9 March 1775713

    London 9 March 1775

    Dear Sir

    Mr. Buxted the Patriot delivered me both your Acceptable favors of the 6th Instant.

    I rejoice to learn you are in good spirits, and from your Account doubt not the Voyage will be of service to you, at same time I am sorry for the Accident which has happened to your Cloaths &c. Misfortunes like that must be expected and it will be well if we meet with no greater to encounter.

    Captain Tucker from Salem who you mention has been Arrived at Bristol a Month ago, and consequently brought no Letters new, but I yesterday received some for you from the Glasgow Pacquet. Captain Porterfield arrived at Glasgow, which are here enclosed. I have also for our House some from Brother Henry and Brother Phillips of 28 January, beside several others. They write that they continue firm, but expect to be involved in great trouble if coercive measures are pursued, but hitherto nothing material has happened. No Letters are come to hand for Captain Lyde nor has Mr. Haley received any respecting his Trip in any wise.

    Robson was expected to sail about the Middle of February and we hear of no other Trip coming. If any thing very Material turns up while I have a prospect of the Letters reaching you, I will not fail to Advise, for as I can procure Franks it will be Attended with no expence to you.

    You know that Mr. Hyslop has given me hopes he would put his West India concerns into our hand, and that he had wrote Deacon Greenough and Doctor Chauncey to that purport, shall therefore be much Obliged to you on your Arrival, if you would use your interest with Mr. Phillips to get Deacon Greenough and Doctor Chauncey, to grant a power to Abraham Dupuis and Co. without making us the substitute of Mr. Hyslop, who it is not impossible might alter his mind, and this matter pass into some other hand.

    I have inquired about your Scions and find it is much too late in the present Season, but shall take care to find them in the fall. Mr Dilly had your Memoranda. He sends you a Pamphlet &c by this post. Mr. Lee desires his respects and says he has nothing new to communicate. Mrs. Bromfield and the rest of the Family desire to be remembered to you.

    I am (in haste) Dear Sir,

    Yours most sincerely,

    Tho. Bromfield