{Conco 5.

    2. Apr. 1693

    1. Cor. 11. 23. 24. 25. 26.

    Instead of so many doctrines here we proposed severall questions to be handled. As (1. Q) Who is the Author of this Ordinance (2. Q) When was this Ordinance at the first inst[it]uted. To proceed

    1. 3. Quest: How, or after what manner, has Christ instituted this holy Ordinance?
    2. An: The Apostle in our text describes how Christ instituted the first part of the Eucharist, or Sacrament of the Lords Supper. He took bread &c. 23 24. v. And in this description, the Apostle shows us, what Christ did, & what
    3. 1. Christ said (1) What Christ did. And here four things are
    4. 1. 2. observable (1) Christ took the Bread (2) Christ, when he
    5. 3. had taken bread gave thanks (3) Christ, when he had
    6. 4. given thanks, broke the Bread (4) Last: Christ, when he had broke the Bread, gave it to his Disciples. 26.
    7. 2. Matth. 26. 14. Mark. 22. 22 Luke. 19. (2) The Apostle
    8. 1. tells us also what Christ said (1) He gives forth his Au-
    9. 2. thoritative com̄and, in those words, Take, Eat: 24 v. (2) He adds his gracious promise. This is my Body &c. 24. v. Now let us consider each of these singly, & particularly
    10. 1. As to what Christ did. And here we find
    11. 1. The first action of Christ in his instituting of this holy Ordinance, was that of his taking of Bread. He took bread. 23. v. i.e. He took it with his hand from the Table. He did not take his own body, nor did he take his body with bread, or in the bread, or under the bread, unless Sacramentally. For his body was not laid upon the Table, but he sat at the Table, & took bread. This Christs taking of bread teacheth us, that Christ took himself & offered himself a Sacrifice to God for us to be the Saving food of our Souls. 20. Matth. 28. 10. Joh. 17. 18. 1. Gal. 3. 4. 2. Tit. 13. 14. Now Christ took bread, & afterwards wine, to teach us that he is both our food, & drink, to eternal life & so to show us that he is in all respects a perfect Redeemer: even as it is necessary for the refreshing & supporting of this our temporal life, that we have bread to eat, & drink to drink, So here. And the bread the Christ took, was reall bread such as is meet for food; such as was used among the Jews according to the Law, in their holy banquets, viz unleavened bread, as may be gathered for the circumstance of time. For presently after Christ had eat the passover with his Disciples (at which time only unleavened bread was lawfull) Christ instituted this holy Feast. 26. Matth. 17. &c. And here we may observe
    12. 1. That Christ did not appoint any bloody signs, but contrariwise, such as were without blood, & for this end, viz: to teach us hereby that his blood being once poured out, all bloody sacrifices, & offerings for sin were ended. 5. Eph. 2. 9. Heb. 24. 25. 26. 28. & 10. Heb. 26.
    13. 2. We are carefully to mind the Analogy, likeness, or agreement betwixt the signe, & the thing signified, viz: Bread, the Signe; & Christs body, signifyed by it. For our Saviour would, in his heavenly Wisdom, appoint bread in this holy Ordinance to teach us
    14. 1. That his body, or flesh is the true food of our souls 6. Joh. 33. 35. 51.
    15. 2. That this food is extremely necessary in order to the Salvation of our souls. 6. Joh. 53.
    16. 3. That this food is also extremely profitable. 6. Joh. 54.
    17. 4. Last: That this food is must durable, & abiding. 6. Joh. 55. 56. &c. But now more particularly to show you the Analogy, or similitude between the Bread & Christs flesh: you may take it briefly thus
    18. 1. As from the grains of Corn, barley, Rye, Wheat &c is made corporal bread, why so from the body of Christ is made Spiritual food.
    19. 2. As Bread is the chief thing in a meal, because a man may live upon it alone, unless it please God out of his liberality, to give other things: & also is altogether necessary, so that we can receive no suitable nourishment without it: & because it is most com̄on food, such as the poor, as well as the Rich enjoy: & our daily food, given us every day, & our bodies are in an especial manner nourished by it, nor is it ever lothsom to a sound Stomach, althô other more palatable food by frequent use is: Why thus also the Flesh of Christ, is the chief food which we ought to seek in this life; & also the food absolutely necessary unto life eternal; & the most profitable food, to satisfy an awakened conscience, & the most common food, offered to all beleiving sinners; & daily food, by which every day, & every hour we may be comforted, & strengthned.
    20. 3. As Bread is Baked or dried in an Oven by the heat of the fire: So the body of Christ is as it were baked by the fire of the cross, & so prepared for to become food, or bread for our Souls.
    21. 1. Use. Hince learn that to preserve the Analogy between the Signe & the thing signifyed, it is necessary that Bread (or where Bread cannot be had, such nourishing & usual food, which is of use in the stead of bread) be used in the celebrating of this Ordinance. And therefore the bold Papists, are very erroneous, in their using the Host (as they call it) wafers, made of Oyle, honey & I know not wt. in this Ordinance. The old primitive Churches in the Apostolical days had no such custome. 2. Acts. 42. 46. & 20. 7. 11.
    22. 2. Use. It may excite us to bless God for this Bread. It is God that giveth us our daily bread. 104. Ps. 15 & 1. Ruth. 6 Our ordinary Bread is a great mercy, & God to be praised for it. But how much more for this extraordinary Bread. 6. Joh. 33. 50. 51.
    23. 3. Use. It serves to condemn one, & all, wo have long had this Bread offered to them, & they intreated outwardly by the Word, & it may be inwardly by some strivings of the Spirit, more or less to accept of it, & yet will not. Oh can you live without bread? Do you not daily feed upon Bread? Will you not be taken off from any thing rather than your Bread? And yet will you not be diswaded from living without this. Why I pray when you eat your daily bread, think as often of this bread, you live without. And think with your selves that since Christ has appointed it, doubtless it cannot be unnecessary or indifferent. 15. Luke. 17
    24. 4. Use. Caution to all against sinning away this great mercy. Its a sore evil for a people to be deprived of divine ordinances. 8. Am. 11. 12. 9. Hos. 4 Now there are two great
    25. 1. sins which expose a people to this judgment (1) Slighting and neglecting of it. 22. Matth. 5. When men generally live without, then God is wont to take it away. Wise par-
    26. 2. ents w’ont suffer children to play with their food (2) Resting in base outward enjoyments. When men will have this Bread, but do not feed upon the Bread represented hereby &c. Both these endanger the Loss of this Ordinance
    27. 5. Use. Last: Instruction & Exhortation (1) When you behold in this Ordinance, the Minister first taking the Bread, & so Seperating it from common use, let it put you in minds of Gods taking his Son, yea, of Christs taking himself, offering up himself to become bread for our souls
    28. 2. (2) Let all be exhorted to labour after an appetite when they come to this Bread. What is Bread worth, where there is not the least appetite? Oh without an appetite
    29. 3. here we shall gain nothing. 1. Luke. 53. (3) Last: Labour we to show our profit by this Bread. Let our strength, & beauty declare for us that we feed upon living Bread. Oh have we a care we disgrace not our keeper, & bring up an evil report of our Rich provision. 23.totū. 1. Dan. 15. 16. Ps. 5. 6.