To the suffering of profane or scandalous livers to continue in
ye [?], fellowship & partake in the Sacramts is doubtlesse
a great sinne in those that have power in their hands to
redresse it, and do it not. Neverthelesse, inasmuch as cht
and his Apostles in their tymes, & the Pphets & other godly
in theirs did lawfully ptake of the Lords commanded Ordi=
nances in the Jewish church, & neither taught nor practiced
Separacion from the same, though unworthy ones were
pmitted therein; and inasmuch as the faithfull in the
church ^at Corinth wherein were many unworthy psons & practices(a),
were never commanded to absent themselves from ye Sacramts
because of the same, Therefore the godly in like cases are
not presently to separate. (a) 1 Cor.6. & 1 Cor.11. &2 Cor.12.20,
As Separacion from such a church wherein profane & Scanadolous
livers are tolerated, is not prsently necessary, so for the
members thereof otherwise worthy, hereupon to abstayne from
communicating wth such a church in the pticipacion of the
Sacramts, is unlawfull. For as it were unreasonable for
an innocent pson to be punished for the faults of others,
wherein he hath no hand & whereunto he gave no consent,
so it is more unreasonable that a godly man should neglect
duty & punish himselfe in not coming for his porcion
in the blessing of the Seales, as he ought, because others
are suffered to come that ought not. Especially considering
that himselfe doth neither consent to their sinne, nor to
their approaching to the ordinance in their sinne, nor to
ye neglect of others, who should put them away, & do not,
but on the contrary doth heartily mourne for these things,
& modestly & seasonably stirre up others to do their duty.
If the church can not be reformed, they may use their
liberty, as is exercised, chapt.13.§4. But this all the
godly are bound unto, even everyone to do his Endevor,
according to his power & place, that the unworthy