The platform.
The setting forth of a publike confession of ye
faith of churches hath a double end, & both
tending to Edificaton 1st the maintenance of
the Faith, Intire in each church whin it selfe.
2ly the holding forth of unity & Harmony wh
othr churches. Our churches here as by the
grace of Cht we beleeve & professe the same
doctrine of the Truth of the Gospell wch
generally is recd in all ye Reformed churches
of cht in Europe; so especially we desyre
not to vary from ye doctrine of Faith & truth
hold forth, by ye churches of or native countrey.
For though it be not one native countrey that
can breed us all of one mynd, nor ought we
to have ye glorious Faith of or Lord Jesus wth
respect of psons: yet as Paul who was himself
a Jew desired to hold forth ye doctrine of
Justification by Faith, according as to he knew his godly
countreymen did, who were Jewes by nature
(Gal. 2.15, 16): so we, who are or selves by nature
Englishmen do desire to hold forth the same
doctrine of Religion (especially in Fundamentalls)
wch we see & know to be held forth by them,
according to ye Truth of ye Gospell.
The more we discerne, (that wch we do and
have cause to do, wh incessant mourning & trembling)
the unkind & unbrotherly an unchtian contentions
of or godly Brethren & countreymen in matters
of church govrnmt; ye more earnestly do we desyre
to see them joined together in one common Faith