768 | To the Earl of Hillsborough

    Dupl Private

    Boston May 1st 1769

    My Lord

    I am honoured with your Lordship’s private Letter dated March 22,1 which was brought by a Ship from London in 30 Days. Your Lordship’s Favours come so fast upon me that my Gratitude can scarce keep pace with your Benevolence. The high Sense I have of the Honor done me so fills me that I can only express it by a repeated Dedication of myself & all my Faculties to his Majesty’s Service. Permit me also to add that the Honor conferred upon me has received an Additional Value by the kind & polite Manner in which Your Lordship has signified it to me.

    The Assurance that you give me that his Majesty has not been influenced by the Malevolence & Misrepresentation which has been used against me, is very seasonable at a Time when my Enemies are encreased by many of the Council, who are offended at the honest & just Resentment which I have expressed at their late undutiful & unconstitutional Proceedings. But I persuade myself that I am out of the Reach of their Malice.

    I think it lucky that the Notice of the Honor conferred upon me arrived so early as to be inserted in the Writs for calling the Assembly: It may possibly have some good Effects; but I do not expect much Advantage to it myself; as Envy when added to Malice serves to encrease its force. However I hope it will have so much Effect as to justify my Observations, in a former Letter,2 of the political Use of Honors. I have lately met with so strong a Confirmation of those Sentiments in an elegant modern Writer, that I beg Leave to subjoin it without applying it to myself.

    Un Altro Mezzo di prevenire i delitti e quello di recompensare la Virtu’. Sopra questo3 proposito osservo un Silenzio universale nelle leggi di tutte le Nazioni d’oggidi. Se i premi proposti dalle Academie ai discopritori delle utile Verita’ hanno multiplicato e le cognizioni, e i boni libri; perche’ non i premi distributi della benifica Mano del Sov’rano non multiplecherrebbero4 altresi le Azioni Virtuosi? La Moneta dell’ Onore e’ sempre inesausta e fruttifera nelle mani del saggio distributore.

    Beccaria dei delitti & delle pene.5

    I have the honour to be with the great Gratitude & Respect My Lord &c

    The Right honble The Earl of Hillsborough

    dupL, LbC     BP, 7: 156-157.

    In handwriting of Thomas Bernard. Scribal copying errors are noted below.