“A True Patriot” (anti-government writer), 117–19n, 372n

    assembly, considered by, 113

    cited, 123n

    Council, considered by, 113

    on FB, misrepresentations by, 112, 117n

    “flagitiousness” of, 112

    as libel, 115

    quoted, 118n

    Acadia, 396n

    Achilles, 86n

    Adams, John

    on Adams, S., 75n

    on House of Representatives, papers of, authorship of, 75n

    Hutchinson, criticizes, 170n

    on Otis Jr., 75n–76n

    Tudor, letter to, quoted, 75n

    Adams, Samuel

    Appeal to the World

    FB, comments concerning, 133n, 134n, 188n, 189n, 193n, 204n, 210–12n, 246n, 323–24n

    writes, 22

    biographers of, 163

    and Boston Gazette, 112, 115, 117n

    as Boston representative, 50n, 211n, 228n, 237n

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    on Bostonians,

    alarm at arrival of troops, 323n

    arming of, 324n

    on British women, 133n

    and Council, 193n, 204n


    and, 2, 40

    character attacked by, 24, 163

    on conspiracy of, 22, 25, 133n, 323n

    on Customs commissioners and, 133n

    editorial comments concerning, 39

    as enemy of, 212n, 226, 229n, 237n

    investigated by, 88n

    on misrepresentations of, 134n, 188n, 189n, 211–12n, 246n, 323n

    on FB’s correspondence with Hillsborough, 323n

    FB’s views on, 164

    and Hancock, 187–188

    House of Representatives

    authors papers of, 12, 75n, 229n, 279n, 361, 362

    as clerk of, 2, 75n, 352, 353n, 361

    as committee member, 75n, 228n, 229n, 389n

    criticizes Hutchinson, 167, 170n

    identified, 75n

    as insurrectionist, 188–89n, 211n

    on Liberty Tree, 210n

    and Otis Jr.,

    differences, 25, 225, 246n

    disagreements, 244, 361

    similarities, 225–26

    Otis, quotes, 212n

    as political writer, 362

    portrait of, 111

    radicalism of, 12, 200, 225, 246n

    on rights and liberties, 324n

    as tax-collector, 2, 164n

    on treason, evidence of, 324n

    on violence, 134n

    Whig party, as leader of, 6, 12, 20, 163, 167

    Administration of the Colonies (Thomas Pownall), 51n, 145n

    FB reads, 148–149

    Admiralty Board

    and advocate general of Vice Admiralty, appointment of, 308

    clerks of, 43

    Hillsborough, letters from, cited, 184n, 241n, 399n

    Hood, orders to, 241n

    lords commissioners of, mentioned, 183

    orders Royal Navy to Boston, 183

    secretary of, xxvi, 390–91n

    secretary of state, letters from, 44

    Admiralty Law, 18, 309

    Advocate General of Vice Admiralty (Massachusetts), 17–18, 34, 52n, 154, 188, 307–08, 310

    Alexander, Wiiliam

    identified, 416n

    letters to, listed, 413

    Almon, John

    Collection of Interesting, Authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America (1777), 55n

    Almsbury, Mass., 229n

    American Board of Customs

    attorney general of England and Wales, seeks opinion of, 188, 310

    authority of, defiance to, 129


    on civil order in, 127

    established at, 14, 363

    retreat from

    British troops, as justification for, 257, 263, 266

    FB’s knowledge of, 191–92

    Hillsborough’s views on, 274

    “may assist our purpose,” 186

    mentioned, 23, 250, 268

    return to

    anticipated, 274

    discussed, 268

    Hillsborough’s views on, 274

    returns to, 22, 313n


    letters from, cited, 378n

    letters to, cited, 363

    and British troops, arrival of, 37

    Castle William

    at, 244, 263, 310, 313n, 375

    FB provides sanctuary at, 15, 186, 197, 235

    request sanctuary at, 191

    retreats to, 22, 192, 195n, 209, 215, 313n, 377

    and Chatham administration, 187

    Chaumier, “indulgence” toward, 146


    arrogance of, 15, 19

    commissions read in House of Representatives, 71

    death threats, 202

    familes of, 129, 191–92, 197

    houses of, 129–30

    identified, 180–81n

    intimidated, 110n, 371, 390

    law, ignorance of, 18, 309

    mentioned, 22, 53n, 110n, 128n, 180, 243, 266, 268, 366, 368n, 372n, 376n0, 378n

    as strangers, 108, 367n, 372n

    Temple’s estrangement from, 22, 53n, 195n

    threatened, 15, 128–30, 153, 186, 202, 243, 370

    as Treasury appointees, 308

    conversations with, FB recounts, 131


    correspondence with, as enclosure, 190n

    intelligence of insurrection provided by, 390

    letters to

    cited, 192n, 380n

    as enclosures, 379

    correspondence with, about, 127, 180, 191, 193, 195, 197–198, 307

    crowd action

    complaints concerning, 308, 364

    reports on, 15, 36, 127–28, 180, 370–71

    representations on, 40

    on customs officers,

    “discouraged,” 363

    intimidation of, 251, 371

    lack of powers, 309


    letters from, as replies, 376

    letters to, 374–76

    cited, 220, 237n, 380n

    as enclosures, 376, 380

    effectiveness of

    revenue collection, 14

    trade laws, enforcement of, 2

    establishment of, 129, 191


    assistance expected from, 153, 159, 206, 251, 273, 301, 367, 372

    collusion with

    about, 21–22, 110, 195, 214n, 220, 237, 366, 372

    alleged, 133n, 189n

    British troops, in obtaining, 15, 21–22, 28, 30, 154, 193n, 195, 220, 257, 263, 266, 270n

    and commissioners’ retreat, 192

    revolt against Board feared by, 153

    FB writes to, 202

    FB’s views on

    Boston, retreat from, 186, 189n, 209, 215, 249, 250, 257, 263

    commissioners “frightened,” 14

    fears revolt against, 154

    frustrations, 19, 154, 378

    “precarious Situation,” 14, 120

    their security, 23

    Treasury, commissioners’ reports to, 153

    on friends of government, 365


    alarmist reports received by, 235

    letters from, as replies, 376

    letters to, 374–76

    cited, 54n, 220, 237n, 380n

    as enclosures, 376, 380

    requests protection from, 375

    “very alarming State of things at Boston,” 376

    Governor and Council

    requests protection from, 30, 108, 127–28, 190, 193–95, 201, 375

    considered, 270n


    letter from

    as enclosure, 379

    as reply, 379

    letters to

    cited, 380n

    as enclosures, 379–80

    ordered to London, 214, 215


    pursues, 187–88, 308–10

    returns Liberty (sloop) to, 187

    vendetta against, 188

    Hancock et al., manages prosecution of, 34, 188, 309–10

    Harrison, J.

    letter from

    as enclosure, 379

    as reply, 379

    letter to

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 379–80


    FB instructed to assist Board by, 159, 206, 251, 273, 301, 367, 372

    influence on, 10, 16, 24–29, 187

    views on, 183, 251, 372, 397–98


    discuss FB with, 378

    letter from

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 380

    as reply, 376n

    letters to

    cited, 368n, 378n

    quoted, 378

    request protection from, 241n

    House of Representatives

    criticized by, 360

    on radicalism of, 365n, 368n

    Hutchinson, letters from, cited, 313n

    Hutchinson’s views on, 372n

    informations, use, 123

    insulted, 127, 130

    letters from, 126–28, 180–81, 190–92, 194–95, 306–13

    about, 308

    Adams, S., commentaries by, 189n

    cited, xxvi, 19, 22, 133–34n, 155, 159n, 190n, 192–93n, 197–98, 308, 311, 380n

    Council, considered by, 192

    as enclosures, 191, 203–04n, 371, 379

    listed, 404, 406–07, 414

    quoted, 15, 192n

    received, 127, 130, 186, 189n, 191, 198, 201, 204n, 219

    as replies, 193

    Wootton delivers, 127

    on “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” 368n

    letters to, 192–93, 197–98

    about, 197–98

    cited, 22, 52n–53n, 204n, 237n, 308, 310, 313n, 380n

    as enclosures, 379–80

    listed, 407–08

    as replies, 191, 195, 197–98, 202

    and Liberty (sloop), 187–88

    Liberty riot

    accounts of, 26, 180–81, 190–191, 214n, 375, 377

    about, 274

    Hallowell delivers, 26, 29

    accused of provoking, 187

    depositions concerning, 203

    Lisle, charge, 310

    on mail packet, inadequacy of, 303


    defied by, 15

    on, 138n

    on Massachusetts, “state”of government in, 362–72

    mentioned, 144n

    minutes of

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 379

    on nonimportation movement, 364–65, 369–70

    officials of

    identified, 188n, See also Williams, John (customs officer); Irving, Thomas

    mentioned, 191

    threatened, 185–86

    Oliver, letter from, cited, 192n

    papers of, 22, 191, 193, 311

    on parliamentary authority, opposition to, 308, 363–64

    on parliamentary taxation, opposition to, 368n

    Pickman, letter from, transmitted by FB, 143

    popular hostility to, 109, 129, 169, 187

    on popular radicalism, 364

    proceedings of, FB excluded from, 15

    protection and safety of, 22–23, 30, 108, 240, 294

    Council’s deliberations on, FB reports on, 192–93

    FB, considered by, 197–98, 235, 243

    FB unable to provide for, 131, 269n, 289

    Hood’s plans for, 240, 378

    radicalism, alarmist accounts of, 36

    rescues reported by, 15

    and revenue, collection of, 308

    revolt, fears, 375, 377

    Romney, HMS

    on board, 215

    removal of, criticize, 294

    retreats to, 22–23, 186, 191–92, 313n, 377

    Council’s reaction, 193

    FB’s knowledge of, 192n

    Hutchinson considers, 192n

    justifies, 190–91, 194

    Ropes, letter from, transmitted by FB, 143

    Royal Navy

    assisted by, 29

    request protection of, 241n

    safety of, considered by Council, 270n

    salaries of, 157n

    secretary to, 180, 309–10, See also Venner, Samuel

    on seditious libels, 370

    on seizures, 363


    allegations of

    FB to investigate, request, 307, 306–13

    Hutchinson leads investigation into, 311–12n

    investigate, 310, 312n

    refute, 307

    Board’s solicitor to assist, 309–10

    competency of, question, 18, 308–10

    complaints concerning, 308

    dispute with, 19, 34, 307–12

    concerning legal procedures, 309

    proceedings concerning, 310

    embarrassed by, 18, 310–11

    letters from, quoted, 312n

    letters to, as replies, 312n

    on smuggling, 138n

    solicitor to, 310

    on Townshend duties, opposition to, 365

    “extensive Plan of Resistance,” 377

    on trade laws, enforcement of, 366


    correspondence with, about, 141n

    Hallowell makes representations to, 214

    letters from, as replies, 366

    letters to, cited, 141n

    memorials to, 376–78

    about, 15, 26, 29, 141n, 204, 274, 308, 368n

    cabinet, considered by, 274

    cited, xxvi, 50n, 110n, 128, 138n, 155n, 159, 214n, 241n, 251n, 300n, 303n, 310, 312–13n, 372n, 374n, 378n, 399n

    crowd action, concerning, 308, 370–71

    discussed, 251

    enclosures to, 191, 193, 195, 197–98, 204, 366, 371, 376

    discussed, 368n

    list of, cited, 378, 380

    listed, 368n, 379–80, 378–80

    Parliament, presented to, 379–80

    as enclosures, 378

    FB’s knowledge of, 129

    Hallowell delivers, 274, 378


    Gage, sends copies to, 373

    responds to, 158–59

    copied to, 10

    lack of government support, concerning, 308–09

    Liberty riot, concerning, 377–78


    considered by, 214n

    presented to, 378

    political impact of, 367

    popular radicalism, concerning, 377

    Privy Council, considered by, 214n

    quoted, 15, 110n

    received, 372

    secrecy of, 366

    secretary of state, Bradshaw copies to, 366, 372, 378

    seditious libels, concerning, 370

    Sewall, dispute with, concerning, 310–11

    trade laws, enforcement of, concerning, 138n, 159, 309, 363–66, 369–70, 377


    considered by, 274, 366, 371

    read by, 371

    writs of assistance, opposition to, concerning, 141


    American Board of Customs’ minutes, 377, 379

    anonymous letters, 380

    Corner, letter to, copy of, 379

    Council minutes and proceedings, copies of, 371


    letter to, copy of, 380

    letters from, copies of, 376n

    DeBerdt, letter to Otis from, extract of, 368n

    depositions and affidavits, 190n, 377, 379–80


    correspondence with, copies of, 371, 379–80

    letters to, copies of, 379

    Gage, letter to, copy of, 380

    Hallowell and Harrison, correspondence with, copies of, 379–80

    Hallowell, deposition of, 379

    Harrison, J., deposition of, 379

    Harrison, R.A., deposition of, 379

    Hood, letter to, copy of, 380

    Irving, memorial of, 379

    Kirk, deposition of, 379

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” 368n

    newspapers, file of, 366

    Oliver, letter from, copy of, 379

    Williams, J., letter from, 371


    instructs, 312–13n

    and misconduct of, 310, 312n

    violence, fears of

    abate, 15, 110n, 371

    about, 110, 127

    FB communicates Council’s views on, 192–93, 198

    FB’s views on, 193

    Hutchinson evaluates, 110n

    report, 110n, 127, 191–92, 308, 371, 377

    reported, 28, 119, 186

    writs of assistance, views on, 140–41

    American Colonies

    assemblies of, 104, 361, 384, 386, 400

    Circular Letter from Massachusetts, 87, 359–62

    and, 9, 112, 149, 313–14, 385–86

    reply to, 151

    and governors, 142

    king, right to petition, 72

    mentioned, 359

    parliamentary authority

    challenge, 9

    subordination to, 70

    as parliaments, 320

    speakers of, 98, 151

    Townshend Acts, opposition to, 87

    “Bill of Rights” for, 5, 66, 83, 101

    British Army in. See under British Army

    British friends of, 6–7, 66, 289n

    British intervention in proposed, 3, 11, 19–20, 24, 27, 110, 115, 162, 176

    British knowledge of, 4, 120

    and British policymaking, 8, 28, 151, 269

    British politics, news of, 6

    British regiments ordered to, 338

    charters of, 363, See also Province Charter (1691)

    “common Concern,” issues of, 359, 384

    communications with, 39, 252

    debtors in, 137

    defiance of, 17

    economy of, 137

    “enemies” of, 361

    exports of, 394

    FB’s critics in, 13

    French and Indian War, and. See under French and Indian War

    governments in, 144, 155, 266, 286–87, 325

    governors of. See under Governors, Colonial

    Great Britain

    constitutional relationship with, 85

    disputations with, 9–11, 80, 87, 99, 109, 126n, 400

    and imperialism of, 6, 11, 68n, 84, 397

    mail to and from. See under Mail

    mutual interests, 96, 102, 126, 137, 150, 272, 388n, 393

    opposition to, 87, 136, 154, 384, 387, 397

    reconciliation with, 32, 39, 70, 80, 82–84, 89, 122, 137, 152, 181, 384

    trade with. See under Trade, Colonial

    union with, 82, 85, 322n

    grievances of, 7–8, 35, 400

    happiness of, 30

    imperial administration of, 43, 60, 254

    and Imperial Crisis, 81–82

    imports to, 121n

    impressment in, 175n, 201n, 273

    independence of, 39, 144, 148, 168, 225, 275n, 322n

    land values in, 393

    law in, 63

    laws, collections of, 158n

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” influence in, 64, 101, 148

    mail. See under Mail

    manufactures of, 139n, 365, 368n

    manufacturing in, 136–37

    mentioned, 2, 6, 20, 98, 157n, 162, 174, 252n, 267, 279, 285n, 361, 365, 373

    merchants of, 140, 369

    newspapers. See Newspapers; individual titles

    nonimportation movement in, 2, 14, 136–37

    northern colonies, 144–45


    and, 7, 20, 83, 299, 364

    papers and speeches of, printed in, 66, 138

    representation in, 8, 17, 65–66, 83–85, 89–91, 101, 125n, 144–45, 148–49, 320

    parliamentary authority

    and, 8, 63, 68n, 76n, 84–85, 89, 98, 136, 225, 268, 320, See also Parliamentary Authority

    defiance of, 90

    and parliamentary supremacy, 67, 89

    and parliamentary taxation, 1, 5, 8, 10, 65, 67–68n, 76n, 83, 95n, 108, 138–39n, 157n, 225, 359, 360, 364–65, 368n, 383, 386–87, 394–95

    petitions of, 5

    “popular” governments in, 365

    popular power and authority in, 365

    “pretensions” of, 83

    and Quartering Act, 336–37n, 340

    radicalism in, 9, 14, 20, 63–64, 138, 366

    rebellion in feared, 3, 377

    revenue from, 14, 256

    rights and liberties of, 14, 25

    royal governments in, 92, 94

    Royal Navy in, See under Royal Navy

    and secretaries of state, 27–28, 43, 74, 76–77, 80, 133, 145, 154, 159, 274, 366, See also Hillsborough, Earl of; Secretary of State (Colonial Department); Secretary of State (Southern Department)

    seditious publications in, 370

    self-government of, 5, 8, 11

    settlement of, 394

    Sons of Liberty in, 296

    specie shortage in, 256, 394

    and Stamp Act Crisis, 101

    standing armies in, 320

    “state” of, 278

    taxation of, 59, 83, 99, 139n, 394–95, 400

    Townshend Acts

    and, 2, 100

    and opposition to, 87, 90, 98, 142

    trade of. See under Trade, Colonial

    and treason trials, 37, 275n

    treasonable publications in, 377

    “unwarrantable Combinations” of, 149, 383

    wars in. See French and Indian War

    writs of assistance in, 140

    American Colonists

    and, British statesmen, 8

    Chatham administration, exasperated by, 225

    FB insults, 19

    FB, misrepresented by, 1–2, 383–85

    FB’s conspiracy against, 115

    FB’s relationship with, about, 3

    governors to mediate with, 7, 215

    governors, expectations concerning, 17

    Great Britain, resentment of, 3, 9

    Grenville, resent, 8

    happiness of, 96, 181, 199, 360, 401

    Hillsborough’s attitude to, 27, 133, 275n

    and Imperial Crisis, 1, 81–82

    liberty, struggle for, 141

    loyalty of, 156

    and Parliament, representation in, 362

    parliamentary authority

    and, 7–8

    arguments respecting, 151, 225, 320

    parliamentary taxation, grievances concerning, 10, 12, 64–67, 76n, 85, 109, 256

    Pitt, praise, 68n

    radicalism of, 40

    and Revolution, 1

    rights and liberties of, 9, 25, 59, 75n, 85, 149, 163, 205, 225, 228n, 32n2, 388n, 400–01

    Shelburne sympathetic to, 27

    “slavery,” in “state of,” 322n

    “spirit of Decency and Love of Order,” their, 150

    as subjects, 67, 320, 359, 361, 384, 400, See also King: subjects of

    submission of, 137

    Townshend Acts, repeal of, campaign for, 2, 5, 109, 133n, 143

    treason of, 39

    trials in England, prospect of, 37, 272, 275n

    American Revolution

    mentioned, 144n

    origins of, 1, 37, 39–41, 64, 275n

    revolutionary aspects and tendencies, 20–21, 39–40, 64, 106, 122, 188

    Americans. See under American Colonists

    Amherst, Sir Jeffery

    as governor of Virginia, 157n

    and governorship of Virginia, 284, 287, 378

    Amory, John, 282n

    Amory, Jonathan, 282n

    Amory, Thomas, 282n

    Anchors, 139

    Andros, Sir Edmund, 353



    as enclosures, 380

    cited, 380n

    Robinson, letter to, 389–91

    Antigua, 180n


    mentioned, 284

    satirized, 299n

    Artillery, 174, 372n

    Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), xv

    Ashley, John, 230n

    Ashley, Jonathan, 230n

    Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives)

    answers to FB’s messages and speeches

    discussed, 104

    attendance at, 73

    Boston, removal from

    instructions respecting, 273, 277–80

    British government, communciations with, 39

    British troops, quartering of, expense of, 334, 339

    Circular Letter

    adoption of, 314

    and colonial assemblies, 93, 144, 150, 361

    colonial assemblies, replies from

    cited, 249n

    listed, 228n

    and rescinding of, 313–14

    committees of, 193

    British troops, concerning apprehensions of, 212n, 236

    on state of the province, 198, 200, 203–05, 210, 243, 270n

    dismissal of, 94

    disposition of, 142

    dissolution of, 24–26, 32, 213–14n, 222, 224, 226–27n, 229n, 233, 239, 277, 299, 331, 394, 400

    FB lacks support in, 88n, 100, 115, 167, 215

    FB’s relationship with

    about, 17

    discussed, 145, 262

    Pownall, T., advises on, 148

    good “humour” of, 59

    government officers, salary grants for, 172

    and governor’s authority, 74, 80

    and governor’s salary grant, 94, 227n

    Hillsborough, instructions from, concerning, 280n

    House of Commons, petition to, about, 75n

    imperial power, opposes, 25

    king, petitions to. See also House of Representatives: king, petition to

    Boston town meeting promotes, 365

    DeBerdt receives, 389n

    mentioned, 170n

    protocol for transmission, 71, 73, 142, 257n

    legislative year, 396n

    libels, prosecution of, considers, 115

    Liberty riot, inquiry into, 205n

    meetings of. See under Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives): session, in

    messages and speeches to, 170

    discussed, 115

    as enclosures, 60, 66, 170, 173, 177

    New York boundary commission, 60n, 173n

    newspaper libel, considers, 372n

    politicians in, 181

    politics in, 88n

    proceedings of, 71–72

    cited, 117n

    as evidence, 5, 8

    mentioned, 123n, 181

    protocol for reporting, 73

    proroguations of, 105, 112, 213, 223, 229n, 255

    province agents, salary grants for, 91n

    provincial government, opposition to, 2, 39

    public gallery, 73

    radicalism in, 88

    secretary of state’s letters, FB not to communicate, 292, 314

    in session, 71, 80, 84, 93, 101, 109, 173, 278, 314, 330, 365, 385


    in abeyance, 38

    commencement of, 115, 149, 170, 385

    dates of, 60n, 88n, 116n, 177n, 229n

    end of, 100, 105, 109, 149, 169, 213, 385

    “humor” of, 104

    length of, 104, 112, 278

    opening of, 71, 112, 169–70, 172, 175

    previous, 122, 150, 160–61, 167, 181–82, 221, 223, 233, 295

    upcoming, 160, 167, 170

    in winter, 278

    Shelburne recommends conciliation to, 118n

    and standing armies, 320

    summon, FB requested to, 222, 320, 400–01

    summoned, 71

    summoning of

    outside Boston, 278

    FB considers, 262, 277–78

    FB delays, 275, 278, 306

    FB requests orders for, 278

    governor’s authority challenged, 35

    Whig party in, 40

    Atlantic Ocean, 3, 26, 80, 124, 210n, 290, See also Transatlantic Voyages; Transatlantic Communications

    Atlantic Seaboard, 333

    Attorney General of England and Wales, 34, 188, 201n, 310, 313n

    Attorney General of Massachusetts, 307

    Council, exclusion from, 166

    identified, 118n

    and libels, prosecution of, 115

    Auchmuty, Robert

    FB, as adviser to, 17

    identified, 52n, 313n

    Sewall and Customs commissioners, dispute between, intervention in, 310–313n

    Sewall, compared to, 310

    Vice Admiralty Court, as judge of, 169, 188

    Azores, 121n, 138n

    Bailyn, Bernard, 171n

    Baldwin, Loammi, 128

    Barbados, 92, 233

    governors of, 95n

    governorship of, FB considers, 92

    Baronecties, 155


    Boston lacking in, 331-32, 338

    in Boston, 33

    public buildings, 139n, 334, 338–39, 353–54

    and troops’ behavior, 354

    at Castle William, 293–94, 333–39

    mentioned, 294

    Quartering Act, provisions of, concerning, 38, 331–33, 336n, 338

    debates over, 333–41, 347, 354

    Barrington, Lord

    American Board of Customs, predicament of, FB reports on, 152–53

    American Colonies

    fears independence of, 8

    union with Great Britain, FB proposes, 85

    assembly, proceedings of, FB reports on, 74

    Bernard, Shute, death of, informed of, 146

    Boston Evening-Post, FB sends, 85

    and Boston, riot control in, 29

    Botetourt, describes, 285n

    British colonial policy

    discusses, 7

    lacks influence in, 7, 145

    British troops, deployment of

    discusses, 36

    FB urges, 264–65

    Camden’s speech, FB sends, 85

    career of, 51n

    Chamier, patron to, 147n

    Chatham administration, FB discusses, 11

    colonial assemblies, governors’ disputes with, FB discusses, 80–81

    colonial government, reform of, discusses, 8

    colonial policy, as hard-liner in, 8

    correspondence with, about, 11, 45, 81, 85, 94, 109, 144, 147, 154, 215, 234, 264, 269, 287

    Council, opposition in, FB discusses, 265

    cousins of, 124, 145, 156, 284, See also Bernard Family

    crowd action, resurgence in, FB reports on, 108–09

    Crown salaries, introduction of, FB discusses, 94


    advises him to leave, 13

    as advocate for, 7, 95, 110, 145, 152

    baronetcy for

    and, 32

    conveys offer of, 155–56

    and cost of, 326n

    discusses concerns about, 285–86

    as confidant of, 7, 15–17, 81

    delays writing to, 144

    and despondency of, 32, 119, 215, 258, 269

    friendship with, 81n

    as patron of, 81, 94

    on titles and FB’s opinions of, 156

    warned of crisis by, 215

    FB as governor

    advises him to remain in post, 284

    on conduct as, 125n

    leave of absence

    FB seeks, 146, 152–53, 173, 233

    discussed, 17, 26, 287

    obtains permission for, 26, 95

    relocation of

    options for, discussed, 20, 92–93, 145, 151, 154

    views on, 285n, 287n

    salary of

    Crown revenue, not to be paid from, 145, 156

    discussed, 93–94

    FB writes to, 32, 80, 103n, 146, 173


    and, 17

    friendship with, 7, 13, 28, 78, 102, 124, 145, 269

    as interlocutor with, 13, 28, 95, 103n, 110, 124, 151–52, 155–56, 218, 234, 284–87, 325–27

    praises “firmness” of, 145

    views on, 28

    House of Representatives

    Circular Letter, refusal to rescind, FB reports on, 234

    proceedings of, FB reports on, 109, 233, 234

    Hutchinson as successor, FB recommends, 286

    identified, 51n

    Imperial Crisis, causes of, discussed, 23, 80–82

    independence of colonies, fears, 144

    insurrection, prospect of, discussed, 17, 26, 153–54

    letters from, 124–25, 144–45, 284–85

    Chamier, delivered by, 147n

    cited, 8, 13, 28, 52n, 145n, 151, 155, 216n, 285n, 287–88n, 326–27n

    enclosures to, 103n

    listed, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 412, 413

    quoted, 8, 13, 28, 86, 103n

    received, 80, 124, 145, 155–156, 215, 284, 285, 287n, 327

    as replies, 109, 144

    “serious importance” of, 145

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” FB sends, 102

    letters to, 80–86, 91–95, 107–10, 149–55, 214–16, 233–35, 263–65, 285–87

    about, 34, 251n

    cited, 4, 7–8, 20, 32, 53n, 81, 91n, 108, 110n, 119–20, 125n, 145, 149n, 155n, 174n, 214, 218, 234, 266n, 270n, 284, 326n, 368n

    composition of, 50n

    Hallowell, carried by, 215, 233

    Hillsborough, transmitted to, 17

    listed, 402–06, 408–09, 412

    not sent, 85

    quoted, 11, 13, 15–17, 26, 36, 74, 147

    received, 85, 109, 144

    as replies, 23, 80, 92, 124, 156, 215, 284–85, 327

    secret, 17

    as member of Parliament, 125n

    military assistance, FB explains his reluctance to request, 263–65

    optimism of, 125

    Parliament, American representation in

    discussed, 83–86

    dismisses, 85, 144–45

    parliamentary authority, opposition to, discussed, 11, 85

    parliamentary taxation, opposition to, discussed, 82–83

    St. George’s Fields Massacre, role in, 29, 124

    on Stamp Act, repeal of, adverse consequences of, 145

    on Townshend, 156

    Townshend duties, opposition to, FB reports on, 108–09

    Virginia, lieutenant-governorship of

    FB accepts offer, 286

    conveys offer of, 155–56

    withdrawal of, intimates, 284

    Wilkes, debates on, participation in, 7

    Barrington, William Wildman, 51n, See under Barrington, Lord

    Barton, Benjamin, 254n

    Beacon Hill, Boston, 211n, 316, 319, 323n

    Beaver, HMS, 215–16, 241, 376

    Belcher, Andrew

    Council, not elected to, 168

    identified, 171n, 177n

    libelous handbill, receives, 169

    as registrar of the Vice Admiralty Court, 169

    Bellew, Henry, 216n

    Beresford, Jane

    as “female Council,” 285

    Berkeley, Norborne, 157n, See also Botetourt, Lord

    Berkin, Carol, 308, 310

    Bernard Family

    dangers to, 153

    deaths of sons, 16, 146

    England, return to, plans concerning, 32

    mentioned, 124, 145, 156, 284

    summer residence of, 290n

    support of, 285, 325


    “FB,” referred to as, 47


    on governors of, 286, 325

    and assemblies, 9, 80, 142, 348

    authority of, 297

    and British government, communications with, 73, 252

    influence of, 9

    Great Britain

    on constitutional relationship with, 85

    on disputations with, continuance of, 11, 19, 80, 87, 109, 352

    and imperialism of, 6, 68n, 84

    intervention of, proposes, 3, 11, 19–20, 24, 27, 110, 115, 162, 176

    and mutual interests, 137

    opinions of misguided, 120

    on opposition to, incitement of, 14, 20, 63–64, 87, 93, 136, 138, 154

    on reconciliation with, prospects of, 70, 80, 82–84, 89, 122, 137, 152

    union with, proposes, 82, 85

    on independence of, prospect of, 148, 168

    on manufacturing in, 136–37

    on parliamentary authority, defiance of, 90

    “popular” governments in, 365

    “pretensions” of, 83

    Virginia, governorship of

    Botetourt’s appointment to

    learns of, 326–27

    unaware of, 284

    Virginia, lieutenant-governorship of, offer of

    accepts 286, 325–26

    Barrington conveys 26, 28, 155–56, 234

    considers, 92

    made, 234

    withdrawn, 271, 284, 287, 327


    imprints, quality of, xxv

    newspapers, printed in, xxv

    pamphlet series. See Copies of Letters from Bernard to Hillsborough; Letters to Hillsborough; Letters to The Ministry

    content of, xxvi–xxvi

    publication of, xxvi–xxvi


    on British intervention, 73–74

    Chatham administration

    and, 11–13

    on, 146

    and colonial policy, 12, 30, 40–41, 96–97, 105, 151, 154–56, 182–83, 218, 234, 254, 269, 272, 274, 287, 291, 314–15, 350

    on colonial policy, 266

    firmness in, favors, 37, 120, 133, 269

    leniency of, criticizes, 268, 328

    communications with, protocol respecting, 73

    on disaffection to, 85, 167, 332

    expectations concerning, 8, 329, 353

    governor, conduct as, considered by, 11, 13, 24, 97, 234

    and Grafton Ministry, 156, 329


    and American affairs, 124


    discusses with, 325

    offered by, 155–56, 287

    and British policy, 162

    conciliation, recommends, 96, 274

    conduct approved by, 96–97, 155, 315

    considered expendable by, 151

    Hutchinson as successor, discusses with, 272

    influence on, 16, 40, 97, 133, 154, 225, 268–69

    political solution, recommends, 269

    recall considered by, 13

    reports evaluated by, 5, 151, 184, 271–72, 298

    secretary of state, on his appointment as, 60, 78, 120, 146, 152

    Hillsborough, instructions from

    American Board of Customs, to assist, 251, 273

    received, 301

    assembly, to dissolve, 150, 275

    Board of Trade, correspondence with, respecting, 241–42

    British troops, deployment of, respecting, 270–76

    received, 155, 274

    Circular Letter, to rescind, 9, 150, 313–14

    about, 13, 24–28, 77, 106, 143

    discussed, 383

    received, 77, 170, 214–15

    in post, to remain, 274

    Kinsman, to apprehend, 289

    leave of absence, for, 217–18

    issued, 234

    Liberty riot, to investigate, 272, 274, 291

    official correspondence, transmission of, concerning, 76–78

    province magistracy, to reform, 274

    royal instructions, to review, 216–17, 301

    secretary of state, communication with, respecting, 251–52, 302

    treason, to investigate, 39, 272

    sends Hillsborough, proposals for

    colonial government, reform of, 37

    Council, reform of, 20

    sends Hillsborough, reports on

    colonial politics, 161–64, 243–44

    Council, elections to, 166–71

    House of Representatives, proceedings of, 97, 142–43, 213, 220–32, 255–57, 261–63

    Liberty riot, 184–90

    aftermath of, 201–12

    investigation into, 295–96

    manufacturing, 164–66

    nonimportation movement, 280–84

    rescinding controversy, 220–32

    sedition, 35–36, 245, 296–97, 318–24

    intervention in American affairs, urges, 266, 278


    concerns regarding, 60

    concilation recommended by, 74, 329

    conduct approved by, 74, 105–06

    Council, unreliability of, discusses with, 122

    House of Representatives, reports on proceedings of, sends, 70–76, 213, 243–44

    relationship with, about, 6, 8–9, 28, 60, 74, 106, 133, 218, 329

    views on, 60


    arrival of

    anticipates, 3, 31, 33, 38, 95, 217, 291, 298, 306, 319, 333

    and preparations for, 31, 33, 291, 293, 304, 326, 334–35, 338–40, 346

    on landing of

    resistance to, warns of, 154, 250n, 296, 316, 319–22

    “Probability” of, 315–18

    and quartering of, 291, 293, 331–35, 338

    preparations for, 338–41, 353–54

    on quartering of, 337–42

    expediency of, 263, 266, 349

    in Manufactory House, authorizes, 353–54

    proposes Manufactory House, 347

    opposition to, 353–55

    on townspeople, future relations with, 332, 334, 338, 343, 354


    contemplates and plans for, 36, 41, 170, 258

    his rationale, 109

    hopes Gage will issue orders, 23, 220, 237–38, 253

    hopes Hillsborough will issue orders, 32, 110, 154, 267–68, 297

    preferences, 257–58


    miltary assistance from

    does not request, 220, 382

    not ordered to provide, 220, 232, 238, 253, 376, 382

    ordered to provide, 346

    orders for, “private hints” of contents, requests, 238

    prepared to provide, 220, 232, 254, 258, 267, 317, 381–82

    secret discussions with, 177–79

    transmits sealed orders to, 232, 239, 254, 258, 267, 270n, 382

    as “functionary” following orders, 33


    civil government, weakness of, warns him about, 30, 235, 237

    explains his position regarding, 219–20, 237, 239, 253–54, 263

    orders from

    anticipates, 16, 23, 28, 219–20, 237, 253, 258, 265, 268

    receives, 269n

    orders issued by

    confused by, 220, 232, 238, 245, 253, 382

    discusses, 293–94

    informed of, 290–92, 304–06, 374

    knowledge of, 253, 263–64, 267, 291, 374, 382

    requests “public” copy of, 33, 294, 304–06


    direct orders issued by

    influences, 28–30, 40, 184, 195

    instructions respecting, 270–76

    receives, 155, 183–84, 253, 274, 277, 291, 304, 317, 338

    preference for, 32, 131, 264, 297

    direct orders, persuades him to issue, 28

    and military assistance, authority to request, 183

    procedure for, follows, 265

    on purpose and function, 263

    reinforcements required, thinks, 317

    request for

    makes tacitly, 27–28, 109, 195, 235–37, 245

    reluctant to make directly, 31, 36, 263–66


    American Board of Customs, with

    about, 127, 180, 191, 193, 195, 197–98, 307

    Treasury, copied to, 371, 379–80

    Barrington, Ld., with

    about, 11, 34, 45, 81, 85, 94, 109, 147, 154, 215, 234, 264, 269, 287

    discussed, 144

    Board of Trade, with

    about, 44

    assembly, messages and speeches to, sends copies of, 59

    boundary disputes between Massachusetts and New York, commission report on, sends, 173n

    discussed, 120

    editorial policy concerning, 44

    instructions respecting, 241–42

    listed, 120

    manufactures, account of, transmits, 164

    newspapers, sends, 86n

    Boston town meeting, with, about, 206

    British correspondents, about, 2, 8, 14

    British government, with

    about, 2, 5, 11–25, 35–36, 39, 41, 109–10, 154, 269, 362

    and colonial policy, 96, 142, 149, 151, 181–82, 184, 187, 254, 269, 271, 274, 313

    departments of, 44

    discussed, 224

    Cade mentioned, 207

    Calendar of, 47

    Cicero alluded to, 145n

    and clerks, 44–45, 117n, 191

    confidentiality, anxieties concerning, 157–58

    Convention of Towns, with

    about, 331

    printed, 344

    Corner, with, about, 174, 240

    Cushing, with, about, 344

    Dalrymple, with

    about, 178

    transmits disaptches and orders, 31, 220, 232, 238, 244, 254, 316, 382

    FB holographs, 43–44

    Francklin, with

    about, 140

    Hutchinson, paper by, sends, 140

    Gage, with

    about, 219, 232, 236, 239, 253, 258, 265, 291, 294, 304–05, 317, 339, 346

    Dalrymple, orders for

    Gage sends, 253

    Gage sends copies of, 267, 316, 382

    inconsistencies in, 269–70n, 294n

    General Court, acts and resolves of, transmits, 160

    Hillsborough, with

    about, 77, 97, 133, 143, 151, 158, 163, 165, 170, 184, 187, 204, 210, 214, 217, 225, 241, 245, 249, 251–52, 255–56, , 268, 274, 279, 281, 289, 292–93, 298, 301, 303, 315, 322, 326–27, 336, 350, 353, 356

    Bernard Papers, printed in, 52n

    commencement of, 146–47, 155n

    composition of, 10

    contents of, concerning, 133, 151

    delays in, 173, 298

    features of, 11–12, 184, 187, 215, 245, 261, 268–69, 317

    Gage, FB’s correspondence with, sends copies of, 268

    Gage, orders issued by, sends copies of, 268, 382

    his messages and speeches, sends him copies of, 169, 220

    House of Representatives, papers of, sends, 257,

    newspapers, FB sends copies of, 242

    Otis, speeches of, FB sends copies, 297–98

    reading of, 110

    as series, 8, 43, 78, 300n

    Shelburne, letters to, concerning, 10, 120, 133

    Hood, with, about, 288

    House of Representatives requests copies of, 107n

    Jackson, with

    about, 7, 51n, 70, 90, 102, 177

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” sends, 101–02

    newspapers, sends, 119, 126

    numbering of, 102


    considered by, 1, 9, 73, 77, 96, 151

    presented to, 142, 149, 181, 254, 313

    letterbooks, 43–44

    Liberty riot, respecting, 21, 184–90, 201–5

    about, 5, 16, 21, 29, 36, 86, 210n, 250n, 252n

    List of Correspondence, 401–16

    mentioned, 47

    not found, 115, 141n, 144n, 149n, 177n, 212n, 216n, 274, 292

    not sent, 85, 326–27

    as official source of information, 3–12, 28–30, 33, 106, 151–52, 172, 242, 308


    considered by, 158n

    presentation to, about, 242, 255

    presented to, 25–26, 28, 32, 74, 87, 99, 115, 123, 133, 138, 143, 151, 184, 187, 193, 195, 197–98, 204, 210, 214, 225, 245, 252, 255–56, , 268, 274, 277, 279, 281, 289, 298, 315, 322, 336, 350, 353, 361, 378

    listed, xxv, 402–05, 407–15

    political problems arising from, 157–58

    Pownall, J., with

    about, 60, 63, 66, 76n, 173, 329, 372

    boundary commission report, sends, 160

    FB’s correspondence with Shelburne, sends copies, 99, 105, 115, 120, 123

    House of Representatives, papers of, sends, 120

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” sends, 63, 65–66, 101–02

    Massachusetts Circular Letter, sends, 99

    mentioned, 59

    messages and speeches, sends copies, 59, 66, 120, 172

    newspapers, sends, 250

    Pownall, T., with, about, 148

    private or secret letters, 3, 65, 153, 156, 172, 181, 183, 247, 252, 269, 306, 319, 325–26, 328


    in newspapers, 206, 330, 388, 401

    pamphlet, as. See Copies of Letters from Bernard to Hillsborough; Letters to Hillsborough; Letters to The Ministry

    Ropes, with, about, 144

    secretary of state, with

    about, 11, 26, 28, 43–44, 60, 74, 77–78, 106, 112, 116, 247, 261, 274, 314, 400

    secretary of state, with, about, xxv, 51n, 60n, 107n, 229n, 252n

    Shakespeare alluded to, 82

    Shelburne, with

    about, 8–10, 15, 24, 74, 76n, 87, 96, 99, 105, 115, 120, 133, 138, 146–47n, 252n, 261, 293

    Council, proceedings of, sends, 115, 133

    Hillsborough, appointment of, following, 8, 11, 74, 77–78

    House of Representatives

    answers to his messages and speeches, sends copies of, 102

    letters to Shelburne from, sends copy, 105

    messages and speeches to, sends copies of, 105, 114

    presented to, 10, 101–02, 104, 106, 112

    proceedings of, sends, 112, 115

    newspapers, sends, 123, 137–38

    as series, 43–44, 74, 78


    accounts of

    about, 40, 133

    Boston (4 Mar. 1768), 129

    Boston (18 Mar. 1768), 128–34

    Boston (5 Jun. 1768), 174–75

    Boston (10 Jun. 1768), 21–22, 184–90, 201–12, See also BERNARD, FRANCIS: LIBERTY RIOT

    Boston (15 Jul. 1768), 258

    Boston (18–19 Jul. 1768), 258–61

    Boston (23 Aug. 1768), 295

    manufacture crisis, 133

    Roxbury (4 Jul. 1768), 243

    American Board of Customs, targeting, 129–30, 180, 185–87, 257, 259–60

    anti-impressment riots, 174–75

    on Boston “mobs,” 19, 31, 119–20, 129, 132–33, 136, 162, 180, 185, 207, 257, 259–60, 263–64, 273, 279, 295

    “terrible” noise and “Fury” of, 130–31

    in Boston, accounts of, 129–31, 184–90, 202, 207, 242, 259–60

    impact of, 1, 28–29, 182

    celebrations, parades, and processions, depictions of, 129–31, 136, 185–86, 207, 212, 289

    crowds, his depictions of, 108, 129–30, 136, 174, 185, 207, 242–43, 251, 259, 295, 297

    on crowds, leaders of, 260, 295

    “directors,” 259

    Liberty riot. See under BERNARD, FRANCIS: LIBERTY RIOT

    as political weapon, 13, 133, 162, 164, 257, 260, 263–64, 273

    on restraint of, 132, 191, 207, 248, 260

    on resurgence in, 109

    Sons of Liberty, organized by, 260

    on terror of, 130, 162, 186, 260, 272, 279

    on “trained mobs,” 19, 162, 257, 263

    on violence, apprehension and fear of, 129–32, 173, 185–86, 190, 193, 197, 201–02, 204, 260


    American Board of Customs

    Boston, retreat from

    informed of, 192

    “may assist our purpose,” 186

    views on, 186, 189n, 209, 215, 249–50, 257, 263

    collusion with, 15, 21–22, 28, 30, 110, 154, 192, 195, 220, 237, 257, 263, 266, 366, 372

    commissioners, conversations with, 131

    Council, views of, communicates, 192–93, 198

    frustrated by, 154

    memorials to Treasury from, aware of, 129

    on opposition to, 129–30, 152–53, 186, 202, 243

    protection and safety of

    cannot ensure, 128–34, 197–98, 269n, 289

    considers, 30, 108, 127–28, 190, 192–95, 197–98, 201, 235, 243, 270n, 375

    provides sanctuary to, 15, 186, 197, 235

    responsibilities to, 153

    Sewall’s dispute with, intervenes in, 311, 312n, 306–13

    on assemblies and governors, disputes between, 80–81

    and assembly

    adjourns, prorogues, and summons, 71, 105, 112, 213, 222–23, 255, 262, 275, 277–78, 306, 320

    answers to messages and speeches, 104

    dismissal of, 94

    dissolution of, 213, 222, 224, 226, 233, 239, 277

    and governor’s authority, 80

    and governor’s salary, 94

    petitions of, discusses, 71

    proceedings of, 72–73

    on assembly

    divisions in, 59

    governor, communications with, 73

    harmony in, 59, 104

    optimistic about, 74

    support in, lacking, 100, 167, 215

    authority of

    on restoration of, 38, 93, 122, 125, 162, 271, 278, 327, 330, 348

    undermined, 235, 349

    and Boston Gazette, prosecution of printers of, 18, 113–15, 121–25, 181

    Boston selectmen

    and, 130, 207–08, 245, 248, 319, 332–33, 338

    exceed their authority, 321, 343

    Boston town meeting

    (12 Sept. 1768), views on, 35, 316, 319–20, 322

    meets with committees of, 208

    Boston, removal from, considered, 279

    Circular Letter

    on adoption of

    first motion for, defeat of, 87, 100, 261

    passage of, 90, 98, 100–01, 104, 161, 163, 261, 314

    on colonial responses to, 222

    FB, comments on, 99

    observations on, 98–99

    obtains copy of, 10, 98, 104, 106

    on radicalism of, 12, 99, 102, 144, 161


    and Council

    addresses and answers from

    commentaries on, 268

    discussed, 169, 268, 335, 349, 356

    mentioned, 336, 347, 350

    printing of, unauthorized, 336, 348, 355

    quoted, 342

    American Board of Customs

    protection and safety of, consider, 127, 130, 190, 193, 195, 202, 235, 370

    retreat from Boston of, consider, 23, 30, 195, 235, 268, 370

    Bowdoin’s influence in, xxv, 2, 22, 38, 40, 163, 230n, 256, 269–70n, 348, 355

    British troops

    imminent arrival of, disclosed, 37, 275, 291

    and quartering of, 33, 331–55

    and Gage, letters from, 294, 304, 306, 316, 338, 340–41

    and Hillsborough, letters from, 182–83, 221, 258, 275, 277, 289, 292, 340–41

    and impressment, 208

    king, and petition to, 224, 255–56, 314, 396

    Liberty riot

    deliberations on, 22, 186, 192–94, 198, 201–03, 243, 250, 268, 342

    investigation of, 193, 272, 295

    messages and speeches to, 113

    military assistance, propriety of, deliberations on, 16, 22, 31–32, 73, 203–04, 264–68

    newspaper libels, deliberations on, 113, 121, 167

    proceedings of, 113

    (1 Mar. 1768), 117n

    (18 Mar. 1768), 128–30, 133–34n, 275, 294, 332, 338

    (11–13 Jun. 1768), 180, 186, 189–90, 193–95, 202–03, 236

    (30 Jun.–7 Jul. 1768), 223, 395

    (22 Jul. 1768), 267

    (29 Jul. 1768), 277

    (30 Aug. 1768), 289

    (22 Sept. 1768), 332, 335

    (26 Sept. 1768), 339–42, 347–50n, 356, 355–56

    (29 Sept. 1768), 354

    relationship with, about, 2, 17, 25, 31, 38–39

    and Shelburne, letters from, 74, 101, 103, 105

    “state” of province, discuss, 250

    his strategic considerations, 163, 169–70, 195, 265, 297

    and Whig party, 20, 40, 169

    on Council

    censure of, 74, 101, 104–05, 112, 356

    councilors in crowds, 259

    crowd action, views of concerning, 15, 127–28, 130, 342

    debates in, 131–32

    disposition of, 186, 202

    elections to, 122, 168–69, 176

    procedures for, 167–68, 176

    evasiveness of, 331, 339

    government officers and judges, exclusion of, 166, 168–69, 321

    Hutchinson, attempted restoration of, 167, 172–76

    “imbecillity” of, 122

    and lieutenant governor as member, 169

    membership of, constitutional provisions for, 169

    military assistance

    on authority to request, 131, 257, 264, 266–67, 298

    reluctance to request, 16, 22, 30–31, 108, 110, 131, 195, 204, 235–36, 239, 254, 258, 263–67

    opposition from, 170, 265–66, 296, 331–36, 349

    Otis, insulted by, 113

    Otis’s influence on, 113, 115, 332

    popular influence in, 113, 122, 131, 235–36, 296, 349

    has “popular Spirit,” 267

    and province secretary as member, 169

    royal appointment of, 18, 20, 296

    support from, 113–15, 122, 168

    support in, 113

    timidity of, 122, 243, 273, 297

    vetoes elected councilors, 167

    as tactic, 19, 74, 101, 105, 160, 166–68, 170, 221

    votes and divisions in, 38, 113, 347, 355

    and Whig party, 38, 296

    on Crown officials

    low morale of, 146

    loyalty of, 286

    “obnoxious” to people, 169

    protection and safety of, 23, 108–09, 152, 154, 250, 268, 305

    reprisals, fear of, 17, 23, 153–54, 318

    salaries, 93


    advises, 65, 69, 71

    consults with, 10, 12, 65, 71–72, 98, 104

    Shelburne, letter to FB from, presents, 10

    on Customs officers

    intimidation of, 108–10, 119–20, 135, 153–54, 169, 215, 243, 259–60, 317

    resistance to, 135, 295, 317

    unpopularity, 169, 215

    on “Dignity” of, 163

    and General Court

    adjourns, prorogues, and summons, 114, 119, 223, 242, 255

    on dissolution of, 223, 242

    opens, 59, 65

    on proceedings of, 59, 113, 119n, 169, 202–03

    on government officers

    Crown salaries for, recommends, 147, 172

    salaries of, 93, 147, 150, 154, 278

    on governors, colonial

    Crown salaries for, recommends, 7, 93–94

    salaries of, 233

    House of Representatives

    and House of Representatives,

    agent of, refuses to recognize, 19, 70n, 91n, 142, 160–61n

    enemies in, 106

    FB’s removal, 223, 226–27

    Hillsborough, instructions from, plans for communicating, 213

    messages and speeches to, 25, 59, 102, 104–06, 109, 112–16, 120, 169–70, 172, 202, 220–22, 328

    proceedings of

    (1765), 328

    (1766), 90n

    (21 Jan.–11 Feb. 1768), 88n

    (23 Feb. 1768), 76n

    (25 May–30 Jun. 1768), 25, 169, 171n, 181, 201n, 203, 205n, 212–14n, 220–23, 228–29n, 243–44

    (30 Dec. 1767–4 Mar. 1768), 59, 65, 67, 69, 71–73, 87, 89–90, 93, 98, 100, 103–06, 112–13, 116, 160, 386

    discusses, 71–72, 109, 113, 213, 233–34, 261–63

    province agents, grants for, 101, 103n

    and Shelburne, his correspondence with, 104, 106–07, 293

    Townshend duties, papers respecting, negotiates for, 72

    on House of Representatives

    DeBerdt, instructions to, 65, 69, 71–72, 112, 207

    disposition of, 72, 80, 84, 87–88, 92–93, 142, 221, 313

    good humor in, 59, 72, 88, 93

    irregular proceedings of, 72–73

    king, petitions to, 71–74, 138–39, 142, 221, 223, 255–56

    lacks influence and support in, 74, 100, 115, 167, 215

    libel, dismissal of, 86, 112–13, 119–20

    members’ speeches, 65, 69, 90, 113, 221, 297, 299

    moderation of, 115

    opposition in, 112, 167

    printers, reluctance to prosecute, 86, 112

    procedural irregularities and innovations, 74

    proceedings of, 66, 70–76, 86–88, 97–99, 103–07, 112–18, 160, 172

    radicalism of, 102, 104, 112–13, 221–22, 225, 244

    reconciliation with, 87

    Townshend duties, remonstrances against, 59, 65, 69, 71–73, 90, 112, 143, 148, 161, 163

    votes and divisions, 14, 59, 87, 89–90, 98, 100–02, 104, 113, 142, 149, 223

    Whig leaders in, 113, 119–20, 169–70, 172, 221–22, 225, 297, 299–300

    and Whig party, 12–13, 65, 69, 87, 90, 100–01, 104–05, 109, 112–13, 161–62, 166–67, 176, 181, 213, 220–21, 225, 244

    and Hutchinson

    as advisor and confidant, 17, 104, 140, 156, 213

    as FB’s successor, 156

    loyalty of, 18, 168

    relationship, about, 17–18, 32, 272

    on Hutchinson

    as Castle William, captain of, 240

    censure of, 59

    as chief justice, 121–26, 140, 181, 248, 295

    conduct of, praises, 122–23


    attempted reelection to, 175

    exclusion from, 112, 166

    nonelection to, 167, 169, 172, 176

    proposed restoration to, 167–68, 172–73, 175

    libels against, 295

    as lieutenant governor, 156, 167–68

    “resolution & steadiness” of, 122

    on juries, unreliability of, 121

    on justices of the peace, 186, 201, 259, 266

    on law

    breaches of, 301

    enforcement of, 120, 122, 219

    fundamental laws, 82

    ignorance of, 330

    law of the land, 63, 113, 122, 131, 140

    popular resistance to, 122, 356

    rule of, 110

    submission to, 108

    suspension of, 108

    unconstitutional, 320, 356

    on “levelling” of, 122

    loyalist association, supports, 132

    on Malcom, attempted arrest of, 15, 295

    may have to quit, 268

    on opposition to, 93, 122, 235, 325, 343, 352

    on province agent, appointment of, 101

    on rescinding controversy, 223, 296

    on support for, 18, 20, 59, 89–90, 93, 100–01, 104, 113, 147, 161–62, 176, 269

    on weakness of, 14, 16, 19, 30–31, 40, 114, 119, 122, 131, 235, 259, 263, 296, 328, 349

    on writs of assistance, 139–41


    See also Governor and Council

    accused of misconduct

    by Adams, S., 133n, 193n, 204n

    by Whig party, 106, 167

    accused of misrepresentation

    by Adams, S., 133–34n, 189n, 211–12n, 323–24n

    evidence respecting, 115–16

    by House of Representatives, 226, 244, 383–85

    Otis, retracted by, 208

    by Whig party, 40, 105, 109, 112

    administration, history of, 268

    advisers, 19, 118n


    on defiance of, 31, 162, 234, 249, 321–32

    plans to leave, 234, 291, 296

    postpones, 20, 298, 317

    prepares to leave, 298, 326, 346

    Boston town meeting

    aids and assists, 200, 205–06, 208, 215

    campaign against impressment, assists, 200

    his conduct reviewed and examined by, 11, 26, 133n, 193n, 323n

    requests of, FB answers, 205–06

    British army officers, assists, 59

    British government, communications with, protocol respecting, 72–73

    Castle William, in residence at, 353, 379

    as “Civil Magistrate”

    British troops to assist, 271, 284, 305, 373

    parliamentary authority, obedience to, duties concerning, 273

    responsibilities, 271–73

    conduct as

    approved, 74, 96–97, 101, 105, 142, 155, 182, 218, 254, 314–15, 325

    royal observations, 142, 150, 181, 314, 388

    defends, 9, 327–29

    confidants of, 89, 128n, 181n

    Corner, discusses impressment with, 206, 208, 210

    Crown, defends authority of, 166, 168, 205, 219, 254, 286, 296, 330

    despondency of, 32, 215, 258, 269

    errors of fact and judgment, 269n

    Hallowell, briefs, 214

    Hancock, and pursuit of, 19, 35

    impressment, and opposition to, 23, 175, 200, 205–10, 214–15

    informers, and use of, 33–35, 154, 226, 248, 296, 299, 309–10

    instructions as

    American Board of Customs, to assist, 26, 159, 206, 251, 273, 366–67, 372

    received, 301

    assembly, to dissolve, 150

    Board of Trade, correspondence with, respecting, 241–42

    British troops, deployment of, 270–76

    receives, 155, 274

    Circular Letter, rescinding of, 9, 12–13, 142, 150–51, 275, 313–14

    about, 9, 13, 24–26, 28, 77, 106, 143

    discussed, 314

    issued, 106, 143

    receives, 13, 24, 77, 170, 214

    his reporting of, 25–26, 99, 225, 230, 261

    undermines his support, 215

    General Court, removal of, respecting, 273, 278, 280

    in post, to remain, 274

    Kinsman, apprehension of, respecting, 289

    leave of absence, sign manual for, 217–18

    cited, 26, 95, 184n

    received, 26, 95, 234

    Liberty riot, to investigate, 272, 274, 291

    official correspondence

    communication to assemblies, concerning, 292–93, 314

    transmission of, concerning, 4, 76–80, 241, 252

    province magistracy, reform of, 272, 274, 291, 314

    royal instructions, review of, respecting, 216–17, 301

    secretary of state, communication with, respecting, 242, 251–52, 302

    treason, to investigate, 39, 272

    as king’s representative, 12, 39, 71–73, 106, 116, 264, 271, 325, 331, 348–49

    leave of absence

    advised to postpone, 284

    granted, 26, 95, 183

    intimation of, 156

    postpones, 95, 317

    prepares to take, 287–88, 298, 325–26

    proposes to take, 36, 94, 120, 287, 317

    on purpose of, 17, 26

    reconsiders, 234

    request for, about, 154–55

    requests, 146, 152–53, 173, 233–34, 287, 317

    seeks, 94–95, 218, 233–34

    suspends, 326

    messages and speeches to assembly

    ennui in, 60n

    opponents, 5

    on oratory, inoffensiveness of, 59

    orders-in-council concerning, 77

    as people’s advocate, 147

    political strategy

    discusses, 166–73

    reviews, 163, 169, 176

    political tactics, 172, 176

    as politician, 7, 17, 215, 269, 274, 291

    recall of, considered, 13

    relocation of

    options offered, 20, 145, 151, 154

    options, considers, 93, 145, 156

    removal of sought, 223, 226–27

    on royal authority

    challenges to, 12, 35, 104, 321, 339, 353, 356

    reinvigoration and restoration of, 6, 20, 96, 110, 122, 141, 161, 265–66, 296–97

    on salary of, 92–94, 147

    secretary of state, represents, 73, 385


    America, and friends of, 6–7

    American politics

    on misunderstanding of, 172–73

    British politics

    and, 67

    on, 269

    Crown, authority of, expected to maintain, 182–83, 217, 271, 274, 286

    as “enemy,” 320

    and Halifax, 6

    his critics in, 13

    on imperial administration, 137

    on imperial authority, 162, 320

    on merchants of, 137

    Parliament impatient with colonies, 65, 69, 71


    Administration of the Colonies (Thomas Pownall), reads, 148

    American Colonies, rues “Indulgence” of, 93

    American colonists

    accused of conspiring against, 115

    accused of misrepresenting, 1–2, 383–85

    on rights and liberties of, 71, 131, 205

    “Bill of Rights,” 83, 101

    Englishmen, of, 221

    “Imprudent Assertions,” 59

    self-defense, of, 320

    treasonable assertions of, 85

    on causes of, 23, 80–82

    on colonial government,

    British intervention, advocates, 3, 11, 20, 24, 27, 110, 115, 173, 176

    discusses, 11

    reform of, 78, 81

    escalation in, warns of, 20, 132, 153, 162, 165, 215, 263

    on insurrection

    fear of, 194

    possibilities of, 154

    Parliament traduced, 137, 154, 176, 233

    Parliament, American Representation in, advocates, 65–66, 69–70, 81–86, 89–90, 101, 148, 320

    on parliamentary authority

    arguments undermining, 71, 84, 89, 98–99, 108–09, 138, 168, 320, 332

    and colonial legislative autonomy, 320

    defiance of, 271

    denial of, 12, 90, 98

    determined to maintain, 256, 265, 273

    opposition to, 59, 63, 84, 89, 98, 101, 108–09, 122, 132, 136, 138, 168, 173, 320

    submission to, 70

    and supremacy, 40, 70, 89, 101, 320

    undermining of, 64

    parliamentary intervention, urges, 109, 266, 278

    on parliamentary taxation

    exemptions claimed, 99, 108

    “external” and “internal” taxes, 69, 71, 83

    grievances concerning, 83, 94, 99

    opposition to, 14, 65, 69, 71, 82–83, 108, 138

    on royal authority

    challenges to, 122, 162, 167, 263, 316, 320, 335

    on sovereignty, 82, 85, 89, 262, 330, 344

    on Stamp Act, repeal of, 109


    blames “political dissentions” at, 83

    on colonists ignorance of, 116


    on Impost and Tunnage Act (1768), 278

    on province agent, grants for, 119n

    on salary acts, 278


    accounts of, 184–90

    Hallowell delivers, 214–15, 274, 276

    Harrison, discusses with, 191

    on aftermath of, 201–12, 233–35

    Hallowell, assaults on, describes, 185

    Harrison, assaults on, describes, 185

    Hillsborough, instructions from

    investigation, to undertake, 37, 272, 274, 291

    on failure of, 295–96

    response to, about, 24


    on Adams, S., 164

    on American Board of Customs

    commissioners “frightened,” 14

    in danger, 14, 120, 153–54, 193, 235

    on Boston faction

    “Terror,” foment, 162, 260, 279

    on civil disorder, 80, 120, 130–31, 321, 333

    on DeBerdt, 69–70n

    on Dulany, 63

    freedom of debate compromised, 15, 273, 278

    on friends of government, 59

    on “good government”, 30, 87–88, 93–94, 100, 104, 157, 254

    on Hawley, 89

    on Hutchinson, fidelity of, 168

    on insurrection

    plots, 31, 35, 240, 245, 319, 321, 390

    possibility of, 22–23, 29, 129, 153, 194, 201, 209, 234, 240, 316, 318–20, 332, 345

    King Charles I, “Murther” of, 221

    on “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” 63–64

    as “American Political Creed,” 148

    as “Masterly Writings,” 63–64

    on “levelling,” 122

    on libel, prosecutions for, 113, 121–22, 125, 167, 296

    on newspaper libels, 112, 114, 295

    on Otis Jr.

    antiauthoritarianism of, 221, 225–26

    Boston Gazette, as political manager of, 112, 115, 119

    Council, insults, 113

    disputes with colleagues, 12, 119

    influence of, 89, 101, 104, 222

    as “madman,” 113

    “Quarrel” raises, 120

    reasonableness of, 169–70, 172

    as “seditious Demagogue,” 122

    “violent & virulent” speeches of, 221, 225, 297

    on Otis Sr., 168

    people, the

    anxieties and distress of, 278

    “enraged,” 123n

    “ill temper” of, 356

    lacking composure, 213

    on leaders of, 84, 93, 191

    nonimportation movement, confidence in, 136

    official correspondence, on awareness of, 239

    parliamentary taxation, will not submit to, 120, 132

    on power of, 104, 122, 235

    resentment of, 278

    sedition of, 316–17, 319, 321, 332

    social depictions of, 93, 122, 162, 168, 172, 207, 235, 332, 348

    on politicians

    “Depotism” of, 162

    provoke British resentment, 352

    on sedition, 35, 186, 202, 236, 250, 259, 263, 316–18, 345

    evidence of, 262, 299–300, 314

    on Sewall, 19, 34, 296

    on Sons of Liberty, 23, 31, 36, 109, 186, 204, 207, 209, 235–36, 250, 259, 261, 316–17, 346

    as source of information, 296, 298, 348

    on treason, 20, 36, 85, 162, 297



    awarded, 156

    offer of, Barrington conveys, 155–56

    patent of, cost of, anxieties concerning, 156, 286

    on Bernard, Amelia, 92, 285–86

    on Bernard, Shute, death of, 146

    and Bernard, Thomas, 45

    on children, 16, 92, 146

    loss of, 146–47

    country house and estate (Jamaica Farm), 201, 207, 290n

    death, reflections on, 126

    England, wishes to return to, 17, 267, 288

    on family, 153, 285

    cost of supporting, 325

    reputation of, 153

    on friends, 59, 148, 285

    health of, 213, 233, 327, 329

    portrait of, iv

    on Pownall, J., career of, 59


    on Adams and Otis,

    differences, 25, 225–26

    disagreements, 244

    Adams, S.

    accused of bullying by, 193n, 204n

    accused of conspiracy by, 22, 25, 133n, 134n, 188–89n, 211–12n, 246n, 323n

    and, 2, 39–40, 167, 212n, 226, 229n, 237n

    character of, attacks, 24, 163

    correspondence reviewed by, 133–34n, 188–89n, 193n, 204n, 210–12n, 246n, 323–24n

    investigates, 88n

    on, 352

    and Boston Faction

    accused of misrepresentation by, 105, 109, 112, 167, 244

    on Boston faction

    American Board of Customs, intimidates, 152, 260

    and Boston Gazette, 65, 349

    British troops

    and quartering of, 332, 334

    and arrival of, 319

    influence of, 162–63, 223, 295, 332

    and jury “tampering,” 121, 125, 295

    leadership by, 90, 162, 167, 244, 319

    military action against, considers, 263–64, 279

    mob, distrust of, 259

    popularity wanes, 286, 317

    populism of, 244

    proposes impeachment of, 223

    radicalism of, 109, 152, 168, 173, 244, 295, 325

    sedition of, 17, 153, 250, 318

    tactics of, 162, 167, 169, 176

    “Wickedness” of, 114

    on Boston Gazette

    libels published by, 12, 112–13, 121–22, 125, 295

    political “Managers” of, 112, 121

    printers of, 181

    on Boston representatives, 20, 87, 90, 100, 105, 112–13, 161–63, 167, 213, 220–21

    and Convention of Towns, 352

    death threats issued by, 236

    divisions among, 244

    House of Representatives, as leaders in, 100, 120, 169, 172, 222, 233, 297, 299

    on Boston town meeting, 213, 328

    on Boston, prominence of, 278–79


    accused of misrepresentation by, 256

    views on, 347, 355

    on Brattle, 355

    Convention of Towns

    dispersal of, orders, 330–31

    on “moderation” of, 36

    proceedings, on criminality of, 321, 344

    on Danforth, 355

    on Erving, J., 355

    on Flucker, 355

    friends of government

    in House of Representatives, 12, 59, 89–90, 100, 104, 113, 161–62, 167–68, 176

    on, 20, 59, 93, 126, 146–47, 162, 176, 244, 269, 296

    support from, 101, 167–68, 176

    on Gray, H., 355

    Hancock, and pursuit of, 237n

    and Hawley, 212n

    on Hubbard, 355

    on intimidation as tactic, 162, 223, 235, 243, 349

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania”

    as “Bill of Rights,” 66

    on, 63–65

    on New York, 93

    on nonimportation movement, 134–39, 182, 280–84


    adoption of, 108, 132, 135–36, 182, 280–81

    enforcement of, 132, 136–37

    subscribers and nonsubscribers, 136, 162, 280–81

    dissenters and opponents, 136, 281

    on Otis family, attempted compromise with, 167–68, 175–77

    Otis Jr.

    as enemy of, 4, 20, 226

    insulted by, 233

    investigates, 33, 88n


    in Boston town meeting, 35, 207–08, 316, 320, 332, 334

    at Convention of Towns, 352

    Cromwell, praises, 221

    Hawley, disagreement with, 90

    in House of Representatives, 69, 89, 100–01, 104, 113, 119–20, 167, 169, 172, 221–22, 233, 297, 300

    “raise & blow up fire,” promises to, 352

    unpredictability of, 208

    opposition from, suspended, 80

    on Otis Sr., 176

    on partisanship, 166–71

    on Pitts, 355

    on political writing (anti-government), 63, 65

    on popular authority and power, 162, 248, 257, 259

    on “popular leaders,” 69

    on radicalism, 14, 31, 63, 88, 102, 112, 138, 152, 162, 234, 244, 249, 274, 278, 295, 297, 317, 321, 325, 332

    in Boston, 199, 235

    on Russell, 355

    on strategy and tactics, 172–73, 176

    on Tyler, 355

    on Whig party, 243–44

    ascendancy of, 148, 161–63, 166, 171–74

    divisions in, 168, 213, 225–26, 244

    his role as mediator, 80, 210, 213

    in House of Representatives, 87, 90, 100–01, 104–05, 109, 112–13, 148, 161–62, 166–67, 176, 181, 213, 220–21, 226–27, 244, 297

    informers among, 34

    leaders of, 12, 20, 40, 65, 84, 90, 115, 122, 152, 162–63, 167, 221, 225–26, 244, 269

    Whig party, relationship with, about, 10–12, 40–41, 99, 110, 116

    on Whig writers, 64


    accounts of, 25, 220–34, , 299

    about, 25, 151

    assembly, dissolves, 25, 214, 275

    FB, political support for, undermines, 214–15, 223, 227

    House of Representatives, refusal to rescind vote for Circular Letter, 25, 223, 275, 296

    initial optimism, 213

    role in, 25–26, 227, 261, 275


    on laborers, 165

    on lawyers, 309

    on manufacturing, 136–37, 164–66

    on merchants, indebtedness of, 137

    on shipbuilding, 165

    on transatlantic travel, 152, 173


    on British politicians, 329

    on government, disruption to, 372n

    and leave of absence, 234

    and public offices, closure of, 110


    on American revenue acts, opposition to, 14, 94, 108, 119–20, 132, 135, 138

    Crown salaries, expects introduction of, 94

    on House of Representatives’ campaign for repeal, 59

    on opposition to, 65–66, 69n–74, 119, 138–39, 221, 223, 268

    escalation of, 98, 108, 110

    incitement of, 87, 90, 98, 132, 142, 152

    remonstrances against, 59, 65, 69, 71, 73, 93

    on repeal of, 256

    on Townshend duties act, 71, 100, 112


    “List of the Council who passed upon the Answer,” as enclosure, 350

    “Observations upon the Answer of the Council,” as enclosure, 268

    “Principles of Law and Polity” (1764)

    cited, 26n

    Select Letters (1774)

    cited, 85, 329

    listed, 402, 414

    publishing history, 26n

    Bernard Letters. See under BERNARD, FRANCIS: BERNARD LETTERS

    Bernard, Amelia (née Offley)

    family of, 415n

    health of, 92, 285

    mentioned, 286

    recuperation of, 285

    as wife and mother, 16

    Bernard, Francis, Jr. (son), 16

    Bernard, John (son)

    as father’s clerk, 126, 133

    Bernard, Shute (son)

    about, 146–47n

    death of, 16, 144n, 146–47

    Bernard, Thomas (son)

    as father’s clerk, 44–45, 152n

    Harvard, graduates from, 147n

    papers in handwriting of, 60, 63, 66, 70, 77, 90, 94, 102, 109, 119–20, 140, 144, 146, 148, 163, 170, 174, 178, 216–17n, 238, 240–41, 250–52, 255, 274, 287–88, 292, 294, 315, 317, 326–27, 329

    Bernard, William (son), 16

    Betty (brig), 230n

    Bible, The, 118n, 189n

    Bill of Rights (1689), 35, 231

    Blackstone, Sir William

    Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765), 230n

    Bliss, Jonathan, 230n

    Board of Customs (London), 363

    Board of Trade

    American affairs, reduced responsibilities for, 60


    FB’s messages and speeches to, FB sends, 59

    on irregular proceedings of, 73

    boundary disputes between Massachusetts and New York

    report concerning, 160

    report of provincial commission concerning, FB sends, 173n

    clerks of, 43, 133, 324n,

    and colonial governors, correspondence with, 60, 72

    composition of, 241

    correspondence with

    about, 44, 60, 78

    considered, 242

    instructions concerning, 241–42

    listed, 120

    FB, letters to Shelburne from, considers, 97n

    governors, correspondence with, about, 60, 242

    Hillsborough reforms, 242

    Hillsborough, representation to, cited, 96

    in-letters, filing system, 44

    king, representation to, cited, 97n

    letters from, cited, 164

    letters to

    cited, 141n, 367n

    considered by Board, 97n

    manufactures, account of, FB transmits, 164

    manufacturing in America, collects information on, 166n

    presidents of, 26, 50n, 53n, 241,

    and province agent, election of, procedures concerning, 96

    secretary of, 51n, 60n, 372, See also Pownall, John

    secretary of state

    and, 60

    as chairman, 241–42, 254

    letters from, 44

    Shelburne, letters to FB from

    considers, 74, 87, 123, 133, 138

    representation on, 96

    Stamp Act Congress, Ruggles’s condemnation of, FB sends, 86n

    Bollan, William

    and Bernard Letters, xxv–xxvi

    as Council agent, 25

    on FB as governor, 18

    Hillsborough, letters to, cited, 25n


    letter from, cited, 52n

    letter to, cited, 52n

    as province agent, 18

    Bonetta, HMS, 216n, 241n

    Borton (sea captain), 253


    American Board of Customs

    established at, 2, 14, 29, 183

    reports of, concerning, 10, 251

    retreat of, from, 192, 194–95, 209, 215, 243, 257, 263, 266, 268, 313n, 375, 377

    return of, to, 209, 268, 270n, 274

    returns to, 313n

    safety of, endangered in, 110n, 194, 197, 375, 377

    armory of, 245, 316, 319, 324

    assembly convening away from, 275, 278, 280n

    barracks, lacking in, 33, 332, 338

    batteries of, 174

    Bernard Letters published in, xxv–xxvi

    boundaries of, 33, 333, 339

    British government’s views on, 28–29, 41, 187, 255

    British troops

    arrival anticipated, 3, 31, 33, 38, 291, 298, 306, 319, 323n, 333

    arrival not anticipated, 32, 267

    arrival of, 3, 10, 19, 95, 155, 217, 275n, 317, 324n

    arrival, preparations for, 31, 33, 291, 293, 304, 326, 334–35, 338–40, 346

    deployment of, protests against, 3, 35, 199–200, 316, 319–20, 322, 333, 339–41

    as garrison, 20, 29, 258, 263

    landing of, 3, 36, 38, 324n, 333–34, 346n, 354, 397

    occupied by, 29, 38, 245

    ordered to, 3, 16, 23, 26–29, 33, 183–84, 200, 220, 232, 245, 253, 255, 258, 269n, 271, 277, 285n, 290, 303–04, 317, 326, 367, 372, 378, 381, 397, 398

    plans to bring, 21, 23, 32, 36, 41, 109–110, 154, 170, 178n, 220, 237–38, 253, 258, 267–68, 297, 350, 376, 382

    quartering of, 10, 28, 263, 266, 291, 293–94, 331–35, 338–41, 349, 353–54, 373

    preparations for, 338

    resistance to planned, 250n, 296, 321

    caucuses, 163

    celebrations in, 130, 182, 290n, 370

    churches of, 177

    civil order in, 23, 127, 131–34n, 190, 192, 194, 198, 202–03, 235–36, 238, 264, 271–72, 314, 332, 341, 354, 370

    and colonial protest movement, 32

    constables of, 123, 295, 331

    Council records in, xxv

    councilors residing in or near, 267, 349

    councilors residing out of, 171n, 269n

    countryside, communications with, 343, 345

    crowd action in, 1, 10, 28–29, 110n, 127–31, 134n, 182, 185–87, 190–92, 202, 204, 207, 219, 232, 242, 257, 259–60, 267, 295, 351n, 369–71, 390, 397, See also Liberty Riot

    Crown officers in, 26, 40, 180–81n

    Customhouse in, 147n, 192, 313n

    customs officers in, 53n, 128n, 180n, 185, 192, 201, 215, 243, 259–60, 370–71

    defenses of, 23, 130, 209

    “Disobedience” of, 38, 271

    disposition of, 271, 397

    “Faction” in. See under Boston Faction

    factionalism in, 114

    FB, and

    attends meetings in, 201–02

    family in, 16

    his enemies in, 12, 39, 328

    plans to leave, 20, 234, 291, 296, 298, 326, 346

    postpones, 298, 317

    retreats from, 190n, 201, 321, 347

    returns to, 290n, 294n, 347


    arrives at, 346n

    and correspondence of, 220

    gentlemen of, 207, 236, 259, 289n, 319

    gentry of, 175

    Great Britain

    defies, 31, 162, 234, 249, 321, 332

    and submission to, 245, 249

    handbills in circulation, 202, 209, 259

    impressment, resistance to, 20, 175n, 200, 208, 237n

    inhabitants of, 21, 35, 162, 175, 187, 200, 248, 259, 323n, 354

    insurrection in, fears of, 1, 29, 34, 133, 194, 317

    justices of the peace in, 272

    king’s speech (8 Nov. 1768) concerning, 38

    labor in, 137

    law courts meet in, 121, 181, 295

    law enforcement in, 29, 263

    London, compared to, 29

    magistrates, 272

    mail to and from, 3, 171n, 173, 183–84n, 186, 214–15, 219, 230n, 232, 247, 253, 285, 287–88, 294, 295, 298, 302–03, 306, 321, 366, See also under Mail

    manufacturing in, 137, 165

    mentioned, 2, 19, 22, 177–78n, 191, 259–60, 313, 316, 338, 366, 369, 371

    merchants of, 32, 90, 103n, 132, 136–37, 139n, 141, 164, 189n, 281, 308, 337n, 367n

    militia, 174, 390

    artillery, 174

    and Stamp Act riots, 195

    “mobs” in, 19, 132–33, 162, 185, 257, 280, 390

    New York, communications with, 232

    newspapers of, 63, 158n, 170n, 364, 370, See under Newspapers; individual titles

    nonconsumption agreement, 139n, 166n

    nonimportation agreement

    adoption of, 14, 20, 32, 132, 136–38n, 165, 280–81, 365, 372

    enforcement of, 136

    opposition to, 280–81

    support for, 20, 116n, 136, 139n, 280–82

    nonimportation movement in, 282n, See also under Nonimportation

    impact of, 166

    North End, 178n

    pamphlets published in, 64n, 67n, 103n

    parliamentary authority, opposition to, 397

    peace in, 134, See also Boston: civil order in

    people of, 248, 259, 274, 354, 364, 377

    politics of, 5–6, 10, 30–36

    poor of, 337n

    poor rate, 137

    popular opinion concerning, 278–79

    popular opinion in, 3, 20, 23, 35, 38, 110, 166, 189, 200, 215, 346

    popular power in, 30–31, 162, 248, 257, 259, 274, 354, 364, 377, See also Boston: “mobs” in

    population of, 37

    property holders, 365

    public buildings in, 38, 337–38, See also Manufactory House, Boston; Town House, Boston

    radicalism in, 14, 63, 364

    radicalism of, 31, 162, 234, 249, 317, 321, 332

    reputation of, 132, 342

    insulted, 243

    revolt (1689), 353

    revolt feared, 324n, 377

    seizures at, See under Seizures: Boston, at

    sermons in, 226

    shipbuilders of, 165

    shipbuilding in, 165

    smuggling in, 369

    Sons of Liberty in, 85, 316, See also Sons of Liberty

    South End, 210n

    and Stamp Act crisis, 152

    and Stamp Act riots, See under Stamp Act Riots, Boston (1765)

    “state of,” 30, 108, 119, 154, 212n, 215, 219, 235, 237, 270n, 272, 297, 332, 335

    crisis in, 199

    streets of, 128, 130, 187

    submission of, 245

    tax collectors, 2, 163–64n

    town batteries, 372n

    troubles in, 266

    unemployment and underemployment in, 165

    wages in, 165

    waterfront, 21, 165, 175, 185, 187, 243, 248

    Whig party, 51n, See also under Whig Party; Boston Faction

    ideology of, 237n

    influence of, 64, 162

    and popular celebrations, 64

    Stamp Act, repeal of, celebrates, 15

    workers of, 165

    Boston Chronicle

    cited, 171n, 175n, 201n, 230n, 292n, 337n, 350n

    colonial assemblies, letters to House of Representatives from, prints, 228n

    as enclosure, 225

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” reprints, 63, 67n, 102, 368n

    Boston Common, 21, 353

    Boston Evening-Post

    Boston nonimportation agreement, prints, 282n

    Boston selectmen, circular to Massachusetts towns from, printed, 401

    Camden’s speech, prints, 68, 70n, 85

    cited, 26, 107n, 117n, 121n, 237n, 276n, 279–80n, 285n, 318n

    colonial assemblies’ letters to House of Representatives, prints, 228n

    Convention of Towns, letter to FB from, prints, 344

    Conway, letter to FB from, prints, 107n

    as enclosures, 85, 249–50, 262

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” reprints, 63, 102

    listed, 405, 415

    Maryland assembly, letter to House of Representatives from, prints, 249n

    Parliament, presented to, 262

    and Pitt’s speech, 68n

    Boston Faction. See also under Whig Party

    American Board of Customs, intimidates, 152, 260

    and Boston Gazette, 65, 112, 121, 349

    British resentment, “provokes,” 352

    British troops

    and arrival of, 250n, 318–19

    and quartering of, 332, 334

    and Council

    elections to, 169, 176

    influence in, 223

    “Depotism” of, 162

    dominance of, 161–63


    impeachment of, advocates, 223

    misrepresentations by, accusations concerning, 105, 109, 112, 167, 244

    House of Representatives

    in, 105, 112–13, 115, 167, 213, 220–21, 225–26

    influence in, 87, 90, 100, 105, 161–63, 221

    decline of, 161

    jury, “tampering” with, 121, 125, 295

    leadership by, 12, 90, 112, 162–63, 167, 244, 319

    merchants aid, 280

    military action against, discussed, 263–64, 279

    mob, distrust, 259

    and nonimportation, 112

    opponents, intimidate, 162

    parliamentary authority, opposition to, 109, 168, 173, 387

    popularity of, 162, 173, 244, 323n

    wanes, 286, 317

    radicalism of, 152, 244, 295, 325

    sedition of, 17, 153, 250, 318

    tactics of, 162, 167, 169

    “Terror,” foment, 162, 260, 279

    and Townshend duties, opposition to, 132, 152

    Boston Gazette

    “A True Patriot”

    about, 117n

    cited, 123n, 372n

    quoted, 118n

    and Boston faction, 112

    Boston town meeting

    petition of, prints, 200

    proceedings of, prints, 211n

    on British soldiers, arrival of, 324n

    censure of, considered by assembly, 113

    cited, 107n, 116n, 171n, 216n, 237n, 368n

    “Clericus Americanus”

    about, 323n

    quoted, 322n

    Convention of Towns

    letter to FB from, prints, 344

    petition to FB from, prints, 331n

    proceedings of, prints, 345n, 353n

    crowds, comments on, 128

    DeBerdt, letter to Otis from, prints, 368n

    “Democritus,” 139n

    as enclosure, 115, 119, 123, 138, 262, 281, 298, 317, 321

    FB, letter to Boston town meeting from, prints, 206, 330

    House of Representatives

    answers to FB’s messages and speeches, prints, 117n

    letters to Hillsborough from, prints, 249n, 388

    letters to Shelburne from, prints, 139n

    proceedings of, prints, 245n, 279n

    on Hutchinson’s salary, 300n

    invective in, about, 117n

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” reprints, 63, 65, 102

    libels, prints, 12, 112, 115, 121–22, 125, 295

    listed, 411

    messages, prints, 105

    Parliament, presented to, 262, 290n

    political “Managers” of, 112, 121

    political writers in, 125

    printers of, 18, 115, See also Edes, Benjamin; Gill, John

    legal proceedings against, 181

    radical articles, prints, 318, 321

    “Roger Martyn,” cited, 280n

    Shelburne, letters to FB from, comments on, 106

    Sons of Liberty, advertisement by, prints, 260

    “Wyman,” cited, 280n

    Boston Harbor, 241n, 369, 377

    islands in, 135

    mentioned, 135

    Royal Navy

    movements in and out of, 53–54n, 175n, 216n, 240, 241n, 318n, 376n, 378n

    ordered to, 183, 367

    ships at anchor or in port, 29, 174, 200, 238, 345, 367

    Boston Massacre (1770), 40, 351n

    Boston News-Letter

    Convention of Towns, letter to FB from, prints, 344

    as enclosure, 289, 317

    FB, letter to Boston town meeting from, prints, 330

    Parliament, presented to, 289

    and Pitt’s speech, 68n

    Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser

    Boston selectmen, circular to Massachusetts towns from, prints, 401

    Boston town meeting, minutes of, prints, 323n

    cited, 52n, 107n, 126n, 146, 178n, 292n

    as enclosure, 126, 138, 321

    FB, proclamation of, prints, 214n

    House of Representatives

    petition to king from, prints, 139n

    proceedings of, prints, 279n

    Boston Public Library, 25

    Boston Representatives. See also Boston Faction

    and Convention of Towns, 352

    death threats issued by, 236

    divisions among, 244

    FB’s criticism of, 20, 163, 225

    House of Representatives

    committees, as members of, 75n, 221, 228n

    as leaders in, 2, 10–12, 100, 120, 163, 169–70, 172, 222, 233, 297, 299

    identified, 50n, 68n

    instructions to, 209–10, 273, 365

    Boston Selectmen

    armory, orders respecting, 245

    authority of, 248

    defended, 324n, 345n

    exceeded, 36, 321, 324n, 401

    Baldwin, interview, 128

    beacon, order erection of, 319

    Boston faction, under influence of, 332

    Convention of Towns, summon, 35–36, 331, 345, 351n, 353, See also Boston Selectmen: Massachusetts towns, circular to

    Council, report to, quoted, 337n

    crowd action, regulate, 130

    effigies and flags, order removal of, 128

    FB meets with, 208, 338

    and FB, 133n

    and impressment, 208

    listed, 401

    Massachusetts towns, circular to, 399–401

    about, 35–36, 324n, 345

    cited, 345n

    co-signatories to, 401

    as enclosure, 321, 401

    mentioned, 343

    Parliament, presented to, 322

    published, 401

    royal authority, usurps, 321

    mentioned, 207, 211n, 333n

    and smallpox quarantine, 60n

    smuggled goods, order return of, 31, 248, 249

    town meeting, summon, 207

    troops, arrival of, apprehensions concerning, 400

    and troops, quartering of, 332, 337–38

    Boston Tea Party (1773), 189n

    Boston Town Meeting

    (12 Sept. 1768)

    accounts of, 322, 324n

    FB’s reports on, 35, 300n, 316–20, 322

    proceedings of, 317, 323–324n, 346n

    British government receives, 324n

    resolutions of, 345, 401

    speeches in, 316, 320, 322

    summoned, 297, 316

    and Adams, S., 20, 163–64n

    American Board of Customs

    discusses, 270n

    insults delivered at, 15

    retreat of, apprehensions concerning, 23

    speeches concerning, 375

    committees of, 165, 200, 207–08, 211–12n, 323n

    FB meets with, 208

    correspondence with, about, 206

    debates in, 22


    letters to

    cited, 211n

    prepared, 207

    writes to, 200


    assisted by, 205–06

    conduct of, scrutinizes, 11, 26

    criticizes, 133n, 193n, 323n

    meets with, 211n

    messages and answers of, scrutinizes, 328

    requests assistance of, 200, 208

    requests information from, 33

    FB’s views on, 213, 328

    friends of government at, 299


    opposes, 208–11n, 215, 273

    protests, 199–200

    letters from, listed, 414

    letters to, 205–06

    cited, 22, 329n

    as enclosures, 210, 330

    listed, 408, 414

    published, 206, 330

    quoted, 33

    as replies, 200

    town, considered by, 306n

    Liberty riot, proceedings concerning, 198–201, 211n, 214n, 270n

    linen manufactory, establishes, 337n

    manufacturing, resolves respecting, 112, 116n, 139n, 368–70

    minutes of

    as enclosure, 321

    Parliament, presented to, 322

    mispresentations of, counteracts, 200

    adopts nonconsumption, 139n

    and nonimportation, 135, 365, 372

    officials, election of, 370

    opposition in, 200

    and Otis Jr., 332

    Parliament, condemned by, 38

    Pennsylvania Farmer, thanks, 102, 370

    petition from, 198–201

    doctrines in, Hillsborough condemns, 273

    FB considers, 215

    Parliament, presented to, 200

    petitions of

    cited, 22, 206, 211n, 215–16n, 270n, 276n

    as enclosures, 210

    published, 324n

    proceedings of

    as enclosures, 317

    printed, 211n

    towns, transmitted to, 365

    representatives, instructions to

    about, 368n

    cited, 201n

    doctrines in, 273

    Townshend Acts, concerning, 209, 211n, 365, 368n

    requests of, FB answers, 205–06

    rescued cargo, returns, 248

    resolves of, concerning British troops, 346

    Romney, HMS, demands removal of, 200

    speeches in

    bravado of, 36

    discussed, 182

    sedition, as evidence of, 36

    Whig party in, 40

    Boston Weekly News-Letter

    cited, 214n

    colonial assemblies, letters to House of Representatives from, prints, 228n

    Copies of Letters from Governor Bernard to Hillsborough, advertises, xxv

    FB, proclamation of, prints, 245n, 280n

    Hillsborough, letter to FB from, prints, 275

    House of Representatives

    letters to Hillsborough from, prints, 229n, 388, 246n

    proceedings of, prints, 279n

    Letters to the Ministry, advertises, xxvi

    printer of, 337n

    Botetourt, Lord

    death of, 157n

    as governor of Virginia

    appointed, 271, 284, 378

    appointment of

    FB learns of, 326–27

    FB unaware of, 284

    arrival of, 285n

    anticipated, 327, 398

    residence requirement, 285n, 327n

    letter to, cited, 285n

    mentioned, 157n

    Boundary Commission (1767), 60n, 171n, 173n

    Boundary Disputes between Massachusetts and

    New Hampshire, 50n, 161n

    New York, 60n, 160–61, 171n, 173n

    Bourn, Melatiah, 211n

    Bowdoin, Elizabeth, 53n

    Bowdoin, James

    Bernard Letters

    Danforth sends, xxv

    printers, sends to, xxv


    election to, 396n

    leads opposition in, 2, 22, 38, 163, 170, 347, 350

    papers of

    as co-signatory to, 395

    as co-writer, 350–51n

    publishes, 355

    writes, 230n, 270n, 350n, 396

    petition to king, drafts, 396

    votes in, 350n

    as councilor, 50n, 117n, 175n, 212n, 229n, 269n, 337n, 351n, 395


    as enemy of, 2, 40, 117n

    on misrepresentations of, 256

    Hillsborough, letters to, cited, xxv

    identified, 356n

    impressment, protests against, 21n2

    letter from, cited, 212n

    politics of, 212n, 355, 356n

    and Temple, 53n

    Whig party, as leader of, 2, 22, 40, 163, 269–70n

    Bowers, Jerathmeel

    Council, election to, vetoed, 167–68, 228–29n

    House of Representatives, as committee member, 75n, 229n, 362n, 389n

    identified, 170–71n

    Boylston, Nicholas, 282n

    Boylston, Thomas, 282n

    Bradbury, John

    as councilor, 117n

    politics of, 212n

    Bradford, Alden, 362

    Bradford, Gamaliel

    as councilor, 117n

    poitics of, 212n

    Bradshaw, Thomas

    American Board of Customs

    letter to, cited, 378n

    letters from, cited, 363

    memorials of, explains Treasury’s reception of, 378

    on Hillsborough, instructions to FB from, 372

    Hillsborough, sends to

    American Board of Customs

    letter to Dalrymple from, copy of, 376

    letter to Gage from, copy of, 376

    memorials to Treasury from, copies of, 366, 372, 378

    identified, 416n

    letters from, not found, 289n

    letters to

    cited, 289n

    listed, 413

    mentioned, 147n

    Pownall, sends to

    American Board of Customs, memorial to Treasury from, 372

    Brattle, William

    Council, votes in, 350n

    as councilor, 117, 175n, 189n, 229n, 269n

    FB, as critic of, 117

    politics of, 355, 356n

    Brett (ship’s captain), 214–15

    Bridgewater, Mass., 230n

    Bristol County, Mass., 180n

    British Army. See also Boston: British troops

    14th Regiment of Foot, 28, 33, 178n, 184, 290, 304

    29th Regiment of Foot, 28, 33, 184, 290, 304

    47th Regiment of Foot, 292n

    48th Regiment of Foot, 346n

    59th Regiment of Foot, 184

    62d Regiment of Foot, 397

    64th Regiment of Foot, 29, 38, 275n, 285n

    65th Regiment of Foot, 29, 38, 275n, 285n

    artillery companies, 33, 60, 184, 346, 381

    Boston, arrival in, 3, 10, 19, 31, 36, 38, 95, 155, 217, 275n, 317, 324n, 326, 346

    anticipated, 3, 31, 33, 38, 291, 298, 306, 319, 323n, 333

    apprehensions concerning, 400–401

    preparations for, 31, 33, 291, 293, 304, 326, 334–35, 338–40, 346, See also British Army: quartering of

    Boston, deployment to, 3, 16, 27, 29–30, 109–10, 154, 200, 204–05n, 232, 237, 239, 264, 274, 337, 345, 351n, 372

    Correspondence of Gage, not mentioned in, 23

    duties and functions, 263, 305, 397

    FB does not request, 266–70

    FB reluctant to request, 257–58, 263–65

    mentioned, 183, 219, 232, 253, 271, 290, 370, 381

    not expected, 32, 267

    occupation, as army of, 3, 20, 29, 35, 38, 199–200, 245, 258, 263, 316, 319–20, 322, 333, 339, 341

    orders for, 3, 16, 26–29, 33, 36, 183–84, 200, 220, 232, 245, 253, 255, 258, 269n, 271, 277, 285n, 290–91, 303–304, 317, 326, 351n, 367, 372–74, 378, 381, 396–99

    plans to bring about, 170, 178n, 195, 204

    as police force, 29, 263

    resistance to, talk of, 23, 31, 35, 209, 250n, 296, 321, 346, 351n

    as strategic option, 131

    Boston, land in, 3, 36, 38, 324n, 346n, 354

    Boston, relations with inhabitants of, 332, 334, 338, 343, 354, 360, 400

    and Castle William, garrisoning of, 197n, 294

    commander in chief (North America), 16, 28, 52n, 183, 199, 271, 273, See also Gage, Thomas

    fear of, 35

    mentioned, 210, 253, 296, 321, 334, 345, 354

    officers mentioned, 31, 33, 59, 60n, 178n, 220, 232, 258, 290–94, 305, 346, 354, 376

    quartering of, 10, 28, 263, 266, 291, 293–94, 331, 332–35, 338–41, 349, 353–54, 373

    preparations for opposed, 331–42, 353–56

    Royal Regiment of Artillery, 346, 381

    as standing army, 35, 70n, 320, 343, 400

    British Coffee House, Boston, 130, 134n, 139n

    British Colonial Policy. See also Imperial Administration

    about, 68n, 121n

    American Board of Customs

    correspondence of, influence on, 187

    governors’ responsibilities to, respecting, 159, 206, 251, 273

    assembly, communications to, respecting, 292, 314

    Board of Trade, role of, 60, 241–42

    and British troops, deployment of, 3, 16, 20, 26–33, 37, 183–84, 187, 220, 271–72, 367, 372–73, 397

    and colonial government, reform of, 1, 39

    conciliation in, 8, 27, 80–81

    FB’s understanding of, 266

    continuity in, 145

    credibility of, 32, 41, 110, 255

    entrenchment in, 64

    errors of judgment in, 9, 11, 13, 24

    FB as governor

    and, 12, 30, 40–41, 151, 154, 350

    baronetcy awarded, 156, 287

    conduct of, 19, 96–97, 105, 125, 155, 182, 254, 314–15, 388

    and correspondence of, 96, 142, 149, 151, 181–82, 184, 187, 254, 268–69, 271, 274, 313

    and Hutchinson, role of, 272

    leave of absence, 183, 218, 234, 287

    as mediator, 269, 274, 291

    instructions to, 4, 218, 234, 292

    firmness in, 28, 37, 39, 120, 133, 184, 269, 272, 373

    General Court, removal from Boston, respecting, 272–73

    Governor and Council, authority of, respecting, 183


    instructions, review of, 216–17

    and salaries of, 94, 145, 150, 155, 157n, 170n

    and Hillsborough, 24, 26, 28, 39–40, 74, 78, 97, 242, 269, 378

    historiography of, 21, 28, 151, 378

    imperialism in, 6, 10

    and impressment in America, 273

    on information, disclosure of, 10

    innovations in, 64

    leniency of, 268, 328–29

    Liberty riot, inquiry into, instructions respecting, 272, 274, 291

    manufacturing, accounts of, governors to provide, 166n

    Massachusetts Circular Letter, respecting, 9, 12–13, 142–43, 149–51, 275, 314

    Massachusetts magistracy, reform of, 272, 291, 314

    Massachusetts, radicalism in, 273–74

    neglect in, 3–4

    North America, British army in, dispersal of, 284

    official correspondence, transmission of, respecting, 4, 76–78, 241, 252

    opposition to, 97, 225, 226, 261


    and, 32

    debated in, 41, 255

    American correspondence, respecting, 242, 255

    American representation in, respecting, 145

    and parliamentary authority, defense of, 10, 39, 273, 314

    and parliamentary taxation, 1, 3, 7–8

    principle of, 8, 12

    province agent, respecting, 96–97

    reactive, 6, 40

    representations, transmission of, respecting, 142, 314

    resistance to, 261

    revisions in, 367

    and Royal Navy, deployment of, 183, 398

    and Townshend duties, repeal of, 11

    and treason trials in England, 272, 275n

    uncertainty in, 6–7

    Whig responses to, 5, 25, 35

    British Empire, 64, 324, See Imperial Power

    extension of, 393–94, 396n

    imperial elite, 308

    mentioned, 85, 383

    threats to, 263, 274

    British Government. See also British Colonial Policy

    administration, changes of, 329

    administrations, 60–61n

    American affairs

    and, 7, 9, 27, 32

    interest in, 9, 78

    sources of information concerning, xxv, 3–12, 28–30, 33, 106, 151–52, 172, 242, 308, 360–62, 387

    and American Board of Customs, memorials from, 214n

    American Colonies

    expectations concerning, 10, 125n

    friends in, 146

    and radicalism in, 9

    American department of, 51

    American policy. See under British Colonial Policy

    American printers answerable to, 114

    Boston, fears insurrection in, 1, 324n

    Boston, sends troops to, 3, 26–30, 37, 109–10, 154–55, 253, 350n, 378

    from Ireland, 318n

    rationale, 29–30, 32, 39–40, 110, 184, 187, 195, 204, 373

    cabinet mentioned, 1, 7, 9, 11–12, 17, 28–29, 39, 52n–53n, 55n, 68n, 78, 145, 151, 184, 274, 329, 378

    Circular Letter, response to, 9, 12, 151

    Colonial Department. See under Secretary of State (Colonial Department)

    colonial governors

    and reputations of, 6

    and salaries of, 7, 94

    colonial policy. See under British Colonial Policy

    colonial radicals, insulted by, 114–15

    communications with, protocol respecting, 73

    and Convention of Towns, 353

    correspondence with

    about, 24, 33, 36, 39–40, 43

    as historical evidence, 40–41

    Hutchinson’s knowledge of, 17

    information, control of, 5, 41

    writing style, 19

    and DeBerdt, 69

    agent’s role not recognized, 50, 70n, 201n

    disaffection to, 85, 167, 332

    FB as governor

    and, 8, 10, 12, 33, 88n, 308, 329, 353

    conduct of

    reviewed by, 11, 13

    approved by, 97

    and intermediaries, 156

    and leave of absence, 234

    and Liberty riot, 23

    and reputation of, 187, 315

    salary of, considered by, 227n

    as scapegoat for, 41

    FB’s correspondence, considers

    Boston town meeting (12 Sept. 1768), concerning, 35, 324n

    Circular Letter, concerning, 362

    as evidence, 2, 11, 16, 22–25, 36, 39

    Liberty riot, concerning, 21

    Massachusetts, “state” of, concerning, 22

    troops, as rationale for, 109–10, 154, 268–69

    General Court, acts and resolves received, 158n

    hostility toward, 99

    House of Representatives, reponses to, 126n, 201n

    lieutenant governor’s salary, proposes, 300n

    mentioned, 7, 147n, 205n

    ministerial changes, 6, 8, 51n, 60, 76n, 78


    FB, influenced by, 8, 11, 97, 106, 110, 151, 224, 234

    FB, misled by, 24, 99

    mentioned, xxv, 1–12, 16, 24–29, 33, 51n, 59–60, 66, 72, 76n, 106, 131, 142, 145, 151, 225, 334, 361–62, 384–87

    optimism of, 125n

    Otis, Jr., disparaged by, 221

    perceptions of, 5, 11, 24, 29, 85, 97, 151, 254, 308, 322n, 341, 350n, 360–61, 388

    Northern Department. See under Secretary of State (Northern Department)

    officeholders, appointment of, dates, 55n

    opposition to, 8, 85, 268

    and Parliament, 41

    and American representation in, 65

    supporters in, 84, See also Barrington, Lord

    prime minister, 8, 27n, 50n, 61n–62n, 66n, 68n, 225

    Southern Department. See under Secretary of State (Southern Department)

    and Townshend Acts, repeal of, 2, 7, 132

    and Townshend Revenue Act, enforcement of, 268

    and treason, prosecution of, 275n

    British Politics

    and American affairs, 6–11, 26–27, 51, 124, 133, 148

    and factions, 268

    Boston town meeting (12 Sept.), reactions to, 324n

    and colonial government, reform of, 124

    developments in, 6

    and FB, 6–9

    FB’s friends in, 7–8, See also Barrington, Lord

    general election (1768), 124–25n, 171n

    and Hillsborough, 28

    honors in, 156

    and House of Representatives, 75n

    satirized, 299

    and Stamp Act, repeal of, 66n, 68n

    and Townshend Acts, repeal of, 6

    Whig dominance in, era of, 6

    Bromfield (gentleman), 100

    Bromfield, Henry, 103n

    Bromfield, Thomas, 103n

    Brompton, Richard, 62

    Brooke, John, 27

    Brown, John, 337n

    Browne, William, 230n

    Buildings, 2, 35, 38, 116n, 136, 139n, 207, 209, 211–12n, 245, 259, 260–61n, 318n, 322–24n, 330, 331, 334–35, 339–41, 345, 347, 351n, 353–54, See also Castle William

    Bunch of Grapes Tavern, Boston, 134n

    Burch, Ann

    identified, 133n

    mentioned, 108, 129–130

    Burch, William

    American Board of Customs, letters of, as co-signatory to, 127, 180, 191, 194, 307, 366, 371, 377

    as commissioner of Customs, 368n, 372n

    crowd action, subjected to, 108, 129

    family of, 108, 129

    Province House, take refuge in, 130

    identified, 110n, 128n, 181n

    Buttons, 139

    Byles, Mather, Jr.

    England, travels to, 177

    identified, 178n

    Byles, Mather, Sr.

    mentioned, 178n

    Cade, Jack, 207, 210–12n

    Cade’s Rebellion (1450), 210–11n

    Calef, John, 230n

    Cambric, 139

    Cambridge University, 299

    Cambridge, Mass., 144n, 146–47, 273, 280n

    Old Burying Ground, 146

    Camden, Lord

    American Colonies, taxation of, views on, 66

    Chatham, confusion with, 67n

    FB’s reports of Stamp Act riots, praises, 66–67

    House of Representatives, letter from

    about, 67, 76

    quoted, 67

    speeches in Parliament (1766)

    as enclosure, 85

    House of Representatives, read in, 65, 67n, 69

    Otis Jr. speaks on, 68n

    and Parliament, American representation in, 65, 69

    reprinted, 65, 67n, 69, 70n, 85

    Captivi (The Captives. T. Maccius Plautus)

    adapted, 351n

    Caribbean, 399n

    Carpenters, 144n, 165

    Cartographers, 179

    Castle Island, Boston Harbor, 33, 240, 333

    Castle William

    attack on, rumors of, 31, 35, 240, 245–46n, 346, 390

    barracks at, 33, 293–94, 333–341

    British regiment ordered to, 304, 331, 340

    British regiments at, quartering of

    plans for, 28, 33, 291, 333, 340–41

    Customs commissioners

    retreat to, about, 22, 181n, 195n, 250, 310, 313n

    seek asylum at, 15, 375, 377

    Customs officers seek asylum at, 192, 219

    FB at, 290n, 353, 379

    garrison at

    British troops for, 291

    commander of, 197n

    establishment of, 389n

    provincial troops, removal of, 294

    reinforcements for, 391n

    size of, 245

    insurrection, as target of, 319, 321, 390

    mentioned, 174, 354

    occupation of, Gage’s instructions respecting, 373

    as refuge, 245

    Castle William, Captain of

    letter to

    listed, 407

    Parliament, presented to, 204

    Caterpillars, 118n

    Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catilina), 118n, 145n

    Ceded Islands, 397

    Celebrated Speech of a Celebrated Commoner (1766), 68n

    Chadwick, John, 230n

    Chalmers, George, 55n, 324n

    Chamier, Anthony, 147n

    Chamier, Robert

    identified, 147n

    mentioned, 146

    Chandler, John

    Council, not elected to, 168

    as councilor, 117n

    identified, 171n, 177n

    Charles I, King, 143n, 226, 392, 396

    execution of, as murder, 221

    Charles II, King, 117n, 353

    Charleston, S.C., 280n

    Chatham Ministry

    and American Board of Customs, 187

    American criticism of, 225

    and American policy, 6, 8, 12, 32, 68n, 145, 367

    and Board of Trade, 54n

    and FB, 11, 13, 146

    formation of, 50n, 61n

    and Grafton, 68n

    and Hillsborough, 78

    mentioned, 6, 60, 66, 227n, 242, 269

    ministers in, 66

    and Shelburne, 51n

    and Townshend, 54n, 68n

    Chatham, Earl of. See also under Pitt, William

    administration of, 6–13, 50–51n, 54n, 60–61n, 66, 78, 145, 187, 225, 242, 269, 367, See also Chatham Ministry

    and American greivances, 8

    American policy, favors conciliation in, 32, 68n


    compared with, 66–67

    confusion with, 67n

    Cushing, letter from, cited, 116n

    House of Representatives

    letter from

    cited, 66

    listed, 116n

    identified, 67n, 86n

    illness of, 7, 50n, 61n

    as lord privy seal, 61, 68n

    Otis Jr.’s views on, 225

    Parliament, speeches in, mentioned, 65

    portrait of, 62

    as prime minister, 8, 66, 68n, 227n

    resigns office, 50n, 61n, 227n

    supporters of, 8

    Cheese, 139

    Chelmsford, Mass., 229n

    Chelsea Pensioners, 276

    Chief Justice of Massachusetts. See also Hutchinson, Thomas

    conduct of, praised, 181, 272

    House of Representatives, censured by, 59

    identified, 52n, 141n

    mentioned, 17, 115, 121–22, 125, 140, 248, 295

    salary of, 177n

    and Superior Court, 60n, 141n, 370

    Children, 92, 108, 129–30, 133, 146, 392

    Chilmark, Mass., 230n

    Christ Church, Boston, 177, 178n

    Christ Church, Oxford, iv

    Chronicles, Book of, 189n

    Church of England

    and American episcopate, 226

    mentioned, 177

    state and, 143n

    Church, Benjamin

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero), 118n, 145n

    Orationes In Catilinam (Orations against Catiline), 145

    Circular Letter, Massachusetts, 88, 359–62, See also House of Representatives: colonial assemblies, circular to (11 Feb. 1768)

    about, 9

    adoption of, 12, 88, 90, 95n, 98, 100–01, 104, 142, 145n, 163, 226, 261, 314–15n, 361–62, 386–87

    British responses to, 52n, 142–45, 149–51

    cited, 116n

    colonial responses to, 93, 104, 222, 228n, 249n, 384

    content and impact of, 9, 99, 161, 362, 386

    controversy over, FB’s role in, 99, 210, 215, 222, 226,

    as enclosure, 99, 120

    FB obtains copy, 98, 104, 106

    FB, passages commenting upon, 99

    first motion for, defeat of, 12, 87, 99–100, 313, 385

    king praises, 142

    Hillsborough discusses, 13, 86, 151, 226, 388

    Hillsborough’s reaction to, 12–13, 25, 86, 145, 151

    and historiography, 99

    House of Representatives defends, 226, 383, 386

    Parliament, presented to, 99

    preparation of, 52n, 361–62

    radicalism of, 9, 98–99, 151, 362

    rescinding of, 214n

    about, 9

    FB’s reports on, 151, 223

    about, 25, 220–33, 250n, 261, 300n

    FB’s role in, 25–26, 171n, 214n, 226–28, 246n, 250n, 261, 275

    House of Representatives

    protested by, 383, 388–89n, 400

    refused by, 25, 151, 223, 226, 231, 279, 296, 388

    instructions respecting, 9, 13, 24–28, 77, 106, 143, 149–51, 170, 214, 215, 227–28n, 313–14, 383

    opposition to, support for, 280n

    Otis comments on, 225, 299

    and political alignments, 225

    as political controversy, 10, 13, 26, 28, 99, 225–26, 228n, 279n

    and Whig party, 25, 225, 280n, 297–300n

    Shelburne, FB transmits to, 10–11, 98, 104, 112

    Civil Disorder, 80, 120, 130–31, 148, 181–82, 187, 189n, 194, 314, 321, 333, 341, See also Sedition; Crowd Action; Insurrection; Rebellion

    Civil List. See Crown: salaries

    Clausen, Peter

    identified, 415n

    letter to, listed, 402

    Cleaveland, John

    as “Clericus Americanus,” 323n

    Clergymen, 177, 178n, 226, 323n

    “Clericus Americanus” (anti-government writer), 322n

    identified, 323n

    Clerk no. 3

    papers in handwriting of, 81, 105, 215, 234, 264

    Clerk no. 7

    papers in handwriting of, 187, 210

    Clerk no. 9

    papers in handwriting of, 260, 354

    Climate, 92, 233, 286, 392–93

    Cloth, 139

    Clothing, 139

    Coaches, 139

    Cobbett, William

    Parliamentary History of England (1806–20), 68n

    Coffin, Nathaniel

    declaration of, cited, 155n, 299

    as friend of government, 164

    as informer, 155n, 299n

    Collection of Interesting, Authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America (John Almon), 55n

    Colonial Society of Massachusetts, xv

    Colonialism, 39

    Colvill, Lord, 54n

    Commander in Chief (North America), 28, 52n, 183, 199, 271, 273, See also Gage, Thomas

    Commentaries on the Laws of England (William Blackstone), 230n


    provincial, 160, 272, 360

    royal, 4, 71, 127, 140, 153, 156, 168, 191, 199, 206, 217, 259, 260, 263, 286, 295, 297, 360, 361, 363, 377

    Common Sense (Thomas Paine), 64

    Communications, 73, 77, 252n, See also Roads; Mail

    official correspondence, transmission of, procedures for, 76–78

    Company of Cadets, 174

    Conference between the Commissaries of Massachusetts-Bay and the Commissaries of New-York at New-Haven in the Colony of Connecticut, 1767 (1768)

    as enclosure, 160


    agent of, 51n

    assembly of, 228n

    boundary disoute with Massachusetts, 160

    as charter colony, 367n

    courts in, 141

    mentioned, 368n

    Connecticut Gazette, 367n

    Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies (Daniel Dulany), 64n

    Constitutional Rights. See under Rights: constitutional

    Convention of Towns

    advocates colonial self-government, 85

    correspondence with, about, 331

    dispersal of

    FB orders, 329–31

    refused, 353n

    grievances of, 343–44

    historical analogies for, 353

    and Imperial Crisis, 10

    king, professes loyalty to, 343

    letters from, 342–44

    as enclosure, 344, 353

    Parliament, presented to, 353

    published, 344

    as replies, 331, 344

    letters to, 329–31

    cited, 344, 345n, 353n

    discussed, 342, 344

    FB writes, 352

    listed, 414

    received, 342, 352

    meeting of

    about, 331, 351n, 353

    anticipated, 320

    Parliament, condemned by, 38

    petition from, printed, 331n

    proceedings of

    criminality of, 344–45

    discussed, 352

    Parliament, presented to, 353

    printed, 345n, 353n

    reported, 324n

    Province Charter, endangers, 348

    resolves of, “moderation” of, 36

    summoning of, 35–36, 321, 324n, 401

    and treason, 345n

    as unlawful assembly, 38, 321, 330, 348, 353n

    Conway, Henry Seymour

    on American Colonies, British relations with, 10

    Cushing, letter from, cited, 116n

    Hillsborough, criticizes, 38

    House of Representatives, letter from, cited, 116n

    leave of absence, FB requests, 218

    letters from, published, 107n

    letters to

    cited, 149n, 218n, 367n

    filed, 43

    Stamp Act, accounces repeal of, 107n

    Copies of Letters from Governor Bernard to Hillsborough (1769), 25, 134

    Copley, John Singleton

    Adams, S., portrait of, 111

    FB, portrait of, iv

    Gage, portrait of, 196

    Hancock, portrait of, 283

    Cordage, 139

    Cork, Ire., 271, 397

    Corner, John

    American Board of Customs

    correspondence with, as enclosure, 190n

    letters from, cited, 192n, 380n

    message from, transmits, 390

    anti-impressment riot, discusses, 174–75

    Castle Island, protects, 240, 375

    correspondence of, 53n

    correspondence with, about, 174, 240

    Council, examines complaints of, 175n

    Dalrymple’s orders, transmits, 238


    meets with, 206, 208, 210, 294n

    naval protection requested by, 239–41

    not subject to authority of, 206

    orders to captain of Castle William from, FB sends copy, 240

    FB writes to, 294

    identified, 175n

    and impressment, 20, 175, 187, 200, 208–09, 212n, 237n, 273

    letters from, received, 174

    letters to, 174–75, 239–41

    cited, 20, 31, 187, 237–38, 251n

    listed, 406, 409

    as replies, 174

    mentioned, 216n

    Romney, as captain of, 20, 174, 187, 191, 205, 208–09, 219, 235, 240, 294, 375

    Corsica, 290n

    Cotton, 139

    Cotton, John

    as deputy province secretary, 362

    papers in handwriting of, 361

    Council. See also Governor and Council; Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives)

    Adams, S., views of, 204n

    addresses from

    cited, 171n, 337n

    mentioned, 109

    advice and consent of, concerning, 131

    agent, appoints, 12

    American Board of Customs

    not in danger, 127, 130

    representations of, considers, 127, 130, 190, 192–93, 195, 202, 268, 370

    retreat of

    advises on, 30, 235

    apprehensions concerning, 23

    American taxes, repeal of, petition for, 391–96

    answers to FB’s messages and speeches

    (28 May 1768), 169

    (22 Sept. 1768), 335

    (24 Sept. 1768), 342n

    (26 Sept. 1768), 336, 339–42

    about, 351n

    authors of, 351n

    debates respecting, 347–48

    drafting of, 342n, 350n, 351n

    as enclosure, 350

    printing of, 348, 351n, 355

    reported, 347, 349, 355–56

    cited, 117n

    discussed, 268

    association for preservation of peace, discusses, 132

    and Bowdoin, 350n

    Bowdoin, leadership by, xxv, 2, 22, 38, 40, 163, 230n, 256, 269n–70n, 348, 355, 395

    British troops

    arrival of imminent, FB discloses, 37, 275, 291, 319

    provisions for, FB to request, 354

    quartering of

    Boston selectmen, confers with, 332, 337n

    Castle William, barracks at, recommend, 332–33, 335, 338–39

    consideration of, anticipated, 294

    evasiveness in, 38, 331, 338–39

    in Manufactory House, considers, 334, 354

    mentioned, 33

    objects to, 38, 346–51

    orders respecting, FB communicates, 331

    refuses to provide quarters, 333–35, 339–41

    and requests for, 370, See under Council: military assistance

    Circular Letter, rescinding of, considers, 223, 296

    and civil disorder, 189n, 193n

    committees of. See also Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives): committees of

    answers to FB, to prepare, 113

    British troops, quarters for, to provide, 332, 337n


    complaint of, considers, 175n

    meet with, 208

    king, petition to, prepares, 223–24, 229n

    Liberty riot, to inquire into, 189n, 193–94, 212n

    members of, 189n, 229n, 337n

    protocol respecting, 348

    “state” of the province, to consider, 223

    and constitution, 114, 122, 297, 348–49

    constitutional functions, 38, 256n, 257n

    on constitutional rights, 392

    and Convention of Towns, 348


    among crowds, 259

    and Boston town meeting, 211n

    as confidants, 323n

    elected, 170n, 171n, 174n

    election of vetoed, 170n, 171n, 228n, 229n

    as justices of the peace, 201, 272

    listed, 117n, 269n

    mentioned, 2, 50n, 64n, 118n, 144n, 171n, 209, 323n, 415n

    politics of, 356n

    views of, expressed, 132, 348

    voters identified, 350–51n

    crowd action, views on, 15, 128–30, 134n, 341–42

    Dalrymple attends meeting of, 339, 354

    debates in, 131–32

    disposition of, 186, 202

    elected councilors

    FB plans to veto, 160

    FB vetoes, 166–67

    (1768), 168, 221

    constitutional implications of, 170

    Shelburne, approved by, 74, 101, 105, 116n

    as tactic, 19, 166

    elections to

    (1767), 167

    (1768), 166–69

    and Hutchinson, 176, See also Council: Hutchinson, restoration of attempted

    mentioned, 122

    and Whig propaganda, 169

    about, 170n, 396n

    popular influences in, 113, 122

    procedures for, 167–68, 170n, 176–77n

    votes cast, 170


    advises, 101, 103, 113–14, 174, 243, 297

    opposes, 2, 17, 38, 163

    supports, 115, 122

    FB lacks support in, 265–66, 296, 349

    FB’s critics in, 212n

    FB’s influence in, decline of, 170

    FB’s relationship with

    about, 2, 25, 31, 38–39

    his strategy, 162–63, 168, 195

    on French and Indian War, Massachusetts’s contributions to, 393

    friends of government in, 171n, 296

    Gage, letters to FB from

    considers, 294n, 340–41

    FB plans to present, 294, 304, 306, 316

    FB presents, 338

    government officers and judges, exclusion of, 166, 169

    on Great Britain, trade with, 393

    “harmony” with, 168


    letters to FB from

    and communication to, 292

    discusses, 182–83, 221, 277, 340–41

    presented, 258, 289

    letters to, cited, xxv, 270n

    House of Representatives

    relationship with, 101

    votes and resolves of, considers

    House agent, grant for, 88

    province agent, grant for, approves, 100

    province agent, grant for, considers, 89


    exclusion of, censured by Shelburne, 112

    restoration of, attempted, 167, 172–76

    “imbecillity” of, 122

    impressment, considers, 208–09

    king, petition to, 391–99

    Bowdoin drafts, 396

    as enclosure, 230n, 256, 315n, 396

    FB transmits to Hillsborough, 256, 396

    and FB, 256

    Parliament, presented to, 256, 315n, 396

    prepares and discusses, 223–24, 255

    presentation of, 314, 396

    signatories to, 395–96n

    and king’s birthday celebrations, 175

    as “King’s Council,” 72, 257, 306, 356

    Liberty riot

    aftermath of, discusses, 202–03

    further violence not expected, 192–93, 198, 201–02, 250

    discusses, 22, 186–87, 194, 198, 243

    inquiry into, proposes, 193, 205n, 272, 295

    observations on, 268

    views on, 342

    on Massachusetts economy, 393

    meetings of

    recorded. See under Governor and Council: meetings of

    requested, 319

    unrecorded, 237n

    membership of, constitutional provisions for, 169

    messages and speeches to, discussed, 113

    military assistance. See also Governor and Council: British troops, authority to request, and

    FB plans to take advice on, 264, 268

    question respecting, considers, 22, 31, 73, 202–03, 237n, 269–70n

    reluctant to request, 16, 22, 30–31, 108, 110, 131, 195, 235–36, 257–58, 263–64, 267

    request for, refuses to concur in, 32, 204, 265–68

    minutes of. See also Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives): proceedings of; Council: proceedings of (with given date)

    discussed, 270n

    as enclosure, 130, 133, 268, 350, 371

    as evidence, 5

    extracted, 396n

    military assistance, request for, respecting, 270n

    Parliament, presented to, 268

    quoted, 134n

    on New England, settlement of, 392

    newspaper libels

    considers, 113, 121, 167

    proceedings respecting, 123n

    Otis Jr.

    criticized by, 113, 115, 123n

    influenced by, 332

    Parliament, petitions to. See also House of Commons: Council petition to; House of Lords: Council petition to

    prepares, 224

    on parliamentary taxation, economic impact of, 394

    popular criticism of, 171n

    and popular politics, 122, 131, 349

    “popular Spirit” in, 267

    as “privy council,” 224, 255

    proceedings of

    (1 Mar. 1768), 117n

    (18 Mar. 1768), 128–30, 134n

    (28 May 1768), 171n

    (31 May 1768), 175n

    (11–13 Jun. 1768), 180, 186, 189n, 190, 193–95, 201–03, 236

    (30 Jun.–07 Jul. 1768), 223, 395, 396n

    (22 Jul. 1768), 267

    (27 Jul. 1768), 264, 265, 267, 270n, 342, 351n

    as enclosure, 351n

    printed, 351n

    (29 Jul. 1768), 270n, 277, 279n

    (30 Aug. 1768), 289

    (19 Sept. 1768), 275, 294, 332, 337n, 338

    (22 Sept. 1768), 332, 335, 337n

    (26 Sept. 1768), 339–42, 347–51n, 355–56

    (29 Sept. 1768), 354

    as enclosure, 355n

    British troops, quartering of, concerning, 33, 331–37, 346–51, 353–56

    cited, xxv

    as enclosure, 115, 268, 350

    FB’s commentaries upon, 268, 350

    Parliament, presented to, 133, 268, 350

    summarized, 337n

    on provincial taxation, 393–94

    records of, about, 25n, 117n, 275

    revenue acts, repeal of, request, 394–95

    royal appointment of, proposed, 18, 20, 296

    Shelburne, letters to FB from, discusses, 103, 107n

    Sons of Liberty, intimidated by, 235–36

    on specie, shortage of, 394

    Stamp Act riots, response to, 237n

    “state” of province, discusses, 250

    timidity of, 243, 273, 297

    on trade, balance of, 394

    on treason, 351n

    unanimity in, 113

    votes and divisions in, 347, 355

    FB records, 38

    Whig party in, 212n, 269n

    and Whig party, 20, 38, 40, 296

    Council Chamber, Boston, 113, 115, 129, 162, 175, 202, 223–24, 259, 347, 348, 395

    Council of Trade and Plantations. See under Board of Trade

    County Down, Ire., 27

    Court Party. See under Friends of Government

    Craftsmen, 165

    Credit, Financial, 20, 136–37, 139n, 162–63, 181, 354

    Creditors, 137

    Crime, 123, 126, 275n, 289, 332, 344, 384, See also Smuggling; Murder; Land Riots; Insurrections; Informers

    Cromwell, Oliver, 221, 226

    Crowd Action, 189n, See also Liberty Riot

    and Adams, S., 164

    American Board of Customs, against, 129–30, 180, 185–87, 257, 259, 370–71

    fear of, 187, 260, 363–66

    Boston (4 Mar. 1768), 129, 370

    Boston (18 Mar. 1768), 127–34, 370–71

    Boston (5 Jun. 1768), anti-impressment riot, 174–75, See also Impressment

    Boston (10 Jun. 1768), Liberty riot, 21–22, 184–90, 201–05, 375–78

    American Board of Customs, reported by, 180–81

    Boston (14–18 Jun. 1768), 206–12

    Boston (8 Jul. 1768), 242–43

    Boston (15 Jul. 1768), 258

    Boston (18–19 Jul. 1768), 258–61

    Boston (23 Aug. 1768), 295

    Boston “mobs,” 19, 21, 31–32, 119–20, 129, 132–33, 136, 162, 180, 185, 207, 257, 259, 260, 263–64, 273, 279, 295, 371, 390

    celebrations, parades, and processions, 32, 128–31, 136, 185–86, 206–12, 289, 295, 370–71

    commemoration, festivals of, 367n

    consequences of, 272


    composition of, 108, 129–30, 207, 242, 290n

    “directors” of, 259

    leaders of, 132, 185, 260, 295, 371

    noise of, 130, 135, 370–71

    “outrageous Behaviour,” 377

    participants in, 174

    size of, 128–29, 136, 185, 187, 207, 242–43, 251, 259, 295, 297, 363, 369–70

    demonstrations, 129–130, 258–61

    disposition of, 130

    expectation of, 14, 119–20

    FB’s reports of, about, 39–40, 133–34n

    and firearms, 127, 130, 370–71

    mob captains, 260, 295

    and nonimportation, enforcement of, 136, 280–81

    as political weapon, 13, 133, 162, 164, 257, 260, 263–64, 273

    prevention of, 131, 258

    rescues of seizures, 243, 248, 308, 363

    Customhouse, returned to, 248–49

    restraint of, 109, 130, 132, 189n, 191, 207, 248, 260

    riots. See Liberty Riot; Stamp Act Riots

    Roxbury (4 Jul. 1768), 242–43

    Royal Navy officers and men, against, 208

    and smuggling, 135

    and Sons of Liberty, 128, 260, 298

    and terror tactics, 130, 162, 186, 260, 272, 279

    “trained mobs,” 19, 162, 257, 263–64

    vandalism, 243

    and violence, 184–90

    fear of, 110n, 130–32, 190, 193–97, 201–02, 204, 308, 364, 371, 375

    not expected, 201–02

    threats of, 130, 260, 365, 376–78

    decline, 173

    Crown. See also King, The

    American Colonies, jurisdiction in, 160

    assemblies, representations from, protocol concerning transmission of, 72

    authority of. See also Government, Royal: authority of

    challenged, 169

    FB defends, 166, 205, 219, 254, 296, 330

    maintenance of, 182–83, 217, 271, 274, 286

    and British regiments, expenses of, 334, 339, 354

    dignity and honor of, 168, 375

    in history, 86

    Hutchinson’s fidelity to, 168

    lawyers acting for, 141n, 300n, 309

    loyalty to, 344, 362

    officers of, 3, 157, 271, See also Province Secretary of Massachusetts; Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts; BERNARD, FRANCIS

    assistance to, 305

    Council, exclusion from, 116n, 321

    Council, not elected to, 166, 168–69

    discouraged, 146

    fidelity of, 286

    insurrection, fear, 153–54, 318

    intimidation of, 17, 23

    legal penalities respecting, 230n

    mentioned, 308

    protection of, 268, 291, 373, 375

    safety of, 23, 108–109, 152, 154, 250, 268, 274

    salaries, 93

    support for, 286

    unpopularity of, 169, 175, 361

    violence, threatened with, 108, 110

    vulnerability of, 276

    prerogatives of, 330

    property of, 291, 373, See also Castle William

    requisitions of, 26,

    revenue of, 15, 367n

    rights of, 286, 296

    salaries, 7, 67, 94, 145, 155, 157n, 167, 300, 360, 362, See also Townshend Duties: tea duty

    servants of, 7, 26, 39, 110, 175, 182, 205, 219, 254, 286, 307, 375, 384

    in service of, 286

    and Stamp Act Crisis, 91n

    subjects of, 274

    succession of, 324n


    exchange rates, 135

    Cushing, Thomas. See also House of Representatives: Speakers of

    as Boston representative, 211n, 228n, 237n

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    Camden, letter to, as signatory, 116n

    on Castle William, establishment for, 385, 389n

    Chatham, letter to, as signatory, 116n

    Circular Letter, obtains copy for FB, 98

    Convention of Towns, as chairman of, 330, 344

    Conway, letter to, as signatory, 116n

    correspondence with, about, 344


    and, 70n

    correspondence with, about, 388–89n

    letter from, quoted, 388n

    letters to

    received, 389n

    as signatory, 116n

    reports from, 388n


    advised by, 65, 69

    and, 237n

    consults with, 71–72

    meets with, 65, 69, 71, 98


    correspondence with, about, 389n

    letters to, 382–89

    cited, 25, 88n, 262–63n, 315, 361


    as enclosure, 262

    Parliament, presented to, 262

    printed, 261

    published, 388

    quoted, 227

    received, 388

    as signatory, 229n

    House of Representatives

    as committee member, 75n, 228–29n, 362n

    as Speaker of, 70n, 75n, 116n, 228–29n, 249n, 352–53n, 362n, 388

    Jackson, salary grant for, arranges, 100

    letters from, 342–45

    cited, 353n

    delivered by committee, 344

    as enclosures, 344, 353

    listed, 415

    Parliament, presented to, 353

    published, 344

    as replies, 331, 344

    Lloyd, letter from, cited, 249n

    Parliament, American Representation in, discusses, 65

    Randolph, letter from, cited, 228n

    Rockingham, letter to, as signatory, 116n

    Shelburne, letters to FB from

    presented by FB, 10, 104

    Shelburne, letters to, as signatory, 116n

    speakers of colonial assemblies, circular to, as signatory, 116n

    Treasury, letter to, as signatory, 116n

    Whig party, as interlocutor with, 12

    Customhouse. See also American Board of Customs

    in Boston, 15, 21–22, 108, 135, 147n, 230n

    British troops to assist, 271

    protection, requires, 16, 367

    retreat of, 192

    seizures by, 108, 135, 243

    rescued, 248

    smuggled goods returned to, 31, 246n, 249, 313n

    and smuggling, 21, 188

    Stamp Act Crisis, closure of during, 13

    unpopularity of, 153–54, 169, 215, 243, 249

    Customs Officers

    American born, 128n, 180n

    appointment of, 143

    Boston. See Hallowell, Benjamin; Harrison, Joseph

    corruption of, 369

    and informers, 248

    intimidation of, 108, 119–20, 127–28, 135, 169, 180, 243, 251, 258–61

    lacking power, 309

    and Liberty riot, 205n, See also Liberty Riot

    mentioned, 243, 367n

    morale of, 363

    resistance to, 15, 135, 251, 274, 371

    rioters, abused by, 135, 295, 317

    seizures by, 363

    tarred and feathered, 318n

    violence against, fears of, 109–10, 120, 127, 153–54, 215, 317

    Customs, Commissioners of. See under American Board of Customs: commissioners

    Dalrymple, William

    American Board of Customs

    letter to

    as reply, 376

    letters from, 374–76

    cited, 380n

    as enclosures, 376, 380


    arrival in, anticipated, 339

    leaves, 178

    troop deployment in, plans for, 178n, 334, 339

    troop landing in, oversees, 317, 334, 346n

    prepares for resistance, 346

    correspondence with, about, 178


    dispatches transmitted by, 244, 267, 305

    military assistance for

    not ordered to provide, 220, 232, 238, 253, 269n, 376, 382

    not requested, 220, 382

    orders concerning, 346

    prepared to provide, 220, 232, 254, 258, 267, 317, 381–82

    secret discussions with, 177–80


    letters from, 380–82

    cited, 292n, 355n

    FB transmits, 237–38, 316, 382

    orders from, 232, 253, 304, 380–82

    not found, 318n

    Sherriff transmits, 290

    sealed orders from

    FB receives, 269n

    FB transmits, 31, 220, 232, 238, 244, 254, 258, 267, 270n, 382

    troop orders from

    “private hints” of contents, FB requests, 238

    identified, 178n

    letters from

    not found, 355n

    received, 353

    letters to, 177–79, 237–38, 353–55

    cited, 38, 237n, 245, 253, 382

    enclosures to, 220, 232, 254, 382

    listed, 406, 409, 415

    quoted, 31

    mentioned, 238n, 305

    Sherriff writes to, 291

    and troops, quartering of

    locates quarters, 354

    in Manufactory House, 353–55

    preparations for, FB reports on, 353–55

    Dana, Richard, 211n

    Danforth, Samuel

    Bernard Letters

    Bollan sends, xxv

    Bowdoin, passes to, xxv


    as president of, xxv

    votes in, 350n

    as councilor, 117n, 189n, 269n

    identified, 356n

    politics of, 170, 355

    Danish West Indies, 415n

    Dartmouth, Mass., 228n

    David, King, 189n

    De Grey, William

    as attorney general of England, 188, 276n, 310, 313n

    opinion of in Lydia case cited, 313n

    Death, 16, 126, 140, 144, 146–47, 156–57, 187, 202, 204, 211, 230, 236, 244, 251, 285

    DeBerdt, Dennys

    Boston town meeting, letters from

    cited, 211n

    prepared, 200, 207

    Cushing, letters from

    cited, 116n

    received, 389n

    Cushing, letters to

    quoted, 388n

    FB’s views on, 70n

    on Hillsborough, 388n

    House of Representatives

    as agent for

    expected role, 6

    FB’s objections to, 65, 70n, 161n

    grant awarded, 91n, 103n

    instructions to, 68n–69, 71–72, 75n, 388n

    not recognized, 50n, 70n, 75n, 91n, 97, 142, 201n

    Circular Letter of, receives copy of, 386

    criticizes, 70n

    instructions from

    cited, 116n

    discussed, 70n

    prepared, 68n–69, 71–72, 75n, 76n

    letters from

    about, 75–76n

    cited, 70n, 116n, 360, 362n

    discussed, 69, 112

    Hillsborough, presents to, 360

    sent, 75n

    petition to king from

    receives, 389n

    transmits, 201n, 388n

    remonstrances of, his authority to amend, 65, 69

    identified, 50n

    Otis Jr., letter to, cited, 368n

    as province agent, 89

    Shelburne, letter to, as enclosure, 368n

    Sons of Liberty, toasted by, 290n

    Debt, 164n, 393–94

    Debtors, 91n, 137, 164n

    Declaration of Independence, 275n

    Declaratory Act (1766). See under Parliament, Legislation: American Declaratory Act (1766)

    Dedham, Mass., 170n, 390–91n

    Deerfield-Greenfield. Mass., 230n

    “Democritus” (anti-government writer), 139n


    colonies of, 415n

    Devil, 117–18n, 134n

    Dexter, Samuel

    Council, election to, vetoed, 167

    as councilor, 117n, 189n, 270n

    House of Representatives, as committee member, 75n, 362n

    identified, 170n, 391n

    and insurrection, letter concerning, 390

    Dibdin, Charles

    She Stoops to Conquer (1785), 210n

    Dickerson, Oliver M., 309

    Dickinson, John

    and Boston Whigs, 64

    conciliation, favors, 64

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania”

    as author of, 5, 67, 143

    on Camden’s speech (11 Mar. 1766), 67n

    as enclosure, 63, 66, 102

    on parliamentary taxation, 67n

    on Pitt’s speech (14 Jan. 1766), 67n

    on taxation and parliamentary authority, 64, 67

    influence of, 64

    “Liberty Song,” 64, 290n

    and parliamentary taxation, 67n

    Dinner Ware, 139

    Discourse on Unlimited Submission (Jonathan Mayhew), 226, 230n

    Disorder. See under Civil Disorder

    Dominions, 205, 223, 321, 336n, 340, 344

    Dorchester, Mass., 390

    militia company, 390–91n

    Dorr, Harbottle

    annotations by, 117n, 134n, 323n

    Downshire, Marquess of, 54n

    Draper, Richard

    identified, 337n, 356n

    mentioned, 355

    Drums, 127–30, 136, 370

    Duck Cloth, 137, 165, 166n

    Dulany, Daniel

    Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies (1765), 64

    identified, 64n

    and “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” authorship of, 63

    Duxbury, Mass., 229n

    Dwelling Houses and Private Buildings, 332, 336, 338, 363, 370–72n, 390

    Earth, 312n


    and nonimportation, 137

    Edes, Benjamin. See also Boston Gazette: printers of

    jury, intimidates, 115, 121

    on popular expectations, 324n

    as printer, 18, 102, 103n, 106, 115, 370

    prosecution, threatened with, 113–15, 121, 123n, 125

    Edgartown, Mass., 230n

    Editorial Method, 45–49

    biographical sources, 55n

    and Council records, 25n

    Editorial Policy, 43

    Edson, Josiah, 230n

    Edwards, Owen Dudley, xv, 86n

    Effigies, 15, 110n, 127–29, 134n, 207, 289, 364, 370

    Elections, Provincial. See under Politics: provincial elections

    election day (1768), 170

    Emigration, 393

    Emoluments. See under Incomes



    acts of Parliament, lists of, 77

    Gage, letters from, 305

    Gage, letters to Dalrymple from, 253, 305

    Hillsborough, circulars from, 252, 315

    Hillsborough, letters from, 251, 255, 277, 398

    not found, 97

    opinions of attorney generals and solicitor general of England and Wales, 274

    orders-in-council, 77


    American Board of Customs

    letters from, 371

    memorials to the Treasury from, 376

    assembly, messages and speeches to, 60, 66, 173, 177

    Boston Chronicle, 225

    Boston Evening-Post, 85, 249, 250

    Boston Gazette, 115, 119, 123, 138, 245, 262, 281, 298, 317, 321

    Boston News-Letter, 289, 317

    Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser, 126, 138, 321

    Boston selectmen, circular to the Massachusetts towns from, 321

    Boston town meeting

    letters to, 206, 210, 330

    minutes of, 321

    petition of, 210

    proceedings of, 317

    captain of Castle William, letter to, 197, 203, 240

    Convention of Towns, letters from, 344, 353


    address to FB from, 170, 177

    FB’s messages and speeches to, 170

    observations on the Liberty riot, 268

    petition to the king from, 170, 396

    Council minutes, 268, 350, 371

    Council proceedings, 115, 133

    Council, petition to the king from, 256


    letters from, 353

    letters to Hillsborough from, 262

    FB, “Observations upon the Answer of the Council,” 268


    letters from, 268

    letters to, 268

    letters to Dalrymple from, 232, 238

    letters to Hillsborough from, 268

    Hallowell, deposition of, 204

    handbill by “Friends of Liberty,” 261

    Harrison, J., deposition of, 203

    Harrison, R.A., deposition of, 204


    circulars from, 247

    letters from, 225, 247

    letters to, 249, 356

    House of Representatives

    answers to FB’s messages and speeches, 114, 177, 225

    Circular Letter to the speakers of the colonial assemblies from, 99, 120

    letter to Hillsborough from, 262

    letter to Shelburne from, 105

    messages and speeches to, 105, 120

    resolves and resolutions of, 115

    king, laid before, 149

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” 63, 66, 102

    lists of councilors, 350

    Massachusetts Gazette, 170, 225, 350

    newspapers and extracts, 63, 85, 115, 119, 123, 126, 138, 170, 225, 245, 249–50, 262, 281, 289, 298, 317, 321, 350

    file of, 366

    not found, 60, 63, 66, 105, 119–20, 123, 126, 173, 177, 203, 210, 240, 261n, 262, 268, 274, 292, 298, 317, 321, 366, 398

    Otis Jr., speech of, 298

    papers “stuck up” in Boston, 210

    Parliament, presented to, 99, 115, 123, 133, 138, 204, 225, 256, , 268, 274, 289, 315, 322, 350, 353, 378

    Pownall, J., letters to, copies of, 66

    Ruggles, protest of, 126

    Shelburne, letters to, 99, 105, 120, 123, 138, 374

    “To the Public,” 170

    Williams, J., letters to American Board of Customs from, 371

    Wootton, depositions of, 133


    American Colonies

    “demagogues” in, “indifference” toward, 269

    mail packets to and from, 3–4, 32, 80, 86, 88, 100, 119–20, 124–25, 138, 144, 146, 152–53, 173, 175, 183–84n, 186, 215, 225, 242, 247–48, 252, 253, 287–88, 291, 295, 298, 302–03, 313, 321, 350, 353

    supporters of, 108, 364

    attorney general of. See under Attorney General of England and Wales

    Boston, attitudes toward, 234

    constitutional law of, 5

    Crown officials await news from, 154

    Customs commissioners

    arrive from, 110n, 363–64

    expected to return to, 154

    FB hopes to return to, 17, 32, 43, 94–95, 146, 152–53, 233–34, 267, 288, 317, 326

    FB’s friends in, 86n, 285

    history of. See under English History

    House agent in, 101

    imports from, 132, 136, 280

    laws of, 5, 141, 275n

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, reception of, 63, 364

    letters from published, 68n

    mentioned, 2, 40, 84, 101, 109, 123n, 210n, 286, 295, 397

    merchants of, 137

    and New York merchants, 281

    news from, 275n

    newspapers of, 67, 70

    nobility of, 156–57

    outlaws from, 289n

    Parliament of. See under Parliament of England

    Parliament’s authority in, 89

    popular rights in, 221

    Ruggles’s reputation in, 84

    social ranks in, 156

    trade duties in, 360

    travelers to, 52n, 177

    trial of colonists in considered, 37, 272, 317

    writs of assistance in, 140, 309

    English Civil War, 226, 321

    English History, 5, 210n, 212n

    Englishmen, Rights of, 221, 225, 400

    Erving, George, 323n

    Erving, John, Sr.


    election to, 396n

    papers of, as co-signatory to, 395

    as councilor, 117n, 269n, 323n, 337n

    identified, 356n

    politics of, 64n, 170, 355

    Espionage, 4, See also Informers

    Essex County, Mass.

    superior court of, 144n

    Essex Gazette

    Boston selectmen, circular to Massachusetts towns from, printed, 401

    colonial assemblies, letters to House of Representatives from, prints, 228n

    listed, 405

    Essex Street, Boston, 210n

    Etty, Offley and Co.

    letter from listed, 402

    Euripides, 86n

    Europe, 7, 64, 121n, 393–94

    Exchequer, Chancellor of, 51n, 54n, 68, 156

    Exports, 188, 394

    Factionalism, 20, 24, 114, 124, 148

    Faial, Azores, 135, 138n

    Fairford, Viscount, 54n

    Falmouth, Eng., 3, 183, 303

    Falmouth, Maine, 363, 416n

    Families, 16–18, 20, 32, 100–02, 108, 124, 129–30, 133n, 145–47, 153, 156, 173, 225, 284–85, 370, See also Bernard Family; Otis Family; Royal Family

    Faneuil Hall, Boston, 35, 38, 207, 211–12n, 316, 318–19, 322–23n, 324n, 330–31, 345, 351n

    Fauquier, Francis

    as acting governor of Virginia, 157n

    death of, 156–57n, 285n

    mentioned, 286

    FB, 138

    Fire, 259

    Firearms. See under Weaponry

    Fireships, 215

    Fisheries, 108, 136, 281

    Fitch, Samuel, 310

    FitzRoy, Augustus Henry. See under Grafton, Duke of

    Flags, 127–28, 130, 207, 370–71

    Flucker, Thomas


    election to, 396

    papers of, as co-signatory to, 395

    votes in, 347, 350n

    as councilor, 117n, 229n, 269n, 337n

    as friend of government, 171n

    identified, 356n

    politics of, 355

    Fort Frederick, N. S., 381, 382n

    Fort Pownall

    commander of, 149n

    establishment for, 389n

    Fortifications. See also Castle William

    Foster, Chillingworth, 230n

    Fowle, Jacob, 230n

    France, 35, 55, 68n, 175n, 221, 299, 320, 322, 393, 396n, 399n, 401

    Francklin, Michael

    correspondence with, about, 140


    as business partner of, 141n

    as friend of, 148

    seeks advice from, 140

    Hutchinson’s account of writs of assistance, FB sends, 140

    identified, 149n

    letters from

    about, 149n

    received, 140

    letters to, 139–41

    listed, 405, 406

    writs of assistance, FB advises on, 140

    Franklin, Benjamin

    and Hillsborough, 27

    St. Croix grants, as partner in, 148–49n

    Franklin, William

    indentified, 234n

    mentioned, 234

    Freedom, 360

    debate, of, 221, 273, 278

    expression, of, 118n, 312n, 364

    press, of, 12, 123n

    rights of, 210n

    French and Indian War, 393, 396n, See also Seven Years’ War

    Friends of Government

    Circular Letter, defeat motion for, 12, 90, 99

    in Council, 17, 171n, 269n

    councilors, support FB’s veto of, 167–68

    Crown salaries, favor, 147

    despondent and discouraged, 20, 146, 162, 176, 269, 296

    FB appeals to, 10, 176

    and FB’s conduct, 101

    Great Britain, favor submission to, 126

    and Hillsborough, 269

    in House of Representatives

    absent from, 100, 104, 113

    Council, and elections to, 167

    excluded, 162

    leaders of, 126n

    numbers, 59, 90, 163, 227

    as party, 89

    “prune” papers, 161

    strength of, 99

    votes and motions, 12, 90, 99, 115, 227

    weakness of, 17, 100, 163, 176, 227

    as informers, 226, 299

    mentioned, 96

    mobs, fear of, 164

    on parliamentary taxation, 227

    as rescinders, 227, 230n

    rescinding, oppose, 229n

    secretary of state, writing to, 170n

    social origins of, 93, 244

    and Townshend Acts, remonstrances against, 90

    “Friends of Liberty”

    handbill by

    as enclosure, 261

    Parliament, presented to, 261

    Friendship, 7, 81, 311, 312n

    Fruit Trees, 118n, 243

    Frye, Peter, 230n

    Gage, Thomas

    Adams, S., comments by, concerning, 134n

    American Board of Customs

    alarmist reports of, FB confirms, 235

    Boston, “state” of, warns him about, 374–76

    discusses provision of military assistance with, 376

    letters from, 374–76

    cited, 54n, 220n, 237n, 380n

    as enclosures, 376, 380

    letters to, as reply, 376

    memorials of, Hillsborough sends copies, 373

    warned by, 219


    “state” of, alarmed by, 218–20

    “true situation,” uncertain of, 232

    visits, 346n

    Boston town meeting, proceedings of, FB sends copies of, 317

    Boston, orders for deploying troops to, 232–33

    correspondence concerning, 23, 237, 239, 253–54, 258, 264–65, 382

    Council, presented to, 270n, 275, 340

    Dalrymple, respecting, 238, 253, 258

    discussed, 293–94


    allowed discretion in, 33

    anticipated by, 23, 28, 265

    confuses, 220, 232, 238, 245, 253, 269n, 382

    expectations of, 16, 220, 237, 253, 258, 268

    informs, 290–91, 304–06, 374

    “public” copy requested by, 33, 294, 304–06

    FB’s knowledge of, 253, 263–64, 267, 270n, 291, 374, 382

    Hillsborough, instructions from, respecting, 274, 391–99

    cited, 33, 105, 184, 220, 274–75n, 366

    concerning, 16, 28, 33, 184

    ignorance of, 220

    receives, 184

    issues, 31, 33, 184, 290–92

    “public” letter of announcement, 303–05

    about, 306

    mentioned, 306

    sends FB, 305

    sealed orders, sends FB, 23, 220, 380–82

    Boston, and troop deployment at

    Council’s evaluation of, 340

    FB’s “Direction and Management,” under, 305

    FB’s evaluation of, 321, 331

    Boston, troop landing at. See under Gage, Thomas: troops, landing of

    Castle William, occupation of, instructions respecting, 373

    civil government, weakness of, FB explains, 30, 235, 237

    correspondence with

    about, 219, 232, 236–37, 239, 253–54, 258, 265, 291, 294, 304–06, 317, 339, 346, 382

    FB discusses, 267

    inconsistencies in, 269n, 270n, 294n

    Council, proceedings of, FB reports on, 337–42

    Customs commissioners, fears for their safety, 22


    dispatches to, FB transmits, 244

    letters to, 380–82

    about, 258, 382

    cited, 232, 245, 254n, 292n, 355n

    copied to Hillsborough, 382

    as enclosures, 220, 238, 239n, 253, 258n, 269n, 382

    FB transmits, 232, 254

    sends copies to FB, 267, 316, 382

    sends FB, 253

    orders to

    about, 220, 232, 238, 253–54, 258, 382

    “Conditional” on FB’s request, 253

    discussed, 304, 353

    as enclosures, 232, 238, 253, 382

    FB transmits, 232, 239, 258, 267, 382

    Hillsborough, FB sends copy, 382

    not found, 318n

    sealed copy, 380–82

    sends copy to FB, 267

    sends FB, 232, 238, 253, 269n, 382

    Sherriff transmits, 290–91

    transmits Gage’s dispatches, 238

    death of, 196

    dispatches for transmission

    FB transmits, 235

    sends, 219


    departure of

    discussed, 36, 317

    views on, 317

    letters to Hillsborough from, transmits, 225, 242

    letters to Shelburne from

    as enclosures, 99, 105, 123, 138

    Hillsborough sends copies, 99, 105, 123, 138, 374

    relationship with, about, 23, 237

    views on, 38

    writes to, 237, 306

    FB writes to, 267, 321

    FB’s views on, 244, 264–66


    correspondence with, about, 398

    explains crowd action to, 134n

    explains troop orders to, 232–33

    letters from, 372–74, 399

    cited, 184, 275n, 397

    letters to

    about, 269n

    cited, 233n, 399n

    as enclosure, 268

    Parliament, presented to, 268

    published, xxv–xxvi

    letters to FB from, transmits, 217

    troop orders from, receives, 290

    identified, 52n, 110n

    letters from, 218–20, 232–33, 252–54, 290–92, 303–05, 305, 345–46

    about, 294n

    cited, 22–23, 31, 232, 233n, 237, 245, 258n, 265n, 269n, 275, 294n, 300n, 305n, 317–18n, 336n, 342n, 382, 399n

    Corner, FB communicates to, 294


    communicated to, 331

    presented to, 264–65, 294n, 305, 306

    delivered by Montresor, 346

    enclosures to, 220, 238, 258n, 269n, 382

    as enclosures, 268, 305

    listed, 409–10, 413–15

    private, 306

    quoted, 33, 220

    received, 219, 232, 235–36, 239, 253, 257, 267, 291, 293, 306, 316

    as replies, 237, 239, 253, 258, 265, 345

    letters to, 235–37, 238–39, 257–58, 265–66, 293–94, 315–18, 337–42

    about, 304, 321

    cited, 23, 31, 33–36, 38, 227n, 237n, 239, 246n, 253–54, 264, 269n, 270n, 292n, 300n, 305n, 317, 346

    enclosures to, 239n, 317

    as enclosures, 268

    listed, 409, 411, 413, 414, 415

    quoted, 30, 36, 220

    received, 253, 258, 265, 317, 345

    as replies, 219, 232, 235, 237, 253, 257, 265n, 291, 293, 305, 316, 339

    Sherriff, delivered by, 294

    Liberty riot, learns of, 219, 237

    mentioned, 108, 237–38n

    military assistance, provision of

    Council reluctant to request, 16, 22, 31, 54n, 195, 204, 239, 254, 263–65, 267, 270n

    Customs commissioners urge, 195, 237

    explains position regarding, 237, 239, 253–54, 263

    FB does not request, 265–66

    FB makes tacit request for, 237

    FB, request from, expects, 219–20

    necessity of, FB discusses, 31, 36

    orders for, FB’s preferences concerning, 257–58

    preparedness for, 219

    Sons of Liberty, threats of, justify, 236

    papers of, about, 25n

    portrait of, 195–96

    and Sherriff, 292n

    troops, landing of

    resistance to, FB warns of, 315–18

    resistance to, prepares for, 36, 346, 345–46

    and troops, quartering of, 38

    Garland, HMS, 216n, 241n

    Gaspee, HMS, 216n, 235, 238, 241n

    Gender, 133n

    General Court

    adjournments and prorogations, 114, 119, 223, 242, 255

    American Board of Customs, letters to FB from, FB communicates, 202, 203

    and boundary commission, appointment of, 169

    composition of, 348

    dissolution of, 223, 242, 245–46n

    FB’s speeches to, 59


    Governor and Council. See under Governor and Council

    Governor’s Council. See under Council

    Jackson, letter to, mentioned, 100

    legislation. See under General Court, Legislation

    Liberty riot, considers, 243, 270n

    meetings of, 150

    newspaper libel, FB presents, 113

    proceedings of, 112

    Parliament, condemned by, 38

    prorogations of. See under General Court: adjournments and prorogations

    province agent

    election of, procedures concerning, 101

    salary grant, votes, 103n, 119n

    session dates (1767–68), 60n, 88n, 116n, 177n

    session dates (1768), 229n

    session, opening of, 59, 65

    Shelburne, letters to FB from, FB communicates, 113

    summoning of, 331

    winter sessions of, 161, 278

    General Court, Legislation

    acts and resolves

    about, 47, 158n

    transmission of, 77, 157, 160, 256

    Annual Supply Act (1768), 222, 228–29n

    annual supply acts, 38

    Conqueret, Abigail (1767), act to empower, disallowed, 247

    Fees and Salaries Continuation Act (1768), 229n

    governor’s salary act, 38

    Impost and Tunnage Act (1768), 278

    impost and tunnage acts, 278

    Massachusetts Indemnity Act (1766), 91n

    disallowed, 51n

    salary acts, 177n, 278

    sessional acts (1768), 223, 229n, 280

    George II, King, 393

    death of, 140–41n

    identified, 396n

    George III, King. See also King, The

    accession, 6, 217

    American Colonies, as king of, 367n

    Americans venerate, 116

    FB, baronetcy for, approves, 156

    on Hillsborough, incompetence of, 39

    House of Representatives, petition from, 5

    loyalty to, professions of, 343

    power, abuse of, 275n


    assembly of, 228n

    Gerrish, Joseph

    Council, election to, vetoed, 167–68

    identified, 170–71n

    Gill, John. See also Boston Gazette: printers of

    jury, intimidates, 115, 121

    on popular expectations, 324n

    as printer, 18, 102, 103n, 106, 115

    prosecution, threatened with, 113–15, 121, 123n, 125, 370

    Glasgow, 230, 242

    Glasgow, HMS, 216n, 241n


    duties on, 2, 78, 139, 281

    Glorious Revolution (1688–89), 353, 383, 388

    and constitutional settlement, 387

    revolution principles, 320, 400

    Gloucester, Mass., 170n, 228n

    Glue, 139

    God, 14, 21, 117n, 120, 186, 189n, 227, 262, 278, 284, 324n

    Gold, 394, 416n

    Goldsmith, Oliver

    She Stoops to Conquer (1773), 210n

    Goldthwait, Thomas

    identified, 149n

    mentioned, 148


    and autonomy, 5, 8, 11

    and class conflict, 15, 122

    communications in, 5

    consent in, 359, 360–61, 383

    in crisis, 40

    and democracy, 122

    and established authority, 344

    and general welfare, 122, 125

    “good government,” 30, 87–88, 93–94, 100, 104, 157, 182, 226, 254, 343, 385

    “levelling” of, 122

    military regime, fear of, 343

    popular participation in, 364

    and revolution, 1, 30, 122

    subervsion of, 366

    Government of Massachusetts

    American Board of Customs

    weakness of, explained by, 363–65, 369, 371, 373

    intervention of, requested by, 307, 366

    protection from, requested by, 189n, 193n, 308–09, 363, 373

    association for support of, 132

    authority of

    restoration of, 38, 93, 122, 125, 162, 271, 278, 325, 327, 330, 348, 373

    undermined, 204n, 235, 349

    Boston, removal from, 278–79

    British government, communications with, 72, 96

    British troops to assist, 263, 266, 304–05, 351n, 367, 373, 376, 397

    business of, 131

    commissions under, 160, 272

    constitution of, 113

    and Council, 122

    crisis in, 40, 122

    “Dignity” of, 150, 163, 400

    “disobedience” to, 38

    expenses of, 83, See also Public Finances: government expenditure

    finances of, 91n

    “harmony” in, 387

    law officers in. See also Sewall, Jonathan; Attorney General of Massachusetts

    mentioned, 295, 340

    newspapers, criticized in, 158, 348

    officers of. See also Attorney General of Massachusetts; BERNARD, FRANCIS; Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts; Province Secretary of Massachusetts; Province Treasurer of Massachusetts

    commissions of, 360

    Council, excluded from, 101

    criticized, 311

    election of, 278

    intimidation of, 13, 15–16, 39–40

    mentioned, 18, 34, 37, 52n, 140, 154, 168, 291, 307–310

    salaries, 147, 150, 154, 278

    and Stamp Act, 16

    Whigs, contacts with, 298

    and writs of assitance, 141

    official publications of, 337n

    opposition to, 93, 95, 325. See also Whig Party.

    from Convention of Towns, 343, 352

    and parliamentary taxation, 95n, 400

    popular power, subject to, 235

    proceedings of, transmission of, 157

    Province Charter, founded on, 97

    and public buildings,. See under Buildings

    Quartering Act, obligations under, 38, 333–34, 337n, 339

    reform of, 80, See under Government, Colonial: reform of

    rights of, 297

    and sedition, 34, 314, 318, 324n, 351n

    and Stamp Act Crisis, 6, 205n, 329

    “state” of, 30, 32, 38, 131, 259, 279, 335, 369

    support for, 2, 10, 12, 17–18, 20, 59, 89–90, 93, 99–101, 104, 113, 115, 117n, 147, 161–64, 170–71n, 176, 210, 227, 229n, 269, 299, See also Friends of Government

    weakness of, 14, 16, 19, 30–31, 40, 114, 119, 122, 131, 235, 259, 263, 296, 308, 328, 329, 349, See also Government, Royal: weakness of

    Government, Colonial

    reform of, 11, 78, 81, See also Council: royal appointment of

    Government, Royal

    in American Colonies, 92, 94

    and assemblies, 71

    authority of, 122, 297, 344, 353

    challenged, 35, 38, 104, 211n, 321, 353

    restoration of, 96, 110, 122, 141

    as “British” government, 332

    and Council, 18, 20, 266, 296


    authority of, 6, 210, 297

    and instructions to, 4, 78, 95, 215, 217, 275n, 285n, See also BERNARD, FRANCIS: GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS: instructions as

    mentioned, 60

    responsibilities of, 4, 217, 297

    salaries of, 7, 67, 93–94, 145, 150, 155–57n, 170n, 362

    as “King’s Government,” 12, 92, 96, 113–15, 131, 161, 163, 168, 199, 221, 227, 257, 260, 279, 331, 343, 348, 355, 387

    Massachusetts Charter (1629), omitted from, 321

    in North America, 92, 266

    officials. See under Crown: officers of

    opposition to, 12, 356

    people’s confidence in, 161

    and popular power, 339

    “prosperity” of, 387

    reform of. See Council: royal appointment of

    resistance to, 356

    royal colonies, appointments to, 92

    royal commands, 77, 112, 150, 159, 182–83, 206, 216, 224, 251, 254, 271, 272–73, 277, 292, 298, 304, 306, 313–14, 327, 330–31, 333, 335, 338, 339, 373, 378, 383, 397–98, 400, See also under King, The: royal commands

    royal commissions, 4, 71, 127, 140, 153, 156, 168, 191, 199, 206, 217, 259, 260, 286, 295, 297, 300n, 360–61, 363, 377

    royal salute, 174

    weakness of, 20, 265, 305, 335, 363

    Governor and Council

    American Board of Customs requests protection from, 127, 130, 375

    considered, 127–28, 130, 193, 198, 202, 250

    authority of, 266, 297, 348–49

    and British troops, authority to request, 29, 54n, 131, 232, 237, 239, 254, 257, 264, 266–67, 276, 297–98

    Hillsborough advises on, 183

    instructions respecting, 54n

    House of Representatives, relationship with, 72–73, 96

    Kinsman, arrest of, offer reward for, 289n

    meetings of, 38, 129, 180, 186–87, 192, 195, 201–02, 208, 222–24, 264–65, 267, 319, 331, 335, 338, See also Council: proceedings of (with given date)

    sequence of, 290n, 318n, 337n

    minutes of. See under Council: minutes

    printers to, 337n

    province agent, appointment of, excluded from, 50n

    Quartering Act, responsibilities under, 331, 336–41, 360

    Stamp Act, repeal of, considers celebrations of, 127

    Governor’s Island, Boston Harbor, 240, 337n

    barracks at, 337n

    Governor’s Council. See under Council

    Governors, Colonial

    and assemblies, relationships with, 9, 80, 142, 348

    authority of, in decline, 10

    Barbados, of, 95n

    and Board of Trade, correspondence with, 60, 72, 78, 242

    British government, communications with, protocol concerning, 72–73

    and British troops, authority to request, 54n

    correspondence of, 4

    Parliament, considered by, 157

    as source of information, 9–10, 60, 73, 158


    and, 28

    circulars from. See under Governors, Colonial: instructions to

    about, 367

    cited, 52n, 152n, 158n

    as enclosures. See also Hillsborough, Earl of: circulars from

    Massachusetts Circular Letter, concerning, 151

    communications with, about, 26, 44, 60, 78, 242, 252

    instructions to, 4, 76–80, 95n, 215–17, 251–52, 275n, 285n, 292–93, See also Hillsborough, Earl of: FB as governor: instructions to

    American Board of Customs, on providing assistance to, 26, 159, 366, 367

    assemblies, communication of official correspondence to, respecting, 292, 293, 292–93, 314

    Board of Trade, communication with, respecting, 242n

    cited, 374n

    Hillsborough, on appointment of, 52n

    Kinsman, apprehension of, respecting, 289

    manufactures, accounts of, respecting, 166n

    Massachusetts Circular Letter, concerning, 12

    royal instructions, review of, respecting, 216–17, 301

    secretary of state, communication with, respecting, 76–80, 242, 251–52

    cited, 26, 302

    and juries, 275n

    as king’s representatives, 9, 71, 73, 254, 286, 297, 325

    legal penalties respecting, 230n

    Massachusetts, of, 7, 51–52n, 148

    mentioned, 80, 284

    New England, of, 353

    New Hampshire, of, 60n, 416n

    New Jersey, of, 234n

    New York, of, 60n, 92, 95n, 416n

    North Carolina, of, 95n

    Nova Scotia, of, 141n, 148

    as politicians, 4

    reputations of, 6

    rotation of, 156

    salaries of, 7, 67, 93–94, 145, 150, 155–57n, 170n, 362, See also Crown: salaries

    values, 233

    secretary of state, correspondence with, 43–44

    South Carolina, of, 95n

    Virgin Islands, of, 415n

    Virginia, of, 26, 28, 92, 155–57n, 218, 271, 284–87, 325–27, 378, 398

    Grafton Ministry

    and American policy, 39

    cabinet, 329

    Colonial Department, establishes, 60

    and FB, 156

    formation of, 61n

    and Hillsborough, 39, 78, 378

    Hutchinson, salary for, 170n

    ministers in, 39, 51n, 60, 76, 78

    and Shelburne, 51n, 60, 76n, 329

    Grafton, Duke of

    administration of, 51n, 60–61n, 76, 78, 156, 329

    as first lord of Treasury, 61n, 68

    Hillsborough, criticizes, 38

    identified, 61

    mentioned, 225

    Grand Tours, 221

    Gray, Harrison


    papers of

    as co-signatory to, 395

    as co-writer, 350n

    votes in, 350n

    as councilor, 117n, 269n, 337n

    identified, 356n

    politics of, 64n, 170, 355

    Great Britain

    American Colonies

    constitutional relationship with, 85

    disputes with, 68n, 126n, 147

    exports to, 394

    friends of, 6–7, 66, 289n

    and grievances of, 35, 322

    and independence of, 148, 168

    intervention in proposed, 3, 11, 20, 24, 27, 110, 115, 173, 176

    and manufacturing in, 136–37, 360, 365, 370, 393, 394

    mutual interests, 96, 102, 126, 139n, 150, 272, 387–88n, 395

    opposition of, 154

    politics of, misunderstands, 172

    reconciliation with, 70, 122

    relations with, 6, 9–11, 19, 80, 82–84, 89, 99, 137, 152, 352

    trade with. See under Trade, Colonial

    union with, 82, 85, 322n

    American defiance of, 17

    aristocracy of, 299

    authority of, 1, 151, 320, 366

    “long concerted extensive Plan of Resistance to,” 377

    and Boston, submission of, 245, 249

    British “privileges,” 344

    constitution of, 199, 324n, 359, 384, 387

    correspondence from, 329

    as “country,” 63, 145, 156

    defiance of, 20, 31, 132, 153, 162, 165, 263

    dominions of, 321

    as “enemy,” 320, 322

    FB’s critics in, 13

    government of. See under British Government

    happiness of, 181

    as “home,” 14, 72, 87, 120, 126, 153, 172–73, 185, 196, 221, 234, 268, 270, 279, 296, 307, 322, 364

    and House of Representatives, correspondence with, 5

    imports from, 2, 14–15, 32, 108, 137, 162, 281

    impressment in, 205

    laws of, 122, 131, 301

    and Loyalists, 144n

    manufactures of, 365

    merchants of, 137

    as “mother country,” 80, 85, 136, 361, 362, 400

    newspapers, 110, 200, 252n

    nobility of, 299

    and nonimportation, impact of, 136

    obedience to, 81, See also Parliamentary Authority: submission to

    officers of, 168, See also Crown: officers of

    opposition to, 39, 131, 152, 290n, 296, 370

    Parliament of. See under Parliament

    pensioners of, 154, 167, 172, 176

    people of, 132, 268, 395

    politicians of, 172

    politics in. See under British Politics

    resistance to, 215, 317

    rights of, 285

    and Seven Years’ War, 6, 396n

    subjects of, 320, 324n

    taxation in, 395

    and Townshend Acts, repeal of, 2

    Great Britain, Kingdom of, 218, 345

    “Great Rebellion,” 321

    Greenleaf, Stephen

    and crowd action, 129

    identified, 133n

    Liberty Tree, removed “violent and virulent paper” from, 202

    at Province House, 130

    Greenock, Scot., 230n

    Grenada, 399n

    Grenadines, 399n

    Grenville Ministry, 6, 8, 51n, 61n

    Grenville, George

    administration of, 6, 8, 51n, 61n

    identified, 51n

    Gridley, Jeremiah

    as attorney general, 118n

    and writs of assistance case, 141n

    Halifax, Earl of

    assembly, petition to House of Commons from, FB sends, 75n

    FB, patron of, 6

    identified, 50

    as imperial reformer, 6

    letters to, filed, 43

    Halifax, N. S.

    Boston, mail to and from, 219, 232, 253

    British commander at, 31, 220, 232, 244, 253, 258, 267, 270n, 290–91, 317, 334, 376, 381–82, See also Dalrymple, William

    British garrison at, 60n, 184, 257, 263–67, 270n, 318, 331, 341, 381

    British regiments at

    Boston, deployed to, 29, 178n, 184, 220, 232, 253, 275, 290–91, 297, 304, 311, 317–18, 322, 323n, 326, 333–35, 339, 341, 346, 381

    mentioned, 174, 178n, 216n, 235, 367

    Royal Navy arrives in Boston from, 345

    Vice Admiralty Court, 367n

    Hall, David, 67n

    Hallowell, Benjamin

    American Board of Customs

    letters from

    cited, 380n

    as enclosures, 379–80

    as replies, 379

    letters to

    as enclosures, 379

    cited, 380n

    represents, 214–15

    Boston, leaves, 214n

    Castle William, retreats to, 192

    as customs officer, 180n

    deposition of

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 190n, 204, 379

    Parliament, presented to, 204

    FB briefs, 214

    identified, 53n, 180n

    Liberty (sloop), and seizure of, 21, 187

    Liberty riot

    accounts of, delivers to London, 26, 29, 53, 187, 204, 210, 214–15, 233, 274, 276, 378

    assaulted during, 185, 187, 375

    mentioned, 219

    mob attacks on, 53n, 187–89n


    attends, 214–15

    deposition considered by, 214n

    examined by, 53n, 214n

    Hancock, John

    Adams, J., represented by, 188

    Adams, S., angers, 187

    American Board of Customs

    negotiates with, 187

    pursued by, 187–88, 308–10

    and vendetta of, 188

    as Boston representative, 211n, 228n, 237n

    as Boston selectman, 333, 401

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    Council, election to, vetoed, 168

    employees of, 21, 110, 187, 190n, 309

    FB, as enemy to, 237n

    House of Representatives, as committee member, 75n, 228–29n, 389n

    identified, 171n

    and insurrection, 390

    legal pursuit of, 19, 21, 35, 110, 188, 190n, 308–10

    Liberty, and seizure of, 18–21, 110, 170, 187, 246n, 310

    Lydia, and seizure of, 17, 110, 171n, 190n, 309

    mansion of, 211n

    and nonimportation, 82n

    Otis Jr., angers, 187

    portrait of, 283

    as smuggler, 21, 187

    and Sons of Liberty, 2

    trial of, 188, 190n, 308

    Hancock’s Wharf, Boston, 21, 187, 191


    as enclosures, 261

    Parliament, presented to, 261

    Hanover Street, Boston, 188n


    American Colonies, of, 30

    American Colonists, of, 96, 181, 199, 360, 401

    Great Britain, of, 181

    king’s dominions, of, 344

    king’s subjects, of, 384

    states, of, 182

    Hardwick, Mass., 86n, 230n

    Harrison, Joseph

    American Board of Customs

    letter from

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 379–80

    as reply, 379

    letter to

    as enclosure, 379

    Castle William, retreats to, 201

    deposition of

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 190n, 203, 379

    Parliament, presented to, 204

    FB, visits, 191

    identified, 180n

    Liberty (sloop)

    purchases, 188

    and seizure of, 21, 187

    Liberty riot

    assaulted during, 21, 180, 185, 375

    his boat burnt, 21, 185

    house attacked, 185

    mentioned, 219

    Molineux, letter from, quoted, 189n

    Harrison, Richard A.

    deposition of

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 204, 379

    as enclosures, 190n

    Parliament, presented to, 204

    FB, visits, 191, 201

    identified, 188n

    Liberty riot, assaulted during, 21, 185, 187

    Harvard Archives, 147n

    Harvard College

    graduates, 147n

    mentioned, 147

    staff, salaries of, 278

    Harwich, Eng., 416n

    Harwich, Lord, 54n

    Harwich, Mass., 230n

    Hatfield, Mass., 230n, 416n

    Haverhill, Mass., 230n

    Hawley, Joseph

    character of, 89

    disbarrment of, 60n, 91n

    FB, as enemy to, 212n

    as friend of government, 89

    House of Representatives, as committee member, 75n, 362n

    identified, 91n

    Lanesborough rioters, represents, 91n

    as “Madman,” 91n

    Otis Jr., disagreements with, 12, 89

    Parliament, American representation in, advocates, 89, 91n

    Parliamentary authority, speech on, reported, 89

    “Philanthrop,” debate with, 91n

    Ruggles supports, 90

    Health and Ill-Health

    fatal illness, 146–147

    illness, 50n, 61n, 68n, 284

    mental illness, 91n

    mentioned, 92

    recovery, 285

    wellbeing, 92, 213, 233, 286, 327, 329

    Heaven, 299

    Hemp, 148

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Shakespeare), 86n

    Cade’s Rebellion, depiction of, 211n

    quoted, 211n

    Henry VIII, King

    treason statutes of, 37, 272, 275n

    Henshaw, Joshua, 211n

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    Hill, John, 117n

    Hill, Wills, 4, 7, 9, 26n, 54n, 78n, See under Hillsborough, Earl of, See under Hillsborough, Earl of

    Hillsborough, Earl of

    Adams and Otis, disagreement between, FB reports on, 244


    letters to, cited, 184n, 241n, 399n

    Royal Navy, deployment of, requests, 241n

    American affairs, FB’s ideas on, considers, 124

    American Board of Customs

    assistance to, provision of, instructions respecting, 158–59, 301

    memorials of

    responds to, 159

    views on, 187

    predicament of

    considers, 183

    FB reports on, 242–45

    retreat of

    FB reports on, 209

    views on, 274

    return of, views on, 274

    American correspondence, reliant upon, 10


    dissolution of, FB reports, 242

    freedom of debate in lacking, 272–73

    removal of, instructions concerning, FB seeks clarification in, 277–80


    friendship with, 7, 13, 28, 102, 124, 145, 269

    interlocutor, uses as, 13, 28, 95, 103n, 110, 151, 155–56, 218, 234, 284–87, 325–27

    Board of Trade

    as chairman of, 60, 241, 242, 254

    as president of, 53n–54n, 242

    representation from, received, 96

    representation to king from, sends copy to FB, 96

    Boston Evening-Post, FB sends copies, 249, 262

    Boston Faction, dominance of, FB warns of, 161–63

    Boston Gazette, FB sends copies, 262, 281, 298

    Boston News-Letter, FB sends copies, 289

    Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser, FB sends copies, 321

    Boston selectmen

    circular of, FB sends, 321, 401

    popular influence of, FB reports on, 248

    Boston town meeting

    minutes of, FB sends copies, 321

    petition to FB from, condemns, 273

    on Boston

    “great Riots & Disturbances” in, 397

    resistance to parliamentary authority, 397

    Bowdoin, letters from, cited, 25n

    British intervention, FB urges, 162

    British troops

    arrival of, possibility of resistance to, FB discusses, 318–24

    deployment of

    FB explains his reluctance to request military assistance, 266–70

    instructions respecting

    FB receives, 155, 184, 291, 303n, 317, 338

    orders for

    FB anticipates, 232

    FB receives, 285n

    issues, 182–84, 220, 253, 270–76, 291

    rationale for, 351n

    objections to quartering of, FB reports on, 331–37, 346–56

    career of, 53n–54n

    circulars from, 76–80, 158–59, 216–17, 241–42, 251–52, 292–93

    about, 217

    cited, 26, 52n, 76n, 107n, 134n, 152, 155n, 158n, 242, 247, 303n

    as enclosures, 252, 315

    listed, 300n, 402, 410, 413

    Parliament, presented to, 315

    quoted, 4

    received, 77, 155, 159, 241, 252

    sends copies, 315

    “Civil Authority,” weakness of, FB reports on, 301

    colonial governors

    instructions, reform of, considers, 217

    plans to rotate, 285n

    and secretary of state, communications with, 158n, 242, 252

    colonial governors, circulars to, cited, 374n

    colonial laws, sets of, requests, 158n

    colonial policymaking

    and conciliation in, 269

    influence on, 9–10, 38, 78, 143, 145, 151, 184, 242, 255

    colonial radicalism, alarmed by, 143

    on colonial radicals, 96

    constitution, fears “subversion” of, 274

    Convention of Towns

    letters to FB from, FB sends copies, 353

    proceedings of, FB reports on, 351–53

    correspondence with

    about, 8, 10, 77, 97, 110, 133, 143, 151, 158, 163, 165, 170, 184, 187, 204, 210, 214, 217, 225, 241, 245, 249–52, 255–56, , 268, 274, 279, 281, 289, 292–93, 298, 301, 303, 315, 322, 326–27, 336, 350, 353, 356

    commencement of, 78, 147n, 155n

    contents of, concerning, 133, 147, 151, 321

    delayed, 173, 298

    FB commences, 146

    FB should write with “the most entire Confidence,” 255

    features of, 11–12, 184, 187, 215, 245, 261, 268–69, 317

    numbering of, 43–44, 77

    printed in Bernard Papers, 52n

    as series, 77, 300n

    Whigs review, 134n, 188n, 189n, 211–12n, 246n, 323n


    elections to, FB reports on, 166–69

    letters from, cited, 25n

    minutes of, FB sends copies, 268

    petition to king from

    FB transmits, 256, 396

    Parliament, presents to, 396

    receives, 396

    proceedings of

    FB reports on, 15, 237n, 268, 350–351n, 356

    plans to discuss, 264

    quartering of British troops, 331–37, 346–51, 355–56

    unreliability of Council, 122, 296

    royal appointment of, FB recommends, 20, 296


    letters from, 382–89

    about, 229n

    cited, 88n

    FB sends copies, 262

    published, 388

    letters to FB from, FB sends copies of, 353

    DeBerdt’s views on, 388n

    engraving of, 79

    errors of judgement, his, 9, 13, 39


    baronetcy for

    favors, 155–56

    patent, pays for, 287

    proposal, FB considers, 325

    correspondence with, presents to king, 96, 181, 313

    disappoints, 37

    evaluates reports of, 5, 76n, 298, 184, 210n, 271–72, 275n, 298

    letters to Gage from, FB sends copies, 268

    letters to Shelburne from

    king, lays before, 142, 149, 181

    receives, 142, 149, 151, 181

    orders-in-council, sends, 77

    as patron of, 329

    writes to, 156

    FB aims to influence, 16, 133, 154, 212n, 225, 268–69, 323

    FB as governor

    conciliation to, recommends, 96, 274

    “lenient and persuasive Methods,” 274

    conduct of, approves, 74, 96–97, 155, 161, 181–82, 254, 315

    and expendability of, 151

    “Firmness” in duty, urges, 272, 273

    his salary, promises to maintain, 150

    instructions to. See also Hillsborough, Earl of: governors, instructions to

    American Board of Customs, to assist, 251, 273

    received, 301


    dissolution of, 150, 275

    removal of, 273

    to summon, 280n

    Board of Trade, on correspondence with, 241–42

    received, 241

    British troops, on deployment of, 270–76

    FB receives, 274, 275n, 285n, 303n, 342n

    mentioned, 293–94, 304, 372

    received, 155

    Circular Letter, for rescinding of, 152

    about, 9, 13, 24–28, 77, 106, 143, 215, 227n, 228n

    discussed, 314, 383

    FB receives, 77, 170

    House of Representatives, presented to, 214n, 227n, 228n

    received, 214

    FB acknowledges receipt of, 288–89, 301–03

    in post, to remain, 274, 318n

    Kinsman, apprehension of, 289

    leave of absence, for, 218

    anticipated, 287

    cited, 184n

    issues, 234

    Liberty riot, to investigate, 272, 274, 291

    manufacturing, accounts of, to supply, 166n

    mentioned, 39

    official correspondence, on transmission of, 76–80

    province magistracy, on reform of, 274

    public knowledge of, 37

    received, 36–37

    royal instructions, on review of, 216–17

    received, 301

    secretary of state, on communications with, 251–52

    received, 302

    treason, to investigate, 272, 300n

    leave of absence

    approves, 95, 183

    FB ready to take, 298, 325–26

    FB seeks, 218, 234, 287

    FB suspends, 326

    not requested directly, 233

    mispresentations by, House of Representatives informs him of, 382–89

    political mediation by, favors, 269

    recalling, considers, 13

    responds postively to, 40, 97

    FB writes to, 78, 153, 187, 234, 317, 327

    deferred, 146, 152–153

    FB’s expectations of, 78


    instructions on troop deployment, 372–74, 396–99

    about, 28, 184, 274, 396–99

    cited, 33, 105, 184, 220, 275n, 366

    FB’s knowledge of, 33

    mentioned, 16

    letters from

    cited, 233n, 246n, 269n, 399n

    as enclosures, 268

    FB sends copies, 268

    Parliament, presented to, 268

    published, xxv

    letters to, 372–74, 399

    about, 274

    cited, 28, 33, 184n, 205n, 275n, 292n, 397, 399n

    enclosures to, 99, 105, 123, 138, 366, 374

    published, xxvi

    letters to FB from, FB sends copies, 268

    orders for troop deployment explained by, 232–33

    sends to

    American Board of Customs, memorials of, 373

    FB, letters to Shelburne from, copies of, 99, 105, 123, 138, 374

    his letters to FB, copy of, 398

    writes to, 184, 220

    Governor and Council, authority of, clarifies, 54n, 183

    handbills, FB sends copies, 261

    hard-liner, reputation as, 10, 28, 39–40, 97, 120, 151, 184, 269

    House of Representatives

    agent of

    appointment of, condemns, 95–97

    refuses to recognize, 75n, 97, 142

    censures, 74, 181

    Circular Letter, refusal to rescind, defended by, 313–15, 382–89

    communication of instructions to, FB reports on, 213

    correspondence presented to, 293n

    correspondence with FB, copies requested by, 228n

    criticized by, 226, 227

    FB’s messages and speeches to, FB sends, 169, 220

    letters from

    about, 229n

    cited, 270n, 293n

    FB discusses, 261–63

    FB sends copies,

    Parliament, presented to, 262

    prepared, 228n

    printed, 261

    published, 246n, 249n, 388

    petition to king from

    delays presenting, 74, 143, 280n, 388n

    FB transmits, 255–57

    refuses to present, 143n, 345n

    refuses to receive, 142

    transmission of, censures, 142

    Whig party in, FB reports on, 243–44


    conduct of, praises, 272

    as FB’s successor, favors, 156

    imperial administration, reforms, 60, 78, 242

    imperial power, aims to strengthen, 10, 37, 97, 184

    impressment, defends legality of, 273

    justices of the peace, recommendations for, 272

    king and cabinet, criticized by, 38–39

    as landlord, 10

    letters from, 95–97, 141–43, 149–52, 181–84, 251, 254–55, 270–76, 313–15

    about, 52n, 155n, 158n, 269

    cited, 5, 12–13, 19, 26, 28–29, 32, 37, 60, 76n, 78, 86n, 107n, 143, 145n, 156, 158n, 164n, 184, 201n, 214n, 218n, 220, 228n, 237n, 242, 245, 255, 275, 279–80n, 287–89, 291, 298, 300–01n, 303n, 315n, 317, 327n, 331n, 336n, 345n, 351n, 366–67, 372, 378, 388n, 399n


    communicated to, 292, 331

    discussed by, 182–83, 221, 258, 275, 277, 289, 292, 340–41

    as enclosures, 225, 247, 251, 255, 274, 277, 292, 398

    Hallowell, carried by, 210

    House of Representatives, presented to, 214n, 227n, 228n, 293n, 383

    listed, 289n, 300n, 403–06, 409–11, 414

    Parliament, presented to, 255, 271–74

    printed, 275

    published, 26n

    quoted, 24, 30, 33–34

    received, 3, 33, 36, 78n, 97, 143, 150, 153, 155, 157, 183, 213, 215, 216n, 217, 225, 237n, 251–52n, 255, 274–75, 280n, 285n, 287–88, 292, 294n, 295, 301, 303n, 315, 318n, 326, 331, 338, 342n

    as replies, 74, 78n, 87, 96, 106, 138, 142, 149, 158, 181, 187, 204, 210, 214, 225, 237n, 245, 249, 254, 256, , 271, 274, 279, 281, 298, 301, 303, 322, 350, 353, 356

    sends copies, 274, 292

    letters to, 157–58, 161–70, 184–90, 201–05, 206–14, 220–27, 242–49, 255–63, 266–70, 277–84, 288–90, 294–303, 318–24, 324–26, 326–27, 331–37, 346–53, 355–56

    about, 21–22, 26, 29, 34, 52n, 147n, 151, 180, 187, 189n, 193, 204, 217, 240, 245, 250n, 274, 321, 336, 388

    Bowdoin, criticized by, 256

    cited, xxv, 4, 19–20, 22, 25, 28, 31–32, 34–35, 38, 52n–55n, 97n, 99n, 123, 151n, 155n, 159n, 163, 174n, 177, 188, 190n, 195, 200, 204, 206, 210, 216n, 227n, 230n, 234–35n, 245–46n, 249, 255–58n, 263n, 269n, 271, 274, 275n, 277, 279n, 293n, 300n, 315n, 318n, 324n, 342n, 345n, 346n, 350–51n, 353n, 356n, 373, 390, 399n

    composition of, 50n

    on contents of, 373

    Council, criticized by, 256

    delayed, 321

    does not reply to, 314

    enclosures to, 191, 200, 204n, 206, 261n, 315n, 330, 344, 356, 396, 401

    as enclosures, 180, 249, 356

    FB sends copies, 249, 350, 356

    FB writes to, 326

    filed, 43

    first official letter, 77

    Gage transmits, 217, 225, 242

    Hallowell, carried by, 26, 187, 204, 214–15, 274

    Hutchinson does not read, 18

    king, presented to, 142, 254, 313

    listed, 405–15

    not sent, 326–27

    Parliament, presented to, 185–87, 201–04, 207–10, 213–14, 220–25, 242–45, 255–56, 259–62, 266–68, 277–81, 288–89, 295–98, 315n, 318–22, 331–36, 347–50, 352–53

    private, 325–26

    published, xxv–xxvi

    quoted, 20, 23–24, 32–35, 38, 154, 220n, 269n, 390

    reads, 110

    received, 158, 163, 165, 170, 203, 210, 214, 245, 249, 252n, 254, 256, 260, 262, 268, 271, 279, 281, 289, 298, 301, 303, 321, 336, 339, 350, 353

    as replies, 33, 78, 97, 153, 156–57, 161, 164, 183, 213, 217, 234, 251, 252, 288, 295, 301–02

    Liberty riot

    accounts of

    FB sends, 250n, 252n

    receives, 252n

    reviews, 53n

    aftermath of, FB reports on, 201–12

    depositions concerning, FB sends, 203

    FB reports on, 184–90

    prosecution of rioters, FB reports on, 295–96

    manufacturing, FB reports on, 164–65

    Massachusetts Circular Letter

    learns of, 151

    on radicalism of, 151

    reaction to, 9, 12–13, 24–28, 77, 86, 145, 151, 226, 388

    rescinding of

    House of Representatives, refusal of, FB reports on, 220–32

    instructions from respecting

    FB receives, 77, 170, 214

    instructions on, 9, 13, 24–28, 77, 106, 143, 149–52, 215, 227–28n, 314, 383


    criticized in, 279n, 280n

    FB sends copies, 242

    nonimportation movement, FB reports on, 280–84

    official correspondence

    communication of, instructions on, 76–80

    transmission of

    FB reports on, 157, 301–03

    instructions on, 4

    laxity in, complains of, 77

    on slowness of transatlantic delivery, 4

    and Ohio River colony, 55n

    opinions of Northey et al., sends, 274

    orders-in-council, sends, 77

    Otis Jr.

    satirized by, 299

    speeches of, FB sends copies of, 297, 298

    Otises, compromise with, reported, 167, 175–77

    papers of, about, 53


    business of, mentions, 78n

    list of acts, sends, 77

    presents FB’s correspondence to, 28, 255

    considers presenting, 24, 26, 32, 254–55, 277

    problems arising from, 157–58

    portrait of, 79

    as postmaster-general, 53n

    Pownall, J.

    briefed by, 275n

    as patron of, 247

    promotes, 7, 60

    province magistracy, proposes reform of, 274

    rescinding controversy, accounts of, FB sends, 250n

    as secretary of state

    about, 51n, 60, 74, 77

    appointment of, 7, 26, 43, 60, 78n

    FB awaits confirmation, 120, 146, 152

    FB learns of, 9–10, 60, 76n, 78, 105, 115, 121n, 158n

    FB’s knowledge of, 76, 120–21, 146, 152–54

    publicized, 121n

    career, 78

    and predecessors, 269

    resignation of, 55n

    status of, 51n, 78

    sedition, evidence of

    FB reports on, 35–36, 245, 296–97, 318–24

    FB sends, 262

    views on, 34, 182, 298

    Shelburne, opposed by, 151

    Stamp Act, repeal of, commemorations of, FB reports on, 289

    treason, investigation of, instructions on, 39

    Virginia, lieutenant-governorship of

    FB, relocation of, plans for, 156

    offer of, FB accepts, 325

    views on, reported, 155

    withdraws offer of, 326–27

    on Whig party

    censures leaders of, 181

    “dangerous Principles” of, 274

    “Obstinacy and Malevolence” of, 181

    “weak and ill-designing Men,” 97

    Williams, J.

    intimidation of, FB reports on, 258–61

    praises, 314

    Hillsborough, Viscount, 54n

    His Majesty in Council. See also Privy Council


    Board of Trade, correspondence with, respecting, 77, 241–42n

    as enclosure, 77, 247

    His Majesty’s Government, 96, 161, 257, 387, See also King, The; British Government,

    His Majesty’s Ships (HMS). See under name of vessel; Royal Navy


    and historiography, 1, 3, 21, 27, 40, 51n, 99, 151, 157n, 184, 188, 307, 361


    classical, 4

    colonial American, 18

    consitutional, 5

    course of, 3, 28

    of Imperial Crisis, 1, 31, 35, 39

    mentioned, 1, 3

    Hoerder, Dirk, 23, 128, 187, 189n

    Holland, 190n

    Hollis Street Church, Boston, 178n

    Hollis, Thomas, 117n

    Hood, Samuel

    American Board of Customs

    assists, 376n

    letters from

    cited, 368n, 378n

    quoted, 378

    letters to

    as enclosure, 380

    cited, 380n

    praised by, 241n

    protection of, plans for, 240–41n, 378

    Boston harbor, stations vessels in, 244

    Boston, and transportation of troops to, 381

    as commander of the North Atlantic Station, 53n, 175n, 216n, 241n, 416n

    correspondence with, about, 288

    FB requests passage home, 287–88

    identified, 416n

    letters to, 287–88

    cited, 32, 175n

    listed, 412


    letters to

    enclosure to, 390

    published, 26n

    Hope, HMS, 216n, 241n

    Hopkins, Stephen

    letter to, listed, 405

    Horns, 129, 370

    Houghton Library, xv

    House of Commons

    and American affairs, 360

    American correspondence read in, 214n

    clerks of the papers, xxv

    House of Representatives, petitions from, 75n

    king, address to (27 Mar. 1766), as enclosure, 166n

    Massachusetts Council, petition from, 224

    members. See under Parliament: members of

    mentioned, 54n, 67n, 149

    Otis Jr., satirized by, 299

    House of Lords

    debates in, 214n

    FB’s correspondence cited in, 158n

    journals of, about, 25

    library of, xxv

    Massachusetts Council, petition from, 224

    members of, 54n

    speeches in, 83

    Stamp Act, repeal of, minority protests against, 66

    House of Representatives

    and Adams, S., 75, 352, 353n, 361

    Adams, S., in 12, 75n, 228n, 229n, 279n, 361–62, 389n

    agent of

    appointed, 6, 12, 50n, 68n, 70n

    authority of, contested, 19, 72, 96, 160

    British government refuses to recognize, 50n, 75n, 97

    FB refuses to recognize, 50n, 70n, 74, 89, 91n, 101, 105, 160–61n

    Hillsborough refuses to recognize, 142

    instructs, 69, 71–72, 75n, 112, 207, 360

    mentioned, 27, 39, 65, 200

    petition to king, transmits, 201n

    American Board of Customs

    criticized by, 365

    criticizes, 360

    commissions of, read in, 71

    answers to FB’s messages and speeches

    about, 117n, 171n, 228–29n

    cited, 53n, 107n, 228n, 230n, 246n

    discussed, 25, 104, 221–22, 243–44

    as enclosures, 113, 225

    malice in, 243–44

    mentioned, 107n

    printed, 105

    published, 117n

    quoted, 106, 205n

    radicalism of, 102, 104, 112

    Shelburne, FB sends copies to, 102

    balance of power in, 148–150, 167

    Boston members, influence of, 90, 100, 105, 112–15, 161–162, 167, 213, 220–21, 225–26

    British government

    confronted by, 151

    as source of information for, 9

    “British House of Commons,” as a, 383

    on British imperialism, 383

    British politicians, writes, 6

    cabals in, 104


    letter to

    about, 67

    listed, 116n

    quoted, 67

    speech of (1766), read in, 65, 67n–69

    writes to, 67

    censure of, 112, 116


    letter to

    cited, 66

    listed, 116n

    writes to, 66

    Circular Letter, rescinding of

    appoints committee to consider, 221

    compliance not expected, 233

    Hillsborough’s instructions respecting

    FB presents, 220–21

    requests copies of, 221–22

    refusal, justifies, 382–89

    request for recess, FB refuses, 222

    votes against, 222–23

    clerk of, 75, 352–53n, 361, See also Adams, Samuel

    as author, 75n

    as compiler, 279n

    mentioned, 73, 163, 244, 352

    colonial assemblies, circular to (11 Feb. 1768), 359–62, See also Circular Letter, Massachusetts

    about, 9, 13, 99, 362

    adoption of, 12, 88, 90, 98, 100–01, 104, 142, 145n, 163, 226, 261, 314, 361, 387, 388

    British government, considered by, 12–13, 52n, 144–45, 150–51, 313

    cited, 88n, 95n, 99n, 388n

    colonial responses to, 93, 104, 222, 384

    content and impact of, 9, 12, 99, 144, 161, 362, 386

    controversy over, 10, 24–26, 90, 210, 215, 222, 226, 262

    defends and justifies, 226, 383, 386

    as enclosure, 10, 98–99, 116n, 120

    FB obtains copy of, 10, 98, 104, 106

    FB’s observations on, 98–99

    first motion for, defeated, 87, 385

    Hillsborough’s reaction to, 9, 12–13, 24–26, 28, 77, 86, 145, 151, 226, 388

    listed, 116n

    mentioned, 223

    and Otis Jr., 225

    Parliament, presented to, 99

    as political compromise, 9

    Pownall, J., FB sends copy, 99, 120

    preparation of, 52n, 93, 98, 361–62, 386

    quoted, 99

    radicalism of, 99, 151, 362

    replies to

    cited, 228n, 249n

    listed, 228n

    rescinding of, 9–10, 13, 24–26, 28, 77, 99, 106, 143, 150–51, 170–71n, 214–15, 223, 225–28n, 230–31, 233, 246n, 250n, 261, 275, 279–80n, 296–300n, 313–14, 383, 388–89n, 400, See also Rescinding Controversy

    vote and division on, 25, 151, 222–23, 226, 231, 279n, 313, 388

    Sheburne, FB sends copy to, 10–11, 98, 104, 112

    variants of, 362

    votes and divisions on, 12, 87, 88n, 95n, 99–101, 222–23, 226, 314–15n, 361–62, 387

    colonial assemblies, circulars to

    cited, 389n

    colonial rights, defends, 25, 65, 71, 75n–76n

    committees of

    and Adams, S., 361

    agent, instructions for, to prepare, 75n

    answers to FB, to prepare or deliver, 223, 228–29n

    and authorship, 75n, 361

    Circular Letter to assemblies, to prepare, 98, 361–62n, 386–87

    Circular Letter, on refusal to rescind, 226, 228n, 388–89n

    FB’s correspondence with Shelburne, to acquire, 107n

    FB’s messages, to consider, 221–22

    FB’s removal, petition for, to prepare, 25, 223, 229n, 246n

    Jackson, to write to, 89, 100

    king, petition to, to prepare, 72, 223

    “state” of the province, to consider, 71

    Townshend Act, popular apprehensions with, to consider, 209

    Townshend duties, remonstrances respecting, to prepare, 12, 75n, 386

    constituents of, 360

    and Convention of Towns, 35, 331, 352, 401

    Conway, letters to, listed, 116n

    Council, insults, 101


    Circular Letter, sends copy of, 386

    grant for, votes, 89

    instructions to

    cited, 116n

    discussed, 70n, 76n

    as enclosure, 68n

    prepared, 71, 75n

    letters to

    cited, 70n, 116n

    discussed, 112

    drafted, 75n

    defiance of, 151

    dismissal of, 94

    disposition of, 72, 80, 84, 86–88, 92–93, 142, 149, 221, 313, 344, 361, 385, 387

    dissolution of. See under Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives): dissolution of

    elections to (1768), 166–71


    conduct of, debates, 115–16

    disrespectful of, 142

    enemies of in, 106, 227, 229n

    impeachment and removal of, considers, 223, 226–27, 229–30n, 246n

    letters to Hillsborough from

    misrepresented in, 385

    presented, 383

    misrepresented by

    accusations respecting, 25, 116, 361, 382–89

    FB refutes, 262

    “base and wicked Attempts” to prejudice king, 384

    considers, 243–44

    views on, 226–27, 229n

    negates influence of, 74–75n, 88n, 100, 115, 167, 215

    negotiates with, 10–11

    opposition to, continuance of, 109

    relationship with

    about, 8, 11, 17

    discussed, 145, 262

    Pownall, T., advises on, 148

    friends of government in, 12, 17, 59, 89–90, 99–100, 104, 113, 115–16n, 126n, 161, 163, 168, 176, 227, 229n, 369, 372n

    gallery, 299

    good “humour” of, 59, 72, 88, 93

    government officers, salary grants for, 172

    governor, disrespectful of, 142

    and governor’s salary grant, 94


    censured by, 74, 181

    criticize judgement of, 384

    FB’s correspondence with, considers, 221–22

    letters to

    cited, 263n, 270n, 293n


    as enclosures, 262

    Parliament, presented to, 262

    preparation of, 229n

    printed, 229n, 261

    published, 246n, 249n, 388

    received, 388

    requisitions from, FB’s plans for communicating, 213

    Hutchinson, censures, 59

    imperial power, opposes, 25

    on intercolonial co-operation, 361


    conduct of, approves, 89

    writes to, 100–101


    as enclosure, 5

    official correspondence in, recording, 104


    and birthday celebrations of, 175

    disappoints, 149–50, 313–14

    proclaims loyalty to, 361, 384

    on requisitions of, 383

    king, petitions to

    Boston town meeting promotes, 365

    discussed, 388

    FB’s removal, for

    mentioned, 223, 226–27

    preparation of, 229n, 246n

    mentioned, 371

    protocol for transmission, 71, 73, 142

    request indulgence, 388

    Townshend duties, for repeal of

    about, 5, 75n

    adoption of, 226

    cited, 68n, 201n, 372n, 388n

    drafted, 75n

    failure of, 200

    mentioned, 5, 138, 221, 228n, 365

    not presented, 143n, 280n, 345n

    preparation of, 72, 75n, 88n, 223, 386

    presentation of, 384, 388

    presentation of delayed, 70n, 74, 280n

    printed, 139, 345n

    publication of, 138

    quoted, 76n

    submitted, 201n

    transmitted, 388–89n

    transmission of, 201n, 255–56


    attendance of, 102, 149, 213, 385, 387

    identified, 68n

    intimidation of, 162

    speeches of, discussed, 65, 68n–69, 89–90, 113, 221, 297, 299, See also Otis, James, Jr.: House of Representatives, in

    mentioned, 359

    messages and speeches to, 172, See also Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives): messages and speeches to

    about, 170–71n, 228–29n

    cited, 227n

    discussed, 59, 109, 113, 115–16, 169, 172, 202, 220–21, 328

    drafts, 107n

    as enclosures, 59, 105, 114, 120, 169–70, 172–73, 177, 222, 225, 228–29n

    form and style of, 169

    insubstantiveness of, 59

    New York boundary commission, 60n, 173n

    quoted, 107n, 116, 170

    as rejoinders, 102, 105, 114, 222

    messages and speeches to, as enclosure, 120

    moderation of, 59, 86–87, 115, 149, 225, 385, 387

    newspaper libel

    considers, 119–20

    dismisses, 113, 115, 370

    proceedings respecting, 123n

    nonimportation, support for, 116n

    opposition from, discussed, 39, 112, 167

    Otis Jr. in, 12, 68n–69, 75n, 89, 101, 104, 113, 119–20, 140, 169–70, 172, 209, 221–22, 225, 227n, 228–29n, 297, 299–00, 362n, 389n

    papers of, authorship of, 75n, 76n, 112

    on parliamentary taxation, 359–60

    Pitt, expresses gratitude to, 66

    political composition of, 167, 226–27, 230n

    printers, prosecution of, reluctant to support, 86, 88n, 112, 115

    proceedings of

    (1765), 328, 329n

    (1766), 90n

    (1767), 91n, 229n

    (21 Jan.–11 Feb. 1768), 88n

    (23 Feb. 1768), 76n

    (25 May–30 Jun. 1768), 25, 53n, 169, 171n, 181, 201n, 203, 205n, 212–213, 214n, 220–23, 228–30n, 237, 243–44, 246, 293n, 388–89n

    (30 Dec. 1767–04 Mar. 1768), 6, 10, 59, 60n, 65–76n, 87–91n, 93, 95n, 98–100, 103–07n, 112–13, 116, 117n, 145n, 160–61n, 229n, 345n, 360, 362n, 368n, 370, 372n, 383, 385–86

    irregularities in, reported, 72–74

    Parliament, presented to, 99, 262

    printed, 245n, 252n

    Shelburne, FB sends to, 115

    province agent, salary grants for

    FB withholds approval, 101

    voted, 88–89

    public gallery, 73

    radicals in, 94

    reconciliation with, 87

    remonstrances of. See under House of Representatives: Townshend duties, remonstrances against

    resolves and resolutions of

    as enclosures, 112, 115

    on manufacturing, 112, 369

    radicalism of, 150

    Rockingham, letters to, listed, 116n


    FB’s correspondence with

    presented, 10, 99–104, 106–07n, 112, 293

    request copies of, 104, 106–07n

    letters to

    cited, 107n

    drafted, 75n

    as enclosure, 105, 120

    FB transmits copy, 105

    listed, 116n

    preparation of, 72, 102, 105–06

    prepared, 71–72, 75n

    printed, 138–39n

    Shelburne, FB’s correspondence with

    request for copies of refused, 107n

    Speakers of, 10, 12, 65, 68–72, 75, 88–90, 98, 100–01, 104, 107, 112, 116n, 150, 171n, 174, 209, 228–29, 249, 361–62, 365, 383, 386, 388–89, See also Cushing, Thomas

    and Stamp Act riots, compensation for, 228n

    and standing armies, 320

    as states general, 72

    summon, authority to, 35

    on Townshend Acts, repeal of, 360–61

    Townshend duties

    debates, 60n

    remonstrances against

    FB refused copies of, 72–73

    friends of government revise, 161

    ineffective, 400

    listed, 75n, 112, 116n

    mentioned, 98, 161, 163

    preparation of, 6, 12, 59, 65, 68n, 69, 71–72, 75n, 90

    radicalism of, 72, 143, 148

    repeal of, campaigns for, 5–6, 112, 115, 359–62, 384, 386

    repeal of, urges, 360, 384

    Treasury, letters to

    cited, 116n

    listed, 116n

    mentioned, 112

    votes and divisions

    circular letter to colonial assemblies

    (21 Jan. 1768), proposed on, 12, 87, 88n, 90, 98–99, 142, 150, 315n, 385–86

    (4 Feb. 1768), proposal approved on, 88, 95n, 98–101, 149, 226, 314, 315n, 386

    (11 Feb. 1768), approved on, 88, 226, 386

    (30 Jun. 1768), rescinding of, refused, 25, 223, 229n, 279n

    on Jackson as province agent (1 Feb. 1768), 91n

    mentioned, 59

    on message to FB (18 Feb. 1768), 104

    on native manufactures (26 Feb. 1768), 116n, 369

    on newspaper libel (4 Mar. 1768), 87, 113

    on petition to remove FB (30 Jun. 1768), 227

    Pitt, gratitude to, 66

    province agent, grants for (5 Feb. 1768), on, 14, 89

    on Shelburne, letter to, (20 Feb. 1768), 102

    Whig party in, 5, 11–13, 40, 65, 69, 75n, 87, 89–90, 94, 99–101, 104–05, 109, 112–13, 115, 161–62, 166–67, 176, 181, 213, 220, 221, 225–28n, 244, 246n, 279n, 361, 389n

    Hubbard, Thomas


    election to, 396n

    papers of, as co-signatory to, 395

    votes in, 347, 350n

    as councilor, 117n, 269n, 337n

    identified, 356n

    politics of, 171n, 355

    Hulton, Henry

    American Board of Customs

    as commissioner of, 368n, 372n

    letters of, as co-signatory to, 127, 180, 191, 194, 307, 366, 371, 377

    career of, 180n

    FB, views on, 180n

    identified, 128n

    letter to, cited, 180

    Human Nature, 344

    Hussar, HMS, 275n

    Hutchinson, Thomas

    abilities of, 38

    account of writs of assistance, as enclosure, 140

    American Board of Customs

    letters to, cited, 313n

    on retreat of, 192n


    and, 18

    letters from, cited, 52

    letters to

    cited, 52n

    quoted, 18, 52n

    on Boston selectmen, circular of, 324n

    British troops, landing of

    resistance to, did not expect, 318

    Castle William, as captain of, 197n, 240, 391n

    as chief justice, 115, 140–41n

    Boston Gazette, printers of

    prosecutes, 115, 121–23, 125–26

    pursues, 123

    conduct of, praised, 122, 272

    grand jury

    prepares indictment for, 122–23n, 125–26, 295

    presents libel to, 121–23, 125

    Hawley, disbars, 60n

    Liberty riot, and inquiry into, 295

    salary, 167

    threatened, 295

    writs of assistance, advises on, 140

    conduct of, FB praises, 122–23


    exclusion from, 112, 166

    meetings, attends, 171

    not elected to, 167, 169, 172, 176

    reelection to, attempted, 170–71, 175

    restoration to, proposed, 167–68, 172–73, 175

    on crowd action, 15, 110, 128

    and Crown salary, 300n

    on Customs commissioners, 372n

    enemies of, 168

    father-in-law, 415n


    as advisor and confidant to, 17, 104, 140, 156

    consulted by, 213

    correspondence of, did not read, 18

    differences and disagreements with, 17–18

    loyalty to, 18

    and mutual fears, 17

    views on

    FB’s enemies, concerning, 32

    popular violence, concerning, 17

    Stamp Act Crisis, during, 18, 152

    FB as governor, as successor to, 156

    Hillsborough, and instructions from, 272

    FB’s views on, 17, 122

    friends of, 176

    Hillsborough praises, 272

    House of Representatives, “censured” by, 59–60n

    on insurrection plot, 246n

    Jackson, letters to

    cited, 110n, 128n, 192n, 327n

    quoted, 372n

    letters from

    cited, 171n

    letters to

    listed, 407

    quoted, 17

    as lieutenant governor, 156, 167–68

    Council meetings, attends, 171

    Crown salary proposed for, 167, 170n, 300n

    salary grant, 94

    loyalty of, 168

    on mobs, leaders of, 110

    offices of, 52n

    Otis Jr.

    criticized by, 172

    on, 123n

    Otis Sr., enmity of, 168, 170, 175

    as “pensioner,” 167, 170n, 172, 176, 295

    at Province House, 130

    “resolution & steadiness” of, 122

    Rogers, letters to, cited, 52n, 170n


    his dispute with American Board of Customs, intervenes in, 311–13n

    views on, 123n, 311

    on smuggling, 190n

    Stamp Act riots, destruction of house during, 13, 21, 289

    tea trade, knowledge of, 190n

    “TH,” referred to as, 47, 52n

    unknown, letters to

    cited, 52n, 54n

    quoted, 190n

    Whately, letters to

    cited, 123n, 318n

    quoted, 324n

    Williams, I., letter from, cited, 230n

    and writs of assistance, 140

    Ideology, 64

    Illness. See under Health and Ill-Health: illness

    Imagination, 161

    Impeachment, 230n

    Imperial Administration. See also British Colonial Policy

    mentioned, 137

    problems of, 81

    reforms to, 60, 78

    Imperial Authority, 1, 151, 320, 366, 377

    defiance of, 162

    Imperial Crisis, 1–3, 7–9, 21, 26, 29–30, 39, 51, 68, 86, 115, 269, 308, 318

    historiography of, 1, 3, 21, 27, 40, 51n, 68n, 99, 151, 157n, 171n, 184, 188, 307, 361

    Imperial Elite, 133n

    Imperial Government. See under British Government

    Imperial Power. See also Great Britain: authority of

    demonstrations of, 174

    in Ireland, 27

    opposition to, 64

    Importers, 137, 189n, 280–81

    Imports. See also Nonimportation

    Europe, from, 394

    foreign, 139, 368n

    Great Britain, from, 2, 14–15, xxv, 32, 108, 132, 136, 139n, 162, 280–81, 369, 394

    manufactures, British, 139n

    molasses, 121n

    Portuguese wine, 121n


    about, 175n

    Boston town meeting protests at, 198–201

    and Boston, 20, 175n, 187, 211n

    Council considers, 208–09

    and FB, 200, 205–06, 208, 210, 212n, 214

    legality of, 201n, 273

    and Liberty riot, 210n

    opposition to, 22–23, 175, 199–200, 209–10n, 215, 237n, 273

    prohibitions on, 201n

    resistance to, 174–75, 208

    Inches, Henderson, 211n

    Informers, 33–35, 110n, 133n, 154–55n, 226, 296, 298–99, 309–12n, 321–22, 324n, 369

    Inns, 336n, 341

    Insurrection. See also Rebellion

    allegations of, 1, 16–17, 22–23, 29, 31, 54, 129, 153–54, 184, 188–89, 193–94, 201, 209, 211, 234, 240, 316–20, 324n, 332, 345, 375, 377, 390

    about, 1, 3, 214, 250, 317

    fears of, 108


    government officials, of, 13–17, 23, 39–40, 108, 119–20, 127–28, 135, 169, 180, 185–86, 195, 243, 251, 258–61, 263, 363, 365, 368–72, 375–77

    as political tactic, 110n, 162, 223, 235, 243, 349

    Ipswich, Mass., 230n, 280n, 323n


    Anglo-Irish landlords in, 10n

    aristocracy of, 27

    British imperial power in, 27

    British regiments in, 29, 38


    depart for, 285n, 333, 397

    expected in, 291, 333–35, 339

    ordered to, 37, 184, 271, 275, 284, 311, 317–18n, 326, 333, 338, 397

    quartered in, 341

    lord lieutenant of, 54n

    mentioned, 78n, 271, 398

    patriots of, 290n

    religious divisions in, 27

    Ireland, Kingdom of, 27

    Ironmongery, 139

    Irving, Thomas

    deposition of, cited, 380n

    identified, 188n

    Liberty riot, assaulted during, 185

    memorial of, as enclosure, 190n, 379

    Israel, 189n

    Jackson, Joseph, 174, 211n

    as Boston selectman, 401

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    Jackson, Richard

    assembly, FB’s messages and speeches to, FB sends copies of, 176

    Boston Gazette, FB sends copies, 119

    Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser, FB sends copies, 126

    Circular Letter, adoption of, FB reports on, 100

    correspondence with

    about, 51, 70, 90, 102, 119, 126, 177

    intimacy of, 7

    numbering of, 70n, 102

    Council, elections to, FB reports on, 175–77

    and DeBerdt, 70n

    father’s death, 126

    FB as governor, relocation of, discussed, 92

    FB exaggerates radical threats, 14–15

    FB warns of resistance to troops, 250n

    FB writes to, 67n, 69, 92, 102, 103n, 119, 175

    FB, as advocate for, 70n

    House of Representatives

    proceedings of, FB reports on, 69, 88–90, 100–02

    writes to, 100–101

    Hutchinson, letters from, cited, 110n, 128n, 192n, 327n, 372n

    identified, 51

    letters from, received, 69, 175

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” FB sends, 101–02

    letters to, 69–70, 88–91, 99–103, 118–19, 125–26, 175–77

    about, 51n

    cited, 5–8, 12, 20, 60, 67n–68n, 78, 103n, 116n, 121n, 173, 177n, 372n

    composition of, 50n

    enclosures to, 102

    listed, 402–04, 406, 410–11

    quoted, 5, 14, 251n

    as replies, 69, 175

    libels, prosecution of, FB reports on, 125–26


    letter from, cited, 103n

    letter to, cited, 90n

    Otis Jr.,

    opposition from, FB discusses, 101–02, 102

    radicalism of, FB discusses, 119

    Otises, opposition of, FB reports on, 175–77

    Parliament, American representation in, FB discusses, 88–90

    as province agent

    conduct approved, 89, 91n

    dismissal, 70n, 91n

    grant awarded, 91n, 103n

    grant for services, receives, 88–89, 100–101, 119

    Ruggles’ protest, FB sends, 126

    Townshend duties

    arguments against, FB reports on, 69–70

    opposition to, FB reports on, 119

    Whig party, divisions in, FB reports, 12

    Jackson, Richard, Sr.

    death of, 126

    identified, 126n

    Jamaica, 92

    Jamaica Farm, 201, 207, 290n

    Jamaica Plain, 190n–91, 200, 321

    Jamaica Plain, Mass., 211n

    Jamaica Pond, Mass., 290n

    James II, King, 353n, 392

    Jenkinson (ship’s captain), 102

    Jernigan, William, 230n

    Jewellery, 139

    Job, The Book of, 118n

    Jokes, 108, 259

    Judah, Tribe of, 189n

    Judges of Massachusetts, 124n, 171n, See also Superior Court of Massachusetts

    and Council, exclusion from, 166

    mentioned, 144n, 171n

    “Junius” (anti-government writer), 124

    Juries, 34n, 115, 121–26, 181, 275, 295–96, 309, 370

    Justice, 18, 71, 95n–96, 106, 113, 118n, 122, 132, 154, 174, 181, 193, 199, 251, 269, 272, 295, 301, 307, 321, 372, 384–85, 387

    Justices of the Peace

    authority, lack of, 371

    and Boston town meeting, 211n

    British troops, decline to assist, 271, 291, 305, 373, 397

    commissions, reform of, 37, 266, 272, 274, 291, 314

    customs officers, assist, 140

    and Liberty riot, investigations into, 186, 201, 272

    mob, disperse, 259

    neglect of duty, 272, 308

    public disorder, responsibilities during, 182

    Quartering Act, responsibilities under, 331

    responsibilities of, 272, 314, 397

    Kennebec River, 416n

    Kent, Benjamin

    Boston town meeting, as committee member, 211n

    Kett, Robert, 210n, 212n

    Kett’s Rebellion (1549), 210n

    Kilwarlin, Viscount, 54n

    “King and Parliament”. See under King-in-Parliament

    King George’s War, 393

    King Street, Boston, 15, 130, 134, 174

    King, The. See also Crown; George, III, King; King-in-Parliament

    and American affairs, 9

    American Colonies

    and, 360

    petitions from

    blocked, 384

    mentioned, 5, 199, 361

    protocol for transmission of, 9, 71–73, 138, 142, 257n

    appointments by, Otis Jr. disparages, 221

    authority of, 20, 217, 257, 263, 340, See also Government, Royal: authority of

    challenged, 383

    defiance of, 133n

    opposition to, 122, 162

    to deploy troops, denied, 316, 320

    birthday celebrations, 174–75

    Board of Trade

    letter from, cited, 96

    representation from, cited, 97n

    and colonial governors, 9, 71

    communications with, protocol of, 71–73

    Council, petition from, 391–99

    disloyalty to, 118n

    displeasure of, 385

    disrespected, 167, 335

    dominions of, 205, 223, 336n, 340, 393


    approves conduct of, 74, 142, 314

    colonists misrepresented by, 383–85

    correspondence of

    considers, 1

    influenced by, 151

    presented with, 96, 142, 149, 181, 254, 313

    reliant upon, 9

    and transmission of, 73, 77

    proposes baronetcy for, 155–156

    represented by, 12, 39, 71, 73, 106, 116, 264, 271, 325, 331, 348–49

    support for, noted, 101, 325

    supports, 13, 315

    forms of address, 374

    Gage, correspondence of, presented with, 398

    Hillsborough, criticizes, 38

    His Majesty’s pleasure, 183, 383, See also King, The: royal commands

    in His Majesty’s service, 4, 16, 71, 76, 104, 122, 150, 152, 158, 182, 205, 252, 254, 271, 277, 286, 288, 301, 317, 325–28, 340, 398

    honor of, 163

    House of Commons, address from (27 Mar. 1766), as enclosure, 166n

    House of Representatives

    concerns respecting, 149–50

    disappointment with, 313–14

    petitions from

    FB’s removal, for

    mentioned, 223, 226–27

    preparation of, 229n, 246n

    Townshend duties, for repeal of,

    adoption of, 226

    cited, 68n, 75n, 201n, 372n, 388n

    failure of, 200

    mentioned, 5, 138, 221, 228n, 365

    preparation of, 72–73, 75n, 223, 385, 386–87

    presentation of, 70n, 384, 388

    delayed, 74, 143n, 280n, 345n

    printed, 138–139

    transmission of, 255–56, 389n

    interest of, 217

    and Ireland, 27

    king’s troops. See under British Army

    loyalty to, 227, 343

    Massachusetts Council, petition from, 391–96

    preparation of, 229–30n, 255, 395

    presentation of, 396

    presented and considered, 314

    transmission of, 31, 395

    Massachusetts, as monarch of, 343

    mentioned, 122, 224

    ministers of. See under British Government: ministers

    and ministers, 61

    orders of. See under His Majesty in Council: orders-in-council


    and, 225, 320

    speech to (8 Nov.), 38

    person of, 221

    power of, 277

    predecessors of, 360

    as prosecutor, See Crown: prosecutions

    representations to, transmission of, protocol concerning, 142

    requisitions of, 213, 219-20, 222, 228, 234, 242, 253, 265, 313, 381, 383

    rights of, 345

    royal commands, 76–77, 112

    American Board of Customs, to assist, 159, 206, 251, 273, 378


    on communication of official correspondence to, 292, 314

    dissolution of, 150, 224, 277, 400

    British troops, on deployment of, 182–83, 271, 304, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 373, 397–98

    execution of, mentioned, 327

    FB, leave of absence granted to, 183, 298

    General Court, on removal of, 273, 306

    governors’ instructions, on review of, 216

    Massachusetts Circular Letter, to rescind vote for, 150, 313–14, 383

    Massachusetts magistracy, on reform of, 272, 314

    mentioned, 224, 314

    Parliament, summoning of, 353

    royal authority, and maintenance of, 330

    treason, investigate, 272

    royal “Ear,” 343, 400

    as royal “Father,” 96, 314, 361, 384, 387

    royal instructions, 216, 273, 301

    royal “mind,” 384

    royal observations of, reported

    American Board of Customs, and protection of, 398


    on disposition of, 142, 149, 313–14

    on proceedings of, 142

    Boston’s return to “proper Sense” of duty, hopes for, 274


    on conduct of, 142, 150, 181, 314, 388

    on correspondence of, 142

    on Hutchinson’s value to, 272

    on “Prudence” of, 96

    on Massachusetts Circular Letter, 149–50

    rescinding of, 313

    Massachusetts Council, on conduct and manner of, 182, 314

    Massachusetts, causes of disturbances in, 96, 150

    Massachusetts, loyalty of, 150

    official correspondence, on transmission of, 77, 96, 142

    seal of, 206, 257

    and secretary of state, 8

    smugglers, pursuit of, king’s interest in, 309

    sovereignty of, 330, 344

    and standing armies, 320

    subjects of, 67, 271, 273, 343–44, 359, 384, 392

    supporters of, 278, See also Friends of Government

    toasted, 289n

    Virginia, petition from, mentioned, 228n, 284

    King’s Bench, Court of the, 37, 272

    King’s Road, Boston Harbor, 240


    authority of, 340, 359

    challenges to, 5

    sovereignty of, 5, 7

    Kings, Book of, 189n

    Kinsman, Melchisedec

    as murderer, 289n

    Kirk, Thomas

    deposition of

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 190n, 379

    Hancock’s crew, restrained by, 187

    Kneeland (army chaplain), 177

    Laborers, 116n, 165, 211n

    Lace, 139

    Lammas, 147, 149

    Lancaster, Mass., 247


    admiralty, 18, 309

    British troops, and quartering of, 304, See also Quartering Act (1765): provisions of

    civil disorder, quelling, 257

    and colonial rights, 63

    “conditions” of, 124n

    criminal proceedings, 123

    death penalty, 289

    enforcement of, 122, 284, 308

    England, of, 37, 272

    imperial, 123

    law and order issues, 30, 34, 54, 132, 181–82, 272, 343, 344, 373

    prosecution, immunity from, 91n

    Law Courts, 140–41n, 174n, 275n, See also Superior Court of Massachusetts


    duties on, 281

    Lechmere, Thomas, 141n

    Leeward Islands, 92

    Legal Papers of John Adams, 188

    Legge, William. See under Dartmouth, Earl of


    editorial policy and citation of, 47

    Legislation, British. See under Parliament, Legislation

    Legislation, English. See under Parliament of England, Legislation

    Legislation, Scottish. See under Parliament of Scotland, Legislation

    Lennox, Charles. See under Richmond, Duke of

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania” (John Dickinson)

    about, 68n, 63–64, 102, 103n

    author identified, 64

    authorship, speculation concerning, 63–65

    as enclosure, 63, 65–66, 101–102, 368n

    England, reception in, 63, 364

    FB admires, 64, 148

    influence of, 64, 148

    as “American Political Creed,” 148

    and New York, 65

    newspapers, reprinted in, 63, 66–67n, 102

    as pamphlet, 64, 102

    Pennsylvania Chronicle, published in, 63, 67, 102, 364

    publishing history, 63–64, 102

    radicalism of, 63–64

    Letters to Hillsborough (1769)

    cited, 396

    Letters to the Ministry (1769)

    advertised, 26n

    cited, 74, 87, 99, 115, 123, 133, 138, 187, 191, 193, 195, 197–98, 204, 210, 214, 225, 245–46n, 249, 256, 258, 261, 268, 279, 281, 289, 298, 322, 336, 350, 353

    Dorr’s commentaries on, 134n

    listed, 402–05, 407–15


    in Boston Gazette, 125

    in handbills, 169

    in newspapers, 12, 106, 112, 114–15, 117n, 295, 370

    authorship of, 117n, 119n

    political impact of, 162

    as political tactic, 162

    prosecutions for, 91n, 121–23, 125, 295–96

    considered, 113, 115, 123n, 167, 370, 372n

    considered, 113

    failure of, 121

    and FB’s strategy, 117n

    obstacles facing, 34, 88n, 112–113, 115

    as prosecutions, 188


    American colonists, of, 362, See also Rights: American colonists, of; American Colonists: rights and liberties of

    popular conceptions of, 320

    press, of the, 115

    symbols of, 207, 210n, 231

    Liberty (sloop)

    confiscated, 188

    seizure of, 18, 21–23, 110, 170, 187, 195, 243, 310, See also Liberty Riot

    Liberty Hall, 207, 210n

    Liberty Riot

    accounts of, 26, 29, 180, 190n, 375, 377

    about, 5, 21, 53n, 274

    by American Board of Customs, 29, 190–191, 376–80

    about, 36

    by FB, 5, 184–90, 201–05

    about, 16, 21, 29, 210n, 250n, 252n, 274

    exaggeration in, 36

    Hallowell carries to London, 26, 29, 53n, 187, 204, 210, 214–15, 233, 274, 276

    aftermath of

    and American Board of Customs, 180, 194, See also American Board of Customs: Boston: retreat from

    FB’s reports on, 201–12

    about, 237, 270n

    and American Board of Customs, 313n

    Boston town meeting, proceedings of, concerning, 198–201, 211n, 270n

    causes of, 21

    consequences of, 22–25, 272, 274

    conspiracy to incite, 22

    Council, considered by, 22, 186–87, 189n, 192–94, 198, 201, 205n, 214n, 243, 250, 268, 270n, 272, 295, 342

    crown servants, hostility to, during, 175

    customs officers assaulted, 17, 180, 185

    depositions concerning, 203

    as enclosures, 190n, 204, 377–78

    listed, 378–80

    Parliament, presented to, 204

    FB’s reponse to, 24

    Hallowell, testimony of, about, 214n

    historiography of, 21

    and Imperial Crisis, 10, 21

    and impressment, 200, 210n

    investigation into

    by assembly, 189n, 193, 198, 200, 203, 205n, 212n, 243

    FB, instructions to, respecting, 37, 272, 274, 291

    mentioned, 180n, 275n

    participants in, 39, 295

    popular violence


    feared, 194, 201–02, 204, 210n, 375, 377

    not expected, 198, 201–02, 209

    during, 21–22, 180, 185

    fear of, 186, 193

    not expected, 193

    public meetings

    after, 201–02, 207–09

    during, 21, 185–86

    rioters, prosecution of, 34, 37

    attorney general, considered by, 188, 274, 295–96, 298

    summary of, 20–24

    Treasury, considered by, 53n, 190n, 214n, 378

    and Whig party, divisions in, 225

    “Liberty Song” (1768), 64, 290n

    Liberty Tree, Boston, 15, 110n, 127, 129, 134n, 186, 202, 207, 210–11n, 259, 289n, 370–71

    Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. See also Hutchinson, Thomas


    exclusion from, 112, 166

    membership of, 169

    not elected to, 167, 169, 172, 175

    restoration to, proposed, 167–69, 172–73, 175

    mentioned, 104, 122, 152, 167–68, 176, 213, 272, 289

    salary of, 94, 176

    Lincoln, Benjamin

    as councilor, 117n, 189n, 269n

    Linseed Oil, 139

    Liquor, 139

    Lisle, David

    American Board of Customs, blamed by, 310

    Sewall, meets with, 310

    suspension of, 310

    Little Romney, HMS, 178n, 216n, 241n, 367

    Liverpool, 248

    Lloyd, Robert

    Cushing, letter to, cited, 249n

    Lloyd’s Evening Post

    cited, 60n, 285n


    American Colonies, mail to and from, 3, 32, 144, 171n, 287–88, 295, 302–03, 324n, 333, 363, 366

    American Colonies, news concerning, 4

    American correspondence, Hallowell delivers, 29, 187, 204, 210, 214

    Cade’s Rebellion (1450), 211n

    Council records in, xxv

    exchange rates with, 135

    mentioned, 3–5, 7, 21, 32, 35–36, 41, 67, 180n, 187, 253, 285, 315, 329, 362, 386

    merchants of, 50n, 137, 415n

    pamphlets published in, 26n, 51n, 55n, 64n, 68n, 83, 102, 117n, 148

    riots and demonstrations in, 29, 40

    London Gazette, 121n

    London, City of, 321

    Lord Hyde (packet-boat), 184n, 303n


    children, of, 146–47

    Louisbourg. N. S., 381–82n

    conquest of (1745), 393


    mentioned, 64n, 144n, 164n, 200, 312n, 323n, 391n, 416n

    volunteer association of, 132

    Loyalty. See Crown: loyalty to

    declarations of, 343

    Lydia (brig), 171n

    American Board of Customs’ memorial concerning, 309

    case concerning, 18, 190n, 309–13n

    search of, 188, 309

    seizure of planned, 110

    Madeira, 21, 121n, 415n

    Magdalene, HMS, 367

    Magistrates. See under Justices of the Peace

    Magna Carta, 231


    Boston to England, 248

    delayed, 173, 321

    by Lord Hyde, 184n

    Boston to Glasgow, 230n

    Boston to New York

    dispatched, 186, 366

    by express, 294

    postriders, 303

    schedule and delivery times, 302

    concerns about security of, 4, 34, 153

    delivery times, 252, 302–03

    England to Boston

    anticipated, 146, 215

    arrives, 86, 247, 287n, 295, 303n

    delayed, 80, 86, 146, 152, 288, 295, 298

    England to New York

    delayed, 183–184

    England, from

    by packet-boat, 3–4, 32, 88, 124, 144, 153, 183, 287–88, 291, 302–03

    England, to

    by merchant ships, 252, 313

    by packet-boat, 3, 100, 119–20, 124–25, 144, 173, 175, 234, 252, 302, 313, 350, 353

    Falmouth (Eng.) to New York

    arrives, 303n

    delayed, 183

    delivery times, 303

    by packet, 3

    London to Boston

    delays, 287, 302

    delivery times, 3, 302

    Lydia, carried by, 171

    mentioned, 144

    by merchant shipping, 4, 302

    New York to England, 120

    by packet, 125, 186, 225, 242

    Newport to England, 125

    postmasters, 302

    by Royal Navy, 4

    Malcom, Daniel

    arrest, resists, 15, 141, 188, 251, 295, 308, 372

    Boston town meeting

    as committee member, 39, 211n

    proposes motion at, 370

    depositions concerning, 367n

    FB reports on, 52n

    identified, 367n

    in Liberty riot, 295

    merchants’ meetings, presides over, 369

    nonimportation agreement, advocates adoption of, 135

    obstructs seizure, 368n

    seizure, resists and obstructs, 363

    as smuggler, 135, 138n, 251, 369

    Manchester, Duke of, 95n


    depravity of, 100

    mentioned, 96

    Manufactory House, Boston, 38, 116, 139, 334–35, 337n, 339–41, 347, 353–54

    Manufacturing, 112, 126n, 132, 136–37, 163–166n, 360, 365, 369–70, 393–95

    Marblehead, Mass., 230n, 280n, 317

    Mark, Gospel of, 189n

    Martinique, 128n

    Maryland, 63, 248, 286

    assembly of, 228n

    mentioned, 64n, 249n


    and American Revolution, 39, 275n, 318n

    Boston, provincial opinion concerning, 278–79, 286, 296

    boundary disputes. See under Boundary Disputes between Massachusetts and

    British attidudes toward, 118n, 234, 294

    British garrisons in, 385

    and British government,184, 187, 242

    British troops

    arrival of, anticipated, 400

    opposition to, expected, 296

    orders concerning, 219, 316

    casualties in war, 393

    charter of (1629), 324n, 396n, See also Province Charter (1691)

    constitution of, 122, See under Government of Massachusetts: constitution

    as “country,”108, 122, 133n, 137, 154, 157, 172, 177, 326, 332–33, 363–64, 369, 392

    courts. See under Law Courts

    crowd action in, 91n

    customs officers in, 368n

    defense of, 320

    disorders in. See under Civil Disorder

    distress of, 342, 400

    divisions in, 171n

    exports. See under Exports

    FB prepares to leave, 120

    finances of. See under Public Finances

    fortifications in, 183, See also Castle William

    friends of government in, 96, 162

    gentlemen in, 383

    governors of. See under Governors, Colonial: Massachusetts, of

    imports. See under Imports

    interests of, 6, 60n

    law and order in, 54n

    laws of, 158n, 205n

    lawyers, 134n

    legislature. See under General Court

    magistrates. See under Justices of the Peace

    manufactures of, 166n, 369

    mentioned, 67n, 131, 140, 173, 262, 275n

    merchants. See under Merchants

    militia. See under Militia

    misrespresentations of, 106, 116, 208, 226, 229n, 246n, 270n, 384

    mobs. See under Crowd Action

    newspapers of, 11, 102, 228n, See also individual titles

    and nonimportation movement, 52n

    and Parliament,161

    people of, 360–61, 365, 383–84, 395

    loyalty, 401

    as subjects, 76n, See also King, The: subjects of

    politics. See under Politics

    popular prints, 319

    property valuations in, 394

    province agent. See under Province Agent

    province of, 5

    public buildings, 322, 336n, 339, 353–54, See also Faneuil Hall, Boston; Manufactory House, Boston; Town House, Boston

    radicalism in, 9, 17, 38, 93

    rational men of, 59

    religious denominations in, 323n

    representations of, 12, 24

    “revolt” in, 1

    royal charter, 367n, See under Province Charter (1691)

    Royal Navy in, 366

    shipbuilding in, 165

    shipping. See under Shipping

    sovereignty in, 330

    and Stamp Act Crisis, 366

    “state” of, 22, 24, 60, 71, 85, 96, 103–04, 156, 202, 204–05n, 223, 243, 249, 270n, 278, 317, 327

    strangers in, 130

    towns. See under Towns

    trade. See under Trade, Colonial

    treasury of. See under Province Treasury

    wars with France, contribution to, 393

    welfare of, 341, 401

    Whig party. See under Whig Party

    writs of assistance in, 140–41

    Massachusetts Gazette

    about, 337n

    Council, answer to FB from (26 Sept. 1768), prints, 336, 350, 351n

    as enclosure, 225, 350

    FB’s messages and speeches to assembly, prints, 170

    “To The Public,” prints, 170

    Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter

    about, 337n

    cited, 117n

    FB, proclamation of, prints, 214n

    Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly News-Letter

    about, 26n, 337n

    Massachusetts, Province of. See under Massachusetts

    Matthew, Gospel of, 189n

    Mayhew, Jonathan

    Discourse on Unlimited Submission (1750), 226, 230

    and FB, 226

    Mayhew, Matthew, 230n

    McConville, Brendan, 230n

    McDonald, Forrest, 64

    Mechanics, 15, 364

    Medford, Mass., 229n

    Medway, Mass., 229n

    Men, 129, See also Boston: gentlemen of

    ability, of, 104, 122

    aristocratic, 126, 299

    bodies of, 211n

    brave, 211n

    “considerate” sort, 81

    in crowds, 135, 185, 207, 243, 309

    desparados, 240, 246n, 332, 390

    elite, 7, 93, 162, 172, 319, 348

    employees, 21, 35, 110, 144n, 188, 309

    impressed, 205, 208, 273

    “Lads,” 129

    lives of, 39

    native-born, 17

    nonconsumption agreement, as subscribers, 139n

    nonelite, 2, 93

    orders of, 349

    powerful, 117n, 118n, 322n

    “prudent” and “sensible” sort, 318, 356, 390

    radicalized, 15, 19–20, 23, 96–97, 100, 158, 162–63, 167–68, 170, 182, 269, 274, 364

    as representatives, 114, 167, 181

    “respectable” sort, 93

    ”sensible” sort, 59

    townspeople, 322

    “wise” and “good” sort, 348

    Mendon, Mass., 416n


    American Colonies, of, 369

    Boston, of, 32, 90, 103n, 132, 136–37, 139n, 141n, 164n, 189n, 281, 337n

    British traders with America, 136

    colonial policy, views on, 2

    committees of, 136, 163, 369

    as FB, opponents of, 4

    Great Britain, of, 50n, 137, 394, 415n

    identified, 103n, 189n, 211n, 367n

    mentioned, 323n

    New York City, of, 139n, 281, 368n

    nonimportation agreement

    and adoption of, 32, 110n, 132, 135–36, 139n, 164n, 166n, 280–84, 369

    meetings concerning, 135, 138–39, 182, 280, 369–70

    Philadelphia, of, 139n, 281, 368n

    Salem, of, 144n

    Townshend duties

    oppose, 108, 135

    repeal of, favor, 108

    and trade duties, 121n

    and trade laws, evasion of, 15, 18–19, 308, 369

    and Whig party, 18–20, 136, 139n, 289

    as wholsesalers and retailers, 137, 139n

    writs of assistance, challenge, 140–41

    Merchants’ Exchange, Boston, 261n

    Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare), 90n.

    Middlekauf, Robert, 27

    Mignot, Francis, 318n


    and crowd action, 195

    king’s birthday, celebrates, 174–75

    officers of, mentioned, 144n, 174

    Suffolk regiment, 390–91n

    Millenary, 139

    Milton, Mass., 192n

    Mining, 416n

    Minty, Christopher, 5, xv, 64n, 368n

    Mobs. See under Crowd Action

    Molasses, 21, 121, 243, 248–49

    Molineux, William

    Harrison, letter to, quoted, 189n

    as insurrectionist, 246n

    radicalism of, 189n

    Montagu, Charles Greville, 95n

    Montague-Dunk, George, 50n, See under Halifax, Earl of

    Montresor, John

    Castle William, plan of, 179

    Gage, letters to FB from, delivers, 346

    identified, 346n

    insurrection, rumors of, explains, 346

    mentioned, 345

    Moore, Sir Henry

    correspondence with, about, 60n

    identified, 95n, 416n

    letters from, listed, 403, 405

    letters to, listed, 404–06

    Moore, Will

    about, 289n

    as rioter, 289

    Murder, 289

    allegations of, 236

    Murray, Capt., 238

    Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 111, 231, 283

    Music, Rough, 127–31, 370

    Mustard, 139

    Nails, 136, 139

    Nancy (brig), 214–15

    Native American Peoples

    mentioned, 148, 392–93

    Natural Rights. See under Rights: nature, of

    Nature, 324n

    Navigation Acts

    cited, 190n

    colonial trade, restrictions on, 75, 394

    and customs officers’ powers, 309

    mentioned, 2, 360

    New England

    British troops, anticipates, 275

    Dominion of, 353, 396n

    election proceedings in, 167

    factionalism in, 124

    and independence, 8, 144

    manufacturing in, 136

    and nonimportation, 137

    people of, 3

    radicalism in, 364–65

    seizures in, 363

    settlement of, 392

    state of, 152

    and trade, 137

    Vice Admiralty Court, 52n

    New Hampshire

    assembly of, 228n

    governor of, 416n

    land grants, 416n

    New Ireland, Maine, 144n

    New Jersey, 92, 228n, 233, 258, 416

    assembly of, 228n

    governors of, 234

    New London, Conn., 363

    New York Assembly

    Quartering Act, defies, 27, 151, 336n

    New York Suspending Act (1767). See under Parliament, Legislation: New York Suspending Act (1767)

    New York, City of


    communications with, 232

    mail to and from, 294, 302–03, 306, 366

    rumors concerning revolt in, 346

    British garrison at, 16, 195, 257, 263

    England, mail to and from, 3–4, 120, 125, 183, 186, 225, 242, 303, 366

    and “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” 65

    mentioned, 154, 254n, 376, 380, 382

    merchants of, 139n, 280-81, 368n

    newspapers, 63, 65–66, 102

    and nonimportation, 139n, 280–81, 368n

    pamphlets published in, 64n, 67n, 102

    New York, Province of

    boundary dispute with Massaschusetts, 60n, 160–61, 169, 171n, 173n

    government and politics in, 93

    governors of, 92, 95n, 416n, See also Moore, Sir Henry

    landowners in, 160

    mentioned, 160, 396n

    Newbury, Mass., 170n, 317, 363

    Newburyport, Mass., 318n

    Newcastle, Duke of

    administration of, 6

    identified, 50n

    New-Hampshire Gazette

    cited, 216n, 238n, 241n, 368n

    Newport Mercury

    listed, 411

    Newport town meeting, advertisement by, prints, 367

    and Pitt’s speech, 68n

    Newport, R.I.

    mail packets to and from, 125

    town meeting, 367n

    Newspapers. See also individual titles

    as historical source, 47

    manufacturing, and promotion of, 136

    political writing in, 71, 91, 366

    radicalism of, 137–38

    New-York Gazette

    cited, 184n

    New-York Gazette, and Weekly Mercury

    cited, 285n

    New-York Gazette, or Weekly Post–Boy

    Camden’s speech, prints, 67–68, 70n

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” reprints, 67n

    New-York Journal, 346n

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” reprints, 67n

    New-York Mercury

    cited, 68n

    “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” reprints, 67n

    Nichols, John

    mentioned, 367n

    Temple, letter from, cited, 367n


    about, 52n, 139n, 282n


    adoption of, 32, 108, 110, 135–36, 138n, 139n, 182, 281, 365, 368–70, 372n

    discontent with, 136, 164n, 281–82n, 365

    enforcement of, 20, 162, 281

    popular concern with, 136

    printed, 282n

    provisions of, 110n, 281

    subscribers and nonsubscribers, 136, 139n, 280–82, 370

    intimidation of, 162

    subscriptions for, 132, 136, 139n, 165–66n, 280, 282

    in American Colonies, 136–37, 139n, 280–81, 368n

    economic impact of, 14, 137, 166

    and Imperial Crisis, 10, 39

    merchants and shopkeepers, disputes between, 139n

    and nonconsumption agreement, 139n, 166n

    and Parliament, 280

    popular support for, 2, 20, 116n, 136, 165–66n

    Norfolk, Eng., 210n

    North America. See also American Colonies

    British regiments in, 28, 271, 284

    continent of, 90, 92–93, 98, 104, 162, 174, 279, 343, 359, 361, 365, 372–73, 384, 386

    mentioned, 63, 80, 124, 174, 251, 271

    military fortifications in, 346n

    wars in, 276n, 396n, See also French and Indian War

    westward expansion, 55n

    North Atlantic Station, 53n, 175n, 216n, 241n, 367, 416n

    North Briton, 289n

    North Carolina, 92, 95n

    North Ministry, 78

    North, Lord, 78

    Northey, Edward

    opinion of, as enclosure, 274

    Norwich. Eng., 210n

    Nova Scotia

    British garrison at, 232, 285n, 346

    government of, 233

    lieutenant governor of, 141, 148

    mentioned, 148

    Nutting, John

    as customs officer, 143

    identified, 144n

    Odgers, William, 289n

    Offley Family, 415n

    Offley, William

    identified, 415n

    letter to, listed, 406

    Ohio River, 55n

    Oil Tar, 188

    Old North Church, Boston, 178n

    Old South Meeting House, Boston, 322, 324n

    Old State House, Boston, 2, See also under Town House, Boston

    Oliver, Andrew. See also Province Secretary of Massachusetts

    American Board of Customs, letter to

    cited, 380n

    as enclosure, 379


    not elected to, 166, 169, 350

    not in attendance, 347

    petition to king from, attests, 396

    restoration to, 167

    FB, as advisor to, 17, 89, 98, 104, 213

    Hillsborough, letter to FB from, copies, 275

    identified, 52n


    letter from, cited, 90n

    letter to, cited, 103n

    as province secretary

    American Board of Customs, writes to, 190

    Convention of Towns, FB’s message to, delivers, 352

    Council, minutes of, attests, 350, 395–96

    General Court, acts and resolves of, transmits, 158n

    House of Representatives, communicates with, 105

    Jackson, letters to FB from, copies, 90n

    Robinson, letter to, cited, 192n

    Orange Street, Boston, 210n

    Orationes In Catilinam (Orations against Catiline. Marcus Tullius Cicero), 145

    Oratory, 319

    Orders-in-Council. See under His Majesty in Council: orders-in-council

    Osborne, John