29 December, 1691


    William and Mary by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland king and Queen, Defenders of the Faith, &c. To our beloved William Phips, Knight, Greeting:

    1. 1. To take cognizance of and proceed in whatsoever causes civil and maritime and in complaints, contracts, offences or suspected offences, crimes, pleas, debts, exchanges, accounts, charter parties, agreements, suits, trespasses, injuries, extortions, and demands, and businesses civil and maritime whatsoever, commenced or to be commenced between merchants or between owners and proprietors of ships and other vessels and merchants, or others whomsoever with such owners and proprietors of ships and all other vessels whatsoever employed or used within the maritime jurisdiction of our Admiralty of our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay in New England, or between any other persons whomsoever, howsoever had, made, begun, or contracted for any thing, matter, cause, or business, or injury whatsoever, done or to be done within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid, together with all and singular their incidents, emergencies, dependencies, annexed and connexed causes whatsoever, wheresoever or howsoever such causes, complaints, contracts and other premises abovesaid, or any one of them, may happen to arise, be celebrated, contracted, or done, to hear and determine according to the rights, statutes, ordinances, laws, and customs anciently observed:
    2. 2. And moreover in all and singular complaints, contracts, agreements, and causes and businesses civil and maritime, to be performed beyond the sea, or contracted beyond the sea, howsoever arising or happening:
    3. 3. And also in other the causes and matters all and singular which in any manner whatsoever touch or in any way concern, or anciently ought to have belonged or ought to belong unto the maritime jurisdiction of our foresaid Admiralty in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjoining whatsoever:
    4. 4. And generally in all and singular other causes, suits, crimes, offences, excesses, injuries, complaints, misdemeanors or suspected misdemeanors, trespasses, regratings, forestallings, and maritime businesses whatsoever, throughout the places aforesaid within the maritime jurisdiction of our Admiralty of our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid, by sea or water or the banks or shores of the same, howsoever done, committed, perpetrated or arising:
    5. 5. And also to inquire by the oath of honest and lawful men of our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjoining whatsoever, wheresoever dwelling, as well within liberties and franchises as without, as well concerning all and singular the things which of right, by the statutes, laws, ordinances, and customs anciently observed, are wont or ought to be inquired after, as concerning wreck of the sea, and concerning all and singular the goods and chattels of whatsoever traitors, pirates, manslayers, and felons, howsoever offending within the maritime jurisdiction of our Admiralty of our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid, and concerning the goods, debts, and chattels of all and singular their maintainers, accessories, counsellors, abettors or assistants whomsoever:
    6. 6. And also concerning the goods, debts, and chattels of whatsoever persons, felons of themselves, and of whatsoever person felon of himself, in whatsoever manner or howsoever coming to their death within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid, wheresoever such goods, debts, and chattels, or any parcel of the same, by sea, water, or land, in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and adjacent to the same whatsoever, as well within liberties and franchises as without, shall be found or to be found, forfeited or to be forfeited, or in being, whatsoever [they may be]:
    7. 7. And also concerning whatsoever goods, debts, and chattels of whatsoever other persons felons of themselves, and of whatsoever other person felon of himself, found or to be found [or]245 happening within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid:
    8. 8. And, moreover, as well concerning the goods, debts, and chattels of whatsoever other traitors, felons, [and] manslayers, wheresoever offending, and concerning the goods, debts, and chattels of their maintainers, accessories, counsellors, abettors, or assistants, as concerning the goods, debts, and chattels of whatsoever fugitives, persons convicted, attainted, condemned, outlawed, or howsoever put or to be put in exigent for treason, felony, manslaughter, or murder, or any other offence or crime whatsoever:
    9. 9. And also concerning goods waving, flotsam, jetsam, lagan, shares, treasure found or to be found, deodands, and concerning the goods of [all] others whomsoever had or to be had as derelict, or by chance found or to be found, or howsoever due or to be due, and concerning all other casualties, as well in, upon, or by the sea and shores, creeks, or coasts of the sea, or maritime parts, as in, upon, or by fresh waters, ports, public rivers, streams, or creeks, or places overflowed whatsoever, within the flowing and ebbing of the sea, or to high-water mark, or upon the shores or banks of any one of the same, within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid, howsoever, whensoever, or in what manner soever arising, happening, or proceeding, whatsoever [they may be], or wheresoever such goods, debts, and chattels or other the premises or any parcel of the same may be found or shall happen to be met with or to be found within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid:
    10. 10. And further concerning anchorages and lastages or sand ballast of ships, and concerning fishes royal (to wit, sturgeons, baleens, whales, porpoises, dolphins, rigs, and grampuses) and generally concerning all other fishes whatsoever having in themselves great or huge bulk or fatness, anciently by right or custom to us in any manner soever appertaining or belonging or in any way customary:
    11. 11. And to ask, require, levy, take, collect, receive, and obtain, and to the use of us and the office of our foresaid High Admiral of England for the time being to keep and preserve the same wreck of the sea and goods, debts, and chattels and all and singular the other premises, together with all and all manner of fines, mulcts, issues, forfeitures, amercements, ransoms, and recognizances whatsoever, forfeited or to be forfeited, and pecuniary punishments for trespasses, crimes, injuries, extortions, contempts, and [all] other misdemeanors whatsoever, or for any thing, matter, or cause whatsoever, howsoever imposed or inflicted, to be imposed or inflicted, in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjoining whatsoever, in any court of our Admiralty there held or to be held, presented or to be presented, assessed, brought, forfeited, or adjudged, and also together with [all] amercements, issues, fines, perquisites, mulcts, and pecuniary punishments whatsoever, and forfeitures of [all] recognizances whatsoever before you or your lieutenant, deputy, or deputies in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, to be heard and determined, assigned or to be assigned,246 happening, or imposed or to be imposed or inflicted or in any manner to be assessed, brought, forfeited, or adjudged or in any manner by reason of the premises due or to be due howsoever in that behalf to us or our heirs or successors:
    12. 12. And further to take all manner of recognizances, cautions, obligations, and stipulations, as well to our use as at the instance of whatsoever parties, for agreements or debts and other causes whatsoever, and to put them in execution and to cause and command them to be executed:
    13. 13. And also to arrest actually and cause and command to be arrested, according to the civil and maritime laws and customs anciently used, ships, persons, things, goods, wares, and merchandises whatsoever, for the premises and every of them and for [all] other causes whatsoever concerning them,247 wheresoever they shall be met with or found throughout our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjoining whatsoever, within liberties or franchises or without, and also for [all] other agreements, causes, or debts whatsoever, howsoever contracted or arising, provided that the goods or persons of the debtors may be found within our jurisdiction aforesaid, and to hear, examine, discuss and finally determine the same, with their emergencies, dependencies, incidents, annexed and connexed causes and businesses whatsoever, together with all other causes civil and maritime, and complaints, contracts, and all and every the other premises whatsoever above respectively expressed, according to the laws and customs aforesaid and by other lawful ways, manners, and means according to the best of your knowledge and ability:
    14. 14. And to compel all manner of persons in that behalf, as the case shall require, to appear and to answer, with power of any temporal coercion whatsoever and of other penalty and mulct according to the laws and customs aforesaid, and to do and administer justice, preserving the regular order of law, or248 to proceed openly and plainly, without judicial technicalities and formalities, looking only into the truth of the fact and thing249 and to fine, correct, punish, chastise, and reform, and imprison and cause and command to be imprisoned in any jails being within our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid, the parties guilty and the contemners and violators of the law or jurisdiction of our Admiralty aforesaid, usurpers, delinquents, and contumacious absenters, masters of ships, mariners, rowers, fishermen, shipwrights, and other workmen and artificers whatsoever exercising any kind of maritime affairs, according to the rights, statutes, laws, ordinances, and customs anciently observed, and to deliver and absolutely to discharge and cause and command to be discharged whatsoever persons imprisoned in that behalf are to be delivered:
    15. 15. And [to preserve and cause to be preserved]250 the public rivers, ports, streams, and fresh waters and creeks whatsoever within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid wheresoever they are in being in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, for the preservation as well of our fleet and251 of the fleets and vessels of our kingdoms and dominions aforesaid, as of whatsoever fishes increasing in the same rivers and the places aforesaid:
    16. 16. And also to keep and cause to be executed and kept, in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, the rights, statutes, laws, ordinances, and customs anciently observed, and to do, exercise, expedite, and execute all and singular other things in the premises and every of them as they by right and according to the laws and statutes, ordinances, and customs aforesaid should be done:
    17. 17. And moreover to punish, correct, and reform nets too close and other unlawful contrivances or instruments whatsoever for the catching of fishes wheresoever, by sea or public rivers, ports, streams, fresh waters or creeks whatsoever throughout our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, used or exercised by water within our jurisdiction aforesaid wheresoever, and the exercisers and occupiers of the same, according to the rights, statutes, laws, ordinances, and customs aforesaid, and to pronounce, promulgate, and interpose all manner of sentences and decrees and to put them in execution, with cognizance and jurisdiction of whatsoever other causes civil and maritime relate to the sea, or in any manner of ways concern or respect the sea or transit252 or passage of the sea or naval or maritime voyage or our maritime jurisdiction aforementioned or the places or limits of our Admiralty aforesaid and cognizance aforementioned and [all] other things whatsoever, done or to be done, with power also to proceed in the same according to the rights, statutes, laws, ordinances, and customs aforesaid anciently used, as well of mere office, mixed or promoted,253 as at the instance of any party, as the case shall require and it shall seem expedient:
    18. 18. And also with cognizance and decision concerning wreck of the sea, great or small, and concerning the death, drowning, and view of dead bodies of [all] persons whomsoever, in the sea or public rivers, ports, fresh waters, or creeks whatsoever, within the flowing of the sea and to high-water mark, throughout our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, or elsewhere within our jurisdiction aforesaid, howsoever killed or drowned or to be killed or drowned or murdered or to be murdered or in any other way coming to their death there:
    19. 19. Together with the cognizance of mayhem in the places aforesaid within our maritime jurisdiction aforesaid and flowing of the sea and water, there happening,254 with power also of punishing [all] delinquents in that kind whomsoever according to the exigency of the law and according to the customs aforesaid, and to do, exercise, expedite, and execute all and singular the other things which in the premises only, and about them, shall be necessary or in any way soever fitting by and according to the rights and statutes, laws, ordinances, and customs aforesaid:
    20. 20. To you, in whose fidelity and care of circumspection255 we confide very much in this behalf, we do by [these] presents commit and grant our place and authority in and throughout our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, and also throughout all and every the shores of the sea, and public rivers, ports, fresh waters, streams, creeks, and arms as well of the sea as of rivers, and coasts whatsoever of our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, within liberties and franchises and without, with power of deputing and surrogating in your place in the premises one or more others as deputy or deputies as often as shall seem to you fitting, and also with power from time to time of naming, appointing, ordaining, assigning, making, and constituting whatsoever other necessary, fit, and convenient officers and ministers (judge, register, and marshal excepted) under you for the said office and execution of the same in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, saving always the right of the High Court of our Admiralty of England and also of the Judge and Register of the same Court, from whom and either of them we should be unwilling in anything to derogate by [these] presents, and saving the right of every one wronged and grieved by any definitive sentence or interlocutory decree which shall be given in the Court of Vice-Admiralty of our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid, to appeal to the aforesaid High Court of Admiralty of England:
    21. 21. And you, the foresaid William Phips, Knight, we ordain, appoint, and depute by these presents (which are to continue during our good pleasure only)256 our Vice-Admiral, Commissary, and Deputy in the office of Vice-Admiralty in our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjoining whatsoever, together with all and every the fees, profits, advantages, emoluments, commodities, and appurtenances whatsoever due and belonging to the same office of Vice-Admiral, Commissary, and Deputy in our said Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjacent whatsoever, according to the ordinances and statutes of the High Court of our Admiralty of England aforesaid:
    22. 22. Always provided, nevertheless, and under this law and condition, that if you, the foresaid William Phips shall not yearly (to wit, at the end of every year between the Feasts of Saint Michael the Archangel and All Saints) duly certify and cause to be effectually certified to us and our Lieutenant of the High Court of our Admiralty of England and in the said court both official principal and Commissary General and Special, and President and Judge of the same Court,257 concerning all that which from time to time by virtue of [these] presents you shall do and execute, collect, or receive in the premises or any one of the premises, together with your full and faithful account thereupon to be made under authentic form and to be sealed with the seal of our office, remaining in your custody, — from thence and after such default in that kind, our letters patent of the office of Vice-Admiral aforesaid, to you (as is aforesaid) granted, shall be null and void and of no force or effect:
    23. 23. Commanding all and singular our governors, justices, mayors, sheriffs, captains, marshals, bailiffs, and keepers of [all] our jails and prisons whatsoever, and constables and all other our officers and faithful subjects and lieges whatsoever, and every of them, as well within liberties and franchises as without, that, about the execution of the premises and of every of them, they be assiduous, favoring, assisting, submissive, and obedient in all things, in such a manner as is fitting, to you and to your deputy whomsoever and to other officers (by you appointed or to be appointed) of our said Vice-Admiralty in our Province and Territory of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and maritime parts of the same and to the same adjoining whatsoever, under pain of the law and the peril falling thereon.

    Given at London in the High Court of our Admiralty of England under the great seal of the same on the twenty-ninth day of the month of December in the Year of our Lord 1691 and of our Reign the third.