More Praise for Volume 2

    282. From Ezra Stiles, 26 November 1767

    283. To [Richard Jackson], 9 December [1767]

    284. From Israel Mauduit, 10 December 1767

    In late November, Thomas Hutchinson received another letter from Ezra Stiles, pastor of the First Church at Newport, praising his second volume of The History of Massachusetts Bay. Hutchinson found another appreciative reader in Israel Mauduit, who had assisted his brother Jasper when he was provincial agent from 1763 to 1765. After Dennys DeBerdt became sole agent for the House Israel Mauduit remained a frequent correspondent of Hutchinson.

    282. From Ezra Stiles

    Newport 26 Nov 1767

    Sir, Be pleased to accept my most respectful acknowledgements for the second volume of your history, which you did me the honor to send me last July. I have read it with great pleasure. Fidelity in narrating Facts is a great & principal thing: but then only is this species of writing perfect, when besides a well digested series of authenticated Transactions & Events, the Motives & Springs of Action are fairly laid open & arise into view with all their Effects about them, when Characters are made to live again, and past scenes are endowed with a kind of perpetual Resurrection in History. In both these, Sir, you have happily succeeded. I could only wish you to have been more copious on some matters respecting the internal Police.1

    Your Writings, like those of the great Lord Bacon, will receive greater justice & applause from posterity and distant ages than from the present.2 The Subject of your History is interesting & important especially in the view of Americans. The Arrangement & Composition are excellent. Herein you are superior to Herodotus, Thucydides, Diodorus, Vellerius, Dion:3—and surpassed by none of the antient Greek & Rom Historians, unless possibly by Livy, Tacitus, Polybius, perhaps Dionysius4—and yet in Accuracy & many other respects you excell them all. All this may be truly said, under the exception of some few particulars, concerning which I may not be so happy as to coincide with your superior Judgment, tho founded on enlarged & comprehensive Views. Amidst that Caution & delicacy, which the Times and your Situation in political life inspire, your profound knowledge of the Subjects you discuss, perspicuity in description, Love of Truth & your Country, & your happiness at investigating the efficient Causes of Events, appear with great Dignity. It is happy that you have written in the English Language, which will soon become far more extensively known & used in the World, in the Republic of Letters, than the antient Classic Tongues, or than the modern French: and when we shall have settled the expanded Territory between the Mississippi & the Atlantic, may for extent become the second Language on Earth, as in this respect the Chinese is undoubtedly the first, having for ages been the vernacular Tongue of a Third of the human Race. By this Means your history, as well as Character, will sustain the Contemplation of Ages & of numerous Millions yet unborn, with honor I trust to your Name, & Glory to America. Permit me, Sir, to wish you every Blessing—not “the glorious Independence” of a British Nobleman—dangerous to Virtue;—but a final participation in the exalted tho’ dependent Honors of Immortality in the Splendors of which, all sublunary Glory evanishes and is lost. I am, may it please your Honor, Your Honor’s most obliged and most obedient Servant,

    Ezra Stiles

    AC (Beinecke Library, Stiles Papers); at head of letter, “No. 4”; at foot of letter, “Hon. Tho. Hutchinson Esq Lieut Governor &c”; the three other versions of this letter have all been heavily revised and were likely drafts; this copy, however, is written in a clear hand with no revisions; if Stiles sent this letter to TH, it was probably a similar version to this copy. 3 Dfts (Beinecke Library, Stiles Papers); all drafts bear the same date as the AC.

    283. To [Richard Jackson]

    Dec 9 [1767]

    Dear Sir, I hope you will excuse my asking you to distribute this last time a few more of my books viz to Ld North to Sir Edward Hawke to Sir Jeffrey Amherst to Ld Adam Gordon to Col Barre to Mr Whately & to Mr Huske a sett to each.1 The 2d. Volume is printing in London & I have desired my Nephew Mr Rogers to procure 8 of the 1st. & 2d. Volumes of the London Edition neatly bound & to send them to your chambers. I do this to save you all the trouble I can. I would have left it to him to take the whole trouble if I had not thought it an honour ^done me^ to have them go through your hands. I have named seven the eighth you will dispose of as you think proper & alter any of the Rest if necessary. We are quiet at present. The new board of Commissioners in general is well Received. I think the Ministry have pitchd upon very good men. Mr Hulton the first of the Comissioners seems to be a man of business sensible prudent and as well calculated for the post & the [present] times as can be & the other Mr Burch is without exception. I wish all our publick posts may be as well filled. And for those from among our selves I dont know where the places could be better disposed under all circumstances.2 I am Dear Sir Your most Affectionate Servant,

    AC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:230); partially dated; unaddressed, but the volume index prepared by a later hand lists “R. Jackson” as the recipient.

    284. From Israel Mauduit

    London Dec 10th 1767

    Sir, I think my self much obliged to you for your very entertaining history of the Province; which I have read over with a great deal of pleasure. You was quite right to let the present and future Ages know how much they had lost by the Riotous Violence which had been offerd to you. The very clear account which you have drawn up of the disputes with Governor Shute is quite new and Satisfactory.1 I have lent the Book to my friend Mr. Deans Barington and to Lord Barington, who are much pleasd with the Account you have given of their Uncle.2

    But there is no Sentiment, which I more entirely enter into than that of the lengthening the Term of our own Lives by going back to a familiar Acquaintance and living with those who have lived before us. No one could feel the pleasure of this more than I have done, in reading Sr Robt Throckmortons, Haynes, Sir Thos. Edmonds, the Stratford, and all the Volums of the Thurloe State papers.3 By seeing the Accounts of Affairs while they were yet depending, and then existing only in design you feel the same kind of suspence and anxiety about Events as those men were agitated with, who were then Living, and to whom those Event were future and Uncertain. And I confess it has often occurrd to me, that by Thurloes papers, to all the Years of my own Life I have added on the four Years of the Protectorate; one of the Busyest and most Interesting periods in our Annals.4

    You will wonder perhaps at my dilating so much upon this Subject; but the going back into the days of those before us, and seeing how their Lives were chequerd with hopes and fears, and spent in a continued State of Suspense is I think the best preservative against the being put out of humour at meeting with the same Uncertainty in our own.

    When I came to town in August last I sent you the State of things as they then were. Soon after I was gone back into Hampshire Mr Townshend died; and that put an end to all our Negociations.5

    Upon my return to town at the End of October I took the first Opportunity of congratulating Lord North upon his Advancement, and mentiond to Him all that I had before said about you to Mr. Townshend.6 As he had been one of Mr Grenvilles board of Treasury, I had little doubt of his entering into the Merits of the case. He askd me whether I knew what was the Fund, out of which his Predecessor had proposed to make the Provision? and promised to do all that was in his power. The next time I saw him he told me, that he had provided for Mr. Ingersol, whom I knew to be his first care (he is to be Judge of Admiralty).7 I answerd, that I heartily rejoiced to hear it; but still urged that nothing had been done for any one of the Sufferers in Massachusetts bay, which was the leading Province, and where of all others the Example would be of the greatest Efficacy.

    We have now gaind a fresh Accession of Strength in Mr. Jenkinson.8 I had often talkd to him before upon the Subject, while he was in the Admiralty; But now upon his being bro’t into the Treasury, he of his own Accord began with me; and desired that I would furnish him with the Materials I had about your case. I accordingly drew up a Memorial of two Sheets, in which I mentiond every thing which I thought it would be of use for him to know, and which you would wish me to say upon the Subject And he has now empowerd me to tell you, that he will make it one of his first concerns. If the late American imposts produce the money, there will then I hope be no great difficulty; But if the Fund it is to arise out of be Ineffective, that will be a Rub in our way, but not I hope an insurmountable one.9

    Thus however the Affair stands. What will come of it, after so many Disappointments I will not answer for. All that I can say is that Mr. Jenkinson is my fast friend, has never yet faild in any thing which he undertook for me, and I am sure that he does not now mean to decive me.

    Lord North too has very kindly appointed me to come to his house upon the affair, next week when the hurry of parliament will be over.

    Before the Arrival of this you will know, that orders are gone from Lord Shelbourns office to prosecute the Printers of that treasonable Letter to Edes and Gill in your Gazette of the 31st. August last.10 What Mr Barnard will do in it I cant say, or what your Juries may think of it; But if they should find a Bill against such Incendiary papers, Sure I am that the town of Boston cant do a better thing, more Effectually to Erace the ill Impression made by their former Riotings, and to reinstate themselvs in the good opinion of the Publick: If indeed your people desire it; for in some of the papers from your Representatives they seem to pretend a concern for our good Opinion meerly to express their Contempt of it. But this is the year of general Licenciousness: When a new parliament is chosen, and a new ministry formd, they may then perhaps be brot to repent of their Insolence, and to think more respectfully of us.

    December 15. Thus far I had gone when the news arrived of your most absurd & unwarrantable Combination.11 One would think that your Incendiaries wish to draw the whole weight of Government upon their Single Town. Can those men be the friends of the Province who thus endeavour to make it the most obnoxious part of the whole Continent? & to set it foremost & most exposed to a parliamentary inquiry. Should that time come and the tide of popular clamour turn against you, You would then find that Mr Grenville (as I have often heard him say) would take the part of a Moderator & advise in parliament more temperate Measures, than many who were reputed the only friends of the Colonies, at the time when he was considerd as their worst Enemy.12

    The Alterations which I referrd to in my Letter by the Marl have now taken place.13 Lord Gore is President in the room of Ld Northington who wishd to resign & advised the change telling his Majesty that he found that his Government rested upon shoulders that were too weak to bear it.14 Lord Weymouth is Secretary of State in the Room of Conway & Lord Hillsborough is created a third Secretary for America by which you are happily taken out of very indifferent hands Lord Sandwich is Joint postmaster & Mr. Rigby a Vice Treasurer of Ireland All these are freinds of the D of Bedford & I hope of their Country.15 By this Accession there is Strength & Ability added to the Administration & as they all agree in one Sentiment about America & the D of Grafton professes now to be of the same opinion I hope that they will act with Unanimity & vigor.16 Mr Grenville for whom they all profess the highest respect, is not dissatisfied with the Arrangement, & I think it not impossible that we may hereafter see him at the head of it.

    December 29th. I am now to acquaint you that two or three days ago I waited on the Chancellour of the Exchequer.17 He was pleas’d to say, that he had been wishing to see me, & that he intended to order a warrant next board day for the Commissioners of the Customs to pay you a certain Salary. I lookd earnestly expecting him to say What Salary; When he added; That I suppose is what you desire. I answerd Yes if it be an Effective Fund. He replied, that as yours would be the first Money to be issued out of it, there would he hoped be no doubt of its being Sufficient. I askd if the Commissioners were not to be paid first? he said yes no doubt the office must pay itself first; but your payment would be the next (I should before have mentiond that another Lord of the Treasury had told me, that a doubt had arisen whether they should grant your order now, or wait till they heard what the new duties produced.18 As I tho’t it greatly imported you under the uncertainty of publick affairs to get the order, I wishd that it might be done directly, & begd of my friend that it might not Stay, & be hung up in a fruitless Suspense till a 12 month hence, when we should have to begin again.) The chancellour then askd me if I knew what was the Salary which you had now arising from all your offices? I told him that I had heard that it was not much above Two hundred pounds a year, but that I did not exactly know it. He then desired that I would prepare for him an exact account, which I promised him I would do. Your Nephew is come to town very Opportunely, for the purpose as he can doutless instruct me in every thing, which my Lord shall want to know.19 Thus far I have labourd in the best manner I can for you; and I hope it will issue to your Satisfaction. I am Sire Your Sincere friend & Servant,

    Israel Mauduit

    RC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:236–39); unaddressed.

    285. To [Thomas Pownall]

    Boston 14 Dec 1767

    Dear Sir, Since my last I have your kind letter of 30 Aug.1 The same Vessel brot us intelligence of Mr Town…..ds death.2 Paxton who is since arrived assures me he was very friendly & that if the Rest of the Ministry had been of his mind something would have been done last Summer which would have been as agreeable as the place you mention at the Board of Comissrs. I have not the copy of my last letter to you but I think I wrote you my Sentiments upon that head.3 Its very odd that my LG Comission should prevent my appointment & yet Mr Ts be no bar to his.4 This has no very favorable aspect but I cannot think that after the Resolves of Parliam I shall be passed over.5

    Indeed I am not expressly named but I believe it is generally known that my sufferings have exceeded those of any other person & I know some Members of Parl with whom I never had any correspondence have put the Ministry in mind of it and I think will not leave me until something be done. Besides your kind application and that of some other friends who have always been Ready to do me a kind office several persons out of Parl. have voluntarily appeared in my behalf. Some months ago I was encouragd that Mr B should have a better Government or be otherwise provided for to his content but this all blew over.6 My LG place is of less consequence than care & for these 2 years past has kept me out of the Council. All my predecessors were more fortunate than I have been except Povey & were Comanders in chief for some length of time & most of them for sevral years together.7

    At present I am a meer cypher & deprived of what used to be the LG Right a seat in the Council chamber & this by a meer act of power in the H my friends telling the prevailing party they might depend on the Resentment of the Ministry but instead of that a year has past without the least notice taken of it altho the G wrote immediately & prayed for directions upon it.8 The LG having always been an Assistant under the old Charter the Agent supposed him to be so of course under the new & St.9 the first year after the Charter always voted as a councillor & so I suppose the Secr did he being frequently appointed upon Comittees tho neither of them are named of the C in the Charter & this I take to be the Reason of the odd number of 28 constituting the Council the LG & Secretary being added making 30.

    The next year they chose them both among the 28 Councillers & continued to do so from year to year until Povey came & he for 2 or 3 years he staid scarce ever failed of sitting every day in Council. So did Taylor & Dummer.10 When Phips was appointed it was against Mr B mind (who made interest for Col Winthrop) & he affronted Phips told him he had no business there or to that effect and he never would appear there or upon any other public occasion.11

    This was generally condemned even by the H of R as an arbitrary act in Belcher. I sat it Council after being dropped at the Election the first Session & I think a second with out exception until at the 3d. session a man whose brain had been turned many years with Religious Enthusiasm threw off all at once his Religion & became an Enthusiast in Politicks struck in with the Party in opposition to Government made me his mark & as it is easy to do with the sound of Right Privilege &c. carried his point.12

    Mr Whately & Mr Thoms who are the sec friends assure him some provision will be made for him also.13 Our private fortunes I believe are pretty near alike & the small stipends we have from the Government are not any different but I think he seems more sensible of the neglect than I do & says it is hard to see some Officers of the Crown sent over with Salaries sufficient to support Equipages & elegant Tables whilst others of not inferior Rank & who it is expected should live with them are left with less appointments than some of the Clerks of the first sort. I fancy it is for want of other Subjects that I have wrote so much upon this. I do not design to trouble you again upon it. I am &c.,

    AC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:225); unaddressed but the volume index prepared by a later hand lists “Gov. Pownall” as the recipient.

    286. From William Smith Jr.1

    Newyork 14 Dec. 1767

    I have but a moment, my dear sir, by the Return of an Express, to thank you for your Favor & the Trouble I have given you. Sir Henry Moore confesses himself also very much obliged to you, & thinks there will be no need of the Copies you was so good as to offer. I have given him an Extract of your letter, at his Request.2

    We have had a witten-gemot here ever since the 17th. of Nov, who have been pouring over the Billetting and Suspending acts.3 Upon the construction, that the first requires no Money till all the services are performed and the Expenses accrued, the latter ‘tis thought punishes before the Act of Obedience is to be performed. However the Assembly will give £1500, to be drawn out upon the Governor’s Warrant to two Persons, said in the Act to be of his Appointing, & to be applied for quartering the Troops. This is a Compliance with the Spirit of the Statute. Walk in the Path directed by the Letter the Assembly neither will nor dare. The Gov. I under stand is so far satisfied that he will not reject the Bill. What the Council will do is uncertain. It is not yet come up to us. I fear we shall not see an End to this grand Controversy with the Parent Country in our Day. I wish her more good Humour, and the Colonies more Prudence & you & yours all imaginable Prosperity, being, Sir, with a very affectionate Esteem, Your most obedient Servant,

    Wm. Smith Jr.

    RC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:231–32); at foot of letter, “LGovernor Hutchinson”; docketed “W Smith jno. Esq. NYork 14 Decemb. 1767 Letter to Gov. Hutchinson.”

    287. From Israel Williams

    Hatfield 28th. Dec. 1767.

    Sir, I have repeatedly read your History with pleasure and delight whether approv’d or disapprov’d by others, you have my hearty thanks. But I make no doubt of its being publickly beneficial, and the judicious remarks here and there interspersed, as they have done honor to the Author, so they will be of Special use to mankind—however I dont expect everyone will be pleas’d, if they Shoud in their conscience and Judgment approve yet the malignity of their Tempers may influence ‘em to treat the Author and the performance contemptuously. This I Trust will give your honour no great uneasiness; but ^will^ go on to forgive Injuries, and as you have done, draw a veil over the faults of those who deserve the Serverest censures; and with patience wait your compleat reward. Might it not have been of Service in the dispute with New Hampshire, to have related the losses and injurys we Sustain’d in this County and the Expence this Province was at above the Line in building Forts and maintaining Possession there in the Warr before the last.1 The Materials were to be found in the Secretarys Office, if not, I beleive I coud have furnish’d your honour with the Facts & Circumstances; which I Shoud readily have attempted had I known you Were writing the Second part of your History, and you Jud[MS torn]2 noticing.

    The General Court I conclude Sitts thi[MS torn] the Conduct of Boston, and the circular letters sent from thence round the Province, Otis and their Representatives and some others also, will be encourag’d to renew and prosecute the dispute with the Supream Authority of the Nation;3 we are not ripe for independency, will not opposition procure harder measures, and the Struggle be attended with fatal consequences; if we dont live to See it, our Posterity, probably will rue it.

    I dont See how the frugality and œconomy recommended from the metropolis will hurt the Country; if the measures propos’d be gone into, we can Subsist, tho’ Boston will be ruin’d in their Trade and unless the Inhabitants, emigrate and turn farmers they cannot support; therefore conclude however Specious their pretences are, there is no honesty at bottom.

    As your honor has justly observd, it woud be folly in New England under their present circumstances to pursue the Scheme planned for them by Boston and others. But so it is Some People are resolutely set to pursue plausible popular measures, be the event what it will. I take my Coz H——y to be one of that Stamp; It is said by many he is honest but under the influence of Strong iregular Passions, which before he is aware may produce very bad Effects; I expect it will be so and his resentment not yet Spent will appear very manifest when he gets to Court.4

    If the Judges of the Superior Court are not out of his reach, they may expect retaliation for the ^supposed^ Injurys he has met with. I am told he is writing an Answer to Philanthrop,5 the Sooner his malignity is Spent; the Sooner I should expect a retractation, were it not that he is much alter’d from what he was—is more haughty, Self Sufficient, obstinate, and less disposed to Suspect himself than formerly, owing I imagine to the flattery and applause he has below, which tho’ he pretends to despise, is fatally caught by it.

    I have desir’d the Gov to appoint Mr. Strong a Justice of Peace, he is a modest worthy man; he thinks and Acts right.6 You are Something acquainted with [MS torn]. If your honour thinks it adviseable I doubt not [you’]ll second my motion. I wish the Gov[MS torn]e always well advis’d as to the appointment of ci[vil] officers. Many inconveniencies arise, which afterwards its difficult to remedy. A recent instance in Berkshire, mentiond to your honour at Springfield.7 I am with the greatest esteem and respect your honours most Obliged and very humble Servant,

    I. Williams

    RC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:234–35); at foot of letter, “Honble. Lt. Govr. Hutchinson”; addressed, “To the honourable Thomas Hutchinson Esqr. Lieutenant Governour Boston”; endorsed, “Col. Williams 28 Dec 1767.”

    288. From Nathaniel Rogers

    London Dec 30. 1767.

    Dear & very respected Sir, I have been arrived but a few days in Town, & have not yet had time to deliver all my Letters.1 Your two kind favours I received & am much obliged to you for your early notice of me. Lord Adam Gordon is in Scotland as soon as he comes to Town I shall wait upon him. I delivered Mr. Mauduit’s letter, that Gentleman, called upon me last Sunday as he returned from Court, & told me he had had a long Conference with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, (L North) upon the Subject of your affairs, that Lord North seemed Interested in doing you Justice, he there fore desired me, in some form, to set down the whole of your Honor’s receipts for your several Offices.2 I enclose a copy of what I this day wrote Mr Mauduit, which I hope You will approve of as it was done upon my best recollection. Mr Mauduit is a shrewd, sensible man, seems much inclined to do you service & is considerably attended to, by People in Power.

    I can write you nothing of public Affairs with any degree of certainty. The Ministry is very unsettled. A new Secretary for America alone, is at last appointed L Hillsborough.3 Nothing of Consequence will come before the Parliament in this their last session, but the whole Nation seem ready to engage in Electioneering. Mr Greenville seems our most bitter enemy, & takes every opportunity to render us obnoxious. The only motion this session upon American matters was made by him, that an Enquiry should be entered into by the House upon a certain Boston paper of Octo. 5. containing the most virulent aspersions & insinuations, but Mr Conway & some others parryed it, saying they were sorry he should think America in general answerable for the scandals of a news paper & desired him to recollect how often he had been abused himself in News papers & yet they would venture to say, he did not think it was the sense of the Nation, at last the Consideration of the paper was put off six month which was a polite way of dismissing it.4

    The Boston resolves have given great umbrage here for being printed by way of Votes, it had the Appearance of a public Act of the province, with all those unacquainted with our Constitution which are 99 in an hundred.5 I waited upon L. Shelburne & the first Question he asked me was wether I tho’t they would take Effect, the next wether Mr Otis & his party kept their Ground, this I would mention to no one but your Honor, lest Otis should hear of it, & it might give him Consequence. People here say, the resolves are artfully framed, but they carry this general appearance, that the Americans are determined to have as little Connection with GB as possible, that those things they can do with out now they will & the moment they can, they will intirely withdraw themselves.

    As far as I can judge from the very short time I have been here, nothing like threatning will do here, it will serve to enflame minds already much agitated but representations supported by facts & strong reasoning will be attended to. America appears of Consequence, & the Nation in general seems interested, the Manufacturers & commercial ^people^ so far as their Interest is Affected are on our side, but all the Landed Interest are against us. The House of peers are not friendly, one of that house said sometime ago that in a few years he expected all his old family pictures & furniture would adorn a hall in America, but I should tire you was I to relate half the foolish & Idle surmises which are taken up every day.6

    I have not been able to find Mr Thorpe out as soon as I do, I will take the best Steps in my power to get the mony for Mrs Summers & will Inform your Honor.7

    Mr Paxton was a fast & unfailing friend to you when he was in England & left no Stone unturned to have justice done Your honor, but he had favors to ask him self. His Friend Townsend, was not first L. of the Treasury in whose disposal every thing is, & therefore could not make a sufficient Interest but his heart & Inclination was intirely for you, & I think it my duty to acquaint you with it.8

    You Sir, know so well the Tenderness of Domestic life that I am sure you will excuse my asking you sometimes to call upon Mrs Rogers, she will think it a favor, as she is much alone, &being taken notice of by you will give her pleasure as she ever expresses the highest esteem for you & I think her acquaintance will not displease your Honor.9 I am with the greatest Respect Your Honor’s most Obliged & Obedient Nephew,

    Nath Rogers

    I am obliged to inclose the rough draft of what I wrote Mr Mauduit, not having time to copy it out. I hope you will Excuse it Sir. Should Jenkins sail I will trouble your Honor with a Letter by the Pacquet.

    RC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:240–41a); dateline appears at the bottom left of the letter; at foot of letter, “The honorable Thomas Hutchinson Esq.”; endorsed, “Mr Rogers London 30 Dec 1767.” Enclosure not found.

    289. From John Osborne

    Boston Jany. 1. [1768]1

    Honorable and Dear Sir, Capt. Osborne Presents his sincere Love to his Honour Mr Hutchinson, to Mrs Sandford,2 and to all his sons and daughters; and wishes ‘em a Happy new Year, and that in the best sence of it; & that we all may begin the year with God, by a renewal of the devotion of our Selves to him thro his well-beloved Son. And now if it should pleas a Soveraign God to spare and to prove us another year, and to se if we will bring forth fruit or not, if not, would there ^not^ be great Danger of God’s being provoked to say in his righteous Judgment as he did of Old respecting the baren figg tree, cut it down, why cumbereth it the ground?3

    How should we depricate such an awful Judgment as this?

    But now I must stop here; with my wishes for the best of Blessings may descend on each of your head’s even the same that I ask on my bended knee’s at the thron of Grace for the decendants of your worthy and most desirable good mother, now with God in Glory—and now Dear Sir what I would request that when your are in the Vigor of the Sperit and at the throne of Grace you’ll remember him, who is with Cordial affection your Loving Father,

    J. Osborne

    P.S: Yesterday I had a few Malaga Lemmons sent me from Cape Ann, a doz of which I now send to your Acceptance.

    Last thursday afternoon I went over to the Govrs. to a dish of Tea with him and Madam. At the dore I ask’t for the Govrs. servant went in with my name, the Govr. said I may go up stairs to Madam or come in where he was as soon as I enter’d the room found [MS torn] the Honorable Comissioners who din’d there [MS torn] which the Govr. Conducted me up to the Head of the table by him & then said Gentlemen this is Capt. Osborne the eldest Councelor in the Province they then notic’d me—& the Govr. aded I had presided at the board in his time about Two years. I began to think my self somebody.

    After drinking the usual heath, we went up to tea; no Lady’s there at dusk the Gentlemen went off. The Govr. and Madam Said I must tary when he and Two Sons,4 with each of ‘em a musical Instrument, play’d most Lovely ‘till about 7 clock when I throo the Cover’d way passd along home—now methinks I hear Leiut. Govr. say, why does Capt Osborne trouble me with such harangues who have so much on my hands [MS torn] and that quick’s my mind and as I h[ave]5 neither publick or Private business. I p[leas]e6 my self with my Library in a Chair by me nothing but divinity—for I read nothing else. Of Burkit Doctr Lucey, Doctr. Sibby &c.7 and yet go abroad prety much too as I’m in perfect good health. Hubbard keeps [illegible]8 Yours as before,

    J. O.

    RC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 25:136–39); misdated, see note 1, below; dateline appears at the bottom of letter; endorsed, “Capt. Osbourne.”