January 1, 1775 – September 30, 1788

1775 Janua.

Received into the House Margarett Cunningham & her Son Willm.

℘ Order Mr. Willm. Greenleaf Overseer—Dated Decr. 31. 1774


Received into the House Ann Larkin

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Courtney (Big with Child)

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Thomas Lewis a Sick Man

℘ Order John Gore Esqr. Overseer &c

1775. Janua. 19th.}

Received into the House Flora a Negro Woman

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov Accott.) James Dogen

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Danl. Waldo Overseer &c


Received into the House Elizabeth Castle (with Child)

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov. Accott.) Matthew Bright

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Timo. Newell} Selectmen

Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c


Received into the House John Cavalleer & his Brother Francis

Children} on the province Account

John Scollay, Saml. Austin} Selectmen

℘ Order Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c


Received into the House John Ryan

℘ Order Mr. Wm. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Thomas Lawlor

℘ Order Wm. Phillips Esqr.


Received into the House Jacob Nile

℘ Order Mr. Danl. Waldo Overseer &c

Februa. 1.

Received into the House (on prov. Accott.) John Lizard

℘ Order Mr. Timo. Newell, Mr. Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Elizabeth Wheeler & 2 Children

℘ Order John Gore Esqr. Overseer &c

Discharg’d Andrew Flood to the Workhouse

1775. Februa. 6th.}

Received into the House William Hayes

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Phebe Harris a Molatto

℘ Order John Gore Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Elizabeth Cowley

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c

March. 6

Discharg’d Eliza. Manning & Child—(7th.) Margtt. Cunningham & Child


Mary Thompson (prov) run away—(13) Thos. Lawlor


Michl. Dailey (prov) run away—(20th) Thos. Launderkin (prov)


Williston, Eliza. Eustis run away

Mar. 8.

Received into the House Mary Fling Sick

℘ Order Jno. Barrett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Thomas Launderkin (on prov Accott.)

℘ Order Mr. Timo. Newell, Mr. Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Mr. Wm. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House George Ross a Boy

℘ Order Mr. Wm. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov Accott.) Thomas Patterson

℘ Order Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Timo. Newell} Selectmen

Mr. Wm. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House John Kelley Wife & Child

℘ Order Mr. Danl. Waldo Overseer &c


Received into the House Ann Carter

℘ Order Mr. Willm. Greenleaf Overseer &c

April 6th.

Discharged Walter Jack (prov)

1775. April 6}

Received into the House on (prov. Accott.) John Caten

℘ Order Mr. Timo. Newell


Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Martha Williston

℘ Order Mr. Edward Procter Overseer &c


Received into the House Elizabeth Colbert

℘ Order Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c


Received into the House Hannah Scales (Big with Child) an Inhabitant of Marblehead

℘ Order Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Timo. Newell} Selectmen

John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Thomas Flowers aged 9. years

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Crosby—Sick

℘ Order Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c


Received into the House John Williams (on prov. Accott.) a Stranger

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov Accott.) Sarah Christie & Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Danl. Waldo Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov Accott.) John Papkee

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Timo. Newell} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c

1775. April 22}

Received into the House Elizabeth Cary (an aged Woman)

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Bartlet from Colo. Hills

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Eliza. Stevens aged 73. yrs.

℘ Order Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c


Received into the House Ann Storey an old Woman

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c

Discharged Phebe Harris (April 30th.) Judith Keylee (prov) run away

May 3

Received into the House Peter Cumber—Blind

℘ Order Capt. Edward Procter Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Turner

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House William Dockum 8 yrs. of Age Feby. 15th. 1775

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Venus a Negro woman old & infirm

℘ Order Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Davis     Deaf & Dumb

℘ Order Capt. Edward Procter Overseer &c


Received into the House on (prov Accott.) Lucretia Sever

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Timo. Newell} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Janny Ricks a Blind Negro

℘ Order Mr. Benja. Dolbeare Overseer &c

May 3d.

George Downing run away (prov)

1775. May 16.}

Received into the House Abigail Munn—Sick

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr.


Received into the House Mary Merrett

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c

Received into the House Mary Larrabee

℘ Order Capt. Edward Procter Overseer (April 21st.)


Received into the House Stephen Wire

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Bethia Bridge

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Sarah Emmons a Girl

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Howard

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer &c


Received into the House from the Workho. Sarah Dockum

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c

May 15th.

Discharg’d Sarah Dockum (prov)     (17th.) Baldridge’s Child


Deborah Howard     (June 1st) Ross’s Child

May 25

John Keylee, Wife & 2 Children (prov) Agnis Gordon

June 3.

John Caten (prov) run away

June 3d.

Received into the House John William

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c

June 3d.

Discharged went over the Ferry—James Perrin Wife & Child (prov)

Margarett Gooding—Ann Shay & Child (prov) Hugh O’Brian & Wife (prov)

Prudence Bennet—John Banks Wife & Child—Sarah Lawrence Eliza. Campbell—Eliza. Courtney—Mary Crosby—Mary Gray—Mary Briscoe—James Thompson & Matthew Bright (prov) Francis McDaniel (prov) Willm. Goffe—Benja. Chubb—Willm. Farland (prov)—Thos. Lewis—Eliza Mallet—Mary Lemoine Wm. Brown—Michl. Condon Isabella Ross & Child Eliza. Jackson—Kata. McFerson (prov)

June 5th.

Discharged went over the Neck—Mary Nichols & Child (prov) Eliza. Sinclair—Sarah Curtis & Child—Ruth Evans—Hannah Allen Matthew Hopkins—Cornelius Youngman (prov) Sarah Brown & Child John William—Mary Tilly (prov)


Discharged Mary Howard—(26th.) Ann Scales


Discharged went over the Neck—Elizabeth Barbour

Sarah Emmons—Annis Kempleton (prov) Abigail Hale—Samuel Pitts a Child

Meheta. Clough—Wm. Dockum a Boy Eliza. Raven Lydia Copp—John Barker—Wm. Hurley Wife & 2. Children (prov) Isaac Fowles—Ann Stone & 1 Child—Richard McClure Joseph Snelling—Benja. Williams—Geo. Cullam a Child Sarah Dockum, Saml. Pritchard (prov) Eleanor Pue (prov) Thomas Flowers a Boy—Andrew Flood—Margtt. Adams (prov) Hannah Kenney—Dinah Negro woman

June 6.

Received into the House (on prov Accott.) Willm. Hurley Wife & 2 Children}

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Timo. Newell} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Lawrence Collins

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Richard McClure

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Jane Cladish

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Joshua Hemenway

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer &c


Received into the House Isaac Fowles

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c

1775. June 14th.}

Received into the House (on prov Accott.) Hannah Bennet

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov Accott.) Mary Smith & Child

℘ Order John Scollay, Thos. Marshall} Esqrs. Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House John Call

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer &c


Received into the House from the Workhouse Mary Edgar

℘ Order John Leverett Esqr. Overseer &c

July 4.

Received into the House John Ryan a Stranger

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House (on prov Accott.) Robert Vincent

℘ Order John Scollay, Thoms. Marshall} Esqrs. Selectman

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Received into the House Mary Taylor a Stranger

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Sarah Richards junr.

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House John Powell

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer &c


Received into the House Margarett Thorp

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c

{Willm. Sharp (Prov) discharged July 12th. 1775

Discharged Sarah Horn June 15th. (prov) Peter Maloy July 25th. (prov)

1775. July 24th}

Received into the House Arabatiah Flagg

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer &c


Received into the House John Masters

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House John Ranstead

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House Elizabeth Caswall

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c

August 1st.

Received into the House Violet a Negro belonging to John Hunt

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Received into the House by order of the Overseers the following Persons not as Subjects of the House, but with the Poor of the House — Vizt.

Phillippi & Mary Leblond

Mary Skirling

Andrew Boardman

Margarett Butt

John Masters

Jonah Patterson

Mary Holland

Thomas Sheppard Wife & Child}

Elizabeth Story Widow

Sarah Stevenson & Child

James Langley & Wife

Received into the Hospital at Salem1


Received into the House on the Colony’s Accott. Thomas Lewis

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

Septr. 4.

Received into the House Joseph Mountfort

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Edward Romley

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Walter Hogg & his Wife

℘ Order Mr. Wm. Greenleaf Overseer &c

Received into the House Gammon Stevens—Order dated Augt. 22. 1775

℘ Order Mr. Wm. Greenleaf Overseer &c

1775. Septr. 6th.}

Discharged Henry Snow     6th.) Mary Holland     (7th.) Eliza. Story Widow     19th.) Eliza. Ward with her Child & Mary Coombes run away     26. Thomas Lewis run away—Octo. beginning. John Dogan prov. run away

Octor. 3.

Received John Baker & 2. Children into the House

℘ Order Doctr. Ebenezer Putnam Overseer &c


Received into the House George Downing

℘ Order Mr. Willm. Greenleaf Overseer &c


Received into the House Thomas Holt

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c

Novr. 2.

Discharged Rebecca Whittemore—George Downing run away—Thomas Holt discharged


Received into the House William Jarvis

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

Decemr. 4.

Received into the House from point Shirley

James Crawford

Mary Drummond & 3. Children

David Poor & Wife

Nathl. Lucas & 1. Child

Abiezer Turner & 2. Children

James Brown & Wife

James Kay

James Westwood

Ebenezer Wallis Wife & 2 Children

Elizabeth Barnard

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c


Received into the House Stephen Harris, Wife & 2. Children & Mrs. Mary Western

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c

Mary Smith & Child & Mary Winchester run away Decemr. 6th. 1775

Received into the House Elizabeth Whittemore

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c

Discharged James Brown & Wife & Lucas’ Child, James Westwood

1775. Decemr. 18th.}

Received into the House Richard Morgan, Edward Murphey & Wife

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Received Wm. Welch, John Richie, & Thomas Demeret into the House

℘ Order Issac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

discharg’d Decemr. 23d.

1776. Janua. 1

Received into the House Susanna Lewis Wife of Joseph Lewis

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Received into the House Eliza. Nicholson, Mary King, Sarah Clark & Susanna Barber}

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c


Received into the House Benja. Ross Wife & Child, Adam a Negro & Caesar & his Wife Negroes

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

Discharged Wm. Welch, John Richie, Thomas Demeret


Received into the House Eliza. Cushing, Esther Elsworthy, Eliza. Thornton & Eliza. Ward & Child

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c

Feby. 13.

Received into the House Rebecca Atkins

℘ Order Mr. Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c


Received into the House William Farling

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

Discharged John Masters (Mar 13th.) Richard Morgan run away


Received into the House Henry Harris & 3 Children, Willm. Darrington &     Lucas a Boy & Mary Powers

℘ Order Doctr. Ebenr. Putnam Overseer &c

March 13th.

Received into the House Mary Scott & 5. Children

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Discharged Abiezer Turner & 2. Children


William Jarvis run away

1776 March 25th.}

Received into the House Mary Downe & Daughter, Sarah Plaistead, Susanna Clear & Mary Ross 2 Children

℘ Order Ebenr. Putnam Overseer &c

Apl. 20.

Received into the House (20th.) John Tarrel

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

Apl. 21.

Received into the House Priscilla Gardner

℘ Order Doctr. Ebenr. Putnam Overseer &c

Discharged Eliza. Murphy—Caesar & his Wife Negroes

Susanna Lewis May 1st. Priscilla Gardner run away

Richard Hennisey run away April 29th.

May 9.

Walter Hogg & Wife—William Darrington (28) James Keeve Patterson, Mary Drummond & 3 Childn.—Mrs. Scott & 5 Children—Sarah Gent


Esther Laha


Received into the House Jackson & her 2. Children

℘ Order Doctr. Ebenezer Putnam Overseer &c.

June 23

Received into the House William Jarvis

℘ order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Recieved into the House Margret Lane

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

July 4th.

Received into the House Mr. Capen

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c

Discharg’d Barber


Received into the House Elizabeth Fisk & one Child

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr.

August 2

William Jarvis, Mrs. Hale Ran away

Sept. 13

Received into the House Fanny Clark

℘ order Gibbins Sharp Overseer &c


Discharged Mrs. Harris & Son, Elizabeth Fisk & Child, Addam a Negro, Poor ran away

Novr. 21

Recievd into the House (on Province Accot.) Deborah Hurley & her two Children

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Samuel Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Joseph Snelling, Saml. Pritchard, James Perrin & wife, Elizabeth Raven, Andrew Floyd, Margaret Adams, Anna Stone & Daughter, Sarah Dockum, Eliner Pew, Polley Tilley, Mehita. Clow, Samuel Pitts, Benja. Williams, Thoms. Flowers, Elijah Trescot, John Barker

℘ Order of Capt. Samuel Patridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) John White

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Mary Powers

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) John Lynes & his Wife & Hugh Bryan & his Wife

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Jonathan Wheeler

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer

Decemr: 3d.

Reciev’d into the House Mary Fitzgerell & two Children

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer

1776 Decmr. 3d.}

Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) John Wilks an Orphan Child &c

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Henry Bromfield Esqr.} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Patridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) James Thompson a Stranger

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Mary Stride

℘ Order Edward Payne Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Timothy Call

℘ Order of John White Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Pegg Holland

℘ Order of John White Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Margaret Goodwin, Eliza. Campbell & Mary Brisco

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge


Reciev’d into the House Benjamin Taylor & William Taylor

℘ Order John White Overseer


Recievd into the House (on Province Accot.) George Downing a Stranger

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ebenezer Storer} Selectmen

Samuel Whitwell Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Wm. Jarvis

℘ Order Edward Procter Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Isabella Ross & Isabella Stone

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer

1776 Decmr. 13

Recievd into the House Mary Hale

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Abigail Hale

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer

Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) Sarah Hennesy

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Major Edwd. Procter Overseer


Reciev’d into the House (on Accot. Province) Wm. Sharp & his Wife

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Henry Bromfield Esqr.} Selectmen

Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Mary Fullford

℘ Order of Major Edwd. Procter Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House John Read

℘ Order of Major Edward Procter Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) Mary Jones.

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austinm} Selectmen

Saml. Whitwell Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) John Kelly and Daughter

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) Samuel Osburn his Order dated Novr. 24th.

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

John White Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House John Bryan Bray a Child

℘ Order of John White Overseer &c

Dischargd Benjamin Taylor & Wm. Taylor

James Thompson Run away


Reciev’d into the House Samuel Cox ℘ Order dated 29th. Decmr.

℘ Order Jona. Mason Overseer &c

Reciev’d into the House (on Province Acco.) James & Barbary Murphy

℘ Order dated 1st. Decmr. 1776

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Samuel Whitwell Oversr. &c

1777 Januy: 4th.

Reciev’d into the House Tabathy Ackley

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Mary Doake

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Ann Pierce

℘ Order William Powell Esqr. Overseer &c

Reciev’d into the House (on Province Acco.) Henry Brabazon

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Samuel Clarke

℘ Order of Samuel Partridge Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) Patrick Tomay

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austin} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c

Reciev’d into the House Simeon Freeman

℘ Order Jonathan Mason Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Ann Fling

℘ Order Major Edwd. Procter Overseer &c

Discharg’d Margret Holland

Run away William Thwing


Reciev’d into the House Mary Whaland

℘ Order of William Powell Esqr. Overseer &c

Run away John Read

1777 Janu 28th.

Reciev’d into the House Elizabeth Procter

℘ Order of Mr. John Sweetser Jur. Overseer &c

Febru. 5th.

Reciev’d into the House (on Province Accot.) James Stewart a Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Henry Bromfield Esqr.} Selectmn.

Jonathan Mason Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House George Mattsen Hanners a Child 9 yrs. Old August. 1776.

℘ Order Jona. Mason Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Dina Allen a Negro Woman

℘ Order Capt. Samuel Partridge Oversr. &c


Reciev’d into the House Sarah Cox

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer &c

Discharg’d Deborah Hurley & 3 Children (on Province Acco. the 15th. of Feby.)

John Bryant Bray a Child


Reciev’d into the House Mary Blackenbury

℘ Order Capt. Samuel Partridge Oversr. &c


Reciev’d into the House two Sons of Benj. Scott

℘ Order William Powell Esqr. Oversr. &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Province Acco.) Matthew Bright & James Morris

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr. Oversr. &c

Mch 1st.

Reciev’d into the House Betty a Negro Woman (on Provnce. Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ebenezer Storer Esqr.} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Oversr. &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Provce. Accot.) Benja. Adams

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin Esqr.} Selectmen

John White Oversr. &c


Reciev’d into the House Sarah Ayers

℘ Order of the board of Overseers

1777 March 11th.

Reciev’d into the House Ann Hewes

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Elizabeth Barber

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer &c


Sarah Dockum (Eleanor Pue Provce. Acco.) Ran away

Sarah Ayers Jump’d the fence

Tabitha Aickley Discharg’d (George Downing ran away 31st. Pro)

April 3

Reciev’d into the House (on Provnce. Acco.) Sarah Child

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin Esqr.} Selectmen

Mr. Samuel Whitwell Overseer

Reciev’d into the House (on Prvoince Acco.) Mary Gerrel & Child

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austin Esqr.} Selectmen

Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer Order dated 28th. March 1777


Reciev’d into the House James Flood

℘ Order Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer &c

Reciev’d into the House Humilles Williams

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c

Reciev’d into the House John Taylor a Boy of Six years Old

℘ Order Wm. Powell Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Elizabeth Griggs

℘ order Mr. John Sweetser jur. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Eliza. Wardell

℘ Order Capt. Samuel Partridge Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Lucy Nothingbury a Child from Watertown

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Robert Clark (on Province Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c

1777 April 20th.

Reciev’d into the House (on Provce. Acco.) John Smith a Child

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer &c

1777 Apl. 10th.

Discharg’d Henry Brabazon (prov)     15th. Mary Jones (prov)

Elizabeth Castle ran away


Reciev’d into the ouse Samuel Taylor a Boy 10 years Old 10th. May next

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House (on Prov: Acco.) Margt. Adams

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Edwd. Payne Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the house Martha Williams

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr.


Reciev’d into the ouse (on Prov: Acco.) Mary Vose & her Six Children three of them at a Birth named Hancock Washington & Lee

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer &c

Reciev’d into the house (on Prov: Accot.) Sarah Hartshorne

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Greenleaf} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer &c     the Order dated 29th. Dcemr. 1776

May 12th.

Reciev’d into the House (on Prov: Acco.) Elizabeth Sinclair

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer &c

Peg. Glossip run away May 12th


Reciev’d into the House Thomas Bonning

℘ Order Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer &c

1777 May 27th.

Reciev’d into the House Saml. Dellarue a Child

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Peggy Holland

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer

Discharg’d Mary Vose & 6 Children the 19th. May (prov) & James Morris the 23d. May (prov)

June 4th.

Reciev’d into the house Mary Ross

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr. Overseer &c


Discharg’d. Benja. Adams (Prov)     11th Mary Grissell (Prov)


Benjamin Chubb run away—& Ann Pierce

Betty Ward & her child run away


Elizabeth Procter Discharg’d Patrick Tomay & Sara Henesy (Pro)

July 1st.

Sarah Child Discharg’d (prov)


Reciev’d into the house Thomas Dimond

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the house Eleanor Daniels

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the house John Gottob Tyler (on Pro Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the house (on Prov. Acco.) Wm. Greene

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Harbottle Dorr} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer

Recived into the House Elizth. Young & Child Order Dated July 1

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer

1777 July 26

Received into the House Wm. Saunders a Child (on prov acct.)

℘ Order of John Scolay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Jona. Mason Oveseer

Discharged Elizth. Gout Ran away Margt. Adams 16 July (prov)

Wm. Jarvis Ran away 2 August John Gottob Tyler (prov)

August 6

Recieved into the House Mary Allen a Distrcked woman

℘ Order of Board of Oveseers

Discharg’d John White run away 11th. (Prov) Mary Smith’s Child Carry’d off (Pro)

Eliza. Young & child run away Ann Hawes


Reciev’d into the House Mary McFarling

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Wm. Jarvis

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the house Mary Rogers

℘ Order of Capt. Samuel Partridge Overseer &c

Discharg’d Mary McFarling

Septr. 1st.

Reciev’d into the house Abigl. Whetston & Child

℘ Order of Mr. John White Oversr: &c


Reciev’d into the house Grace Cox

℘ Order of Mr. Edward Payne Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Patrick Tomay & wife (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Jno. White Overseer

Grace Cox Run away

1777 Octo: 1st.}

Reciev’d into the House Rhoda Mountfort a Child

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the House Nancy Handfield alias Freeman a Child

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Grace Cox

℘ Order of Edward Payne Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Thomas Demerry

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the House     Bennett

℘ Order of Mr. Edward Payne Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Thomas Mitchell

℘ Order Capt. Samuel Partridge Overseer &c


Recieved into the house John Davis

℘ Order of Saml. Barrett Esqr. Overseer

Recieved into the House the Children of     Darcey named Martha, Mary & Jese Darcey, 9 yrs. 11 mo., 4 yrs. 6 mo., & 3 yrs. 6 mo.

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Ran away John Davis

Recieved into the House Polly Hall (Prov:)

℘ Order (dated 9th. Octo) of Jno Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. John White Overseer

Novr. 6th.

Recieved into the House Benja. & Abigl. Hatch

℘ Order of John White Overseer &c


Reciev’d into the house Deborah Hurly & two Children

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Asented to Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Nancy Lawrence (a deserted Child)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Assented to Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer

1777 Novr. 27th.

Reciev’d into the House John White (prov. Acct.)

℘ order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Ann Pierce

℘ Order of Samuel Whitwell, Overseer

Discharg’d Dcemr. 1st. Nancy Lawrence (on Prov: Acco.)

Margret Holland Run away

Dcemr. 3

Reciev’d into the House Prince a Negro (Provce. Acct.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Consented to ℘ Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House John Black a deserted Child (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order John Scollay, Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Mary Briscon

℘ order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Betsy Robbins

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Lettice Glazier

℘ Order of The Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Sarah Partridge on Provce. Acco.

℘ Order Jno. Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer



Dawsy & her 3 Children

Poll: Doakes


Reciev’d into the house Mrs. Wilson & Child

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Gust. Fellows} Selectmen

William Powell Overseer

<1777 Decemr. 31st.

Reciev’d into the House Henry Connor

Order of Samuel Whitwell Overseer>

1778 Janu 1st.

Reciev’d into the House Henry Connor (on Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin, Gusta. Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to Samuel Whitwell Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Robert Hynes his wife & Child (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin, Gusta. Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House James Kelly abot. 7 years Old

℘ Order of Saml. Barrett Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Sarah Humphreys & Child

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Francis Croizie (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell

Feb. 1st.

Reciev’d into the House John Cole (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Isaac Smith Overseer

Recieved into the house a Child named Lucy Katharine

℘ Order of Samuel Whitwell Overseer &c     dated the 7th. January


Reciev’d into the house Mary Waganor

℘ Order Saml. Partridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Thomas, William, & Saml. Gosling (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Edwd. Procter Overseer

1778 Feb 11th.

Reciev’d into the house James Poutler (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the house John Hobbs

℘ Order of Samuel Partridge Overseer

Discharg’d Sarah Lochlin Feb: 25th

Mch 4th.

Recieved into the house Eleanor Fowles & her dautr. Hannah

℘ Order of Edward Payne Overseer


Recieved into the house John Tuffts

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer


Recieved into the house Nancy Holmes

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mary Dunstan (Prov: Acco:)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Oliver Wendell} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer

Discharg’d Betsy Dawson, John Tufts, John Hobbs Hugh O’Bryan

& Jno. Davis Run away William Brown, Grace Cox Run away

Apl. 1st.

Reciev’d into the House a negro woman

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr.


Reciev’d into the house two young Children belonging to John Pierce (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Harbottle Dorr} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason


Reciev’d into the House Mrs. Peters (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Wm. Powell

1778 Apl. 15th.

Reciev’d into the house a Child of Jno. Pierces (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to ℘ Nicholas Bowes Overseer

Recieved into the House Ebenezer Dodge

℘ Order of John White Overseer

Mary Merry Run away,


Recieved into the House Moses Barron & Wife

℘ Order of John White Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Mary Phillips

℘ order of Saml. Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Sarah Butler

℘ Order of Samuel Hewes Overseer

Reciev’d into the House John Gizzell a Boy

℘ Order of Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer


Run away Margt. OBryant (Provce.)     28th. Sal Wheelen Run away (Prov)

May 1st.

Run away Wm. Sharp & Wife (Prov.)


Reciev’d into the house Sarah White

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Sam Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Recieved into the house Edward Richards

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Overseer


Recieved into the house William Jarvis

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mary Doake

℘ Order of Samuel Partridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the house a Stranger

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer

Wm. Jarvis—Jno. Fling 25th. May (Prov.) Eleanor Daniels, Margt. Lane Run away

Discharg’d Hepz. Dunbrook—Sal Richards & Child

<Dischargd Sarah White>

June 8th.

Reciev’d into the house Thomas Bradford

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mary Ann Campbell (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to Nicho. Bowes Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Sarah Teague

℘ order of the Board of Overseers,

Discharg’d Sarah Wheeler, David Cotrell run away & Thos. Dim[ond], Mr. Barron

July 22

Receveed into the house Elizabeth Jackson

℘ Order of Mr. John White Overseere

Discharged (Sarah Hartshorn July 1 prov) Mary Rogers, Saml. Avery, Lettis Glazer, William Jarvis Ran away

August 1

Reciveed into the House Antony Turrary on (prov Acct)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Thomas Greenough} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Oveseer


Reciveed into the House Proodence Cuttin

℘ Order of the Board of Overseers

Dischargd. Deborah Hurly & Child (Augt. 11) (prov) Ran away

Pol Doaks & (Mary Dunstant 10 august prov)

1778 Augt. 19

Receved into the house (on province Acct.) Elizabeth Burk & Child

℘ Order John Scollay, Gusta. Fellows} Selectmen

Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer


Receved into the House Eliza. Dennie a Child

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Oveseer


Recived into the House (Jane Fisher on province Acct.)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Willm. Powell Esqr. Oveser


Receved into the House (on province Acct.) James Cook a Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer

Rebeckah Vallacut Ran away (26 augt. Mary Ann Campbell prov) Ran away


Receved into the House William Sharp & Wife (on province Acct.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazer} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes Oveseer

Sept. 9

Receved into the House Mary Doaks

℘ Order of Saml. Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House Ann Hewes

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer

1778 Sept. 10

Receved into the House (on prov Acct.) Sarah Hartshorn

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. John Sweetser Overseer


Receved into the House John Davis

℘ Order of Mr. John White Overseer


Receved into the House Mary Thompson (on prov Acct.)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Saml. Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House (on prov Acct.) Elizt. Saunders & Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House John Read

℘ Order of Mr. John White Overseer


Receved into the House (on prov Acct.) James Hussey

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Austin, Ezekiel Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Receved into the House Elizt. Langley

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House Sarah Hill

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House Elizt. Corben

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer

Discharged (ran away Elizt. Burk and Child Sept. 3 prov) (Sept. 25 Eliz Saunders prov)

(James Murphy & wif Sept. 18 prov)

1778 Octr. 14

Receved into the House (on prov Acct.) Betsy Florraday a Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., G. Fellows} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Receved into the House Jane Symonds

℘ Order Mr. Nicholas Bows overseer


Receved into the House Thomas Cooper

Wm: Powell Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House (on prov Acct.) Richard Orchand

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Mr. John White Overseer

Mary Phillips Ran away (Disched. Anthony Farrary Octr. 11 prov act.)


Received into The House Deborah Cornish

℘ Order Nicholas Bowes Overseer of the

Novr. 4

Received into the House On province Account David Harris

℘ Order Samuell Austin, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Samuel Whitwell Overseer

Novr. 6th.

Received Thomas Cole into the House

℘ Order John White Overseer

Novr. 6th.

Received into the House Jane Kettle & her Child (On pro. Acct.)

℘ Order John Scollay Esq, Gustavus Fellows, Harbo. Dorr} Selectmen

Samuel Whitwell Overseer


Received into the House Elezabeth Ward a Child

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer

1778 Novr. 11th.

Received into the House On pro. Accot. John Ferrall and Thomas Hull

℘ Order John Scollay, Samuel Austin} Selectmen

Samuel Whitwell Overseer


Received into the House Rebecca Williacott

Jonathan Mason Overseer


Received into the House Fidlia Ward

℘ Order Samuel Whitwell Overseer


Received into the House Mary Ward

℘ Order Edwd. procter Esq. Overseer


Received into the House (On Pro. Accot.) Stephen Jones

℘ Order John Scollay, Ezikl. Price} Selectmen

William powell Overseer


Received into the House Ceaser a Negro man

℘ Order, William powell Overseer


Received into the House two Children of Joshua Dutton

℘ Order John Sweetser Overseer

Discharged Elizabeth Harris & her Children

(Thomas Hull Novr. 28th. pro.)

(John Ferral Decr. 1st. Pro.) Hannah Fowle

Dcemr. 3d.

Recieved into the House John How

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer

Reciev’d into the house John Harris a Boy

℘ Order Wm. Powell Esqr. Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House (on Prov: Acco.) Willm. Richards

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House (on Prov: Acco.) John Lewis

℘ Order Jno. Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to Sam Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the House (on Prov: Acco.) Hugh Bryant

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Overseer

1778 Dcemr. 1st.

Reciev’d … Kelton into the House

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Oversr.


Reciev’d Rachel Gouge into the house

℘ Order of Edwd. Procter Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d Hannah Osborne & one Child into the house

℘ Order of Nicholas Bowes Oversr.


Recievd John Hobbs into the House

℘ Order Saml. Partridge Oversr.


Recievd Eliza. Burk & Child into the House (Prov)

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezek Price} Selectmen

Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer

Reciev’d Augustus Hale into the House

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Oversr.

1779 Jan 1st.

Reciev’d Elizabeth McGill (Prov) into the house

℘ order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Edwd. Procter Esqr. Oversr.

Reciev’d Abig. Fowle into the House

℘ order of Jno. Sweetser Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House (Prov) David Harris

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Isaac Smith Esqr. Oversr.

Reciev’d into the House Martha Conner & two Children (Prov)

℘ Order of Saml. Austin, Harbottle Dorr} Selectmen

Edwd. Procter Esqr. Oversr.

Discharg’d. Jno. How, Jno. Harris a Boy Run away

Thos. Cooper, David Harris Run away (Prov)

Recievd Fidelia a negro woman into the House

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Overseer the Order dated 22nd. Decmr. 1778

1779 Janu 6th.

Reciev’d into the house Mrs. Barns

℘ Order of the board of Overseers


Reciev’d into the house Thomas Cooper

℘ Order of Jona. Mason Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Mary Howard

℘ order of John White Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Eliza. Procter

℘ Order of Jno. White Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Richard Morgain

℘ Order of Sam Barrett Esqr. Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Walter Kirk (Prov Acco.)

℘ order of Samuel Austin, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Nicho. Bowes Oversr.

Reciev’d into the house William Brown

℘ Order Jno. White Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Nathaniel French

℘ Order of Jno. White Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Matthew Hopkins

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house John Allen (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Nicho. Bowes Overseer

Reciev’d into the house London a negro (Prov. Acco.)

℘ order of John Scollay, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Nicho. Bowes Overseer

Discharg’d Jane Kettle & Child (Prov 13th Decmr.) Eliza. Corben Run away

Reciev’d into the House Elizabeth Linsey (Province)

℘ Order dated 16th Janu: Jno. Scollay, Sam Austin} Selectmen

Sam Whitwell Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Mary Sinclair (Province)

℘ Order dated 19th. Janu John Scollay, Harb: Dorr} Selectmen

Saml. Partridge Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Lydia Copp

℘ Order of Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer

Feb 2nd.

Reciev’d into the house Deborah Hurly & Child (Prov;)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austin} Selectmen

Saml. Whitwell Overseer

Recived into the House Mary Perry

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Recived into the House Lydia Bell & her Gran Son

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Recived into the House Titus a Negro Man

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer

Recived into the House Eleth. Ivers

℘ Order of Mr. Nicholas Bowes Overseer


Recived into the House Elizth. Castel

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer

Discharged Willm. Jarvis, Betsy Robins (Sarah Hartshorn Feby. 4 1779 (Prov)

1779 Mar͂. 25th.

Received into the House 3 Children Mr. Robt. Fultons

℘ Order Samuel Whitwell Overseer


Received into the House a Child Mary Scott

℘ Order Samuel Whitwell Overseer


Received into the House Mary Rogers

℘ Order John White Overseer


Received into the House Mary Cade

℘ Order Nicholas Bowes Overseer

Apl. 2d.

Received into the House Ezekil Perrigo

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer

Discharg’d Mathew Hopkins, Walter Kerk, Mar͂. 22 (prov)

(Elezabeth Floraday a Child Mar͂. 2 Prov)

(John Allen Mar͂. 4th. Prov) (Mary Sinclear Mar͂. 13 Prov)

Elizabeth Burk & Child Mar͂. 28th. Prov)

John Davis (Hew Obryant Mar͂. 23 Prov)

1779 Apl. 8.

Reciev’d into the House Jane Lemarce

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mary Hall a Child (Prov)

℘ Order of Gustavus Fellows, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Approv’d of by Samuel Barrett Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Margt. Buckly

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer

Recd. into the house Eliza. Bean

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Oversr.


Recd. into the house Elias Robinson

℘ Order of Deacon Jona. Mason Overseer


Recd. into the house Wm. Jarvis

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer

1779 Apl. 29

Recd. into the house Hannah Barber

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer

Discharg’d Eliza. Procter, Margt. Buckly, Nathl. Trench

Run away Eliz Ivers, Bet: Ward & Child, Ebenr. Dodge, R Gouge

Eliza. Jackson & Child, Grace Cox, Mary Doak

May 7th.

Reciev’d into the house Mary Boydin

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer


Recieved into the house <Eliz> Sarah Bowen

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Oversr.


Reciev’d Thomas Cooper into the house

℘ Order of Deacon Jona. Mason Oversr.

Reciev’d Tim Barker A Negro into the house (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of Jno. Preston, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Partridge Oversr.


Reciev’d Eliza. Ives into the house

℘ Order of Deacon Jona. Mason Oversr.


Reciev’d Allice Collins a Child from Mr. Robt. Fairservice

℘ Order of Willm. Powell Esqr. Oversr.


Reciev’d Abigail Wallis into the house

℘ Order Capt. Saml. Partridge.

discharg’d Elizabeth Conner ℘ Order Samuel Austin (Prov)

Run away Mary Perrin


Reciev’d into the House Mary Brown

℘ Order of the Board

June 7th.

Reciev’d into the house John Kilby

℘ Order of the board of Overseers

Discharg’d. Sal: Butler, Run away Eliza. McGill (Provce:)

Run away Mary Cade, Mrs. Barns, <Mary Perrin> (5th. Provce.). Eliza. Lindsey disch 11th June (prov)

<Mary> Rach Gooch, Mary Bourn, Mary Boyden

1779 June 19th.

Recievd into the house Rachel Hubbert & Rachel Hosah

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer


Recievd into the house Mrs. Barnes

℘ Order Saml. Barrett Esqr. Oversr.

Recievd into the house Thomas Smith (Provc. Acco.)

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezek. Price} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Oversr.


Recievd into the House Nancy Warren

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Oversr.


Recievd into the house Eliza. Gray

℘ Order Will Powell Oversr.

July 2nd.

Reciev’d into the house a Negro Man Nam’d Boston (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Preston} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason

July 7th.

Reciev’d into the house York a Negro Man

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house Sarah Bourne

℘ Order of John White Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Patience York

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house Mary Crosbey

℘ Order of John White Overseer

Discharg’d Mary Brown went to Mr. Henry Plympton July <22> 8th.

Boston a Negro Man (Prov) 23d.


Reciev’d into the House Jeremiah Dawsey (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer

Aug: 2nd.

Reciev’d into the House Delight Smith, (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Willm. Powell Esqr.

1779 Aug: 5th.

Reciev’d into the house William Jones (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of Jona. Williams, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mary Sinclair (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of Saml. Austin, Jno. Preston} Selectmen

Consented to ℘ Saml. Partridge Oversr.

Reciev’d into the house Nicholas Benson (Provc: Acco.)

℘ Order of Harbottle Dorr, Jona. Williams} Selectmen

Consented to John White Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house Mary Scott

℘ Order of Willm. Powell Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Margaret Holland & Child (Prov: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Partridge Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house Abigail Burke (Provce: Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezek: Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer

Discharg’d James Perrin & Timo. Barker (19th. Aug: Provce. Acco.)

Mary Fulker (Mary Crosby run away.) (Bet: Castle Returnd.) & Bet. Ives & Mary Sinclair Run away


Reciev’d into the house Margaret Adams (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Saml. Austin} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Partridge Overseer

Sepr. 2nd.

Recd. into the house Ann Kinney

℘ Order of Jona. Mason Overseer

1779 Sepr. 7th.

Reciev’d into the house Eliza. Winbourne

℘ Order of Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House John Mahoney (Prov. Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Consented to ℘ Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Thomas Cooper

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr.


Reciev’d into the House Abigail Burks Child (on Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of Gustavus Fellows, Jona. Williams} Selectmen

Consented to Isaac Smith Overseer

Abigail Burk run away the 18th. Inst.


Reciev’d into the House William Morton (Provc. Acco.)

℘ Order of Harbottle Dorr, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Joshua Crosby (Provce. Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Jona. Williams Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Oversr.

Octor. 2nd.

Reciev’d into the House Eliza. Milton & Child (Provce. Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Harb. Dorr} Selectmen

Consented to Nicho. Bowes Overseer

Discharg’d Eliza: Hewes (Wm. Morton 29th. Prov Acco.)

Run away 24th. Margt. Holland <& Chil> (Provce.)     dischargd Octo. 1st. Wm. Jones (Prov)

discharg’d Nicho. Benson (Sepr. 15th. Provce.)     Abigail Wallace (19th. Sepr.)

Reciev’d into the House Ann Currier

℘ Order of Wm Powell Esqr. Overseer

1779 Octo 6th.

Recieved into the House Sarah McDaniel (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Edwd. Procter Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Ann Johnston

℘ Order of Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Wm. Robison (Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Jonathan Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Vincent Wymondersold (Prov)

℘ Auot. of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Nicholas Bowes Overseer


Recieved into the House Francis McDonald (Prov)

℘ Ordr. of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Recieved into the House Mary Ayers

℘ Order of John White Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Martha Dorsy (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austin Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Sam. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Patk. Culver, Jos: Gould & Saml. Arnold (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Sam. Whitwell Overseer

Discharg’d a Child of Mrs. Collins Octor. 21st.

Run away James Hughes—dischgd Joshua Crosby 28th. Octor.

Discharg’d Jos Gould & Sam Arnold (Prov) 3d. Novembr.

1779 Novr: 10th.

Reciev’d into the House Edward Richardson & Wf.

℘ Order of Nicholas Bowes Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Hugh Bryant & Wife (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Willm. Powell Overseer

Reciev’d into the House Walter Kirk (Provce. Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austin Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Cornelius Conneil (Provce.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Samuel Austin Esqr} Selectmen

Consented to Nicholas Bowes Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Andrew Constong (Prov.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekiel Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Wm. & Thos. Howard & their Mother Provce. Acco.

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekiel Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented Sam Partridge Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House Hannah Baster & 3 Children

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Sarah Hill & her Child

℘ Order of Saml. Barrett Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Elizabeth Tibbit a young Child     Provce. Acco.

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Lucy Clark (Provce. Acco.)

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Overseer

John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

1779 Novr: 27th.

Reciev’d into the house Robert Garland Cranch (Provce.)

℘ Order of Harbottle Dorr, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to Isaac Smith Overseer     NB the Order was dated the 17th.

Reciev’d into the house Mary Lemine

℘ Order of John White Overseer


Reciev’d into the house John Davis

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Oversr.

Discharg’d Mrs. Fultons two Children, Sal Hills Child

Ran away Hannah Bowman, Sal Hill

Decmr. 5th.

Reciev’d into the House James Perrin & Wife (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Jno. Preston} Selectmen

Consented to Jno. White Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Boston a Negro Servant to Abel Waters of Danvers (Provce. Acco.)

℘ Order of the Council & House &c

Consented to ℘ Jonathan Mason one of the Overseers

Recievd into the House Mary Perkit & her Child (Provce.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the House Mary Marshall

℘ Order of Edward Procter Overseer

Discharg’d Elizabeth Carey ℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Oversr.

Andrew Constong the 5th.


Reciev’d into the house Eliza. Strong

℘ Order of Saml. Barrett Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Sarah Hier

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Elizabeth Flood

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Oversr.

1779 Decmr. 23d.

Reciev’d into the house Rich’d Morgan

℘ Order of Saml. Hewes Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House Sarah Bohannon

℘ order of John White Overseer

1780 Janu 1st.

Reciev’d into the house Thomas & Mary Cross Orphan Children

℘ order of Saml. Barrett, Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Peter Pecour his wife & Child (Provc.)

℘ Order of Saml. Austin, Ezek. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Partridge Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mrs. Acres

℘ Order of Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Elizabeth Dutton

℘ Order of Nicho. Bowes Overseer


Reciev’d into the House <Eliza.> Isabella Dawes (Provce.)

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Preston} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Reciev’d into the house

Mackintosh (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Preston} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer


Reciev’d into the house Mr. Wm. Spragues Daughtr.

℘ Order of Jno. Sweetser Overseer


Reciev’d into the house James Warren

℘ Order of Nicho. Bowes Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house George Randell

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Jona. Williams Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Jno. Sweetser Oversr.


Receiv’d Elizabeth Quineo into the House

℘ order of Isaac Smith Esqr. Overseer

Reciev’d into the house Mary Billings

℘ Order of Samuel Patridge Oversr.

Feb. 3

Reciev’d into the house Lydia Newman & Child

℘ Order of Nicholas Bowes Oversr.

1780 Feb: 3d.

Reciev’d into the House Daniel North (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., John Preston} Selectmen

Consented to Nicholas Bowes Oversr.


Recd. into the House Sarah Barton (Prov)

℘ Order of Nathan Frazier, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to Saml. Whitwell Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House Catharine Croswell (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Jona. Williams Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to John White Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house Samuel Croswell (Province)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Overseer

Feb: 16th.

Run away Robt. G. Cranch (Prov), Mary Lemine, Sarah Barton 12th. Pro


Reciev’d into the house Sarah Scot (on Prov Acco.)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to Nicho. Bowes Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House Ann Sheen & two Childn. Provce.

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Nicho. Bowes Overseer

Reciev’d into the House on Provce: Acco. Anne Ingraham

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Nicho. Bowes Oversr.

Mch 7th.

Reciev’d into the House Thomas Green (Provce. Acco.)

℘ Order of Gustavus Fellows, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to by Nicho. Bowes Oversr.


Reciev’d into the House Alexander Hamilton (Prov)

℘ Order of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Jno. White Overseer


Recievd into the House Mary Linty (Prov)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to Jona. Mason Oversr.

1780 Mch 23d.

Reciev’d into the house Peter Sulkey

℘ Order of Nicholas Bowes Oversr.

Dischargd on Provce. Acco. Sarah Partridge March 11th.

on Provce. Acco. Daniel North 15th. Mch

on Provce. Acco. Peter Pecour & wife & child 18th. March

on Provce. Acco. Sarah Scott 23d. March

on Prov: Acco. Alexr. Hamilton 27th. Mch


Reciev’d into the House Reba. Millen (Prov)

℘ Order of Ezekl. Price Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Overseer

Discharg’d on Provce. Acco. Catharine Croswell 29th. Mch

Run away Saml. Croswell (Prov) 24th. Mch Richd. Morgain

Apl. 6th.

Reciev’d into the house Ann Cox & her Daur. Peggy

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Oversr.


Reciev’d into the house Mary Webb

℘ Order of Nicholas Bowes Oversr.

Run away Mary Haris & Bett Jackson, Pol: Acres

(& Margt. Bryant 16th April)

May 13th.

Elizabeth Milton Ran away (Provce.) Wm. Jarvis R. away

Sarah Bohannan Ran away—Chay. Black R. away

Discharg’d, Lydia Newman

May 17th.

Discharg’d Two Children of

Goslins (Provce.)

Received into the House Charity Black

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer} Dated the 6 May

Received into the House, Abigail Lord

℘ Order of John White, Overseer} Dated the 8th. May

May 16

Received into the House, Margarett O:Bryant (Provce.)

℘ Order of Ezel. Price Esqr., Tuttle Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Overseer

1780 May 20

Received into the House, Margarett Killgor (Province)

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Fraizer Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell Overseer

May 22nd.

Received into the House Elizabeth Gott

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer

May 22nd.

Received into the House Jean Younge

℘ Order of John White Overseer

May 24th.

Received into the House Mary Attkins

℘ Order of Harbo. Dorr, Tuttle Hubbert} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter} Overseer

May 28

Received into the House Thomas Gyles

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Whitwell (Overseer)

June. 2nd.

Received into the House Mary Swann

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer


Received into the House Mary Ward

℘ Order of Samuel Whitwell


Received into the House Dorothy Wheeler & Child

℘ Order of Harbl. Dorr, Will. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by John White} Overseer.

June 5

Received into the House Mathew Hopkins

℘ Order of Samuel Partridge


Ysabellah Dawes (Provce.) Ran away


Received into the House William Waldridge

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. (Oversr.)

1780. June 8

Received into the House Joseph Harper

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. (Overseer)


Received into the House Four Childn. of Mr. Thos. Eatridge

℘ Order of Nich Bowes (Overseer)

Received into the House, Hipsibah Dunbrook

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr. (Overseer.)


Received into the House John Murphy

℘ Order of John Scolley Esqr., Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell} Overseer


Ann Howard (Province) Ran away

Thos. Green & Ann Sheen (Province) Ran away


Received into the House, Elizabeth Tripe

℘ Order of Samuel Barrett Esqr. (Oversr.)

28th. Received into the House John Bradley

℘ Order of Harbottle Dorr, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer

July 3rd.

Received into the House Sally Harris a Child

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. (Overseer)

Discharg’d Jane Leimerceis

Discharg’d Ann Howard’s Child (Province) July 4th.

July 4th.

Received into the House Mary Monk

℘ Order of Joseph Webb Esqr. (Overseer)


Received into the House Crannah Starr

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr., Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer

1780 July 7th.

Received into the House Samuel & Anna Laurance

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Elizabeth Laurance

℘ Order of Harbe. Dorr, Nathan Fraizier} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Eleanor Knox & her Child

℘ Order of John Scolley Esqr., Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Dischardg Cornelius Corneil (Province)


John Bradley (Province) Run away

Discharg’d Two Children of Thomas Eatridges


Discharg’d Saml. & Nancy Laurance (Province)


Discharg’d Willm. Sharp & Wife (Province)

Sarah Hill & Mary Billings (Run away) (19th. July)


Received into the House Elizabeth Goff

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekiel Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.}


Received into the House Sarah Walker

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. (Oveersr.)

Augt. 2nd.

Received into the House John Vintenow

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. (Oveerseer)

1780 Augt. 4

Received into the House George Sanger

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekeil Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Oveerseer


Discharg’d Margtt. O.Bryant (Province)


Received into the House, Elizabeth Williams

℘ Order of Willm. Phillips Esqr. (Oversr.)

Augt. 4th.

Received into the House John Flanngan

℘ Order of Harble. Dorr, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esqr.} Oveerseer


Received into the House Elizh. Fethergill

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell (Oversr.)


Received into the House John Hill a Child

℘ Order of Gustavus Fellows, Ezekiel Price} Oveerseer [i.e., Selectmen]

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Oveerseer


Received into the House John McDonald

℘ Order of Harble. Dorr, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Oveerseer


Receved into the House Ann Lawrence a Child

℘ Order of Natl. Frazer, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen

Saml. Partridge Oveseer


Receved into the House Thomas Mitchel wife and Child

℘ order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazer} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Oveseer

Dischd. Ann Warrin <Margt. Bryant prov Augt. […]>

(Dorathy Whealer Sept. 24 Prov) (George Sanger prov Sept. the 4)

1780 Sept. 6

Received into the House Cornelius Corneliuson (Prov. Chard)

℘ Order of John Scolay, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Mr. Nickolas Bowes Oveseer


Receved into the House Margt. Holland and Child

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House Elizh. Ivis

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Whitwell Oveseer


Received into the House Wm. Sharp and wife

℘ Order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Esqrs.} Selectmen

Capt. Saml. Partridge Oveseer


Received into the House Danl. North

℘ Order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Esqrs.} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes Oveseer


Received into the House Patrick Hackett

℘ order of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Tuthill Hubbart} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Received into the House Dinah a negro woman

℘ Order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Esqrs.} Selectmen

Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer


Received into the House John Banks & wife

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr. Overseer


Recceived into the House Mary Gregory

℘ Order of Harb. Dor, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer

1780 Sept. 30

Received into the House Mary Ford

℘ Order John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Esqrs.} Selectmen

Jona. Mason Oveseer

Dischd. Elanor Knox Octr. 3 (Prov)

1780 Sept 14

Receive into the House Naomi Moreland

℘ Order Ezekl. Price, Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Mr. Jonathan Mason, Overseer

Receive Elizabeth Hopkins into the House her Order Dated. Sept 26. 1780

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esqr., Overseer

1780 Octor. 14th.

Received into the House Mary Crosby

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer

Dischd. John McDonald Octo 6th. (Prov)

Dischd. Elanor Knoxs Child (Prov) Octor. 27th.

Octor. 31

Recevid into the House Jane Joice

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Overseer

Novr. 3

Receved into the House a Negro woman

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esq Ovesr.


Receved into the House Elizth. Skinner

℘ Order of Mr. John White Overseer

1780 Novr. 8

Reciveed into the House Elizth. Pierce State acct.

℘ Order of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Receveed into House Charls Dix Wallis a Child on State Acct.

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Mr. Jona. Mason Overseer


Receved into the House Richard Morgain

℘ Order of Mr. John White Overseer


Receved into the House Joseph Ranstead

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House Sarah Bowin

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Whitnell Overseer

Receved into the House Hannah Langsford Order Dated Octor. 27th.

℘ Order of Harbt. Dorr, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Honl. Wm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer


Receved into the House Wm. and Junice Hardy Children

℘ Order of John Scolay, Ezekl. Price Esqrs} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Receved into the House Ann Sampel

<℘ Order of John Scolay>

℘ Order of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen


Receved into the House Elizth. Jackson

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr. Overseer

1780 Novr. 28

Receved into the House Elizth. Boone

℘ Order of Mr. John Sweetser Jr. overseer


Receved into the House Mary Pierce

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Oveseer


Receved into the House Elizth. Corben

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer


Receivd into the House     Parkman

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer

Decr. 4th.

Received into the House Mary Robbins

℘ Order of Mr. John White Overseer


Received into the house Elezibeth Pumroy

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer

Discharg’d Elezibeth Hopkins & Child


Received into the house Mary Brown

℘ Order of John Scollay, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen of Boston

Honble. William Phillips Esqr.

1780 Decr. 9th.

Received into the House Luce White

℘ Edward Proctor Esqr. Overseer


Received into the House     Bennet

℘ Order Samuel Barret Overseer


Received into the House Mary Steward

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge Overseer


Received into the house the Child of Elenor Knoxs

℘ Order of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

Capt Saml. Partridge Overseer


Received into the House Ann Burton

℘ Order of John Scollay, Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Thompson

℘ Order of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

William Powell Esqr.


Received into the house Mary Brown

℘ Order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes Overseer

1780 Decr. 20th.

Received into the house Hanery Harris

℘ Order of Gustavus Fellows, Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

Capt Samuel Partridge Overseer


Received into the House Elizibeth Tower

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Ran away Mary Thompson (Provc.)

1781 Jany. 3rd.

Received into the House Mary Crosby, her Order Dated the 27th. Decr. 1780

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge (Oveerser)


Received in the House Hannah Thompson

℘ Order of Ezekiel Price

} Select

Capt. Saml. Partridge (Oveerr.)


Received into the House, Margarett Cunningham

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell (Overseer)


Received into the House Elizabeth Jeffreis

℘ Order of Ezekiel Price Esqr., Nathan Fraizier} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes (Overseer)

1781 Jany. 13

Received into the House Mary Thompson

℘ Order of Ezekiel Price, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jonathan Masson Overseer


Received into the House Jeny LeMercey

℘ Order of Wm. Powell Esqr. (Oveerseer)


Received into the House, Charity Leachmore

℘ Order of John White (Oveerser)


Received into the House Elizabeth Corbin

℘ Order of Joseph Webb Esqr. (Overser)


Received into the House Bethine Sargant and Son

℘ Order of John White (Overseer)

Feby. 3rd.

Received into the House Elizabeth Hopkins And her Child

℘ Order of Saml. Partridge (Overser)

Run Away


Recd. Into the House Mary Higgins her Or[der] dated 31 Jany. 1781

℘ Order of Ezekiel Price Esqr., Tuttle Hubbard} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowse (Overseer)

Feby. 7

Recd. into House Nancy Gaskin

℘ Order of Ezekiel Price Esqr., Tuttle Hubbard} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes (Oveirseer)


Recd. into the House Meriah a Negro Woman

℘ Order of Jona. Mason (Oveerseer)

1781 Feby. 14

Elizabeth Ivis (Run away)


Discharg’d Ann Burton (Province)


Received into the House Silvester Rush a Child

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr. (Overseer)


Received into the House, John Wood

℘ Order of Ezekiel Price Esqr., Tuttle Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} (Overser)

March 1

Run away Mary Higgins & Nancy Gaskins (Provinc)

Run away Sarah Bowin


Recd. into the House, Stephen Hiter

℘ Order of Harbottle Dorr, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.}


Received into the House Mary Right

℘ Order of Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Thomas

℘ Order of Nathan Fraizier, Tuttle Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer


Run away Mary Ford & Child (Province)


Recd. into the House, James & Elizh. Smellidge

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Whitwell} (Overseer)


Run away Elizth. Jeffries (Province)


Run away John Wood & Elizh. Tower (Province)

Run away Richard Morgan

1781 Aprill 9

Joseph Gray Lansford (Run away)


Recd. into the House York a negro Man

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Recd. into House Sarah King

℘ Order of Edd. Procter Esqr. (Oversr.)


Recd. into the House John Lane

℘ Order of Jona. Mason (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Phillipi Low

℘ Order of Edd. Procter (Overser)


Recd. into the House Mary Brown

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Tuttle Hubbart} Selectmen

Consented to by Wm. Powell Esqr.} Oveerser


Recd. into the House Hannah Craft

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathn. Fraizier} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Oveerser


Recd. into the House Margtt. Bryant

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathn. Fraizier} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Oveerser

Dischar’d Stephen Hiter his Order dated Aprill 7 1781

Dischar’d the Wife & Child of Robertson there Order dated 23 Aprill 1781

Dischar’d Partrick Hackett his Order dated Aprill 28th. 1781


Mary Taverner (Run away)

1781 May 5th.

Received into the House Sally Foot

℘ Order of Saml. Barrett Esqr. (Overr.)


Received into the House, Rose Clough—Margtt. Clough And Two Children

℘ Order Edwd. Procter Esqr. (Overr.)


Received into the House, David Fogo

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. (Overr.)

June 1st.

Received into the House, Richard Simmons

℘ Order of Nathan Fraizier, Ezekiel Price} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overr.


Received into the House Nancey Ross

℘ Order of John Scolley Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Wm. Powell Esqr.} Overr.

Discharg’d Martha Dausey (Prov) 21st. May

Dischargd Elizabeth Hopkins & Child

Margarett Holland & Child (Run away)

Lydia Ward Run away

James Smellidge Run away


Recd. into the House Elenor Boyle

℘ Order Harbottle Dorr, Nathan Fraizer} Selectmen

Consented to by John White} Overr.


Recd. into the House Joseph Bordman

℘ Order John Sweetser Overseer

1781 June 12th.

Recd. into the House Josiah Boyles

℘ Order Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Recd. into the House Margret Holland and Saml. Brown her Son

℘ Order Saml. Partridge Overseer


Recd. into the House Margret Brothers & Child

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Nickolas Bowes} Overseer


Recd. into the Alms House Mary Perrin

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Nickolas Bowes} Overseer

July 2d.

Recd. into the House Elizabeth Ivers

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr. Overr.

Discharg’d Eunice Hardy’s two Children (Prove.) June 8th.

Discharg’d Charles Dicks Wallis (Prove.) July 2d. 1781

(Prove. Mary Perrin) & Elizth. Corbin Run away June 13th.

July 12

Recd. into the House Mary Ann Mewes An Infant Child

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

Willm. Powell Esqr. Overseer


Recd. into the House Mary Cavenough

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell Overseer


Recd. into the House Grace A Negro Women

℘ Order Mr. John White Overseer


Dischargd. Mary Ann Mewes A Child (Provs.)

1781} July 24th.

Recd. into the House Abraham Rhodes

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Mr. Nicholas Bowes Overseer


Recd. into the House Archibald Livingston

℘ Order of Nathan Frazier, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Edward Procter Esqr. Overseer


Recd. into the House William Walten

℘ Order of Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer

Augt. 9

Recd. into the House Willm. Sharp & Wife

℘ Order of John Scolley Esqr., Tuttle Hubberd} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Barrett Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Lydia Town

℘ Order of Joseph Webb Esqr. (Oveerser)


Recd. into the House Hannah Williams’s Daughter

℘ Order John Sweetser Junr. (Overr.)


Received into the House Sarah Dockum & Sarah Jennesson

℘ Order of Capt. Saml. Partridge (Overr.)


Recd. into the House, Jethro Dodge a Negro

℘ Order Gustavus Fellows, Ezekiel Price} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. Powell Esqr.} Overseer

Run away Mary Perkitt & Child (Prove.) 2nd. Augt.

Run away Mary Linty & Child (Prove.) 22d. do.


Run away Willm. Sharp & Wife (Prove.)

Run away Elizh. Williams


Recd. into the House Martha Dausey her Order dated Augt. 2d.

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Tuttle Hubbert} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. John Sweetser Junr.} (Overseer)

Augt. 29

Recd. in the House Elizabeth Harris

℘ Order of Mr. John White (Overser)


Received into the House Johannah Decoster

℘ Order of Edwd. Procter Esqr. (Overseer)

Septr. 10th.

Receive’d into the House Eliza. Fooboe

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr. (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Sarah Powell

℘ Order Saml. Barrett Esqr. (Overser)

Octor. 3d.

Recd. into the House Willm. Barron

℘ Order John Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer

Octor. 3d.

Recd. into the House Susannah Edwards & Child

℘ Order Harbl. Dorr, Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Barratt Esqr.} Overseer

Octor. 6th.

Reced. into the House Elizebeth Haines

℘ Order Mr. Samuel Whitwell (Overseer)

Octor. 11th.

Recd. into the House Mary Richardson & Child

℘ Order Mr. Nicholas Bowes (Overseer)

Run away Hannah Williams

Run away


Discharged. Jethro Dodge A Negro Octo 10th. 1781 (Provc.)

1781 Octor. 15th.

Recd. into the House Mary Smith & Hannah Lyddard

℘ Order of Mr. John White (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Rebecca Gouge

℘ Order of Capt Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Sally Ford A Child

℘ Order Saml. Barrett Esqr.

Run away Margarett Brethers (Provc.) Octor. 26th.



Novr. 1st.

Run away Rebecca Gouge

Novr. 9

Recd. into the House Hepzebeth Atkins

℘ Order of Mr. John White (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Cornelus Youngman (Provs.)

John Scollay, Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

℘ Order of Capt Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Recd. into the House York A Negro

℘ Order of Capt Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Margarett Lee

℘ Order Nathan Frazier, Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer

1781 Novr. 10th.

Recd. into the House Martha Mullens

℘ Order of Mr. Nicholas Bowes (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Betty

℘ Order Gustavus Fellows, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Recd. into the House Joseph Gray Ransford

℘ Order of Eward Proctor Esqr. Overseer


Recd. into the House Elizebeth Morton

℘ Order of Harbottle Dorr, N. Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Mary Ann Pendergrass

℘ Order of Capt Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Elizebeth Cook

℘ Order of Mr. John Sweetser (Overseer)


Recd. into the House John Davis

℘ Order of Mr. John White (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Elizh. Williams

℘ Order of the Honble. Willm. Phillips Esqr. Overseer


Recd. into the House Richard Morgan

℘ Order of Mr. John White (Overseer)

Run away John Davis     Novr. 2[1st]


Recd. into the House Elizebeth Paster

℘ Order Board of Overseers

Decr. 1.

Recd. into the House Wm. Sharp & Wife

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nicholas Bowes} Overseer

Decr. 7th.

Recd. into the House David Spencer

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Selectmen}

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer


Recd. into the House Hannah Burden

℘ Order of Mr. Willm. Mackay, Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House James Woods

℘ Order of Mr. Nathan Frazier, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Elizabeth Riley & her Child her Order dated. 20th. Novr.

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Jonathan Mason} Overseer

Dischg. Thomas Mitchell     Decr. 19th. 1781

1782 Jany. 7th.

Received into the House Mary Billings & Child

℘ Order of Capt Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Received into the House John Miller

℘ Order of John Scllay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen}

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

1782 Jany. 18th.

Received into the House Mary Burke

℘ Order Mr. Jona. Mason (Overseer)

Run away Elizibeth Harris     Jany. 7th.

Received into the House Magat. Brothers (Provs.) Order dated Jany. 4th.}

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier} Select Men

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer


Run away Elizh. Riley & Child (Provs.)

Received into the House George Randall & Wife (Provs.) Order dated. 1 Septr. 1781

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Recd. into the House George Randalls Child. (Provs.) Order dated Octor. 8. 1781

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Select men

Recd. into the House Tho. Mitchell Child (Provs.) Order dated 26 Octor. 1781

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen}

Feby. 7

Received into the House Mary Tuttell & Child

℘ Order of Mr. John White (Overseer)


Received into the House Hannah Hammanway

℘ Order of Edward Proctor Esqr. (Overseer)

1782 Feby. 12th.

Received into the House Jno. Morrison

℘ Order Capt Saml. Partridge (Overseer)

Received into the House Mary Wright. Feby. 18th.

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esqr. (Overseer)

Feby. 18th.

Received into the House Mary Marro

℘ Order Josh. Webb Esqr. (Overseer)

Run away Hepsibeth Atkins (Feby. 13th.)

Run away Margarett Holland & Child (22d. Feby.)

Run away David Spencer (Provs.) (22d. Feby.)

Run away Mary Burke (Feby. 28th.)

Received into the House Mary Cumlar (Provs.) Feby. 21st.

℘ Order

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer

March 4th.

Recd. into the House Sarah Partridge

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Pegg A Negro Woman

℘ Order Honble. Willm. Phillips Esqr. (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Mary Stephens

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer

1782 March 16th.

Recd. into the House Sarah Voux

℘ Order Honble. Wm. Phillips Esqr. (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Michael Condon

℘ Order Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer

Discharged. Joseph Gray Ransford


Run away Margarett Brothers (Provs.)

Discharged. John Morrison (April 2d.)

April 3d.

Received into the House A Boy 4 Years old. Mrs. Brown’s Child

℘ Order of Samuel Barratt Esqr. (Overseer)


Received into the House Deliverance Cahill & Maid

℘ Order of Josh. Weebb (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Jeh[rader] Monfort

℘ Order of Edward Proctor Esqr. (Overseer)

April 3

Run away James Verrin & Wife & Mary Stevens (Provs.)

Run away William Sharp (April 27th.)

Run away Elizibeth Morton (April 27th.)

May 2d.

Recd. into the House Sarah Whitman

℘ Order of Saml. Whitwell (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Sarah Partridge

Order John Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer>

1782 May 17th.

Recd. into the House Ann Ruler

℘ Order of Saml. Partridge (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Martha Smith

℘ Order of Ezekl. Price Esqr

} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Partridge} Overseer.


Recd. into the House a Distracted Women

℘ Order Saml. Barratt Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Ervin & Grandson

℘ Order Jno. Sweetser junr. Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Partrick Hacket

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Overseer

May 7.

Run away Marthew Hopkins (Provs.)


Dischargd. Mrs. Brown’s (Child)


Run away Mary Sharp (Provs.)


Run away Willm. Barron (Provs.)

May 27

Recd. into the House Margaret Brother

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr.}

June 3d.

Recd. into the House Larry Low

℘ Order of Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer

1782 [June] 6

Received into the House Mathew Hopkins

℘ order Capt. Saml. Partridge} Overseer

June 6th.

Received into the House Sarah Kettle & Child

℘ Order of Edward proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Kellen

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jonathan Mason Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Dawson

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackey} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the House Elizh. Whetsons Child

℘ Order Edward proctor Esqr. (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Silvester Hitton

℘ Order Harbottle Dorr, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Fisher

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Gustavus Fellows} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer

1782 June 19th.

Dischargd. Mary Mullins

Run away Elizibeth Williams (June 21st.)

Run away Mary Richardson & Child (June 25th.)

Run away Larry Low (July 1st.)

July 2d.

Received into the House Sarah Lockland

℘ Order of Nicholas Bowes (Overseer)


Received into the House patrick A Negro man

℘ Order of Ezekl. price Esqr., Nathl. Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} Overseer


Recd. into the House Lydia Hodgetts & Son

℘ Order of Ezekl. price Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Overseer


Recd. into the House John Migar a Child

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by John White} Overseer


Received into the House William Bannon

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by John White} Overseer

1782 July 12th.

Received into the House

Clarke Her Order dated. 12th. May

℘ Order of Nathan Frazier, Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Barratt Esqr.} <Overseer>


Recd. into the House Eleanor Bartlet

℘ Order of Ezekl. price Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Elizh. Wyer & Child

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. powell Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Rachel peterson

℘ Order of Nathn. Frazier, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Overseer

Augt. 2d.

Recd into the House June And his Wife Negroe’s

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Nathn. Frazier} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Overseer

Run away Margarett Brothers (provs.) (July 20th.)

Run away Michael Condon (provs.) July 27th.


Run away Mary Marrow


Recd. into the House Mary Ward

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell (Overseer)

1782 Augt. 12th.

Recd. into the House James Perrin & Wife

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer


Received into the House John Oliver

℘ Order Nathan Frazier, Ezekl. price Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House peggy Holland & Child

℘ Order Honbl. Wm. phillips Esqr. (Overseer)


Received into the House peter Murphy

℘ Order Mr. Nathn. Frazier, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Edward Winslow

℘ Order Mr. Saml. Whitwell (Overseer)

N.B. He is Nine Years Old this month

Run away Rachael peterson (Provs.) (Augt. 16th.)


Received into the House the Widow Pattens two Children William

Patten 11 Year Old Feby. 6th., Polly Patten 8 Years Old 27th. Instant

℘ Order John Sweetser Esq} Overseer

1782 Augt. 27th.

Recived into the House on the States Accot. Calvin Hinds

℘ Order Nathan Frazier & Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Select Men

Consented to Edwd. Procter Esqr.} Overseer

Augt. 28th.

Recied into the House On the States Accot. Nancy Wheeler an Infant Child

℘ Order of John Scolley Esq, Tuttle Hubbard} Select Man

Consented to William Powel Esq} Overseer


Sarah Damson discharged (prove.)

Recived in the House on the States Accot. William Murray

℘ Order of Mr. Nathan Frazier, Capt. Willm. Mackey} Select Men

Edwd. Procter Esqr.} Overseer

Septr. 16th.

Received into the House Archd. Livingston

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Harbottle Dorr} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Holland

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr.} Over Seer

Octo. 3d.

Dischargd. Ann Ruler


Received into the house Martha Smith

℘ Order John Sweetser Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the house Thos. Edwards

℘ Order Honble. Wm. powell Esqr.} Overseer

1782 Octo. 26th.

Received into the house Mary Richardson & Child

℘ Order Honble. Wm. phillips Esqr. (Overseer)

Dischargd. Erving Ocotr. 9th.

Dischargd. Jehoedah Mountfort (Octor. 18th.)

Dischargd. peter Murphy (Provs.) Octor. 7th.)

Elizth. Wyer Run away (Provs.) (Novr. 3d. 1782)

Recd. into the House Mary Lewis (Provs.) (Novr. 9th. 1782)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Nicholas Bowes} Overseer

Recd. into the House Mary Stephens On the State Acco. her dated. 24th. Octor. 1782

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Nicholas Bowes} Overseer

Novr. 5th.

Recd. into the House Peter Kelly

℘ Order Ezekl. price

} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. partridge} Overseer

Received into the house Tamis a Negro Woman her order dated 26th. Octo.

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathn. Frazier Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer

1782 Novr. 6th.

Received into the house William Maggot

℘ Order Harbottle Dorr Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Nicholas Bowes} Overseer


Received into the house Saml. Chandler & wife

℘ Order Saml. partridge (Overseer)


Received into the house Jane Gerrald

℘ Order Honble. Wm. Phillips Esqr. (Overseer)


Recd. into the House Fanny pitt A Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by John Sweetser junr. Esqr.} Overseer


Recd. into the house Sarah Toomy

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Tuthill hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Nicholas Bowes} Overseer


Recd. into the house Hepzibah Atkins

℘ Order John White (Overseer)


Recd. into the house Martha Smith

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr. (Overseer)


Martha Smith—Run away


Mary Stephens—Run away

1782 Novr. 20th.

Received into the house peggy Dampsen

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by John White} Overseer

Dischargd. Margarrett Holland & Child (Novr. 7th. 1782)

Decr. 4th.

Received into the House James Asley

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Elizebeth Castle

℘ Order Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Elizh. Patten a Child

℘ Order John Sweetser Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Susannah Lewis & Child

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Harbottle Dorr Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Willm. Sharp & Wife

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer

Kate A Negro Women Dischargd. (Provs.) Decr. 10th. 1782.

1782 Decr. 26th.

Received into the House Judia Thayer

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer


Received into the House Elizabeth Lowe

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer


Received into the House Thomas Carlan

℘ Order Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Samuel Murphy

℘ Order Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer

<1783 Jany.>

Received into the House Thos. Mitchells Child. Her Order Dated Octor. 26th. 1781

℘ Order Nathn. Frazier Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichl. Bowes} Overseer

Received into the House Sarah Dawson. Her Order Dated Octor. 5th. 1782

℘ Order Ezekl. price Esqr., Nathn. Frazier Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer

1783 Jany. 2d.

Received into the House James Trenholm Child

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Tuthell Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

1783 Jany. 3d.

Received into the House Sarah Rogers

pr. Order Willm. Powell Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Gerald Fitz. Gerrald

pr. Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Corthen

pr. Order Gustavas Fellows, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

Dischargd. Lydia Hodgetts (Provs.) Jany. 2d. 1783

Received into the House Margarett Kennedy. Her Order Dated. Decr. 31st. 1782

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Hog

℘ Order Willm. powell Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Hoganey

℘ Order Ezekl. price Esqr., John Scollay Esqr} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer

1783 Feby. 10th.

Received into the House Eunice Hardy

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House James Rogers

℘ Order Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Elizibeth Willet & Child

pr. Order Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Derrick

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Webb

Pr. Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Edwards two Children

Pr. Order Mr. Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Hannah Powell

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer

March 3d.

Received into the House Francis Hamman

Pr. Order Saml. Barrett Esqr.} Overseer

1783 Feby. 28

Recd. into the House Hannah Thophall

Pr. Order of John Scolly Esqr., Harbottle Dorr Es.} Select Menn

Consented to by Mr. Nichl. Bowes} Overseer

March. 5.

Recd. into the House Michcael Condon

Pr. Order of John Scolly Esqr., Ezekiel Price Esqr.} Select Men

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Overser

March. 15th.

Recd. into the House Richard Perrey

Pr. Order of John Scolly Esqr., Tuttle Hubbard} Select Men

Consented to by Mr. John White} Overseer


Received into the House Willm. Hardy & Infant

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., [J?] Jeffries Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Dischargd. Sarah Kettle & Child


Run away Rhoady Edwards a Child


Run away Richard perry (Provs.)


Run away Sarah Cassell


Run away Mary Ward

1783 April 4th.

Received into the House Anna Banton

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Joseph Ransford

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Crow

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Grenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Overseer

Received into the House Nancy Gilling. Her order dated Septr. 1. 1782

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer

Received into the House Mosses McGraugh. His Order Dated. Octo. 1st. 1782

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer


Run away Hannah Ransford (Provs.) April 12th.

Dischargd. Unice Hardy (Provs.) April 28th.

Run away Margarett Poor April 28th.

Dischargd. John Derrick (Provce.) 21st. Aprill 1783

1783 May 7th.

Received into the House Samuel Wyer a Negro Man

℘ Order of John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. Powell Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Christopher Atkins

℘ Order Mr. John White} Overseer


Received into the House the Following Persons Vizt. Danl. Shaw, John

Stacey, John Smith, George Bartholomew, John Curtis}

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House James Campbell

℘ Order Harbottle Dorr, Willm. Mackay, Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overseer


Received into the House Richd. Greenough

℘ Order Edwd. Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Kate a Negro Women

Ezekl. Price Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard } Selectmen

℘ Edwd. Procter Esqr.} Selectmen


Received into the House Robert Watt & Sister

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. Powell Esqr.} Overseer

1783 May 29th.

Received into the House Benja. Winsor

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House Poll. Duet

℘ Order Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer

Dischargd. Judia Thayer & Child (Provs.) May 12th. 1783

Dischargd. Tho. Mitchell Wife & child (Provs.) 14th. May. 1783

Dischargd. Moses Magrath (Provs:) May 7th. 1783

Dischargd. William Hardy a Child. (Provs.) May 24th. 1783


Dischargd. Hannah Powell and Child

June 4

Received into the House Judah Clancey

℘ Order Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House James McCloyd

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House James Lynch

℘ Order Harbottle Dorr, Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. procter Esqr.} Overseer


Recived into the House Sarah Dawson & Mary Druvet

℘ Order John White} Overseer

1783 June 17th.

Received into the House David Cocknan

℘ Order Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Simean Oslon

℘ Order Capt Saml. partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Cowell

℘ Order Mr. Nichs. Bowes

} Selectmen

Received into the House William Burke. (His Order Dated. June 5th.)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer

Dischargd. Silvester Hitton (Provs.) June 9th. 1783

Dischargd. Margaret Dempson (Provs.) June 11th. 1783

Dischargd. Benjamin Winsor (Provs.) June 12th. 1783

Dischargd. James McCloyd (Provs.) June 23d. 1783

Dischargd. Jehoadah Mountford June 14th. 1783

Run away Sarah Dawson & Mary Druvet

Dischargd. James Lynch (Provs.) June 11th. 1783

July 7th.

Received into the House John plumer a Child

℘ Order John Sweetser Esqr.} Overseer

1783 July 8th.

Received into the House Martin Auginsine

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House Mrs.


℘ Order Mr. Nickolas Bowes} Overseer


Received into the House Susannah Riorden

℘ Order Mr. John White} Overseer


Received into the House John Elisah

℘ Order Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Benja. Chipman

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Honble. Willm. phillips Esqr.} Overseer

Augt. 1st.

Received into the House Elizh. Hopkins & Child

℘ Order John White} Overseer

Dischargd. Hannah Tophall, George Bartholomew (Provs.) July 8th. 1783

Run away Michael Conden (Provs.) July 18th. 1783

Run away Judah Clancey July 28th. 1783


Dischargd. Daniel Shaw (Provs.) July 26th. 1783

Dischargd. Peter Kelly (Provs.) July 29th. 1783

Dischargd. Willm. Sharp & Wife (Prov) Augt. 4th. 1783

Dischargd. Archibald Livingston (Prov) Augt. 4th. 1783

Dischargd. Richard Greenough Augt. 4th. 1783

Run away Mary Billings Augt. 3d. 1783

Augt. 8th.

Received into the House Timothy Brown

℘ Order William Powell Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Peggy Glifford

℘ Order Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Easter Brown

℘ Order Ezekiel price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House John McKingley

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer

<Received into the House Jno. Ricker

Order Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer>

1783 Augt. 24th.

Dischargd. Elizibeth Boane


Dischargd. John Plumley

Dischargd. Mary Thomas August 19th. 1783 (Provs.)

Sept. 1st.

Received into the House Hannah Duxlory

℘ Order Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

Septr. 5th.

Received into the House H Naomi Higgins & Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Law

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Cumings

℘ Order Mr. Willm. Mackay, Harbottle Doar Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Jones

℘ Order Mr. Willm. Mackay, Thos. Grenough Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer

Discharged. John Curtis (Provs.) Dated. Sept 12th. 1783

Run away John Cumings (Provs.) Sept 15th. 1783

Run away Naomi Higgins & Child (Provs.) Septr. 25th. 1783

1783 Sept. 24th.

Received into the House Mary Jenson

℘ Order Ezekl. price Esqr., Thos. Greenough Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer

Received into the House Eleanor Richey

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr. } Selectmen

Consented to by Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Richard Greenough

℘ Order Edwd. procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John & Henry Hilbert—Children. Their Order Augt. 25th. 1783.

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., David Jeffries Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Reuben Gorham

℘ Order Ezekl. price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House Mrs. Burford

℘ Order Mr. Nichl. Bowes} Overseer

Octor. 3d.

Received into the House Mary Gordard & Child

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Elizh. Jennang

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer

1783 Octob. 4th.

Received into the House Robert Giffin

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., David Jeffries} Selectmen

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Ebenezer Drake

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House Willm. Sharp & Wife

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt. Saml. Partridge} Overseer

14th. Received into the House Thomas Hill

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Honble. Willm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House. Peter Hunter

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Sweat

℘ Order Captn. Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Mary McCurdy

℘ Order Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer

Discharged. John Jones (Provs.) Octor. 15th. 1783


Discharged. Christopher Atkins (to the Workhouse) Octor. 15th. 1783

Discharged. Mrs. Hilberts Child (Provs.) Octor. 15th. 1783

Run away Polly Low Octor. 27th. 1783

Received into the House Joannah Edy Her dated Octor. 20th. 1783

℘ Order Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

Novr. 3d.

Received into the House Lydia Raymond

℘ Order Captr. Samuel Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Archibald Livingston (Prov)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Abigail Gilbert from the Workhouse

℘ Orderr Captn. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Josiah Jones (Provs.) <(a Child)>

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House Isaac Dawes: a Child

℘ Order Mr. Nichs. Bowes} Overserr


Received into the House Christopher Atkins from the Workhouse

℘ Order Mr. John White Esqr.} Overseer

1783 Novr. 21st.

Received into the House John Powell a Child of Hannah Powell

℘ Order Honble. Willm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer

to pay 2/1 ℘ week


Received into the House James Shaugnesy

℘ Order Mr. Willm. Mackay

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer

Run away Mary Bufford Novr. 17th. 1783

Dischargd. Susannah Rioden Decr. 2d. 1783

Decr. 6th.

Received into the House Timothy Howard

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell} Overseer

Decr. 6th.

Received into the House Grace Cox

℘ Order John Sweetser Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Henry Hilbert a Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Morris East Indiamen

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.}


Received into the House Elizibeth Cushing

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Nancy Diblin

1783 Decr. 16th.

Received into the House Samuel Dockham

℘ Order Mr. Samuel Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House Robert Murchey

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Job a negroo Man

℘ Order John Scollay Esq., Mr. Willm. Mackay} Overseer [i.e., Selectmen]

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Higgins & Naome Moreland & Child

℘ Order Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer

1784 Jany. 1.

Received into the House Mary Standly

℘ Order Captn. Saml. Partridge} Overseer

Consented to by


Received into the House William Johnson

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esq., Mr. Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

Dischargd. John Morris & East Indiamen (Provs.) Jany. 3d. 1784

Run away Mary Higgins Jany. 3d. 1784


Received into the House Hannah Wyat

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

1784 Jany. 5th.

Received into the House Mary Wallis & Child

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer

Dischargd. Grace Cox (to the Workhouse)

Dischargd. Naomi Moreland & Child (to the Workhouse)


Received into the House Mrs.


℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House, Mariam Hanford

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Lawrence Purdue

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Ann Waters

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Abigail Barratt

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House William Carlton

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House. Prudence Bennet from the Workhouse

℘ Order Mr. Samuel Whitwell} Overseer

Received into the House Mercy Ellis

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer

1784 Jany. 28th.

Received into the House John Bishop

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Overseer [i.e., Selectmen]

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer


Received into the House John Wadly

℘ Order Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Honnewell

℘ Order John Sweetser Esqr.} Overserr

Feby. 8th.

Received into the House Lydia Morse

℘ Order Honer. Wm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Kate Holland & Child Negro

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Nicholas Bowes} Overseer


Received into the House Susannah Franklin

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Phillis A Negro Women

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overserr


Received into the House Jeremiah a Negro Man

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Tuthill Hubbard} Selectmen

Consented to by John Sweetser Esqr.} Overseer

1784 Feby. 19th.

Received into the House Mary Walker

℘ Order

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Johnson

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr.} Overseer

March 1st.

Received into the House James Cunningham a Boy Aged. 10 years old 14th. April 1784

℘ Order Honble. Willm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer

March 5th.

Received into the House Mary Harvey

℘ Order Mr. Samuel Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House Davis Cuningham & Nancy Ray from the workhouse

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Bryan Dandle

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capta. saml. partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Reid

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Esqr.} Overseer

Peter Hunter Discharged. (Provs.) March 16th. 1784

Dischargd. Jeremiah a Negro Man March 17th. (provs.)


Dischargd. Robt. Merchie—John McKinzey, John Wales (Provs.)} April 6th. 1784

Dischargd. John Honnewell April 6th. 1784

Received into the House Nancy Gibling / Dated Septr. 1. 1783

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by

April 7th.

Received into the House Richard Collort

℘ Order Mr. Samuel Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House Michael Cockran

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Thos. Grenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John Honnewell

℘ Order Edward procter Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Nelcy Dunnels

℘ Order Edward proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Peter McNeal & Wife (Negro’s) Pro

℘ Order Edward proctor Esqr.} Overseer

John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Es[qr.]} Selectmen}


Received into the House Benjamin Sabels

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Jonathan Edmunds

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Rose (A Negro Women)

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer


Dischargd. Mary Walker (Provs.) April 14th. 1784

Dischargd. Simeon Osborn Wife & Child April 21st. 1784

Dischargd. Mary Stanley (prov) April 26th. 1784

Run away Phillis A Negro (prov) April 12th. 1784

Dischargd. Jonah Jones (prov) April 13th. 1784

Run away Briant Dandley (prov) April 24th. 1784

April 28th.

Received into the House Thompson

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by William Powell Esqr.} Overseer

April 29th.

Received into the House Jehodea Mountfort

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer

May 4th.

Recd. into the House Hannah Berre

℘ Order of John White Esqr.} Oversr.


Recd. into the House George Lindor (Provs.)

℘ Order of John Scolly Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Select Men

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell Ovrr.


Recd. into the House Thos. Gammill a Negro (Provs.) and Dischargd. him to Bridwell 22 May.


Received Eunice Vose in to the House

℘ order Joseph Webb Esqr.} Oversr.


Dischargd. Richd. Cohvel to the Work House 6th. May

Dischargd. Susannah Franks 11th. May

Dischargd. Ann Waters 12th. May

Martha Smith Run away (Provs.) 10th. May

James Trenholm do.



Dischargd. a Child of Hannah Powells 15th. May

May 25th.

Received into the House Peter Boyer (Provs.)

℘ Order Jonathan Mason Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Michael Melony

℘ Order

} Selectmen

Consented by Mr. J. L. Austin} Overseer


Received into the House Betsey Woodward a Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esq.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell} overseer

June 5th.

Received into the House Dennis Burns (Provs.)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Obidiah Higgins (Prov.)

℘ Order John Scollay, D Jeffries} Esquires / Selectmen

Consented to by Honbe. Willm. Phillips Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House John McKinsey

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., David Jeffries} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer

1784 June 14

Received into the House John Hood (Provs.)

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., David Jeffries} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House


℘ Order Mr. Jon. L. Austin (Overseer)

July 3d.

Received into the House Polly Ross

℘ Order Mr. Samuel Whitwell (Overseer)

Dischargd. Betsey Woodward a Child (Prov) June 8th. 1784

Dischargd. George Landor (Provs.) June 28th. 1784

Dischargd. John Johnson (Provs.) June 22d. 1784

Run away Michael Melany (Provs.) June 17th. 1784

Run away Mary Woods June 21st. 1784

Run away Timothy Howard (Prov) June 22d. 1784

Run away Ross a Negro Women June 24th. 1784

July 10th.

Received into the House Simeon Osborn, Wife & Child

℘ Order Jono. L. Austin (Overseer)


Received into the House Susannah Riordiorn

℘ Order John White (Overseer)

Received into the House Sukey Waterman a Child of Eunice Vose

℘ Order Joseph Webb (Overseer)


Received into the House Joseph Colesweather

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer

1784 July 16

Received into the House John Cooper

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., David Jeffries} Selectmen

Consented to by Captn. Samuel Partridge} Overseer


Received into the Almshouse Thomas Johnson

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esq., David Jeffries} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Samuel Legg

℘ Order Captn. Samuel Partridge} Overseer


Receved into the House Mary Killgore (Provs. Accot.)

Willm. Mackay, David Jeffries} Selectmen

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Molly Whitman

℘ Order William Powell Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Elizebeth Henley & Child

℘ Order Mr. Nathan Frazier, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by William Powell Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Jonathan Harris

℘ Order John White Esqr.} Overseer

Run away Archibald Livingston (Prov) July 19th. 1784

Run away Mary Richardson July 19th. 1784

<Run away John Hood (Prov) July 22d. 1784>

Dischargd. Nancy Weeler (Provs.) July 15. 1784

Dischargd. William Sharp & Wife July 26. 1784

1784 July 28.

Received into the House Martha Simons

℘ Order Honble. Willm. Phillips Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Nathl. Dickey. his Order Dated July 12th.

℘ Order Captn. Samuel Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Richard Kennedy

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., David Jeffries} Selectman

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Rebeccah Hilbert

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., David Jeffries Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell

Run away Martha Simons Augt. 1st. 1784

Dischargd. to the Workhouse Samuel Legg July 27th.

Dischargd. to the Workhouse John McKinzey (Provs.) July 27

Augt. 5th.

Received into the House Benjamin Mumford

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr. Overseer


Received into the House Timothy Howard

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House John Madan

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Rachael Townsend

℘ Order Jon L Austin


Received into the House Sarah Ayers

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer

1784 Augt. 23d.

Received into the House Joseph Lewis

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.


Received into the House Partrick Falva

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Ebenr. Goffe & Wife

℘ Order Jona. Webb Esq.} overseer


Received into the House Sarah Gray

℘ Order of Isaac Smith Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Susannah Muns

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer

Dischargd. Lydia Morse Augt. 18th. 1784

Dischargd. Elizabeth Henley & Child (Provs.) Augt. 18th. 1784

Dischargd. James Hewes. Augt. 18th. 1784

Run away John Madan (Provs.) Augt. 19th. 1784

Run away Richard Kennedy (Provs.) Augt. 21st. 1784

Dischargd. Mary Read (Provs.) Augt. 24th. 1784

Augt. 7 1784

Run away Michael Cocheran (P) Omitted

Septr. 2

Received into the House Silas Holmes

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., William Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} overseer

1784 Septr. 9

Received into the House Mary Moran a Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Sarah Nowell

℘ Order Edward Proctors Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Thomas Johnson

℘ Order Mr. Nathan Frazier

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward proctor Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Daniel Devier

℘ order Mr. Samuel Whitwell} overseer

Run away Sue Holland a Negro Girl (Provs.) Septr. 6th. 1784

Run away Nancy Jibling (Provs.) Septr. 7. 1784

Run away Thomas Johnson (Provs.) Septr. 30th. 1784

Dischargd. John Smith (Provs.) Septr. 1st. 1784

Run away William Johnson (Provs) Septr. 30th. 1784

Dischargd. Margery Clough & Child Septr. 22. 1784

Dischargd. Hannah Berry & Child Sept 23: 1784


Received into the house Thomas Mannan (Provs.)

℘ Order Thos. Greenough Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Sarah Richards

℘ order Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Elizebeth Henley & Child

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward procter Esq} overseer

1784 Septr. 28

Received into the House Daniel Jennings

℘ order Nathan Frazier Esq

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} Overseer

Sept 28th.

Received into the House Elizebeth Farmers two Children

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esq} overseer

Octor. 4th.

Received into the House Thos. Gambutt a Negro Man

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Captn. Sam Partridge} overseer

(Dischargd. to tho Bridewell)


Received into the House Willm. Sharp & Wife

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Thomas a Negro man

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Grenough Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Samuel Vose

℘ order Mr. Saml. Whitwell} Overseer


Received into the House Ann Larkin

℘ Order Captn. Saml. Whitwell


Received into the House Ruth Adams

℘ Order Joseph Webb Esqr.} Overseer


Received into the House Mary Reed

℘ Order Thos. Greenough Esqr., Mr. Willm. Mackay} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esq} overseer

1784 Octor. 16

Received into the House John Hutchinson

℘ Order Edward Proctor Esq} Overseer

Run away Kate Holland a Negro Women (Provs.) Octr. 6 1784

Dischargd. to the Workhouse Susannah Riodon Octr. 6

Dischargd. to the Workhouse Jonathan Harris 6th.

Run away Easter Brown (Provs.) 18th.

Run away Thomas Johnson (Provs.) 18th.

Run away Samuel Wose 23d.


Received into the House James Cunningham a Boy

℘ Order Capt Samuel Partridge} Overseer


Received into the House Deborah Howard

℘ order John White Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Rebeccah Gauge

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Greenough} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Richard Hubbard

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House John Majaning

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Greenough Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Daniel Shaw

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Thomas Johnson his order Dated 11th. Octor

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esq., John Scollay Esq.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer

Received into the House Ester Brown her order Dated Octor. 25

℘ order Thos. Greenough Esq, Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jona. Mason} Overseer

Novr. 1

Received into the House, from the Workhouse Thos. Cross a Boy

℘ order Henry Prentiss} overseer


Received into the House Becky Walliss Child

℘ order Mr. Jona. L. Austin} overseer


Received into the House Samuel McKan

℘ order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor} overserr

Run away Daniel Shaw (Provs.) Novr. 2d. 1784

Run away James Cunningham a Boy

Novr. 2d.

Received into the House Joseph Simpson

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Philip Bass & Wife

℘ order Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Elizebeth Mitton

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Greenough Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Edward Collyer & Wife

℘ order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Procter Esq.}

1784 Novr. 6th.

Received into the House Hannah Powells Child

℘ order Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer

Novr. 8th.

Received into the House Margaret Thomas

℘ order Willm. Mackay Esq, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Henry Prentiss} overseer


Received into the House Hannah Berry & Child

℘ order Mr. Jon L Austin} overseer


Received into the House James Mahaut

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Honbl. Wm. Phillips Esq} overseer


Received into the House Patty Clough a Child

℘ order Mr. Jon L Austin} overseer


Received into the House <Edwar> Fortune a Negro man

℘ order Ezekiel Price Esq, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jonathan Mason Esq}


Received into the House Betsey Ryley & Son

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esq} overseer


Received into the House Susanah a Negro women.

℘ order John Scollay Esq, Nathan Frazier Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Masson Esq} overseer


Received into the House Katty Camerin

John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Select

℘ order Isaac Smith Esq} Overseer


Discharged. Daniel Jennings (Provs.) Novr. 3d. 1784

Dischargd. Edward Collyer & wife (Provs.) Novr. 11.


Received into the House Mrs. Mary Thomas her order Octor. 8th.

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Grenough Esqr.} Selectman

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House John Gill

℘ order Nathan Frazier Esq, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} Overseer

Dischargd. <into the House> Rebecca Wallace Novr. 26.


Received into the House Thomas Johnson

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esq, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectman

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer

Decr. 3d.

Received into the House Nathl. Dickey

℘ Order Captn. Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Benjamin Edwards

℘ Mr. Jona. L. Austin} overseer


Received into the House Mary Pool

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Elizebeth Fisher & Child

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esq} overseer


Received into the House Peter Hunter

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esq, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer

1784 Decr. 10th.

Received into the House John Haney

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Daniel Shaw

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Thomas Thorp

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., David Jeffries Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Captn. Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Mary Branch & Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esq} overseer


Received into the House John Madding

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esq, John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Mosses McGrath

℘ order Ezekl. Price Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House John Berry

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq} overseer


Received into the House Mary Richardson

℘ order Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer

1784 Decr. 20th.

Received into the House John Chambers

John Scollay Esqr., Thos. Grenough Esq} Selectm.

℘ order Mr. Jona. Mason} overseer


Received into the House Sarah Richards Child

℘ order Mr. Jona. Mason} overseer


Received into the House John Richey

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., David Jeffries Esq.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Rachael Wall

℘ Order John Scollay Esq, Thos. Greenough Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Lucy Mellony & Her Child

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Joseph Renew

℘ Order Willm. Mackay Esq, Thos. Greenough Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Venard Thomas

℘ Order Willm. Powell Esq.} overseer


Received into the House Anna Richardson

℘ Order Isaac Smith Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Joseph Moy’d

℘ Order Nathn. Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House John Berry

℘ order John Scollay Esqr., David Jeffries Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} overseer

1784 Decr. 30th.

Received into the House Catherine Smith

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., David Jeffries Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. Powell Esq} overseer

Discharged. Sarah Eayrs (Provs.) Decr. 4th. 1784

Dischargd. Unice Vose’s Child Decr. 16th. 1784

Dischargd. Mary Branch & Child (Prov) Decr. 31st. 1784

Run away John Berry (Provs.) Decr. 25th.

Dischargd. Sarah Richards & Child Decr. 17th.

1785 Jany. 2d.

Received into the House Thomas Bates

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Willm. Powell Esq} overseer

Dischargd. John Berry (Provs.) Jany. 3d. 1785

Jany. 5

Received into the house Abigail Howland

℘ Order Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the house James Wainwright

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the house John Dougharty

℘ order Willm. Mackay Esqr., John Scollay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the house James Young

℘ order Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer

1785 Jany. 13th.

Received into the house Margaret Love & Child

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the house Margaret Poor

℘ Order John White Esqr.} overseer


Received into the house Francis Claridge

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the house Sarah Goodwin

℘ Order Honbl. Willm. Phillips Esqr.} overseer


Received into the house Edward Smith

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer

Run away Thomas Bates (Provs.) Jany. 17th. 1785

Run away John Majaning (Provs.) 18th.

Run away Cyrus a negro man (Provs.) 11th.

Discharged. Abigail Howland Jany. 17th. 1785

Discharged. Mrs. Farmers Child 21st.

Discharged. Thomas Thorp (Provs.) 24th.

Dischargd. Edward Dickey 25th.


Received into the House Thomas Doyle

℘ Order Nathan Frazier Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esqr.} overser

1785 Jany. 26th.

Received into the house Alexander Thompson

℘ the order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by John Sweetser Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House Nathaniel Dickey

℘ order Capt Saml. Partridge} overseer

Run away Katherane Smith (Provs.) Jany. 27. 1785

Discharged. Susannah a Negro Women (Provs.) Feby. 11th. 1785

Run away Katherine Camerin (Provs.) Feby. 3d. 1785

Discharged. Frances Claridge (Provs.) Feby. 8th. 1785

Feby. 5

Received into the House Ann Gordon & 2 Children there order Dated Jany. 25 1785

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Nathan Frazier Es[q.]} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Protor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Sarah Peirce

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by William Powell Esq} overseer


Received into the House Sukey Follens

℘ Order Mr. Jona. L Austin} overseer


Received into the House John Fisher

℘ Order Nathn. Frazier Esr., Ezek Price Esr. } Selectmen

Consented to by Joseph Webb Esq} overseer


Received into the House Lydia Lee

℘ Order Willm. Powell Esqr.} overseer

1785 Feby. 15th.

Received into thy House Deborah Harley & 2 Children

℘ order John White Esqr.} overseer


Received into the House John Willett & Wife

℘ order Edward Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Dinah Burton Negro

℘ order Mr. Jona. L Austin} overseer


Received into the House Hannah Johnson & Child Negros

℘ Order John Scollay Esq, David Jeffries Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Honbl. Willm. Phillips Esq} overseer


Received into the House Nathl. Thomas

℘ Order Willm. Mackay Esq } Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Henry Prentiss} overseer


Received into the House Elizebeth Ivies (on the state)

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackey} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to By


Received into the House Lydia Rea & Child

℘ Order Willm. Mackay Esq

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq} overseer


Received into the House Mary Covan & 4 Children

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Willm. Mackay Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Esq} overseer

Dischargd. Hannah Wyatt (Provs.) Feby. 14. 1785

Dischargd. Capt Phillip Bass 16th.

Dischargd. Alexander Thompson (Provs.) 23d.

Dischargd. Deborah Harley & Child 23d.


Run away Catharine Camerin (Provs.) Feby. [22] 1785>

Feby. 25

Received into the House Sandy a Negro man

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr. } Selectmen

Consented to by Captn. Saml. Partridge} overseer


Received into the House Richard Harris

℘ order Mr. Henry Prentiss} overseer


Received into the House Jonathan Harris

℘ order Mr. Henry Prentiss} overseer


Received into the House Prudence Cutton

℘ Order Captn. Saml. Partridge} overseer

March 1

Received into the House George King (Provs.)

℘ order Thos. Greenough

} Selectmen

Consented to by John White Esq} overseer

Dischargd. John Haney (Provs.) March 1st. 1785

Dischargd. Sukey Follens do. 1st. 1785

March 1st.

Received into the House George King

℘ order Willm. Mackay Esqr., John Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edward Proctor Esq} overseer

March 5th.

Received into the House Joseph Ross two Sons

℘ Order John Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Samuel Whitwell} overseer


Received into the House Alexander Thompsons

℘ Order Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq} overseer

1785 March 5th.

Received into the House Elizebeth Sleene her order Dated Feby. 5. 1785

By order of Wm. Mackay Selectman

℘ order Mr. Jona. L Austin} overseer

March 7th.

Received into the House Eleanor Morrison

℘ Order Willm. Mackay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Honbl. Willm. Phillips Esq} overseer

Dischargd. Polly Ross March 7th.

Dischargd. Moses McGrath (Provs.) 7th.


Received into the House


℘ Order John Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} overseer

March 11th.

Recd into the House Richd. Webber

(Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Select men Boston

Admitted by Edwd. Proctor)

Dischd. out of the House Jno. Fisher on the State, March 12th. 1785


Recd. into the house Josh. Hase.

pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell oversear

March 15

Recd. into the House Louis Mathews a Negero Woman And her Child

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} oversear of the Poor


Recd. into the Hous Jno. Haney on the State accot.

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay & Edwd. Tyler} Select men

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.}

Dischd Jno. Fitchgerrell March 18th.

March 18th.

Recd. into the Hous John McKinsee

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Select Men

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} oversear


Recd. into the Hous Jno. Gray

Pr. ordor Jno. Scolley, Jno. Andres} Select Men of Boston

Consented to by John Swetser} oversear


Discharged Elizh. Yetton March 22nd. 1785


March 19th.

Recd. into the House Sarah Ayers

pr. ordor, Jno. Scolley, Jno. Andres} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Josh. Webb} one of the oversears


Recd. into the House Willm. Baldridge a Child Aged 4 years the 15th. Septr. 1784

Pr. ordor of Mr. Henry Prentiss one of the Oversears of the poor


Recd. into the Hous Mary Wainright

Pr. ordor Jno. Scolley, Jno. Andres} Selectmen

Jno. Switser} oversear

Run Away, Snow, (on the State) March 28th. 1785


Recd. into the Hous Anna How on the States. Accot.

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented by Edwd. Proctor Esq} one of the oversears of the poor

Aprl. 2nd.

Recd. into the Hous Ruth Peirce

Pr. ordor Mr. Jno. Sweetser; one of the oversears of the poor


Dischd. Edwd. Dickey of this town


Recd. into the House Mary Doake belongg. to this town

By Josh. Webb Esq one of the Oversears


Recd. into the House Jno. Kelley on the State

Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Consented too by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears}


Recd. into the House Rebecca Baldridg

Pr. ordor Mr. Saml. Parkman} oversear


Recd. into the House George Hammock on the State’s Accot.

Pr. Ordor Wm. Mackay

} Select men of Boston

Consented to by Jno. Sweetser on of the oversears

Dischd. out of the Hous Nancy Rea the 7th. aprell 1785


Recd. into the House Olive Gyles A Negro woman & Child

Pr. Jno. Scolley

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq} one of the Oversears of the poor

1785 Marh. 13th.

Recd. into the House Jacob Normus (on the State’s Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley, Wm. Mackey} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason} one of the oversears of the Poor

March 16

Dischd. Ebenr. Goffe & Wife to the workhouse on the town

Dischd. Jno. Willett




Rebecca Baldrage





Recd. into the Hous Mrs. Goff

Pr. ordor of Henry Prentiss one of the Oversears

Aprl. 21

Dischd. Deborah Howard—Belonging to this town


Dischd. out of the Hous Thos. A Negero man

(<Prov> State)


Dischd. out of the Hous Mary Dokes



Recd. into the Hous Robert Osely

on the State

by ordor of Pr. Ordor Ezekl. Price Esqr.} one of the Select men of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason} one of the Oversears


Run Away James Perrin & Wife



dischd. out of the Hous Mary Pool



Recd. into the House Saml. Clark a Boy 5 years old feby. 1785

Pr. Ordor Jno. Scolley

} Select men of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor} one of the oversears of the poor


Recd. into the Hous Susanna Brown

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andress} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to Pr. Jona. Mason} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Hous Eunice Hardy

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andress} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} Oversear

May 2nd.

dischd out of the

Hous Jno. Haney

on the State’s Accot.


do. Jno. Madden


do. Sarah Ayers


do. Patte Clow


Mr.     Fisher & Child

(on the State)

1785 May 4th.

Dischd. Mrs. Fisher & Child


Recd. into the House Ruth Adams

Pr. Ordor of Saml. Parkman One of the oversears


Dischd. out of the Hous Jacob Normus

(on the State Acct.)


Dischd. out of the Hous Ruth Peirce

May 6th.

Recd. into the Hous Sarah Davis

Pr. Ordor Jno. Sweetser Esqr.


Recd. into the Hous Mary Wainwood

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Select men of Boston

Consented to By Wm. Phillips Esqr} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Hous Vinus a Negero Woman

on the State Accot.

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to By Jona. Loring Austen} one of the oversears}


Discharg’d out of the Hous, Joseph Renew

(on the State)


George Hammock Run away



Discharged out of the Hous Debero Harley


Recd. into the House Elizh. Ewin


Pr. ordor of Wm. Phillips


Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Wiatt

on the States Accot.

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen of Boston

Approv’d of by Isaac Smith Esqr.} one of the oversears}


Dischd. out of the Hous Thos. Johnson

(on the State)


Run Away Thos. Hannan

(on the State)


Recd. into Aalmshous Jno. Graham

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. Order of Ezekel Price

} Selectmen of Boston

Approv’d of by Isaac Smith Esqr.} one of the Oversears

did Never Come after brot. the ordor


Received into the Almshous John Wood

(on the State’s Accot.)

Pr. Ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Meyers

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Ezel. Price Esqr.

} Select Men

Consented to by Edwd. Procter Esqr.} one of the oversears

1785 May 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz. Hayter from the work hous

Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr.

he sais on the State’s Accot.

May 23

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Hanen


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay } Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous deborah Howard

Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the Oversears of the poor


Recd. into Elizh. & Benone Harris, Champlen

(on the State)

Wm. Mackey

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Mr. Jno. White} one of the Oversears

Eliz born May 10th. 1779. Benoe. Harris born Aprl. 22d. 1781


Dischd. out of the Hous Elexr. Thompson

(on the State accot.)


Dischd. out of the Hous George King

(on Accot. of the state)


Dischd. out of the Hous Mary Tavenor

(on the state Accot.)


Recd. into the Almshous Bengn. Bignall one of the poor of this town

Pr. Ordor of Mr. Jno. White, one of the Oversears


Dischd. out

of the Hous Elizh. Champlen


on accot of the state


do. Benone Harris Champlen

31. should a ben 27} Recd. into the Almshous James Trenholm

on the State Accot.

Pr. Ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andress} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctr. One of the Oversears}

May 2nd.

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Candish

Pr. Ordor of Edwd. Proctor {one of the Oversears


Dischd. out of the hous Susanna Brown



Dischd. out of the

hous Richd. Webber

(on the State)


do. Thos. Doyle



Recd. into the hous Hannah Farnum

Pr. ordor of Mr. Jona. Mason One of the Oversears


Dischd. out of the

Hous Richd. Hubbert

(on the state)


do. Benjn. Edwards

(on the town)

1785 June 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Kitty Mory

(State accot.)

Pr. ordor of Ezek. Price

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Wm: Phillips Esqr.}


Dischd. out of the Almshous Fortain A Negero man



Recd. into the Almshous Catharina a Negero woman

on the state

Pr. ordor of Ezek. Price

} Select men of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Ewen

(of this town)

Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Deliverance Williams

(On Accot. of the town)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Sweetser, one of the Oversears

May 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Cray. (Born the 11th. Feby. last)


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Wm. Powell oversear of the ward No. 12}

June 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Lilmon

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. Ordor of Moses Grant, Jno. Andres} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Procter} one of the oversears of the poor


Recd. into the Almshous Mary Shea & her Blind Child

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andres

} Selectmen of Boston

on the state Accot.

Approved of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the oversears


Disch out of the Almshous Elizh. Ewin

(on the town)


Dischd. out of the Almshous Sussann Lewis a Child



Recd. into the Almshous James Mory

(on the state’s accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay & Ezekl. Price} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Ayers

(on accot. State)

Pr. Ordor Jno. Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} one of the oversears}


Recd. into the Almshous James Ryan a Child

on the State

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen of Boston

Approved. of by Jona. Mason Esqr.} one of the Oversears

1785 June 20

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Read

(on the State)

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Ann Ryan

(on the State)

Pr. order of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. of by

She went out of the hous within 2 howers wh. her Child>


Dischd. out of the Hous Eliz Patten (a Child)

Dischd. out of the Hous Mary Richardson


Recd. into the Almshous Suckey Follens.

of this town

Pr. Ordor of Mr. Jona. L Austen One of the Oversears of the poor

June 27

Recd. into the Almshous Tobias a Negero

on the State

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay Esqr.

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Mr. Henry Prentis} one of the oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Mary Tucker

Pr. ordor of Josh. Webb Esqr. {one of the oversears of the poor

June 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous William Tepote

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esr.

} Selectmen of Boston

Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq one of the oversears


Dischd. out of the Almshous James Tranholm to the workhous

(on the state)

June 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Gorden A Child

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Henry Prentiss} one of the Oversears

July 1

Dischd. Clara. Love a Child



Recd. into the Almshous David Shays

(on the States. Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price, Jno. Brown} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} one of the Oversears

July 8th.

Recd. Into the Almshous Rbecca Wallis & Child A Negero

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears

July 6th.

Run away Eliz Hayter & stole 1 Cambt. Riding hod, 1 Shift

1785 July 11th.

Rece’d into the Almshous Andrew Thompson

(on the state Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the Oversears

June 13th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Thos. Hannen

(on the state)

June 14th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Jno. Killey

(on the state)

March 1st.

Recd. into the Almshous James Fisher An Infant born in this house daughtor of Eliz Fisher A Strainger. Dischd. with its Mother May the 4th.

(on the State)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. L. Austen one of the oversears

March 18th.

Recd. Into the Almshous Jno. Barnard An Infant borne in the hous Son of Elizh. Sleene. A Strainger &

(on the State)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by By Jona. L Austen} one of the oversears

Aprl. 3d.

Recd. into Almshous Betsey Coven an Infant daughter of Mary Coven A Strainger On the state Accot. born in the hous

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. L. Austen one of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Ran An Infant daughtor of Elenor Morrison, A Straniger

(on the State Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. L Austen One of the Oversears

May 4th.

Recd. into the hous Suckey forster daughter of Eliz Ivers; & Catharine Hous daughtor of Ann Hous both infants &

on the States Accot.

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. L. Austen

July 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Comede a Negero Child A Strainger

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. L Austen

14th. June

Dischd. out of the Almshous Mary Maccurdey & Mary Fitzgarril



Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Fleming

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr.

July 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Singclear

on the state accot.

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consent to Pr. Jno. Mason Esqr.} one of the oversears}


Disch’d out of the Hous Suckey Fallens



Recd. into the Almshous Fanne Clark


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell one of the Oversears

<1785 July 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Fossy And Son William undor Neath>

on the state

July 20

dischd. Susanna Lewis

(on the state Accot.)


Dischd. Lydia Lee


<June 27th. Pr. ordor of>

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah McKinzie

July 21

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Raymeau A Frenchman

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andress} Selectmen of Boston

Consend. to by Wm. Phillips Esqr. One of the Oversears}

May 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Anna Hous An Infant, daughter of <Catharine> Anna Hous Born in this hous

(on the state)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consent to Jona. L Auston, one of the Oversears

July 18th.

Received. into the Almshous Abigail Fossey And William Fossey her son, together with Hanah McKenzie

(on the state Accot.)

Pr. ordor Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andress} Select men of Boston

Consented to by Henry Prentes one of the oversears}

July 21st.

Run away Hannah Johnson

(on the state)


Dischd. James Wainwright Wife & Child

(2 on the state)


Recd. into the Almshous Lucy Duberger A Child on the state 2 years of age

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

Augt. 3d.

Dischd. Thos. Cross a boy



Dischd. David Riley a Boy

on the (State)


Dischd. Mary Gorden a Garl

(on the State)


Recd. into the Almshous Thomas Rice his wife & two Children


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scolley

} Select Men of Boston

Consented to Pr. Jno. Mason} one of the Oversears


Recd. James Gorden a <boy> Lad into the Almshous


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. proctor Esq. one of the oversears}

the above Namd. James will be 11 years old the 21st. day of this Month Augt.}

1785 Augt. 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Forbes his Wife & two Childn. together With Jos. Forbes a young Man on Accot. of the Commonwelth

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews } Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the Oversears

Augt. 8th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Daved Shays

(on the state)


Dischd. Robt. Lilmon

(on the state)


Dischd. out of the Almshous Abigal Hurley a Child

(on the state)


Dischd. out of the Hous Eliz Champlen A Child



Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Hopkins

(on the Town)

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr.


Dischd. out of the Almshous Nathl. Thomas & Margrat his wife



Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Crouch

(on the state)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Browne, Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears of the poor


Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Clough

(on the town accot.)

Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White one of the oversears of the poor


Recd. into the hous Abigal Clough a Child 6 years old the 1th. decr. 1785

On the town

Pr. ordor of Jno. White one of the oversr.

In An ordor with Josh. Clough

Augt. 19

Recd. into the Almshous Lydia Whalon & George Whalon Two Children

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears

Augt. 22nd.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Downey

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Moses Grant, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears}

augt. 24th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Ellenor Morrison And her Child Nansey Ran

both on the State

Augt. 24

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross

Augt. 26

dischd. Mary Read out of the Almshous

(on Accot. of State)

Augt. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Watson

On the State’s Accot.

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Select men of Boston

Consented to by Jno. White one of the Oversears}

1785 Augt. 29th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous James Ryan a Child

(on the state)

Augt. 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Bright

on the state

Pr. Ordor of Wm. Mackey, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears}

Augt. 24

Recd. into the Almshous daved Shay

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the oversears

Augt. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous James Perrin & wife

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. of by Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears}

Augt. 30

Recd. into the Almshous Marshel Thaxtor A boy 4 years old Next Novr.

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears

Augt. 27th.

Dischd. John McKinsie

on accot. State

Augt. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Polley Russell or Rosherou a Child 10 months Old

on the States Accot.

Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears of the poor

Septr. 1

Dischd. Lydia Whalon & George Whalon both Childn.

(on the State)

Septr. 1

Dischd. out of the Almshous Anna How & her Child


Augt. 27th.

Run Mary Harvey


do. Martha Mullens


Septr. 1

<dischd. out of the house Elizth. Henly & Child>

(on accot. state)

Septr. 5

dischd. out of the Almshous Lydia Marten

(on the town)


Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Thomas & Child

(on the town)

Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears

Augt. 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Morocco A Negero Woman

on the State

Pr. ordor of John Scolley, John Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the Oversears}

Augt. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Marthor Mullens

on the town Accot.

Pr. ordor of Isaac Smith one of the oversears

1785 Septr. 9th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Mary Swan

on the town

Augt. 25th.

Recd. into the Almhous Saml. Trescott

(on the State)

pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price, Wm. Mackay} Select men of Boston

Consented to by William Powell Esqr. Oversear

Septr. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Shaw

on the town

Pr. Ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears

Septr. 13

dischd. out of the Hous

Vose & 2 Childn.



<Recd. into

the Almshous

Marthor Mullen>

on the town


Recd. into


Sarah Richardson


Septr. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Fanney the daughtor of the wife Of Richd. Crouch

(on the State)

Pr. Ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Browne Esqr.} Select men of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears

Septr. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Marthor Symons

on the town’s Acct.

Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears

Septr. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Shaley

on the State Accot.

Pr. Ordor of Moses Grant} one of the Select men

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears

Septr. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous John Clark

(on the State accot.)

Pr. ordor of Wm. Mackey

} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of By Jno. White one of the Oversears

Septr: 21th.

Recd. Mary Colburn into the Almshous

(on the state Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Brown} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the Oversears

Septr. 22nd.

Dischd. Eliz. Ivers & Child

(on the state)


Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McKinzey

Pr. ordor of Ezek Price Esqr., Jno. Brown Esq} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears

Septr. 26th.

Recd. into Mary Cavenaugh

on the State

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears

1785 Septr. 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Backoon

on the Town

Pr. ordor of Josh. Webb Esqr. one of the overss.

Septr. 14

Recd. into the Almshous Christian Machen

(on the state Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scallay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears

Septr. 27

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Ferrill

(on the state Accot.)

Pr. Ordor of Moses Grant

} Sellectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq} one of the oversears

Octr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almhous Charles Austin

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, John Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears}

Octr. 3d.

Dischd. Deborah Howard


Octr. 3

Recd. into the Almshous Joshua Dutten


Octr. 6th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Rebecca Walli & Child Jno. [Cemeral?] Negero’s.


Octr. 6th.

Dischd. Eliz Hopkins & Child


<Octr. 6

dischd. Olive Giles A Negero>


Octr. 6

<dischd. Jame Mery,> Dischd. David Shea}


Octr. 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Lilburn

(on the state Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears

Dischd. out of the Almshous Thos. Farmer a boy


Octr. 11th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Marshel Thaxtor a boy


Septr. 13th.


Robt. Forbes

on the State



John Forbes

Octr. 12th.

Dischd. Wm. Tepote


Octr. 12

dischd. Olive Giles A Negero Womon & Child


Octr. 17th.

Run Thos. Rice & his wife


1785 Octr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Killey

(on Comm. Welth)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by

Octr. 22nd.

Recd. Into the Almshous Charles Fisher

(on Accot. of the state)

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price} one of the Selectmen of Boston

Consented to Pr. Jona. Mason} one of the Oversears

Octr. 24th.

dischd. John Thomas & Child


Octr. 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous Patty Gerrish

on the State

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears

Octr. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Curtis


Octr. 28th.

Ran away Rice 2 Children


Novr. 1th.

Dischd. Thos. Read

(on the state)

Novr. 1

Recd. into the Almshous Deborah Howard


Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell

Octr. 14th.

Received into the Almshous George Phillips


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scallay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Isaac Smith Esqr.} one of the oversears

Novr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Priscilla Hoobrok


pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears

[Nov.] 4

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Jerell


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears

Novr. 2nd.

dischd. Mary Shea


Omited in its proper place

Novr. 7th.

dischd. Ann Watson

(on the state)

dischd. Dennis Burns Octr. 22d.


Novr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Tabotha Oliver


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen of Boston

Aproved of By Saml. Whitwell one of the oversear

Novr. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jacob Normus (a Strainger)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Select men of Boston

Approved of By Mr. Saml. Whitwell} An oversear of the poor

1785 Novr. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Jebling


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears}

Novr. 10th.

Dischd. James Gorden a boy



Recd. into the Almshous Daniel Wakefield a Strainger


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears

Novr. 10th.

Sally White A Negero Woman

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Approoved of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the Oversears}

Novr. 6th.

Dischd. Robt. Lilman out of the Almshous

(on the state)


John Allen, Recd. him into the Almshous


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell one of the overss.

Novr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Love Henley

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to By Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears

Novr. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nichole Lucey

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. proctor Esqr. One of the oversears

Novr. 15th.

Recd. Wm. Harris into the Almshous


Pr. ordor of Jno. White, one of the Oversears

Novr. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Hunnewell & Wife


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctr. Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor

Novr. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Shea

(on the state)

Pr. order of John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackey} Selectmen of Boston

Apprd. of by Edwd. proctor One of the oversears


dischd. Charles dix Wallis a boy


Recd. into the Almshous Sucky Follens


Pr. order of Jona. L Auston one of the oversears

1785 Novr. 17

dischd. Negero Venus


Novr. 19th.

Dischd. Jno. Honewell & Wife



Recd. into the Almshous Mary Blake


pr. ordor Wm. Powell Esqr.


Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wood


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr. one of the oversears


Recd. Into the Almshous Elenor Morrison

on the state

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. of By Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears

Novr. 21

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Walnuck

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears}

Novr. 2nd.

Recd. into the Almshous Eleanor Hayley

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackey} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by John Sweetser Esq One of the Oversears}

Novr. 26

Dischd. Jno. Downey


Novr. 24

Dischd. Mary Shea


Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Fisher & Child


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of By Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears}

Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Frances Clarage


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jn Brown Esqr.} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears}


Recd. into the Almshous Negero Catey Hollond


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esq {one of the oversears

Novr. 23d.

Recd. Into the Almshous Ann Fovell

(on the state)

Pr. ordor Jno. Scollay Esqr. } Selectmen of Boston

Consented to the Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears

decr: 1st.

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Madden


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason One of the oversears}

1785 Decr. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Luce Russell A Negero

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scalley } Selectmen Boston

Agreed to by Isaac Smith} one of the oversears

Decr. 9

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Williams

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Ezek Price

} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason} one of the Oversears

Decr. 9

Recd. into the


Jno. Comorell A Molatto boy 2 1/2 years old





Olivll Gyles Aged 1 year old Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears

Decr. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Murchie A Strnr. [i.e., Stranger]

(State Accot.)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. by Edwd. proctor Es.} one of the Oversears

decr. 10th.

Dischd. Elenor Morrison out of the hous

Decr. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Lydia Marten & her Son Nathl.


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears


Dischd. Richd Kelley> A Mistake


decr. 9th.

Dischd. John Covell A boy bound to Mr. Stephen Salisbury



Run Sarah Nowell



Run Mrs.



Decr. 14

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah freeman And three Children


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Wm. Cunningham} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears}

Decr. 14

Recd. into the Almshous Lucy Haden & Child


Pr. ordor of John Sweetser} oversear

Decr. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Miller Pain A Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Wm. Cuningham} Selectmen of Boston

Approd. of by Edwd. Procter Esqr. One of the oversears}

Decr. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Morrison a Strainger


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Wm. Cuningham} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell} one of the Oversears

1785 decr: 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Garrow And her two Children

Pr. ordor of Moses Grant, Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears}

decr. 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Haney A Strainger


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esq} one of the oversears}

decr. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Lawrence


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Procter Esqr.} one of the oversears

Decr. 21st.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Lovring


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears

Decr. 21st.

Received into the H[ouse] Jno Hurley


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears

Decr. 23rd.

Recd. into the Almshous Flowrah Lewis & Child Negeros


Pr. ordor Mr. Saml. Whitwell (the oversears)

Decr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Partrick King a Strainger


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the Oversears

Decr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Katharina Crowley


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esq} oversear

Decr. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wyed} Wyed Never Came to the Almshouse


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.} one of the oversears}

Decr. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Oliver

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears

Jany. 2 1786

dischd. Danl. Waikfield


Jany. 4

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Lamb


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Henry Printes Oversear

Jany 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jane Perse


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Henry Printiss} one of the oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Mary FitzGerald


Mr. Saml Parkman one of The oversears

Jany. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Fullmore from in dublan


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moss. Grant} Selectmen

Appr. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears}

Jany. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Lewis Edwards 3 years old Aprl. Next

Pr. Ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears


Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Gardner


Pr. ordor of Saml. Parkman one of the Oversears of the poor

Jany. 10

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Roberts, His Son Joseph Agd. 11 years the 19th. Feby. Next, His daughter Pattey 7 years old the 4 day of June next}


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears

Jany. 11th.

Recd. into the

Almshous James a Negero Child




do. Clarrisa a Negero do.

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen of Boston

Apprd. of by Edwd. Procter Esqr. One of the Oversears}

Jany. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Hubbard born in England


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Wm. Mackay} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. of by Saml. Whitwell} one of the oversears

Jany. 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Randell a Child 4 years old


Pr. ordor of Wm. Mackay, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Jona. Mason} Oversear

Jany. 14

Recd. into the Almshous Rossanna A Negero Woman


Pr. ordor of Wm. Cunningham

} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Isaac Smith an oversear of the poor

Jany. 16th.

Dischd. Rebecca Hilburt


Decr. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Thompson a Boy 3 years old


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esq one of the oversears

Jany. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Harpley


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Wm. Mackay} Selectmen of Boston

Approd. of By E Proctor An Oversear

1786 Jany. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Harvey of Charlston

(on the State)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews

} Selectmen

Approv’d of By Isaac Smith Esqr.} an oversear

Jany. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thomas Thorp


Pr. Ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approed of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An Oversear}

Jany. 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Jones


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Swetser one of the Oversears

Jany. 26th.

Discharged William Curtes


Jany. 22d.




Jany. 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Ford with her Two Children}


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approved of by Jonathon Mason} one of the oversears

Jany. 26th.

Recd. into the Almshous Catharine Cook destetute of a home


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jno. Sweetser Esq} oversear of ward No. 11

Jany. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Marthor Sun the Child of a Strainger

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear

Feby. 9th.

Dischd. Saml. Roborts



Run Away Wm. Harris



Dischd. out of the Almshous Sarah Freeman & 3 Chiln.



Recd. into the Almshous James Cornish & Elizh. Cornish}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esqr. one of the oversears


Dischd. Jno. Comorel a Molatto Child

by ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews & Moses Grant} select men


Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Love a Strainger Sick

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen of Boston

Approd. of by Jno. White An oversear}

Feby. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Dinah Sergant a Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Select men of Boston

Approved of by Mr. H. Prentess an oversear

1786 Feby. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Snow An Indian & Child. Jest deld. of a Child in A barne


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Browne Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the Oversears

Feby. 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Covell in a distressd. Circums.


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Select Men of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears}

Feby. 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Bantom Phillips a Negero man


Pr. ordor of John Browne, Jno. Anrews} Select men

Consented to by Jona. Mason One of the Oversears

Feby. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Marthor Egerston


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. an oversear

March 1th.

Dischd. Jno. Clark a Sailer


Ditto Charles Auston A Ship carpendor


Feby. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous David Dennie

(Ireland a Seman)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

March 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Michael Comly (A German laboror)


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

March the 3d.

Recd. into the Almes House William A Negero Child 2 years old


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen one of the Oversears

March 4th.

Reced. into the Almes House Mary Pool

Pr. Order of John Scollay Esqr. Select Man of Boston

Consent’d to Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the Overseers

March 4th.

Run from the Almshous Robt. Lilman


March 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous fanny Clark


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason One of the oversears

March 10th.

dischd. Rosanna Bennet A Negro


1786 March 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Laufour A Frenchman


Pr. ordor of Wm. Cunningham

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jno. Sweetser} one of the Oversears

March 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Singclear a young man


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andrews, Jno. Scollay} Selectmen

Approved of by

March 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nelly Murry <of this town>


<Pr. ordor of John Sweetser Esqr. an oversear of the poor>

Wm. Cuningham

} Selectmen

Approved of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr.} an oversear of the poor

March 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous James Adams of this town 60 ys. of age

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the poor

March the 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Murphey A Sailer

(on the State)

Pr. ordor of Jno Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell} An Oversear

March 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Henry Williams belonging to New york state

Pr. ordor of Moses Grant

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor} an oversear

March 13th.

Discharged John Chaimbers


Run John Lamb do.


Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Waldo

(this town)

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq} an oversear

March 18th.

Recd. into the Abigal Lewis


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor. An Oversear

March 20

Recd. into the Almshous Rosanna Bennet A Negero

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Wm. Phillips

March 21

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. King

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to Wm. Phillips An Oversear

March 21

[Dis]charged Nichs. Lacey


March 23d.

Dischd. Saml. Trescott


March 24

Recd. into the Almshous Cornelos OBryan Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esq} Select Men

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq} one of the oversears

1786 March 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Sloan & Child


Pr. Ordor of Henry Prentiss one of the Oversears of the poor

March 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Kelley


Pr. ordor of Moses Grant

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq} an oversear

March 27th.

Dischd. Partrick Shanley


March 27th.

Dischd. Elizh. Sloan & Child


March 28

Recd. Into the Almshous Wm. Prichard


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear

Aprl. 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Polley <Kelly> Tilley & Child


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approd. of by Wm. Phillips Esq One of the Oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Wattson

(on the State)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq} an oversear

Aprl. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Shee & Child

(on the state)

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Moses Grant} Selectmen of Boston

Apprvd. of by Edwd. Proctor An Oversear of the poor

Aprl. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Jones


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Apprvd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the Oversears of the poor

Aprl. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willet a boy


Pr. ordor of Edwd. proctor Esq An oversear of the poor

Aprl. 6th.

Dischd. Wm. Meloney a boy bound out


Aprl. 11

Dischd. <Mary> Elizh. Fisher & Child


do. Jno. Killey



do. John Laufour


Run, Benjn. Singclear

1786 Aprl. 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Christia of the Kingdom of Ireland}

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andews, Moses Grant} Selectmen


Approvd. of By Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears

Aprl. 12

Dischd. John Hany a German


Aprl. 12

Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Howes A Child


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scalley Esqr. } Selectmen

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scalley Esqr. } Selectmen

Approved of by Wm. Phillips Esqr.

Aprl. 12th.


Lucey Haden & Child (they belong to Waltham)



Mary Pool


Feby. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Hayley Borne in this hous Of Elenor Haley who Came into the hous the Second Novr. 2d. 1786}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Browne} Selectmen

Consented to by Wm. Philips Esqr. An oversear}

Aprl. 12th.

Receved into the Almshous John Breton

(Sailer on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Browne} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear

Aprl. 12

dischd. Frances Clarrage


Saml. Murfey Bound out to Danl. Waldo of Wocestor


Aprl. 17

Dischd. Benjn. Waldo


Aprl. 17th.

Dischd. John Gardenor a Carver by trade


Apr 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Ivies & her Child Caled Elizh. forstor born in this hous the 4th. May 1785}


Pr. ordor of John Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Isaac Smith an oversear

Aprl. 17

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Gambel a Negero have ben hear Eversence the 3d. feby. 1786.

on the state a/c

Pr. ordor Jno. Scollay Esq., Ezekell Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason One of the oversears

Aprl. 27

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Burt


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr., Oversear

1786 Aprl. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Mary the wife of Saml. Pool And her Three

Children Viz Samuel, Eliz, Polley}

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear

Aprl. 26th.

Run Mary Whitman



Run Ann Gorden & Child


1786 Aprl. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Williams a Englishman


Pr. ordor Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq, Oversear

Aprl. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Catherina Oliver; ten years of Age the 26th. July 1786


Pr. order of John Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Select Men

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears

Aprl. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous John Hews an Englishman A Sailer


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by

May 1th.

Received into the Almshous Thos. Smith a Native of Ireland

Pr. ordor of Jno. Brown

} Selectmen

Consented to Pr. Jona. Mason} one of the oversears

May 2nd.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Gorden A Child Six years of Age the

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq} an oversear

May 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Seagrave


Pr. Edwd. Proctor Esq An Oversear

Dischd. James Tranholm Aprl. 10th.

May 8th.

Received into the Almshous Jno. Haney A German


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

May 12

dischd. Henry Williams


May 13

Dischd. John Haney


Ann Watson do.

<Elenor Morrison & Child>



Lewis Edwards a Child


Thomas Cross


1786 May 19th.

dischd. Bantom Philips


May 19th.

Reced. into the Almshous Patrick Shandy a Irishman & a Shoe maker about 35 years old

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen of Boston

Approvd of By Edwd. proctor Esqr. An Oversear

May 20

Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Baldrage


Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman

May 22nd.

Dischd. out of the


Mary Singclear




Partrick Christey


May 23

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Harris


Pr. order of Mr. Edwd. Proctor a oversear

May 30th.

Dischd. Mary Wainwood


<June 1

Dischd. Olive a negero Child> Returnd into the hous}


do. 3

do. Estor ford, bound out


June 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Graves A Sailer

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear}

June 4

Dischd. John Huse

June the 9th.

Dischd. Sarah Myers from the Almshous

June 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Curtis A Carpendor Borne In this towne

Pr. Ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq An Oversear

June 10th.

Run Thos. Graves


June 12th.

Dischd. Mathew Sun A Child


June 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Swan


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen A oversear

June 12

Recd. into the Almshous Eunice Vose And 2 Children

Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell An oversear

June 13

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Poole


Pr. Ordor of John Scolley Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Select men of Boston

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor An Oversear of the poor

June 14th.

dischd. Ann Gorden a Child

June 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Colster A Child 27 Months old

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Select men

Consented to By Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears

1786 June 19th.

Recd. Olive A Negro woman into the Almshous


Pr. Ordor of John Scollay Esqr., Wm. Cuningham} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of by Saml. Parkman An oversear of the poor

June 20th.

Dischd. Thos. Lawrance


Dischd. John McKinzie


June 20th.

Negero Rosanna’s Child



Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Thos. Walley} Selectmen of Boston

Approved of By Saml. Parkman One of the oversears

June 21st.

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Colton

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of John Scollay, Thos. Walley} Selectmen of Boston

Consented to by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears

June 21st.

dischd. Jno. & Wm. Ross two Boys

(on the state)

June 23

Mary Covel Bound out to Thos. Child of falmouth County. Cumbd. [i.e., Cumberland]


June 24th.

Dischd. <Abigal> Mrs. Forbes & 2 Children


June 25th.

Dischd. Mary Shea Alis Brown with her 2 Children. Sent to Salem by A Warrant from Josh. Greenleaf Esqr} [hear] Suppd. to be Shea’s wife

(on the state)

Willm. Curtis Ran A way


June 27th.

Recd. Into the Almshous Hugh Smith a laborough


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear of the poor

June 27th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Flowrah Lewis A Negero


June 28th.

Dischd. Rebecca Baldrage


June 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Wheler


Pr. Ordor of Wm. Phillips an oversear

June 30

Dischd. Wm. Pricherd of this town.

July 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ruben Gorham


Pr. ordor of Jno. Brown Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Wm Powell Esqr.} An oversear

June 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wier An inhabent of Charlstown


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of By Wm. Powell An oversear

1786 July 3d.


out of the

Almshous James Mory




do. Elenor Haley & Child


June 15

Recd. into the Almshous Charles De St. Prie two years And three months old}


Pr. ordor of Moses Grant, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approvd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the poor}

July 6th.

Dischd. Joseph Lewis


ditto Sarah Dockum



Jannah McKinzie & Child


July 8th.

<Dischd.> Richd. Hubbard Run


July 8th.

<Dischd.> Ann Gibling Run


July 9th.

Dischd. John Bretton


July 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Coller Castle


Pr. Ordor of Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor

July 10

Dischd. Deborah Hurley


July 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Tragence And Wm. Tragence 2 Boys}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. by Edwd. procter An oversear

July 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Bathaw


Pr. ordor of Ezel. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr.} An oversear

July 13th.

Recd. into the Almshou James Mory


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An Oversear}

July 13

Recd. into the Elizh. Damry—with her two Childn.

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An Oversear}

July 13th.

Dischd. Michal Comley


July 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Bright A Child


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq An Oversear of the poor

1786 July 15

Recd. into the Almshous James Fitzgerald


Pr. order of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear}

July 15th.

Dischd. Mary Garrow & 2 Children


July 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Lucy Haden & Child


Pr. Ordor of Jnoa. Mason, An oversear

July 25

Recd. into the Almshous Hipsibath Atkins


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 26th.

Recd. into the Almshous Michl. Comerly—German


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Moses Grant} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor An oversear

July 30th.

Dischd. Saml. Covel



George Hurley a boy Bound out



dischd. Richard Crouch


July 30th.

dischd. Nelle Murry


July 31th.

Recd. into the Almshous James Ferrill a Englishman


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 31th.

Recd. into the Almshous Matthew Sun A Child


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears}

Augt. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Brown


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell (an oversear)

Augt. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. George a Negero


Pr. ordor of J. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor An oversear}

Augt. 5th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Benjn. Bignall


Augt. 3d.

William Sharp Run

Augt. 7th.

Dischd. Mary Brown



Dischd. Marthor Symons


Recd. into the Almshous & dischd. out of it Vizt.


Recd. into Christopher Foye Augt. 9th.


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews & Jno. Scollay} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.

Augt. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Betsey daughter of Eliz Colter


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Wm. Powell Esq An oversear of the poor

Augt. 8th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Eliz Bright a Child


Augt. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Foster a Child, Elizh. Ivers}


Pr. Ordor of Moses Grant

} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear

Augt. 11

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Cornish


Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser One of the Oversears

Augt. 12

Run Hipsibah Atkins


Augt. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Sloan from the Workhous


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell an oversear

Augt. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Peggy Bowle & Child


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Consented by Wm. Powell Esq An oversear

Augt. 16.

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Stewart


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca & Suckey Edes. Rebecca 9 years old, Suckey 4 do. [i.e., years old]

Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esqr. An oversear of the poor

Agt. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Anna Whitman


Pr. ordor of Saml. Parkman An oversear of the poor

Augt. 18th.

Dischd. James Mory to the County Gole


Augt. 22

Dischd. Olive a Negero Woman


Augt. 29

Dischd. Rebeckah Edes by ordor of Mr. Heny. Prentis


Augt. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Salley Mason


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor an oversear

People Recd. into the Almshous & dischd. out of it Viz.

Augt. 25th.

Rosanna Bennet & Child Run Negeros


Augt. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Whittle


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Pproctor Esq. An oversear

Augt. 31th.

dischd. out of the Almshous Suckey Edes a Child by directions of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears}


Septr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous John Driscoll laboror


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Approd. of by Henry Prentis An oversear of the poor

Septr. 4

Dischd. Olive A Negero Child


Dischd. Willm. Oliver


Septr. 5th.

Dischd. Jno. Driscoll


Septr. 7th.

Katharina oliver Run


Septr. 8th.

James White a Negero boy bound out


Septr. 9

Recd. into the Almshous Charles Johnson of the state Nw. York


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Appd. of By Edwd. Proctor An oversear of the poor}

Septr. 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willit & Wife

(of Boston)

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq. An oversear

Septr. 27


out of the Almshous Jno. Willet



Margrat Love


Septr. 28

Dischd. David Dennie


Septr. 28

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Moran

Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White an oversear of the poor

Septr. 30th.

Received into the Almshous Fanney Pond


Pr. ordor of Isaac Smith Esqr. An Oversear

Septr. 30th.

Discharged Wm. Going A Melatto Boy bound to Jeremiah Smith Boice of Milton


Octr. 3

dischd. Thomas Whittle A Seman

Octr. 5

dischd. Fanney Pond


ditto Mary Moran


do. Lucy Haden


Run Salley Mason


1786 Octr. 4

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Lues & Sarah his wife


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay & Jno. Andrews

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell

Octr. 5th.

Received Mary St. Clear into the Almshous


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay & Jno. Andrews Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell an oversear

Octr. 9th.

<Dischd.> […]2


Octr. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Whitman


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell an oversear

Octr. 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Sisk


Pr. Ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell an oversear of the poor

Octr. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Polley Roberts & Son


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell An oversear of the poor

Octr. 16th

Recd. into the Almshous Leonard Shermon Sailer


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Saml. Whitwell an oversear of the poor

Octr. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Whitman


Pr. ordor of Jona. L. Auston an oversear

Octr. 16th.

Ann Whitman Run


Octr. 21

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Bannister of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Select men

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor An Oversear}

Octr. 21st.

Elizh. Shean Run


Octr. 20

Recd. into the Almshous Jane Russell


Pr. ordor of Wm. Cuningham, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of By Mr. Jno. White An oversear of the poor

Octr. 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Lynes of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Select men

Approvd. of By Edwd. Proctor An Oveesear of the poor

Octr. 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Jackson of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen

Approvd. of By Saml. Whitwell An oversear of the poor

Octr. 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous Frances Pond


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White an oversear of the poor

1786 Oct 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Dotson Williams


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr. An oversear

Octr. 31th.

Recd. into the Almshous Cato Sears a Negero


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell An Oversear

Novr. 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Timothy Gwire


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Andrews, Thomas Walley} Selectmen

Approvd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear

Novr. 1

Dischd. Mary Jones & Child


Novr. 2.

Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Demey from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor An oversear of the poor

Novr. 3

Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Baldrage


Pr. ordor Saml. Parkman An Oversear

Novr. 4

Dischd. Kitte Mory


Novr. 7

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Ward


Pr. ordor of Jno. White an oversear

Novr. 9th.

Dischd. William Banester


Novr. 9

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Farrell from Ireland


Pr. ordor of John Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear}

Novr. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Alce Southwick


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. An Oversear}

Novr. 10th.

Received into the Almshous Gerret Fitz Gerrald


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. An Oversear

Novr. 10

Reced. into the Almshous Jane Dorris of Scotland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. An oversear of the poor

1786 Novr. 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Durphy of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell An oversear

Novr. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Abraham Savay No Inhabent of Aney town in the United States

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Select Men

Approvd. of by Wm. Powell Esq An oversear

Novr. 20th.

Recd. Dennis Cavenaugh into the Almshous late of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jon. Andrews, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jona. L. Austen Oversear in ward No. 7

Novr. 23

Recd. Benj. Gold into the Almshous


Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser an Oversear

Novr. 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Legalley with her four Childn. As follows Polly, John, Richd. & Bill on the


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Brown Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell An oversear of the poor}

Note. Both this Woman & her Husband Came from Jersie in 1773.

Novr. 22

Recd. Into the Almshous Michal Cassedy & his Wife Ketherina


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear

Novr. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Allenson


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses grant} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. proctor An oversear of the poor

Novr. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Lawrance Widow of Thomas Lawrance, She was Born in Charlstown And Came hear about 12 years agoo As She Saith & her Child

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Jno. White An Oversear

Novr. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willet


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. an oversear

Novr. 27

Recd. into the Almshous Pegey Carton


Pr. ordor Edwd. Proctor Esqr. an oversear

Novr. 27

dischd. Jno. Willet to the workhous


Novr. 27

Recd. into the Almshous

1786 Novr. 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous 2 Childn. Viz. Loveby Cowling five Years old And Betsey Cowling 3 years old on the


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Cuningham} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. procter Esqr. An oversear

Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Ratford


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Select Men

Approd. of by Jona. L Austen An oversear

Novr. 29

Recd. into the Almshous     Brockhous


Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esq An oversear

Novr. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Cowling


Pr. ordor of John Scollay, Thos. Walley} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear

decr. 2d.

Dischd. Abigal Snow out of the Almshous


decr. 2

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wakefield & Child


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell An oversear of the poor

Decr. 5th.

Dischd. Alce Southwick


Decr. 6th.

Dischd. Francis Pond


Decr. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Luce A Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approved of By Benjn. Eads An oversear

Decr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Barry


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Brown} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell An oversear

Decr. 9

Recd. into the Almshous Rich Crouch


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. proctor an oversear

Decr. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Stone


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. an Oversear

Decr. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Eve Straines of Jarmony


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Saml. Whitwell An oversear

1786 Decr. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Hubbard an


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor An oversear of the poor

Decr. 16

Recd. into the Almshous Theode. Kingsbury

on the state

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. an oversear

Decr. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Roberts


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell E[sq.] An oversear of the poor

Decr. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Cross


Pr. ordor of Jno. White, an oversear

Decr. 18th.

Dischd. Theader Kingsbury


Decr. 20th.

Dischd. Brockhous


Dischd. Betsey Poole bound out


Decr. 20

Recd. into the Almshous Hipsibah Steward


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor An oversear}

Decr. 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wheler of this town

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor An oversear

Decr. 20

Recd. into the Almshous Vilet Maddison A Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of By Isaac Smith An oversear

Decr. 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. demry An Englishman


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor An oversear

Decr. 22

Recd. into the Almshous A Negero Child about one Month old

Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell an oversear

Decr. 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Low of this town

Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell an oversear

Decr. 27

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Kelley from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Ezek Price} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jon. white An oversear}

Decr. 25th.

Mary Ratford Run


1786 Decr. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Wallis


Pr. ordor of Moses Grant, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor An Oversear of the poor

Dec. 28

Dischd. Cato Sears a Negero


Decr. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Raymond a Child Three years of age}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Jno. Sweetser An oversear

Decr. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Robarts


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White an Oversear

1787 Jany. 2

Recd. into the Almshous Daniel Pierce


Pr. ordor of Ezek. Price

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason An oversear

Jany. 5th.

Dischd. Thos. Jackson


Jany. 6

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Burford


Pr. ordor of Henry Prentes

Jany. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Winter


Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell An oversear

Jany. 8th.

dischd. James Warren bound to Jacob Weld


Jany. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Neomey McCleas


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley} Selectmen

Approved of by Mr. Jno. White An oversear of the poor

Jany. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Katy Simons borne in Ireland


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell An Oversear

Jany. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous A Mallato Child Picked up In Summor Streat, we have Called it Clarica}


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Jany. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Lovell of this town

Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell

1787 Jany. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mathew Salter of halifax


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Select Men

approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell an oversear of the poor

Jany. 18th.

Dischd. Benoney Harris Champlen A boy bound out


Jany. 17

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Sun a Garl 7 years old the 10th. day of apr. Next}


Pr. ordor Mr. Edwd. Tiler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Parkman An oversear

Jany. 19th.

dischd. out of the Almshous Vilet Madding A Negero woman


Jany. 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Penate Lagone


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price, Jno. Brown} Selectmen

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell an oversear

Jany. 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous John Mayhew A frenchman


Pr. ordor of Moses Grant

} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear of the poor

Jany. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Stevens


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of By Saml. Parkman An oversear of the poor

Jany. 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous David Mengomery A Native Of Scotland Came into this Contry A britis Solder

(on the state)

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor An Oversear of the poor

Jany. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous David Jones A Welch man


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor An oversear of the poor

Jany. 27th.

Recd. Ruben Snow of the <Kingm. of Ireland> Borne at Woborn into the Almshouse


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor An oversear

Jany. 27

Recd. Meriah A Negero Woman into the Almshous

Pr. ordor of J Loring Austen One of the oversears

Jany. 27

Recd. into the Almshous Catherine Moy


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Edwd. Tyler} 2 Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor An oversear

1787 Jany.

29 Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Hall of Ireland a Gardiner


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tiler, Wm. Cuningham} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An Oversear of the poor

Jany. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Betsey Tevet Nine years of age The 20th. June 1787


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear of the poor

Feby. 3d.

Dischd. Nancey Sisk & Child


Feby. 6th.

Dischd. Nathl. Low out of the Almshous


Feby. 6

Recd. into the Almshous David Adams


Pr. ordor of Edwd. proctor one of the oversears

Feby. 7th

Recd. into the Almshous Adam Roof A German a Stocking wever}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear

Feby. 7th.

Recd. into the Alms Hous Betsy Wier A Mallatto & her 2 Children the oldest is 6 years old Novr. 14th. 1787


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Moses Grant} Selectmen

Approd. of by <Henry Prentis> Jona. L. Austen One of the Oversears

Feby. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Corbet & her two Childn. James year old, Thos. years


Pr. ordor of Mr. Henry Prentess An oversear of the poor

Feby. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thomas Buckley of Grate Brittan


Pr. ordor of Harbo. Dorr, Wm. Cuningham} selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the Oversears of the poor}

Augt. 31th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wadle


Pr. ordor of John Scollay Esqr., Edwd. Tyler} Select Men

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell An oversear

(this Wadley was hear by the Name of Swan for More than on year Not knoing that She was A Married woman)

Feby. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous one Flora A Negero woman


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Thos. Walley Esq} Select Men

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear

Feby. 12th.

Dischd. John Lynes


Feby. 16th.

Recd. into the almshous Samson Brown A Negero

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Edwd. Tyler} selectmen

Approvd. of by Jno. Sweetser An oversear of the poor

1787 Feby. 21th.

Dischd. Jno. Legalley a boy bound out


Feby. 21

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Jackson a Scoth. Sailer


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews

} Selectmen

Approvd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq

<Feby. 22

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Gardner


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews

} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor, An oversear>

Feby. 23

Recd. into the Almshous York Larrabe A Negero


Pr. ordor of John Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. by Mr. Henry Prentiss one of the Oversears of the poor

Feby. 22d.

Dischd. Margrat Kelley


Feby. 24

Recd. into the Almshous James Pike


Pr. ordor of Willm. Powell

Feby. 22

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Gardiner


Pr. ordor of Isaac Smith An oversear of the poor

Feby. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Robert Kelley


Pr. ordor of Wm. Phillips Esqr. one of the Oversears

March 1st.

Richd. Crouch Run


March 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Becky Capron


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin One of the oversears of the poor

March 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wright and her three Children Elizh., Salley & John


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Edwd. Tyler} Select Men

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear of the poor

March 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Lee of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews} Select Men

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears}

March 7th.

<Dischd. Wm. Hall> a mistake



do. Mathew Salter



do. Wm. Atkeson

March 12

Dischd. Michel Casady & wife


March 13th.

Dischd. John Mayhew a french man

March 1

Recd. into the Almshous Kate Simons Child Caled

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Jno. Walley} Select Men

Approd. of by

1787 March 15

Dischd. Beckey Capron of Cape Ann


March 20

Dischd. Richd. Hubbard


March 21

Dischd. Nancy Lovell


March 23d.

Mary Burford Run


March 26

dischd. Richd. Demry, Eliz Demry & there 2 Childn.


Dischd. Catharina Crowley—all went Halifax


March 26

Dischd. Thomas Ferrell


March 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Henry Williams A Irishman


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear}

March 20

Recd. into the Almshous Patty Roberts Eight years old The 8th. June Next}


Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell an oversear of the poor

March 30th.

Discharged Patty Garish


March 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ceasar Merrill a Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

March 31th.

Dischd. Timothy Gwier


Aprl. 1th.

Dischd. Margrat Boule & her Child


Aprl. 2

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Benjn. & her Child


Pr. Ordor of Mr. Jona. L Austin an oversear of the poor

Aprl. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Phillips a Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell An oversear

Aprl. 4th.

Dischd. Nathl. Marten


Dischd. Mary Richardson


Aprl. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Crafts


Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esq An oversear of the poor

1787 Aprl. 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Roger Merithew & wife And Child


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. of by Wm. Powell Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

Aprl. 7

Margrat Lee Run


Aprl. 9th.

Dischd. William Jackson A Scotesh Sayler


Aprl. 10

Dischd. Wm. Durphey—90 years old as he saith


Aprl. 11

Dischd. Eliz Sun A Child pr. ordor Jno. Scollay Esqr.


Aprl. 14th.

Dischd. Isaac Corbet bound out


Aprl. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Flyn & Eliz his wife


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Ebenr. Sever} Select Men

approd. of by one of the oversears of the poor

Aprl. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Gaml. Wallis

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Wm. Powell Esqr. An oversear of the poor

Aprl. 16th.

Dischd. David Mongomery


Aprl. 17th.

Dischd. Eliz Flyn & Thos. Jackson


Aprl. 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous James Phillips

Pr. ordor of Mr. John Codman Junr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Aprl. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Star & 4 Children


Pr. ordor of J Lorg. Austin one of the oversears of the poor

April 23d.

Dischd. Leonard Shermon


Aprl. 21

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Matthews his wife & Child


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

approvd. of by Saml. Parkman An Oversear of the poor

Aprl. 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Peter Salvetear a Spaniard


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. proctor An oversear of the poor

Aprl. 25th.

Dischd. <Elizh S[…]> Mary Crafts


Aprl. 24th.

Recd. into The Almshous Nelly Haley


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

approd. of by Jno. Sweetser an oversear of the poor

1787 Aprl. 28th.

dischd. Deborah Howard


Aprl. 30

dischd. Henry Williams


May 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Peter McGwier


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor an oversear of the poor

May 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Deborah Howard


Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor

May 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Esther Baker


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason one of the oversears

Aprl. 30th.

Dischd. James Ferrell


May 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Edmond Hiffernan of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Select Men

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

May 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Huegh McPherson his Wife & Child


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by

One of the oversears

May 7th.


Joseph Penete An Etallion



Cate Simons & Child


May 7th.

Dischd. Hugh McPherson his Wife & Child


May 11

Dischd. Peggey Gallison borne at Marbelhed bound Out


May 12

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Blackman


Pr. ordor of Jno. Codman Junr. one of the oversears of the poor

May 14th.

Recd. Jno. Jacobson into the Almshous

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr.}

May 12th.

Dischd. Fanny Clark


May 15th.

Run Susanna Wallis state

May 16

Recd. into the Almshous Archibald McCowen Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews     } Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears of the poor}

Dischd. Ruben Snow May 16th.


1787 May 17

Dischd. Sarah Lovering


May 18th.

Dischd. Joseph Lewis a frenchman


May 18

Dischd. Wm. Mathews his Wife & Child


ditto Mary Wakefield & Child


May 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Hiett


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason An oversear of the poor}

May 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Riordon


Pr. Ordor of Mr. Jno. White One of the Oversears of the poor

May 23d.

Dischd. Nelley Haley


May 28th.

Run <Tho Heitt> Archabel McCowen


May 29th.

<Recd. into the Almshous Jn Pappoon borne of Elenor hale

Pr. order of Saml. Whittwell one of the oversears of the poor>

May 28

dischd. Ann Fovell on the State}

May 29

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. papoon borne in this hous of Elenor haley of halifax

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approved of by Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears

May 29

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Haney on accot. of the state

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Thomas Walley} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears of the poor

May 31st.

Recd. Peggey Bowles & Child into the Almshous on the Accot. of the state

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

approvd. of by Edwd. Proctr. Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

June 2

Recd. into the Almshous Polley Jones & <daug> Child

Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor

June 9th.


Ruben Gorham

all on the State


Wm. Harpley


Jno. Jacobson

1787 June 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mrs. Ann Payson


Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

June 12th.

Dischd. Joseph Mooyd


June 14th.

Dischd. Mary Covell & her two Children


June 15th.

Discharged Peggy Castor


June 19th.

Dischd. Mary Pool—the wife of Saml. Poole


June 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Vilot Gardenor & Child Negero


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Select Men

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the Poor

June 20th.

Dischd. Susanna Cowling & her two Children


June 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Deborah Canser from Bridgwater but Belongs to Marshfeild

Pr. Ordor of Henry Hill Esq One of the oversears of the poor

June 27th.

Dischd. Thomas Smith (1 Eye)


ditto Thomas Hiatt


June 28th.

Dischd. Peter Salvetear a Spanyard


June 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Ives & Mehetable Wilds


Pr. ordor of Ezek Price & Jno. Scollay Selectmen

Mr. Jno. White an oversear of the Poor

July 2d.

dischd. Polley Roberts and Son


July 2d.

dischd. James Pike


July 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Daniel Mors


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price, one of the Selectmen

approd. by Mr. Saml. Whitwell

July 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Agnes Should be Nancey And not Agness Dixey


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen one of the oversears of the poor

July 9th.

Dischd. Edwd. Smith


July 11

Elizh. Ives Run


July 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Welch


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen Esq One of the Oversears of the poor

1787 July 12

Dischd. Betsey Tevet bound out


July 12

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Watts


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears of the poor

June 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Hubbard a Brittan


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrewis, Wm. Boardman} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears &c

July 12th.

Dischd. Richd. Hubbard


July 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous John Chaimbers


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor

July 17th.

Dischd. Mehetable Wilds


March 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Sample


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears of the poor

May 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Fulker


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor

July 18th.

Dischd. Mary Garrell


July 10th.

Ann Sample Run



Dischd. Ann Fovell


July 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Black from Nwfoundland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of By Jno. Sweetser One of the oversears of the poor

July 20th.

Dischd. Peter McGwier


July 23

Recd. into the Almshous James Cuningham 15 years old


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Jno. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approved of by Edwd. Edes one of the Oversears of the poor

July 21

Recd. into the Almshous Frances Clarrage


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectman

Approd. of By Wm. Powell Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

July 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Lydia Farnum


Pr. ordor of Isaac Smith Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

July 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Anna Antine


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White One of the oversears of the poor

July 28th.

Frances Clarage Run


July 28th.

James Cuningham Run


Augt. 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Phillips


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. One of the oversears of the poor

Augt. 2d.

Dischd. James Osborn a boy Bound out


Augt. 2d.

Ann Corbet Run

Augt. 4

Dischd. Josh., Elizh. & Lydia Goodrage Mrs. Star’s three Childn. Sent to Beverly—as the laws direct

(Townes Expence)

Augt. 6

Recd. into the Almshous Mathew Riodan, Thos. Carton, Mary Hanegan, Betsey McGim, & Katharina McMehan

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears of the poor

Augt. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous James Calehan A Seman


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Jno. Scollay Esq.} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Augt. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Peggy Higgins from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr., One of the Oversears of the Poor

Augt. 8th.

Dischd. Thos. Carton


Mathew Rioden, Betsey McGim, Mary Hanegin & Katharina


All the States

Augt. 10th.

Dischd. Thos. Corbet a boy


Augt. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Moses McGrath of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Augt. 10th.

Edwd. Hafferon Run


1787 Augt. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thomas Branden from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

<Augt. 11th.

Dischd. Mary Benjman who Came into the Almshous Aprl. 2d. 1787 (She Returnd the Next Morning the 12th.>

June 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary McCurdy


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Moses Grant} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears of the poor}

Augt. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Henry Croach A German


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Gardiner


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Augt. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Peter Phillips from Canady


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr. Jno. White One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous George Davis 14 Months old


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 21st.

Recd. into the Almshous William Preehard


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr. one of the Oversears of the poor

Augt. 2[4]th.

Jane Russell Run


Augt. 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Moeed


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Gerrell


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Duncalf


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Willm. Boardman} Selectmen

[Appr]od. by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor

<1787 Sept. 3d.

Recd. Sarah Ears into the Almshous


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctr. Esqr. one of the oversears>

See below on the State accot—Sary Smith & Not Ears

Septr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Charles Cathan of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Septr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Jackson


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Septr. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Carney of waterford


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. proctor Esqr. An Oversear of the poor

Septr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Allanor ODowling a Irish woman


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Select men

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear of the poor

<Septr. 12th.

Hannah McKinzie And Child Run


Septr. 15th.

Dischd. Allinor ODowling An Irish woman


Septr. 17th.

Dischd. Ann Antine


Septr. 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Coes of danvers


Pr. Ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Septr. 18th.

Peggy Higgings Run


Septr. 19th.

Dischd. Peter Phillips a frenchman


Septr. 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jack A Negeroman


Pr. ordor Mr. Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Wm. Powell An oversear of the poor}

Septr. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Kipping


Pr. ordor of Harbottel Dorr, Mr. Jno. Andrews } Selectmen

Approd. by Jno. White One of the Oversears of the poor}

Octr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous John McGough of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Select Men

Cosented to by Jonathon Mason Esq One of the Oversears of the poor}

Octr. 6th. 1787

Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Stone


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the Poor

Octr. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Catharina Symons & her Female Child}


Pr. ordor of John Andrews Eqr., Wm. Bordman Esqr.} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Octr. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Slone (out of the work hous)


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Sweetser One of the oversears of the poor

Octr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wakefield


Pr. ordor of John Sweetser Esq one of the oversears of the poor

Octr. 13th.

Discharged Roger Merewthew his Wife & Child And kept them one weak on the books to pay the Cost of the Provetions Provided for there passage home


Octr. 17

Recd. into the Almshous Timothy Gwier of Ireland


Pr. Ordor of John Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq} an oversear

Octr. 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous James Roberts A boy was 6 years old the 30 July 1787


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen an oversear

Septr. 26th.

Recd. into the Almshous Phillis A Negero Woman


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

approvd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman An oversear of the poor

Octr. 16

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz. Robertson


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman, An oversear of the poor

Octr. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Moffatt


Pr. Ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Octo. 18

Recd. into the Almshous Venus Stanney a Negero woman


Pr. ordor of Ezekel Price Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Mr. Jno. White One of the oversears the poor}

Octr. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Brown


Pr. ordor of Ezel. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

approvd. of by Jonathan Mason} one of the oversears

Octr. 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Nabby Lewis


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr. An Oversear

Octr. 23

dischd. Mary Browne


Octr. 24

Recd. into the Almshous Kate Storer An Negero


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

15 years old the 15th. Aprl. 1787

Octr. 24

Dischd. out of the Almshous Robert Kelley


Octr. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Harpley


Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor

Octr. 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Whittel


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Octr. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Kezia Chaffey


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Select men

Consented to by Mr. Jno. White an oversear}

Octr. 28

Sarah Jackson Run


Octr. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Ratton & wife


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of By Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears}

Octr. 31

Received into the Almshous Richd. Colbert


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jn Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the Oversears}

Novr. 1th.

Elizh. Dunker 8 years of age Run


Novr. 4

Elizh. Wright Run

Novr. 7th.

Recd. into The Almshous Ann Payson


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Novr. 4

dischd. Polley Legalley bound out


Novr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Bothesley A frenchman


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Jno. Wolley} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversears of the poor

Novr. 22th. 1787

<Morrison Run



Saml […] Dischd.

Robt. […] do.

Novr. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Pain


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor

Novr. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshouse Partrick Drummond


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Pordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears}

July 23d.

Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Turpen


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White An oversear of the poor

Novr. 15th.

Dischd. James Roberts a boy Bound out

Novr. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Willm. Durphy


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Boardman} Selectmen

approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Novr. 19th.

Dischd. Partrick Drummond


Novr. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous Lydia Hogetts


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the Oversears}

<Novr. 24th.

Dischd. Betsey Wier A Negero Girl bound out


Novr. 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous Marthor Conner


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Novr. 26th.

Reced. into the Almshous Elizh. Smith & William Her Son 2 ½years old

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Boardman} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears

Novr. 26th.

Reced. into the Almshous Margrat Leigh


Pr. ordor of Jno. Anrews, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

Novr. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Smurdock Campbell


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Burford


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor

Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McKinzie


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Jno. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears}

Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous James McCormick from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Novr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Willm. Sharp & wife


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select Men}

Consented to by Mr. Jno. Codman One of the oversears of the poor}

Novr. 30

Dischd. Molley Watts


Decr. 1

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Barns


Pr. ordor of Jno. White, an oversear

Decr. 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Williams

Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Novr. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Horn


Pr. ordor of Ezel. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears}

Decr. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Merian Serle A Negero


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Decr. 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Eddy his wife Judath Eddy & Thankfull Eddy with four Childn. Viz Sibdal 10 years old, Barsalel 7 years old, Luther 6 do. [i.e., years old], Eunice 3 do. [i.e., years old]

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. Oversear of the poor

Decr. 6th.

Dischd. 2 of Mrs. Wrights Children


1787 Decr. 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Wallace


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Willm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Decr. 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jane Russell


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Jno. Scollay Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. Oversear of the poor}

Decr. 8

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Walnock


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear of the poor}

December 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Henry Kendell & Ruth his Wife

Pr. ordor of Ezek Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Decr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary the wife of Willm. Pryer


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears}

Decr. 12

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Berry


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the Oversears of the poor}

Decr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Milliken


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor} oversear

Decr. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. More


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approvd. of by Mr. Jona. L. Auston one of the oversears of the poor

<Decr. 13th.

Run Judath Eddy 17 years of age


Returnd. the Next […]>

Decr. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Alice Stoddar


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White (oversear)

Decr. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Delaney & her Child


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price, Mr. Wm. Bordman} selectmen

Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Decr. 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Legalley

Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

1787 Decr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Loring of this


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Decr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Leachman


Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Decr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous John durphy of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Decr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Hipzibah Atkins


Pr. ordor of Jno. White} oversear

Decr, 21

Recd. into The Almshous Jno. Williams he must be Taken Care of where he is until he Can be Movd.


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Decr. 18th.

<Ann [Ryan] Run>


Decr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous Timothy Brown a Clargeman


Pr. Ordor of Mr. Jno. Andrews, Thos. Walley Esqr.} select Men

approd. by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears of the poor}

Decr. 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Franks & 2 Children whose husband Was in the British Armey, A German}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the poor

Decr. 20th.

Recd. into the Almshous on the State Accot. Hannah Waples


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr. Jno. White Oversear}

Decr. 19th.

Ann Black Run


Decr. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Marthor Greer


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

approd. by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Decr. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Conerlly 15 years old


Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears}

1787 decr. 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Crouch


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears}

Decr. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous William Sprag


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. oversear

Decr. 31th.

Recd. into the Almshous Barney Oliver


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq Oversear}

Decr. 31th.

Dischd. Margrat Conerley 15 years old by ordor of


Mr. Jno. Andrews, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Edwd. proctor Esqr.

1788 Jany. 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Betey Bruer


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edward Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

Jany. 12th. her Child

Jany. 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Fitzgerrell


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Jany. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Tuttle


Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Jany. 4th.

Dischd. Thos. Milliken


Jany. 9th.

Dischd. Patty Roberts bound out


Jany. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sanders


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An Oversear of the poor}

Jany. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Woodbridg Belonging to Marbelhed As She Saith}


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Jany. 10th.

Dischd. Thos. Wallis a boy bound out


Dischd. Nathaniel Stone


Jany. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. & Betsey Pierce


Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. (Oversear)

Jany. 11

Recd. into the Almshous Frans. Clarrage & his wife Mary

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

approd. by Saml. Whitwell & Saml. Parkman 2 oversears}

1788 Jany. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Fredrck Ayers


Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. (oversear)

Jany. 9th

Recd. into the Almshous Daniel Benjman


Pr. ordor of Jno. Brown Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Jany. 12th.

Dischd. Barney Oliver


Jany. 13th.

Dischd. Fredrick Ayers


Jany. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Harper


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Apprd. of Jno. Sweetser Esqr. An oversear of the poor}

Jany. 17th.

Dischd. Wm. Baldrage bound out


Jany. 21.

Recd. into the Almshous Lucia Willes


Pr. ordor of Edwd.

Proctor Esq oversear

Jany. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous Grace Trott a Negero


Pr. ordor of Ezek. Price, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Opprod. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Jany. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous       Lishman’s Child


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. By Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor

Jany. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Wintor—A Molatto


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor

Jany. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous       Brewer’s Child Born in the hous


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Jany. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous       Downing A Child Born in the hous

Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Jany. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Lewis


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen

Consented Pr. Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor}

1788 Jany. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Morris McLocklen from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq Oversear}

<Feby. 1th.

Recd into the Almshous

A Child about 9 Months old left in Mr. Burts Entery

Mr. Jno. White one of the oversears of the poor}>

Jany. 14th.

<Dischd. Eliz [Berry?]>


Jany. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous James Gardner 7 years old the Middle of feby. 1788}


Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jn Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to pr. Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the Oversears}

Feby. 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Lisanby


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. White An oversear of the poor

Feby. 1

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Stevens A Child


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jno. White One of the Oversears of the poor}

Feby. 6th.

Recd. into the Almshous Negero Adam


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the poor}

Feby. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Jones

Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle dorr, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Mayhew with Henry Mahew And An Infant Child}


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Jno. White one of the oversears of the poor

Feby. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Catherina Cook


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Edds one of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 11

Recd. into the Almshous John Mansfield


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

1788 Feby. 1

Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Challandor a Child 9 Months old


Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr. Jno. White One of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 9th.

Recd. into the Almshous Polley Greenleaf Davis


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 12th.

dischd. Elizh. Woodbrig belonging to Marbelhead

Feby. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous James McQwin Scotland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Dawson


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason One of the oversears of the poor

<Feby. 13

Dischd. Judah Eddy


Feby. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Peirce


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay

} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 15th.

Recd. into the Almshous Rachel Drew, Charls drew years old & Catharina drew

Pr. ordor of Harbottle Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tylor} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr. Jno. White One of the oversears}

Feby. 18

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Essenger


Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor

Feby. 21th.

Dischd. Mary Sanders


Feby. 20

Recd. into the Almshous Barnibus           Oliver


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear of the poor}

Feby. 23d.

Recd. into the Michel Rennals of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

1788 Feby. 23

Recd. into the Almshous A Child Called Sarah Mann 3 years old the 3d. of feby. 1788


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq

} Selectmen

Consented to pr. Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Feby. 26

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mayhew A frenchman


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezek Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented To by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 28th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Black


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 27

Recd. into the Almshous A Molatto Child borne of Polly Greenleaf Davis who is Called     }


Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Feby. 27th.

Dischd. Barnebus Oliver A portgea


Dischd. Betsey Tevet 9 years old bound out


Dischd. Nathl. Peirce 9 year old Bound out


March 3d.

Dischd. Jno. Durphey


March 3

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Webb from the work hous


Pr. ordor of Wm. Powell Esqr. An oversear of the poor

March 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Hancock


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. An oversear of the poor}

Marh. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Connor for 2 weaks


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor}

March 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Beckey Thomes, born in Nw. york


ditto a Child Called Matthew


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen

Approd. by Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor

March 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous a blind Child Called Polley Amory


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. an oversear of the poor}

1788 March 7th.

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Hubbard


Pr. ordor of Jno. Codman Juner One of the oversears of the poor}

March 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Hurley a garl


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Select Men

Apprvd. of by

one of the oversears of the poor

March 10th.

Abigal Hubbard Run


March 15th.

Jno. McGoff Run


March 15th.

Dischd. James Calehon


March 17

Dischd. Jno. Botherley


March 15

dischd. Thos. Hancock


March 18th.

Dischd. Cala Drew bound out


March 18

Dischd. Henry Kendel & Ruth his wife


March 18th.

Dischd. Meriah Serl a Negero


March 18th.

Dischd. Sarah Lishman & Child


March 21st.

Recd. into the Aalmshous James Henly A Child born in the Hous this day


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. oversear

March 20

Dischd. Abigal Hurley a garl bound out


March 24th.

Reeceive James Cornish into the Almshous


Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor

March 24th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Morris McLocklin


Returnd by An ordor of Mr. Jno. Scollay & Edwd. Proctors (within three howers)

March 25

Recd. into the Almshous Ruth Adams


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

March 29th.

Dischd. Mary Garrell


<Run Jno. Mayhew a frenchman


Run Wm. […]


1788 March 31th.

Hipsabah Atkins Run


Elizh. Peirce     do.


Benjman Eddy      Run


Aprl. 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Payne


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 1th.

Dischd. Jno. Fitz Gerrell


Aprl. 2

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sanders


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews


Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears of the poor

Aprl. 2d.

Dischd. Wm. Sprage out of the hous



Dischd. Eliz Williams     do.


Aprl. 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Murrey


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tylor, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Apprd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears}

Aprl. 3d.

Dischd. Jno. Connor


Aprl. 5th.

Dischd. Richd. Crouch


Aprl. 5

Dischd. Thos. Brandon


Aprl. 5th.

Recd. into the Almshous Anna Cox


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 8th.

<Dischd.> Eliz Robertson Run


<Dichd. John [Chambers?]


Aprl. 8th.

Michl. Rennals Run


Aprl. 8th.

Dischd. Mary Ratton


Aprl. 10th.

Dischd. Suckey Riadon


Aprl. 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Polley—A bastard Child of Cate Symons born in the hous

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq Oversear}

Aprl. 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Betsey A bastard Child of Mary Sanders

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

1788 Aprl. 11

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Serallie on the State Acct.

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Select Men

Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

<Aprl. 11th.

Run Thomas Loring


Aprl. 11th.

dischd. Eliz Star So. Cald. wh. her 2 Childn. Sent to Beverly


Aprl. 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Downs A Garl will be A 11 years old the 5th. Septr. 1788


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 12

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Crumwell a Molatto Garl Eight years old in March last


Pr. ordor of Ezl. Price Esq

} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 6th.

Abigal Lewis Run


Aprl. 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Salley Dunken Six years old & Thos. Wright born in June 1786}


Pr. ordor of Ezl. Price Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 14

Dischd. Hannah Waples


Aprl. 14

Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Howland


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq oversear

Aprl. 13th.

Dischd. John Chaimbers


Aprl. 16th.

Dischd. Ann Payson


Aprl. 15

Recd. into the Almshous       Franks A Child born In the Almshous A Garl}


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq An oversear of the poor}

Aprl. 16th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jack Freeman A Negero


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 5th.

dischd. John Wilkins


aprl. 17

do. Mary Pain do.

1788 Aprl. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Betsey McGwier A bastard Child of Dorcas Hinds


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the Oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Lee


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 18th.

Richd. Corbert Run


Moses Mcgrathh do.


Aprl. 19th.

Dischd. Mary Lisemby


Aprl. 21

<Dischd. Wm. Jones>


Aprl. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Ayers


Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 23d.

Ann Cox Run


Aprl. 24th.

Dischd. Jno. McKinzie


Aprl. 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous John Tyrrel


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr.

} Selectmen

Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 26th.

Recd. into Almshous Jno. Murphey from Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 26th.

Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Riedon


Pr. ord of Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Aprl. 26

Dischd. Mary Sanders


Aprl. 26

Dischd. Samson Brown A Negero


Aprl. 28th.

Dischd. Susanna Wallis


Aprl. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous       Dorr A Child


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. one of the oversears of the poor}

Aprl. 29th.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Jones


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears}

1788 Aprl. 29th.

Dischd. James McConnick


Dischd. Wm. Jones


Aprl. 30

Recd. into the Almshous Dorothy Hall


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

May 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Jona. Adams


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

May 2d.

Recd. under my Care to be Supported At the Charge of the Common Welth Joseph Jaines

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Jno. Scolley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jona. L. Austin One of the oversears of the poor}

May 2d.

Recd. into The Almshous Hannah Burk


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Select Men

Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

May 3d.

dischd. Peggy Bowles & Child


May 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Connor of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} 2 Selectmen

Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor}

May 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Peggy Fitz Gerreld of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

May 5th.

Mary Sharp, Jane Russell, Rebecka Thompson} Run


May 6th.

Dischd. Eliz Lewis


May 10th.

Dischd. Jno. Mansfield


May 14th.

Dischd. Daniel Benjaman


May 14

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Brandon


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen

Consented to by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor}

May 15th.

Dischd. Mary Burford


May 15

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Clough


Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears

NB the bed that Mrs. Clough brott into the Almshous belongs to her daughtor}

May 10

Dischd. Edwd. Murry


1788 May 16th.

Dischd. Mary Webb to the workhous


May 21d.

Dischd. Thos. Brandon


May 21d.

Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Sirk


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears

May 24th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Berry


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Consented to pr. Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

May 22d.

Thomas Loring Run


May 26th.

Dischd. Lucey Willis, But the Next day with an ordor from Capt Proctor


May 26th.

Dischd. James McQuim


May 26th.

Dischd. Susanna Franks & Child


May 27

Dischd. Abigal Howland


May 27

Dischd. Jno. Connor


Dischd. Jno. Murphey


May 27

Recd. into the Almshous Lucey Willis


Edwd. Proctor Esqr. oversear

May 24th.

Judah Eddy Run {Recd. into the hous by the Request of the Request of the Select men on the same ordor


May 29th.

Dischd. Eliz Brewer


May 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Cate Lloyd a Negero


Pr. ordor of harbo. Dorr, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

May 31

Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Brangden A Convick from Ireland

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor an oversear of the poor}

May 31

Dischd. Cate Symons & Child


June 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Armstrong


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.

Approd. of by Mr. Wm. Smith one of the oversears of the poor}

June 3d.

dischd. Jack Freeman


1788 June 2d.

Thos. Brandon Run


May 28

Recd. into the Almshous Frances Carns his Wife Mehitabel there Child Polley 4 years old the 4th. Novr. 1788}


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. price Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Saml. Whitwell, oversear}

June 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Cox


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

May 29th.

Susanna Servalley Run


June 6th.

Dischd. Wm. Jones


June 6th.

<Dischd.> Eliz Berry Run


June 9th.

Dischd. Peggy Fitz Gerrell


May 27th.

Run Nathl. Berry—belonging to Roadisland


June 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Phillis Brown A Negero And her Child}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Apprd. of by Saml. Whitwell overseer

June 10th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Mayter


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor}

June 5th.

Dischd. Negero Florow & Child


June 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Peggy FitzGerrell


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Select Men

Approvd. of by Jno. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

June 7th.

Dischd. Ann delaney & her 2 Chilren


June 16th.

Dischd. Wm. Harpley


June 16th.

Dischd. Ann Mayhew & her two Childn.


June 17th.

Dischd. Frances Clarrage & Wife


June 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Hurley


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor oversear

June 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Katy Townsend of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor}

June 19th.

Dischd. Saml. Gosling bound out


June 20

dischd. Partrick Shanley


1788 June 21th.

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Blunt


Pr. ordor of Jona. L. Austin An oversear

June 24th.

Dischd. Elizh. Smith & her Child


June 27th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Rice & Child belonging to Portland or falmouth


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq oversear

June 28th.

Dischd. George Randol a boy Bound out


Dischd. Rebecca Downe a garl          do.


June 28

Dischd. Jno. Pierce


June 30

Recd. into the Almshous Catharina Mills


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. Oversear

July 1th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Mack


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor E[sq.] One of the oversears of the poor}

July 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sharp


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

July 3d.

Dischd. Charles Drew (a boy bound out)


July 5th.

Dischd. Sarah Rice & Child belong to Portland in the County of Cumberlan

July 5th.

Dischd. Rebecca Boldrage & Child


July 2d.

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Black, from Nw. foundland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

July 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Coney & Child


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

July 9th.

dischd. Lucey Willis


July 9

Dischd. Catharina Mills


July 10th.

Run Cate Townsand State

1788 July 11th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Hunnewell on the Accot. of the


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 4th.

Recd. an ordor to Supply Josh. Jaine’s wife As if She was in The hous}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews

} selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor one of the overs of the poor

July 10th.

Recd. into the hous Susanna Jones (big with A bastard Child)


Pr. ordor of Ezl. Price Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

July 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. [Plummer?] wh. A Veneral disorder


Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 14th.

Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Leachman & Child


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tylor, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

July 14th.

Peggy Fitz Garrell Run


July 16th.

Rachal Drew Run


July 17th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Fowler


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 18th.

Dischd. Abigal Clow a Garl bound out


July 18

Recd. into the Almshous Mary McIntier & 2 Children


Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman

} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

July 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Boston


Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Sever, Mr. Wm. Bordman    } Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

July 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jane Russell

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Edwd. Proctor Esqr. Oversear

July 21th.

Dischd. John Fowler


July 21st.

Sarah Armstrong Run


Dischd. Mary Mcintier & 2 Children


1788 July 23d.

Dischd. Mehitable Carnes & Child


July 24th.

Dischd. James Gardiner bound out


July 24th.

Dischd. Fanney Crouch A Child


July 25th.

Dischd. Barzalel Eddy a boy bound out


Dischd. Sibble Eddy a Garl do.

July 25th.

Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Milligan 2 years old


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Jno. Andrews} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

July 26th.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Dailey of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}

July 28th.

Dischd. out of the Almshous Kitte Mory


July 29th.

Recd. into the almshous Mary Killey


Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

July 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Shanly of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Ezl. Price} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

July 30

Recd. into the Almshous Michal McClocklen of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

July 24th.

Dischd. Jona. Adams out of the Almshous


Augt. 1th.

Recd. into the Eliz Smith & her Child a boy


Jno. Scollay & Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen

Mr. Saml. Whitwell oversear}

Augt. 4th.

Dischd. Eliz <Smith> Wheler & Child


Augt. 4th.

Dischd. Matthew Sun a Child


Augt. 4th.

Dischd. Hannah Berry & Child


Augt. 6th.

Dischd. Eliz Plumley


Augt. 4th.

Jno. Hunnewell Run


Timothy dwier do.


Augt. 8

Recd. into the Almshous James Comberford


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor}

1788 Augt. 12th.

Dischd. Elizh. Smith & Child


Augt. 12th.

Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Kerley from the work hous & her Bastard Child

Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 13th.

Recd. into the Almshous Robert Hoey—the Son of Anna Hoey 3 years old the 26th. Sept. 1788

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews

} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor}

Augt. 18th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jane Sigourney A Molatto Garl About 11 years old And No Covenant Servant As She sais}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr.

} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 19d.

Dischd. Ann Crumwell a Molatto Bound out


Augt. 19th.

Recd. into the Almshous Lowes Plummer & 2 Children}


Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell one of the Oversears of the poor}

Augt. 22d.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Gillion Of Ireland


Pr. ordor of Captn. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Augt. 22d.

dischd. Mary Dailey


Augt. 27

Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Carton


Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin One of the oversears of the poor

Augt. 29th

Recd. into the Almshous Peggy Fitzgerreld


Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman, Capt. E Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the Oversears of the poor}

Sept. 1th.

Dischd. Negero Phillis Brown & Child


Septr. 1

Recd. into the Almshous James McQuim


Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

Septr. 1th.

Dischd. Richd. Legalley bound out


1788 Septr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Joanna Spoonor A Child

Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor}

Septr. 3d.

Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Holmes


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Septr. 4th.

Recd. into the Almshous Josh. Johnston & Wife


Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. One of the oversears of the poor

Septr. 6.

dischd. Daniel Morse


Septr. 9th.

Wm. Hemes Run


Juah Eddy Run


Septr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Rachel Drue


Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbo. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

Approd. of by Mr.

Jno. White [one]3 of the Oversears of the poor}

did not stay not one day}

Septr. 8th.

Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Gandol about 15 years old


{Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Septr. 13d.

dischd. Morris McClockling An Irishman


Augt. 14th. 1788

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Brown


Pr. Ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears}

Septr. 6th.

Dischd. Mary Brown Sent to Gole


Sepr. 13d.

Dischd. Rebecca Hurley


Septr. 18

Recd. into the Almshous Ann Cox


Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor

Septr. 20

Recd. into the Almshous <Polly & Elizh.> Mary Garrow with Polley

Crain & Betsey Garrow her tw[o] Children}


Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor}

Septr. 24d.

Recd. into the Almshous Mary Jackson


Pr. Ordor of Edwd. proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor

1788 Septr. 24th.

Dischd. Jno. Fla[nn]


Sent Rebecca Kirley to the workhous


Septr. 26th.

Recd. into the Almshous Peter Swan A britanor


Pr. ordor of John Scolley Esq, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen

Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

<Septr. 27th.>

Pegg Fitz Gerrell Run} Returnd the Second day}


Septr. 29th.

Mary Kelley Run


Septr. 30th.

Recd. into the Almshous George McCan


Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen

approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor}

Septr. 30th.

Sarah Gardiner Run



1 This line was written along the right margin of the entry.

2 The name has been erased.

3 The edge of the manuscript is torn, resulting in the loss of one word.