Conco. 1a}

    23. Octob. 1692

    1. Cant. 2.

    Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy Love is better than wine. In these words two things are observable. viz. (1) A Request (2) The Reason of it, or the Motive to press it.

    1. 1. Here is a request, desire, or Petition. Let him Kiss me with the Kisses of his Mouth.
    2. 2. The Reason of this Request, or the Motive to urge the graunt of this Petition. For thy Love is better than Wine. We shall begin with the first, viz
    3. 1. Then, Here is an option, wish, desire, or Petition in the former part of the words. Let him Kiss me with the Kisses of his Mouth. Where we may note
    4. 1. The matter wished or desired, viz: Kisses
    5. 2. The Person wishing or desiring these Kisses, viz: the Spouse, or Church, the Bride, the Lambs wife. 21. Rev. 9. And so in her every true Beleiver. 2. Cor. 4. 13.
    6. 3. The Manner how she would be Kissed, viz: with the Kisses of his Mouth.
    7. 4. Last: The Person she desired these Kisses of, or from, viz: Her Bridegroom, her Beloved the Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him (that is Christ) Kiss me. Let him Kiss me i.e. Let me see him manifested in the Flesh, say some. Let him Kiss me i.e. Let me have friendly, familiar, feeling, and sensible manifestations of his Love, say others. For Kisses were, & are, used amongst friends, for manifestation of Love. Hince we may take up this doctrine viz.
    8. Doctr. All true Beleivers are very urgently, & fervently desirous of sensible, & feeling manifestations of the Love of Christ, their Lord, Bridegroom, & Husband. This is imported in this earnest wish of the Church here for Kisses of Christ. Now it is evident that Kisses are mentioned on sundry occasions, used for divers ends, & signifyed Several Things
    9. 1. We read of a Kiss of true Affection. As the Father kisses his Son. Jacob kissed Isaac. 27. Gen. 26. 27. David kissed Absalom. 2 Sam 14 ult. The Father kissed the Prodigal. 15. Luke 20. And a Brother kisses his Brethren, as Joseph kissed his Brethren. 45. Gen. 15. And Aaron kissed his Brother Moses. 4. Ex. 27. And the Son kisses his Father. As Joseph kissed his Father Jacob. 50. Gen. 1. And Moses kissed his Father in Law. 18. Ex. 7. And one friend kisseth another. As David & Jonathan. 1. Sam. 20. 41. And the like.
    10. 2. We read of a kiss of Valediction. As Naomi kissed her daughters in Law upon parting with them. 1. Ruth 9.
    11. 3. We read of a Kiss of Subjection. 1. Ps. 12. Kiss the son i.e. readily & willingly, & lovingly & gladly submit unto, & obey the commandments of Christ Jesus, the Son of God.
    12. 4. We read of a Kiss of Treachery. Thus Joab kissed Amasa. 2. Sam. 20. 9. And Judas kissed his Master Christ. 26. Matth. 49. These are the Kisses of enemies, which are deceitful, sais the Holy Ghost. 27. Pro. 6. Such was Absaloms flattering kisses. 2. Sam. 15. 5.
    13. 5. We read of Kisses of Idolaters, or Idolatrous Kisses, 13. Hos. 2. Let the men that sacrifice Kiss the Calves. Idolaters in token of their adoration of their Idols, were wont to kiss their Images. 1. Reg. 10. 13. And 31. Joh. 26. 27.
    14. 6. We read of Whorish, lustful, & carnal Kisses: As of the Whore in the Proverbs. 7. Chap. 13.
    15. 7. We read of a Kiss of Reconciliation. Thus Esau kissed his Brother Jacob, 33. Gen. 4. Joseph his Brethren. 45. Gen. 15. David his Son Absalom. 2. Sam. 14. ult. The Father his Prodigal Son. 15. Luke. 20.
    16. 8. We read of a Spiritual Kiss. Text. Let him kiss me &c. 8. Ch. 1.
    17. 9. We read of a holy kiss. 16. Ro. 16. Salute one another with an holy kiss. With a sincere, chaste, honest, modest, brotherly, Religious kiss, proceeding from a heart wherein was not a little, but abundance of holy Love, & as a token of it, in those times they had a custome to kiss one another, & that not only among the Jews, but even among the Christians also, Who (as history sais) after prayers, were wont to express their Love to each other, by wishing Grace, & Love of God, to one another, & so parted with a kiss. To this purpose is that. 1. Cor. 16. 20 2. Cor ult. 12. 1. Thes. 5. 26. 1. Pet. 5. 14.
    18. 10. Last: We read of a kiss of approbation. 24. Pro. 26.
    19. Qu: But now it may be asked what are meant by the Kisses mentioned in the text. (1 Ans:) More generally in 2 or three words (2. An) More particularly, by opening the Allegory, for the text is purely Allegorical.
    20. 1. An: These in general: Since the Church desires Kisses in the plural Number, Kisses of Christs mouth: It may Refer
    21. 1. To a kiss of Reconciliation. Absalom after he had highly incensed his Father, why his Father was reconciled to him again, & in token thereof kisseth him. 2. Sam. 14 ult. And so in the Parable, the Father was reconciled to his Prodigal Son, and confirms his Reconciliation with a Kiss. 15. Luke. 20. Why so the Church here desires a kiss, a symbol, a Seal of her Beloveds Reconciliation. Q.D. Oh with Absalom I have offended my Heavenly Father. As the Prodigal, I have run away from my Father, I have lived too long upon the Husks of this World; Oh I fall down, & confess mine iniquities: Oh be Reconciled, to me, & give me a kiss of Reconciliation.
    22. 2. To a Kiss of Affection. Jacob showed his affection to his Son Isaac by a Kiss: And Joseph to his Brethren: Oh Let Christ manifest his affection, his Love to me.
    23. 3. Last: To a Kiss of Approbation. Oh Let me see & feel that Christ accepteth my person, & my services. As 9. Eccl. 7. Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, & drink thy wine with a Merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.
    24. 2. An: More particularly, we may see what is intended by this Allegory, or Metaphor, by running the Parallell. And so
    25. 1. We may consider, what is meant by Kisses?
    26. 2. What by Kisses of his mouth?
    27. 1. Then what may be meant by Kisses?
    28. Ans: In these following particulars
    29. 1. Kisses betoken Love, & good will to the party kissed. Why so then when the Church desires Kisses of Christ, she means tokens, & manifestations of his Love, & good Will to her. Q.D. Thou dost love me, as a testimony of it thou hast dyed for me: Oh let me sense & feel thy Love. Kiss me. i.e. evidence to me feelingly thy Love & good will to me. Let me see, let me feel, Let me sense thy Love. As. 2. Cant. 14. Let me see thy countenance, Let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, & thy countenance is comely.
    30. 2. Kisses betoken a hearty conjunction, & cordial Union between two parties. Why so when the Church desires Kisses of Christ, she Means farther tokens & assurance of yt blessed conjunction & Union, that is between her self, & the Lord Jesus Christ. 17. Joh. 21. That they may be one in us.
    31. 3. Kisses betoken such a Friendship, as allows a liberty of Access & communication at all times. Why so when the Church desires kisses of Christ, she means more Spiritual intimacy & communion with Christ. O when wilt thou come unto me, sais the Soul. 101. Ps. 2. She desires to dwell in the house of the Lord, & there to behold his beauty. 27. Ps. 4. With my soul have I desired thee in the night, yea, with my Spirit within me will I seek thee early. 26. Isa. 9.
    32. 4. Kisses have such impressions, as engage the affections to a future Remembrance of the Object. Why so when the Church desires Kisses of Christ, she means such Favour, & Manifestations of Christs Love & grace, that she may never forget his Love. 1. Cant. 4. We will remember thy Love more than wine. I desire to see thee, as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary. 63. Ps. 1.2.
    33. 5. Kisses oblige the giver to shew farther favours, & acts of Love & goodness, to the party he bestows them on. Why so when ye Church desires Kisses of Christ, she means that Christ would lay himself under such obligations of Love & friendship to her, as that he may never forget her. 37. Ps. 28. 11. Ro. 1. 2. Can a woman forget her sucking child—Yet will not I forget thee. 49. Isa. 15 16.
    34. 6. Kisses are a confirmation of Love. Why so when the Church desires Kisses of Christ, she means strongest, and sweetest confirmation of his Love. 35. Ps. 3. Say unto my Soul, I am thy Salvation.
    35. 7. Kisses are the especial priviledges of Covenant Relations, as Husband, & wife &c. Why so the church when she desires Kisses of Christ, she means those special manifestations of his Love, which are peculiar to his Church, & Elect. Q.D. by virtue of Covenant relation, I may sue for kisses.
    36. 8. Kisses are very sweet among true friends after some jars & differences, whereby they testify true Reconciliation. Why so manifestations of Christ[s] love, are exceeding sweet after there hath been a seeming breach & estrangedness, especially since they know the fault is wholly on their side.
    37. 9. Kisses are high Favours when they come from great Persons, & begets in others longing after the like favour. Why so the expressions of Christs favour to the spouse makes ye daughters of Jerusalem, long after the like. 6. Cant. 1. Whither is thy Beloved gone, O thou fairest among Women—that we may seek him with thee, compared with the last verse of the. 5. Chap. His mouth is most sweet—
    38. 10. Kisses are exceeding sweet among friends that have been long absent. Why so Christs manifestation of his love after a long seeming absence is exceeding sweet. 3 Cant. 1–5.
    39. 11. Kisses are wont to be used as an initiatory ceremony to courteous entertainment; as in the case of the profuse & extravagant Prodigal. 15. Luke. 20. Why so the Kisses of Christ are the first beginnings of blessed entertainment wth God, & Christ
    40. 12. Last: Kisses thô but of the hand of a great Personage, a Prince, or Princess, is a very grand honour, but to kiss the Mouth is extraordinary. Why so the Kisses of Christs Mouth are an infinite & exceeding great Honour.