Conco. 1a}

    1st Sacrament day. 1. Decr 1689

    53. Isa. 5 first part.

    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities

    Among others, these two things in this Prophesie are very observable.

    1. 1. One thing in this Prophesie very observable is yt it is called a vision. 1. Chap. 1. The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz which he saw concerning Judah, and Jerusalem. Now why is it called a vision? Why because of the certainty, clearness, & indubitableness of what is mentioned & contained in it. Among all the senses there is none that affords more of evidence & certainty than that of the eye or sight. For we make no stick, or hesitancy, most boldly to affirm, & avouch, yt for a truth, most certain & undenyable which we have been eye-witnesses of: And therefore sais the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. 2. Chron. 9. 5. 6. It was a true report which I heard of thy great fame in mine own land; but I could not believe it till I my self came & saw it: & now I am satisfyed in ye certainty of it. So here wt Isaiah writes he had by vision a most full & clear sight of all he speaks: he saw wth yt certainty by the eyes of his mind wch others have by a bodily sight.
    2. 2. Another thing very observable in this Prophesie is how lively the Prophet Isaiah describes the death & suffering of our Lord Jesus for his people: & indeed no marvel for he had a divine sight or vision of it: & therefore he sets it forth as if he had lived in the Apostles dayes: as if it were already past, rather than to come: as wholly exhibited, rather than to be exhibited for the future; as in the 42. this 53 & 55 & 61 chapters. Hince among Some of the Ancients this Prophet Isaiah is worthily called, or stiled The Evangelical Prophet, & the Prophetical Evangelist: or the Evangelist, & Apostle of the Old Testament.

    In this 53. chapter among other things we may take notice of these few following: namely

    1. 1. Here is a complaint & reprehension of ye Jewish Church for the paucity, or fewness, among them yt entertained Christ as their Saviour. 1. v. Who hath beleived our Report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Q.D. We have made a Report to you of salvation by, & only by, Christ Jesus. But wo hath beleived this Report? Where is ye man, where is ye woman, wo hath entertained Christ as their Lord & Saviour? How few are they? What a hard thing is it to find such? And to whom is ye arm of the Lord revealed? i.e. How few by ye mighty & efficacious working of God are indeed converted unto Christ? Nor is this a complaint only of Isaiah in his dayes, but also a prophesie ye it should be ye complaint of Gosple Ministers in after times: as Christ himself alluding to this place complains. 12 Joh. 37 38. Thô he had done so many miracles before them, yet they beleived not on him: That the saying of Esaias the Prophet &c. These unbeleivers were not unbeleivers because ye Prophet Isaias had so foretold it; but the Prophet therefore foretold it, because they should be such. Like as Josephs foretelling the Famine, was no cause of it, but an antecedent only. So Paul complains quoting of this text of the fewness of beleivers in his dayes. 10. Rom. 16. But they have not all obeyed ye Gosple, For Esaias saith, Lord wo hath believed our report? So that this is Esaias complaint: Christs Complaint: Pauls complaint: I & the complaint of thousands since Paul. Some sit before the Preacher as senseless as the seats they sit on, pillars they lean on, dead bodies they somtimes tread on: Others rage & fret so yt a man if he would please, must either be mute, or say nothing to the purpose. Tange montes & fumigabunt &c. Trapp in loco.50
    2. 2. Here is a reason rendred why so few among the Jews entertained Christ as their Lord & Saviour: namely because Christ did not come in that Splendour & Majesty they looked for. 2. 3. verses. For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, & as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness: & when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised & rejected of men, a man of sorrows, & acquainted with grief: & we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, & we esteemed him not. Why did so few entertain Christ as their Lord, and Saviour? Why (sais ye Prophet) because during the whole time of Christ’s life, from his very cradle, to his Cross (if he had any cradle) he lived among men, in a poor, mean, humble, & (for such a person) despicable manner: not graced with any tokens, trophies, badges, or ensignes of state, grandeur, honour, dignity, or nobility: but rather seemed to be as a poor, sorry, useless, & tender Plant, in a thirsty, sandy, barren piece of ground, having neither height, nor strength, nor leaves, nor any thing which might make it sightly, beautiful, or comelie: Hince many despised him, rejected him, & as it were hid their faces from him.
    3. 3. Here is a confutation of the former causeless reason why so few entertained Christ as their Saviour. There was few that believed i.e. that entertained Christ as their Christ: that is true. I but why did but few believe? Why because of Christs deep humility, debasements, & sufferings. What was this the reason? Yes this was the reason. Oh! causeless reason! Oh reason without reason! For instead of disliking Christ for this they should rather have liked, & loved him so much the more. Because all these his sufferings was for the sake of poor, vile sinners. 4. verse. Surely he hath born our griefs, & carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, & afflicted. Q.D. Christ indeed was grieved. I but it was for us. He was griev’d, that we might not be griev’d. He endured grief, to deliver us from grief. By his grief, the true beleiver shall be, and without it he could not be, delivered from grief, i.e. spiritual, soul-sinking grief, eternal grief: althô wicked men (as the prophet here tells us) may make no other account of Christs griefs, & sufferings, than if he had endured them for his own sins &c.
    4. 4. Lastly. Here is a confirmation of ye confutation mentioned in the former verse in this. 5. verse. wherein our text is. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities The chastisement of our peace was upon him, & with his stripes we are healed. Q.D. So far is it from being true that Christ suffered for himself that the contrary is most true: he suffered for us. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities &c.

      In these words the Prophet shows us that two great things are done for us by Christ. As

    5. 1. That our transgressions, & iniquities, are taken away by the wounds & bruises of Christ. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities
    6. 2. That our peace, & Soul-health, is attained by the Stripes & chastisement of Christ. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, & with his stripes we are healed. It is the former of these I intend to present you with my Meditations upon.

      But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.

      In these words two things are to be taken notice of: namely the Subject spoken of; & then that which is prædicated, or spoken of this Subject.

    7. 1. The Subject (or person) spoken of, & that is Christ Jesus. If any should say how doth it appear that the Prophet intends Christ in all this Chap. seing the word Christ is not so much as once mentioned in the whole chap:
    8. Answ: I know of none wo ever made any question about it: But if any should
    9. 1. It is very plain from the whole current of the chap: wherein such things are ascribed & attributed to some person which cannot be applyed to any other than Christ Jesus.
    10. 2. It is altogether evident, & undenyable from the. 8. Matt. 16. 17. Besides many other texts in the New-Testament.
    11. 2. The prædicate: or that wch is spoken of this subject: namely
    12. 1. That he was wounded, & bruised.
    13. 2. The cause, or true reason, why he was wounded & bruised, namely for our transgressions, & for our iniquities. i.e. to satisfy for, & bear the punishment due to us, for our transgressions & iniquities. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.
    14. Doctr: Our Transgressions & our iniquities, were the causes why Christ the Son of God was wounded & bruised. For the clearer & fuller handling this mysterious & amazing doctrinal truth it is needfull to answere these several following questions. Namely
    15. 1. Q. What is meant by wounding & bruising?
    16. 2. Q. Who was wounded & bruised?
    17. 3. Q. Who wounded & bruised him?
    18. 4. Q. What were his wounds & bruises?
    19. 5. Q. Why was he thus wounded & bruised?
    20. 1. Quest: What is meant by wounding & bruising?
    21. 1. Qu. What is meant by wounding?
    22. Answ: The hebrew word signifies to pierce, or make a hole through, or to bore through as with a pearser; or to maim, & wound. The same word is used for the wounding of the heart 109. Ps. 22. I am poor & needy, & my heart is wounded within me. i.e. grievously & deadly wounded. And it is noted51 to come from a word which denotes the pains & griefs of one that is bringing forth her young, 39. Job. 1. 3. Knowest thou the time when the wild goats of the rock bring forth? Or canst thou mark when the hinds do calve? They bow themselves they bring forth their young ones, they cast out their sorrows. The hinds are creatures which bring forth their young with exceeding great pain & difficulty as may be plainly gathered from the. 29. Ps. 7. 8. 9. where among other hard things effected by the thunder, as the breaking of the strongest trees, &. shaking the firmest hills, this is added of making the hinds to calve. So that here by wounding is intended piercing boring through, or most acute & sharp pains as of a female who undergoes most painful & hard travel; or as of a man stabbed to the heart: it signifies more pain, & sorrow, than we can readily express in english.
    23. 2. Qu. What is meant by Bruising?
    24. Answ: The word signifies to consume, wear away, wast or grind to pieces. The same word is used for the smiting down to the ground. 143. Ps. 3. The enemy hath persecuted my soul, he hath smitten my life down to the ground: he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead. i.e. as some judge my malicious & unwearied enemy Saul by his persecution after my life makes me betake my self to caves & holes & live as it were under ground as if I were already dead. And in the. 89. Ps. 10. Thou hast broken Rahab (i.e. Egypt) in pieces, as one that is slain occ. And 19. Job. 2. How long will ye vex my soul, & break me in pieces with words? And in the 5. Chap. 4. Sais Eliphas of the wicked man: His children are far from safety, & they are crushed in the gate. So that here by bruising is intended wearing & wasting away, grinding, breaking & crushing to pieces.
    25. 2. Quest: Who was wounded, & Bruised? Who was it was thus bored, or pierced through, thus pained as one in sore travail, or as one stabbed to the heart: thus wasted, broken, crushed, & ground to pieces?
    26. Answ: It was Christ Jesus, the only & eternal Son of God. 2. Cor. 8. 9. Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that thô he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. 4. Gal. 4. 5. God Sent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law &c. 2. Philip. 7. 8. He made himself of no reputation, & took upon him the form of a Servant, & was made in the likeness of men: & being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself, & became obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross. Besides multitudes of other texts wch might be produced for proof. We should now come to the third question who wounded & bruised Christ Jesus? But there being not time to answere that question we will leave it for another opportunity if God please.

      But I would add somwhat by way of use

    27. 1. Use. Was Christ thus wounded & bruised? Thus bored & pierced through: pained as one in travel, or as a man stabbed to the heart: Thus worn and wasted, consumed & ground to pieces? &c. Oh then my Freinds let me invite you to an amazing & wondrous sight viz to see the Son of God thus wounded, bruised, & crushed, before your eyes. May not I say to you as Paul to the Galatians. 3. Chap. 1. O Foolish Galatians, wo hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucifyed among you. i.e. before whom Christ was so lively set forth as if with your very eyes you had seen him hanging upon the Cross. So I say my Friends will you go away from such a wonderful sight as this is. Is Christ wounded & bruised set forth in the administration of the Lords Supper as in a most lively picture, & will you as our Prophet complains 3. v. hide your faces from him as if he were not worth the beholding. Oh such of you as are going away from this most lively Ordinance
    28. 1. Remember from whence you go viz: from a woūded bruised broken Saviour. Therefore
    29. 2. Go away wounded & broken after an interest in him, & so com̄union with him, in this divine ordinance, wherein he is set forth as broken bruised & crushed to pieces, before your eyes & for your sakes as is to be shown hereafter.

    Ante rel potius apud cænam52

    1. 2. Use. Oh beloved let us be moderate in our griefs, in our sorrows! what are our wounds & bruises to Christs wounds and bruises & yet sais our Prophet in the. 7. v. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth Sec. Christ, our Christ, in and under all his sufferings, was as patient as a Lamb: thô he suffered for others: Oh let not us his professed sheep be as lions & wild bulls in a net under our afflictions Sec. But rather let us learn of him. 11. Matth. 29. as he bids us. Take my yoke upon you, & learn of me, for I am meak & lowly in heart et 26. 39 O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup &c.
    2. 3. Use. O beloved, See your wounded & bruised Lord & Saviour. What Pilate said Ironically, and in way of derision to the Jews. 19. Joh. 14. Behold your King. I say by way of most serious counsel: Behold your King, your Lord & Saviour. Behold your wounded & bruised Lord & Saviour. Se in this lively picture how he was broken to pieces & stabbed, gored & pierced through, to the effusion of his most precious & sacred blood & that for your sakes &c.
    3. 1. Behold him beleivingly. I may say to you as he did to poor doubting Thomas 20. John. 27. Reach hither thy finger &c. It is true Christ is not here in his flesh: but its as true Christ is here with all his benefits spiritualy to all beleivers as here is bread.
    4. 2. Behold him sorrowfully & mournfully, as he expects you should, & becomes that gracious frame of Spirit he hath purchased for, & promised to, all true believers. 12. Zech. 10. And I will pour upon the house of David, & upon ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace & Supplication, & they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, & mourn for him &c So I say behold, & look well, & with mournfull hearts, upon your dear broken, bruised, crushed & pierced Saviour. Look upon him as one that you have pierced & wounded by your sins. If in a mad fit and Kind of frenzy we should sorely wound a dear friend, oh how would our madness wound us wn we came to our selves: So it is here. So let it be here.

    post cœnam53

    1. 4. Use. O Beloved remember now where you have been, & what you have seen. Remember you have been as it were at the cross; & that with your eyes you have seen Christ there crucifyed, pierced, bored through, ground & crushed to pieces
    2. 1. So remember it as to abominate sin which was as the nayls that fastened him, to the cross, the spears that pierced through his sacred sides &c
    3. 2. So remember it as to have your dull affections raised & quickened with most hearty & constant enflamations of love to your wounded & bruised Saviour. O never begrud[g]e the enduring of wounds & bruises for him who has dearly purchased as much love as this from you by his own dreadfull wounds & bruises &c. Finis54