Conco. 2a}

    23. Octob. 1692.

    1. Cant. 2.

    Let him Kiss me with the kisses of his Mouth occ. (Doctr.) All true Beleivers are very urgently & fervently desirous of feeling, & sensible manifestations of the Love of Christ, their Lord, Bridegroom, & Husband. As is imported here in their desiring of his Kisses; which has been spoken to.

    1. 2. Now we come to enquire what is meant by Kisses of his Mouth
    2. An: By kisses of Christs Mouth, is meant the evidences of his favour from his Word & ordinances. For the Scriptures are the Mouth of Christ, or the words spoken by his Mouth. And it is by his word & Spirit that he speaks peace to his People.
    3. Qu: But you may say why do Beleivers thus thirst after the kisses of his Mouth, the manifestation of his Favour?
    4. Ans: In a few words from the Metaphor before us.
    5. 1. R. Kisses of the Mouth are expressions of high favour, much more than that of kissing of the hand. Why so Christ most highly expresseth his love, favour, & great affection to his People in his Word. 10. Joh. 15. I lay down my life for my sheep. No greater expression of love can be than this. 15. Joh. 13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
    6. 2. R. Kisses of the Mouth have some virtue in them, they tend to increase love in the object, or beget more ardent affections. Why so evidences of Christs Love from his Word & gracious promises are full of life & virtue, to draw out the Soul more vehemently after Christ. How was Mary drawn by those sweet Kisses of Christ to her, Woman thy sin is forgiven thee. 7. Luke. 47 &c. See how she follows him. 20. Joh. 11.
    7. 3. R. Kisses of the Mouth are plain & visible evidences of affection, & many times puts a person out of doubt of the Reality of the heart of the giver. Why so the Evidences of Christs Love to a beleiving soul, are clear demonstrations of the reality of Christs love. It puts away fears 119. Ps. 49. Remember the word unto thy Servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope
    8. 4. R. Last: The Mouth is the instrument, or Medium, where with to convey the inward conceptions of the heart or mind. Why so the word of Christ is the way, or glorious Medium, by which he conveys his gracious thoughts & purposes to us ward. By this means he reveals himself to us 11. Matth. 27. These are written that ye might beleive. 20. Joh. 30. 31.

      Yea we may farther show you that Christs kisses are exceeding desireable in that they are far more excellent than any other Kisses. For

    9. 1. Others many times Kiss out of complement, not from true Love. But now Christ kisses none but those he dearly Loves. He speaks peace to his People.
    10. 2. Others Kiss in a way of flattery, as Absalom to Steal away the hearts of the People. 2. Sam. 15. 5. But now Christ kisseth with all sincerity, & integrity
    11. 3. Others Kiss wantonly, & unchastly. But now all Christs Kisses are pure, chaste, & heavenly
    12. 4. Others Kiss Treacherously: they Kiss wn they intend to Kill. As Joab. 2. Sam. 20. 9. And Judas. 26. Matth. 49. But now Christs designe is to save all he Kisseth. He came to seek & to save that which was lost. 18. Matt. 11. I am come that ye might have life. 10. Joh. 10.
    13. 1. Use. This text & doctrine may serve for our triall what we are; Why are we carnal or are we Spiritual? Why what our desires most after.
    14. 2. Use. If the Kises the manifestations of Christ favour are so sweet, so desirable to an enlightened Soul, why then this should methinks stir up all souls to these desires.
    15. 3. Use. Therefore of Exhortation to these desires of the Kisses of Christs Mouth
    16. 1. Dir: Be humbled for sin. A broken heart, Christ delights in. 51. Ps. 17. The Sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit——If you would have the Kisses of Christs mouth, you must first as Mary Magdalene Kiss his feet, lye prostrate before him, washing his feet, as she did, with penitential tears.
    17. 2. Dir. Subject & submit to Christ in all his appointments, especially preparedly at his Table. 2. Ps. ult.

      Now for Motive.

    18. 1. Consider, the Father presents his Son before your eyes in the Gosple, as every way deserving of your best & most ardent desires. Are you ignorant? take him as a Prophet to teach you. Are you naked of a Righteousness wherewith you may stand before God, at his Tribunal? Take Christ as a Priest, & so you shall be clad with the Robes of his Righteousness, 3. Rev. 18.
    19. 2. Consider the Father highly honours the Son: He hath given all things into his hands, 3. Joh. 35. We may allude to the speech of Abrahams Servant to win Rebekah over to Isaac. 24. Gen. 35. 36.
    20. 3. Consider the Father sent him into the world to seek him self a spouse. And dos he make love to you, & will you, dare you, deny him? 3. Joh. 16.
    21. 4. Consider Christ became Flesh that he might become a fit object for sinners. 2. Philip. 7.
    22. 5. Consider. Christ hath a great desire to have you, & so to make over himself to you for ever. 22. Rev. 17
    23. 6. Consider. Christ hath abundance of Love, & strong affections.
    24. 7. Consider. Christ left the glory above, emptied him self that he might enrich thee upon thy Marriage wth him. 2. Cor. 3.3.
    25. 8. Consider. Christs sends his Embassadours to thee for this very end to court thy acceptance of his Love. 2. Cor. 5. 17 &c.
    26. 9. Last: To say no more. Consider how miserable thy case will be if thou rejectest this offer. None so happy as they that love Christ in sincerity. 6. Eph. 24. None so miserable as they that reject his urged & importuned Love. If any man Love not the Lord Jesus, Let him be Anathema Marantha. 1. Cor. 16. 22. If you will not be kissed by him, you shall, you must be cursed by him. Now which will you choose, Christ Kisses, or Christs Curses? His Kisses are most Sweet. In thy Favour is life. 30. Ps. 5. But his Curses are most intollerable. These make the very Devils to Rore. Therefore shun his Curses: Persue after his Kisses.