473 | Circular from the Duke of Richmond


    Whitehall June 12th: 1766.


    I have the Pleasure in transmitting to you herewith inclosed, a Printed Copy of an Act of Parliament, intitled “an act for indemnifying Persons who have incurred certain Penalties by an Act of the last Session of Parliament for granting certain Stamp Duties in the British Colonies & Plantations in America &ca”; as also Copy of another Act “for opening & establishing certain Ports in the Islands of Jamaica and Dominica for the more free Importation and Exportation of certain Goods & Merchandizes,” & other purposes therein set forth.1

    Thus you see, Sir, that not only the greatest Attention has been shewn to His Majesty’s American Subjects by the Repeal of an Act which they had complained of,2 but those Grievances in Trade which seemed to be the first and chief Object of their Uneasiness, have been taken into the most minute Consideration & such Regulations have been established, as will, it is hoped, restore the Trade of America, not only to its former flourishing State, but be the means of greatly encreasing & improving it to the Conveniency & Advantage of all His Majesty’s Subjects, in every Part of His Dominions.

    With these views have these Regulations been enacted, & from the best Enquiries into the Commerce of America, it is more than probable that very salutary Effects will answer the Intentions.

    Such manifest Concern & tender Regard shewn by His Majesty & His Parliament for the true Happiness & Prosperity of the Colonies & Plantations, cannot fail, I am persuaded, to produce, on their Part, suitable Sentiments of Duty, Respect and Gratitude to their King, & of Love & Attachment to their Mother Country.

    I am, with great Truth & Regard, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant_


    Governor of Massachusetts Bay.

    dupLS, RC      BP, 11: 21-24.