Note: Variant spellings of personal names abound in the text. Although small, obvious errors can safely be corrected, more radical corrections would make the reader’s task of tracking down a name harder rather than easier. Therefore, many of the variants have been left as separate entries in the index. Readers may want to scan adjacent entries and similar-sounding names.

A., Mary, 909

Abbot, Samuel, 92n.82

Abbott, Samuel, 984

Abraham, Thomas, 544

Abrahams, Mary, 219

Ackley, Joseph, 517

Ackley, Jules, 510

Ackley, Sophia, 517

Ackley, Tabathy, 281

Ackly, Juliuns (Juleuns), 516

Acres, Mrs., 300

Acres, Pol, 301

Act of Incorporation (1772), 22, 981–82

Act of Settlement (1793), 59

Adam (negro), 278, 388

Adams, Amy, 544

Adams, Benjamin, 283–84

Adams, Daniel, 543–44

Adams, David, 373

Adams, Ezekiel, 812, 814, 817, 819, 821, 824, 827, 829, 832, 834

Adams, Hannah, 467

Adams, Hugh, 543

Adams, James, 359, 405, 544

Adams, Joanna, 122

Adams, John, 170, 261n.207, 542–43

Adams, Jonathan, 394, 398

Adams, Joseph, 707

Adams, Joseph (or Addams), 746, 751, 754, 756–60, 762–63

Adams, Margaret, 279, 297

Adams, Margarett, 227, 275, 284–85

Adams, Mary, 543, 942–45, 954

Adams, Mrs., 355, 953

Adams, Nathaniel, 420, 425

Adams, Pegg, 232, 236

Adams, Richard, 529, 542–43

Adams, Ruth, 335, 344, 391

Adams, Sarah, 443, 490, 513–14, 542, 942

Adams, Scipio, 544

Adams, Widow, 948, 953

Addam (negro), 279

Addelton, Eliza, 634

Addison, Elizabeth, 245, 269n.611

Adlington, James, 145

Aelis, Alice Stoddard, 406

Agen, Elizabeth (Elizabith), 938

Ahier, Mary, 638

Aickley, Tabitha, 283

Air, Henry, 903, 906–7, 909

Aires, Fradrick, 456–57

Aires, Sarah, 484

Airey, Betsy, 544

Aish, Lydia, 229, 268n.554

Akely, John, 157

Akely, Velias (Velis; or Akely), 464, 467, 482, 493, 535n.220

Akely child, 154

Akley, Francis, 231, 234, 652

Akley, John, 654

Akley, Joseph, 652

Akley, Mary, 658

Akley, Samuel, 658

Akley, Sarah, 658

Akley, Tabitha, and children, 149, 211, 213, 215, 244, 258n.68, 266n.460, 269n.609

Akley, Thomas, 654, 661

Akley, Velias. See Akely, Velias

Akley, William, 210

Akly, Gulan, 518

Alaxander, Fisher, 486

Alaxander, Thomas, 460, 466, 481

Alaxander, Thomas (Alexander), 502, 537n.308

Alexander, Thomas, 459, 465, 483, 486, 504

Alford, Abigail, 122

Alford, John, 984

Allcock, Mary, 231

Allen, Ann, 661

Allen, Anna, 132

Allen, Betsey, 512, 526, 542

Allen, Dina, 282, 825

Allen, Frank, 421

Allen, Hannah, 248, 275, 914–15, 917

Allen, James, 543, 671

Allen, Jenny, 544

Allen, Jeremiah, 984

Allen, John, 293–94, 354, 460, 509

Allen, John Sincler, 522

Allen, Mary, 285, 762, 767–69, 771, 774, 781, 784, 794, 797, 802, 812, 814–15, 817, 829, 832, 834

Allen, Michael, 488

Allen, Michiel (Mitchell), 486, 535n.237

Allen, Mrs., 936

Allen, Peter, 542

Allen, Polly, 544, 849, 883, 885

Allen, Poly, 486

Allen, Reuben, 846

Allen, Richard, 518

Allen, Salle (Saly), 486, 488

Allen, Samuel, 647

Allen, Sarah, 133, 544, 651, 855, 882

Allen, Sarah, and children, 412, 417

Allen, Speedwell, children of, 486

Allen, Tamar, 656

Allenson, William, 369

Allerson, Robert, 488

Allin, John, 543

Allman, Margarett, and children (or Alman), 132, 257n.12

alms, definition of, 57, 79, 99n.127

Almshouse (1662–1682), 13, 23, 31

Almshouse (1686): admissions lists, 78, 80; admissions numbers, 54, 57, 59–63, 98n.124, 113–19; admissions ratios, 58–62, 64; African American population of, 58, 60–62, 80, 99n.130; age distribution of inmates, 75; belongings of tenants, 79; binding out from, 65, 76; births, number of, 75–76; British soldiers, care of, 78; census (1756), 64, 76, 96n.111, 100n.139, 107, 113–19; child population of, 60–62; corporal punishment, 99n.137; cost of care, 26, 57; criticisms of, 65–66; culture, 27; daily routines at, 64–65; deaths, number of, 42, 57, 60–62, 75, 99n.134; and deserving vs. undeserving poor, 59, 79; deterioration of, 63; dietary regimen, 67–68; dietary regimen at, 66; discharges from, 57, 60–62, 68, 78, 113–19; discipline systems of, 99n.137; doctors at, 65–66; and economic change, 58; emancipation’s effects on, 58; expansion of, 13, 95n.100; female population of, 60–62; functions of, 57, 59; gender separation at, 64, 88n.45; health at, 65; and indentures, 76, 79; Indian population of, 60–62; and infant mortality rate, 76; keepers of, 65, 78; male population of, 60–62; marriages, 65; medical budget/concerns at, 65–66, 77; New York vs. Massachusetts almshouses, 66–67; opening of, 13; orphan population of, 60–62; and outdoor vs. indoor relief, 57; overcrowding of, 63, 66, 68–69; paternalistic charity, 78; and paternalistic charity, 63; personalized information on inmates, 98n.126; population of, 27, 64, 68, 76, 113–19; population ratio of, 34, 89n.54; and Puritanism, 78; refugees of war, 101n.171; refugees of war at, 76; and relief capacity, 63; repeat admissions to, 57; residence duration at, 86n.29; sale of, 13, 63–64; sanitation at, 65; smallpox at, 68, 76–77; and social change, 59; social composition of, 79–80; sundries, list of, 119; supervision of, 65; tenure of occupants, 64; town charges vs. province charges for, 58, 99n.131; transient population of, 26; underreporting, 60–61, 99n.134; warning out at, 58–59, 80; wars’ effects on, 57–58, 63, 68, 75–76, 101n.171; Workhouse transfers to/from, 71–72

Almshouse (1756–1771): births, 625–30; deaths, 625, 630–42

Almshouse (1801): and deserving vs. undeserving poor, 75; location of, 99–100n.138; vs. old Almshouse, 65, 77; opening of, 13, 64; population of, 75

Almshouse (New York), 67

Almshouse expansion (1742), 59

Almshouse vs. Workhouse, 57–80; administration of, 31; admissions and discharges, 57, 60–62, 64, 68, 71–72, 77–78; children at, 34, 75–76, 79; costs of, 57, 69; and deserving vs. undeserving poor, 24, 45, 70–71, 74–75, 79; discipline/rules at, 64–65, 71, 74–75, 88n.45, 99n.137; food menu at, 66–68; gender ratios at, 59–62, 64, 70, 89n.54; medical care at, 35, 65–66, 76–77; overcrowding at, 59, 62–64, 68–69, 75, 100n.154; work done at, 71–73

Altenton, Nichos, 640

American Revolutionary War. See Revolutionary War

Ames, Cuffee, 459

Ames, Nathaniel, 804

Ammell, Jacob, 544

Ammett, Jacob, 543

Amorey, John (or Amory), 963

Amory, Polley, 390

Amory, Thomas C., 853

Amos, Edward, 247

Amsden, Lydia, and children, 885

Anderson, Elizabeth, 219

Anderson, Hannah, 227

Anderson, James, 543

Anderson, John, 447, 451, 483

Anderson, Joseph, 543

Anderson, Mary, 485–86, 488

Anderson, Mary Ann, 116, 122

Anderson, Richard, 522, 527

Anderson, Sally, 543

Anderson, Sukey, 542

Anderson, Susanna, and child, 221

Anderson, William, 493, 543–44

Andrahan, Simon, 143

Andras, Bartholamew (Bartholomew), 159, 164

Andrews, John, 542

Andrews, Joseph, 897, 899

Ann (maid), 840

Anselm, John, 132

Anselman, Hannah, 641

Anslem, Hannah, 144

Anslem, John, 144

Anthony, Peter, 235, 237

Antine, Ann (Anna), 379, 381

Appelton, George (or Appleton), 474, 534n.192

Appleton, Francis, 659

apprenticeships, 34, 49, 51, 88–89nn.52–53, 645. See also binding out; indentures

Apstros, Jacob (or Apstrof or Aptros), 479, 481, 535n.212

Arbour, Nancy, 464

Arey, Sophia, 863, 881

Armstrong, Hannah, 413, 416

Armstrong, James, 542–43

Armstrong, Sarah, 398

Armstrong, Thomas, 420–21, 542

Armstrong, William, 480, 544

Arnault, Ann, 122

Arnold, Samuel, 298

Arthur, Mary, 122

Ashburnham Town, 859

Ashley, Ann, 116, 122

Ashton, Nathaniel, 412

Asley, James, 319

Athridge, Anna, 404

Atkeson, William, 374

Atkins, Christopher, 322, 326–27

Atkins, Delia, 880

Atkins, Henry, 694

Atkins, Hepsibeth (Hepzebeth; Hepzibah; Hipsabah; Hipsibah; Hipsibath; Hipzibah), 312, 314, 319, 365–66, 386, 391

Atkins, John, 857

Atkins, Mehitabel (Mahitable), 515, 528, 542

Atkins, Rebecca, 278

Atkins, Timothy, 802

Atkins, William, 909–10, 912

Atkinson, Christopher, 208, 210, 213, 229, 890–902

Atkinson, Mrs., 894

Attkins, Mary, 302

Atwood, Mary, 172

Aubany, Thomas, 523, 528

Aubury, Thomas and Mary, 544

Auginsine, Martin, 323

Aushton, Nathaniel, 412

Austin, Benjamin, 42

Austin, Charles, 352

Austin, Jonathan Loring, 42, 44

Austin, Jonathon, 984

Austin, Joseph, 479

Austin, Susanna, 169

Austin, Susannah, 635

Avery, Christopher, 956

Avery, John, 818, 984

Avery, Samuel, 289

Avis, John, 514

Ayers, Adam, 430

Ayers, Fredrick, 387

Ayers, John, 504

Ayers, John, and wife and child, 454

Ayers, Joseph, 158–59

Ayers, Mary, 298, 393

Ayers, Sarah, 283, 333, 343–44, 347

Ayre, Sophia, 543

Ayres, Mary, 474

Babcock, Adam, 852, 881

Backoon, Mary, 352

Bacon, Samuel, 741

Badcock, Nancy, 547

Badger, Rose, and children, 464, 470

Badger, Sally, 518

Badkee, Elizabeth, 128

Bager, Dublin, and wife and children, 546

Bagger, Mrs., 487

Bailey, Deacon, 961

Bailey, Deliverance, 122, 635

Bailey, Ephram, 410

Bailey, James, 255, 661

Bailey, Kiah, 131

Bailey, Sarah, 141, 632

Baily, Mary, 549–50

Baily, Polly, 546

Baker, Alice, 490

Baker, Charles, 546

Baker, Esther, 376

Baker, James, 256

Baker, John, and children, 277

Baker, Katerina, 638

Baker, Lydia, and child, 218, 221

Baker, Mary, 546

Baker, Mrs., 907

Baker, Quarco, 552

Baker, Rebecca, 546

Balch, Mr., 837–38

Baldrage, Rebecca, 344, 362, 364, 368

Baldrage, William, 387, 665

Baldridg, Rebecca, 343

Baldridge, and child, 213, 266n.469

Baldridge, Ann, 224, 267n.531

Baldridge, Elizabeth, 216

Baldridge, William, 343, 912

Baldridge child, 275

Baldrige, Rebecca, 454

Ball, Mary, 885

Ball, Peter, 547, 550

Ballantine, John, Jr., 984

Ballard, Benjamin, 657

Ballard, Dorcas, 161, 165, 170, 260n.157, 629

Ballard, Esther, 122

Ballard, John, 550–51, 553

Ballard, Mary, 545

Ballard, Polly, 460, 493

Ballards, Dorcas, 636

Band, Nathaniel, 715–17, 720, 722, 724, 726, 728, 732–33, 736–37, 739–40, 742–44, 746–47, 749–50, 752–53, 755, 758–59, 761, 763–64, 767, 769, 772, 776–77, 779, 782, 786–87, 789, 791, 796, 799–800, 802, 805, 807, 810–11, 813, 815–16, 818–19, 821, 823, 826–27, 830–31, 833–34

Bands, Mr., 707

Baner, Mary, 652

Banester, William, 368

Bangs, Joseph, 503, 507, 518, 520–21, 545

Banister, Jane, 122

Banistrer, Thomas, 984

Bank, Joseph, 547

Banks, Elizabeth, 172, 261n.214

Banks, Hannah, 135

Banks, James, 549, 852

Banks, John, 135, 637, 640, 648, 650, 941

Banks, John, and wife and child, 275, 305

Banks, Lillister, 553

Banks, Mary, 135, 630, 636

Banks, Mary Waterman, 630

Banks, Moses, 122

Banks, Thomas, 135, 650

Bannister, William, 368

Bannon, William, 316

Banon, Timothy, 688

Bantom, Thomas, 646

Banton, Anna, 321

Baptiste, Paul, 551

Barbados, Catarine (Catrine; or Barbadoes), 513, 516, 538n.375

Barber, Elizabeth, 283

Barber, Hannah, 295

Barber, James, 554

Barber, Mary, 652, 654

Barber, Nathaniel (or Barbour), 692–93

Barber, Susanah, 511, 524

Barber, Susanah (Susanna), 949

Barber, Susanna, 278

Barber, Thomas, 254, 256

Barbour, Elizabeth, 228, 251, 275, 662

Barbour, Peter, wife of, 943

Bardy, Roger, 433, 435

Barger, Elizabeth, 161, 626

Barger, Elizabeth, and children, 118

Barjer, Elizabeth, 122

Barjer, Hannah, 660

Barker, Caleb, 547, 554

Barker, Elizabeth, 477

Barker, John, 256, 275, 279, 903–4, 906–12

Barker, Tim, 295, 297

Barnard, Elizabeth, 278

Barnard, John, 348

Barnard, Mr. (Andover North Parish), 837

Barnard, Mr. (Haverill), 837

Barnard, Thomas, 33

Barnes, Lucy, 550

Barnes, Marcy, 956–57

Barnes, Mrs., 295

Barnes, Peggy, 554, 877–79, 884–86

Barns, James, 478

Barns, Lucy, 545

Barns, Mary, 384

Barns, Mrs., 293, 295

Barnstable Town, 862

Barratt, Abigail, 328

Barret, John, 552, 823

Barret, Joshua, 939

Barrett, Hannah, child of, 133

Barrett, Isaiah, 716

Barrett, John, 92n.82, 727, 731, 733, 735–36, 739, 744, 749, 757, 768, 772–73, 776, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 796, 802–4, 807, 809, 813, 818, 823, 829, 834, 984

Barrett, John (or Barratt), 239, 268n.596

Barrett, Joseph, 241, 939, 950

Barrett, Joshua, 954–56

Barrett, Mary, 132, 651, 659

Barrett, Patrick, 142

Barrett, Richard, 637

Barrett, Samuel, 984

Barrett, William, 241

Barrettl, 829

Barrey, James, 458, 462

Barron, Moses, and wife, 288

Barron, Mr., 289

Barron, William, 311, 315

Barrons, Timothy, 685

Barrot, John, 766

Barry, Elizabeth, 423

Barry, Hannah, 627, 659

Barry, John, 370

Barry, Nabby (alias Berry; alias Cox), 449–50

Barry, Robert, 136

Barry, Thomas, 404

Barsheba, 944

Barswell, Marther, 551

Bartholomew, George, 322, 324

Bartlet, Eleanor, 317

Bartlet, Elizabeth, 140

Bartlet, Else, 545

Bartlet, Mary, 135, 274

Bartlett, Mary, 222, 267n.518

Barton, Sarah, 300–301

Barton’s Point, 63

Basker, John, 903, 909

Bass, Daniel, 816

Bass, Freelove, 145, 258n.42, 633

Bass, Hannah, 632

Bass, Mary, 524, 546

Bass, Philip, and wife, 336

Bass, Phillip, 341

Bass, William, 522, 546, 548, 550

Bassett, James, 148, 632

Baster, Hannah, and children, 299

Batar, James, 210, 213

Bates, Gamaliel, 546–47

Bates, Jane, 406, 420

Bates, Margaret, 122

Bates, Rachel, 549

Bates, Thomas, 339–40

Bates, Zephs., and children, 500

Bathaw, Mary, 364

Battells, Sarah, 114

Battes, John, 554

Battis, John, 460

Battle, Dinah, and child, 547

Batts, Rachel, 546

Batts, Susanna, 548

Battst, Betsey (or Battest), 465, 534n.166

Baubeun, Francis, 551

Baxters child, 957

Bayard, Susanna, 128

Bay Colony laws, 19. see also Massachusetts

Bayley, Agnes, 657

Bayley, Mary, 548

Bayley, Mrs., 840

Beach, Lydia, 216–17

Beacham, Edward, 415, 433, 443, 451, 463, 467, 485, 489, 499, 508, 518, 520, 523, 529, 545, 547

Beacham, Mary, 208

beadle, 13, 18

Beal, Mary, 639

Bean, Cotton, 548

Bean, Elizabeth, 294

Bean, John, 845

Bean, John (or Bemer), 553

Beapteste, John, and child, 465

Beard, Thomas, 122

Beck, Mary, 122

Bedgood, Jeffrey (Jeffry), 674, 680, 684–85, 691

Bedsen, James, 228

Beetle, Sarah, 634

Beetle, Sarah, 122

beggars, 19, 24

Begood, Jeffery (Jeffry), 984

Beison, Edward, 554

Belfast Town, 861

Belknap, Mary, 553

Bell, Hannah, 545

Bell, James (child), 224, 226, 238

Bell, James, wife of, 899, 916

Bell, Lydia, and grandson, 294

Bell, Margarett, 238

Bell, Robert, 224, 226

Bell, Sarah, and children, 547

Bell, Thomas, 409, 412

Bell, William, 224, 226, 548, 817

Belman, Tamar (or Bellman), 224, 226, 658

Belsworthy, John, 633

Beltsworthy, John, 141

Bemus, John, 793

Benall, Thomas, 549

Benjaman, Daniel, 394, 545

Benjaman, Howard, and daughter Mary, 581

Benjaman, Joseph, 552

Benjaman, Mary, 581

Benjaman, Nancy, 552

Benjamen, Mary (or Benjamin), 500, 536n.300

Benjamin, Daniel, 517

Benjamin, Mary, 551

Benjamin, Mary, and child, 375, 517

Benjamin, Polly (Mary), 432, 532n.62

Benjamin, Sarah, 479

Benjiman, Mary, 418

Benjman, Daniel, 387, 436, 488

Benjman, Daniel (or Benjamin), 451, 533n.106

Benjman, Mary, 380, 510

Benjman, Poll, and child (Mary), 435–36, 532n.70

Benjmin, Daniel (or Benjamin), 482, 535n.224

Benjmin, Sarah, 481

Benjn, Daniel, and child (or Benjamin), 461, 534n.152

Bennedic, Christian, 521

Bennet, 307

Bennet, Eleanor, 240

Bennet, Elizabeth, 500

Bennet, Hannah, and child, 219, 276

Bennet, John, 122, 632

Bennet, Partrick, 414

Bennet, Prudence, 122, 275, 328

Bennet, Rosanna, and child, 359–60, 366

Bennett, 286

Bennett, Eleanor, 663

Bennett, Joseph, 30

Bennett, Thomas, 896, 901

Bennison, Betsey, 552

Bennison, Elizabeth, 658

Bennison, Mary, 658

Bennitt, Thomas, 889–900

Bennt, Betsey (or Bennett), 459, 533n.143

Bennt, Samuel (or Bennett), 459, 533n.143

Benson, Nicholas, 296–97

Bensy, Abigail, 122, 626

Bensy, John, 626

Bentick, Christane (Christian), 517, 538n.376

Bentley, Susanah, 486

Bergan, Ruth, 429

Bernard, Governor, 32

Bernard, John, 208

Berre, Hannah, 330

Berrey, Elizabeth, 440, 447, 463, 484

Berrey, Hannah Elizabeth, 476

Berry, Eleanor, 657

Berry, Elizabeth, 385, 388, 396, 413, 425, 547

Berry, Hannah, 529, 545

Berry, Hannah, and child, 334, 337, 399

Berry, John, 338, 446, 551

Berry, Mary, 163, 635

Berry, Mary, 150, 258n.77

Berry, Nathaniel, 395–96

Berry, Robert, 235

Berry, Susannah, 148

Berry, Thomas, 405

Bess, Hannah, 865

Bess, Rose, 554

Betty (negro), 282

Beverly, William, 548, 554

Bickford, Abigail, 122

Bickford, Thomas, 114, 122

Bickmore, George, 693

Bigelow, Samuel (or Biggelow), 762, 767, 772, 775, 778, 783

Bignall, Bengn., 346

Bignall, Benjamin, 365

Bijah, Hanah, 944

Bijah, Mariah (or Byjah), 914–16, 924, 928, 942–43, 946–47

Bijah, Miriam (Meriam; or Byjah), 234, 923, 948–49

Bill, Elizabeth, 117, 122

Bill, Jo, 152, 157, 259n.97, 637

Bill, Mary, 626, 632

Bill, Nathaniel, and wife and children, 552, 853, 881

Bill, Richard, 626

Bill, Richard, and wife and children, 131

Billings, Joseph, 546

Billings, Mary, and child, 300, 303, 313, 324

binding out, 49, 51–52, 65, 76, 645. See also apprenticeships; indentures

Bingham, Robert, 239–40

Bird, Mary, 554, 866, 886

Bird, Nathaniel, 163, 634

Birmingham, James, 640

Bish, John, 122

Bishop, John, 328

Black, Ann, 379, 386, 397

Black, Charity, 302

Black, David, 553

Black, George, 499–500

Black, George (alias Hall), 494

Black, John, 286

Black, Mary, 390

Blackbour, Henry (or Blackbourn), 450, 533n.103

Blackbourn, Henry, 450

Blackburn, Jacob, and wife and son, 530, 545

Blackburn, John, 550

Blackburn, Mary, 554

Black’dos, Mrs., 840

Blackenbery, Mary (or Blackenbury), 282, 892, 896

Blackenbury child, 893

Blackman, Abigail, 377, 957

Blackman, George, 416

Blackman, Hepzibah, 225–26

Blackman, John, 549

Blackman, Timothey (or Blackburn), 498

Blacks, John (or Black), 454, 533n.122

Blackston, Elizabeth, 544–45

Blackstone, Betsey, 548

Blackstone, Elizabeth (alias Lucy Day), 548–49. See also Day, Lucy

Bladridge, Katharine, 239

Blair, Daniel, 551

Blair, Elizabeth, 141

Blair, Hannah, 122

Blake, Job, 868–69

Blake, John, 150, 158, 258n.78

Blake, John, and wife, 530

Blake, John and Ann, 545

Blake, Margaret, 647

Blake, Margaret, and children, 114

Blake, Mary, 114, 122, 169, 224, 226, 267n.537, 354

Blake, Mary (widow), 906

Blake, Mr., 950

Blake, Rosenna, 551

Blake, William, 122

Blakenburry, Sarah, 895

Blakston, Elizabeth, 524

Blalckadore, Mrs., 839

Blanch, Elizabeth, 136, 627

Blanch, John, 551

Blanch, Mary, 136, 627

Blanchard, Joshua, 693

Blanchard, Oliver, 250

Blancher, Ebenezer, 653, 661

Bleigh, Ann, 653

Bleigh, Lois, 227, 268n.549

Blewett, Sarah, 640

Blewitt, Sarah, 889–90

Bliss, A., 984

Bliss, Mr., 837

Blower, John (or Blowers), 716, 720, 726–27, 736, 744, 752, 761, 769, 775

Blunt, Hannah, 396

Boane, Elizibeth, 324

Boardman, Andrew, 277

Boardman, Joseph and Elizabeth, and child, 236–37, 268n.581

Boardman, William, 663

Boarn, Nathaniel, 414, 431

Bobbin, Jonathan, 255

Bodg, Benjamin, 637

Bodge, Benjamin, 167

Bodge, Hannah, 552

Bodge, Mary, 122, 626

Bodge, Susanna, 132, 629

Bohannan, Sarah (or Bohannon), 300, 302

Bois, James (or Boies), 759, 767, 775

Bois, Robert (or Boies), 219, 267n.506, 641

Boldrage, Rebecca, and child, 397

Boleson, Sarah, 114

Bolt [Boult], John, 984

Bolton, Betsey, 550–51

Bolton, Elizabeth, 549, 551

Bolton, Elizabeth, and child, 865, 882

Bolton, Sipeo, 152

Bomfort, Hannah, and son Robert, 628

Bomfort, Hannah, child of, 155

Bomfort, Ishmael, and wife, 154, 161

Bonnett, Thomas, 889

Bonning, Thomas, 284

Boodh, Gotlip John, 551

Boone, Elizabeth (or Boon), 306, 940

Booze, Eleonar, 627

Booze, William, 627

Bordman, Joseph, 310

Borge, Hannah, 553

Borland, John, 984

Borlandson, Sarah, 122

Borse, Michael, 550

Boston: African American population of, 63; civic administration, 24; civic politics, 45; corporate ethic of, 23; economic change, 62; economic change in, 55; founding of, 18; incorporation as a city, 22; loss of funds, 93n.89; as a major seaport, 29; map of, 8; number of poor, 89n.63; paupers in, 25; population of, 23, 25, 55, 59, 62–63, 87n.36; Puritanism in, 29; relief capacity in, 63; Selectmen’s role in, 77; social conditions of, 62; tax base for, 63; Town Records, 56; voting population of, 45; widow population, 34–35, 89n.56

Boston (negro), 225, 267n.532, 296, 299, 441

Boston, Elizabeth, 149, 213

Boston, Hannah, 398

Boston, Lettuce, 652, 656

Boston Neck, 267n.545

Boston Overseers Incorporation Act (1772), 22, 981–82

Boston Records, 28, 86–87nn.33–34, 88n.45, 89n.56, 93n.85, 94n.94, 101n.156

Boston Workhouse Act (1735), 21, 973–74

Boston Workhouse Rules of Management, 974–79

Botherley, John, 390

Bothesley, John, 383

Bothree, John, 428, 432

Bothren, John, 496

Boucher, Joseph, 167, 636

Bouditch, Nathaniel, 553

Boule, Margrat, and child, 375

Bourk, John (or Burk), 154, 259n.115

Bourn, Mary, 295

Bourn, Melatiah (or Bourne), 92n.82, 774, 777, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 796, 802, 807, 809, 813, 818, 823

Bourn, Mr., 837

Bourn, Nathaniel, 410, 984

Bourne, Sarah, 296

Boutinea, James, 682

Bouts, Peter, 658

Bovey, Elizabeth, 515

Bowdoin, James, 839

Bowe, Elenor, 631

Bowe, William, 631

Bowen, Benjamin, 233

Bowen, Catharine, son of, 840

Bowen, Elias, 210, 212

Bowen, Jane, 547

Bowen, Sarah, 295

Bowen, William, 552

Bower, William, 693

Bowers, Richard, 647

Bowes, James, Elinor, and Charles, 145, 258n.41

Bowes, Nicholas, 984

Bowin, Elias, 900

Bowin, Sarah, 306, 308

Bowle, Peggy, and child, 366

Bowles, Peggy, and child, 377, 394

Bowman, Ebenezer, 140, 651

Bowman, Hannah, 299

Bowman, Jacob (or Bowen), 548

Bowman, Jane, 129

Bowman, Mary, 209

Bowman, Mr., 837

Box, John, 489

Boyd, John, 647

Boyd, Robert, 634

Boydin, Mary (or Boyden), 295

Boyer, Abraham, 552

Boyer, Peter, 331, 965

Boyle, Elenor, 310

Boyles, Josiah, 310

Boylston, Jenny, 549

Boylston, John, 982

Brabazon, Henry, 281, 283

Brackett, Arthur, 551

Brackett, William, 646

Bradbury, John and Ann, 483, 486

Bradford, Edward, 547

Bradford, John, 92n.82, 834, 984

Bradford, Joseph, 785, 792, 805, 812, 821, 823, 830

Bradford, Lucy, 448

Bradford, Thomas, 289

Bradlee, Betsey, 546

Bradlee, John, 546

Bradlee, Nabby, 546

Bradley, John, 127, 165, 303, 658

Bradley, John, and wife and child, 146

Bradley, Rebecca, 162, 629

Bradley, Rebeckah, and child, 156, 259n.129

Bradley, Rebeckah, and son Thomas, 628

Bradley, Samuel, 145, 656

Bradley, Thomas, 662

Bradley, William, 634

Bradshaw, Elizabeth, 655

Bragadon, Joseph, 465

Bragdon, Thomas, 480

Bragedon, Thomas (or Braggadon), 437–38, 456, 533n.132

Brailey, Scipio, 493

Brailsford, Hercules, 122, 633

Braizier, Edward, 956, 958–59. See also Brazeir, Edward

Braley, Scipio, 495

Branagan, Thomas, 451, 455, 466, 472

Branch, Mary, and child, 338–39

Branden, Thomas, 380

Brandgon, Thomas (or Brandon), 426, 433, 531n.41

Brandon, Thomas, 391, 394, 409, 413–15

Brangden, Thomas, 395

Branigan, Thomas (or Branagan), 499, 536n.292

Brannagaw, Thomas, 440

Brason, Barbary (Barbara), 126, 257n.3

Brattle, Thomas, 984

Bray, John Bryan (Bryant), 281–82

Bray, Peter, 448, 454

Brazeir, Edward (or Brazer), 955. See also Braizier, Edward

Brazer, Joseph, 419, 421

Brazier, Ann, 169, 636

Breaux, Ammon, 824

Breck, Joseph, 524, 553

Breedy (negro), 549

Breedy, Elanor, 551

Breland, John, 550

Brenton, Charety (or Brinton), 496, 536n.278

Brethers, Margarett, 312

Breton, John, 361

Brett, James, 230

Brett, Mr., 837

Bretton, John, 364

Brew, Alice, 639

Brew, John, 636

Brew, John, and wife, 168

Brewer, Betsey, 554

Brewer, Daniel, 550, 851

Brewer, Elizabeth, 150, 526, 636

Brewer, Rose, 514

Brewer, Ruth, 512

Brewer child, 388

Brewster, Oliver, 984

Brian, John, 454, 459

Briant, George, 168

Briant, John (or Bryant), 447, 455–56, 533n.124, 650

Briant, Mary, 161

Briant, Michael, 237

Briant, Paul, 214

Briant, William, 633

Briant, William (or Bryan), 237, 268n.591

Brichford, Priscilla, 229

Brick, Joseph, 465, 519, 548–50, 553–54

Brick, Sally, 553

Brick, Thomas, 466

Bride, Lawrance, 637

Bridewell: insane, housing of, 24; location of, 32, 71; opening of, 13, 24; overcrowding of, 59; sale of, 13, 63–64

Bridge, Benjamin, 133

Bridge, Bethia, 275

Bridge, Charity, 552

Bridges, Mary, 122

Bridgewater (negro), 249, 269n.622

Bright, Elizabeth, 365–66

Bright, Margaret, 661

Bright, Mary, 350

Bright, Matthew, 241–42, 246, 252, 272, 275, 282

Bright, Sarah, 155

Bright, William, 155–56, 653

Brimal, Elizabeth, 548

Brimer, Nance, 522

Brimhall, Elizabeth, 553, 858, 882

Brimmer, Nancy, 522, 553

Brinton, Charity, 478–79, 494, 497

Brisco, Mary, 115, 280

Briscoe, Mary, 122, 275

Briscon, Mary, 286

Briseau, Amy (Ama), 549, 554

Brison, Abraham, 545

Brison, Amy (Ame), 548, 552

Brister, Mary, and child, 143

Bristol (negro), 142

Bristow, Nathaniel, 156, 660

Brittanors, 58

Broadstreet, Mr., 836

Brockhous, 370–71

Brockus, 956

Bromfield, Edward, 671–72, 674–75, 677, 679–81, 683–88, 691, 693, 695–97, 700, 702, 704, 706, 708–11, 713, 716, 718, 720–21, 725, 730, 734, 736, 740, 742, 745, 753–54, 756, 758

Bromfield, Edward (or Brumfield), 984

Bromfield, Henry (or Bromfeild), 786, 794, 796, 802, 808, 810, 813, 984

Bronsdon, Bant, 170

Brooks, Charles, 159, 634

Brooks, Elizabeth, 551

Brooks, Mary, 142, 167, 170

Brothers, Margret, and child (Margarett; or Brother), 310, 313, 315, 317

Brown, Abigail, and children, 423, 432

Brown, Alis, and children, 363

Brown, Ann, and child, 550

Brown, Easter (Ester), 324, 335–36

Brown, Edward, 984

Brown, Elizabeth, 529, 545

Brown, Elizabeth, and children, 437

Brown, Grace, 956

Brown, Harriet, 492

Brown, Harriot, 444

Brown, Harroit (alias Harriot Moore), 503

Brown, James, 409, 413–14, 431, 435, 439, 466

Brown, James (or Browne), 947

Brown, James, and wife, 278

Brown, Jane, 513

Brown, John, 128, 410, 415, 434, 447, 506, 530, 545–46, 548, 550–53, 654

Brown, Katy, 445, 533n.98

Brown, Lucy (Luce), 526, 549

Brown, Mary, 122, 208, 214, 265n.443, 266n.477, 295–96, 306–7, 309, 365, 382, 400, 450, 455, 638, 827, 832–33, 958, 960

Brown, Mary, and children, 461

Brown, Mr., 837

Brown, Mrs., 958

Brown, Mrs., son of, 315

Brown, Nicholas, 225

Brown, Peter, 505, 508, 638

Brown, Phillis, and child, 396, 399

Brown, Robert, 471, 473, 521, 524–25, 527, 546, 549

Brown, Samson, 373, 393

Brown, Samuel, 310, 526, 548, 550, 800, 964

Brown, Sarah, 548, 629, 637, 893, 896, 900, 942

Brown, Sarah (child), 548

Brown, Sarah, and child, 245, 275

Brown, Sukey, 554, 856, 883

Brown, Susanna, 344, 346, 648, 651, 654, 959

Brown, Temothy, 664

Brown, Thomas, 459–60

Brown, Thomas Filley, 551

Brown, Timothy, 324, 386

Brown, Widow, 947, 952, 957

Brown, William, 134, 233–34, 251, 268n.572, 275, 288, 293, 481, 486

Brown, William, and wife and children, 417

Browne, Grace, 956

Browne, Mary, 382

Browne, Widow, 952

Bruce, James, 248

Bruer, Betey, 387

Bryan, Hugh, and wife, 280

Bryan, John, 455

Bryan, Michael, 236, 268n.580

Bryan, William, 235

Bryann, Hugh, 243

Bryant, Hugh, 292

Bryant, Hugh, and wife, 298

Bryant, John, 444

Bryant, Kathrine, 505

Bryant, Margaret (Margarett), 301, 304, 309

Bryant, Mr., 836

Bryant, O’Danial, 416

Bryant, Trance, 217, 641

Buck, Sarah, 139

Buckhart, George (or Buckheart), 904, 907, 910

Buckler, James, 230, 232

Buckless, Mary, 122

Buckley, Abigail, 652

Buckley, Elizabeth, 549

Buckley, Horace, 551

Buckley, Margaret, 116

Buckley, Mary, 482, 484, 528–29, 545

Buckley, Mary, and daughter Mary, 436

Buckley, Mr. and Mrs., and child, 115

Buckley, Samuel, 549

Buckley, Thomas, 373

Buckley, William, 451, 454, 553–54

Bucklie, James, 753

Buckly, Margaret, 294–95

Budd, John, 143

Buffard, Benjamin, 662

Buffard, Charles, 157, 161, 260n.158

Buffets, Mary, children of, 156, 259n.127

Buffett, Mary, 513, 537n.355, 547, 549

Buffit, Mary, 471, 509–10

Buffitt, Mary, 514

Bufford, Mary, 157, 327, 462, 552, 554

Buffott, Mary, 552

Bugby, Susanna, 552

Bukley, Mary (or Buckley), 517, 538n.378

Bule, Widow, 706

Bulfinch, Charles, 64, 99–100n.138

Bulfinch, Elizabeth, 944

Bulfinch, John (or Bullfinch), 914, 917, 919–20, 922, 924, 926, 928–33, 935, 939–40, 942

Bulfinch Almshouse. See Almshouse (1801)

Bulflinch, Jack and Phillis (or Bulfinch), 512, 537n.348

Bulkley, Mary, and daughter Polly, 432

Bull, Thomas, 517, 520

Bullfinch, Deacon, 937

Bullian, John, 546

Bullman, Sarah, 547

Bulman, Elizabeth, 128

Bumstead, Jeremiah (or Bumsteed), 699, 702

Bumstead, Sarah, 114, 122

Bumsted, Sarah, 631

Bund, William Fossey, 446

Buntin, Sarah, and son John, 863

Burch, John, 639

Burd, Ann (or Bird), 468, 534n.177

Burden, Hannah, 313

Burden, Mary, 122

Burdet, Benjamin, 426

Burdeway, Thomas, 663

Burdick, Benjamin, 942

bureaucracy, 21, 25, 28, 43

Burfert, Mary, 474

Burford, Mary, 371, 374, 384, 394, 411, 423, 426

Burford, Mrs., 325

Burfret, Mary, 475

Burgean, Esther, 661

Burges, Elizabeth, 629

Burgis, and child, 216

Burgis, John, 161, 655

Burgis, Stephen, 161, 655

Burgoin, Esther, and child, 170, 214, 266n.478

Burgoin, Robert, 660

Burjear, Joseph, 168

Burk, Elizabeth, and child, 289–90, 292, 294

Burk, Hanah, 146, 258n.45

Burk, Hannah, 130, 394, 406, 640

Burk, John, 134, 650–51, 866

Burk, Josiah, 661

Burk, Mary, 143, 652

Burk, Patrick, 151, 221, 229, 258n.89, 259n.143

Burk, Patrick, and wife, 146, 258n.50

Burk, Redman, 159–60

Burk, Sarah, 143, 166, 260n.187, 652, 655

Burk, Thomas, 413, 418

Burk, William, 650

Burke, Abigail, 297

Burke, Mary, 313–14

Burke, William, 323

Burkhart, John, 666

Burkhurt, Elizabeth, 456

Burks, Abigail (or Burk), 297

Burn, Elizabeth (or Burns), 478, 535n.208

Burn, Mary (or Burns), 513, 519, 538n.358, 538n.385

Burn, Michael, 753

Burn, Robert, 521

Burnal, Samuel, 138, 632

Burnal, Sarah, 453

Burnes, Charles, 424

Burnet, Elizabeth, 630

Burnet, Margarett, and child, 208, 211

Burnet, Rebecca, 116, 122

Burnet, Sarah, 482

Burni, Sarah, 547

Burnia, Sarah (or Burnham), 449, 533n.102

Burnick, Sarah, 501

Burns, Dennis, 331, 353

Burns, Elizabeth, 899–900

Burns, Mary, 422, 514, 551–52

Burns, Patrick, 447, 450

Burns, Robert, 544

Burns, Thomas, 658, 895

Burns, William, 430, 432

Burrell, Hannah, 145, 162, 258n.43, 627

Burrill, David, 549

Burrnes, Polly (or Burns), 501, 536n.304

Burroughs, Bethia, 247, 269n.616

Burt, Hannah, 361

Burton, Ann, 307–8

Burton, Dinah, 341

Burton, Margaret, 660

Burton, Margarett, 211, 217

Bury, Elizabeth (or Bovey), 547

Busch, Joseph, 689

Butler, Andrew, 550, 851, 880

Butler, Edward, 240, 831

Butler, Henry, 554

Butler, James, 130, 152, 259n.94, 910

Butler, James (or Butters), 475, 534n.193

Butler, Jane, 138, 651

Butler, Joseph, 834

Butler, Margaret (Margratt), 889, 895, 897, 899–900

Butler, Mary, 943, 945, 947–49

Butler, Mary, and children, 468, 479

Butler, Michael, and wife, 148

Butler, Michel, 632

Butler, Mrs., 944

Butler, Nelle, 468

Butler, Nicholas, 830

Butler, Polley, 468

Butler, Rebecka, 913

Butler, Richard, 661

Butler, Sal., 295

Butler, Sarah, 288

Butt, Elizabeth, 912–13

Butt, Margarett, 277

Buttler, James, 157

Byfield, Nathaniel, 984

Byles, Sarah, 122

Caberly, 312

Cade, Mary, 294–95

Cades, John, 889, 892–95, 901

Cades, Mary, 923–27

Caesar and wife (negroes), 278–79, 291

Cahale, Eleonar (or Cahill), 153, 259n.107

Cahale, Sarah, 247, 894, 896, 899

Cahart, Margarett, 639

Cahill, Deliverance, 315

Cahill, Edmund, 142

Cahill, John, 148

Caides, Mary, 923

Cain, Sukey, 556, 560–61, 849–50, 884

Cain, Susanna, 626

Cain, Susanna (or Cane), 128, 257n.8

Cain, Susannah, 521

Caine, Amelie, 486

Calder, Elizabeth, 952

Calder, Jannet, 122

Calder, Lydia, 170

Calder, Mr., 693

Calder, William, 650

Cale, Jacob, 556

Calef, Robert, 984

Calehan, James (or Calehon), 380, 390

Call, John, 276

Call, Timothy, 280

Callahan, Anna, 447

Callahan, John, 560

Camble, Hariot, 410

Camble, Sophia, 410

Camerin, Katty (Katherine or Catharine), 337, 340–41

Campbell, 823

Campbell, Cornelius, 633

Campbell, Cornelius, and wife, 148, 258n.58

Campbell, Dorcas, 633

Campbell, Elizabeth, 127, 280

Campbell, James, 322

Campbell, Mary Ann, 289–90

Campbell, Robert, 698

Campbell, Samuel, 698

Campbell, Smurdock, 384

Canaday, James, 158

Candish, Joseph, 346

Cane, Edmund (or Cain), 217, 229, 268n.552

Cane, Edward, 213, 266n.470

Cane, Sukey, 558

Canser, Deborah, 378

Cape Ann, 856–57

Capen, Mary, 560

Capen, Mr., 279

Capen, Rose, 406

Capron, Becky, 374

Capron, Mary, 129

Cardner, Ceaser, 572

Carell, George, 214

Carey, Elizabeth, 299

Carlan, Thomas, 320

Carle, Thomas, 134

Carle, William, 134

Carlile, Ebenezer, 470–71

Carlton, Lydia, and daughter Betsey, 560

Carlton, William, 328

Carnes, Edward, 820

Carnes, Elizabeth, 122, 139, 641

Carnes, Mehitable, and child, 398, 472

Carney, Richard, 381

Carney, Widow, 948

Carns, John, 434

Caroll, Elizabeth, 650

Carpenter, George, 211, 213

Carr, Ann (alias Gray), 438

Carr, Jeremiah, 438

Carr, Rebecca, and children, 428

Carr, Robert, 442, 447

Carrel, Timothy (or Carrol), 451, 453, 533n.108

Carrell, Elizabeth, 122, 163, 260n.170

Carrell, George, 209

Carrigan, Henry, 656

Carroll, Elizabeth (or Caroll), 652, 667n.5

Carswell, Margaret, 558

Carter, Ann, 273

Carter, Elizabeth, 893

Carter, George, 556, 559

Carter, Hannah, 209

Carter, Jane, 636

Carter, Jeah, 900

Carter, Jeane, 160

Carter, John, and wife and children, 246

Carter, Michael, 679

Carter, Pegg, 404

Carter, Ralph, 894, 896–99, 901–2

Carter, Robert Hill, 786

Carter, Sarah, 893, 942–44, 946

Carter, Widow, 948

Carton, Margrat, 399

Carton, Pegey, 369

Carton, Thomas, 380

Cartor, Mary, and child, 424

Cartor, Polley, and daughter Hannah (or Carter), 409, 415, 531n.11, 531n.24

Cartright, Hanah, 471

Cary, Elizabeth, 274

Cary, Samuel, 862

Caryll, Thomas, 650

Casady, Michel, and wife, 374

Case, Katherine, 560

Casker, John, 646

Cassaday, Michall and Kathrine, 448

Cassady, Micheal and Cathrine, 448

Cassedy, Michal and Ketherina, 369

Cassell, Sarah, 321

Castel, Elizabeth, 294, 297

Castine Town, 852

Castle, Betsey, 558

Castle, Coller, 364

Castle, Elizabeth, 319, 630

Castle, Elizabeth, and child, 219, 225–27, 242, 251, 267n.500, 272, 509, 512

Castor, Peggy, 378

Caswall, Elizabeth, 277

Caten, John, 273, 275

Caten, Richard, 657

Cathan, Charles, 381

Catharina (negro), 346

Cathright, Hannah, 516

Cato (negro), 638, 643n.30

Cattern, Richard, 938

Cavalleer, Francis, 272

Cavalleer, John, 272

Cavanaugh, Dennis, 491, 508

Cavaneu, Widow, 952

Cave, Rebecca, 122

Cavenaugh, Dennis, 251–52, 369

Cavenaugh, Dennis (or Cavnough), 456, 533n.131

Cavenaugh, Mary, 352

Caveneaugh, Elizabeth, 639

Cavenough, Dennis (or Cavnough), 498, 536n.291

Cavenough, Mary, 310

Cavenu, Michel (or Michael Cavenaugh), 148, 258n.64, 631

Cavernex, Margarett, and son George (or Cavenex), 628, 643n.6

Cavernex, Peggy, 152, 259n.93

Cavernox, Margarett, 157

Cavilla, Anthony, 255

Cavnagh, Dennis (or Cavnough), 518, 538n.379

Cavnough, Denis, 456

Cazneau, Isaac, 815–17, 819–21

census (1688), 19

census (1756), 64, 76, 96n.111, 100n.139, 107, 113–19

Cetias (black woman), 516

Chace, Enock, 517–18

Chace, Nabby, 556

Chadwell, Mary, 147

Chadwell, William, 812, 825

Chadwick, Hannah, 139, 634

Chaffey, Kezia, 383

Chaimbers, John (or Chambers), 359, 379, 392, 409, 417, 531n.12

Chalendor, Ann (or Chalender), 406, 531n.3

Challender, Nancy (or Challandor), 389, 431

Chaloner, Ann, 431, 440, 446, 482

Chaloner, Nancy (or Chandlner), 555

Chambeland, David, 493

Chamberlain, Elizabeth, 238, 251

Chamberlain, Samuel, 845

Chamberland, Daved (or Chamberlain), 495, 502, 536n.271, 537n.310

Chamberland, Hannah (or Chamberlain), 518, 538n.380

Chamberlin, Daved, 508

Chamberlin, David (or Chamberlain), 461, 534n.149

Chambers, John, 338

Chambers, Saunders, 656

Champany, John, 801

Champion, Jane, 116, 122, 631

Champlain, Thomas, 558

Champlen, Ben Harris, 664

Champlen, Benone (Benoney) Harris, 345–46, 372

Champlen, Elizabeth, 664

Champlen, Elizabeth Harris, 345–46, 350

Champney, Benjamin, 653

Champney, Danforth, 143, 652

Champny, Mary, 631

Chance (mulatto), 590

Chandler, Ebenezer, 886

Chandler, Mr., 837

Chandler, Mrs., 963

Chandler, Philemon, 826–27, 829

Chandler, Samuel, 915–16, 919, 921, 925–27, 929, 931, 934, 936–38

Chandler, Samuel, and wife, 319

Chandlers, Mrs., 960–61

Chandlers children, 960

Chapman, Jonathan, 557, 559

Charles, Abbigall, 502

Charles, Elizabeth, 501

Charles, Marther, and children, 500–501

Charles, Patty, 502

Charlestown, Flucker, 470, 481

Charlestown, Town of, 871–73

Charleton, Thomison, 167, 212, 260n.195, 628

Charlstown, Flucker, 472

Charlton, Thomison, 630

Chase, Catharine, 555, 560

Chauncy, Charles, 33, 984

Check, Richard, 138

Checkley, Samuel (or Chickley), 984

Cheeseman, Elizabeth, 559–60

Cheever, Joshua, 671, 674, 680, 685, 691, 697–98, 984

Cherry, Isaac, 913

Cherry, Margaret, 657

Cherry, Samuel, 657

Chester, Jedediah, 478, 482

Chevalier, Mary, 560

Chevers, Mr., 838

Child, John, 167, 636

Child, Sarah, 283–84, 631

children: at Almshouse vs. Workhouse, 34, 75–76, 79; education of, 49; guardianship of, 49; illegitimate, 22, 70 (see also orphanages); removal of, 21–22; value of, 52

Childs, John, and wife, 143

Chipman, Benjamin, 324

Chipman, Charles, 557

Choat, Rebeca, 172

Choat, Rebekah, 636

Christa, Marther (or Christie), 519, 538n.387

Christey, Partrick (or Christia), 361–62

Christian charity, 17–18. See also Puritanism

Christie, Sarah, and child, 274

Christopher, Patrick, 245, 247

Christy, Ann, 208, 266n.445

Chubb, Abigail, 419

Chubb, Benjamin, 171, 208, 212, 228, 251, 261n.211, 275, 284

Chubb, Mary (or Stanley), 637, 643n.29

Church, Benjamin, 815

Church, John, 556

Church, Nathaniel, 755

Churchell, Benjamin, 468

churches, founding of, 30

Churchill, Benjamin, 463

Church of England, 20

Circomle, Ceasor, 555

civil administration, English standards, 19

Cladish, Jane, 276

Clancey, Judah, 323–24

Clap, Supply, 884

Clarage, Frances, 355

Clare, Hannah, 457

Clare, William and Hannah, and son Joseph, 454

Clarica (mulatto), 372

Claridge, Francis, 340

Clark, Abigail, 214, 239, 266n.473, 630

Clark, B., 757

Clark, Benjamin (or Clarke), 762, 765, 798, 805, 815, 821

Clark, Fanny (Fanne), 279, 348, 359, 377, 560

Clark, Frances (Francis), 417, 531n.26

Clark, Francis, 984

Clark, George, 504

Clark, Hannah, 228

Clark, Henry Peterson, 556

Clark, James, 637, 761

Clark, Jane, 466, 486

Clark, John, 172, 351, 358, 503, 510, 559, 874

Clark, Judith, 230, 241

Clark, Lucy, 299, 469

Clark, Mary, 629

Clark, Mary, and child, 512

Clark, Robert, 283, 647

Clark, Samuel, 344

Clark, Sarah, 122, 278, 638

Clark, William (or Clarke), 684–87, 689, 691–92, 695, 698–700, 705

Clark, William and Mary, 509

Clarke, 317

Clarke, Benjamin, 825

Clarke, Jane, 476

Clarke, John (or Clark), 511, 537n.343

Clarke, Rebecka, 914, 917

Clarke, Samuel, 282

Clarrage, Frances, 361, 379

Clarrage, Frances, and wife, 396

Clarrage, Francis and Mary, 387

Clear, John, 141

Clear, Susanna, 279

Clear, William, 137

Cleare, William, 461

Clefton, Margaret, 116

Clemens, William, 560

Clemmens, Lawrence, 143, 214

Clerke, John (or Clerk), 462, 534n.155

Cleverly, Elizabeth, 172, 261n.213

Cleverly, Samuel, 559

Cleverly, Sarah, 490, 535n.253

Clifford, Joseph, 754

Clifford, Mary, and child, 219, 225

Clifton, Margaret, 122

Clinton, Aaron, 754

Cloe (Chloe; negro), 405, 531n.1

Clough, Abigail, 350, 665

Clough, Cain, 495

Clough, Elizabeth, 394, 634, 649

Clough, Elizabeth, and children (alias Mortall), 628, 643n.9

Clough, Elizabeth, children of, 130

Clough, Joseph, 350

Clough, Margarett, and children, 309

Clough, Margery, and child, 334

Clough, Martha, 208, 555, 629

Clough, Marthor, 664

Clough, Mary, 654

Clough, Mehetable (Mehittable), 157, 226, 259n.139, 275

Clough, Patty, 337

Clough, Polly, 160

Clough, Rose, 309

Clow, Abigail, 398

Clow, Kian, 497

Clow, Mehitable, 279

Clow, Patte, 344

Coaster, James, 557–58

Cober (negro; or Cooper), 150, 258n.75

Cobourn, Ebenezer, 913

Cobourn, John (or Coburn), 445, 532n.94

Coburn, Elizabeth, 477, 480

Coburn, John, 450

Coburn, Joseph, 408

Cocheran, Michael, 334

Cochran, 823

Cochran & Cambell, 800

Cocknan, David, 323

Cockran, Michael, 330

Cocks, Ebenezer (or Cox), 420, 531n.30

Cocks, William (or Cox), 483, 535n.226

Codd, Thomas (Edward), 663, 667n.26

Codman, John, Jr., 984

Codman, Stephen, 860

Coes, Samuel, 381

Coffin, George, 659

Coffin, Mrs. Edward, 238, 268n.592

Cohvel, Richard, 331

Coks, Philys, 509

Colbert, Elizabeth, 273

Colbert, Richard, 122, 383

Colburn, Mary, 352

Cole, Elizabeth, 641

Cole, John, 287, 430–31, 444, 452

Cole, Mary, 122, 478–79, 481

Cole, Thomas, 291

Coleby, Sally, 560

Coleman, William, 984

Coles, Abigail, 657

Colesweather, Joseph, 332

Colesworthy, Joseph, 439

Coleworthy, Amey, 638

Coley, Hezzediah, 813

Colingo, Simon, 156

Colingow, Simon, 153

Collen, Mr., 836

Colley, James, 122

Colley, Thomas, 473–74

Collier, John, 463–64

Collines child (or Collins), 493, 536n.264

Collings, Larrance, 909

Collins, Allice, 295

Collins, Daniel, 468–69

Collins, Jane, 254

Collins, Judith, 557

Collins, Lawrence, and wife, 228–30, 243–44, 276

Collins, Lawrence (Larance), and wife, 908

Collins, Mary, 556–57

Collins, Michael, 561

Collins, Sarah, 139

Collins, William, 219, 661

Collins child, 298

Collis, Hannah, 145, 631

Collort, Richard, 329

Collyer, Edward, and wife, 336–37

Colman, John, 250

Colman, Mary, 144, 638

Colonial Law, 82n.10

Colster, Elizabeth, 363

Colter, Betsey, 365

Colter, Eleanor, 234, 237

Colton, Elizabeth, 363

Colton, Elizabeth, and child Elizabeth, 494

Colton, Martha, and daughter, 114

Combe, Hannah, 556

Comberford, James, 399

Combes, Elizabeth, 122

Combes, Mary, 255

Combs, Mary, 556

Comede, John, 348

Comerford, James, 456–57, 462–63

Comerly, Michael, 365

Comley, Michael, 440, 444

Comley, Michal, 364

Comly, Michael, 359

Comorell, John (or Comorel), 355, 358

Compton, Frances, 122

Conant, Flora, 559

Conarley, Margrat, 405

Conday, Salley, 444

Conden, Michael, 324

Conden, Peggy, 556, 846, 880

Condon, Elizabeth, 431, 466, 470, 473, 492, 511

Condon, Jenny, 559

Condon, Michael, 256, 275, 314, 317, 321

Condon, Michael, and wife, 427

Condon, Philip, 254

Condon, Sarah, 452

Condon, Thomas, 663

Conerley, Margrat (or Conerlly), 386–87

Coneway, Ephraim, 636

Coney, Sarah, and child, 397, 414, 416, 419, 426, 437

Coningen, Henry (or Conigen), 142, 257n.34

Connant, Backus (or Conant), 514–15, 538n.361

Connecticut vs. Massachusetts, 89n.60

Conneil, Cornelius, 298

Connel, Mary, 641

Connel, Mary (or Connell), 216, 266n.489

Conner, Elizabeth, 295

Conner, John, 556

Conner, Martha, and children, 292

Conner, Marthor, 384

Conner, Michael (or Connor), 496, 536n.277

Connor, Henry, 287

Connor, John, 390–91, 394–95, 555

Conorley, Margrat, 404

Constant, James, 213, 217

Constong, Andrew, 298

Convis, Lois, 865

Conwill, Daniel, 648

Coocks, Thomas, 559, 861

Cook, Betty, 556

Cook, Catharine (Catherina), 358, 389, 441, 448

Cook, Edward M., Jr., 91n.75

Cook, Elizabeth, 138, 313

Cook, Eunice, 914, 917–18, 920, 924

Cook, Jacob, 880

Cook, Joseph, 249–50

Cook, Mary, 225, 868

Cook, Sophia, 559

Cooke, Eunice, 915

Cooke, Widow, 915

Cooks, Ebenezer, 424

Cooledge, Peter (or Coollidge), 767, 769, 771, 774, 778, 781, 784, 788

Cooley, Ann, 462

Cooley, Eleanor, 254

Coombes, Mary, 277

Coombs, Elizabeth, 114

Coombs, Sarah, 522

Coon, John, 453

Cooney, Lewis, 913

Cooper, Hannah, 479, 502, 509, 521

Cooper, John, 332, 557–58

Cooper, Lawrence, 165, 635

Cooper, Robert, 127

Cooper, Samuel, 33

Cooper, Thomas, 291, 293, 295, 297

Cooper, William, 982

Coplin, Susanah, 458

Copp, Elizabeth, 116, 122

Copp, Lydia, 275, 293

Copps, William, 484, 489

Corben, Elizabeth, 290, 293, 306

Corben, Nathaniel, 435

Corbert, Richard, 393

Corbet, Ann, 373, 379

Corbet, Isaac, 375, 665

Corbet, James, 373

Corbet, Thomas, 373, 380

Corbett, Nathaniel (or Corbet), 657, 667n.14

Corbett, Richard, 452

Corbett, William, 658

Corbin, Elizabeth, 308, 310, 658

Corbin, Nathaniel, 555

Corborn, Nathaniel, 441

Corbot, John, 665

Coredry, Mrs., 916

Corkrall, David (or Cockrall), 216, 266n.488

Corn, Elizabeth, 557–59

Corndell, Thomas, 241

Corneil, Cornelius, 303

Corneliuson, Cornelius, 304

Cornelus, Ary, 544

Cornelus, George, 560

Cornett, Rebecca, 433

Cornish, Deborah, 291

Cornish, Elizabeth, 73, 366, 477, 483, 509, 518, 559

Cornish, James, 391

Cornish, James and Elizabeth, 358

Cornish, Josheph, 938

Cornish, Joshua, 915, 917, 919–20, 922, 925–26, 928

Cornish, Rebeca, 513

Cornwall, David, 558

Cornwall, Deliverance, 558

Cornwall, Nancy, 558

Cornwall, Robert (child), 558

Cornwall, Robert and Sarah, and children, 558

corporal punishment, 74, 99n.137

Corrente, Andre, 416

Corthen, Sarah, 320

Cotney, Elizabeth, 167

Cotrell, David, 289

Cotta, Bethia, 219–22, 267n.505

Cotterell, Mrs., 246

Cotton, Diana, 426

Cottrell, Judith, 218

Coudey, Widow, 932

Coulton, Martha, 122

Counts, William, 473, 555

Courrier, Abigail, 557, 559

Courtney, Mary, 272, 646

Covan, Mary, and children, 341

Covel, Mary, 363

Covel, Samuel, 365, 451–52

Covel, Samuel, and son Samuel, 435

Covell, Betsey, 560

Covell, John, 355, 664

Covell, Mary, 664

Covell, Mary, and children, 378

Covell, Samuel, 358

Covell, Samuel and Elizabeth, 556

Covell, Sarah, 557

Coven, Betsey, 348

Coven, Mary, 348

Coville, Elizabeth (or Coille), 476, 535n.205

Cowdry, Mary, 917, 925, 927

Cowdry, Widow, 929

Cowel, Mrs., 482

Cowell, 427

Cowell, Joseph, 557

Cowell, Mary, 441, 459

Cowell, Mary, and child, 423

Cowell, Polly, 432, 514, 523, 558–59

Cowell, Sarah, 323, 518, 555

Cowen, Elizabeth, 472, 474, 557

Cowhat, Mary, 849

Cowley, Elizabeth, 273

Cowley, John, 635

Cowley, Sarah, 166, 260n.187

Cowling, Betsey, 370

Cowling, Loveby, 370

Cowling, Susannna, and children, 370, 378

Cowper, Hannah, 516

Cox, Abigail, 647

Cox, Ann, 73, 393, 400, 440, 447, 475

Cox, Ann, and daughter Peggy, 301

Cox, Anna, 391, 943–45, 947–48

Cox, Benjamin, 941

Cox, Bridget, 452

Cox, Ebenezar and Ann, 448, 458, 494, 505, 519

Cox, Ebenezer, 413, 415, 555, 557–59

Cox, Elias, 135, 653, 950

Cox, Elizabeth, 122, 951

Cox, Grace, 285, 288, 295, 327–28, 509, 511–12, 528, 559

Cox, Jesse, 943

Cox, Jude, 147, 258n.51

Cox, Judith, 150, 632

Cox, Mary, 138, 560, 895, 899

Cox, Nance, 467

Cox, Samuel, 281

Cox, Sarah, 282

Cox, Thomas, 138, 651, 881

Cox, Widow, 949–50, 952

Cox, William, 486, 921–22

Cox, York, 453, 504

Craft, Hannah, 309

Craft, Thomas, 825

Crafts, Mary, 375–76

Crafts, Rachel, 555

Crafts, Sally (or Craft), 513, 538n.359

Crafts, Thomas, 685, 829, 834

Crage, Betsey, 416

Crage, Elizabeth, 422, 555

Crage, James, 560

Crage, John, 404, 407

Craige, Abigail, 646

Craige, Elizabeth, 426–27

Craige, Mary, 146, 258n.44, 648

Craigie, Thomas, 649

Crain, Polley, 400

Cranch, Robert Garland, 299, 301

Crane, Anthony, 871

Crane, Elizabeth, 560, 871

Crane, Katharine (Katharain), 165, 167, 635

Crane, Mary, 666

Crane, Polley (alias Marion Garrow), 413

Crane, Ruth, 557, 859, 880

Crawford, James, 278

Crawford, Mary, 79

Crawley, John, 557

Crawley, Michel (or Crowley), 440, 532n.81

Cray, John, 346

Crehore, Hannah (or Crehose), 116, 122

Crispin, Frances, 470, 475

Cristie, Martha, 856

Croach, Henry, 380

Crocker, John, 840

Crocker, Mr., 838

Crockers, Mr. and Mrs., 961

Croffe, Mary, and child, 505

Croge, Andrew, 653

Croge, Hannah, 122

Croizie, Francis, 287

Cromartee, Elizabeth, 944

Cromartee, Widow, 948, 950

Cromartie, Ann, 655, 660

Crompton, Mary, 122

Croney, Lewis, 913

Cronston, William, 524

Crosbey, Mary, 296

Crosby, Anna, 556

Crosby, Joshua, 297–98

Crosby, Mary, 273, 275, 297, 305, 307

Crosby, Nancy, 252

Cross, Ann, 371

Cross, Mary, 300

Cross, Nancy (Nancey), 514, 556

Cross, Thomas, 300, 336, 349–50, 362, 420, 425, 428, 430, 438, 443, 558

Crossan, Nancy, 557, 559

Crosswell, Nathaniel, 558

Croston, William, 521

Croswell, Catharine, 300–301

Croswell, Nathaniel, 557

Croswell, Samuel, 301

Crouch, Fanney, 398

Crouch, Richard, 350, 365, 370, 374, 386, 391, 422, 435, 486

Crout, Richard, 484

Croutch, Mary, 122, 633

Crow, Mary, 322

Crowell, Christopher, 850, 884

Crowley, Catharina (Katharina), 356, 375

Crowley, Michael (Michal; Michel), 410, 431–32, 446, 474

Crowley, Michell, 555

Croxford, James, 770

Croxford, Mary, 145, 630

Crumpton, Mary, 116

Crumwell, Ann (or Cromwell), 392, 399, 429, 532n.54, 666

Cuber (negro), 633

Cuff (negro), 236, 268n.584

Cullam, George, 275

Culver, Patrick, 298

Cumber, Michael, 242

Cumber, Peter, 274

Cumberford, James, 416

Cumings, John, 325

Cumlar, Mary, 314

Cummont, Francis, 646

Cumston, Henry, 560

Cuningham, Davis, 329

Cuningham, James, 379

Cuningham, Luse, 405

Cunington, William, 556

Cunningham, James, 329, 335–36, 705

Cunningham, Johanna, 558

Cunningham, Luce, 666

Cunningham, Margarett (Margaret), 140, 215, 219, 266n.483, 272, 307, 630, 652

Cunningham, Owen, 116, 122

Cunningham, Peggy, and child, 556–57

Cunningham, William, 272, 674, 679, 686, 695

Curdie, Elizabeth, 122

Curley, Rebeckah, 504

Curlin, Peter, 556

Currente, Andrew, 428

Currier, Ann, 297

Curry, Hannah, 857

Curtain, Eleanor, 128

Curtain, Penelope, 647

Curtain, William, 128, 649

Curtes, Charlotte, 881

Curtes, William, 358

Curtin, Bartholomew, and wife, 237, 240, 268n.588

Curtis, Charles, 555, 558

Curtis, Charlotte, 556, 860, 882

Curtis, Davis Colemore, 860

Curtis, John, 322, 325

Curtis, Lydia, 654

Curtis, Mary, 126

Curtis, Obadiah, 795

Curtis, Ralph, 151, 632

Curtis, Sarah, 894, 896–97, 942

Curtis, Sarah, and child, 210, 275

Curtis, Thomas, 482, 485

Curtis, William, 353, 363, 408, 434–35, 495–96, 499, 506, 516, 524, 555

Cusett, William, 499

Cushing, Elizabeth, 278, 327

Cushing, Hannah, 555

Cushing, John, and children, 114

Cushing, Mr., 838

Cushing, Thomas, 684

Cutler, James, 884

Cutler, Sarah, 895

Cuttin, Proodence, 289

Cutton, Prudence, 342

Cyer, Sarah (or Keyer), 220, 222, 226, 267n.536

Cyrus (negro), 340

Dagells, Michael, 563

Dailey, Elizabeth, 563

Dailey, Hannah, 561

Dailey, Mary, 398–99

Dailey, Michael, 273

Daily, Michael, 239, 244, 248

Dailye, Michael, 251

Daley, Partrick, 912

Dalman, Elizabeth, 420

Daly, Dennis, and wife and child (or Daley), 525, 538n.407

Dampsen, Peggy, 319

Damry, Elizabeth, and children, 364

Damson, Sarah, 318

Dana, David, 510

Dana, Elizabeth, 561

Dandle, Bryan, 329

Dandley, Briant, 330

Danee, Eunice, 463

Daniels, Eleanor, 284, 289

Daniels, Joseph, 564

Daniels, Thomas, 162

Daniels, William, 133, 146, 157, 259n.138, 640

Danne, Elizabeth, 478

Dannee, Daved, 506

Dannie, Elizabeth, 466

Dantree, Ann, 122

Dantry, Widow, 670–78

Daphney (negro), 488

Darby, Eleazar (or Dorby), 714, 717

Darcey, Jese, 286

Darcey, Martha, 286

Darcey, Mary, 286

Darnbrook, Hepzibah, 247

Darrington, William, 278–79

Darrinton, George (or Darrington), 122, 151, 258n.87

Darrinton, Peggy, 159

Darsey, Marthey (or Martha Dorsey), 472, 534n.189

Dauphin, Elizabeth, 128

Dausey, Martha, 309, 311

Davan, John, 561–63, 565

Davedson, John, 491

Davedson, William (or Davidson), 510, 513, 537n.338

Davenport, Thomas, 494

Daverson, Martha (or Davidson), 148, 258n.62

David (negro), 226

Davidson, John, 484

Davidson, Martha, 122, 130, 209

Davidson, Mary, 165

Davidson, William, 527–28, 563

Davis, Alme, 527

Davis, Ame, 529

Davis, Anne, 561

Davis, Benjamin, 127, 804, 984

Davis, David, 209

Davis, Edward, 222, 240, 804

Davis, Elisha, 523

Davis, Elizabeth, 122, 626, 636

Davis, George, 380

Davis, Isaac, 497

Davis, John, 157, 159, 229, 238, 268n.553, 286, 290, 294, 299, 313, 649, 719, 721–29

Davis, Jonathan, 288, 804, 806, 816, 822

Davis, Joseph, 670–97, 699–705, 708–20, 730–32

Davis, Liffe, 562

Davis, Margarett, 640

Davis, Margrat, 415

Davis, Mary, 115, 122, 208, 265n.444, 274, 626, 648, 827, 829, 834, 893–94, 896, 898, 901–2

Davis, Nero, 472

Davis, Polley Greenleaf, and child, 389–90

Davis, Polly, 439, 561, 565

Davis, Robert, 946

Davis, Samuel, 253–54, 946

Davis, Sarah, 345, 562

Davis, Silance (or Silence), 946–47

Davis, Susana, 947

Davis, Thomas, 122, 462, 464, 498, 503

Davis, Widow, 947

Davis, William, 671

Davison, Mary, 233

Davison, William, 159, 634

Dawes, Charlote, 492

Dawes, Isaac, 326

Dawes, Isabella, 300

Dawes, Mary, 440, 467, 470, 518

Dawes, Mary, and child, 437

Dawes, Thomas, 785, 795, 802, 807, 813, 828, 834

Dawes, Ysabellah, 302

Daws, Charlotte, 493

Dawse, Thomas, 779, 822

Dawsey, Jeremiah, 296

Dawson, Abigail, 117, 122

Dawson, Betsy, 288

Dawson, Elizabeth, 245, 389

Dawson, James, 122

Dawson, John, 510

Dawson, John and Magret, 476

Dawson, John and Margret, and son John, 484

Dawson, Margarett, 561–63, 593

Dawson, Roseanah (Rosana), 476, 535n.204

Dawson, Sarah, 316, 320, 323

Dawsy, and children, 287

Dawsy, Patty, 564

Day, Abigail, 65

Day, Jonathan, 804

Day, Lucy, 564–65, 847–48, 880, 883. See also Blackstone, Elizabeth

DCosta, Nancy, and daughter (or Decosta), 433, 532n.65

Deagles, Hannah, 473

Deagles, Joshua, 473

Dean, Eliphalet, 854

Dean, Jane, 694

Dean, Jeremiah, 564

Dean, Joseph, 820

Dean, William (or Bean), 564

Deane, Edward, 650

Deane, Richard, 409

Dearing, Ruth, 565

DeArtey, David, 214–15

Decost, Margaret, 895–99

Decoster, Ezekiel, 565

Decoster, Johannah, 311

Dedham Town, 853

Deering, Henry (or Dereing or Dering), 984

Defoe, Daniel, 20

Dehacket, Joshua P K (alias Patrick Hancock), 495

Dehagat, Joshua P K (alias Hancock), 471

Delahunt, William, 658

Delahunty, Katherine, 564

Delance, Filip, 452

Delanee, Katherine, and children, 903

Delaney, Ann, and children (or Delany), 385, 396, 409, 416, 531n.10

Delano, Thomas, 884

Delanty, Phillip, 446

Delaplace, Prudence (or Delaplaice or Deplace), 914, 916, 919, 921, 924, 927, 936, 939, 942–45

Delaplace, Widow, 946–48

Delay, Mary, 472

Delbe, Christopher, 122

Delhond, John, 690

Dellarue, Samuel, 284

Delotte, Joanna, 163

Delucena, Samuel (or Dulucena or DeLucene), 760, 763, 765, 768, 771, 774, 777, 807

Delve, Christopher, 116

Demeret, Thomas, 278

Demerry, Thomas, 285

Demey, Partrick, 368

Dempson, Margaret, 323

Demry, Richard and Elizabeth, and children, 371, 375

Denia, David, 437

Denne, Elizabeth, 421

Dennes, Elizabeth, 474

Denney, Betey, 517

Denney, Elizabeth, 515, 519

Dennie, Anthony, 840

Dennie, Betsey (Elizabeth), 517

Dennie, Betsy, and child, 433

Dennie, David, 359, 367, 410

Dennie, Elizabeth, 290, 516

Dennie, John, 839

Dennis, David, 561

Dennis, John, 563

Dennis, Martha, 561, 563

Dennis, Mr., 836

Denny, David, 564

Denny, Elizabeth, and child, 528

Deplace, Prudence. See Delaplace, Prudence

Dering, Henry, 674

Derrick, John, 321–22

Desain, Eleanor (alias Street), 137

deserving vs. undeserving poor, 13; and the Almshouse (1686), 59, 79; and the Almshouse (1801), 75; and the Quincy Report, 13; responsibility for relief of, 19, 23–24, 30–32, 38–39; warning out of, 55; and the Workhouse (1738/39), 71, 74–75

Despe, Mary, 239

De St. Prie, Charles (or St. Pree), 364, 416, 666

Devall, John, 421

Devan, John, 414, 528

Devereux, Katarine, 122, 626

Devereux, Mary, 647

Devier, Daniel, 334

DeVoll, Charles, 527

Dewen, John, 114

Dexter, Mr., 838

Dexter, Peggy, 563

Dexter, Samuel, 158, 786–87, 802, 984

Diblin, Nancy, 327

Dickens, Charles, 74

Dickenson, Daniel, and daughter Antha, 565

Dickerson, Fanny, 528

Dickey, Dolley, 937

Dickey, Edward, 340, 343

Dickey, Mary, 222, 252

Dickey, Nathaniel, 332, 337, 340

Dicks, Hannah, 131

Dicks, William, 163

Digby, Daniel, 158–59

Dighton, Town of, 851

Dilla, Thomas, 117

Dilley, Thomas, 122

Dilmore, Daniel, 562

Dimon, Hannah, 955–56

Dimond, Thomas, 284, 289

Dinah (negro), 255, 275, 305

Dinnison, Jack, 563

Dinsdell, John, 117, 122

Dirby, Katarine, 209

Dirck, Jancey, 516

Dix, Hannah, 789, 793

Dix, John (or Jonathan), 793, 801

Dix, Jonathan, 811, 817, 824, 827, 831

Dix, Samuel, 736–38, 740, 742, 747, 749–50, 753, 756, 758, 760, 766, 772, 777–78, 784

Dix, Susana, 116, 139

Dix, Susanna, 122, 641

Dix, Susannah, 160

Dix, William, 165

Dixey, Agnes (Nancey), 378

Dixon, Mary, 913, 915

Dixon, Mrs., 953, 955

Dixson, Mary, 918

Dizer, Francis, 655

Do, Polle, 459

Doak, Mary, 295

Doake, Mary, 281, 289, 343

Doaks, Mary, 290

Doaks, Pol, 289

Doan, Richard, 415

Doane, Crowell, 564, 875

Doane, Jenny, 443

Doane, Willard, 874–75

Doane, William, 564

Dobbie, John (Jas.), and wife and children, 528–29, 539n.518

Dobbie, Naomi (or Dobbei), 562–63

Dobbie, Rachel (child) (or Dobbei), 562–63

Dobbie, Rachel, and children (or Dobbei), 562–63, 859, 880

Dockerty, James, 524

Docketty, James, 523

Dockety, James (or Dokerty), 523, 538n.403

Dockham, Samuel, 327

Dockham, William, 489

Dockim, Meriame (or Dockum), 482, 535n.223

Dockim, William, 474

Dockim, William and Meriam (or Dockum), 468, 534n.176

Dockum, Mariam, 561

Dockum, Meriam, 477, 513

Dockum, Merriam, 489, 493

Dockum, Mirraim (Mary), 561, 564–65

Dockum, Sarah, 248, 275, 279, 283, 311, 364

Dockum, William, 274–75, 475

Dodge, Ebenezer, 288, 295

Dodge, Ham, 228

Dodge, Jethro, 311–12

Dodge, Joshua, 672, 676

Dodge, Luce, 515

Dodge, Patience, 565, 884

Dogan, John, 277

Dogen, James, 272

Dogget, Adam, 452

Dokerty, James, 519

Dokes, Mary, 344

Dolbear, Benjamin (or Dolbeare), 807, 809, 811, 813, 818, 823, 829, 834

Dolbear, Benjamin (or Dolebear or Dolebeare), 769, 772, 774, 776, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 796, 802

Dolbeare, Benjamin, 92n.82, 984

Dolbeare, David, and wife and child, 224, 231

Dolbeare, Thomas, 565

Dolbee, Thomas, 564

Dolder, John, 210

Doll, Charles, 472, 488

Dollar, Mrs., 951, 953, 955–58, 960

Dollar, Mrs., grandchildren of, 953, 955

Dollar, Widow, 952–57, 959

Dollerson, John, 126

Dollison, Arthur, 122

Dollison, John, 136, 650

Dollison, Sam, 136

Dollover, Thomas (or Dolliver), 413, 532n.21

Domineca, John, 169, 635

Domineque, Fradrick, 441

Dominique, Freedrick, 438

Done, Jacob, 562

Done, Seth, 874

Done, William, 565

Donevan, Timothy, 432

Donnavin, Timothy (Donnovan), 431, 532n.60

Donnet, William, 428

Donnison, Andrew, 565

Donnot, William, 512

Doran, Daniel, 507

Dorcey, Patty (Pattey), 510, 563

Dorchester, Town of, 866–67

Dorcy, Martha, 528, 562

Dorcy, Marther (Martha Dorsey), 480, 535n.213

Dorcy, Marther (or Dorsey), 483, 535n.227

Dorcy, Mather (or Patty Dorsey), 512, 537n.349

Dorcy, Pattey (Martha Dorsey), 488, 535n.244

Dorcy, Patty, 495

Dorkerty, James, 519

Dorman, George, 521

Dormant, George, 519

Dorothy, Mary, 122, 626

Dorr (child), 393

Dorr, Mary, 122

Dorran, Daniel, 505

Dorrel, Hepha. (Hitty), 564

Dorrinton, Margarett (or Darrington or Dorrington), 158, 163, 259n.140, 260n.173

Dorris, Jane, 369

Dorsay, Pattey (Martha Dorsey), 502, 511, 537n.307

Dorsey, Marther (Martha), 468, 534n.179

Dorsey, Marthey (Martha), 474, 476, 534n.190

Dorsey, Patty (Patte), 439, 457, 459

Dorsey, Rosannah, 483

Dorsy, Martha, 298

Dorty, James, 520

Doubt, Isaac, 154, 637

Doubt, Nyott, 804

Dougharty, John, 339

Doughty, James (alias Doley), 501

Douglas, John, 229, 232

Dowdell, Eleanor, 122

Dowdell, Patrick, 246, 248

Dowen, John, 122

Down, Rebecca, 665

Down, William (or Downe or Donne), 984

Downe, James, 435, 452–53

Downe, Mary, and daughter, 279

Downe, Rebecca, 396

Downe, Samuel, 767

Downe, William, 675, 680, 685, 689, 697, 699–700, 704, 706, 708, 711, 713, 718, 720, 722, 725, 727, 730, 734, 736, 740, 744, 749

Downes, John, 565

Downey, James, 455, 466–67, 477, 490, 492, 498

Downey, John, 241–42, 350, 355

Downey, Mary, 467, 470, 479, 490, 503

Downing (child), 388

Downing, George, 224, 228, 240, 249, 251, 274, 277, 280, 283

Downing, Susanna, 210

Downs, Isaac (or Downes), 475, 490, 502, 510, 537n.312

Downs, Rebecca, 392

Downy, Mary, 501

Dowrick, Mary, 425, 482

Dowzen, Hendrick, 563

Doyle, Jane, 122, 242

Doyle, Thomas, 340, 346

Drace, Elizabeth, 492

Dracey, Elizabeth, 482

Dracey, Sarah, 484

Drake, Ebenezer, 326

Draper, Richard, 984

Draps, Mary Joyce, and child, 208

Drasy, Elizabeth, 564

Drazia, Elizabeth, 563–65

Drew, Cala, 390

Drew, Catharina, 389, 665

Drew, Charles, 389, 397, 665

Drew, Rachal, 397

Drew, Rachel, 389

Dring, Elizabeth, 122, 155

Drinker, Edward, 679

Driscol, Dennis, 562

Driscoll, John, 366–67

Driskey, Cornelos, 429

Drisky, Cornelius, 427

Droron, Ann (or Anna Paine), 631, 643n.22

Drue, Rachel, 400

Drummer, Jeremiah, 984

Drummond, Mary, and children, 278–79

Drummond, Partrick, 383–84

Druvet, Mary, 323

Dry, Mary, 122

Duberger, Lucy, 349

Dubois, Ann, 158–59

Ducas, James and Elizabeth, 564

Dudings, Sarah, and children (or Duding), 223, 226

Dudley, ELizabeth, 682

Duet, Polly, 322

Duffee, James, 561

Dugan, Elizabeth, and daughter Sarah, 563

Duggel, Elizabeth, 484, 504

Duggel, Elmira, 504

Dukes, Elenor, 410, 415

Dukes, Nelly, 458

Dulash, Nicholas, 427, 470

Dulgah, Lidia, 562

Dulgars, Lucy, 562

Dumaresque, Ann, 242, 663

Dumaresque, Ebenezer, 657

Dumet, Lewis, 561

Dumphy, James, 122, 649, 653

Dumphy, Mary, 245–46, 649, 659

Dunbrook, Hepzibah (Hipsibah), 289, 303

Duncalf, Samuel, 381, 419, 509

Duncan, Samuel, 698

Duncan, Sarah, 502

Dungar, Lidia, 513

Dungar, Thomas, 504

Dungar, William, 504

Dunham, Mary, 563

Dunham, Rd., 139

Dunken, Salley, 392, 418

Dunken, Sarah, 666

Dunker, Elizabeth, 383

Dunkin, Sarah (or Sally Dunken), 494, 516, 536n.268, 538n.372

Dunlap, Jane, 913

Dunlap, Robert, 442, 451

Dunlee, William (or Denley), 208, 265n.441

Dunn, Andrew, 660

Dunn, Edward, 210, 640

Dunn, Jack, 210

Dunn, John, 152, 154, 642

Dunn, Mary, 212

Dunn, Michael, 563, 565

Dunn, Sarah, 658

Dunn, William, 252

Dunnavan, John, 562

Dunnels, Nelcy, 330

Dunnevan, John, 563

Dunscutt, Sarah, 660

Dunseutt, Sarah, 629

Dunstan, Mary, 288

Dunstant, Mary, 289

Dunton, Mary, 128

Durant, Hannah, 958, 960

Durham, Mary, 129, 143

Durphey, John, 390

Durphey, William, 375

Durphy, John, 386

Durphy, William, 369, 384

Dutten, Joshua, 352

Dutton, Betsey, 565

Dutton, Elizabeth, 300

Dutton, Joshua, children of, 291

Duxbury, Hannah, and daughter Hannah, 458

Duxlory, Hannah, 325

Dwere, Timothey (or Dwire), 493, 536n.264

Dwier, Timothy, 399

Dwire, Timothy (Timothey), 529, 561–62

Dyel, Lawrence (or Doyle), 216, 233, 266n.486

Dyer, Henry, 65

Dyer, James, 133

Dyer, John, 565, 828

Dyer, Mary, 133

Dyer, Mrs., 116

Dyer, William, 133

Dyke, Mary, 561

Dyman, John, 248, 269n.619

Dyre, Hannah (or Dyar), 721–39, 741–42, 744–53, 755, 757, 760

Dyre, Hannah (or Dyer), 695–706, 708–20

Dyre, Henry (or Dire), 670–95

Dysanttos, Manuel (or Dysanthos), 523, 538n.404

Eagleston, Anna, 913–14, 916, 918, 922–24, 929

Eaglestone, Anna, 912

Eairs, Fradrick (or Eayrs), 442, 532n.86

Ears, Sarah (or Smith), 381

East, William, 567

Easterbrok, John and Peggy, and children Lurance and John (or Easterbrooks), 518, 538n.383

Eastham, Town of, 874–75

Easton, Thomas, 231

Eastwick, Thomas, 79, 145, 633

Eatridge, Thomas, children of, 302–3

Eayrs, Sarah, 339

Eckley, Julins, 503, 506

Eckly, Eulis, 519

economics, effects of: on the Almshouse, 58; on Boston, 55, 62; on Massachusetts, 80; on Overseers’ functions, 45–47, 94n.94, 94n.98, 95n.100; in Overseers’ records, 33, 80, 86–87nn.33–34; on poverty, 19–20, 36–37, 91n.71

Edde, Eunice (or Eddy), 513, 537n.356

Eddey, Bathsheba, and son (or Eddy), 566–67

Eddey, Sarah, 444

Eddy, and wife, 117

Eddy, Barsalel, 385

Eddy, Barzalel, 398

Eddy, Barzall, 665

Eddy, Benjamin, 385, 391, 414–16, 421

Eddy, Eunice, 385, 566–67

Eddy, Joanna, 123, 626

Eddy, Joanna (Savage), and child, 116

Eddy, Judath (Judah), 385, 389, 395, 400, 408, 424

Eddy, Luther, 385, 450–51, 455

Eddy, Samuel, 123, 626

Eddy, Sarah, 513

Eddy, Sibbel, 665

Eddy, Sibble, 398

Eddy, Sibdal, 385

Eddy, Thankfull, and children, 385

Eddy, Ziby, 567

Edes, Betsey, 567

Edes, Edward, 985

Edes, Elizabeth, 568

Edes, Henry, 864

Edes, John, and wife and child, 872–73

Edes, Rebecca (Rebeckah), 366

Edes, Suckey, 366

Edes, Sukey, 872–73

Edes & Gill, 767

Edey, Benjamin, 437

Edey, Eunice, 73

Edey, Eunice (or Eddy), 496, 536n.275

Edey, Hannah Riordia (or Hannah Riorden), 509–10, 537n.333, 537n.336

Edey, Luther (or Eddy), 458–60, 468, 485, 488, 533n.138, 533n.144, 535n.236

Edey, Sarah, 472

Edgar, Mary, 276

editorial method, 105–10; abbreviations and contractions, 108; Almshouse admissions and discharges, 109; annotation, 109; canceled text, 108; capitalization, 108; format, 109; insertions, 109; location symbols, 110; missing/illegible material, 108; punctuation, 108; spelling, 108; textual devices, 110

Edmans, Thankful, 492

Edmeinds, Thankful, and child (or Edmonds), 498, 536n.286

Edmonds, Polly, 565

Edmonds, Reb (Robert), 431–32, 532n.611

Edmonds, Thankfull (alias Rutherford), 480, 524, 566, 603

Edmund, Jonathan, 633

Edmunds, Elizabeth, 135

Edmunds, Jonathan, 136, 330

Edmuns, Poll (or Edmunds), 529, 539n.420

Edwards, Benjamin, 337, 346

Edwards, Lewis, 357, 362

Edwards, Mary, 958–60

Edwards, Mary, children of, 321

Edwards, Mrs., 960

Edwards, Ned (or Edward), 566

Edwards, Rhoady, 321

Edwards, Susannah, and child, 311

Edwards, Thankful, child of, 480

Edwards, Thomas, 318

Edy, Joannah, 326

Edy, Samuel, 115

Edy, Zib, 567

egalitarianism, 24

Egeleston, Patty, 513

Egelston, Ann, 954

Egelston, Pattey, 513

Egen, Elizabeth, 918, 950

Egerston, Marthor, 358

Eggleston, Martha, 251–52

Egian, Esther (or Easter Egian or Eagian), 670–79

Egleston, Ann, 955

Eleas, Cesar, 500

Eliot, Elizabeth, 410

Eliot, Simon, 707, 733

Elisah, John, 324

Elizabethan Poor Laws (1572 and 1601), 20

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 19

Ellerton, Edith, 245, 269n.610, 891

Elliot, Mary, 847

Ellis, Edward, 670–71, 673–79, 681, 683, 685, 695, 712, 716, 726, 728

Ellis, James, 762, 768, 775

Ellis, Mary, 123

Ellis, Mercy, 328

Elson, Abigail, 160, 627

Elson, Abigail, and child, 140

Elson, Sarah, 627, 633

Elsworthy, Esther, 278

Elwell, Aa’ron, 846

emancipation of slaves, 58

Emmerson, Mr., 837

Emmons, Aron, 483, 496

Emmons, Jacob, 522

Emmons, Sarah, 275

Emmorson, Aron, 491

England: civil administration standards in, 19; vs. New England, 18–20, 74; poor laws in, 19–20; Puritanism’s rise in, 19

English, Catharine, and child, 445, 454, 456

English, Cathrine, 466, 488–89

English, John, 567

English Poor Law (1598), 20

Ennis, Mary, 471

Enquitain, John, 566

Ervin, and grandson, 315

Ervin, Celia (or Erving), 430, 532n.57

Ervin, John, 243

Ervin, Joseph, 647

Erving, 318

Erving, George (or Ervin), 242, 254, 256, 269n.606

Erving, Henry, 508–9

Erving, Magnis (or Ervin), 142, 257n.33

Erving, Peggy (or Ervin), 242, 254, 256, 269n.606

Eskrine, Elizabeth, 468

Essenger, Mary, 389

Essenger, Peter, 436

Esterbrokes, Peggy, and child Larance, 521

Eston, Samuel (alias Gleson), 497

Ethdridge, Thomas (or Ethridge), 685, 696, 709

Etheredg, Anne (or Ann Etheredge), 464, 534n.163

Etheridge, Anna (or Etheredge), 452, 456, 533n.110

Etheridge, Mary, 566

Ethredge, Ann (Anna; or Etheredge), 407, 413–14, 425, 531n.5, 532n.20

Ethredge, Polly (or Etheredge), 407, 531n.5

Ethredge, Thomas (or Etheredge), 407, 424, 531n.5

Ethredge, William (or Etheredge), 407, 531n.5

Ethrege, Ann, 666

Ethridge, Thomas, 417, 764

Etridge, William, 472

Ettrage, Nancy (or Etheridge), 509, 537n.332

Eustis, Cyras, 522

Eustis, Elizabeth, 164, 166, 249, 260n.192, 273

Eustis, Fillis, 436

Eustis, Phillis, 435

Evans, Ann, 657

Evans, Mary, 144, 568

Evans, Ruth, 239, 275

Evens, Antoney (or Evans), 461, 463, 534n.150

Evens, Mary, 633

Evens, Mary (or Evans), 155, 259n.120

Everton, Mary, 427, 477

Everton, William, 653

Ewen, Elizabeth, 346

Ewen, Elizabeth, and daughter Polly, 566–67

Ewen, Gershom, 652

Ewen, Paul, 650

Ewen, Polly, 566–67

Ewen, William, 239

Ewin, Elizabeth, 345, 347

Ewing, William, 567–68

Ewings, Abner, 567

Eyre, John, 985

Eyres, James, 799

Eyrs, Frederik (or Eayrs), 425, 531n.40

Fabre, John, and wife, 155, 162, 164

Fabree, John, 641

Fabree, John and Margarett, 211, 266n.457

Fabreo, John, and wife, 209

Fadre, Elizabeth, 123, 147, 632

Fadrix Padack, Susanna, 571

Fairfield, William, 693

Fairservice, John, 123, 648

Fairservice, Robert, 570

Fallens, Suckey, 348

Falva, Partrick, 333

Faneuil Hall, 31

Farland, Margarett, 232

Farland, William, 275

Farling, William, 246, 278

Farmer, Elizabeth, children of, 335, 340

Farmer, Mrs., 907, 954

Farmer, Paul, 825–34

Farmer, Thomas, 352, 664

Farmer, William, 898, 900

Farnum, Hannah, 346

Farnum, Lydia, 379

Farras, Lewis, 571

Farrell, Thomas, 368

Farrer, Elizabeth, 478

Farrer, Elizabeth, and children, 442

Farriar, Elizabeth, and children George, Nancy, and Betsey (or Farrier), 460, 533n.145

Farrier, Ann, 466, 534n.171

Farrier, Elizabeth, 73, 522, 525

Farrier, Elizebath, and children, 439

Farrier, George, 467–68

Farrington, Ichabod, 853

Farris, Abigail, and child, 571

Farror, Nancy (or Farrow), 408, 531n.9

Farrow, Betsey, 852, 882

Faulkner, Mary, 964

Fayerweather, Hannah, 420

Feacham, Eunice, 641

Feathergill, Robert, 114

Federalist age, 59

Fee, Wineforth, 123

Feild, Thomas, 852

Femail (negro), 445, 533n.98

Fenno, Elizabeth, 482, 485, 489

Fenno, Ephrom, 426

Fenno, William, 494, 498

Fenough, Betsey, 571

Ferer, Francis, 570

Fergos, William, 415

Ferral, John, 292

Ferrall, John, 291

Ferrell, James, 376

Ferrell, Thomas, 375

Ferrett, Nathaniel, 571

Ferrill, James, 365

Ferrill, John, 123

Ferrill, Thomas, 352

Ferriter, Jane, 571

Fessenden, Joseph, 647

Fessenden, Josiah, 243

Fessenden, Parker, 647

Fessenden, Sarah, 132

Fessingdon, Sarah, 632

Fethergill, Elizabeth, 304

Fidelia (negro), 293

Fidella (negro), 946

Field, Thomas, 123, 570–71, 646

Field, Thomas, and children, 114

Fife, Meriam, child of, 820

Fifield, Jean, 637, 643n.28

Finley, Elizabeth, 123

Finley, John, 114, 123

Finley, Thomas, 570–71

Finley, William, 419

Finn, John, 424

Finn, Sarah, 423, 453

Finn, Sarah, and children, 418–19, 430

Fish, William, 569

Fisher, Alaxander, 488

Fisher, Alexander, 477, 487

Fisher, Ann, 123

Fisher, Charles, 353

Fisher, Elizabeth, 338, 348

Fisher, Elizabeth, and child, 355, 360

Fisher, George, 442, 450

Fisher, James, 348

Fisher, Jane, 290, 908

Fisher, John, 316, 341–42

Fisher, Mr., and child, 344, 903

Fisher, Mrs., and child, 344, 906, 908, 911

Fisher, Nancey, and child, 470

Fisher, Widow, 905, 912

Fisher, Wilfrett, 695

Fisk, Elizabeth, and child, 279

Fisk, John, 647

Fitch, Benjamin, 218, 662

Fitch, Rebecca, 571

Fitchgerald, Margaret, and child, 116

Fitchgerrell, John, 343

Fitgerrald, Nancy, 571–72

Fitsgarel, John (or Fitzgerald), 465, 534n.168

Fits Gerell, John, 468

FitzGarrell, Peggy, 397

Fitzgarril, Mary, 348

Fitzgerald, James, 365

Fitzgerald, John, 235, 247, 249, 268n.576

Fitzgerald, Katharine (Kate), 658, 667n.16

Fitzgerald, Margaret, 123

FitzGerald, Mary, 357

Fitzgerald, Nancy, 431–32

Fitzgerel, Margret (or Fitzgerald), 440, 532n.82

Fitzgerell, Mary, and children, 280

FitzGerrald, Gerald, 320

FitzGerrald, Gerret, 369

FitzGerreld, Peggy, 394, 396

Fitzgerreld, Peggy, 399

FitzGerrell, John, 387, 391

FitzGerrell, Peggy, 400

Fitzpatrick, William, 628

Flagg, Arabatiah, 276

Flann, John, 400

Flanngan, John, 304

Fleet, Mary, 123, 632

Fleet, Mary, and children, 114

Fleming, Elizabeth, 348

Fleming, John, 438

Flemings, Henry, 210

Flemmings, Henry, 661

Flemmings, Mr., 892

Fletcher, Mary, 423, 957

Fliming, John, 441

Fling, Ann, 282

Fling, James, 661

Fling, John, 129, 289, 439

Fling, Mary, 273, 445, 925–26

Fling, Mary (or Flin), 475, 534n.195

Fling, Philip, 446

Fling, Sarah, 123

Flinge, John, 250

Flinn, John (or Finn), 447, 457, 533n.99

Flood, Abigail, 249

Flood, Andrew, 130, 272, 275

Flood, Elizabeth, 299

Flood, James, 283, 926–27

Flood, Joanna, 131

Flora (negro), 272, 373

Floraday, Elezabeth, 294

Florance, Susannah, 632

Florence, Susanna, 123

Florow, and child (negroes), 396

Florraday, Betsy, 291

Flory, John, and wife and children, 458

Flowers, John, 232, 268n.564

Flowers, Thomas, 273, 275, 279

Floyd, Andrew, 248, 279

Floyd, Elizabeth, 423

Flucker, Charlstown, 487, 518

Flucker, Pheabe, 470

Flucker, Thomas (or Fluker), 763, 766, 769, 773–74, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 985

Flurrey, Elizabeth, 464

Flyn, Elizabeth, 507

Flyn, John (or Flynn), 428, 514, 538n.365

Flyn, John and Elizabeth, 375–76

Flyn, Sarah, 568

Flyng, Mary, 925

Flyng, Sarah, 115

Flynn, Elizabeth, 568–69

Flynn, John, 568–69

Flynn, John, and wife, 521

Flynn, John and Elizabeth, 504, 524

Foalke, Richard, 571

Foard, Estor, 465

Fobey, Abraham, 649

Foble, Ann, 472

Fogo, David, 309

Folker, Mary, 502

Follens, Suckey, 347

Follens, Sucky, 354

Follens, Sukey, 341–42

Follin, George, 634

Follings, Sarah, 654

Follings, Susanna, 654

Follins, George, and daughter, 155, 259n.119

Follins, George, and wife, 568

Follins, Mary, Sarah, and John, 154, 259n.108

Foltz, Herman, 571

Fooboe, Elizabeth, 311

Foot, Jonathan, 568

Foot, Malachi, 569

Foot, Sally, 309

Forbes, Abigail, and children, 363

Forbes, Cyrus, 570

Forbes, John, 352

Forbes, Joseph, 349

Forbes, Margaret, 166

Forbes, Mr. and Mrs., and children, 349

Forbes, Robert, 352

Forbes, Sarah, 157

Forbetty, John, 143

Forbis, George, 662

Forbus, John, 140, 172, 655

Forbus, Margaret, 654, 658

Forbus, Sarah, 654

Forbus, Thomas, 635

Forbush, Margaret, 628

Forbush, Margarett, and children (or Forbus), 148, 162, 258n.59

Ford, Easter (Esther), 467–68, 534n.172, 534n.178

Ford, Estor, 362, 664

Ford, James (alias Rich), 568–69

Ford, Mary, 305

Ford, Mary, and child, 308

Ford, Sally, 312

Ford, Sarah, 568–69

Ford, Sarah (child), 569

Ford, Sarah, and children, 358

Foreman, Michael, 218

Forrest, Ann, 659

Forrest, Margery, and child, 143

Forstor, Elizabeth, 361

Fortain (negro), 346

Fortune (negro), 337, 570

Fosdeck, James Jr., 761

Fosdick, Ann, 151, 258n.85

Fosdick, James, 692, 827

Fosdick, John, 123

Fosdick, Margaret, 123

Fosdick, Thomas, 568

Fosset, Thomas, 525

Fossy, Abigail, and son William, 349

Fost, Mary, 123

Foster, Hopestill, 693, 732, 737, 794, 828

Foster, Jack, 569

Foster, Mary, 490, 569

Foster, Mary (Polly), 495, 536n.270

Foster, Nicholas, 908–12

Foster, Polly, 490, 517

Foster, Susanah, 467, 534n.175

Foster, Susanna, 366

Foster, Timothy, 214, 661

Foster, William, 572

Fothergill, Joseph, 162, 654

Fothergill, Mary, 660

Fothergill, Richard, 660

Fothergill, Sarah, 660

Foulke, Martin John, 569

Fovel, Ann, 441

Fovell, Ann, 355, 377, 379

Fovell, Hannah, 571, 864, 882

Fowell, Widow, 422

Fowl, Hannah, 519

Fowle, Abigail, 292

Fowle, Bethiah, 407

Fowle, Hannah, 292

Fowle, Nathaniel, 511, 515–16

Fowle, Nathaniel, and wife and children, 501

Fowle, Nathaniel and Lidia, and children Thankful, Nathaniel, Helener (Elener) and Isaac, 496, 536n.276

Fowle, Thankful, 502

Fowle, Zachariah, 51

Fowler, Ann, 863

Fowler, Benjamin, 446, 451

Fowler, Betsey (alias Pitchard), 863

Fowler, John, 397–98

Fowler, Robert, 570

Fowles, Bethiah, 569

Fowles, Eleanor, and daughter Hannah, 288

Fowles, Hannah, 569

Fowles, Isaac, 275–76, 507

Fowles, Nathaniel, 57, 502

Fowles, Nathaniel, and children Thankful, Nathaniel, Elener, and Isaac, 496

Fowles, Nelley (or Fowle), 507, 537n.325

Fowles, Sally, 571

Fox, Jack, 480

Foye, Christopher, 365

Francis, Christopher, 571

Frank (negro), 498

Frank, John and Polley, 405

Frank, Susannah, 445

Franklin, Benjamin, 32

Franklin, John, 569, 744, 985

Franklin, Scipio, 523

Franklin, Susannah, 329

Franks (child), 392

Franks, Edward and Luce (Lucy), 452, 533n.109

Franks, John, 471

Franks, Mary (Polly Frank), 491, 536n.254

Franks, Susanah, 492

Franks, Susanna, and children, 386, 395

Franks, Susannah, 331

Frazer, Quommono, 506

Frazier, Anthony, 646

Frazier, Elizabeth, 570

Frazier, Qumino, 510

Frazier, Qumino (or Frazer), 511, 537n.341

Frazier, Qunenc (alias Quomino), 568, 570

Frazier, Quneno, 530

Frazier, Quomino, 500

Frazier, Thomas, 117, 123

Fredrick, William, 570

Freeborn, Mary, 854

Freeman, Cathrine, 444

Freeman, Dinah, and child, 412

Freeman, Jack, 393

Freeman, Minor, 451

Freeman, Sarah, 137, 155, 627, 634

Freeman, Sarah, and children, 356, 358

Freeman, Sarah, and children Sina and Hanna Indens, 464, 534n.161

Freeman, Simeon, 282

Freeman, Titus, 445

freemen vs. servants, 25

Freeport Town, 847–48

Freestot, Margaret, 662

Freeto, Elizabeth, 158, 160, 260n.148

Freetoo, Elizabeth, 154

Freetstot, Margarett, 230

French, Daniel, 821

French, Elener, 895

French, Jack, 504, 506

French, Nathaniel, 293

French, Nicholas, 522, 568–69

French, Nickelos, 518

Frestot, Mary, 232

Fretchman, John, 457

Fretoo, Elizabeth, 151

Frith, Elizabeth, 123

Frizell, Joseph, 741

Frizier, Quomino, 493

Frizzell, John, 985

Frobile, Ann, 441

Frost, Abraham, 480–81

Frost, James, 425, 427, 429, 431, 456, 458, 466, 468, 501

Frothingham, Elizabeth, 638

Fugin, Jack, 523

Fulker, Ayles (Alice Fucker), 482, 535n.225

Fulker, Mary, 155, 259n.121, 297, 379

Fullam, Elizabeth (Elizabeth), 481, 483, 485–86

Fuller, Amos, 868

Fuller, Hannah, 459

Fuller, Rebecca, 123

Fullerton, Mrs., 948

Fullerton, Susanna, 123, 138, 142, 634

Fullerton, Susannah, 146, 159

Fullerton, William, 662

Fullford, Mary, 281

Fullinton, Susannah (or Fullerton), 150, 258n.74

Fullmore, John, 357

Fulloon, William, 507

Fulton, Elizabeth, 945, 947

Fulton, Mrs., 948

Fulton, Robert, 768, 947

Fulton, Robert, children of, 294

Fulton, Robert, wife of, 946–47

Fulton children, 299

Furgus, William, 405

Furlong, Edward, 467, 471, 570, 572

Furness, Joseph, 570

Furrs, Thomas, 457, 568, 570

Gaffet, Sarah, 478

Gaffit, Rachal, 507

Gaffit, Sally, 576–77, 883

Gafford, Sally, 576

Gager, Catharine, 864

Gains, Judith, and daughter Lucressey (Lucretia), 511, 537n.340

Gains, Samuel, 575

Gair, James, 572–74, 576

Gair, Nancy, 572

Gair, Nancy, and children, 528

Gair, Patty (child), 573

Gair, Patty, and child, 572–73

Galey, Mary, 521

Galley, Jane, 420, 515, 666

Galley, John Lee, 470

Galley, Mary, 123, 525

Galley, Sarah, and children, 407

Gallison, Peggey, 377, 665

Gallop, Sarah, 123

Galt, Mary, 123

Gambel, Thomas, 361

Gambutt, Thomas, 335

Game, William, 574–75

Gammill, Thomas, 330

Gandel, John, 495

Gandell, John, Jr., 574

Gandol, John, 400, 405

Gane, Judith, and children Samuel, Betty, and John (or Gains), 495–96, 536n.272

Ganes, Judah (Judith Gains), and children John, Elizabeth, Samuel, and Luchick (Lucretia), 491, 498, 536n.285

Gardener, James, 665–66

Gardenor, John, 361

Gardenor, Vilot, and child, 378

Gardiner, James, 398

Gardiner, Margrat, 374

Gardiner, Sarah, 380, 401

Gardner, Andrew, 418, 573

Gardner, Androw, 472, 509, 514

Gardner, Androw (James), 469, 534n.180

Gardner, Cesar, 520

Gardner, Ceser, 525

Gardner, Eunice, 576, 852, 858

Gardner, George, 208, 212

Gardner, Hannah, 574

Gardner, James, 388, 773

Gardner, John, 357, 499, 503–4

Gardner, Joseph, 92n.82, 802, 807, 809, 813, 818, 821, 823, 825, 830, 985

Gardner, Margrat, 374

Gardner, Mary, 171

Gardner, Nathaniel, 802

Gardner, Olive, 576, 883

Gardner, Oliver, 870

Gardner, Priscilla, 279

Gardner, Sarah, 507

Gardner, Silvester, 709, 716, 758

Gardner, William James, 575

Gardner, Winnes, 123

Gardnier, Joseph, 796

Garfield, Edward, 575, 870, 882

Garfilt, Sarah, 460

Garish, Patty, 375

Garlick, George, 246, 248

Garnes, Elizabeth, 116

Garnet, William, 573

Garns, Mrs., 115

Garrar, Mary (or Garrow), 439, 532n.76

Garreau, Mary, 461

Garrel, Nance, 458

Garrel, Nancy, 439

Garrell, Mary, 379, 391

Garrick, Elizabeth, 129, 150, 258n.73, 637

Garro, Elizabeth (or Garrow), 501, 536n.303

Garrow, Betsey, and children, 400

Garrow, Elizabeth, 507, 512

Garrow, Marcy, 482

Garrow, Marey, 461

Garrow, Mary, 400, 407–8, 415, 497

Garrow, Mary, and children, 356, 365

Gaskin, Nancy (or Gaskins), 308

Gaskin, William, 130, 648

Gaskins, William, 649

Gasper, Docter, 636

Gatchell, John, 235

Gauge, Rebeccah, 335

Gault, John, 920

Gault, William, 626

Gavet, Charles, 575

Gay, Elizabeth, 855

Gay, Martin, 801

Gay, Mr., 836

Gee, Feebe, 504

Gee, Phebe, 512

Gee, Pheebe, 454

Gee, Rebecca (alias Candish), 876

Gellard, Ann, 572

General Court: authority granted the Overseers, 23, 71, 972; creation of the Overseers, 13, 19–20; definition of the poor, 13, 25; funding from, 26; incorporation of the Overseers, 13, 22, 30, 87n.40, 981–82; Poor Relief Act (1794), 20, 972; sovereignty of, 92n.78

Gent, Sarah (Elizabeth; or Ghent), 158, 227, 232, 259n.142, 267n.548, 279

George (mulatto), 218

George, Elizabeth, 638

George, Elizabeth, and grandson, 170

George, Hurley, 664

George, Penelope, 114, 123, 636

George, Samuel, 365

Gepson, Polle, 462

Gepson, Salle, 462

Gerald, Ann, 573–74

Gerald, Molly, 575

Gerrald, Ann, 575

Gerrald, Jane, 319

Gerrel, Mary, and child, 283

Gerrell, Mary, 381

Gerrill, Patty, 525

Gerrish, Patty, 353

Gersey, Captain, 682

Ghent, Sarah, 940

Gibbon, Sands, 118

Gibbons, Sands, 123

Gibbs, Dinah, 495

Gibling, Ann, 364

Gibling, Nancy, 329

Gibson, Grace, 129

Gibson, Thomas, 840

Giffin, Robert, 326, 411

Gifford, Elam, 454

Gifford, Elams, 409

Gilbert, Abigail, 326

Gilbert, Benjamin, 123

Gilbert, John, 211, 661

Giles, Abigail, 573

Giles, John, 899

Giles, Olive, and child (or Gyles), 344, 352

Giles, Oliver, 483

Gill, John, 337, 466

Gill, Priscilla, 252, 889

Gillahen, William, 529, 572

Gillard, John, 417, 422, 434, 436, 442, 452, 457, 465, 482, 491, 495, 499–500, 505, 508

Gilles, John and Jenny, 576

Gillfilen, Robert, 576

Gilling, Nancy, 322

Gillion, John, 399

Gillis, John, 576–77

Gilmore, Hugh (alias David Miller), 134

Gizzell, John, 288

Gladstone, Robert, 574

Glazer, Lettis, 289

Glazier, Lettice, 287

Glean, George (or Glen), 166, 260n.189

Gleason, John, 497

Gleen, Robert, 913

Glifford, Peggy, 324

Glinn, George (or Glen), 637, 643n.27

Glocester (negro), 130

Glossup, Margarett, and children (or Glossip), 234, 252, 256, 284

Gloucester, Town of, 856–57

Glover, Abigail, 171, 261n.208, 629

Glover, Elizabeth, 129, 638, 956

Glover, Esther, 942

Glover, John, 575

Glovers, Abigail, 638

Godard, Polley, 666

Goddard, Polley, 420

Godfrey, Elisha, 208, 266n.446, 641

Godfrey, John, 659

Godordf, Mary, 666

Goff, Elizabeth, 304

Goff, John, 572

Goff, Joseph, 867

Goff, Mrs., 344

Goffe, Ann, 155, 635

Goffe, Ebenezer, and wife, 333, 344

Goffe, Hannah, 230, 268n.555, 707

Goffe, James, 656

Goffe, John (or Goff), 528, 539n.515

Goffe, Samuel (William), 232

Goffe, William, 275

Gofford, Robert, 412

Goffs, John, 942

Goggin, Ephraim, 123

Goggins, Mary (or Goggin), 123, 154, 161, 656, 667n.11

Going, William, 367, 664

Goinge, Prince (or Going), 480, 535n.214

Gold, Benjamin, 369

Gold, Benjamin (or Gould), 246, 269n.612

Goldthwait, Joseph, 801

Goley, George, 491

Gones, James, 526

Gooch, Ann, child of, 154–55

Gooch, James (or Gouch), 985

Gooch, Rach, 295

Gooding, Margarett, 275

Gooding, Mary, 630

Gooding, Richard, 642

Goodrage, Ann, 665

Goodrage, Elizabeth, 376, 379

Goodrage, Joshua, 376, 379

Goodrage, Lydia, 376, 379

Goodwin (or Gooding), 629, 643n.20

Goodwin, Elizabeth, 434, 574, 905, 907, 910, 915–17, 920–21, 925

Goodwin, John, 574–75

Goodwin, Margaret, 280

Goodwin, Sarah, 340, 437–38

Goodwin, Widow, 929, 937

Gordan, Samuel, 572

Gordard, Mary, and child, 325

Gorden, Ann, and child, 361–63

Gorden, James, 349, 353, 664

Gorden, Mary, 347, 349, 664

Gorden, Polly, and children William, James, and Salle (Polley), 517

Gordian, William, 520

Gordon, Agnis, 219, 275

Gordon, Ann, 574

Gordon, Ann, and children, 340

Gordon, Charlotte, 573–75

Gordon, Content, 117, 123

Gordon, James, 123, 572, 646

Gordon, Lydia, 574, 576, 881

Gordon, Mary, 467, 473

Gordon, Nathaniel, 116

Gordon, Nathaniel, 123

Gordon, William, 235, 242

Gore, John, 92n.82, 825, 829, 831–32, 834, 985

Goreham, Ruben (or Gorham), 442–43, 532n.89

Gorge, Ann, 139, 641

Gorham, Benjamin, 573

Gorham, Reuben, 325

Gorham, Ruben, 364, 378

Gorham, Stephen, 42, 985

Gorman, Edward, 505, 507

Gorman, Edward (or German), 481, 535n.217

Gorman, James, 249, 269n.620

Gorman, Mary, 208, 211, 217, 266n.459, 507

Gorman, Mary (or German), 491, 536n.255

Goshin, Thomas, wife of, 945

Goslen, Samuel, 665

Gosling, Samuel, 287, 396

Gosling, Thomas, 287

Gosling, William, 287

Goslins, children of, 302

Gostere, Ann (or Goster), 658, 667n.17

Gott, Elizabeth, 302

Gott, Mary, 626

Gouge, Rachel, 292, 295

Gouge, Rebecca, 312

Gouge, Sarah, 138, 651

Gouge, Thomas, 693

Gough, Sarah (or Gouge), 246, 269n.614

Gould, Abraham, 573

Gould, Benjamin, 507–8

Gould, Elizabeth, 138

Gould, Joseph, 298

Gould, Peggy, and child, 572–73

Gout, Elizabeth, 285

Grace (negro), 310

Graff, George, 503, 510

Graff, Mary, and son Gorge, 505, 510

Graham, John, 345, 573–74

Grainger, Margaret, 629

Grainger, Mary, and child, 436

Grainger, Oliver, 227

Grainger, Sarah, 219, 267n.504

Granger, Baxter, 146, 241

Grant, Elizabeth, and child, 576

Grant, Samuel, 720, 817–18, 822, 829, 833

Grater, Ebenezer, 114–15, 123

Graver, Daniel, 574

Graves, George, 232, 268n.563

Graves, John (George), 242, 269n.604

Graves, Thomas, 362–63, 576

Gray, Ceaser (Cezar), 526, 529, 572

Gray, Cesar, 479, 499, 535n.211, 536n.297

Gray, Elizabeth, 116, 123, 296, 637, 661

Gray, Jane, 576

Gray, John, 157, 163, 343, 634

Gray, Joseph, 152, 157, 657

Gray, Lydia, 649

Gray, Mary, 275

Gray, Sally, 575

Gray, Sarah, 333, 473

Gray, Thomas, 792

Gray, William, 648

Gray, Wintrop (alias Carr), 436

Greeggs, John (or Griggs), 484, 535n.232

Greegs, Daved (or Griggs), 475, 534n.196

Greegs, John, 572

Greely, Charlotte, 529, 572

Green, Ann, 123

Green, Barilla, 576, 882

Green, Betsey, 573

Green, Cato, 575

Green, David, 573

Green, Hill, 647

Green, Isaac, 576

Green, James, 147

Green, John, 123

Green, Lydia, 660

Green, Mary, 652

Green, Mr., 836

Green, Nabby, 429

Green, Provedenc, 478

Green, Rhoda, 575

Green, Samuel, 574–75

Green, Sarah, 115, 123

Green, Thomas, 301, 303, 415, 757

Greene, Lydia, 575

Greene, William, 285

Greenleaf, Constable, 913

Greenleaf, Daniel, 692

Greenleaf, Jude, 896

Greenleaf, Mr., 902

Greenleaf, Thomas, 939

Greenleaf, William, 92n.82, 985

Greenleaf, William (or Greenleafe), 819–20, 823–24, 829–31, 834

Greenleaffe, Abigail, 133

Greenleaffe, Mary, 133

Greenman, Caleb (or Greeman), 529, 573

Greenough, Mary, 640

Greenough, Mary, 123

Greenough, Richard, 322, 324–25

Greenough, Samuel, 252, 573

Greenough, Thomas, 248, 529, 572

Greenvile, Caleb, 572

Greenvile, Caleb (Cabub), 527, 539n.411

Green & Walker, 712, 716–17, 722, 727, 731, 735–37, 739, 745, 749–51, 754, 757, 762, 766

Greenwood, Captain, 674

Greenwood, Joseph, 231, 767

Greenwood, Nathaniel, 92n.82, 762, 766, 985

Greenwood, Samuel, 123, 672, 674, 680, 985

Greer, Marthor, 386

Greggs, John, 491

Gregory, David, 141

Gregory, Elizabeth, 651

Gregory, James, 142

Gregory, Lydia, 141, 652, 656

Gregory, Mary, 305

Greigs, John (or Griggs), 469, 534n.181

Greneau, Joseph, 574

Gridley, Judy, 574

Griffin, James, 123, 236

Griffin, John, 652

Griffins, Ann (or Griffin), 135, 257n.16

Griffis, John, 468

Griffis, Richard, 646

Griffith, Hepsibeth, 115

Griffith, John, 463

Griffith, Sarah, 452

Griffiths, Hepzibah, 123

Griffiths, Richard, 656

Griffiths, Thomas, 123

Grigg, William, 639

Griggery, John (or Gregory), 463, 534n.158

Griggs, Elizabeth, 283

Griggs, John, 468

Griggs, John, and wife, 438

Griggs, Nathaniel, 575

Grimes, Ann, 857

Grines, Peter (or Grimes), 167, 261n.196

Grisget, Margaret, 123

Grissell, Mary, 284

Gritt, Margaret, 123

Grover, Stephen, 647

Grubb, Peter, 231, 233

Guire, Timothy, 441

Gulgah, Polley, 501

Gulgahs, Ledia, and children Polley and Hannah, 500

Gulgar, Lidia, 505

Gulley, Sarah, 575

Gullies, Lydia, 409

Gullion, Mary, 115, 123

Gullroy, Maxwell, 244–45

Gully, Sarah, 574

Gunner, Robert, 573

Guthridge, Ann (or Guttridge), 659, 667n.18

Guy, Ann, 626

Guy, Bridget, 123, 626

Gween, Widow, 946

Gwier, Timothy, 375, 382

Gwire, Timothy, 368

Gyear, Timothey (or Geyer), 439, 532n.79

Gyer, Susanna (or Geyer), 431, 532n.59

Gyles, Abigail, 123

Gyles, John, 902

Gyles, Olivll (child), 355

Gyles, Thomas, 302

Hacket, Partrick, 315

Hackett, Hugh, 579

Hackett, Partrick, 309

Hackett, Patrick, 305

Haden, Elizabeth, 436

Haden, Hannah (or Haiden or Hayden), 670–71, 674–78, 680–81, 685, 693–97, 699–705, 708

Haden, Lucey, and child, 361

Haden, Lucy, 367

Haden, Lucy (or Hayden), 520, 538n.395

Haden, Lucy, and child, 356, 365

Haden, Priscilla, 630

Haden, Priscilla, and child, 217

Haden, Sarah, and child, 161–62

Haden, Thomas (or Hayden), 511, 515, 537n.345

Hadley, Elizabeth, 580

Hadley, William, 580

Hafferon, Edward, 380

Hagar, 123

Hagar (negro), 116

Hagarty, William, 581

Haggerman, Mrs. (formerly Rich), 885

Haggerman, Thankfull, 874

Hail, Elizabeth, 935, 938, 941

Haile, Elizabeth, 939

Hailes, Elizabeth, 914

Hailey, Thomas (or Haily or Daly), 529, 539n.421, 577

Haines, Elizabeth, 311

Haines, Mary, 73

Hair, Mary, 141

Hairblew, Abigail, 237

Hairblue, Abigail, 832–33

Hal, Joseph, 961

Hale, Abigail, 275, 281

Hale, Augustus, 292

Hale, Mary, 253, 280

Hale, Mrs., 279

Hales, Elizabeth, 913, 916–19, 921, 924, 926–27

Hales, Mr., 838

Hales, Widow, 923–24, 927, 930

Haley, Elenor, and child, 361, 364

Haley, Nelley, 377

Haley, Nelly, 376

Haley, William, 230, 232

Hall, Abigail, 642

Hall, Andrew, 806–7, 811, 814, 816, 818, 820, 824–25

Hall, Dorothy, 394

Hall, Elizabeth, 912

Hall, George, 499

Hall, James, 581

Hall, John, 581, 860–61

Hall, Mary, 294

Hall, Polly, 286

Hall, Rebecca, 144

Hall, Rebeckah, 630

Hall, William, 373–74, 515

Halsey, Abigail, 123

Ham, Mary, 579

Hambleton, Jonathan, 126

Hamblin, Hannah, 581–82, 862, 881

Hamilton, Alexander, 301

Hamilton, Alexander (Federalist politician), 32

Hamilton, Asa, 579–80

Hamilton, John, 229–30, 578, 580

Hamilton, Mary, 135

Hamilton, Owen, 579–80

Hamilton, Tabitha, and child, 578–80

Hamilton, William, 578, 580

Hamman, Francis, 321

Hammanway, Hannah, 314

Hammanway, John (or Hemmenway), 508, 537n.329, 577

Hammatt, Benjamin, 818, 964

Hammatt, Benjamin, Sr., 853

Hammett, Benjamin, 807, 809, 813, 823, 985

Hammock, George, 343, 345

Hammon, Elizabeth, 632

Hammon, Polle, 511

Hammon, Polly (or Hammond), 509, 537n.331

Hammond, Elizabeth, 627

Hammond, Margarett, 162, 260n.162

Hammond, Mary, 627

Hammond, Mary, and child, 144

Hammond, Peter, 652

Hammons, Mary, 163

Hampton, George, 422–23

Hancock, John, 30, 32–33, 37

Hancock, Thomas, 390, 671, 680

Handfeild, Meriam (or Handfield or Hanfield), 474, 515, 534n.191, 538n.366

Handfeild, Merian (or Hanfield), 503, 537n.313

Handfield, Nancy (alias Freeman), 285

Handrick, Polly, 581–83

Hanegan, Mary, 380

Hanen, Thomas, 345

Hanes, Matthias, 224–25, 267n.530

Haney, John, 338, 342–44, 356, 362, 377, 582

Hanfield, Merriam, 512

Hanford, Mariam, 328

Hanglin, Daniel, 648, 650

Hannah, Cooper, 491

Hannan, Thomas, 345

Hannen, Thomas, 348

Hanners, George Mattsen, 282

Hannisey, Mary (or Hennisey), 219, 267n.503

Hanny, John, 440

Hanover, Town of, 871

Hany, John (or Hanny), 361, 467, 534n.174

Hardcastle, Roger, 707

Hardiman, Samuel, 653

Harding, Jesse, 524

Harding, Sarah, 123

Harding, Sarah, and child, 115

Harding, Sears, 577

Hardk, Aandrow George, 454

Hardk, Androw George (Andrew Hardk), 457, 533n.134

Hardwick, Betsy, 458

Hardwick, Elizabeth, 459, 469, 578–79

Hardy, Eunice, 320, 344

Hardy, Eunice, children of, 310

Hardy, Junice, 306

Hardy, Unice, 322

Hardy, William, 306, 323

Hardy, William, and child, 321

Haris, Mary, 301

Harker, John, 141

Harley, Benjamin, 659, 663

Harley, Clara, 128

Harley, Debero, 345

Harley, Deborah, and children, 341

Harley, George, 659

Harper, 528

Harper, Edward, 417, 430, 465

Harper, George, 640

Harper, Joseph, 302

Harper, Lucy, 581, 853

Harper, Mary, 387

Harpley, William, 357, 378, 383, 396

Harrall, Mary, 117

Harrason, Margreat, 457

Harrell, Mary, 123

Harres, Hannah (or Harris), 428, 532n.48

Harrington, Sewall, 479

Harris, Alice, 123, 626

Harris, Ann, 134

Harris, David, 291–92

Harris, Elizabeth, 133, 213, 311, 630, 640, 849

Harris, Elizabeth, and sons, 254, 292

Harris, Elizibeth, 313

Harris, Fortune, 499

Harris, Francies, 579

Harris, Hanery, 307

Harris, Henry, and children, 278

Harris, John, 133, 292–93

Harris, Jonathan, 332, 335, 342, 897, 900

Harris, Lydia, 940

Harris, Michal, 405

Harris, Mrs., and son, 279

Harris, Phebe, 272

Harris, Rd., 439

Harris, Richard, 342, 362, 844

Harris, Sall, 513

Harris, Salle, 470

Harris, Sally, 303, 463, 526

Harris, Samuel, 651

Harris, Sarah, 519, 664

Harris, Stephen, 133, 649

Harris, Stephen, and wife and children, 278

Harris, William, 354, 358, 626, 985

Harrison, Margrett, 452

Harriss, Elizabeth, 640

Harry (negro), 499, 502

Hart, Catharine, 579

Hart, Joseph, 498

Hart, Robert, 123

Hartley, Ann, 505

Hartley, Elizabeth, 915–16

Hartley, Hannah (alias Berry), 448, 523, 533n.101

Hartley, John, 446

Hartley, John William, 454

Hartley, Mary, 164, 456

Hartley, Nancy, 448, 521

Hartley, Samuel, 659

Hartley, Widow, 916

Hartly, William, 449

Hartshorn, Sarah, 289–90, 294

Hartshorn, Sarah, and children, 224, 239, 245

Hartshorne, Sarah, 284

Hartwell, George, 578

Hartwick, Elizabeth (or Betsey Hardwick), 463, 534n.157

Harty, Susanah, 507

Harvey, Mary, 329, 351, 357

Harvey, Samuel, 582

Harwood, Martha, 123

Hase, Joshua, 342

Hasell, Margarett, 634

Haskell, John, 583

Haslett, Elizabeth, 926, 928–30, 932–41, 944, 950

Hasley, Margaret, 160

Haslip, Elizabeth, 954–55

Hassoch, Rachel, 577

Haswell, Anthony, 51, 661

Hatch, Benjamin and Abigail, 286

Hatch, Jabez, 761, 767

Hatch, Mary, and son, 827, 831

Hatch Wood, Jabez, 758

Hatter, Joshua, 910

Haveley, Margaret, 126

Haveren, Patrick, 507

Hawes, Ann, 285

Hawes, Desire, 118, 123

Hawk, Widdow, 832

Hawke, Mary, 914

Hawkes, Mary, 918, 921, 925–26

Hawkins, Patrick, 249, 251

Hawks, Mary, 936

Hawskins, Hannah, 151, 258n.86

Hayden, Ann (or Anna), 679, 681–84, 686–92, 705, 709–14

Hayden, Catharine, 873

Hayden, Elizabeth, 431

Hayden, Hannah, 672–77, 685–86, 693–96, 699–705, 708

Hayden, John, 946

Hayden, Timothey, 514, 517

Hayden, Timothy, 525–26, 579

Haye, Ann, and daughter, 418

Hayes, James, 874

Hayes, William, 272

Hayley, Eleanor, 355

Hayley, William, 252

Haynds, Mary, 579

Haynes, John, 582

Haynes, Mary, 629

Hayter, Elizabeth, 345, 348

Hazard, Mary Ann, 582

Healey, John, 445

Healy, John, 510, 577

Heancey, Mary, 221

Hearn, Mercy, 218

Hearsey, Patty, 582

Hearsy, Israel, 674

Heartly, Mary, 168

Heath, Elizabeth, 135, 985

Heath, Mary, 123

Heath, Mary, and child, 117

Heath, Sarah, 638

Hely, John (or Healey), 511, 537n.342

Helyer, John, 738–39

Hemenway, Joshua, 276

Hemenway, Mary, 641

Hemes, William, 400

Hemgly, Margaret, 123

Hemingway, Mary, and children (or Hemenway), 215, 221, 266n.484

Hemmingway, John, 937

Hemmingway, John, wife of, 892, 896, 936

Hemmingway, Joseph, Jr., 898

Hemminway, John, 526

Henchman, Daniel (or Hinchman), 671–72, 675, 677, 680, 685, 689–92, 694, 696–97, 699, 702, 704, 706, 708, 711, 715–17, 719, 721–22, 724–25, 730, 735–36, 740, 744, 749, 756, 760–62, 985

Henderson, Hannah, 123, 688–97, 699–705, 708–30, 732–69

Henderson, John, 583

Hendley, Ann, 581

Hendly, Charles, 123

Hendly, Margaret, 648

Hendrick, John, 240

Henesy, Sara, 284

Henley, Elizabeth, 579–80

Henley, Elizabeth, and child, 332–34

Henley, James, 513

Henley, Love, 354

Henley, Miles, 165, 635

Henly, Charles (or Henley or Hendly or Hendley), 672, 677, 680, 688–89, 698, 701, 703, 705, 709, 711, 713, 715, 719, 722, 725, 729, 733, 735, 737, 739, 746, 748, 751, 757, 761, 764

Henly, Elizabeth, and child, 351

Henly, Ester, 509

Henly, Esther, 422

Henly, James, 391

Henly, Mercy, 422

Henly, Polley, 422

Hennesey, Mary, 639

Hennesy, Richard, 241

Hennesy, Sarah, 281

Henney, Mary (or Hennisey), 226, 267n.540

Hennisey, Richard, 218, 279

Hennsey, Richard, 227

Henry, Connor, 664

Henshaw, Dinah, 577

Henshaw, Jack, 577

Henshaw, Mary, and child, 235–36, 253

Henson, Jack, 580

Herault, Isaac, 156

Hergin, Bart, 582

Hern, Marcy, 892

Herne, Margarett, 215, 266n.480

Herne, Mercy, 234, 252–54

Herrick, Stephen, 582

Herrin, George, 628, 633

Heskew, John, and wife, 145, 162

Heverner, Patrick (or Hevernor), 500, 536n.298

Hewes, Ann, 283, 290

Hewes, Elizabeth, 297

Hewes, James, 333, 578

Hewes, John, 439

Hewett, John, 135

Hewit, John, 634, 643n.25

Hewitt, John, 157

Hews, John (or Hewes), 362, 439, 532n.78

Hews, Samuel, 985

Heyler, John, 733

Hickes, Mehetable (or Hicks), 153, 259n.102

Hickey, John, 583

Hicks, Abigail, and child, 142

Hicks, Mary, 656

Hicks, Mehettible, 633

Hicks, Nancy, 578

Hicks, Samuel, 460, 477, 482, 515, 528

Hide, Hannah, 707

Hier, Sarah, 299

Hiett, Thomas (or Heitt), 377

Hiffernan, Edmond, 376

Higgens, Eleonor, and child, 156, 160, 259n.130

Higgens, Elizabeth, and son William (or Higgins), 520, 538n.391

Higgens, Mary, 117

Higgings, Peggy, 381

Higgins, Eleanor, and child, 126

Higgins, Elizabeth, and children, 525

Higgins, John, 165, 635

Higgins, Maria, 582

Higgins, Mary, 308, 327–28, 653

Higgins, Naomi, and child, 325

Higgins, Obidiah, 331

Higgins, Peggy, 380, 582

Higgins, William, 524, 582

Higgons, Danel (or Higgins), 519, 538n.388

Higgons, Hanah (or Higgins), 519, 538n.388

Higgons, Joseph (or Higgins), 519, 538n.388

Higgons, William, children of (or Higgins), 519, 538n.388

Hilbert, Henry, 325, 327

Hilbert, John, 325

Hilbert, Rebeccah, 333

Hilbert child, 326

Hilburt, Rebecca, 357

Hill, Ann, 577

Hill, Ann, and child, 419–20

Hill, Asa Wallis, 582

Hill, Henry (or Hull), 985

Hill, Jack, 414

Hill, James, 521–22

Hill, John, 92n.82, 304, 675, 677, 680–83, 685–88, 690, 692, 696, 698, 700, 702–6, 709, 711, 713–14, 716, 718, 720, 722–23, 725, 727, 732–39, 742, 744, 749, 753, 757, 761, 766, 830, 834, 836, 985

Hill, Margarett, 242

Hill, Robert, 253, 448, 786, 795, 798–99, 805, 807, 813, 818, 823, 826, 834

Hill, Sarah, 290, 303

Hill, Sarah, and child, 299

Hill, Thomas, 326

Hiller, Abigail, 954

Hilliard, Sarah, 123

Hillman, Cornelus, 580

Hillman, Matthew, 580, 851, 880

Hillman, Nancy, 578

Hills, Robert, 791

Hills, Sal (or Hill), 299

Hilt, Phillip and Elizabeth, 417

Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 19–20, 82 n.9

Hinds, Calvin, 318

Hinds, Mary (or Hines), 427, 436, 512, 514, 538n.360, 580, 583

Hinds, Nancy, 665

Hinds, Rebecca, 579

Hines, Jane, 577

Hines, Mary, 469

Hines, Thomas, 460

Hingham, Town of, 870

Hinks, Elizabeth, 522–23

Hirst, Grove, 985

Hitchbourn, Prince (or Hitchborn), 471, 534n.185

Hiter, Stephen, 308–9

Hitton, Silvester, 316, 323

Hoar, Hannah, 634

Hoar, John, 141, 516

Hoar, Sarah, 649

Hoare, Elizabeth, 582

Hoare, Hannah, 133

Hobbs, Ann, 152, 638

Hobbs, John, 287–88, 292, 915–22, 924–32, 934–41

Hodgdon, Elizabeth (or Hogsdon), 243, 269n.608

Hodgetts, Lydia, 320

Hodgetts, Lydia, and son, 316

Hodson, Frank, 455

Hodson, John, 581

Hodson, Thomas, 827

Hoey, Anna (Ann), and daughter Polley, 412, 421, 427

Hoey, Robert, 399

Hog, Ann, 123

Hog, Mary, 320

Hogain, Dinis, 469

Hogan, Dennis, 460, 480

Hogan, John, 421, 582

Hoganey, Sarah, 320

Hogard, Elizabeth, 581

Hogen, Denis, 436

Hogen, Dennis (or Hogan), 429, 532n.49

Hogen, John, 423

Hogetts, Lydia, 384

Hogg, Ann, 117

Hogg, Mary, 441

Hogg, Walter, and wife, 277, 279

Hoggins, Ann, 123

Hogney, George, 946–47

Hogney, George, wife of, 943–44

Hogon, Denis, 492

Hohn, John, 580–81, 583

Hoiate, Robert, 450

Holbrook, Abiah, 761–62

Holbrook, Abiel, 780

Holbrook, Felix Holbrook, 476

Holbrook, John, 462

Holbrook, Joseph, 690

Holden, Elcy, 578, 580, 582

Holden, John, 512

Holden, Thomas, 489, 494

Holderphole, John, 582

Holland, Cathrine, 515

Holland, Cloe, 521

Holland, Hannah, 578–79

Holland, John, 577

Holland, Kate (Catey), and child (or Hollond), 329, 335, 355

Holland, Margaret (Margarett), and child, 220, 227, 234, 239, 267n.508, 296–97, 304, 310, 314, 319

Holland, Margret, 282, 286, 310

Holland, Mary, 277, 318, 577

Holland, Peggy, and child, 280, 284, 317

Holland, Peter, 581, 881

Holland, Richard, 235, 268n.578

Holland, Samuel, 158, 259n.141

Holland, Sue, 334

Holland, Widow, 670

Holles, Agnes, 123

Holley, George (or Holly), 499

Hollis, Hannah, 497

Hollis, Hannah, and child, 578, 580, 582

Hollis, Hannah, and children Polly, John, and Thomas, 450, 454, 486, 494, 533n.104

Hollis, John, 486

Hollis, Polle, 486

Hollis, Semmeon, 497

Hollis, Thomas, 486

Holly, George, 579

Holly, Katy, 514

Holman, Widow, 946

Holmans, Jane, 578

Holmes, Martha, 648

Holmes, Nancy, 288

Holmes, Nathaniel, 688

Holmes, Silas, 334

Holmes, Susanna, 123, 649

Holmes, William, 240, 242, 252, 254, 400

Holt, Thomas, 277

Holyoke, Elizur, 985

Homer, Andrew, 851

Homer, Samuel, 577, 851

Honewell, John, and wife, 354

Honnewell, John, 328–30

Hoobrok, Priscilla, 353

Hood, John, 331–32

Hooey, Mr., 837

Hope, William, child of, 579

Hopkins, Elezibeth, and child, 306

Hopkins, Elizabeth, 305, 350

Hopkins, Elizabeth, and child, 308–9, 324, 352

Hopkins, Marthew, 315

Hopkins, Mathew, 294, 302, 316

Hopkins, Matthew, 239, 275, 293, 654, 656, 659

Hopper, Thomas, 638

Horn, Dorothy, 433

Horn, John, 384

Horn, Sarah, 255

Horn, Van, 579

Horne, Dorothy, 428

Horne, Henry, 940

Hortan, Sally, 850

Hosah, Rachel, 295

Hous, Anna, 349

Hous, Catharine, 348

House, Snow, 871

House of Industry, 14. See also Workhouse

Houstin, John, 869–70

Hovey, Amos, 579

Hovey, Mary, 578

How, Anna, 343

How, Anna, and child, 351

How, Daniel, 827

How, Dorcas (or Howe), 134, 257n.14

How, John, 292–93, 826, 830

How, John, wife of, 834

How, Joseph, 826–27, 829–30, 834

How, Philles, 443

Howard, Ann, 303

Howard, Ann, child of, 303

Howard, Benjamin, 577

Howard, Deborah, 254, 275, 335, 344–45, 352–53, 376

Howard, Edward, 657

Howard, John, 69

Howard, Mary, 227, 275, 293, 577, 581, 583

Howard, Thomas, 298

Howard, Timothey, 473, 495, 510, 518

Howard, Timothy, 327, 331, 333, 493, 579

Howard, William, 298

Howe, Sarah, and son William, 868

Howell, Sarah, 639

Howes, John, 440

Howes, Nancey, 438

Howes, Nancy, 361

Howland, Abigail, 339–40, 392, 395

Howlett, Patrick, 123

Hows, Daniel, 826

Hows, Sukey, 583

Hubbard, Abigail, 390, 461, 474, 520, 523, 577–78

Hubbard, Joshua, 436, 474

Hubbard, Joshua, and wife, 432

Hubbard, Joshu and Abigal, 452

Hubbard, Josiah (or Hobart), 238, 268n.593

Hubbard, Lazarus, 123

Hubbard, Mary, 123

Hubbard, Richard, 336, 357, 364, 370, 374, 379

Hubbard, Sear, 583

Hubbard, Sylvanus, 581

Hubbard, Thomas (or Hubbart), 92n.82, 672, 674, 676, 678, 680, 682, 684–85, 687–88, 691, 693, 695, 698, 700, 702, 704, 706, 708–9, 711–13, 716, 719–20, 725, 730, 735, 740, 744, 749, 753, 757, 761, 985

Hubbert, Rachel, 295

Hubbert, Richard, 346

Huchinson, William, 92n.82

Hudenox, Elizabeth, 217

Hudson, Francis, 462

Hudson, Margaret, 864

Hudson, Violet, 499

Hudson, William, 143, 157, 166, 259n.135, 260n.186

Huffins, Mrs., 579

Huffrin, Patrick, 467

Hufron, Partrick, 462

Hughes, James, 298

Hughes, John, 116, 123

Hulbert, David, 486, 488

Hull, Thomas, 291–92

Humane Society, 68–69

humanitarianism, 38

Humphreys, Sarah, and child, 287

Humphrys, Robert, 646, 658

Hune, Mr., 514

Hunnawell, Peter (or Hunnewell), 469, 534n.182

Hunnawell, Susanna (or Hunnewell), 469, 534n.183

Hunnell, Catherine, 526

Hunnewell, Catey (Cathrine), 483, 535n.228

Hunnewell, Catherine, 577

Hunnewell, Cathrin, 478

Hunnewell, Cathrine, 476, 529

Hunnewell, John, 399, 404, 408

Hunnewell, John, and wife, 354

Hunnewell, Ketay (Cathrine), 494, 536n.266

Hunnewell, Peter, 471–72, 475

Hunnewell, Widow, 906

Hunnewill, Cate, 487

Hunnewill, Johua (or Hunnewell), 441, 532n.83

Hunniwell, Katy, 578

Hunnywell, Widow, 909

Hunt, Benjamin, 663

Hunt, John, 670, 675, 918, 924, 926, 931, 934, 938, 985

Hunt, Paletiah, 406

Hunt, Patience, and child (or Feno or Fenno), 492, 494, 536n.261

Hunt, Salle, 472

Hunt, Sally, 469

Hunt, Samuel, 680, 684–85, 689, 691, 695, 698, 701, 704, 985

Hunt, Sarah, 641, 900

Hunt, Sarah, and child, 215, 266n.482

Hunt, William, 850

Hunter, Peter, 326, 329, 338

Hunter, Thomas, 223, 267n.529

Hunter, Widow, 638

Hurd, Jacob, 692

Hurley, Abigail, 349, 390–91

Hurley, Abigall, 664–65

Hurley, Deborah, 364

Hurley, Deborah, and children, 279, 282

Hurley, George, 365

Hurley, John, 356

Hurley, Margrat, 396

Hurley, Polly, 226

Hurley, Rebecca, 400

Hurley, William, and wife and children, 275

Hurly, Deborah, and children, 286, 289, 294

Hurly, Pegey, 434

Huse, John, 363

Hussey, James, 290

Huston, Jack, 469

Huston, Thomas, 237, 239

Hutchenson, Julia, 580

Hutchinson, Elisha, 985

Hutchinson, John, 335

Hutchinson, William, 985

Hutson, Frank (or Hatson), 445, 469, 532n.96

Hutter, Mary, 163, 260n.172

Hyden, Timothey, 523

Hydes, James, 216, 266n.487

Hynds, Mary (or Hines), 509, 526, 537n.335, 581

Hynes, Ann, 219, 630, 639

Hynes, Robert, 253

Hynes, Robert, and wife and child, 287

Hynot, Peter, 243, 246

Iago, Isabella, 135

Ibister, Chistian, 75–76

illegitimate children, 22, 70. See also orphanages

Inches, Henderson, 805, 808, 813, 818, 821, 823, 985

Indens, Hanna, 464, 534n.161

Indens, Sina, 464, 534n.161

indentures, 34, 49–52, 76, 79, 88–89nn.52–53, 645. See also apprenticeships; binding out

indoor vs. outdoor relief, 22, 47–48, 57, 70, 94–95n.100, 98n.124, 101n.156

Ingals, Stephen, 665

Ingersol, James and Betsey, 857

Ingersol, John, 461

Ingersoll, Ann, 648

Ingersoll, Mary, 639

Ingerson, Mr., 942

Inglish, Elizabeth, 123

Inglish, Mary, 654

Ingolls, Ann, 656

Ingolls, Robert, 146, 258n.49, 631

Ingolsby, Widow, 670–84, 686–97, 699–702

Ingraham, Anne, 301

Ingraham, Dorcas, 237

Ingraham, Rebecca, 237

Ingraham, Susanah, and child, 523

Innys, Francis, 123

Innys, Margaret, 123

insane asylums, 75

Ipson, Salle, 459

Irland, Edward, and wife (or Ireland), 434, 532n.68

Isabella (black woman), 508

Isbester, Christee, 219

Isbester, Christian, 629–30, 637, 641

Isbester, Christiana, 132

Isbester, Cristian, 155, 215

Isbuster, Christee, 638

Isbuster, Christian, 636

Isbuster, Christian, and daughter, 628

Isbusters, Cristian, and child (or Isbuster), 161, 167, 171, 261n.209

Isles, Grace, 636

Iverd, Henry, 656

Ivers, Eleth., 294

Ivers, Elizabeth, 295, 310, 366, 425, 431

Ivers, Elizabeth, and child, 352

Ivers, Suckey, 348

Ives, Elizabeth, 295, 297, 378, 431

Ivies, Elizabeth, 341, 361

Ivis, Elizabeth, 304, 308

Ivory, Hannah, 117, 123

Ivory, Silas, 897

Jack (negro), 250, 381

Jack, Annas, 901–2

Jack, John, 244

Jack, Walter, 244, 273

Jackson, and children, 279

Jackson, Bett, 301

Jackson, Edward, 696

Jackson, Elizabeth, and child, 255, 275, 289, 295, 306

Jackson, John, 138, 244–45, 655

Jackson, Jonathan, 985

Jackson, Mary, 400

Jackson, Sarah, 381, 383, 426, 428

Jackson, Susanna, 117, 123

Jackson, Thomas, 368, 371, 376

Jackson, Widow, 953

Jackson, William, 374–75

Jacob, Herbert, 584

Jacob, Scipio, 479

Jacobs, Addison, 652

Jacobson, John, 377–78

Jacques, Mr., 838

Jaine, Mrs. Joshua, 397

Jaines, Joseph, 394

Jaines, Joseph, and wife, 418

James (negro), 141, 357, 646

James, Elizabeth, 848

James, Marthor, and child, 413, 416

James, Mary, 123

Jane (Indian), 131

Jarden, Susanna, 629

Jarrel, Ann, 456

Jarvis, Enoch, 651, 661

Jarvis, John, 123, 636

Jarvis, Maryann, 512

Jarvis, William, 277, 279–80, 285, 289, 294–95, 302

Jasper, Anna, 497

Jeans, Henrietta, 661

Jebling, Ann, 353

Jeffers, Peter, 436

Jeffreis, Elizabeth, 307

Jeffries, David, 45, 47, 92n.82, 93n.89, 736, 757, 835

Jeffries, Elizabeth, 308

Jeffries, Frances, 123

Jeffries, Margaret, 123

Jehonot, Jason Brown, 937

Jemmison, John, 584

Jemorson, John, 584

Jenkens, Samuel, 448

Jenkins, Hannah, 130

Jenkins, Nathaniel, 584

Jenkins, Samuel, 451

Jennang, Elizabeth, 325

Jennen, Elizabeth, 420

Jennesson, Sarah, 311

Jenney, Elizabeth, 432

Jennings, Daniel, 334, 337

Jennings, Mary, children of, 806, 810

Jennins, Elizabeth, 583

Jenny (Jane; a negro), 234, 268n.575

Jenson, Mary, 325

Jerell, Mary, 353

Jeremiah (negro), 329

Jewett, Mr., 838

Jewsear, Francis (or Dizer), 169, 261n.202

Jibling, Nancy, 334

Joanna, Mrs., 634

Job (negro), 327

Joe (black man), 583

Joffs (mulatto), 626

John, Cockren (or Cockran), 420–21, 531n.29

John, Gillard, 496

John, Gleason, 496

John, James (or Johns), 519–20, 525, 538n.386

Johns, Ann, 166, 637

Johns, James, 499–500

Johnson, Charles, 367

Johnson, Collin, 583

Johnson, Eunice, 584

Johnson, George, 228

Johnson, Hannah, 349

Johnson, Hannah, and child, 341

Johnson, John, 123, 329, 331, 489, 492, 515, 628, 643n.13

Johnson, Jonathan, 649–50

Johnson, Margarett, 168, 261n.200

Johnson, Margarett, and son William, 628

Johnson, Mary, 426

Johnson, Mary, and child, 418

Johnson, Mathew, 851

Johnson, Matthew, 584

Johnson, Mordica, 451

Johnson, Mordicai, 446

Johnson, Mr., 838

Johnson, Richard, 583

Johnson, Sam, 583

Johnson, Samuel, 583–84, 638

Johnson, Sarah, 412, 424, 426, 487

Johnson, Thomas, 332, 334–37, 345, 628

Johnson, William, 327, 334, 584

Johnsons, Margarett, 638

Johnston, Ann, 298

Johnston, John, 513, 516

Johnston, Joshua, and wife, 400

Joice, Jane, 305

Jolley, Charles, 434

Jolley, George, 454, 486

Jolly, Charles, 433

Jolly, George, 433, 455

Jone, Thomas, 478

Jones, 697

Jones, David, 372

Jones, Douglas Lamar, 89n.63

Jones, Edmon, 420–21

Jones, Edmund, 585

Jones, Edward, 663

Jones, Elizabeth, 126, 152, 584, 651, 653, 656

Jones, Elizabeth, and children, 237, 239

Jones, Fanny, 253

Jones, Hannah, 498

Jones, James, 524, 583–84

Jones, James, child of, 493

Jones, James and Elizabeth, and son William, 457, 470

Jones, John, 230–31, 268n.558, 325–26

Jones, Jonah, 330

Jones, Jonathan, 137

Jones, Josiah, 326

Jones, Margarett, 208, 630

Jones, Mary, 137, 151, 156, 281, 283, 357, 501, 519, 521

Jones, Mary, and child, 141, 368

Jones, Nancy, 951

Jones, Peter, 583

Jones, Polly, 240

Jones, Polly, and daughter, 378

Jones, Samuel, 522, 528

Jones, Sarah, 116, 123

Jones, Stephen, 291, 474–75

Jones, Susanna, 397, 406

Jones, Thomas, 235, 237

Jones, Thomas, and wife, 158, 162

Jones, William, 240, 296, 360, 388, 393, 396, 412, 417, 583–84

Jones, William, Jr., 585

Jones and Griffen, 697

Jonson, Sarah (or Johnson), 487, 535n.242

Jordan, Barbara, 626

Jordan, Barby (Barbary), 127, 257n.7

Jordan, John, 127

Jordan, Susanna, 662

Joseph, Sarah, 419, 424

Joy, Ann, and child, 128

Juba (negro), 444

Judivin, Mrs., 840

June and wife (negroes), 317

Kain, Sukey, 515

Kamp, Sarah, 497

Karr, John, 428

Kast, Godfrid, 747

Kate (negro), 319, 322

Katharine, Lucy, 287

Kay, James, 278

Kean, Susannah, and child, 496, 524, 526

Keayne, Robert, 23

Keef, James Timothey, 476

Keef, Mary, 468–69, 476

Keef, Mary, and James and Timothy, 464

Keef, Timothey, 519

Keeling, Samuel (or Keeler), 985

Keen, Sukey (or Kean), 525, 538n.408

Keen, Susannah, and child (or Kean), 511–12, 537n.354

Keene, Zubal and Susanna, 885

Keeth, James, 470

Keeth, Mrs., 963

Keeth, Timothey, 469

Keeve, Arthur, 138, 649

Keeves, Arthur, 631

Keeves, Barnabas, 124

Keily, John, 440

Keily, Judith, and children, 252

Keily, Patrick (or Keiley), 171–72

Keley, John, 437

Kellam, Elizabeth, 655

Kelle, Patt., 467

Kelleham, Elizabeth (or Kellam), 151, 258n.90

Kellen, Mary, 316

Kelley, Elizabeth, 629

Kelley, Elizabeth, and child (or Kelly), 156, 161

Kelley, Hannah, 144

Kelley, James, 462

Kelley, John, 343, 436, 440

Kelley, John, and wife and child, 273

Kelley, Margrat, 371, 374

Kelley, Mary, 401

Kelley, Mary, and daughter Mary, 884

Kelley, Partrick, 360, 555

Kelley, Patrick, 481, 487, 585

Kelley, Patrick (or Kelly), 499, 536n.296

Kelley, Richard, 355

Kelley, Robert, 374, 382

Kellihorn, Corne (Corns), 657, 667n.13

Kellon, Lydia, 124

Kellon, Mary, 250

Kellon, Mary, and children, 130, 137

Kelly, Edward, 658

Kelly, James, 287

Kelly, John, 439, 941

Kelly, John, and daughter, 281

Kelly, Judith, and children, 438

Kelly, Patrick, 508

Kelly, Patt, 463

Kelly, Peter, 222, 231, 318, 324

Kelton, 292

Kelton, Hannah, 147

Kelton, Mary, 124

Kemp, John, 513

Kemp, Mary, 586

Kemp, Sally, 73, 512

Kemp, Sarah, 505, 512, 516, 586

Kempland, Annis, 256

Kemple, Hugh, 427, 439

Kempleton, Annis, 275

Kenaly, Patrick (or Kennaly), 149, 258n.69

Kendal, Henry and Luce, 488

Kendall, Henry, and wife, 432

Kendall, Henry and Luce, 481

Kendall, Henry and Ruth, 516, 523

Kendall, Ruth, 425

Kendel, Henry and Ruth, 391

Kendell, Henry and Ruth, 385

Kendol, Henry (or Kendall), 425, 531n.39

Kennady, William (or Kennedy), 429, 532n.51

Kennedy, David, 586

Kennedy, Hugh, 677–78, 706

Kennedy, Margarett, 320

Kennedy, Ph. Wybird (Wibird), 658, 667n.15

Kennedy, Richard, 333–34

Kennedy, Thomas, 430

Kennedy, William, 444

Kenney, Ann, and child, 225, 228

Kenney, Elizabeth, 134, 651

Kenney, Hannah, 275, 608

Kenney, Joanna, 221

Kenney, John, 128, 137, 641

Kenney, Mary, 134, 650

Kenney, Sarah, 134, 650

Kenny, Nurse (or Kenney or Kinney), 670–97, 699–705, 708–9

Kent, Ceser, 526

Kent, Cyrus, 506, 510

Kent, Hannah, 915

Kent, Rebeca, 503

Kent, Sarah, 241, 268n.601

Kenton, 690

Kenton, Robert, 693

Kepon, Mary (or Kepson), 407, 531n.4

Kercawtau, John, 132

Kerk, James, 467

Kerk, Walter, 294

Kerkam, William (or Kerkham), 508, 537n.327

Kerley, Rebecca, 399

Kettle, Jane, and child, 291, 293

Kettle, Sarah, and child, 316, 321

Keylee, John, and wife and children, 275

Keylee, Judith, and children, 243, 248, 274

Kidder, Joseph, 585

Kidney, Patrick, 222, 228, 268n.551

Kief, James (John Keef), 490, 535n.250

Kilby, John, 295

Kilby, Jonathan, 153

Kilby, Robert, 124, 648

Kilby, Sophy, 522

Kilcup, George, 902

Kilcup, George and Katharine, 246, 269n.613

Kiley, John, and Judea (Judith Keily), and child, 453, 533n.112

Kilgore, Margaret (or Killgore), 427, 531n.43

Killcup, Ebenezer, 149

Killcup, George, 897–98, 900

Killeren, Ann, 144

Killeron, Ann, 652

Killey, John, 348, 353, 360

Killey, Mary, 398

Killey, Mary, and daughter Mary, 885

Killgor, Margarett, 302

Killgore, Mary, 332

Kilpatrick, James, 214

Kimball, Asa, 585

Kimball, William, 526, 585

King, Ann, 213, 266n.468, 641

King, Charles, 585–86

King, Elizabeth, 826, 828, 831, 833

King, George, 342, 346

King, Gregory, 19

King, John, 585

King, Mary, 278, 488, 585

King, Mary, and child, 490

King, Mary, child of, 495

King, Partrick, 356

King, Polly, 585

King, Sarah, 309

King, William, 360, 586

King George’s War (1744–1748), 25, 37, 55

Kingsbury, Theodore, 370–71

Kingsman, Prince, 494–95

Kingston, John, 404

Kingston, Martha, 123

Kingston, Town of, 852

Kingstone, Maratha, 114

Kinney, Ann, 297

Kinsley, Rebecca, 964

Kinsleys, Mary, 639

Kippen, John, 898, 900–901

Kipping, Sarah, 381

Kirilly, Rebacha, 501

Kirk, James, 464

Kirk, John, 488

Kirk, Walter, 293, 298

Kirk, William, 488, 492

Kirley, Rebecca, 400

Kirrely, Rebackah (or Kirilly), 506, 537n.324

Kitchen, Margaret, 126

Kittle, Sally, and son, 585–86

Kneeland, Benjamin, 414, 423

Kneeland, Edward, 481

Kneeland, John, 698

Kneeland, Mary, 132

Knight, Prince, 432

Knight, Ruben, 412

Knights, Thomas, 833

Knott, Susanna, 140

Knott, Susannah, 631

Knowles, Judith, 124

Knowles, William, 806

Knowlton, Rebecka, 890, 892, 894, 896–99, 902

Knox, Adam, 827

Knox, Elanor, and child, 305, 307

Knox, Eleanor, and child, 303

Knox, William, 671, 673

Kuhn, John, 453

Kuter, John and Hannah (or Kutter; alias Coon), 497, 499

Lablong, and wife, 141

Labradore, Peter, 128

Lacey, Lydia, 256

Lacey, Nicholas, 360

Lack, Edward, 169, 635

Lackey, William, 124

Lagone, Joseph Penate, 372

Laha, Cornelius, 663

Laha, Esther, 240, 279

Laha, Jane, 238

Laha, Joanna, 240, 252

Laha, John, 240

Laha, John Wallis, 663

Laha, Widow, 943

Lahay, Hannah, 457, 459

Lahea, Hannah, and child (or Leahea), 456, 533n.130

Laisinby, Mary, 589

Lamb, John, 356, 359

Lambert, Deborah, 167, 636

Lambert, Elizabeth, 134, 627

Lamberth, Murphy, 491

Landerkin, Matthew, 405, 407

Landgill, Jonathan, 518

Landor, George, 331

Landrie, Paul, 818

Lane, Eli, 877, 884

Lane, John, 309, 944–46

Lane, Joshua, wife of, 943

Lane, Margarett, 289

Lane, Margret, 279

Lane, Peter, 587, 885

Lane, Samuel, 957–58

Lanford, Sarah (or Langford), 456, 533n.128

Lanford, William (or Langford), 456, 463, 467, 534n.156

Langdon, Elizabeth, 139

Langford, Ann, 821

Langford, Mary, 821

Langford, Sally, 587

Langford, William, 419, 423–24, 483, 490, 503, 507, 516, 586–87

Langle, Joseph, 466

Langley, Daniel, wife of, 919

Langley, Elizabeth, 290

Langley, James, and wife, 277

Langley, Josep, 463

Langley, Joseph, 461

Langley, Mary, 238

Langley, Mr., 961

Langley, Rachal, 528

Langley, Richard (or Longley), 436, 440, 510, 527, 532n.71, 537n.337

Langsford, Hannah, 306

Lansford, Joseph Gray, 309

Larebea, Samuel (or Larabee), 460, 533n.147

Larey, Patrick (or Lary), 80, 212, 217, 266n.463

Lark, Elizabeth, 250

Larkin, Ann, 272, 335, 936–37

Larkin, Anna, 923, 925, 927, 929, 931–35

Larkin, John, 136

Larkin, Moses, 146, 638

Larkin, Moses, and wife, 148, 162, 164

Larkin, Moses and Katharine, 156

Larkin, Mrs., 914

Larkin, Peter, 249–50

Larkin, Widow, 927–31

Larking, Widow, 918

Larrabe, York, 374

Larrabee, John, 771

Larrabee, Martha, 882

Larrabee, Mary, 274

Larry, Patrick, 913

Lasele, Robert (or Lassel), 129, 257n.9

Lasenby, Joseph (or Lasinby), 70, 744–62, 765–74, 776–84, 786–802, 817

Lasinbey, Joseph, 819

Lasinby, Joseph, 817–19, 822, 824–34

Lassinby, Joseph (or Lasinby), 830

Lassley, Ann, 627

Lassley, Robert (or Lassel), 144, 257n.37

Lassley, Robert, and wife, 162, 164–65

Lassley, Sarah, 627, 659

Laten, Samuel, 494

Laton, Samuel Eason (or Laten), 495, 536n.269

Laufour, John, 359–60

Launderkin, Thomas, 273

Laurance, Elizabeth, 303

Laurance, Samuel and Anna, 303

Laurance, Samuel and Nancy, 303

Law, Mary, 325

Law, Obediah, 773

Lawley, John, 587–88

Lawlor, Thomas, 272–73

Lawrance, Margaret, and daughter Lucretia (or Lawrence), 628, 643n.5

Lawrance, Margarett, 633

Lawrance, Margarett (or Lawrence), 152, 259n.95

Lawrance, Mary, 369

Lawrance, Mary, and child (or Lawrence), 416, 531n.25

Lawrance, Thomas, 363

Lawrence, Ann, 304

Lawrence, Margaret, 632

Lawrence, Margarett, 149

Lawrence, Nancy, 286

Lawrence, Thomas, 356

Lawrence, Thomas, and wife, 233, 268n.569

Lawson, Thomas, 434

Lax, Mary, 676–97, 699–705, 708–14

Layman, Robert, 124, 647

Lazenby, Joseph, 806–7, 810–16, 820–21, 823, 832

Lazinby, Joseph, 811, 814, 816–17

Lazinbys, Joseph, 809

Leach, Elizabeth, 73, 491

Leachman, Sarah, 386

Leachman, Sarah, and child, 397, 405

Leachmore, Charity, 307

Leadbetter, Jane, 662

Leage, Samuel, 482

Leahea, Hannah, 441

Leanard, Michael, 587

Leander, Hugh, 588

Leather, William, 522

Leatherby, Patty (or Leatherbee; alias Crafts), 587–89, 860, 881

Leatherby, Polly, 882

Leavit, Sarah, 124

LeBaron, Mary, 858

Leblond, Phillippi and Mary, 277

Lee, Elizabeth, 393, 515, 586, 914, 916

Lee, George, 438

Lee, Lydia, 341, 349

Lee, Margarett, 312, 900

Lee, Margrat, 374–75

Lee, Richard, 247, 252

Lee, Ruth, 172, 640

Lee, William, 637

Leech, William, 898

Legalley, Bill, 369

LeGalley, Harriot, 412

Legalley, John, 369, 373, 385

Legalley, Mary, 369

Legalley, Polley, 383

Legalley, Polly, 369

LeGalley, Richard, 417, 666

Legalley, Richard, 369, 400

LeGalley, William, 412, 666

Legally, John, 665

Legg, John, 124, 651, 985

Legg, Katharain, 138, 171

Legg, Katharine, 124

Legg, Katharine, and child, 115

Legg, Samuel, 225, 332–33, 463

Leich, William, wife of, 894

Leigh, Margrat, 384

Leighton, Samuel, 497, 502

Leimerceis, Jane, 303

Lemarce, Jane, 294

Lembert, Henry, 586

LeMercey, Jeny, 307

Lemine, Mary, 299, 301

Lemoine, Benjamin, 655

Lemoine, Elizabeth, 658

Lemoine, John, 656

Lemoine, Mary, 226, 256, 275

Lemone, Agnis, 134

Lenoard, Pero, 586

Lenord, Michael, 525–26

Lenox, Ann, 637

Lenox, Anna, 172

Lenox, Anna, and son, 628

Lenox, David, 746, 751, 756–57, 763–64, 766, 770

Lenox, John, 587

Lenox, Polly, 588, 857, 882

Lenox, Robert, 170, 635

Leodur, Richard (or Leodore), 161, 166, 260n.155, 260n.191

Leonard, Jeremiah, 869

Leonard, Mary, 587

Leonard, Michel (Michael), 522, 524, 538n.397, 587–89

Leonard, Mr., 837

Lettuce (mulatto), 136

Leveret, John, 820

Leveret, Widow, 960

Leverett, John, 92n.82, 741, 826, 829–30, 832, 834, 985

Levice (Luisa; negro), 405

Levingston, Elizabeth, 588

Levingston, Mehitable (or Mahetable Livingston), 429, 532n.50

Levitt, Mr., 838

Leward, Sophia (or Seward), 589

Lewis, Abigail, 392, 586

Lewis, Abigal, 359

Lewis, Anna, and daughter Sarah, 452

Lewis, Anne, and son William, 469

Lewis, Cuff (free negro), 937

Lewis, David, 961–62

Lewis, Dorothy, 167, 214, 266n.474

Lewis, Dorothy, and daughter Sarah, 628, 643n.15

Lewis, Edward, 217

Lewis, Elizabeth, 117, 124, 145, 388, 394, 424, 481, 487, 497, 503, 514

Lewis, Elizabeth Valentine, 419

Lewis, Ezekiel (or Lewise), 985

Lewis, Flowrah, 364

Lewis, Flowrah, and child, 356

Lewis, George, 124

Lewis, Jacob, 867–68

Lewis, James, 404, 666

Lewis, John, 135, 168–69, 292, 458, 486–87, 845

Lewis, Joseph, 333, 364

Lewis, Lenne, 165

Lewis, Mary, 318, 521, 525

Lewis, Mehetabel, 627

Lewis, Mehettable, 138, 155

Lewis, Mehettable, and daughter Susanna, 628

Lewis, Mehitable, 632, 636

Lewis, Mrs., 635

Lewis, Nabby, 382

Lewis, Poley, 513

Lewis, Rehanus, 655

Lewis, Rhoda, 588, 869, 882

Lewis, Sarah, 210, 628, 643n.15, 661

Lewis, Susanna, 278–79, 349, 587, 664, 857

Lewis, Susannah, 517

Lewis, Susannah, and child, 319

Lewis, Sussann, 347

Lewis, Thomas, 247, 250, 272, 275, 277, 588–89

Lewis, William, 469, 481, 493, 500, 506, 955

Lewis, William and Anne, and daughter Salle, 458

liberalism, 37

Liddle, Mary, and child, 167, 261n.198

Lidie, Margarett, 128

Lilburn, Robert, 352, 407

Lillie, Angus, 648–49

Lillie, Elizabeth, 649

Lillie, Joseph, 661, 912

Lillie, Joshua, 913

Lillie, Patience, 129

Lillie, Thomas, 649

Lilman, Robert, 354, 359, 418

Lilmon, Robert, 346, 349

Linaker, John, 208

Linch, Dennis, 587

Lincoln, Peter, 589

Lindall, Timothy, 985

Lindor, George, 330

Lindsey, Elizabeth, 295

Lines, Peter, 886

Linnington, Mary, 124

Linnington, Mary, and children, 117

Linsey, Elizabeth, 293

Linte, Mary, and child (or Lintee or Linty), 162, 165, 171, 231, 260n.166, 261n.210, 301, 311, 628, 643n.18

Lintee, Ann, 142, 627

Lintee, Mary, 142, 627

Lintee, Samuel, 142

Linten, Mary, 139

Linty, Samuel, 632

Lisanby, Joseph (or Lasinby), 827

Lisanby, Mary, 388

Liscow, Mary, 662

Lisemby, Mary, 393

Lisenby, Joseph (or Lasinby), 830

Lish, George, 651

Lish, Sarah, 636

Lisha, Levice, 408

Lishman, Sarah, and child, 391

Lishman child, 388

Liswell, Mary, 662

Liswell, Thomas, 660

Little, Mary, 647

Livett, Sarah (or Livingston), 116

Livingston, Archibald, 310, 318, 324, 326, 332

Lizard, John, 272

Lizwell, Thomas, 210

Lloyd, Cate, 395

Lloyd, John, 737

Lock, James, 587

Locke, John, 20

Lockhard, Charles, 586

Lockland, Sarah, 316

Lockos, Henry, 439

Loines, Elenor, 504

London (negro), 293

Long, Mary, 144, 633

Long, Mary, 149

Look, Elizabeth, 244

Loranbon, John, 511, 513

Lord, Abigail (Abigal), 302, 457–58

Lord, Alaxander, 504, 510

Lord Hillsborough, 32

Loring, Benjamin, 587

Loring, Danel, 453

Loring, Daniel, 443, 447

Loring, Dannel, 459

Loring, Elizabeth, 705

Loring, Francias, 498

Loring, John, 700–704, 906, 911

Loring, Mr., 836

Loring, Sarah, 862

Loring, Thomas, 386, 392, 395, 427, 438

Loughton, William, 588

Love, Clara, 347

Love, John Fulton, 160

Love, Margaret, and child, 340

Love, Margrat, 358, 367

Love, Robert, 53, 96n.114

Lovebridg, Nancy (or Lovebridge), 503, 537n.316

Lovebridge, Elizabeth (or Loveritt), 589

Lovebridge, John, 586

Lovebridge, Thomas, 586

Lovebridge, William and Elizabeth, and children, 586–88

Lovel, Mary (or Lovell), 241, 268n.602

Loveless, William, 136, 651

Lovell, Joseph, 588, 866, 882

Lovell, Mary, 663

Lovell, Nancy, 372, 374

Lovering, Sarah, 377, 445

Lovless, John (or Lovelace), 638, 643n.31

Lovridge, William and Elizabeth, and sons John and Thomas, 529

Lovrign, Nancey (or Lovering), 490, 535n.248

Lovring, Sarah (or Lovering), 356, 455, 463, 534n.159

Low, Joseph, 785

Low, Judath (or Judith Lowe), 437, 532n.74

Low, Judea, 436, 438, 454

Low, Judeth (or Lowe), 443, 532n.90

Low, Larry, 316

Low, Nathaniel, 371, 373

Low, Phillipi, 309

Low, Polly, 326

Lowe, Elizabeth, 320

Lowe, Judeth, 424

Loyd, Alexander (or Lloyd), 465, 534n.165

Loyd, Francis John, 245

Loyed, Alaxander, 473

Loynes, Elizabeth, 886

Loyns, James, 587

Luacus, Henry (or Lucas), 527, 539n.412

Lucas (child), 278

Lucas, Henry, 442

Lucas, John, 124, 659, 840

Lucas, Mary, 124

Lucas, Nathaniel, and child, 278

Luce, Edward, 370

Lucey, Nichole, 354

Luckis, Henry, 426, 480

Luckos, Henry, 454

Luckus, Henry (or Luckis), 439, 493

Luden, Abigal, 461

Lues, Joseph and Sarah, 367

Lukas, John, 631

Lyddard, Hannah, 312

Lydia (negro), 137

Lyman, Mr., 838

Lynch, Abigail, 124

Lynch, Abigail, and children, 116

Lynch, Bartholomew, 646

Lynch, Christopher, 654

Lynch, James, 323

Lynde, Samuel (or Lind or Lynd), 985

Lynde, Susanna, and daughter, 115

Lyndes, Eleanor, 964

Lyndes, Ignatius (or Lynes), 653, 667n.6

Lynes, John, 368, 373

Lynes, John, and wife, 280

Lynes, Susanna, 124

Lynes, Susanna, junior, 124

Lyniard, Elizabeth, 655

Lynn, Town of, 864

Lyon, Eleanor, and children, 132

Maccurdey, Mary, 348

MacDaniel, Katharain, 636

Macgraw, John, 244

Machen, Christian, 352

Mack, Sarah, 397

Mackay, John, 590

Mackay, Thomas, 237

Macken, Christian, 590

Mackenny, Jonathan, 594

Mackey, William, 346

Mackher, Christopher, 948

Mackin, Hugh, 596

Mackintosh, 300

Madan, John, 333–34

Madden, Hannah, 355

Madden, John, 344

Madderson, Violet, 463

Madding, John, 338

Madding, Vilet, 372

Maddison, Vilet, 371

Maden, Abigail, 590

Maden, John, 590, 593

Maden, Peggy, 590

Maderson, Vilet, 474

Madesen, Nancy (or Matteson), 428, 532n.46

Magdelene (negro), 591, 593

Magee, Rachel, 921–25, 927–31, 933–41, 943–45

Magee, Sarah, 630

Magee, Sarah, and child, 220, 227, 231, 267n.509

Magee, Widow, 923, 932, 946

Maggot, William, 319

Magloclin, Mark, 592

Magnus Tellot, and wife (or Tillor), 459, 533n.141

Magrath, Moses, 323

Magraw, John, 233

Mahaney, Jeremiah, 407

Mahany, Jeremiah (or Mahoney), 453, 533n.118

Mahaut, James, 337

Mahoan, Christian, 421

Mahoney, Elizabeth, 496

Mahoney, John, 297

Mahoney, Mrs., 952

Mahony, Thomas, 595–96

Mairden, John, 230

Mairn, John, 231, 268n.560

Majaning, John, 336, 340

Maker, Jonathan, 927–29, 931–32, 934–39

Maker, Jonathan, wife of, 931

Maker, Widow, 939–41

Makher, Christian, 955

Makin, William, 590

Malem, Edward, 596

Maley, Cathrine, 512

Mallay, Cathrine (or Maley), 514–15, 538n.363

Mallett, Elizabeth, 244, 252, 254, 275

Malone, Jeremiah, 425

Maloney, Luce, 441

Maloney, Mrs., 952

Malony, Lucy (or Maloney), 435, 532n.69

Malony, Michael, wife of, 950

Malony, Mrs., 951–52

Maloy, Peter, 238, 276

Malthus, Thomas, 20

Man, Elizabeth (or Mann), 221, 267n.510

Man, Sarah, 452

Manders, Sofriah, 457

Manders, Sophey, 421

Manders, Sophie (or Sophia Mendez), 434, 532n.67

Mandeville, Bernard, 20

Mangee, Nickolas (or Mangent), 150, 258n.79

Mangent, Moses, 140, 147, 258n.52

Mangent, Nicholas, 140, 168, 213, 215, 656, 661

Mangitt, Nicholas, 825

Maning, Doritha, 918

Mann, Salome, 639

Mann, Sarah, 389

Mannan, Thomas, 334

Manning, Dorithy (Dorathy; or Maning), 914, 916, 921, 930–31, 933–34

Manning, Elizabeth, 646

Manning, Elizabeth, and child, 256, 273

Manning, John, 135

Manning, Nurse, 930

Manning, Widow (or Maning), 926–27, 929, 932–33

Manous, Alex, 517, 519

Manro, Polley, 413

Mansfield, John, 389, 394

Mansfield, Samuel, 777, 781, 786, 790

Manson, John, 626

Manson, Sarah, 132, 626

Manson, Thomas, 144, 634

Manufactory House, 31–32

Marblehead, Town of, 875–76

Marblehead Town, 855

March, Mary, and daughter, 628, 643n.19

March, Thomas, 739

Marett, Martha, 124

Maria (negro), 235

Mariah (negro), 948–50

Marion, Samuel, 115, 124

Marley, Partrick, 595

Marlow, Philip (or Marlo or Marrow), 683–97, 699–705, 708–60, 762–73, 776–84, 786–95

Marrable, Sarah, 670–73

Marro, Mary, 314

Marrow, Ann, 626

Marrow, Anna, 124

Marrow, John, 626

Marrow, Mary, 317

Marsh, Samuel, 416

Marshall, Elizabeth, 145, 627

Marshall, Hannah, 142

Marshall, J., 985

Marshall, Johannah, 632

Marshall, Martha, 124

Marshall, Mary, 124, 144, 299

Marshall, Samuel, 820

Marshall, Stephen, 485

Marstens, Lidea, children of, 453

Marstens, Polle Dunn, 453, 533n.116

Marstens, William Eustis, 453, 533n.116

Marstin, Betsey, 595–96

Marstin, Lidea, 446

Marston, Lyda (or Lidea Marstens), 453, 533n.117

Marston, Lydia, 494, 592, 610

Marston, Lydia, child of, 857

Marston, Thomas, 639

Martan, 331

Martella, John, 592, 853

Marten, Lydia, 351

Marten, Lydia, and son Nathaniel, 355

Marten, Nathaniel, 375

Martha’s Vineyard, 851

Martin, Alexander, 133, 634

Martin, Catherine, 591

Martin, Charlote, 591

Martin, Edward, 593

Martin, Edward (or Martyn), 985

Martin, Elizabeth, 209, 212

Martin, James, 172, 209, 224, 261n.212

Martin, John, 591–92

Martin, Lidia, 955

Martin, Lydia, and daughter, 595

Martin, Mary, 648

Martin, Matha, 591

Martin, Patty, 592

Martin, Peggy, 589, 594–95

Martin, Pelatiah, 159, 634

Martin, Richard, 591

Martin, Thomas, 171, 635

Marting, Lidea (or Martin), 457, 533n.135

Marton, John, 485

Marton, Pegey (or Martin), 513, 537n.357

Mary, Viall (or Vial), 461, 534n.151

Mason, Anna, 124

Mason, Betsey, 530, 589

Mason, George, 240

Mason, Jonathan, 44, 92n.82, 786–87, 791, 796, 802, 808–9, 813, 818, 821, 823, 825, 985

Mason, Margaret, 593–94

Mason, Peggy, 593–94

Mason, Salley, 366–67

Mason, Thomas, 117, 124

Massachusetts: charter of, 19; civic authority to democracy, 25; civil control in, 18; Colonial Law, 82n.10; communalism in, 51; vs. Connecticut, 89n.60; currency’s values in, 95n.100; economic change in, 80; labor economy of, 51; local government’s concentration in, 24–25; vs. New York, 46; number of poor in, 89n.63; political change in, 80; population of, 46, 59, 63, 87n.36; vs. Rhode Island, 54; social change in, 80, 102n.184; town officials in, 91n.73; wars’ effects on, 45–46, 55

Massachusetts Bay Company, 19

Massachusetts Charter, 93n.86

Massachusetts Poor Relief Act (1794), 20, 972

Massachusetts Township Act (1692), 971

Massachusetts Valuation (1771), 42, 92n.82

Masters, John, 277–78

Materson, Hebron, 429, 666

Materson, Nancy, 430

Mather, Cotton, 30, 33, 38, 65–66

Mather, Mrs., 904, 906–7, 911

Mathers, Ruth (or Mathur), 439, 464, 534n.160

Mathews, Abraham, 149, 157

Mathews, Barney (or Matthews), 478, 535n.210

Mathews, Elizabeth, 413

Mathews, John, 414

Mathews, Louis, and child, 343

Mathews, Ruth, 468

Mathews, William, and wife and child, 377

Mathewson, Marian, 438

Mathewson, Mary, 440

Mathewson, Merian, 440

Mathur, Ruth, and children, 435

Matterson, Hebron, 429

Matterson, Vilet (or Madderson), 472, 534n.188

Matterson, Vilett, 465

Matthews, 640

Matthews (child), 213, 266n.467

Matthews, Elizabeth (or Matthew), 409, 531n.13

Matthews, James, 438

Matthews, Nancy, 595

Matthews, Ruth, 440

Matthews, William, and wife and child, 376

Maxfield, Joseph, 655

Maxwell, Barnabus, 425

Mayes, Deacon, 924

Mayes, Deacon, children of, 920

Mayes, Deacon James, 917

Mayes, James, 919, 923, 925, 927–28, 930, 932, 934–36, 938–39

Mayfield, Edward, 592

Mayhew, Henry, 419, 421

Mayhew, Henry and Ann, and child, 389

Mayhew, Henry Eaton, 456

Mayhew, John, 372, 374, 390–91, 408

Mayhew, Mr., 837

Mayo, Elisha, 595, 874, 883

Mayo, Mary Ann, 593

Mayo, Susanah, 478

Mays, Lettice, 593, 596

Mayter, Elizabeth, 396

Mazaroan, Joseph, 166

McAfee, Agnis, 217, 642

McAfee, Margaret, 124

McCan, George, 401

McCane, Daniel, 909–10

McCann, George (alias Samuel), 408, 531n.7

McCarthey, Charles, 592

McCarthey, Mary, 592

McCarthy, Mary, 210, 212, 630

McCarty, Sarah, 595

McChurly, Samuel, 590

McClane, David, 148

McClannen, Polle, 459

McClaron, Polley, 509, 511

McCleas, Neomey, 372

McClochlen, Michal (or McLocklin), 409, 531n.14

McClockin, Mary (or McLochlin), 448, 533n.100

McClocklen, Michal, 398

McClocklin, Mark (or McLauchlin), 456, 458, 462, 533n.129, 533n.137

McClocklin, Mark and Mary (or McLauchlin or McLochlin), 516, 538n.374

McClockline, Mark, 457

McClockling, Morris, 400

McCloud, Jane, 168, 171

McCloud, Margaret, 655

McCloyd, James, 323

McCluer, Richard, 418

McClure, James, 596, 909

McClure, Jane, 909–10

McClure, Joanna, 905

McClure, Richard, 275–76

Mcclure, Robert, 724

McClure, Widow, 906–8

McClure (Robert) & Co., 721

Mccollam, John, 117

McColloch, Elizabeth, 663

McCollom, Mary, 455–56

McCollour, Elizabeth, 224

McConnick, James, 393

McConnock, Mary, 473

McConnor, Moses, 131

McCordy, Hariot, 596

McCormick, James, 384

McCorneck, Frances, and child, 219, 227, 242, 267n.499

McCowen, Archabel, 377

McCowen, Archibald, 377

McCre, Hendre, 124

McCune, James, 207

McCune, Malcom (or McCuing), 208, 265n.442

McCunnelhey, Margaret, 769

McCurday, Mary, 527

Mccurde, Elizabeth, 116

McCurdey, Robert, 895–97

McCurdie, Elizabeth, 124

McCurdy, Mary, 326, 380

McCurdy, Robert, 895, 899

McCurttey, Michael, 591

McDaniel, Ann, 127

McDaniel, Eleanor, 218–19

McDaniel, Francis, 211, 217–18, 228, 244, 249–50, 275

McDaniel, Hugh, 827

McDaniel, John, 209, 266n.448

McDaniel, Mary, 124, 131

McDaniel, Sarah, 297

McDaniell, John, 168

McDannel, Archbald (or McDonnel), 503, 537n.314

McDonal, Daniel, 594

McDonald, Francis, 218, 239, 298

McDonald, John, 304–5, 626

McDonald, Margaret, 626

McDonald, Thomas, 130

McDowell, Elizabeth, and child, 131

McElroy, Elizabeth, 153–54

McElroy, William, 594

McEwen, Polly, 253

McFarland, James, and wife and child, 225, 227, 230, 267n.533

McFarland, John (or McFarlin), 510–11, 537n.346

McFarland, Martin, 662

McFarland, William, 662

McFarlin, John, 491

McFarling, Mary, 285

McFerron, Catharine, 253

McFerson, Katarine, 275

McGee, John, 641

McGee, John (or Magee), 212, 266n.466

McGee, Mary, 654, 657

McGee, Rachel, 913–20

McGennis, Katharine, 128

McGill, Elizabeth, 292, 295

McGim, Betsey, 380

McGlocklin, Edward, 486

McGlocklin, Mary, 477

McGlockling, Edward, 485, 488

McGoff, John, 390, 406, 409, 474–75

McGough, John, 381

McGouin, Mary (or McGowen), 166, 260n.190

McGoun, Mary, 162

McGowan, Edward, 76, 116

McGowan, Mary, 76

McGowan, Mary, and child, 116

McGowen, Edward, 124, 164

McGowen, Mary, 124

McGowen, Mary (or McGown), 655, 667n.9

McGown, Edward, 627, 631, 657

McGown, Mary, 626–27

McGown, Susanna, 626, 652

McGrath, Elizabeth, 656

McGrath, Moses, 342, 380

McGrath, Mosses, 338

Mcgrathh, Moses, 393

McGraths, Mrs., 640

McGraugh, Mosses, 322

McGraw, Mary, 629

McGraw, Mary, and children, 170

McGregere, Mary, 124

Mcgrey, John (or Magreey), 221, 267n.513

McGwier, Betsey, 393

McGwier, Peter, 376, 379

McGwier, Timothy, 404

McIntier, Mary, and children, 398

Mcintier, Mary, and children, 398

McIntire, Mahatible, 590

McIntosh, Ebenezer, 868

McIntosh, Margaret, 124

McIntosh, Martha, 124

McIntyer, John, 235

McIntyne, John, 233, 268n.571

McKan, Samuel, 336

McKane, Daniel, 903–5

McKeal, Jane, 134

McKeal, Mary, 134

McKenzey, John (or McKinzie), 511, 537n.344

McKenzie, Alan, 589

McKenzie, Hanah, 349

McKenzie, Hannah (or McKinzie), 440, 532n.80

McKenzie, John, 432, 476

McKenzie, Thomas, 590

McKim, William, and wife, 147, 258n.55

McKimm, Margaret, 153

McKinezey, John (or McKinzie), 486, 535n.239

McKingley, John, 324

McKinsee, John, 343

McKinsey, John, 331

McKinsey, John (or McKinzie), 457, 533n.133

McKinsie, John, 350

McKinzee, John, 491

McKinzey, Hannah (or McKinzie), 445, 471, 532n.97, 534n.184

McKinzey, John, 329, 333, 352, 510

McKinzie, Hannah, 349

McKinzie, Hannah, and child, 381

McKinzie, Jannah, and child, 364

McKinzie, John, 363, 384, 393, 406

McKinzie, William, 424

McKnight, Roger, 761, 773, 799, 821

McLachlen, Mary, 426

McLachlin, Mary (or McLochlin), 422, 531n.34

McLane, Arabella, 596, 883

McLane, Archibald, 124, 139, 154

McLane, David, 159, 635

McLane, Hector, 217

McLane, Isabella, 594

McLane, Mary, 138, 639

McLarien, Colin, 234

McLarre, John, 896

McLarry, John, 889, 899, 902

McLary, James, 661

McLary, Mary, 223, 228, 231, 267n.524, 662

McLary, Patrick (or Lary), 220, 226, 267n.541

McLauchlin, Mark, 450

McLaucklan, Mary (or McLochlin), 476, 534n.200

McLaucklin, Mark (or McLauchlin), 456, 533n.127

McLaucklin, Mark and Mary, 589, 593

McLaughin, Pat., 237

McLaughlin, Mary, 589

McLaugklan, Mary (or McLochlin), 483, 535n.230

McLaugline, Patrick (or McLockland), 231–33, 268n.570

McLean, Hector, 215, 266n.485

McLochlen, Michal, 415

McLochlen, Morris, 416

McLocklen, Morris, 388, 406

McLocklin, Mark, wife of, 499

McLocklin, Michal, 406

McLocklin, Morris, 391

McLoehlen, Marten (or Martin McLochlen), 423–24, 531n.38

McLoglen, Edward (or McGlockling), 487, 535n.241

McLoud, Jane, 636

McLuchlin, Mary, 494

McLucklin, Edward, 520

McLucklin, Mary, 471, 513

McMackin, James, 140

McMannis, Henry, 594

McMarhon, John, 491–92

McMehan, Katharina (or McMehene), 380

McMoran, William, 444, 451

McMurphy, John, 134

McNeal, Mary, 138

McNeal, Peter, and wife, 330

McNeal, Turquil, 523

McNear, Robert, 237, 268n.589, 662

McNeil, Turquill, 527

McNeir, Robert, 660

McPearson, Betsey, 508

McPherson, Catharina (Catherine), 427, 532n.45

McPherson, Huegh (Hugh), and wife and child, 376

McPherson, Mary, 124

McQueen, John, 428

McQuim, James, 395, 399

McQuin, James, 433, 445, 451

McQuinn, James, 417

McQwin, James, 389

Mead, Abigail, 595–96

Mead, Sarah, 115

Meadows, James (or Medows), 442, 444, 532n.85

Meads, Sarah, 124

Meaney, Hannah, 150

Means, John, 820, 822, 828

Mears, Elizabeth, and child, 210, 228

Mears, Patrick, 592

Medfield Town, 861–62

Medford Town, 856

Mehaney, Jeremiah (or Jerimiah Mahoney), 455, 533n.123

Melhorn, Jane, 590–91

Melhorn, John, 592–93

Melidge, John, 451

Melledge, John and Mary, 592–94

Mellens, James, 124

Mellhorn, John and Jane, 449

Mellidge, John, 458

Mellin, Robert, 591

Mellins, James, 114

Mellony, Lucy, and child, 339

Meloney, Bartholemew, 655

Meloney, Bartolomew, 627

Meloney, Luce (or Maloney), 450, 533n.105

Meloney, William, 360, 664

Melony, Michael (or Melany), 331

Melvil, Elizabeth (or Melvill), 151, 258n.88

Melvill, Elizabeth, 596

Melvills, Elizabeth, and children Lucretia and Hannah, 150, 258n.80

Melvin, Hannah, 160, 654

Melvin, James, 134, 650, 660

Melvin, Lucretia, 653

Melvin, Mrs., 157

Mendez, Sophia, 406

Meney, Hannah, 653

Mengomery, David, 372

Merchie, Robert, 329, 646

Merea (Maria; negro), 170, 261n.205

Merewthew, Roger, and wife and child, 382

Meriah (negro), 308, 373

Merithew, Roger, and wife and child, 375

Merrett, Mary, 274

Merriam, Dockum, 491

Merriam, Dorithy, 917, 919

Merrick, Oliver, 652

Merrick, Susanna, 134

Merrill, Ceasar, 375

Merrium, Dorithy, 924

Merrium, Widow, 935, 938

Merry, Mary, 288

Mery, Jame, 352

Mewes, Mary Ann, 310

Meyers, Sarah, 345

Michal, Peter (or Michael), 451, 533n.107

Michiel, Conner, 496

Middlesex, Catharine, and children, 861

Middleton, Ann, 141

Miers, John, 637

Migar, John, 316

Miles, Nathaniel, 886

Miles, Rhody, 862

Milhorn, John, 594, 596

Milkan, John, and wife, 509

Milladge, John (or Melidge), 483, 535n.229

Millage, John, 589

Mill Bridge, Samuel, 482, 535n.221

Millen, John, 596

Millen, Reba., 301

Miller, Asa, 848

Miller, Bethiah, 235

Miller, George Jacob and Hannah, and son, 592

Miller, Henry (or Mylerd), 628, 643n.19

Miller, James, 637

Miller, John, 313

Miller, Joseph, 647

Miller, Katharine (Catharine), 647, 667n.2

Miller, Katy, 593

Miller, Lucy, and child, 229, 233

Miller, Mary, 646

Miller, Mary, and children Polle, Nance, Jane, and Thomas, 520, 525

Miller, Mercy, 229, 231

Miller, Mr., 732–52, 836

Miller, Robert, 464

Miller, Simeon, 592

Miller, William, 124

Millhorn, Jane, 595, 875

Millhorn, John (or Mellhorn), 512, 516, 537n.350, 538n.373

Millhorne, John, 510

Milligan, Nancy, 398

Milliken, Thomas, 385, 387

Millino, James (or Milleno), 514–15, 538n.362

Millins, James, 633

Millitt, John, 490

Mills, Abigail, 231, 268n.557

Mills, Catharina, 396–97

Mills, George, 137

Mills, John, 777–78, 780–81, 783–84, 788–89, 791–92, 795–96

Mills, Mary, 129

Mills, Sarah, 641, 920–21

Milstreaz, Fredrick, 589

Milstruz, Frederick, 523

Milton, Ann, 437

Milton, Elizabeth, 302

Milton, Elizabeth, and child, 297

Milton, Joseph, 143, 631

Milton, Thomas, 143, 634

Milton, William, 658

Minor, Alexander, 521

Minot, Alexander (Alaxandor), 506, 509–10, 523, 525, 529, 589

Minot, Dina, 433

Minot, Stephen, 985

Mirick, Mary, 822

Miricks, Lewis, 641

Miricks, Mrs. Lewis, 214, 266n.475

Mirriam, Doritha, 914

Missick, Hannah, 915–18

Mitchal, John (or Mitchell), 490, 535n.249

Mitchel, John, 422

Mitchel, Richard, 594

Mitchel, Thomas, 424

Mitchel, Thomas, and wife and child (or Mitchell), 304, 323

Mitchell, Elizabeth, 228

Mitchell, John, 421, 429–30, 451

Mitchell, Thomas, 286, 313–14

Mitchell, Thomas, child of, 320

Mitton, Elizabeth, 336

Moade, Elizabeth, 124

Moeed, Joseph, 381

Moffatt, Joseph, 162, 382

Mollogen, Alce, and children, 156, 259n.132

Mollogen, Alce, and daughter Margaret (or Mulliken), 628, 643n.8

Mollogens child, 159

Molloy, Cathrine (or Molly), 480, 535n.216

Molly (negro), 500

Moloy, Ann, 211

Monagin, Patrick, 469, 473

Mondon, Danl., 117

Monfort, Jehrader, 315

Mongo, John, 594

Mongo, Rachel, and son Elias, 594

Mongomery, David, 376

Mongomery, Samuel, 413, 416, 418–19, 423

Monk, Abigail, 596

Monk, Betsey, and sons George and Francis, 595

Monk, Elizabeth, and son, 884

Monk, Mary, 117, 303

Monk, Mary, 124

Monks, Christopher (or Marks), 126, 257n.5

Monks, Margaret (or Marks), 127, 257n.6

Montgomery, Mary, and child, 168, 237, 239, 268n.595

Moodey, Elizabeth, 124

Moodey, Mary, 124

Moody, Elizabeth, 647

Moor, Ann, and children, 245

Moor, Elizabeth, 589

Moor, Sarah, 591, 632

Moore, Ann, 238

Moore, Betsey, 512

Moore, Elizabeth, 477–78, 504, 511–12, 594

Moore, Elizabeth, and son Henry, 595

Moore, Patrick, 591

Moore, Sarah, 506, 594

Moore, Sarah (or More), 131, 257n.10

Moore, Sarah, and children Harriot and Paskel, 502

Mooyd, Joseph, 378

Moran, Androw, 525

Moran, John, 406, 415

Moran, Mary, 334, 367

Moran, Mary, and daughter Harriot, 595

Moran, Polly, 431

Morar, John, 457

Morarthy, Mary, 593

Morarty, Catharine, 590

Morarty, Polly, 590

More, Elizabeth (or Moore), 502, 537n.305

More, Phillip, 114

More, Phillip, 124

More, Thomas, 385, 654

More, Thomas (alias Pimm), 162

More, Thomas, and wife and child, 525

More, William and Ann, and child, 214, 217, 223, 225, 227, 232, 234, 237, 246, 266n.496, 267n.547

Moreland, Naome, and child, 327

Moreland, Naomi, 305

Moreland, Naomi, and child, 328

Moren, Frances (Francis), 445, 532n.95

Mores, 640

Moreton, Henry, 136

Morewood, James, 426

Morey, Susanna, 131

Morgain, Richard, 293, 301, 306

Morgan, Elizabeth, 124, 633

Morgan, Esther, 591

Morgan, John, 591

Morgan, Mary, 126

Morgan, Richard, 234, 240, 278, 299, 308, 313

Morison, John, 592

Morocco (negro), 351

Morres, Nance, 485

Morrice, Susanna (or Morris), 216, 266n.490

Morris, Androw, 481

Morris, Edward, 593

Morris, Elizabeth, 124

Morris, James, 172, 282, 660

Morris, John, 327–28, 497, 512

Morris, Mary, 660

Morris, Nancy, 477, 479

Morris, Rose, 480

Morris, Sally (alias Norris), 886

Morris, Susanna, 641

Morrison, Andrew, 595

Morrison, Eleanor, 342

Morrison, Elenor, 348, 354–55

Morrison, Elenor, and child, 362

Morrison, Ellenor, and daughter Nansey, 350

Morrison, John, 314–15, 356, 437, 920

Morroson, John (or Morrison), 460, 533n.145

Mors, Daniel, 378

Morse, Amelia, 592

Morse, Daniel, 400

Morse, Hannah, 594, 596

Morse, James Harrison, 592

Morse, Jethaniel, 593

Morse, Lydia, 328, 333

Morse, Martha, and children, 592

Morse, Mary, 591, 860, 881

Morse, Uriah, and daughter, 594, 881

Morse, Uriah and Lucretia, 862

Mortagh, John, 149, 258n.65

Mortal, Jonatha, and wife and children, 230

Mortall, John, 628, 643n.9

Mortgaridge, Mary, 116

Morto, William, 114, 124

Morton, Catharine, 852

Morton, Elizabeth, 312

Morton, Elizibeth, 315

Morton, John, 482

Morton, Katharine, 593

Morton, William, 297

Mory, James, 347, 364, 366

Mory, Kitte, 368, 398

Mory, Kitty, 346

Moss, Lidea, 465

Moter, Nancy, 439

Moulen, T., 840

Moulin, Thomas (or Moulen), 671, 675, 677, 682, 685, 688, 691, 695, 698, 702, 708–9, 711, 714

Moulton, Hannah, 900

Moulton, Nance, 491, 536n.256

Mountford, Jehoadah, 323

Mountfort, Benjamin, child of, 233

Mountfort, Eunice, and children, 233–34

Mountfort, Jehodea, 330

Mountfort, Jehoedah, 318

Mountfort, Jehohadn., 223, 267n.526

Mountfort, Joseph, 223, 226, 240, 250, 267n.521, 277, 893

Mountfort, Rhoda, 285

Mowet, Francis, 592

Moy, Catherine, 373

Moy’d, Joseph, 339

Mozar, John, 472

Muckutow, Andrew, 131

Mugford, Mary, and child (or Mufford), 164, 260n.176

Muggridge, Mary, 124

Mullens, Martha, 312, 351

Mullens, Marthor (or Mullen), 351

Mullens, Thomas, 7, 680

Mullikens, Alice, and child, 165

Mullin, Elizabeth, 151

Mullin, Hannah, 481

Mullins, Elizabeth, 627, 659

Mullins, Mary, 140, 316, 627

Mullins, Mrs., 324

Mumford, Benjamin, 333

Mumford, Joseph, 892

Mumford, Mary, and child, 410

Mumfort, Elizabeth, 226

Mumfort, Mary, 406

Mumfort, Mary, child of, 407

Munday, Patiance (Patience), 894, 900

Mundon, Daniel, 124

Mungerl, Rachael, 472

Munn, Abigail (or Mun), 256, 274, 936

Munn, Susanna, 255

Munroe, Nancy, and children Nancy and Betsey, 487

Munrow, Nance, and children, 487

Muns, Susannah, 333

Murchey, Robert, 327

Murchie, Robert, 355

Murfe, Thomas Lambeth (or Murphy), 453, 533n.114

Murfee, Eleanor (or Murpee), 221, 267n.512

Murfee, John, 453

Murfey, Ann, 219

Murfey, John (or Murphy), 452, 533n.111

Murfey, Peter (or Murphy), 475, 534n.197

Murfey, Samuel, 361

Murfey, Thomas (or Murphey), 437, 532n.75

Murfeye, Elizabeth (or Murfey), 225, 267n.534

Murffe, Katharin (or Murphy), 163, 260n.174

Murffey, John, 595

Murkison, Susanna, 245

Murpee, Eleanor, 220

Murphey, Ann (or Murphy), 455–56, 533n.126

Murphey, Edward, and wife, 278

Murphey, Jeremiah (or Murphy), 505, 507, 537n.323

Murphey, John, 393, 395, 415, 418

Murphey, John (or Murphy), 442, 532n.88

Murphey, Mary, 124

Murphey, Mary (child), 124

Murphey, Nancy, 422

Murphey, Samuel, 664

Murphey, Thomas, 359

Murphy (child), 424

Murphy, Elizabeth, 279

Murphy, James, and wife, 290

Murphy, James and Barbary, 281

Murphy, John, 303, 590

Murphy, Katarine, 165

Murphy, Katharine, 655

Murphy, Lambert, 493, 498

Murphy, Lambeth, 450

Murphy, Peter, 317–18

Murphy, Samuel, 320

Murphy, Thomas, 149, 258n.66

Murray, James, 590

Murray, Rebeca, 590

Murray, William, 318

Murrey, Anna (alias Taylor), 166

Murrey, Edward, 391

Murrey, Mary, and daughter Polly (or Murray), 505, 537n.322

Murry, Edward, 394

Murry, George, 593

Murry, John, 591, 594

Murry, Nelle, 365

Murry, Nelly, 359

Murry, Nelly (or Murray), 498, 536n.287

Murry, Peter (or Murray or Murrey), 168, 170, 261n.201

Murry, Rebecca, and son James, 592

Myers, Sarah, 363

Myrick, Samuel, 653

Nancey, Lovering, 496

Nantucket Town, 846–47

Nash, James, 597

Nash, Richard, 218, 240

Nash, Solamon, 413

Natick, Town of, 869

nationalism, 36

Natreves, Andrew, 596

Neal, Catharine, 168

Neal, Owing (Owen), 172, 261n.217

Needham, Town of, 868

Negeros, Rohdy, 666

Nesbit, Sarah, 225

Nevel, Briget, 636

New, Polly, daughter of, 876

Newall, Thomas, 821

Neward, Dinah (alias Howard), 597

Newbury-Port, 857–58

Newbury Port, Town of, 873–74

Newcomb, Susanna, 115, 124

Newel, Luce, and son John, 450

Newell, Cato, 597

Newell, Luce, 441

Newell, Polly, 597, 864, 883

Newell, Sally, 597

Newell, Thomas, 820, 827

Newell, Timothy, 826

New England Zion, 17

Newhall, Eleazer, 250

Newhall, Napthali, 662

Newhall, William, 660

Newman, Lydia, 302

Newman, Lydia, and child, 300

Newman, Mary, 597

Newman, Prince, 489

Newnon, John, 166, 170

Newton, Mary, 233

New York City, 852

New York vs. Massachusetts Overseers, 46

Nexon Dickerson, Susanna, 596

Nichols, Jabez, 822

Nichols, John, 648

Nichols, Mary, 650

Nichols, Mary (child), 129

Nichols, Mary, and child, 250, 275

Nichols, Rebecca, 129

Nicholson, Elizabeth, 133, 278

Nicholson, Mary, 255

Nicholson, Robert, 255

Nicholson, Samuel, 140

Nicholson, Sarah, 916

Nichson, Elizabeth, 889–91, 893, 895–96, 898

Nickerson, Elizabeth (or Nicholson), 167, 261n.197

Nickerson, Sarah, 953

Nicklos, John (or Nickols), 504, 537n.318

Nickols, John, 507

Nickolson, Elizabeth, 635

Nickolson, Elizabeth, and daughter Elizabeth (or Nicholson), 628, 643n.12

Nickson, Elizabeth, 902

Nicols, Mary, 960

Nile, Jacob, 272

Niles, Grace, 130

Noble, Mark, 648

Noden, Priscilla, 213

Noel, Elizabeth, 647

Noell, Mary (or Noel), 646, 667n.1

Nolen, Richard, 597

nonresidents warned out, 13, 52, 58–59, 97–98n.120

Nooney, John, 597

Norman, Judith, 136

Normus, Jacob, 344, 353

Norris, James, 596

Norris, Sally, 876

Norris, Sarah, 886

North, Daniel, 300–301, 305

North, Daniel, and wife, 155, 223, 227, 259n.126

North, Mehetabel, 639

North, Samuel, 407, 428, 446–48, 460–61, 500, 597, 964

Northy, Ebenezer, 251

Norton, Sarah, 136, 154

Nothingbury, Lucy, 283

Nottage, Mary, 437

Novman, Judith, 635

Nowell, Sarah, 334, 355

Nowell, Widow, 137

Noyes, Ward, 832

Nugent, Rachel, 596

Nunk, Tabatha, 891

Nutby, Mary, 904–5

Nutby, Widow, 908

Nuttage, Elizabeth, 124

Nyles, Ann, 694

oakum picking, 71–72

Oakwel, Elizabeth, and son Cornelus (alias Sheen), 514

Obison, Elizabeth, 651

O’Brian, Hugh and Margarett (or O’Briant), 169, 217, 222, 226, 233, 267n.515, 267nn.538–39, 275

O’Brian, John, 134

O’Brian, Mary, 143

O’Brian, William, 134

Obriant, Mary, 909–10

Obriant, Widow, 906

Obrin, John, 598

Obrion, Cornelus, 433

O’Bryan, Cornelius (or O’Brien), 429, 532n.52

O’Bryan, Cornelos, 360

O’Bryan, Hugh, 288

O’Bryan, John, 131, 135

Obryant, Hew, 294

O’Bryant, Margarett, 288, 302, 304

Odel, Thomas (or Odell), 115–16

Odle, Sarah, 131

Odle, Thomas, 124

Odlin, Mary, 114, 124, 642

O’Donell, Bryant, 411

O’Dowling, Allanor, 381

Ogden, David, 124

Ogier, Abraham and Mary, 598

Ogilby, Alexander, 124

Oldhams, Elizabeth, 231, 268n.561

Olive (negro), 503

Olive (negro child), 362, 366

Olive (negro woman), 363, 366, 598

Oliver, Adam, 598

Oliver, Andrew, 30, 46, 92n.82, 680, 682, 685, 688, 691, 693, 697, 700, 704, 706, 708, 713–14, 716, 719–20, 722–23, 725, 727, 730, 733, 735–36, 740, 743–44, 746, 749, 753, 756, 761, 766–67, 770, 772–73, 837, 985

Oliver, Barnebus, 390

Oliver, Barney, 386–87

Oliver, Barnibus, 389

Oliver, Catherina, 362

Oliver, Daniel, 43, 92–93n.83, 986

Oliver, John, 317

Oliver, Katharina, 367

Oliver, Mr., 840

Oliver, Nathaniel, 986

Oliver, Quickly, 598

Oliver, Tabotha, 353

Oliver, William, 356, 366

O’Quell, Morris (or O’Quill), 519–20, 538n.384

O’Quill, Betsey, 597

O’Quill, Maurice, 597

O’Quill, Maurice (Morris), 526, 539n.409

OQuill, Morrice, 489

OQuill, Morrice (Morris), 486, 494, 535n.238, 536n.267

OQuill, Morris, 500

Orange, Abigail, 889

Orange, Mehittable (Mehitable), 888–89, 894–95, 897, 899, 901

Orchand, Richard, 291

Organ, William, 229, 233

Ormond, Charlotte, 598

Ormond, Hannah, 598

Orne, Martha (or Orn), 139, 257n.26

orphanages, 75

Orr, Isaac, 126, 133, 140, 144, 148, 161, 167, 642

Orr, John, 739

Orr, Katarine, and child, 142

Orrill, Henry, 597

Orsburn, James (or Osborn), 529, 539n.422

Osborn, David, 124

Osborn, Dorcas, 208, 221, 630

Osborn, James, 379, 470, 665

Osborn, John, 598

Osborn, Joseph, 172, 651, 655

Osborn, Simeon, and wife and child, 330, 332

Osborn, Thomas, 172, 657

Osborne, David, 114

Osborne, Hannah, and child, 292

Osburn, Samuel, 281

Osburne, James, 597

Osely, Robert, 344

Osgood, Alice, 215, 266n.481, 641

Osgood, David Sawer, 598

Osgood, Ebenezer, 561

Oslon, Simean, 323

Osterman, Erick, 455

Otis, James, 825

Oulis, James, 216, 226–27, 230, 267n.544

outdoor relief records, 57, 98n.125

outdoor vs. indoor relief, 22, 47–48, 57, 70, 94–95n.100, 98n.124, 101n.156

Overseers’ functions, 19, 35, 41–56; administrative roles, 71, 91n.75–76; Almshouse admissions proccess, 46–47; Almshouse keeper’s appointment, 44; Almshouse supervision, 65; apprenticeships, 49, 51; authority of Overseers, 44, 50, 71, 972; binding out, 49, 51–52, 645; budgetary role, 47–48, 53, 58, 65, 101n.156; bureaucracy, 43; child welfare, 52; civic duty, 42, 93n.85, 93n.88; clerical roles, 91n.76; death of poor, 42; definition of, 52; duties, 43; and economic change, 45–47, 94n.94, 94n.98, 95n.100; education of children, 49; election of Overseers, 44, 92n.81; emotional distress of poor, 42; expenses of Overseers, 47, 94–95n.100; financial records, 47–48, 94–95n.100, 669, 843 (see also individual recipients); financial responsibilities, 54; funding of Overseers, 47–48; guardianship of children, 49; Harvard education of Overseers, 92n.82; historical significance, 41; immigration control, 52, 97–98n.120; importance of office, 41; indentures, 49–52; length of service of Overseers, 44; lists of elected Overseers, 983–87; Massachusetts Township Act on, 971; as merchants, 41, 92n.83; migrants, 52; New York vs. Massachusetts Overseers, 46; number of Overseers, 44; orphans, 49; outdoor vs. indoor relief, 47–48, 94–95n.100, 98n.124, 101n.156; penal duties, 71; personal interventions, 92n.80; Philadelphia vs. Massachusetts Overseers, 46, 94n.94; physical distress of poor, 42; politics, 43; profit, 43; public health, 44; refugees of war, 43; Selectmen’s role in, 44, 52–54, 56, 77, 101n.156; smallpox, 46, 77; social order, 44; taxes, 43; town charges vs. province charges, 58, 99n.131; town inspection, 43; Town Meeting, 43–45, 55–56, 92n.78, 94n.98, 95n.100, 101n.156; Town Treasury, 47–48, 93n.89, 95n.100; as a trans-generational group, 44; trusteeship, 982; ward system, 46, 48, 93n.87; warning out, 52–55, 96n.116; wars’ effects, 48; wars’ effects on, 47; wealth of Overseers, 42; Workhouse inspections, 71

Overseers’ historical setting, 17–40; African Americans, 36, 89n.59; Almhouse costs, 26; apprenticeships, 34, 88–89nn.52–53; authority of Overseers, 13, 20–23, 25, 30–32, 35–36; bureaucracy, 21, 25, 28; charter, 21; children’s removal, 21–22; Christian duty, 33; civic duty, 28, 90n.66; corrections, 90n.69; cost of care, 26; decline of Overseers, 22; economic failure, 33; establishment of Overseers, 19–20, 93n.86; functions of Overseers, 19, 35, 41–56; incorporated by the General Court, 13, 22, 30, 87n.40, 981–82; indentures, 34, 88–89nn.52–53; location of boards, 85n.24; merchants, 28; monthly meetings, 21; moral responsibility, 33; number of admissions, 22–23; office management, 20; paternalism, 28; political change’s effect on, 35; public welfare, 90n.69; Puritanism, 17, 32, 35, 85n.23, 90n.70; purpose of Overseers, 25, 29–30; quartering of troops, 32; reincorporated, 90n.66; relocation of orphan/illegitimate children, 22; responsibilities, 26; Selectmen’s role in, 19, 21–23, 25, 29, 31, 85n.25; significance/influence of Overseers, 17, 29; smallpox, 35; social conformity, 33; tavern licenses for poor widows, 31; Town Meeting (Boston), 20–21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 90n.70; ward system, 21; warning out, 22, 26, 33, 36; wealth of Overseers, 28; workloads of Overseers, 31. See also Overseers records; poverty’s historical setting

Overseers’ records: admissions, 80; apprenticeships, 88–89nn.52–53; clerks/assistants notes, 27, 85–86n.28; completeness of, 28; components of, 26; and economic change, 33, 80, 86–87nn.33–34; financial records, 47–48, 65, 94–95n.100, 669, 843 (see also individual recipients); identification of the poor in, 28–29; indenture manuscripts, 26, 100n.139; indentures, 51, 88–89nn.52–53; names of Overseers in, 28; outdoor vs. indoor relief, 22; overview of, 21, 83nn.12–14; Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, 54; and social change, 80, 86–87nn.33–34; volume names, 105–7; warning out, 58–59, 97–98n.120

Owen, Mary, 852

Owen, Mary, and daughter Mary, 477, 480

Owens, Mary, 598

Owins, Mary, 881

Ozment, Mary, 145

Ozmont, Mary, 632, 643n.23

Packer, Elizabeth, 915–16

Paddock, Sukey, 602, 872, 884

Paddock, Susanna, 871–72

Pain, Edward, 986

Pain, Mary (or Paine), 383, 393, 464, 534n.164

Pain, Miller, 356

Pain, Thomas, 691

Paine, Anna, 145

Paine, Bella, 599

Paine, Polly, 441

Paine, Sally, 602

Paine, Sarah, 602, 905

Palfrey, John, 448, 457

Palfrey, John, and sons Thomas and John, 448

Palfrey, John, wife of, 953

Palfrey, William, 655

Pallisear, Elizabeth, 507

Pallisor, Elizabeth, 513

Palmer, Thomas, 839, 986

Panot, Rebacca, 600

Papkee, John, 274

Pappoon, John, 377

Parbis, George (or Forbis), 211, 266n.458

Paris (negro), 238

Parker, Elizabeth, 245, 914, 917–20, 924

Parker, Jacob, 693

Parker, Jane, 124

Parker, John, 600

Parker, Josiah, 601–2, 628

Parker, Widow, 918, 922–24

Parkett, John, 422

Parkhart, John, 423

Parkman, 306

Parkman, Elias, 600

Parkman, Samuel, 986

Parks, Nancy, 528, 598

Parks, Samuel, 478, 480

Parrick, John and Jane, and son John, 446

Parrott, Bryant, 698

Parry, Sarah, 884

Parsons, James, 864

Parsons, Mr., 836–38

Parsons, Sarah, 142

Parsons, Sukey, 519, 524, 599

Parsons, William, 462

Partridge, Captain, 957

Partridge, Sam, 834

Partridge, Samuel, 92n.82, 829, 986

Partridge, Sarah, 287, 301, 314–15

Pason, Ann (or Parson), 476, 534n.201

Pass, Elizabeth, 224

passim, definition of, 102n.180

Passman, Nichola, 124

Paster, Elizabeth, 313

Patrick (negro), 316

Patrick, Charles (or Patrix), 152, 259n.99

Patridge, Samuel, 834

patriotism, 36

Patten, Elizaben, 664

Patten, Elizabeth, 319, 347

Patten, John, 218

Patten, Luse (or Potter), 405, 531n.2

Patten, Mary, 599–600

Patten, William, 317

Patterson, James Keeve, 279

Patterson, John, 599

Patterson, John, and wife, 130

Patterson, Jonah, 277

Patterson, Mary, 631

Patterson, Robert, 215

Patterson, Sally, 599

Patterson, Thomas, 273

Pattin, John, 226

Pattin, Sarah, 660, 663

Pausand, Martha, 517

Paverit, Joseph, child of, 500

Payne, Mary, 391, 411

Payson, Ann, 378, 383, 392, 447, 469, 599

Payson, Joseph, 828

Peacock, Neal, 661

Peak, Henry, 649

Peak, Phillip, 647

Peak, Thomas, 647, 652

Peake, William, 417, 484, 494, 498

Peaks, Abigail, 140

Pearce, Lettice, 602, 866

Pearce, Nabby (or Peirce), 599–600

Pearse, Martha, 252

Pearson, Hammar, 894

Pearson, Webb, 895, 897–98, 900

Peas, James, 452

Pease, Susannah (alias Paddock), 872

Peck, Mary, 647

Pecker, James, 708, 765, 769, 778, 782

Pecour, Peter, and wife and child, 300–301

Peek, William, 473

Peers, Dorothy, 124

Pegg (negro), 314

Peggy (negro), 600, 869–70

Peirce, Abigal, 495

Peirce, Benjamin, 601

Peirce, Dainel, 463

Peirce, Daniel, 461, 463–66

Peirce, Edward, 920

Peirce, Elenor (Eleoner), and children Hannah and Eloner, 477, 491, 498, 510

Peirce, Elizabeth, 117, 391

Peirce, Issac, 633

Peirce, John, 389

Peirce, John, and wife and children (or Pierce), 234, 268n.573

Peirce, Mary, 914–15, 918

Peirce, Mrs., 920

Peirce, Nathaniel, 390, 665

Peirce, Nelly, 503

Peirce, Polly, 495

Peirce, Rebecca, 599

Peirce, Richard, and wife and children, 412

Peirce, Ruth, 343, 345

Peirce, Sarah, 341, 905, 907–8, 910, 913

Peirce, Simon, 599

Peirce, Widow, 928

Peires, John, 600

Peirrier, Lewis, 600

Pell, William, 809–11, 813, 815–17, 819–22, 824, 827–28, 831, 833–34

Pelliger, Rodolph, 436

Pellinger, Rodolph, 430

Pemberton, Benjamin, 986

Pemberton, Jack, 447

Pendegrass, Elenor, 602

Pendergrass, Anna (or Prendergrass), 905, 907–8, 910–11

Pendergrass, John, 910

Pendergrass, Mary Ann, 312

Pendergrass, Mrs., 904–5

Penete, Joseph, 376

Penn, John, 518–20

Penne, William Bovey, 469

Penniman, Mary, 939

Penniman, Widow, 941

Penrow, John, 233

Perce, Betsey (or Pierce), 458, 533n.140

Perce, Eleaner, and child Hanah, 493

Perch, William, 460, 499, 502, 514–15

Perch, William Persons, 455

Perew, Cadet, and son, 163, 165

Perkins, Hannah, 456–57

Perkins, Hannah, and daughter Margret, 472, 485

Perkins, Hannah, and daughter Margrit, 489

Perkins, Jane, 124

Perkins, Julia, 826, 828, 831, 833

Perkins, Thomas, 504, 506, 599–600, 961, 986

Perkit, Mary, 468

Perkit, Mary, and child, 299

Perkitt, Mary, and child, 311

Perraway, Hannah, 130, 640

Perraway, James, 646

Perraway, John, 647

Perraway, Susanna, 648

Perre, Sarah, 443

Perrey, Richard (or Perry), 321

Perrey, William, 462

Perrigo, Ezekil, 294

Perrin, James, 297

Perrin, James, and wife and child, 146, 151, 164–65, 275, 279, 299, 317, 344, 350

Perrin, Mary, 212, 226–27, 253–54, 295, 310

Perry, Alexander, 602

Perry, Ann, 126, 132

Perry, Esther, 124

Perry, Jesse, 601

Perry, Mary, 294

Perry, Sarah, 627, 875–76

Perry, William, 461, 602

Perse, Jane, 357

Person, Betsey, 507

Person, William, 467

Pesthouse, 77

Peter (negro), 637

Peters, George, 410, 412

Peters, James (Jonas), 598

Peters, John, and wife and children, 600

Peters, John and Hannah, 602

Peters, Mary, 424, 431

Peters, Mrs., 288

Peters, Widow, 906, 911

Peterson, John, 124

Peterson, Rachael, 317

Peterson, Rachel, 317

Pettman, Sarah, 601, 849

Petty, William, 20

Pew, Eliner, 279

Phaeman, Patrick, 599

Philadelphia vs. Massachusetts Overseers, 46, 94n.94

Philips, Bantom, 362

Phillips, Bantom, 358

Phillips, Benjamin, 115, 124, 637, 715, 826, 831

Phillips, Deacon, 961

Phillips, George, 353

Phillips, Hannah, 157, 159, 168, 172, 375

Phillips, James, 376

Phillips, John, 698, 700, 702, 704, 706, 708, 711, 713, 716–17, 720, 722, 724–25, 727, 730, 732, 734, 739, 741, 743–44, 746, 748, 765–67, 770–71, 774, 776, 786–89, 791, 793, 795–96, 801, 837, 986

Phillips, Mary, 288, 291, 379

Phillips, Mr., 837

Phillips, Nathaniel, 124, 626

Phillips, Peter, 380–81

Phillips, Robert, 459

Phillips, William, 92n.82, 766, 768–69, 772, 774–76, 779, 783–84, 786, 791, 796, 802, 986

Phillips, William (James), 601

Phillips, William, Jr., 44, 986

Phillips & Apthorp, 763–64, 766, 776–77

Phillis (negro), 153, 329–30, 382

Phips, Mary, 637

Pibbit, Sarah, 637

Pibbitts, Sarah (or Tibbitts), 142

Pierce, Ann, 281, 284, 286

Pierce, Betsey, 517

Pierce, Daniel, 371

Pierce, Elizabeth, 305, 599

Pierce, John, 238, 396

Pierce, John, and wife and children, 239

Pierce, John, children of, 288

Pierce, Joseph, 962

Pierce, Joshua, 950

Pierce, Mary, 306

Pierce, Nathaniel and Betsey, 387

Pierce, Rebecca, 127

Pierce, Sarah, 115, 124

Pierce, William, 650

Pierpont, Robert, 828

Pike, James, 374, 378, 440, 443, 463, 469, 472

Pike, James, and wife and child, 425–26, 454

Pike, Mary, 461, 491

Pike, Mary (or Peeke), 601

Pike, Mary, and child, 483

Pike, Mary, and son William, 473

Pike, Mehitable Kulm, 873

Pike, William, 507, 524

Pikes, John, 158–59

Pillar, Elizabeth, 886

Pillow, Betsey (or Pillar), 885

Pilsberry, John, 127

Pilsberry, Mary, 79, 141, 630

Pilsberry, Thomas, 646

Pilsbury, Isaac, 598, 600–601

Pilsbury, Samuel, 601–2

Pim, Elizabeth, 168

Pim, Rebekah, and child, 148

Pimer, Mary, 144

Pimm, Elizabeth, 627, 659

Pimm, Mary, 137, 651

Pimm, Rebecca, 627

Pimm, Rebecca, and children, 124, 126, 165

Pindergrass, Anna, 903

Pirce, Mary (or Peirce), 443, 532n.91

Pishpay, Polly, 602

Pitt, Fanny, 319

Pitts, James, 92n.82, 769, 773–74, 776–79, 784, 986

Pitts, John, 982, 986

Pitts, Samuel, 275, 279

Plaistead, Sarah, 279

Plaisted, Elisha, 602

Plaisted, Thomas, 116, 124

Plant, Alice, 124

Plant, John, 654, 656, 660, 663

Pledger, Mary, 937

Pledgett, Mary, 938

Plimpton, Simon, 812, 815

Plumer, John, 323

Plumley, Elizabeth, 399

Plumley, John, 325

Plummer, Elizabeth, 397

Plummer, Lowes, and children, 399

Plymouth Town, 858–59

Plymton, Simon, 794, 797, 799, 802

Polard, Jane (or Pollard), 454, 533n.121

Poley, Bart, 599

Poley, Mary, 600

Pollard, Benjamin, 755–56

Pollard, Jack, 455

Polly, Robert and wife, 510

Polydor (black man), 599

Pomp (negro), 434

Pomroy, 308

Pomroy, William, 437

Pond, Fanney, 367

Pond, Frances, 368

Pond, Francis, 370

Pool, Ann, 631

Pool, Anna, 143

Pool, Benjamin, 474–75, 507

Pool, Betsey, 664

Pool, Mary, 337, 344, 359, 361, 378, 425–26, 434–35, 441, 881

Pool, Mary, and children, 361

Pool, Polly, 450

Pool, Samuel, 664

Poole, Betsey, 371

Poole, Mary, 601, 861, 881

Poole, Richard, 363

the poor: diet of/dining schedule for, 977–78, 980; employment of, 21, 70, 973–74, 977 (see also Workhouse); laws for, 18–20, 971–72; number of, 24, 35, 89n.63. See also poverty’s historical setting

Poor, David, and wife, 278–79

Poor, Edward, 224, 226

Poor, Margaret, 340

Poor, Margarett, 322

Poor, Mary, 636

Poor, Rebecca, 142

Poor, Robert, 124

Poor, Salam (Selem), 491–92, 536n.257

Poor, Salem, 598

Poor Relief Act (1794), 20, 972

Pope, Joseph, 253

Porfery, William (or Palfrey), 170, 261n.204

Porter, William, 961

Portland Town, 860–61

Posey, Edmond, 599

Potter, David, 602

Potter, Mr., 838

Pousley, Margarett, 221

Poutler, James, 287

poverty’s historical setting, 17–40; acceptance of poverty, 18; African Americans, 36, 89n.59; almsgiving/wages vs. workhouse/poorhouse correction, 20; Boston’s growth/decline, 29; Boston vs. Massachusetts, 29, 87n.36; causes of poverty, 32, 37; charitable societies, 30; children’s removal, 21–22; Christian charity, 17–18; churches’ role in, 20, 30; compulsory funding, 19; definition of poverty, 17–19, 25; deserving vs. undeserving poor, 19, 23–24, 30–32, 38–39; economic change in, 19–20, 36–37, 91n.71; Elizabethan poor laws, 18; in England, 18–19; England vs. New England, 18–20, 24; fusing of relief and correction, 24; humanitarianism, 38; inarticulate poor, 41; insane, 24; liberalism, 37; Massachusetts Bay Company, 18; nationalism, 38; patriotism, 36; private/voluntary charity, 23, 37–38, 83–84n.17; private vs. public charity, 23, 30, 32, 37–38; responsibility for relief, 18–20, 32, 53, 82n.10; women and children affected by, 34, 89n.54

Powel, George (or Powell), 505, 526, 537n.320

Powel, Hannah, 473

Powell, Anna, 958–60

Powell, George, 510

Powell, Hannah, 321, 470, 661

Powell, Hannah, and child, 323, 331, 336

Powell, Jeremiah, 232, 268n.565

Powell, John, 276, 327, 600

Powell, Sarah, 311

Powell, William, 986

Power, Christopher, 903

Power, Edward, 253

Powers, Edward, 487, 495, 601

Powers, Elizabeth, 407, 410

Powers, Mary, 278, 280, 904–10

Powers, Widow, 904

Pown, Mary, 526

Prat, Hannah, 601–2

Pratt, Thomas, 124, 578

Pratt, William, 137

Pratt, William and Hannah, 869

Pray, Sarah, 447, 457, 485

Preehard, William, 380

Prentice, Henry (or Prentis or Prentiss), 986

Presberry, John, 633

Prescot, Jane, child of, 471

Prescut, Jane, 473

Prescut, Jane (or Prescot), 467, 534n.173

Press, Nicholas, and wife, 209

Pressman, John, 124

Pressman, Mary, 124

Prest, Hannah, 651

Prest, Hannah (child), 137

Prest, Hannah, and child, 158, 160

Prest, John, 137

Preston, John, 117

Preston, Rebecca, 599

Price, Abigail, 405

Price, Benjamin, 213, 217

Price, Ezekiel, 45, 91n.72

Price, Jane, 137, 161, 260n.160, 628

Price, Rebecca, 256

Price, Susanna, 405

Price, Thomas, 510, 917–18, 920–21

Prichard, Samuel, 222, 267n.519

Prichard, William, 360

Pricherd, William, 364

Priezing, Abraham, 599

Primus (negro), 248

Prince (negro), 286

Prince, Elizabeth, 231–32

Prince, Joseph, 653

Prince, Samuel, 215, 662

Prince, Thomas, 92–93n.83

Pringle, George, 131

Prisbury, Michael, 814

prison, establishment of, 18

Pritchard, Joseph, 221

Pritchard, Samuel, 275, 279

Pritchet, Robert, 126

private/voluntary charity, 23, 37–38, 83–84n.17

private vs. public charity, 23, 30, 32, 37–38

private workhouses, 71, 101n.159

Procter, Charles, 243, 806

Procter, Christopher, 631

Procter, Edward, 853

Procter, Elizabeth, 282, 284, 293, 295

Procter, Mary, 124, 128, 209, 266n.451, 482, 631

Procter, Mr., 913

Procter, Samuel, 809, 815, 820–22, 824–25

Procter, Samuel (or Proctor), 764–71, 773–74, 776–84, 786–802

Procter, Samuell, 817

Procter, Widow, 949–50

Procter, William, 432, 438, 446, 454–55, 470–71, 475, 479, 483–84

Proctor, Edward, 42, 44, 46, 92n.82, 94n.95

Proctor, Edward (or Procter), 986

Proctor, Samuel, 64–65, 808, 810–14, 816–19

Prout, Timothy, 986

province charges vs. town charges, 58, 99n.131

Pryer, Mary, 385

public authority, 19

Pue, Eleanor, 256, 275, 283

Pue, John, 137

Pulfut, Joseph, 520–21

Pumroy, Elezibeth, 306

Purdue, Lawrence, 328

Puritanism: in the Almshouse, 78; in Boston, 29; in England, 19; Overseers’ beliefs, 17, 32, 35, 85n.23, 90n.70; and poverty, 17–18

Puritan society, 25, 85n.23

Purkit, Mary, and son Joseph (or Purket), 411, 416, 531n.18

Pushpay, Polly, 856, 882

Putam, Rebacca, 599

Puttam, Rebacca, 600

Puttman, Abraham, 799

Puttman, Rebecca, 600–601

Puttom, Rebecca, and child, 423

Putton, Rebecca, and child, 418

Pynchon, Joseph, 764

quantitative history, 91n.71

quarantine hospital, 77

Quarterly Charity Lecture (QCL), 30, 33

Quin, Partrick, 419

Quin, Patrick, 434

Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 14, 38, 74, 81–82n.5, 90–91nn.69–70, 91n.76

Quincy Report, 13

Quincy Town, 859

Quineo, Elizabeth, 300

Quiner, Lydia, 142

Quinlar, Daniel, 603

Quinlar, Jane, 603

Rachel (negro), 116, 125, 638

Ralfe, Sukey, 885

Rammon, John, 607

Rammor, George, 479

Ramsay, John, 229

Ramsdal, Catrin (Catharine), 477, 535n.207

Ramsdale, Joseph, 605

Ramsdale, Nabby, 606

Ramsdale, Silas, 605

Ramsdell, Nabby, 606

Ran, Nancy, 348

Rand, Isaac, 817

Rand, Joshua, 825

Rand, Mrs., 961

Rand, Sally, 960

Rand, William, 706, 719–21, 723, 725–27, 729, 731–33

Randal, Phebe, 117

Randall, George, and wife and child, 314

Randall, Phæbe, 124

Randell, George, 300

Randell, John, 357

Randol, George, 396, 665

Rankin, John, 53

Ransford, Hannah, 322

Ransford, Joseph, 321

Ransford, Joseph (or Rainsford), 242–43, 269n.605

Ransford, Joseph Gray, 312, 315

Ransford, Priscilla, 209, 266n.456

Ranstead, James, 661

Ranstead, John, 277, 904

Ranstead, John, and children, 218

Ranstead, Joseph, 306

Ranstead, William, 661

Ransted, John, and children, 213

Ratford, Mary, 370–71, 411, 424, 606

Ratford, Mary (or Ralford), 410, 531n.17

Ratton, Mary, 392

Ratton, Thomas, and wife, 383

Raulstone, John, 770

Raven, Elizabeth, 275, 279

Raven, James, 657

Ravin, Elizabeth, 605

Rawson, Nancy, 453

Rawson, Rachel, 125, 626

Ray, Abigail, 956, 959

Ray, Elizabeth, 134

Ray, George, 451, 731

Ray, John, 251, 253

Ray, Nancy, 329

Ray, Widow, 960

Raymar, Hannah, 250

Raymeau, Joseph, 349

Raymer, Lydia, 949

Raymond, Elanor, 603, 605

Raymond, Hannah, 371

Raymond, Jonathan, 603, 956

Raymond, Lydia, 326

Raynders, John, 606

Rayner, Mercy, 721–60, 762–65

Rayner (or Rainer or Raynor or Reyner), Mercy, 670–97, 699–705, 708–20

Raynham, Town of, 844–45

Rea, Lydia, and child, 341

Rea, Nance, 492, 536n.259

Rea, Nancy, 344, 490, 664

Read, John, 281–82, 290

Read, Mary, 334, 350, 406, 417

Read, Sarah, 606

Read, Thomas, 347, 353

Redock, Ebenezer, 423

Reed, Abigail, 131

Reed, Brack, 957

Reed, Elizabeth Liscow, 216, 220

Reed, Hannah, 514–15, 518

Reed, James, 468, 474

Reed, John, 433, 436, 605

Reed, Joshua, 856, 884

Reed, Katy, 603, 617

Reed, Marey (or Read), 462, 534n.154

Reed, Margarett, 222, 228

Reed, Mary, 335, 462, 604

Reed, Rebecca, 115

Reed, Sarah, 607

Reed, Thomas, 910

Reed, Thomas, wife of (or Reede), 904, 908–9

Reed, Thomas Cloud, 216, 220, 230, 662

Reedey, Hannah (Hanah; or Reedy), 508, 537n.326

Reformation, 19

regulatory offices, creation of, 19

Reid, Mary, 329

Reiley, Philip, 638

relief: reform of, 13–14; responsibility for, 18–20, 32, 53, 82n.10

Rellings, Michael, 465

Remick, Abraham, 254

Remick, Christian, and wife, 237, 268n.590

Remick, Daniel, 461

Remick, John, 663

Remick, Sarah, 242, 244

Remmick, Daniel, 604

Renals, George, 419

Renew, Joseph, 339, 345

Rennals, Michael, 392

Rennals, Michel, 389

Renolas, Michel (or Michael Renolds), 465, 492, 534n.170, 536n.258

Reports of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. See Boston Records

Revere, Nancy, 605

Reverend Clark, 69

Revolutionary War, 22–23, 36, 57–58, 63, 75–76, 92n.83

Rewen, Susanah, 513

Reynold, Michael, and daughter Nancy, 606

Reynolds, George, 414

Reynolds, Henry, 236, 268n.582

Rhoades, Henry, 812

Rhoads, Jeremiah, 630

Rhoads, Lydia (or Rhodes), 209, 266n.449

Rhoads, Mary, and children (or Rhodes), 208, 210, 265n.440

Rhoads, Sarah (or Roads), 115–16

Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, 54

Rhodes, Abraham, 310

Rhodes, Jeremiah, 136

Rhodes, Lydia, 660

Rhodes, Margarett, 208

Rhodes, Nathaniel, 659

Rhodes, Sarah, 124

Riadon, Suckey, 392

Riadon, Susanna, 406

Rian, William (or Ryan), 453, 533n.113

Rice, Hehabie, 492

Rice, Hepha., 604–5

Rice, John, 141, 636, 925

Rice, Sarah, 116, 124, 411, 413

Rice, Sarah, and child, 396–97

Rice, Thomas, 503, 506, 525, 527, 603–4, 918–22, 925–26

Rice, Thomas, and wife and children, 349, 353

Rice, Thomas William, 604

Richards, Agnes, 404, 421

Richards, Axam, 474, 480

Richards, Axom, 478

Richards, Edward, 289

Richards, John, 426, 666

Richards, Sal, and child, 289

Richards, Sarah, 124, 276, 334, 417, 651, 655

Richards, Sarah, and child, 115, 132, 338

Richards, William, 292

Richardson, 358

Richardson, Androw, 502

Richardson, Ann, 166, 260n.193, 416

Richardson, Anna, 339, 409, 438

Richardson, Ebenezer, 492, 515, 521

Richardson, Edward, 215

Richardson, Edward, and wife, 208, 298

Richardson, Georg, 150

Richardson, George, 653, 657

Richardson, James, 606

Richardson, Levene (Sevaney), 515–16, 538n.367

Richardson, Lydia, 166, 606

Richardson, Lydia, and son, 628, 643n.13

Richardson, Margaret (Peg), 663, 667n.30

Richardson, Mary, 332, 338, 347, 375, 423, 443

Richardson, Mary (alias Higgins), 152, 259n.100

Richardson, Mary, and child, 312, 316, 318

Richardson, Nathaniel, 902–12

Richardson, Rebeckah, 150

Richardson, Sarah, 209, 266n.454, 351, 430

Richardson, Timothy, and wife and children, 490

Richardson, Timothy and Shadinah, and children Timothy, Levaney (Sevaney) and Ebenezer, 487, 535n.243

Richardsons, Lydia, 639

Richey, Eleanor, 325

Richey, John, 338, 483, 605

Richia, Elanor (alias Pew), 605

Richie, Elenor, 481, 503–4

Richie, Francis, 680

Richie, John, 278

Richie, John (or Richey), 502

Ricker, John, 324

Ricks, Janny, 274

Ricks, Mary, 147, 258n.53

Ridan, Sukey, 605

Ridan, Susanah (or Riden), 502, 513–15, 524, 537n.306

Ridan, Susannah, 511

Riddle, John, 933

Riddle, Margarett, 169

Riddles, John, wife of, 950

Ride, Edward, 605

Riden, Susanah, 491

Rider, Lidia, 443

Ridle, Margarett, 635

Ridle, Margarett (or Riddle), 169, 261n.203

Ridon, Susanah, 497

Riedon, Susanna, 393

Right, Mary, 308

Riley, David, 349, 664

Riley, Elizabeth, and child, 313–14

Rimick, Daniel, 460

Rind, James (or Ryan), 607

Rind, William, 606

Rinner, John, 607

Rinniger, Priscilla, 209

Riodan, Mathew, 380

Rioden, Susannah, 327

Riodon, Susannah, 335

Rion, Betsey (or Ryan), 518, 538n.382

Rion, Elizabeth (or Ryan), 524–25, 538n.406

Rion, Elizabeth, and children, 434

Riorden, Susannah, 324

Riordian, Hannah, 507

Riordiorn, Susannah, 332

Riordn, Hannah (or Riorden), 500, 536n.301

Riordon, Susanna, 377

Ritchee, John, 510

Ritchie, Eleanor, 452

Ritchie, John, 491, 603

Roach, Samuel, 638, 825, 827, 829, 832

Roades, Mary, 901, 906, 910

Roads, Jeremiah (Roades), 893–94

Roads, Mary, 894–95, 897–901

Roads, Widow, 896

Robarts, Nathaniel, 371

Robberson, James (or Roberson), 526, 539n.410

Robbins, Betsy, 286

Robbins, Mary, 306

Robenson, Andrew, and wife (or Robinson), 428, 532n.47

Robenson, Androw (or Robinson), 502

Robenson, Androw, and wife (or Robinson), 502, 537n.309

Robenson, Budd, 441

Roberson, Budd, 442

Roberson, James, 527

Roberson, Thomas, 605

Robert, Hartford, 435

Robert McClure & Co., 721

Roberts, Dinah, 492

Roberts, Dinah, and children Rhoda, Henry, and Mary, 480

Roberts, Hannah, 151, 633

Roberts, James, 382–83, 605, 665

Roberts, John, 817–18, 822, 833

Roberts, Joseph, 357, 640

Roberts, Joshua, 664

Roberts, Luce, 479, 481

Roberts, Pattey, 357

Roberts, Patty, 375, 387, 665

Roberts, Peggy, 526

Roberts, Polley, and son, 367, 378

Roberts, Samuel, 357, 370

Roberts, Thomas, 138, 604

Robertson, Andow and Mary, 506

Robertson, Andrew, 603

Robertson, Andrew, and wife, 432

Robertson, Elizabeth, 382, 392, 453, 472, 955

Robertson, James, 603–4

Robertson, Mary, 603

Robertson, Mrs., and child, 309

Robertson, Nancy, 604

Robie, William (or Robe), 986

Robins, Betsy, 294

Robins, Mr., 837

Robins, Robert, 831

Robins, Sukey, 880

Robinson, Elias, 295, 607

Robinson, Elizabeth, 169, 418

Robinson, John, 142, 607

Robinson, Joseph, 607

Robinson, Lydia, 125

Robinson, Mary, and child, 156, 160

Robinson, Samuel, 768, 775

Robinson, Thomas, 604

Robinson, William and Nancy, 606

Robison, William, 298

Roborts, Samuel, 358

Roby, Hannah, 499, 508

Roby, Jack, 499, 508, 511

Roby, Mr., 839

Roch, Ralph, 607, 877

Roch, Robert, 582, 606

Roderigee, Frederick, 605

Rogers, Abraham, 901

Rogers, Clarissa, 880

Rogers, George, 702, 704, 711, 716, 718, 720, 723, 986

Rogers, James, 321, 628, 634

Rogers, John, 655, 801

Rogers, Margarett, 639

Rogers, Mary, 285, 289, 294, 649

Rogers, Mr., 836, 838

Rogers, Sarah, 320, 605, 916, 927

Rogers, William, 216–17, 220, 250, 269n.623, 604–5, 642, 913

Rogers, William and Sarah, 880

rogues, 19, 24

Roion, Elizabeth, 480

Roleston, Mary (or Roulstone), 455, 533n.125

Rollo, Stephen, 139, 639

Rollston, Elizabeth (or Rolston), 151, 258n.82

Rolston, Elizabeth, 125

Romley, Edward, 277

Ronson, William, 222, 226

Ronsted, John, 773

Roof, Adam, 373

Rook, Mary, 169–70

Rooker, Joseph, 707

Roop, Adam, 404

Roos, Benjamin, 527

Ropes, Adam, 408

Rosanna, child of (negro), 363

Rose (negro), 136, 146, 330, 631

Rose, Mary, 471

Rosemary, Frances, 479

Rosemary, Francis, and son Lewis, 477

Rosemary, Lewis, 479

Ross (negro), 332

Ross, Alexander, 124, 128

Ross, Ann, and children, 246

Ross, Benjamin, 522, 603

Ross, Benjamin, and wife and child, 278

Ross, George, 273

Ross, Hannah, 229–30

Ross, Isabella, 280

Ross, Isabella, and child, 233, 275

Ross, John, 363

Ross, Joseph, and sons, 342

Ross, Mary, 284, 474, 478–79, 496, 505, 509, 513

Ross, Mary, and children, 279

Ross, Nancey, 309

Ross, Polly, 331, 342

Ross, William, 241, 363, 660, 670–75

Rossanna (negro), 357

Ross child, 275

Roulston, John, 747, 764, 792

Roulstone, John, 788

Round, Amos, 429

Rouslow, Sarah, 449

Rowen, Jane, 604

Rowen, Richard, 518

Rowen, Sarah, 508

Rowen, Sarah (Sukey), 525

Rowen, Sarah and daughter Susanah, 502–3

Rowen, Susanah, 504

Rowen, Susanna, and son John, 606

Rowen, Susannah, 516

Rowin, Sarah, and child (or Rowen), 510, 537n.339

Rowlinson, Thomas, 501, 508

Rownand, William, 162

Rownds, Amos, 440

Roxbury, Jonathan Davis, 750

Roxbury, Town of, 877–79

Ruck, John, 44, 672, 674, 986

Ruddock, Ebenezer (or Ruduck), 432, 457, 478, 526, 533n.136, 535n.209, 604

Ruddock, Elizabeth, 632

Ruddock, John, 708, 711

Ruddocks, Elizabeth, 139, 648

Rudock, Ebenezar (or Ruduck), 453, 518, 520, 533n.115, 538n.381

Ruduck, Ebenezar, 442

Ruggles, John, 798, 801, 805–6, 810–12, 815, 820, 822, 827–28, 830, 832

Ruggles, Mr., 837

Ruggles, Samuel, 818

Ruler, Ann, 318, 934, 937

Ruler, Ann (or Anna), 948

Ruler, Anna, 931–33, 938, 940, 942–43

Rules, Rachel, 659

Rules of the Workhouse, 71

Rumbow, Peter, 125

Rumley, Edward, 247–48

Rumrill, James, 607

Rusel, Salle Cades (or Russell), 460, 533n.148

Rusell, Ame, 436

Rusell, Jane, 434

Rusell, Joseph (or Russell), 512, 537n.352

Rush, Silvester, 308

Rusher, Mary, 125

Russel, Amme (Ann), 423, 531n.37

Russel, John, 607

Russel, Joseph, 422

Russell, Benjamin, 693

Russell, Jane, 368, 380, 385, 394, 398

Russell, John, 248, 269n.618

Russell, Joseph, 690, 693, 965–67

Russell, Luce, 355

Russell, Mary, 650

Russell, Mr., 837

Russell, Peter, 424

Russell, Polley (or Rosherou), 351

Russell, Robert, 604

Rust, Hannah, 147, 633

Rust, Nathaniel, 662

Ruth (negro), 646

Rutherford, John, 603–7

Rutherford, Thankful (alias Edmons or Edmonds), 520, 538n.389

Rutherford, William (or Retheford), 530, 539n.424, 603

Ruthleaf, Charles, 861

Ryal, John, 125

Ryan, Ann, 386

Ryan, Ann, and child, 347

Ryan, Edward, 171–72

Ryan, Elizabeth, 508

Ryan, James, 347, 350

Ryan, James, and wife, 871

Ryan, John, 230, 242, 272, 276, 606

Ryan, John, wife of, 922

Ryan, Luke, 639

Ryan, Luke, and wife and child, 149

Ryan, Martha, 922

Ryan, Martha, and child, 244

Ryan, Patrick, 125

Ryan, Rebecca, 653

Ryan, Sarah, 632

Ryan, Thomas, 657

Ryan, William, 434, 452, 515, 604–6

Rye, Bushell, 754

Ryland, Mercy, 116, 124

Ryley, Betsey, and son, 337

Ryley, Phillip, 158, 160

Ryon, Elizabeth, and son Thomas (or Ryan), 433, 532n.64

Ryon, William (or Ryan), 454, 533n.120, 604

Sabels, Benjamin, 330

Sabestion, Margarett (or Sebestian), 236, 268n.583

Sabins, Patty, 885

Sables, Margarett, 500

Sables, Mary, 500

Sack, Mary Ann, and children, 117

Saco, Robert, 687

Sadler, William and Mary, 607

Safford, and children John and Jeremiah, 857, 886

Salem Town, 849–51

Salter, Frances, 153, 633

Salter, Mathew, 372, 374

Salter, Peter, 626, 647

Salter, Susan, 626

Salter, Susanna, 125

Salter, William, 712

Salvetear, Peter, 376, 378

Sambo (negro), 613

Sampel, Ann, 306

Sample, Ann, 379, 408, 629

Sampson, John, 640

Samson, Jabez, 405

Samuel, 482

Samuel John Avis, 542

Sanders, Betsey, 392

Sanders, Edward, 609

Sanders, Elizabeth, 521, 525

Sanders, John, 482, 484

Sanders, Mary, 387, 389, 391, 393, 414

Sanders, Nathaniel, 609

Sanders, Richard, 609

Sandey, Elizabeth (or Sarndis), 612

Sandford, Robert, 171–72

Sandiman, George (or Sandeman), 628, 643n.14

Sandwich Town, 848–49

Sandy (negro), 341

Sanger, George, 304

Sarah (negro), 132

Sargant, Bethine, and son, 308

Sargent, Bethene, 919

Sargent, Samuel (or Sargant), 408, 427, 436, 531n.6

Sartley, Martha, 160

Saunders, Elizabeth, and child, 290

Saunders, Martha, 125

Saunders, Mary, 220, 630

Saunders, Mary, and child, 212, 219

Saunders, Sally, 614

Saunders, Sarah, 626

Saunders, William, 285

Savage, Ephraim, 986

Savage, Habijah, 986

Savage, Richard, 609

Savay, Abraham, 369

Savel, Elisha, 820

Savel, John, 710–11, 715, 718

Savil, Elisha, 824

Sawer, Mary, 613

Saxe, Mary Ann, 125

Saymore, Wm., 116

Sayward, Jannett, 212

Sayword, Jannet, 150, 258n.71

Scales, Ann, 275

Scales, Hannah, 273

Scherve, Julia Anna, 460

Schrider, John, 473

Scilby child, 159

Scinner, Elizabeth, 631

Scipio (negro), 247, 252, 269n.615

Scoct, Mary, 609

Scofskuske, John Frederick, 404–5

Scollay, John, 45, 830, 833

Scollay, Rebecca, and children, 609

Scollay, William, and children, 404

Scolley, William, and children, 417

Scot, Sarah, 301

Scott, 312

Scott, Benjamin, 664

Scott, Benjamin, sons of, 282

Scott, James, 845

Scott, Mary, 294, 296, 420–21, 514, 518, 608

Scott, Mary, and children, 279

Scott, Samuel, 609

Scott, Sarah, 301

Scott, Thomas, 900

Screen, James, 612

Scribner, Rachel, 134

Scrivener, Rachel, 631

Scudder, David, 907–9, 912

Scudder, David (or Sender), 152, 259n.92

Scudder, Josiah, 633

Scudder, Mary, 653

Scudder child, 154

Seagrave, Sarah, 362

Seagreaves, Sarah (or Seegreaves), 443, 447, 532n.92

Seahouse, John, 137

Seal, George, 509, 955

Seargraves, Sarah, and child, 161

Searl, Jonathan, 613

Sears, Cato, 368, 371

Sears, Joshua, 612–13

Seavi, Lucretia, 222, 226

Seaward, Jannet, 208, 251

Seegraves, Sarah, 152

Seegreaves, Sarah, 434

Seely, Mary, 845

Seergraves, Sarah, and daughter Sarah, 628, 643n.7

Segrave, Sarah (or Segrove), 412, 531n.19

Sehreon, Mary, 611

Selectmen’s functions, 983; Boston, 77; budgetary role, 77; Massachusetts Township Act on, 971; nonresidents, responsibility for, 77; Overseers’ relationship to Selectmen, 19, 21–23, 25, 29, 31, 44, 52–54, 56, 77, 85n.25, 101n.156; smallpox, 77; town charges vs. province charges, 99n.131; warning out, 52–54, 98n.122

Selleck, Edward (or Sellecks), 611

Selvester, Charlote (or Silvester), 492, 536n.260

Selvester, Ebenezer, 488, 535n.245

Selvester, Elizabeth (or Silvester), 476, 535n.202

Selvester, Elizabeth, and child, 479

Selvester, Mary, 489

Selvester, Mary (or Silvester), 475, 534n.194

Selvester, Mary, and child (or Silvester), 481, 535n.219

Serallie, Susanna, 392

Sergant, Dinah, 358

Sergeant, John, 640

Sergeant, Tabitha, 639

Serieves, Julla Aann (Tulla Ann), 490, 535n.253

Serl, Meriah, 391

Serle, Merian, 385

servants vs. freemen, 25

Settlement Act (1793), 972

Settlement Laws of Massachusetts, 52

Sevenhousen, Conelis, 610

Seven Years War (1756–1763), 63, 75

Sever, Lucretia, 274

Severs, Lucretia, 163, 260n.175

Severy, Susanna, 886

Sewall, Samuel, 41, 92n.82

Sewall, Samuel (or Sewell), 986

Seward, Jerusha (alias Simmons), 613

Seward, Sophia, 614

Seymour, Rachel, 218, 221

Seymour, William, 125

Shaley, Partrick, 351

Shandly, Patrick (or Shanley), 454, 533n.119

Shandy, Patrick, 362, 438

Shanley, Partrick, 360

Shanley, Patrick, 78, 451, 471, 484, 489

Shanly, Partrick, 398

Shanly, Pat, 433

Shanon, 689

Sharon, Town of, 866

Sharp, Charles, 607

Sharp, Jane, 608

Sharp, Mary, 241, 315, 394, 397, 412, 422, 425, 433, 438, 440, 452–53, 455, 475, 489, 493–94, 509, 514, 517, 609, 612

Sharp, Rosenna, 611

Sharp, Sarah, 422

Sharp, Thomas, 646

Sharp, William, 237, 246, 255, 315, 365, 444, 469, 475, 490, 527, 613

Sharp, William, and wife, 281, 288, 290, 303, 305, 311, 313, 319, 326, 332, 335, 384

Sharpe, Mary, 418, 432

Shattuck, Lemuel, 102n.180, 102n.184

Shaugnesy, James, 327

Shaw, Daniel, 322, 324, 336, 338

Shaw, Mary, 125, 635, 658

Shaw, Mary (or Freeman), 118

Shaw, Susanna, 351

Shay, Ann, and child, 242, 275

Shay, Daved, 350

Shaye, Nancy, 222

Shays, Daved, 349

Shays, David, 347

Shea, David, 352

Shea, Mary, 353–55, 363

Shea, Mary, and child, 347

Shean, Elizabeth, 368

Shed, Joseph, 822, 826

Shed, Joseph (or Shedd), 676, 680, 692

Shee, Mary, and child, 360

Sheehay, Joseph, 471–72

Sheen, Ann, 303

Sheen, Ann, and children, 301

Sheen, Elizabeth (alias Sheild), 494, 498

Sheen, Elizabeth, and child, 522

Sheene, Elizabeth, 442

Sheene, Elizabeth, and son Robert, 442

Sheepreeve, William, 986

Sheffield Town, 864

Shehane, Elizabeth, 477

Shelden, Sarah Hunt, and child, 207, 213

Shelton, Benjamin, 610, 849, 880

Shepard, Nancey, 506

Shepard, William, 235, 268n.577

Shephard, Elizabeth, 907–8

Shephard, Michael (or Sheppard), 663, 667n.32

Shepherd, Ann, 607

Shepherd, Mary, 608, 612

Shepherd, William, 238

Sheppard, Mary, 613

Sheppard, Michael, 657, 830

Sheppard, Thomas, and wife and child, 277

Sheppard, William, 650, 654

Shepperd, Nathaniel (or Sheppard), 221, 267n.514

Shepphard, Elizabeth, 908

Sherborne, Joseph, 744

Sherburn, Joseph, 92n.82

Sherburne, Joseph, 761, 986

Sherburne, Mary, 507

Sherley, Nancey, and son, 412, 415

Sherman, Polle, 473, 476

Sherman, Polley, 417

Shermon, Leonard, 367, 376

Shiming, Hannah, 608

Shimmin, Hannah, 519, 607, 609, 612

Shimmins, Hannah, 522

Shirbun, Mary (or Sherburn), 505, 537n.321

Shirley, Farris (Ferrers), 240, 242, 268n.597

Shirley, John, 132, 649

Shirley, Nancy (child), 132

Shirley, Nancy, and child, 417

Shirley, William, 132, 649

Shone, John, 530

Shootesmith, John, 652

Shores, Polly, and children, 608

Shrowtenbey, Cornelius (or Showdenback), 223, 231, 268n.562

Shurtleff, Nathaniel, 66

Shute, John, 806, 810, 812, 814, 825

Shute, Nathan, 212, 251, 266n.465

Shute, Samuel, 832–33

Sigourey, Jane, 78

Sigourney, Jane, 399, 407

Sigourney, Jane (mullatto), 666

Silsberry, Jonathan, 660

Silvester, Elizabeth, 612, 881, 884

Simmonds, Deborah (alias Hammond), 875–76, 884

Simmonds, John, 608

Simmons, Catharine, 613

Simmons, Juda, 170

Simmons, Judith, and daughter (or Symmonds), 628, 643n.17

Simmons, Richard, 309

Simms, 707

Simons, Abigal, 464

Simons, Cate, 413

Simons, Cate, and child, 376

Simons, Kate, 374

Simons, Katy, 372

Simons, Martha, 332–33

Simpson, Abigal, 462

Simpson, Ann, 125

Simpson, Dorcas, 638, 643n.32

Simpson, Ebenezer, 613

Simpson, Elizabeth (or Simson), 649, 667n.4

Simpson, Hannah, 210

Simpson, Holemes, 487

Simpson, Holmes, 208, 265n.439

Simpson, Holms, 164, 418, 420, 430, 489

Simpson, Increase, 246, 925

Simpson, John, 703

Simpson, Jonathan, 703

Simpson, Joseph, 162, 336

Simpson, Josiah, 607, 610, 613

Simson, Holems, 435

Simson, Homes, 612

Simson, Joseph, 634

Simson, Nathaniel (or Simpson), 150, 258n.70

Sinclair, Elizabeth, 249, 254, 275, 284, 914–15, 917, 922, 925–26

Sinclair, James, 127

Sinclair, Mary, 293, 296–97

Sinclear, Benjman (or Sinclair), 436, 532n.72

Sinclear, Mary, 294

Singclare, Mary (or Sinclair), 439, 532n.77

Singclear, Benjamin, 359, 361

Singclear, Mary, 348, 362

Singleton, Thomas, 228

Sinnot, Betsy, 611

Sinnot, Lois, 611

Sinnot, Thomas, 611

Sirk, Eliz, 394

Sisk, Nancey, and child, 373

Sisk, Nancy, 367

Sisk, Richard, 951–52

Sisk, Widow, 952

Skinner, Elizabeth, 115, 125, 131, 305, 629

Skinner, George, 79, 141, 631

Skirling, Mary, 277

slaves, 58

Sleene, Elizabeth, 342, 348

Slegg, Roger, 636

Slemmond, Mary, 231

Slemmonds (child), 231

Sloan, Elizabeth, 366

Sloan, Elizabeth, and child, 360

Sloan, Isabella, 234

Sloan, William, 613

Sloane, Hugh, 231

Sloane, Isabella, 608

Slokham, Soloman, 478

Slone, 382

Slooper, Olive, and child (or Sloper), 153, 259n.105

Slooper, Thomas, 634

Sloper, Elizabeth, 212

Sloper, Frederick, 243

Sloper, Lydia, 216

Sloper, Mary, 139

Sloper, Susanna, 629

Smallage, Elizabeth, 207, 265n.438

smallpox, 35, 46, 68, 76–77

Smellage, Mrs., 920

Smellage, Rebeka, 919

Smellage, Widow, 922–26, 928, 930, 933–36, 938–39

Smellidge, James and Elizabeth, 308, 310

Smith, Adam, 20

Smith, Anna, 136

Smith, Anna, and child, 140, 257n.29

Smith, Benjamin, 80, 161, 260n.159

Smith, Betsey, 553, 612–13

Smith, Catherine, 339

Smith, Cato, 506, 510–11

Smith, Charles, 609–10

Smith, Delight, 296, 475

Smith, Edward, 340, 378, 414, 608

Smith, Elizabeth, 227–28, 243, 396, 528, 612–13, 641

Smith, Elizabeth, and child, 399

Smith, Elizabeth, and son William, 384, 398

Smith, George, 608

Smith, George (John), 610

Smith, Hugh, 363, 440–41, 916, 931–32, 935, 952, 955

Smith, Isaac, 92n.82, 762, 769–70, 772, 774, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 796, 802, 807, 809, 813, 818, 820, 823, 986

Smith, Jacob, 639

Smith, James, 126, 610–11

Smith, James, and wife and children, 846

Smith, Jamima, and child, 840

Smith, John, 144, 162, 167, 283, 322, 334, 484, 488, 610, 640, 986

Smith, Josiah, 795, 797, 801

Smith, Katherane, 340

Smith, Lewis, 609

Smith, Lydia, 886, 953

Smith, Margarett, 170

Smith, Martha, 315, 318–19, 331

Smith, Mary, 312, 653, 762, 885

Smith, Mary (child), 136, 609

Smith, Mary, and child, 276, 278

Smith, Mary, child of, 285

Smith, Mr., 836

Smith, Peter, 657

Smith, Phebe, 610

Smith, Rachel, 609

Smith, Rebecca, 609

Smith, Richard, 660

Smith, Robert, 249, 404, 658

Smith, Samuel, 608, 655, 673–78

Smith, Sarah, 704

Smith, Silvester, 635

Smith, Silvester, and wife, 170

Smith, Sophia, 498

Smith, Susannah, 636

Smith, Theodore, 614

Smith, Thomas, 296, 362, 378, 408, 420, 468, 986

Smith, William, 44, 160–61, 246, 248, 654–55, 657, 982, 986

Smith, Zerviah, 629, 639

Smiths, Zerviah, 639

Sneeling, Josiah, 633

Snelling, Hannah, 633

Snelling, Joseph, 170, 275, 279

Snelling, Josiah, 651

Snelling, Josiah, and wife and child, 140

Snelling, Mary, 652, 889–90, 894, 897, 901

Snelling, Sarah, 653

Snow, 342–43

Snow, Abigail, 370

Snow, Abigail, and child, 358

Snow, Henry, 277

Snow, John, 459–60

Snow, Lilly (Lydia), 209, 218

Snow, Ruben, 372, 377

Soaper, Mary, 908

Society for Encouraging Industry and Employing the Poor, 30–31

Solomon, Abraham, 610

Sommers, Michael, 211, 640

Son, Mathew, 447

Soper, Mary, 903–5

Soren, Michal, 508

Sorin, Patte (Martha), 165, 228, 260n.184

Soring, Martha, 163

Sorren, Michael, 512

Souden, Samuel, 470

Soudon, Samuel, 466

Southerland, Elizabeth (or Sutherland), 147, 258n.54

Southward, Mary, 611, 859, 881

Southward, Polly, 612

Southwick, Alce, 369–70

Southworth, Mary, 612–13

Soyer, Pompy (Pompey), 427, 531n.44

Spalding, Lucretia, and child, 132

Sparhawk, Mr., 838

Sparrow, Frances, 135

Sparrow, Mary, 147

Speakman, William, 675, 681, 685, 691

Spear, Becky (Rebecca), 476, 534n.199

Spear, Joseph, 611

Spear, Thankful, 125, 162

Spear, Thankfull, 635

Speenhamland system, 20

Spencer, Charlotte, 608

Spencer, David, 313–14

Spencer, John, 208

Spencer, Mary, and child, 859

Spencer, Noble, 515, 521

Spikeman, William, 680

Spilier, Johanna (or Spillier or Spiller), 686–97, 699–705, 708–20

Spiller, Joanna (Joana; Joannah), 721–48, 750, 752

Spinning School, 30

Spires, James, 611

Sponer, Mary, 516

Spooner, Benjamin, 525, 527, 613

Spooner, Rachel, 611

Spooner, William, 484

Spooner, William, and wife, 444, 482, 512

Spooner, William and Mary, 413–14, 482, 485

Spoonor, Joanna, 400

Spoonor, Johanna (or Joanna Spooner), 430, 532n.58

Spoonor, William, 420

Spoorer, William, and wife, 444

Spooror, William, 420

Sprag, William, 386

Sprage, William, 391

Sprage, William (or Sprague), 495, 520, 536n.273, 538n.393

Sprague, Fanny (Tryeny), 870

Sprague, John, 719

Sprague, Sarah, 656

Sprague, William, 497, 610

Sprague, William, daughter of, 300

Spraug, Elizabeth, 501

Sprauge, Elizabeth (or Sprague), 501, 536n.302

Spring, Henry, 737

Springfield, John, 608

Springfield, Mary, 608

St. Clear, Mary, 367

Stacey, John, 322

Stacey, Rebacha and son, 501

Stackpole, Rebecca (alias Puttum), 610

Stainer, Roger, 125

Standards, Oliver (or Standard), 662, 667n.22

Standly, Mary, 327

Stanford, William, 517–18

Stanley, Mary, 161, 260n.156, 330

Stanley, Rachel, 125

Stanney, Henry, 146, 258n.48

Stanney, Venus, 382

Stanton, John, 606

Stanton, Katharine, 125, 648–49

Stanyan, Joseph, 639

Star, Elizabeth, and children, 376, 379, 392

Starr, Crannah, 303

State House, 63, 66

Stayner, Roger, 765, 768, 771, 774, 807

Stebbens, Elizabeth, 499–500, 608

Steel, Joshua, wife of, 906–7, 909

Steels, Joshua, wife of, 910

Stephens, Mary, 238, 314, 318–19

Stevens, Alice, 238

Stevens, Charles, 609

Stevens, Elizabeth, 274, 407, 451

Stevens, Gammon, 209–10, 232, 235, 277

Stevens, Hannah (widow), 953

Stevens, James, 125, 519

Stevens, Katharine, 126, 626

Stevens, Kezia, 250

Stevens, Kiah, 135

Stevens, Liffee, 611–12

Stevens, Mary, 315

Stevens, Mr., 836

Stevens, Nancy, 611–13

Stevens, Nancy Hunter, 488

Stevens, Saley, 513

Stevens, William, 372, 388, 465, 534n.167

Stevenson, Moses, 501, 503

Stevenson, Sarah, and child, 277

Stevenson, Suley, 610

Steward, Hipsibah, 371

Steward, James, 905, 912

Steward, Ketty, and children, 421

Steward, Mary, 307

Steward, Mathew, 909

Steward, Nurse (or Stuard), 936, 941–42

Steward, Widow, 927, 929

Steward, William, 609

Stewart, James (child), 282

Stewart, James (or Stuart), 236, 249, 268n.579, 269n.621

Stewart, Margrat, 366

Stewart, Mary Ann, 608

Stewart, Michael, 660, 662

Stiles, John, 485

Still, Michael, 223

Stodard, Elcy, 504

Stoddar, Alice, 385

Stoddar, Elice, 446

Stoddard, Anthony, 986

Stoddard, Elsey, 460

Stoddard, Simeon (or Symeon or Simion), 986

Stokes, 638

Stokey, Robert, 125, 649

Ston, Sarah (or Stone), 476, 534n.198

Stone, Ann, 370

Stone, Ann, and child, 137, 275

Stone, Anna, and daughter, 279

Stone, Ann Winifred, and child, 235

Stone, Edward, 611–12

Stone, Elizabeth, 125

Stone, Isabella, 280

Stone, John, 607, 646

Stone, Josiah, 212, 217, 221, 227

Stone, Mary, 608, 943

Stone, Nancy, 484, 610

Stone, Nathaniel, 382, 387

Stone, Neley, 607

Stone, Polly, 609

Stone, Salle, 493

Stone, Salley, 488

Stone, Sally, 73, 610

Stone, Sarah, 463, 470

Stone, Thomas, 239

Stone, Venefred (Winefred), 464, 534n.162

Stone, Widow, 907, 909–10

Stone, Wineford, 483, 485, 489

Stone, Winfred, 609–10, 612

Stone, Winifeed, 609

Stone, Winifred, and child, 249

Stone, Winnifred, and child, 219

Storer, Benjamin, 125

Storer, Ebeneezer, 986

Storer, Ebenezer (or Storrer), 92n.82, 706, 708, 710–12, 716–17, 720, 723, 725–27, 731, 734–35, 739–40, 743–44, 749, 753, 756, 760, 762, 766–68, 773, 776, 778–79, 784, 807, 813, 816, 818, 821, 823–24

Storer, Kate, 382

Storer, Susanna, 125

Storey, Ann, 274

Storey, Nancy, 629

Storrer, Benjamin and Susana, 117

Story, Elizabeth, 277, 890–91

Story, Hannah, 892–94, 896, 898–902

Stoughton, John, 853

Stour, Ebenezer, 982

Stovel, Christopher, 160–61

Stover, Sarah, 115, 125

Stow, Martha, 223

Stow, Stephen, 659

Stow, Town of, 873

Strainer, Roger, 763

Straines, Eve, 370

Strater, Mrs., 963

Street, Ann, 632

Street, Mercy, 125, 631

Stride, Ann, 234

Stride, Mary, 280, 898

Stringer, Joseph, 662

Strong, Elizabeth, 299

Stuard, Mrs., 933

Stuart, Alexander, 164

Stuart, James, 153, 155

Stutafunt, Silas, 866

Stutson, Lemuel, 957–58

Stwart, Maryann (or Stewart), 520, 538n.392

Sucker, James, 651

Suckor, Elizabeth, 218

Sulkey, Peter, 301

Sullivan, Daniel, 130

Sullivan, daughters of, 817

Sullivan, Dennis, 227, 229

Sullivan, Katarine, 211, 233, 266n.462

Sullivan, Katharine, 629

Sullivan, Phillip, 608

Sun, Elizabeth, 372, 375

Sun, Marthor, 358

Sun, Mathew, 363

Sun, Matthew, 365, 399, 489

sundries at the Almshouse, 119

Susanah (Susannah; negro), 337, 340

Sutherland, Elizabeth, 635

Sutton, William, 765

Swain, Lewis, 611

Swain, Mary, 611

Swain, Sarah, and children, 610–11

Swain, Wells &, 799

Swan, Mary, 161, 351, 363, 517

Swan, Peter, 400, 417, 477, 479, 484, 488

Swann, Mary, 302

Sweasey, Cornelius, 769

Sweat, Sarah, 326

Sweetland, Margaret, 125

Sweetser, John, 44, 96n.114, 986

Sweler, Jacob (or Skweler), 149, 258n.67

Swift, Fanny, 73

Swift, Sally (Fanny), 612

Swinson, Andrew, 613

Switft, Fanny, 509

Symmes, Pegey, 435

Symmes, Pegg, 434

Symmes, Peggy, 504–5

Symonds, Jane, 291

Symonds, Judith, 637

Symons, Catharina, and daughter, 382

Symons, Kate, 413

Symons, Marthor, 351, 365

Symons, Polley, 392

Sympson, Jonathen, 764

Tabb, Mr., 937

Tailer, Jane, 125

Tailor, Gillam (or Tailer or Taylor), 735, 737, 739, 745, 747, 749, 752

Talbut, Christiana, 851

Talloon, William, 614

Tamis (negro), 318

Tapper, Hannah, 670–94

Tapper, John, 125

Tarbel, Mary, 432

Tarbox, Benjamin, 135

Tarbox, John, 125

Tarrel, John, 279

Tart, Joseph, 500

Tate, Sarah, 248

Tatness, Sarah, 125

Taunt, James, 665–66

Taveneaug, Edward (or Taveneau), 655, 667n.8

Tavenor, Mary, 346

Tavenu, Edward (or Taveneau), 166, 260n.188

Taverner, Mary, 309

tavern licenses for widows, 31

tax rates, 31

Tayler, Gillam, 706

Tayler, William, 416–17

Taylor, Benjamin, 280–81

Taylor, Charles, 648

Taylor, Elizabeth, 635

Taylor, Elizabeth, and children, 231, 246, 253, 256

Taylor, Hugh, 894, 896, 900

Taylor, Jane, 118, 654, 656

Taylor, John, 128, 140, 156, 243, 259n.131, 283, 465, 469, 648

Taylor, John, and children, 126

Taylor, Margaret, 616

Taylor, Mary, and child, 156, 259n.131, 276

Taylor, Michael, 437

Taylor, Michel, 438

Taylor, Peggy, 614–15

Taylor, Rebecca, 648

Taylor, Samuel, 228, 283

Taylor, Silvester, 141

Taylor, Thomas, and wife, 140

Taylor, Widow, 961

Taylor, William, 280–81, 616

Teague, Sarah, 289, 737–38, 740, 742, 747, 749–50, 753, 756, 758, 760, 766, 772, 777–78, 784, 789, 793, 801, 824, 827, 831

Teal, Katarine, 125

Tennaney, Polly, 448

Tent, James, 247

Tepote, William, 347, 352

Tevet, Betsey, 373, 378, 390

Tevett, Elizabeth, 665

Thacher, 717

Thacher, Mr., 837

Thacher & Bioise, 717

Thatcher, Oxenbridge, 986

Thatcher & Boice, 724

Thaxtor, Marshel, 350, 352

Thayer, Ebenezer, 792, 796

Thayer, Judia, 320

Thayer, Judia, and child, 322

Thayer, Mrs., 926

Theophilus, Alexander, 614–16

Thomas (negro), 335, 344, 646

Thomas, Abigail, 141

Thomas, Alaxander, 505

Thomas, Alexander, 473

Thomas, Edward, 425

Thomas, Elizabeth, 219, 267n.498, 630

Thomas, Elizabeth, and child, 221

Thomas, Isaiah, 51, 646

Thomas, John, and child, 351, 353

Thomas, Margaret, 336

Thomas, Mary, 308, 325, 337

Thomas, Nathaniel, 125, 341

Thomas, Nathaniel and Margrat, 350

Thomas, Sarah, 245

Thomas, Susanna, 628, 917

Thomas, Susannah, 153

Thomas, Venard, 339

Thomas, William, 646

Thomes, Beckey, 390

Thompson, 330, 917

Thompson (or Thomson), 703–5

Thompson, Alaxander, and daughter Betsey (or Thomson), 503, 537n.317

Thompson, Alexander, 208, 245, 248, 340–41, 615

Thompson, Andrew, 348

Thompson, Betsey, 614

Thompson, Daniel, 640

Thompson, Edward, 423

Thompson, Hannah, 307

Thompson, James, 222, 227–29, 243, 248, 254, 267n.543, 275, 280, 616, 648, 865, 882

Thompson, Jane, 116, 125

Thompson, John, 357

Thompson, Joseph, 966

Thompson, Js., 961

Thompson, Katarine, 125

Thompson, Margaret, 626

Thompson, Maria, 125

Thompson, Mary, 126, 215, 266n.479, 273, 290, 307

Thompson, Mary, and child, 232, 234

Thompson, Nancy, 616

Thompson, Rebecka, 394

Thompson, Sarah, 307

Thompson, Thomas, 126

Thompsons, Alexander, 342

Thomson, Alaxander, 504

Thomson, Alexander, 447, 614

Thomson, Ann (or Thompson), 497, 509, 517

Thomson, Anne, 615

Thomson, John, 616

Thomson, Nancy, 493, 523–24

Thomson, Nancy (or Thompson), 514, 520, 538n.364, 538n.394

Thomson, Nancy, and son William, 506

Thomson, William (or Thompson), 489, 492, 535n.247

Thophall, Hannah, 321

Thorn, Mary, 117, 125

Thornton, Christopher, 118, 125

Thornton, Elizabeth, 278

Thornton, Hannah, 129, 634

Thornton, William, 129

Thorp, Margarett, 276

Thorp, Thomas, 338, 340, 357

Thorp, Widow, 957–58

Thrasher, Francis, 986

Thurston, William, 434

Thwing, Elizabeth, 653

Thwing, Katharine, 652

Thwings, William (or Thwing), 246, 649, 654, 667n.3

Tibbit, Elizabeth, 299

Tileston, Sally, 585

Tilestone, Onesiphorus, 693, 828

Tillet, Catrine, 480

Tillet, Caty (or Tellit), 614–16

Tillett, Catrine (or Catharine Tillet), 485, 535n.235

Tilley, Polley, and child, 279, 360

Tillick, Katty, 615

Tillot, Katy (or Tillet), 522–23, 538n.398

Tilly, Mary, 275

Tilott, Caterine, 486

Tilton, Mary, 456

Tilty, Mary, 255, 407

TIlty, Mary (or Telty), 410, 531nn.15–16

Tilty, Polly (Mary), 443, 532n.93

Tincom, 632

Tincom, John, 151, 258n.83

Tinkham, Sally, 864

Tinsley, Priscilla, 614

Titus (negro), 294

Tobias (negro), 347

Tobin, Patrick, 226

Toby, Desire, 220, 641

Toby, Stephen, 615, 848, 880

Tolman, 832–33

Tolman, Nathaniel, 616, 868, 882

Tom (black man), 615

Tomay, Patrick, 282, 284

Tomay, Patrick, and wife, 285

Tomisons, Charlton, 640

Tompson, James, 885

Tompson, John (or Thompson), 497, 536n.282

Tomson, Alaxander, 450, 474

Tomson, Nance, and children John and Joseph William (or Thompson), 487, 535n.240

Toomy, Sarah, 319

Tophall, Hannah, 324

Torrey, Dorothy, 721–36

Torrey, Ebenezer, 960

Torrey, Lydia, 721–36

Torrey, Mr., 693

Torry, Dorothy (or Torrey), 677–84, 686–92, 694, 697, 700–705, 708–20

Torry, Lidia (or Torrey), 677–97, 699–705, 708–20

Tovet, Elizabeth, 665

Tower, Elizibeth, 307–8

Town, Lydia, 311

town charges vs. province charges, 58, 99n.131

Towner, Lawrence, 26, 51, 65–66

Town Meeting (Boston): election of officials, 13, 45; end of, 14; Overseers’ involvement in, 20–21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 43–45, 55–56, 90n.70, 92n.78, 94n.98, 95n.100, 101n.156; ward system, 13

Town of Charlestown, 871–73

Town of Dighton, 851

Town of Dorchester, 866–67

Town of Eastham, 874–75

Town of Gloucester, 856–57

Town of Hanover, 871

Town of Hingham, 870

Town of Kingston, 852

Town of Lynn, 864

Town of Marblehead, 875–76

Town of Natick, 869

Town of Needham, 868

Town of Newbury Port, 873–74

Town of Raynham, 844–45

Town of Roxbury, 877–79

Town of Sharon, 866

Town of Stow, 873

Town of Waltham, 870

Town of Wilbraham, 846

Town of Wilmington, 845

Town of Woburn, 865–66

Town of Wrentham, 868–69

Townsand, Cate, 397

Townsand, Cate (or Townsend), 430, 532n.56

Townsand, Deborah (or Townsend), 429, 532n.53

Townsand, Joseph (or Townsend), 465, 534n.169

Townsend, 125

Townsend, Esther, 129

Townsend, John, 135

Townsend, Katy, 396

Townsend, Martha, 651

Townsend, Mr., 838

Townsend, Mrs. (or Sarah Boyles), 115

Townsend, Nancy, 857

Townsend, Penn, 986

Townsend, Rachael, 333

Townsend, Shippey, 820

Townsend, Shippie, 794, 800, 814, 828, 833

Townsend, William, 646

Townsend, William Blair, 695

Townson, Narius, 646

Towsand, Cathrine (or Townsend), 442, 450, 532n.84

Tragence, Joseph, 364

Tragence, William, 364

Trainhorn, Ann, 471

Tranholm, James, 347, 362

transiency, 26

Trayhorn, Ann, 616

Treboo, Mary, 139, 651

Treboo, Ruth, 639

Trench, Ellener, 898

Trench, Nathaniel, 295

Trenholm, James, 320, 331, 346

Trescot, Elijah, 279

Trescot, Mary, 233, 268n.568

Trescot, Samuel, 435–36

Trescott, Samuel, 351, 360

Tripe, Elizabeth, 303

Triskall, John, 159

Trobridge, John, 216, 266n.492

Trodia, Laurence, 614

Trott, Grace, 388

Trout, Morgan, 220

Trout, Sarah Morgan, and child, 217

Trout, William, 172

Trouts, Morgan, 642

Trowbridge, John, 641

Truant, Mary, 481, 494

Truant, Sophia, 481, 490

Truckage, James Gardner, 773

True, Joseph, 900

Trueman, Barny, 616

Truman, Mary, 162

Trussell, Henry, 505

Trussett, Henry, 505

Tubal, Kean, 496

Tubb, Ephraim, 616, 883

Tuck, Marthor (Matthew), 429, 532n.55

Tucker, John, wife of, 917

Tucker, Mary, 347

Tucker, Mr., 836

Tuckerman, Bartholum, 490

Tuckerman, Jack, 466–67, 469, 614–15

Tuckerman, Jacob, 627, 631

Tuckerman, Sarah, 476, 490, 918–22

Tuckerman, Toll (Bartholomew), 477, 535n.206

Tuckermann, William, 648

Tudor, John, 749, 766, 768, 770–72, 776, 779, 783–84, 786–87, 789, 791, 986

Tudor, William, 91n.72

Tudor–Stuart poor laws, 18–20

Tuffts, John (or Tufts), 288

Tufts, Mary, 151, 153

Tunks, Katarine, 125

Tupper, Hannah, 673

Turner, Abiezer, and children, 278–79

Turner, John, 130

Turner, Mary, 141, 157, 163, 259n.133, 274, 628–29, 637, 653, 658

Turner, Mary, child of, 253

Turner, Peter, and wife and child, 232, 239

Turner, Ruth, 854–55

Turpen, Rebecca, 383

Turpin, Edward, 634

Turpine, Hannah, and children, 155, 259n.117

Turrary, Antony, 289

Turrell, Mr., 836

Tuttell, Mary, and child, 314

Tuttle, Jabez (or Tuttles), 744

Tuttle, John, 136

Tuttle, Mary, 136, 164, 387, 435–36, 614–16, 629, 635

Tuttle, Mary, and daughter, 628

Tuxbury, Hannah, 462

Tweed, David, 633

Tweed, David, and wife, 149

Tweed, Widow, 154

Twing, Ann, and child, 144

Twing, Katharine, 660

Tyler, Anna, 942–43

Tyler, Benjamin, 476

Tyler, John, 853–54

Tyler, John Gottob, 284–85

Tyler, Mr., 826, 838

Tyler, Royal (Royall), 92n.80, 93n.91, 761–62, 766, 768, 770–71, 773–74, 776, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 796, 802, 807, 809, 812–14, 816–18, 823, 828–29, 834, 987

Tyler, Thomas, 789, 829, 834, 987

Tyler, William, 675–76, 680, 684–85, 691, 697, 704, 706, 711, 716, 720, 722–23, 725, 727, 730, 735, 738, 740, 987

Tyley, Ann, 114

Tyley, Ann, 125

Tyley, Samuel, 125

Tynsberry, Mary, 614

Tyrrel, John, 393

Tyrrell, Ann, 627

Tyrrell, Ann (alias Dantry), 140

Tyrrell, John, 136, 143

Tyrrell, Thomas, 422, 424

Underwood, Peter, 480

Utenox, Elizabeth, 153

Utinock, Elizabeth, and children, 153, 156, 159, 164

Utinock, Francis, 633

Utinocks, Elizabeth, 656

Utinocks, Elizabeth (or Hudenox), 642, 643n.34

vagabonds, 19, 24

vagrancy laws, 52

Valecutt, William and Rebecca, 140, 257n.28

Vallacut, Rebeckah, 290

Vallicott, William, and wife, 130

Vallier, Ann, 444

Valloon, William (or Vallon), 506–7

Varney, Sarah, 629

Varrell, Olive, 886

Veacham, Eunice, 209, 266n.452

Venus (negro), 274, 354

Verrin, James, and wife, 315

Vial, Mary, 516

Vial, Nathaniel, 128, 171–72

Viall, Mary (or Vial), 461, 534n.151

Vickery, Elizabeth Rebecca, 617

Vincent, Robert, 276

Vinetow, Elizabeth, 509

Vinlanough, Elizabeth, 429

Vinteno, Betsey, 426

Vintenon, M., 957

Vintenow, John, 304

Vintino, Betsey (or Vinteno), 508, 537n.328

Vinus (negro), 345

Violet (negro), 277, 641

Vokes, James, 658

Vokes, Robert, 658

voluntary vs. compulsory support, 20

Vose, and children, 351

Vose, Catrine (Catherine), 458, 533n.139

Vose, Eunice, 330, 503, 617, 880

Vose, Eunice, and children, 363

Vose, Hancock, 284

Vose, Lee, 284

Vose, Mary, and children, 284

Vose, Samuel, 335

Vose, Sylvia, 617

Vose, Unice, child of, 339

Vose, Washington, 284

Voux, Sarah, 314

Vranchx, Jacob, 617

Vuson, Domminic, 616

Waddle, Abigail, 145, 632, 659

Waddle, John, 895

Waddle, John, wife of, 896

Wade, Janny, 885

Wadle, Mary, 373

Wadly, John, 328

Wadsworth, Joseph, 987

Waganor, Mary, 287

Waid, Sarah (or Wade), 476, 535n.203

Waikfeild, Mathew, 666

Waikfield, Daniel, 356

Wailing, Widow, 942

Wainright, Mary, 343

Wainwood, Mary, 345, 362, 466, 618

Wainwright, James, 339

Wainwright, James, and wife and child, 349

Wainwright, Rebecka, 915–16, 919

Wait, Polly, and son William, 618

Wakefeild, Mary, and son, 408

Wakefield, Daniel, 354

Wakefield, Elizabeth, 411, 415–16

Wakefield, Mary, 144, 382, 420

Wakefield, Mary, and child, 370

Wakefield, Mathew, 418

Wakefield, Polley, 411, 413

Wakefield, Ruth, 241, 243

Walch, Dorothy, 490

Walcot, Mr., 937

Walcuts, Mrs., 957

Walcutt, Mrs., 957

Walden, Isaac, 139

Waldo, Benjamin, 359, 361, 829

Waldo, Daniel, 826, 833, 987

Waldo, Jonathan (or Woldo), 987

Waldo, Joseph, 826, 833–34

Waldridge, William, 302

Wales, Hannah, 622, 883

Wales, John, 329

Wales, Mr., 837

Walker, Benjamin, 987

Walker, Catharina, 429

Walker, Ezekiel, 618

Walker, George, 649, 652

Walker, Isaac, 702, 704, 706, 709, 711, 716, 720, 722, 725–26, 731, 734, 736, 739, 743, 762, 766–67, 772, 779, 784, 786–87, 791, 796, 987

Walker, John, 125, 619, 957

Walker, Mary, 125, 210, 214, 329–30, 630

Walker, Mathew, 487, 490

Walker, Pattey, 411

Walker, Richard, 419

Walker, Richard and Patte, 419

Walker, Sarah, 304

Walker, Thomas, 526, 528, 618–19, 987

Walkers, Mary, 640

Wall, John, 138

Wall, Rachael, 338

Wall, Rachel, 409, 413

Wall, Thomas, 245, 251–52

Wallace, Abigail, 297

Wallace, Rebecca, 337

Wallace, Susanna, 385

Wallet, William, 125

Walli, Rebecca, and son John, 352

Wallis, Abigail, 295

Wallis, Charles Dicks, 310

Wallis, Charles Dix, 306, 354, 664

Wallis, Ebenezer, and wife and children, 278

Wallis, Gamaliel, 375

Wallis, John, 254

Wallis, Mary, and child, 328

Wallis, Rebecca, and child, 348

Wallis, Susanna, 371, 377, 393, 410, 415

Wallis, Thomas, 387, 665

Walliss, Becky, 336

Walnock, Sarah, 385

Walnuck, John, 354

Walsh, Edward, 623

Walten, William, 311

Walter, Fanney, 621–22

Walter, Mr., 837

Walter, Tabitha (or Walters), 670–81, 683

Waltham, Town of, 870

Wanewood, Mary (or Wainwood), 471, 485, 493, 535n.234

Waples, Hannah, 386, 392, 456, 524, 618

Waples, Hannah (or Wapples), 509, 511, 537n.330, 537n.347

Wapples, Hannah, 445

Ward, Betty, and child, 284, 295

Ward, Elezabeth, 291

Ward, Elizabeth, 253

Ward, Elizabeth, and child, 277–78

Ward, Fidlia, 291

Ward, James, 617, 845

Ward, Lydia, 310

Ward, Mary, 291, 302, 317, 321, 368

Ward, Nancy, 125

Ward, William, 618

Wardell, Elizabeth, 283

Warden, Ann, 639

Warden, Elizabeth, 621

Warden, Ester, 114

Warden, Esther, 125

Warden, Francis (or Wardan), 671, 673, 675, 677, 680, 683, 685, 688, 691, 693–94, 698, 702, 704, 707–8, 711, 713, 716, 719, 723, 726, 728, 731, 733–34, 736, 739–41, 743–45, 748, 751, 755, 757–59, 761, 763–64, 766, 768, 771, 774–75

Warden, T., 840

ward system: implementation of, 13; Overseers’ functions in, 21, 46, 48, 93n.87; ward populations, 48

Ware, Jannet, 125, 654

Ware, Margarett, 161, 640

Warfield, Elisha P., 885

War for Independence. See Revolutionary War

Warner, Elizabeth, and child, 453, 455, 463, 528

Warner, Martha, 619, 622

Warner, Martha, and son William, 623, 883

Warner, Nathaniel and Hannah, 620

Warner, Oliver, 873

Warner, Peter and Elizabeth, 467, 475

Warner, Sarah, 460, 942

Warner, William, 139, 529, 621, 655, 659

Warner, William, and wife and child, 528

Warner, William, son of, 619

warning out: and the Almshouse, 58–59, 80; authority to warn out, 54; budgetary role of, 53; causes of, 54; of criminals, 54; of deserving vs. undeserving poor, 55; of drunks, 54; and financial responsibilities, 54; forcible removals, 53; migrants, removal of, 52; of nonresidents, 13, 52, 58–59, 97–98n.120; numbers warned out, 54–55, 97–98n.120; origin of, 52; Overseers’ role in, 22, 26, 33, 36, 52–55, 96n.116; population increases’ effects on, 55; procedure of, 52–55; of prostitutes, 53; purposes of, 52–55; records, 58–59, 97–98n.120; regulations for, 59; and removal, 52–53, 96n.116; and residency claims, 98n.121; Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, 54; Selectmen’s role in, 52–54, 98n.122; of transients, 13

Warren, Ann, 213–14, 217, 219, 266n.472, 266n.493, 463, 630

Warren, Ann, and children, 169

Warren, Anna, 498

Warren, Edward, 243, 245

Warren, James, 300, 372, 619, 665

Warren, Nance, 516

Warren, Nancy, 296, 620

Warren, Richard, 172, 655

Warren, Thomas, 657

Warren, William, 657, 663

Warrick, John, 117, 632

Warrick, John (or Warwick), 146, 258n.46

Warrin, Ann, 304

wars’ effects, 23, 25–26, 36, 55, 83–84n.17

Warwick, Ann, 130

Warwick, John, 125

Washington, George, 507–8

Water, Josiah, 808

Water, Mary, and husband and children, 117

Waterhouse, Richard, 623

Waterman, Elizabeth, 617

Waterman, Lucy, 618

Waterman, Mary, 125, 626, 630, 636

Waterman, Mary, and children, 628

Waterman, Sueky, 666

Waterman, Sukey, 332

Waterman, Susanna, 430, 620

Waters, Ann, 328, 331

Waters, Elizabeth, 125

Waters, Joseph, 525

Waters, Josiah, 786, 802, 818, 823

Waters, Josiah, Jr., 720

Waters, Margaret, 648

Waters, William, 147, 631

Watson, Ann, 350, 353, 362

Watson, Elizabeth, 923

Watson, John, 627, 657

Watson, Phillis, 497

Watson, Phillys, 495

Watson, Robert, 430, 433

Watt, Mary, 935–36, 938–39

Watt, Mary, and daughter Hannah (or Watts), 628, 643n.10

Watt, Robert, and sister, 322

Watting, Mehetable, 221

Watts, Elizabeth, 241, 268n.603

Watts, Foot, 912

Watts, Josiah, 640

Watts, Mary, 208, 378, 435, 912

Watts, Mary, children of, 922

Watts, Melah., 912

Watts, Molley, 384

Watts, Nancey, 421

Watts, Nancy, 418

Watts, Polly, 208, 912

Wattson, Ann, 360

Way, Robert, 889

Wayod, Mary, 445, 451

Webb, Jack, 471

Webb, John and Ballak, 466

Webb, Jonathan, 410

Webb, Jonathon, 417

Webb, Joseph, 236, 239, 268n.587, 987

Webb, Mary, 133, 209, 266n.455, 301, 321, 390, 394, 407–8, 515, 518, 521, 657

Webb, Mary, and child, 443, 452–53, 482

Webb, Polle (Mary), 437, 532n.73

Webb, Polley, 440, 527

Webb, Polly, 501, 618

Webb, Thomas, 620

Webber, Benidick, 829

Webber, Benidick (or Bennidick), 833

Webber, Jonas, 212, 642

Webber, Margarett, 638

Webber, Rebecca, 829

Webber, Richard, 342, 346

Webster, Ebenezer, 618

Webster, Fradrick, 478

Webster, Fredrick, 477

Webster, Mr., 838

Webster, Redford, 44, 855, 987

Wedge, Ann, 222, 267n.517

Weeb, Mary, 637

Weeks, Lewis, 617

Weeler, Nancy, 332

Weiser, Christien, 623

Welch, Debborah, 936

Welch, Henry, 220, 662

Welch, James, 450–51

Welch, John, children of, 904

Welch, Mary, 220, 378

Welch, Mr., 961

Welch, Patrick, 152, 653

Welch, Thomas, 617, 904–8, 910

Welch, Widow, 940

Welch, William, 278

Weld, Mr., 837

Welden, John, 140

Weller, Thomas, 638

Welles, Arnold, Jr., 987

Wellfleet Town, 863

Well House, 77

Wells, Mehetable, 208

Wells & Swain, 799

Welsh, D. (widow), 950

Welsh, Dennis, 523

Welsh, Elizabeth, 957–60

Welsh, John, 623

Welsteed, William (or Wellsteed), 987

Wendal, Isaac (or Wendell), 481, 489, 535n.218

Wendal, Isaac, and wife, 475

Wendal, Polly (or Wendall), 524, 538n.405

Wendell, Collo., 752

Wendell, Isaac, and wife, 458

Wendell, Jacob, 44, 672, 677, 680, 684–85, 690–91, 698, 704, 711, 725, 730, 735, 743–44, 756, 761, 763–64, 766, 772, 775

Wendell, Jacob (or Wendall), 987

Wendell, Nancy, and son, 885

Wendell, Nuton, 617

Wendell, Oliver, 982

Wendell, Polly, 617

Wendol, Jacob (or Wendall), 421, 531n.32

Wesson, Letitia, 214, 225, 266n.476

Wesson, Mary, 125

Wesson, Rebeckah (or Weston), 636, 643n.26

West, Hannah, 621, 882

West, James, 236, 892–93

West, Juba, 455

Western, Mary, 278

Westford Town, 860

Westly, David (or Worsley), 225–26, 267n.535

Westly, Mary (or Worsley), 225–26, 267n.535

Weston, Abigal (or Wesson), 148, 258n.63

Weston, Rebeckah, 171

Weston, Susanna, 621

Westwood, James, 278, 915–16, 920–21, 925

Weymouth Town, 854–55

Whalan, James, 251–52

Whaland, Mary, 282

Whaley, Sarah, 647

Whalon, George, 350–51

Whalon, Lydia, 350–51

Wharf, Elizabeth, and child, 154, 259n.114

Wharf, Thomas, 634

Wharfe, Robert, 150

Wharff, 629

Wharff, Elizabeth, 662

Wharff, Elizabeth, and child, 209, 217, 266n.495

Wharff, Robert, 656

Wharrfe, Elizabeth, 641

Whealer, Dorathy, 304

Whealer, Elizabeth, 164

Wheaton, Betsy, 618

Wheaton, Jemima, 889–94, 896–901

Wheaton, Mary, 957, 960

Wheaton child, 957

Wheeland, John, 635

Wheeland, John (or Wealand), 167, 261n.199

Wheeland, Mathew, 634

Wheeland, Mathew (or Wealand), 159, 259n.144

Wheelen, Sal, 288

Wheeler, Dorothy, and child, 302

Wheeler, Elizabeth, and children, 168, 272

Wheeler, Ephraim, 619

Wheeler, John, 880

Wheeler, John and Mary, 619

Wheeler, Jonathan, 280

Wheeler, Mary, 854, 880

Wheeler, Nancy, 318

Wheeler, Samuel, and wife, 225

Wheeler, Sarah, 289

Wheeler, William, Jr., 692

Wheler, Elizabeth, 371

Wheler, Elizabeth Smith, 399

Wheler, Hannah, 364

Whetcomb, John, 825

Whetson, Elizabeth, child of, 316

Whetston, Abigail, and child, 285

Whillet, Abigail, 465

Whipple, John, 495

Whiskey, Dugal, 522

Whitcomb, Peter, 526

Whitcomb, Richard, 942

Whitcomb, Sarah, 501, 508, 519

White, Betsy, 621

White, Boston, 619

White, Diana, and daughter Diana, 623, 877, 883

White, Dilley, 858

White, Easter, 526

White, Easther, 884

White, Elizabeth, 247, 269n.617, 663

White, Elizabeth, and son Anthony, 620

White, Esther, 568, 617, 850

White, George, children, 220, 267n.507

White, Hannah, 241, 660, 662–63

White, Isaac, 685, 691, 698, 987

White, James, 367, 623

White, James (negro), 664, 666

White, John, 280, 285–86, 987

White, Jude (Judith), 492, 536n.262

White, Judea, 495

White, Katarine, 245

White, Katharine, 663

White, Luce, 306

White, Margarett, 132

White, Mary, 226, 230, 618

White, Matthew, 249

White, Moses, 621

White, Mr., 838

White, Mrs., 894, 957

White, Olive, 431, 451, 454, 464, 506

White, Paul, 226

White, Polley, 506

White, Polly, 503, 622, 883

White, Sall (alias Sarah Humphries), 493

White, Sally, 354

White, Sarah, 289, 889, 891–93

White, William, 92n.82, 465, 470, 477, 620, 829, 834, 987

Whitecomb, Richard, 622–23

Whitehead, Mary, 114, 125

Whitehill, Walter Muir, 99n.138

Whitehouse, Charity, 125

Whitemore, Joseph, 459, 475, 617, 620

Whitemore, Samuel, 466

Whitman, Ann, 367–68, 410, 419, 428, 439, 442

Whitman, Anna, 366

Whitman, Davis, 261n.198, 641, 659, 663

Whitman, Lucy, 505

Whitman, Mary, 361, 368, 415, 630

Whitman, Molly, 332

Whitman, Sarah, 315

Whitman, Susanna, 660

Whitmore, Samuel (or Whitemore), 459, 533n.142

Whitney, Daniel, 125

Whitney, Olive, and child, 431

Whitney, Sarah, 125, 649, 651

Whittaker, Elizabeth, 125

Whittaker, Lucy, 233, 237

Whittaker, Martha, 125

Whittaker, Mary, 125

Whitte, Abigail, 422

Whittel, Abigail, 383

Whittemore, Elizabeth, 278, 928–29

Whittemore, John, 640

Whittemore, Joseph, Sr.,