Conco. 2a}

    19. July. 1691.

    28. Matt. 6. He is not here: for he is Risen, as he said: come see ye Place where ye Lord lay. In these words ye Angel (1) declares his Message viz: ye Resurrection of Christ (1) Neg. He is not here. i.e. in ye Sepulchre (2) Affirm: For he is Risen. He is not stollen away, but Risen again by his Divine Power. (2) He confirms this good tydings (1) By our Lords own Prediction. As he said. (2) By ye Ocular Testimony, he offers to them. Come see ye Place where ye Lord lay. (Doctr.) Our once humbled, wounded, & Bruised Redeemer, has long since been exalted by a Glorious Resurrection. Here (1 Q.) Why Christ arose (Answ. 1) The Dignity of his Person required it (2) The discovery of his Satisfaction to divine justice required it (3 Last:) The remaining work he had to do in Heaven as our Redeemer required it. (2. Q.) How Christ arose? Here two things were proposed (1) The Gloriousness of his Resurrection (1) In ye Person Rising (2) The Power he rose by: And ye like. But to Proceed we are now to consider

    1. II. The manifestation of Christs Glorious Resurrection. It is true our Lord Jesus is risen from the Grave, & it is a known truth, & as such is most heedfully to be observed, yt we may be certain of, & settled on, this point, upon which our Salvation is so evidently hinged. 1. Cor. 15. 13. 14. But now this is not only a truth, but it is a manifested truth (1) It was manifested by ye Angel (2) By the Keepers of the sepulchre (3 Last) By our Lord himself, who at sundry times after ye Resurrection appeared to his own
    2. 1. The Resurrection of Christ was manifested, or made known by an Angel. Here is Angelical testimony for it. Text. An Angel is sent to overthrow ye frauds of ye Jews, & least the Jews when they should hear of Christs Resurrection, should suppose yt it was some body else in his place, here is an Angel sent for testimony.
    3. 2. The Resurrection of Christ was manifested, or made known by ye Keepers of ye Sepulchre. 28. Matth. 11. &c. God would have ye Resurrection of Christ well proved, for our better settlement in so weighty a Matter. The Priests were unworthy to hear of Christs Resurrection, by an Angel: They shall hear it therefore from their profane Souldiers, who came in to them much affrighted, & thunder struck, as it were, & told them all. Now ye confession of an Adversary is held in law to be the most certain demonstration of ye truth that can be.
    4. 3. Last: The Resurrection of Christ was manifested, or made known by our Lord Jesus himself, in his Sundry Apparitions unto his own. There were no less than ten in all: Five of which were on his Resurrection day, ye other five in those fourty dayes after his Resurrection, unto his Ascension. 16. Mark. 9. &c.
    5. 3. Q. Last: Now let us consider for what end Christ arose?
    6. Answ: Christ arose partly for his own sake, & partly for his Elects sake.
    7. 1. Christ arose from ye Dead, for his own Sake, viz: to Assert, & Vindicate, his own Glory, & yt both referring to his Person, & referring to his Offices.
    8. 1. In respect of his Person: For by his Resurrection from the Dead, & yt by his own proper power, he was most manifestly & undenyably declared to be ye Son of God. 1. Ro. 11. Christ in his life time, upon Earth somtimes darted forth some undenyable beams of his Deity, but never so powerfully as in his Resurrection from ye Dead, & yt by his own Power. This was an ample declaration of his being ye Eternal Son of God. 2. Ps. 7. I will declare ye Decree &c. Now ye Decree was from all Eternity, but ye Declaration of it was in time, yea at this time.
    9. 2. In Respect of his Offices: & yt both Prophetical, Sacerdotal, & Regal Offices.
    10. 1. In Respect of his Prophetical Offices. Our Lord Jesus had foretold his Resurrection, Now by his Resurrection he hath confirmed his Doctrine. Therefore ye Devil by his Agents was very industrious to keep Christ in ye Grave. 27. Matth. 62 ad finē.
    11. 2. In Respect of his Sacerdotal Office: Because if still ye very least sin had been to be expiated, for wch Christ had not made full satisfaction, he could never have Risen, but must be retained Captive & Prisoner by Death, which came into ye world by sin: but now being he is Risen again, it is most fully manifest yt his Redemption-price was Sufficient to pay ye whole debt of Sin. 1. Cor. 15.14.17.
    12. 3. Last: In Respect of his Regal Office: Because by Rising again from ye Dead he manifested Himself to have Power (as a Mighty & puissant King) over ye Grave, Death, Hell, & Damnation, & as a most invincible King to have most abundant Power to Conquer all these: yea to be Lord over all creatures, both dead & living. 14. Ro. 9. Having vanquished all enemies, he proclaimed his own Kingly Victory by his Glorious Resurrection. Hereby has he obtained this Glory among his Disciples, yea among his Enemies, & among all Christians, & shall for ever be looked upon by his Church as a most Mighty King. Thus Christ arose from ye Dead, for his own Sake, to assert his own Glory, both referring to his Person, & his Office.
    13. II. Christ arose from ye Dead partly for the Elects Sake. Christ arose from ye Dead to promote ye Salvation of the Elect, & that three wayes. For there are three blessed benefits of Christs Resurrection to the Elect. For
    14. 1. By Christs Resurrection they are confirmed in yt point of the pardon & forgiveness of Sins. Inasmuch as thereby Christ hath made it evident, yt by his Death he hath paid all their Debts, wch as their Surety He undertook to Satisfy, & for them hath made most perfect Satisfaction to Divine justice. Hince He was Raised again for our Justification. 4. Ro. ult. Our Justification was begun in his Death, & perfected in his Resurrection. When ye Surety is set at liberty, & yt by ye Creditor himself, it is a full evidence of Perfect Payment &c.
    15. 2. By Christs Resurrection they are confirmed in their Hope of Life eternal. Inasmuch as Christ arose as the first-fruits of those that are his. 1. Cor. 15. 23. & as ye first-born from the Dead. 1. Col. 18. 1. Rev. 5. Now as by ye blessing of yt first-fruits offered unto God, ye whole crop was blessed. 23 Lev. 9 &c. So seing Christ as the first-fruits, is risen again to eternal life, even so it follows yt all Beleivers also shall in their season arise70 to ye same blessedness & Glory. Again, as ye first-born obtained inheritance of ye Father, & not only so, but shared also in his younger Brethrens Possession, so yt he obtained a double portion. 48. Gen. ult. So Christ not only obtains an Heavenly inheritance, but partakes of yt with his Brethren, i.e. true Beleivers: yet so as yt Christ shall ever have ye Preeminence.
    16. 3. Last: By Christs Resurrection they are confirmed in their Love to God, & their Neighbour. Inasmuch as by a certain likeness to Christs Resurrection, they are by ye Holy Ghost efficaciously influenced to arise unto a newness of life. As Christ arose to a New life corporally, so ye Spirit tells them, they are to arise to a new life Spiritually. 8. Ro. 11. If ye Spirit of him yt Raised up Jesus from ye dead, dwells in you: he yt Raised up Christ from ye dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by his Spirit yt dwelleth in you. He speaks of a Spiritual Resurrection, as appears by ye following verses. I conclude with a word or two of use.
    17. 1. Use. May be of Information in a few particulars.
    18. 1. Behold here ye great, & the stupendious Love of Christ to poor Sinners. Why we may read his love in ye Dignity of the Person. He dyed for us, who thô he could dye, yet he could not lye under ye Power of Death. He was too bigg to be conquered by Death, & yet not to bigg to dye. O amazing Love yt ye Lord of life, should dye for sinners. 2. Cor. 8. 9.
    19. 2. Behold here ye Sufficiency of Christs Death for ye Poor Beleiver to rest & stay it self upon.
    20. 1. Here is ground Sufficient for ye beleiver to bottom upon for Pardon of Sin. Here is enough to answer all accusers Men & Devils: Hince ye Apostle upon this account beats a challenge to ye worst, to do their worst. 8. Ro. 33. 34 Wo shall lay any thing to ye charge of Gods Elect &c? Why what are ye Elect without sin? No verily. What then, do they sin in corners, so yt no eye beholds them? No certainly. Men can accuse them, & Devils can accuse them, & Conscience can accuse them. I but the Judge hath acquitted them in ye Resurrection of Christ. Now if ye Judge acquit ye Prisoners, what need he care thô ye Jaylor, & fellow-prisoners condemn him?
    21. 2. Here is ground Sufficient for ye Beleiver to Bottom upon for Victory over sin. True ye Beleiving Soul fills a body of Death, a carcase of sin, which makes him cry out daily, & fills his soul with bitterness, & he finds he cannot conquer this dead body, he cannot get rid of it. Well but is there no help? Yes in Christ Jesus, & him only. 7. Ro. 21. ad finē. By Jesus Christ he obtains Spirit & life to conquer flesh & lust: yea he is by Christ more than a conqueror. i.e. a famous conqueror. 8. Ro. 37. In all these things we are more than Conquerors, through him yt loved us. For
    22. 1. Christ Jesus hath purchased victory & conquest for Beleivers. Christ Jesus hath suffered & Dyed, Satisfyed & Merited, yt his People might obtain a glorious victory over Sin, Satan, World, Death, & all their enemies. 12. Rev. 11.
    23. 2. Christ hath actually in his own person overcome their enemies for them. And therefore thô they are to meet with opposition yet (sais he) be of good comfort, I have conquered. 16. Joh. ult. Victorial Domini est servoni Triumphus. Hieron.71
    24. 3. Christ puts Beleivers into a Conquering Capacity. Take an Elect Person, wo was given to Christ by ye Father from all Eternity, & Redeemed by Christ in ye fulness of time but yet not effectually called, & he is under ye feet of his Enemies still, & in no better condition to fight it out wch them than other men. Sin, Satan, & ye world are much too hard for him. But when once ye Spirit of Christ hath wrought an effectual work of Grace in his Soul, now ye case is exceeding altered. A truly Justifyed Person is invincible.
    25. 4. Christ furnisheth ye Beleiver with skill, strength, Courage, Weapons, & all military accomplishments for Victory. They are well appointed for War. And ye Reason is because ye Lord Jesus sets them forth, & furnisheth them with all necessaries for Battle. The Lord Jesus is the true Beleivers Magazine &c. 6. Eph. 11 &c. By Justification, he is put into a Conquering State, & by Sanctification he is invested wth Conquering abilities.
    26. 5. Last: Christ administers seasonable Supplies & recruits of grace & strength as they have need. He sends them daily auxiliary forces. They want power, & are often ready to faint, he beholds it, & supplies them. 40. Isa. 29 &c. Hince wn we are weak, then we are strong. 2. Cor. 12. 8 &c.
    27. 3. Behold here ye happiness of true Beleivers. For
    28. 1. Their Resurrection is sure. The Head being Risen ye Members therefore shall most certainly, arise also. 1. Cor. 15. 20. 23. Christ ye first-fruits, afterwards they that are Christs.
    29. 2 Their Resurrection is safe. They shall rise to Glory, 3 Col. 4. When Christ wo is our life, shall appear, then shall ye appear also with him in Glory. This Glorious appearing at the Beleivers Resurrection will consist in a full & perfect vision, & fruition of God. All ignorance, weakness &c shall cease.
    30. 4. Last: To say no more: Behold here ye equity of that dreadfull threatening pronounced by Christ Jesus. 8. Mark. ult. Whosoever shall be ashamed of me, & my words, in this adulterous & sinfull generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, wn he cometh in ye Glory of his Father, with ye holy Angels. If you are ashamed to own Christ now, to profess him before ye World: To follow him in his Ordinances, in ye pattern he hath set you, what will be ye fruit hereof? Why hereafter Christ will be ashamed of you. You are now ashamed to own an humble, wounded, bruised, & crucifyed Saviour: Well shortly an exalted & Glorifyed Redeemer will be ashamed of you. Now how just & equal is this?