305n7

    Liberty men/Liberty people. See Sons of Liberty

    Liberty riot (1768), 51n7, 373n3

    Liberty Tree, 11, 22, 326, 329, 330n3, 344, 367, 384, 397

    lieutenant governorship. See also Oliver, Andrew

    deliberations of TH regarding, 16, 55–56, 451–52, 458, 467–68, 474, 480

    salary for, 55, 56n4, 474, 475n3

    line of peace between New York and Massachusetts, 156, 157n3

    linsey woolsey, 149, 151n11

    Linzee, Capt. Robert, 64n3, 66, 68–69

    Lisle, David, 92, 93n2

    Lively (ship), 300, 422, 478

    livery companies (craft guilds) of London, 97, 161

    Livingston, Janet, later Smith, 224

    Livingston, Robert R., 182, 183n1

    Livius, Peter

    account of TH regarding, 99–100

    boasting of intimacy with TH, 113

    conflict with J. Wentworth, 65n4, 99, 100, 101n1, 113–14, 321–22

    financial troubles of, 99–100

    letter from (3 Aug. 1772), 46–47

    letter of introduction to WSH from TH, 114n1

    letter of introduction to J. Pownall provided by TH, 65n4, 100

    New Hampshire, information about, 64

    newspaper article on, 100, 101n7

    political views of, J. Wentworth on, 113–14

    N. Rogers and, 99, 114

    Lloyd, Henry, 72–73

    Locke, John

    bust in Franklin portrait, 291

    A Letter on Toleration (1689), 58

    Logan, Walter, 449


    independence of colonies, Gage on talk about in, 430

    livery companies (craft guilds) in, 97, 161

    objections of TH to prolonged stay of WSH in, 201, 202, 261, 296, 365, 370, 434n1

    printers’ crisis (1771), 104n3

    reconsideration by TH of prolonged stay of WSH in, 452–53, 465–66

    London Chronicle, 13, 430n1, 472n2

    London Public Advertiser, 13, 14, 57n12, 320n2, 428, 430n1

    London St. James Chronicle, 77n1

    Lords of Trade, 156, 192, 207, 308–9

    Loring, Joseph, 370, 371n7, 382, 415

    “E. Ludlow” letter, 178–83, 189–90

    lumber. See timber

    Lyman, Isaac, letter to (16 July 1773), 237–38

    Lyttleton, George, 5th Baron Lyttleton, 510, 512n2

    Mackay, Col. Alexander

    departure of, 42n2

    letter to (23 Feb. 1773), 161–62

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 161–62

    Mackensy, Andrew, 396

    mail. See post/post office

    Maine (Sagadahoc; Eastern Country; country east of Penobscot River)

    borders of, 10, 105–6, 107n4

    Castine, 303, 305n4

    claim of Massachusetts to, 91n2, 105–6, 107n3, 246, 248–49, 295n3, 301–11, 316–17, 508n1

    Dartmouth requesting report on, 68, 90, 105–6

    early settlement in, 303–4, 305n7, 305n10

    Fort Pentagoet, 303, 305n4

    Fort Pownall, disrepair of, 93–94

    French temporarily taking Pemaquid, 308

    garrison at Port Royal, early establishment of, 306

    hemp, grant to raise, 306, 309

    illegal lumbering of royally reserved timber in, 10, 105, 107n2, 136, 306–7, 309

    incorporation into Massachusetts, 240, 241n4

    R. Jackson’s lands in, 220

    proposal to remove eastern Maine from Massachusetts control, 105–6, 136, 137n5, 240

    proposal to trade eastern Maine for Connecticut River Valley territory, 10, 49, 50n2, 53

    Quebec and Maine, proposal for new road between, 292, 293, 328

    representative sent to London to confirm grants to people settled in Eastern Country, 128

    responsibility of Massachusetts to defend Port Royal and Pemaquid, 303, 304n3

    royal reservation of mast trees in, 10, 248, 249n1, 302–3, 306, 309

    surveyor of king’s woods, problems faced by, 28, 136, 137n6

    titles to land in, 502, 509n6

    unrestricted settlement in Eastern Country, 27, 28, 30, 54n10, 69n6, 87, 105–6, 274, 509n6

    Whately letters controversy, response to, 240

    Malcolm, John, tarring and feathering of, 15, 424–27

    Mansfield, Lord, 51

    Mapewontaquash (unidentified), 513, 514n3

    Marblehead adapting Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 4, 146, 148n1, 153

    Marshall, Thomas, 378n6

    Martin, David, portrait of Franklin by (1767), 291

    Maryland, committees of correspondence in, 463

    Maseres, Francis

    letter to (3 Jan. 1774), 410–11

    Tea Act, colonial opposition to, 410

    tracts composed by, 410, 411nn1–2

    Mashpee Indians, 489, 490n4

    Massachusetts. See also Charter; General Court; New York, border dispute with; specific towns

    Acadia (modern New Brunswick), as part of/separation from, 241n4, 249n2, 302–4, 308

    agriculture and manufacturing, questions and answers about, 505

    boundaries/boundary disputes, questions and answers about, 501

    Catholics entering province, law on, 197–98

    civil offices in, questions and answers about, 507–8

    constitution of government, questions and answers about, 503

    corporations, law designating towns as, 162, 171

    geography, soil, and climate, questions and answers about, 500

    Maine, claim to, 91n2, 105–6, 107n3, 246, 248–49, 295n3, 316–17, 508n1

    mines, questions and answers about, 505

    murder on the high seas, law on jurisdiction over, 209, 210n4

    New Hampshire, boundary dispute with, 501, 508n3

    new printing of laws vetoed by TH, 185

    Nova Scotia, as part of/separation from, 240, 241n4, 249n2, 302–4, 306, 308

    old stone wall, government compared to, 410

    population of, Black and white, 505–6

    Port Royal and Pemaquid in Maine, responsibility to defend, 303, 304n3

    private comments on state of province from TH to Dartmouth, 297–99, 441–42, 499

    proposal to annex New Hampshire, 54

    proposal to remove eastern Maine from control of, 105–6, 136, 137n5, 301–11

    revenue and expenses, questions and answers about, 507

    rivers and harbors of, questions and answers about, 502–3

    size and extent, questions and answers about, 501–2

    territory west of Great Lakes, claim to, 223, 224n4

    trade and commerce, questions and answers about, 503–4

    trade restraints with colonies acknowledging authority of Parliament proposed by TH, 176

    Massachusetts Banishment Act (1778), 419nn2–3

    Massachusetts Gazette, 47

    Massachusetts Spy

    on duel between W. Whately and J. Temple, 472n22

    A. Oliver and W. Molineux, report on exchange between, 273n3

    Plymouth corresponding letter in, 389

    seditious material published in, 76–77, 121n2, 164, 165n2

    I. Thomas as printer of, 406

    Mauduit, Israel

    Boston Tea Party, 397–99

    clergy, dismissals of, in New England, 267

    on factions in British politics, 510–11

    as leading Dissenter in London, 52n5, 60n1

    letters to

    11 April 1770, 510–13

    27 Aug. 1772, 58–61

    20 Feb. 1773, 154–55

    23 Aug. 1773, 266–68

    29 Sept. 1773, 289–90

    7 Dec. 1773, 366–67

    28 Dec. 1773, 397–99

    31 March 1774, 471–72

    on New England Company commissioners, 511, 513n9

    A. Oliver, corresponding with, 50

    Original Papers (1769) by TH sent to, 511, 513n8

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 154–55, 256–67

    petition of General Council to remove TH and Andrew Oliver, hearings on, 14

    Tea Act/tea ships, 366

    A. Wedderburn requested to defend TH before Privy Council by, 483n1

    Whately letters controversy, 266–67, 289–90, 366, 471, 483n1

    measles, TH’s grandchildren suffering from, 123

    medical issues. See health and illness

    mental instability of J. Otis Jr., 102

    Mercury (ship), 117, 118n1, 457

    Meserve, George, 114


    on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 123, 124n4

    EH staying with Peter Oliver in, 423n1, 434n2, 448, 460, 489, 490n1

    Mifflin, Thomas, 10, 326, 329n1, 409n2

    military. See British troops; Castle William; Royal Navy


    Company of Cadets, 355n4, 472n5

    questions of Lord Dartmouth/answers of TH about, 506

    Salem, militia affairs at, 486


    cherries and strawberries in season at, 29

    country house of TH in, 12, 290, 330, 381, 382, 388, 398, 448, 466, 469

    EH and new wife at, 29

    TH Jr. staying with TH in, 448, 460, 489, 490n2

    Minerva (passenger ship), 17

    mines and mining in Massachusetts, 505

    mittimus, 109

    Moffat, Thomas, 7, 227n3, 275n1, 333

    Mokockhonnock (Housatonic?) nation and border dispute with New York, 247

    Molineux, William

    on Boston Committee of Correspondence, 102, 103n3

    jury, refusal to serve on, in crown salaries controversy, 272, 273n3, 277

    possibly mentioned in letter to F. Maseres, 411n3

    tea consignees, efforts to force resignation of, 11, 326, 344, 387n3, 399n1

    Montagu, Capt., 464

    Montagu, Edward (brother of Admiral Montagu and cousin of Lord Sandwich)

    advising WSH, 296, 492

    correspondence with Admiral Montagu, 400

    crown salaries for judges, 492

    dismissal of petition to remove TH, 492

    letters to

    27 Oct. 1773, 319–20

    28 Dec. 1773, 400–401

    20 April 1774, 491–92

    P. Oliver, efforts to impeach, 492

    Tea Act, tea ships, and Boston Tea Party, 400–401

    Whately letters controversy, 319, 492

    Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. See Sandwich, Lord

    Montagu, Admiral John (cousin of Edward Montagu and Lord Sandwich)

    blocking Boston Harbor to stop tea ships leaving, 368, 375, 379, 386, 399, 409

    on Boston Tea Party, 392

    correspondence with Edward Montagu, 400

    escort for tea ships, Tryon of New York requesting, 337, 339

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 66, 116, 117, 132, 133, 142, 144

    Hillsborough, awaiting official notice of resignation of, 82, 83

    letter for J. Hall, captain of Dartmouth, to, 398

    Capt. Linzee, on lawsuits against, 70

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    piracy trial, responsibility for charges in, 110

    praise of TH in letter from unknown correspondent to, 121

    promotion of sons of, 320

    return to England, 320, 459, 492

    seizures by, 62

    Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et, 403, 404n2

    Morning Chronicle (London), 488n2

    murder/piracy on the high seas (Nickerson case), 110–11, 123, 124n2, 147, 148n3, 203, 209, 250, 251n2

    Murray, Col. John, 289n7

    Muscongus Patent, 305n7, 317n1

    Nancy (tea ship), 378n5, 407n2

    Native Americans

    Barnstable, as home of Mashpee and Nauset bands, 489, 490n4

    border dispute with New York and Mokockhonnock (Housatonic?) nation, 247, 248n2

    Catholic priest, Penobscots’ request for, 197–98

    Fort Pownall, trading at, 94

    land purchased from, 509n6

    Mapewontaquash (unidentified), 513, 514n3

    New England Company missionizing among, 51n5 (See also New England Company)

    questions of Lord Dartmouth/answers of TH about, 506

    rebellion of Caribs on St. Vincent, 42n1

    W. Robertson supplied by TH with information about, 402

    tea party perpetrators dressed as, 12, 450

    Wampanoags’ claim to Chappaquiddick, Martha’s Vineyard, 258, 259n1

    weather/climate, national personality affected by, 403

    natural rights arguments against parliamentary authority, 5, 143, 252

    Nauset Indians, 489, 490n4

    Navy. See Royal Navy

    Nether Winchenden, Buckinghamshire (country house of F. Bernard), 175, 176n1, 227n7

    Netherlands. See Holland

    New Brunswick. See Acadia

    New Canaan, in border dispute with New York, 247

    New England Company (Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England or SPGNE)

    TH seeking treasurer position for TH Jr. at, 453–54, 471

    I. Mauduit’s involvement with, 51n5, 511, 513n9

    missionary efforts among Native Americans, 51n5

    A. Oliver as treasurer of, 453, 454n5, 471

    possible American commissioners for, 511, 513n9

    W. Robertson, TH seeking information from missionaries for, 402

    New Hampshire

    border dispute with New York and titles to land in Hinsdale, 2, 30–31, 43–57, 141

    boundaries of, 43, 107n4

    committees of correspondence in, 463

    lack of knowledge of TH regarding, 64

    Massachusetts, boundary dispute with, 501, 508n3

    proposal to annex to Massachusetts, 54

    N. Rogers as candidate for secretary of, 511, 513n10

    New Plimouth Company, land titles derived from, 509n6

    New York

    British troops, citizens habituated to presence of, 400

    committee of correspondence established by, 264n2

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 263

    Dutch possession of, 316–17

    governorship, TH’s interest in, 486

    salary of governor of, 296

    Tea Act, colonial opposition to, 11, 13, 337–41, 342, 370, 371n6, 376, 378n5, 388, 389, 390n2, 400, 401n5, 407, 408, 412, 418, 432

    tea imported to, 58, 72, 167

    views on parliamentary power in, 211

    Whately letters controversy, response to, 240

    New York, border disputes

    absence of vote of thanks for TH for settlement of, 223, 324

    air line or horizontal line, 193–94

    circular letter from Lord Dartmouth and answers from TH concerning, 501

    claim of New York Assembly on all territory north of Connecticut and west of Connecticut River, 2, 7, 129, 142n4, 156, 157n2, 182

    counterfeiters from Massachusetts arrested, tried, and executed in New York, 7, 129–30, 156–57, 173n1, 183, 191n1, 198–99n1, 247

    crimes committed against laws of New York outside boundaries of state, right to try, 191, 192n2, 207, 213, 247

    crown salary of governor and, 142n5

    extradition of counterfeiters, New York’s application for, 157n1, 191n1

    Hinsdale and other towns, titles to land in, 2, 30–31, 43–57, 68, 90, 141, 213–14, 247, 294, 392

    history of dispute laid out by TH to Hillsborough, 43–45

    Howard grant by Tryon, 31, 43

    iron ore throwing off surveying line, 394

    line of peace, 156, 157n3

    Native Americans affected by, 247, 248n2

    proposals to trade eastern Maine for Connecticut River Valley territory, 10, 49, 50n2, 54

    Report of the Committee of Council for New York, 191, 192n2, 213

    settlement of, 7, 173, 182–83, 186–87, 191, 207, 213–14, 223–24, 246, 247, 292, 324

    surveying and marking of, 294, 394

    territory west of Great Lakes, claim of Massachusetts to, 223, 224n4

    I. Williams on, 193–94

    New York City

    charter, as pattern for Boston, 176–77

    Quebec post passing through, before reaching Boston, 328–29

    Newburyport adapting Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 4, 153

    Newcastle, Duke of, 512n2

    Newell, Timothy, 378n6

    Newport Mercury, 335n1

    Nicholson, Francis, 249, 303, 304, 305n6, 306, 308

    Nickerson, Ansell, tried for piracy/murder on the high seas, 110–11, 123, 124n2, 147, 148n3, 203, 209, 250, 251n2

    Nicoll (ship), 132

    No. 4 (fort on upper Connecticut River), 328–29, 330n6

    Nobletown, in border dispute with New York, 213–14, 214n3, 247, 294

    nonimportation crisis, 95, 115n1, 229n3, 511, 512n4

    North, Lord (Frederick Lord North, 2nd Earl of Guilford)

    Boston Port Act, passage of, 16, 457n3, 493, 494n1

    Boston Tea Party and, 271

    on crown salaries for superior court judges, 65n1

    employment sought for WSH via, 260–61

    factions in British politics and consolidation of power, 511, 512n1, 512n3, 512n6

    letter to (20 Aug. 1773), 260

    Sewall/Robinson/Francklin exchange proposal, reaction to, 93

    North End Caucus, 11, 165n4, 326

    Nova Scotia

    conquest of, 249, 302–3, 306, 308

    Maine borders with, 10

    Massachusetts, as part of/separation from, 240, 241n4, 249n2, 302–4, 306, 308

    Nunc dimittis, 320


    of allegiance and supremacy, 50, 59

    to observe Acts of Parliament, proposed by TH, 59

    renouncing allegiance to Stuart dynasty, 177

    Observations upon the Congregational Plan of Church Government (1773), 268n1

    Ohio River Valley, proposals for new colony in, 3, 46, 47n3, 73, 74, 84, 392

    Old South Meeting House, Body of the Trade meeting at, 352n1, 354, 381

    Oliver, Andrew (lieutenant governor of Massachusetts)

    on agents’ salaries, 33

    death of (3 March 1774), 16, 435, 444, 448, 452, 453, 459, 464, 471, 483, 487

    dismissal of petition to remove TH and, A. Oliver over Whately letters, 428–34, 455, 482–92

    funeral of, 471, 472n5

    J. Gambier and, 62

    on General Court’s denunciation of governor’s crown salary, 33

    on Hillsborough’s resignation and appointment of Dartmouth, 82

    Junius Americanus letters and, 55, 56n9

    letters from

    17 July 1772, 33–34

    18 Aug. 1772, 50–51

    11 Oct. 1772, 82

    P. Livius and, 99

    W. Molineux and, 273n3

    New England Company, as treasurer of, 453, 454n5, 471

    poor health of, 55, 189, 433, 440–41, 444, 445

    portrait by John Singleton Copley (c. 1758), 436

    removal of TH and, General Court petition for, 14–15, 16, 221, 222n1, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232–45, 255–56, 420, 421n2

    replacement for, deliberations of TH on, 16, 55–56, 451–52

    salary of, 475n3

    Tea Act, colonial opposition to, 345, 348n1, 352, 358, 367, 385

    R. Thompson and, 453, 454n1

    Whately letters controversy and, 7, 8, 187n4, 217, 221, 225, 227n3, 242, 247, 254n4, 267, 279, 318, 319, 320nn2, 7, 325, 336, 356, 372, 421n2, 429, 487

    Oliver, Daniel (son of Andrew), 453, 454n2, 488n4

    Oliver, Elizabeth, later Watson (daughter of Peter Sr.), 30n1

    Oliver, Margaret (granddaughter of TH), 123, 124n1

    Oliver, Margaret, later Spooner (daughter of Andrew), 82, 189

    Oliver, Mary Clarke (wife of Peter), 444n2

    Oliver, Mary Sanford (wife of Andrew), death of, 189

    Oliver, Peter, Jr. (son of Peter Sr.), 124n1

    Oliver, Peter, Sr. (chief justice)

    acceptance of crown salary by, 15, 435–46

    on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 123

    on Boston Tea Party, 389

    on crown salaries for judges, 4, 150, 151nn14–15, 282, 435

    on departure of TH from Boston, 497–98

    difficulties attending Superior Court, 440, 445, 447, 489, 497–98

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 71, 116, 125n1, 139, 489, 490nn9–10

    on governorship of TH, 513

    horse, fall from, 513, 514n2

    EH and wife staying with, after Boston Tea Party, 423n1, 434n2

    impeachment efforts against, 15–16, 436, 439n3, 443n3, 444, 445, 447–57, 461–62, 463n3, 464, 492

    on independence of colonies, 150, 151n15

    letters from

    9 June 1770, 513–14

    16 Dec. 1772, 123–24

    8 Feb. 1773, 149–51

    20 Dec. 1773, 389–90

    25 April 1774, 489–90

    15 May 1774, 497–98

    on measles suffered by grandchildren of TH, 123

    on Nickerson case, 123, 124n2

    T. Preston, adjournment of trial of, 513, 514n2

    Whately letters controversy and, 216

    wine intended for, 423

    Oliver, Dr. Peter (son of Andrew)

    on governorship of TH, 513, 514n3

    on WSH, 82n5

    Oliver, Richard, 104n3, 467, 468n4

    Oliver, Sarah, later Hutchinson (Sally; daughter of Andrew, wife of TH Jr.), 123, 124n1, 454n2

    Oliver, Sarah Hutchinson (Sally; daughter of TH, wife of Peter Oliver Jr.), 123, 124n1, 449n1

    Oliver, Thomas

    as cousin to Richard Oliver, 104n3, 467, 468n4

    estates in Antigua damaged by hurricane, 109

    recommended by TH for lieutenant governor, 467

    recommended to Lord Sandwich as inferior judge of vice-admiralty, 104, 108

    return to England as lieutenant governor, 201n2

    Oliver, Thomas (grandson of TH), 123, 124n1

    Oneidas, S. Kirkland as missionary to, 402n2

    Orenay (Penobscot), 199n2

    Original Papers (TH, 1769), 511, 513n8

    Otis, James, Jr.

    Boston Committee of Correspondence, as chairman of, 102, 103n2

    caning by J. Robinson, 86, 88n5

    drinking problem of, 102

    mental instability of, 102

    Votes and Proceedings (1772), contribution to, 115n1, 117

    Paine, Robert Treat, 490n3

    Palmer, Charlton, letter to (25 April 1774), 486–87

    Palmer, William

    fees for TH’s commission as governor, payment of, 512n6

    Hugh Hall, transfer of funds of, 465, 466n1

    hemp, speculation in, 167

    WSH and, 73, 202, 365, 370, 465–66

    letters to

    21 July 1772, 34

    11 Sept. 1772, 72–73

    25 Feb. 1773, 167

    21 April 1773, 202

    9 Dec. 1773, 369–71

    22 March 1774, 465–66

    public opinion, efforts of TH to influence, 73

    pulpit cloth sent by, 73

    Tea Act/tea ships crisis and, 369–70

    tea trade and, 72–73, 167, 202, 384

    Parker, Capt., 465

    Parker, William, 99, 101n3, 463, 465

    Parliament. See also House of Commons; House of Lords

    American commission, TH’s ideas about appointment of, 199–200

    closure of port of Boston, 456–57

    inability of colonies to have representation in, TH on, 340

    F. Maseres, Considerations on the Expediency of Admitting Representatives from the American Colonies into the British House of Commons (1770), 411n2

    post office in America by act of, opposition to establishment of, 463

    taxation without representation in, 122, 204, 210–11

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 4–6

    Chatham’s doctrine and, 145, 172

    consent/contract arguments against, 4, 5, 143

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 262–68, 313–16

    crown salaries controversy and, 4, 115, 158, 171, 185, 435

    T. Cushing on, 200

    Dartmouth’s pronouncement on, 118–20

    divided sovereignty as logical absurdity for TH, 131, 237, 312

    feudal tenure argument of J. Adams against, 169, 172

    “A Friend to the Community” article about, 178–83

    Gaspée, objections to royal commission of inquiry on, 117

    George III’s approbation of TH’s handling of debate on, 136, 186, 187n5

    identified as source of disorder in colonies, 59–60, 90–91, 115, 117, 119, 121–22, 137n4, 186

    independence of colonies and, 262

    A. Lee letter cautioning against denial of supremacy of, 470

    means of halting dispute about, TH on, 176–77, 185–86, 188

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    natural rights arguments against, 5, 143, 252

    negative consequences of denial of, TH on, 253–64

    new printing of province laws vetoed by TH and, 185

    oath to observe, proposed by TH, 59

    opening speech of TH viewed as forcing House to make public declaration on, 269, 270, 272, 274

    opening statement of TH to General Court on, 131–43

    origins and range of colonial views on, TH presenting, 210–11

    penalty proposed for denial of, 53, 59, 63–64, 119

    plan to engage colonies in confederacy against, 218

    plans to invite all continental assemblies to address, 164

    prevention of dispute about, TH speculating on, 177

    private letter on state of province from TH to Dartmouth regarding, 297–99

    protestations of TH about engaging in debate regarding, 218, 219–20, 226, 269, 270, 272, 274

    rebuke of TH by Dartmouth for instigating constitutional debate on, 6, 38n6, 168n1, 195–96, 203–4, 205n5, 206–16, 250, 251n1, 255, 269, 271, 278n2

    rejoinders of Council and House to TH’s statements on, 142, 143–51, 143n2, 169–77

    replies of TH to Council and House rejoinders on, 144, 145, 145n2, 152–68, 169

    The Speeches of His Excellency Governor Hutchinson . . . with the Answers of His Majesty’s Council and the House of Representatives Respectively (1773), 175, 176n2

    towns joining Boston statement on, 4, 123, 125, 126n2, 131, 132, 138, 140, 146, 148n1, 153, 154–55, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 168, 171

    Votes and Proceedings (1772) on, 4, 115, 117, 126n2, 131, 153, 171, 193n2, 197

    Whately letters controversy and, 218, 219–20, 226, 228, 229, 252–54, 298

    Paxton, Charles

    J. Gambier and, 62

    W. Story, support for, 57n12

    Whately letters controversy and, 7, 227n3

    Peale, Charles Wilson, portrait of John Adams (c. 1791–1794), 170

    Pemaquid, Maine, 303, 304n3, 308

    Pemberton, Ebenezer, Jr., 471, 472n6

    Pennsylvania. See also Philadelphia

    committees of correspondence in, 327, 463

    history of, attributed by TH to B. Franklin, 242, 243n3

    origins of tea imported to, 58

    E. Richardson in, 425, 426n5

    Pennsylvania Gazette, 464n7

    Penobscots, 197–98, 506

    Petty, William, 2nd Earl of Shelburne, 51n5, 512n3

    Phelps, Charles, 49, 50n1


    Quebec post passing through before reaching Boston, 328–29

    E. Richardson in, 426n5

    Tea Act/tea ships, opposition to, 13, 388, 396, 401, 407, 408, 412, 432

    Whately letters controversy, response to, 241

    “Philalethes” letters of J. Sewall, 284, 286, 288, 289n8

    Phillips, Major John

    appointment as Fort Major of Castle William, 48, 75, 79, 83, 85, 87, 112, 127

    financial distress of, 69

    Phillips, William, 208n3, 363, 364n2, 378n6, 398

    Phips, Sir William, 304, 306, 308, 309

    pirates and piracy, 109, 110–11, 147, 203, 208, 250

    Pitt, William, the Elder. See Chatham, Lord

    Pitts, Elizabeth Bowdoin, 322n2

    Pitts, James, 321, 322n2

    Pitts, John, 378n6


    on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 4, 123, 126n2, 146, 148n1, 153, 168

    P. Oliver unable to visit, 489, 497–98

    Tea Act, opposition to, 389, 390nn3–4

    Plymouth Colony, 240, 241n3

    Plympton, on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 123

    Polly (tea ship), 407n2

    Port Royal, Maine, 303, 304n3, 306, 308

    post/post office

    delays in mail deliveries, 61, 126–27, 448, 459

    Franklin’s dismissal as deputy postmaster general for colonies, 14, 428, 432, 464n6, 483n1, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    interest of TH in post of deputy postmaster general for colonies, 212, 226

    opposition to establishment of in America by act of Parliament, 463

    private mail service, Franklin’s proposal for, 464n6

    Quebec post passing through New York and Philadelphia before reaching Boston, 328–29

    G. Rome, tampering with letter to, 481

    Potter, Simeon, 64n3, 133, 134n4

    Povey, Thomas (former lieutenant governor), 475n6

    Powell, Jeremiah, 475n2

    Powell, William, 115n1

    Pownall, John

    advising WSH, 261

    Boston Port Act, arrival in Boston of news of, 495

    Boston resolutions objecting to TH’s characterization of town, 192, 193n2

    Boston Tea Party, 418, 422

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 262–65, 314

    crown salaries for judges, formation of Boston Committee of Correspondence due to, 107–8

    crown salary of governor, General Court’s denunciation of, 35–41

    Dartmouth mentioning private letter to TH from, 478, 480n2

    employment for WSH, TH seeking, 265

    England, TH considering travel to, 422–23

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 63–64, 117, 126–27, 132–33

    on health of F. Bernard, 53

    R. Jackson and, 115

    letters to

    21 July 1772 (two versions, one not sent), 34–41

    29 Aug. 1772, 63–65

    13 Nov. 1772, 107–8

    8 Dec. 1772, 117–18

    22 Dec. 1772, 126–27

    4 Jan. 1773, 132–35

    7 Jan. 1773, 140

    1 Feb. 1773, 145

    24 Feb. 1773, 163–66

    27 March 1773, 192–93

    19 April 1773, 199–201

    3 July 1773, 231

    2 Aug. 1773, 244–45

    16 Aug. 1773, 255–56

    21 Aug. 1773 (not sent), 263–64

    23 Aug. 1773, 264–65

    8 Sept. 1773, 277–78

    18 Oct. 1773 (not sent), 313–15

    26 Nov. 1773, 348–49

    28 Nov. 1773, 351

    7 Jan. 1774, 418–19

    24 Jan. 1774, 422–23

    2 May 1774, 495

    P. Livius and, 46, 100

    mentioned in letter to F. Bernard, 224

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies, 63–64, 132, 136, 140, 145, 163–64, 255

    on J. Phillips’s appointment as Fort Major of Castle William, 75

    public auction (vendue) bill, 192

    S. Quincy, warrant for, as solicitor general, 495

    reasons for TH writing to, 34

    W. Story, efforts to find job for, 164

    superior court judges, crown salaries for, 64

    Tea Act and tea ships, 351, 422–23

    Virginia Resolves, 199, 263

    Votes and Proceedings (1772) sent by TH to, 117

    Whately letters controversy, 231, 244–45, 255–56, 277, 348–49

    Pownall, Thomas (former governor of Massachusetts)

    construction of Fort Pownall by, 93

    letter to (23 Feb. 1773), 163

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 163

    as possible replacement for TH, 290n3, 324

    Whately letters controversy and, 14, 280n5

    Prebble, Jedidiah, Jr., 86, 88n3

    Preston, Capt. Thomas, adjournment of trial of, 513, 514n2

    Pretenders, oath renouncing allegiance to, 177

    primus inter pares, 106, 107n6

    principius placuisse viris, 340, 341n3

    printers’ crisis (1771), 104n3

    printing and publishing. See also specific publications and individual printers by name

    Boston Tea Party, Council’s response to, 393, 411n4, 426n1

    Council asserting right to copy and print minutes, 394–95, 404, 407

    of debate between TH and General Court on parliamentary authority, 175, 176n2

    B. Franklin publishing notice that he alone transmitted Whately letters to Boston, 428, 429, 430n1

    “letter to the king,” treason charges for, 76–77, 87, 164, 165n2

    “E. Ludlow” letter and “A Friend to the Community” article, J. Fenton’s dispute with TH about, 178–83, 189–90

    new printing of province laws vetoed by TH, 185

    privacy of letters, TH’s efforts to ensure, 186, 187n4, 217

    public opinion, efforts of TH to influence, 34n1, 73

    seditious material, handling of publication of, 76–77, 87, 119

    W. Story, private letters concerning, 55, 56–57nn11–12

    W. Story, threatening TH with publication of letters, 165, 166, 166n5

    Tea Act/tea ships, broadside on, 363–64

    J. Temple suspected by TH of providing information to newspapers, 154, 162

    of Whately letters, 8–9, 225, 232–45, 252–53, 279–80, 284

    privacy of letters, TH’s efforts to ensure, 186, 187n4, 217, 348–49, 417

    Privy Council

    Boston Tea Party and, 14

    on court proceedings of governor and Council in divorce cases, 106, 269, 270, 412, 413n1

    Franklin’s rough treatment by, 14, 16

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 3

    minutes of, 394–95

    Ohio River Valley colony, approval of, 3

    petition of General Council to remove TH and Andrew Oliver, hearing on, 14, 16, 420, 421n2, 428–34, 473, 482–92

    pro re nata, 102, 103n4

    Proctor, Edward, 387n3

    procul a Jove, 53, 54n7

    prope urbem prope mortem, 513, 514n1

    Province House

    notifications posted on gate of, 327

    state of disrepair of, 30, 32n3, 35, 41, 66, 67n4, 89, 158, 160n5, 282

    proximus ardet, 71

    public auction (vendue) bill, 192

    public opinion

    on Dartmouth as secretary of state, 189

    efforts of TH to influence, 34n1, 73

    on Hillsborough’s resignation, 84, 100

    Putnam, James, 489, 490n3

    quamdiu se bene gesserint, 299, 357

    Quebec, 292, 293, 328–29

    Quebec Act (1774), 80n2

    Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 111n1, 115n1

    Quincy, Samuel, 495

    Reeve, Richard, 65, 93, 94

    religion. See also specific denominations

    biblical references in letters, 100, 101n8, 287, 288n5, 320n8, 445

    dismissals of clergy in New England, 267, 268n1, 391n2

    toleration, TH on, 58, 108

    Revenue Act (1764; Sugar Act), 299n1

    Revere, Paul, 378n5, 406

    Reynolds, Joshua, portrait of Alexander Wedderburn (c. 1785), 431

    Rhode Island. See also Gaspée

    Continental Congress, fears of TH regarding new establishment of, 263

    Mercury case, 117, 118n1

    George Rome jailed for contempt in, 274, 275n1, 333–36, 372

    Virginia resolves, positive response to, 264n2

    Richardson, Ebenezer, pardon and freeing of, 425, 426n5

    Robertson, William

    letter to (28 Dec. 1773), 402

    Native Americans, TH providing information about, 402

    watching over WSH in Edinburgh, 201, 202n2, 258

    Robin Hood, 448

    Robinson, John

    caning of Otis by, 86, 88n5

    exchange of offices with J. Sewall, 62, 86, 88n4, 92–93, 102–3

    letter to (25 Oct. 1772), 92–93

    possibly seeking appointment in South Carolina, 62

    Robinson, Samuel (representative of Hinsdale grantees), 44, 46n3

    Robson, Mr., 240

    Rockingham, Lord (Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquis), 510, 512n3

    Rogers, Nathaniel (nephew of TH)

    as candidate for secretary of New Hampshire, 511, 513n10

    P. Livius and, 99, 114

    in London, 99, 101n2

    Whately letters controversy and, 7, 225, 227n3

    Rogers, Samuel, 166, 167n2

    Roman Catholics and Roman Catholicism, 58, 77n1, 177n3, 197–98

    Rome, George

    complaints about popular government and difficulty collecting debts in Rhode Island, 333

    Dartmouth on situation of, 420

    jailed for contempt by Rhode Island Assembly, 274, 275n1, 333–36, 372

    letter from (before 8 Nov. 1773), 334–35

    letters to

    9 Nov. 1773, 335–36

    2 April 1774, 473

    18 April 1774, 481

    suspected opening of letter to, 481

    Whately letters controversy and, 7, 227n3, 274, 275n1, 333–36, 372, 473

    Romney (ship), 227n3, 331n1, 332

    Ropes, Nathaniel, 443n7, 467, 498n1

    Rotch, Francis, and tea ship Dartmouth, 12, 352n3, 355n1, 368n2, 371n9, 375–76, 378n3, 379, 381–82, 386–87, 398, 417

    Rotch, Joseph, and Sons, 350, 352n1, 370n, 371n9

    Rowe, John, 354, 355n2, 367, 368n2, 398, 491


    on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 4, 126n2, 146, 148n1, 168

    Clarkes dining with W. Burch in, 433, 434n3

    Tea Act/tea ships, committee of correspondence on, 368, 375

    Royal Navy

    bills drawn on commissioners of, 486

    mast trees in Maine set aside for, 10, 105, 107n2

    Royal Society, 411n1

    Royall, Isaac, 55n5, 475n2

    Ruggles, Timothy, 50, 51n1

    Russell, Chambers, 472n5

    Russell, Judge, 108

    Ryswick, Treaty of, 303, 304n4, 308, 309

    Sagadahoc. See Maine

    Saint-Castin, Jean-Vincent d’Abbadie, 3rd Baron de, 304n4, 308


    on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 168

    customs collectors at, 79nn1–2, 81

    militia affairs at, 486

    raid for contraband weapons in (1775), 113n2

    salus populi, 304, 305n11, 307

    Sanders, Thomas, 208n2

    Sandwich, Lord (John Montagu, 4th Earl)

    Gaspée, destruction of/commission of inquiry into, 66

    letter to (12 Nov. 1772), 104

    T. Oliver recommended to, as inferior judge of vice-admiralty, 104, 108

    Sewall/Robinson/Francklin exchange proposal, reaction to, 93

    Sanford, Grizzel (sister-in-law of TH), 98

    Savage, Arthur, kidnapping of, 31–32

    Savage, Samuel Phillips, 379, 380n1

    “Scaevola” letter of Thomas Mifflin, 326, 329n1

    Scammell, Thomas, 28, 29n3, 137n6

    Scollay, John, 378n6

    Scott, Capt. James, 86, 348, 363, 365, 366, 367, 369, 388, 396

    Sessions, Darius (deputy governor of Rhode Island), 132, 134n3

    Seven Years’ War, 297, 299n1

    Sewall, Jonathan

    exchange of offices with J. Robinson, 62, 86, 88n4, 92–93, 102–3

    J. Fenton dispute with TH and, 180, 189–90

    P. Oliver and, 489

    as pastor of Old South Church, 399n3

    “Philalethes” letters in support of TH over Whately letters controversy, 284, 286, 288, 289n8

    Tea Act, tea ships, and Boston Tea Party, 352, 399

    Shaw, Ichabod, 490, 490n6

    Shaw, Nathaniel, Jr., 118n1

    Shelburne, Lord (William Petty, 2nd Earl), 51n5, 237n1, 510, 512n3

    sickness. See health and illness

    slaves and slavery, 51n6, 115n1

    smallpox, 130, 440, 443n7, 467

    Smith, Janet Livingston, 224

    Smith, Mr. (deliverer of letter from WSH), 201

    Smith, Nathan, patented floor cloths of, 466n3

    Smith, Richard (merchant), 81n1

    Smith, William, Jr.

    letter to (28 June 1773), 223–24

    New York, settlement of border dispute with, 223–24

    Whately letters controversy and, 223

    Smith & Atkinson (mercantile firm), 81

    smuggling, 10, 31, 62, 72–73, 293, 475n2, 504

    Smythe, Frederick, Jr., 116, 127, 128n2, 489, 490n9

    Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England. See New England Company

    Some Short Account of the Life and Character of the Reverend Joshua Eaton of Spencer (Forbes, 1773), 288, 289n7, 311, 312n2

    Somerset Case, 51n6

    Sons of Liberty (Liberty men, Liberty people), 60, 63, 83, 93, 100, 122, 272, 327, 361, 367, 369, 397, 408, 414n1

    South Carolina, opposition to Tea Act in, 407n2, 421, 422n3

    Spain, 316, 332, 333n2, 377

    Speaker of the House. See Cushing, Thomas

    The Speeches of His Excellency Governor Hutchinson . . . with the Answers of His Majesty’s Council and the House of Representatives Respectively (1773), 175, 176n2

    Spencer-Town, in border dispute with New York, 247

    SPGNE (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England). See New England Company

    Spooner, Ebenezer, 489, 490n6

    Spooner, John, Jr., 82n2

    Spooner, Margaret Oliver, 82, 189

    Springfield, proposal of TH that Quebec post go through, 328–29

    Sprout, Ebenezer, 123, 124n4

    St. Asaph, bishop of, 267, 268n5

    St. Christophers, French cession of, 316

    St. Vincent, 127, 42n1

    Stamp Act (1765), 90, 114, 122, 200, 210, 211, 288n1, 297, 299n1, 340, 363, 366, 383, 397

    Stamp Act Congress (1765), 10, 219, 220n4, 264n3

    Stamp Act riots, 56n4, 56n11, 303, 305n5, 333, 421, 422n1, 475n3

    commemoration of (14 Aug.), 272, 273n2, 277

    resignation of stamp distributors (1765), 10

    Statford, the oracle, 513, 514n4

    Steuart, Charles, 51

    Stewart, Duncan, 51, 52, 86, 88n7, 92, 93n2

    Stirling, 1st Earl, 90

    Story, William

    character and efforts to find job for, TH on, 164–66

    financial problems of, 56n11, 165, 166, 274

    letters of recommendation for, 164, 165nn3–4

    North End Caucus, membership in, 165n4

    probate judge for Essex, seeking job as, 164, 166

    publication of letters regarding circumstances of, 55, 56–57nn11–12

    Stamp Act riot, losses in, 56–57nn11–12, 165

    threatening TH with publication of letters, 165, 166, 166n5, 319

    Whately letters controversy and, 9, 275n2, 318, 319, 321, 325, 336, 349, 372, 488n3

    stroke, recovery of F. Bernard from, 50, 54, 55n2

    Stuart dynasty, oath renouncing allegiance to, 177

    Suffolk, Henry Howard, 12th Earl of, 510, 512n1

    Sugar Act (1764; Revenue Act), 299n1

    Superior Court

    difficulties of judges in attending, 440, 443n7, 445, 447, 489, 497–98

    General Court vote to postpone meeting of, 438, 439n4

    A. Savage, kidnapping of, 31–32

    superior court judges. See also crown salaries for superior court judges

    efforts of TH to augment salaries of, 3–4, 41, 53, 102, 103, 252

    intimidation efforts against, TH on, 272

    pleasure/good behavior, conflict about service at, 174, 299, 357

    power to remove, 447

    proposal to reduce number of, 69

    surveyor general of customs

    appointment of J. Temple as, 38n7, 56n3, 62

    dismissal of J. Temple as, 14, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    surveyor of the woods

    interest of TH in post of, 212, 226

    problems faced by, 28, 136, 137n6

    Swedish Revolution of 1772, 85

    Swift, Samuel, letter to (4 Jan. 1774), 414

    syllabub, 149, 150, 150n7

    Syms, Capt., 72, 199, 205, 317, 321

    Tailer, William (former lieutenant governor), 475n6

    Talbot (servant of TH?), 352

    tarring and feathering

    of John Malcolm, 15, 424–27

    tea consignees fearing, 359, 369

    Taunton, on Boston statement challenging authority of Parliament, 123


    crown salaries, funding of, 48n2

    estimate of rateable male polls, 292–93

    parliamentary representation and, 122, 204

    of salaries for royal officials, 32n2, 48n2, 133–34, 135n8, 147, 204, 229

    Tea Act, 10–13, 337–416. See also Boston Tea Party; specific tea ships

    arrival in New England of details about, 11, 341, 345

    arrivals, interceptions, and refusals of tea ships, 12–13, 350–80, 388

    Boston, tea consignees nervous about appearing in, 425, 433, 434nn2–3, 460

    Boston Harbor blocked to stop tea ships leaving, 368, 375, 379, 386, 399, 409

    Castle William, tea consignees taking refuge in, 12, 350, 352, 354, 359, 363, 366, 367, 369, 379, 386, 398, 408, 434nn2–3, 460, 469

    colonial opposition to, 10–12, 337–416

    committees of correspondence acting on, 327, 329n1, 354, 368–80, 389, 400, 403

    consignees, efforts to force resignation of, 10–12, 326–33, 341–49, 354, 358–59, 369, 376, 384–85, 397, 408, 419

    Council’s refusal to act regarding, 11–13, 341–49, 350, 352, 359, 361, 362n1, 367, 369, 376, 380, 385–86, 390n2, 397

    demands for return of tea to England, 12, 352, 354, 367, 368–80, 385–86, 397–98, 408–9

    destruction of non-East India Company tea arriving in Boston, 450

    dispersal of meeting ordered by TH, 350, 352, 355, 359, 370, 375, 399, 400–401

    England, decision of TH to forgo travel to, 11, 16

    final disposal of tea, uncertainty about, 460

    independence of colonies, as tipping point for, 430

    nervousness of consignees about appearing in Boston, 425, 433, 434nn2–3

    New York’s opposition to, 11, 13, 337–41, 342, 370, 371n6, 376, 378n5, 388, 389, 390n2, 400, 401n5, 407, 408, 412, 418, 432

    passage of, 10, 210n1, 326

    Philadelphia’s opposition to, 13, 388, 396, 401, 407, 408, 412, 432

    reception in England of news of opposition to, TH waiting to hear about, 460, 461, 471

    repeal of, 489

    reshipping of tea not allowed by TH, 12, 13, 381–82, 386–87, 398–99, 403, 404, 405, 408–9, 414, 421

    rules about declaration, unloading, and payment of duties on tea, 12, 350, 355n2, 379, 398

    South Carolina’s opposition to, 407n2

    Stamp Act crisis compared to, 340, 363, 366, 382, 397

    towns’ lack of jurisdiction to hold meetings on, TH fulminating against, 361–62, 377

    tea trade

    agreement not to import tea (1774), 115n1

    customs duties on, 58–59, 72, 201n1, 328

    Holland, importation from, 58–59, 72–73, 94, 167, 328, 408, 441

    involvement of TH and sons in, 72, 167, 202, 327, 330n2, 344, 345, 384

    pricing of English tea, 72, 202

    repeal of tea duty, B. Franklin hoping for, 201n1

    Temple, Elizabeth Bowdoin, 322n2

    Temple, John

    appointment as surveyor general of customs, 38n7, 56n3, 62

    F. Bernard and, 9, 79n1

    correspondence between TH and T. Whately due to, 9, 55, 57n13

    dismissed as surveyor general of customs, 14, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    duel with William Whately, 13, 428, 429, 430n1, 471, 472n2, 482, 487–88

    J. Fenton as brother-in-law of, 178

    newspapers, suspected by TH of providing information to, 154, 162

    as possible successor to TH as governor, 276n2

    as son-in-law of John Bowdoin, 37, 38n7, 56n3, 322n2

    Whately letters controversy and, 9, 13–14, 267n2, 290n1, 318, 319, 320n5, 321, 335–36, 349n1, 372

    Temple, Lord (Richard Grenville Temple, 2nd Earl), 510, 512nn2–3

    Tétouan, Morocco, ships with cargo from, 293, 294n2

    Thirty-Nine Articles, relief for Dissenters from subscribing to, 51n5

    Thomas, Isaiah, 165n2, 406

    Thomas, P. D. G., 215nn1–2

    Thompson, Robert, 50, 51n2, 82, 217, 218n5, 267, 453, 454n1


    illegal lumbering of royally reserved trees in Maine, 10, 105, 107n2, 136, 306–7, 309

    inspector of king’s timber, financial issues of, 28

    royal reservation of mast trees in Maine, 10, 248, 249n1, 302–3, 306, 309

    Torrey, Deacon John, 389, 390n4

    Townshend, Charles, 95

    Townshend Acts, 33n1, 264n3

    trade and commerce. See also American Board of Customs Commissioners; Board of Trade; Tea Act; tea trade; specific entries at customs

    colonies acknowledging authority of Parliament for restraint of, proposed by TH, 176

    Lords of Trade, 156, 192, 207, 308–9

    questions of Lord Dartmouth/answers of TH about, 503–5

    smuggling/illegal, 10, 31, 61, 72–73, 293, 475n2, 504


    Henry VIII (king of England), statute of, 116, 133, 135n5

    letter to the king printed by Massachusetts Spy as, 76–77, 87, 164, 165n2

    Nickerson murder on the high seas, charges in, 203

    Trecothick & Apthorp (mercantile firm), 465, 466n1

    trees and shrubs, 92. See also timber

    Trowbridge, Edmund

    ability of Superior Court to sit, refusal to comment on, 497–98

    date of commencement of crown salaries for judges, 149n1

    illness and infirmity limiting attendance at court, 440, 443n7

    rejection of crown salary by, 15, 435, 439n2, 440, 443n5

    Worcester grand jurors and, 498n2

    Truman, Edward, portrait of TH by (1741), iv

    Tryon, Mrs. (wife), and Margaret Wake (daughter), 421, 422n2, 465

    Tryon, William (as governor of New York)

    burning of house of, 418, 419n5, 421, 464, 465n1

    counterfeiters from Massachusetts arrested, tried, and executed in New York, 156–57, 173n1, 191n1, 198–99n1, 247

    England, plans of TH to go to, 427, 464

    England, traveling to, 465, 486, 487n3

    Hinsdale, titles to land in, 31, 43, 44, 68, 69n5, 392n4

    TH interested in succeeding, 486

    impeachment attempts against P. Oliver, 464

    letter from (8 March 1773), 173

    letters to

    20 Feb. 1773, 156–57

    18 March 1773, 182–83

    25 March 1773, 191–92

    6 July 1773, 233–34

    10 Sept. 1773, 278

    11 Nov. 1773, 339

    21 Nov. 1773, 344–46

    1 Dec. 1773, 354–55

    15 Jan. 1774, 421–22

    2 Feb. 1774, 427

    21 March 1774, 464–65

    New York/Massachusetts border dispute and, 2, 7, 173, 182–83, 186–87, 191, 213, 247, 294 (See also New York, border dispute with)

    Tea Act, colonial opposition to, 11, 13, 337, 339, 342, 344–46, 354–55, 371n6, 390n2, 400, 401n5, 418, 421

    Whately letters controversy, 233–34, 278

    Tudor, William, 6

    Tupper, William, 423

    Turner, John

    age and infirmity of, 81, 84

    J. Bernard and, 78, 81

    bribe, denial of taking, 78

    letter for F. Bernard sent to TH by, 78, 81, 84

    letter from (3 Oct. 1772), 78–79

    Turner, William (passenger to England/present at tea meetings), 396

    Turner, William, Sr., 418, 419n3

    Tuscarora, S. Kirkland as missionary to, 402n2

    Tyler, Dr. William (passenger to England/present at tea meetings), 396

    Tyng, William, 444

    ultima ratio, 254, 255n8

    unknown persons, letters of TH to

    13 Nov. 1772, 108–9

    13 Dec. 1772, 121–23

    5 Feb. 1773, 148–49

    10 March 1773, 176–77

    20 March 1773, 188

    23 March 1773, 189–90

    14 June 1773, 217–18

    10 July 1773, 236–37

    11 Aug. 1773, 251–52

    27 Oct. 1773, 321–22

    24 Nov. 1773, 347–48

    3 Dec. 1773, 363–64

    7 Dec. 1773, 367–68

    30 Dec. 1773, 403–4

    utile, 514

    Utrecht, Treaty of, 304, 305n6, 306, 308

    Van Rensselaer family, 213

    vendue (public auction) bill, 192

    Vermont, border dispute with New York and titles to land now located in, 2, 30–31, 43–57

    Virgil, Aeneid, 70n2, 188n2

    Virginia/Virginia Resolves

    on committees of correspondence, 10, 197–205, 262, 264n1

    intercolonial congress, proposing, 262–65

    novelty of, TH on, 122

    vomiting, ipecac taken to induce, 82

    The Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston (Boston Committee of Correspondence, 1772), 4, 115, 117, 126n2, 131, 153, 171, 193n2, 197, 348n2

    Waldo, Samuel, 303, 305n7, 317n1

    Walleys, Mr., 229, 284, 285, 289

    Wampanoags, claim to Chappaquiddick, Martha’s Vineyard, 258, 259n1

    Wanton, Joseph (governor of Rhode Island), 3, 64n3, 116, 125, 127, 139, 489, 490n9

    Warren, James, 390n4

    Warren, Joseph, 115n1, 387n3

    Washington, George, 47n3

    Watson, Elizabeth Oliver, 30n1

    Watson, George, 30n1, 390n3, 489n1

    Watson, Mary (Polly), later Hutchinson, 29, 30n1, 490n1

    Watson, William, 390n4

    Watson-Wentworth, Charles, 2nd Marquis of Rockingham, 510, 512n3


    contrary winds, ships detained due to, 96, 112, 203

    national personality, climate theory regarding, 403

    A. Oliver reporting on mildness of, 50

    questions from Dartmouth/answers from TH about, 500

    Wedderburn, Alexander

    letter to (23 April 1774), 483, 486

    petition of General Council to remove TH and A. Oliver, hearings on, 14, 428, 429, 482, 483

    portrait by Joshua Reynolds (c. 1785), 431

    thanks conveyed from TH to, 482, 483, 486

    Welshman, Capt., 396

    Wendell, Oliver, 378n6

    Wentworth, Benning (former governor of New Hampshire), 101n1

    Wentworth, John (governor of New Hampshire)

    William Browne and, 451

    conflict with P. Livius, 65n4, 99, 100, 101n1, 113–14, 321–22

    letter from (4 Dec. 1772), 113–14

    letter to (7 Nov. 1772), 99–101

    West Indies

    Antigua estates of T. Oliver damaged by hurricane, 109

    departure of 14th Regiment for, 42

    Jamaica, Spanish cession of, 316

    St. Christophers, French cession of, 316

    St. Vincent, news of conditions in, 127

    St. Vincent, rebellion of Caribs on, 42n1

    Weymouth, Lord, 74

    Whately, Thomas

    death of, 50, 51n2, 55, 231, 319, 325

    first letter of TH to (1768), 325

    not suspected of involvement in distribution of Whately letters, 279

    J. Temple and TH’s correspondence with, 9, 55, 57n13

    Whately letters addressed to, 7, 187n4, 216, 217, 225

    Whately, William

    apology of TH to, 482, 487–88

    duel with J. Temple, 13, 428, 429, 430n1, 471, 472n2, 482, 487–88

    as executor of brother Thomas, 218n5, 320n5, 322n1, 324

    B. Franklin, chancery suit against, over Whately letters, 13, 472n2

    letters to

    31 Oct. 1773, 325, 488n3

    9 Dec. 1773, 372–73, 488n3

    25 April 1774, 487–88

    A. Oliver’s letter to, in Whately letters, 217, 218n5

    procurer of letters, involvement in efforts to discover, 267, 318, 321, 325, 335–36, 372

    J. Temple’s access to Whately letters through, 9

    Whately letters controversy, 7–10

    British troops, request for, 227n3, 228, 229n3, 233, 242

    death of T. Whately leading to, 51n2, 231, 319, 325

    deputy postmaster general for colonies, Franklin’s dismissal as, 14, 428, 432, 464n6, 493, 494n2

    discovery, dispatch, and reading of letters to House, 7–9, 13–14, 187n4, 216–31

    dismissal of petition to remove TH and A. Oliver over, 428–34, 455, 473, 482–92, 493

    duel between William Whately and John Temple, 13, 428, 429, 430n1, 471, 472n2, 482, 487–88

    B. Franklin publishing notice that he alone transmitted letters to Boston, 428, 429, 430n1

    George III’s disapprobation of, TH hoping for, 244, 253, 356

    London Public Advertiser correspondence on, 13, 14

    parliamentary authority to legislate for colonies and, 218, 219–20, 226, 228, 229, 252–54, 298

    “Philalethes” letters of J. Sewall on, 284, 286, 288, 289n8

    printing of letters (as Letters Sent to Great Britain, 1773), 8–9, 225, 232–45, 252–53, 279–80, 284, 288n3, 322n5

    privacy of letters, TH’s efforts to ensure, 186, 187n4, 217, 348–49

    protestations of TH about innocuous nature of contents of, 8, 217, 221, 223, 225, 227–28, 230, 233, 236, 275, 312

    remonstrance to king regarding, 8

    removal of TH and A. Oliver sought based on, 14–15, 16, 217–18, 221, 222n1, 223, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232–45, 255–56, 420, 421n2

    responses of other colonies to, TH on, 240, 241, 242, 253

    rumors about content of letters, 8, 216, 221, 223, 225, 227–28, 234, 321

    speculations of TH about instigators of, 274–83, 318–25, 335–36, 348–49, 366, 372

    support for TH regarding, 9, 237, 246–57, 277, 279, 284–90, 300

    surveyor general of customs, J. Temple dismissed as, 14, 489, 490n8, 493, 494n2

    timing of revelation of, 8

    Wheelwright, Nathaniel, 56n11

    Whigs, 1, 5, 62n1, 197, 390n4

    White, Benjamin, 123, 124n4

    White, Capt., 92

    White Plains, Battle of (1776), 417n1

    Whitefield, George, 289n7

    Whitworth, John Dean, 417, 418, 419n3

    Whitworth, Miles, Sr., 417n1

    “The Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country in the Hour of Death” (1774), TH caricatured as, 406

    Wilkes, John, and Wilkes controversy, 50, 512nn6–7

    William (tea ship)

    amount of tea recovered from, 392, 412

    Jonathan Clarke securing tea from, 388, 389, 389n2, 390n5, 411, 413n3

    disposal/sale of tea from, 411, 412, 415, 421

    prevention of looting and securing of tea cargo, 411, 412

    shipwreck on Cape Cod, 371n7, 387, 411–15

    William, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (younger brother of George III), 84

    William III of Orange (king of England), 240

    Williams, Col. Israel

    Boston resolutions objecting to TH’s characterization of town, 193

    commissions list requested from, 239

    departure of TH from Boston, 496–97

    exchange of Maine lands with New York, proposal for, 49

    friendship with TH, 496, 497n1

    General Court sessions missed by, 141, 142n5

    Hinsdale, title to lands in, 141, 392

    letters to

    8 Jan. 1773, 141–42

    7 April 1773, 193–94

    20 July 1773, 239

    30 Oct. 1773, 324

    23 Dec. 1773, 391–92

    23 Feb. 1774, 445

    12 April 1774, 480–81

    14 May 1774, 496–97

    lieutenant governorship, deliberations of TH regarding, 480

    New York, border dispute with, 141, 193–94, 392

    Tea Act, opposition to, and Boston Tea Party, 391–92

    Whately letters controversy, 239, 324, 480

    J. Worthington and, 496, 497n3

    Williams, John (inspector general of customs), 373nn3, 7

    Williams, John (on American Board of Customs Commissioners), 51

    Williams, Jonathan, Jr., 364n1, 366, 367n1, 372, 373n3

    Williams, Jonathan, Sr., 353, 364n1, 367n1, 373n3

    Williams, Richard, 486

    Williams, Stephen

    complaints of TH about unpopularity to, 339–40

    letter to (13 Nov. 1773), 339–41

    mentioned in letter to I. Williams, 497

    Williamson, Hugh., 396

    wills and administrations, court cases involving, 41n31, 323, 412, 509n9

    Winslow, Edward, 390n3

    Winslow, Joshua, 330n2, 460

    Winslow, Mr., funeral of, 489

    Winthrop, John, 390n2

    witchcraft trials in New England, TH referring to, 239

    wood. See timber

    Woodbridge, Timothy

    on counterfeiters from Massachusetts arrested, tried, and executed in New York, 129–30, 157n1, 191

    letter from (2 Jan. 1773), 129–30

    lieutenant governor, as candidate for, 475n2

    Worcester, 489, 490n3, 498

    Worthington, John

    Hinsdale, title to lands in, 49

    letter to (17 Aug. 1772), 49–50

    I. Williams and, 496, 497n3

    York, Duke of, 316

    Young, Thomas, 115n1, 117, 398, 399n2