by hand writing & seale(c), and also sometymes by
silent consent, wthout any writing or expression
of words at all^(a), that at least that we heard of.
(a) Exod.19.8 & 24.3,7. Josh.24.18,21,22,24. (b) psal.50.5 (c) Neh.
9.38 & 10.1. (d) Gen.17. deut. 29.
This forme then being by mutuall Convenant, it follow=
eth, that it is not faith in the heart, nor the profession[n]
of that faith, nor cohabitation, nor Baptisme. Not
faith in the heart, because that is invisible; Not
a bare pfesison, because that declareth men no
more to be members of one church, then of another:
Not cohabitation; Atheists or Infidills may dwell
togeather wth beleevers. Not Baptisme, because
that prsupposeth a church state, as Circumcision in the
old Testament, wch gave no being unto ye church,
the church being afore it, & in ye wildernesse
wthout it. Seales prsuppose a covenant already in being.
One pson is a complete Subject of Baptisme, but
one pson is uncapable of being a church.
All beleevers ought as god giveth them opportunity
thereunto, to endeavour to joyne themselves unto a pticular
church(a); and that in respect of the honor of Jesus
Christ, in his example(b), and Institution(c), by the pfessed
acknowledgement of & subjection unto ye order &
ordinances of ye gospel. As also in respect of their
good of communion(*), founded upon their visible union, &
contained in the pmises of chts speciall presence in
ye church(d). whence they have fellowshipp wth him,
and in him one wth another(e). Also for ye keeping
of them in the way of Gods commandments, & recovering
of them in case of wandring, wch all chts sheepe
are subject t to in this life, being unable to returne
of themselves(f). Togeather wth the benefit of their