church, & so one from another as they please, nor wthout just
& weighty cause, but ought to live & dwell togeather,
forsasmuch as they are commanded not to forsake the
assembling of themselves togeather(a). Such departure
tends to the ruine & dissolucion of the body, as the pulling
of stones, or pieces of Timber from the building, &
of members from the natural body tends to the disso=
lucion of the whole. (a) Heb.10.25.
It is therefore the duty of church members of such tymes &
places when counsell may be had, to consult wth the
churches whereof they are members, about their remoovall,
that accordingly they having their approbacion may be In=
courage, or otherwise desist. They who are joined wth
consent should not depart wthout consent, except
forced thereunto.
If a members departure be manifestly unsafe and
sinfull, the church may not consent thereunto: For in so
doing they should not act in faith, & should ptake
wth him in his sinne. If the case be doubtfull, and
the pson not to be pswaded, it seemeth best to leave
the matter unto God, & not forcibly to deteyne him.
Just reasons for a members remoovall of himselfe from
ye church, are 1. If a man can not continue wthout
ptaking in sinne(a). 2ly In case of psonall psecucion,
so Paul depted from ye disciples at Damascus(b). Also
in case of general psecucion, when all are scattered(c).
3ly In case of reall & not only pretended want of
competent subsistence, a dore being opened for better
supply in another place, togeather wth ye meanes of spirituall
edificacion. In these or like cases a member may
lawfully remoove, & ye church can not lawfully deteyne
him. (a) Eph.5.11. (b) Act.9.25. (c) Act.8.1,2.
To separate from a church, either out of contempt of