832 | To Lord North

    Sir Francis Bernard presents his most respectful Complts to My Lord North & informs him that having hear’d that there were in Town some of the hand Bills published at Boston upon the Occasion of the releasing his Subscribers from their Engagements untill all the Acts for raising a Revenue shall be repealed, he has this day procured one of them, which he herewith incloses. At the same time he begs Leave to inform his Lordship that by Letters just now arrived there are Advices from Boston that many of the Subscribers departed from their Engagements sometime before the expired Year, & being arraigned therefore have arraigned avowed their Proceedings & justified themselves therein; that upon the Expiration of the old Year many other Persons have declared their Intention to sell their Goods, which have been hitherto embargo’d, on the first of Jan’ry, & have actually proceeded to open sale of them; that upon these & other concurrent Circumstances, it is generally beleived that their Association is now at an End. On the other hand the Merchants of New York appear to support their Association & have expostulated with those of Boston upon the Breach of their Faith. However it will not probably be in the Power of the Party at Boston to keep up the Non-importation any longer, as there fraudulent Practices in favouring particulars & raising the Prices upon the Buyers begin to be felt & well understood by the People. Sir F. would not trouble his Lordship with many Papers at this Time; but will produce them whenever his Lordship shall please to order it. This Account is confirmed by an Observation that all the Ships bound to Boston are fully laden with Goods. He begs Leave nevertheless to submit his Opinion that these Accounts make the Repeal of the three Articles more advisable than otherwise. As he is flattered that such Repeal will tend to quiet the People in America; as it will afford an Opportunity for such Persons, as our desirous to withdraw themselves from their Engagements, to accept of this (what they call inadequate) Satisfaction, rather than proceed in what they must now see must be ruinous to America before it can affect Great Britain. Sir F. begs his Lordship will excuse his having put this long Detail in the form of a Card; as he did not foresee it would be carried to such a Length when it was begun. & is unwilling to delay it after its Form.

    Chidley Court Pall Mall

    Thursday Evening, feb. 22.

    L, LbC      BP, 8: 67–69.

    Frederick North, the second Earl of Guilford. Oil on canvas, by Nathaniel Dance-Holland, 1773–74. © National Portrait Gallery, London.