Conco 3a}

    23. Feb. 1689

    53. Isa. 5. First part.

    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.

    Doctr. Our transgressions, & our iniquities, were the causes, why Christ the Son of God was wounded and bruised.

    • 1. Qu: What is meant by wounding & bruising?
    • An. The words are very comprehensive, & significant: The one of them signifies to peirse, or bore, or make a hole through: & is used to set forth most acute & sharp pain. The other signifies to wear & wast away, to grind, break, or crush to peices by extreme violence.
    • 2. Qu: Who was thus wounded, & bruised? Thus peirsed & bored through? Thus broken, ground, & crushed to peices?
    • An. It was Christ Jesus the only & Eternal Son of God.
    • 3. Qu: Who did thus wound & bruise Christ Jesus? By whom was Christ thus piersed & bored thrô, thus broken, ground, & crushed to pieces?
    • Answ: Divels & Men: Yea God the Father, & Christ Jesus himself, had all a hand in Christs wounds, bruises, & sufferings thô for different ends.
    • 1. The damned Divels did wound & bruise Christ Jesus by their cursed Solicitations & temptations of him to Sin.
    • 2. Men as well as Divels did wound & bruise Christ Jesus. As
    • 1. Christ was wounded & bruised by wicked men. To Proceed
    • (2) Christ was wounded & bruised by good men. Even by his Disciples & principall followers. Not only did Judas (wo was an hypocrite) wound & bruise Christ Jesus, by his betraying & selling of his professed Master (as has been before shown) but also the other eleven disciples (wo were indeed good men, & lovers of Christ, their Lord, in sincerity) they did wound & bruise their beloved Lord Christ Jesus. As
    • 1. In general (as one of themselves ingenuously doth confess) they all forsook him, & fled. 26. Matth. 56. Then all the disciples forsook him & fled. All the disciples i.e. either the greatest part of the disciples. For it seems Peter followed him as you se in the 58. verse. And so it seems did the Apostle John. 18. John. 15. Or else all the disciples forsook & fled from Christ at that instant, but Peter & John returned to Christ again by & by. Or perhaps some of the disciples took their flight, by & by, & others of them afterwards. But its very likely that they all forsook him as was fore-prophesyed 13. Zech. 7. Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, & against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: Smite the Shepherd, & the Sheep shall be scattered. This was a foul sin in them, & a great wounding & bruising of Christ Jesus: for it is an old & indubitable truth (amicus certus, in re incerta cernitur60) a freind is never tried, but in a time of need. And as Solomon sais a freind loveth at all times, & a brother is born for adversity, 17 Pro. 17. A true, & thorough-pac’t, freind loves in adversity, as well as in prosperity. Blow high, blow low a true freind, is a freind still. He is a freind (as we say) at a dead-lift. And to be an intimate freind to one in prosperity, but to desert such a one in adversity, is a reproaching such a one, & as it were an accusing of such a one, as if somthing of evil were to be found in such a one, wch before no discovery was made of. So here by the disciples deserting of Christ they did tacitely reproach (& so wound) Christ Jesus, & as it were accuse their beloved Lord of unworthiness to be now followed. And the truth is they were, all of them, offended at Christ, as he foretells them they would be. 26. Matth. 31. Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night. Why? What had that righteous one done? Nothing but that his Cross lay in their way. They did not like such an humble Master, as would give way to violence, when he might, & could, have severely avenged his own quarrell. But because he did not they were offended, & no doubt for a time were fearful what would become of them if their Master were murthered, for their faith was weak as to his resurrection. Here they stumbled, & so much as in this deep distress of Christ, to fly from him, & leave him to answer, & shift for himself: this was a reproach & wounding to Christ Jesus.
    • 2. In particular. Peter denys him, & that no less than three several times one after another.
    • 1. Peter denys his Lord with a lye. 26. Matth. 69. 70. Sais one of the maids to Peter. Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. But he denyed before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. He denyed before them all: the meaning may be that spake with a strong & loud voice, that all in the room might hear him. I know not what thou sayest. Q.D. Neither do I know the man thou spakest of, neither do I well understand thy meaning, & what it is thou aimest & drivest at. This was a denyal of Christ, & that with a lye.
    • 2. Peter denys his Lord with an Oath, 72. verse. To his former lye he adds perjury.
    • 3. Last: Peter denys his Lord with execration 74. v. Then began he to curse & to swear, saying I know not the man. Thus Peter denys his dear Lord & so wounds Christ Jesus. Oh to have but 12 principal friends, & one of them to prove a Traitor, the rest of them to prove fugitives, & one of them who had but just now zealously professed that he would dye with his Master, rather than deny him. 26. Matth. 33. 34. 35. yet now im̄ediately to deny him, & that not enough but to deny him the second time by perjury, yea & a third time by execration, cursing & swearing (which is like he had learned of the rude Souldiers) what could this be but a grievous reproach & wounding of their dear Lord. So much for the second thing Christ was wounded & bruised by good men. Not only by wicked men; Judas, the Chief Priests, Captains, Elders, com̄on Souldiery: but also by good men, his bosome freinds, & dear disciples, by their flight from him, & denyall of him.
    • [3. Again Christ was wounded & bruised by God the Father. 53. Isa. 10. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him, he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for Sin &c. But why God bruised his son, his only eternal & beloved son, if God please I shall show hereafter.
    • [4. Last: Christ himself also had an hand in his own wounds & bruises, or sufferings. For holy & blessed ends (as hereafter may appear) he did most willingly & voluntarily bear and undergo the wounds & bruises he met withall both from Divels, Men, yea & God himself. 2. Philip. 7. 8. He made himself of no reputation & took upon him the form of a servant, & was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, & became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 50. Isa. 6. I gave my back to the smiters, & my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame & spitting, 10. John. 15. I lay down my life for the sheep. 17. 18. v. Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of my self: I have power to lay it down, & I have power to take it again. So much for the third question Who did wound & bruise Christ Jesus? Why as has been seen Divels & Men (both bad & good) Yea God the Father, & Christ himself had all a hand in Christs wounds, bruisings & sufferings.
    • 4. Quest: What were Christs wounds, & bruises?

      And now we are come to consider of the Passions & Sufferings of our dear Lord Redeemer. And oh this blessed point, offers most sweet consolation, to the sincere sorrower for sin: it offers also matter of soul-attraction after Christ: & it offers also matter of soul-abomination unto sin. You then that are desirous of consolation (notwithstanding that you cannot but own, that you are unworthy of Gods comforts) You that would have your souls drawn out (& that vigorously) after Christ. Yea, you that would have your souls filled with abomination unto Sin: Oh hearken well unto, & meditate much upon, the sorrowful & bloody theme of Christs sufferings, or Woundings: & they may be referred

    • 1. To his Life.
    • 2. To his Death.
    • 1.] Then the LIFE of Christ was a life of wounds & bruises. Christs life, was a life of abasement & humiliation: As
    • 1.) His life before he was born was a life of wounds & bruises. As
    • 1. Christs conception was a piece of his deep humiliation & so of his wounding. 7. Isa. 14. Behold, a virgin shall conceive, & bear a son, & shall call his name Immanuel. That Christ Jesus the eternal son of God, should take upon him the humane nature, & be made flesh. 1 John. 14. The word was made flesh: what an humiliation was this to Christ? What a poor tenement was the tabernacle of Flesh, for Christ Jesus, who was equal with God, & the express image of his Fathers glory, to inhabit in, & that not for a day or two, but for 9 months time together? That he should part with his Father for a time, & his house of glory, & descend to the earth, yea to the lower parts of the earth. 4. Eph. 9. Oh what a stoop, & wonderful condescension was this?
    • 2. Christs Birth was a piece of his deep humiliation, & so of his wounding; if we consider
    • 1. The Place where he was born: namely not in Jerusalem, or any other famous, opulent, or wealthy city, But Bethlehem Ephratah a poor, mean, & contemptible town, or vilage the least (or at lest one of the little towns) among the thousands of Judah, as the Prophet tells us. 5. Micah. 2. Lo this Man, this great Man, who was God-Man, in one person, was born in this little, mean, poor & contemptible Town, or Vilage.
    • 2. The Parent that did bear him. His reall Mother, & supposed Father so mean & low as to worldly honour, that the good man followed his honest, but mean calling, of a Carpenter for his livelyhood. Hince in way of scorn we find Christ often upbraided wth the poverty of his Supposed Father. Is not this the Carpenters Son? 13. Matt. 55.
    • 3. Last: The manner of his Birth. This great Prince, the Son of the highest, this Holy One had a Common Inne, for his Palace; A Stable, belonging to the Inne, for his Birth-Chamber; And a Manger belonging to the Stable, for his Cradle. And in the mean time his Mother (as its most likely) had no Midwives, nor had this great Prince any Rockers. Oh what deep humility is here? The Inne that it may be was full of rich folks. But here Christ is thrust out with his poor Mother into an out-house, an odd corner, a contemptible stable: & thus this great one enters into the Stage of the world, as if he had been a person of no esteem or reputation.

      Again (2) his life after he was born was a life of wounds & bruises, or abasement and deep humiliation: & that will appear if we consider both his Private life, & his publick life. But of these if God please to give an other season. But I would shut up with a word or two of use.

    • 1. From the carriage of Christs disciples to him. All of them forsook him: & one of them denys him.
    • 1. Use. Information.
    • 1. Hince we may learn, that somtimes the spiritual courage, & fortitude of true beleivers, may so fail them in times of tryall, that the champions of truth may be left alone, as here. Christ the great champion of truth is left alone, & all the disciples forsake him & fly. So Paul that great champion of truth: when for the truth he was brought before bloody Nero he complains that all men forsook him. 2. Tim. ult. 16.
    • 2. Hince learn that confessions of faults, should bear some proportion with the faults committed. As here the Disciples had openly forsook their Master to the view of the whole world. And here is open confession of it. So Paul before conversion had been an open enemy to the Church, & he openly confesseth it. 1. Tim. 1. 12. 13. To say no more
    • 3. Last: Hince learn that its possible for a truly godly person to fall fouly: as Peter, who denyed his beloved Lord, & that not once but thrice: & every time more fouly than the other. First with a flat lye, then with perjury, & lastly with cursing joyned unto swearing. Therefore
    • 2. Use. May be by way of Caution
    • 1. To have a care of allowing ourselves in any one known Sin. Reason. Because sin is of a spreading nature. Sin allowed, & not resisted, will advance dreadfully. As we se here in Peter. First he lies; then he confirms his lye with a false oath; & to all this in the next place he adds cursing & execration. Wishing for divine vengance to fall upon him, if he were one of Christs acquaintance. Oh have we a care of the beginnings of sin: the first motions of sin are to be opposed as the first breaking out of fire in a thatcht house is to be opposed. Oh that men would have a care of false words: yea & check the very first motions thereto. I am afraid here is great guiltings upon this account in this poor litle vilage. Well if you would not fall into perjury, into cursing & swearing, for Gods sake, for your souls sakes, have a care of lying, of speaking known untruths.
    • 2. To have a care of præsumption & self-confidence: Oh this was the wound both of Good Peter & the other good disciples, but especially of Peter, their self confidence. Christ foretold them that they should all be offended: I but they would not hear of it: they were so self confident, that they did not doubt but they had love & grace enough to dye for Christ, rather than to deny him. 26. Matth, 31–36. Therefore I say have we a care of that Divel, præsumption & self-conceitedness. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall. 1. Cor. 10. 12. Oh self-conceitedness is a sad omen of ruine. But if we would be indeed strong than labour we after a sensibleness of our own weakness. 2. Cor. 12. 10. When I am weak, then am I strong.
    • 3. Last: To have a care of living either in the total neglect of private prayer, or being cold & remiss therein. The disciples flight was a fruit & punishment of their former sleeping: Had they watcht & pray’d they had not entered into temptation. 26. Matth. 38–45. Blessed be God there are some who do watch & pray in this Land: & some such also (I trust there are in this place) but yet many that do not at all; & some that profess well among us God knows, & their own consciences know, that they do not watch and pray: or watch unto prayer, & in prayer; & an hour of temptation when ever it comes (it is most sadly to be feared) will be too hard for them: nay small temptations are too hard for them already. And therefore oh yt God would stir up in us a watching & praying Spirit: the good fruits of it would quickly appear, as ye evil fruits of its neglect sadly dos.