729 | To John Pownall


    Boston Janry 13 1769

    Dear Sir,

    Three Days ago we received a Copy of the King’s Speech from New York;1 you may imagine it has had various Effects with the People here according to their different Arrangements; but it is most apparent among the Friends of Government, who have no Reason to conceal their Joy at seeing the Time coming when this Country will be delivered from the baneful Influence of the Faction who have harrast it so long. For myself I expect the best Consequences of those spirited Measures which the Parliament will undoubtedly adopt at this critical Time. Happily it is not now too late; very soon hence it would have been, and it is hoped that the favorable Opportunity which the Madness of the Leaders of the Faction & the Folly of their followers have put into the Hands of the Government at home to enable it to reform this Government will not be neglected. Never again must be expected so happy an Occasion to do the Necessary Business.

    The Assembly at New York has at length declared itself by a Set of Resolutions. As they are not published in the N York Papers, I send you a Copy of them which our Printer has struck off. I think that the second Resolution by its serious & deliberate Explicitness exceeds every Thing that has been published against the Authority of Parliament.2 It is high Time that the Question whether the Parliament has any Authority over the American Assemblies or not should be settled.

    I hinted in a former Letter that great Part of the present Troubles of this Government arose from private Animosities in another Department than mine.3 The Explanation of this has not gone on so fast as I expected: but I beleive it will begin to be sent home about this Time. I shall give a more explicit Hint of this in a Supplement to this which you must treat confidentially. You may depend upon it, it will be agreeable to the Sentiments of all the principal Officers of the Crown and the cheif Friends of Government.

    I send this with a Cover directed4 to you inclosing a Letter to the Magistrates of Strasburg with a Letter in form desiring you to forward it; in which I hope I am right.

    I am Sr &c

    John Pownall Esqr

    PS Jan 19th

    Since I wrote this a Ship has brought in here the Duplicates of my Lord H’s Letter No 21 & the Inclosures.5 The Addresses of the two Houses seem not to intimidate the Faction; at least they don’t show it[;]6 they endeavour to counterballance them by many Extracts of Letters some wrote others only pretended to be wrote in London averring great Lies & Absurdities.7 Mr Deberdt says that the Convention was a prudent Measure & their Friends increase.8 I’ll send you a printed Sheet as a Sample; and also a New York Newspaper with a fuller Account of their Proceedings in Assembly than I had before.9 I can now send the Supplement proposed but will only say that the Difficulties of the Commissioners &c appear to arise from one of their own Board;10 I will thank you for your very kind Letter in my next.11

    J Pownall Esqr

    L, LbC     BP, 7: 252-254.

    In handwriting of Thomas Bernard. The RC may have enclosed an undated letter from FB to the master and council of the City of Strasbourg (not found); copies of the Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser, 16 Jan. 1769, and possibly the New-York Gazette, or Weekly Post-Boy, 9 Jan. 1769; the “supplement” enclosed was probably a paper on the American Board of Customs.