and the equity thereof, as also the rule of common reason(a).
moreover the Scripture doth not only call Elders labourers
& workmen(b), but also speaking of them doth say, that
ye labourer is worthy of his hire(c) and requireth that
he wch is taught in the word should communicate to
him that taught him in all good things(d), and mentio=
meth it as an ordinance of ye lord that they wch preach
the gospel should live of ye gosepll(e) & forbidde &
ye muzzleing(f) of the mouth of the oxe that treadeth
out the corne. (a) 1 Cor.9.9-15. (b) math.9.38. (c) math 10.10
I Tim.5:18. )d) Gal.6.6. (e) 1 Cor. 9.14. (f) 1 Tim.5.18.
The Scriptures alledged requiring his maintenance
as abounden duty, & due debt, & not as matter of
Almes or free gift; Therefore people are not at liberty
to do or not ^to do, what & when they please in his
matter, no more then in any other commanded duty &
ordinances of the Lord, but ought of duty to minister[r]
of their carnall things(a) to them that labour amongst
them in the word & doctrine, as well as they ought
to pay any other workmen their wages, or to dischardge
& satisfy= their other debts, or to submit themselves to
observe any other ordinance of ye Lord. (a) Rom.15.27
1 Cor.9.11.
The Aple enjoyning Gal.6.6. that he wch is taught do
communicate to him that teacheth in all good things,
doth not leave it Arbitrary, what, or how much a
man shall give, or in what proporcion, but even
this latter as well as ye former is prscribed and
appointed by ye Lord.
not only members of churches, but all that are
taught in the word are to contribute unto him
that teacheth in all good things Ga..6.6. 1 Cor.9.14
In case that congregacions are defective in their