854 | To Thomas Hutchinson

    No 38.

    Hampstead, Aug 6. 1770.

    Dear Sir,

    I received your Letter dated July 2 last Saturday by a Messenger from Lord H, who in a Note said he should set out early the next Morning.1 By the Return of the Messenger I acquainted ^him^ with the Contents of your Letter. My Lord proposes to return about the 20th of Septr, when I shall return from an Excursion into the Country, which I shall make as soon as I have seen Lord North who is gone out of Town for a fortnight & expected to return for a day or two next Tuesday. At present it is all a dead Vacation and no Offices are open.

    I observe in the Boston Gazette that a Grant of a Township at Machias has passed the General Court.2 This was sent up to me & I refused it from a Sense that I was not at Liberty to make any more Grants in that Country till the former were confirmed. I am now confirmed in my Opinion, & know for certain that it is expected that no more Grants should be sent up till those before the Board are determined upon. I give you this Hint that if you have consented to this Grant you may make an Apology for it; which the particular Circumstances of the Settlement will well afford. The Exorbitances of the Grant, that is, 80 square miles, instead of 36 the usual Number, will require some Excuse; there being several Letters of mine explaining my Ideas of the proper Terms for settling towns and particularly that there should be ten families for every six square miles.3

    I have used my utmost Endeavours to get the 12 Townships confirmed; but hitherto without Success: I shall renew them next Winter. The Board of Trade has reported in favor of the Confirmation of Mount Desert; and it now lies before the Council, where it has been postponed for what Reason I can’t tell: But my Lord President told me there was no Objection to it; & it should be done in a short time.4

    I am &c.

    The honble Govr Hutchinson

    P.S. Aug 85

    I have now received No 26. 24 is not come to hand.6 You must bear with patience: all is for the best; out of confusion will come order.

    L, LbC      BP, 8: 113–114.