Conco. 6}

    6. July. 1690

    53. Isa 5.

    1. 2) Then ye Death of Christ was a Death of wounds & bruises
    2. 1) More generally. The Death of Christ was ye last act of his Humiliation wherein he underwent extreme horrible, & the utmost punishments for ye sins of men.
    3. 1. It was an act not a meer passion. 10. Job. 11. And it was from power not from weakness 18. v.
    4. 2. It contained in it mighty punishments wounds & bruises yet not perpetual. 2. Acts. 24.
    5. 1. R. Because perpetuity is not essential to punishments
    6. 2. R. Because of ye power & dignity of ye person. 1. Cor. 15. 57. 59.
    7. 2) More particularly. His Death consisted of a twofold degree.
    8. 1. Inchoated: of two kinds.
    9. (1. Spiritual wounds & bruises.
    10. 1. Loss of his Fathers Favour as to act & sense of it.
    11. 2. Sense.
    12. 1. Of ye weight of divine wrath. 26. Matt. 39. 11. Ps. 6. 25. 15. 16. 17. 18 &c. 16. Matt. 22. 23. 5. Heb. 7. 18. Job. 11. 53. Isa. 6.
    13. 2. Of Subjection (in some sort) to ye powers of Darkness 22. Luk. 53. Hince yt Agony. 26. Matt. 38. 18. Ps. 4. 5. 22. Luke. 44. It exceed[s] Pauls sufferings. 2. Cor. 11. 23—28.
    14. 1. This bloody sweat was in a cold night. 14. Mark. 67.
    15. 2. ———— In ye open Air. 26. Matt. 39. 40. 22. Luke. 44.
    16. 3. ———— From a person seized wth a great fear So yt we read of help sent him from Heaven. 22. Luke. 43.
    17. 1. Neg: The Angel helped not by bearing part of ye punishment due to man for sin. 63. Isa. 3.
    18. 2. Affirmatively
    19. 1. Some think he wiped off ye sweat & set up Christ.
    20. 2. — That as ye Angel Gabriel foretold Christs sufferings. 9. Dan. 21. &c. So here he propounds ye Fathers Decree: the prædictions of ye prophets
    21. 3. It may [be] ye Angel might comfort Christ wth discourse concerning his Resurrection. 24. Luke. 13–26. 12. Heb. 2.
    22. 4. It may be ye Angel might comfort Christ wth discourse concerning Gods approbation of his sufferings
    23. 1. Use. Hince we may see wt a suitable Saviour we have
    24. 1. We are wounded & bruised with Spiritual loss: ye loss of Gods Image: & therefore ye loss of Gods favour. 3. Ro. 23.
    25. 2. We are wounded & bruised with Spiritual bondage and Slavery to ye powers of Darkness. 1. Col. 13.