Such Lers of Recommendacion & dismission were written for

Apollos(a), for marcus to the Colossians(b), for Phebe to the Romanes(c)

for sundry others to other churches(d). And the Aple telleth us that

some psons not sufficiently knowne otherwise, have speciall need

of such Lers, though he for his part had no need thereof(e).

The use of them is to be a benefit and help the pty for

whom they are written, and for the furthering of his recei=

ving amongst the saints in the place or places whereunto

he goeth, and the due satisfaction of them in the receiving of

him. (a) Act.18.27.  (b) Col.4.10.  (c) Rom.16.1,2.  (d) 1 Cor.10.3

3 Joh. 8,9,10.

¶      Chapt. 14 of Excommunicacion and other



  The Censures of the church are appointed by cht for

the preventing(a) and remooving(b) and healing(c) of offences in

the church; for the retayning and gayning(c) of offending

brethren, for the deterring(d) of others from the like

offences, for purging out the leaven(e) wch may infect

the whole lumpe, for vindicating the honor of cht(f) and

of this church & the holy profession of the Gospell, and

for preventing of the wrath of God that may justly

fall upon the church(g); if they should suffer his covenant

& the scales thereof to be profaned, by notorious and

obstinate offendors.  (a) 1 Tim.5.10. (b) deut.17.12. (c) Jude.23.

(d) deut.13.11 & 17.13 (e) 1 Cor.5.6,7. (f) Rom.2.24. (g) Rev.2.14,



  If an offence be private, (one brother offending

another) the offender is to go & acknowledge(a) his

Repentance for it unto his offended brother, who is

then to forgive him. But if the offendr neglect or

refuse to do it, the brother offended is to go(b) & convince