
This long and complex project benefited from the support of many agencies and individuals. The Professional Development Fund and Grants in Aid Fund at Okanagan University College (now the University of British Columbia-Okanagan) provided travel and other expenses, and the Arts Colloquium at Okanagan ran two seminars on the material. The encouragement and friendship of my colleagues in the History Department at Okanagan made the delays in the completion of the manuscript less problematic than they might have been. Special thanks are due to the members of the Pacific Northwest Early Americanists Workshop for their advice on the Introduction. The staff of the Massachusetts Historical Society helped with the detailed work on this project at every turn and my connection with that institution is one my professional pleasures. My wife, Vicky McAulay, was with the project from its inception and read every version of the text, notes, appendices and chapter headings and helped make the text clearer. Anne Cecere’s superb collations of the transcribed documents clearly add luster to the volume. The Colonial Society of Massachusetts is to be applauded for funding this important project and for seeing it through. Finally, we are all especially indebted to Editor of Publications John Tyler for his industry, expertise and good will. His patience with this project and his commitment to scholarship are the reasons this volume is in print.

Eric Nellis

Boston and Vancouver, 2005