The Contents

  1. 1     Of the Forme of church govnmt in general, and
    1.      that it is one, Immutable, & prscribed in ye word
    2.      of god.
  2. 2     Of the nature of ye Catholike-church in general, [&]
    1.      in speciall of a pticular visible-church.
  3. 3     Of the matter of ye visible-church, both in respect[t]
    1.      of Quality & quantity.
  4. 4     Of the Forme of a visible church, & of church cov[t]
  5. 5     Of the first Subject of church power, or to whom
    1.      church power doth first belong.
  6. 6     Of ye officers of ye church, & especially of Past[or]
    1.      & Teachers.
  7. 7     Of Ruling Elders & deacons.
  8. 8     Of Election of church officers.
  9. 9     Of Ordination & Imposition of hands.
  10. 10     Of the power of ye church, & its Presbytery
  11. 11     Of the maintenance of church officers.
  12. 12     Of the Admission of members into ye church.
  13. 13     Of the church members their remoovall from
    1.      one church to another, & of Le[tters] of Recommen
    2.      dation & dismission.
  14. 14     Of Excommunication & othr church censures.
  15. 15     Of the communion of churches one with another
  16. 16     Of Synods.
  17. 17     Of the Civill magistrates power in matters
    1.           Ecclesiasticall