Graduate Student Forum

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    Presenters from the June 2024 Graduate Forum after the event.



    Since our first Graduate Forum in 1999, more than 150 graduate students have participated in this annual event.  Here are some comments from previous participants: “A wonderful new venue for young historians of early America; may it long continue.” (John Demos). “The warm, positive feedback and direction I received fired my enthusiasm for research. It was truly invaluable” (University of California, Davis). “Challenging, and energetic; I took away practical suggestions from both the CSM membership and other graduate student presenters” (Tufts University). “. . . stimulating scholarly exchange combined with wonderful food” (University of Connecticut). “It was my first presentation, and I certainly appreciated the comfortable surroundings" (Princeton). “A platform to voice concerns, dilemmas, and even accomplishments to a distinguished audience” (Salem State University). “My participation in the forum was really the highlight of my graduate career to date” (SUNY Stony Brook).


    Programs for Graduate Student Forums from 2009 through 2024 may be downloaded at the links below.