Chapter XI


ON 31 October 1772, Ashley Bowen cleared his gear out of a loft, on or near New Wharf at Codner’s Cove, which he shared with sailmaker William Courtis and which they both hired of Robert Hooper. That evening he received the key to a loft of his own, rented from Colonel Jeremiah Lee at £6.0.0 a year. Inasmuch as Hooper’s commercial activity centered around Codner’s Cove and Lee’s about Nick’s Cove and the Town Wharf further west, it is reasonable to conclude that Bowen’s new quarters were also in that general vicinity.

A rigging loft did not need to be of great size. It required less floor space, yet perhaps somewhat more height, than a loft devoted to the moulding of ships’ lines or where unwieldy sailcloth had to be spread out, cut to shape, and stitched together. Bowen’s loft undoubtedly was Spartan in character and in size proportional to the work required for the small sloops, schooners, and brigs of which the Marblehead fleet was mainly composed. At one end, one might have expected to find a horizontal windlass secured between stout, structural timbers and at intervals along the working space down the center similar timbers which, together with rigs of block and tackle and the windlass, could take the strain on a warp of rope while being stretched and worked upon. The tools of the trade consisted of several large-diameter standing fids of iron or of a heavy, dense wood such as lignum vitae; serving mallets and serving boards of various sizes, benches with clamps or vices to hold blocks as they were strapped; small splicing fids and marlinespikes; knives; and the paraphernalia needed for tarring parceling, the thin straps of old canvas wrapped around a rope and pegged in place after the worming had been laid but before the tarred spun yarn was served over. One could equally well expect to see tools indigenous to the blockmaker, sailmaker, and ship carpenter, as well as an infinite variety of other handmade tools and gadgets improvised to answer specific purposes. Somewhere in the loft, whether at the sides or in dusty corners or in the rafters overhead, would be a clutter of coils of spun yarn, worming, marline, and cordage delivered from the ropewalk, pegs upon which to hang blocks and fittings and odd splicing jobs, tar buckets, old sails, and completed pieces of tagged and identified rigging, awaiting delivery.

Bowen’s remarks for the year demonstrate that he was busier than ever. After nine years in the rigging trade he had built up a sizable clientele of the most prominent shipowners in Marblehead. He was under the necessity of hiring assistants to help him complete the work on schedule, and although the business fluctuated by the season he was nevertheless well employed throughout the year. Within three years of his taking possession of the loft he would have no work at all. None.


[January 1772]

1 This day employ in loft. Finished all the brig Nancy’s straps of the shrouding. Employed Allen 8 hours. Sailed Tittle [in the schooner Lois] for Europe [Lisbon] and [Samuel] Gale [in the schooner Charming Polly] for West Indies.

2 This day seized all the brig shrouds and hung them up. Received a coil for topmast shrouds &c. Employed Allen 7 hours.

3 This day employed in loft. Received a suit of rigging from the ropewalk for Colonel Lee, schooner Horton. Employed Allen 8 hours.

4 This day employed in loft with brig Nancy’s rigging. Sailed David Ross [in the schooner Sally] for Europe [Bilbao] and S[tephen] Blaney [in the schooner Polly] for Virginia. This afternoon E. Gordon was buried.

5 Attended Church. Note: our H[ymn?] Book came.

Monday, 6 This day smart cold. Employed Allen 6 hours.

7 This day smart cold. Return a coil of shrouding to Colonel Lee store. Ditto received a coil from the ropewalk for schooner Horton. Employed Allen 6 hours.

8 This day employed fixing futtock shrouds for brig. Finish all them and seize topmast shroud. Sailed Richard James [in the schooner Hannah] for West Indies [Barbados], and W[illiam Le]Craw for Europe.194 Employed Allen 8 hours.

9 This day employed with brig straps &c. Arrived John Burnham [in the schooner Charming Molly] from West Indies [Mole St. Nicholas]. Employed Allen 8 hour.

10 This day employed with brig Nancy’s straps. Employ Allen 8 hours.

11 This day employed with schooner Horton’s shrouds. Employed Allen 8 hours.

Monday, 13 I began with Dennin. This day fixed two pair of shrouds for schooner Horton. Employed Dennin 10 hours and Allen 10 hours.

14 This day finished all the schooner’s served shrouds. Employed Dennin 9 hours and Allen 9 hours. Received 3 pounds of tallow from Colonel Lee for schooner Horton. This evening sailed schooner [Hope], James Mugford, Junior, for West Indies.

15 This day employed in serving straps for new brig. Employed Dennin and Allen 10 hours each.

16 Employed in loft fixing straps &c. for new brig. Served topsail sheets[?] and trusses and bobstay and strap. This afternoon departed this life O’Brian Shannon, a native of Old Ireland, stood on nothing with a rope about his neck at Salem.195 Employed Dennin 10 [and] Allen 10 [hours each].

17 This day smart cold. Fixed a set of tackles for Captain Foster’s store, a shilling ap[iece]. Employed Dennin 7 hours and Allen 7 hours.

18 This day so cold do nothing at loft. Agreed with Captain Will Homan to fix a suit of rigging for him. Received a hog from Deacon Russell, 124 pounds neat, at 2s/4d. Paid Dennin in full.

19 This day I arrived to my 44th year. This day self attended Church all day, wife ½ day.

Monday, 20 This day smart snow storm. Employed at home cutting my pig up.

21 This day smart cold. Employed in loft with new brig blocks. Employ Allen 8 hours.

22 This day employed with new brig’s blocks. Employed Allen a day. Received 6 skeins of house twine and 6 of marline for brig.

23 This day employed on new brig’s blocks and fixing topmast stays and back. Employed John Rimshire a day and Allen a day. Received the greater part of the blocks from Mr. Clark. Received a suit of rigging from r[ope] w[alk] for R. Homan.

24 This day employed on brig Nancy rigging. Completed all her straps &c. Finished two pair of backstay and topmast ditto. Received 40 yards of old canvas from Lane’s [sail loft] for Robert Hooper the 3, and measured 20 yards for brig Nancy. Employ Rimshire a day and Allen a day.

25 This day employed fixing some [ ] for brig Nancy’s and some for schooner Horton. Sailed Will Tucker in sloop [Don Carlos,] Oakes, [for the West Indies]. Employed J. Rimshire and Allen a day. Came from Salem Charlie[?] Beal sick.

26 This day I attended Church. Smart cold.

Monday, 27 This day so cold could do nothing but collect blocks for Colonel Lee, schooner Horton. Received 2 coils of spun yarn from the ropewalk for new brig.

28 This day smart cold. Do nothing at loft. I gave a plan of a steeple for a church at Providence.

29 Employed at loft with strap[ping] block &c. Employed Allen 8 hours.

30 This day employed on brig Nancy’s block and schooner Horton’s blocks. Employed John Rimshire ½ day and Allen ½ day.

31 This day employed on brig Nancy’s blocks and schooner Horton’s blocks. Employed John Rimshire a day and Allen a day. Wife quite poorly. Got Sarah Hendley as nurse. RI Gall of RH W Endes [sic].

[February 1772]

1 This day employed on schooner Horton and brig Nancy’s blocks. Employed John Rimshire a day and Allen a day. Came from Boston Stickney. Completed all the brig’s rigging.

Monday, 3 This day delivered a suit of rigging to Captain Stickney for brig Nancy with blocks and all complete for mainsail, foresail, two topsails, jib and forestaysail and [. . .]. This day deliver a suit of rigging to Captain Stickney for Colonel Lee, schooner Horton, with blocks and complete. Received a suit of rigging from Captain Richard Homan for his schooner. This afternoon I sorted the schooner Horton running rigging &c.

4 This day employed in loft with Captain Homan’s rigging. Received 15 yards of parceling from Captain Homan. Settled with Allen two dollars in his favor.

5 This day smart cold. Do little at rigging.

6 This day employed at loft. Cold. Finished a pair of shroud for Captain Homan. Employed Allen for 3 hours.

7 This day finished the 2d pair shroud. Received 20 yards of old canvas for Grush’s foresail, brig Sally, for Captain R. Homan. Employed Allen 8 hours. Cold weather. I saw Brother Porter. He tells me my children are well.

8 This day employ on Captain Homan’s shrouds. Came in Captain R. Dolliber and Michael Corbett [in the schooner Collector] from [New York]. Employ Allen 8 hours.

9 This day exceeding wet going. I attend Church all day.

Monday, 10 This day smart cold. Employed fixing shrouds for Captain Homan. Employed Allen 10 hours.

11 This day employed in loft. Finished all Captain Homan’s and jibstay and hung them up and served two [. . .] for Homan. Employ Allen 8 hours.

12 Smart cold. Finished bowsprit shrouds and straps of that size for Captain Homan. Employed Allen 6 hours. Received a set of blocks from Lovis for Captain Homan. This evening the remains of Madam Perrimore was buried at St. Michael’s Churchyard. No sermon.

13 This day smart cold. Do nothing at loft.

14 This day smart cold. No rigging in hand.

15 This day smart cold. No rigging in hand. I went to the rope-walk with Captain Homan and sorted the cordage for schooner run[ning] rigging &c.

16 This day I attended Church all day. This evening Moses and Siller [sic] Hooper was both bury in on [. . .].

Monday, 17 This day do nothing at rigging. Smart cold.

18 This day somewhat warmer. Received some small cordage from the ropewalk for Captain Homan and took what straps off as I wanted for his schooner. Sailed brig Wolfe, [Amos] Granday, [for Bilbao]. Came to see us Brother Barker. On account £3.1. old.

19 This day somewhat warmer. Employ with Captain Homan’s blocks. Employed Allen 10 hour.

20 This day employed on schooner Horton’s runner and tackles pendent and employed Allen a day, 10. Received three pair of shrouds from Colonel Lee, schooner Polly, to refit.

21 This day I examined the said shrouds and condemned two pair of them and refitted the best pair. Ditto received a pattern for two pair new ones from Colonel Lee’s and two coils of spun yarn. Employ J. Rimshire ½ day.

22 This day complete all the shrouds from Colonel Lee, schooner Polly foremast. Arrived Ed[mund] Lewis [in the schooner Samuel] from West Indies [Barbados] and Calley from Falmouth.

Monday, 24 This day delivered a set of shrouds to Jeremiah Lee Esq., schooner Polly. Ditto received two single shrouds from Mr. Swett for Mr. Darling.

25 This day finished Mr. Darling’s two single shrouds. Much snow. Wind easterly.

26 This day smart cold. Received from Colonel Lee’s bunting for a suit of colors for schooner Horton and ensign for schooner Vulcan. Delivered two shrouds to Mr. Darling.

27 This day no rigging in hand. Sailed Will Andrews [in the schooner Hawk] for West Indies. Wife bought part of a ticket in lottery, Number 90, in the ticket with Mrs. Martin &c.

28 This day no rigging in hand.

29 This day no rigging in hand. Received a pattern of an ensign from Mr. Hooper’s for Ben Ashton and one for John Treve [Trevett?] of 23 yards each.

[March 1772]

Monday, 2 This day received the hooks and thimbles from Captain Homan for his schooner. Received some cordage from Colonel Lee for Captain D. Reed’s. Gave a memorandum for the shrouding to the ropewalk for Reed’s sloop.

3 This day no rigging. Delivered an ensign to Jess Marston for schooner Vulcan. Finished all Captain Homan’s blocks.

4 This day delivered an ensign to Benjamin Ashton. Received a pattern of an ensign from Mr. Hooper for brig Nancy, viz. 35 yards red bunting, 6 white, and five of blue. Smart cold. No rigging in hand.

5 This day no rigging in hand. Came to see me Brother Porter, who informs me my child[ren] are well. Smart cold. Some snow. Wind NE. Arrived Pote[?] and Wyatt St. Barbe [in the schooner Sally] from Europe [Alicante].

6 This day no rigging in hand. Much snow; March [has] many weathers. Delivered an ensign to John [. . .].

7 This day somewhat warmer. No rigging in hand. Sailed Sam Green [in the schooner Hitty] for West Indies and a number of fishermen for the Banks.

8 This morning departed this life John Ingalls, a sailmaker formerly. Died suddenly.

Monday, 9 This day much snow. No rigging in hand. Wife employed a-making colors.

10 This day smart cold. No rigging in hand. This afternoon I attended John Ingalls’s funeral. This evening Sam Russell Trevett was married to S[arah] Worms[tead].

11 This day received a set of blocks from Joseph Wiggin’s for Captain David Reed’s Bilder [sic]. Cut up an old main[sail] of Gerry’s, Roundy, for Colonel Lee.

12 This day employed serving straps for Captain D. Reed. Received a bucket of tar from Colonel Lee for Captain Reed and 40 yards of parceling. Smart cold; much snow.

13 This day employed serving some straps. Smart cold.

14 This day delivered a suit of rigging to Captain Richard Homan with blocks and all complete, except runner. Ditto delivered an ensign to Captain Stickney for brig Nancy’s with 46 yards of bunting in it.

15 This morning departed this [life] Captain Joseph Howard, a shipmaster. Smart cold.

Monday, 16 This day employed on Captain Reed’s straps. Received a pattern of an ensign for a schooner, William Homan.

17 This day employed in loft with Reed blocks. This afternoon I attended Captain Howard’s funeral. Arrived John Bubier [in the schooner William from Alicante].

18 This day employed on Reed straps. Delivered an ensign to Will Homan—was a St. George with three balls in it of red, made of tamme.

19 This day employed in strapping blocks for Captain Reed. Sailed a number of our fishermen.

20 This day much snow. Do nothing at rigging.

21 This day smart cold. No rigging in hand. Paid Mr. Haden the balance of my rates.

22 This day somewhat warmer. Note: I stood for a child, Abig[ail], the daughter of Richard and Dorothy Palfrey.

Monday, 23 This day somewhat warm. Received a coil of shrouding and 3 coils of 3-yarn spun yarn, 1 of 3 wormline from Mr. Hooper for Captain David Reed sloop Bilder [sic]. Employ W. Shirley ¾ day.

24 This day employed on Reed’s shrouds. Received a bucket of tar from Colonel Lee for Reed. Employed W. Shirley a day. This day our son Nathan began with his one st[. . .].

25 This day employed on Reed shrouds. Delivered a suit of color to Captain John Allen and runner and tackle blocks for Colonel Lee, schooner Horton, and short pendent. Employ Will Shirley a day.

26 This day received a mainstay, jibstay, and a coil of 4-inch from the ropewalk for Captain Reed.

27 This day employed on Reed rigging, completed the whole. Employed Shirley a day.

28 This day received a coil of shrouding, jibstay, 2 coils of 3-yarn spun yarn, 1 of [. . .] from Captain Hooper. Arrived brig [General] Wolfe, [Hugh] Hill, [from Lisbon].

Monday, 30 Arrived Leech [in the schooner Dolly from Maryland] the last night. This day employed on Captain Hooper’s shrouds. Employed Shirley a day.

31 This day employed on Captain Hooper’s shrouds. Wind easterly. Employed Shirley a day.

[April 1772]

1 This day employed on Captain Hooper’s shrouds. Received from Elbridge Gerry a pattern of an ensign and signal flag. Came in Will Brown from the Banks, lost all his cables &c. Employ Shirley a day.

2 This day a yearly fast. Smart cold. Came back a number of our fishermen who went out the day before.

3 This day a smart snow storm. Do nothing at rigging. Two schooner on shore on the beach.

4 This day received some cordage from Captain Hooper for bowsprit horses and straps and so forth. At 9 o’clock a.m. departed this life, quite in an instant, Solomon Alley of Lynn. Taken in a fit in a boat. p.m., some more moderate.

5 This day pleasant but muddy. This evening was buried the wife of Mr. Elias Currel.

Monday, 6 This day came in Captain Thomas Dixey from London, having a man on board which had the smallpox on the passage. Were sent to Boston.196 Employ Shirley a day.

7 This day employed finishing all Captain Hooper’s rigging. Got all served. Arrived brig St. Paul, N[icholas] Gordon, from London. Employ Will Shirley a day.

8 This day worked myself out of work. No rigging in hand. Employ Shirley ½ day.

9 This day storm. Do nothing at loft.

10 This day finished the remainder of Captain Hooper’s blocks.

11 This day no rigging in hand. This afternoon delivered a suit of rigging to Captain John Martin for Captain Samuel Hooper, with blocks &c. Came from Newbury Captain R. Homan’s schooner. Sailed for Newbury brig Pitt Packet, [Nathaniel] Leech. Arrive James Mugford, Junior [in the schooner Hope from Mole St. Nicholas].197

12 This day wind blows hard at WNW.

Monday, 13 This day completed short pendent and tackle for Captain Homan. Came from Newbury the new brig for Wyatt St. Barbe.

14 This day received the brig Woodbridge ensign to mend.

15 My HONORED FATHER arrived to his 74 year of his AGE, quite in good health. Deliver brig Woodbridge ensign. This day delivered a suit of rigging to Captain David Reed for Bulder [sic]. Ditto gave a memorandum of a suit of rigging for another sloop of the same dimension for Captain David Reed self. Note: I charge £3.4.0 for fixing. Received from Captain David Reed all the blocks for his sloop. Settled with Captain Sam Hooper. Came from [Boston] Captain Thomas Dixey.

16 This day much rain. Wind southerly. No rigging in hand.

17 This day Good Friday. Attended Church all day. Sailed brig Woodbridge, Captain [Samuel] Pote, for Virginia.

18 This day raw cold. No rigging in hand. We hear the wife of Doctor Lowell is dead. Received two bushels of Indian corn from Captain Richard Homan.

19 This day is Easter Sunday. Parson Bowen preach at the Old Meeting House.

Monday, 20 This day a smart storm. Wind at SE. Deliver an ensign for snow Champion.

21 This day received 48 yards of parceling from Will Courtis’s loft for David Reed sloop and some strap. Doctor John Lowell wife was buried &c.

22 This day employed some about Captain David Reed’s straps.

23 This day employed finishing brig Nancy’s rigging.

24 This day employed about brig Nancy rigging. This evening Colonel Lee sent for me about a sloop rigging.

25 This day employed on brig Nancy’s blocks. Gave a memorandum to Mr. Joseph Hooper for sloop, Perkins.

26 This day self attended Church all day. Wife half a day.

Monday, 27 This day employ serving straps for brig Nancy. Received a coil of shrouding, forestay, one coil of four-inch, 2 coils of 3-yarn spun yarn, one coil of 3-thread wormline from Mr. Hooper [rope]walk for Colonel Lee, David Reed. Employed Dennin a day at 4 shillings.

28 This day employed some on Reed’s shrouds and some on brig Nancy’s rigging. Agreed to fix a small schooner for Connover. Received some cordage from Colonel Lee for Connover and block from J. Wiggin for Colonel Lee a coil of two-yarn spun [yarn] &c. for Connover. Employed Dennin a day.

29 This day employed on Connover rigging. Arrived Richard James [in the schooner Hannah] from Barbados. Received the hooks and thimbles from Mr. Foster for Charles Connover. Received 15 yards of parceling and ½ bucket tar from Colonel Lee for Connover. Employed Dennin a day. Arrived [William] LeCraw [in the schooner Success from Barbados] from West Indies.

30 This day employed some on sloop Reed shrouds and some on schooner Connover blocks. Received a barrel of tar from Colonel Lee for his service. Sailed snow Champion, [Peter] Green, for West Indies and brig General Wolfe, [Hugh] Hill, for Europe [Bilbao]. Employ Dennin a day.

[May 1772]

1 This day employed on Captain Reed’s shrouds, finished for small schooner. Fine and warm weather. Employed Dennin a day. Received and made a signal flag for Mr. Woodbury, blue with a white cross in it.

2 This day quite warm &c. Employed on Reed’s shrouding. Finished all Reed’s shrouds and boom pennant &c. Received a coil of 3-yarn spun yarn from Colonel Lee’s store for Captain David Reed. Sailed [brig] St. Paul, N[icholas] Gordon, [for Bilbao] and schooner Molly, [Benjamin] Calley, for Europe [Bilbao]. Employed Dennin a day. Mended a burgee for Colonel Lee, schooner Hannah, 8 pence.

3 This day I stood for Samuel, the son of Samuel and Susannah Grant, with Doctor Ryan and Mrs. Mary Widger. Came in His Majesty’s Schooner [Hope] from a cruise.198

Monday, 4 This day employed on Reed’s rigging. Received some cordage from Colonel Lee’s for Captain David Reed’s mainsheets, straps &c. Note: I gave a memorandum for a large schooner, Thomas Merryman. Employed Dennin a day. Began with Othneil B. Hannover at 2 p [. . .].

5 This day received a coil of shrouding, jibstay, and mainstay and one coil of 4-inch, one coil of 3½-inch, 3 coil of 3-yarn spun yarn of two, 1 coil of wormline, all for Perkins, and a jibstay for David Reed from Mr. Hooper for Colonel Lee. Sail John Bubier [in the schooner William for the West Indies]. Employed Dennin a day. Received and made a small Jack for Connover.

6 This day fixed three pair of shrouds for sloop Perkins. Received 26 yards of parceling, which makes 72 yards of English Duck. Employed Dennin a day and Simon Meage[r] half day. Received all the blocks from J. Wiggin and all the hooks and thimble from Mr. Foster for sloop, Perkins.

7 This day employed on sloop, Perkins, rigging. Finished all the shrouds and most of the principal straps. Deliver a suit of rigging with blocks to Samuel Connover on Colonel Lee’s account. Employed Dennin and Meager a day each. Received some cordage from Colonel Lee for strap for Perkins.

8 This day employed on sloop, Perkins. Completed all her shrouds, blocks, and all complete. Employed Simon Meager a day and Dennin a day. Much rain. Wind easterly. Arrived a number of fishermen.

9 This day delivered a suit of rigging to Captain Nat Perkins with blocks and all complete with remnant of shrouding &c. He left one coil of 3-yarn spun yarn in loft. Gave my account in, viz. for fixing [£] 3.6.0 and rum [£] 1.5.8. Paid Simon Meager 8.4. Employed Dennin a day. This evening some rain.

10 Smart cold. Self attended Church all day. Wife half day. Smart cold.

Monday, 11 This day received a coil of shrouding and jibstay, one coil of 3-yarn spun yarn, 1 of 2, 2 coil of 3-thread wormline from Mr. Hooper’s ropewalk for Colonel Lee’s schooner, Merryman. Ditto received 17 yards of bunting for pendent and 12 of blue for flag for brig Nancy. Received sloop Lizard jib for schooner, Merryman, 40 yard the whole. Employ Dennin a half day. Came in a number of fishermen.

12 This day employed on schooner, Merryman’s, shrouds. This afternoon delivered a pendent to brig Nancy. Received the ship Vulture old foresail to parceling. Employed Dennin a day. Received a coil of cordage for brig Nancy’s foresheet.

13 This day employed on new brig’s foresheets and [. . .] bowsprit shrouds and some on schooner, Merryman’s, fore shrouds. Received an order for four pounds of tallow for Merryman. Wife making soap. Deliver a blue flag to brig Nancy. Note: Robert Hooper, Esq. hath bought the new brig. Employed Dennin a day.

14 This day employed fixing boat’s gripes for new brig and shroud for schooner. Delivered Mrs. Stiles a cord of wood from Colonel Lee. Employed Dennin a day.

15 This day sailed brig Nancy, [Wyatt] St. Barbe, for Bilbao. Arrived schooner Broad Bay, John Lee, from West Indies. Employed on schooner, Merryman, shrouds. Employed Dennin a day.

16 This day employed on Merryman rigging. Completed all his shrouds and hung them up. This afternoon Dennin puddened an anchor for schooner, Connover, 2 shilling. Employed Dennin a day. Sailed brig Betsey [i.e., Elizabeth], John Dixey, for Europe [Bilbao].

17 This day attended Church all day. This evening the remains of Palmer Bishop was buried on the Old [Burial] Hill.

Monday, 18 This day employed on schooner, Merryman, bowsprit shrouds and ties &c. Received a coil from the [rope]walk, charged Perkins, which should have been Merryman. Employed Dennin a day. p.m., much rain.

19 This day employed in loft with schooner, Merryman’s, blocks. New strapped a block for Captain Foster’s warehouse. Employed Dennin a day. Note: I gave a memorandum to the [rope]-walk for sloop Ashley of 40 tons, 58 feet mast, 5 ½ head, 6 hold.

20 This day employed on schooner, Merryman’s, blocks half a day. Ditto fixed a pair of pennant for sloop Ashley’s masthead. Nothing to do. Employed Dennin half day.

21 This day employed on Mr. Prince’s schooner shrouds. Note: I strapped the masthead. Received a coil of spun yarn from Mr. Swett’s for Prince. Employed Dennin a day. Deliver a signal flag to Mr. Elbridge Gerry. Arrived Captain Thomas Collyer [in the brig Lydial] from Lisbon [Cadiz?].

22 This day employed on Mr. Prince shrouds. Borrowed 19 yards of parceling from Colonel Lee for Prince. Arrived Captain John Hooper [in the schooner Lynn] from Falmouth. Employed Dennin a day. Received a shroud from Lee.

23 This day employed in loft, some on Prince’s rigging and some on Colonel Lee’s. Delivered a suit of rigging for a large schooner for Captain Merryman—shrouds, stay, bowsprit shrouds, horse, ties, runner &c. Most of the blocks strapped and straps for all that were unstrapped having no hooks and thimbles. Delivered all the number of blocks. Received a coil of spun yarn from Colonel Lee for schooner Seaflower, [Le]Craw. This afternoon puddened an anchor for Colonel Lee, schooner Manchester. Delivered a Jack to Captain Merryman. Employed Dennin a day. Sailed S. Gale and [Richard] Dolliber [in the schooner Molly] for West Indies.

24 This day first part warm; latter somewhat colder. Will Courtis, Junior was published to S[arah] Pedrick.

Monday, 25 This day employed on some of Prince’s shrouds and some on Colonel Lee, Seaflower, shrouds. Received a pair of shrouds from Mr. P. Bubier. Attended on Mr. Courtis’s banquet. Arrived Captain David Lee in brig Young Phoenix from Lisbon and a brig from London. Some rain, wind NE &c. Ditto arrived Will Andrews [in the schooner Hawk from Grenada and St. Eustatius] and Will Tucker [in the sloop Don Carlos from Mole St. Nicholas], both from West Indies. Employed Dennin a day.

26 This day employed on Prince schooner. Received a jibstay from Mr. Swett for Prince. Delivered a single shroud to Colonel Lee, schooner Seaflower. Fixed two stays for sloop Ashley. Employed Dennin a day.

27 This day is Election [Day]. Do nothing at loft. Spent the afternoon at the ropewalk.

28 This day receive a pair of shrouds for Mr. Peter Bubier and fixed them. Delivered two pair of shrouds to Bubier people. Employed on sloop Ashley shrouds. Received 16½ yards of bunting from Colonel Lee’s for Captain S. Hooper and an ensign from Captain Gerry for schooner Charlotte. Employed Dennin a day.

29 This day completed sloop Ashley shroud and hung them up. Employed serving straps. Delivered a small ensign to Captain S. Hooper new schooner. Employed Dennin a day.

30 This day employed on sloop Ashley. I gave a memorandum for two schooners of the same dimensions with the Vulcan for Colonel Lee, the Hoit and Hawk. Received 9 yards of linen for a flag for sloop Ashley. Received a pattern of a burgee for schooner Seaflower. Made and delivered it. Received a parcel of old canvas from Will Courtis’s loft for Colonel Lee. Employed Dennin a day. Finished serving all the sloop Ashley straps.

31 This day quite warm. Attended Church all day. Wife half a day.

[June 1772]

Monday, 1 Received some cordage from Colonel Lee store for straps for both n[ew] schooner. Employed Dennin a day. Quite warm for the times; been so cold all spring.

2 This day received most of the sloop Ashley blocks from J. Wiggin’s. Received ship Vulture colors to mend. Employed Dennin a day. Boy absent. Delivered Brother Porter 3m of shingle nails at 4s.2 and 1 of m single 10 at 9½.

3 This day completed all sloop Ashley’s blocks and carried them to Colonel Lee old store to be painted. Received some cordage from Mr. White for his new schooner and some old canvas from Mr. White. Employed Dennin a day.

4 This day employed in loft some on Mr. White’s straps and fixed a pair of shrouds for Mr. John Prince and Hooper. Delivered two pair of old shrouds to Mr. [John] Sawin, mate of ship Vulture. This afternoon I fixed a jibstay for Captain Andrew Reed, 3 shillings. Employed Dennin a day.

5 This day employed on Mr. S. White’s straps and delivered a suit of colors to ship Vulture. To mending ensign 2 shillings, pendent ¼, Jack ¼, washing and mending white flag 2 shillings. This afternoon sailed ship Vulture, [Joseph] Skillings, for Europe [Bilbao]. Delivered 1 pair of bowsprit shrouds and horses, 1 foresheet strap, 2 jibsheet straps, 1 boom pendent, 2 straps for mastheads to Mr. White’s store for his new schooner and mainsheet straps. Employ Dennin a day.

6 This day employed in serving straps for Mr. Sam White. Fixed a boat’s painter for Captain Foster new boat, 3 shilling. Received 2 coil of shrouding from Captain John Martin for Colonel Orne and 2 coils spun yarn for Colonel Orne. Delivered the remainder of Mr. White’s cordage. Delivered sloop Ashley’s flag. Received bunting for a ensign and Jack and bag for Ashley.

7 The last night departed this life Captain Alexander Watts of this town.

Monday, 8 This day employed on Colonel Orne shrouds. Arrived ship Guardoqui, George Gordon, [from Cadiz], Received and fixed a boat painter for Prince &c. Employed Dennin a day.

9 This day employed with Colonel Orne shrouds. Finished the fore pairs [four pairs?] of served shroud. This evening I attended the funeral of Captain A[lexander] Watts. Note: there was a sermon preached over him. Brother Wight is in a very poor state of health. Employed Dennin a day.

10 This day employed some on Colonel Orne’s shrouding and some on Colonel Lee rigging, viz. a pair of backstays for sloop Don Carlos. Deliver Mr. Prince’s main rigging to Mr. Stiles and shrouds. Employed Dennin a day. Grand turtle frolic.

11 This day employed on Colonel Orne rigging. Seized his shrouds and hung them up. Received bowsprit shroud, ties, straps &c. from Colonel Orne. Employed Dennin a day. Deliver an ensign to Captain Gerry. Sailed Dupoy [in the sloop Four Friends, William] LeCraw [in the schooner Success], and [Joseph] Northey [in the schooner William] for West Indies.

12 This day employed on Colonel Orne’s straps. Delivered a pair of backstay to sloop Don Carlos. Employed Dennin a day.

13 This day received 4 pair of shrouds from Captain Thomas Gerry, schooner Charlotte, to refit. Delivered sloop Ashley rigging and block to Captain Stickney. Delivered Mr. Stiles the schooner Benjamin two pair shrouds, one jibstay new, 1 ditto old, 1 mainsheet, 1 strap, the remainder of the old shrouds. Employed Dennin a day.

14 This day fine and warm. This evening was buried the body of Alex Green at the Old [Burying] Hill.

Monday, 15 This day employed on Captain Gerry shrouds. Completed all of them and delivered them to Skipper Bridgeo’s crew. Received main and fore-topping lifts and served them. Delivered Mr. Stiles a new pair of shrouds for schooner Benjamin, Prince and Hooper. Employed Dennin a day. Received the hooks and thimbles from Mr. Eben Foster for Colonel Orne.

16 This day employed strapping of blocks for Colonel Orne. Received 18 blocks from Mr. Jo Clark. Received a pattern of an ensign from E[lbridge] Gerry for Mr. J. Hines. Sailed brig Amherst, T[homas] Dixey, for Europe [Bilbao]. Employed Dennin a day. Delivered 2 topping lifts to [ ].

17 This day no rigging in hand. Dennin absent. Boy absent. Wait for blocks. Wife bought a small pig of Mr. Dodd, a black spot under left ear.

18 This day received a coil of shroud from the ropewalk and jib-stay [ ] coils of spun yarn, 2 coils of wormline for Colonel Lee schooner Hawk. Employed boy a day. Dennin absent. Delivered an ensign [to] John Hines. William Courtis is married to S[arah Pedrick].

19 This day employed on Colonel Lee, schooner Hawk’s, shrouds. I gave a memorandum for a suit of rigging for a large sloop for Captain Benjamin Dunnell. Employed Dennin a day and boy.

20 This day employed on schooner Hawk’s shrouds. Delivered a red flag to Mr. J. Twisden. Received bunting for an ensign and blue flag for Mr. Hooper, schooner Nancy. Sailed Richard Hinkley [in the schooner Hawk for the West Indies]. Brother Wight quite ill. Employ Dennin a day.

21 This day my son Nathan went to Church.

Monday, 22 This day received a coil of shrouding, forestay and jib, 4 coils of spun yarn, 1 coil of wormline from the ropewalk for Colonel Lee, Captain Benjamin Dunnell. Measured 23 yards of parceling for Dunnell. Finished schooner Hawk’s shroud and jibstay. Employed Dennin a day. Received five cord of wood from Colonel Lee, two and a half of it to Doctor Lowell.

23 This day employed on Dunnell shrouds. Sailed [the schooner] Broad Bay, John Lee, for West Indies. At 5 o’clock this evening came to town a young Prin[ ]. Received a pattern of a Jack for Captain Dunnell. Employed Dennin a day.

24 This day employed on Dunnell shrouds. Completed all four pair. Tuck in the stays for Dunnell. Employed Dennin a day.

25 This day finished Captain Dunnel’s two stays and served 1 pair of pendents for masthead and two boom pendents, 1 strap for forestay, 2 straps for mainsheets. Measured 12 yards of old canvas for Dunnell which makes him 40 yards in the whole. Employ Dennin a day.

26 This day much rain. No rigging in hand. Dennin and boy both absent a day. Delivered a Jack to Captain Dunnell he paid for making.

27 This day received two pair of shrouds from Jonathan Fowler, Joshua Orne Esq. Delivered four pair of shrouds and jib forestay, one boom pendant masthead mainsheet straps to Captain Benjamin Dunnell. Finished serving Orne shrouds. Arrived [George] Rapell [in the schooner Britannia] and Ross from Europe. Sailed R[ichard] Stacey in schooner Rockingham for Europe [Bilbao]. Employed Dennin ¾ a day, boy a day. Smart showers.

28 This day we have Parson Walter.

Monday, 29 This day delivered two pair of shrouds to Skipper Fowler of Josh Orne Esq. refitted, 4s. Received some small blocks from Mr. J. Clark for Colonel Orne. Dennin gone to Boston. Served straps for Colonel Lee new schooners. Received a pattern of an ensign from Mr. Hooper for schooner Benjamin.

30 This day received some blocks from Mr. John Clark for Colonel Orne. Received 8 yards of white, 8 of blue bunting from Mr. Hooper for schooner Benjamin.

[July 1772]

1 This day received some blocks from John Clark for Colonel Orne and some for Mr. White on board schooner, Merryman, 3 hours. Sailed brig Lydia, Thomas Collyer, for Bilbao. A man fall from Gord[on’s?] masthead.

2 This day received the greatest part of schooner Young Hawk’s blocks from J. Wiggin’s and all the hooks and thimbles from Mr. Ebenezer Foster for ditto. Delivered Colonel Orne’s blocks to his store. This evening the remains of N. Homan Junior wife was buried. Come from Boston B. Boden and A. Ross, foreigners.

3 This day employed in strapping blocks for Colonel Lee, schooner Hawk. Delivered an ensign and a checked flag to Mr. Hooper warehouse for schooner Benjamin and bag [for it].

4 This day employed on blocks &c.

5 I attended Church all day. Wife at home. Came from Newbury the brig Pitt Packet, [Nathaniel] Leech. Captain [William] Courtis hung up [i.e., banns published] but dated June 24, 1772.

Monday, 6 This day employed with cutting and tarring parceling for Mr. Mansfield. Received some blocks from Mr. J. Clark for Mr. White. Delivered 25 yards of parceling cut and tarred to Mr. Mansfield’s negro. Employed Dennin a day.

7 This day received the hooks and thimbles from Mr. Foster’s for Colonel Lee, schooner Hoit, and received a coil of shrouding from Mr. White. Hand jibstay two coil of 3-yarn spun yarn 1 of two 1 of wormline. Sailed Captain [Thomas] Power in schooner [Nancy for Bilbao]. Employ Dennin a day.

8 This day employed on Mr. White’s rigging. Completed the 3 pair of served shrouds. Received some blocks from Mr. John Clark for Mr. White. Jo Stephens gone to Boston from Falmouth. This afternoon a smart shower, much wind. Employ Dennin a day. Mr. Mansfield debt 10, 30 yard of parceling, 5 gallons of tar.

9 This day employed on Mr. White’s shrouds and blocks. Borrowed 25 yards of old canvas from Ro[bert] H[ooper] for S. W[hite]. Employed Dennin a day.

10 This day finished all Mr. White’s shroud and jibstay and blocks and delivered them to himself. Arrived [Amos] Granday [in the schooner Wolfe from Lisbon] and Tittle from Europe. This evening a smart shower. Employed Dennin a day.

11 This day received a suit of rigging from the ropewalk for Colonel Lee, schooner Hoit, shroud, jibstay, bowsprit shroud, and ties and 3 coil of spun yarn. Dennin absent a day. Sailed ship Guardoqui, [George] Gordon, for Europe [Bilbao], and [William] Tucker [in the sloop Don Carlos for the West Indies] and J. D. Dennis [in the schooner Annis] for West Indies. Came from Boston J. Stephens. Sailed J[ohn] Hooper for Europe [Bilbao] in schooner Lynn.

12 This day attended Church all day, wife half day.

Monday, 13 This day employed on schooner Hoit shrouds. I gave a memorandum for a sloop [of] 94 tons for young Askin and Dixey. Employed Dennin a day.

14 This day employed on schooner Hoit’s shrouds. Employed Dennin a day. This evening Captain Will Courtis took wife.

15 This day a holiday. Do nothing at loft. Dennin and boy absent. Lay at the bottom of this harbor a tender.

16 This day finished all the shrouds for Mr. White. Received a pattern of an ensign and flag for schooner Hoit and jibstay, boom pennant, and 1 mainsheet straps. Employ Dennin a day.

17 This day finish all schooner Hoit rigging except strapping her blocks. Arrived brig Union, E[dward] Hales, from Cadiz.199 Employ Dennin a day. Sailed Ben Boden [in the schooner Betsey for Bilbao] for Europe. Delivered a Jack to Mr. Hooper for Ben Boden.

18 This day received two mainsheets blocks from Captain David Reed and strapped them and delivered a suit of rigging to Captain D. Reed with blocks and all complete. Employed Dennin ⅔ day.

19 This day arrived here David Ross [in the schooner Sally] from Halifax.

Monday, 20 This day no rigging in hand. Dennin and boy both absent. Joseph Bowden buried.

21 This day receive most of the large block from Jo Wiggin’s for schooner Hoit. This afternoon Ben Clark came and eased all the Young Hawk’s blocks. Arrived brig Patty, J[eremiah] Ballister, [from Cadiz]. Employ boy a day. Dennin absent.

22 This day some rain. Employed in strapping some blocks for schooner Young Hawk. No Dennin nor boy.

23 This day received a parcel of blocks from Jo Wiggin for schooner Hoit. Received the hooks and thimbles from Mr. Foster for sloop, young Askin and Dixey. No Dennin nor boy.

24 This day employed in strapping blocks. This afternoon a smart shower. Laying here His Majesty’s Schooner Halifax packet.200 No Dennin nor boy.

25 This day little to do at loft. Note: Captain David Ross was a-going out with Captain Hales[?] vessel but the tender’s boat going on board prevent[ed it].201 This night sailed Alexander Ross in schooner Betsey [for Bilbao]. No Dennin nor boy.

26 This day Mr. Nichols preached at St. Michael’s. Robert Pearce to Mary Goodwin published at Church.

Monday, 27 This day employed in loft. Fixed a strap for Captain Hibbert’s mainsheet and splice him and fixed a strap for topping lift. Employ boy a day. Received a pair of bowsprit shrouds for Captain Gerry, George Clark.

28 This day received from the [rope]walk a coil of shrouds, 4 coils of spun yarn, 2 of wormline for young Askin and Dixey. Measured 20 yards of parceling. Delivered a boom pendent to John Pearce schooner. Sailed brig [Young] Phoenix, D[avid] Lee.

29 This day employed on sloop, Dixey and company, shrouds. Delivered sloop Ashley colors, viz. a St. George’s ensign, a Jack, and bag. Employed Dennin and boy a day.

30 This day delivered a suit of rigging to young Stickney for Colonel Lee, schooner Young Hawk, with blocks and 6 yards of old canvas. Deliver a pair of bowsprit shrouds to Captain Gerry, George Clark. Employed on Dixey shrouds. Employed Dennin and boy a day.

31 This day much rain. Fixing all the shrouds for sloop, J. Young and company. Delivered an ensign and flag and bag to Mr. Sam White. Employ Dennin and boy a day. Sailed Am[brose] James [in the schooner John for Bilbao].

[August 1772]

1 This day employed on Young and company rigging. Finished all her shrouds and stays and hung them up. Employed Dennin a day and boy a day. Measured 20 yards of old canvas, to Young. Sailed brig Wolfe, [Amos] Granday.

2 This day attended Church all day, wife part of a day. This evening wife and I attended Mr. Hack’s funeral. Come in some fishermen.

Monday, 3 This day no rigging in hand. Arrived Sam Gale [in the schooner Charming Polly from St. Martins] from West Indies. Dennin and boy both absent. Received a pattern of an ensign from Colonel Lee for schooner Hawk.

4 This day received a coil of 4-inch from the [rope] walk for sloop, Young and company. Came from Newbury sloop Ashley. This afternoon fixing a topmast for sloop Ashley.

5 This day much rain, wind NE. Do nothing at rigging. Made a small pendent for brig Pitt Packet and Leech.

6 This day received sloop Ashley’s runner and tackle block to strap. Gave a memorandum for schooner, Sam Sawyer, 106 tons. Done August 20. Sailed brig Pitt Packet, [Nathaniel] Leech, for Europe [Bilbao].

7 Employed on sloop, Young and company, serving straps. Employed Dennin a day, boy¾. Served ties, bowsprit shrouds.

8 Employed on sloop, Young [and] company. [. . .] blocks were stopped of Colonel Orne to be eas[ed?]. Employed Dennin a day and boy.

9 This day I stood for a child of Richard and Ann Jackson’s. His name is Richard.

Monday, 10 This day received and fixed a pair of shrouds from Mr. Swett’s for Captain Jonathan Glover, Captain [Richard] James. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Received a barrel of tar from Colonel Lee for his own service. Received a topsail of brig Patty to cut up. Brother Wight quite ill [and] like to die.

11 This day no rigging in hand. At three this afternoon departed this life J[ohn] Wight.

12 This day employ on board sloop Ashley puddening her anchors. Employed Dennin ¾ a day. Cut 40 yards of parceling. Delivered a Jack to Captain John Glover, Richard Renew[?], and a pair of main shrouds to Captain Jonathan Glover, Captain [Richard] James, schooner H[annah].

13 This day no rigging in hand. This afternoon I and wife attended Brother Wight’s funeral, whom lay alongside my wife Dorothy.

14 This day delivered brig Patty’s colors mended, viz. ensign 3 shillings, Jack 2, long pennant 8d, burgee 4d, top armors 8d. Received a quintal of fish from Colonel Lee. Strapped a set of runner and tackle for sloop Ashley.

15 This day delivered two suits of rigging to Captain Randall, one for Colonel Lee, schooner Hoit, with blocks and all complete, and one to Colonel Orne schooner with blocks and all complete.

16 This day I attended Church all day, wife half day. Wind easterly. Came back D. Ross &c.

Monday, 17 This day received a suit of rigging from the rope-walk for Captain Sawyer’s schooner, viz. 2 coils of shrouding, 1 jibstay, 1 coil of 4-inch, 4 coil of spun yarn, 2 coil of wormline. Received and made a flag for William Bartol.

18 Much rain. Employed on Sawyer’s shrouds. Employed Dennin a day. Came in a number of fishermen well fished.

19 This day close weather. Delivered Mr. Dennin 3 cord and 1 foot of wood and Doctor Lowell two cords of wood. Employed on Sawyer’s shrouds. Employed Dennin a day.

20 This day employed on Sawyer’s shrouds. Received 5 large thimbles from Mr. Foster for Sawyer. Employed Dennin a day.

21 This day employed on S[kipper?] Sawyer rig. Fixed a pair of shrouds for Mr. Thomas Woodbury, 4 shillings. Sailed D[avid] Ross [in the schooner Sally], J[eremiah] Ballister [in the brig Patty], and E[dward] Hales [in the brig Union], all for Europe [Bilbao]. Delivered Mr. Chapman 25 yards of canvas cut in strip and tarred for a warehouse. Employed Dennin a day.

22 This day employed on schooner, Sawyer, rigging. Employed Dennin a day.

23 This day came from Newbury Mr. S. White.

Monday, 24 This day employed on Sawyer’s rig. Received the sloop, Young and company, blocks from J. Wiggin. Received a pattern of an ensign from Mr. Sparhawk for William Boden. John Stephens’s wife had withers.

25 This day employed on Young’s blocks. Fixed a jibstay for S. Sawyer and company. Employ Dennin a day.

26 This day employed on sloop, Young’s, blocks. Received a forestaysail stay for schooner, S. Sawyer and company. Completed all Sawyer’s rigging. Employed Dennin a day. Sailed John Stephens in schooner Polly [for Bilbao].

27 This day delivered a suit of rigging to [ ] for schooner, Sam Sawyer and company, with all her standing rigging, all her principal straps, but no blocks, and a suit of colors, viz. Jack, ensign, and pendent. Ditto delivered a suit of rigging to [ ] for sloop, Young and company, with blocks and all complete. Dennin absent this day.

28 This day no rigging in hand. Arrived brig [General] Wolfe, [Hugh] Hill, from Oporto. Colonel Lee and gentry went out in sloop Ashley for pleasure.

29 This day no rigging in hand. Arrived snow Champion, [Peter] Green, from St. Lucia.

30 This day I attend Church all day, wife half day. Note: I stood for a child, son to Abraham Staples. His name is Francis Cawen.

Monday, 31 This day employed on Chapman and Giles’s rigging for boat. Warm weather.

[September 1772]

1 This day makes six year in this book. Employed with Chapman and Giles’s rigging.

2 This day I set off for the country to pudden an anchor for sloop, MacFarlane. Employed Dennin 4 hours. Arrived at Bradford this night. Much rain.

3 This day at Bradford. This afternoon I went to Sister Carleton. Lodged at Carleton’s.

4 This day sat off for home. Brought Hannah home with us. Note: we carried Nathan with us and brought both him and Hannah with us. We had horse and chaise from Warner.

5 This day employed about home. Sailed Captain John Collyer in small sloop Obine [Collector for the West Indies].

6 This day Mr. Bailey preached at St. Michael’s Church and Weeks read prayers in the forenoon. Came from Newbury schooner Young Hawk.

Monday, 7 This day received from the ropewalk 30 fathoms of shrouding and two coils spun yarn for Captain John Glover, J[ohn] Gale. Employed Dennin ¾ a day.

8 This day employed on Captain John Glover’s shrouds. Employed Dennin a day.

9 This day employed on Captain John Glover’s shrouds. Delivered two new pair and one old. Employed Dennin a half day. Preaching at New Meeting House.

10 This day fixed a pair of shrouds for Captain John Glover. Employed Dennin ½ day. Wind easterly, much rain. Came in a number [of] fishermen.

11 This day much rain. Wind NE. Came in a number of fishermen.

12 This day foul weather. Came in a number of fishermen.

13 This day came round 3 new schooners from Newbury—1 Colonel Lee, 1 Colonel Orne, 1 Colonel Fowle.

Monday, 14 This day no rigging in hand. Received a set of runners and tackles blocks from Joseph Wiggin’s for schooner Hawk. Puddened an anchor for schooner Hoit. Received a pattern of a suit of colors for Hoit.

15 This day no rigging in hand. Departed this life Doctor Joseph Lemmon.

16 This day employed on board schooner Hoit altering mainsheet straps. Received a pair of main shrouds and coil of spun [yarn] from Colonel Lee for schooner Abigail and boom pennant for schooner Betsey.

17 This day much rain. Do nothing at loft. Drew a 90-gun ship, the Neptune, dressed with a blue ensign. Drawn for Doctor Lowell.

18 This day employed on schooner Abigail shrouds and a boom pennant for schooner Betsey. Delivered an ensign, Jack, and burgee and bag to Colonel Lee, schooner Hawk, and ensign and burgee to Colonel Lee schooner Hoit. Received a coil of spun yarn from Colonel Lee for John Lee Esq. Employed Dennin a day.

19 This day received a part of a coil of shrouding from Colonel Fowle which Colonel Lee borrowed for John Lee Esq. Finished a pair for them. Employed Dennin a day.

20 This day Mr. Weeks read prayer; Mr. Bailey preached at St. Michael’s Church. Came from Boston Captain Blaney.

Monday, 21 This day delivered two single shrouds to schooner Abigail of Colonel Lee. Received some shrouding from Colonel Lee for M[ajor] Lee. Employed Dennin and Othniel a day each. Received two jibstays from Captain Jonathan Glover. Delivered a burgee to Mr. Hooper, schooner Nancy.

22 This day employed on Captain Jonathan Glover jibstays. Delivered four pair of shrouds to Major Lee of Manchester for schooner Lucy. Received a pattern of two pair of shroud from Mr. Swett’s for Captain Felton and 1 coil of 3-yarn spun [yarn]. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

23 This day employed on Captain Felton’s shrouds. Finished and deliver two pair of shrouds to Captain Felton [him]self. Finish two jibstay for Captain Jonathan Glover. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

24 This day employed on schooner Lydia’s shrouds. Delivered a jibstay to Captain Jonathan Glover [ ] Bowden. Delivered a Jack and bag to Colonel Lee’s store for schooner Hoit. Received 3 pair of old shrouds from Colonel Lee, schooner Seaflower, to refit. Employ Dennin and boy.

25 This day fixed the second pair of shrouds for schooner Lydia and overhaul three pair of shrouds. Colonel Lee schooner Tryal, 6 shillings. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

26 This day no rigging in hand. Delivered a jibstay to Captain Jonathan Glover, Crowninshield, 4s. Wind easterly.

27 This day wind easterly. Some rain.

Monday, 28 This day no rigging in hand. Wind east. Some rain. Served two ties for schooner Lydia.

29 This day wind easterly. Some rain.

30 This day I gave a memorandum for rigging for a large schooner, belong to Wells.

[October 1772]

1 This day some rain. Wind easterly. A great number of fishermen wind bound. Very muddy streets.

2 This day wind westerly. No rigging in hand. Delivered a boom pennant to Sak [Skipper?] Fowles for Captain Felton, schooner Dolphin.

3 This day wind easterly. Employ Dennin ¾ a day.

Monday, 5 This day wind easterly. A man drowned in the harbor. Received a coil of shrouding from Captain Foster and two coils of spun yarn [and] one coil of wormline. Employ Dennin a day.

6 This day employ on Captain Foster rigging. Received a coil of shroud from the ropewalk for schooner, Moulton and company, and 2 coil of 2-yarn spun yarn, 1 of wormline, and 1 coil 3-yarn spun [yarn] from Colonel Lee’s for Moulton. Employ Dennin and boy a day. Delivered a boom pennant to Colonel Lee, schooner Joseph. Delivered two pair of shrouds to schooner Lydia[?], H. Felt[?], and 2 pennants for masthead and two ties &c.

7 This day employed on schooner, Moulton’s, shrouds. Arrived John Dixey [in the brig Elizabeth’] from Oporto. Smart wind NE. Employed Dennin and boy a day.

8 This day employed on Moulton’s shrouds. Much rain. Received another coil of spun yarn from Colonel Lee for Moulton. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

9 This day employed on small[?] rigging. Finished all the shrouds and some strap. Received a jibstay and a small piece of shroud for square sail horse &c. for schooner [. . .] Moulton &c. Employ Dennin and boy a day. Wind easterly. Some rain.

10 Delivered 8 pair of shrouds, one jibstay, one square sail horse, 2 mainsheets straps, 2 foresheet strap, 2 pennant for masthead, 1 boom tie, two ties strap, 4 straps for Jack, one coil of spun [yarn], some wormline. Employed Dennin a day. No boy. Arrived brig Nancy, W[yatt] St. Barbe, [from Cadiz].

11 This day wind inclines some to the westward.

Monday, 12 This day received a parcel of old canvas from Will Courtis Junior for Colonel Lee. Delivered some parceling to Mr. Hooper for his dwelling house, 95 yards of cloth cut and tarred with four buckets of tar. Delivered some tarred parceling too for Captain Tuck’s house. Employ Dennin a day, boy ½ day. Sailed a number of fishermen. Received 26 yards of old canvas from Captain John Glover which I lent him of Colonel Lee’s.

13 This day employed some on Captain Foster’s shrouds and some on schooner, Moulton. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Delivered 20 yards of parceling for Captain Tucker.

14 This day employed on schooner, Moulton’s, straps. Received a pair of shroud from the ropewalk for Captain Foster and jibstay. Employed Dennin and boy a day. Delivered Mr. Hooper 10 yards of canvas cut and tarred.

15 This day received schooner Absalom’s rigging to refit and blocks. Received a coil of 3-yarn spun yarn from Colonel Lee for schooner Absalom.

16 This day employ on Colonel Lee, schooner Absalom, Captain Coles rig. Arrived a snow from Whitehaven. Employed Dennin and boy a day.

17 This day employed on schooner A bsalom’s rigging. Delivered her fore rigging complete to Captain Coles with a large runner and tackles blocks. At 10 o’clock departed this life Thomas Couse [Coes?]. Buried this afternoon the remains of Elizabeth Clark, daughter to T[homas] Frothingham. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

18 This morning was found the body of John Bleas [sic], floating near Fowle’s Head and was buried this evening and Captain John Russell wife. And sailed [Richard] Dolliber [in the schooner Molly] for West Indies and Granday [in the schooner Mary] for [Barbados]. Arrived ship Vulture, [Joseph Skillings, from St. Ubes].

Monday, 19 This day employed on schooner Absalom rigging. Delivered her main rigging to Mr. Boyles, mate. Employed Dennin and boy a day. This evening was buried Jo Bowden wife. Arrived Thomas Collyer [in the brig Lydia] from St. Ubes.

20 This day employed on Captain Foster’s rigging. Employed Dennin and boy a day. This evening the remains of Mr. Thomas Coes was buried. Sailed Will Tucks for Grand Bank. Wind E.

21 This day completed Captain Foster’s shrouds and jibstay. Employ Dennin a day and boy.

22 This day employed with Captain Foster ties, bowsprit shrouds, and boom pendent. Employed Dennin ⅔ day. Returned three remnant of shrouding to Captain Foster. The best fish day we have had this two month.

23 This day Dennin and self employed a-shifting salt at Colonel Lee’s warehouse. Fine weather for fish.

24 This day no rigging in hand.

25 This day self attended Church all day, wife half day. Note: Captain John Dixey was published to Miss Tabitha Abrahams.

Monday, 26 This day received all the straps from Captain Foster for his schooner. Dennin absent.

27 This day no rigging in hand. This afternoon Mr. Dennin and I replaced my small wood, some in cellar and some in garret. Employed Dennin 4 hours.

28 This day do nothing at loft. Swept my chimney. Between two stools the ass falls [to the ground]. Received an old ensign to mend and mended it for Colonel Lee, schooner Absalom, Captain Coles, is 4d for mending.

29 This day employed with Captain Foster’s straps. Employed Dennin from break[fast] til night and boy a day, 2s 4 per day.

30 This day no rigging in hand. Dennin employed mending our cellar doors. Dennin 2.4 per day.

31 This day sailed Captain Coles in schooner Absalom. Note: I cleared my loft in order for to take possession. This evening received the key of Colonel Lee, the rent to begin on the 2d of November at 6 Pound per year.

[November 1772]

1 Mr. Gilchrist preached here.

Monday, 2 This morning removed from Captain Courtis’s sail loft which he hires of Mr. Hoopers, to my own hired loft which I hire of Colonel Lee.202 Employed Dennin 9 hours. Arrived brig Amherst, Thomas Dixey, from St. Ubes.

3 This day received 50 yards of parceling from Captain Courtis for Captain Higgins. Ditto received a coil of shrouding and jibstay, one coil of 4-inch, 4 coil of spun yarn from the ropewalk for Captain Higgins. Employ Dennin and boy a day each, that is 10 hours. Received 4 barrels of cider from Mr. Friend.

4 This day employed on Captain Higgins’s shrouds. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Sailed brig [General] Wolfe, Captain [Hugh] Hill, for Europe [Bilbao].

5 This day employed with Captain Higgins’s rigging. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

6 This day I have left off the sea 9 years. Note: I have received a barrel of tar to myself and took 1 bucket out for Captain Higgins. A smart frost. Received 15 bushel of potatoes from my father’s. Employed on Captain Higgins’s rigging. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

7 This day employ on Captain Higgins’s shrouds. Finished all of them and coiled them away and jibstay. Departed this life Captain Michael Wormstead. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

8 Mr. Weeks gave us two fine sermons.

Monday, 9 This day received one pair of shroud from Colonel Orne for Captain Calley. Employed Dennin a day. Boy absent a day. Received Captain Foster hook and thimbles from Mr. Eben[ezer] Foster.

10 This day delivered Captain Higgins’s rigging to Captain [ ] by order of Colonel Lee with straps for blocks but no blocks. Received 3 coils of spun yarn from Captain Coombs. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

11 This day received 4 pair of old shrouds from Captain Coombs. Fixed set of runners and tackles from Colonel Lee for schooner Yarmouth. Employed Dennin and boy a day.

12 This day employed on Captain Coombs’s shrouds. Employed Dennin and boy.

13 This day employed on Captain Coombs’s rigging. Much rain. Completed all Captain Coombs’s old shrouds. Captain Dupee’s people at work in my loft. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

14 This day received a part of a coil of shrouding and a jibstay, small coil of 4-inch, 1 coil of 3-yarn spun yarn, 1 coil of wormline from the ropewalk for Captain Coombs. This afternoon received 2 coils of shrouding, 1 jibstay, 3 coils of spun [yarn], 1 of wormline from the ropewalk for Captains Foster and Hoo[per]. Lent Captain Coombs a bucket of tar. Employed Dennin a day.

Monday, 16 This day employed on Captain Coombs’s shrouds. Completed the whole of his shrouds. Employ Dennin and boy a day each.

17 This day delivered all the remainder of Messrs. Sewall and Preble and Moulton’s rigging for a schooner of 120 tons. Delivered Captain Coombs’s shrouds and jibstay to himself. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Arrived [brig] St. Paul, [Nicholas] Gordon, [from] London.

18 This day employed some on Captain Coombs’s rigging and some [on] Foster and Hoop[er]. Tarred all Foster’s blocks. Employed Dennin and boy.

19 This day employed on Captain Foster’s and Hooper’s rigging. Employed Dennin and boy a day. Delivered an ensign to Captain Dupee, mended 1 shilling. We hear there is a pirate off [the coast].203

20 This day employed on Captain Foster’s and Hooper shrouds. Employed Dennin and boy ½ day.

21 This day employed with F[oster’s and] Ho[oper’s] shrouds. Strapped two blocks for Captain Coombs warehouse. Arrived Captain [Thomas] Power [in the schooner Nancy] from Lisbon. Employed Dennin and boy a day each.

22 This day Mr. Fayerweather preach at St. Michael’s Church. Some rain. This morning departed this life Deacon Orne or Joshua Orne Esq.

Monday, 23 This day employed with Captain Coombs’s rigging and strapping blocks. Fine and warm. Came in many of our fall fare [fisher]men. Employed Dennin and boy.

24 This day employed some on Captain Foster’s and Hooper’s shrouds and some on Captain Coombs’s blocks. Received and cut and tarred 13 yards of canvas from Captain Courtis’s loft for Colonel Lee, Captain Tuck house. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Received 24 yards bunting from Captain Foster for W. Andrews.

25 This day employed on Foster’s and Hooper’s shrouds. Finished all Captain Coombs’s blocks. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Began with Mr. John Allen to shave.

26 This day delivered all Captain Coombs’s blocks and bowsprit shrouds and horses and all the remainder of his spun [yarn] and wormline and ratline all complete. Received some cordage from Captain Foster for the schooner, viz. pennant for masthead, main and f oresheet straps, bowsprit shrouds and horses ties. This evening the remains of Joshua Orne was interred on the Old [Burying] Hill. Employ Dennin and boy.

27 This day employed on Captain Foster’s ties and straps. This evening sailed ship Vulture, Captain [John] Sawin, and schooner Yarmouth, Captain Dupee [for the West Indies]. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Wind westerly.

28 This day employed on Foster and Hooper’s straps. Sailed Stephen Blaney [in the schooner Polly for Bilbao] and came back again. Received a strap from Colonel Lee for a strap for forestay for brig St. Paul. Employed Dennin and boy a day.

29 This day wind easterly. Some rain.

Monday, 30 This day employed on schooner, Foster’s, strapping blocks. Received mainly hooks and thimbles from Mr. [Ebenezer] Foster for Foster and company and blocks from Jo Wiggin’s. Delivered an ensign to Captain Andrews, charge to Captain Foster. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Fine [and] warm. Sailed Stephen Blaney. Received brig Salisbury colors to mend.

[December 1772]

1 This day employed on Captain Foster’s blocks. Completed all the large ones. Employed Dennin and boy a day each. Fine, warm beginning of winter. Very muddy streets. Sailed Will Andrews [in the schooner Hawk] for West [Indies].

2 This day employed some on Captain Foster’s blocks. Much rain. Some preparation for Thanksgiving. Employed Dennin 4 hours at 4d.

3 Yearly Thanksgiving.

4 This day agreed with Captain Joseph Skillings for to fix a suit of rigging. Ditto received it from the ropewalk. Dennin assisted in getting it in.

5 This day employed some on Captain Foster’s blocks and some on Captain Skillings’s rigging. Employed Dennin a day. Delivered brig Salisbury’s colors mended, viz. two Jacks at ⅔ shillings each, 1 pendent 2/5, 8 the [whole?]. Delivered 3 yards of canvas cut and tarred for Captain Tuck.

6 This day I attend Church, wife half day. Arrived sloop Don Carlos, [William] Tucker, from West Indies [St. Martins].

Monday, 7 This day employed on Captain Skillings’s shrouds. Employed Dennin 8 hour. This night the first snow for this winter. Sailed brig Salisbury, [Robinson,] and [schooner Woodbridge], Slyfield, both for Maryland.

8 This day employed on Captain Skillings’s. I find some snow. Wind easterly. Employed Dennin 8 hours. This evening Mr. Son Ashley came from the country.

9 This day employed on Captain Skillings’s shrouds. Finished the 4 pair of served shrouds. Sailed schooner [Annis], J. D. Dennis, [for the West Indies] and John Dixey in brig [Elizabeth?]. I got my wood sawed. Employ Dennin a day.

10 This day employed on Captain Skillings’s rig. Completed all his shroud and seized them and coiled them away. Employed Dennin 8 hour.

11 This day complete all Captain Skillings’s shrouds and coiled them away. Served main and 1 foresheet straps and boom pennant. Employed Dennin 8 hours.

12 This day received 6 coils of cordage from the ropewalk for Captain Skillings. Sailed Captain Thomas Collyer [in the brig Lydia for Lisbon] for Europe. Delivered a Jack, 2 top armor204 and small pennant to Mr. Hooper’s brig Nancy, [Thomas] Power.

13 This day self attend Church all day, wife half day. Arrived [George] Rapell [in the schooner Britannia from Cadiz] from Europe. Departed this life the wife of Andrew Stacey with a cancer.

Monday, 14 This day employed on Captain Skillings’s blocks and cutting and tarring parceling for Mr. Robert Hooper’s barn in New Wharf Lane or King Street.205 Employed Dennin 8 hours. Fine weather for winter.

15 This day employed in cutting and of tarring of parceling. Delivered a suit of rigging to Captain Foster for a fisherman and received from the ropewalk a coil of 2-yarn spun yarn for Captain Skillings. Employed Dennin 10 hours.

16 This day employ on Captain Skillings’s strap. Gave a memorandum for two pair of shrouds for sloop Don Carlos and received the dimensions for schooner Adventure of Colonel Lee’s, Captain Tittle. Employed Dennin 8 hours. Delivered a parcel of parceling to Mr. Robert Hooper for his barn, 40 yard of cloths in the whole.

17 This day received a pattern of two pair of shrouds from the ropewalk for sloop Don Carlos. Employed Dennin 8 hour and Rimshire 4 hours. Employed some on Captain Skillings’s straps.

18 This day employed on sloop Don Carlos shrouds. Completed them and delivered them. Received from Captain Jonathan Glover 5½ yards of blue and 3 yards of white bunting and from Colonel Lee 6½ yards of blue and 1 of white and 10 of red bunting for Captain Glover, [snow] Champion, and a pattern of an ensign for St. Paul. Employ Dennin 10 hours and Rimshire 8 hours. Fixed a strap for forestay for Don Carlos.

19 This day finished all Captain Skillings’s blocks. This afternoon I puddened an anchor for Captain MacFarlane. Employed Dennin 5 hours. Delivered a flag and burgee to Captain Jonathan Glover, snow Champion.

20 This day some rain. Wind easterly. Came back Captain [Michael] Whittrong.

Monday, 21 This day received a suit of rigging from the ropewalk for Colonel Lee, schooner Adventure, viz. two coils of shrouding, two stays, 4 coils of spun yarn, one coil of 4-inch cordage and a jib from Captain Courtis for parceling. Employed Dennin 5 hours. Sailed Whittrong in schooner Nancy [for Lisbon] and snow Champion, P[eter] Green, for West Indies.

22 This day employed on schooner Adventure stays. Received a gang of main rigging from Mr. Hooper, schooner Lydia, to refit. Employed Dennin 8 hours.

23 This day employ on schooner Lydia shrouds. Fixed a set of runners and tackles block for schooner Lydia. Employ Dennin a day, 10 hours.

24 This day delivered four single shrouds to Captain Tarday for schooner Lydia and boom pennant to sloop Don Carlos and a new ensign to brig St. Paul and an old ensign mended to brig St. Paul, N[icholas] Gordon. Employed Dennin 5 hours.

25 This day is Christmas. Attended Church. Fine and pleasant. Martha Jones buried. Arrived Captain Coles in schooner Absalom [from Mole St. Nicholas].

26 This day employed on Colonel Lee, schooner Adventure. Attended Church at Mrs. Burnham’s burial. Employed Dennin a day.

27 This day I was somewhat indisposed. I could not attend Church. Some rain.

Monday, 28 This day so poorly do nothing to signify. This morning sailed brig St. Paul, Nick Gordon, and Wyatt St. Barbe, both for West Indies.

29 This day somewhat better. I went out to loft. Delivered a boom pendent to sloop Don Carlos.

30 This day I went to Salem to attend Court. Note: I was chosen foreman of the first jury.

31 We of the first jury had one case. Set Blackwell wife free. This night I lodged at Salem.