Church=govnmt or rule is placed by cht in the officers of ye
church(a), who are therefore called Rulers, while they rule wth
God. Yet in case of male=administracion they are subject
to the power of ye church, according as hath bene said before
The Holy gh: frequently, yea alwayes where it mentioneth
church=rule, or church=govmt, ascribes it to ye Elders(b).
Whereas the work & duty of the people is expressed in
the phrase of obeying their Elders and submitting themselv[es]
unto them in ye Lord(c). So ^as that it is manifest, that an
organick or complete church is a body politicke, consisting
of some that are Goveners, and some yt are governed in
the Lord. (a) 1 Tim.5.17. Heb.13.7,17. 1 Thes.5.12. (b) Rom.12.8. 1 Tim
5.17. 1 Cor.12.28,29. (c) Heb.13.7.17.
The power wch cht hath committed to ye Elders, is to feed
& rule ye church of God(a); & accordingly to call ye chu[rch]
togeather(b) when upon any weighty occasion; when the
members so called, wthout just cause may not refuse to
come(c). Nor when they are come, depart afore they are
dismissed(d). Nor speake in ye church before they have
leave from the Elders(e), nor continue so doing whe[n]
they require Silence: nor may they oppose or contradict
the judgemt or sentence of the Elders wthout sufficient &
weighty cause; because such practices are manifestly
contrary to order and govnmt, & the Inletts to disturba[nce]
& tend to confusion. (a) Act.20.28. (b) Act.6.2. (c) Numb
16.12. (d) Ezek.46.10. (e) Act.13.15. (f) Hos.4.4.
It belongeth also to ye Elders to examine(a) any officers
or members before they be received of ye church; to
receive the accusacions(b) brought to ye church, and to
prepare(c) the for ye churches hearing. In handling
of offences and other matters before the church, the[y]
have power to declare(d) & publish ye counsell & will
of God touching the same, & to pnounce sentence wth
consent of ye church. Lastly, they have power when the[y]