October 1, 1788 – August 30, 1795
The line entry format gives way to column entries on February 7, 1791.
Persons Recd. into the Almshous & discharged out Viz
Admissions Register 4 begins.
Octr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous John Crage |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Select men |
Octr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Adam Roop |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 1 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Frederick Scofskuske |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seiver} Select men |
Octr. 2d. |
Recd. An ordor to Suply Wm. Scollay his two Children And Nurs with |
Such provistions and Sunderys As the people Are Supplyd. with in this hous |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. order of Jno. Scolley Esq, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Agnes Richards of <Nw. york?> Rhoad I |
(State) |
Consented to by Mr. <Saml. Whitwell> Jno. White One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbt. Dorr, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Kingston a Child |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman |
Octr. 4th. |
Pegg Carter Run |
Octr. 4d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Anna Athridge |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Barry of Ireland |
State |
Apprd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 6th. |
Recive Jno. Hunnewell into the almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. |
Octr. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Conorley and James Lewis a boy} |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews do.} Selectmen |
Octr. 6th. |
Dischd. James Lewis a boy bound out |
State |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Timothy McGwier |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Captn. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Smith |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Select men |
Recd. into the Almshous Cloe1 A Negero Woman |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Scolley Esq} Selectmen |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous <Luisa> Levice A Negero Woman |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 9 |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Furgus a Strainger |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 10th. |
Margrat Conarley Run |
State |
Octr. 9th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. & Polley Frank |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezekl. Price do. [Esq]} Selectmen |
Octr. 10th. |
Dischd. Jno. Fredrick Scofskuske a duchman |
State |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Luse Patten2 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jabez Samson |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Michal Harris A Sweed |
on the State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbt. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Abigal & Susanna Price |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esqr. onne of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 14th. |
Dischd. Sarah Leachman & Child |
State |
Octr. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous John Gandol |
Town |
Pr. Henry Hill Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 15th. |
Dischd. Thos. Berry |
State |
1788 |
Octr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Williams |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. W Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Adams |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Octr. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Matthew Landerkin |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 17th. |
Dischd. Luse Cuningham bound out |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Read |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbt. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} 2 Selectmen |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jane Bates who belongs to Waymouth |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 23d. |
Susanna Jones Run |
State |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Morris McLocklen Irishman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Chalendor3 |
State |
Consentd. to by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbt. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler}Selectmen |
Octr. 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Moran of Dublon |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 24d. |
Dischd. Susanna Riadon |
Town |
Octr. 28th. |
Dischd. Hannah Burk |
State |
Octr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sophia Mendez |
State |
Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr 21st. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Mumfort |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McGoff an Irishman |
State |
Consenteed to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 30th. 1788 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McKinzie |
State |
Apprd. of by Saml. Whitwell Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select men |
Octr. 30 |
Dischd. Michal McLocklin |
State |
<Octr.> Septr. 1th. |
Recd. Alice Stoddard Aelis |
into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Walley Esq, Jno. Scollay Esq} Selectmen |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Paletiah Hunt |
(Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Novr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rose Capen a Negero |
State |
Approd. of by Edward Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Kepon4 |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Novr. 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Powers |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
Octr. 22d. |
Mary Garrow Run from the workhous |
State |
Octr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Lilburn |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Novr. 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. North |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Seaver, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Novr. 10 |
Dischd. Matthew Landerkin |
State |
Novr. 10 |
Dischd. Jno. Crage |
State |
Novr. 11 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Galley and Her three Children |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 9 |
Recd. into the Almshous An Infant Child Caled |
A bastord born of Mary Mumfort} |
State |
Approd. of by one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
1788 |
Novr. 12th. |
dischd. Jane Sigourney a molatto Garl bound out |
State |
Novr. 11 |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Ethredge5 Ann Ethredge Polley And Wm. There two Children |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White—one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jeremiah Mahaney or Supply him out of the Almshous |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Novr. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Webb from the workhous |
Pr. order of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Stevens |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
Novr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Bethiah Fowle |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 16th. |
Dischd. Mary Tilty Run |
State |
Novr. 22d. |
Dischd. Ann Ethredge a garl bound out |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Sargant6 |
Town |
Pr. Edwd. Proctor oversear |
Novr. 29th. |
Dischd. Saml. Alias George McCann7 |
State |
Novr. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Coburn |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Codman Junr. Oversear of warde 10} |
Novr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mayhew a frenchman |
State |
Consented to Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Novr. 26th. |
Dischd. Levice Lisha of Stoughton |
Novr. 26th. |
Dischd. Adam Ropes |
Novr. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Smith one Eye |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Novr. 29th. |
State8 |
Decr. 1th. 1788 |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wier of Germany |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. |
Novr. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Judah Eddy |
State |
Consentd. to By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Novr. 29th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Sample |
State |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wakefeild and son |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 2 |
Recd. into the Almshous Willm. Curtis |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Farror9 Aged 6 years old the 4 feby. 1789 |
George Farror 4 years old the 13th. July 1789} |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of [Mr.] Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Novr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Garrow |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 3d. |
Mary Webb Sent to |
the workhous |
Town |
Jno. Hunnewell Sent to |
the workhous |
do. |
Wm. Curtis Sent to |
do. |
do. |
Mary Garrow Sent to |
do. |
State |
decr. 6th. |
Dischd. Saml. Sargent |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous James Brown |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
decr. 10th. |
Dischd. Elizh. Wier |
town |
Decr. 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Deane of Harford |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
1788 |
Boston, decr. 11th. Recd. into the Almshous Ann Delaney10 And her 2 Children} |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 12th. 1788 |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Cartor11 |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Decr. 13th. |
Dischd. James Brown |
State |
Decr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Anna Richardson |
Town |
Jona. L Austin oversear |
Decr. 15th. |
Dischd. Jno. McGoff |
State |
Decr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Chaimbers12 A Jarsey man |
(State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Willm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Decr. 15th. |
Recd. into the [Almshouse] Thos. Brandon of Ireland |
State |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
decr. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rachel Wall |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Matthews13 (grate Britton) |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Harbt. dorr} Select men |
decr. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elams Gifford |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capn. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Decr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Lydia Gullies A Child 2 1/2 years old |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler |
} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Michal McClochlen14 Irish |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Bell |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Recd. into the Almshous George Peters |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Wm. B[o]rdman} Selectmen |
Decr. 20th. |
State |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
Approd. of by Jon. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Decr. 22d. |
Dischd. Mary Mumford & Child |
State |
Decr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Whitman Belonging to Waymouth} on accot. of the Town Boston |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Eliot |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill One of the oversears of the poor} |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jonathan Webb |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno White Esqr. |
decr. 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Ralford17 |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman |
} Select men |
Decr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Michal Cr[o]wley |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edward Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous 2 Children Caled Sophia Camble And Hariot Camble |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell |
decr. 26th. |
Dischd. Elizh. Powers |
State |
Decr. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Brown |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman |
} Select men |
Decr. 29th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Bourn |
Town |
Edwd. Proctor Esqr. Oversear |
Decr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ephram Bailey |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Anderson Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Wallis |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
1788 |
decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous david Dennie |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
decr. 31 |
Recd. into the Almshous Elenor Dukes of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by E Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Pattey Walker |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Purkit18 and Betsey three years old |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Jany. 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willet |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears of the poor |
Jany. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wakefield |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman Oversear |
1788 |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Wilkinson And his Daughter Elizh.—five years old |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
[1789] |
Jany. 5th. |
R[un] Mary Ratford |
State |
Jany. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Rice |
State |
Consented to by Henry hill Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr} Selectmen |
Jany. 8th. |
dischd. Jno. Willit |
Town |
Jany. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willis of Verganey |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Jany. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Payne borne at Charlstown |
(State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq |
Jany. 9th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Bryant O’donell Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Capt Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
1789 Jany. 12 |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Woodlet |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Wakefield |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Burford |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Jany. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Giffin of Ireland |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Jones |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 19th. |
Dischd. Thos. Bell |
Town |
Jany. 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ruben Knight a Child 4 Months old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Negero Dinah Freeman And Her Child 19 Months old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Dischd. George Peters |
State |
Jany. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancey Sherley |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaveer} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Aushton |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Select men |
Jany. 24 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Allen and Her three Melotto Children} |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
State |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Jany. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Segrave19 |
Town |
<Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}> |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Phillips Juner One of the oversears of the poor |
1789 |
Jany. 28 |
Recd. into the Almshous Anna Hoey And her Child Named Polley (State) |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 7 |
Recd. Harriot LeGalley a Child borne in this hous on this day |
(State) |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Feby. 3d. |
Dischd. Nathl. Ashton |
State |
Feby. 3 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Johnson |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Feby. 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Peirce his wife And three Children |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Town |
Feby. 5th. |
Dischd. Robt. Gofford |
State |
Feby. 6th. |
Dischd. Wm. LeGalley a boy bound out |
State |
Feby. 6th. |
Dischd. Mary Sharp R[un] |
State |
dischd. Sarah Rice R[un] |
State |
Feby. 9th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Marthor James & Child |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Feby. 5th. |
Dischd. Thomas Brandon |
State |
Feby. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cate Simons & Child Polley Manro—12 |
Months old the 1 of March 1789} |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select men} |
Feby. 11th. |
Dischd. Polley Crane alies <Marion?> Garrow Bound out} |
State |
Jany. 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Spooner And Mary His wife} omited in place |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno Scollay Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 13th. |
Recd. Anna20 Ethredge into the Amshous A Inhabtt. of this town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Feby. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Dollover21 of Nw. Hamshier |
State |
Dischd. 14th. |
Pr. order of22 |
1789 |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Mongomery of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ebenr. Cox |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Solamon Nash |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 21th. |
Dischd. Polley Wakefield |
Town |
Dischd. Kate Symons |
State |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Berry |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Feby. 20th. |
Rachel Wall Run} <feby. 24th. Recd.> |
State |
20th. |
Eliz Mathews Run} |
do. |
Feby. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Thomas Burk |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordr Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Feby. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Brown |
State |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
Feby. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Armstrong |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the overs of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbol. Dorr, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Bennet |
State |
Approvd. of by23 one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews do. [i.e., esq.]} Selectmen |
Feby. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjman Eddy |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
March [3d.] |
Dischd. James Brown |
State |
March 4th. |
Dischd. Nathl. Boarn |
Town |
Dischd. John Wilkins |
State |
March 6th. |
Discharged |
Benjn. Eddy |
State |
Ditto |
John Mathews a Child |
do. |
Ditto |
Eliz Wilkinson a Child |
State |
Feb 24th. |
Recd. back into the Almshous Thos. Brandon |
State |
Omited by being Sent to the Workhous |
March 10th. |
Dischd. Ann Ethredge |
Town |
March 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sanders |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. One of the oversears of the poor |
March 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Devan |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
March 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Smith An Englishman |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
} Selectmen |
March 10th. |
Dischd. Wm. Spooner & wife |
State |
March 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jack hill a Negero |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq an oversear of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Borardman |
} Selectmen |
Sent out by ordor of Mr. Bordman and the ordor Returnd to him |
March 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Kneeland |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of The oversears of the poor |
March 16th. |
Dischd. Sarah Coney & Child |
State |
March 17th. |
dischd. Partrick Shanley I think the most troublisom Man that Ever has ben in the hous sence I have ben hear a drunken Quarrelson fiteinging decriped Rech As I know of} |
State |
March 17th. |
Dischd. Partrick Bennet an Irishman |
State |
March 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous George Reynolds |
State |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Green—of Road Island |
State |
Consentd to By Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Davis |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Wm. Smith one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
This order was kep in the workhous Accasioned it out of ordor |
March 18th. |
Dischd. Margrat Davis |
March 18th. |
Dischd. Richd. Doan |
State |
March |
18th. |
Dischd. |
Wm. Fergos |
State |
do. |
18 |
do. |
Mary Garrow |
March 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Eddy |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
March 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Beacham of London |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
March 28th. |
dischd. Ebenr. Cox |
Town |
March 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Murphey of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman |
} Selectmen |
March 23d. |
dischd. Thos. Brandon out of the workhous |
State |
Aprl. 2d. |
dischd. John Moran |
State |
Aprl. 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Wakefield |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq an oversear of the poor} |
Aprl. 2d. |
dischd. Susanna Wallis |
State |
Aprl. 3d. |
Dischd. Jno. Brown |
State |
Aprl. 4 |
Dischd. Michal McLochlen |
State |
Aprl. 4 |
Mary Whitman Run |
Town |
Aprl. 4th. |
Elenor Dukes Run |
State |
March 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous a Infent Child of Polly Cartor24 Cald. hannah |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
March 23d. |
Recd. or borne in the Almshous Nance Sherley’s Child a boy |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq oversear} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Feby. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Purket an Infent born in the Almshous of Mary Purket |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Aprl. 7th. |
Recd. Wm. Tayler into the Almshous born in England |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen |
Aprl. 9th. |
Recd. George Blackman into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Es[q], Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Aprl. 14th. |
Dischd. Charls De. St. Pree a boy bound out |
State |
Ditto Hannah Armstrong |
do. |
Aprl. 14 |
Dischd. An Richardson |
Town |
Aprl. 15 |
Dischd. Saml. Mongomery |
State |
Aprl. 15 |
Dischd. Benjn. Eddy |
State |
Aprl. 15th. |
Mary Lawrance25 Run & Child |
State |
Aprl. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Coney & her Child |
State |
Apprd. by E Proctor Esq oversear} |
E Tyler & Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Aprl. 22d. |
Dischd. Mary Woodlet |
State |
Aprl. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Betsey Crage |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversear of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esq, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen |
Aprl. 22d. |
Dischd. Marthor James & Child |
Town |
Aprl. 18th. |
Dischd. <John Wills omited> |
Aprl. 23d. |
dischd. James Cumberford |
State |
Aprl. 23 |
Dischd. Odanial Bryant |
State |
Aprl. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Andre Corrente but am Directed that he Shall be Supplyd. At his lodgings} |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Aprl. 28th. |
Dischd. Ann Delaney & her two Children |
State |
Aprl. 28th. |
Dischd. Eliz Wakefield |
Town |
May 1th. |
Dischd. Morris McLochlen |
State |
May 1th. |
Reced. into the Almshous Saml. Marsh belong. to Conitticut} |
state |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Brown & wife & 2 Children |
town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor one of the oversers |
May 9d. |
Dischd. Wm. Scolley his Nurs & two Children |
State |
May 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Harper |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. order of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
May 5th. |
Dischd. Jno. Chaimbers |
State |
May 6th. |
Dischd. Mary Read R[un] |
State |
May 9th. |
Dischd. Jonathon Webb |
Town |
May 11th. |
Dischd. Sarah Allen & her three Molatto Children} |
State |
May 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. LeGalley a boy |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
May 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Peake |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
May 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Richards a Child |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
May 18th. |
Dischd. out of the hous Wm. Tayler |
State |
May 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Ethridge a boy Eight years old the 15th. Augt. 1789 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
May 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Sherman Child Borne Septr. 8th. 1787 |
Consented to by Jno. White Esqr. (oversear) |
State |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr, Capt. Ebenr. Tyler} Selectmen |
May 15th. |
Dischd. Peter Swan |
State |
May 15th. |
Discharged Edwd. harper |
State |
May 20th. |
Dischd. Willm. Jones State |
1789 |
May 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Phillip Hilt & Elizh. his wife |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
May 22d. |
Dischd. Jno. Gillard |
State |
Dischd. James McQuinn |
do. |
May 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Frances26 Clark |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
May 26 |
Dischd. Nancy Shirley & Child |
State |
Dischd. Robert Lilman |
State |
May 28th. |
Mary Benjiman Run—lef her Child |
Town |
May27 |
State |
June 3d. |
Dischd. Jno. Murphey |
State |
June 3d.28 |
State |
June 5th. |
Dischd. Mathew Wakefield a boy bound out |
Town |
June 6 |
dischd. Ann Haye & her daughtor |
State |
June 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Finn & 3 Children |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
June 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sharpe |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Mr. Wm Bordman} Selectmen |
June 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. McCluer |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason, one of the oversears of the poor |
June 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Mongomery |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
June 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Holms Simpson |
Town |
Pr. order of Jona. L. Austin one of the oversears of the poor |
June 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Watts |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price |
} Selectmen |
June 13th. |
dischd. Joseph Jaines & wife |
State |
June 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Robinson |
State |
approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
June 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Andrew Gardner |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
June 15th. |
Dischd. Thomas Burk |
State |
June 15th. |
Dischd. Mary Johnson & Child |
Town |
June 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Putton and child} |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman on[e] of the oversears |
June 17th. |
dischd. Salley Dunken bound out |
State |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Walker |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
June 18th. |
Dischd. Sarah Finn & two Children to the pesthous |
State |
Sarah Finn Returnd |
June 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Finley of the Ile of Man |
(State) |
approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select men |
June 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Henry Mayhew 5 years old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
June 20th. |
Received Ann Hill & Child into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen |
June 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Langford |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
June 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Chubb |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser one of the oversears of the poor} |
June 22d. |
dischd. George Renals |
State |
June 23d. |
Dischd. Saml. Mongomery |
State |
<June 16> May 27 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Joseph |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
June 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. <Valentine> Lewis |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
1789 |
June 30th. |
Dischd. Sarah Coney & Child |
State |
June 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Quin |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
July 2d. |
Dischd. Richd. Walker & Patte his wife |
State |
Dischd. Willm. Finley |
State |
July 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Brazer |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
July 2d. |
Dischd. Ann Whitman |
Town |
June 18th. |
Dischd. out of the workhous Saml. Duncalf |
State |
dischd. Holms Simpson |
Town |
July 10th. |
Dischd. Jane Galley bound out |
Town |
July 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Scott |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. one of the Oversears of the poor |
July 11th. |
Dischd. Thos. Smith one Eye |
State |
July 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. Oversear |
July 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz dalman |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
July 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cockren29 John |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
July 18th. |
Disd. Mary Wakefield |
Town |
July 18 |
dischd. Nathl. Adams |
Town |
July 18 |
Recd. Into the Almshous Edmon Jones a Welchman |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
July 20th. |
Dischd. Elizh. Jennen |
State |
July 21th. |
Dischd. Polley Goddard bound out |
Town |
1789 |
Recd. Wm. Spoonor into the Almshous |
State |
May 28th. |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
June 13th. |
Dischd. Wm. Spooror |
State |
July 22d. |
<Rec into Almshous Wm. Spooner 3 day then turn30 |
Town> |
July 22d. |
Recd. Ebenr: Cocks31 into the Almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. oversear |
July 22d. |
Recd. Hannah Fayerweather into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
July 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Armstrong, Irishman |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Benjn. Bordman |
} Selectmen |
July 24th. |
Dischd. Jane Bates who belonges to hingam |
Town |
Dischd. Ann Hill & Child—Run |
Town |
Disch’d. R[un] Edmon Jones a Welchman |
State |
<July 25th.> |
dischd. Joseph Brazer Contineud on the book tel Augt. 2d. furnished him with provision to go to phalidelpha |
State |
July 27th. |
Dischd. Jno. Cockren |
State |
July 25th. |
dischd. Run Agnes Richards |
State |
July 27th. |
Dischd. Nancey Watts |
State |
July 27th. |
Recd. Benjn. Eddy into the Almshous |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq |
} Select men |
July 27th. |
Henry Mayhew a boy Run |
on the state |
July 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ketty Steward & her 2 Children |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversear of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. Dorr, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
July 28 |
dischd. Sophey Manders |
State |
Augt. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous John Hogan of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Augt. 1th. |
Mary Scott dischd. |
Town |
July 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mitchell |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
July 30 |
Recd. into the Almshous Christian Mahoan |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
1789 |
Aught. 3d. |
dischd. John Devall |
State |
Augt. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Denne |
Town |
Pr. ordor Jno. White Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Augt. 10th. |
Dischd. Thos. Armstrong |
State |
Augt. 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jacob Wendol32 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen oversear |
Augt. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Frank Allen a Child 15 Months old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Augt. 10th. |
Recd. Ann33 Hoey & Child into the Almshous |
Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Burns & Nancy Murphey |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor |
Augt. 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary McLachlin34 |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Augt. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous three Children Polley, Esther & Mercy Henly |
Polley Henly |
borne |
May 13th. 1782 |
Esther |
do. |
Septr. 15th. 1784 |
Marcy |
do. |
decr. 26th. 1786 |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
<Augt. 17th. |
Dischd. F C >35 |
State |
Augt. 24th. |
Dischd. Abigal Whitte |
State |
Augt. 24th. |
Dischd. Kitty Stewart & her 2 Children |
State |
Augt. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse the widow Fowell36 |
Town |
Augt. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous George Hampton a German |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Augt. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Crouch |
(State) |
Consentd. to by Edwd. proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Augt. 28th. |
dischd. Jno. Mitchel R[un] |
State |
1789 Augt. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Parkett a boy |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Jabz Hatch Esqr.} Selectmen |
Augt. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshou[se] A Bastard Child of Mary Johnson’s Cald. Joseph Russel} |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman one of the oversears of the poor |
Augt. 31th |
dischd. Eliz Crage |
State |
Augt. 2d. |
Sarah Sharp A Child |
State |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sevear} Select men |
Septr. 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Gillard of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Septr. 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Tyrrell |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Septr. 8th. |
Dischd. R[un] Mary Sharp |
State |
Recd. into the Almshous Amme37 Russel |
State |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Consented to by Jno. White Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Septr. 16 |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Fletcher |
(State) |
Approvd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Septr. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Cowell & Child |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin Esqr. oversear |
Septr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Floyd |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin oversear |
Septr. 20th. |
Dischd. Jno. Parkhart a boy bound out |
State |
Septr. 20th. |
Sarah Finn Runn |
State |
Septr. 20th. |
Rebecca Puttom & Child Run |
Town |
Septr. 22d. |
dischd. Wm. Langford |
Town |
Septr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Marten McLoehlen38 |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Procter Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Boardman, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Select men |
Septr. 23d. |
Recd. Saml. Mongomery into the Almshous |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. one of oversears of poor} |
Pr. order of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
1789 |
Septr. 24th. |
<Dischd. Rebecca Puttom & Child> |
State |
Septr. 25th. |
Dischd. George Hampton |
State |
Septr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Richardson |
Town |
Pr. ordor Jno. Sweetser oversear; ward 11 |
Sept. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Thompson |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Procter Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Septr. 28th. |
Elizh. Barry Run |
State |
Octr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ebenr. Redock |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Septr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Abigail Brown & her 3 Children |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 2d. |
Dischd. Benjn. Kneeland |
Town |
Octr. 3d. |
Dischd. John Hogen |
State |
Octr. 6th. |
Dischd. Mary Burford |
Town |
Dischd. Thomas Tyrrell |
State |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Langford |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. |
Octr. 9th. |
Dischd. Sarah Johnson |
State |
Septr. 28 |
dischd. Mary Ratford, Dischd. Elizh. Lewis, Dischd. Sarah Joseph} from the workhous> |
State |
Septr. 7 |
dischd. Thos. Mitchel from the workhous |
State |
Octr. 10th. |
Dischd. Thos. Ethredge a boy bound out |
Town |
Octr. 10th. |
Recd. Jno. Willit into the almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctr. Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Charles Burnes a Child 3 weaks old |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordr Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
1789 |
Octr. 12 |
Recd. into the Almshous Ebenr. Cooks |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr., oversear |
Octr. 12th. |
dischd. John Finn A boy |
State |
Octr. 13th. |
Dischd. Marten McLochlen |
State |
Octr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Wood |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 13d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Judeth Lowe born in Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews |
} Selectmen |
Septr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Peter Russell a Child Belonging Ammy Russell |
approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Octr. 12th. |
Recd. into the almshous Wm. McKinzie a Child |
approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Octr. 16th. |
Dischd. Jno. Willet to the workhous |
Town |
Octr. 17th. |
Dischd. Mary Cartor & Child R[un] |
State |
Octr. 17 |
dischd. Judath |
Eddy Run |
State |
d[o.] |
Murphy Run a garle 10 years old |
Octr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Peters She borne at Ipswich Married A frenchman} her husband now in town |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Berry born in Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Octr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Dowrick |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Juner One of the Oversears of the poor |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous James frost |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Pool |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin one of the oversears of the poor |
1789 |
Octr. 21th |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sharp |
State |
Aprod. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq |
} Selectmen |
Octr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ruth Kendall England |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esq.} Selectmen |
Octr. 29th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Henry Kendol39 An Englishman |
State |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Harbl. dorr} Selectmen |
Octr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Pike his wife & Child |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Occtr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 22d. |
Dischd. Edwd. Thomas R[un] |
State |
Novr. 4th. |
Rec’d. into the Almshous Fredrk. Eyrs40 |
Town <State> |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. (oversear) |
<Novr. 7th. |
dischd. Jeremh. Malone |
State> |
Novr. 9th. |
<Dischd. Brown Run> |
Town |
Novr. 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Adams |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Codman Junr. (oversear) |
Novr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Ivers |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Barnabus Maxwell A Welchman |
State |
Consented to by Jno. White Esqr. One of the Oversears of the Town} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Harb Dorr} Selectmen |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Ethredge |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White one of the oversears of the poor |
Dischd. Mary McLachlen |
State |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Johnson |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. one of the Oversears of the poor |
Novr. 16 |
Recd. Mary Burford into the Almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the hous Diana Cotton Nurs to James Morwood |
State |
Apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Novr. 16 |
Recd. into the Almshous James Morewood |
State |
Consented to by [Edward Proctor?] One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr Esq., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Novr. 19th. |
Dischd. Jno. Richards A boy bound out |
Town |
Novr. 19th. |
Recd. into Sarah Jackson |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
Novr. 18 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Johnson |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L. Austen Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Novr. 19th. |
Dischd. Mary Pool |
Town |
Novr. 20th. |
Recd. Ephrom Fenno into the Almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Betsey Vinteno |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Henry Luckis |
Town |
Pr. ordor of <Mr.> Jno. White Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Coney & Child |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Jno. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Novr. 28 |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Brandgon41 Irishman |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Novr. 28th. |
<Dischd. James Pike> |
Town |
Decr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Burdet |
Town |
by ordor of Henry Hill oversear |
Decr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Craige wife of Jno. Crage |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Seaver, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Everton |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
decr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Loring |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
<Decr. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Hinds from the Workhous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry hill Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor> |
Decr. 8th. |
Dischd. James Frost |
Town |
Decr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Hinds |
State |
Consentd. to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} [Selectmen] |
Decemr. 8th. |
Dischd. Eliz Craige Run |
State |
Decr. 10 |
Recd. into the Almshous Michl. Condon & Wife |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jabez Hatch Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Wintor42 A Child |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Seaver, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 12 |
Recd. into the Almshous Hugh Kemple of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esq.} Selectmen |
Decr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Margt. Kilgore43 |
State |
Consentd. to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. order of Edwd. Tyler Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nicholas Dulash a Child 2 years old |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Pompy44 Soyer a negero |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
decr. 23 |
Dischd. Ann Hoey And her daughtor |
State |
decr. 23d. |
dischd. |
Cowell Run |
Town |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Sergant |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Catharina45 McPherson |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cornelius drisky for a fortnite born in Ireland |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Bothree a Frenchman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McQueen a Scotchman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Lucy Willis |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edward Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Madesen46 of providance |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price |
} Selectmen |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Karr An Irishman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
[1790] |
Jany. 2d. |
dischd. Sarah Jackson R[un] |
State |
1790 |
Jany. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Donnet A Child 2 years old |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Jany. 6 1790 |
Recd. into the Almshous Andw. Robenson47 & wife |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Eber. Seavor, Jabez Hatch Esq} Select men |
Jany. 7th. 1790 |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Whitman |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Jany. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Harres48 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
<Jany. 8th. |
dischd Dorothy Horne R[un], do. [i.e., dischd.] Saml North R[un]} both Returnd acknologing the falts> |
State |
Jany. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Carr with her two Childn. Named |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Flyn of |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
1790 |
Jany. 14th. |
Recd. An ordor to Supply Andrew Currente a frenchman With Every |
Ration of wood and provetions As if he ware In the Almshous |
(State) |
Consentd to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Hebron Matterson A boy Consentd. to by Edwd. |
Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Dennis Hogen49 of Limbrick |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mehitable Levingston50 |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Sweetser Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Frost |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Jany. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Catharina Walker |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Kennady51 |
Town |
Pr. Verbol ordor of Jona. L Austen one of the oversears of the poor |
Jany. 24 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mitchell of Ireland |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ruth Bergan |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen Esq. One of the Oversears of the poor |
Jany. 25 |
Dischd. Eliz Vinlanough R[un] |
Town |
Jany. 23d. |
Dischd. Cornelos Driskey R[un] |
State |
Jany. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nabby Green A Negro Child 9 Months old |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cornelius O Bryan52 A Irishman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
1790 |
Jany. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Deborah Townsand53 of Abington |
<State> |
Consented to by Jno. White Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Jany. 29th. |
Dischd. Hebron Materson A boy bound out |
State |
Jany. 29th. |
Dischd. Ann Crumwell54 |
Town |
Jany. 27 |
Recd. into the Almshous Marthor55 Tuck of andover |
State |
Approd. of by Wm. Philips Esq Junr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Jany. 29 |
Recd. into the Almshous one Amos Round of Swansey |
Consented to by Jno. White Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbottle Dorr, Capt Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Dischd. Adam Ayers |
Town |
Feby. 1st. |
dischd Nancy Materson |
State |
Feby. 1st. |
Recd. into the Almshous Holms Simpson |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 1 |
dischd. Jno. Mitchell R[un] |
State |
Feby. 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Kennedy of Ireland |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 3d. |
Recd. Cate Townsand56 into the Almshous |
State |
Omited in Place the Mastor of the workhous haveing the ordor |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 3d. |
Recd. Celia Ervin57 into the Almshous |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Feby. 3d. |
dischd. Susanna Waterman bound out |
Town |
Feby. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robert Watson of Ireland |
State |
Apprd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
} Selectmen |
Feby. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. harper of Ireland |
State |
approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
1790 |
Feby. 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rodolph Pellinger A German |
State |
Apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Finn & Child |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekel Price Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 9th. |
Dischd. Sarah Richardson R[un] |
Town |
Feby. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous William Burns of Philadelphia |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Captn. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
feby. 12th. |
Dischd. Edwd. harper |
State |
Feby. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Cole |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 18th. |
Dischd. Johanna Spoonor58 bound out |
State |
Feby. 18th. |
Dischd. Thos. Cross Run |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Gyer59 a Child 3 years of Age |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 22 |
Recd. into the Almshous Timothy donnavin60 |
State |
Consented to by Wm. Smith one of the Oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Feby. 26th. |
Dischd. Mary Peters R[un] |
State |
Dischd. Eliz Ives R[un] |
State |
Feby. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Olive White |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the Poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbtl. dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Feby. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Boarn |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor |
Mar: 1 |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizabeth Hayden |
Town |
℘ order Mr. John Codman jr: One of the Overseers of the poor |
1790 |
March 3d: |
Recd: into the Almshouse Olive Whitney & a Child nam’d James |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Procter One of the Overseers of the Poor} |
℘ ordr: Thos. Walley, Eben: Seaver} Select Men |
March 3d. |
Discharg’d Polly Moran, a Child |
State |
March 3d. |
Discharg’d John Cole & James Frost} Sent to the Workhouse} |
Town |
Marc[h] 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Reb:61 Edmonds |
Town |
℘ Order Jno. Codman jr: one of the Oversears of the poor |
March 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Eliza. Ivers |
Town |
Discharg’d S: Montgomery |
℘order Colo: Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
March 12th. |
Recd: into the Almshouse Polly Willis aged 3 years Daughter to Lucy Willis |
Town |
by Verbal Order of Mr. John White, one of the Overseers of the Poor |
March 12th. |
Nancy Fitzgerald, Entd. |
Town |
by Verbal order of Mr. John Sweetser, one of the Overseers of the Poor |
March 17th. |
James Brown, Entd. |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Proctor, One of the Overseers of the Poor |
by order of Messrs. Thomas Walley & Thos. Edwards—Selectmen |
17th. |
Discharg’d Ann Chaloner |
State |
Eliza. Condon |
Do. |
18th. |
Discharg’d Michael Crowley |
Town |
22d. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Nancy Challender |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Proctor One of the Overseers} |
℘ Ordr. Wm. Boardman one of the Select Men |
Recd. into the Almshouse Michael Crowley |
Town |
By ordr. John White Esqr. One of the Overseers |
25th. |
Discharg’d Reb: Edmonds |
Town |
26th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Prince Knight a Negro |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Procter, One of the Overseers of the poor} |
By order Jno. Scollay Esqr. & Wm. Boardman, Selectmen |
28th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Joshua Hubbard & Wife |
Town |
By Order Jno. Codman jr. One of the Overseers of Poor |
27th. |
Discharg’d Abigail Brown & her son |
State |
29th. |
Discharg’d Henry Kendall & his Wife |
State |
30th. |
Discharg’d Andrew Robertson & his Wife |
State |
31st. |
Wm. Procter, rec’d. into the Alms house |
Town |
by order John White Esqr. one of the Overseers |
31st. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Eliz: Jenney |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Proctor |
by order Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts, Selectmen |
Apl. 5th. |
Discharg’d Mary Sharpe R[un] |
State |
5th. |
Nancy Fitzgerald—discharg’d |
Town |
6th. |
Polly Cowell—a Child—discharg’d |
Town |
6th. |
Wm. Burns—discharg’d |
State |
8th. |
Polly62 Benjamin entered |
Town |
by Order J: L: Austin Esqr. one of the Overseers |
8th. |
Discharg’d John McKenzie |
State |
1790 Apl. 12th.} |
Recd: into the Almshouse Mary Tarbel |
Town |
℘ Ordr. John Codman jr: Overseer |
14th. |
Recd. Ichabod Willaston63 into the Almshouse |
Town |
℘ ordr. Edwd. Edes one of the Overseers |
14th. |
Dischargd. John Bothree |
State |
14th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Bulkley & her daughter Polly |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Procter |
℘ Order Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts} Selectmen |
14th. |
Discharg’d Eben: Ruddock |
Town |
15th. |
Discharg’d Timo. Donevan |
State |
Recd. into the Almshouse Pat: Shanly & Daughter |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Procter |
℘ Order Wm. Boardman Select Man |
Discharg’d same day |
18th. |
Discharg’d James McQuin |
State |
19 |
Recd. into the almshouse Elizabeth Ryon64 & her Child Thos |
State |
Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order John Scollay & Wm. Bordman} Selet. men |
19 |
Recd. into the almshouse Rebecca Cornett |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Edward Edes one of the overseers of the Poore |
20 |
Dischargd. Cornelus Obrion |
State |
20 |
Recd. John Reed into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Pr. Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. Order of John Scollay Selectman |
1790 Apl. 21} |
Recd. into the Almshouse Roger Bardy |
State |
Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay & Harb Dorr Selet. men |
Discharg’d John Willet—bound out |
Town |
21st. |
Recd. Geo: & Charles Jolly—sons of Wm. Jolly |
State |
Consented to by Henry Hill Esqr. |
℘ Order Thos. Crafts & Thos. Edwards Select Men |
Geo: 10 ys. old July 4th. Charles 8 the 5 Novr. 1790 |
22d. |
Recd. into the almshouse Nancy DCosta65 & Daughter ailes [alias?] |
House Mar[rie]d a Londner |
State |
℘ order Saml. Parkman one of the Overseers |
24 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Sharp Wife to Wm. Sharp Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
State |
Pr. Order John Scollay |
} Selt. men |
26 |
Dischargd. Thos. Brandgon |
State |
26 |
Discharg’d Betsy Dennie & her child |
Town |
26 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Dina Minot |
State |
Consented to Edward Proctr Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts} Selet. men |
26 |
Horn Dorothy Dischargd. |
State |
26 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Alexander Whright66 |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Esqrs. |
27 |
Dischargd. Robt. Watson |
State |
27 |
Dischargd. Edward Beacham |
State |
Recd. into the almshouse Wm. Curtis |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter Esqr. one of the Overseers of the Poor Run |
30 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Pegey Hurly |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter Esqr one of the overseers of the Poor |
1790 May |
1 |
Recd. into the alms House Elizh. Goodwin |
Town |
Pr. Order of John Sweetcher Esqr. Overseer of the Poor |
1 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Pool |
Town |
Pr. Order of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
1 |
Recd. into the almshouse Pegg Symmes |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
Wm. Bordman, Thos. Edwards} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshouse Wm. Ryan, son to Eliza. Ryan born in the house the 22d. Ulto. (Omitted) |
State |
4 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Sophie Manders67 |
Consented to Jona. Mason |
John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Esqrs.} Seletmen |
8 |
Dischargd Pomp a Negro Man |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. Patrick Quin |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. John Carns |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. Charles jolley Bound out |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. Sarah Seegreaves |
Town |
11 |
Dischargd John Gillard |
State |
11 |
Dischargd. Jane Rusell |
State |
12 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Thos. Lawson |
State |
Consent to Edward Procter Esqr. overseer of the Poore |
Pr. Order of Wm. Bordman & Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
12 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Rion & two Children |
State |
Recd. into the Almshouse William Thurston |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Harbl. Dorr} Select Men |
1790 |
May 13 |
Recd. Edward Irland68 & his Wife |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edwd. Procter Esqr. one of the Overseers of the Poor |
13 |
Reced. John Brown a Child Son to John Brown 4 years old May 23 |
Consented to Jona. L Austin |
State |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Sever & Wm. Bordman} Select men |
Recd. into the Almshouse Saml. Covel & His Son Saml. aged 6 years the 4th. of Janury Last the Father Born at Cape Cod |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
15 |
Recd. into the almshouse Hartford Robert a disordd. Negrom[an] |
State |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Thos. Crafts} Select Men |
Consented to Pr. Edwd. Procter |
sent to work House |
15 |
Recd. Mary Watts in to the alms house |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poore |
15 |
Recd. into the almshouse James Downe an Irish man |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Wm. Bordman one of the Select men |
17 |
Dischargd. Holems Simson |
Town |
20 |
Recd. into the almshouse Lucy Malony69 |
State |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts, Thos. Edwards} Select men |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
20 |
Recd. Nathl. Corben into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
21 |
Dischargd. James Downe |
State |
Dischargd. Mary Tuttle |
Town |
Dischargd. Mary Pool |
Town |
22 |
Dischd. Pegey Symmes |
State |
22 |
Dischd. Wm. Curtis Run |
Town |
22 |
Dischd. James Brown Run |
State |
1790 |
May 22 |
Recd. into the Alms house Saml. Trescot |
State |
Pr. order of Harbo. Dorr Select man |
Consent to Edward Procter Esqr. overseer of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. into the almes House Ruth Mathur and 2 Children |
State |
Pr. Wm. Bordman Select man |
Consented to Jon Lorin Austin Overseer of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse Phillis Eustis a Black woman |
State |
Pr. order Wm. Bordman Selectman |
Consented to Wm. Smith one of the overseers of the Poor |
22 |
Dischd. Richard Crouch |
State |
24 |
Dischd. Roger Bardy State |
24 |
Dischard Poll Benjman & Child |
State |
Dischd. Denis Hogen State |
25 |
Dischd. Joshua Hubbard |
Town |
26 |
Recd. into the almshouse Peter Essenger |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
26 |
Recd. Polle70 Benjman & Child into the almshouse |
State |
28 |
Recd. Daniel Benjman into the almshouse |
Pr. order of Edward Procter Esqr. |
June 1st. |
Discharg’d Rodolph Pelliger |
State |
<Discharg’d Mary Tuttle> Enter’d the 21st. |
Town |
1 |
Dischargd. Fillis Eustis |
State |
1 |
Recd. Richard Langley71 |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay, Wm. Boardman |
2 |
Recd. Mary Grainger & her Child into the Alms house |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter Esqr |
2 |
Recd. Mary Hinds in to the almshouse |
State |
Pr. order John White overseer |
2 |
Dischargd Wintrop Gray (Alias Carr) |
State |
1790 |
June 2 |
Recd. into the Alms House John Kelley |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order Harbottle Dorr, Thos. Walley Selectmen |
2 |
Recd. into the alms House John Gillard |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Wm. Bordman} Select men |
2 |
Dischd. ame Rusell & her Son Peter Jeffers |
State |
8 |
Dischd Saml. Tr[e]scot & Betty Wier the 7th. |
both State |
<8 |
John Reed aged about 35 years> |
9 |
Recd. into the alms house Benjman Sinclear72 Born in Vermont |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Thos. Walley} Esqr. Selecct Men |
9 |
Dischargd Saml. Sargent |
Town |
11 |
Dischagd. Mary Buckley & her Daughter Mary |
State |
11 |
Dischargd. Elizth. Haden |
Town |
21 |
Dischargd. Judea Low |
State |
Receved into the Alms house Sarah Goodwin of Peknopsket |
Pr. order of Wm. Smith overseer |
23 |
Recd. in to the almshouse ann Milton |
Town |
Pr. Order of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the overseers of the poor |
26 |
Recd. into the almshouse Polle73 Webb from the Workhouse at the Requst of the Doctr |
Town |
28 |
Recd. into the alms house Thos. Braggadon |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the Oversers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Harbottle Dorr Esqrs.} Select Men |
Recd. William Pomroy into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Wm. Bordman} Select Men |
1790 June 30 |
Dischargd. David Denia |
State |
June 30 |
Recd. into the alms House Michael Taylor an Irish Pedler |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Sever & Thos. Crafts Esqr.} Select Men |
July 3 |
Recd. into the almshouse Benjn. Edey |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer |
Pr. Wm. Bordman—Select Man |
July 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshouse—Judath Low74 |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman Selectman |
1790 |
July 7 |
Recd. Thos. Murfey75 into the alms House |
State |
Jona. Mason overseer |
pr. order Mr. Scolay & Bordman |
Dischargd Jno. Morrison |
State |
July 7 |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Nottage a Child of about 7 years old |
State |
Consented to John Sweetsur overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Bordman—Selectmen |
July 10 |
Dischargd John Keley |
State |
July 10 |
Dischargd. Sarah Coney but Left her Child Nancey aged 4 years} |
State |
July 15 |
Recd. into the almshouse Henry Williams |
State |
Consent to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay Select man |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Dawes <& her Child> |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman |
22 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Brown and her 2 Children |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshouse Patrick Shandy |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Henery Hill overseer of the Poor |
24 |
Recd. into the almshouse Marian Mathewson |
State |
Consented to Pr. Edward Procter |
Pr. order of John Scolay & Jabez Hatch Select men |
1790 July 26 |
Judea Low Run |
State |
27 |
Dischargd. Thos. Braggadon |
State |
29 |
Recd. into the alms House John Griggs & his Wife} |
Town |
Pr. order of Wm. Smith overseer |
29 |
Dischargd. Nancey Howes |
State |
31 |
Dischargd Michel Taylor |
State |
31 |
Recd. into the almshouse George Lee |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason Esqr. overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts Esqr. Select Man |
Discharg’d Jeremiah Carr the 14th. instant bd: out & his Mother Ann: alias Gray the 28th. |
State |
31 |
Dischargd. Wm. Procter |
Town |
Augt. 4 |
Dischargd Sarah Goodwin |
State |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Freedrick Dominique |
State |
Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
4 |
Dischargd James Matthews Bound out |
State |
7 |
Recd. into the almshouse Judith Kelly & her two Infant Children |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Selectmen |
Jane 7 1/2 & Margret 4 years of age |
9 |
Recd. into the alms House Anna Richardson |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Jona. L Austin one of the over Seers of the Por |
9 |
Recd. into the almshouse Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
9 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Fleming |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay one of the Select men |
1790 |
Augt. 9th. |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Sharp |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Wm. Bordman Select men |
12 |
Recd. into the almshouse Thos. Loring |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
Dischargd Hugh Kemple |
State |
12 |
Recd. Elizebath Farrier & two Children into the Almshouse |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts, Wm. Bordman} select men |
12 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Garrar76 |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Ezekl. Price} Select men |
14 |
Dischargd. Mary Singclare77 |
State |
14 |
Recd. into the Almshouse John Hews78 |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Esqr. Select men |
14 |
Recd. into the almshouse Joseph Colesworthy |
Town |
Pr. order of John Codman one of the overseers of the Poor |
14 |
Dischargd. Henry Luckus |
Town |
21 |
Recd. into the almshouse Henry Luckis |
Town |
Pr. order of John White one of the overseers of the poor |
Polly Davis Married to Rd. Harris the 8th. instant |
1790 |
Augt. 23 |
Dischargd. Timothey Gyear79 |
State |
30 |
John Fling Dischargd |
State |
Sept. 1 |
James Brown discharg’d |
State |
3 |
Discharged Ann Whitman |
Town |
3 |
Dischargd. John Hewes |
State |
3 |
Recd Nancy Moter into the almshouse a Child about 5 years of age |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edwd. Edes one of the overseers of the poor |
<4 |
Dischd. Ruth Mathers to the Workhouse |
State |
Pr. order of Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor> |
4 |
Recd. into the alms hous Patty Dorsey |
State |
Consent to Pr. Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Wm. Bordam Selectmen |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Nancy Garrel |
Town |
Pr. order of the Board of overseers on Sitting Day |
6 |
Recd. into the Alms house John Kelly |
State |
Consented to Pr. Jona: Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekel Price one of the Select Men |
6 |
Dischd. Henry Lockos |
Town |
Dischd. Merian Mathewson |
State |
6 |
Discd. James Pike |
Town |
10 |
Discd. Michael Comley |
State |
10 |
Discd. Hugh Smith |
State |
<10 |
Discd. Mary Mathewson |
State> |
10 |
Discd. Hannah McKenzie80 |
State |
10 |
Discd. Ruth Matthews |
State |
10 |
Discd. Richard Langley |
State |
10 |
Discrd. amos Rownds |
State |
10 |
Discd. Elizh. Berrey |
State |
1790 |
Septr. 10th. |
Dischargd John Hanny |
State |
<10 |
Discd. John Howes |
State> |
13 |
Discd. John Kelley |
State |
13 |
Discd. Ann Cox |
Town |
15 |
Recd. in to the Almshouse Robert Woodson A black Man |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman overseer of the poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Select men |
16 |
Recd. into the almshouse Thos. Brannagaw |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Jabz Hatch, & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
17 |
Dischd. Michel Crawley81 |
Town |
18 |
Discd. Polley Webb into the Workhous |
Town |
Pr. Verble order Jona. Mason ovseer |
18 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Sharp |
State |
Consented to Henry Hill one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
18 |
Discd. Mary Dawes (& Ann Chaloner, State) |
Town |
22 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Margret Fitzgerel82 |
State |
Pr. order of Harbl. Dorr & Eben Sever} Select men |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. John Keily into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Edes |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Bordman} Select men |
Recd. Ann Fovel & Mary Hogg into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Edes one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Thos. Walley & Ebenr. Seavers} Select men |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse Hugh Smith |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
1790 |
Septr. 25th. |
Dischargd Robert Woodson a Black man |
State |
25 |
Discd. Cathrne Cook |
State |
27 |
Discd. Nathaniel Corborn |
Town |
29 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Boston a Negro man |
State |
Consented John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ebenr. Seaver & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
29 |
Dischargd Fradrick Domineque |
State |
29 |
Recd. into the almshouse Timothy Guire |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Wm. Bordman} Select men |
30 |
Discd. John Fliming |
State |
30 |
Recd. into the almshouse Hannah Leahea |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley, Wm. Boardman} Select men |
Octr. |
4 |
Recd. Mary Pool into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
4 |
Disd. Henry Williams |
State |
& Polly Paine |
5 |
Recd. Mary Cowell a Child 5 years old |
Town |
Pr. order John Codman one of the overseers of the Poor |
6 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Budd Robenson |
Town |
Pr. order of Edwd. Procter one of the over Seers of the Poor |
8 |
Recd. into the almshouse Johua Hunnewill83 |
Town |
Pr. order of Wm. Smith one of the overseers of the Poor |
8 |
Recd. into the almshouse Luce Newell a Black woman on the States acct. |
Consented to Jona. Loring austin |
State |
Ezekl. Price, Thos. Craft Selectmen |
1790 |
Octr. 8 |
Disd. Luce Maloney |
State |
12 |
Disd. Ann Frobile |
State |
Recd. into the almshouse Cathrine Towsand84 |
State |
Consent to Edward Procter one of the ovseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Thos. Crafts & Thos. Edwards} Select men |
12 |
Recd. into the almshouse Henry Lucas |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman one of the ovseers of the Poor |
12 |
Dischargd. Budd Roberson to the Workhouse a Distracted Man |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
12 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Elizh. Sheene & her Son Robert Carr |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. J L Austin one of the overseers of the Poor |
16 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ann Whitman |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John White one of the oversers of the Poor |
18 |
Recd. into the almshouse Robt. Dunlap |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the oversers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Selectmen |
19 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ebenzr. Ruduck |
Town |
Pr. order Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
21 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Sheene |
Town |
21 |
Recd. James Meadows85 into the almshouse on the States account |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Stephen Gorham one of the overseers of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse Fradrick Eairs86 |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
1790 |
October 27 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Farrer & her three Children |
State |
28 |
Recd. into the almshouse George Fisher |
State |
Consented to Wm. Phillips one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley Select man |
28 |
Recd. into the almshouse Robert Wooson87 a Black man |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman overseer} |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley, Jabez Hatch} Selectmen |
28 |
Recd. into the Almshouse John Murphey88 |
State |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Ezekel Price Selectmen |
Consented to Wm. Phillips overseer |
29 |
Cathrine Townsand Run |
State |
29 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ruben Goreham89 |
Town |
Pr. order of Jona. L Austin |
29 |
Recd. into the almeshous John Gillard |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason ovseer |
Pr. Order of John Scollay, Harbottle Dorr} Select men |
Recd. into the almshouse Sarah Perre |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. John White one of the overseers of the poor |
2 |
Recd. Mary Webb into the Almshouse from the Workhouse |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Jona. Mason |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Judeth Low90 |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Select men |
Discd. Ruben Goreham |
Town |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Edward Beacham |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman ovseer |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Ebenr. Seaver Selectmen |
5 |
Recd. into the almshouse James Pike |
Town |
Pr. order Mr. Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
1790 Novr. |
5 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Sarah Adams |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Edward Edes overseer |
5 |
Recd. into the Alms house Mary Richardson |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
5 |
Recd. into the almshouse Philles How a Black woman |
State |
Consented to Pr. Edward Procter one of the ovseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Wm. Boardman Select Men |
12 |
Dischd. Thos. Cross to the Workhouse |
Town |
Pr. order of John White one of the oversers of the Poor |
12 |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Pirce91 |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
14 |
Recd. into the almshouse Daniel Loring |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Saml. Parkman |
Recd. into the Almshouse Sarah Seagreaves92 |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John Codman one of the over Seers of the Poor |
18 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Woods on account of the State |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer |
Pr. order of Ezekle Price Selectman |
18 |
Recd. into the alms Jenny Doane a black woman |
State |
Pr. order of John L. Austin |
18 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Polly93 Tilty |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley one of the Select Men |
19 |
Recd. Lidia Rider into the almshouse |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman Selectman |
Novr. 21 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Wm. McMoran |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Thos Walley Select men |
21 |
Dischargd James Meadows |
State |
24 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Bryant |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Sever & Wm. Boardman Select men |
26 |
Recd. Wm. Kennedy into the Almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman one of the Overseers of the Poor |
26 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Michael Comley |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price one of the Selectmen |
27 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ann Vallier a Distracted woman |
State |
Pr. order of Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor / Sent Ditto the workhouse |
orderd. to the almshouse by Thos Edwards one of the Selectmen |
Sent to the wokhouse the Same Day |
(sent to the Work house) |
27 |
Recd. into the almshouse Wm. Spooner & Wife |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. John Codman one of the overseers of the poor |
27 |
Recd. into the almshouse Cathrine Freeman a Black woman on the State account |
State |
Pr. order of Henry Hill one of the overseers of the poor |
27 |
Recd. Harriot Brown into the almshouse 2 1/2 years old |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbl. Dorr, Wm. Bordman Select men |
30th. |
Recd. Sharp Wm. into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman overseer of the poor |
Pr. order of Ezek Price and Thos. Crafts Select men |
Recd. into the Almshouse Juba a blk boy (the 10th. instt.) |
Consented to by S: Parkman |
by ordr. Thos. Walley, Jabez Hatch} Select Men |
(sent to Workhouse) |
1790 Novr. 30 |
Recd. Cole John |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
<Decr. 2d. |
Dischargd. Wm. Spoorer & his Wife |
State> |
2 |
Recd. into the almshouse Salley Conday |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Harbotle Dorr, Ebenr. Seaver} Select men |
2 |
Recd. into the almshouse Sarah Eddey |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Henry Hill one of the overseers of the Poor |
Recd. John Cobourn94 into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman |
6 |
Recd. into the almshouse Titus Freeman a Black man |
State |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ebenr. Seaver Select man |
9 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Frances95 Moren |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos Crafts & Ezekl. Price} Select men |
9 |
Recd. into the Alms house Frank Hutson96 |
State |
Consented to John L Austin one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order Wm. Boardman one of the Select men |
9 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Hannah Wapples |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
9 |
Recd. Sarah Lovering into the Almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
1790 |
Decr. 9 |
Recd. Susannah Frank into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman one of the Select men |
9 |
Recd. Hannah McKinzey97 into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price & Wm. Bordman Selectmen} |
9 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Wayod a Stranger |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts, Ebenr. Seaver} Select men |
9 |
Recd. Mary Fling into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
9 |
Recd. John Healey into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Ezl. Price Select men |
9 |
Recd. James McQuin into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman Select man |
11 |
Recd. a Femail Black Child about 7 or 8 months old98 found in Mr. Lucas’s yard |
State |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Mr. Ebenzr. Seaver one of the Selectmen |
dischd: the 27th. Jany. [17]91 |
11 |
Recd. Catharine English into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekel Price one of the Selectmen |
Decr. 14d. |
Recd. Mordicai Johnson into the almshouse |
State |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price & Thos. Crafts Selectmen} |
Consented to Edward procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
14 |
Recd. Lidea Marstin into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
16 |
Recd. Saml. North into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price one of the Selectmen |
17 |
Recd. Benjn. Fowler into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ebenr. Seaver one of the Selectmen |
17 |
Recd. John Berry into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Seaver Select man |
(Discharg’d the 19th.) |
21 |
Dischagd. William Fossey Bund out |
State |
21 |
Recd. ann Chaloner into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason overseer |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price Select Man |
21 |
Dischd. Elice Stoddar |
Town |
22 |
Recd. John Hartley into the Almshouse Born in Old England |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Jabez Hatch & Thos Crats Select men |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Parrick and his wife Jane with their Son John Negros |
State |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Ebenr. Seaver Select men |
Consented to John Sweetser overseer Junr.} Black |
1790 |
Decr. 28 |
Recd. Michel Crowley into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
29 |
Recd. into the almshouse William Procter |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman one of the Select men |
29 |
Recd. Philip Fling into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Seaver & Jabez Hatch Select men |
29 |
Recd. Phillip Delanty into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ezekl. Price & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
Recd. Ann Payson into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Ebenr. Seaver Select men |
31 |
Recd. Jack Pemberton a Black man |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbo. Dorr, Wm. Boardman} Select men |
January 1791 |
Recd. into the almshouse Patrick Burns from New York |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman one of the Selectmen |
3 |
Recd. Alexander Thomson from Scotland |
State |
Consented to Stephen Gorham overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos Walley one of the Select men |
3 |
Dischargd. Saml. North to the Workhouse |
State |
3 |
Anna Callahan admitted into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Ezekl. Price} Select men |
1791 |
January 6 |
Dischargd. John Brown Bound out |
Town |
6 |
Dischd. Robt. Carr Bound out |
Town |
6 |
Recd. Mathew Son a Child to Mathew Son a Boy allmost Six years of age into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Ebenezr. Seaver} Select men |
7 |
Recd. John Flinn99 into the almshous |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Edwards Select Man |
7 |
Discd. Sarah Seagreeves |
Town |
Recd. Daniel Loring into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
10 |
Recd. Sarah Pray into the Alms house |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Thos. Crafts Select men |
10 |
Elizebeth Berrey Run |
State |
10 |
Ann Cox Run |
Town |
10 |
Recd. John Anderson into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Thos. Edwards Select men |
13 |
Dischargd. John Briant |
State |
Recd. Nancy Willard |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Tos. Walley, Wm. Boardman} Select men |
13 |
Recd. Saml. Jenkens into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John White one of the overseers of the Poor} |
1791 |
Janur. 13 |
Recd. Mary McClockin100 into the almsho[use] |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
13 |
Recd. Hannah Hartley101 & her two Children Polly Tennaney & Nancy Hartley} |
State |
Consented to John Codman jur. overseer of the poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
13 |
Recd. Peter Bray into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbotle Dorr one of the Select men |
13 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Palfrey & his two Children Thos. & John |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
Town |
15 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Robert Hill |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbotle Dorr & Wm. Boardman one of the Select Men |
15 |
Recd. Ebenr. Cox & his Wife ann into the almshous |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Henry Hill one of the overseers of the Poor |
Dischargd. John Palfrey Jur. |
Town |
Recd. Michall Cassaday & his Wife Kathrine |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Thos Edwards} Select men |
1791 |
Jany. 19th. |
Discharg’d Robt. Hill |
State |
19th. |
Recd. Lucy Bradford into the Almshouse |
Town |
by Order Colo. Procter |
19 |
Recd. Saml. North into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to by E: Procter |
Pr. order of Ez Price, Wm. Boardman |
22 |
Recd. Catharine Cook into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Harbl. Dorr, Ezekl. Price Select Men |
26 |
Discd. Micheal Cassady & his Wife Cathrine |
State |
Recd. John Mellhorn & his Wife Jane into the alms House |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman, Ezekl. Prich Select men} |
31st. |
Recd. Nabby Barry aged 10 yrs. (alias Cox) into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to by Colo: Procter |
℘ ord Wm. Boardman Select Man |
Feby. 1st. |
Recd. Wm. Hartly into the Almshouse |
Consented to by S: Parkman One of the Overseers |
℘ order Wm. Boardman, Thos. Crafts} Select Men |
2d. |
Recd. Sarah Burnia102 into the Almshouse |
Consented to by Jona: Mason Overseer |
℘ ord. Eb: Seaver, J. Hatch} Select Men |
(S: Burnham) |
3d. |
Recd. Sarah Rouslow into the almshouse a Child 7 years of age Last novemr. |
State |
Consented to John White overseer |
Pr. order of Harbl. Dorr} Select Man |
Names | Time of Admission & Discharge | Town or State | By what Overseer | By what Selectman | |||||||
Patrick Burns |
1791 dischd: feby. 7th. |
State |
Robt. Hoiate |
Dischd. feby. 8th |
State |
dld. to his Father |
Sarah Williamson |
Admited feby. 10 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Walley |
Alaxander Tomson |
Disd. febr. 14 |
State |
John Woods |
Dischd. feby. 15 |
State |
George Fisher |
Dischd. feby. 15 |
State |
Nabby Barry |
Dischd. 17th Feby. |
State |
bound out |
alias Cox |
Polly Pool |
Dischd: 17th. Feby. |
Town |
bound out |
Lambeth Murphy |
Admitd. feby. 15th. |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Harb: Dorr |
Thos. Edwards |
Mary Brown a Child |
Admitd: feby. 17 |
Ditto |
Do. |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Wier |
Admitd: feby. 17 |
State |
Do. |
Harb: Dorr |
Henry Blackbour103 |
admitd. feby. 19 |
State |
Edwd. Proctr. |
Harbl. Dorr |
Luce Newel & her son John Newel |
Dischd. feby. 21 |
State |
Luther Eddy |
dischd: feby. 9th. |
State & returnd Marh. 16th. brot. here By the Court |
Mrs: Hollis104 & 4 childn: |
admitd: feby: 21 |
Town |
Hy: Hill |
Luce Meloney105 |
Admitd. feby. 22 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Walley |
Jabz Hatch |
Henry Blackbourn |
dischd. feby. 23d. |
State |
John Coburn |
dischd: feby: 24th. |
Town |
Thos: Wier |
dischd: feby: 24 |
State |
James Welch |
Admitd. feby: 24 |
State |
Ed: Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Cath: Townsend |
Admitd: Feby. 23d. |
State |
Colo: Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Mark McLauchlin |
Admitd: Feby. 26th. |
Do. |
Do. |
Ez: Price |
Thos. Crafts |
dischd. Mar: 2d. |
Do. |
Mary Wayod |
Dischd. Marh. 3d. |
Do. |
John Melidge |
Admitd.—5th. |
Do. |
Edwd. Eades |
Minor Freeman (a Black) |
admitd. 5 |
State |
Edwd. Eades |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Walley |
Thos. Branagan |
Dischd. Mar: 7th. |
State |
Robert Dunlap |
Dischd. Marh. 9 |
State |
John Mitchell |
Admitd. Mar 10th. |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
George Ray |
admitd. marh. 10 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. McMoran |
Dischd. marh. 12 |
State |
Olive White |
Admitd. mar. 12 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Mordica Johnson |
Dischd. marh. 12 |
State |
Wm. Buckley |
admitd. mar 12 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Daniel Benjman106 |
Dischd. mar 14 |
Town |
Eliza: Stevens |
Admitd: Mar 16th. |
State |
Ed: Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Peter Michal107 a blk |
Admitted Mar: 16th. |
Do: |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Luther Eddy |
Admited mar. 16 |
State |
John Anderson |
Dischd. mah. 16 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
Dischd. marh. 16 |
State |
Saml. Covel |
Dischd. marh. 16 |
State |
Jams. Welch |
Dischd. mar. 16 |
State |
Saml. Jenkins |
Dischd. Marh. 16 |
Town |
Timothey Carrel108 |
Admitd. marh. 18 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Edwd. Beacham |
Dischd. marh. 21 |
State |
James McQuin |
Dischd. marh. 21 |
State |
Run marh. 21 |
Town |
Mary Webb & Child |
Run marh. 21 |
Town |
Returnd in two Days |
Mary Sharp |
Ditto Ditto |
State |
Sarah Williamson |
Ditto Ditto |
State |
John Gillard |
Dischd. marh. 21 |
State |
Filip Delance |
Dischd. marh. 22 |
State |
Wm. Ryan |
Admitd. mar 24 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Bridget Cox from Jail |
Admitd. mar 28 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Thos. Edwards |
<Anna Lewis and Sarah Lewis her children> |
Nance English admit march 28 a Child |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Eleanor Ritchie |
Dischd. aprl. 1st. |
State |
Sarah Griffith |
admitd. aprl. 4th. |
Town |
Henry. Hill |
Margrett Harrison |
admited. aprl. 6 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Saml. Covel |
Bound out aprl. 7th. to Jeremh. Whitemore of Spencer |
State |
Sarah Man |
Bound to Ditto aprl. 7th. |
State |
Sarah Condon |
Dischd. apr. 7 |
State |
to Jona. Wild Walpole |
Edward & Luce109 Franks |
admitd. aprl. 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Joshu Hubbard & Abigal his Wife |
Dischd. aprl. 8 |
Town |
James Peas |
Admitd. 8 |
Wilbraham |
Stepm. Gorham |
Richard Corbett |
Admitd. 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
adam Dogget |
admited 10 |
State |
John Codman |
Charles Bulfinch |
anna Etheridge110 |
admitd. 12 |
Town |
John Lorg. Austin |
John Murfey111 |
Dischd. 12 |
State |
James Downe |
Admitd. 13 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Edwards |
Charls Bulfinch |
admitd. 14 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Mary Webb |
Discd. to workhouse 14 |
Town |
John Kiley his Wife Judea112 & Child |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
Sarah Finn |
dischd. 19th. |
State |
Sarah Burnal |
Run 19 |
State |
Nancy Rawson a Black |
Admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Wm. Rian113 |
Discd. 25 |
State |
Elizth. Warner & Child |
admitd. 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Bordman |
York Cox a Blak |
Admitd. 25 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Mary Sharp |
Admitd. 25 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
John Murfee |
Admitd. 26 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Crafts |
Timoy. Carrel |
Dischd. 27 |
State |
<Thos.> Lambeth Murfe114 |
Dischd. Marh. 28 |
State |
Ebenr. Rudock115 |
Dischd. aprl. 27 |
Town |
Danel Loring |
Dischd. aprl. 27 |
Town |
omited two Children of Lidea Marstens. Born in the House april 19 1791 named Wm. Eustis & Polle Dunn admited116 |
Elizh. Robertson |
Dischd. May 1st. |
State |
James Downe |
Dischd. 2d. |
State |
Wm. |
Twins of Lyda: Marston117 |
Admitd. 19th. Apl: |
Town |
Polly |
Admitted 19th. Apl: |
Town |
John Coon |
Dischd. May 3 |
State |
Nancy Rawson a blk. |
dischd: May 4th. |
State |
Jeremiah Mahany118 |
admitd. May 4 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Bordman |
Saml. Cabot |
Patrick Shandly119 |
admd. May 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
judea Low |
Dischd. May 10 |
State |
Wm. Clare Hannah his Wife & Joseph Their Son |
admitd. 16 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Pheebe Gee a Black |
admitd. 16 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Elam Gifford |
Dischd. 16 to Workhouse |
State |
James Pike Wife & Child |
Dischd. 16 |
Town |
John ayers his wife & Child |
Admitd. 20 |
State |
Loring Austin |
Wm. Buckley |
Dischad. 23 |
State |
<John> Wm. Hartley |
Dischd. 23 |
State |
Wm. Procter |
Dischd. 23 |
State |
Henry Luckos |
Dischd. 23 |
Town |
Aandrow George Hardk |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezek Price |
Olive White |
Dischd. 23 |
State |
<George Jolley> |
Cathn: English & Child |
dischd: 27th. May |
State |
Peter Bray a blk |
dischd: 27th. May |
State |
Wm. Ryon120 |
Admitd. 27 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
dischd. next day |
Tons. Edwards |
John Brian |
admitd. 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Chars. Bulfinch |
dschd. 30 |
State |
Hannah Hollis & 4 Children |
dschd. 30 |
Town |
Reb: Baldrige |
Admitted the 29th. |
Town |
<(died same day)> |
<John Brian |
Run 31> |
dischd. 28th May |
State |
Thos Branagan |
admitd. June 1 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos Walley |
Thos. Crafts |
Luther Eddy |
run June 1st. |
State |
Frank Hodson |
do: June 4th. |
Do. |
Jerẽ: Mehaney123 |
to the Workho: 4th. |
Do. |
John Bryan |
dischd: 6th. June |
Do. |
Thos. Branagan |
dischd. 5 June |
Do. |
Jack Pollard a Black |
Discd. 9 |
Do. |
Sarah Lovring |
Dischd. 9 |
Town |
Elizabeth Warner |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
Returnd. the 15th. |
John Briant124 |
admitd. June 11th. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Branagan |
admitd. 13 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Brown a molato Child |
Dischargd. 14 |
State |
Mary Roleston125 |
admitd. 16 |
Town |
Jona. Mason Verbl order |
Erick Osterman |
admitd. 17 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Mary McCollom |
admitd. 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
S Cobot |
Luce Willis |
Dischargd. 22 |
Town |
Erick Osterman |
Dischd. 27 |
State |
Juba West a Black man |
admitd. 27 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
James Downey |
admitd. July 1 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Litle |
Mary Sharp |
Dischd. 2d. |
State |
To the work house |
Wm: Procter |
admitd. 2 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Ann Murphey126 |
Bound out 4th. |
State |
Bound out 6 |
State |
Returnd |
Henry Eaton Mayhew |
Bound out 7 |
State |
from the Work house |
Ann Murphey |
Bound out 4th. |
State |
Denis Cavnough |
Dischd. 8 |
State |
Mary Tilton an Infant |
Admitd. July 2d. |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Edwards |
Mark McLaucklin127 |
Dischd. 2 |
State |
Sarah Lanford128 |
Dischd. 12 |
Town |
Mark McClocklin129 |
admitd. 12 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Hannah Lahea130 & Child |
admited. 12 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Fradrick Aires |
Dischd. 13 |
Town |
Mary McCollom |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
John Briant |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
Dennis Cavenaugh131 |
Admtd. 16 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Anna Etheridge |
Dischd. 18 |
Town |
Thos. Bragedon |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
Hannah Waples |
Dischd. 19 |
State |
Ann Jarrel |
Dischd. 19 |
Town |
Hannah Perkins |
admitd. 20 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
James Frost |
admitd. 21 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
James Comerford |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Lanford |
Run |
Town |
Cathre. English & Child |
admited July 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Bragedon132 |
admitd. 22 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizth. Burkhurt |
Bound out To Wm. Chafe of Freeport July 22 |
State |
Wm. Boardman |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Walley |
Hannah Perkins a Child |
admit 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos Crafts |
John McKinsey133 |
admitd. 25 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
John Gillard |
admitd. 25 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Fradrick aires |
admitd. 25 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
John Palfrey |
Dischd. 26 |
Town |
androw George Hardk134 a Sweed. |
Dischd. 26 |
State |
Lidea Marting135 |
Dischd. 26 |
Town |
Thos. Furrs aged 16 Months |
admit 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
John Flinn |
Dischd. Augt. 1 |
State |
Mark McClockline |
Dischd. 2 |
State |
Hannah Clare |
Dischd. 2 |
State |
Patte Dorsey |
Dischd. 6 |
State |
Margreat Harrason |
Dischd. 8 |
State |
James Jones & Elizh. His Wife also Their Son Wm. |
admited augt. 8 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Sarah Pray |
dischd. the 5th. |
Abigail Lord |
Admitd. 12 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Sofriah Manders |
Discd. 12 |
State |
James Comerford |
Dischd. 12 |
State |
Luce Willis |
admitd. 13 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Hannah Lahay |
Run the 8 Return’d the 12th. |
John Morar |
Admitd. 16 |
State |
Ed. Proctor |
Ezl. Price |
Ebenr. Ruddock136 |
Admitd. 18 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
21st. Sent to the work hous |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
James Barrey |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Robert Wylie |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Mark McClocklin137 |
admitd. 22 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Crafts |
Luther Edey138 |
Returnd 22d. |
Pr. order of Col. Procter |
Ebenezr. Cox |
Dischd. 29 |
Town |
Abigal Lord |
admited 31 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Susanah Coplin |
admitd. augt. 31 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
James Frost |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
Hannah Duxbury & her Child Hannah |
Dismist Septr. 1 |
Town |
John Willet |
admitd. 1 |
Town |
John White |
Nelly Dukes |
admitd. 3 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Nance Garrel |
Dischd. 3d. |
Town |
John Flory & Wife & 2 Children |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Wm. Little |
Catrine139 Vose |
Dischd. 10 |
Town |
Bund out |
Betsey Perce140 |
Dischd. 10 |
Town |
Bound out |
Betsy Hardwick |
admitd: 12th. |
State |
Joña. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. <Persons> Perch |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
John Mellidge |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
Isaac Wendell & Wife |
admitd. 14 |
Town |
Willm. Smith |
Anne Lewis & Wm. Lewis & Salle Lewis the Children of John Lewis a Strangr. |
admitd. 16 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Dischd. 20 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Joseph Whitemore Jur. aged 9 years the 10th. of Octr. next |
admitd. 20 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
John Willet |
Dischd. 21 Sept. |
Town |
John Snow |
admitd. 21 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Walley |
Hannah Lahay |
Dischd. 21 |
Town |
Salle Ipson 6 ys. old last June |
admitd. 23 |
Town |
Stepn. Goraham |
Polle Do. 4 ys. old Janr. Last |
John Brian |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Cuffee ames |
admitd. 23 |
State |
S. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
S Cabot |
Magnus Tellot141 & Wife |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Polle McClannen a Child |
admited 30 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Saml. Whitmore142 will be 5 years octobr. 10th. |
admtd. 30 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Thos Brown |
admitd. 30 |
State |
Ed. Prorcter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Betsey Bennt143 & Saml. Bennit one 7 years the other 3 years of age |
admitd. 30 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Chars. Bulfinch |
Hannah Fuller |
admitd. Octor. 1 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Patty Dorsey |
admitd. 1 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Chars. Bulfinch |
Dannel Loring |
admitd. 1 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. alexander |
admitd. 1 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Chars. Bulfinch |
Luther Edey |
Dismist. sept: 15th. |
State |
Robt: Phillips |
Admitd: 4th. Octo. |
State |
Edwd: Procter |
E: Price |
C: Bulfinch |
Eliz: Hardwick |
dchd: 2 |
Do. |
admitd. Octo. 4 |
Town |
E: Edes |
Luther Edey144 |
admitd. Sent 6th. to the Workhouse |
State |
Eze. Price |
John Morroson145 |
admitd. 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Edwards |
Eliz Farriar146 George |
admit 7 Octr. |
State |
John Sweetser |
E Seaver |
Nancy & Betsey her Children |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Alaxander |
Dischd. 11th. |
State |
Wm. Perch |
Dischd. 11 |
State |
John allen |
admitd. 19 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Danl. Rimick |
admitd. 15 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
John Snow |
Dischd. 19 |
State |
Sarah Garfilt |
admit 19 |
Town |
Step Gorham |
Sarah Warner |
admit 20 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Saml. Larebea147 |
admitd. 20 |
Town |
Jona Mason |
Robert Wylie |
Dischd. 20 |
State |
Saml. Hicks |
admitd. 20 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Ez Price |
Wm. Little |
Elsey Stoddard |
admited 22 |
Town |
Stepn. Goram |
Luce Willis |
Run the 12th. |
Town |
Thos. Hines |
Bound out |
State |
Salle Cades Rusel148 |
Bound out |
Town |
Dennis Hogan |
admited 26 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ez Price |
Wm. Boardman |
<John Battis a Molato |
Dismist. 26 |
State> |
Thos. Brown |
Dismist 26 |
State |
Saml. North |
Dischd. 27 |
State |
Julia Anna Scherve a child 4 years |
admited 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Boardman |
admitd. 1st. Nov: |
Dischd. pr. order of the oveersers |
Colo. Crafts |
Marey Garrow |
Run Octr. 31 |
<Mary Brown & her 3 Childn. |
admited Novr. 2 |
Town |
Ed. Procter> |
Abigarl Luden of Brantre |
admitd. Novr. 3d. |
Jona. Mason |
James Williams |
admitd. 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Saml. Cabot |
Saml. North |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Thos Edwards |
Charls Bulfin[ch] |
Luce Willis |
admitd. 10 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Abigail Hubbard |
Admitd. 10 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Mary Garreau |
admited 10 |
Town |
Henery Hill |
Peter Williston W Hous |
Admitd. Octor. 29th. |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Walley |
John Ingersol a Black |
admitd. Novr. 10 |
State |
S. Parkman |
Ez Price |
Wm. Litle |
David Chamberlin149 |
admitd. 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Joseph Langley |
admitd. 15 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Daniel Peirce |
admitd. 19 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Daniel Remick |
Dismist 21 |
Town |
<Wm. Cleare |
Dismist 21 |
State> |
Antoney Evens150 |
admitd 21 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Perry |
admited 22 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Mary Pike |
admited 23 |
Town |
John White |
Mary Viall151 |
admited 23 |
Town |
John White |
Abigal Luden |
Dismist 25 |
of Brantre |
Daniel Benjn.152 & 1 Child |
admited 26 |
Town |
Jona. Loring Austen |
admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ez Price |
James Williams |
Dischard Novr. 29 |
State |
James Barrey |
Dischargd. 29 |
State |
Wm. Perrey |
Dischargd. 30 |
Town |
Hannah Tuxbury153 |
Bound out 30 |
Town |
Mark McClocklin |
Dischargd. Decr. 1 |
State |
Abigal Simpson |
admid. 2 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Thomas Davis |
Admited 3 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
James Kelley |
Admited 5 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Thos. Crafts |
<Mary Reed omited |
Novr. 14 admitd. |
State> |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Parsons |
Admitd. 6 |
State |
S: Parkman |
Thos. Edwards |
Thos. Crafts |
Salle & Polle Gepson |
Dischd. Novr. 6 |
Town |
Marey Reed154 |
admitd. Novr. 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
<Thos. Davis |
admited Decr. 6 |
State> |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Edwards |
Francis Hudson |
admited [Dec.] 7 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Sever |
Thos. Crafts |
John Clerke155 |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Partrick Hufron |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Thos Crafts |
Wm. Boardman |
James Comerford |
Admited 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Seaver |
John Edwards |
Mary Bufford |
Admit 9 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
John Holbrook |
admited 9 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
admit 10 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
ann Warren |
admit 10 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
James Pike |
admited Decr. 14 |
Town |
John White |
antoney Evens |
Dischard. 15 |
State |
John Griffith |
admit 15 |
Town |
John White |
Wm. Lanford156 |
admited 15 |
Town |
Stephn. Gorham |
Elizth. Warner |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Saml. Legg |
admitd. from workhous 15 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
Eunice Danee a black |
admit 15 |
State |
Jona. L austian |
Ez Price |
Charls Bulfinch |
James Comerford |
Dismist 17 |
State |
Sarah Stone |
admited 17 |
Town |
Edwd. Edes |
Dainel Peirce |
Dischargd. 20 |
Do: |
Josep Langley |
admited 20 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Patt Kelly |
admited 20 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Eben Sever |
Elizth. Hartwick157 from Workhouse |
admitd. 12 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
John Collier |
Admited 21 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Violet Madderson |
Admited 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Sever |
Thos. Crafts |
John Griggery158 |
Admitd. 22 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Sally Harris from Biddeford |
admit 23 |
Town |
Edd. Procter |
Dl. Peirce |
Admitd. 27th. Decr. |
Town |
Benjn. Churchill |
Admit Decr. 29 |
State |
John White |
Thos. Edward |
Wm. Little |
Sarah Lovring159 |
Admit 29 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Eliza. Berrey |
Admitd. 29 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Dischd. 30 |
Town |
Velis Akely |
Admit 30 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Wm. Little |
Janury 5 [1792] Thos. Davis |
Dischd. Janry. 5 |
State |
Mary Keef James & Timothey Keef her Children |
Admited 5 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Charls. Bullfinch |
Danl. Peirce |
Dischd. 6 |
Town |
Ruth Mathers160 |
Admit 6 |
Town |
John White |
Sarah Freeman & her 2 Children Sina & Hanna Indens161 |
Admited 7 |
Town |
John White |
Danil Peirce |
Dischd. 10 |
do: |
Venefred162 Stone |
Admitd. 10 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
anne Etheredg163 |
admit 10 |
Town |
L austin |
Elizth. Flurrey |
Discharged 10 |
State |
Abigal Simons |
Dischd. 13 |
State |
James Kirk |
admited 15 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Olive White a Black |
omited Novr. the 20th 1791 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezek Price |
Tos. Edwards |
Nancy Arbour a Black |
admited Janur. 15 [1792] |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Mary Pain164 |
admited 15 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Robrt Miller |
admited 20 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Litle |
Wm. Bordman |
<Nancy arbour |
admitd. 20 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price> |
Rose Badger & 3 Children |
admitd. 23 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Ez Price |
admited 23 |
State |
Jon L Austin |
Ez Price |
Thos. Walley |
Michael Rellings |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Eben Sever |
Thos. Walley |
alexd. Loyd165 |
admit 25 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Cs. Bulfinch |
Thos. Walley |
John Taylor |
Admit 25 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
E Seavor |
Thos. Crafts |
Betsey Battst166 a Black |
admit 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
C Bulfinch |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Alexander |
Admited 29 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Jos. Brick |
admited 30 |
Town |
Edd. Procter |
Daniel Peirce |
Admit 30 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
John Beapteste a Child |
admitd. Febry. 1st. |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. White |
admited 2 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Stevens167 |
Bound out |
State |
John Finn |
Run a boy 2 |
State |
abigail Whillet |
Admited 4 |
Town |
S Gorham |
<Estor [Foard?] Returnd & Recd. in to the house pr. Verble order of the overseers State> |
John Fitsgarel168 |
Admited Febr. 6 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Joseph Townsand169 |
Admit a Black 8 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
Lidea Moss |
admited 8 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
John Gillard |
Dischargd. 9 |
State |
Returnd the Next Day |
Jos. Bragadon |
Dischargd. 9 |
State |
Returnd the next Day |
Michel Renolas170 |
Dischd. 9 |
State |
Vilett Matterson |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
admited 10 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
T Crafts |
Thos. Branagan |
Sent to work hous 13 |
State |
Henr. Hill |
John Gill & |
Thos. Alaxander |
John Webb & Ballak His Wife |
Admited 14 |
State |
Jona. L austin |
Ezk Price |
Thos. Walley |
Thos. Brick |
Dischargd 14 |
Town |
Saml. Whitemore |
Bound out 14 |
Town |
James Brown |
Bound out 17 |
State |
Elizth. Dannie |
Admited 19 |
Town |
ann Farrier171 |
Bound out Febr. 23d. |
State |
Elizabeth Condon |
Admited 23 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Wm. Boardman |
Ebenr. Seaver |
James Frost |
Admited 24 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Elizebth. Woodman |
admited 23 |
State |
Jon. White} |
Wm. Little |
Henry & Charles Woodman Her Children |
admited 25 |
State |
John White} |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Danl. Peirce |
Dismist 27 |
Town |
Jack Tuckerman |
admit Omited Janr. 20 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary wainwood |
Admited Feb 29 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
C Bulfinch |
Joseph Langle |
Dischd. Febr. 23d. |
Town |
Saml. Soudon |
admited 29 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Craftes |
Jane Clark |
admitd. Marh. 2 |
State |
Edd. Edes |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Cathrine English |
Dismist 5 |
State |
Thos. Whitworth a Black |
admitd. 2d. |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos Crafts |
Easter172 Ford Returnd |
admited 2 |
State |
Steph. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Gordon Returnd |
admited 2 |
State |
Steph. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Dawes |
admitd. 10 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Nance Cox |
admited 10 |
Town |
John White |
Patt. Kelle |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Velis Akely |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Patrick Huffrin |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Jane Prescut173 a Black |
admited 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Person |
Dismist 14 |
State |
John Hany174 |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
S Cabot |
Thos. Crafts |
James Kerk |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Susanah Foster175 |
Bound out 17 |
State |
James Downey |
Dismist 19 |
State |
<Jack Tuckerman |
Dismist March 17 |
State |
Steph. Gorham> |
Peter Warner & his Wife Eliz |
Admited March 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezl Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Edward Beacham |
Dismist 19 |
State |
Edward Furlong |
Admited 21 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ebenr. Sever |
Chars. Bulfinch |
<George Farrier |
admited> |
Wm. Lanford |
Dismist 22 |
Town |
<Edwd. Beacham |
Dismist 22 |
State> |
entd. above |
Mary Downey |
admited 22 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Hannah Adams |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
Wm. Dockim176 & his Wife Meriam |
admited 31 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
John Griggs |
Dismist april 2 |
Town |
John Griffis |
Dismist 3 |
Town |
James Frost |
Dismist 4 |
Town |
Ann Burd177 Born in Charstown |
admited 4 |
John Codman |
Luther Edey |
Dismist 6 |
George Farrier <admited> |
Omited March 29th. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Thos. Smith |
Admitted 6 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Benjn. Churchell |
Dismist 9 |
State |
Ruth Mathews |
Dismist 9 |
Town |
James Reed |
admited April 9 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Elizh. Eskrine |
admited 9 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
John Fits Gerell |
Dischargd 10 |
Town |
Mary Perkit |
Dischargd. 11 |
State |
& her Child Jon. Brown |
Daniel Collins |
admited 11 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
C Bulfinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Butler & her 2 Childn. Nelle & Polley |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Seaver |
Wm. Boardman |
Easter Ford178 |
Bound out 12 |
Town |
Henry Woodman |
Bound out 12 |
Town |
Marther179 Dorsey |
Dischargd 12 |
State |
Mary Keef |
Dischargd 12 |
State |
Dischargd 16 |
State |
abigil Willet |
Dischd. 16 |
Town |
James Pike |
Dischd. 16 |
Town |
Wm. Bovey Penne |
a Child Dischd. 16 |
Town |
Jack Tuckerman |
Dischargd 17 |
State |
Androw180 Gardner |
Dischd. 18 |
<State> Town |
<Wm. Bovey Penne |
Discharged aprl. 18 |
Town> |
Mary Hines |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
Sally Hunt |
admited 18 |
Town |
W Parkman |
John Greigs181 |
admited to Lodge in the house till Seting Day |
S. Gorham |
<Jack Huston |
Dischargd. 20 |
State> |
see below |
Daniel Collins |
Dischargd. 20 |
State |
Frank Hutson |
Dischargd 20 |
State |
Patrick Monagin |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Lucy Clark a Child |
admited 21 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
Elizebth Hardwick |
Dischd. 21 |
Town |
Anne Lewis & her Son Wm. |
Dischargd. 21 |
State |
<Mary Keef |
Dischargd 21 |
State> |
Entd. before |
Wm. Sharp |
Dischargd. 30 |
State |
Dinis Hogain |
Dischargd 30 |
State |
Peter Hunnawell182 a child |
Admited 30 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Susanna Hunnawell183 a child |
admd. 30 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Ann Payson |
Dischargd 30 |
State |
Timothey Keeth a Child |
Dischargd. May 1 |
State |
Dischargd. 1 |
State |
Saml. Souden |
Dischargd. 1 |
State |
William White |
Dischargd 2 |
State |
Sarah Stone |
Dischargd 4 |
Town |
John Wilson |
admited 4 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
James Osborn |
admited 5 |
Town |
pr. order of the Board |
Mary Dawes |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
William Procter |
Dischargd. 5 |
State |
Ebenezr. Carlile |
admitd. 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ez Price |
Charlestown Flucker |
admited 7 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Pheabe Flucker |
admited 7 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebn. Seaver |
Hannah Powell |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Downey |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
Salle Harris |
Dischargd 9 |
Town |
Rose Badger & her 3 Childn. |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
John Lee Galley |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
James Jones Elizh. His wife & their Son Wm. |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
<Elezth. Condon |
Dischargd May 10 |
State> |
Returnd. the 11 |
Nicholas Dulash |
bound out 16 |
State |
Frances Crispin a Black Boy |
admited May 16 |
State |
John Codman |
C Bulfince |
Wm. Scollay |
Nancey Fisher a Child 13 months old |
admited 16 |
Town |
John White |
Hannah McKinzey184 |
bound Out 16 |
State |
Joseph Sheehay |
admited 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Prince Hitchbourn185 a Black |
admited 19 |
State |
Heny. Hill |
Ebn. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Ann Trainhorn Retd. from Charlestown |
admid. pr. order of the overseers 22 |
State |
John Franks186 |
Bound out 22 |
State |
Mary Wanewood |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Eliz Woodman |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Peter Hunnewell |
bound out |
Town |
Mary Ennis |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Scollay |
William Procter |
Admited 24 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
E Price |
Wm. Scollay |
Jack Webb a Black |
Dischargd 29 |
State |
Edward Furlong |
Dischargd June 1 |
State |
Mary Rose |
admited 1 |
Town |
Stephen Gorham |
Ebenezr. Carlile |
Dischargd |
State |
John Willson |
Dischargd June 4 |
State |
Joshua P K Dehagat ales [alias] Hancock |
admited 4 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ezl. Price |
T Crafts |
Mary Buffit |
Dischargd. 5 |
Town |
Mary McLucklin |
Dischargd. 5 |
State |
Hanah Cartright |
admited 5 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
[Jane]187 Prescots. Child [born in?] the house [Named R]obt. Brown |
admited 7 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Vilet Matterson188 a Black |
admid. 7 |
State |
Edward Edes |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Charlstown Flucker |
Dischargd 11 |
State |
Androw Gardner |
admited 11 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Thos. Crafts Wm. Scollay |
say Town |
Sarah Edey |
admited 11 |
Town from Work hous pr. Verble order Mr. White |
Wm. Etridge |
Bond out 13 |
Town |
Mary Delay |
Bound out 13th. |
Thos. Branagan |
admited 13 |
State |
Edwd. Edes |
Thos. Walley |
Thos. Crats |
<Peter Hunnewell Dischargd the Same day> |
admited 14 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Elizh. Robertson |
admited 14 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
James Pike |
admited 14 |
Town |
Nero Davis a Black |
admited 14 |
State |
Jon. Sweetser |
Eben Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Mehitable Carnes |
Admitd 15 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Marthey Darsey189 |
admited 18 |
State |
Edward Procter |
Ann Foble |
admited 18 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Hannah Perkins & her Child Margret |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Rachael Mungerl |
admited 18 |
State |
Sent to work hous Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Joseph Sheehay |
Dismist 19 |
State |
Salle Hunt |
Dischargd 19 |
Town |
John Mozar omited |
Dischard Decr. 1 1791 |
Elizabeth Cowen |
admited 21 [June 1792] |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price |
Charles Doll |
admited 23 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Dischargd 24 to the Hospital on acct. of having the Small pox |
State |
Polle Sherman |
Discd. 24 a Child to the Hospitabl for Sml. Pox |
Wm. Counts |
admited 25 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Alexander Thomas |
Admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Pike & her Son Wm. |
Dischd. to the Hospital |
Town |
John Schrider |
admited 26 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Gordon |
Bound out 26 |
State |
Jane Prescut a Black |
Dischd. 28 |
State |
Robt. Brown Jane Priscuts. Child |
State |
Dischargd 28 |
Sarah Gray |
admited 28 |
Town |
John Codman |
Thos Colley |
admited June 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman Thos. Edwards |
John Schrider |
Dismist July 2d. |
State |
Timothey Howard |
Run 2nd. |
State |
Mary McConnock |
Run 2d. |
State |
say Town |
Elizth. Condon |
Dismist 2d. |
State |
Dinah a Black |
Amited 2nd. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Seaver |
say Providence |
Thos. Crafts |
Patrick Monagin |
Run 2nd. |
State |
Alaxander Loyed |
Dismist July 3 |
State |
Hannah Powel |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
Wm. Peek |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
aged 25 Hannah Deagles |
admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Josh. Deagles aged 17 |
Admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Dismist 9 |
State |
Mary Burfert |
Admited 9 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Timothy Howard |
Admited 9 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Ross |
Dismist 12 |
Town |
Mary Ayres a Child |
admited 14 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Michel Crowley |
Dismist 16 |
Town |
Marthey Dorsey190 |
admited 16 |
State |
Edwd. Edes |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
Meriam Handfeild191 |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
Joshua Hubbard |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
abigal Hubbard his Wife |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
<Meriam Handfeild |
Run 18> |
see above |
Luce Willis |
Run 18 |
Town |
axam Richards |
admited 24 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Colley |
Dismist 26 |
State |
James Reed |
Dischargd 26 |
do. |
Wm. Dockim |
Dischargd 26 |
Town |
Stephen Jones a Molato |
admid. 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizth. Dennes. Child Born in the House |
Wm. Scollay |
John McGoff |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
George Appelton192 an Enfant a molato |
admd. 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Bengn. Pool |
admited 30 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Elizh. Cowen |
Dischargd Augt. 1 |
State |
Vilet Maderson |
Run 1 |
State |
Dischargd 1 |
Town |
Ann Cox |
Dismisst Augst. 2 |
Town |
James Butler193 a Child |
admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
William Dockum |
admited 3 |
Town |
Henery Hill |
Mary Selvester194 |
admitd. 3 Born in plymoth |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Mary Fling195 |
amited 4 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Stephen Jones a molato Child |
Dischrgd 4 |
State |
John McGoff |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
Daved Greegs196 a Child |
admited 6 Mary Selvesters Child |
Joseph Whitemore |
Bound out 6 |
Isaac Downes |
admited 7 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Peter Warner & his wife Eliz |
Dischargd 7 |
State |
Frances Crispin |
Dischargd 7 |
State |
a Black Lost his Legs |
Mary Sharp |
admited 7 say returnd |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Delight Smith |
Dismist 8 |
Town |
Returnd the 9th. |
Peter Hunnewell |
admited 8 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Sharp |
admited 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebr. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Isaac Wendal & Wife Dismist |
Dismist augst 13 |
Town |
Wm. Procter |
admited 13 say returnd |
State |
Ed Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Benjn. Pool |
Dismist 13 |
Town |
Peter Murfey197 |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
admited 15 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Marthey Dorsey |
Dismist 16 |
State |
Felix Holbrook |
admited 16 a Blak |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Sever |
Wm. Scollay |
Sarah Ston198 |
admited 17 |
Town |
John White |
Jane Clarke |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Polle Sherman a Child |
admited 19 from the Hospitl. |
State |
Becky199 Spear an orphan |
admd. 19 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Mary McLaucklan200 |
admd. 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Cathrine Hunnewell |
admited 25 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Ann Pason201 |
admited 25 |
State say town |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
John McKenzie |
Run 28 |
State |
James Timothey Keef |
admited 29 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Benjn. Tyler |
admited augst 30 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Litle |
Ez Price |
Elizh. Selvester202 & 3 Children |
admited 31 |
Town |
Edd. Procter |
Sarah Waid203 an Inden |
admited 31 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Roseanah204 Dawson a child |
admited 31 |
State |
J Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Tho Edwards |
Eliz Coville205 |
admited 31 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Disc nex morg. pr. Mr. Austins. order |
<Hannah> Eliza. Berrey |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
John Dawson & Magret Dawson |
admited Septr 1 |
State |
J Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Thom. Edwards |
Sarah Tuckerman a Child |
admited 1 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Toll206 Tuckerman a Child |
admited 1 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Alexandr. Fisher |
admited 1 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Ezl. Price |
Peter Swan |
Admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Boardman |
James Downey |
Admited 3 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Owen & her daughr. Mary |
Admid. 3 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Chals. Bulflinch |
Ez Price |
Eleoner Peirce & her 2 Children Eleoner & Hannah |
Admitted 4th. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. White |
admited 5 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Nancy Morris a child |
admited 8 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Walley |
Francis Rosemary & His Child Lewis |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Er. Seaver |
Wm. Boardman |
<Nancy Morris a child |
admited 8 |
State |
Ed. Procter> |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Bordman |
Fredrick Webster |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Catrin207 Ramsdal |
admited Born in the House |
Town |
Sepr. 3d. |
Eliz Cornish |
admited 8 from Workhouse |
Town |
Eliz Moore |
Eliz Shehane |
Saml. Hicks |
Dismist Septr. 2 to Ransford Island |
State |
omited |
Mary Everton |
Dismist Septr. 2 to Ransford Island & Died the 13th. |
Town |
Elizh. Coburn |
Admited 10 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Elizh. Barker |
admited [10] |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Mary McGlocklin |
Run 10 |
State |
Meriam Dockum |
Town |
State |
Elizth. Danne |
Run} 10 |
Town |
Sarah Gaffet |
Town |
Eliz Burn208 |
Provedenc Green |
admited 15 a Black |
State |
John. L Austin |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Ebenezer Ruddock209 |
admited 15 |
Town |
Henry. Hill |
Cathrin Hunnewell |
Run Septr 16 |
Town |
Fradrick Webster |
Run 16 |
State |
Mary Ross |
admited 18 |
Town |
Stevn. Gorham |
Barney Mathews210 |
admited 19 |
State |
Heny. Hill |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Jedediah Chester |
admited 20 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Ezek Price |
Susanah Mayo A Child |
admited 22 5 months old |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Charity Brinton |
admited 24 |
Town |
S Gorham |
James Barns |
admited 24 |
State |
John. Codman |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Soloman Slokham |
admited 26 |
State |
S parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Mary Voux |
admited 28 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Elizh. Farrer a Child |
Bound out augt. 22 |
State |
Axom Richards |
Dismist. Octr. 1 |
State |
Returnd the next Day |
Mary Cole |
admited 1 |
State |
H Hill |
T Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Saml. Parks |
admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Susanah Mayo |
Dismist 3 |
Town |
an Infant Boy fund at Mr. Thathers. Dore namd. Thos. Jones |
admited 3 |
Town |
Dismist 4 |
Town |
Mary Butler & her 2 Children |
Dismist Octr 4 |
State |
Luce Roberts 4 |
admited S Pox 4 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebenr. Seaver |
<Mary Cole S Pox |
admited 4> |
See under the first |
Joseph austin of Dracut |
admitd. 4 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Sewall Harrington 4 |
admited 4 |
Town |
Mr. austin |
Peter Swan |
Dischargd. to the Work H 4 |
State |
Sarah Benjamin |
admited 4 |
Town |
Jona. L. Austin |
Small P |
Cesar Gray,211 Black |
admited 4 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Edwards |
Frances Rosemary |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
Lewis Rosemary |
Dischargd 5 Child |
State |
Scipio Jacob a Blak. |
admited 6 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Charity Brinton |
admited 8 |
Town |
Sten. Gorham |
Eliz Selvester & one Child |
Dismist 8 |
Town |
<Nan[cy] Morris a Child |
dismist 10 |
State |
to the alms |
Wm. Procter |
Dismist 10 |
State |
Mary Downey |
admited 10 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
George Rammor |
admited 11 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Jacob Apstros212 |
admited 11 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Mary Ross |
Dismist 12 |
Town |
Small Pox |
Hannah Cooper |
admited 12 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
admited 15 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Little |
Mary Owen & Daughter Mary |
Dischd. 15 |
State |
Marther Dorcy213 |
admited 15 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizh. Coburn |
Dismist 17 |
Town |
Rose Morris from Jal |
admited 18 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ezl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Prince Goinge214 a Black |
admited 18 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ezl. Price |
T Crafts |
Saml. Parks |
Dismist 22 |
State |
abraham Frost |
admitd. to house Small Pox |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Thankfull Edmonds |
admited from the work house 22 |
<State> |
Lorg. L austin |
Thankful Edwardss. Child namd. Elizth. Roion |
Admited 22 |
State |
Born in the House |
William Armstrong |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Catrine Tillet |
admited 1792 Octer 26 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Axam Richards |
Dischd. 30 |
State |
Henry Luckis |
admited 30 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Thos. Bragdon |
30th. admid. |
State215 |
Dinah Roberts & her 3 Children Rhoda Henry & Mary |
admited 30 |
State |
B Wm. Phipleps |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Jack Fox |
admited 31 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Cathrine Molloy216 |
admited 31 |
State |
Cathrine Molloy |
Dismist Novr. 3 |
State |
Peter Underwood |
admited 3 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Dischd. nex Day |
Thos. Crafts |
Dennis Hogan |
Admited 3 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
admited 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Er. Seaver |
Wm. Scollay |
Jacob Aptros |
Dischargd. 10 |
State |
Edwd. Gorman217 |
admited 8 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Sarah Benjmin |
Dismist 10 |
Town |
Isaac Wendal218 |
admited 10 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Cole |
Dischargd 14 |
Sophia Truant the Daughter of Gillam Truant a French man |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Ezl. Price |
Mary Truant |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Hannah Mullin |
admited 1792 November 15 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Luce Roberts |
Dismist 15 |
State |
S Pox |
Henry Kendall & Luce his Wife |
admited 15 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizabeth Fullam |
admited 15 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Seaver |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Selvester219 & her Child |
admited 17 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizabeth Lewis |
Admitted Novr. 19 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Charlestown Flucker |
Admitted Novr. 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Edward Kneeland |
Admitted 19 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Abraham Frost |
Dismist 22 |
Town |
S Pox |
Androw Morris |
admited [22] |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ez Price |
Patrick Kelley |
admited 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Androw Morris |
admited 22 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Alaxander |
Admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Brown |
admited 24 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Town |
Wm. Lewis a Child |
admited 24 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Seaver |
Wm. Boardman |
Velis Akley220 |
admited 24 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Sent to work house |
John Gillard |
admited 26 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizh. Fenno |
admited 1792 Novr. 27 |
Town |
Wm. White |
Deschargd. |
an Infant Child found on the Mill Bridge Name [Saml.?] Mill Bridg221 |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Sarah Burnet |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mrs. Cowel |
Returnd 27 |
Mary Dowrick |
Jedediah Chester |
Runn 30th. |
Marcy (Say Mary)222 Garrow |
Returnd. 30 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Carafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Spooner Mary His wife |
admited 30 |
State |
S Goraham |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
John Morton B[lack] |
admited Decr. 1 |
State |
H Hill |
E Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Ann Chaloner |
Run 1 |
State |
Elizabeth Dracey |
admited 1 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Seaver |
Thos. Curtis |
admited 3 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Buckley |
admited 3 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Saml. Hicks Returnd from Ransfords. Island |
Decr. 3 |
State |
Meriame Dockim223 |
admited 4 |
Town |
H Hill |
Daniel Benjmin224 |
admited from Workhouse |
Ed. Proct[er] |
Saml. Leage |
Mary Webb |
Mary Procter |
Ayles Fulker225 |
<Wm. Spooner & Wife |
Dischargd 6 |
State> |
John Sanders from Delewar State |
admited 7 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Cocks226 |
admited 6 |
State |
H Hill |
Thos. Walley |
Rosannah Dorsey |
Bound out Decr 1792 6 |
State |
Marther Dorcy227 |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
Wm. Langford |
admited 6 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Aron Emmons |
admited 6 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Catey228 Hunnewell |
admited 8 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
<Oliver Giles a Black |
add. 9 |
State |
Wm. Little |
Disc. the nex day> |
<Thos. Alexander |
admited 12 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Scollay |
Sent to the workhous the next Day> |
Wineford Stone |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
T Edwards |
John Milladge229 |
admited 12 |
State |
S Parkman |
John Richey |
admited 12 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Pike & Child |
admited 13 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Elizebth Fullam |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Wm. Procter |
Admited 17 |
State |
H Hill |
T Crafts |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Scollay |
John Anderson |
Admited 17 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebn. Seaver |
Elizh. Woodman |
Admited 17 |
State |
Lorin Austin |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
Mary McLaugklan230 |
admited 18 |
State |
H Hill |
Wm. Boardman |
E Price |
James Willson231 |
admited 18 |
State |
John Codman |
Wm. Boardman |
T Edwards |
Eliz Cornish |
Dismt. to Work House 21 |
Town |
Loring Austin |
John Bradbury & his Wife ann |
admited 21 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Crafts |
admited 21 Decr. 1792 |
State |
H Hill |
T Crafts |
J Codman |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Copps |
admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price |
John Smith |
admited 25 |
State |
H Hill |
Thos. Walley |
Sarah Aires |
Run 25 |
Town |
Elizth. Woodman |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
John Sanders |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Richard Crout |
admited 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
John Davidson |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
John Greeggs232 |
admited 29 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Fednant233 Wiseman |
admited 29 |
State |
John Seetser |
E Sever |
John Dawson, Magret Dawson & John ther Son a Boy |
Dismist 29 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
admited 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
T Edwards |
January 1st. 1793 |
William Spooner |
Dischargd 1st |
State |
Runaway |
Sarah Dracey a Child |
Admd. 1 |
State |
H Hill |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Peake |
admited 2 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Elizabeth Duggel |
admited 3d. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Peter Swan |
admited 4 from Work Hs. |
State |
E. Edes |
Nancy Stone |
4th. admited from Work house |
Town |
E Edes |
Wm. Procter |
Run Janr. 4 |
State |
Mary Buckley |
Bound out 9th. |
State |
Bound out 9 |
State |
Mary Wanewood234 |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Crafts |
T Edwards |
Ed. McGlockling |
Admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Little |
Sarah Pray |
admited 18 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
E Price |
Wm. Boardman |
John Stiles |
admited 21 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Wm. Boardman |
E Price |
Wineford Stone |
Run 24 |
State |
John Stiles |
Run 24 |
State |
Edward Beacham |
Admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Wm. Scollay |
Cate. Tillett235 |
Admited 25 |
Town |
John White |
Luther Edey Chd.236 |
admited 25 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Thos. Curtis |
Dismist 25 |
State |
Elizth. Fullam |
Admited 29 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
John Marton |
Dismist 31 |
State |
Stephen Marshall |
Janry. 31 |
State |
S Gorham |
Died in Bringin to the House |
Wm. Spooner & Wife |
Admited 31 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Spooner & Wife Mary |
Dist. Febr. 7 |
State |
Hannah Perkins & her Daughter Margt. |
admited 7 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Ez. Price |
Elizt. Fenno |
admited 7 |
Town |
H Hill |
Wineford Stone |
admited 7th. |
State |
W Phillips |
Ezek Price |
Mary Anderson |
admited 11 |
State |
John White |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
admited 11 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Thos Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
<Mary Anderson |
admited 11 |
State |
John White> |
Ez Price |
Entered above |
Tos. Crafts |
David Hulbert |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Jane Clark |
admited 14 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Amelie Caine a Black |
admited 16 |
State |
John Codman |
Eb Seaver |
Edward McGlocklin |
dismiss’d 16 |
State |
George Jolley a child |
admited 21 |
State |
By the Hol. Board of overseers |
Tos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Susanah Bentley |
admeted 21 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
John Bradbury & his Wife ann |
Dismist 22 |
State |
William Cox |
Dismist Febr. 23 |
State |
Poly, Saly & Michiel237 Allen Children of Speedwell allen Negro |
admitted 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E. Price |
Thos. Crafte |
Thomas Alexander |
discharged 25 |
State |
Elizh. Fullam |
Dischargd 26 |
State |
Alaxander Fisher |
Dischargd 26 |
State |
Morrice238 OQuill |
admited 26 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Caterine Tilott |
Dismist 28 |
Town |
Richard Crouch |
Dismist 28 |
State |
John McKinezey239 an infant Born in the House Feby. 26 |
admited 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Brown |
Dismist 28 |
Town |
Hannah Hollis & her 3 Children Polle John & Thos |
admited 28 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
admited March 1 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Tos. Wallay |
Wm. Scollay |
Nance Tomson240 & her 2 Children John & <Joseph> Wm. |
admited 1 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Holemes Simpson |
admited 2 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Nancy Munroe & her 2 Children Nancy & Betsey inhabentance of Lexenton |
admited March 6 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Cate Hunnewill |
Dismist 6 |
State |
& Returnd at Night |
Patrick Kelley |
Dismist 7 |
State |
Sarah Johnson |
Dismist 7 |
Town |
Elizh. Lewis |
Dismist 7 |
State |
Mrs. Bagger from Reding pr. or[der] of the Hol Bord [Delevrs?] |
admited 7 |
Town |
Edward McLoglen241 |
admited 7 |
State |
Born in Iarland S Gorham |
T Walley |
T Crafts |
Mathew Walker, Distracted |
admtd. 10 |
State |
Mr. Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
Nance Munrow & her 2 Children |
Dismist 12 |
Belong to Lexentown |
Charlstown Flucker |
Dischargd. 13 |
State |
Sarah Jonson242 |
admited |
Town |
Jona. Loring austin |
Timy. Richardson & wife Shadinah & 3 Children Timy. 6 yers Levaney243 4 yers Ebenezer—2 years |
admited 15 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Edward Powers |
admited 17 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
John Lewis |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Edward McGlockling |
Disd. 19 |
State |
Mary Anderson |
Run 19 |
Robrt Allerson |
admited 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Run next Day |
Thos. Crafte |
Pattey Dorcy244 |
admited 20 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Cathrine English |
admited 20 from Goal |
State |
S Parkman |
T Walley |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary King |
admited 20 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Brot to Bed with a Boy namd. John Greenlef Whiple. March 21st |
David Hulbert |
Dischargd 22 |
State |
John & William Kirk |
admited 22 |
Town |
John White |
Ebenezer Selvester245 |
Bound out 22 |
State |
Alaxander Fisher |
Run 25 |
State |
Daphney a Blak born in afrck |
admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Thos Edwards |
Nancy Hunter Stevens a Negro Child |
admited 26 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Salley Stone |
Dismist 26 |
Town |
Charles Doll |
Dismist 28 |
State |
John Smith |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Peter Swan |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Daniel Benjman |
Dischad. 29 |
Town |
Luther Edey |
Run March 29 |
State |
Salle and Michael Allen Black children |
Dismist. 29 |
State |
Dischargd. 31 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
Dischargd. April 1 |
State |
Holms Simpson |
Dischargd 1 |
Town |
Elizabeth Fenno |
Dischargd 1 |
Town |
Cathrine English |
Run |
State |
Merriam Dockum |
Dismist 1 |
Town |
Hannah Perkins & Margrit her Daughter |
Dismist 2 |
State |
John Box |
Admitted April 2d. |
Town |
J L Austin |
Mary Selvester |
Dischargd 8 |
State |
Wineford Stone |
Dismist 9 |
State |
John Johnson |
admited 9 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Holden a Child |
admited 10 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Charls Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Matthew Sun |
admited 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Copps |
Dischargd. 15 |
State |
John Wright246 Bound out march 27th. |
Dischargd April 17 |
State |
Wm. Thomson247 |
admited 17 |
State |
John White |
C. Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Edward Beacham |
Dismist 20 |
State |
Isaac Wendal |
Dismissd. 22 |
Town |
Mary Sharp |
Run 22 |
State |
Returnd. the 25th. |
Prince Newman |
admited 22 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
El. Price |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Dockham |
Dischargd 22 |
Town |
James Willson |
Dischargd 22 |
State |
Dischargd 24 |
State |
Mary King & her Child |
Dischargd 25 |
Town |
Sarah Tuckerman |
Bound out |
Town |
Nancey Lovrign248 a Child |
admited 25 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Sophia Truant |
Bound out 29 |
State |
Nancy Rea |
Admited 27 |
Town |
Wm. Langford |
Dischargd 30 |
Town |
Polly Foster |
Admited |
Town |
Luce Willis |
admited 30 |
Town |
Died the Same Night |
Dorothy Walch |
admited May 2d. 1793 |
Town |
John White |
John Millitt |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
John Mitchal249 |
admited 3d. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ebr. Seaver |
James Kief250 |
Bound out 2d. |
State |
Sarah Adams |
admited 6 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Timy. Richardson & his wife and Two Children |
Dismist 8 |
Town |
Mathew Walker |
Discharged 8 |
State |
Alice Baker |
admited 8 |
Town |
John Codman |
Isaac Downs |
Dismist 9 |
Town |
James Downey |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
Wm. Sharp |
Dischargd. 12 |
State |
Charlotte Williams251 |
Bound out 14 |
<State> say Town |
Bartholum Tuckerman |
Bound out 14 |
Town |
Sarah Cleverly252 |
Bound out 14 |
<State> Say Town |
Julla Aann Serieves253 |
Bound out 14 |
Mary Foster |
Dischargd. 14 |
Town |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Child Hannah |
State |
her Child Eloner Remains in the House |
Aron Emmorson |
Dischargd May 14 |
Town |
John McFarlin |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Crafts |
Denis Cavanaugh |
Dismist 16 |
State |
John Gillard |
Dischargd 16 |
State |
Elizth. Leach |
Admited 16 |
Town |
John White |
John Greggs |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
Mary Franks254 a Child |
Bound out 20 |
State |
John Ritchie |
Dischargd 21 |
Mary Pike |
Dischagd. 21 |
Town |
now mared. to Edmd. Gorman State |
Mary Gorman255 |
admited 21 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Walley |
Ebenr. Seaver |
George Goley |
Bound out 22 |
State |
John McKinzee |
admited 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
T Edwards |
Wm. Scollay |
Merriam Dockum |
admited 22 |
Town |
H Hill |
John McMarhon |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Edwards |
John Davedson |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Nance Moulton256 |
Bound out 24 |
Town |
<John McMarhon> |
<admited 24 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Entd. before |
Thos. Edwards> |
Lamberth Murphy |
admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Edwards |
Wm. Scollay |
Susanah Riden |
admited 25 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Salam Poor A B[lack]257 |
admited 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Hannah Cooper |
Dismist 25 |
State |
admited 27 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Thankful Edmans |
Dischargd 28 |
Town |
<& her Child> |
Elizebth Drace |
Dischargd 28 |
State |
John Johnson |
Dischd. 28 |
State |
William Thomson |
Dischd. Child. 28th. |
State |
John McMarhon |
Dismist 30 |
State |
Michel258 Renolds |
admited 30 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Kirk a Child |
Dischargd June 1 |
Town |
Michel Renolds |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
Elizth. Condon |
admited 5 |
State |
S. Parkman |
E Price |
T Walley |
Nance Rea259 |
Bound out June 6 |
Town |
Charlote Dawes |
admited a child 6 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Charlote Selvester260 |
Bound out 8 |
State |
Harriet Brown |
Discharged 8 |
State |
Salam Poor a Black |
Dismist 10 |
State |
Nancey Willis |
admited 10 |
Town |
Edwd. Edes |
Dinah Roberts & her Child Mary |
Dismist 11 |
State |
a Black |
Ebenezer Richardson |
Dischargd 12 |
Town |
Susanah Franks |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Denis Hogon |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Patience Hunt alies Feno261 & Child |
admited 14 Black |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ezek Price |
James Downey |
admited 14 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Wm. Little |
Jude262 White a Black |
admited 15 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Scollay |
discharged 15 |
State |
David Chambeland |
Dismist [18] |
State |
Mary Sharp |
Run 20 |
State |
Timothey Dwere263 |
Sent to the Work house 20 |
Timothy Howard |
Run 22 |
State |
Elizth. Woodroof |
admited 22 |
Marblehead |
Mr. Codman |
Henry Luckus |
Run 22 |
Town |
William Lewis |
Dischargd. a Child |
State |
Merriam Dockum |
Dischargd 24 |
Town |
Sall White a Black alias Sarah Humphries |
Dischargd 24 |
Town |
Wm. Anderson |
Admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Dismist the next Day |
Thos. Crafts |
Charlotte Daws |
Bound out |
Town |
Eleaner Perce & Hanah her Child |
admited 27 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos Walley |
Wm. Little |
Mrs. Collines’264 Child |
admited 28 |
Town |
H Hill |
Salle Stone |
admited 28 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Nancy Thomson |
Dischargd. 28 |
Town |
Mary Wanewood |
Dischargd July 1 |
State |
Scipio Brailey a black |
admd. 4 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Polly Ballard |
Disch. 4 |
Town |
The Child of James Jones |
admited 4 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Lambert Murphy |
Dischd. 4 |
State |
Quomino Frizier B[lack]265 |
admited 4 |
State |
S Parkman |
C Bulflince |
Wm. Scollay |
admd. 4 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Fenno |
admited 4 |
Town |
H Hille |
Charles Woodman |
Discharged 4 |
State |
Elizh. Colton & her Child Eliz Colton |
Dischargd. 9 |
Town |
Mary Truant |
Dischargd. 9 |
State |
Patience Hunt alias Fenno |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
Thos. Holden a Child |
Bound out 9 |
State |
Charity Brinton |
Run 9 |
Town |
Elizabeth Woodroof |
Run 9 |
marblhead |
Saml. Laten |
admited 10 |
State |
Jon. Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Lydia Marston |
Dischargd 11 |
Town |
Ketay266 Hunnewell |
admited 14 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Peake |
Dischargd 14 |
Town |
Morrice267 OQuill |
admited 18 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
El. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizth. Sheild alias Sheen |
admited 19 |
Little Cambridge |
J L Austin |
Sarah Dunkin268 |
admited 23 |
George Black alias Hall |
admited 24 |
State |
H Hill Esqr. |
Thos. Walley |
Mary McLuchlin |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Ebenezr. Cox |
admited 27 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Hannah Hollis, Polly John & Thomas her Children |
Dismist 27 |
Weymouth |
Thos Davenport |
admited 29 |
Dorchester Jona. Mason |
Mary Sharp |
admited & Sent to work House 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
admited 29 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Edward Powers |
Dischargd 31 |
State |
Dinah Gibbs |
admited august 1 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Scipio Braley |
discharged 1st. |
State |
Judea White, B[lack] |
Dischargd 3 |
State |
Saml. <Eason> say Laton,269 B[lack] |
Dischargd 3 |
State |
Mary270 Foster |
admited 3 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Patty Dorcy |
dischd. 6th. |
Town |
John Gandel Jur. |
dischd. 6th. |
Town |
Polly Peirce |
Bound out 6 |
Town |
David Chamberland271 |
admited 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
El. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Judith Gane272 & 3 Children Saml., Betty & John |
admited 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Sprage273 |
admited 12 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Prince Kingsman |
Disd. 12 |
State |
John Gillard |
admited 15 |
State |
S Gorham |
Thos. Walley |
Abigal Peirce |
Dischargd 15 |
Town |
Joshua P K Dehacket alis Patrick Hancock |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Daved Chamberland |
Dist. to Workhouse 15 |
State |
Cain Clough a Black |
admid. 15 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Wm. Little |
Sent to the workhouse |
A Child of Mary King named John Whipple |
Admitd 16 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Wm. Curtis |
admited 17 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Phillys Watson B[lack]274 |
admited 17 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
admited 17 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Judith Gane & 3 Children Saml., Bettey & John |
Dischargd 19 |
State |
Susannah Kean & her Child the wife of Tubal Kean of Pembrook |
admd. 19 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Eunice Edey275 |
Bound out 19 |
State |
John Bothren a French man |
Admd. 21 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Little |
Nathl. Fowle His Wife Lidia & 4 Children Thankful 12 years Nathl. 9 Helener276 5 Isaac 2 |
admited 22 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Dischargd. 23 |
Michael Conner277 |
admited augt. 22 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Aron Emmons |
admited 22 |
Town |
S Gorham |
John Gleason |
admited 23 |
State |
S Parkman |
C Bulfinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizth. Mahoney |
admited 24 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
John Gillard |
Run 24 |
State |
Charety Brenton278 |
admited 24 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Elizth. Woodman |
admited 26 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Michiel Conner |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Natl. Fowles & 4 Children Thankl., Natl., Elener. Isaac |
admited 30 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Nancey Lovering |
Dischargd. Septr 1 |
State |
Wm. Curtis |
Dischargd 3 |
Town |
Dischargd 4 |
Town |
Isaac Davis agd 8 yers Septr 9. 1793 |
admited September 5 |
Town |
H Hill |
John Kuter and his Wife Hannah alies Coon |
admited 5 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Little |
C Bulflinch |
Saml. Leighton B[lack]279 |
admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Susanah Ridon |
admited 7 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Garrow |
Aadmited 10 |
State |
from W House H Hill |
Ann Thomson280 |
admited 10 |
Town |
J Codman |
Isaac Davis |
Bound out 12 |
Town |
Hannah Hollis Wife of Semmeon Hollis |
Admited 13 |
of Waymouth |
H Hill |
Phillis Watson |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
A B[lack]281 Returnd at Night |
Sarah Kamp |
admited 14 |
Town |
S Gorham |
John Tompson282 |
admited out of W House 14 |
Town |
H Hill |
Mary Willson & Child Jane |
admitd. 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizh. Woodman |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
Anna Jasper |