Conc. 2.55}

    12. Jan: 1689

    53 Isa. 5. first part

    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.

    Doctr. Our transgressions & our iniquities, were the causes why Christ the Son of God was wounded & bruised, (1. Qu.) What is meant by wounding & bruising? (Answ.) The words are very comprehensive & significant: the one of them signifies to peirse, or bore, or make a hole through. It is used to set forth most acute pain & anguish. The other signifies to wear & wast away, to grind, break, or crush to pieces, by extream violence. (2. Qu.) who was thus wounded, and bruised? Thus peirsed & bored through? Thus broken, ground, & crushed to peices? (Answ.) It was Christ Jesus the only & eternal Son of God. To proceed

    1. 3. Quest: Who did thus wound & bruise Christ Jesus? By whom was Christ thus piersed & bored thrô, thus broken, ground, & crushed to peices?
    2. Answ: Devils & Men: Yea God ye Father, & Christ himself, had all a hand in Christs wounds & sufferings thô for different Ends.
    3. [1. The damned Divels did wound & bruise Christ Jesus by their cursed Solicitations & temptations of him to sin. 4. Matth. 1–11. Scarce was our Lord Jesus got out of the water of Baptism (as one sais) but he was by & by cast into the fire of temptation. (Trapp in loco.56) Paul compares his temptations to thorns in the flesh: & buffetings. 2. Cor. 12. 7. A thorn in the flesh every one knows is piersing & wounding: & so are temptations sais Paul: why & thus Christ was wounded & bruised
    4. [2. Again Christ Jesus was wounded & bruised by men as well as by Divels. Thô Christ was wounded & bruised for the sake of men, to save them from wounds & bruises, yet did not men cease from wounding & bruising of him as was fore prophesyed. 5. Micah. 1. They shall smite the judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek. Now Christ was wounded & bruised by both wicked men, and good men.
    5. (1) Then Christ was wounded & bruised by wicked men: & that infinitely. Time would fail me to speak of all ye wounds & bruises yt Christ under went from such. I shall hint at but some.
    6. 1.) Judas betrayed him, & sold him to the chief Priests. 26. Matth. 14. 15. 16. And oh wt a wound & reproach was this to Christ!
    7. 1. If we consider the price that he was sold for viz: for thirty pieces of silver. A small poor & mean price to be sure. There are different apprehensions about the summ: the most yt is made of it, yt I know off is £3:15:0. in English money. But to be sure it was but a poor & mean price. For
    8. 1. It was the common & known set price of a base slave. 21. Exod. 31. 32.
    9. 2. It was the price only of a female Slave, not a man slave as the Jews tell us. Judas bids the Priests set their price wt they would give for Christ, he was willing to part with him at any rate, &c to be sure these Spiritual Merchants will bid low enough &c therefore the Prophet 11. Zech. 12. 13. by an holy Irony laughs at it & calls it a goodly price
    10. 2. If we consider the person yt was sold at this poor & low rate: & that was not any sorry slave, but he from whom alone slaves may & do receive eternal freedom from eternal slavery. It was Christ Jesus the eternal Son of God wo was God & man in one person.
    11. 3. If we consider the person that sold him at this rate, & for this price & yt was one who had cause enough to set a higher value upon him: namely Judas one of ye twelve. Christ had admitted but a few to be his companions & Judas was one of them, & Christ had also committed the bag to him, so yt Judas was as unlikely to want as any of them, & yet out of over love to money, & want of love to his sweet & loving Master, he sells him for a small matter.
    12. 4. Last: If we consider the persons that he was sold unto & they were the chief Priests. Christs worst, & most mortall enemies: Such as spent much time in studying plotting & contriving how they might murther the blessed Son of God. 26. Matth. 3. 4.—And consulted yt they might take Jesus by Subtilty & kill him. To these birds of prey Judas sells Christ Jesus. Now put all these together & then say if Christ was not wounded & bruised indeed. In that he was betrayed & sold & that at a price of the vilest slave. Thô he was more excellent than mountains of Prey yet thus he was undervallued; & that by one that he had chosen for his freind & by him made Merchandize of to Christs most principal haters; such as could be quieted with nothing less than his most pretious hearts blood. Oh! should any of us be so served how would it most grievously wound & pierse our souls!
    13. 2.) The chief Priests, Captains, & Elders (or at least some of them that Judas had covenanted with) come by force of arms to seize upon Christ, as if he had been some villanous thief, or notorious malefactor. 22. Luke. 52. Be ye come out (sais Christ unto them) as against a thief wth swords & staves? Oh wt a wounding to the honour, & bruising of the credit & reputation, of Christ was this, that he wo never did any thing amiss, should be persued after, & attended upon, as if he were the vilest vagabond, or the most injurious thief in the whole world!
    14. 3.) Last: It may further appear that Christ was wounded & bruised by wicked men if we consider how most injuriously they treated him.
    15. 1. Some of them bound him & carry him up & down bound from place to place, as if their very hearts delight consisted in nothing so much as in affronting, disgracing, & paining Christ Jesus: therefore as some vile Malefactor they bind & pinnacle him, as a man unworthy of liberty, but worthy of Death, & therefore of bonds. And thus Annanias57 sends him bound to Caiaphas: And from Caiaphas he is sent bound to Pilate, and from Pilate to Herod, & from Herod back again to Pilate & from thence to ye place of Execution. Was not this a sore wounding & bruising of Christ do you think?
    16. 2. Some of them bear false witness against him being no doubt hired so to do: for it was his life they especially aimed at. 26. Matth. 59. 60. 61. A good name when well deserved is a precious thing: & by which a person may be defended from injuries. And therefore to rob Christ of his life, they would first rob him of his good & well-deserved Name. Oh wt a wound was this to Christ Jesus!
    17. 3. At length Caiaphas the high priest himself accuseth Christ Jesus, & that of no less a sin, than that which is most abhorrent to every good soul, much more to Christ, namely the horrible sin of Blasphemy; whereupon he is immediately, & on all hands, pronounced guilty of death. 26. Matth. 64. 65. 66.
    18. 4. After all this followes the highest Affronts & indignities put upon Christ that could be devised. Some Spit their nasty & malicious flegm in his sweet face: others smite & buffet him: others blind-fold him & then jearing at his office as a Prophet bids him tell them wo they were that smote him (but he saw good to omitt that till another day) Thus Christ was made a May-game, a scorn, & a derision of. 26. Matth. 67. 68.
    19. 5. After all this they mock at him in his Kingly Office: putting on him a scarlet Robe, & a tormenting Crown of thorns on his head, & a rotten Reed (in a way of scorn and derision) in his right hand: & going before him they bow the Knee &c. 7 Matth. 28. 29. 30. Indeed freinds these are such inhumane wounds & bruises that wicked men entertained Christ Jesus with that were they not recorded in the book of truth, there would be room left to question it. To see a man taking his last stepps, & going to the place of Execution (thô worthily) moves every one whose heart is not harder than Adament. How much more wn such a one has not in the lest done any thing worthy of death, & yet is going not only to death, but to a most cruel & shameful death. Thô this was Christs case he was going to a death most undeservedly that would wound and peirse him: & yet this dos not satisfie them, but they must wound & pierse him wth their cruel dealings as he goes along.
    20. 6. Last: After all this they put him to a most cruel & shameful! death & to add to his shame they put to death two thieves along with him & himself in the midst as the very worst of the three, thô the one of them went railing to Hell. 27. Matth. 33. 36. 37.38.
    21. 1. Use. Information from what has been said
    22. 1. Hince we may learn that there is a lamentable harmony between wicked men & Divels in their opposition of Gods Kingdome & Interest. As here Divels & wicked men, and wicked men & Divels agree to wound & bruise our Lord Jesus Christ.
    23. 2. Hince learn that there is no trust to a rotten-hearted person what ever friendship may be pretended. There are too many in this guileful & deceitful age wo live as if they have drank in that heretical notion, together with their mothers milk, qui neseit dissimulare, neseit vivere.58 I was going to say it is pitty yt they should live; but I will rather say tis pitty but yt such lived wholly among themselves. That so none might be taken in their trapps, but such as are Trapp-layers themselves.
    24. 3. Hince learn inordinate love to ye world is a most pernicious sin to fall into: for it will expose a man to sell his best freind, yea his Master his Saviour, his Religion, yea & his soul too for a small matter as Judas here
    25. 4. Hince learn we not to judge of persons by reports & ye Entertainment ye world gives them. For to do so would be ye way to condemn the generation of the just: Yea Christ himself as here.

    Apud cænam59

    1. 2. Use. Consol: to the saints wt ever ill usage they may meet wth from fellow creatures why it is no more than wt our Saviour did & yt from pretended freinds.