it is that there were no ordinary officers appointed
by cht for any other then congregationall churches,
Elders being appointed to feed (not all flocks,
but) that pticular flock of god over wch the Holy
Ght had made them overseers; and that flock
they must attend, Even the whole flock(e). And
one congregation being as many as ordinary
Elders can attend, therefore there is no greater
church then a congregation, wch may ordinarily meet
in one place. (a) Act.20.28.
¶ Chapt. 4. Of the Forme of a visible church
and of church covenant.
Saints by calling must have a visible Politicall union
& conjunction amongst themselves, or els they are not
yet a pticular church, as those similitudes hold forth
wch the Scripture makes use of to shew the nature
of pticular churches, as, a body(a), & a building or
house(b): Hands, eyes, feet & other members must be
united, or els remaining separate thay are not a
body; Stones, timber, though squared, hewen, polished
are not an house, till thay be compacted & united.
So Saints [struck through] or beleevers in judgement of
charity are not a church, unlesse orderly knit to=
geather. (a) 1 Tim. 3.15. (b) Eph.2.22.
Particular churches can not be distinguished one
from another but by their Formes. Ephesus is not
Smyrna, nor Pergamus Thyatyra(a); but each one a
distinct society of it selfe, having officers of their
owne wch had not the chardge of others, vertues of
their owne, for wch others are not praised, corruptions