489 | From Hugh Palliser


    The great trouble and dificulty I meet in keeping good Order amongst the Fishers in a part of this Government, occasion’d chiefly by a number of disorderly People from your Province, will I hope excuse me for giving you this trouble, to beg you will permit the Inclos’d Advertisements1 to be put up in the Towns within your Government, where the Vessels Employ’d in the Whale Fishery mostly belong, which may2 greatly facilitate my Proceedings in the Execution of the Kings Orders for the Benefit of His Subjects carrying on the Fisheries within this Government. __

    The last Year whilst a Tribe of four or Five Hundred of the Esquemeaux Savages were with me at Pitts Harbour, and by means of Interpreters, I made a Peace with them and sent them away extreamly well satisfied without the least Offensive thing hapening. I am well inform’d some New England Vessels, contrary to the Orders I had Publish’d,3 went to the Northward, robbed, Plunder’d and Murder’d some of their Old Men, Women, and Children who they left at home, so that I expect some Mischief will happen this Year, revenge being their declar’d Principle. __

    I am Your Excellencies Most Obedt. & humble Servt. __

    Hugh Palliser4

    P:S: If you think proper to take any other Method, properer than what is above propos’d, for the Information of those concern’d, I shall be extreamly oblig’d to you,5 for the Complaints I have of the mischiefs committed by them are many, great & barbarous. __

    St: Johns Newfoundland 1st: August 1766. __

    LS, RC      Mass. Archs., 5: 479.