to receive the offerings of ye church, gifts given to
ye church, & to keepe ye Treasury of ye church, &
therewth to serve the Tables(e) wch ye church is to
pvide for; as, ye Lords Table, the Table of the
ministers, and of such as are in necessity; to whom
they are to distribute(f) in simplicity. (a) Act.6.2, &c.
1 Tim.3.8. phil.1.1. (b) 1 Cor. 12.28. (c) 1 Tim.3.8,9. (d)
1 Tim.3.10. (e) Act.6.2,3. (f) Rom.12.8.
Their office therefore being limited unto the
care of the temporall good things of ye church,
it extendeth not unto the attendance upon, and
administration of ye spirtt things thereof, as ye
dispensation of ye word, and sacraments or ye like.
The ordinance of ye Apostle, and practice of
ye churches 1 Cor.16.1,2, commends ye Lords day, as
a fit tyme for ye Contribution to ye Saints.
The Instituting of all these officers in ye church
is the worke of god himselfe(a), of ye Lord Jesus
Cht(b) and of ye Holy Gh:(c). and therefore such
officers as he hath not appointed are altogeathr
unlawfull, either to be placed in ye church, or to
be reteyned therein; and are to be looked at as
humane creatures, meere Inventions & appointmts
of man, to the great dishonor of Cht Jesus, ye Lord
of his house, & King of his church; whether Popes,
Patriarchs, Cardinalls, Archbps, Lord Bps, Arch-deacons
officials, Commisaryes & ye like. These & ye rest of
that Hierarchie & Retinue, not being plants of ye